HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-01 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA June 1, 2009 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/098/07, 22810 113 Avenue, First Extension Staff report dated May 22, 2009 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/098/07 to permit a four -storey apartment building and 4 townhouse units. Committee of the Whole Agenda June 1, 2009 Page 2 of 3 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERV/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERV/CES 1151 CEED Center Lease (Revised) Staff report dated May 14, 2009 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the revised CEED Center Society lease. 1152 Leisure Center Heat Recovery - Solar Component Addition Staff report dated May 25, 2009 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the contract with Coral Engineering Ltd. for additional solar panels to preheat water in the pools. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda June 1, 2009 Page 3 of 3 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Manager of Legislative Services who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at cmarlo@mapleridge.ca. Checked by: Date: 4 MAPLE RIDGE grit isii Col umbi� Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: May 22, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/O98/O7 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 22810 113 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit a four - storey apartment building and 4 townhouse units under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/O98/O7 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii) The registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant addressing the suitability of the site for development from a geotechnical point of view; iv) Road dedication as required; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. vi) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the Green Building components that will be included on the final project design plans. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc Nag Construction Co Ltd -1- 1101 Legal Description: Lot: 2, D.L.: 402, Plan: LMP39949 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Low Rise Apartment Low Rise Apartment RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Use: Park Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Park Use: Haney Bypass, Vacant Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Highway, Park Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Townhouses Zone: RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Multi -Family Residential Site Area: 0.925 HA (2.28 acres) Access: Newly constructed extension of 113 Avenue Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: DP/098/07, VP/098/07 This application is to permit the construction of a four -storey residential apartment building and 4 residential townhouse units in the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. As per Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, A Town Centre Development Permit is a requirement of the development process to uphold the form and character of multi -family buildings within the South View Precinct. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application under Bylaw 6543-2008 The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on May 27, 2008; First Reading was granted May 27, 2008 Public Hearing was held June 17, 2008; Second and Third reading was granted on June 24, 2008. 2- Application Progress: The applicant has retained a civil engineering firm to complete the civil drawings required for the Rezoning Servicing Agreement. The applicant and their Engineer have also been actively working with the Ministry of Transportation to adhere to their off-site service requirements. The registration of the required restrictive covenants and road dedication will occur once the civil drawings are finalized. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that final consideration will be applied for within the twelve month extension perio mioF1 Prepared by: Je PI Approvec-yY: ikos nn ngTeghnician Picke 'ng; or of Plan P, MCIP Approved y: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & D ment Services Concurrence: J.L.fJim) Rule Chi f Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - First Reading Report -3- MAPLE RIDGE 6rrlish Columbia DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ApPend%x !� TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 14, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/098/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6543-2008 22810 113 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit the construction of a four - storey residential apartment building and 4 residential townhouse units. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii) The registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant addressing the suitability of the site for development from a geotechnical point of view; iv) Road dedication as required; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. vi) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the Green Building components that will be included on the final project design plans. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc Nag Construction Co Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 2, D.L.: 402, Plan: LMP39949 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Park Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Park Use: Haney Bypass, Vacant Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Highway, Park Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Townhouses Zone: RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Multi -Family Residential Site Area: 0.925 HA (2.28 acres) Access: Newly constructed extension of 113 Avenue Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: DP/098/07, VP/098/07 b) Project Description: The applicant is requesting to rezone from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit the construction of a 4 storey apartment and 4 townhouse units. The wood -frame apartment building proposal contains 65 units ranging in size from 55m2 (595 ft2) to 125m2 (1345 ft2). The townhouses are standalone and are located to the northwest of -2- the apartment building and face the 113th Avenue to provide a street presence. In addition, the townhouse complex provides a transition in density from the 4 storey apartment building to the east and the townhouse complex to the west. The site is located within the Regional Town Centre and this development will achieve approximately 12 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design credits based on the LEEDS rating system. For stormwater management, the proposal calls for a bio -filtration pond at the southeast corner of the site facing the Haney Bypass. The developer will be required to build 113th Avenue which would extend the currently dead -ended 228 Street west to Burnett Street. The road right-of-way was previously dedicated to the District through the subdivision of the Fraserview lands in the early 1990's and has been intended to extend east to Brurnett Street since. The Engineering Department has confirmed the necessity of the extension of the road. Some backslope regrading of the District Park north of the subject site will be required to ensure stabilization of the new road. The slope stabilization works and replanting of the Park will be a condition of the Rezoning Servicing Agreement and a security will be taken for all works. The Parks Department has reviewed and approved the conceptual plan of the proposed works on the park site. Final plans will be reviewed with the civil drawings. The proposed access to the site is from a newly constructed 113th Avenue where there is one main vehicular entrance to the site that is shared by both the apartment and townhouse residences. A roundabout is proposed for pick up and drop off purposes near the main entrance of the apartment building. This development is proposing two floors of underground parking incorporating 15 visitor parking stalls for both the townhouses and the apartments in addition to providing 102 stalls for apartment resident parking. The visitor and resident parking areas are separated by a security gate on the first floor of underground parking. The underground is accessed at the east of the apartment building. The townhouses have been designed with a double car garage with a full parking slab outside the unit. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The property is currently designated Town Centre Residential in the Official Community Plan. The Regional Town Centre places a priority on residential development and encourages higher density developments in appropriate locations. The subject property is also located along a Major Corridor (Haney Bypass) as outlined in Figure 4 of the OCP. The RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone correlates with both of these designations. Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan: The property is located within the Regional Town Centre and is identified as Apartment Housing on the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan. To facilitate the implementation of the Concept Plan, Council has directed that it be used as a template for development, until the adoption of an area plan for the Regional Town Centre. Chapter 4 of the Concept Plan - Design Guidelines and Performance Standards, outlines the need to direct growth to the town Centre, to aid in accommodating the 7,000 new dwelling units anticipated -3- by 2021. The growth is expected to help revitalize the downtown areas and provide a supportive population base for local businesses and transit. It also identifies the need for greater diversity in the residential housing stock, to provide options for a variety of persons at different stages of life and with physical challenges. A range of housing types and sizes also provides more opportunities for rental housing and house that may serve a variety of income levels and locate residents to shops and services. The "green building" concept is a key principle of the Concept Plan to encourage smart, managed growth within the Regional Town Centre. The proposal aligns with the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan in the following ways: • Building Coverage is 25%, less than the suggested maximum of 50% for medium density residential areas; • The townhouses have been oriented to and have direct pedestrian access from 113 Avenue providing "eyes on the street"; • A drainage swale is located to the east side of the building which is designed to receive stormwater runoff collecting in a bio-filtration/detention pond located at the southeast corner of the property allowing the water to filter and infiltrate through the soil; and • The applicant has submitted a report and checklist outlining which components from the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System they feel they can achieve. The details of the components will be finalized in the Development Permit sage. However, it is recommended that prior to Final Approval of the rezoning application, a Section 219 Covenant be registered identifying the final green building components that will be incorporated into he Development Permit and subsequent Building Permit plans. Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements have revealed that the proposal generally complies with the bylaw, although two variances would be required if this proposal is to proceed. As such, a Development Variance Permit application has been received for the following items. 1. Part 6, Section 604(6)(a) "Siting" requires all apartment and accessory residential buildings be sited not less than 7.5 metres from all property lines. • In an attempt to create a more engaged street frontage and to fit in the internal roadway, the townhouses are sited slightly north of the apartment building. The development meets the 7.5 metre setback to the East, West and South, however, the townhouses encroach by 1 metre into the 7.5 metre front yard setback (North). 2. Part 6, Section 604(8)(a) "Other Regulations" requires all off street parking, except visitor spaces, be located within an underground parking garage. • For convenience of the future residents of the townhouses, a double car garage has been provided in each of the townhouse units. -4- Development Permits: This development is subject to a Multi -Family Development Permit as outlined in section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. Accordingly, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. A Multi -Family Development Permit is required for all new multi -family development on land designated Urban Residential. The purpose of a Multi -Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. An application for the Development Permit has been received and will be the subject of a future Council Report. Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on April 8, 2008 at which time the following resolution was made: That the Advisory Design Panel supports and commends the applicant on their completeness and quality of presentation however would like to see the following recommendations to go back to the Planning Department for further review with revisions being forwarded on to the Advisory Design Panel via email: • Consideration to the use of the space around the children's play area with emphasis on child safety; • More attention to be given to the south edge with consideration being given to the revised road alignment; • Consideration be given to the articulation of paving edge to south of the children's play area; • Consider breaking up views of building mass at the south edge with planting; • Consideration be given to the design development and integration of the storm water pond into the landscape. The applicant has received these comments and will review the submission responding to the ADP comments. Responses to these comments will be the subject of the Development Permit in a future Council Report. Development Information Meeting: A development information meeting on January 8, 2008 at Kanaka Creek Elementary School was held by staff from Atelier Pacific Architecture, Damax Consultants and DMG Landscape Architects. There were approximately 10 - 15 local residents and interested parties, seven people signed in and 5 completed comment sheets were received. Although most attendees were in favor of the project, there was concern about increased traffic and opposition to the new 113 Avenue opening up 228 Street through to Burnett Street. d) Interdepartmental lmplications: Engineering Department: - 5 - The Engineering Department has identified that all of the services required in support of the rezoning do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to complete the necessary works prior to final reading. Given the geotechnical work required on this site, the Park and 113 Avenue road right-of-way, it is prudent to have the geotechnical report supporting this development registered on Title as a 219 Restrictive Covenant. This will ensure future owners and the District are aware of the development parameters for the site. CONCLUSION: The proposed development is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is therefore recommended that application RZ/098/07 be favourably considered and be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: ,4 n Csikos r PI nning T ;chnician 7Approv Pic. g P, MCIP ector of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. GM: Public Works C ng elopment Services Concurrence: J. LJ(Jim) Rule CFt f Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008 Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D - Elevations -6- 4 LMP 13592 LMP 9560 LMS 1258 "A" N N LOT S LMP 10788 71276 NWS 2865 Afpend %x A P 43 1 3 P 14176 11384/92 10 P 14624 11372 11352 9 p l •* 24 SUBJECT PROPERTY 113 AVE. 8 P 14624 • LOT 2 LMP 39949 - 11327 P 14624 RP 3736 B • District of Pitt Meadows 22810 113 AVENUE SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley River r•1APLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 23, 2007 FILE: RZ/098/07 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6543-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP39949 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1418 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER LMP 9560 LMS 1258 1.28 ha \\ \ \ 1 LMP 9562 454 '4. • `-1 1.. A . . \ . \ . \.` 1.`. \ 1. : - . - - : ` . - ` 1.` . . . . 11 - . 1. . - .` - . �- ' Ne- RP 3736 . \ LOTS \\\ \ 2.40 ha ` \ \ •\ \ LMP 10788 \\ BCP 3 �FS�34 71384 P 11372 9 11375 113 P 14 • \• • P 113 AVE. N 113324L •\\ 1 q LOT 2 LMP 39949 0.925 ha 9o8 2.2 `\ (530 \\ op 10 7 '\ l-,' '\ rn 11327 P 14624\co_•• 0 11 (/) •11378 h1 Luz Rem A 11.13�Z EP 14217 11299 ma J 71298 N Bco Rem 14 �._ P 19750 N 77285 ry Q- A 4 Rem. 15.2 13 74 13 MAPLE 'IDLE ZONE AVE\DI\G Bylaw No. 6543-2008 Map No. 1418 From: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment) 1 MAPLE RIDGE rihsh CulhrLla 1:2000 Ein• 1401 . o. • ApPemd,x C i O/ ▪ 4.-4211 • -arr. 4 �t. t t { 1 el V / e / f o `8/ 20. / br, 1c4 ihP1 "PPIli P..4 °Nigh sOisqtilll Ofl iNv.onsNoo WANG oro NolionaisNoo OVN 0 9 3001ldt/IN '311N3AV 1.-0141Z 1N31,A1d013A3C1 A1nnied-a1nv4 CI3S0d02:1d SSVd-A9 A3NVH 1 Appenci, N = 1111111111 • El • E.1= eirdi =[1151111111111111111111' •I ..W a 1 • 1 IE 1.71- Ii111111 1 II 1 • ITf VIII., =1 I ,t MI I I • - i _IE i = I -71,..1 mg .1 im .. . DIAN imiriplit! 4- 14 1 - Jm Dm • ---.;111111111n IIIIflIMIIiI I-1 MI rinnimil nu • 1M: Mi7.111M.11.!! UI s= , 01:1-mr. - :191E1111111M111211122111-111-! I 041/110;e1ERIMIL [1111I111111111111111111119.H1111111111111111M111- CM1114 41E-.4 af • 1 - El -1111g 1.1 1.14 7_ r 'WU Z..-".. all INVI1f SNO0 xvvuva oto '011 NOIIOfl .SNOO JVN 0 El '30012I 31dVW'3f1N3AV EL L -01.9Z 1N31/1dO13A30 AlIWdd-11111W a3SOdOld SSVd-A8 A3NYH 2 :I! e a 6mo'i UH -- IMO IMO 140101101101110 I[ 1-11-1.1 =1::'. :a::-m._a• •IIIIIIII6 . .1111111 •' l•EN: EIIIIIIIII11111111%IIIIIII -11 1=1IIhInI�IHltlltlllllt>I ■■'II alp �nplNllll�lll i11Nl�l�ll1 '��"` ICU f . - Ij�-• R _ 1 f♦ 1010111iiGallilu�p11E -. ::: 10001111031011 g1111111.110[111111111111 rISIu iu11111] li e Et—'1 O �.i7 uJ, - w IIlG 1 -.11,111 1-IIIId111ll111'i4111111111d ❑ Y ewo �?O a° mho ^tea~ MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: 14 May 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. SUBJECT: CEED CENTER LEASE (Revised) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Maple Ridge Council authorized the Corporate Officer to sign and execute the proposed CEED Center lease agreement on March 10th 2009, which was a duplicate of the previous lease. Subsequent to this approval the CEED Center Society advised that they were unable to enter the agreement as they had changed their mission statement and per the Societies Act could not enter an agreement that contained their previous Mission Statement. Mr. Cowley (Executive Director) has also advised that the CEED Center Society wished to update schedule "A" of the agreement to provide clarity on the services currently being provided by the society. The CEED Center Society have also requested that the language in section 2 of the lease requiring a full annual financial audit be either removed or modified, as this clause has the potential to create an undue financial hardship on the society which operates largely on available grant funding. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the attached revised CEED Center Society lease. DISCUSSION: a). Background Context: The updating of Mission statements and services offered which are outlined in Schedule "A" of the agreement are permitted annually in the existing lease agreement. Staff is satisfied that the revised list of services will continue to provide very beneficial and valuable services to the community. The CEED Center has advised that they would be more comfortable with the language in Section 2 of the lease if it were changed from the: Existing Language The Lessee will not allow the Demised Premises to be used for any other purpose other than those as listed in Schedule "A" attached hereto and those approved in writing by the Lessor from time to time. The Lessee will forward an updated Schedule "A" to the Lessor on a yearly basis along with an annual report on the Lessee's activities for the previous year including an annual financial statement. An independently prepared audit shall be submitted to the Lessor once every three years commencing in the year 2012. 1151 And changed to Revised Language The lessee will not allow the Demised Premises to be used for any other purpose other than those listed in schedule "A" attached hereto and those approved in writing from time to time. The lessee will forward an updated Schedule "A" to the Lessor on a yearly basis along with an annual report on the lessee's activities for the previous year including an annual financial report. "The lessor shall have the option to conduct a financial audit at the lessors discretion, for which the lessee agrees to cooperate fully". CONCLUSIONS: The concerns regarding the requirement for audited statements in section (2) of the lease were not discovered by the CEED Center Board until the document was being reviewed prior to signing and was considered by the Board to be significant enough to incur the delay in signing in order to make the request for the language in the lease to be revised. Mr. Cowley, Executive Director for the CEED Center has indicated that the proposed revisions to clause 2 will be acceptable to the Board. Prepared by: =vid Boag Director, Parks and Facilities Approved by: Mike Gen= . anager, Community Development, Parks and Recreation Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer db LEASE THIS INDENTURE made on the 1st day of March, 2009. Under the "Land Transfer Form Act", Part 2, BETWEEN: AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 (hereinafter called "the Lessor") OF THE FIRST PART CEED CENTER SOCIETY, (S 19610) a Society duly incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, having its address at 11739 - 223rd Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5X4 (hereinafter Called "the Lessee") OF THE SECOND PART WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the Lessee so be paid, observed and performed, the Lessor hereby demises and leases unto the Lessee a portion of the premises more particularly described as: Parcel Identifier 011-539-348 Lot 28 district Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 155 (11739 - 223rd Street, Maple Ridge, BC) And for greater certainty, the demised premises shall not include any building, road or lane (hereinafter referred to as the "Demised Premises"): TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Demised Premises for and during the term of five years commencing on the 1st day of March, 2009, unless his lease is terminated as hereinafter provided. YIELDING AND. PAYING therefore unto the Lessor during the said term the annual rent of One ($1.00) Dollar, payable on the 1st day of March, in each and every year during the term hereof, commencing on the 1st day of March, 2009, THE LESSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES WITH THE LESSOR as follows: 1. To pay rent as aforesaid. 2. The Lessee will not allow the Demised Premises to be used for any other purpose other than those as listed in Schedule "A" attached hereto and those Page 1 approved in writing by the Lessor from time to time. The Lessee will forward an updated Schedule "A" to the Lessor on a yearly basis along with an annual report on the Lessee's activities for the previous year including an annual financial statement. "The lessor shall have the option to conduct a financial audit at the lessors discretion, for which the lessee agrees to cooperate fully". 3. To observe and fulfill the provisions and requirements of all statutes, orders -in - council, By-laws, rules and regulations, municipal, parliamentary or by other lawful authority relating to the use of the Demised Premises and without limitation thereto to comply with all applicable recommendations of the Insurers' Advisory Organization of Canada or any body having similar functions or of any liability or fire insurance company by which the Lessor or Lessee may be insured. 4. Not to assign or transfer this lease or the term or any portion thereof or let or sublet all or any part of the Demised Premises or to part with possession of the whole or any part of the Demised Premises without the written consent of the Lessor first had and obtained. Such consent not to be unreasonably withheld so long as the financial status of the proposed assignee or sub -lessee or other party as above is acceptable to the Lessor. 5. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this lease, to indemnify and save harmless the Lessor from any and all liabilities, damages, costs, claims, suits or actions growing out of: a) any breach, violation or non-performance of any covenant, condition, or agreement in this lease set forth and contained on the part of the Lessee to be fulfilled, kept, observed and performed; b) any damage to property occasioned by the Lessee's use and occupation of the Demised Premises; c) any injury to person or persons, including death, resulting at any time therefrom, occurring on the Demised Premises 6. That if the Lessor shall suffer or incur any damage, loss or expense or be obliged to make any payment for which the Lessee is liable hereunder by reason of any failure of the Lessee to observe and comply with all of the covenants of the Lessee herein contained then the Lessor shall have the right to add the cost or amount of such damage, loss, expense or payment to the rent hereby reserved and any such amount shall thereupon immediately be due and payable as rent and recoverable in the manner provided by law for the recovery of rent in arrears. 7. The Lessee is fully familiar with and assumes sole responsibility for the physical condition of the demised premises and the buildings, improvements, fixtures and equipment thereon. The Lessor has made no representation of any nature in connection therewith and shall not be liable for any latent or patent defects therein. 8. The Lessee waives and renounces the benefit of any present or future statute or any amendments thereto taking away or limiting the Lessor's right of Paget distress and agrees with the Lessor, that notwithstanding any such enactment, all goods and chattels of the Lessee from time to time on the Demised Premises shall be subject to distress for arrears of rent. 9. The Lessee shall not carry on or permit to be carried on any activity on the Demises Premises which shall constitute a nuisance to the users of other properties at or near the Demised Premises and shall indemnify the Lessor from any claims against the Lessor arising from the use and occupation of the Demised Premises by the Lessee. 10. Proviso for re-entry by the Lessor on non-performance of covenants. 11. The Lessee does hereby indemnify and save the Lessor harmless from and against claims which might arise pursuant to the Builders Lien Act of British Columbia as it may from time to time be amended in respect of any materials or services supplied in respect of the Demised Premises at the Lessee's request and the Lessee shall forthwith remove any builders liens placed against the Demised Premises. 12. To pay or cause to be paid all taxes, rates and assessments now or hereafter levied, rated or assessed against the Demised Premises including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, sewer, water, taxes and other charges, and any federal taxes. THE LESSOR COVENANTS AND AGREES WITH THE LESSEE as follows: MAINTENANCE 13. For quiet enjoyment. 14. The Lessee agrees to take good and reasonable care of the Demised Premises and of the building, improvements, fixtures and equipment now or hereafter located thereon and of every part thereof and at the Lessee's sole cost and expense to manage, operate and maintain and keep the same in good order, repair and condition throughout the interior and exterior of the building, and to promptly make all required and necessary repairs thereto, including all windows, fixtures, machinery, facilities, equipment and appurtenances belonging to the Demised Premises, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 15. The Lessee covenants with the Lessor to keep the premises thereto free of ice and snow and shall provide receptacles for rubbish of all kinds and will attend to the removal of the same from the premises. 16. The Lessee agrees that the Lessor and its agents may at all reasonable times enter the Demised Premises to view the state of repair and the Lessee shall within thirty days after receipt of written notice thereof, commence and diligently proceed to make such repairs and replacements as the Lessor may reasonably require; and in the event of the Lessee's failure or neglect so to do within the time herein specified, the Lessor and its agents may enter the Demised Premises and at the Lessee's expense perform and carry out all such repairs or replacements and the Lessor in so doing shall not be liable for any inconvenience, disturbance, loss of business or other damage resulting therefrom. INSURANCE BUILDING HOLDOVER 17. The Lessee shall maintain the grounds to a level of service equivalent to other Municipal grounds. 18. The Lessee shall maintain general public liability insurance in such amounts as the Lessor may from time to time reasonably require. 19. The Lessee shall insure and keep insured to their full insurable value, during the said term, all buildings, structures, fixtures and equipment on the demised Premises against loss or damage by fire and against loss by such other insurable hazards as it may form time to time reasonably require. Should the said buildings or structures be lost or damaged due to an insurable hazard, the Lessee will, upon receipt of the insurance proceeds, repair such damage in a timely manner in order that the use of the demised premises as noted in Schedule "A" may be recommenced as soon as possible. 20. All insurance required to be maintained by the Lessee hereunder shall be on terms and with insurers to which the Lessor has no reasonable objection and shall provide that such insurers shall provide to the Lessor thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation of material alteration of such terms. The Lessee shall furnish to the Lessor certificates or other evidence acceptable to the Lessor as to the insurance from time to time required to be effected by the Lessee and its renewal or continuation in force. If the Lessee shall fail to take out, renew and keep in force such insurance the Lessor may do so as the agent of the Lessee and the Lessee shall repay to the Lessor any amounts paid by the Lessor as premiums forthwith upon demand. 21. The parties acknowledge that the- building on the Demised Premises is of historical significance to the community and that no modification or renovation to the exterior of the building will be undertaken by the Lessee except as may be approved in writing by the Lessor and in keeping with the provisions of the H-1 Heritage Zone. Alterations may be made to the property with the permission in writing of the Lessor for normal repair and maintenance occasioned by ordinary wear and tear and is limited to the replacement of elements of the structure or finishing materials of the building with components that are equivalent to those being replaced in material composition, dimensions, colour and quality. In the event that the Lessee should vacate the Demised Premises, no longer be a Society in good -standing as defined in the Societies Act, or for any reason no longer be able to use the building, the building shall become the property of the Lessor, if permitted under the Lessee's constitution and the Society Act R.S.B.C. 1979C. 390. 22. If at the expiration of the lease: a) the Lessee shall hold over for any reason, and; b) if the Lessor accepts rent; the tenancy of the Lessee thereafter shall be from month to month only and shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this lease, except as to ARBITRATION duration, in the absence of written agreements between the Lessor and the Lessee to the contrary. 23. In the event of a dispute arising under this lease the provisions of the Commercial Arbitration Act, S.B.C., 1986, c.3 as it is amended from time to time shall apply with the Lessor and the Lessee bearing the costs of the arbitration in equal shares. OPTION TO RENEW SURRENDER 24. If the Lessee duly and regularly pays the rent and all other sums required to be paid hereunder and performs each and every covenant, proviso and agreement on the part of the Lessee to be paid, rendered, observed and performed herein, the Lessee, provided it is not then in default, may request renewal by written notice to the Lessor (such notice to be given at any time up to six (6) months prior to the expiration of the term hereof) of this lease for a further term of five (5) years from the expiration of the term hereby granted. In the event that the Lessor shall grant renewal of this lease, the rental shall be mutually agreed upon within 90 days from the exercise of the option or at a rental to be determined by the arbitration as previously noted and otherwise subject to the same terms, provisos and agreements contained in this lease excluding this ,covenant for renewal. 25. The Lessee, at the expiration or sooner determination of the lease will peaceably surrender and give up possession of the Demised Premises without notice from the Lessor. Upon the surrender of the Demised Premises the Lessee shall return the demised Premises to the Lessor inclusive of all improvements and facilities provided by the Lessor. 26. The Lessor shall have the right at its sole discretion to move the building to another location within the District of Maple Ridge for the unexpired remainder of the term and/or renewal terms providing that such a move shall be at the Lessor's expense, and providing that six (6) months notice of said requirement to move shall be given to the Lessee by the Lessor. THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE COVENANT and agree one with the other that: 27. Failure of the Lessee to maintain its status as a non-profit registered society in good standing in accordance with laws of British Columbia and to carry out the activities listed in Schedule A attached hereto, as amended by mutual agreement from time to time, shall constitute a breach of this lease and may result in termination of the agreement and the Lessee's right to occupy the "Demised Premises". 28. The failure of the Lessor to insist in any one or more cases upon the strict performance of any of the covenants of this lease or to exercise any option herein contained shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of such covenant or option and the acceptance of rental by the Lessor with knowledge of the breach by the Lessee of any covenant or condition of this lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach and no waiver by the Lessor of any provision of this lease shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the Lessor. 29. This lease and everything herein contained, shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and permitted assigns and all words in the neuter shall include the masculine or the feminine and all words in the singular shall include the plural when the context so requires. 30. Any additional covenants, conditions or agreements set forth in writing and attached hereto whether at the commencement of the said term or at any subsequent time and, signed or initialled by the parties hereto shall be read and construed together with and as part of this lease, provided always that when the same shall be at variance with any printed clause of this lease, such additional covenants, conditions and agreements shall be deemed to supersede such printed clause. 31. Any notice to be given pursuant to this lease shall be in writing and shall be sufficiency given if served personally upon and officer of the party for whom it is intended or mailed by prepaid registered post and in the case of the Lessor addressed to: The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 And in the case of the Lessee, addressed to: CEED Centre Society 11739 - 223rd Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5X4 The date of the receipt of any such notice shall be deemed conclusively to be the day of service if such notice is served personally, or if mailed, forty-eight (48) hours after such mailing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parities hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first before written. Party(ies) Signature(s) ) ) CEED Centre Society ) Execution Date ) by its authorized signatories: ) ) ) ) _) Name: ) Y M D )' ) ) ) ) CORPORATE OFFICER FOR ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) Execution Date ) DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ) ) ) ) ) Name: ) Y M D ) Page 7 SCHEDULE A This schedule outlines the purposes that the demised premises shall be used for by the CEED Centre Society. The CEED Centre Society Mission Statement "To support community members educating other community members about environmental and social issues" To achieve this we offer a variety of different services. We provide support services and a facility to individual community members as well as other non-profit groups, charities and agencies that comply with our mandate/constitution. The following is a list of the purposes and uses for the demised premises: 1. Drop-in Centre. 2. Print and Video Tape Library. 3. Computer Bulletin Board Service (BBS). 4. Meeting/Conference Room: - Presentations, meetings and forums - Available for use or rent by other non-profit groups and charities. 5. Provide a minimum of four educational programs/workshops each year directly to the community or provide support to other groups and individuals offering educational programs/workshops. 6. Compost education gardening/training facility: - Developed and utilized in conjunction with Ridge Meadows Recycling Society. - Provide drop-in interpretive education site as well as a minimum of four training programs/workshops each year in all types of back yard and worm box composting. 7. Urban organic garden/training facility. 8. Provide support services and education to our members and the community which may include: communication/media technologies media communications media literacy environment/development/health program design and implementation space, facilities and equipment to develop, deliver and maintain educational programs, services and campaigns 9. Provide communication services to both non-profit and for profit companies: research/writing/consultation video/film production - desktop publishing - equipment rentals 10. Provide information exchange/referral services to other non-profit groups and the community. 11. Rent space to other non-profit groups and charitable groups whose mandate fits our constitution, with municipal approval. 12. Host government -funded training programs. 13. Host a minimum of two events and celebrations per year for our members and the community on special occasions such as (but not limited to): Earth day, National Environment Week, National Composting Week, etc. SCHEDULE A This schedule outlines the purposes for which the demised premises shall be used by the CEED Centre Society. CEED Centre Society Mission Statement "The CEED Centre Society is dedicated to community education on environment and development" The CEED Centre Society offers a variety of programs, services and activities in support of this mission to members, individuals, community groups, non-profit organizations, charities, agencies and institutions. As such, the Society will primarily use the demised premises according to the following list. 1. To provide public access to a heritage building for 20 hours per week, for 46 weeks of the year. 2. To provide a drop-in centre for 20 hours per week, for 46 weeks of the year. 3. To offer information and information referrals on topics including but not limited to composting, organic gardening and environmental conservation. 4. To provide a reference materials library on topics related to the environment and development. 5. To provide meeting space for free or rent to members, other citizens of Maple Ridge—Pitt Meadows—Katzie, community groups, non-profit organizations, charities, agencies and institutions. 6. To provide a minimum of two educational programs, such as workshops and forums on topical issues, including but not limited to climate change, composting, organic gardening and environmental conservation. 7. To provide training (information and communications technology in particular) and other government -supported programs. 8. To provide a community garden demonstrating organic gardening and composting techniques. 9. To provide pesticide alternatives education through information and communications technology and outreach. 10. To assist other community groups in securing resources and implementing programs in the broad interest of citizens 11. To provide office space for individuals, community groups, non-profit organizations, charities, agencies and institutions, with preference given to community groups, non-profit organizations and charities that align with and complement the Society's mission. 12. To organize events, celebrations and forums that enrich community life and serve the primary purpose of community education, such as the Earth Day celebration. 13. To provide fee-for-service programs that serve a public need, such as information hotlines. MAPLE RIDGE British CoLurnbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: 2009-05-25 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. SUBJECT: Leisure Center Heat Recovery - Solar Component Addition EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Further to the recommendation of Morrison Hirschfield to award the Leisure Centre Boiler Replacement Heat Recovery contract to Coral Engineering Ltd., staff requested information regarding the feasibility of increasing the efficiency of the project, by adding additional solar panels to pre -heat the water used for each of the pool tanks. The costs associated with this additional work will cost $79,852; however, if the District is successful in obtaining a government solar panel grant the cost would be reduced to approximately $41,310 (proposal attached) and the payback would be reduced to approximately eight years. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the contract with Coral Engineering Ltd. for the additional solar panels required to pre -heat the water in each of the pools for the amount of $79,852 + GST outlined in the 2009-05-25 report on this subject. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The District of Maple Ridge invited qualified vendors to submit proposals on the replacement of the two existing boilers and for a retrofit of the existing central heating system and the natatorium ventilation/dehumidification system for the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre. This contract has been approved by Council and awarded to Coral Engineering. The contract does have some solar panels that will be used to provide domestic hot-water (showers, sinks, etc.). This addition of more solar panels would provide about 6.3% of the heat needed for the Lap, Leisure, and Teach pools annually, reducing additional GHG (green house gas) by 980 kg/year. b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The cost of the additional solar panels would be funded from within the projected budget of $1.2 million of which $877,122 has already been approved. The Purchasing Department has reviewed this addition and indicate that making this adjustment is in keeping with our practice (negotiating minor change orders of less than 10% with the contractor). 1152 Prepared b avid Boag Director, Parks &Facilities Approved by: Mike Murray, General Manager Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Concurrenc' J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MWM ORAL CAN�flE Addendum #8 April 17th 2009 Coral Engineering has been asked to look at increasing the solar component of our project proposal and to focus on the heat captured to heat the pools. We have looked at the request for additional solar heating and have modified our design of the dehumidification reclaim system and increased the number of solar panels'. The change in the dehumidification system design was to improve the efficiency of each of the solar panels, thus providing Maple Ridge with the best that the two technologies can offer, each technology augmenting the efficiency of the other. This new, combined technology, design "to the best of our knowledge" is more efficient than any other solar installation presently designed and installed in British Columbia. On an average summer day, the amount of solar radiation collected by a solar panel is approximately 50%. This is dependant on the temperature that enters the solar panels, the outdoor air temperature and the intensity of solar radiation available. The new combined technology will consistently deliver a solar efficiency of closer to 80% of the radiation available at ground level. The solar heating system can only contribute heat to the facility when there is solar radiation available. Solar radiation occurs when we have sunny days and to a lesser extent during periods of moderate cloud cover. The rest of the time we need to obtain our heating needs from other sources. Solar glazed panels have their maximum efficiency when the fluid that runs through them is cold. In most applications the warm pool water is run through a heat exchanger and then the other side of the heat exchanger has solar heated water. Because the water in the solar panels are at the lap pool temperature or higher, the contribution of the panels is significantly reduced from their peak potential. For this project we have altered the design of the dehumidification system to optimize the performance of the solar panels by supplying them with much colder fluid. For this project we have developed an innovative way to improve the standard solar efficiency by as much as 25%+.Also we have the heat collected by the solar arrays distributed to the lap, leisure, and teach pools or to the DHW system, basically wherever it is needed. #10, 8086 - 130th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 8J9 Phone (604) 501-3700 Fax (604) 501-3704 The solar panels will still be mounted on the mechanical room south wall, as well as on the north portion of the mechanical room roof. There will be significantly more solar panels and with the new innovative design these panels will collect up to 25+% more heat than if they heated the lap pool water directly. Although the price for the additional solar panels has increased the cost of our proposal it will also increase the rebate provided by the federal and provincial governments. The panels will be able to work in the winter, therefore significantly increasing their heating contribution. It is important to stress that the solar offering of our proposal does not provide the dehumidification needed by the facility and that it has no effect on augmenting the exhaust air reclaim. The need for dehumidification reclaim and exhaust air reclaim is still critical and will provide the majority of the energy savings. The dehumidification and exhaust air reclaim are critical in the overall package needed to save the city of Maple Ridge on natural gas consumption at the Natatorium. The proposed changes will cost an additional $ 79,852 +GST Seventy nine thousand, eight hundred and fifty two dollars. Solar government grants will come close to $ 38,542 +GST Net Cost to Maple Ridge after grants $ 41,310 +GST The proposed changes will allow the solar panels to provide sufficient solar heating to heat the entire Lap pool plus, during a peak solar day. The total yearly contribution for the solar component will be approximately 320 Gj/year. This heating represents about 6.3% of the Lap, Leisure, and Teach pools yearly heating needs. The additional GHG (green house gas) reduction provided by the additional panel design will be 980 kg/year. Please call me with any questions or concerns. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Jim Groenewoud P. Eng. Manager of Energy Services Division Coral Engineering Limited 778 829 9711 #10, 8086 - 130th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 8J9 Phone (604) 501-3700 Fax (604) 501-3704