HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-02 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA November2, 2009 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/030/07, 12367 224 Street, Final One Year Extension Staff report dated October 19, 2009 recommending that a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/030/07. Committee of the Whole Agenda November 2, 2009 Page 2 of 3 1102 RZ/031/08, 22606, 22612 and 22618 119 Avenue; 11876 and 11866 226 Street; 22611 Selkirk Ave, First Extension Staff report dated October 8, 2009 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/031/08 1103 RZ/056/08, 10389 and 10351 240 Street, 10390 Slatford Place, First Extension Staff report dated October 19, 2009 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/056/08 1104 RZ/017/08, 12038 Edge Street, 22554 and 22566 Brown Avenue, First Extension Staff report dated October 23, 2009 recommending that a one year extension be granted or rezoning application RZ/017/08. 1105 Local Area Service - 12851, 12841, 12850, 12844 Barnsdale Street Staff report dated October 13, 2009 recommending that Bylaw No. 6691- 2009 to establish a Local Area Service to provide sanitary sewer service to 4 lots in the 12800 Block of Barnsdale Street be given first, second and third readings. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERV/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2009 Staff report dated October 16, 2009 recommending that disbursements for September 2009 be approved. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERV/CES 1151 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 Committee of the Whole Agenda November 2, 2009 Page 3 of 3 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca Checked by: Date: MAPLE RIDGE Orifish Gvlumtna TO: Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 19, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/030/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Final One Year Extension Application 12367 224 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council granted a one year extension to the above noted application on December 9, 2009. The applicant has now applied for a final one year extension under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit 33 stacked townhouses under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/030/07 for property located at 12367 224 Street with the following conditions addressed prior to final reading: I. Amendment to Schedule "B" and "C" of the Official Community Plan; I1. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; III. Registration of a statutory right-of-way agreement for drainage; IV. Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant along with the geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; V. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking; VI. Road dedication as required on 224th Street; VII. Park dedication as required; VIII. Removal of the existing buildings; IX. Registration of a Green Building Covenant; X. Notification to the Ministry of Environment and Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding proposed in stream works. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Nystar Developments Corp Nicolas Santorelli of Nystar Developments Corp. Legal Description: Lot: B, D.L.: 399, Plan: 8914 (PID: 007-822-464) 1 1101 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: Residential (62 %) and Conservation (38 %) Residential (44 %) and Conservation (56 %) RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) North: Use: Single Family Residential and Conservation Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation South: Use: Single Family Residential and Conservation Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Multi -Family Residential Zone: RM -4 (Multiple Family Residential) and RM -5 (Low -Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation Existing Use of Property: Single Family Dwelling Proposed Use of Property: Medium Density Multi -Family (Stacked Townhouses). Site Area: 0.624 Ha (1.54 acres) Access: 224th Street Servicing: Full Urban Previous Applications: RZ/030/07; DP/030/07; VP/030/07 and DP/021/08 This application is to permit construction of 33 stacked townhouses under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. The Official Community Plan currently designates this property as "Urban Residential" and the recently adopted Town Centre Area Plan designates this property as "Ground -oriented Multi -Family." The subject site falls within the North View precinct of the town centre area which supports ground - oriented multi -family including row houses, townhouses and stacked townhouses designed and built to fit into an area that is in transition. This application is to permit construction of 33 stacked townhouses under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone and every unit has a ground access from the central pedestrian courtyard. The proposed development was subject to "Multi -family Development Permit Guidelines" prior to adoption of the Town Centre Area Plan. After this was adopted on November 7, 2008, the proposed development will be subject to the Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines which Council will review through the Development Permit report at a later date. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaw/s 6523-2007 and 6522-2007: 2 The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on November 30, 2007; First Reading was granted November 30, 2007; Public Hearing was held January 16, 2008; Second and Third reading was granted on January 23, 2008; First extension was granted on December 09, 2009. Of the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading, item ix will not be required as a Green Building Checklist will be provided by applicant. Application Progress: The applicant is working on the survey plan for road and park dedication; removal of existing buildings, off-site servicing drawings and the Rezoning Servicing Agreement along with associated security monies. However, it is anticipated that these will be completed in the next 6 to 12 months. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a final one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next 6 to 12 months final consideration will be applied for. Prepared by: Rasika Ac Planner l Appred by�to"'i ickeri Direc rya, B -Arch, M -Tech, UD (SFU) .C.I.P Approved by: rank Quinn, MBA, P. ng"-) GM; Public/Works & Development Services L 1 Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: 1St Reading Report Appendix B: 1St Extension Report. -3- MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Appendbc 4 TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 8, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/030/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6523-2007 12367 224 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit a stacked Townhouse Development of 33 Units (four 3 bedroom, sixteen 2 bedroom, nine 1 bedroom with den and four 1 bedroom units). Schedule 'B" and Schedule "C"of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan will require an amendment due to change in land use and the conservation boundary. The setback area around Morse Creek will be re -vegetated and dedicated to the District as part of the Watercourse Development Permit. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 on the municipal website. and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That It be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522- 2007 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6523-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. 1. Amendment to Schedule '8' and 'C' of the Official Community Pian; Il. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; 111. IV. V. DISCUSSION: Registration of a statutory right-of-way agreement for drainage; An Amenity Restrictive Covenant must be registered at the Land Tltie Office; Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant along with the geotechnical. report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking Road dedication as required on 224" Street Park dedication as required; Removal of the existing buildings; Notification to the Ministry of Environment and Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding proposed in stream works. a) Background Context Applicant • Owner. Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Nystar Developments Corp Nystar Developments Corp Lot B. D.L: 399, Plan: 8914 (PID: 007-822-464) Residential (62 %) and Conservation (38 %) Residential and Conservation RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Single Family Residential and Conservation RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential and Conservation RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Multi -Family Residential RM -4 (Multiple Family Residential) and RM -5 (Low -Density Apartment Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Dwelling. Medium Density Stacked Townhouses. 0.624 Ha (1.54 acres) 224th Street Full Urban DP/030/07 and VP/030/07 -2- b) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property at 12367 224 Street from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a stacked Townhouse Development of 33 units. Stacked townhouses, rather than apartments, have been proposed for better neighborhood fit and street presence. To allow greater density and more urban feel to the project underground parking is proposed. The massing concept of the project attempts to break up the 3 storey scale into a series of smaller elements by: stepping the unit placement to avoid long uninterrupted walls; sloping roof forms (not flat roofs); stepping the massing down at the building ends from 3 storeys to 2 storeys and utilizing bay windows/dormers and articulated ba Iconies/porches. A preliminary Geotechnical Site Assessment Report dated November 20, 2006 has been submitted by "GeoPacific Consultants Ltd." indicating the site suitable for residential development An Environmental Assessment Report dated July 21, 2006 has been submitted by Letts Envirowise Consultants Ltd. with recommendations for a 15 m setback from Morse Creek and infilling of the gulch existing in the centre along the property line on the north. They have submitted preliminary "Storm Water management" and "Erosion Sediment Control" plans, which will be reviewed, finalized and attached to the Watercourse Development Permit at a later date. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan currently designates this property as "Urban Residential" and lies within the Regional Town Center study area. This designation encourages all forms of housing along with mixed uses where appropriate. 224Th Street is considered a major corridor as It is a street built in whole or part to a collector standard as per policy 3-18(2) (ii). The subject property designation shows 62 % Urban residential and 38 % Conservation. The proposed residential development occupies 44.10 % (2,752 m2) of the site with the rest of the area (63 % of the site) being dedicated to the District as "Park". This dedication will trigger an OCP amendment to the conservation boundary of Schedules "B" and C. As per Policy. 3-22 of the Official Community Plan, residential capacity within the Regional Town Centre will be given priority to help accommodate the 7,000 new dwelling units anticipated by 2021. This growth is expected to help revitalize the downtown area and provide a supportive population base for local businesses and transit. A range of housing types and sizes also .provides more opportunities for rental housing and housing that may serve a variety of income levels. It provides residents the opportunity to live in proximity to shops and services. This proposal with varied unit sizes ranging from as small as 59.36 m2 to 119 m2, is an effort towards the District's many efforts of achieving this residential density and providing more affordable housing within the Regional Town Centre. Mable Rjge_Regipnal Town Centre Canceot Plan; The Regional Town Centre Area Plan process was approved by Council earlier this year and will be based on the goals and recommendations outlined in the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan - 3 - and the Smart Growth on Ground principles. It encourages higher density residential development and a range of housing forms in the core area in order to help increase the population base to support local businesses and transit and to increase public safety in relatively complete communities like the Town Centre that allows residents to live, work, play and shop. The Concept Plan indicates that this property be utilized for Multi -Family Housing. The proposal aligns with the Maple Ridge Town. Centre Concept Plan in the following ways: • The development proposal is for medium density stacked town houses residential development, with a mix of one, two and three bedroom dwelling units; • Each dwelling unit contains a balcony area, providing opportunities for informal surveillance within the development and to the street and surrounding area; • The applicant has submitted a LEED checklist outlining the components from the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System they believe the project can achieve. Green Building Design; Due to its location within the Regional Town Center Area, the architect will be required to submit a Green Building Report with a LEEDs covenant which will be attached to the Development Permit. The architect has submitted a preliminary checklist aimed to achieve 14 LEED points (note: the applicant is not intending to certify the building). Zoning Bylaw: The proposed RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone allows a medium density apartment use containing some townhouses and specifies a Floor Space Ratio of 1.8. The applicant has proposed a three storey wood frame building with an FSR of 1_12 (total proposed built up area= 3061.5 m2). The RM -2 zone requires a common usable open space of 20% of the net lot area along with a common activity area of 1.0 m2 area per unit (total area required = 583.31 m2). The applicant has proposed a common usable open space of 599.205 m2 which is 21.7 % of the net lot area. Proposed Variances to the Zoning Bylaw; The proposed building complies with the density and height requirements of the zone but some setback variances will be requested. The RM -2 requires a 7.5 m setback on all four sides. The following setback variances have been requested by the applicant - A Front (East) setback variance from 7.5 m to 6.0 m; - A South side setback variance from 7.5 m to 6.0 m; - A North side setback variance from 7.5 m to 6.0 m; - A Rear (West) setback variance from 7.5 m to 3.0 m; - A balcony setback variance of from 6.89 m to 4.4 m on the north and 4.16 m on the South. The applicant has submitted a Development Variance Permit application in conjunction with the Development Permit application for Council to consider prior to final reading. A Development Permit Report describing the compliance with the Multi -Family Development Permit Guidelines and outlining the variances requested will follow for Council's review at a later date. Parking Bylaw: As per Maple Ridge Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the proposed RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone requires 1.5 parking spaces per apartment plus 0.2 spaces per unit for visitors parking. This project requires 49.5 parking spaces for residents and 6.6 -4- spaces for visitors, totaling 56.1 spaces. The applicant has proposed 58 parking spaces of which 8 are for visitors. Develooment Permits: The subject site is located within two DP areas: o The Regional Town Center Development Permit area; o The Watercourse Development Permit area. The Official Community Plan policies speak to managing growth within the Urban Area Boundary with the highest density occurring in the Regional Town Centre area. This proposal of 33 unit stacked townhouses is subject to the `Multi -Family Development Permit Guidelines" and the 'Watercourse Development Permit Guidelines" which will form the subject of future Development Permit reports for Council's consideration prior to Final Reading of the OCP and Zoning amendment bylaws. Advisory Design Panel: On October 9, 2007 the proposed development was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. The panel had several positive comments on the concept and design and had the following recommendations for revisions: o North side of the ramp going down to the underground parking extends unto the property line - protection of existing trees and root zones preferred; hence complete an assessment of the existing trees on the adjacent property. o Consider alternate planter material within the courtyard. o. Articulation of massing between two buildings. o Reconsideration of the Gazebo entry. The project architect has made some revisions based on the above recommendations, which have been sent to the panel members. A tree survey was done by a Certified Arborist and Danger Tree Assessor who recommends that most of the existing trees that line the north property line have been previously topped or are heavily inundated with English ivy and need removal. Most of the other larger trees on the site appear to be of average health and structurally sound at this time. 7 trees need to be removed as soon as possible and 16 trees removed prior to any heavy equipment working around them. On the southwest comer of the proposed building envelope, if the building can be moved slightly north, the chances of tree survival increase and the risk to new dwellings decreases. The remaining identified trees appear to be retainable if appropriate protection measures are implemented. Development Information Meeting: On November 9, 2007 the applicant and the architect held the `Public Information Meeting" at the Fraser Valley Regional Library on Dewdney Trunk Road from 5-00 to 6-30 PM. This meeting was attended by 12 people and some highlights were: • Generally speaking, the neighbours appeared to understand that the zoning would allow this project and there was considerable discussion regarding what they could do with their own properties in the future. • There were several comments regarding a positive response to the overall look of the project and an appreciation that the project utilized underground parking. -5- • Neighbours to the south requested lots of landscaping and a fence be provided between this project and their property. • Seven people support the project and think it is a good development • Three people (residents on the north of subject site) did not have any comments. • Two people did not support the project (owners of the home across the street at 12386 224 Street) with their main objection being, vehicles coming out of the underground parking at night would have their headlights shine into their living room window. The developer offered to provide some measures that would reduce this impact on the single family house of the neighbours across, including some sort of shutter, screen or reflective film for this window, or some sort of added landscaping, and they appeared to be interested in discussing this further. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • Road dedication of 1.0 m across 224t? Street and a statutory right-of-way may be required in support of a municipal storm sewer. ■ Confirming capacity of the existing sanitary sewer on 224" by applicant's engineer. • Two street lights and one control base, plus ducting across the full site frontage are required on 224" Street and site utility company connections have to be underground. • A 1.8 m wide separated sidewalk, grassed boulevard, a current standard curb and gutter needs to be constructed along the west side of 224th Street, across .the site frontage. If it is determined that certain trees are to be retained along the west side of 2240' Street, the sidewalk can be placed at the curb to give clearance to the trees. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • A fire alarm system for the complex that not only includes the parkade but each townhouse unit along with a graphic. enunciator at the Gazebo entrance that shows location of all units by address. a site map and alarm is required. • Exact locations of fire related infrastructure including lane and pathway measurements and overhead obstructions have to be specified on the Site Plan. • Pathway from the street through the Gazebo is to be a minimum of 1.8 m (6 feet) wide. • Ensure measures to maintain security and fire department access which can be achieved by a magnetic lock installed to code in the underground parakade and visitor parking to be separated by durable material for security reasons. • Ensure security against unauthorized entry on vacant property at all times. ■ All Fire Department connection requires being of standard specifications and the location to be such that it ensures visibility at all times. -6- e) Financial implications: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the rezoning is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of 525.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements which depends on the number of street trees determined at the Development Permit Stage through the landscaping plans. An "Enhancement and Protection Agreement" with the deposit of security and maintenance period as outlined in the Agreement will be required along with the Water Course Development Permit. A 2.5 % of the total construction cost of the proposed development will be required at the Development Permit stage. f) Environmental lmplications: The Environmental implications will be discussed in detail through the Watercourse Development Permit report that will follow for Council's review at a later date. CONCLUSION: The proposed development is centrally located in the Regional Town Centre with respect tomany public transport choices, services and amenities. It is compatible with the surrounding uses and fits well with the policies of promoting increased density within the Regional Town Center as stated in the Official Community Plan. This proposal with varied unit sizes ranging from as small as 59.36 m2 to 2.2.9 m2, is an effort towards District's many efforts of achieving this residential density and providing more affordable housing within the Regional Town Centre. The proposal promises environmental upgrades to Morse Creek with re -vegetation around it and park dedication; however some variances will have to be supported. Prepared by. :1\44 Lair- Rasika AChal> ya, BArch, M Tech, UD (SFU) Pla Approved by. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng Gks • •" iopment Services Concurrence: J4. (Jim) Rule ief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6522-2007 Appendix C- Zone Amending Bylaw No.6523-2007 Appendix 0- Architectural Plans Appendix E- Landscape Plans Appendix F- LEEDs Checklist ONO =MENG /NE 11 11.018 7, 1!W 1tW 1 Rae3 14: 12367 224 STREET SCALE 12.500 I DATE: Apr 20.2007 FILE: RZ/030/07 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6522-2007 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Govemment Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "B" &'C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as 'Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 6522-2007 2. Schedule 'B' is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot B, District Lot 399, Group 1, New Westminster Plan 8914 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 739. a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw. is hereby redesignated to Conservation. 3. Schedule 'C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot B. District Lot 399. Group 1, New Westminster Plan 8914 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 740, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . ah NN Rem 4 P 19 N Rem 3 826 67 P 24278 72344 i4 1 75000 N2 EN N MP 6917 N ti R e m 1 72433 72427 / C 1 1 1 1 1 15.2 18 72430 17 12422 16 N 2 72475 1 72405 J a P 7 N. mENti NWS 108 40) Total ar LMP 6711 -LMP 6738 EP 74109 LMP 8710 N Rem 5 2 Rem 1 P 1473-0 2 72385 72367 72347 P 8914 S1/2C 1 12.345 12333 42 F' 4122-5 72.325 124 AVE. 123962 P 18957 154 P 38983 12386 NWS 2464 v1 .555 ho 72334 N P 80319 f 43 72305 wq 3n i jr MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL, COMMUNITY PLAN Bylaw No. 6522-2007 Mop No. 740 PURPOSE: TO ADD TO CONSERVATION MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia AMENDING 1:1500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6523-2007 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, It is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6523-2007." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot B, District Lot 399, Group 1, New Westminster Plan 8914 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1413, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Rem 3 B26 NWS 2777 r 17 it Rem 1 CO 0 1 0 72427 15.2 17 72422 16 h 1 LMP 6711N LMP 6738 EP 74109 LMP 8710 ti N Rem 4 P 19 Rem 1 2 1 P 7r Total oreo = 1.1 124 AVE. 12392 P 18957 154 P 38983 72386 67 P 24278 72344 RW 1 I 50319 :S 301 43 Pnrk 1 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6523-2007 Map No. 1413 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM -2 (Medium Density Aportment Residentiol) To: NWS 2464 72334 .555 ho P 72u P 75 1:15DD MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greeter Weights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Append;, TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: December 01, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/030/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 12367 224 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit 33 stacked townhouses under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/030/07 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading 1. Amendment to Schedule "B" and "C" of the Official Community Plan; II. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement 111. Registration of a statutory right-of-way agreement for drainage; IV. Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant along with the geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; V. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking Vi. Road dedication as required on 224t" Street; VII. Park dedication as required; VIII. Removal of the existing buildings; IX. Registration of a Green Building Covenant; X. Notification to the Ministry of Environment and Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding proposed in stream works. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Nystar Developments Corp Owner. Nystar Developments Corp. (Nicolas Santorelli) Legal Description: Lot: B, D.L.: 399, Plan: 8914 (PID: 007-822464) -1- OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Residential (62 %) and Conservation (38 %) Residential (44 %) and Conservation (56 %) RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Single Family Residential and Conservation RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential and Conservation RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Multi -Family Residential RM -4 (Multiple Family Residential) and RM -5 (Low -Density Apartment Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Dwelling Medium Density Stacked Townhouses. 0.624 Ha (1.54 acres) 224th Street Full Urban Previous Applications: RZ/030/07; DP/030/07; VP/030/07 and DP/021/08 The Official Community Plan currently designates this property as "Urban Residential" and the recently adopted Town Center Area Plan designates this property as "Ground -oriented Multi -Family." The subject site falls within the North View precinct of the town center area which supports ground - oriented multi family including row houses, townhouses and stacked townhouses designed and built to fit into an area that is in transition. This application is to permit construction of 33 stacked townhouses under the RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone and every unit has a ground access from the central pedestrian courtyard. The proposed development was subject to "Multi -family Development Permit Guidelines" prior to adoption of the Town Centre Area Plan. After this was adopted on November 7, 2008, the proposed development will be subject to the Town Center Area Development Permit Guidelines which Council will review through the Development Permit report at a later date. •2- The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6523-2007 and 6522-2007: - The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on November 30, 2007; First Reading was granted November 30, 2007 Public Hearing was held January 16, 2008; Second and Third reading was granted on January 23, 2008. Application Progress: The applicant has been working with his team of consultants, Ron Allen and Gary Letts, towards completing most of the terms and conditions to be met prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. Some revisions in the Site Plan were required to accommodate a statutory right-of-way fora Municipal sewer. This will not compromise the landscaping or the livability of the project. The project architect has submitted a green building report with a LEED checklist which will be registered on title. The Environmental Consultant has submitted a cost estimate for the proposed enhancement and re -vegetation work in the dedicated area around Morse Creek along with preliminary Storm Water Management and Erosion Sediment control plans. The applicant has submitted drafts of the road and park dedication plan and the statutory right-of-way plan for the Municipal sewer. These have to be finalized and registered on title; The major outstanding items are: - Registration of a "Rezoning Servicing Agreement" along with the required security; - Registration of a "Green Building Covenant"; - Registration of a "Visitors Parking Covenant"; - Registration of a statutory right-of-way agreement for Municipal sewer; Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The proposal promises environmental upgrades to Morse Creek with enhancement works, re - vegetation and park dedication. The proposed development with varied unit sizes ranging from 59.36 m2 to 119 m2 helps achieve District's goals of greater residential density and more affordable housing within the Regional Town Centre. The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is recommended that a one year extension be granted. It is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. -3- Prepared by. Rasika Acharya, B -Arch, M -Tech (Ping.), UD (SFU) Planner II pprov Approved hof:: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works,&'Evelopment Services Concurrenc J.L. (Jim Rule ' Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject map Appendix B: 1St Reading Report MAPLE RIDGE HriIish Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 08, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/O31/O8 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 22606, 22612 and 22618 119 Avenue; 11876 and 11866 226 Street; 22611 Selkirk Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit the construction of two buildings (Building # '1 with 62 units and Building # 2 with 34 units) with ground floor commercial and residential above, under the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone. The C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone allows apartments as a principal use. This project will be subject to the new Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines to address the form and character of the proposed development. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan and the proposed Town Centre Area Plan. The text amendment to the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone, initially proposed with this application has already been approved through the zoning bylaw house -keeping text amendment report; hence Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6624-2008 proposed with this application is redundant. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/O31/O8 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the. proposed development; iv. Road dedication as required; v. Consolidation of the development site; vi. A Restrictive Covenant for the shared parking of the two Strata lots must be registered at the Land Title Office; vii. A landscape plan prepared by a Landscape Architect must be submitted including the security to do the works; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. 1102 ix. Registration of Restrictive Covenant for a LEED Checklist along with a Green Building report. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Points West Architecture Owner: MAINSTAY HOLDINGS LTD Legal Description: Lot: 10, 11, 12 D.L.: 401, Plan: 7997 Lot: 12, 13, 14, D.L.: 401, Plan: 9190 OCP: Existing: Commercial Proposed: Commercial Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Use: Residential and 119th Avenue (vacant currently) Zone: RS-1(0ne Family Urban Residential) Designation: Commercial and road Use: Commercial and Selkirk Avenue Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Commercial and road Use: Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Commercial Use: 226th Street and Commercial Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Commercial and road Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Multifamily residential with Commercial on ground floor Site Area: 4099 m2 (Lot 1=2671 m2 and Lot 2=1428 m2) Access: 226th Street and lane Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: DP/031/08 and VP/031/08 This application is to permit construction of two buildings in the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone. A requirement of the development process included the site into the Town Center Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaw 6608-2008: The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on October 30, 2008; 2 First Reading was granted October 30, 2008 Public Hearing was held November 19, 2008; Second and Third reading was granted on November 26, 2008. Application Progress: The applicant is working on the conditions to be met prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. Item ix above (a condition of final reading) is not required after the adoption of the Town Center Area Plan in November 2008. The major outstanding items are: the survey plan for Road and Park dedication and the Rezoning Servicing Agreement along with the bonding amount. However, the applicant has assured that best efforts will be made to proceed to final reading within the next year. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next year final consideration will be sought. Prepared by: Rasika charya, B -Arch, M -Tech, UD (SFU) PlanneLII Approved y: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng / GM: Public Clarks &ivel5pment Services Concurrence: J.L.: (Jim) Rule" Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: 1St Reading Report 3 MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Grester Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: October 9, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/031/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6608-2008 22606, 22612 and 22618 119 Avenue; 11876 and 11866 226 Street; 22611 Selkirk Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6624-2008 to amend the C-3 zone EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), to permit the construction of two buildings (Building # 1 with 62 units and Building # 2 with 34 units) with ground floor commercial and residential above. The C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone allows apartments as a principal use. This project will be subject to the new Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines to address the form and character of the proposed development. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan and the proposed Town Centre Area Plan. A text amendment to the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone of the Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 has also been proposed. The C-3 zone (Town Centre Commercial) allows apartment use as one of the principal uses. Under Section 703 (6) "SIZE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES" the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone refers to "residential floor area" which is currently not defined in the Bylaw. The permitted basic residential density in this zone is 1.0 times the net lot area which may be increased to a maximum of 2.3 times the net lot area by proposing concealed parking and more than two floors (not to exceed 1.0 times the net lot area). In the past all the common areas such as common corridors, staircase wells, elevator shafts, etc have been included for the residential density calculations. Keeping in mind the OCP policies to encourage higher density within the town centre area, the text amendment is proposed to exclude the common area calculations from residential density calculations. • RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6624-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6608-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. Road dedication as required; v. Consolidation of the development site; vi. A Restrictive Covenant for the shared parking of the two Strata lots must be registered at the Land Title Office; vii. A landscape plan prepared by a Landscape Architect must be submitted including the security to do the works; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. ix. Registration of Restrictive Covenant for a LEED Checklist along with a Green Building report. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Points West Architecture Mainstay Holdings Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 10, 11, 12 D.L.: 401, Plan: 7997 Lot: 12, 13, 14, D.L.: 401, Plan: 9190 OCP: Existing: Commercial Proposed: Residential and Commercial Zoning: Existing: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential and 119th Avenue (vacant currently) Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Commercial and road South: Use: Commercial and Selkirk Avenue Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Commercial and road East: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Commercial -2- West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: 226th Street and Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial and road Vacant Multi- family residential with Commercial on ground floor 4099 m2 (Lot 1=2671 m2 and Lot 2=1428 m2) 226th Street and lane through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement DP/031/08 and VP/031/08 The location of the project is in the heart of the town centre area next to the Maple Ridge Bus Terminus and the Haney Place Mall. Two four -storey buildings have been proposed, building one with 62 units and building two with 34 units giving a total of 96 units with retail commercial use along 226th Street. Building one comprises of 315.41 m2 of retail commercial space on the ground floor and 3746.23 m2 of residential space on the main floor and above (29 two bedroom units and 32 one bedroom units). Building two comprises of 363.25 m2 of retail commercial space on the ground floor and 2334.57 m2 of residential space on the main floor and above (34 two bedroom units). All residential parking is underground to minimize the impact on the streetscape and disruption to pedestrians; the access to the underground parkades is from the lane. Street -front landscaping includes street trees and wide sidewalks with special paving. Service areas and refuse are oriented away from the street to minimize visual impact and avoid conflict with pedestrians. Bicycle storage rooms are provided underground for residents and bicycle racks at the entrance for visitors (Appendix D). A preliminary Geotechnical Site Assessment Report dated November 03, 1993 by "HBT AGRA Limited" was submitted by the applicant followed by a recent review dated July 21, 2008 by "Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd" indicating the sites suitable for the proposed development. A revised Geotechnical Report will be submitted before the Development Permit is approved and a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant will be registered on title as a condition of final reading. Use of brick and siding has been proposed to give a warm appearance. The applicant has proposed a LEED Checklist with 20 points (Appendix G). Registration of a LEED Covenant (with a best effort of LEED credits through Green Building initiatives, not LEED certification) and will be done as a condition of final adoption. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan currently designates these properties as "Commercial" and they lie within the Regional Town Centre Area. The proposed development is in close proximity to the down -3- town bus terminus and other commercial uses. The proposed C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone allows apartments as a principal use. As per, Policy 3-22 of the Official Community Plan, residential capacity within the Regional Town Centre will be given priority to help accommodate the 7,000 new dwelling units anticipated by 2021. This growth is expected to help revitalize the downtown area and provide a supportive population base for local businesses and transit. A range of housing types and sizes also provides more opportunities for rental housing and housing that may serve a variety of income levels. It provides residents the opportunity to live in proximity to shops, services and public transportation options. The proposed Town Centre Area Plan encourages higher density residential development and a range of housing forms in the core area. Development in the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone within the Town Centre Area is proposed to have a minimum of three -storeys. This proposal of two four -storeyed buildings with smaller unit sizes ranging from 43.6 m2 to 71.5 m2 is contributing to achieving this residential density and providing more affordable housing within the Regional Town Centre. Green Building Design: Due to its location within the Regional Town Centre Area, the architect will be required to submit a Green Building Report with a LEED Covenant which will be attached to the Development Permit. The architect has submitted a preliminary checklist aimed to achieve 20 LEED points. Zoning Bylaw: Residential Component: The proposed C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone allows apartments as a principal use with a basic residential floor area of the proposed building not to exceed 1.0 times the lot area, except that this may be increased by 0.3 times the lot area if underground parking is proposed and an additional 0.25 times the lot area for storeys above the second floor. This proposal has underground parking and four storeys in both the buildings so they qualify for the maximum density of an FSR of 1.8 times the net lot area as stated above. Based on the net lot area for each building, the proposed maximum residential net floor area for Building # 1 is 3746.23 m2 (permitted is 4482.54 m2) and the proposed residential FSR is 1.5. Similarly the proposed maximum residential net floor area for Building # 2 is 2334.57 m2 (permitted is 2361.75 m2) and the proposed residential FSR is 1.78. Commercial Component: The Commercial density is dependent on satisfying the parking spaces and loading/unloading area required for the commercial use in the proposed zone. 3 small commercial units are proposed in each building, facing 226th Street with a total Commercial gross floor area of 315.41 m2 in Building # 1 and 363.25 m2 in Building # 2. The permitted total lot coverage is 90 % in the proposed zone. The two buildings are proposed on two separate lots hence the total lot coverage is calculated per lot. Lot coverage of 48% has been proposed for Building #1 and 60.8% has been proposed for Building #2. Proposed Common Outdoor Activity area is 160 m2 for Building #1 and 125 m2 for Building #2. -4- Text amendment to the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone: Excluding "service and common areas" from density calculations has been -consistent in other existing multifamily zones of the bylaw such as RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District), RM -3 (High Density Apartment Residential District), RM -5 (Low Density Apartment Residential District- Garden Apartments) and RM -6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential). Excluding the service and common areas from the permitted total density on a lot will encourage higher density development within the downtown area which seems to be a consistent approach followed in other jurisdictions. - A text amendment to the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone of the Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 has been proposed. The proposed amendment is under Section 703 (6) "SIZE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES" of the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone and reads as follows: 703 6) SIZE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES The residential floor area of any building or structure shall not exceed 1.0 times the lot area, except that this amount may be increased by: a) 0.3 times the lot area times the ratio of concealed to required off street parking, not to exceed 0.3 times the lot area; plus b) 0.25 times the lot area for each storey above the second, not to exceed 1.0 times the lot area, up to a combined residential floor area of 2.3 times the net lot area. c) The residential floor area calculations shall not include the following for computing maximum permitted residential density: i. Any portion of a basement or cellar or other common area containing heating, laundry, recreational or storage facilities; ii. Amenity areas, swimming pools and open sundecks; iii. Any portion of a storey used for mechanical or electrical service room; iv. Balconies; v. Common stairwells and common corridors. d) The commercial floor area calculations shall be based on providing loading/ unloading zone and subject to compliance with Schedule A of the Maple Ridge Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. Variances to the C-3 Zone: Building #1 is an L -form structure and the setback variances are minimized on the interior side yard and on the rear due to the form proposed. The applicant is seeking the following setback variances (Appendix H) with an intention of giving the residential units a better street presence: • Building # 1: a) A 6.0 m rear yard setback for main and second floors (required is 6.0 m and it can be zero setback only if a parking structure or deck is proposed above it; proposed is 0.0 m); -5- b) A 5.5 m front yard setback for the third and fourth floors (required is 7.5 m above the second floor for residential use and proposed is 2.0 m); c) A 7.5 m rear yard setback for third and fourth floors (required is 7.5 m above second storey if the building is used for an apartment use and proposed is 0.0 m); d) A 4.5 m interior lot setback on the fourth floor (required is 4.5 m above the third storey and proposed is 0.0 m) and e) A 2.3 m exterior lot setback on the fourth floor (required is 4.5m and proposed is 2.2 m). • Building # 2: a) A 6.0 m rear yard setback for main and second floors (required is 6.0 m and it can be zero setback only if a parking structure or deck is proposed above it; proposed is 0.0 m); b) A 5.5 m front yard setback for the third and fourth floors (required is 7.5 m above the second floor for residential use and proposed is 2.0 m); c) A 7.5 m _rear yard setback for third and fourth floors (required is 7.5 m above second storey if the building is used for an apartment use and proposed is 0.0 m); d) A 4.5 m interior lot setback on the fourth floor (required is 4.5 m above the third storey and proposed is 0.0 m) and e) A 2.3 m exterior lot setback on the fourth floor (required is 4.5m and proposed is 2.2 m). Parking Bylaw: Residential Component: As per Maple Ridge Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the proposed C-3 zone requires 1.0 space per residential unit along with 0.2 spaces visitor parking per unit. Building # 1 has 62 units hence requires 62 residential parking spaces and 13 visitor parking spaces, giving a total of 75 residential parking stalls. 84 residential stalls are proposed in the underground parkade accessed from the lane. Out of a total of 84 parking spaces under Building # 1, 5 are Tandem parking stalls. Each of the tandem parking stall will be sold to one owner to make sure there are no operational issues. The 5 tandem spots account for a total of 10 parking spots hence the total parking spaces proposed are 74. The applicant is seeking a parking variance for one spot. Building # 2 which has 34 units requires 34 residential parking spaces and 7 'visitor parking spaces, giving a total of 41 residential parking stalls required. 37 residential stalls are proposed in the underground parkade accessed from the lane. The applicant is seeking a parking variance of 4 spaces. Commercial Component: The Parking Bylaw specifies 1.0 parking space per 30 m2 of Commercial gross floor area. Based on this, the commercial component of Building #1 requires 11 parking spaces which have been provided at grade, overlooking the residential units. Similarly, Building #2 requires a parking of 13 Commercial parking spaces which have been provided at grade behind Building #1. This will require a parking sharing Covenant to be registered on title as a condition of final reading. -6- Development Permits: This project will be subject to the new Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines to address the form and character of the proposed development. Advisory Design Panel: On August 12, 2008 the Advisory Design Panel reviewed the proposal. The panel had the following recommendations for revision: • Review of the Street Tree species, structural soil and paving assembly to ensure long term Street Tree health • Improve layout of the amenity space • Design of the building interface units with the lane and car park ramps • Continuity of the colonnade Based on the comments from the panel, the applicant has made some revisions to improve the amenity space, street trees species, continuity of design elements, continuity of the colonnade and a covered walkway for pedestrians by recessing the elevator shaft and an improved LEED Checklist. The applicant has also proposed covering the ramp to the underground parkade and some areas of the at grade parking, with a trellis with the intention of greening the grey areas on site (Appendix F). This will be reviewed in more detail through the Development Permit report. Development Information Meeting: On September 18, 2008 the applicant held the "Development Information Meeting" at the best Western Inn on Lougheed Highway from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. This meeting was attended by 6 visitors and 3 developer's representatives. The project architect introduced the project highlights. The visitors were generally supportive of the proposal and expressed a desire to see the downtown area of the District cleaned up with higher density development that will support the local businesses. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • Road dedication of 1.7 metres along 226th Street; 0.9 metres along 1190 Avenue and 0.7 metres on each side of the lane. In addition to this, corner truncation at all road intersections of 3m X 3m is required. There is no road dedication on Selkirk Avenue. • All roads and lanes to conform to meet current urban standards, if not to be upgraded. Construct curb bulges, boulevards, traffic lane lines and crosswalk markings, Ornamental Street lights on 119th Avenue, 226th Street and Selkirk Avenue and Street Trees complete -7- with grates, structural soil, irrigation system and electrical outlets required on all the three road frontages. • Sidewalks, Curb and gutter required for south side of 119th Avenue, both sides of the lane, north side of Selkirk Avenue and east side of 226th Street. • Sanitary Sewer: Site service connections are required. • Storm Sewer/Drainage: Storm sewer connections required across the site frontages on 119th Avenue, Selkirk Avenue and the lane. Site service connections and road catch basins are required. • Existing aboveground plant is to be removed or converted to underground as the site will be served by underground utility company services. Licenses. Permits and Bylaw Department: The Licenses, Permits and Bylaw Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • A revised Geotechnical Report will be required. • Confirm compliance with 2006 BCBC in some areas; • . Site Plan should indicate location of ventilation exhaust for parkade, garbage and recycling room and construction details of additional storage areas. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the rezoning is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements which depends on the number of street trees determined at the Development Permit Stage through the landscaping plans. An "Enhancement and Protection Agreement" with the deposit of security and maintenance period as outlined in the Agreement will be required along with the Water Course Development Permit. A 2.5% security deposit of the total construction cost of the proposed development will be required at the Development Permit stage. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • Building one and two will need separate fire alarm and FD connections. • All Fire Department connections have to be of standard specifications visible at all times. e) Intergovernmental Issues: A referral was sent to the Ministry of Transportation as it is within 800m radius of the Lougheed Highway. On July 21, 2008, the Planning Dept. received preliminary approval for one year, for the proposed rezoning, from the Ministry of Transportation. -8- CONCLUSION: The proposed development is centrally located in the Regional Town Centre with respect to public transport choices, services and amenities. It is compatible with the surrounding uses and fits well with the policies of promoting increased density within the Regional Town Centre as stated in the Official Community Plan. This proposal in close proximity to the bus station, with smaller unit sizes ranging from 43.6 m2 to 71.5 m2 contributes to achieving residential density and providing affordable housing within the Regional Town Centre. The ground floor commercial combined with residential units above promotes a live -work combination suitable to the location. Prepared by. Rasika Acharya, BB Arch, M -Tech (Ping.), UD (SFU) Planner II Approved by: Jae Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of P ning� Approved by: Funk Quinn, MBA, Eng M: Public Wor evelopment Services Concurrenc RA/dp : J. L (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix !- Appendix J - - Subject Map - Zone Amending Bylaw No.6608-2008 - Text Amending Bylaw No. 6624-2008 to ammend the C-3 zone - Site Plan - Building Elevations - Landscape Plans - LEEDS checklist - Setback variance diagrams Rendering existing C-3 zoned properties -9- / P N N y 22557 N O 13 P 77953 5-515 t a CV co S N 11837 1 6 7 v1 79 10 12 '6,40,0 a Pd615 P 9372 r. P 47159 E 11 W 11 N ry ry ry Rem. P 345 Cr] a c CL m C a 303 P 44882 'PP094 A DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD P 60451 Rem. Mumcpal Han 118 11995 P 60562 oi-ON AV i41 11771 MS 71 92 11767 P 68843 Courthouse 11960 Ans Centre 11944 Rem. 117 RCMP 11990 2 546 1 CP NWS 2403 2 11996 3 P N a Rem. West Rem. 81.5 4 Feel 4 P 7863 64 3 P 8595 'PP093 i2 N 61 P 51167 LP 73289 4 a O di a LANE 11971 1n 3 N D_ 2 1196 MCINTOSH AVE. N P 60562 120 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 127 P 65997 Haney Place Mali 11900 SELKIRK AVE Plan 4834 LOUGHEED HWY. P 4834 B N N N N N y 22557 N O 22544146 1 9 - 0, Q z t a C N S N $ N 1 2 3 0,1 2n $ '6,40,0 6 7 P 9372 P 47159 E W E P 4766 14 P 4769 13 N 12 P21 C N 22557 N O 9 co CO e a N 21 m $ 15 E N N ROYAL CRES. ROYAL CRES. rn .I 119 AVE 12540 1 � N Plan 81350 m 3 ^0_11947 Nem 2 a 11937 *P P088 11931 Rem. 1 10 11 P 7197 12 13 14 P 15 7997 16 11909 A m B a C 11889 16 SELKIRK AVE LANE P91 17 b 18 19 6 ('1'1 11869 8S a. 5 11857 1114 N P 13117 1 2 p n P 5615 20 co iii 1:1- n 21 P 76002 A 1 rn m N CD Z ,- 15 m F- 16 CL F.''' P 12503 m w 0,1 A� ,p O m Rem. 1 P 9819 0_22 N 11698 District of Pitt Meadows SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley m 0 a PPF1) IX A f Rem.A P 9541 11879 -PP084 B P 9541 LANE 111940,48 78 (P 9541) 11920,36 E P 9541 DEwON6 0 CI- 0- 71 P 67142 RP 61086 NWS 1556 EP 63907 P 76459 1r {42.88 1 ^o A _ LMS rt • 0 1 4 11890 N 3 '- 1876 1876 243 u, N a SELKIRK AVE Rem. 2 m rn a 11858 2 11844 1 a •LMP 21534 r. 01 2 118 AAVE. RW 79939 a LMP 53687 (L rY 50 Q LMS 951 A LOTS 10, 11 & 12, PLAN 7997 AND LOTS 12, 13 & 14, PLAN 9190 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 5, 2008 FILE: VP/031/08 BY: PC APPENb ix $ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6608-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6608-2008." 2_ Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 12, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 9190, Lot 13, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 9190, Lot 14, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 9190, Lot 10, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 7997, Lot 11, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 7997, and Lot 12, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 7997. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1438 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . • READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 799 W 59110 McINTOSH AVE. co 0.622 ho P 60562 120 C EP 65137 ;615 7 v N L079 a_ csZ trN10 P 13 77837 12 8615 11 18.3 0 N N 6.8 APPS Lbix g ,LMP 15424 ti A 77834 15 N 0_ '16 APLE RIDGE ZONE AMEND o2 -Q.. 212640 I\ ko 43 119 AVE. ti 13 N 14 LANE co 16 Pian 81350 77909 A 00 N B N 0 C 77889 SELKIRK AVE. 2 eN P 13017 ING Bylaw No. 6608-2008 Map No. 1438 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) 40 P 81 201 10 00 0 bn 15 P 21 N CV 6P 76002 4018 A r. 0) N [I'} 00 00 00 0 00 r N N N N N) 2a5- 0_ 20.1 N NJ N 24.10_ MAPLE RIDGE 1:1500 P 9' 90 co 6 6 17 18 19 rn 77869 tq in °� 5 ko co co N N N N 77857 SELKIRK AVE. 2 eN P 13017 ING Bylaw No. 6608-2008 Map No. 1438 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) 40 P 81 201 10 00 0 bn 15 P 21 N CV 6P 76002 4018 A r. 0) N [I'} 00 00 00 0 00 r N N N N N) 2a5- 0_ 20.1 N NJ N 24.10_ MAPLE RIDGE 1:1500 •PPD i x C DISTRICT OF. MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0.6624-2008 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; AND WHEREAS Council can establish different density regulations for a zone for the provision of affordable housing; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title: This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6624-2008" Scope: 2. This By-law establishes regulations to exclude "common areas" from the residential density calculations in the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone, subject to compliance with the provisions in the Zoning Bylaw. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly: PART 7 - COMMERCIAL ZONES, 703 TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL C-3 (6) SIZE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, is amended by the addition of the following as c) and d): c) The residential floor area calculations shall not include the following for computing maximum permitted residential density: i) Any portion of a basement or cellar or other common area containing heating, laundry, recreational or storage facilities; ii) Amenity areas, swimming pools and open sundecks; iii) Any portion of a storey used for mechanical or electrical service room; iv) Balconies; v) Common stairwells and common corridors. d) The commercial floor area calculations shall be based on providing loading/ unloading zone and subject to compliance with Schedule A of the Maple Ridge Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE 9ritish EalImhla Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 19, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/056/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 10389 and 10351 240 Sreet; 10390 Slatford Place EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. The application is to rezone the subject properties from RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit 40 townhouse units and 4 single family residential lots in the RS -1b (One Family Urban Residential -Medium Density) zone. This application is in close proximity to Spencer Creek hence subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit which requires an Official Community Plan amendment for changing the conservation boundary. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/056/08 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Amendment to Schedule "B" & "C" of the Official Community Plan; iv. Registration of a Geotechnical Report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; v. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; vi. Road dedication as required; vii. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways and/or equestrian trail. viii. Consolidation of the development site; ix. Removal of the existing buildings; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. -1- 1103 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Brian Shigetomi (Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc) Spencer Brook Estates Ltd D.L.: 405 D.L.: 405, Plan: RP9100 Lot: 3, D.L.: 405, Plan: 60014 Urban Residential Urban Residential and Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (Rural Residential) Proposed: RM -1 (Townhouse Residential), RS -lb (One Family Urban Residential - Medium Density) and Park. Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential, Conservation and 104th Avenue Zone: RS -1b (One Family Urban Residential- Medium Density) and RS -3 (Rural Residential) Designation: Residential, Conservation and road South: Use: Residential Zone: RS -3 (Rural Residential) and RS -2 (Suburban Residential) Designation: Residential and Conservation East: Use: Residential Zone: RS -2 (Suburban Residential) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Designation: Residential West: Use: Vacant and Slatford Place Zone: RS -3 (Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural Existing Use of Property: Suburban and Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi -Family Residential and Single Family Urban Residential Site Area: 1.665 Hectares (4.1 acres or 16,650 m2) Access: 104th Avenue Servicing: Full Urban (through Rezoning Servicing Agreement. Companion Applications: DP/056/08, SD/056/08 and DP/057/08 2- This application is to permit a Multi -Family residential lot (40 townhouse units) and 4 single family residential lots around Spencer Creek. A requirement of the development process requires the site to comply with Multi -Family Development Permit Area Guidelines to ensure the form and character of the townhouse development, a Subdivision and the Water Course Protection Development Permit Guidelines. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaw/s 6615-2008 and 6614-2008: The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on October 30, 2008; First Reading was granted October 30, 2008 Public Hearing was held November 19, 2008; Second and Third readings was granted on November 26, 2008. Application Progress: The applicant is working on the conditions to be met prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. Item I above has already been addressed as an approval from Ministry of Transportation was received by planning staff on December 4, 2008. Item ix above has already been addressed as all the existing buildings on site have been removed. The major outstanding items are: off-site servicing drawings for the Rezoning Servicing Agreement along with the security monies; the survey plan for Road and Park dedication, and the Statutory Right -of -Way for the Horse Trail. DK Bowins Consultants Ltd. has submitted the off-site servicing drawings to the Engineering Department for review. Damax Consultants Ltd. will be working on final on-site servicing drawings at the Building Permit stage. The applicant's lawyer has prepared the legal documents along with the park and road dedication plans close to finalization. The applicant has assured that best efforts will be made to proceed to final reading within the next 6 months. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. -3- CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next six months final consideration will be applied for. Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B -Arch, M -Tech, LID (SFU) Planner II Apoved by: ..-Jaric ring, MG CIP Directo Approved by_. rank Quinn, MBA, P.Bng GM: Public Works & DevelorSmeiit Services I i Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer RA/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: First Reading Report -4- MAPLE RIDGE Dow Roots Omar Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 4pfencI;x A TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: October 8, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/056/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6615-2008 10389 and 10351 240 Street; 10390 Slatford Place EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties from RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit 40 townhouse units and 4 single family residential hats in the RS -lb (One Family Urban Residential - Medium Density). This application is in close proximity to Spencer Creek hence subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit which will trigger an OCP amendment. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614- 2008 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6615-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Amendment to Schedule "B" & "C" of the Official Community Plan; iv. Registration of a Geotechnical Report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; v. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: vi. Road dedication as required; vii. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways and/ or equestrian trail. viii. Consolidation of the development site; ix. Removal of the existing buildings; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Brian Shigetomi (Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc) Owner. Spencer Brook Estates Ltd Legal Description: D.L.: 405 D.L.: 405, Plan: RP9100 Lot: 3, D.L.: 405, Plan: 60014 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential and Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (Rural Residential) Proposed: RM -1 (Townhouse Residential), RS -1b (One Family Urban Residential - Medium Density) and Park. Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential, Conservation and 104th Avenue Zone: RS -lb (One Family Urban Residential- Medium Density) and RS -3 (Rural Residential) Designation: Residential, Conservation and road South: Use: Residential Zone: RS -3 (Rural Residential) and RS -2 (Suburban Residential) -2- East: West: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Residential and Conservation Residential RS -2 (Suburban Residential) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Residential Vacant and Slatford Place RS -3 (Rural Residential) Agricultural Suburban and Rural Residential Multi -Family Residential and Single Family Urban Residential 1.665 Hectares (4.1 acers or 16,650 m2) 104th Avenue through rezoning and subdivision servicing agreement. DP/056/08, SD/056/08 and DP/057/08 The subject site is sloping east to west towards Spencer Creek. Proposed development is on the south-west corner of 104th Avenue and 240th Street. The applicant is proposing 40 townhouses in the RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone on the east side of Spencer Creek, facing 240th Street and 104th Avenue and four single family parcels in the RS -1b (One Family Urban Residential- Medium Density) zone on the west side of Spencer Creek. The single family lots lie within the floodplain and will require a "Floodplain Covenant" at the Building Permit stage. A 15 m strip along Spencer Creek will be dedicated as "Park" with re -vegetation and enhancement works through the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. A horse trail connection needs to be established along 104th Avenue. Four existing houses will have to be demolished. Road dedication requirements include: 3.0 m along 240th Street; 2.0 m tapering from east to west along 104th Avenue and a 3.0 m X 3.0 m corner truncation at the intersection of 240th Street and 104th avenue. The applicant has provided the following reports: Geotechnical Report by GeoPacific Consultants Ltd. dated May 5, 2008; Environmental Assessment by Golder Associates dated June 6, 2008; Arborist Report by Van der Zalm & Associates, Tree Survey map and Subdivision Sketch. Site layout: Four single family lots have been proposed on the west side of Spencer Creek, three facing Stafford Place and one facing 104th Avenue. The main access to the townhouse parcel is from 104th Avenue. All the proposed 40 townhouses are 2 1/2 storeys in height and clustered in two to five units, each unit has a direct access to private outdoor space and a garage. Five different plans ranging from 140 m2 (1500 ft2) to 189 m2 (2030 ft2) area have been proposed in clusters (Appendix D). A central common area/open space 167 m2 (1800 ft2) in area is bordered by the proposed internal road. 19 townhouse units facing the streets have a pedestrian street access and the remaining 21 townhouses are facing the internal road. All the townhouses have two parking spaces each as -3- townhouse units facing the streets have a pedestrian street access and the remaining 21 townhouses are facing the internal road. All the townhouses have two parking spaces each as required by the bylaw. 20 townhouses out of 40 have double car garages and the remaining 20 have tandem garages. A total of 14 visitor parking spaces have been proposed, which exceeds the bylaw requirement, with an intention of reducing the impacts of tandem parking. These are distributed throughout the site as shown on the site plan (Appendix D). On-site storm -water retention is proposed through rainwater leaders draining to splash pads, percolating into the ground via rock pits and treated in a bio -filtration pond. The proposal will be subject to a "Multi -Family Development Permit", a "Watercourse Protection Development Permit" and approval of a subdivision plan. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan currently designates this property as "Urban Residential" and identifies 240"' Street as a major corridor. Major Corridor Residential permits a range of housing types within the Urban Area Boundary and the subject properties sit on the edge of our Urban Area Boundary on the south-west corner of 104th Avenue and 240th Street. Although the subject property designation shows 100 % Urban residential, the proposed residential development is within 50 m of the top of bank of Spencer Creek and hence subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit. A 15 m strip east and west of Spencer Creek will be dedicated as "Park" with re -vegetation and enhancement works through the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. This dedication will trigger an Official Community Plan amendment to Schedules"B" and "C". Zoning Bylaw: Single Family Tots: The RS -lb (One Family Urban Residential - Medium Density) zone requires a minimum lot area of 557 m2; a minimum lot width of 15 m and a minimum lot depth of 27 m. The proposed four single family lot areas range from 557.9 m2 to 609.3 m2 in area; 15 m to 17.3 m in lot widths and 27 m to 37.2 m in lot depths. All the four lots are within the flood plain and require a "Flood Plain Covenant" at the Building Permit stage. Townhouse lot: The proposed RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone provides for low density townhouses and two family residential buildings. The maximum density permitted in this zone specifies proposed total gross floor area not to exceed 0.6 times the net lot area. A total gross floor area of 5,591.99 m2 is permitted. The proposed FSR is 0.53 and the gross floor area is 5,219.19 m2. This zone requires a minimum usable space of 45 m2 for each three-bedroom and 30 m2 for each two-bedroom unit. A total of 1,800 m2 area is required as usable open space and the applicant has proposed 1,950 m2. This zone also requires a Common Activity area of minimum 5 m2 per unit. A total of 200 m2 is -4- required for the 40 units and the applicant has provided 790 m2 (Appendix D). The applicant is seeking variances to required minimum setbacks in the RM -1 zone. PROPOSED VARIANCES TO THE RM -1 ZONE: Applicant is seeking the following variances: • Front setback variance along 104th and exterior side setback variance along 240th (4.5 m proposed instead of 7.5 m required). • Interior side setback variance/environmental area (6.0 m proposed instead of 7.5 m required) Off- Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: The RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone requires 2.0 parking spaces per unit for residents and 0.2 spaces per unit for visitors. This proposal requires 80 resident parking spaces which are all provided in the basements of each townhouse. Out of 40 units, 20 have a two -car garage and the remaining have a tandem parking garage (Appendix D). A total of 14 visitor parking stalls have been proposed in appropriate location. The ratio of disabled parking spaces required is one space per 100 spaces, hence one handicapped parking space has been proposed. A "Visitor Parking Covenant" will be registered on title before the issuance of the Development Permit, to ensure that visitors parking remains designated for visitors after stratification of the development. Development Permits: The subject site will be subject to the following: o Multi -Family Development Permit Guidelines; o The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Guidelines Advisory Design Panel: On September 9, 2008 the Advisory Design Panel reviewed the proposal and commended the applicant for its quality and completeness of the presentation. The panel recommended that the following concerns be addressed by the applicant and submitted to planning staff: • The potential for additional street parking in creative ways on the internal road; • The potential of moving the central duplex building to the north 3 to 4 feet and additional planting to the south of it; • Increase deciduous planting on the south and west sides and provide more definition in the landscape to these areas; • Look at an alternative play design to increase play value; • To assess trees at the edge of paved areas as the design progresses and evolves; • Potential to add trees between Blocks 1 and 2 and Blocks 2 and 3; -5- • Consider moving the play area to the north to provide greater privacy to Block 10; The applicant has made the suggested revisions and the panel has approved the same. The applicant had originally proposed 8 visitor parking spaces and has now added 6 extra visitor parking stalls (giving a total of 14 spaces) finished with a gravel grid type finish. The central duplex units have been moved to the north by 3.5 feet (1.06 m) to allow for additional planting to the south of it. Alternative play design is being looked at to increase play value along with improved deciduous tree planting on the south and west sides. Development Information Meeting On August 28, 2008 the applicant, owner and the landscape architect held the "Public Information Meeting" at the Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School at 10445, 245th Street from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This meeting was attended by 6 to 8 people and some highlights were: • A display of the proposed design was put up along with colored renderings. The applicant discussed various aspects of the proposal such as site access, views, exterior treatment of the buildings, provisions of green spaces, site buffer treatment, visitor parking and site landscaping. • All participants had positive comments about the proposed design and also noted the environmental benefits through the Spencer Creek enhancement and re -vegetation works. • Some residents expressed concerns such as safety of school kids walking along 104th Avenue during the construction phase, proposed re -grading along 240th Street and south of 104th Avenue and its impact on the site. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • 240th Street: Widen and reconstruct the road with street lighting, street trees, sidewalk, curb and gutter to Arterial standard (five traffic lanes at 104th intersection), hence a road dedication of 3.0 m along 240th Street unto the intersection. The work will extend south of the site to achieve a proper compatibility with the existing road. • 104th Avenue: Widen the road with street lighting, street trees, sidewalk, curb and gutter to Collector standard (five traffic lanes at the 240th Street -intersection) from 240th Street to the west side of the proposed park land, hence a 2.0 m road dedication starting at the intersection of 104th and 240th going down to 0.0 m at the intersection of 104th Avenue and Slatford Place. For the townhouse site, a sidewalk crossing is to be used. • Slatford Place: Corner truncation of 3.0 m X 3.0 m; road widening with street lighting, street trees, sidewalk, curb and gutter to Local Urban standard, across the frontage of the proposed Park land. • Intersection of 240th Street and 104th Avenue: Corner truncation of 3.0 m X 3.0 m; reconstruction of the traffic signal system; adjustment of traffic lane and crosswalk lines to suit new road carriageways. -6- • Equestrian Trail: An equestrian trail exists on the south side of 104th Avenue, west of the development site, within the road right-of-way. This route will need to be maintained or an alternative route extended to connect lands to the north of 104th Avenue. • Sanitpry Sewer. Drainage & Storm Sewer: connections required for the townhouse site. • Underground Wiring Existing aboveground utility plant on the south side of 104th Avenue from Slatford Place to 240th Street must be converted to underground systems. • A Demolition permit is required for all existing buildings along with permanently disconnecting the existing water service connections. • Geotechnical Considerations: A geotechnical report dated May 5, 2008 by GeoPacific Consultants Ltd. is generally supportive of the proposed development, however suggests a need for one-year groundwater monitoring program to refine the slope stability analysis and to ascertain site grading. • Flood Plain Elevation: needs to be determined for the lower portion of this site, west of Spencer Creek. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • Demolition of existing houses: Recommend that the current house is to be demolished within 30 days after acquiring the demolition permit along with maintaining security during the hazard material removal process. • Fire Department Access: Ensure fire lanes are denoted on strata plans. Ensure that signs stating "fire lane - no parking - tow away zone" are installed along all lanes before occupancy. Carriage width of access lane to be a minimum 6 metres exclusive of the sidewalk. Parks & Leisure Services Department The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 21 Street trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree and the costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. An equestrian trail exists on the south side of 104th Avenue, west of the development site, within the road right-of-way. This route will need to be maintained or an alternative route extended to connect lands to the north of 104th Avenue. e) Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and *to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section -7- 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the • Financial Plan/Capital Pian and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: The project will redevelop the subject sites and will cause enhancement works and re -vegetation around Spencer Creek. The proposed design has received positive support from the Advisory Design Panel and the neighborhood. Some setback variances as described in this report will require approval at the Development Permit stage. Prepared by. Rasika Acha1 ., B -Arch, M -Tech (Ping.), UD (SFU) Planner I • Appr ved a) Piker ng, MI P, MCIP Director gffIainning App(oved Fran Quinn, MBA, P. Eng M: Public Works & D relopment Services ,0 Concurrence: J. L (Jim) Rule ief Administrative Officer RA/dp J The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - OCP Amending Bylaw 6614-2008 Appendix C - Zone Amending Bylaw 6615-2008 Appendix D - Site Plan Appendix E - Subdivision Plan Appendix F - Site Sections and Streetscapes Appendix G - Lot grading plans Appendix H - Building Elevations Appendix I - Landscape Plans Appendix J - Rendering (proposed colours and rendering) -8- P21; P 6 P 60014 3 P 60014 Subject Properties 4 70 5 S 5.25 CHAINS OF J District of Pitt Meadows RP g7R7F Pcl. M (J130089E) 1 CA Pcl. 1 RP 9100 1036, 2 1033? 30014 1 SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley _ APPEIbix A 10456 P 22743 A 10420 P 10921 6 P 14750 Rem 7 8 9 P 1475 A 1038E 186 1 Rem D NWP7139 A P 13554 G P 20434 2 10316 Rem 1 10264 CO 28 70270 10260 P 37992 PARK Lh�jP �B0 T m 27128 f2930 31') 10351/89 -240th St 10390 Slatford Place MAPLE RIDGE 43 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 9, 2008 VP/056/08 gy• .IV APffix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6614-2008 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3, District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 60014, and Parcel "One" (Reference Plan 9100) of Parcel "J" (Plan with Fee Deposited 9287F), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District, and Parcel "M" (J130089E), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 767 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Conservation and Urban Residential. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3, District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 60014, and Parcel "One" (Reference Plan 9100) of Parcel "J" (Plan with Fee Deposited 9287F), district Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District, and Parcel "M" (J130089E), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 768 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation and removing Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . APPEi,(Dix 8 MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 273 272 N. <1- 271 N 18.3 SLATFORD PL. 376m 7 0406 CQ APPSs 0 N 23.1 P 60014 0.982 h Pcl. M (J130089E) 0.409 ha a 4 0.810 ho MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COV Bylaw No. 6614-2008 Map No. 767 From: Urban Residential and Conservation 70.389 Pcl. 1 RP 9100 23.1 70351 2 0.405 ha P 227 A 70420 A P ; 70386 70366 70358- 70.352E 70346' 7 0.340 E 10332 70328 z 70322 70.376 L IvUNITY PLA\ AVENDI\G To: Conservation Urban Residential MAPLE RIDGE --]-ri I15'1 CV j FYI ,] V/A 1:1500 A PPEtivixc CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6615-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6615-2008." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3, District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 60014, and Parcel "One" (Reference Pian 9100) of Parcel "J" (Plan with Fee Deposited 9287F), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District, and Parcel "M" (J130089E), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1441 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) and RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). 3_ Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first-time the day of A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of A.D. 200 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER ( APPEND' c_ 273 272 271 N zn N in N VAPLE Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: 18.0 374 0 10416 375 10410 a 376m 10406 e)c? 0 N 23.1 PcI. M (J130089E) 0.409 ha 10389 TGE ZON E AVE\ DING 6615-2008 1 441 RS -2 (One Family Suburban Family Rural Residential) RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Pcl. 1 RP 9100 70351 2 0.405 ha >.1 Residential) and RS -3 (One P 2274 A 70420 0 N A P 21 70386 70366 703589 703528N 1034674 10.340 Sr'` 70.3325 10328 4 703223a 103762a 703101 V/ MAPLE RIDGE 8rltish Colurnb�a 1:1500 Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 03, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/056/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Map inclusion Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6614-2008 10389 and 10351 240 Street; 10390 Slatford Place EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On October 20, 2008 this application was reviewed at the Committee of the Whole meeting and forwarded to Council meeting. On October 28, 2008 it was given first reading at the Council meeting and forwarded to Public Hearing to be held on November 18, 2008. To support this development, an Official Community Plan amendment to Schedules "B" and "C" is required due to "park dedication" around Spencer Creek. The first reading report shows Map No. 767 showing amendment to Schedule B of the Official Community Plan and was missing Map No. 768 showing amendment to Schedule C of the Official Community Plan. A resolution to include the map in Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw # 6614-2008 for Schedule C is required. RECOMMENDATION: That Map No. 768 as attached to staff memo dated November 3, 2008 be included in the Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6614-2008 before forwarding it to Public Hearing. '..a)VJA Prepared by. Rasikalcharya, B -Arch, M -Tech (Ping.), UD (SFU) Planne Ja e - g, ecs ■•PIa P. MCIP Approved by: F nk Quinn, MBA, P.En M: Public -Warks & pment Services Concurrence: J° L. (Jim) Rule "hief Administrative Officer The following appendix is attached hereto: Appendix B- OCP Amending Bylaw 6614 -2008 -Map No. 768 273 2610423 10415 270 272 271 EN ( 18.0 rrrY \IDIX �. BOA 374 0 70416 2 375 10410 376 m 10406 PcI. M (J130089E) 0.409 ho 70389 a MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COvI Bylaw No. 6614-2008 Map No. 768 PcI. 1 RP 9100 10351 2 0.405 ho 0 23.1 23.1 P 2274 A 10420 0 N A P 21 10386 10356 103589 103528P 103467 10340 6 103325 10,3284 10.322 10316 2CE 1n31F11 v1UNITY PLAN AMENDING PURPOSE: TO ADD TO CONSERVATION TO REMOVE FROM CONSERVATION 1:1500 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 23, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/O17/O8 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave, 22566 Brown Ave EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit a residential dormitory intended for future conversion into a seniors assisted living facility under an amended CD -1-00 zone. A text amendment to the Zoning Bylaw has been proposed to allow for the addition of definitions for "Dormitory Unit" and "Student Housing" into the Bylaw and to amend the CD -1-00 zone to include "Student Housing" as a permitted principal use and "Dwelling Unit" as a permitted accessory use. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/O17/O8 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication as required; iii. Consolidation of the development site; iv. The registration of a Section 219 Covenant ensuring: a. The use of one living unit will be restricted to a resident professional administrator; b. The intended future use of the building will be for seniors' assisted living rental units for 60 years of age and older, that will include anadministrative staff presence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; c. The units cannot be strata titled; v. Removal of the existing buildings. 1 1104 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: NSDA Architects Topia Ivy Club Maple Ltd Lot: 4, 5 and 6, all of Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8081 Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Low -Rise Apartment) Low -Rise Apartment RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development) Single / Two Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RT -1 (Two Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential (Town Centre Area Plan: Medium and High -Rise Apartment) Restaurant/ Commercial Plaza CS -1 (Service Commercial), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Town Centre Commercial) District of Maple Ridge Parking Lot C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: High Rise Apartment) Commercial Plaza C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Town Centre Commercial) Single Family Residential Student Housing, Future Seniors Assisted Living Facility 2935 m2 (0.72 ac) Pedestrian access off Brown Avenue, Vehicular access off of rear lane Full Urban DP/017/08, VP/017/08 -2- This application is to permit residential dormitory intended for future conversion into a seniors assisted living facility under an amended CD -1-00 zone. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaw 6626-2008 The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on November 04, 2008; First Reading was granted November 04, 2008 Public Hearing was held November 18, 2008; Second and Third reading was granted on November 25, 2008. Application Progress: The proponents have been working on the legal documents required for registration and have completed the architectural and landscape drawings. A road dedication and site consolidation plan has not yet been registered with Land Titles. The proponent does not want to demolish the houses until they are closer to the start of construction. The owners' business has been negatively affected by the global economic slowdown over the past year. The change in exchange rates from when this application process began to the present has added a considerable amount to the cost of completing this project. They are hoping that an improvement in economic circumstances will allow them to begin construction on the project in a year or two. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant hopes to start construction on the project in a year or two, once international and domestic economic conditions have improved and has applied for a one year extension to the zoning for this project. -3- Prepared by: J= Csikos la ning Technician App6ved Jan of Planning Approved by:/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.E GM: Nblic WoJcs & elopment Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - First Reading Report -4- MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 4pnciik A TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: October 27, 2008 • and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/017/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6626-2008 12038 Edge St., 22554 Brown Ave., 22566 Brown Ave. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to an amended CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development) zone, to permit the construction of a residential dormitory intended for future conversion into a seniors assisted living facility. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. A text amendment to Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 has been proposed to allow for the addition of definitions for "Dormitory Unit" and "Student Housing" into the Bylaw and to amend the CD -1-00 zone to include "Student Housing" as a permitted principal use and "Dwelling Unit" as a permitted accessory use. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6626-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication as required; iii. Consolidation of the development site; iv. The registration of a Section 219 Covenant ensuring a. The current use will be restricted to students enrolled with School District 42; b. The use of one living unit will be restricted to a resident professional administrator, c. The intended future use of the building will be for seniors' assisted living rental units for 60 years of age and older, that will include an administrative staff presence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; d. The units cannot be strata titled; e. The operators of the student dormitory have entered into a contract with School District 42 regarding full-time instruction for residents; v. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the Green Building components that will be included in the final project design plans. vi. Removal of the existing buildings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: NSDA Architects Topia Ivy Club Maple Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 4, 5 and 6, all of Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8081 OCP: Existing: Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Low -Rise Apartment) Proposed: Low -Rise Apartment Zoning: Existing: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single / Two Family Residential Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RT -1 (Two Family Urban Residential) Designation Urban Residential (Town Centre Area Plan: Medium and High -Rise Apartment) South: East: West: Use: Restaurant/ Commercial Plaza Zone: CS -1 (Service Commercial), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Town Centre Commercial) Use: District of Maple Ridge Parking Lot Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: High Rise Apartment) Use: Commercial Plaza Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial (Town Centre Area Plan: Town Centre Commercial) Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Student Housing, Future Seniors Assisted Living Facility -2- Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: 2935 m2 (0.72 ac) Pedestrian access off Brown Avenue, Vehicular access off of rear lane Full Urban DP/017/08, VP/017/08 The subject site is currently three separate lots, each with an existing single family house. The site has two street frontages, Edge Street and Brown Avenue with a lane located south of the site. Application RZ/017/08 proposes to rezone the properties located at 12038 Edge Street, 22554 and 22566 Brown Avenue from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to an amended CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Devleopment) zone to permit the construction of a four storey apartment building for use as a student housing dormitory for elementary and secondary students. The proposal consists of approximately 68 units for an estimated 240 students. The dormitory units range in size from 34.4 m2 (370 ft2) to 56 m2 (603 ft2) and include a mix of three and four beds per room. All dormitory units feature a bathroom, study area and small kitchenette containing a sink, microwave, bar fridge and a counter top with cupboards. There are also three dormitory units with a single bed designed for shortstay visitors of students residing on the site. The building features an underground parking garage with 26 spaces that is accessed from the rear lane. Additionally, indoor scooter and bicycle storage is provided on the parking level, a communal cafeteria and dining hall on the main floor, landscaped outdoor patio along with study and social rooms on the second and third floor. There would also be laundry rooms and washrooms on each floor. The administrative component includes administrative offices on each floor and reception area on the main floor. A resident manager apartment suite is located on the main floor. The intended future use is a seniors assisted living apartment. As such, a restrictive covenant is required to restrict the future use and prevent the stratification of units. At least one unit will be created for a professional resident administrator. The building's future conversion is possible as both uses require similar facilities such as private or semi -private sleeping areas with common meal and recreational facilities along with resident administration. A conceptual conversion plan has been submitted to the District. The site is located within the Regional Town Centre and a green building design covenant will be registered on title once the final design has been established. Initially, this development has indicated that it will achieve 19 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design credits based on the LEEDS rating system. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The property is currently designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan, however, this application is being processed in accordance with the Town Centre Area Plan currently being considered by Council. The project as proposed is consistent with the Town Centre Area Plan as proposed under Official Community Plan Bylaw 6610-2008. -3- Town Centre Area Plan: The subject properties are designated "Low -Rise Apartment" under Schedule 1 - Town Centre Area Land -Use Designations. This development respects the key concepts outlined in the draft Town Centre Area Plan and contributes to a number of policies and goals of the plan. ■ "Appendix A - Zoning Matrix" lists CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development) as a corresponding zone for the Low -Rise Apartment designation in the draft Section 10.4 of the Official Community Plan. • Policy 3-22 notes that "All Low -Rise Apartment developments should be a minimum of three (3) storeys and a maximum of five (5) storeys in height". The proposed four -storey building meets this policy. The subject properties are located within the Central Business District as shown on Figure 2 of the draft Town Centre Area Plan. • Policy 3-44 notes that "Post -secondary, international student programs, and continuing education uses are encouraged within the Town Centre". The current use proposal meets this policy. ■ Policy 3-8 encourages "designing flexibility into new development.. to help the community adapt as building uses evolve over time". The adaptive building design proposal meets this policy. Zoning Bylaw: The proponent is requesting that the subject properties be rezoned from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to an amended CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development). The CD -1-00 zone was originally created for a senior's apartment (Willow Manor) on 224m Street and the following text amendments are required to allow the proposed student housing project to proceed. The amendment requests the addition of the following into the definition section of the Zoning Bylaw: DORMITORY UNIT means a room containing one or more beds providing for the lodging of students. Such units may include a full washroom but does not include a full set of cooking facilities. STUDENT HOUSING means a use in which dormitory units are provided for occupancy by students registered with a government accredited educational institution, providing programs at the elementary and secondary level. May contain common activity areas, communal kitchen and dining facilities. Additionally, two uses are proposed to be added to the CD -1-00 zone (Section 1035 of the Zoning Bylaw); the first of which is to allow "Student Housing" as a site specific permitted principal use. The second is to include "Dwelling Unit (limited to one per floor)" as a permitted accessory use. The addition of "dwelling unit" as an accessory use is required because the definition of "student housing" precludes full kitchens. The occupancy of the dwelling unit is limited to full time resident administrative staff who will live on the premises, and are restricted to one full dwelling unit per floor. Currently, there is only one full apartment being proposed for administrative staff use, however the -4- Zoning Bylaw text amendment will permit one dwelling unit per floor to provide flexibility in the future conversion to assisted living use. A preliminary review of the plans indicate that several variances to required setbacks are 'required to support the development as proposed. The CD -1-00 requires that all buildings be not less than 7.5 metres from all property lines. A Development Variance Permit application has been received to vary the following: Proposed front yard (Brown Avenue) setbacks: • 5.0 metres from primary building face • 4.6 metres to the projecting bay windows • 3.8 metres to edge of 4th floor roofline • 0.5 metres to the entrance canopy Proposed exterior side yard (Edge Street) setback: • 5.0 metres from primary building face • 4.6 metres to the projecting bay windows • 3.9 metres to edge of 4th floor roofline • 2.9 metres to 2nd floor canopy Proposed rear yard (Lane) setback: • 3.6 metres from primary building face • 2.9 from furthest projection point These variances are currently supported but will be reviewed in a future report to Council. Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: In the absence of a "Student Housing" use referenced in the Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw, the parking calculation has been based on a seniors' apartment /assisted living facility use. Currently, the Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires one space per 4 dwelling units for Senior Citizens dwelling units plus 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. Under the current bylaw, this project will require 17 parking spaces plus an additional 14 spaces for visitor parking and an additional space for the resident administrator suite for a total of 32. Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 6609-2008 proposes to amend this parking requirement in the Central Business District for Seniors' Independent Living, Assisted Living, Supportive Housing and Congregate Care to 0.35 spaces per bed or dwelling unit. If this bylaw has been approved by Council prior to approval of a Development Permit for this project, the required parking will be 24 spaces plus one for the resident administrator suite, for a total of 25 required parking stalls. The project includes a parking provision of 26 parking stalls, corresponding to the supply rate proposed by Bylaw 6609-2008. -5- Development Permits: If Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6610-2008 (Town Centre Area Plan) is successfully passed by Municipal Council, this development will be subject to a Town Centre Development Permit. The Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines have been created to promote new development that achieves the principles and policies of the Town Centre Area Plan and attempts to create an attractive, vibrant and sustainable Town Centre for the District of Maple Ridge. If Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6610-2008 (Town Centre Area Plan) is not successfully passed, this development will be subject to a Multi -Family development Permit as outlined in section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. Accordingly, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. The purpose of a Multi -Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. An application for a form and character Development Permit has been received and will be the subject of a future Council Report. Advisory Design Panel: The project as proposed was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on October 14, 2008 at which time the following resolution was made: That the applicant address the following issues and submit to planning staff: • Address security issues between the courtyard and the lane • Address the relationship between the courtyard and the lane • Reconsider the use of stucco at the base of the building • Consider the relationship between .the entry and the courtyard • Provide a consistency of materiality and form at the entrance The applicant has received these comments and will review the submission responding to the ADP comments. Responses to these comments will be the subject of the Development Permit in a future Council Report. Development Information Meeting: A development information meeting on October 15, 2008 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Ridge Meadows Senior Society was held by staff from NSDA Architects for this project. There was a total of 5 people sign -in and 3 completed comment sheets. Attendees were in favour of the project with the feeling that this will help revitalize the area. A concern regarding increased traffic was brought up at the meeting, however, it is expected that international students will not have personal vehicles but rather will depend on public transit. A copy of the meeting summary is attached. Engineering Department The Engineering Department has identified that all of the services required in support of the rezoning do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to complete the necessary works prior to final reading. -6- CONCLUSION: The proposed apartment building is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is therefore recommended that application RZ/017/08 be favourably considered and be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. \z-) Prepared br Jen Csikos Planning Technician proved rineMCP, MCIP r of Planning Approved by: / Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng �f GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L/(Jim) Rule ChAdministrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F - Appendix G Subject Map - Zone Amending Bylaw 6626-2008 - Site Plan - Building Renderings - Landscape Plans LEEDS checklist - Development Information Meeting summary. -7- e 11 N ID Ln cvm P 801 PE P4 co N N 298 P 43 r P O N N Rem. West 81.5 Feet 4 P7 E 1/2 11 P 7875 12129 6 P 7875 7 8 0 10 N. 121 AVE. I0 N A LMP 44378 2080 ?064 LO 9 8 0 R CU Cua 0 Ln CV CV 22514 cp n N (y 17 18 20 P 8679 LOT A 12085 BROWN AVE. Rem. 302 P 45004 RP 79869 co 0) rn r` 0 0 N 46699 A 12003 /09 am C r CD ao 0- en w 00 w ,4ppe„d4 A 24 P 1161 12080 10 Q 0 m 0 11 121 AVE 2 843 446 9 P 081 P E843 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 12060- /62 1 O l0 N 6 P 9446 5 BROWN AVE. W � P 8081 • "D 22554 P 8679 n N (y m N V 22596 CD rn 22602 to 22610 LOT A 15 CI; 14 c) 13 NN o ID 12 ID 11 N ID (cy N nJ N N N N N cv n BROWN AVE. Rem. 302 P 45004 RP 79869 co 0) rn r` 0 0 N 46699 A 12003 /09 am C r CD ao 0- en w 00 w ,4ppe„d4 A 24 P 1161 12080 10 Q 0 m 0 11 121 AVE 2 843 446 9 P 081 P E843 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 12060- /62 1 O l0 N 6 P 9446 5 BROWN AVE. W � P 8081 • "D 22554 0 22566 n N (y m N V 22596 CD rn 22602 to 22610 LOT A (P9687) "LMP1821 C 12018 303 P 44882 *PP094 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Municipal Hall 11995 P 60451 Rem. 118 P 60562 1 P 68843 Courthouse 11960 117 RCMP 11990 N SCALE 1:2,000 CP NWS 2403 LMP 19460 A N 0 N N 3 0 N Ci) z r N d CC co m a McINTOSH AVE. m 1 P 60562 N 120 Rem. 4 863 CO 0 N N 446 11 N CDN 287 P4 296 N N LO 64 0 CO CO 0 297 1 m N N Q N 288 3724 724 295 CO N 289 294 0 3 P 8695 *PP093 299 24 0 0 N N m N 61 P 51167 LP 73289 District of Pitt Meadows 16■ -N ; l� R� t . sc- S 'sK� K�i 12038 EDGE STREET & 22554 & 22566 BROWN AVENUE District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 22, 2008 FILE: RZ/017/08 BY: PC 4pfenchir CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6626-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6626-2008." 2. That parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot: 4, Section: 20, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 8081 Lot: 5, Section: 20, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 8081 Lot: 6, Section: 20, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 8081 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1445 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Develompent) 3. That Part 2, Interpretation, is amended by adding the following definitions in correct alphabetical order: DORMITORY UNIT means a room containing one or more beds providing for the lodging of students. Such units may include a full washroom but does not include a full set of cooking facilities. STUDENT HOUSING means a use in which dormitory units are provided for occupancy by students registered with a government accredited educational institution, providing programs at the elementary and secondary level. May contain common activity areas, communal kitchen and dining facilities. 4. That Part 10 Comprehensive Development Zones, Section 1035 CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development), B. Principal Uses be amended by the addition of the following shown in bold and renumbered accordingly. Student Housing, specific to the following site: Lots 4,5,6, Section 20, Township 12, NWD PIan:8081 5. That Part 10 Comprehensive Development Zones, Section 1035 CD -1-00 (Comprehensive Development), C. Accessory Uses be amended by the addition of the following shown in bold and renumbered accordingly. Dwelling Unit (limited to one per floor) 6. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of, A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of, A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of A.D. 200 . , RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of, A.D. 200 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 7 P 23392 72147 Rl 61 P 51167 LP 73289 P4 241s, LMP 24828 88 E ' 61324 in (NJ 1,3r LO I 111 14'1 . ?ose) .r- 953/65 05.3/65 34533 n'709 1-215_9 FRASER ST. 12755 E 1/2 11 P 7875 72725 .414 ha 6 7 7875., 8 a 9 �10h 3 N 121 AVE. h N A LMP 44378 72080 12064 0 9 coo a 30148 (LEASE) La - 1.904 ho Q O 225141 f0 8679 ry17 X18 20 P 8679 72085 BROWN AVE. LP 69873• Rem. 302 P 45004 LMP 46699 A 0.773 ha RP 79869 1200 0)/095 N 00 a LA w w 72738 Ln 0 22561-97 24 P 1161 1.914 ho 121 AVE. o a P 8081 v 11552/54 P 8679 2 22525 15 V 14 V 13 h to 12 h to N N 290 0 N N N BROWN AVE. LP 69873• Rem. 302 P 45004 LMP 46699 A 0.773 ha RP 79869 1200 0)/095 N 00 a LA w w 72738 Ln 0 22561-97 24 P 1161 1.914 ho 121 AVE. o a P 8081 v 11552/54 h "12 to h `°1 2 32588 a to "q 0 ° to "2 m to 3 kRW 18394 r) 22620 __---� 41- 2621 to v 13 N co N N 290 0 288 289 081 P 884 P 9446 43724 N 291 n 12087 Co 22557 22577 12581 ln co 12589 el 8081 P 9446 43724 x.292 9 7 N6 5 ,4295 294 a 72077 12060 41 'o `74.3a Rem /62 N M ti N N N N 293 / o m 4 a /2038 5 P 12078 303 P 44882 *PP094 RP 69394 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD P 60451.-- Rem. 0451 Rem. Rem. Municipal No// 118 117 "995 P 60562 RP 68844 RCMP 71990 N 58845 Iii ! _--- P 68843 1 Courthouse 77960 LMP 51�24' LMP 46998 (Lease) RW 68845 `l Rem. Arts Centro 1 2OLS 6 8081 LOT A (P9687 LMP1821 P 70955 1LMP 45326 MCINTOSH AVE. 0.622 ha N P 60562 120 VAPLE . IDGE ZONE AVENDI\G Bylaw No. 6626-2008 Map No. 1445 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) 0 To: CD-1-00(Comprehensive Development) 298 P 4 RP 84340 299 3724 2 20546 300 ry >2047 301 3 P 8695 `PP093 Lel LMP 15421 RW 18394 k LANE 2640 (00▪ 3 x N▪ a 7▪ 7947 —Rem 2 a 17937 / `PP088 MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 4 Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 13, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO4-010-065 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Local Area Service - 12851, 12841, 12850, 12844 Barnsdale Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the August 11, 2008 meeting, Council authorized staff to prepare a bylaw to establish a Local Area Service (LAS) to provide sanitary sewer service to 4 lots in the 12800 Block of Barnsdale Street. The construction of the sanitary sewer service as authorized is now complete and is on one year maintenance period. The total cost of the works has been confirmed at $36,344.28. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Maple Ridge Barnsdale Street Sanitary Sewer Services Bylaw No. 6691-2009 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Local Area Sanitary Sewer Service to 4 residences on Barnsdale Street, with civic addresses 12851, 12841, 12850, 12844, was authorized by Council. Construction is now complete and is on one year maintenance period. The final costs of the works has been determined. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: The petitioners, in the majority, agreed to bear the expense of the service estimated to cost each property owner a commuted sum of $11,535.85 on the second petition on February 2009. Each of the benefiting property owners will pay the final individual commuted cost of $9,086.07. The owners now have the option to either pay off the final commuted cost or pay by fifteen annual installments, amortized at an interest rate of 6.25% with an option of paying off anytime during the term without incurring a penalty. This long-term interest rate is based on prevailing market borrowing rates that would be available to the municipality. The above cost to the property owner provides a sanitary sewer connection to the system at the property line. In order to complete and commission the service, owners will then need to install, at their cost, a connection from the residence to the sanitary service connection at the property line. 1105 c) Interdepartmental Implications: The Property Tax section of the Finance Department will provide the details to the property owners, and subject to each owner's decision, either receive the commuted payment from the individual property owners or impose a levy in the amount of the final actual cost and place a notation on the tax roll of the property owner. CONCLUSION: The project is now complete and is on one year maintenance period. The final costs of the works has been determined. A bylaw to establish this LAS is recommended. Prepared by: M'ria Guerra,aEng. Proje t Engineer Reviewed by: Andrew Wood, PhD., PEng. Municipal Engine Approved �y: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. I% -General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MG/mg CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6691-2009 A Bylaw to establish a Local Area Service for Sanitary Sewer Services on Barnsdale Street WHEREAS Council has been petitioned to provide a municipal service pursuant to Section 210, Division 5 of the Community Charter S.B.C. 2003, c.26 (the "Community Charter"); AND WHEREAS The Corporate Officer has certified that the petition received for the municipal service does constitute a sufficient petition signed by majority of the property owners, representing at least half of the value of the parcels that are liable to be specially charged; AND WHEREAS Council has deemed it expedient to proceed with the works; AND WHEREAS the 'Maple Ridge Local Area Service Policy', as amended, provides that the cost of providing a municipal service shall be recoverable from each of the existing parcels of land that will benefit from the service. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Barnsdale Street Sanitary Sewer Services Bylaw No. 6691-2009". 2. The Local Area Service is described as 25m of 200mm sanitary sewer on Barnsdale Street north of 128 Avenue, the boundaries of which are outlined in Schedule 'A' attached. 3. The Local Area Service has been completed and final cost of the service is contained in Schedule 'B' attached. 4. Costs for the Local Area Service will be recovered according to the cost distribution shown on Schedule 'C' attached. READ a first time the day of , 2009. READ a second time the day of , 2009. READ a third time the day of , 2009. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of , 2009. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments Schedules A, B, & C Rem B 1 31 128 AVENUE Rem N 12868`, 16 17 728,37 18 72827 19 20 229 STREET SCALE: N.T.S. 4 MAPLE RIDGE 13riti541 CGIYrbis CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BARNSDALE ST. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES BY-LAW 6691-2009 SCHEDULE "A" DATE: SEPTEMBER 2009 FILE/DWG No SK0313 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights Completion Certificate Schedule "B" By -Law 6691-2009 Date: October 13, 2009 File: E04-010-065 This is to certify that the Works authorized under the `Maple Ridge Local Area Service for Sanitary Sewer Extension (Barnsdale Street North of 128 Avenue) are complete. Andrew Wkod, PhD., PEng. Municipal Engineer As required under the `Maple Ridge Local Area Service for Sanitary Sewer Extension (Barnsdale Street North of 128 Avenue), I hereby certify that the final cost of the Works has amounted to $36,344.28. Trevor Thompson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning cc Corporate Officer Manager, Revenue & Collections MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights Engineer's Report Final Costs & Apportionment Local Area (Sanitary Sewer) Service by Formal Petition Schedule "C" By-law No. 6691-2009 Pursuant to Section 10 of the `Maple Ridge Local Area Service for Sanitary Sewer Extension (Barnsdale Street North of 128 Avenue), the following provides the final costs and apportionment thereof. Sanitary Sewer Service Location: Barnsdale Street North of 128 Avenue Total cost of the Works $ 36,344.28 Municipal contribution (0%) Nil Cost apportioned to existing 4 parcels $ 36,344.28 Cost Distribution Number of existing lots 4 Individual Owner's share (Cost per lot) $ 9,086.07 Per annum individual Owner's share (Amortized over 15 years at 6.25 % per annum) $ 950.87 Life of the Works 40 Years All costs are final British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 16, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended September 30, 2009 now be approved". GENERAL $ 8,852,143 PAYROLL $ 1,387,881 PURCHASE CARD $ 91,209 $ 10,331,233 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • Double M Excavating - roadworks $ 1,103,603 • Fraser Valley Regional Library - 3rd quarter member assessment $ 549,342 • Imperial Paving - 2009 paving program $ 326,417 • Mierau - Fire Hall No. 1 expansion $ 994,155 • Receiver General - RCMP contract Apr-Jun/09 $ 2,653,822 • Tag Construction Ltd. - road improvements 232 St & Brown Ave $ 310,069 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2009 have been reviewed and are in order. Ag/ /99 Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: T`reGorTho fipson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Approved by: Paul'GiII, M -C ncial Services Concurrence: J. gmr . (Jim) Fti(e ief Administrative Officer VENDOR NAME A & A Testing Ltd ABC Transmission Ltd Associated Engineering(BC) Ltd BC Hydro BC SPCA Best Western Motor Lodge CUPE Local 622 Chevron Canada Ltd Corix Water Products D & S Bulldozing Ltd Dixon Networks Corporation Double M Excavating Ltd Fraser Valley Regional Library GCL Contracting & Engineering Green Cut Contracting Imperial Paving ISL Menulife Financial McElhanney Consulting Services Medical Services Plan Mierau Minister Finance- Accomodation Morrow Bioscience Ltd Municipal Insurance Assoc Municipal Pension Plan BC Myra Systems Corp. Receiver General For Canada RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Canoe & Kayak Club Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Ridgerneadows Recycling Society RM Assn For Community Living Rollins Machinery Ltd Scottish Line Painting Ltd Tag Construction Ltd CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - SEPTEMBER 2009 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Pipeline inspections Fire truck repairs Kanaka Creek bridge replacement Hydro charges Sept Contract Sept Security refund Dues - pay periods 09/18 & 09/19 Fuel Pre -assembled PRV station @ DTR & Lougheed Hwy Asbestos removal & demolition @ Northumberland Court Fibre optic conduit installation Barnsdale St sanitary sewer extension Culvert relining 96 Avenue Roadworks Cottonwood Drive South Alouette Bridge Roadworks 240 Street 3rd quarter member assessment Kanaka Creek bridge replacement Grass cutting 2009 paving program Lougheed Hwy revitalization Maple Ridge signal analysis Employee benefits premiums Capital road project 232 St & 118 Ave subdivision Employee medical & health premiums Fire Hall No. 1 expansion Refund lease overpayment 2009 West Nile virus program Insurance deductibles Pension remittance Oracle software migration Employer/Employee remit PP09/18&19 RCMP contract Apr-Jun/09 Ice rental Aug Summer programs Art Centre grant Sept Program revenue July Theatre rental Appreciation coupons Monthly contract for recycling Sept Weekly recycling Litter pick-up contract Security refund Ford F550 c/w packer Bike symbols Pavement marking maintenance Centreline replacement Road improvements 232nd Street Brown Avenue extension 3,723 73,491 132,629 168,124 725,636 6,790 8,844 34,742 284 522,770 2,653,822 42,796 3,597 390 140 77,398 331 1,848 21,745 23,110 665 AMOUNT 64,648 16,130 53,765 84,292 22,343 20,000 21,786 49,038 49,641 17,750 32,464 1,103,603 549,342 88,334 16,278 326,417 15,634 116,063 35,026 25,416 994,155 87,068 15,786 86,572 270,054 19,319 3,176,592 57,605 19,031 46,923 79,577 20,580 109,465 45,520 283,963 26,106 310,069 Warrington PCI Management Young, Anderson - Barristers Zbeetnoff Agro -Environmental Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment Total Disbursements September 2009 GMR Advance for Tower common costs Sept Tower expenses Aug Professional fees July Maple Ridge agricultural plan PP09/19 & 09/20 Y:\Finance' ccounting\Accounts Payable\AP Remittances (0lsbursements)\2009\IMonthly Council Report 2009.xIsISEP'09 50,000 21,942 71,942 19,625 24,753 8,162,606 689,537 8,852,143 1,387,881 91,209 10,331,233