HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-16 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA November 16, 2009 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/040/09, 24554 102 Avenue (Lower Jackson Farm) & Lot A LMP 42378 at 100 Avenue and 248 Street (Upper Jackson Farm), Application to Metro Vancouver Regional District to Amend Regional Context Statement Staff report dated November 9, 2009 recommending that Metro Vancouver be requested to accept an amendment to the Regional Context Statement and to the land use designation as in the Official Community Plan. Committee of the Whole Agenda November 16, 2009 Page 2 of 4 1102 RZ/044/09, 11213, 11247, 11263, 11299 and 11333 240 Street, RS -3 to C-1 and RM -1 Staff report dated November 10, 2009 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6685 to permit the construction of a commercial/ mixed use building and 165 townhouses be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 AL/060/09, 23589 and 23571 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated November 9, 2009 requesting direction to staff whether application AL/060/09 to exclude 3.5 hectares (8.9 acres) of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve should or should not go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission ("ALC") and recommending that the application not be forwarded to the ALC. 1104 DP/DVP/058/09, 20611 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated November 4, 2009 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/058/09 to vary the height of a front entry element and further that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/058/09 in support of a renovation and expansion of the Honda dealership building. 1105 DVP/037/08, 24369 126 Avenue Staff report dated November 6, 2009 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/037/08 to reduce minimum lot width and to vary road carriageway width. 1106 Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park Staff report dated November 2, 2009 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Santa Clause Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park on Saturday, December 5, 2009. 1107 Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 6682-2009 Staff report dated October 7, 2009 recommending that the Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 6682-2009 to include an additional citizen at large representative for the City of Pitt Meadows be given first, second and third readings. Committee of the Whole Agenda November 16, 2009 Page 3 of 4 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERV/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6750-2009 Staff report dated October 29, 2009 recommending that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6750-2009 to amend development cost charges be given first, second and third readings. 1132 Adjustments to 2009 Collector's Roll Staff report dated November 2, 2009 submitting information on changes to the 2009 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary/PAAB Rolls 06, 07 and 08. For information only 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERV/CES 1151 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 Committee of the Whole Agenda November 16, 2009 Page 4 of 4 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca Checked by: Date: 8ri[ish Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: November 09, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/040/09 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Metro Vancouver Regional District to Amend Regional Context Statement 24554 102 Avenue (Lower Jackson Farm) & (Lot A LMP 42378 at 100 Avenue & 248 Street - Upper Jackson Farm EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On September 22, 2009 Council gave third reading to the above rezoning application. It was noted that the approval of the Metro Vancouver Regional District to amend the Regional Context Statement of the Official Community Plan was a condition of Final Approval. To meet this condition, a resolution requesting that the Regional District Board accept this amendment must be forwarded. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Metro Vancouver Regional District be requested to accept an amendment to the Regional Context Statement and the land use designation as shown on Schedule "B" of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan for the subject property located at 100 Avenue & 248 Street - Upper Jackson Farm. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Damax Consultants Ltd. 666921 B C LTD & 0710696 B C LTD Legal Description: Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: EP12314, Lot: A, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: LMP42378 OCP: Existing: Urban Reserve (Upper Jackson), Agricultural (Lower Jackson) Proposed: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Lower Jackson, A-1 (Small Holding Agricultural) Upper Jackson; Proposed: R-1 (Residential District), RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) - Upper Jackson 1101 Surrounding Uses - (Upper Jackson) North: Use: Zone: South: East: West: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Urban Residential (large lots) and gravel extraction SRS (Special Urban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Med Residential (Albion Area Plan) Rural Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Reserve (Thornhill) Rural Residential and ALR A-2 Upland Agriculture and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Reserve (Thornhill) and Agricultural Rural Residential and Gravel Extraction RS -3 One Family Rural Residential Agricultural (Agricultural Land Reserve) and Low/Medium Residential Vacant- Lower Jackson, 4 lot Subdivision - Upper Jackson Urban - Upper Jackson, Park - Lower Jackson 8.96 HA (Upper Jackson) and 15.06 HA (Lower Jackson) Jackson Road Full urban services required (Upper Jackson) SD/040/09 This subject property is within the Thornhill Urban Reserve and is adjacent to a variety of land designations, including Agricultural, Urban Reserve, and the Albion Area Plan designations. The development plans for the Upper Jackson farm property are for 112 residential lots of a single family nature and a variety of lot sizes, as follows: • 9 RS -1(b) (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) lots with minimum lot sizes of 690 m2, • 29 R-1(Residential District) lots with minimum lot sizes of 430 m2, • 74 R-1 (Residential District) lots with minimum lot sizes of 371 m2. The Lower Jackson Farm portion is intended to be in public ownership as a park as part of this proposal but there are currently no formal plans in place for the development of the site as a park. -2- c) Planning Analysis: The application has been given Third Reading and the applicant is addressing the conditions that must be met prior to Final Approval. An amendment to the Regional Context Statement to permit urban levels of development at this location is required prior to development occurring. The recommended approach is that this application proceed as a letter to the Corporate Secretary's Department of the Metro Vancouver Regional District. The amendment will proceed as a map amendment to Schedule "B", the generalized land use map of the Official Community Plan. The proposal will change the Urban Reserve designation of the subject property described as Upper Jackson Farm to permit urban residential development. The subject property will also need to be included in the Fraser Sewer Area Boundary in order to provide urban servicing on the site. This application will be handled separately by the Engineering Department. CONCLUSION: Council is requested to provide a resolution to the Metro Vancouver Regional District to amend the Regional Context Statement of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. This request is consistent with the direction given by Council to approve Rezoning Application RZ/040/09. It is noted that this amendment is required to complete this application and is a final condition of zoning. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner ApproveMCIP Director of P�annir�� Approved) y: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Appendix A - Subject Map -3- I1u1111L LlI,,i► I r,Irik rl_ A - J 114W ,T4 ID 11111111 APIA Illillllllll 1.1= 1 f 117.- 11 IIWP ' 1111111111111 •IIII Illi rill Vi! ,a 11 ennui 67, 102A APPENDIX A AVE WWI:3N•► M ;:! 01 AVE Lower Sac b,J Subject Properties SCALE 1:7,500 City of Pitt Meadows } • Iix"'R.LlJP'r4 11a'•a�l _ i■ Ate' District of Langley 1.4 �1� 24554-102 Ave & 84295-0000-0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 5, 2009 RZ/040/09 BY: JV MAPLE RIDGE 4 British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: November 10, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/044/09 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw Nos.6685-2009 and 6696-2009 11213, 11247, 11263, 11299 and 11333 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) zone and RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone, to permit the construction of a Commercial/ Mixed use building and 165 townhouses. This application requires an Official Community Plan amendment to Schedule "B" and "C" to change the commercial designation, and to define the conservation boundary of Rainbow Creek. This application also requires a site-specific Zoning Bylaw text amendment to the C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) zone to permit "apartment use" as a principal use and to specify gross floor area for the principal use, including the ground floor commercial uses. This application will also be subject to a Commercial Development Permit for the proposed commercial/ mixed-use building on the corner and a Multi -Family Development Permit for the townhouse component along with some setback and height variances proposed and a Watercourse Protection Development Permit for developing within 50 meters from the Rainbow Creek. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684- 2009 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1102 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw Nos. 6685-2009 and 6696-2009 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and that the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: ii. Iv. v. vi. vii. DISCUSSION: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" & °C" of the Official Community Plan; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a "Housing Agreement" stating that the apartment units above the commercial building will be restricted to residential rental units; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the parking dedicated to the residential rental units; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the habitat protection areas outside the dedicated park area; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement for municipal services must be registered at the Land Title Office; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement for the multi-purpose trial on strata property must be registered at the Land Title Office; Road dedication as required; Park dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing buildings; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor parking on the townhouse strata lot. a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Brian Shigetomi of Atelier Pacific Arch. Inc Gold Leaf Enterprises Ltd Lot: 5, Section: 16, TP: 12, NWD Plan: 26163; PID: 002-328-569 Lot: 6, Section: 16, TP: 12, MWD Plan: 26163; PID: 008-272-123 Parcel B, Part S 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-962 Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4; Section: 16, Township: 12; NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-971 Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of SE 1/4, REF PL 3659. Section: 16, TP: 12; NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013- 300-946 Existing: Medium Density Residential, Neighbourhood Commercial -2- Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: b) Site & Project Description: Neighbourhood Commercial, Medium Density Residential and Conservation RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM -1 (Townhouse Residential), C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) Single Family Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) 74% Commercial and 26% Conservation Single Family Residential and 112th Avenue RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Commercial, Residential & Conservation Single Family Residential and 240th Street RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD -1- 93 (Comprehensive Development) Low and Medium Density Residential & Conservation Single Family Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS -1b (One Family Urban Residential- Medium Density) Park and Conservation (Future Fire Hall). Single Family Residential Retail commercial with residential rental apartment units above and townhouses. 5.99 Hectares (14.8 acres) 240th Street and 112th Avenue Full Urban SD/044/09; DP/044/09 (WPDP); DP/046/09 and VP/046/09 (Mixed-use); DP/045/09 and VP/045/09 (Multi -family -Townhouses) The subject sites consist of 5 lots and totaling 14.8 acres, on the north-west corner of 240th Street and 112th Avenue. Rainbow Creek runs north -south along the western edge. A total of 26.9% of the site will be dedicated as "Park" due to its environmentally sensitive nature. This proposal will also facilitate the development of a multi-purpose trail that promises to be a good pedestrian north -south linkage. 3 Historically the most southerly lot had several greenhouse buildings that had been demolished and cleared in the summer of 2008 while the four northerly lots have single family dwellings. In general the subject sites have a gentle slope from north to south with a slight plateau at the northeast corner. Site slopes ranging from 20% to 35% are evident closer to the Rainbow Creek. The proposal consists of two components: A mixed use commercial building with residential rental apartment units on the upper floor and a large phased townhouse development of 165 units. The total proposed commercial lot area is 1.30 acres (5,224.2 m2) and the total proposed townhouse lot area is 9.25 acres (37,533.1 m2), the rest will be dedicated as "park" and road. The Site Plan shows two vehicular accesses, one from 112th Avenue and one from 240th Street. Two pedestrian accesses will be created at 112th Avenue and two from 240th Street (Appendix E- Site Plan) with special gateway entrance statements. The proposed commercial/ mixed-use development accommodates 11 retail -commercial units (of varying sizes between 660 ft2 to 1360 ft2) on the ground floor facing both 240th Street and 112th Avenue. Commercial parking is proposed behind the building so each commercial unit will have two entry doors, one serving the parking area and the other allowing access to a shopper. A corner cafe with outdoor seating is proposed to create a corner focal element for the community. On the upper floor, 16 rental apartment units each with one or two bedrooms (varying sizes between 460 ft2 to 860 ft2 each) have been proposed. The proposed townhouse development accommodates a strata complex of 2.5 & 3 storey townhouses (165 units ranging from 1,500 ft2 to 2,030 ft2 each in size) in the RM -1 zone (Townhouse Residential). Arranged in clusters of two to six ground -oriented units, each unit has a grade access and a garage off a lane. There are six townhouse unit types (3 bed room units) of varying sizes. A combination of three color schemes has been proposed to create facade variation. The proposed Commercial use on the corner will be fenced off with an adequate landscaping buffer, yet will have pedestrian accesses for residents from the townhouse development. Outdoor amenity areas as well as a system of linear parkettes/ greenways are inter -woven into the townhouse clusters providing alternative pedestrian connections throughout the site (Appendix E). Entry features at all access points are proposed to foster a "sense of place". An innovative on-site Storm Water Management Plan is proposed throughout the site. The applicant has submitted a Transportation Assessment Report by Bunt & Associates Engineering Ltd. dated June 2009; a Geotechnical Investigation Report by Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services Ltd. dated June 16, 2009; an Arborist Report by Van Der Zalm & Associates Inc. dated June 15, 2009; preliminary Site Grading Plan, Site Servicing Concept Plan, preliminary Storm water Management Plan & details by H Y Engineering Ltd. dated June 2008, April & May 2009. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan states that a total of 500 acres are designated to be commercial within the District, however 140 acres of it are under-utilized or vacant. Specific to this area around the intersection of 240th Street and 112th Avenue, the lands south of 112th Avenue, on both the east -4- and west sides of 240th Street are designated "Neighbourhood Commercial" in addition to a large portion of the proposed development. Four out of the five lots comprising the subject site are already designated "Neighborhood Commercial". Section 6.3.6 Neighbourhood Commercial Centers of the Official Community Plan identifies this intersection as a neighbourhood commercial center which are intended to be small retail areas that cater to "the daily convenience shopping and service needs of a local neighbourhood". These areas are typically less than 929 m2 (10,000 ft2) in area. Reduction in the existing neighbourhood commercial designation for the subject site would support the Official Community Plan policies of providing adequate neighbourhood commercial designation within the community at an appropriate size. Several policies in the Official Community Plan encourage street -front oriented commercial uses in a pedestrian -friendly building form with apartments above. Policy 6-37 states that "Maple Ridge will encourage the development of Neighbourhood Commercial Centers within walking distance of neighbourhoods to service the daily convenience shopping and service needs of residents in the local neighbourhood". The proposal has a small-scale (11 retail units) neighbourhood commercial component with street presence on both 240th Street and 112th Avenue and intends to cater to the daily shopping needs of the existing neighbourhood as well as the proposed townhouse development. Policy 3-34 also states that "Maple Ridge supports the provision of affordable, rental and special needs housing throughout the District". Policy 3-33 also states that "Maple Ridge supports the provision of rental accommodation and encourages the construction of rental units that vary in size and number of bedrooms". In support of both the policies stated above the neighbourhood commercial use will accommodate rental accommodation on the upper floor. In the Official Community Plan, 240th Street is considered to be a major corridor. The Official Community Plan supports a variety of housing forms and encourages mixed-use developments where appropriate. Policy 3-20 states that "Major Corridor Residential" developments must be designed to be compatible with the surrounding; be a maximum of 2.5 storeys with an emphasis on ground -oriented units (except for apartments) and adhere to the applicable Development Permit Guidelines. The proposed townhouse strata development meets these criteria and fits well with the surrounding uses. The park dedication achieved through this proposal will increase the conservation area of environmentally sensitive lands around "Rainbow Creek". This requires Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to be amended. Zoning Bylaw: Two zones have been proposed: C-1 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) and RM -1 zone (Townhouse District). This zone permits a maximum lot coverage of 40% of the net lot area and a maximum building height of 7.5 meters. The proposed lot coverage is 23%. A height variance will be required for the proposed 11.0 m height. This zone also restricts gross floor area of all permitted principal uses to an aggregate 279 m2. A site-specific text amendment to the C-1 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) is proposed to permit "apartment use" as a principal use and to permit the maximum gross floor area of the principal use not to exceed 2,100 m2 . This site-specific text amendment also -5- restricts the ground floor commercial uses to a gross floor area of 960 m2 (Appendix "D"). This zone requires the front and exterior side yard setbacks to be 7.5 meters; the rear setback to be 6.0 meters and the interior side yard setback to be 3.0 meters from the property line. Some setback and building height variances to the C-1 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) are required as stated below. The proposed RM -1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) is intended for low to medium density townhouses and multi family residential buildings. A maximum density of 0.6 times the net lot area is permitted. Proposed total density is 0.591 times the net lot area giving a total of 22,163.15m2 of total gross floor area for the 165 townhouses. Common useable open space required in this zone is 7,425 m2 and proposed is 8,250 m2 in two locations for better access & usability by residents (Appendix "E"). The required common activity area for this zone is 825 m2 and the proposed area is 4,900 m2. Maximum permitted height in this zone must not exceed 10.5 meters nor 2.5 storeys. Some units exceed this height requirement hence a height variance is required as stated below. Some setback variances to the RM -1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) will also be required. Proposed variances to the Zoning Bylaw: For the Commercial/ mixed-use building, proposed variances include: • Setback variances: Proposed front setback (along 240th Street)=4.5 m (required front setback =7.5 m); Proposed exterior side setback (along 112th Avenue)=4.5 m (required side yard setback =7.5 m); • Height variance: Proposed building height =11.0 m. For the Townhouse development, proposed variances include: • Setback variances: Proposed front setback (along 240th Street)=4.5m (required front setback =7.5 m); Proposed exterior side setback (along 112th Avenue)=4.5 m (required side yard setback =7.5 m); Proposed Interior side yard setback=5.2m (required interior side yard setback= 7.5 m) for Unit type 1A; • Height variance: Proposed maximum height for blocks 32 and 33=12.24 m (10.5 m max. permitted); proposed maximum height for block 34=12.06 m (10.5 m max. permitted) & Proposed maximum height for block 35=12.54 m (10.5 m max. permitted). These variances will form a part of a report for Council consideration at a later date. Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw: As per the Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the C-1 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) requires 1 parking space per 30 m2 of gross floor area of the commercial building, for the commercial use. The proposed gross floor area -of the retail commercial use is 955 m2, requiring 31.8 commercial spaces, 32 commercial use parking stalls have been proposed at the rear of the retail units. The parking requirement for apartment use is 1.0 space per unit plus 0.2 spaces per unit for visitors. This project proposes a total of 19 residential parking stalls and 4 visitor parking stalls separated by a drive aisle (Appendix "E"). A single loading bay will also be provided. -6- As per the Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the RM -1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) requires 2 residential parking spaces plus 0.2 visitor parking spaces per unit. All the 165 units have their own parking garages, with 2 parking spaces per unit. 64 garages are two -car and 101 garages are tandem. A total of 332 residential parking spaces and 40 visitor parking spaces have been proposed to give a total of 372 spaces (363 spaces are required in the proposed zone). Visitor parking stalls are well distributed as shown on the Site Plan. Development Permits: • The proposed design of the Commercial/ mixed-use building will have to be consistent with the "Commercial Development Permit Guidelines" for form and character as per Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. Application for the Development Permit has been received and will be the subject of a future Council Report. • The proposed design of Townhouses will have to be consistent with the "Multi -Family Development Permit Guidelines" for form and character as per Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. This will be the subject of a future Council Report. • The proposed development will have to comply with the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines due to it's proximity to the Rainbow Creek. Advisory Design Panel: On September 8, 2009 the Advisory Design Panel reviewed the proposal and commended the applicant for its extremely high quality presentation, completeness and quality of materials proposed. The panel recommended that the following concerns be addressed by the applicant as the design develops and submit to planning staff: • Address boardwalk safety issues in relation to slipping on rain snow and ice; • Consider continuity of pedestrian parkways from the residential areas to the commercial area; • Consider the facade detailing to ensure materials return at corners and terminate purposefully; • Consider how access is provided to private rear yards for maintenance and improvements; • Encourage the development of interpretive signage in public areas and recommendations' for strata bylaw guidelines. The project architect is working towards addressing these issues which will form a part of the Development Permit report at a later date. Development Information Meeting: On September 28, 2009 the applicant (project -architect), owner/ developer, other consultants and the landscape architect held the "Development Information Meeting" at the Kanaka Creek Elementary School at 11120, 234A Street from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This meeting was attended by approximately 25 to 30 people and some highlights were: -7- • All the drawings of the proposal were displayed for all interested residents and positive comments were heard about the land use and cleaning up of existing sites. • Questions related to Traffic Control, Site access and the future Fire Hall site were most common. The developer and consultants provided necessary information about these. • Concerns were expressed around the possible noise and pedestrian traffic that could be generated by the multi-purpose trail users along the dedicated park boundary and about Elementary School catchment areas and capacity to absorb more kids in the existing schools. • The consultant team addressed general questions related to project -phasing, construction time -frames, type of occupancy for the retail commercial units, proposed landscaping on site, treatment of buildings and the multi-purpose trail, etc. More specific questions about the townhouse strata development such as visitor parking, buffer treatment, townhouse unit sizes & layouts, provision of green and walk able spaces, exterior treatment of buildings and connectivity were answered by consultants. • Several residents strongly supported the proposed Commercial/ Retail use but were not in favour of a liquor store, pub or a big box retailer due to fear of increased crime and homeless people. They also had concerns of the rental units above the commercial use bringing in low-income residents and insecurity in the neighbourhood. • A request for further information regarding proposed location of sewer lines was made. The Development Information Meeting concluded at 9:30 PM. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • Road dedication of 3.0 meters along the length of both: 240th Street and 112th Avenue plus a 5m X 5m corner truncation at the intersection. • 240th Street & 112th Avenue frontages: Widen to Urban Arterial standard, including provision for ultimate five -lane approach to the 112th Avenue intersection including curb, gutter, separated sidewalks, Street trees, Ornamental Street lighting, under -ground wiring for all utilities and other intersection improvements such as traffic signage & signal system, concrete median with flasher luminaries and bicycle lane; • Sanitary Sewer/ Storm Sewer/ Drainage: On 240th Street, sanitary & storm sewer system upgrade from existing system south of 113th Avenue to existing system at 110th Avenue • Water main: New service connections to both proposed lots and relocation of hydrants to accommodate road widening. • Coordination with CMBC existing bus stops on 240th Street and 112th Avenue. • DCC: No DCC payable at zoning stage; DCC forgiveness possible at the Building Permit stage; • Right -of Way: A municipal statutory right-of-way for a road culvert (Plan LMP 30218) exists at the southwest corner of the subject site, which will be made redundant by road dedication and park dedication. Other existing easement plan (Plan RP75056) and existing pipeline easement serving future municipal fire hall on the west must be sorted out by the applicant. -8- Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and comments that due to the future municipal fire hall site on the west of the subject sites, 112th Avenue and 240th Street will be primary fire -response routes. They will need to be built to arterial standard and appropriate traffic light additions/ upgrades at 112th Avenue; Kanaka way and 240th Street intersection are required. Building Department: The Building Department reviewed the proposal and has the following comments: • All proposed structures to comply with the applicable sections of the code; including non- combustible construction, fire -rated part wall of 1 hour at the underside of the roof, covered patios and open decks, etc and fire truck accessibility conformation; • Verify water pressure for fire sprinkler system; • Geotechnical and Infiltration covenants will be required. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In case of this project, exact number of street trees will be finalized at the Development Permit stage through the detailed landscape plan. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements and that all trees within the dedicated park area must be assessed for safety prior to park dedication and hazardous trees removed at the applicant's expense. e) School District Comments: A referral was sent to the School District Office and there was no response. f) Intergovernmental lssues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, (insert amendment), is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. -9- g) Environmental lmplications: The subject sites consisting of 5 legal lots are impacted by Rainbow Creek that runs north -south along the western edges; hence the application will be subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit through which substantial enhancement works and re -vegetation will be required along with a five-year maintenance period and securities to ensure that the proposed environmental works will be implemented. The environmentally sensitive area will be dedicated as "Park" which contributes to approximately 26.9% of the consolidated site although some pockets will be covenanted for habitat protection. CONCLUSION: The proposal is a pedestrian -friendly urban solution including dedicated park area, multi-purpose trail connection from 112th Avenue to 240th street and enhancement works proposed around the Rainbow Creek. Research done by independent analysis by Rollo and Associates during the 2006 Official Community Plan review process supports the reduction of commercial designated lands at this location. Through the requirement of rental residential units in the commercial/ mixed-use building, the proposal promises to add a quality rental option for residents. Some variances as stated above require approval at the Development Permit stage which Council will review at a later date. It is recommended that this proposal be given favourable consideration and forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B -Arch, M -Tech, UD (SFU) pproved ► Ja - ■' - ' _, MCIP Approved by Frank Quinn, MBA, R: -ET, C,GM: P iic Worl�s & Development Services Concurrence/ J. L. (Jim)- ule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - OCP Amending Bylaw 6684-2009 Appendix C - Zone Amending Bylaw 6685-2009 Appendix D - Zone Amending Bylaw 6696-2009 Appendix E - Site Plan Appendix F - Building Elevations Appendix G - Preliminary Storm water Management Plan - 10 - A 406 LM 1334[1 46 N31 LFA 45 P 44 3797 43 113 B AVE. is 4 11413 m 3 m 11414 c9 2 11410 3 a P 34984 1/ RP 3659 11403 11397 22 1416 *PP045 A RP 8357 11394 7 11382 1 I 6 BCP •0580 15 16 11003 773&5 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 363 11333 s RP 3659 N 1/2 of S 1/2 B 11299 RP 3659 S 1/2 of S 1/2 B 11263 Pol. 'P' RP 1224 LMP 24722 PARK City of Pitt Meadows • JI 6 P 26163 11247 11213 5 P 26163 EP 15665 c P 19825 SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley FRASER lid 4 11362 3 11356 1350 113 AAVE. 11339 -! 5 11328 4 11316 3 11310 2 0_ v m 11302 1 11220 numo stn 11320 11303 9 1 2 17250 8 N W P5589 11213/47/63/99 & 11333 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE Brtish Cu lumnia CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 22, 2009 FILE: RZ/044/09 BY: PC Pi -prep -dry a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6684-2009 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6684-2009 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot: 5, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 26163; PID: 002-328-569 And Lot: 6, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 26163; PID: 008-272-123 And Parcel B, Part S 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: RP3659; PLD: 013-300-962 And Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4; Section: 16, Township: 12; NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-971 And Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of SE 1/4, REF PL 3659; Section: 16, Township: 12; at Lot 5; Section 16; TP 12; NWD Plan 26163; PID: 013-300-946 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 779, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw are hereby redesignated as shown. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot: 5, Section: 16, Township: 12, Plan: 26163; PID: 002-328-569 And Lot: 6, Section: 16, Township: 12, Plan: 26163; PID: 008-272-123 And Parcel B, Part S 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4, Section: 16, Township: 12, Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-962 And Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4; Section: 16, Township: 12; Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-971 And Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of SE 1/4, REF PL 3659; Section: 16, Township: 12; PID: 013-300-946 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.780, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER iliMIIMIMIallegif'Jr1u1� Wil! ►y�— 113 8 AVE. ti 1 77405 LMP 31333 17197 »402 PARK 22 21 LMP 31331 N 7 11382 13 7j' Pcl. 2 RP 6761 - J 6 o 77376 0 m 12 1137' 1 32 ry 33 34 h hL 35 Pd- 1 113725 o /. 0 11 77�r 4p36 3397 38 0.797 ho RP 6260 71362 d U 10 713. ,f 30 7l1. LAdp 3 m -m 9 18 77356 1135" c.. 29 0^, 19 17 ' 97 ti 16 ii ♦eis, 7735_2 8 Q I: ` 04 o9 ,3" so a A Z$ 20 �i ti 173 A AVE.263,,.v •�♦i♦i �iiiii ;TO 1336 r� 6 T7Ji8 g 21 j� 2314 71328 tp ry 14 ) i 4 co 1132 28 224x3 _ - . ! 137G cv N 7 /7 s 03 23 �`S36 6. ry P� i• 0] 71310 2 m ' d 1137 �µ m 8 �Q. ♦� i 11302 1 1T-Cr Y 1730 1137 1 9 1/30531 BCP fripT. + Tr .4/ Pr NI HCr2285aE? 1 il. Iff ♦ i44 0* i f♦ �♦ ♦♦ Rii ♦iii �►i 1.214 ha n 77300 Ali_� N a 2 Pcl. 'P' N1F 11' / y♦•�77250 #.T NV 0.779 ha RP 1224 4.047 ha ri�ii; i 1 i # a iii Ask' 4 ♦ ''''' r4 i n 7 7 a A. ds: , 24722\ / PARK ,,, �4 11 Ua Q. ., c S NW P5589 VIAL- Bylaw No. Map No. From: Urban TGE OFFICIAL COVVUITY 6684-2009 779 Residential, Commercial, Park and Conservation DLA\ ANE\iI\G Commercial Residential To: 0.0 Urban ///1 Conservation 1:2500 .....__. MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia A 0( ' CI3 VI 0_ c� �� fp3 113 9 AVE. �) ry 1 11405 f. 2 PARK 221>3s� LMP 3133 21 LMP 31331 7 11392 13 ' Pcl. 2 RP 6761 J 11$76 op g 1 ev32 N33 a N34,, Pcl. 1 /1372■1. L P 36 3 g7 X38 0.797 ha RP 6260 11362 0 • 'JJ ,'.,, 30 W MP 18 ! 7363 3 w 11356 9 1135- 0, 97 O 19 17 q9 0' ti 16 11.�so . 2 / •T- r t 29 $ .mss 2. 2,3-45,4_ ry'T 8 ^"> 2iiiii N 1 8 ry° 113 A AVE. 26d2 Q 3s 17336 k 6 r7 j 23878 Z 21 j' ^ F.: 11329 `o • 'LC' 14 n 4 co •' N 1132' 28 22 r86 "P < Q R 3659 U o 77376 N I N 7 1T j 23 i ASE 12 .023 ha N m /1310 U 2 m ' 37 0 \3 `pB.SB 11 .1 7,3,33 11302 7130 17 7 1130631 BCP — 1 9 RP 3659 1.012 N 1/2 of S 1/2 B 71295 l7 u p 5to BC22866 � " 1 RP 3659 S 1/2 of S 1/2 B 1.214 ha n 11300 d._ 1 .012 ha 1726.3 eJ LN 2 rL Pcl. 'P' 0.809 ha .6 P 26163 71247 0.779 ha 11250 RP 1224 4.047 ha RP 75 1ol — LI 1 3 5 P 2616 1.200 ha 218 1121' ro 24722\ /PARK IN, 11 IIS Z R C B NWP5589 VAPLE TGE OFFICIAL CON Bylaw No. 6684-2009 Map No. 780 PURPOSE: TO ADD AS CONSERVATION IVU\ITY PLA\ AVE\9I\C ON SCHEDULE C 1:2500 4 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia ppeA CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6685-2009 A Bylaw to amend Map A forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: And And And And 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6685-2009." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot: 5, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 26163; PID: 002-328-569 Lot: 6, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 26163; PID: 008-272-123 Parcel B, Part S 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4, Section: 16, Township: 12, NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-962 Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of S 1/2 of SE 1/4; Section: 16, Township: 12; NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-971 Parcel B, Part N 1/2 of SE 1/4, REF PL 3659; Section: 16, Township: 12; NWD Plan: RP3659; PID: 013-300-946 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1460, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2010. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER A Ppo•ai iX c V������ - rii.a�� W� Q� t 13 B AVE. N 1 »�° LMP 31333 — — — 7139 17402 PARK 22 21 LMP .31331 3 7 17382 13 '7�a� s 2 RP 6761 17376 c v.Pcl. 1I33u3536 Pcl. 1 50 71372 N 0 11 N 1137 �,I 33 97 37 1, 0.797 ha RP 6260 71362 U 10 773. 30 70 Mph 18 3 17356 9 1735 �ti' 29 rn 19 17 97 9 N nY 16 17 3530 2 Q 8 ism 250 in 23 28 20 .7 iiiii $ te° 113 A AVE.&6 7 ''',-r6.›,fi BCP 15941 y 7i 6a g 2134>, 238784 387148 11328 ►. I ^� 4 c • 1 1132 28 .• Q 22 6 a 3659 Wial N 7 7 s ' 23 -A 1 62 a c _023 ha 113 2 U m • ul m 837 D j2Q 1133 17302 1 > 13� 9 17 7 7130631 BCP RP 3659 1.012 N 1/2 of S 1/2 B 1729 BC 22866 1 RP '3659 S 1/2 S 1/2 B 1.214 ha r- 11300 d- 1.012 ha of 7125 . r') N N 2 a Pcl. 'P' 0.809 ha 6 P 26163 1124 0.779 ha 17250 RP 1224 4.047 ha 1 — J ■ 75 e: 5 P 2616 1.200 h(RP /121 m ■ Mil 24722\ /PARK s uo ry 1Jlo U�- Z J c B NWP5589 VALE Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: TGE ZO\E AVE\3I\G 6685-2009 1460 RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) j/ka 1:2500 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6696-2009 A Bylaw to amend the text in the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) applicable to the subject site (legal description below) and Map A forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6696-2009." 2. That PART 7 - COMMERCIAL ZONES, 701 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL: C-1(1) Permitted Principal Uses, is amended by the addition of e) as stated below: e) apartment use is permitted specific to the following site: part of Lot 5; Section 16; TP 12; NWD Plan 26163; PID: 002-328-569 as shown in Map No. 1463 attached. 3. That PART 7 - COMMERCIAL ZONES, 701 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL: C-1 (8) OTHER REGULATIONS b) shall be deleted and replaced by the following: b) (i) The gross floor area of all permitted principal uses shall not in the aggregate exceed 279 m2. (ii) The gross floor area of all permitted principal uses shall not in the aggregate exceed 2100 m2 on Lot 5; Section 16; TP 12; NWD Plan 26163; PID: 002-328-569. Gross Floor Area of the ground floor commercial uses shall not exceed a total of 960 m2. 4. That PART 7 - COMMERCIAL ZONES, 701 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL: C-1 (8) OTHER REGULATIONS, is amended by the addition of clause f): f) An apartment use at Lot 5; Section 16; TP 12; NWD Plan 26163; PID: 002-328-569: (i) shall be limited exclusively to storeys above the first storey of a building; (ii) shall be the only use in a storey so used; (iii) shall be located within a building above a permitted commercial use; 5. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Eastern part of Lot 5; Section 16; TP 12, NWD Plan 26163; PID: 002-328-569 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1463, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial). 6. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. 7 Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended is hereby amended, applicable to lands none other than described above, accordingly: READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2010. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER A r +x D "+ •r I"+ J‘i [ Lm r-,.�., 113 B AVE. ry ti LMP 31333 1739 N 11394 7121 2jl•y PARK LMP 31331 22 11382 ��5 13 4_.t,'5. Pcl. 2 RP 6761 J 6 o 0 12 oa ' 1 .'1 ry32ry33ry3,ti „� cb 35 h36 Pcl. 1 77376 >� n 77372 C9 113 2 11 7737 30 p 33 97 ti37 38 0.797 ha RP 6260 77352 u U 10 7135 '� . g � 17 11356 113 ' c~' 29 ^ 19 17 $g 97 77350 Q .-- so 'a 23pirs. 0 23892 2 N 1 /2 B 113 A AVE. ti ,>�2 ti 7 9 M /126 >' 23878 � t S 6 0 211• ^ 7 x.728 up 14 � 4 co j732 28 i N.�`�$6�a, RP 3659 a 0 N 11 5 a 23 ry AJC-- ?`3, 12 of N 2.023 ha 113 ' 2 m :.. U7rT/• m 8 4 �, 11 77 77302 1130 7 JP 9 7930631 BCP — — RP 3659 1.012 ha N 1/2 of S 1/2 B 1129• 8C 2286. 1 RP 3659 1.012 ha S 1/2 of S 1/2 B 1.214 ha 11.300 -a- 7726 ro • N N 2 a Pcl. 'P' 0.809 ha 6 P 26163 7724 0.779 ha 11250 23985 N r RP 1224 4.047 ha - iP-75-05 E 1 LMP 3C218 5 P 2616 1.200 he p k 24722\ /PARK 11)4? c B NWP5589 VALE TGE ZO\E AME\DI\G Bylaw No, 6696-2009 Map No. 1463 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) . A 1:2500 bi,i, MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia ElITiiiiiiir . ` g.: :Clit IP, 111011P 11111. of mei. Int all A• r _i 0 0 1- z Id a 0 J W W 0 Id U] 3 0 I Z 0 1- 0 W 0 a 0 tt a SITE LAYOUT SCALE - 1:400 EST CORNER OF n 0 N N s i i 4 7 z 2 a a .1 , W U w zr N V 2 K W ft 0 0 a0 0 W W a am L a U N ti m w C W 0 . + -U J WOOD] POS o a N GARAGE DOORS FRONT J REAR DOORS CULTURED STONE VENEER 0 4 a x NN 20 F � 0 2 OK VINYL WINDOW FRAMES WINDOW 7 DOOR TRIMS VINYL SOFFITS TYPICAL FRONT ELEVATION - BLOCK TYPE 'V Colours /Materials Palette COLOUR SCHEME 1 AAr4ix F 4 d 0 Tia NarlhWas' Cornttr of 24Ofl Strad & 112th Av.nu•, Mnpia Rid;. lel r COLOURS + MATERIALS a) estO. a) .r 2 CO 0 �0 V 2ONTAL VINYL SIDING] O z 1 INO 2 [VERTICAL VINYL SIDIND] } 0 0 z 0 O WOOD POSrs ! BEAMS I GARAGE DOORS FRONT /REAR DOORS 1 1 CULTURED STONE VENEER VINYL WINDOW FRAMES WINDOW I DOOR TRIMS VINYL SOFFITS BLOCK TYPE ' itypei•-dix 1- Z W 0. 0 J Id W 0 W N a I Z 0 1- 0 Id N 0 a 0 m a COLOUR SCHEME 1 SIDING 2 (VERTICAL VINYL SIDIN 2 (PROFILED VINYL SHINGLE PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT GARAGE DOORS FRONT! REAR DOORS CULTURED STONE VENEER VINYL WINDOW FRAMES WINDOW / DOOR TRIMS VINYL SOFFITS 0 2 N a- 0 0 r0 L '■ I 1 COLOUR SCHEME z W a 0 J w W 0 W N 0 I Z 0 F 0 W N 0 a 0 a N J a CE 0w -J- 112th Avenue. Maple Ridg■ NorlhWaat Corner al 240th Stiller & COLOURS + MATERIALS 44 1 [HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDINGj LED VINYL Irr., ;x r 11 L R , JZ."! Cs' W 2 W 0 N IX 0 —J 0 0 H z W 0. 0 J W w J 4 re W i 0 0 0 W m 0 a 0 re a oS GO J 2 4 M CC 0w 0 4C U 2 NORTHWEST CORNER OF 240TH STREET ■ 112TH AVE, MAPLE RIDGE, 6.0 ATFL$FR PAW IC ARCIERECT4 RE cra M T. fUUIMEf RIMC 1 TP 0 iJ CD O 1- z W 1 a W 0 4J 0 ac 1 z 0 a 0 4 a n a re n co • -I ca 7 0[ ow �r 2 RIDGE. 6 C. NORTHWEST CORNER OF 210TH STREET 4 112TH AVE , MAPLE IITEIIEH PACIFIC AIICXR ECJI NE uO X.* En tNE1 I '1 I tp !C„TLU@Ln 1 ApptiNdi C W - 0 a �^ W N J ITD E Ir0 2 O -J 6.1 0 U- . h y 2 H 2 V, - IC IA 1.1 0 • o _ Z� 0 i 3C. 0. gr - U 0 n r. • MAPLE RIDGE Brr Ih C0111„Ihia Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: November 9, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/060/09 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 23589 & 23571 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30 (1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude from the Agricultural Land Reserve approximately 3.5 hectares (8.9 acres) of land located at 23589 & 23571 Lougheed Highway. The applicant intends to develop the site for commercial development. The application conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. At their February 14, 2005 Workshop, Council resolved that the process for referring applications for exclusion to the Agricultural Land Commission include the options noted under the Recommendation heading. RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation and direction is being sought from Council: a) That the application not be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission; or b) That the application be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission with a summary of Council's comments. Staff recommendation: That Council not authorize this application to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Clem De Gobbi Owner: Clem De Gobbi Legal Description: Lot: 1, Plan: 8827& Lot: 2, Plan: 8827 OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Agricultural RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) 1103 Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Park (Albion Sports Complex) CD -4-88 Agricultural Events, Special Events, Swap Meets, etc) Park in the Agricultural Land Reserve. Industrial M-2 General Industrial Industrial Rural Residential RS -3 One Family Rural Residential Agricultural Commercial (legal non -conforming) RS -3 One Family Rural Residential Agricultural Vacant Commercial 3.5 Hectares (8.9 acres) Lougheed Highway on-site water and sewer AL/117/04 included other properties in the vicinity for a large scale exclusion application, which Council denied from proceeding to the Agricultural Land Commission. The subject properties are located within the Albion Flats and have a combined area of 3.5 hectares (8.9 acres). They are situated within and along the boundary of the Agricultural Land Reserve. If successful, the applicant intends to develop the site for commercial purposes. The area is within the floodplain of the Fraser River, and is environmentally sensitive, with watercourses, known fish presence, and wildlife habitat. Any potential development must address this issue. c) Planning Analysis: Development Considerations Official Community Plan. The site proposes to develop urban levels of commercial development on a site that is not considered available for urban development and is therefore at odds with the stated direction of the Community as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The Regional Context Statement of the Official Community Plan outlines the District's commitment to growth management measures by containing growth within the Urban Area Boundary. -2- Amending the Urban Area Boundary. It was recognized at the time of the adoption of the Official Community Plan that amendments to the Urban Area Boundary might be pursued in certain instances to meet specific community objectives, such as generating more local employment. These issues are discussed in Section 6.1 of the Official Community Plan. A process for extending the urban area boundary for this purpose is discussed in Policy 6-4 of the Official Community Plan. The Albion Flats. Section 6.2.3 of the Official Community Plan notes the strategic importance of the Albion Flats to the community and its potential for a variety of suitable land uses. It also notes that these properties are under municipal, regional, and provincial jurisdiction, and therefore, land use decisions that would change their agricultural designation cannot be made without the consent of these other jurisdictions. This section of the Official Community Plan recognizes the need for collaboration with the following agencies, who also have objectives that must be met: o Agricultural Land Commission. In reviewing a number of applications in the Albion Flats over the years, the Commission has agreed to endorse in principle the concept of subareas within the Flats (pertinent correspondence from the Commission is appended to this report). In 1999 the Commission indicated that it would support agri-industrial uses on the subject properties and their retention in the Agricultural Land Reserve. It is uncertain at this time if the Commission is still supportive of this initiative o Metro Vancouver Regional District. The Regional District is undergoing a review of the Regional Growth Strategy for the Region. This review will be completed in the near future. At this stage, the land is designated agricultural and outside the urban area boundary. Clarity is being sought from the Regional District about this area o Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District. This regional agency is part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District. It is involved with the extension of sewer services, and is directed by the Liquid Waste Management Plan. The objectives of this agency are integrated with the growth management plan for the Metro Vancouver Regional District. The subject properties are not within the Fraser Sewer Area and the approval of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District would be required to amend the Fraser Sewer Area boundary. Official Community Plan Implementation. No applications for exclusion have been forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission since the adoption of the Official Community Plan on November 14, 2006. Chapter 11, the Implementation section, recommends the sequencing of Council directed work to advance community objectives. Towards this end, Policy 11-1 states: Maple Ridge will collaborate with agencies, including the Agricultural Land Commission and the Greater Vancouver Regional Board, and the community to develop a comprehensive strategy to further community objectives. The comprehensive strategy will include: i) the completion of an agricultural plan that will form the foundations for the comprehensive strategy, and will inform decisions regarding further studies, including item (ii) and (iii) as follows; ii) an Urban Area Boundary Review; and iii) a commercial and industrial land use strategy. -3- This application has occurred in advance of these recommended steps and on this basis, should be considered premature. Agricultural Plan. An agricultural plan has been prepared for Council's consideration and prior to its adoption, Council has requested clarification on specific points from the Agricultural Advisory Committee. The policy work undertaken with the agricultural plan includes building on Council direction as provided in the Official Community Plan. In particular, policy 6-12 a) states that: Maple Ridge will protect the productivity of its agricultural land by: a) adopting a guiding principle of "positive benefit to agriculture" when making land use decisions that could affect the agricultural land base, with favourable recognition of initiatives including but not limited to supportive non-farm uses, infrastructure improvements for farmland, or the inclusion of land elsewhere in the Agricultural Land Reserve; This application does not address this policy consideration for positive benefits to agriculture. The agricultural plan has not yet been adopted but is currently being reviewed by Council. As this application is at odds with the Official Community Plan, and with the recommended process for extending urban development outside of the urban area boundary, it is recommended that this application not be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. Area Plan. In recognition of the strategic importance of these lands, Council is considering an area planning process for the Albion Flats. Any review of development proposals should be made within this context. It is generally recognized that the Albion Flats is important to the future of the community, and greater consideration must be given to the highest and best potential land uses for the area. On November 9, 2009 Council received and discussed a report on an Area Plan process for the Albion Flats. Council resolved to meet with the Agricultural Land Commission and would reconsider the staff report following this meeting. The Albion Flats has significant physical challenges, including watercourse protection, drainage, and floodplain management. Infrastructure servicing would include stormwater management and the inclusion of the site into the Fraser Sewer Area. Compensation for loss of agricultural land and impacts to remaining agricultural land should be a consideration. These issues and their redress should be identified through a comprehensive area planning process. In advance of this process, it is recommended that exclusion applications on a parcel by parcel basis not be forwarded by Council to the Agricultural Land Commission, as to do so could undermine the potential for meeting these desired objectives. CONCLUSION: Council has been provided with options for processing this application. A discussion of the implications of this application have been provided, based on the policies of the Official Community Plan and the more recent initiatives that Council is considering. These initiatives include the agricultural plan and an area planning process for the Albion Flats, where the subject property is -4- located. Based upon these considerations, the staff recommendation is not to forward the application to the Agricultural Land Commission. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner Apprp ed b e Pic ctor. Approved ! Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer DH/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Previous Correspondence from the Agricultural Land Commission -5- fi Rem 5 Rem 4 SUBJECT PROPERTIES Appendix A Rem 3 P 7595 SCALE 1:2,500 City of Pitt Meadows__ District of Langley =--FRASEA A- C 0 0 0 23571/89 LOUGHEED HWY. MAPLE RIDGE Bniah Co umtla CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 20, 2009 FILE: AL/060/09 BY: PC Appendix B August 13, 1998 Reply to the attention of Bruce Gunn. Mayor Carl Durksen and Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor Durksen: RE: Albion Area ALR Our File: #59-K-92-25551 As you may recall, on July 17, 1998 the Commission by Resolution # 454/98 excluded the Wynnyk property (Lot 6, N.W.D. Plan 60014, D.L. 405, Group 1) located south of 104 th. Ave. in the Albion Flats area of the District. As part of the review of this application (#25239) the Commission considered the ALR designation of lands in the vicinity of the Wynnyk's site. Based on its review, the Commission concluded that in addition to the exclusion of the Wynnyk's 5.5 ha. site a further roughly 60.5 ha. in the southeast sector of the Albion Flats ought to be considered for exclusion from the ALR (please refer to the attached map). In arriving at this position the Commission considered a number of factors including: ▪ existing uses such as the current extensive municipal Fairgrounds Complex, * the expansion and encroachment of Genstar's Cottonwood Subdivision onto adjoining ALR lands, • the exclusion of the Wynnyk's site and the likelihood of conversion of this site to urban use, and * the Commission's previous agreement in principle to consider "agri-industrial" uses for Iots adjacent to the Lougheed Highway as per the 1993 Albion Area ALR Review (ALC Res. #237/93) which was subsequently confirmed by the Commission in its review of the Maple Ridge Rural Plan (Res. #780/97). Finally, in relating this information to the balance of the land in the southeast sector, the Commission felt that this roughly 29 ha. area vas isolated from other ALR lands and likely to be negatively impacted by the existing and proposed developments as described above. Therefore, the Commission concluded that this portion of the area along \vith the Fairgounds Complex (25.5 ha), the Genstar site (6.0 ha) and the recently excluded Wynnyk's site (5.5 ha) formed an identifiable block of roughly 66 ha. which should be considered for exclusion from the ALR. ...2 Preserving Our Foodlands District of Maple Ridge August 13, 1998 Page 2 -The purpose of this letter is to inform the District of Maple Ridge and by copy of this letter to each affected land owner, that the Commission. by Resolution #532/98. has determined that the lands depicted on the attached map should be considered for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Further the Commission wishes to advise the District of Maple Ridge that they may wish to submit a single block ALC exclusion application respecting this entire area as per Section 14 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act. The Commission suggests that there are administrative advantages to the District and land owners in adopting this approach. However, in the absence of a single block application the Commission is prepared to consider exclusion applications from individual land owners within the identified exclusion area. Lastly, the Commission would like to thank District staff for supplying our staff with a map and accompanying list of affected owners in order that we might provide all parties with notice of this decision. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Bruce Gunn, Planning Officer at 660-7019 or Craig Sobering, Research Officer at 775-1493. Yours truly; AGRICULTURALND COMMISSION L per: K. B_ Miller, Gei eral Manager Mark f. T f Regional c.c. Mark Robbins, Regional Agroiogist Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Abbotsford BG/lv'✓7'i/Encl. GREATER VANCOUVi .G Y r e 41, ✓tM• 111114%:. AVE. REA TO BE CONSIDERED OR EXCLUSION FROM THE LR BY RES. # 532/98: 1.5 HA. (approximate calculation) SEC.4 L. 405 MEI EMI 411k4PM MEI I I1V* 444:: 'R4 • MAPLE RIDGE 9rlikh Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit, Development Permit 20611 Lougheed Highway November 4, 2009 DVP/058/09 D P/058/09 C of W EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Commercial Development Permit application has been received for the above noted property to support the renovation and expansion of the service bay, show room and customer service areas and exterior facade upgrade of the Honda dealership building under the CS -1 (Service Commercial) zone. This application is subject to the Development Permit Guidelines for Commercial development as outlined in the 2006 Official Community Plan. In support of the development application, the applicant has made application for a Development Variance Permit to vary the height of the front entry element from a maximum 7.7 meters allowed under the CS -1 (Service Commercial) zone to 8.7 metres to accommodate the Honda corporate dealership design. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/058/09 respecting property located at 20611 Lougheed Highway; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/058/09. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Teck Construction Llp Jack Hastings Mary Jones Properties Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 1, D.L.: 278, Plan: 87086 OCP: Zoning: Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) -1- 1104 Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: b) Project Description: Fitness Centre, Pub CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Tire Retail, Flooring Retail CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Westridge Shopping Centre C-2 (Community Commercial), CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Vacant RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Commercial Car dealership Car dealership 5528 m2 (1.36 ac) Lougheed Highway, 119 Avenue Full Urban The proponent is proposing an expansion of the existing building and an upgrade of the fagade to coincide with the updated Honda corporate branding. The proposal includes removing the existing washing bays, currently located outside on the west side of the building, inside into the new expanded service shop. The addition also includes a new customer service area and an expansion to the existing show room. The total required parking for this project is 102 stalls. The project exceeds this requirement and is providing 107 spaces, 33 of which are located on an adjoining property owned by the proponent. The proponent will secure the parking on the adjacent lot by way of a restrictive covenant. Access to the subject property will remain the same with one access off of Lougheed Highway and one access at the rear off of 119th Avenue. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: This development is subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan that aim to regulate the form and character of development located within commercial area. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. -2- 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. The perimeter landscaping has been improved and the existing trees facing 119th Avenue have been preserved in new landscaped islands on site. As this commercial upgrade is to an existing building the site design has not been changed and will not affect adjacent development. No residential uses abut this site. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale though providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking area, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts Landscaping has been provided along Lougheed Highway and the landscape plan includes additional pockets of "green" throughout the parking area. The improved commercial architectural design for the project increases the visual interest along the streetscape. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. The proposed development is an upgrade on the existing dealership on the subject property. The expansion is occurring to the rear and side of the existing building and therefore does not negatively impact views. The facade upgrade is of higher quality than its existing form which enhances the Lougheed Highway corridor. 4. Respect the need for private area in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. There are no residential areas adjacent to this development, however, this project is moving the washing bays from outside adjacent to the vacant lot to inside the building respecting any future development that may occur to the west of the subject property. Zoning: The architectural feature at the front entrance of the building is 1 metre higher than the maximum height allowed under the CS -1 (Community Commercial zone. This feature enhances the visual interest of the building and substantially improves the existing building. This feature is also critical to the Honda corporate image. The applicant has made application for a Development Variance Permit to vary the height of the front entry element from a maximum 7.7 metres allowed under the CS -1 (Service Commercial) zone to 8.7 metres. -3- d) Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on September 8, 2009 at which time the following recommendations were made: • The Panel would like to recommend that the applicant ensure the retention of all existing landscaping on the site and that a landscape architect be retained for the development permit drawings prior to submission of building permit to ensure all existing landscaping is adequately protected. In response to this, the applicant's Landscape Architect has, on the landscape drawing, indicated the extent of all the existing landscaping. He has also identified, labeled, and sized the existing landscape elements to ensure they remain. • That the applicant consider providing weather protection over pedestrian entry doors The main entry doors are recessed into the entry element. The only other public access point, into the parts and service areas, has a canopy as requested. • That the applicant consider providing Alucobond panels in lieu of an exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) This was done in consultation with the owner, however, Alucobond is roughly twice the price of an EIFS system. In an effort to keeps costs down the applicant will be using EIFS. e) Financial Implications: A refundable security equivalent to 2.5 % of the estimated value of construction will be provided by the developer to ensure that the development, including the landscaping, is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated construction value of $1,372,500.00, the security will be $34,312.50 f) Alternatives: Under Section 919.1 of the Local Government Act and Section 8.1 of the Official Community Plan the property has been designated a Development Permit Area with special requirements for commercial development. Council approval is required for the Commercial' Development Permit prior to a Building Permit being issued. -4- CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the guidelines for the Commercial Development Permit Area for form and character, it is recommended that VP/058/09 and DP/058/09 be given favourable consideration. Prepared by: Jen Csikos Planrng Technician Appr d by: ening, CP, MCIP Director • Planning Approved by: ank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jin%) Rule Chief 'Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan / Rendering Appendix C - Building Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Plans - 5 - 0 N 6563 9662 95 LOUGHEED HWy Rem 3 Rem. 1 2 P 72179 LMP 20045 04 5 N 6 LMp 20045 SCALE 1:2,000 City of Pitt Meadows DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Rem 1 P9801 119 AVE. A P 76445 N P 78869 P 87086 1 P 10201 LMP 1703 (LEASE PLAN) 0 803 AffericliY 4 P 69066 P 66429 300 11973 P 75912 11955 P 76445 B 11935 119 AVE. Subject Property P 25311 (P 87086) 0) N 1 BCP 34169 9 P 75414 NWS 2959 P 75414 NWS 2745 District of Langley 0 N FRASER R. N RP 9591 11819 P 11910 11842 6 11836 4 11828 11820 G 20611-Lougheed Hwy MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 26, 2009 VP/058/09 BY: PC m N o N 0 2 O 12013 / / 30 20617 32 0 N 33 0 N 6563 9662 95 LOUGHEED HWy Rem 3 Rem. 1 2 P 72179 LMP 20045 04 5 N 6 LMp 20045 SCALE 1:2,000 City of Pitt Meadows DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Rem 1 P9801 119 AVE. A P 76445 N P 78869 P 87086 1 P 10201 LMP 1703 (LEASE PLAN) 0 803 AffericliY 4 P 69066 P 66429 300 11973 P 75912 11955 P 76445 B 11935 119 AVE. Subject Property P 25311 (P 87086) 0) N 1 BCP 34169 9 P 75414 NWS 2959 P 75414 NWS 2745 District of Langley 0 N FRASER R. N RP 9591 11819 P 11910 11842 6 11836 4 11828 11820 G 20611-Lougheed Hwy MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 26, 2009 VP/058/09 BY: PC liffg 1 8 joie x 210 W z -eQ Cez<0 r end;x � 11 3 !ib 1Q Q.R • YMN9lH aiiN94p1§ 7 41" eTE LAI ! 1 -4- I [ I Js • A z 0 i i • r" 11 . . ; 1 �I 5 . A/7'Mk01H sig MAPLE RIDGE B,ielsh Columbia -. Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Variance Permit 24369 126 Avenue DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: FILE NO: ATTN: November 6, 2009 DVP/037/08 CoW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A development variance permit application has been received for property located at 24369 126 Avenue. The purpose of the development variance permit is: 1. To reduce the minimum lot width for the RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone from 36 m to 35.5 m.; and 2. To allow a 6 m wide road carriageway on 126 Avenue rather than 7 m wide. This application is in support of a 2 lot subdivision under the RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/037/08 respecting property located at 24369 126 Avenue DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Gordon Barthels Gordon and Diana Barthels Lot 69, Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 43885 Estate Suburban Residential Estate Suburban Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 1105 Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Requested Variances: b) Project Description: Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Estate Suburban Residential and Suburban Residential Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Estate Suburban Residential and Suburban Residential Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Suburban Residential Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Estate Suburban Residential Residential Residential 8,130 m2 (0.813 HA) 126 Avenue Suburban residential standard with sanitary sewer via local improvement project RZ/037/08 and SD/037/08 To reduce the minimum lot width for the RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone from 36m to 35.5m. To allow a 6m wide road carriageway on 126 Avenue rather than 7m wide. The applicant has applied to rezone the subject property from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) in support of a 2 lot subdivision with lots not less than 0.4 ha. The application received Third Reading on February 24, 2009 and the applicants will be requesting that Final Reading be granted once the conditions for Final Reading are met. As part of the subdivision process, the applicant is seeking two variances, which are: 1. To reduce the minimum lot width for the RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone from 36m to 35.5m.; and 2. To allow a 6m wide road carriageway on 126 Avenue rather than 7m wide. 2 c) Planning Analysis: Zoning Bylaw The minimum width required for lots within the RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone is 36m. The applicant is requesting to vary this requirement for a minimum width of 35.5m for both lots. The minimum lot depths and areas comply. Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw Under the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, the rural road standard for asphalt width is 7.Om. The existing asphalt width for 126 Avenue is approximately 6m. The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and has noted that: 1. The roads in this area are adequate to provide for the existing traffic and to provide for this subdivision. 2. The road right-of-way widths are sufficient in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw Schedule B, Note 1(a) and (c), which states: Where a highway right-of-way width is less than the required minimum provided for in this Schedule, the Approving Officer may approve the subdivision where he is satisfied that: (a) all required services can be provided within a smaller right-of-way and (c) the lands to be subdivided already abut on an open and travelled highway the width and capacity of which, although not meeting the standard herein, need not be increased to service either the subdivision to be approved or foreseeable potential subdivision of other lands also abutting the said highway. The Approving Officer is prepared to support clauses, Note 1(a) and (c) of the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw in order to approve this subdivision. Therefore, the request to reduce the rural road standard asphalt width from 7.Om to 6.0m is supportable. -3- CONCLUSION: The requested variances are minor in nature and do not appear to pose any negative impacts for surrounding properties, therefore, it is recommended that DVP/037/08 be favourably considered. Prepared by: Sarah Atkinson Planniriri echnician (5pprove J rqickering MCIP Dire tor of PlanninL- Approved .. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer SA/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Subdivision Plan -4- P 438 66 65 10 PART LYING EAST OF ALOUETTE RIVER AND NORTH OF RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 w 0 SUBJECT PROPERTY Appeidx , 12581 12561 67 D_ Rem 64 12525 68 126 AVE. P 43885 69 126 AVE. 12665 2 P 72087 1262 12580 12552 1 82 83 P 70798 OS m co 0 2 1 CO 0 3 P 72$85 80 79 2 12555 SCALE 1:2,500 City of Pitt Meadows 125 AVE. 111.1.1 1 !ki b — District of Langley f[ ERASER R - 12640 72 12610 P 43885 73 12570 12550 2 12530 P 43885 75 P 43885 24369 126 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE CowmSa CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ti DATE: Oct 31, 2008 FILE: VP/037/08 BY: PC i4ppeclx PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT 69 SEC.22 TP.12 N.W.D. PLAN 43885 Scale 1:750 1 3041 RI 69 Pion TOP OF 1 68 A, 0.406 ha — 2.00— I L L 12x12 35.55 J 43885 • BANKCoven BaUn —1.50 0.406 ha N 35.55 1D w 4. 1 5.8 J 2 Plan 72087 126 AVENUE 82 Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2865-03 Phone 463-4753 Pion 1 72685 8. C. L.S. August 26,2009 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: November 2, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO1-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Maple Ridge Christmas Festival Society to use municipal streets for the annual Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park on Saturday December 5, 2009. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park on Saturday December 5, 2009, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated November 2, 2009 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Maple Ridge Christmas Festival Society is requesting permission to use municipal streets on Saturday December 5, 2009 for their annual Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park. The Christmas Festival events will be held in Memorial Peace Park from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The Parade is scheduled from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The parade route begins on Dewdney Trunk Road at 221 Street, travels east to 224 Street, and travels south on 224 Street ending at Selkirk Avenue. These events require the following road closures: • Haney Place road including Fraser Street to Dewdney Trunk Road (2:00-8:30 pm) • 221 Street from 122 Avenue to Dewdney Trunk Road (4:00-7:00 pm) • Dewdney Trunk Road from 221 Street to 224 Street (5:30-8:30 pm) • 224 Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to Selkirk Avenue (5:30-8:30 pm) It is anticipated that all the streets will be restored by 9:00 pm. A map showing the location is attached. 1106 b) Strategic Plan: Permitting of 'Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). e) Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. Permission is requested for the annual Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park and conditons of Schedule 'A' are attached. .410:111.4" Submitted by:ew Munic ood PhD., P al ,,neer/ Approved by: F -nk Quinn, MBA, PEng. —� M: Pudic Works .& Develorsment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Schedule `A' To Council Memorandum Dated November 2, 2009 Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Festival in the Park Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 5. notify surrounding businesses of pending road closures, by letter provided by the District of Maple Ridge on behalf of the organizer; 6. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times; 7. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 8. obtain any required permits from the Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Department for park facility use if required; and 9. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 10. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL SOCIETY 11925 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC. V2X 6G2 C/o Festivals office: Phone 604-467-7325 Fax: 604-467-7373 Ruby Tam District of Maple Ridge Engineering Department 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 October 22, 2009 Good day Ms Tam, Please accept this letter on behalf of the Maple Ridge Christmas Festival society as our formal road closures request, for the annual Christmas in the Park Festival, and Santa Claus parade to be held Saturday December 5, 2009. The information contained in this letter is the same as was discussed during the meeting in which Michael Eng, Sgt. Roland Pierschke, Martyn Garner, Mark Smitton, Darlene Slevin, Dianne Enns, Ruby Tam and Art Solomon attended on Wednesday October 14, 2009. The only new information is the No Parking times. Please find a map of the parade route as discussed, for your approval and a draft copy of the layout of park activity locations. Road closures for the parade route require barricades in the following areas: Fraser Street at Dewdney Trunk Rd. to Haney Place in Memorial Peace Park form 2:00 to 8:30pm. Haney Place, including underground parking access to and from the park closed from 2:00 to 8:30pm. 221 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road (DTR) and 122 Avenue from 4:00 to 7:00 pm for parade marshalling. DTR between 221 Street and 224 Street between 5:30 and 7:30 pm for parade travel. 224 Street between Selkirk Ave and DTR from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. 119 Ave closed at 224 Street from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Selkirk Ave between 223 Street and 224 Street from 5:30 to 8:30 pm, including all lane and parking lot access on to Selkirk. Steps will be taken to ensure no interference to BC Ambulance dispatch centre during this time. All lanes between DTR and Selkirk Ave closed at 224 Street from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. McIntosh will be closed at 224th Street from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. There will be no parking along DTR between 221 Street and 224 Street from 5:00 and 8:30 pm for parade travel. There will be no parking along 224th Street between DTR and Selkirk from 5:00 to 8:30pm. There will be no parking along Selkirk Ave between 223`d and 224th Street between 5:00 and 8:30 pm. All possible steps to open the streets as soon as safely possible, following the parade, will be taken. We apologize for any inconvenience this road closure may cause, and thank you for your co-operation. If you have any questions please contact Art Solomon at 604-219-9027. Sincerely Art Solomon Chair, Maple Ridge Christmas Festival Society a3 U o • `o U U 2a3 0 0 a) a) -a a3 ca c� c'3 0_ CL Parade Route • 0 O 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 o� O EE co 0 ti w E a' o `) 0 a) U3 0 � 3 o a m — o w p c m cc 2 a> m a_ O -°o `o • ui m E o0_2 Z , , 0 0 rn N N E o U 0 Q a�QE o ai ai -a H al E >�� W (n w z 1- >- w z 0 w IS NSG VO 1S £ZZ IS VZV1d IS 2id8Nna v321v A18W3SSV 1S £ZZ w Cn IS 6ZZ SELKIRK AVE IS ZZZ SELKIRK AVE I C SSVdAS A3NVH 4 Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 7, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0540-20-01/BAC01 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 6682-2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the September 2009 meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC), a motion was passed to request that Council consider an amendment to the BAC By -Law to include an additional citizen at large representative for the City of Pitt Meadows. Current membership includes: one citizen at large representative for Pitt Meadows, two citizens at large representatives for Maple Ridge and one representative from the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC). The current diversity of membership has proven to effectively create a forum for discussion, information sharing, problem solving, joint planning, coordination and collaboration to address cycling issues in both communities. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw No. 6682-2009 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The mandate of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committee is to advise both Councils on cycling issues in the community and implementation of the Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows Bikeways Plan. b) Desired Outcome: The goal of this recommendation is to increase the effectiveness of BAC by expanding the forum for discussion, information sharing, joint planning, coordination and collaboration. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Gather information from the public through TransLink, VACC and BEST. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There are no financial implications of expanding the membership of the committee. There would however, be benefits to the communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows by encouraging an information sharing and problem solving relationship. Page 1 of 2 1107 CONCLUSIONS: The Bicycle Advisory Committee is recommending that Council consider amending the Bicycle Advisory Committee By -Law composition to expand the membership of the committee. This would create greater opportunities for discussion, information and resource sharing and for addressing cycling issues in both communities. K. 11I.l144,c,V Prepared by: Tracy Ca mire, Committee Clerk • rdved b Pp y: Russ Carmichael, Director of Engineering Operations Concurrence: J.L; (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /tc Page 2 of 2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6682-2009 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5510- 1996 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5510-1996; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committee Amending Bylaw No. 6682-2009" 2. "Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5510-1996" is amended by: (a) Updating the Definitions section with the following: • Any reference made to the District of Pitt Meadows and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows change to "City of Pitt Meadows". • "Councils" means the Council of the District Council of the City of Pitt Meadows • "Maple Ridge" means the geographical area Maple Ridge • "Pitt Meadows" means the geographical area Meadows (b) of Maple Ridge and the known as the District of known as the City of Pitt deleting Section 5 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 5. The Committee is comprised of seven (7) Members as follows: (a) one Councillor from the District of Maple Ridge who has an interest in cycling; (b) one Councillor from the City of Pitt Meadows who has an interest in cycling; (c) "one representative from the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC)." (d) three Members -at -Large who reside in Maple Ridge; (e) "two Members -at -Large who reside in Pitt Meadows." (c) Deleting Section 7. in it's entirety and replacing it with the following: "The representative from the VACC (Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition) is appointed bi-annually by the VACC (Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition)" (d) Deleting Section 22 in it's entirety and replacing it with the following: "The Committee will conduct its meetings in accordance with parliamentary rules of procedure, provided such procedures do not contravene the Community Charter, District by-laws or other legislations". (e) Deleting Section 23 in it's entirety. (g) Add the following after Section 28: 29. "When the member's declaration is made, the person recording the minutes of the meeting must record the member's declaration, the reasons given for it, and times of the member's departure from the meeting room, and if applicable, the member's return." (h) and that the sections be renumbered accordingly. READ a first time the , 2009. READ a second time the , 2009. READ a third time the , 2009. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this , 2009. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 29, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6705-2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This bylaw amends our Development Cost Charges (DCCs) to reflect current construction costs and land prices and updates to proposed capital projects. It is consistent with our Official Community Plan and will require a Financial Plan Bylaw amendment. This is intended to be a minor amendment and does not revisit development assumptions, any broad policy changes or underlying DCC assumptions which would be considered a major amendment. Due to a reduction in current construction costs the proposed rates are generally lower in all areas except rural residential. The water component of the DCC charges is higher due to water supply capital projects being installed by the region which Maple Ridge is responsible for a portion of the costs. The drainage component of costs in the Infill Area has been reduced significantly with the reduction of costs due to grant being received for a pump station in Hammond. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Development Cost Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6705-2009 be read a first, second and third time, and That staff be instructed to forward Bylaw No. 6705-2009 to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval, and That staff be instructed to amend the 2009-2013 Financial Plan Bylaw to align to the proposed Development Cost Imposition Charge Amending Bylaw No. 6705-2009. DISCUSSION: As our community grows, there is an increasing demand for a wide range of infrastructure. We have no mechanism in place to cover costs related to some types of infrastructure, notably public safety buildings and libraries. Development Cost Charges (DCCs) provide the authority to recover development related costs for roads, sewers, drainage and water works as well as parkland acquisition and development. DCCs allow us to apportion the costs of certain types of infrastructure among land developers. The DCC rates are the outcome of a complex model involving the planning and costing of future infrastructure projects, and projecting of future development activity. The assumptions used in these models are amended as required to keep pace with changes to the underlying plans. 1131 It is a recommended best practice to annually consider if any minor amendments are needed to reflect current construction costs, land values, status of grants and changes due to the annual review of the Financial Plan. The current economic condition did result in a softening of construction costs. The costs in the previous bylaw were from early 2007 when prices were higher so an update is warranted. Additionally, there are DCC funded projects approved throughout the year by Council or added as part of the 2010-2014 business planning process through the Capital Planning Committee that are to be included in this amendment. This bylaw update also includes projects removed from the DCC rate calculation due to the projects being completed or funded by grants such as the grant that was received for the Lower Hammond Pump Station. Projects added to this bylaw include roadwork on 232 Street between 124 Avenue and 128 Avenue, a park in the area of 221 Street and 119 Avenue, park improvements in the Albion Area and several other projects totaling about four million dollars. a) Background Context: Our current Development Cost Charge Imposition Bylaw No. 6262-2007 was adopted on March 11, 2008. It was the first major amendment since 1996. A commitment was made to more regularly address amendments to ensure that charges reflect current costs and remove the likelihood of larger increases and to provide more rate stability and certainty. Introduction to Development Cost Charges Development Cost Charges are funds collected at the time of subdivision or issuance of a building permit to assist the municipality in the provision of infrastructure and open space requirements required in support of development. The bylaw must be consistent with the Official Community Plan and the Financial Plan. The growth management strategy included in the Official Community Plan is a key element in the methodology considerations in that it outlines future population projections and land use designations. The areas of development or redevelopment are identified in this bylaw as the Growth, In -fill, Town Centre Commercial and Rural Areas. Within each of these areas, the amount of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and agricultural development potential is calculated, as are the estimated costs for providing the infrastructure. The associated costs are then apportioned to ensure that the cost burden is distributed between existing and proposed development. In addition, municipal assist factors are applied to each service component to reflect the municipality's financial contribution (funding assistance). Based on an assessment of all pertinent considerations, development cost charge levies are calculated for the various types of development in each of the areas and form a part of the bylaw. Development Cost Charges are necessary to fund a portion of the costs related to infrastructure needs due to new development. If municipalities had to fund the entire costs of the off-site infrastructure property taxes would be significantly increased and development at times would have to be turned down due to the inability to pay for the costs that result. DCCs were created specifically to address these items. In the Best Practices Guide created by a large cross section of stakeholders including representatives from the development community, it is noted that "The development industry understands that growth creates new demand for local government infrastructure and services. The industry also understands that local governments are not able to directly absorb all growth related service costs, and that growth itself should assist in funding service needs." There is some uncertainty as to the timing of DCC collections the next two sections highlight how the timing difference of collections and costs are addressed. DCC Reserves A reserve projection model is prepared for each component (roads, sewers, drainage, water and parkland) and is subject to fluctuation in the amounts of DCC collections in each period and timing of the expenditure of planned capital projects. The scheduling of projects will be adjusted based on funding available. The recent approval for borrowing for the bridge over Kanaka Creek on 240 Street will be borrowed externally when the funds are needed and until this time will be covered off by existing DCC funds. Future borrowing consideration will include the urgent need for the project to proceed and the risk of relying on future DCC collections to cover debt payments. Debt Financing As discussed with Council previously, debt financing can be a useful tool to strategically advance capital projects. Borrowing would allow us to finance growth related infrastructure projects using DCCs as the source of funding for debt payments. Committing future cash flows, especially ones that are not certain and fluctuate, adds an element of risk that will have to be carefully considered. All borrowings will require the assent of the electorate. The Inspector of Municipalities will only consider approving the inclusion of interest costs in exceptional circumstances, which are fairly narrowly prescribed. With the next major DCC amendment there are several additional factors that will need to be considered. New legislation introduced the exemption for small residential units and the ability to reduce DCCs due to "green" initiatives. The development of an intensive agriculture levy was introduced in the last major amendment but abandoned. Small Housing Units Mandatory Exemption The province introduced Bill 27 exempting small residential units of 29 square meters (312 sq. ft.) or less from paying DCCs. There is a process to increase this threshold from 29 square meters. Any such change would require significant analysis to extrapolate the increased demands on infrastructure requirements, other land use issues and the impact to others that would have to carry the costs that would have otherwise been paid through DCCs. DCC Discretional Waivers or Exemptions Bill 27 also allows for exemption of "green" developments which include 'for profit' affordable rental housing, subdivisions of small lots designed to result in low greenhouse gas emissions and developments designed to result in low environmental impact. Analysis would be required to determine the amount of potential waivers as existing development (General Revenue) would have to make up the lost revenue. Any change would be a shift in policy from the current user pay philosophy and would require a review on the impact to infrastructure requirements, a bylaw specifically identifying what would qualify for an exemption and a major DCC amendment. Intensive Agriculture Levy During the last major amendment there was interest in exploring a development cost charge for intensive agricultural development. This was excluded to allow more time to explore the issue and more opportunity for consultation. Such a levy can be considered again during next major bylaw amendment. 1 J b) Desired Outcome: A DCC Bylaw that is consistent with the Official Community Plan and our Financial Plan ensuring the DCC rates are reflective of the costs of the infrastructure and open space needs required to support development. c) Developer/Customer Implications: A comparison between the proposed levies and the levies currently in effect is shown in Attachment "A" and Attachment "B" provides an indication of how the proposed levies compare with what other communities charge. Due to the fact rates are decreasing and that the development community is actively inquiring about rate reductions there has not been an extensive stakeholder process. Grace periods and in -stream applications are important policy issues to be considered when levies are amended. Section 943 of the Local Government Act provides some protection to the development community for in -stream subdivision applications for a period of 12 months after a new bylaw is adopted. For that period the levies of the previous bylaw operate. Since levies have decreased it is anticipated developers will not want this grace period for in -stream subdivision applications. They can request to have the current rates apply once the bylaw is adopted; staff will make available a form letter to expedite the process. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The bylaw is consistent with the District's Financial Sustainability Policies. Our Financial Plan Bylaw will need to be updated to be consistent with the amendments made to this DCC Bylaw. A complete list of capital projects that are included in the DCC rate calculations is included in Attachment "C". e) Policy Implications: The capital works program is the corporate mechanism for identifying and scheduling capital projects consistent with growth strategies, the Official Community Plan and the Financial Plan Bylaw. The Ministry of Community Services publication entitled Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide (Edition 3) guides the preparation of bylaws based on best practices guidelines, local government policy and current information. f) Alternatives: Leaving the existing bylaw and rates as currently approved would leave rates higher and not send any relief to developers due to reduced construction costs. It would also mean that any new projects planned to be funded from DCCs would need to find alternative funding sources. This alternative is not recommended. 4 CONCLUSIONS: This minor amendment to the DCC Bylaw is the first amendment since the DCC Bylaw was restructured two years ago to be consistent with the updated OCP. This minor amendment is largely in response to decreased construction cost but also allows for minor amendments to the composition of the planned projects. Giving Bylaw No. 6705-2009 the first three readings and forwarding it to the Inspector of Municipalities are the next steps required to allow a revision in the DCC charges and include other minor updates to the projects. Prepared by: Trevor on, BBA, CGA Manager of Financial Planning t Paul Gill, BBA, GGA G - orpora& Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (im) Rule Chi- Administrative Officer Reviewed by: Andrew Wood, PhD., PEng. Municipal Engineer Change In Levy $ (1,842) (9%) $ (1,291) (8%) $ (768) (8%) $ (4.82) (13%) $ (2,564) (10%) $ (4,550) (7%) $ (1,038) (6%) $ (589) (4%) $ (285) (3%) $ (4.11) (14%) $ (2,611) (39%) $ 1.21 11% $ (2,473) (39%) $ 0.66 4% $ (2,611) (39%) $ 5 0% $ 588 6% $ (6.29) (23%) $ (0.98) (11%) Attachment "A" - Current vs. Proposed DCC Levies Land Use Types Growth Area Residential Low Density -Single Family Residential Low Density - Townhouse Residential High Density -Apartment Commercial Commercial - Drainage Institutional In -fill Area Residential Low Density - Single Family Residential Low Density - Townhouse Residential High Density - Apartment Commercial Commercial - Drainage Industrial Industrial - Drainage Town Centre Area Commercial Commercial - Drainage Rural Residential 1 Residential 2 (Water) Commercial Industrial 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 Current Levies BL 6462-2007 $20,603 $16,830 $9,652 $36.11 $24,920 $66,644 $17,437 $13,344 $8,179 $29.11 $6,616 $10.77 $6,267 $17.32 $6,616 $8,762 $9,278 $27.31 $8.97 Proposed Levies BL 6705-2009 $18,761 $15,539 $8,884 $31.29 $22,356 $ 62,094 $16,399 $12,755 $7,894 $25.00 $4,005 $11.98 $3,794 $17.98 $4,005 $8,767 $9,866 $21.02 $7.99 1. DCC per additional lot being subdivided or unit being built 2. DCC per sq. meter of building floor area 3. DCC per hectare of gross site area Attachment "B" - DCC Rate Comparison RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES SINGLE FAMILY Name Water Sewer Drainage Roads Parks Total Abbotsford (least dense 1/7) Mission Richmond Chilliwack Coquitlam (parcel > 375m) Surrey Langley Township Abbotsford (14-16 units per ha) Maple Ridge (growth) Coquitlam (parcel < 375m) Maple Ridge (infill) Port Coquitlam (Area 2) Abbotsford (most dense 7/7) Pitt Meadows New Westminster Port Coquitlam (Area 1) APARTMENT Name 1,490 3,088 1,155 13,595 10,914 30,242 6,497 4,348 6,982 5,560 3,717 27,105 713 1,812 3,777 6,183 12,363 24,848 2,139 2,177 698 15,261 1,927 22,202 1,943 568 4,763 9,261 7,053 23,588 1,858 2,178 3,740 12,861 5,238 25,875 1,740 746 1,476 8,594 9,079 21,635 1,014 2,103 619 9,256 7,431 20,423 1,715 151 1,644 10,741 4,510 18,761 1,480 433 3,629 7,056 5,374 17,972 572 153 396 12,144 3,134 16,399 253 261 2,225 13,192 368 16,299 792 1,643 440 7,231 5,805 15,911 574 430 913 4,933 2,751 9,601 560 - 2,400 2,560 1,960 7,480 119 114 454 2,825 3,132 6,644 Water Sewer Drainage Roads Parks Total Langley Township Surrey Chilliwack Port Coquitlam (Area 2) Mission, Cedar Valley Richmond Abbotsford * Maple Ridge (growth) Coquitlam * Maple Ridge (infill) Mission, Central Pitt Meadows Port Coquitlam (Area 1) New Westminster 1,367 586 1,012 7,492 7,134 17,591 1,074 1,254 893 6,717 5,558 15,495 1,258 1,281 360 11,515 995 15,409 304 203 1,584 11,705 210 14,006 3,933 2,841 1,745 2,835 1,231 12,584 475 1,435 1,292 2,850 5,700 11,752 490 1,015 419 3,920 3,592 9,437 857 76 185 4,834 2,932 8,884 905 265 1,156 2,310 3,285 7,920 286 77 29 5,465 2,037 7,894 3,236 2,255 828 586 6,904 305 228 258 2,960 2,751 6,502 142 89 324 2,506 1,788 4,849 260 - 870 1,410 920 3,460 * Rate is based on Gross Floor Area (GFA) for comparative purposes 950 sq. feet is used. Attachment "B" DCC Rate Comparison (cont.) COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES COMMERCIAL (per sq. meter of gross floor area) Name Cost Mission Port Coquitlam (Area 2) Richmond New Westminster Surrey (1st floor) Surrey (all non -ground floors) Abbotsford Coquitla m Langley Township Port Coquitlam (Area 1) Maple Ridge (Growth) Pitt Meadows Chilliwack Maple Ridge (Infill) Maple Ridge (Town Centre) 198.13 179.39 107.77 99.00 98.86 57.16 94.16 60.43 53.46 40.37 36.88 32.54 28.30 26.00 18.98 ATTAC7-IMENT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT YEAR DCC GROWTH Drainage 102 AVE (240 gT- 244 ST) 7219 2020 499,669 106 AVE (180M WEST OF 245 ST - 245 ST) 7871 2020 47,877 132 AVE (236 - 239) 7202 2014 625,969 135 AVE (236A ST - 250M EAST OF 236A ST) 7803 2017 59,847 136 AVE (230 - 231) 7522 2020 35,909 138 AVE (236 ST - 150M EAST OF 236 ST) 7823 2017 35,909 223 ST (LANE SOUTH 117 AVE - NORTH AVE) 0461 2020 94,611 227 ST @ 250M SOUTH OF LOUGHEED 0902 2002 342,199 240 ST (109 - 114) 7210 2026 1,609,634 240 ST (130 AVE - 200M N 130 AVE) 7544 2017 57,067 240 ST (LOUGHEED -102) 0675 2005 883,659 240 ST (LOUGHEED - 102) PHASE 2 8159 2007 1,388,887 241ST (230M S 112 - 112) 7489 2016 55,059 244 ST (102 AVE -1028 AVE) 7887 2014 53,197 245 ST (105 - 106) 7867 2014 127,674 248 ST (108 - 220M N 108) 7501 2012 52,665 ALBION PARK DETENTION POND (244/102) 7218 2003 154,655 ALBION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UPDATE 7934 2002 59,999 ANDERSON CREEK DETENTION POND (228/140) 0591 2015 223,707 ANDERSON CREEK STORM TRUNK (228 - 232) 7206 2015 723,081 BROWN AVE (227 - 228) 0453 2012 360,293 CATTELL BROOK DETENTION POND (227/134) 7208 2014 223,707 CATTELL BROOK STORM TRUNK (227 - 232) 7207 2026 2,048,730 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2007 1821 2007 24,581 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2008 1822 2008 27,346 DUNLOP CR DETENTION FACILITIES (243/110) 6116 2022 161,069 HENNIPEN CR DETENTION POND (240/129) 7199 2015 178,966 KANAKA CR DETENTION FACILITIES (248/113) 7214 2016 161,069 KANAKACR DETENTION POND (240/109) 7213 2018 223,707 M.MILLIONAIRE CK DETENTION POND(241/132) 7200 2014 134,224 MAGGY CR DETENTION FACILITIES (241/108) 6118 2017 134,224 MAGGY CR DETENTION POND (244/106) 6117 2022 178,966 N ALOUETTE RIVER DETENTION POND 232/132 7204 2012 161,069 SELKIRK AVE (226 - 227) 0463 2011 138,168 SOUTH COTTONWOOD STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT 0670 2004 131,247 Drainage Total 13,418,640' Highways 102 AVE (240 - INDUSTRIAL) 0910 2019 650,472 102 AVE @ 241 ACQ. 1815 2017 491,399 102 AVE @ INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4211 2014 178,966 104 AVE (180M E - 350M E 240) 7483 2015 209,872 104 AVE (240 - 244) 1577 2004 553,399 104 AVE (244 ST -INDUSTRIAL AVE) 0911 2016 732,340 106 AVE (180M WEST OF 245 ST - 245 ST) 7868 2020 97,431 106 AVE (240 - 248) 2036 2020 1,132,708 108 AVE (248 - 249) 7502 2015 185,872 108 AVE (264 - 268) 0883 2018 113,447 110 AVE (240 - CAMERON) 0912 2018 1,450,595 112 AVE (240 - 248) 2050 2023 983,897 112 AVE (241 - 180M E 241) 7484 2015 193,493 112 AVE (300M W 248 BRIDGE) 0792 2022 1,724,221 116 AVE (ACQUISITION @ 234 ST) 2964 2017 974,866 116 AVE (BURNETT - 232, SOUTH HALF) 2078 2022 679,370 116 AVE (COTTONWOOD DR - 236) 0353 2026 904,409 119 AVE (226 - 227) 2763 2007 480,028 119 AVE (227 - 228) 0844 2014 652,974 122 AVE (222 - 224) 0742 2021 593,811 132 AVE (232 - 235) 6080 2007 946,977 135 AVE (236A ST - 250M EAST OF 236A ST) 7800 2020 122,372 136 AVE (224 - 400M E 224) 1230 2014 962,173 136 AVE (230 - 231) 7520 2015 144,877 138 AVE (236 ST - 150M EAST OF 236 ST) 7820 2020 71,321 203 ST (123 - POWELL) 7133 2010 421,038 203 ST (DTR -123) 2789 2010 1,378,569 203 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2790 2014 115,893 216 ST (124 -128) 0797 2018 651,403 216 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2798 2014 148,104 223 ST (BYPASS - LOUGHEED) 7270 2014 548,067 223 ST @ BYPASS TRAFFIC SIGNAL 7272 2015 173,000 223 ST @ LOUGHEED HWY (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 7273 2006 68,055 224 ST (CALLIGAN - NORTH) 0786 2014 349,657 224 ST @ 124 AVE INTERSECTION SAFETY 1735 2006 151,515 224 ST @ N ALOUETTE RIVER (BRIDGE) 0194 2016 1,334,181 227 ST (430M N HANEY BYPASS - 650M N) 281,6 2000 69,778 ATTACHNFNT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT YEAR DCC GROWTH Highways 227 ST (650M N OF BYPAgS - LOUGHEED) 2815 2002 458,164 227 ST @ BYPASS TRAFFIC SIGNAL 7266 2010 110,362 228 ST (DTR - BROWN AVE) 0677 2020 19,914 232 ST (116 - SLAGER) 2823 2010 964,012 232 ST (132 - SILVER VALLEY RD) 2065 2017 749,067 232 ST (132 S - S ALOUETTE BRIDGE) 1970 2008 1,145,453 232 ST (S ALOUETTE - ABERNETHY) PH 2 #F0 2062 2017 567,399 232 ST (S ALOUL I 1 L - ABERNETHY) PHASE 1 2064 2009 272,889 232 ST (SILVER VALLEY RD - 141) 1222 2024 796,956 232 ST @ SILVER VALLEY RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL 2067 2017 246,078 232 ST BRIDGE (N ALOUETTE RIVER) 2066 2014 2,466,176 236 ST @ 131 (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 2071 2017 164,052 240 ST (104 - MCCLURE) 2829 2014 1,175,437 240 ST (113 - DTR) 2830 2007 2,706,400 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 1 7152 2014 811,611 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 2 1672 2015 811,611 240 ST (130 - 135) 7161 2020 746,199 240 ST (DTR - 124) 0826 2022 1,139,626 240 ST (HEAPS ROAD - FERN CRESCENT) 7146 2023 2,335,621 240 ST (KANAKA CREEK BRIDGE S - MCCLURE) 1971 2011 1,399,330 240 ST (LOUGHEED - 104) PHASE 2 8310 2007 3,590,065 240 ST (LOUGHEED - 104) PHASE 3 2827 2006 1,200,456 240 ST @ FERN CRES (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 2069 2018 299,769 240 ST @ KANAKA CREEK (BRIDGE) 2052 2009 3,198,470 240 ST @ S ALOUETTE (BRIDGE) 7145 2020 4,440,867 241 ST (230M S 112 - 112) 7485 2017 261,534 244 ST (102 AVE -102B AVE) 7884 2020 110,527 245 ST (104 - 105) 2040 2024 369,268 245 ST (105 - 106) 7864 2020 270,603 248 ST (108 AVE -112 AVE) 7142 2016 2,016,842 248 ST (108 AVE- 220M N 108 AVE) 7498 2021 180,379 248 ST @ 112 (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 0800 2019 208,541 248 ST @ KANAKA CREEK ROAD (BRIDGE) 7140 2021 2,124,479 ABERNETHY (120M W 224 - 224) 2734 2015 48,658 ABERNETHY (210 - 500M E BLACKSTOCK) 2003 2009 1,343,867 ABERNETHY (216-500M E BLACKSTOCK) WIDEN 2225 2014 507,523 ABERNETHY (224-227) 2907 -2018 354,999 ABERNETHY (227 - 232) 2015 2018 562,746 ABERNETHY (BLACKSTOCK - 224) 2908 2008 398,274 ABERNETHY ACQ (210-224) 2905 2007 676,599 ABERNETHY PHASE 3 1696 2010 1,710,207 ABERNETHY PHASE 4 1697 2011 3,264,363 ABERNETHY PHASE 5 1674 2020 2,833,174 BROWN AVE (221 - 222) 2006 2024 639,932 BROWN AVE (227 - FLETCHER) 8312 2007 368,484 BROWN AVE (228 - BURNETT) 2010 2014 298,657 BROWN AVE (FLETCHER - 228) 2009 2014 1,488,044 BROWN AVE @ 224 ST (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 4216 2013 119,310 BROWN AVE @ 227 ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4218 2021 119,310 BROWN AVE @ EDGE ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4217 2021 139,027 BROWN AVE ACQ. LAND (@ DUNBAR ST) 2031 2018 121,909 DEVELOPMENT EQUITY+ZONING PLANS (S.V.) 1507 2002 19,999 EDGE ST (DTR -121) 0739 2015 337,636 FERN CRESCENT (200 M EAST 236 - 244) #F0 7163 2017 1,665,507 FERN CRESCENT- (236 - 244) #F0 1220 2016 1,980,650 FERN CRESCENT @ 129 AVE (BRIDGE) 0960 2015 715,865 FLETCHER ST (DTR - BROWN) 0817 2019 153,742 FRASER BRIDGE TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 7894 2001 20,745 FRASER ST (150M N 116 - NORTH AVE) 0762 2015 279,803 HANEY BYPASS @ BURNETT ST PED OVERPASS 1814 2020 1,327,081 INDUSTRIAL AVE (102 AVE -106 AVE) 2051 2020 1,439,925 INFRASTRUCTURE REVIEW SILVER VALLEY 1506 2002 36,115 LARCH AVE (BALSAM - 236) 7840 2020 103,019 LOUGHEED (203 - 222) 4183 2018 314,707 NORTH AVE (BYPASS - 223) 2760 2014 317,057 RIVER RD (222 - 223) 0747 2014 91,616 RIVER RD (223 - 224) 0784 2014 120,206 RIVER RD (ACQ) 0746 2014 151,666 ROYAL CRES (225 - LOUGHEED) 0760 2014 418,825 SELKIRK AVE (225 - 227) 0841 2014 515,171 Highways Total Park Acquisition CORE PARK (222/121) 3040 2014 2,699,997 MERKLEY PARK EXPANSION 0612 2015 573,059 MUSEUM PARK EXPANSION (LAND ACQ.) 1952 2007 196,361 219 A1TAq-IMENT"C' DCC PROJECT USTING BYLAW NO.6705-2009 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT YEAR DCC GROWTH Park Acquisition PARK (231/137f LOT 2 0826 2007 2,206.108 PARK (236/137) 0625 2014 4,888,884 PARK (241/112) LOT 2 0622 2008 1,393,331 PARK (248/108) LOT 2 0623 2008 3,076,941 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 1 7174 2016 4,245,636 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 2 7175 2016 12,960 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 3 7176 2016 6,739 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 4 7177 2016 22,291 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 5 7178 2016 100,568 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK ACQ 1927 2006 414,545 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK ACQ A 0627 2012 455,999 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK ACQ B 1926 2012 564,304 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK ACQ SE HORSE 1925 2009 1,199,998 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK COMPLETION 8153 2017 7,276,192 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK PHASE 1 1954 2014 1,516,198 SILVER VALLEY NEIGH PARK PHASE 2 1955 2013 1,516,198 SW HANEY PARK 2878 2020 241,625 WHISPERING FALLS PARK (264/126) 0674 2014 812,580 WHONNOCK LAKE ACQUISITION 3619 2007 1,290,798 3620 2018 1,554,555 3623 2019 77,758 Park Acquisition Total ' Park Improvemt ALBION PARK (SPRAY PARK) 8193 2010 353,545 ALBION PARK (WASHROOM FACILITY) 6031 2013 152,739 ARTIFICIAL PLAYING FIELD (240/123) 1641 2006 1,353,534 CORE PARK DEVELOPMENT 7309 2014 248,888 PARK DEVELOPMENT (231/137) 7301 2014 248,888 PARK DEVELOPMENT (232/132) 7303 2006 128,527 7306 2017 248,888 PARK DEVELOPMENT (236/137) 7304 2007 248,888 PARK DEVELOPMENT (237/136) 7305 2013 264,444 PARK DEVELOPMENT (241/104) 7302 2012 264,444 PARK DEVELOPMENT (241/112) 7248 2014 248,888 PARK DEVELOPMENT (248/108) 7233 2015 248,888 PARK IMPROVEMENT SILVER VALLEY TRAILS 4197 2015 346,354 PARKS MASTER PLAN 6235 2008 32,542 SILVER VALLEY PARK IMPROVE 239A/130A 8297 2007 166,666 SKATE BOARD PARK (PHASE 2) 1953 2007 280,306 TELOSKY FIELD WASHROOM FACILITY 7238 2015 122,033 WHISPERING FALLS PARK DEVELOPMENT 7308 2014 186,935 WHONNOCK LAKE IMPROVE-WEIR 8298 2007 107,102 YOUTH ACTION PARK ALBION 8149 2013 359,094 Park ImprovemtTotal 5,611,593 Sewage Sewage Total Water 106 AVE (180M WEST OF 245 ST - 245 ST) 7870 2026 31,225 108 AVE (248 - 249) 7504 2010 29,963 135 AVE (236A ST - 250M EAST OF 236A ST) 7802 2016 43,367 136 AVE (230 - 231) 7521 2011 26,021 138 AVE (236 ST - 150M EAST OF 236 ST) 7822 2016 26,021 225 ST PUMP STATION UPGRADE PHASE 2 2738 2010 611,182 241 ST (230M S 112 - 112) 7490 2016 39,898 245 ST (104 -105) 7510 2013 77,098 245 ST (105 -106) 7866 2015 87,892 248 ST (108 AVE - 220M N 108 AVE) 7500 2015 38,163 BROWN AVE (FRASER - 227) 0231 2014 160,693 FERN CRESCENT (237 - 240) 1816 2013 601,384 MASTER SEWER - DEBT RETIREMENT (2007) 1801 2007 22,674 SANITARY IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2007 1826 2007 30,396 SANITARY IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2008 1827 2008 34,157 1,860,134 108 AVE (248 - 249) 7503 2014 46,164 112 AVE (240 - 245) 7159 2020 294,511 112 AVE (244 - 246) 3009 2013 282,363 112 AVE (248 ST - 400 M EAST 252 ST) 3015 2021 867,359 113 AVE (246 - 248) 3010 2013 168,146 128 AVE (235 - 238) 7546 2013 111,223 133 AVE (239 ST - 240 ST) 7168 2020 141,691 136 AVE (236 - 240) 3002 2012 778,487 136 AVE (BALSAM - 234) 2866 2015 52,051 136 AVE @ 24200 ROCKRIDGE RES. PHASE 2 0082 2010 562,193 224 ST (NORTH - 119) #F0 1565 2011 116,277 AREA COMPONENT GROWTH Water Water Total GROWTH Total PROJECT NAME ATTAO1MENP'C' DOC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW N0. 6705-2009 PROJECT YEAR 232 ST ( SILVER VA L RD) 232 ST (SILVER VALLEY RD - 141) 232 ST @ 140 AVE PRV 236 ST PUMP STATION UPGRADE 237A ST @ 133 AVE PRV 240 ST (134 - 146) 240 ST (HEAPS ROAD - 128) 240 ST @ 135 AVE FOREST PUMP STATION 240 ST @ 146 AVE FOREST RESERVOIR 241 ST (230M S 112 - 112) 244 ST (102 AVE - 102B AVE) 245 ST (104 - 105) 245 ST (105 - 106) 248 ST (108 - 112) 248 ST (108 AVE - 220M N 108 AVE) 248 ST (112 - 116) 248 ST (116 - DTR) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) STUDY BARNSTON / MR PS 2009 BARNSTON / MR PS 2010 BARNSTON / MR PS 2011 DCC PAYMENT TO JOINT SUPPLY SYSTEM, 2007 EMERG PRV SERVICE F/GRANT TO ALBION 158 GVWD RESERVOIR DEBT PAYMENT 2007 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2009 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2011 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2012 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2013 MILL ST @ 130 AVE PRV PROVIDE WATER SERVICE TO ALBION 158 ZONE SILVER VALLEY INFRASTRUCTURE UPDATE WATER IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2007 WATER IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2008 DCC 1 2 1 .. 0076 2015 340,036 1923 2017 50,450 6071 2005 502,082 7166 2022 143,172 7828 2018 781,726 3004 2018 844,233 0078 2021 178,966 7139 2021 381,999 7488 2024 62,093 7885 2018 49,025 7155 2021 115,842 7865 2018 129,585 3014 2016 478,399 7499 2016 53,454 0379 2015 422,117 3019 2012 422,117 0003 2010 594,009 1673 2009 15,041 2309 2009 156,314 2310 2010 519,836 2311 2011 799,748 1975 2007 498,380 3039 2007 61,971 2224 2011 72,799 7627 2007 28,850 2312 2009 726,011 2313 2011 622,295 2314 2012 1,036,794 2315 2013 829,727 7836 2022 190,280 2223 2011 367,198 1488 2002 69,999 1831 2007 8,713 1832 2008 9,791 15,095,192 153,332,309 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME FI L Drainage 224 5 1.25 -126 232 ST@122 234A ST (270M - 470M NORTH OF 112 AVE) 236 ST COTTONWOOD C TRUNK (112-113) 236 ST COTTONWOOD C TRUNK (113-115) ALBION FLATS DRAINAGE PUMP STATION DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2007 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2008 HORSESHOE CR. CULVERT UPGRADE (@ 112) LOWER HAMMOND PUMP STATION - PHASE 3 ATTACHMENT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 PROJECT YEAR DCC 8 X14 0432 2015 113,749 7461 2016 59,889 2822 2020 149,385 0880 2017 394,232 7848 2015 909,999 1821 2007 14,511 1822 2008 16,143 0967 2014 223,707 1974 2015 1,080,049 Drainage Total 3,193,576 Highways 102 AVE (240 - INDUSTRIAL) 0910 2019 295,337 108 AVE (264 - 268) 0883 2018 51,508 112 AVE (232 - 240) FINAL LIFT #F0 7074 2010 209,689 112 AVE (236 - 236B) 7037 2002 58,999 112 AVE (240 - 248) 2050 2023 446,724 112 AVE (300M W 240 - 240) 7058 2014 693,217 112 AVE (300M W 248 BRIDGE) 0792 2022 782,856 116 AVE (ACQUISITION @ 234 ST) 2964 2017 442,623 116 AVE (BURNETT - 232, SOUTH HALF) 2078 2022 308,458 116 AVE (COTTONWOOD DR - 236) 0353 2026 410,634 119 AVE (206 - 200M WEST 207) 7589 2014 248,508 121 AVE (70M W OF 240 - 240) 0861 2014 267,767 132 AVE (232 - 235) 6080 2007 429,961 136 AVE (224 - 400M E 224) 1230 2014 436,860 203 ST (123-POWELL) 7133 2010 191,166 203 ST (DTR - 123) 2789 2010 625,918 203 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2790 2014 52,619 206 ST (250M N - 450M N DTR) 7481 2020 198,442 210 ST (117 - 118) 0729 2025 459,490 210 ST (118- LOUGHEED) 7117 2023 370,177 210 ST @ LOUGHEED (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 1191 2021 178,966 216 ST (124 - 128) 0797 2018 295,760 216 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2798 2014 67,244 216 ST @ 128 AVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4209 2014 139,027 224 ST @ N ALOUETTE RIVER (BRIDGE) 0194 2016 605,764 227 ST (430M N HANEY BYPASS - 650M N) 2816 2000 31,682 227 ST (650M N OF BYPASS - LOUGHEED) 2815 2002 208,023 227 ST @ ABERNETHY TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4214 2016 197,166 228 ST @ COHO CREEK BRIDGE 1283 2022 715,865 230 ST (DTR - STOREY) 0743 2020 482,890 232 ST (112 -115) 7554 2015 248,791 232ST(116-SLAGER) 2823 2010 437,695 232 ST (124 - 128) 2216 2010 1,009,080 232 ST (132 - SILVER VALLEY RD) 2065 2017 340,102 232 ST (S ALOUETTE -ABERNETHY) PH 2 #FO 2062 2017 257,619 232 ST (SILVER VALLEY RD - 141) 1222 2024 361,846 232 ST @ 116 (SIGNAL) 2029 2014 84,174 232 ST BRIDGE (N ALOUETTE RIVER) 2066 2014 1,119,730 234A ST (112 AVE - 270M NORTH OF 112AVE) 0718 2014 169,873 238B ST (165M N OF 121 - ABERNETHY) 0366 2020 64,354 240 ST (104 - MCCLURE) 2829 2014 533,690 240 ST (113 - DTR) 2830 2007 1228,800 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 1 7152 2014 368,500 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 2 1672 2015 368,500 240 ST (DTR -124) 0826 2022 517,430 240 ST (HEAPS ROAD - FERN CRESCENT) 7146 2023 1,060,453 240 ST (KANAKA CREEK BRIDGE S - MCCLURE) 1971 2011 635,345 240 ST (LOUGHEED - 104) PHASE 3 2827 2006 545,049 240 ST @ 112 AVE (TRAFFIC SIGNAL) 2053 2016 123,860 240 ST @ 118 AVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4212 2015 146,610 240 ST @ ABERNETHY TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4213 2018 139,027 240 ST @ KANAKA CREEK (BRIDGE) 2052 2009 1,452,217 240 ST @ S ALOUETTE (BRIDGE) 7145 2020 2,016,309 248 ST (108 AVE -112 AVE) 7142 2016 915,716 248 ST @ KANAKA CREEK ROAD (BRIDGE) 7140 2021 964,588 ABERNETHY (120M W 224 - 224) 2734 2015 22,093 ABERNETHY (210 - 500M E BLACKSTOCK) 2003 2009 610,162 ABERNETHY (216-500M E BLACKSTOCK) WIDEN 2225 2014 230,433 ABERNETHY (224 - 227) 2907 2018 161,182 ABERNETHY (227 - 232) 2015 2018 255,506 ATTACHIMENT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT YEAR DCC IN -FILL Highways ABERNETHY (BLACKSTOCK-224) 2908 2008 180,180 ABERNETHY ACQ (210 - 224) 2905 2007 307,200 ABERNETHY PHASE 3 1696 2010 776,493 ABERNETHY PHASE 4 1697 2011 1,482,135 ABERNETHY PHASE 5 1674 2020 1,286,359 ALBION INDUSTRIAL CROSSING PHASE 2 8046 2014 303,333 ALBION INDUSTRIAL PARK CROSSING 4193 2002 727,225 BROWN AVE (221- 222) 2006 2024 290,551 BROWN AVE (228 - BURNETT) 2010 2014 135,601 BROWN AVE (FLETCHER - 228) 2009 2014 675,624 BROWN AVE ACQ. LAND (@ DUNBAR ST) 2031 2018 55,351 COTTONWOOD DR (115 - 116) 7555 2002 623,035 COTTONWOOD DR (116 - 50M S 118) 2821 2020 459,603 COTTONWOOD DR (118 - 119) PHASE 2 1793 2006 240,954 COTTONWOOD DR (118 - 119) PHASE 3 8309 2008 606,060 COTTONWOOD DR (118 - 119) PHASE 4 1956 2009 666,666 DEWDNEY TRUNK @ BURNETT TRAFFIC SIGNAL 4219 2017 139,028 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD @ 210 ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL 7269 2007 121,277 DITTON ST (HAZELWOOD-CHARLTON) 0711 2017 866,757 FERN CRESCENT (236 - 244) #F0 1220 2016 899,284 FISHERMAN RD (MCKAY- 330M E MCKAY) 0780 2015 144,689 FRASER BRIDGE TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 7894 2001 8,379 INDUSTRIAL AVE (102 AVE - 106 AVE) 2051 2020 653,776 KANAKA WAY (23400 BLOCK) 7903 2019 694,913 LAITY ST (DOUGLAS - 128) 1026 2019 88,402 LORNE AVE (205 - 207) 0707 2022 606,666 MAPLE CRES (115 - WESTFIELD) 0703 2014 273,802 MCKAY ST (FISHERMAN - RIVER RD) 0779 2015 109,199 RIVER RD (TAMARACK - 240) 0778 2015 1,183,863 TAMARACK LANE (HWY# 7 - 270 M EAST) 1102 2017 365,991 Highways Total 41265,120 Park Acquisition ALBION SPORTS COMPLEX EXPANSION 0568 2015 399,999 1511 2015 299,994 8322 2015 2,933,330 BOUNDARY PARK (201/123) PHASE 2 0656 2014 902,499 MERKLEY PARK EXPANSION 0612 2015 209,638 MUSEUM PARK EXPANSION (LAND ACQ.) 1952 2007 71,833 NORTH CENTRAL PARK (232/122) 0665 2014 549,999 PARK (221/119) LOT 2 2316 2010 360,363 PARK (221/119) LOT 3 2325 2015 360,363 PARK (221/119) LOT 4 2326 2015 360,363 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 1 7174 2016 1,553,150 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 2 7175 2016 4,741 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 3 7176 2016 2,465 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL4 7177 2016 7,915 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 5 7178 2016 36,790 SOUTH HANEY PARK (230/113) 0607 2014 2,612,497 SW HANEY PARK 2878 2020 88,374 WHISPERING FALLS PARK (264/126) 0674 2014 297260 WHON NOCK LAKE ACQUISITION 3619 2007 472,203 3620 2018 568,691 3623 2019 28,446 Park Acquisition Total 12,120,913 Park Improvemt COTTONW00D CENTRAL PARK DEVELOPMENT 7310 2014 264,444 COTTONWOOD NORTH PARK DEVELOPMENT PH 3 1716 2005 232,323 COTTONWOOD WEST PARK FACILITIES 6017 2011 462,661 FIREFIGHTERS PARK (WAS COTTONWOOD E) 6018 2005 280,399 FIREFIGHTERS PARK DEVELOPMENT 6021 2001 291,250 FRASERVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT 6015 2012 259,721 MERKLEY PARK IMPROVEMENTS 7298 2014 97,082 PARK DEVELOPMENT (232/132) 7303 2006 47,018 PARK DEVELOPMENT ALBION ELEMENTARY 8148 2013 299,999 PARKS MASTER PLAN 6235 2008 11,902 SKATE BOARD PARK (PHASE 2) 1953 2007 102,521 TELOSKY FIELD WASHROOM FACILITY 7238 2015 44,633 WHARF STREET PARK DEVELOPMENT 7952 2015 192,222 WHISPERING FALLS PARK DEVELOPMENT 7308 2014 68,385 WHON NOCK LAKE IMPROVE -WEIR 8298 2007 39,180 Park Improvemt Total 2,693140 40 AT[P/J-WENT"C' DCC PROJECT IJSTING BYLAW NO. AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME 6705-2009 PROJECT YEAR DCC IN -FILL Sewage Sewage Total Water Water Total 225 -ST PUMP STATION -UPGRADE PHASE -2 234A ST (270M - 470M NORTH OF 112 AVE) MASTER SEWER - DEBT RETIREMENT (2007) RIVER RD (232 - MCKAY) PHASE 1 RIVER RD (MCKAY- 236) PHASE 2 SANITARY IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2007 SANITARY IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT - 2008 216 ST (124 -128) 224 ST (124 -ABERNETHY) 234A ST (270M - 470M NORTH OF 112 AVE) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) STUDY BARNSTON / MR PS 2009 BARNSTON / MR PS 2010 BARNSTON / MR PS 2011 DCC PAYMENT TO JOINT SUPPLY SYSTEM, 2007 GVWD RESERVOIR DEBT PAYMENT 2007 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2009 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2011 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2012 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2013 WATER IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT -2007 WATER IMPROVEMENT DEBT PAYMENT- 2008 2738 2010 306,096 7460 2020 34,694 1801 2007 11,870 6181 2005 644,024 6152 2001 251,640 1826 2007 15,223 1827 2008 17,107 1,2g6,655 0016 2012 506,779 8074 2013 257,563 7459 2020 48,594 0003 2010 442,545 1673 2009 11,205 2309 2009 78,278 2310 2010 260,321 2311 2011 400,494 1975 2007 371,300 3039 2007 46,169 7627 2007 21,493 2312 2009 363,568 2313 2011 311,630 2314 2012 519,201 2315 2013 415,507 1831 2007 4,363 1832 2008 4,904 4,063,914 IN -FILL Total 64,617,917 ATTACHMENT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT YEAR DCC RURAL Highways 1_02 AVE (240 - INDUSTRIAL) 0910 2019 15,574' 108 AVE (264 - 268) 0883 2018 2,716 112 AVE (240 - 248) 2050 2023 23,558 112 AVE (300M W 248 BRIDGE) 0792 2022 41,283 116 AVE (ACQUISITION @ 234 ST) , 2964 2017 23,341 116 AVE (BURNETT - 232, SOUTH HALF) 2078 2022 16,266 116 AVE (COTTONWOOD DR - 236) 0353 2026 21,654 132 AVE (232 - 235) 6080 2007 22,674 136 AVE (224 - 400M E 224) ' 1230 2014 23,038 203 ST (123 - POWELL) 7133 2010 10,081 203 ST (DTR - 123) 2789 2010 33;007 203 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2790 2014 2,775 216 ST (124 -128) 0797 2018 15,597 216 ST (LOUGHEED - DTR) 2798 2014 3,546 224 ST @ N ALOUETTE RIVER (BRIDGE) 0194 2016 31,945 227 ST (430M N HANEY BYPASS - 650M N) 2816 2000 1,671 227 ST (650M N OF BYPASS - LOUGHEED) 2815 2002 10,970 232 ST (116 - SLAGER) 2823 2010 23,082 232 ST (132 - SILVER VALLEY RD) 2065 2017 17,935 232 ST (S ALOUETTE-ABERNETHY) PH 2 #F0 2062 2017 13,585 232 ST (SILVER VALLEY RD - 141) 1222 2024 19,082 232 ST BRIDGE (N ALOUEITE RIVER) 2066 2014 59,048 240 ST (104 - MCCLURE) 2829 2014 28,144 240 ST (113 - DTR) 2830 2007 64,800 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 1 7152 2014 19,433 • 240 ST (113 - KANAKA CR BRIDGE) PHASE 2 1672 2015 19,433 240 ST (DTR -124) 0826 2022 27,286 240 ST (HEAPS ROAD - FERN CRESCENT) 7146 2023 55,922 240 ST (KANAKA CREEK BRIDGE S - MCCLURE) 1971 2011 33,504 240 ST (LOUGHEED - 104) PHASE 3 2827 2006 28,743 240 ST @ KANAKA CREEK (BRIDGE) 2052 2009 76,582 240 ST @ S ALOUETTE (BRIDGE) 7145 2020 106,329 248 ST (108 AVE -112 AVE) 7142 2016 48,290 248 ST @ KANAKA CREEK ROAD (BRIDGE) 7140 2021 50,867 ABERNETHY (120M W 224 - 224) 2734 2015 1,165 ABERNETHY (210- 500M E BLACKSTOCK) 2003 2009 32,177 ABERNETHY (216-500M E BLACKSTOCK) WIDEN 2225 2014 12,152 ABERNETHY (224 - 227) 2907 2018 8,500 ABERNETHY (227 - 232) 2015 2018 13,474 ABERNETHY (BLACKSTOCK - 224) 2908 2008 9,536 ABERNETHY @ 210/132 ACQ 4194 2020 68,250 ABERNETHY ACQ (210 - 224) 2905 2007 16,200 ABERNETHY PHASE 3 1696 2010 40,948 ABERNETHY PHASE 4 1697 2011 78,159 ABERNETHY PHASE 5 1674 2020 67,835 BROWN AVE (221 - 222) 2006 2024 15,322 BROWN AVE (228-BURNETT) 2010 2014 7,151 BROWN AVE (FLETCHER - 228) 2009 2014 35,629 BROWN AVE ACQ. LAND (@ DUNBAR ST) 2031 2018 2,919 FERN CRESCENT (236 - 244) #F0 1220 2016 47,423 INDUSTRIAL AVE (102 AVE -106 AVE) 2051 2020 34,476 1.48;3,077 Highways Total Park Acquisition MERKLEY PARK EXPANSION 0612 2015 27,968 MUSEUM PARK EXPANSION (LANDACQ.) 1952 2007 9,583 N ALOUETTE RIVER GREENWAYTRAIL 2304 2010 44,999 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 1 7174 2016 207,207 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK- PARCEL 2 7175 2016 632 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 3 7176 2016 329 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 4 7177 2016 1,328 PORT HANEY WATERFRONT PARK - PARCEL 5 7178 2016 4,908 WHISPERING FALLS PARK (264/126) 0674 2014 39,658 WHONNOCK LAKE ACQUISITION 1948 2005 454,545 3619 2007 62,997 3620 2018 75,870 3623 2019 3,795 Park Acquisition Total 933,819 ATrPO7-IMENT"C' DCC PROJECT LISTING BYLAW NO. AREA COMPONENT PROJECT NAME RURAL Park Improvem't N AL VETTE RIVER GREENWAY CROSSING PARK DEVELOPMENT (232/132) WEBSTER'S CORNER PARK DEVELOPMENT WHISPERING FALLS PARK DEVELOPMENT WHONNOCK LAKE IMPROVE - WEIR WHONNOCK LAKE PHASE 3 PATH/LIGHT WHONNOCK LAKE PHASE 4 BEACH/GENERAL WHONNOCK LAKE PHASE 5 WASHROOM FACILITY Park Improvem'tTotal Sewage Sewage Total Water Water Total RURAL Total Grand Total MASTER SEWER - DEBT RETIREMENT (2007) 124 AVE (246 - 248) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) 263 ST (440 RESERVOIR - STAGE 2) STUDY BARNSTON / MR PS 2009 BARNSTON / MR PS 2010 BARNSTON / MR PS 2011 DCC PAYMENT TO JOINT SUPPLY SYSTEM, 2007 DEWDNEYTRUNK (260-262) 220M 220MM WM GVWD RESERVOIR DEBT PAYMENT 2007 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2009 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2011 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2012 MAPLE RIDGE MAIN WEST 2013 6705-2009 PROJECT 2215 7303 1074 7308 8298 6032 6075 1568 YEAR DCC 2009 49,500 2006 6,273 2003 199,204 2014 9,123 2007 5,227 2013 253,110 2013 303,262 2012 312,469 1,138,168 1801 2007 1,350 1,350 1599 2013 104,043 0003 2010 30,848 1673 2009 781 2309 2009 7,755 2310 2010 25,790 2311 2011 39,677 1975 2007 25,882 3039 2007 3,218 2220 2010 56,055 7627 2007 1,498 2312 2009 36,019 2313 2011 30,874 2314 2012 51,438 2315 2013 41,165 455,043 4,011,457 221,961,683 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6705-2009 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw No. 6462-2007 WHEREAS Council does not consider the charges imposed by this bylaw: a. As excessive in relation to the capital cost of prevailing standards of service; b. Will deter development, or c. Will discourage the construction of reasonably priced housing or the provision of reasonably priced serviced land in the District. NOW THEREFORE, the Council for the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6705-2009" 2. Schedules "B", "C", "D" and "E" of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw No. 6462-2007 be deleted in their entirety and replaced with Schedules "B", "C", "D" and "E" attached hereto and forming part of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 6705-2009. READ a first time this day of , 200 READ a second time this day of , 200 READ a third time this day of , 200 APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR OF MUNICIPALITIES this day of , 200 ADOPTED this day of , 200 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ATTACHMENTS: SCHEDULE "B", SCHDULE "C", SCHEDULE "D" AND SCHEDULE "E" SCHEDULE "B" Attachment to Bylaw No. 6705-2009 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - GROWTH AREAS (Map 1) Single Family Dwelling/ Duplex DCC per additional lot being Servicing Type subdivided or unit being built Road $10,741 Drainage 1,644 Water 1,715 Sanitary Sewer 151 Open Space 4,510 Total $18,761 Townhouse Servicing Type DCC per additional unit being built Road $7,519 Drainage 1,644 Water 1,715 Sanitary Sewer 151 Open Space 4,510 Total $15,539 Ap partment Servicing Type DCC per additional unit being built Road $4,834 Drainage 185 Water 857 Sanitary Sewer 76 Open Space 2,932 Total $8,884 Commercial Servicing Type DCC per sq. meter of building floor area Road $21.02 Water $9.44 Sanitary Sewer $0.83 Open Space $0.00 DCC per hectare of gross site area Drainage $22,356 Institutional Servicing Type DCC per hectare of gross site area Road $31,180 Drainage 14,122 Water 15,432 Sanitary Sewer 1,360 Open Space 0 Total $62,094 SCHEDULE "C" Attachment to Bylaw No. 6705-2009 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - INFILL AREAS (Maps 1 & 2) Single Family Dwelling/ Duplex Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Townhouse Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Appartment Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Commercial Servicing Type Road Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Drainage Industrial Servicing Type oad Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space DCC per additional lot being subdivided or unit being built $12,144 396 572 153 3,134 $16,399 DCC per additional unit being built $8,500 396 572 153 3,134 $12,755 DCC per additional unit being built $5,465 29 286 77 2,037 $7,894 DCC per sq. meter of building floor area $21.02 $3.14 $0.84 $0.00 DCC per hectare of grosssite area $4,005 DCC per sq. meter of building floor area $7.99 $3.15 $0.84 $0.00 DCC per hectare of gross site area Drainage $3,794 SCHEDULE "D" Attachment to Bylaw No. 6705-2009 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - RURAL AREAS (Map 1) Single Family Dwelling/ Duplex (with water) DCC per additional lot being Servicing Type subdivided or unit being built Road $3,714 Drainage 0 Water 1,099 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 5,053 Total $9,866 Single Family Dwelling/ Duplex (without water) DCC per additional lot being Servicing Type subdivided or unit being built Road $3,714 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 5,053 Total $8,767 Commercial Servicing Type DCC per sq. meter of building floor area Road $21.02 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 0 Total $21.02 Industrial Servicing Type DCC per sq. meter of building floor area Road $ 7.99 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 0 Total $ 7.99 SCHEDULE "E" Attachment to Bylaw No. 6705-2009 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL AREA (Map 2) Commercial (Town Centre) Servicing Tyre DCC per sq. meter of building floor area Road $ 14.00 Water $ 3.14 Sanitary Sewer $ 0.84 Open Space DCC per hectare of grosssite area Drainage $ 4,005 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: : NNov.02, 2009 T21-212-003 and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2009 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment has revised the assessed value for the 2009 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary/PAAB Rolls 06, 07 and 08. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION(S): The report dated Nov. 02, 2009 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Eight folios were revised. One residential folio had the value of improvements removed as the house was demolished prior to Dec. 31, 2008, one residential folio had the value of improvements slightly reduced to better reflect current value, and three residential folios had a portion of their lands reclassified as farm. Two residential class folios had the ALR exemption for school taxes reinstated, which has no impact one municipal revenues, and the exemption was removed from a portion of a GVTA property previously incorrectly exempted from taxation as part of the bridge/road network. (Municipal tax changes: increase in residential class $8,348; increase in farm class $525) b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There is a total increase of $ 15,333 in tax revenue of which the municipal portion is $ 8,873. 1132 CONCLUSIONS: Our appeal in regards to a GVTA property being incorrectly exempted as part of the bridge/road network resulted in increasing the residential assessment base by $4,661,000. This was reduced by a $2,320,600 decrease which was the result of review of data and subsequent correction by BCA. This review also increased the farm class assessment base by $22,960. This report dated Nov. 02, 2009 is submitted for information and is available to the public. t4ib Prepared by: Silvia Ruttedg� Manager, Revenue & Collections 4.`a Approved by: ,ul G ll, B.B.A.; C.G.A. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services ( ) Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer