HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-15 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
February 15, 2010
1:00 P.M.
Council Chamber
Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting
takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to
Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more
information or clarification before proceeding to Council.
Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m.
Chair. Acting Mayor
1:00 [p.m.
1.1 M. Mezzabarba - Dog Licences
Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted
to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council
1101 Road Resurfacing 132 Avenue Cost Share with Pitt Meadows
Staff report dated January 19, 2010 recommending that payment to Pitt
Meadows for road surfacing on the Maple Ridge portion of Old Dewdney Trunk
Road from 203 Street to Neaves Road be approved.
Committee of the Whole Agenda
February 15, 2010
Page 2 of 3
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
1131 Water, Sewer and Recycling Amending Bylaws
Staff report dated February 5, 2010 recommending:
1131.1 Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010
That Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010 be given
first, second and third readings.
1131.2 Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6716-2010
That Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6716-2010 be given
first, second and third readings.
1131.3 Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6717-2010
That Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6717-2010 be
given first, second and third readings.
1132 Maple Ridge Filming Fees Bylaw No. 6669-2009
Staff report dated February 10, 2010 recommending that Bylaw No. 6669-
2009 be given first, second and third readings.
1133 Proposed Economic Advisory Commission (EAC) Bylaw Amendment
Staff report dated February 10, 2010 recommending that Bylaw No. 6714-
2010 be given first, second and third readings.
1151 Dog Off Leash Park Locations Recommendation
Staff report dated January 29, 2010 recommending three sites for approval
for use as dog off leash areas and the adoption of recommendations of the
Dog Off Leash Steering Committee.
Committee of the Whole Agenda
February 15, 2010
Page 3 of 3
The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of
Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing
by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion.
Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff
Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second
opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the
podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the
individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15
m i n utes.
If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a
response will be given.
Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and
delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or
via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings.
Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future
of this community.
For more information on these opportunities contact:
Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca
Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca
Checked b : `" `I ` I
Gate: I Q O 2
District of Maple Ridge
Deep Roots
Greater Heights
TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: January 19, 2010
and Members of Council FILE NO: OPS1003
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole
SUBJECT: Road Resurfacing 132^d Ave Cost Share with Pitt Meadows
Old Dewdney Trunk Road (132nd Avenue) between 203rd Street (Sharpe Rd) and Neaves
Road is a boundary road with Pitt Meadows owning the north section and Maple Ridge
owning the south section. Pitt Meadows takes the primary lead in maintaining the road
surface with a 50-50 cost share to Maple Ridge. The work was approved in both Maple
Ridge's and Pitt Meadows 2009 Financial Plans. Following a public tender process the road
resurfacing was completed under the direction of Pitt Meadows in 2009. The work has been
inspected and accepted as complete and payment to Pitt Meadows is now in order.
That the payment of $213,078.12 to Pitt Meadows for road resurface paving on the Maple
Ridge portion of Old Dewdney Trunk Road from 203rd Street to Neaves Road be approved.
a) Background Context
In 2006 a pavement assessment deemed that Old Dewdney Trunk Road from 203rd Street to
Neaves Road was in need of rehabilitation. Both Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge allocated
funding within their respective 2009 budgets to resurface this section of road. Following a
public tender process the road resurfacing was completed under the direction of Pitt
Meadows in 2009.
b) Financial Implications:
Funding for Resurfacing of 132nd Ave from 203rd Street to Neaves Road is allocated in the
approved Capital Budget. Maple Ridge's share of the cost of the work is within the approved
budget of $221,400. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and payment
to Pitt Meadows is now in order.
Road works for Old Dewdney Trunk Road (132nd Avenue) between 203rd Street and Neaves
Road was approved in the 2009 Financial Plan. The contract was administered by Pitt
Meadows and Ww complete and within the approved budget. Authorization of payment to
Pitt M do cAis r c` mmended for Maple Ridge's share of the work.
Prepared by: FWss Carmichael AScT, Eng.L
Director of Engineering Operations
Approved by: r r ThorYfpson, BBA, CGA
Manager of Financial Planning
Approved by, Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng
General Manager Public Works and Development Services
Concurrence: J.L (Jim)Rule
Chief Ad inistrative Officer
Deep Roots
Greater Heights
District of Maple Ridge
His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin
and Members of Council
Chief Administrative Officer
DATE: February 5, 2010
Water, Sewer and Recycling Amending Bylaws
During the 2010-2014 business planning presentations, staff provided an overview of the Sewer and
Water Utilities and the Recycling operations. The recommendations, incorporated in the Financial
Plan for 2010, include rate increases of 5% for sewer, 9% for water and 4.9% for recycling. The
attached bylaws are required to formalize these rate changes.
That Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010 be given first, second and third
That Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No. 6716-2010 be given first, second and third
That Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6717-2010 be given first, second and
third readings.
a) Background Context:
The Water and Sewer Utilities are accounted for as separate lines of business or
independent Funds with their own revenues, expenses, transfers and accumulated surplus
balances. The recycling function is treated similarly within the General Revenue Fund, with
the difference of revenues less expenses and transfers being transferred into the Recycling
Water Utility
The costs of the Water Utility include both local and regional operating, maintenance and
capital costs. In 2010, regional costs represent about two thirds of operating expenditures.
The amount paid to the Regional District for 2010 is expected to increase about 11% largely
due to the cost of water quality upgrade projects (e.g. Seymour Filtration Plant). Council has
a policy of rate stabilization which is done by using accumulated surplus to smooth larger
increases over time.
Maple Ridge shares in some of the capital costs that the Regional District has planned. Over
the next five years, our share is estimated to be approximately $9 million. These costs will
be paid through Development Cost Charges and the Water Utility. Borrowing will likely be
required as available funds may not be sufficient.
Sewer Utilii
The costs of the Sewer Utility include both local and regional operating, maintenance and
capital costs. In 2010, regional costs represent three quarters of the operating
expenditures. Accumulated surplus is drawn down in 2010 to fund capital expenditures that
are larger than a typical year. The surplus builds in later years assuming a 5% annual
The Ridge Meadows Recycling Society provides weekly blue box collection of recyclables in
the urban area and extends service to new growth areas, as appropriate. It maintains daily
recycling depot services at its facility and educates the public at schools, public events and
community workshops. It is one of the largest employers of adults with developmental
disabilities in BC.
The Ridge Meadows Recycling Society relies on the resale of recyclables on the commodity
markets as a significant source of revenue. These commodity prices are less than they once
were. The 2010 contract cost increase will provide sufficient funds to continue operations at
these new prices. If commodity prices retreat again, the District has some reserves to
provide time to explore options or to weather a temporary price decrease. Conversely, if
commodity prices increase, the District will share in the profits.
b) Desired Outcome:
To obtain Council approval to increase the Water, Sewer and Recycling levies to adequately
cover operating and capital expenditures.
c) Citizen/Customer Implications:
Single family residences, which have these services, will see the following increases:
Water levies of 9% or $31.40,
Sewer levies of 5% or $11.40 and
Recycling charges of 4.9% or $2.92
Metered rates will also increase by the same percentage.
d) Interdepartmental Implications:
The Engineering, Operations and Finance Departments will work to further develop the
funding strategy for new and the eventual replacement of aging sewage and water
Council should note that our water and sewer rate structures are being reviewed and
recommendations will be presented to Council in 2010. If changes to the rate structure are
required, they would not come into effect until 2011 at the earliest.
e) Business Plan/Financial Implications:
The rate increases were incorporated into the Financial Plan as recommended to Council in
the 2010-2014 Business Planning presentations.
f) Policy Implications:
The Financial Sustainability Plan Policy and subsequent report on Infrastructure Funding
Strategy will be considered when developing the long range funding strategy to replace sewer
and water infrastructure.
g) Alternatives:
Rates other than what is proposed could be adopted which would impact the accumulated
surplus or Recycling Reserve and would influence future rate increases or the ability to make
future operating or capital expenditures. Any thing other than what is recommended would
be inconsistent with the business plans and Financial Plan.
The rate increases are in line with Council's Rate Stabilization Policy. Work will need to continue to
ensure that the funding strategy continues to evolve to address future capital improvements and the
longterm sustainability of our assets.
Prepared by: re r"fhomson, BBA, CGA
Manager f Financial Planning
Approved by: Andr w Wood, PhD., PEng.
Muni4al E eer
Approved by: Fronk ()'ainn, MBA, PEng.
GM: Public Works & Development Services
Approved by: PauWili, �kAoGM:
Corponnanci Services
Concurrence: J.L. im) Rule
Chi f Administrative Officer
BYLAW NO. 6715-2010
A Bylaw to further amend Maple Ridge Water Service Bylaw No. 6002-2001
WHEREAS the Council has by bylaw imposed charges against the owners of real property for the
provision and maintenance of the water system and wishes to amend those charges for all uses;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Water Service Bylaw No. 6002-2001
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw
No. 6715-2010".
2. That Schedules "A" ,"B" and "G" be deleted in their entirety and Schedules "A" ,"B" and "G"
attached hereto be substituted thereto.
READ a first time the day of 2010.
READ a second time the day of 2010.
READ a third time the day of , 2010.
Attachment: Schedules "A", "B" & "G"
District of Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010
Flat Rate Charges
(Annual Rates)
A. Residential
(1) Per Single Family Dwelling Unit in the General Water $ 379.50
Supply Area
(2) Per Additional Dwelling Unit located within the structure $ 189.75
of a Single Family Dwelling Unit
(3) Per Additional Dwelling Unit or Detached Garden Suite $ 189.75
located on the same parcel as the Single Family
Dwelling Unit
(4) Per Multiple Dwelling Unit $ 360.25
(5) Per Dwelling Unit in the Rothsay Water Supply Area $357.00
(Schedule "E") until (and including) the year 2014, in
addition to the residential rate set in Section A (1) of this
(6) Per Dwelling Unit in the Garibaldi Water Supply Area $357.00
(Schedule "F") until (and including) the year 2015, in
addition to the residential rate set in Section A (1) of this
B. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional
(1) Per Unit $ 379.50
District of Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010
Metered Charges
(Quarter Year Rates)
A. All Uses
(1) Water consumption charges for metered services per $ 0.6508
cubic meter (m3)
(2) Base rate levied per quarter year based on service
connection size:
Connection Size Rate per quarter
25 mm or less $29.20
40 mm $42.85
50 mm $68.80
75 mm $128.60
100 mm $180.10
150 mm $265.85
200 mm $360.25
250 mm $523.20
District of Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 6715-2010
Parcel Tax Charges
(Annual Rates)
A. All Uses
(1) For each parcel of land that is not serviced with a $ 84.70
municipal water service as defined in this bylaw and is
fronting or partially fronting a municipal water main
BYLAW NO. 6716-2010
A Bylaw to further amend Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Bylaw No. 718-1964
WHEREAS the Council has by bylaw imposed charges against the owners of real property for the
provision and maintenance of the sanitary sewer system and wishes to amend those charges for all
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Bylaw No. 718-1964;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw No.
2. That the part entitled "Residential", "Commercial" and "Industrial" in Section 3 of Maple
Ridge Sewer Rate Bylaw No. 718-1964 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
Single Family Residential
per dwelling unit
Detached Garden Suite
per dwelling unit
per dwelling unit
per dwelling unit
per dwelling unit
per dwelling unit
Mobile Home
per dwelling unit
Boarding House,
per dwelling unit
Including Rest Homes
for each boarder or roomer
kept in excess of two (2)
boarders or roomers
Each Hall
Each Theatre
Each Church
Each Store
Each Office
Each Shop
Each Barber Shop
Bylaw No. 6716-2010
Page 2
Each Beauty Shop
Each Restaurant
Each School
Each Hospital
Each Motel or Hotel
Each Beverage Room
Each Laundry
Each Dry Cleaner
Each Laundromat
All Industrial Uses
up to 10 seats
for each additional seat
per classroom
per bed
first room
for each additional room
up to 10 seats
for each additional seat
per machine
The charge shall be 62.72% of the metered charge as
established for the subject parcel by Maple Ridge Water
Service Bylaw No. 6002-2001 (as amended) except,
however, if the said parcel is not metered, then the rate for
each industrial user connected to the sanitary sewer shall be
the same as the flat rate of $238.00
READ a first time the day of
READ a second time the day of
READ a third time the day of
, 2010.
, 2010.
, 2010.
, 2010.
BYLAW NO. 6717-2010
A Bylaw to further amend Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Bylaw No. 4655-1992
WHEREAS the Council has by bylaw imposed charges against the owners of real property to fund
recycling programs and wishes to amend those charges for all uses;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Bylaw No. 4655-
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending
Bylaw No. 6717-2010".
2. That Section 4 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:
"4. The annual recycling charge will be in the amount of Thirty Dollars and Seventy-eight
Cents ($30.78) per taxable property. If services to properties commence part way
through the year, the charges will be pro -rated for the portion of the year that the
services are provided."
3. That Section 6 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:
116. The amount of the annual curbside collection charge will be as follows:
Single Family Residential
Detached Garden Suite
Boarding House (Including Rest Homes)
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.65 per dwelling unit
$31.40 per dwelling unit
$31.40 per dwelling unit
If services to properties commence part way through the year, the charges will be
pro -rated for the portion of the year that the services are provided."
READ a first time the day of , 2010.
READ a second time the day of , 2010.
READ a third time the day of 2010.
Deep Roots
Greater Heights
District of Maple Ridge
His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin
and Members of Council
Chief Administrative Officer
Film Fee Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009
DATE: February 10, 2010
ATTN: Committee of the Whole
Since 2006 when Council approved creating a dedicated Film Production Liaison officer role within
the Economic Development Department the District has built our reputation as a film -friendly
community, and we have benefited from a steady flow of film production to our community.
The average number of "shoot days" per year has been three hundred and forty (340). In 2007 there
was an unusually high level of production at four hundred and forty two (442) days; and in 2009
there was a decrease in activity within the film sector in BC due to the economic conditions as well
as competition from other provinces in the form of 'hefty' tax credit incentives.
Sector forecasts are for continued growth, which is consistent with our experience locally. Although
January is typically a slower month for filming, we have six (6) productions confirmed for January and
February 2010.
When filming takes place in Maple Ridge, there are a variety of fees that may apply depending on the
requirements of the production company. These include fees for electrical permits, highway use permits
and park rentals as well as for those fees directly related to provision of film services. With the exception
of the film fees, there is a bylaw in place for all other film production related fees.
A schedule of fees related to film production has been in use since the Film Production Liaison role was
established in 2006. The schedule of fees proposed in Film Fee Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009 is largely unchanged
from the existing schedule of fees. Changes to the proposed fees include increases to the cemetery and parks
fees, and the introduction of a cancellation fee. The proposed Film Fee Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009 would bring the
District into compliance with current legislation in the Community Charter by formalizing the film production fees.
That Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009 be given first, second and third readings.
a) Background Context:
A recent review of Film Fees in sixteen Lower Mainland jurisdictions showed a wide range of
approaches related to setting and charging film -production related fees. For instance, some
municipalities do not charge a fee for a film permit, while another charges $750.00. The fee
proposed in the attached bylaw is $200.00. In order to continue to attract film production it is
Page 1 of 3 1132
important that our fees are competitive, and in line with the costs associated with providing the
b) Desired Outcome:
This bylaw fulfils our legislative requirement. It also gives certainty to a very cost -sensitive industry
which we believe will help us continue to build solid relationships and a thriving Film Production -
related industry in Maple Ridge.
c) Strategic Alignment:
The Economic Development Strategic Plan include
production. Establishing a bylaw to standardize
provides cost certainty to production companies
including the investmapleridge.ca website, `see it'
enquiry system would all be updated to include
24/7 access to the information.
d) Citizen/Customer Implications:
s a goal to grow our share of available BC film
fees will help encourage film production as it
considering filming here. Our online resources
on-line reporting tool and BizPal online licensing
he Film Fee bylaw giving production companies
In addition to the license and permit fees that the District receives related to film production, the
local economy benefits as well. Conservative industry estimates attribute $10,000 per 'shoot day' of
economic benefit to the local economy.
e) Business Plan/Financial Implications:
While the timing and volume of future film production is outside our control, the Film Production
Liaison office in Maple Ridge Economic Development is doing everything possible to attract return
productions and build our share of available projects. This includes providing excellent service to the
industry, taking an active role with the BC Film Commission and providing information to the public
about the industry and the benefits of filming here. Our approach has been recognized by the BC
Film Commission as an excellent model to encourage continued industry participation
Maple Ridge enjoys a solid reputation with the BC Film Commission and Industry as a film -friendly
community. Council will recall that in June 2009 Maple Ridge Economic Development held a Film
Appreciation Day. This was very well received by citizens and industry and stands us in good stead as
we target investment and the subsequent creation of high -value jobs from the Advanced Technology
and film -related sector.
Filming fees are currently being charged by the District of Maple Ridge; and the proposed Film Fee
Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009 will bring the District into compliance with current legislation. Prior to
developing the proposed bylaw, existing filming fees in the District were compared to those of
several lower mainland municipalities to ensure that the District fees are competitive. Fees in the
proposed bylaw are considered to be reasonable.
As this bylaw provides certainty to the film industrywith respect to operating costs in Maple Ridge we
believe that it will be beneficial as we continue to attract film production companies to Maple Ridge.
Page 2of3
Film production, post production, animation, gaming and new media sectors value a welcoming
community, competitive pricing, affordable land, solid relationships and a strong talent pool when
they consider relocation or expansion. Maple Ridge is well positioned in this regard.
Prepared by: ! "Sandy Blue, ABC
Manager Economic Development
Approved by: IP ul Gill
General Manager Co ora and Financial Services
Concurrence: L. (Jim) Rule
hief Administrative Officer
Attachments: I Proposed bylaw No. 6669 - 2009
Page 3of3
BYLAW NO. 6669 - 2009
A bylaw to establish fees to be charged for the purpose of filming.
WHEREAS, Section 194 of the Community Charter provides that the Council may impose fees;
AND WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to establish a schedule for fees as provided by Section 194;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as
1. Citation
This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Filming Fees Bylaw No. 6669 - 2009".
2. Definition
For the purpose of this bylaw:
"District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
3. No person may use or affect the use of real or personal property, facilities, or equipment owned,
held by or in possession of the District, including but not limited to lands, roads, highways, lanes,
sidewalks, boulevards, buildings and vehicles for the purpose of film production without first
applying to the District for permission.
4. If, on reviewing an application by a person under Section 2., the District considers that a film
agreement is necessary, a person intending to carry out activities related to film production will
enter into a filming agreement with the District in relation to the proposed film production use,
activity and purpose.
5. In addition to obligations established in and agreed to in a filming agreement with the District, a
person using property or services of the District for the purpose of filming production will pay the
fees established in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this Bylaw.
6. Fees/deposit must be submitted to the District at least one business day prior to a person
undertaking a film production.
7. A person holding the position of Manager Economic Development, Film Production Liaison, or the
Designate is authorized to negotiate and enter filming agreements on behalf of the District.
8. Notwithstanding any fee contained in this Bylaw or the schedule attached thereto, Filming Fees
for local non-profit agencies under special circumstances may be reduced or waived at the
discretion of the Manager Economic Development, Film Production Liaison, or the Designate.
Page 1 of 3
9. A cancellation fee maybe imposed for expenses incurred by the District in the event a production
is cancelled.
10. If any part, section, subsection, clause, or sub clause of this bylaw is, for any reason, held to be
invalid by the decision of a Court of competent jurisdiction, such decision does not affect the
validity or the remaining portions of this bylaw.
READ A second time this
READ A third time this
Attachment: Schedule "A"
day of 2010.
day of 2010.
day of 2010.
day of
Page 2 of 3
Bylaw No. 6669-2009
Film Permit Application
• Per application (1 to 6 locations)
• Each additional location
Parking Lot per day
Special Effects Permit (includes inspection)
Municipal Staff Representative
(Outside of regular working hours)
Municipal Cemetery per day
Municipal Parks per day
Municipal Facility
(Prep and post filming procedures)
Security Deposit/Damage Deposit
• Damage Deductions
Cancellation Fee
May 1 May 1
2010 2011
$200.00 $208.00
$50.00 $52.00
$300.00 $312.00
$100.00 $104.00
Two times (2X) current Collective Agreement
rate (no additional admin fee)
$400.00 $416.00
$400.00 $416.00
To be determined by the Manager Economic
Development, Film Production Liaison, or the
50% of location fee
To be determined by the Manager Economic
Development, Film Production Liaison, or the
• Assessed as needed
$250.00 $260.00
Fire Department equipment, staff and vehicles To be determined by Fire Chief
RCMP equipment, staff and vehicles To be determined by RCMP
Page 3 of 3
Deep Roots
Greater Heights
District of Maple Ridge
His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE:
and Members of Council FILE NO:
Chief Administrative Officer ATTN:
Proposed EAC Bylaw Amendment No. 6714-2010
February 10, 2010
Committee of the Whole
At the January 21, 2010 meeting of the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission (EAC) the
Commission reviewed the existing Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179-2003. As a result
the EAC is suggesting that Council consider amending the EAC bylaw as follows:
Removing reference to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Tourism Society which dissolved in
December 2009; and adding an additional Community Member position to maintain the
Commission at 12 members. This additional Community Member position would be sought from
the Tourism Industry.
The current bylaw specifies that Commissioners must live in Maple Ridge or own a business
here. Recognizing the regional scope of our priority investment attraction sectors - Advanced
Technology, Education and Tourism, expanding the bylaw to allow individuals who conduct
business in Maple Ridge to be members of the Commission would provide flexibility and an
opportunity to access wider sector or industry expertise.
That Bylaw No. 6714-2010 be given first, second and third readings.
Background Context:
Since its dissolution in late 2009 The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Tourism Society no longer provides
Tourism services for Maple Ridge. Tourism represents a significant opportunity for our community
and a regional tourism strategy is being developed.
The proposed changes to the EAC bylaw address the recent changes in Tourism; acknowledge the
regional nature of investment attraction and help in the recruitment of potential applicants for
Commission vacancies by broadening the scope of eligibility to include individuals who conduct
business in Maple Ridge. With the move of the Canadian Tourism Commission from Ottawa to
Vancouver in recent years; as well as Tourism Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows being part of the
Vancouver Coast and Mountains Tourism region; and various Tourism industry related businesses
including those in the education and hospitality sectors in the region, there may be an opportunity to
attract world -class expertise to the Commission to the benefit of local / regional Tourism.
It should also be noted that the name of the Department has been changed to the "Department of
Strategic Economic Initiatives" to more accurately reflect the scope of the economic work to be
undertaken to meeting Councils Strategic Vision
Amendments to this bylaw are designed to help maximize future economic opportunity for Maple
Ridge. With the opening of the bridges, and the forecast growth in population and jobs, Maple Ridge
is entering a time of unprecedented economic opportunity.
Prepared y: Sandy Blue, ABC,
Manage onomic Development
Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
BYLAW NO. 6714-2010
A Bylaw to Amend Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179 - 2003
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Committee Bylaw No.
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts
as follows:
1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending
Bylaw No. 6714-2010".
2. That Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179-2003, be amended by:
(a) Deleting Section 5 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:
"Commissioners are people who reside, own a business, or conduct business in
Maple Ridge, with an interest in the economic development of the community."
(b) Deleting Section 6(d) in its entirety.
(c) Deleting Section 6(g) in its entirety and replacing it with the following:
"Six Community Members preferably representatives from each of the priority
sectors identified in the Economic Development Strategy."
(d) Deleting section 7 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "The
Chairpersons of the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Improvement
Association and Arts Council will be requested to appoint a Director of their
organization to serve on the Economic Advisory Commission. Advertisements will be
placed in the local paper requesting applications from District residents, business
owners or those who conduct business in the community for the six community
member positions."
(e) Deleting the introduction paragraph of Section 16 in its entirety and replacing it with
the following: "The Economic Advisory Commission is an advisory body to Council on
matters relating to the long term economic health of the community. The Economic
Advisory Commission in coordination with the Manager of Strategic Economic
Initiatives may:"
(f) and that the sections be renumbered accordingly.
READ a first time the day of , 2010.
READ a second time the day of 2010.
READ a third time the day of 2010.
Deep Roots
Greater Heights
District of Maple Ridge
His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: 2010-01-29
and Members of Council FILE NO:
Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W.
A list of five potential dogs off leash sites were presented to the Parks and Leisure Services
Commission for consideration at a park's tour/meeting held in July 2009, and staff were directed to
solicit feedback from Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows residents and other stakeholders who either
use or live near the proposed sites.
The Dog off Leash Steering Committee respectfully suggests that these five locations are a good
starting point for this initiative, and that additional off leash areas should also be considered as
future new parks are developed (where appropriate) and that opportunities to gain access to a
significant sized off leash park, similar to the multi acre parks that exist in a couple of other lower
mainland communities, would be very desirable. The following recommendations are being
submitted to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils by the Parks and Leisure Services
1. That three proposed Maple Ridge sites identified in recommendation #1 in the attached
Appendix "A", of the January 29, 2010 report on this subject be approved for use as dog off
leash areas, and
2. That recommendations #2, #4 and #5, in the attached Appendix "A" of the same report be
adopted, and
3. That recommendation #6, in the attached Appendix "A" of the January 29, 2010 report on this
subject, be considered as a proposed bylaw amendment, and,
4. That staff be directed to research alternatives to removing dog waste and further,
5. That staff prepare a report after one year of implementation noting the impacts on all sites.
a) Background Context:
A public meeting was held at the Hammond Community Center on April 21, 2009 which was
attended by approximately 75 people. The meeting provided an opportunity to share current
concerns and problems that had been identified by residents to date, as well as the desire of
many residents to have park areas designated as dog off leash areas, as the bylaws in both
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows require dogs to be kept on a leash in public areas.
Typical complaints at that time regarding dogs in parks were primarily related to owners not
picking up after their dogs, or dog bags being discarded in ditches and on trees etc. Other less
common complaints were related to people who were nervous around dogs and did not
appreciate being approached by dogs while they were walking on trails etc. There were also a
couple of examples of people on bicycles being chased by unleashed dogs.
A petition had also been sent to Maple Ridge Council asking them to consider implementing dog
off leash areas, as many dog owners had been made to feel that they were breaking the law by
exercising their dogs in park areas. It has also been reported quite frequently throughout this
process that there have been altercations between residents and dog owners on this issue.
During the public meeting held in April, staff asked if some of the attendees would consider
being on a steering committee to review the information collected from that meeting, as well as
the online survey that had been advertised in the newspaper at the same time as the meeting. A
total of 21 people offered their names as volunteers for this task, a majority of these volunteers
have been regularly attending meetings through June, July and September.
The steering committee members previously made a recommendation to the Parks and Leisure
Services Commission in July 2009 to consider the attached five locations based on the analysis
of 220 responses provided by those who completed the dog off leash survey. Members of the
Parks and Leisure Services Commission subsequently visited each of the proposed sites as part
of a larger parks tour in July, where approval was given to staff to solicit feedback from the
residents and park users in those areas.
Residents living within 100m of each of the proposed dog off leash park boundaries were sent
written invitations to attend one of two open houses, and newspaper ads were posted in two
editions of the local newspaper, inviting other interested residents to the meetings where a staff
member and the steering committee members would be sharing the survey results and their
recommendations regarding off leash parks.
There were an estimated 30+ residents who attended the Pitt Meadows open house held on
October 6, 2009 and an estimated 50+ residents who attended the Maple Ridge open house
held on October 7, 2009. There have been 60 completed comment forms returned to parks staff
since the open houses were held, which were designed to provide residents with the opportunity
to choose what they considered to be appropriate sites and why, as well as an opportunity to
identify sites that they felt were not suitable and why. Respondents were also provided an
opportunity to make additional suggestions or comments regarding the off leash project.
Volker Park
This site was supported by a total of 33 respondents and was not supported by 10 respondents
(seven of whom live adjacent to the site). This site is currently quite heavily used as an off leash
area, and there have been a couple of incidents where interactions between dogs and other park
users have not been very positive. The committee feels that if the proposed off leash area was
fenced, interaction between dogs and other park users, such as children walking to school, using
the children's play park and using the walking loop/ path within the park would largely be
Those opposed to this location have cited:
1/ that the area is too small (1.7Acres)
2/ considered too large by others and should be reduced in size
3/ that parking on the residential street and cul-de-sac will be problematic
4/ noise will be excessive
5/ dog feces not being picked up, and the smell
6/ no water available on site
7/ near a school
8/ a question about who will enforce rules
9/ the loss of an area to play catch, fly a kite or play soccer, is a problem
10/area was too residential.
In consideration of the concerns raised by the residents close to this location, staff and the Parks
and Leisure Commission are recommending that only half of the proposed site be fenced for' this
purpose, with the entrance gate located at the south side of the site, thereby encouraging the
use of parking on 123rd and not on 112th or Meadowbrook Place. This would create a greater
buffer between the off leash area and the residential area, and also allow the remaining portions
of the park to be used for other uses, such as those identified in the comments sheets provided
to us in this regard.
The Principal at Laity View School has confirmed that after reviewing the proposal package in this
regard that he is supportive of the Volker Park off leash area, provided that it will be fenced.
This site was supported by a total of 25 respondents and was not supported by 2 respondents.
The fairgrounds site is reportedly well used by dog walkers throughout the site. Representatives
from the Agricultural Fair Board and the Home Show were also provided comment sheets,
however only verbal comments have been made, which were supportive of the proposal. Option
"A" seemed to be preferred location considering the annual use of the grounds for these two
major events. This site is proposed to be fenced with double access gates.
The responses in opposition to this site argued that four of the proposed sites were not suitable
while their preferred site was. The other respondent does not support having any designated off
leash sites, as her dog is not comfortable around larger groups of dogs, and suggests that this
initiative will encourage people to use their cars to drive to designated sites. This respondent
also advises that she walks her dog off leash, and puts the leash on if she sees people who don't
like dogs, and does not agree with limiting where people can walk their dogs off leash.
Jerry Sulina Park
This site was supported by a total of 23 respondents and was not supported by seven
respondents. This site, as well as the adjacent dyke trails is currently being used as an off leash
area. The site also provides an opportunity for dogs to swim in a large pond or in the river.
The responses in opposition to this site include:
1/ this site was a low priority for them
2/ the pond is not considered safe for dogs
3/ non dog public may be angry if this is claimed as dog off leash area
4/ too much dog poop on the dyke and that it is disgusting that people do not pick up after
their dogs and would like to see something more done about this
5/ too far away
6/ messy area
7/ only one access to the site
8/ limited parking
9/ fish and turtles in the area
10/area too large
11/a fear of dog being harmed by coyotes or bears.
Staff suggests that this site not be fenced initially, to determine if it is necessary to reduce or
prevent other user conflicts on the dyke trail; however signage would be used to designate the
area. It is also anticipated based on comments received through this process that access to the
river via this site may be more desirable than the pond at this location for dogs to swim.
McKechnie/ Sharpe Dyke Trail
This site was supported by a total of 26 respondents and was not supported by four
respondents. This site was suggested initially because it is already being used for both on leash
and off leash use, and was considered to provide swimming opportunities for dogs. This area
was not intended to be fenced, however signage would advise others that the area was
designated as off leash, and to expect to find dogs off leash in this section.
The responses in opposition of this site include:
1/ no parking available
2/ the dyke should not be an off leash area as it is a passage for families to walk without safety
3/ either the entire dyke or none at all should be off leash
4/ it is not appropriate to concentrate this activity on one section of the dyke.
It is anticipated that there will likely be requests (as suggested above) in the future to extend the
dyke trail areas for this purpose. There is some existing shoulder parking at this location, which
is routinely being used by various trail users.
North Bonson Park
This location was supported by a total of 32 respondents and was not supported by eight
respondents. (Four of the non supportive respondents live near this site, with 3 of those 4
comment forms being submitted from one residence). This site was proposed by one of the dog
off leash committee members, and was identified for its grass areas, excellent tree cover and its
overall size. It was also suggested that five of the six closest adjacent residents were dog owners.
The respondents who did not support this location cited:
1/ Davie Jones is in Pitt Meadows, what's being done in Maple Ridge?
2/ too close to school area
3/ owners do not pick up after dog
4/ increased noise and barking issues
5/ safety and dogs fighting amongst themselves
6/ taking away area that kids like to play
7/ there are enough problems in the area with kids, we don't need a problem with dogs
8/ too far away
9/ Grandma likes to take her kids to play and walk in this park
10/don't want noise/smell like Hoffmann Park
11/area of play for my children will be cut down
12/ don't support off leash areas, it's a residential area.
Staff consider this site to be very desirable for this purpose as the close proximity of park and
school lands allows for a wide range of activities to take place at this site including athletic fields,
playgrounds and the proposed off leash area. The dog off leash area is also considered by staff
to be the introduction of a positive activity in an area where there have been issues with
vandalism, graffiti and complaints from local residents regarding partying etc. on weekends. It is
recommended that this site be fenced to prevent interactions between the different groups who
will be using other portions of the site.
The Principal at Davie Jones Elementary has also been consulted in this regard, and has
indicated that he is very supportive of this initiative, and describes his school as dog friendly. He
also suggested that we may wish to consider including the SD portion of the forest area as part
of the off leash area, which would also provide access from the 120B Ave side of the school, and
also indicted that he likes to discourage the children from going into the forested area, as that
area is difficult for his staff to supervise.
b) Desired Outcome:
The desired outcome is that sites recommended by the dog off leash steering Committee are
approved for dogs off leash use, to provide legitimate, safe sites where dogs can exercise and
socialize in an environment where this activity does not detract from the enjoyment of others
who may also be using the parks or trails.
c) Strategic Alignment:
The dog off leash public process was in part initiated in response to multiple requests being
made to staff and members of Council, including a petition received by Maple Ridge Council in
this regard. Identifying suitable locations was previously identified in the parks and facilities 5
year capital plan carried forward each year since 2007.
d) Citizen/Customer Implications:
The recommendations above are based on the analysis of comment sheets that were received
from the park site neighbors and attendees of the open house meetings held in October, in
addition to the analysis of the information collected in the on line survey.
Most of the concerns raised by neighbors and other respondents were anticipated and
thoroughly discussed by the steering committee as they worked through the survey information.
The steering committee respectfully suggest that measures such as fencing, provision of bags
and receptacles, and enhanced signage will overcome most of the concerns noted above.
Observations to date have been that the people who use the off leash areas will "self police" the
activity at these locations and will expect other users to follow the rules of the park, and will
report offenders who do not comply.
e) Interdepartmental Implications:
Some of the attached recommendations of the steering committee contain bylaw development
and enforcement initiatives, which will need to be developed in cooperation with the Bylaws
department in each municipality.
f) Business Plan/Financial Implications:
A capital budget of $20,000 was recommended and approved in Maple Ridge in 2007, and a
capital budget of $20,000 has also been proposed in the Pitt Meadows 2010 long term capital
plan for this purpose, which would contribute towards site fencing, gates and possibly other
desired site furnishing depending on available funding.
In addition to the capital costs, there will also be ongoing operating costs estimated at $5,000
per year for additional visits to deal with garbage barrels before there are smell issues, site
safety inspections, and vandalism etc. This cost does not include the provision of site furnishings
or any further upgrades to these sites such as safety surfacing when the grass areas have been
worn out, or the associated costs of bylaw enforcement. Staff recommends moving forward with
the implementation of the dog off leash areas, and providing a service level that can be
accommodated within our existing budget capacity. It may also be possible for some funding to
be made available in the future from existing dog license revenue for this purpose, once a
detailed analysis has been completed regarding the costs associated with the construction of the
new animal shelter at Albion Park.
Maple Ridge Council has previously approved a $10.00 increase in the dog license fee to assist
in the funding of the new animal shelter; therefore the recommendation by the dog off leash
steering committee to add an additional $5.00 per license is not supported by staff at this time.
g) Policy Implications:
Bylaw amendments will be required to address the restriction on where dogs are permitted, i.e.
not in children's playgrounds or on sports fields.
h) Alternatives:
The alternative in this case would be to leave the situation as is, and not designate any areas as
dogs off leash, which is not recommended. The current bylaws in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
require that all dogs must be kept on a leash while in a public place, and that dog owners are
required to pick up after their dogs. These bylaws would likely need to be more vigorously
enforced in order to address the concerns raised by park users and other residents who have
expressed concerns regarding dogs being permitted to run off leash in areas throughout each
Parks and Leisure Services staff concurs with the above recommendations made by the Dog off
Leash Steering Committee members and appreciate the time, energy, cooperation and patience that
they have each contributed to this project, as we worked through this public process.
Prepared by: avid Boag
Director, Parks & Facilities
Approve Mike Murray
General Manager, unity Development, Parks & Recreation Services
Concurrence: 0661 Gill
General Manager, Corpora a d Financial Services
Concurrence: J.L. (Jib) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
Attachment: Appendix A
I:\0100-Adm inistration\0550-Counci I-Meetings\20-M R_Council\
2009\M RCR_Dog_Off_Leash_Parks_Locations_Recommendation.doc
Parks & Leisure Services
Appendix "A"
Results from Dog off Leash Parks
Online Survey and Committee Recommendations
1. What type of off Leash Park would you support?
Open Grass Area 64.4%
Natural Forest 55.9%
- Dyke Trail 36.2%
The Steering Committee recommends:
Jerry Sulina Park (Maple Ridge)
Volker Park (Maple Ridge)
McKechnie / Sharpe Dyke Trail (Pitt Meadows)
Albion Fairgrounds (Maple Ridge)
N. Bonson Park (Pitt Meadows)
(With additional smaller neighbourhood opportunities such as small dogs only
being added overtime)
2. What are most important amenities at dog off leash parks?
- Dog waste receptacles
Were rated as mandatory
- Dog Bags
Were rated as mandatory
- Park benches
were rated as desirable
- Shade trees
Were rated as desirable
- Parking
Were rated as Important
- Completely fenced
Were rated as mandatory
- Double entry gates
Were rated as not essential
- Drinking water
were rated as desirable
- Grass surface
Were rated as desirable
The Steering Committee recommends:
As a minimum dog bags and receptacles should be provided.
Fencing should only be provided where there is a potential for conflict with
other park users.
Availability of some parking is essential given that many of the users will need
to drive to the site,
Use of control gates (double gates) in fenced sites is considered important to
reduce the risk of dog packing.
3. What size of Dog Park should be designated for off leash?
1 Acre 20.6%
(approx 3/a of a soccer field)
2 Acres 41.7%
(Approx 1.5 soccer fields)
5 Acres
(Large neighbourhood park) 37.7%
The Steering Committee recommends.
The above noted parks were recommended after a review of the existing
parkland in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows which had easy access, available
parking, compatibility with other existing uses, adequate sized areas available
to meet the demand, as well as a focus on under utilized sites.
4. What rules should apply at an off leash park?
The steering committee recommend that the following rules and operations
should be established as a minimum standard for off leash areas.
- Signs should be posted with contact info for bylaw enforcement
- Limit of 5 dogs per handler/ owner in an off leash area
- Owners should be required to pick up after dogs
Barking dogs must be controlled and quieted, or owners will need to
remove their barking dog (s)
No aggressive dogs permitted (must leave if dog becomes aggressive)
Owners are responsible for their dog's behaviour at all times
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult in an off
leash area
All dogs must be licensed
- Control gates should be used to help prevent dog packing in fenced off
leash areas
- Dawn to Dusk hours for all approved dog parks
- Designated small dogs only section
5. What rules or etiquette should apply in shared use areas such as a dyke trail?
The steering committee recommends that the following should be a minimum
standard for rules on shared dyke trail off leash areas.
- Signs should be posted advising to expect dogs off leash in designated
Owners should be required to leash their dog(s) until pedestrians, cyclist
or other leashed dog passes by
Owners should have full control of their dogs and be able to call
commands to control their dog(s)
- Owners should not permit their dogs to jump up on people
- Owners should be aware that some people are frightened of dogs
Owners should help to educate others on dog behaviour
Owners are required to pick up after their dogs and encourage others to
do the same
Owners should be courteous to other trail users
Owners should advise other dog owners, if their dog is friendly or not
Owners should avoid letting off leash dogs near a leashed dog on the trail
or in a park
6. Are there any parks areas that dogs should not be permitted to use or access?
The steering Committee recommends that based on the common theme in the
survey responses and reported complaints in this regard, that for hygiene and
other safety reasons:
- Dogs should not be permitted in children's playgrounds or water parks
Dogs should not be permitted on any athletic surfaces, such as sports
fields and sport courts etc
- Dogs should not be permitted on school grounds where children play
- Minimum distances need to be established from children's play and sport
field areas
7. Would you support an increase in the cost of a dog license to fund off leash
78.5% of respondents
21.5% of respondents
The steering committee recommends adding a fee onto the current dog
license to help fund the implementation, maintenance and bylaw enforcement
of dog issues.
8. How much extra would you be willing to spend on a dog license to provide
funding for dog off leash parks?
The Steering committee recommends that a fee of $5.00 be added to a dog
license fee provided that the funds are only used for the implementation of off
leash parks, additional required maintenance of off leash parks and enforcement
of dog issues (1/3 of the funding to be delegated to each function.
9. Where do you currently walk or exercise your Dog?
The steering committee utilized this information to help determine what might be
suitable locations for off leash areas. (As recommended above).
10. What other communities have dog off leash areas that you have visited that
you would recommend?
The steering committee utilized this information to help determine what might be
suitable locations for off leash areas. (As recommended above).
11. What do you consider a reasonable distance Walk to an off leash Park?
A. Time to destination
5 Minutes walk
5 minute drive
10 Minutes walk
10 minute drive
15 Minutes walk
15 minute drive
20 Minutes walk
20 minute drive
B. Distance to destination
>1 Kilometre walk
<1 Kilometre drive
1-5 Kilometre walk
1-5 Kilometre drive
5-10 Kilometre walk
7.0 %
5-10 Kilometre drive
10-15 Kilometre walk
2.3 %
10-15 Kilometre drive
The steering Committee utilized this information to develop a plan to develop a list of
dog off leash opportunities at reasonable intervals across Maple Ridge and Pitt
Other common comments / suggestions on the survey were;
- I get frustrated by people who do not pick up after their dogs
- Dog bags are biodegradable, I don't have a problem discarding them
- Educate with vigorous enforcement
- Need more waste receptacles
- Post numbers to allow others to report violations
- You cant do anything that's not already being done
- Education, education, education
- Frequently pick up others pet owners accidents
- A dog off leash park would help
- Need lots of clean up after your dogs signs
- Hire a professional poop scoop company
- Obedience classes for dog owners
- If people had sense of pride at dog park, they would clean up after pets
- Make it easy for people to pick up after their pets (bags , Cans)
- All you can do is patrol and fine, or clean it
- I have been verbally accosted for asking people to put their dog on a leash
- Disposal station similar to an outhouse