HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-22 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 22, 2007 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS Gary Connolly — Maple Ridge Community Church 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 8, 2007 502 Minutes of the Public Hearing of May 15, 2007 503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of April 25 and 30, May 1, 3(3), 14, 2007 Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2007 Council Chamber Page 2 of 5 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements and Consideration of Item 1132 — Manager of Accounting 602 Regional Town Centre Area Plan Process — Director of Planning 700 DELEGATIONS 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BY-LAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1002 are from the Public Hearing of May 15, 2007 Bylaws for Second and Third Reading 1001 RZ/082/06, 11384 and 11410 Burnett Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6453-2006 To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan to designate from Urban Residential to Conservation to allow for the enhancement and relocation of Roslyn Creek. Second and third reading. 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6454-2006 To rezone from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a townhouse development of 19 units. Second and third reading 1002 RZ/066/06, 12461 Garibaldi Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6437-2006 To rezone from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit the subdivision into two lots. Second and third reading Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2007 Council Chamber Page 3 of 5 Bvlaws for Final Reading 1003 RZ/016/07, 20130 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6469-2007 Staff report dated May 11, 2007 recommending final reading. To rezone from CS -1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit a broader range of professional services and retail uses. Final reading 1004 Maple Ridge Council Procedures Bylaw No. 6472-2007 To govern the procedures to be followed by Council and Council committees in conducting their business. Final reading. 1005 Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476-2007 To amend Parks and Leisure rental fees and charges. Final reading COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes —May 14, 2007 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 1101 DP/DVP/058/06, 12065, 12073, 12085, 12097 228 Street Staff report dated May 4, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/058/06 to vary the front and side yard setbacks will be considered by Council at the June 12, 2007 meeting and that upon favourable consideration of DVP/058/06, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/058/06. Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2007 Council Chamber Page 4 of 5 1102 DP/015/07, 20395 Lougheed Highway and 20398 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated May 2, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/015/07 to permit phase three of the restoration proj ect. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2007 Staff report dated April 20, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for March 31, 2007 be approved. 1132 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements Staff report dated May 8, 2007 recommending that the report to the Audit and Finance Committee dated April 18, 2007 and the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements be received. Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Golden Ears Winter Club One -Time Grant Request Staff report dated May 8, 2007 recommending the award of a one-time grant to the Golden Ears Winter Club, subject to the availability of funding within the Municipal Grant Program. Correspondence Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1201 Youth Action Park at Thomas Haney Secondary School Staff report dated May 16, 2007 recommending the approval of the concept plan for the Youth Action Park at Thomas Haney Secondary School to allow for the development of detailed construction drawings. Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2007 Council Chamber Page 5 of 5 1300 INFORMATION UPDATES (including items of Community interest) 1400 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1600 MAYOR'S REPORT 1700 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1800 NOTICES OF MOTION 1900 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 2000 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the Clerk's Department who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 25, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. PENNER/INGRAM LEGAL: Lot 7, Section 8, Township 15, New Westminster District, Plan 7746 LOCATION: 27656 110th Avenue OWNERS: Sean & Samantha Penner Teddy & Brenda Ingram REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Section 219 Covenant restricting the second dwelling to an Accessory Employee Residential use only. THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SEAN & SAMANTH PENNER AND TEDDY & BRENDA INGRAM. -/Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Jim Member ule, Chief Administrative Officer 503 District of Pitt Meadows 10730 108 Pi The Corporation of the Distr'ct of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 1 27656 -110th Avenue SCALE 1.2,500 District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE LICENSES, PERMITS 8. BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: Apr 24, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: RS N N e 27 P 39255 7 6 5 V1/2 1 E 1/2 1 P '730 P 746 P 7746 28 P 39255 District of Pitt Meadows 10730 108 Pi The Corporation of the Distr'ct of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 1 27656 -110th Avenue SCALE 1.2,500 District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE LICENSES, PERMITS 8. BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: Apr 24, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: RS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 30, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/017/05 LEGAL: Lot 29, Except First: Parcel A, Reference Plan LMP1585; Secondly: Portions in Plan BCP25876, District Lot 404, Plan 47210, Group 1, NWD LOCATION: 23379 Kanaka Way OWNER: 0733961 B.C. Ltd. (Matthew Stogryn) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement Covenant - Floodproofing Statutory Right of Way — Municipal Access, Sanitary, Public Access Subdivision Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/017/05. Chairman CARRIED L J.L. (Jim) Ru `e, Chief Administrative Officer Member P 27689 14 Rem 19 P 35398 LMP 36954 PARK Pc1 'A' LMP 26965 1119! SUBJECT PROPERTY N SCALE 1:2,500 District of Pitt Meadows I-- Silver Valley ,,D,..ovantpwn e 4 1 -j 4T-Ak, .,... ,,, :-0 J 1/ / Il -7'arOock _,C , / Lake 1 ctj , — ^Albion X I t District of .7 Langley t - Thornhal I 23379 KANAKA WAY CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mar 17, 2005 FILE:RZ/017/05 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 1, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. RON JONES LTD. LEGAL: Lot 2 Except: Parcel A (Statutory Right of Way BCP25578), District Lot 222 and 246, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan LMP40247 LOCATION: 19950 Lougheed Hwy, Pitt Meadows OWNER: Ron Jones Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Covenant BL59032. THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO RON JONES LTD. ayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Jim Member le, Chief Administrative Officer SCALE 1:2,000 *PP062 14 12081 12077 13 L° 12071 5:2 12 11 2 _J 8 0 12065 10 12059 12055 9 0) 0 0 11979 WEST ST. BCP 3423A LOT B District of Pitt Meadows I , i 1 , i 4 r Mi11441P r ' f",fr-it ,__'_1, 11. ._2- i _ Haney L!,/' ,,,,r; i i , II .1 i -0, r 4 : , ...t-titi ill U I I - -7 7-I District of \ 1111iC Langley1-^o 11111W -W' , 1 I- ----) - - 17 -'-- Rive,-------: District of Mission The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ROLL #20784-0004-0 (LOUGHEED HWY) MAPLE RIDGE B,Atish Coll,rntna CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 30, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 3, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. BYHRE/JARVIS LEGAL: Lot D, Section 29, Township 12, Plan 20164, NWD LOCATION: 22534 136 Avenue OWNER: Jenny Byhre and Glenn Jarvis REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Section 219 Covenant — Sanitary Sump Pump THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO BYHRE/JARVIS. CARRIED ayor Gordon Robson J.L. (Jim) R le, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Member r 13 r -- co 12 c0-0 c\J N *LMP 2 11 a) N c\I 080 10 N c\J 9 co N N 8 co co in N N 7 Lo -4. in N N 6 r -- co co N N 5 To - co N N 4 17- ur) N N (A) 22579 "0 3709 2 a) co to N N 22599 22679 District of Pitt Meadows ,— L Savor Valle? SCALE 1:1,500 District of Langley P 9387 Rem 5 2 (.0 — I A tTii 1'7/ /-1 1 Albion 4 11 ) R,ec- P 9387 P 20164 District of Mission The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 22534 136 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia L CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 3, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 3, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. DP/020/07 LEGAL: Lot E, District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 8914. NWD LOCATION: 12283 224 Street OWNER: MacLean Homes Golden Ears Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Watercourse Protection Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO DP/020/07. Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rinle, Chief Administrative Officer Member 12396 2 P 18957 P7 12385 P 8914 15t P 3898:? 12386 12367 6; Re P 2427h N 1, of P P 14730 2344 P 8914 S 1/2 C NWS 12333 12334 LMP 4403 Rem 1 P 80319 NWS 3018 SUBJECT PROPERTY 12305 P 8914 NWS LMS 608 12296 LMP 50617 12275 12258 P 13442 BCP 21579 P 51690 12241 MS 1802 12207 12238/12248 LMS 873 12206 12191 A LMP 26249 District of Pitt Meadows Silver Valley 12283 224 ST y SCALE 1:2,000 District of Langley C O Rr.) F THE MAP RIDGE PLANNING I IL \ Rive--, CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 3, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/036/06 LEGAL: Lot E, District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 8914, NWD LOCATION: 12283 224 Street OWNER: MacLean Homes Golden Ears Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenants — Geotech; Green Building (LEED); Development — Visitor Parking Rezoning Servicing Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/036/06. ayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED J.L. (J m) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Mem er CO 1 LMP 4403 LMS 608 B !.MS 1802 ‘‘.1 04 0) 13 Rem 1 P 80319 NWS 3018 Rem 5 Rem 4 , P 196 Rem 3 csi Rem 1 0 0 r‘.1 P 8914 E LMS 3 2 12385 12367 12347 12345 12333 SUBJECT PROPERTY 1 LMP 50617 12305 12283 12275 BCP 21579 A 12241 21 12207 CO CV r, 12191 A LMP 26249 12396 2 P 18957 154 P 38983 12386 P7 67 P 24278 12344 12342 Re Nit of P NWS 2464 12334 1 P 72069 NWS 2777 12296 A P 75480 A BCP 15645 12258 LMP 136 12238/12248 LMS 873 2206 'A' P 86603 Distnct of Pitt Meadows Silver Vallei I SCALE 1.2,000 District of Langley 12283 224 STREET A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE -J E RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mar 15, 2007 FILE: RZ/036/06 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 14, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman Jim Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member A. Allen, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/058/06 LEGAL: West V2 & South V2 of Lot 3, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 8333, NWD. West IA & South I /2 of Lot 4, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 8333, NWD. LOCATION: 12065 228 Street, 12073 228 Street, 12085 228 Street, 12097 228 Street OWNER: Alpha Beta (228th Street Holdings) Corp. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant — Rezoning Development Agreement; Visitor Parking THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/058/06. Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED Jim RuleI Chief Administrative Officer Member 65 a 1178 12185 N 1/2 A !166/68 (n 1 a3 co CL - 12179 P 7948 S 1/2A P 66473 355 12153 2 12142 CO 354 12147 a 1 2 12136 2 v 353 C' 12139 12131 ?130 P 9944 • N1/2 16 P 38897 175 1120 S1/2 16 n 12119 2090 1 BCS 1124 147 12111 O co 148 a. 12101 P 22808 B 1082 Rem 10 P 11644 12087 1 2074 N N 1/2 1112081 2068 m 2 co a S 1/2 1112071 N 70' 2 ?060 N 1/2 O 1212067 Rem. 2 ?048 0 v a S 1/2 12 12057 307 O 12049 co P 7450 n N co 6 a 3012041 P 12253 3 12031 310 P 51311 tO 04 FLETCHER ST. a I 12191 12184 ( P 58171 12183 N 1/2 10 12178 336 12169 S 1/2 10 12170 BCS 569 12162 N 1/2 9 co Lo Rem 2 12161 a S 1/2 9 12152 w 12151 a S. 52.5' 2 12148 331 12141 332 P 56987 B LMP 4065 A 12136 12139 12128 12131 1 n 1 337 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 401 12121 12126 -.--_.1 12114 *PP090 v N 50' 5 12115 1 P 68638 12102 a Rem. 5 a 12105 12096 A CD o 0 12097 N 1/2 of 4 0 12086 B 2 M -� 12085 0 S 1/2 of 4 12076 A cO n 12073 N1/2of3 co 12062 N B 2 12065 S 1/2 of 3 12054 S 1/2 7 12053 0,9 m N70' N130' of 2 co 12042 N 1/2 6 a 12041 Rem. N 130' of 2 12038 S 1/2 6 12037 Rem. 17 12032 Rem. W1/2 A 22753 "PPO91 2759 EP 12239 E 1/2A 12028 /30 16 v Rem. 18 P 52750 327 N 15 a 12026 m 03 O ' CI_ °- N 1" DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Rem. A P 9541 04 District of Pitt Meadows 0 N 57 P 46839 03 N Iver Valley P48-36 Rem. 1 12182 v 289 a 12185 303 12166 P 44396 304 12167 341 12154 335 12161 340 co 12140 to LO 339 °- 12128 336 co 12157 ▪ 337 a 12151 338 12147 P 44 294 12120 358 295 12143 297 12112 296 12109 1 12092 12090 0 m 0 2 a co 0,9 299 12103 a 300 12091 12080 302 P 448 301 58 12081 326 12070 co 315 co 12065 327 a 12064 (D a 316 12055 320 12050 P 47 317 604 12041 319 03N 318 M CO N 1 P 77489 C N 1 213 12180 214 CO 04 2166 225 N 226 235 12160 236 12150 237 12140 238 rn 12130 8' 239 °- 12120 240 12110 241 2094 242 12078 243 q 12040 Rem. 260 C 261 P 44292 CO N CO(33 N LMP 42856 12065, 12073, 12085 & 12097 228 STREET SCALE 1:2,000 Albion District of Langley °s �,w' .f Rwer MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia CO N CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 11, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6453-2006. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6453-2006." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP 25825 Lot 3, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 14176 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 729, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby redesignated to Conservation. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No.6425-2006 are hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 10th day of April, A.D. 2007. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 151 day of May, A.D. 2007. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPO TE OFFICER /00/. 17 3 10 11534 11 3 7/532 co 12 ft, 5 529 it d_ cr, 5 13 --------1,_ 1525 11524 56 14 1519 17520 Q- 7 , 15 6 I, 151/7 11516 3 16r- 77471 1513 11570 r0 -----1 9 171-,,,---) 1--- in 11503 7509 00 18 0 (9 11506 7505 19 1 11496 7495 20 2 11494 (/) 11491 21> 43 11492 --J 22 11490 r') 23 71488 c0 11464 LMP 5488 I 1 \ LM N N 2 P N N 1— 3 cli 1 22833 IN 6 '') cocc, 5455 , 789kD N N N cY, 4`,,,) N N Pcl. A P 71276 1.206 ha ca NWS 2885 ^5/ co/ / z TELOSKY AVE. LOT S 2.40 ho 10 P 14624 LMP 10788 9 P 14624, 71/75 113 AVE. 9046 I 0 T 2 MAPLE Bylaw No, Mop No. ram: HOC0 CIA 6453-2006 729 Urban Residential To: Conservation CO\/v 0 _A\ AV D \G MAPLE RIDGE 1:2000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6454-2006 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6454-2006." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP25825 Lot 3, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 14176 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1384, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 10t1 day of April, A.D. 2007. PUBLIC HEARING held the 15th day of May, A.D. 2007. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER /XI g 12 1152? 13 11524 14 71520 7Q- 1516 77516 16 Pr 1 11471 /11464 17570 v -)1_4- 7r-- ' 18 eN 11506 17496 1 1 20 1 Pc!. A 1 11494 (f) 1 P 71276 1 77492 I I 2 1--) <1- •,:r Lo ,N et) 22 1.206 ha P 30008 15 '7"13 ee k;12 , ik)11 , Ne', 10 a_ 11490 ) 2 548 L 17452 1 488 / o9 1 1 A-: (o/ 11 N WS 2885 )/ / 6, (:),/ up cb / Po A- ) L' -j I r \ / Z- /7422 g/ / Q.- .\- <1 L Q / Q) N2( 5825 1 <e_e/ / 1 17502 LMP 5488 LMP,r) 5486 _ .577 ha 3 P 14176 77384/92 0.405ha 2.40 ho 17572 10 P 14624 LMP 10788 9 15 22892 71575 113 AVE. 6 T 39949 ho25 v ENDINC Bylaw No. 6454-2006 Mop No. 1384 From: FR5-3 (One Family Rural Pesidentia0 MAP_,E R DGE 1:2000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6437-2006 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6437-2006." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 38, District Lot 6881, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 57415 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1375 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24th day of April, A.D. 2007. PUBLIC HEARING held the 15th day of May, A.D. 2007. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER /00 72560 P 57415 34 0.809 ho. Bylaw No. 6437-2006 Map No. 1375 From: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 1:1500 MAPT ,F RIDGE TO: FROM: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 11, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/016/07 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6469-2007 20130 LOUGHEED HWY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaw No 6469-2007 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing on April 17, 2007 and subsequently granted 2nd and 3`d reading on April 24, 2007. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit a broader range of professional services and retail uses. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6469-2007 be reconsidered and adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezonin application at a Public Hearing held on April 17, 2007. On April 24, 2007 Council granted 2nd and 3T reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6469-2007 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: 1) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; The following applies to the above: The proposed Rezoning Bylaw No. 6469-2007 was sent to the Ministry of Transportation for approval on April 26, 2007. The staff received a query about the parking requirements in the C-2 zone compared to the parking requirement in the CS -1 zone. It is interesting to note that as per Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, parking required for CS -1 zone (Commercial Use) is 1 per 25 m2 gross floor area and that for C-2 zone (Commercial Use) is 1 per 30 m2 gross floor area. Hence, although the parking requirement is lesser for the proposed C-2 zone, the applicant has maintained the parking provided in the CS -1 zone. The Ministry of Transportation has given approval of the amended Bylaw on May 7, 2007. /UO3 CONCLUSION: The purpose of rezoning the existing land use is to permit a broader range of professional services and retail uses which will benefit the community. As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. Prepared by: ' asika arya Pla /Approv CIP D Approved by: Frank i uinn, MBA GM: Publ. -Works D velopment Services Concurrence: J. (Jim) Rule Ch ef Administrative Officer RA/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A- Site Plan Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6269-2007 Appendix C- Architectural & Landscape Plans 2 N 12051 47 48 LMP 27649 12047 50 i 12046 1 M ti 0 1 4 U) 0) co 5 120 12021 DEWDNEYTRUNK ROAD M N 0 N A P 73373 10 11 11934 1 P 72912 3 0 4N 50 3 73373 1811923 19 11913 P 68232 22 21 20 N 0 N M 0 N 16 11916 P 68232 15 14 1t) o N 11906 Cn CO 6 0- 9 P 69704 7 A?P lbix CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6469-2007 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6469-2007." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "101", District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster District Reference Plan NWP87727 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1390 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to C-2 (Community Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 13th day of March, A.D. 2007. PUBLIC HEARING held the 17th day of April, A.D. 2007. READ a second time the 24th day of April, A.D. 2007. READ a third time the 24th day of April, A.D. 2007. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this 2nd day of May, A.D. 2007 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER i __ Er IMICD ram o . 4'_ e Pi II / ` JY ,7 c„, .1 , • 12, ' pppp � I /47 \ J4'1t i�� Ii I- / c! c%Ft/ • / ill - ippl / I / 1 / as / — i/ EZ 5 4:dsdo • — , ;;"- •d. :Id; II 44 If 44 0 SI,•!•„'s id,' f; :4 "4 ,UtIU b Pao §�e' o"F 6 F b G aria Is SbatrrIq6 5, r APPENDIX I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 6472-2007 A Bylaw to Govern the Meetings of the Council and Committees of Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Contents PART 1 — INTRODUCTION 5 Title 5 Definitions 5 Application of Rules of Procedure 6 PART 2— COUNCIL MEETINGS 6 First Meeting 6 Cancellation, Rescheduling, Postponement 7 Council Workshop 7 PART 3- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS 7 Cancellation 7 PART 4— ELECTRONIC COUNCIL MEETINGS ..................................... ............................ 7 Electronic Special Council Meetings..... ..... ........................................ ..... . ....... . ......... 7 MemberParticipation .................. .......... ......... ...... ........... ...... ........ ........... . ............. ......... 7 PART 5— LOCATION OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 7 Meetings At Municipal Hall 7 Meetings Within Boundaries 8 PART 6- PUBLIC NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS ...................................................... 8 Public Notice Of Regular Council Meetings................................................................... 8 Council Waiver Of Public Notice Of Special Meeting................................................... 8 Public Notice Of Changes To Council Meetings 8 Y:\Bylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)Wrocedure BL 6472-2007.doc May 09, 2007 3:33 PM/AA /t9Cli 2 PART 7- COUNCIL NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS........ ........... ..... . ..... ...... 8 Council Notice Of Changes To Council Meetings 8 PART 8— MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 8 Minutes Of Council Meetings .......... ........ ..... ................... ...... ............ ....... . ........ 9 Minutes Of Electronic Meetings 9 Minutes Available To The Public 9 PART 9- DESIGNATION OF MEMBER TO ACT IN PLACE OF MAYOR ........ 9 AnnualDesignation ....... ...... ....................... ........ ............................. ..... ................... 9 Absence Of Mayor 9 PART 10 - CALLING MEETING TO ORDER...... ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... .................. ..... . 9 PART 11 - QUORUM 10 PART 12- AGENDA AND ORDER OF BUSINESS 10 Preparation Of Agenda 10 Distribution Of Agenda 10 Order Of Proceedings And Business.... ....... .......................... ...... 10 PART 13- VOTING AT COUNCIL MEETINGS ................................................................... 11 Voting At Closure Of Debate ....... ...... .......... ..... ......... ....... .......................................... 11 Voting By Show Of Hands 11 Prohibited Actions During Voting 11 Results Of Voting 11 RecordingOf Votes............. ..... .................................................................................. 11 PART 14- CONDUCT 12 Interruptions 12 Respectful 12 YAllylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL. READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 3 PART15 - DEBATE12 Reading Of Question 12 Motions Generally 12 Motions During Consideration Of A Question 12 Separate Votes 13 Amendments 13 PART 16 - POINTS OF ORDER 13 PART 17 - RECONSIDERATION OF A MOTION 13 PART 18 - DELEGATIONS 14 PART 19 - BYLAWS 14 Form Of Bylaws 14 Three Readings 14 Form Of Bylaw Readings 15 Storage Of Bylaws 15 PART 20 - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, STANDING & SELECT COMMITTTEES ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Appointments To Standing Committees 15 CommitteeOf The Whole15 Presiding Member Of Committee Of The Whole 15 Chairperson Of Standing Committees 15 Calling Committee Meetings 16 Committee Member Notice Of Meetings16 Public Notice Of Committee Meetings16 Committee Meetings Within Boundaries16 Electronic Attendance At Committee Meetings16 Voting Rules At Committee Meetings17 Y:AByk s\2007 I3YI,A\VS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BI. 6472-2007.doc 4 Reconsideration 17 Minutes 17 Quorum 17 Conduct And Debate 17 PART 21 — GENERAL 18 Y:ABylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)AProcedure BL 6472-2007.doc PART 1 - INTRODUCTION+ 5 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 6472-2007 A Bylaw to Govern the Meetings of the Council and Committees of Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS section 124(1) of the Community Charter requires Council, by bylaw, to establish the general procedures to be followed by Council and Council committees in conducting their business; AND WHEREAS Council has given notice of this Bylaw, pursuant to section 124(3) of the Community Charter; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the above -recited and other authority, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: Name of Bylaw 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Council Procedure Bylaw No. 6472-2007". Repeal 2. Maple Ridge Council Procedure Bylaw No. 5871 — 1999, as amended, is hereby repealed in its entirety and Council policy number 3.07 (Delegation Policy) is hereby repealed. Definitions 3. In this Bylaw: "Corporate Officer" means the municipal employee appointed as the Corporate Officer under section 148 of the Community Charter; "Committee" means a standing, select or other committee of Council, and includes the Committee of the Whole, whether or not the word is capitalized; "Council" means the Council of the District of Maple Ridge; "District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Mayor" means the Mayor of the District of Maple Ridge. Y:ABylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 6 Incorporation of Definitions 4. Unless otherwise defined in this Bylaw, the definitions used in the Community Charter and the Local Government Act and the Interpretation Act apply to this Bylaw. Application of Bylaw 5. The provisions of this Bylaw govern the proceedings of Council and each Committee, as applicable. Robert's Rules of Order 6. In cases not provided for under this Bylaw, the then most -current edition of Robert's Rules of Order applies to the proceedings of Council and each Committee, to the extent that those Rules are: (a) applicable in the circumstances; and (b) not inconsistent with provisions of this Bylaw or the Community Charter. Public Notice Posting Place 7. For the purpose of giving notices under section 94 of the Community Charter, the public notice posting place is the window in the west entrance to the lobby of the Municipal Hall. PART 2 — REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS First Regular Council Meeting 8. Following a general local election, the first regular Council meeting must be held on the first Monday in December in the year of the election. 9. Regular Council meetings for each year must be held in accordance with the schedule of dates and times adopted by Council prior to December 31st of the preceding year. Cancellation, Rescheduling and Postponement of Regular Council Meetings 10. Before the time of a regular Council meeting, Council may: (a) cancel the meeting, or (b) postpone the meeting and reschedule it to a different day and time. Y:A13v1 sV2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure 13L 6472-2007.doc 7 Council Workshop A regular Council meeting may be a Council Workshop which has as its primary purpose the review and discussion of policies and other matters of interest to Council, and the provisions of this Bylaw on regular Council meetings apply to Council Workshops. PART 3 — SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS Cancellation of Special Council Meeting 12. Before the time of a special Council meeting, the person or persons calling the meeting may by notice: (a) cancel the meeting, or (b) postpone the meeting and reschedule it to a different day and time. PART 4 — ELECTRONIC COUNCIL MEETINGS Electronic Special Council Meetings 13. A special Council meeting may be conducted by means of electronic or other communication facilities in compliance with the statutory requirements for that meeting and notice of that meeting. Member Participation by Electronic Communication 14. One or more members of Council who are unable to attend a Council meeting may participate in the meeting by means of electronic or other communication facilities in compliance with the statutory requirements for that meeting, but the member presiding at that Council meeting must not participate electronically. PART 5 — LOCATION OF COUNCIL MEETINGS Council Meetings at Municipal Hall 15. All Council meetings must take place within Municipal Hall except when Council resolves to hold a meeting elsewhere within the District. Y:ABylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 8 Council Meetings Within Boundaries 16. All Council meetings must take place within the boundaries of the District except when Council resolves to hold a Council meeting outside the boundaries. PART 6 — PUBLIC NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS Public Notice of Regular Council Meetings 17. The schedule of dates, times and places of regular Council meetings for each calendar year shall be posted on the Public Notice Posting Place and published prior to December 31st of the preceding year. Council Waiver of Public Notice of Special Council Meeting 18. Public notice of a special Council meeting may be waived by unanimous vote of all Council members. Public Notice of Changes to Council Meetings 19. Where a regular Council meeting or a special Council meeting is cancelled or rescheduled, the Corporate Officer must, as soon as possible, whether before or after the time of the planned meeting, post a notice of such at the Public Notice Posting Place. PART 7 — COUNCIL NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS Council Notice of Changes to Council Meetings 20. Where a regular Council meeting or special Council meeting is cancelled or rescheduled, the Corporate Officer must, as soon as possible, whether before or after the time of the planned meeting, post a notice of such at the regular Council meeting place, and leave a notice of such for each Council member at the place to which the member has directed notices be sent. PART 8 — MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS Minutes of Council Meetings 21. Minutes of the proceedings of Council must be (a) legibly recorded, Y:AI3vlaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc PART 9 — DESIGNATION OF MEMBER TO ACT IN PLACE OF MAYOR' 9 (b) certified as correct by the Corporate Officer, and (c) signed by the Mayor or other member who presided at the meeting. Minutes of Electronic Meetings 22. The Corporate Officer shall record in the minutes the members present including those participating electronically. Minutes Available to the Public 23. Minutes or portions of minutes of Council meetings that are available to the public must be open for public inspection at Municipal Hall during its regular office hours. Annual Designation of Member to Act in Place of Mayor 24. On or before January 1st of each year, Council must, from amongst its members, designate for defined periods of that year members to serve on a rotating basis as the member responsible for acting in the place of the Mayor when the Mayor is absent or otherwise unable to act or when the office of the Mayor is vacant. 25. Each Councillor designated under section 24 must fulfill the responsibilities of the Mayor in his or her absence. Absence of Mayor 26. The Mayor shall preside at Council meetings and if the Mayor is absent, the member designated to act in place of the Mayor shall preside at the meeting and if that member should be absent, the meeting shall be presided over by the next member, following the rotation established in section 24, who is present at the meeting. PART 10 — CALLING MEETING TO ORDER) Calling Meeting to Order 27. As soon after the time specified for a Council meeting a quorum is present, the Mayor, or other member presiding at the meeting under section 26, shall call the Council meeting to order. Y:\Byl; vs\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doe 10 PART 11 — QUORUM Continued Meeting where No Quorum 28. If there is no quorum of Council present within fifteen minutes of the scheduled time for a Council meeting, or a quorum is lost during a meeting, the Corporate Officer must record the names of the members present, and those absent, and all business on the agenda for that meeting not dealt with at that meeting is incorporated in the agenda for the next meeting. PART 12 — AGENDA AND ORDER OF BUSINESS Preparation of Agenda 29. Prior to each Council meeting, the Corporate Officer must prepare an agenda setting out the items for consideration at that meeting. Distribution of Agenda 30. The Corporate Officer must make the agenda available to the members of Council at least twenty-four hours prior to a regular Council meeting. Order of Proceedings and Business 31. Except at Council Workshops, business at a Council meeting must be taken up in the order listed below (to the extent applicable) unless otherwise resolved by Council: (a) Call to order; (b) Opening prayers; (c) Introduction of additional agenda items; (d) Approval of the agenda; (e) Adoption and receipt of minutes; (0 Presentations at the request of Council; (g) Delegations; (h) Unfinished business; (i) Correspondence; Bylaws; Y:\Bylaws\s2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 11 (k) Committee reports and recommendations; (1) Staff reports; (m) Release of items from Council meetings that were closed to the public; (n) Mayor's report; (o) Councillors' reports; (p) Other matters deemed expedient; (q) Notices of motions and matters for introduction at future meetings; (r) Questions from the public; (s) Adjournment. PART 13 — VOTING AT COUNCIL MEETINGS Voting at Closure of Debate 32. When debate on a matter is closed, the presiding member must put the matter to a vote of Council members. Voting By Show of Hands 33. When the Council is ready to vote, the presiding member must ask for a show of hands of Council members, indicating those in favour and those opposed. Prohibited Actions During Voting 34. After the presiding member finally puts the question to a vote, a member must not speak to the question or make a motion concerning it. 35. The presiding member's decision about whether a question has been finally put is conclusive. Results of Voting 36. The presiding member must declare the result of the voting by stating that the question is decided in either the affirmative or the negative. Recording of Votes 37. The Corporate Officer must record in the minutes of a meeting the name of any member who voted in the negative on any question. Y:ABylaws\2007 3YLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 12 PART 14 — CONDUCT Interruptions 38. No member may interrupt a member who is speaking except to raise a point of order. 39. If more than one member begins to speak at the same time, the presiding member must call on the member who, in the presiding member's opinion, first spoke. Respectful Behaviour 40. Members speaking at a Council meeting (a) must use respectful language, (b) must not use offensive gestures or signs, (c) must speak only in connection with the matter being debated, (d) must adhere to the rules of procedure established under this Bylaw and to the decisions of the presiding member, subject to section 132 of the Community Charter; (e) who are called to order by the presiding member must immediately stop speaking. Reading of Question PART 15 — DEBATE 41. A member may require the question being debated at a Council meeting to be read at any time during the debate if that does not interrupt another member who is speaking. Motions Generally 42. Council may debate and vote on a motion only if it is first made by one Council member and then seconded by another. Motions During Consideration of a Question 43. A Council member may make only the following motions, when the Council is considering a question: (a) to defer consideration; (b) to refer to committee; (c) to amend; Y:'\1\laws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc PART 16 — POINTS OF ORDER] 13 (d) to withdraw; or (e) to adjourn. 44. A motion made under clause 43(a) is not amendable and debate is limited to setting the meeting at which the motion will be considered. Separate Votes 45. Council must vote separately on each distinct part of a question that is under consideration at a Council meeting if requested by a Council member and agreed to by the majority of members present. Amendments 46. A proposed amendment must be decided or withdrawn before the main motion being considered is put to a vote. Raising Points of Order 47. A member may raise a point of order at any time, whereupon the presiding member must: (a) interrupt the matter under consideration; (b) interrupt a member who had been speaking; (c) ask the member raising the point of order to state the substance of and the basis for the point of order; and (d) rule as to whether or not the Point of Order is valid. PART 17 — RECONSIDERATION OF A MOTION Council Member Request for Reconsideration 48. (a) A member who voted with the majority either for or against a motion may, at any time within one month of the vote, introduce a motion to reconsider the resolution, motion or proceeding, including the defeat of a motion, if the resolution, motion or proceeding has not been acted upon irreversibly by an officer, employee or agent of the municipality. Y:ABvlaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-20O7.doe 14 (b) If a motion to reconsider is defeated, the subject matter of the resolution or proceeding may not be open for consideration by the Council within 6 months except by way of a new and substantially different motion. PART 18 — DELEGATIONS Delegations 49. Requests to appear as a delegation before a meeting of Council or a meeting of a Committee must be submitted to the office of the Corporate Officer at least one week prior to the preferred meeting. 50. Requests must be in writing, by email, fax or mail, and include the subject matter and the name of the spokesperson(s). 51. The Corporate Officer will undertake consultations with Council or the Committee if the Corporate Officer considers the request to be inappropriate. 52. If the request is granted by the Corporate Officer, or by Council or the Committee, in the case of a consultation, the Corporate Officer will contact the delegation to confirm attendance at the requested meeting or make alternate arrangements. 53. A maximum of three delegations will be permitted at any Council or Committee meeting. 54. If a delegation wishes to appear at consecutive meetings, the delegation will be approved only if no more than two delegations are scheduled for the later meeting. 55. Delegations will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes to make their presentation unless Council or the Committee agrees to extend the time limit. PART 19 — BYLAWS Form of Bylaws 56. Every bylaw must be presented in written form before it is introduced for consideration by Council. Three Readings 57. Unless there is a statutory requirement for an approval or other act to be completed before a reading of a bylaw, a bylaw may be given up to 3 readings at one meeting of Council. Y:ABylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 15 Form of Bylaw Readings 58. The only motion required for the reading of a bylaw shall be: "THAT (short title of bylaw) be given first reading (or first and second readings, or first, second and third readings)." 59. The only motion required for the adoption of a bylaw shall be: "THAT (short title of bylaw) be adopted." Storage of Bylaws 60. After a Bylaw is signed, the Corporate Officer must have it placed in the District's records for safekeeping. PART 20 — COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, STANDING & SELECT COMMITTEES Appointments to Standing Committees 61. The Mayor shall appoint the members of each standing committee that the Mayor establishes. Committee of the Whole 62. All members of the Committee of the Whole must be Council members and all members of Council are members of the Committee of the Whole. Presiding Member of Committee of the Whole Meetings 63. The member designated to act in place of the Mayor is the presiding member of the Committee of the Whole. If that member should be absent, the meeting shall be presided over by the next member, following the rotation established in section 24, who is present at the meeting. Chairperson of Standing Committees 64. The members of each standing committee shall appoint a chairperson and vice - chairperson to preside at meetings in the absence of the chairperson and in the event of the absence of both the chairperson and vice -chairperson, the committee members in attendance shall choose one of their members to preside at that meeting. Y:ARvlaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)AProcedure BL 6472-2007.doc 16 Calling Committee Meetings 65. Committee of the Whole meetings for each year must be held in accordance with the schedule of dates and times adopted by the Committee prior to January 1st of each year. 66. A meeting of a standing and select committee may be called by the chairperson, or in the absence of the chairperson, by the vice -chairperson, or by a majority of the members of the committee. Committee Member Notice of Committee Meetings 67. If a standing or select committee has established a regular schedule of committee meetings, a copy of that schedule must be provided to each member of the committee, by email or other manner that the member has directed that notices be sent. 68. If a special meeting of a standing or select committee has been called or if there is a change to a regular meeting, the meeting may not be held unless at least 24 hours advance notice of that meeting has been sent to each committee member, by email or other manner that the member has directed that notices be sent. 69. Notice of a committee meeting may be waived by unanimous consent of all the members of that committee. Public Notice of Committee Meetings 70. For Committee of the Whole and any other committee that has established a regular schedule of committee meetings, the chairperson of the committee must give public notice of the schedule, including the times, dates and places of the committee meetings, by posting a copy of the schedule at the Public Notice Posting Place. 71. If a special meeting of a committee has been called or if there is a change to a regularly scheduled committee meeting, the chairperson is responsible to give at least 24 hours advance public notice, including the time, date, place and general purpose in the case of a special meeting by posting at the Public Notice Posting Place. 72. Public notice of a committee meeting may be waived by unanimous consent of all the members of that committee. Committee Meetings Within Boundaries 73. Committee meetings may take place outside the boundaries of the District. Electronic Attendance at Committee Meetings 74. Sections 13 and 14 of this Bylaw apply to committee meetings. Y:ABylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 17 Voting Rules for Committee Meetings 75. A motion on a resolution, or on any other question before a committee, is decided by a majority of the committee members present at the meeting. 76. Each committee member has one vote on any question. 77. Each committee member present at the time of a vote must vote on the matter. 78. If a committee member does not indicate how he or she votes, the member is deemed to have voted in the affirmative. 79. If the votes of the members present at a committee meeting at the time of the vote are equal for and against a motion, the motion is defeated. 80. Council members attending a meeting of a committee of which they are not a member must not vote on a question unless the Council member is an alternate to a committee member. Reconsideration 81. Committees are not limited in their ability to reconsider resolutions or other proceedings. Minutes of Committee Meetings to be Maintained and Available to Public 82. The provisions of this Bylaw respecting minutes of a Council meeting apply to minutes of the proceedings of a Committee, except that minutes of a Committee meeting must be certified and signed by the person who chaired that meeting. Quorum 83. The quorum for a committee is a majority of all of its members unless otherwise stated in the bylaw establishing the committee. Conduct and Debate 84. The rules of the Council procedure must be observed during committee meetings, so far as is possible and unless as otherwise provided in this Bylaw or in the bylaw establishing the committee. Y:\Byl 's\2007 BYLAWS (NEED FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc 18 PART 21 — GENERAL Severance 85. If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. READ A FIRST TIME this day of , 2007. READ A SECOND TIME this day of , 2007. READ A THIRD TIME this day of , 2007. ADOPTED this day of . 2007. Mayor Corporate Officer Y:\Bylaws\2007 BYLAWS (NEE[) FINAL READING)\Procedure BL 6472-2007.doc Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6476 - 2007 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Bylaw No. 4117 — 1988 as amended. WHEREAS the Council, may by bylaw establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admissions and/or use of sports, recreation and community use facilities; AND WHEREAS, the Council has imposed fees and now wishes to amend those fees; NOW THERFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476 - 2007". 2. That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended, be further amended by deleting Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "H" and "I"(Greg Moore Youth Centre) in their entirety and replacing with Schedule "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" and "H" as attached hereto, and adding Schedule "J" and "K". 3. This Bylaw shall come into force and effect as of September 1, 2007 for Schedules "A", "B>, "C,> "D» «E» «H„ "J" and «K", READ a first time the 8th day of May, 2007. READ a second time the 8th day of May, 2007. READ a third time the 8Ih day of May, 2007. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of , 2007. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments: Schedules "A","0", "C" iooS Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "A" 6476 - 2007 Arenas -!.------,-,,,-;----„,--,„.,-;;::!----- ective Se 1,2007--- GST Included Ice Ice Ice Dry Floor Planet Ice Prime Non -Prime Early Bird Mtg Room Youth/Senior Non"Profit '7,-,:i.--,,W*RY t4-17.00.j,t4g4ftei-i":00Viiii1386,VM:0*Ak- 44Ket:41iilt4 7,40**MiC4.0.".it4, Commercial Use $117.12 $93.69 $65.86 $9.45 Fundraising $102.92 $79.50 $52.61 $4.73 Special Event $93.69 $70.27 $64.41 $45.99 $2.36 Regular Use $81.98 $64.41 $64.41 $37.32 $0.00 ,Aclult,Non. . ...„_. Profit '- ;„ - , - *- ,,,,- Commercial Use $183.72 $146.98 $68.04 $9.45 Fundraising $183.72 $146.98 $68.04 $9.45 Special Event $183.72 $146.98 $60.86 $4.73 $119.95 Regular Use $183.72 $146.98 $119.95 $56.38 $0.00 Local, Private or political.' Groups z, Fundraising $188.63 $152.47 $98.79 $14.18 Special Event $181.49 $145.36 $82.33 $11.81 Regular Use $193.24 $140.35 $65.86 $9.45 Local ,Commercial Fundraising $298.11 $230.11 $105.38 $15.12 Special Event $248.29 $199.10 $88.91 $12.76 Regular Use $204.95 $158.19 $72.45 $10.40 Non Resident Groupsa-tr.-,.:::.-,..i---f,-;"-f/kt:" Fundraising $299.88 $239.90 $111.96 $16.07 Special Event $257.04 $205.63 $95.50 $13.70 Regular Use $210.82 $168.65 $79.03 $11.34 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "B" 6476 - 2007 1 irgrOull Effective September GST Included Commercial or Beef Stage Grounds & Kitchen Exhibition Barn Showrings Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $18 88 $28.31 $4.71 $16 52 $58.99 Fundraising $9.44 $15.06 $2.36 $8.26 $58.99 Special Event Regular Use $4.72 $8.89 $1.18 $4.13 $58.99 $0.00 $1.81 $0.00 $0.00 $58.99 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $18.88 $28.31 $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Fundraising $18.88 $28.31 $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Special Event Regular Use $13.88 $23.31 $2.36 $11.52 $58.99 $8.88 $18.31 $0.00 $6.52 $58.99 Local, Private or PoIitcaI Fundraising $28.32 $42.46 $7.07 $24.77 $58.99 Special Event Regular Use $23.60 $35.39 $5.89 $20.65 $58.99 $18.88 $28.31 $4.71 $16 52 $58.99 Local Commercial Fundraising $30.21 $45.29 $7.54 $26.43 $58.99 Special Event .Regular Use $25 49 $38.22 $6 36 $22.30 $58.99 $20.77 $31.14 $5.19 $18.17 $58.99 Non Resident Groups idititafar""liat Fundraising $32.09 $48.12 $8.01 $28.08 $58.99 Spec al Event Regular Use $27.37 $41.05 $6.84 $23.95 $58.99 $22.65 $33.97 $5 66 $19.82 $58.99 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "C" aPle RI ge-,LeisureCentre PoolRat Effective SeDtember GST Included Leisure Pool/Competition Pool Harris Road Pool or Hammond Pool ¥outh/Senior Non Profit Per Lane Full Pool ::,xestmsNgpfsVvPiOPaffmmktwpOostoomoasfgagsujpjsoso Commercial Use $10.60 $50.73 Fundraising $7.73 $35.10 Special Event $6.29 $27.27 Regular Use $4.38 $17.52 Adult Non Profit 4.44**374007gRaiiiia*C.IMO":17-' Commercial Use $10.60 $50.73 Fundraising $10.60 $50.73 Special Event $10.38 $44.83 Regular Use $9.51 $38.93 Local, Private or PoliticalGroUpalttliteMeggegtaittltittEgal# Fundraising $15.89 $76.09 Special Event $13.24 $63.41 Regular Use $10.60 $50.73 Local Commercial IggaiMiNittegaggilll601111e._ Fundraising $16 96 $81.16 Special Event $14.31 $68.48 Regular Use $11.64 $55.80 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $18.00 $86.23 Special Event $15.36 $73.55 Regular Use $12.71 $60.87 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117-1988 SCHEDULE "D" 6476 - 2007 Maple Ridge- Leisure, _ Rental„ - - -'-- , ---,-,--;•-„::-t-,,...-,;--y-4:'...ia%--,---,,,_„ .._ ,. ,„, Effective:September 11;-200,.,..,,...-7. 1 GST Included Full Gym Half Gym 1/4 Gym (Multi -P) Preschool Cap. 1000 Cap. 500 Cap. 80 Cap. 40 1 -.YoUth/Senior• Non Profit Commercial Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Fundraising $55.37 $27.68 $13.84 $3.95 Special Event $47.92 $23.96 $11.98 $1.96 Regular Use $40.14 $20.07 $10.04 $0.00 Adult Non Profit.' -'''-,7'-:::.-;7-.F., ,.,,z-,,..:.ti.,..t;,...,--- - * ., : -,..,-..,.- .._,,,..-.,-J,':„.....::::,..r.,,,,,,A..7.n. ' ',t''':r.'1;:' ' r ' Commercial Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Fundraising $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Special Event $64.64 $32.32 $16.16 $3.95 Regular Use $58.68 $29.34 $14.67 $0.00 Local, Private or. Political Groupac,-.,,,z...:41.-;:,..:„Ri,..4.0::..e,*142.wig.ting,, Fundraising $105.38 $52.69 $26.34 $11.82 Special Event $87.81 $43.91 $21.95 $9.84 Regular Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Local Commercial Fundraising $112.39 $56.20 $28.10 $12.61 Special Event $94.84 $47.42 $23.71 $10.63 Regular Use $77.27 $38.63 $19.32 $8.66 Fundraising $119.42 $59.71 $29.85 $13.39 Special Event $101.89 $50.95 $25.47 $11.41 Regular Use $84.29 $42.15 $21.07 $9.45 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "E" 6476 - 2007 Ma le Ri ge Library Meetrng Rooms ffedtiVeSepte'm 7 GST Included Alouette Room Fraser Room Youth/Senior Non Profit tg'IEAVit4iVW'Is'.g4WA:Mgw:t.k4*,*qg4ok,.5;qg.Mifix Commercial Use $9.44 $13.57 Fundraising $4.72 $6.78 Special Event $2.36 $3.39 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 Adult Non Profit -- Commercial Use $9.44 $13.57 Fundraising $9.44 $13.57 Special Event $4.72 $8.57 Regular Use $0.00 $3.57 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $14.16 $20.35 Special Event $11.80 $16.96 Regular Use $9.44 $13.57 Local Commercial WRANOMMO44060101101.047821.1. Fundraising $15.10 $21.71 Special Event $12.74 $18.31 Regular Use $10.38 $14.92 Non Resident Groups qa-Ogtt5W44g0g4OVgW Fundraising $16.05 $23.06 Special Event $13.69 $19.67 Regular Use $11.33 $16.28 6476 - 2007 Child Student Adult Senior Family Parent & Tot Business Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "F" MAPLE RIDGE LEISURE CENTRE ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2007 Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 2.65 23.85 42.40 26.50 67.58 127.20 254.40 3.40 30.60 54.50 34.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 5.25 47.25 84.00 52.50 133.88 252.00 504.00 3.40 30.60 54.50 34.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 9.20 82.80 147.20 92.00 234.60 441.60 883.20 5.25 47.25 84.00 52.50 133.88 252.00 504.00 7.05 Definition of a "Family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19." Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 — 1988 SCHEDULE "11" 6476 — 2007 PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2007 Public Skating Individual Child $2.10 Student $2.50 Seniors $2.10 Adult $3.60 Family $6.10 Parent and Tot $3.00 Definition of a "Family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19." Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "J" 6476 - 2007 'Youthentr ,L September 1, 2007 reg Moore ,Y4nWtrA6,L.,' GST Included Multi -Purpose Lounge Inside Active Area Whole Facility Youth/Senior Non Profit le4;.44X4FAIWV4044:24. ggigoggu.„4„aongf:10.0 A'zio,gzmze4,4x:' Commercial Use $13.57 $18.99 $65.86 $98.42 Fundraising $6.78 $3.37 $52.61 $62.76 Special Event Regular Use $3.39 $0.00 $45.99 $49.38 $0.00 $0.00 $37.32 $37.32 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $13.57 $18.99 $68.04 $100.60 Fundraising $13.57 $13.09 $68.04 $94.70 Special Event Regular Use $8.57 $7.20 $60.86 $76.63 $3.57 $0.00 $56.38 $59.95 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising Special Event Regular Use $20.35 $28.51 $98.79 $16.96 $23.74 $82.33 $147.65 $123.02 $13.57 $18.99 $65.86 $98.42 Local Commercial ziOtorf:r Fundraising $21.71 $30.40 $105.38 $157.48 Special Event Regular Use $18.31 $25.65 $88.91 $132.88 $14 92 $20.92 $72 45 $108.29 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $23.06 $32.31 $111.96 $167.34 Special Event Regular Use $19.67 $27.56 $95.50 $142.73 $16.28 $22.81 $79.03 $118.12 Kitchen Fee $58.99 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "K" HammondCornmunityCentre''''::1,-,00,E;s---'' EffecflveISe. , pm ..., 47-.2007 GST Included Large Hall 1/2 Large Hall Small Hall (Preschool Rm) tYoUth/SeniortNon Profit ;,:-1:;;;-7,... -.:;*,-,..;4.'-'-'?;,-'-t;-44fti"--i':"-S-,,-41,-;',9-1::-ir-'i--'-;;'tA414,-tggizkfitl'st'l-Al.4-I4P-01k&arTiA Commercial Use $43.00 $21.50 $16.81 Fundraising $29.75 $14.87 $10.11 Special Event $27.25 $13.62 $6.17 Regular Use $16.50 $8.25 $6.17 „ Adult Non ;-1 -.-t- - _,- Profit.,-,:n;.--t,-„--L,.., „,,, , ,, , --: ---.' r--- - -- - t -- ",- • '••;.,,A14,.;r,-- Commercial Use $43.00 $21.50 $17.14 Fundraising $43.82 $21.91 $17.14 Special Event $38.00 $19.00 $15.17 Regular Use $34.27 $17.14 $15.17 Local, Private or Political Groups--N='-i-:,-„,.. Fundraising $64.61 $32.30 $25.84 Special Event $53.75 $26.87 $21.01 Regular Use $43.82 $21.91 $16.81 Local Conune'rcial r- - - Fundraising $68.80 $34.40 $29.21 Special Event $58.05 $29.02 $22.69 Regular Use $47.30 $23.65 $19.10 Non Resident Groups.- Fundraising $73.10 $36.55 $28.58 Special Event $62.35 $31.17 $24.38 Regular Use $51.60 $25.80 $20.17 Kitchen Fee $58.99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Development Permit 12065 228 ST, 12073 228 ST, 12085 228 ST, 12097 228 ST His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: May 4, 2007 FILE NO: DP& DVP/058/06 ATTN: C of W EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Two four -storey condominium towers and ten townhouse units above an underground parking structure have been proposed at 12065, 12073, 12085 and 12097 228th Street. This application is subject to the Development Permit Guidelines for Multi -Family development as outlined in the 2006 Official Community Plan. Development variances are being sought by the applicant to vary the required front yard setback in the RM -2 zone from the 7.5 metres required to the 4.5 metres proposed and to vary the side yard setbacks in the RM -2 zone from the 7.5 metres required to 4.62 metres to accommodate the townhomes facing 228th Street. RECOMMENDATION: That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/058/06 respecting properties located at 12065, 12073, 12085, and 12097 228 Street will be considered by Council at the June126, 2007 Council Meeting; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/058/06 respecting properties located at 12065, 12073, 12085 and 12097 228 Street subject to approval of DVP/058/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Boldwing Continuum Architects Inc. Alpha Beta (228th Street Holdings) Corporation Inc. N 1/2, Lot: 3, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8333 S 1/2, Lot: 3, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8333 N 1/2, Lot: 4, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8333 S 1/2, Lot: 4, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 8333 Urban Residential Urban Residential RS -1 - One Family Urban Residential RM -2 - Medium Density Apartment Residential 1/0/ Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 Designation Urban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi -Family Residential Site Area: 7,216 m2 Access: 228th Street Servicing: Full Urban Corresponding Applications: RZ/058/06, VP/058/06 b) Project Description: This multi -family residential development is proposed over four existing parcels fronting 228 Street. The consolidated site proposes to accommodate 10 townhouses fronting onto 228 Street and two apartment buildings with a total of 96 units occupying the westerly portion of the site. The apai Intent structures have a mix of one bedroom, one bedroom/den, two bedroom, two bedroom/den and three bedroom units. All the townhouse units are three bedrooms. Between the two apartment buildings there is a courtyard area with a winding pedestrian pathway with two grassed 4 foot berms, seasonal flower beds and features elevated hoop public art as landscaping highlights. A children's sandbox play area has also been provided on the west side of the property between the two apar truent buildings. The development has been designed with an influence of modern west coast style. The exterior buildings will be made of prefinished composite panels alternating in taupe, olive green, copper and charcoal colours. There is no surface parking for this development, all spaces including visitor, are located underground below the structure. All access to this development is off 228th Street. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: These properties are subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.7 Multi -Family Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan that aim to regulate the form and character of a multi -family residential development. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. I. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing - 2 - The rooftop terraces were removed from the original project design out of respect for the privacy request from the neighboring properties. Additionally, the developer agreed to further setback the buildings on the north, west, and south property lines to allow for more generous, and mature landscaping, to increase privacy between properties. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and height densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The townhouse structures are two storeys in the front rising to three storeys at the back. This is to create a lower scale residential presence along the street edge with a transition through the third storey to the four storey apartment behind. The townhouses thus, act as a density bridge from the single family residential across the street into the more dense multi -family apartments found to the rear. The apartment buildings are also stepped down from four to three storeys where fronting onto single-family development to the North and West. As there is no vehicular parking at street level for this development, both the townhouse and apai tment structures are designed to be pedestrian oriented. In addition to the ground level patio, each townhouse has pedestrian access to the road and to a concrete path to the elevator down to the underground parking area. The ground floor apartment units also have individual patios surrounded by a generous amount of landscaping for increases privacy. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The housing structures have been positioned with a townhouse cluster in the front and an apai tiuent complex to the rear, creating a near mirror-image lot lay -out for the north and south side of the property. The common entrance to the underground parking and visitor drop-off circle in the centre of the lot creates a sense of connection between the four structures. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Between the two apartment buildings there is a courtyard area with two landscape mounds creating desirable privacy areas for the ground oriented units and aids in defining the well lit internal walkway. In addition to the landscape mounds, elevated hoop -like art structures add visual interest of the overall development. Benches have also been added along the internal walkway to encourage further pedestrian use. All parking for this development is located underground away from public view. In order to accommodate the underground parking structure, a retaining wall is required to support the raised lot. This wall will be landscaped with English Ivy to mitigate the visual impact for the surrounding neighbours. Additionally, multiple perimeter trees have been located between the retaining wall and the exposed perimeter of the underground parking structure. d) Development Variance Permit To increase the relationship the townhouses have with the street frontage, a development variance is being sought by the applicant to vary the 7.5 metre front yard setback required in RM -2 zone to the 4.5 metres proposed. As there is no parking or driveway located in the front yard of the townhouse - 3 - development, this 3 metre reduction will give the structures a friendlier street image. Bringing the townhouses closer to the street also increases the separation between the lower density townhomes and the higher density apartment use to the rear. In addition, the Town Centre Concept Plan for Maple Ridge encourages reduced building setbacks to encourage street enclosure and promote buildings facing the public street. A variance for the north and south side yard setback is also requested to allow for the a 2.88 metre reduction to the 4.62 metres proposed in order to accommodate five townhomes on each side of the underground parking entrance. As both of the apartment buildings exceed the setback requirements the variance is considered minor in nature as it is only the townhouse structures that encroach into the side yard setbacks. e) Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan The development site is within the Regional Town Centre which is in the Smart Growth on the Ground area. The project architect has submitted a LEED's (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) green building report for the proposed development. Even though this development is not registering for LEED certification, it is designed with sustainable objectives. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the LEED's components included in the project design has been made a condition of final reading for the associated rezoning application. t) Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel generally supported the project as presented with the following considerations: a) Better description (refinement) of the perimeter landscaping area, specifically the northwest comer. There will be a 1.0 meter retaining wall at the Northwest corner of the site. The wall will have English Ivy planted that will grow down the outside providing integration of the wall with the balance of the landscaping along those north and west edges. g) Financial Implications: A refundable security in the amount of 2.5% of the total construction costs will be required with this Development Pei wit. Based on an estimated construction value of $9,000,000.00 the security will be $225,000.00. There will be 8 "honey locust" trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. 4 CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the guidelines for the Multi -Family Development Permit Area for foiin and character, it is recommended that DP/058/06 be given favorable consideration. Prepared by: / Jen Csikos—' lanning Technician Approved by: Ja'n,t Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director o Planning Approved by: Fra Quinn, MBA, P.Eng G i : Public Works & Dment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jiih) Rul Chief Administrative Officer J JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Schedule A — Site Plan Schedule B — Parking Plan Schedule C — Elevation — Building 1 Schedule D — Elevations Building 2 Schedule E — Elevation Building 3 Schedule F — Elevations Building 4 Schedule G — Landscape Plan 5 Co, S -111111° IIIIII- o 11111 •■■• SSS IITI 1.2 II' I RINI MN NM ma N. MI III= MK 111.1 1°1' • mi. y SS ss 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 S s s sss MI ME. .Ell I;IIIII 1111 1 S SS ors. y„ IMO IC .111.1 1111 111111 • • Eli MI mos mi MI moo z a NNW me 1,1.1.M1_10 i 1111 IMM = =MI MIMI 41111MM all 11. MI MI Et MIMI 111 17111 1111 OM* ME IR MB MOB .1.111 MUM :111 111 :111 H • mos NEIN flii.15PreRgl' s S fS s ss -- EN _ II an s— _as - rT S S 145 us. • •, lif O • MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Development Permit 20395 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY and 20398 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 2, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/015/07 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Over the past few years, structures within the Westgate Mall have been experiencing building envelope failures due to water infiltration. The restoration works have been phased to resolve the issues. This development permit is for the third phase of the overall project. The strategy is to replace the existing failing system with new glazed canopies and an upgraded wall panel system at selected locations. After the changes, the look of the mall will remain relatively the same as the original existing design. The addition of these weather guard systems and landscaping requires Council approval as the development is within the Commercial Development Permit Area. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/015/07 respecting property located at 20395 Lougheed Highway and 20398 Dewdney Trunk Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: The Abbarch Partnership Architects M.E. Burton -Brown Owner: Sun Life Assurance Co Of Canada C/O Bentall Retail Legal Description: Lot: D and Lot: C, D.L. 222, Plan LMP 34007 OCP : Existing: Commercial Zoning: Existing: C-2 (Community Commercial) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Commercial Zone: CS -1 (Service Commercial) and C-4 (Neighbourhood Pub) Designation Commercial South: Use: Commercial Zone: CS -1 (Service Commerc a ) Designation: Commercial East: Use: Commercial Zone: CS -1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) and RS -1 (One Family and Two Family Residential) Commercial Commercial Commercial 2.95 ha (12.35 acres) Lougheed Highway, Dewdney Trunk Road and 119 Avenue Full Urban DP/094/05 This application is the third phase of the overall building envelope repairs proposed for Westgate Shopping Centre at 20395 Lougheed Highway and 20398 Dewdney Trunk Road. The proposed works include: • amendments to the canopy system for Building "C" approved under DP/094/05; • a new canopy system for Building "F" as identified on the attached plan; • upgrades to the existing roof patio on Buildings "D" and "E"; • demolishment and reconstruction of garbage enclosures; • landscaping for both subject properties; • new seating area between Buildings "C" and "G"; • traffic pattern and parking modifications; and • demolishing the arch structures on 119 Avenue. The canopy for Building "C" had been constructed under Development Permit DP/094/05, which was approved at the November 8, 2005 Council meeting. Minor amendments were made during the construction; therefore, the applicant has included these changes. The new canopy for Building "F" is similar to those approved under DP/094/05. It will be supported by new and existing columns and will be raised to roof level to provide protection from the elements. This design will drain water on to the roof rather than the building face. The rain screen system will be pre-engineered and assembled off-site for ease of application. This should minimize on-site installation and thus reduce disruption to the existing businesses. There is an existing roof garden and patio on Building "D" and "E". The roof garden has caused water damage to the roof system and as a result the roof garden will be removed. The roof patio will be upgraded with new pavers and the roof garden will be replaced with planter boxes. The garbage enclosures located throughout the parking lots will be demolished and reconstructed to meet the design scheme occurring throughout the development. One garbage enclosure located near the southwest corner of the sight will be removed and replaced with landscaping while the other garbage enclosures will remain roughly in their original locations. As a result of the current repairs occurring at the subject property, some of the landscaping on the subject property had been removed. The applicant has submitted landscape drawings for the entire site. The landscaping was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) on April 10, 2007 and received overall support. The Advisory Design Panel recommended approval of the project, subject to addressing the following items to the satisfaction of staff: 2 • the introduction of a soft landscaping feature at the plaza at Starbucks; or • reworking the existing planter/fountain outside of Starbucks to preserve a seating area. The recommendations from the ADP will be addressed by the removal of the existing fountain and replacing it with a circular concrete and aggregate floor design with two benches surrounding it. This introduces a soft landscaping feature which provides for a more usable patio -like area. The seating faces away from the parking lot to focus attention on the store fronts rather than the parking lot. The applicant commissioned Bunt & Associates to conduct a traffic study, dated August 18, 2006. The Engineering Depaitnient has reviewed the study and supports the following traffic improvements; namely • a left -turn lane onto 119 Avenue located near the north portion of Building "D" and "E"; • a right -turn only exit onto 119 Avenue located near the south portion of Building "H"; and • a reduction in the number of parking stalls from 645 to 614 is required to implement on-site traffic circulation improvements. The arch structures located on 119 Avenue will be removed. The applicant is required to obtain a Highway Use Pei mit from the Engineering Department before starting this work. Proof of adequate liability insurance and a damage deposit will be required when the Highway Use Permit application is made. The Highway Use Permit should also include the curb and sidewalk letdown work needed for the above mentioned exit. The reduction of the number of parking stalls is supported by staff and still exceeds the requirements of the "Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 — 1990". The reduction of parking stalls also allows for the widening of the internal sidewalk for Building "F" and the addition of a landscaping element along the vehicle entrance on the south side of 119 Avenue. c) Planning Analysis Commercial Development Permit Guidelines: The purpose of a Commercial Development permit is to foster attractive commercial areas that is compatible with adjacent development and enhances the unique character of the community. Key Concepts: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. • The existing development is surrounded by commercial uses and is of similar scale and massing as other developments in the area. • Upgrades to the landscaping have been proposed and are supported by ADP. • A traffic study has been reviewed by the Engineering Department. The introduction of new turning lanes will help to reduce the internal traffic of the site as well as creating easier access onto 119 Avenue. 3 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. • As the development already exists, there are limited opportunities to add further outdoor amenities; however, the applicant has made efforts to incorporate a new seating area as requested by ADP. • There will be a reduction in the number of parking stalls which will allow for a widening of the internal sidewalk for Building F. • The garbage enclosures have been redesigned, and will therefore reduce the visual impact of them in the parking lot. • The street fronts will be upgraded with new landscaping and new canopies. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. • There is access to the site via public transportation. • Street trees and landscaping along the sidewalks and enhanced store fronts with canopies create a more inviting area for pedestrian circulation. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. • The existing development is strictly commercial and all surrounding uses are commercial. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development and adjacent residential area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. • The upgrades to the store fronts and the new canopies enhance the character of the existing development. • New materials have been reviewed and supported by ADP. d) Advisory Design Panel: At the meeting of October 11, 2005 the Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project as presented by the applicant with the understanding that the building materials (specifically panel samples) would be submitted for independent review prior to the next meeting of November 8, 2005. It was further acknowledged that landscaping improvements will be considered at a future ADP meeting. Landscaping improvements were considered at the April 10, 2007 ADP meeting. The Advisory Design Panel recommended approval of the project subject to addressing the following items to the satisfaction of staff: a) the introduction of a soft landscaping feature at the plaza at Starbucks; or b) reworking the existing planter/fountain outside of Starbucks to preserve a seating area. e) Financial Implications: A refundable security in the amount of 2.5% of the total construction costs will be required with this Development Permit. Based on an estimated construction value of $350,000.00 the security will be $8,750.00. -4- There will be three trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. CONCLUSION: The proposed changes do not compromise the intent of the Commercial Development Permit Area and are not a substantial change to the earlier design. Therefore, it is recommended that DP/015/07 be given favourable consideration. Preps ed by; 9 idina Lean Planniag2'-c'chnician / # Approved 1 Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Puborks ! elopment Services Concurrence: )1. L. (Jim) Rule hief Administrative Officer I-1 AL/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Appendix B — Appendix C — Appendix D — Subject Map Site Plan Building Elevations — Landscape Plans - 5 - P 75684 Rem 1 0 H J 12105 P 70062 C 8 A 12065 K 72 161704 4 15 P 18359 38 12092 37 P 83237 19 0 44 2 Appercddk A L DEWDNEV TRUNK ROAD P 77553 LMP 40767 28 4 8 rn 12040 00 7 2 12030 3 oe 12020 2 a_ 12010 1 0 2 20 Rem, RP 8i Rem 1 P 61704 LMP 34007 m 00 BCP 17822 SUBJECT PROPERTIES LMP 33673 119 AVE. 8346 BCP 1643 LMP 34007 P 64073 Pcl. 'One' Rem 1 RP 7774 LMP 46838 11871 LMP 25177 A LOUGHEED HWY 35806 Rem 54 'LMP 36563 1 53 32170 District of Pitt Meadows __ 30 31 7 32 37 1Ner Valley """g 0 SCALE 1:2,712 District of Langley IN P 69662 Rem. 1 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ll 6 �1-- let_..._ I LMP _ k0043 20395 Lougheed Highway & 20398 Dewdney Trunk Road MAPLE RIDGE Brash Calumbla CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 3, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: AL 41t+ s. + i tNt3NhtI N>' w J 3 w I 0 0 cr 0 0 0 1154 ill a ! ill 100,01100 -ee® ® ®® ®® 0®0 0 IN3011 1.0111 1 A If SIM MITI SOY OIX• DIAS WOO WOO Miele . 1, g I 11 41; lo I tt II 111 1,1 ; H g HOD idik 1 '4 ® C) 0 9 1,3011 VOW I. /Wry ...1.1011•1 1.4,10. REM ...10,101 11111.21,0311.0 01.0111K, LTV, 1,11.1111 al:001.M MialtrIV oaal. szni 0 16{11 IMO SILO MIT4•1 110 1111.•91.1214,1 J 0 0 .10•11124.1/1.1.10 (nw.g u 1 s.g) suryi WY" AT111.1 11.1411( 11.1E4 .01 >INS MAMM.1 swat usaenv 1,a7, <1111VV•11 aro mrrts ....Am ...fly. .10 0111.11/141 ATIVX.1.111.T. sus oasts,. bT3 141.16•TIV 4 cpioqqu '3001u 31dYNI MIN 1.VOISBM 1 i I 1i V 4:11r11=:=ZIratill7gt 0111...3 3dVSONVfl I 8 Q 013'300N 31dVIN 11VIN BIVOISAM u.a SIN91,13Orr,d PAPFSEMIXIMME9:91Manit. 1111111t 1 1 4ggg I Ili 111 Qq10.2,1.6t, gctAit 8 11 J ll 111110111 11111 PR.2.+PiX 0-16z OZ,IfItitie4 2GNVZQ cpioqqp, • S101.111.0. 41,45111314.1.Y. IOW./ .3.1 4.3.40,1V 3 'apaqi 1dW4 11VVY 31VOIS9M -ow 1,4 -on SIN3W3OHY1N3 HMO co C9 0E zp —J 5P CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council FRO\I: Chief Administrative Officer DATE: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2007 April 20. 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to he approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together vwith the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOVIMENI)ATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended March 31, 2007 now he approved" GENERAL S 6,616,814 PAYROLL S 1,563,045 PURCHASE CARD S 92,174 S 8,272,033 DISCUSSI(IN: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1/3/ c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: 1. None d) Police Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended March 31. 2007 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann I2ygg Accounting Clerk II Approved'hl.: tennis Sartorius, CA Municipal Accountant Approved hv! \ Pat Gill, BBA, CGA GM — Corporate &,Ph ancial Services Concurrence: ,J.LL (Jim) Rul Ch4ef Administrative Officer r 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 3, 2007 518434 BC Ltd Atlantic Pacific Land Corp Bay Hill Contracting Ltd. BC Hydro BC SPCA Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd Bynett Construction Services CUPE Local 622 Chevron Canada Ltd CSDC Systems Inc Ed Mar Holdings Emergency Communications Fraser Valley Regional Library Graham Hoffart Mathiasen Archt Guillevin International Inc Happy Heart Fitness & Educ Heart & Soul Fitness Ltd Kedco Constructors Ltd Manulife Financial Medical Services Plan Mills Printing & Stationery Municipal Pension Plan BC Oracle Corporation Canada Inc Partition Systems Receiver General For Canada RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Security refund Security refund Traffic signal & overhead crosswalk signs Hydro charges March Contract March Maintenance: Curling Club Hoffmann garage Leisure Centre MR Cemetary New UPS wiring PM Heritage Hall SPCA Street signs Street lights Street light poles Traffic lights Truck shed lighting 104th pump station Community Safety Building Standby Power System Dues - pay periods 07/05 & 07/06 Fuel Amanda software licenses Security refund Dispatch levy - first quarter First quarter member assessment Fire Hall No. 1 expansion Electrical supplies: Emergency program Firehall Operations Weightroom supervision & fitness programs Aerobic & fitness classes 236 & 256 Street pump stations Employee benefits premiums Employee medical & health premiums Stationary Jan & Feb Pension remittance Software licenses Corporate Series Wall System Employer/Employee remit PP07/05 & 07/06 Industry Canada radio license renewals RCMP contract Oct - Dec RCMP clothing Ice rental Feb Curling rink operating expenses Jan Art Centre grant Apr Program revenue Jan & Feb Theatre rental Monthly contract for recycling Mar Weekly recycling 5,990 218 219 172 8,888 76 116 2,102 576 2,495 143 1,370 4,757 309,455 209,375 377 25,877 2,010 503.446 5.345 2,71 1.345 2,326 46.374 12.950 36,871 0,735 126 72.602 170 21.000 24,000 110.174 74,485 21.054 27,122 518.830 16,782 42,647 26,083 35,100 253,620 492.259 114,772 28.264 23,665 15,447 66,941 89,079 22.152 22,161 210,616 15,482 15,425 3.222,462 59,324 99,232 Sports Medicine Council Of BC Terasen Gas Tourism Maple Ridge&P.Meadows Ultra -Tech Cleaning System Ltd Valley Landscaping Ltd West Coast Kinesiology Service Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment Litter pick-up contract Fitness training clinics Gas March Service agreement Maintenance Jan & Feb: Fire Halls Courthouse Library Municipal Hall Operations Centre RCMP Cottonwood North Park Fitness programs PP 07/05, 07/06 & 07/07 TOTAL PERIOD 3 2007 DISBURSEMENTS 1 iondnc uunting,iAP Remittances (Csburser r 07 Month'y Council Reowl 2007 x1s MAR'b7 1.725 2,448 1,647 9.859 8,046 1,221 7,631 74,497 16,250 38.564 37,100 30,852 30,658 18,802 5,914,896 701,918 6,616,814 1,563.045 92.174 8.272.033 MAPLE RIDGE TO: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 8. 2007 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 711i the Audit and Finance Committee met to discuss the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements. During the meeting, the Manager of Accounting presented an overview of 2006 results and the District's external auditor was available to answer questions. The attached report and 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements were accepted by the Committee with a recommendation that they be forwarded to Council for formal receipt. RECOMMENDATION(S): That on the recommendation of the Audit & Finance Committee, the report to the Audit & Finance Con zrnittee dated April 18, 2007 and the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements he received. DISCUSSION: The Audit and Finance Committee met on May 7 to review the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements and accompanying report from the District's external auditors BDO Dunwoody, LLP. The Manager of Accounting presented an overview of the 2006 results and the committee had the opportunity to ask questions of staff and the auditor. The Audit and Finance Committee accepted the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements and recommended that they be forwarded to Council. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan. CGA Manager of Accounting Approved bt : Paul CGA GM Corporate and Final vices Concurrence: .1. Jim) Rule h ( f Administrative Oifice //3R MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: Manager of Accounting CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Audit & Finance Committee SUBJECT: 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements DATE: 18 -April -2007 ATTN: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements have been audited and will form an integral part of the 2006 Annual Report. The Municipality's Financial Position has moved from a Net Debt to a Net Asset position as a result of revenues exceeding expenditures by $5 million. This was due to a number of factors such as favorable revenues from investment earnings, property sales & building permits and planned capital expenditures that did not occur. Municipal reserves are sound and reflect a commitment to planning for a secure financial future for the residents of Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION(S): Receive for information. DISCUSSION: The 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements present the District's financial activities during the year and financial position as at December 31, 2006. Actual financial performance is compared to the financial plan used to set property taxation rates, adopted in May of 2006 and to prior year results. The transactions reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements are those that took place with outside parties; the effects of internal transactions, such as transfers between reserves, have been eliminated. BDO Dunwoody, LLP has conducted an audit of the 2006 financial statements and has issued an unqualified opinion. This is the highest form of assurance that an auditor can provide and indicates that the statements are free of material misstatement and that readers can rely on them for decision making. The 2006 financial plan provided for expenditures of $111 million and revenues of $95 million; the difference of $16 million was to be provided from Municipal reserves. If all of the activities in the financial plan had occurred it would have resulted in a decrease in financial assets and an increase in Net Debt to $18 Million. Actual financial activities resulted in an excess of revenues over expenditures of $4.8 million. This resulted in an increase in financial assets, and a Net Asset financial position of $4 Million. A discussion of the 2006 financial results follows Consolidated Revenues—Actual revenues $88 million compared to a budget of $95 million Not all monies the Municipality receives are recorded as revenues when they are received. Monies, such as DCCs, certain grants and trust amounts, received for specific capital works are recorded as a liability (deferred or restricted revenue) until they are "earned" (when the related expenditures for the specific capital works occur). When we budget for DCC or grant funded capital expenditures we also budget to record the revenue which results in drawing down the liability. If the capital expenditures do not occur, no revenue is recorded and the funds on hand remain recorded as a liability. In 2006 consolidated revenues were below budget by $7 million. This is comprised of a $10 million shortfall on the capital side in expected DCCs and capital grants, offset by $3 million of favorable variances on the operating side. The shortfall in DCC and grant revenue does not contribute to the overall "bottom line" as the related capital expenditures did not occur. On the operating side favorable variances were realized from investment income, property sales and fees and charges, such as building permits and commercial property rentals. Key contributors to these variances were continued brisk development activity in Maple Ridge, the sale of properties in the ECRA building and a larger than expected investment portfolio, due to delays in the timing of planned expenditures. Consolidated Expenditures—Actual expenditures $83 million compared to a budget of $111 million. Overall, expenditures fell short of budget by $28.5 million for 2006. This shortfall was split between capital ($26 million) and operating ($2.5 million). Of the $26 million shortfall on the capital side, $10 million would have been funded by external sources such as DCCs and grants. The remaining $16 million has a favorable impact on 2006 financial results. The funding will be held in reserves until the projects proceed. On the operating side, savings from staff vacancies, the RCMP contract and reduced utility costs contributed $2.5 million to the overall expenditure variance. In accordance with policy a portion of the savings from the RCMP contract were transferred into the Police Services Reserve to support the future provision of protective services. Net Financial Position The Net Financial Position is one of the key indicators found on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, providing an idea of the extent to which revenues in the future will be needed to settle existing liabilities. At the end of 2005 the Municipality had a net debt financial position of $1 million; in 2006 consolidated revenues exceeded expenditures by $5 million, leading to a Net Asset position at the end of the year of $4 million. Segmented Reporting Periodically the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) issues recommendations intended to improve the quality of information found in government financial statements. For 2006 the Municipality has implemented a PSAB recommendation requiring financial information to be provided on a segmented basis. (See the Segment Report) Municipal services have been segmented by grouping activities by function. For example, protection of the public is achieved by activities such as bylaw enforcement and inspection services in additiontopolice andfirefighting services; so all of these activities are reported in the protective services - segment. Revenues that are directly related to the costs of a function have been reported in each segment. The following table shows the Municipal departments included in each segment: General Govt Protective Svc REPORTING Recreation SEGMENTS Planning; Public Health Transportation Water Sewer & Other Personnel Police Dept Parks Planning Engineering Water Sewer Clerks Fire Dept Leisure Svc Recycling Operations Admin Bylaws Youth Svc Cemetery Drainage Finance Inspection Svc Arts Social Planning Roads Purchasing Library Storm IS Legislative Economic Dev The segment report is laid out in the same fashion as the Statement of Financial Activities (Statement "B") but provides a finer level of detail. Capital and operating expenditures are shown separately, with operating expenditures broken down into the major categories of Goods & Services, Labour Costs and Debt Servicing. Commercial Tower operations are shown independently on the Segment Report. This report allows us to see at a glance how property taxation and other municipal resources are allocated to the services provided by each segment. For example, the segment for Protective Services shows a net allocation of $14.6 million, compared to a planned allocation of $25.6 million. Much of the variance is due to capital projects which are to be completed after 2006 year-end. As another example the segment titled Commercial Tower shows the lease revenues, associated costs and debt payments in relation to plan. Fund Balances At the end of 2006 Municipal fund balances totaled $51.6 million as compared to $48.8 million at the end of 2005. These amounts are detailed in Appendix "A" to this report. Fund balances are comprised of Reserve Funds ($28 million), Reserve Accounts ($14 million) and Surplus amounts ($9 million) held in the revenue funds. It is important to understand the differences in these. Reserve Funds are regulated by bylaw, and the monies held in each reserve fund may only be used for the purpose outlined in the bylaw. Reserve Accounts function in much the same way as reserve funds, but as they are not regulated by bylaw they offer a more flexible management tool for financial planning. Surplus amounts in each of the revenue funds represent accumulated "savings". Accumulated surplus is discussed in more detail in the next section_ Of the amounts held in reserves at the end of 2006 $16 million is related to planned capital works budgeted for completion before the end of 2007. Accumulated Surplus As noted in the previous section, revenue fund accumulated surplus contributes to Municipal "savings" over time. At the end of 2006 the Municipality had revenue fund accumulated surplus of $9 million. This was attributed to each of the revenue funds as follows: General Revenue Sewer Revenue Water Revenue $2.4 million $3.4 million $3.3 million By adopting a rate stabilization policy for the Utilities, Council has been able to smooth the impact of increasing costs for water purchases and regional capital construction passed on to rate payers through the Greater Vancouver Water and Sewer & Drainage Districts. This policy has allowed the Municipality to develop long-term financial plans that provide rate payers with some certainty about costs and to provide for our future infrastructure needs. In the General Revenue Fund we ended 2005 with an accumulated surplus amount of $4.2 million. At the beginning of 2006 Council addressed some outstanding issues by allocating $1.6 million of this amount to the following: Self Insurance Reserve $ 700,000 Critical Infrastructure Reserve (new) 600,000 Fund equipment purchases 324,000 $1,624,000 This was in addition to other general revenue funded activities amounting to $200,000 During the 2007 — 2011 Business Planning deliberations we had projected favorable 2006 operating results of $1.5 million, based on results to the end of the third quarter. Based on this projection Council supported the following initiatives planned for 2007: Growth Funding (Parks) $ 150,000 Growth Funding (Operations) 30,000 Animal Shelter 52,500 Succession Planning 400,000 Downtown Renewal 565,000 Fire Department Capital Acquisition 51,000 Emergency Generators 156,000 Building Permit Reserve 150,000 $1,554,500 Actual general revenue operating results were favorable by $760,000. Factors contributing to this were the impact of BC Assessment appeals on tax revenue, and an increase in personnel related liabilities, due in part to the results of an actuarial assessment of future employee benefits. Nonetheless, the Municipal financial position remains strong. CONCLUSIONS: The Municipality's reserves are sound and long-term financial plans reflect the ability of the Municipality to meet its future obligations. Comparing 2006 financial performance against budget, higher revenues from investment income, property sales and fees & charges, staff vacancies, RCMP contract savings, reduced utility costs and capital projects not completed contributed to overall positive results. Capital project expenditures are expected to occur in the future, so the impact from capital is temporary. The Net Financial Position is now in a Net Asset Position of $4 million. Prepared bv: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting C. ......„... Approved by: tPaul Gill, BBA, CGA GM Corporate and Fin. ervices Concurrence: J.L (Jim) Rule Ch ef Administrative Officer CN:cn Appendix "A" m m 0) O N CO n 0 N N CO CO V CO CO IN 0 N N M (f) N 69 69 49 to V 0 N t0 100 7 00)) 69 69 69 63 41) 03 (O (D N- OD (D 0 _ m 0) M O O e5 ai O O O (0 m ri 6349 69 m 0 .- CO v N- N - 01 0O m_ O N O 9 0 6 0) 41)4363 m n v N (D OD N .- 9 Lo- NCD CO N .--CD N U) n M 63 6349 0N) 400 h. O O N O h` V m (n 0) N (0 N 63 63 63 n N (0 O n h- a) O ON O CO N C 4- O' co N 63 43 0} N a) OO 0) 9 co t0 0- V co N M M 63 63 69 $ 10,619,380 O CO O 63 O co 0 63 0) O O m 63 O to 0 O r- 69 63 O N O co 63 V OD O_ 63 O 77 - Cr") 43 O 10 O 69 Schedule 14 (D M CO IN (0 0 m CV N N0) N'-hmv LO mv n0mnCC) 9(NO O 1 e5 4 N (MO r h co co CO0 CO CO n CO CO N N O CD M 03 63 63 63 63 03 63 69 63 CO m 01 0 V . T - LO O 0 0 h m n n .- M IN m m O n O) (Nm U) O n co m 0) 0) 0) (0 M N (D CO CO CO O M h (D N N M n N 63 6969 63 63 63 63 63 63 0 COOO N 0 COh10 OD 0) . CO n m CO CO 0 (0 (O (xi n O v v N 0 IN CO 0. 0) m CO U) O N to co O .- CO .- N CO m C•) 49 63 49 69 03 49 49 63 63 0 0 CO t0 CO O m N V' m O m co m co Crm h d' 9 10 m 1') ' (0 0. 0 R (0 0 n M CO CO h 10 0) N 0-100-0.00101010) M h: (') N .- O 63 69 49 49636363 6363 M OO (0 4 N CD (O (O O CO M h N m U) O .- to M N n N CD U), R O O (0 al -cr a 0 m U) CO 0 CO t0 V' V 0 V' m m O 0) 0 V V' O M 0 M N m N 69 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 M N M 10 N 0 U) cf' nnmm()CDmCO0 M O O t0 m .- O m C'tj N (O U) 06 ,- 0 N co 0) 00,-004\103,-(--09 0) N V' v V N N 0 49 03 69 63 63 63 63 63 63 0 v IN v v O m n U) CO N h N m (O N N n 9 CO CO O CD O CO N O Co N h N M O N M h 0-- O h m M d' 9 9 9 CO M 9 0 cf t0 O (A N N N 63 69 63 03 69 63 63 6963 O CO V' 0 M CO 0 M u)ON 00') mm 10 M ct h 0 M 9 .- N O m (6 0 CO M (\ m d' CO .- 0) (0 n CO M M 0) at O co co co V' m 0 r- (OOmN (0 U) N N 49 49 63 03 63 49 63 63 69 N n (D O N CO O 0) CO 0 CO N 0) C' CD CO V' CO 0 M CO n IN 0 IN CO 0O u) N mNM CO r- O 0 N-- n t0 n CO m 0- 0(01,-01010003N n (0 N N 43 63 63 03 49 43 63 63 49 0) C' N 0 0 0 CO 0 M(0 0) CO O ) M 0 0 0) CO O V' 0) m CO O .- 0 CO CO M N CO 0 0 CO O 10 N O dam' O(0 N n 0 CO CO') h E9 63 49036349634963 63 0363 0) (0 CD N 0) O co (4) 0 co COO) CD CO V' t0 CO 03 9 IN CO 0 V t0 0) O m m M 6 O N V 0 O O N CMD N CO 0 9V' n N 9 co V' r 63 03 434949496>494963 63 63 CO0mV 0) coON� coMn OO t00(0 m M.-4000 00 ' 0 CD M *- O m '- O N m O O M O (m0 N (0N co9. V mV NN m v 0) 63 63 636949490349696963034963 0 r co Om nN OV (00 NO09O CO1 c>: 9 9 '0)N-0)01000(0('4(0 0) (00 100 CO (D t() N CO V0' 0 CV M (MD O (0 m (0 C CO N 10 N 69 63 63490363 494963 4963 696363 O m O M U) U) O 0 0 0) 0 0)-(--L0010000 0)M V (0 0 CO 0) U) h n 0 U) ' 0) CO COM0 0 tt4) m COOM '0 0 V' 0) CMO CA 9 CO N. V t N N N 49 63 49 69 4949 4969 63 63 63 63 69 63 _V co t0 n 10 MO N 0 M OO m d' CO 0 m N m 0- 9 0 0 m CO OM N *-h m0) CO V Om . -m m ct m O (O O v O O O (0 M 10 O h (I) N *- N '0 0 9 CO CO N n (O U) U) CO V' V' N C 6349 03 49 6303636369496949036303 CO CO V' O) N 0 0 0 m N 0 0 CO M O V' O CD n 0 N CO O CO 0 0 0 (D CO CO (0 N CO m V' O h m 0) 0 (0 N CO V U) (D m N O n N 0 0 V N M m CO COnN 0 V VN' V 0 N et n 0 m M r 63 49 03 49 CO) 63 69 63 63 49 63 49 6) 69 V) V' .- U) 0 CO V' M O M d' O_O *- O (0 h m LO U) CO CD CO O N M V' m 0 10 n IN 0 U) -N (D O O m CD U) '0 .- V' U) r U) N O +- O .-060 V n t0 0 *- .- CD CD CO t0 m co V' V' N (0 03 63 43 69 49 69 03 49 69 03 63 63 69 63 49 CO V' CO OD CV O (0 0 0 n IN 9' O tl' N 0 CO 0) CO CO .- N 0 M m cP O n V' IN M 0) m 0 V t0 U) 0 (0 .- CO ' n cf n n O O m— h N V O m n O m 09 (0o h 0 (ND C V0' V0' 0 CQ O m .M- (4) 0') 6303 69 6363636349694949 V) 01 69 03 69 49 O O 49 (70) O 01 m 63 om) M M m 63 CD 0 co O 63 r- 0 m 69 O O (0 O to m r- 69 43 m m m a) 69 'V m 69 O n CO 63 O m 69 O m N co 63 M N O O 63 O CO 0 4, N O 00)) 63 (m0 '0 M N 69 n V m m N 69 O O n N 69 WA (0 CO M ti O (0 ' v in 63 49 ttr) O n U N n M 0) M 63 09 0 CO of Cl N 443 ((00 O M CO O) (0 M 69 49 49 o mn i0 n 10 '4 N r -- •- o •O ct N 49o 49 H N h (u0) (() O U^ N_ M CO t0 O V co 4A 49 Ov M co ct ct n C' r) M et co N 49 69 10 Of 63. N M V' (0 100 1100 N r (+) 40 O c! 49 649 0) 0)0` 9 (D r (D CO O CO CO CO M OD N n c4 V' 49 49 49 00 C) 00) (D CO U) M 0) n U) 0 N (0 'V' M 10 c! 49 49 N Schedule 7 U) 0D N _N CMO O M (0 m N n M O nm )r)v v n N t0 m O) a) N U) 63 V3 69 69 69 10 CO00 N M N 0 tno CO CO — n M m N N 49 49 63 63 163 0 CO 'd' V' O m CO m m m U) CD r)r 0 O('3 N N O N 09 63 49 69 O O m t0 v v h m N CO 0 CD Mm 0) n O 0) co 0-7 N 49 49 69 63 O 40 N CO M CO h h vc 0 0' coN Oh) a 49 V3 0369 M v O 10 63 CQ 01 O O N 63 t0 O v 69 O O V 69 co M O N N 63 r- 0) O M 63 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Financial Statements and Auditor's Report For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 Management's Responsibility For Financial Reporting The information in this Annual Report is the responsibility of management. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles as outlined under "Significant Accounting Policies" on pages 3 to 5. These include some amounts based on management's best estimates and careful judgment. Management maintains a system of internal accounting controls to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are authorized, recorded, and reported properly. Management also administers a program of proper business compliance. BDO Dunwoody LLP, the Municipality's independent auditors, has audited the accompanying financial statements. Their report accompanies this statement. Council carries out its responsibility for the consolidated financial statements principally through its Audit Committee. The Committee meets with management nine times on a scheduled basis and at least semi-annually with BDO Dunwoody LLP to review their activities and to discuss auditing, internal control, accounting policy, and financial reporting matters. BDO Dunwoody LLP has unrestricted access to the Municipality, the Audit Committee. and Council. The Audit Committee reviews the consolidated financial statements with management prior to submission to Council for approval. It also reviews the recommendations of the independent auditors for improvements to controls and as well as the actions of management to implement such recommendations. Paul Gill. CGA General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services J m Rule hief Administrative Officer Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 1 BDO EDO Duricroody LLP Chartered Accotmants 603 Cathedral Place - 925 W Var.:Purer. BC Caroadz. V5C 31_2 Teiephcoe: 6SS-5-,S21 Telefax.: (6C4) 6E -S152 Auditors' Report To the Mayor and Councillors of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 'Aie have 3_idit-?C :he Conso.catec Statemert of = nanciai Roston of tne Corporation of the Distrct of Maple Ridge 35 at December 37, '..DID5 arld COrS-31,dated Statements of74..narical .Acts:rties ard Cnange in Cash ard Temporarn\c:rnent fc the -yea- Cher endec. These financial statements are the resporsioiity of the D strict maragentent. Our responsioi ity is to exp-ess an opinion on these financial statements based on our 3UCi: ocncJote-d cur audit in acco-darce wth Canadiar gerieraky accepted auditing standards Those sta•)cards recure ±st we Dian anc Dec -Tri ar audit to ottsan 'eascinaole assurarce whether th-s financial statemerts a -e free cf M3'.e31 n-isstatemert Ai audit rauci.es exammhg. on a test oasts, evidence supporting trie arnoJrts and c asuxes in me 9nancial statements. An audit also incLices assessing the. accounting winciples used and significant es7i-n3I'eS macc by manaoemerr. as well as evaluating the ove-ral financial statement oresentatior. in 'nu- opinion. :nese firanc:a statements presort 'airy. ir al matera resPects. the, financial positior of the Distnct as at December 31 ::2:e ar the resorts of its operations anc ts cash flows for tne yea- Men ended ,r accordance with Canadian ge.re-al y accounting p-incioles. Our 3 -JC wss mace 'or the purpose of fo-rn;no an opirior or tne onsobdated financial statemerts taken as a whole. Te 5J2G,,?ment3ry infornation included in :he Segc-,ent Report anc Statemerts ' through 2 ard L7.-scheduiles 1 tnrouct,h 14 is. presented for purposes of addrioral anaiys s. Such supplememani infomiation has been subi,ected to :he auditing p-ccec,res sop tea in the auoi: of tne consolbated financiai statements anc, in au- GOiniOn is fairy StSter_,, 'n all matenal respects r relation to tie consolida:ed financial statemen:s taken as a whole. Info-marion ,n the Statistics Section is prepared WithOLII: adit Chartered AccoJrtar Varcou.N.er 8-itisn Co L. -rib 3 March IL'. 2C37 Annual Report 2(}06 District of Maple Ridge (a) Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2006 Reporting Entity and Basis of Consolidation These financial statements have been prepared using recommendations issued by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. They consolidate the activities of the General, Water and Sewer, Operating and Capital Funds, the Reserve Funds, and Municipality's wholly owned subsidiaries C.D.M.R. Developments Ltd. and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. The operating activities of the subsidiary companies are included in the General Revenue Fund and the Capital activities of the subsidiary companies are included in the General Capital Fund. Operating Funds - As at December 31, 2006 the fund balances were as follows: 2006 2005 General Revenue Fund $ 2,442,301 $ 4,203.057 Sewer Revenue Fund 3,401,602 4,021,712 Water Revenue Fund 3,353,988 2,846,785 9,197,891 11,071,554 Capital Funds - As at December 31, 2006 the fund balances (deficiencies) were as follows: General Capital Fund 393,749 (561,934) Sewer Capital Fund - (1,065,268) Water Capital Fund (10,961) 393,749 (1,63 8,163 ) Reserves - As at December 31. 2006 this balance was comprised of the balances shown in Schedule 14. Reserve Funds Total Fund Balances Long Term Liabilities - These liabilities are incurred to fund capital expenditures Debenture Debt - comprised of the debts shown on Schedule 2 Mortgage Liability Net Assets (Debt) Long Term Liabilities 42,062,019 39,385,306 51,653,659 48,818,697 (47,737,412) (33,051,518) (16,726,326) (47,737,412) (49,777,844) S 1916.247 $( 959,147) (b) Accrual Accounting The accrual method for reporting revenues and expenditures has been used. Revenues are recorded in the period they are earned. Expenditures are recorded as the cost of goods or seryices in the period they are obtained. Annual Repon 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31. 2006 (c) Revenue recognition Taxation Annual levies for non -optional municipal services and general administrative services are recorded as Taxes for municipal purposes. Levies imposed by other taxing authorities are not included as Taxes for municipal purposes. Taxes are recognized as revenue in the year they are levied. Through the British Columbia Assessments appeal process Taxes may be adjusted by way of supplementary roll adjustments. The affects of these adjustments on Taxes are recognized at the time they are awarded. User fees and other revenue Charges for sewer and water usage are recorded as User fees and other revenue. Senior government transfers Unconditional grant revenue is recognized when it is received. Conditional grant revenue is recognized to the extent the conditions imposed on it have been fulfilled. Development revenue Receipts which are restricted by the legislation of senior governments or by agreement with external parties are reported as Restricted Revenues at the time they are received. When qualifying expenditures are incurred restricted revenues are brought into revenue as Development revenue. Restricted Revenues are comprised of the amounts and transactions shown on Schedule 7. Investment Income The Municipality invests in pooled funds of the Municipal Finance authority of British Columbia. Earnings of these funds are allocated to the members from time to time based on the market value of the pool. The Municipality recognizes only its share of the realized earnings of the pool. This revenue is recorded as investment income and the amount is added to the cost of the units held. To the extent that financial instruments have no stated rate of return investment income is recognized as it is received. Local Improvement Revenue The Municipality records capital expenditures for property and equipment funded by local improvement agreements as they are incurred. Revenues are recognized as Development revenue at the time of the expenditures to the extent that they will be recoverable. Local improvement levies subsequently imposed under the agreement are recorded as User fees and other revenue for the portion that pertains to a carrying charge. Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment Proceeds from the sale of tangible Property and equipment are recognized as revenue at the time of sale. (d) Consolidated expenditures Consolidated expenditures reported on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position are reported by function and include operating, capital and interest costs and are net of internal equipment allocations. Reporting by object (type) of expenditure is included in the Segment Report. (e) Property and equipment Property and equipment purchased or constructed and work in process are reported as capital expenditures and are classified according to their functional use. Property and equipment donated are reported at fair market value at the time of the donation. Accumulated capital expenditures, net of disposals, are reported on Schedule 1. Depreciation is not recorded. (t) Subdivision infrastructure Subdivision streets, lighting, sidewalks, drainage, and other infrastructure are required to be provided by subdivision developers. Upon completion they are turned over to the Municipality. The Municipality is not involved in the construction and does not budget for either the contribution from the developer nor the capital 4 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridee (g) Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2006 expenditure in its financial plan. The budget figures presented on the financial statements are equal to the value of infrastructure turned over to the Municipality during the year. Ilse of estimates/measurement uncertainty The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenditures during the reporting period. Significant areas requiring use of management estimates relate to the determination of employee future benefits, the outcome of litigation and claims, and the percentage of completion of building and subdivision inspections. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The Municipality monitors and treats contaminates produced at a solid waste landfill site it closed in 1989. The eventual expenditures the Municipality intends to incur related to the site are not determinable and no accrual for them has been recorded. Monitoring and treatment expenditures are recognized as they are made. (h) Budget figures The budget figures used are based on the five year financial plan adopted May 9, 2006. Contributed subdivision infrastructure for 2006 has been added to the adopted financial plan amounts in order to better demonstrate comparability with the actual results. (il Financial instruments The Municipality's financial instruments consist of cash and temporary investments, portfolio investments, accounts receivable, recoverable local improvements, other assets, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, refundable performance deposits, mortgage liability, other assets, and debenture debt. Unless otherwise indicated, it is management's opinion that the Municipality is not exposed to any significant interest, credit, or currency risks arising from these financial instruments. (j) Investments Investments and pooled investments are reported using the cost method. Provisions for declines in the market value of investments are recorded when they are considered to be other than temporary. Declines in the market values of investments are considered to be other than temporary when the carrying value exceeds market value for more than three years. (k) Cost share agreement The Municipality participates in a cost share agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows to provide all of the Recreation and cultural services and maintain all of the parks in both municipalities. The Municipality recognizes expenditures at their gross value and records the City of Pitt Meadows' contribution as revenue. (1) Basis of segmentation/Segment report The Municipality has adopted the new Public Sector Accounting Board recommendation requiring financial information to be provided on a segmented basis. Municipal services have been segmented by grouping activities that have similar services objectives (by function). Revenues that are directly related to the costs of the function have been attributed to each segment. Expenditures reported for each segment include an allocation for internal equipment charges. Interest is allocated to functions based on the purpose of specific borrowings. Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 5 6 -1* Financial Assets Statement A The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As at December 31, 2006 Cash and temporary investments (note 1) Portfolio investments (note 1) Accounts receivable (note 2) Recoverable local improvements (note 3) Other assets (note 7) Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 5) Deferred revenues Restricted revenue (schedule 7) Refundable performance deposits and other Employee future benefits (note 8) Mortgage liability (note 9) Debenture debt (note 6, schedule 2) Net Financial Assets (Debt) General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services al The notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part ofth b) Contingencies. Commitrnents and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) 2006 $ 28,066,766 67,030,331 15,355,354 814,774 611,828 111,879,053 2005 $ 32,540,017 49,985.738 10,279.008 1,382,647 1,000,530 95,187,940 10,299,934 8,425,253 6,678,982 5,004,596 36,699,742 27.252,397 2,631,336 2,099,223 3,915,400 3,587,774 16,726,326 47,737,412 33.051,518 107,962,806 96,147,087 $ 3,916,247 $ (959,147) Gordon W. Robso Mayor, District of Maple Ridge s statement Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Statement B The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Actual 2006 Budget Actual 2006 2005 Revenue Taxes (schedule 3) Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu 5 75,308,285 Less: Collections for other authorities 33,086,948 Taxes for municipal purposes 42,221,337 42,343,437 38.946,352 User fees and other revenue (schedule 4) 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,1 16 Development revenue (schedule 5) 5,065,681 13,744,461 4.667,930 Senior government transfers (schedule 6) 2,487,939 3,456,888 2,291,237 Interest and investment income Investment income 1,991,210 Interest income 1,317,446 Less: Deferred amount (852,782) Asset disposal proceeds and other gains Contributed subdivision infrastructure 2,455,874 2,455,874 1,794,996 2,271,515 525,221 725,244 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 88,172,889 95,118.517 97,524,086 Expenditures (statements 1 and 2) Protective services 19,173,524 29,533,968 16,387,421 Transportation services 9,406,722 16,451,894 10,023,304 Recreation and cultural 17,872,291 21,845,722 15,419,618 Water utility 7,684,719 9,253,603 6,962,383 Sewer utility 5,981,985 8,274,568 6,258,777 General government 9,553,553 11,798,807 10,597,951 Planning, public health and other 2,607,170 3,651,778 2,293,164 Increase in allowance for investments 169,283 - - Subdivision infrastructure 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 83,297,497 111,658,590 94,227,310 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures 4,875,392 (16,540,073) 3,296,776 Principal Repaid (net of refinancing) (2,398,105) (2,338,296) (1,982,224) Debt Issued 357,675 - - lncrease in Fund Balances 2,834,962 (18,878,369) 1,314,552 Fund Balances Beginning of the Year 48,818,697 48,818,697 47,504,145 Fund Balances End of the Year 5 51,653,659 5 29,940,328 $ 48,818,697 al 1 he notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement h) Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) Annual Report 200s - District of Maple Ridge 7 3* The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Statement C Consolidated Statement of Change in Cash and Temporary' Investments For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 Cash and Temporary Investments Provided by (Used For): Operations: Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures Decrease (Increase) in Non -Cash Financial Assets Accounts receivable Recoverable local improvements Other assets Increase in Short Term Liabilities Accounts payable Deferred revenues Restricted revenues Employee future benefits Refundable performance deposits and other Financing: Principal repaid Lon_ term debt issued Investing: (Increase) decrease in portfolio investments (Decrease) increase in Cash and Temporary Investments Cash and Temporary Investments — Beginning, of Year Crash and Temporary Investments — End of Year al The notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral pan of this statement b) Contingencies. Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) 8 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Actual 2006 $ 4,875,392 (5,076,347) 567,873 388,702 (4,119,772) 1,874,683 1,674,387 9,447,345 327,626 532,114 13,856,155 (18,340,433) 16,300,000 (2,040.433) (17,044,593) (4,473,251) 32,540,017 Actual 2005 S 3,296,776 (93,667) 299,954 (323,076) (116,789) 185,825 894,229 3,240,678 416,172 162,083 4,898,987 (1,982,224) (1,982,224) 2,094,742 8,191,492 24,348,525 S 28.066,766 5 32.540,017 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 1. Cash and Investments: Cash and Temporary Investments: Cash and temporary investments as at December 31, 2006 were comprised as follows: Cash Temporary Investments 2006 2005 $ 3,250,031 $ 8,205,507 24,816,735 24.334,510 $ 28.066.766 532,54Q,017 Temporary Investments are bank term deposits and Guaranteed Investment Certificates with effective interest rates of 4.43% - 4.9%. Additionally, the Municipality holds temporary investments of $1,345,047 (5855,869 for 2005) and agreements receivable of 51.153,668 (5406,403 for 2005) for trusts which are not reported elsewhere in the financial statements. They are held for the following trusts: Balance Interest Balance Dec. 31, 2005 Earned Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31, 2006 Latecomer Fees 5 — $ — $ 131,004 $ 28,194 5 102,810 Cemetery Perpetual Care 548,494 22,074 38,065 22,074 586,559 Greater Vancouver 713,778 — 2,048,997 953,429 1,809,346 Sewer & Drainage District Si -2_62,272 522,074 5:2,218+046 1003697 52.498,715 Portfolio Investments Portfolio investments include Provincial Government Bonds and Bank Notes with effective interest rates of 3.8 – 4.1%. They also include equity -based Bank Notes and pooled investment funds administered by the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, neither of which has a stated rate of return. The carrying value of securities is based on the cost method whereby the cost of the security is adjusted to reflect investment income, which is accruing, and any permanent decline in market value. The carrying value of Portfolio Investments, net of an allowance of $169,283 (Nil for 2005), at December 31, 2006 was 567,030,331 (549.985,738 for 2005). The market value at December 31, 2006 was 565,910,491 (548,780,688 for 2005), included in this amount is 57,500,000 ($7,500,000 for 2005) for securities shown at cost for investments for which there is no active market. 2. Accounts Receivable: Property Taxes Other Governments General and Accrued Interest Development Cost Charges Less Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Annual Report 2006 — Drs ct of 2006 2005 S 3,158,192 5 3,384,389 881,928 610,224 2,585,841 1,781,517 8,893.135 4,512,230 15,519,096 10,288,360 (163,742) (9,352) 515.355,354 $ 10 279,008 aple Ridge 9 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 3. Recoverable Local Improvements The Municipality provides interim financing for certain geographically localized capital projects. It recovers these amounts either from the benefiting property owners or from provincial subsidies. As at December 31, 2006 the recoverable balance was comprised as follows: 2006 Recoverable from property owners Transportation and drainage projects $ - Local improvement fund projects 591,083 Sewerage projects 8,517 599,600 Recoverable from Province Sewerage projects 206,155 Water system projects 9,019 215,174 5 814,774 4. Pension Plan 2005 $ 181,976 793,319 16,353 991,648 354.033 36,966 390,999 $1 382 647 The Municipality and its employees contribute to the Municipal Pension Plan (the "Plan"). a jointly trusted pension plan. The board of trustees, representing plan members and employers, is responsible for overseeing the management of the pension plan, including investment of the assets and administration of the benefits. The pension plan is a multi-employer contributory pension plan. Basic pension benefits provided are defined. The plan has about 130.000 active members and approximately 48,000 retired members. Active members include approximately 30,000 contributors from local governments. Every three years an actuarial valuation is performed to assess the financial position of the Plan and the adequacy of plan funding. The most recent valuation as at December 31, 2003 indicated an unfunded liability of $789 million for basic pension benefits. The next valuation will be as at December 31, 2006 with results available in 2007. The actuary does not attribute portions of the surplus to individual employers. The above disclosure represents the most current information at the time of the Municipality's 2006 financial audit. Employer contributions to the Plan for 2006 were $1,266,984 (51,019,441 for 2005) they are included in consolidated operating expenditures. Employee contributions for 2006 were 51,145,208 ($941,983 for 2005). 5. Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities: Accounts Payable: General Other Governments Salaries and Wages Accrued Liabilities: Vacation Pay Other vested benefits 10 2006 2005 $ 2,893,433 $ 2,575,051 5,712,422 4,443,046 915,846 863,700 9,521,701 7,881,797 503,234 399,234 274,999 144,222 778,233 543,456 S10 299.934 $L42._5 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 6. Debenture Debt: Debt principal is reported net of Sinking Fund balances and interest expense is reported net of Sinking Fund earnings. During the year the Municipality discharged the Mortgage liability held with Toronto Dominion bank and replaced the liability with debenture debt in the amount of $16,300,000 from the Municipal Finance Authority. The Municipality carries no debt for others. The Debenture debt issued and outstanding as at December 31, 2006 was S47,737,412 ($33,051,518 for 2005). The following debenture debt amounts plus related interest are payable over the next five years. 2007 S1,812,793 2008 2009 2010 2011 $1,794,001 $1,727,113 $1,760,031 $1,779,974 As at December 31, 2006 the Municipality has approved but un -issued debenture debt in the amount of $700,000 under Loan Authorization Bylaw 6246 which expires in 2011. 7. Other Assets: Debt Reserve Fund: The Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia provides capital financing for regional districts and their member municipalities. The Authority is required to establish a Debt Reserve Fund. Each regional district, through its member municipalities who share in the proceeds of a debt issue, is required to pay into the Debt Reserve Fund certain amounts set out in the debt agreements. The Authority pays into the Debt Reserve Fund these monies from which interest earned thereon less administrative expenses becomes an obligation to the regional districts. It must then use this fund. if at any time there are insufficient funds, to meet payments on its obligations. if this occurs the regional districts may be called upon to restore the fund. Upon the maturity of a debt issue the unused portion of the Debt Reserve Fund established for that issue will be discharged to the Municipality. The Municipality has estimated that there is only a remote possibility that these funds will not be paid to it and therefore these funds have been included in Other Assets of $611,828 ($1,000,530 for 2005). Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 1 1 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 8. Employee Future Benefits The Municipality provides employee future benefits in the form of severance benefits and vested and non -vested sick leave to qualifying employees. These benefits are not separately funded. Severance benefits are cash settlements paid to employees who cease their employment with the Municipality after a specified period of time. Full time employees hired before February 1 1, 1999 qualify for five days pay per year of employment, provided they either work a minimum of twenty years with the Municipality or retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. Full time employees hired after February 11, 1999 qualify for twenty days pay provided they work a minimum of ten years with the Municipality and retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. The Municipality permits full time employees to accumulate up to 18 days per year of service for future illnesses up to a maximum of 250 days. For certain qualifying employees a portion of this benefit vests; for the balance this benefit does not vest and cannot be converted to any other type of benefit. An actuarial valuation of these benefits was performed to determine the Municipality's liability and accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2005 and updated for December 31, 2006. The valuation resulted in an unamortized actuarial gain of $59,100 at December 31, 2006. The benefit liability at December 31, 2006 was $3,915,400 (53,587.774 for 2005) is comprised as follows: 2006 2005 Benefit Liability — Beginning of the year $3,587,774 $3,171,602 Add (less): Unamortized actuarial gains (losses) 76,326 - Accrued benefit obligation — Beginning of the year 3,664,100 3,171,602 Add: Total liability related costs Current service costs 241,800 396,697 Interest on accrued benefit obligation 178,400 185,706 Amortization of actuarial losses (gains) 76,326 496,526 582,403 Less (Add): Liability, related costs not increasing accrued benefit obligation - 76,326 amortization of actuarial loss. Actuarial gain (loss) 59,100 (76,326) Benefits paid during the year 168,900 166,231 304,326 89,905 Accrued Benefit Obligation — End of the year 3,856,300 Add (less) Unamortized actuarial gains (losses) 59,100 Benefit liability — end of the year $3,915,400 3,664,100 (76,326) 4 Actuarial assumptions used to determine the Municipality's accrued benefit obligation are as follows: Discount rate (long-term borrowing rate) Expected future inflation rate Merit and inflationary wage and salary increases averaging 12 Annual- Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 2006 2005 4.50% 5.65% 2.50% 5.65% 4.55% 5.65% Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 9. Mortgage Liability During 2004 the Municipality's subsidiary company assumed a mortgage with the Toronto Dominion bank as part of the acquisition of the town centre properties. The mortgage amount ($16,692.115) plus accrued interest ($41,283) was assumed at a rate (6.5%) which was unfavorable in relation to borrowing rates which were prevalent at the time. The mortgage liability was revalued at the present value of the payments required under the mortgage using the Municipality's cost of borrowing. This resulted in an increase in the liability by $997,469 which was accounted for as a discount in proceeds received. The discount was amortized over the remaining term of the mortgage. The mortgage matured in November of 2006 and was refinanced with Municipal Finance Authority debenture debt at a rate of 4.99%. (Note 6) The Mortgage Liability December 31. 2006 was Nil ($16,726.326 for 2005) comprised as follows: Interest Principal expense and payments and Balance amortization amortization Balance Dec 31. 2005 in 2006 in 2006 Dec 31, 2006 Mortgage Payable $16,284,106 $ 908,616 $16,284,106 $ — Discount 442.220 (442.220) 441220 — Mortgage Liability 5_1k:72_6,3:26 5 466,396 $16,726 326 $ 10. Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities: (at Third Party Claims Where losses related to litigation are likely and can be reasonably estimated management accrues its best estimate of loss. For 2006 this estimate is 5612,116 ($534,000 for 2005). The Municipality is further exposed to losses with respect to claims, the likelihood of which is not known. Management estimates that the exposure is approximately $63,000. This estimate is based on the deductible portion of insurance claims and on the mid-range of other non -insurable claims. Additional accounts payable, if any, will be recorded in the period they become determinable. (b) Contractual Obligations (1) Sewer and Water (a) Under cost sharing agreements with the Greater Vancouver Water District, the Municipality is committed to make annual payments as follows: Until the year 2007 totaling $20.223 plus related interest for the water reservoir on Dewdney Trunk Road at 248th Street. the current annual payment is $87,149 including interest until 2007 when the payment terms are to be renegotiated. Until the year 2012 totaling 5104,370 plus related interest for the water main joint 1. Current annual payment is $226,736 including interest until 2012. Annual Repon 200o — District of Maple Ridge 13 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 14 ( (b) Under a cost sharing agreement with the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, the Municipality is committed to make annual payments until 2012 totaling 5870,307 plus related interest for facilities in the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows sub -area. The current annual payment is 5220.482 plus interest. (c) The Municipality has entered into a cost share agreement with the Greater Vancouver Water District for the construction of infrastructure. Under this agreement the Municipality expects to incur liabilities of approximately 59,000,000 over the next seven years. The liability will be recorded as the related costs are incurred. i) Recreation and Cultural Services (a) In 1998 the Municipality entered into an agreement to purchase ice sheet time for five years commencing in 1999, with a five-year renewal option. In January 2004 the Municipality renewed the agreement for an additional five-year period. The minimum annual payment due for the provision of ice time is 5552.225. These payments are recorded as expenditures when the ice time is provided. (c) Contingent Gains In 1998 the Municipality provided financial assistance, including property appraised at 52.2 Million, to the Maple Ridge Elderly Citizen Recreation Association in order to enable them to construct a residential housing complex for senior citizens. In exchange for the assistance, the Association agreed to place restrictive covenants on each unit, which could recover up to 51.45 Million on re -sales by subsequent owners. These covenants apply until 2030. At December 31. 2006 a further 50.68 million (51.06 million for 2005) remains recoverable. In 2006 proceeds from the resale of units under the restricted covenants amounting to 5378,985 (5267,031 for 2005) were paid to the Municipality. These proceeds are recorded as User fees and other revenue. (d) Unrecognized Liability The Municipality holds shares in a non-profit organization that provides protective services to its members. Should the organization dissolve or management choose to withdraw from the organization the Municipality would be liable for a proportionate share of any debt the organization held at that time. The liability is expected to be discharged over time through payments by the Municipality and others for the provision of these services by the organization. Due to the ongoing operations of the organization the liability could only be quantified if the Municipality chose to withdraw. Consequently no liability has been recognized in these financial statements. Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 11. Interest Expenditures: Interest expenditures consist of debenture debt interest, mortgage liability interest, and interest on the employee future benefits liability. Interest is apportioned to functional areas of expenditure based on the related debts as follows. Debenture Benefits Mortgage Total Total Debt and Other Liability Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest 2006 2005 Transportation Services $ 38,389 $ 2,262 $ — $ 40,651 $ 50.603 Recreation & Cultural 1,566,525 — 1,566,525 1,715,760 Water Facilities 3.741 — 3,741 56,130 Sewer Facilities 46,949 — — 46,949 197,645 General Government 471.877 178,400 466,396 1,116,673 965,806 $2,127,481 $ 180,662 $ 466.396 52,774.539 $2,985,944 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge 15 16 Segment Report The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Report of Segmented Revenue and Expenditure As at December 31, 2006 2006 Actual Protective Services 2006 Budget 2005 Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) S S - S Senior government transfers (schedule 6) 889,766 805,521 784,381 Development revenue (schedule 5) 24,598 18,445 Other revenues (schedule 4) 3,813,252 3,208,566 3,192,558 Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue 4,703,018 4,038,685 3,995,384 Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services 11,317,475 12,068,987 11,016,547 Labour costs 6,461,992 6,622,863 4,959,088 Debt Servicing - - 17,779,467 18,691,850 15,975,635 Increase in investment allowance - - Capital (statement 2) 1,533,621 10,962,848 544,937 Contributed subdivision infrastructure - - Total Expenditures 19,313,088 29,654,698 16,520,572 Excess(Deficiency) revenue over expenditure (14,610,070) (25,616,013) (12,525,188) Principal Payments New debt issued Increase (Decrease) in fund balances H14,610,070) S (25,616,013) 5 (12,525,188) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Segment Report - Continued 2006 Actual Transportation 2006 Budget 2005 Actual Recreation and Cultural 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual s - $ - s - $ - $ - $ - 983,232 1,900.521 944,603 209,833 427,086 148,477 1,118,844 5.277.328 1,202,337 3,306,665 6,658,788 1,677,064 636,327 785,760 607,714 3,905,775 3,855,454 3,813,004 1,806,517 1.550,551 1,849,186 - 7,252,485 7.252,485 17.283.616 - 11,797,405 16,766,645 21.887,456 7,422,273 10,941.328 5,638,545 2,247,456 2,027,865 2.335,001 6,895,982 5,435,393 6,533,054 4,062,357 4,288,559 3,798,917 5,381,482 6,665,234 5,187,498 40,651 54,368 50.603 1,566,525 1,567,428 1,715,760 6,350,464 6,370,792 6,184,521 13,843,989 13,668,055 13,436,312 3.681,657 10.674,168 4,540,443 4,327,840 8.420,487 2,316,218 7,252,485 7,252,485 17,283,616 17,284,606 24,297,445 28,008,580 18,171,829 22.088,542 15,752,530 (5,487,201) (7.530,800) (6,121.124) (10,749,556) (11.147,214) (10,113,985) 158,817 172,328 149.798 1,009,430 962,963 232,772 $ (5,646,018) $ (7,703,128) 5 (6,270,922) $ (11,758,986) $ (12,110,177) $ (10,346,757) Annual Report 2000 — District of Maple Rldee 17 18 Segment Report - Continued Water Utility 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) S 48,480 $ 35,004 $ 34,650 Senior government transfers (schedule 6) 1,152 1,152 5,477 Development revenue (schedule 5) 566,784 1,196.426 369,126 Other revenues (schedule 4) 7,421,064 7,238,814 6,646,349 Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains - - Investment income Internal recoveries - - Contributions for subdivision infrastructure 1,704,125 1,704,125 3,719,477 Total Revenue 9,741,605 10,175,521 10,775,079 Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services 4,509,230 5,112,350 3,795,976 Labour costs 1,323,498 925.801 1,328,687 Debt Servicing 3,741 23,171 56,133 5,836,469 6,061,322 5,180,796 Increase in investment allowance - - Capital (statement 2) 2,137,659 3,351204 2,071,471 Contributed subdivision infrastructure 1,704,125 1,704,125 3,719,477 Total Expenditures 9,678,253 11,116,651 10,971,744 Excess(Deficiency) revenue over expenditure 63,352 (941,130) (196,665) Principal Payments 10,473 46,053 188,313 New debt issued - - Increase (Decrease) in fund balances $ 5_2„8:7_2.$ (987,183) $ (384,978) Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Segment Report - Continued Sewer Litility 2006 2006 Actual Budget 2005 Actual General Government 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual S 707,420 $ 683,412 5 681.765 5 - $ - 5 311,418 302.604 326,898 13,508 20,004 5.410 73,388 587.321 406,704 - - 994.254 4,723,746 4,774,368 4,365,308 1,951,941 1,406,343 1,687,744 - - - 525,221 725,244 1,891,640 1.891,640 5,281,599 7,707,612 8.239.345 11.062,274 2,490,670 1,426,347 3,412.652 5,217,447 5,321,077 4,924,824 2,847,689 3,450,277 3,282,711 411,345 473,301 415,922 4,831,423 4,916,220 4,355,276 46,949 48.688 197,647 393,867 215,320 379.732 5,675,741 5,843,066 5,538,393 8,072,979 8,581.817 8,017,719 431,217 2.536.846 836.516 1,891,640 1,891,640 5,281,599 313,239 2,033,023 1,553.791 7,998,598 10.271,552 11,656,508 8,386,218 10,614,840 (290,986) (2,032,207) (594,234) (5,895,548) (9,188,493) 304,789 312.359 583,349 130,598 130,599 357,675 9,571,510 (6,158.858) $ (595,775) $ (2,344,566) 5 1,177,583) $ (5,668,471) 5 (9,319,092) $ (6,158,858) Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 19 20 Segment Report - Continued Commercial Tower 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) S - $ $ - Senior government transfers (schedule 6) - - Development revenue (schedule 5) - - Other revenues (schedule 4) 1,364,041 1,100,720 1,376,809 Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains - - - Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue 1,364,041 1,100,720 1,376.809 Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13 12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing 465,165 429,224 722,806 1,187,971 451.080 760,208 586,074 1,189,432 1,037,154 Increase in investment allowance - - Capital (statement 2) - Contributed subdivision infrastructure Total Expenditures 1,187,971 1,189,432 1,037,154 Excess(Deficiency) revenue over expenditure 176,070 (88,712) 339,655 Principal Payments 783,998 713,994 827,992 New debt issued - - Increase (Decrease) in fund balances $ f607,928) $ (802,706) $ (488,3 37) Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Segment Report - Continued Planning and Public Health 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Unallocated 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual 1,205,276 $ 1,204,066 $ 1,147,107 S 40,260,161 $ 40,420,955 $ 37,082,830 79,030 75,991 752,441 560,460 647,630 2,036,747 1,764,526 2,455,874 1,870,728 42,716,035 1,794,996 2,271,515 42,215,951 39,354,345 1,350,489 1,789,381 1,277,700 - - 1,317,395 1,532,476 1,127,419 - 2,667,884 3,321,857 2,405,119 - - - - 169,283 - 246,284 654,124 152.779 - 2,914,168 3,975,981 2,557,898 169,283 - (877,421) (2211,455) (687,170) 42,546,752 42,215,951 39,354,345 77 421 S (2,211,455) $ (687,170) $ 42,546,752 $ 42,215,951 $ 39,354,345 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 21 Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Development revenue (schedule 5) Other revenues (schedule 4) Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue Expenditures Operating (schedules 11.9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing increase in investment allowance Capital (statement 2) Contributed subdivision infrastructure Segment Report - Continued Elimination Entries 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ - $ (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550.551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550.551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) Total Expenditures (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) Excess(Deficiency) revenue over expenditure - - - Principal Payments New debt issued Increase (Decrease) in fund balances Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Segment Report - Continued Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual S 42,221,337 S 42.343.437 5 38,946,352 2,487,939 3,456.888 2,291,237 5,065,681 13,744,461 4,667,930 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,116 525,221 725,244 2,455,874 1,794,996 2,271,515 10,848.250 88,172,889 10,848,250 26,284,692 95,118,517 97,524,086 33,044,416 34,084,003 31,767,707 23,789,492 25,424,454 21,172,807 2,774,539 2,669,183 2.985,949 59,608,447 62,177,640 55,926,463 169.283 - - 12,671,517 38,632,700 12,016,155 10,848,250 10,848.250 26,284,692 83,297,497 111,658,590 94,227,310 4,875,392 (16,540,073) 3,296,776 2,398,105 2.338,296 1,982,224 357,675 - 5 2,834,962 5 (18,878.369) S______1_114,512, Annual Report 2006— Di strict of Maple Ridge 23 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Annual Repon ?066 — District of -Maple Ridge Supplemental Information Annual Repon 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Statement 1 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Statement of Changes in Operating Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 3I, 2006 Actual 2006 Budget 2006 Actual 2005 Revenue Taxes (schedule 3) Real property, special assessments. grants in lieu $ 75,308,285 5 73271,392 $ 70,884,844 Less: Collections for other authorities 33,086,948 30,927,955 31,938.492 Total taxes for municipal purposes 42,221,337 42,343,437 38,946,352 User fees and other revenues (schedule 4) Development fees (schedule 5) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Interest and investment income Asset disposal proceeds and other gains Expenditures Protective services (schedule 11) Transportation services (schedule 9) Recreation and cultural (schedule 13) Water utilities (schedule 12) Sewer utilities (schedule 12) General government (schedule 10) Public and environmental health (schedule 8) Increase in investment allowance Excess of Revenue Over Expenditures Transfers from (to) capital funds Transfers to reserves (schedule 14) Principal repaid Increase (Decrease) in Operating Fund Balances Operating Fund Balances — Beginning of Year Operating Fund Balances — End of Year 26 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,116 301,152 261,971 702,979 2,031,432 1,916,823 2,024,580 1,312,527 1,125,000 1,302,709 525,221 - 725,244 70,960,256 68,577,716 66,038,980 17,639,903 5,725,065 13,544,451 5,547,060 5,550,768 9,240,314 2,360,886 169,283 18,571,120 5,777,726 13,425,235 5,902,399 5,737,722 9,765,784 2,997,654 15,842,484 5,482,861 13,103,400 4,890,912 5,422,261 9,044,160 2,140,385 59,777,730 62,177,640 55,926,463 11,182,526 (2,748,635) (7,909,449) (2,398,105) (1,873,663) 11,071,554 6,400,076 (4,624,236) (3,133,I71) (2.338,296) (3,695,627) 11,071,554 10,112,517 (2,282,005) (5,694,981) (1,982,224) 153,307 10,918,247 $ 9,197,891 $ 7,375,927 5 11,071,554 Annual Report 2000 — District or Maple Ridge Statement 2 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. Statement of Changes in Capital Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Capital Fund Balances - Beginning of Year Add: Revenues Allocated to Capital Funds Subdivision infrastructure contributions Development fees (schedule 5) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Debt issued Actual 2006 Budget Actual 2006 2005 S (1,638,163) 5 (1,638.163) 5 (1,033,061) 10,848,250 10,848,250 26.284,692 4,764,529 13,482,490 3,964,951 456,507 1,540,065 266,657 16,069,286 25,870,805 30,516,300 357,676 Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds 2,748,635 4,624,236 2,282,005 Transfer from Reserve Funds Local improvement fund - 310,226 Equipment replacement 582,017 1,430,122 1,193,640 Capital works 1,025,297 3,252,867 249,160 Fire Department capital acquisition 226,004 6,360,640 283,524 Sanitary Sewer 1,069,134 1,354,134 Land 282,819 - Committed projects 2,271,119 5,513,987 2,577,862 Other 919,692 2,143,275 283,028 6,376,082 20,055,025 4,897,440 Less: Capital Expenditures Protective services 1,533,621 10962,848 544,937 "Transportation 3,681,657 10,674,168 4,540,443 Recreation and culture 4,327,840 8,420,487 1316,218 Water utility 2,137,659 3,351,204 2,071,471 Sewer utility 431,217 2,536,846 836,516 General government 313,239 2,033,023 1,553,791 Planning, public health and other 246,284 654,124 152,779 Subdivision infrastructure 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 23,519,767 49 480,950 38,300,847 Increase (Decrease) in Capital Fund Balances 2,031,912 1,069,1 16 (605,102) Capital Fund Balances - End of Year 5 393,749 5 (569,047) 5 (1,638,163) Annual Report 20on -- I)istnct of Maple Ridge 27 Statement 3 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Statement of Changes in Reserve Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Actual 2006 Budget 2006 Actual 2005 Reserve Balances - Beginning of the Year $ 39,385,306 $ 39,385,306 5 37,618,959 Increase in Reserves (schedule 14) Interest allocated to Reserves Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds Transfer to Capital Funds Increase (Decrease) in Reserve Balances 1,143,346 669,996 968,806 7,909,449 3,133,171 5,694,981 (6,376,082) (20,055,025) (4,897,440) 1,533,367 (16,921,854) 797,541 2,676,713 (16,251,858) 1,766,347 Reserve Fund Balances - End of Year $ 42,062,019 $ 23,133,448 $ 39,385,306 28 Annual Report 2000 — District of Maple Ridge General Capital Fund Public Works: Roads and bridges Drainage Sidewalks Equipment Landscaping and other Supplies inventory Funded work in process The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge General Government: Land Buildings and equipment Funded work in process Protective: Firehalls and equipment Police buildings and equipment Search and Rescue Funded work in process Parks and Recreation: Parks and playgrounds Recreation facilities and equipment Funded work in process Other Public and environmental health Total General Capital Fund Schedule of Property and Equipment As at December 31, 2006 Water Supply System Capital Fund Supplies inventory Land Waterlines Funded work in process Total Water Supply System Capital Fund Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Supplies inventory Land Sewer lines Funded work in process Total Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Work in Process Unfunded work in process 'Iota! 2006 S 152,066,008 55,141.679 12,888,689 6,320 331 5,410,607 1,019,973 109,322 232,956,609 5,381.610 31,081,170 202,028 36,664,808 9,759,174 3435,215 163,080 1,898,141 15,455,610 33,699,503 63,675,933 1,561,603 98,937,039 2,688,431 386.702,497 129,408 122,261 55,143,736 1,000,903 56.396,308 44,897 12,049 63,839,526 358,758 64,255,230 5 507,3 Schedule 1 2005 S 140,042,085 52.029,557 11.954,104 6.425.808 1,680,411 68,217 6,535,877 218,736,059 5.381,610 34,565,600 172,634 40,119,844 9,749,300 3,539,993 163,080 511,825 13,964,198 30,591,962 63.542,456 485,846 94,620,264 2,485,295 369,925,660 126,899 122,261 51,974,550 331,623 52,555,333 76,139 12,049 60,154,641 652,857 60,895,686 1,393,112 4,035 5 484,769,791 Annual Report2006 -- District of Maple Ridge 29 Schedule 2 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge General Capital Fund Date of Issue Bylaw Debenture Debt For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Purpose Maturity Dates Recreation and cultural Nov 15, 1983 3152 Leisure Pool Complex 1984 — 2008 Apr 06. 2005 6246 Downtown Civic Properties (MFA 93) 2005 — 2027 Subtotal General Government Apr 06. 2005 6246 Downtown Office Complex (MFA 93) 2005 - 2027 Dec 08.2006 6246 Downtown Office Complex (MFA 99) 2006 - 2027 Subtotal Transportation May 13. 1992 4667 Downtown Parking 1992 — 2007 Dec 01, 1995 5291 Downtown Parking Issue 61 1995 — 2010 Jun 15, 1983 3086 Storm Sewer System D.C.C. (MFA 33) 1983 — 2008 Subtotal Sewer System Jan 15. 1982 3019 Sewer Area "A" 1982 — 2006 Jan 15, 1982 3020 Sewer Area "A" 1982 — 2006 May 13, 1992 4667 Sanitary Sewer 240th Street Albion (4468) 1992 — 2007 Jun 15. 1983 3085 Sewer System D.C.C. (MFA 33) 1983 — 2008 Subtotal Jun 15, 1983 Water System 3084 Water System D.C.C. (MFA 33) Subtotal 30 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge 1983 — 2008 Schedule 2 - continued Debentures Interest Outstanding and Debenture Debt Original Before 2006 Exchange Retirements December 31, Interest Debenture Debt Retirement 2006 2006 2006 Rates 350,000 67,627 12,688 67,627 - 11.125 - 11.500 28.190.830 28.190.830 1.553,837 941,803 27,249,027 5.700 28.540,830 3.909,170 16,300.000 20209,170 28,258,457 1,566,525 3.909,170 16,300,000 215,468 256,409 20,209,170 471,877 1,009,430 27.249,027 130,598 3,778,572 16,300,000 130,598 20,078,572 5.700 4.990 1,200,000 214,968 23,948 104,862 110,106 9.628 300,000 125,134 3,257 22,647 102,487 9.628 339,600 106,027 11,184 31,308 74,719 12.400 1.839.600 446,129 38,389 158,817 287,312 750.000 1,531,916 112,375 396.300 2,790.591 102,405 156,028 20,131 123,731 15,662 15,993 2,243 13,051 402,295 46,949 113,600 35,468 113,600 102,405 156,028 9,820 36,536 10,311 87,195 304,789 97,506 3,741 10,473 35,468 3,741 14.750 10.000 9.628 12.375 24,995 11.250 10,473 24,995 S 53.493.791 $ 49,351,519 S 2,127,481 $ 1,614,107 $ 47,737,412 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge 31 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge General purposes - gross taxes Less: Municipally -owned property General Purposes - Net Taxes Special assessments and local improvements Sewer levy Water levy Grants in lieu of taxes Total Taxes for Municipal Purposes Tax Levies For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Collections for other authorities: School Districts - Provincial Government British Columbia Assessment Authority Dykino Districts Greater Vancouver Regional District Parks Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Municipal Finance Authority Total Collections for Other Authorities Real Property, Special Assessments, Grants In Lieu Schedule 3 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual S 38,734,148 $ 38,970,785 $ 35,593.396 (127,331) (106,501) (104,450) 38,606,817 38,864.284 35,488,946 1,205,276 1,204,066 1,147,107 707,420 683,412 681,765 48,480 35,004 34,650 1,653,344 1,556.671 1,593,884 42,221,337 42,343,437 38,946,352 26,139,631 26,227,864 763,354 807,757 198,699 142.230 757,658 774,353 5,225,323 2,973,581 2,283 2,170 25,738,496 784,232 204,610 752,111 4,456,957 2,086 33,086,948 30,927,955 31,938,492 $ 75,308,285 $ 73271,392 $ 70,884,844 32 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Schedule 4 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Protective Servcies Policing and Firefighting fees Business licences Building permits Dog licences Fines and parking revenue Total Transportation General information and service fees Gravel sales Subdivision inspection fees and other Total User Fees and Other Charges For the Year Ended December 31.2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budttet Actual $ 1,087,440 $ 989.142 $ 1,014,559 445,679 432,000 464.094 1,917,493 1.508,004 1.3 86.703 122,490 152,724 136.376 240,150 126,696 190.826 3,813,252 3,208,566 3,192,558 153.638 150,060 140,527 12,348 316,500 14,426 470,341 319,200 452.761 636,327 785,760 607,714 Recreation (schedule 13) 3,905,775 3,855,454 3,813,004 Sewer Utility Fees 4,723,746 4,774,368 4,365,308 Water Utility Fees 7,421,064 7,238,814 6,646,349 General Government General information and service fees 481,934 261,704 353,603 Recovery of interest costs -local improvements 72,283 25,908 88,03.5 Property rentals 439,071 508,235 458,830 Penalties and interest on taxes 579361 610,496 519,330 Other revenue 379,292 267,946 Total 1,951,941 1,406,343 1,687,744 Commercial Property Rentals 1,364,041 1,100,720 1,376,809 Planning, Public Health & Other Planning 410,080 257,580 347,579 Recycling 131,097 80,004 95,084 Cemetery 211,264 222,876 204,967 Total 752.441 560,460 647,630 $ 24,568,587 $ 22,930,485 $ 22,337,116 Annual Report 2006 -- District of -Maple Ridge Schedule 5 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Development Revenue For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 Development Revenue Received Through: Protective Services Operating Capital Funds Transportation Operating Capital Funds 2006 Actual 5 2006 Budget - 24.598 2005 Actual 18,445 24,598 18,445 82,785 82,787 204,738 1,036,059 5,194,541 997,599 1,118,844 5,277,328 1,202,337 Recreation Operating 39,186 Capital Funds 3,267,479 6,658.788 1,677.064 3,306,665 6,658,788 1,677,064 Sewer Utility Operating 32,304 32,304 351,364 Capital Funds 41,084 555,017 55,340 73,388 587,321 406,704 Water Utility Operating 146,877 146.880 146,877 Capital Funds 419,907 1,049,546 222,249 566,784 1,196.426 369,126 General Government Operating Capital Funds Planning Public Health & Other Operating Capital Funds 994,254 994,254 Total Development Revenue 5 5,065,68 5 13,744,461 $ 4,667,930 Summar\ Operating contributions Capital Contributions Total Development Revenue 34 S 301,152 $ 261,971 5 702,979 5 4,764,529 $ 13,482.490 $ 3,964,951 S 5,065,681 5 R744,4.1 $ 4,667,930 Annual Report 2006 -- District of Maple Ridee Protective Services Operating Capital Schedule 6 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Senior Government Transfers For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 Actual 2006 2005 Budget Actual $ 889,766 S 805,521 $ 784,381 889,766 805.521 784,381 Transportation Operating 535,561 660,456 677,946 Capital 447,671 1,240,065 266,657 983,232 1.900,521 944,603 Recreation Operating 209,833 127,086 148,477 Capital - 300,000 209,833 427,086 148,477 Sewer Utility Operating 302,582 302,604 326,898 Capital 8,836 311,418 302,604 326,898 Water Utility Operating 1,152 1,152 5,477 Capital General Government -operating Planning public health and other -operating SUMMARY Operating transfers Capital transfers Total Transfers 1,152 1,152 5,477 13,508 20,004 5,410 13,508 20,004 5,410 79,030 - 75,991 79,030 - 75,991 Total Senior Government transfers $ 2,487,939 $ 3,456,888 5 2,291,237 2,031,432 1,916,823 2,024,580 456,507 1,540,065 266,657 2,487,939 S 3,456,888 5 �'- 29) 2,3.7 Annual Report 2006 - Disuict of Maple Ridge 35 Schedule 7 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Continuity Schedule of Restricted Revenues For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Development Cost Charges 2006 ( 2005 Parkland Acquisition Charges 2006 2005 Beginning balance S 21,796,131 $ 18,966,755 S 1,647,870 S 1.522,399 Interest & Collections 13,078,135 5,839,828 212,373 125,471 Expenditures - operating (261,967) (257,528) - - Expenditures - capital (3,565,188) (2,752,924) (142,743) - Ending balance $ 31,047,111 $ 21,796,13I S 1,717,500 $ 1,647,870 36 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge Schedule 7 - continued Downtown Parking, Charges 2006 I 2005 Developer Specified Projects 2006 I 2005 Total Restricted Revenues 2006 ( 2005 S 125,318 S 121,388 S 3,683,077 5 3,401,176 $ 27,252,397 5 24,011,719 4,503 3,930 221,490 331,310 13,516,501 6,300,539 (53,186) (24,925) (315,153) (282,453) (46,072) (24,484) (3,754,003) (2,777.408) 129,821 5 125,318 5 3,805,309 5 3,683,077 5 36,699,742 $ 27,252,397 Annual Report 2006 -- District of Maple Ridge 37 Schedule 8 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Planning, Public Health and Other For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Planning - salaries S 1,097,982 S 1,291.783 $ 969,010 Planning - consulting and legal 61,352 153,892 61,112 Planning - studies 60,512 283,848 14,542 Planning - other 45,195 99,431 69,477 Public health and welfare - cemetery 148,605 177,606 151,171 Public health and welfare - social planning 83,012 126,335 49,312 Public health and welfare - recycling 1,171.226 1,188,962 1,090,495 2,667,884 3,321.857 2,405,119 Internal Equipment charges (306,998) (324,203) (264,734) 38 Total Planning, Public Health and Other S 2,360,886 $ 2.997,654 $ 2,140,385 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge -1* Schedule 9 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Transportation Services For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Common Services Supervision $ 105,379 $ 84,744 5 86.625 Stores and clerical 469.266 447,905 420.646 Consulting fees 168,499 80.700 244.718 Trucks and heavy equipment maintenance 523,376 450.942 492,936 Gas and oil 312.478 296,232 280,743 Insurance 118.273 92.831 106,955 Small tools and equipment 49,311 45,816 45,978 Municipal yards maintenance 179,931 169,986 182,320 Total Common Services 1,926,513 1.669,156 1.860,921 Engineering Salary recoveries (612,088) (857.370) (577,874) Administrative 1,141,433 1.278,977 1,014,402 Technical support 702,102 806,392 531.492 Supplies 83,980 41.856 112,880 Vehicle costs 66,214 72,048 66.219 Total Engineering 1,381,641 1,341,903 1,147,119 Roads and Streets Maintenance Streets, lanes and sidewalks 1,176,499 1,448.064 1.269.729 Drains. ditches and culverts 292,850 370.092 339,316 Storm sewers 221,879 251,310 274,072 Snow removal and sanding 222,862 165,558 210,259 Total Roads and Streets Maintenance 1,914,090 2,235,024 2,093,376 Parking 33,818 32,796 31,409 Bridges 19,542 21,222 14,460 Street Lighting 374,270 422,538 363,427 Traffic Control Facilities 651,386 581,785 612,643 Subdivision Inspection 8,553 12.000 10,563 Interest Expenditures 40,651 54,368 50,603 1,128,220 1.124,709 1,083,105 Sub -Total Transportation Services 6,350,464 6.370.792 6,184,521 Internal Equipment Charges (625,399) (593.066) (701.660) Total Transportation Services 5 5,725,065 $ 5,777,726 $ 5.482,861 Annual Report 2006 - Distnet of Maple Ridge 39 Schedule 10 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge General Government Expenses For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 Administration, Personnel and Clerks Departments Communications and Public Relations Finance Department Purchasing Department Information Services Department Computer operations and telephone Legislative Grants and donations Legal and audit fees Advertising, printing and stationery General government buildings maintenance and landscaping Office supplies Insurance Miscellaneous and property rentals Election Economic Development Interest Expense - General Sub total - General Government Internal equipment charges Commercial Operations Interest Expense - Commercial rental buildings Commercial rental buildings - costs Sub total - Commercial Operations Total General Government Expenses 2006 Actual S 2,456,738 386,287 901,681 206,599 779,343 558,025 367,725 55,884 146,893 22,357 477,600 56,024 610,192 326,263 944 326,557 393,867 8,072,979 2006 Budget 2005 Actual S 2,665,845 S 2.064.567 322,953 291.201 1,030,503 811.416 234,252 229,930 781,298 733,032 728,904 672,730 386,582 344,351 79,405 35,074 193.594 128,663 9,348 34,077 593,021 512,066 64,516 53,699 468,277 1,158,916 339,965 257.022 73,121 468,034 238,122 215,320 379,732 8,581,817 8,017.719 (20,636) (5,4651 (10.713) 722,806 465,165 1,187,971 760,208 586,074 429,274 451,080 1,189,432 1,037,154 S 9,240,314 S 9.765,784 S 9,044,160 40 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Schedule 11 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Protective Services For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Police protection S 11,716,797 $ 12,666.937 S 11,227,855 Fire protection 3,934,228 3,847,028 2.796,183 Emergency measures 83,957 117,069 44,211 Building inspection 1,230,364 1,163,042 1,097,018 Animal control 277,261 318,084 279,548 By-law enforcement 536,860 579,690 530,820 17,779,467 18,691,850 15,975,635 Internal equipment charges (139,564) (120,730) (133,151) Total Protective Services $ 17,639,903 $ 18.571,120 $ 15,842,484 Annual Report 2006 - Distract of Maple Ridge 41 Schedule 12 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Water utility Administration Water distribution Water purchases Interest expenditure Internal equipment charges Total Water Utility Sewer Utility Administration Sewage Collection Sewage Treatment Interest expenditure Interna l equipment charges Total Sewer Utility Schedule of Sewer and Water Utilities For the Year Ended December 31. 2006 2006 Actual S 737,295 1,455,780 3,639,653 3,741 5,836,469 (289,409) 2006 Budget $ 931.194 1,422,225 3,684,732 23,171 2005 Actual $ 672,059 1,410,828 3,041,776 56,133 6,061,322 5,180,796 (158923) (289.884) 5,547,060 $ 5,902,399 $ 4,890.912 593,231 692,536 592,643 659.215 4,442,919 4,442,627 46,948 48,688 5,675,741 5,843,066 533.896 607,880 4,198,970 197,647 5.538,393 (124,973) (105.344) (116,132) $ 5,550,768 $ 5,737,722 $ 5,422,261 42 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge el This Page Left Blank Intentionally Annual Report 2006- District of Maple Ridge 43 Schedule 13 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Recreation & Cultural Revenue and Expenditures For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Leisure centre Ice sheet facilities Programs Arts and cultural Parks, playgrounds, and other Seniors' recreation centre General and administrative expenses Interest expenditure Internal Equipment Charges Total Revenue Summary Recreation Fees Government Transfers 44 2006 Actual Revenue 2006 Budget Revenue 2006 Actual Expenditures S 1,270,294 S 1,302,801 S 1,995,765 321,087 1,719,815 211,778 538,499 54,135 4,115,608 338,724 1,564,013 207,351 516,277 53,874 707,503 3,471,959 2,883,583 1,909,203 185,683 1,123,767 1,566,526 3,982,540 13,843,989 (299,538) 2006 Budget Expenditures 5 1,968.092 724,512 3,278,941 2,841,622 1,953,706 203,496 1,130,258 1,567,428 13,668,055 (242,820) S 4,115,608 5 3,982,540 5 13,544,451 $ 13,425 235 Actual 2006 Budget 2006 $ 3,905,775 5 3,855.454 209,833 127,086 5 4,115,608 5 3,982,540 Annual Report 2000 -- District of Maple Ride Schedule 13 - continued 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Operating Operating Operating Deficit Deficit Deficit $ (725.471) $ (665,291) $ (725,384) (386,416) (386,288) (370,903) (1,752,144) (1,714,928) (1,611,740) (2,671,805) (2,634,271) (2,484.699) (1,370,704) (1,437,429) (1,368,400) (131,548) (149,622) (184,856) (1,123,767) (1,130,258) (1,013,089) (1,566,526) (1,567,428) (1,715,760) (9,728,381) (9,685,515) (9,474,831) 299,538 242,820 332,912 $ (9,428,843) $ (9.442.695) S (9,141,919) Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 45 Schedule 14 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Continuity Schedule of Reserves For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Balance Interest Dec.3I, 2005 Allocated Reserve Funds: Local improvement 5 1,630,531 5 36,703 Equipment replacement 5,918,359 226,044 Capital works 10,393,493 379,637 Fire department capital aquisitions 6,050,724 229,217 Sanitary sewer 2,376,005 65,871 Land 463,331 10,632 Total Reserve Funds 26,832,443 948,104 General Revenue Fund Reserve Accounts: Specific projects - Capital 3,615,454 Specific projects - Operating 1,304,871 Self insurance 11,015 13,998 Police services 1,504,580 60,416 Core development 835,713 22,670 Recycling 1,301,754 50,237 Community development 1,053 39 Building inspections 441,590 15,871 Gravel extraction 475,263 16,940 Neighbourhood improvements 52,634 1,891 Recreation facility maintenance 2,999 Snow removal 200,000 Youth Centre &, Arts Centre 11,010 Cemetery maintenance 117,821 Service severance 63,630 Critical Infrastructure Reserve 10,182 Total General Revenue Fund Reserve Accounts 9,936,388 195,243 Other Reserve Accounts: Sewer revenue fund -self insurance 76,684 Sewer revenue fund -specific projects 1,162,518 Water revenue fund -self insurance 73,528 Water revenue fund -specific projects 1,303,745 Total Other Reserve Accounts 2,616,475 Total Reserves 46 Annual Report 2006 — District of Maple Ridge 5 39,385,306 $ 1,143,347 Schedule 14 - continued Transfers Transfers Revenue Funds Capital Funds 104,173 S 1,53.3,151 852.493 721,872 65.624 3277,313 1.164,174 302,570 762,716 1,074.939 (237,445) 241,965 (9.684) 84.188 21,526 (63,630) 600.000 (582,017) (1.025,297) (226,004) (1,069,134) (282,819) (3,185.271) (1,434,837) (660,571) (165,258) (2,475) (91,388) 3.941,319 6,500 447,104 6.500 230,712 690,816 (2,354,529) (236.809) (599.473) Balance Dec.31, 2006 S 1,771,407 7,095,537 10,600,326 6,775,809 1,372,742 256,768 27,872,589 3,344,791 1,607,441 787,729 1,979,364 620,938 1,428,698 1,092 457,461 482,519 54,525 87,187 200,000 8,535 139,347 518,794 11,718.421 83,184 1,372,813 80,028 934,984 (836.282) 2,471,009 S 7,909.448 S (6,376,082) S 42,062,019 Annual Report 2006 — District of *Ridge 47 MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 8, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. Golden Ears Winter Club One -Time Grant Request EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Planet Ice - Maple Ridge facility includes three sheets of ice: two sheets for skating activities and one sheet for curling. As of September, 2006, Golden Ears Winter Club became responsible for operating the curling club side of this facility, including all associated costs. At the same time, they acquired the opportunity to generate revenue through food and beverage sales. GEWC is projecting a deficit of $48,962 for this year, and have requested a one-time grant of $30,000 to mitigate the impact of changing how the facility is operated. This request was presented to Commission on March 8, 2007, where Commission directed staff to prepare a recommendation. GEWC has worked diligently to build the revenue that will be required to operate this facility in the future. However, each initiative will take time to develop its full revenue generating potential. In addition, the club incurred one-time expenses this year of $13,446 due to costs associated with change- over of operating responsibilities and $6,516 due to a power damage incident. These one time expenses justify the allocation of a $20,000 one-time grant. The remainder of the deficit can likely be covered by the club's operating reserve fund. While I don't have a current figure of where this reserve stands, it was reported at $26,000 as of March 31, 2005 in GEWC financial statements. RECOMMENDATION: That a one-time grant of up to $16,000, be awarded to the Golden Ears Winter Club, subject to the availability of funding within the Municipal Grant Program, noting that $12,000 is available in 2007 and a further $4,000 will need to be committed from the 2008 grant program. a) Background Context: Early in 2006, RG Properties (RG), operator of Planet Ice Maple Ridge, notified staff that they were considering releasing food and beverage rights for the Golden Ears Winter Club portion of this facility. This aligns with the terms of the agreement that Commission has with RG. RG offered GEWC the opportunity to avoid the enforcement of this clause, by paying $4,000 to RG, which was their estimate of net loss for food and beverage sales when weighed against operating costs. GEWC declined this offer. Consequently, RG provided official notification of their release of food and beverage rights in April 2006, and food and beverage revenue opportunities and operating costs reverted to GEWC as of September, 2006. The GEWC Board has worked hard since they received notification of this change to develop revenue streams that will off -set operating costs in the long -run. In the short-term however, they do not have adequate revenue. Revenue that GEWC could typically anticipate included curling dues and //V membership fees. Those fees were increased for the 2006/07 season in anticipation of increased operating costs. In addition, since April 2006, they have: • Applied for and acquired a liquor license and began providing bar service in the curling club lounge. • Began operating the GEWC facility year round versus the eight month curling season. As a result, they are now managing dry -floor and lounge rentals during the summer months. • Prepared and submitted an application for a Direct Access Grant. • Forecast changes to revenues and expenses as a result of changes in operating responsibilities, and determined that they can meet their increased operating costs in the long -run, but not in the short-term. It should be noted that it took time to determine what those costs would be, as they had never been tracked separately in the past. At the March 8, 2007 Commission Meeting, GEWC requested a one-time grant of $30,000.00 to off- set increased operating costs incurred during their 2006/07 fiscal year. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is continued operation of the GEWC facility in an efficient manner within the new operating structure, and in a manner that successfully maximizes use of this facility for curling and other recreation services (i.e. ball hockey and community events) to the benefit of citizens. c) Strategic Alignment: The Safe and Livable Community aspect of Council's strategic plan indicates that the District will assist in the provision of leisure and cultural services to ensure access by all citizens in partnership with community groups. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Golden Ears Winter Club serves a diverse group of close to 500 curlers of all ages and abilities. They have recently expanded their role to include year-round management of this facility, which has resulted in increased use as community resource. One example is increased dry floor use by the Ridge Meadows Ball Hockey Association, a local non-profit sport group that serves 850 youth in our communities. The Winter Club has also hosted a number of provincial and national events that draw visitors into the community. Overall, the club and the facility offer a valuable community service that residents benefit from. e) Interdepartmental Implications: None. I) Business Plan/Financial Implications: This report, and a separate report to the City of Pitt Meadows, recommends one-time funding of $20,000 in total, with a portion allocated from each Municipality based on the funding formula in the Joint Leisure Services Agreement, i.e. $4,000.00 from Pitt Meadows and $16,000.00 from Maple Ridge. If Maple Ridge approves this request, it is our understanding that $16,000.00 does not remain available within the 2007 Municipal grant program, but that $12,000 could be funded in 2007 and the remaining $4,000 in 2008. g) Policy Implications: None. h) Alternatives: To adjust the amount of grant funding from that which was recommended, or to deny this request. If funding is not approved, GEWC would need to find additional funding in the near future in order to continue operations. CONCLUSIONS: The shift in responsibility for operation of the GEWC facility from RG Properties to Golden Ears Winter Club was not an event that was anticipated or planned for. However, the consequence of this change is a significant increase in operating costs that GEWC is responsible for, and an increased responsibility to generate revenue to off -set those costs. The GEWC Board and staff rose to the challenge, and have done a tremendous job of beginning to generate increased revenue while working to forecast and plan for expanded operating costs. In addition to these expanded responsibilities, the club incurred one-time change over and a power damage costs of $20,000 in the 2006/07 year. Their request for support in the form of a one-time grant is reasonable in these circumstances. This report recommends a $20,000 grant equal to the one-time costs the club incurred, rather than the requested amount of $30,000. Prepared by: Kelly Swift Director of Recreation Approved by: Mike Murray / f General Manager/Community Development Parks & Recreation Services f Approved'by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer KS:ik MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: YOUTH ACTION PARK AT THOMAS HANEY SECONDARY SCHOOL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The planning process for the Youth Action Park at Thomas Haney Secondary School has progressed to the stage where a concept plan selected by the Park Steering Committee as the preferred option has been endorsed by the Parks and Leisure Services Commission. The Park Steering Committee formed from a larger group of participants at the initial information meeting held on April 10th, 2007, presented the preferred option to this larger group at an information meeting on May 8`h. The larger group was in total support for the selection by the Steering Committee. A final open house meeting was held May 15th where the concept plan was on display for the community to review and comment. Approximately 60 persons attended the open house and all comments received were supportive of the concept. As there is a desire to begin construction this summer this report is being brought to Council for consideration without the benefit of a discussion at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Based on the discussions to date with the steering committee, and the ability to resolve issues identified during the planning process, the endorsement of the concept plan by the Commission, authorization by Maple Ridge Council is requested, to proceed to the development of detailed construction drawings. RECOMMENDATION: That on the recommendation of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission, the concept plan for the Youth Action Park at Thomas Haney Secondary School attached to the report dated May 16, 2007 be approved to allow for further design in preparation for the tender of construction drawings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A public Information Meeting, for the Youth Action Park, was advertised on two occasions in the local newspaper and notice of the meeting was mailed to 90 residents living adjacent to the site. Extensive contact was made by the Youth Program Coordinators to students of all feeder schools in the area. The Information Meeting was held at the Greg Moore Youth Centre on April 10'1', 2007 with approximately 60 residents attending. The interest of the group ranged from skateboarding to BMX bike riding, with various age groups, ability levels and riding styles. From this group some general principles to guide the concept plan were determined; area of site, incorporating the facility into the existing landscape and terrain, creating a sense of place, provide open site lines and to create space for passive and active recreation. It was decided that the focus of the design should be 60% on plaza terrain with 40% of the area dedicated for a separate bowl facility. The plaza terrain should focus on beginner to intermediate abilities, with the use of unique materials for surfaces, edges and structures (ie granite blocks, stamped coloured concrete) vs increasing the surface area. There was interest in incorporating art pieces in the design of an open space with various obstacles incorporating stairs and drops. The bowl terrain would focus on intermediate to advanced ability levels with some beginner opportunities. The bowl would feature two different floor levels and incorporate unique features like extensions, cradle or pocket, hips, spine and pool coping. Other amenities to consider include, a pay phone, lighting, drinking fountain, garbage and recycling cans. On conclusion of this meeting comment sheets were collected and a steering committee was formed. The Consultant prepared two options for a concept plan following the principles and comments received at the information meeting. The options were presented to the Steering Committee at a meeting held on April 24`h, 2007. Option 1 followed a more regular triangle shape, incorporating both the plaza and bowl terrain in one connected concrete slab. Stadium style large steps separated the plaza elevation from the upper bowl area. One row of existing parking stalls was incorporated in this design with pedestrian access along the edge of the plaza and raised planters providing some separation of activities. This pushes the hard surface further into the existing turf area but not into the area of play for the existing ball diamond. Option 2 was a more organic or irregular shape with the plaza and bowl separated from each other by green space and pedestrian access. Again large steps were used to accommodate the grade change between the plaza and bowl features. Less of the turf area is taken up in this design however two rows of existing parking stalls are eliminated in this design. The Steering Committee concluded a lively discussion of the two options, however it was concluded by all attending that they preferred Option 1 as a concept plan. In advance of the Steering Committee Process meetings were held with the Thomas Haney Secondary School Student Council, and Student School Improvement Team. On April 5th a presentation on the proposed project was made to the Staff and Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) at Thomas Haney Secondary. Some concerns were raised with respect to Action Park users who may access the School for washrooms and drinking fountains, disrupting classes during school sessions and extra curricular activities (theatre productions and gym use). Members of the PAC raised concerns that they wanted considered in the development of a concept plan. These concerns included a desire for an open concept to provide easy visibility of activity in the park, need for washroom access, will residents be asked to call for emergency assistance for the injured, who will supervise the park and when, and concern that vehicles and private property will be subject to vandalism. Members of the PAC expressed support for creating opportunities to keep youth active, and their concerns should be addressed through design of the park. Consideration of these concerns by the Consultant in developing the concept in concert with the Steering Committee process has resulted in a design that addresses the physical needs, ie. washroom access and visibility of the activity areas. Other concerns related to the operational needs of the park are intended to he addressed through the Youth Mentorship Program. Access to the public washrooms at Telosky Stadium will be improved with a paved walkway through the sport field complex from the Action Park. The washrooms are open during field user program times. Methods to insure these facilities are open at other times are being investigated in the context of the Mentorship program. The provision of a drinking fountain will be investigated and priced out in the construction detail stage of this project. Staff will review the site location to determine if there will be a need for additional safety netting on the existing baseball backstop. In order to continue to the design stage with the preparation of construction drawings in June for public tender in July and an August construction start, this report is being presented to Council without the benefit of discussion at the Committee of the Whole. b) Desired Outcome: With the authorization of Maple Ridge Council, the park development plan process will continue to the next stage to allow preparation of construction drawings, in preparation of offering a tender for construction in August 2007. c) Strategic Alignment: Development of this park is consistent with the 2007 Parks Capital Plan CONCLUSIONS: Based on the endorsement by the Parks and Leisure Services Commission, the comments received, the proposed methods to address concerns raised in the public notification process, the support for the concept plan by the interest group and positive comments at the final open house, it is recommended that Council authorize staff to proceed with preparation of construction drawings. Prepared by: Bruce McLeod, Manager of Parks and Open Space Appril' ed by: Mike Murray/ General Ma/lager, " ommunity Development Parks and eisu Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer i