HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-13 Council Meeting Minutes.pdf Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING February 13, 2007 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on February 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor G. Robson J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor E. Daykin P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Councillor J. Dueck F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor A. Hogarth Services Councillor L. King J. Pickering, Director of Planning Councillor C. Speirs R. Riach, Property & Risk Manager Councillor K. Stewart A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS Harry Loewen, East Ridge Community Fellowship 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated. Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 2 of 19 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES R/07-059 501 Minutes Regular Council It was moved and seconded January 23, 2007 That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 23, 2007 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R/07-060 502 Dev. Agr. Comm. Jan. 16, 26, It was moved and seconded Feb 5, 7, 2007 That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of January 16 (2), 26, February 5 and 7, 2007 be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL - Nil 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Introduction of New Members, RCMP, Inspector Jim Wakely Delegation withdrawn. 702 Scouts and Guides Week, Peter Tam Mr. Peter Tam, Commissioner, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Area and his troop put forward a PowerPoint presentation regarding the 100 year centennial celebration of Scouts Canada. Information regarding Scout/Guide Week, which runs from February 17 to February 25, was presented. The District of Maple Ridge was thanked for its support with a Letter of Appreciation. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 801 DVP/125/06, 11143 Hynes Street To relax the height restriction from 6.0 meters (19.68 ft) to 7.61 meters (24.97 ft), a variance of 1.61 meters (5.28 ft). Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 3 of 19 The Property and Risk Manager advised that no correspondence was received on this item. R/07-061 DVP/125/06 sign and seal It was moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/125/06 respecting property located at 11143 Hynes Street. CARRIED 802 DVP/103/05, 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road To relax the exterior side yard setback from 7.5 meters to 4.5 meters on the west side (230th Street); and to relax the interior side yard setback from 7.5 meters to 3.3 meters. The Property and Risk Manager advised that no correspondence was received on this item. R/07-062 DVP/103/05 sign and seal It was moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/103/05 respecting property located at 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road. CARRIED 900 CORRESPONDENCE - Nil 1000 BY-LAWS Bylaws for Final Reading 1001 RZ/098/05, 11920 228 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6380-2005 To rezone from RM-3 (High Density Apartment) to RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) to permit a 16 storey residential tower. Final reading Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 4 of 19 R/07-063 BL 6380-2005 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6380-2005 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED The Director of Planning advised that the development permit for this building was also an item on the agenda and a rendering was available as part of that report. 1002 Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending Bylaw No. 6463-2007 Housekeeping amendment to change fee amount Final reading R/07- 064 BL 6463-2007 It was moved and seconded Final reading That Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending Bylaw No. 6463-2007 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED Bylaw for First Reading 1003 RZ/087/05, 10000 Block 248 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6459-2006 Request of Mayor Robson for reconsideration of resolution defeated at the January 9, 2007 Council Meeting To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and A-2 (Upland Agriculture) to A-1 (Small Holdings Agriculture) to permit subdivision into approximately four lots First reading R/07-065 BL 6459-2006 It was moved and seconded First reading That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6459-2006 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 5 of 19 That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Road dedication as required; iii. Park dedication as required. CARRIED Councillor King, OPPOSED COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Minutes R/07-066 Minutes – COW It was moved and seconded February 5, 2007 That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 5, 2007 be received CARRIED Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/086/06, 22139, 22149, 22157, 22163, 22175 119th Avenue, RS-1 to CD-1-00 Staff report dated January 24, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6443-2006 to permit construction of a Seniors’ Village be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/07-067 RZ/086/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6443-2006 First That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6443-2006 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 6 of 19 iii. A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. Road dedication as required; v. Consolidation of the six lots on the development site; vi. Removal of the existing buildings and clearing all the debris from site; vii. Registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System components that will be included on the final project design plans; viii. Registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office restricting the use to seniors only; ix. Registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office securing visitor parking on the site. CARRIED 1102 RZ/112/06, 23840 River Road, M-2 to M-3 Staff report dated January 11, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6464-2007 to permit construction of a restaurant and brewpub be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/07-068 BL 6464-2007 It was moved and seconded First That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6464-2007 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii. A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office for a pedestrian pathway along the waterfront; v. Road dedication as required; vi. A 219 Restrictive Covenant for protection of the stream setback area must be registered at the Land Title Office. CARRIED Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 7 of 19 1103 VP/073/05, 20713 Golf Lane Staff report dated January 25, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify property owners that approval of VP/073/05 to permit the variance of minimum lot depth will be considered by Council at the February 27, 2007 meeting. R/07-069 VP/073/05 It was moved and seconded Notification That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/073/05 respecting property located at 20713 Golf Lane will be considered by Council at the February 27, 2007 meeting. CARRIED 1104 RZ/058/06, 12065, 12073, 12085, 12097 228th Street, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated January 25, 2007 providing options for Council’s consideration of Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6428-2006 to permit the construction of an apartment and townhouse complex. R/07-070 BL 6428-2006 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6428-2006 be read a second and third time. CARRIED 1105 AL/120/06, 11576 240th Street Staff report dated January 25, 2007 recommending that application AL/120/06 for subdivision within the ALR not be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. R/07-071 AL/120/06 It was moved and seconded Recommendation DEFERRED That application AL/120/06 for property located at 11576 240th Street not be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. The Director of Planning advised that the timing for a review of this application would depend on the establishment of the Agricultural Advisory Committee. She Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 8 of 19 also stated that the application fee would be forfeited if this application was defeated, however there was no time limit on bringing a deferred application back before Council. It was moved and seconded That consideration of resolution R/07-071 be deferred. CARRIED Councillor Speirs, Councillor King, OPPOSED 1106 AL/068/05, Blaney Bog Regional Park Staff report dated January 26, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Contract of Purchase agreement for subdivision proposal AL/068/05 to extend the original completion date. R/07-072 AL/068/05 It was moved and seconded Blaney Bog Contract Extension That the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Contract of Purchase agreement for subdivision proposal AL/068/05 attached to the staff report dated January 26, 2007. CARRIED 1107 DP/VP/098/05, 11920 228 Street Staff report dated January 24, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/098/05 to vary the front lot line setback and the maximum gross floor area will be considered by Council at the February 27, 2007 meeting and that upon favourable consideration of VP/098/05, DP/098/05 to permit a 16 storey residential tower be approved. R/07-073 VP/098/05 It was moved and seconded Notification DP/098/05 Sign and seal That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/098/05 respecting property located at 11920 – 228th Street will be Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 9 of 19 considered by Council at the February 27, 2007 Council Meeting; and That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to sign and seal DP/098/05 respecting property located at 11920 – 228th Street subject to approval of VP/098/05. The Director of Planning provided a visual of the proposed 16 storey tower. She advised that landscaping consideration had been included in the development permit. CARRIED 1108 DP/117/06, Lot 120, D.L. 401, Plan 60562, McIntosh Avenue Staff report dated January 29, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/117/06 to permit the construction of a Town Centre Transit Exchange at the existing transit service hub located at McIntosh Avenue. R/07-074 DP/117/06 It was moved and seconded Sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/117/06 respecting property legally described in Lot 120, DL, 401, Plan 60562 CARRIED The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that construction is scheduled to start in the summer with completion by the Fall. 1109 Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 6460-2006 Staff report dated January 5, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 6460-2006 to authorize the expenditures of the 2007 capital projects and previous years’ projects be read a first, second and third time. R/07-075 BL 6460-2006 It was moved and seconded First, second, third That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 6460-2006 be read a first, second and third time. Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 10 of 19 CARRIED The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services advised that there are a number of parks, infrastructure and road projects included in the bylaw and as each is tendered, they will come before Council for approval. 1110 Local Area Services – Paving of Gravel Road – 130 Avenue, December 2006 delegation Staff report dated January 17, 2007 recommending that staff be directed to work with the property owners of 130 Avenue to advance a Local Area Service; that the District contribute to the proposed LAS on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels; and that the proposed road be built to the minimum rural local road standard. R/07-076 Local Area Service It was moved and seconded 130 Avenue That staff be directed to work with the property owners of 130 Avenue to advance a Local Area Service; and That the District contribute to the proposed LAS on 130 Avenue on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels; and further That the proposed road be built to the minimum rural local road standard for Silver Valley. CARRIED 1111 Sewer Flush Truck Purchase Staff report dated January 25, 2007 recommending that the purchase invoice to Vimar Equipment Ltd. be approved. R/07-077 Approval of It was moved and seconded Purchase Invoice That the purchase invoice to Vimar Equipment Ltd. for $153,580.86 including PST and GST be approved. CARRIED Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 11 of 19 The General Manager, Public Works and Development Services gave an overview of how Excess Capacity Services Agreements and Latecomer Charges are applied in the District of Maple Ridge. 1112 Revised Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 109/05-01, 248 Street and McClure Drive Staff report dated January 31, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Revised Latecomer Agreement LC 109/05-01. R/07-078 LC 109/05-01 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 121/04 located at 248 Street and McClure Drive, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 31, 2007, and 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Revised Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 109/05-01 with the subdivider of the said lands, and further 4. That the Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 109/05 be cancelled. CARRIED 1113 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 111/06, 239B Street and 130 Avenue Staff report dated January 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 111/06. R/07-079 LC 111/06 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 133/03 located at 239B Street and 130 Avenue, be it resolved: Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 12 of 19 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 22, 2007, and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 111/06 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 1114 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 115/06, 250 Street and 119 Avenue Staff report dated January 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 115/06. R/07-080 LC 115/06 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 25/02 located at 250 Street and 119 Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 22, 2007, and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 115/06 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 1115 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 116/06, 242B Street and 102 Avenue Staff report dated January 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 116/06. Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 13 of 19 R/07-081 LC 116/06 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 643/03 located at 242B Street and 102 Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 22, 2007, and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 116/06 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 1116 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 117/06, 236 Street and 112A Avenue Staff report dated January 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 117/06. R/07-082 LC 117/06 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 112/05 located at 236 Street and 112A Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 22, 2007, and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 117/06 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 14 of 19 1117 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 118/06, 240 Street and 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 118/06. R/07-083 LC 118/06 It was moved and seconded That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 34/04 located at 240 Street and 132 Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 22, 2007, and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 118/06 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for month ended December 31, 2006 Staff report dated January 26 2007 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2006 be approved. R/07-084 Disbursements It was moved and seconded December 31, 2006 That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended December 31, 2006 be approved. General $ 6,482,001. Payroll $1,071,944. Purchase Card $100,849. $7,654,794. CARRIED Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 15 of 19 Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club – Loan Request Staff report dated January 12, 2007 recommendation that a $30,000 interest free loan be considered for the Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club for the purpose of installing new artificial turf for the lawn bowling green. R/07-085 Maple Ridge Lawn It was moved and seconded Bowling Loan That a $30,000 interest free loan be approved for the Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club for the purpose of installing new artificial turf for the lawn bowling green, noting that: a. such loan shall only be advanced upon proof of expenditures for the turf being received by the District along with an indication that no other fundraised support is available to the Club at the time of expenditure, and b. the outstanding balance of the loan is to be paid off the earlier of: i. $7,500 per annum payable on July 1st each year with the first payment due on July 1, 2008 or ii. as funds raised specifically for the project from outside sources (such as service clubs) become available. CARRIED Correspondence - Nil Other Committee Issues 1181 2007 Tourism Society Fee-For-Service Agreement Staff report dated February 1, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreement with the Tourism Society attached. R/07-086 2007 Tourism Society It was moved and seconded Fee-for-Service Agmt That the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreement with the Tourism Society attached to the staff report dated February 1, 2007. CARRIED Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 16 of 19 1182 UBCM Community Tourism Program Application Staff report dated February 1, 2007 recommending that staff be authorized to submit to UBCM to release funding for the projects identified in the staff report. R/07-087 UBCM Community It was moved and seconded Program Application That staff be authorized to submit a Community Tourism Program funding application to UBCM for the projects identified in the staff report dated February 1, 2007. CARRIED 1200 STAFF REPORTS The Director of Planning was asked to report on the last meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Greater Vancouver Regional District Land Use and Transportation Committee. She advised that the committee consists of planning directors from across the region and are tasked with reviewing the Liveable Region Strategic Plan. A report has been prepared for the Land Use and Transportation Committee to present to the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide Council with a copy of the Technical Advisory Committee review of the Liveable Region Strategic Plan 1300 INFORMATION UPDATES (including items of Community interest) 1400 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1401 MR/PM Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Re-appointment of Member (from the January 29, 2007 Closed Council) The Property and Risk Manager announced the appointment of Maria Kovacs to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issue. 1402 Golf Course Lease Awarded to Region View Recreation Services (from the January 29, 2007 Closed Council) Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 17 of 19 The Property and Risk Manager announced that the golf course lease had been awarded to Region View Recreation Services. 1500 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth attended the sod turning ceremony for the Pitt River Bridge, the open house for the Silver Valley on the Fern Crescent/132nd Street area and met with the RCMP Joint Committee to discuss methods of improving service. He will be starting work with the Accessibility Committee on putting together a book on exterior accessibility. He provided an update on the activities of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee on Accessibility Issues. Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck attended the Pitt River Bridge groundbreaking ceremony and the opening of the new Westview Secondary School Field. She commended the sports user groups for a job well done. She also attended a Spirit of BC event at Planet Ice. Councillor Daykin Councillor Daykin attended the opening of the new Westview Secondary School field. He announced that Spirit of BC Week was well underway and reviewed a number of ongoing events. Councillor Daykin will be attending the Greater Vancouver Regional District Waste Management Committee meeting. Councillor Stewart Councillor Stewart meetings of the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee and the Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Committee. He reported that a Tsawwassen First Nations agreement in principle had been signed and that a package would be coming to Council for review. Councillor Stewart toured the burned out building on 225th Street, attended the the Pitt River Bridge sod turning ceremony, the new Westview Secondary School field opening, the Fern Crescent open house, an Alouette River Management Society meeting and the Police Liaison meeting. Councillor Speirs Councillor Speirs attended the Parks and Leisure Services Commission meeting as well as the Community Heritage Commission meeting. He reminded all that February was Heritage Month and advised of events underway. Councillor Speirs also attended the Youth Council Meeting as well as the Fern Crescent Upgrade public information meeting. He also advised that on February 26th, David Suzuki was appearing at the ACT. Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 18 of 19 Councillor King Councillor King attended the Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting and a a presentation on global warming by Robert Safrata. 1600 MAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Robson advised that the presentation by Robert Safrata was part of the District’s work toward becoming sustainable and carbon neutral. He stated that he was pleased to see the completion of the new field at Westview Secondary School. Mayor Robson reported that the Honorable Robert Falcon, Minister of Transportation, had stated informally that the Evergreen Line will be built and that it would be critical to Maple Ridge as it will allow the community to build around an LRT line. 1700 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1800 NOTICES OF MOTION 1900 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Tara McKean – Applicant, Item 1105 Ms. McKean questioned why staff review applications and give personal opinions rather than only making certain that an application met requirements. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that staff give their professional opinion, in terms of a planning perspective and in terms of the policy of the District, and provide this to Council for review and for a decision on how to proceed. He stated that Council can either ignore or accept the advice given and proceed accordingly. Ms. McKean was advised that her application had been deferred and that the application would be sent for comment to the Agricultural Advisory Committee when formed. She would be advised of the date and time of this meeting and would be invited to attend. Council Minutes February 13, 2007 Page 19 of 19 2000 ADJOURNMENT - 8:16 p.m. _______________________________ G. Robson, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ R. Riach, Property and Risk Manager