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2007-12-11Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA December 11, 2007 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 27, 2007 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of November 21(4), 26 and 29, 2007. Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda December 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 2 of 6 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 Financial Plan Presentation and Consideration of Item 1132 - The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - Manfred Wuensch - 2007 Successes and 2008 Initiatives 702 Intelligent Transportation Systems, TransLink, iMove Web Portal - Keenan Kitasaka 703 Fraser Valley Citizens Advisory Committee to the Correctional Service of Canada - Peter Hayes - Introduction to the objective, Mission Statement and role of the Committee in the community. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BY-LAWS Bylaws for Final Reading 1001 Maple Ridge Holding Tank (Waidun Group, 9393-287 Street) Bylaw No. 6525-2007 To regulate the use of a holding tank at Waidun Group, 9393 287 Street Final reading. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - December 3, 2007 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Council Meeting Agenda December 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 3 of 6 Public Works and Development Services 1101 DP/094/06, 22990 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated November 21, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/094/06 to permit a 73 unit townhouse development. 1102 DVP/079/06, DP/063/07, 22882 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated November 19, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/079/06 to vary a front yard setback and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/063/07 in support of a car wash addition to an existing Husky Service Station. 1103 Local Area Service - 130 Avenue west of Mill Street Staff report dated November 20, 2007 recommending that the formal petition for Local Area Service for road improvements on 130 Avenue west of Mill Street be received and providing options if the petition is not sufficient. 1104 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 124/07, Kanaka Way and 234A Street Staff report dated November 29, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07. 1105 Business Licensing and Regulation Amending Bylaw Staff report dated November 19, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Business Licensing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6503-2007 be given three readings. 1106 CPR Holiday Train - Friends in Need Food Bank, Use of Streets Staff report dated November 21, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the CPR Holiday Train event on Tuesday, December 18, 2007. CouncH Meeting Agenda December 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 4 of 6 Financial and Corporate Services Fire and 1131 Development Cost Charges Imposition Charge Bylaw Staff report dated November 23, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Development Cost Impositon Charge Cost Bylaw No. 6462-2007 be given three readings and be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval. 1132 Financial Plan Bylaw Staff report dated November 29, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6531-2007 be given three readings. 1133 Adjustments to the 2006 Collector's Roll Staff report dated November 15, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 20(}6 Collector's Rolls through the issuance of Supplementary ROU 2(}06-15. 1134 Adjustments to the 2007 Collector's Roll Staif report dated November 14, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 2(}(}7 Collector's Roll and the 2007 TransLink Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 03/2007. 1135 Adjustments to the 2007 Collector's Roll Staff report dated November 16, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 2007 Collector's ROU through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 09/2007. 1136 Adjustments to the 2007 Collector's Roll Staff report dated November 16, 2007 submitting information an changes to the 2007 Collector's Roll and the 2{)07 TransLink Roll through the Council Meeting Agenda December 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 5 of 6 Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Award of Contracts, Maple Ridge Secondary School Running Track Expansion Staff report dated November 20, 2007 recommending that the contract to complete the civil work for the Merkley Park/MRSS track project be awarded to Wilco Landscape and that the contract to complete the track resurfacing be awarded to Defargo Sports Surfacing. 1152 Whonnock Lake Property Disposal, 27700 block of 112 Avenue Staff report dated November 16, 2007 recommending that staff be directed to proceed with an amendment to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 6425-2006 to designate property located in the 27700 block of 112 Avenue from Park to Rural Residential and further, that said property be offered for sale. Correspondence Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Council Meeting Agenda December 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 6 of 6 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the Clerk's Department who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by: Date: ©7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 21, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman Mike Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda A||on, Recording Secretary 1. FIRST COLONIAL INVESTORS LTD. LEGAL: Parcel 'B' (Reference Plan 781) of the West haif Section 27, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 13300 240 Street OWNER: First Colonial Investors Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant - Section 219 Park Lands THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO FIRST COLONIAL INVESTORS LTD. CARRIED Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman / / ''Mike Murray, Acting ief Administrative Officer Member 502 ~ The Corporation of the Distrct of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. District of Pitt Meadows SCALE 1:4,500 District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 13300 240 St CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 20, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: DP CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 21, 2007 Mayor's Office GordonPRESENT: Robson, Mayor Chairman Mike Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/090/04 LEGAL: Lot 10, Block 3 & 5, Section 10. Township 12, Plan 18280 LOCATION: 10552 Jackson Rd OWNER: Symphony Deve!opment Corporation REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant - No Build THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SD/090/04. ordon Robson, Mayor Chairman CARRIED Mike MurrayActing ChiefAdministrative Officer Member Rem. D P 20280 83 EP 16363 10607 P 75957 6 P 72103 1060 12 P 42419 C 10606 10621 EP 16529 1 10627 10616 Ptn of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 SK 6504F 11 P 18280 P 18280 10 SUBJECT PROPERTY P 12923 2 P 12923 Rem 1 10706/54 P 12923 4 10630 SCALE 1:2,500 District of Pitt Meadows: 10552 JACKSON ROAD District of Langley CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 7Ky�'�'^���--_rte{ MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 23, 2006 FILE: SD/090104 BY: PC 'velars.. sr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 21, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman Mike Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. WILSON, ROBERT. LEGAL: Lot D.Section 28.Township 12,NVVD,Plan BCP28O17 LOCATION: 13507 240 Street OWNER: Robert Wilson REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant - Section 219 Sump Pump THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO ROBERT WILSON. G don Robson, Mayor Chairman CARRIED 7 Mike Murray, Ptt n8 Chief AdminOfficer BCP 17359 Rem 29 D 13507 PARK 13503 cC4cs) 13499 CO A 13495 28 13491 27 13481 26 13471 03 25 13461 Subjrect Parcel 19 SCALE 1:1,000 District of Pitt Meadows I g District of Langley 13507 240st 4 MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: Nov 20, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: AS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 21, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman Mike Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. NO. 236 SEABRIGHT HOLDINGS LTD. LEGAL: Lots 178 - 187, Section 10, Township 12, NVVD, Plan BCP26600 LOCATION: 24400Block nfKirno|aDrive OWNER: No. 236 Seabright H�ldings Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant - Section 219 Sump Pump THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO NO. 236 SEABRIGHT HOLDINGS LTD. Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman CARRIED / K4i^' Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer 24409 (C) Co 24417 C) co- C) 24425 - c7) co 0) 24433 " co 24441 (A) O- D 24449 -P Co 24457 01 0- 3 24465 0) 24473 03 448/ Fe:o SCALE t% 1:1,000 1,. District of PittMeadowsl7j 1-, --, l r - Sliver Valley _LI -. tP ,...,, _I ---- i ic , o i Z P, BCP 26600 Lotsl78-187 11111 Matistionly • .1, ; f MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ii...v: _. ant . 0 ar i -,-, iggil- WI ---i , District • of \ litil.,7 'fr , vitl , _.__. Albion -`' 1117 -... I tr \._ . 6 vc() - , I a ' t- . 1111311113=1. LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT Langley 11wW- - ,s, , VIONINMINXIMININ DATE: Nov 21, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: AS . fi'''''',-------_----A- ' ------ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 26, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda AUen, Recording Secretary 1. 0733961 B.C. LTD. LEGAL: LOCATION: Lots 1-44, District Lot 404, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP29SO7 234A Street & Griffen Road OWNER: 0733961 B.C. LTD. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: • Reiease of existing Floodplain Management Covenant • Execution of new Floodplain Management Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 0733961 B.C. LTD. Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Jim) R Member Chief Administrative Officer 28 23328 27 23336 32 '7,43 33 23331 11160 26 23342 23350 25 23358 24 1 LMP 10784 11120 KANAKA WAY District of Pitt Meadows SCALE 1:1,000 District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE 6,t,ch C^,,n-tna Lots 1-44 BCP 29907 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: Nov 20, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: AS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 29, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/099/07 LEGAL: Lot A except Phase 1, Section 20, Township 12, NVVD, P|anBCP15645 LOCATION: 12258 224 Street OWNER: Shangri-La Gardens Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Cross Access Easement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SD/099/07. Gordon Robson, Mayor CARRIED Memberle, Chief Administrative Officer ' Chairman 1:1 Rem 5 Rem 4 P196 I F1' Rem 3 \ F4' R e m 1 2 12385 P 89 4 8 12367 12347 P 14730 2 1 12345 P 8914 S 1/20 12333 42 12325 .- 43 12305 Park :CP 30288 1 BCP 30288 12283 *PP119 1 LMP 50617 12275 BCP 21579 3 12396 2 P 18957 12386 154 P 38983 P 70062 P 3 7185 2 3 4 5 12387 6 12379 67 P 24278 12344 12342 Re N 1/2 of 13 P 1161 344 12371 NWS 2464 12334 P 72069 345 12363 346 124 AVE. 1:1322 P 526 323 89 7 12388 3 8 12380 116 P 27 117 30 P66083 352 12360 9351 ..c, F..1 209 a, La a, 5 a) Nc'cl. 210 , 211 `fll LEE AVE. LEE AVE] 347 348 P 66 9'349 83 3 9 350 8) 208 ") a. 9206 207 NWS 2777 12296 12258/12268 12238/12248 LMS 873 12206 A P 75480 SUBJECT PROPERTY A BCP 15645 P 86603 LMP 13628 12184-98 12150 (REC CENTRE) LMS 4011 12148 (ECRA) LMP 43240 Parcel "A" Rem. 326 P 52376 District of Pitt Meadows District of Langley SCALE 1:2,500 1 109 110 123 AVE. 01 '71 1120) (1..N 00 12 gi g — 9 0- 9113 P 1935 13 _ 14 3 10a 9 123 81 B 305 P 46852 T21095 241 12257 242 .243 240 12247 239 A 12237 04 238 a_ 12227 12155 237 23S1 257 ,f,1 256 236 235 8) A a- 12138 234 12258 224 STREET MAPLE RIDGE 1•3111=1=11 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 23, 2007 FILE: SD/099/07 BY: PC CHAIR Malcolm Brodie VICE—CHAIR Maryin Hunt DIRECTORS Kurt Alberts Suzanne Anton Peter Ladner Don MacLean Gordon Robson Barbara Steele Sam Sullivan Joe Trasollni Richard Walton Wayne Wright CEO Pat Jacobsen TRANS LINK Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority October 23, 2007 Mayor Gordon Robson District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 MAYOR M&C__'CAO �GM Other (°- Action: Action: ( TransLink 1600-4720 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2 Canada Tel 604-453-4500 Fax 604-453-4637 www.translink.bc.ca Dear Mayor Robson and Council: At the October 10, 2007 TransLink Board meeting, Fred Cummings, Acting Vice President, Capital Management and Engineering and his staff from the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Department provided a report (attached) to update the Board on an important project to develop a web portal for regional traveller information called iMove. A presentation was provided by Keenan Kitasaka, Manager of the ITS Department at TransLink, which was well-received. The web portal integrates existing sources of traveller information into one convenient location,providing access to accurate, timely and reliable information that will empower users to make better transportation choices. A module of the web portal also allows municipalities to input information directly to iMove to inform residents and travellers of incidents, construction projects, and planned events. The iMove web portal is expected to be launched publicly on November 26, 2007. Upon the direction of the TransLink Board, the report and presentation are being offered to all municipal councils in the region to ensure that each have the opportunity to be informed and to consider how to become involved in this critical element of our transportation network. If there is any interest in the presentation, please contact my office directly at (604) 453-4602 or my assistant, Diana Jordan at (604) 453-4627. Sincerely, Keenan Kitasaka, P.Eng., Manager, Intelligent Transportation Systems TransLink Attach: TransLink Board Report re iMove Web Portal 702 CHAIR Malcolm Brodie VICE—CHAIR Marvin Hunt DIRECTORS Kurt Alberts Suzanne Anton Peter Ladner Don MacLean Gordon Robson Barbara Steele Sam Sullivan Joe Trasolini Richard Walton Wayne Wright CEO PatJacobsen TRANS LINK Greater r Vancouver Transportation Authority To: GVTA Board of Directors 4.8 From: Fred Cummings, Acting Vice President, Capital Management and Engineering Date: September 20, 2007 Subject: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - iMove Web Portal PURPOSE Advanced traveller information systems (ATIS) provide travellers with a wide array of information regarding their trips such as recurring congestion, areas of potential delays due to accidents, construction, or planned events, navigation through the region, information about a specific destination or mode of travel, road and weather advisories, and just about anything that may affect a person's journey. ATIS programs and systems in Greater Vancouver have been largely narrowly focused, agency specific, and not regionally coordinated, iMove® for Greater Vancouver is a joint initiative of TransLink's wholly-owned subsidiary, the "ITS Corporation", comprised of agencies at the federal, provincial, regional and municipal levels of government, as well as ICBC, UBC, Vancouver Port Authority, commercial transportation representatives, and E -Comm. iMove® is an integrated multi -modal web portal, one of the first of its kind in Canada, that brings together traveller information from various sources into one convenient location. The primary objective of iMove® is to provide access to accurate, timely, and reliable information to empower users to make better transportation choices such as deferring or cancelling a trip, changing modes or selecting a different route based on current conditions. The targeted user groups include motorists, transit users, cyclists, inter- regional travellers, visitors, and commercial transportation agencies. A screen shot of the current iMove web portal is shown in Exhibit 1. The purpose of this report is to provide a project update, prior to a full launch and media vent for the general public, planned in November 2007. -2 - DISCUSSION Background: The TransLink Board of Directors, at its regular meeting of July 3, 2002, gave Specific Project Approval (SPA) for funding to develop the business case and concept of operations for a Regional Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS). Subsequent project change authorizations provided additional funding for functional design, detailed design, internet mapping prototype, development and implementation of the ATIS. Funding contributions toward this project have been provided by other regional and federal transportation agencies, including Transport Canada's Transportation Development Centre (1'DC), Industry Canada's Western Economic Diversification, the Province of BC's Ministry of Transportation and the Vancouver Port Authority. The development and implementation of the web portal has been led by TransLink's ITS Department, from initial concepts to final construction. TransLink's Marketing Department has led the branding and marketing work which resulted in the selection of the iMove brand and logo, development and management of content and creative input to the design of the web portal. In addition, TransLink's Marketing Research Department has led the innovative use of focus groups and a web panel testing of iMove to provide critical feedback from the consumer. The combined effort, on behalf of the ITS Corporation and TransLink, has culminated in the iMove web portal. A separate but related capital project called Regional Condition Reporting System (RCRS) will be launched in conjunction with iMove. The RCRS allows agencies that affect transportation such as Greater Vancouver municipalities, UBC, Vancouver Port Authority, TransLink, and potentially, VANOC, to input information into iMove. Advisories about events such as planned construction, special events (parades, Sun Run, etc), and incidents can be sent from these agencies directly into iMove. The iMove web portal will initially provide a variety of features including: • Traffic advisories from municipalities, UBC, the Vancouver Port Authority and potentially VANOC using RCRS, mostly on construction and planned events • Real time information on congestion at the border crossings (Peace Arch & Pacific), Lions Gate Bridge, Massey Tunnel and Cassiar Tunnel • Current status of BC Ferries vessels and queues at Tsawwassen and Horseshoe Bay terminals via links to BC Ferries website • Access to 125 web -enabled traffic cameras, a list that will increase over time • Dangerous goods restrictions, truck routes, weigh scale locations, and other goods movement related information Access to transit and cycling information Traveller information for trips in and out of the region as well as visitor information. 3 • Links to major transportation agencies including the airport, ferry terminals, port cruise ship terminal, rail terminals, etc Future Improvements: In the short term, the following additional features are expected to be available on iMove: Emergency incidents affecting transportation via a direct interface to E -Comm in November/December 2007. Highway related information from a direct interface to the Provincial DRIVE BC system in December 2007/January 2008. In the long term, subject to funding, iMove will be developed further and is expected to incorporate other features such as greater access via portable media devices (PDAs, cell phones, etc) and expanded coverage (web cams on Knight St Bridge, etc). The iMove web portal has also been recognized by neighbouring jurisdictions which are investigating the possibility of integrating their information systems. For example, the Washington State Department of Transportation and Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) are actively discussing the integration of border and interstate information on iMove in preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Nationally, the iMove web portal is considered by many as a showcase for Canada in advanced traveller information systems, using the latest technology and branded as a consumer product. Regionally, iMove is viewed as the first step towards a vision of a multi -modal, integrated and seamless transportation network in Greater Vancouver. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Board accept this project update for information. Exhibit 1: iMove Web Portal ove Intelligence In motion - 4 - :Move is you: an -tot, source For reat time transportahon information. Learn mere., 9 Highways 9 Bridges and Tunnels , Lion's Gate Bridge :7177,4,11,71357,:14:e•X7, Massey Tunnel Caesler Tunnel Link to External Site 9 Park and Ride lack Bell Ri&oShare 9 Special EventS 9 Accessibility Ad MI-EV1Th Alt o4j All 1*: Current imicsnt • C-tortnt Catryin..MileM I.) Culvert Evert • Fat. Event Sern-Trock had rolled over on Oak street Hiplt Apr 2.7. 2005 Apr 22 2005 1045 AM PDT 645 PH PDT • . , . . • bier -king— 5.oe mitre details » . , •: Vanoouver, 5700 block of Oak Street A Semi:Truck had rolled over on Oak street Use alternate routes. Apr 22 2005 Apr 22 2005 HIP" 10:45'AM POT 6:45 PM PDT; blocking the intersection at Dak and 57th Ave.. View closest cameras :-,,:,••••k,"1-", • iat"-;.:4 r-...:41:7::•-• i --t; - View Y.10W View 1 : Vancovve4:S700 block of k HApr 22 2005 Apr 22 2005 Oak Street • • '• • "ixs. ICth 10:45 -AM POT 645 Pp -4 PUT ; A;5enii•Trucie.Mid relied Over an Oak street blocking... 5ee mnre derail,e,: • -p—poieetos. yr...was:tom • oacw - • AbOCt iMove Feedback Skemap Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Help 2006 illOve" Citizens' Advisory Committees Citizens' Advisory Committees' goals • Community Participation Aug- Communities and their citizens have sow feag. e Correctional Service of Cana 0 Citizens' Advisory Commi • d 0 03 R 1.: TA N > .� li • M M N _ _ M el h ni ii LnM J - 7.1 N C lD MN a r R y v° Cr',N • f N un 6,1 -7--- � m N D M 0 4. ti N L i ▪ ✓ v 3 f v- tO co.G� '^rn R �'. :�.� J.. gcZ om vmw 0m a - •_ C J�o 7M 37 v `? s �W. -- a� oS .o Ci a< 0 t0 ▪ ;n ai v G W v o�<o., Z. oc3 x s do°�c� da�Zs � C;(05 �Zx MOxa� ==0 - 0 3... cl, a'-2waLL a'MJxau. J J f — J 77, - -J Cs' - - �' - te, Z., • - s $ r' x— - "▪ .",76- .= .- ._ 'l ../ :/; - .- :J :, ., ....- rz 2_ - VON N u in N O u CO O 0▪ V a L M =c NM kip N v ^ n cY Mu, c 0 NN C0 o • u. Om M • N. e .92 0 01 W .:. ��u N C a. X O�Nx OMo M ,m O,Cmm Cv 1I yrs 1No0(r a' N O. un l n a LL 0: M a< 7 a LL c " 0 0 ^ O 00x o co iM c o oy up co n V C aOm� S v Q ._ b .c a -0_ 0 - 1 1(11 w „`v ✓ J 00cs J CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6525 - 2007 A Bylaw regulating the construction of, connection to and use of holding tank at Waldun Group, 9393 - 287th Street WHEREAS Section 550 of the Local Government Act allows Council, by Bylaw to require persons to use a waste disposal services. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Citation This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Holding Tank (Waldun Group, 9393 - 287th Street) Bylaw No. 6525 - 2007". 2. Interpretation and Application 1) In this Bylaw the following definitions shall apply: "Building Drain" shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping that conducts sewage, clear or grey water waste or storm water to a building sewer or holding tank; "Corporation" shall mean the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Director" shall mean the Director of Engineering Operations or his authorized representative; "Waldun Group" means the lands and all buildings and structures servicing the premises located at 9393 - 287th Street, Maple Ridge. "Holding Tank" shall mean a tank or series of tanks intended to store all domestic sewage conveyed by a building sewer or building drain until the sewage can be transported by tanker to an approved disposal location; "Unsanitary Condition" shall mean the seepage, leakage, overflow or escape of sewage from a holding tank; "Inspector" shall mean the Manager of Inspection Services appointed from time to time by the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge and includes any authorized representative; "Lands" shall mean: Pc! "A", DL 438, Group 1, LMP 7504, NWD "Natural Outlet" shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body or surface of water or groundwater; "Owner" shall mean the registered owner of an estate in fee simple of the lands; "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group; "Property Comminuted Garbage" shall mean the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than one-quarter (1/4) inch (6mm) in any dimension; "Sewage" shall mean any liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution and may include liquids containing chemicals in solution; "Slug" shall mean any discharge of water, sewage or industrial waste which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen (15) minutes more than five (5) times the average twenty- four (24) hour concentration of flows during normal operation; "Standard Methods" means the current edition of 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewerage' published by the American Public Health Association; "Storm Drainage System" shall mean a drainage system or part of a drainage system that conveys only storm water or clear water waste; "Wastes" means matter discarded or not wanted and may also mean substances including water which are permitted to escape or which escape accidentally; "Watercourse" shall mean a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. 2) This By-law applies to the construction, installation, connection to, use of and maintenance of holding tanks at Waldun Group, 9793 - 287th Street. 3. Requirement for Disposal Services 1) Except as hereinafter provided, the requirements of the Maple Ridge Sanitary Sewer Regulation By-law No. 691-1961 as amended from time to time shall apply. 4. Regulations of Holding Tanks 1) The owner shall construct, install and connect to or cause to be constructed, installed and connected to each building situated on the land a separate and independent holding tank. The holding tank shall be constructed and installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule "A" and "B" attached hereto; 2) A permit fee and security deposit in accordance with the attached Schedule "0" shall be paid for each holding tank at the time of issuance of the building permit; and 3) The owner shall not make connection of roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a holding tank or to a building sewer or building drain which is connected directly or indirectly to a holding tank. 5. Holding Tanks 1) The owner or any other person shall not break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with or cause or permit to be broken, damaged, destroyed, uncovered, defaced or tampered with any holding tank or any structure, appurtenance or equipment ancillary thereto; 2) The owner and any other person shall not discharge or cause to be discharged or permit to be discharged Into any holding tank any storm water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, or uncontaminated cooling water; 2 3) The owner or any other person shall not discharge or cause or permit to be discharged into any holding tank any of the prohibited or restricted wastes described in the Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District Sewer Use By -Law No. 164 as amended from time to time; 4) If waters or wastes are discharged, or proposed to be discharged to the holding tanks, which have deleterious effects upon the holding tanks, processes, equipment, or receiving waters, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the Director may: a) reject the wastes; b) require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers; c) require control over the quantities and rates of discharge; or d) require an equitable payment having regard to the quantity and quality of waste in relation to that from other sources. If the Director permits the pretreatment or equalization of waste flows, the design and installation of the plant and equipment shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director, and subject to the continued requirements of all applicable codes, By-laws and laws. 5) All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of waters and waste to which reference is made in this By-law shall be determined at the holding tank in accordance with "Standard Methods". 6. Operation of a Holding Tank 1) The owner shall be responsible for operating each approved holding tank in accordance with the requirements of this Bylaw inclusive of Schedules "A" and "B" and all other applicable laws, By-laws and regulations. 7. The Power and Authority of Inspector and Director 1) The Director and Inspector of the Municipality are hereby authorized to enter on any property to ascertain whether the provisions of this By-law are being observed including without limitation, inspecting, observing, measuring, sampling and testing of building drains or holding tanks. 8. Penalties 1) Every person found to be violating any provision of this Bylaw shall be served by the Municipality with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cure all violations, or carry out or cause to be done such work as may be required to conform with this By-law in accordance with the notice; 2) Every person who: a) violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw; 3 b) causes or suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention or in violation of any of the provisions of this Bylaw; or c) neglects or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any provisions of this Bylaw; shall be deemed to have committed an offence under this Bylaw and on conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding $5,000.00. Each day in which such violation shall continue, shall be deemed to constitute a separate offence. All penalties and costs shall be recoverable and enforceable upon summary conviction in the manner provided for under the Offence Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 305 including imprisonment for any time not exceeding 30 days in default of said penalty; and 3) Every person violating any of the provisions of this Bylaw shall become liable to the Municipality for any expenses, loss or damage occasioned the Municipality by reason of sum violation. 9. Default 1) The owner shall dispose of or cause to be disposed of the contents of the holding tank in accordance with the terms of this Bylaw; 2) The owner shall not cause or permit the holding tank or lands or both to become or remain in an unsanitary condition; 3) Where the owner causes or permits the holding tank or lands to become or remain in an unsanitary condition or otherwise fails to comply with this Bylaw, the Municipality shall, by its servants, agents or contractors, clean up the holding tank located on the lands and may remove the sewage; 4) The owner of the lands shall be liable for the costs and expenses incurred by the Municipality in undertaking any work described herein. If the owner fails to pay for the work or service: a) the Municipality may call for and receive the funds secured by the security deposit and use them to reimburse the Municipality for the costs and expenses incurred. If the said monies are not sufficient to fully reimburse the Municipality, the owner will pay any deficiency to the Municipality; or b) the costs and expenses incurred by the Municipality shall become a charge or lien on the lands and shall be collected in the same manner with the like remedies as ordinary taxes on land and improvements. 5) If the Municipality uses part or all of the security deposit pursuant to Section 9.4 (a), the owner will forthwith on demand by the Municipality reinstate the security deposit to the original amount; 6) A charge specified in this Bylaw that is due and payable by December 31 and unpaid on that date shall be deemed to be taxes in arrears and shall promptly be so entered on the tax roll. 4 10. Validity The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this Bylaw shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Bylaw, which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. 11. Schedules Schedules A, B and C are attached to and form part of this Bylaw. READ a first time the 27th day of November, 2007. READ a second time the 27th day of November, 2007. READ a third time the 27th day of November, 2007. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of , 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 5 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE HOLDING TANK (WALDUN GROUP, 9393 - 287th STREET) BYLAW N0. 6525 - 2007 SCHEDULE A Sewage Holding Tanks - General Requirements 1. The sewage holding tank system shall be for storage only and will receive all the sewage generated by the premises. The owner shall be responsible for installing the holding tank and bearing all costs and expenses incidental to the installation and maintenance. The owner shall indemnify the Municipality from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation, operation and maintenance of the holding tank. 2. The owner and occupier of the land who intends to install a holding tank system shall submit a plan or plans of his proposed system to the Municipality for approval before installation. The plan(s) shall be in such detail as to be acceptable to the Municipality. For holding tanks located more than 1 metre from the building, a permit shall be obtained from the Health Unit as required by the B.C. Sewage Disposal Regulations. This permit shall accompany the plan submissions to the Municipality. 3. The owner or occupier shall obtain a haulage contract with a contractor. The haulage contract shall provide for pumping and hauling the contents of the holding tank system and such a contract must be maintained at all times. The Municipality must approve its wording. 4. No owner or occupier shall modify, expand or otherwise alter his holding tank system without the prior approval of the Municipality as set out in Clause 2 above. 5. No owner or occupier shall enter into a new haulage contract or modify an existing one without the prior approval of the Municipality as set out in Clause 3 above. 6. The contractor shall guarantee that he can continuously service the installation. Road accessibility, provision for back-up tanker truck, total contract workload and other pertinent factors shall be taken into account when providing the guarantee. 7. The contractor submitting the service contract shall submit its truck(s) for Inspection at the request of the Director. 8. The contractor shall discharge the sewage pumped out of the holding tanks at a location approved by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District. The contractor shall not mix any septic tank contents or other wastes with holding tank sewage, nor shall the contractor discharge anything but holding tank sewage at the approved discharge point. Upon each visit to the approved discharge point, the contractor shall deposit with the Municipality a memo including the date and the volume collected. 9. The holding tank shall be designed such that full-time use of the building on the property will require a pump out frequency of once every three days (based on the B.C. Sewage Disposal Regulations pursuant to the Health Act). 6 10. If water conservation methods such as spring loaded taps, reduced water flush toilets, etc. are utilized, then this frequency of pump out may be reduced. However, the holding tank shall be pumped out more frequently as required to prevent the sewage from reaching the high level elevation in the holding tank. 11. Prior to any holding tank being constructed or installed on the lands, a Restrictive Covenant shall be registered against title to the lands in accordance with Section 215 of the Land Title Act. The Restrictive Covenant shall require the owner to use the lands and the holding tank in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of the By-law. 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE HOLDING TANK (WALDUN GROUP, 9393 - 287th STREET) BYLAW NO. 6525 - 2007 SCHEDULE B Sewage Holding Tanks - Technical Requirements 1. Any by-pass of the holding tank system is prohibited and periodic inspections may be made by the Municipality's Inspector to monitor this. 2. AN plans submitted showing site locations, tank details, electrical details, material specifications, trenching and backfilling techniques, etc. shall be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of British Columbia. 3. The holding tank shall be constructed or reinforced fiberglass or concrete and the design shall be submitted for the approval of the Inspector of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. 4. All tanks to be partially or completely installed below grade must have a support slab designed to prevent the tank from floating or any other movement. 5. The tanks shape shall allow complete and easy removal of all liquid and sludge contents therein. A V-shaped or rounded bottom is required with a minimum 1.5% slope from end to end down to the discharge point. 6. The tank shall have its own separate vent "goose necked., screened, and in a location where problems would not be anticipated from any foul odors. The opening shall be three (3) metres above the highest ground elevation found within one (1) metre of the tank. The access manholes to the tank shall be sealed. 7. Tank capacity shall be based on the proposed pumping frequency plus a factor of safety. The minimum volume allowed will be 8,500 litres. Appendix 1 of Schedule 2 of the Sewage Disposal Regulation should be utilized to arrive at the minimum daily sewage flow. The volume will then be calculated for three days flow. A factor of safety of 50% shall then be added. 8. Two or more prefabricated tanks installed in a series may be used to accommodate the capacity required. These must be connected invert to invert with a continuous slope from the end accepting sewage to the end equipped with the discharge or pump out point. Any aeration equipment will be located to keep the connection pipe clear of any sludge buildup. 9. An aeration system may be required and its purpose is to: a) maintain oxygen in the system, thus reducing odors; b) circulate the effluent to eliminate freezing; and c) eliminate sludge buildup on the bottom or comers of the tank. 10. The operation of the tank shall be monitored from a separately mounted weathertight panel. The panel will consist of: a) a timer - to control the switching of the aeration system if an aeration system is deemed necessary; 8 b) an indicator panel showing three lights. The green light will indicate the system is operating correctly. The orange or amber light will indicate the tank is ready to pump; this would be at the 2/3rds full level. A liquid level float switch attached within the tank will activate the amber light. A red light will indicate the system is overloaded. A liquid level float switch will also activate this light and it will allow at least enough residual volume to drain the plumbing in the household. In addition once this level is reached an electrically operated solenoid valve will cut off the water service to the building except for that water service required to maintain fire protection. This solenoid valve will only operate in a "lower on" mode and thereby avoid a water shutoff in the event of a power failure. When the red light is activated an audible signal will be heard within the dwelling. This audible signal will remain on until it is turned off at the control panel. 11. The siting of the tank or the pump out pipe for a buried tank must be located within a paved area with easy access from the road. If the grade from the road allowance to the pump out location is greater than 5% then a covered walkway arrangement must be provided. 12. A roof may be necessary to keep snow buildup from the pump out pipe. 13. No provision for an overflow pipe is permitted. Should an overflow of the holding tank occur, it should be designed so that an obvious and immediate problem is created in the building and/or on the surface of the ground at the tank area. 14. All tank installations shall require leakage testing. This will consist of filling the tank with water to within three centimetres of the rim of the access manhole. This will be left for a minimum of 24 hours. The water level will be brought up to within three centimetres of the rim of the access manhole once again. An inspection will be carried out a minimum of 24 hours later and no drop in the water level will be permitted. 9 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE HOLDING TANK (WALDUN GROUP, 9393 - 287th STREET) BYLAW NO. 6525 - 2007 SCHEDULE C Permit Fee For holding tank permit Security Deposit Permit Fee - $2,500.00 Cash or an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of $10,000.00 issued by one of the following financial institutions: Bank of British Columbia Bank of Nova Scotia Canadian Royal Bank of Canada Security Pacific Bank of Canada Maple Ridge Community Credit Union Vancouver City Savings Credit Union Westminster Credit Union B.C. Central Credit Union The credit document should include the following provisions: Bank of Montreal Imperial Bank of Commerce Toronto Dominion Bank - The credit shall be unconditional and irrevocable. Partial drawings are to be permitted. Payment is to be made upon presentation by the District of a written demand for payment, without the issuer enquiring whether the District has a right to such payment. The credit must be valid for a period of not less than one (1) year and must include an automatic renewal provision with the following effects: "It is a condition of the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit that it shall be deemed to be automatically extended without amendment for a further one (1) year period from the present or any further expiration date hereof, unless at least thirty (30) days prior to the present or any future expiration date, the issuer notifies the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in writing by registered mail, that it does not elect to consider this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit to be renewable for any additional period." The security deposit shall be held so long as the holding tanks exist. 10 MAPLE RIDGE ' M DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 21, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/094/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 22990 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Permit application has been received in support of a 73 unit townhouse development on the property located at 22990 Lougheed, north of Telosky Avenue (Appendix A). The subject property was recently rezoned by Council to RM -4 (Multiple Family Residential) for this development. At the same time Council approved a Development Variance Permit (VP/094/06) to reduce the required setback from 7.5 metres to 5.0 metres from the front lot line and 4.6 metres on the rear and inside lot lines. This report will address the requirements of Section 8 of the Official Community Plan for a Multi - Family Residential Development Permit for this townhouse development. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/094/06 respecting property located at 22990 Lougheed Highway. DISCUSSION: a) . Background Context: Applicant: Ken Falk, Creekside Architects Owner: Maple Ridge North Development Ltd. Legal Description: OCP: Parcel "C", DL 402 & 403, Gp 1, NWD, Plan 71040, NWD except: firstly, Parcel "One" of Plan 11894; secondly, part shown on highway SR/W Plan 63428; thirdly, part on SR/W Plan 71204; and fourthly, part on Plan 4834 Existing: Urban Residential, Conservation Proposed: Urban Residential, Conservation Multi -Family Residential Development Permit Watercourse Protection Development Permit 1101 Zoning: Existing: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM -4 (Multiple Family Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Secondary School Zone: CD -1-89 Designation School South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: R-1 (Residential District) Designation: Urban Residential East: West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: R-1 (Residential District) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Townhouse Zone: RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential, Farm Proposed Use of Property: Townhouse Site Area: 1.73 hectares Access: Telosky Avenue Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: RZ/094/06, SD/094/06, VP/094/06 and DP/012/07 b) Project Description: The proposed development is a 73 unit wood -frame townhouse development consisting of four 2 storey duplexes, four 21/2 storey 3-plexes, six 21/2 storey 4-plexes, one 2/ storey 5-plex, and four 21/2 storey 6-plexes, fora total of 19 buildings. The main entrance to the development is from Telosky Avenue, which is enhanced with a crescent shaped landscaped entrance feature. The duplex units are located on the Telosky Avenue frontage to provide a transition in height and density to the single family development on Telosky Avenue. A fire lane access from Lougheed Highway is provided and is connected to the internal pedestrian walkways. The buildings are grouped on the internal roadway and each unit has a 2 car garage fronting onto the internal roadway. The main living areas of all units are on the ground floor, with three bedrooms above. The units with frontage on the Lougheed Highway and Telosky Avenue are each provided with direct pedestrian access to the street through landscaped gated entrances. The building finishes include vinyl siding and hardi-panel, cultured stone facing on columns, painted wood trim, metal exterior doors and railings, and asphalt shingles. Coordinating building colour schemes are provided. - 7 - Visitor parking spaces are distributed throughout the development. A children's play area with climbing apparatus is located on the east side and an open lawn area with a seating node is located on the west side. The site is well landscaped with additional plantings to provide buffers between neighbouring properties. Bio-swales to provide onsite infiltration of storm water are integrated into the landscaping and pedestrian walkways provide good internal circulation on the site. c) Planning Analysis: Applications for Development Permits are assessed against the following Key Design concepts, as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. • This development respects the privacy of the adjacent buildings by thoughtful siting of the buildings and with the provision of a variety of landscaping of different heights. The building form and character is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. • The developer has provided transition in height and density by locating the 2 storey duplex buildings on Telosky Avenue and has used the natural slope to advantage and has stepped the buildings down the hillside. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. • The development has well integrated clusters of buildings, which front onto a winding internal roadway and back onto well landscaped internal open spaces, which are all connected by pedestrian walkways. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. • Well landscaped pedestrian friendly streetscapes are provided on Lougheed Highway and Telosky Avenue, including gated arbors with low fencing, street trees and landscaped private entrances. A well integrated pedestrian walkway network on the site is integrated with the bio-swales. Garage doors are recessed and face only onto the internal roadway. Building entrances are emphasized with stone faced columns and are covered for weather protection. Pockets of landscaping, street trees lighting, and landscape pavers provide interest to the internal roadway. - 3 - d) Advisory Design Panel: This application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on February 13, 2007. The resolution from that meeting was: "The Advisory Design Panel was in general support of the project as presented with the following considerations: want to see project brought back to design panel for further comment with additional thought being put into landscaping; provide more detail on general character of streetscape; show buffering at Lougheed Highway east and west property lines; further design development of internal street; improve pedestrian circulation; and reconsider or further develop the play area in central island." The application was reviewed again by the Advisory Design Panel on June 12, 2007, and the resolution from that meeting was: "That the Advisory Design Panel support the general concept as submitted and that the following items be reviewed to address the following: functionality of the bio-swales; and (pedestrian) circulation and landscaping." The landscape architect revised the project to improve the coordination of the bio-swales, pedestrian walkways and surrounding landscaping. e) Environmental Implications: The Environmental issues have been addressed through the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. f) Financial Implications: A refundable security equivalent to 2 1/2 % of the estimated value of construction has been provided by the developer to ensure that the development, particularly the landscaping, is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. There will be approximately 25 trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. -4- CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the guidelines of the Multifamily Residential Development Permit Area, it is recommended that DP/094/06 be given favourable consideration. Prepared by: Ann dwards, CPT Planning Technician Approved by: Jane PioMfering, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning_ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: •..Iic Works & Deva.p -nt Services Concurrence: J. L. (J' ) Rule Chief dministrative Officer AE / The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Building Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Plans - 5 - APPENDIX A 22990 LOUGHEED HWY. CORPORATION OF so. f THE DISTRICT OF INMAPLE MAPLE RIDGE ' RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPENDIX B 4 fl 11 4r ,: UJ r 1 rn 131 11) uorge/voig apiG adfil Du!pHrig uo!lenala „lea's adfil Suipivig (.4 ilulkifiLvillit All, tI (-) APPENDIX C e 4 i i cs II ; 1 .• . la : , - it • 8 Z _ 1 ' s7 a ii e 1—L §4 ri 1 1 • .. . - ; ' 4 : •I'. I; 1 • A'S 2 4' I 1 . c . . , 2 ! 1 1 t , 112111i1111112112111111111i111214im 11 1111111211111111111111. 11.201.1221221dlilli 11111014h 2 CPI ' - 1, , i i i : is- p • , , _..',,; . F ,-, ; : • • ,:, ; . , I * * ' >i r . 2; 18 1. .; iN 0 .6, . 2 t , = = , • 1 4 : i 3 ! • .i -!, ! ! i 112111i1111112112111111111i111214im 11 1111111211111111111111. 11.201.1221221dlilli 11111014h uoywnalg apis :g acIFLL E:upot!rig uoiqenal; .4eaN :g Duipring 111 10111111 warp:mai; :G adfil 6uipung Wag !!Ib• 11 11111111114 Ji= 10(1; L. ;-',73 'a x `-2.f, r TA' J' = > i• , 1 • 1 1 !! ! : i i • , i , - ; i 6 S' a • _ i 1' / / 6 . . 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'I ' Z 1 , 01 8 I i . - 4 •!i_ 0 , k 1 - ; ! !.. i t .'• .-' ,I q. , '4i- ; • 5,i- ; ' 4. 1; a 43 hist..., : " i : i 51 • , •Z :‘ 6 IN ; ,.`-'.. 9999 • • 1 'd t 6 ' 4 4 1',1- 4 I 4 1 ? I 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 i i. i I ; ; s 4 I APPENDIX D 04.00,4000 CI Of 11r,10••rV 00,0 ••••,,a, 'Bf01111111111111 #i fi m o A < g- ?� a l d Y g's. QFii m . bt` � /� I Ali l's? 1 L2 OF 3 s. _r 1 90Z€* AAcAG CI I ig 3CINAMO1 NVc11.-10> - r- !? ;11 1111 � DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/063/07 & DVP/079/06 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit & Development Variance Permit 22882 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A car wash addition to the existing Husky Service Station has been proposed on the subject property. This application is subject to the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines to regulate the form and character of the development. A Development Variance Permit application has also been received to vary the front yard setback from 9 metres to 6 metres to accommodate the existing canopy. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/079/06 respecting property located at 22882 Dewdney Trunk Road; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/063/07 respecting property located at 22882 Dewdney Trunk Road subject to approval of DVP/079/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Pacific Land Group Laura Jones Husky Oil Limited Legal Description: Lot: 1, Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: 68237 OCP: Existing: Commercial Proposed: Commercial Zoning: Existing: CS -1 (Service Commercial) Proposed: CS -1 (Service Commercial) 1102 Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Residential Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Service Station Service Station and drive-thru car wash 0.254 HA Dewdney Trunk Road and Burnett Street Full Urban None A car wash addition to the existing service station has been proposed on the subject property. This application is subject to the Development Permit Area Guidelines for commercial development to regulate the form and character of the development. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and Burnett Street. South and east of the subject property is single family residential with commercial uses to the north and west. The car wash addition is 4 metres in height and approximately 7 metres from the south property line abiding to the required 6 metre rear yard setback. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: These properties are subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.5 Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan that aim to regulate the form and character of commercial developments. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. In order to avoid conflicts with the adjacent uses and maintain a high standard of commercial architectural design, the proposed development takes into account a series of design considerations. The architectural design of the proposed addition is consistent with the recently -2- updated building and the height of the proposed addition is lower than the existing service station. Landscaping will be added along the south property line to screen the proposed car wash and improve the interface between the commercial use and the adjacent single family home. Lights will be down cast in order to protect residential amenity. Various sound mitigation measures have also been used. The mechanical works of the car wash are located the farthest distance possible from the residential abutting uses. The doors are automatic and are not open while the car wash is running. The car wash operates on a brushless system that is much quieter than a roller brush type of car wash. The vacuum is located adjacent to the east property line and away from the residential properties. In addition, there is a 4 foot wooden fence along the south property line which will act to further reduce noise transfer. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. The existing gas bar is a landmark, balanced by both the entry drive and the exit facade of the car wash as they peripherally address the street corner. The entrance, waiting lane and back of the building will be screened by a hedge and trees to minimize the visual impact. Additional landscaping, including street trees along the north and west property lines, is being added to the site to provide visual interest. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. No pedestrian or cycling services or access are involved with the proposed car wash or site changes. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. Landscaping along the east and south property lines will screen the car wash from residential neighbours. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The existing building scale is balanced with the new car wash as they suitably address the street corner. The facade of the proposed addition is designed to have a low impact and to compliment the existing service station. The car wash articulates from the main service station elevation, the height of the addition is lower than that of the rest of the building and as such adds variation to the building massing, and the brick finish will be matched to that of the existing service station. In addition, the car wash is oriented to the side street. Zoning: The minimum front yard setback as required in the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw for the CS -1 (Service Commercial) zone is 9 metres. A Development Variance Permit application has been received to relax the front yard setback from 9 metres to 6 metres to accommodate the existing canopy which - 3 - was built in 1986. Zoning bylaw 3510-1985 allowed the canopy to be built a minimum of 4.5 metres from all lot lines. However, the existing canopy is currently non -conforming and needs to be brought into compliance with the current zoning bylaw. d) Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on October 9, 2007 and was given general support by the group but recommended that revisions to the proposal be submitted to Planning staff to address the following: • Addition of street trees along Dewdney Trunk Road • Signage for a "no idle" policy in the car wash lineup Following this meeting, project plans were revised as follows: • The landscape drawing proposes two additional Columnar Red Maple trees on Dewdney Trunk Road. The overhead wires and requirements for clear view paths require that these trees be of a smaller species as proposed. • The proposed site plan indicates the location of a "no idle" sign at the stacking area for the car wash. e) Intergovernmental Issues: A site profile was received for the subject property which indicated that there are currently 3 underground gasoline storage tanks on site. In accordance with the Environmental Management Act and the Contaminated Sites Regulation the site profile was forwarded to the Ministry of Environment. In accordance with section 7(1) of the Contaminated Sites Regulation the applicant was required to complete a detailed site investigation for the subject site. This work was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment by Husky Oil Limited on September 13, 2007. The Ministry of Environment is now satisfied with the information received. f) Environmental Implications: The applicant will be required to complete an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Checklist as a condition of Building Permit. g) Citizen/Customer Implications: The project proposal has taken many measures to reduce any adverse impact upon the adjacent residential properties and the streetfront landscaping upgrades will enhance the public space. In addition, the addition of a car wash use will be a benefit to the local community. h) Financial lmplications: A refundable security in the amount of 2.5% of the total construction costs will be required with this Development Permit. Based on an estimated construction value of $925,000.00 the security will be $23,125.00. -4- There will be 6 trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. i) Alternatives: Under Section 919.1 of the Local Government Act and Section 8.1 of the Official Community Plan the property has been designated a Development Permit Area with special requirements for commercial development. Council approval is required for this Development Permit Area prior to a Building Permit being issued. If Council were to refuse to issue the accompanying Development Variance Permit, the existing canopy would remain with a non -conforming setback. CONCLUSION: As the proposed development conforms to the CS -1 (Service Commercial) zone and complies with the guidelines of Commercial Development Permit Areas, it is recommended that DP/063/07 & VP/079/06 be given favourable consideration by Council. Prepared by: Erika Syvokas Planning Technician (Approve ne Pickering~ 4CP, MCIP Director of Planning y: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Wor : & D velopment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ES/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A- Subject Map Appendix B- Proposed Site Plan Appendix C- Proposed Exterior Elevations Appendix D- Landscape Plan - 5 - N 315 °o 1206 11115 239 a 12120 4. ° 248 12115 240 247 12110 12105 241 246 12094 12095 242 243 244 245 12095 t73 io" 12078 r H 12087 LI5U a_ 257 12120 4. a . 269 12115 258 101 268 12110 110 12105 259 267 12094 12095 111 11922 12085 263 264 265 112 266 12084 11911 ry rn 12040 Rem. 260 261 44292 262 P 52750 327 313 M v a 1 2� P 305 84291 405 BCP 22903 LOT 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY1 291 57 P 46839 11953 2 i 11907 .B., 21553) LP 59674 • 48 11954 N ('1 M a 49 N 1 `n a U m 11940 LMP 42856 11920 A P 86981 3 11943 4 11935 ro v 0 5 N 11929 6 11917 11900 236 P 61527 NWS 1739 7 11903 8 11885 9 11873 11830 0 10 N N 11865 a 11 11851 BURNETT ST. w n a w Rem. Pcl 1 r w 6- a 220 At °Fe 280 m 12114 N w u 12104 281 a 11 282 12094 10 12107 283 12084 9 12073 284 12074 P 15849 8 12067 F 309 2064 310 P 4507 12057 m 2 12053 38 12041 P 32509 P 450 i 1 312 311 A BCP 9320 P 58011 229 230 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 231 P 5749 223 224 m m a 218 rn 215 P 5652 c, Rem 216 0 11975 217 156 11960 P 43 155 88 154 153 152 151 FULLER AVE. i Rem 66 11940 969 65 11930 70 11931 64 11920 71 11921 63 11910 72 11911 62 11900 73 11901 61 m 11890 60 11880 v 74 11851 75 11881 59 11870 76 11869 58 77 102 N Oi 109 N 101 110 11932 11931 100 111 11922 11921 99 112 11912 11911 rn a) 98 ,w113 11902 0 -t M -t 11901 Q. 8 97 114 11898 11891 96 115 11888 11881 95 116 11878 11871 94 117 11868 11861 150 149 11950 45 11955 11951/53 44 coN 11949 43 148 11940 11930 00 147 0) 8 11937 11920 a 146 11927 7 11910 145 11913 6 11900 144 11905 5 11890 143 11895 4 11880 142 11879 3 11870 141 M 2 n 11869 11860 140 11851 a 1 11850 11045 12116 3 2106 3 2064 P 2q 12056 12048 12036 I 12022 (BCF 6 Pcl. 1198 11981 Pcl. 11832 District of Pitt Meadows 22882 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley MAPLE RIDGE 0'505h CO, rob CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 14, 2007 FILE: DP/063/07 BY: PC PPend ix b , HPOZO Dr.14 .. ' 7 uf.ar'f . , riotatuc liaji I tr'lltit .. ' 2 r. %.1.1.10‘ 1.190•SO Vd J a OV08 >iNnal A3NOM30 BURNti i STREET 8 8 g z 8 o 0 0 z 0 z " (41 I— La (7) CL0 g o (r) o 0 < 0 0c'J 8 8 8 a 8 10100 1Z 17 7 IIllllliIlliliil .11.11.111 I i IIli!Ii,!4 PI!I" I III Iilllilll 111111 1111II10010 1 h dullu. h:, 11111 11111 Ili 1 1'111 I !I 1111 1ti11 1111111011111 1, ill 111111 '14111; III 1 11111 1 I4 l4ii11 0!1111 !, 1 li i 11 11 1111 !11'11111` Dl 1141, II'1111 111,1 II it 1114 tl !I III II III' rrrrr,r J K T 0 8 A R s 4opeirlfx C iitopendbk -cs !PLANT SCHEDULE ohm .• rm.., osin ] I MIT OTY SOT•MCA1 NAYS 'NM ..... !2 i:! iinii 1 3 " MPH p. §1.: pervvv •• 1 g i le 0 OE ; 6 t hl! 1 D , IP i i. P VJC0C)0(DOG8 tig4' i 1140 ! Eili5 I 9i e 10: 1ali tre 1 1.944 1 qtr ; AI I Pit!L I °I 1 i !.- ' ii:4 I it 4 British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 20, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E02-010-123 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Local Area Service - 130 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On December 6, 2006, a delegation appeared before Council requesting support for a Local Area Service (LAS) to construct approximately 210 meters of 130 Avenue west of Mill Street. Council agreed to contribute to the LAS on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels and also confirmed minimum road construction standards. A LAS petition was prepared and circulated on May 8, 2007 and is under consideration by the residents. On September 10, 2007, a delegation appeared before the Committee of the Whole. In response to this delegation, the Committee directed staff to provide a report that included an assessment of historical policies in relation to present day applications. This report provides a summary of bylaws, policies and past initiatives and provides comments regarding the September 10 request. The following recommendations are offered for Council consideration. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the formal petition for a Local Area Service for road improvements on 130 Avenue west of Mill Street be received, noting that, if the Local Area Service petition is not sufficient, that Staff be directed to: 1. prepare a policy that addresses the level of cost sharing, guidelines and priority considerations for a program to improve private driveways constructed on dedicated municipal roads 2. prepare projects for the capital works program that would target locations and schedule and allocate, on an appropriate priority basis, funds for the improvement of private driveways constructed on dedicated municipal roads 1103 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: On December 6, 2006, a delegation appeared before Council requesting support for a LAS to construct approximately 210 meters of 130 Avenue west of Mill Street. The delegation also requested District participation in sharing the construction costs and sought a reduction in road standards to reduce the overall cost of the project. Staff were asked to prepare a report addressing these requests and on February 13, 2007, Council considered a report (see attached Appendix 1) and resolved that: a. Staff be directed to work with the property owners of 130 Avenue to advance a LAS; and b. The District contribute to the proposed LAS on 130 Avenue on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels; and further c. The proposed road be built to the minimum rural local road standard for Silver Valley. On the basis of the above noted criteria, a LAS petition was prepared and circulated on May 8, 2007. Owner reaction to the petition has not been provided to date, although we understand that the required majority have not yet signed the petition. During the circulation of this petition, discussion has taken place with residents regarding several alternatives to the LAS and costs associated with these alternatives. Included in this discussion was a request for an alternative to the LAS in the form of a Highway Use Permit to allow the paving of this driveway rather than the reconstruction and paving to municipal standards contemplated by the LAS. The residents reviewed the terms and conditions of the highway use permit and have concerns with the ongoing general liability insurance requirements of the permit. On September 10, 2007, a delegation appeared before the Committee of the Whole to request that either: a. The District take over the full maintenance of the road as either a gravel or paved road; b. Staff be directed to continue to work with the residents to resolve the issues of concern regarding the Highway Use Permit; or c. Staff be directed to increase the District contribution to the LAS. After considering the resident's requests, the Committee of the Whole directed staff to provide a report on the paving and maintenance issue on 130 Avenue including an assessment of historical policies in relation to present day applications. Bylaws, Policies & Programs Official Community Plan Bylaw 6425-2006 This section of 130 Avenue is located within the Silver Valley area (Horse Hamlet). This hamlet is designated for 240 units and is focussed on an equestrian theme. Lands along this section of 130 Avenue are designated Low Density Urban Residential and Conservation (see attached Appendix 2). An equestrian trail begins at an east -west equestrian trail along Hennipen Creek and leads in a north-east direction along Millionaire Creek. Land on the north side of 130 Avenue west of the 240 Street alignment has been dedicated as Park to provide protection for a tributary to Millionaire Creek. A detention facility has been constructed on a portion of the park to treat storm water from lands to the north. Portions of 240 Street and 130 Avenue (from 240 Street east to Mill Street) were included as an interim trail in the previous Official Community Plan. According to local residents, the public are using a trail down the 240 Street right-of-way to reach this interim trail and are walking along the private driveway to reach Mill Street. Maple Ridge Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw 2656-1979 (as amended). This bylaw provides a means by which owners of property adjacent to an undeveloped right- of-way may apply to develop the right-of-way in order to achieve physical access to their property. The bylaw was adopted in April 1979 and was last amended in 1985 (see attached Appendix 3). The bylaw outlines the general provisions, procedures and payments required to develop the road. The road must be built to District standards and the construction can be performed by the District or by the owner. The owner pays for all design and construction costs for the road. Policy Directive - Supply of Gravel In June 1980 Council adopted a resolution that stated that "No consideration will be given in the future by Council to provide gravel to roads that are not maintained by the District, but are being used by taxpayers, and those owners affected will be responsible to ensure that the gravel is properly spread." The directive also stated that "The District will continue to uphold its policy to not maintain said roads until such time as they have been built to proper Municipal Standards." Highway Use Permits and Construction on Road Rights -of -Way For a number of years, Highway Use Permits have been issued to owners who have asked to construct works on Municipal streets. The works have ranged from small temporary structures to the construction of permanent driveways. The Highway Use Permit requires owners to insure for public liability, indemnify the District, maintain the roadway, and for permanent driveways, install signage and post and maintain signs informing the public that the District is not maintaining the driveway. The Roads Superintendent estimates that the District has approximately 50 substandard driveways that the District does not maintain. These driveways were constructed by adjacent residents to provide access to their properties and were not built to any municipal standard. The private driveway constructed on the portion of 130 Avenue west of Mill Street is one of these substandard roads. This driveway is considered a private road within a 20 meter road dedication providing access to 3 properties. There is no formal agreement in place regarding maintenance or liability of the driveway. The District's position and practice has been consistent over the years that unless the roads are improved to an acceptable municipal road standard by owners under the terms and conditions of the Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw, the District does not maintain these driveways. In the early 1980s, the District installed information signs on these driveways to inform present or prospective owners that the District did not maintain these private driveways. The rationale for this activity was reinforced by a solicitor's opinion received in early 1995. In this opinion, the solicitor confirmed that: 1. owners of land abutting a dedicated road right -of way have an absolute right to access the right-of-way at all points along the right-of-way; 2. if an owner builds a structure connecting his land to the right-of-way and this structure is located in whole or in part on the right-of-way, the obligation to maintain, repair or replace the structure is not conferred to the District; 3. when the District has been made aware of a particular danger or abnormal risk caused by a structure on a road right-of-way, the District is obliged to take some action to warn or to prevent injury or damage. These actions could include the posting of signs explaining the risk, load limits and even closure of the access. As a result of the above comments regarding structures that could pose a danger to the public or to emergency responders, a bridge on this section of 130 Avenue was reconstructed by the District in 2005 to address life safety concerns raised by the Fire Department regarding the provision of adequate emergency access to homes on 130 Avenue west of the bridge. Gravel Road Paving Program The District initiated a paving program (by local improvement) in the 1980's to encourage the paving of a number of gravel roads that were constructed to District standards. All gravel roads were included in the program except those that were identified for imminent redevelopment or for the future installation of District infrastructure. The program was successful and resulted in the improvement of approximately 18 of the remaining 25 gravel roads. The improved roads are now maintained by the District. Residents involved in these local improvement programs have paid considerable monies or paid an LIP levy for 15 years. In those cases where residents defeated the local improvement petition, paving did not take place and dust control was, as a District operational practice, eliminated. In light of this past program, the District should exercise caution in supporting any approach to gravel road improvement today that could be considered as unfair by residents that have participated in the previous programs. It should be noted that 130 Avenue west of Mill Street was not included in this program since the gravel road was not constructed to District standards. b) Desired Outcomes: Construction of 130 Avenue Residents living along this road have concerns regarding the condition and safety of this private driveway and wish to share in the cost of improving this driveway to a rural local standard. There are a number of options that are currently available to achieve this improvement. These include: 1. Construction of the Road by Local Area Service 2. Construction of the Road by Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw 3. Road Improvement in Support of Future Development Option 1- Construction of the Road by Local Area Service Construction could take place under the provisions of a Local Area Service. The road must be built to District standards and the cost for construction is shared between all owners benefiting from this service, including the District. For this section of 130 Avenue, the standard would be the minimum rural local road standard for Silver Valley. This approach offers the benefit of sharing in the costs associated with road improvements under the terms and condition of the Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw with the added benefit of paying for the improvement over 15 years. This option is currently under consideration by the residents but we understand that the required majority have not yet signed the petition. Option 2 - Construction of the Road by Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw Construction could take place under the provisions of the "Maple Ridge Highway Allowance Construction Control Bylaw." The road must be built to District standards specified in the bylaw and the cost for construction is shared between those owners requesting the construction. For this section of 130 Avenue, the standard would be the minimum rural local road standard for Silver Valley. This approach is often cost prohibitive and offers no opportunity for possible payback by other owners that did not contribute to the original construction. Considering the cost concerns raised during consideration of the LAS, it is unlikely that this option will achieve the desired result. Option 3 - Road Improvement in Support of Development This option would see the road constructed in support of development along this portion of 130 Avenue. As noted earlier, lands in this area are designated as low density urban residential. As development occurs along this road, the road would be constructed by the developer to support the development. Recognizing the limited development potential of the lands in this area along with the need for the supporting sanitary sewer extension to serve the Horse Hamlet community, it is unlikely that this option would achieve road construction in the near future. Improvements to the Present Driveway If the above -noted options cannot be achieved, the residents have considered paving to improve the condition of the driveway. As noted previously, Highway Use Permits have been issued to owners who have asked to construct works on Municipal streets. The Permit requires owners to insure for public liability, indemnify the District, maintain the roadway, install signage and post and maintain signs informing the public using the highway that the District is not maintaining the road. The owners have expressed concerns regarding clauses within the Permit relating to ongoing liability insurance, indemnification and construction standards and have stated that this is not their preferred option. c) Strategic Alignment: Financial Management is a strategic focus area of the Corporate Strategic Plan and encourages the development of multi-year financial plans that address immediate needs as well as longer-term financial sustainability. The business planning framework is used to structure decision making. The recommendations in this report respect the capital works planning program as a part of the business planning cycle and provide a framework for the long term goal of converting existing private driveways located on municipal road rights-of- way to constructed municipal roads A Safe and Liveable Community is another strategic focus area of the Corporate Strategic Plan. Recognizing that these driveways are located on dedicated road rights-of-way but are not constructed to District standards, there is a certain level of liability that is transferred to the District, particularly if the driveway becomes unsafe. Although the District has no obligation to construct, maintain or repair private structures or private driveways located on dedicated roads, if the condition of these works poses an unreasonable risk to users or impedes emergency access and the District is made aware of the condition of these works, some action by the District is warranted. Smart Managed Growth is also one of the strategic focus areas of the Corporate Strategic Plan and encourages the protection and management of the existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development and maintenance of roads. The recommendations in this report will provide a long term plan to convert these driveways to municipal roads. CONCLUSION: In summary, none of the above noted options are acceptable to the residents. Instead, the residents, in a letter to Mayor and Council dated September 2, 2007, have asked Council to, in their preferred order: 1. direct staff to revise the LAS to increase the District contribution 2. direct staff to work with the residents to resolve residents concerns regarding clauses within the Highway Use Permit and include a District contribution to the paving costs 3. take over full maintenance of the road as either a gravel or paved road. In response to these requests, staff recommend that: a) Item 3 not be considered. Consistent with past practice, staff do not recommend that the District assume the responsibility for the maintenance of driveways constructed within dedicated road allowances. Further, improvement to this portion of 130 Avenue is not currently within the capital works program. The work contemplated in item 3 would need to be supported by and prioritized within the context of all road construction within the capital works program. b) Item 2 not be considered. The reduction in security and the elimination of indemnification clauses in the Highway Use Permit are not recommended. Further, the contribution to a paving program for what would continue to be a private driveway should not be considered. However, staff recommend that item 1 be considered within the context of a new capital program initiative. This request is preferred by the residents and may achieve an equitable and consistent resolution to this issue. This approach offers the benefit of sharing in the costs associated with road improvements with both benefiting owners and the District under the terms and conditions of an agreement with the owners paying their share of the LAS levies over time. The District would share in the costs of the improvements on a program basis with priority and funding allocation considerations at the District's discretion. In order to implement a program that would be equitable to all District residents, it is recommended that Council direct staff to prepare the necessary capital program projects that would identify funds for the improvement of private driveways presently constructed on dedicated municipal road rights- of-way. Once this funding has been secured, consideration of a petition for Local Area Service or a Local Area Service on Council initiative - subject to petition against could be reviewed on a priority basis. The level of cost sharing, guidelines for the program and priority considerations would be established by policy which could then be applied consistently as funds are available and in response to community interest. Prepared by: Eng. f Corporate & Development Engineering Approved by: ood, PhD., PEng. unicipal Engineer Approved by/ Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. Gen al Manage Publi• or & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (J ) Rule Chie►Administrative Officer TF/mi MAPI T, RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Appendix.1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: January 17, 2007 FILE NO: E01-008-040 &: E02-130-001 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W and Members of Council Local Area Services — Paving of Gravel Road — 130 Avenue December 2006 delegation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request for a Local Area Service (LAS) has been received to upgrade approximately 210 metres of 130 Avenue between 239B Street and Mill Street. Specifically, the request is to pave this section of currently unmaintained municipal road allowance. The District owns a property identified as park along this road allowance. The initial review of the request concluded that the LAS is supportable. A delegation from the property owners of the December 4, 2006 Committee of the Whole requested Council support for the LAS. In addition, the owners requested that the cost for the portion of the proposed improvements fronting municipal property be absorbed by the District. This report recommends that the District contribute on the same basis as all the other benefiting parcels. The owners also requested that the road standard be significantly reduced to 4 metres. This reduced standard is not recommended. RECOMMENDATION: THAT staff be directed to work with the property owners of 130 Avenue to advance a Local Area Service; and THAT the District contribute to the proposed LAS on 130 Avenue on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels; and further THAT the proposed road be built to the minimum rural local road standard for Silver Valley. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Local Area Service is a municipal service that is paid for in whole or in part by a local service tax under section 216 of the Community Charter. The only services that may be provided as Local Area Services are services that the Council considers provide particular benefit to part of the municipality. Part of the costs of a Local Area Service may be recovered by means of any other source of municipal revenue. A request for a Local Area Service (LAS) has' been received and is under review. The LAS proposes the upgrading (paving) of approximately 210 metres of 130 Avenue between 239B Street and Mill Street (see Figure 1). Seven parcels front on this road segment and one of these is owned by the District and used as a passive park. The road is not constructed to current standards and is maintained by the residents. A delegation to the Committee of the Whole meeting on December 4, 2006 representing the other six owners requested clarification regarding the District contribution to the costs of this project. The delegation also requested consideration of a reduced standard for the road. N SCALE: N S A PROPOSED ROAD (81ENSION 8ENEFITTING PROPERTIES L.A.S. INQUIRY 130 AVENUE ROAD EXTENSION CORPORATION OF THE ?) `� DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: JANUARY 2001 Figure 1 - Location of LAS inquiry F1 /DWG Nc SK0262 The project concept is to pave the existing gravel road on 130 Avenue from Mill Street to 23930 130 Avenue as shown in Figure 1. Topographic constraints limit further extension of this road to 239B Street. District contribution This road will improve access to the District's land and will also improve resident and emergency vehicle access to all benefiting parcels. It is therefore recommended that the District contribute to this project on the same basis as all of the other benefiting parcels. Standard of construction Once the road is completed, the operation, maintenance and long term replacement of this road will be the responsibility of the municipality. As a result, the current practice for Maple Ridge is that LAS projects are developed and constructed based on the District's standard of the day. The current standard for Local roads in Silver Valley is a six metre road as shown in Figure 2. RURAL LOCAL ROAD Figure 2 - Rural local road (Maple Ridge OCP, 2006) The delegation on December 4, 2006 presented a number of opinions to support their request for a reduced road standard. These include: o since the bridge is only 4 m wide, the road should not be wider; o currently, there is no street lighting, so it would be better not to create a pinch - point at the bridge, lest someone hits the bridge abutment; o a narrower road will result in less non -local traffic and encourage slower speeds; and o traffic will likely be light always since it is doubtful that more homes will be built in the future." Hence, "there is no need to incur the additional expense. The recommended standard for this road is a rural local road with a pavement width of 6 metres, a gravel shoulder and drainage swales. This standard is the minimum that should be considered for this road and is the minimum standard for any road within the District. Roads built to this standard will support local passenger vehicle traffic as well as delivery and emergency vehicle traffic. In general, road standards are created to provide acceptable servicing to a neighbourhood for a variety of different users. Our current standards reflect recognized national standards, promote safe use of our streets and reduce potential liability. Construction of works of a reduced standard becomes an operational liability to the District and the expense of upgrading the sub -standard works rests on the District in the years to follow. In addition, the acceptance of a reduced standard would set a precedent for other projects such as street lights, water mains and drainage and sewage collection systems. The accepted practice is that works and services provided as `Local Area Services' should conform to the municipal design standards and construction specifications of the day. Consequences of varying from this practice include future liability from either occurrence of an accident or having to expend municipal funds to upgrade to the standard. b) Desired Outcome: To provide an analysis and response to Council regarding a request by a delegation. c) Strategic Alignment: The Corporate Strategic Plan directs that the District protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and renewal of infrastructure including roads; sidewalks; water; sewer and stormwater systems. As such, services should meet the standard of the day. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The delegation has expressly stated that "if a four meter width road paving is ultimately not supported, it questionable whether all of the undersigned will remain in support of the paving." Ultimately, the residents have to weigh their options using a number of factors. However, the costs will be shared in part by the District's contribution as a benefiting property and the property owners have the option to finance their payments over a number of years. e) Financial Plan Implications: Approval by Council for a LAS (including funding within the Financial Plan) is required before any project proceeds. The preliminary estimate for the paving is $75,000 with the District's share being approximately $15,000. The District's share may be funded from local improvement reserves or other sources and will be considered at the time of submission to Council. CONCLUSIONS: Requests for clarification and relaxation of standards have been made to Council. Staff have reviewed the requests and this report provides an analysis and recommendations. Prepared by: Andr ood, MEng., PEng. Mucip a1 Engi Approved by: i , MBA, PEng. lic Works & I velopment Services Concurrence: J . (Ji ) Ru`Ie hief Administrative Officer Appendix 3 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY and is a consolidation of the following: 1. Maple Ridge Hi hway Allowance Construction Control By-law No. 2651979 2. Maple Ridge Highway Allowance Construction Control Amending By-law No. 3451-1984 3. Maple Ridge Highway Allowance Construction Control Amending By-law No. 3559-1985 Individual copies of any of the above by-laws can be obtained by contacting the Clerk's Department. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 2656-1979 A By-law to regulate the construction of undeveloped highway allowance in the District of Maple Ridge The Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Highway Allowance Construction Control By-law No. 2656-1979" DEFINITIONS In this By-law, "construction" includes all works, materials and services relating to the improvement or development of an undeveloped highway; "Engineer" means the Engineer of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "highway" has the meaning stated in Section 2 of the Municipal Act of the Province of British Columbia; "Municipality" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge GENERAL PROVISIONS The purpose of this By-law is to provide a means by which owners of property adjacent to an undeveloped right-of-way may apply to develop the right-of-way in order to achieve physical access to their property. page 2 1. The provisions of this By-law do not apply to any highway or part thereof, the construction and specifications of which is regulated by any other By-law of the Municipality. 2. The provisions of this By-law do not apply to any highway, or part thereof, maintained as a highway by the Municipality. 3. Notwithstanding the intent of 1, no construction or development of any undeveloped or partially developed highway allowance designated as highway in the records of the Land Registry Office at New Westminster, British Columbia, shall occur except as permitted by this By-law. 4. Any person who complies with this By-law may provide such works, materials and services himself or by others, at no expense to the Municipality for construction or development of a highway allowance, and all such works and materials, upon placement on the highway allowance, and all services as performed, shall become the property of and thereafter be maintained by the Municipality. 5. No construction or development of a highway allowance shall occur where in the reasonable opinion of the Engineer, the cost of maintaining such constructed or developed highway shall be excessive. 6. No construction shall commence unless and until a permit has been issued by the Engineer for such construction. PROCEDURE 7. Application for a permit for construction shall be made in writing to the Engineer and must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of $100.00 payable to the Municipality. 3451-1984 3559-1985 8. Design_ and construction of any highway to be constructed shall be in accordance with current accepted engineering practice and the following guidelines: (a) The highway allowance shall be cleared of brush and trees for its full width. (b) Highways shall be constructed with a minimum width of travelling surface of six metres with minimum width of 1.5 metre gravel shoulders on each side. (c) The maximum allowable grade measured along the centre line of any highway shall be 8% and 12% respectively in areas designated urban and rural by the Municipality. page 3 (d) Construction must comply with t•he "General Specifications for the Construction of Streets and Lanes" authorized by the Municipality. (e) For all areas designated Urban as per Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan, the standard to which the highway is constructed shall be the same standard as that of the existing highway which is to be extended except that a minimum of a paved travelling surface six metres in width is required. For areas designated Rural as per Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan, a crushed gravel travelling surface is acceptable. (f) Construction of the right-of-way must extend from the limit of the existing Municipality maintained road to a distance of 7.5 metres along the frontage of the property requiring access, in areas designated Rural and, unless no further extension is possible, must extend from the limit of the existing Municipality maintained road for the full frontage of the property requiring access in areas designated Urban. PAYMENT 9. After receiving the application aforesaid and the $100.00 fee, the Engineer shall estimate the cost of the construction and advise the applicant of such cost. 10. Before the Engineer issues a permit for construction the applicant shall pay or cause to be paid to the Municipality, an amount of money equal to the cost of construction as estimated by the Engineer, or, where construction is to be performed by the owner, shall deposit with the Municipality an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Canadian Chartered Bank in form satisfactory to the Engineer in an amount equal to the cost of construction. Where construction is to be performed by the applicant, the applicants shall pay a Municipal inspection fee of 4% of the estimated construction as established by the Engineer prior to issuing of a permit. 11. A permit for the construction is valid for 200 consecutive days from the date of its issuance and no more. Upon expiration of a permit, any construction under way shall cease unless and until a futher valid permit is issued. 12. Where construction is not completed before the expiration of the permit permitting the said construction, the Municipality may itself, or by its employees or agents, complete the construction and charge the cost thereof to the applicant and in payment thereof, the Municipality may set off any money held on deposit by it or make demand for payment pursuant to any letter of credit held by the Municipality. page 4 13. The Municipality may itself construct or develop any highway allowance and pay the cost thereof itself. 14. The Municipality may itself by its employees or agents or others commence, engage in, and complete the construction of any highway where requested by any applicant and upon completion of such construction shall determine the actual cost of construction and forthwith refund to the applicant any money held by the Municipality on account of the construction which is in excess of the said actual cost. READ a first time this 9th day of April, 1979. READ a second time this 9th day of April, 1979. READ a third time this 9th day of April, 1979. RECONSIDERED, finally adopted this 23rd day of April, 1979. "N. Jacobsen" "F.B. Magee" Mayor Clerk British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 29, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-1022 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01-052-001 ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 124/07 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A developer has subdivided land at Kanaka Way and 234A Street. Part of the subdivision servicing is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act. The extended servicing benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07 provides the municipality's assessment of the attribution of the costs of the excess or extended servicing to the benefiting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 17/05 located at Kanaka Way and 234A Street, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated November 29, 2007; and further 3. That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07 with the subdivider of the said lands. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is shown on attached Schedule A. 1104 In addition, a copy of Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07 is also attached for information purposes. b) Strategic Alignment: Administration of excess or extended services legislation complies with the Smart Managed Growth element of the Corporate Strategic Plan. The administration procedure supports the requirement for a developer to construct municipal infrastructure in support of land development and recognizes that the infrastructure may provide benefit to other land. c) Policy Implications: Part 26, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07 will provide such determination for Subdivision SD 17/05. CONCLUSION: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 17/05. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. Latecomer Agreement LC 124/07 summarizes the municipality's determination of benefitting lands and cost attribution and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer Charges will be applied. Prepared by: orate & Development Engineering Reviewer': drew Wood, PhD., PEng. unicipal Engineer Approved/y: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. GM: Public Works & De - •p ent Services Concurrence: J. (Jim) Rule C of Administrative Officer Ijl/bc Schedule A TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE 1. ONSITE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFITTING COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Sanitary Sewer 20 $33,200.00 $1,660.00 PcI A, Plan LMP 26965 2 x $1,660.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Pc' A, Sec 16, Tp 12, Plan LMP 26965 $ 3,320.00 Page 1 NOVEMBER 2007 LC 124-2007 LL8 d 0 Z w J t8L01 dW-1 zff£Z ZZfrf'Z W Z z W W W v- \ WCD U Q < N C- W d U > N W Cf)J U X avow mit C0 h "moi • M ��r' h ry ry ni N CO ') r` ry t0 U) ry d' i") N N N N N N N r 0 c 0 C O N i EXCESS CAPACITY LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 124/07 - SD 17/05 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2007: BETWEEN: 0733961 BC Ltd. 100-1450 Creekside Drive Vancouver, BC V6J 5B3 (Hereinafter called the "Subdivider") AND: OF THE FIRST PART CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, a Municipal Corporation under the "Local Government Act", having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") WHEREAS: OF THE SECOND PART A. The Subdivider has subdivided certain lands and premises located within the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Parcel A Reference Plan LMP 1585 Secondly: Portions in Plan BCP25876 DL 404 Gp 1 NWD Plan 47210 (Hereinafter called the "said lands") B. In order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the Subdivider has constructed and installed sanitary sewer services shown on the design prepared by Beesley Engineering Ltd., Job No. 06.90 (Sheet 1), dated October 2006, reviewed as noted July 19, 2007. Project No. E08-015-1022. (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); C. The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; D. The Municipality considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; E. The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $33,200.00. Page 1 of 3 F. The Municipality has determined that the following properties: Pcl A, Sec 16, Tp 12, Plan LMP 26965, NWD (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; G. The Municipality has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: $1,660.00 per unit, to a maximum of $3,320.00 for use of the sanitary sewer at the north property line of Lot 45, Plan BCP 29907, without extending the sanitary sewer main (the charge is not payable if the sewer main is extended), plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the General Manager - Public Works and Development Services of the Municipality (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection by the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; H. The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality shall pursuant to Section 939 (7) of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323 be paid to the Subdivider as provided for in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 939 (9) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323, The parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality within ten (10) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Subdivider and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of June 30th and December 31st of the year in which the Latecomer Charge is collected by the Municipality. 2. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the Municipality to the Subdivider, or ten (10) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the Municipality shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. 3. The Subdivider represents and warrants to the Municipality that the Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall, notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. Page 2 of 3 4. The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. 5. If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer, etc.): 6. In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day, and year first above written. The Corporate Seal of 0733961 BC Ltd. was affixed in the presence of: Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Subdivider The Corporate Seal of the CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor - Authorized Signatory Corporate Officer - Authorized Signatory Page 3 of 3 THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordy Robson DATE: November 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW SUBJECT: Business License Amending Bylaw # 6503-2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District of Maple Ridge Business License Bylaw # 6333-2005 has been amended to introduce a number of house keeping items and increase the business license fees charged to the rental dwelling unit business category. The current business license fee for the rental dwelling unit business category is $20.00 per dwelling unit with a minimum license fee of $110.00 and a 50% reduction to the business license fee on completion of the Crime Fee Multi Housing certification program. The amended bylaw proposes an increase in the fees to $40.00 per unit with a 75% reduction to the business license fee on completion of the Crime Free Multi Housing certification program. For businesses which have attained Crime Free Multi Housing certification the net increase to the current business license fee will be zero. Council will recall a presentation on the Crime Free Multi Housing Program. The program is direct and solution oriented. It is a crime prevention initiative designed specifically to help apartment owners, managers, residents, police, bylaw enforcement officers and other agencies work together to keep illegal and nuisance activity off rental properties. One means of encouraging property owners to complete the program is through a reduction in the business license fees. A poll of other municipal business license fees for rental dwelling units indicated the following: Pitt Meadows $6.50 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing Port Moody $12.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing Port Coquitlam $25.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing North Vancouver $26.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing Coquitlam $33.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing Surrey $40.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing New Westminster $42.00 per unit with a 10% reduction for crime free multi housing Vancouver $55.00 per unit with no reduction for crime free multi housing Currently, there are 10 multiple dwelling unit complexes which have completed the Crime Free Multi Housing certification program. There are approximately 50 complexes which would qualify for the Crime Free Multi Housing certification program. By providing a significant reduction in the business license fee, it is anticipated that many more complexes will become certified. Certified buildings have resulted in less calls for service for criminal and nuisance activity and provide a safer environment for tenants. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Business License Amending Bylaw No. 6503-2007 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Business License Amending Bylaw No. 6503-2007 be read a third time. 1105 Prepared by: Brock McDonald Director of Busine icensing, Permits & Bylaws ..,E Approved by: Fr nk Quinn G u lic W & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Ji ) Rule Chief dministrative Officer BM/bm Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6503-2007 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6333-2005 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6333-2005; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw shalt be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Business Licensing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6503-2007" 2. Maple Ridge Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6333-2005 is amended as foliows: i) Scheduie A, Section 25 add the foHowing category: o. Assisted Living, Extended Care, Nursing Home -based on the number of rooms $10.00 per room Minimum Fee $110.00 ii) Schedule A, Section 43, add the following: For ali categories, any Operator who hoids a Liquor Primary Licence then For the first 200 occupants $1200.00 For each additionai occupant $2.00 iii) Schedule A, Section 36, Subsection a, increase the fees from $20.00: a. Dweiiing Unit (if renting more than 1 Dwelling Unit, notwithstanding that the units are located on separate premises) $40.00 Minimum Fee $110.00 *Certified Crime Free Multi Housing: 75% reduction iv) Repeal Bylaw No. 4114-1988, Maple Ridge Arcades and Amusement Machine Regulation Bylaw in its entirety. 'l - READ a first time on the day of , 200 READ a second on time the day of , 200 READ a third time on the day of , 200 RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED this day of , 200 MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 21, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO1-035-001.4 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: CPR Holiday Train - Friends In Need Food Bank EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Friends In Need Food Bank to use municipal streets for the CPR Holiday Train event on Tuesday, December 18, 2007. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the CPR Holiday Train event on Tuesday December 18, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated November 21, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background: The Friends In Need Food Bank is requesting permission to use municipal streets on Tuesday December 18, 2007, for their CPR Holiday Train event. The event is a food donation presentation from the CPR Holiday Train to the Friends In Need Food Bank. The event will take place on River Road and would require road closure on River Road, from 223 Street to the Haney By-pass. The detour would re-route traffic to 223 Street and Callaghan Avenue onto the Haney By-pass. The road closure is scheduled from 7:15 PM to 9:30 PM. A map showing the location is attached. b) Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. 1106 In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). e) Business Plan Implications: fl g) The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. Permission is requested for the annual CPR Holiday Train event - Friends In Need Food Bank and conditions of Schedule 'A' are attached. Submitted byZATTri M w Wood, PhD., PEng. icipal Engineer Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: P j(j.� orks & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Ji Rule Chief dministrative Officer AW/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated November 21, 2007 CPR Holiday Train - Friends In Need Food Bank Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 5. notify surrounding businesses of pending road closures, by letter provided by the District of Maple Ridge on behalf of the organizer; 6. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times; 7. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims. and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 8. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 9. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer NOV-15-2007 05:27P FROM:FRIENDS IN NEED FOOD 604-463-1736 tt Frinds In Need FOOD BANK Mr. Matthew Li Engineering Department Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 FAX 604-467-7425 November 15, 2007 Dear Mr. Li, TO:6044677425 P.2 CPR CHRISTMAS TRAIN: Tuesday December 18th arrival 7:45pm The Friends In Need Food Bank is requesting a road closure from River Road at 223r° Street to the Haney By-pass. Traffic would be detoured along 223`I to Callaghan Avenue and onto the Haney By-pass. The closure would be from 7:15pm until 9:30pm Tuesday December 18th 2007. We have been notified by CPR Trunk Communications that the train will arrive at Port Haney Station at 7:45pm December 18th 2007. We request the closure to start at 7:15pm to enable us to set up and then clean up the area after the train departs. As in past years the train wills top at Port Haney making a presentation to the Friends In Need Food Bank and providing musical entertainment. Members of the community attend this event and donate food and funds and enjoy the train. We will be having several vehicles to collect the donations including our own van. All vehicles will be clearly marked. Thank you for your assistance. Yours truly, enda Williams Administrator Attachments 48 - 22726 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3K2 Phone: 604-466-3663 (FOOD) Fax: 604-463-1736 www.friendsfoodbank.com Friend- In Need F,tod Gank regticcred nem-pngtt,i?iwry ,etvtng the rcadencu Nfiple Rtdge and Pu lvletdow'. A, the only memhcr 01 the (:,tnadtan A„outanon of Foud Rank, in the R( A„oetari n nt F n d Ranks, we do not solicit or sell items door to door or by telephone. Our tunJuw a hrosnled l y don:awns and from tht t*tthln and pin ire scion, VII.- Oki.) teieWv Lit 11115 1101-11 I1,111 (;anunt1 and till (uipill /I for rlu 11)stt ltf M,erk Binge NOV-15-2007 05:27P FROM:FRIENDS IN NEED FOOD 604-463-1736 TO:6044677425 P.3 FORM 'A' Details of the Event Date::N\CA I .12.-Cto 7 Contact Person:C-16pda Wilt iciArt5Phone4-110(0-3(A-3 Fax_621Aad/. 3t, Details:o,p R TAA - 1e-2-oo7 - Ti -}5 erh \iv., he._ -±-CctVe. FloGo. PINab„ ericotcle,s vvy)._"Ap r. ik3 4b ie. -Fs t,4%.1 Arc -:i s ict ko 2130 -1-3,5-9,16fry.) Ictzt, ItGct 2A5 Prienels 1\\0R.,A LkYA1 caliect tr-i_ Fs on 54e, , Rusicrx‘ ey4-ex-ko,:tnrv‘erck. CtS IIb ro Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: "TRAFF/C 4% "'"e -lour Rou,46.04 h (------- RCMP oncurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan os Lottl &AT; coAes Rioec- -----Fle.r)‹owing agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: BC Transit Fire Department Ambulance Services Other NOV-15-2007 05:28P FROM: FRIENDS IN NEED FOOD 604-463-1736 11/ ii / Ml IDU LU. VU rn{1 UU * OOY UVUV U4l1%014/1 simiKat CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certificate is laeued as a matter of Infotmotion only and confers no rights upon v afforded n the rt* holder. try th e poiwie certhicate dos not amend, extend o CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAM Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge ADDRESS: 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6G2 ��INSURED NAME: Friends in Need Food Bank Society ADDRESS: i18 22728 Devrdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge, SC V2X 3K2 TO : 6044677425 P.7 ine L conomICal Insurance Group Underwritten by Economical Mutual Insurance Company Head Office; P.O. Box 2000 Waterloo, ON N2J 484 (919) 5704/200 T11is is to certify that the policy, or policies, Designated below is in force as of this date and provides the typo of Insurance eat forth opposite the policy number, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy of policies. WAITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED SY PAID CLAIMS. 1115URAPICE BROKER NAME: ADDRESS: Johnston Meier insurance Agencies Ltd 140-1302 King George Highway Surrey, SC v3t 2w5 Location and Operations to which this certificate applies: Side of the road at Part Haney CPR Train Station (CPR CHRISTMAS TRAIN) LIABILITY al Commercial t3enerai Lieblllty Per Occurrence Limit Products/Completed Operations Aggregate ® Tenants Legal LiabNhy O Fire And Related Perla Q Broad Form El Non -Owned Automobile - Form 96063 Q Umbrella liability O Other - Describe; AMOUNT INSURED OR LIMITS OF LIABILITY IN CANADIAN DOLLARS 2,000,000 2.000,000 2,000,000 430,000 ,. E .� r -y C AUTOMOBILE CI Owners Policy Form Q All Owned Vehicles Q Loosed Vehicles ❑ Described Vehicles O Garage Poricy Form ❑ Including Owned Vehicles t Excluding Owned Vehicles o Other Policy Fom1- Describe: 2,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL POLICIES CONTAIN CERTAIN LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR POuCY TO ENSURE THAT COVERAGES ARE AS REQUIRED. PLEASE READ YOUR POUCY CAREFULLY. OTHER NOTES: For the duration of event (2 hours: 7:80 pm to 9:3o pm) on December 13. 2007 only. CANCELLATION Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the Issuing company will endeavour to mail 15 days written notice to the certNtoata holder named above, but failure to mail such notice Shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its brokers or representatives. POLICY 00405E0E8 EXPIRY DATE OD MAIM YVYY 12 12 2007 Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: November 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-008-001.2007 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council Workshop SUBJECT: Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw No. 6462-2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This bylaw amends our Development Cost Charges so that they are consistent with the growth management plan outlined in our Official Community Plan and our Financial Plan. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Development Cost Imposition Charge Bylaw No. 6462-2007 be read a first, second and third time, and That staff be instructed to forward Bylaw No. 6462-2007 to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval. DISCUSSION: As our community grows, there is an increasing demand for a wide range of infrastructure. Authority exists to recover development related costs for roads, sewers, drainage, water and parkland through Development Costs Charges (DCCs). DCCs allow us to apportion the costs of certain types of infrastructure amongst land developers. Existing legislation does not allow us to collect DCCs for many other types of infrastructure, notably public safety buildings, recreation facilities and libraries. The DCC program, levies & bylaw are the outcome of a complex model involving the planning and costing of future infrastructure projects, and projecting of future development activity from the growth management plan in the OCR The assumptions used in these models are amended as required to keep pace with changes to the underlying plans. a) Background Context: Our current DCC Bylaw No. 6415-2006 was adopted on October 10th, 2006 to reflect applicable construction costs and land values. In December 2006, Council adopted a Financial Plan and in doing so, endorsed the use of debt to advance certain capital projects. Staff was subsequently directed to update the DCC Bylaw to make it consistent with the growth management plan outlined in the OCP and the Financial Plan. Bylaw Considerations and Methodology Changes Development cost charges are funds collected at the time of subdivision or issuance of a building permit to assist the municipality in the provision of infrastructure and open space 1131 requirements required in support of development. The bylaw must be consistent with the Official Community Plan and the Financial Plan. The recommended bylaw addresses inflationary costs (construction and land), scope changes and area changes. Appropriate text changes have also been made. The growth management strategy of the Official Community Plan is a key element in the methodology considerations in that it outlines future population projections, land use designations and targets to build out of the plan. The areas designated in the growth management plan for development or redevelopment are identified in this bylaw as the Growth, In -fill, Town Centre Commercial and Rural Areas. Within each of these areas, the amount of residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional development potential is calculated as is the estimated costs for providing the infrastructure. The associated costs are then apportioned to ensure that the cost burden is distributed between existing and proposed development. In addition, municipal assist factors are applied to each service component to reflect the municipality's financial contribution (funding assistance). Based on an assessment of all pertinent considerations, development cost charge levies are calculated for the various types of development in each of the areas and form a part of the bylaw. During the bylaw development process, consideration was given to introducing a levy for intensive agricultural development. This levy would have implemented Water and Road related DCCs against large scale greenhouse operations. In its review of the DCC rates, Council directed that the agricultural DCC levy be taken out of the bylaw, and that the matter be referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC). As such, the proposed bylaw does not include a DCC levy for intensive agricultural development. DCC Reserve Implications Part of the DCC modeling process involved developing a cash flow projection for each component (roads, sewers, drainage, water and parkland) of the DCC Reserve based on growth projections in the OCP and the infrastructure projects needed to support that growth. The purpose of this phase of the modeling process was to evaluate the health of the reserve over the five year financial planning horizon and to determine if or when financing options, such as borrowing, would be needed in order to address growth related infrastructure needs in a timely manner. The results of that analysis indicate that if the projects scheduled for construction in the next five years are completed as planned, the expenditures cannot be supported from the DCC Reserve without incurring debt. The component facing the most immediate pressure is highways, followed by sewer, water and parkland. Our projections indicate that we will have to borrow for highways by the end of second year of our financial plan. The attached schedule (Schedule "A" Cash Flow Projection) provides additional detail and indicates the years in which we would need to contemplate borrowing for each component. Borrowing Issues As discussed with Council previously, debt financing can be a useful tool to strategically advance capital projects. The attached schedule (Schedule "B" Cash Flow Projection with Debt Financing) demonstrates how borrowing would allow us to finance growth related infrastructure projects using DCCs as the source of funding for debt payments. All borrowings will require the assent of the electorate. To ensure that developers pay for the cost associated with specific projects, there is a desire to include the interest cost of financing these projects in the DCC rates. The Inspector of Municipalities will only consider approving the inclusion of interest costs in exceptional circumstances, which are fairly narrowly prescribed. Prior to including the cost of interest in the DCC rates, we must demonstrate to the Inspector of Municipalities that the reserve fund for the works in question is in a negative cash flow position and that borrowing is required. Due to this condition, the cost of interest associated with borrowing is not reflected in this DCC bylaw. Interest components of several projects will be considered for inclusion in a future DCC bylaw once the reserve demonstrates a lack of funds. Borrowing for DCC projects can occur regardless of whether or not the associated interest cost is included in the DCC rates. If the cost of interest was not included in the DCC rates, other funding sources would need to cover the cost which may impact our ability to fund other initiatives either operating or capital. b) Desired Outcome: A DCC Bylaw that is consistent with the Official Community Plan and the Financial Plan to ensure that DCC rates are reflective of the costs of future development. c) Developer/Customer Implications: The bylaw establishes new development cost charge levies for all land use types in the Growth, In -fill and Rural Areas and Town Centre Commercial Areas. The attached Schedule "C" shows how these proposed levies compare with the levies currently in effect. and Schedule "D" provides an indication of how a selection of the proposed levies compare with what other communities charge. Staff have undertaken a public/stakeholder process consistent with the Ministry of Community Services DCC Best Practices Guide. At the September 20th Builders' Forum a presentation was made to inform the development community about upcoming changes to the DCC methodology and rates and on November 15th a Public Open House was held at Municipal Hall. On both occasions attendees had the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes and were advised who to contact if they had further questions or comments. Grace periods and in -stream applications are important policy issues to be considered when levies are amended. Section 943 of the Local Government Act provides some protection to the development community for in -stream subdivision applications for a period of 12 months after a new bylaw is adopted. For that period the levies of the previous bylaw operate. No such legislative protection is in place for building related activity, though Council may authorize a grace period prior to adopting a new bylaw. When our current DCC Bylaw No. 6415-2006 was adopted a one month grace period was applied. Council will have an opportunity to consider authorizing a grace period for DCC Bylaw No. 6462-2007 prior to final reading. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The bylaw is consistent with the District's Financial Sustainability Policies. Our Financial Plan Bylaw will also be updated as part of the 2008-2012 Business Planning deliberations and we will make sure it is consistent with this DCC Bylaw. e) Policy Implications: The capital works program is the corporate mechanism for identifying and scheduling capital projects consistent with growth strategies, the Official Community Plan and the Financial Plan Bylaw. The Ministry of Community Services publication entitled Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide (Edition 3) guides the preparation of bylaws based on best practices guidelines, local government policy and current information. f) Alternatives: The attached bylaw has been prepared in response to Council direction of December 4th, 2006 and is consistent with both the OCP and the Financial Plan, as amended. These consistencies are required to obtain bylaw approval from the Inspector of Municipalities. CONCLUSIONS: In November of 2006 Council adopted a new OCP. This represented the first major policy review of the OCP since 1996 and necessitated a major amendment of the DCC Bylaw to ensure that growth related infrastructure plans were consistent with the growth management plans outlined in the OCP. The attached bylaw achieves this consistency. Opportunities for stakeholders to comment on the proposed bylaw were provided on two occasions; at the Builders Forum on September 20th and at a Public Open House on November 15th. Giving Bylaw No. 6462-2007 the first three readings and forwarding it to the Inspector of Municipalities are the next steps required to ensure that we can meet our community's growth related infrastructure needs. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting Reviewed by: T evormpson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Reviewed by: enson, CMA alyst Review :d •y: Jeff Scherban Director of Development Engineering / Approved by: Pkul Girt BBA, CGA GM - Corporate cial Services L Concurrence: .L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 2007 Opening Reverse prior WIP Collections1 Interest Expenditures2 Closing DCC Projection by Individual Component Roads 15,426,390 145,944 5,598,736 349,600 -16,903,458 4,617,212 Sewer Drainage 1,247,369 4,039,927 0 231,153 177,588 676,312 27,744 99,704 -41,057 -2,384,049 1,411,644 2,663,046 Water 2,300,823 208,692 775,455 54,680 -1,187,708 2,151,942 Parks 8,032,599 1,252,741 3,727,556 209,815 -8,770,817 4,451,894 Schedule "A" Total 31,047,108 1,838,530 10,955,647 741,543 -29,287,089 15,295,739 2008 Opening Collections Interest Expenditures Closing Roads 4,617,212 2,769,990 63,381 -2,316,756 5,133,827 Sewer 1,411, 644 59,302 18,387 0 1,489,333 Drainage 2,663,046 261,976 35,938 -50,000 2,910,960 Water 2,151,942 274,913 29,748 -46,980 2,409,623 Parks 4,451,894 1,424,062 17,580 -4,469,575 1,423,961 Total 15,295,739 4,790,243 165,033 -6,883,311 13,367,704 2009 Opening Collections Interest Expenditures Closing Roads 5,133,827 3,178,839 0 -13,672,079 -5,359,413 Sewer 1,489,333 54,811 19,302 0 1,563,445 Drainage 2,910,960 289,606 30,450 -764,558 2,466,459 Water 2,409,623 288,973 32,357 -110,000 2,620,954 Parks Total 1,423,961 13,367,704 1,244,280 5,056,509 27,628 109,737 -458,034 -15,004,671 2,237,835 3,529,279 2010 Opening Collections Interest Expenditures Closing Roads -5,359,413 3,225,437 0 -13,019,609 -15,153,585 Sewer 1,563,445 55,606 0 -1,666,538 -47,487 Drainage 2,466,459 293,943 34,505 0 2,794,906 Water 2,620,954 293,646 27,412 -721,618 2,220,394 Parks 2,237,835 1,264,289 25,214 -1,485,000 2,042,338 Total 3,529,279 5,132,920 87,131 -16,892,765 -8,143,434 2011 Opening Collections Interest Expenditures Closing Roads -15,153,585 3,271,047 0 -7,500,000 Sewer -47,487 56,342 0 -205,475 Drainage 2,794,906 298,155 36,784 -150,315 Water 2,220,394 297,898 24,517 -556,904 Parks Total 2,042,338 -8,143,434 1,282,507 5,205,949 15,912 77,214 -2,051,847 -10,464,541 -19,382,538 -196,619 2,979,531 1,985,905 1,288,910 -13,324,811 2012 Opening Collections Interest Expenditures Closing Roads -19,382,538 3,314,249 0 -380,222 Sewer -196,619 57,079 0 0 Drainage 2,979,531 302,368 33,218 -624,494 Water 1,985,905 302,150 1,110 -2,199,223 Parks 1,288,910 1,300,724 0 -4,173,708 Total -13,324,811 5,276,570 34,328 -7,377,647 -16,448,511 -139,541 2,690.622 89,943 -1,584,074 -15,391,561 1. 2007 collections and interest earnings are projected to the end of 2007 2. 2007 planned expenditures are a combination of current year projects and projects in progress from prior years. 2007 Opening Reverse prior WIP Collections Interest Earned Expenditures Closing 2008 Opening Collections Interest Earned Expenditures Closing 2009 Opening Collections Borrowing Proceeds Interest Earned Expenditures Debt Payments Closing 2010 Opening Collections Borrowing Proceeds Interest Earned Expenditures Debt Payments Closing DCC Projectioby !ndMdual Component With Debt Financing Roads 15,426,390 145,944 5,598,736 349,600 '10.903.458 Sewer 1,247,369 0 177,588 27,744 '41'057 Drainage 4,039,927 231,153 676,312 99,704 '2.384'04S Water 2,300,823 208,692 775,455 54,680 -1,187,708 Parks 8,03 ,599 1,252,741 3,727,556 209,815 -8,770,817 Schedule "8" lotal 31,047,108 1,838,530 10,955,647 741,543 '29'287.089 4,617,212 1,411,644 2,663,046 2,151,942 4,451,894 15,295,738 Roads 4,617,212 2,751,910 63,155 -2,316,756 5,115,521 Sewer 1,411,644 59,302 18,387 0 1,489,333 Drainage 2,663,046 261,976 35,938 '5O'OUO 2,910,960 Water 2,151,942 277,043 29,775 -46,980 2,411,780 Parks 4,451,894 1,424,062 17,580 -4,469,575 1,423,961 :anal 15,295,738 4,774,293 164,834 -6,883,311 13,351,555 Roads Sewer Drainage 5,115,521 1,489,333 2.910.960 3'141.925 54,811 289'008 10,775,600 0 19,302 30.450 ' 13.672,079 0 -764,558 -265'072 0 0 Water 2,411,780 293,297 32,438 -110,000 0 Parks 1,423,961 1,244,280 27,628 -458,034 0 Total 13,351,555 5,023,919 10,775,600 109,818 '15'004.071 -265,672 5,095,295 1,563,445 2,466,459 2,627,515 2,237,835 13,990,549 Roads 5,095,295 3,188,079 8,160,000 0 - 13,019,609 -1,487,053 Sewer 1,563,445 55,606 300,000 0 '1.006.538 0 Drainage 2,466,459 293,943 34,505 0 0 Water 2,627,515 298,031 27,549 -721818 0 Parks 2,237,835 1,264,289 25,214 -1,485,000 0 Total 13,990,549 5,099,948 8,460,000 87,268 '10.892'765 -1,487,053 1,936,712 252,513 2,794,907 2,231,478 2,042,338 9,257,947 2011 Opening Collections Borrowing Proceeds Interest Earned Expenditures Debt Payments Closing 2012 Opening Collections Borrowing Proceeds Interest Earned Expenditures Debt Payments Closing Roads 1,936,712 3,233,118 5,250,000 0 ' 7.5OU'U0O - 2,392,458 Sewer 252,513 56,342 1,292 -205,475 '25,487 Drainage 2,794,907 298,155 36,784 - 150,315 0 Water 2,231,478 302,341 24,711 -556,904 0 Parks 2,042,338 1,282,507 15,912 -2,051,847 0 Total 9,257,947 5,172,463 5,250,000 78,700 '10'464.541 -2,417,946 527,372 79,186 2,979,531 2,001,626 1,288,910 6,876,624 Roads 527,372 3,275,872 42,788 -380,222 ' 2'8S2.30T 573,443 Sewer 79,186 57,079 1,703 0 -26,507 111,461 Drainage 2,979,531 302,368 33,218 ' «24.4S4 0 2,690,622 Water 2,001,626 306,650 1,363 -2,199,223 0 110,416 Parks 1,288,910 1,300,724 2,000,000 0 4.173.TO8 0 415,926 Total 6,876,624 5,242,693 2,000,000 79,072 -7,377,647 ��18,8T4 Land Use Types Growth Area Residential Low Density - Residential Low Density - Residential High Density Residential High Density Commercial Institutional Current vs. Proposed Levies Single Family Townhouse - Apartment - Previously Downtown Core Infill Area Residential Low Density - Single Family Residential Low Density - Townhouse Residential High Density - Apartment Commercial Industrial Town Centre Commercial Area Commercial Rural Area Residential 1 (without water) Residential w (with water) Commercial Industrial Schedule "C" Current Levies Proposed Levies Change BL 6415-2006 BL 6462-2007 in Levies $ 17,938 $ 20,603 $ 2,665 $ 14,884 $ 16,830 $ 1,946 $ 9,446 $ 9,652 $ 206 $ 7,731 $ 9,652 $ 1,921 $ 147,700 $ 167,286 $ 19,586 $ 52,358 $ 66,644 $ 14,286 $ 17,938 $ 17,437 -$ 501 $ 14,884 $ 13,344 -$ 1,540 $ 9,446 $ 8,179 -$ 1,267 $ 147,700 $ 123,041 -$ 24,659 $ 51,354 $ 49,349 -$ 2,005 $ 81,787 $ 75,866 -$ 5,921 $ 5,762 $ $ 8,579 $ $ 63,309 $ $ 50,667 $ 8,762 $ 3,000 9,278 $ 699 109,237 $ 45,928 35,894 -$ 14,773 Urban Residential Single Family Comparison Residential - Single Family Development (Cost per lot / dwelling unit) Surrey Richmond Coquitlam Abbotsford (proposed) Township of Langley Maple Ridge - Growth Area Maple Ridge - Infill Area Mission Abbotsford (in -stream) City of Langley Pitt Meadows Port Coquitlam Commercial Development (Cost per square metre) Mission (Neighbourhood Cmrcl) Richmond Surrey Abbotsford (proposed) Abbotsford (instream) Township of Langley City of Langley • Maple Ridge - Growth Area Port Coquitlam Coquitlam Maple Ridge - Infill Area Maple Rdige - Town Centre Pitt Meadows Industrial Development (Cost per square metre) Richmond (Light Industrial) Coquitlam City of Langley Township of Langley Maple Ridge - Infill Area Mission Pitt Meadows Water Sewer Drainage 1,871 1,979 3,401 768 2,315 4,460 1,445 633 2,397 1,070 3,154 1,006 1,712 891 2,935 1,401 198 1,832 169 158 653 4,278 2,928 3,667 688 788 533 1,184 1,069 2,243 237 630 1,003 119 114 454 Urban Commercial Comparison Water 9.52 2.04 6.10 1.46 1.77 5.91 3.00 7.71 1.29 0.89 0.93 0.93 0.52 Sewer 6.52 6.13 6.45 5.52 2.60 3.08 3.30 1.09 0.80 0.39 0.87 0.87 1.38 Drainage 11.93 14.30 23.77 3.98 2.00 7.20 6.70 6.23 3.26 9.72 1.65 1.65 1.13 Urban Industrial Comparison Roads Open Space 10,715 5,238 4,682 9,232 9,903 6,971 10,156 5,711 7,026 8,327 12,579 4,593 13,642 2,815 4,021 1,781 6,741 6,279 2,905 1,677 4,438 2,751 2,825 3,132 Schedule "D" Total 23,204 21,457 21,349 21,097 20,891 20,603 17,437 16,677 15,029 9,078 9,059 6,644 Roads Open Space Total 129.58 157.55 64.19 12.26 98.92 49.55 - 85.87 67.70 - 78.66 53.46 - 59.83 34.82 - 51.01 28.50 4.72 46.22 26.80 41.83 33.74 1.28 40.37 25.00 - 36.00 27.31 - 30.76 15.52 18.97 13.31 16.34 Water Sewer Drainage Roads Open Space Total 2.04 6.13 14.30 45.81 12.26 80.54 6.71 2.94 13.83 25.00 - 48.48 3.00 3.30 6.70 28.50 4.72 46.22 2.33 1.21 6.80 5.45 - 15.79 0.93 0.87 1.57 8.97 - 12.34 4.83 2.31 4.08 11.22 0.33 0.89 0.90 8.88 - 11.00 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 6462-2007 A Bylaw to Impose Development Cost Charges WHEREAS Council has considered future land use patterns and development, the phasing of works and services and provision of parkland described in the Official Community Plan, AND WHEREAS Council does not consider the charges imposed by this bylaw: a. Are excessive in relation to the capital cost of prevailing standards of service; b. Will deter development, or c. Will discourage the construction of reasonably priced housing or the provision of reasonably priced serviced land in the District; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. Citation This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw No. 6462-2007" 2. Definitions: In this bylaw: Apartment means a residential use where the building or buildings on a lot are each used for three or more dwelling units. Does not include a townhouse. Building Floor Area Building Permit Commercial Development means the total combined floor areas of all storeys, including all mezzanine floor areas, measured to the outer limits of the floor perimeter, but does not include any floor area used exclusively for parking. Except for Atriums or other open interconnected floor spaces, the total building floor area will include exit stairs, stair shafts, elevator shafts and all other vertical service spaces that may penetrate one or all of the floors. means permission or authorization in writing by the Manager of Inspection Services to perform building construction in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations. means development of a parcel that falls within the Class 6 designation as prescribed by BC Assessment property classifications. Includes offices, retail, warehousing, hotels and motels. DCC Development Cost Charge Dwelling Unit means one or more rooms used for the residential accommodation of only one family when such room or rooms contain or provide for the installation of only one set of cooking facilities. Duplex means a two family residential use where the building on a lot is used for two dwelling units. Gross Site Area means the whole or portion of a parcel(s) to be improved as part of the development authorized by a building permit and includes all vehicular and pedestrian circulation areas, loading , parking, storage, works, decorative and landscaped areas appurtenant to the authorized development. Growth Area means the Growth Area as identified on Map 1 in Schedule "A" and forming part of this bylaw. Industrial Development means "industrial use" as defined by Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. Infill Area means the Infill Area as identified on Map 1 in Schedule "A", and forming part of this bylaw. Institutional Development means any development that is created and exists by law or public authority for the benefit of the public in general, and includes, but is not limited to, public hospitals, public and private schools and churches. Lot means additional lot(s) created at subdivision Parcel means any lot, block, strata lot or other area in which land is held or into which land is subdivided, but does not include any portion of a highway. Rural Area means the Rural Area as identified on Map 1 in Schedule "A" and forming part of this bylaw. Single Family Residential means a residential use where the building lot is used for one dwelling unit and other uses as permitted. Subdivision means the division of land into two or more parcels, whether by plan or by metes and bounds description or otherwise, and including a plan consolidating two or more parcels into a fewer number of parcels. Town Centre Commercial Area means the Town Centre Commercial Area as identified on Maps 1 & 2 in Schedule "A" and forming part of this bylaw. Townhouse means a single building comprised of three or more dwelling units separated one from another by party walls extending from foundation to roof, with each dwelling unit having a separate, direct entrance from grade. Unit means additional unit(s) built in support of a building permit. 3, Establishment of Development Cost Areas For the purposes of imposing Development Cost Charges, the District of Maple Ridge is divided into four areas, determined on the basis of the relative cost of infrastructure required to support new development, and illustrated on Schedule "A", Maps 1 and 2. The four areas are the: a. Growth Area (Schedule "A", Map 1) b. Infill Area (Schedule "A", Map 1) c. Rural Area (Schedule "A", Map 1) d. Town Centre Commercial Area (Schedule "A", Maps 1 & 2) 4. Payment of Development Cost Charges Every person who obtains approval of a subdivision of a parcel or a building permit must pay Development Cost Charges on the following basis: a. For development in the Growth Area, in accordance with Schedule "B" and Schedule "A", Map 1 b. For development in the InfilI Area, in accordance with Schedule "C" and Schedule "A", Map 1 c. For development in the Rural Area, in accordance with Schedule "D" and Schedule "A", Map 1 d. For development in the Town Centre Commercial Area, in accordance with Schedule "E" and Schedule "A", Maps 1 and 2 e. For a combined land use development the Development Cost Charge is calculated as the sum of the Development Cost Charges for all uses. The Development Cost Charges imposed must be paid: a. In the case of the subdivision of a parcel, at the time the subdivision is approved; and b. In the case of obtaining a building permit, at the time the building permit is issued. 5. Severability If a portion of this bylaw is found invalid by a court, it will be severed and the remainder of the bylaw will remain in effect. 6. Repeal Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5911-2000, as amended, is hereby repealed. 7. Schedules Schedule "A", (Development Cost Charge Areas) Schedule "B", (Development Cost Charges - Growth Area) Schedule "C", (Development Cost Charges - Infill Area) Schedule "D", (Development Cost Charges - Rural Area) Schedule "E", (Development Cost Charges - Town Centre Commercial Area Read a first time this day of 200 Read a second time this day of 200 Read a third time this day of 200 Approved by the Inspector of Municipalities this day of Adopted this day of 200 Mayor 200 Corporate Officer SCHEDULE "A" to BYLAW NO. 6462-2007 Map 1 - Development Cost Charge Areas NORTH MAP 1 INFILL AREA GROWTH AREA RURAL AREA TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL (SEE MAP 2) o� fal \ BCC \ PCC - \D00007\ 1.31 Map 2 - Town Centre Commercial Area /1/ 11 II L_IIT Iii L f It II • -- 11 5,! CLT7 ftUIf 1111111 L�> ITI111111HIM) S •I .Ea1_-: r :.. =1 M. ii - .0 111111011 1111111 111 I"rrl 1 ET 111 It, MAF' • 11 if L L,I r 1111 11.1.11 .11E -2 = - 11.i1m111_ ma •.:111 ES 111111118-- 9t 1111111 �111.1Ii I® r MENEM 11 1�11lIIL rei MUM SE 11 -MEM MUN..; ■E91P1 TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL 1 • Di 2 I II 4 '4* Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Servicing Type Road Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Servicing Type Drainage Total SCHEDULE "B" to BYLAW NO. 6462-2007 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - GROWTH AREA (Map 1) Single -Family Dwelling/ Duplex Townhouse Apartment Commercial Institutional Servicing Type DCC per hectare of gross site area DCC per additional lot being subdivided or unit being built $12,579 1,832 1,401 198 4,593 $20 603 DCC per additional unit being built $ 8,806 1,832 1,401 198 4,593 16,830 DCC per additional unit being built $ 5,661 206 701 99 2,985 $9 652 DCC per m2 of the building floor area $27.31 7.71 1.09 0.00 $ 36 11 DCC per hectare of gross site area $24,920 $24 920 Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total $36,515 15,739 12,611 1,779 0 $66_644 SCHEDULE "C" to BYLAW NO. 6462-2007 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - INFILL AREA (Maps 1 & 2) Single -Family Dwelling/ Duplex DCC per additional lot being Servicing Type subdivided or unit being built Road $13,642 Drainage 653 Water 169 Sanitary Sewer 158 Open Space 2815 Total $17 437 Townhouse Servicing Type DCC per additional unit being built Road $ 9,549 Drainage 653 Water 169 Sanitary Sewer 158 Open Space 2,815 Total 113.344 Apartment Servicing Type DCC per additional unit being built Road $ 6,139 Drainage 48 Water 84 Sanitary Sewer 79 Open Space 1,829 Total $8,179 Commercial Servicing Type DCC per m2 of the building floor area Road $27.31 Water 0.93 Sanitary Sewer 0.87 Open Space 0.00 Total $ 29.11 Servicing Type DCC per hectare of gross site area Drainage $6,616 Total $6 616 Industrial Servicing Type DCC per m2 of the building floor area Road $8.97 Water 0.93 Sanitary Sewer 0.87 Open Space 0.00 Total $ 10,77 Servicing Type DCC per hectare of gross site area Drainage $6,267 Total $6,267 SCHEDULE "D" to BYLAW NO. 6462-2007 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - RURAL AREA (Map 1) Single -Family Dwelling/ Duplex (with water) DCC per additional lot being Servicing_Type subdivided or unit being built Road $4,365 Drainage 0 Water 516 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 4 397 Total x278 Single Family Dwelling / Duplex (without water) DCC per additional lot being Servicing Type subdivided or unit being built Road $ 4,365 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 4,397 Total $8 762 Commercial Servicing Type DCC per m2 of the building floor area Road $27.31 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 0 Total 1_27.31 Industrial Servicing Type DCC per m2 of the building floor area Road $8.97 Drainage 0 Water 0 Sanitary Sewer 0 Open Space 0 Total $ 8 97 SCHEDULE "E" to BYLAW NO. 6462-2007 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES - TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL AREA (Map 2) Commercial (Town Centre) Servicing Type DCC per m2 of the building floor area Road $15.52 Water 0.93 Sanitary Sewer 0.87 Open Space 0.00 Total $ 47.32 Servicing Type DCC per hectare of gross site area Drainage $6,616 Total $6 616 Apartment Servicing Type DCC per additional unit being build Road $5,661 Drainage 206 Water 701 Sanitary Sewer 99 Open Space 2985 $9 652 British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6531-2007 DATE: November 29, 2007 ATTN: Council Workshop EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2008-2012 Business Plans and an overview of the financial plan were presented to Council at public meetings held on November 19 and November 26. Business Plan updates from all areas including the capital program and the November 19, 2007 staff report titled 2008-2012 Financial Plan Overview were also provided. Council directed that the financial plan bylaw be brought forward incorporating the recommendations outlined in the November 19, 2007 staff report. The attached Bylaw is in line with that direction. There are several new requirements for 2008 in the Community Charter for the Financial Plan Bylaw, including: disclosure of the proportions of revenue proposed to come from various funding sources; the distribution of property taxes among property classes; and the use of permissive tax exemptions. The attached bylaw includes this information. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Bylaw No. 6531-2007 be given first, second and third reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The 2008-2012 Financial Plan was presented to Council at public meetings held on November 19 and 26, 2007. Business Plan updates from all areas were also provided. The financial plan bylaw incorporates the following direction from Council. • property tax increase of 4% in 2008-2012, which includes 1% for infrastructure sustainability and 3% for general purposes, • fire department levy of $600,000 plus growth each year for 2008-2011; increase is less in 2012 • water user fee increase of 9% per year, sewer user fee increase of 5% per year and recycling rates increase of 3% per year. In last year's financial plan, Council adopted an aggressive capital program and this plan builds on that direction. The 2008-2012 financial plan includes a capital program of nearly $190 million which is nearly double the amount in last year's plan, and relies heavily on funding from senior governments and some borrowings. 1132 We have about $1 billion invested in our infrastructure and it is important that we look after it properly. This financial plan begins to set aside dedicated money for sustaining our infrastructure sustainable. As well, we are a growing community and along with that growth comes pressure on our existing services. This financial plan provides funding to help meet growth related demands. The funding for growth and for infrastructure sustainability are in line with Council's Financial Sustainability Policies. b) Desired Outcome: A Financial Plan that accurately reflects the planned expenditures and methods of funding and is consistent with corporate strategic plans, policies and Council direction. c) Strategic Alignment: All departments updated their Business Plans which were prepared using the Business Planning Guidelines 11th Edition. These guidelines are reviewed and amended annually in consultation with Council. The Financial Plan reflects Council's Strategic Financial Sustainability Policies and Infrastructure Funding Strategy. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The business plans have far reaching citizen and customer implications. The Financial Plan reflects the financial impact of the business plans. Property tax revenue and user fees are planned to increase as detailed in the above discussion. e) Statutory Requirements and Policy Implications: The Financial Plan has been prepared in accordance with statutory requirements and Municipal financial policies. There are several new requirements for 2008 in the Community Charter for the Financial Plan Bylaw, including: disclosure of the proportions of revenue proposed to come from various funding sources; the distribution of property taxes among property classes; and the use of permissive tax exemptions. The attached bylaw includes this information. For 2009 the statement will be expanded to include explicit policies and objectives. Maple Ridge already has policies and objectives in each of these areas which are included in several documents. Public consultation is an important and legislated component of preparing financial plans. The Business Planning Guidelines were updated in June with an opportunity for the public to provide feedback. Public input during business planning this November was invited through advertisements in the local paper and on the corporate website. Input was accepted through many different mediums including in person at the business planning presentations which were open to the public or through email or voicemail. A further opportunity exists for public comment on the Financial Plan Bylaw prior to adoption; an advertisement will be placed in the local paper once the bOaw receives first reading from Council. Public input into the financial plan and departmental business plans is incorporated indirectly through regular feedback and interaction with customers and the public as well as through the results of surveys. f) Alternatives: In the event that this bylaw is not adopted, the District is not authorized to make any expenditure other than those identified in the 2007-2011 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6502- 2007. This will require ensuring that departments curtail or delay expenditures and only proceed with capital projects that were identified in the previous financial plan. CONCLUSIONS: The Financial Plan is a multi-year planning, reviewing and reporting tool that represents Council's vision and commitment to providing quality services to the residents of Maple Ridge. The Plan provides a forecast of the financial resources that are available to fund operations, programs and infrastructure for the five year period. Prepared by: 1evor Thompson, BBA, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA GM Corporate & Fin. Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6531-2007 Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6531-2007 WHEREAS, through a public process in an open meeting the business plans and resulting financial plan were presented; AND WHEREAS, the public will have the opportunity to provide comments or suggestions with respect to the financial plan; AND WHEREAS, Council deems this to a process of public consolation under section 166 of the Community Charter. The Council for the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6531-2007. 2. Statement 1 attached to and forming part of this bylaw is hereby declared to be the Consolidated Financial Plan of the District of Maple Ridge for the years 2008 through 2012. 3. Statement 2 attached to and forming part of the bylaw is hereby declared to be the Revenue and Property Tax Policy Disclosure for the District of Maple Ridge. READ a first time the day of , 200 . READ a second time the day of , 200 . READ a third time the day of , 200 . PUBLIC CONSULTATION completed on the day of , 200 . RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER ATTACHMENT: Statement 1 and Statement 2 Attachment to Financial Plan Bylaw 6531-2007 Statement 1 Consolidated Financial Plan 2008-2012 (in thousands) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 REVENUES External Revenues Development Fees Developer Cost Charges $6,991 $4,551 $10,278 $7,667 $10,332 Developer Specified Projects $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Parkland Acquisition $0 $0 $200 $200 $200 Contributions from Others $3,816 $3,549 $3,927 $8,506 $10,745 Development Fees Total $10,807 $8,101 $14,405 $16,373 $21,277 Property Taxes $47,486 $50,994 $54,716 $58,663 $62,454 Parcel Charges $2,204 $2,319 $2,440 $2,571 $2,709 Fees & Charges $26,303 $27,790 $29,269 $30,888 $32,638 Interest $1,695 $1,770 $1,770 $1,770 $1,770 Grants (Other Govts) $13,466 $2,001 $17,961 $6,126 $2,001 Property Sales $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total External Revenues $101,960 $92,975 $120,562 $116,390 $122,849 EXPENDITURES External Expenditures Capital Expenditures Interest Payments on Debt Other Expenditures Total External Expenditures CHANGE IN NET FINANCIAL POSITION OTHER REVENUES Borrowing Proceeds OTHER EXPENDITURES Principal Payments on Debt $52,423 $29,045 $46,772 $35,027 $26,615 $3,381 $4,145 $4,384 $4,448 $4,306 $66,797 $66,997 $74,606 $73,757 $81,862 $122,602 $100,187 $125,762 $113,232 $112,782 ($20,641) ($7,212) ($5,201) $3,159 $10,067 $20,866 $10,776 $8,160 $5,250 $0 $3,867 $4,444 $5,521 $6,390 $7,074 TOTAL REVENUES LESS EXPENDITURES ($3,642) ($881) ($2,562) $2,019 $2,993 INTERNAL TRANSFERS Transfer from Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve $1,852 $1,387 $2,276 $1,273 $1,680 Equipment Replacement Reserve $1,564 $2,350 $2,654 $1,735 $2,169 Fire Department Capital Reserve $2,109 $1,034 $70 $350 $950 Land Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Local Improvement Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Transfer from Reserve Fund Total $5,525 $4,771 $5,000 $3,358 $4,799 Less :Transfer to Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve $803 $891 $845 $882 $923 Equipment Replacement Reserve $1,780 $1,894 $2,024 $2,098 $2,164 Fire Dept. Capital Aquisition $860 $181 $332 $468 $533 Land Reserve $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Local Improvement Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 Total Transfer to Reserve Funds $3,543 $3,067 $3,301 $3,547 $3,719 Transfer from (to) Surplus * $1,660 ($823) $863 ($1,830) ($4,072) TOTAL INTERNAL TRANSFERS $3,642 $881 $2,562 ($2,019) ($2,993) * Includes Transfers from (to) Own Reserves Attachment to Financial Plan Bylaw 6531-2007 Statement 2 Revenue and Property Tax Policy Disclosure Revenue Proportions Revenue Proportions 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $ ('000s) % $ ('000s) % $ ('000s) % $ ('000s) % $ ('000s) % Revenues Property Taxes 47,486 39% 50,994 49% 54,716 43% 58,663 48% 62,454 51% Parcel Charges 2,204 2% 2,319 2% 2,440 2% 2,571 2% 2,709 2% Fees & Charges 26,303 21% 27,790 27% 29,269 23% 30,888 25% 32,638 27% Borrowing Proceeds 20,866 17% 10,776 10% 8,160 6% 5,250 4% - 0% Other Sources 25,968 21% 11,872 11% 34,136 27% 24,269 20% 25,048 20% Total Revenues 122,827 100% 103 751 100% 128,721 100% 121,641 100% 122,849 100% Other Sources include: Development Fees Total 10,807 9% 8,101 8% 14,405 11% 16,373 13% 21,277 17% Interest 1,695 1% 1,770 2% 1,770 1% 1,770 1% 1,770 1% Grants (Other Govts) 13,466 11% 2,001 2% 17,961 14% 6,126 5% 2,001 2% Property Sales - 0% - 0% - 0% - 0% - 0% 25,968 21% 11,872 11% 34,136 27% 24,269 20% 25,048 20% Property Tax Revenue Distribution The 2008 property tax revenue and rates will be included in the financial plan that precedes the Tax Rate Bylaw, as 2008 property assessed values are not yet finalized. For information the 2007 distribution is included. Property Class Taxation Revenue ($'OOOs) 1 Residential 32,632 76.4% 2 Utility 395 0.9% 4 Major Industry 614 1.4% 5 Light Industry 1,264 3.0% 6 Business/Other 7,686 18.0% 8 Rec./ Non -Profit 21 0.0% 9 Farm 114 0.3% 42,725 Permissive Tax Exemptions Council has set policies around the use of permissive tax exemptions. They are Council Policies 5.19 though 5.24. The policies discuss Churches, Community Halls, Heritage Sites, Homes for the Care of Children and the Relief of the Aged, the Poor, the Disabled and the Infirm, Municipal Recreational Services, Private Hospitals and Daycares, Private School and Youth Recreation Groups. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Nov. 15, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2006 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment (BCA) has made a revision to the 2006 Collector's Rolls through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 2006-15. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Nov. 15, 2007 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: One folio is affected: The property in question is a business class folio and as a result of a review by the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB), BCA has been directed to reduce the value of the land from the amount originally assessed. (Municipal tax decrease, business class $ 17,398.99) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There is a total decrease of $31,411.24 in tax revenue of which the municipal share is $17,398.99. CONCLUSIONS: Review by the PAAB resulted in a decrease of the current business assessment base of $1,189,000.00 This report dated Nov. 15, 2007 is submitted for information and is available to the public. Prepared by: Silvia Ruttedge Approved acob G. Sorba, C.G.A. Manager of Revenue & Collections j Director of Finance Approved b_ Paul Gill, B.B.A.; C.G.A. Ginal Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrehce: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 1133 TO: FROM: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Nov. 14, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2007 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment (BCA) has revised the assessed value for the 2007 Collector's Roll and the 2007 Translink Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 03/2007. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Nov. 14, 2007 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: Thirty-two folios are affected: BCA adjusted 5 residential folios which were originally assessed as land only to include the value of newly built homes. The Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) directed BCA to adjust two folios which were originally assessed business class only to accurately reflect partial residential use and to reduce the land value of another residential folio. A review of the Translink roll resulted in the addition of parking taxes which were missed from the original roll to 24 properties and the elimination of the parking tax on one property as it was incorrectly applied. (Net Municipal tax decrease, business class, $838.41; net increase residential class $3,628.72) (b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There will be a total increase of $4,833.38 in tax revenue of which the municipal share is $2,790.31. CONCLUSIONS: A review by BC Assessment and appeals filed with PAAB resulted in an increase in the assessments base for residential class of $998,600 and a decrease in the assessment base for business class of $67,000. A review of the parking tax roll and an appeal filed with PAAB resulted in changes to 25 properties which reduced overall receivables by $14.04 and had no impact on municipal taxes. This report dated Nov. 14, 2007 is submitted for information and is avail ble to the public. :� Prepared by: Silvia Rutledge Approved liy_ �' Jacob G. Sorba, C.G.A. Manager of Revenue & Collections Approved . y: ' aul Gill, B.B.A.; C.G.A. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Con g1 rrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Director of Finance 1134 TO: FROM: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Nov. 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2007 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment (BCA) has revised the assessed value for the 2007 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 09/2007. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Nov. 16, 2007 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: Three residential class folios are affected: BCA adjusted one folio which was originally assessed as land only to include the value of a recently built home. The assessments of two other folios were reduced to more accurately reflect true values. (Net Municipal tax decrease, residential class, $4,473.22) (b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There will be a total decrease of $7,849.15 in tax revenue of which the municipal share is $4,473.22. CONCLUSIONS: A review by BC Assessment of taxable assessments for residential class has resulted in a net decrease of $1,231,000 to the assessment base. This report dated Nov. 16, 2007 is submitted for information and is available to the public. y\ `t Prepared by: Silvia tledge Manager of Revenue & Collections Approved ill, B.B.A.; C.G.A. eneral Manager: Corporate & Financial Services 1 Approved fl"Jacob G. Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concur nce: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 1135 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Nov. 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2007 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment (BCA) has revised the assessed value for the 2007 Collector's Roll and the 2007 Translink Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 04/2007. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Nov. 16, 2007 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: Thirteen folios are affected: A review by BCA has resulted in the adjustment of two folios which were originally assessed business class only to accurately reflect partial residential use. This review also resulted in an increase in assessed value of one business class folio and the decrease in assessed values for another business class folio and a farm class folio. A review of the Translink roll resulted in the addition of parking taxes to 7 properties which were missed from the original roll. The Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) has also directed BCA to reduce the assessment of improvements on one business class folio. (Net Municipal tax decrease, business class, $665.71; net increase residential class $988.03; net decrease farm class $1,306.84) (b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There will be a total decrease of $2,774.63 in tax revenue of which the municipal share is $984.52. CONCLUSIONS: A review by BC Assessment and appeals filed with PAAB resulted in an increase in the assessments base for residential class of $271,900, a decrease in assessment bases for farm class of $63,920 and business class of $53,200. A review of the parking tax roll resulted in changes to 7 properties which increased overare ivables by $636.48 and had no impact on municipal taxes. This report datd Nov. 16, 2007 is submitted for information and is available to the public. Prepared by: Silvia Rutledge Manager of Revenue & Collections Approve b� Paul Gill, B.B.A.; C.G.A. GeI Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Approved Concurrerfce: J. . (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Jacob G. Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance 1136 British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: 20 November 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. SUBJECT: MRSS Running Track Expansion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Maple Ridge Council approved capital funding of $300,000 for the MRSS Running Track Expansion Project in 2007. This project is to be constructed in cooperation with SD42 who are also contributing $300,000 in the 2007 capital budget year. The tenders have been received and exceed the joint approved budget by $287,000. School District 42 is very supportive of the track expansion project and has approved the request for an additional $143,500 for the project, which will cover 50% of the funding shortfall. In order to proceed with the MRSS Track Expansion Project avoiding additional cost increases and stay within the approved funding in the 5 year capital program, staff propose that the remaining shortfall of $143,500 be funded from the parks 2007 operating budget surplus that will be available due to vacant parks positions, and adjustments to fleet costs. RECOMMENDATION(S): 1. That the contract to complete the civil (site Prep) work for the Merkley Park / MRSS track project be awarded to Wilco Landscape in the amount of $596,000.00 And 2. That the contract to complete the track resurfacing for the Merkley Park / MRSS track project be awarded to Defargo Sports surfacing in the amount of $260,500 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Track renovation project was tendered as two separate components in June 2007. One portion was for the site preparation (Civil works) and the other was the installation of the track surfacing material. There were a total of 4 bidders for the surfacing component who were able to complete their portion of the project in 2007, however the 3 civil contractors who picked up tender documents indicated that they would not be able to schedule this work in 2007. They were willing to provide firm pricing now if the project start date could be deferred until 2008. We have since confirmed that the track surfacing contractors remain committed to their quotes, even if the project is deferred to 2008. 1151 The following bids have been received for each component this project: Site preparation contract Track surfacing contract Wilco Landscape $596,800.00 Cap Ventures $633,800.00 Cedar Crest Lands $779,692.00 Defargo Sport Surface Marathon Athletic (1) Marathon Athletic (2) Ocean Marker Centaur Products Inc $260,500.00 $270,536.38 $340,565.28 $275,953.00 $439,000.00 +GST b) Desired Outcome(s): The desired outcome is that the additional funding for the track renovation be approved so that the contract can be awarded now to avoid further increases in project cost through the re tendering of the project at a later date. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The two Track and Field Clubs participated in the design process, and have been very accommodating with regard to moving their activities to alternate locations during the proposed construction period. The timing of this project is planned to ensure that the track will be completed prior to the upcoming Disability Games being hosted by Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows in 2009. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: As noted above the municipal portion of the budget shortfall can be drawn from the 2007 parks and Facility department surplus. CONCLUSIONS: Further delays in the expansion and resurfacing of the MRSS running track is not recommended considering the current surface condition of the track, which is the only facility of its kind in Maple Ridge and P. , :.dows. c -e Prepa Appro by: vid Boag Director, Parks and Facilities e • by: Mike Murray General Manager Parks and Recre om tion nity development, ervices Approved by: aul Gill BBA, CGA General Manag�r, Corporate and financial ces Concurrence: J.. (Jim) Rule ief Administrative Officer DB Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Whonnock Lake Property Disposal DATE: November 16th, 2007 FILE NO: ATTN: Committee of the Whole EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District of Maple Ridge has received an inquiry from an interested buyer for the property located in the 27700 block of 112th Avenue. This property was purchased by the District of Maple Ridge to provide an alternate road access to Whonnock Lake Park. The subsequent construction of 276th Street and an access road on 113th Avenue has made this property redundant for road access off 112th Avenue. The Parks and Leisure Services Commission recommends that, the property designation shown on the OCP be changed from Park to Rural Residential, consistent with the current zoning of the site, and that the property be offered for sale. RECOMMENDATION: That on the recommendation of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission, staff be authorized to: i) proceed with an amendment to the OCP Bylaw # 6425-2006 to redesignate the property described in the November 16th, 2007, from Park to Rural Residential, and ii) offer the property for sale. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: This 1.0 ha. property (legally described as W 1/2 of Lot 15, Section 17 TP 12 Plan 1779) is located just east of the 276th Street intersection with 112th Avenue (map attached). This property was purchased by the District of Maple Ridge prior to 1978 as it appears in the Whonnock Lake Park Development Study that was presented to the Maple Ridge Parks Commission in October of that year. This study recommended that the access to the park be changed from Graham Street to a point east of the Firehall on 112th Avenue at 276th Street. The proposed site plan included the subject site as part of the park, however it was not identified for an access road or any other specific park purpose. The new park access was then constructed on 276th Street following the recommendation contained in the Development Study. 1152 The subject site does not form an integral portion of the park with its frontage on 112th Avenue. Acquisition of neighbouring properties on this same frontage to expand the park south is not the desired land acquisition objective. The current focus is to acquire lands that border on the lake to allow for a future continuous public access around the lake. On January 11th, 2007 the Parks and Leisure Services Commission considered the disposal of this property and recommended that Staff consult with the Whonnock Communty Association before proceeding with a recommendation to Maple Ridge Council. Staff met with the executive of the Whonnock Community Association on November 15th, 2007 to discuss the proposal. The Association determined there was no objection to the sale of the land. CONCLUSIONS: Based on how the park access road has developed along 276th Street off of 112th Avenue, and the current land acquisition objectives for Whonnock Lake Park, it is recommended that the Official Community Plan land use designation for the subject site be changed to Rural Residential and the property be offered for sale. Prepared by: Bruce McLeod, Manager of Parks and Open Space Approved .! Mike ray General Manager, Parks and ea nity Development ices Concurrence: J.L. im) Rule Chi f Administrative Officer District of Pitt Meadows: Silver Valley r _J is Whonnock Lake Park Property SCALE 1:8,000 District of Langley c0 ,._'. River CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLERIDGE PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES DEPT. DATE: Nov 28, 2007 FILE: Whonnock Lake Propeh" 1/ .m>