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2013-04-08 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA April 8, 2012 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 2013-013-RZ, 24286 102 Avenue, RS -3 to R-3 Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 to rezone from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to allow for future subdivision into single family lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 8, 2013 Page 2 of 4 1102 2011-069-RZ, 20660 Maple Crescent, RS -1 and C-3 to RS -1 Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6845-2011 to rezone from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to permit future subdivision of 2 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 2011-059-DVP-DP, 23709 111A Avenue Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-059-DVP to reduce front, rear and interior side yard setbacks and to vary maximum building height and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011 -059 -DP to permit the construction of 12 townhouse units in the RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. 1104 Municipal Equipment Purchase - Two (2), Three Ton Dump Box Trucks with Plow and Sander Attachments Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that the contract for the purchase of two (2), three ton dump box trucks with plow and sander attachments be awarded to Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. 1105 Municipal Equipment Purchase - One Single Axle, Low Profile Recycling Truck Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that the contract for the purchase of one single axle low profile recycling truck be awarded to Fort Fabrication and Welding Ltd. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERV/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Purchase of an Operational Support Fire Truck Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that the contract for the contract for the construction of one equipped Operational Support Fire Truck be awarded to Super Vacuum Manufacturing Company Inc., Fort Collins, CO. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 8, 2013 Page 3 of 4 1132 Community Grants Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that proposed allocation of grants be approved and that $30,000 funded from gaming revenues be provided in the financial plan for the Alouette River Management Society for upgrades to the hatchery at the Alouette Prison. 1133 Joint Municipal Emergency Program Agreement Staff report dated April 22, 2013 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Joint Municipal Emergency Program Agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 1151 BC Seniors Games Bid 2015 or 2016 Staff report dated April 8, 2013 recommending that the opportunity to bid on hosting the 2015 or 2016 BC Seniors Games be declined. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda April 8, 2013 Page 4 of 4 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca Checked by: Date: Orep Aaars Groan" 1-v4gN District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2013-013-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 24286 102 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. This application does not propose any change to the current OCP land use designation other than for a conservation boundary adjustment. It conforms to the current land use provisions of the Albion Area Plan and pursuant to Council's direction, can proceed through the approval process. RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 be given first reading; and; That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for an Intensive Residential Development Permit and a Subdivision application. 1101 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Core Group Civil Consultants Marlene Cinits Lot: 2, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: NWP17126 Medium Density Residential, Conservation Medium Density Residential, Conservation RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single -Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single -Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single -Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single -Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single -Family Residential (rural) Single -Family Residential (intensive urban) 1.010 ha. (2.5 acres) lanes via 242 B Street, 243 A Street, 101 A Avenue, and 100 B Avenue Urban Standard The subject site is a long rectangular parcel located in the Albion neighbourhood. Development has previously taken place on all sides of the property and this is one of the few remaining undeveloped parcels along west 102 Avenue. There are two significant stands of trees at the north and south ends of the property. The southern stand of trees borders the southern bank of Jackson Farm Creek, which bisects the property in an east -west direction. An existing single-family home and several accessory buildings are located in the middle of the property. The topography of the site is flat. -2- c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject site to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and complete the surrounding subdivision pattern. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to Second Reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, Official Community Plan designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Medium Density and Conservation. This land use designation provides for single-family and multi -family housing forms in the Albion area with single-family lot sizes range from 213 m2 to 371 m2. New development zoned R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) in the Albion area is required to be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewer. The proposed R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone aligns with the Albion Area Plan zoning matrix. Approximately 0.2 hectares (2000 m2 ) of the site is designated Conservation. An OCP amendment will be required for the proposed development to adjust the conservation boundary. The District is currently undergoing a review to consider increasing the permitted density in the Albion Area Plan. In 2012, Council passed a resolution for addressing in -stream applications. Given that an OCP amendment is required for conservation boundary adjustments only, this application is able to proceed through the development approvals process. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 24286 102 Avenue from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit subdivision into single-family lots. The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw is currently under review, and as a result some provisions in the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone may change. As the proposed subdivision is dictated largely by the surrounding road and lane pattern, any variations from the requirements of the proposed R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.8 of the Official Community Plan, an Intensive Residential Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal provides emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment, while protecting important qualities of the natural environment. Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for all developments and building permits within 50 metres of -3- the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands. The purpose of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit is to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to Second Reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Building Department; d) Fire Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; and, g) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Early and Ongoing Consultation: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. g) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. An Official Community Plan Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); 3. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Application (Schedule F); 4. An Intensive Residential Development Permit Application; and 5. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. -4- CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the Albion Area Plan and accompanying zoning matrix; therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to Second Reading. It is expected that once complete information is received, an Official Community Plan Amendment for a conservation boundary adjustment will be required. It is recommended that Council not require any further additional OCP consultation for this anticipated amendment. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 Appendix C - Proposed Subdivision Plan -5- APPENDIX A II Ib 1't J IJ IV LMP I/ IGI0LVGI 36295 LLL. 34'4 LV J'fiS.DJVJ/IJCDJ��+U�+IIr+d�+J LMP 3629 1 vL3LLL m . L 13uF BCP 8 M N N 9 (N N 1 Lo N N 2 Lf) co N N 3 CS) co N N LMP 4 CO Co N Ti- 5 I- f0 N N 36 6 v— f- N N 29 T in L� N N 0) N- N N 9 M co N N 10 I- 00 N N 1112 r f3) N N LO 0) N N ` 13 W 0) N N/ 4441454E1 414 h,— O Cr) \ N LMP ,— 0) N in .— CO N CA CO N 3 M N CO N 2 495a N- N 0D N 3283 v— CO CO N 5'152 1.0 CO CO toy a) M CO N 1 M M N 2 I Cr Cr) N 3 v Lf) CO N 4 Lf) LB CO N 1 L� Lf) co N N 2 O) L0 M N N 3 M O co N I L f f LMP 35918 LMP 34684 co co 24340 N P 21429 N 01 P 21429 PARK N - BCP 1- - 0 N 23558 0 - CV - Tr N 1 N N : C 1- �' P 32 CO g' 285\ CO 0 co sr co -‘24366 o CO 1 BCP 18974 E 1/2 2:CP Subject Property 8 ?4265 242 B ST. of 490 24367 O 7 (71 N N N M2930 N N 14) Lf) N N a) Lf) N N 89101112 LO L,- N N L,- N N CO N N M CO N N I.0 CO N N LLD 0 N 019 In ,— N Lf) N N/ 18 Lf) Tr N fA d- N 1 CO in N 1413 fN-- Lf) N N— CO Ni A AVE. ..I, . 101 A AVE. \N X42 26 X242 40 co LC) O CO co ` m 01 1 .` / N 00 co \ I /0 CO O N CO N O M CO M 0 CO O Lf) CO Lf) O` CO / N N v N 014216M N N N R N JJJ M v M v M v N M v M v f6 M v M v M v f6 M v M v M v N 28 27 26 0136 17N 1413 2' B P1 49 1011 12 19 co a 25 01 32 1825 �— P 17126 0 12 10131 cr)012819m BCP 13188 24 10125 a13 a 23 PARK 10121 PARK 14 CO0 BCP 18 974 15 10120 ti / ' LMP 36 35343, 2 f 10116 ti co h ,- UD 4J� PARK 10110 M M 14 Cr) CO MCO C `b 222 . 10112 ti/ 101 06 21 \ \NNNd. LARK BCP 18974.' '' 10102 (—D I S CO 101/ X10099 i 10096 CO 10098 l 00• / N CO CO 0 1- CO C M100 97 m 100 92 X100 95 100 94 PCO y 00• H (I) M100 N 10088 C 4110091 243 ST. 10090 L cr)" 00:• a i 2 5i4\9 48 4,414 00 87 \ M c j100 93 100 84 4 �I 100 86 ;HO . " 8 N LMP 36346 M M10091 10080ce) X10083 10082 _ . ��: 00,0 71- fl,„, 00 89 2 100 76 4 X100 79 100 78 (0°-)10077 X32 33 —1•1 100 71 100 70 I` J x0100 75 100 74 �I 0073 100 76 14, LLD M N / L\,. N Scale: 1:1,500 Cit"..f Mea•lowsPitt __ g� '1f 24286-102 Ave I Ira 0 Be y. yn fYf ,;I .te ��3 I M � ,may`Jy E'���tgcfllrni�.i� E CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF mi ..,,^^I `_ J.1 I nib .. L � V dike's -di YCf}'W`� r, ��, b v�,,-+_;._ LI y _, 0 MAPLE RIDGE Brit bah Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT .71. V-'''''' 7 District of ��_ Langley = mm- —rte=� _LI • DATE: Feb 19, 2013 2013 013 RZ BY: JV ASER� APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6983-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: East Half Lot 2 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District PIan17126 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1586 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER l I I I I I I Ib U. t'114D`JD I/ 1 1 uMr ISUL}I& 1 I t- 6.0 N LMP 36296 g� 3 233 222324 P 21122 27 27 2930 31 O 0(0 0 0 a N N N N N N N N N N N/ \ N N N 31 26 25 ON. 19 N 20 0 N 23 24 N 25 N.N N 26 N N 2k M LO "Zr N ui N N 0 8 7 (ND 6 (°D 5 19 00 11 rn 12 N 13 N 14 13 CON 13 N 1ry/ 6.0 N O 00 '1' N 34 N N 35 0 N 36 W N N 1(gi N 1L N mzrP N N 1 LMP 36296 O V 00 0 r N. CO N N N N 18192`0mzr 21 35225 CO CO 212 N 2(4 cn N S u L D I>•1 t5 tf . S 221 N O M \ N 23 O 01O N 24 M M L29 r M 25 N 2 N N N �f 2529 o 01 01 N N 30 M 311 M 32 M N 1 2 242 262728293 M M CO CO CO M M M I 3110241 N/CP \((\I7533 N B M �\ 7 V 6 ' 3l BCP 313 0 3 \ 94 N. N 2 co 0 N 3 (n N 4 0 N P5 N 16 N 93 0 N 8 N N 9 N N 11 I(0 2 LO LO CV N 3 LOCVN LM m (D N 5 N. CV (D N 3 6 N 627 CV CVN 958 0, N 9 m c0 N 10 N. CO CVN 111 rn CVN 2 0, CVN 13 01 N N 3CP 1010 21 BCP 9310 102 AVE PARK BCP 30529 19526 30 6 N 8 N N \ PARK BCP 18974 LMP 35918 co M 102 AAVE. cv M M LM P 0 M co M 3303629 M 40 B P ryb M 2' M C co m P 1 N - J8 00 00 'fi16 1510231 1410221 1310211 4414548434 SO (0 O M 7 NT' (7 (7 (7 (N N 2 49 CVCV v 50 511 10 on v v 552 rn v 1 m m 2 v 3 0 4 0) 1 0) 2 a, 3 m v 4 v 5 6 0 7 a, v 8 m co N E1/2of2 LMP 34684 BCP 17489 P 3228 O N M (0 MMMM� 0) 7488 v 29 0) CV7 30 0) CV7 31 101 AAVE. 0 (D 0V) m m 0148 15°(.0 36 00 1 N N 7 'I' 'I' N 101421 6(0 537 - N N N 11' 1 � 9 28 27 26 013617 46 24 23 22 0 25 10131 0132180 3800 0 10140 ce) , t012819E0 38 N 210° 10133 M N 24 10125 30 90 20M 10130 a 13 a U 23 10121cn PARK 40c0 U 10123 N 10120 m 14 2219m 10113 N BCP 18974 18 1 10110 15 P 17126 c 0 p) coN ( v N 25 N a LMP 34684 m 1 m m N N 6n1 co m 4 m 3g M 43 m 7 m 8 jBBCCP�74 1187 18'716 151413 V l0 0 V (m() (r() (D (h mm m CO CO NNN CM 11. BCP 17491 101 AAVE. 0 0) ro 3 M 7 0 a$ 9 M 10 m 11 LMP 36344 "LN P 36343 110 11121314151617 O ON) 1m m m m CO 01 CO CO N N N N N N N N 18 a, o '(0 N 12 19 CO (D m 101 A AVE. CV 22m JcI 0 co m ro m 33 co op 4�3 0 m 26 BCP 13188 PARK PARK 42 108 43 )96 186 42 18 10103 7 10093 LMP 53685 210095 2 MI 0093 10106 21 10102 c-- 10096 7 10092 v 10088 v 10084 10080 v 0098 cq 0094 sko 0090 00m 0105 (0 X10097 m 210093 10120 10116 36 N N. m 0 10112 '7) v \ / \N 35 m 36 32 m 3433 0) 00 00 34 31 3029 CO m N N a 208 _1 A 0 m 101A) . M 3 \ 0078 �I 10070 / JC010075 0074 i —1210077 LM P LMP 3634 Ory/ 3 34 7 00 N (D 0 V 00 (D 0 V CO N (D 0 I. r 00 00 0) 0) 0) 0 N N 0) N N N N N N N 0) m m 0) (h CO CO 22N12% 1N9174817 10 1N51N41N31742N110 N MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6983-2013 Map No. 1586 From: RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) 1- 3 CO N O 00 00 0 47) 39 33 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia /L\ SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX C SUBDIVISION PLAN 24286 102 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE 243A ST H `-= 29.798, 2429 ST H LL LOT SIZES CURRENT ZONING (RS -3) MINIMUM WIDTH 188, MINIMUM DEPTH 27m MINIMUM AREA 0.80ha a PROPOSED ZONING (R-3) 7.9m 27m 2138,' PRELIMINARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INFORMATION ON EXI511110 UTILITIES MAY NOT BE COMPLETE OR ACCURATE. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND ADVISE THE ENGINEER OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS. BENCHMARK: ALL ELEVATIONS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN METRES. DEVELOPER: "'NEER CoreGroup mmaniumuc LAN. 32cEs 0-8988 FRASERTON COURT BURNABY, BC 954 5H8 LM, (604)299 0605 fax. (604)299 0629 SEAL NOTES GRAPHIC SCALE -10 0 10 20 SCALE: 1:500 2 3 r L 1 19 20 0 4 PRELIMINARY KEYPLAN 6 PARK II 5 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 I' 15.DQm I CREEK SETBACK 13 � '\ 14 111 L 15 I a„ �17 16 � � 18 I l 22 23 24 29.798, 2429 ST H LL LOT SIZES CURRENT ZONING (RS -3) MINIMUM WIDTH 188, MINIMUM DEPTH 27m MINIMUM AREA 0.80ha a PROPOSED ZONING (R-3) 7.9m 27m 2138,' PRELIMINARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INFORMATION ON EXI511110 UTILITIES MAY NOT BE COMPLETE OR ACCURATE. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND ADVISE THE ENGINEER OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS. BENCHMARK: ALL ELEVATIONS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN METRES. DEVELOPER: "'NEER CoreGroup mmaniumuc LAN. 32cEs 0-8988 FRASERTON COURT BURNABY, BC 954 5H8 LM, (604)299 0605 fax. (604)299 0629 SEAL NOTES GRAPHIC SCALE -10 0 10 20 SCALE: 1:500 N0.1 DAT: REVISIONS ENG. DESIGN DRAWN D.B. 102 AVE AND 242B STREET APPROVED DATE JAN 09, 2013 SCALE MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF 1 IR" 0 0 10/01/13 PRELIMINARY KEYPLAN CN N0.1 DAT: REVISIONS ENG. DESIGN DRAWN D.B. 102 AVE AND 242B STREET APPROVED DATE JAN 09, 2013 SCALE MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF 1 IR" 0 4 Orep Aaars Groan" 1-M400c District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-069-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6845-2011 20660 Maple Crescent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential), to permit future subdivision of 2 lots. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6845-2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following condition be met prior to Final Reading: Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development. ii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office to preserve and enhance the relocated Thomas Creek. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Randy Schmidt Owner: Steven A Schmidt Legal Description: Parcel "T", DL 278, GP 1, NWD Plan 52363 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Urban Residential Urban Residential and Conservation 1102 Zoning: Existing: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Proposed: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation Urban Residential Use: CP Railway Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential, Vacant Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Parking lot Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Site Area: 0.178 hectares Access: Maple Crescent Servicing requirement: Full Urban Standard b) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) portion of the site to RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to be consistent with the balance of the property, and subdivide the property into 2 lots. Thomas Creek crosses the western portion of the site and a Watercourse Protection Development Permit is required for restoration and protection of the creek. c) Planning Analysis: The property is located at the southwest corner of Maple Crescent and 207 Street, with the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway to the south and a parking lot for Interior Products to the west. 207 Street is not constructed adjacent to the site. There is a watercourse located through the western portion of the site. -2- Official Community Plan: The site is currently designated Urban Residential. The proposed development is consistent with Major Corridor Residential Infill Policies 3-20 and 3-21. The complete policies 3-20 and 3-21 are attached as Appendix D for reference. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 20660 Maple Crescent from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to permit subdivision of 2 single-family residential lots. Development Permit: Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for all developments and building permits within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands. The Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is currently underway. The watercourse is currently located through the western portion of the site. Thomas Creek will be relocated slightly west and rehabilitated. The watercourse will daylight at its northern end; and meander through the property to the south with a buffer on either side. The setbacks will be placed in a conservation covenant rather than being dedicated out to the District as park land. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed development. As there are no off-site works for this rezoning application, no rezoning servicing agreement will be required. The proposed development will be serviced by municipal water and sewage. Additional comments from the Engineering Department will be addressed at the Subdivision stage. Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the proposed development and has determined that a geotechnical report needs to be registered on title prior to rezoning approval. e) Environmental Implications: This development application is subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit. The applicant has submitted an Environmental Report and restoration plan completed by Scott Resource Services Inc. (SRS), dated June 5, 2012. The watercourse will be re -located and daylighted on the property; with a total 16 meter wide Habitat Protection Covenant on the west side of the property. The watercourse will daylight at the northern end at mid -point of the covenant width; and then meander through the property to the south so that it has a 7.5 to 8 m buffer on either side along its length. -3- CONCLUSION: Based on the review of supporting information regarding the proposed rezoning it is recommended that Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6845-2011 and that application 2011-069-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Siobhan Murphy" Prepared by: Siobhan Murphy, MA, MCIP, RPP Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D - OCP excerpt - Major Corridor Infill policies 3-20 and 3-21 -4- APPENDIX A NI79/IQ L 786 & 787 2-- �- ' 11243/5 11240 P 114 BCP 7202 ( ! 2 3 /9 a) o 0 P 64192 5 1 3 11235 ti 179 - 11236 7r co 00 C\1 Q * 11232 P 114 781 Rem 780 N 180 °- 11230 Rem 1 A Q CR Lig (NI11208 A/24 P 1270.9 *PP044 B , 3 cs N co co N oo0 `� 11226 6 EP 4672 112n2 co 00 ----------------- Subject Property 10 P 52216 0 co 8 RP 52363 0 N PcI. T P91% L \• \, N7 Scale: 1:1,000 Ci .f Pitt Mea•lows __ *� "�► ' j 20660 Maple Crescent Till 0 _:J17 yn fYf 11 7' I •M i to �I SLS ,y,�igcf4rei�,�a --.j CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 0' , ,, Th.YF vR f� -,,'- .. .4.�p LI �I �,� -+ .� y RIDGE British Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT District of N -JIMAPLE _ Langley = �'m Y� � l'2-- DATE: Sep 21, 2012 2011 -069 -SD BY: JV ,r ASER� APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6845-2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6845-2011." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "T" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Reference Plan 52363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1532 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of July, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 042 a 266 N 2 764T76G51 N "r- i .3 i O SK 1840 ao 1114 11253 LaM r 11264 11,51 5 6 BATTLE AVE. 11258 B D_ P 11457 2 11230, 111511249 11260 P 778 240 7952 \I 1/2 786S & 287 11239 11246 1 N 1 T24qq9/5 230 C 11240 P 114 BCP 7202 L 74209 1o P 10059 NE P 64192 1 3 11235 i 179 11236 r, o N 5 co Rem Rem `� 797 N �o B l'''' oo0) oo N o 11232 P 11 781 Kernem 780 180 a 11230 Rem w 1 N '°'� MAPLE CR. A/24 ° 213703 *PP044 B co co C9 N RW o0 CO oN 71974 11226 B EP 4672 co co a S`I' 86 11202 --- 1110 —P 52216 )7 -_---__ -- - CO 8 RP N 52363 PcI.T SK. 1503 GN�P - - - -- P908 RW 52217 RW 60222 O w to 0 N VAPP Bylaw No. Mai No. From: To: R 6845-2011 1532 C —3 RS DG= /0\= AV (Town C entre Commercial) -1 (One Family Urban =\D Residential) \G N SCALE 1:1,500 At MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia APPENDIX C 1 'a r Plan 07 ataleftWAD VUo Parcel 7' DL 278 Gp 1 NWD Plan 52363 Pt op t se' Civic Address: 20660 Maple Crescent Maple Ridge, BC Prepared For The Exclusive Use Of: —Steve Schmidt The information shown hereon is for Development Application purposes only and is for the exclusive use of the client for whom it was prepared. The surveyor accepts no responsibility or liability for any damages that may be suffered by a third party as a result of any decisions made or actions taken based on this document. This document shows the relative locution of the structures and features with respect to the registered boundaries of the land. This document is not a boundary survey and may not be used to define property lines or property comers. All rights reserved. No person may copy, reproduce, transmit, alter, distribute, or store copies of this document in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the undersigned. © Terra Pacific Land Surveying Ltd. 2012 This is certified correct and is valid only with respect to the improvements as shown hereon and located on the 10th day of April, 2012 . BCL S This Documen t is Not Valid Unless Originally Signed And Sea/ed Land Suilcyin? Ltd. it 22:171 St Ai4,e A,C,ix. 'Or,k mage t:1( \ 2). 2C7 1,11 60a-463-2509 Ian ti)J-✓>',I-1501 File: MR10-499SK1 Client Reference: Steve Schmidt Terra Pacific Scale 1 : 500 Dimensions ore METRIC Lot Dimensions Are Based On Plan 52363 Zoning: RS -1 1110 MAPLE CRESCENT Proposed Lot 7 1110.8 m2 5R W Pion 60222 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY This Property May Be Subject To The Following Charges: S108819 Statutory Right Of Woy Canodion Pacific Limited Proposed Lot 2 668.0 m2 (r) N 1 Appendix D 3 - 20 Major Corridor Residential Infill developments must be designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and will be evaluated against the following criteria: a) building forms such as single detached dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhouses, apartments, and small lot intensive residential developments subject to Policy 3-21; b) a maximum height of two and one-half storeys with an emphasis on ground oriented units for all developments except for apartments; c) a maximum height of four storeys for apartments; and d) adherence to Development Permit Guidelines for multi -family and intensive residential developments as outlined in Chapter 8 of the Official Community Plan. 3 - 21 All Neighbourhood and Major Corridor Residential infill developments will respect and reinforce the physical patterns and characteristics of established neighbourhoods, with particular attention to: a) the ability of the existing infrastructure to support the new development; b) the compatibility of the site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area; c) the compatibility between building massing and the type of dwelling units in the proposed development and the surrounding residential properties; d) the location, orientation, and visual impact of vehicle access/egress in relation to: i. adjacent developments ii. the street iii. the pedestrian environment e) minimizing adverse parking and traffic impacts on the existing neighbourhood; f) a gradual transition of scale and density through the design of building mass and form, such as: i. reduction in building heights at the edges of a development; ii. location of lower density components towards the perimeters of a site; and iii. concentration of density to the centre of a development or towards a non- residential boundary; g) retention and preservation of significant trees, other natural vegetation, and environmental features; h) maintaining adequate light, view and privacy for residents on adjacent properties or in adjacent neighbourhoods; i) conservation of special landscapes such as gardens, or built -form features, including heritage buildings, that contribute to the unique character of a neighbourhood. 113 Mr PI a F.!; F TO: Orep Aaars Groan" 1-M400c His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 FILE NO: 2011 -059 -VP 2011 -059 -DP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit and Development Permit 23709 111A Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Multi -Family Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application have been received in conjunction with applications for rezoning to permit the construction of 12 townhouse units in the RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone on the property located at 23709 111A Avenue. This application is subject to the Multi -Family Development Permit Area Guidelines as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The requested variances are to: • reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 to 6.3 metres for Building 2 and 5.0 metres for Building 3; • reduce the rear yard setback from 7.5 to 5.4 metres for Building 1; • reduce the interior side yard setback from 6.0 to 4.5 metres for Building 1 and 3.5 metres for Building 2; and, • increase the maximum building height from 10.5 to 11 metres for all three buildings. It is recommended that Development Permit 2011 -059 -DP and Development Variance Permit 2011-059-DVP be favourably considered. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-059-DVP respecting property located at 23709 111A Avenue; and further, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011 -059 -DP respecting property located at 23709 111A Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: DAMAX Consultants Ltd. Owners: Lawrence Shumyla Construction Ltd Donada Industries Ltd Deyor Farms Ltd Meadowland Industries Ltd 1103 Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Requested Variances: Lot 36 District Lot 404 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan BCP33222 Urban Residential, Conservation Urban Residential, Conservation RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) Conservation RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Single Family Residential, Conservation RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential), R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Urban Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Urban Residential Single Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Urban Residential Vacant Multi -Family Residential 1.048 hectares 237 Street Urban Standard The applicant has requested variances to the front, rear, and interior side setbacks, as well as a height variance to maximize the use of the developable area and create an esthetically pleasing design. The setback variances are either adjacent to the park area, or along the front property line. The required setbacks are provided where the property abuts single family lots. The following variances have been requested: -2- 1. to reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 to 6.3 metres for Building 2 and 5.0 metres for Building 3; 2. to reduce the rear yard setback from 7.5 to 5.4 metres for Building 1; 3. to reduce the interior side yard setback from 6.0 to 4.5 metres for Building 1 and 3.5 metres for Building 2; 4. to increase the maximum building height from 10.5 to 11 metres for all three buildings. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct a three building townhouse development containing a total of 12 units in the south-east portion of the subject site. The remaining portion of the site is proposed to be dedicated as park for conservation of watercourse riparian areas, wetlands, and steep slopes. The units will be accessed from a private strata road connected to 111A Avenue. A children's play area will be provided as the common activity area requirements on the west side of Building 1. All units will have two parking spots provided. The six end unit garages will have a side-by-side parking configuration, while the six interior units will have a tandem parking configuration. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is designated Urban Residential, and as Creekside Drive is a Major Corridor in the OCP, the development is subject to the Major Corridor Infill Policies in the plan. The proposed RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is in compliance with the Urban Residential land use designation and compatibility criteria. An Official Community Plan amendment for a conservation boundary adjustment is required. Multi -Family Development Permit Guidelines: Applications for Development Permits will be assessed against the following key design concepts as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. Similar architectural features to the surrounding single-family homes such as gables, and materials such as shingles will be used for this development project. Parkland on the west and north side of the site will create privacy for the new units. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The density is proposed to be distributed evenly within the developable area of the site. The topography of the subject site in relation to surrounding lands supports a transition from single to multi -family form. The site is at a lower elevation than the homes to the east of the site, which will overlook the townhouse roofs. -3- 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The buildings in the proposed development are clustered in the south-east corner of the subject site to maximize dedication of watercourse and riparian setback areas. The development will be buffered on two sides by conservation land. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The proposed development is accessed via a private strata road. Individual driveways and garages are oriented to the interior of the site to minimize their visual impact on the street. Landscaping is provided throughout the site and at the entrance of the development to create an attractive pedestrian realm. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 23709 111A Avenue from RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM -1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit future construction of 12 townhouse units. The applicant has requested several variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw and the following rationale for support is provided by the Planning Department: 1. Reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 to 6.3 metres for Building 2 and 5.0 metres for Building 3. Due to the irregular lot shape and the siting of the buildings on the site, the front yard setback relaxation is abutting the road rather than the adjacent single-family lot. A setback of 7.5 metres is maintained along the length of the property line common to the single-family lots to the south and east.. 2. Reduce the rear yard setback from 7.5 to 5.4 metres for Building 1. As the northern property line abuts a conservation area, the setback relaxation does not impact adjacent residences. A setback of 7.5 metres is maintained along the lengths of property line common to the single-family lots to the south and east. 3. Reduce the interior side yard setback from 6.0 to 4.5 metres for Building 1 and 3.5 metres for Building 2. Similarly to the rear property line, the interior side yard setback relaxation is requested on the park side of the development, and therefore is not anticipated to impact residents negatively. 4. Increase the maximum building height from 10.5 to 11 metres for all three buildings. This is a common variance for new townhouse development, and is consistent with similar approved development variance permit approvals. e) Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the form and character of the proposed townhouse development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held April 10, 2012. -4- Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel resolved that: The following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. The project Architect and Landscape Architect have addressed the recommendations from the Advisory Design Panel and provided the following response: • Consider adding a cover over the balconies Roof overhangs were not added to the final plans due to the impact on building design. • Consider adding a patio in front of Unit #8 to create a privacy screen Shrub planting has been added to increase privacy. • Explore the feasibility of relocating the children's amenity space to the northeast corner of the site with some extension of retaining walls and grading of the site which might require relocation of the visitor parking An additional outdoor amenity space has been added at the north-east corner of the site; however, the children's amenity area will remain west of building 1 as the topography is flatter and the area is more accessible. • Update plans to reflect location of street trees The landscape plans have been updated to show location of street trees. • Explore pedestrian connection to park The developer has clarified that dedicated land is for conservation use rather than public use. • Provide adequate soil volume for the street trees (10 cubic metre per tree) Adequate soil volumes have been included in the landscape specifications. • Update plans to include the shrub plans to reflect new retaining walls and planting up against these walls The landscape plans have been updated to show planting against the new retaining walls. • Consider providing lower access between back yards (there is currently no access to the mower east side units) Mower access has been provided for all units. • Update plans to include street trees (subject to approval by Engineering and the Panel) This item has been addressed. • Consider the addition of hedge planting from the last retaining wall on the private lawn to green up this space Additional hedges have been added to the landscape plans. • Consider the addition of a meaningful pedestrian connection to the park -5- The developer has clarified that dedicated land is for conservation use rather than public use. • Consider adding a pedestrian access to the public sidewalk Pedestrians may access the public sidewalk via the strata road. • Update the roof plans This item has been addressed. • Update rendering and building sections This item has been addressed. • Coordinate grading with architectural and landscape plans and indicate the geotech setback line. No geotechnical setback line is required on the subject site. The above noted plans have been coordinated. The Advisory Design Panel has reviewed the revised plans and the Planning Department is satisfied with the changes made. f) Environmental Implications: Pursuant to Section 8.9 and 8.10 of the Official Community Plan, Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit applications are required for all developments within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands and lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 percent. The purpose of these permits is to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. Horseshoe Creek runs through the subject site and therefore a significant amount of the property will be dedicated as parkland for conservation purposes. The site design of the proposed project has taken into account watercourse and wetland setbacks, as well as steep slope areas to create an environmentally sensitive layout. A bioswale will be created on the northern portion of the parkland as an important component to the development's stormwater management plan. An enhancement and re -planting plan will be required for the park land including a post and rail fence along the park boundary. g) Financial Implications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated landscape cost of $77,300.00, the security will be $77,300.00. There will be three trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. -6- CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the Multi -Family Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan for form and character, it is recommended that 2011 -059 -DP be given favourable consideration. The requested variances are supported by the Planning Departments and considered to be minor. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2011 -059 -VP. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AB /d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan showing requested setback variances Appendix C - Building Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Plans -7- APPENDIX A LMP 36163 —. --_-____11261 CREEKSID LMP 361:- 2 3 6 4P 25 10 664 7 8 9 11257 I` N N M 7 N- 01011253 BCP 17100f. N N N N N N N% X11 11249 CV PARK / 112 AAVE. (.j1211245 N 15 14 \ X1311241 46 0m 30 1 811231 11232 21 2211233 26 — 11227 Q 11226 20 23 11229 Rem G co 220 911221 N 11222 19 24 11225 Park 1 11216 18 2511219 a_ 16 4m 11217 11 11212 2611215 BCP 41985 11211 \ RP 1387 0 2711209 5 112 AVE. 0 6 12 SUBJECT PROPERTY co 6 211 211 07 \ 2811205 00 70 13 14Q I N15 BCP N16 42841 29 11201 / 112 AVE. BCP 42842 11195N 27 26 25 o 0 co 0 om° 0 ccoo °2 om° 1011187 W ^ ��'s W N 24 N 1 N 2 N 3Q N r 9 11179 3 28 23766 \.\-.C7) N 8 36 23757 23j6023 Q 11171 20 BC' 1918,17 12853 pop 7 11163 w r CP 33222 W 23753 3 3jS6 22 ASO 11 12 �� �� - N N ,16 T CO 6 11155 0 Y W 29 �a 21 PS. x. �F6, \-9 P ��> 20 67 " 14�N 0 ,..,� 111 y COm CP CP 61, m N 'co � AAVE. 12 12853 12853 70) m N o 11 87 NN[ No �� NCO_ �' a)3N Cy) C, E o w 7 C° ECP 213• c 1 CO� N co t` 4N c 2 N KANAKA LI,1�� 0 v 5N° WAY o N1 N 11 BCP CO 7X N A� V ‘fp c''� 9'6, 19 1 '6118 as O A. a 3 N 1' c�� 11145 0 • 6 3 2�,s� , r ARK 321135 . 12 I r�.� 3 24�s �s�s ss �,p 33 = r; -7 6 is 6> 11125 1 8` N NWS 6� 34 10 9N w `� 0 11115 :_ w –% W w 35 = -t N 0, �9 11105 N N W_a o Nca 1• N W 'l U' Q N W —1 P. 1 W -t P I A N 8 9e. `'.o w 7 1 160 •N � lig�� 15 o co N oo 0) N 28 9 N N °s 30 N V' •' • 27 �`?y 2 1 '4, PSE X95 12 21 � N' c0 13 •ate o tiW o J 27 26 25 W W20 110 N 4 c.,) N SCALE 1:2,000 Clt',.f Mea•ows Pitts PE . ,��e r } f i c �o 23709 111A AVENUE raw. Ntzs a I '- r I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF ix r- , MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 District of p. I o 1 Langley o `FRas C �•' Jul 5, 2012 FILE: 2011-059-RZ BY: PC ��DATE: ER R. \\ CONSULTANT: APPENDIX B aiTE RECOp1�l A)10 _ MEM L. -I MMW / NET IR ARM 1311..SOL OLOM MOO mow EW OM Y MN 1.171A SOL MOM= IMMO 1M. „L MEM KIMONO )A Y RM MOWN OR MonYn14LOT IBM CO SI Rd NEMS MCLO UO MOM KIMONO 71 Y 111M MIAOW OME IML) Y 10 b YRM SOMOME PAM WOOL( MOM MOM MOM MT 10 MY® YI 1.C IMI L •101•0MOIL Dal M O SIML - L slams 1MALR I@MWD wawa an /u1111 um-wMIL IIMEE OM NOM 11q,M<, ROY OL COMOI WAM OOI/ORE IS MN .0 MK Born)!AM L NM OF OAR. MOM MN VMS MOSSO MEM 1m11 MOM -M MOM ROM& MOM sous - MM SWIM STALLS MOMS= w MOMS MOM. MAIL KIOSK SCALE 1 : 25 PARK DECK DIMENSIONS TO P/L ReArVatra cck ' DECK UNISONS TO PA J CIA .reA 661,94* DEI% O0iMA016 TD P4 5. I —.—.+.— S I TE PLAN OWE 11100 NORTH a>n Sae 1111 ,CDS . — ' 315Yb ri31T" ' -- • = + \ oa r237 51 ANL 8 XIGN3ddV KWM ILL Me us LMWY■1W AM /6>Mw'LI11 L■■0* ML 11.111i MEM RE INIMPIT ECT111.01 1LM WES IM.' BBL an La WASICHS 111 a0 9 PROJECT: KANAKA CREEK TOWNHOUSE PROJECT ES)1ESTREET B4 B.C. DATE : DEC. O, EOIG SCALE t : 000 DRAM NF AIL DRAWING TITLE : PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN NM NO 1014 SHEET NO P-1 APPENDIX C ��, _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII r IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII mum luI lu �� IIIITI�IIIo olll...11lo 11111111111111111 r' 111111IIIDIIIDVIIIII®r SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: I : 100 IIIII'II'II'II'III1 11111111111111 MAP BLAS HT. LEE n ROT ABOVE BLOB HT. BASELINE, 1 1111111111 MAz ee05 HT. LME LOS BASELNE AT RE., 7 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: I : 100 11'ii11 11 m'111i�■■■ 1.1111111p. uuIi f ' � , =i "' 1I11lidik 1111111g�1' wV ABOVE m ARAM THIRD FLOOR AREA: 2/406 SOM. ADE AT R6o5E ELI WEST ELEVATION SCALE: I : 100 III VIII VIII IIIA/"- IIS- =-9111111111111111 Ill133 mmlllllllmmlp'- M�1 - ulll im NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1 : 100 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 Om SECOND FLOOR AREA: 35503 50M. RooF - 40 YEAR BULDIN6 1.14514E5RA STONEVENEER ER t:A.S - VERTBAL BOARD AND BATON VINYL EONS DOOR WINDOW TRIMS - PANTED - PRE-INNISHED PETAL W7°4"' wAs2.5 - PANTED 11000 DE METAL PLA54."5"''' C.OLUNDS - PANTED WOOD ElvTRY our, - HEAVY TIMBER AL FIRST FLOOR gOrn 21 16.1 I01 0 0 1 LIVEABLE: 1/0 SOM. A UNIT LIVEABLE : 44 5OM B UNIT LIVEABLE 41 5OM 414154194 140./0 5014. TOTAL: 30552 SOM. F11 NOTE T. LEVEL OF TH5 MP IS CON.ERED A BASEMENT. 45 SON OP RS AREA HAS BEEN %CLUMP FROM ITS FLOOR AREA yam ore: r��nNIS T EOF ^OF AREA HAS. BEEN EXCLUDED ;g121oME0wsEs • ROU REVISED FCC n Ro¢ Rth� roof Fart XI/Raw. varvTMG 222011 .122 CEVELOWENT ERWT REVISIONS • utticnnory CONSULTANT: PROJECT, TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT K ANADA CREW rONmHWSE2 MAAE RIDGE BC DATE SLITEMBER. 2010, 1 CO wET 15 DRAWING TIRE BUILDING ONE FLOOR PLANS & ELEVATIONS JOB NO 1014 SHEET NO P-2 aa: y — M I ® y'°IIS 4 'I L T r if 4 + � oI j oo-�om y a . . B o= A 5 << i[- 4r 21 16.1 I01 0 0 1 LIVEABLE: 1/0 SOM. A UNIT LIVEABLE : 44 5OM B UNIT LIVEABLE 41 5OM 414154194 140./0 5014. TOTAL: 30552 SOM. F11 NOTE T. LEVEL OF TH5 MP IS CON.ERED A BASEMENT. 45 SON OP RS AREA HAS BEEN %CLUMP FROM ITS FLOOR AREA yam ore: r��nNIS T EOF ^OF AREA HAS. BEEN EXCLUDED ;g121oME0wsEs • ROU REVISED FCC n Ro¢ Rth� roof Fart XI/Raw. varvTMG 222011 .122 CEVELOWENT ERWT REVISIONS • utticnnory CONSULTANT: PROJECT, TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT K ANADA CREW rONmHWSE2 MAAE RIDGE BC DATE SLITEMBER. 2010, 1 CO wET 15 DRAWING TIRE BUILDING ONE FLOOR PLANS & ELEVATIONS JOB NO 1014 SHEET NO P-2 I 111111111 IIS.42.411, 46. 1111111111III='111",kb ® 8111 i NM ■ 11111111111111i11111III�IIhi111111ui 11111= 1111111111 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: I : 100 BIOS ABO 1 1 1 1 li 111 EAST ELEVATION SCALE I : 100 1433 ■ ■■ 1111111111111111 111111111111111111 111 _ 1...1....1....1...1 BLDS NT. um `BASELINE AT Rinse 6RADe AT RIME _1N11111111111111111 =_ RDSE A WEST ELEVATION SCALE: I : 100 0I W l.._.. _ ..�.Y? aE.LY`_4.. IIIIIIIIIII 1 111111111181111II111I111 �� IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII 111 111111 % ---- O TSI ill ill ill ill II Ill ill ill ill ill II II 111 IIIIIIIIII 'HRH' mu i SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: I: 100 1 ns 18 'firr r�r� 11 THIRD FLOOR AREA: 21406 SOM. -4 Gam Dm Ops SECOND FLOOR AREA: 335.03 SOM. BU-oN6 mules - 40 STAR WARRANTY ASPHALT SPENSLES WATT_ AND COLUMN BASE - CULTURED STONE VSNE5P. NAL. - PORCONTAL VINYL SCANS B AYS - VERTCAL BOAR= AND BATON VINYL SONS 6ABLK - VINYL SHAKE 511MIS I, PAINTED WOOD DETAIL 11NDONS - THERMALLY BROKEN VINYL PRAISED SLACKS RAILMOM viME, MET, METq/A SSBSBSER SEX▪ PERT DETAIL - HEAVY PETERKNEE BRACES - PANTED WOODDOORS APO BARASE woo.. PREFNSHED NalLATED METALCHNINETS - CULTURED STONE VENEER FASCIAS - PANTED FIRST FLOOR LIVEABLE: 110 SOM. A UNIT LIVEABLE : 44 5O64 B UNIT LIVEABLE: 41 SOH bARASE: 140.10 SOM. TOTAL: 30052 SCM. 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BASELINE:ROOF - WALL A. 90 "E v uTPETED - PAN= 11001,ITASCIAS - PANTED 110OP eV METAL CLASH.KNEE BRAVES - PAINISOCHIMNEYS - CAILTUREO STONE VENEER IIIIII1 111111 11 11111111111 111111111111 = IIIIIIIIIIIIIIDO OD = HEM EiAn 11 11 11 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: I :100 5m FIRST FLOOR LIVEABLE ITO EOM. A UNIT LIVEABLE : 44 5054 B UNIT LIVEABLE: 4150M GARAGE: 140.10 50M. TOTAL: 30552 5051. Om { Ern -L 71'n1 1111 1111 I r 11■1 _ hvB w'Y A B B Z DETZENIENTT THE CWm C DED PM BEEN SCALCULATIONS • 00011 it ° AA \ L L � 1 L � 11117.; 111111 / L A JAE la ROE REVISED FCC FICHOPAIFTE MC RE ROI I RDA. FOR CE.010.0 111.T MAR 09 ROA cnno” ISESOMSKT PEWIT REVISIONS uvu OAS NNW. IS ES FROMM OF PONTS WEST AROITECTIE AND WV NOT FE CONSULTANT: PROJECT. TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT KANAKA CREEK TOWNHOUSES ARE RIDGE BC 'H DATE SEITHABER. 2010 SCAlE DRAWING TITLE BUILDING THREE FLOOR PLANS & ELEVATIONS JOB NO 1014 SHEET NO P-4 APPENDIX D KM MBAR RESIUANT SURFALIN6 CONCRETE VW PA,R5 TO .TLIA SOL PEFTHS AS FER LAW,. SOP LAM AREA, IN AREAS OF 600D ORA I, ANOSNRDES 24. KN. TREES IN LW AREAS M2 LANDSCAPE ANCHITECTANE 220, 26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Gil REV. PER NB5NPAR GOWEN. OPER 25 REV. ;CR LITr GOIMMTS REV. PER [Leg CON,ENTS REV. FER CRT COIAMENPS DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL PROJECT KANAKA CREEK TOWNHOUSE DEV. 237 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN DESIGN: RH CHICO: DM DRAWING NUMBER: L1 OF 4 MSLA PROJECT NUMBER, 10-231 6 PATIO8 a 42,ENG E BET. UNITS INEMVIEWAISP 5 REG INSTALL NUN COORIVIATV,1 NMI REAR RE5ILIANT WRFACIN.5 CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS TO KATCH EN1RY SOIL CEP. AS PER L 500 LAWN AREAS. .5. IN AREAS 0, WOO DPAI 9' AREAS OF POOR MAI 54,1A3 AREAS. IS' SHRUBS ONLY, le TRH, MO SHRUBS 24. HU ITEPS !AM ARP/5 BUILDI L.F.E. 1 L5 MFE 14.2 BFE 11.5 CORAL OZER PAG 23 0102 P M2 LAN05CAPEANCHITECTANE 220, 26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Gil IIPER DATE REV. PER NB5I-B0.12 (41.11.1ENIS ADO STREET 'PEE. SPE REV. PER Orr Laf.16,115 REV. PER [Leg CON,ENTS PEV. PEP CITY [OMEN. REVISION DESCRIPTION KANAKA CREEK TOWNHOUSE DEV. 237 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE SHRUB PLAN DATE: 10.VEC.045 DESIGN: RH DRAWING NUMBER: L2 OF 4 NOLA PROJECT NUMBER, 10-231 BLDG. 042" PICKET FENCE WITH 6' HT. PRIVACY FENCE RECTEC INDUSTRIES 4'-O" IRE WOOD BENCH DUMOR MODEL 51-601 EMBED MOUNT, BLACK P COAT RECTEC INDUSTRIES COMPACT PLAYHOUSE UNIT 444E6640, BIGTOYS 2 X 4 CEDAR GAP DBLE I X 4 CEDAR TOP RAIL SANDWICHING VERTICALS ROUGH 4 X 4 P.T. HEM \FIR POSTS, MAX. 4'-0" O.G. I X 6 CEDAR VERTICALS DBLE I X 4 GEDAR BOTTOM RAIL SANDWICHING VERTICALS 3" GAP CONCRETE FOOTING: 12X12 X 13 HT. OF POST GRAVEL UNDER FOOTING PREFAB POST CAP 244 PT. HEMDFIR GAP I1E &e I+46EIW OEDAR 80020, V2" VERLAP �� iiiiiiii� 4x4 PTP65TDIRECTBJR! NT. 8,,oL.TTP. 2:iimT4DN RAIi III II=III II MEI I I III—III III III—III 0412'2, CONC. 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PER LLS.Ir (.44ENIS REV PER on' caverts DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEA KANAKA CREEK TOWNHOUSE DEV. 237 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN DATE: IODEC Ob DRAWN RH CHIEN: OM DRAWING NUMBER: L3 OF 4 020 PROJECT NUMBER. 10-231 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Municipal Equipment Purchase - Two (2), Three Ton Dump Box Trucks with Plow and Sander Attachments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The approved Financial Plan includes funding for the purchase of two (2), three ton dump box trucks to replace existing unit #28 - 2004 Ford F350 and unit #76 - 2006 Ford F45O. A public Invitation to Quote to supply these trucks resulted in six (6) quotes being received. Following evaluation of the quotes, it is recommended that the contract to supply the trucks be awarded to Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for the purchase of two (2), three ton dump box trucks with plow and sander attachments be awarded to Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. in the amount of $158,420.76 and applicable taxes of approximately $19,010.49. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: An Invitation to Quote (ITQ-0P13-22) for the supply of two (2), three ton dump box trucks with plow and sander attachments was publicly advertised on February 22, 2013 and closed March 15, 2013. Six (6) quotes were received and evaluated. The results of the evaluations recommend award of a 2013 Ford F550 cab and chassis with dump box and attachments to Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. b) Financial Implications: The cost of these trucks is within the approved budget under project LTC#8218. Total purchase price for the units are $158,420.76 plus applicable taxes of approximately $19,010.49. 1104 CONCLUSION: Following a public invitation to quote, and analysis of the received quotes, it is recommended that the contract to supply two (2), three ton dump box trucks with plow and sander attachments be awarded to Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. "Original signed by Russ Carmichael" Prepared by: Russ Carmichael, AScT, Eng.L Director of Engineering Operations "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn General Manager, Public Works and Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: DATE: March 29, 2013 FILE NO: OPS1301 ATTN: Committee of the Whole Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Single Axle, Low Profile Recycling Truck EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The approved Financial Plan includes funding for the purchase of a recycling truck. A public request for proposals to supply one (1) recycling truck resulted in ten (10) submissions being received. Following a detailed evaluation of the proposals, it is recommended that the contract to supply the truck be awarded to Fort Fabrication and Welding Ltd. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for the purchase of one (1) single axle low profile recycling truck be awarded to Fort Fabrication and Welding Ltd. in the amount of $169,191.00 including warranties and optional items and applicable taxes of approximately $20,302.92. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Request for Proposals (RFP-OP13-13) for the supply of one (1) single axle recycling truck was publicly advertised on January 25th, 2013 and closed February 15, 2013. Ten (10) proposals were received and evaluated. The results of the detailed evaluations recommend award of a Walinga Champion Recycle Body on a Peterbilt 330 Cab and Chassis to Fort Fabrication and Welding Ltd. b) Financial Implications: The cost of the recycling truck is within the approved budget under project LTC#8218. Total purchase price for the unit is $169,191.00 including warranty and optional items plus applicable taxes of approximately $20,302.92. 1105 CONCLUSION: Following a public request for proposals, and analysis of the received submissions, it is recommended that the contract to supply one (1) recycling truck should be awarded to Fort Fabrication and Welding Ltd. "Original signed by Russ Carmichael" Prepared by: Russ Carmichael, AScT, Eng.L Director of Engineering Operations "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn General Manager, Public Works and Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE British Co lumb la District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Purchase of an Operational Support Truck EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At Fire Hall #1, we have five fire response trucks. These trucks have a wide range of capabilities including response to fire, response to a wide range of rescues as well as the capability to respond to elevated incidents. At the moment, our ability to provide on -scene operational support could be improved. A new operational support truck would allow us to air fill SCBAs (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus), provide scene lighting and power as well as provide fire scene rehabilitation. The truck will also be able to serve as the on -scene command centre. The acquisition of this truck has been contemplated for some time but was put on hold pending the renovations to Fire Hall #1, The Fire Department has an equipment replacement reserve. Each time a major truck is purchased, an amount is set aside annually for its useful life, in order to assist in funding its replacement. In addition, we have a Fire Department Capital Acquisition Reserve for new capital items. This account receives 2% of general taxation each year to build our financial capacity to improve our fire protection capacity as our community grows. This is the account that will be used to fund this acquisition. Staff recommends that we purchase a new Operational Support Truck. A request for proposal (RFP) was issued according to our normal policy and we recommend that the contract for the new truck be awarded to SVI Trucks, a Division of Super Vacuuming Manufacturing Co. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for the construction of one equipped Operational Support Truck at the cost of $796,969 plus applicable taxes and a 10% contingency be included for any unanticipated scope changes; be awarded to SVI Trucks, a Division of Super Vacuum Manufacturing Company Inc., Fort Collins, CO. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Page 1 1 1131 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Operational Support Truck has a multi -role capability offering operational support in many areas such as on scene self contained breathing apparatus air filling, a capability that is vital to safe and effective fire/rescue ground operations. Because of the trucks large capacity generator; on scene lighting and power are available. This truck will also serve as the fire scene rehabilitation area to keep firefighters physically and medically ready to continue working at extensive scenes. It will also house specialty equipment used in hazardous materials incidents and property salvage. Finally, the OUS will serve as an on scene command centre. A multi -role vehicle increases efficiencies by being more economical verses purchasing several vehicles to meet these needs of fire department scene management. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to obtain Council's approval to proceed with awarding of a contract for the construction of an equipped Operational Support Unit, for the fire department and municipal operations. Strategic Alignment: The purchase of this truck is in alignment with the Council's strategic alignment of a safe and livable community. This project was adopted in the 2010 fire departments business plan. c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Proposal analysis The request for proposal process was completed under the oversight of our Procurement Section. The Fire Department apparatus evaluation team, which consisted of two fire administration staff and the Fire Department mechanic, performed an analyses of these submissions based on the criteria described in the RFP. At the conclusion of the evaluation process the submission from SVI Trucks, a Division of Super Vacuuming Manufacturing Co scored the highest. Financial Implications; The Fire Department Capital Acquisition Reserve was created for new capital items. This account receives 2% of general taxation each year to build our financial capacity to improve our fire protection capacity as our community grows. As of December 31, 2012 this Reserve sat at $3.8 million. This is the account that would be used to fund this acquisition. Page 1 2 CONCLUSION: The specifications and costs proposed by SVI Trucks, a Division of Super Vacuuming Manufacturing Co, represented the best value and product to meet the needs of the Fire Department. The required funding currently exists in the Fire Department Capital Acquisition. "Original signed by Howard Exner" Prepared by: Howard Exner, Assistant Chief "Original signed by Daniela Mikes" Approved by: Daniela Mikes, Manager of Procurement "Original signed by Peter Grootendorst" Approved by: Peter Grootendorst, Fire Chief "Original signed by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Page 1 3 British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 8, 2012 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: 2013 Community Grants EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has established a budget for 2013 of $61,800 for community grant purposes. This limited pool of funding allows Council to support organizations providing valuable community services either through bridge funding while groups look for long-term stable funding or, in some cases, with annual funding. In previous years, Council committed to providing grants totaling $8,700 to the Alouette Home Start Society, leaving $53,100 available for allocation to other requests. Staff has reviewed the grant requests received in relation to Council's Community Grants policy and recommends the grant allocations shown on the attached Schedule "A". RECOMMENDATION(S): That the proposed allocation of grants as shown on Schedule "A" of the staff report dated April 8, 2013 titled 2013 Community Grants be approved. That $30,000 be provided in the Financial Plan for the Alouette River Management Society to assist with upgrades to the hatchery at the Alouette Prison, noting that this one-time grant will be funded from gaming revenues. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The community grants budget of $61,800 is a limited pool of funding established by Council to assist organizations providing valuable community services. Over the past number of years, we have seen a number of community organizations increasingly struggle to find sustainable funding for their programs. Through the community grants program, Council has been able to provide some groups with bridge funding as they work toward achieving long-term stable funding. In some instances, the Municipality has supported organizations with annual funding. Due to fiscal restraints, it is often not possible to provide the level of support that groups request, so an effort is made to ensure that the available budget is distributed where it will benefit the community the most. Earlier this year, Council adopted a Community Grants policy, formalizing the eligibility and evaluation criteria used when considering the allocation of the community grants budget. The intent of the policy was to ensure that any community groups looking for funding would have information on the types of requests that Council would consider and how their applications would be evaluated. For 2013, some of the available budget has already been committed through Council decisions in previous years. The agreement with the Alouette Home Start Society (AHSS) for the Iron Horse Youth Page 1 of 5 1132 Safe House provides for a grant to offset property taxes to support their work with youth. The amount of this assistance is estimated at $5,000. Additionally, in November of 2011, Council approved supporting AHSS to provide transitional housing for youth by providing free use of a municipal rental property. Although the group will apply for a permissive tax exemption starting with the 2014 tax year, staff is recommending allocating $3,700 of the community grants budget to offset 2013 property taxes. After providing for these commitments, $53,100 is available to accommodate additional requests. The following provides some information about grant requests recommended for support in 2013. Grant Hill Partnerships, a local development company, is in the process of developing and building a residential development on Grant Hill. Their intent is to build a "Street of Dreams" which would include a number of show homes. They are proposing to donate the proceeds from one of those show homes to the new Canuck Place in Abbotsford and have asked for a contribution from the District, equivalent to the building permit fees of $4,000 that Grant Hill Partnerships has paid. We are recommending this allocation. The community will benefit from the positive attention generated by this fundraising effort, and the residents of Maple Ridge will have access to the pediatric palliative care services provided by Canuck Place. The Family Education and Support Centre's Community Kitchen program helps local citizens living below the poverty line learn how to prepare affordable and nutritious meals as well as providing a place of social contact and information about community resources. The group applies to the various credit unions and the United Way for funding every year. It can take some time to find out if grant applications were successful and services may be reduced or cut pending those funding decisions. Bridge funding from the Municipality allows the Community Kitchen program to continue without interruption. A contribution of $4,000 is recommended to program continue until other funding can be secured. The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Society for British Columbia is hoping to undertake a project aimed at engaging with diverse community groups and individuals to foster a common understanding of compassion in a civil society that speaks to diverse interests. The "Me to We: Tuning into a Compassionate Community" project intends to identify actionable behaviours that can be promoted to District citizens to help build understanding and compassion in an increasingly diverse population. The program will involve a broad representation from the community, examining the topic from multiple perspectives. Staff recommend an allocation of $10,000. As in other years, the Maple Ridge Lions Club, in conjunction with the Fire Department, plans to host the annual Halloween Fireworks Display. In 2004, Council adopted a bylaw banning the sale or use of fireworks in Maple Ridge. Since that time, the Lions Club has been coordinating this popular community celebration and while some monies may be raised through sponsorship, a municipal contribution of $3,000 is recommended to support the event. The Friends in Need Food Bank helps to provide food to between 2,500 and 3,000 people in the community. The Municipality has supported this organization for many years, not only through the community grants program, but also through the direct efforts of staff fundraising and annual food drives. In 2012, the Municipality has provided the Food Bank with $17,000. The Food Bank has requested an increase to $20,000. Staff are recommending a grant of $14,700 for 2013. In 2009, Council committed to providing the Haney Farmers Market Society with a total of $10,000 over two years to help with their efforts to promote the Farmer's Market and provide opportunities for citizens to connect directly with local food producers. The results from that initial commitment helped to increase the economic viability of the Market and in an effort to sustain that trend in 2011, Page 2 of 5 the Society requested $6,000 annually for 2 years. The society has researched sustainable market funding models and identified that most markets require some annual grant funding to remain financially viable. The Society has been working to secure an alternative funding source, but to date has not been able to secure the funding partner. The Society continues to work to find alternate funding sources and is optimistic they will be successful. Staff is recommending that Council provide a grant of $6,000 for 2013 to support the Market in the interim. The Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie Seniors Network is sponsored by the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society and works in collaboration with community members to improve the health and well being of seniors. The group is requesting $3,500 toward printing the third edition of the Seniors Resource Guide, providing information about programs and services aimed at improving the quality of life for seniors. Staff is recommending that funding of $2,800 be provided, recognizing that not all beneficiaries of the group's services live in Maple Ridge. The North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association (NFTRA) provides therapeutic equine activities to physically, emotionally, or developmentally challenged children and adults. The group applied for a permissive tax exemption for 2013, but was denied as the programs offered, while valuable, did not fit within our permissive tax exemption policies. As per our Community Grant policy, the group was eligible to apply for a community grant. They have requested funding of $5,000 towards their horse sponsorship program to provide care for one of their horses for the year. Staff is recommending an allocation of $2,500. The Salvation Army Caring Place has requested a grant of $7,475 to support their community meal program. On a daily basis, this program provides 107 bag lunches to school age children in addition to serving three meals a day at the Caring Place. The Municipality has supported this program for a number of years and staff recommends a grant of $6,000 for 2013. The Friends in Need Food Bank, Family Education and Support Centre, FASD, MR, NFTRA, the Salvation Army and the Alouette Home Start Society receive monies from other levels of government. These revenues help the organizations with their service goals but additional grant monies from the Municipality will help to offset the pressures of rising costs coupled with decreases in provincially distributed funding and increasing demand for the services they provide. In addition to the amount available for community grants, the Municipality provides financial support to a number of local organizations through fee for service agreements. The operating departments manage these agreements, and the associated budgets. Organizations currently participating in fee for service agreements include Adopt -a -Block, Alouette River Management Society (ARMS), the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society (KEEPS), the Youth & Justice Advocacy Association and Ridge Meadows Search & Rescue. In 2012, KEEPS approached Council with a request for a financial contribution toward the construction of the new Bell -Irvine Hatchery. The request was outside the scope of the Community Grants budget and Council provided $30,000, funded from gaming revenues. ARMS has also approached the District, requesting funding to assist with upgrades to the fish hatchery at the Alouette Prison. We have asked them to submit more details, however anticipate their request will be similar to the one received from KEEPS. Staff are recommending a provision of $30,000, funded from gaming revenues be set aside in the Financial Plan. The funds will not be released to ARMS until Council is provided with a more detailed update. b) Desired Outcomes: Organizations, such as those identified on Schedule "A", are increasingly struggling to secure long- term sustainable funding coupled with increasing demand for the services they provide. Through the Page 3 of 5 community grants program, Council is able to help such organizations continue with the provision of services to the residents of Maple Ridge. c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: The distribution of community grants proposed on the attached Schedule "A" allocates $61,700 to various community groups. This amount is provided for in the 2013-2017 Financial Plan. There are no other financial implications. d) Alternatives Council could choose not to distribute any grants other than those previously committed to, but as that decision may jeopardize the ability of various organizations to continue providing necessary services that is not recommended. CONCLUSIONS The provision of grants to local organizations benefits the citizens of Maple Ridge. The distribution proposed on Schedule "A" attempts to allocate the limited resources to provide benefit to the community. "Original signed by Catherine Nolan" Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting "Original signed by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, CGA GM Corporate & Financial Services Page 4 of 5 "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift GM Community Development Parks & Recreation "Original signed by J.L.(Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Schedule "A" Grants - Requests for 2013 Requested Amount for 2013 Recommendation for 2013 How the Grant will be used Total Budget Available as per the 2013 Financial Plan $ 61,800 Alouette Homestart Society $ 5,000 $ 5,000 To assist the Alouette Homestart Society with their endeavors to support the youth of the community by providing a level of assistance not to exceed their Municipal property taxes. Alouette Homestart Society 3,700 3,700 Provision for property taxes on rent-free property provided for youth transitional housing. Canuck Place 4,000 4,000 To support local efforts to raise funding for Canuck Place in support of sick children Family Education and Support Centre 5,000 4,000 To assist the organization with their Community Kitchens program while they work to secure stable fundingforthe program Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Society for British Columbia 10,000 10,000 To assist with the "Me to We: Tuning into a Compassionate Community" project. Fireworks Display (Maple Ridge Lions Club) 3,000 Annual Halloween Fireworks Display Friends in Need Food Bank 20,000 14,700 To assist the organization with their goal of providing food to the hungry in Maple Ridge (replace van used for local pick up & delivery of food) Haney Farmers' Market 6,000 6,000 To assist the market's efforts to become self sustaining. MR, PM, Katzie Seniors Network 3,500 2,800 To assist with producing the 3rd edition of the Seniros Resource Guide North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association 5,000 2,500 To assist with the care & housing of a therapeutic horse Salvation Army 7,475 6,000 To assist the Salvation Army in their efforts to provide a safe environment, nourishment, comfort and shelter to those in need Totals $ 69,675.00 $ 61,700.00 Unallocated Community Grants - $ 100 Page 5 of 5 MAPLE RIDGE British Co lumh la District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: COW SUBJECT: Joint Municipal Emergency Program Agreement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Joint Agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows has expired and it is recommended that the District of Maple Ridge enter into a new five-year agreement. The Joint Agreement provides for Emergency Social Services to be maintained for both communities in a similar manner to the joint parks and leisure services function. It also provides for the activation of a Joint Emergency Operations Centre in the event an emergency affects both municipalities or for either community to provide assistance to the other upon request. A resolution has been passed by the Council of the City of Pitt Meadows to enter into this agreement. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Joint Municipal Emergency Program Agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows as attached to the staff report dated April 22, 2013. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The joint emergency program with Pitt Meadows has been in place since 2002 and has served both communities well. When emergencies hit they often impact more than one community and there is tremendous value in being prepared to establish a coordinated response. Since last being signed in 2008, the language has been modified to better define how costs associated with providing assistance will be determined and to broaden the provision of clerical support for the program to include personnel other than the Emergency Program Assistant. The method for calculating the cost of providing Emergency Social Services to the City of Pitt Meadows will now be done in the same manner as for the Joint Parks and Leisure Services function. There have also been some minor housekeeping amendments. b) Strategic Alignment: This agreement enables the District to develop coordinated plans that will assist residents to have their essential needs met during the most difficult times and contribute to the continuation of a community with a strong and vibrant local economy. c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The District will receive an annual payment from the City of Pitt Meadows of y $15,000 as compensation for the provision of Emergency Social Services to that community. "Original signed by Ceri Marlo" Prepared by: Ceri Marlo Manager of Legislative Services and Emergency Program "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /cm Attachment 1133 Joint Municipal Emergency Program AGREEMENT This Agreement is made as of the day of November, 2007 BETWEEN. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, of 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 ["Maple Ridge"] AND: OF THE FIRST PART THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PITT MEADOWS, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. V3Y 2B5 [Pitt Meadows] (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows are hereinafter collectively called "the Municipalities") WHEREAS: A. The Municipalities are required under the Emergency Program Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c. 111, to prepare a Local Emergency Plan; OF THE SECOND PART B. The Councils of the Municipalities by resolution have agreed to establish a Joint Local Emergency Plan; C. The Councils of the Municipalities have agreed to enter into a formal agreement on the delivery of a Joint Municipal Emergency Program ("JMEP") in the Districts of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows based on the Joint Local Emergency Plan; D. The Municipalities are further required to establish and maintain an emergency management committee; E. The Municipalities have agreed to establish a joint committee to be known as the "Joint Municipal Emergency Program Management Committee" ("Management Committee"), and to each appoint three (3) staff representatives including the CAO's as members of the Management Committee. F. The Municipalities are further authorized to appoint an Emergency Management Coordinator. Each Municipality will appoint its own Emergency management Coordinator. The two Coordinators will have the responsibility of managing this agreement with direction from their respective CAOs. G. NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises in this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows: 2. Definitions In this Agreement: (a) "BCERMS" shall refer to the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System; (b) "Capital Costs" shall mean non reoccurring capital expenses calculated in accordance with sound accounting principles; (c) "CAO's" shall mean the Chief Administrative Officers of the Municipalities; (d) "EOC" shall mean the Municipal Emergency Operations Centre; (e) "ESS" shall refer to the Joint Emergency Social Services program; (f) "Joint EOC" shall refer to the Municipalities Joint Emergency Operations Centre; (g) "JMEP" shall refer to the Joint Municipal Emergency Program (h) "Emergency Management Coordinator" means the person or persons appointed by each of the municipalities to coordinate the Joint Municipal Emergency Program; (i) "Operating Costs" shall mean the total of the actual net non -capital expenses calculated in accordance with sound accounting principles; (j) "PEP" shall mean the Provincial Emergency Program; 3. Management Committee The Management Committee shall be comprised of the following members: 2 (a) The Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Emergency Management Coordinators; (b) CAO — Maple Ridge and CAO - Pitt Meadows; (c) 1 Representative — Maple Ridge as designated by CAO of Maple Ridge; (d) 1 Representative — Pitt Meadows as designated by CAO Pitt Meadows; (e) The Emergency Program Assistant; and (f) Representatives who may be added to the Management Committee by agreement of the CAOs. 3.1 Management Committee Responsibilities (a) Manage all pre -activation activities of JMEP; (b) Develop JMEP for the Municipalities; (c) Operate under the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) guidelines; (d) Provide input into and incorporate coordinated JMEP initiatives within each Municipality's Annual Emergency Program Business Plan; (e) Consider, coordinate, implement and evaluate training; (f) Review and update the joint emergency manual at least one time per year and ensure the Municipalities' manuals are consistent with respect to the JMEP; (g) Meet once per month or as required; (h) Manage the JMEP Agreement; 4. Municipalities' Emergency Preparedness Coordinators The Emergency Preparedness Coordinators shall: (a) Administer JMEP; (b) Conduct exercises to ensure JMEP is effective and in a state of readiness; 3 (c) Act as the point of contact for their respective Municipalities with PEP and all other agencies concerned with emergency planning and operations; (d) Advise the Mayors, Councils, CAO's and the Management Committee on matters relating to JMEP as required (e) Prepare and maintain a current JMEP manual in conjunction with all jurisdictions whom the Municipal Emergency Preparedness Coordinators deem it necessary to consult; (f) (g) Chair the JMEP meetings. Be responsible for calling the individual Municipal EOC Members and other BCERMS response agencies together at regular intervals to ensure group coordination, training, and the sharing of information With respect to these functions it is understood that the two Municipalities Emergency Program Coordinators will coordinate their efforts so as to share the responsibilities and the time required to support the JMEP equally. At the beginning of each year the Coordinators will convene a discussion with the Management Committee to determine which responsibilities each Coordinator will carry out for the coming year. In considering the functions to be performed the Management Committee may determine that additional resources are required to complete special projects and will determine how those resources are to be obtained and shared (such as training resources). 4. General Provisions Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the respective Municipalities shall each: (h) Establish and equip an Emergency Operations Centre in their respective municipality; (i) Cover the costs associated with the operation of their respective Emergency Operation Centre; (j) Adopt the BCERMS protocol at the EOC, Joint EOC and Site Level; (k) Provide training to the levels established by the Management Committee and ensure appropriate assignments of personnel (staff or volunteers) sufficient to operate their EOC' s; 4 5. Emergency Centre Activations Municipal Emergency Operation Centre Activation In the event of an emergency that affects only one of the Municipalities the Municipal Emergency Operations Centre in the municipality affected shall be activated in the following manner: (a) By the CAO of the municipality requiring the response; (b) The Municipal EOC shall operate by the BCERMS protocol and shall have access to utilize the resources of JMEP (Municipal Emergency Program Assistant and Emergency Social Services Function); (c) The CAO who has activated their EOC shall forthwith notify the other CAO of the activation. Joint Emergency Operation Centre (Joint EOC) Activation In the event of an emergency that affects both municipalities the Joint EOC shall be activated in the following manner (a) By both of the Municipal CAO's or their designates acting together (b) Operate by the BCERMS protocol. (c) Personnel and volunteers normally assigned to each Municipal EOC shall be available for the Joint EOC and shall have access to all the resources of the Joint EOC and JMEP. (d) Personnel and volunteers normally assigned to each Municipal EOC shall also be available at cost to either of the independent Municipal EOCs should an activation occur in one Municipality which does not effect the other. Such resources shall be made available when the Municipality in which the activation occurs requests assistance from the other Municipality at the discretion of the other Municipality. 6. Declaration of State of Local Emergency A declaration of a State of Local Emergency may only be declared by each municipality in accordance with the Emergency Program Act. 5 7. Administration (a) Clerical support for JMEP shall be provided by the Emergency Program Assistant of the Maple Ridge — Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Department, District of Maple Ridge; (b) The Municipalities will share the cost of the clerical services proportionate to their respective populations in the same fashion as costs are shared for the Joint Parks and Leisure Services Function; (c) The Municipalities will prepare sections of their procedures for inclusion in the Joint Municipal Emergency Program manual; (d) Copies of the Municipalities' emergency manuals shall be kept at the EOC's and Joint EOC facilities. 8. Emergency Social Services The Emergency Social Services Function and organization shall be maintained for both Municipalities by the Maple Ridge Emergency Program Assistant. The cost for the E.S.S. function shall be shared in the same fashion as the clerical services noted above in 7(b). For clarity the Emergency Program Assistant job is full time with 90% of the Assistant's duties split between providing clerical support and managing the Emergency Social Services function. Therefore, 90% of the Assistant's salary shall be shared proportionate to population in the same fashion as noted in 7(b) above. Payments shall be provided in the same manner as in the Joint Parks and Leisure Services Agreement 9. Withdrawal by the Municipalities Either of the Municipalities may withdraw from this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other Municipality, not less than twelve months prior to the effective date of the withdrawal. 10. Term This Agreement shall be in effect for a term of five years commencing on the date of signing. 6 11. Costs The Municipalities shall each consider the Operating and Capital Budgets of the Joint Municipal Emergency Program as outlined in the Business Plan. Costs associated with the equipping and the staffing of the Municipal EOC's shall be the responsibility of the respective Municipality. In the event of an emergency the costs shall be borne by the Municipality affected and charged back to the Provincial Emergency Program as applicable. Other costs defined in specific Mutual Aid Agreements shall be paid in accordance with those agreements. All other cost sharing shall be as described in clause 7(b) and clause 8 above. Execution Date Y M D Party(ies) Signature(s) THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE by its authorized signatories: Mayor Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PITT MEADOWS by its authorized signatories: Mayor Clerk 7 MAPLE RIDGE 9riF Ih Gciumh'u District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: CDPR-0640-30 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C.O.W. SUBJECT: BC SENIORS GAMES BID 2015 OR 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: See the attached Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission report. The Commission endorsed this recommendation at their meeting of March 14, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That the opportunity to bid on hosting the 2015 or 2016 BC Seniors Games be declined. "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift, General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Attachment: MR -PM Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report 2012-03-14 1151 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report REGULAR MEETING March 14, 2013 SUBJECT: 2015 or 2016 BC SENIORS GAMES BID EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Recreation Department staff and Ridge Meadows Senior Society (RMSS) Board have reviewed the bid package for the 2015 and 2016 BC Seniors Games. Although the Games would be supported by senior sport organizations in the community, past experience has demonstrated that it is likely that the bid would not be successful as a result of a lack of local hotel accommodation. It is recommended that we respectfully decline the bid to host the 2015 or 2016 BC Seniors Games. RECOMMENDATION: That a recommendation be forwarded to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils to respectfully decline the opportunity to bid on hosting the 2015 or 2016 BC Seniors Games. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The bid package identifies the background for the event and the invitation to Maple Ridge and/or Pitt Meadows to make a submission. Although the event is considerably smaller than the BC Summer Games, which Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows successfully hosted in 1998, the hotel accommodation requirements are higher because athletes and their families stay in hotels rather than schools as was done for the BC Summer Games. At this time, the hotel accommodations available in our communities are insufficient to host this number of people. A previous bid for the BC Seniors Games was prepared for the 2003 or 2004 Games. The bid for these Games was unsuccessful primarily due to the inadequate number of hotel accommodations in the communities. Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Tourism's review of hotel accommodations estimates that there are approximately 220 hotel beds available. This falls significantly below the minimum bid requirement of 1,800. Although accommodations for the projected 4,000 registered participants and non -participants can be within a 40 km radius of the Games Village, those communities that do not require participants to travel for accommodation score more favourably than those that require participants and non -participants to travel to other communities. The RMSS Board supports the recommendation to decline the invitation to bid at this time. However, the board did see significant benefits to hosting the games and is willing to participate in future bid applications and to seek accommodation alternatives for the preparation of a future successful bid application. b) Desired Outcome: To be successful in hosting a BC Seniors Games event once the required accommodation is in place or an alternative model acceptable to the BC Seniors Games Society is identified. Hosting a Seniors Games event would provide a number of significant health and wellness benefits to the citizens of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. c) Strategic Alignment: Hosting the Games would align with the Safe and Livable Community strategic direction by providing for community volunteer opportunities and encouraging active and health living amongst citizens. \\m r.corp\docs\CD PR-Admin\01-Admin \0540-Cou n ci I -Com m ittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2013\2013-03- 14\PLSC_Seniors_Games_Bid_2013-03-14.doc #1 d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Games generate significant economic benefits, provide memorable experiences for all, and create a shared sense of community pride. e) Interdepartmental Implications: If this bid is pursued, event planning would involve Finance, Economic Development, Communications and other Departments f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: If the bid is pursued, staff resources would be required to support event planning, anticipated to cost $60,000. This amount could potentially be reduced if our community chooses to prepare a bid in cooperation with another community as co -hosts. A request for this funding would need to be forwarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils for approval. With the timing of the bid application being due June 28, 2013, this funding requirement would need to be considered outside the annual business planning process. Previous Games have demonstrated a positive economic impact for the host communities. The 2009 BC Seniors Games in Richmond is estimated to have generated an additional $2 million in economic activity. The City of Burnaby hosted these Games in 2012 and although they did not complete an economic impact report they did estimate that 40% of the participants were from out of town. g) Alternatives: To approach a neighbouring community that can provide the required hotel accommodations to invite them to work with Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows on a BC Seniors Games bid submission as co -hosts. CONCLUSIONS: The benefit of hosting Games such as these has been enjoyed by both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows in the past with the most recent event being the BC Disability Games in 2009. Although this opportunity would enjoy tremendous support from the many senior sport organizations in the community, past experience has demonstrated that it is likely that the bid would not be successful as a result of a lack of hotel accommodation. It is recommended that Commission respectfully decline the opportunity to bid to host the 2015 or 2016 BC Seniors Games. "Original signed by Dave Speers for" Prepared By: Tony Cotroneo Recreation Manager, Youth, Seniors & Neighbourhood Development "Original signed by Sue Wheeler" Approved By: Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :tc \\m r.corp\docs\CD PR-Admin\01-Admin \0540-Cou n ci I -Com m ittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2013\2013-03- 14\PLSC_Seniors_Games_Bid_2013-03-14.doc #2 BC, Seniors Games January 25, 2013 Parks and Facilities District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Temporary Office: Email: bcsgs@shaw.ca Re: Invitation to Host the BC Seniors Games Dear Sirs 2089 Vallis Place, Sidney, BC V8L 2L3 Web Site: www.bcseniorsgames.org On behalf of the BC Seniors Games Society, it is my pleasure to invite your Community to host the 28th and 29th consecutive annual BC Seniors Games to be held in August or September 2015 and 2016. Your Community may bid on one or both of these Seniors Games, however, only one will be awarded. The BC Seniors Games has become an Economic Tourism Sporting Event for any Community. The last economic factor was completed after the 2009 Richmond BC Senior Games, where 3,900 55+ residents of BC participated in 29 sports, leaving over $2,000,000.00 in the Business Community of Richmond. The BC Seniors Games Society assists the Host Communities and Volunteers by providing Event Management Services through an Agreement with the BC Games Society. We provide $85,000.00 in funds from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development as well as a portion of all Participant registration fees. A Bid Document Package has been sent to the Mayor's office. The deadline for bid proposals is 12 noon on June 28, 2013 to be received at the BCSGS temporary office at 2089 Vallis Place, Sidney, BC V8L 2L3. If you have any questions regarding the bid process, please contact Peter Denby (Bid Committee Chair) at 250.383.5820 or bcsgs@shaw.ca. We look forward to receiving your bid proposal. Sincerely ►► Q..s. 0 June Parsons. President BC Seniors Games Society "Come Play -With Us..."