HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-10 Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA June 10, 2013 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 Information Technology Update - Christina Crabtree, Director of Information Technology 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 2012-080-DVP, 12140, 12142 and 12170 203 Street Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2012-080-DVP to vary minimum lot depth, allow for reduced road widths and allow existing above -ground utility poles along the east side of 203 Street to remain in place. Committee of the Whole Agenda June 10, 2013 Page 2 of 3 1102 2013-030-DVP, 24371 and 24417 112 Avenue Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2013-030-DVP to reduce interior side lot line setbacks on proposed lots 3 through 10, 15 through 18 and 23 through 26 and to allow existing above -ground utility poles along the north side of 112 Avenue to remain in place. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Printer and Multifunction Device Replacement Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that the contract for replacement printers and multifunction devises be awarded to Ricoh Canada Inc. and further that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. 1132 Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6985-2013 Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6985-2013 be given first, second and third readings. 1133 Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that a one-time grant of $12,000 from gaming revenues be provided to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association and that the 2013-2017 Financial Plan be amended to reflect the allocation. 1134 Maple Ridge Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 6998-2013 Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that Maple Ridge Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 6998-2013 be given first, second and third readings. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 1151 Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6999-2013 Staff report dated June 10, 2013 recommending that Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6999-2013 be given first, second and third readings. Committee of the Whole Agenda June 10, 2013 Page 3 of 3 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca Checked by: Date: MAPLE RIDGE QIN ish tokumhra District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2012-080-DVP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 12140, 12142, and 12170 203 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application 2012-080-DVP has been received in conjunction with a phased subdivision application (2012 -094 -SD) to permit future subdivision of the subject properties, 12140, 12142, and 12170 203 Street (see attached Appendix A - Subject Map) into the Maple Ridge Christian School property and 23 residential lots. The first phase of the subdivision (see attached Appendix B - Subdivision Plan) requires variances to: • vary the minimum lot depth of a P-2 (Special Institutional) zoned site (25m vs. 27m); • allow for reduced road widths on 121B Avenue (15m vs. 18m) and 204B Street (16.5m vs. 20m); and • allow the existing above -ground utility poles along the east side of 203 Street to remain in place and not be converted to underground utilities. Council considered rezoning application RZ/004/06 and granted First Reading for Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6554-2008 and for Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.6553-2008 on April 8, 2008. This application was presented at Public Hearing on May 20, 2008. Council granted Second and Third Readings for Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6554-2008 and for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.6553-2008 on May 27, 2008. Council granted a First Extension on May 26, 2009, and a Second Extension on May 11, 2010. Council gave Final Reading for rezoning application RZ/004/06 on May 10, 2011. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2012-080-DVP respecting properties located at 12140, 12142, and 12170 203 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Dave Laird, DAMAX Consultants Haney -Pitt Meadows Christian School Association Legal Descriptions: Lot 1, District Lot 241, Group 1, NWD Plan 69727 Parcel 2 (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel B (Reference Plan 16630), Lot 1, District Lot 241, Group 1, NWD Pan 4921 1101 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Requested Variances: Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1, Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdvided by Plan 69727, District Lot 241, Group 1, NWD Plan 4921 Urban Residential Urban Residential P-2 (Special Institutional), R-1 (Residential District) P-2 (Special Institutional), R-1 (Residential District) Park, Single Family Residential RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Park, Urban Residential Single Family Residential, Vacant RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential School (Fairview Elementary School) P-1 (Park and School) Institutional Single Family Residential RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential Maple Ridge Christian School and vacant Single Family Residential and Maple Ridge Christian School 3.234 HA (8 acres) 204B Street, 121B Avenue Full Urban 2012 -094 -SD, 2012 -080 -SD, 2012-038-RZ 1. Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, Schedule D - Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions: • To reduce the minimum required lot depth of a P-2 (Special Institutional) zoned lot from 27m to 25m. 2. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule B: • To reduce the minimum required width of 121B Avenue, a local street, from 18m to 15m. • To reduce the minimum required width of 204B Street, a collector street, from 20m to 16.5m. 3. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule A - Services and Utilities: • To waive the requirement to convert overhead utilities on 203 Street to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. 2- c) Project Description: The subject properties were rezoned to P-2 (Special Institutional) and R-1 (Residential District) on May 10, 2011. The proposed subdivision consists of three phases. The first phase consolidates the three subject properties and further subdivides them into the P-2 (Special Institutional) Maple Ridge Christian School property (see attached Subdivision Plan, Lot B); two smaller P-2 properties (Lots C & D); and the larger R-1 (Residential District) zoned property (Lot A). A second subdivision phase will subdivide the large R-1 (Residential District) (Lot A) property into 19 properties. A third subidvision phase will occur after Lots C & D receive Final Reading to rezone the two smaller P-2 (Special Institutional) properties (Lots C & D) to R-1 (Residential District), and will subdivide the two properties into two properties each, for a total of four new R-1 (Residential District) properties. The road layout of 204B Street has a slight curve to it to accommodate a grave site which was identified in a restrictive covenant on the land title for 12140 203 Street. This area shall not be in any way interfered with, built upon, or desecrated, therefore the road layout needed to be revised to avoid the grave site area. d) Planning Analysis: Zoning Bylaw: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The applicant has requested a variance to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, and the following rationale for support is provided by the Planning Department: 1. Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, Schedule D - Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions: • To reduce the minimum required lot depth of a P-2 (Special Institutional) zoned lot from 27m to 25m. The Planning Department supports this reduction, as there is a Rezoning Application (2012- 038-RZ) for these two properties, to rezone them from P-2 (Special Institutional) to R-1 (Residential District). The R-1 (Residential District) minimum lot depth is 24m, so the proposed residential properties will eventually comply with the Zoning Bylaw once that application receives Final Reading. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw: The applicant has requested several variances to the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw, and the following rational for support is provided by the Engineering Department: 2. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule B: • To reduce the minimum required width of 121B Avenue, a local street, from 18m to 15m. 3- • To reduce the minimum required width of 204B Street, a collector street, from 20m to 16.5m. The Engineering Department supports the road width variances requested for 121B Avenue and 204B Street, as the required services can be provided in the proposed widths. 3. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule A - Services and Utilities: • To waive the requirement to convert overhead utilities on 203 Street to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. Council Policy 9.05 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring, waives the requirement to provide underground wiring on highway right-of-way serviced by existing overhead utility systems, on the condition that the existing overhead utility system is shown on the plan attached to the policy. CONCLUSION: The proposed variances are supported by the Planning and Engineering Departments, and the Approving Officer because the rezoning of the P-2 (Special Institutional) properties will eventually bring the lot depths into compliance with the Zoning Bylaw for the R-1 (Residential District) zone; the required servicing will be achieved in the proposed road widths; and keeping the existing overhead wiring is in compliance with Council Policy 9.05. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2012-080-DVP. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" Approved by: Charles R. Goddard, BA MA Manager of Development & Environmental Services "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Subdivision Plan -4- APPENDIX A V,O N r N 12266 4`4,' 11 .__ _ m 22 M M r .n / 1 O .n V O N V N N N n N N N N O ry N N ti�� 10 S 1O 12269 2 N \ N 256 11 12258 3 12 122 BAVE. 250 11 1; ` ::2 , LP12426 12253 13 LMP 1593 14R LMP 1593 F,orn 26 N5 24 R 9 $ 10 '11N87 2019 LMP X15 14 L,...°- . 17 N $on 1 15 16 17 18 19 MP 351 LMP 277 4 � 12426 12235 a 712236 LM 351 8 13 14 15 21 22 N 16 P71 907 1 12227 C. P E 18526 F o V Gry V M V M10 011 i sR, N N .12 X13 a N " L. 14 . o LS8LaLO N M r M12 NNN N N .1-• 2P 12 O o N N ?5- ON O O N 2 24 25 _ P 72 589 43 122 AVE' 23 N LMP 12426 1221 7 61 12209 N o m o M V N V 0 G 0 g o _i cf, 1 N 2 N N10897 ::8::9:L o� o� 7 1 58 0 r N 0 0 N N 0 N 0 0 N N 0 N 0 N 0 N 12187 M 69121 BAVE. N 57 12175 1910 29 N 30 N 31 R 12170 , EP Rem A Subject 11166 roperties P54677 46 12142 e 12140 P 69727 N 45 N N 44 P 41 572 NP 72 496 45 1 2 1 )P 2037 RP 171 21 A 12135 12122 P 41 572 44 G N 12119 cc co 12111 12110 \12080 20 1zo67J o LMP 569' 34 o H - 37 19 0 N N 22 . 23 N 24 N 25 N 26 N 27 N 28 N 29 N 2 3 4 V 5 m N o)) 1208 3 n v U v v v v v g<n . N N n o_ 12079 N m N N N N N N N N N o J 38 12092 N 18 120B AVE. 6 d 35 P 83 237 172p15 1206 6 1210 5 12065 Na /12011 10 4 .7.,Fao N 8 2 1'^ 12052 " K 9 1204 5 16 N12070 1204 0 o_ ^ N 7 36 a)1 11 1203 5 -I 12061 15 12068 4 1203 0 11 V 8 14112038 0 3 co y 48 Rem M °6 `° 12 2 N13 N 12026 5 N 12020 2 a N .12026 9 L m o_ 1201 5 0 a 0 12°26 N 14 LMP 691 N 6 12010 12012 ry / \ 1 10 DEW DN EY TRU NK ROAD N L c ) R 0 49 1 $ A / M N R �\ R N\ Rem RP 8184 1. 1 B LMP 40767 N Scale: 1:2,500 Ci _.f Pitt Mea•lowsL\,\,. __ *� "�► j 12140/42/70-203 St I rel 0i.g 4 tee. .�■. I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF `=l ``E. „:044.,...7:10 aL�. ' SII ��!'i J1Fr el .. . r?P ��,�I -;� �a I■�-+ _ _.„, (-7) o MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 District of �� Langley=_ �Y� L j DATE: May 27, 2013 2012 -080 -VP BY: JV __--- ASER--' SUBDIVISION PLAN OF PARCEL "A" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 17166) LOT 1 EXCEPT FIRSTLY..- PARCEL B (EXPLANATORY PLAN 16630) AND SECONDLY PART SUBDIVIDED BY PLAN 69727, DISTRICT LOT 241 GROUP 7 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4921 PARCEL "2" (REFERENCE PLAN 17127) OF PARCEL B" (REFERENCE PLAN 16630) LOT 7 DISTRICT LOT 241 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4927 LOT 1 DISTRICT LOT 241 GROUP 7 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 69727 BRCS 91C017 so ,e Cf - sslrau.✓„;rrm m. n wan er ear wnni.yn Integrated Surrey Area No. 36 ,Oishict of Maple Ridge, 63083 (CSRS) LEGEND: 0 Noiei we not sef on Thee true cwnw(s)ess "''s which 122nd AVENUE M K 2 38 D6 24V 4 121B AVENUE 45 44 om 37 Plan 0Ir 6 L - J 8 Plan EPP3O995 APPENDIX B °..Agp.. K. 404, B 20 a°n 19 8 17 ROAD 133b1S H602 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 46 7.3 1208 AVENUE 5 Terra Pacific Land Sane* Ltd MAPLE RIDGE QIN ish tokumhra District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2013-030-DVP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 24371 and 24417 112 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application 2013-030-DVP has been received in conjunction with a phased subdivision application to permit future subdivision of the subject properties, 24371 and 24417 112 Avenue (see Appendix A - Subject Map), into 83 residential lots and parkland. The first phase of the subdivision (SD/091/10) subdivides 24371 112 Avenue into 29 residential lots (five RS -1b lots and 24 R-1 lots) and a park (see Appendix B - Subdivision Plan). The first phase of the subdivision requires variances to: 1. reduce the interior side lot line setback of the R-1 (Residential District) zone on proposed lots 3 through 10, lots 15 through 18, and lots 23 through 26 (see Appendix C -Site Plan Showing Lots Requiring Proposed Variances) from 1.2 m to 0.61 m to the garage and 0.46 m to the garage roof projection; and 2. allow the existing above -ground utility poles along the north side of 112 Avenue to remain in place and not be converted to underground utilities. Council considered rezoning application RZ/091/10 and granted First Reading for Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6855-2011 on August 30, 2011. Council granted First and Second Reading for Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw Nos. 6895-2012 and 6898-2012 on January 24, 2012, and Second Reading for Maple Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6855-2011 on January 24, 2011. This application was presented at Public Hearing on February 21, 2012, and Council granted Third Reading to the three bylaws on February 28, 2012. Council adopted Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6855-2011 and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw Nos. 6895-2012 and 6898- 2012 on February 26, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2013-030-DVP respecting properties located at 24371 and 24417 112 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Damax Consultants Ltd. CIPE Homes Inc. BC0864351 1102 Legal Descriptions: Lot 1, Section 15, Township 12, NWD Plan 7709, Except Plan EPP27594 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Lot A, Section 15, Township 12, NWD Plan 22387, Except Plan EPP27594 Low -Medium Density Residential and Conservation Low -Medium Density Residential and Conservation RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Single Family Rural Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Agricultural Single Family Rural Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential and Conservation Single Family Rural Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential, and Conservation Single Family Rural Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential and Conservation Vacant Single Family Urban Residential 5.07 HA (12.5 acres) 112 Avenue Urban Standard SD/091/10 The subject properties were rezoned to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) on February 26, 2013. The overall subdivision plan will eventually subdivide the subject properties into approximately 83 residential lots. Phase 1 of the subdivision, under application SD/091/10, subdivides 24371 112 Avenue into 29 residential lots and one remnant lot. 2- c) Planning Analysis: Zoning Bylaw: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The applicant has requested a variance to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, and the following rationale for support is provided by the Planning Department: 1. Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, Part 6, Section 601, C. REGULATIONS FOR THE SIZE, SHAPE AND SITING OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (11) (c) (iii): • To reduce the minimum setback from an interior side lot line from 1.2m to 0.61m to the garage, and to 0.46m for the garage roof projection (see Appendix D - Typical Siting Lot Plan & Streetscape Offset Garages, Proposed Variances) on proposed lots 3 through 10, lots 15 through 18, and lots 23 through 26. The applicant proposes that offsetting the garages would allow for an improved internal floor plan and provide for a more attractive front facade with widened entry ways and front porches. The resulting side yards will be reduced on one side of the lot to a minimal 0.61m (2 feet), essentially limiting rear yard access to one side only. In an attempt to ensure long-term maintenance and fire safety, certain safeguards have been required. They are as follows: • The garage will be required to be protected by fire sprinklers, like the home; • An easement on each lot will be required to allow long-term maintenance of the building face, with a 0.61m (2 feet) side yard; • A side -yard fence attached to the home will be required to prohibit access along the reduced side yard. After much discussion and design analysis of the resulting home designs, the Planning Department is prepared to support the interior side lot line setback reduction as it didn't increase the density or alter the location of the house on the lot. The alternative would be to simply widen the lot width to accommodate a wider home. This variance was requested after the subdivision layout had already been approved; had the request been made prior to approval of the layout, the Approving Officer would have simply recommended wider lots, potentially resulting in a loss of yield of lots. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw: The applicant has requested a variance to the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw, and the following rationale for support is provided by the Engineering Department: 2. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule A - Services and Utilities: • To waive the requirement to convert overhead utilities on 112 Avenue to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. 3- Council Policy 9.05 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring, waives the requirement to provide underground wiring on highway right-of-way serviced by existing overhead utility systems, on the condition that the development has less than 250m of frontage on the highway right-of-way, and the developer will service his development with underground dips off the overhead line and deposit with the Municipality sufficient funds to achieve the required undergrounding in the future. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Building Department: As part of the reduced interior side lot line setback, the Building Department is employing additional Building Code requirements to limit potential of fire spread. As stated above, the access easement is also required, where the setbacks are reduced, to allow for exterior building maintenance. CONCLUSION: The proposed variances by the developer are supported by the Planning, Engineering and Building Departments at this time. The developer suggests that the offset garages will result in a more useable internal floor plan for the new homes. This could also be accommodated by creating larger, but fewer lots. The request to keep the existing overhead wiring is in compliance with Council Policy 9.05. Therefore, it is recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2013-030-DVP. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Subdivision Plan Appendix C - Site Plan Showing Lots Requiring Proposed Variances Appendix D - Typical Siting Lot Plan & Streetscape Offset Garages, Proposed Variances -4- APPENDIX A r`N r r t PARK EP* 27594 EPP 27594 111 s• 3 3 P 68166 11 P 28632 P 77744 SUBJECT PROPERTIES C P23217 naez 1 i 111 I I! Rem f,r Re / I I P 681 I^ 1 1 ryI .6 2 n f 2 P 77744 Rem 1 P 7709 B P23217 /�f - 1 ~e 6452 ' 1 'I r ft[AVt. / Rom 11 P 809 A EP 1569 EP30021 A P61091 3 / P 61001 , 2 Scale: 1:3,000 Cit' .f Pitt __ Measows . I� F J 24371 & 24417 112 AVENUE I s i (L) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 'pgit ' `� �''� •qj � '' MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District of &rilfsh Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley 1 ` DATE: Apr 11, 2013 FILE: 2013 -030 -VP BY: PC — — mil FRASER R. �\ SUBDIVISION PLAN OF A PORTION OF LOT 1 SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 7709 EXCEPT PLAN BCP B CGS 926.028 0 10 25 75 In Pmewev. pmawnm a..M.r aummaa.ye N J+�m p..are a...ma er r:>m Integrated Surrey Arm, Na J6 , The Corporation 01 The District Of Maple Ridge , NA083 (C5R0) cont. mown.. DNI0013 one 5.9998 p. Roo s br.ontol ass oempt .re ml Y Ict7srpD%rma YO..e-NM LEGEND: Al Olsten. . Ow. tip Lon. Yon.. rand a O m accrete Int m Found p alae.,. Cana... P. eland n"bw u' m••'"mea Pura wn a..ar ae 4 —,1V- App.. Pas Oey of kPro.p oma. - oa.M. Of MmM esp. This P/on L/ea Nitnln The Greater V tourer Regtonol District ene vlib Me pea.and r Ma qm end74.1.7•74Mer m mml�m m ur n . y or ern. P.m ce+w'«ee out 2012. Pro ararlon :1417"'H`sari"''n M' PRELIM/NARY LS 7 Rev 7709 W 1/2 of 8 Ran 77179 9002 8 Roy 7709 APPENDIX B 16 Rat SIAS, Re, 77714 Dog 0 36. Rem 1 7759 aM 10an.4Ib $ ase ner 9 wan,' ;1a R .„ ra 1121 16403 13 14'' ml..a Siad �aN� ,a 16XJas 4.40 " 112B s Road fE Avenue S m e^ ra a °r Se 7 Ilk!. - 's� arb � 6 ma g Anne 5.0797 a 917(0 Park 0 019 a ® 4 m..0 @ 16 9 2 �37�a X26 25°24 23" Rol « sod Maa '�� 17.=«d .dr 13 er as- .111 , . A�Lone ar• # «• � 1501, WVc,�. a ,e n, M,a Pt i F18i rye .,oa An.1 v N 2011 11011 M17i416� y �20� 921 371.1. iL`r1 e„ y i ��! 112A !Avenue .p(A ram IMO I= rLW aa2a� 8279 28 529 +� S MOO M. „a. 55. 112th Avenue rn2 5575. 5376.1 A 221,7 Zar q C PM131. 2017 Plan BCP____ omr:Mm ac ma_ r �� me..o.�mien m ma Mw mua. .anr a n..'er sanon.a lbs cendifiscs of Ins *are ment.e, Or. ors c.sts. Own do - m number YORILALS ronevro-aanvinv aver Print NW. Prkl Rant Myra As To *We. Id.r,MM Hare 700 VIJ fly 61.3 B 25117 Jea 2t' CK 1.65 NL' MMA LICLtlSlal Aublelrel /Ml lion.: Aotle..0 51.61/p Prkt Me. aas e Mm. NN $i*tslw Hare Tera Pacific land Surveying Ltd rce01.o-2309 r.m1--s®ars'ask a.. APPENDIX C 24417 & 24371 112 AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. EPIC HOMES Died A.M11 P.M nbLIN ryrdrk MeV/=TO Be. PHASE 1 OVERALL SITE PLAN isimayrem A0.7 APPENDIX D w a N 111' 111 -_-----71"1, -us- Ilhomill :qtr= I I^ f4411[..; �I,;, :•III!�.�'� ilia' ..:::: �rr..j.. a..Fj. rril.li l `P Jll it{ini {ru. it. • !URN! mc 1I!sewi- �ii.iiai �;L!�Jlh -EP ini= moi= 1111111111111 11: 1128 AVE. CDTYP. STREETSCAPE (PROPOSED 2'-0• GARAGE StDEVARD SETBACK VARIANCES) 1.1 Id te 2 0 G1 O A7 N .-N r•.•••'"' 1 Ea.] Y -1 r-vL 1128 AVE. 0 SITING LOT PLAN (PROPOSED 2'-0" GARAGE SIDEVARD SETBACK VARIANCES) W Li • u 131 z L7 c o. ce moLLIw ❑Ne 00= c C. N ne EPIC HOMES kr, slav 31.61 Ft. nal amik �rdieamxa kx. drr TYPICAL SITING LOTFLAN & STREETSCAPE OFFSET GARAGES A1.0 MAPLE RI❑GE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Printer and Multifunction Device Replacement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District needs to replace a core piece of infrastructure in order to properly mange, secure and deliver reliable and robust printing, scanning, faxing and photocopy services to its customers. The Panasonic printer and multifunction device fleet is end of life, and as such the failure rate of these machines has significantly increased. This increase in failure rate has a negative impact on both productivity and customer experience. The funds to replace the printer and multifunction device fleet come from the Equipment Replacement Reserve. Several years ago the District went through the exercise of centralizing and standardizing its printing, photocopying, scanning and faxing processes. One of the core values of this project was to reduce the overall costs associated with these services. As a result of this work, the District reduced the number of devices, replaced existing devices with a standard set of machines and reduced ongoing costs by entering into an arrangement with the manufacturer to provide supplies and service of the fleet. This approach has reduced our operating, repair and service costs for these devices and increased the functionality and service levels provided to our customers. It was also determined during this evaluation, that the useful life span of these devices was five years. At that time replacement funding was secured. We are seeking approval to award a contract to Ricoh Canada Inc. for the purchase, installation, configuration and ongoing operating and maintenance costs of replacement printers and multifunction devices in the amount of $303,942.00, plus taxes and further that a 10% contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for replacement printers and multifunction devices be awarded to Ricoh Canada Inc. in the amount of $303,942.00, plus taxes and further that a 10% contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works. And furthermore that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. 1131 2 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: After a corporate review six years ago on the delivery of printing, photocopying, faxing and scanning services, the District went through the exercise of centralizing and standardizing these services. This strategy resulted in reducing the overall costs associated with managing these services. The District was able to reduce the overall number of machines, costs for producing images, administrative burden and servicing of these devices. By engaging the vendor to provide service contracts on the device, the District was also able to improve service levels for its customers. It was also determined at this time, that the useful life span for the printer and multifunction devices is five years so replacement funding was secured to replace these machines at that time. The District's printer and multifunction device fleet of 63 machines, located throughout the various District facilities, reached end of life in 2012. Panasonic is no longer supporting printers and multifunction devices in a corporate environment of this magnitude, and no longer services the devices we currently own. When sourcing out replacement devices, it was determined that the best overall value for the District would be achieved by leveraging the Corporate Service Agreements obtained by the province. The province agreement provides the District with access to corporate class equipment with the best overall value in purchase price and ongoing maintenance costs. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to replace the current fleet of Panasonic devices with a fleet of Ricoh printer and multifunction devices, and that Ricoh provide all service and maintenance for these devices for the next 5 years. The District will be charged a cost per impression to pay for the toner and service of these devices. c) Strategic Alignment: This project is consistent with corporate strategic values of financial management in providing quality services to the District in a cost effective manner. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The interdepartmental implications are that all departments will need to move over to the new pooled devices for their printing, faxing, scanning and photocopying needs. Staff will require minimal training to become proficient with the new devices. Ricoh will provide this training. New hardware and the increased reliability and improved features of these devices will ensure we can deliver excellent service in this capacity. The project is funded from the Equipment Replacement Reserve. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The cost of for the purchase, installation and configuration of the printers and multifunction devices is $303,942.00, plus taxes. The ongoing operating costs, including maintenance, service and 3 supplies are covered off by paying a cost per impression. This cost was anticipated in the District's financial plan, with funding provided by the Equipment Replacement Reserve. f) Alternatives: The alternative is to continue with our fleet of Panasonic devices. These devices are end of life, failing regularly and requiring service on an ongoing basis. As Panasonic has sold much of their printing and multifunction device technologies, there is no further development (patches, software, etc.) for these machines. The contract for service of these devices has been sold by Panasonic to a third party who relies on aging technology, which is not being updated, to meet the needs of their customers. As the computing industry continues to move forward with new hardware, software and operating systems, compatibility with these devices is becoming an issue. In time, these devices will no longer be compatible with our computing environment and will become unmanageable. CONCLUSIONS: Staff recommend Ricoh Canada Inc. be awarded the contract to replace the existing fleet of printer and multifunction devices and that the Corporate Officer sign the contract. "Original signed by Christina Crabtree" Prepared by: Christina Crabtree, Director of Information Technology "Original signed by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer CC: MAPLE RIDGE British Co lumh la TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 17, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6985-2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 22, 2013 the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission (EAC) reviewed the Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6985-2013, and as a result is suggesting that Council consider amending the EAC bylaw to invite participation from three key perspectives not currently represented - Tourism, Home Based Business and Youth. Further, it is recommended that the Commission be comprised of a minimum of twelve commissioners, four (4) of whom would be 'at large' positions. With this change, the EAC would include three (3) elected officials, up to six (6) appointments by organizations, and four (4) members 'at large'; providing a broad range of perspectives across our priority sectors Advanced Technology, Education, Tourism, and Agriculture. a) Mayor of the District of Maple Ridge b) Two Councillors of the District of Maple Ridge c) Director of the Chamber of Commerce d) Director of the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association e) Director of the Arts Council f) Four community members 'at large' g) Director of a Home Based Business organization h) Director of a Destination Marketing Tourism organization i) Youth ( enrolled in, or less than two years since graduation from post -secondary) RECOMMENDATION(S): That Bylaw No. 6985-2013 be given first, second and third readings. 1132 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Background Context: Historically, the EAC has included membership from Tourism and Home Based business. As these organizations dissolved, the bylaw was amended to remove reference to them. As the recommendation is to amend the bylaw to include a youth representative, the EAC is recommending in anticipation of the formation of a Home Based Business organization and a Tourism organization that the bylaw also be amended to include these organizations. This will mean that a recommendation can come forward to Council to add an individual representing Youth, a Home Based Business organization or Destination Tourism organization without requiring a bylaw revision. These changes also acknowledge the regional nature of investment attraction and business growth are designed to help in the recruitment of potential applicants for Commission vacancies by broadening the scope of eligibility to include individuals with knowledge, expertise and connections to our priority sectors. CONCLUSIONS: Amendments to this bylaw are designed to help maximize future economic opportunity for Maple Ridge as we enter a time of unprecedented economic opportunity. "Original signed by Sandy Blue" Prepared by: Sandy Blue, ABC, Ec.D. Manager Strategic Economic Initiatives "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer EC:SB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6985-2013 A Bylaw to Amend Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179 - 2003 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 6179-2003; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6985-2013". 2. That Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179-2003, be amended by: (a) Deleting Section 4 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: The Economic Advisory Commission (EAC) is comprised of a minimum of twelve Commissioners. (b) Deleting Section 6(f) in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "Four Community Members preferably representatives from each of the priority sectors identified in the Economic Strategy." (c) Adding Section 6(g) with the following: Director of a Home Based Business Association (d) Adding Section 6(h) with the following: Director of a Destination Tourism Organization (e) Adding Section 6(i) with the following: A Youth representative ( youth defined as 'enrolled in, or less than two years since graduation from post -secondary') (f) and that the sections be renumbered accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 2013. READ a second time the day of , 2013. READ a third time the day of , 2013. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of . 2013. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY and is a consolidation of the following: 1. Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 6179-2003 2. Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6491-2007 3. Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6673-2009 4. Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6714-2010 Individual copies of any of the above bylaws can be obtained by contacting the Clerk's Department. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6179 - 2003 A by-law to establish an Economic Advisory Commission WHEREAS Council has deemed it expedient to have the Economic Advisory Commission established by by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission By-law No. 6179-2003". 2. That "Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission By-law No. 5241- 1995" be repealed in its entirety. Definitions 3. For the purposes of this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires: "Commissioner" means a current member of the Economic Advisory Commission; "Council" means the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Councillor" means an elected Councillor for the District; "District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Maple Ridge" means the geographical area known as the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the District. BYLAW NO. 6179-2003 Page 2 Composition and Appointment 6491-2007 4. The Economic Advisory Commission ("EAC") is composed of twelve Commissioners. 6673-2009 6714-2010 5. Commissioners are people who reside, own a business, or conduct business in Maple Ridge, with an interest in the economic development of the community. 6673-2009 6714-2010 6. The Economic Advisory Commission will be comprised of the following voting members: a) Mayor of the District of Maple Ridge b) Two Councillors of the District of Maple Ridge c) Director of the Chamber of Commerce d) Director of the Downtown Business Improvement Association e) Director of the Arts Council f) Six Community Members preferably representatives from each of the priority sectors identified in the Economic Development Strategy 6673-2009 6714-2010 7. The Chairpersons of the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Improvement Association and Arts Council will be requested to appoint a Director of their organization to serve on the Economic Advisory Commission. Advertisements will be placed in the local paper requesting applications from District residents, business owners or those who conduct business in the community for the six community member positions. 6673-2009 8. Recommended community member appointments will be forwarded to Council for their consideration. Term of Appointment 6673-2009 9. (a) The term of appointment will begin on September 1 in the year they are appointed and terminate on August 31 of the last year of their term. Commissioners are appointed for a term of one year and eligible for re- appointment for two further terms of two years and three years respectively, for a total of six years. BYLAW NO. 6179-2003 Page 3 (b) With the exception of the Mayor and Councilor, the maximum number of terms an individual may be a Commissioner is three terms. 6491-2007 (c) Transition Clause - In order to stagger the terms of appointment in the EAC, two Commissioners will be appointed to serve a one year term beginning September 1, 2007 and terminating August 31, 2008. All other Commissioners will be appointed to serve a term beginning September 1, 2007 and expiring August 31, 2009. Chairperson and Vice -chairperson 10 The Commissioners will annually elect a chairperson and a vice -chairperson from amongst themselves. The vice -chairperson will act in the capacity of the chairperson at any meeting where the chairperson is absent. Vacancy 11. A vacancy created by death or resignation will be reported as soon as possible to the Mayor, who may appoint a replacement for the unexpired term of the former member. Absenteeism 12. A member who is absent, except for reasons of illness or with the leave of the chairperson of the EAC or his/her designate, from three consecutive, or five in any twelve consecutive, regular meetings of the EAC is deemed to have resigned effective at the end of the third or fifth such meeting, as the case may be. Ouorum and Voting 13. Quorum is six (6) Commissioners. 6673-2009 14. All twelve Commissioners may vote on issues and resolutions, and any Commissioner not voting but present is deemed to have voted in the affirmative. Meeting Schedule 15. The EAC will meet monthly between September through June, though special meetings over and above the monthly meetings may be called by the chairperson. BYLAW NO. 6179-2003 Page 4 Mandate 6714-2010 16. The Economic Advisory Commission is an advisory body to Council on matters relating to the long term economic health of the community. The Economic Advisory Commission in coordination with the Manager of Strategic Economic Initiatives may: a) Advise Council on any matters related to economic development of the community that may be referred to it. b) Provide input into an economic development strategy for the District of Maple Ridge for Council's consideration. c) Contribute to the development of an annual business plan for the department and relevant performance measures to evaluate programs d) Participate in the execution of a business plan, as determined by Council. READ A FIRST TIME on the 25th day of November, 2003. READ A SECOND TIME on the 25th day of November, 2003. READ A THIRD TIME on the 25th day of November, 2003. RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED this 9th day of December, 2003. MAYOR CLERK MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Associations annual Country Fest is a popular community event, attracting over 14,000 people in 2012. Council has supported Country Fest since 2008 through the Community Grant program. The Association was unaware of the submission deadline for 2013 community grants and consequently, did not submit an application until after the funding envelope had been fully allocated. Staff is recommending that consideration be given to their request due to the limited time available for the Agricultural Association to secure alternate funding sources for this year's event. RECOMMENDATION(S): That $12,000 be provided to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association to assist with their annual Country Fest, noting that this one-time grant will be funded from gaming revenues. That the 2013-2017 Financial Plan be amended to reflect this allocation. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: On April 9, 2013, Council approved the allocation of the funding envelope established for community grants for the current fiscal year. The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association has since submitted a request for $12,000 to assist with their annual Country Fest. Council has supported this event since 2008, providing $12,000 annually since that time. The grant has allowed the Association to continue providing free admission to their award-winning event. The Association was unaware of the submission deadline for 2013 Community Grants and given Council's previous support of this event staff is recommending that consideration be given to their request, as there is limited time available for them to secure alternate funding sources for this year's event. Country Fest will be held on July 27 and 28. b) Desired Outcomes: Events such as the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association's Country Fest are part of the cultural fabric of the community, attracting over 14,000 people in 2012. Supporting this event will assist the Association in their efforts to hold an event that supports local farmers and showcases all areas of rural living. Page 1 of 2 1133 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Choosing to support this request will require a Financial Plan amendment. In addition, staff is recommending that the possibility of ongoing support for the Agricultural Association form part of the 2014-2018 business planning discussions. d) Alternatives Council could choose not to provide the Association with a grant. Staff is not recommending this, as it would jeopardize the Association's ability to maintain the award winning standards they have established for this family friendly event. CONCLUSIONS The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association's annual Country Fest is a popular annual event that Council has supported since 2008. Staff is recommending that a one-time grant of $12,000 be provided, funded from gaming revenues, to assist the Association with the 2013 Country Fest. "Original signed by Catherine Nolan" Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting "Original signed by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, CGA GM Corporate & Financial Services "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift GM Community Development Parks & Recreation ""Original signed by Frank Quinn" for Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Page 2 of 2 mi:4(cginglDj-et( taple Ridge Pitt Mendows� 1111 Agricultural Assoc. ip 2413 Request for Fee for Service Funding From the District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge—Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association P.O. Box 403, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 8K9 Ph: 604-463-6922 Fax: 604-463-6940 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION email: lorraine@mrpmcountryfest.com.com April 16th, 2013 Mayor and Council of District of Maple Ridge, The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association would like to request to Mayor and Council of the District of Maple Ridge to consider an extension of our $12,000 "Fee for Service Agreement". This important funding assists our heritage organization to continue to offer a free gate to the residents of Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows and beyond. Annual surveys show that 25% of our visitors are from out of our communities proving that our tourism appeal is also alive and well and adding to our local economy. In 2012 our gate attendance from Country Fest was 14,000 but our dedication to the promotion of agriculture through extra educational displays at Pitt Meadows Days, two Farmers Markets and school/preschool visits, brought the total to almost 30,000. For added reading the attached document will give you a better idea of the scope of our activities and what we are particularly proud of. We hope that our continued success and drive to make Maple Ridge proud will indicate to Mayor and Council that we are worthy of their continued financial support. Sincerely, Lorraine Bates, Manager Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association What you should know about Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association (Country Fest). Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Country Fest is a FREE family oriented special event whose mandate is to educate and promote good eating and to encourage our visitors to buy Canadian food products. Country Fest also showcases all areas of rural living through demonstrations, displays and programming, supports local farmers and the 4-H agricultural youth program. This goal is achieved by offering an event that is attractive to all ages and offering a wide array of activities and entertainment. To attract visitors, the variety and caliber of entertainment is crucial to the attendance and success of our event. The addition of multicultural and bilingual entertainment also serves as a learning experience and an opportunity to financially assist artisans and artists. Our event is a FREE event, wheel chair accessible to the grounds and all buildings and parking is a reasonable price of $2 (with a portion donated back to a local non-profit group). Our 4-H program and shows are considered the best in the Fraser Valley and are currently attracting clubs (33 clubs in 2012) from Vancouver Island and the Okanagan. These numbers are impressive as the PNE hosted 37 clubs in 2012. In 2013 we will be hosting the 4-H Provincial Public Speaking and Demonstration Competition during Country Fest and we have been approached to host the 4-H Alumni Event for "100th 4-H in BC" Celebration in 2014. For the past three years Country Fest has won the "Agricultural Exhibit Award" from B.0 Association of Agricultural Fairs & Exhibitions and has been asked on a regular basis to share our expertise in workshops at the annual convention. We also feel strongly about inviting and involving any community organization that would like to come under our umbrella as we recognize everyone needs to promote or fund raise without having to pay a fee for a space. Volunteers participate in the planning of educational programming, securing sponsors and judges, preparing educational materials and signage, repair of buildings and equipment, recruitment of volunteers, promotion of event with livestock displays through other community events. With the exception of the office administration, volunteers manage all aspects of the special event including judges and entertainers hospitality, clerking livestock shows, volunteer refreshments and parking. Our volunteers include our local school district students who are working towards CAP hours for graduation and youth at risk completing their required community hours. Although these men are not considered volunteers, B.C. Correction inmates from Fraser Regional facility are a huge element of our labor force. We hope to continue to offer a free gate, offer first class education, entertainment and programming and secure the continuance of our heritage organization into the future. For this reason, sponsorships, grants and government support on all levels, are paramount to our success. MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 6998-2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The construction of Fire Hall #4 was first included in the Financial Plan in 2008. It was to be funded by debt with the debt servicing costs to be funded through the Fire Department Capital Acquisition Reserve. A Loan Authorization Bylaw was adopted after the appropriate public and Ministry approvals were received. A temporary borrowing bylaw is now required to authorize the borrowing approved through Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008. Either external borrowing or a Temporary Borrowing Bylaw must be in place within five years of the adoption of the Loan Authorization Bylaw. This Temporary Borrowing Bylaw needs to be adopted prior to July 8, 2013. If it is not, borrowing cannot be authorized under the current Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008. Site planning has been started for Fire Hall#4. The borrowing to construct Fire Hall #4 in Albion was delayed due to several factors, including forcing the Fire Department to manage the capital spending within defined annual funding amounts. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw No. 6998-2013 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: The construction of Fire Hall #4 was first included in the Financial Plan in 2008. It was to be funded by debt with the debt servicing costs to be funded through the Fire Department Capital Acquisition Reserve. A Loan Authorization Bylaw was adopted after the appropriate public and Ministry approvals were received. The debt servicing costs, principle and interest payments, are to be funded by the same reserve used to fund Fire Hall #1 renovations and new fire department equipment purchases. Fire Hall #4 construction was delayed due to both funding and personnel capacities to address both Fire Hall #1 renovations and the construction of Fire Hall #4. A temporary borrowing bylaw is now required to authorize the borrowing approved through Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008, approved to construct Fire Hall #4 in the Albion area. This 1134 Temporary Borrowing Bylaw needs to be adopted prior to July 8, 2013. If it is not, borrowing cannot be authorized under the current Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008. A temporary borrowing bylaw adopted for the full amount of the authorized amount ensures that borrowing can be executed using the authorization granted under the loan authorization bylaw. Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008 expires on July 8, 2013. Once the Temporary Borrowing Bylaw is adopted, borrowing can be executed at any time and can occur after July 8, 2013. The amount approved is $6,000,000 and external borrowing will likely be sought. ALTERNATIVES: If this bylaw is not adopted then borrowing under Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008 is not permitted and if external borrowing is required, a new Loan Authorization Bylaw and all the related approvals would be required. CONCLUSIONS: This will allow the District to externally borrow, if required, as authorized under Loan Authorization Bylaw 6558-2008 to construct Fire Hall #4 in the Albion area. "Original signed by Trevor Thompson" Prepared by. Trevor Thompson, BBA, CGA Manager of Financial Planning "Original signed by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager, Corporate & Financial Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6998-2013 A Bylaw to authorize temporary borrowing pending the sale of debentures WHEREAS it is provided by Section 181 of the Community Charter that the Council may, where it has adopted a loan authorization bylaw, without further assents or approvals, borrow temporarily money; AND WHEREAS the Council has adopted Bylaw No.6558-2008, cited as Maple Ridge Fire Hall #4 Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 6558-2008, authorizing the construction of Fire Hall #4 in the Albion area, in the amount of six million dollars ($6,000,000); AND WHEREAS the sale of debentures has been temporarily deferred: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 6998- 2013". 2. The Council is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow an amount or amounts not exceeding the sum of six million dollars ($6,000,000), as the same may be required. 3. The form of obligation to be given as acknowledgement of the liability shall be a promissory note or notes bearing the corporate seal and signed by the Mayor and the Financial Officer. 4. The money so borrowed shall be used solely for the purposes set out in said Bylaw No.6558- 2008. 5. The proceeds from the sale of the debentures or so much thereof as may be necessary shall be used to repay the money so borrowed. READ a first time the day of , 2013. READ a second time the day of , 2013. READ a third time the day of , 2013. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of , 2013. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE British Co lumh la District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 10, 2013 and Members of Council FILE NO: CDPR-Admin-0640-30 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C.O.W. SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6999-2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission reviewed the proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw amendment at their meeting of May 16, 2013 and recommended Council approval. A copy of the report is attached. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw No. 6999-2013 be given first, second and third readings. "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer dap:ik Attachments: • MR -PM Parks & Leisure Services Commission Fees and Charges report of May 16, 2013 • Bylaw 6999-2013, Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending 1151 �i s PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report REGULAR MEETING May 16, 2013 SUBJECT: FEES & CHARGES REVIEW 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: During the 2012 annual fees and charges review, staff and Commission recognized that Parks & Leisure Services (PLS) fee setting formula for private and commercial categories did not reflect the market average and recommended that a review of the current fees and charges policy was needed. Staff researched policies and best practices from other municipalities and developed a new Fees & Charges policy which was presented to and adopted by Commission on February 14, 2013. Staff has conducted the annual fees and charges review for 2013 and have put the new policy into practice. The new policy supports a streamlined approach to fee setting and eliminates setting multiple facility fees for various types of use. Staff are recommending that Commission approve the recommended Fees and Charges and the Bylaw be updated and forwarded to Councils for approval. RECOMMENDATION: That a Fees and Charges Bylaw update be forwarded to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils based on the proposed increases to be implemented January 1, 2014. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Annually, staff reviews the rental and admission rates of a number of Lower Mainland recreation facilities with similar attributes and amenities including but not limited to: Abbotsford, Mission, Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby and North Vancouver. Under the policy, the average market rental rate for each type of facility is used to determine the rental rate for PLS facilities for commercial, non-resident and private use. As per the policy, to support local non -profits Commission subsidizes youth and senior organizations by 60% and adult organizations by 40% of the private rate. Under the previous policy, a number of meeting rooms did not have hourly rental rates applied to local non-profit organizations. This has been corrected in the new policy, however, PLS recognizes that this may cause financial burdens for some users and will work with each group to develop a transition plan as discussed when the policy was adopted. Admissions -Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Staff has determined that the drop-in admission rates for Youth/Senior and Families are below the current average and are recommending a 5% increase for these categories. If approved, the Youth/Senior rate will increase from $3.71 to $3.90 and Family rate from $9.94 to $10.44. \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Admin\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl is\20-COW \01 -Gen \Agendas\2013\2013-06- 11_COW\PLSC_Fees_Charges_Review_2013.doc #1 The Child and Adult categories are slightly higher than the current average and as a result, the staff recommendation is to maintain the current rates for Children and Adults. Admissions - Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Staff has determined that the drop-in admission rates for Children and Youth/Senior are below the current average and are recommending a 5% increase for Children and 10% increase for Youth/Senior. If approved, the Child rate will increase from $2.48 to $2.61 and the Youth/Senior rate from $3.20 to $3.52. Although 10% may seem aggressive, the rates will continue to remain below the current average therefore, staff will bring back a similar rate increase recommendation during next year's review to catch up in these categories. Facility Fees During the policy review, it was identified that many municipalities do not create multiple fees for facilities such as regular use, special event and fundraiser. As a result, the new policy re - categorized facilities resulting in five fees per facility compared to the previous sixteen fees and eliminating conflicting rates for similar facilities such as multi-purpose rooms with similar minimum and maximum capacity and features. This procedural revision results in an efficient and streamlined booking system providing ease of use for customers and staff alike. Staff blended past rate categories (regular, special event and fundraiser) for comparisons and because of this, it is difficult to report a straight forward percentage increase to Commission; these comparisons will be presented and provided at the meeting. The 2014 Fees & Charges recommendations should be viewed as a transition year to accommodate PLS procedural and policy changes. As presented to Commission in February, staff understands that some of our local non-profit user groups will be faced with rental charges for the first time and with Commission's support, will work with these groups to develop a transition plan to lessen the financial burden. b) Desired Outcome: That fees will assist in offsetting facility operating costs, while balancing the need to ensure Parks & Leisure Services remain accessible to all residents. c) Strategic Alignment: Provide citizens with quality services in a cost effective and efficient manner. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: User groups have been notified that the Fees and Charges Bylaw is under annual review and are cognizant that an increase will be introduced in January 2014. Staff will inform user groups of increased rates as soon as Commission and both Councils approve them so they may work this into 2014 budgets and registration fees. PLS will also work with organizations on an individual basis, to assist in the transition from the previous policy to the current policy. In addition to working with our user groups on developing transition plans, groups will be reminded that Commission and various community organizations continue to support our residents by offering a number of low-cost options such as: \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Admin\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl is\20-COW \01 -Gen \Agendas\2013\2013-06- 11_COW\PLSC_Fees_Charges_Review_2013.doc #2 • Participation Program • Rental Rebate Subsidy • Grade Five Active Pass • School District No. 42's Tzu Chi bursaries • KidSport • Canadian Tire Jump Start e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: If adopted, it is projected that admission revenue will increase by $17,000 and rental revenue by up to $20,000. Within three years $8,000 of the projected rental revenue will come from non- profit organizations that in the past did not pay for multi-purpose room rentals. This increase will be phased in over a few years. CONCLUSIONS: Commission's practice is to review PLS fees and charges annually and to plan regular, modest increases that reflect average market rates for comparable services ensuring that rates remain current to avoid significant impact to user groups. "Original signed by Danielle Pope" Prepared By: Danielle Pope Title: Manager, Business Operations "Original signed by Wendy McCormick" Approved By: Wendy McCormick Title: Director, Recreation "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved By: Kelly Swift Title: General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :dp \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Admin\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl is\20-COW \01 -Gen \Agendas\2013\2013-06- 11_COW\PLSC_Fees_Charges_Review_2013.doc #3 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6999-2013 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 as amended. WHEREAS the Council may by bylaw establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admissions and/or use of sports, recreation and community use facilities; AND WHEREAS, the Council has imposed fees and now wishes to amend those fees; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6999- 2013. 2. That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended, be further amended by deleting Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H","I" "J", "K", "L" and "M" in their entirety and replacing with Schedule "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" "H","I", "J", "K" and "L" as attached hereto. 3. This Bylaw shall come into force and effect as of January 1, 2014 for Schedules "A", "B", "C", READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the ADOPTED this PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments: Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "H", "I","J", "K" and "L" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "A" Arenas Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident Ice Prime Time $110.34 $165.50 $275.84 $304.99 $295.04 Ice Non -Prime $82.76 $124.13 $206.88 $228.74 $221.28 Dry Floor Prime Time $48.92 $73.39 $122.31 $139.61 $131.85 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "B" Fairgrounds Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident Barns Beef, Exhibition, Commercial $8.16 $12.24 $20.40 $22.44 $24.48 Grounds & Showrings $7.14 $10.71 $17.85 $19.64 $21.42 Stage is included at no -charge when booking the grounds. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "C" Pools Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident Competition Pool Leisure Pool Teach Pool (per lane) $9.88 $14.82 $24.70 $31.38 $29.28 Hammond Pool Harris Pool (whole pool) $26.75 $40.13 $66.88 $70.54 $68.14 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "D" Rooms Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident Multipurpose Room (capacity 1-15) $4.51 $6.76 $11.27 $13.84 $13.84 Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre - Youth Centre South Bonson Community Centre - Living Room, Upstairs Meeting Room, Boardroom Whonnock Lake Centre - Meeting Room Multipurpose Room (ca pacity 15-30) $9.01 $13.52 $22.53 $27.67 $27.67 Leisure Centre - Training Studio Hammond Community Centre - Preschool Maple Ridge Library - Alouette Room Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre - Preschool, Daycare Planet Ice - Meeting Room South Bonson Community Centre - Activity Room #2 Whonnock Lake Centre - Preschool Multipurpose Room (ca pacity 40-60) $11.83 $17.75 $29.58 $35.57 $32.62 Leisure Centre - Preschool Heritage Hall - Daycare Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre - Lobby Multipurpose Room (ca pacity 60-80) $13.94 $20.91 $34.85 $48.36 $45.36 Leisure Centre - Multipurpose Greg Moore Youth Centre - Lounge, Multipurpose Maple Ridge Library - Fraser Room Pitt Meadows Library - Meeting Room Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre - Multipurpose South Bonson Community Centre - Activity Room #1 Gymnasiums $49.35 $74.02 $123.37 $154.31 $132.64 Leisure Centre Greg Moore Youth Centre Active Area Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "E" Halls Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident Medium (capacity 100-200) $25.46 $38.20 $63.66 $83.17 $78.12 Hammond Hall Heritage Hall - Lower floor Large (capacity 200-300) $37.98 $56.97 $94.95 $111.04 $106.78 Heritage Hall - Upper floor Specialty Hall (capacity 175-200) $83.18 $124.77 $207.95 $232.68 $232.68 South Bonson Community Centre - Banquet Room Whonnock Lake Centre - Main Hall Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "F" Kitchens Effective January 1, 2014 Per Day Rate (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Non -Profit Adult Non -Profit Private Commercial Non -Resident $34.16 $51.25 $85.41 $120.30 $120.30 Fairgrounds Hammond Hall Heritage Hall Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre South Bonson Community Centre Whonnock Lake Centre Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "G" Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Admission Rates Effective January 1, 2014 "F/exi" (taxes not included) Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Children $2.90 $26.10 $46.40 $26.10 $69.60 $130.50 $261.00 Youth $3.90 $35.10 $62.40 $35.10 $93.60 $175.50 $351.00 Senior $3.90 $35.10 $62.40 $35.10 $93.60 $175.50 $351.00 Adult $5.70 $51.30 $91.20 $51.30 $136.80 $256.50 $513.00 Family $10.44 $98.46 $167.04 $98.46 $262.56 $492.30 $984.60 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "H" Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Admission Rates Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Children $2.61 $23.49 $41.76 $23.49 $62.64 $117.45 $234.90 Youth $3.52 $31.68 $56.32 $31.68 $84.48 $158.40 $316.80 Senior $3.52 $31.68 $56.32 $31.68 $84.48 $158.40 $316.80 Adult $5.02 $45.18 $80.32 $45.18 $120.48 $225.90 $451.80 Family $9.38 $84.42 $150.08 $84.42 $225.12 $422.10 $844.20 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "1" Drop -In Skating Admission Rates Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Single 10 Pass 20 Pass Children $2.60 $23.40 $41.60 Youth $3.50 $31.50 $56.00 Senior $3.50 $31.50 $56.00 Adult $4.73 $42.57 $75.68 Family $8.33 $74.97 $133.32 Parent & Tot $4.73 $42.57 $75.68 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "J" Outdoor Pools Admission Rates Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Single Season Pass Children $1.76 $31.68 Youth $2.37 $42.66 Senior $2.37 $42.66 Adult $3.03 $54.54 Family $6.68 $120.24 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "K" Sports Fields Effective January 1, 2013 (taxes not included) CLASS A CLASS B CLASS C Youth/Senior Non -Profit Commercial Use $22.07 $16.44 $5.49 Fundraising $11.04 $8.22 $2.75 Special Event $5.52 $4.11 $1.37 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $22.07 $16.44 $5.49 Fundraising $22.07 $16.44 $5.49 Special Event $17.07 $11.44 $2.75 Regular Use $12.70 $6.65 $0.00 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $33.11 $24.66 $8.24 Special Event $27.59 $20.55 $6.86 Regular Use $22.07 $16.44 $5.49 Local Commercial Fundraising $35.31 $26.30 $8.78 Special Event $29.79 $22.19 $7.41 Regular Use $24.28 $18.08 $6.04 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $37.52 $27.95 $9.33 Special Event $32.00 $23.84 $7.96 Regular Use $26.48 $19.73 $6.59 Sport Field User Annual Contribution Fall/Winter Clubs $30 per registration Spring/Summer Clubs $15 per registration Class A Synthetic Fields at Samuel Robertson Secondary, Westview Secondary and Pitt Meadows Secondary; Hammond Stadium; Merkley Grass; Pitt Meadows Athletic Park; Thomas Haney Secondary; Albion Sports Complex (grass); Cliff Park; Harris North Class B Telosky; Albion; Jordan Park; Maple Ridge Park; Bonson; Ruskin Park; Selvey Park; Harris South; Tolmie Park; Edith McDermott Park Class C All weather fields at Merkley and Albion Sports Complex Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "L" Miscellaneous Fees Effective January 1, 2014 (taxes not included) Park Shelter $70.00 (up to a full day) Event Trailer $147.31 (day rate) Tennis/Sport Court $15.00 (applicable to commercial use only)