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2014-07-07 Committee of the Whole Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA July 7, 2014 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. Note: If required, there will be a 15 -minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair.• Acting Mayor 1. DELEGAT/ONS/STAFFPRESENTAT/ONS- (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 Building Department Update • Stephen Cote-Rolvink, Manager of Inspection Services 1.2 North Fraser Education Task Force Update • Marlyn Graziano, Chair, North Fraser Education Task Force 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERV/CES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 2014-016-RZ, 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS -1b and RS -3 to R-2 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083-2014 to rezone from RS -1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit subdivision into twelve lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. Committee of the Whole Agenda July 7, 2014 Page 2 of 4 1102 2014-037-RZ, 21447 121 Avenue, RS -1 to R-1 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095-2014 to rezone from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. 1103 2014-042-RZ, 11678 Burnett Street, RS -1 to RS -1b Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 to rezone from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS -1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. 1104 2011-015-RZ, 11959 203 Street, Final One Year Extension Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application 2011-015-RZ to allow for development of a commercial and residential building. 1105 2011-136-DVP, 20724 River Road Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-136-DVP to reduce the road right-of-way on River Road to permit subdivision into 2 single family lots. 1106 2012 -040 -SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 10406-10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411-10526 Robertson Street, 24705-24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408-10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue, 10433-10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that "Robertson Heights" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014-2013 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. Committee of the Whole Agenda July 7, 2014 Page 3 of 4 1107 2013 -116 -SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 132 Avenue (even numbers only); 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. 1108 Project Close -Out - 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Contract ITT-EN13-32, 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River, to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. be increased and that the Contract for Construction Administration and Inspection Services, 232 Street Bridge over the North Alouette River, to Delcan Corporation be increased. 1109 Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Single Axle Sewer Jetter Flusher Truck Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that the contract for the purchase of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERV/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Property and Ancillary Insurance Staff report dated July 7, 2014 providing an update on the provision of property and ancillary insurance coverage for local governments by the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia ("MIABC"). For information only No motion required 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERV/CES 1151 5. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 Committee of the Whole Agenda July 7, 2014 Page 4 of 4 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca Checked by: Date: MAPLE RIDGE B E,.h eosY«es u^rn .10.)12 District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2014-016-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083 - 2014 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road, from RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District), to allow future subdivision into twelve lots. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No.7O83 - 2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owners: Jean Fares Alireza Mastour-Baik; Sammy Rastkar Legal Description: Lot: 2, Section: 16, Township: 12, New Westminster District Plan 1676 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: R-2 (Urban Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: District Works Yard Zone: P-6 (Civic Institutional) Designation: Institutional 1101 South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single Family Residential RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Urban Residential Single Family Residential R-1 (Residential District); R-3 (Special Amenity Residential Zone) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Urban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) Lane access from 239 Street and 119B Avenue Urban Standard The subject properties are located along Dewdney Trunk Road, identified as a Major Corridor in the Official Community Plan (OCP). The subject properties are relatively flat, with some trees and hedges located along the perimeter of the properties (see Appendix A). c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit future subdivision into twelve single family residential lots. Lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road will be accessed via a rear lane, while remaining lots will be accessed from a new local road. Previous application on the subject properties (RZ/120/10) planned to construct a 25 lot subdivision across three properties located at 23908, 23920, and 23882 Dewdney Trunk Road. Homes fronting Dewdney Trunk Road were to be accessed from a rear lane. The development was anticipated to consist of a variety of lot sizes, with larger lots bordering the south property line to better blend with the existing homes. The prior development included one extra lot for a total of three, compared to the existing file which includes two lots, located at 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road. At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the OCP and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. -2- d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are designated Urban Residential in the OCP, and are subject to the Major Corridor infill policies. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design setbacks and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. The proposed rezoning to R-2 (Urban Residential District) is in conformance with the Urban Residential designation and infill policies. The Major Corridor infill policies provide for a range of building forms, including single family, duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouse, or 4 -storey apartment, subject to compliance with OCP compatibility criteria. In this case, a townhouse form of development would be considered compatible for the subject properties; however, the applicants prefer to develop using the R-2 (Residential District) zone. Given that there was a historic single family development application on the property, and that a single family form complies with the OCP policies, the proposed use of R-2 (Residential District) zone is supportable. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) (see Appendix B) to permit future subdivision into approximately twelve lots (see Appendix C). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application because it is in compliance with the OCP and is less than 25 dwelling units. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Licenses, Permits & Bylaws; d) Fire Department; and e) Canada Post The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. -3- f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); and 2. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083 - 2014 Appendix C - Proposed Subdivision Plan -4- 20B AVE 01 I T ''-2 3 30403 - N N 23 403 01 M cn '24 O co N 25 o \ coCDCO co N 26 Cr) 0- 2 LMP 30402 r------- P 57747 14 I I 12 12@A-L-ANE a co a co BCS 3574 / j I BCP 21769 B 12005 9 co co co ` N PROPERTIES Z P 88032 cr) co N / OP 27920 LMP 30401 LSUBJECT DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. F co Rem 1 N 11995 12 vN coO 1 co v op Mco ao O �, co O N co 15 N 14 N 13 N 12 N 11 N to m Rem N 1/2 co 1 EP15903 11983 N Na) N N O O O O O O 2 N of B 13 11980 Rem N N N N N N p��'\ co 2 � A 3 U 85134\ 1co 41971 I- u) 11970 1198 AVE. 23998 � N 1 3 o r- 0- 11959 CO 10 23996 M N 0 N 15 cc)i N 11960 4 Rem A LMP 806 P 1676 co 11972 4 °O a a , co 9 ?39 S 1/2 119BAVE. 11950 Rem d 11966 W N of B 5 11940 d W 1 /2 11960 6 5 o M 1611949 6 2 11951 M in 1 7 2 N[ 11939 11930 CO 11954 c `O a 17 7 N 6 N11948 11948 11928 co 11927 N 9 8 LMP � 1 1144 �2 �3 LMP � 1 1641 �2 �3 5 11942 �, m 4 co11) 11917 co co \N co N N M N c N c N c N c N , 4 11936 S 1/2 of 1 9�8 d 19 u) 119AAVE. P 1676 11939 11911 m 11930 ,� 9O 90 a 20 (hN N N O CO co O 4 O O �O N co W °' 2 11924 6 11903 N11 21 co 10 CtMPN4 1144 co LW' co N5 1641 co N6 co N7 1 11918 I I LMP 18051 In M LMP 1805 35 11913 I I 851 8`')g2 co 1 co ED 2 30 L0 rn rn 31 co 32 LO 33 - rn 34 co co 36 11907 1 I 1 N qj N 1190/ co N co N co N co N co N/ 37 ARK 11901 1 r 119 AVE. 11893 7 0 co 11875 N CO � o. oo ,— 39 cp 11880 N 3 29N 28N 27N 26N 25N w co 40877 LM 1805' ? 11869 N Scale: 1:2,000 C itPitt� Meas ea�ows_- _ f j f 23908/20 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD I1 i c , ,,4, iill iO I - 2�1���11�- .il r 4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF '=., '==�!J'" ` " ��i. _ �" jrce ....._ --, �"dir, i 1. 1 1 • - MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT / Distrgtyf to ti Lan le ym a DATE: Feb 25, 2014 FILE: 2014-016-RZ BY: PC �0j FRASER R. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7083-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083-2014." 2. Those parcel (s) or tract (s) of land and premises known and described as: West Half Lot 2 Except: Fistly: Parcel A (Reference Plan 13881) and Secondly: Parcel A (Reference Plan 84990), Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP1641, Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District PIan1676 Parcel A (Reference Plan 13881) West Half Lot 2 Except: Parcel B (Reference Plan 84991), Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District PIan1676 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1618 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to R-2 (Urban Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 18JL008L.)7i6I M 5 . •_.... _.. 12067 I N 12055 J 3 120B AVE. "20 oo N 2 1 LMF N22 30403 N23 N24 BCF N25 19841J o ` co N26 0 2 LMP 30402 P 57747 BCP 28926(lease) 14 12040 20 '8408 _ 120A LANE PHONE CO. m M ' 30403 27 W BCS 357rsi4 BC�21770 RW 30273 M 1 la BCP 21769 IU B 12005 X_LP4613 2 \ PP N N c 88032 N / I. Rem 21 a m \ LMP 27920 LMP 30401 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. RW 86310 BC RP 84 rn RP 85321 P 86310 LMP 3333 LMP 3166 \ ALM 1 �, 11995 ` Rem 1 N 12 1 M M M M 15 M N 1 1 12 N N N 11 N 1 u7 1 m \ m Rem N 1/2 N P 38196 Rem N N1/2 j EP15903 11983 N N N N 2 rx of B a 3 N l5 i N 1 11980 Rem N N N N N N v co 2 9g1 o P 7893 8134 2co A 3 V Rem 25 ao P 141971 1- 11970 1198 AVE. 23998 — V Pc! I 1 ,, 3 / �/ 24 / N. 0_ 11959 15 11960 4 Rem A LMP 806 P 1676 0000 10 11972 23996 M 4 d 0_ 1 m 37 P 67082 N N / 9 /23g S 1/2 11968 co N. 119B AVE. 11950 Rem 11966 ,gip N Rpa of B co I! 5in rl W \ 00 co 111949 11940 o. W 1/2 11960 6 5836>8 W �, q- M2N 16 s 11951 co LMP 1642 7 / / 11939 11930 ) 11954 / ¢ co o 1 7 cJ /1131 co a 119486 10 / LIMP 11 4 LMP 1641 5 Urban Area 11921 119283 M 11927 N 9 8 a 1 N 2 �3 1 1 22 m3 cn 11942 10 F— � 11917 N M N N N N I N N N M N o0_ 4 0o 11936 S 1/2 Boundary •11915 00 co of 1 i 9 . 11,9784 0_ 19 ~ 119AAVE. LMP 1145 3 11939 P 1676 N �/ 11911 11930 Rem 2 01 11 " 7/90648 5 a, Q D_ 20 N N O N M O c 4 CJ co O CO N CO W N 2 11924 O N- P 7893 8 ^7 \ 6 11903 N11 N10 21 NLMPN4 1144 LMP N5 1E41 N6 N7 1 11918 — a S EP 85135 1 X73 00 LMP 18051 M 1 BC 45643 MP 1805 35 11913 LMP 42851 8 00 m 091 2 30. 31 d CO CO 32 33 LO 134 CO CO CO CO 36 907 N I d N N 119E/ \ N N N N N ' 11922/54 PARK 2 J 11901 119 AVE. 38 / \ 11893 7 ro 11875 N co 00 co CO M o M oo M 39 LO 11877 N 1/2 /\\ 11880 N 3 . 4 29<•1 28,1 27,1 26,1 25 N W w 40 P 789: 6'O\11857 LMP 1805' a 11869 11888 O, 6 • w 5 LMP 1805' J o_ 41 14 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7083-2014 Map No. 1618 From: RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: R-2 (Urban Residential District) N SCALE 1:2,500 — — Urban Area BoundaryL\ MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia if i7 I 47" 1228 1228 5 354.9m2 354.9m2 12.28 12.28 12.28 12.28 14* ) wt 89' 354.9 m2 357.5m2 12.0 12.0 clab (\I ) 5 m2 3355 m2 1 a 17) tr,co 12.0 t'S 12.0 12.28 Z44 to ink, r.: exi 120 . 795 6R 11 '1 1/1/ / 12.0 12.0 0:3 335.5 m2 141" 131 12.0 357 m2 cz$ Reference Plan 13881 12.0 IN; 3355 m2 1 12.0 11.25 kl\s, 3616 m2 13.0 54' 32. APPENDIX C District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2014-037-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095 - 2014 21447 121 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 21447 121 Avenue, from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District), to allow future subdivision into two lots. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095 - 2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Derek Bakstad Owner: Derek Bakstad Legal Description: Lot D, District Lot 245, New Westminer Plan 19628 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Urban Residential Urban Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) R-1 (Residential District) 1102 Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.1 ha (0.27 acres) 121 Avenue Urban Standard The subject property is approximately 0.1 ha in size and is bound by single family residential properties to the north, east, and west, with 121 Avenue to the south. The subject property is flat with some vegetation around the perimeter of the property. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit future subdivision into two single family residential lots. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The OCP designates the property Urban Residential, and is subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the OCP. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design setbacks and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. The proposed rezoning to R-1 (Residential District) is in conformance with the Urban Residential designation and infill policies. -2- Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 21447 121 Avenue from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) (see Appendix B) to permit subdivision into two lots (see Appendix C). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Advisory Design Panel: A Form and Character Development Permit is not required because this is a single family project, therefore this application does not need to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application because it is in compliance with the OCP and is less than 25 dwelling units. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Licenses, Permits & Bylaws Department; e) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and f) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); and 2. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. -3- CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 7095 - 2014 Appendix C - Proposed Subdivision Plan -4- APPENDIX A n .- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 EL N 12189 12188 M N N N N N CAMPBELL AVE. CO N CO O CO N co N N N d- M N 0) v-18 N 17 N 16 N 15 P 14N 14973 13N 12N CN 11 N 10 L 1 Subject Property 21405 W 1/2.0 28 N m Cfl 00 21411 N 0 21429 21487 21491 77 Lo M N— N 9628 D N- c) 7r N— N— N N E ,,- N— N REM 25 N 121 AVE. CO N CO N 21410 -o O CN CN 8 21434 m -0 N 21444 G) 21454 2 N 21474 Cr (0 -I T O 00 7r N— N 230 21484 N) Cr m 21486 N O � N— N 2 499 ) '60 ri L. L\iii,, N Scale: 1:1,000 Ci '�..f Meauows Pitt it ritirZli.-41- , i. ,,, 21447-121 Ave i.. ''^ A�-'!'I '" '�� �'ii ' `��7 ,.... r .2 * CORPORATOFION O THE F ■■,;,_=°T 4] ! VI sVal• ` iIIT - Fa rt v, MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District of British Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley ^a v=� 1 ;1 DATE: May 13, 2014 2014-037-RZ BY: JV FRASER R. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7095-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095-2014." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot "D" District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 19628 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1621 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 9 12204 40 0`+ 12203 P 19202 co P 14973 21405 CO 1 12192 41 N P 14973 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 12180 a 42 �e $2��6 12189 12188 N co 1...... 0 o 28 o 29 N N N N P 9922 CAMPBELL AVE. N N N 7 6 12168 O O N O N N N �_ o 7) N 5 g; 12152 o_ cy)�, 18 o 17 16 15 P 14N 14973 13 12N N 11 N 10 N 9 N 8 7 P 1 1369 1- 3�REM 00 co N 21395 21405 W 1/2m 28 • 1.99 E 1/2 28 N 0 21429 21447 CO N 0co 21449 m 21451 21471 m E - 0-1 NiO) 21487 21491 1-1 11--j n-11\)-1:0 L 23 N 121 AVE. LMP 29660 E. � ,2 E a) CK 12116 N "D N W p _ N 7 O N (1 8 CO v F v N G l0 v H N- v 229 O 00 v 230 00 v N 1 (p CO v N 2 O O Lf) N 227 O 10 N 228 _O L N Rem 2 N 12106 4 P 7499 P 21461 p 65760 P 72546 P 63237 P1 12094 ti 5 N d 6 N. M N EP 22712 — —I GLENWOOD AV F P 28751 r, ., MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7095-2014 Map No. 1621 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: R-1 (Residential District) L\ N SCALE 1:1,500 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia APPENDIX C PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT D.L.245 GP.1 N.W.D. PLAN 19628 10 5 0 10.0 25.0 Scale 1:500 15 14 Pion 14973 13 C 14.78 1 493.3 m2 14.78 . tw 14.78 2 co 493.3 m2 M L.; 14.78 E 121 AVENUE Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2982-01 Phone 463-4753 F G Plan 21461 H .4'1) May 27,2014 B.C.L.S. District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2014-042-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096 - 2014 11678 Burnett Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 11678 Burnett Street, from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to allow future subdivision into two lots. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096 - 2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Kenneth Macrae Kenneth Macrae Legal Description: Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan: New Westminster Plan 12588 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: Proposed: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) 1103 Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) Low -Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.13 ha (0.33 acres) Burnett Street Urban Standard The subject property is approximately 0.13 ha (0.33 acres) in size and is bound by single family residential properties to the north, east, and south (see Appendix A). The subject property is adjacent to the Town Centre Area. Highway commercial uses are currently located west of Burnett Street and south of Lougheed Highway adjacent to the western boundary of the subject property. There is an existing single family home located on the subject property, with some vegetation along the south and eastern property boundaries. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit future subdivision into two single family residential lots. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The OCP designates the property Urban Residential, and is subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the OCP. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design setbacks and lot configuration with the -2- existing pattern of development in the area. The proposed rezoning to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) is consistent with the Urban Residential designation and infill policies. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 11678 Burnett Street from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) (see Appendix B) to permit subdivision into two lots (see Appendix C). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application because it is in compliance with the OCP and is less than 25 dwelling units. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Licenses, Permits & Bylaws Department; e) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and f) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); and 2. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. -3- CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096 - 2014 Appendix C - Proposed Subdivision Plan -4 APPENDIX A Oto N N 1/2 1 11764 11765 N 83 128 co 1, 11 761 P 510 52 P 420 61 N N �� co 0_ S 1/2 1 11749 A 11750 Rem. 108 11747 CLIFF AVE. G ° LP 82 566 A P 81957 Rem N 1/2 5 co 11739 cn 68 o 22910 0 2 N P 7151 0 3 N 22940 59400 229 50 c\ c. -5, 11736 c<• )T1 y4� l>, Rem a S1/25 11716 s 67o N P 8881 Rem. A N N P 70383 1 coin N 2 N N a 2 c7D• N `, ' oO cb 117 AV E . r5cIC)99' 00' P12588co Remi p 60 N .1- o 227 N (V N 229 36 22942 _ 229 50 Subject Property 11690 1 Lo 243 244 245 246 OT 2 P 12588 o 229 ST. P 65141 2 ��$56 2 228 11 67 8 11675 11686 242 04 • �0) N 776j0 1 Q 11 P 12197 ti2$ 11671 -o 238 67 ON 11667 1168 0 171 172 co L a) N 173 In N 17z 9-64 8 A O) 239 11663 GILLEY AVE. cy 10 t. 9 P 12197 Q 11655 240 Rem 11659 N 184 N 182 2 241 11644 'A,0 183 ?951 P 123166 11633 op p P 16011 61 '. Rem. 1 P12316 11621 co N. ?)-(6 (P IX 5 9,9- 3 P 14A 0653° el' A 11607 BCS 3824 19 N Scale: 1:1,500 Ci '•..f Pitt Meauows it � '� �^ I i 11678 Burnett St �����,r{,�rar . � � to �l�5 .'7 M� I to +r �irltuan■� IE.;:"' -i sui ; �a� ° �_ * CORPORATOFION O THE F 04y J�I ��ri14� l�iE! y ■■ i=°°T 4� ! MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District of � I British Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT „W Langley _� 1 ;1 ' DATE: May 20, 2014 2014-042-RZ BY: JV FRASER R. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7096-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 12588 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1622 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of ,20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER a J 1/G 1 11749 11750 1U0/ 11747 CLIFF AVE. - - - ° & RW N'Ik20 Feet LP 82566 A P 81957 /- - BURNETT ST. 2415 LMP2414 Rem N 1/2 5 ( 11739 0,68 o 22910 2 P T 1517 3 0 22940 22951 N P 59400 22950 11736 yF %4o%/ - �ti� o4-4k OT 1 y�� / �y Rem o_ S 1 /2 5 11716 a,P 22905 P 8881 Rem. A a) N 22937 co N (� 22945 `LO' /'Zh4' /0 cbrb ll.I 117 AVE. � �\/r), �'��'� .,co0' �Q I I P 12588 Remi 11690 60, N 1 0 o 227 N co ti co N 243 � N 22936 N 01 22942 o 246 LOT MP 2619\ \ _ _ _ P 1258 P 2 ,2556 2 11678 228 11675 (/) N 11686 242 RW 48257 _ D69,`\ 3 44/* 7� ^'` 0 %Q, -06q \\ % 1 Q 011` ' `P 12197'7955'D \ 11671 'CI' 238 6' ,��11667 � 11680 171 172 M C\1 173 0) N 1? / \ 348-548 /EP 35669 239 45356- - 11663 \----- �'48,54 I GI LLEY AVE. `,0 �^ BCP ti 10 46 9 Q P 12197 11655 240 �,01 Rem 11659 0S, 0) N 184 N 183 18 2 241 11644 "P,� 12951 P 123166 116336) c).) u'> 16011 �, 1 1 B Rem. 11621 1 P 12316 co ti cC 22$90 \ BCP 2 �- N 5 226_ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7096-2014 Map No. 1622 From: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) ,Li N SCALE 1:1,500 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia APPENDIX C SKETCH SHOWING SUBDIVISION PROPOSAL OF LOT 2 SEC. 17 TP.12 N.W.D. PLAN 12588 Scale 1:250 BURNETT STREET Rem. 1 E 60' LOT A® 681 m2 16.3 5.05 0 -P - 7.9 Carport 1.8 45.4 O 45.36 2 LOT go 646m` Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission File: NWP12588 Phone 463-4753 2.05 2.54 1.05 House 6.72 20.4 co 35.78 20.1 N tri 238 Plan 61520 2 Plan TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Final One Year Extension Application 11959 203 Street District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 FILE NO: 2011-015-RZ MEETING: C of W EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council granted a one year extension to the above noted application on July 9, 2013. The applicant has now applied for a final one year extension under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. The purpose of this application is to rezone the subject property from CS -1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to allow for development of a commercial and residential building. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted for rezoning application 2011-015-RZ and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. A Statutory Right -of -Way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office for storm sewer; iii. A Reciprocal Cross Access plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Resident Parking; 1- 1104 vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant securing four (4) parking spots on the adjacent property; and viii. Registration of a Housing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant to ensure residential units remain as rental units. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing: Existing: Proposed: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Roger Kocheff MICA Properties Ltd. Lot 2, D.L. 222, GP 1, NWD Plan BCP16317 Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial CS -1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Vacant RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Commercial Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial Industrial M-1 (Service Industrial) Commercial 2- Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: 2 storey Commercial/Residential building Site Area: 910 m2 Access: 203 Street Servicing requirement: Urban The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6801 - 2011 and 6933-2012: • First reading was granted April 26, 2011 • Second reading (see attached report) was granted June 12, 2012 • Public Hearing was held July 17, 2012 • Third reading was granted July 24, 2012 • First Extension was granted July 9, 2013 Application Progress: Council considered the 11959 203 Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 6953-2012 at a Council meeting dated November 27, 2012 and granted first, second, and third reading at that time. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approved the applicable bylaws on August 23, 2012, and the applicant's engineer confirmed in a letter dated September 28, 2012 that there are no underground storage tanks present. The applicant has requested an additional year to complete the rezoning application. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. -3- CONCLUSION: The applicant continues to pursue this rezoning application and has applied for a final one year extension. It is therefore recommend that Council grant a final one year extension to provide the applicant sufficient time to submit the outstanding requirements. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Second Reading Report -4- APPENDIX A O O O p CV N I l d- CVCO N 1 O O P 77583 CO CO N 1 O o A 2 LMP 34007 B BCP 30389 P 61704 11985 M N 74 SUBJECT PROPERTY cj LMP 33673 ONE RP 8346 EP 11127 N o Pcl.1 N O O N O p M N p N Rem RP t; 17961 a U m 2 11959 co co 7 11957 M a 8 N. 1j941 cj 71 27/ a s 3s P 48586 68 LMP 34007 R(N 4346 0 N 1 SMP 7774 NLangleyo SCALE 1:1,500 cit Mea f Pitt ows- LPI 7 } ! 0 1.(%) fp$r 11959 203 STREET - , CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF * �' -; P ! �_/ MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT District of I � o ` C DATE: May 31, 2012 FILE: 2011 015 RZ BY: PC off' ERASER R. MAPLE RiDert Deep nppl Cre.ifer 7fe.yhf3 District of Maple Ridge APPENDIX B TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 4, 2012 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-015-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6933 - 2012 Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6801 - 2011 11959 203 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from CS -1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit construction of a two storey commercial and residential building. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6933 - 2012 be given First and Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6801 - 2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. A Statutory Right -of -Way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office for storm sewer; iii. A Reciprocal Cross Access plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Resident Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant securing four (4) parking spots on the adjacent property; and viii. Registration of a Housing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant to ensure residential units remain as rental units. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Roger Kocheff MICA Properties Ltd Lot 2, D.L. 222, GP 1, NWD Plan BCP16317 Existing: Commercial Existing: CS -1 (Service Commercial) Proposed: C-2 (Community Commercial) Use: Commercial Zone: CS -1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Vacant Zone: RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Commercial Use: Commercial Zone: C-2 (Community Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Industrial Zone: M-1 (Service Industrial) Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: 2 Storey Commercial/Residential building Site Area: 910 m2 Access: 203 Street Servicing requirement: Urban -2- b) Project Description: The project consists of a two-storey mixed use commercial and residential building. The proposed development will contain three commercial units on the ground floor and six residential units on the second floor. The site would share vehicular access from the adjacent property to the north and parking spaces would be provided at the rear of the building. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject site is designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the proposed development is in compliance with this designation. Specifically, the subject site is identified as General Commercial due to its location west of 207 Street in the vicinity of the intersections between Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed Highway as identified in Policy 6-23 of the OCP. Zoning Bylaw: The application proposes to rezone the property located at 11959 203 Street from CS -1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit a two-storey mixed use commercial and residential building. A Development Variance Permit is required to permit a second storey that is greater than 50% of the ground floor. This variance is justified as the six proposed residential units will be rental units and the applicant will enter into a Housing Agreement that will be registered on title. As a result, a site specific text amendment is also required to allow for apartment as a principal use in the C-2 zone on the subject site only. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, a Commercial Development Permit application is required to address the current proposal's compatibility with adjacent development, and to enhance the unique character of the community. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the form and character of the proposed commercial and residential development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held December 13, 2011. Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel made the following resolution: That the following concerns be addressed, and that digital versions of revised drawings and a memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. • Consider adding trim and joint details on the stucco walls -3- • Alignment size of windows at residential levels to suit function and look at the fenestration of the openings • Clarify exit path to north drive isle from west residential exit and reconsider relocation of exit door to west elevation • Consider deletion of up -stand at punched opening adjacent to small car parking space at grid A4 • Indicate rough ins for CRU washrooms • Clarify sign ban for corner unit • Relocate bike rack closer to east property line to allow pedestrian circulation in front of corner unit • Identify residential entrance indicate interphone and mailboxes residential entry to have distinct entrance from commercial units • Consider changing the residential door so it doesn't match the commercial doors • Consider shifting the northeast bay one module to west to accentuate corner element • Consider street trees • Consider the addition of balconies to the west elevations residential units • Consider a cap or cornice detail at stucco walls • Consider wrapping the canopy around the northeast corner • Coordinate the location of gas meter The applicant has addressed the ADP resolution and revised drawings have been circulated to panel members for comment. The building's form and character will be the subject of a future Commercial Development Permit report to Council. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed development and has advised that all required services exist for the project. As a result, a Rezoning Servicing Agreement will not be necessary. Additionally, the Engineering Department has determined that the existing storm easement must be revised to accurately show the location of the services to allow for the building to be located as proposed. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the development is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional two trees. The Manager of Park Planning and Development has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $50.00. -4 Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposed development and has outlined a number of standard considerations to be made at the Building Permit stage, including fire connection specifics and address visibility requirements. e) Environmental Implications: The applicant has provided an arborist report for the small amount of trees on and within five metres the subject site. The existing tree stand will be removed and will be compensated by hedge planting along the garbage and recycling enclosure. CONCLUSION: As the proposed development is in compliance with the Official Community Plan, it is recommended that First and Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6933 - 2012 and forwarded to Public Hearing; and further that Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6801- 2011 and forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP Director of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AB /dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6801 - 2011 Appendix C - Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6933 - 2012 Appendix D- Site Plan Appendix E - Building Elevation Plans Appendix F- Landscape Plans -5- SUBJECT PROPERTY SCALE ::1$00 3 R• a� ! .41 o c. i Levey� acs:! 11959203 STREET MAPLE RIDGE oniv.CuuTAA CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ww.wno tEPARMONT DA'E: May 31.2012 FILE: 2011-01SR2 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6801- 2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6801- 2011." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 District Lot 222 New Westminster District Plan BCP16317 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1512 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to C-2 (Community Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of April, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER LO V NNI O LO W 0NI C O 0 B CO N A Rem M L0 N 1� 12025 CO CO N CO O N M \ O N DEW DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD cmcm N 1 to N P 77583 co N1 m N A J CO N O CO N 2 LMP 34007 B BCP 30389 C I—. LMP 34 P 6170411985 M 0 N 74 LMP 33673 119 AVE. Q. U m 2 11959 N 7 co 11957 RP 8346 Q. 8 co 0)EP 11127 1� 11941 4 N c 927/35 Z N o Pcl. 1 N P 48586 68 <oUGhEE,0ylly LMP 34007 RWq 0D X36 N 00) N O 0 CO 0 N Rem 1 LMP 33673 Rem Pcl ONE RP 7774 0 co N 0 N.<0 P 62569 N cn 'c \/ADL- Bylaw No. Mau No. From: To: R 6801 1512 C S-1 C-2 DG= /0\= AV —201 1 (Service C ommercial) (Community Commercial) =\D \G /....\ N SCALE 1:2,000 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6933-2012 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6933-2012." 2. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 702, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL: C-2 is amended as follows: i. SECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, is amended by the addition of the following: o) Apartment is permitted in the following location: 11959 203 Street ii. SECTION 8, OTHER REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION (a) is amended by deleting the first sentence in its entirety and replacing it with the following: a) A principal or accessory apartment use shall: 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 133U1S £OZ MEI APPENDIX D d 4 ! Ii1 h1 ies 1 000000!000m !j• -I hili! 1 Ia 1.1 i It X11 , 1= to ..mmmmm00®®¢ 11 itf i ! ti�I ¢Ji1. inas en 1 w 8 APPENDIX E Eta a r ®k: OR I MN IME Cr: 11 APPENDIX F Y ct.ff 0)! ( j l �il a it III arta, cas.®�uitsidEPAIN -SI !esae:aa1422 !ig: :2 2411212a a' 1 Yams NC Fait 13a f} nIIUIII 1 MAPLE RIDGE QIN ish tokumhra District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-136-DVP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 20724 River Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application 2011-136-DVP has been received in conjunction with a rezoning and subdivision application to permit future subdivision into two single family lots. The requested variance is to reduce the road right-of-way on River Road from 20 metres to 18.3 metres. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2012-136-DVP be approved. Council granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012 on February 28, 2012 and second reading on September 11, 2012. The rezoning application for the subject property was presented at Public Hearing on October 16, 2012, and Council granted third reading on October 23, 2012. Council granted a first extension on October 22, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-136-DVP respecting property located at 20724 River Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Gina Wideen Owner: Gina Wideen Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Existing: Existing: Lot 9, D.L. 277, Group 1, NWD Plan 20332 Urban Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: R-1 (Residential District) 1105 Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing requirement: Concurrent Applications: b) Requested Variance: Single -Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single -Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single -Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single -Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential River Road Urban Standard 2011-136-RZ, 2011 -136 -SD 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule A - Services and Utilities: To reduce the road right-of-way on River Road from 20 metres to 18.3 metres. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject site from RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) and subdivide into two single family lots with access provided from River Road. The existing road right-of-way along the frontage of the subject property ranges from approximately 11.8 metres to 17 metres. The applicant is proposing to dedicate four metres of road along the eastern property frontage. The depth of dedication tapers down to zero at the western property line (see Appendix B). The proposed amount of road dedication, combined with additional road dedication from the north side of River Road in the future, will result in a width of 18.3 metres. This amount is less than the required 20 metres required for a collector road. d) Planning Analysis: The Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993 establishes regulations and servicing standards that must be achieved or varied in order to subdivide land within the District of Maple Ridge. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. 2- If the land to be subdivided currently abuts an open and travelled road, and neither the proposed subdivision nor potential future subdivision along the abutting road require any additional width or capacity, support for a right-of-way relaxation may be considered. Additionally, the required services must be accommodated in the proposed reduced road right-of-way. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Department has reviewed the variance request and has advised that the required services can be accommodated within an 18.3 metre road right-of-way, and therefore the full collector road standard of 20 metres is not required. The Engineering Department supports the variance as the existing road has adequate capacity and width to serve the additional proposed lot and potential future lots along this portion of River Road. CONCLUSION: The proposed variance is supported by the Engineering Department. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2011-136-DVP. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Plan showing requested variances 3- w .., o t v J, , • J Lo 7 0- P 58300 301-- Q 284 11637 11664 0_ \ 2 111 31 —1 co 27 12164 3 ` SPP �5 30 6 3 2 1 11610 o P 25068 �o° �oo co 81218 N N N 0) 28 0 / N C 29 LO 30 303 Nco P 43797 304 N 305 ti N- P 43793 Subject Property 2 195 op P 43-/ 40 P 812180 co N ti 0 N �_ 1 �, N 0- 328 ti 32 85418 N 2 11593 ~O `" P 20 ~O 9 N 332 co O N \\ CO CO ~o �N \ I,- N < < Rem 4,' N 0 LO I*-- ----______i_=\. N 11588_ P 211 c 20 A N r....1 N P 01 N 20772 20 78 0 11569 CL 2 11580 J B 37 0 P31 A 00 co 11550 N o Cr) 11544 B co 0~0 P 85673 A NWS 3345 11534 co ce) E °' cc D LMP 5112 22 11522N- P 7657 24 M Lo 27 LMP in 1 40400 1- 2 11509 11512 25,Q. 2��2S N N. 26N Lo ti N ti N / N Scale: 1:1,250 Ci'..fPitt Mea wows kihm '. � 1 i 20724 River Road '"^h�-'!'I `'" �il�'�� ' `� 0..b21- r - CORPORATION O F THE DISTRICT OF • l=r�'",�"_-_-_'-tel 1�1"�;ellilE! .s ! `� _ _ oN MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District ofge i British Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT d Langley ^f} v=� 1 • ;1 DATE: Jun 10, 2014 2011-136-VP BY: JV FRASER R. APPENDIX B Additional road dedication required on north side to achieve 18.3 in the future 4 MAPLE RIDGE $nlishColu,nhia District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2012 -040 -SD FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 "Robertson Heights" Enhanced Landscape Maintenance 10406 - 10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411 - 10526 Robertson Street, 24705 - 24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only) 10408 - 10523 McEachern Street 24776, 24786 and 24796 1O5A Avenue 10433 - 10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subdivision on the northeast corner of Jackson Road and 104 Avenue, "Robertson Heights" by Morningstar Homes, was recently approved with 126 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots and two RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) lots (Appendix A). Morningstar Homes Ltd., as owner of all the lots, has made a formal petition (Appendix B) as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), requesting the District provide a Local Area Service Bylaw specific to those properties created by the subdivision. The service is for enhanced landscape maintenance required for the bioswale within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street and the landscaped entry feature on the northeast corner of 104 Avenue and Jackson Road. The bylaw would require the future property owners of the 128 lots to pay an annual fee as a Local Service Tax for the enhanced landscape maintenance areas within the development. RECOMMENDATIONS: That a Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Morningstar Homes Ltd., and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), be authorized for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 128 properties created by subdivision of the land; and further That Robertson Heights Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 be given first, second and third readings. 1106 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The development area is located east of Jackson Road and north of 104 Avenue. The site has been rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and subdivided into 128 lots (Appendix A). As a former gravel extraction operation, the site had been extensively excavated over many years and there was no remaining natural landscape. The applicant began filling the site in 2012 and continued in 2013 to achieve a series of graduated terraces on the site with a small area in the southeast corner with some steeper slope. The subdivision provided road connections through the site between the existing roads to the north and south (Robertson and McEachern Streets), completed 248 Street with a cul-de-sac, and completed the 104 Avenue connection to Jackson Road. A rear lane provides vehicle access for the R-3 lots along Jackson Road and the west side of Robertson Street. A pedestrian walkway has been constructed to connect 104 Avenue at McEachern Street to the cul-de-sac at the south end of 248 Street. One component of the Stormwater Management Plan for the subdivision is the bioswale located within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street. The bioswale is designed to capture, infiltrate, treat and convey the surface stormwater to the drainage infrastructure. It is designed with a meandering river rock channel interspersed with large boulders to deflect water travelling down the slope, and therefore reducing the volume and velocity of water, and allowing it to infiltrate slowly into the gravel below while removing contaminants. The swale is planted with a variety of plants, groundcover and trees. The landscaped entry feature on the northeast corner of 104 Avenue and Jackson Road provides a gathering space with two benches, and a variety of shrubs, trees and grass. The community mail boxes are located within this space. b) Desired Outcome: The property owners for this development have expressed a desire to establish a Local Area Service for the maintenance of the bioswale within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street and the landscaped entry feature at the entry to the development for the 128 benefitting lots of the subdivision. They have made a formal petition, as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), requesting the District provide a Local Area Service Bylaw, specific to those properties created by the subdivision (Appendix B). The developer of the site will be responsible for the installation and maintenance costs of the enhanced landscaped areas, ensuring 100% survival for the first year after completion of planting. The costs for ongoing maintenance in subsequent years will then be provided by the 128 property -2- owners of the subdivision. The cost recovery method would be the collection of 100% of the enhanced landscaping maintenance costs as a Local Service Tax. c) Robertson Heights Enhanced Landscape Area Requirements: The enhanced landscape maintenance areas include the bioswale within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street and the landscaped entry feature on the northeast corner of 104 Avenue and Jackson Road. These areas are identified on the Bylaw Map (Schedule A to Appendix C). The recommended procedures and frequencies for landscape maintenance are Level 3 - Moderate of the BC Landscape Standard. This standard is for a generally neat, moderately groomed appearance, with some tolerance for the effects of `wear and tear', moderate traffic and naturalization processes. The standard includes regular mowing and care of the lawn areas, control of invasive species, pruning, and fertilizing, as required for the planted areas. PMG Landscape Architects has provided an estimate for the yearly maintenance of $6,500.00 per year for the bioswale and $2,200.00 per year for the entry feature (Schedule B to Appendix C). It is anticipated that the maintenance costs could change over time, and therefore, the maintenance costs should be reviewed every year. The planting plans for the Enhanced Landscape Planting areas were prepared by PMG Landscape Architects Ltd. (Schedule C to Appendix C), and the bioswale engineering drawings were prepared by Core Group Consultants (Schedule D to Appendix C). d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Local Area Service bylaw will establish an Annual Charge based on a per lot basis for the 128 lots within the benefitting area. It is anticipated that this charge will start in 2016, after the completion of the one year maintenance period required from the developer. The estimated cost of the petitioned service will be $68.00 for each residential lot of the 128 lots in the Robertson Heights Local Area Service. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Operations and Parks Department: The enhanced landscaping maintenance requirements for the two areas in this development are in excess of the funded base level of maintenance provided throughout Maple Ridge for boulevards, and therefore the District would be unable to provide the required maintenance without the additional costs provided by the property owners. Finance Department: The Property Tax section of the Finance Department will impose the cost of this service as a levy and will include a notation on the tax roll of the benefitting property owners, anticipated to begin in 2016. -3- CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the formal petition by the property owners for a Local Area Service be authorized by Council for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 128 properties created by subdivision of the land; and that first, second and third readings be given to Robertson Heights Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Petition for Local Area Service (LAS) Appendix C - Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 Schedule A to Appendix C - Bylaw Map Schedule B to Appendix C - Cost estimates for yearly maintenance Schedule C to Appendix C - Landscape Plans for Enhanced Planting areas prepared by PMG Landscape Architects Ltd., revised October 30, 2013 Schedule D to Appendix C - Engineering Plans for bioswale area prepared by Core Group Consultants, revised November 7, 2013 -4- APPENDIX A Q U� 31-`l - 7066,9 "62 '°s 99, 7 18..7066 p`�� 30 6 1• 105675 �O 705 02 �\ 10563 10566 5 20 70s 5 0552 28 G3 2 ' 30553 10550 21707� 7054 667 1p 646 26 36 10543 S 1p Sq P 72103 70,70640 30D 22 S���F '0536 0 25 37 3s los 24 co 4 7071 38 39 N- 40 41 N N N N SUBJECT PROPERTIES 23 s3' �0 22 10520 27 28 72 .0 705 7067,0 76 26 30 073 29/06 7� 7 1 0520 71 '0 23 1 E' °S7 5'3 °576 CO P 2314 CD n 248 ST. p` 3170 70 74705 106-0 °506 24 *37 509 70570 75 7� 704 13 70502 v 0505 10 69 '0577 8 106.0 1 4341'j/0607 7 505 68 77�0sp 105'2112 °500 10501 70/96 1 4657 °4g) 7pq S 10508 10515 117 118 7 67 111 115005 Q. 70492 20 3670 493 0496 7$ 9g 1050 104�J5 2 10480 110 120 7099 p 19 3770 4a9 70490 66 q70/93 104 '3,c•5 870/8 as 65 6 ,n-)77.2 109 70486 104 c,�o 700486 178 39 70 4 g 8,9 12110477 T 70 �R E)1 '170482 10 7 8r> 12;471 7 � 0� °46116 40 >> 1pq� 480 63 0 � 10 70,40 5 4170/ 3 s 62 704 476 106 N 12110465 7046 14 69 704 69 1046 42 70 ,L. 7046 6 13 465 = 1pq 2 61 8310463 8 105 d 12xr4,10459 280 104,6 ° 12 43 �� 7p s8 60 8104 67 462 1p 462 104 W 1210453 704,011 44�o°4sg �� 7 59 8 ' 70 10 45 4S6 �� °468 0451 446 10456 103 126 A0447 70 9 10449 10,,,,s,„ 58 102 4670 861044510448 440 8 44S 57 101 70 M p�. 1p 436 4770439 448 10442 ^ 87 10441 7043 7 56 �� 3 100 ^ 1p 6 444 0436 10438 127 �, 9y 70426° 55 88 10435 ^o 99 7 70 5 � • °429 °43 89 10431 10432 704160 4 a 54 98 51190426 24705 0 I E 124719 I 1 32314 24737 of 10428 10470 23 52704719 PARK 91 93 94 10418 97 128 70406 1 53 704175 EPP 3412 N N •:1- 10408 96 104 AVE. 28 p 48 c0 N. 1039E10393 71- 1193902 4 105 387 CN CO 71- 104 CN 0) 71- 103 O O N 102 101 CO O 71- c0 N 100 CO N 71- 99 CN M 106 N 10392 98 /0349 °386 1038631 50 703g1 90 03783 5 CO 5 35 N 91 Up NN 92 CO BCP 93 CO st 23574 94 o N 95 o 96 Lo N- N M 97 103g008 119 10 • 24 N 5 369 1038 AVE. '°368 110 10397 23 50363 / c-.. rn No 0 1 70362 11 ,yam Scale: 1:2,000 Ci Mea..ws •f Pitt- ik_r __ ipgR F` 1r i i .2 LAS Bylaw No. 7014-2013 p•�� L z I . lgal—Mfib �1I .1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF -��, ,� �.-. o p --1►1! ! N - �� MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District of I British Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley �� DATE: Jun 27, 2014 2012 -040 -SD BY: DT — FRASER R______- �� MORNINGSTAR 2ND FLOOR - 946 BRUNETTE AVENUE, COQUITLAM. BC V3K I C9 HEAD OFFICE: 604.521.0038 FAX: 604.521.0078 www.morningstarhomes.bc.ca APPENDIX B June 27, 2014 Mayor and Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 To: Mayor and Council: RE: PETITION FOR LOCAL AREA SERVICES ("LAS") REGARDING LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE FOR PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AT 104 AVE. / JACKSON ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA ("ROBERTSON HEIGHTS") Reference: 2012-040-R2, 2012 -040 -SD The subject property is located at the Robertson Heights development site. The service is for enhanced maintenance of the bioswales landscape feature, connected to the storm system providing bio filtration. The entry landscaping feature provides a community gathering place at the entrance of subdivision, and will eventually contain the mailboxes. The estimated annual maintenance cost for the bio swale is $6,500.00 and for the gathering area is $2,200.00. The estimated cost of the petitioned service will be $68.00 per lot for each of the 128 lots. Cost recovery method for 100% of the annual maintenance cost would be by way of a local services tax within the property tax system. As the petitioner will be paying for the first year of maintenance, cost recover from the homeowner should commence in year two from the date of installation. Morningstar Homes forwards this petition to the District of Maple Ridge for approval by Mayor and Council Yours truly, MORNINGSTAR HOMES LTD. Ryan Lucy VP, Acquisitions & Development cc: Ann Edwards, District of Maple Ridge Property Roll # Lot # Owner's name Owner's Address Property Address Assessed Value—Land Assessed Value - Improvements Owner's signature 8431702310 1 Morningstar Homes 10406 JACKSON RD $116,000.00 $0 Owner's signature as to Lots 1-128 X 946 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431702320 2 Morningstar Homes 947 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10410 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702330 3 Morningstar Homes 948 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10416 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702340 4 Morningstar Homes 949 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10420 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702350 5 Morningstar Homes 950 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10426 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702360 6 Morningstar Homes 951 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10430 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702370 7 Morningstar Homes 952 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10436 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702380 8 Morningstar Homes 953 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10440 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702390 9 Morningstar Homes 954 BRUNE I I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10446 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702400 10 Morningstar Homes 955 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10450 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702410 11 Morningstar Homes 956 BRUNt I i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10456 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702420 12 Morningstar Homes 957 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10460 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702430 13 Morningstar Homes 958 BRUNEI It AVE FLR 2 COQUIRAM BC 10466 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702440 14 Morningstar Homes 959 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10470 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702450 15 Morningstar Homes 960 BRUNE I it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10476 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702460 16 Morningstar Homes 961 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10480 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702470 17 Morningstar Homes 10486 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 962 BRUNE! i E AVE FLR 2 COQUITIAM BC 8431702480 18 Morningstar Homes 963 BRUNE I i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10490 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702490 19 Morningstar Homes 964 BRUNE I I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10492 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702500 20 Morningstar Homes 965 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10496 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702510 21 Morningstar Homes 966 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10500 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702520 22 Morningstar Homes 967 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10502 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702530 23 Morningstar Homes 968 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10506 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702540 24 Morningstar Homes 969 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10510 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 50 8431702550 25 Morningstar Homes 970 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10512 JACKSON RD $110,000.00 $0 8431702560 26 Morningstar Homes 971 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10516 JACKSON RD $113,000.00 $0 8431702570 27 Morningstar Homes 972 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10520 JACKSON RD $94,100.00 $0 8431702580 28 Morningstar Homes 973 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10521 ROBERTSON ST $95,400.00 50 8431702590 29 Morningstar Homes 974 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10517 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702600 30 Morningstar Homes 975 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10513 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702610 31 Morningstar Homes 976 BRUNEI It AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10509 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702620 32 Morningstar Homes 977 BRUNE I it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10505 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 $0 8431702630 33 Morningstar Homes 978 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10501 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702640 34 Morningstar Homes 979 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10497 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702650 35 Morningstar Homes 980 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10493 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702660 36 Morningstar Homes 981 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10489 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702670 37 Morningstar Homes 982 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10485 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702680 38 Morningstar Homes 983 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10481 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702690 39 Morningstar Homes 984 BRUNEI I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10477 ROBERTSON ST $113,000.00 $0 8431702700 40 Morningstar Homes 985 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10473 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $D 8431702710 41 Morningstar Homes 986 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10469 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702720 42 Morningstar Homes 987 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10465 ROBERTSON ST $111,000.00 $0 8431702730 43 Morningstar Homes 988 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10459 ROBERTSON ST $111,000.00 $0 8431702740 44 Morningstar Homes 989 BRUNE! I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10455 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702750 45 Morningstar Homes 990 BRUNt 1 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10449 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702760 46 Morningstar Homes 991 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10445 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702770 47 Morningstar Homes 992 BRUNE 1 I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10439 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702780 48 Morningstar Homes 993 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10435 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702790 49 Morningstar Homes 994 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10429 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702800 50 Morningstar Homes 995 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10425 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702810 51 Morningstar Homes 996 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10419 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 $0 8431702820 52 Morningstar Homes 997 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10415 ROBERTSON ST $110,000.00 50 8431702830 53 Morningstar Homes 998 BRUNE 1 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10411 ROBERTSON ST $124,000.00 $0 8431702840 54 Morningstar Homes 999 BRUNE 1 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10438 ROBERTSON ST $122,000.00 $0 8431702850 55 Morningstar Homes 1000 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10444 ROBERTSON ST $126,000.00 $0 8431702860 56 Morningstar Homes 1001 BRUNti 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10448 ROBERTSON ST $124,000.00 $0 8431702870 57 Morningstar Homes 1002 BRUNE 1 1 L AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10452 ROBERTSON ST $122,000.00 50 8431702880 58 Morningstar Homes 1003 BRUNEI I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10458 ROBERTSON ST $119,000.00 50 8431702890 59 Morningstar Homes 1004 BRUNE 1 I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10462 ROBERTSON ST $117,000.00 $0 8431702900 60 Morningstar Homes 1005 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10468 ROBERTSON ST $115,000.00 $0 8431702910 61 Morningstar Homes 1006 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10472 ROBERTSON ST $114,000.00 $0 8431702920 62 Morningstar Homes 1007 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10476 ROBERTSON ST $115,000.00 $0 8431702930 63 Morningstar Homes 1008 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10480 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 50 8431702940 64 Morningstar Homes 1009 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10486 ROBERTSON ST $115,000.00 $0 8431702950 65 Morningstar Homes 1010 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10490 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 50 8431702960 66 Morningstar Homes 1011 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10496 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 $0 8431702970 67 Morningstar Homes 1012 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10500 ROBERTSON ST $113,000.00 50 8431702980 68 Morningstar Homes 1013 BRUNE I 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10506 ROBERTSON ST $113,000.00 50 8431702990 69 Morningstar Homes 1014 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10510 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 50 8431703000 70 Morningstar Homes 1015 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10516 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 $0 8431703010 71 Morningstar Homes 1016 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10520 ROBERTSON ST $112,000.00 $0 8431703020 72 Morningstar Homes 1017 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10526 ROBERTSON ST $101,000.00 50 8431703030 73 Morningstar Homes 1018 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10523 MCEACHERN ST $129,000.00 $0 8431703040 74 Morningstar Homes 1019 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10517 MCEACHERN ST $112,000.00 50 8431703050 75 Morningstar Homes 1020 BRUNE 1 1E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10511 MCEACHERN ST $112,000.00 $0 8431703060 76 Morningstar Homes 1021 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10505 MCEACHERN ST $112,000.00 $0 8431703070 77 Morningstar Homes 1022 BRUNE 1 I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10499 MCEACHERN ST $115,000.00 $0 8431703080 78 Morningstar Homes 1023 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10493 MCEACHERN ST $116,000.00 50 8431703090 79 Morningstar Homes 1024 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10487 MCEACHERN ST $110,000.00 $0 8431703100 80 Morningstar Homes 10481 MCEACHERN ST $110,000.00 $0 1025 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703110 81 Morningstar Homes 1026 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10475 MCEACHERN ST $107,000.00 50 8431703120 82 Morningstar Homes 10469 MCEACHERN ST $106,000.00 $0 1027 BRUNEI 1 E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703130 83 Morningstar Homes 1028 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10463 MCEACHERN ST $109,000.00 $0 8431703140 84 Morningstar Homes 1029 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10457 MCEACHERN ST $108,000.00 $0 8431703150 85 Morningstar Homes 1030 BRUNEI 1 E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10451 MCEACHERN ST $110,000.00 50 8431703160 86 Morningstar Homes 1031 BRUNt 1 I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10445 MCEACHERN ST $111,000.00 50 8431703170 87 Morningstar Homes 1032 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10441 MCEACHERN ST $111,000.00 $0 8431703180 88 Morningstar Homes 1033 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10435 MCEACHERN ST $116,000.00 50 8431703190 89 Morningstar Homes 1034 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10431 MCEACHERN ST $118,000.00 50 8431703200 90 Morningstar Homes 1035 BRUNE 1 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 24705 104TH AV $108,000.00 50 8431703210 91 Morningstar Homes 1036 BRUNt 1 I t AVE FLR 2 COQUM AM BC 24713 104T1 AV $109,000.00 $0 8431703220 92 Morningstar Homes 1037 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 24719 104TH AV $112,000.00 50 8431703230 93 Morningstar Homes 1038 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 24725 104TH AV $114,000.00 50 8431703240 94 Morningstar Homes 24731 104TH AV $114,000.00 $0 1039 BRUNE i I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703250 95 Morningstar Homes 1040 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 24737 104TH AV $121,000.00 50 8431703260 96 Morningstar Homes 1041 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10408 MCEACHERN ST $127,000.00 50 8431703270 97 Morningstar Homes 10418 MCEACHERN ST $123,000.00 50 1042 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUI1 LAM BC 8431703280 98 Morningstar Homes 1043 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10428 MCEACHERN ST $121,000.00 50 8431703290 99 Morningstar Homes 1044 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10432 MCEACHERN ST $125,000.00 50 8431703300 100 Morningstar Homes 1045 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10438 MCEACHERN ST $129,000.00 $0 8431703310 101 Morningstar Homes 1046 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10442 MCEACHERN ST $132,000.00 50 8431703320 102 Morningstar Homes 10448 MCEACHERN ST $130,000.00 50 1047 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUI1 LAM BC 8431703330 103 Morningstar Homes 1048 BRUNE I I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10456 MCEACHERN ST $130,000.00 $0 8431703340 104 Morningstar Homes 10462 MCEACHERN ST $129,000.00 $0 1049 BRUNE I i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703350 105 Morningstar Homes 10468 MCEACHERN ST $130,000.00 50 1050 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703360 106 Morningstar Homes 1051 BRUNEI i t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10476 MCEACHERN ST $128,000.00 50 8431703370 107 Morningstar Homes 1052 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10482 MCEACHERN ST $126,000.00 $0 8431703380 108 Morningstar Homes 1053 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10488 MCEACHERN ST $123,000.00 so 8431703390 109 Morningstar Homes 1054 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10496 MCEACHERN SI $120,000.00 50 8431703400 110 Morningstar Homes 1055 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10502 MCEACHERN ST $117,000.00 $0 8431703410 111 Morningstar Homes 1056 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10508 MCEACHERN ST $115,000.00 $0 8431703420 112 Morningstar Homes 1057 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10512 MCEACHERN ST $113,000.00 $0 8431703430 113 Morningstar Homes 10518 MCEACHERN ST $114,000.00 50 1058 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703440 114 Morningstar Hames 24776 105A AV $126,000.00 50 1059 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703450 115 Morningstar Homes 1060 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 24786 105A AV $120,000.00 50 8431703460 116 Morningstar Homes 24796 10SA AV $123,000.00 50 1061 BRUNEI 1 t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703470 117 Morningstar Homes 1062 BRUNEI I E AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10515 248TH ST $104,000.00 $0 8431703480 118 Morningstar Homes 1063 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10505 248TH ST $115,000.00 $0 8431703490 119 Morningstar Homes 1064 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10495 248TH ST $108,000.00 50 8431703500 120 Morningstar Homes 1065 BRUNETTE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10485 248TH Sr $107,000.00 50 8431703510 121 Morningstar Homes 1066 BRUNEI TE AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC $110,000.00 50 10477 248TH ST 8431703520 122 Morningstar Homes 10471 248TH Sr $110,000.00 50 1067 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703530 123 Morningstar Homes 1068 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10465 248TH ST $112,000.00 50 8431703540 124 Morningstar Homes 10459 248TH ST $112,000.00 $0 1069 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703550 125 Morningstar Homes 10453 248TH ST $111,000.00 50 1070 BRUNEI it AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 8431703560 126 Morningstar Homes 1071 BRUNEI ie AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10447 248TH ST $109,000.00 50 8431703570 127 Morningstar Homes 1072 BRUNE I I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC 10441 248TH ST $137,000.00 $0 8431703580 128 Morningstar Homes 10433 248TH ST $121,000.00 $0 1073 BRUNEI I t AVE FLR 2 COQUITLAM BC APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE LOCAL AREA SERVICE BYLAW NO. 7014-2013 A Bylaw to authorize a municipal service to maintain enhanced landscape areas; to define the benefitting lands; and to establish that the cost of the municipal service shall be borne by the owners of real property within such defined area. WHEREAS, Council has been petitioned to provide a municipal service pursuant to Division 5, Section 210 of the Community Charter S.B.C. 2003, c.26 (the "Community Charter"); AND WHEREAS the Municipal Clerk has certified that the petition received for the municipal services does constitute a sufficient and valid petition; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to proceed with the works; AND WHEREAS the "Maple Ridge Local Area Service Policy", as amended, provides that the cost of providing a municipal service shall be recoverable from each of the existing parcels of land and all future lots created by subdivision of the parcels, specifically: Lots 1 - 128 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP32314 that will benefit from the service. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Robertson Heights" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014- 2013". 2. The contents of Schedules ""A", "B" "C" and "D" attached hereto are hereby declared to be made an integral part of this Bylaw. 3. The Local Area Service of the District for the benefit of which the enhanced landscape areas are to be maintained as a municipal service are defined as the hatched areas on the attached Schedule "A". 4. The recommended procedures and frequencies for maintenance and Annual Charges are described on the attached Schedule "B". 5. The Enhanced Landscape area planting plans "Allard East Subdivision Swale Area, Robertson Road", drawings L1, L2 and L3, revised 14.Feb.19, by PMG Landscape Architects; Development and "Allard East Subdivision Neighbourhood Parks, Jackson Road and 104th Avenue", drawings L1, L2, L4 and L5, revised 14.Feb.19, by PMG Landscape Architects are attached as Schedule "C". 6. The Enhanced Landscaping area engineering drawings: Proposed Allard East Subdivision drawings 3, 6 and 19 of 37 by Core Group Consultants, file 1592, revised 13/11/07 are attached as Schedule "D". 7. This bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. READ a first time the day of , 2014. READ a second time the day of , 2014. READ a third time the day of , 2014. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 70 705,16 ss7 1 26 3610543 70540 4,.....706 rp 0 25 37 P 72103 '0536 30, 2270 -1'91i as 24 r 597 F F- 38 Li, F- 39 F- 40 r F 41 m r 2 ni °53 p r p�3 V�/ n� n� n n� 1 140 23 22 248 STREET '0520 27 28 70626 72 F- rosy 29707!s,,7 73 - o N m , 4067 s 26 3070 4°577 Os2p 71 705 11' 7067022 705,6 7410 P 32 314 3170573 04D6� 24x1. x''324 sem 706,0 70 754 5,7 7°4813 7 4 602 2 � `� 3 0606 7°6- fi9 74 p5,, r° 060D C43,47 0607fi8 05 4x211 4 4 °6 10515 117 108 21 49244/ �� p 10501 ro4 6 77 70 105058q O 701996 20 3fi7�049a 7 q 67 7 404 404 111 ` 2 10481 7�01n4�J5 40�`� 65 fi 110 1 T�4 0�s0 '� 70496 LUQ 70186 9 188 38770 <v� la 70 704 4D48r 4� 08> '`�� 704817 394 7D Q 10108 121 10477 � rpg6° 16 407 0T77 48D 63 497 : 704$2 12ib471 °873 7°�75 107 r� 12 TC) 7040 15 417 �� 704�s 0876 62 /.� .. 10465 70�2 gs r°4� 10fi 70166134 4270;69 �� UZ 4 1241 459 7 fit 83 5 °463 70468 7Q¢s2 P 1$2$0 ro1�s0 12 437 07 U�7 60 8j 1041 45� 4 12%453 8 70160 11 447 ss 7X62 59 85 709 10 45 -1 r 55 °158 10451 10456 103 126 10447 58 701,106 9C� 46770119 70952 10448 102 8610445 8 °845 57 101 r r1j 7 4477 0T48 10442 ,� 7°136 7 3 87 10441 of ' 9 56 0°� 100 '` • 7 30 6 c 0435 °484 10438 127 app 88 10435 7°126 55 70�38 99 701 5 °428 89 10431 10432 h°, 54 4 alts 98 70,176 517 24 713 2471 9 24725 c G 4 10428 70470 3 524 79 PARK 2 24705 0 95 10418 97 128 �°go6 1 53 704',6 EPP 3412' r r 10408 96 104 AVENUE 28 48 ca 703 703 N 103902 4' 105 N 00 N 104 Nn N d N 103 d N 102 m d N 101 [O N 100 [O N "1- 99 N g M 1OU •=1- 0392 98 7 10 °386 /03863 5i3af 3� ro38 90 3 7 d 703 5 d 103 7N 91 �t- t- NN 92 ra BCP 93 d N 23574 94 d N 95 t- d N 96 r N 97 7° 0 0 N 124 �°3T4n MAPLE RIDGE LOCAL AREA SERVICE BYLAW Bylaw No. 7014-2013 r771 Enhanced Landscape Areas D Original Lot Lines L\ N SCALE 1:2,000 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LAS Estimate - "Bioswale" Allard East Date: Jun 26, 2014 SCHEDULE "B" Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities only done on an as -need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Qt Unit cost Total Annual Monitoring Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks May - September. 4 $ 200.00 $ 800.00 Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edges) Mowing Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks May - September. 14 $ 200.00 $ 2,800.00 Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Fertilizing April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur -coated urea fertilizer as rate of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. In October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn areas. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Lime Apply biannually in February and October. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Edging Once per year, March - April establish a clean edge with a power edge or half moon cutter. 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Shrub and Tree Planting Areas TOTAL $ 6,500.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous branches/trees, General Inspection invasive species and address issues threatening plant health, as necessary. Prune ornamental grasses. 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 Invasive Species Removal Weeding of shrub beds. 4 $ 350.00 $ 1,400.00 TOTAL $ 6,500.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LAS Estimate - "Community Mail Box" Allard East Date: Jun 26, 2014 Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities only done on an as -need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Q Unit cost Total Annual Monitoring Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks May - September. 4 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edges) Mowing Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks May - September. 14 $ 50.00 $ 700.00 Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 2 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 Fertilizing April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur -coated urea fertilizer as rate of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. In October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn areas. 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Lime Apply biannually in February and October. 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Edging Once per year, March - April establish a clean edge with a power edge or half moon cutter. 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Shrub and Tree Planting Areas TOTAL $ 2,200.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous branches/trees, General Inspection invasive species and address issues threatening plant health, as necessary. Prune ornamental grasses. 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Invasive Species Weeding of shrub beds. 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Removal TOTAL $ 2,200.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 PLANT SCHEDULE 5WALcn KM( OTY BOTANICAL NAME NCEERCIRO I TUN R RUEINERVE c IS GSDFNSM COMMON NAME VINE MAME RED EASS ERN MAP D CORSO KELSEY DWARF 000WO00 DAM.AOUMODUM OREGON CRAPE M ONw NERVOSA DULL OREGON GRAPE RIDES DANOMNEUM%IND EDWARD VR RED FLOWEIND CURRANT SYMPNONIGRPO.SDOCRENDCSII CORAL DERRY CORAL BERRY VACCINIUM WANK EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY GREY SSE BEATLES OAULTNERM SHALL. LYMICSFUI M USNSU u BEATLES SEISM SAUL WESTERN SWORD FERN SCSI -RUSH SCHEDULE "C" aotrir PUNTED SCE/ REMMOM M POT M POT SCM CAL; lam STD; B:D os POT: MOM M POT M POT SY POT: MED MI POT NOTES: • PLANT SCES IN TallS LIST ARE SPEW. A OROINGTOTNE BCIANDSCAPESTANDARD, LATEST MESON. CONTAINER SCES SPECIFIED AS PER DMA STANDARDS. OTS PUNT SREAND CONTAINER DREARCTHO SHIMS. ACCEPTABLE SUES. • REPER TO SPECIFICATIONS POR DEFIN®eoNTAINER MAMMAL REODIREMwrs.• DGR REMIEYM MARC PLANTMttOMLAYAIUDIE FOR OPTIONALRMN ODV G SPEARCHNOECTA SOURCE OV SUPPLY. AREA OP SPARCNTO INCLUDE LONER DAMON°AND FRASER VALLEY,. SUBETITUr1ONS: OBTAIN WM,. APPROVAL FROM TNE �PRIOR TO NAMNDANYSUBBTINTIONS TOTHE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITIMONS WILL BE RSJ Scam. 61NSION CPCONDITIONon Oys ion To DUNS, KM REM:curio DUDDSTSTE. DUDSTITISIMIDADEDUDJEcs To Do E FAVAIUOUTS.ALL G LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND WORKNDMP MUST MIXPD P EETOR CBC LANDS E STANDARD✓ LATEST EDITION.ALL PWfT MATERIAL NUM BEFROVIOED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY 3 31la3HJS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SUM 0100 - 4185 Sal Crook Oran, 3urnnby, British C lurnSIa, VSC MD p: 804200-0011 ; t 004294SM LSCawdght mom,. droving and L1000010.0 pmpeEof PMO 1.0060058 Malta.and may not 85 waced or aaod ler Otho✓ pmblaevdmI N oir r aLslOR crrtsmoNNNA 1.1210 0000[1.5 00 00 SlAl.,10 /011(.1011,1101,01.114105 1.0.1 I3J111.. REV BATE REVISION OESCNPIION 0R. PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SWALE AREA ROBERTSON ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWINGTOLE LANDSCAPE KEY PLAN BATE BBJUN.O0 SCALP ll9O DRAM: DO DESIGN: DD CHMO: MST DRAWING NUMBER: OF3 23-007 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Surto 0100 - 4185 StIII Crook Drive Burnaby, OrIt1M Columbia V5C 609 p: 604 2040D11 ; L 604 294.0022 09Copvrl0nt rnnowed. Thb dmwln0 and dawgn Is to prOmp�E sd or usod for otPMG her projects without Archltocts and Noir not be p Imran. CLIENT: 13-010.10 ADP PC1•11.5 PO 13.00 -JO MEMO WIT COM 11.31 11.010.10 nv.mormrio 1/10440.110STS 004 No. DATE REVISIONDEscRt.TION DR. SWALE PLANTING EXAMPLE IMAGE PROJECT: MW 44fMM DEPTH DRD,4No MEDIUM MIN. SPAGNDOFt EM TO W X.3M SWALE CROSS-SECTION 2 ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SWALE AREA ROBERTSON ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAL WOOD BOLLARD DETAIL IOOMM ROUND ROCK SHRUB OLIARD CWALC-iR¢o 444- MOHO SPACNG 0Ft5MTO AXOM TYPICAL SWALE ENLARGEMENT DRAWWO TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN 248TH ST /JACKSON RD DATE rot DRAM DEMON: CHICD:McY 23JUNO6 Do no DRAINING NUMBER: L2 0F3 PMG PROJECT NUNOER 13-087 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Sulfa MOO - 4105 Still Croak DrNo Burnaby, Bhlbh Columbia, V5C 000 p: 60429400/1 ; 1: 604 2940022 0 CopYrWht maowed. TNs drawing and dosig n Is the properly of PMG Londocopa Amhllacls and moy not be roproduced or vend for other prolocta without their pomJaslon. CLIENT: DO DO 1333311 [V 1/4111/ PAP% PlAN11/10 PIOT 13 DO 13JULIII DUDE SLIM PlAtOMIAPIIS DO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SWALE AREA ROBERTSON ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAL DRAW:NOTTLE LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DATE SCALE DESIGN: PMG CHRT: MCY ISJUNSS A CAD DRAWING NUMBER: L3 330BT-OIIP OF3 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 13-087 PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMERT•CONT PARTTHREE SOFT LANDSCAPEDEVELOPMENT•CONT 11 ODIUM 1 10111901111� Impq1. �.�rru .amicinraxmauw.Wrra•.nrwev. raw aaA,raarwnrtn.Fry .Nr.puwwyrmr rrwww muo • m rw,ra+,er.urtn.nrwxau4•... 10110111114.6111.111111.1 r nu..i, uo-rn r . r r omnnrI +r.wnrmwrn.. 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Nanwa.ut wwn•nr`ra n0• .un.nwwrrnwr.Irrxr ^ r�wwNwaI. 10,319/ r..mwwWrmr nndvu-tu w n.m..,nr nu •wrux...n +1 � •ornnirrnwuiW/rtulMalw.nwnrrnnaauv.mnh'.•.a.n.wn.+n+wwbw•rwtxt . nn.w.y.1•10.nrva...a...rw.Mw.,e_.uwr too a Mwx..axur•r.rar• tr1/wunnwaglttl.wwa .11 hanal•111.•nOo•Imploilk‘ol 1•3a ..that a Maur •�e�� n �rF e...onrn rn�4 rn +441 rn.nw.Y..nMwtw..wx..yxw...0 lawn r .1 Ita.misir Dm Yoh, sk•laroteas. tainISIP•IIIIm•P with 113 imi Iola 1•110.11/1411•13.316,41••1011,• NO, rn wararawarnwanwntM. Mwl w.0• r-rrMuwn. a .Mr nxr NOW IS An rwa rwtwumwpwa. Ix.uawrwtr AU sts /1.03,•••1•3033‘041311111.111•31111137- al ..w•x..a.. I.0•;,L .,.urrlM..m . r r wr awwna w _ w r..w.n.aramnhsIfl_ r$ ••••'MF SI rwwnn., ur.ylwwanM.aaw.m,rr4ww,orurm w ntlMuruuMnanwra.wuu LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Sulfa MOO - 4105 Still Croak DrNo Burnaby, Bhlbh Columbia, V5C 000 p: 60429400/1 ; 1: 604 2940022 0 CopYrWht maowed. TNs drawing and dosig n Is the properly of PMG Londocopa Amhllacls and moy not be roproduced or vend for other prolocta without their pomJaslon. CLIENT: DO DO 1333311 [V 1/4111/ PAP% PlAN11/10 PIOT 13 DO 13JULIII DUDE SLIM PlAtOMIAPIIS DO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SWALE AREA ROBERTSON ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAL DRAW:NOTTLE LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DATE SCALE DESIGN: PMG CHRT: MCY ISJUNSS A CAD DRAWING NUMBER: L3 330BT-OIIP OF3 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 13-087 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Sub 0100 - 41110 Still Crook Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VOC SCO p: a04294-0011 ; I: 604234-0022 CICopy:I0ht roso:ved. This drawing and doslo n is Inc proreproduced el ed or artunnd tor atG hor projects without ts and may not be pmmleolon. cIEN1: I AD f7 :,i:1 Pi irry- r:.x,::;.,rtu! ,,J-. iF �, f 441� wis .4'4 grit =,,; IAi ak lie orstustletve 14JAN UT MKS -1M11010/Itt PIMP PO Filvaln PC Pi COY [01414Cnic IlAtIOJS Pim mar Ai roL umCW*0411M 1.1.1 IIJULI1 ItLYISt LI La MR [0 NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWwD TITLE LANDSCAPE KEY PLAN DATE 13JUN.OB WALE: 1.'730 DRAWN: 00 OGIBN: 0D CHICO: MCP DRAIMNC NUMBER: L1 PMC PROJECT RUMBEx vsa7-a00P OF 13-087 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Salto C100 ...4185 SIM Crack Dtivo Burnaby, BHII h Columbia, VSC 039 p: 004 2940011 ; t 554294-0022 ageopYriaht Memmo& EDB drawing and dcelan In lno reproducedro2orherjtoihaiinir lea r 0Sotmaoewun patmisslon. MAILBOX AT JACKSON & 104TH - GRADING mctD:P REDD CONDI VILMA JAPONICUM PINTINO ETEPAVING PISA RETAININO WALL ONION CoUPLER 0000 MIIBOXES TENDER TUFF BENCH:COOOUR LEAF CKA SPAT, GRAPHITE FRAME NNALVFAME 1.5MCONC ZE PATH INICI-ToDE A°PART TREE PPLA CO MAILBOX AT JACKSON & 104TH - LANDSCAPE Mry liMPATilt HIM NAMING /11tr.VIALL II 0 114410.11 AV.MILEAS rt. MIM.I13111AINIS. hill 13JULI• MOM ti / 144 COMMLY IS DO ND. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR. PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS GROWING MEDIUM (SEEDPEC. UNDISTURBED WTESOIL WC ANGULAR CLEAR STONE ORAINAGEn K MULCH( SEC SPCC.) COPING UNIT.] t1tli trd PISA STONE -TAPERED AND STANDARD UNITS. CATC.X12a NOTE SROCNUFANIPECFI11GTalIEDAPERMANUFACTURE= ICAT1ONO DRMINT1LEON,PUTLO1AnONS To DU COORDINATED WITH ENG. KHOTNs GRANULAR FODI1N1 DEPTH COMPACTED FOST:1HE PISA RETAINING WALL JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAM DRAWINOTule LANDSCAPE PLAN 24STH ST / JACKSON RD DATE DRAWN: DEMON: CHICD:MOT 11JUN.O' Nam OD OD DRAWING NUMOER: PMO PROJECT NUMBER: 2 OF5 13-087 SCHEDULE MAILDDXPmwDP CD E04TNUMDCR: 13-1311tELY OTY (>.d_ K{iUB\�4 04 P(� EAENNwL ] E ACTS PLATANOIDEZCRIMSON KING' CRIMSON ONO NORWAY MAPLE B5CM CAI: 1.5N STD: B&Bo COMIDIPHYLLUMJAPQWI UM KATSNNTRE M PAI: UM STD; DOB (� 2 HYDRANGEAMACROPHYLIAIAA^JK mCLMF HYDRANGEA; RED 02 POT DOOM 4 MUD MU00 TUMILCt DWARF MVOO PINE la POTO �OSAMODIIAND TERVE MEDDI PND ROSE CORAL PINK rs qac PEMERK LDCIR WC POT.: GCM TIUCNluuPIOCCIDENT/US 's1ADMOO EMERALD NA DE BLUEBERRY S 2 4 V EINE VIJAPCMDA'N1n9PRMCC.^ WER CLAD EA: PINK 13 POT: ADEM 021.514 poll055 2 INUM'AVIPUNK NAPE DAVID ADURNUM 02 POT;2DCM (� VIBURNUM WVIDII pAWD^JVIBVRNVM a2POT;]acM o HEUOTOTRICNONSEMPERVIRENS DLUE OATORASC 01 POT 1B ASDLaEXARENDmIYANAL' IALAS111TE Fs1 POT HEAER:THU l IS'SMUOCLERt COWpMYLILY: YELLOW 1 POT 1.x FAN NOTES: • PLANFSCES IN THIS LISTARESPECIFIEDACCCRDINGTO THE SC LANDS'CAPESTANDARD LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SQESSPECIFIEDAO PER CNTA STANDARDS. BOTH PLANTERCONTAINERD¢EARETus S TO IE MINIMUM ACCEPTADLCOI.- RUPEE TO SPECIFICATIONS DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHPLANT AKE PLANT MATEMAL ILABLE FOR ONAL MATERIAL 'SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAP°EWtANDSCAPEARCHRETATSOURE OFsPLY. AREA OF SEARCHNCWDELEERINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY. a suBSTID1TDNs:OBT W otlaSTITtM LL°TNREEFROM TH°OPITJPRIOR EH�N9�UREJTED.ALLOW MINIMUM EDAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR RE°UESTT0UE SUBSTIMICNSARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STSTANDARD-LATE TT EEDITIP IN.DuR PLANT MAMONS OP ATCRALALMUOT DE vxwIDSCAPE ED FROM MIPIC°DDIIscAK FREE NURSERT ETDR EXCEED OC WIpSCAP¢ JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAM DRAWINOTule LANDSCAPE PLAN 24STH ST / JACKSON RD DATE DRAWN: DEMON: CHICD:MOT 11JUN.O' Nam OD OD DRAWING NUMOER: PMO PROJECT NUMBER: 2 OF5 13-087 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS suite cies - 4185 =Crook Dtno Burnaby*British Columbia, VSC 600 p; 604 24-0011 ; 1: 604 2940622 m Co13111g It renewed. TMs drawing One danlgn Is the property of PMS landscape ArcMlaab and may not be reproduced or need teralburprolatluwllnoutmelr porminelon. cUENT Zep 6 Slope IOC mNCRE2- WORT ':-_4 y., - °ROOM FlNIOH i50 PACT:9° MORAOPILL COMC 1.5M WIDE CONCRETE PATH rcGROWING MEDIUM UNDER GRABS THICRENEO DONOR= CODE CROSSSLOPETD LAWN s NCREIL-UGHy ER moFlNISH ACTED SUORFILL ORAO COMP E CONCRETE PAD/PAVEMENT 25 PLAY SAFETY SURFACE 14 TID4D COI LUDIMISIOD ti alint ADO DM/OA DO ILOCUO AMID IDIOM LODIDIIII DO 1131P.11 1011Y.14111/ PAKMAIM/ Ot1 WAIL 04.1) Lit ION. MMUS No. DATE REVISION DESCRtPnoN PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS ws ETINNim IN ORDUND MAX. Hr. FORSFAT450MN MIN. HC. 4DOIVA 100 mmNCRBRODL; MGM PINISN 150 mm GRANULAR NU_ BOULDER SEATING JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAL DRAWINGTRLE LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE o CALF DRAWN D ESIGN 1.3417.13 laoe DO DOJMM MOT DRAWING NUMBER. L4 130D3ALP OP 5 PMG PROJECT mane= 13-087 MIN. 3'ONAIN GRAVEL INSIALLAS PER PLAYGROUND SECCIFICATIONS 2% CRO55 SLOPE wmm r PINIH Mi-% wr v.ORoOM lta COMACTEo / U[OM C p ; 4' MO b N PIPE p'1I.}W41�IIIb6Ydl DMIN 0 MINS%— CONNECTED =STORM DRAIN— PLAY SAFETY SURFACE 14 TID4D COI LUDIMISIOD ti alint ADO DM/OA DO ILOCUO AMID IDIOM LODIDIIII DO 1131P.11 1011Y.14111/ PAKMAIM/ Ot1 WAIL 04.1) Lit ION. MMUS No. DATE REVISION DESCRtPnoN PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS ws ETINNim IN ORDUND MAX. Hr. FORSFAT450MN MIN. HC. 4DOIVA 100 mmNCRBRODL; MGM PINISN 150 mm GRANULAR NU_ BOULDER SEATING JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEAL DRAWINGTRLE LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE o CALF DRAWN D ESIGN 1.3417.13 laoe DO DOJMM MOT DRAWING NUMBER. L4 130D3ALP OP 5 PMG PROJECT mane= 13-087 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BumpCCy,, Brl11ah1Columl ,1 5, Greek 609 p: 6042960011 ; I: 604 2940022 PART ONE GENERAL REOUIREMENTS 1./ Waves .1 01110/1111 API wa.ra..0 u . un, n..w..s 1•111.••1•••411•1•031•1•1•11•41411.111,••••••• 111/1_uq,mu& .n.'nlnwIttta M1 n atlu Snr4wnrrywrw•tMlw.m•Iuw.W.Wum.natwnrwlnlu MUA tmar331Y1p..wln.wMwatuuw.w 11• .6.1•1•011••••4••W ••Y.•.•tnlnwxl.Irin _ 33.44•.41 na.t rnnl.I.Iwt1Y.1. J A Iwllu rl.r.mta• frost rw +.r � rw.wrwm+..unlwl.....A,r..a p sol Hvrd bar me 1 n•..+. .. .w.mm•Iwurw AI Sit••psrAptinApsel•Insurtplims111•12•S•1•14.0•111widn111•0411•13.1••••AltASIASAT•111•1•44•1••••••1 PART THREE SOFTLANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT II 11111114111 14111411141 J a Apu+wn•w1u14ml.e▪ Ow limit xpnw.l.waa. nlwr.lrriu•,rvrat ntompolexaXmlow au AuewadwInnodoo,ti.I.r.uNrr.lr.a4 • m .e µrwlnre,r.Lvrrrnm`nu•rAmnvlm•nnrwna Yt.0 • 11• .1 a •rat• .' ni'p.rw mnw.nYw •. wu .nwl.Ytu.rnwAn..rlpuwn 1111. r.+.• arx.nm.urn_rwlu •stne1Fw'.01Iywrt I11•44 vr.m..A..•nl.n wulw.W 4433 PARTIIIREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVETOPMENT.CONT AI • �S:',.rI I. A. Win AI In Iwo low 0•r• A • rr.a e.0 a w.xuuu .•.rnulna.Iwu1.W.Mw.n nwnnn✓.I.wu. .. wnw• rw. .rwr.a.r.ta.nu.rm.••w... Mu- tub rm...w.aaat.anl•en.r.l..w.a. ..w A Mans X re. 3•14 man dx Wend ph wr.wmr«u..r.t.a..w nwrn .r.0 n33nww.pxwt.ra.nwunlrrewn�.a.nln.l�l AE101114•1•11.•••••••41•InanopAnithillonsmAntrip.•Ims11•411.040A4111•44.1•11••111102••••••1•90•1•3• 4141 31 LUAU Adricha unranw u •wrlt.nax.w•41wpr.x.I.P b osser...w.ryhwwanr.wlww ..uprr • r.1e Yn.S. s. txrwa W..IwwMfWpatwInaNI.wn. 11 w,Intln alul.lnarnuvul.nnwrYlml.w..tnNxl•YI•aerneabyn • la A•v4•,.u.•....nwww.xat.rn w.l yn..1.wrwu.w.wm..r..w.nlxn,•relraxwnw 11 ALAIMO • n a .. a•wn.tn•WUIrIm•a•a1.YaY. PART IWO SCOPE OP WORK IJ RAIN 11111 eux.ew..l •ryMPax•1004111nlw.rl.w. 21 • loan bousrai•Ar Adaisp•Ii•EtIttln••••11.11•11A•41211111. • 11 11/1111111101•131.1allIilantsItilnall WOW 1111•11111111140w11/0•AIIIIIVILAIIMADIA11111)11101.14AULAI 1••••••101•••1191 Finland •11•1•AttAlunrIsel•Inutism1 Owns Ann loupsttn tutu PAS. • ;Wenn /As new 0.1•436•111. 114201 lovs WS 101.04 hat SA 3 1•140 ww..•m,..trM.Yn.ar.wlwu..w.w+el.vYm•.I...a.arra l.l. ▪ e..tnY.I.Awr1..Iwx.awlrrlI.MI/awn Male( • • na.Tpr.nrntY.wn a 33....114. x•••1wll t ..p ..w•II...r.n..unatwnY.w.nr XlInt1 .N..n.�.u.ntouwt.,Wnuwratn.I..MRl.ww.dkt.wnx.rrmor.rr.rlm .... ▪ 1••••••4•••1•1•0stakesup . wat.r 33411 twrxwYA••nn.Y.' rl M`•x,::.rw; • 11•03••••• At•InAutptostuusym•••ItirisprottAtunsmists•An4onauflask .+ 10. atop •.natnx � S- wla gel .• , r •..n Y.al I. • n• 1 at/Ivy honk ObinmampaataaltatanotwaniorJheassniataossaavaroilwa w. r.A..uxrin.aaxlJW. I .InI4raynYYna.1•aMIr.M.rl1a hark .11 • 11•114•11211•041••••flandlriostrinillta. �v- Wr11 un:. nes . . .• iu 1 wuuL 11 PO Iamb .1% lauriartiamiammainauttpil ▪ 1 • vlattp e..a.Irlwla''1 irgrwr.rlwrmenl I.•.pux.xnrrYt.0.wluw • 3 r .r..•a..r.t•a.at•wwnaN.u•.r..rr4ul..tryn.tw.prnl.y,.wnn.w•w.u.r lava Nap r inky A2• 1 In••11114miltiollitIttpilts.......17•1111/41 31 amts. Ivory w.l+ Iw.a,. : 131.44 APIA Intror 'l..w.•anw.px..wlMwuranA.axl..n•.xN ..IIY•wlYv.,aN ` u .1••••••1•1•••••14••••••••••••• .wr•wm..rl..•••1•••••••11•1•21•••1••••••••• .ul.la.IalYnwn.W.w.lw. txtnwm..pwrPwr•t•am.a Iwwrnn. A Oa Toset 11101. SAMNA 4. AAA Ana rra n.wl.wrblw1Allit• In SpInimiryalos• .rl wlnrr. lixawbatip . • wrlwe r,.ntrnlnlw.tat..Yrna.arr,al..x,n.R..n.wa.. aw.nurl.Mry.a.•. • 1•41441-111 tsaimIttlanl 1•1•0•11.• A nylon.. 'settee onpotimthow rw.wYaj•Jania•••••n:rrMi"a..,. w1,::.' rw.rngaPmww .• r.•.1 • nr"'w1s.3n ru.nr..r... y.nw.ruluxr•awM.- u..xv..rn.rrylw ..xtmyww+•fMI.npM•nurar.wp.nln.•I...w.alul.awwNn. law itnistattenamsauta haul Run 3XX VM .4.31•103•12111.3.041.. aliat •l ,q.vl=1111Aneptii siiiin'Iwl r' .M pat •. W m.aw.a .nn 4.'4404111 .• rlrrNnwwun.tnIwn• I...uw.wauwm.wr. yuw1•I W.� leiter v.nfli xurrnl.r.munwrwl1s'.iW4M 1ls'r.ai.. uluu. ..I.yuylnu$*..l•unruv .a▪ w.. wln.uW..l..ww..^"Ar.mm.•In.Y.III•AmIlernelr..an..rr•ar..wtr. 11 1.0•1•31•0211•11culern141/04••••••111•11.1••••••111•4•1111•111•1111AthuniiettIne.4•11•4111•101•11411•11114 Adalp sI It u1.401•1••••••41•011•1•100•••••11•4•1•1•1•11••1.4•�vwr�w••l.tr m.nre.nxr.aw.wr. Flpsti•UlA dna AI OW u...•w aw..rw..aia.n•n•Mrwrt.wnpwtwwrvn.wl.r .u..eu.nw... ampueµarw...rue.nwrww.Mairehinatlu•n Sx.Yn.411.1.u•.A,u.0 a bloom. atl aJhaarTawata .e, t1.1"l.=r...l•...a alw.All...r.x ra1...$....womisklaral .,..rl'�..a A Ina, A Sin, •.In.w..rYnrrrel..mtY..r.•x• •P•m•w.wa.rwn4mr.lan.aw.w.p, •.epYl.. ▪ Aix 0 w•0 e4.wulxa.tYnw•IXOINleMwtwwl.. ail Van. is ...hada nibtaramesha wt wan taehmtudaaa isini•setallaldhanapcathatorwlatamplinl mama Goa lima .113 .....• ...".•"n:w" "114 . t....a.w.tAI iya••••••AuispittedInslint••••4•SIALlatittn11~11•111•11 PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT -COM' Al 1•10•114411o1111•1•••ApInta1•11/10•413•••31••11.411•14nAtintO•31331nAvOlny•Pilun111•1•••1•61•11••••••1•1 10.03 vtliiV�anitan.,a sr.*. II•naelil AA IN ImantaCakitala ••••••••110411••••11A-• 1•1•11•APIPAISAISAPASSAIdsus n u nriaa *veal salaiPonaaavrveRralinnwollaIN amitatlYllteavilarolthason uM....l to/amnia oto.vaia• 111 W• olf VIP•Ven. 1114.41.110/3/1 /01111111611A10•••••••Itrututhapintl luiva•G mix xlilx•tort Yalta w • • .,wxuur. .•Lt .w. 11 1141u.141ww•tn4la.r.• • ten nyuiu AI MX4014044. Ilea ...Nana wiw▪ twa..•nn.l.r r. a ..r wuun.•r, n I y yr At uluxµW.Irn`naaiutrvuea.wc rrwlir.tµlryt4.. lannowasPhalarm at thogamfroghaalaastaa ▪ .•11.0 vow Thrfrpf Pown1•11•34•11710•711P"mrtem•••••^1/"Dulkla•Pd•PfrrolVt5•4•4Y•14."1" •31•1•••ontiniel mots IA. t401411.1m Pin 16•1101•111•• nt IAN/ • _ I•.4 r..•a.€tt• lwry..nrny..n�wtwvww..nw.r--. ...1.. /I Onus ah�tsuin..w•I.rrrt•InnyuMat•eun.w.axn...1.I.eM. taItrufl..4i ow. Nita ©COPY0oh1 ranglvea. Tnm emvnnp and doslun la the properly roper rPM aouop�Amhllaolsand may not bo ropmdalon, prolecta without Malt pan GUENT: soma, 01110314SUOI/ annul; OOP 111/11 11ACIAO AVM HASA 1111.0/01 111141141111110/1111.WA SD 1.141 11.111111 IIIVIA11111111nus COMIANIS DO NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. PROJECT: ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS JACKSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 104TH AVE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWING TTTtE: LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DATE CHM 1SJUNAD N/A CAD MCY DRAM ND NUMBER PMC PROJECT NUMBER: 5 orS 13-087 SCHEDULE "D" 1 0 13 10 I. ROT,FRI PAP. DC MOM WIC UNT WP RAO DEO. TOR MO OR (P Q 1501420 mP 031 COOT ILTLIATL IR IX (Room wars) DMCRR 1019190 1 HHDL0107 1 TIXTT. NW IP moda 1.51.1.T PId RIIRSOMPLAN 10PE 1= m 0.911 H. EP ONDINOTIN et. olAm ANNIE POP R -.551 WM COP 101 -PN OPE II Cf PUS O0PP=PPE m SNIP 1111 30.5 PTIPS OPP PPP (05.131 01 11 ns Ivo cmxsw 7-1" 10.5. CZ DIS Tzom POO ow� TACK RPM 09 mR> POI sm`a`00097. RII /! TYPICAL SECTION — JACKSON ROAD (1 NOT 10 SCALE ) PRY EPP PI 72 RD smm APxwP PPE (O LP) LIPP -Ao0mn LO WAS P COP mm PGLM¢L IP IN Pan0001" TamlYlm WHO RPM m P 400 seam UPPRdWM ®10A TO109 TYPICAL SECTION — LANE (NO%NO WEST k NORM) NOT ro SCALE 0.005 PO 001 C 1/ - M ( _:«T!.0. N OM., B.r LIN S10111 1 v9., 9. PPP w'191I R OI R pMS CORE R _ E. muse otAu dS m HE Po PPE 14m010�OT PION OPP 10 SNIP 10 YE 1190 TYPICAL SECTION — ROBERTSON ST (LOOKING NORM) NOT 10 SCALE Pa 600.4199 011 CROP Mr MUT=NI Aaa a IN9aPO 10 RN I 4x23-31. 4 fOR DPI RICO. ma ,a Le. TM IMO sod 1000 . SY russoreS PER COPO010 Cr NiI D+Pa 1 a*NA'0'P'a( TZ5m m *010710 EZ 10. CII2mm OPP MP BASE mmw TYPICAL SECTION — 704 AVENUE 570. 0+040-0007000C 005501) Nor ro 5041E PAP. SIRCEPAIIT PRP. 01RIET10E BARRER (ma SO R11 aP MX PP PARI RCSOS GU 0.01.5 ADM, AAL OPER a01 10Pa P9 m POI CPC IS150. Of 15mm WE _ PEEP20. Prim( P9r P1077100EIP TO OK II"'v0 TYPICAL SECTION — 104 AVENUE ORM N STA. OPWO0 (IDO0NC Cass) 0.01,6 NORM) Nor m srAtE Ecr ION TYPICAL LOT SERVICING NOT 10 SCALE BIOSWALE RAIN GARDEN — ROBERTSON ST. TYPICAL SOWN (LOOKING NORM) NOT TO SCALE Et NAL MMmD .1505 5141®lT TYPICAL SECTION — 248th STAS PTO IN CRONE KR ON n PP PCP k Wm) 95 w OP �n PPMI P P PPE -Pm LOVER OPE ION PO CPO CRAPOP10 PP 1551 7Pn MOM CRP POP 10 EPP 9.1021.5P WPM ri gong TYPICAL SECTION — McEACHERN ST (0DNw0 NORM) Nor ro la. V) MICRO RAIN GARDEN DETAILS NOT 10 SCALE MUNICIPAL PROJECT No. E08-20 f 0EN001ANO ELEVAOONS NOE DEKI14D 011O/ 1NE MOIST OF MAKE FROM BENON /RC 0.54010E 10CAlEO ALONG 1000001 AVE. NORTH 0010401 410 ELEVATION - 78813m SOU CoreGroup OAS L N uNo 600-0060 MASERS0 MRTRV1Cc� B000IHf. BC N51 SIa LL (8047100 0805 101E (60090 CCM GRAPHIC SCALE SEM WOK IDU DIC P*DAN110N ON COSTING MOS MAY NOT BE COUPLET 0R A0007E MOR TO CON51101COWt WM000154 SHALL °°OSE =CONS OF NL 0167010 01WOES NN AOIOE 7NE POKER OF MENU. SWISS. 1E15 DRAM 10 BE READ PIW410100N NM ALL OWER 0000015 FOR HINGES. SEANCE LOG11MS. .W0 MUM ME EMU LOCOS OF MEAL BINIES SHALL BEDEIERINN O ON SIE ,0/11/00 PERSONS ID ROBERTSON DPP 12/10/0B 10/00/11 10/00/00 01PG MANHOLE 487/040 REPO DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Engineering Deport GRACING PENS. - m AREA OF M FOUR. md1®OH DE40MD - DRAWN - 5R 10/00/10 10/9/00 MON PARR, *D REVD 10/%10 moo SOUND 0184010. OWN W0 DAn:- APR. a 2013 PROPOSED ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION TYPICAL ROAD CROSS-SECTIONS & DETAILS 102 COO -20 CONSU ONO Hol. WG No- a 31f1a3HJS F 5 1 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 so 79 78 WEST GUI CRAOE et s � 8 d 2 a 2 5 g § a R 2 C/L GRADE 2 S: R m » a 0 a E tl 5 EAST CUTTER GRADE 5 A g 2 a ex 8 1 2 STATIONS D \ \ Q RUCKS Ex. Ma a REPLACE TO ERSRNC EMITS 10 SAT NEW CURE. SEE CURB WPM PROFILE S tl 6 1 E § 3 8 R S 8 2 2 2 F E PMR rewire unoN e-- N,MR o CURB STRING UNE TO RE FE10 WP61m BY THE DSTRLT PARR TO KURDS CURB a OJTIFR NOTES 1. FOR TWTCM ROAD SEMEN REFER 10 CRAMS 3 2. FOR GENERAL a RDW%OR S NOTES REFER ID DRAWING 2 3. FCR CURB RETURN DATA REFER TD ORMOND 31 4. GALL Bc ONE -LTL. 24 NaRS PRO( TO CONSTRUCTOR 1 THS OMWNS 1O BE PEW N CWLNCRW NRI All OTHER DRANNCS CURB DEFL STA:1i001.49 4q 410 42 A 30 LAWN BASIN PER TYCO 512 TPS 2 - SEE PROFILE SHEET 3 a MEET 19 PER FURTHER CETARS '. ,.-gizmo ro... • (D20 �� 1+010 Y 1f080 HOBO d dee i' INSTALL STOP BAR & LIC PMNRNC PER OS(LCT SPEOFICAIIGS '. REMOVE EC C8 DISPOSE 6 Gem & CAP LEAD REMOVE IHS SECRW 6 EX. SO a REPLACE AS SIGN 10 SUIT NEW CURL. INCE 16SOL a SRO N PACE 6 Pfl1OWD SDEWAIR. SIE ORS RETURN PROFILE SHEET 31 FOR ORB GRADESI OLSTAEL S LSDONN PER OMR DET. SO R16 Sm -R23 IE -N ASPHALT & CURBS TO MATCH DOSROC FOR CONRNUATTON SEE DWG 0 f • 1 BENCHMARK: EIEVAOWS WERE DERIVED TROY THE OSTRCT OF MAPLE NOME BENO0410C 8910702 LOMB ALMS =CROON AVE, NORTH CC 1041D AW. ELEVARW - 76513m CoreGrou LAND 3220-8908 oM � �gvicGO BURNABYL BC VSJ SIC VL (601)299 0685 law (604)299 0629 TRAPOc SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE -10 0 10 SCALE 1:500 20 CHECK BEFORE YOU DIG NFORILMON ON EIDT1142 MURES WY NOT BE COMPETE CR AExMM1E PRIOR 10 WRSMUOION CGDRWTOR STALL DAZE LOGICS OF M. E10SWC =DES MO MASE THE OCJNEDR OF POEN1W CWFUCIS. INS DMNNC 10 BE READ N 03NJWCI1U/ WIN ALL MIER DMWO:CS FOR IM ES. MINCE LOGRWS AND OEEWS 111E MOT EOCA11W OF 111ESE UTLOES 9104. ff WTBWNED W SIE 1D/11/07 a REVDM119 70 Imeursos ROSWALE 7 13/10/ce ,w/een, SR 01 MOD( WANDLE 1137/1140 ROMEO DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Engineering Department. sa a R#40/0 0449011 X AREA OF SLID TURGID - SIR 13/00/03 FOURTH Rml®NI 13/Oe/13 SR ON THIRD 900N®01R 4 1O/oe/08 sa 01 NAIVE. PC DRAWN - SIR ,S/7/,e DAME sw ERN aro SP.Om 9.07115R011 APPROVED- 01 MG 3. 2013 PROPOSED ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION ROAD WORKS ROBERTSON STREET illE 00-2012-040 mea ram Oo2 DOC Ne- - sac 5 of 37 1 5 1 1 5 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 B4 B3 52 81 BO 78 77 76 FOR CONTINUATOR BEE: DWG le IE -IN DIORWALE OWN TO STEM MN NEM 1500 SCUD PW SOR28 0 2F 40 in 45 g /44 43 es a TERMINAL OEANWTa PEN MUM �I Fi 3 x/11= 98 BAT SHALE INVERT 1 4 N IDm.sr=iii, - �,��-Im��-� .111 I:�r�s0wRren- -'(.0 ut 410 SIO01 WFBIRARO4 RFC 10 BE WALLED BETWEEN m4 A mt. SEE SHEET 33 RR DETAILS 1 55 FOR CONTINUATION SEE MO Te FOR CONTINUATION BEE DNRi 22 56 WAG. By NOISE BUILDER . OBERISON 57 Se F 42 1E -t4 BIOSNAIE DRAIN 10 STONY YAW NM 1500SOLO PVC SORIS 0 2C OEM 57. 8l 35 33 32 31 INSTALL LAM atm PER YYW 512 TSPS 2 - SFE ROAOMARNS DWG FOR 111CATDY & RIM ELEVATION. 11E -IN TO SRMI MAIN AT LLCARIXS semi . 30 29 21 1500 RIm RAF. PC SOR2S RR BETCEN LAVH BASINS 01F YIR - SEE SHEET 3 FOR COAL ■C ■ SER ■1 • h ^^ I rj l � ,,.�\ 31"1 �,,, r kir"Willa 11 !�.I WOE nae ',® • _` SW SRYOS 'mj ^ 14 PFR xolEc sEEr is j TIE-IN SOSWAIE ORNN 10 STOW RAIN NIH 1500 San PVC SDR26 0 22 5R 6R PEAYINAL L1EW WT PER T SW LE ( LO AT SWAIEINVERT - ►�rrutR�1 Ft - ST. zQOn SAN P.) 620 59 1.50m SIP (RN eo 61 8 63 c 64 g 65 181 1180 66 e6 e9 a TO/ 92 LOT 1/ DOE p/LINV =Ad PARK 81.70 8030 91 54 8L70 55 81.75 80.05 56 81.00 88.75 57 81.95 90 58 8200 81.00 59 8215 8115 60 82.20 .,25 61 82.70 8135 62 14.4.0 8145 63 8105 3215 64 8155 an 65 8435 66 85.00 8 53 334 4 SS 3615 85.25 57 69 36.75 85.85 70 92.40 8650 7271 80.15 8015 85.20 85.80 B0 89 BB 55 B4 B3 62 Bt BO 79 78 77 76 PD. INV PA COVER P/LCOVER las FAN 211 80.30 1.9 80.60 1.0 2.0 80.65 24 2.1 5675 21 7.1 8090 xl Z1 8100 21 21 8125 2.1 2.1 8135 24 21 8145 8115 02.75 8145 8410 8470 85.25 8515 8650 85.00 24 1.9 1.5 100 1.5 1.8 12 13 LS 1.11 19 241 1.9 1.8 18 LS 18 19 1.9 NOTES 1. FOR GENERA. NOTES REFER 10 ORAMWC 2 2 FOR SSOVY/SWITARY MINER 60113 RETE 10 MMRRC 15 3. CVL BC ONE -04124 HORS PRIOR TO ectantUCRON 4. FOR WC INEMMON SFE CRAZING PLAN SHEET 32 i • • 3 BELNPARIO EIEAIIONS PERE DEFILED FROM TIE DIS1T CT OF PARE NPM BENCHMARK 8910702 LOCATED ALONG JWSDON AVE. NORTH OF 104th AW. ELEVAROII - 78813/0 SFW: CoreGrourk NSUL NTS 14.41411 320-9099 DEVELOPMENT CIXIRT CERVICES 6UPNABT, BC V51 SIB YL (604)242 0805 1a (604)299 0629 GRAPHIC MAU: GRAPHIC SCALE -10 0 10 SCALE 1:500 20 CHECK BEFORE YOU DIG INFORMER ON COSTING UTJI1ES MAT NOT BE cOYREIE E ACWMTE PRIOR 10 C016mucRW COMPACTOR SMALL EXPOSE LCCAROs OF NJ. moo UNUI65 NIO /ASS: THE DCNEER OF POIFMW. COMM. INS DRAPING TO BE READ IN 0.WANC1gN 1141)1 NL ODER DRAWINGS FCR URIJRES. SEANCE LOCATIONS. AID OETNLS THE DUCT LOCAAW OF MESE UR ITES DULL EE DEIEZCNED W SIE 13/1,/07 cts t7/10/06 7 13/00/11 SR SR 0I1011 Nv6WIL D.17/04o IGmm DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Engineering Department CRAZING RO.moN- SC M101. OF S2 DEIGNED - S1 13/60/66 PWRFH mamma 13/08/13 SR THIRD SIDY®W1 Doom - BR • 13/0a/ea SR 04 suB - V -11540 Nao 3 Raw 13/07/18 DATE SR DWN a =10 OwY®ON at. Mm - APR 3.3013 PROPOSED ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SANITARY & STORM SEWER PLAN/PROFILE ROBERTSON STREET F1LC 013-2011-040 MMA No-� 1002 CITY No- P. aur 19 or 37 018 .2. • -' Id 017 .. / IX 2000 N 4 1156 PVC 2500 I G1R35 fR; 1 49; A1• i lR MN KIS aNs- E es OD arr. Rya iz ir 100 AVE -• D 5 SILL t g ONER C SAN. PM /_ 3zJm PK 2000 59R]5 ra 33' i'n T}ii GAS 515 014 D 4B ■�� / - -- -/ - ��- _ o CRWNO _ 1 o Gi I i BI -_ -------.---- / e On 2500 PJC EC 3750 A2Do 5111..... SAN I62.0m I __-_- -----_� � - I II 71.7m 3750 C14 3CONC SDl01FG CUSS h h / / mRy 2030 P SEAR Om (AP Rol) I To h 5.0/0 4500 D4 ONSS S •-- '�• . IX 2500 66 3000 h ,� CWC 01.8EAIM WATER (APPROX.).- _ �- �0 1 I ]4]07 2000 PVC SIN. ri 9DSTS SAV. 01.0E N a. �� -� 078 OAST 51 ' �' 48Am �(OEm 13500 476 D0�11F ]A6 R 13500 COW. Sill (DEMI`Lfij{ 0 Hyl -86 E 1C,.lSDR2.5 H 1 61 00 _ff :um NIL 1500 PVC PM. MIL TON O 0.5.4 �'- •^1 ul fd Di Li ate_ Nem 1501 PIC 91 iPS R' S ,'J�- 9R211?E9Fv 0.52 HF a�^„� l 1.;',1,11 . a €i DRU 10 -YR A 1CO- tf H , IN PIP[ STARONS a a 6 $ 8 0. * R 2 S 53 3 R H 2V. e.$ .. FOR CONTINUATOR BEE: DWG le IE -IN DIORWALE OWN TO STEM MN NEM 1500 SCUD PW SOR28 0 2F 40 in 45 g /44 43 es a TERMINAL OEANWTa PEN MUM �I Fi 3 x/11= 98 BAT SHALE INVERT 1 4 N IDm.sr=iii, - �,��-Im��-� .111 I:�r�s0wRren- -'(.0 ut 410 SIO01 WFBIRARO4 RFC 10 BE WALLED BETWEEN m4 A mt. SEE SHEET 33 RR DETAILS 1 55 FOR CONTINUATION SEE MO Te FOR CONTINUATION BEE DNRi 22 56 WAG. By NOISE BUILDER . OBERISON 57 Se F 42 1E -t4 BIOSNAIE DRAIN 10 STONY YAW NM 1500SOLO PVC SORIS 0 2C OEM 57. 8l 35 33 32 31 INSTALL LAM atm PER YYW 512 TSPS 2 - SFE ROAOMARNS DWG FOR 111CATDY & RIM ELEVATION. 11E -IN TO SRMI MAIN AT LLCARIXS semi . 30 29 21 1500 RIm RAF. PC SOR2S RR BETCEN LAVH BASINS 01F YIR - SEE SHEET 3 FOR COAL ■C ■ SER ■1 • h ^^ I rj l � ,,.�\ 31"1 �,,, r kir"Willa 11 !�.I WOE nae ',® • _` SW SRYOS 'mj ^ 14 PFR xolEc sEEr is j TIE-IN SOSWAIE ORNN 10 STOW RAIN NIH 1500 San PVC SDR26 0 22 5R 6R PEAYINAL L1EW WT PER T SW LE ( LO AT SWAIEINVERT - ►�rrutR�1 Ft - ST. zQOn SAN P.) 620 59 1.50m SIP (RN eo 61 8 63 c 64 g 65 181 1180 66 e6 e9 a TO/ 92 LOT 1/ DOE p/LINV =Ad PARK 81.70 8030 91 54 8L70 55 81.75 80.05 56 81.00 88.75 57 81.95 90 58 8200 81.00 59 8215 8115 60 82.20 .,25 61 82.70 8135 62 14.4.0 8145 63 8105 3215 64 8155 an 65 8435 66 85.00 8 53 334 4 SS 3615 85.25 57 69 36.75 85.85 70 92.40 8650 7271 80.15 8015 85.20 85.80 B0 89 BB 55 B4 B3 62 Bt BO 79 78 77 76 PD. INV PA COVER P/LCOVER las FAN 211 80.30 1.9 80.60 1.0 2.0 80.65 24 2.1 5675 21 7.1 8090 xl Z1 8100 21 21 8125 2.1 2.1 8135 24 21 8145 8115 02.75 8145 8410 8470 85.25 8515 8650 85.00 24 1.9 1.5 100 1.5 1.8 12 13 LS 1.11 19 241 1.9 1.8 18 LS 18 19 1.9 NOTES 1. FOR GENERA. NOTES REFER 10 ORAMWC 2 2 FOR SSOVY/SWITARY MINER 60113 RETE 10 MMRRC 15 3. CVL BC ONE -04124 HORS PRIOR TO ectantUCRON 4. FOR WC INEMMON SFE CRAZING PLAN SHEET 32 i • • 3 BELNPARIO EIEAIIONS PERE DEFILED FROM TIE DIS1T CT OF PARE NPM BENCHMARK 8910702 LOCATED ALONG JWSDON AVE. NORTH OF 104th AW. ELEVAROII - 78813/0 SFW: CoreGrourk NSUL NTS 14.41411 320-9099 DEVELOPMENT CIXIRT CERVICES 6UPNABT, BC V51 SIB YL (604)242 0805 1a (604)299 0629 GRAPHIC MAU: GRAPHIC SCALE -10 0 10 SCALE 1:500 20 CHECK BEFORE YOU DIG INFORMER ON COSTING UTJI1ES MAT NOT BE cOYREIE E ACWMTE PRIOR 10 C016mucRW COMPACTOR SMALL EXPOSE LCCAROs OF NJ. moo UNUI65 NIO /ASS: THE DCNEER OF POIFMW. COMM. INS DRAPING TO BE READ IN 0.WANC1gN 1141)1 NL ODER DRAWINGS FCR URIJRES. SEANCE LOCATIONS. AID OETNLS THE DUCT LOCAAW OF MESE UR ITES DULL EE DEIEZCNED W SIE 13/1,/07 cts t7/10/06 7 13/00/11 SR SR 0I1011 Nv6WIL D.17/04o IGmm DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Engineering Department CRAZING RO.moN- SC M101. OF S2 DEIGNED - S1 13/60/66 PWRFH mamma 13/08/13 SR THIRD SIDY®W1 Doom - BR • 13/0a/ea SR 04 suB - V -11540 Nao 3 Raw 13/07/18 DATE SR DWN a =10 OwY®ON at. Mm - APR 3.3013 PROPOSED ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION SANITARY & STORM SEWER PLAN/PROFILE ROBERTSON STREET F1LC 013-2011-040 MMA No-� 1002 CITY No- P. aur 19 or 37 District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2013 -116 -SD FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 "Nelson Peak" Enhanced Landscape Maintenance 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 136 Avenue (even numbers only) 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Phase One of a 75 lot subdivision at Nelson Peak Drive and 136 Avenue by Portrait Homes was recently approved with 35 lots and a large remainder lot for the future two phases (Appendix A). Insignia Homes Silver Valley #2 Ltd. (Portrait Homes), as owner of all the lots, has made a formal petition (Appendix B) as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), requesting the District provide a Local Area Service Bylaw specific to those properties created by the subdivision. The service is for enhanced landscape maintenance required for three parkette areas, pedestrian trails, park frontages, and two biofiltration ponds. The bylaw would require the future property owners of the 75 lots to pay an annual fee as a Local Service Tax for the enhanced landscape maintenance areas within the development. RECOMMENDATIONS: That a Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Insignia Homes Silver Valley #2 Ltd., and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), be authorized for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 75 properties created by subdivision of the land; and further That Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091 - 2014 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The applicant is proposing to subdivide and develop 75 lots in three phases, of which 63 are single family lots and 12 are street townhouse units. The subject site is an Eco Clusters development located southwest of the Blaney Hamlet within the Silver Valley Area Plan and is accessed from Nelson Peak Drive at 136 Avenue. The lots are zoned R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1 (Residential District), and RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). The subdivision for the first phase of 35 lots has been approved. As per the Eco Clusters guidelines, each lot fronts and backs onto green space and pockets of development are sited to protect existing vegetation and provide view corridors. The access for the development is a long cul-de-sac from 136 Avenue with a neighbourhood park located at the end on 1107 the high point of the site. Parkettes, as vegetated areas located within road right-of-way, provide green space in the front of many of the lots. The stormwater management plan for the subdivision includes bioswales located within two of the parkette areas and two bio -filtration ponds within the park on the south side of the development. The parkettes will be planted with native plant species that will naturalize over time. A trail network on the site connects 136 Avenue, Nelson Peak Drive and Nelson Court to the new neighbourhood park at the top of the site. Enhanced landscape maintenance is required for three parkette areas, two biofiltration ponds, pedestrian trails, and the park frontages. b) Desired Outcome: The property owners for this development have expressed a desire to establish a Local Area Service for the ongoing maintenance requirements of the parkette areas, pedestrian trails, park frontages on the site, and pond areas for the 75 benefitting lots of the subdivision. They have made a formal petition, as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), requesting the District provide a Local Area Service Bylaw, specific to those properties created by the subdivision (Appendix B). The developer of the site will be responsible for the installation and maintenance costs of the enhanced landscaped areas, ensuring 100% survival for the first year after completion of planting. The costs for ongoing maintenance in subsequent years will then be provided by the 75 property owners of the subdivision. The cost recovery method would be the collection of 100% of the enhanced landscaping maintenance costs as a Local Service Tax. c) Nelson Peak Enhanced Landscape Area Requirements: The enhanced landscape maintenance areas include three parkette areas, two biofiltration ponds, pedestrian trails, and park frontages. These areas are identified on the Bylaw Map (Schedule A to Appendix C). The planting plans for the Enhanced Landscape Planting Areas were prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd., as follows, and attached as Schedule C to Appendix C: • Parkette Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Biofiltration Pond and Wetland (Pond Expansion) Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Habitat and Park Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; The engineering drawings for the development were prepared by Damax Consultants Ltd., attached as Schedule D to Appendix C, include design details for the parkette areas, trails, park frontages, and biofiltration ponds. The recommended procedures and frequencies for landscape maintenance are Level 3 - Moderate of the BC Landscape Standard. This standard is for a generally neat, moderately groomed appearance, with some tolerance for the effects of 'wear and tear', moderate traffic and naturalization processes. The standard includes regular mowing and care of the lawn areas, control of invasive species, pruning, and fertilizing, as required for the planted areas. Phoenix Environmental Consultants Ltd. has provided an estimate for the yearly maintenance of $15,500.00 per year for the first four years, and then $7,400.00 per year after that, attached as Schedule B to Appendix C. It is anticipated that the maintenance costs could be reduced over time as the planted areas naturalize and mature. Therefore, the maintenance costs should be reviewed every year. -2 d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Local Area Service bylaw will establish an Annual Charge based on a per lot basis for the 75 lots within the benefitting area. It is anticipated that this charge will start in 2017, after the completion of all the planting works and the one year maintenance period required from the developer. The estimated cost of the petitioned service will be $207.00 per year for the first four years and then $99.00 per year after that for each residential lot of the 75 lots in the Nelson Peak Local Area Service. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Operations and Parks Department: The enhanced landscaping maintenance requirements for this development are in excess of the funded base level of maintenance provided throughout Maple Ridge, and therefore the District would be unable to provide the required maintenance without the additional funds provided by the property owners. Finance Department: The Property Tax section of the Finance Department will impose the cost of this service as a levy and place the notation on the tax roll of the benefitting property owners, anticipated to begin in 2017. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the formal petition by the property owners for a Local Area Service be authorized by Council for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 75 properties created by subdivision of the land; and that first, second and third readings be given to Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091 - 2014. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: -3 Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Petition for Local Area Service (LAS) Appendix C - Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091- 2014 Schedule A to Appendix C - Bylaw Map Schedule B to Appendix C - Cost estimates for yearly maintenance Schedule C to Appendix C - Landscape Plans for Enhanced Planting areas prepared by Phoenix Environmental Consultants Ltd. Schedule D to Appendix C - Engineering Plans prepared by Damax Consultants Ltd. -4- APPENDIX A 13625 ch 13611 18 44 V �� 13612 136 AVE. 13601 3602 13613 LSM 161360 13608 l0 17 45 0p 136AVE.co — W rn113604 1 N '''2N Fol N N N 78 ♦ �‚9282 36 14 9 m ^5�13573 • 10 @ 27 a,�� 3572 8 45'1 PARK 11 13576 1 513569 13568 7 13570 26 6 EPP 39985 13566 25 13560 24 13556 23 161® 135® 185y0 13550 22 PAR 21 1,gg' 20 1916 1913537 20 531 r. co 2232525 13541 1��g6 LO 0 SUBJECT PROPERTY 1s 13533 W 13519 1 9h�� 14 13525 15 13517 16 13509 17 13501 v 0 T a 1 23 13511 2413503 2513495 26 13485 2713Al 1'528 28 BCP ' �p 29,9 1 , 9303 PARK gC BCP 48906 60 F m o m 5 59 0 m 558 ro m iii iii iii 61 22956 PARK EPP 39985 6 X96° el' 63„{Y 644 N I§ 66 N Scale: 1:2,500 of Pi Me. sows -LAS =� �� l 11 • o Bylaw No. 7091-2014 IIPI en 1 �I � L %i CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF �2 ME Ni 'I .. 1 - r MI 11 ' 1 r► f iw-rP7zIll 'y r I_s - el 4 �� MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE District ofNrio British Columbia PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley,- ;� rte DATE: Jun 27, 2014 2013 -116 -SD BY: DT RAS = R _ ---�� PORTRAIT HOMES APPENDIX B June 20, 2014 Mayor and Council D istrict of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 P ETITION FOR LOCAL AREA SERVICES ("LAS") REGARDING LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE FOR PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AT 136th Avenue and Nelson Peak Drive in MAPLE RIDGE B RITISH COLUMBIA ("NELSON PEAK"). To: Mayor and Council; Reference: 2013 -116 -SD The subject property is located within an "Eco Cluster" type of development site with enhanced landscape park areas The service is for enhanced landscape maintenance of 3 Parkettes located within the road right-of-ways, pedestrian trails to the Lookout Park 2 detention and biofiltration ponds including access, boulevard frontages of the park lands and 2 park areas at 136th Avenue and Nelson Peak Drive. The planting concept is for enhanced natural areas that will be planted with a variety of native trees and shrubs to supplement the existing trees that will be retained. The estimated annual maintenance cost of the park areas within the entire subdivision, for the first five years is approximately $207 per lot. After the fifth year, landscape maintenance costs can be reduced to $99 per lot as the vegetation will be established. Cost recovery method for 100% of the annual maintenance cost would be by way of a local services tax within the property tax system As the petitioner will be paying for the first year of maintenance, cost recovery from the homeowners should commence in year two from the date of installation. Insignia Homes Silver Valley 2 Ltd. forwards this petition to the District of Maple Ridge for approval by Mayor and Council. Sincerely Yours, Insignia Homes Silver Valley #2 Ltd. Harry Princi cc. Ann Edwards, District of Maple Ridge Dave Laird, Damax Consultants Ltd. Portrait Homes Ltd. 1 #1100-21320 Westminster Hwy 1 Richmond. BC V6V 2X5 T 604 270 1889 ! F: 604.270 1841 ' www.portraithomes.ca LOCAL AREA SERVICE by Formal Petition Nelson Peak ENHANCED LANDSCAPING File No.; 2013 -116 -SD To: The Council of District of Maple Ridge That the following is a petition of the undersigned, who are the owners of the lands abutting directly on the Work described below: That: 1. The service requested Is for Enhanced Landscape Maintenance. 2. The maintenance work is for: - three Parkettes located within the road right-of-ways; - pedestrian trails to the Lookout Park; - two detention and biofiltration ponds and access; - boulevard frontages of Park lands; • two park areas at 136th Avenue and Nelson Peak Drive. 3. The petitioners therefore request that the above noted work be undertaken. Dated this 20th day of lune 2014. eya2 Owner's as to 3236 Mr: r'3Y �._ ...-�.»,__ .a.� ai .'�-�RSJ .u. - .. r` .--.....•..a...�.� -r„-.. Vail 1.30, Lot H A .J Imirth SINer Ltd. Signature Lots end Land Val have not yet been0 by BC Assessment Rall have yet Rs not been 1 Insignia Homes 01300-21320 Silver Valleyil2 Ltd. Rkhmond, Westminster BCV6V Hwy US 228021336th Avenue determined signed Roll Os have not yet been 2 Insignia Homes 01100-21320 Sliver Valle}M 2 Ltd. WestminsterBCV6V Hwy Richmond, 2X5 22808 136th Avenue Land Values have not yet ban determined by BC Assessment 0 i assigned have not yet been 3 Insignia Homes Sher Valieyir2 Ltd. 01100-21320Rolls Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22816 136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Roll its have not Yet been 4 Insignia Homes SitterWestminster Valleyp 2 Ltd. 21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 215 22022135th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by C Assessment 0 assigned Roll Ps have not yet been assigned 5 Insignia Homes Sliver Valley02 Ltd. 1(110 D-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22828 136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Os have not yet been 6 Insignia H°cases silver Valley02 Ltd- tl1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22036136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Roll es have not yet been 7 Insignia Homes Silver Valley02 Ltd. P1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Roll Ps have not yet been 8 Insignia Homes Sliver yalloy02 Ltd. 01L00.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Roll Os have not vet been 9 Insignia Homes Silver Valleyp 2 Ltd.Assessmem 01100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BCV6V 2X5 13589 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not Yet been determined by BC assigned Roll Es have not yet been 10 Insignia Homes Silver Valley02 Ltd. 01300-21310 Westminster Hwy Rkhmond, BCV6V 2XS 13581 Nelson PeakDrive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Asses meet O assigned Roll Rs have not yet been 11 Insignia Hames Sliver VaIIgeJ2 Ltd. 61300-11320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13575 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Reil es have not yet been 12 Insignia Homes Silver Yalley02 Ltd. 41100.21320 Westminster Hwy Rkhmond, BC V6V 2X5 15541 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment D assigned Relies have not Yet been 13 Insignia Hames Silver Yalleytl2 Ltd. 01100.21320 Westminster Hwy Rkhmond, BC V6V 2X5 13533 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assignedLand Roll es have not yet been assigned 14 Insignia Homes Silver Valleye2 Ltd. 01100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13525 Nelson Peak Drive Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 eya2 Owner's as to 3236 Roll have yet assigned Ps not been 15 I Insignia Homes#1100-21320 SikerrWestminsterBCV6V WNW2 Ltd. Richmond, HvryBC 13517 2%5 Nelson Peak Drive determined Land Values have not yet been by Assessment 0 Roll have yet #s not been assigned 16 Insignia Homes A1100.21320 5 ValIey# leyp2 Ltd. Richmond, Westmrnrier BC Hwy V6V 2X5 13509 Nelson Peak Drive Values have have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll #s have not yet been assigned 17 Insignia Homes Siker Valley#2 Ltd. #1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13501 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have notyet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Rolls have not yet been assigned 18 Insignia Hames Silver Valley#2 Ltd. 41100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13530 Nelson Peak Drive land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Rollps have not yet been assigned 19 Insignia Homes Silver Valleyp 2 Ltd' #1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13536 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll as have not t been yet 20 insignia Homes Silver valley#2 Ltd. #1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13542 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll have notValletta yet been assigned 21. Insignia Homes Slhyer Ltd. #1100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BCV6V2XS 13546 Nelson PeakOr-We Land Values have notyet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Ps have not yet been assigned 22 Insignia Homes silver Valletta Ltd. 111100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BCV6V 2x5 13550 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Ps have not yet been assigned 23 insignia Homes Sliver Valleyp2 Ltd. #1100-21310 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2115 13556 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have notyet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll #s have no[ yet been assigned 24 Insignia Homes Silver Valleyp2 ltd' U1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BCV6V 285 13560 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values ro have not yet been determined by RC Assessment 0 Rollps have not yet been assigned 25 Insignia Homes Silver Valley# 2 Ltd. #1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13566 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have notyet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll #s have not yet been assigned 26 Insignia Homes Silver VaileYp2 Ltd. A1100.21320 Westminster Hvey Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13611 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Ps have not vet been assigned 27 Insignia Homes Silver ValleyA2 Ltd #1100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC WV 2X5 13612 Nelson Peak Ddve Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll #s have not yet been assigned 28 Insignia Homes Sliver Valley# 2 Ltd. X1100-21920 Ylestmtmter Hwy Rkhmond, BC V6V 2X5 13613 Nelson Peak Drive Lard Values have notyet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Rob #s have not Vet been assigned 29 Insignia Homes Siker Valleyp2 Ltd. 11110621320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V2X5 13614 Nelson PeakDrive Land Values have not vet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Ps have not yet been assigned 30 Inla Hornet Silveri Valleyp2 Ltd. #1100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 13615 Nelson Peak Drive Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll as have not yet been assigned 32 Insignia Homes Silver Valleyp2 Ltd. #1100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22850136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll #s have not yet been assigned 33 Insignia Homes Siker VoIky# 2 Ltd. #110621320 Westminster Hwy Rkhmond, BCV6V 276 22870 136th Avenue Land Values Have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 Roll Rs have not yet been A Inmmnla Homes Silver Valleyp2 Ltd. 111100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22930 136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 assigned Roles have not yet been 35 Insignia Homes Silver yatieytl 2 Ltd. 81100.21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 2X5 22852336th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by ac Assessment 0 ageed Roll Its have not yet been 36 Insignia Homes Silver VelleyM 2 Ltd.ass4 01100-21320 Westminster HMy Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 22862136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 goad 73946- 0201-0 Lot A Insignia Homes Silver Va11eyn2 Ltd k1100-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BCV6V 283 22830136th Avenue Land Values have not yet been determined by BC Assessment 0 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7091-2014 A Bylaw to authorize a municipal service to maintain enhanced landscape areas; to define the benefitting lands; and to establish that the cost of the municipal service shall be borne by the owners of real property within such defined area. WHEREAS, Council has been petitioned to provide a municipal service pursuant to Division 5, Section 210 of the Community Charter S.B.C. 2003, c.26 (the "Community Charter"); AND WHEREAS the Municipal Clerk has certified that the petition received for the municipal services does constitute a sufficient and valid petition; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to proceed with the works; AND WHEREAS the "Maple Ridge Local Area Service Policy", as amended, provides that the cost of providing a municipal service shall be recoverable from each of the existing parcels of land and all future lots created by subdivision of the parcels, specifically: Lots 1 - 30 and 32 - 36 Sections 29 and 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP32166; Lot A Section 29 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP27906 except EPP39985 and PP32314 that will benefit from the service. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Nelson Peaks" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014". 2. The contents of Schedules ""A", "B" "C" and "D" attached hereto are hereby declared to be made an integral part of this Bylaw. 3. The Local Area Service of the District for the benefit of which the enhanced landscape areas are to be maintained as a municipal service are defined as the hatched areas on the attached Schedule "A". 4. The recommended procedures and frequencies for maintenance and Annual Charges are described on the attached Schedule "B". 5. The planting plans for the Enhanced Landscape Planting Areas were prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd., as follows, and attached as Schedule "C": • Parkette Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Biofiltration Pond and Wetland (Pond Expansion) Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Habitat and Park Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; 6. The engineering drawings for the development were prepared by Damax Consultants Ltd., and attached as Schedule "D", include design details for the parkette areas, trails, park frontages, and biofiltration ponds. 7. This bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. READ a first time the day of , 2014 READ a second time the day of , 2014 READ a third time the day of , 2014 ADOPTED, the day of , 2014 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ' 136U1 1360 liggi� 16 c'35 13 1 13604r -611111111114 17 136 AVE. INN m PARK mm 36 _ 72 qq885 BC' 27 " 03 EPP 75 PARK 39985 5 6 8 8 9 10 %1613563 j 1 29 26 25 0 4 23 PARK 14 135j3 1513569 1713557 10 M IN 9 M 13568 7' 13 562 6U 33556 5 13550 63 ® 64 62 %PAR 1913537 ro W 0 65 20 61aft C),2113531 13531 °o 66 0 60 19 ' �2i3525 v 11 W 67 59 14 3519 6s 58 J1 NIP 69 564114111 AIM 2413503 2513495 70 ® 9 40 54PARK 41 WM 50 op, or 2613465 2713515 ��, Aa N. 74 42 h 49 48 13p65 ''Tp30 28 29 BCP 9303 PARK 76 43 45 46 47 f 5 BCP 48906 ��- 59558 0, N m r rn rn ao rn 11 PARK 61 22956 PARK 62 96° 63e EPP 39985 PARK cs, 64 6 66 67 '1 l 14 4 MAPLE RIDGE LOCAL AREA SERVICE BYLAW Bylaw No. 7091-2014 Enhanced Landscape Areas D Original Lot Boundary N SCALE 1:2,500 4I Schedule "A",Ak, MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia PHOENIX SCHEDULE B -fro APPENDIX C ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 103-1600 West 6th Ave. Vancouver, BC V61 1123 604-689-3888 fax: 689-3880 30 -May -14 LAS Estimate - Parkettes (Years 2-5) Nelson Peaks Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the BC Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities are only done on an as -need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are likely to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Years 2-5 Qt Unit cost Total Annual Monitoring Mow once per weeks May -September. 4 $150.00 $ 600.00 Lawn Care rass boulevards, path edges Mowing Mow once per weeks May -September. month March -April and Oct -Nov. Mow every 2 14 $ 100.00 $ 1,400.00 Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Fertilizing Only application kg apply per 40sq.m fertilizer if soil tests indicate of 18-6-12 sulphur -coated of lawn. In October, apply for pests and disease once per month during weeding. Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to plants healthy. a need. April and July urea fertilizer at rate of 1 3-15-6 fertilizer to all 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 Lime Apply biannually in February and October 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 EdgingOnce per year, March -April establish a clean edge with a power edger or half moon cutter 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Shrub and Tree Planing Areas Weed Control/ Invasive Species Trim within 0.5m of trail edges once per month (approx. Mar- Oct.) Weeding should be done twice per month March -May and once per month June -October. 11 $ 500.00 $ 5,500.00 Invasive Species Removal 1 Remove invasive species (blackberry and scotch broom) twice per year. Ensure thorough removal of roots, do not prune back. 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Pest Control Inspect Undertake keep for pests and disease once per month during weeding. Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to plants healthy. 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Pruning Trees dead, September/October); and shrubs should be reviewed twice per year; remove all weak or diseased wood (Feb/March and 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Fertilizing Amendments fertilizer are done should be required at the time of planting; for the natural No planting further areas 0 $ $ Mulching Mulch blackberry organic once per year in the spring (after initial weed and removal) with 2 inches of high quality composted mulch 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Plant Replacements Replacement of dead shrubs or trees within the first 2 years 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Trail Maintenance Mowing Trim within 0.5m of trail edges once per month (approx. Mar- Oct.) 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Pruning Once per year, prune encroaching trees and shrubs 0.5m from trail/2 meters off the ground. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Surfacing Inspect trails in the Spring for erosion and uneven wear; add gravel to maintain a consistent surface. Estimate gravel requirements and get a quote from a contractor. Page 1 1TOTAL $ 15,500.00 PHOENIX ` = ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 103-1600 West 6th Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J 1R3 604-689-3888 fax 689-3880 30 -May -14 LAS Estimate - Parkettes (Long Term) Nelson Peaks Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in th Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities are only done on an as -need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that a be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Years 6 and on Qty Unit cost Total Annual Monitoring Mow once per weeks May -September. 4 $150 00 $ 600.00 Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edges) Mowing Mow once per weeks May -September. month March -April and Oct -Nov. Mow every 2 14 $ 100.00 $ 1,400.00 Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Fertilizing April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur -coated urea fertilizer at rate of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. in October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn areas. 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 Lime Apply biannually in February and October 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Edging Once edger per year, March -April establish a clean edge with a power or half moon cutter 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Shrub and Tree Planting Areas Trail Maintenance Mowing Native tree and shrub planting areas should be self-sufficient after 5 years. Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 General Inspection branches/trees, invasive species and address issues threatening Once per year, prune encroaching trees and shrubs 0.5m from trail/2 meters off the ground 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Surfacing plant health, as necessary. 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Invasive Species Remove blackberries and Scotch Broom twice per year. Ensure Removal thorough removal of roots, do not prune back. 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000,00 Trail Maintenance Mowing Trim within 0.5m of trail edges once per month (approx. Mar - Oct.) 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Pruning Once per year, prune encroaching trees and shrubs 0.5m from trail/2 meters off the ground 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Surfacing Inspect trails in the Spring; add gravel to maintain a consistent surface. 1 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Page 2 TOTAL $ 7,400.00 SCHEDULE "C" NOTES 1. All landscape operations are to comply with the District of Maple Ridge Planting Requirements and the BC Landscape Standard, 7th Edition (BCSLA and BCLNA) 2. Substitutions or changes to the planting schedule must be approved by the Project Biologist (Phoenix Environmental). 3. All parkette planting areas to be prepared with 30cm of topsoil prior to planting. 4. All parkette planting areas to receive 2 inches (5cm) of decomposed wood mulch following planting. Soo copomto Phoenl0 drawings for'Habitat 0 Pork Planting Plan' and 'No Bund 1 No Disturb Cownonl Planting Pian' I/ /A Pork.. Troo0 and SMubn (2.950 ca.m.) DN Botanlcol Noma Common Noma Slm 145 poor macrophyllum Blg Loal Moplo 2gallon 145 Alnuo rubra Rod Alder 2 gallon 230 Holodlscus discolor ocoancproy 20allon 70 Mahonla nonns0 Dull Dragon Oropo 120110n 70 Polyntichummunitum Woctom Sword Fom 1 gallon 115 Pcoudolouga mordo0ll Douglas FIr 1 gallon 145 Roca Mannoaryo 0012510 Roao 2 gallon 730 Roca adman Nootka Roto 1 gallon 145 Rohm opoclob0ls Solmonbooy 1 gallon 145 Sombuas mcomoaa Rod FJdorbony 1 gallon 230 Symphodcorpoc tabus 5nowbony l gallon 115 Thula plicola WaWom Rodmdor 1 gallon F0S-015-1057 Parkette Planting Plan INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD "NELSON PEAKS" PHO. ENVIRONMENTA 103 1600 Nrrslblhl fiatfiR9,3RRR 1 DATE: May 30, 2014 DRAWN BY: MBT SCALE: As Shown DWG: 378_PHNX Plantint CI I wa - \ =/ . z ,._. ...... ::... ... ... HAMPSTEAD SITE- '• i 7 --1, '__-'_-___ _ _ ��._. . III a, . POND 4 rr....` �,J� — -�� II' ``�\l L., Soo separate Phoenix drawlnc for"Patkotto n " .L _ \ _ �: — � ` — j ! 1 �.�, / Planting Plan' and "No Bulla I No Disturb Covenant 1 — Deleting maple m be EPONDS RIML3RAY N - , k 1pIPORAR PffDINFNT _ yn I 1) h......... t Planting Plan* !i ` —__� mood. Promtllvo R/C , , CpNiRpl • mqulrod. / % �r� �_�e a I •I'�\ ,„ j•, ��e. ee ///r Troop Dna combo .,o2s cq.m.jcommon ..ryI �( / ` moo rr ,a�1130 evmnical Nvmo Nvmv Sign i"A'�/ `�\NOP7es lV Acor mouophyllum Big Loaf Moplo 2gallon . !1 l 130 Alms rubra Rod Alder 2 allon " S'yr"✓ � �� 200 HoID0lacup tlicmlvr Omvncpmy 2gollon l P A RAD ' fi0 Mahbnlo nervosa Dull Oregon Grape lgallon fi0 Polyallchum munitum Wosmm Sword Fam 1 , gallon 1♦♦•NI 1 II ,y.w�$ Poaadoma0o l Doaglm Flr lgonon /Ot 1Ina30 0rpa 130 R000 aoltlhi ft000 Iron gymnomryo p 200` "I ' �,". - Ram neposta Naorko Rovo gallon a le \C�L200 1 r' iso smeaawo �abammpaga aoa �Icorbo i / .�'^.`\. \ ¢? ry eaiio�•" ` A \-. I C` (\ 11 , 2o0 phodoarposaibu Snawbarry 1 Doom'I . Th ♦LO p.orf / y , uja Pllm wocmm Roamear 1 gallon WO 1`�\®\Cy/100 .*. •/ arer \`{\ l / 1-%riz,::::.$1,::::..":1::::k13;1141:___:::::::::%%%:\1/2.1.‘ IJ �Y11••— (� \ \ nae"�\�\% ro:try only (ahmbc) (2,190 oq-rp) Pia ♦ �!Blockbartloa O BomnlW Nvme Common Name S o �. ��_—_ I \ �\\\ / Its_�� 1 100 Holodlawsdmmlor Owoncpmy 2gallon \ n1J C 150 Mo onto nervosa Dull Orogen Grape 1 �� - gallon L -1 ` `�50 / � �,` Ichumgyms munlicarpo m wtdhlp Swats Fem , gallon %. , � RosaPolyc Rom '\ \\ / ��—I `��O• _�ry�j�).11 gallon 100 Rosa nNkona Nootka Rom ?gallon \\ f �\/ "t ... -�\r��/ " ��Yj, 1 1't00 300 Rebut medabllm Solmonbeny 1gallon Sambuwa rammom Red Elderberry1gallon\ 1pg svmpnodmrPop aroua snowbarry l emlm�,• \-- .. itN��ii�N F�•^:e1u;•::::.���„��` tssl ! • �. , �l.,� Imvclvo apa4ac Remavol one lnleacwo Plmung who lrem ane )snruba (l�190 w.m) I S.%atai11•eAlaiO ��// ! ItWillo �� �.�-��-��..!'F�j ; it �! Bomnlcol Namo Common Namo 0.�Jp 7011 Alnuc rubor itad Alder 3 gollon // or , �1. \ h111111 ��. •I 250Oty 2 goIP�� Holodlocus discolor Oceonopmy 2 galon 70 Paeudolauga mar¢loall Douglas Fir 1.0m2gul mil 250 Redo nutkvna Moahm Rano 2gollon �ly �/ " 2 / Ari !Tt' 250 Rebus cpogobl0s Solmonbeny 2gollon " " �" I % fl\ EAS LO)P ! � �If 41�/ 65 'mala phrnm Western Racked/6.. ,.gm rah G_Ffs , �• !' —ice- 'AN y il , "IP No Build / No Disturb I `\4v coven nm (rvP) /j ,f r.�11 Pal r 411 .I,Iil Romov Smkh r ' A, ! (1 i, ■ liti I! )1 1 Broom md,pla, ,r� ,—"��.��ii.►�i -> NOTES ��`,\ e9�7 j y, -i Q 1. All landscape operations are to comply with the District of �'�II lb shrubs do - ._� ns a ‘4 � l�4 1v'..�' !p •Y -i" Maple Ridge Planting Requirements and the BC Landscape •I " N. •Mee. NE SON COU Standard, 7th Edition (BCSLA and BCLNA) 11 I (. l il- ,- ' \ Yh• , ! �!I/�di 2. Substitutions to the be 7 , �'�!.! V' �/ I or changes planting schedule must ��Jti1 to 4.4 / " t , la ��( 7! I approved by the Project Biologist (Phoenix Environmental). SII ��' I,.i���i..��..��.. gip\ :i4•••�!:iA11 �\ I® ---- Jj I 41_4 y le \ Y. F • • f3� T , �1 , II e,� ,D� • Habitat and Park Planting Plan SILVER INSIGNIA HOMES VALLEY 2 LTD ^" v PHOENIX s ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 103 1600W nosh Av. Vmca -VN 1123 "NELSON PEAKS"....... vet me I I. RW.6993RRR fax. 604,611 ,31180 DATE: May 30, 2014 DRAWN BY: MBT SCALE: As Shown DWG: 378_PHNX Planting Plan.dwg A' \ �/ ---�'— el 54 >m Er Or 3 � 53 Zona 1 Botanical Noma / \ `•�,����,-\�_ \ BloPand 75 ComDeno to Slough sotl 9a 1 90 II on 51 \_ Planting 75 gaodmd°wam Ovate 1 gallono_ " \\\•„57 75 sdrpao mla°camaa smalFmIted Bulrush 1gallon To // so ,�, • Dogwood 1golion �r♦ r1I1amndm «e\ 1 / �, spllmeaadove 5 Hadho etion HlBhbuah Cranbury tpoilongy 25 Viburnum '�-,m,, • adula �x I. «•eI \ •i• 4.N` 1 /\�A-1\ \,. ert .',�'�',�';`�I , 2ono2 Cty l Noma MnPior omaginototkana wPhYliumem \ oagwaoa• `I 'r '_�/'_��_\®F� ,AImo/I � searryalalamromr ItIIII:dm �� � awbli 0roonic ILIIIITHil \��, J/` ♦\ adanam Ar 100 Salk dus(mmosaNarrydouglPslldcaros&bus ���, ` �`_,_x-_',_\_o adwdor N.��a6� lIIlii!Iii�i.�ihrStandlirit - . • fes PONDS: RC NORTH & SOUTH �.• 11 BIOFILTRATION/DETENTION PLANTING PLAN .�. - � � / -- I i Emargont Cry Bc nlol Noma Common Nomo Size ^ iry w Wetland Zona 350 Carexobnupta Slough Sedge igallon 350 Moochmis Ovale Spllwmsh 1 .. / °veto gallon i / •. / 'y+'I - - // _ 350 Sdryua mlaowryu3 Smali-Fruited Bulrush 1 gallon "- / — / / r •/ /� ../. �/ �� w.s:pH �• Wetland 115 Ce mus stolonllam Rod-Oslor Dogwood 1gallon Perimeter 50 Salix ludda var. iaslandm Pact Willow i gallon / ����. 50 sallx sltchonsls aka Willow iBallen / " , " /. -- //'' ''�—� 50 Splmoo douglos8 Highbu h 19allon / \• 50 Vlbumum odula Hlghbush Cranberry 1 gallon iir 3V:flr. I. 1161/.10 to PlIFOIM1 *+ *+ * ** to I\ • * ** * + + I •eek\++ * * **y,*% * *+ * I \ I t• Iisira, +***+ ++* �.e...4.�e•�•:p�eeeZeeOe� DA-015-1057 67,..-4 I.. t.. - L . .n.4 MMM :: ( .0L'%f-T-"Cr"....,.^> -.. Biofiltration Pond and Wetland (Pond Expansion) Planting Plan PROPOSED WETLANDS EXPANSION PLANTING PLAN CAT TELL BROOK NOTES INSIGNIA HOMES 1. All landscape operations are to comply with the District of Maple Ridge Planting Requirements and the BC Landscape SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD �''a ., ,�`' t ;Ci '' PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. Standard, 7th Edition (BCSLA and BCLNA)0NELSON 103-1600 Wetbw Av. Vance ver VW IR:® 2. Substitutions or changes to the planting schedule must be approved by the Project Biologist (Phoenix Environmental). PEAKSin m1.604.689.3868 1=604.68 .3880 DATE: Apr 18, 2013 DRAWN BY: MBT SCALE: As Shown DWG: 378_PHNX Planting Plan.dwg SCHEDULE "D" 230 ST . �i��i 75 m rdi i CI®f �� PARK a;J 63 ,rye tin 58 .121111 59.I cop 62 HAMPSTEAD SITE' 0/6 =IL POWER AND POLES', TO BE REMOVED UPHILL OF EXIST. POLE A' WHEN' U/G SYSTEM THROUGH SUBDIVISION IS ENERGISED a r LOT 2 PLAN 01P20124 410 CoNIUYR 1451 PRESSURE WATUDIAN 2060 PARK AIL 1141EINANS MM 4454-62 WA1DNAN t SANITARY SEWERS ARE Zap: ALL 51881 SEMIS ARE 2504- -DrtmT OR ENOTEDOM.RE¢- DETO1110N & a0 L106104 P0ND4 t 101PORART SE0001T w1RLa NORTH POND LOIS 1-15 84-82 63-73 AND 31-33 CONNECT TO NP. BALANCE 10 LP. RAINS 18 6 REM 1 PUN 14730 NOTE. AT REGISTRATION A 'TEMPORARY 'NO -BUILD COVENANT WILL BE REQUIRED ON LOTS 9-17. 37-42 AND 45-48 UNTIL 0/H UTIJTY POLES ARE REMOVED WHEN U/G SYSTEM 15 ENERGISED. PARK ON F.) 22 ®CON1041108 TO TOPSOIL AR0 008 100mm OPP.77O�SITE DOVE ER TO CONPLFTE BALANCE MER WEGNCS COMPLETED Pte.►—�ml.. �.:�t 1 111111 VIM Apt SEE DAMAX PROJECT 3785. FOR SAMTARY DET SEVER I DETAILS Loc RML FENCING (ttP.) yl ALONG R/C. PARK/, BOUNDARIES ROOK WALLS 4 - SHOWN ON 2 SHEETS 24_26. k7 228A ST Ji`Lwenl� ktiNF 111. ll� 42 II unL1!1 moo,. 228 ST • PARK ; =,�„ice PARK 11111 Ilip .......,,, ir 41) MIEMF,;;7:-_, -----o fY ill COU' IF i.r aPARK MORE WONG SUBDIVISION ii PARK PARK FOR CLARITY. NO SERVICES OR 0115116 ARE SHOWN ON THIS DWG. (SEE DWG 3 & 4) AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION r f PARK MIME 4010 SUBa0SICN NOTES 1.98901130000081015 FOR 108-015x1) 0228.14 041213 06.20.13 IDT 482N8ER3 RIDRS D FOR FINAL APPROVAL. FOR TENDERING 0423.13 FOR SOBN69ON INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 200-5550 GRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND. B.C., V6W 1H9 TEL 604-270-1889 9Et1CRIVR4 IFOMMENT 5410091. OFDDEI10 ELEVATION - 58.557m AT NRMECTON OF SILVTR VALLEY ROW AM 232 STREET 00050 CMS) en. 1e[ = fC damax consultants ltd. 103-1600 W.,t BBI Ave. Vancouver. BC VBJ 183 '841. 804-224-8827 140. 804-889-3880 5-8011: dom0ROteh anat a"'”' IRP/AV 40040 NIL 8mm DWL •,,,,0.m DWL 1:750 ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE R DN8NEERNG DEPARTMENT "NELSON PEAKS" KEY PLAN 4"0 AUGUST Sr N� 2 0, 2 DANA% FILE Na 1-12 J XIaN3ddd Qt 4 31f1a3H3S 66 PARK/ 57 an D c B 02.25.14 00.12.13 0525.13 04.23.13 IDT NUTABRO MYSD FOR PINPL APPAOVAL FOR 'TENDER G J F3a±L.fl:1 INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD FDR SUBNESCN AV LRP RIMAN 200-8560 CRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND, B.C., VBW 1H9 1EL: 604-270-1889 BENCHWPo( 1/0141.1105 51X0001. GEODETIC ELEVATOR - 55457m AT NR1601I011 OF SILVER VALLEY ROAD ARO 232 STREET (5063 C96) PARK' €t4. 1I[ - BC LRP/AV PARK 21115161 ..."2=. 1. DEBATERS ARE REFERRED m CDOtm COW 2 ALL WN51MIC1W AM UATU*S m S N AMCCCDDWIE CURRENT DSR Cr WW1= DOW= DVM DAWN= t 9Rd1CA11016 5 WERE MING C DOE MGR. EIC. 5 ROmED AD WALE 4MMCS MC CONSTRICTED 11 FEL SEC= NL NATURAL IS TO EC OLW WA R100LL COMM= TO ESI MOORED PROMS 4. RESISTS =CRY ARUM) BY @e1RRTED 6 MELT SHAH. C OWE b KM )OTRE PEER TO rnalACIIDIR 5. CaPOSED T - 3 IMPOSE RO DOSING MILMCOLTS AT MOPEDHEFNAIDATORS RPENISro CONT OM CI AID LOCATORS m Mita/ OF CNSIRCTaI MO SHALLRO NORM M B. AIL C WJN W LSM 4 v.LLSa ETC. 10 RE ADABED 10 AIB FOUL (MCC 7. EOM aa1WE5. STAMMER ACO IHSS m C ODCOM AID ROCS BY COOL ,VL COERCE Palma IVMREltuCL SACm EE NET PU 10 caE b . n ALL TSMC MO REIu1Na E NRIDSARY. TEL C M REW'OI.COMR OF M CONIPACTElt ALL ASAIGAIFD Dors COR ISM DO.1 C "MSS OF ERRS mons AS E11 AS Mm L06. ILL C M R9O651IR OM 0311RACCRL B. ALL MSC AWL C CARROT OUT BY A CUAOm RW. Fa APPROVED or M 06CCf V NAPIE WEL NO M LOMACIOR C l4ERmDR IDL C RECORD TO ANILE M INSPECTS CPARINNE AT LEAST 45 IONS IN ADVANCE C REDCTAIBR0 MOMS. ASANDON/CAP EXWIWC SPRINKLER BY MR a DEVELOPER'S PRECE AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION EO5-015-10.57 ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARINFNT damax consultants ltd. 103-1600 West 6th Ave, Vancouver. BC V5 1R3 W. 604-224-6827 Fac 604-689-3880 E -Mail: domaxOtNR".net 1:500 "NELSON PEAKS" KEY PLAN NORTH SITE 3 D DANAX FILE No. P-12-375 SERVICE CONNECTION LOCATIONS 136 AVE (OINDSORS FROM W P/t) (NL =WC DBYPT O ICIER) RDTI BIN SIN W 5111 SAN FM V/1 1 23 420 25 420 3.7 2 21 44.1 27 441 5.0 4 .2 444 1.0. 444 4.0 0 13 45.1 2.1 45.1 4.2 32 St ACOUR AWIMEA 0.0 126 426 331. 45.0 17.0 418 55 34 AU 4.1 412 0.7 35 7 36R 20 42.3 0.0 30 PTIAR 303 20 423 0.0 AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION EO5-015-10.57 ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARINFNT damax consultants ltd. 103-1600 West 6th Ave, Vancouver. BC V5 1R3 W. 604-224-6827 Fac 604-689-3880 E -Mail: domaxOtNR".net 1:500 "NELSON PEAKS" KEY PLAN NORTH SITE 3 D DANAX FILE No. P-12-375 57 t16 NORTH POND' PARK Q -HAMPSTEAD SITE 12n RJnewm 00111NR MCC OETETCN 4: BgFLTRATOI /POtWS t 1PPOR RY / Stumm wmRCL TEMPORARY BLOCK.NW. INERT IX 31 SOUTH POND a- IA.LR. N D AUGUST 2014 Ler RA Y OT �0 PIAN 14156 I PLAN BW29524 ,. <; 4. o . r REN 1 82 NOTE: 0/H POWER AND POLES TO BE REMOVED UPHILL OF EXIST- POLE 'A' WHEN U/G SYSTEM THROUGH SUBDIVISION IS ENERGISED AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION NOTES 1. ME SHEET 3 FEW CORRAL MRS EDB -015-1057 02.25.14 LOT NUMBERS REVISED 08.12.13 FOR RNA/ APPROVAL B A 08.21.13 FOR TENDERING 04.23.13 FOR SUBMISSION AV AV LRP INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 20D-5860 GRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND. B.G. VBW 1H9 1EL: 804-270-1839 110.1904 11E4111U4RC MONUMENT 414410091. CEOOEUC EEVAION - 80.857m AT INE166CON OF SLYER VALLEY ROAD AND 232 SIRED' DE1083 CRS) !c= ISL = !C damax consultants ltd. 103-1600 West 8th Ave, Vancouver, 130 VBJ IRS Tel. 604-224-8827 Fax. 604-889-3880 E—Mall: damaxOtelue.net 4^"5. LAP/AV Doman DWL a¢WWW DM. ^on'a'm DWL SCAM 1:500 ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT "NELSON PEAKS" KEY PLAN SOUTH SITE wic AUGUST 3012 o"m 4 or 30 4 D DAMA% FILE No. P-12-376 I DAMN( FIE No. P-12-370 <j > < 64 64 64 j 64 - -I- j -- 6 - - I h - -gam - - 62 62 62 62 o. . i 60 60 i 0 60 NN. aau 1‘ 56 56 56 � 56 PROP. /� ....A. "its -I- - - + ------ 1.21 — 1 -I- -- "r J ___ 54 . A 54 Sq 154 r-.� PROP., CAE t 52 52 52_�—�52 RCM ODIC gUa*L ► WA1fl.jNIA - 50 50 _ .. 50� -� 48 48 48 r / 46 � 46--46 / � ' 46 —1— —_--_-__--_--------.- --_2 -'� . 1 __-_----------_-..-_------.- .— ._- ------ 44 44 -R i I .44 441 _ 42 ` 42 42 I 42 1 _j PRELEV. g OP. Q �■ $ PROPV ELE t g s PI g 1 II o g STATION _ R _ 2 _ Tcm O 8 R' S 8 S R 2,!_i S ol 136 AVE :i A PROTECT TEES 1!CUMAX 11 WITH M We u •'.:. ( O�DRIP UNE). TOPSOIL h SEED I .oa C ;li J1 I ..a. PARK oft 1mI 2/ 3 4 5 ♦�.. O I / 1 s NOW. 71 PARK i ' 0ESEN ri II 3j, a _...:./ 1 JI IN FIND TO y •� �J 1 u �C C zax PARK = -- __ a z �`. 7 O _ ; i I II I I � 01 r h `' I 'J���'+��I IRiI ° 9 PARK I• 4�i IR RAST REIN 2 'T�! .._ ; RR. PARR \ a I al Al SHIN WS 150mm wuwm ROC% _ �'• ��` I �.. ea =SOW I - `. _�° 62 g rNm. DFS Nan MON tam Mean) 10 ' ^. PARK • AINH...„n„, pia UM VARRMIS m NE TYPICAL SECTION. 10 eR OXNARe PROCTOR • h PARK t Oji ' AWLS J OOKOUT TRAP `` 11 NA 5.0m la :: 1:53 (NOR.) PARK v. a 1s° or ICOR PARK EAST/WEST LOOKOUT TRAIL NORTH/SOUTH LOOKOUT TRAIL NO1ER L SEE 9C 3Ii CENRAL NODS 2. S2 SELF 5 TRINROADIONAS IWt EDB -015-1057 INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 200-8 0 GRAYfiAR ROAD RICHMOND. B.C., VBW 1H9 TEL 604-270-1889 e: = is damax consultants ltd. 1036040 W4- 827 Ave,FaV604-86g BC 08J IRS T.I.Tal. Boo -224-8827 Fax. 804-BB9-3880 E -Mall: damonOtelue.net °" UWP/AV g ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT D 0228.14 �T NUMBERS "" p• V a o C D0.I213 FDR FINAL APPnWAL �' is AUGUST 2012 J , �..L._>' ^^^� DAL B Da.28.13 FOR IENDISNO AV LOOKOUT TRAILS MIT 0 9Wr or 30 A 0525.13 FOR SINIMBSIDN lIR v. 1000 —. 1:100 BENCHWRK MONUMENF BxH0001. DEODEIIC ELEVATION . 88S57m AT INTERSECTION OF SILVER VALLEY ROAD AHD 232 STREET (10063 aims) EAST/WEST & NORTH/SOUTH °"°'e 9 a xa DAt IMAM RR DAMN( FIE No. P-12-370 DAM AX FEE No. P -12-T6 0 IS IS Y D' S Y CI Qj ©r 0 ©� 0 I$ � D S� 0 ®iv 0 O �Q money"WI. Mr+ ®® ®® i42 46 10,440A.10 e]0 trey -t1�Rt 1 . 140 @W T: . 138 42__ • -mn. ca SII - ------_. ._-_ -- j NOTE 40 I 4 '� LOCP o wxrnI1 X36 I mwm � �� TOP. Gn 1 �I 384_3214 •m ( -- --_. 1 _--------.--_ B ------ 34 ------_--- -----_-- ---_ I MASHED GRADE OVER PPE 34 �- 36 I • ♦ .s _ -_ _-_- __ umw n 2122 to -36 + 32 I 2 26 \ '28 �° min _ 30 BRI 30 26 - ( 1 126 L ' 1 VOOT 26 L1 I 26 24 I X124 26 1 PC Ea 1 - .LI• 1. 1 -, .. tirt4f ZOO • u +, ess 1 +, 1 +, 1 • +, . +, w e +1 1 • +� 1 9�raI STORM INVERTS bll z 8 INWb 1B g ■ it zm �g ,✓f ibl I obi SR wM $SI zb1G 7'1R xi .14 JS' zs STORM INVERTS SANITARY INVERTS z ■ z'" I syl ■ ■■ 2J 50 a :bl r €N: j ",.^ R zs SANITARY INVERTS STATION ±§141 8 $ RI 'N& N S N RN` S 2e , )3kg )1 151 STA710N 28 z ENTR "z U WERRFFF!FCC �15D , w0 HIM PROWS m "NCF BOswe ISE 26 29 •" 25 ` PARK 11 - L00^ 16 ® W MN. awn / TO WATERT/AM OTPJ TREATED0CEDAR c/c I'.•-' 100) MR SIDE INLET CBs AT a 2'oS 1 24 RDx PONS 53 LBm MIL CONTRACTOR 1 l 23 20:: 9 _ 49/ . Y PANEL cam • 450mm cOND ,J /:, 2 S 51 50 ii 1 Dim DEEP 30G f 111 22 ; PARK s :.... �52 Z. x® MIRROR w :r. 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FORCEAWN FOR ALL 1 D 46 4y CONINACATI 12 22 37.01 28 VERIFY vm6Y DEmN & LOCATIONS. ., �F 303 3a.1 a1 2 alNELSON PEAK ROAD " eftl 26 41 8 37s 6, Asa 1 6 a 27 265 213 4 E'-i:.3ikiv 40 c> 42 45 30 g 22 -- 24.5 H0 d13.�y� . 32 a26 43144.5 zs SC3 L 2. /11 SE SET 1 RR aa UMW( ROES = EDS -015x1057 INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 200-5550 GRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND. B.C.• V6W 1H9 TEL- 804-270-1889 • i� • a(+� °"" LRP/AV ORPORATION OF THE DSTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING OEPARTYENT D IDT NUMBERS REVISED AV 0225.14 , C 00.1213 FOR FlNAE APPROVAL 'w STORM 8c SANITARY d� AUGUST 2012 damax consultants ltd. 103-1800 West 6th Ave. Vancouver. BC VBJ 1R3 Tel. 604-224-6e27 FUG 804-889-3880 E -Math damaxotslus.net w. . I •' ,, 4� Dra B 0526.13 FOR TENDERING AV NELSON R, 14 or 30 ' ""� �. /:600 . 1:100 A 0433.13 FORSU8MSSIDN LRP ° MONUMENT p MG2332 (N440653 m15)"T PEAK ROAD & ENTRANCE LOOP ....,. 14 D Nw 0410 Pn6mN m w NBENCHMARK VALLEYROADSTREET ) DAM AX FEE No. P -12-T6 Lm°On"'oI p� monamc IP Mal _ rttA //�� • i(4 MI Q _ 5. Iri..S iir J y,.,''I II 2m MC Wilt 011➢/1Y IMC Mt FEN=NNM mine R xE 10411511 xwLaC MC la OF1 111iv000.0 net NmWatt= 0Nw 1♦♦♦e♦♦ • • 4 • /♦ SEE PHOENIX J 1 ) Z`e - .... PLANTING PIANS �• t�1�h. ilh NrikoLtiln AO p_1� Ammo TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIIS (POND) tt AA d- • 20 SECTION TWO (NORTH POND) 20 N.Ts 1 1 0 - 31 d 2 BLACK VIM 'L14dT0KK FENCE MANHOLE MN610 BE D FOR MAW ENROL PLACE MEOW WAILED TO LNNICPAL k Do. Nall NIM Sots DRUM HOLE REAUIRMM1S. PROW MAYS N NCE WEL AL we W tai BOLT IN LI EARMCE OF ALL INLET / 5ET 031.1113E. 11M :SAIL pewee 10.0 MIXT APPIMIMAN[m ' LONCREIE 40 MR/oDFXIDX SARA PAL DMmICY • ..... J OVERFLOW WOO Ifl —.Illms � L q VENFIDW �It NAV- ZOO msr. POND �1TJ DM. 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WRE M i FDIOND POSTS IRE 11 I 11 MD TOP RA® 19amn OPENINGS ANO TOP ORRACES NAK 155anmMOvP0 W —•—• H :900 V1aW 20- NL 344 0 Pam ROOR —".-20 -II 2OM 0 _ n3 7A.lam ate MP � a Thy 1Q - __.•^-•—.—•—•- 10 L,a2 ST MOLD M SINOPPIS RE -CAST 1511•701119„ SECTION B—B - o . n d LALNA DA 4' _ - HSFrnDINt o0 1:500 / '� - - .rurz %i a!------ - .� - .—. ;41 CONC. mz La oUI1Q—_' 1• I._BLS4` ' H 1900 / V, ICO oDsn ABONT£POD�RNY. �Ni* NWNC 2-200 ORM AWVE wro MA • Ri �� T Loc RAL GROUND My ,1 INV za ,D .tiipd4 r NV faw .' 1•� Q■�� , (1TP,"�. MST 14d2 `'�. Pam L1 \\\\\4 12 �... Mai ® 0 11 MA1c NTL -12 a _ ORA CM DA1'OPPE A1NWPE Spm. DP 01OEiSPORE now ]SAmN O4OUAD TWE 11 ` i V�N1ME 11 21 1� -_NPMAIF]ljNLE4) 21 21 AVIMLLmN 21 Nar:aN mLm•uN•E: 1�.. PUN nmm nsml 32Sn EE �.us i 37&n Jrs. ssml ME II - 9 N�N'zuoLm•l E. ® T 20- ...- TYPICAL POND SECTIONS _ 20 20 J 20 TYPICAL PONE) SFCTIONQ 10- 10 cur AMCCIGu 00nm92OBOE Mows SPAR Ana off AT RWOF10mo �qmI VP UM 10DP0mmm FS VGA MOLES SECTION L C—C 132 NORTH POND Dill FT STRILCTI LRF SOUTH POND OUTLET STRUCTURE H 1:990 / V 1:110 fMUON 3 — NORTN PQN0. 21=1.1.1110:1202 H 1:500 / V 1:100 H 1:500 / V 1:100 R.T.S. N.Ls TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL PONDS i0 REMAIN IN PLACE F R•iM SEE PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL -HOUSES \ i -- 50 mP OF.Cur UNTIL ALL. ARE 10076 a GARDENS COMPLETE------_ MIN LIR 49 n9.. PNc '9- MCC i m e 10.n1x , ! y \ PLANTING PLANSIter tAST `---,---_!� i >' PROFILE1�e am 51p 1010 onT . .., .�. fri. •.48� U „_- • aUtWI n,YA DLLSf eop ILMERf SROM ,0.� COmmoi aim 70 1' em, S 12 RACK VIOL 1.JR,.• =. L ,t '- LZLI (% -•,a6 — • •:' ' OWN INC IDE .. _. Ln 612r r C7 W- e • / wom.Tilma°mTinc W. U l - ,3 "MX Wm. B _ RICE \ -'•m, s OWN WE FORE ¢• . D SOL LOQ (Dxa IOP OF OR \ ♦ p 44, • 'xurslup Ii LOG RM. - --�- DDM OW. as II ' � � T trAOR m.1 A i— 1 l 2- 6 � `' ✓ Am•amM �I I MIEN SE �+e �� 20Oy) A�� / mol`d ;�' NORTH POND - ci. macro= I COE Ow Cli o •s SOUTH POND lib TOM SLTi 1 ' MOO x- �� PLAN PONDS: NTH & SOUTH ROOST DEL TRODr ay •0e� '1 0 NAN O d BIOFILTRAMON/DETEN11ON PROPOSED WETLANDS EXPANSION TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL CATTELL BROOK "ORSFOR SEE WET towL 15 SEW t 9WART WD3 EW -015-1057 1213 INSIGNIA HOMES�, SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD RICHMOND. B.C..WR1OH99 TEL 804-270-1889 e �L - mm LRP/AV ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING DFPADEPARTMENT0.,2.,3 maim DIA. D 02.23.14 LATE WINNERS REVISED AV "v�; , ,N„� DV& C 3 FOR HHV.APPAWAI. BIOFlLTRATION/DETENTION &TEMP. SHF AUGUST 2012 damax consultants ltd. 103-1600 West 5th Ave, Vancouver, BC VBJ IR3 W. a : d m4—•827 Fac 804-889-3880 E -M n. FI az8t.ws.n.E @ '-. w. F• DNI. • D0.2•.13 FOR TDIDERNc AV SEDIMENT CONTROL PONDS & 15 or 30 .. -M. wee.. "N A p423,13 FOR SUMMON DIP 14110091.MODEM54.5.57m AT MND ELEVATOR OFF 2 CATTELL BROOK POND EXPANSION Pin 18 D Ma WC pMPON 1Y EDtmt• ON SILVER VALLEf Slit= (NAM l 7 o. *ma WORD 1111.33040 DEW rotta1313119 SWIM 1:245 OE IMAM 11418 Fla IT MSC AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION MST.. torn WN10UR5 TWE 2 DEVELOPEREAR R(TTTP.)�ALL RAY -'F/0' LOIS RRL FSJNDATONG DRAM 10 REAR - RRL ONLY 10 REM ro' - FONIDA1ION & 1/3 ROOF TO REAR 1 3• P ABOVE F�lAGIEVER AS 1GREATER D_ D.nmw SRP DIY. 0 NORTH POND PARK I1 _ Ex. 44.1 EA 449 43.7 4433.9 429 41.8 35.2 34.8 45.5 46.4 48.9 46.8 4133 40 41 42 320 54 44.0 55 56 57 58 BO 61 82 63 85 66 67 86 69 70 72 3 74 75 43 45 45 47 48 49 5 53 18 19 20 1 22 23 25 25 27 30 32 33 35 35 453 47.0 49.0 421 50.0 51.0 51.9 53 0 59.4 53.4 55.8 55.4 53.2 52.5 51.0 48.7 44.7 43.3 313,5 35.5 327 32.0 30.0 25.6 273 23.7 23.7 23.2 23 6 24.1 25.2 25.0 32-2 33.7 34.9 355 35 351 36.8 37.2 37.8 3157 40.4 40.6 426 42.5 353 3/311 39.5 45.2 47.0 49.0 51.0 51.0 51.5 535 55.4 525 50.7 50.0 58.3 57.3 58.1 54.1 525 47.9 49.9 44.7 42-2 40.2 333 36,7 34.3 .3 28.9 258 25.5 27.0 25.1 25.3 28 4 27.0 322 33.4 36.1 36 8 373 37.3 37.9 38.4 41.7 41.9 42.1 48.2 46.0 39.7 402 40.1 1. NE SOT 3 FCC MOM MRCS 44.6 45.6 45.8 45.6 45.2 43.2 42.8 35.0 313.0 36.0 343 33.5 332 45.9 47.9 49.5 49.9 50.6 52.9 54.2 55.4 595 57.1 359 52.7 51.3 443.5 449 43.6 41.0 39.0 37.1 35.6 33.1 31 1 29.1 27.8 24.6 24.2 23.4 24.0 24.2 25.4 26.1 31 323 33 B 35.0 33 5 39 7 38 38.9 37.3 37.7 32/3 403 41.0 43.4 43.4 36.6 30.0 39.6 44.5 45.5 48.5 45.7 46.5 43.1 35.8 343 34. 45.0 48.8 48,8 50.5 50.5 519 53.4 55.1 58.3 50.4 59.4 58.0 55.5 553 53.5 522 47.7 45.7 413 39.9 35.0 33.9 34.0 320 30.0 28.7 25.5 25.1 24.3 24.9 25.1 26.3 27.0 32.0 33.2 34.7 35.9 38.5 35 37.1 37,8 332 327 41.4 41.9 44.3 44.3 30.5 393 40-5 LEE 47.D 47.7 47.9 47.7 47.1 463 45.0 453 45.3 44.5 39 333 351 331 38.1 3151 37,2 37.2 7,2 35.5 35.4 45.2 47.1) 40.0 50.7 51.3 52A 53 B 55.7 526 61.6 61.4 60.5 59.1 57.1 54.7 53.0 452 48.2 42.5 40.5 38.8 37.0 32.6 30.6 29.2 26.0 25.4 25.2 25.4 25.5 255 273 31.0 323 34.5 353 37.0 37 1 37.5 38.3 38 7 39.1 30.9 41.6 43.1 44.5 44.5 40.4 425 41.0 iF®m MEE pI OCR 413.13 47.0 47.2 47.0 43.8 38.3 35.0 7.3 40.3 51.0 51-3 52.0 53.7 55.8 55 B 60.9 60.2 58.5 57.3 58.4 54.1 527 46.2 43.2 45.0 42.4 40.4 35.5 37.0 34.5 325 30.5 29.2 26.0 25.6 24.13 25.4 25.6 23.5 27.5 32.5 33.7 35.2 38.4 37.0 37 1 37.5 352 35.7 30.1 413.2 41.9 424 46.4 463 40.0 40.4 41.0 02.20.14 LOT NUMBERS REVISED AV 00.12.13 FOR FDIAL APPROVAL AV a A 00.26.13 FOR TENDERING 04.23.13 FOR MOWN INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 200-5550 CRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND. B.C.. 1H9 TEL: 504-270-1889 Na. MONUMENT 04110001. GEODETIC ELEVADON 06.557m AT INDERSECTION OF SRNS VALLEY ROW AND 232 STREET 0441303 CSRS) damax consultants ltd. 103-1500 West 5th Ave, Vancouver. BC WU 1R3 Te1. 604-224-6822 Fax. 604-669-3E00 LRP/AV 9m31194 OWL /PROFS DN. 1:500 ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AUGUST 2012 27 or 30 27 DAMAX FILE No. P-12-378 APLE RIDGE : Otis?) Columbia District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO 11-5255 40 162 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Project Close -Out - 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 232 Street bridge over the North Alouette River was opened to vehicle traffic on February 3, 2014 and the official opening was held on May 15, 2014. GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. was contracted for the bridge replacement, and Delcan Corporation was retained for design and construction monitoring and administration services. The bridge works are now substantially complete and the District is now in a position to finalize the project costs. The District awarded the contract to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. on May 29, 2013 for the value of $3,178,478.80 for the bridge replacement. The work was satisfactorily completed but later than originally specified. The approved budget for the bridge project is $4,855,380. In the Council report dated May 27, 2013, the pre -construction budget for completion of the bridge project was identified at $4 750,000. The actual construction costs are now determined to be $4,065,819. The May 27, 2013 report to Council identified a project contingency of $800,000 to cover unforeseen or additional items to the contract. For the contract, the additional costs (both construction and contract administration) total $195,291. It is recommended that an additional $150,000 contingency be retained to cover any costs that may occur through the contract maintenance period which would only be utilized if justified. The additional costs to the construction contact with GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. are $156,425.81, and the contract administration for Delcan Corporation increased by $73,135. The District is pursuing the recovery of additional costs incurred by Delcan Corporation in accordance with the terms of the construction contract. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Contract ITT-EN13-32, 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River, to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. be increased to the amount of $3,335,000 excluding taxes; and THAT Contract for Construction Monitoring and Administration Services, 232 Street Bridge over North Alouette River, to Delcan Corporation be increased to the amount of $223,100 excluding taxes; and THAT a project contingency of $150,000 be maintained to cover any project costs through the one year contract maintenance period; and THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the revised contracts 1108 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The 232 Street bridge over the North Alouette River is an important link to the northwest portion of the Silver Valley area. The aging bridge had exceeded its design life and was in need of replacement. The bridge was opened to vehicle traffic on February 3 2014 and the official opening was held on May 15 2014. GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. was contracted to complete the bridge replacement and Delcan Corporation was retained for design and construction monitoring and administration services. The bridge works are now substantially complete and the District is now in a position to finalize the project costs. The District awarded the contract to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. on May 29 2013 for the value of $3 178,478.80 for the bridge replacement. The work was satisfactorily completed but later than originally specified The approved budget for the bridge project is $4,855,380. In the Council report dated May 13, 2013, the pre -construction budget for completion of the bridge project was identified at $4,750,000. The actual construction and engineering costs are now determined to be $4,065,819. The May 27, 2013 report to Council identified a project contingency of $800,000 to cover unforeseen or additional items to the project. For the contract, the additional costs (both construction and construction monitoring and administration) total $195,291. The contingency costs incurred are very low (less than 4.9%) for a project of this magnitude. It is recommended that an additional $150,000 contingency be retained to cover any costs that may occur through the contract maintenance period which would only be utilized if justified. The additional costs to the construction contact with GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. are $156,425.81 The construction monitoring and administration services for Delcan Corporation increased by $73,135. The District is pursuing the recovery of additional costs incurred by Delcan Corporation in accordance with the terms of the construction contract. b) Desired Outcome. Council approval to finalize the construction and contract monitoring and administration contracts for the 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River project. c) Strategic Alignment: The 232 Street is a primary north -south arterial route to the Silver Valley area, providing transportation needs for the surrounding community. The much needed bridge replacement will improve the safety and mobility for all users. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: A road closure at the bridge site was in place from mid-June 2013 to January 2014. Attempts were made to minimize the impact to traffic, residents, businesses and students in the nearby schools with comprehensive detour plan, signage and notifications There has been extensive and ongoing public consultation through design and construction with nearby residents to minimize impacts as well as open houses to allow dialogue and inform the public about the proposed work. e) Interdepartmental Implications: f) The Operations and Parks Department has provided input to the design and throughout construction as well Business Plan/Financial Implications: The total cost of the project is within the approved budget envelope of $4,855,380 and the project budget as referenced in the May 27 2013 Report to Council. They are as follows: As the above table indicates, the contingency costs incurred are very low for a project of tnis magnitude. CONCLUSIONS: The final amounts for construction and contract monitoring and administration services are acceptable and within the overall funding envelope. Staff recommend that the two contracts for GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. and Delcan Corporation be amended to reflect the final costs of the work for the 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River. Council approval to amend the contracts is recommended. Prepared by: . Boehmer, PEng. Managerrof Design & Construction Reviewed by: David Pollock, PEng. Municipal Engineer Financial Trevor Thompson, CGA Review by: Ma ager of Financial Planning Approved 'y: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Ji ) Rule Chief dministrative Officer Description Pre -Construction Budget Approved by Council Costs Environmental Assessment, and Construction Services Design $550,000 $473,057 Utility Relocations $200,000 $62,566 Construction Contract $3,200,000 $3,334,905 Contingency at 20% $ 800,000 $195,291 Total Project Cost $4,750,000 $4,065,819 As the above table indicates, the contingency costs incurred are very low for a project of tnis magnitude. CONCLUSIONS: The final amounts for construction and contract monitoring and administration services are acceptable and within the overall funding envelope. Staff recommend that the two contracts for GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. and Delcan Corporation be amended to reflect the final costs of the work for the 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River. Council approval to amend the contracts is recommended. Prepared by: . Boehmer, PEng. Managerrof Design & Construction Reviewed by: David Pollock, PEng. Municipal Engineer Financial Trevor Thompson, CGA Review by: Ma ager of Financial Planning Approved 'y: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Ji ) Rule Chief dministrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: RFP-OP14-16 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Single Axle Sewer Jetter Flusher Truck EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The approved Financial Plan includes funding for the purchase of a sewer jetter flusher truck. A public request for proposals to supply the truck resulted in eleven (11) submissions being received. Following a detailed evaluation of the proposals, it is recommended that the contract to supply the truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. The recommended configuration provides best value to the District. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for the purchase of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. In the amount of $232,478.00 plus applicable taxes of approximately $30,222.14, and a contingency of $10,000. Furthermore, that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Request for Proposals (RFP-OP14-16) for the supply of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck was publicly advertised on March 13, 2014 and closed April 10, 2014. Eleven (11) proposals were received and evaluated from five (5) suppliers. The results of the detailed evaluations recommend award of a Sewer Equipment Company of America 800HF Eco Flusher with a 2015 Freightliner 108SD Cab and Chassis to Westvac Industrial Ltd., who was the highest ranked proponent after evaluations. The proposals with pricing options ranged from the lowest at $230,000 to the highest at $293,328. The proposal from Westvac Industrial Ltd., was the lowest proposal that met all the evaluation criteria specifically with regard to important value considerations such as jet pump capacity, front mount reel, safety features tool storage and reliability history. 1109 b) Financial Implications: The cost of the truck is within the approved budget under project LTC#8218. Total purchase price for the unit is $232,478.00 plus applicable taxes of approximately $30,222.14 and a contingency of $10,000. CONCLUSION: Following a public request for proposals, and evaluation of the received submissions, it is recommended that the contract to supply one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. and furthermore, that the corporate officer be authorized to execute the contract. "Original signed by Russ Carmichael" for Prepared by: Walter Oleschak Superintendent of Roads and Fleet "Original signed by Russ Carmichael" Approved by: Russ Carmichael Director of Engineering Operations "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn General Manager, Public Works and Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE British Columb la District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Committee of Whole SUBJECT: Property and Ancillary Insurance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As part of the 2014-2018 Business Planning presentations, staff indicated that the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia (MIABC), our liability insurance provider, was exploring the possibility of providing property and ancillary insurance coverage for local governments. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update. Considerable progress has been made and the MIABC expects to have the additional coverages available for the end of this year. Our current property and ancillary coverage broker is aware that the MIABC will be offering a competing bid for the policies scheduled for renewal on December 1, 2014. RECOMMENDATION(S): None. Information only. DISCUSSION: The Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia (MIABC) has been providing liability insurance to B.C. municipalities for over 25 years. It was founded in the mid 1980s when local governments were in an insurance crisis: Liability coverage was scarce and costs were excessive. Local governments responded by forming a self insurance pooling program. Today, the MIABC has more than 170 members and provides liability insurance coverage to over 90% of BC municipalities. When the MIABC was created, property and ancillary insurance coverages were still accessible at affordable prices. That is why the MIABC focused on liability insurances. Over the past several years, given the success that MIABC has had with its liability insurance program, local governments have been urging the MIABC to expand its offerings. At its Annual General Meeting held last fall, the MIABC membership formally endorsed a motion allowing MIABC to expand its services to include property and ancillary insurance. MIABC staff have spent considerable time engaging its members and developing the program and expect to have it available by the end of this year. The new coverages will be specifically tailored to the needs of individual local governments and the MIABC has incorporated a brokerage arm called Civic 11 Page 1131 Risk Insurance Solutions (CRIS) to assist with this. MIABC will also partner with an experienced brokerage firm to access the more specialized and ancillary insurance coverages. A full suite of insurance coverages will be available and it will include "Core" insurance such as coverage for buildings, structures, contents and equipment. These coverages will be insured as a separate pool and reinsurers will also be involved. Non-core or "ancillary" insurance will be placed through the broker partner, though they will still be branded as part of the MIABC insurance program. MIABC will be the interface with local governments and all premiums will be paid to MIABC. MIABC is hoping to offer the best possible coverage at a competitive price. Certain lines of coverage will be optional so that local governments only pay for those services that they want. As with the liability program, local governments will reap the benefits of ownership. Any profits earned will flow back to the members as benefits through dividends, reduced premiums and enhanced services. Over the next few months, MIABC will be working on finalizing the policy and coverage wording and confirming rates. Our current property and ancillary insurance coverage broker is aware that MIABC will be offering a competing bid for the policies scheduled for renewal on December 1, 2014. "Original signed by Paul Gill" Prepared by: Paul Gill, GM: Corporate & Financial Services "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, GM: Public Works and Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :msj 21 Page