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2008-05-27 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 27, 2008 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS 300 INTRODUCTION OFADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 13, 2008 502 Minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of May 20, 2008 503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of May 12 and 16, 2008. Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 Winner of the CBC Radio -Canada National Essay Competition - Alana Cook, Maple Ridge Secondary School Student 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Fraser Valley Citizens Advisory Committee to the Correctional Service of Canada - Peter Hayes Introduction to the objective, Mission Statement and role of the Committee in the community 702 Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows - Art Solomon, Mentoring Coordinator, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows - Introduction to the works carried out by Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows area 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BY-LAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1002.2 are from the Public Hearing of May 20, 2008 Bylaws for Second and Third Reading 1001 RZ/004/06, 12142, 12170, 12140 203 Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008 To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan from Institutional, Urban Residential and Park to Urban Residential and Institutional. Second and third readings. 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6554-2008 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and P-2 (Special Institutional) to R-1 (Residential District) and P-2 (Special Institutional) to permit a 21 lot subdivision. Second and third readings. Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 3of7 1002 RZ/103/06, 24930 110 Avenue 1002.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6563-2008 To amend the conservation boundary Second and third readings. 1002.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6564-2008 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to permit a 10 lot subdivision. Second and third readings. Bylaws for First, Second „and Third Readings 1003 Municipal Officials Indemnification Amending Bylaw No. 6577-2008 To amend Bylaw No. 6548-2008 First, second and third readings. Bylaws for Final Reading 1004 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6568-2008 To permit all members of the Commission to stand for election as Chair and Vice Chair. Final reading. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - May 5, 2008 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/098/07, 22810 113 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-2 Staff report dated May 14, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008 to permit the construction of a four -storey residential apartment building and 4 residential townhouse units be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 1102. RZ/118/07, 22703 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 to P-6 Staff report dated May 14, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008 to permit the expansion of Maple Ridge Fire Hall No. 1 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 RZ/006/08, 21102 Wicklund Avenue, RS-1 to RS-1b Staff report dated May 13, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6575-2008 to permit subdivision into 2 lots be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1104 Conservation and Feasibility Planning for Haney House and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 11612 - 224 Street and 22279 116 Street Staff report dated May 15, 2008 recommending that funding be pursued with the BC Heritage Branch for conservation and feasibility planning for Haney House and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church and other municipally designated sites. 1105 Award of Contract - Pipeline Inspection - Storm & Sanitary Sewers Staff report dated May 21, 2008 recommending that Contract RFT-OP08- 062 for Pipeline Inspection - Storm and Sanitary Sewers be awarded to A&A Testing and that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. 1106 Unsightly and Untidy Premises Bylaw Staff report dated May 8, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Unsightly and Untidy Bylaw No. 6533-2007 be given first, second and third readings. 1107 Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Bylaw Staff report dated May 16, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 6551-2008 be given first, second and third readings_ Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 5 of 7 1108 3,d Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon Staff report dated April 29, 2008 recommending the use of municipal streets for the 3rd Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon on Sunday, June 29, 2008. 1109 Caribbean Street Festival Staff report dated May 15, 2008 recommending the use of municipal streets for the Caribbean Street Festival on Saturday July 12 and Sunday July 13, 2008. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2008 Staff report dated May 9, 2008 recommending that disbursements for April 2008 be approved. 1132 Albion and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaws Staff report dated May 22, 2008 recommending that Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6576-2008 and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6578-2008 be given first, second and third readings. Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Parks and Leisure Services Fees and Charges Staff report dated May 16, 2008 recommending that Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6571-2008 be read a first, second and third time. Correspondence Other Committee Issues Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Council Meeting Agenda May 27, 2008 Council Chamber Page 7of7 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the Clerk's Department who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by: Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 12, 2008 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. GUNN, DARRYL & DENISE. LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary Lot L, District Lot 241, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 17997 12266 206 Street Darryl and Denise Gunn Covenant - Rock Pit Infiltration System THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO DARRYL & DENISE GUNN. Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Ji ) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer MeYet 503 '<39 1L340 34 1 1234015 a O LMP 42697 �, 12335 E~ � 0 40 CL 35 16 12325 12330 P 77160 22 21 20 19 18 17 0 12320 0 0 0 N 0 N N 0 12315 N N LMP 7642 NA $ CD co o LMS 1527 N9 N Q0 A 7 Lo 12279 LMP 146 �B 16 J 12269 C 7 8 P 13081 soh 10 S100'5 122�� 12259 1225� 12253 11 12 18 N 12245 m o 726 � 0 13 17 N o N 16 26 o N 12237 00 LO 24 N 25 12229 0 23 N 7 LMP 12424 R RUN of Langley SCALE'District 11 LMP 7229 LMP 7015 O J N C O N cq O O N N 11392 Rem C _ 12276 r K Subject Property Rem 14 L P 12266 12250 P 17997 M N O P Q N W cc N N to CD CD N 20679 TYNER AVE. 20680 co to 0 ;D- N co V O (0 (0 (0 N N O O N U T S N R P 17997 P 11392 A 12208 15 m c� N 12266-206 St i , N I� ~ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF ak MAPLE RIDGE IOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT o DATE: May 9, 2008 FILE: Untitled BY: JV River CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 16, 2008 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/119/06 LEGAL: Lot 10, Section 27, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 2622 LOCATION; 13080 240M Street OWNER: 0767322 B.C. Ltd REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenants - Release of Geotech; revised Geotech Covenants - Enhancement & Protection Agreement; No Build. THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SD/119/06. Chairman CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 38 19 18 �^ o 13185 13188 13191 9 2 N 37 13175 20 00 17 '�' 13186 13 13175 13178 13181 8 14 36 21 U 16 t3176 13185 P 2622 13165 13168 m 13111 131BB 7 d 15 9418 35 22 15 6 m 13157 t315s 13155 13161 13156 1 6 ARK 34 23 14 5 O 13147 $ 7 17 rn 13145 13148 13151 13146 13139 U 33 m 24 13138 13 13141 4 a. 0 13i29 N 18 O 13135 13128 25 12 13138 3 fn 19 y 32 13125 26 13131 11 13126 2 20 Tara 13118 13100 27 i3121 10 131f1 13116 13106 1 21 T aTo aril T SUBJECT PROPERTY 28 9 13098 co 13101 BCP 24 29 8 13088 i3091 30 m 7 13078 13001 N m 31 13068 6 13071 m M BCP 9418 136e0 1 2 3 4 5 P 22 w w m N N M N N N 130 A AVE. r Rem 23 A N Y N 10 11 12 BCP 7889 PARK s 130AVE. c n N n 2 N 12954 N N 5 2 2622 w 0 6 P 794 P 7794 m 22 12933 d 35 P 1 46 District of Pitt Meadows 13080 240 STREET ,o N Haney O CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF to N DIStfICE Of Alblon ( �, �� I MAPLE RIDGE rr� �'j� MAPLEL� PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley 10 :._, , , ' SCALE 1:2,500 t s DATE: Dec 4, 2006 FILE: SD/119106 BY: PC River Office of the Mayor January 29, 2008 Ms. Alana Cook, Student c/o Mapie Ridge Secondary School 21911 122nd Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2W 3X2 Dear Ms. Cook: On behalf of Maple Ridge Council, and the citizens of this community, it is with great pride that we salute your achievement in winning the CBC Radio -Canada National Essay Competition with your submission "What it means to be a Canadian". We would like to honour your achievement in person. Upon your return to Maple Ridge after your exciting trip to Toronto, we would be pleased to recognize you with a public acknowledgement at one of our Council meetings- Please contact my assistant Cheryl Ennis or our Manager Communications, Gary Manson, and we will make the necessary arrangements that suit your schedule. The District of Maple Ridge is very proud of you! Yo rs tr ly, Gordy Robson Mayor GR:cde cc Maple Ridge Council Jim Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Frank Quinn, General Manager Public Works & Development Paul Gill, General Manager Corporate & Finance Mike Murray, General Manager Community Development Parks & Recreation Gary Manson, Manager Communications Pau{ Richardson, Principal, Maple Ridge Secondary School District of Maple Ridge 601 l 191}> Hatiov Place, Marle.. Ridge. Brid,,h C:olutnhsa V2X 6A9 C.• N ADA Tclel'honc:6604-46;-i2-'1 • Fax:604,46i-aa?7 • Email:enLluirio,'�-11'ninrlerid�-,c.<ir•, tietrtie.m�rlrri.l c.or� CBC 4111) Radio -Canada Public Wovk&sting Alana Cook of Maple Ridge, B.C. wins CBC/Radio-Canada's National Essay Competition_ "What it means to be a Canadian" Vancouver— January 28, 2008 — British Columbia high school student Alana Cook will soon be on her way to Toronto to spend the day with CBC Newsworld anchor Suhana Meharchand, thanks to her winning submission in CBC/Radio-Canada's national essay competition. Cook, a Grade 11 student from Maple Ridge Secondary School, won with her entry about "What it means to be a Canadian.' "Aiana's essay rekindles my own pride in being Canadian and reminds me of all the reasons why I chose to fly the flag in front of my home. Alana paints a picture of Canada and of Canadians that is tangible in its description of who we are and why we care about each other," said Meharchand, a judge in this year's competition. Back in October 2007, CBC/Radio-Canada, in partnership with the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) and the Citizenship Commission, launched a national essay contest for high school students on the meaning of Canadian citizenship. Students in grades 10 to 12 were invited to answer one of four questions about Canadian identity and values in a short essay. A prestigious panel of judges, including Meharchand and The Fight Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Co -Chair of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, made the final decision. In addition to the trip to Toronto, Cook has also won a reading of her essay at a special national citizenship ceremony and on the national CBC Radio program, ,sounds Like Canada V1She will take part in a videotaped conversation on citizenship with Adrienne Clarkson to be published in the series, Conversations about Citizenship, on the ICC website; a Dell 22" flat screen LCD monitor; and $500 to donate to her favourite Canadian charity. Her essay will be published on the CBC.ca/citizenship website as well as in The Canadian Immigrant Magazine and The Source. Second place went to Julie Harmgardt in Grade 12 at Thomas A. Blakelock High School in Oakville, Ontario, and in third place was Joo Young Seo in Grade 11 at R.B. Mountain Secondary School in Langley, B.C. The national judging panel also included: Shelagh Rogers, Sounds Like Canada, CBC Radio Haroon Siddiqui, Editorial Page Editor Emeritus, The Toronto Star Senior Citizenship Judge Michel C. Simard, Citizenship Commission Michel Coulombe, Director, Radio Canada International (RCI) Monique Giroux, Frequence Libre, Premiere Chalne, Radio de Radio -Canada Alden E. Habacon, Manager of Diversity Initiatives, CBC Television For more information on CBC/Radio-Canada's citizenship initiatives, visit CBC.ca/citizenship. -30_ ...f2 -2- About CBC/Radio-Canada CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. With 29 services offered on Radio, Television, the Internet, satellite radio, digital audio, as well as through its record and music distribution service and wireless WAP and SMS messaging services,,CBC/Radio-Canada is available how, where, and when Canadians want it. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, F'rencl and eight Aboriginal languages, in nine languages on its internationai Radio service, Radio Canada International,. and in eight languages on its Web -based Radio service RCI viva, a service for recent and aspiring immigrants to Canada. For more information, please contact: Anu Sahota CBC Television Sahotaa@ vancouver. cbc. ca 604-662-6561 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6553-2008. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 and Parcel "2" (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel T" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 749 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby redesignated to Urban Residential and Institutional (shown hatched). 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 8th day of April, A.D. 2008. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 20th day of May, A.D. 2008. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of . , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.1 'lzzss — - — 71907 P 1852 LM 3 08 4 2 ,�13 , j 4. 1 C� D Eo'�, Fa Gry H i 110 p131213Q14o 0 0 o a 12227 o p 72589 4 3 122 AVE. 12277 61 � 1z2Q9 1 N 2 N N M � L N K `� J na, P 22101 LMP 1089 1852 � 6Q22Q1 • "1 LMP 27 99 Rem 1 LMP, 578 59LO f95 2�3 4 5-6�7� 8^9� rd h12 N ° h 1 58�7 0 0.524 ha. 12i 8 AVE, �1217175 0 30 31 rzl�p Rem A N EP 11165 EP 80908 12142 e b 1214p i EP 69207 _ f' 69727 5 ry 44 LMP 1280 P 41572 1 �E 007 249 45 1 2 1 l P 17121 . 0.431 ho. T.851 ha. 7212 72122 P 41572 i 44 1 1 G LMP 11.279 12119 — 1z1>r 121fo 201 i2Qa7 r2Q� LMP 56 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 H 37 191 1 �, 7 ,�Rw ;�18 . �A ,n ----- ---�------- T — 1 2oB3a— W _ — --A-- — _., — — — — — — — -..�2Q7 W ry a] ry N ns N na � +v Rr 38 181 �'' 1208 AVE. 12092 LMP 5692 P $3237 '�1 Z � 72105 120� 17065 71 1 D tir ors K 1 1160 o 972045 12040 1 72o7a 1 1 120�7 i 1 12035 a 4 1203Q MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw Na. 655.3-2008 Mop No. 749 From: Institutional, Urban Residential and Park To: Urban Residential -and Institutional (shown hatched). CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6554-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6554-2008." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 and Parcel "2" (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1422 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District) and P-2 (Special Institutional) (shown )latched). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8th day of April, A.D. 2008. PUBLIC HEARING held the 20th day of May, A.D. 2008. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.2 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6554-2008 Map No. 14.22 From: R5-1 (One Family Urban Residential) P-2 (Special Ins titutionol) To: R-1 Residential District) and P--2 Special Institutional) — shown and hatched CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6563-2008 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "A" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6563-2008 2. Schedule "A" Section 10.2 Albion Area Plan, figure "Albion Area Plan" (Chapter 10 & 6) is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part Dedicated Road on Plan 29924, Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 752, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Conservation. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part Dedicated Road on Plan 29924, Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 753, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 22n1day of April, A.D. 2008. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 2011 day of May, A.D. 2008. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200. 1002.1 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER P 71308 17 0.899 he Rem 4 11051 P 29924 2.195 he. 1.619 he 26 2.320 he 0.703 h6 a 1f070 ti ROAD no25 P 29924 N N 18 A P 84 54 RP 16170 P 0.809 he m 0.809 he 363 N 1os41 Rem 2 1 F D_ 1.922 h 1.273 ha. 0.513 he. 1.785 ho.' 19 rn 0.809 he P N h Rem 16 10921 n ry P 23702 P 1363 20 Rem B B 332 0 m 18 a 17 q 16 15 0.805 ha. 0.809 he Z49���b r _ 00 1083 AVE. �Q 14 3.104 he 0) m 10872 10891 a °� ry 19 a 13 20 V) 10660 P 23702 -1 a a P 34411 12 0 22 21 10848 A 27 21 a r �0 11 �6 B2 0.809 ha. 0 2.032 he. 108A AVE. 10 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6563-2008 Map No. 752 From: Low/Medium Density Residential To: Conservation r 1:2500 P 71308 17 0.599 ha Rem 4 11os1 P 29924 2.196 ha. 1.619 ha 26 2.320 ha 0.703 ha 11D7D a N ROAD 17025 P 29924 0 o rn a N N 18 A P 84 54 RP 16170 P 0.809 ha 0) 0.809 ha 363 N 1D941 Rem 2 1 F a_ 1.922 h 1.273 ha. 513 0PP ha1.785 ha. 19 L N 0.809 ha Rem 16 10921 2 P 1363 ry 20 Rem B B 332 0 0 18 a 17 N 16 15 �1 0.805 ha. 0.809 ha N `� 2hg�,yry5 r 0o 108B AVE. �Q 14 3.104 ha 0) a) N 106,91 10877 b p 0- N 19 k 20 108603 P 23702 0' F P 34411 * 12 0 22 21 70849 A °a a 27 21 v 1i �3s 0.809 h o. o 2.032 h o. 108A AVE. 10 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6563=2008 Map No. 753 PURPOSE: TO ADD TO CONSERVATION ,- LE RIDGE 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6564-2008." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part Dedicated Road on Plan 29924, Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1424 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of April, A.D. 2008. PUBLIC HEARING held the 20th day of May, A.D. 2008. READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. , A.D. 200. , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 1002.2 P 71308 17 0,699 he Rem 4 77057 P 29924 2.196 he. 1.619 he 26 2.320 he 0.703 he ry 11070 N ROAD ff025 P 29924 a a � ry 78 A P8454 RP 16170 OD P 1363 P 0.809 he 0.809 ho 10941 Rem 14 2 1 F a 1.922 ha. 1.273 ha. 0.513 ha. 1.785 he. 19 N 1 0.809 he w N Rem 16 10977 P 23702 P 1363 20 Rem B 8 332 0 =-__-_- a 18 17 i 6 is31 0.805 he. 0.809 he 24g��r�d h 00 1a8B AVE. Q 14 3.104 ho � N 70891 10B7-7 IL k19 ti 20 1pBBp3 P 23702 a F P 34411 ° 12 - 0 22 21 1oB4B A 27 21 a a 11 6 C) 0.809 he. M 2.032 he. re 108A AVE. io MAPLE. RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6564-2008 Map No. 1424 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-1 b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) T 1:2500 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6577-2008 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw No.6548-2008 WHEREAS Council wishes to amend Maple Ridge Municipal Official Indemnification Bylaw No. 6548-2008; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Municipal Officials Indemnification Amending Bylaw No. 6577-2008". 2. That Maple Ridge Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw No.6548-2008 be amended by a) deleting Section 3.b) and replacing it with: "3.b) has promptly after being served with a document initiating an action or prosecution delivered a copy of the same to the District's Corporate Officer;" b) deleting Section 4 in its entirety; and c) renumbering the subsequent sections accordingly. READ a first time on the day of May, 2008 READ a second on time the day of May, 2008 READ a third time on the day of May, 2008 RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED this day of , 2008 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER -1- 1003 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6568-2008 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission Bylaw No. 6302-2005 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission Bylaw No. 6302-2005; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as " Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission Amending Bylaw No. 6568-2008" 2. That Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission Bylaw No. 6302- 2005 be amended by: i) Deleting Paragraph 9 (a) in its entirety and replacing with: "elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its membership at the first meeting of each year. All members of the Commission, including at large members, shall be eligible to be elected as Chair or Vice Chair." READ a first time on the 13th day of May, 2008. READ a second on time the 13th day of May, 2008. READ a third time on the 13th day of May, 2008. RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED this day of , 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER -1- 1004 MAPLE RIDGE�. DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 14, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/098/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6543-2008 22810113 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit the construction of a four - storey residential apartment building and 4 residential townhouse units. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan, RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii) The registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant addressing the suitability of the site for development from a geotechnical point of view; iv) Road dedication as required; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking. vi) Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the Green Building components that will be included on the final project design plans. 1101 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc Owner: Nag Construction Co Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 2, D.L.: 402, Plan: LMP39949 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Park Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Park South: Use: Haney Bypass, Vacant Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Highway, Park East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Townhouses Zone: RM-1(Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Vacant Multi -Family Residential 0.925 HA (2.28 acres) Newly constructed extension of 113 Avenue Full Urban DP/098/07, VP/098/07 The applicant is requesting to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit the construction of a 4 storey apartment and 4 townhouse units. The wood -frame apartment building proposal contains 65 units ranging in size from 55m2 (595 ft2) to 125m2 (1345 ft2). The townhouses are standalone and are located to the northwest of -2- the apartment building and face the 113th Avenue to provide a street presence. In addition, the townhouse complex provides a transition in density from the 4 storey apartment building to the east and the townhouse complex to the west. The site is located within the Regional Town Centre and this development will achieve approximately 12 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design credits based on the LEEDS rating system. For stormwater management, the proposal calls for a bio-filtration pond at the southeast corner of the site facing the Haney Bypass. The developer will be required to build 1131h Avenue which would extend the currently dead -ended 228 Street west to Burnett Street. The road right-of-way was previously dedicated to the District through the subdivision of the Fraserview lands in the early 1990's and has been intended to extend east to Brurnett Street since. The Engineering Department has confirmed the necessity of the extension of the road. Some backslope regrading of the District Park north of the subject site will be required to ensure stabilization of the new road. The slope stabilization works and replanting of the Park will be a condition of the Rezoning Servicing Agreement and a security will be taken for all works. The Parks Department has reviewed and approved the conceptual plan of the proposed works on the park site. Final plans will be reviewed with the civil drawings. The proposed access to the site is from a newly constructed 1131h Avenue where there is one main vehicular entrance to the site that is shared by both the apartment and townhouse residences. A roundabout is proposed for pick up and drop off purposes near the main entrance of the apartment building. This development is proposing two floors of underground parking incorporating 15 visitor parking stalls for both the townhouses and the apartments in addition to providing 102 stalls for apartment resident parking. The visitor and resident parking areas are separated by a security gate on the first floor of underground parking. The underground is accessed at the east of the apartment building. The townhouses have been designed with a double car garage with a full parking slab outside the unit. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The property is currently designated Town Centre Residential in the Official Community Plan. The Regional Town Centre places a priority on residential development and encourages higher density developments in appropriate locations. The subject property is also located along a Major Corridor (Haney Bypass) as outlined in Figure 4 of the OCP. The RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone correlates with both of these designations. Maple Ridge Town Centre, Concept Plan: The property is located within the Regional Town Centre and is identified as Apartment Housing on the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan. To facilitate the implementation of the Concept Plan, Council has directed that it be used as a template for development, until the adoption of an area plan for the Regional Town Centre. Chapter 4 of the Concept Plan - Design Guidelines and Performance Standards, outlines the need to direct growth to the town Centre, to aid in accommodating the 7,000 new dwelling units anticipated -3- by 2021. The growth is expected to help revitalize the downtown areas and provide a supportive population base for local businesses and transit. It also identifies the need for greater diversity in the residential housing stock, to provide options for a variety of persons at different stages of life and with physical challenges. A range of housing types and sizes also provides more opportunities for rental housing and house that may serve a variety of income levels and locate residents to shops and services. The "green building" concept is a key principle of the Concept Plan to encourage smart, managed growth within the Regional Town Centre. The proposal aligns with the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan in the following ways: • Building Coverage is 25%, less than the suggested maximum of 50% for medium density residential areas; • The townhouses have been oriented to and have direct pedestrian access from 113 Avenue providing "eyes on the street"; • A drainage swale is located to the east side of the building which is designed to receive stormwater runoff collecting in a bio-filtration/detention pond located at the southeast corner of the property allowing the water to filter and infiltrate through the soil; and • The applicant has submitted a report and checklist outlining which components from the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System they feel they can achieve. The details of the components will be finalized in the Development Permit sage. However, it is recommended that prior to Final Approval of the rezoning application, a Section 219 Covenant be registered identifying the final green building components that will be incorporated into he Development Permit and subsequent Building Permit plans. Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements have revealed that the proposal generally complies with the bylaw, although two variances would be required if this proposal is to proceed. As such, a Development Variance Permit application has been received for the following items. 1. Part 6, Section 604(6)(a) "Siting" requires all apartment and accessory residential buildings be sited not less than 7.5 metres from all property fines. • In an attempt to create a more engaged street frontage and to fit in the internal roadway, the townhouses are sited slightly north of the apartment building. The development meets the 7.5 metre setback to the East, West and South, however, the townhouses encroach by 1 metre into the 7.5 metre front yard setback (North). 2. Part 6, Section 604(8)(a) "Other Regulations" requires all off street parking, except visitor spaces, be located within an underground parking garage. • For convenience of the future residents of the townhouses, a double car garage has been provided in each of the townhouse units. M Development Permits: This development is subject to a Multi -Family Development Permit as outlined in section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. Accordingly, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. A Multi -Family Development Permit is required for all new multi -family development on land designated Urban Residential. The purpose of a Multi -Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. An application for the Development Permit has been received and will be the subject of a future Council Report. Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on April 8, 2008 at which time the following resolution was made: That the Advisory Design Panel supports and commends the applicant on their completeness and quality of presentation however would like to see the following recommendations to go back to the Planning Department for further review with revisions being forwarded on to the Advisory Design Panel via email: • Consideration to the use of the space around the children's play area with emphasis on child safety; • More attention to be given to the south edge with consideration being given to the revised road alignment; • Consideration be given to the articulation of paving edge to south of the children's play area; • Consider breaking up views of building mass at the south edge with planting; • Consideration be given to the design development and integration of the storm water pond into the landscape. The applicant has received these comments and will review the submission responding to the ADP comments. Responses to these comments will be the subject of the Development Permit in a future Council Report. Development Information Meeting: A development information meeting on January 8, 2008 at Kanaka Creek Elementary School was held by staff from Atelier Pacific Architecture, Damax Consultants and DMG Landscape Architects. There were approximately 10 - 15 local residents and interested parties, seven people signed in and 5 completed comment sheets were received. Although most attendees were in favor of the project, there was concern about increased traffic and opposition to the new 113 Avenue opening up 228 Street through to Burnett Street. d) interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: -5- The Engineering Department has identified that all of the services required in support of the rezoning do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to complete the necessary works prior to final reading. Given the geotechnical work required on this site, the Park and 113 Avenue road right-of-way, it is prudent to have the geotechnical report supporting this development registered on Title as a 219 Restrictive Covenant. This will ensure future owners and the District are aware of the development parameters for the site. CONCLUSION: The proposed development is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is therefore recommended that application RZ/098/07 be favourably considered and be given first reading and forwarded to Public Nearing. Prepared by: n Csikos PI nning Technician Approve ne Pic 1 g, IMP, MCIP rector of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P�ng GM: Public Works,& De.Neftment Services Concurrence: J. L/(Jim) Rule Ch' f Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008 Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D - Elevations M P 7177R Appwd iX A 2A N SCALE 1:2,500 LMP 13592 CP LMS 37 +52 p'rs LMP 9560 LMS 1258 .A. p�B RP 3736 B District of Pitt Meadows ttd87 � 22 44 : 11460 S �04ea 23 � 11488 24 NWS 28b5 LOT 5 LMP 10788 SUBJECT PROPERTY 113 AVE. LIMP 39046 ry LOT 2 10 ' m LMP 39949 11327 N1.1. sN 1�r 0. 11 y 11313 = 11299 m B m ' ro M 11285 W a A Rem. 13 t_ �j�iysfc E ` CORPORATION THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE �� �� r MAPLE RIOG PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ap pad;x B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6543-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6543-2008." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP39949 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1418 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER LMP 9560 HCP 3 LMS 1258 20.0 \\ \\\ J ,_---_� „A LOT S \\ ` \ J8 33 713B4 / y y ( 1.28 ha ro 2.40 ho \ \` \ \ \ \ `\ 11372 1 LMP 10788 \ �h1 ---- `----------- \` P 1 713 1137s LMP 9562 \ \\ o 113 AVE. N \ 113a7�LL\` P 1 0 12.2 \ I \ \ ci_� \ \ ti 9��rerA h LOT 0a 10 I \ 7`\��\ c� LMP 39949 rn 71327 P 14524\\ N9�/RN q SS 0.925 ho o_ 11318 \\ A t1 � N ,a Rem A /c 11313� BP 14217 71299 � '! 11298 B CORem 14 00 N y� P �9sr 19750 `\ `\ co cU r128s Cv A A7278 Rem. �5.2 82 0 0`ti 13 `\ Q r2 B77 \ A Q 79, o 70 \ . 12 �<z 67 �L 6967S4 RP 3736 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6543-2008 Map No. 1418 From: RS--3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) mom 1:2000 I I I I j j jk so k, ,a42ao gAgo0�*Gil NOU mallo EN ,\� g 7 am a a_wlam § 1N]Wd0]]a]O Amm- � nA g]SOdOW ■ © §\ / « !SSvd- e A3NVH ! ° ■ \ ` 2� `0 § ;]§ �) � ? » ( $} E{ !§ !\ ! §\ (� 12, 2 _ § � § § § ) e!. ? §! ) 0 § g§ , : § , E �{ . , DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 14, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/118/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008 22703 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone a portion of the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-6 (Civic Institutional), to permit the expansion of Maple Ridge Fire Hall No. 1. To support the rezoning, an Official Community Plan amendment is required to change the designation of a portion of the subject property from Urban Residential to Institutional. The proposed building will be LEED accredited and will likely achieve the gold standard. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on- going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6534-2007 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except byway of holding a- public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572- 2008 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 1102 6. That road dedication along the east side of 227 Street not be required until road upgrades are required; and 7. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; and ii) Road dedication as required. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Ron Hoffart Owner: District Of Maple Ridge Legal Description: Lot: A, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: BCP34253 OCP: Existing: Institutional and Urban Residential Proposed: Institutional and Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: P-6 (Civic Institutional) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: P-6 (Civic Institutional) and RS-1(One Family Urbar Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation Urban Residential South: Use: Commercial Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) & CD-5-88 (Comprehensive Development) Designation: Commercial East: Use: Commercial and Single Family Residential Zone: CS-1 and RS-1 Designation: Commercial and Urban Residential West: Use: Commercial Zone: C-3 and RS-1 Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Fire Hall Proposed Use of Property: Fire Hall Site Area: 0.188 HA Access: Dewdney Trunk Road, 227 Street, and proposed Brown Avenue Servicing: Full Urban -2- Companion Applications: VP/118/07 b) Project Description: An application for an Official Community Plan Amendment and a Rezoning has been submitted for the expansion of Fire Hall No. 1 located at 22703 Dewdney Trunk Rd. The proposal includes road dedication for the expansion of Brown Avenue. Road dedication will also be provided along Fletcher Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The portion of the subject property south of the centerline of the proposed Brown Avenue road dedication, designated Urban Residential, and zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) is the area that will be subject to the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning. The proposed Official Community Plan designation is Institutional and the proposed zoning is P-6 (Civic Institutional). The Official Community Plan designation and zoning of the portion of the subject property north of the centreline of the proposed Brown Avenue road dedication will remain the same. This portion of land has the potential to develop with the adjacent properties to the north. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: As a result of consolidation, the subject property is designated both Institutional and Urban Residential under the Official Community Plan. To support the expansion of Fire Hall No.1, a portion of the subject property, as mentioned above, will need to be redesignated from Urban Residential to Institutional. Principal 38 under the Institutional section of the Official Community Plan supports this change stating that "expanding services concurrently with development is regarded by the community as good planning and development practice." Policy 4-34 also states that "proposed expansions in the range of uses or size of existing Large Scale Institutional Facilities must be evaluated on their impacts to the adjacent neighbourhood, to the transportation network, to existing services and facilities, and to the surrounding community and its natural features." Town Centre Concept Plan: The Town Centre Concept Plan identifies the area being considered for a rezoning and Official Community Plan amendment as Commercial. The portion south of this area where the existing Fire Hall is located is designated Institutional. The Town Centre Concept Plan is intended as a guide for sustainable future development in Maple Ridge. Chapter 4 of the Concept Plan - Design Guidelines and Performance Standards - outlines the need to direct growth to the Town Centre, to aid in accommodating the 7,000 new dwelling units -3- anticipated by 2021. This growth is expected to help revitalize the downtown areas and provide a supportive population base for local businesses and transit. To service this growth and to support the concept of complete communities, the expansion of Fire Hall No. J. is required. The Town Centre Concept flan also stresses innovative development standards, such as "green" infrastructure and buildings. This proposal falls in line with this principle because the building will be a LEED accredited building. Zoning Bylaw: The proposed addition will require a variance to reduce the required setbacks to the north, east, and west property line. The setback variance requested for the north property line is minor in nature and is for the corner of the lobby. The variance would be from 7.5 metres to 6.2 metres. The setback variance requested for the east property line is for the existing building and addition. The existing building is setback 0 metres from the east property line., The proposed addition aligns with the existing building; therefore, the requested variance would be from 7.5 metres to 0 metres. The setback variance for the west property line is for a portion of the existing building and the extension of the dayroom. The proposal reduces the encroachment of the existing building as a portion of the wall will be removed, but the proposal still requires a variance from 7.5 metres to 2.2 metres. A development variance permit has been received in conjunction with this application and will be further reviewed. Off -Street Parkin and Loading Bylaw: The applicant has proposed 46 parking stalls, 2 of which have been identified as parking for the disabled. Under the Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw, the proposal requires 23 parking stalls based on a 1 space per 93 m2 gross floor area ratio. This was the same ratio used for the fire hall on 203 Street. The applicant has doubled the requirements to accommodate the training facility. There is also a municipally owned parking lot within a few blocks that can be used for additional parking during these training events. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held on April 15, 2008 at Fire Hall No. 1, Prior to the meeting responses to seven telephone enquiries were made by Fire Chief Dane Spence, Ron Hoffart, MAIBC and Mohan Krishna AIT, AIBC. Throughout the evening of April 15, 2008 six members of the public attended and reviewed the illustrative material, which was presented on mounted graphic boards and overhead PowerPoint projection. Several off -duty and on -duty Fire Fighters also viewed the material and also responded favorably to the proposal. Fire Chief Dane -4- Spence, and Architects Ron Hoffart and Mohan Krishna explained the material and responded to questions. It was reported that: The response to the Maple Ridge Fire Hall #1 Renovation and Addition was positive and supportive. The majority of questions from the public related to the Brown Avenue extension. While no one objected to the extension and alignment, they sought clarification on the status of the portion of the subject property to the North, the schedule for further eastward extension, the quality and standards for the road itself, and the plans, if any, for widening the existing Brown Avenue west of 227th Street. An additional comment was made about the desirability of locating the overhead power lines of 227th Street underground. Several off -duty and on -duty Fire Fighters also viewed the material and also responded favorably to the proposal." Enaineering Department: Engineering Department has reviewed the application and has provided the following comments: 1. Brown Avenue will need to be constructed as an 11.6 metre wide collector road from 227 Street to Fletcher Street as a condition of this application. The future land that will run north from Brown Avenue will require a sidewalk and curb letdown. The land itself will be constructed by others when the land north of Brown Avenue redevelops. Fletcher Street will need to be widened to a collector width on the west side of the road across the frontage of the site. 2. Concrete barrier curb and gutter and sidewalk will be required on the west side of Fletcher Street, both sides of Brown Avenue and the east side of 227 Street. 3. Concrete sidewalk will be required on the west side of Fletcher Street, both sides of Brown Avenue and the east side of 227 Street. The new sidewalk on 227 Street will extend from the north property line down to the south end of the existing driveway letdown. 4. The applicant's consultant will need to review the off -site sanitary sewer and connection and water supply and confirm that they are adequate for the proposed use. Any downstream sections that are found to be deficient will need to be upgraded by the developer at his expense. 5. The existing ditch on Fletcher Street will need to be eliminated and a suitable storm sewer constructed to handle the runoff from Brown Avenue and Fletcher Street. 6. The applicant's consultant will need to review the adequacy of the water supply for the proposed use. He will also have to review the need for additional fire hydrants both on the new section of Brown Avenue and on the other existing streets. 7. Streetlighting will be required for the fronting streets. On Dewdney Trunk Road the existing mast -arm lights will most likely stay since the gas company right-of-way would conflict with the placement of davit -arm lights. -5- 8. Street trees are required for all frontages. 9. All utility services to the property must be underground. The existing aerial wires on Dewdney Trunk Road and on 227 Street will remain in place. 10. The existing ditch on Fletcher Street will be eliminated with the required road works. The storm sewer design will have to account for the drainage that flows through the ditch and for runoff from the road. 11. A minimum 20 metre road allowance must be dedicated for Brown Avenue. On 227 Street approximately 3 metre dedication is required along the east side to meet the requirement for an arterial road. The same 3 metre dedication is required along Dewdney Trunk Road also for the minimum arterial road allowance. The Fletcher Street frontage will require approximately 1 metre dedication from the west side of the street to achieve the standard road allowance for a collector road. The lane that will run north from Brown Avenue will require a 7.5 metre wide road dedication. The applicant will need to enter into a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and register the document with the Land Titles Office to ensure that the above requirements are completed. The Fire Chief has requested that Engineering review the need to dedicate approximately 3m for road allowance along the east side of 227 Street as was noted in their review. If the dedication is required, it would cause a number of problems with the size and location of the proposed expansion of the fire hall and cause operational difficulties with on -site parking and access for fire vehicles and staff. Engineering has reviewed the fire chief's request and recommends that although the road allowance on 227 Street is deficient for its arterial classification that Council not require the additional dedication. The existing road is fully constructed with curbs and sidewalks on both sides and the lane arrangement is consistent through the intersection and further south. There are no plans to upgrade or widen the road in the foreseeable future; however, if upgrades are required in the future, the Fire Hall will provide the required dedication. School District Comments: A referral has been sent to the School District regarding the proposed Official Community Plan amendment. Any comments from the School District will be forwarded to the District prior to Public Hearing. d) Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, redesignation of a portion of the subject property from Urban Residential to Institutional, is considered to be minor in nature. It has -6- been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of Metro Vancouver and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: The proposal to redesignate a portion of the subject property from Urban Residential to Institutional and to rezone a portion of the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-6 (Civic Institutional) is supported to expand an essential service; therefore it is recommended that application RZ/118/07 be favourably considered and that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prep red Adina Lung Planninp- Technician Apprav y:�ll Pic rfir, MCP, MCIP bir6c-tor of Planning - Z'<' Z 4-), Approved hvZ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng ✓✓ GM: Public Works &JIgvelopment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AL/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008 Appendix C - Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008 Appendix D - Site Plan Appendix E - Building Elevations Appendix 1= - Landscape Plan -7- 7 12142 p 12147 12148 P 23392 12141 1 a � 35312139 P 987 tj LMP 406 A 12136 a 1213632 12139 2 12131 12120 12131 12130 P 9944 to N112 16 338 337 402 401 P 38897 r S112 16 P E 2211 175 a 12119 12126 ' P 67081 12121 12120 147 12114 WON 12111 2 N 50' 5 12115 C-4 1 12090 94$ P 6 638 a Rem. 5 1 zloz 12105 a 12101 BCS 1124 Rem 10 12o9s A �o M w w 0 290 P 22808 P 11644 12oes C14B N3 (� N � `N" B 112002 12087 287 288 289N 112 12076 1 46 P 4 3724 291 1 1112081 A 12087 12074 N S 112 h BCP 30103 P 4 724 v Co 111zo71 w 110 1100 46 292 2 12oss x 12062 N a. 296 295 294 12077 N a N 112 h B 5 4 INW i21zos7 ; -1Rem 12U97 70 2 S 112 2054 1zos3 C14N N N N N 293 szoso 12 12057 S 112 7 m N70' N130' of 2 RP 84340 Rem.2 n (L 307 2042 N 112 6 Itt a 12041 Co 049 Rem. N 130' of 2 No � w W 300 12046 30612041 12038 1203T N N N N N Q S 112 6 Rem. 2 8 9 297 298 299 12047 1 P 12253 6 P 43 24 301 3 12031 12032 17 12026 Rem. ¢ P 52750 M 2 P 7450 310 16 18 N CL 04 N V 327 P 546 P 51311 r w M 1 N co ap W IL N O 15 a o agi N t�D N ry 2026 N N N N {fir N N N P 61650 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD C04 N N m p N N r d N N Rem.A N N v N do 57 4 a a P 9541 P 46839 3 61 N LANE r` Co P 8695 P 51167 11971 1 11969 u) 3 0 8 'PP093 LP 73289 w 1970 "PP084 11963 g 71 'Ir a 2 a 71963 P 9541 P 67142 LANE m 1940148 RP 61086Co 11ss3 a1194 Co 78 LMP 1 758 7 00 (P 95411 NWS 1556 r CF�2lilYll'Y fi mi N Dishict of HJ L 1 Langley SCALE rat 12048-227 St 0 12031 /12041 /12049 Fletcher CORPORATION OF N �r THE DISTRICT OF MAPLERIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Dec 31, 2007 RZ/118/07 BY: PC Arperdi,r B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6572-2008. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6572-2008." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel `A', Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan BCP34253 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 756, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Institutional. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200, RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 1 12101 10.1 BCS 1124 7.5Rem 10 — — 0 72096 — A � o 290 P 22808 P 11644 12086 B 288 289 12082 B 12087 N 1 /2 a. 12076 n 3 7 2 N 29087 1 N 1172081 A 12074 d- S 1 2 co Ln Ln 43724.292 2 cc 1112071 w 295 294 12077 12068 -N 1 /2 1: 12062 c-) B Rem N P 7450 N 7 0' 2 0_ 1212067 J N N N 293 `�+ 12060 S 1 2 12 12057 12054 S 1 /2 7 N 7 RP 84340 J- °e � 12042 N 1 /2 � 6 C- - Rerr h IQ ES 12038 300 1 /2 298 299 12047 0.811 ho BCP 34 3 17 P 4 724 301 20.1 12032 12028 /3o Rem. N o N 2 310 16 _ 18 �_�� P 0546 P 51311 18 3 N r� o \ ,� RW 18394 TRW 18394 12026 C aD N P 61650 N DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD N N fBCP 13823 N � ,n CO N o o N N Ln "I Rem. A d I N 4 C- �D a P 9541 � 61 6.1 LANE 0 O'� i 11971 I Q_ T ! 1 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No, 6572--2008 Mop No. 756 From: Urban Residential To: Institutional �:a5ao 4pfndx C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6573-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6573-2008." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel 'A', Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan BCP34253 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1427 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to P-6 (Civic Institutional) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the jP e : day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 1 12101 — — — o 10.1 BCS 1124 Rem 10 0 12096 A CD z 290 P 22808 P 11644 12086 B 288 289 12082 B 12067 N 1 /2 72076 3 72 d, 291 1 N 1172081 A 87 12074 ,Ln 43724 d 292 2 00 1 112071 w 295 294 12077 � 12as8 ri -N 1 /2 = 12062 B 1+ �z Qz) R N P 7450 N N 7 0' 2 CL 1212067 -' CNI ern N2-1i2 9 3 12060 5 12 12 72057 12054 S 1 /2 7 N 7 RP 84340:;' Q- °a Cd 72042 N 1/2 t 6= Rerr h � 12038 300 S 1 /2 0.811 ho 298 299 12047 BCP 34 3 17 P 4 724 301 20.1 12032 12028 Rem. /30 � � N o N 2 310 16 18 �a- P 0546 P 51311 18 3 c� � LL — ------ o— — — — — — - � RW 18394 �RW 18394 � 5 h � 11 P 61650 CN DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD N N /BCP 13823 N L2Go CD o �, Ln Rem. A I `� 4 a- Q0� P 9541 61 6.1 LANE I � � Q M 1 Ln 11977 a_ 6� 1 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6573---2008 Map No. 1427 From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: P-6 (Civic Institutional) 1:1500 APipendrx p 227TH STREET FLETCHER STREET ij S �a Y uio ia's tvwi�a af[�€���YFi ��� Da S[]3141]tl'l H3MW15Y1YY330H IN{IYY9 apt i:F �Z Aq�rdly Mir m w t fn w w z c O — z — — U — w i Z 0 Q ! LU m z 0 w J LU 0 rn ENNUI Oil m PIT Magill ` o iiif :0111 .!,II IIf I�IjIIEI_I'� r-r , I ICI r�� r 110 [.III1III[II 11 I ;I.r! yr mui�P�lml�P11�1 Ej I ■i monsoons IIIIIIIIIm r � ■ Iti■ rl �, �r �w Imo■ -� �. �cn!lunm — — ---� 1� 11 111! IN n F F z 4 7114 R R � �aa $$ a3a�C�ag� Hill r11 N112 a ixI N 2- 6 12 9 1 01-094 MAPLE RIDGE FlRE HALL #1 A ®� mvl om is•j4i ' RENOVATION do ADDITION a'�n • c�uwH x�n�rrrnnmm�wamcn aY m 0 m i _ _ ;;610R ELEVATIONS p' � 1 Ap er i,� da ���� �� cis^secrrgceeiFs ���z;cn� � E } g yr zi BOB®F k 9 7•� i �t[ ! p� 'c ��,.; j�. �� -- � Apr•` — 1 if.V,CF,ratr,N,f,Qry:�,Y:r):r:.r).:r:,)[r).r: iaus Himd a e` � 'm �a� € o 6Y` ff�m 3 9 i og Wa33 dial HL13s �h t3a British Columbia ❑eep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 13, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/006/08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6575-2008 21102 Wicklund Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), to permit the subdivision into two lots. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6575-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following condition be met prior to final reading. i) Removal of the existing building. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Ron Antalek Owner: Bella Vista Home Builders Ltd. Legal Description: Lot: 115, D.L.: 242, Plan: 47383 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: No Change Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential 1103 South: Use: Single Family Residential Strata Zone: RG (Group Housing) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-.1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.139 HA Wicklund Avenue Full Urban S D/006/08 An application has been submitted to rezone the property located at 21102 Wicklund Avenue from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit the subdivision into 2 lots. The minimum parcel size prescribed for the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone is 557 m2. It is proposed that the existing building will be demolished. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The property is designated Urban Residential on Schedule "B" of the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) which permits a range of housing types within the Urban Area Boundary. The proposal complies with this land use designation and aids the objective to direct urban growth within the Urban Area Boundary. The OCP aims "to manage residential growth through infill and intensification in a manner that respects neighbourhoods and the existing physical character of the surrounding areas". Neighbourhood Residential Infill is permitted in the OCP subject to compliance with the criteria found in Section 3-19. Compatibility Criteria Infill development on a property is permitted subject to compliance with the following criteria: i) The infill development is on a property that is larger than the prevailing lot size of the surrounding neighbourhood. The subject properties are larger than the prevailing lot size in the surrounding neighbourhood. This application meets the criteria. -2- H) the proposed lot area and widths should be not less than 80% of the lot area and width prescribed in the predominate or adjacent zoning in the surrounding neighbourhood: The predominant zone in this area is RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). The minimum width for the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone is 15 metres and for the RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) zone is 18 metres; 15 is 83% of 18. A subdivision application has been received to create 2 lots each having a lot area of 694.54 m2. These lot areas are also not less than 80% of the prevailing lot size in the surrounding area. This application meets the criteria. iii) The proposed lot configuration is similar to the prevailing lot pattern that exists within the neighbourhood. The proposed lot configuration conforms to the lot pattern in the neighbourhood. This application meets this criterion. iv) The proposed housing form is consistent in scale and massing to that of the surrounding neighbourhood. The lot coverage for all residential zones in this area is 40%. The proposed zoning is consistent with this single family residential neighbourhood and the housing form regulations in the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone are not dramatically different than the surrounding residential lots. This application meets this criteria. Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements has revealed that the proposal complies with the bylaw. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 2 lots which meet the minimum lot width, lot depth and lot area requirements of the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department reviewed servicing for the development and as determined that all required services exist for rezoning of the subject property. Street trees, street lighting, new service connections for sanitary sewer; water and storm sewer will be servicing requirements at the subdivision stage. In addition the Engineering Department had the following comments: • The existing house will need to be removed to allow the subdivision to proceed. Temporary sewer disconnection and a permanent water disconnection will be required before the house is removed. • The property is within the area described by the Fraser River Escarpment Policy. Storm drainage cannot be discharged into the ground through infiltration but must be directed to the storm sewer. -3- Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project, it is estimated that there will be an additional 2 trees which. is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $50.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department provided the following comments: • As soon as house is vacant ensure measures are in place to secure house and recheck on regular basis to ensure house remains secure against unauthorized entry. • House is to be secured against unauthorized entry at all times even during the demolition phase. e) Environmental Implications: The subject property is relatively flat and is not impacted by watercourses. CONCLUSION: The proposed RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone conforms to the land use designation in the Official Community Plan. It is therefore recommended that application RZ/006/08 be favourably considered and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6575-2008 (Appendix B) be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Erika Syvokas Planr,�jTechnician , MCIP Approved by: Flank Quinn, MP BA, . ng) /GPI: PubligWorks Deve pment Services Concurrence: J. V. (Jim) Rule' C ief Administrative Officer ES/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6575-2008 Appendix C - Legal Survey -4- n r, A 12222 ti LL - 140 i 5 ri frl )c41 A 91 1221 s 122184 12228 71 � a 210 IV 72��? o N M a 379 66 W 3e 90 12215 12218 ry°n o `ry N a 139 12216 �22 m N 12224 72 211 212 213 12209 741 378 377 67 51071 Ja Sl 89 n 12211 12214 P 094 a 9147 12220 73 133 12203 134 135 136 137 ui 1z2oe42 144 145 14fi8 88 0 68 0 0 m Z 138 w 0 m 1zz1a 12207 0 N w N N 143 `�' r r r t° 74 N N N N N N N 87 12208 - 122 AVE. 75 oy 0 86 �•i?' _q0 O rn aWi 4 O N P W t0 N m O N 12200 N N N N N N N N r N r r N N r _ N N r r N N 85 76 77 78 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 1 12196 P 48094 d7 84 P 4 29 4809 o 15470 rn 12184 82 81 80 79 168 169 17 14 13 12 11 10 175 � SUBJECT PROPERTY h 0 83 0 N o No N N o N a N o N o N N N N N N � w N a N N N N WICKLUNDAVE. N p N� Np W N N m V V V h 237 N w w N N �y N N N N N N N N N 12156 253 252 251 250 113 114 115 116 117 118 50 7 6 5 4 P 53 02 P 4738 P 4 83 a- P 19E 72 238 53402 12148 254 255 256 257 0 239 0 o N N N N h 126 121 AVE. � O N 240 p N r p N 278 241 277 12088 rn N 12089 C4 v C4 co iO P76 .242 12078 d a- 12079 243 275 12068 12067 12058 12057 244 274 245 273 12050 12047 12039 246 272 258 P 47383 12100 (EP 47384) 12092 NWS 336 259 12004 N 260 v L 12074 N '261 12068 P 534 20 P 53 420 262 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 �_ co 12056 263 u�i 0 m 0 ti 0 W 0 m 0 a ei of Ir v ^ m v V r t� cv _ _ GLENWOOQ AVE. p 264 " m D co eo (O m N o N N ^ NQ r r upi p h N p N p N O N O N p N O N N N 1 �2p3 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 3Q9 3Q8 THE DISTRICT OF RIDGE t �� MAPLE RIDGEMAPLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE ill CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I�7>�1�P►Lia�'f1'�r iI�Tz3 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedientto'amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6575-2008." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 115 District Lot 242 Group 1 Plan 47383 New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1429 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the MAYOR A.D. 200. , A.D. 200. A.D. 200. day of , A.D. 200. day of , A.D. 200 . CORPORATE OFFICER A 1222 70 65 °�' 1z22 ^ 38d o 67 24 1z23, �n 209 o Z 12219 r2222r` a M 21 4 140 ° f2243 12227 1� 9 3 72227 91 T2zz8 72218 n c� h d RW 67225 375 d 71 Ln 1 0 N N— 379 66 a 2101�1 oa o?`��? — — ~ — 239 12 "� 2 90 12224 12215 + 72718 5�� N 139 12216 141 � 378 h 376 7zz21 72 21 1 2 2 213 12209 0 J 377 67224 89 N 67 P 51071 d. 1 72217 n 12220 io133 P $Q94 >2703 �, 142 a F 48 94 134 135 136 137 W 12208 4 145 146 147 i4$ 149 73 11 L68 12207 0 0 0 0 138 0 ° 12211 >72r$8 143a 74 ^ e w N 9 12207 RR J22OP7 7501 122 AVE. $ O 86 12�0 6� O q g + O O b b b N b O m N 0 o d w ^ m P 5 72207 N 12200 10 0 0 w ti h ^ 2 w N ti N N ry N N N N N N N N h- N N a 1 76 77 7$ 167 1fi6 165 164 163 162 161 16Q 159 158 157 156 155 154 N 7 85 12197 12796 11 48094 0 P 4 729 F480 4 'r rn 0 P 7 954 P 154 Q 729 5 84 7278 12184 82 81 80 79 168 169 7 70 171 172 173 174 a ^ 14 13 12 11 10 175� K 2, g R O 0 0 O O O ^ n ^ b h 4 q p 83 ^ ^ w ^ • V N n+ N zz WICKLUND AVE. q q A ry m ^ b 237 12156 rn 253N 252N 251N 250N N 4 N 119 120 11 13'' 114 1 15 1 16� 1 17' 1 18N � 50 7 6 5 P 5 402 + 473 P 4 383 P 19 72 P 7383 238 L P 53402 12r48 25� 25g25s L — 257 0 239 0 1 L6" � 190 ° w I 126 727 r) Ri< 121 AVE. 258 3.569 ha I P 47383 12100 III (EP 47384) 9728 — — a N 7 ho. 12 236 r206s uDO 235 72055u7 N 234 w 12045 233 0315 O ry2-278_ 244a N N W 1 394 — 2-410, cv 27 T 12088 0 1z099 CN 242 "n 10 276 12078 a 12079 243 275 12066 1z00 12058 7205 244 274 245 273 12050 12047 12092 III NWS 336 -259 --I--------------....----------------- RW 18394 12084 0 I i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — u, N 72074 0_ 261 II _1L -- ---------------------- --- RW 12059262 53 20 P 5 420 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296� ,E 297Ln w��213 h H N N N ti h N h h N N N GLENWOOD AVE. � n 72039 264 o o 0 o a o ° ` h ^ H N N 246 272 I N N h N N N N h N h N ti 1 2 306 ?040 '�o� I 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 ?D-TO 12029 271 ry o 26'�M 53420 P 534 0 P 7 726Ln I MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6575-2008 Map No. 1429 From: RS— 1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RS-1 b(One Family Urban(medium density) Residentia1) 1:2500 WICKLUND AVENUE I � I I i ti N 0 � V i I I i I 1 I 1 I 114 115 Plan 47383 0 a i I i I E;,-�!Shed 2.05 She i Z.47 30.39 Ex. Plan 47384 5 2.5 0 5.0 10.0 116 77 126 COPY ON tJoln: Tho re-issiio of this ccr0flcalo dons Hot fapresontcufrontsiltirig informnlioi; BRMSH COLUM80 LAND SURVEYOR'S CER77FICAIE OF LOCA11011 OF BUILDING ON LOT 115 DISTRICT LOT 242 GROUP 1 N.W.D. PLAN 47JBJ P1D for: Amar Grewal I Scale Civic Address: 21102 Wicklund Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Plan 47383 1.250 This location certificate has been prepared in accordance Lot dimensions and clearances according to Plan 47383 with the Manual of Standard Practice and is certified This document was prepared for Morgage purposes and is for the exclusivi correct this 211h day of February, 2007 use of our client. The signatory accepts no responsibility or liability for any Q damages that may be suffered by a third party as a result of any decisions made or actions taken based on this document. This document S.P. Wade, B.C.L.S. 'Q� shows the relative location of the surveyed structures and features with to The signatory accepts no responsibility or liablitity for any damages that respect the boundaries of the parcel described above. This document shall not be used to define properly fines or property corners. may be suffered by a third party as a result of any decisions made, All rights reserved. No person may copy, reproduce, transmit or alter or actions taken based on this document this document in whole or in part without the consent of the signatory. THIS DOCUMENT 1S NOT VAUD UNLESS OR;GlMkLLY STONED AND SEALED Mission WADE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING LTD. Maple Ridge Phan& 604--826-9561 BRITISH COLUMBiA LAND SURVEYORS Phone. 604-463-4753 Fax: 604-826-9586 Fax: 604-463-9115 MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: May 15, 2008 FILE NO: ATTN: Committee of the Whole Conservation and Feasibility Planning for Haney House and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 11612 - 224th Street and 22279 _ 116th Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District of Maple Ridge has owned the Haney House site since 1979, when it was donated to the municipality by descendents of the original owners, and it has owned St. Andrews Church since 1980. Both of these properties are protected by Municipal Designation Bylaws, which provides the highest form of heritage protection available. Bylaw No. 2631-1979 was passed for the protection of Haney House and Bylaw No. 2996-1981 was passed for the protection of St. Andrews Church. Municipal designation legislation is provided in Section 967 of the Local Government Act and intended to conserve the heritage value' of a site in perpetuity. Neither of the bylaws listed above specify whether any changes may be made to their respective sites or buildings and they do not provide any guidance for maintenance or conservation. Recently, building assessments were undertaken for Haney House and St. Andrews Church and it was determined that maintenance Work is needed for both. Section 967 of the Local Government Act dictates that no changes or alterations may be made to a designated heritage site without either maintenance exemptions written into the designation bylaw or the municipal approval of a heritage alteration permit (also see Sections 972 and 973 of the LGA). In order to fulfill the legal requirements of Sections 967, 972, and 973 of the Local Government Act and also permit the maintenance work to be undertaken, the B.C. Heritage Branch is recommending that the municipality prepare a Conservation and Feasibility Plan for each of these sites and other heritage formally recognized heritage sites owned by the municipality. The B.C. Heritage Branch oversees the Conservation and Feasibility Planning Program, which provides a substantial portion of the funding for creating the plan. 1 Heritage Value: The aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social or spiritual importance or significance for past, present or future generations. The heritage value of a historic place is embodied in its character -defining materials, forms, location, spatial configurations, uses and cultural associations or meanings (From the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, 2001. This publication was prepared by the Federal government in collaboration with provincial governments across Canada). 1104 RECOMMENDATION(S): It is recommended that: 1) Funding be pursued with the B.C. Heritage Branch for the purpose of preparing Conservation and Feasibility Plans for Haney House and St. Andrews Church; and 2) Discussions continue with the B.C. Heritage Branch on obtaining funding for the purpose of preparing Conservation and Feasibility Plans for other municipally designated sites. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Conservation and Feasibility Plans The B.C. Heritage Branch has advised that a Conservation and Feasibility Plan would provide a long- term maintenance guide that would protect the heritage value of a historic place. The Plan would be prepared by heritage consultants with expertise in heritage architecture, landscape architecture, and civil engineering to assess the building and site conditions, provide details on the character -defining elements, and recommend a maintenance strategy for the sensitive conservation of the place. A large portion of the costs for this plan would be provided through the Provincially administered Conservation and Feasibility Planning program. There is no application deadline for this program and applicants may receive up to 80% of the total costs to a maximum of $10,000 per project. It is expected that the preparation of a plan for the subject projects will cost approximately $11,000 to $18,000 each. During initial discussions with the B.C. Heritage Branch, it was determined that Conservation & Feasibility Plans would be the best course of action for the District to meet the obligation of protecting formally recognized heritage sites that are municipally owned. Discussions will continue with the B.C. Heritage Branch on a plan for Haney House, St. Andrews Church, and also on funding for plans for the other municipally owned heritage sites identified later in this report. Both Haney House and St. Andrews Church are owned by the District of Maple Ridge, but operated by the Maple Ridge Historical Society. Haney House Haney House is one of Maple Ridge's most important heritage resources, as evidenced by its presence on top of the Maple Ridge Coat of Arms. The house was constructed in 1878 by Thomas Haney, a brick maker from Ontario, whose name was the inspiration for the town of Port Haney. Thomas Haney was a key figure in the history of Port Haney and the Haney House site remained in his family until it was donated to the District of Maple Ridge in 1979. Although Port Haney has been incorporated into the Maple Ridge municipality, the District continues to recognize it as a heritage community. Haney House has been open to the public since 1981. Its physical presence makes the stories of Maple Ridge's past come to life and serves as a continual reminder of the community's roots. In the Statement of Significance for the site, the writer notes that Haney House is "an excellent example of an early pioneering settler's house in the District of Maple Ridge". The Statement also makes a connection between the location of house to the railway and the importance of one to the other. Guided tours of the house are offered to the public throughout the year in addition to various special events. In 2007, Haney House had a total of 893 visitors and logged 115 volunteer hours. The grounds at Haney House are part of the Port Haney heritage walk, which leads to the Maple Ridge Museum and the Port Haney Brick Company Office (both are also designated municipal heritage sites). Haney House urgently needs materials replaced on its front porch. The Parks Department has been working closely with the Community Heritage Officer from the B.C. Heritage Branch and staff at the Maple Ridge Museum to determine how to undertake the repairs in a sensitive manner, using the appropriate materials, in time for the summer events. This work is being done now with the understanding that a Conservation and Feasibility Plan will be completed to ensure that future maintenance needs are identified early and a plan is set in place explaining how to address these issues over the long-term. St. Andrews Church St. Andrews Church was constructed in 1888 on land that was donated to the Presbyterian community by Thomas Haney, who was Catholic. The church was made with bricks donated by the local small kiln operators in the area and constructed using volunteer labour. This church is one of the few early churches constructed in B.C. that is clad in brick and remains as a reminder of this community's roots in the brick -making industry. Since 1983 the church has been used as a community hall and is regularly rented by community groups as a meeting place and a hall for special events. A new roof is needed for St. Andrews Church before next winter and therefore the preparation of a Conservation and Feasibility Plan needs to be undertaken very soon. Protecting the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge Fulfilling the legal requirements of Sections 967, 972, and 973 of the Local Government Act and the District's commitment to heritage conservation will require a more comprehensive strategy than that which is presently in place. Preparing plans for Haney House and St. Andrews Church is the first step towards bringing together the various interests involved in the conservation of these sites and learning more about the concept of heritage value and the protection of heritage sites. The benefits of each project will include role clarification, the coordination of efforts, education on heritage value, the appropriate approach to conservation, and a conservation plan to serve as a guide for maintenance. The longterm benefit will be the conservation of heritage value in these important heritage resources for the present and future residents of Maple Ridge. Working toward a more comprehensive strategy for the protection of all municipally owned heritage assets will require working with the B.C. Heritage Branch to obtain funding to prepare one or two plans per year. A plan for a well -maintained historic place can serve as a professional maintenance guide for approximately ten years. The District owns a total of ten properties that are identified as having heritage value on the Maple Ridge Heritage Register, including Haney House and St. Andrews Church. The historic places below are listed on the Maple Ridge Heritage Register and owned by the District of Maple Ridge: • 22279 - 116th Avenue - St. Andrews Church (Designated) • 11612 - 224th Street - Haney House (Designated) • 22520 - 116th Avenue - Manager's House/Port Haney Brick Co. (Designated) • 22520 - 116th Avenue - Port Haney Brick Company Office (Designated) • 22520 - 116th Avenue - C.P.R. Van Caboose • 23448 - 23498 - 105 Avenue - Spencer Farm Milk House • 214th Street - Maple Ridge Cemetery • . 22375 Calighan Avenue - Haney Post Office • 20818 Golf Lane - Original Stand of Maple Trees at MR Golf Course • 22300 Block River Road - Wharf Office b) Legislative Context: 1. Sections 967, 972, and 973 of the Local Government Act Heritage Designation Protection (Section 967) The intent of this legislation is to provide long-term protection of a property identified as having heritage value or character. in present day, a heritage designation bylaw is typically prepared with the involvement of a heritage consultant to determine whether there are specific types of alterations that would be permitted to the property without a heritage alteration permit. The bylaw may also establish policies related to the issuance of a heritage alteration permit. When the municipal designations of Haney House and St. Andrews Church took place, none of the above was included in their respective bylaws. Heritage Alteration Permit (Sections 972 & 973) A heritage alteration permit allows a local government to authorize specific alterations to be made to a protected heritage property that are determined to be consistent with best practices in heritage conservation. Such a permit is intended to be a flexible tool to respond to the practical needs related to the long-term maintenance and protection of heritage property. The proposed alterations to a heritage site must be evaluated and depending on consistency with heritage conservation principles, the local government may either approve or deny the permit. 2. Bylaw No. 2631-1979 Haney House Heritage Site Bylaw Bylaw No. 2996-1981 St. Andrews Church Heritage Site Bylaw The above bylaws were prepared and adopted with no requirements as to how the heritage value of these sites will be protected and maintained in perpetuity. It is unlikely that this situation would occur in present day with the existing provincial legislation. For each site, the preparation of a Conservation and Feasibility Plan would provide details on how to maintain the building and site while protecting heritage value and also where to source materials. Adoption of these plans as Heritage Site Maintenance Standards, under Section 970 of the Local Government Act would satisfy the requirements under the heritage alteration permit legislation. 3. Official Community Plan: The Maple Ridge Official Community Plan contains numerous policies in support of Heritage Recognition, Heritage Management, and Heritage Education. One specific policy that applies in the long-term conservation of heritage resources is as follows: Maple Ridge will endeavour to use tools available under Provincial legislation more effectively to strengthen heritage conservation in the District. Other planning tools will also be utilized where appropriate to establish a comprehensive approach to heritage management in the District. 4. Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register The Heritage Register was established by Council Resolution R/99-5.49 in 1999. Since then, 25 significant places have been listed on the Register, including Haney House and St. Andrews Church. Statements of Significance were prepared by a heritage consultant for Haney House and St. Andrews Church in early 2004 and endorsed by Council in April of that year. The purpose of a Statement of Significance is to explain the heritage value of a place and identify the character -defining elements. Section 954 of the Local Government Act provides the legislation on the creation of a Municipal Heritage Register. A Heritage Register is considered to be a formal listing of places that the community identifies as having heritage value or character. While a listing on a Heritage Register does not signify any form of permanent heritage protection, it does permit the withholding of a demolition permit until all other permits with respect to altering or redeveloping the site have been issued. The heritage value and character elements documented in the Statements of Significance for the subject sites will provide substantial background information for the preparation of their respective Conservation and Feasibility Plans. c) Desired Outcome(s): The objective of the plan outcomes for each subject site is to: • fully research and document the historical significance of materials and forms that make up the site • assess the condition of the structure • prepare a plan for the long-term maintenance and conservation of the site • provide information on where to source appropriate materials • prepare estimates for project costs A heritage consulting firm will be contracted to prepare each plan. This work is not only valuable in maintaining the heritage value of these sites, but also in the learning that is gained and shared with the many visitors to these sites. It is anticipated that these plans will be the first in a number of subsequent similar projects for other heritage properties owned by the District. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Haney House provides a significant benefit of historical awareness and education to the general public. Although the site is owned by the District, it is managed by the Maple Ridge Historical Society and falls under the administrative umbrella of the Maple Ridge Museum. Through the process of this project, representatives from the following key interests will be involved: • Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission • Maple Ridge Historical Society • Maple Ridge Museum and Haney House staff Support for this project was expressed by the Community Heritage Commission at their May 6th meeting and by passing the following resolution at a special meeting held at the municipal hall on Wednesday, May 21, 2008: That the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission strongly supports the grant application process to create Conservation and Feasibility Plans to ensure the long-term conservation of Haney House and St. Andrews Church. AND that the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission strongly supports obtaining funding for the purpose of preparing Conservation and Feasibility Plans for other municipally owned historic places. AND that the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission is concerned with preserving the heritage value of historic places listed on the Maple Ridge Heritage Register as outlined in the Statement of Significance for each place. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Planning Department is working in collaboration coordinate the conservation planning and long-term Andrews Church, and other heritage resources that Maple Ridge. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: CARRIED with Parks & Leisure Services in an effort to maintenance aspects of Haney House, St. are owned and maintained by the District of With funding from the B.C. Heritage Branch, in the amount of $10,000 for each plan, it is estimated that costs to the District for the two plans would total $6,000. The $6,000 total cost to the District would include related expenses, such as photocopying, etc. It is expected that one plan will be completed in 2008 and the subsequent plan in 2009. So out of the $6,000 cost to the District, $3,000 will be absorbed within the 2008 Parks Department Infrastructure budget and $3,000 will be incorporated into the 2009 Parks Department Infrastructure Budget. These plans may identify a need to increase the long-term maintenance funding of Haney House and St. Andrews Church, in order to properly source authentic materials and ensure appropriate installation. However, by preparing long-term conservation plans, the funding needs will be anticipated well in advance of need. Additionally, there are funding grant opportunities provided through various other sources, such as Heritage B.C.'s Heritage Legacy Fund that provides funding for maintenance projects that are sensitive to the heritage value of the site. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the repairs to the front porch of Haney House are currently underway, as they were related to urgent safety issues, and urgent roof replacement is necessary for St. Andrews Church. The repairs to the Haney House porch have been undertaken in consultation with the Province and with staff from the Maple Ridge Museum. Due to the municipal designation of these sites, the municipality is legally obligated to ensure that repairs are done in a manner that is sensitive to the heritage value of these sites. A significant amount of research has already been gathered and documented on Haney House and on St. Andrews Church by the District and most diligently by the Historical Society and Maple Ridge Museum staff. Each of these projects will build on the previous learnings regarding the history of these sites and the efforts that have been made to date to preserve them. The benefits of this project to the community are twofold: o Long-term conservation of Haney House and St. Andrews Church in a manner that preserves the heritage value of each site for present and future generations, and o A gain in knowledge about these sites, including more detailed information that would enhance historical interpretation and understanding about the significance of the materials and various methods used in construction at that time. By pursuing similar projects with the B.C. Heritage Branch for other municipally owned heritage sites, these same benefits could be gained and also aid in achieving a more comprehensive approach to heritage conservation in Maple Ridge. Prepared by: Lisa Zost`ak, Planner Approved Jane Pickering, MCP, M.C.I.P. Director of PI ing Appro ed by: Frank Quinn, M.B.A., P. Eng. General Manager of Public -Works & 6ivelament J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: May 21, 2008 FILE NO: RFT-OP08-062 ATTN: Workshop SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Pipeline Inspection-Storm&Sanitary Sewers EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District has approved 2007 and 2008, Capital Budgets include funds for sewer videoing. The video work consists of 15 Km of Storm Sewer & 35Km of Sanitary Sewer. The project was tendered starting in April 2008. The District invited four contractors to bid and posted the project on BC Bid, and received four tenders. Prices are within the approved Capital Plan and award of the contract is recommended. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Contract RFT-OP08-062, Pipeline Inspection - Storm & Sanitary Sewers, be awarded to A&A Testing Ltd. for $252,655.99 and the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract for the project. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The District's Capital Plan identifies the reduction of Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) in sanitary sewers. The District has a commitment to reduce i&I in compliance with the Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP). The District has chosen three sewer catchment areas from the District's Master Sanitary Plan that has frequent pumping cycles. The goal is to identify the areas that may need repair. The project was tendered April 30, 2008. Although four contractors responded to the invitation to bid, only three contractors submitted complete bids, A&A Testing Ltd., ABC Pipe Cleaning Services Ltd and Chet Construction Ltd. Their tenders for the work were $252,655.99, $292,963.13 and $323,190.00 respectively. The tenders have been reviewed and it is recommended that A&A Testing Ltd. be awarded the contract for this project. b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: This project is funded by a 25 percent contribution from Capital Budget for the Drainage portion and 75% from the Sanitary Sewer Budget. The 2008 Capital Budget approved by Council, provides sufficient funds for the Contract. 1105 c) Strategic Alignment: The District is committed to MetroVancouver's LWMP by reducing I&I. Reduced I&I will reduce pumping costs and Sanitary Sewer fees to MetroVancouver. d) Intergovernmental Relationships: The project is a part of "Commitment 19 Infrastructure Management" of the LWMP's ongoing system evaluation for Maple Ridge. CONCLUSION: Areas of concern have been tendered for Pipeline Inspection - Storm & Sanitary Sewers. The tender price of $252,655.99 by A&A Testing Ltd. for the Pipeline Inspection is the lowest tender price. The District should enter into a contract with A&A Tes +ng Ltd. and Council approval to award the work is recommended. -� X- ip- A-L� Be nie Serne, AScT Financial Earl Oddstad, Pgfjec na er Concurrence: Manager, Procurement Reviewed by: Russ Carmichael, AScT, EngL Dire r ' Bering Operations l Approved by: rank Quinn, MBA, PEng / Ge ral Manager, Public Works & Development Services i Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Creep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 8, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW District of Maple Ridge Unsightly and Untidy Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of the District of Maple Ridge Unsightly and Untidy Bylaw No. 6239-2004 is to regulate the keeping and storage of rubbish and discarded items. It specifies how commercial and residential garbage containers must be maintained. There are provisions to address graffiti on buildings, fences, and other structures, noxious weeds and vegetation overgrowth. The bylaw was adopted in 2004 in order to bring forward provisions to compel property owners to clean their properties within 14 days. The Bylaw simplified the process for notifying the owner either by express mail or posting the property. The obstacle that the Bylaw Staff has encountered since the inception of our current Unsightly and Untidy Bylaw 6239-2004 is the legislation directs every 'occupier' to take the action instead of directing the 'owner or occupier'. The attached bylaw revises this section and permits staff to deal with the owner of the property and compel them to clean up their property. In addition, the bylaw proposes that the time for the property to be cleaned be reduced from the current 14 days to 7 days. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Unsightly and Untidy Bylaw No. 6533-2007 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Amending the wording from 'occupier' to 'owner or occupier' will allow Bylaw Enforcement Staff to commence and cease enforcement more rapidly by dealing with one primary person. This will also permit staff to issue a warning or actual Municipal Ticket Information to the owner without involving the occupier. Removal Order wording for Section 9(1) will now state `within seven days as opposed to the current 14 days. b) Conclusions 1106 b) Conclusions Staff are recommending that Council support the adoption of Maple Ridge Unsightly and Untidy Bylaw No. 6533-2007. Prepared by: Brock McDonald Director of Licensing, Permits and Bylaws Approved by. Fr nk Quinn eneral Manager of Public Works and Development Services J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /bm DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6533-2007 A bylaw to regulate Untidy and Unsightly Premises in the District of Maple Ridge The Council of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. Name of Bylaw - This bylaw may be cited as "District of Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007. 2. Definitions -The following words and phrases shall have these designated meanings: "Bylaw Enforcement Officer" means a peace officer or person appointed by the Council as a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector or Director of Licences, Permits & Bylaws; "Council" means the Council of the District of Maple Ridge; "Discarded Materials" means derelict, discarded, or unused materials, filth or rubbish whether or not used for commercial purposes or as part of a trade or calling, including but not limited to dead animals, paper products, crockery, glass, metal, plastics, plastic containers, wire, ropes, machinery, tires, inoperable vehicles, vehicle parts, appliances, and any other scrap or salvage; "District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Graffiti" means drawing, printing or writing scratched, sprayed, painted or scribbled on a wall, fence, or other surface which is visible from a highway, park or other public place, but does not include a sign for which a permit has been issued by the District. "Noxious Weeds" includes weeds designated as such under the Weed Control Regulation pursuant to the Weed Control Act (British Columbia); "Order" means an order issued pursuant to section 9 of this Bylaw; "Property" means any parcel of land in the District "Parcel" means any lot, block or other area in which land is held or into which it is subdivided, but does not include a highway; "Special Container" means a specially designed garbage receptacle fitted with equipment that enables it to be dumped mechanically by a garbage truck; and "Standard Container" means a metal or plastic container or plastic bag weighing no more than 75lbs when full and not exceeding 3.5 cubic feet in volume. Prohibitions 3. No Owner or Occupier of Property shall cause, permit or allow the Property to become or remain untidy or unsightly. 4. No Owner or Occupier of Property shall cause permit or allow Graffiti on the Property. 5. Unsightly Real Property - Every owner or occupier of. Property must remove, or cause to be removed, from the Property any unsightly accumulations of filth, rubbish, or Discarded Materials. 6. Every Owner or Occupier of Property must remove, or cause to be removed, any Graffiti from the Property. 7. Adequate Containers (a) Every Owner or Occupier of Property shall acquire and maintain in good order and repair a sufficient number of Standard Containers or Special Containers in which to store all rubbish generated on the Property. (b) No Owner or Occupier of Property may cause, permit or allow rubbish to overflow the Standard Containers or Special Containers on the Property. (c) Every Owner or Occupier of Property must ensure that all Standard Containers and Special Containers are kept lidded or closed when not being emptied or filled, and at all times secured against disturbance by animals. (d) If a Special Container is used, the Occupier must ensure that the lid on the Special . Container is locked at all times. (e) Every Owner,or Occupier of Property shall keep the area on the Property used for the storage of Standard Containers and Special Containers clean, sanitary and free from ponding water and loose rubbish. 8. Overgrowth - No Owner or Occupier of Property may cause, permit or allow the Property to become overgrown with any brushwood or Noxious Weeds, or grasses in excess of 30 centimetres in height. 9. Removal Orders (1) A Bylaw Enforcement Officer may, by notice in writing sent by express mail to the Owner or Occupier, and posted on a Property, order the Owner or Occupier of a Property, at his or her expense and within 7 days of delivery of the notice to: (a) remove from the Property any accumulation of filth, Discarded Materials, or rubbish described in the Order; (b) clear from the Property any brushwood, Noxious Weeds, or other growths described in the Order; (c) take any other measures described in the Order to remedy unsightliness on the Property; or (d) remove from the Property any Graffiti described in the Order (2) Upon any failure by the Owner or Occupier of Property to comply with an Order under this section, the District may, by its own forces or those of a contractor, immediately enter on the Property and carry out the work described in the Order at the expense of the Owner or Occupier and, whether the Order was directed at the Owner or the Occupier of the Property, or both, recover the costs in the same manner and with the same remedies as ordinary taxes on land and improvements under the Community Charter. (3) Should an Owner or Occupier of Property wish to contest an Order, that person must within 5 days of the posting or mailing of the Notice, inform the District's Clerk in writing that he or she wishes to appear before the Council to contest the Order. Upon hearing the Owner or Occupier, staff and any other affected persons, the Council may affirm, vary or revoke the Order. 10. Offence and Penalty - Every person who offends against any of the provisions of this Bylaw, or who suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention, or who refrains from doing anything required to be done by any of the provisions of this Bylaw, or who does any act or thing which violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw, shall be liable on summary convection to a penalty not exceeding $10,000 and not less than $1,000. 11. Inspection - The Bylaw Enforcement Officer may, in accordance with section 16 of the Community Charter, enter on any Property at any reasonable time to ascertain whether the requirements of this bylaw, or any Order issued pursuant to this bylaw, are being observed. 12. Severabilo - If any section or phrase of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. 13. Repeal of Existing Bylaw - Bylaw No. 6239-2004 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST TIME this day of , 2008. READ A SECOND TIME this day of , 2008. READ A THIRD TIME this day of , 2008. ADOPTED this day of 2008. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE British Cottimbia Deep Roofs Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: May 1.6, 2008 FILE NO: ATTN: COW Amendments to Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Bylaw No. 4432-1990 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Community Charter aiiows municipaiities to enforce municipal bylaws through Municipal Ticket Information. A number of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge bylaws are currently enforced by means of a municipal ticket. The legislation governing Municipal Ticket Information now gives the District the authority to ticket fine amount of up to $1000.00 without requiring the approval from the Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of British Columbia. Bylaw Enforcement staff are recommending that municipal ticket information for certain offences under the new Untidy and Unsightly Bylaw be introduced. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 6551 - 2008 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge has been enforcing a number of municipal bylaws by means of Municipal Ticket Information since 1990. Once a ticket is issued the offending party has 14 days to dispute the ticket at Provincial Court. If a ticket is not disputed the offending party is deemed convicted and is responsible for payment of the ticket to the District of Maple Ridge. Should the ticket remain outstanding for an extended period of time, the District may petition the court for a payment hearing where an agreement for payment is worked out between the parties and the Court. b) Desired Outcome(s): The enforcement of bylaws by a Municipal Ticket Information is one tool which Bylaw Enforcement staff utilize in order to gain compliance with municipal bylaws. Municipal Ticket 1107 Information can also be used as a less expensive alternative to prosecuting under the Offence Act for an offence against a District bylaw. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The municipal ticket information for certain offences under the Maple Ridge Untidy and Unsightly Bylaw are being recommended in order to encourage citizen compliance with these bylaws. CONCLUSIONS: Changes to the Community Charter have provided the opportunity for local governments to set ticket fines of up to $1000.00 without requiring the approval of the Chief Justice. Staff are of the opinion that fines will encourage compliance with District bylaws. The introduction of fines will result in an effective tool which Bylaw enforcement staff can use as an alternative to prosecuting under the Offence Act for an offence against a District bylaw. Prepared by: Brock McDonald Director Business License , Permits and Bylaws Approved by: rank Quinn A M: Public Works & Deye op ent Services t Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6551- 2008 A Bylaw to further amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Bylaw No. 4432 - 1990 and amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Community Charter empowers Council to, by bylaw, designate those bylaws for which Municipal Ticket Information may be used as a means of bylaw enforcement; WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to further amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Bylaw No 4432 -1990 as amended; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 6551 - 2008" 2. "Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Bylaw No. 4432 - 1990" is further amended as follows: a) By amending the bylaw number in Schedule 1 under the heading Regulation of Untidy & Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6239-2004 to Regulation of Untidy & Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 b) By deleting Schedule 19 of the existing bylaw in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Regulation of Untidy & Unsightly Premises Bylaw Section Fine No. 6533-2007 Untidy/Unsightly Premises 3 $100.00 G raffiti 4 $100.00 Inadequate Containers Overgrowth READ A FIRST TIME this day of - READ A SECOND TIME this day of READ A THIRD TIME this day of RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this MAYOR 7 (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) $100.00 8 $100.00 , 2008. , 2008. , 2008. day of , 2008. CORPORATE OFFICER District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 29, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 3nd Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received for permission to use municipal streets for the 3nd Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon on Sunday, June 29, 2008 between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm. Authorization from Council is required to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. Road closures are not anticipated for this event. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the 3nd Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon on Sunday, June 29, 2008, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule `A' attached to the staff report dated April 29, 2008 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The Iron Mountain Triathalon begins at 7:00 am and is divided into three courses: swimming, cycling and running. The attached maps provide the detailed route information. Road closures are not anticipated for this event. RCMP approval has been obtained. b) Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: This event does not require road closures. However, permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. Traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. 1108 d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). The organizer must also attain permission to use Ministry of Transportation facilities, Maple Ridge Municipal park facilities and the District of Mission roads. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the event or arrange for alternatives. CONCLUSION: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Iron Mountain Triathalon was held last year without incident. Submitted by A w Wood, PhD., Pl=ng. )Vfunicipal Engineer Approve y: Frank Quinn, MBA, PE=ng. GM: Publi Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.(Jim) Rule C L of Administrative Officer l AW/ml Schedule `A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 29, 2008 3rd Annual Iron Mountain Triathalon Conditions of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Companyfor any required rerouting of buses; 4. obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; 5. obtain any required permits from the Ministry of Transportation for use of highways and facilities; 6. obtain any required permits from the District of Mission for use of their facilities; 7. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 8. make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; 9. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. 10. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 11.obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 12. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Dean Stanton Race Director Iron Mountain triathlon 604.879.8433 www.ironmountaintriathion.com Application for RCMP Road approval for 3rd Annual Iron Mountain Triathlon Sunday June 29th, 2008 Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge, British Columbia Start time 7:00 AM Whonnock lake Attached are some course maps and descriptions. If you any questions please calf or email me. Thank you, Doan Stanton rp e o o R.C.M. POLICE RIDGE -MEADOWS DETACHMENT 11990 HANEYPLAC E, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. V2X 9B8 PH: 604-463-6251 Michelle Isley From: Steve MARTIN [steve.a.martin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca] Sent: April 15, 2008 10:49 AM To: info@ironmountaintriathlon.com Cc: mli@maple ridge.org; derrick. keist@rcmp-grc.gc.ca Subject: Iron Mountain Triathlon Attachments: Header [A Header(864 B) Regarding your upcoming event scheduled for Sunday June 29, 2008. I have approved the course layout and forwarded it to City Hall for their approval. In regards to the presence of auxiliary Constables to assist with traffic control, you will have to speak with Derlick KFIST as he is our Auxiliary coordinator. There will be no regular members available to assist with traffic control. A/Cpl S.A. MARTIN, 49651 NOC i/c Traffic Services Ridge Meadows RCMP 604-467-7628 C■ m so La � v Elv p cc C.� C" m N W Q 13 rz W J a UJ MIG � co C z Q t N Z R 4 L 284th St S moth r-4 St © 0 _ 0 V Q j N Q M 276 St-- 2 Ot 1 272 St� 0 LL �G +� Ul O ati a U- x � LC1 M NZ 00 CO u -1 E Ln 4�x 0 �--M 2 72 St U N 0 0 co ca 4- 0 c aD a� a x E E Y 00 Ih v O O v L U 0 p ( O U L +� � v> 4Q p O C a car) "CS 0 E CL 0.0 N p p o .�j t o o U "0 d) Q) 41 L V) p L � QJ U In � L CL rd M � ITS 13 w L u m m Sprint Race 800m swim, 23k Bike, 5k run New Race for 2008 Swim is 2 loop course, bike is 3 loop and run is out and back. Bike Course Description: It will be a 3 loop course (each lap is Approx 7.6 kms). _Exit Transition. Head east on Gravel Road Right at gates (opened for Race) On Graham St. Right on 112 Av. Right on 272nd. Right on Dewdney Trunk Rd. Right on 284th St. Right on 116 Ave. Road turns into 280th St.. Right on 112 Ave. After third lap Turn right on Graham St. turn left after gates and back into transition (Don't forget the mount dismount line) Run Course Description: It will be an out and back course. Skm distance. _Head our Transition and onto Gravel road through Gate, Onto 113 Ave, Left on 276 St, Left on 112 Ave, Right on 28oth St. to turn around, On the way back you turn left on 112 Ave right on Graham St. back into park and finish. p �. t � Q a 5 ilk P u -off i d��V ol �� aVol Y O7 C) CL tiQj V13 J M N A Os ` �' ° tn M ' 4 � c 0�, *• CP m 7 C w O o f �� 0-0 N [] Y ra y O M 6I G ro (D N W �d 4'..P.�...+s4.� y u © 272 t is zzZ d CL >' m i v, Q as N 0 z a x -o ' .0 o S Eo a) � n. V, Y rro Q) m 4 Q J 0 : Q N U O Q1 c S1. o ol 0 0 0 0 0 OJ 0 O i p Z N 0 a; U r (i O 240 St ��'�( �7 4-J ar ii 'S w ¢ � d U ca vvTo0li�T li�?' Half Iron Race: 2k swim, 92k Bike and 20k Run The swim and runs are 2 loop courses and the ride is 2 smaller then 2 bigger loops Bike Course Description: Approx: 92 K First 2 Loops. It will be a 2 loops of the Sprint course (each lap is Approx 7.6 kms). _Exit Transition. Head east on Gravel Road Right at gates (opened for Race) On Graham St. Right on 112 Av. Right on 272nd. Right on Dewdney Trunk Rd. Right on 284th St. Right on 116 Ave. Right turn on 280th St.. Right on 112 Ave. West Loop.After second Lap lap Turn left on 272nd street. Down the Hill. Right on Lougheed Hwy. Right on 240th St. Right on 112 Ave. Left on 252nd St. Left on 256th St. Right on Dewdney Trunk Rd. (Websters Corner). Right on 272nd. left on 112 Ave. Turn Around East Loop. Now West on 112 Ave. Right on 272ndSt. Right on Dewdney Trunk Rd. Follow Dewdney Trunk Rd, to Stave Lake Dam, Over Dam, Up "Brute Climb", Right on Keystone Ave, Follow Keystone down to end, Turn Right on Hayward St., Up over Dam, Left on Wilson St (turns into 187th St.), Right on Lougheed Hwy., Right on 272nd, Up past 112 Ave, Back onto Dewdney Trunk Road, Right on 284th St., Right on 116 Ave., Road turns into 280th St., Right on 112 Ave., Right on Graham St., Turn left after gates, Back into transition (Don't forget the mount dismount line) Run Course Description: It will be a 2 loop course. IOkm distance. (each lap) _Head out of Transition (west) and onto Gravel road through Gate, Onto 113 Ave, Left on 276 St, Left on 112 Ave, Right on 280th St., Left on 108th St, Left on 288th St., Left on 111th Ave, Right up to turn around, back down 286th St, Right on 108th St, Right on 284th St, Left on 116th Ave, Left on 280th St, Right on 112 Ave, Right on Graham St. Through Gates, follow Gravel road into park, across park beside the finish chute, then do another Lap._ cL Q C C v !C CL C Q N � COD 0 cc r _ CA W W J x a M F W Y co ►z V N lz ~ Zs z a =_ "Sit77'8 Z M �p F— O J �j AIi 0 > Cid is ZL Z > cd rz >1 00 CV O CL O 0 L o N o 0 Z CL i W ' W Z; U 10, � O C O Q .a O i i o U �, O C i O u 0 2 CA V) H 4 > a f- v� o IS ZL Z O Ul C En tn III C O C m M AlY ; District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Caribbean Street Festival EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: May 15, 2008 FILE NO: E01-035-001 ATTN: C of W A request has been received from the Caribbean Street Festival Committee to use municipal streets for their annual Caribbean Street Festival on Saturday July 12, 2008 and Sunday July 13, 2008. Road closures are required for Sunday July 13 only. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the Caribbean Street Festival on Saturday July 12, 2008 and Sunday July 13, 2008, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A` attached to the staff report dated May 15, 2008 are met. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as Schedule "A". It should be noted that the festival organizer has applied to the Liquor Control Board for an outdoor beer garden license. No road closures are required on Saturday July 12 as the events will be held within Memorial Peace Park and the ACT only. 1109 On Sunday July 13, the festival runs from 12:00 noon until 9:00 pm. Road closures are required from 9:00 am to 11.30 pm to include set-up and clean-up. The following road closures are required: • 224 Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to 119 Avenue; • McIntosh Avenue from 223 Street to Fraser Street; • Fraser Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to McIntosh Avenue; • Haney Place Road; • Haney Place Mall parking lot exit at 119 Avenue will be restricted; and • Underground parking lot exit onto McIntosh Ave will be closed, as well as the parking lot entrance at Haney Place Road. (b) Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. (c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Caribbean Street Festival volunteers. In addition„ the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. (d) Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the festival organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). (e) Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. (f} Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. (g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may wish to select an alternative location within or outside the municipality. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Caribbean Street Festival has been held in Maple Ridge for the past seven years and the organizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2008. 5ubmitt� � Andrew Municix PhD., PEng. �I�er Approved by: Funk Quinn, MBA, PEng. Concurrence: J. Ch ML/mi ubVt Works & D�,velopment Services im) Rule Administrative Officer Schedule `A' To Council Memorandum Dated May,15, 2008 Caribbean Street Festival Conditions of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. advertise the event and give notice of the road closure in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 5. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 6. obtain the required permits from Parks & Leisure Services for use of their facilities; 7. the organizer must obtain the necessary provincial permits for the proposed beer garden; 8. consumption of alcohol beverages in areas other that those approved by the Liquor Control Board during this event is not permitted; 9. must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times; 10.make arrangements with the District if "temporary" parking restrictions are required prior to the event; 11.obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 12. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society Attention: Matthew Li Traffic Technician Safer City Project District of Maple Ridge Dear Matthew Li, P.O Box 469 20800 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 604-465-3392 www.caribbeanfest.ca Maple Ridge, March 19, 2008 Please find attached required information regarding requested road closure during the 8th Annual Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival, for your approval. This year the festival will be a two-day event on Saturday July 12 and Sunday July 13. However, we request road closure only for Sunday July 13th, since Saturday activities will take place in Memorial Peace Park and the Act only. The Sunday July 13 festival will run from 12 Noon until 9 pm. We'll need the road to be closed from 9 am until 11:30 pm including set-up and clean-up. Location: On 2241h Street from Dewdney Trunk Road south to 119th Ave. The stage will be set up across the intersection of McIntosh Ave and 224th Street, facing east. We also use Memorial Peace Park. All additional supporting festival information, is attached separately Please advice, if any additional information is required. Kind R�ds, RECEIVEIneke Boekhorst ENGINE D INNS- Director Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society ���i �� MAR 1 9 2003] Executive Director Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association. ExecutiveDirector@ Downtown M apleRidge.ca Suite 34, 11900 Haney Place Phone: 604-467-2420 Fax: 604-467-2421 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN BARRICADES: Barricades will be placed at the following indicated intersections (attached map) Fraser Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Dewdney Trunk Road and 224th Street 224th Street at crossing of 119th Ave, not disturbing access of 119th Ave. Closed to traffic also: Ring road in Memorial Peace Park Fraser Street All Barricades will be "manned" by volunteers, for easy removal in case of emergencies. EMERGENCY VEHICLES: East side of 224th Street will be left clear of all obstacles (such as tables, chairs, tents etc) in case of emergency vehicle access requirement. Ring road in Memorial Peace Park will also be kept clear of any obstacles. Ridge Meadows RCMP, BC Ambulance Service and Maple Ridge Fire Department, are all notified of closure, immediately after District of Maple Ridge approval. Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society P.O Box 469 20800 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 604-465-3392 www.earibbeanfest ea Caribbean Festival Business Plan I. Executive Summary Company name and purpose The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society organizes an annual free family event focusing on the Caribbean Culture. The purpose: to foster Community Spirit through organizing this annual event. The Caribbean Festival attracts many visitors to the community. Our mission is to provide visitors with a free family event, catering to all ages. Market information The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival is geared towards people of all ages and backgrounds. We encourage people to visit downtown Maple Ridge and experience a taste of the Caribbean Culture. Description of service and target customers The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival offers many different activities throughout the festival including Caribbean music, dance, culture and food, a kid's zone, an open-air market and a variety of cultural displays. History and team information The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival inaugural year was 2000. We have experienced a steady growth through the years; 2007 the festival attracted approx. 20,000 people to downtown Maple Ridge. The festival is organized by a small but very dedicated group of volunteers, determined and proud to present this annual event to its visitors. Financial summary We operate on a budget of approx $35,000 with steady annual increases, due to rising costs of entertainment, supplies, rentals etc. plus the vision to expand the festival, this year to a 2 day event. II, Business Description Name: Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society Description: The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival will be a two-day event for the first time in 2008, with activities concentrated in the Act on Saturday and on 224`h Street and Memorial Peace Park on Sunday, but both days focused on the Caribbean Culture_ History: The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival has been, presented to the community and patrons from all over BC since 2000 and participation continues to grow every year. The 2007 event attracted between 18 and 20,000 visitors to downtown Maple Ridge. Mailing Address: P.O Box 469 20800 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 Phone: 604-467-2420 (lneke Boekhorst) 604-467-5535 (Deddy Geese) 604-467-7280 (Debi Pearce) Fax: 604-465-3392 Email: iboekhorst(a,telus.net Website: www.caribbeanfest.ca Position in the community: The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival is one of the most successful summer festivals in the downtown core. Location: Memorial Peace Park and 224`h Street. Visitors are local, but many also travel from all over the province (and further) to participate. III. Marketing and Sales Plan Target Market Our target market are visitors of all ages and backgrounds. This is a family event. Competition The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival does not see any other festival as competition; rather we strive to work with the other community events to promote tourism to Maple Ridge in general. Pricing Plan We offer a free family event. There is no entry fee. The open-air market vendors will set their own pricing, the food vendors provide quality food at very reasonable prices. For 2008 a stage show will be added on Saturday night in the Act; ticket price will be kept at a minimum (55.00) Marketing Plan We have created an atmosphere where visitors of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy a piece of the Caribbean culture in a safe and friendly community environment. By advertising not only in local newspapers, but also through ethnic media throughout BC, we have attracted many visitors with a Caribbean background. Our market seems to be expanding every year. IV. Financial Statements Financial Summary The Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival Society is a non-profit organization and depends on donations from the community and revenue generated through an annual ticket raffle. We receive limited participation revenue from the craft and food vendors. We keep participation fee for craft and food vendors low in order to attract more vendors. We offer five levels of recognition to sponsors and provide different benefits depending on the amount donated. Barricade Mc 119 Ave Barricade Dewdnoy •� � ~ ti k �ti I fv a. � m c. ro r 0 0 d Q cn C a a ca 0 Uf N Jr W cD I r'�li•:I� • l I � I � a. i District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: May 9, 2008 Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended April 30, 2008 now be approved" GENERAL $ 5,843,289 PAYROLL $ 1,241,210 PURCHASE CARD $ 96.909 $ 7,1 81,408 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Hi0li hts of larger items included in Financial Plan • Emergency Communications dispatch levy 2nd quarter $ 264,066 • Receiver General - 3 payroll remittances $ 779,203 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2008 have been reviewed and are in order. LD/?/ Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: Trevaff ompson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Approved by: Pa I Gill, BA, CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (J m) Rule Chief Administrative Officer gmr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 4, 2008 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT A T & H Industries Inc Gravel & dump fees 37,286 BC Hydro Hydro charges Apr 75,196 Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd Maintenance: Banners 813 BMX track 144 Christmas lights 3,423 Greg Moore Youth Centre 3,448 Firehall 64 Leisure Centre 426 Library 160 Maple Ridge Fairground 234 Maple Ridge Park 335 Municipal Hall 64 Pitt Meadows Family Rec Centre 348 RCMP 184 Rental House 151 Street lights 6,365 Traffic lights 1,201 Vehicle Detection Cameras 9,198 26,558 CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 08/07 & 08/08 17,537 Capo Construction Security refund 25,650 Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel 57,621 Co -Pilot Industries Tandem dump rentals 22,808 Corix Water Products Valves 20,833 Davies Sand & Gravel Ltd Whonnock Lake water level control earth berm 63,000 Double M Excavating Ltd Roadworks 132 Avenue 95,314 Emergency Communications Dispatch levy - 2nd quarter 264,066 Ferronato Enterprises Ltd Security refund 37,500 Freightliner Of Vancouver Recycling truck 131,011 Greater Vancouver Regional Dis Debt payment 2,385,430 MR transfer station license 11,000 Water sample analysis 500 2,396,930 Guest Excavating Company Ltd Water tower demolition 26,342 Guillevin International Inc Fire fighters' equipment 23,254 Fire fighters' protective wear 8,383 Operations electrical supplies 2,472 34,109 Infrastructure Management Sery 2007 road rehabilitation project 15,616 Levelton Consultants Ltd Randy Herman Community Safety Building 17,750 Lidstone Young Anderson Professional fees Feb 24,415 Manulife Financial Employee benefits premiums 92,687 Maple Ridge Historical Society Quarterly fee for service payment 29,279 Mar -Tech Underground Services Video inspections & flush truck 13,340 Grouting 4,725 18,065 McTar Petroleum Ltd Road salt 26,978 Medical Services Plan Employee medical & health premiums Apr 22,650 Municipal Pension Plan BC Pension remittance 207,220 New Line Skateparks Inc Thomas Haney Youth Action Park 41,553 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remit PP08/07, 08/08 & 08/09 779,203 RCMP high risk matresses 514 779,717 RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ice rental Mar 50,779 Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Art Centre grant Apr 36,937 Program revenue Mar 3,853 Theatre rental 499 Vending revenue 30 41,319 Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Quarterly operating grant Apr -Jun 40,000 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Tempest Development Group Terasen Gas Ultra -Tech Cleaning System Ltd Wade & Associates Land Survey Warrington PCI Management Winvan Paving Ltd Workers Compensation Board BC Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment TOTAL PERIOD 4 2008 DISBURSEMENTS Monthly contract for recycling Apr Weekly recycling Litter pick-up contract Property tax & utility billing software Gas Apr Maintenance: Firehalls Library Municipal Hall Operations Centre Randy Herman Building RCMP Whonnock Lake Firehall #5 256th Street - Thorn Hill Advance for Tower common costs Mar Tower expenses Mar Roadwork projects Employer/Employee remittance 1rd qtr 2008 PP 08/08 & 08/09 GMR Y:\Finance\Accounting\AP Remittances (Dlstursements)\2008\(Month1y Council Report 2008.x1s(APR'08 74,781 301 1,786 76,868 26,301 33,939 1,118 5,610 3,822 822 4,151 3,225 18,747 4,799 9,230 15,679 35,000 54,973 89,973 16,181 85,502 $5,102,979 $740,310 $5,843,289 $1,241,210 $96,909 $7,181,408 District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 22, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6576 - 2008 Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6578 -2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In order to continue the collection of levies, tax rates bylaws for the Albion and Rd 13 Dyking Districts have been prepared. Approval of these two bylaws is recommended. RECOMMENDATIONS: That first, second and third readings be given to Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6576 - 2008 and, That first, second and third readings be given to Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6578 - 2008. DISCUSSION: The Albion Dyking District (ADD) was established by the Province of British Columbia in 1957 as a Provincial Improvement District in response to a petition to the Province by property owners within that area. Until late 1991 the ADD was managed by a Board of Trustees. When no one stood for election to the Board that year, the Province approached the District to act as receiver. The District was initially unwilling to assume this responsibility but when a further Call for Nominations in March 1992 went unanswered, the District agreed to act as a temporary receiver. On April 15, 1992 the Province passed Order in Council No. 617 appointing the District of Maple Ridge as receiver for the ADD. That Order remains in effect to this day and the District is authorized, as receiver, to impose taxes on the lands and improvements in the area. Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District (MRRDD) was incorporated on June 18, 1948 and the trustees resigned in February, 2005. The District of Maple Ridge has continued to operate this service at the request of the trustees and the Provincial Government. The District of Maple Ridge has not been appointed as a receiver and no formal conversion and transfer of responsibilities has taken place. On September 10, 2007 Council directed staff to investigate and report on a permanent solution with respect to the operation, management and financing of both the ADD and MRRDD. Although this report is underway, the completed report will not be available for several months. The financial position of both Districts will be one of the issues that Council will consider before transferring responsibility for the Districts. Levies have been collected for ADD.and MRRDD for several years and these funds have been used to maintain the dykes and equipment. In order to continue this collection, Tax Rates Bylaws for ADD and MRRDD have been prepared. Approval of these two bylaws is recommended. 1132 Prepared by: Fryer., P ,Manager of Pfirporate & Development Engineering ;r Prepared by: Ceri Maria Manager of Legislative Services �r Appr ed by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager, Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence:' J.L. (Jim) Mule Chief Administrative Officer THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6576-2008 A Bylaw for imposing taxes upon lands in the Albion Dyking District for the year 2008 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, acting as Receiver for the Albion Dyking District, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6576 - 2008". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the year 2008 for those lands within the boundaries of Albion Dyking District: For purposes of dyke maintenance and improvements and equipment repair and maintenance: (a) a rate of $2.157 per $1000 of assessment of land and improvements in all categories 3. If any section, subsection, clause or other park of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. READ a first time on the day of , 2008 READ a second time on the day of , 2008 READ a third time on the day of , 2008 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED on the day of 2008. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6578 -2008 A Bylaw for imposing taxes upon lands in Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District for the year 2008 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, acting on behalf of the Trustees for Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6578—2008". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the.year 2008 for those lands within the boundaries of Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District: For purposes of dyke maintenance and improvements and equipment repair and maintenance: (a) a rate of $0.356 per $1000 of assessment of land and improvements in all categories (b) a rate of $12.00 per acre of land with a minimum charge of $5.00. 3. If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. READ a first time on the day of , 2008 READ a second time on the day of , 2008 READ a third time on the day of , 2008 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED on the day of 2008. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: 2008-05-16 and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. Parks & Leisure Services Fees and Charges EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As a result of the 2008 admission and rental rate review for Parks and Leisure facilities, staff recommend a 5% increase for most rental rates and admission categories. The exceptions include a 0% increase for the following categories: 1. Arena Dry Floor rentals. 2. Outdoor Pool rentals. 3. Admissions at the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre. 4. Public Swimming at both Outdoor Pools. More specifically: 2008 Admission Rates Categories Increase Reason Notes Public Skating All 5% Market average Leisure Centre All 0% Market average Equal to market Outdoor Pool All 0% Aging infrastructure 2008 Rental Rates Categories Increase Reason Notes * Arena Ice rental All 5%. Market average Arena Dry Floor All 0% Market average Equal to market Gymnasium/Multipurpose Room All 0% Market average Equal to market Indoor Pool All 5% Market average Outdoor Pool All 0% Aging infrastructure Fairgrounds All 5% Market average Park Shelter Flat Rate $50.00 Market average $26.75 old rate Greg Moore Youth Centre All 5% Market average Greg Moore Active floor All 0% Market average Match dry floor Meeting Rooms - Hammond All 5% Market average Special Event Trailer All $150.00 New * Please note - Arena rental rates are for those previously controlled by the Commission. Ice rental rates for the Pitt Meadows Arena beyond the time previously controlled by the Commission are subject to further review. 1151 These recommendations were outlined in a 2008-05-08 report to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission; which the Commission adopted. RECOMMENDATION. That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6571-2008 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The last fees and charges review of indoor facility rental rates and admissions took place in the Spring of 2007 - The recommendations endorsed by Commission and Council(s) are as follows: 2007 Admission Rates Public Skating Leisure Centre Outdoor Pool Categories Increase All 5% All 5% All 0% 2007 Rental Rates Categories Increase Arena Ice rental All 5%. Arena Dry Floor All 0% Gymnasium/Multipurpose Rm All 5% Indoor Pool All 10% Outdoor Pool All 0% Fairgrounds All 0% Greg Moore Active floor All 10% All indoor rooms All 5% Reason Market average Market average Market average Reason Market average Market average Market average Market average Market average Market average Market average Market average Park Shelter fees have been changed from $26.75, and include up to one full day's (12 hours) use of the park shelter. This new fee ($50.00) is comparable to market value in other communities and works out to be a $4.17 charge per hour. The Parks Department will be undertaking a review of sports field fees & charges (including artificial turf) in consultation with the Sports Field Association duringthe nextyear. The new Special Event Trailer rental fee ($150.00) has been considered carefully between stakeholders and staff to provide affordable access to this valuable new asset. This trailer provides special event volunteers with diverse items from tents, barricades, stereo unit, chair and tables etc. In Spring 2008, staff reviewed facility rental and admissions data for Lower Mainland recreation facilities, including but not limited to; Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, Langley, Burnaby, Port Moody and Vancouver to determine current market rental rates. Included with this report is a summary of research, showing the average market rate per facility, compared to current Commission rates and the variance between the two - See Attachment #1 While staff will customarily review rental and admission data prepared by the British Columbia Recreation Parks Association; the BCRPA was unable to prepare a report for this year. In 2009 the BCRPA has partnered with Civic Info. to expand on their tabulation of Fees & Charges through British Columbia. b) Desired Outcome: To regularly review facility rental and admission fees and maintain a balance between rates that are affordable to local user groups, and comparable to the current market to assist in off -setting operating costs. To review the rates on an annual basis to avoid large increases and ensure increases (if any) are gradual and reasonable. c) Strategic Alignment: Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The result of this most recent review is generally a 5% increase, which is quite manageable. For many regular user groups, this will mean less than $100.00 per year increase. The group that will be most impacted is Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey as they rent the largest number of hours in the most expensive facility. The impact for this group will be approximately $3,800.00 for one year. The impact of a 5% increase on Indoor Pool fees would be approximately $700.00 each for the Seahorses and the Neptunes Swim Clubs these increases will be divided among a large number of individual members. Increased fees affect all facility users. To mitigate the impact on customers, our goal is to monitor and adjust fees regularly, and to provide customers with as much notice as possible when rates change. In this case, recommended rate increases for admission and rental rates would take effect September 1, 2008. If approved by Commission, groups will be notified of the possibility that rates will increase, and by what amount by the end of May 2008. They will be notified a second time if and when rates are approved by both Councils in June 2008. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: If adopted, these rate increases would increase facility rental revenue for indoor facilities by approximately $6,000 or 2% from September to December 2008 and by $18,000 or 5% in 2009. This revenue is used to off -set facility operating costs. With an increased fee for park shelters and a realignment of procedures, the expected revenue gain for 2008 is approximately $1,500.00 and in 2009 is estimated to be approximately $4,500.00 which would help off -set operating costs. f) Policy Implications: This recommendation follows the existing fees and charges policy. g) Alternatives: If Council feels that such an increase in park shelter fees would be too onerous, this fee could be gradually increased for the next two years, i.e. $38.00 for the first year and $50.00 for next year. CONCLUSIONS: The last rental rate increase for indoor facilities was September 1, 2007. These rates included a 5% increase for all facilities except Arena Dry Floor and Outdoor Pools (which were not increased) and Indoor Pools which was increased by 10%. This report recommends a 5% increase again for most facilities, except arena dry floor, gymnasiums and multi -purpose rooms which are currently at market rates and outdoor pools, which are not suited to an increase at this time. The resulting impact on most groups would be a slight increase with 3 month's notice to plan for that increase. n - / Prepared by: Don Cramb, Manager of Support —Services A/ Approved by: K�fl TIire tar of Recreation Approved by: /jMit;'Ib array, eneral Manager Community Development Parks & Recreation Approved by: au Gill, General OAager Corporate and Finlince Concurrenc J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer do ADMISSIONS Maple Ridge Leisure Admissions Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Ai Outdoor Pool Admis; Arena Admissions Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks Leisure Services Fees Charges Research 2008 Centre AVERAGE Maple VARIANCE MR % Ridge ofAVG Children $2.40 $2.65 0.25 110% Youth $3.38 $3.40 0.42 101 % Senior $3.40 $3.40 100% Adult $4.72 1 $5.25 1 0.53 111 % Family $8.94 1 $9.20 1 0.26 103% Amissions AVERAGE Pitt VARIANCE PM % Meadows of A VG Children 2.48 $2.10 0.38 85% Youth 3.35 $2.65 0.70 79% Senior 3.77 $2.65 1.12 70% Adult 4.52 $4.20 0.32 93% Family 10.50 $7.90 2.60 75% sions AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR/PM of AVG Children $1.73 $1.35 0.38 78% Youth $2.33 $2.05 0.28 88% Senior $2.24 $2.05 0.19 92% Adult $3.26 $2.60 0.66 80% Family $4.58 $5.25 0.67 115% AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MWPM % of AVG Children $2.22 $2.10 0.12 95% Youth $2.94 $2.50 0.44 85% Senior $3.19 $2.50 0.69 78% Adult $4.31 $3.60 0.71 84% Family $8.45 $6.10 2.35 72% Parent &Tot $4.00 $3.00 1.04 75%71 RENTALS Arena & Dry door RE Gymnasium Rentals Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks Leisure Services Fees Charges Research 2008 :ntalS AVERAGE MR & PM VARIANCE MR/PM % of AVG ICE Youth Non P $92.80 $81.98 -$10.82 88% Adult Non-prq $231.17 $183.72 -$47.45 79% Private Grou $238.34 $193.24 -$45.10 81 % DRY FLOOR Youth Non P $34.53 $37.32 $2.79 108% Adult Non Pr $59.98 $56.38 -$3.60 94% Private Grou $74.47 $65.86 -$6.61 88% AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR/PM % of AVG Youth Non -Pi $39.06 $40.14 $1.08 103% Adult Nan -Pr $53.93 $58.68 $4.75 109% Private $102.38 $70.26 -$32.12 69% Commercial $128,84 $77.27 -$51.57 60% Greg Moore Youth Centre (Active Space) rates set by Dry Floor Rentals Multipurpose Rooms Rentals set by 1/4 Gymnasium rentals Park Shelter Rentals Indoor Pool Rentals Large Hall (200-300) Medium Hall (100-151 Non -Profit, AVERAGE MRIPM VARIANCE MR % of AVG $54.34 $26.75 -27.59 49% per event per event AVERAGE MR VARIANCE MR/PM % of AVG Youth Non $ 4.98 $ 4.38 -$ 0.60 88% Adult Non 1 $ 7.78 $ 9.51 $ 1.73 122% Private $ 17.74 $ 10.60 -$ 7.14 60% AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR % Heritage Upper of AVG Youth NOR -PI $ 23.84 $ 24.23 -$ 0.39 102% Adult Non -Pr $ 29.48 $ 40.73 -$ 11.25 138% Private $ 43.70 $ 50.73 -$ 7.03 116% Commercial $ 60.07 $ 55.80 1 $ 4.27 1 93% 7) AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR % Hammond of AVG 100-120 Youth Non -Pr $ 18.00 $ 16.50 $ 1.50 92% Adult Non -Pr $ 26.09 $ 34.27 -$ 8.18 Private $ 50.02 $ 43.82 $ 6.20LA Commercial $ 66.15 $ 47.30 $ 18.85 Large Meeting Room Medium Meeting roc Small Meeting Roorr Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks Leisure Services Fees Charges Research 2008 ($Q-100) AVERAGE MR1PM VARIANCE MR % Fraser Room of AVG Youth Non -Pi $ 9.66 $ - $ 9.66 0% Adult Non -Pr $ 15.18 $ 3.57 $ 11.61 24% Private $ 28.49 $ 13.57 $ 14.92 48% Commercial $ 41.26 $ 14.92 $ 26.34 m (40) AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR % Art Workshop Of AVG 60 Youth Non -Pr $ 7.04 $ - $ 7.04 0% Adult Non -Pr $ 10.87 $ - $ 10.87 0% Private $ 18.54 $ 7.84 $ 10.70 42% Commercial $ 24.94 $ 8.63 $ 16.31 35% (15) AVERAGE MR/PM VARIANCE MR % Alouette Room of AVG Youth Non -Pi $ 6.98 $ - $ 6.98 0% Adult Non -Pr $ 9.66 $ - $ 9.66 0% Private $ 14.59 $ 9.44 $ 5.15 65% Commercial 1 $ 19.50 $ 10.38 $ 9.12 53% Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6571- 2008 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 as amended. WHEREAS the Council may by bylaw establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admissions and/or use of sports, recreation and community use facilities; AND WHEREAS, the Council has imposed fees and now wishes to amend those fees; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6571- 2008". 2. That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended, be further amended by deleting Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "H", "J" and "K" in their entirety and replacing with Schedule "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "H", "J", "K" as attached hereto, and adding Schedule "U. 3. This Bylaw shall come into force and effect as of September 1, 2008 for Schedules "A", "B", "C" "D" "E" "H» "J" "K" and "L„ READ a first time the day of 2008. READ a second time the day of 2008. READ a third time the day of , 2008. ADOPTED this day of , 2008. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments: Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "H", "Y', "K" and "L". Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "A" 6571-2008 Arenas Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Ice Ice Ice Dry Floor Planet Ice Prime Non -Prime Early Bird Mtg Room Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $122.98 $98.37 $65.86 $9.92 Fundraising $108.07 $83.48 $52.61 $4.96 Special Event $98.37 $73.78 $ 67.63 $45.99 $2.48 Regular Use $86.08 $67.63 $ 67.63 $37.32 $0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $192.91 $154.33 $68.04 $9.92 Fundraising $192.91 $154.33 $68.04 $9.92 Special Event $192.91 $154.33 $ 125.95 $60.86 $4.96 Regular Use $192.91 $154.33 $ 125.95 $56.38 $0.00 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $198.06 $160.09 $98.79 $14.88 Special Event $190.56 $152.63 $82.33 $12.40 Regular Use $202.90 $147.37 $65.86 $9.92 Local Commercial Fundraising $313.02 $241.62 $105.38 $15.88 Special Event $260.70 $209.06 $88.91 $13.40 Regular Use $215.20 $166.10 $72.45 $10.91 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $314.87 $251.90 $111.96 $16.87 Special Event $269.89 $215.91 1 $95.50 $14.39 Regular Use $221.36 1 $177.08 1 1 $79.03 $11.91 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "B" 6571-2008 Fairgrounds Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Commercial or Beef Stage Grounds & Kitchen Exhibition Barn Showrings Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $19.82 $29.73 $4.95 $17.35 $61.94 Fundraising $9.91 $16.48 $2.47 $8.67 $61.94 Special Event $4.96 $10.66 $1.24 $4.34 $61.94 Regular Use $0.00 $3.23 $0.00 $0.00 $61.94 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $19.82 $29.73 $4.95 $17.35 $61.94 Fundraising $19.82 $29.73 $4.95 $17.35 $61.94 Special Event $14.82 $24.73 $2.47 $12.35 $61.94 Regular Use $9.82 $19.73 $0.00 $7.35 $61.94 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $29.74 $44.59 $7.42 $26.02 $61.94 Special Event $24.78 $37.16 $6.18 $21.68 $61.94 Regular Use $19.82 $29.73 $4.95 $17.35 $61.94 Local Commercial Fundraising $31.72 $47.56 $7.91 $27.75 $61.94 Special Event $26.76 $40.13 $6.68 $23.42 $61.94 Regular Use $21.81 $32.70 $5.44 $19.08 $61.94 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $33.70 $50.53 $8.41 $29.49 $61.94 Special Event $28.74 $43.10 $7.17 $25.15 $61.94 Regular Use $23.79 $35.67 $5.93 $20.82 $61.94 Overnight Camping Fee $ 8.42 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "C" 6571-2008 Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Pool Rates Effective September 1, 2008 Effective Sept 1/08 Effective May 1/07 GST Included Leisure Pool/Competition Pool Harris Road Pool or Hammond Pool Per Lane Full Pool Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $11.13 $50.73 Fundraising $8.12 $35.10 Special Event $6.60 $27.27 Regular Use $4.60 $17.52 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $11.13 $50.73 Fundraising $11.13 $50.73 Special Event $10.90 $44.83 Regular Use $9.99 $38.93 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $16.68 $76.09 Special Event $13.90 $63.41 Regular Use $11.13 $50.73 Local Commercial Fundraising $17.81 $81.16 Special Event $15.03 $68.48 Regular Use $12.22 $55.80 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $18.90 $86.23 Special Event $16.13 $73.55 Regular Use $13.35 $60.87 Lifeguard Fees are extra. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "D" 6571-2008 Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Full Gym Half Gym 1/4 Gym (Multi-P) Preschool Cap. 1000 Cap. 500 Cap. 80 Cap. 40 Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.57 $8.27 Fundraising $55.37 $27.69 $13.84 $4.15 Special Event $47.92 $23.96 $11.98 $2.06 Regular Use $40.14 $20.07 $10.04 $0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.57 $8.27 Fundraising $70.26 $35.13 $17.57 $8.27 Special Event $64.64 $32.32 $16.16 $4.15 Regular Use $58.68 $29.34 $14.67 $0.00 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $105.38 $52.69 $26.35 $12.41 Special Event $87.81 $43.91 $21.95 $10.33 Regular Use $70.26 $35.13 $17.57 $8.27 Local Commercial Fundraising $112.39 $56.20 $28.10 $13.24 Special Event 1 $94.84 $47.42 $23.71 $11.16 Regular Use $77.27 $38.64 $19.32 $9.09 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $119.42 $59.71 $29.86 $14.06 Special Event $101.89 $50.95 $25.47 $11.98 Regular Use $88.50 1 $44.25 $22.13 $9.92 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "E" 6571-2008 Maple Ridge Library Meeting Rooms Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Alouette Room Fraser Room Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $9.92 $14.25 Fundraising $4.96 $7.12 Special Event $2.48 $3.56 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $9.92 $14.25 Fundraising $9.92 $14.25 Special Event $4.96 $9.25 Regular Use $0.00 $4.25 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $14.86 $21.37 Special Event $12.40 $17.81 Regular Use $9.92 $14.25 Local Commercial Fundraising $15.88 $22.80 Special Event $13.40 $19.24 Regular Use $10.91 $15.67 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $16.87 $24.22 Special Event $14.39 $20.66 Regular Use $11.91 1 $17.10 6571-2008 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "H" PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2007 Drop In Skating Admission Rates Effective September 1, 2008 Planet Ice Arena GST Included single Sept 8-Dec 31 Jan 6- Mar 20 Sept 8-March 20 Children $ 2.20 $ 70.56 $ 44.10 $ 114.66 Youth $ 2.65 $ 84.00 $ 52.50 $ 136.50 Senior • $ 2.65 $ 84.00 $ 52.50 $ 136.50 Adult $ 3.80 $ 120.96 $ 75.60 $ 196.56 Family $ 6.40 $ 204.96 $ 128.10 $ 333.06 Parent(Tot $ 3.15 $ 100.80 $ 63.00 $ 163.80 (Adult + child under 3) Definition of a "Family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19." Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "J" 6571-2008 Greg Moore Youth Centre Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Multi -Purpose Lounge Inside Active Area Whole Facility Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $14.25 $19.94 $65.86 $100.05 Fundraising $7.12 $3.37 $52.61 $63.11 Special Event $3.56 $0.00 $45.99 $49.55 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 $37.32 $37.32 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $14.25 $19.94 $68.04 $102.23 Fundraising $14.25 $13.74 $68.04 $96.03 Special Event $9.25 $7.56 $60.86 $77.67 Regular Use $4.25 $0.00 $56.38 $60.63 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $21.37 $29.94 $98.79 $150.10 Special Event $17.81 $24.93 $82.33 $125.06 Regular Use $14.25 $19.94 $65.86 $100.05 Loral Commercial Fundraising $22.80 $31.92 $105.38 $160.10 Special Event $19.24 $26.93 $88.91 $135.08 Regular Use $15.67 $21.97 $72.45 $110.09 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $24.22 $33.93 $111.96 $170.11 Special Event $20.66 $28.94 $95.50 $145.10 Regular Use $17.10 1 $23.95 $79.03 $120.08 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -- 1988 SCHEDULE "K" 6571-2008 Hammond Community Centre Effective September 1, 2008 GST Included Large Hall 1 /2 Large Hall Small Hall (Preschool Rm) Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $45.15 $22.58 $17.65 Fundraising $31.90 $15.95 $8.83 Special Event $29.94 $14.97 $4.41 Regular Use $18.65 $9.33 $0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $45.15 $22.58 $17.65 Fundraising $46.01 $23.01 $17.65 Special Event $40.15 $20.08 $12.65 Regular Use $35.98 $17.99 $7.65 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $67.84 $33.92 $26.48 Special Event $56.44 $28.22 $22.06 Regular Use $46.01 $23.01 $17.65 Local Commerciale Fundraising $72.24 $36.12 $28.24 Special Event $60.95 $30.48 $23.83 Regular Use $49.67 $24.83 $19.42 Non Resident Groups Fundraising $76.76 $38.38 $30.01 Special Event $65.47 $32.73 $25.59 Regular Use $54.18 $27.09 $21.18 Kitchen Fee 61.94 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "L" 6571-2008 Park Shelter Fees Effective September 1, 2008 Park Shelter Rental $ 50.00 GST Included (Up to a full day) Equipment Fee Effective July 1, 2008 Special Event Trailer $ 150.00 GST Included