HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-08 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETI/VG AGENDA April 8, 2014 7.•00 p.m. Counci/ Chamber MEET/NG DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 MOMENT OFREFLECT/ON 300 /NTRODUCT/ON OFADD/T/ONAL AGENDA /TEMS 400 APPROI/AL OF THEAGENDA 500 ADOPT/ONAND RECE/PT OFM/NUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 25, 2014 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 20, 2014 600 PRESENTA T/ONS A T THE REQUEST OF COUNC/L Page 1 Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 700 DELEGA T/ONS 701 National Volunteer Week Ashley Singh, Volunteer Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Coordinator 800 UNF/N/SHED BUS/NESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BYLAWS Bvlaws for Final Readin� 1001 RZ/013/10, 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue Staff report dated April 8, 2014 recommending final reading 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6724-2010 To amend conservation boundaries, add a neighbourhood park and relocate an equestrian trail Final reading 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) to R-1(Residential District), R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) to permit the future subdivision of 76 lots in two phases for the development of single family residential, street townhouse, one agricultural lot and a neighbourhood park Final reading COMM/TTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDA T/ONS 1100 COMM/TTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - N/A The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 3 of 7 Pub/ic Works and Deve%pment Services 1101 2013-087-RZ, 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue, RS-3 and RS-2 to RM-1 and P-1 Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) to allow development of 19 townhouses and allocate land for a future neighbourhood park and conservation be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1102 2013-107-RZ, 24009, 24005 and 24075 Fern Crescent, RS-3 and RS-2 to RS-1, RS-1b and R-2 Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban - Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit a subdivision of 34 single family lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A and B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application 1103 2013-016-RZ, 20178 Chatwin Avenue, RS-3 and RS-1 to RS-1b Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 to include the subject site within the Urban Area Boundary, to change land designations and to designate conservation lands around a creek be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013 to permit a subdivision of approximately 13 single family lots be given second and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1104 2012-102-RZ, 25638 112 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that second reading of Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 be rescinded and that amended Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a subdivision into four RS-2 Lots and one RS-3 lot Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 remaining in the Agricultural Land Reserve be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1105 DVP/013/10, 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/013/10 to reduce road right-of-way and carriage widths, to increase maximum building height for the RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential), R-1 (Residential District) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots and to reduce rear yard setbacks for the R-1 lots backing onto park land. 1106 DP and DVP/107/10, 23657 AND 23651 132 Avenue Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/107/10 to vary setbacks, storeys and heights of units and the maximum height of two retaining walls and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/107/10 to permit construction of 69 townhouse units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone and a single family home in the south-east corner in the RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone. 1107 DP/013/10, 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/013/10 to permit two four-plex Street Townhouse buildings zoned RST (Street Townhouse Residential) and an Intensive Residential Development Permit for 16 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zoned lots. 1108 2013-048-DP, 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2013-048-DP to reconfigure a drive-through route to create a dual order station setup for the existing Tim Hortons located at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road. Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 5 of 7 Financia/ and Corporate Services (including Fire and Po/ice� 1131 Adjustments to the 2013 Collector's Roll Staff report dated April 7, 2014 submitting information on changes to the 2013 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 12. For information only No motion required 1132 2014 Community Grants Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that an allocation of grants for 2014 and funding from Gaming Revenues to accommodate the Maple Ridge Concert Band's request to support a Bandstand Birthday Bash be approved. Communitv Deve%pment and Recreation Service 1151 Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Governance Review Staff report dated April 7, 2014 providing an update on the implementation of the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Governance Review. For information only No motion required 1152 Festival Support Recommendations Staff report dated April 7, 2014 recommending that a request for funding for the Maple Ridge Concert Band Bandstand Fundraising event to referred to the Community Grant Review Committee. Correspondence 1171 Other Committee /ssues 1181 Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1200 STAFFREPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF/TEMS FROM CLOSED COUNC/L 1400 MA YOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNC/LLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPED/ENT 1601 Reconsideration of Resolution No. 2014-133 "That Bylaw No. 6968-2013 be given first, second and third readings and be forwarded to the Minister of Health for approval" defeated at the March 25, 2014 Council Meeting. Staff report dated March 17, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Smoking Bylaw No. 6968-2013 be given first, second and third readings and be forwarded to the Minister of Health for approval. 1700 NOT/CES OFMOT/ONAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEET/NG 1800 QUEST/ONS FROM THE PUBL/C Council MeetingAgenda April 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Checked by: Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENTAGREEMENTS COMMITfEE MINUTES March 20, 2014 Mayor's Office I�: � ��►�� Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman Paul Gill, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. KEATING, Frederick and Rosemary LEGAL: Lot 2, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 77749 • LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: 22791-125A Avenue Frederick and Rosemary Keating Sanitary Sump Pump Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO KEATING, Frederick and Rosemary. CARRIED P�u4�Gill, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member '`�1'l '� 393 68621 7 8 22754 N 22760 395 /N �� �W P 77 49 N N � ti � �M �� � •.- , 370 22735 22747 371 � � N 372 � 12553 6� 5 4 3 2 � � � � N N N N N N N N N 125A AVE. 133 P 29383 � District of Langley � 0 � N N N\ �o� 5 P �� 8 � 1 7 � �'� � ti �� � 12477 SUBJECT PARCEL 20 12522 12516 21 12510 22 12504 0 N � 21N P 77 1 21 1 1' 1 1� SANITARY SUMP PUMP COVENANT 22791 125A AVE. •--•-� • • � � MAPLE�RIpGE" � � � � BritishGolumhia• " � ' Scale: 1:1,000 � '�`��� _ �� DATE: Mar 17, 2014 FILE: Untitled BY: ML � 7 • � �� -�� District of Maple Ridge �::s;�. :,;�;. , T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 8, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: RZ/013/10 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaws 6724 - 2010 and 6725 - 2010 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently were granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit a subdivision of 75 lots. Council considered rezoning application RZ/013/10 and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on March 23, 2010. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724-2010 and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on November 27, 2012. This application was presented at Public Hearing on December 11, 2012, and Council granted third reading on December 11, 2012. Council granted a first extension on December 10, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010 be adopted; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on December 11, 2012. On December 11, 2012 Council granted third reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Part VI, Figure 2(Land Use Plan), 3A (Blaney Hamlet) and Figure 4(Trails / Open Space) of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan; iii. Road dedication on 132 Avenue, as required; 1001 iv. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways, trails and emergency access road; v. Consolidation of the development site; vi. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; vii. Department of Fisheries and Oceans approval for in-stream works and creek crossing in the southwest corner of the site, if required; viii. Approval from the appropriate authorities for septic disposal for the agricultural lot; ix. The developer provide a voluntary monetary contribution for the future development of an equestrian trail connection between 132 Avenue and the east/west trail being developed in Blaney Hamlet to the north of the ALR boundary; x. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the Developer will provide a Site Profile for the subject lands. The following a�plies to the above: 1. A Rezoning Servicing Agreement has been registered as a Restrictive Covenant and the required security has been provided; 2. Amendments to Figures 2, 3A and 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan are included in Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010, and will be amended with the final approval of this application; 3. Road dedication on 232 Avenue was acquired when subdivision application 2011-085- SD was approved in February 2013. That subdivision separated the ALR land from the development site. 4. The Park dedication plan has been approved by the Approving Officer; 5. The site was consolidated on the road dedication plan approved with subdivision application 2011-085-SD in February 2012; 6. The Geotechnical Report has been registered as a Restrictive Covenant; 7. The applicant has provided the District with proof of notification to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for wetland and in-stream works; 8. Septic approval was provided for the lot in the ALR with subdivision application 2011- 085-SD in February 2012; 9. The developer, Insignia Homes, has contributed $60,000.00 to the Parks Department for future development of an equestrian trail connection between 132 Avenue and the east/west trail being developed in Blaney Hamlet north of the ALR boundary; 10. A Site Profile has been provided. 'r� CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that Final Reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Jim Charlebois" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010 Appendix C- Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010 Appendix D- Subdivision Plan for ALR land Appendix E- Subdivision Plan for 75 lots 3- N District of Langley � 22830/50 & 22942 136 AVENUE 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:3,000 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Feb 20, 2014 FILE: DP/013/10 BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6724 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Section 10.3. Part Vl - Silver Valley Area Plan, Figures 2, 3A and 4 of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724 - 2010." 2. Figures 2, 3A and 4 are hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Block 6 Section 29 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14756; West 7.8 chains of NE 1/4 Section 29 Township 12 except part subdivided by Plan 32932, New Westminster District; Lot 76 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP27885 Lot 80 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP27885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 792, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby redesignated as shown. 3. Figure 4 is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Block 6 Section 29 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14756; West 7.8 chains of NE 1/4 Section 29 Township 12 except part subdivided by Plan 32932, New Westminster District; Lot 76 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP27885 Lot 80 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP27885 1001.1 and shown in heavy black line on Map No. 844 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, as added or removed from Horse Trail. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060 - 2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 27t" day of November, A.D. 2012. READ A SECOND TIME the 27t" day of November, A.D. 2012. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 11t" day of December, A.D. 2012. READ A THIRD TIME the 11t" day of December, A.D. 2012. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Ma p No. Purpose: 6724-2010 792 To Designate as shown below on Figures 2& 3A Q Conservation � Neighbourhood Park 0 Eco Cluster And To Designate as shown below on Figure 4 Q Conservation � Neighbourhood Park N SCALE 1:6,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6724-2010 Ma p No. 844 Purpose: To Amend Figure 4 as shown below - — — — Add Trail Delete Trail N SCALE 1:6,000 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6725 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend the text and Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 3 and C! This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725 - 2010." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 76, Section 32, Township 12, Plan BCP27885 New Westminster District Lot 80, Section 32, Township 12, Plan BCP27885 New Westminster District Lot 2, Section 29, Township 12, Plan 14756, New Westminster District West 7.80 Chains of the North East Quarter, Section 29, Township 12, Except: Part Subdivided by Plan 32932, New Westminster District are hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1476, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 23rd day of March, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 27t" day of November, A.D. 2012. PUBLIC HEARING held the 11th day of December, A.D. 2012. READ a third time the 11t" day of December, A.D. 2012. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1OO1.Z MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6725-2010 Ma p No. 1476 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) To: � RST ( Street Townhouse Residential) Q R-1(Residential District) � R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) � P-1(Park and School) � RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) N SCALE 1:6,000 Status: Filed Plan #: EPP27906 App #: CA3058941 Ct�l #: 136-2523987 RCVD: RQST: 2073-04-29 0820.64 Page 1 of i IX D XE T0: FROM: e RID9E � His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 FILE N0: 2013-087-RZ MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and P-1 (Park and School), to allow future development of approximately 19 townhouses with 0.53 ha (1.3 acres) allocated for a future neighbourhood park and conservation lands. This application was deferred at the November 18, 2013 Committee of the Whole meeting. Since that time, staff have had further discussion with the applicant. As a result, the applicant has revised the development proposal to reflect a larger combined neighbourhood park and conservation land parcel that is more reflective of the land use designation areas, site characteristics, and Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan guidelines for neighbourhood park size. The park area shown on the attached site plan (see Appendix C) will be divided for two separate purposes. Lands designated Conservation due to steep slopes, approximately 0.19 ha (0.47 acres) of the subject properties, will be required to be dedicated to the District of Maple Ridge as a condition of zoning approval. The remaining amount, approximately 0.34 ha (0.84 acres), is proposed for a future neighbourhood park site. The land for the neighbourhood park is not required to be dedicated to the District of Maple Ridge. It will be purchased at fair market price with the portion of development cost charges revenue allocated for park acquisition. As these areas are adjacent to one another, the conservation area will complement the neighbourhood park site as passive green space. The Parks and Leisure Services Department has reviewed the revised site plan and are satisfied with the amount of land allocated for a future neighbourhood park. Although the proposed neighbourhood park area is approximately half of the area that is designated for Neighbourhood Park, when that area is combined with the adjacent conservation land of 0.19 ha (0.47 acres), the resulting area is a sufficient park size. An OCP amendment will be required to re-align the existing land use designations. This OCP amendment will result in an increase in Medium/High Residential designated land and a reduction in Neighbourhood Park designated land by approximately 3,447 m2. Consequently, this OCP amendment would allow approximately 2,073 m2 (22,314 ft2) of additional floor space under the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) density of 0.6 times the net lot area to be constructed. The larger area of Medium/High Density Residential land proposed will allow more residential floor space to be constructed than the existing residential land designation. No changes to the Conservation designated land area are proposed. 1101 RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Bernard Mottet KBK No 108 Ventures Ltd. Lot: 4, Section: 28, Township: 12, Plan: NWP24142 Lot: 38, Section: 28, Township: 12, Plan: NWP40978 Existing: Medium/High Density Residential, Neighbourhood Park, Conservation, Proposed: Medium/High Density Residential, Neighbourhood Park, Conservation Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1(Townhouse Residential), P-1(Park and School) Use: Zone: Designation -2- Single Family Residential, Vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium/High Density Residential South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Medium/High Density Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Conservation, Neighbourhood Park Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential, Neighbourhood Park 1.17 ha (2.9 acres) Larch Avenue Urban Standard The subject site is comprised of two properties located in the River Village of the Silver Valley Area Plan. A single family home is currently located on each property, and both properties are rural residential in nature with significant vegetation and tree cover. The properties slope gradually towards the south west corner, where the topography is at its steepest. An existing trail is located along Larch Avenue and an equestrian trail as designated in the Official Community Plan (OCP) is proposed through the conservation area to the south west of the development site. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the site in order to construct approximately 19 townhouse units accessed via a private strata road. Approximately 0.53 ha (1.3 acres) of land is being proposed by the applicant for a future neighbourhood park site and park dedication for conservation purposes. The exact amount of neighbourhood park land that the District of Maple Ridge will purchase will be determined prior to second reading of the zoning bylaw. The park area shown on the attached site plan (see Appendix C) will be divided for two separate purposes. Lands designated Conservation due to steep slopes, approximately 0.19 ha (0.47 acres) of the subject properties, will be required to be dedicated to the District of Maple Ridge as a condition of zoning approval. The remaining amount, approximately 0.34 ha (0.84 acres), is proposed for a future neighbourhood park site. The land for the neighbourhood park is not required to be dedicated to the District of Maple Ridge. It will be purchased at fair market price with the portion of development cost charges revenue allocated for park acquisition. As these areas are adjacent to one another, the conservation area will complement the neighbourhood park site as passive green space. The revised development proposal that is the subject of this report is different from both the earlier proposal and the existing land use designation boundaries. -3- At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the OCP and provide a land use assessment only. The proposed townhouse project has not been reviewed in terms of zoning compliance. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits and development variance permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site comprises of two properties totalling 1.17 ha (2.9 acres), and is located in the River Village in the Silver Valley Area Plan. The development site is designated 16% Conservation (0.19 ha/0.47 acres), 26% Medium/High Density Residential (0.30 ha/0.74 acres), and 58% (0.68 ha/1.68 acres) Neighbourhood Park. The development proposal that is the subject of this report (see Appendix C) proposes to re-align the existing land use designation boundaries under an OCP amending bylaw. The proposed amendments have implications for both the Medium/High Density Residential and Neighbourhood Park land uses. The land area designated Conservation will not be impacted with this development proposal. Land use implications are detailed below. Medium/High Density Residential Implications: The Medium/High Density Residential designation aligns with the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone and the townhouse form of development. The proposed area allocated for residential development is approximately 6,455 m2. In order to permit the development as proposed by the applicant, an OCP amendment will be required to re-designate approximately 3,447 m2 of land from Neighbourhood Park to Medium/High Density Residential (see Appendix D). This OCP amendment would result in approximately 2,073 m2 (22,314 ft2) of additional floor space under the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) density of 0.6 times the net lot area. The larger area of Medium/High Density Residential land proposed will allow more residential floor space to be constructed than the existing residential land designation. The River Village contains the highest residential densities in the Silver Valley Area Plan. The proposed increase can be supported for this application. Neighbourhood Park Implications: The Neighbourhood Park designation aligns with the P-1 (Park and School) zone. The proposed area allocated for purchase by the District of Maple Ridge for a future neighbourhood park site is approximately 3,353 m2 (see Appendix D). In order to permit the development as proposed by the applicant, and OCP amendment would be required to re-designate approximately 3,447 mz from Neighbourhood Park to Medium/High Density Residential. This OCP amendment would result in a reduction of 3,447 m2 of land from the area currently designated for neighbourhood park. The smaller area of Neighbourhood Park land proposed will allow more residential floor space to be constructed on land that is designated for a future neighbourhood park. In comparison with the proposal reviewed by Council earlier, the revised proposal submitted contains a substantially larger park area. The neighbourhood park and conservation area has been increased by 0.5 ha (1.2 acres) in the current development plan from the previous design but is still approximately 0.3 ha (0.8 acres) smaller than the current OCP designation. '� During the creation of the Silver Valley Area Plan, the community identified a number of principles to guide development in the area. Amongst other things, the community noted a preference for smaller local parks within walking distance to residents. The resulting plan reflected this, and Figure 3C River Village of the OCP illustrates that neighbourhood parks are at the centre of each neighbourhood, and are within a two minute walk of residents (see Appendix D). Policy 5.3.4 Neighbourhoods reads as follows: (a) A Neighbourhood is a subset of a Hamlet, generally defined by a 200 metre, 2-minute walking radius from a central local community and/or park space and a transit stop. The subject site contains the designated neighbourhood park land for this particular neighbourhood. The function of neighbourhood parks as defined in Section 5.3.8 Parks and Schools is as follows: (e) Neighbourhood Parks are 0.2 ha (0.5 acres) to 0.6 ha (1.5 acres) in size and should be within a 2-5 minute walk from a dwelling. These parks should provide an opportunity for social gathering, and will require appropriate amenities, i.e., benches, pathways, community mailboxes, and should include small playground structures where appropriate. Due to the sloping nature of the site, a larger park area than the policy minimum of 0.2 ha (0.5 acres) was designated to accommodate active park uses such as play equipment. The proposed reduction in size of the neighbourhood park is supported by the Parks Department. Zoning Bvlaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). This will permit development of approximately 19 townhouses with 0.53 ha (1.3 acre) allocated for a combination of future neighbourhood park and conservation lands. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Pursuant to Section 8.10 of the OCP, a Natural Features Development Permit application is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for: All areas designated Conservation on Schedule "B" or all areas within 50 metres of an area designated Conservation on Schedule "B", or on Figures 2, 3 and 4 in the Silver Valley Area Plan; All lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 %; All floodplain areas and forest lands identified on Natural Features Schedule "C" to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous conditions. -5- Advisory Design Panel: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required and will be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Licenses, Permits, and Bylaws Department; d) Fire Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; and g) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time, therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. The Parks and Leisure Services Department has reviewed the revised site plan and are satisfied with the amount of land allocated for a future neighbourhood park. Although the proposed neighbourhood park area is approximately half of the area that is designated for Neighbourhood Park, when that area is combined with the adjacent conservation land of 0.19 ha (0.47 acres), the resulting area is a sufficient park size. f) Early and Ongoing Consultation: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. g) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. An OCP Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 3. A Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 4. A Natural Features Development Permit Application (Schedule G). '� The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is not in compliance with the existing land use designation areas of the OCP's Silver Valley Area Plan. The area for residential development is greater than currently designated. However, an OCP amendment to re-align existing land uses can be justified due to constraints presented by topography and conservation land dedication opportunities. Furthermore, the combined area of conservation and neighbourhood park land will meet both Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan and OCP minimum requirements for neighbourhood park areas. Therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. It is recommended that Council not require any further additional OCP consultation. Additionally, it is expected that once complete information is received, Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 will be amended. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Jim Charlebois" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw 7068-2014 Appendix C- Proposed Site Plan Appendix D- Land Use Designation Area Reconciliation Appendix E- Neighbourhood Park Walking Distance -7- � �s �3 BCS�577 13332 W 213335 W 13336 ��' 32 �o� 2 33s 13336/40 � 13330 26 ?346g � � � �, � 13331 13332 234 33mV �� 2 1332s ry�,h� �� 3327 13328 � �� 13325 13326 62 �33j 9 13321 13322 �� �6 19 13320 34 � 3 9 8 234ss PARK v 1 Rem 3 13317 13318 �� 1 315 13312 33 � 14 23 35 4 1330g3 P 3007 13313 13312 22 23 � 2 `�4qs� PP X4138 613309 1 N w W � � 4 LM P 50153 5 13305 ���'w �� W N N �G� � 5 13305 "'s� `r�j °��` `9 � PARK N 13301 2 8� s 10 P 2145 � 6 RRem A8 � PW w��s��' �p&zGNP��� 27 � 9 _I 8� w U, .� 13295 v v � 7 � °' � � � M �n c�s, v�n N 289 N N N M I� M `V � "' `V ��13283 � m LARCHAVE. 24 N 25 26 w332�� 0 0 °D o 0 � � � M M l(� N N M P 13167 " Subject Properties 1 37 4 38 39 P 40978 P 24142 P 409 8 210 P 131 7 P 37 22 Z°Z 3 30 31 32 33 *PP159 2 � � � � �, M M N N M M N N 132 AVE. W M N Cit f Pitt Mea ows ' ��`� -� , �- � � � ��� �� q�� � � , �17��_, l��l i�rlini� �� Iy�l���ha il il ���''11� � ���I�ii �i� Iv� ul�)e"F , �. � ,� �, _ �, , , �� ., � �� � District of � N Langley Scale: 1:2,000 � 13260 � � � 35 N N 13227 � � M 13215 � 34 *PP157 � � M N 13165 P 1105 I ; 23500/23550 Larch Ave ,� i �� i� � � � CORPORATION OF ��� - THE DISTRICT OF j� MAPLE RIDGE ; -. FINANCE DEPARTMENT �� DATE: Sep 6, 2013 2013-087-RZ BY: JV APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7068-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4 Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 24142 Lot 38 Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 40978 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1613 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1(Townhouse Residential) and P-1 (Park and School). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of day of day of day of day of ,20 ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No Map No. Fro m: 7068-2014 1613 RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) P-1 (Park and School) N SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX C /� CJ I J — ` � ` x_� � ` � E7i191A0H A7 iN�ERf . i0P Oi � x 7�9 f � � -� �x � ea UF�U� � � � ` � � _ �_ -� � � -� � ------- — �-- � H � N_ _ - ------ --- � �ne��� I F __ _ � i.a7 � �� ^�..� `J'[1 � J�� 1� _ T ' . �` . �-J�n �'�� �. x � .. . - " i � � x � � � x - , X .,� • a, � 5ectian 1 � x, �, � x 3; 5ectian 1 � 5 - - - - - ---- -- - - - - � - � -- — - -- � `� 1 N � ' N� x � �-- x �� •. ;� All Elnits are: � � , v,� x x � 1, �� 3 Srm. 2.5 baths. ' ' • � � � 2 car garage E� o x X X r� of� ,'� I �`� 8ank � X f : a� 2,7fifl sq.F1. Q c� � —� G 9 � �i ` o x Except LiniFs T� x x f l x t,2.sa,a: � � x N i x f �� � � ' 3 Srm, 2.5 ba[hs, �. 4 7 ;� x x x � X 1 � � i � t car gara ge �' � � 2,175 sq.ft. LL �- , ; , � � � f x � - � a� � � ctian � � ��� s - � � Sectian 2 �� -- - - - - -��� - -� �9 ,- � -X - �— c[ � x x K X 1—�: ,�: - -_ a x �o x x � \ � � � � 9 x � . t•. � ai �° x x � • ' °& 1 � N X x 7( • x � p X '`.� , 1} � � . � ] ■ ■ ' �/ --C� Q 7 x Q Of- - � O x �. � \ a8 * "' L ❑ X i �&' . ''� J!' � � � z x x 4' : � � Y p m x ',C �� g �` %� X - u-, n 5ectian 3 � 4 s� 9 ��� ; Secti�n 3 � � _ . -�. .� _ _ _-- - - - � az _ _ _ _ x- N a � x — � � � - �� X x X X - � y`"y a x (� c 6 � a � y� 67. as � � E�f? a X x �� ❑edicated Park Area: 1.3Q acres Townhouse Area: 1.fi0 acres � M District of Langley Larch Neighbourhood Park � CORPORATION OF �' THE DISTRICT OF • � MAPLE RIDGE - FINANCE DEPARTMENT SCale: 1:1,511 � ��� ����'�`���-��(� DATE: Mar28, 2014 FILE: Larch_Park2.mxd BY: DT � __ i ` , f ;> _ — � ,` ' I o z '� r i� ■ o '♦ HAMLET � CENTRE .. ♦ , ♦ , + ♦ ♦ ♦� � i � . � i . , _ . 1 � v ^ I • I ♦ � ` � ♦ • _ _ � .` — j •` Subject Site % � ♦ � � i�. � ` / '� % � � '`,`.` , � � � � - -- _ �� �� - � ♦ �� �� , •� �'a�' �� � � ,. �` 1, i `� •` � i � , '', `y �` � - �, I� ♦ 1 APPENDIX E ECO CLUSTERS I LOW DENSITY URBAN I I LOW/MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL � MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - MED/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL � COMMERCIAL � NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK OPEN SPACE , , civic I CONSERVATION TOURIST — — SECONDARY TRAIL � � • HORSE TRAIL WATERCOURSE Re-adopted by Bylaw No. 6425-2006 Nov. 14, 2006 OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN PART VI A - SI LVER VALLEY FIGURE 3C RIVER VILLAGE HAMLET BYLAW: 6067-2002 REVISED: Feb. 27, 2012 ADOPTED: OCT. 22, 2002 BYLAW REVISION: 68742011 DRAWN BY: T.M. � CORPORATION OF � ' THE DISTRICT OF , � MAPLE RIDGE Planning Dept N i:n000 � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2013-107-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 24009, 24005 and 24075 Fern Crescent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 3, 2014, Council considered a first reading report for the subject sites (Appendix A) requesting a rezoning to support a future subdivision of 44 single family lots. The developer was seeking an OCP amendment to increase the density by eliminating the "Low-Medium Density" designation and re-designating it to "Medium Density Residential". After discussions with the area residents, and taking into consideration Council's feedback at the Committee of the Whole meeting, the developer decided to revise the proposal to meet the density and designations of the Silver Valley Plan. The proposal has now been revised and the applicant is seeking first reading for Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014. The three properties under consideration in the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan, have three OCP designations (i.e. Low Density; Low-Medium Density; and Medium Density), in varying proportions. The developer has revised the lot layout to meet the permitted density as per the existing OCP designations for the site. The proposal now shows 34 single family lots to be rezoned from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban- Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District). An OCP amendment, however, will be required to re-distribute and re-configure the designations to achieve an efficient road pattern and lot layout (Appendix D). To proceed further with this application additional information from the applicant is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. 1102 and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014, be given first reading with the following conditions: That the applicant provide further information as described on schedules A and B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: CIPE Homes Inc. Owner: 0733497 BC LTD. Legal Description: North 126 Feet parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772); Lot 15, Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 9364; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772); Lot 15 Except North 126 feet; Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 9364; and Lot 30, Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 24120. OCP: Zoning: Existing: Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Proposed: Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban- Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: South East: West: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Single Family Residential and vacant lots RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Neighbourhood Park and Medium-High Density Residential Single Family Residential and Fern Crescent RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential, Low-Medium Density Residential and Estate Suburban Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential and Fern Crescent/240th Street RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Residential, Low-Medium Density Residential and Estate Suburban Residential -2- Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Property: Consolidated Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 2.34 Hectares (5.78 acres) Fern Crescent/240t" Street Urban Standard b) Site and Project Characteristics: The three properties (Appendix A), in the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan, are located south of 128th Avenue and east of Fern Crescent, within the 200 metres (2 minute walking) radius of the Horse Hamlet centre. The topography around the subject sites is fairly flat with gradual slope down from the north-east to the south-west corner. The three properties will need to be consolidated and subdivided. The original proposal that Council considered on February 03, 2014, with 44 lots was seeking an OCP amendment and did not meet the densities permitted in the Silver Valley Area Plan. This proposal has been revised to comply with the permitted densities and now shows a total of 34 single family lots as depicted in the preliminary subdivision sketch attached to this report (Appendix D). Of the proposed 34 lots, 14 of them are proposed to be rezoned to R-2 (Urban Residential District); 17 of them are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban- Medium Density Residential) and 3 of them are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) as shown in Appendix D attached to this report. Access to the proposed subdivision is from Fern Crescent via a new 18.0 metre wide road right-of-way that can accommodate sidewalk and parking on both sides. Except for the three lots facing the southern dip of Fern Crescent, all the proposed lots will face a new looping municipal road right-of-way built and serviced to urban standards. A narrower 15.0 metre wide road- right-of-way will also be built south of the "Neighbourhood Park" along the northern boundary of the subject site. The proposed road pattern could be replicated on the east of subject sites when they develop in the future. The resulting road pattern follows the Silver Valley road plan and provides efficient access to surrounding lands. The properties under consideration are in the Fraser Sewer Area. Fern Crescent is identified as an arterial standard road and 128t" Avenue has been identified as a collector standard road. All the standard off-site road and servicing upgrades abutting the development site will be required as a condition of final reading. On the north of subject sites are two parcels designated "Neighbourhood Park". The eastern parcel (0.405 hectares or 1 acre) is owned by the District. The purchase of the western parcel (24050 128th Avenue) was recently completed by the District. The actual building of this park may take time but the future residents of the proposed subdivision will be able to participate in the public consultation process conducted by the Parks Department and benefit from this neighbourhood park. The subject sites are not located in or near a known archeological resource according to Provincial or local records. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to Second Reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, Official Community Plan designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. -3- c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan - Silver Valley Area Plan: Within the Silver Valley area, the Horse Hamlet, located in the east sector, is anticipated to contain a total of 240 units in a tightly compacted, neighbourhood scaled residential area. In October 2013, Council gave third reading to a development proposal on Mill Street (north of subject sites) for 16 single family lots to be rezoned from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District). Since the adoption of the Silver Valley Area Plan, this proposal is the second in the Horse Hamlet area and will add up to a total of 50 units in the Horse Hamlet area, after final approval of this application. The development proposal is subject to Silver Valley Area Plan policies and densities permitted within the Horse Hamlet. It is important to note that within Silver Valley Area, the Horse Hamlet has the lowest relative densities and the subject sites are not impacted by any watercourses or steep slopes. The three properties (Appendix A), in the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan, have varying proportions of three OCP designations, i.e. Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential; and Medium Density Residential, as shown in Appendix B and the table below: Address OCP designation Proportion 1 24005 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 0% Low-Medium Density Residential 92% Medium Density Residential 8% 2 24009 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 19% Low-Medium Density Residential 76% Medium Density Residential 5% 3 24075 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 8% Low-Medium Density Residential 60% Medium Density Residential 32% Policy 5.3.9 specifies maximum densities in terms of units per net hectare permitted in the above mentioned designations, as stated below: (a) Medium to medium-low densities, ranging from 15 to 40 units per hectare, will be located adjacent to schools, commercial uses and civic uses. (b) Low densities, ranging from 8 to 18 units per hectare, are located at the fringes of the 5 minute walking distance from the centre. The subject sites are located within the 200 metre (2 minute walking) radius of the Horse Hamlet centre. Based on the location of the subject sites and the policies above, the densities are required to step down from medium to low between 128th Avenue and Fern Crescent (north to south). The developer is proposing a total of 34 single family residential lots; 14 of which are proposed to be rezoned to R-2 (Urban Residential District); 17 of which are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban- Medium Density Residential) and 3 of which are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), facing Fern Crescent to continue with the existing pattern along Fern Crescent (Appendix D). The resulting total lot yield of 34 lots is in compliance with the densities '� permitted in the existing designations of the Silver Valley Plan for the subject sites. The proposed RS- 1 zone correlates with the "Low Density Residential" designation; the proposed RS-1b zone correlates with the "Low-Medium Density Residential" designation and the proposed R-2 zone correlates with the "Medium Density Residential" designation of the Silver Valley Area Plan. However, some designations are being adjusted to achieve an efficient road pattern. Some designated proportions will need to be revised requiring an OCP amendment. Appendix B attached to this report shows the current and the proposed OCP maps for the subject sites. This will be discussed in greater detail in the second reading report. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties (Appendix A) from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban- Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zones will require a Development Variance Permit application. There are no known variances identified at this stage. This will be assessed prior to proceeding with second reading. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting will be required for this application. Prior to Second Reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. d) Interdepartmentallmplications: In order to advance the current application, after First Reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Building Department; d) Fire Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded formally to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. A preliminary discussion with Engineering regarding the proposed road layout and road right-of-way standards within the proposed subdivision confirms that the proposed layout is supportable. It was confirmed that a 18.0 metre road right-of-way (Local Residential 2 road standard in the Silver Valley Area Plan) will accommodate two travel lanes (8.0 metre each), street trees, street lights, sidewalk and parking on both sides, while the 15.0 metre road right-of-way along the northern edge of the subject site (south of the future neighbourhood park) will be adequate to accommodate sidewalk and parking on one side. -5- Road standard for Fern Crescent: Council and staff have received some correspondence expressing concerns raised by the residents of this neighbourhood regarding the road standards for Fern Crescent. Currently the section of Fern Crescent fronting the proposed subdivision is less than the standard Urban Collector 20.0 metre road right-of-way; however the existing carriageway is constructed to a service level that provides the required two travel lanes. Currently, pedestrians and equestrians use the gravel shoulder along this leg of Fern Crescent. Any future development applications will be required to provide the additional road dedication and construct the urban standard services (including parking and improved pedestrian connectivity through sidewalks) to the applicable Silver Valley Local Collector road standards (i.e. a 20.0 metre road right-of-way with two travel lanes of 8.0 metre each, shallow grassed drainage swale on each side of the road, limited street lighting and parking on one side). A detailed evaluation of road standards and servicing upgrades for this application will take place between first and second reading. e) Early and Ongoing Consultation: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. An Official Community Plan Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); 3. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The developer has revised their initial proposal and the resulting lot layout (Appendix D) meets the densities for the existing designations of the subject sites, identified in the Silver Valley Area Plan. However, an OCP amendment will still be required to re-distribute and re-configure the existing OCP designations to achieve an efficient road pattern and lot layout. The Engineering Department is in support of the proposed road pattern and standard. Details of the OCP amendment will be discussed � in the second reading report. It is, therefore, recommended that Council grant first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 (Appendix C), subject to conditions outlined in this report. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Rasika Acharya" Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UD, LEEDO AP, MCIP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" for Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Existing and Proposed land use designation maps Appendix C- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 Appendix D- Proposed preliminary subdivision sketch -7- N District of Langley � 24005/09/75 FERN CRESCENT 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE FINANCE DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,500 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Nov 8, 2013 FILE: 2013-107-RZ BY: PC M N District of Langley � 24005/09/75 FERN CRESCENT 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF � � THE DISTRICT OF � ° • � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCale: 1:2,500 � ��� ����'�`���-��(� DATE: Mar4, 2014 FILE: ProposedOCP2.mxd BY: DT APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7053-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: North 126 Feet Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Lot 15 Except: North 126 Feet, Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364 Lot 30 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 24120 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1606 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential), and R-2 (Urban Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of day of day of day of day of ,20 ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7053-2014 Map No. 1606 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) To: � RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) � RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) � R-2 (Urban Residential District) N SCALE 1:2,500 � � ��� l � 55i+'f� r � � i �`✓� 1 ! r.....��� � - _ � —. � � � � � �. —� N � ?7� ,� �. � � �.. 2� .�Sfb � � APPENDIX D ��� � ---- -- - _- - .-� _ Q T � — " � � }P•u (P 714�� � � 9 lo II � Z - I a'a I �� I 1 I I ➢ 1 1 �3� - ' - - - - � _ — Z�� 2'� 1 � � i � 5�, � � ` I � I � � � li �,� � � ` G� '� l3 � f4 J [S I� � �1 I ����� �� I { — � � � il.m �� � .� � � , � � R� � _> �. _ ��� Z� -- _ -i e� 2� Z� 2j �� � •o ; ��, � � ' I, , , � , , � i ' _ { i _ __ — � { �s� � �$ , ��� � , � ��a�� , 1 � � �� �� ��� ��� . j - � � � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2013-016-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6978-2013 20178 Chatwin Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On March 19, 2013, Council granted first reading to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013. The proposal is to rezone the subject property (Appendix A) from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential zone) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential zone) to RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential- Medium Density zone) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 13 single family lots with lot sizes not less than 557 m2 each. The proposed RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zoning aligns with the Official Community Plan designation, however an OCP amendment is required as described below. The subject site (Appendix A) is currently designated "Agricultural", "Urban Residential" and "Park in the ALR" on the Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. Official Community Plan amendments to Schedules B and C are required for the following reasons: 1. To include the subject site (whole site) within the Urban Area Boundary (Schedule B); 2. To change the designation of land to the east of extended 201 Street from "Agricultural" to "Urban Residential" and "Conservation"(Schedule B); 3. To amend and re-designate the portion of the land west of extended 201St Street from "Park in the ALR" to "Neighbourhood Park" (Schedule B); and 4. To amend Schedule C to designate conservation lands around the Creek. The proposal also involves the acquisition of the "Neighbourhood Park" lands by the District. This is anticipated to be finalized prior to final reading of the above stated bylaws. RECOMMENDATIONS: That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on- going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development 1103 Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 2. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7069- 2014 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 as identified in Appendix B, be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013 as attached to the staff report dated March 18, 2013, be amended as identified in Appendix C attached to this report, be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading. i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "B" and "C"; iv. Park dedication for conservation as required; v. Registration of a Geotechnical Report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; vi. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement at the Land Title Office for the widening of the existing sanitary trunk sewer statutory right-of-way (NWP 62664); vii. Removal of the existing buildings; viii. An Engineer's certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided; ix. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; and x. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the property owner will provide a Site Profile for the subject land(s). -2- DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Nick & John Faber, Jent Construction Ltd. Jacqueline T Amato and Janis M Foerster Lot: 2, D.L.: 263, Plan: NWP13328; Group 1, Except Plan 16202, EXC PCL A EP14836 & PCL A PL BCP24879; Agricultural, Urban Residential, Parks in the ALR Urban Residential, Neighbourhood Park, Conservation Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), 66% and RS-1(One Family Urban Residential), 34%. Proposed: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential -Medium Density) Surrounding Uses: North South East: West: Use: Single Family Residential (active rezoning proposal 2013-039- RZ for single family residential use and conservation) Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural (in the ALR) Use: Single Family Residential, Park in the ALR and 201St Street Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential -Medium Density) Designation: Park and Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential and 202nd Street Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), 46% and RS-1(One Family Urban Residential), 54%. Designation: Urban Residential, Park in ALR and Agricultural Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications Single Family Residential accessed from Chatwin Avenue Single Family Residential; Municipal Neighbourhood Park and Conservation 2.648 Hectares (6.54 acres) new north-south 2015t extension and new cul-de-sac (123A Avenue) for the proposed new lots (1-13) and Chatwin Avenue for the existing single family house (lot 14) Full Urban Standard 2013-016-SD; 2013-016-DVP; 2013-016-SP and 2013-016-W PD P -3- b) Site Characteristics: The subject site (Appendix A) is located in the western Maple Ridge area, close to the Pitt Meadows boundary. The development proposal is within 50 metres from the Katzie Slough and a minor tributary, on the north and east (Appendix F). This triggers a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application, the purpose of which is for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A 15.0 metre environmental dedication, on both sides of the creek will be required, resulting in approximately one acre (4075 m2) area of land being dedicated back to the District for conservation purpose. There is an existing sewer right-of-way in the north-south direction through the subject site, which runs along the back yards of the existing single family neighbourhoods on the north. Originally this right-of-way ran through the undeveloped agricultural land and was adequate at the time but the proposed single family urban residential use will require this right-of-way to be widened by one metre on either side. The preliminary subdivision plan showing 16 lots had to be revised after comments were received from the Engineering Department. The proposed revised subdivision sketch now shows the new north-south 2015t Street extension aligned with the existing sanitary trunk sewer statutory right-of-way (NWP 62664), giving 13 single family lots zoned RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential -Medium Density). The portion west of the new north-south 201St Street extension will need to be acquired by the District for a municipal park (Appendix E). This will be finalized prior to final reading of the bylaws. The subject property is within the Fraser River floodplain. The Provincial mapping shows the flood construction level (FCL) for the subject site at 5.9 (without the 0.6m free-board). A Section 219 Flood Plain Restrictive Covenant will be required as a conditon of final approval of the proposed subdivision, to ensure that all the habitable spaces for all the proposed 13 lots are above the estalished FCL. Based on the Geotechnical Report recommendation, structural fill must be placed and compacted in advance of the building construction. This will allow all settlement to occur prior to building construction.The developer is seeking a"Soil Deposit Permit" to place structural fill on proposed lots 1-13 to achieve the required FCL for the footprints of the future single family houses. As a condition of the Soil Deposit Permit and prior to any site alterations, an archaeological permit; finalizing an ersosion sediment control plan and the required refundable security must be finalized. The subject site (Appendix A) is also flagged as an archaeological site, so the developer was required to submit an "Archaecological Impact Asessment" Report. An Archaeological Permit had to be acquired from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource operations prior to submitting a Soil Deposit Permit application. The role of the Archaeology branch is not to prohibit or impede land use and development, but rather to assist the Provincial Government and private sector in making decisions that will ensure effective management of archaeological resources as well as optimal land use. Their procedures section mentions that in cases where damage is unlikely, the referral agency or proponent will normally be advised that the Archaeology branch does not object to the development proceeding as proposed. It is rare that the Ministry will prohibit a development because of the presence of an archaeological site, however, some modifications to development plans may be recommended. If a site is significant enough that its preservation is considered more important than a proposed development, the Ministry will work with the property owner to find a reasonable compromise, and make sure any financial impact is kept to a minimum. The developer '� has acquired a"Site Alteration Permit" from the Ministry (Permit No. 2014-0020) dated January 29, 2014 and valid until March 31, 2017. The Katzie First Nations have been notified of this application and have had discussions with the developer. c) Proposed land use, road standards and subdivision: With respect to the proposed subdivision plan (Appendix E), the new north-south 2015t Street extension is proposed to be a local road (two travel lanes of 8.6 metre wide pavement, with sidewalk on both sides and parking on one side) within an 18 metre road right-of-way. This matches the existing road to the south, but given that the east side of the road will be adjacent to a neighbourhood municipal park, the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw requires a 20 metre collector standard road-right-of-way. The applicant is seeking a variance by proposing an 18.0 metre road right-of-way which is supported by the Planning, Engineering and Parks Departments. A Variance Permit application has been received and this will be discussed in a future Council report. As shown in Appendix E, the proposed 13 lots will be accessed via the 18.0 metre wide new north- south 2015t Street extension branching into a new cul-de-sac (123A Avenue) within a 15.0 metre road right-of-way. Proposed lots 6-13 will have an environmental buffer from the lands to the north (Appendix E and F). The proposed lot sizes for lots 1-13 vary in size from 557 m2 to 1524 m2. Some lot width variances are anticipated to accommodate the wedge shaped lots within the cul-de-sac area. Proposed lot 14 facing Chatwin Avenue is approximately 1700 m2 in size and hosts the existing single family house that is anticipated to be retained. A preliminary Geotechnical Assessment Report by "Golder Associates Ltd." dated July 30, 2013 and a revised version dated March 10, 2014 confirms that the land is safe for the proposed use, provided recommendations for the fill and foundations are followed. A Section 219 Restrictive Covenant with a consolidated Geotechnical Report will be registered on title as a condition of final reading of rezoning. d) Planning Analysis: Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy: The subject site (Appendix A) was removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in 2003. During the Regional Growth Strategy review, the property was designated "General Urban" and placed within the Region's Urban Containment Boundary. The parcel is also within the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District's Fraser Sewer Area so it can be serviced with municipal sanitary sewer. No Regional approvals are required for this development. Official Community Plan: The subject site (Appendix A) currently has multiple designations of "Agricultural" (59%), "Park in the ALR" (39%) and "Urban Residential" (2%). The following Official Community Plan amendments are required: -5- 1. To include the subject site (whole site) within the Urban Area Boundary (Schedule B); 2. To change the designation of land to the east of extended 201 Street from "Agricultural" to "Urban Residential" and "Conservation"(Schedule B); 3. To amend and re-designate the portion of the land west of extended 2015t Street from "Park in the ALR" to "Neighbourhood Park" (Schedule B); and 4. To amend Schedule C to designate conservation lands around the Creek. Item 1 above will align "Schedule B" of the Official Community Plan with the Regional land use designations identified in the Regional Context Statement. Item 2 above will make the designation consistent with what exists in the neighbourhood. The proposed RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential-Medium Density) zone aligns well with this designation and is consistent with the predominant zone within this neighbourhood. Item 3 above will reflect that the site has been excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The western part of the property (10,217 m2) designated "Park in the ALR" will be slightly reduced in size to 8,880 m2 and remain a municipal park as a continuation of "Boundary Park" which exists on the west of 201St Street, south of the subject site. This portion of the site needs to be re-designated to "Neighbourhood Park" as it has already been excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The proposed 2015t extension is aligned to the existing sanitary trunk sewer statutory right-of-way (NWP 62664) as explained above. The Golden Ears Bridge right-of-way exists on the western boundary of the subject property. Due to the existing site constraints outlined above, it is not possible to meet the current OCP proportion of the "park" designation. The proposed "Neighbourhood Park" designation will be slightly lesser than existing (Appendix D). The intention here is not to reduce the designated park area. The developer has done his best to meet the designation, under the circumstances. The existing "Boundary Park" on the south along with the proposed "Neighbourhood Park" through this application will be adequately large to serve the existing and future residents of this neighbourhood. This is supported by the Parks Department. Items 2 and 4 above are amendments to Schedules B and C of the Official Community Plan to re- designate lands for Conservation around Katzie Slough and the tributary and re-designate portions to be protected through dedication. A 15.0 metre environmental dedication is recommended on both sides of the creek. The conservation boundary will be adjusted based on an Environmental Assessment Report and the District's assessment of the site. Approximately one acre of the property will be dedicated as "Conservation" around the Katzie Slough and the tributary. Policy 6-12(b) of the Official Community Plan states: "Maple Ridge will protect the productivity of its agricultural land by requiring Agricultural Impact Assessments (AIAs) and Groundwater Impact Assessment of non- farm development and infrastructure projects and identifying measures to off-set impacts on agricultural capability". Given that the lands to the north; a) have been excluded from the ALR; b) are within the Region's Urban Containment Boundary and designated "General Urban" in the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy; c) are not currently in agricultural production, and d) have an active single family � residential use development application (2013-039-RZ); this requirement is recommended to be waived. Council granted first reading to the rezoning application 2013-039-RZ for the property on the north (20208 Mclvor Avenue) in September 2013. It is also noted that a 15.0 metres conservation dedication is proposed along the northern boundary (Appendix E) and the same will be expected of the development application 2013-039-RZ along the southern edge. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985: The RS-1b (One Family Urban Residential - Medium Density) zone requires a minimum lot area of 557 m2; a minimum lot width of 15 metres and a minimum lot depth of 27 metres. The proposed 13 single family lots are greater than 557 m2 and comply with the minimum depth required for each lot. It is anticipated that some lots may seek lot width variances as outlined below. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993: Any urban residential single family development is required to comply with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to provide the municipal servicing and road standards. The developer is seeking a road width variance as described below. Proposed Variances: The developer is requesting the following variances to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw and the Zoning Bylaw (RS-1b zone) in support of the proposed subdivision: • 201 Street width: Particular to the location of this site, the Subdivision Servicing and Development Servicing Bylaw requires a collector road standard of a 20 metre road-right-of-way for the north-south extension of 2015t Street (fronting on to the neighbourhood park). As explained earlier in this report, the proposed width of 201St Street extension is 18.0 metres, so a variance of 2.0 metres is being sought. The Engineering, Parks and Planning departments are in support of this variance as all the required urban services can be accommodated within the proposed 18.0 metre road right-of-way. • Lot width: It is anticipated that lot width variances may be required for a few lots to accommodate the wedge shaped lots around the proposed new cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac arrangement pinches the front of some of the lots making the widths smaller than the minimum required. These lots meet the area and depth required by the zone. The lot width variances are minor in nature and this practice is consistent with other applications serviced by a cul-de-sac. The above stated variances will be discussed in detail through a future Council report. -7- Development Permits: The development proposal is within 50 metres from the Katzie Slough and a minor tributary, on the north and east (Appendix F). Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for the subject site to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas around the tributary of the Katzie Slough and the Creek. This application has been received and is being processed. A 15.0 metres environmental dedication, on both sides of the creek will be required, resulting in approximately one acre (4075 m2) area of land being dedicated back to the District for conservation purpose. A three-tier storm water management system designed in accordance with the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006 and incorporating the following three components, is required. i. Rainfall Capture (Source Control), for Tier A events (the small rainfall events that are less than half the size of a mean annual rainfall (MAR), 90% of all rainfall events are Tier A events); ii. Runoff Control (Detention) for Tier B events (the large rainfall events that are greater than half the size of a MAR. but smaller than a MAR, about 10% of all rainfall events are Tier B events); and iii. Flood Risk Management (contain and convey), for Tier C events (the extreme rainfall events exceeding a MAR, a Tier C event may or may not occur in any given year) A Storm Water Management Plan is being reviewed for the proposed subdivision and will be required to be finalized prior to the final subdivision approval. Development Information Meeting: On January 26, 2013 the developer and his team of consultants held the "Development Information Meeting" at the Maple Ridge Christian Reformed Church at 20245 Dewdney Trunk Road from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. As per Council Policy 6.20, invitations were mailed to qualifying property owners, advertisements were placed in the local paper and a notice was attached to the development sign on site. All the proposed drawings were displayed for all interested residents. This meeting was attended by approximately 25 people who were supportive of the proposed land use and mainly had the following concerns summarized below: • Some expressed concerns about the amount of fill placed on the subject site and the finished grades of the future houses in comparison to the existing single family houses on the north and south; • Some had questions on the number of trees being cut and the number of new trees that would be added to the development; • Some had questions about the road layout, traffic congestion during pre-loading and construction and about any speed calming on 201St Street; • Some had questions about the existing retaining walls on the southern property boundary and if they will be repaired, removed or maintained; � • Some had questions regarding the existing right-of-way along the north side of the house to be retained, facing Chatwin Avenue; • Some had questions regarding the timing of the building of the "Neigbourhood Park" by the District; • Some had questions regarding the type of houses that may be built and the fencing treatment along the southern boundary of the subject site; and • Some had questions around the timing of the proposed subdivision approval and phasing. e) Environmentallmplications: Approximately one acre (15.29%) of the land will be dedicated as park for conservation purposes. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit is being processed in support of this proposal which will include enhancement, restoration and re-vegetation work within the setback areas. An "Enhancement and Protection Agreement" outlining refundable securities to complete the works and maintenance for 5 years including a Storm Water Management Restrictive Covenant will be required prior to approval of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. f) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and confirms that all the deficient off-site services, including the required road dedication, are being provided through the Subdivision Servicing Agreement. The proposed subdivision layout was revised to align the north-south 201St Street extension with the existing sanitary trunk sewer statutory right-of-way (NWP 62664). The Engineering Department has no concerns with the proposed land use and subdivision. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have reviewed the proposed subdivision plan and are in support of the neighbourhood park location. The District will need to acquire the portion designated as "Neighbourhood Park" (8,880 m2). This is anticipated to be finalized prior to final reading on the bylaws. Any new street trees along the north-south 201St Street extension and the new cul-de-sac (123A Avenue) will be added to the Street Tree inventory. This will be finalized prior to the final subdivision approval. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The applicant has ensured that all these will be addressed through the Building Permit drawings. The Fire Department has no concerns with the proposed land use and subdivision. � Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The applicant has ensured that all these will be addressed prior to final approval of the proposed subdivision. The suject property is within the Fraser River floodplain area. The Provincial mapping shows the flood construction level (FCL) for the subject site at 5.9 metres (without the 0.6m free-board). Building Department is in support of the established FCL. The existing adjacent single family houses in the neighbourhood are at a lower FCL, (i.e. 5.35 metres). A Section 219 Flood Plain Restrictive Covenant will be required as a conditon of final approval of the proposed subdivision, to ensure that all the habitable spaces of each single family house on the proposed 13 lots is above the estalished FCL for the site. g) School District Comments: A referral was sent to the School District 42 office. No comments were received. h) Intergovernmentallssues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application (housing-keeping amendment to the Urban Area Boundary and Park designations; and Conservation boundary adjustments); is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and is determined to have no impact. i) Citizen/Customer Implications: A Development Information Meeting was conducted on January 26, 2013 where the neighbours had an opportunity to express their concerns. This along with a future Public Hearing is considered adequate opportunities for citizens to voice their concerns regarding the proposed development. CONCLUSION: The subject site (Appendix A) was excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in 2003. The Regional Growth Strategy designates the property as "General Urban" and the subject site is within the Region's Urban Containment Boundary. The parcel is also within the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District's Fraser Sewer Area so it can be serviced with the municipal -10- sanitary sewer. The proposed amendments to Schedule B of the Official Community Plan will reflect that the site has been excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and that it is within the Region's Urban Containment Boundary. The amendment will also ensure it is included in the Urban Area Boundary (UAB) on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. The western part of the property designated "Park in the ALR" will be amended and re-designated as "Neigbourhood Park" and acquired by the District for the extension of the existing "Boundary Park" on the south. The developer has aligned the 201St Street extension with the existing sewer right-of-way. This application will trigger the acquisition of additional parkland (extension of the existing "Boundary Park") which will prove to be a significant asset for this neighbourhood. The development proposal fits well with the existing neighbourhoods on the south, west and the active proposed development (2013-039-RZ) on the north. An environmental dedication and enhancement of a tributary to the Katzie Slough will add some conservation land to the District's i nventory. Official Community Plan amendments are required as described in this report and justification has been provided to support the Official Community Plan amendments. Some minor variances as described in this report will be required in support of the proposed subdivision. These variances are supported by the Engineering, Parks and Planning Departments, and will be discussed in detail in a future Council report. It is, therefore, recommended that Council grant first and second reading to the OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 (Appendix B) and second reading to the revised Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013 as amended (Appendix C), and that application 2013-016-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Rasika Acharya" Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UDC, LEEDO AP, MCIP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Jim Charlebois" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.I. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7069-2014 Appendix C- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013 Appendix D- Proposed Neighbourhood Park area overlaid on the OCP map Appendix E- Proposed Subdivision Plan Appendix F- Environmental setback map -11- APPENDIX A District of Langley � ! � 20178 CHATWIN AVENUE i �� ;� i� '; o � CORPORATION OF ��� �- THE DISTRICT OF �o i - � MAPLE RIDGE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Scale: 1:2,000 � `� ��, __`" —�--L� '_�`--'° �(� DATE: Feb 21, 2013 FILE: 2013-016-RZ BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7069-2014 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "B" &"C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7033-2013. 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Except portions in: Plan 16202; Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 14836); Parcel "A" (Plan BCP24879); Group 1 District Lot 263, Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 13328 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 868, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended to include the land within the Urban Area Boundary; and and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 869, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by re-designating to "Urban Residential" and "Neighbourhood Park" and "Conservation". 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Except portions in: Plan 16202; Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 14836); Parcel "A" (Plan BCP24879); Group 1 District Lot 263, Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 13328 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 870, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding to "Conservation". 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the READ A SECOND TIME the PUBLIC HEARING HELD the READ A THIRD TIME the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of day of ,20 . , 2014. , 2014. , 20 . , 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER I �lyA 'LQ 6 VJ 5472 ,` V i246i N 12451 F o � 5 @c 21 � � gg �2Q s' tio�.5 0,��`' c� p / s, ti � a 5 10 I i2aai aa23�s8 / 32 �2pss �2gs � i2ae� 9 � 4 22 � 2 i2aeo —— -- — — R 00�55 4'9 �A2 46 _ McivoR,avE. LMP 4 518 � —— N i23asi i2asgZ3 T— 30 �2g3g 724q2 47 2aaa 32 33 �--- � lo �2426 �2 4g 45 o i2as� F i2aao o F � �U izazi 24 � I 2g�2429 42849 2a z �2aso � � 31 0 34 a 8 U �m 2 izai 25 o I 12419 1pq76 BCP 058744 ° 41 0 �2a2a � �2a2srea m I i2�aii i2aoa �I 28 50 43aia a a 30 35 26 m � 272aos �2aos i2a2i �2a22 51 42aoa 86 � 29 36 EXISTING URB N ' � P21483 �24�� �Z4o2 2� AREA BO ND RY ; � Rem. 1 ?$399 ,24 0' � 85 �/ PROPOSED URBAN 2� 3$ a � AREA BOUNDARY M�2389 12392 M I � 26383 123 29 0 � P21 � I 25 �I 12375 40 � 41 � I N N � I ' � O O ��� P13328 N II � Rem 2 N � N � N 2� I � P 16960 876' Rem E � 2 I I MP 36 � 1 �,o �0 2 � � B P2 168 �S �S� s / ' — — EP 8409 f — — I� f �26 15� �14 �3 °^ �2 � P8�0 9$� EP840�\ P64317 ti°���N I� � l�� N A R A 'o '� N N �� al �`'a w`' \� �'�0\ Rem 1 N 1 I(V i".' N N Zp1g� �5. 6�i-��°'� ^ry�L ct�6+ \ oN �O� �2 9 �� � BO�I N DAR T� 3A�E. ,o ,ZZBo °s ��Q 4 ��m 2 0 6 20�ea 5 iz2�2 i' BE REMO E 22� � 2°"s '22'3 1226610 P430 0 0 � � �22 5���` 8�� 9 � 412269 r 11 � 92 93 \ 94 s /� � s� v 3 `� 12 0�0 'S' I � �2262 4 Q 7 � p 963 a 12265 N �22so P 430 3� Fo � 'z2s8 3.� �$ 19m �20 2izzsi � ��a LMP 26080 � � �� LMP 2639 013 N 14 m M� � I LMP 44171 �22s4 2 N N N 1 �225� N N N ry N A �225� �2250 � �� 2�Q� TELEPAVE. � i22ai C �1'(� �°� � 21izzsi g v -a LMC �`� F �`� o � � 25 0 o N ° � ZO � Z� N N C O N N �ZZ33 N N N N N MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 7069-2014 Map No. 868 Purpose: To Amend Urban Area Boundary as Shown Existing — — — — Remove � � Proposed N 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No Map No. Fro m: • � .�.�.�. ���� 7069-2014 869 Agriculture and Park InThe ALR Urban Residential Conservation � Park — — Urban Area Boundary N 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No Map No. 7069-2014 870 Purpose: To Add as Conservation to Schedule C — — Urban Area Boundary N 1:2,500 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. No. 6978-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6978-2013." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Except portions in: Plan 16202; Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 14836); Parcel "A" (Plan BCP24879); Group 1 District Lot 263, Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 13328 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1585, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 19th day of March, A.D. 2013. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the , A.D. 2014. , A. D. 20 . , A.D. 20 . day of , A.D. 20 . day of , A. D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6978-2013 Map No. 1585 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) — — Urban Area Boundary N SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX D . � � I i 1411 � '-•, - - �� 12415 � � 1 n 1 4D8 � 2�zaa� �3 "�. '� Q� 2� 1 4�B o w ��421 12 0 0 5.� 1�72405 N w N �L J � z I Q cn 2� 411 12 � / ^TUB RI � � � � DGE �� , � , _ � -- , - � -- , � � � � � �� 124 " � � �. 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TRUNK 23 q VENUE 20178 CHATWIN AVE , REM 2, TOTAL AREA 3.051 Ha PL13328 � � � .,0 23.6 I � ' ',a � am� N �3.4o CHATWIN AVE �iNnRiA�v Ai��n REcoNciuA�io�� � �A��s �oEo ro R�P��AN �Ea �A� ,o �> _ ass a4m� � � ���>> REMo�Eo �oM a�PAa�A� AREA «, ,o R3, _��, ezmz _M�N��PA�PaaK �aaaom� � APPENDIX E � ,:soo � OPT��N 2 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION P�AN FEB 17 2014 APPENDIX F � , �� � f �� � �_. � � , . .__ _ —� 1�4�+. � '� / �� { � _ � ' - 97 dGU ��_ � } � 1 _ �� ���� �_ ru�ir,�r�:, ��� -LP ,� , . i — — — — — _ =�i�- �� - '�`'-- ��-;`—s�'- _ —'-""-- �`f *- � _ ./ �� 4 — — — � 1�4�. � I �r»���� ��� � T }� � � 1��5 � y �' � ti ; _: ,� � i i- ` w � s � � *�r� ; �� ��� r ,� - =S � � ic$e" I ` . �� �' I �� � '�- �� � - � c� t� �T �� i - a�� � - Y �,� � i�aaa }f .`��', �1 {y :34 � I� � � i�41p7•y �� �' �� ,� 1��� � � 12�fi�r. �_i I L� Cn I � 5 c� � I #�-: � I �41" � �I I �� �� 1��1 = � � - 4 - �^ � PCI_ 1 III 1_ � =a���d � ���Y ' - _ �3 � , -- - _ _ - � _, f ' � 42 � � ~ � — , r i . 3& � � ��"_ ��. ���� � =-- �- � . ,�: 1+Vatercouses on north � �`� s ! ��3 � 3? �• -} � 1��� wvest sideswith 15 m setback � ALR lands - ,;� Y'� x . 3� ��� _ � a-, •=}s:. i��s� `�' ��`..•"`''"`�;+�. � � ¢ �= , � , �-- w c� �fi r �� � � ��� � - cv _ I 1_asz ; �.{ ;"� � I I, ,�, �_ ' � �,�� �' �.1 G5� ' ' . �� - �� �� ' �, a � I� * . ;� �9� + � � _ �F � � � �J r . 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THE �I�TF�I�T �F � f�1APLE RID�E �_A\11v �=�A�Th'=\T CATE : F�b �6, �01� FILE : U ntitl�� BY: RS � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 FILE N0: 2012-102-RZ MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6965-2013 25638 112 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the portion of the subject property located outside of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a future subdivision into four (4) RS-2 lots and one RS-3 lot remaining in the ALR This application received first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 on March 12, 2013 and second reading on March 25, 2014. The site is identified by the Agricultural Land Commission as one of the "Remnant Properties" in their comments concerning the Albion Flats Concept Plan. The applicant was given the option of proceeding with an exclusion application on the rear portion of the development site ahead of rezoning. The applicant did not choose to do the exclusion; therefore, instead of rezoning from RS-3 to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and A-1 (Small Holding Agricultural), the northern portion located in the ALR will retain its current RS-3 zoning. This report is being brought forward because the bylaw granting second reading on March 25, 2014 contained an error - the map schedule correctly showed the front being rezoned from RS-3 to RS-2 and the rear retaining RS-3; however the bylaw text still referred to the A-1 Zone. This inconsistency needs to be corrected by rescinding second reading, amending the bylaw and granting second reading to the amended bylaw before being advanced to Public Hearing. The southern portion is proposed to be subdivided into 4 RS-2 lots. The proposed RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zoning complies with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 be rescinded; 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 be amended as identified in the staff report dated April 7, 2014, be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 1104 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; Road dedication as required; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a Tree Protection/Steep Slope Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office; Registration of a Agricultural Impact Assessment report and a Landscaping Plan for a buffer along the Agricultural Land Reserve Boundary at the Land Title Office; Entering into a Restoration and Enhancement Agreement for the unconstructed portion of the 256 Street allowance abutting the site; Removal of the existing building/s; viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. ix. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the property owner will provide a Site Profile for the subject land(s). DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Paul Hayes Walter and Karoline Heckmann Lot 8, Section 13, Township 12, Plan 8336 Agricultural, Suburban Residential Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) -2- Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Single Family Residential in ALR Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural Use: Single Family Residential in ALR Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant, forested Proposed Use of Property: Residential Site Area: 4.047 Ha (10 acres) Access: Non-ALR lots: Bosonworth Avenue ALR lot: 112 Avenue Servicing requirement: Non-ALR lots: Municipal water and on-site septic disposal; ALR lot: Well water and on-site septic disposal b) Project Description: The subject property slopes down from Bosonworth Avenue northward through the ALR and to 112 Avenue. The property is currently forested, except for a clearing at the northern end. A small existing structure will be removed prior to final reading. The site is serviced with a well and septic fields. The applicant proposes to rezone the southern portion of the property that is not in the ALR from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential. This will permit the creation of about 4 lots having an area of 0.45 Ha (1.1 acres) each fronting along Bosonworth Avenue. The northern 2.22 Ha (5.5 acres) portion of the property within the Agricultural Land Reserve will retain its RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone. The attached preliminary site plan shows the lot layout, proposed building envelopes and on-site septic disposal areas (Appendix C). This subdivision does not require Agricultural Land Commission approval because Section 10 (1) (d) of the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulations allows the Approving Officer to establish a legal boundary along the boundary of the Agricultural Land Reserve. -3- c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The southern portion of the development site is currently designated Suburban Residential and the northern portion located and being subdivided along the Agricultural Land Reserve boundary is currently designated Agricultural. The proposed rezoning complies with the established designations. Zoning Bylaw: The application proposes to rezone the southern portion of the property located at 25638 112 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit four 0.45 Ha (1.1 acre) RS-2 lots, and a remnant 2.22 Ha (5.5 acres) RS-3 parcel in the Agricultural Land Reserve. The proposed lots will comply with Zoning Bylaw requirement for lot area, width and depth. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw: 256 Street is an unconstructed road to the west of the subject site. Due to excessive grade, the Engineering Department determined it cannot be built within municipal road standards and a development variance permit is required to dispense with its construction. Engineering is supportive of this variance. A separate report will be forwarded to Council on this matter at a future date. The road allowance contains a water pumping station at the bottom of the hill on 112 Avenue, and municipal water main from the station up the hill to Bosonworth Avenue and then further south to the Grant Hill Reservoir. Development Information Meetin�: A development Information Meeting was not required because the proposed subdivision will result in fewer than 25 dwelling units. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, a Natural Feature Development Permit is required to address excessive sloping conditions on portions of the site. This development permit will be coordinated with these landscaping requirements: • Restoration and enhancement plantings will be undertaken by the applicant in lieu of plantings on the subject site and another to the south (2011-002-RZ). This planting will be designed not to impact the recently installed water main and to stabilize the sloping 256 Street right-of-way. � • Landscaping will be planted along the rear of the proposed 4 lots and on the eastern side of the easternmost lot to create a buffer with the Agricultural Land Reserve in accordance with the Landscaping Buffer Specification established by the Agricutural Land Commission. d) Environmentallmplications: The site is covered by a tree canopy that increases in intensity from north (along 112 Avenue) to south (along Bosonworth Avenue). The site is characterized by slopes between 10 and 25 percent. The southeastern portion of the site has excessive sloping (more than 25%) conditions. Therefore, the proposed eastern lot will be subject to a Tree Protection/Steep Slope Restrictive Covenant to be registered on title as a third reading condition. The Arborist Report and Tree Survey identify trees to be removed to provide envelopes for building sites and septic fields. Plans have been submitted identifying these envelopes. These envelopes will need to be adjusted for best practices as part of fulfilling subdivision conditions, particularly on the easternmost lot. A geotechnical engineer must insure that any lot grading will have no impact on slope stability. A combination of Development Permit and Restoration and Enhancement Agreement will be used to protect sensitive sloping areas and provide the specification for the necessary plantings to maintain slope stability on the site and along the 256 Street right-of-way. e) Agriculturallmpact: Policy 6-12 b) strives to protect the productivity of agricultural lands by "requiring agricultural impact assessments (AIAs) and Groundwater Impact Assessment of non-farm development and infrastructure projects and identifying measures to off-set impacts on agricultural capability." An Agricultural Impact Assessment report has been provided that satisfies District requirements for this purpose. This report confirms that there will be no direct or indirect drainage, water quality, noise and traffic impact on the agricultural area. A Landscaping Buffer Plan in accordance with ALC and District standards will be completed by the applicant. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant, with the Agricultural Impact Assessment report, a Landscaping Buffer Plan and submission of a security, is a third reading requirement. f) Interdepartmentallmplications: Building Department: Comments from Building include: referencing the 2012 Building Code in the Geotechnical Report, insuring building permits are obtained to demolish existing buildings, and insuring the final site grading plan provides for smooth grade transitions between lots. -5- Engineering Department: Comments from Engineering have identified some off-site requirements that the applicant needs to address. These include: road widening along 112 and Bosonworth Avenues, and the construction of Bossonworth Avenue (currently a gravel road) to a rural standard. Engineering further advises that the location and design of each driveway be reviewed to avoid excessive driveway grades. Fire Department: Due to heavy tree cover, Fire requires adequate clearance to each future residential dwelling. When constructed, the driveways will need to be clear of vegetation 6 metres wide and minimum 5 metres high with a 5 metre wide drivable surface. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013 have second reading rescinded, be amended as identified in the staff report dated April 7, 2014, be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw Appendix C - Site Plan � APPENDIX A District of Langley � ' � 25638 112 AVENUE i �� ;� i� '; o �t CORPORATION OF ��� � THE DISTRICT OF �o i • � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Scale: 1:3,000 � `� ��, __`" —�--L� '_�`--'° �(� DATE: Feb 25, 2013 FILE: 2012-102-RZ BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6965-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6965-2013." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 8 Section 13 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8336 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1579 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 12t" day of March, 2013. READ a second time the 25t" day of March , 2014 PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the , 2014. , 2014. day of , 2014. day of , 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No Map No. Fro m: To: 6965-2013 1579 RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) N SCALE 1:2,500 ENDIX C T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: DVP/013/10 Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW Development Variance Permit 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application DVP/013/10 has been received in support of subdivision application SD/013/10 for the above noted properties in Silver Valley to develop 75 single family and street townhouse residential lots. The requested variances are: 1. to reduce the road right-of-way and carriageway widths to meet the Silver Valley road standards for an Eco Clusters development; 2. to increase the maximum building height to 11.0 metres for the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), R-1 (Residential District), and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots; and 3. to reduce the rear yard setback from 8 metres to 6 metres for the R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots that back onto park land (green belt). It is recommended that Development Variance Permit DVP/013/10 be approved. Council considered rezoning application RZ/013/10 and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on March 23, 2010. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724-2010 and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on November 27, 2012. This application was presented at Public Hearing on December 11, 2012, and Council granted third reading on December 11, 2012. Council granted a first extension on December 10, 2013. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application RZ-013-10 at the next Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/013/10 respecting property located at 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description Damax Consultants Ltd. Insignia Homes Silvervalley 2 Ltd. Lot: 76, Section: 32, Township: 12, Plan: BCP27885 Lot: 80, Section: 32, Township: 12, Plan: BCP27885 Lot: A, Section: 29, Township: 12, Plan: EPP27906 1105 OCP: Zoning: Existing: Eco Clusters and Conservation Proposed: Eco Clusters, Conservation and Neighbourhood Park Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD-3-98 Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), and P-1 (Park and School) Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Previous Applications: b) Requested Variance: Single Family Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Eco Clusters, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Agricultural, ALR Single Family Residential, Park R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1 (Residential District), RS- 3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Conservation Vacant, under application for Eco Clusters development (2013-010-SD) R-1 (Residential District), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Conservation Vacant, previously Single Family Residential Single-Family Residential, Street Townhouse Residential, Park and Neighbourhood Park 10.55 hectares (26.1 acres) 136 Avenue at Nelson Peak Drive Urban Standard for Eco Clusters development, RZ/013/10, 2013-116-SD, DP/013/10, 2012-089-DP RZ/070/06, SD/070/06, SD/013/10, 2011-085-SD 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993: a. Schedule "B", Highway Classification 3. (Minor Street, Urban Standard) and Highway Classification 4. (Cul-de-sac, Urban Standard); and -2- b. Schedule "C", Section 3.5 Roads, SD-R1 Urban Local Street and SD-R8 Typical Cul-de-sacs. to reduce the road right-of-way requirement for Nelson Peak Drive (local road) from 18.0 metres and to vary Nelson Court (cul-de-sac) from 15.0 metres, and to reduce the required road carriageway width from 8.6 metres for both road types. On Nelson Peak Drive the applicant is proposing road right-of-way widths of 16.2 metres and 16.0 metres; and to reduce the road carriageway width to 8.0 metres and 7.3 metres. On Nelson Court the applicant is proposing road right-of-way widths of 14.5 metres and 13.0 metres; and to reduce the road carriageway width to 8.0 metres and 7.3 metres. 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985, Part 6, Sections 601. C.(9)(b) and (11)(b), and 601C(F.)(1,) to vary the maximum building height requirement to 11.0 metres for the RS- 1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), R-1 (Residential District), and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985, Part 6, Sections 601. C. (11)(c)(ii) to reduce the rear yard setback from 8.0 metres to 6.0 metres for the R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots that back onto park land (green belt). c) Project Description: The subject site is an Eco Clusters development of 75 lots located southwest of the Blaney Hamlet within the Silver Valley Area Plan and is accessed from 136 Avenue. As per the Eco Clusters guidelines, each lot fronts and backs onto green space and pockets of development are sited to protect existing vegetation and provide view corridors. The access for the development is a long cul- de-sac from 136 Avenue with a neighbourhood park located at the end on the high point of the site. The proposed roads on the site are designed to meet the intent of the Silver Valley Road Classifications for Eco Clusters developments. Emergency access roads will connect this development with the similar Eco Clusters developments to the east and west. The right-of-way for the emergency access road will follow a portion of the old driveway and it will also incorporate the equestrian trail and sanitary sewer right-of-way. The site is bounded by Cattell Brook on the east and south sides with ponds in the southeast corner, and setbacks of 30 metres have been established from the top-of-bank of these features. Steep slopes surround the developable portion of the site and include the area known as Nelson Peak on the northwest corner of the site. The watercourse setback and slope areas will be dedicated as Park and the lands to the south are within the Agricultural Land Reserve. Running concurrently with this application are the Rezoning and Subdivision applications; an Environmental Development Permit for watercourse and natural features protection; a Multi-Family Residential Development Permit for the two RST (Street Townhouse Residential) four-plex buildings; and an Intensive Residential Development Permit for the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zoned lots. A Restrictive Covenant for building design will be required for the two duplex-style street townhouse buildings. -3- d) Planning Analysis: Roads: The Silver Valley Area Plan land use designation for the developable portion of this site is Eco Clusters. The proposed roads on the site meet the intent of the Silver Valley Road Classifications for Eco Clusters developments. They are adapted to the site topography and are more rural in character with a reduced right-of-way, reduced pavement widths, no parking on the parkette frontages and parking pull-outs where suitable. The variances are consistent with the Portrait Homes Eco Clusters development to the east (Hampstead). The following road types are proposed: • an entry road (Nelson Peak Drive) with a 16.2 metre right-of-way, 8.0 metres pavement, sidewalks on both sides and no parking; • the three loop roads surrounding the Parkette areas have an 11.7 metre right-of-way, with 7.3 metres pavement width, and parking and sidewalk on the residential side only; • the road between the "entrance loop" and the "lower loop" has a 16.0 metre right-of-way, 7.3 metres pavement width and sidewalks on both sides; • the cul-de-sac road has a 13.0 metre right-of-way, 7.3 metres pavement width, and sidewalk on one side. The pavement widens to 14.5 metres for pocket parking pull-outs. Building Height: The applicant's reasons for the requested height variance include: • The existing slopes on the site create problems when trying to achieve the overall design theme that Portrait Homes has used with the existing building forms in their adjacent development; • The requested variance relates more to increase in ceiling heights and roof forms and higher roof pitches than increased massing of the actual building; • The variance will eliminate the need to artificially manipulate the grades at the building corners; • The R-1, RS-1b and R-3 lots will have a building height consistent with the adjacent Street Townhouse buildings, which have a maximum building height of 11.0 metres; • The steep slopes on this site make it difficult to achieve the building type as noted above without artificially regrading and manipulating the site with the use of extensive retaining walls. The applicant has provided and demonstrated that the variances will allow them to achieve a high design standard that has been established with their Silver Ridge development. The requested variances are consistent with other developments in the area and are supported by staff. Rear Yard Setback: The applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the rear yard setback from 8.0 metres to 6.0 metres for the R-1 zoned lots 1-6, 34, 35, 47, 48, 54-56 and 63-72. All these lots back onto park land or future park land. The land to the rear of lots 63-68 will be dedicated as park when the subdivision on that site to the west is approved. The forested areas behind the lots will provide an increased sense of space which justifies the decrease in rear yard depth, and the reduced setback will be consistent with the rear yard setback of 6.0 metres permitted for the R-1, R-3 and RST zones. The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. Such flexibility can allow an applicant to sensitively fit a project to a challenging site. � e) Interdepartmentallmplications: The Engineering and Fire Departments both provided input in discussions with the Planning department and the applicant's consultants to establish road types and road widths that meet the intent of the Silver Valley Area Plan, and to ensure that they meet safety, access and servicing requirements. On-street parking with in the Eco Clusters development will be provided in specific `pocket-parking' areas, and will not be permitted on some sections of road where unimpeded two- way traffic is required. The Engineering and Fire Departments are in support of the proposed road widths. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed variances for reduced road widths, increased building height and reduced rear yard setbacks are supported by the Planning and Engineering departments, and the Approving Officer. The proposed road variances meet the intent of the Silver Valley Road Classifications for Eco Clusters developments and are consistent with the standards applied in other Eco Clusters developments in the vicinity. The proposed building height and rear setback variances are consistent with most new development in the Blaney Hamlet. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit VP/013/10. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Subdivision Plan Appendix C - Road Variances Appendix D- Building Height Variances Appendix E- Rear Yard Setback Variances -5- N District of Langley � 22830/50 & 22942 136 AVENUE 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:3,000 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Feb 20, 2014 FILE: DP/013/10 BY: PC L� ��., . : ` �� �-� d�°� a°° APPEN DIX C �- � — ___.�,�.�� ��� �. i ,.. A �'-.•,_ ';��' �"J�)���tQ•'�i 1-c�-M -: , . , . . .- " °" , �..` ��--�... 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T'QI. 224-682i Fax 689-3880 � �` " �' k `- � ` � l- ' � {,• — –_ — �������� • �� N ,� FEB 10 2014 MApLE RIDGE �" ANiJIP1C� D� P-1Y�i I�rIENT h�l�PCE RID9E �ll�h qeyrhY • .� District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: DP and DVP/107/10 Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit and Development Variance Permit 23657 and 23651 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Permit and Development Variance Permit applications have been received in support of a rezoning application (RZ/107/10), for the subject site (Appendix A) consisting of a 4.88 acre consolidated lot area. The subject site is located at 23657 and 23651 132 Avenue, just outside of the "River Village" Hamlet Centre, within the Silver Valley Area Plan. The proposal is to permit the future construction of 69 townhouse units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone and a single family house in the south-east corner in the RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone. The proposed design of townhouses is subject to the "Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines" as per Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. This Development Permit application is to regulate the form and character of the 69 townhouse units and the Development Variance Permit application is to vary some setbacks, storeys and height of the units and the maximum height of two retaining walls, as described in this report. Council considered rezoning application RZ/107/10 and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6779-2010 on January 11, 2011. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6778-2010 on January 22, 2013, and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6779-2010 on January 22, 2013. This application was presented at Public Hearing on February 19, 2013, and Council granted third reading on February 26, 2013. Council granted a first extension on February 25, 2014. The final reading report on rezoning application RZ/107/10 will be considered at the Council meeting of March 25, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/107/10 respecting property located 23657 and 23651 132 Avenue; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/107/10 respecting property located at 23657 and 23651 132 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Wayne Bissky Michael Karton 1106 Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Lot: A, Section: 28, Township: 12, Plan: 23796; PID: 009-289- 941 and Lot: B, Section 28, Township: 12, Plan 23796; PID: 009-290-214 Medium-High Density Residential, Conservation and Open Space RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Consolidated Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications: b) Site and Project Description: and RS-1 (One Family Urban 133�d Avenue and Single Family Residential R-1(Residential District) zone Medium-High Density Residential 132nd Avenue and Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Conservation, Low Density Residential, Open Space and Medium-High Density Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Conservation, Low Density Residential and Medium-High Density Residential Existing Single Family Residential and future townhouse proposal by Portrait Homes Rock Ridge Ltd. RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential); and proposed RM-1(Townhouse Residential) Medium-High Density Residential Vacant Multi-Family Residential (Townhouses), Conservation and Single Family Residential (south east corner) 1.97 Hectares (4.88 acres). 133rd Avenue and 132nd Avenue Urban Standard RZ/107/10 and 2012-045-DP (WPDP) The development site (Appendix A) is located just outside of the "River Village" Hamlet Centre, within the Silver Valley Area Plan and consists of two legal lots with a consolidated lot area of 4.88 acres. Consolidation of the lots has been finalized along with park dedication of the conservation lands around Maple Ridge Park Creek, as a condition of final reading of the rezoning application (RZ/107/10). The site gradually slopes down from the north east corner to the south and south west corner. A tributary of Maple Ridge Park Creek runs diagonally through the south east portion of the southern lot. The Environmentally sensitive area around this creek is being protected through park dedication within the 15.0 metre setback from the top of bank, on both sides of the creek. The log house on the -2- southern property which was within the required environmental setback area has been demolished. The existing equestrian trail along the south side of 132nd Avenue will remain and may need widening and upgrading when the properties on the south develop. A new multi-purpose trail (Appendix B) will be built in future within the dedicated conservation area of the subject site. This trail is anticipated to connect to Cedar Park (on the east) when the property on the east (23711 132nd Avenue) of subject site develops in future. The multi-purpose trail is anticipated to enhance the pedestrian connections for all the residents within this neighbourhood. The proposed Site Plan (Appendix B) shows main access to the site from 133rd Avenue leading through the site to connect to 132nd Avenue on the south. A mail-box kiosk is proposed closer to 132nd Avenue (near Block 9 and the visitor parking stalls), in a visible location (Appendix F). A total of 69 townhouse units (ranging in size from 1154 ft2 to 2101 ft2) are proposed in 16 blocks. Each block is made of 3 to 5 attached units. All the proposed units are serviced by a 6.0 metre wide strata road with sidewalk on one side. Blocks 1, 2 and 3 facing 133rd Avenue have a street presence with direct pedestrian walkways to the municipal road. Each unit has its own parking in either a tandem arrangement or a two car garage, giving a total of 138 parking spaces for residents. The proposal shows a reasonable balance of tandem and 2-car garage units (i.e. 34.78% or 24 units are proposed with a 2-car double wide garage, while the remaining 45 units are proposed with a 2-car tandem garage). All the units have driveway aprons of varying lengths. The visitor parking stalls (18 stalls instead of the required 14 stalls, including three handicapped parking stalls) have been distributed near Block 4, 8, 10, 14 and 16 (Appendix B). Two Community gardens along with a shed and composting area are proposed near Blocks 9, 10 and 12, facing west and the mail-boxes are proposed near Block 9 close to 132nd Avenue in a visible location (Appendix B and F). The proposed building materials include: cedar shakes, vinyl siding; vinyl windows; cultured stone veneer; duroid roofing shingles; painted wood trims, fascia boards, brackets, railing and skirt boards; aluminum railing and prefinished metal gutter and downspout (Appendix C). The site soils are not suitable for infiltration of storm water run-off due to their low permeability. As a result, the proposed rain and storm water management scheme utilizes a combination of water detention, reduction and quality control through rain gardens, absorbent landscaping, bio-swales, water retention through drainage trenches (central green space between units in the back yards), permeable pavers for the side walk of the strata road and visitor parking stalls and staggered landscaped beds with a 45 cm top soil for ground cover. A Storm Water Management Restrictive Covenant showing all these areas along with guidelines for maintenance by the future strata is being registered on title. A balance of native, decorative and low maintenance planting species have been proposed to differentiate between private, semi-private and public spaces (Appendix F). The total proposed usable open space and common activity area (7,490.8 mz) are designed for active and passive recreation of the future residents and meets the requirement of the proposed zone. This amenity area on site shows resilient play surFace with mushroom seating and crawl tube play structure and benches in and around the centrally located tot lot (Appendix F). c) Planning Analysis: The proposed design of townhouses will have to be consistent with the "Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines" for form and character as per Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. -3- Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines: This proposal has been assessed with respect to the following key Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines: New development into established areas should respect private spaces and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. The proposed building materials such as cedar shakes, vinyl siding and windows; cultured stone veneer; duroid roofing shingles; painted wood trims, fascia boards, brackets and railing are all compatible with the surrounding existing and proposed development. The proposed building form, height and massing fit well with single family houses to the north and the future townhouses on the west. A variety of unit types (unit type A-H) along with variation in colour scheme provide well articulated blocks. The landscaped areas on site help articulate the building massing and foster an attractive relationship between the built and open spaces. ■ Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. There is no higher density proposed in the vicinity. The subject site is anticipated to be surrounded by similar townhouse units on the west and possibly on the northern portion of the eastern property. On the west is a proposed 61 unit townhouse development in the RM-1 zone. The northern portion of the property on the east (23711 132nd Avenue) is designated "Medium Density Residential" so it is likely that a similar form of housing may be supported. On the north, across 133rd Avenue are existing single family houses zoned R-1 (Residential District). Some single family and street townhouse are proposed west of 236t" Street, further south. The proposed townhouses on the subject site are ground-oriented units that fit well as a transition between the surrounding existing development of small lot single family and proposed multi-family use on the west. There is a reasonable balance of tandem (65.22% tandem) and 2-car double wide units. The architectural features, colour schemes, and materials have been chosen in careful consideration of surrounding existing developments and will prove to be complimentary. ■ Large scale development should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community and improve visual attractiveness. A total of 16 blocks have been proposed with landscaped areas in between to avoid a monotonous streetscape and create architectural separation between the clusters. Livability and visual attractiveness is further enhanced by creating semi-private green spaces in the rear yards of all the units and a common amenity area on site (Appendices B and E). This amenity area (semi-public space) offers both active play area (tot lot) and passive recreational area for the residents of this development. The two Community Garden along with a shed and composting area, proposed in the western area near Blocks 10 and 12, fosters a sense of community and encourages residents to be sustainable. A balance of native, decorative and low maintenance planting species have been proposed to differentiate between private, semi-private and public spaces and to achieve effective architectural separation. The entry-sign (Myron's Muse) and nine new street trees facing 133ra Avenue are proposed to improve the streetscape and visual attractiveness of the subject site (Appendix E). !l'! ■ Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Units facing 133rd Avenue are proposed to have individual walkways and front gate statements to improve the street presence. Pedestrian walkways within the site, side walks on one side of the strata road, and sidewalks along 133rd and 132nd Avenues should improve the overall pedestrian connectivity and safety in the area. A new future multi-purpose trail within the dedicated conservation area (Appendix B) leading to the Cedar Park will enhance the overall pedestrian circulation in this area. New street trees along both the frontages (133rd and 132nd Avenues) will enhance the streetscape. Appropriate landscaping and lighting is anticipated to provide for a safe pedestrian access to all the blocks (Appendix E). Each unit has its own two car or tandem garage and visitor parking stalls are proposed to be screened with landscaping. d) Zoning Bylaw: The proposed RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) is intended for low to medium density townhouses and multi family residential buildings. A maximum density (FSR) of 0.6 times the net lot area (plus an additional 50 m2 per unit, habitable basement area) is permitted in this zone. Proposed total FSR for the subject site is 0.577 of the net lot area which is well within the permitted density prescribed in the zone. A combined usable open space and common activity area of 7,490.8 m2 is proposed for the site, which is more than the minimum required for the RM-1 zone. The proposal meets the density, common useable open space and common activity area requirements of the zone. The maximum permitted height in this zone must not exceed 10.5 metres and 2 1h storeys. Some units exceed the permitted maximum height and storeys as described below. The RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone specifies the following setbacks: 7.5 metres from front, rear and exterior side yard; 4.5 metres from an interior side yard for a wall with no windows to a habitable room and 6.0 metres from an interior side yard for a wall with a balcony or a window to a habitable room. The applicant is seeking some setback variances to the building facades as described below. The maximum permitted height of all retaining walls in any zone is 1.2 metres and two retaining walls are exceeding this height. The requested variances are described below. e) Variances to the Zoning Bylaw (see Appendix D): The applicant is seeking the following variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985: i. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential Zoning Bylaw, to vary the front yard setback (facing 133rd Avenue) from 7.21 metres (variance of 0.29 metres) for Block 1; ii. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential Zoning Bylaw, to vary the front yard setback (facing 133rd Avenue) from 7.12 metres (variance of 0.38 metres) for Block 2; iii. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential Zoning Bylaw, to vary the front yard setback (facing 133rd Avenue) from 7.05 metres (variance of 0.45 metres) for Block 3; -5- District) of the 7.5 metres to District) of the 7.5 metres to District) of the 7.5 metres to iv. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 3.9 metres (variance of 2.1 metres) for Unit 1 in Block 1; v. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 3.6 metres (variance of 2.4 metres) for Unit 69 in Block 16; vi. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 4.18 metres (variance of 1.2 metres) for Unit 59 in Block 14; vii. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 3.96 metres (variance of 2.04 metres) for Unit 50 in Block 12; viii. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 3.5 metres (variance of 2.5 metres) for Unit 43 in Block 10; ix. Part 6, Section 602(6) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the interior side yard setback from 6.0 metres (for a wall with a window to a habitable room) to 5.3 metres (variance of 0.7 metres) for Unit 35 in Block 09; x. Part 6, Section 602 (7) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the maximum height from 10.5 metres to 11.02 metres (variance of 0.52 metres) for Units 36, 37 and 38 in Block 9; xi. Part 6, Section 602 (7) (a) of the RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) of the Zoning Bylaw, to vary the number of storeys from 2 1/z storeys to 3 storeys for Blocks 9, 10,12 and 14; xii. Part 4, Section 403 Regulations for the size, shape and siting of buildings and structures, subsection 8) Maximum Retaining Wall Height, to vary the maximum height from 1.2 metres to a maximum of 2.6 metres (a variance of 1.4 metres) for the retaining wall for the back yards of units 52-59 (Blocks 13 and 14) and back yards of units 39-42 (Block 10). The analysis and justification for these variances as follows: i) Maximum Building Height and number of storeys: To allow the maximum building height of some of the units to exceed the permitted 10.5 metres and 2 1/z storeys. Justification: The development takes into consideration changes in site grading and lot configuration after dedication of the conservation area. The road and units are aligned with the conservation area in the south-east corner. Generally the blocks are stepped in order to maintain conformance to the height envelope except for Block 9(unit 36, 37, 38- type F) which exceeds the permitted maximum height in the RM-1 zone. These units have been staggered and well articulated to reduce the impact. The height will comply with the new Zoning Bylaw when measurement will be to the mid point of the roof as opposed to currently being measured to the roof ridge. In addition to this, some of the blocks (units 35-42-type C, F, H and units 52-58- type C) have three storey facades on one side. This is unavoidable on sites that are sloping and consistent with other townhouse units on sloping sites. Only a few � units are requiring the height and storey variances for the subject site and the intention is to work with the grades. It should be noted that the majority of the units meet the bylaw. ii) Minimum building setbacks: To allow reduced minimum interior side yard setback to the building fa�ade with a window to a habitable room and to allow reduced front yard setback to the building fa�ade. Justification: Due to the challenging lot configuration and unit orientation across the street, some of the building corners encroach into the interior side yard setbacks (west) as shown in Appendix D attached. The setback variances are not for the full facades of these blocks, but only for some corners of Blocks 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 (along the western property edge). In addition to these similar, variances are required to accommodate end units of Block 1 and 3 (facing 133rd Avenue). From a design perspective these setback variances are minor and have stemmed from the orientation of the units. The landscaping buffer offers some privacy and the proposed alignment of the adjacent townhouse proposal to the west of subject site confirms that there should not be any negative impact on that development. The front yard setbacks (facing 133rd Avenue) are very minor in nature and proposed with an intention of providing better street presence. It should be noted that 133rd Avenue, fronting the subject site has an existingjog so the impact of this variance should be negligible. iii) Maximum retaining wall height: To allow the maximum height of two retaining walls to exceed the permitted 1.2 metres. Justification: Two of the proposed retaining walls are required to exceed the permitted 1.2 metres, to achieve a flat usable backyard for some units (i.e. units 52-58 and units 39-42, Appendix D)."Sierrascape vegetated retaining walls" are proposed and range in height from 1.6 metres to 2.6 metres and are recessed or sloping back (not vertical) to reduce the impact. They are anticipated to look like green walls once they are fully vegetated, as shown in examples attached as Appendix E. f) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw_ As per the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District zone) requires 2 parking spaces per unit for residents plus 0.2 spaces per unit for visitors, requiring a total of 152 parking spaces (138 for residents and 14 visitor parking stalls) for the proposed development. All the units have either a two car side by side or a tandem garage, giving a total of 138 residential parking spaces (24 units with a 2-car double wide garage and 45 units with a 2-car tandem garage). The proposal shows a reasonable balance of tandem and 2-car garage units and all the units have driveway aprons of varying lengths. The proposal is showing 138 residential parking spaces and 18 visitor parking spaces, resulting in four additional visitor stalls than the minimum required. The visitor parking spaces are well distributed throughout the site (Appendix B). The development complies with the on-site parking requirements for the zone. g) Advisory Design Panel: On December 11, 2012, the Advisory Design Panel reviewed the proposal for form and character. The panel recommended this proposal moving forward with the following concerns to be addressed by the applicant as the design develops and submitted to staff for follow-up: • Consider providing a barrier to prevent through traffic through the site -7- • Consider reversing the elevation treatment on the end elevations of Building 1 and any other buildings with similar treatment • Consider using a consistent treatment of the cultured stone on all elevations • Look at the corner/bottom trim at the cedar shingle panel • Consider providing a stronger architectural detail at the entry stair and railings • Revise the note regarding the trees in the rain garden area • Confirm the engineered treatment of the grass in the country Lane • Consider changing the design of the higher retaining walls with the use of a green wall system • Consider providing a hedge along the west property line • Consider providing outdoor patios for Units 1 through 11 • Consider reducingthe gravel areas between the building blocks • Consider providing space for more street trees between Units 5& 6 and 9& 10 • Consider providing stepping stones through rain garden for access to community gardens • Confirm proper landscape maintenance access for all yards • Consider relocating street trees closer to sidewalk on 133rd Ave • Consider means to make sidewalks continuous throughout the site All the above stated concerns were addressed through design revisions and reviewed by the panel to their satisfaction. h) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and confirms that all the deficient off-site services are being provided through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement. They have no concerns with the proposed variances. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have reviewed and finalized the standards and cost for the multi-purpose trail through the dedicated conservation area (Appendix B). The existing culvert in the conservation area was assessed by the applicant's engineer and will be removed as it may not be safe for public use. Based on a cost estimate from the Parks Department these monies have been collected in trust so that the multi-purpose trail can be built when the property on the east (23711 132nd Street) of the subject site develops. Approximately 18 new street trees (9 along 132nd Avenue and 9 along 133rd Avenue) are anticipated to be added to the Street Tree inventory. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The applicant has ensured that all these will be addressed through the Building Permit drawings. The Fire Department has no concerns with the proposed variances. Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The applicant has ensured that all these will be addressed through the Building Permit drawings. The Building Department has no concerns with the proposed variances. � i) Environmentallmplications: As stated in the report earlier, a tributary of the Maple Ridge Park Creek runs diagonally through the south east portion of the southern lot. Environmentally sensitive area around this creek has been finalized for dedication within the 15.0 metre setback from the top of bank of the creek. Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is being processed for this development proposed within 50 metre of the top of bank of the Maple Ridge Park Creek. The Watercourse Protection Development Permit is being finalized based on the environmental assessment of the site by a qualified environmental professional. The enhancement, cleaning and re-planting works within the riparian area have been finalized including monitoring for 5 years and a refundable security of $25,417.50, based on the cost estimate from the environmental consultant. A Storm Water Management Restrictive Covenant showing all these areas along with guidelines for maintenance by the future strata is being registered on title. j) Citizen/Customer Implications: The mail-outs to inform residents of the proposed variances were mailed 10 days prior to the anticipated Council Meeting date. Concerned residents in the neighbourhood have had the opportunity to voice their opinions. k) Financiallmplications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated landscape cost by Sharp and Diamond Landscape Architecture, a refundable security of $533,255.00 has been paid by the developer. Any costs associated with maintaining the 18 new street trees (9 trees facing 133rd Avenue and 9 trees facing 132nd Avenue) will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. I) Alternatives: Final reading to the bylaws in support of this development, i.e. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6778-2010 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6779-2010 is expected on March 25, 2014. The developer has paid all the required securities in support of the off-site servicing upgrades, on- site landscaping work and the enhancement and re-vegetation work in the dedicated conservation area. All the legal documents for registration have been submitted to the Land Title Office. Not approving the Development Permit and Development Variance Permit would result in the subject site remaining without the proposed site improvements and a zoned, consolidated piece of land remaining vacant or the applicant having to significantly amend the current design. Council approval is required for the Multi-Family Development Permit and the Development Variance Permit as presented in this report prior to a Building Permit being issued. CONCLUSION: The proposed land use is in compliance with the land use designation of the Silver Valley Area Plan. The design and character of this townhouse development will result in a strong street-oriented and pedestrian-friendly environment on both 133rd and 132nd Avenue. The proposal shows a reasonable mix of tandem and double garage units and four extra visitor parking stalls on site. Some minor � building height and setback variances along with retaining wall height variances are being sought as described in this report. Recognizing the site constraints, the proposed variances to the Zoning Bylaw are supported by the Planning department. An attractive design addresses the site's slope issues and allows for cost-effective cutting and filling achieving usable backyards for this pedestrian- friendly urban form of multi-family housing. The new multi-purpose trail through the conservation area (Appendix B) should prove to improve the overall pedestrian connectivity for this neighbourhood. The proposed variances are not anticipated to negatively impact the neighouring properties, as they are minor in nature. As the development proposal complies with the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines of the Official Community Plan for form and character, it is recommended that DP/107/10 and DVP/107/10 be favourably considered and approved. "Original signed by Rasika Acharya" Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UDC, LEEDO AP, MCIP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" for Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Proposed Site Plan and multi-purpose trail location map Appendix C- Proposed typical elevations and exterior materials Appendix D - Proposed Variances Appendix E- Examples and details of the proposed Sierrascape vegetative retaining walls Appendix F- Proposed Landscape Plan, mail kiosk and landscape details Appendix G- Proposed perspective/rendering of the site -10- __� . �` ' o ti� �`'� "�'2 ti� � 11 � 13325 13326 � g 16 `�'� ���' � �L�� � �� � 12N 16 13320 20 15 ��� �ti 3� 17319 13312 2� 14 13� ti`�� 12 13315 4 23 8 9 10 �1 212N ��2M3 4�5�6�,�M m ��, 20 w�, � � co c�o c�o � � m � cc°o c�o � w v+ �p � m c� c+) c+) m M m m c+) c+) M � � � W N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � ___ 133 AVE. P`�� � 27 � 13295 � N 13289 N �913283 26 w��2�� I 157 13245 13227 13215 13165 N Scale: 1:2,000 29 v� 4 2a 23� � 30 3 '� 31 23�38 23�42 23687 2 23691 32 23746 23697 33 � APPENDIX A 23�3� M 13317 � 133 3 $ a 23741 13313 N 133 2 � 23743 �13309 133 � � 6 23745 13305 133 23747 5 3 4 13301 ^ �ity�f Pitt Mead�ows District of Langley � N O � � P 26 37 N N Rem 1 EP 13725 A LMP P 26 37 13� 132 N � M N I ! � 23651 /57-132 Ave � N i N �� � o �! CORPORATION OF ��� � TH E DI ST RI CT O F �o � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT � � DATE: Jan 17, 2013 RZ/107/10 BY: JV APPENDIX B1 �_ Unll A Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit D Unit D Unit E Unit E Uni� E Unit E Unit F Unit F Unit F Unl� F Uni� G Unit G Unit G Uni� G Unit A End 1 Unit B Unit C End 1 End 2 End 3 Unit D End 1 End 2 Unit E End 1 End 2 End 3 End 4 Unil F End 1 End 2 End 3 End 4 Unit G End 1 End 2 End 3 End 4 Unit H Comment / Descriplion 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 3 eetlroom 2 Bedroom 2 eedroom 2 Bedroom 2 eearoom 2 eetlroom � eetlroam 2 gearoom 3 eetlroom 3 Bedroom 3 Betlroom 3 eedroom 3 Bedraom 3 Betlroom 3 Bedroom 3 eetlroom 3 eearoom 3 Betlraom 3 Bedroom 3 eedroom a eetlroom 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 3 eedroom Elec_Closet Elea. Closet Elec_Closet Eec. Closet GarageHrea 40.4m2 40.4m2 34.Bm2 42.6m2 42.6m2 43.2m2 42.bm2 45.]m2 46.3m2 46.3m2 42.Bm2 42.Bm2 43.4m2 43.4m2 43.4m2 41.3m2 41.3m2 41.8m2 41.Bm2 41.3m2 32.im2 32.im2 32.4m2 324m2 32.1m2 38.8m2 easemenlFoorArea�Nabitable) 312m2 312m2 462m2 3.1m2 32m2 3.im2 32m2 3im2 3.1m2 3.im2 14.Bm2 t5.im2 14.8m2 14.8m2 ia.8mz S.Bm2 6.Om2 5.8m2 5.8m2 6.om1 Sa]m2 55.im2 SSOm2 SS.Om2 55.im2 312m2 inrn1e° Basemen�FloorHrea�NonHabitable) fi2m2 6.2m2 O.Om2 16m2 ].]m2 ]0m2 ].]m2 ].3m2 ]3m2 ].3m2 ].2m2 ]6m2 12m2 ]2m2 ).2m2 ]4m2 ]6m2 ].0m2 ].0m2 ]fim2 53m2 S.Om2 5.3m2 53m2 56m2 SSm2 Basemen� FloorArea (Habitable Area - SOm2 or5382SpFT+NonHa�IlableArea)-As 62m2 62m2 462m2 ]6m2 ]]m2 ]Om2 )]m2 ]3m2 ]3m2 ]3m2 )2m2 ]6m2 ]2m2 ]2m2 )2m2 ]4m2 ]6m2 ]Jm2 ]4m2 >6m2 100m2 10.Sm2 103m2 103m2 10.Sm2 SSm2 tleflnetl byzoning bylaw MainFloorArea 62.3m2 fi2.3m2 2]]m2 498m2 50.2m2 504m2 50.]m2 529m2 55.4m2 53.4m2 fiA.8m2 6].Om2 68.Sm2 65.3m2 fi5.3m2 SS.Sm2 SS.Bm2 56.im2 5]6m2 SSBm2 59.3m2 59.8m2 596m2 59.fim2 59.8m2 6I.3m2 ' UpperFloorqrea�Exclutles5lair) 59Jm2 59.4m2 36.2m2 46.8m2 4].2m2 J�4m2 G]]m2 48�m2 49.3m2 49.3m2 64.5m2 66.]m2 6�.]m2 65.Om2 65.Om2 60.1m2 60.9m2 60�m2 60�m2 60.9m2 ]J4m2 ]4.9m2 ]4.9m2 ]G.9m2 ]5.Om2 60.1m2 _- "€i Sl�e Coverage I Uni� ]9.] m2 85.8 m2 84.3 m2 55.1 m2 SS.fi m2 55.6 m2 556 m2 Sfi.9 m2 65.4 m2 5].4 m2 69.2 m2 ]1.4 m2 ]0.9 m2 69.] m2 ]2.1 m2 64.8 m2 65.4 m2 fi54 m2 6fi.9 m2 ]1.5 m2 95.8 m2 96.3 m2 96.5 m2 9].4 m2 96.] m2 ]9.2 m2 - � To�alGrossFloorArea(Includasbasemen�as - � �g� aeflnetlby�M1ezanngbylew(FxGudng 128_Om2 128.Om2 110.Om2 106.1m2 1052m2 1052m2 �OB.Om2 108.9m2 1118m2 �10.Om2 136.6m2 1010m2 103.3m2 13]Sm2 13].5m2 123Dm2 1203m2 124.2m2 �25.]m2 124.3m2 1438m2 �65.2m2 104.)m2 144]m2 105.3m2 1328m2 _ Gerege, i Stalr� - ' °» .=�E� To�alGrossSaableArea(IncludesHatilabe �592m2 1?92m2 1100m2 10]2m2 1084m2 108.3m2 109.3m2 1120m2 115.im2 113.im2 151.3m2 156.im2 1581m2 1522m2 1522m2 1289m2 1302m2 140.im2 131.Sm2 1Q02r2 1936m2 1952m2 194Jm2 194]m2 1953m2 1600m2 BasemenlArea) 1]1qsqX 1,145qfl 1,18Jsqf� 1,1545qX 1,16]sq% 1.1665qX 1,1]65ql� 1,206sqk 1,2395qt1 1.2185ql� 1,6285qft 1,6805qX 1,]025qk 1,6395qX 1,639sqX 1,38]sqk 1,4025qX 1,OOsqfl 1.4165ql� 1 �2sqlt 2,0845qX 2.1015Q% 2,0965qfl 2,0965qX 2,1025qk 1]665qX Total#ofllnils _- Demciry(NumbarofUnl�s) 3 1 3 B 1 1 1 B 1 2 5 3 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 3 89unl�s =46.��BUPH = '__ To�alACNaIF5Rm2 --9�3^v Sub-TotalofAduaIFSR 384.Om2 128.Om2 330.Om2 832.]m2 105.2m2 105.2m2 10fi.Om2 980.3m2 111.9m2 220.Om2 682.4m2 423.Om2 143.3m2 13].Sm2 131.Sm2 Bfi1.2m2 124.3m2 124.2m2 125.]m2 124.3m2 1,149.2m2 290.Sm2 289.Sm2 144.]m2 145.3m2 398.Sm2 8,6�4.2m2 =92,fi14safl -:��'-"E To�alSitaCovaraqe g' - - Su�-TotalofS'teCovera0e 2390m2 85.8m2 253.Om2 4JO.Sm2 SS.fim2 SS6m2 SS6m2 511.8m2 65.0m2 11J.9m2 306.2m2 2103m2 ]0.9m2 69.]m2 ]2.im2 4539m2 65.0m2 fi54m2 669m2 ]i5m2 ]666m2 192.]m2 192.9m2 9]0m2 96.Jm2 23]6m2 4,95].3m2 33.3% � v u.�ao_2�» LotAree(Orlglnal5lzebeforededioa�lons)= �9,J859m2=15]9M1a LotArea (Net Developable Area akerdedications; 148]8 3 m2 = 1 088 M1a FSR Hllowetl = 0.6 x Ne� Devel. Area = 8,92].0 m2 = 0.893 M1a = 9fi,089 5a Ft FSRAclual= 8,6042m2=0.86M1a =92.61aSqFt FSR �iHerence = d32.8 m2 = 3,4]0.5 sq fi - ACNai Denslry (Max 0-6) = 0-5]83 - Gross Area of Residenfial (Net Salable)'. 8,330.0 m2 =100,432.0 s0 fl (Inoluaes Non habitable antl M1ebl�eble basemen[s7 T £ a' ic Zonina Information �6 � "� LL �3 P e�v m . .... . � Y �, � � e �a„ _ _ � � w _ �z ' n�.a I ' n�s I � a� ' , 0 9 c � �. „�,., mim .. r. . � N a- ..o. , vatiwoaa�z�nss ,- i - � c,��e �. �.zr,�-� � a,000se - o�se -v �aemaoso-��i ' ' � i � . � `� -��- -----------� � �o � -- ---�---- t - - - _ ---------- ---�= -- ----- -- -, � -- -- - -- --- ---- --. -- ------ a � Ey ,:„ Blod< 4 Blod< 5 ��� � o�. s,., io i - - - - - - / +c_-------�-- � ` .. 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(�` � 6 nhr n _ I I . , � zs v �� � � ,' na�ax � ' �rsa 3 s�a s a au s � o .'�6 I ame o.i �5is�e s i�osmis M E�-o,s I I �_.__ __ `__._ �� z �/ /~ 4j gQ' / I �m 3. / � ��kF ..,.: n,� ��S-) '/ . u� ; / i ,,. ,....� I I Z %i `` �n � o �,n � �� �� �� I. y � weea,a��e . � � o,, v � �4�� � .,� ,. 1�,� I ¢ -a _ eea�,� �� ; . a«e r �ne�ea,e� ��iE �ro sa` F'�o. � -.� RM1 =.,�.. \ I .. 3<2 „�,w U', /� 8 � � J M . ���I/// , s� e o�. � � S' � �� . one /////'�, ' ��rys�,s� � � � e„e,�,om��e�e�„ew��a ae,ee o- o��a ��e���moe,ea a,� , . ,,� , e __ �a�,eaw�ao,�o��a, e„�i,om��a����,��asoae9,ee u�a � a 9 �H . m ��o�� ��a���moe�aa,� � 1 ss � � � �3 ��� 8 m2 - - �- - - - °J a ow��ame„�„om�na��vaw,nasodes,aa � _ � " _ e m no�ao��a��e���mee�eda�� -.._ .-.' � ---- fO� -� ------ j-� . - . - - r ---- k- , - -� E ,,oK�J ° , ---- -- _ t �. � o - � --- 6 4 ---- - ,� - ---- - ----Road C --- I � --- T i � -- -- �I-Ifa�E3--�---- � � Y�HR�E-�-y- - � �----��----- -� -W-h4SE-1- - + '---- ° , PRELIMINARY ONLY , . a� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ��' _ i ' -;. ° , .. i. _ `" "" " i" '. i-. i' .. -' a ° `35 �-„'°^ r,i��i<a, �. i- Propos ' Site Plart s�„�wtiEti PR�ti,Eo o�aa�� o �36��:�a��; ` �._ o zo 3o ao so 5�som~� A1.0 APPENDIX B2 ��mPaM�,�,P,mde��de�a�g � s��� �a, � aom `��a��om� PRELIMINARYONLY � cc��mot��b��"�� 9 Hc m����'���ise��ii.9�eei���� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,o�a�Ew�Ex aA�x,Eo ox aA�� o��a�s�� ,� ��ax�E Enlar ed Site Plan with Pro osed Site Gradin xae�.i:mo ♦ issum oenwixes � a �� .� � q E LL _ �� � a � �e '`' O C � E1 � � � 8 8 CO ❑ � 5 C l4 a � in v � rn � � w �� A1.2 APPENDIX B3 issum oenwixes � a �� .� � q E LL _ �� � a � �e '`' O C � E1 � � � 8 8 CO ❑ � 5 � N � l4 C W �� sae r+o� �. �. �. ,. � ��mPaM�,�,P,mde��de�a�g � s��� �a, �w� w �} Enlar ed Site Plan with Pro osed Slte Gradin p,�e„❑ " �m•s�e�'"om��Mu e n� m�.n��m��m�sn�m�.seeee�o�� saie�.,2o0 ♦ PRELIMINARYONLY � ���m"ot��b���� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION m ,o�a�Ew�Ex aA�x,Eo ox aA�� o ��a�s�� ,��„qx�E A1.3 9; '" Z o;o� �Z< n�o = -� z o� �c� �� �� � �Po . T ` \\��\\ \\ \ � ` �� ` `�' \\� -L=�---\=�-�_—`�==�--==--, -==--� :�\� \��•E�,;`- --_�_�``,� , i '�.,\` � , ''��,�\ 7 ._;e\ ��;\\' , J �---------=�---"� �`-'�=,-\�-'=�--�\�=.,1.���,,.I - \��� -------- -\��I .�\ ;� �.�� `` •��\ `I � � . . . . . �I ,--- __ --�- --------- -- �-- ----, -- -----r--=�� _��_, ,�,�,,.�� �T�„��.� o����„ � Trail Location Mao � 69 Unit Multi-Familv �_ ._ APPENDIX 64 �-:--m.-�-�.-.�--�-�-: — .�:: ..� , - --.�.�_ ' S .c. � .1-. - K.;�`:ti'-r..•.... � ."�'3fY .: iy' =��?�?:.: �'�w-.�� � � � :' tiJ r2 ' ; �� � �r,� , �+ �, .`: �.� �` ���.. � �. � ; fL<.`S • , '� � y l I '.�� � ! � . �' �� . ,, '''e ` � �: . ��'.:� � j � � r„�" r� 3 . . . ,. . . -. . �`'_�'/ � .r� �,�� � � w�m . . � . . �.,� F �,iw.. � ,�.r,..em � ,���.�,o,. ��� go,,,, �m o� �., -� ._. .�.i y � � �a ��o�,. _ m m.�,� �.�,� PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �A ,Eoo � �a� � .._ Exterior Materials niaw�a r�io��z� B 3 i�o�o�, n ie ------------ �_____ APPENDIX C1 Partial North-East Elevation of Block 13 _� In — is "� Q � Q � 38'-0" I 1 I J �{ � 38'-0" .__ __'"""-(R',�'u�""�^'�._ ����,�a�F.���oP�_��� �-- �f��_ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �A�wtiEtiPR�ti,EooNAR��o�36��:�a��� ` '._ East Elev�tion APPENDIX C2 l� 1 Unit 1 E(End 1) �� Unit 2E I 3 1 Unit 3E (End 2) 1 4 1 �- �o,_z.. 20,_0„ �� z0,_z.. ,� ____ MFE� South Elevatlon l 4 1 Unit 3E (End 2) � Unit 2E l� I Unit 1 E(End 1) O \/ Zp�_2�� Z��_�„ A/ Zp�_2„ ,,. � ' � � ��. � � ' � � � � - .�,, � ---=FEj � '� �� � �'' � , MFE � � �s �� ----, � -, _ - - ;e � , _ � �; '�, �'� � �'�, North EleU,ation �, ' �� �.,..,� I Exterior Materials I �, --______- '�, °` .°` e e°' glock 01 - Buildina Exoosure and Soatlal Seoaratlon (9.10.151 �. iao nnoa�naai M1 FacaOe 3 . m . m o/ r . a . o r, olewlae�colour2) �Fecetle ]. m .1 m �oC/LRoea �. .o . o anr, e�«o�o�„i mre�ane �,mz ,. m�o��Roaa s,q � o �<�., APPENDIX C3 /� /� ��/� �ss�EooR�w���s Q 38�_��� � Q �� ��� �22� 12H I z�� Uo$t �3F � 3 I Un8 1�4F 1 4 1 U�8 1�5F 1 5 1 Unit 1 SF �End 2) 6� �/ �/ A/ � ' � �'�, �.m � �:---- � � �� �� � t. ' , ��-- ��� � � ���� � , _ ��� � : ����� � o � � ' � It � � . � � �,, _ � � � � 'j � � '�� .Y��" �� � .�� � '� -- _�. � ,- � ! : � '�, ,. . _ .1. .l. 1 � " . r� ____' � � i ��' �_I � . . . . _ � o � �� i __ �I� �I .FL � � � ., � _ D Do i :, o _ �� � A ,o :. s��e3,6 �,. 00� ., o � �� ��� - �� ----� � .�eoo_�4 � � hJorth Elevahon, � O �10� � I� �, . �« � 0 ��- � � _... _ , � , '� '� �.. -_______'. T _ West Elevation � _ �\ �� �� a���3�,s��_,_o. m `s q � og _ ____38'-0"---- ----" _ _, Q Unit18F(End2) l 5 1 UnIt15F l 4 1 UnIt14F O UnIt13F 1 t 1 Unit12H �•' � v��, A 1 _ _ - - _ _ B _ � g,_Z„ A/ � $�_�„ A/ 18�_�„ � 8,_�,� �/ 22,_6„ � � ' ,--, __" _______________ __'__ "k\ '�, '�, '�, � � ' _ i '� '. c � � � , - - �i � - - -' _ � � '�'� '�' � � < __ ��, �% _ - -- ,, c°'o� $ - % "; %'/ ----ra�� �`� � — i � � N � c 0 i � Q � � � m ro ,�, -- � � . ��O ---- a�i � ��� � �� w m v � a � � � � Y i � ' I . O +F�--==- � - � � 1 � � ---- m �., � �� m II g _---- � � I � � m v , � �� �� - --- _ �s '�, _ _ - - ' ' " - ' -' "' ' East Elevation a`Ei > - o , ��nz _ Mr ,r �: � - - _ ' swe anc , o - I � _ _ _ _ I Unt�ae - � rt , r ��. .. . � Y �s�o, �s90 i , � � _ _ _ _ " . � �s�y i ada�� Z . � _ � -__- '" ' ' ° e _____ � _--- ''- I ��', , Exte�rior Materials Bi k oa e id e d sp t��ei sepe�no� �9.aaae� z � _ - South Elevation� 'I ��, ,°���a'em � � - - - ....� �� ,. �, �, �, �'m - � ., '� ' �� p me�� ��� ra�aae � s a�oe e�� s Fa� �� �<d a�,w - e�aw�dai�o�o�°zi` ,o , PRELIMINARY ONLY a'rOa1ao"� """"` ° a� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,s <. m ,. ,oRo,d . . aa�o <�., _ s�A�EwtiEtiPR�ti,EootiAR��o�36��;za��;` , ,, A3.08 APPENDIX D a M PRELIMINARY ONLY � NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION � .z;���- ���.. up to 2.6m high 1e'y"` " retaining walls. Location of Units that Require a Variance � s��. , �oo r � N N � U Q � O c9 � 'C N % � `a3 >� Y � m C Z � ��o , � � �a�� 3 d apaw: A7.0 ��;: ��-. ��` �.�/~` � . , � —� �_ : � :�; � r`a��i :.R:`n.:' . ��i...�:pj;�." r.':! ➢7�'�> 'r,i .,2 ��` ,; . APPENDIX E Examples of Sierrascape vegetated reta i n i ng wa I I �ve�um �� SIERRASCAPE CROSS SECTION �w9�� SCALE: 125 TOPSOIL PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT �� 4 � 3 �� GENERALSITE \� GRADING FILL FENCE/GUARDRAIL BY OTHERS _.._.._.._.._.._.. GEOGRID .._. 75mm MINUS REINFORCED BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 98 % STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (BACKRLL MATERIAL TO BE APPROVED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGWEER) MIN 450 mm DEEP, 200mm fd PVC TUBE FlLLED WITH CONCRETE AT SPACING DETERMINED BY CIVIL ENGINEER NEST UPPER BASKET W LOWER BASKET TO � SUIT RNISHED GRADE, WHERE REQUIRED � AS PER DETAIL 1/ DWG. 5 R GEOGRID „ L (SEE TABLE 1) I _ _ _ _ _ GEOGRID _ � -� . �.`_'.�_— � GEOGRID _.. .._ . . . . . . . . . GEGGRID :�EOGRID GEOTECHNICAL ENGWEER APPROVED SUBGRADE 3 � 8 SIERRASCAPE VEGETAT�D RETAINING WALL (GALVANIZED). TABLE 1 WALL HEIGHT (TOTAL) BURIAL GEOGRID LENGTH H(m) g(m) L(m) (1) GEOGRID TYPE (1) (1) GEOGRID LENGTH AND TVPE SPECIFIED IS BASED ON TOTAL 0.0 - 1.0 0.457 1.0 UX1500MSE WALL HEIGHT'H'. LENGTH AND TYPE OF GEOGRID IS TO BE 1.01 - 2.6 0.457 2.0 UX1500MSE CONSISTENT THROUGH FULL HEIGHT OF WALL. � N/A ao�Ec,iowc.na. N A �nre N/A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION SIERRASCAPE RETAINING WALLS Myron's Mews - Phased Multifamily Development 23657 & 23651 - 132 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Michael Karton C/O Concost Management Inc. E x BACKFILL IN FORMS B LOW FINISHED GRADE TO CONSIST OF 75 - 100mm DIAMETER ANG LAR GRAVEL 19mm MINUS CRUSHED ROCK COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE COMPACTED TO 100 % SPMDD. ACTUAL DIMENSION TO BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER IN THE FIELD � LEVELTON MG AUG 2013 DJ �E 125 PV E�o�.R713-0156-02 3 2 H � O z �a p 9 m 8 � i �L. N I 6 5 � 4 � Z ` /� W , Q J�OdL� . / � J � 3.. _ 2 n ❑ 1 �h. I i� a�i..,.exi� e'ii �� I i�cwna. Cwni Ra�r,Y �. � �. , -------- ------- -.: --- -- I c� � � �r. �o r- � m �:: / _ - -- rr � _ � I �.._. � 1 1 � � 5� _.._ . j:_-. ,�� _ '. _. — `. __ � � � ���d �, � - 51ERRASCAPE _ 00000�aa8pa�gd�� � WALL �, ��,an ek ��mm�, � .�c+���ty n�ea 6'O � i�O�n�` . ���\ r7. .. �I r � �� - -- F� �'� �,• ' �`�'S.7 �,% i 0 5� � ' 8 �, � '^--,,,... __ RIPARIAN � � �. .. - , , A s� I s� �? �. T� ����; Zd�fE P0000 � i k�... � 6q E `� e��a�oiio�o; �:�e:. ❑� i�, ��....i I� .;: � J r�'S esen[ !hra�qh � � •�%. , •,� I� 'r� �L' .'� ]� � _ 6 !i `S '�._ "fi � r � �� .. ��` ., ,� '� (" S� I ��� .� -s Eg � Q : ': � �l. � , I E,] _� � �. �: �• S l 96, , ���, •• � . ' ye��� g8 ���q �C. 2 p9 � � S� '�( i I �9 �L `�i: �.T ID i� p c C � � . J J % 6 R O 2 V'sllu PSM1Mg GxrmunAy ::'Ji�.�i�i Pdekmp Coniiniin!y WAYNE STEPIiEN 815KY �ITE PLAN "'°'E"'°"nia3a�nr.o SIERRASCAPE RETAINIIVG WALLS � Jl1L 23.2013 ������ Myron's Mews - Phased MultiFamily �e�elapment "n`.�" 23&57 & 23851 - 132 R�enue, Maple Ridge, $C ,F,,, �,�.,_ r,.„,,,,�_,,..,,,r �`� Michael Karton CIO Concost HEanagemeni Inc. n� ` � � , �� . `� FiNl1 � � ^ ;' ���ane a i �� � � .�- � � I I� �:,�fl'12 . - - — r. 9 c ,.;.] -.. RooalC I;::..I _ -- � �������,.���n w N � ❑ � C m � C rrt MG AIJG 2013 � cy.�N.. ❑J ru�c kT$— W � R713-015[ 02 LEVELTQN f"'� G O o ==_=_ ;; , , . °i � � �,��� �:r^ o� O , !„� ��� Ifi'!.!BI�B'liiiiliisd� . � - � , . „ .. -� � -�- � � � : �r �„�I� �° m • rm � m � m ¢'� . � �0 9,�, �` ;trp�n._k�� Kpo�� °��..q,a��p�e �, �p�?��i�su��t ' �i � �_.�.���� �ne. a... INIY�11MlIA ! pIIII�BI �,,� N . :; ,_ �_ i: i�s - . t . ... 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' ReSun` SIQp 2 Ste� 3 i+ C - is � w,aio .�� 3 � �9 EMerior Wall Perpendicular @ Noncombustible Roof :,�Sequence of Flashing End Dam � Q e `_ � � �. Fridae Stove Slacked Dishwasher HotWaterTank Tub =� 9 a Washer/Drver � � � � � 5 Q�� � 'r f __�� �� 2 1 �� � � 0 � ■ �� �� � � � � N O ry _ F c� DW��' ^I'�e N ,., m I, ', � 0 - C M N, f ._._._.. � _________ U Notes: i y 0 ae��ewMe�na��m�e�dE�au,�< P ����o�a�ad,a e. eee�soA,�n��en�a�oe��u�o,edd���o�e�da�e��. � U �4 Equipment5chedule � _______ oo�ma�unme��inua,�e ------- a:�•Ma. BGBC 20'12 Part �,�Holes Drilled In Standard Freming Members ��� v o 4�" Maxo�=�e�ce„�o�memtie,a,a� BCBC 2012 Part 923.52. �otching of Standard Framing Members A5.3 : :�: ,: � , -�' ��� � � . - � � � /'/ � Ar' � °°'�� �°-� - � : _ �.� �� I � � ' = � = sa � E� � �I `'�' . / '� � � —�f' �E �� �r-�'l \ \� PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �A ,Eoo � �a� � .._ APPENDIX G � �_ h�l�PCE RID9E �ll�h qeyrhY • .� District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: DP/013/10 Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Multi-Family and Intensive Residential Development Permit 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Application DP/013/10 has been received for a Multi-Family Development Permit for two four-plex Street Townhouse buildings zoned RST (Street Townhouse Residential), and for an Intensive Residential Development Permit for 16 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zoned lots. Although the two duplex Street Townhouse buildings zoned RST (Street Townhouse Residential) are not included in the Multi-Family Development Permit because they have fewer than three units per building, the design will be regulated by a Building Design Covenant. The Multi-Family Residential Development Permit establishes the form and character of multi-family development, with the intent to enhance the existing neighbourhood with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Intensive Residential Development Permit provides a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment, with the intent to provide an environment that is safe, attractive, people-friendly and environmentally responsive. Council considered rezoning application RZ/013/10 and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on March 23, 2010. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6724-2010 and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6725-2010 on November 27, 2012. This application was presented at Public Hearing on December 11, 2012, and Council granted third reading on December 11, 2012. Council granted a first extension on December 10, 2013. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application RZ-013-10 at the next Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/013/10 respecting property located at 22830, 22850 and 22942 136 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description Damax Consultants Ltd. Insignia Homes Silvervalley 2 Ltd. Lot: 76, Section: 32, Township: 12, Plan: BCP27885 Lot: 80, Section: 32, Township: 12, Plan: BCP27885 Lot: A, Section: 29, Township: 12, Plan: EPP27906 1107 OCP: Zoning: Existing: Eco Clusters and Conservation Proposed: Eco Clusters, Conservation and Neighbourhood Park Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD-3-98 Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), and P-1 (Park and School) Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Previous Applications: a) Project Description: Single Family Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Eco Clusters, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Agricultural, ALR Single Family Residential, Park R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1 (Residential District), RS- 3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Conservation Vacant, under application for Eco Clusters development (2013-010-SD) R-1 (Residential District), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Conservation Vacant, previously Single Family Residential Single-Family Residential, Street Townhouse Residential, Park and Neighbourhood Park 10.55 hectares (26.1 acres) 136 Avenue at Nelson Peak Drive Urban Standard for Eco Clusters development, RZ/013/10, 2013-116-SD, VP/013/10, 2012-089- DP RZ/070/06, SD/070/06, SD/013/10, 2011-085-SD The subject site is an Eco Clusters development of 75 lots located southwest of the Blaney Hamlet within the Silver Valley Area Plan and is accessed from 136 Avenue. The slope of the site allows for -2- views towards the valley and the mountains. As per the Eco Clusters guidelines, each lot fronts and backs onto green space and pockets of development are sited to protect existing vegetation and provide view corridors. The access for the development is a long cul-de-sac from 136 Avenue with a neighbourhood park located at the end on the high point of the site. The proposed roads on the site are designed to meet the intent of the Silver Valley Road Classifications for Eco Clusters developments. The site is bounded by Cattell Brook on the east and south sides with ponds in the southeast corner, and setbacks of 30 metres have been established from the top-of-bank of these features. Steep slopes surround the developable portion of the site and include the area known as Nelson Peak on the northwest corner of the site. The architectural design for all the homes on the site is a"West Coast Whistler" theme. The exterior materials include hardi-board and vinyl siding, steep sloped asphalt roofs, Ledgestone rock detail, and natural stained cedar beams in the roof gables. The buildings provide a street presence with each unit having its own private front yard and main entrance to the street. To mitigate the impact of the garages along the street, the garage doors will be recessed from the main fa�ade and painted in dark colours to create shadow and lessen their presence. Although the proposed street townhouses (8 units in two four-plex buildings) are considered a multi- family development, the street townhouse units are fee-simple (i.e. no strata and no common property) and therefore some of the Multi-Family Development Permit guidelines do not apply to this type of development. The development also includes four Street Townhouse lots that are in duplex form. These two buildings are located on slightly larger lots which are better suited to a two unit building. The design is the same as the four-plex buildings, and a building design covenant will be registered on title for these 4 units. The street townhouse buildings are designed to have the appearance of a townhouse while also providing a more individualized style for each unit. Two building colour schemes are incorporated to provide greater variation in the streetscape. Both colour schemes are coordinated to blend in with the present colour theme of the neighbouring single family homes. The buildings have a 3 storey street frontage and 2 storey rear elevation, designed to step up the slopes from front to back. Each unit is provided a prominent front entrance, a double garage, and all have additional parking space on the driveway. An access easement is provided around the building, with gates between each rear yard, to allow the interior unit owners to access their rear yards externally. This is primarily provided to allow owners to bring landscaping material and outdoor equipment in and out of their rear yards. An exterior finish agreement will require all owners of attached units to work and share costs cooperatively together for exterior building maintenance. This type of covenant is necessary because these units are fee simple units, rather than strata units, and the exterior finishes are continuous across the building elevations. Other easements are required for party walls, drain tile around the perimeter and utility access. Running concurrently with this application are the Rezoning and Subdivision applications; an Environmental Development Permit for watercourse and natural features protection; and a Variance Permit application for the following variances: to reduce the road right-of-way and carriageway widths to meet the Silver Valley road standards for an Eco Clusters development; to increase the maximum building height to 11.0 metres for the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), R-1 (Residential District), and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots; and to reduce the rear yard setback from 8 metres to 6 metres for the R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots that back onto park land (green belt). The requested variances are discussed in a separate report to Council. -3- b) Planning Analysis: Multi-Family Residential: A Multi-Family Residential Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development (three or more dwelling units per building) in an area with an Area Plan. The Section 8.7, Multi- Family Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan aim to regulate the form and character of development located within this area. Although the proposed development is considered a multi-family development, the street townhouse units are fee-simple (i.e. no common property) and some guidelines will not apply to this type of development. (Appendix C) This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. This street townhouse development will be situated in an area of new single family lots by the same developer. The building form, setbacks and height will be compatible with the surrounding houses. Each unit is provided with private outdoor space. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The street townhouses are part of a 75 lot subdivision by the same developer which includes a variety of residential lot sizes and housing types within the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1(Residential District), and RS- 1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zones. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. This project is not considered a large scale multi-family development. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. These street townhouses are located on fee simple lots so there is no common property as would be found in a strata development. The front landscaping has been enhanced to provide the maximum amount of vegetation between the driveways. Each unit has a fully fenced and landscaped private rear yard. Each unit has a prominent front entrance, a recessed double garage, and all have additional parking space available on the driveway. Intensive Residential: An Intensive Residential Development Permit is required for all new Intensive Residential development in an area with an Area Plan. Residential development at densities greater than 30 units per net hectare that is typically zoned R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) is considered as intensive residential. The Section 8.8 Intensive Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines '� of the Official Community Plan aim to provide a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment, with the intent to provide an environment that is safe, attractive, people-friendly and environmentally responsive. (Appendix D) The key guideline concepts for the development permit area are as follows: 1. Neighbourhood cohesiveness and connectivity should be maintained through the design of varied yet compatible buildings, in materials used and in architectural styles, in landscapes and in recreational areas, and by facilitating a range of transportation choices. These R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) buildings are designed to take advantage of the contours of the site. The resulting downhill lots provide for a two storey building fronting the street and three storeys backing onto the park land to the rear. Several different building types, with variations in the detail finishes, and 8 different colour schemes will ensure that identical buildings will not be repeated within three adjacent lots. The building design elements, materials and colour schemes are consistent with the adjacent single family and street townhouse development, and are similar to the Silver Ridge and Hampstead developments, all by Portrait Homes. The garage doors are recessed from the building face and prominent front entries with porches face the street. Nelson Peak Park, a new neighbourhood park, will be developed on the site. The site is in close proximity to two other parks and potential school site on 230A Street. There are a variety of walkways and equestrian trails on this site and in the surrounding neighbourhood. 2. A vibrant street presence is to be maintained through a variety of housing styles, by maintaining street parking and by directing garage structures and off-street parking to the rear of a property accessible by a lane. For visual interest, there are different building finishes for each building and the identical building design will not be repeated within three adjacent lots. The dwellings have recessed double garage doors fronting the street, a prominent front entry, and front yard landscaping plans are provided. c) Advisory Design Panel: The plans for the four-plex street townhouses were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the September 11, 2012 meeting. The Panel was in support of the project as submitted but requested some revisions as follows: aligning the bay windows of each unit; providing detail for the boulder walls to verify there is no falling hazard; relocating the rear yard access easement and gates to rear of the yard at the edge of the boulder walls; putting boxwoods at the front of the planters in the front yards; and expanding the use of cultured stone at the ground floor. The applicant has revised the designs to the satisfaction of the Advisory Design Panel and the Planning Department. d) Financiallmplications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated cost of landscaping for the Street Townhouse lots will be provided by the developer to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on estimated landscaping costs a security of $43,876.00 will be provided. -5- CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the Multi-Family Development Permit Area and Intensive Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan for form and character, it is recommended that DP/013/10 be given favourable consideration. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Subdivision Plan Appendix C1- - RST Site Plan Appendix C-2 - RST Architectural plans Appendix C-3 - RST Landscape plans Appendix D-1 - R-3 Site Plan Appendix D-2 - R-3 Architectural plans Appendix D-3 - R-3 Landscape plans � N District of Langley � 22830/50 & 22942 136 AVENUE 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:3,000 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Feb 20, 2014 FILE: DP/013/10 BY: PC IX B �o ��Waeo,Mo�P �� � = N � <a,'=%_w'�� iX31N0'J 3115 � o i � � ryU o� �€m��¢�� 9e� -si ai � � u°iiQ �¢ w n e-,�=e3s 3 J3�lb'/� 2J3/��IS �3941?1 3ldVW `4iJ S�V3d -o w ��'��'H��'e��� - NOSl3N'9NISfIC41NM01133?1151VI1N3a153?1-i�3road v�i<? ,_,ee ��f�6aJ��y,o8 � �.E w uS o 8 as4 � � � J — _��_��._� r , , u�3a 'QLlL,l3TNA21�lISS�JOHVIN915N1 � ��Nn 64w �] C1 GONGEPTUAL SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DATA ZlR11N6� R5T5V 5li�f TqYUlpl°„f - 51LVER VPL.E1' PARK ��oeR u �'�N �'EAKS RpHHD �� Lopp H LINE OF RELE55ED — ro 4�, ��a�E oaoR �P, �or ria.rtraJ � � _,__-,,._.._ i u � u o n u � � ��� ' ii R-I LOT � �'' 4�'-II ' I. om.] i` LOI�NO. _ � �"e � � z� N � � � ZN F � �y �� 50 a� � NQ N� I � �� �� � �Y 'U � �� wg� UNIT 135, 1536 130 STREET. 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' '�. ,.=�_- =- � ,�. _.- °= � - ;i ��= _ i _I ,� =... v_ ;---; ,-- _ LEFT ELE�IATION � — ' _ �a_ _ _ „�. - � ' — -- � — -- _ •: � • � Homes �lson's Peak Maple Ridge rvelopment Plan � � �`�..�,. .�.: a�.:� ��.� �<, i3 design o.� r�' ��� �� 30 b� -----___ Par�l� G G 2� 20 � 9� �F / /_ • •. --� �_. . ' •� ���c / n�` �t � \ i i\�� � `. i � �. l `�, 3 2 � L�J Homes Ne�son's Peak in Maple Ridge DeLelopment Plan S�e Plan . • ► � LOT 28 I LOT 27 PLAN G1R I p�p,N F1R CUSTOM E PLAN F1 R STREETSCAPE LOTS 18-2°i SCALE: 1/8"='I'-0° -�� _ � I LOT 18 PLAN F2R LOT 26 I ''''"""'� PLAN G2R f LOT 25 � ' PLAN F2R pI�N F�R STREETSCAPE LOiS 22-28 SCALE: 1!8"=1'-0" LOT 23 PLAN G1R STREETSC/�PE i.OTS 49-53 SCALE:1/8"='I'-0" rv�.iV VLL'- LOT 22 PLAN G2L ��Y Ntr I I Homes Peak I Ridge nent Ptan . ,d �w.�. . ncEY.f4.tl# ....n-� . i3 design o. � �» �. ��:� 7m EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FILE : 2093-116 - SD ��3 1-0�5 22830,22850 AND 22942,136 AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY LTD. Nelson MATERIALS FINISH SCHEME 1 RUST/BEIGE SCHEME 2 BEIGE/RUST SCHEME 3 BLUE/BROWN SCHEME 4 TAN/BROWN/BLUE 1. HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING PRE-FINISHED GENTEC Pebble GENTEC Pebble GENTEC Mdnight Surf GENTEC Canyon Clay 2. HEAVY PROFILE pRE FINISHED �NDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR ASPHALT SHINGLES "BLACK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" 3. CEDAR SHINGLES STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TR,4NSPARENT STAIN - "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" 4.ARCH.CONCRETE NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATUR,4L S.A. PAINTED WOOD TRIM PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED SHERWIN WILLIAMS * Pre-primed 2x6 trim HC - 82 "BENNINGTON GRAY" HC - 70 "VAN BUREN BROWN" HC - 86 "KWGSPORT GRAY" SW 6236 "GRAYS HARBOR" ` Balcony Fascia PAINTED * Wood Trim * Open Tail Soffits S.B. STAINED WOOD TRIM STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - * Cedar Raiiing STAINED "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" * Decorative wood brackets * Wood Columns 6. GUTTERS AND pRE FINISHED �YCAN -"MATCHCOAT KAYCAN -"MATCHCOAT KAYCAN -"MATCHCOAT KAYCAN -"MATCHCOAT DOWNSPOUTS BEIGE° BEIGE" BEIGE" BEIGE" 7. VINYL WINDOWS PRE FINISHED WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL 8. VERTICAL VINYL BOARD AND BATTON PRE FINISHED GENTEC Wicker GENTEC Pebble GENTEC Mdnight Surt GENTEC Canyon Ciay 9. MANUFACTURED STONE ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - PRE FINISHED CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE -"EAGLE CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE -"EAGLE PROSTACK LEDGE STONE -"BLACK PROSTACK LEDGE STONE -"BLACK MOUNTAIN" (3011) MOUNTAIN" (3011) TUSK" (7021) TUSK" (7021) 10. FRONT DOOR AND PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE GARAGE DOOR PAINTED HC - 64 "TOWNSEND HARBOUR HC - 64 "TOWNSEND HARBOUR CC - 542 "WILLOW' CC - 542 "WILLOW" BROWN" BROWN" 11. ALUMINUM FLASHING PRE FINISHED WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE � 6 1 O v., rs � �e_3 f6� 1 of 2 EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FILE: 20�3-��s - so - Nelson 22830,22850 AND 22942,136 AVE., MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. INSIGNIA HOMES SILVER VALLEY LTD. MATERIALS FINISH SCHEME 5 KHAKI/GREEN SCHEME 6 KHAKI/BROWN SCHEME 7 CHARCOAUBLACK SCHEME 8 TAUPE/CHARCOAL 1. HORIZONTAL VINYL SIDING PRE-FINISHED GENTEC Sage Green GENTEC Sage Green GENTEC Storm GENTEC Pebbie 2. HEAVY PROFILE pRE FINISHED �NDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR LANDMARK 30 YR ASPHALT SHINGLES "DRIFTWOOD" "DRIFTWOOD" "DRIFTWOOD" "DRIFTWOOD" 3. CEDAR SHINGLES STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TR,4NSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" 4.ARCH.CONCRETE NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL 5.A. PAINTED WOOD TRIM STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR STAINED SIKENS EXTERIOR " Pre-primed 2x6 trim SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - * Baicony Fascia PAINTED "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" "CEDAR" ' Wood Trim * Open Tail Soffits S.B. STAINED WOOD TRIM STAINED C-I-L EXTERIOR STAINED C-I-L EXTERIOR STAINED C-I-L EXTERIOR STAINED C-I-L EXTERIOR SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN - ' Cedar Railing STAINED "B�CK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" "BLACK WALNUT" * Decorative wood brackets * Wood Columns 6. GUTfERS AND PRE FINISHED �YCAN -"CHARCOAL" KAYCAN -"CHARCOAL" KAYCAN -"CHARCOAL" KAYCAN -"CHARCOAL" DOWNSPOUTS 7. VINYL WINDOWS PRE FINISHED WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL WHITE VINYL 8. VERTICAL VINYL BOARD AND BATTON PRE FINISHED GENTEC Sage Green GENTEC Sage Green GENTEC Storm GENTEC Pebble 9. MANUFACTURED STONE ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - ROCKY MOUNTAIN STONEWORKS - PRE FINISHED CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE - CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE - CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE -"FOG" CUSTOM FIT LEDGE STONE -"FOG" "PEWTER GREY" (3014) "PEWTER GREY" (3014) (3002) (3002) 10. FRONT DOOR AND PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE GARAGE DOOR PAINTED 2134 - 20 "Mid Summer Night" HC - 73 "PLYMOUTH BROWN" 2128-10 "BLACK BEAUTY" HC - 85 "FAIRVIEW TAUPE" 11. ALUMINUM FLASHING PRE FINISHED WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE }� - 3 I a�s 2 of 2 .3� stu� � Sel.<mt � � 1 m2 \ I I ,�� � �-- :.. � m EPP27906 O � Roa� O 1.15 ha 0 0 0 4 "_ _ _ " _' _ ""'"'"" "" "_'_ _ _"""_" ""'""_ 7R� 12 Af.Bi GRI56A�1 PAPBtBARK MAPLE II 61WCGo BILo&1 PRINGETON SB�IIiM PRINGETON SB1iRY MAIDB:HAIR 2 MAGNOUA KOH15 5781ATA RAYAL STAR' FD'fAL STAR MA6Nq_IA S 29 A 18 AF�UN5 LT�T� LONPAGTA STRAY�RY 1R� �8 a � ��,�� ��,�.� P 18 PIB215,1M17NILA'MONI�AINFIF�' .1MAt�EATDROtN�DA � K 69 ARLTo5TAFlMoS WA-U251 YANf.aWBiJADE' qtAilqtdUGK SHfa,B �p�Hm,���.,,� P IB PI6iI5JAPONIGATriJNfI�MFif�' JAPAHCSEATDFOI�A APPENDIX D3 M2 J06 NU6BEfL- 120G8R3 iLANTED SRE / REMARKS bGM GAL; IBM STD� Bt8 bLM C.AIa 25M Hi; Bt8 M5 POi ��: 5 POI; •I POT; 5 PO�; y�y, NOlES� • PI.FHi SIIES IN 7HI5 LIST ARE SPEGIFIm PLCORDIN6 To 7F� BG LANDSGAPE STANDAfm, LATEST IDITION. 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LAN�SCAPE ABCHITECTUAE #220-26 Lome Mews New Westminster, Brltish Columbia V3M 3U Te1:604.553.0094 FaIC 604.553.0045 Emall: office@m2la.com PORIR,41rHOA�S �S � AfAPIPl�2 HG L�TS �8_28 : lWYJlbYMf o wiNONUMazP. �� L1 M MW CF{ M=aP�,�R��MOEa � o,��a,�M,.Th�,m�.,�,,.,�.,�. no,��aa.u.,,o.m�:,�.�s�e�;�:, �,�,,. IAN�SCAPE AflCHITECTUflE V3M 3 V Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: fiO4.553.0045 Email: offtce@m2la.com "i'' '71 '�'�� � ^• • : �i•n- ezis awixaxumoen. �a.��a L2 M � OFI IILG! 1+�1�•. 7.r1 x iu.reesrox�rs.auxioxmueroe�arrae•aresoiW. era roawce mra+arruver.�neawroax: I 42" PIGKET FETIGE RND GATE �-s �, �.. ,.-0: CAMPAGTED GLEAR GRUSH 6RAVEL \NDSGAPE FABRIG �MPAGTED SUBGRADE %�2� COMPACTED CLEAR CRUSH WALKWAY L3 � �._�,-0. pceoMeM nv��+aa.�e.elornum�pa°I�ro W�awN.irwm�mion. New WestminstereBrltish Columhia V3M 3L7 Tel: 664.553.0094 Fax: 604.553.0045 Emai�: offi<e@m2la.com Po�rrRarrHo�s nssor�rs a� . wur�Aoc� ea DETAILS vr.i�o L3 M aKb: M�,y CF{ mumm =urnaiccrHumow. LC�iS e RID9E � T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2013-048-DP Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Commercial Development Permit application has been received for the existing Tim Hortons restaurant located at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendix A). The applicant is seeking to reconfigure the drive-through route to create a dual order station set up. This will improve the speed of the drive-through use, and is anticipated to increase the amount of vehicle stacking in the drive- through line up by two vehicles. The subject property is currently zoned CS-1 and there are no concurrent development applications for the subject property. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Permit 2013-048-DP respecting property located at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: South East: EXP Services Inc. Sandhurst Properties Inc. Lot: A, Section: 22, Township: 12, Plan: BCP9320 Commercial CS-1(Service Commercial) Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Commercial, Single Family Residential Zone: CD-2-95 (Assembly, Civic, Commercial, and Off- Street Parking) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Designation: Commercial, Urban Residential 1108 West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial Fast Food Resta u ra nt Fast Food Resta u ra nt 0.29 ha (0.7 acres) 230 Street Urban Standard RZ/080/03, DP/080/03, VP/080/03, SD/098/02, DP/001/99, DP/003/99, RZ/031/97 The applicant proposes to remove two parking spaces and modify the existing drive-through median to enable two order box stations on the north side of the access right-of-way. This would allow two separate drive-through customers to place orders simultaneously (see Appendix B). No changes are proposed to the existing commercial building. c) Planning Analysis: Zoning Bylaw: The subject site is currently zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial) commercial building are proposed under this application. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bvlaw: No changes to the existing The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires one parking space per four seats for restaurant uses in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone, plus a five car stack-up for the drive-through component. The Tim Hortons restaurant has 58 seats, therefore 15 parking spaces are required. After losing two parking spaces for the second order box station, 35 parking spaces are still provided, which exceeds the parking space requirement by 20 parking spaces. This proposed revision will allow for a 15 car stack-up for the drive-through component, an increase of two stacking spaces; which exceeds the vehicle stacking requirement by ten vehicle stacking spaces. Official Community Plan: The development site is designated Commercial and falls within the General Commercial category due to its location along Dewdney Trunk Road within the Urban Area Boundary and outside of the Town Centre. The objective of the General Commercial category as stated in the Official Community Plan (OCP) is to "respond to emerging market trends and shopping preferences and to permit greater flexibility in the range of commercial uses". The CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone aligns with the General Commercial category. In accordance with Official Community Plan Section 8.5, a Commercial Development Permit is required for this proposal and is subject to a number of key guidelines. The subject property has been the subject of two prior development permits in 1999 and 2003 for the construction of the Tim Hortons restaurant and expansion of the drive-through route, respectively. As these development permits were issued prior to 2006, the guidelines at that time were different than the current guidelines. Additionally, it is important to note that the key guidelines refer to new developments -2- and major changes, and less to minor changes and site reconfiguration. The proposed changes are not eligible for a minor development permit amendment, as the project does not meet the following criteria for consideration of a minor amendment to a development permit: 3. Proposed modifications must not alter elements that were controversial or that attracted considerable discussion from the public, staff, Advisory Design Panel, or Council during the original Development Permit process. Noise attenuation from the drive-through order station to adjacent residential properties generated significant concern and discussion between the public, staff, and the applicant under previous application RZ/080/03. As this development application is for an expansion to the existing drive- through design, the key guidelines apply to a limited extent, and three key guidelines (guidelines 3,4, and 5 below) are not applicable to the subject project. The Planning Department has reviewed the drive-through reconfiguration in terms of how the changes comply with the key commercial development permit guidelines. 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Under development permit application DP/080/03, an acoustic fence and hedging was added along the northern property line and a small portion of the western property line that abuts residential land in order to reduce conflicts between commercial and residential uses. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. There are limited opportunities to provide outdoor amenities, reduce the visual impact of the existing parking lot, and increase visual interest along street fronts as a result of the scope of this project and the service commercial, highway oriented nature of the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. However, these elements have not been impacted in a negative way as a result of the proposed changes. The pedestrian connection from 230 Street to Tim Hortons will be maintained, as will the landscaping around the perimeter of the property to reduce the visual impact of the parking lot. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. This guideline does not apply as the proposed site changes are relatively minor in nature, and there are no proposed changes to the existing building. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. This guideline does not apply as the project is not a mixed-use development. -3- 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The Tim Hortons restaurant was subject to a development permit in 1999 to guide the form and character of the building design. As no changes are proposed to the building itself, this guideline does not apply to this application. d) Advisory Design Panel: The proposed changes to the drive-through configuration for the existing Tim Hortons restaurant is minor in nature and the form and character of the building will not be altered. The proposed changes are taking place in the parking lot where the drive-through route is located. The application was forwarded to the Advisory Design Panel for review. The Advisory Design Panel resolved that: The application be supported as presented and the applicant proceed to Council for approval. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department requested that the applicant hire a traffic consultant to review the drive-through queuing impacts on 230 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The applicant has submitted a letter from LEA Consulting Ltd. confirming that the drive-through reconfiguration will provide stacking for an additional two vehicles and a professional opinion that the additional capacity and efficiencies will help to reduce the congestion. The report did not provide an analytical analysis supporting the additional stacking would address the current queuing issues onto 230 Street. The District will monitor the intersection over time and will work with the owner in considering modifications if the proposed improvements do not resolve the impacts on 230 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. f) Citizen Implications: The proposed change is anticipated to speed up the drive-through ordering process for customers. By increasing the space between the order station and the pick-up window, Tim Hortons staff will have more time to process the orders. Additionally, the proposed change is anticipated to increase the drive-through stacking of vehicles by two, which will reduce the back up of vehicles onto 230 Street and improve traffic movement for residents of that street. g) Financiallmplications: The subject property is currently landscaped. The Advisory Design Panel has reviewed the landscaping and has advised that no additional landscaping is required, therefore, there is no landscape security required for this application. h) Alternatives: Under Section 919.1 of the Local Government Act and Section 8.1 of the Official Community Plan the subject property has been designated a Development Permit Area with special requirements for commercial development. Council approval is required for the Commercial Development Permit prior to a Building Permit being issued. '� CONCLUSION: This development application is for the reconfiguration of the existing Tim Hortons drive-through route to create a dual order station set up; therefore, certain key guidelines are achievable while others are not applicable. Staff have reviewed the proposal and are satisfied that it complies with the intent of the key Commercial Development Permit Guidelines of the Official Community Plan. As the proposed changes are anticipated to improve the functionality of the existing Tim Hortons restaurant, it is recommended that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Permit 2013-048-DP respecting the property located at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Jim Charlebois" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by David Pollock" for Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" for Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan -5- 12115 � 12114 Q W 28� � 25$ 26812105 � 12104 259 267 282 12095 12094 120 85 283 264 265 266 12084 � N � °' 284 N N 12074 12064 � � � � � � 310 � N 2 N 3N 4 N 5N N 309 P 842 1 P 450 ' BC P 22 903 LOT 1 N � N N P 84291 BC P 37415 LOT A � � N N DEWDNEYTRUNK ROAD 10 12107 9 12073 P 15g849 12067 � ,�12057 � ti a 212053 38 12041 P 32509 A BC P 93 20 � � 6� N N 0 N 12116 32 � 12106 � N � APPENDIX A 12153 121464 374 f� 12151 12,� 44 � 375 I� 12149 1' a 457 12147 12 377 31 � 12145 12064 � 37$ � 23013 P 209 69 � 2301 � �,� � 12056 30 379 Q.QQ��J O°' � 2"O � �3� �� 12048 M 2N � Subject Property 12022 CP 8273) A 117 � O M N ^ N � W 38 o � M � � � 381 382 P 66 38 317 p P 47120 � N M � � C.�O ti � � �Q O 6) � N � � 6� 6) � OO N N �- r M N � N N N N N N� 215 N Rem � �a � O N � � � P 565 202 � 6 � �� N � P 8011 P 57 91 � �� 975 N �� 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 2� 7 Pcl. 1 EP 10384 _— ��9s2 P 34984 P 4 788 45 11980 55 154 153 152 151 150 � 1195 5 11951/53 PC�. 2 o � N N �' � � 44 � 6� 6� 6� � (� (V N N N N N � 189 N Scale: 1:1,500 �ity�f Pitt Mead�ows District of Langley M O M N 1194 9 I ; 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road .� � N i N �� � o �! CORPORATION OF ��� � TH E DI ST RI CT O F �o � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT � � DATE: May 8, 2013 2013-048-DP BY: JV DETAILS OF DEVELOPMENT DATA REQUiRED PROViDED ZONING SERVIGECOMMERGIAL(CS-1J SETBHCKS FV 9m 8.i5m" RV 6m 38.2m INT.SV 60m 5.52m' �.Sm 20 ]m NET LOT AREA (sq mJT 5 B29 sq m 2BOt 4 sq.m BUIL�INGCOVERAGE MA%.40% 9% BUILDINGHEIGHT NOTSPECIFIED N/A GROSSFLOORAREA NOTSPECIFIE� 26ISsq.m oRNErHRU SraCHiNG 5 6 LOA�ING SPACES Spaces 1 1 Size NOT SPECIFIE� 6.8m x 12m Barrier- Space RKING Free S�aIlLenglM1 NOTSPECIFIED 5'03m S�aIIWItl�M1 3.Bm 3.8m Stantlartl Spaces 15 34 Parking S�aII LenglM1 S Sm S Om" StaIIWItliM1 2.)5m 2.)0m` OverallNumbarof5paces i6 35 AisleWltltM1 ].3m BOm OTHER'.' EXISTING SITE CONDITION iNTEGRATED SPEAKER MENU BOARDS ('SMB) TO B- SEf AT ��.�m (INCL. 9.5m STACKING 131iL�K) I fiO�A 4'ICK U4' WINUOW, MEASURE� ALCN6 µ 01 ���iNL—Ill��tl, LANE. OVERALL LOSS OF 3 PARKING SPACES EXISTING GRADING TO BE MAINTAINED- CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE POSITNE FLOW OF SURFACE wATER AND MAINiAIN EXISTING �RAINAGE PATTEftNS- PROVIDE CURB CUTS AS REQUIRED, AT APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS. MENU ISLAND IS NOT STANDARD LENCTH_ PLEASE REFER TO TH•5 DRAWING FOR DiMEN5i0N. � [*o�� un�cx �, mp)iure cx. ca ! Wc/w�nvo� os ocrqlis)P-R owG Na 3 a o�c/W u� rvnic inav � (ttP. Pox 2) pG � vaiH.m uNcs �na_� � ex. vuHreo uH�s � crvaos�a[ enc[ � k�. \� s[ a[mov[o "u ro � � *a a reEuwm � � � — — — �� � 1� - . PaH.Eo �Ha mP� � eo�uws p) � � _ _ �*•L+�-'°L�_� m _ _ _ — � _ __— I I I I cxu�onorvc�owx i i i�I v� c.�rvc vno� b� I,�es[us rx��� R �'llll cl�oow � Ex ur,wi PoiE � slcN— `•rvw � _ iz —II�� DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD rx ii�aoir W W � E. .L � � N � APPENDIX B MAPLE RIDGE, BC siTEP�^N 22985 DEW DNEV TRUNK ROAD S P RESTAURANT No1803 � � � Deep itoois Greater Heights T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Adjustments to 2013 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: Apr. 07, 2014 FILE N0: T21-212-003 ATTN: C.O.W. BC Assessment has revised the assessed value for the 2013 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 12. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and reports these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION(S): The report dated Apr. 07, 2014 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: One folio was adjusted: An appeal filed with the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) resulted in an adjustment to the assessed value of a seniors' independent & assisted living facility to more accurately reflect the value and condition of the improvements. Similar adjustments were made for this property in 2012 for the 2010 through 2012 assessment values. (Municipal tax revenue changes: Decrease in Class 1(Residential) $ 6549.16) b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There is a total decrease of $ 6,549.16 in municipal tax revenue. Page 1 of 2 1131 CONCLUSIONS: Adjustments by BC Assessment resulted in a decrease of $1,529,000 to the Residential assessment base. This report dated Apr. 07, 2014 is submitted for information and is available to the public. "Original signed bv Silvia Rutledge" Prepared by: Silvia Rutledge Manager, Revenue & Collections "Original signed bv Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, B.B.A.; C.G.A. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services "Ori inal signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Page 2 of 2 ��, � �: . ❑EEa Roa:s Greater Heights T0: FROM SUBJECT District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer 2014 Community Grants DATE: April 7, 2014 FILE N0: ATTN: Committee of the Whole EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has established a budget of $62,000 for community grant purposes in 2014. This limited pool of funding allows Council to support organizations providing valuable community services. In previous years, Council committed to providing an annual grant of $5,000 to the Alouette Home Start Society, leaving $57,000 available for allocation to other applicants. For 2014, staff has received a request for $5,000 from the Maple Ridge Concert Band to support an event to celebrate the Bandstand's 20 years of service to the community. The Community Grant's budget does not have the capacity to support the request in full and staff is recommending that the additional funding required ($2,538) be provided from reserved Gaming Revenues. Staff has reviewed the grant applications received in relation to Council's Community Grants policy and recommends the grant allocations shown on the attached Schedule "A". RECOMMENDATION(S): That the proposed allocation of grants as shown on Schedule "A" of the staff report dated April 7, 2014 titled 2014 Community Grants be approved, and That funding in the amount of $2,538 be approved from Gaming Revenues to accommodate the Maple Ridge Concert Band's request to support a Bandstand Birthday Bash in full. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The community grants budget of $62,000 is a limited pool of funding established by Council to assist organizations providing valuable community services. Over the past several years, we have seen a number of community organizations increasingly struggle to find sustainable funding for their programs. Through the community grants program, Council has been able to provide some groups with bridge funding as they work toward achieving long-term stable funding. In some instances, the Municipality has supported organizations with annual funding. Due to fiscal restraints, it is often not possible to provide the level of support that groups request, so an effort is made to ensure that the available budget is distributed where it will benefit the community the most. In 2013, Council adopted a Community Grants policy, formalizing the eligibility and evaluation criteria used when considering the allocation of the community grants budget. The intent of the policy was to ensure that any community groups looking for funding would have information on the types of requests that Council would consider and how their application would be evaluated. Page 1 of 5 1132 As in previous years, groups that applied for, and were denied, a permissive tax exemption are eligible to apply for a Community Grant. For 2014, 2 groups fell into this category: the North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association (NFTRA) and the Army Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada. The NFTRA has submitted a Community Grant application that is detailed later in the report. The Army Navy and Air Force Veterans opted not to submit an application. For 2014, some of the available budget has already been committed through Council decisions in previous years. The agreement with the Alouette Home Start Society (AHSS) for the Iron Horse Youth Safe House provides for a grant to offset property taxes to support their work with youth. We estimate that the amount required for this is $5,000. After providing for these commitments, $57,000 is available to accommodate additional requests. The following provides some information about grant requests recommended for support in 2014. The Family Education and Support Centre's Community Kitchen program helps local citizens living below the poverty line learn how to prepare affordable and nutritious meals while also providing a place of social contact and information about community resources. The group applies to the various credit unions and the United Way for funding every year. It can take some time to find out if grant applications were successful and services may need to be reduced or cut pending those funding decisions. Bridge funding from the Municipality allows the Community Kitchen program to continue without interruption. A contribution of $4,000 is recommended to enable the program continue until other funding can be secured. The Community Network has a strong commitment to contribute to the current and future social sustainability of our community and seeks to build a"culture of connectiveness" within the social fabric of Maple Ridge. The Family Education and Support Centre is a founding member of the Community Network and serves as host for the Network coordination funds. Other agencies that provided funding for the Network in the past have withdrawn their support and the Network is looking for a$5,000 grant to alleviate this funding shortfall. The District provides the Community Network with $25,000 from gaming revenues, so the additional grant would bring the total contribution to the network to $30,000 for 2014. Staff is recommending approval of the grant. The Friends in Need Food Bank helps to provide food to between 2,500 and 3,000 people in the community. The Municipality has supported this organization for many years, not only through the community grants program, but also through the direct efforts of staff fundraising and annual food drives. In 2013, the Municipality has provided the Food Bank with $14,700. The Food Bank has requested an increase to $20,000. Staff recommends a grant of $15,000 for 2014. The Maple Ridge Concert Band originally gifted the Memorial Park Bandstand to the District in 1994 and recently provided Council with an update on their intention to host a"Bandstand Birthday Bash" to celebrate its 20 years of service in the community. To facilitate this celebration the Maple Ridge Concert Band requested funding of $5,000 through the Parks and Leisure Services Festival Support funding program. Unfortunately, their request could not be accommodated within the festivals funding envelope and it was forwarded to the Community Grant Review Committee. The Community Grants budget does not have the capacity to support the full amount requested and staff is recommending that additional funding from reserved Gaming Revenues be authorized in order to support this one-time request in full. Funding would be provided as follows: $2,462 from the existing Community Grants budget envelope and $2,538 from reserved Gaming Revenues. The Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie Seniors Network Intergenerational Garden is a neighbourhood based initiative that promotes inter-generational relationships while providing seniors Page 2 of 5 with opportunities to build community connections. The program is targeted primarily toward seniors and school age children, but is open to the wider community and serves to promote urban agriculture. The group is requesting $3,000 to support the acquisition of garden material and supplies essential to the success of the program. Staff is recommending a grant of $2,000. The North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association (NFTRA) provides therapeutic equine activities for children and adults with physical, emotional or developmental disabilities. The group applied for a permissive tax exemption for 2014, but was denied as the programs offered, while valuable, did not fit within our permissive tax exemption policies. As per policy, the group was eligible to apply for a community grant. They have requested funding of $1,538 to help them fence an additional paddock for their herd of therapeutic horses. Staff is recommending the grant be approved. The Salvation Army Caring Place has requested a grant of $7,774 to support their community meal program. On a daily basis, this program provides 107 bag lunches to school age children in addition to serving three meals a day at the Caring Place. The Municipality has supported this program for a number of years and staff recommends a grant of $6,000 for 2014. As in other years, the Maple Ridge Lions Club, in conjunction with the Fire Department, plans to host the annual Halloween Fireworks Display. In 2004, Council adopted a bylaw banning the sale or use of fireworks in Maple Ridge. Since that time, the Lions Club has been coordinating this popular community celebration and while some monies may be raised through sponsorship, a municipal contribution of $3,000 is recommended to support the event. In 2009, Council committed to providing the Haney Farmers Market Society with a total of $10,000 over two years to help with their efforts to promote the Farmer's Market and provide opportunities for citizens to connect directly with local food producers. The results from that initial commitment helped to increase the economic viability of the Market and in an effort to sustain that trend in 2011, the Society requested $6,000 annually for 2 years. The society has researched sustainable market funding models and identified that most markets require some annual grant funding to remain financially viable. The Society has been working to secure an alternative funding source, but to date has not been able to secure the funding partner. The Society continues to work to find alternate funding sources and is optimistic they will be successful, although some level of municipal funding may be needed on an ongoing basis in order to allow the Market to leverage additional funding. Staff is recommending that Council provide a grant of $6,000 to support the Market in 2014. The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association's annual Country Fest is a popular community event that Council has supported since 2008. The event serves to educate attendees about agriculture and to celebrate local farmers and farming. The event also provides a venue for local 4-H youth to show their livestock and learn valuable leadership skills. The Association is requesting a grant of $12,000 to assist with the 2014 event. Staff is recommending the grant be approved. The Friends in Need Food Bank, Family Education and Support Centre NFTRA, the Salvation Army and the Alouette Home Start Society receive monies from other levels of government. These revenues help the organizations with their service goals but additional grant monies from the Municipality will help to offset the pressures of rising costs and may help groups leverage additional funding from other agencies. Council established the Community Grant program to help achieve the vision of a safe and livable community supported by a network of organizations that contribute to the wellness and vitality of the community. In addition to the Community Grant program, Council also has an established funding envelope to support the may festivals enjoyed by the community each year. The Parks & Leisure Page 3 of 5 Services Commission is responsible for the allocation of the festivals budget in support of events such as the Caribbean Festival and Canada Day celebrations. The Municipality also provides support to a number of local organizations through fee-for-service agreements. The operating departments manage these agreements and the associated budgets. Organizations currently participating in fee for service agreements include Adopt-a-Block and the Alouette River Management Society (ARMS), who recently merged their operations, the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society (KEEPS), the Youth & Justice Advocacy Association and Ridge Meadows Search & Rescue. During the annual business planning process staff will be reviewing the grants received by community groups over the past number of years to see if some of these programs would be better served through either the Parks and Leisure Services Festival Support funding program or with fee-for service agreements starting in 2015. b) Desired Outcomes: Organizations, such as those identified on Schedule "A", are increasingly struggling to secure long- term sustainable funding coupled with increasing demand for the services they provide. Through the community grants program, Council is able to help such organizations continue with the provision of services to the residents of Maple Ridge. c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: The distribution of community grants proposed on the attached Schedule "A" allocates all $62,000 of the available budget to various community groups and requires an additional $2,538 from Gaming Revenues. Pending Council's approval, this will be incorporated into the next Financial Plan update. d) Alternatives Council could choose not to distribute any grants other than those previously committed to, but as that decision may jeopardize the ability of various organizations to continue providing necessary services that is not recommended. CONCLUSIONS The provision of grants to local organizations benefits the citizens of Maple Ridge. The distribution proposed on Schedule "A" attempts to allocate the limited resources to provide benefit to the community. "Original signed by Catherine Nolan" Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting "Original signed bv Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, CGA GM Corporate & Financial Services Page 4 of 5 "Original signed bv Kellv Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift GM Community Development Parks & Recreation "Original signed bvJ.L.(Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Schedule "A" . �'• • � � Requested Recommendation Amount for 2014 for 2014 How the Grant will be used Total Budget Available as per the 2014 Financial Plan $ 62,000 Recommended use of reserved Gaming Revenues $ 2,538 To assist the Alouette Homestart Society with their endeavors to support the youth of the community by providing a level of assistance not to exceed Alouette HomestartSociety $ 5,000 $ 5,000 their Municipal propertytaxes. To assist the organization with their Community Kitchens program while they work to secure stable Family Education and Support Centre 4,000 4,000 fundingforthe program To supportthe coordination of the Community Family Education and Support Centre (Community Network) 5,000 5,000 Network To assist the organization with their goal of providingfood to the hungry in Maple Ridge (replace van used for local pick up & delivery of Friends in Need Food Bank 20,000 15,000 food) Maple Ridge Concert Band 5,000 5,000 To assist with the Bandstand Birthday Bash To support the Intergenerational Garden, a neighbourhood based initiative intended to MR, PM, Katzie Seniors Network 3,000 2,000 develop intergenerational relationships To assist NFTRAfence an additional paddock for North FraserTherapeutic RidingAssociation 1,538 1,538 their herd oftherapeutic horses To assist the Salvation Army's Community Meal Salvation Army 7,774 6,000 Program Fireworks Display (Maple Ridge Lions Club) 3,000 3,000 Annual Halloween Fireworks Display To assist the market's efforts to become self Haney Farmers' Market 6,000 6,000 sustaining. MR, PM Agricultural Association 12,000 12,000 To assist with the annual Country Fest Totals $ 72,312.00 $ 64,538.00 Unallocated Community Grants - $ - Page 5 of 5 MAPLE RIDGE 6ritish Co[umhla T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 0640-30-01 Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C.O.W. SUBJECT: RIDGE MEADOWS SENIOR SOCIETY GOVERNANCE REVIEW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached report was reviewed by the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission at their meeting of March 13, 2014. During the discussions a request was made to refer the alternatives described in the Ridge Meadows Senior's Society Governance Review Report of March 13, 2014 to the Joint Leisure Services Model Review process and staff committed to do this. Staff were also asked to provide an update on implementation of the Ridge Meadows Senior's Society Governance Review recommendations after six months and agreed to do so. RECOMMENDATION: No resolution required. `Original signed by Kelly Swift' Prepared by: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services `Original signed byJim Rule' Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :ik Attachment - PLS Commission Report 2014-03-14 1151 %� �� Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report Pitt Meadows REGULAR MEETING PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES March 13, 2014 SUBJECT: RIDGE MEADOWS SENIOR SOCIETY GOVERNANCE REVIEW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In January 2013, Commission approved an addendum as a supplement to the current Fee for Service Agreement (FFS) between the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission (the Commission) and the Ridge Meadows Senior's Society (RMSS), addressing the operation of the Pitt Meadows Senior Centre (PMSC). Commission authorized staff to enter into this addendum to the FFS agreement which will expire on December 31, 2014, coinciding with the expiration of the current FFS agreement. In addition to approving the addendum, Commission passed a resolution directing staff to review the FFS after one year and report on how the FFS is working in relation to the operation of the new Pitt Meadows Seniors Facility. Over the past year RMSS has conducted a number of consultation processes focused on evaluating the services they provide. As a result, they have developed a new strategic plan that focuses on six improvement areas. The plan is designed to build on strengths and address areas for improvement. The new board in place in 2014 is committed to the implementation of this plan. RMSS has worked cooperatively with PLS staff to conduct a review of the governance model under the FFS agreement that considers the past year's experience related to the operation of the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre, along with the feedback from RMSS members and citizens. In addition, in January 2014, the PLS staff liaison conducted a series of focus groups designed to review the effectiveness of the current RMSS governance model as it relates to the operation of the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre. Resulting recommendations are based on the above experience, member and citizen feedback, and the outcome of this focus group process. A summary of the findings and a list of recommendations developed in collaboration with, and endorsed by, both RMSS and the Pitt Meadows Senior's Committee (PMSC) are included in this staff report. RECOMMENDATION: That Parks & Leisure Staff be directed to support the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society and the Pitt Meadows Seniors Committee to implement the recommendations outlined in this report designed to improve the RMSS governance model and the operation of the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre; And further, That staff be directed to support the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society in incorporating the recommendations from the governance review into the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Strategic Plan and ensure that these recommendations and findings inform the renewal process for the 2015-2017 Commission Fee for Services Agreement with the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society. \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Ad m in\01-Adm in\0540-Council-Com mittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-03- 13\PLSC_RMSS_Governance_Review_2014-03-13.doc #1 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: In January 2013 the FFS addendum was approved by Commission and a resolution to review the addendum within one year was endorsed. Subsequently, concerns were raised by the PMSC regarding the operation of the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre. As a result, Parks and Leisure Services staff and RMSS worked together to conduct a 55+ Engagement process. This project included: asset mapping through surveys and focus groups, 2 Senior Symposiums (one in Pitt Meadows and one in Maple Ridge) and a final report with recommendations on the future direction of recreation services for seniors. The information gathered through this process has supported RMSS in reviewing operations and programs and has further informed their Strategic Plan. A report with the final recommendations was presented to Commission at the November 14, 2013 meeting. The steps for the review included: 1. Review of the Present System In preparation to conduct this review, through discussions with both RMSS and PMSC it became clear that there was a need to establish a clear understanding of both the history of the relationship and the current structure including: structure of agreements, and the responsibilities assigned by the agreements. The General Manager of Parks and Leisure Services conducted an orientation that outlined both the Parks and Leisure Services Joint Services Agreement and the FFS with RMSS. Subsequently, the staff liaison conducted informational meetings with both RMSS and PMSC reviewing the history and the details of the FFS structure. During these informational meetings to share this history, it became clear that a formal discussion between RMSS and PMSC of the changes to procedures that were required for the move to the new facility had not occurred and that PMSC needed to be provided with an opportunity to input to the decisions regarding the changes. 2. Governance Review Process: The review of the governance model included a review of the feedback that RMSS and PMSC had gathered through the consultation processes they have completed to date including: the development of a strategic plan, orientation of a new board, three surveys (staff, membership, and general public aged 55+), and the completion of a 55 Plus Engagement Strategy. The following themes emerged from the Focus Group discussions: 1. Strengths of the current governance system and proposed solutions • All felt that their relationship with RMSS and PMSC was steadily improving. • All groups indicate they are feeling that recent efforts to address concerns are creating a feeling of promise toward the future. • PMSC-led programs at the PM Senior Centre are generally well attended and interest is continuing to grow. • The newly elected RMSS Board is supportive and looking to the future with an emphasis on solidifying and creating relationships. \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Ad m in\01-Adm in\0540-Council-Com mittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-03- 13\PLSC_RMSS_Governance_Review_2014-03-13.doc #2 2. Identified Areas for Improvement: The consultation and review process identified the following five areas for improvement: Information Transparency • Communication between RMSS and their membership, their partners and PMSC needed improvement. • Need for timely and consistent information flow between RMSS staff and RMSS to keep partners and volunteers informed. ii. Relationship development • Creation of an environment at facilities, in programs, with volunteers, and with partners that fosters a culture that is welcoming and promotes diversity. • Ensure future involvement of stakeholders in creating common goals and shared vision for the development of program services. iii. Membership The need to focus on expanding the membership through a campaign focused on diversifying and expanding membership, with a specific strategy targeting the 55 to 65 age group. Support the strengthening of the membership and capacity of the PMSC. iv. Financial • Focus on fiscal responsibility. • Financial information pertaining to the operations, programming, and fundraising related to the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre shared regularly with the focus on PMSC. v. Marketing and Promotions • Focus on the development of a Marketing Plan and Promotional Strategy for all RMSS programs and operations. 3. Recommendations: The following recommendations were developed in response to the feedback through the focus group process, review of the outcomes of the 55 Plus Engagement Strategy, and review of the RMSS strategic plan. These recommendations were developed in collaboration with, and are supported by, both RMSS and PMSC. 1. Clarification of Roles and Relationship (PMSC to RMSS): a. Recommendation - to create a new Terms of Reference (TOR) for the PMSC. The process to create the new TOR will be inclusive of full participation by PMSC, RMSS and facilitated by the PLS staff liaison. b. Recommendation - to include new TOR as a requirement in future Parks and Leisure and RMSS FFS Agreements and that the TOR be reviewed by PMSC, RMSS and PLS liaison at the end of each term. \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Ad m in\01-Adm in\0540-Council-Com mittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-03- 13\PLSC_RMSS_Governance_Review_2014-03-13.doc #3 2. Need for mechanisms for improved communication and information sharing: a. Recommendation - that PMSC and RMSS meeting structure and frequency be outlined in Terms of Reference. 3. PLS staff liaison to support RMSS and PMSC to form working committees to support the implementation of the six goals identified in RMSS Strategic Plan. 4. Alternatives Explored The following alternatives were explored with both RMSS and PMSC and as a result of those discussions are not being recommended. 1. Create a new PM Senior's Society to enter into a FFS Agreement for the operation of the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre. 2. Investigate a Service Agreement with a new organization (non-profit or for profit organizations). These alternatives, as well as the recommendations listed in Section 3 of this report, were discussed at the meetings of both RMSS and the Pitt Meadows Seniors Committee and the following motions were passed at each meeting: On Wednesday February 26, 2014 the RMSS Board voted unanimously to support the recommendations in this report. On Wednesday February 26, 2014 PMSC presented a motion to vote on the recommendations presented in this report and the alternatives presented in this report. The PMSC unanimously passed the motion in favour of continuing as a Committee of RMSS and supportingthe recommendations in this report. Should Commission be interested in exploring either of the above options, Commission could direct staff to research further and bring back a report on the implications including financial. b) Desired Outcome: To support the Pitt Meadows Steering Committee & Ridge Meadows Senior Society in providing opportunities for people 55 plus in Pitt Meadows by strengthening and clarifying their relationship and by formalizing the roles and responsibilities of both RMSS and PMSC as they relate to the operation of the Pitt Meadows Senior Centre. c) Strategic Alignment: To promote and support a healthy, safe and sustainable community working together to build individual strengths, and create a strong sense of community. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Increased and improved recreational opportunities for people aged 55 plus in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Ad m in\01-Adm in\0540-Council-Com mittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-03- 13\PLSC_RMSS_Governance_Review_2014-03-13.doc #4 CONCLUSIONS: This report is an overview of the review of the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Fee for Service Addendum as requested by the Commission. PMSC and RMSS have shown a tremendous passion for volunteering and providing programs and services for people 55 plus in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge and are committed to supporting the recommendations outlined in this report. The PLS staff liaison will continue to work closely with RMSS and PMSC to implement the recommendations, should they be approved. `Original signed by Dave Speers, Acting/Recreation Manager, Youth & Neighbourhoods' Prepared By: Tony Cotroneo Recreation Manager, Community Services `Original signed by Sue Wheeler' Approved By: Sue Wheeler Director Community Services `Original signed by Kelly SwifY Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :tc \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Ad m in\01-Adm in\0540-Council-Com mittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-03- 13\PLSC_RMSS_Governance_Review_2014-03-13.doc #5 MAPLE RIDGE 6ritish Co[umhla T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: April 7, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 0640-30-01 Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C.O.W SUBJECT: FESTIVAL SUPPORT RECOMMENDATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the March 13, 2014 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission meeting, a report on Festival Support Recommendations - First Intake, March 2104, was reviewed. The report is attached for Council's information. As part of this process, the Commission recommended that the request for one-time funding to assist the Maple Ridge Concert Band to host a Birthday Bash to raise funds toward further upgrades to the Bandstand be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council. RECOMMENDATION: (1) That a request to fund the one-time Maple Ridge Concert Band, Bandstand Fundraising Event, be referred to the Community Grant Review Committee. `Original signed by Kelly Swift' Prepared by: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services `Original signed byJim Rule' Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :ik Attachment - PLS Commission Report 2014-03-14 1152 ,- Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report Maple Ridge REGULAR MEETING Pitt Meadows PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES March 13� 2014 SUBJECT: FESTIVAL SUPPORT RECOMMENDATIONS - 1� Intake, March 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Applications for festival support were reviewed by the Festival Sub-Committee on February 18, 2014 and evaluated with reference to the benefit criteria outlined in Commission's Festival Support Policy. The financial documentation provided with the applications was also examined to ensure that event organizers requesting event funding had clearly demonstrated the need for financial support. The Sub-Committee's detailed recommendations for support allocations are attached in the summary chart. The Sub-Committee noted that the quality, complexity, and number of festivals in the two communities continue to grow. As a result, the task of distributing the existing dollars is becoming increasingly difficult as the requests extend far beyond the capacity of the 2014 Festival Support Funding. It appears that the stress on this budget will continue to grow as the capacity for volunteers to host festivals within the community increases along with the rising costs of implementing events. We recognize that every festival conducts their own fundraising initiatives to cover the majority of their costs, however, the festivals support grant provides seed funding that helps to leverage additional dollars and to show municipal support. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the festival support allocations for May to November 2014 be approved as noted in the summary developed by the Commission Festival Support sub-committee, attached to the 2014- 03-13 report on this subject for a total allocation of $32,450; 2. That a request be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council to fund the one-time Maple Ridge Concert Band, Bandstand Fundraising Event; 3. That a request be forwarded to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils to consider an increase in funding for festival support, during the 2015 business planning process. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Festival Sub-committee, comprised of Commissioners Alanna Carmichael, Shannon Roberts and Stephany Tunshell, reviewed all applications received prior to the February 18, 2014 meeting. Sixteen funding applications, for community events taking place May 1 to November 30, were reviewed. The submissions did not include the protocol events held during this time period as these events are not required to submit festival support applications and are guaranteed annual funding. The total amount of $8,400 is allocated to Canada Day and Remembrance Day events in each of the two communities. \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW \01-G en \Agen das\2014\2014-04- 07_COW\CDPR\PLSC_Festival_Gra nt_Recommend_2014-03-13.doc #1 Based on the previous years' funding requests for annual events held from September 1- December 31, 2014, the Sub-Committee is recommending that $16,477 be held back for the second application intake and to address requests from potentially new emerging festivals. The Festival Sub-Committee will meet again to review the requests for the second round of applications and will make recommendations to Commission in June. The total festival grant funding is $48,927 in the budget, however the anticipated total requested from both intakes for this fiscal year is estimated at $77,000. A particular focus of the Festival Sub-Committee was to ensure consistency between funding awarded to festivals. As a result, in addition to the funding recommendations, the Sub- Committee applied the following criteria in their decisions: Maximum funding for larger festivals be established ($5,000 proposed for 2014) and consistently applied, and that this amount be based on available resources and comparing similar festivals. o Implications in 2014 recommendations - Pitt Meadows Day be awarded the same amount as Caribbean Festival and Country Fest. Comparisons be established with categories (e.g. similar types of events) to allow for consistency in allotting funding allocations: o Implications in 2014 recommendations - 3 day festivals to receive similar funding allocation (e.g. Bard on the Bandstand and Bluegrass Festival). b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is that community festivals provided to local residents and tourists by volunteer festival organizers, are successful and effective, providing opportunities for citizens to contribute to community, and for citizens to connect and participate in their community. c) Strategic Alignment: It is recognized that encouraging citizens to develop their creative potential and sense of community through special events and festivals contributes to building a healthy, vibrant and engaged community. Citizen participation is integral to both Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Councils' strategic plans. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The recommended level of funding falls within the budget guidelines and it allows for the funding of new events as requests come forward throughoutthe year. e) Policy Implications: As per Festival Support Policy P100. CONCLUSIONS: An evaluation of all festival applications has been conducted by the Sub-Committee and they are recommending that festivals receive the level of financial support as outlined in the Festival Review Chart - February 2014 for a total of $32,450 in the first intake. With the growth and interest in community festivals, the Sub-Committee recommended that both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils consider an increase in funding for festival support during the 2015 business planning process. To stay within the 2014 festival grant allocation budget and to not compromise funding support for other community festivals, that a request be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council to fund the one-time Maple Ridge Concert Band Bandstand Fundraising Event. \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW \01-G en \Agen das\2014\2014-04- 07_COW\CDPR\PLSC_Festival_Gra nt_Recommend_2014-03-13.doc #2 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows have a strong culture of volunteer support for festivals and events that enhance citizens' quality of life, encourage community identity and spirit, enhance economic benefits, attract tourists and participants, develop volunteerism and demonstrate a sense of responsibility to the community. The Festival Grant Program recognizes and supports these volunteer contributions and the positive outcomes they achieve. `Original signed by Kathryn Baird' Prepared By: Kathryn Baird Recreation Coordinator Special Events and Volunteers `Original signed by Sue Wheeler' Reviewed By: Sue Wheeler Director Recreation `Original signed by Kelly Swift' Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services :kb Attach ments: • Festival Support Review Chart - February 2014 • Festival Policy P100 \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Cou nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW \01-G en \Agen das\2014\2014-04- 07_COW\CDPR\PLSC_Festival_Gra nt_Recommend_2014-03-13.doc #3 District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: March 17, 2014 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the December 2, 2013 Workshop, Council received an update on the preparation of a new Smoking Bylaw. At that meeting Council provided feedback on the proposed Bylaw and specific changes were made to reflect the discussion in Workshop. The purpose of this report is to bring back the amended proposed Bylaw for Council's consideration and any further discussion that may be warranted. The Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 5495-1997 should be rescinded in its entirety as it is outdated and is no longer supported by Provincial legislation. RECOMMENDATION(S): THAT Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No.6968-2013 be given first, second and third readings; and THAT Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No.6968-2013 is forwarded to the Minister of Health for approval. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The most recent amendments to the Tobacco Control Act regarding the prohibition of smoking were passed in the legislature in 2007, 2008 and 2013. These amendments provide local government with the ability to ban smoking within at least 3 meters of commercial and municipal buildings as well as municipal parks and playgrounds. If a local government wishes to expand on that distance they may do so. The regulations are more stringent now in prohibiting both indoor and outdoor smoking. Additionally, Work Safe BC has tightened up their enforcement requirements for areas of business and work. The only indoor areas that are not governed by this legislation are dwelling units as defined under the Zoning Bylaw; a hotel or motel room designated for smoking; enclosed premises not open to the public where the occupants are the owner or owners of the business carried on in the premises. All other premises are non-smoking areas within certain distances from buildings or places. Currently, Fraser Health is doing enforcement under the Tobacco Control Act Regulation however strictly from an educational approach. They have extremely limited resources focused in this area. This includes monitoring businesses for infractions regarding the selling of tobacco as well as monitoring smoking in public places. However their principle focus is the selling of tobacco to minors. The attached table set out in Appendix I compares neighbouring municipalities. Page 1 of 2 1601 There is a range among municipalities with regard to the distance within which smoking is prohibited. The distance previously recommended was 6 metres. The proposed distance has been amended to 7.5 metres to reflect the discussion at the December 2, 2013 Workshop. This distance matches the distance in Pitt Meadows Bylaw which makes it easier for our residents and those of Pitt Meadows to follow when sharing our trails, parks and facilities. The proposed Bylaw is mainly an educational enactment for the most part. In most jurisdictions, the Health Inspectors and the Business Licence Department take on a significant amount of the educational component, resources permitting. For continuity sake the staff positions named in the bylaw as having the authority to enforce are the Medical Health Officers, or their delegates, Bylaw Enforcement Officers, members of the local RCMP and members of the local Fire Department and any other staff person designated by Council. This is to ensure that all staff inembers in an enforcement field are aware of the regulations and can easily pass them along to the public. Specific signage is another required component of this proposed Bylaw and in most other municipalities either the Health Unit has picked up the cost of signage or they have worked with the BC Lung Association in having the signs created and then it is a local staff function to conduct the educational component including distributing the required signs to the individual businesses. The District of Maple Ridge would be required to post their own signs in areas where smoking is not permitted on municipal property including parks and playgrounds that is different than the current regulations. b) Desired Outcome(s): The changes in the bylaw will ensure that the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw is in alignment with current Provincial legislation. c) Alternatives: Do not adopt Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 and use the Provincial statute as written, leaving it up to the Province for complete enforcement, and provide staff with further direction. CONCLUSIONS: Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 5495-1997 is outdated and does not align with the current Provincial Tobacco Control Act. Because of this, it should be rescinded in its entirety regardless of whether this new Bylaw is adopted. The adoption of the new Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw will bring the District's regulations in line with the Provincial regulations. "Original signed by E.S. (Liz) Holitzki" Approved by: E.S. (Liz) Holitzki Director: Licences, Permits and Bylaws "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng General Manager: Public Works and Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Office Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX I Municipality Comparison Chart Comparison of Lower Mainland Municipalities Municipality Bylaw Adoption Distance Port Moody 2008 7.5 metres Surrey 2008 7.5 metres Abbotsford 2007 7 metres District of N. Van 2010 6 metres Mission 2010 3 metres Coquitlam 2010 3 metres Langley City 2009 3 metres Port Coquitlam 2002 3 metres Delta 2001 3 metres New Westminster 2004 3 metres Richmond no bylaw Pitt Meadows 2008 7.5 metres Chilliwack no bylaw APPENDIX II District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 Effective Date: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 Table of Contents Citation................................................................................................1 SeverabiI ity ..........................................................................................1 Previous Bylaw Repeal ........................................................................1 Definitions...........................................................................................1 Banon Smoking ..................................................................................3 Required Signage and Duties of Responsible Person ........................4 Duty of Administration and Enforcement ............................................5 Powerto Inspect ..................................................................................5 Obstruct/ InterFere with Enforcement Officer ....................................5 Offence and Penalty ............................................................................6 District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 A bylaw to regulate smoking in the District of Maple Ridge. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to provide for the protection, promotion and preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the District of Maple Ridge by regulating smoking in the District of Maple Ridge, as in this bylaw more particularly set out; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968 -2013. Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 3.1 Previous Bylaw Repeal Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation, Bylaw No. 5495-1997 and the following amendment bylaws are hereby repealed: Amendment Bylaw Effective Date Bylaw No. 6058 - 2002 July 23, 2002 Part 4 Definitions 4.1 In this bylaw: "Building" means a structure or portion of a building or structure which is used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy and includes premises. "Business" means a business, trade, profession, or other occupation for which a person must obtain a licence under Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw. Page 1 of 6 "Common Areas" include, but are not limited to, lobbies, foyers, stairwells, elevators, corridors, cloakrooms, washrooms, food fair seating areas, and other public areas of a building. "Customer Service Area" means a partially enclosed or unenclosed area, including a balcony, patio, yard or sidewalk, that is part of or connected to, or associated with a Business or use in a Building or Premises that includes the service of food or beverages, including alcoholic drinks, to customers or other persons for consumption on site. "District" means the District of Maple Ridge. "Dwelling Unit" means a dwelling as defined in the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. "Enforcement Officer" means the Medical Health Officer of the District of Maple Ridge, a delegate of the Medical Health Officer, a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, a member of the RCMP, a member of the Maple Ridge Fire Department, and any other person designated by Council. "Premises" means a portion of a Building in respect of which a person has exclusive possession. "Public Transit" includes but not limited to a school bus, a Vehicle for Hire, a passenger a bus, and a rapid transit vehicle. "Responsible Person" means a person who owns, controls, manages, supervises, or operates: (a) A Business or other use which occupies all or substantially all of a Building; (b) A Business or other use which occupies Premises; (c) Common Areas which includes a strata corporation or cooperative association; (d) A Customer Service Area; and (e) A person who drives a Vehicle for Hire. "School Property" means property that is owned or leased by, or operated under the authority of, a board established the School Act or the Independent School Act, and that is used for the purposes of delivering educational programs or other learning programs. This includes real property and improvements. "Smoke" or "Smoking" means to inhale, exhale, burn, or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, hookah pipe, or other lighted smoking equipment that burns tobacco or other weed or substance. "Swimming Beach" means any beach that is so designated by sign as a beach used for swimming or sunbathing. "Vehicle for Hire" as defined in the District of Maple Ridge Taxi Bylaw. "Zoning Bylaw" means the the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. Page 2 of 6 Part 5 Ban on Smoking 5.1 A person shall not Smoke: 5.1.1 In a Building, except in: a) A Dwelling Unit defined under the Zoning Bylaw including a Dwelling Unit in which an owner or occupier also carries on a Business; b) A hotel or motel room or suite designated for Smoking by a Responsible Person; or c) Enclosed Premises: (i) that are not open to the public; (ii) where the only occupants are the owner or owners of the Business carried on in the Premises. 5.1.2 In a Vehicle for Hire; 5.1.3 On Public Transit including a school bus, passenger bus, ferry, or rapid transit; 5.1.4 In, or within seven point five (7.5) metres of, an enclosed or partially enclosed shelter where people wait to board a Vehicle for Hire or Public Transit; 5.1.5 In a Customer Service Area; 5.1.6 In Common Areas; 5.1.7 Within seven point five (7.5) metres of the perimeter of a Customer Service Area; 5.1.8 Within seven point five (7.5) metres measured on the ground from a point directly below any point of any opening into any Building including any door or window that opens or any air intake; 5.1.9 On any Swimming Beach or in a wading or swimming pool; 5.1.10 Within the areas of municipal park, or playground where there are playing fields, picnic areas, food concessions or children's play equipment present, or organized fitness activities taking place; 5.1.11 In any municipal and/or public Building including daycares, recreation and community centres; 5.1.12 On the grounds of any municipal recreational facility, including skate board parks; 5.1.13 Within seven point five (7.5) metres of those places outlined in sub sections 5.1.9, 5.1.10, 5.1.11, or 5.1.12 of this bylaw. Page 3 of 6 Part 6 Required Signage and Duties of Responsible Person 6.1 Except as permitted by section 5.1, a Responsible Person must not suffer or allow a person to Smoke in: 6.1.1 A Building or Customer Service Area; 6.1.2 Premises or Common Areas; 6.1.3 An area described in sub section 5.1.5 or 5.1.7 except to the extent that all or part of such area is not part of the parcel on which the Building or Customer Service Area is situated and is not an area over which such Responsible Person has possession or control; or 6.1.4 In a Vehicle for Hire. 6.2 Where Smoking is prohibited pursuant to sections 5.1 and 6.1 a Responsible Person must display, at all times, or ensure the display of a sign: 6.2.5 At each entrance to a Building or Customer Service Area or to a Premise, or in a Vehicle for Hire. The sign must state, "THIS IS A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT - NO SMOKING". 6.2.6 On each exterior wall of a Building. The sign must state: "SMOKING IS PROHIBITED WITHIN SEVEN.FIVE (7.5) METRES OF OPENINGS INTO THIS BUILDING INCLUDING DOORS AND WINDOWS THAT OPEN AND ANY AIR I NTAK E" 6.2.7 In outdoor Customer Service Areas, clearly visible from each table or placed on each table. The sign must state: "THIS OUTDOOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AREA IS A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT - NO SMOKING" 6.2.8 On the exterior wall, fence or other structure demarking an outdoor Customer Service Area. The sign must state: "SMOKING IS PROHIBITED WITHIN SEVEN.FIVE (7.5) METRES OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AREAS" 6.3 All signs referred to in section 6.2 must: 6.3.9 Include the text "Bylaw No. 6968-2013" in letters not less than one-quarter (1/4) of the height of all other letters on the sign; 6.3.10 Display the international symbol to designate "No Smoking", or, in areas where smoking is permitted, the international symbol "Smoking Permitted", which symbol must occupy at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the size of the sign; 6.3.11 Consist of at least two (2) contrasting colours, except that if the lettering is on a clear panel then the lettering must contrast to the colour of the background; 6.3.12 Be at least thirty centimeters (30 cm) by fifteen centimeters (15 cm); 6.3.13 Be clearly visible; and Page 4 of 6 Part 7 Part 8 6.3.14 Except for the text specified in sub section 6.3.1, consist of lettering, whether upper case or lower case, that is not less than the following heights based upon the following maximum viewing distances in direct line of sight: Viewing Distance 3 metres or less 3 metres to 6 metres 6 metres to 12 metres Letter Hei�ht 1 centimetre 2 centimetres 4 centimetres A person must not remove, alter, conceal, deface or destroy any sign required under this Bylaw. Duty of Administration and Enforcement The intent of this bylaw is to set standards in the general public interest and not to impose a duty on the District of Maple Ridge or its employees to enforce its provisions and: a) A failure to administer or enforce its provisions or the incomplete or inadequate administration or enforcement of its provision is not to give rise to a cause of action in favour of any person; and b) The grant of any approval or permission or issuance of any permit is not a representation, warranty or statement of compliance with the Bylaw and the issuance thereof in error is not to give rise to a cause of action. Power to Inspect 8.1 An Enforcement Officer has the right of entry and may enter onto any land, into any vehicle, or into any building to which this bylaw applies, at all reasonable hours, in order to ascertain whether the provisions of this bylaw are being complied with. Part 9 9.1 Obstruct/ Interfere with Enforcement Officer No person may hinder, delay or obstruct in any manner, directly or indirectly, an Enforcement Officer carrying out duties in accordance with this Bylaw. Page 5 of 6 Part 10 Offence and Penalty 10.1 Every person who violates a provision of this bylaw, or who consents, allows or permits an act or thing to be done in violation of a provision of this bylaw, or who neglects to or refrains from doing anything required to be done by a provision of this bylaw, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalties imposed under this bylaw, and is guilty of a separate offence each day that a violation continues to exist. 10.2 Every person who commits an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00. READ A FIRST TIME on [Date] READ A SECOND TIME on [Date] READ A THIRD TIME on [Date] APPROVED BY MINISTER OF HEALTH on [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] CORPORATE OFFICER PRESIDING MEMBER Page 6 of 6