HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-22 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETI/VG AGENDA July 22, 2014 7.•00 p.m. Counci/ Chamber MEET/NG DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 MOMENT OFREFLECT/ON 300 /NTRODUCT/ON OFADD/T/ONAL AGENDA /TEMS 400 APPROI/AL OF THEAGENDA 500 ADOPT/ONAND RECE/PT OFM/NUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 8, 2014 502 Minutes of the Public Hearing of July 15, 2014 503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of July 8(2), 2014 600 PRESENTA T/ONS A T THE REQUEST OF COUNC/L Page 1 Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 2 of 9 700 DELEGA T/ONS 701 Friends in Need Foodbank - Mary Robson, Executive Director 702 Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association - Lorraine Bates 800 UNF/N/SHED BUS/NESS 801 Motion by Councillor Morden (notice provided at the July 7, 2014 Council Meeting) (see attached) 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BYLAWS Note.� /tems 1001 to 1002 are from the Ju/y 15, 2014 Pub/ic Hearing Bvlaws for Third Readin� 1001 2013-105-RZ, 12162 240 Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7073-2014 To designate from Estate Suburban Residential to Institutional Third reading 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7047-2013 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to P-1 (Park and School) to facilitate the expansion of the existing Meadowridge School by rezoning and amalgamating the site into the existing school site at 12224 240 Street Third reading 1002 2013-013-RZ, 24286 102 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit the future subdivision into approximately 18 single family lots Third reading Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 3 of 9 Bvlaws for Final Readin� 1003 RZ/024/09, 25467 Bosonworth Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011 Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into 4 lots Final reading 1004 2011-122-RZ, 11956 267 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880-2011 Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into 2 lots Final reading 1005 2011-136-RZ, 20724 River Road Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012 Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit subdivision into 2 single family lots Final reading 1006 2014-008-RZ, 12032 216 Street Staff report dated July 22, 2014 recommending final reading 1006.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014 To designate land use from Urban Residential to Institutional Final reading 1006.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-2 (Special Institutional) to bring the existing licensed care use (Beckman House) into compliance and to allow construction of a two storey building that will provide 20 independent living units Final reading 1007 2012-040-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 10406-10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411-10526 Robertson Street, 24705-24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408-10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue, 10433-10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) Robertson Heights Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014-2013 To authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties Final reading Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 4 of 9 1008 2013-116-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 136 Avenue (even numbers only); 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 To authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties Final reading COMM/TTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDA T/ONS 1100 COMM/TTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - J u ly 7, 2014 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Pub/ic Works and Deve%pment Services 1101 2014-043-RZ, 13065 Katonien Street, Site-specific Text Amendment Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7090-2014 for a site-specific text amendment to the M-2 (General Industrial) zone to permit an "Indoor Mountain and BMX Biking" facility be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information and details of the proposed building and on-site landscaping prior to consideration of second reading. 1102 2014-028-RZ, 12080 Edge Street and 22554, 22566 and 22576 121 Avenue, RS-1 to RM-3 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) with a site specific text amendment to increase floor space ratio to permit a 5 storey apartment building with approximately 75 units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 5 of 9 1103 2013-107-RZ, 24009, 24005 and 24075 Fern Crescent, RS-3 and RS-2 to RS-1, RS-1b and R-2 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 to adjust conservation designation boundaries be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS- 2(One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District) be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1104 2012-119-RZ, 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street, RS-3 and RS-2 to RM-1 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit development of 104 townhouse units be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1105 2013-080-RZ, 24086 104 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit development of 18 townhouse units be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1106 2013-101-RZ, 20758 Lougheed Highway, CS-1 to C-2 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013 to rezone from CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit construction of a commercial buildingto accommodate a new Mark's Work Wearhouse be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1107 2011-082-RZ, 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that a final one year extension for application 2011-082-RZ not be granted, that third reading of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6861-2011 be rescinded and that a revised geotechnical report be submitted by the applicant. Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 6 of 9 1108 2011-122-DVP, 11956 267 Street Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-122-DVP to vary required road carriageway width on 267 Street. 1109 2014-008-DVP, 12032 216 Street Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2014-008-DVP to reduce building setbacks for the interior side yard setback on the north and south of the property and the rear yard setback on the east side. Note.� /tem 1110 was deferred from the Ju/y 8, 2014 Counci/ Meeting 1110 2014-042-RZ, 11678 Burnett Street, RS-1 to RS-1b Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to allow subdivision into 2 lots, each with a single family dwelling and a garden suite, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. Note: /tem 1111 was deferred from the June 10, 2014 Council Meeting 1111 2013-111-AL, 23154 128 Avenue, Non-Farm Use Application in the Agricultural Land Reserve Staff report dated June 9, 2014 recommending that Application No. 2013- 111-AL for non-farm use within the Agricultural Land Reserve for a cell phone tower be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 1112 Award of Contract: ITT-EN14-29, 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements (244 Street to 245 Street) Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Contract ITT-EN14-29, 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements, be awarded to King Hoe Excavating Ltd., that a contract contingency be approved and the financial plan be amended to increase project funding and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 7 of 9 1113 Award of Contract: ITT-EN14-36: Downtown Road Improvements Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommendingthat Contract ITT-EN14-36: Downtown Road Improvements, be awarded to Arsalan Construction Ltd., a contract contingency be identified and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Financia/ and Corporate Services (includin� Fire and Po/ice� 1131 Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066-2014 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066-2014 be given first, second and third readings. 1132 Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2014 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2014 be approved. 1133 2014 Council Expenses Staff report dated July 21, 2014 providing Council expenses for 2014 updated to the end of June 2014. Community Deve%pment and Recreation Service 1151 Proposed Maple Ridge Parks Bylaw No. 7085-2014 Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 be given first, second and third readings. 1152 224 Street and Brown Avenue Neighbourhood Park Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the neighbourhood concept plan for improvements at 224 Street and Brown Avenue be approved. Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 8 of 9 1153 Alouette Home Start Society Request for Advocacy Support for Iron Horse Youth Safe House Funding Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that a request for an extension of funding to allow the Alouette Home Start Society to operate the Iron Horse Youth Safe House be sent to Member of Parliament Randy Kamp and the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and that a letter be sent requesting that the Ministry of Children and Family Development contribute funding to the operation of the Iron Horse Youth Safe House. 1154 Maple Ridge Tennis Club Funding Request Staff report dated July 21, 2014 recommending that the request from the Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club for a grant or loan toward completion of their clubhouse project be referred to staff. Correspondence 1171 Other Committee /ssues 1181 1200 STAFFREPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF/TEMS FROM CLOSED COUNC/L 1400 MA YOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNC/LLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPED/ENT 1700 NOT/CES OFMOT/ONAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEET/NG Council MeetingAgenda July 22, 2014 Council Chamber Page 9 of 9 1800 QUEST/ONS FROM THE PUBL/C 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Checked Date: District of Maple Ridge COUNC/L MEET/NG July 8, 2014 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor E. Daykin Councillor C. Ashlie Councillor C. Bell Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor B. Masse Councillor M. Morden Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services C. Carter, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. and the District of Maple Ridge 100 200 300 ��� CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OFREFLECT/ON /NTRODUCT/ON OFADD/T/ONAL AGENDA /TEMS APPROI/AL OF THEAGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated. 501 Page 1 Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 2 of 12 500 501 ADOPT/ONAND RECE/PT OFM/NUTES Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 22, 2014 R/2014-301 Minutes Regular Council June 24, 2014 501 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 24, 2014 be adopted as circulated CARRIED 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of June 19, 2014 R/2014-302 502 Minutes Development Agmt It was moved and seconded Committee .�� 700 701 702 That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of June 19, 2014 be received. CARRIED PRESENTA T/ONS A T THE REQUEST OF COUNC/L- N i I DELEGA T/ONS South Asian Cultural Society • Biju Mathew, President Mr. Mathew awarded donations to various non-profit organizations from the South Asian Cultural Society. Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows • Youth Vision Film Festival A presentation was given providing information on the history of Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows, advising on film screenings hosted by the organization and highlighting the recent Youth Vision Film Festival and its winning film. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 3 of 12 :�� •�� 1000 UNF/N/SHED BUS/NESS - N i I CORRESPONDENCE - N i I BYLA WS �laws for Final Readin� 1001 Maple Ridge General Local Government Election Bylaw No. 7072-2014 To provide consistency with new provincial legislation impacting local government elections Final reading R/2014-303 BL No. 7072-2014 AMENDED R/2014-304 BL No. 7027-2014 AMENDMENT Final reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7072-2014 be adopted. It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7072-2014 be amended to reduce the minimum number of qualified nominators required to make a nomination for office from 10 to 2; and further That Bylaw No. 7072-2014 be adopted as amended. CARRIED Councillor Bell, Councillor Masse - OPPOSED COMM/TTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDA T/ONS 1100 1100 COMM/TTEE OF THE WHOLE Minutes - N/A The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 4 of 12 Pub/ic Works and Deve%pment Services 1101 2014-016-RZ, 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1b and RS-3 to R-2 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083-2014 to rezone from RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit subdivision into twelve lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. R/2014-305 2014-016-RZ BL No. 7083-2014 First Reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No.7083-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. CARRIED 1102 2014-037-RZ, 21447 121 Avenue, RS-1 to R-1 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. R/2014-306 2014-037-RZ BL No. 7095-2014 First Reading It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7095-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 5 of 12 1103 2014-042-RZ, 11678 Burnett Street, RS-1 to RS-1b Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. R/2014-307 2014-042-RZ BL No. 7096-2014 DEFERRED R/2014-308 2014-042-RZ BL No. 7096-2014 DEFERRAL It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7096-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. It was moved and seconded That first reading of Bylaw No. 7096-2014 be deferred to the July 22, 2014 Council Meeting. CARRIED 1104 2011-015-RZ, 11959 203 Street, Final One Year E�ension Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application 2011-015-RZ to allow for development of a commercial and residential building. R/2014-309 2011-015-RZ Final One Year Extension It was moved and seconded That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted for rezoning application 2011-015-RZ and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 6 of 12 ii. A Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office for storm sewer; iii. A Reciprocal Cross Access plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Resident Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant securing four (4) parking spots on the adjacent property; and viii. Registration of a Housing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant to ensure residential units remain as rental u n its. CARRIED 1105 2011-136-DVP, 20724 River Road Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-136-DVP to reduce the road right-of-way on River Road to permit subdivision into 2 single family lots. R/2014-310 2011-136-DVP It was moved and seconded Sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-136- DVP respecting property located at 20724 River Road. CARRIED 1106 2012-040-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 10406-10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411-10526 Robertson Street, 24705-24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408-10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue, 10433-10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that "Robertson Heights" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014-2013 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 7 of 12 R/2014-311 2012-040-SD It was moved and seconded BL No. 7014-2013 Three readings That a Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Morningstar Homes Ltd., and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), be authorized for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 128 properties created by subdivision of the land; and further That Bylaw No. 7014-2013 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED 1107 2013-116-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 132 Avenue (even numbers only); 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. R/2014-312 2013-116-SD It was moved and seconded BL No. 7091-2014 Three readings That a Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Insignia Homes Silver Valley #2 Ltd., and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), be authorized for the enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the benefitting 75 properties created by subdivision of the land; and further That Bylaw No. 7091-2014 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 8 of 12 1108 Project Close-Out - 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Contract ITT-EN13-32, 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River, to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. be increased and that the Contract for Construction Administration and Inspection Services, 232 Street Bridge over the North Alouette River, to Delcan Corporation be increased. R/2014-313 232 Street Bridge It was moved and seconded Replacement That Contract ITT-EN13-32, 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River, to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. be increased to the amount of $3,335,000 excludingtaxes; and That the Contract for Construction Monitoring and Administration Services, 232 Street Bridge over North Alouette River, to Delcan Corporation be increased to the amount of $223,100 excludingtaxes; and That a project contingency of $150,000 be maintained to cover any project costs through the one year contract maintenance period; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the revised contracts. CARRIED 1109 Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Single Axle Sewer Jetter Flusher Truck Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that the contract for the purchase of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 9 of 12 R/2014-314 Award of contract It was moved and seconded Sewer Jetter Flusher Truck Execute contract That the contract for the purchase of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. In the amount of $232,478.00 plus applicable taxes of approximately $30,222.14, and a contingency of $10,000; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED Financia/ and Corporate Services (includin� Fire and Po/ice� 1131 Property and Ancillary Insurance Staff report dated July 7, 2014 providing an update on the provision of property and ancillary insurance coverage for local governments by the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia ("MIABC"). For information only No motion required Community Deve%pment and Recreation Service - N i I Correspondence - N i I Other Committee /ssues - N i I 1200 STAFFREPORTS- Nil 1300 RELEASEOF/TEMSFROMCLOSEDCOUNC/L - Nil Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 10 of 12 1400 MA YOR'S REPORT Mayor Daykin attended the official opening ceremony for the Albion Water Spray Park and the U14 Girls BC Softball Championship. 1500 COUNC/LLORS' REPORTS Councillor Ashlie Councillor Ashlie attended meetings of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee. Councillor Bell Councillor Bell attended an open house at the Trejan Lodge, the Canada Day events and a Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Chamber of Commerce general meeting. Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck attended the Canada Day events, the official opening ceremony for the Albion Water Spray Park and a meeting of the Public Art Steering Committee. Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth attended the Canada Day events, the official opening ceremony for the Albion Water Spray Park and a Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Chamber of Commerce meeting. Councillor Masse Councillor Masse attended meetings of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting, an open house at the Trejan Lodge and a post secondary education forum. Councillor Morden Councillor Morden attended the Canada Day celebrations. Mayor Daykin reminded residents that Maple Ridge will be hosting the "Communities in Bloom" judges. He offered his condolences on behalf of Council and the citizens of Maple Ridge to the family of Sylver McLaren, a journalist for the local Times newspaper, who passed away recently. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 11 of 12 1600 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPED/ENT - N i I 1700 NOT/CES OFMOT/ONAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEET/NG 1701 Notice of Motion from Councillor Morden Councillor Morden read the text of a motion to be considered at the July 22, 2014 Council Meeting. 1800 QUEST/ONS FROM THE PUBL/C Eric Phillips Mr. Phillips asked to have an error on the plaque at Emmeline Mohun corrected. He also asked that whether the use of material other than bronze or metal could be considered for future plaques to prevent theft. Council Meeting Minutes July 8, 2014 Council Chamber Page 12 of 12 1900 ADJOURNMENT - 8:27 p.m. QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Checked by: Date: District of Maple Ridge PUBL/C HEAR/NG July 15, 2014 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on July 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor E. Daykin Councillor C. Ashlie Councillor C. Bell Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor B. Masse Councillor M. Morden Appointed Staff F. Quinn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services C. Carter, Director of Planning A. Kopystynski, Acting Manager of Development and Environmental Services Mayor Daykin called the meeting to order. The Manager of Legislative Services explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on July 22, 2014. Note: Councillor Bell excused herself from discussion of Item 1 at 7:03 p.m. due to a perception of conflict of interest as her daughter attends Meadowridge School. The Mayor then called upon the Acting Manager of Development and Environmental Services to present the following items on the agenda: 1a) 2013-105-RZ Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7073-2014 Lega I: Location: Purpose: From: To: South Half Lot 8, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 5317 12162 240t" Street To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan Estate Suburban Residential Institutional 502 Public Hearing Minutes July 15, 2014 Page 2 of 3 1b) 2013-105-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7047-2013 Legal: South Half Lot 8, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 5317 Location: 12162 240th Street From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: P-1 (Park and School) PURPOSE: To facilitate the expansion of the existing Meadowridge School by rezoning and amalgamating the site into the existing school site at 12224 240t" Street The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence was received on either of the items on the agenda. The Acting Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Terms & Conditions There being no comments the Mayor declared the item dealt with. Note Councillor Bell returned to the meeting at 7:08 p.m.. 2) 2013-013-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013 Legal: East Half Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 17126 Location: 24286 102nd Avenue From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Public Hearing Minutes July 15, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Purpose: To permit the future subdivision into approximately 18 single family lots. The Acting Manager of Development and Environmental Services gave a power point presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Neighbourhood Context • OCP Context • Site Characteristics • Proposed Subdivision Plan • Terms & Conditions There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with. Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor terminated the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m. E. Daykin, Mayor Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENTAGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 8, 2014 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. 2012-053�D LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Jill Holgate, Recording Secretary Lot 1, District Lot 245, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan EPP35205 and; Lot 2, District Lot 245, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan EPP35205 21681 Ridgeway Cres & 21687 Ridgeway Cres Affinity Homes and Designs Inc. Release Covenant CA3730314 and Building Design Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2012-053�D. CARRIED � � .,.,,� l� ��`� f= ,r �; ,r r ,� _`�`` �� ��°����.�.. J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member � 503 �r ,p 195 � � � � � N 21 �24 a i� � �r �`�°` � 188 � 187 � °° °' � °- a. g rr,�c��^ ti^�1`96 N N N 186 N 185 � N N 2 N 3 `� 6 5� � N P 4349 LM P 340 9 12342 P 33 50 P 3 150 � 0 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 �,153 � m u� u� u� �n u� u� r r-� u� �A r N n c� d- CO L a CO CO � � � C�O C�O I� I� � N N N N N N N N N N �y N 123 AVE. � � � � � � � � � � N ?�� 1 Rem.� � � � � � °° � � � N s� � .- r m � � 32671 N N N N SUBJECT PROPERTIES �' � 128 129 130 131 136 137 N �' R 15478 P 33 04 P 300 � 38 139 12314 19818 P 15642 E P P 520 P 1564 P 14 96 � 2292 � 2 E 12 13 14 15 � 12282 �0 J. C N� oro � u� r� r r- (fl 2 � Cp � O `- N (+� � � � G � � � � � � � � � N r- T' �- N � %�j � N N N N N N 6' a 3 2 �'' RIDGEWAY CRES. �2272 P 4796 '� � Remm � m� 6 ' �� � � � � � 4�p (p CO N N N N N N N N N N � 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 � 122 AVE. 122 AVE. N P 4796 � m o 21685 `° �° �`� 59 P 5682 N 55 N 56 N 57 c� P 5682 60 61 31 32 33 34 � � � �� � � � � � r- G y �o �� � � � � � a. `�� Jp fL�6 N N N N N N N 12222 ��`b 122 AVE. � �22oa 51 `l' � N a � M � o Ci f Pitt � ��'� � - Mea ows__� . � LOTS 1& 2, PLAN EPP35205 "� � ! c ' ' � (RIDGEWAY CRESCENT) � - r_;� � �� _ -� �� � - ' o �t, CORPORATION OF `"`P��` i�= -�-��'�� THE DISTRICT OF T,,,� _� ,. u �� `�� ,��'.�,,� � � , . �� . , � �� MAP LE RI DG E N Distnct of �, s�e � LaI1gI2y �� � �,.� ' ° PLANNING DEPARTMENT ; ..,-a L .._ ..� _�. Scale: 1:1,500 �� __ DATE: Jul4, 2014 FILE: Untitled BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 8, 2014 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. 2014-005-SD Jill Holgate, Recording Secretary LEGAL: That Part of Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Part on Plan 86578 Secondly: Part on Plan LMP27462 Thirdly:. Part on Plan LMP41830 Fourthly: Part Subdivided by Plan BCP10029 Fifthly: Part on Plan EPP17169 District Lot 5326 Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 85044 shown on a Subdivision Plan EPP42434 prepared and completed on the 5th day of June, 2014 and certified correct by Stanley Wade, B.C.L.S. on the 24th day of June, 2014. � � [�7►F C�]►�9►L�T'.�i REQUIRED AGREEMENTS 14189 256 St 516852 B.C. Ltd. No Build Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS THEY RELATE TO 2014-005-SD. � CARRIED � . �.� ; J.L. (Jim) Rul Member `'�� ,% f � o r - �� J ,., � . �° e°6� �.�-� ....�w�.�..,.. _ Chief Administrative Officer N District of Langley � 14189 256 STREET 0 .� � � � � CORPORATION OF :� � � THE DISTRICT OF � _ � . - • � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,500 � "� _����� ���r r�� DATE: Jan 20, 2014 FILE: 2014-005-SD BY: PC Notice of Motion by Councillor Morden Whereas a peer review may be ordered by staff on work directed by Council; Whereas there is no clear language as to when this can happen in any policy; Whereas there would likely be budget implications; Be it resolved that only Council will authorize peer reviews on Council directed work, subsequent to Council receiving from staff the rationale and budget for the review, and that staff be directed to put this process into the appropriate existing policy. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7073-2014 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. K� This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7073-2014" That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South Half Lot 8 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 5317 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 874, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby re-designated to "Institutional". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 10t" day of June, 2014. READ A SECOND TIME the 10t" day of June, 2014. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 15t" day of July, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER day of , 2014. , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.1 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 7073--2014 Map No. 874 From: Estate Suburban Residential To: Institutional — — Urban Area Boundary N 1:3,500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7047-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7047-2013." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South Half Lot 8 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 5317 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1602 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to P-1(Park and School). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 14t" day of January, 2014. READ a second time the 10t" day of June, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING held the 15t" day of July, 2014 READ a third time the day of ADOPTED the PRESIDING MEMBER day of , 20 , 2014 CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.2 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7047-2013 Map No. 1602 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: P-1 (Park and School) — — Urban Area Boundary N SCALE 1:3,500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6983-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6983-2013." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: East Half Lot 2 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District PIan17126 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1586 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 9th day of April, 2013. READ a second time the 24t" day of June, 2014. PUBLIC HEARING held the 15t" day of July, 2014. READ a third time the day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER ,20 . day of ,20 . day of ,20 . CORPORATE OFFICER 1002 27 �,6 � A O � oJ N c0 c0 N N O oJ cO oJ cD cD � � N cD O � oJ O N cD O O N u� u� u� c0 c0 I� oJ O� O O � N M V u� u� cD cD I� I� I� oJ oJ oJ O� O� O� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � � � � � � V V V V V � � � � � � � � � � � � V 9 8 7 6 5 1�1� 1�1�14151617 18 1� �1�6 ry/ 1E1� �5 2ryZ ��� 26 LM P 36296 BCP3134 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 213 � 3 I� I� u� M M O� u� u� u� O� M I� u� O� M I� u� O� � c0 I� oJ O� O N N M� I u� u� u� cD cD I� I� I� oJ oJ O� O� O� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ry N N N N N N N N N N ������ N N N N N N N �CP 1010 BCP 9310 LMP 35918 102 AV E N � N � oJ O N � a PARK �� � ��� N BCP 30529 N N N N N N PARK g 5 4 3 2 1 CP 18974 B 2 5$ 21 B P 30 1 g E 1/2 of 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � 2g3031 m 78 91 111 f1C C � � O N N M O� u� N I� I� � oJ oJ oJ I JJZV � � � � y a N N N N N N ������ � N N N N N � � � N N N N N N N 101A AVE. o � o � � � o�aa�� N � N N N �G� � 36 O� � � � � N N N N ��42 " cv 52 N N N 1�' 1� 9 28 27 26 0136 � 7N 141 46 7 � 24 23 22 O � 25 10131 0132 �$ ioiao 0 12 `r' o�za19m 38 $N 2� 0 10133 M N24 10125 39� a�oi2s N�oiso � 13 U 23 toizi 340U 2� m 14 m PARK � ioizo BCP 18974 241 1900 ioiis � ioiio 15 °' �$ 18 082 ioios io�oo 0��,� PARK 10110 20 22 N 10093 ^� 10106 21 a 96 3 LMP 53685 16�V�ARK BCP 18974 m 86 10102 42 �10099 N 10096 � �,� OC M10097 10092 N 0095 OC N � °�10095 � 10088 � v � �10091 OC 0 41 PARK �hooss ��ooaa ��� iooa� � oc �� �.,,,� z 40 _..n ��nna� 10080 � d^ �10083 N oC 221 � 2412� 2� 271 8 2913a 1132 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 �o2a � u� rn M �� u� rn M �� u� � u� �� u� rn M �� mM1O2Q M O O<< N N N M M�� u� u� u� M cD cD I� I� oJ V M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 31�o2ai N � � � � � � � � � � � � � � V � � � � � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N io2,a,ave. BCP 7533 =1� (32�33 LMP 34684 BCP 17489 p O P 2 V � M � oJ cD � N N J M M � � �' � � � 8 � �1� 2 19 � 1f � ` � O N M M M � � � BCP 97491 101A AVE. � � G � M O M � N N ZJ N N N N N d d � 2n o 4 1�0 101AAVE. N N N N l� 7 8 9 �� � � 1C i 1617 18 N �o o�o�o�o�o�o �������mm � N N M M�� l[) (D M M M M M M M M M � M M M M M M M M M:M M � � � � � � � � � � � N N N � N N N NC N N N N N N N N N N^1 N � g 0 M� 2363 G35 v�� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 N BCP 13188 PARK ����o �p10113 10112 � �oios M10105 � �10097 M �p10093 F a a N N r,��ooas � 3 2 ��ooae � � �p10081 10080 � �10077 �10073 �0076 �n 10072 co � N l� 1006 WO'gBAVE. 10068 N /� � oJ N cD O � W cD O � oJ N cD O O y A I� I� oJ oJ Q� O� Q� O � � � N N M � .P N � N N N N N N N M M M M M M M 62 � N p� � 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ln $ PARK � N N No Np �6 �5 24 23 ZL P 20 346$ 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9� N N �(� LV L� L d 31 30 2 � MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6983-2013 Map No. 1586 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) J PARK N � � M 36 3534333 3130 9 28 � � A M I� � O� M I� �[) LCl LCl (D (D (D I� I� W W M M M M M M M M M � � � � � � N N N i otd+xrz�. ro rn M 37 N SCALE 1:2,500 MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Final Reading: Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011 25467 Bosonworth Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 22, 2014 RZ/024/09 COUNCIL Bylaw No. 6867-2011 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently was granted Third Reading on July 24, 2012. Council granted a first extension on July 9, 2013. The applicant has requested that Final Reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit subdivision into four (4) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) lots, each being not less than 0.40 hectares in size. RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on July 17, 2012. On July 24, 2012 Council granted Third Reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; iii) Road dedication as required; iv) Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; v) Removal of the existing buildings that will not comply with future lot lines; and vi) A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. 1003 The following a�plies to the above: i) Rezoning Servicing Agreement - A Restrictive Covenant is no longer required because it has been determined that an Agreement is unnecessary. ii) OCP Amendment: There is no amendment necessary. iii) Road dedication: To be satisfied as part of the subdivision approval. iv) Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant: To be satisfied as part of the subdivision approval. v) Siting of Existing Buildings: To be satisfied as part of the subdivision approval. vi) Disclosure Statement & Underground Tanks: A statement from a Professional Engineer confirms no evidence of underground tanks. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that Final Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Bylaw No. 6867-2011 Appendix C -Subdivision Plan 'r� APPENDIX A SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley � 25467 BOSONWORTH AVENUE 0 .� � � o � CORPORATION OF �� �- THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE 0 � - PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 31, 2012 FILE: RZ/024/09 BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6867-2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6867-2011." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 6 Block 3& 4 Section 14 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 17459 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1545 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 11t" day of October, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the 12t" day of June , A.D. 2012. PUBLIC HEARING held the 17t" day of July, A.D. 2012. READ a third time the 24t" day of July, A.D. 2012. RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the day of , A. D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAP�E R D�E ZO�IE AMEND N� Bylaw No. 6867 2011 Map No. 154� From: RS 3(One Family Rural Residential� To: RS 2(One Family Suburban Residential� N SCALE 1:2,500 � 7 � ' � � ' ,� - • . . e , � � - t :500 _ 1 ,.� ,m„ � �� ' �. , . '. ,�� �� - � O �� � � .�� � � � E � e � O � � • �vrc ran � O 0 � �mc . - iy� Gxy „ 2 3 . � O.lJS ho O.�JS ha 0.6755 ho � � � 0. �35 N � B �+ m ----- ------- ---- -------------- – ---------- -- '�'_ ---- �-------------- : - APPENDIX C 9 10 � 11 � Plan 17459 .i � � f�,� � , . � . i � � � 3 . . ' '�1 � ( 'No � ' Dal� ' ItiiMm ^' �r � �+ Iwvy M 6R bw ��ia BOSONHt7RTH 9.s� s�az 6rsn �ITER gRi c�enoN InP ����i ���I�i ; � T�S�L=�S:t. �^..$°��������� �A� �.......�� � �--- • :, � oamnron►Brr�m1 . tnr.c o0 � �sp� �acmm�iit�`e+�MoeotaamortnMvac Rm�.o� n+b r.i'��'�'61 o-� � �,r o� arnim�. �tr �rtz�»m . W rn r.0 a�"'u b�. an im � �wr i..� p ua u�uorwm IM1 Q ~�� wm DJCBOMlIN8lA580QATEBl3G u� x,em au Q.0 o" .,� •�•••••^ QflORIIIAffI.IIWIaGVYW Un pD.�R �cG Y��[r1[�l�bf �fl ��- rN1� MeQ�a� �~ UIW �� � �IIQi I�O(IA� Ua�s1 Q� RW e lGLO � e�a a a.e nax �. i� � MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Final Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 11956 267 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 22, 2014 2011-122-RZ COUNCIL Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently was granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision into two lots not less than 0.4 ha (1 acre) in area. Council considered rezoning application 2011-122-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 on January 10, 2012 and second reading on November 26, 2013. This application was presented at Public Hearing and was granted third reading on December 10, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on December 10, 2013. On December 10, 2013 Council granted third reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: 1. Road dedication as required. The following applies to the above: 1. Road dedication of 3.Om was provided along Dewdney Trunk Road and 0.55m was provided along 267 Street. 1004 CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zoning Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 Appendix C - Subdivision Plan -2- N District of Langley � 11956 267 STREET 0 .� � � o � CORPORATION OF �� �- THE DISTRICT OF � � • � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,000 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Jul 15, 2014 FILE: 2011-122-RZ BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6880 - 2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 10 Section 18 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan 21387 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1550 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 10t" day of January, A.D. 2012. READ a second time the 26t" day of November, 2013. PUBLIC HEARING held the 10t" day of December, 2013. READ a third time the 10t" day of December, 2013. ADOPTED the day of , 2013. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6880-2011 Map No. 1550 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) N SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX C PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT 10 SEC.18 TP.15 N. W. D. PLAN 21387 Scale 1:750 � � N DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 59.86 Tree Covenant C.—.—._.� ���1 9 �J Dwelling Plan 21387 Tree � � Covenant A I � � 0.400 ho °° i Septic . Covenant Shed � 37.55 R W Plan 24748I . .—.—.—.—.—._ —.—.—._. /—.—.—.—.L— —•— .�._.—.—.—._.—.—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—•—•—•— —•— . . J p' Tree v Covenant Garage � � 59.90 _.J Driveway rn :,, Tree � Covenant -�� _.J Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2961-01 Phone 463-4753 House ::,: . ; ;:� �°° ..... ._ ... . B � 0.502 no 0 r�� Septic � � Covenant I I L.J 97.48 11 Plan 21387 GC�2oQ2 B.C.L.S. Ju 16, 2014 MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Final Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012 20724 River Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 22, 2014 2011-136-RZ COUNCIL Bylaw 6896-2012 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently was granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit subdivision into two single family lots not less than 403 m2 in area. Council granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012 on February 28, 2012 and second reading on September 11, 2012. This application was presented at Public Hearing on October 16, 2012, and Council granted third reading on October 23, 2012. Council granted a first extension on October 22, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on October 16, 2012. On October 23, 2012 Council granted Third Reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896- 2012 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. Road dedication as required; iii. Removal of the existing building; and iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. 1005 The following a�plies to the above: 1. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure was granted on November 2, 2012. 2. A road dedication plan has been submitted by the applicant's surveyor and the document has been registered at the Land Title Office. 3. The existing home has been demolished. 4. The subject property has been investigated to determine if there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks, and confirmation that no underground tanks exist has been received. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6896-2012 Appendix C - Subdivision Plan 'r� APPENDIX A 45429 � cfl `�r' � 362 n a 11708 47 354 a A �� 352 N a P 43 97 �7 v ,N o �� 0 11674 0 11675 11700 251 11698 0 � �4 30 0 2 1cD N N � 209 248 249 250 N 2 N � N L P N 39 � 384 � B� d N � N N o 1169�6 P 3 645 � �A � B �Z M � $ � 15 � 11683 11678 ] � o� � N d M� ��� 210 � � W 11694 � � F 13 11673 a N� o o� N a N N a � 4� 11681 � 11676 6 � N N � 11692 2 00 � 2 11669 13 11690 � 11679 N 11674 � 116�J61 117 AUE. N o � 3 11 �p� � � �N 7 c�0 � O N r 116812 �1677 116� M N11653 374 o N N N N o 300 � 283 282 2g1 4 2 � 11645 � `� 11686 5� �� 9� M 3 � 375 376 377 1� 653 � 284 rn 11 � �.�0� �^ ����p � 2 373 a 5830 301 � 0 285 Z � �^'��O cCOo 6'rn 11637 11664 � � o 10 6 7� 8� � 11131 30211643 „PPO56 N N 2� m 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 � 11610 o P 25068 2�°� � P 12 8 N 303 0 � a P 43 797 `� � � c�o c�o c`"o � �° � °r-' `n n rn 28 29 30 304 "' �oo m N N N N � � O � � � 0 305 306 N N N N � N� N SUBJECT PROPERTY 307 sos RIVERRD.WEST N � P43793 � � o � 195 � 43797 v v � u°�i c�o � co c� co N c�.i �� 328 N N N N o o `�° `°'° `°'° $O2� $cO � � a 329 P 44 N N O O O N pp N N ^ 330 2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 N 2 � N 9 g N N � � 339 218 1 N � o o � � N O O P 5418 ��593 P 20 2 � N � �Rem N� � N v o �p N q N� N N �A � � o 42 P 81218 �t 588 1 o a w � L P 5112 N N � PARK � a � a C N 11569 0 11580 2 � J � 37 B P 31152 A a�o M 11550 N o 11544 B a °� � � `° � D P 85 673 a M � A � NW S 3345 � LMP 5112 P 16749 11534 22 P 764 7 2� LM 40400 11522 24 � ,� ,� 1 2 11509 21 � �0) 25 N 26 0 0 0 0 11512 2S N N N ry LM 41 21 11499 Z� � 23 27 11502 a 114 9 11 5 AVE. � 8� 9� �10N 11 12 11493 � 114 5 7 � o`n � 26 11494 12 � 749� �n � 1'���p,6 11489 2 11 � o 0 0 1�1491 �� �`�� 13 �- 25 11484 � iiase Q N N N DARTFORD ST. 13 14 15 � ep 11485 3 '� 511489 7� 1534� 4� � 24 11 a74 � 11475 � P 7 78 Re m 1 3 � S 11481 4 9 11470 16 p 21114 Cit f Pitt j Mea ows__j !� 20724 RIVER ROAD i �N ;� i� - , � o �! CORPORATION OF ` -'�'�� ��� � "�f � �i " THE DISTRICT OF Y � ti N N = � • F MAPLE RIDGE District of ,` � PLAN NIN G D EPA RTM EN T Langley SCA LE 1:2, 000 � �� DATE: Sep 6, 2012 FILE: 2011-136-RZ BY: PC FRASER R. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6896-2012 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6896-2012." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 9 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 20332 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1557 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-1(Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 28t" day of February, A.D. 2012. READ a second time the 11t" day of September, A.D. 2012. PUBLIC HEARING held the 16t" day of October, A.D. 2012. READ a third time the 23rd day of October, A.D. 2012. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this 2nd day of November, A.D. 2012. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A. D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1681 � 11676 6 I � m � 2 11669 1679 N 1167�4� � 115 1 N� � c+� 4 � 77 �� N 11653 �� ��6� 2 0�0� 345a1 �•�h,� ��6,g� � ��o 't ccoo �j > J Z J ' �'��O � 6'�� 11637 � 6 7 � $ �11631 � � 1 � 7 6 5 4 3 2 � P 12 8 � M � � > C° � � � � � � � � � � � O O O � N =R RD. WEST RW 85419 o � 40 � 0 0 � �� � 8121&� N N O O O i N 6 37 38 39 1 2 P 54 � $ 11593 81218 11569 117 AVE. 0 0 0 0 �° 283 374 O N N N N N�oo � � 375 376 377 11653 � 284 301 373 a 5830 � 11664 11643 302 �PP�56 27 � o0 11610 o P 2 068 '��� tl,� c� 303 0� � a 29 30 P 43797 N �p 28 \� E�' 4,98 04� 305 N � � — — — — � o � P 43793 N o M M 195 00 437 RP 807 N N �� 328 � 02�� � a 32<, / � � � N � `MP N � � � � � `° ,84 � N �n °� 9 N � �MP N �P ZO 2 � M 2$S48 RIVFR R�qD � �Rem N� � � J � 10 o A o� 1 N N �A M N N o �� � 11588 o a � � L P 5112 N N � � � N 2 � � g C 37 11580 J J B P 31 A o�o � M 11550 N 11544 B P 85673 L A NWS 3345 MAP�E R D�E ZONE AMEND N� Bylaw No. 6896 201 � Map No. 1557 From: RS 1(One Family Urba� �cs�dc�t�a ) Toe R 1 (Residential District� O M � co � co � d M � � D LMP 5112 N SCALE 1:1,500 N PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBD/V/SION OF LOT 9, D/STRICT LOT 277, GROUP 1. NEW WESTM/NSTER D/STRICT, PLAN 20332 Rem. 8 CERT7Fl�D CORRcCT this fst. doy of June, 2012. W PapoGe'�� BCLS SCALE.• 1:250 s o s to All distances are in metres rt•� PARCEL lDEN1/FlER CMC ADORESS 0o�-�2s-a2t 20724 River Road Mople Ridge, B.C. 29 �: �: �,: R/�ER ROAD `�� :� Dedicated As Road g4� 06' 38.0 m+ 5.42U 30' 409 sq. k. � �0�5 �OSS3Qo .j8.9BB � � h o � �2 6?O � i,zo r---�, �n I �,, i,zo i,2o " I �� I I ��� -- --a— - - -- -! � — —� � - — I' I I � `\� i izo I i � I I. � � I I � ' � � I I I � I I 446.1 m+ I � n � . M r� I 4801 sq. ft. I N o � L �� ,��i � b� �o�i 'uMj� �N � o �, ,� � � 403.4 m+ �,; o Rem. 10 �� I I� o I 4343 sq. k. I o I I � � I � Ca � � rlon �.,.,,,� � � I I � I I I � I � I I I � I I I 1,2o L----------'� L---------J 120 1,20 1,20 0 0 ap OD �z �s2 i2. �s2 88'35'00" 1 NOTES . PAPOVE Lot dimensions ore derived from p/on 20332. PRoh�55YONAL UND suRVEl7NC INC. R-1 Zoning 202 - t t2o w£srwoon srnEEr COQU!/[AM , B,C. , Y3B 7K8 Proposed /ot dimensions ore pr.eliminory ond subject 7� ;(604) 464-5t99 fo Mu�icipo/ opprOVo% FAX :(604) 464-6509 indicotes building envelope Flc.E NUMBER 6322 ------ : .................................. PPENDIX C MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: SUBJECT: Final Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084 - 2014 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063 - 2014 12032 216 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 22, 2014 2014-008-RZ COUNCIL Bylaws 7084-2014 and 7063-2014 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently were granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of a two storey building to the rear of the existing supported living facility that will contain 20 additional supported living units. Council considered rezoning application 2014-008-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 on March 25, 2014. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7084-2014, and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 on May 27, 2014. This application was presented at Public Hearing on June 17, 2014, and Council granted third reading on June 24, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014 be adopted; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on June 17, 2014. On June 24, 2014 Council granted third reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant anc the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; iii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "B"; iv. A landscape security equivalent to 100% of the landscape plan installation; v. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; and receipt of Title Office 1 1 :� vi. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. The following applies to the above: 1. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure was granted on July 3, 2014. 2. A Rezoning Servicing Agreement has been registered at the Land Title Office and the deposit outlined in the agreement has been paid. 3. The necessary OCP Amending Bylaw and associated schedules were prepared as instructed. 4. The applicant has submitted a landscape security based on the landscape plan. 5. A Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant has been registered at the Land Title Office. 6. The applicant's Civil Engineer has submitted a letter advising that there is no evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B-Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084 - 2014 Appendix C- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063 - 2014 Appendix D - Site Plan +� V N N N 22 w� 18 79� P 2 510 a 120 95 12106 � 92 � �� �7 P 10806 209 � N� � o Rem N 1/2 12094 � 210 N � � N N � 23 4 120 93 120 90 �� 175 � Rem Pcl A 2p7� 2 38 37 36 4 120 81 � 2o sa � 208 P 59516 P 2 0 97 � M 00 � � � N N 120 84 LM 255 WOODAVE. A L S 2820 2�9 N � � 12061 12070 P 62886 N 125N 126N Rem 1 Rem P 23699 ' 102 3249 � P 27406 Subject Property 12033/35 N 19540 3 Rem E ,7 �7 12048 Rem � 23 M 4 � B NWS 2813 � 220 N � A � 12027 � 1 120 32 a P 768 31 12020 Rem ti P 2 204 co ,� Remc� „B„ � N � � � Rem C � �, �, � � ti c� A � �, � � N � � � a � `° � 12049 J a N N N N N � � N Rem 9 Rem 8 P 8050 11997 74 11969 26 1568 25 A Cit f Pitt , Mea ows ' �� --- � � �" r � Y - O pp � Rem � � Rem � Rem � � � LOT 1 � PcI.B� N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N LMP42013 N � P$ 72 P87 2 P RP P 98 39 P 2 9 12487 129 130 131 61 62 � 0 B � �, � � � � � � 11968 ch � 28 �J � � � � `� � N N N N � 12032-216 ST I� I�° I� ' o � CORPORATION OF � �� � � _,.� � � , � !� �` THE DISTRICT OF N �� • � MAPLE RIDGE District of ' � � � L2ngley -__ PLANNING DEPARTMENT `"�,� SCale: 1:1,500 ° DATE: Jan 27, 2014 2014-008-RZ BY: JV FRASER R. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7084-2014 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7084-2014." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 220 District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 62886 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 881, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Institutional. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 27t" day of May, 2014. READ A SECOND TIME the 27t" day of May, 2014. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 17t" day of June, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME the 24t" day of June, 2014. ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1006.1 � oo � � ' N �� N - 2� ss5 P 25 75 � o � � � N � � Rem 19 � � Roem � � � N N N N I N� N N N O vo � N N O � n� 93 � 7U 34 � a �165 c; P M12112 � � �N ' � N � � 164 I w � � 7499 � � 81 82 � N � � � a � �- w� 18 � 79a P 2 510 a N N N N N 0 06 P 41 22 � 12095 12106 192 � � `r° Rem 3 P 32 97 P 10806 � N CO � Rem N 1/2 �Zog9 � 210 N N � � � � 22 123 4 12093 12090 N N N M � 75 2 38 37 36 35 189 �, �, °M° M Rem Pcl A 207� � �� � 4 �2os� �2oss o 208 P 59516 P 2 097 N N c� 12084 P 43 G�ENwooD avE. LMP 32933 � LM LMP 31897 � �c�'.I P` N N v � 12061 � 1S0?0 20 219 Rem 2 � � `� `� Rem 1 "' P 62886 ____ N 124N 125N 126N n. Rem P 23699 3249 P 23699 � � P 27406 - - - - - P 18394 - - - *PP061 - - - - - - - - - B.C.H. & P.A. N 12033/35 � 19540 - 3 � Rem E � P 37707 � 12048 o Rem NWS 23 M 4 � � � B NWS 2813 NWS 220 N � � Rem A � 12027 c� � 1 21 a 12032 a I ^ Rem ��20 � Rem� P 2 204 P 76831 N P 62E „B„ M N� �� Rem C M � � °� cn�� N A �� � � `" `V � � � a CO N RP�3 20 12049 � � N J N N N N RW 74343 RW 74780 RP 73507 RP 73430 �RP 73655 ' 67961 RW 74g22 RP 78870 RP 73527 RP 73511 c� o v / N co ,�2P 3402 � � � � N � � � � N '� � Rem � � r�em � Rem CO � o � " N N � N Rem 9 0�� LOT 1 � PcI.B� N 4 CO 5 N 6 N 7 N � N 2 N 9 7 8 Rem 8 N �� � � N � P HO5O1997 � �� LMP 42013 N � P 8 �2 P 87 2 P 6 685 � � 6 447 � 21574 11969 J RP P 2 917 P 9839 � 2 � 26 RW 12285 12487 129 130 131 6� 62 0 N I B �, � � � � ^ 63 21568 25 /� 11968 M 128 sA9 �� � � N ��� 64 � N N N N ^^ 27S6q rn 9�20 �����, 2�560 24 EP 13421 57 a 11g53 F 119 AVE. � � �r �r 11941 u> o 0 11942 � MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 7084--2014 Map No. 881 From: Urban Residential To: Institutional N 1:2,000 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7063-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 220 District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 62886 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1611 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to P-2 (Special Institutional). 3. PART 9, INSTITUTIONAL ZONES, SECTION 903, REGULATIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE IN SECTION 403 FOR THE SIZE,SHAPE, AND SITING OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN INSTITUTIONAL ZONES, SUBSECTION (3), Buildings and Structures for a Private Hospital Use, (a) is amended by inserting a colon immediately after "except that" and changing the text that follows into a separate clause (i), and; immediately following 3(a) (i), insertion of the following clause: (ii) except that the permitted maximum total floor area for Lot 220 District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 62886 shall not exceed 0.75 times the lot area. 5. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 25t" day of March, 2014. READ a second time the 27th day of May, 2014. PUBLIC HEARING held the 17th day of June, 2014. READ a third time the 24t" day of June, 2014. APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this 3rd day of July, 2014 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1006.2 � o � � � rn ° � � � Rem � � 21665 P 25 75 � N N N N I N N N Rem 19 N o 80 N CO o� 93 � 78 34 � a 164 ��165 N M 12112 � N�''' � 92 P N rn N � ,� �, w �� 7499 � � 81 82 � N � � � a � �- w� 18 � 79a P 2 510 a N N N N N 0 06 P 41 22 � 12095 12106 192 � � `r° Rem 3 P 32 97 P 10806 � N CO � Rem N 1/2 �Zog9 � 210 N N � � � � 22 123 4 12093 12090 N N N M � 75 2 38 37 36 35 189 �, �, °M° M Rem Pcl A 207� � �� � 4 �2os� �2oss o 208 P 59516 P 2 097 N N c� 12084 P 43 G�ENwooD avE. LMP 32933 � LM LMP 31897 � �c�'.I P` N N v � 12061 � 1S0?0 20 219 Rem 2 � � `� `� Rem 1 "' P 62886 ____ N 124N 125N 126N n. Rem P 23699 P 23699 � � 102 — — — — — — — — — — — — * — — — — — — — — — — - 3249 �D P 27406 P 18394 PP061 B.C.H. & P.A. N - - - � - - - _ - r - - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - 12033/35 � 19540 3 � Rem E � P 37707 � 12048 o Rem NWS 23 M 4 � � � B NWS 2813 NWS � 220 N � � Rem A �202� c� � 1 21 a 12032 a � ^ Rem ��20 � Rem� P 2 204 P 76831 N P 62E „B„ M N� �� Rem C M � � °� cn�� N A �� � � `" `V � � � a CO N RP�3 20 12049 � � N J N N N N RW 74343 RW 74780 RP 73507 RP 73430 �RP 73655 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. ' 67961 RW �4g22 RP 78870 RP 73527 RP 73511 c� o � v �� N��P, 3402 � � o � � � � I � � � Rem �� 4 � Rem N 6 N 7 ,� N N N N � N Rem 9 0�� LOT 1 � PcI.B� N N 5 N 1 2 9 7 8 Rem 8 P HO5O1997 � �� LMP 42013 N � P 8 �2 P 87 2 P 6 685 6 447 ----- � � I 21574 11969 J RP P 2 917 P 9839 � 2 � 26 RW 12285 12487 129 130 131 6� 62 0 63 N I B �j � � � � ^ 21568 25 /� 11968 M 128 sA9 �� � � N ��� 64 � N N N N ^^ 9 a20 I�c's� �� 2� 6ps� 24 EP 13421 57 a 11g53 F 119 AVE. � � �s �r 11941 u> o 0 11942 � MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7063-2014 Map No. 1611 From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: P-2 (Special Institutional) N SCALE 1:2,000 rut+wuo onrn zoxixo- Rs.sE9g �� zzq oi zaa, ww r� nvrezase LIiRRENT �9E 0£5CIJTON: N0.4-CONFORMIN� OROVP HOME 119E PROP09E� �9E �E510NA1I0N: PRNAIE H09PITA1 �.nnNo eui�oixo nrr_�,s�. APPRO%TOTALRFLOOReARE0. OFFEq911N0 6�ILOIN(f.i0i3S Z PIAP09E� MA1N FLOOR ARE0. (H£N 911ILOMaI� �5]m2 REA(NEW HVILOIHO�_601m2 PROP09EV TOTRL iLOOR�AR£^ (ANEW 6YmN�9'� �258m2 ncrvn� rlaoe nr,Fn o.n nMEs �or nREn�REM1 MAN LOT L WERA(3E:40Y PROP09EVLOiCPVERA0E4O1 9Y401N0 5lIINO AN� HEff1M MAN HE]OHT: h MEfEA9 (.ei u�e� nucwEa Foa EnvEg�xEs PROP09E� 55 MEfER VM1KI0.NLE FOR A 9Ef�9ACK OF 20 PARKINO REp�IREMENT9 ITAL9 22TS91A193 25REp�l[E�STAIL9 9v�MHMANa 9VFP.InNO M1 9�LE 5L5 MEfER9 TO 2 MEi£R90N ALL LOT LINE9 ERIlAl1NQ M1 5.5 MEfER VM1RIANLE YARIANL£ 3L TO IlILREA9£ THE V£N91tt FKOM OS liME9 iHE LOT M1KEA TO 08 TIME9 hff LOT ARE0. YARIANL£ 33'. rO llEGRFJ�5E hiE REQOIP.EV PM1KKINO FROM zs 9rntu ro n�rw.9 Equuixo n vnxwxcE oF u I� %I_TINGCOMMF.i..lAL6l11�ING I P I � ----��-� ---- w,� t� a...o. —..-�� ----_ — _--- _--_—.— I_1»�►1��1:��� ,15�� W� �-----_�-�__-�'g,—o115�n�...� P. � v. _. _ I ���-� I ��aa��...�� I a- rtr.ixm-toraw[�i I _ _ I � venxew�u�rrtm 1ww,�r � I - � d � � � S rtw. Y I � �� �� � � � ��o�, � � , . �oramo���i a ��.R. � ' 1 I � � �' � , , � � p, � � I�, unravetEaxom_ � �r� —_ �1M�' �.,." � � rt I ��ewoun I.. p' —IJ�` ' ti I _.I� �� . . _... . ��_ � - L_ _ ..�C-. .. a:. EG _' cEY I �;� raurnioFounm�m I�\ I � ����. I �MMt sxn�xe _rEFaGL � I �r �p � Ip��o � -- i � �'.l.r�.�+?-1 .� TEo,..�z� u ' u'A¢'y� .,,. - I. � °s � -:; - � - - - - " . I _`-�,.' I I �snr�cswo �xane�x�o.� I ` FAM�LYMCh1cLE :.� � umewhsurr��- -.�•4, I .no �I I q _ ioREYs} ��@ F � I � I �nu `_Y.I.'I�J_ ..,T� _� r �. �.E Fa.� L �r �rn __ ....22 �nRu I N ���-:,�,.,. I 31 � � . .. Nar ' � I � -.��I�: �. _ tNr..�o�ua � . � � � ��� I� f �' � �. F,o�,o��. j,_,_" I +'.�� �.._ _..,I � i I� � 4� � W�* �' .�o�, r� � ,. � 4 � `; �I. _. .. . ,�.� I .. . a ; . ti .a , � 'r `� � I ��' ��.: � - . . r; ---_-_ .. . . . . . �i�c I t �: � .�.��, , ,,� � �.6 � � e �€ v f, r� x .,��a_ . F�.,�K�,«me ,��,���� I� l .� — 1 — ------ — � ..�a � � � ' i 9{soo , so . so , e , ..o, , .� ..,o �,M,. ..:�,., �a . , _ . _ ,I ..o, r.o�,— —an E — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I � �i J�I �—_---__---------------------� --� ��I� ..�.E Z_ _��. aso.o� 1� L-__—_ ___—___ie.oE_x__—__—____Y�il� �c�c�:.. - .anEa�rEu� ______ ' l �-� BfIE P1AN U m d � � Q � d � � N N O N MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Final Reading: Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 "Robertson Heights" Enhanced Landscape Maintenance 10406 - 10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411 - 10526 Robertson Street, 24705 -24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408 - 10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue and 10433 - 10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 22, 2014 2012-040-SD COUNCIL Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 was considered by Council on July 8, 2014 and subsequently was granted first, second and third readings. The applicant has requested that Final Reading be granted. The purpose of the bylaw is to provide for enhanced landscape maintenance of the bioswale within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street and the landscaped entry feature on the northeast corner of 104 Avenue and Jackson Road. The bylaw would require the property owners of the 128 benefitting lots to pay an annual fee as a Local Area Service Tax for the enhanced landscape maintenance areas. RECOMMENDATION: That Robertson Heights Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Morningstar Homes Ltd., of 10406 - 10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411 - 10526 Robertson Street, 24705 - 24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408 - 10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue, and 10433 - 10515 248 Street (odd numbers only), and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), was authorized by Council on July 8, 2014 for enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the 128 benefitting properties. Council considered this Local Area Service Bylaw at the Council meeting of July 8, 2014 and subsequently granted first, second and third readings to Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013. The property owner for this development expressed a desire to establish a Local Area Service Bylaw for the bioswale within the boulevard on the west side of Robertson Street and the landscaped entry 1007 feature on the northeast corner of 104 Avenue and Jackson Road for the 128 benefitting lots. The developers of the site will be responsible for the enhanced landscape areas installation and maintenance costs for the first year, ensuring 100% survival. The costs for ongoing maintenance in subsequent years will then be provided by the 128 property owners. The cost recover method would be the collection of 100% of the enhanced landscaping maintenances costs as a Local Service Tax. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that final reading be given to Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014 - 2013 'r� C APPENDIX A � �oss 2� 18 �Sss o�� ,�°ss s`� 30 34 8 6 � ��ss7 � �SS�,�2 �� 10563 �0sss 5 210��os'0ss9 ,o oss2 2� Q�O 3�0553 10550 7ps4 Ss7 �� �6 26 36 10543 6 7p $q '0s4o 4^ S'�q� �os3 ° 25 3 38 39 40 41 P 72103 'os36 3M 22�o F 6 24 �� � �° s4 ,� � � ,� �- 7�s3 Z� 7 N N N N N SUBJECT PROPERTIES ��V 23 s3� 22 '0s�„ 27 28 �os�_ 72 � � � 11 7 / �o 7p4` ��43 7 � 0 7 426: Oq �4�6° 4 �0 2 3 �1 F � 10480 � v N 104 AVE. 48 c0 N N O o� c0 c0 N 28 � � � o o N M 106 'o3g6 ��3g3 N N N N N N N N '�392 �o3g 2 4 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 � 10 �o3g63 5 3g� BC 23 74 °38s �o3g � 90 � 91 �� 92 � 93 � 94 � 95 � 96 M 97 �0380 08 �3j83 �o3j � � � � � � � � �o3j10 24 S c.i N N N 4 633 5� 69 103B AVE. 7p368� � O ��39� 3 5°363 0 � � � N o 'oas2 �� 23 � � � � o Ci f Pitt � Mea ws__� "- �� LAS Bylaw NO. 7014-2013 I -� I vi - I� - ' � �! CORPORATION OF 1 � - ��� �a THE DISTRICT OF ., :=; � - � N � - � � MAPLE RIDGE District of I � � L81lgley � PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Scale: 1:2,000 � DATE: Jun 27, 2014 2012-040-SD BY: DT FRASER R. I_ . . ►T71:� -� CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7014-2013 A Bylaw to authorize a municipal service to maintain enhanced landscape areas; to define the benefitting lands; and to establish that the cost of the municipal service shall be borne by the owners of real property within such defined area. WHEREAS, Council has been petitioned to provide a municipal service pursuant to Division 5, Section 210 of the Community Charter S.B.C. 2003, c.26 (the "Community Charter"); AND WHEREAS the Corporate Officer has certified that the petition received for the municipal services does constitute a sufficient and valid petition; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to proceed with the works; AND WHEREAS the "Maple Ridge Local Area Service Policy", as amended, provides that the cost of providing a municipal service shall be recoverable from each of the existing parcels of land and all future lots created by subdivision of the parcels, specifically: Lots 1- 128 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP32314 that will benefit from the service. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Robertson Heights" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014- 2013". 2. The contents of Schedules ""A", "B" "C" and "D" attached hereto are hereby declared to be made an integral part of this Bylaw. 3. The Local Area Service of the District for the benefit of which the enhanced landscape areas are to be maintained as a municipal service are defined as the hatched areas on the attached Schedule "A". 4. The recommended procedures and frequencies for maintenance and Annual Charges are described on the attached Schedule "B". 5. The Enhanced Landscape area planting plans "Allard East Subdivision Swale Area, Robertson Road", drawings L1, L2 and L3, revised 14.Feb.19, by PMG Landscape Architects; Development and "Allard East Subdivision Neighbourhood Parks, Jackson Road and 104th Avenue", drawings L1, L2, L4 and L5, revised 14.Feb.19, by PMG Landscape Architects are attached as Schedule "C". 6. The Enhanced Landscaping area engineering drawings: Proposed Allard East Subdivision drawings 3, 6 and 19 of 37 by Core Group Consultants, file 1592, revised 13/11/07 are attached as Schedule "D". 7. This bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. READ a first time the 8t" day of July, 2014. READ a second time the 8t" day of July, 2014. READ a third time the 8t" day of July, 2014. ADOPTED, the day of , 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER : :1 '°s4s "'�ss� r. VS¢s 25 � 3B 1 a5 43 '°s4Q 4•• 10S ro �° 25 37 38 39 4� 41 P 721 D3 'QS3s 3� 22�0 �'9li^' 3624 �� � � m � 2� 54� F � � � � � �'S3Q �Q�3 ' V�/� c�.i c�.i c�.i c�.i � � 1 � 23 ' 22 '0S2o �� 08 'os2s 72 � � m rosy 29 S2� � 73 � � � rosy 6 26 3D �0s�7 �'�2p 71 'os 11 �' 115' 11 �" r�s � �� 31 �0'��3 '�s� 74 23 ro � s �o ros� 24�y *.32� °s� 'os�o 7D 75 s'� �Q511 r�s 2� `1� osos r0 fi9 'os�� �$ r�s ��� Q���sor r S� 68 ��0s ��5�211 16561 �p4 21 � ��g� �s�0 77 Q' �QS � 96 2D 36 ���s ro� 67 ogyy � � 111 � �04 92 19 37 r���9 `� � ro� '�' 66 ,. ��o�s � �5�2 11 D 10515 1� 118 10505 �� �� 9° 18 38y r��as � yo � 65 ��g 3 tv� ����' 1 D9 ��ta� �_ � 8 86 17 39 ����r � ro ��s � Q�Dp S� ,��- ����a ,� � 121 � oa 77 �� �o4�s � 16 4 p � °47� 2 ��� 63 �v $ �r � �Q�a2 �er- 12� 7� � �°470 15 4.� � °q73 ��� ���s 62 � ��S �� �Q��s 1 D7 � 12 �i aa s� > >�ss 14 42 ��s�9 �� �D472 61 83 �46s GS �Q�� 1 D6 4 12 �,�s° 123 �� ��68 6D �a¢� �� �Q46 1 D5 � �oa�s � �Ss 11 43'D4s � �D462 �¢S� �� roassz 1 D4 � �i�a�a ���° 1 D 44'D4ss 9 'D45 �9 81 a4 51 1 D 3 12 6 �46 45� 8 58 1a448 1D2 qp447 4 '°q�4� 8`� �''47 ,�459 �p4 S2 57 8610445 1044� 1 D1 ��. � 6 7� � 3 48 87 1a441 p� � °430 �i �9 '04 �6 10438 1DD 127'` o.`� �p4 6Q `� �3S 44 88 1a435 ,�o � 26 5 9ip429 �p438 55 89 1a431 1a43� 99 � �2° 4 ��'D42S � p 3 1a4�8 98 '��Qs 3 52 ����9 PARK 9D 91 9� 9� �4 95 1a418 97 128 � ��S o m � c"'.i m m '� ,� �3'D4�� EPP 3412 � � � � � � 1a4a8 96 m 104 AVENUE 48 � m rn a a `T N m � � � � � � � � ��.3,� N N N N N N N N 1�5 1�41�31�2 1�11�� 99 98 3g� BC 23 74 �, 9� 91 92 93 94 95 96 97' m N h � N � � � � � MAPLE RIDGE LOCAL AREA SERVICE BYLAW Bylaw No. 7014-2013 � Enhanced Landscape Areas � Original Lot Lines 24 1a4 N SCALE 1:2,000 m LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LAS Estimate - "Bioswale" Allard East Date: Jun 26, 2014 Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities only done on an as-need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements nual Monitoring Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edges) $ 200.00 I $ 800.00 Mowing Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks 14 $ 200.00 $ 2,800.00 May - September. Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur-coated urea fertilizer as rate Fertilizing of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. In October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 areas. Lime Apply biannually in February and October. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Edging Once per year, March - April establish a clean edge with a power edge or 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 half moon cutter. Shrub and Tree Planting Areas Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous branches/trees, General Inspection invasive species and address issues threatening plant health, as 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 necessary. Prune ornamental grasses. Invasive Species Weeding of shrub beds. 4 $ 350.00 $ 1,400.00 Removal TOTAL $ 6,500.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 m LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LAS Estimate - "Community Mail Box" Allard East Date: Jun 26, 2014 Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities only done on an as-need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements nual Monitoring Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edges) Unit cost Total $ 150.00 $ 600.00 Mowing Mow once per month March - April and Oct - Nov. Mow every 2 weeks 14 $ 50.00 $ 700.00 May - September. Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Pest Control Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 2 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur-coated urea fertilizer as rate Fertilizing of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. In October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 areas. Lime Apply biannually in February and October. 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Edging Once per year, March - April establish a clean edge with a power edge or 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 half moon cutter. Shrub and Tree Planting Areas Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous branches/trees, General Inspection invasive species and address issues threatening plant health, as 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 necessary. Prune ornamental grasses. Invasive Species �/eeding of shrub beds. 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Removal TOTAL $ 2,200.00 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 - ph. (604) 294-0011 - fx. (604) 294-0022 I � \ .\ vmcexurcrxumom: aom � \ � �nur�urxvEx viuexnv� �� o cecnsr�,ruorNsu �mxm�xuaeoeuo ccn u4 t�u eEUICFp%ELveT ItpsEvoWnxF000vmoo a�0 'o' vAXONNNou�wUllN p�eLL�ORFmuavAPE qP�;�cN NptW N F�GF9nnN0U�NN R�NO�NnRDV�I' RC00.bnLv�NOC�FanM sYMPNOPIGRvaS000qplBa�IlcoppLBFAPY cOML6EpNY nPot:�ocN �cINI�4WnNN &EAoqEdHucK�EaEAIrv oT IX'IHE OFARF'l � NWL2 GN BFAItFJemoE O1Pm o� ao onuunrnwsw,uau uu� vvr; nx Po�YcncHUNM�NR�N v.E.."IFRH:�wPGfIItN aPv�xF O.nu nNcu�p-pu..�s soFiq�sH s1P ,N N PFL�Fl[onccoROINONTHE oc IwNpscqPEsfnuMqO, NIL.TE�(�ION, coMnMEA b¢l9sPKIFlF➢nE PPA ¢enHo coMnlN[N cCenxeiN[NINIxVx nccwlnOlPSRt�. • PEveRTo �PCCIFlGTONs wN o[Flu� coMnlNm OrnNcnvinMruTmNLx[o�IrzeNv+�F•cux nn�[ww.l�cvinNrvwTmNlnVniuul[wnov�loNnlxn�aloV cuPEnRCHfI[crnT6o�pc¢ oveuPPLY, nHFA oP sFMCNTo �NhuOELUNd LMINisNOnup PpnsEavqll£Y,• e�B6'llNilouB: aBTN�N WqrtTPN nNCHrt[C� PNIopTo NqM1NoqNY �u64}�Iv11oN� NTHE�V¢IFIPD IwTERWL uNqpPRW m �v0a11NiloN� wILL BE �NliloNovmuPpliloN oFFVaUo�1fIY.�LLUHu�uve rz wlqNOYmRK+wNnMvav M¢}oNqe¢�nocUHo�cnPee �PNusftv:lAle..TF.oliloN.NLL PWrtIwIENNI Nu.T pCPpWIOm FRON cEmlFlm o�sC�vCFliO.+Nvq�Flm \ ClIFN�'. VfioJECI: 9E4L OMWING1RlE OnTE llJUN.OE SGIY 3]90 LANDSCAPE ow.w'a o0 ARCHITECTS ALLARDEASTSUBDNISION oesow o0 m�o��oo-a�a9sun��aesomo - SWALEAREA LANDSCAPE =�Mo. M� 0umntry, OAlla� calumtlu, V9C BGB P: eoaxso-oon ; r. ooaua-ova KEY P�QN ocwvn�+cuuma� �coqna���=��amm a��nno ona ao�qn ie ino �Pqv�tl �tlor� � 4lorotM�rpm�acbwlNoutN I� �� ortnccbR ROBERTSONROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC N0. On"!E ^0.EV1310NOESLAIPIION OR 9 L1 PMO P0.WEC! NUMBFA: OF3 1306] SWALE PLANTING E7(AMPLE IMAGE �, SWALE CROSSSECTION L2 ue 2 WOOD BOLLARD DETAIL � m 3 TYPICAL SWALE ENLARGEMENT � �aa cue+r: vxd�cr: sEn� opnvnucm� onre v�uxns LANDSCAPE oes�ou: opoo ARCHITECTS ALLARD EAST SUBDIVISION �� 9�'mow°enu,ncowm"eu°vsc°eo°o SWaLEAREA . LANDSCAPEPLAN cHro: av p: 6041B40oit ; L B041B4Lo]2 248TH ST / JACKSON RD m�nvnontreno�we, mU am»�noond cmic� i=ino �p�avaeoMu am�mwra�joanx+No�rtuirtev � kulaR ROBER750N ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC uo. WTE rz6VISIONOEscFlvllou1 00. L2 � OF3 v-os� � �,� o" ...m ,.�..�,.�..,..�.. �.r.r+aaM.�m.iu�.iu�i���.ewi.0 rw��F�w�iw,w.d mr�r�r n i.�u.Mm�++m�� w���in�.wwnn.rNM1wy.n.u•rw�' r• "'��C�:� .... �,_,.d.� .�. ..,.�..�,a...��..»,�,wd..w�...�. mhti����4n'�r.ur�.�„�ww�..M�.�..u�4.u�i�nniwu.yismi.wiM��.M��e.� s ni �y� n�aui.�•�•w.`i�u.� nN.ai�naw�wn�u`rnnnP..ehy.uwu�.rw.1t� R ur^ rm. �r�„m rw.i+a� L y�4r-4vr�••••uul+YnrsNr-4.rpr'nlnm�renw.��ldK.��'mmu�s+h.l o m. . v�. .ul W+�nwu.�r�r�nu.W.wnuamuM� a ^mnw11urinm�uuu.�+n�.uwmur.by y�.timiru�Y�we�:i.�r'�.vnw.� � +mwe�. u win ��w4T�4�wnntiu�.a�4�r�r'.q� r��i� ♦ u �F...,m�.'.'w+i+wnr.�u.r��uu.a f w�+ wu ~wwn '��Yne �r mn.~ti�� LL�+wdu.a�Mr+�.niuer+.ui u.Y.y ';M::L`.::,:':.^`.�'..��....�. _�.,.....-...e.�m.,.��,. �.�...., ,t �.. .�.. ,..,e,r.r.�...�.r....��...�..�,,.aW "'"��Iw..�.,..r,�....�m��.�..,�„��.�.,.,�.�.W M.�.,�„�..��..,w�.��.�...... . r�mr�. �i.�n.��pw4l.rw�Inunlw.ure:q�V+k�we�us�4myar�Mneirr +iM � ��ua..rriu.n nrwnrn.r�-iu t. x.nwu.ir.�.r "yu..wl�).mt�r�urrn �Y��.I�i�r �er�.n...n�.ri�...�i.n..�ur.n.vn 4�w.hsn.in�nniwv.mir�n'.s.envn� �w ... aa.wl�uinn.�u...rrr'+w��ol��.�w�y�r�yei Mr�runiu r�u.ninx rr �'•rimmu�rx��r wV� �.rti�w�.p� �w��m w Mnu�Y� r rn r.��m�x.ur��. �r n•�•w�r.r�w�n+++ar�4 iw....�.i.nr.e.wi�uir..v.ear..1drw..TwM�min nsn � �~nqr �anan.� � �, � C�`�: pqO��T: SFwL pMWiNOT(M1E� N,TE llJ11N.oc SfAIE N/n LANDSCAPE o�+^�"�+� � ARCHITECTS ALLARD EASTSUBDIVISION DESIGN: PMc smmnao_aiessnnc,oakomo - LANDSCAPE �Hk e��rwW, enu9n cowmcm, vsc ace SWALE AREA mR p: e6qPD4.00�t ; I: BOqPHq-p0Y1 SPECIFICATIONS n �o MMANCNUMeQ1: . n�.rau�m .�m o ROBER750N ROAD ° mcoov�h����warNsai�w�noonaaonianlamo + n.�•min�. oi��r.W. o �p�RIDGE,BC L3 OF3 pmpaMolPMGlnnEmpoq�Nllacba�Emoyno[Ee � c�.r�n�nsr onwixi m mpmtlleetlotueoClo�a�Mrpm�oMMNoutNd� i nsennm.n mmM�m o PMCPnoJECTNUMBEA 13-087 poimlualon No,'N,1E ^pGv�g�oN�CCRIPiION OP. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 9Nln C100 - q1B95U11 Ltook OMo e��row, smmn commeia, w� ccv p: BO4]90.0ott � I: 904]34U0]2 ��ipytlghtreavrvu0.Thls tlmrMO ontl tlos10� V �ho �raportyolPMGLnnEampvqRhlbcbunEmW m16e poimluWon ot wntl to� a Nor pm�oclo �W I�aut Nol� � ���,: Paa�.. ,u� o�,���,,,� oarE ,3,�x.o� NO.,WTE ^pEVISIONOFScq�PI�oN' aP. ALIARD EASI' SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOODPARKS JACKSON ROAD AND lO4TH AVE, ROBERTSON ROAD AND 304TH AVE NUIPLE RIDGE, BC ,�� �„o o�,�W: o0 LANDSCAPE a�. M« (CEY PLAN oppWleF NUM�EA: L� oFs PMGp0.a�ERM1v1�9ER ]3-p6/ m�Al�tsux wl JACIcSON 2fc 104TH - GRADING NIAILBOX ATJACKSON & 104TH - LANDSCAPE -1 YIDH KCIHININ(a WHLL � iv 0� ('j.d_ a IGn+PUiANolOC1YpuieoNqNC' �! e cQ�c1oIPHYLLUiAJnvoNICNA (� t M9MNCFqNqCNOPM'W+Yv^uq• O Po1qN� IW1o•'PEppr 0�9 4 �'��J�oNIG'11m8PpMc�.: THLL4C[ pEATPL��MAMOv WNNPWNIEWNpoE VIeUqN�xOnylpl� pR o neucmrxicxouscMrmvwc�+e eAExuw� � " MTLnPSnp[NpfllYRua�' x e.nuo�wis •axua�ms oo�rc CFINsoNWxONOqWqYIMPtE Nnl9uFnTpe WctFAFM'OMNCFA;Fm 0 FFN�OOPINP �lluu�pOsGcoqqLP�NK mr+cca�cpiwt•npwK P�NN�MN[p 11Uc � �ocxeeucmnx P�uK VIAo1Np¢pWmFAI(V R4vID-�vIBVqNVN owewranae: wru� �euaw �N G�L LSM sfo; Bso ocN L1.ONsmoaO mPOT'o u nPOT.toctl uni rm, ono nPOT;oocu oxror,aocrn � ��a.: p� � v�R: eGL oMN1NCTIlB OATE ]]J�N➢4 LANDSCAPE o�� u�� ARCHITEC TS ALLARD EASTSU6DIVISION � o�,mH: �o e �nn� erllhn�columelu,wce�ra Oo P: a�a�aoon ; r, naa�aoou NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS LANDSCAPE PLAN �NKo: MR - 248TH ST / JACKSON RD �covr�km rcaenoa mv amvnno �� d�aian m ino JACI60N ROA oanuxuo uuMoea m�P a aoM�, ao�mwrwoio�dowiuwuiin ir ma pm ucc O��seloM1 ❑ ANO 3DqTH AVE, ROBER750N ROAO AND 1047H AVE MAPLE RIDGE, eC No.'OAIL A`q[vlv1oN06cpIR1oN OR �� PMOPRO.IEC�NIIMBER OFS 13-067 s smr¢ Y�� oNOOM Flu� H[fe-u01rt E' r'-'' �cnuvM.nm�Na�oowoLLc %31 1.SM WIDE CONCRETE PATH L4 �v No M¢oluN uNOEn cp4�v �nicKnweo ooxwnc mce 3%cq� �LOpETv UWN JWLIWI oucxem-unrrr lSh:.�� MONt�H Km �o�0.awo� ��u j� ;y � mNr � CONCRETE PAD/PAVEMENT L4 1z �ntN.ropnwcnnva ItL"1'ALLA; PFA NAYCpO11No tmmm oPooAlFlNm1 // '• �y5�� /: 'CoIR.fPncr�u IImM�C II �Ilill' �IIII } ~I I � ./ / // I 11 . � ' `'i �� �' y �r � i i=t I,yj �,� s9y6� YdN l� �MIN p NIkN: a�nia ror rire mNuccreo ro smnx oanw 6 PLAYSAFETYSURFACE L4 �� PUu�luo .'9NINmlMldn%. V`lio� ETINN.IAIJINONOYND � u�.ncwanewrnso�nx iu.�r.<wuin zncaorasi omm ucn�-uoxr � IAH�FlLL ioommaw u �NIU� cr�suoen•oe ��;�yt('� ti - •!ti iitg:l'iM1thi,i, ��BOULDER SEATING L4 �-� � d�P cuINf: PPdCCr: EFAL p1Uwluoi�RE oATE US[n13 9CqlE I1oo LANDSCAPE � vn..wu o0 ARCHITECTS ALLARDEASTSUBDIVISION oa,ow ooiMM s�nomoo. iessun��oaxo�wo - LANDSCAPE �oW.arw�ncowmcio,vscec� NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS a� MR pu604 ]L4ao11 : 1: 804 294ao33 DETAILS NUMeW. """' JACKSONROAOAN0104THAVE,ROBERTSONROAOAND104THAVE ���N� �� m�ayna��imorvaa.minem�nnoonaeoola�ia�o oi��.w. V�PoMoIPMGInMompoArthllvobvntlmvyno�bo ��ir�,�, MAPLERIDGE,BC oF5 mpmtlucad or uneE IorolM�pmI�Ml��nut Nelr pormloebn uo, pn� p�vimouoE..cntrnoHS on. vMnano�eciuuuum 13•06/ ...�.,... .. . ,. ,.., .,, �..�,,.�„,��,.�.. wau......a u � �n� M� i� m.� ..wn�iMu~niwi:ui:ixe:ninsu.w�er .0 n r Snn�n`.nMyr��n4ua�mtlumlaNuwwrM+rtniniw m u mu Mr.µrWn.wivewM1nw+u+. ] Iwuuyl.n.nnY+��4w1r.,i�nr++l r••I'—�I.nnn+ Y� �+�uu.a �u..M�nM1Y�mrlwa x.��wrh�m a4inNYl.r I� NrY r w� ipi� W'e • slqlweylWlnl�l.�e �.Yvu.e�y.YlmL.espNxlNbl�wernli.A�.. ��+•�Mw'��...�...Nnnr.���'+w�i ur�..i�r�wM.r.r. �r..w�n1+�4r`��ra�eunr i xnin wa.l�.o ai ra.r�nuw.wxW.w.�.l+��•�w.��i4+r.um� imennW�lur..wWlr. �wa�rWn��r�LLw�.1�wn+�JlKnin errrr..i +rRY.m..u+.ivnn��.rii.w. . � .. r.r�.��.�rw+4u�vutl`hlruLLrnml�uyubrw'rr�r+y�uint s.ti �µn�i W�r nn x'....nax Ir �tlwn �w +>+�rM4�wniu�u.�'uKnw�w� � n�l � n�w ��unitiun���l�nni.nv�kmaw� r y� �w.. u�r�nitwt n1.4 �� n�fromlel�wrl�wu�lm.nnaa��x�lm wr �•,�u iy N p�u.wua.uum�.wr4+/iFuvwm�w�r�n �ay�w.n�rnn �MN��.�4r �wmi.�rn�ahu�r.. ylwl.iy�urwat nsiuynut�.I���Y�r:N•M���� t.. mau+T..iw�4u����.�n.. �i..�.liT�. n �a.� `�rVi urxm��navnMrF�.�.nrput.y.n I ISMuwi�nr�uy�n F ✓4�N�mu..ir�rw�u.wnwo...�+q.r�. i. in. r��..urin. 9w4+1+�•I.nMA. aMYY..l�lanul��tl+lln �vIW�.. � nri . � nuwiu 1 ruxr. +:�+w erf�.l�.�.i�4i�.�i.°'...4�"°�.�.w 1•no-��.+ni rouw��ar.+Ytxrhiw n. r4�a. <n. I�+yrR4�+rwury i..pm.�m�4rk��I.w.W.nWain..r a b+Y�n • wJwY� .rn�Min��....� .ie � uwvu i. ni.r�nuw nir� n�ns. u w�nvn�� uu�.av�1• 4iw �+� M vnxl..w..��..r��rvsne�.�n-wl .�n..r.nn�.a� naa �a nw y � r���M���.rMnirun. rrW.auxup��nn yuu�i `�r��Mw�iuu�.vwT yxnr�n�.r�W.unu~r.Ji��.ir�ir��i�wiis�r.u.�uixu� ..�.MJ4i�nu�^Iwuwy� �V �r`��ra4+nvw�ta .o.w.. wie��rw.i.iw.wi.�� •��•a��mm.�lnr�rye.rui.rrir.a�n..1��ar..wr�. m•••—w + �uti�u�i�ar�.4�+u ' � qw.rn�un.M1�un�u.. .0 awuf� y�w�n.ysarmv�w.niur+�wa n•4���ww+.0 +r i.nM�i.�.nau...nw.n i..muinwe�xr�uw.r..nw nn�yrv..�...r a ..nHvx�M+.�4'inn.iar�s+nl�nn�w��rYnN�Funiwi�iq°�n'Y urix�w.run.�i..nyxx..���r ^M�m..p�wan�a�n��ia�irum.wr�s+wun• a y��i qay.iui.w�tu�.w r liw�r��.in�.. ��w.�s..:��4 �M wuuin�. vn���w � � n4ti+�....ur+�n�rv..�� �n �. n . n .� u�Mw.�wa�nnY��..n � . .�,vMui.�. . r ..u. ..� .'�.tu.i4ww.u.��a.r,• r �+n :.�y.~iui wiy� an.ne.i�. ..0 �w ur ru.rn.•r• •a� � y v� ul.� Wn��e`Wtrnutrvu�..+�crrwl�r+tµlwN4.. �r�4,iw�v..'nw��� rs+�ti��+-...n.�Mw�w u.�e�v+��..r. �..i.. � y..Auen�n���iunnynuw�Mun.Ni.�nxNwal.�iiM�+ u�iniNir��u �iilir�i�in i c112M: PPOJEtr. ..GL OHAYANGTrtIE: MTC llJ�Nnc ou LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS swo coo - nias sun cmok orNe eumoe/, arnlah columop, vsc ec9 p: 60q29a9Q�� ; �; 60429a90]2 m�rynom rano�a.lnm e�w,na om maion io ino �vroa eo�'u am�mn �`��`n��n wiuom� ii `60 Po�nbelnn P�lo NO,'OATE NREV�S�ON�ESCRIPIIDN' OR. ALLARD EASf SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOOD PARICS 1AC160N ROA� AN� 104TH AVE, ROBERi50N ROA� AND 304TH AVE MAPLE RIOGE� BC �uLL x/� LANDSCAPE �„„a M� SPECIFICATIONS onnwiuc uuMSEa: L5 °FS PMCPq0.IF1TNIIMBQC 13-067 �,-- iYPI - 1 sra wsw - ow» woKx Nm m � ,�� „��_ � «� < < TYPICAL l0T SERVICING Nor m su� .� uwwmt - -- � awecwv.a �o , � R u�.m m�H P ��'s�'.��""rmwamau�aam me�wo veouz U�� a�imil ro sx wn TYPICAL SECTION -� �nouxc wrn o- xoxni Nof 10 YNE xrv tt�ic�� sFcnoN — ioa nv.� Sf0. WB11 - WB.0 IDONINC f/S f Nof in SG1E TPICAL SECfION - 248th ST I➢ONING RM xor m sw[ � uFvenau vca� ow�m rwi me ou�wn or� uuac wo¢ �rawvc nvlmm �an ur�c i�a� evL NORIH Q" 1aM AYE uFvenan - �aeim� T'PICAL SECTION - McEACHERN ST �noKwc ozm Nm m wic � CoreGrouP �.•,�osa�m rwsmw muerPv��" &IldllHt, BC Vil 91B bl (lDI�tYY OE6� imt (AW�Y ON➢ �ia s"•' �- —im I.I:i;QR���a:l51[P.� � �� ro���� � .. ... . . ..RAN V&W - CONFldIRATbN B MICRO RAIN GARDEN DEfAILS N�r,� �.,� BIOSWALE RAIN GARDEN - ROBERfSON ST. ttnut stcnox �nopxc xoxni xor m su� onua ' �� 1= �' �m���r � ��SECfIONF-A m�¢s�ar �� a rMc T um v W �n�c�. �lsjy�l ,�. Mia�-riw�� � al Ij��WU�'���� �,yT*3'� � � a'"a'h' S�`1iS. '+:F R�VIA ""'"na�,. w> ; nmw one — m�niumu�m �,��t`w�cS. v mm im imw� �`, � s�cna� e-e MUNICIPAL PROJECT No. E08-20 """°' �` �°'°'° "�"'°" �°"'"` DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE �ea�s neP� as.ac eEroxe vou oic „�,oi� a so� �xo� m,�nw � RiNLl111R4 OM F�iR& 111¢fIVS WY NOf � 1D1PlElE OR � n�i„ m a rn.n� �- s.�w ar �c omoun - m P RO P O S E D A LLA R D �� �mm�ic rrmx m m�cnw+ �oa swL ,aryo/oe sx a womx nm�ma t�sr��nv,no�aor��wcummaum�n¢ i0 nwam - m EAST SUBDIVISION �xo-nuns ��w mx�u�i r� .u� omw ow.�i+Ncs � s"�" '" " 1°� ""�m'DN _ TYPICAL ROAD ununcs mixa wanm µo ocvns me uun n�m ai a ru�. vc � �nan u' iws uwrts wu eEo�aixm av s� >>� ��e sn a armo ammaa .wanwm- w CRO55-SECTIONS coc xo- � aevo o� om� ae „n_ .,,_ .� �., 8. DETAILS �,r 3 H1 90 89 � 67 � BS 84 B2 � � 79 7B n 76 e pR �� ����� " Y� a� � � y�s ^ �e Rn +� i�� ��}��� ��S �$ i'�c� / �� fl} 6 � �s kG3 � ���r��� i 1� .� 5�c� �gi k� 8G �q _ffi � +1M18 gm PRaP' a6' � � M 31.6{ ♦� �Y � $ �� / �8 ��/ � $ � . � . 4� a�� 1 —G. �� � 3��1y `� 8 }, 2—�� +� G a�t,3 9Gc� ffim S �3 �tl �F � �„ a R � 2���y' �„ � ��� S �5 �g ��t .c � � _� �, __ ^ �F� � - c�d$ ��_} s� �l toss �� g _ - � , 1.} Ss � 9�3 xr �E E - o- - S gq ��2 �G °J�3 �--- _,_ _ _ -+i�g $ 'wa ^�a �� «2 -m — ��-� �.a s .�-=� � �r 1. _ �,� o-vn.w� ��z��g �� ������� �'� � � � ��� � 8 "g_S� � ' ���� N�:' e �'—� m �"}, � = �� �� . 6G� � �3 �� N . wesr curhn y E � a pa{ = a ts s a g � � � �a F � � q � � ?� cFAOE s E '� � 8 g � � tl � � � � � � � � a t9 � � � B � � � � C/L d2A�E � � d tl tl � tl � � � d � 0 � e 0 0 3 X � � � ffi � � � � � � cR�no�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � "a � � � 8 8 6 � � � � sr�noNs � � � � � � � $ 's � � a _ R R Y s s a s � a � s � � � aa _ _ _ _ ' _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �4\���� PoI!_EIALn SfA1i001AB � I S'- � � I � M� �_ ,I ��u I µ .� .Y�I ��.���•�L4�.MIKA ���2..0 I��-.�I\\� &I � �I � RI � ,RI �� � POID �CIIDN . 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FOR 11flf11 A]W 41Tm1 IdFW 76 �p ORAwNc ] 2 FpR mIW1 t RN➢NUa6 XORS IRIIt m muMNC 2 1 i0R L11f� f�NA1 OATA � 10 OAAMING L �. s as-vu xa xar¢ �w ro m�rsmucnox 1 IN5 OR/.1i0lC 10 BEIEM N o�un�cna rmi ,uL anim awwxcs I � ��I� i x ee m / ae �� ro n , n �R�..' I � � ; _':i a a �� $ i'p. , � "l� �� I �` a'�"°°"'°'�pFA190N ��"'" DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE t� ne ��i gineering p 91 a 91om1 WpmIL � I¢� m o� a�wwmau�-s.�v.,wmre ovam- a PROPOSED ALLARD n� mau m a�mrx�� o� _ m EAST SUBDIVISION ��.um�� '+�m�� uGuc sn a ruma sc "�"" � - ROAD WORKS m� o� scamsim�a� �- o+ ROBERTSONSTREET 006M' �a„ � . o.,F_ .m. ,. �„ �., 6 or 3 82 � � 90 �18 519 _ � �ii � � i i �� � IX 2GOe � � / �� PYt � / � // .'I j M °.3s � / ` PF' O '+ � « ��1� �c a �� � ..� � � �� is s� h . / -�� � � � � _ e �� - �� -�� �£-�`€ � S16 D15 �ry grn'�pt �i 31 T1i � 704A1£ � � O m�' rai'n� GinS 515 014 D 4B F � c�. ��_ - � �, � � __- -'" � �� �� � � � a --- - � i 6 0 � pwxo� -- / s omzsa �G� ��` az � � __ - --- --- -- ^ h EC A S1N --- —.- --_ � � ]m S/51 4 CA4 / k 200 5.1N I I 3 WNC 0 t.� F 02 ]WI P1S BI (ar Amc7 �I 6 � � srx o IX k]uoe 10m �.I' 01 L14 (1A4 b � •�• � WA (MiPDX)� CWC 01.6L � Ni121M h� h� '�� � �-- Q � �. yN, p ��� ]4]m 2U PVC N�� gp 0 .0 � � uy�, mw c�e a tawr e axis � s x - 51u.o tz cWG oau g� = su � �y ��flEN9tt! �� �G � � � � � � PEA:.M ul�*c 78 Ta� e � � �a�add � amtw/ �x� 'i�� : � n y^ �a't_ u�rt�e� ' Y� y»»s �� s 5�na �'9 $��8 aF�d �e ����� ���€� ��€'�€ P-YR k 10P-M N IN srnnn+s � � � § � � � � � 's � $ s a � s a s R s x � F g � s � � aa _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ � � - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w*a .i�oe ¢L� � � a/tcovm 9tl �] Fetl �1 VPIIX e BLA ss ei>s u w m.>s m>s u n ea.ns mso mso u a�.00 m.w e�.m eus eus u si m.ss m.ss ii u aaao e�.0 e�.0 u m.�5 19 19 R65 BliS �¢5 19 �.m ei fd 19 � A HI.aO B6.SU B650 9fi15 eS]0 8510 19 NO � mirxu xorts � ro OM1pG I 2 FOR STOVY NtY YNpi xona ro onnr�Nc u i cuiec mc� r xa�a PItlOR TO OH511tl1LTON 4. FOR � MNNAIIIN YF auexs vw� s�rn a �au.vec I6•,. Fuvenas r�va ownm mui n¢ OLSIMCf 6 YMIE WU� BENOWA�f fl91�02 l➢GiE➢ .UDNG JI�N A� NqtIX ff iMU A�E [uvena - �mmsn QWfllc TNF CoreGrou� ���� �� v.N - - i -to 0�10 ]0 �so-eamFR�mnaxauRfRv SCALE 1:500 euw��er. ec w �He u. (ea�ae mos a. (ea�ae oea� """"' '" °" "'"°°""°'�°°"A" m°�"` DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ffi ne �aac RIECK BEFORE YW DIC ia/�o/a m a mad wwmic anNw icmm gineeria4 P uaowumx oN oama unma wr xor � caaic�c in >+aroor� a+ a wurm �w� - a.� w mc mc�en - m P R O P O S E D A LLA R D mo-m x� .m�w�c rwln m tsrmm�cnal mNiwcmx sw1 �aro>/a a� a mmm ami�aM m��nunorsoeiumsnxcunumsµo�nngne ow.x _ m EAST SUBDIVISION urxis FNfiNQA OF PoRMIVL fdNF1Y1S T05 OMMNG 10 � t�/oe/ta m M Tnim wm��oN _ w�v No— tmx nrin iH an++ncmi wix ,ui man muxu+a rrn s�uc - - SANITARY & STORM �nunn� ff 7x��un��suu�a ui worTMim a sic ��� � w P� � SEWER PLAN/PROFILE ' • ia/mne srt a uwro woumox � u' � mro o.,c ar� oro arz- „aim„ ROBERTSON STREET �� �g a. 3 MA�LE RId�E $nlish CokumhFa T0: FROM SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Final Reading: Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091 - 2014 July 22, 2014 2013-116-SD COUNCIL 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 136 Avenue (even numbers only) 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091 - 2014 was considered by Council on July 8, 2014 and subsequently was granted first, second and third readings. The applicant has requested that Final Reading be granted. The purpose of the bylaw is to provide for enhanced landscape maintenance for three parkette areas, pedestrian trails, park frontages, and two biofiltration ponds. The bylaw would require the future property owners of the 75 benefitting lots to pay an annual fee as a Local Service Tax for the enhanced landscape maintenance areas within the development. RECOMMENDATION: That Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Local Area Service, as formally petitioned by the property owner, Insignia Homes Silver Valley #2 Ltd. (Portrait Homes), for 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 136 Avenue (even numbers only) and 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive, and as per Community Charter, Part 7, Division 5, 211 (1)(a), was authorized by Council on July 8, 2014 for enhanced landscape maintenance costs to be levied on the 75 benefitting properties to be created by subdivision of the site. Council considered this Local Area Service Bylaw at the Council meeting of July 8, 2014 and subsequently granted first, second and third readings to Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091 - 2014. The property owner for this development expressed a desire to establish a Local Area Service Bylaw for three parkette areas, pedestrian trails, park frontages, and two biofiltration ponds for the 75 benefitting lots. The developer of the site will be responsible for the enhanced landscape areas installation and maintenance costs for the first year, ensuring 100% survival. The costs for ongoing maintenance in subsequent years will then be provided by the 75 property owners. The cost recovery method will be the collection of 100% of the enhanced landscaping maintenances costs as a Local Service Tax. 11: CONCLUSION: It is recommended that final reading be given to Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014. "Original signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091- 2014 'r� N District of Langley � LAS Bylaw No. 7091-2014 0 .� � � � �! CORPORATION OF U ��, �a THE DISTRICT OF � • � MAPLE RIDGE �� PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,500 � �\ \�_�� �� � DATE: Jun 27, 2014 2013-116-SD BY: DT APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7091-2014 A Bylaw to authorize a municipal service to maintain enhanced landscape areas; to define the benefitting lands; and to establish that the cost of the municipal service shall be borne by the owners of real property within such defined area. WHEREAS, Council has been petitioned to provide a municipal service pursuant to Division 5, Section 210 of the Community Charter S.B.C. 2003, c.26 (the "Community Charter"); AND WHEREAS the Municipal Clerk has certified that the petition received for the municipal services does constitute a sufficient and valid petition; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to proceed with the works; AND WHEREAS the "Maple Ridge Local Area Service Policy", as amended, provides that the cost of providing a municipal service shall be recoverable from each of the existing parcels of land and all future lots created by subdivision of the parcels, specifically: Lots 1- 30 and 32 - 36 Sections 29 and 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP32166; Lot A Section 29 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP27906 except EPP39985 and PP32314 that will benefit from the service. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Nelson Peaks" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014". 2. The contents of Schedules ""A", "B" "C' and "D" attached hereto are hereby declared to be made an integral part of this Bylaw. 3. The Local Area Service of the District for the benefit of which the enhanced landscape areas are to be maintained as a municipal service are defined as the hatched areas on the attached Schedule "A". 4. The recommended procedures and frequencies for maintenance and Annual Charges are described on the attached Schedule "B". 5. The planting plans for the Enhanced Landscape Planting Areas were prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd., as follows, and attached as Schedule "C": • Parkette Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Biofiltration Pond and Wetland (Pond Expansion) Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; • Habitat and Park Planting Plan, prepared by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd, dated May 30, 2014; 6. The engineering drawings for the development were prepared by Damax Consultants Ltd., and attached as Schedule "D", include design details for the parkette areas, trails, park frontages, and biofiltration ponds. 7. This bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of day of day of day of ,2014 ,2014 ,2014 , 2014 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE LOCAL AREA SERVICE BYLAW Bylaw No. 7091-2014 � Enhanced Landscape Areas � Original Lot Boundary Schedule "A" N SCALE 1:2,500 SCHEDULE B -E-o APPENDIX C � ' � PHOENIX 4. � � ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 103-150o West SthAec. v�ncau�er, BC V61 IR3 604689-3888 fas: G89-3880 30-May-14 LAS Estimate - Parkettes (Years 2-5) Nelson Peaks Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Level 3 Moderate" in the BC Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities are only done on an as-need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that are likely to be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Vears 2-5 Qty Unit cost Total Annual Monitoring 4 $150.00 $ 600.00 Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edgesJ Mow once per month March-April and Oct-Nov. Mow every 2 14 $ 100.00 $ 1,400.00 Mowing weeks May-September. Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Contro) pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Only apply fertilizer if soil tests indicate a need. April and July Fertilizing application of 18-6-12 sulphur-coated urea fertilizer at rate of 1 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. In October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all Lime Apply biannually in February and October 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Once per year, March-Aprii establish a clean edge with a power 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Edging edger or half moon cutter Shrub and Tree Planting Areas Weed Control/ Weeding should be done twice per month March-May and once 11 $ 500.00 $ 5,500.00 Invasive Species per month June-October. Invasive Species Remove invasive species (blackberry and scotch broom) twice per 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Removal year. Ensure thorough removal of roots, do not prune back. Inspect for pests and disease once per month during weeding. Pest Control Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 keep plants healthy. Trees and shrubs should be reviewed twice per year; remove all Pruning dead, weak or diseased wood (Feb/March and 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 September/October); Amendments are done at the time of planting; No further Fertilizing fertilizer should be required for the natural planting areas � $ $ Mulch once per year in the spring (after initial weed and Mulching biackberry removal) with 2 inches of high quality composted 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 organic mulch Plant Replacements Replacement of dead shrubs or trees within the flrst 2 years 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Trail Maintenance Trim within O.Sm of trail edges once per month (approx, Mar- $ $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Mowing Oct.) Once per year, prune encroaching trees and shrubs O.Sm from 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Pruning trail/2 meters off the ground. Inspect trails in the Spring for erosion and uneven wear; add gravel to maintain a consistent surface. Estimate gravel Surfacing requirements and get a quote from a contractor. Page 1 TOTAL $ 15,500.00 PHOENIX ENVIiZ�NMENTE�I. SERVI�,'ES I.TD. 103-I600Nesl6lhA��c. Vancou��cr, BC VG71R3 G04-G89-3888 fa.�: 689-3880 30-May-14 LAS Estimate - Parkettes (Long Term) Nelson Peaks Follow the maintenance program outlined in Table 14-17: "Recommended Maintenance Procedures and Frequencies - Levei 3 Moderate" in th Landscape Standard, 7th Edition. Some activities are only done on an as-need basis. The table below provides an estimate for activities that a be ongoing, regular maintenance procedures only. Annual Maintenance Requirements Years 6 and on Qty Unit cost Total Annuai Monitoring 4 $150.00 $ 600,00 Lawn Care (grass boulevards, path edgesJ Mow once per month March-April and Oct-Nov. Mow every 2 Mowing weeks May-September. 14 $ 100.00 $ 1,400.00 Pest Control Inspect lawn for pests at each mowing. Undertake Integrated Pest Management practices as necessary to keep plants healthy. 1 $ 200.00 $ 200,00 April and July application of 18-6-12 sulphur-coated urea fertilizer Fertilizing at rate of 1 kg per 40sq.m of lawn. in October, apply 3-15-6 fertilizer to all lawn areas. 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 Lime Apply biannually in February and October 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Edging �nce per year, March-April establish a clean edge with a power edger or half moon cutter 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Shrub and Tree Planting Areas Native tree and shrub planting areas should be self-sufficient after 5 years. Perform an annual inspection for pests, hazardous General Inspection branches/trees, invasive species and address issues threatening plant health, as necessary. 1 $ Invasive Species Remove blackberries and Scotch eroom twice per year. Ensure Removal thorough removal of roots, do not prune back. 2 $ Trail Maintenance $ 500.00 � $ Trim within O.Sm of trail edges once per month (approx. Mar - Mowing Oct.) 8 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 Once per year, prune encroaching trees and shrubs O.Sm from Pruning trail/2 meters offthe ground 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Inspect trails in the Spring; add gravel to maintain a consistent Surfacing surface. 1 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Page 2 TOTAL $ 7,400,00 NOTES 1. All landscape operatlons are to comply wim the Distric[ of Mapie Ridge Plantlng Requlremenis and the BC Landswpe Standard, 7th Edlllon (BCSLA and BCLNA) 2. SubstituEons of changes to tha planGng schedule must be approved by the Project Blologlst (Phoenlx Envlronmenlal). 3. NI parkette planting areas to be prepared with 30cm of topsoll pdorto planling. 4. All parkette plantlng areas to receive 2 inches (Scm) of decomposed wood mulch following plan6ng. Soo mpomto Phoen4 Gmxinpe lor'Hoblmt 8 Puh Plenting Plvn' ond'No Build / No OWu�h Cnwnpnt Plonllnp PWn" � PMolbTmoaundS�iuE¢(3.950cQ.m.) Ory BoWnImlNomo LommcnNoma 51m 1J5 pm�muvop�ylum BB��Mo010 2gallon '145 Wnuo iuEra Rotl Pltlor : pollnn ]30 MoloEWacdlcmtor Ormncproy 2pnllon ]0 Mn�onlo nompo Dull OroBon Gmpa i 8oilon ]0 Polyotichummunitum WocinmSwoNFom lgotlon 115 PcautloWupnmo Jor11 �ouglmFlr 10^Ilon t45 RosvOYmnomryn BvltlnlpR000 20�Ilon a0 Roru nWkono NooLLn Ror.o 1 gullon tq5 Rubucapac4b01s Sulmonbarty tgollon 1J5 SnmCuaa mcnmoon RoE F1Callorry t Bolbn 130 Sympho�imryocNbuo Snowborry iBollan 115 Thu�oolimb WaclomRadador 1Bolbn 13LIISE3af1 Parkette Planting Plan INSIGNIA HOMES '' �, PHO. �. SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD ENVIRONMENTp "NELSON PEAKS" � �°'-"°°"�"`°�" i�i.nw,ax9axxx � DATE: May 30, 2014 I DRAWN BY: MBT I SCALE: As Shown � DWG: 378_PHNX Plantint D �T V rn Z � x n �^./ J ` J 2 rn � r rn c� 0 soo cvpumro Pnoond amwlne� mr•PuNono PlonYng Plon' urM "No Bulltl I No Olcw�b Ca.enont PlonYnp %on' � rmmonacnmoo�:,ozscq.m.) ON BoWnIc�INpmo CommanNvmo SEn 1�0 Aw�moaop�ylulil B8�^�Moplo 2Bdlon t]0 Nnuo�ubru RoEAldor 2pNlon :0p Holo0lu.vctlicmlor Owoncpmy 2pnllon fi0 Muhonlonomcu DUIIO�ogonGr.�po 18o�lon BO PolyvllchummunlWm WoobmSworCFom 18vllon 100 PoouCamupo monyocA Oou0lnn Flr 1 Bollon 1]0 F000OYmnomryo BOltlhipRono 2pnllon 200 Rom nullmno NmW R000 1 gvllon 3A0 RubuncDOMbAIo Solmonborry lgallon 1]0 SomCuuio m•vm000 RoE FJdorEorry 1 Bollon iaasrmononmmo�om�� s�m„nom i oono� m�io ciimm wo�mm aoaaenr i Aenon � IJntla�vloryonly(ch�ubcj(3�1BOcq1n� Oty BolanlWNom CommonNnme Slza 100 Holodlua�odWmbr Omoncpmy 2gollon t50 MOM1onlonervoru DUI�OmganGmpo 1gWlon POD PoIycllrliummunllum Wec�amSwoNFem lgollon 50 Rocugymnomryn Bo�dMpRocu 3pnllon 100 Rocnnullmnn Noo}nRoco lgdlon 300 RubuccpoMblllc Solmonberty 1pollon Sumbuau mrnmam Rotl FJEoibairy 1 gWlon t00 SymphoAmryocnlbuc Snowbarty lgdlon Irnoclw Spe4oc Pamovol onE InlancNa %onYnp wltM1 Treac nnC ' Sh�uba(1,190cq•m) � Ory BonnlrnlNumo LommonNomo Sla 700 Inuciu m ad dar go� Hoioem��ammm. unopmy anllon "!o Psauaolougnmorv1oc11 ooupincFlr t.ommll 250 Re¢onu}nno NoallmR000 2gollan ]50 RuEuccpacmhl0s SOImonCarry 2Bollon B5 TIiul�Dllmn WoctomRadrntlor 1.OmWll NDTES 'I. All landsppe operatlons are to compiy with the DlsGict of Maple Ritlge Plantln9 RaqWremenls and the BC landscape Standard, 7N Edition (BCSLA and BCLNA) 2. Su6sGtutions or changes to the planting schedule must 6e approvetl by the Projact Biologist (Phoenix Environmental). mo-ao-�mi � PONDS: NORTH & SOUTH B I OFlLiRAiI ON /DEf ENiI ON PLANi1NG PLAN �� � � % /l/ PROPOSED WETLANDS EXPANSION PLANi1NG PLAN CATTELL BROOK �,, �Zonat Oty 9omnirulNvma CammonNuma Slzo 91oPand ]5 Gemx oEnuPto smueh soaeo 19ollon Ronting ]5 paodivrlowub OvptoSplFnru�h tgallan ]s sdryuo m�cmmrpua smalh'Mmd aulwn 1 eallon 50 Comusstolonlfor� Pnd�slvrDagwooE t3allon so sm�.waao�ocrosm�a� Poun�vmiQ« - �emm� sm�vu�na�oi� sivawiiiPn �edm� 25 splmaa dou9�+ll Hardnork 16otlon 25 Vlbumumadula HlBhbuahCmnharty tpoilon � Zono2 OA' 9annimlNoma CommonNnmo 91za Blapond 50 qartlidnulum VlnvMepla 2gdlan PlnnWg 10o qwrmowp�ylium 91pLoofMopio 2gvllon 100 P1nua�uEm RotlAltlaf 2gnllon 1�0 Camuaslalanlfor� RabO�lorDagwaad lgallon 50 Pivnuaamvrglnok BlttorChaM lgallon 50 Rosa nulknno NooLLn mao 1 goqon 10� RubusSpadobi115 SWmanbarty 2gallon too sofulutlanwr.lo�lvnam PadncWTlow 19ollon �oo soru�limands s�uawinPn ieoimn mo samouwsmwmosa aoe Eiawoam i eoi�on 5o splmuudou9��l HuNnack 19ollon 10U Symp�o�Icnryos0lbus SnowbaM lgollon 50 T�ufo ppcnm Waalom RaEmEvr 1.5m m11 � ema�yom an eawmoinomo cammo�nomo smo watlondm�o �so caro.onnupm slo�ehsoaea �suimn ]5o F1ooNoAsowlo OvoloSplFn�us� igullan J50 Sdryua mlaomryu� SmnlFFrui�ad 9ulruah 1 gnllan � Wativnd 115 Cumuss�olonllam ROC-�elorO�ProoE todlan PaAmalor 50 Su141u4Eovnr.io�lontlm PotlilcWlllow igdlan 50 Shcx�ltdionsls S�LLnWlllow igdlan 50 spliaoo dovglo�A HoNhock t gnllan 50 Vlbumum otlulo NlghbusM1 panboiry i gWlan NOTES 1. All landscape aperations are to comply with the Olsvlcc o( Maple Ridge Planting RequiremenLs and the BC Landscape Sfandard, 7th Editlon (BCSLA and BCLNA) 2. Substitutions or changes to the planting schedule must be approved hy the Project elologlst (Phoenlx EnvironmentaiJ. � \N► mF-01�10� B('�'F 63/ 62 228 � �� 228 � ION IFNDFMNG IOP 91m1�N INSIGNIA HOMES � SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD 2D�BBBD GRAYBM ROAD AV RICHMOND, B.C., VBW iH8 � lEL- 604-DO-1889 EM.M:X1NPIt IWMIYFNf MMUYt. CFDDEIIC M'ATpN � EE.SS] �� WR]RLICM OI 9LVFA VN1LY Ml1D MD ]]] SIIEEf (N�GES i � = � : � m DML a��m DML damax consultants Itd. � ora 103-iB00 WM eth Aw, VanrouMr, BL V9J iR3 TN. 801-224-9827 Fm�. 801-BBB-SBBO �.� E-Moll: domaAtNudnat F�ORCIARIIY, NO SQMC6 OR OF}SE75 ME SHOWN ON 7NI5 DWC. SEE DYIG S 8 4 � � � _ � m No� ;� v ,.��a��� ��}„ � )RAl10N OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE R' Z r ENL1NEElOxG DEPARMFM v � "NELSON PEAKS" �� Z�� � � KEY PLAN � 2 n DAN�Uf FllE Na P-12• � d • �•--: a -�� � � Vr��J �� � �� �,�_� °� - .. __ �o e �-=� � � _ _ _ — - � . �� � .. . ��� � � � � � -- - .. � °' �r,�,e�1,�,3�'��wi'�!��'�'���',"� o 0 ', .,. .., � ��I- ��l� : � �. /`����.�I ��`- �y��. jv�'"' , .: : �ti ,�, � .�. �. ._ ��:' ; �o � — l9�An����.� �+a '� � sa� �—���.��. �� ��L'd���lii�� ,, % 1�"" � �� P�_�� �� o ,136 AVE - - ,-s"'" I' s G d 5 ' R e �i �� � � � PARK zxsea y � ' . ' � ; N�� 35 36 � 7s � 7B 77 . 34. �, � � z so: a vsio C ueie *�i j: / �� 33 �� ,� . � � ; �� _ _- , , , �t � : � ,�'- - � ___ - l - _ - � __ __ _ , .. `. — i,o � -.�. -� � • _ " ' PARK , ��w - . �.� 1V . . z o �61111m R/C / (/ J.' :I ._____ 6 c ..__. `\ �, �11 ' _. `/'� :� 1, � ^� 3�1bEWit�BY1E�lWG � � . � ,i� i ____ ____ �-4 5 / �-� �, 30�., � . yt . � � " PARK ocwnvrmo�vuae � i - ,. - .�� J : 9 29 � . . � �`'� ..� .. .� �iF� . . ' . II . � l �-.% � "` . - �, � ` . � �' S " 2B / 1 �� 4i � � ; 1 �� '�_ ��` ��. �B : O /' . �o to � �� PpgK �� �nc w� re+cc mv+> �.`•., . � ��� wc wm. �+ce (mI `'�. �•,� � � . � ?y�y, - �. I � � / tlrar�u r�anc n{m[ ` uK W,bN l➢� w�f151 � � l T �i SIhE 1RR5 (iVE W .'ON InY WALLS T �. . �` \\ . � . . I '\ � - -,..�PARK .� ��}Y[� \� �41� '9 � c '6 . ) �r � �� . "��,�' � �' . �-. � �Q to 27'� *� ,��; �. SERVICE CONNECiION � �� � � LACATIONS 136 AVE (oiunmota rnou w r/U .�c ' �- �A , � �'. - 7N . ���,�� �'� �. � � � � _ _ �77 �: to � � j �. _ _� �/ ��; � -.._ N W� ��p [�r is 1mml � -' "� ���. A� � ;� 1 � 26 O' n,�� f mrl m m w sw vx �x • �. ?'i%� >,.� ��� � V � � � � J �W'� � � n�� � � � � i z� ¢n ze �ze � g� � � � ��. ii � . "� ' �� � �� � � : �, �� a o $�' i +euaou:m" L zs Z i z'z "° y'e� "' ez ��. � , . � � . . ' -.`1 (� d i .o ¢ : � / � i � ,,, n v ai zi ui •z d . � � � �j �`�: � � � \' �` -- .2a � / � � _- — � �z aze aze o.e ' � , `:r \y . ��'rtN' _ __ zi �xn n.o na xs t � ' �/ __ W.. � / ' � � �� ��Y i-PARK � �a . ' �,., �5 vuv[ y - I PARK / • � -. �� � ...- -., . a.i6iA. jj� . _ _.2Prd'� �- � � 23 �` f�PARK. i.���� i s $e ze w ao �t � �•^ - ' _ � � . � � . . . � 'a1' �-' ..i- i �iR��. � � .• i ao � I _.. JB 20 � � y.�� . � : 'm� k �.- � � l.',Ili I W � W s � , � �� � .....63 79�1,� .. � v' � � �xsa�m � D' ' ,� . . . - „ �ik. _� � � , � 4 � :�`�\ - \ � � � 17 � : . � � I 9 PARK" rp � '� ..� ' . n 64 �_ iv �,%�; n. 62 1--. � _s' I � 1 5 ,,, . '" � —0 1 r� �. h"a. � � � I • ° ���t � ' � ; _. � Z -- , y � �' � O /. i ._ . ..,I` �awisY� ; ' � zo x`' ;_ \�\ M �. �-= 4 � � ��•, _ 0 61 . i- % �' 1 �. s5 0 �' � ' - :� 12 � ` � \ ,; I1 � `� AN R/C IS RE�UIRED ON ALL „Z�- 1 �'�. _ � � • iaw .¢ 1,:� ` �, . , ��� . � e, � ��' � d.+ s x -. _..". f � � I ,H �� u LOiS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM m�� '• , .. _ , ' ; W 60 r � � - _ ! � • � . � ' � . E _ss... . �.� � a� M LO �, �,. OF 300mm OF PRO ESSED + � � ; l� TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO AL W ���� .-_ / .h�m� �-�� I ::" 59f ��.� � %� ..(" O �!3 . . _ � K � ,� �e �"'�f SUPPLEMENTARY STOR � � � / �` ; � WAiER INFlLiRAiION .. �.'� : 67 5 mw - 1 " �. �' i . . � � n i PA� . ' � , r is- o . . � F / . . iVi �ia• amwc - s' � � �1 � � y" �a� , ie � � »/c.� � � �, - ' o�' � � �'�-. s�al � �\ PARK -... � ... ' � D 58 . ; �"' PARKI A -.•q,t¢�g ^�r . 5 7 � ` y ... , ry ;: .. : 68., .. � � , t0 i�' i ' ,. ; � � ,' _� a a%`�� ` ` � � .� � r . .�� � � � � � � � ��� � I �'�i �- , :� . ��,i. . s -�57" ' � - � 3�.�:�� �6 una.am '� � ...cc . r .. . � � , . � _ D 18 � 18 '� me-oi'.�tOsl INSIGNIA HOMES °'"" '�'�A° 'V` ORPORAl10N OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDG D 0220.14 iar nnma nr.r�sn �v �� �� � m o�. €.`r. oiaxmm+c oFr�xnvrt wmisr amz ��t21 ,��,�,,,�;,,� �, SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD _ ,� _ 20al660 CRAYBM ROAD „� p,� "NELSON PEAKS" B o�e.,s �ors m,00aNc �� PoCHNOND, &C., V6W 7H9 damax cansultants Itd. KEY PLAN 3, 30 lEL- 801-27�1889 70J-1800 Wat BN Aw, Voncouver. BC VBJ 7RS ti�r+� % ♦ D4.T].11 fCR SUm1�N IA �t6NY110( YONVI�Mf 61HOW1. LIDUfIIC EIEVAIPN . 00.551m AT Tel. 901-72�-6827 Fac 801-8B�3BBU i:900 f w. m �� �� a mv�m.,oN o. mvo� v,uu, w•n �uo x� m�cr cwnw csm E-Moll: dommAtaluanot NORTH SITE 3 0 I � � 6 (MSfNI. WXpiE T� E u �'� 18 , .�- , . � . �16 � m \ � 57 r � � �N[` ( / _ ., �S S.� r : ... I N2 NO N LOY 1P,usK �w��.� , � Q� �.I_ ) m i � PuiK � \4 �� �� h I l. 17 up . � ,+� �. K = Y`� �� � \ 1 \\ m., << � � . � i � � � � z � � w� v � ' �, �+ .,o,�� a� � �� j � �� `�: 'w I � '_ . �� _ , .. 1 ; o�FR. , . t ..�"�. ,` ..� 56 ," - � ?��: . �� a7• '-� � Q l�'.?, � � - .,i .`\-V:. ° j� , i -' ` ' ,� �!u�! , ` � � ��- � 1 1��v l � v� , ,�. ,� , .� ; _ . ro �L�y ^ ✓ 70 ' • . i "'�' �c38 ' � -.!. � .. 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PARIC\ . .. v,p � � � ' D . oy�, 'G3 �f 97E \� � /T . . ��:� S � � , � � I �...i . �- _ \ 74 . o\ �� ,. �' �� _ . � . , � � 2 �' p� � � �+'-^\ '"r �-'� � 1`I i � � _.._ . 47 1 � IV � �- 'Wd ��--" a __...-i� D � J mu I ¢ � � ` 4 4� � ��� I _. _ � � > _ _ _ � 2 .�� �. 13' rtoh. ° . � � \� 0. ( \�. , , S � , ^_ � ,� "' 1` � �� V 7B _ _ ..i � � ' � wr � °� � o rc�l n ;; _ / i I ' 1�, \\\ , \ - _ _ � ` i f, 44 � , as �-% � \ \_ � � � t � c; ,_ 4 � � �{ - . `�- �_ . . PARK . � PARK � � y%1 I ----_' � . i : . . �! � --- ��. ,J� .ti :- - .-" �yy � xN �� . -��� � I I �� ' .� 0/�H �POWQt AND POL6 kN' � .�. \ -.. x(c '; . . `.'.� �:� � tan ainc'wm � -f b�� � � � TO BE RQAOVm UPHILL . :� ;'s -�-_ : \ _. � . .. . .,. . . awi uuc rar . i , •. � I �--' � i'— OF E%ISf_ POLE 'A' WHEN � _ ;��'�r °s^�w� ' � ; ���i s � � --- --'' __ -- -�� / ,. � � ' xromon�ma.awqKr+� i sounl s 'i�,i( .. "�� , , .. ' _ , �_,���- . //� suemrt� /POND: dIZ' i �'--_.,-'�_ - _ � �.��,%'! i i"`. a� �es�i /- .. _„_� ._ � � ' / . ��� � `` � ' ' - � �' ,..,,�.1 . _ . . PARK . / colmlOL � � � � l/! '�T ��T c+� D � . , �. _-'�� .. ... ` � , uH � , Z' - . . � , _� :��� . ' � S b y _ '\'-_ s. ""-�'-..�`--�., _� � , \\ .�_ -_ ... maowwr / . Z i -;� Z.� � y / % - V - \ . �R Ot. 4t -- _ ' 4 . �� .: �`�"�-v:�_ _``_\ ..'_ ' _ �- "� ! / ' �. ;/ 4 �A /� .' � ' �� J � wx m ''�,�.' � '. ' FIPAID -_ 9A' . \`+�»3 __ � .�-'_ 37�.DFORSINPRQ Yt � � � . -� = � - �� � �Yi � � 1' `^?-",�`.` SEWER.k-7RAlLDETAILS .. % �.. �iW�j . �'Q e �• � , �o - ' 18 �rr ' � � � ��. � - '� , . � y��.i/''..� � '"r" •,.;1. „ _ _ __._. � ' ���a, -.�. �� � - � ,/-i �� " ' a 1 ;� �� � ', ` ' � � ., - �� �.� Z� r � _ �� ; -,:.,..�:... ' , � , n`°" �� �' ._�+' ,r� �. � .`.{' � � 3 � �ti � �.� �,�- � wrx�sw �.W-� _ , _.-- �� �`{ � � i ,�--s � -- _ , r , --^ � � , r� \ � ���' � i�c'a-'--� n.Lrs. � �'� ' M5r- -_ r �. / i � �� i1F — — 4�i� � � �� ,, � .. � vm.� .. . . � ' �.� � - :,. -� v V ... -�� f .� :,:: , y._.E. . ��I �" 5 > J D.FO. WORI6 SW t W/Y �6 / --� . ,VN)U5l 3Ut1 � TIE-NS �D13 1� IR11 1 i `J / BZ PUN /4]59 / INSIGNIA HOMES " `"'�"° ""`"` m.,s im wu�mva uv�scn �v � � �m ow. �� "`"' SILVER VALLEY 2 LTD �: �[ ' � izu rort nwu.,wvrto+a ,w � ow� I zoo-saso aure�rs reo�o w :ais FDR TENDQtlNC .v WCNMOND. B.G. VBW iH9 damax consultants Itd. � o�m. u.13 NR SUBMm1oN �pp �' e�Z��"'��9 10}7800 Wet Bth Aw, Vancouwr, BC VeJ iR] � 6ElLHYM1t YaMlYdf e1Vbw1. CFDGEIIC �EVRpN - e4151m AT Td. 801-72�-8827 Fmi. 801-BBB-38B0 `�� � �� i�ox or avm vuur wan �xc ass sr�sr trums �sm E-uall: dama.otdu..nat �:�o AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 300mm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WAiER INFlLTRATION LOT z��\.� PUN B41B934 � y ;} . �°'. ��� Na1Q ' �Q 9RT J I0t mQ111916 [pp_pi}lp�'! ORPORAl10N OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDG oiawmar+c oEr�muort "NELSON PEAKS" " "°"�'�" KEY PLAN ��„ ` °' 3° SOUTH SITE 4 0 ; ��� ( I I � I I I ' � , 64 � � ___ __ _ .. . _ -- —_ i i �__ _ _ __'_'_�,— � � -.. � _ —_' '.^__—"_ _ I _' _ I _' y _-__ _ a� i .� ` � � I � �� ��� � - -- h - -- - ---- - - .. 62 : `. � � � 162 62 6 ( , , '6 — � —� I�, I I — � j - -�- ' --- --a---;- "i- 60 — i .�\ __ _ ___ - ______- ,. .,1_ _ ' '___ 60 60 _' -_-___ �_ _-___ i ., i j ; —I6. � � i j I I�' ; � � ' . mcu I i � i - . . _ - 56I_ _ � � , � __ _ _____ 56 58 ______ __�' I ____ ' ___ _- __ ' ______ µ � �. �,� _`��_ i "_"'_ 56 56 "' '_' ' i I "� i ,�- 56 � � � � � � I� �. � . � I— � --------f - ----- ---- , , � �. _ � -- — h �-'� — �--I— � ------ ------ --- ---- --------- -----�- ---- - � - --_ --- - — f- � � � ( �� �� �� sa � � ��,�_ � � � �sa sg_ �- � ; � - — � . �T_�'� �, � —F� -- � � , rnav.: c/� ' . � f �� I I _'_ 52 52 .— � ' / I . ,� i �'—I 52 _ _ � --� - - I�, I q1J� 1 _-� i : . *� -' -_ � �� i um-ut4irsY-{ � \`` I I � ___'_'_-.. .. . � I �__" _ � �\` I auw.Jxri_;5 I I i ... i i nmm wua 50 I � � I 50 50 I I � ___ ' . �� I i `' - ' � ' � �.. � __ __ _ . ,, �. , I' _'_ . 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PLANTING PLANS 7,�� m.n. mo.� .n,nm ;w T; eoa rv�wn '�neai,o.m /� Ut 1YID � � � �Yrt016f fSf. ll� �� s% � �,.%� �r .��,� �- .� j, � � e o�w i �� �—� � i � i j/—� � � `/� �, ... v _ ;'xues�uo � � a�� o _ e—,—, _ � �-�, �+- . � . --.. �. ��' , o � _ ��; � B C PIAH�i4)98 LOT 2� nq I� vua e�� � ' PROPOSED WEfLANDS EXPANSION CATTELL BROOK NOhs t� sar a ro. mw� was i�oo z� mcr u ra smn e swrum wrts �me-ta+� 1R°/"" ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDG orti daxmawc om�mucxr p� p. v,." � BIOFlLTRATION DETENTION & TEMP. "F �°°�n �_ �% SEDIMENT CONIROL PONDS &�'�` 1e °� 30 "� �°`� '� CATTELL BROOK POND D(PANSION �� � a o �r�� - � .._ - - . . . . a., i ■� , , . . . �IIIlI,�� I ' �' - l�.� '� . .. . " -: , . . � �' „. - _ ... �, . . III'i��iii�� i�■� . . . _�.. , .�� a I e • �- � (� � ' ' , ������� I �� � s���m�Q _,_ ' ! . .. 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Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor C. Ashlie K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Councillor C. Bell Parks and Recreation Services Councillor J. Dueck P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Councillor A. Hogarth F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor B. Masse Services Councillor M. Morden C. Carter, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services Other Staff as Required S. Cote-Rolvink, Manager of Inspection Services L. Holitzki, Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws R. MacNair, Manager of Bylaws and Licences C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental Services D. Pollock, Municipal Engineer Note: Councillor Dueck was not in attendance at the start of the meeting 1. DELEGA T/ONS/STAFFPRESENTA T/ONS 1.1 Licenses, Permits & Bylaw Department Update The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services, the Manager of Inspection Services, the Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws and the Manager of Bylaws and Licences gave a Power Point presentation providingthe following information • Overview of Departments • Building Permit Statistics • Inspection Statistics • Drivers of Building Department Activities 1100 Committee of the Whole Minutes July 7, 2014 Page 2 of 5 Note: Councillor Dueck joined the meeting at 2:00 p.m. • Services provided by the Licenses and Bylaw Department • Common Bylaws • Business Licencing • Inter-Municipal Business Licences • Untidy/Unsightly Files • Property Inspections of Ex Grow Ops • Parking - Resident Only, School Zones, Patrols • Policy & Procedures • New Technology 1.2 North Fraser Education Task Force Update • Marlyn Graziano, Chair, North Fraser Education Task Force Ms. Graziano gave a PowerPoint presentation on the goals, and activities of the North Fraser Education Task Force. 2. PUBL/C WORKS AND DEl/ELOPMENT SERI//CES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 2014-016-RZ, 23908 and 23920 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1b and RS-3 to R-2 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7083-2014 to rezone from RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit subdivision into twelve lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1102 2014-037-RZ, 21447 121 Avenue, RS-1 to R-1 Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7095-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 7, 2014 Page 3 of 5 RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1103 2014-042-RZ, 11678 Burnett Street, RS-1 to RS-1b Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthat Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 to rezone from RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to RS- 1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to allow subdivision into two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1104 2011-015-RZ, 11959 203 Street, Final One Year Extension Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application 2011-015-RZ to allow for development of a commercial and residential building. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1105 2011-136-DVP, 20724 River Road Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthatthe Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-136-DVP to reduce the road right-of-way on River Road to permit subdivision into 2 single family lots. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 7, 2014 Page 4 of 5 1106 2012-040-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 10406-10520 Jackson Road (even numbers only), 10411-10526 Robertson Street, 24705-24737 104 Avenue (odd numbers only), 10408-10523 McEachern Street, 24776, 24786 and 24796 105A Avenue, 10433-10515 248 Street (odd numbers only) Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthat "Robertson Heights" Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7014-2013 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1107 2013-116-SD, Local Area Service Bylaw, 22802 to 22870 and 22930 to 22962 132 Avenue (even numbers only); 13501 to 13586, 13589 and 13593 Nelson Peak Drive Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommendingthat Nelson Peak Local Area Service Bylaw No. 7091-2014 to authorize enhanced landscape maintenance costs for the benefitting properties be given first, second and third readings. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 1108 Project Close-Out - 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that Contract ITT-EN13-32, 232 Street Bridge Replacement over the North Alouette River, to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc. be increased and that the Contract for Construction Administration and Inspection Services, 232 Street Bridge over the North Alouette River, to Delcan Corporation be increased. The Municipal Engineer reviewed the report. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 7, 2014 Page 5 of 5 1109 Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Single Axle Sewer Jetter Flusher Truck Staff report dated July 7, 2014 recommending that the contract for the purchase of one single axle sewer jetter flusher truck be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 3. F/NANC/AL AND CORPORA TE SER �/CES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Property and Ancillary Insurance Staff report dated July 7, 2014 providing an update on the provision of property and ancillary insurance coverage for local governments by the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia ("MIABC"). RECOMMENDA T/ON That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2014. 4. COMMUN/TYDEI/ELOPMENTAND RECREA T/ON SER l//CES - N i I 5. CORRESPONDENCE - N i I 6. OTHER /SSUES - N i I 7. ADJOURNMENT- 3:37 p.m. 8. COMMUN/TYFORUM - N i I A. Hogarth, Acting Mayor Presiding Member of the Committee T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2014-043-RZ Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading - Site-specific Text Amendment Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7090-2014 13065 Katonien Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application is for a site-specific text amendment to the M-2 (General Industrial) zone to permit an "Indoor Mountain and BMX biking" facility. The subject site (Appendix A) exists within the Kanaka Business Park, north of 128t" Avenue. All the parcels in the vicinity, including the subject site, are zoned M-2 (General Industrial). The OCP designation for the subject site is "Suburban Residential" and the site is outside District's "Urban Area Boundary", so the proposed facility will not be subject to the "Industrial Development Permit Guidelines". The site-specific text amendment to the M-2 zone to permit an "Indoor Commercial Recreation" use at 13065 Katonien Street is supportable based on the following analysis: a. It aligns well with the draft "Commercial Industrial Strategy" recommendations and the OCP policies; b. The nature of the proposed use is not dependent on quick access to major transportation routes which makes the subject site suitable for it; c. The building size/form requirements for the proposed use fits well within the existing zone; and d. The subject site is well positioned for the proposed use (i.e. near the outdoor bike trails on Blue Mountain). To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7090-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information and details of the proposed building and on-site landscaping, prior to consideration of second reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Conte�: Applicant: Owner: Matteo Signorelli Kanaka Business Park Development Ltd. 1101 Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation East: Use: Zone: Designation West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: a) Subject Site and Proposal: Lot: 14, Section: 25, Township: 12, Plan: BCP42202; PID: 028-047-711 Suburban Residential Suburban Residential M-2 (General Industrial) M-2 (General Industrial) Industrial M-2 (General Industrial) Rural Resource and Suburban Residential Industrial M-2 (General Industrial) Suburban Residential Industrial and Katonian Street M-2 (General Industrial) Rural Resource and Suburban Residential District owned vacant land M-2 (General Industrial) Rural Resource and Suburban Residential Vacant Indoor Mountain and BMX biking facility 0.573 Hectares (1.41 acres) Katonian Street Rural Standard The subject site (Appendix A) is located in the "Kanaka Business Park" at 13065 Katonien Street. The parent parcel has been zoned M-2 (General Industrial) for many years and formerly used as a gravel pit. In 2009 the site was subdivided into 51 one acre or larger lots all serviced with on-site septic facilities. The applicant is proposing an "Indoor Mountain and BMX Biking" facility on the site. This will trigger a site specific text amendment to the M-2 zone to add the "indoor commercial recreation use" for Lot 14, Plan BCP42202 (13064 Katonien Street). The Indoor Mountain and BMX Biking facility will be the first of its kind in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley areas. Similar facilities exist in Seattle, Whistler and eastern Canada. Preliminary communication with the applicant indicates that the facility will have various components such as recreational areas, ramps, storage and office areas. The estimated total cost of the project could be from $600,000 to $800,000. Additional details of the facility will likely be provided by the applicant at second reading. -2- b) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject site is designated "Suburban Residential" on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan and designated "Rural" in the Regional Growth Strategy. Chapter 6, Employment, Section 6.1- Employment Generating Opportunities of the OCP, through Principal 17, states that: Maple Ridge views the promotion of economic development (jobs) as being very important to developing a balanced community- one that is not a dormitory suburb. Policy 6-2 of the OCP states that: Maple Ridge will support and facilitate opportunities for local job creation, and identify and promote local strengths to a global market. Policy 6-55 in Section 6.5 Additional Employment Generating Opportunities states: Maple Ridge will actively promote and market the outdoor resource theme by: a) supporting and strengthening businesses that cater to tourists; b) support businesses involved with outdoor recreational activities and physical fitness; c) facilitatinggrowth in eco-tourism, cyclingand equestrian industry; The proposed use aligns well with the above mentioned OCP policies and is anticipated to serve as a recreational and employment generating resource. This facility will likely attract visitors from the region and help promote Maple Ridge as a tourist destination. Kanaka Creek Industrial Park is regulated by a building scheme design covenant. Any new development in "the Park" must be reviewed and approved by the developer's design control professional prior to submitting a building permit. The registered Building and Landscape Design Guidelines for the Kanaka Business Park can be summarized as follows: i. To ensure careful design integration of all the elements in the park and to bring about high quality park development and site utilization; ii. To maintain standards to provide a clean, business image of the Park at all times in order to benefit the respective owners and tenants of the Park; and iii. To provide a consistent streetscape image and to screen less attractive elements (such as unsightly outside storage) associated with the buildings and site uses within the Park. Currently the applicant has not completed the building plans for the indoor facility that will eventually appear on the site. When completed the building, parking and landscaped area will conform to the above guidelines. Commercial and Industrial Strategy: In November 2012, Council received the draft "Commercial and Industrial Strategy" for input and discussion. The draft strategy identifies the subject property as "Northern Maple Ridge". The draft "Commercial and Industrial Strategy" provides a series of recommendations regarding employment opportunities in the community. -3- It should be recognized that although Maple Ridge has large amounts of industrial land supply, much of it is located in the north which is not currently of interest to most industrial developers or users. The Abernethy Connector with improve absorption of industrial land in the North, but the location will still likely be too far away for many region serving businesses. A further comment in the draft strategy states: Absorption in northern Maple Ridge will be slow, so the District must consider a range of scenarios if it is going to have marketable industrial lands available to meet demand. The District therefore needs to balance the retention of an industrial future for these properties while providing these owners of industrial land an opportunity for a reasonable return on their investment. A possible scenario in these northern industrial areas could be support for uses that are compatible with industrial uses, and structures that could be readily converted to industrial uses. The proposed use and structure could meet these objectives. In addition, the format of the Kanaka Business Park would minimize potential conflicts between uses by the physical separation it imposes through detached buildings and fee simple tenure. The subject site is strategically located near the outdoor bike trails on Blue Mountain and other recreational opportunities. Unlike other industrial operations, by nature of its operation, the proposed use is also not dependent on quick access to major transportation routes and likely will evolve into a significant tourism attraction in future. Council is still in the process of reviewing the "Commercial and Industrial Strategy" and its implications. However, based on the explanation above, it appears that this application is consistent with recommendations contained within the draft strategy and the OCP policies. The proposed site- specific text amendment to allow the proposed use at the subject site is found to be supportable. Zoning B�aw: The applicant is proposing a site specific text amendment to the M-2 zone to permit "Indoor Commercial recreation" as a principal use to accommodate "Indoor Mountain and BMX biking" facility. The Zoning Bylaw defines an "Indoor Commercial Recreation" use as: Indoor Commercial Recreation means a use wholly enclosed within a building providing for members of the public to engage in recreational activities as participants rather than spectators. An "Indoor Mountain and BMX biking" facility aligns well with the definition stated above and the proposed use is compatible with the anticipated future industrial uses that will emerge in the future in the area. c) Interdepartmentallmplications: In order to advance the current application, after First Reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department. '� The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between First and Second Reading. CONCLUSION: The proposed "Indoor Mountain and BMX biking" facility is anticipated to be the first of its kind in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley areas and it aligns well with the OCP policies and the draft "Commercial and Industrial Strategy" recommendations. The proposed site-specific text amendment to the M-2 zone to allow an Indoor Commercial Recreation use will permit the proposed use for an "Indoor Mountain and BMX biking" facility. It is recommended that Zone Amending Bylaw 7090- 2014 (Appendix B) be given first reading and the applicant provide further information, prior to considering second reading as outlined in this report. "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UD, LEEDO AP, MCIP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" for Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw 7090-2014 -5- N District of Langley � 13065 KATONIEN STREET 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,000 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: May 21, 2014 FILE: 2014-043-RZ BY: PC �� • • \ ��=� CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7090-2014 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7090-2014." That PART 8- INDUSTRIAL ZONES, SECTION 802, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (M-2), SUBSECTION 1) PRINCIPAL USES is amended by the addition of g) as stated below: g) Indoor Commercial Recreation use shall be permitted at 13065 Katonien Street (Lot 14 Section 25 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP4220). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended is hereby amended, applicable to lands none other than described above, accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of day of day of day of day of , 20 ,2014 , 20 , 20 , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2014-028-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014 12080 Edge Street, and 22554, 22566 and 22576 121 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) with a site specific text amendment to increase the floor space ratio from 1.2 to 1.8 for this development. As well, an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment is required respecting building height in the Northview Precinct in the Town Centre Area Plan. The proposal is for a five (5) storey apartment building with approximately 75 units. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999. 1102 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Maclean Homes Brown Road Ltd. Jason J Kump, Anne M Kump, Vladimir Levinson, Anita Mar and Bella vista Home Builders Ltd (Inc. No. BC0472515) Legal Description: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 8081 and Lot 1, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 8843 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Medium and High-Rise Apartment RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) with a site specific text amendment Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Church and Private School P-2 (Special Institutional) and P-4 (Place of Worship Institutional) Institutional Single Family Residential and Duplex RT-1(Two Family Urban Residential) and RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) and RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential (Apartments) 3,481 sq. m. (0.86 acres) 121 Avenue, Edge Street and lane parallel to 121 Avenue Urban Standard -2- b) Site Characteristics: The subject site consists of four (4) lots to be consolidated into a single property. It is a corner site (Edge Street and 121 Avenue) with lane access. Each lot has an existing dwelling with accessory buildings, which will be demolished before final approval of this application. The site is relatively flat with a cluster of mature trees along the lane toward Edge Street. The site is surrounded on three sides by urban lots with mostly single family dwellings. This area is in transition towards a multiple residential neighbourhood. To the southwest is "The Edge on Edge" apartment building, a project recently completed by the same developer. Across the street to the north are St. Patrick's Catholic Church and School. c) Project Description: The proposed use is for a five (5) storey, 75-unit apartment building. There will be a healthy unit mix consisting of approximately 8 studio units, 48 one bedroom units and 19 two bedroom units. Parking consisting of 77 spaces plus 8 visitor spaces (85 in total) will be underground. This development will be similar in building bulk and density to the 77 unit condominium completed by this same applicant to the southwest at 12075 Edge Street (RZ/078/09), marketed as "The Edge on Edge." At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and to provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to Second Reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Northview Precinct of the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Medium and High-Rise Apartment. The proposed zone of RM-3 High Density Apartment Residential is permitted by the Zoning Matrix in the Town Centre Area Plan for the Medium and High-Rise Apartment designation. Therefore, the proposed zone aligns with the current OCP designation of the subject property. For building height, the following policy applies: Policy 3-23 All Medium & High-Rise Apartment developments should be a minimum of six (6) storeys and may reach over twenty (20) storeys. Policy 3-23 encourages buildings of six (6) storeys in height or greater in this specific designation. At five (5) storeys, this proposal does not meet this objective. However, in the broader context, buildings five (5) storeys in height are suitable in achieving densities for vibrancy in the Town Centre Area. -3- Furthermore, the RM-3 zone being sought for the subject site allows buildings to have five (5) or more storeys. Therefore, the following OCP amendments are supportable: Height reduction: Reducing the minimum height stated in Policy 3-23 from six (6) to five (5) storeys for the Northview Precinct in the Town Centre Area. This change will not affect the ability for developing taller towers in this or other high density precincts for the Town Centre as envisioned by the OCP. The ability to have a range of building heights will help to attain an attractive urban design environment and skyline through a mixture of building bulk and heights. A friendly pedestrian environment can be successfully achieved by street oriented designs associated with both lower buildings and with the podium portion of higher buildings. • Consequential changes: To align form and character guidelines with the proposed height reduction, parts of Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit Area are proposed to be amended. These will include minor adjustments to height references in the guidelines for the Northview Precinct in which the subject site is located. The specific text changed will be identified and brought forward for Council consideration in a future rezoning second munity Plan and the Town Centre Area Plan in particular, also have other policies that apply to projects in the Town Centre Area. These include: accommodating a wide range of housing needs, including aging in place, adaptive housing techniques (SAFERhome Standards), etc.; integrating green infrastructure such as rainwater management and energy conservation; incorporating outdoor open and amenity spaces for resident recreation and placement of public art; and considering CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). These and other applicable policies will be discussed with the applicant at later stages of review and approval. Zoning Bvlaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 12080 Edge Street, and 22554, 22566 and 22576 121 Avenue from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) to permit the construction of a 75-unit, five (5) storey apartment building. The Town Centre Zoning Matrix of the OCP permits two multi family residential zones in the Medium- and High-Rise Apartment designation. They are RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) and RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential). The intent of the RM-3 zone is to encourage high rise development by adding density for each storey over 5 storeys. The zone starts with a base of 1.2 FSR and by adding storeys, a structure can achieve a maximum density of a 2.2 FSR. The maximum 1.2 FSR for five (5) storey apartment buildings is insufficient for the 1.8 FSR proposed for this project, but less then the maximum of 2.2 FSR. Therefore, a site specific zoning text amendment is recommended, allowing the intended maximum 1.8 FSR for this project in a five (5) storey form. This text amendment is supportable because the proposal aligns with the overall emerging neighbourhood envisioned in the OCP and because the development proposal will still attain an acceptable medium to high residential density. Any variations from the other requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. '� Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit application is required for all multi family residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. Advisory Design Panel: A Town Centre Development Permit is required and the project must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting (DIM) in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; and g) Utility companies. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Early and Ongoing Consultation: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and the installation of a development sign on the property. g) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. A complete OCP Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); and -5- 3. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D). In addition, sufficient additional information is necessary to assess compliance of this project with applicable Official Community Plan and the Town Centre Area Plan policies such as housing, green infrastructure, public art and safety. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: This proposed five (5) storey apartment building with 75 dwelling units is another significant multi family residential project within Town Centre Area. The development proposal is in compliance with the intent of the OCP; however, an amendment is necessary to reduce the minimum height requirement from six (6) to five (5) storeys in the OCP policies and development permit guidelines that will apply to this project. Therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw 7092-2014 Appendix C- Proposed Site Plan '� Cit f Pitt , ._ f�J Mea ows ' --- 6 �r � - �- r , � � � r �%�� _ �� µ � '� �~ - � f District of � Langley __ �`"\ Scale: 1:1,500 FRASER R.�� 22554/22566 & 22576-121 Ave �° 12080 Edge St � � o * CORPORATION OF " — THE DISTRICT OF 0 - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 17, 2014 2014-028-RZ BY: JV APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7092-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7092-2014." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081 Lot 11 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081 Lot 12 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081 Lot 1 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1620 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential). 3. Part 6, Section, 605 High Density Apartment Residential District, Sub-Section 5 Density of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended, is amended as fol lows: a) The existing unnumbered provision "The maximum floor space ratio shall be 1.2 times the lot area, except .... The following shall not be included as floor area for the purpose of computing the floor space ratio:" is to become a) and the existing numbered clauses a) through e) that follow are to be renumbered to (i) through (v). b) The following provision is to be added: b) Notwithstanding a), the following exceptions are permitted: (i) The maximum floor space ratio shall be 1.8 times the lot area for the site comprised by: 12080 Edge Street (Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081), 22554 121 Avenue (Lot 11 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081), 22566 121 Avenue (Lot 12 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081) and 22576 121 Avenue (Lot 1 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843). 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER i � I v .s I � 12195 Rem.326 � I a 2 � i2ia� P 52376 I I 1 �� Pcl. A I� I i2m � LM P 24829 ---- � �� I �e) w� RP 56793 �� 5 i2is� ': LMP 43240 `,n° I� P 23392 Parcel "A" 305 A� I i2i5� P 46852 I I � �241 � —/ LMP 24828 — 12155 12138 � � - — — — — — — — — � P 23392 �2iai 12129 � 688 E 1/2 11 � I I P 7875 I� I I �' E ,� d N I I P 61324 M l c� � I P 875 I N 24 I I i; � W� 6� 7� g o 9� 10� a � P1161 I I m � I I 121 AV E. 121 AV E. 0 o v � cD cD m cD cD o o / o 0 0 � rn o 12080 �� � � m o N a c� ro � a �, �, �, �, �, �, �, � � � � � � 290 � A � 17 � 18 � 19 20 � � � 11 � �12 �1 2 �3 �1 �2 �3 � I � � � o � 287 288 289 3 P 679 i2oa5 00 P 843 P 446 291 :ase) LMP 44378 a P 8 81 P 3724 N�2os� • � i2oao �, t 063/65 � P 867 (EPS 1223) P 081 P 843 P 44 � � P 3724 v 2g2 g � 2osa o 15 A �2b6 295 294 a�20�� � 34533 � g o 9 8 7 6 5 4 6 5 4 '� LL 00 EPP 13648 12075 � � � M m � M � � � N 4709 d � 12060 � � � � � � o � � � � � � Rem P 174 I — — /62 � � � � � `O � � � 293 ��' 2359 � RP 84340 BROWN AVE. `° BROWN AVE. w c� RP 79869 w � � �� °' � N o I� � � ro � � � � � � � � � � � � P 30148 (LEASE) LP 69873 4� 5� � LOTA � � � � 2��� 298 299 300 � a 6 5 7 8 9 i2oa� i2osa P 081 .L (P18210 P 446 I P4 24 301 Rem.302 rn� M �, i2oos MP 19460 � P 45004 �� M M �09 12018 P 968 P 446 � I P 0546 2 `D °' � 303 A 2 1 11 �`'� 1 � � w ° � � � P 44882 � � � � a � � � — — — — — —�, � �I � a a "PP094 � � � � � � RW 18394 � RP 69394 DEWDNEYTRUNKROAD P 70955 � LM P 45326 � I o � a a � � � � � P 60451 � 1 � � � � `° � `° � � c� o � � � � c� v j Rem. Rem. � CP a�iQ Rem. � N 4a � a MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7092-2014 Map No. 1620 From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) N SCALE 1:2,500 0 0 M � � • 28B'_114" GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N1K7 PHONE: 604.987.0304 FAX: 604.887.8371 EMAIL: admin@gzerchllecls.com cuer+r: MACLEAN HOMES ALL DRASYWGS, SPECIFlCATION9 pND PEIATED DOCUFIFMSANE7HE CAPYRIGHI'PftOPERi1'OF'fHE ARcx[�Ec�PNo MusT eE HETURNED uPON REWE57. REPROOUCTION OFSAME IN PART ORWHOI-E IS FORBIDDENYlITHOUTiHEARCHIIECT'9 WRITfEN PERh11SSI0N. PRELIMINARY UNIT DISTRIBUTION B UN1TS (2br) 4X4 LEVELS = A UNITS (1br) 12X4 LEVELS = S UNITS (STUDIO) 2X4 LEVELS = C UNITS (2br) 1X3 LEVELS = TOTAL UNITS = APPENDIX C 16 48 8 3 75 (or 74 + BYKE ST) PRELIMINARY PARKING CALCULATION VISITOR - 0.1 X 75 UNITS=7.5 = 8 stalls 2BR - 1.1 X 19 UNITS = 20.9 '[BR - 1.0 X 48 UNITS = 48.0 STUDIO 0.9 X 8 UNITS = 7.2 ' TOTAL: 76.1 = 77 stalls PARKING TOTAL = 85 STALLS FOR 75 UNITS PR�.IECT: EDGE II 12080 EDGE STREET MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SHEETTfTLE: 4 LOTS PRELIMINARY UNIT DISTRIBUTION REVISION oRnwiNo No.: A"o.o � PftOJECT M0: XXXXX,2014 oRAVM/CHEa�v; 70( JOIX, 2014 sr., c. XXX)0C,2014 on7E 1403 MGZ NTS 07APR, 2014 � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 FILE N0: 2013-107-RZ MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 and Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 24009, 24005 and 24075 Fern Crescent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On April 8, 2014, Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014. The proposal is to rezone the subject properties (Appendix A) from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District). The three properties under consideration are located in the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan, and have a combination of three OCP designations (i.e. Low Density; Low-Medium Density; and Medium Density Residential), as identified in this report. The proposal meets the permitted maximum density in the Silver Valley Area Plan; however an OCP amendment is required to adjust the designation boundaries to achieve an efficient road pattern and the proposed lot layout (Appendix D). RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7088- 2014 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1103 4. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A- Silver Valley, Figure 2- Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D - Horse Hamlet; iii. Road dedication as required; iv. Consolidation of the development site; v. Registration of a Geotechnical Report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; vi. Removal of the existing buildings; vii. An Engineer's certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided; viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; and ix. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the property owner will provide a Site Profile for the subject lands. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: CIPE Homes Inc. Owner: 0733497 BC Ltd. Legal Description: North 126 Feet parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772); Lot 15, Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 9364; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772); Lot 15 Except North 126 feet; Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 9364; and Lot 30, Section 22, Township 12, NWD Plan 24120. -2- OCP: Zoning: Existing: Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Proposed: Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North South East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Single Family Residential and vacant lots RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Neighbourhood Park and Medium-High Density Residential Use: Single Family Residential and Fern Crescent Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Low Density Residential, Low-Medium Density Residential and Estate Suburban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Property: Consolidated Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications: Single Family Residential and Fern Crescent/240th Street RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Residential, Low-Medium Density Residential and Estate Suburban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 2.34 Hectares (5.78 acres) Fern Crescent/240t" Street Urban Standard 2013-107-SD -3- b) Site and Project Description: The three properties (Appendix A), in the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan, are located south of 128th Avenue and east of Fern Crescent, within the 200 metres (2 minute walking) radius of the Horse Hamlet centre. The topography around the subject sites is fairly flat with a gradual slope down from the north-east to the south-west corner. The properties under consideration are in the Fraser Sewer Area. The portion of 128t" Avenue, inside the Horse Hamlet, is currently identified as a local road. In future, the subject portion of 128t" Avenue is anticipated to be an arterial road providing the main access to Golden Ears Provincial Park. All the standard off-site road and servicing upgrades abutting the development site will be required as a condition of final reading. To the north of subject sites are two parcels designated "Neighbourhood Park" which are both owned by the District of Maple Ridge. The timeline on the actual building of this neighbourhood park is unknown at this point. However, future and existing residents will be able to participate in the public consultation process conducted by the Parks and Leisure Services Department. The subject sites are not located in or near a known archeological resource according to Provincial or local records. The proposed subdivision sketch (Appendix D) shows a total of 34 single family lots serviced by a looping road. Of the proposed 34 lots; 14 are proposed to be rezoned to R-2 (Urban Residential District), 17 are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential), and 3 are proposed to be rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). Access to the proposed subdivision is from Fern Crescent via a new 18.0 metre wide road right-of-way that can accommodate sidewalks and parking on both sides. Except for the three lots facing the southern dip of Fern Crescent, all the proposed lots will face a new looping municipal road right-of-way built and serviced to urban standards. A narrower 15.0 metre wide road right-of-way will also be built south of the "Neighbourhood Park" along the northern boundary of the subject site. The proposed road pattern could be replicated on the east of subject sites when they develop in the future. The proposed road pattern generally follows the Silver Valley, Horse Hamlet road plan with some minor changes to provide efficient access to surrounding lands. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan - Silver Valley Area Plan: The Horse Hamlet within the Silver Valley Area Plan is anticipated to contain a total of 240 dwelling units in a tightly compacted, neighbourhood scale residential area. In October 2013, Council gave third reading to a development proposal on Mill Street (north of subject sites) for 16 single family lots to be rezoned from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District). Since the adoption of the Silver Valley Area Plan, this proposal is the second development application in the Horse Hamlet area. This will add up to a total of 50 units in the Horse Hamlet area, if final approval is granted. '� The development proposal is subject to Silver Valley Area Plan policies and densities permitted within the Horse Hamlet. It is important to note that the subject sites are not impacted by any watercourses or steep slopes. The three subject properties (Appendix A), are a combination of Low Density Residential; Low-Medium Density Residential; and Medium Density Residential designations as shown in the table below: Address OCP designation Proportion 1 24005 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 0% Low-Medium Density Residential 92% Medium Density Residential 8% 2 24009 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 19% Low-Medium Density Residential 76% Medium Density Residential 5% 3 24075 Fern Crescent Low Density Residential 8% Low-Medium Density Residential 60% Medium Density Residential 32% Policy 5.3.9 specifies maximum densities associated with the above mentioned OCP designations in terms of units per net hectare permitted, as stated below: (a) Medium to medium-low densities, ranging from 15 to 40 units per hectare, will be located adjacent to schools, commercial uses and civic uses. (b) Low densities, ranging from 8 to 18 units per hectare, are located at the fringes of the 5 minute walking distance from the centre. The subject parcels comply with Policy 5.3.4 that envisions creating neighbourhoods within a 200 metre (2 minute walking) radius of the Horse Hamlet centre. Based on the location of the subject sites and the policies above, the densities are required to step down from medium to low between 128t" Avenue and Fern Crescent (north to south). The proposed subdivision sketch (Appendix D) demonstrates a stepping down of densities being achieved through the proposed R-2 (lot size 315 m2), RS-1b (lot size 557m2) and RS-1 (lot size 668 mz) zones, between 128th Avenue and the Fern Crescent dip. As mentioned earlier in this report, the developer is proposing a total of 34 single family residential lots (14 R-2; 17 RS-1b and 3 RS-1). The resulting total lot yield of 34 lots aligns with the maximum number of units permitted in the existing designations of the Silver Valley Plan. The proposed RS-1 zone correlates with the "Low Density Residential" designation; the proposed RS-1b zone correlates with the "Low-Medium Density Residential" designation and the proposed R-2 zone correlates with the "Medium Density Residential" designation of the Silver Valley Area Plan. The OCP amendment reflects some minor adjustments or ground-thruthing to the existing designations in order to achieve a safe and efficient road pattern. This is reflected in the OCP amending bylaw and map attached as Appendix B. -5- Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties (Appendix A) from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential) and R-2 (Urban Residential District). All the proposed lots meet the minimum lot area, lot width and lot depth specified in the respective zones. d) Environmentallmplications: A three-tier storm water management system designed in accordance with the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006 and incorporating rainfall capture, runoff control and flood risk management is required. A Storm Water Management Plan is being reviewed for the proposed subdivision and will be required to be finalized prior to the final subdivision approval. Based on the recommendations in the Arborist Report by Mike Fadem and Associates Ltd dated April 23, 2014, some tree retention opportunities along the northern and southern boundaries of the subject site will be considered prior to the final approval of the proposed subdivision. Where possible a best level of effort will be made to save mature trees and to protect their root zones within the backyards of the future lots, through a Tree Protection Restrictive Covenant. To compensate for tree loss due to roads and building envelopes within the subdivision new trees in strategic areas will be added as a replacement strategy. This will be assessed in detail and required as a condition of final subdivision approval. e) Development Information Meetin�: On May 22, 2014 the developer and his team of consultants held a"Development Information Meeting" at Yennadon Elementary School at 23347 128th Avenue from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. As per Council Policy 6.20, invitations were mailed to qualifying property owners, advertisements were placed in the local paper and a notice was attached to the development sign on site. All the proposed drawings and information showing development concept, proposed road pattern, servicing concept, tree retention and information on possible building floor plans and elevations was displayed at this meeting. The development team of four members including the engineer of record from Hunter Laird Engineering consultants provided clarification and answered questions. This meeting was attended by approximately 26 people, while 12 of them provided written comments. The concerns expressed at the meeting and through the comments are summarized below: • Concerns were expressed over pre-existing traffic volumes on Fern Crescent and the additional impact on traffic due to the proposed development; • Concerns about existing problems around lack of respect for the environment and private properties due to use of the horse trail to access the South Alouette River; • Some would like to see more diversity in housing type and design in the Horse Hamlet area; • Concerns with the existing water table after trees are removed; • Would like to see 128t" street arterial route built as a priority; • Concerns about lack of schools in the Silver Valley Area to support development in general; � • Concerns that access off of Fern Crescent is unsafe in conjunction with excess traffic on Fern Crescent; • Some had positive support for the proposed home designs; • Maximum retention of trees and protecting wildlife (bears and deer) corridors should be encouraged; • Concerns around lot sizes proposed; would prefer ranch style homes with more greenery (trees, shrubs, more planting); • Road widths could be narrower as per the Silver Valley Area Plan and bio-swales added to improve drainage and storm/rain water management; At the meeting, the developer and their consultant team provided answers to most of the concerns expressed, except the concern about lack of schools and pre-existing traffic on Fern Crescent. f) Traffic Considerations: The current road pattern identified in the Silver Valley Area Plan is conceptual and will need to be revisited as development occurs. The Area Plan envisions that 128t" Avenue will be upgraded to an arterial road and the area referred to as the Fern Crescent dip will evolve into a local street with substantially less traffic. Once 128t" Avenue becomes a functional arterial road, the traffic on Fern Crescent is anticipated to be reduced (i.e. the regional traffic will be divided between 128t" Avenue and Fern Crescent for access to the Golden Ears Provincial Park). The Silver Valley Area Plan also identifies a road on either side of the "Neighbourhood Park" lots connecting 128t" Avenue to Fern Crescent to the south, as well as lanes connecting to Fern Crescent which are eliminated in the proposed subdivision. It is noted that the road network identified in the Silver Valley Area Plan is conceptual in nature, and is refined as a result of ground-truthing at the subdivision approval stage. Once the Hamlet road patterns are confirmed, a future OCP Housekeeping package will be prepared to reflect the emerging road pattern in the Area. The applicants preliminary Traffic Analysis prepared by Hunter Laird Engineering suggests that avoiding access off of 128t" Avenue into the development site is appropriate as it eliminates potential conflicts with local streets and with regional traffic. It is also noted that eliminating the two roads adjacent to the future park may protect existing trees. The applicants have since provided a detailed Traffic Impact Assessment, prepared by BWW Consulting (July 7, 2014). This report gives consideration to existing conditions, project traffic, intersection analysis, and Fern Crescent. The consultant has concluded that the traffic volumes generated by this subdivision will be low and that the analysis indicates a good operational Level of Service. The consultant has concluded the inclusion of advisory signage, coupled with the low volumes and adequate sight distances on Fern Crescent should provide satisfactory operating conditions. Further, it is suggested that when 128t" Avenue is extended as the major route, appropriate signage and road design elements could be incorporated to reinforce the route change and de-emphasize Fern Crescent's use by through traffic. -7- g) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and confirms that all the deficient services, including the required road dedication, are being provided through the Subdivision Servicing Agreement. Some off-site servicing upgrades such as new sanitary and storm sewer connection to the subject site will be secured through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement, as a condition of final reading. A 3.0 metre dedicated walkway and a right-of-way on proposed lots 33 and 34 will be required for a municipal storm sewer that will service some of the lots (Appendix D). The proposed road layout and road right-of-way standards within the proposed subdivision have been reviewed. It was confirmed that a 18.0 metre road right-of-way (Local Residential 2 road standard in the Silver Valley Area Plan) will accommodate two travel lanes (8.0 metre each), street trees, street lights, sidewalk and parking on both sides, while the 15.0 metre road right-of-way along the northern edge of the subject site (south of the future neighbourhood park) will be adequate to accommodate sidewalk and parking on one side. The Engineering Department has reviewed the above noted detailed Traffic Impact Assessment report (July 7, 2014) by BWW Consulting and has found it to be largely acceptable, noting that further details will be resolved at the subdivision stage of the project. Parks & Leisure Services Department: A referral was sent to the Parks and Leisure Services Department. The District now owns both the lots north of the subject sites, designated "Neighbourhood Park". Before the neighbourhood park is built, the District will engage in a public consultation process which will include the existing and future residents of the area. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The proposed subdivision sketch has been revised to include a hammerhead turn around near proposed lots 20 and 21 as shown in Appendix D attached to this report. The Fire Department has no concerns with the proposed land use and subdivision. Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the proposal and comments have been provided to the applicant. The applicant must ensure that all these will be addressed through the final Subdivision Servicing Plans at a later date. h) School District Comments: A referral was sent to the School District office and comments were received on May 6, 2014. The School District has reiterated that developments in the Silver Valley Area would affect the projected student population for the catchment area currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi � Secondary schools. The enrollment at the Yennadon Elementary School is at 104.4% utilization (569 students, including 140 out of catchment students, for 2013-14 school year). The students from this area will need to be bussed to Harry Hooge and Alouette Elementary schools, which are beyond the established walking limits of the School Board. The current walking limit for Grades K-3 is 4 kilometres and for Grades 4-12 is 4.8 kilometres. Enrollment at Garibaldi Secondary school is at 74.67% utilization (784 students, including 362 out of catchment students, for 2013-2014). i) Intergovernmentallssues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, (adjust the existing OCP designation boundaries to achieve a feasible road pattern and lot layout) is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and is determined to have no impact. j) Citizen/Customer Implications: A Development Information Meeting was conducted on May 22, 2014 where the neighbours had an opportunity to express their concerns. This along with a future Public Hearing is considered adequate opportunities for citizens to voice their concerns regarding the proposed development. CONCLUSION: The proposal meets the maximum density permitted by the existing designations for the subject sites, identified in the Silver Valley Area Plan. However, an OCP amendment is required to re- distribute the existing OCP designations to achieve an efficient road pattern and lot layout (Appendix D). The Engineering Department is in support of the proposed road layout. The applicant submitted a preliminary Traffic Analysis and a follow-up detailed Traffic Impact Assessment report which concludes the development will generate low traffic volumes and the operating Level of Service is good. Some signage and possible future road improvements could be considered when 128th Avenue is extended that could de-emphasis the use of Fern Crescent to through traffic. � Therefore, it is recommended that first and second reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014, that second reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014, and that application 2013-107-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Christine Carter" for Prepared by: Rasika Acharya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UD, LEED� AP, MCIP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" for Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014 Appendix C- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014 Appendix D- Proposed preliminary subdivision sketch -10- N District of Langley � 24005/09/75 FERN CRESCENT 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � - � MAPLE RIDGE FINANCE DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,500 � `� ��, _�`�- L--� 1--�° �'� DATE: Nov 8, 2013 FILE: 2013-107-RZ BY: PC I_1»�►1��1:�-� CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7088-2014 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Figure 2(Land Use Plan) and Figure 3D (Horse Hamlet) of the Silver Valley Area Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7088-2014." 2. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part Vl, A- Silver Valley, Figure 2- Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D - Horse Hamlet for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: North 126 Feet Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Lot 15 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Lot 15 Except: North 126 Feet; Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364; Lot 30 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 24120 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 883, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby re-designated to Low Density Urban; Low/Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the READ A SECOND TIME the PUBLIC HEARING HELD the READ A THIRD TIME the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of day of , 20 , 2014. , 2014. , 2014. , 2014. CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No Map No. Pu rpose: Fro m: 7088-2014 883 To Amend Figure 2(Land Use Plan) and 3D (Horse Hamlet) of the Silver Valley Area Plan Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Low/Medium Density Residential To: � Low Density Residential � Medium Density Residential � Low/Medium Density Residential — — Urban Area Boundary N 1:2,500 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7053-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7053-2014." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: North 126 Feet Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13772) Lot 15 Except: North 126 Feet, Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9364 Lot 30 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 24120 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1606 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban-Medium Density Residential), and R-2 (Urban Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8t" day of April, 2014 READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of day of day of day of ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7053-2014 Map No. 1606 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) To: � RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) � RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) � R-2 (Urban Residential District) — — Urban Area Boundary N SCALE 1:2,500 557h�- ► 1• I 2 � ���� � � e APPENDIX D �-p � - - - -- -- : -- _ --- �� �`�-=--. - I I � � ` �`�7 � �— 'i1=o $ — 9 — ta �� ir.� 1 ,g.� '� - ..�-�.-_:��.-.._.��.-.�.;�..._ �-.r..._,;�.__ _ Q- � f �Z , � , , p �. I� � I �� ^ � �-'-3 F' - _ _ _ � t __-_.-_ -n�.. _ -- -- --_-- _.�.-_ - -,�� � _ �� � �Ji `A 29 M � 21,0 ', �D ii Z� I � . 5�] � ,- �S (!� � � � I � � ' � i � e �Z s� ' '�, _/r� l � - l , \��j z7 �i �3 14 a`� �� ' . I � _ �!t•_ �S « t7 )g i� ��- � .. V:.._.r., � - � � ( i .� _ ',1, , �� � _ � , .� � � ' ��'7 '""' � ����� �� � �� '� . � -� -- Q � �, ?✓' � '- ,: i� �?� �� 6�'�Q� � �� � `� ��fi ��� af �� �� b Af+�/ w � s.f � ���2 J Zq. f 2�i Z2 21 e , , . , , � i � � rr f ; , 3Z 33 - � � � � � District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 FILE N0: 2012-119-RZ MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969 - 2013 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street (see Appendix A), from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit a future development of 104 townhouse units. The proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zoning complies with the Official Community Plan (OCP). This application received first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969 - 2013 on February 12, 2013. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969 - 2013 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; Consolidation of the development site; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a Cross Access Easement Agreement at the Land Title Office; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking; Removal of the existing buildings; and 1104 viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Nordel Homes Ltd. (Amar Bains) Owners: Guards Capital Group (Corp. Inc No. 0547954) Gurjeet Dhindsa Surinder Dhindsa Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Lot: 4, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 9393 Lot: 19, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: BCP36407 Medium Density Residential Existing: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RM-1(Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Vacant Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Institutional Use: Park, Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Conservation, Medium Density Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Medium Density Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Designation: Medium Density Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Site Area: Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 104 Avenue, 240A Street Urban Standard 2012-119-DP 2.3 hectares (5.68 acres) -2- b) Project Description: The proposed townhouse development is comprised of 18 buildings with between four and seven attached units. There are a total of 12 different floor plans available. The majority of units (73) range in size between 114 m2 - 140 m2 (1225 ft2 - 1514 ft2). The remaining 31 units are larger at 173 m2 (1850 ft2). The project is proposed to develop over four phases, starting from the 104 Avenue frontage and working southwards and westwards. Two vehicle access points are proposed for the development, at 104 Avenue and 240A Street. The 104 Avenue entrance will be shared with the townhouse development to the west, and a cross access easement is required to allow residents of both developments to enter and exit across the adjacent property. All 104 units have been designed with a tandem parking arrangement and the buildings are three storeys in height. Visitor parking spaces are distributed throughout the development to reduce the visual impact of these parking areas, and to provide close proximity parking options for all buildings. Both an indoor and outdoor amenity space are included in the site design. A two storey amenity unit is located in building 3 that will include an outdoor patio space and a picnic table. The common outdoor activity area is located in the northwestern area of the subject properties behind buildings 3, 5 and 11. The outdoor space will include a children's playground space with benches for seating nearby. The surrounding area will be landscaped with trees and grass to provide shade and informal play areas. A spring, which connects to Spencer Creek further south, is located on the subject properties. This spring will be enhanced with a replanting plan and incorporated into the overall design of the development. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Albion Area Plan, and are subject to the regulations as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The Area Plan designates the property Medium Density Residential which allows for a range of housing styles and densities, including townhouses. The proposed rezoning to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is in compliance with the regulations of the Official Community Plan. Zoning Bylaw: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1(Townhouse Residential), to permit the construction of 104 unit townhouse units (see Appendix B). The proposed development meets the required setbacks from all of the property lines; however, an increase to the maximum building height has been requested (see Appendix C). -3- Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxation (see Appendix D): 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985, Part 6, Section 602, Subsection 7, item a), to increase the height from 10.5 metres and 2.5 storeys to 11 metres and 3 storeys. The requested variance to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) will be the subject of a future report to Council. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: The proposed development has 104 townhouse units, which requires two parking spaces per dwelling unit, and 21 visitor parking spaces according to the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. This development is providing 208 off-street parking spaces and 24 visitor spaces. All of the 104 townhouse units have a tandem garage, where vehicles are parked one behind the other. This complies with the current Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, but it is noted that through the approved 2013 Business Plan, Council have directed a review of tandem parking. This application was received prior to staff research into reducing the amount of tandem parking permitted in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. No changes to date have been finalized at the time of this report. Development Permits: The subject properties are adjacent to Spencer Creek and contains isolated slopes with grades exceeding 25% . A Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit are required for the preservation, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment of the watercourse areas and of the natural features on the site. A security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Accordingly, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. Adherence of this project to the Development Permit Guidelines of this permit will be the subject of a future report to Council. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the form and character of the proposed townhouse development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on December 10, 2013. Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel resolved that: '� The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: • Consider continuing the perimeter trail around building 7 or more to the north to eliminate a dead end; • Consider barrier free access to central amenity area; • Consider better series of connections for the pedestrian walkway; • Consider a continuous sidewalk at the main vehicle entrance; • Provide details of site entry features; • Consider architectural treatment to more visible ends of the buildings; • Consider the surface treatment at unit entries; • Better consideration to be taken at the termination of building finishes; • Consider glass panels in the entry doors or garage doors; • Consider matching styles of windows on each elevation; • Provide architectural character with trellis or roof skirts on the building elevations facing amenities area; • Provide pedestrian and roadway lighting details; and • Provide more prominence to north access to amenity area. The ADP concerns have been addressed and the architectural plans have been revised. This information will be summarized in the future Development Permit report to Council. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting was held at Albion Elementary on June 11, 2014. In total, seven people attended the information meeting. A summary of the comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant and include the following concerns: 1. Construction noise and traffic 2. Increased amount of traffic on 240A Street and 103 Avenue; and 3. Increased parking on 240A Street and 103 Avenue The following are provided in response to the issues raised by the public: 1. The applicant will be required to adhere to the Noise Bylaw and provide a construction traffic management through the Highway Use Permit. 2. A Traffic Impact Assessment has been prepared by Creative Transportation Solutions, which states that at the busiest hour of the day, the proposed development is estimated to generate up to 63 vehicle trips. This level of traffic demand is equivalent to one vehicle movement on average every minute. 3. The required number of resident and visitor parking spaces have been provided within the townhouse site. -5- d) Environmentallmplications: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit and a Natural Features Development Permit are required for the proposed development. The applicant has provided an enhancement and replanting plan for the existing parkland to the south of the subject properties prepared by Envirowest Consultants Inc. The Environmental Consultant has advised that invasive plants, including Himalayan blackberry and yellow archangel along the southern property line and riparian area adjacent to Spencer Creek will be removed by the applicant through the development permit application approval process. Enhancement of the riparian area will consist of the addition of native trees, shrubs and ground cover. Existing native plants in the riparian area will be conserved, and enhancement plantings will be integrated with existing vegetation. Approximately 6657 m2 (1.6 acres) of riparian area will be enhanced. Additionally, the applicant's Environmental Consultant, Envirowest Consultants Inc., reports that flows from the spring located in the northeastern corner of the southern lot will be maintained. Flows will be directed via a landscaped gravel swale into an inlet structure and then to a constructed infiltration trench. This will ensure that flows from the spring will still contribute to Spencer Creek. The area around the conserved spring will be extensively landscaped. An area of approximately 874 m2 (9400 ft2) will be enhanced via the addition of native and ornamental plants. Lastly, Envirowest Consultants Inc. proposes to construct a rain garden in the northeast corner of the subject properties. The channel section of the rain garden will be constructed with gravel, cobble and boulders. Native vegetation including shrubs, ferns and grasses, will be planted in a band on the banks and perimeter the rain garden. The rain garden and plantings will occupy a total area of 145 m2 (1560 ft2) (see Appendix E), and will contribute to the onsite stormwater management through biofiltration and infiltration. e) Traffic Impact: As the subject properties are located within 800 metres of a Lougheed Highway intersection, a referral has been sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Ministry approval of the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6969 - 2013 will be required as a condition of final reading. At this time, the Ministry has granted preliminary approval of the development application. Furthermore, the applicant has submitted a Traffic Impact Assessment prepared by Creative Transportation Solutions. The report concludes that the proposed development is estimated to generate up to 63 vehicle trips during the weekday afternoon peak hour. This level of traffic demand is equivalent to one vehicle movement on average every minute, which is not considered significant from a traffic engineering point of view. The projected demand is also below the provincial threshold for triggering a full traffic impact study, which is 100 or more `new' vehicle trips. Creative Transportation Solutions also concluded that the intersections at 104 Avenue and 240 Street can accommodate the projected site traffic and maintain the current level of service until the year 2017. Additionally, the report suggests changes to the operation of the intersection at 240 Street and 103 Avenue that the applicant may need to address with this application. This will be addressed in the Rezoning Servicing Agreement, as a condition of final reading. � f) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the development proposal for the subject properties, and has determined that servicing improvements along 104 Avenue are required. These works and services will be secured through a Rezoning Servicing Agreement prior to final reading. The servicing improvements will require profile upgrades along 104 Avenue beyond the frontage of the subject properties. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the strata road circulation pattern in terms of emergency access and fire truck turning radii, and is satisfied with the development proposal. Detailed fire requirements will be provided through the Building Permit application process. CONCLUSION: The proposed townhouse development is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that second reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969-2013, and that application 2012-119-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6969 - 2013 Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D- Building Elevation Plans Appendix E - Landscape Plans -7- 6 10A56 � � � P 22743 A i � 10420 9 � P 14750 ��_ --� P 14750 ! � Rem 7 $ � l P 10921 4 10921 3 APPENDIX A . 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Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9393 Lot 19 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP36407 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1581 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1(Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly.: READ a first time the 12t" day of February, A.D. 2013. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the , A.D. 20 . , A. D. 20 . , A. D. 20 . day of , A.D. 20 . day of , A. D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6969-2013 Map No. 1581 From: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residenial) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) N SCALE 1:2,500 0 0 0 o a APPENDIX C � �. ,x� � �.� �.. nr�v.. �. .-�. a.. v a. . .. .. .. �. m. u� .�e � ti - - � a =� , ,. �. , ,o,,, �„r. ., ,�.., . _ r � . . . -� ', ', � - 2 08 0 th Avenue, ` ° o' ` "`�`w ` �— . � � - ( �� ,, �� , �o-� �; �" `�`, �, � � � -- _ - - =- - _ _ - - - - - - - -- -.._.._ _.._._. _ -_ _ � _.._.._ _ _ _._. _ . .. ,r . > ,.� � ��� , ,�. � j ; - - � ,�,._ , -� � as, � �,o , � ,�� ` � � ; � � ; '9 � � , �.E�RaaR��,E�n � . _ ____ --- -- - -- __- - - - --- --- � �.; . � � � �. - -� � - -- � � ._ �_ o � � a p_� � � � - f�` � � � /. / � 09 �� ��� �''� . � F F F F F F F � � i i 7 09 ir i' r. Q � b ! 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O2 BUILDING 9- WEST ELEVATION 4O BUILDING 9- EAST ELEVATION- INTERIOR STREET �..,�w :.o�. �:.a,na�i,,,,..�..i,,..�i, KEVPLAN �.�� �..�.w R.n �:.<.�w�iee�..,i.,�e...��. � � ���� .00.. o...�,� �,o..,�a. .,�., � � � � � I � ��� � V xomei co�:o-�a�o� �m Townhome ��`v,E•�� Devel opment BUILDING 9 ELEVATIONS A-2.092 1O BUILDING 10 - NORTH ELEVATION - INTERIOR STREET 3O BUILDING 10—SOUTH ELEVATION O5 MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK3 RED a d.,x �,b� P..e�.ma�... �,�oo.;ooP,�,� .�.m.. e i. . o,.., �a, , �.,.� m�,��., �r a «�..,.,o,... �a. � �.,�� ,,,.. � .,,a,,...�.,.,...,. �� �,. ,�, �.. ...x'.s..,.,o.�m. O2 BUILDING 10 - WEST ELEVATION 4O BUILDING 10 — EAST ELEVATION n..a.�b��oo...,�.,�,...��. KEYPLAN �xu� �N<�,a��oo��..�«..��, �� ��'� �,�n.eAw. � � � � ��� � I � ��� � V Townhome �••�,E�•� DB e rel ep m ent BUILDING 10 ELEVATIONS A-2.102 7O BUILDING 12 - NORTH ELEVATION - INTERIOR STREET BUILDINGS 14 SIMILAR 3O BUILDING 12 - SOUTH ELEVATION BUILDINGS 14 SIMILAR MATERIAL 8, COLOUR LEGEND OS SK-2 GREEN � BLDG. 12; SK-1 GREY (a� BLDG. 14 �a, a.� ��,�.� P..e�..,a�... e,�oo.;ooP,�.�.�.m.. �"%e; i':8 n Po�..,. n o„o � �. �a� °"`9m .e m�.V^ ��.� �Y.�'4'�.� ..,�o,..�. �� �,. ,�, �.. ...x'.s..,.,o.�m. � O2 BUILDING 12 - WEST ELEVATION BUILDINGS 14 SIMILAR 4O BUILDING 12 - EAST ELEVATION BUILDINGS 14 SIMILAR ae..a.�b��oo...,�.,�,...��. KEVPLAN �xu� �N<�,a��oo��..�,,..��, �� ��'� �z.e.�.enooa."is�eium• � � �.00.,Pa. � ��� �� I � ��� � V Townhome �••��E�•� DB e rel ep m ent BUILDING E 12 8 14 ELEVATIONS A-2.122 APPENDIX E � LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ��oon�en„�e�aa. ��ms=.�do��aea,o,a, a P�,a�,sw�,�o�„na�� � � 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH NVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC � LANDSCAPE PLAN � o�aEE �a��os N �cHKON vc �., / L1 °"Z PM�PRo�E�.N�MaEa. 12_,S� r����.� ����� Brihkh&dlilnbfa District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE N0: MEETING: SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.7027-2013 24086 104 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 21, 2014 2013-080-RZ CofW An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit a future development of 18 townhouse units. The proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zoning complies with the Official Community Plan. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. This application received first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013 on September 23, 2013. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a Cross Access Easement Agreement at the Land Title Office; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking Removal of the existing buildings; A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. 1105 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Servicing requirement: b) Project Description: Tejinder Saluja Tejinder Saluja Lot 7, Section 3, Township 12, Plan: NWP11176 Medium Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1(Townhouse Residential) Use: Zone Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.4 hectares (1.0 acre) Urban Standard The proposed townhouse development is comprised of three buildings: one at the northern end of the property, one on the west side, and one on the east side. The northern building contains four units, while the east and west buildings each propose seven units, for a total of 18 units. Eleven of the units contain four bedrooms, and the remaining units have three bedrooms. There are a total of six different floor plans available. The units range in size from 129 mz (1390 ft2) for the three bedroom units up to 141 m2 (1520 ft2) for the larger four bedroom units. The vehicle access point is located on 104 Avenue and will be shared with the townhouse development to the east. A cross -2- access easement is required to allow residents of both developments to enter and exit across the adjacent property. All 18 units have been designed with a double car parking arrangement, additionally, building one on the east side includes driveway aprons with sufficient parking width and depth for two additional vehicles per unit. The buildings are three storeys in height. Three visitor parking spaces are located close to the entry point into the development. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the Albion Area Plan, and is subject to the regulations as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The Area Plan designation for the subject property is Medium Density Residential, which allows for a range of housing styles and densities, including townhouses. The proposed rezoning to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is in compliance with the regulations of the Official Community Plan. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 24086 104 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit the construction of 18 residential townhouse units. The applicant has requested a variance to increase the height of the proposed building and reduce the front yard setback. Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985, Part 6, Section 602, 6a), to reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 to 4.5 metres; 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985, Part 6, Section 602,7a), to increase the height from 10.5 metres and 2.5 storeys to 11 metres and 3 storeys. 3. Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 'Schedule A' 1c), to reduce the required number of visitor parking spaces from 4 to 3. The requested variances are supported by the Planning Department, and will be the subject of a future report to Council. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: The proposed development has 18 townhouse units, each requiring two parking spaces per dwelling unit, and 0.2 visitor parking spaces per unit according to the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. Therefore, 36 off-street parking spaces and four visitor spaces are required. All of the 18 townhouse units have a double car garage, and building 1 on the east side has driveway aprons of sufficient width and depth that can accommodate an additional two parking spaces. The applicant has requested a variance for the visitor parking space requirement from four to three visitor parking spaces. -3- Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the form and character of the proposed townhouse development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held December 10, 2013. Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel resolved that: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: • Confirm FSR calculations to determine if more space can be allotted for building entries. • Provide architectural treatment and possible glass panels on garage doors and entry doors. • Look at reducing building overhang on visitor parking. • Consider contrasting surface treatment at building entries. • Consider more robust landscape treatment at main vehicle entry. • Look into providing pedestrian connection to adjacent site. • Consider reducing setback along east property line and provide sidewalk in front of building 2. • Provide pedestrian connection to 104tn. • Consider alternate border/fence treatment along east property line with a lower profile. • Consider adjusting landscape alignment of retaining walls with a clear integration along adjacent property. • Consider relocation entry gate to child play area so as not to interfere with pa rking. • Consider increasing child play area with a possible reduction to the patio. • Consider entry element to amenity area. • Provide combined site sections through both the development sites. The Advisory Design Panel concerns have been addressed and the architectural plans have been revised. d) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the development proposal and has determined that servicing upgrades are required along 104 Avenue, therefore a Rezoning Servicing Agreement is required prior to final approval of the rezoning application. '� Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the strata road circulation pattern in terms of emergency access and fire truck turning radii, and is satisfied with the development proposal. Detailed fire requirements will be provided through the Building Permit application process. CONCLUSION: The proposed application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that second reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013, and that application 2013-080-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013 Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D- Building Elevation Plans Appendix E- Landscape Plans -5- APPENDIX A District of Langley � ' � 24086-104th Ave i �� ;� i� '; o �t CORPORATION OF ��� � THE DISTRICT OF �o i • � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Scale: 1:1,500 � `� ��, __`" —�L� '_�`--'° �(� DATE: Aug 9, 2013 2013-080-RZ BY: JV APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7027-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7027-2013." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 7 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11176 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1596 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-1(Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24t" day of September, 2013. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of RECONSIDEREDAND FINALLYADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 ,20 ,20 day of , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Ma p No. From: To: 7027-2013 1596 RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) N SCALE 1:2,000 1 / _ lJ� , ' `� _ . — -_ APPENDIX C 23.60�.� �23F92�o-� 24.24 24�.SS,.tl=� 24�8],.X.: �2�3'T���jc§9'p� -24:5� z+-r'��5:(a1 .1�25F51 r25.83 �26.15 r264] �26.]9 �2].11 �2].43 H — PROPOSE�GENTERIINEWIGRADING ���V�thNVenuP�� S PRGPUSEoaGVC�ELANE 01 - � 108]' - - �� : PR�POSEOFARKINGILNE ___ 1 1 . .-� � � —� ', - � �P 2S15E�SI�EWPLK — T... ii — � , _ . _ _ � � 98��'S6 --A56a9r V 1 ��. �� _ ��r asmsErencrc ! � fi o������.�,., I� � �I� �,�,vPo�E PaoPEa,.��E �a.soo d.5m SETBACK � AAL__ _ I — � i ` � �aao�o �� �; � �. � � �� �o�m� o s x ti� � I �6A ryry, ,.,msEreA�K PROPERr.���E F �tiery �� �ry o i �"" � � � �w ti � � � a"' " I � n �rye9 � � � I � BB�- - �� � ' , °� , i X i 6 , � / —r 3e�x , x� — --- � — Ra " `� � ,�. � I � CC ------------Jaa y ' � �h -� t.— _ ' _� _ _ - � �—� sm SerancK � � � i � , �, A i� � � j i'__ ' � — -�� � i�'�� ` � , , ,, �`-� �— � , _ � �,��,�P� oe � � reeo= o � � � ��;, ' _- , �a���e`�'°� m ry �� ,; sn {I � �,� � � « �a ;�_ � _ , � o � � �_ ,a � — _ - � 5 3 y a� 5�—„\ .. ��3 _-- .. ' �� %r-ry,- . oFa,NK �. S i � _� �� � x , � � z ; �� o I ' ' ��o��� I. '��I '� J � eu � ��'°0 a � Im � a i __ _ e6 ,- : �, ,s g ,t_ ��-- - -� --- I ------ -----� . �� , __ I � � � , 6 � � �-° - f �,� �, --i i �'�— � � a3.< �, � oh , o �3 � -- i � � v=a� �'Z � — i -- — , , , i � � , — — � � _�__- — — ° � , �s�o �,< _ ,� � <,m sEraa�K _ _ �30 _ L vRarearr uNE __-- � DD APPENDIX D � O BUILDING 1- WEST ELEVATION 4; .. O BUILDING 1- EAST ELEVATION O MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (BROWN SCHEME) ,-0 W�ee� �.�,.k .�m� ,b,�o,.�,�o,..��, � � m�a�.� em,.m,�.o. .,d�mm...a�, E�rydo�,.�,�.,s.aoo. �� �,v„eAw� �..,.k >.ne�..,. ,.v.e�,�. ^d,a,�„oe. �� a.�. Pe..��e,,,.a. a,dn�e,e.. .��m.�mo,=k.,n.a . , o.Mam.. , ..ao,. e.�..o,. . .9 ..a.n�o,.m., �� �,M��, �a�o.� ..m =.,. �.�.,,,a...00� � o.�.� e.,,m,..e,. se..e,e.. �sa.o..e�..,. ...,..n. ��m,�� s„a,e,d�e.ne. �.,�.. �,.a,ee,,.00�,d9. O BUILDING 1- SOUTH ELEVATION • INTEGRAARCHITECTIIRE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET T 60J.6B8 E1R108L F 60J.68B.02]U in o@in om te9rra-arcF.com ,.n v:"s'rve ^� .,�,. µ. � O4 BUILDWG 1- NORTH ELEVATION '_`"�., re;mae, saw;a KEYPLAN Townhome Development ���°`" � � P 9 � , � _ , ...., � � � BUILDING 1 I` I ELEVATIONS � '1 � ,zzs, oao .�., , — , , ,:,ao .�..�, Nov.15,2013 ��•,`� � � 5 �on.w?.o� A-2.013 • �_=�I � � ��� ". �u � = rr- rrr rrr � •d,•�� _— -.-�.--��r I , _— . �� y, I �� I 1O BUILDING 2- EAST ELEVATION � n� • � INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET T 60J.6B8 0 60l.68B 02]U fo@ om g rcF c <..�..�.�,H.. ,.nv.��re.�..��,.µ. � V wR��pO BUILDING 2- NORTH ELEVATION � O3 BUILDING 2- WEST ELEVATION O MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (GREEN SCHEME) �,� W.�w�,�. o.e�o ..,,..reaw�a .,s P. oon " �� �s�ia<„< ., .Pore ,,..00a w�.ao.�aoo,,.m,,s...s.aoo. ���w�ee� �.��.k .��m ,b�o<�.,,��o,,..��, ° �] m,.t�,�^ em,.m��.00,. e.�„��.o,�� E��rydoo„�o.���� �� �,v„o., �..,.k ba• ..,..e�,�. ^d,a,�„oe. �� a.�. Pe.,,�e,,,.a. R,dn�e,e.. .��m.�m>,=k.,n .a . , � oaM�,..� , ..ao,. _.,.�..,. . .s ..a.n�o,.m., �� �,M�n, �a�o.� ..m =.,. �.�.,,,a...00� � o.�.� e.,,m,..e,. se..e,e.. ,�sa.a..e�..,. ...,..n. .—� ��� a„a,ed�e.ne. �,dY�,� °"' �,.a,ee,,.00�,d9. O4 BUILDING 2- SOUTH ELEVATION �=��E�., Tejinder Saluja KEYPLAN Townhome Development I.. I.�J{V E. � P e. c i i ,.,.� � � BUILDING 2 II ELEVATIONS , � � ,z,s, oao .�., , , ,:,ao ,�... INov.15,2013 ��•,`� � J 5 �o..w5.�� A-2.023 �k�:�z �,�:��, ��� � , � ; �� -.--�==�--- � � - � - --- �� � y_-. '.. , ��i _. M F _ ��� rri ��v • f: � rr.r= � f= . � �� �� i _—'.-��_:" .. _ ��i� rr- �� - _ r��rc - _ -� -=- .Y si �'^— � � C �'��! .: � �i-.� ;..:.�eM�.lf�t:1-f - I I�� L■ # .If ' - 1 .1, �r; - , � •� �, ,_ 1O BUILDING 3- SOUTH ELEVATION ' � 1 i r . ___,� . .��'[. tY3�Y � �s � O3 BUILDING 3- NORTH ELEVATION (104th AVENUE) O MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (GREEN SCHEME) � W�ee� �.�,.k ,�m� �,b�o„�,�o,.,��, � � m���� em„m,�.o. B,.,N�.o,�, E�rydo�,o,�,� aoo. �� �,v„o., �..,.k ba• ..,..e�,�. ^d,a,�„oe. �� a.�. Po..��o,,,.a. a,dn�e,e.. .��m.�mo,=k.,n.a . ioi oaM�,..� , ..ao,. _.,.�..,. ...s ..a.n�o,.m., �� �,M�n, �a�o.� ..m =.,. �.�.,,,a...00� K,�„< r�,w�a� w,,. w„<o„ ��,M��, P..a,�,.<F�.,��9 �,,.�o,� o.. ,00,.as. .�0�,.,9<, �� oe,hem.n een�am�nmee�e s�en.erewn riee..ae•.ieuv.ra ��������� �� ��� svaireraceii.nien � �+�+e.aee�. c i �Nif �i � � ,-��`T� - � � • ..�, � _ �� . � �' ,� . y — — .; -,; • - L.���� � INTEGRAARCHITECTIIREINC. 1 � • —{7 • � IJ ry � . �,It �'r 1� 416 WEST PENDER STREET �`F � T]1��/ '- /�; ANCOWER eL VeBiTS f..�- �� _ � 7�j' .�i} � T 60J.6B8 E110 F 60J.68B.02]U �� • — I • • . @ 1: 1� ���'' s � ki I. I T �f� n � _ �:�-- — �—' �, ; i �.._ . . .. ..,�, e.: . ,�. ,. r i I O2 BUILDING 3- EAST ELEVATION +r s Yli ���,« �J . aI �• . � r �. ` � r�.■� = I _���� -.� �' �� -- � i , _ � ........��a ' � ��.�. ro� ,k �:, � ... i . . i,. . .. ._,� �•�. A ' t.�.' .�. ..�•, .�.. .f 4'�{- � —�l�.a-• ' �: �_ . � �,1f'� �a,, - - - I . �.� 9 '�li �_-x� '_ri. i ,�"'�� :SI._. F_�.. � �� �I :T � O4 BUILDING 3- WEST ELEVATION Tei��ae,saw�a KEY PLAN Townhome Development �<3�E�� � P 9. � , � , ..,., � � BUILDING 3 II ELEVATIONS � 2 1 � ,z,s, oao .�., , — , ,:,ao ,�... INov.15,2013 ��•,`� �_ _ J 5 i�.:u.i A-2.033 LANOSCAPE ARCHITECTS o�Pr,���,�a,.ad. ���==,o� �,ed,o,o,ne,o , .�na�„ne„ e PLANT SCHEDULE �i���N�� KEY aTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTED SIZE I REMARKS TpEE ��,_ 6 ACERGINNALA'FLAME' FLAMEAMURMAPLE 2.SMHT 3 AMELANCHIER�AUTUMNBRILLIANCE' SERVICE6ERRV SCMCAL �CQJ �0 CERCIS CANADEN515 EASTERN RE�BUD SCM CAL; B8B ��{�Q 5 PARRO IAOPERSICADAOWVCKII' pE�A�RONWOO� 6CMCALB&2MSTO L/rl� 4 PICEA GLAUCA'PEN�ULA' WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE 2M HT; B&B �FV/� 5 PINUS NIGRA'ARNOL�'S SENTINEL' AUSTRIAN BLACK PINE 3M HT; B&B [�KI 4 PINUS STROBUS'PENDULA' PEN�ULOUS WHITE PINE 2.5M HT; BSB �LV 5 PRUNUS VEDOENSIS'AKEBONO' DAVBREAK CHERRV 6 GM GAL', B&B SHR 81 AZALEAJAPONICA'MOTHER'S �AV' IVALEA;DARK-RED #3POT',40GM 19 CEANOTHUS THVRSIFLORUS VAR. REPENS DWARF CALIFORNIA LILAC #3 POT', 50CM f[ 21 EUONVMUSALATA'COMPACTUS' COMPACTWINGEDBURNINGBUSH #3POT',SOCM 4] KALMIA LATIFOLIA'ELF' DWARF MOUNTAIN LAUREL #3 POT', 50CM 8] NANDINA DOMESTICA'HARBOUR DWARF' HEAVENLV BAMBOO'. LOW SPREADING #3 POT', SOCM 24 PICEA ORIENTALIS'BERGMAN'S GEM' DWARF ORIENTAL SPRUCE 0.5M HT 28 RHODODENDRON'ANAH KRUSCHKE' RHODODENDRON'. BLUE N3 POT', SOCM 32 RHODO�ENDRON'SCARLET WON�ER' RHO�ODEN�RON: SCARLET; E. APRIL #3 POT�, 30CM 3] ROSA MEIDILAN�'ALBA' MEIDILAND ROSE; WHITE #3 POT', 60CM 86 SARCOGOCCAHOOKEftANA'RUSCIFOLIA' FRAGRANTSWEETBOX #2POT�,30CM 38 SPIRAEANIPPONICA'SNOWMOUND' SNOWMOUNDSPIRAEA;WHITE #3POT',60CM � 35 SVRINGA PATULA'MISS KIM' MI�� KIM COMPACT LILAC #3 POT', BOCM 15 WEIGELAFLORIDA'VICTORIA' VICTORIAWEIGELA #3POT60CM GRASS C ]3 CALAMAGROSTIS ACUTIFLORA'KARL FOERSTER' FEATHER REED GRA55 #1 POT cc 31 CAREX ROSTRATA BEAKED SE�GE #iPOT w� 151 HAKONECHLOA MACRA'ALL GOLD' GOLDEN JAPANESE FOREST GRASS #1 POT M 121 MISCANTHUS SINENSIS'VAKU JIMA' YAKU JIMAJAP. SILVER GRASS #1 POT 2] PANICUM VIRGATUM'ROTSTRAHLBUSCH' RED SWITCH GRA55 #1 POT PERENNIAL � 99 DRVOPTERIS ERVTHROSORA'BRILLIANCE' BRILLIANCEAUTUMN FERN #1 POT 142 IBERIS SEMPERVIRENS EVERGREEN CANDVTUFT #1 POT 54 LIRIOPE MUSCARI BLUE LILY-TURF 15CM POT 20 TVPHA LATIFOLIA BROAD LEAFED CATTAIL #1 POT GC 66 ARCTOSTAPHVLOS WA-URSI KINNIKINNICK #1 POT', 20CM 113 CALLUNA VULGARI$'SERLEI' SCOTS HEATHER; WHITE #1 POT 168 GAULTHERIA SHALLON SALAL #1 POT', 20CM 12 MAHONIA NERVOSA LONGLEAF MAHONIA #2 POT', 25GM 136 PACHVSAN�RATERMINALIS'GREEN SHEEN' JAPANESE SPURGE #1 POT', iSCM � 30 POLVSTICHUM MUNITUM WESTERN SWOR� FERN #1 POT', 20CM NOTES'. `PLANTSIZESINTHISLISTARESPECIFIEDACCORDINGTOTHEBCLANDSCAPESTAN�ARD,LATESTEDITION. CONTAINERSIZESSPECIFIEDASPER CNTASTANDAR�S. BOTHPLANTSIZEANOCONTAINERSIZEARETHEMINIMUMACCEPTAeLE51ZE5. `REFERTOSPECIFICATIONSFOR�EFINE�CONTAINER MEASUREMENTSANDOTHERPLANTMATERIALREQUIREMENTS. `SEARCHANDREVIEW:MAKEPLANTMATERIALAVAILABLEFOROPTIONALREVIEWBV LANOSCAPE ARCHRECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLV. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLU�E LOWER MAINLANO ANO FRASER VALLEV.' $UBSTITUTIONS: 08TAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANV SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS W ILL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAVS PRIOR TO DELNERV FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD - DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITV. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND W ORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD'S LATEST EDITION. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVI�ED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERV � 18 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24086 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC • �� ti� _ �•�_�v . � . . y � � ���� ���� �� � E LANDSCAPE PLAN r����.� ����� Brihkh&dlilnbfa District of Maple Ridge T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 FILE N0: 2013-101-RZ MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.7048-2013 20758 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial), to accommodate a new Mark's Work Wearhouse. The applicant intends to construct an 1825m2 commercial building to accommodate the proposed use. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP). The application was given first reading on January 28, 2014. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Titles Office for on-lot stormwater management; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; Road dedication as required; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; 1106 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Teck Construction Dynamic Blasting Ltd. Lot A, District Lot 250, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 8735 Commercial CS-1(Service Commercial) C-2 (Community Commercial) Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1(Service Commercial) and C-2 (Community Commercial) Designation: Commercial South: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1(Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial West: Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1(Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial, Residential Existing Use of Property: Service Commercial Proposed Use of Property: Retail Commercial Site Area: 0.35 hectares (0.86 acres) Access: Two access points: Lougheed Highway and Owen Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard b) Project Description: This subject property is located on Lougheed Highway, at Owen Street, one block east of the intersection of Lougheed Highway and 207 Street. It is situated in a commercial hub that begins several blocks east of 207 Street and continues west along Lougheed Highway to the municipal boundary. The one storey building that was located at the subject property has been demolished. -2- The applicant proposes to construct a new building for the relocated Maple Ridge Mark's Work Wearhouse store. This new building will provide approximately double the square footage, for a total of 1825m2. The building size will be larger than the previous building, but the location on site will be similar, with parking west and south of the proposed building site. The proposed development will retain the same two access points as the previous commercial use, via Lougheed Highway and Owen Street. The proposed development consists of a two storey tilt-up concrete structure, with industrial design elements including a mix of cultured stone and metal cladding, as well the use of metal canopies accented in bold orange, as per Mark's Work Wearhouse corporate design standards. Landscaping will occur along the two property frontages of Lougheed Highway and Owen Street. The southern boundary will retain the existing cedar hedge, along with the addition of a solid vinyl fence as a sound buffer between the commercial use and the single family residential lots. Road dedication of 1.5 metres along Lougheed Highway and 0.85 metres along Owen Street will be required. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is designated Commercial in the Official Community Plan. Due to the site's location on Lougheed Highway outside of the Town Centre, and based on Policy 6-23 (a), this development is subject to the General Commercial policies of the OCP. The objective of the General Commercial category as stated in the OCP is to "respond to emerging market trends and shopping preferences and to permit greater flexibility in the range of commercial uses". The C-2 (Community Commercial) zone aligns with the General Commercial designation. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property located at 20758 Lougheed Highway from CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercial retail building. The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the number of required parking stalls; to increase the height of the building; to reduce rear setback requirements; and to reduce the servicing upgrades to Owen Street. Proposed Variances: The applicant has requested the following variances for this development: • Reduced parking from 60 to 46 stalls. The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires that a commercial building provide one stall per 30m2 of retail space. The applicant has provided 46 parking stalls on the proposed site plan, whereas the required number of stalls based on the building floorspace area is 60 stalls. Additionally, 10 percent of the total number of parking stalls is allowed to be small car parking stalls, and the applicant is requesting the ratio be increased to 22 percent, or 10 of the 46 stalls; • Height variance from 7.5 metres to 9.7 metres to accomodate Mark's Work Wearhouse image standards, and provide for sufficient interior and exterior signage and feature lighting; -3- • Rear setback variance from 6 metres to 1.2 metres for the portion of the building used for an office, storage, and loading capabilities; and • Reduced servicing upgrades to Owen Street to exclude curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The requested variances will be the subject of a future report to Council. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, a Commercial Development Permit application is required to address the current proposal's compatibility with adjacent development, and to enhance the unique character of the community. This will be the subject of a future report to Council. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the form and character of the proposed commercial development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held June 10, 2014. Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel made the following resolutions: That the following concerns are addressed, and that revised drawings are submitted to Planning staff: 1. Consider further detail on southern fence for acoustic buffering; 2. Consider additional parking lot lighting for increased safety and site circulation; 3. Reconsider plant species placement on the north side of building; 4. Consider additional plant variety along Owen Street frontage; 5. Consider onsite storm water management with rain garden on north side from rooftop rain ca ptu re; 6. Consider additional landscape treatment along Owen Street frontage extending past property line; 7. Consider 3 additional planting islands within parking lot against building for additional shade trees. The applicant has addressed items 1- 4 from the Advisory Design Panel resolutions, and revised drawings have been submitted to Planning staff for review. Revised plans include: solid vinyl fencing for acoustic buffering, 1.8 metre in height, on the southern property boundary; the addition of four pole lights on the western parking perimeter; proposed plant species placement moved from the north side of building to the middle of the parking row, as well as adding a small landscape island to the south end of the parking row; the addition of tall accent shrubs for plant variety along Owen Street frontage. The applicant is in the process of completing the balance of the resolution items, which will be completed with the Development Permit application and prior to final zoning approval. Outstanding resolutions include: designing a stormwater management plan that meets the 3-tier site source '� control requirements; and the applicant is continuing to work with the Planning Department to revise the landscaping plans. d) Traffic Impact: The subject property is within the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's referral area. Based on proximity to Lougheed Highway, a referral was sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and granted Preliminary Approval on June 18, 2014, for the rezoning of one year, subject to the following conditions: • A six (6) metre corner truncation along each boundary is mandatory at the northwest corner of the subject property; • Road dedication is required on the north side of the subject property to align with the property on the east; and • A nine (9) metre radius and nine (9) metre wide throat is required for the site access from Lougheed Highway Revisions, as per the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, will be incorporated in the servicing drawings. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified the services required in support of this development application: • Underground hydro and telecommunication service connections to the property; • Construct Owen Street and Lougheed Highway curb return; • Urban frontage works along Lougheed Highway; • Confirm adequacy and condition of existing water, sanitary and storm services; • Provide road dedication along Lougheed Highway, approximately 1.5 metres, and Owen Street, approximately 0.85metres; • Provide a lease light at the southern property line; • Street trees required in the road boulevard on Lougheed Highway; and • Development must comply with the Watercourse Protection Bylaw, specifically the 3-tier site source control measures; stormwater management plan needs to be included as part of the off-site design -5- CONCLUSION: This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that second reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013 and that application 2013-101-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013 Appendix C - Site Plan Appendix D - Landscape Plans � Cit f Pitt , ._ f�J Mea ows ' --- 6 �r � - �- r , � �� � � � � � ��� �� � ' _ � i � i N � � � ~- f District of � . � Langley Scale: 1:1,500 �� FRASER R.�� 20758 Lougheed Hwy � 0 .� � � o * CORPORATION OF " — THE DISTRICT OF 0 - � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Feb 17, 2014 2013-101-DP BY: JV APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7048-2013 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7048-2013." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A District Lot 250 Group 1 Plan New Westminster District 8735 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1603 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to C-2 (Community Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 28t" day of January, 2014. READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER P 76445 B 11935 ii9AVE. RW78433 / /� ��A�� /� (P 87086) �� ��L�� ��v�Q � � � LM P 6890 32 �/ rn I � � N 0 rn N 1 BCP 34169 11910/50/98 LP 65229 LP 60327 LMP 5719 LP 65855 NWS 2523 P 54395 47 m 0 N 43 P 54703 44 83 P 54703 2088 zoaa 87 82 P 58243 8 RW 56524 119 AV E. � P 56403 P 8 35 P 8 35 P 104 4 I � 48 m 18 R � 16 15 1 B I N ��F�° )Q \ � M � m EP 54361 M (P 70935) � 3g �7 7 ` � � � � � � � 0 0 � � � N� N o N o � P 10414 W EP 74390 LMP 15725 101 N O M � RW 43436 RW 832�6 N I I I N N P 663 � o� � � LOUGHEED HIGHWqy N �N n 6 �, N o� o RW 67461 N N W i842 35 36 � N � 5 A Rem 1 � � N o 1836 � P 3 898 5 N 4 I ��A�� � (P 8735) P 17371 P 12034 5 6 7 45 � � iia2a a �,., NWS 2589 P 1237 �� �� RP 9591 3 � 24»a�9 o iia22 P 17371 I i � I �� iiais iia2 2 a »ao� M 13 �� 120 4 M I P 1 376 �I IW RP115968 iiaio 25�, 26 a P6 695r r3 Iv 4 1� �2 �3 �,4 �,4 a 1�,3 �,2 �32 � 11795 Rem 1 � �4 `r° 97 � 98 �°r' d ro w ro ro �m ro� I ro ro o O O O O I W O O O O O O O � N � � N N N N N N N N N N N N � RW 63828 � RW 78108 "PP056 CAMWOOD AVE. I\ RW 75415 � °J ro o o � o � o � � � � ro a °� 1 � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���92 � MI 7� o N o 6 197 N o N o N o N �333 � o 0 I� Pcl. "I" 2� N� M � 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 � 33 � 3P 45 39� W 82443 � � RP 15896 tna2 `r' d EP 5 635 � 198189 o insa P 4 797 � � � � NWS 3167 3 4 5 199 a�m6 P 4 79� a a P 4 315 � ����a P 59 96 1779 ' 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 332 �,334 336 337 I 1n57 0 � � � � � � � � ro � ZOO � O � N O O N O N O /� RW 83957 1n�� N P 54899 McFARLANE AVE. "PP056 � � _ 201 � — — — 369 11765 33958 �I —/ � ���a� 202 0 241 240 0 0 229 0 0 0 0 — — — — 11759 N N N N N N N -- ii�25 �n5a 11753 11756 228 227 226 225 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7048-2013 Map No. 1603 From: CS-1 (Service Commercial) To: C-2 (Community Commercial) N SCALE 1:2,500 , F ..� o�z . _-- --#----------------- :.. ... �� L O U G H E E D H 1 G H W A Y � �,� � �-- -- -- ---��� —�-- \�� I � / —� d� , ..� :.� ,.0 I � � — _ I �� � i���� ii ii I� ` '_� 0 ml � — � — — — _ _ — p�� O ___�rJ oll O L ��� _ O i , � O � �I o i i' 0 � �� � i .._�r. �r ,.,wc � C -�� I� I� I� I:� I. �� I I I.�.,,:, 0� i��rrt�� 1 SITEaaAN � = WyJ�w��u �- � GA�R�BAGEENLlOSURE � GA�R�BAGEENCFRONT �— � GARBAGEENCSIDE 8 eao�nzo oerna I 9 ei2ER�� �/ i o ZONIN6 ANALY515 LEGAL DESCRIPTION c;r, DL25 ,GRLUP2,NWD P�iN NWP b'T 5 CIVIC ADDRESS 20�58LOUGrEEUNIGNWAY MfiPLE RID6E, B-G- 51TE INFORMATION SITE AKEA_ 0.3�3 ha (38.0425 F.J ( , �'4.3 m`) zoN�N�_ �z 5TE COVERA6E: 4"1% BUILDING AREAS KEIAIL: t,460.8m�(15.i245.F.) STOKAGEAZh�. 'b22me(i,96t5: J 2VGFLOOZOFFICE id2,2ne(y9615,F`� TCTh_ 1,825 m� (19,64G S�F_) BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1,64 m� (1'I,665 S.F.) PARKING REQUIREMENTS RETAIL Q 1 SPALE PER 30r��. 1,643 mal30ma PAz<IN6P.E4UIP.ED= 55GAR5 OFFIGE Q 1 SPACE PER40 m° ,ezzm=�aom= PAZKIN6REQUIZED= 5CAR5 TCTA_ PARKING REpUIRED = 60 GARS TCIA_ PFRKI�6 PROVID-D=3 CAZS APPENDIX C a a � — _ — II-111=111=111=111=111=111=111=11 ��, vinyiFonc oecan � LEGEND: — - - — - - — P��,vE�n ���E -------- �ETe�<s LINEOFEq5TIN66UILDIN6T06EREMOVED ' trvi -------- cJ Bna>s� ��• 0 conc._resioEwn�K .�.,���H�w,._ 0 soFr nuoscnviu�-seev�u�scnPe=v�u VARIANCES REQUIRED: 1. PA�iIALREARSETeAGKTOALLOWFORLOA�IN65PA� 2. REDIICEDPFRKIN6 3- NOUP6RA�ESALON60WEI.5T'Z_ET h. NEGNTVA�IANGEFROM].5mT09.66m ^�n�.. - � RETAINING WALL � i.eo 0 0 IZ SIZE�SELTIONE-W � � , �� ���e ����� ���� , �« �I II _ — — � ATA zoo-isa� wesi e�oadway Vanmwer, BC_ VfiJ 1X2 ie��.(soal r.urutFoa)ns3ni - MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE �-r 2o�sa �oucHEEo I HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Im o _w,��,�;o — � � �� SITE SECTION N-5 �J i:zoo 5�9]-2t6[nSTREET BC.I SIlE PLAN 5NFA1 DP I PLANT LIST SYMBOL OTY. BOTANICAL W1ME CONMON N�ME S� � + s Fas�:6rvoeu�soa�wv=koom oawv�Diee000vafmrer e��iiismm�a &ww � ss n:eiee weo��oe corai eau: �eoe�a:a n�iaa aa oo� � z weigeiawi�eaao:a: weigeiavar_ aaoo� � u ��e.�re�a�,�� Poee�e o�. '3oa�n"„aa�a� � �a �o���e,a P ea�a e�a s,aa� �o ,vs��K�a 3 �o � „ P�e,�sieoo���a �,amPia eeu� �ePa�a�e n�a,omaae 3 Po � s� P,��� � o��o wvka� o��o w.ke� ��,e� � oo� � a A�oaoae�a,o�o�,���a��nee, A�odoae�a,o�,me�m,�„ aaoo� � � A�oaoae�a��n��aaoaaw��e. A�oaoae�a��o��.a.� Po � , Ao,a me�d��a a ,�, o�=. �_, � �a d, ,��� A�e �._ , � , so�,aa.e�me�daA�,�a�vwa,e,�� so�,ea,�, ,�o� � ,a ,n��e ooaae���� sma,aea Eme,a�d �,ee� �eda, � am n. a�, �o�,��maa�a�,ow, oe.aa�,o�m�m �P� �ow o�.w co..w«.�w. - zi EnceaeneyenssrcremersRea wi��errvae�ne. poi ucma.c - iox A�cosvvro�.a��si va��o�.e��aae �o po ascmo.c. � �s Hemoceiiu steiieaom ay y a. po xoM: NOTE: SURVEY INFO PROVIDED BY: ISAAK, OSMAN & ASSOCIATES � W � o H > N z 2a W w 3� o� LOWEVERGREEN SCREEN XEDGE STREETlREEB (From NR'Llel Fw Ovarinatl 4YIm') At Approz W o.e. LOUGHEED HIGHWqY OVERHEAD NOTE:81REEflpEELOCAl10N8 WIRES �UASHEU) M BE DETERMMm BV CT' STREEfTREE$ (From MR'LIN For �ow�nwe wi�.s� u Mvrox. �o• o.c �.��� � SXRUBBEDS � '"""�"•"`�"` �N����arcwcoRauca,eomE,uen,es .a«s i APPENDIX D LANDSCAPE ARCHITECf ❑Mark's MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HWY MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. TECK CONSTRUCTION LTD. LANDSCAPE PLAN oR� a,oE�A�1� L1 MAPLE F21DGE Briiish Columhia T0: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer District of Maple Ridge Rescinding Third Reading 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE N0: MEETING: REVISED July 21, 2014 2011-082-RZ CofW Council granted a one year extension to the above noted application on July 9, 2013. The purpose of this application is to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial) to R-1 (Residential District) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to allow for future subdivision into approximately 45 single family lots. Staff recommend that an extension not be granted, because the subject property experienced a number of slope failures, whose cause and restoration plan is still being determined. Such work will result in an additional geotechnical report and remediation plan that must be available to the public. The District's solicitor has advised staff that this constitutes new information after Public Hearing, and thus must be considered at a new Public Hearing. Given this fact, it would be inappropriate to grant the requested extension. Therefore, it is recommended that third reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 be rescinded, and the application be taken to a new Public Hearing once revised information is received. Rescinding the above mentioned bylaws will remove the third reading timeline limitations for the project, and will allow the applicant more time to investigate and rectify the slope stability issue. It is also recommended that the original terms and conditions be modified by an additional rezoning condition, to ensure that the proposed remediation works and submission of performance securities are completed prior to final approval of the zone amending bylaw. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That a final one year extension for application 2011-082-RZ not be granted; and 2. That third reading of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 be rescinded; and 3. That the applicant submit a revised geotechnical report outlining how the slope failure issues will be resolved to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; and 4. That the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii. Amendment to Schedule "A" &"C" of the Official Community Plan; 1- 1107 iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. That the applicant undertakes the mitigation recommendations outlined in the revised geotechnical report and provides a performance security equivalent to the cost of the remediation work; v. Road and park dedication as required; vi. Consolidation of the development site; vii. Purchase of the eastern portion of Lot B of BCP 46878 (10190 Jackson Road) and consolidation of the western portion with Jackson Farm Park; and viii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owners: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation Damax Consultants Ltd Seyem' Qwantlen Land Development Ltd District of Maple Ridge Lot: A, Section: 3, Township: 12,NWD Plan: EPP9830 Lot: B, Section: 3, Township 12, NWD Plan: BCP46878 Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential, Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) Conservation 2- South: East: West: Use: Vacant Zone: R-1(Residential District) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Vacant Zone: R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Designation: Urban Residential Use: Park Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Agricultural Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Vacant Single Family Residential 4.12 hectares (10.3 acres) Jackson Road Urban Standard The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and applicable bylaws: • First reading was considered and granted on November 8, 2011; • Second reading (see attached report) was considered and granted on June 12, 2012; • Public Hearing was held July 17, 2012; • Third reading was granted July 24, 2012; and • A one year extension was granted on July 9, 2013. b) Application Progress: In January 2014, heavy rainfall resulted in two localized slope failures in the proposed park dedication area of 10150 Jackson Road. Since the failure occurred, the applicant has been actively working to stabilize the property. A peer review of the original geotechnical report has been submitted, and the applicant's geotechnical engineer is preparing a mitigation strategy. Prior to final reading consideration, the recommended slope stabilization measures and remediation must take place, and the applicant's Geotechnical Engineer must provide assurance that the land is safe for the use intended. It is unclear at this point if changes to the subdivision plan or rezoning/OCP designation boundaries will be required. If such changes are required, a staff report would be prepared speaking to the required amendments and the Public Hearing date. The applicant is also actively pursuing the completion of the original terms and conditions of the rezoning application. As the slope failures and resulting geotechnical analysis and necessary remediation are new information after Public Hearing, the municipal solicitor has advised that third reading be rescinded, and that the application be presented at a future Public Hearing. Rescinding the above mentioned bylaws will remove the third reading timeline limitations for the project, and will allow the applicant more time to investigate and rectify the slope stability issue. An additional term has been added to the original rezoning conditions in the recommendation of this report, to ensure that a revised geotechnical report and a performance security for the proposed remediation works be submitted; and that the remediation work be completed prior to final approval of the zone amending bylaw. c) Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 3- 1. Grant a one year extension for the existing application with no additional terms and conditions. In this scenario, once the applicant completes the current terms and conditions of the rezoning application, final reading can be requested. 2. If Council chooses neither the recommended option, nor the above noted alternative, the existing bylaws will expire and the rezoning application will be closed. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been working towards completion of this rezoning application; however two localized slope failures on 10150 Jackson Road in January 2014 require additional geotechnical analysis and site remediation prior to final reading. As a result of this event and the subsequent new information required, the municipal solicitor has advised that third reading be rescinded and a new Public Hearing be held. A revised staff report will be prepared, setting a new Public Hearing date when the additional information can be presented to the public. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Second Reading Report 4- N Pitt District of Langley 10150 JACKSON ROAD & N/E PORTION OF 10190 JACKSON ROAD MAPLE Ri��E British Colambfa CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 12,500 I �������4�I DATE: Jul 5, 2012 FILE: 2011-082-RZ BY: DT � �. District of Maple Ridge : ..,. .,,r . APPENDIX B T0: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 4, 2012 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2011-082-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading and Second Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012; and; Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject lands from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial) to R-1 (Residential District) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit future subdivision into single-family lots. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan to re-designate the land use from Low/Medium Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and Conservation in the Albion Area Plan. On November 8, 2011, Council gave First Reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6861-2011 to rezone this property to R-1 (Residential District) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), and considered the early consultation requirements for the OCP amendment. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928- 2012 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 be given First and Second Readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6861-2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and, 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; Amendment to Schedule "A" &"C" of the Official Community Plan; Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road and park dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Purchase of the eastern portion of Lot B of BCP 46878 (10190 Jackson Road) and consolidation of western portion with Jackson Farm Park; and, vii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owners: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Damax Consultants Ltd Seyem' Qwantlen Land Development Ltd District of Maple Ridge Lot: A, Section: 3, Township: 12,NWD Plan: EPP9830 Lot: B, Section: 3, Township 12, NWD Plan: BCP46878 Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential, Conservation Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) Proposed: R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) -2- Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: South East: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Project Description: Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) Conservation Vacant R-1(Residential District) Urban Residential Vacant R-1(Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Urban Residential Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), M-2 (General Industrial) Agricultural Sand and Gravel (Vacant and Improved), Vacant Single Family Residential 4.12 hectares (10.3 acres) Jackson Road Urban Standard The applicant proposes to rezone the subject site, a former sand and gravel pit, to allow for future subdivision into approximately 45 R-1 (Residential District) lots. A very small portion of the north east corner of the site will be zoned RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to be eventually consolidated with an RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) lot further east. Approximately 1.46 hectares (3.6 acres) of steep sloping land will be dedicated as park, which will include a lookout area and a multipurpose trail connecting to existing trails to the north of the subject site. Portions of the site are proposed to be filled with soil acquired from the re-grading of lands to the east. It will be necessary for the applicant to purchase the eastern portion of municipal property located at 10190 Jackson Road in order to proceed with this development application. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject site is located in the Albion Area Plan. Approximately 75°/o of the site is designated Low/Medium Density Residential, while the remainder is designated Medium Density Residential. Both these Official Community Plan designations permit single detached housing forms located in the Albion Area. The R-1 (Residential District) zone is in compliance with the Medium Density Residential designation, but the Low/Medium Density Residential designation would typically allow -3- an RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone. The land to the south and east of the subject site (Upper Jackson Farm) is outside the Albion Area Plan and is designated Urban Residential. There is an active subdivision application (SD/040/09) on that land for R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots. Therefore, justification has been provided to support an OCP amendment to re-designate the Low/Medium Density Residential land to Medium Density Residential on the subject site. The subject site is not located in the North Albion Area and therefore not involved in the North Albion Review process currently underway. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 10150 and 10190 Jackson Road from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial) to R-1 (Residential District) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit future subdivision into single family homes. All the proposed lots meet the requirements of these zones. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.10 of the Official Community Plan, a Natural Features Development Permit application is required for all development and subdivision activity for all lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 percent to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous cond itions. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting was held at Thomas Haney Secondary School on April 5, 2012. A summary of the comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant and included the following concerns: • Impact of 248 Street properties' views; • Pedestrian safety on Jackson Road. The applicant provided the following in response to the issues raised by the public: • The existing grades on the subject site will be lowered substantially and as a result, will reduce the impact on views. • Road improvements to increase pedestrian safety are proposed to include a sidewalk on the east side of Jackson Road and a multi-purpose trail on the west side to connect with the park to the south. A round-about traffic circle will be constructed at Jackson Road and 102 Avenue as part of a separate application (SD/040/09). !l'! d) Interdepartmentallmplications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed development and has advised that no servicing works are required with this application and therefore a Rezoning Servicing Agreement will not be needed. Sanitary and storm sewer construction, as well as watermain and street light installation on Jackson Road fronting this site, has previously been secured through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement for development of Upper Jackson Farm under approved application RZ/040/09. The Engineering Department has further advised that road dedication along the full length of the development site, including a portion of 10190 Jackson Road, to achieve the 26 metre road allowance required for an urban arterial, will be necessary for this project. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 50 trees which is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $1250.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposed development and has noted that any landscaping proposed for the lots fronting Jackson Road should not obscure the visibility of addresses now or in the future to ensure efficient emergency response. e) School District Comments: A referral was submitted to School District 42 for comment on the proposed OCP amendment; however, no comments have been received to date. In past discussions with staff of the School District, it is clear that Albion Elementary is exceeding capacity. Therefore, an increase to the number of elementary-aged children as a result of this proposal will likely require those children to attend a school other than Albion Elementary. f) Environmentallmplications: The applicant has submitted a Natural Features Development Permit application as the subject site includes lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 percent. The requirements of this Development Permit will be to provide enhancement and replanting works in the areas identified for park dedication, as well as securities equivalent to 100% of the replanting works and maintenance for five years. g) Intergovernmentallssues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, from land use designation -5- Low/Medium Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and Conservation is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: Based on the review of supporting information regarding the proposed rezoning and subdivision applications, it is recommended that Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 and forwarded to Public Hearing; and further that First and Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 and be forwarded to Public Hearing. ■11111�11111111�11111111�II11_l - . : • � - ■ Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP Director of Planning ■11111�1111IIII�IIIIIIII�IIII� IIIIIIIII�I�II�II� Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services ■11111�1111IIII�IIIIIIII�IIII1111111111111111111�1 �Y Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AB /dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B-Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6928-2012 Appendix C- Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6861-2011 Appendix D - Subdivision Plan Appendix E- Overall Subdivision Plan � �����L�1]�C � ���,1 L�t- ��� r �—•�� w^ �. l �J 5 .' _ � vi � ,� -_ _ _? � �t . A � � � �� L.������1 � ���� � f_ f: � , � � COF�PO Rr�T{O�1 OF � � THE D;STR;�T OF � - , � P:'A�LE Ri��E � �_r,w:,� �yn - __,- ,:].�-E. '.I=_, �'. 2�' 2 Fi�E: 2:�'.'s�5�-� 6'r: PL Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6861-2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6861-2011." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot A Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP9830 Lot B Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP46878 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1543 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to R-1(Residential District), and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8t" day of November, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the , A.D. 20 . , A. D. 20 . , A. D. 20 . day of , A.D. 20 . day of , A. D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAP�E R D�E ZONE AMEND N� Bylaw No. 6861 2011 G„'lap No. 1543 Frome RS 3(One Family Rural Residential�, M 2�General Industrial� Toe Q R 1(Residential District� � RS 1 b (One Family Urban (Medium Density� Residential� N 1:3,500 Appendix C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 6928-2012 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "A" &"C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. K� This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6928-2012 Schedule "A", Section 10.2.1 Land Use Designations, Albion Area Plan map is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP9830 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 833, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby re-designated to Medium Density Residential and Conservation. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP9830 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 834, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the READ A SECOND TIME the :��_1J_i�:Il:��j�lul�iiiLa day of day of day of , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2012. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER MAP�E RIDGE O��IC IA� C OMMUNITY P�AN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6928 2011 Map No. 833 Frome �ow�Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential Toe Q Conservation � Medium Density Residential N 1:3,500 MAP�E RIDGE O��IC IA� C OMMUNITY P�AN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6928 2011 Map No. 834 Purpose: To Add To Conservation N 1:3,500 ����� ��� � +µ,s wwz F Y [ eo-rw � 1 l �t 'n1G" mrr AC5"� ' R : � ti � � �� . -� h � �" """" • ... _ p� _"' � x � + � i • ~� �,, ` "_ L��- -• ...—_ '}4""•..�i —'{.. � � I }.., I �r� 'r-I � �i ��'ai �� q�+ �{+ �� ��� �� r �5�� ,IT r � ti '•k' " ' ;.��'' i{Tr�.•.::}'�"".�, 4 } 1 � "i' r�` � � � � �� �M r� �� i�;�� q�;� �i i' �rr � � i , �� � � � � � � ; q'�- � � �� -4 ;`54 I I�70T �j,y � � { �� f� � � ¢ � � i, � i }��I �� l�� � I I i r : �r�t: i; � ' I 1 � � � I 1� {_ � 5� � �+7 JMrIS Y{Fj � r. � __�_i^'� , � . �.� �_-y_��� — ' •€ � ��� +�'1R Yffd I +'_ i��. l . � �� , �4� � � : � � , � �S'� � � -----��-E � - �--•• � � � � ,� � � � � � ��� " S - ' I � :_ � � �'� K � „ y I � '..° ��� � i � �' , � � �1 � �} � T� i I � t ri ah � aY � 1 Y I �;�`� ;� I �f �i ``i � M �1 � �2 $� � f �I I *� � r t I S � � ;• �i ; i b�e � � R# , � � '� �i 7 �� ��} �i $q; �� 1 Ifi+ .i�� @ � �� �� ' , � I I � ;� . 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The requested variance is to vary the required road carriageway width on 267 Street from 7m to the existing 6m. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2011-122-DVP be approved. Council considered rezoning application 2011-122-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6880 - 2011 on January 10, 2012 and second reading on November 26, 2013. This application was presented at Public Hearing on December 10, 2013, and Council granted third reading on December 10, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2011-122-DVP respecting property located at 11956 267 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: Ray Savola Lea Vainionpaa Lot 10, Section 18, Township 15, NWD Plan 21387 Suburban Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Suburban Residential 1108 South: East: West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications: b) Requested Variance: Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.924 ha. (2.28 acres) Dewdney Trunk Road and 267 Street Rural Standard 2011-122-RZ, 2011-122-SD 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993, Schedule C- District of Maple Ridge Standard Drawings and Specifications: To reduce the minimum road carriageway for a rural local road from 7m to 6m. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) for the purpose of future subdivision into two one acre lots. d) Planning Analysis: The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. The Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800- 1993 establishes regulations and servicing standards that must be achieved or varied in order to subdivide land within the District of Maple Ridge. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The applicant is proposing to vary the minimum road carriageway width from 7m to 6m, to keep it as it is currently constructed. The existing road has adequate capacity and width to serve the additional proposed lot. Road dedication will be provided at the rezoning stage to be able to achieve the minimum right-of-way width of 20m. The current right-of-way width is 18.9m; 0.55m will be dedicated with the rezoning of this property, and the other 0.55m would be dedicated when the property to the west develops. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: The Engineering Department supports the variance as the existing road has adequate capacity and width to serve the additional proposed lot. -2- CONCLUSION: The proposed variance is supportable as the existing road has adequate capacity and width to serve the additional proposed lot. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2011-122-DVP. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Proposed Subdivision Plan -3- Cit f Pitt ,._ f�J j Mea ows ' --- �r � c � I�° _ - � ' � ` r � �� '� - o � i .� ; �. � � �� � , �� � i� 'o � � District of ' � � � Langley __ �� � . Scale: 1:2,rJ�0 FRASER R.�T���� 11956-267 St MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia DATE: Oct 29, 2013 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2011-122-RZ BY: JV APPENDIX B PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT 10 SEC.18 TP.15 N. W. D. PLAN 21387 Scale 1:750 � � N DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 59.86 Tree Covenant C.—.—._.� ���1 9 �J Dwelling Plan 21387 Tree � � Covenant A I � � 0.400 ho °° i Septic . Covenant Shed � 37.55 R W Plan 24748I . .—.—.—.—.—._ —.—.—._. /—.—.—.—.L— —•— .�._.—.—.—._.—.—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—•—•—•— —•— . . J p' Tree v Covenant Garage � � 59.90 _.J Driveway rn :,, Tree � Covenant -�� _.J Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2961-01 Phone 463-4753 House ::,: . ; ;:� �°' ..... ._ ... . B � 0.502 no 0 r�� Septic � � Covenant I I L.J 97.48 11 Plan 21387 GC�2oQ2 B.C.L.S. Ju 16, 2014 MA�LE RI�GE $nl ish �oLumh�a T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Development Variance Permit 12032 216 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 FILE N0: 2014-008-DVP MEETING: CoW Development Variance Permit application 2014-008-DVP has been received in conjunction with a rezoning application to P-2 (Special Institutional). The requested variances are to reduce the building setbacks for the interior side yard setback on the north and south of the property, as well as the rear yard setback on the east side. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2014-008-DVP be approved. Council considered rezoning application 2014-008-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 on March 25, 2014. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7084-2014, and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7063-2014 on May 27, 2014. This application was presented at Public Hearing on June 17, 2014, and Council granted third reading on June 24, 2014. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2014-008-RZ on July 22, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2014-008-DVP respecting property located at 12032 216 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Craven Huston Powers Architects Provincial Rental Housing Corporation Lot 220 District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 62886 Urban Residential Institutional RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) P-2 (Special Institutional) 1109 Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Convenience Store Zone: C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) Designation: Commercial South: Use: Multi-Family Residential, Single-Family Residential Zone: RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential), RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Duplex, Childcare Centre Zone: RT-1(Two-Family Residential), P-4 (Church Institutional) Designation: Urban Residential, Institutional Existing Use of Property: Assisted Care and Housing (21 beds) Proposed Use of Property: Assisted Care and Housing (20 additional beds) Site Area: 0.304 ha (0.75 acres) Access: 216 Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Concurrent Application: 2014-008-RZ b) Requested Variances: The applicant has requested the following variances: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, Part 9, Section 903, 3d): To reduce the interior side yard setbacks on the north and south side, and the rear yard setback from 7.5 to 1.4 metres, with no additional siting exceptions. 2. Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990, `Schedule A', 6a): To reduce the required number of parking spaces from 26 to 11. c) Project Description: The subject property fronts onto 216 Street. The property's existing house was significantly expanded in 2002 and became a 21 bed care facility. The original portion of the building (the Baynes Residence) is on the Maple Ridge Heritage Inventory. The applicant's proposal to construct a second building on the property will not change the heritage value or character of the Baynes Residence. An existing licensed care facility currently operates on the property and the eastern portion of the subject property is vacant. The existing licensed care building is a partnership between BC Housing, the MPA Society, and the Fraser Health Authority who own, operate, and fund the existing Beckman House initiative, respectively. The Beckman House provides 21 licensed care beds and has been in operation for ten years. Additionally, the MPA Society operates two duplexes in the area for supported living. � Beckman House provides a range of services including psychiatric support, transitioning to independent living and life-skills enhancement programs. According to the MPA society website, Beckman House involves residents in all aspects of their recovery from mental health issues in an environment of acceptance, mutual respect and empowerment. The applicant proposes to construct a second building to LEED gold standard on the east side of the subject property behind the existing building. The proposed building will be two storeys and the proposed expansion to Beckman House will provide 20 additional assisted living beds to an existing care and housing site. d) Planning Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw and Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw establish general minimum and maximum regulations for development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council flexibility in the approval process. The applicant has requested a relaxation on the building setbacks and the number of parking spaces. The size and siting of the proposed building is designed to maximize the existing parcel size. Due to the shape of the subject property, the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone setbacks of 7.5 metres would not allow for construction of a functional building. The reduction from 7.5 to 1.4 metres with no additional siting exceptions will allow adequately deep assisted living units and provide for the required corridor width for a B-2 care use. In addition to reducing the building setbacks to allow construction of a functionally sized building, the applicant is also seeking to reduce the number of parking spaces required for a Private Hospital use. The existing assisted living facility has six parking spaces. As a result of re-developing the subject property, the western entrance area of the property will be reconfigured to add an additional five parking spaces as well as landscaping. In justifying the parking space relaxation, the Clinical Director of Mental Health & Substance Abuse at Fraser Health has provided statistics and supporting evidence to illustrate the occurrence of car usage amongst existing residents of supporting living residences. The letter states: "The Mental Health and Substance Use program in Fraser Health conducted a survey of our Community Residential Coordinators to ascertain the vehicle use of clients currently living in licensed housing facilities. Within the 12 communities served by Fraser Health, vehicle use ranged from 0-2/community, with no more than 1/facility. Of the approximate 300 referrals/year received for licensed mental health housing in Fraser Health, <1/100 [less than 1 in 100] has access to a vehicle. Anecdotal evidence from our coordinators who have worked in this area of healthcare for a number of years is that vehicle use amongst all MHSU clients who receive housing support is rare. As a result of this survey we can say with confidence that vehicle use by the residents who will be residing in this proposed facility would be minimal. It is our understanding from MPA Society, the operators of the current Beckman licensed facility and the proposed Assisted Living facility, that a maximum of 8 stalls would be required by staff, including space for the Beckman van, at peak times. In addition, based on our experience at other Mental Health and Substance Use sites, we anticipate the need for visitor parking to be low. It is therefore our opinion that the proposed 11 parking stalls would be sufficient for this site" 3 e) Citizen Implications: Approximately four residential homes will be impacted by the reduced setbacks, and the single family home to the east of the subject property is sited closest to the proposed building. The applicant has met with adjacent owners to address their privacy concerns and provide measures to mitigate the impact of the reduced setback. The applicant will install a new 1.8 metre (6 feet) cedar fence along the property line to create privacy. As several trees will be removed around the subject property's perimeter and on the adjacent properties to the east and south, the applicant will be providing new landscape screening on neighbouring properties to further enhance privacy as outlined below: • For the east side resident, the owner requested instant landscape screening on his property and agreed that bamboo planting is preferred as a proposed landscape mitigation. The applicant will plant 26 6.0 metre high (19 feet) black bamboo plants within reinforced concrete planters lined with high density plastic to prevent root spread. The bamboo will act as a landscape screen along the existing single family home and rear yard to provide privacy. Four western red cedar trees 3.0 metre high (10 feet) will also be planted south of the bamboo screen. • For the south east resident, the applicant proposes to plant two 3.0 metre high (10 feet) cedars in the north-east corner of the resident's property. • For the resident to the south, the applicant proposes to plant two 3.0 metre high (10 feet) cedars along the northern property line. At Council's request, the applicant will be using glazed windows to reduce the visibility from the second floor of the proposed building onto the single family home to the south. CONCLUSION: The requested variance for building setback and parking space reductions are supported by the Planning Department, as the applicant has proposed measures to ensure ongoing privacy for adjacent property owners; and has provided evidence that vehicle use is very low amongst existing Mental Health and Substance Use clients. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2014-008-DVP. "Ori inal si ned bv Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Frank Quinn" for Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Landscape Plan 4- V N N N 22 w� 18 79� P 2 510 a 120 95 12106 � 92 � �� �7 P 10806 209 � N� � o Rem N 1/2 12094 � 210 N � � N N � 23 4 120 93 120 90 �� 175 � Rem Pcl A 2p7� 2 38 37 36 4 120 81 � 2o sa � 208 P 59516 P 2 0 97 � M 00 � � � N N 120 84 LM 255 WOODAVE. A L S 2820 2�9 N � � 12061 12070 P 62886 N 125N 126N Rem 1 Rem P 23699 ' 102 3249 � P 27406 Subject Property 12033/35 N 19540 3 Rem E ,7 �7 12048 Rem � 23 M 4 � B NWS 2813 � 220 N � A � 12027 � 1 120 32 a P 768 31 12020 Rem ti P 2 204 co ,� Remc� „B„ � N � � � Rem C � �, �, � � ti c� A � �, � � N � � � a � `° � 12049 J a N N N N N � � N Rem 9 Rem 8 P 8050 11997 74 11969 26 1568 25 A Cit f Pitt , Mea ows ' �� --- � � �" r � Y - O pp � Rem � � Rem � Rem � � � LOT 1 � PcI.B� N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N LMP42013 N � P$ 72 P87 2 P RP P 98 39 P 2 9 12487 129 130 131 61 62 � 0 B � �, � � � � � � 11968 ch � 28 �J � � � � `� � N N N N � 12032-216 ST I� I�° I� ' o * CORPORATION OF � �� � � _,.� � � , � !� � THE DISTRICT OF N �� - � MAPLE RIDGE District of ' � � � L2ngley -__ PLANNING DEPARTMENT `"�,� SCale: 1:1,500 ° DATE: Jan 27, 2014 2014-008-VP BY: JV FRASER R. ruxwuo onrn zoxiHo- Rs.sEss_ ir zzq oi zae. �mn r� ir�vrezase LVRRENT �9E 0£5R1TON: HA4�CONPORMIN� �ROYP HOME 119E PROP09EU �9EaE31�NAlION: PRNAIE H09PITA1 r�.nnxo a�i�oixo nrr�,s�. APPRO%TOTALRFLOORRARFA OFFEq911N0 6�IL�INff.lOi3S Z PROP09EU MASN FLOOR ARFA (N£N 9111LVMa�:85]m2 eEn (xEw euaoixo�_ eoimz rwroaEo rorn� F�oo� nREn (��vv eui�oixo�_ �zsamz Eq9'nNo6PROPu5Eo_2Zn59AL,L lLmNa9j AL113AL F100R N.Eh 0.]511ME9 LOT M1REA^REM1 MAN LOT L WERM1(3E 40R rRoro9Eo �or rorE¢noe no a euaoiuo smxo nxo HEnxr �un�rg��oHr. sME� s (.ei M�e� n��cv,�o Foa �n�g�xE� PROP09EU 55 MEfER VM1RIANLE FOR A 9ET�HACK OP 20 PARqNOREp�IREA4ENT9 ypITM1L9 22]IS9M 193 L5 REq�IRE� 9TA1i9 9v�MNMAN�VETPJNO M19�LE 5 5 MEi£R9 TO 2 MEi£R90N ALL LOT LINE9 ERIIALNa M1 5.5 MEf£R VM1RIANLE YARIANCE 3L TO INLREM19£ THE 0£N91tt FROM OS liME9 iHE LOT AKEh TO 08 TIME9 hff LOTARE0. VARIANCE S9'. 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PREVENT DAMAGE i0 ALL LGND6GGPING, BUILDINGS, STfcUCTURES AND UNDERGROUND . imm� oc. AND/OR OVERHE4D UtILItIES MGKE GOOD GLL DAMAGE TO SATISFACTION OF OIIfNER. 3. PRIOR TO GLEARING, VERIFY LIMITS OF - \ GLEtiRING WITH OUINER. i.u.r�_us e �� � 4. DISPOSE OF CLEARED AND GRUBBED e imm� oc MA?ERIALS G5 WOI'cK PRCGRE55E5 GND DO NOt � AGG�M�LATE. New eui�ciN� �` )r 6. LEAVE GROIJND SIIRFACE IN CONDITION . 1 SUITGBLE FOR IMMEDI�tE GRGDING OPER�tION6. �. CONTROL DUST �T GLL TIMES FOR DUR�TION OF T �oN,RA�r. �rz�rE eioEwxKc 8. PROVIDE H04RDING IF NEGE554Rr qND PROTECT PIIBLIG AND PRIVATE PROPERTY FROM NJURr OR DAMAGE. �I I 9. PROVIDE TEMPOR�Rr DRGINGGE GND PUMPING L -- IF NECESSARY AND DO NOT DISGHA,EGE WATER - CONTGINING SUSPENDED MGTERIGLS INTO §; WAtERGOI1R5E5 OR DR4INGGE SYStEM. 10. MqINiGIN EXISiING CONDIilONS FOR P4RKING . imm� o. �- �+ND TRAFFIC AROIJND THE SITE THROIJGHOl1T GONSiRI1G?ION. iGKE MEASURES t0 RE-ROUtE iRAFFIC OR WARN vI51TOR5 TO THE SITE THAT HEGvi" EQUIPMENT tiND WOPoC GREWS GRE OPER4TING. ' II. AREA DISTURBED DUE i0 GRCDINCs AND � .i¢¢mmo.. ExCAVATING SHALL BE REHABILITATED 5Gi15FGCtORY ?O iHE OWJER. y . �o� ou �W` � _ . �� � � � � � � �a� �__. �■ � ` ' �■ ■� - • . • �'1�■■�1 � � �' � _ . Reduced interior side yard setback from 7.5m to 1.4m a a �, � :� � F" M a � � � Y U Q 3 3 Y � � Z Q '_ i a = - _ a - U � � I _ � ' "' c J � � .� �� ti �� oF ', � r�c���� �iocE � 9rlr �h GUumhl■ T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2014-042-RZ Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 11678 Burnett Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 11678 Burnett Street, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to allow future subdivision into two lots, each with a single family dwelling and a garden suite. This file went to first reading on July 8, 2014, but was deferred until the following Committee of the Whole meeting on July 21, 2014, to discuss with the applicant the potential to increase density. Staff have since spoken to the applicant who indicated that higher density, in the form of townhouse or apartment, is not financially feasible. The applicant intends on housing family on the subject property, once subdivided. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DISCUSSION: a) Background Conte�: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Kenneth Macrae Kenneth Macrae Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan: New Westminster Plan 12588 Urban Residential 1110 Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Commercial Zone: CS-1(Service Commercial) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.13 ha (0.33 acres) Burnett Street Urban Standard The subject property is approximately 0.13 ha (0.33 acres) in size and is bound by single family residential properties to the north, east, and south (see Appendix A). The subject property is adjacent to the Town Centre Area. Highway commercial uses are currently located west of Burnett Street and south of Lougheed Highway adjacent to the western boundary of the subject property. There is an existing single family home located on the subject property, with some vegetation along the south and eastern property boundaries. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit future subdivision into two single family residential lots. The applicant has inquired with neighbors as to the potential for consolidation of the surrounding lots; however, there was no interest due to recent home upgrades. The lack of interest to consolidate indicates that a higher density development, such as townhouse or apartment, is not financially feasible for the subject property. Recent conversations with the applicant indicate the intention to build detached garden suites for both single family residential lots, as a means to increase the density. The property was purchased by the applicant with the intention to subdivide as a retirement fund. The applicant is a long-term resident who owns a small electrical contracting firm and does not have the knowledge or backing to construct a large, complex multi- family building on the site. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a -2- further report will be require boundaries and yields, OCP further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: d prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for Official Community Plan: The OCP designates the property Urban Residential, and is subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the OCP. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design setbacks and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. The proposed rezoning to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) is consistent with the Urban Residential designation and infill policies. Zoning Bvlaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 11678 Burnett Street from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) (see Appendix B) to permit subdivision into two lots (see Appendix C). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Information Meetin�: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application because it is in compliance with the OCP and is less than 25 dwelling units. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Licenses, Permits & Bylaws Department; e) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and f) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: -3- 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); and 2. A Subdivision Application. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed bv Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014 Appendix C- Proposed Subdivision Plan '� O`� N N 1/2 1 11764 11765 N 83 128 M �,� � 11761 P 51A 52 Rem 61 I N N a S 1/2 1 ��$ CLIFF AVE. 11749 11750 11747 Rem 11739 0 0 0 �o � LP 82 566 N 1/2 5 0, 68 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N o 1 N q � N �°��y P 819 57 1173 6 � o P 7 5 1 7 � `��o Rem a a P 8 8 8 1 P 7 0 8 3 a Rem. A 1 2 2 T1 y�� S1/25 67� N M �� N N N N N p� 11716 N N N N N ti `L�� �h� 117 AV E . 3� �� �,`b --- ��� � P 125 8 g o N �, � � �� Rem1 ro N � 227 N N N N N � CJ OT2 Subject Property 11690 1 � 243 244 245 246 P 125 88 � ,� P 5141 2 ,z2�56 2 22$ � 11686 242 11678 11675 `� ��� 11671 11680 � 72 173 17 , '� '� 238 171 '6�0 � Q 11 �, 6'� � � 2� s� 239 11667 N N P 12197 2$ __ -- 'S4 $ GILLEY AVE. O�^ 11663 -- �1, 10 240 9 � P 12197 � � Q 11655 Rem 11659 N N ^ w w E A � 241 184 183 18 Rem. "�L� � 1 P 12316 � A 11607 Cit f Pitt , Mea ows ' --- 6 �r � - �" r � ' - � � � � ��� �� _ � � District of � �- � Langley __ ��.� Scale: 1:1,500 � FRASER � �� ,��a 3 06 goo�°� BC S 38 24 ti I� 11678 Burnett St � I�° I� ; o * CORPORATION OF ��� — THE DISTRICT OF '� � - � MAPLE RIDGE � � PLANNING DEPARTMENT ° DATE: May 20, 2014 2014-042-RZ BY: JV APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7096-2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 3 This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7096-2014." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 12588 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1622 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of day of ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER w LL " "� ' 'v� CLIFF AVE. � 11749 11750 11747 ---_RW N'Ik20 Feet � 11739 0 0 0 0 0 LP 82566 Rem � A � N N1/25 ��68 1 N 2N 3N 4No1N P T 517 � °�c P 81957 � - _ � � 11736 0 0 �c�, yF %��� w J P 8881 P 70 83 a Fa ��y � �� Rem �� Rem. A 1 2 2 .OT 1 y�� ��Q , m � S 1 /2 5 67 � � � �, � N c� a' a� a� a� ��� � 11716 N N N N N `L�' �/ � � ��h�`' � 117 AV E. �� �� - - �i ��Q���� �1'��'� � P 12588 � � � � � v�,�� ��� � Rem� G0� N � 227 N N N N N� 1 � � 11690 ti 243 244 245 246 LOT MP 2619�� �___ P 12588 � � P 5141 2 ,�2S5�O 2 22$ N 11686 242 � �`Z�` 11678 11675 N RW 48257 _ � � \ 11671 11680 � � '��� ���� 'l�`�� ` '� 238 171 172 173 1 �s) � � , � � � � � � 11 $ �s M � 0 Q /,�P 121972`��$ \ � �1667 -- � N � 239 �48'S4 $^ � 3566 EP 45356 � GI LLEY AVE. � BCP g � 11663 �•p �L 10 240 ��, � � 46 9 Q P 12197 11659 �S, N N 11655 R E 241 184 183 18 2 11644 �,� P 12316 g �� \i � 12951 11633 �, P 16011 �� i� M $9� � � ----- B R2fTl. 11621 � 22 �_- --- BCP � P 12316 � 5 `���� MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7096-2014 Map No. 1622 From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) N SCALE 1:1,500 SKETCH SHOWING SUBDIVISION PROPOSAL OF LOT 2 SEC. 17 TP.12 N.W.D. PLAN 12588 Scale 1:250 �O < Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission Frle: NWP12588 Phone 463-4753 APPENDIX h�l�PCE RID9E �ll�h qeyrhY • .� District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: June 9, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 2013-111-AL Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Non-Farm Use Application in the Agricultural Land Reserve 23154 128 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for non-farm use within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) for a cell phone tower located at 23154 128 Avenue, the subject property. This application is made in accordance with Section 20(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act. The applicant has provided community notification in accordance with federal guidelines and the District of Maple Ridge Telecommunications Antenna Structure Siting Protocols. RECOMMENDATION: That Application 2013-111-AL be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North South Standard Land Company Inc. M. and N. Jasamanidse Lot 43, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 30199 Agricultural No Change RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) No Change Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Estate Suburban Residential Use: Single Family Residential and vacant Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Agricultural East: West: Use: Vacant Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Agricultural Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential and Farm Use No Change 1.62 ha (4 acres) 128 Avenue The applicant proposes to install a wireless communications facility on the subject property, that is within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and is split-zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). The subject property is bordered by single family residential to the north, south and west, and vacant lots to the east and south-west. Coho Creek is located to the south of the subject property (see Appendix A). The wireless communications facility is proposed to consist of a 10 m wide by 10 m long compound area on a concrete pad, accessed by a 4 m wide gravel road from 128 Avenue, with a 45 m tall monopole, generator, shelter and propane tanks (see Appendix B). The compound would be enclosed with a chainlink fence. This application is considered a High Impact submission, based on the District's Telecommunications Antenna Structure Siting Protocols, as it's proposed in an environmentally sensitive area (within 50 m of the top of bank for Coho Creek). In accordance with federal guidelines for regulating this use, and the District of Maple Ridge Telecommunications Antenna Structures Siting Protocols, the applicant has followed appropriate procedures for notifying the community and has provided correspondence for this purpose. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan The lands are designated Agricultural in the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Policy 6-9 states that Maple Ridge supports the policies and regulations of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) and will strive to protect the productivity of its agricultural land. The proposed tower location is to the rear of the property, in a heavily treed area, so farming of the land is not expected to be significantly impacted. Given that cell phone towers are considered to be an essential service, Policy 4-32 in the OCP is applicable. Policy 4-32 of the OCP states that: Public Service Uses, which provide essential services such as water, sewer, electrical, telephone, or other similar services will be permitted throughout the community subject to pertinent government regulations. On this basis, this proposal is supportable in the OCP. -2- Zoning Bylaw Public Service use is defined in the Zoning Bylaw as "a use providing for the essential servicing of the Municipality with water, sewer, electrical, telephone and similar services..." Section 401 (2)(a) of the Zoning Bylaw (Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures) states: (a) A Public Service use shall be permitted in all zones. Section 403 (4)(d) of the Zoning Bylaw (Regulations for the Size, Shape and Siting of Buildings and Structures) states: (d) Freestanding lighting poles, warning devices, antennas, masts, utility poles, wires, flag poles, signs and sign structures, except as otherwise limited in other Bylaws, may be sited on any portion of a lot. Section 403 (6) of the Zoning Bylaw (Height Exceptions) states: The heights of buildings and structures permitted elsewhere in this Bylaw may be exceeded for ... towers...radio and television antennas; .... Both the OCP and the Zoning Bylaw recognize Public Service uses as a response to a community need, permit them in all zones, and exempt the antennas from restrictions regarding height, siting or setback considerations. However, it should be noted that structures associated with the antennas, such as an equipment compound for wireless facilities, would be subject to restrictions regarding height, siting, and setbacks. For the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone, the zone of the area of the property where the compound and tower are proposed to be located, the setbacks that would apply would be 7.5 m from the front and rear lot lines, and 1.5 m from the interior lot line. d) Development Considerations: A drainage channel runs east/west across the property and would need to be traversed to access the proposed tower location. Civil engineering plans, including drainage and erosion and sediment control plans, will need to be provided at the Building Permit stage to demonstrate how the proposed structures will be built so as not to negatively impact the surrounding area. An arborist report will also be required at the Building Permit stage to ensure that the development impacts are minimized. e) Intergovernmentallssues: Federal Guidelines Wireless communications facilities are under the jurisdiction of federal legislation, through Industry Canada. Industry Canada has provided guidelines for notifying the community where these uses are being proposed. Local government input regarding the placement of a telecommunication antenna structure is also sought. District Departments are to review these applications and a letter of concurrence or non-concurrence is then sent to Industry Canada. Local governments may not, however, withhold a Building Permit if the applicant has met standards for notification and has made a demonstrated attempt to satisfy community concerns that are considered relevant by the federal government. The District does not assess any submission for a telecommunication antenna structure with respect to health and radiofrequency exposure issues, or any other non-placement or non-design related issues. -3- Agricultural Land Commission The ALC asserts that a non-farm use application is required with Council endorsement prior to the application receiving ALC approval. However, local governments have limited jurisdiction over these facilities, and it appears that a denial on Council's part could be over-ruled by the federal government during a dispute resolution process. The Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation, which is administered by the ALC, notes that this use could be permitted outright if its development footprint was kept compact, as stated in Part 2(3) Permitted Uses For Land In An Agricultural Land Reserve: The following land uses are permitted in an agricultural land reserve... : (1) (m) telecommunications equipment, buildings and installations as long as the area occupied by the equipment, buildings and installations does not exceed 100 m2 for each parcel; This regulation indicates that a telecommunications facility could be permitted outright if its total footprint remained within 100m2 in area. However, in a telephone conversation with an ALC representative, it was confirmed that the ALC would prefer to have some input into the siting of these uses so as to minimize their agricultural impacts. It was also suggested that the cumulative total footprint (access, equipment compound, guy wires) of these uses generally exceeds this prescribed minimum. Therefore, the ALC's preference is that these proposals be forwarded as an application. This proposal shows a development footprint of about 100m2, plus approximately 430m2 for access. f) Citizen/Customer Implications: At the proposed location, the applicant has provided consultation to affected property owners within a radius of 300m. A summary of the correspondence received through the public consultation was provided to the District of Maple Ridge. Surrounding neighbours are concerned that the cell phone tower will impact their property value, will be unattractive to look at and is proposed to be located adjacent to future residential use. The subject property is located within the ALR, is designated Agricultural and this designation is not expected to change. The current designation for the surrounding properties is Agricultural; however most of these properties have been removed from the ALR and the future designation is unknown. This adjacent area is currently under review through the Commercial/Industrial strategy and Council directed that the area be evaluated to determine it feasibility for employment use. g) Interdepartmentallmplications: The Licences, Permits, and Bylaws Department will be involved at the Building Permit stage. h) Alternatives: Council has the option of not authorizing this application to proceed to the ALC, in which case the applicant would have the option of ensuring the development proposal size remained within the 100 m2 maximum footprint as prescribed in the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation or appealing to the federal government to intervene in a dispute resolution process. '� CONCLUSION: This application for a non-farm use complies with the direction as given by the ALC for the installation of wireless telephone facilities. Community notification has been provided, and a summary of the comments were provided to the District of Maple Ridge. Council is recommended to authorize forwarding this application to the ALC for their consideration. "Original signed bv Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Ouinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Development Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Site Plan and Elevation -5- N � District of Langley � 23154 128 AVENUE 0 .� � � o �t CORPORATION OF �� THE DISTRICT OF � � - � MAPLE RIDGE o FINANCE DEPARTMENT Scale: 1:2,000 � °�\ �\ ���14 �� DATE: Nov 22, 2013 FILE: 2013-111-AL BY: PC APPENDIX B � TRUE NORTH ARROW SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED SANITARY SANITARY MANHOLE MANHOLE RiM=is.a3m RiM=is_9am 128 AVENUE - � aoAo ----------- - --------- --�------------ __ . -___�_ ' _ __ - __- - cixw ______ _'- - ' — - - - - � POLE� _ �.•—,—::` enae vnaE rcNCE - - �5.84m(GROUND) 27_63m(TOP) TAG 208 5569 EXISTING BARBED � WIRE FENCE �� CULVERT �I xl I� ExisTiNc rREE, rvP.� I� li II !� B PLAN 13094 i:oi, ol Y "� ;� TELUS INSTALLA ICN. REFER TO A-4 FOR COMPOUND LAYOUT '� TELUS 4.Om WIDE GRAVEL ACGESS ROAD POLE POLE & TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER � ucHT i6.aam(cRouNo) �s-�am�cRouNo� ze.sam(TOP) 26.37m(TOP) TAG (NO TAG) 208 5573 oRvcwa ��/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90'43'30_ _ _ _ � 258.557 � ------ _ � - _ i NE 1/4 SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 43 PLAN 30199 x , rtm �� EX�s1�N� � ,�o��RErE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WATER �E�E� _ {,����ER. zsammm , —T-- - inverer- ia.eo tXl� I NG PROPERTY /�> -_ - � __--�Hvmr=i�eim - LI�V�. TW. � \ I � � `� II I l � � I ' 0 I I I r ml� � �7� I I � I nl� f � �LJ � � � EXISTING ADJACENT I I i I I PROPERTY LINE, TYP. - - _ ` II- �._x_ 90'43'30" � -�- - ^�48.372_..__ _ _ t _ _ _ _ - --- — - --- __ _ I � --a � PLAN 5467 i11EN�o ARGED SITE PLAN 0 3m 6m 12m EXISTING HOUSE� EXISTING SHED � � PARCEL A (REFERENCE PLAN 8148) PLAN 5467 o- _ _ 90'43'30" 170.307 - - - NOTES: 1. SITE PLAN iNFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FFOM A SURVEY PREPARE� BY MCELHANNEY ASSOCInTS L�nD SURVEVING LTD. DATED NOVEMBER 2], 2012 AND SITE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN B� TRK ENGI�EERING LT�. ON OCTOBER 25, 2012 C�IENT: ��TE�us K��0� ��E88 65-H A�E 5���tv ���sS,X, TEL�. (604) 57�6432 FAx: (604) 574-6431 ENGINEERING EMAILmailOtrkeng.com WEB: www_trkeng.com PRQ���T: BC1520 MAPLE RID6E 232 ST/ I 28 AVE 23 I 54 I 28Th1 AVE MAPLE RIDGE BRITISH COLUMBIA DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCALE: AS NOTED �RAWIVC N0. CHECK BY: R_M. DRAWN BY_ LW- oaTe Nov s/�z CAD FILE: � � 1210-201A3 PROJECT NUMBER: 1210-20" � i�. � i �� ' � �rEws a.am wioe y� � GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD �� I � I '� � W Ir � EXISTING CEDAR, �, ,�, � 300mm 0. TO ��I� . . � BE REMOVED. 1 I IXx i I 7RUE NORTH ARROW �i y� ��w � '-x` I SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING I,� ,�, Iw i 3500mm DOUBLE SWING IS APPROXIMATE ONLY � � � TEWS GRAVEL J GATE, T1P_ OF 2 / AND MUST BE VERIFIED I� I �PARKING/TURNAROUND / I , � / � � �02a'152mm P.T. TIMBER / I � � � -' / �,� ' -' BETwEEN GATE POSTS TO W�w I TEWS 7.5KW RETAIN WASHED CRUSHE� �W `� I GENERAiOR ON h STONE IN COMPOUND, T1P. jEXISTING I�' I CONCRETE PAD_ _ _ ,-� � �I � TREE, TYP � � + I W TEWS PROPANE TANK I i.� - � ENc�osuRE c/w (z) � � PROPANE TANKS I I � I I �+� �) x I I� � � WASHED CRUSHED 1 _ I 305 �g28mm HIGH I�', I STONE COMPOUND � CHAINLINK FENCE C/W fl��� SURFACE SLOPED BARBED WIRE TOP I��. I �AT 29 TO PROVIDE �; '� - POSITIVE DRAINAGE— -� � I �'.. I _______L_-- ,., � I� FUTURE ROG��S LEASE SPACE 20x4.Om I _ _ - I o I I �-� � �,,I o 45.Om MONOPOLIE ��� I � 102x152mm P.T. TIMBER ' ���///���''' I\ � ANTENNAS NOT SHOWN FOR /+LONG SIDES OF COMPOUND (� �� I _ I I TO RETAIN WASNED CRUSHED CLARITY. REFER TO A-5 FOR ANTENNA LAYOUi TEWS STONE IN GOMPOUND : 3658mmx4878mm 9�4 � '' � SHELTER �� � � �, z6o5 � i �� i � , � �� . .� � � � � — — '� ;,,1 � � , � ,� � j I - � � � ---- --- � � ___� � _� ______ _________ � 7ELUS WAVEGUIDE 7.Sm REAR YARD SETBAGK \r\ I I \ BRI�GE i �� � .-, �� I ; I \ — � � II I I I I I 3076� � '0000 � i- i - � �Q � �m x iw MONOPOLE FOUNDATION � I�n BELOW GRADE lo , ro I � r�j \ � � � i �� � �; i io i � __-,___�.- I �oE I � � In — — �^�,� — I � EXISTING PROPERTY � LINE. TYP. �i-�.�*—.- I "�.—�_ � �_--_� µ_-- ���. k _--_ _ __ _-_-- -__ 5681 ` �"�x�. I � x 1 COMPOUND LAYOUT � tioo o im 2m am ��������.� � � NOTES: 1. COMPOUNO LAYOLTINFCRMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM n SURVE7 PREI'nRED Br MCELNnNNEY n550CiaTES LAND SURVEYING TD- DATED NOVEMBER 2], 2012 AN� SITE MEASURENEVTS -AKEN 6Y TRk ENGINE-RING LTD. ON OCTOBER 25, 2012. F REVISED PER TELLS RM MAY 09�14 E REVISE� PER TELUS RM MAY 0/�14 D REVISE� PER TELUS RM SEP 09�13 G SURVEY ADDED RM NOV 28�12 B REVISED PER TEWS RM NOV 16/l2 A ISSUED FOR REVIEW RM NOV 6/12 REV. DESCRIPTIDN BY DATE CLIENT: ��TE�us K��0� ���88 6h H A�E s���tv ���ss,X, TEL�. (604) 574 6432 FAx: (604) 574 6431 ENGINEERING EMAILmalOtrkeng.com WEB: www_trkeng.com PROJCCT: BC1520 MAPLE RID6E 232 ST/ I 28 AVE 23 I 54 I 28Th1 AVE MAPLE RIDGE BRITISH COLUMBIA DRAWING TITLE: COMPOUND LAYOUT SCALE: AS NOTED �RAWIVC N0. CHECK BY: R_M. DRAWN BY_ LW- DATE: NOV 6�12 � CAD FILE: � /. 1210-201A4 PROJECT NUMBER: 1210-20' TELUS PANEL / 1 � ANTENNA RAD GENTER / ±43.Bm A.G.L. rn FUTURE ROGERS PANEL a �� ANTENNA RAO CENTER /� � t41.6m A.G.L rg FUTURE iELUS PANEL � �� ANTENNA RAD CENTER ±39.2m A.G.L. �ryp FUTURE ROGERS PANEL �Il�r ANTENNA RAD CENTER t36.76m A.G.L. ROGERS MICROWAVE �� ANTENNA RAO CENTER � fi LIGHT�V�NG ROD TELUS PANEL ANTENNA, TYP_ OF 3 PER SECTOR TEWS RRU, TYP. OF 9 PER SECTOR FUTURE ROGERS PANEL ANTENNA, TYP. OF 3 PER SECTOR FUTURE ROGERS RRU, TYP. OF 9 PER SECTOR FUTURE 1ELUS PANEL ANTENNA, TVP. OF 3 PER SECTOR FUTURE TELUS RRU, TYP. OF 9 PER SECTOR FUTURE ROGERS PANEL ANTENNA, TYP. OF 3 PER SECTOR FUTURE ROGERS RRU, TYP. OF 9 PER SECTOR FUTURE 1ELUS MIGROWAVE ANTENNA 4J-Orri MONO�OL_ �r--------------- ------� �i llL�: il G3ADE � I O.Om ��-------------------------J i11NORTH ELEVATION 1.250 0 2.Sm Sm 10m ` �� TRUE NORTh SHOWN ON TH 5 APPROxIM AND MUST BI TELUS 3658mmx4878m SHELTER TELUS PROPANE TANK ENCLOSURE C/W (2) � PROPANE TANKS 1828mm HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE C�W� BARBED WIRE TOP SE AZIM SECTOR 1 AZIMUTH T.B.D. TEWS WAVEGUIDE TELUS 7_SKW GENERATOR ON GONCRETE PAD� i3�ANTENNA LAYOUT - , 80 0 800 1.6m 3.2m NOTES: 1. ELEVATION IS DIAGRTMMATIC ONLY_ 2. IF REOUIR=D. I'ROVIDE �ESTRUGTICN _GHT�G AND anwnn�c w acccRoaNce wiTr ranNs�oa1 cnNnon REQUIREMCNTS_ S RRU, TYP_ � PER SEG10R S PANEL NNA, TYP. �F R SECTOR F REVISED PER TELLS RM MAY 09�14 E REVISE� PER TELUS RM MAY 0/�14 iq Z D REVISE� PER TELUS RM SEP 09�13 T.B.D. G SURVEY ADDED RM NOV 28�12 B REVISED PER TEWS RM NOV 16/l2 A ISSUED FOR REVIEW RM NOV 6/12 REV. DESCRIPTIDN BY DATE CLIENT_ ��TE�us 45.Om MONOPOLE � 3500mm�D0UBLE SWING � � GATE, TYP. OF 2 �_�=' � � �Q tlz �[�� 2 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION 1:80 0 800 1.6m 3.2m K��0� ��E88 65—H A�E s���tv ���ss,X, TEL�. (604) 57�6432 FAx: (604) 574-6431 ENGINEERING EMAILmailOtrkeng.com WEB: www_trkeng.com PRQ���T: BC1520 MAPLE RID6E 232 ST/ I 28 AVE 23 I 54 I 28Th1 AVE MAPLE RIDGE BRITISH COLUMBIA DRAWING TITLE: NORTh1 ELEVATION AND ANTENNA LAYOUT SCALE: AS NOTED �RAWIVC N0. CHECK BY: R_M. DRAWN BY_ LW- DATE: NOV 6�12 CAD FILE: � � 1210-201A5 PROJECT NUMBER: 1210-20" MAPLE RIDGE er�um, cou,mr�n T0: FROM District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE N0: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: July 21, 2014 11-5255-40-102 CofW SUBJECT: Award of Contract ITT-EN14-29: 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements (244 Street - 245 Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Over the past number of years Council has placed a strong emphasis on improving walkability throughout the District. Through Business Planning, Council has made a strong commitment to improving safety for pedestrians and in particular school children. 104 Avenue is a street that has been identified for walkability improvements and is included in the approved capital plan. The improvements to 104 Avenue are being constructed through development either directly in association with development applications or indirectly through Development Cost Charges (DCCs). The 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements (244 Street - 245 Street) project is in the District's approved Capital Plan and consists of road widening, concrete curb and gutter, street lighting, storm drainage and retaining walls. A significant component of the project is the culvert replacement and extension at the narrow section where Spencer Creek crosses 104 Avenue. In addition the project includes the environmental compensation works required for the 240 Street project approved by Council in May, 2014. This includes the construction of fish ladders and the creation of fish habitat to enhance Spencer Creek. The 104 Avenue corridor is identified as Trans Canada Equestrian Trail. A gravel path will also be constructed behind the concrete sidewalk on the north side of 104 Avenue to tie in the existing horse trail on either end of the project. The project is anticipated to commence on August 5, 2014 and be completed in approximately 12 weeks. The culvert replacement on Spencer Creek at 104 Avenue will be in place before school commences in September 2014. The environmental works on Spencer Creek will be done in Sept. 2014. In order to replace the culvert, there will be a full road closure for the month of August after which it is anticipated that single lane alternating traffic will be maintained on 104 Avenue during working hours, and two lanes will be maintained after working hours and during peak school hours (AM and PM). The project was tendered on June 17, 2014 and closed on July 8, 2014. The lowest acceptable tender price was submitted by King Hoe Excavating Ltd. of $1,114,072.80 excluding taxes. The Financial Plan identifies the project being funded through DCC's (98 %). To fully fund the project including an appropriate contingency an additional $142,000 is required. The additional amount will also be funded primarily through DCCs. Council approval to award the contract is required for the work to proceed. 1112 RECOMMENDATION: THAT Contract ITT-EN14-29, 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements, be awarded to King Hoe Excavating Ltd. in the amount of $1,114,072.80 excludingtaxes; and THAT a contract contingency of 10% or $114,000 be approved to address additional contract items and the financial plan be amended to increase project funding by $142,000; and THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Walkability throughout the District continues to be a primary focus of Council. Successive business plans have identified key projects that strive to eliminate gaps in key pedestrian areas. One such street is 104 Avenue that links 240 Street to Samuel Robertson Technical school, Albion Park, the SPCA building and the growing residential community along Jackson Road. The 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements (244 Street - 245 Street) project is in the District's approved Capital Plan and consists of road widening, concrete curb and gutter, street lighting, storm drainage and retaining walls. A significant component of the project is the culvert replacement and extension at the narrow section where Spencer Creek crosses 104 Avenue. In addition the project includes the environmental compensation works required for the 240 Street project approved by Council in May, 2014. This includes the construction of fish ladders and the creation of fish habitat to enhance Spencer Creek. The 104 Avenue corridor is identified as Trans Canada Equestrian Trail. A gravel path will also be constructed behind the concrete sidewalk on the north side of 104 Avenue to tie in the existing horse trail on either end of the project. The 104 Avenue drainage improvements or in-stream works on Spencer Creek will be constructed in the 2014 Fisheries window (August 1 to September 15) while the road improvements including the road widening, concrete sidewalks, multi-use path, will proceed after the completion of the box culvert replacement and is anticipated to be completed in October of 2014. Tender Evaluation: The contract for the 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements Project was tendered on June 17, 2014. The tender closed on July 8, 2014 and four compliant tenders were received rangingfrom $1,114,072.80to $1,340,588.20. The following four tenders received are listed in order from lowest to highest price: King Hoe Excavating Ltd. Mainland Civil Works Inc. TAG Construction Ltd. Kan-Arm Contracting Ltd. Tender Price (excludingtaxes) $1,114,072.80 $1,237,515.00 $1,285,046.50 $1,340,588.20 A detailed analysis confirmed that the King Hoe Excavating Ltd. tender is compliant with tender requirements and the contractor is suitably qualified for the works. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcomes include: • To improve the walkability and safety for pedestrians in the area, • To provide the environment compensation required for the project work on 240 Street, and • To connect the Trans Canada Equestrian Trail. c) Strategic Alignment: The 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements Project supports the following key strategies identified in the District's Strategic Plan: • Maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge; • To provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods; and • Promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike, public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The estimated construction for the 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements is approximately 12 weeks starting on August 5, 2014. A full road closure on 104 Avenue at Spencer Creek is only allowed for the month of August. Once school starts in September, the Contractor is required to maintain two lanes of traffic during peak school drop-off and pick-up times. Otherwise single lane alternating traffic will be maintained at all times during construction and flag persons will be in attendance during working hours. Typically, there will be single lane alternating traffic on 104 Avenue from 9:OOam to 3:OOpm only. Two-lane traffic will be maintained after working hours. Upon approval of the contract a communication strategy will be implemented to keep all stakeholders fully informed. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Financial Plan identifies the project being funded through DCC's (98 %) with a small assist from General Revenue. To fully fund the project including an appropriate contingency an additional $142,000 is required. The additional amount will also be largely funded through DCCs $138,000 with a minor amount of $4,000 from general surplus. As with all projects of this nature the contingency will only be used to fund unanticipated occurrences. CONCLUSIONS: This project will complete a key section of 104 Avenue to enhance walkability and safety in the neighbourhood. The tender price of $1,114,072.80 excluding taxes by King Hoe Excavating Ltd. for the 104 Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements is the lowest compliant tendered price. It is recommended that Council approve the award of the contract to King Hoe Excavating Ltd. It is also recommended that the financial plan be amended to increase project funding by $142,000 to fully fund the project including an appropriate contingency amount. "Original signed by Jeff Boehmer" "Original signed bv Trevor Thompson" Submitted by: Jeff Boehmer, PEng. Financial Trevor Thompson, CGA Manager of Design and Construction Concurrence: Manager of Financial Planning "Original signed bv Jeff Boehmer" FOR Reviewed by: David Pollock, PEng. Municipal Engineer "Ori inal si ned by Frank Ouinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services "Ori inal signed by Paul Gill" FOR Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer a«o� o «z W N24226 10375N � 24230 24225 � c+24232 c+ (,.i24238 2428 ST. � � 24240 O (� N O � J ? � o � �Z V / f N W � £gZ � o 0 o p�9 6BZbo� � �J u � u � �`� � � w° �' � m �4�9� i� �� �� 2430 � 243 ST. g�� � � � 24305 0 � 6' 24372 o ti �24376 , `p 24303 f � °� 24375f �^' � � W24320 o ti� 24309 0 � 2432 , 24323N N N p 24375 � � 2433 � 24325 � N2428 � 24333 N�o �'24336 � 24321iv w � 24337 m A N O iv D �q 2434 � N NZ4342 24337 J�� D 24327W � 2J52 24339 � 24347 �+ �24348 � 24333 p 24345� 24339Cn AAZg362 � 0�24356 pp o � 4J45 w �' 15 tibZ 24357 � 24360 W J 2457 N qV�' 24359�" , ggE4Z 15 w m 0 24365 w Z� 9�N wN f0 W � D � �w� �; 2as�� � r / � � � !?� � zasa aa3n"' 4 si c� `p 2438 G A U U � � � 2438 � I �� I l�+ I N I� o cD W � o� U 2438B N �A � Y O o � � m c� O r � n � m � � � O � c� z � m o z C � m (/1 A m m ^3 D °z � w� m ti 0 0 � � � �z + y _. m # � L � C N� r � N O A 0 T � � m � O � m Z O O o � � T D Z � m �� �z A zz m� � � � � 1'I � o � _ � � m � � °' m '^' Ro � D r � O z � D � � m CN c.� @ � � � � � � L � mp C� N �m 0 O � � � � o�� �' O � � � O � l � 'o O o J � N os� ; o � c^' �6 � � � ? A � � o � o � 'o A 9 � 9 86Ztiz c4 � �� � o �i cn 9 ���V N � � N qL 7��'�pl � � � pl��� � ➢ � g�5o� W - r � ; � � � yOG� co , T 0� ro 70573 p� o �, � � 10511 � O�O N U �� 24370 (,� A Q 24378 rs �s � � N � m � O ti e N Arv� �L � �' N 9 �� ��� � O "9 � � = D Z � n C D m r r _ �] D � O = W �I � � n � S O �Z O � 0 0 0 00 0� o o m � �,� �� �, ti ti � � � w N � � , o` o` o o � e � g 0 � � � � 0 0 � x b J Ul MAPLE RIDGE British Columhla T0: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 and Members of Council FILE N0: 11-5255-40- 117/ 178/ 181 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Award of Contract ITT-EN14-36: Downtown Road Improvements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Downtown Road Improvements projects are in the District's approved Capital Plan. The projects consist of the following: • 119 Avenue from 226 Street to 227 Street on the south side on - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, asphalt sidewalk, street lighting, storm sewer, catch basins, road widening and asphalt overlay. • Edge Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to 121 Avenue - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, traffic button, pedestrian and street lighting, catch basins, road widening and asphalt overlay. • Edge Street South of Dewdney Trunk Road - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, pedestrian and street lighting, catch basins, irrigation and landscaping. • Dewdney Trunk Road from 222 Street to 223 Street - the work generally consists of removing the existing temporary plastic delineators and replaced with concrete curb and gutter extensions. The Downtown Road Improvements are anticipated to commence on August 5, 2014 and be completed in approximately 8 weeks. The Contractor will be advised to start with the Edge Street so it can be completed before school commences in September 2014. It is anticipated that single lane alternating traffic will be maintained on all project sites during working hours, and two lanes will be maintained after working hours. The Downtown Road Improvements Project was tendered on June 27, 2014 and closed on July 15, 2014. The lowest acceptable tender price was submitted by Arsalan Construction Ltd. of $1,077,398.89 excludingtaxes. The Financial Plan identifies the projects beingfunded from several sources. To fully fund the project including an appropriate contingency an additional $111,000 will be reallocated from another completed downtown project. Council approval to award the contract is required for the work to proceed. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Contract ITT-EN14-36, Downtown Road Improvements, be awarded to Arsalan Construction Ltd. in the amount of $1,077,398.89 excluding taxes; and THAT a contract contingency of 5°/o or $54,000 be approved to address additional contract items and the financial plan be amended to reallocate the $111,000 to this project; and THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. ���� DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Downtown Road Improvements is in the District's approved Capital Plan. The projective objectives are to improve pedestrian connectivity both for 119 Avenue and Edge Street and replacing the temporary plastic delineators at Dewdney Trunk Road and 222 Street with concrete curb and gutter. The project scope generally consists of the following Work: • 119 Avenue from 226 Street to 227 Street on the south side on - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, asphalt sidewalk, street lighting, storm sewer, catch basins, road widening and asphalt overlay. • Edge Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to 121 Avenue - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, traffic button, pedestrian and street lighting, catch basins, road widening and asphalt overlay. • Edge Street South of Dewdney Trunk Road - the work generally consists of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, pedestrian and street lighting, catch basins, irrigation and landscaping. • Dewdney Trunk Road from 222 Street to 223 Street - the work generally consists of removing the existing temporary plastic delineators and replaced with concrete curb and gutter extensions. Tender Evaluation: The contract for the Downtown Road Improvements Project was tendered on June 27, 2014. The tender closed on July 15, 2014 and four compliant tenders were received ranging from $1,077,398.89 to $1,221,399.00. The following four tenders received are listed in order from lowest to highest price: Arsalan Construction Ltd. Imperial Paving Limited TAG Construction Ltd. Jack Cewe Ltd. Tender Price (excludingtaxes) $1,077,398.89 $1,090,671.00 $1,175,510.00 $1,221,399.00 Staff has reviewed the tenders and the lowest compliant bid was $1,077,398.00, from Arsalan Construction Ltd. (ALC). Staff performed reference checks on the capacity of Arsalan Construction Ltd. because ALC is a relatively new company that started in 2010. Staff recommend the award to Arsalan Construction Ltd., although this is the first time the District will be working with Arsalan Construction Ltd., bonding is in place to assure completion of the project. b) Desired Outcome: To implement the desired improvements to the Town Center. c) Strategic Alignment: The Downtown Road Improvements Project supports the following key strategies identified in the District's Strategic Plan: • Maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge; • To provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods; • Promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike, public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Downtown Road Improvements are anticipated to commence on August 5, 2014 and be completed in approximately 8 weeks. The Contractor will be advised to start with the Edge Street so it can be completed before school commences in September 2014. It is anticipated that single lane alternating traffic will be maintained on all project sites during working hours, and two lanes will be maintained after working hours. e) Interdepartmentallmplications: The Operations Department have provided input to the design. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The majority of the required funding exists in LTC 2763, 8661, 8662 and 8677. The additional $111,000 required is available in LTC 8910 (122 Ave - 216 to 224 street lights) which was recently completed under budget. CONCLUSIONS: The tender price of $1,077,398.89 excluding taxes by Arsalan Construction Ltd. for the Downtown Road Improvements is the lowest compliant tendered price. It is recommended that Council approve the award of the contract to Arsalan Construction Ltd. "Original signed by Jeff Boehmer" "Original signed bv Trevor Thompson" Submitted by: Jeff Boehmer, PEng. Financial Trevor Thompson, CGA Manager of Design and Construction Concurrence: Manager of Financial Planning "Ori inal si ned by Jeff Boehmer" for Reviewed by: David Pollock, PEng. Municipal Engineer "Ori inal signed by Frank Ouinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services "Ori inal signed by Frank Quinn" for Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MG MAPLE RIDGE British Columhla T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066-2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: July 21, 2014 C.O. W. In January 2014, BC Assessment released the preliminary property assessment roll for the 2014 property tax year. This tax year includes, for the first time, the apportionment of tax exemptions relating to the Town Centre Investment Incentives Program (TCIIP) to strata units. BC Assessment uses a default apportionment method that is inconsistent with the objectives of the TCIIP program. District staff were able to have BC Assessment revise the apportionments prior to the issuance of the final assessment roll. A bylaw amendment is necessary to ensure the appropriate apportionment in future. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066-2014 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: On May 27, 2013, Council passed a resolution directing that the commercial component of the Town Centre Investment Incentive Program (TCIIP) be extended for one year, while allowing the residential component to expire as of December 30, 2013. The property tax exemption component of this extension was enabled through Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 7010- 2013 which was adopted by Council on December 10, 2013. In January 2014, BC Assessment released the preliminary property assessment roll for the 2014 property tax year. This tax year includes, for the first time, the apportionment of tax exemptions relating to the Town Centre Investment Incentives Program (TCIIP) to strata units. BC Assessment uses a default apportionment method that is inconsistent with the objectives of the TCIIP program. District staff were able to have BC Assessment revise the apportionments prior to the issuance of the final assessment roll. A bylaw amendment is necessary to ensure the appropriate apportionment in future. In addition, the bylaw amendment includes some housekeeping items to enhance clarity. 1131 CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that the tax exemption program bylaw be amended to ensure apportionment of exemptions among strata units is consistent with program objectives, and to provide clarity for the apportionment of exemptions for commercial space in mixed use buildings. "Ori inal si ned by Jacquie Ber�mann" Prepared by: Jacquie Bergmann Research Technician "Ori inal signed by Laura Benson" Approved by: Laura Benson, CPA, CMA Manager of Sustainability & Corporate Planning "Original signed bv Paul Gill" FOR Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule, MA, B.ES (Hon.), P.Mgr., MCIP Chief Administrative Officer Attachment: Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066 - 2014 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW N0. 7066 - 2014 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 7010 - 2013 WHEREAS pursuant to provisions in the Community Charter Council has, by bylaw, established a revitalization tax exemption program to encourage various types of revitalization to achieve a range of economic, social and environmental objectives; AND WHEREAS, Council may amend this bylaw pursuant to the Community Charter, AND WHEREAS, for the purpose of clarity it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 7010 - 2013; AND WHEREAS, Council has given notice of the proposed Bylaw in accordance with the Community Charter; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Amending Bylaw No. 7066 - 2014". 2. Maple Ridge Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 7010 - 2013 is hereby amended accordingly: a) PART 4- DEFINITIONS is amended by: Adding the following definition in the correct alphabetical order: 1. "Commercial Portion" means that portion of the Mixed-Use Building expressed as a percentage. The percentage is obtained by dividing the total gross floor area of the Mixed-Use Building by the total floor area used for Commercial purposes, except for any areas used for parking purposes, as noted on the Project's Architectural Drawings/Plans. The area being used for parking purposes is excluded from all floor area calculations. For new Commercial Projects, where the entire building meets the criteria pursuant to this bylaw, the Commercial Portion calculation will not be applied." ii. Deleting the following definitions in their entirety, and replacing them with: Page 1 of 2 1. "Mixed-Use Building" means a building with a range of uses, which must include commercial use, that are collocated in an integrated way; 2. "Non-Market Change" means the change as determined by BC Assessment under the Assessment Act, to a parcel's assessed value, after issuance of a building permit for construction that is eligible under Part 7 of this Bylaw, that is not due to real estate market fluctuations or conditions; b) PART 8- TAX EXEMPTION is amended by: Deleting Section 8.3 in its entirety and replacing it with: 8.3 The Tax Exemption is equivalent to 100°/o of the Municipal Property Tax payable on the amount of Non-Market Change attributed to the Commercial Portion of the Project, as specified in Part 7 of this Bylaw, and where all the conditions as stated in Part 8 of this Bylaw have been met: a. for a total of three years; or, b. for a total of six years for a Green Project, pursuant to this Bylaw. ii. Adding Section 8.7, as follows: 8.7 In cases where a building is comprised of strata lot units, a Tax Exemption will be apportioned to each eligible strata lot unit on the basis of assessed value as determined by BC Assessment. READ a first time this , 2014. READ a second time this , 2014. READ a third time this , 2014. ADOPTED this day of , 2014. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Page 2 of 2 � s- -`- . Deep Roots Greater Heights T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: July 21, 2014 Committee of the Whole Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The disbursements summary for the past period is attached for information. All voucher payments are approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor and a Finance Manager. Council authorizes the disbursements listing through Council resolution. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended June 30, 2014 now be approved. G EN ERAL $10,037,478 PAYROLL $ 1,641,836 PURCHASE CARD $ 120.901 11.800.215 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1132 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution Forbes Boyle Lambert In Trust - Property acquisition 132 Avenue Fraser Valley Regional Library - 1St quarter member assessment GCL Contracting & Engineering - 232 Street bridge replacement G.V. Water District - water consumption Apr 1 to May 6/14 G.V. Water District - Barnston pump station RCMP Receiver General - RCMP contract Jan-Mar/14 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society - Monthly contract for recycling Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. - Fire tanker truck d) Policy Implications: 190,770 676,734 310,023 544,370 364,330 3,563,997 169,721 448,095 Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2014 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: Trevor Thompson, BBA, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer gmr VENDOR NAME 0946235 BC Ltd 647340 BC Ltd 655287 BC Ltd AOK Tree Service Ltd Action Data Communications Alouette River Management Soc Amec Environment & Infrastruct BC Hydro BC Hydro & Power Authority BC SPCA Beta Enterprises Ltd CUPE Local 622 Chase Office Interiors Chevron Canada Ltd Columbia Bitulithic Ltd Fitness Edge Forbes Boyle Lambert In Trust Fraser Valley Regional Library Fred Surridge Ltd GCL Contracting & Engineering Genesis Janitorial Service Ltd Greater Vanc Water District Hyland Excavating Ltd ICBC - Fleet Insurance Jack 4 Trade Lafarge Canada Inc Manulife Financial Maple Ridge & PM Arts Council Medical Services Plan Mertin Nissan Ltd Municipal Pension Plan BC Newlands Lawn & Garden Mainten 0'Connor podge Chrysler Pax Construction Ltd CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS -JUNE 2014 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Roadside mowing Security refund Security refund Chipping program Phone system maintenance agreement UC licenses Allco fish hatchery improvement grant Eco camp programs 240 Street road & drainage improvements Electricity 240 Street & 102 Avenue box culvert installation Laity Street pole relocation Contract payment Security refund Dues - pay periods 14/11 & 14/12 RCMP workstations Purchasing workstation addition Gasoline & diesel fuel Roadworks material Fitness classes & programs Property acquisition 22800 Blk of 132 Avenue 1st quarter member assessment Waterworks supplies 232 Street bridge replacement Janitorial services & supplies: Firehalls Library Municipal Hall Operations Randy Herman Building RCMP South Bonson Community Centre Water consumption Apr 2 to May 6/14 Maple Ridge Main West PRV chamber Barnston pump station Water sample analysis Cottonwood Drive sanitary sewer PST & insurance on new fire truck Cottonwood North pathway Roadworks material Employer/employee remittance Arts Centre contract payment Jun Program revenue May Employee medical & health premiums 2014 Nissan Frontier truck Employer/employee remittance Grass cutting 2014 Dodge Caravan Renovations to RCMP Integrated Forensic Section 33,601 2,184 30,000 4,819 12,111 18,240 20,825 124 3,220 4,809 2,371 2,754 3,341 2,480 3,959 544,370 72,736 364,330 700 50,867 27,853 AMOUNT 20,853 25,858 21,052 16,162 35,785 34,819 37,020 127,359 30,351 27,925 19,900 23,807 20,949 85,147 34,005 16,986 190,770 676,734 16,946 310,023 22,934 982,136 28,020 33,504 23,269 17,954 148,511 78,720 38,151 25,717 374,124 18,894 19,475 72,624 RCMP -Receiver General For Cda Receiver General For Canada RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Safetek Emergency Vehicles Ltd Scottish Line Painting Ltd Smeal Fire Apparatus Co Strohmaiers Excavating Ltd T & T Demolition Ltd Thomas G Andison Law In Trust Trisand Investments Urban Systems Warrington PCI Management Young, Anderson - Barristers Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment Total Disbursements June 2014 RCMP contract Jan-Mar/14 RCMP fingerprinting Employer/Employee remittance PP14/11 & PP14/12 Industry Canada radio license renewals Ice rental May Curling rink caretaker Monthly contract for recycling Weekly recycling Litter pickup contract Recycling station pickup Roadside waste removal Chipping program GST on new fire tanker truck Road painting Fire tanker truck Storm sewer replacement on Donovan Ave (21500 Block) Demolition at 22033 Lougheed Hwy Demolition at 22043 Lougheed Hwy Security refund Security refund Environmental management strategy ISMP monitoring program development Water meter design criteria & specific Advance for Tower common costs less expenses Professionalfees PP14/12 & PP14/13 3,563,997 1,100 751,799 643 56,895 5,699 169,721 336 1, 848 330 115 1,257 GMR \\mr.corp\docs\Fin\05-Finance\1630-Accts-Payable\01-General\AP Disbursements\2014\[Monthly_Council_Report_2014.x1sx]JUN'14 3,565,097 752,442 62,594 173,607 22,405 17,896 448,095 20,652 20,853 18,375 39,228 114,677 240,999 10,617 6,164 614 17,395 48,890 42,909 9,223,371 814,107 10,037,478 1,641,836 120,901 11,800,215 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbla T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer 2014 Council Expenses MEETING DATE: 21-Ju1y-2014 FILE N0: MEETING: C.O.W. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In keeping with Council's commitment to transparency in local government, the attached Schedule lists Council expenses for 2014, updated to the end of June. The expenses included on the schedule are those required to be reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information and are available on our website. RECOMMENDATION: Receive for information Discussion The expenses included in the attached schedule are those reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), including those incurred under Policy 3.07 "Council Training, Conferences and Association Building". The budget for Council includes the provision noted in Policy 3.07 as well as a separate budget for cell phone and iPad usage. "Original signed by Catherine Nolan" Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Manager of Accounting "Ori inal si ned by Paul Gill" Approved by: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA GM, Corporate and Financial Services "Ori inal si ned bvJim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 1133 Ashlie, Cheryl January February March April May June July August September October November December Bell, Corisa January February March April May June July August September October November December iPad charges iPad charges RM South Asian Cultural Society -Annual 6ala iPad charges Pitt Meadows Centenial Gala iPad charges MR Community Foundation - Citizen of the Year Urban Development Institute - Seminar iPad charges UBCM Conference - Whistler iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges Cell phone charges 2014 Council Expenses 30.00 30.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 295.00 5.35 18.19 18.19 18.19 5.35 65.27 93.09 93.09 71.69 71.69 93.09 53.50 Schedule 1 390.27 476.15 476.15 Daykin, Ernie January February March April May June July August September October November December Dueck,Judy January February March April May June July August September October November December Hogarth, AI January February March April May June July August September October November December iPad & cell phone charges BCRPA Membership iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges LMLGA Conference - Whistler iPad & cell phone charges Cell phone charges UBCM Conference - Whistler iPad charges iPad charges iPad charges iPad charges MR Community Foundation - Citizen of the Year Urban Development Institute - Seminar iPad charges UBCM Conference - Whistler iPad charges iPad charges RM South Asian Cultural Society -Annual Gala iPad charges Pitt Meadows Centenial Gala Business Excellence Awards iPad charges MR Community Foundation - Citizen of the Year Urban Development Institute - Seminar FCM Conference - Niagra Falls iPad charges UBCM Conference - Whistler 1,023.25 54.37 1,077.62 30.00 30.00 30.00 392.50 54.38 476.88 100.00 100.00 - 95.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 370.00 - 60.00 60.00 98.50 78.83 77.03 77.30 77.57 55.71 464.94 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 26.75 156.75 39.59 18.19 18.19 18.19 18.19 112.35 959.23 Masse, Bob January February March April May June July August September October November December Morden, Michael January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals iPad & cell phone charges BC Economic Development Assoc - Ministers Dinner iPad & cell phone charges iPad & cell phone charges Chamber of Commerce general meeting Business Excellence Awards iPad & cell phone charges Cell phone charges UBCM Conference - Whistler iPad charges iPad charges RM South Asian Cultural Society -Annual Gala Chamber of Commerce general meeting iPad charges Pitt Meadows Centenial Gala Business Excellence Awards MR Community Foundation - Citizen of the Year iPad charges Urban Development Institute - Seminar LMLGA Conference - Whistler iPad charges UBCM Conference - Whistler 125.00 32.95 75.00 54.37 179.37 107.95 - - 95.00 32.95 100.00 75.00 100.00 30.00 806.94 54.37 55.64 89.88 89.85 89.88 50.29 375.54 662.86 39.59 39.59 39.59 39.59 39.59 891.31 402.95 - - - 197.95 1,492.21 2,685.18 1,275.90 - 60.00 - 1,718.95 5,740.03 MAPLE RIDGE British Columhla T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE N0: MEETING: SUBJECT: PROPOSED MAPLE RIDGE PARKS BYLAW - No. 7085-2014 July 21, 2014 C.O. W. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached report was reviewed by the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission at its meeting of July 10, 2014. The Commission endorsed the bylaw and recommendation to forward to Maple Ridge Council for consideration. Proposed changes to this bylaw include: Formatting The formatting of the bylaw was changed to be consistent with other municipal bylaws as requested by Ms. Holitzki, Director of Licenses, Permits and Bylaws, and by the Districts Legal Counsel. Part 4.1 The definitions section of the bylaw was significantly expanded to provide an enhanced level of detail on each of the regulations contained in the Parks Bylaw. Part 5.1 The "Duty of Administration and Enforcement" was added on the advice of Legal Counsel to indicate that the bylaw does not impose a duty on The District of Maple Ridge to enforce provisions contained in the bylaw. Part 8.1.23 This section was added to the bylaw to regulate the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages without valid and legally required permits. Part 8.1.24 This section was added to restrict the use of high speed projectiles in parks including golf, war games, radio controlled aircraft or cars, unless specifically authorized by a special event permit. Part 8.1.25 This section was added to the bylaw to restrict overnight camping in parks without a special event permit. Part 8.1.28 This section was added to regulate interfering or obstructing any employees or contractors of the District in the performance of their duty. Part 8.1.29 This section was added to restrict any person from using any device in a manner that disturbs the enjoyment of the park by other park patrons. Part 9 The Updated Traffic control regulations were added to authorize staff to remove or impound vehicles or structures that are parked or stored in a park contrary to this 1151 bylaw, and also restricts areas within parks where a vehicle or conveyance may be driven. Part 10 Updated animal control regulations were added to prohibit dogs from being on sports fields, children's playgrounds, sport courts and water play parks. This section also required dogs to be on leash in all park areas, except those designated as off leash. Part 12 Loss of access rights was added to the bylaw to formalize the practice of banning letters being issued to individuals who contravene the provisions of this bylaw. Part 13 Commercial services regulations have been updated to control commercial activity in a park or recreation facility without a permit or written authorization. Part 14 This section was added to regulate park activities and events in parks that require special event permit regulation as well as conformance of the conditions of the permit such as insurance, etc. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Parks and second and third readings. "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 be given first, Approved by: Kelly Swift, General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" FOR Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :ik Attachment: PLS Commission Report dated July 10, 2014 %� �� Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report Pitt Meadows REGULAR MEETING PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES JULY 10, 2014 SUBJECT: PROPOSED MAPLE RIDGE AND PITT MEADOWS PARKS BYLAWS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Parks & Leisure Services (PLS) staff have been working directly with staff of both the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Bylaws departments to update the parks bylaws. Due to the significant number of proposed changes it is the recommendation of staff in both Parks and Bylaws that the existing parks bylaws be repealed in their entirety and, that the attached proposed bylaws be adopted. RECOMMENDATION: That the proposed Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 and the City of Pitt Meadows Parks and Community Facilities Regulations Bylaw No. 2651,2014 attached to the report dated July 10, 2014 be endorsed and forwarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils for their respective consideration and adoption. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Pitt Meadows bylaws department staff inet with several members of the PLS staff to review the current parks bylaws. Pitt Meadows bylaws staff then compiled the information received and developed the attached proposed Pitt Meadows parks bylaw. PLS staff reviewed the Maple Ridge bylaws with the support of the Maple Ridge bylaws department staff and incorporated the new sections proposed by PLS staff which was already included in the Pitt Meadows bylaws. Each of the bylaws have also been reviewed by legal council, who have had made several suggestions regarding text and layout. It is important to note that each of the bylaws are still unique to each community, however some sections such as banning letters, and animal control (primarily dogs) will be the same in each bylaw, which is considered necessary to ensure consistency of enforcement as PLS staff will also be enforcingthese bylaws (when required). The adoption of the attached bylaws will assist PLS and bylaws staff in both communities to respond effectively to parks related issues in a timely manner, especially when complaints are received or infractions are observed by staff. This does not necessarily mean that tickets will be issued for all infractions; however it can be a very valuable tool for staff when encouraging compliance, or when dealing with repeat offenders. b) Desired Outcome: The proposed bylaws will allow parks and bylaws staff to provide an enhanced level of customer service to parks patrons and residents who report situations that detract from the enjoyment of other park users. It is anticipated that in most cases staff will be responding to calls regarding dogs being off leash or being in areas where they are not permitted. \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Admi n\0550-Council-Mtgs-Public\20-COW\01-Gen\Agendas\2014\2014-07- 21_COW\CDPR\PLSC_Pro posed_Pa rks_Bylaws.doc c) Strategic Alignment: The proposed bylaws are consistent with previous parks bylaws, although they have been updated to address current and emerging issues in parks. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Understandably there will be some residents who may not necessarily support the implementation of some of the new sections of the bylaw, however these sections are considered to be essential for the enjoyment of the majority of parks patrons in each community. On a positive note, thanks to the support from Municipal Councils in both communities, there are now several opportunities for staff to offer information to residents who prefer to walk their dogs off leash, when they are encountered, rather than just advising that it is not permitted to have their dogs off leash in a park. It is also important to note that families are still very welcome to bring their family pets to the park but there will be restrictions on some of the areas that they can go, so that they are not detracting from the enjoyment of other park patrons, or perhaps those individuals who are afraid of dogs. Some portions of parks may also be restricted for dogs due to hygiene issues associated with dog waste. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: It is not anticipated that there will be increased costs associated with parks bylaws enforcement as additional patrols will not necessarily be planned unless there are problem areas, in which case, an enhanced presence will be incorporated into other routine maintenance schedules. CONCLUSIONS: PLS staff is very aware that customer service is a significant aspect of raising the levels of awareness of parks patrons on how they can enjoy our parks and facilities while respecting the needs of others. PLS staff will be provided training by the Bylaws department staff to ensure that park patrons, visitors and residents are treated in a fair and consistent manner in this regard. `Original signed by David Boag' Prepared by: David Boag Director, Parks and Facilities `Original signed by Wendy McCormick, Acting General Manager' Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :db Attachments: Pitt Meadows Parks and Community Facilities Regulations Bylaw No. 2651,2014 Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 \\m r.corp\docs\CA\01-Admi n\0550-Council-Mtgs-Public\20-COW\01-Gen\Agendas\2014\2014-07- 21_COW\CDPR\PLSC_Pro posed_Pa rks_Bylaws.doc District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 Effective Date: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No.7085-2014 Table of Contents Citation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Severability------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Bylaw Repeal------------------------------------------- Definitions -------------------------------------------------------------- Duty of Administration and Enforcement_______________ Delegation of Powers_____________________________________________ ParkHours------------------------------------------------------------- General Park and Recreation Facility Prohibitions. Traffic in Parks ------------------------------------------------------- Animals in Parks----------------------------------------------------- SportsGrounds------------------------------------------------------ Loss of Access Rights_____________________________________________ Commercial Services and Activities_______________________ Special Event Permits____________________________________________ Offences and Penalty List of Schedules: 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 Schedule A Banning Notice---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Schedule B Special Event Permit------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw No.7085-2014 A bylaw to regulate park property and recreational facilities in the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS subsection 8(3) of the Community Charter authorizes the Council of the District of Maple Ridge to adopt bylaws to, regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to municipal services and public places; AND WHEREAS subsection 154(1) of the Community Charter authorizes the Council of the District of Maple Ridge to adopt bylaws to delegate its powers, duties and functions to officers or employees of the municipality; AND WHEREAS; Council deems it necessary and desirable that it exercise these authorities to establish regulations governing the management of property intended for recreation and community uses and to delegate certain powers to staff regarding the use of Parks and Recreation Facilities conduct therein: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part I Citation 1.1 This Bylaw may be cited as the Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulations Bylaw No.7085-2014 Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal 3.1 Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulations Bylaw No. 3414-1984 and the following amending bylaws are hereby repealed: 1. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 3414-1984 2. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 4868-1993 3. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 4901-1993 4. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 4979-1993 5. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5600-1997 6. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6357-2005 7. Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6555-2008 -2- Part 4 Definitions 4.1 In this bylaw: "Ancillary Activity" means any activity that is deemed, by the Director of Parks and Facilities, to complement or enhance the primary function of the Park or Recreation Facility; "Council" means the elected members of the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge. "Contaminant" means any substance, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, whether dissolved or suspended, that; a) injures or is capable of injuring the health or safety of a person, or b) injuries or is capable of injuring property or any life form, or c) causes or is capable of causing material physical discomfort to a person, or d) damages or is capable of damaging the environment. "Director, Parks and Facilities" means a representative of the District of Maple Ridge that has been assigned responsibility for the management and operation of Corporation of Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities, or his /her designate, as appointed from time to time. "Director, Recreation" means a representative of the District of Maple Ridge that has been assigned responsibility for the management of the Recreation Facilities, or his/her designate, as appointed from time to time. "District" means the District of Maple Ridge. "Drug Paraphernalia" means any goods, products, equipment, things or materials of any kind primarily used or intended to be primarily used to produce, process, package, store, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance as defined in Schedules I, II, or III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (R.S.C. 1996, c. 19) as may be amended from time to time, but does not include a controlled substance that is permitted under that Act. "Enforcement Officer" means a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, a member of the RCMP, a member of the Maple Ridge Fire Department and any other person designated as such by the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, or the Director, Recreation, or his/her designate. "Natural Park Feature" means a tree, shrub, herb, flower, grass, turf or plant of any kind and all soil, sand, silt, gravel, rock, mineral, wood, fallen timber or other natural material within a Park. "On-Site Refuse" means all refuse, garbage, food remains and other waste generated by persons using a Park or Recreation Facility while they are within the Park or Recreation Facility. "Organized Activity" means any activity which is pre-planned, involves a group larger than a single family unit and which limits general public access or use of to a portion of the Park or Recreation Facility or any activity that involves instruction or training. -3- "Organized Sport" means any game or sport which is played by three or more persons who play and/or practice together regularly as a team in a league or association. "Park" means and includes any real or personal property within the Municipality used for public park and recreation purposes and includes all buildings and structures situated thereon and shall include any other parcel of land improved, maintained, developed or administered by the Parks and Leisure Services Department such as school grounds, pursuant to direction from the Municipal Council. "Posted Notice" means a sign or written notice which has been posted or affixed to a wall, post or notice board in a Park or Recreation Facility or which has been set out in a brochure or map relating to the Park or Recreation Facility. "Public Place" means any real or personal property or portions thereof owned by the Municipality of Maple Ridge to which the public is ordinarily invited or permitted to be in or on, and includes but is not limited to, the grounds of public facilities or buildings, public greenways and public parkade's or parking lots. "Recreation Facility" means a building, recreation facility or other land improvement, including, but not limited to, recreation centres, pools, arenas, sports fields, ball diamonds, gymnasium, and other recreation facilities located in a Park or on any other land which the District owns or controls by means of a lease, license or other legal instrument, that is intended for athletic, social or recreational use by members of the community. "Special Event" means any event or activity conducted within a Park or Recreation Facility which attracts or is intended to attract participants or spectators and, without limiting that definition, includes any Organized Sport, festival, sports event, competition or tournament, group picnic, dog show or other animal event. "Special Event Permit" means a licence issued for the use of Parks or Recreation Facilities or portion thereof. "Trail" means any footpath, pathway, trail or pedestrian access route in a Park or on District land. "Vehicle" means all conveyances propelled either by motor or muscular power. "Wildlife" means any wild animal, bird, reptile, insect, fish, and marine animal or other indigenous creature. -4- Part 5 Duty of Administration and Enforcement 5.1 The intent of this bylaw is to set standards in the general public interest and not to impose a duty on the District of Maple Ridge or its employees to enforce its provisions and: 5.1.1 A failure to administer or enforce its provisions or the incomplete or inadequate administration or enforcement of its provision is not to give rise to a cause of action in favour of any person: and 5.1.2 The grant of any approval or permission or issuance of any permit is not a representation, warranty or statement of compliance with the Bylaw and the issuance thereof in error is not to give rise to a cause of action. Part 6 Delegation of Powers 6.1 The Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, and the Director, Recreation, or his/her designate are hereby authorized to grant or refuse any request for a Special Events Permit for the conduct of any Organized Sport, Organized Activity, or Ancillary Activity which requires a Special Events Permit under the provisions of this bylaw. 6.2 The Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate and the Director, Recreation, or his/her designate are hereby authorized to establish rules for behavior and conduct in Parks and Recreation Facilities, provided that such rules are not inconsistent with this bylaw or other regulations and to establish and enforce the consequences of violating said rules of behavior. Part 7 Park Hours 7.1 Parks will be closed to the public between the hours of 10:00 pm at night and 6:00 am the next morning except to persons authorized in writing by the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate. 7.2 The Director, Parks and Facilities or his/her designate may at any time deemed necessary, temporarily close a Park or any portion thereof to the public use. Part 8 General Park and Recreation Facility Prohibitions 8.1 Except as permitted by Maple Ridge Council, no person, when in a Park or Recreation Facility, shall: 8.1.1 Deposit refuse in a Park or Recreation Facility except in waste receptacles provided for such purposes by the District; 8.1.2 Carry, transport or deposit any off site refuse of any kind or deposit off site refuse into waste receptacles in a Park or Recreation Facility; 8.1.3 Carry or discharge any firearm, air gun, sling shot, catapult, bows and arrows, or other weapon or dangerous toy in a Park or Recreation Facility; 8.1.4 Cut, break, bend or in any way injure or deface any turf, tree, shrub, hedge, plant, flower or park ornament; -5- 8.1.5 Climb upon, deface or in any way damage any building, wall fence, gate, sign, seat, bench, exhibit, cage or any ornament; 8.1.6 Plug, tamper with or in any way damage any plumbing, lighting, heating, or other fixtu re; 8.1.7 Start any fire, or permit any person under his control to start any fire, except: in fireplaces provided therein for that purpose; or where written permission is given by the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate; 8.1.8 Fail to obey any sign or signal lawfully erected for the control of pedestrian or vehicle traffic; 8.1.9 Distribute any handbills or circulars or post, place or display any placard, notice, paper, advertising device, or publicity matter of any kind without the written consent of the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, or the Director, Recreation, or his/her designate. 8.1.10 Use or permit the use of any advertising vehicle without the written consent of the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate; 8.1.11 Tease, molest, or injure any mammal, bird, or fish or throw any substance at or near such creatures in such a way to cause them alarm or injury; 8.1.12 Possess any drug paraphernalia; 8.1.13 Offer for sale any article or food, drink, or merchandise or carry on any business unless such person has been licenced to do so by the Municipality and has received written approval of the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate; 8.1.14 Use any blasphemous, obscene or vulgar language; 8.1.15 Behave in a disorderly or offensive manner; 8.1.16 Dig in the earth of any park; 8.1.17 Remove any tree or any rock or any other matter that is fixed or growing from within the park; 8.1.18 Hold a procession, march, drill, parade, political or religious gathering or other public meeting except with the written consent of the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate; 8.1.19 Operate a mechanically powered boat on any lake, pond or outdoor water facility within the boundaries of any park unless the written consent of the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, has first been obtained; 8.1.20 Use tobacco within 10 meters (33 feet) of any sport field, athletic surface, children's playground or water play-park; G� 8.1.21 Discharge any fireworks without a valid permit issued in strict accordance with requirements established by the District of Maple Ridge Fire Works Bylaw 6279- 2004; 8.1.22 Plant trees or shrubs in any park without first obtaining the written permission of the Director, Parks and Facilities or his/her designate; 8.1.23 Possess or consume liquor or alcoholic beverages without valid and legally required permits; 8.1.24 Engage in activities involving high speed projectiles, including golf, war games, radio controlled aircraft or cars, unless specifically authorized by a Special Event Permit; 8.1.25 Camp overnight unless specifically authorized by a Special Event Permit and then only in accordance with the Special Event Permit; 8.1.26 Use any device which constitutes a hazard to any person using the Park or Recreation Facility; 8.1.27 Erect, build, or locate, or cause to be erected, built or located, any structure, trailer tent, shelter or other building of any kind in a Park or Recreation Facility unless specifically authorized in writing by the Director, Parks and Facilities or his/her designate, or the Director, Recreation or his/her designate. 8.1.28 Interfere with or obstruct: any employee of the District in the performance of their duty; or contractor while carrying out work authorized by the District. 8.1.29 Use or operate any device in such a manner as to disturb the enjoyment of the park by other persons; 8.1.30 Urinate or defecate except in a provided public or private toilet facility; -�- Part 9 Traffic in Parks 9.1 The Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate or Enforcement Officer may impound and remove, or cause to be impounded or removed, from a Park: 9.1.1 Motor vehicles, devices or machinery parked or stored in a Park contrary to the provisions of this bylaw; or 9.1.2 Any thing erected, built or located contrary to section 8.1.27. of this bylaw. 9.2 Except as permitted by the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, no person shall: 9.2.1 Transport goods or chattels over or place or leave chattels upon any boulevard within a park unless the turf of such boulevard is first protected from damage; 9.2.2 Ride or drive a horse, or other animal or drive or keep, propel or permit to be driven or propelled, any vehicle or other mode of off road conveyance on any boulevard, grass plot or other area within any park other than on the respective driveways made and provided for such purpose; 9.2.3 Drive any animal on any path or other roadway allotted for pedestrian traffic; 9.2.4 Drive or propel any vehicle in excess of any speed limit that may be posted within park boundaries; Part 10 Animals in Parks 10.1 No person being the owner/handler of any dog or other animal shall: 10.1.1 Enter a park with an unleashed dog or other animal, unless it is a designated off leash area; 10.1.2 Permit a dog or other animal to enter a Park or any area of a Park where entry of that animal is prohibited; 10.1.3 Permit a dog or other animal on playing fields, sport surfaces, children's play grounds, sport courts or water play parks; 10.1.4 Enter a Park with a horse unless the park is designated for horses or exempted by a Special Event Permit; 10.1.5 Permit a dog within 3 metres of a playing field, sport surface or playground; -s- Part 11 Sports Grounds 11.1 No person shall: 11.1.1 Play any game or engage in any recreation within a Park not designated for that purpose; 11.1.2 Play any game on any tennis court or bowling green unless the person is wearing rubber soled shoes with low heels and is otherwise suitably equipped with the normal equipment for such games; 11.1.3 Play on any tennis court or bowling green contrary to the rules and regulations of a municipally issued permit to another user, club or association; 11.2 Any person skating on a park lake, pond or any outdoor skating facility during winter conditions does so at their own risk; Part 12 Loss of Access Rights 12.1 Where an Enforcement Officer is of the opinion that one or more persons within a Park or Recreation Facility are contravening any provision of this bylaw that person or persons: 12.1.1 Must provide a British Columbia driver's licence or similar photo identification upon the request of an Enforcement Officer; 12.1.2 Must leave the Park or Recreation Facility if directed to do so by an Enforcement Officer; 12.2 Must comply with any Banning Notice (Schedule A) issued by the an Enforcement Officer; 12.3 Be required to comply with conditions related to that person's or group's future use of parks and community facilities; Part 13 Commercial Services and Activities 13.1 No person shall conduct any business or commercial activity in a Park or Recreation Facility unless: 13.1.1 A Special Event Permit has been issued that permits this activity; or 13.1.2 Written authorization from the Director, Parks and Facilities, or his/her designate, or the Director, Recreation or his/her designate to conduct the business or commercial activity has been received. � Part 14 Special Event Permit 14.1 No person shall use a Park or Recreation Facility, for an Organized Sport, Organized Activity, Special Event, or Ancillary Activity unless under the authority of Special Event Permit. 14.2 The Director, Parks and Facilities or the Director, Recreation or their designates may, upon application, issue a Special Event Permit (Schedule B) upon receipt of the applicable fee and information required and may, in the Special Event Permit: 14.2.1 Set out terms and conditions for the event, and 14.2.2 Require the applicant to insure the event or activity in an amount and form satisfactory to the District of Maple Ridge; 14.3 Every person using a Park or Recreation Facility under the authority of Special Event Permit shall: 14.3.1 Comply with any terms and conditions set out on the Special Event Permit; and 14.3.2 Acquire and maintain insurance as required by the Special Event Permit. Part 15 Offences and Penalty 15.1 Every person who contravenes a provision of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00. Each day the offence continues is considered a separate offence. READ a first time this day of READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of ADOPTED by Council this day of -10- PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulations Bylaw No.7085-2014 � .�� ��"4� PAF.MS 8 �_ISUF.0 SE9L'I�CS Date Municipal File # RCMP File # ATTENTION: Dea r: RE: Schedule A Date Notice Served: Witness Name: Witness Signature: (Please print name) Please be advised that your recent inappropriate behaviour and unprovoked altercations with facility staff at the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre on *DATE* is unacceptable. *Describe Behaviour* against staff or patrons and as such contravenes the Maple Ridge Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 7085-2014 which regulates acceptable behaviour in all parks and public facilities. Section 8.1.14 of the bylaw states: "NO PERSON SHALL use any blasphemous, obscene or vulgar language nor conduct himself in a disorderly or offensive manner or molest or injure any other person or loiter or obstruct for free use and enjoyment of the park by any other person." Paragraph 11 in Pitt Meadows Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 2651-2014 states: "No person shall use any obscene or vulgar language nor conduct himself in a disorderly or offensive manner, or molest or injure another person, or loiter or take up a temporary abode over night on any portion of any park, or obstruct the free use and enjoyment of any park by any other person, or violate any bylaw, rule, regulation or command of the Municipality, the Director of Operations or any other person in control of or maintaining, superintending or supervising any park or other property of or under the control custody and management of the Municipality; and any person conducting himself as aforesaid may be removed or otherwise dealt with as in this bylaw provided. (Amending Bylaw No. 1593)" The bylaw further restricts any activity which may cause damage to a park or other public facility. *Describe incidents and any attempts to redirect behaviour* Please be advised you are no longer welcome to utilize any Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services or Facilities for a period of 1 vear. Should there be any violations of this order we reserve the right to extend the period of expulsion for an appropriate length of time and to expand the facilities to which it applies. Before we review when you will be allowed back on municipal property we require you to complete the following list below: • *List any requirements before returning to facilities/programs* The facilities and areas to which this order applies are listed below: In the Maple Ridge Area: • MR Municipal • Municipal Hall /Memorial Peace • Leisure Centre/MR Arts Tower/Li bra ry Pa rk Centre • Greg Moore Youth Centre • Surrounding Parking Areas • Haney Bus Exchange -Edge St. In the Pitt Meadows Area: • PM Family Recreation • PM Skateboard Park • PM Library Centre • PM Municipal Hall • Surrounding ParkingAreas • PM Recreation Hall If you are found within the confines of these areas the Police will be notified immediately, and a ticket in the amount of $250.00 will be issued. We would appreciate your compliance with regards to the above guidelines. For your own reference we are willing to reconsider our position only when there is appropriate action taken on your part to deal with your behaviour. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at *telephone number*. Sincerely, *Name* *Title* Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulations Bylaw No.7085-2014 Schedule B Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION This application is to be completed, signed at least 60 days prior to the first day of the event and forwarded to: Pitt Meadows Events: Pitt Meadows City Hall, Bylaws department 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC 604-465-2445 Email: lelchuk@pittmeadows.bc.ca Maple Ridge Events: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre, Festival and Volunteer Office 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC 604-467-7325 Email: kbaird@mapleridge.ca Organizers are encouraged to not advertise the event until preliminary approval is obtained from the District of Maple Ridge and/or City of Pitt Meadows. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide any and all permits, licenses and certificates that are required for this special event to the appropriate address provided above. SPECIAL EVENT INFORMATION Event Name: Event Date(s): Time(s): Event Type: ❑Parade ❑ Festival ❑ Athletic Event ❑ Beer Garden ❑ Fair or Exhibit ❑ Fireworks ❑ Other (please specify) Event Location: Event to take place in: ❑ Pitt Meadows ❑ Maple Ridge Facilities to be used: ❑Park Purpose of Event: ❑Street ❑Sidewalk ❑Indoor Facility Event Crowd Size: Participants: Spectators: Volunteers/staff ❑ Fundraiser ❑ Music / Concert Has the event been produced previously: Yes❑ No❑ Any changes from previous events? Yes ❑ If yes please, list changes No❑ APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: Organization Name: Mailing Address: Applicants Name: Phone Number: Email: ACTIVITY PERMITS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Food Service: If you plan on selling or serving any food or beverages to the public at your event, please contact Fraser Health Authority at 604-476-7000 for a temporary food permit. Beer Garden: If you plan to have a beer garden at your event, a Special Occasion License application form must be completed, reviewed and approved by the RCMP and Liquor Control. Forms are available by visiting the BC Liquor Store nearest you. Fireworks: Contact Maple Ridge Fire Department at 604-476-3053 and/or City of Pitt Meadows Fire Department at 604- 465-2401. Portable Washrooms: Event organizers must make arrangements for portable washroom facilities, if required. Event organizers should not rely solely on any adjacent washroom facilities. Electricity and Water Requirements: Please list any activities requiring electrical power and water: Public Relations: Have local neighbourhood groups/businesses approved of your event concept? Yes ❑ No❑ Parade/March/Run/Walk/Cycle/Gathering/Festival Event hosted on public space (street or sidewalk), a Highway Use Permit is required. Provide a site map showing how you propose to manage the event and control the traffic. Contact the Engineering Department for a Highway Use Permit application. Add itiona I I nformation: Site Map: A site map is required for event approval. Please attach a site or route map with the following indicated: ➢ North, indicated by directional arrow ➢ Names of surrounding streets ➢ Number and placement of traffic control personnel and barricades ➢ Location of first aid station ➢ Parking for participants and spectators ➢ Activities, including food vendors, stage entertainment, arts and crafts, children's activities, inflatables, carnival rides, animal displays, activities with open flame, and any other details that will assist with the approval process. Public Safety: What are your plans for security/event monitors/crowd & traffic control? Please attach your safety plan. Insurance Information: As a condition of being granted permission to hold a special event, applicants are required to show proof of liability insurance coverage, which meets the following requirements: ➢ Minimum limit of $5,000,000 against third party bodily injury and property damage losses; ➢ Additionally named insured: The District of Maple Ridge, The City of Pitt Meadows, School District #42, Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services. ➢ Events involving the sale or consumption of liquor also require host liquor liability insurance coverage. A copy of your "Certificate of Insurance" is required 14 days in advance of the planned event. Litter and Recycling Plan: Please attach your litter and recycling plan for the event. This is to include your waste control and disposal plan during and after your event. Fees and Proceeds: Admission Fee: Yes ❑ If yes, how much: No ❑ Vending Sales: Yes ❑ No ❑ Indemnification: On behalf of the above-named event organization, I hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Pitt Meadows, the District of Maple Ridge, School District # 42 and the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission from and against claims or demands arising from the event described in this application and I agree to obtain liability insurance that is satisfactory to the District of Maple Ridge and/or City of Pitt Meadows. Applicants Signature Print Applicant's Name Today's Date Pre-Approved by: Pre-Approval Date: Event Approved by: Event Approval Date: NOTICE: Personal information requested on this Special Events Application is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165, as amended. Unless otherwise specified, the information gathered will be used by Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services for processing the event approval. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information should be directed to the FOI Head, Clerks Department, District of Maple Ridge, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9, 604-467-7482 or to the City of Pitt Meadows, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 285, 604-465-2433. MAPLE RIDGE 6ritith Co[umhla T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE N0: MEETING: SUBJECT: 224 STREET AND BROWN AVENUE NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK July 21, 2014 C.O.W. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached report was reviewed by the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission at its meeting of July 10, 2014. The Commission endorsed the concept plan and recommendation to forward to Maple Ridge Council for consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the neighbourhood concept plan which includes walkways, benches and minor landscape improvements at 224 Street and Brown Avenue be approved. "Original signed by Wendy McCormick, Acting General Manager" Prepared by: Kelly Swift, General Manager, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services "Original signed by Jim Rule" Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :ik Attachment: PLS Commission Report dated July 10, 2014 1152 :i 4 Y,i�i.. r; „ � ;�r � PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report REGULAR MEETING July 10, 2014 SUBJECT: 224 STREET AND BROWN AVENUE NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK (Without a Dog Off-Leash Area) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Parks and Leisure Services (PLS) has been approached by Golden Ears Seniors Society (GESS) who indicated that they would like to donate funds for a Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) for small dogs, as well as a neighborhood meeting spot for residents in the area of 224 Street and Brown Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That the neighbourhood concept pian which includes walkways, benches and minor landscape improvements at 224 Street and Brown Avenue attached to the report dated July 10, 2014 be endorsed and forwarded to Maple Ridge Council for approval. DISCUSSION: a) Background Conte�: The residents in the buildings close to 224 Street and Brown Avenue were invited to a Neighbourhood Park Information Meeting on June 16, 2014. The information meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, posted on the PLS website and invitations were mailed to residents living in the building directly across the street from the proposed park. Notices of the meeting were also posted in the public areas of six nearby multi-unit residential buildings advising other residents of the meeting as well as an invitation to participate in the park planning process. Parks staff had developed a draft concept plan for discussion purposes that included a small dog off leash area on a portion of the park site, as well as park furnishings such as benches and garbage receptacles. The plan also suggested that some of the existing trees that are reportediy a concern for some nearby residents could be removed and replaced with more suitable tree species. The Neighborhood Park Information meeting was held from 4:00-7:00 pm on June 16, 2014 at the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society with the assistance of Mr. Fred Armstrong who is a representative of the GESS. A total of eighteen residents attended the meeting, however only seven attendees provided written comments on the proposed dog park area and park improvements. The attendees were also invited to participate in a"Dotmocracy exercise" by applying their vote next to the design elements they personally favoured for the site (attached). Five of the seven respondents expressed an interest in a small fenced dog off leash area, however only three of these comment forms appear to be from the neighboring condominium building. The comment received appear to support having park benches and landscaped garden areas to enjoy. Other amenities such as waste bins, bags and water fountains were also considered to be important for this project. Staff is not confident at this time that there is enough support for an off leash park, due to the lack of input received through this public meeting. \\m r.corp\docs\CD PR-Adm in\01-Ad m i n\0540-Cou nci I-Com m ittees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regu la r\2014\2014-07- 10\PLSC_224_Brown_N H_Pk_2014-07-10, doc Staff and the representative of the Golden Ears Seniors Society have agreed that the proposed off leash portion of this project could be revisited again in the future, if there is an interestfrom the residents in this area. The only other concern reported was the potential risk posed by the nearby 4-way stop intersection and the potential for more noise in the area. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is the development of a small neighborhood park with some minor landscaping and some additional park furnishings to create a meeting place for local area residents. This is also considered to be a resting point for residents walking back to their homes after shopping at the grocery stores in the town center area. c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The proposed funding from the Golden Ears Seniors Society is for up to $65,000. The District�s Community Builders have also expressed an interest in volunteering on this project assisting with some of the landscaping in this park. The design work for this park can be accompiished by Parks staff at a minimal cost (in kind contribution) to the District of Maple Ridge and its citizens to build the park. CONCLUSIONS: Staff recommends that the Commission endorse the concept plan, excluding the proposed Dog Off- Leash Area for small dogs, on the park site at 224 Street and Brown Avenue and forward the concept plan to Maple Ridge Council for approval to proceed with the project. The work being proposed at this time will not preclude the addition of a small Dog off Leash Park in the future if there is a demand for this type of amenity. Prepared By: � Sylvia Pendl Park PlanningTechnician Reviewed By:�.��vid Boag Director of Parks Faciliti By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :sp Attachments; 0 C Dotmocracy Results Revised 224th Street & Brown Avenue Park Concept Plan \\mr.corp\docs\CDPR-Admin\01-Admin\0540-Council-Committees\20-PLSC\02-Agendas\Regular\2014\2014-07- 10\PLSC_224_Brown_N H_Pk_2014-07-10.doc � 0 o `i T �� � �� ^ V .-�i NmN ���/\ / i�"�:�� .. ���'n��'\ ::"/� m� ���1 F /? �� � 1r� �� � \i:� ';'' �// \ � p� -! ' . ,i 1^ \/ `�\\.�i�`t �" �>� \- �i.'' •- _ y � � �� \� �/" �, ,. �.� ;�. �� I � m � �•. �:�`�.k<����� �. ,4 �;� ;�`,-�,�`�: __ ' �,,��; . \�" \ �;\ 6n . 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Nei�hbourhood Park Survey Neighbou�hood pa�ks act, in pa�t, as a�^eplacement fo�^ p�ivate open space, and in pa�t as a social and �ec�^eational focal point fo� collective neighbou�hood activities. a) Recreation Activities: What type of recreation activities do you see occurring now in your neighbourhood? _ �- , --� . ��; � i —:— E--��t��%;�.i?:r,n� �?��i��,�.�%� �r"C�iv'�t� I"'i�/�"'�Ril�_1L�U�,_�,�:�ff�k-�� If the park was improved to accommodate these activities, what im�xovements would you like to see? � `�4•r_ I ► �F� l�i� � � 1 �`� �� � -� Ate there new recreation activities you would like to see occur in this neighbourhood park? � What improvements would be needed for these new activities? 2012-01-11 1 of a b) Social Foca1 Point Are there natural elements of the existing site you wo�rld like to see retained? , � Other con�ments: ��=� Please provide the following information so we can contact you with future information. Name: �i _ . _ . - -- Address: ` e-mail: How did you hear about this meeting? ii'� mail oui notice newspaper ad (other) Please leave the completed survey in the tray provided, or you may take the form home and return by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pend1, Parks and Leisure Seivices, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email spendl(cr�,maplerid�e.ca Please return the foran within five days of this infonnation meeting, thank you: 2012-01-11 2 of 2 b) Social Foca1 Point .Are there natural elements of the e�sting site you would like to see retained? Other comments: � �,� Gr-:� � ,.,a,/. �-� �� %'.,�-�-- -f�'"_r�- vLlr, i1,, �-t��� � � �Ni�2�C �Ir� i'7�.�.�� ���--- Please provide the following infonnation so we can contact you with future information. Name: Address: � Telephone:_ How did you hear aboui this meeting? % mail oui notice e-mai1: G newspaper ad (other) Please leave the completed survey iri the tray provided, or you may take the form home and return by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pendl, Parks and Leisure Services, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email spendl(cr�maplerid�e.ca Please return the form within five days of this information meeting, thank you. 2012-01-11 2 of 2 Nei�hb�ouxhood Park Survey Neighbou�hood pa�ks ac% in pa�t, as a�eplacement fo� p�ivate open ,space, and in pa�t as a soczal and �ec�eational focal poiht fo�^ collective neighbou�^hood activities. a) Recreation Activities: What type of recreation activities do you see occu��ring now in If the park was improved to accommodate these activities, what improvements would you like to see? . _ .. h /� Yr� �i f � ( � . . � C J � '� �-�"� r Are there new recreation activities you would like to see occur in this neighbourhood park? What improvements would be needed for these new activities? �-�,,-,� � � ��-�- � � ��� �--� �- � , ,, �a_�0,� � ���c _i �.,�,tT '�Lu�-- . � W�- �� � ' � 1 of 2 2012-01-11 b) Social Foca1 Point Are there natural elements of the existing site you would like to see retained? Other comments: Please provide the following information so we can contact you with future information. / Name: Address: . Telephone;_ _ How did you hear about this meeting? mail out notice newspaper ad �.t��5 � ���-�%t�' ;. (other) VJ t� 6C:�. GX Please leave the completed survey in the tray provided, or you may ta.ke the form home and return by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pendl, Parks and Leisure Services, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email spendl(a�maplerid�e.ca Please return the form within five days of this information meeting, thank you. 2012-01-11 . 2 of 2 Nei�;hbourhood Park Suxvey Neighbou�hood pa�ks act, in pa�t, as a�epla�ement fo� p�ivate open space, and zn pa�t as a social and �ec�eatzonal focal poznt fo� collective neighbou�hood activities. a) Recreation Activities: What type of recreation activities yo_ur neighbourhood? � do you see occurring now in �� � If the park was improved to accommodate these activities, what improvements wou`ld you Iike to see? 1; �� �lt _A _ n r; ;a n lr� P� � n � i �n ,� ��` r�'l_.�� � � �- �� � Are there new recreation activities you would Iike to see occur in this neighbourhood park`? What improvements would be needed for these new activities? 2012-01-11 1 of 2 b) Social Focal Point .Are ihere natural elements of the existing site you would like to see retained? e Other comments: Please provide the following information so we can contact you with future information, Name: Address: , Telephone:� e-mail:_ , How did you hear about this meetin ' mail out notice �newspaper ad �� 6i� (�U�' I?1C�1'�C��i?� (other) Please leave the completed survey in the tray provided, or you may take the form home and return by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pendl, Parks and Leisure Services, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email spendl�a maplerid�e.ca Please return the form within five days of this information meeting, thank you. 2012-01-11 2 of 2 Nei�hbourhood Park Survey Neighbou�hood pa�ks act, in pa�^t, as a�eplacement fo� p�ivate open space, and zn pa�t as a social and �ec�eational focal point fo� collective nezghbou�hood activities. a) Recxeation Activities: What type of recreation activities do you see occu��ring now in your neighbourhood? If the paxk Was improved to accommodate these activities, what improvements would you like to see? � Are there new recreaiion activities you would lil�e to see occur in this neighbourhood park? improvements would be needed for these new activities? . � �. „ i _� �.� 2012-01-I1 ' 1 ofa b) Social Focal Point A�e there natural elements of the existing site you would like to see retained? Other comments: Please provide the following information so we can contact you with future information. Name: � � Address: Telephone:� _e-mail: How did you hear about this meeting?/ � mail out notice '!� newspaper ad j7o�ic,� i�� �a���y (other) Please leave the completed survey in the tray provided, or you may take the form home and return by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pendl, Parks and Leisiue Services, � 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email s�endl(a�maplerid�e.ca Please return the form within five days of this information meeting, thank you. 2012-01-11 2 of 2 Neighbourhood Park Survey NeighbouNhood pa�ks act, zn pa�t, cts a�^eplacement fo� p�ivate open space, and in pa�t as a soczal and �ecNeational focal point foN collective �nezghbou�hood actzvities. - .. a) Recreation Activit'ies: What type of recreation activities do you see occurring now in your .neighbourhood? If the park was improved to accommodate ihese activities, what improvements would you like to see? Are ihere new recreation activities you would like to see occur in this neighbourhood park? What improvements would be needed for these new activities? 1 of 2 2012-01-11 C Nei�hbourhood Park Survey � �� � J �,���--- , ���`-' ��� �� �� . NeighbouNhood paNks �act, in pa�t, as a�eplacement fo� p�ivate . open space, and in pa�t as a social anc� �ec�eational focal poiht fo� �olr.ective neighbou�hood act�'vi,tie.��--- �C lu;s � C�v �-� �---�- �.�,� � u..� ` c�-�' C a) Recreation Activities: What type of recreation activities do you see occurring now in .., ,,.,.,,Yl,�-.r,��r�nnr�� � �l G\C��vL�- � --���� L,��;f '• .� � � If the park was improved to accommodate these activities, what improvements would you like to see� I � -.��? � �� t� C c � !a � ��� til,� Ui'-e- ��,-,,1vt��� �,.. �" � (... �C7 l � � L- n-� � �- ��i1 ' � 1 �,_ �� G� ` - - � �� ��� � �� . .,. � —�'V �e � Are there new recreation activities you would like to see occur in this neighbourhood park? r ` C� � .� n ��� i t v��_�.��..�. r1 i �� ���_- � i � ` 1 U C �� �.L-.L- ;� `� �� �� 4- c s���V-c�:,� . What improvements would be needed for these new � � , V! _ _ -- ^ C) �'� . ��-Qi��n 1� [ �� 1 � �� 2012-01-11 c 1 of 2 b) Social Focal Point Are there natural elements of the existing site you would like to see retained? ` � . �� � .�- � �� `r�- � � � � Cz % �-- C�'+-=, �� �-�� � c� �-�-� �C.�' � S S .ti , i � �, � , r C�. �-`�— \'�-�-C�-.�- C�U-US Other comments: C� �.Y v .� .� � �� r�. -� �.� l`-t�� L Please provide the following information so we can contact you with future information. Name: Telephone�.= _ How di�d u hear about this meeting? �` mail out notiee . , e-mail: -�� newspaper ad (other) Please leave the completed survey in the tray provided, or you may take the form home and xeturn by fax 604 467-7393 or mail to: Sylvia Pend1, Parks a.nd Leisure Services, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.0 V2X 6A9, or email spendl(c�mapleridge.ca Please return the form within five days of this information meeting, thank you. 2012-01-11 � 2 of 2 � ` �'' ' i;,;i��l �s' '� s. � ��t�.'� . �... � � . Deep itoots Greater Heights T0: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: July 21, 2014 FILE N0: ATTN: C.O.W. Alouette Home Start Society Request for Advocacy Support for Iron Horse Youth Safe House Funding EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the July 2, 2014 Social Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) meeting, the Alouette Home Start Society (AHSS) made a request for additional support from District of Maple Ridge to advocate for the continued funding of the Iron Horse Youth Safe House (IHYSH). Council had previously sent a letter to the Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada regarding the change of the criteria for Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) funding and the impact on the community. AHSS has since received transitional HPS funding to operate the IHYSH until the end of September. Since its inception, IHYSH has been funded primarily by federal dollars provided through the HPS funding program. Given the new terms and conditions for HPS funding that will begin October 1, 2014, it is unlikely that Iron Horse will be eligible to access the level of HPS funding that it will need to operate. All HPS contracts currently funded, including IHYSH, come to an end in three months. Although, the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH) Community Plan recognizes that Youth Safe Houses are an essential service, it is unlikely that Safe Houses will receive HPS funding under the new criteria. As IHYSH has currently no alternate source of funding SPAC is recommending that Council advocate for an extension of the current HPS funding to March 31, 2015. The extension of the HPS funding, will allow AHSS the necessary time needed to explore partnerships and alternate funding sources. AHSS has indicated that a high percentage of youth accessing the safe house have a connection to the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). As a result, SPAC is also recommending that Council consider advocating for MCFD contribution to the funding of the safe house. RECOMMENDATIONS: That a joint letter with the Social Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) be sent to Member of Parliament Randy Kamp and the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness requesting that Alouette Home Start Society be given an extension of Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) funding to operate until March 31, 2015 to allow time for alternate funding partnerships to be developed if HPS funding is not renewed. And, that a joint letter with the Social Planning Advisory Committee be sent to Minister Cadieux requesting that the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) contribute funding for the operation of the Iron Horse Youth Safe House. Page 1 of 3 1153 a) Background Context: Since 2005, the IHYSH has provided safety, shelter and support for over 1,000 homeless youth. About one third of the youth who have stayed in the Safe House are from Maple Ridge. IHYSH also provides shelter and supports for youth from surrounding communities, and is well regarded by MCFD social workers and other service providers across the region. Homeless youth aged 13 to 18 are welcomed and supported for up to 30 days. During their stay, staff works with youth and service providers to find secure and appropriate housing as well as to connect youth to necessary services or supports. IHYSH allows youth to stay in or close to their own communities so that they can continue to attend school or employment, and connect or reconnect with their support networks. The great majority of the youth who stay at Iron Horse are connected to MCFD. Social workers directly refer clients to the shelter. In 2010-2011, 85°/a of youth who were provided service were connected to the Ministry, in 2012 and 2013 75% and 78% respectively were connected to the Ministry. While other youth safe houses in Metro Vancouver are fully or partially funded by MCFD, the IHYSH does not, and has never, received financial support from the Ministry, beyond an initial grant of $10,000 when it first opened. It would be in the best interest of the community for MCFD to review the possibility of funding the IHYSH. These funding discussions would need to take place at local, regional and provincial levels. The recommendation in this report is that Council advocate for these discussions to begin by sending a joint letter with SPAC to the MCFD Minister, the Honorable Stephanie Cadieux. The need for and the success of IHYSH is well documented. Without access to appropriate shelter, youth are particularly vulnerable and significantly at risk of a variety of social ills. If the funding is not continued and other resources are not found, youth in our community who are currently homeless, who do not have stable housing, who require assistance in re-connecting with family or supports, or are in difficult circumstances requiring them to re-locate, will not have access to the unique supports and services that IHYSH provides. The negative impact of homelessness on the development of youth is significant. The research indicates that it can impact their ability to function across their lifespan. Timely access to this type of service is critical for supporting youth in their development into healthy adults. b) Desired Outcome: That Council advocate on behalf of AHSS to ensure that HPS funding for the IHYSH continues until March 2015. In addition, that Council advocate to the provincial Ministry of Children and Family Development to contribute to the operation of the IHYSH. This advocacy work would be on behalf of the community and focused on ensuring that youth who are homeless have access to appropriate shelter and support in our community. c) Strategic Alignment: This recommendation aligns with safe and livable communities. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The IHYSH will close if the HPS funding is not renewed. If the funding is not extended AHSS will not have adequate time to develop new partnerships and funding sources. With no Youth Safe House there will be a lack of appropriate supports and services for youth in the community and there will be additional strain on existing services. Page 2 of 3 e) Interdepartmentallmplications: The RCMP, Bylaws and Youth Services could be impacted by the loss of this service in the community. The Greg Moore Youth Centre is the only youth serving agency open in the evening where youth can drop in and be connected to resources when needed. Without the resource of the IHYSH, staff will need to direct youth to MCFD in New Westminster. If youth are on the streets this could impact calls for service for both the RCMP and Bylaws. CONCLUSIONS: Youth homelessness is a complex issue. A variety of supports and services are necessary to create opportunities for successful outcomes for youth who are homeless. Although, it requires a significant investment of resources, the local Safe House model has proven to be successful. All youth need to feel safe and supported in order to develop into healthy adults. Youth who find themselves homeless or at risk of homelessness are particularly in need of safe and secure options in order to protect their ability to grow and develop into healthy adults. Advocating for services that protect youth in the community is an investment in both individual and population health. "Original signed by Shawn Matthewson" Prepared by: Shawn Matthewson, Social Planning Coordinator "Original signed by Sue Wheeler" Approved by: Sue Wheeler, Community Services Director "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Approved by: Kelly Swift, General Manager, Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" FOR Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :sm Attachments: Appendix A: Council Letter to Federal Minister Regarding HPS Funding, 2014-05-30 Appendix B: AHSS Request Letter to SPAC, 2014-06-30 Page 3 of 3 Office of the Mayor May 30, 2014 The Honourable Jason Kenney Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada 140 Promenade du Portage Gatineau, PQ K1A 1J9 Dear Minister Kenney, _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ _.. The pistrict of Maple Ridge would like to commend Service Canada for continuing its commitment to fund programs that address homelessness across the nation. It is only through a multi-sectorial approach that the provision of affordable and adequate housing and the issue of homelessness can be addressed. The District of Maple Ridge has a very active Housing Planning Table that works collaboratively with locai service providers and the Regionai Steering Committee on Homelessness. The Housing Planning Table is part of a broader network of social s.ervice providers, ministries and government representatives called the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network. The Community Network is represented on the District of Maple Ridge's Social Planning Advisory Committee which provides these agencies an oppor�unity to provide input on municipal planning regarding the social wellness of the community, and the opportunity to share community concerns with Council. At the March 5, 2014, SPAC (Social Planning Advisory Committee) meeting, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HP5) funding for Alouette Home Start Society (AHSS) Outreach and the Iron Horse Youth Safe House (IHYSH) programs were discussed. The discussion centered on three points:. • The first point was that there was a lack of timely communication about the transitional funding process and a short application timeline. The lack of information caused a great deal of distress for AHSS, their staff and clients. Additionally, once information about the application was sent out the turnaround time was very short. • The second point discussed was with regards to the shift in the HPS funding criteria to a `Housing First' focus which means that currently funded local programs may not continue to receive funding. This wili significantly impact the continuum of services that the community has been working to develop which have been designed to integrate with the network of services ava(lable w(thin our community. This model has been highly successful and the loss of these services will impact the communities' ability to support citizens towards independence. • The third point discussed was that a"Housfng First" model requires a greai deal of services and supports to ensure success. There are different and varying capacities across the region ../2 Diserict of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Rldge, Bcitlsh Columbia V2X 6A9 CANADA Telephone: 604-463-5221 � Fax: 604-467�7329 • Email: enquicies�maplecidge.ca •�vww,mapleridge.ca DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE - 2- MAY 30, 2014 o to supply these services and supports. The access to housing stock and rental supplements is also inconsistent across the region. As a result, communities across Metro Vancouver have varying degrees of capacity to implement "Housing First" projects, and our concern is that moving directly to a"Housing First" model is not feasible for_ali communities. Housing and homelessness are of major concern to Maple Ridge Council, and as such, we have taken the time to forward the concerns noted above. As we move forward to engage our community in planning for the "Housing First" model, it is important to ensure that we work together and that we lessen the impact of changing funding crfteria and the subsequent loss of resources on service providers and their clients. Maple Ridge is committed to supporting locai service providers as well as the Regional, Provincial and Federal Governments to address homelessness to access the services and supports needed to effectively house our citizens. _ . . . . .. . . . .. . _ _ . I trust that you will take this feedback as a constructive effort of input towards pianning processes and program criteria that will lead to successful outcomes for all communities struggling with these challenges. . � Yo rs in rely, � / Ernie Daykin Mayor cc Maple Ridge Council Jim Rule, Chief Administrative Officer, District of Maple Ridge Frank Quinn, General Manager Public Works & Development, District of Maple Ridge Paul Gill, General Manager Corporate & Finance, Distrlct of Maple Ridge Kelly Swift, General Manager Communfty Development Parks & Recreation, District of Maple Ridge Randy Kamp, Member of Parliament, Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission Theresa Harding, Manager, Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness - i�OU���C � Home Start SOCie�j7 June 30, 2014 Mr. Steven Lamothe, Chair Social Planning Advisory Council, District of Maple Ridge Dear Mr. Lamothe,` Given the important services that the Iron Horse Youth Safe House provides in Maple Ridge, it is important to let the community know that, without a focused effort of intervention and advocacy, Iron Horse will likely need to cease operations as a youth safe house on September 30, 2014. Because of the essential service that Iron Horse provides to some of Maple Ridge's most vulnerable citizens, AHSS is asking SPAC to help with finding a way to keep Iron Horse operational, or mitigate the devastating consequences of its loss, Iron Horse has been funded almost completely by federal dollars, currently through the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, since it opened in the spring of 2005. Given the terms and conditions of an anticipated Call for Proposals for HPS funding that will begin October 1, 2014, it is unlikely that Iron Horse will be able to access the level of HPS funding that it will need to operate. In its nine years of service, Iron Horse has provided safely, shelter and support to homeless youth in over in well over 1000 instances. About one third of the youth who have stayed there are from Maple Ridge, and Maple Ridge youth stay have been in residence for about half of the bed-nights. Iron Horse also shelters youth from surrounding communities, and is well regarded by MCFD social workers and other service providers across the region. Homeless youth aged 13 to 18 are welcomed and supported for up to 30 days while staff work diligently with the youth and service providers to find them secure and appropriate housing. Iron Horse allows youth to stay in or close to their own communities, continue to attend school or employment, and connect or reconnect with their support networks. The great majority of the youth who stay at Iron Horse are connected tio MCFD (Ministry of Children and Families). While other youth safe houses in Metro are fully or partially funded by MCFD, and in spite of the fact that MCFD teams and their youthful clients in this and neighbouring communities benefit enormously from the services provided by Iron Horse, the Maple Ridge safe house does not, and has never, received financial support from MCFD beyond an initial grant of $10,000 when it first opened. MCFD managers at the local level do not have the resources to help fund Iron Horse. It is important that persons who have the authority to approve funds be part of a discussion on how MCFD can step up and make a financial contribution toward services that they need and use. We hope that SPAC will encourage council to assist with facilitating a high level discussion with MCFD to help accomplish this end. The rollout of the current round of HPS funding has been plagued by delays and missed deadlines, leaving service providers in an information vacuum. We are grateful to Social Planning and to Council for following up on issues of timing and lack of information in this process recently in a letter to RSCH and to Randy Kamp, We expected a Call for Proposals for HPS funding in May for contracts scheduled to begin October 1, 2014. At this time, there is no clear information about when we can expect the CFP. All HPS contracts currently funded, including Iron Horse, come to an end in three short months. Given that Youth Safe Houses are recognized as an essential service in the RSCH Community Plan, and given that Iron Horse has no alternate source of funding in the short term, we hope that SPAC will encourage council to advocate for an extension of Iron Horse's current HPS funding to March 31, 2015 if the terms and conditions of the anticipated HPS Call for Proposals do not allow Iron Horse to keep operating under a new contract. This uvill allow the necessary time to secure needed funding from provincial and other sources. This community came together to look at homelessness in Maple Ridge more than a dozen years ago. It saw the need for a youth safe house and made it happen. The municipality has been supportive every step of the way, and we are so grateful for that support. We hope that, if the right persons can be accessed and available resources can be harnessed, there may be a way to keep Iron Horse operational. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Stephanie Ediger Executive Director Alouette Home Start Society ed@alouettehomestart.com 604-466-3031, Ext. 113 604-309-3409 MAPLE RIDGE British Columhla T0: FROM: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE N0: MEETING: SUBJECT: MAPLE RIDGE TENNIS CLUB FUNDING REQUEST July 21, 2014 C.O. W. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached report was reviewed by the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission (The Commission) at its meeting of July 10, 2014. The Commission endorsed that a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council to consider the request received from the Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club (Tennis Club) for a grant or loan in the amount of $30,000 toward the completion of the clubhouse project at the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts. RECOMMENDATION: That the request from the Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club for a grant or loan in the amount of $30,000 toward the completion of their clubhouse project at the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts be referred to staff to identify a potential funding source and to request more detailed information on the size, form and placement of the proposed building. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Two reports on this subject have come before Commission in the past year. The original report outlines a request from the Tennis Club for a license to occupy or lease land adjacent to the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts to locate a portable clubhouse building. This request was forwarded to Council by Commission in September, 2013, and Council approved it. A follow-up report was prepared when staff received correspondence from the Tennis Club regarding an award of a$30,000 grant from Meadow Ridge Rotary Club toward the development of the clubhouse building. This brings available funding for this project to $60,000 as the Tennis Club has also successfully fundraised $30,000 to date. However, a requirement of the Rotary grant is that the clubhouse project be completed by December 31, 2014. This limits time available for the Tennis Club to complete their fundraising to achieve their total project cost which they have estimated to be $90,000. Therefore, the Tennis Club has requested Council's support in the form of either a grant or a loan for $30,000 so that they can proceed within the time restriction imposed by the grant. Commission approved this request to come forward to Council to indicate their support, but did not specify a preference for either a grant or a loan and instead, has left this for Council to determine if Council wishes to support this request. 1154 b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is for Council to give staff direction on whether Council wishes to support the request for either a grant or loan, and if so, to direct staff to bring back a report outlining a funding source as well as more detailed building plans for the proposed building at the earliest opportunity, so that the clubhouse can be completed by the deadline of December 31, 2014. c) Strategic Alignment: The approval in principle that was previously granted to the Tennis Club was intended to provide the ability to increase membership and host larger regional tennis tournaments in Maple Ridge. This request is consistent with the Commission's desire to promote healthy, active living opportunities for our citizens, as well as being a potential economic driver for our community when tournaments are hosted in Maple Ridge. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Thomas Haney Tennis Courts are highly used by the Tennis Club which is a non-profit group that welcomes new members of all ages. The addition of a clubhouse would enhance the services on-site for their members and provide the ability to host major tournaments. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Since this request was not anticipated in the 2014 budget, there is no planned funding source. Establishing a loan for the requested amount would likely be easier to accommodate, however a funding source would need to be identified for this option as well. f) Alternatives: In the event that an appropriate funding source could not be identified, Council could choose to respectfully decline this request. CONCLUSIONS: The clubhouse project at the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts will be beneficial to club members and will enhance the Club's ability to host events and tournaments at this site. Council has provided loans to non-profit groups that provide a recreation service to the community in the past, such as the Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club, and this support resulted in an enhanced level of service to the community. If Council would like to support this request, it is recommended that this item be referred to staff to identify a funding source and approach, and more information on the size, form and placement of the clubhouse. This information would then be brought back to Council for a final decision. "Original signed by Kelly Swift" Prepared by: Kelly Swift, General Manager, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services "Original signed by Paul Gill" FOR Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Attachment: PLS Commission Report dated July 10, 2014 PLS Commission Report dated September 12, 2013 Letter dated June 30, 2014 from the Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club %� �� Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report Pitt Meadows REGULAR MEETING PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES �UIy 1O, 2014 SUBJECT: MAPLE RIDGE TENNIS CLUB FUNDING REQUEST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Maple Ridge Tennis Club (MRTC) has received a$30,000 grant from the Maple Ridge Rotary Club to build a club house at The Thomas Haney Tennis Courts. However, the conditions of the grant require that the project be completed by December of 2014 and currently the MRTC does not have the funds to complete the project. MRTC, through staff, is requesting a grant or loan from the District of Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council to consider the request received from the Maple Ridge Tennis Club for a grant or loan in the amount of $30,000 toward the completion of the Club House project at the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: In September 2013, the MRTC submitted a request for approval in principle, to place a portable building (Club House) at the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts. This request was approved by the Commission, Maple Ridge Council and SD42, subject to several conditions being met prior to the project being started, including permit approvals and construction and operating agreements being in place. The MRTC has now advised staff that they were recently awarded a grant from the Rotary Club in the amount of $30,000; however the project must be completed by December 31, 2014, as a condition of the grant. The club has raised an additional $30,000 on their own but it is anticipated that they will need up to $30,000 in addition to the funds they have already raised, in order to complete the project within the period specified for the grant funding. The MRTC has agreed to recognize the Rotary for the donation by changing the club name to "Maple Ridge Rotary Tennis Club" on all future correspondence on the club's letterhead. They have also agreed to place a sign at the club recognizing the Rotary Club's financial support for the Club House. Staff has confirmed that there is no expectation for the park/school site or the tennis courts to be renamed as part of the agreement between the MRTC and the Rotary Club. b) Desired Outcome: That the MRTC completes the Club House project prior to December 31, 2014 in order to be eligible for the Rotary grant funding that has been offered to them. c) Strategic Alignment: The approval in principle that was previously granted to the MRTC was intended to provide the club with the ability to increase their membership and host larger regional tennis tournaments in Maple Ridge. This request is consistent with the Commission's desire to promote healthy, active living opportunities for our citizens, as well as being a potential economic driver for our community when tournaments are hosted in Maple Ridge \\m r. corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Co u nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW\01-Gen\Age n das\2014\2014-07- 21_COW\CDPR\PLSC_MR_Tennis_Club_Fundin�Req_2014-07-10.doc d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The MRTC is currently providing a very valuable service to the community through their tennis lessons and club activities for all ages of players who wish to learn or participate in the club's activities. The current membership ranges from youth through seniors and has maintained a strong membership for many years. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The MRTC is requesting funding assistance to complete this project and meet the funding conditions of the grant that they have received from the Rotary Club. The club's first choice of course would be that Maple Ridge Council would provide them with a grant of $30,000 which would cover the costs of the utilities, such as water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and power to the club house. The club is willing to enter into an agreement to borrow all or a portion of the $30,000 in order to ensure that they do not lose the grant funding that they have been offered from Rotary; however, it is their hope that the municipality would consider contributing funds for this project. CONCLUSIONS: MRTC have asked that Maple Ridge Council consider providing a grant of $30,000 to them so that the project can proceed, and if this is not possible perhaps Council would consider providing the club a no interest loan to be repaid over an agreed period of time. Perhaps the Commission might consider recommending that Maple Ridge Council contribute funding to this project on the basis that the building would become the property of the District of Maple Ridge once completed, and that the club would be responsible, through a nominal rate lease, for all future maintenance costs for the building including all capital costs related to HVAC, roofing, utilities as well as any other costs directly associated with the Tennis Club House. `Original signed by David Boag' Prepared By: David Boag Director, Parks and Facilities `Original signed by Wendy McCormick, Acting General Manager' Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :db PLS Commission Report 2012-09-13 \\m r. corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Co u nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW\01-Gen\Age n das\2014\2014-07- 21_COW\CDPR\PLSC_MR_Tennis_Club_Fundin�Req_2014-07-10.doc � � -��� ivi�`yy(�d�t�rs PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Report SUBJECT: MAPLE RIDGE TENNIS CLUB - CLUB HOUSE REGULAR MEETING September 12, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Maple Ridge Tennis Club (MRTC) have recently submitted a request to confirm in writing that they have been approved, in principle, to place a portable building (Club House) adjacent to the Maple Ridge Tennis Courts on 232 Street. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge Tennis Club be granted approval in principle for a license to occupy (or lease if more appropriate) adjacent to the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts on 232 Street , Maple Ridge and forwarded to Maple Ridge Council and School District No. 42. This approval in principle is subject to School District No. 42 and District of Maple Ridge review and acceptance of all building and servicing plans, and detailed terms of license or lease as well as full funding being in place for the project prior to the start of construction. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Maple Ridge Tennis Club which includes the Maple Ridge Seniors Tennis Club, have been utilizing the majority of the tennis courts at the Thomas Haney Tennis courts in the mornings evenings and potions of the weekends for many years. They have not been provided with priority access to Court #5 to ensure that a court remains accessible to residents in the immediate neighborhood. The Club has been very successful and provides a wide range of game and or completion opportunities to its members. The Club also provides lessons to members and non members, as this has been a good strategy for them to attract and retain members in the Club. One of the major challenges for the Club for many years is the reduced ability to host tournaments at regional or provincial levels, as they do not have a clubhouse where they can provide washroom facilities and refreshments etc. for their guests. The Club recently lost out on a recent opportunity to purchase a suitable unit as they did not wish to enter into a purchase agreement with the vendor until they had received permission to place this on the site (photo attached). b) Desired Outcome: Ideally, the Maple Ridge Tennis Club be provided with approval in principle to place a portable building (Club House) adjacent to the Thomas Haney Tennis Courts so that they can act quickly if an appropriate building becomes available. \\m r. corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Co u nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW\01-Gen\Age n das\2014\2014-07- 21_COW \CD PR\PLSC_M R_Ten n is_CI u b_Req_2013-09-12.doc #1 c) Strategic Alignment: The proposal to provide their members with a club house is consistent with the Commission's goals to promote and active and healthy community. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: It is anticipated that the addition of a good quality facility for the Tennis Club to provide basic catering and shelter for their members and guests will be positively received. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: No commitments have been made to the Club to share costs in any way related to the construction of the site or maintenance once installed. Staff however does anticipate assisting the Tennis Club with the development of a lease/license agreement and wherever possible assistance with the appropriate placement of the portable building as well as technical advice where and when requested. f) Policy Implications: Staff will post the information required in the Community Charter regarding disposition of municipally owned/School District lands. g) Alternatives: The alternative in this case would be to deny the approval in principle to place the proposed club house, however this is not recommended as a facility like this has the potential to provide significant social end economic benefits to the Club and the community. CONCLUSIONS: This is the second time that the Maple Ridge Tennis Club have brought forward a proposal to place a portable building on the site, however due the building cost and servicing costs they were unable to proceed with the first application. The Club President has advised that they are in a much better financial position than before and are now ready to proceed with this project. `Original signed by David Boag' Prepared By: David Boag Director Parks & Facilities `Original signed by Kelly Swift' Approved By: Kelly Swift General Manager, Community Development Parks & Recreation Services :db Attachment- photo \\m r. corp\docs\CA\01-Ad m i n\0550-Co u nci I-Mtgs-Pu bl ic\20-COW\01-Gen\Age n das\2014\2014-07- 21_COW \CD PR\PLSC_M R_Ten n is_CI u b_Req_2013-09-12.doc #2