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2010-10-18 Workshop Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA October 18, 2010 9:00 a.m. Blaney Room, 1st Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. REMINDERS October 1.8 2010 Closed Council following Workshop Committee of the Whole Meeting 1.00 P.M. 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. MINUTES - October 4, 2010 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 South Haney Neighbourhood Development Initiative Update Verbal report by the Neighbourhood Development Coordinator 4.2 Children and Youth Services Update Verbal report by the Youth Services Coordinator and the Recreation and Social Planning Coordinator 4.3 Animal Shelter Construction Update Verbal report by the Manager of Inspection Services Council Workshop October 18, 2010 Page 2 of 4 4.4 224 and Lougheed Highway Improvements and Capital Works Update Verbal report by the Municipal Engineer 4.5 Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Staff report dated September 30, 2010 providing information on the regulatory framework and water quality monitoring data for 2009. 4.6 Area Planning Assessment Policy Report - Update Staff report dated September 16, 2010 recommending that the Area Planning Assessment Policy be adopted. 4.7 Matrix Update Staff report dated October 13, 2010 recommending that the Council Matrix attached as Appendix I be adopted. 5. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider include: a) Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be taken. b) Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. c) Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion. d) Other. Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent. 5.1 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society - Green Waste/Organics Drop off - Maple Ridge Transfer Station Letter dated September 13, 2010 from Kim Day, Executive Director, Ridge Meadows Recycling Society asking Council to send a letter to Metro Vancouver asking for consideration of alternatives to handle organics locally in Maple Ridge. 5.2 British Columbia Achievement Foundation - BC Community Achievement Awards Letter dated September 20, 2010 requesting nominations for the British Columbia Community Achievement Awards. Council Workshop October 18, 2010 Page 3 of 4 BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. ADJOURNMENT Checked by: Dare: O Council Workshop October 18, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered fora position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; (c) labour relations or employee negotiations; (d) the security of property of the municipality; (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; (f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; (g) liti ation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; (h) an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council (i) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose; 0) information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] (m) a matter that, under another enactmentis such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; (n) the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) (o) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91(other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. (p) information relating to local government r)articipation in, provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: September 30, 2010 FILE NO: E03-012-001 ATTN: Workshop The District of Maple Ridge operates a water utility under permit by the Fraser Health Authority (FHA). The District's Operating Permit for the Municipal Waterworks System requires that an annual report be prepared and submitted to the Fraser Health Authority and be available to the public. The report follows the format required by the Fraser Health Authority and is necessarily a largely technical report. To assist the general public, a less technical brochure has been produced and will be available on the website and at the Municipal Hall Customer Service Centre. The report, as attached includes an outline of the regulatory framework and water quality monitoring data for 2009. A copy of the report will be placed in the public library and on the corporate website as part of the public information strategy. In 2009, the District purchased 12.1 million cubic meters of water from the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD), (an increase of 6% from 2008). During the year, the Utility's water quality met microbiological standards. RECOMMENDATION: This report is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The District operates a water utility under the provisions of the Local Government Act (Provincial), and under permit by the Provincial Ministry of Health Services - Fraser Health Authority. Water quality requirements are stipulated by the Drinking Water Protection Regulations and administered by the FHA. The District, as a distributor and purveyor of water, is reliant on the GVWD for source water quality control. Treated water is delivered to the District by the GVWD via the Maple Ridge Main and 248 Street Reservoir. While Coquitlam Lake is the primary source of water delivered to Maple Ridge, the GVWD has the capability to transfer water from the Seymour and Capilano sources and maintain supply to Maple Ridge in the event of disruptions at Coquitlam Lake. 4.5 The District's drinking water system operating permit requires an annual water quality monitoring program and that an annual report be prepared and submitted. While the monitoring program provides a representative picture of drinking water quality in the system and within municipal mains, it does not provide a definite picture of drinking water quality within buildings, where water quality can change significantly due to pipe materials, standing times, temperature, and other factors. It can be assumed that samples taken within buildings may be of different quality than those taken from sites on municipal mains. The District's water distribution infrastructure includes 374 km of watermain, over 18,000 connections, 7 pump stations, 6 reservoir sites, and 5 re -chlorination stations. Samples from 16 locations in the distribution system are taken weekly and are analyzed by Metro Vancouver. The results are sent to the Operations and Engineering Departments- and to the FHA. The total number of samples having a heterotrophic plate count (HPC) of 500 CFU/ml or greater in 2009 was 1, less than the 4 samples in 2008, and equal to the 1 in 2007. There were no samples testing positive for Ecoli. One of the 1,091 samples exceeded the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation Microbiological Standard of 10 Total Coliforms per 100mL. This occurrence (0.09% of samples) was lower than the regional rate of 0.2% (not including samples collected by other municipalities) reported by Metro Vancouver for 2009. b) Strategic Alignment: Financial Management Council has directed that the Municipality provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient. The annual water quality monitoring program is intended to ensure that the water delivered by the District's utility is of high quality. Smart Managed Growth The Corporate Strategic Plan directs that municipal infrastructure be protected and managed through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure maintenance of the system. A systematic water quality monitoring plan assists in ensuring that an effective water distribution system is managed and maintained. Inter overnmental Relations/ Partnershir)s: Council has directed that the District develop and maintain strong positive working relationships with the GVWD and other governmental agencies. Strong working relationships with the GVWD and FHA is required to ensure the quality of water. The annual program and report facilitates an effective relationship. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Maple Ridge water utility customers expect that the investment in the network be maintained to provide safe, reliable and high quality water. The annual reporting of water quality is a means to meet the accountability that customers expect from a utility. Improvements by Metro Vancouver will continue to improve regional water quality. d) Interdepartmental Implications: As part of the Public Works and Development Services Division, the Engineering and Operations Departments collaborate in the water utility's planning, management, operation and maintenance and water quality reporting to meet customer water quality objectives. e) Policy Implications: The reporting of water quality is consistent with the public policy approach of transparency and accountability was well as meeting the requirements of the FHA. CONCLUSIONS: Water quality in Maple Ridge was generally good in 2009 and consistent with previous years. For 2009, the Utility's water quality met microbiological standards. Prepared by: drew ood, PhD., PEng. Mun' pal E gineer Approved Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Publie or s & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (J ) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AWjmi Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT elf! DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT 2009 Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................1 2 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 2 3 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................................3 3.1 REGULATORY OUTLINE................................................................................................................................3 3.2 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...............................................................................................................................3 3.3 WATER PURCHASED (TOTAL)....................................................................................................................... 3 3.4 WATER SOLD (METERED CUSTOMERS)...................................................................................................... 4 4 DRINKING WATER QUALITY PROGRAM.......................................................................................................4 4.1 FACILITY MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................................................4 4.2 RE -CHLORINATION STATIONS...................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 WATER QUALITYSAMPLING AND MONITORING.......................................................................................... 5 4.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL MONITORING................................................................................................................ 6 4.5 CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL MONITORING....................................................................................................7 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE............................................................................................................................8 5.1 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................8 5.2 E COLI POSITIVE SAMPLES - RESPONSE PROCEDURE..............................................................................9 6 DRINKING WATER QUALITY MONITORING RESULTS.................................................................................10 7 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS.........................................................................................................................12 7.1 SECURITY PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................................12 7.2 A PUBLIC HEALTH MESSAGE FROM THE MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER/DRINKING WATER OFFICER ....... 12 8 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................12 APPENDIX A - TURBIDITY VS FREE CHLORINE GRAPHS APPENDIX B - WEEKLY SAMPLE METRO VANCOUVER LAB RESULTS APPENDIX C - DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCTS METRO VANCOUVER LAB RESULTS APPENDIX D - METRO VANCOUVER COQUITLAM SOURCE AND TREATED WATER QUALITY APPENDIX E - 2009-2012 CAPITAL PROGRAM APPENDIX F - MAPS Prepared by: Barb Croucher Joe Dingwall Ed Mitchell District of Maple Ridge 2009 Reviewed by: Andrew Wood, PhD., PEng. District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The District of Maple Ridge operates a water utility under permit by the Fraser Health Authority (FHA). The Municipality is a distributor of water that is supplied and treated by Metro Vancouver from its Coquitlam Lake source. In 2009, the Municipality purchased 12.1 million cubic meters of water from Metro Vancouver, a volume increase of 6% over 2008, and supplied water to approximately 63,000 residents. Samples from 16 locations in the distribution system are taken weekly and are analyzed by Metro Vancouver. The results are sent to the Municipal Operations and Engineering Departments and to the FHA. The Municipality's objective is to maintain a minimal free chlorine residual of 0.20 mg/L, which was achieved on average at all 16 sampling stations. Turbidity was generally low with only 5% of all samples having an NTU greater than 1, the established target stipulated in the Canadian Safe Drinking Water Guidelines. The total number of samples having a Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) over 500 CFU/ml in 2009 was 1, less than the 4 samples in 2008 (not including Metro Vancouver samples). In 2009, no samples tested positive for EColi. One of the 1,091 samples exceeded the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation Microbiological Standard of 10 Total Coliforms per 100mL. This 0.09% occurrence was lower than the regional rate of 0.2% (not including samples collected by other municipalities) reported by Metro Vancouver for 2009. In 2009 a total of 8 samples were analyzed for pH and 16 for Trihalomethanes. Results for pH ranged from 6.4 to 7.1 pH Units. Seven of the eight samples were within the aesthetically desirable range of 6.5 to 8.5 pH Units. These measured levels were very much in keeping with pH levels in the Coquitlam Lake source. Total Trihalomethane results ranged from 14 to 41 parts per billion (ppb) with an average of 25 ppb. This was a slight decrease from 2008 when results ranged from 17 to 48 parts per billion (ppb) with an average of 29 parts per billion (ppb). The BC Safe Drinking Regulations do not prescribe a standard for Total Trihalomethanes, but Health Canada is proposing guidelines of 100 ppb. Haloacetic acids were also measured in 16 samples. Total Haloacetic acid concentrations ranged from 18 to 80 ppb with an average of 44, which was lower than 2008 when results ranged from 39 to 85 ppb with an average of 57 ppb. The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines stipulate a maximum allowable concentration of 80 ppb. In conclusion, water quality in Maple Ridge was generally good in 2009. District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 2 INTRODUCTION This document is the Municipality's annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2009. This report is prepared for the Fraser Health Authority (as required by the Provincial Drinking Water Protection Act & Regulation), and for public information. Contents of the report include an outline of the regulatory framework, and water quality monitoring data and results for the year 2009. District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 3 BACKGROUND 3.1 REGULATORY OUTLINE The Municipality operates a water utility under the provisions of the Local Government Act (Provincial), and under permit by the Provincial Ministry of Health Services Fraser Health Authority (FHA). On May 16, 2003, the Drinking Water Protection Act was brought into force replacing the existing regulations with the new Drinking Water Protection Regulation. The new regulations rely on Drinking Water Officers, and for Maple Ridge is administered by the FHA. 3.2 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The Municipality is a distributor and purveyor of water and is reliant on Metro Vancouver for source water quality control. The Municipality also operates 5 secondary re -chlorination stations to maintain residual chlorine in the system. Treated water is delivered to the Municipality by Metro Vancouver via the Maple Ridge Main and 248 Street Reservoir. Coquitlam Lake is the primary source of water delivered to Maple Ridge. Metro Vancouver has the capability to transfer water from the Seymour and Capilano sources and maintain supply to Maple Ridge in the event of disruptions at Coquitlam Lake. The Municipality's water utility directly serves approximately 63,000 residents. The water distribution infrastructure includes 374 km of water main, over 18,000 connections, 7 pump stations, 6 reservoir sites, and 5 re -chlorination stations. The service area, pressure zones, and facility locations are mapped in Appendix F. Table 1 identifies the types of material used in the pipe system and their respective lengths. Over 80 per cent of the Municipality's mains are ductile iron, most of which is cement mortar lined. New installations are all cement mortar lined ductile iron. Corrosion in these installations is very minimal which helps maintain high water quality. Table 1 Maple Ridge's Distribution Pipe Lengths and Materials Material Length (km) Asbestos Cement 56 Cast Iron 12 Ductile Iron 302 PVC 3 Steel 1 TOTAL 374 The system is managed by a team of professionals within the Public Works and Development Services Division, under the leadership of the General Manager: Public Works and Development Services. The system is also regulated by Maple Ridge's Water Service Bylaw 6002-2001. 3.3 WATER PURCHASED (TOTAL) In 2009, the Municipality purchased 12.1 million cubic meters of water from Metro Vancouver, a volume increase of 6%from the equivalent period in 2008. District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 3.4 WATER SOLD (METERED CUSTOMERS) In 2009, the Municipality sold 3.5 million cubic meters of water to metered customers, a volume decrease of 8% from the equivalent period in 2008. 4 DRINKING WATER QUALITY PROGRAM 4.1 FACILITY MAINTENANCE Water quality is influenced by water system maintenance and improvement strategies that are in place in Maple Ridge. The following are a few of the maintenance strategies that are implemented by the Municipality's Operations Department. Unidirectional Flushing Unidirectional flushing is a method of cleaning sediment and material accumulation from the watermains. Flow velocity is increased in one direction through the pipe and the water is discharged (carrying the sediment with it) through fire hydrants or blow off points. The Municipality cleaned approximately 120km of main (32% of the system) in 2009 using this method. Due to water conservation efforts, flushing activities were performed between October and May. Reservoirs Reservoirs are sized for future growth and fire flow demands, and therefore have storage capacities that exceed normal daily demands. Using in place SCADA controls, reservoir levels are optimized to reduce the age of water stored and maintain acceptable chlorine residual levels. Automatic Hydrant Flushers An automatic hydrant flusher is in operation at 266 Street at 127 Avenue to improve circulation and reduce the age of water in the watermain. The flusher is operated by automatic timers are set to discharge at various intervals between 2:00 am and 5:00 am each morning. Watermain Repairs and Improvements Water quantity, quality, and reliability can be improved through continual repairs and replacements. Computer modeling is typically used to identify deficiencies in the system and design replacement components. Pipes in the system are replaced, as they are identified. The current water system capital works program is identified in Appendix E. Valve Exercising Valves are a critical component of a water system. The Municipality has an annual program of exercising 33% of the system's valves annually. Fire Hydrants Providing water for fire fighting is a very important role of a water distribution system. To ensure that hydrants are functioning and adequate water demands for fighting fires can be met, the municipality replaced deteriorated parts on 373 fire hydrants in 2009. All 1,745 fire hydrants were visually inspected. 4 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Pump Stations To ensure that pumps remain functional, pump stations are inspected weekly for a number of parameters and a regular maintenance schedule is in place. 4.2 RE -CHLORINATION STATIONS The Municipality has installed re -chlorination stations in the eastern part of the distribution system to address historically low chlorine residuals in this area. The re -chlorination stations are ClorTec T-2 and T-6 systems that utilize salt instead of chlorine gas as the chlorine source. The maximum daily output Of C12 gas equivalent is 3 kg per day. All but two of the pump stations have re -chlorination on site. These stations are monitored and adjusted on a weekly basis. Chlorine analyzers have been installed at the 263 Street Pump Station and 248 Street Pump Stations to monitor chlorine levels. The analyzer at 248 Street Pump Station automatically adjusts injected chlorine according to the existing chlorine levels in the GVWD water. 4.3 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING AND MONITORING The Municipality and GVWD monitor water quality in a cooperative manner. Water quality is monitored on a weekly basis at the District's 16 water sample locations and at 3 GVWD locations within the Municipality to determine the water quality in the system. Monitoring frequencies have been unchanged since 2002. Turbidity levels from the GVWD source waters of Capilano, Seymour and Coquitlam are reported in the Vancouver Sun and on the Metro Vancouver web site on a daily basis. Turbidity may affect water disinfection. There is no safe/unsafe level of turbidity, but levels of 1 NTU detected by the GVWD (Health Canada Guidelines) prompt increased disinfection at the GVWD source. Since 2003, Metro Vancouver has issued public advisories whenever turbidity levels rise over 1 NTU. The samples are taken from "standpipe" sampling stations. The sampling sites and codes are listed in Table 2 and geographically shown on maps in Appendix F. Table 2 Weekly Sample Locations and Codes Sample Code Location Flow Pipe Material Diameter Pressure mm Zone MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Road @ 201B Street Low C.I. 150 275 MPR-432 — ..�...-.-.._ 224 Street @ 122 Avenue .......................-_ High -.-.-........................ A:G. ................ . 250 275 MPR-433 232 Street North of j_d Avenue --- ---'---'- High ..................... ..--� D.I.._._.......................30fl..............._ 275 MPR-434 102 Avenue East of 241A Street Low D.I 250 275 MPR-435 240 Street 200m South of Abernethy Way Low D..I 250 275 _._._. MPR-436 ........ _................_ ._._._......._.. 125 Avenue 140m West of Ansell Street ._._......_............. Low A.0 ._._._..._._.._..................................... 150 440 ........ MPR-437 .................. _n_._-_._._.._ 248 Street @ 116 Avenue Law D,I. _._.......................... 200 _._ 440 __._ MPR-438 _.......... 125 Avenue 200m West of 256. Street. Low ❑.I. 200 _.....................440 MPR-439 130 Avenue @ 251A Street (west of 256 Street) Low D.J. 200 560 MPR-440 232 Street @ 117 Avenue High D.I. 300 275 ............... _........................_ ..............._ _.-...._._ 132 Avenue @Cedar Way ....................... Low _.........._._._._ D.I. 200 - 275 ................................................. MPR 442 _. __...__ ...___ Princess Street @ Ditton Street. _..................._ Low _ ___ D.I. 300 ____________- 275 MPR-443 216 Street@ Donovan High D.l. 250 275 _ ._WWWWW__............._ MPR-444 -._.@_.._..M---arc Road -------- ---- Foreman Drive Dead End --._..._._...--- D:[. --- ...................... 200 440 ---- 127 Avenue & 266 Street Low Q.I. 200 790 MPR-446 128 Avenue & Willow Place ... .............. _..._...................... ..._ _ Law..........._._. PV........................... ..........150 1060..... ... 1 Vi 71 _ Dewdney trunk Road & 2SD Street ............................. Source....... S7L........ _......___. 750 275.._._--. GVWD 72 Lougheed Highway & —De wdney Trunk Road Source STL 750 275 5 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Code Location Flow Pipe Material Diameter Pressure mm Zone GVWD 9$ 246 Street Reservoir Source STL......... 900._._.._._......._.._._......440.......... Samples are taken weekly by the Municipality's Operations Department staff and sent to the GVWD for analysis. The GVWD lab sends the results to the Municipality and the FHA by e-mail and facsimile. (these results are fully tabulated for 2009 in Appendix B). In addition, the FHA takes audit samples biweekly throughout the Municipality. GVWD takes samples from their system at three locations within Maple Ridge, the results of which are included in Appendix B. It is important to note that this monitoring program provides a representative picture of drinking water quality in the system and within municipal mains. However, it does not provide a definite picture of drinking water quality within buildings, where water quality can change significantly due to pipe materials, standing times, temperature, and other factors. It can be assumed that samples taken within buildings will be of different quality than those taken from sites on municipal mains. 4.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL MONITORING Weekly samples from all the stations listed in Table 2 are analyzed for EColi, Total Coliform, and Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) as shown in Appendix B. Schedule A of the BCDWPR stipulates microbiological standards as shown in Table 3. These standards remain unchanged for 2009. Monitoring results for 2009 related to Table 3 are shown in Section 6 of this report. Table 3 BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation Microbiological Standards Parameter Occurrence Standard EColi 1 sample No detectable EColi per 100mL Tota I Coliform _............................................................... a) 1 sample in a 30 day No detectable Total Coliform per 100mL period b) more than 1 sample At least 90% of samples have 0 Total Coliform per in a 30 day period 100mL and no sample has more than 10 Total Coliform per 100mL Monitoring and sampling frequency are stipulated by the Medical Health Officer and generally follow the federal "Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality". Current requirements are identified in Table 4. With a total of 16 weekly sampling sites at various points in the Municipality's water distribution system, the average number of monthly samples is in accordance with the guideline of 60; additional GVWD locations can also provide a point of reference. As the Municipality's population grows additional sampling sites will be added. Table 4 Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Frequency Population Served Target No. of Samples per Month Up to 5,000 4 .............. ........._-......................... _.m._ ._................... __ 5,000 to 90,000 1 per 1,000 of population .............._._ _.___._._.__....._.................................... ......... 90,000 and up 90 plus 1 per 10,000 population Maple Ridge Distribution 60 System, approx. 63,000 pop. 0 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 4.5 CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL MONITORING The proposed monitoring program for chemical and physical characteristics of the water in municipal distribution mains is shown in Table 5. Except where otherwise noted, approximately 10% of the sample sites in each municipal system are sampled for the following parameters at the frequency shown. The sample sites for this testing will be selected with regard to local conditions including factors such as water source, pipe materials, location of water treatment facilities, etc. Table 5 Chemical/Physical Monitoring in Municipal Distribution Systems Parameter Location Frequency Free Chlorine All Weekty, tests run when Residual and bacteriological samples Temperature are taken Copper* _ ......................._._ _._.._.. --.......... _..... ... ........ ....... ............... Selected taps in public buildings (e.g. ...... _...................... .._.. Semi-annually ........._._...........-._.........._.. Schools)** Haloacetic acids _._......................._.�.....................- Municipal sites? ss section, Quarterly ................................._ representative of a l i three sources, minimum of one per municipality Iron Representative municipal sites - unlined Semi-annually iron and steel mains Lead* .-.-.................................................................. Selected taps in public buildings (e.g. Semi-annually schools)** Odour Any or all sites On Complaint Basis- PH Municipal sites -cross section, Semi-annually representative of all three sources, __ minimum of one per municipality Taste ._._...._......._-........_._ w._....._.._. ._._._._._.__. Any or all sites _.._._._._......._._.._..--.____-� On Complaint Basis Temperature .............-....... ____ ` Representative municipal sites _ Quarterly Trihalomethanes Municipal sites -cross section, Quarterly representative of all sources, minimum of three per municipality Turbidity _....... Municipal sites ........ ll Weekly, collected with ....................... -_ bacteriological samples Vinyl Chloride .............. _. Municipal sites where PVC pipe is used in ._._..._..... Semi-annually the distribution system - minimum of one per potentially affected system Zinc* Selected taps in public buildings Semi-annually (e.g. schools)** * At the point of consumption on flushed samples ** Details of sampling to be worked out with the (Fraser) Health Authority 7 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE 5.1 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The various agencies would be notified in the situations shown in Table 6. Table 6 Notification For Unusual Situations Affecting Water Potability Situation Notifying Agency Time Frame For Agency Notified Notification Metro Vancouver EColi Metro Metro Vancouver Immediate2 Positive Sample Municipal EColi Positive Sample _ .. Chemical Contamination - Metro Vancouver Vancouver La boratory3 Metro Vancouver Public Health Municipality) Public Health4 Municipality' Metro Vancouver Public Health I m med iate2 ul'T, - IF-i% Municipality' ............. _.-.......-.-............ _..... _............. .............................. ....... .............. _................ ._._._................................... _..... ... Chemical Contamination- Municipality Public Health Immediate Municipality Turbidity >5 NTU. Metro Metro Vancouver Immediate Vancouver Public Health _._........._.........._.._._. Disinfectian Failure- ------ ---- Metro .. ....................................... .----- _.- Metro Vancouver Immediate Source Water Vancouver Public Health (Primary Disinfection) Municipality' Disinfection Failure-- _._..........._..... Metro _.........................._._._._._._.__........................................................ Metro Vancouver Immediate in any Re -chlorination (Secondary Disinfection) Loss of Pressure Due to High Demand ._._.._......_.._. _.___ __._._.............................. Line (Break --Municipality no suspected contamination Line Break -Metro Vancouver no suspected contamination Line Break -Municipality suspected contamination Vancouver Public Health situation in which the Municipality' BCDWPR or the GCDWQ may not be met Municipality Public Health Immediate Metro Vancouver ......................... ............... ............... Municipality Public Health ............................................. . . As required by the Health ........................................ ....... _.—..._ _ ..-..-..-....... Metro Municipality Vancouver Authority ...................................... As required by the Municipalities Municipality Public Health Immediate Line Break -Metro Metro Metro Vancouver Immediate Vancouver Vancouver Public Health suspected contamination Municipality 1. Affected municipality(ies) to notify local public health contact 2. See Section 5.2 3. Metro Vancouver for samples being processed by Metro Vancouver laboratory 4. BCDWPR requires the laboratory to notify public health 3 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 5.2 E COLI POSITIVE SAMPLES -RESPONSE PROCEDURE If a sample analyzed by Metro Vancouver lab is EColi positive, the following response plan will be put into action by Metro Vancouver. Response plans will be different depending on whether the sample is from a Metro Vancouver location (transmission main or reservoir) or from municipal sampling location. EColi Positive Sample from a Municipal Distribution System 1. The microbiology lab supervisor will be notified. 2. Results of interim samples, if any, from the site will be examined. Interim samples are any samples that may have been taken from the site in the period between when the EColi positive sample was taken and when it was determined to be EColi positive. 3. The chlorine residual noted on the sampler's field sheet will be reviewed and compared to previous readings to determine if there had been a localized loss of disinfectant residual. 4. The appropriate public health representative and the municipality will be notified and informed of the EColi positive sample. 5. The municipality (purveyor) will evaluate the need for a "boil water" advisory in consultation with the public health representative. Information about the sample location in general or some specifics about that particular sampling day will be considered in the decision making process, along with information gathered in steps I and 3. 6. Procedures necessary for the identification of the species of the "EColi Positive" organism with standard biochemical tests will be initiated by the laboratory. 7. Arrangements will be made between the laboratory, the municipality, and public health for the collection of a repeat sample (including, where possible, samples from upstream and downstream of the EColi positive sample location). 8. The laboratory will contact the municipality with the repeat sample results and the results of the species identification on the EColi positive sample when these tests are complete. The municipality will forward these results to the public health representative. 9 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 6 DRINKING WATER QUALITY MONITORING RESULTS Metro Vancouver reported that source water quality was good in 2009 (ref. Metro Vancouver Quality Control Annual Report 2009). Summary results of Metro Vancouver's Coquitlam Lake source and treated water quality analysis are included in Appendix D. Results of the sampling within Maple Ridge are in Appendix B. Summaries of these data sets are provided in Table 7. The Municipality's objective is to maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.20 mg/L. The map "Average Chlorine 2009" in Appendix F shows the distribution system sampling locations with colour coding identifying the average level of free chlorine in 2009. Turbidity was generally low with only 4.9% of all samples having an NTU greater than 1, the physical standard stipulated by the BCDWPR. Table 7 Maple Ridge Sites - 2009 Average Physical Results by Site Sample Total No of No of Samples % of Samples CL2Free TEMP Turbidity Site Size Samples CL2 <0.2 mg/L <0.2 mg/L 0C NTU DmMPR-431 100ml 52 2 3.8 0.85 8.69 0.51 DmMPR-432 100ml 52 9 17.3 0.55 8.54 0.55 DmMPR-433 100ml 55 0 0.0 0.74 8.53 0.77 DmMPR-434 100ml 52 2 3.8 0.44 9.52 0.44 DmMPR-435 100ml 52 0 0.0 0.50 8.71 0.49 DmMPR-436 100ml 50 0 0.0 0.74 8.56 0.49 DmMPR-437 100ml 52 0 0.0 0.77 8.69 0.50 DmMPR-438 100ml 52 0 0.0 0.67 8.63 0.49 DmMPR-439 100ml 52 16 30.8 0.40 8.79 0.47 DmMPR-440 100ml 52 0 0.0 0.79 8.27 0.52 DmMPR-441 100ml 53 1 1.9 0.61 8.53 0.76 DmMPR-442 100ml 54 2 3.7 0.62 8.93 0.75 DmMPR-443 100ml 54 0 0.0 0.73 8.70 0.81 DmMPR-444 100ml 52 4 7.7 0.34 8.06 0.45 DmMPR-445 100ml 52 9 17.3 0.45 8.02 0.46 DmMPR-446 100ml 52 6 11.5 0.57 7.87 0.46 GV-071 100ml 80 0 0.0 0.77 N/A N/A GV-072 100ml 94 0 0.0 0.79 N/A N/A GV-098 100ml 79 0 0.0 0.53 N/A N/A Aggregate 0.61 8.57 0.56 Figure 1 shows the percent of samples collected in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 that had a Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) of 500 CFU/ml or greater. The total number of such samples were 14 in 2005, 7 in 2006, 1 in 2007, 4 in 2008 and 1 in 2009 (not including Metro Vancouver monitoring sites). One sample tested positive for Total Coliform bacteria in 2009 (not including Metro Vancouver monitoring sites), well below the maximum 10% allowed. In 2008 no samples tested positive, there were 5 positive samples in 2007, no positive samples in 2006 and 2005. One Metro Vancouver sample exceeded the BC Drinking Water Standard of no more than 10 Total Coliforms per 100mL in a 30 day period. The sample, taken at GV-098 in November 2009, had a Total Coliform Count of 23 per 100mL, no EColi detected, and a Chlorine residual of 0.44 mg/L. 10 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 In 2009, there no samples tested positive for EColi. Eight sample tests for pH demonstrated a range of 6.4 to 7.1 pH Units (see Appendix C). Seven of the eight samples were within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 pH Units, indicating that the water samples were generally not acidic (pH values less than 7 are considered acidic, while values greater than 7 are basic). The basic nature of the water was due to Metro Vancouver's practice of raising pH values by adding Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) to Coquitlam Lake water. This is a desirable practice because acidic water will corrode copper water pipes. In 2009, a total of 16 samples were analyzed for Trihalomethanes (see Appendix C). Total Trihalomethane results ranged from 14 to 41 parts per billion (ppb) with an average of 25 ppb. This was a slight decrease from 2008 when results ranged from 17 to 48 parts per billion (ppb) with an average of 29 parts per billion (ppb). The BC Safe Drinking Regulations do not prescribe a standard for Total Trihalomethanes, but Health Canada is proposing guidelines of 100 ppb. Haloacetic acids were also measured in 16 samples (see Appendix Q. Total Haloacetic acid concentrations ranged from 18 to 80 ppb with an average of 44, which was lower than 2008 when results ranged from 39 to 85 ppb with an average of 57 ppb. The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines stipulate a maximum allowable concentration of 80 ppb. Figure 1 Percentage of Samples Having a HPC Greater Than 500 CFU/ml Per Month Shown 12.0°% , 10.0°% 1 — 8.0% 1 - 6.0% i 4.0% 2.0% — -- 0.0% — - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2OD5 0 2006 13 2007 a 2008 02009 1 11 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 7 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 7.1 SECURITY PROCEDURES Since 2001, a number of additional security actions were implemented as follows: a) Daily inspections of reservoirs, including weekends b) Inspections are fully documented c) Security measures have been implemented to combat breaches to reservoirs d) Standard operating and reporting procedures have been reviewed and redeveloped e) Staff training has been implemented in assessing vandalism impacts and reporting procedures 7.2 A PUBLIC HEALTH MESSAGE FROM THE MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER/DRINKING WATER OFFICER The FHA has requested that the following message be included in this report. Water from taps that are not used for several hours is good for washing or watering plants but not for drinking or cooking, as it may contain elevated levels of lead or copper. Run the water for at least one minute, or until the water is cold before using it for drinking or cooking. For the same reason never use water from hot taps for drinking or cooking. E:�KiP►[01111IRRiW This report provides an outline of the water quality of the District of Maple Ridge's water distribution system, as well as the initiatives and program being performed by the District of Maple Ridge. IN District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 APPENDIX A - TURBIDITY VS FREE CHLORINE GRAPHS DmMpr-431: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3.5 3 2.5 z m 2 u% E 1.5 1 0.5 0 Date CL2Free mg/1 Turbidity NTU DmMpr-432: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity CL2Free mg/1 —Turbidity NTU 4 3.5 3 2.5 — - — - — -- — — z 2 --- - - — - — —— n� E 1.5 - - 1 - — 0.5 0 Date 13 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 CL2Free mg/I ---Turbidity NTU DmMpr-433: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 7.5 - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - 6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - Z) 4.5 - - - - - - - - - - - 4.. - -- - - - - - - -_ - -- 2.5 -— - - - - - -�- 2/V - - -- - - - - - --- - - - — - - ll r - 0.5 - - N N N N N N N �ry r� N O N CS " O " Date DmMpr-434: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3.5 3 2.5 r Z 2 E 1.5 1 O.F C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \\\\\\\ I\ N rti ry ry ry N N ry N ry N N^ W O O O 0 �ry ti\ �\ �\ y\ "\ ry\ r\ ryj\ ryj\ nj\ p\ 0 O O O rY 0\ o\° r�\° ^� r�\° ^� ti\°N\ 0\ rn\ `�\ O ry"\ o�\ y�\ O'\O "�� ry�� "M\ti ry^\� O ry O y 0 ti raj 'y ry N N O ry —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU Date 1 14 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 DmMpr-435: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3.5 3 2.5 z m 2 E 1.5 i 0.5 0 Date —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU I DmMpr-436: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU 4 —� 3.5 - -- - - - 3 - — -- z 2.5 -- - -- cc 2 .'0 1.5 — E 1- — 0.5 0 ry00� NOOK NO00 ryo00 �000 NOOK NO00 NOOK ryo ryo �o ryo ryo �o �o �o �o ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo �o ryo ryo �o Date 15 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 DmMpr-437: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity A 3.5 3-, "7w 2.5 z z c 2 m n% E 1.5 1 0.5 z z m E —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU ry \ry \ry \ry N ti \ r rV \ N \ \ \ry \ry \ry \ry \ \ \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry oy O� Ory Ory O� O� O� O� O� O� O� 00 OCO O^ O^ O� O� 00 00 00 � y tO �y �y yy yy ce\ O\ nJ\ ^\ n7\ ^\ y\ �\ W\ ry\ cD\ oi\ nJ\ n\ y\ �\ cb\ y\ 4 \ C\ rl\ O ry O �, O y ^� y ry ti ry O ry O ry O y O y ry ti ry ti ry O ry DmMpr-438: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 ryo� O,y\Oy\y� Date CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU O� Ory Ory O� OM O� O� O� O� O� 00 O^ O^ O^ O� O� 00 00 y0 �O y�y tiN yry tiry tiry ry ti ry ti ry O ry O ry O y O N ^7 y ry N ry O ry O �y O y ^� Date 16 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 �z m DmMpr-439: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 - 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Y ry y ry y ry O ry O ry O Y O ,Y �7 Date DmMpr-440: Free CL2 vs- Turbidity 4 - 3.5 — 3 - 2.5 z m 2 F 1.5 — 1 05 o O� N\ O O� O� Ory Ory O� 00 O� O� O� O� 00 00 —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU ryo ryo ryo ry ryo ry ryo ryo ryo ryo ry ryo O O O O y Y y y y y y tiM\ ry^\ tio\ rya\ ow\ ryry\ o�n\ yrn\ o�\ y\ M� CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU f O^ O^ O^ O� O� 00 O� y0 ti0 �Y�Y N� �Yry yry yry Date District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 DmMpr-441: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 13.5 13 12.5 12 - -- - 11.5 — - 11 10.5 10 9.5 - - 9 8.5 8 7.5 a 7 - 6.5 - n� 6 E 5.5 - 5 4.5 4 3.5 - 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 �_ ^ 0 . �CL2Free mg/I Turbidity NTU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ry ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \rV \ry \ry ry rV \\\ry \ry \ry \ry \ry \ry h\ry ry\ry rV \ry\ OM O� Oh Ory Ory 00 00 Op Op Oh O4 00 00 O-, O^ O^ 00 00 00 00 h0 NO by p�\ ry\ rD\ rti\ 0\ 0\ rye\ ^\^\ 0\ 4\ Ch O\ ^\ ^\ O h re h ry h ry O rL O ry O h O N h rY h rV O ry O h O h M Date DmMpr- 42: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 12.5 12 11.5 11 - 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 Z 7 6.5 - m 6 5.5 5- 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 O.5 O - _. I—CL2Freemg/I —Turbidity NTU ry0 ry0 \ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 rV ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 h\ h\ M ry\ ry\ O\ ^J\ M\ t\ O\ h\ O\ O\ n\ n\ n\ O\ O\ C>\ O\ O\ O\ h\ h\ hh�\ \y\' \`y\ ° \ 0° ° 0° 0° \°°°°°°\°°\y yY rV mrV hry0rV0M Oa0\0\\^0h4 \ry00 ryryO0y N00 " h ^7M Date District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 DmMpr-443: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 - 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 _-......---......_-.... - — — —CL2Free mg/I Turbidity 00 off' og' 08' 08 0 o8 Off' off' og' 08' 08' og og o8 og og o8 08' og' og \o8' OrV OryO� 00 OI> O�, O40 O40 00 00 \ ON O^ O� O� 00 00 NO NO NM N� NrV N� N rV O ry O N O N M Date DmMpr-444: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity 4 3 - 2.5 - — a 2 . 1.5 1 0.5 0 -- —CL2Free mg/I —Turbidity NTU 8'&&&&&&&&&&&&S&S&&&&&a&&&S& O 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � \0 0 0 0 ON ON ON Ory Ory 00 00 Op O� O� O� 00 00 O^ O O O� O� 00 00 NO 50 NN\ �'Y' ,N Nry Nry O N rY N N 'Y reO N O I4 O N O N M N N N rL O N ^J Date RK District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 DmMpr-445: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity --CL2 Free mg/I Turbidity NTU 4 3.5 - - — - - - 3 2.5 z z m 2 E 1.5 1 0.5 0 Date DmMpr-446: Free CL2 vs. Turbidity—CL2Free mg/I Turbidity NTU 4 - 3.5 1 3 2.5 z a m 2 — 1.5 1 - 0.5 0 08' 08' og' og' og' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 08' 8' 08' off' og' 08' off' rL rL rL �L rL rY rY N N N rY rY rY N rY rY rY rY rY rY rY � rY rY rY rY rY Date 20 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 APPENDIX B - WEEKLY SAMPLE METRO VANCOUVER LAB RESULTS Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mVL MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- Dewdney Trunk 06/01/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 6 0.28 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:30 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 13/01/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 4 0.88 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 20/01/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 4 0.50 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:05 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 27/01/ 0009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 4 0.41 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:05 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 03/02/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 4 0.33 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 10/02/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 4 0.31 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:05 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 17/02/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 24/02/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 5 0.26 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 03/03/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 5 0.47 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 10/03/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 4 0.55 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 17/03/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:20 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 24/03/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 4 0.57 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:30 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 31/03/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 5 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 07/04/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 5 jO.32 39 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 14/04/2009 0.83 <1 <1 2 6 0.61 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 21/04/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 8 0.47 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 28/04/2009 0.95 <1 <1 <2 7 0.35 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 05/05/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 8 0.63 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 12/05/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 8 0.46 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 19/05/2009 0.89 <1 <1 <2 8 0.51 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 26/05/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 9 0.47 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 02/06/2009 0.68 <1 <1 2 11 0.39 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:00 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 09/06/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 10 0.37 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 16/06/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 11 0.39 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:55 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 23/06/2009 0.75 <1 <1 2 11 0.43 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:55 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 30/06/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 10 0.36 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:55 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 07/07/2009 0.9 <1 <1 6 11 0.30 21 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:55 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 14/07/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 12 0.40 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR Dewdney Trunk 21/07/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 13 0.30 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 28/07/2009 0.88 <1 <1 12 13 0.31 431 Rd. @ 201B St, 7:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 04/08/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 14 0.33 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:55 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 11/08/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:35 MPR Dewdney Trunk 18/08/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 14 0.38 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:00 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 25/08/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 14 0.38 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk OV09/ 0009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 14 0.40 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 08/09/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.41 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 15/09/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 14 0.48 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 7:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 22/09/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 15 0.41 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:24 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 29/09/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 15 0.32 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:50 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 06/10/2009 0.04 <1 <1 96 15 0.30 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 13/10/2009 0.02 <1 <1 6 15 0.53 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 10:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 20/10/2009 0.24 <1 <1 <2 11 0.35 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:15 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 27/10/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 10 0.55 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 03/11/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 10 1.40 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 11:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 10/11/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 9 0.98 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:40 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 17/11/2009 0.92 <1 <1 <2 10 0.63 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 9:05 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 24/11/2009 0.92 <1 <1 <2 6 0.66 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:10 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 01/12/2009 0.99 <1 <1 2 5 0.76 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:25 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 08/12/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 4 0.74 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:45 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 15/12/2009 0.99 <1 <1 <2 4 1.20 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:15 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 22/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 1.60 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:05 MPR- Dewdney Trunk 29/12/2009 1.2 <1 <1 NA 4 0.75 431 Rd. @ 201B St. 8:10 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 06/01/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 6 0.28 432 Ave. 9:10 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 13/01/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 4 0.79 432 Ave. 8:50 MPR- 224 St. C 122 20/01/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 4 0.46 432 Ave. 1 8:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 27/01/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 4 0.38 432 Ave. 1 8:40 22 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total ECali EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100ml- 100ml- MPR- 224 St. @ 122 03/02/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 4 0.31 432 Ave. 8:45 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 10/02/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 432 Ave. 8:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 17/02/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 432 Ave. 8:45 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 24/02/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 5 1.40 432 Ave. 7:55 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 03/03/2009 0.55 <1 <1 2 5 0.45 432 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 10/03/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 4 0.92 432 Ave. 8:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 17/03/2009 0.4 <1 <1 2 4 0.34 432 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 24/03/2009 0.47 <1 <1 16 4 0.47 432 Ave. 8:15 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 31/03/2009 0.4 <1 <1 8 5 2.60 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 07/04/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 5 0.60 432 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 14/04/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 6 0.53 432 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 21/04/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 8 0.39 432 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 28/04/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 7 0.34 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 05/05/2009 0.3 <1 <1 <2 7 0.35 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 12/05/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 8 0.30 432 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 19/05/2009 0.43 <1 <1 2 8 0.40 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 26/05/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 9 0.43 432 Ave. 6:50 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 . 02/06/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 12 0.60 432 Ave. 8:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 09/06/2009 0.4 <1 <1 28 11 0.35 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 16/06/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 10 0.32 432 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 23/06/2009 0.14 <1 <1 14 11 0.46 432 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 30/06/2009 0.11 <1 <1 4 12 0.35 432 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 07/07/2009 0.1.1 <1 <1 6 12 0.31 432 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 14/07/2009 0.15 <1 <1 <2 12 0.27 432 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 21/07/2009 0.19 <1 <1 <2 13 0.38 432 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 28/07/2009 0.22 <1 <1 4 13 0.24 432 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 224 SL @ 122 04/08/2009 0.05 <1 <1 6 13 0.35 432 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 11/08/2009 0.16 <1 <1 <2 15 0.29 432 Ave. 7:20 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 18/08/2009 0.36 <1 <1 2 14 0.23 432 Ave. 7:45 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 25/08/2009 0.18 <1 <1 <2 13 0.25 432 Ave. 7:30 1 23 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 22.4 St. @ 122 01/09/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 14 0.25 432 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 08/09/2009 0.16 <1 <1 <2 14 0.26 432 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 15/09/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 14 0.41 432 Ave. 7:25 MPR 224 St. @ 122 22/09/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 14 0.49 432 Ave. 7:31 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 29/09/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.66 432 Ave. 8:25 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 06/10/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 13 0.44 432 Ave. 9:08 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 13/10/2009 0.97 <1 <1 <2 13 0.42 432 Ave. 10:10 MPR 224 St. @ 122 20/10/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 11 0.61 432 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 27/10/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 10 0.62 432 Ave. 8:05 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 03/11/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 10 1.10 432 Ave. 11:50 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 10/11/2009 0.94 <1 <1 <2 9 0.63 432 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 17/11/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 8 0.93 432 Ave. 8:40 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 24/11/2009 0.93 <1 12 6 0.68 432 Ave. 7:55 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 01/12/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 5 0.83 432 Ave. 8:05 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 08/12/2009 1.3 <1 <1 <2 3 0.65 432 Ave. 8:25 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 15/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.69 432 Ave. 7:55 MPR 224 St. @ 122 22/12/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 3 1.40 432 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 224 St. @ 122 29/12/2009 1 <1 <1 NA 4 0.67 432 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 232 St. North of 06/01/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 6 0.26 433 130 Ave. 8:30 MPR- 232 St. North of 13/01/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 4 0.91 433 130 Ave. 8:20 MPR- 232 St. North of 20/01/2009 0,59 <1 <1 <2 4 0.59 433 130 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 27/01/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 3 0.36 433 130 Ave. 8:05 MPR- 232 St. North of 03/02/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 433 130 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 10/02/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 433 130 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 17/02/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 4 0.30 433 130 Ave. 8:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 24/02/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 5 0.99 433 130 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 232 St. North of 03/03/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 4 0.52 433 130 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 232 St. North of 10/03/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 4 0.55 433 130 Ave. 8:05 MPR- 232 St. North of 17/03/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 4 0.28 433 130 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 232 St. North of 24/03/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 433 130 Ave. 7:50 24 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 232 St. North of 31/03/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 5 0.62 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 07/04/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 5 1.70 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 14/04/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 6 0.67 433 130 Ave. 7:20 MPR 232 St. North of 21/04/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 8 0.47 433 130 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 232 St. North of 28/04/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 7 0.40 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 05/05/2009 0.76 <1 <1 2 8 0.49 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 12/05/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 8 0.29 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 19/05/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 8 0.43 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 26/05/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 9 0.39 433 130 Ave. 6:20 MPR- 232 St North of 02/06/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 10 0.77 433 130 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 232 St. North of 09/06/2009 0,62 <1 <1 <2 10 0.59 433 130 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. North of 16/06/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 11 0.33 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 23/06/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 11 1.10 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 30/06/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 10 0.35 433 130 Ave. 6:30 MPR- 232 St. North of 07/07/2009 0.6 CC CG 220 11 2.40 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 09/07/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 11 0.31 433 130 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 232 St. North of 14/07/2009 0.69 <1 <1 8 12 1.20 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 21/07/2009 0.76 <1 <1 2 13 2.20 433 130 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. North of 28/07/2009 0.75 1 <1 <2 13 0.23 433 130 Ave. 6:50 MPR- 232 St. North of 29/07/2009 0.95 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 433 130 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 232 St. North of 04/08/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 14 0.28 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 11/08/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 14 0.25 433 130 Ave. 6:55 MPR- 232 St. North of 18/08/2009 0.82 <1 <1 4 13 0.28 433 130 Ave. 7:20 MPR- 232 St. North of 25/08/2009 0.99 <1 <1 <2 13 0.29 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 01/09/2009 0.91 <1 <1 4 13 0.27 433 130 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. North of 08/09/2009 0.93 <1 <1 2 13 0.33 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 15/09/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 13 0.41 433 130 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. North of 22/09/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 433 130 Ave. 7:43 MPR- 232 St. North of 29/09/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 12 0.37 433 130 Ave. 7:45 MPR- 232 St. North of 06/10/2009 0.91 <1 <1 2 14 0.33 433 130 Ave. 8:42 25 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi ECoii HPC Temp Turbld€ty name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 232 St. North of 13/10/2009 1 <1 I <1 <2 12 7.00 433 130 Ave. 9:45 MPR- 232 St. North of 14/10/2009 ma <1 <1 <2 13 0.33 433 130 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 232 St. North of 20/10/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 10 0.49 433 130 Ave. 7:20 MPR- 232 St. North of 27/10/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 10 0.75 433 130 Ave. 7:45 MPR- 232 St. North of 03/11/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 9 1.20 433 130 Ave. 10:50 MPR- 232 St. North of 10/11/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 8 0.61 433 130 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 232 St. North of 17/11/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 8 0.86 433 130 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 232 St. North of 24/11/2009 0.97 <1 <1 <2 6 0.67 433 130 Ave. 7:20 MPR- 232 St. North of 01/12/2009 0.95 <1 <1 <2 5 1.40 433 130 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 232 St. North of 08/12/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 4 1.50 433 130 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 232 St. North of 15/12/2009 0.91 <1 <1 <2 4 0.65 433 130 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 232 St. North of 22/12/2009 0.99 <1 <1 370 4 1.40 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. North of 29/12/2009 0.85 <1 <1 NA 4 1.00 433 130 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 06/01/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 8 0.32 434 241A St. 10:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 13/01/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 5 0.69 434 241A St. 9:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 20/01/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 5 0.37 434 241A St. 9:35 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 27/01/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 434 241A St. 9:35 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 03/02/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 5 0.28 434 241A St. 9:40 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 10/02/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 5 0.35 434 241A St. 9:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 17/02/2009 0.71 <1 <1 2 5 0.34 434 241A St. 9:35 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 24/02/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 6 0.28 434 241A St. 8:45 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 03/03/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 5 0.64 434 241A St. 8:50 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 10/03/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 4 0.38 434 241A St. 9:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 17/03/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 5 0.35 434 241A St. 8:40 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 24/03/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 5 0.44 434 241A St. 9:00 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 31/03/2009 0.3 <1 <1 <2 6 0.42 434 241A St. 8:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 07/04/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 6 434 241A St. 8:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 14/04/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 7 FO4 434 241A St. 8:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 21/04/2009 0.27 <1 <1 <2 8 434 241A St. 9:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 28/04/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 8 0.37 434 241A St. 8:15 26 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100ml- 100mL MPR- 102 Ave. East of 05/05/2009 0.58 <1 <1 2 9 0.59 434 241A St. 8:10 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 12/05/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 9 0.39 434 241A St. 8:05 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 19/05/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 9 0.45 434 241A St. 8:10 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 26/05/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 10 0.48 434 241A St. 7:45 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 02/06/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 14 0.57 434 241A St. 9:40 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 09/06/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 434 241A St. 8:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 16/06/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 12 0.38 434 241A St. 8:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 23/06/2009 0.16 <1 <1 410 12 0.35 434 241A St. 8:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 30/06/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 12 0.34 434 241A St. 8:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 07/07/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 12 0.28 434 241A St. 8:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 14/07/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 434 241A St. 8:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 21/07/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 14 0.30 434 241A St. 8:05 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 28/07/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 15 0.32 434 241A St. 7:55 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 04/08/2009 0.28 <1 <1 2 16 0.33 434 241A St. 8:20 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 11/08/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 16 0.35 434 241A St. 8:00 MPR- 102 Ave, East of 18/08/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 15 0.28 434 241A St. 8:25 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 25/08/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 15 0.31 434 241A St. 8:15 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 01/09/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 14 0.22 434 241A St. 8:05 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 08/09/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 15 0.21 434 241A St. 8:10 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 15/09/2009 0.04 <1 <1 2 15 0.47 434 241A St. 8:05 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 22/09/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 14 0.56 434 241A St. 9:06 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 29/09/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 14 0.40 434 241A St. 9:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 06/10/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 14 0.42 434 241A St. 9:50 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 13/10/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 434 241A St. 10:50 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 20/10/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 11 0.35 434 241A St. 8:45 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 27/10/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 11 0.45 434 241A St. 8:55 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 03/11/2009 0.3 <1 <1 2 10 0.76 434 241A St. 9:00 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 10/11/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 10 0.53 434 241A St. 9:10 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 17/11/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 10 0.90 434 241A St. 9:45 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 24/11/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 7 0.63 434 241A St. 8:55 27 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100mL 100ml- 100mL MPR- 102 Ave. East of 01/12/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 6 0.68 434 241A St. 8:50 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 08/12/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 4 0.53 434 241A St. 9:10 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 15/12/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 5 0.59 434 241A St. 8:45 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 22/12/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 5 0.64 434 241A St. 8:30 MPR- 102 Ave. East of 29/12/2009 0.46 <1 <1 NA 5 0.85 434 241A St. 8:40 MPR- 240 St. South of 06/01/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 8 0.25 435 Abernethy Way 12:00 MPR- 240 St. South of 13/01/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 4 0.68 435 Abernethy Way 10:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 20/01/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 435 Abernethy Way 12:00 MPR- 240 St. South of 27/01/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 4 0.45 435 Abernethy Way 12:00 MPR- 240 St. South of 03/02/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 4 0.39 435 Abernethy Way 11:40 MPR- 240 St. South of 10/02/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 4 0.30 435 Abernethy Way 11:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 17/02/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 4 0.29 435 Abernethy Way 11:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 24/02/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 5 0.29 435 Abernethy Way 10:20 MPR- 240 St. South of 03/03/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 5 0.60 435 Abernethy Way 10:15 MPR- 240 St. South of 10/03/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 4 0.33 435 Abernethy Way 10:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 17/03/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 4 0.61 435 Abernethy Way 10:10 MPR- 240 St. South of 24/03/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 4 0.45 435 Abernethy Way 10:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 31/03/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 5 0.36 435 Abernethy Way 10:05 MPR- 240 St. South of 07/04/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 5 0.50 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 14/04/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 6 0.55 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 21/04/2009 0.44 <1 <1 2 8 0.55 435 Abernethy Way 11:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 28/04/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 7 0.34 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 05/05/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 8 0.44 435 Abernethy Way 9:55 MPR- 240 St. South of 12/05/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 8 0.39 435 Abernethy Way 9:25 w District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100ml- 100ml- MPR- 240 St. South of 19/05/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 8 0.47 435 Abernethy Way 9:40 MPR- 240 St. South of 26/05/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 9 0.36 435 Abernethy Way 9:40 MPR- 240 St. South of 02/06/2009 0.28 <1 <1 2 11 0.61 435 Abernethy Way 11:50 MPR- 240 St. South of 09/06/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 11 0.41 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St South of 16/06/2009 0.44 <1 <1 2 11 0.30 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 23/06/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 11 0.57 435 Abernethy Way 9:50 MPR- 240 St. South of 30/06/2009 0.51 <1 <1 4 11 0.39 435 Abernethy Way 11:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 07/07/200.9 0.42 <1 <1 <2 12 0.36 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR, 240 St. South of 14/07/2009 0.72 <1 <1 2 12 0.36 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 21/07/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 13 0.48 435 Abernethy Way 9:25 MPR- 240 St. South of 28/07/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 14 0.32 435 Abernethy Way 9:25 MPR- 240 St. South of 04/08/2009 0.41 <1 <1 2 14 0.34 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 11/08/2009 0.68 <1 <1 2 14 0.27 435 Abernethy Way 9:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 18/08/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 13 0.34 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 25/08/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 14 0.31 435 Abernethy Way 9:40 MPR- 240 St. South of 01/09/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 435 Abernethy Way 9:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 08/09/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 13 0.25 435 Abernethy Way 9:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 15/09/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 14 0.43 435 Abernethy Way 9:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 22/09/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 14 0.51 435 Abernethy Way 10:55 MPR- 240 St. South of 29/09/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 14 0.31 435 Abernethy Way 11:35 MPR- 240 St. South of 06/10/2009 0.61 <1 <1 2 14 0.29 435 Abernethy Way 10:55 MPR- 240 St. South of 13/10/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 13 0.43 435 Abernethy Way 9:25 PAO-] District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform IVIF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100ml- 100ml- 100ml- MPR- 240 St. South of 20/10/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 10 0.53 435 Abernethy Way 10:50 MPR- 240 St. South of 27/10/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 10 0.29 435 Abernethy Way 10:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 03/11/2009 0.28 <1 <1 6 11 0.76 435 Abernethy Way 10:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 10/11/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 10 0.51 435 Abernethy Way 11:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 17/11/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 10 0.62 435 Abernethy Way 11:50 MPR- 240 St. South of 24/11/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 6 0.90 435 Abernethy Way 11:00 MPR- 240 St. South of 01/12/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 5 0.48 435 Abernethy Way 10:45 MPR- 240 St. South of 08/12/2009 1 0.51 <1 <1 <2 4 0.56 435 Abernethy Way 10:55 MPR- 240 St. South of 15/12/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 4 0.66 435 Abernethy Way 10:30 MPR- 240 St. South of 22/12/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 4 2.70 435 Abernethy Way 10:00 MPR- 240 St. South of 29/12/2009 0.48 <1 <1 NA 4 1.00 435 Abernethy Way 10:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 06/01/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 7 0.26 436 of Ansell St. 11:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 13/01/2009 0.89 <1 <1 <2 5 0.69 436 of Ansell St. 10:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 20/01/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 4 0.75 436 of Ansell St. 11:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 27/01/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 4 0.48 436 of Ansell St. 11:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/02/2009 0.89 <1 <1 <2 4 0.40 436 of Ansell St. 11:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/02/2009 0.84 <1 <1 <2 4 0.30 436 of Ansell St. 11:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/02/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 5 0.27 436 of Ansell St. 11:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/02/2009 0.91 <1 <1 <2 5 0.31 436 of Ansell St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/03/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 5 0.51 436 of Ansell St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/03/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 4 0.56 436 of Ansell St. 10:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/03/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 436 of Ansell St. 10:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/03/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.46 436 of Ansell St. 10:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 31/03/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 5 0.76 436 of Ansell St. 9:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 07/04/2009 0.76 <1 <1 2 5 0.45 436 of Ansell St. 9:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 14/04/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 6 0.67 436 of Ansell St. 9:40 30 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 125 Ave. West 21/04/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 9 0.78 436 of Ansell St. 11:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 28/04/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 7 0.30 436 of Ansell St. 9:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 05/05/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 8 2,80 436 of Ansell St. 9:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 12/05/2009 0.91 <1 <1 2 8 0.33 436 of Ansell St. 9:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 19/05/ 0009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 8 0.43 436 of Ansell St. 9:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 26/05/2009 1 <1 <1 2 9 0,47 436 of Ansell St. 9:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 02/06/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 12 0.35 436 of Ansell St. 11:40 MPR- 125 Ave. West 09/06/2009 0.8 <1 <1 4 10 0.36 436 of Ansell St. 9:35 MPS?- 125 Ave .West 16/06/2009 1.5 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 436 of Ansell St. 9:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 23/06/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 11 0,42 436 of Ansell St. 9:45 MPR- 125 Ave. West 30/06/2009 0.83 <1 <1 2 12 0.36 436 of Ansell St. 11:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 07/07/2009 0.48 <1 <1 2 11 0.33 436 of Ansel[ St. 9:40 MPR- 125 Ave. West 14/07/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 12 0.29 436 of Ansell St. 9:40 MPR- 125 Ave. West 21/07/2009 0.96 <1 <1 2 13 0.33 436 of Anse[[ St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 28/07/2009 0.85 <1 <1 2 14 0.29 436 of Ansell St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 04/08/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 14 0.28 436 of Ansel[ St. 9:40 MPR- 125 Ave. West 25/08/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 14 0.23 436 of Ansel[ St. 9:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 01/09/2009 0.71 <1 <1 4 14 0.29 436 of Ansell St. 9:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 08/09/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 13 0.22 436 of Ansell St. 9:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 15/09/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 14 0.33 436 of Ansell St. 9:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 22/09/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 15 0.54 436 of Ansel[ St. 10:47 MPR- 125 Ave. West 29/09/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 14 0.38 436 of Ansell St. 11:25 MPR- 125 Ave. West 06/10/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 436 of Ansell St. 10:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 13/10/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 12 0.40 436 of Ansell St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 20/10/2009 0.42 <1 <1 2 10 0.36 436 of Ansell St. 10:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 27/10/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 10 0.33 436 of Ansell St. 10:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/11/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 11 0.48 436 of Ansell St. 10:21 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/11/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 10 0.49 436 of Ansell St. 11:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/11/2009 0.49 <1 <1 8 10 0.48 436 of Ansell St. 11:40 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/11/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 6 0.63 436 of Ansell St. 10:45 31 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100ml- MPR- 125 Ave. West 01/12/ 0009 0.55 <1 <1 2 5 0.58 436 of Ansell St. 10:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 08/12/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 4 0.66 436 of Ansell St. 10:45 MPR- 125 Ave. West 15/12/2009 0.58 <1 <1 ----r-2 4 0.56 436 of Ansell St. 10:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 22/12/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 4 0.52 436 of Ansell St. 9:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 29/12/2009 0.71 <1 <1 NA 4 1.10 436 of Ansell St. 10:05 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 06/01/2009 0.75 <1 <1 6 9 0.30 437 Ave. 11:40 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 13/01/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 4 0.68 437 Ave. 10:20 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 20/01/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 437 Ave. 11:40 MPR- 248 St @ 116 27/01/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 4 0.33 437 Ave. 11:45 MPR 248 St. @ 116 03/02/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 4 0.38 437 Ave. 11:20 MPR 248 St. @ 116 10/02/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 4 0.33 437 Ave. 11:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 17/02/2009 0.77 <1 <1 2 4 0.28 437 Ave. 11:20 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 24/02/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 5 0.30 437 Ave. 10:05 MPR 248 St. @ 116 03/03/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 5 0.47 437 Ave. 10:05 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 10/03/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 4 0.39 437 Ave. 10:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 17/03/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 4 0.31 437 Ave. 9:50 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 24/03/2009 0.89 <1 <1 <2 4 0.42 437 Ave. 10:20 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 31/03/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 5 0.64 437 Ave. 9:45 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 07/04/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 5 0.45 437 Ave. 9:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 14/04/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 6 0.47 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 21/04/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 9 0.52 437 Ave. 11:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 28/04/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 7 0.29 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 05/05/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 8 0.44 437 Ave. 9:40 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 12/05/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 8 0.53 437 Ave. 9:15 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 19/05/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 8 0.43 437 Ave. 9:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 26/05/2009 0.91 <1 <1 <2 9 0.41 437 Ave. 9:15 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 02/06/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 12 0.62 437 Ave. 11:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 09/06/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 11 0.61 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 16/06/2009 0.69 <1 <1 2 11 0.39 437 Ave. 9:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 23/06/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 11 1.10 437 Ave. 9:35 1 i 32 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100ml- MPR- 2485t. @ 116 30/06/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 12 0.33 437 Ave. 11:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 07/07/2009 0.83 <1 <1 2 11 0.34 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 14/07/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 12 0.31 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 21/07/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 437 Ave. 9:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 28/07/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 14 0.29 437 Ave. 9:10 MPR 248 St. @ 116 04/08/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 13 0.35 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR 248 St. @ 116 11/08/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 13 0.32 437 Ave. 9:20 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 18/08/2009 1.1 <1 <1 2 13 0.30 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 25/08/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 14 0.26 437 Ave. 9:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 01/09/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.36 437 Ave. 9:20 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 08/09/2009 0.78 <1 <1 2 13 0.23 437 Ave. 9:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 15/09/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 14 0.33 437 Ave. 9:15 MPR- 248 St @ 116 22/09/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 15 0.46 437 Ave. 10:30 MPR 248 St. @ 116 29/09/2009 0.74 <1 <1 22 14 0.31 437 Ave. 11:15 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 06/10/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 13 0.42 437 Ave. 10:40 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 13/10/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 13 0.48 437 Ave. 9:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 20/10/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 10 0.45 437 Ave. 10:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 27/10/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 10 0.53 437 Ave. 10:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 03/11/ 0009 0.66 <1 <1 6 10 0.91 437 Ave. 10:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 10/11/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 9 0.82 437 Ave. 11:10 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 17/11/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 10 0.87 437 Ave. 11:30 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 24/11/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 6 0.76 437 Ave. 10:40 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 01/12/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 6 0.51 437 Ave. 10:25 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 08/12/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 4 0:58 437 Ave. 10:35 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 15/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.89 437 Ave. 10:15 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 22/12/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 3 1.20 437 Ave. 9:45 MPR- 248 St. @ 116 29/12/2009 0.97 <1 <1 NA 4 1.40 437 Ave. 9:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 06/01/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 6 0.36 438 off 256 St. 11:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 13/01/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 3 0.56 438 off 256 St. 10:05 MPR- 125 Ave. West 20/01/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 4 0.45 438 off 256 St. 11:15 33 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform NIF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 125 Ave. West 27/01/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 438 off 256 St. 11:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/02/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 4 0.31 438 off 256 St. 11:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/02/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 438 off 256 St. 11:05 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/02/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 5 0.44 438 off 256 St. 11:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/02/2009 0.61 <1 <1 <2 7 0.28 438 off 256 St. 9:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/03/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 6 0.64 438 off 256 St. 9:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/03/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 438 off 256 St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/03/ 0009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 4 0.26 438 off 256 St. 9:35 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/03/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 4 0.60 438 off 256 St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 31/03/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 5 0.40 438 off 256 St. 9:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 07/04/2009 0.56 <1 <1 2 5 0.86 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 14/04/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 6 0.57 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 21/04/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 9 0.49 438 off 256 St. 10:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 28/04/2009 0.67 <1 <1 2 7 2.00 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 05/05/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 8 0.36 438 off 256 St. 9:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 12/05/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 7 0.29 438 off 256 St. 9:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 19/05/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 8 0.42 438 off 256 St. 9:05 MPR- 125 Ave. West 26/05/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 9 0.39 438 off 256 St. 8:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 02/06/2009 0.28 <1 <1 <2 12 0.47 438 off 256 St. 11:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 69/06/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 10 0.38 438 off 256 St, 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 16/06/2009 0.84 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 438 off 256 St. 9:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 23/06/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 11 0.33 438 off 256 St. 9:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 30/06/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 12 0.43 438 off 256 St. 10:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 07/07/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 11 0.31 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 14/07/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 13 0.27 438 off 256 St. 9:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 21/07/2009 0.62 <1 <1 2 13 0.36 438 off 256 St. 9:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 28/07/2009 0.61 <1 <1 14 13 0.47 438 off 256 St. 8:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 04/03/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 13 0.25 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 11/08/2009 0.52 <1 <1 2 15 0.30 438 off 256 St. 9:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 18/08/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 14 0.24 438 off 256 St. 9:10 34 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Semple reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 125 Ave. West 25/08/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 14 0.27 438 off 256 St. 9:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 01/09/2009 0.74 <1 <1 2 14 0.26 438 off 256 St. 9:05 MPR- 125 Ave. West 08/09/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 14 0.23 438 off 256 St. 9:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 15/09/2009 0.58 <1 <1 96 14 0.52 438 off 256 St. 9:00 MPR- 125 Ave. West 22/09/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 15 0.63 438 off 256 St. 10:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 29/09/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 14 0.42 438 off 256 St. 10:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 06/10/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 438 off 256 St. 10:27 MPR- 125 Ave. West 13/10/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 12 0.45 438 off 256 St. 8:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 20/10/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 10 0.49 438 off 256 St. 10:15 MPR- 125 Ave. West 27/10/2009 0.64 <1 <1 2 10 0.44 438 off 256 St. 9:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 03/11/2009 0.28 <1 <1 4 11 0.75 438 off 256 St. 9:50 MPR- 125 Ave. West 10/11/2009 0.58 <1 <1 2 9 0.80 438 off 256 St. 10:45 MPR- 125 Ave. West 17/11/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 9 0.48 438 off 256 St. 11:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 24/11/2009 0.28 <1 <1 <2 6 0.75 438 off 256 St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 01/12/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 5 0.62 438 off 256 St. 10:10 MPR- 125 Ave. West 08/12/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 4 0.51 438 off 256 St. 10:20 MPR- 125 Ave. West 15/12/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 3 0.78 438 off 256 St. 9:55 MPR- 125 Ave. West 22/12/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 3 1.00 438 off 256 St. 9:30 MPR- 125 Ave. West 29/12/2009 0.84 <1 <1 NA 3 0.85 438 off 256 St. 9:40 MPR- 130 Ave. @ 06/01/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 6 0.38 439 251A St. (W. of 11:30 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 13/01/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 4 0.55 439 251A St. (W. of 10:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 20/01/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 4 0.62 439 251A St. (W. of 11:25 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 27/01/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 439 251A St. (W. of 11:30 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 03/02/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.57 439 251A St. (W. of 11:10 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 10/02/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 439 251A St. (W. of 11:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 17/02/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 11:10 256 St.) 35 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 130 Ave. @ 24/02/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 6 0.35 439 251A St. (W. of 9:55 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 03/03/2009 0.94 <1 <1 <2 5 0.47 439 251A St. (W. of 10:00 256 St.) MPR 130 Ave. @ 10/03/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 4 0.48 439 251A St. (W. of 10:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 17/03/2009 0.46 <1 <1 2 4 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 9:45 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 24/03/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 4 0.48 439 251A St. (W. of 10:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 31/03/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 5 0.41 439 251A St. (W. of 9:40 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 07/04/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 5 0.64 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 14/04/2009 0.45 <1 <1 2 6 0.36 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 21/04/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 9 0.38 439 251A St. (W. of 11:00 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 28/04/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 7 0.45 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 05/05/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 8 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 9:35 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 12/05/2009 0.45 <1 <1 2 8 0.40 439 251A St. (W. of 9:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 19/05/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 8 0.33 439 251A St. (W. of 9:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 26/05/2009 0.61 <1 <1 <2 8 0.30 439 251A St. (W. of 9:10 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 02/06/2009 0.19 <1 <1 2 16 0.29 439 251A St. (W. of 11:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 09/06/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 11 0.33 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 16/06/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 439 251A St. (W. of 9:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 23/06/2009 0.14 <1 <1 8 10 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 9:30 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 30/06/2009 0.06 <1 <1 <2 16 0.31 439 251A St. (W. of 11:00 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 07/07/2009 0.08 <1 <1 <2 10 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 9:25 256 St.) 36 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 130 Ave. @ 14/07/2009 0.19 <1 <1 <2 12 0.25 439 251A St. (W. of 9:25 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 21/07/2009 0.27 <1 <1 <2 13 0.26 439 251A St. (W. of 9:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 28/07/2009 0.24 <1 <1 <2 13 0.29 439 251A St. (W. of 9:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 04/08/2009 0.31 <1 <1 2 13 0.24 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 11/08/2009 0.04 <1 <1 110 14 0.30 439 251A St. (W. of 9:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 18/08/2009 0.09 <1 <1 150 14 0.22 439 251A St. (W. of 9:25 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 25/08/2009 0.3 <1 <1 2 13 0.58 439 251A St. (W. of 9:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 01/09/2009 0.04 <1 <1 <2 14 0.24 439 251A St. (W. of 9:10 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 08/09/2009 0.17 <1 <1 <2 13 0.27 439 251A St. (W. of 9:15 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 15/09/2009 0:37 <1 <1 <2 14 0.28 439 251A St. (W. of 9:10 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 22/09/2009 0.19 <1 <1 <2 16 0.46 439 251A St. (W. of 10:21 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 29/09/2009 0.21 <1 <1 <2 15 0.35 439 251A St. (W. of 11:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 06/10/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 13 0.33 439 251A St. (W. of 10:35 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 13/10/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 12 0.39 439 251A St. (W. of 9:00 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 20/10/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 11 0.28 439 251A St. (W. of 10:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 27/10/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 10 0.29 439 251A St. (W. of 10:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 03/11/2009 0.02 <1 <1 <2 11 0.34 439 251A St. (W. of 10:00 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 10/11/2009 0.15 <1 <1 2 10 0.46 439 251A St. (W. of 10:55 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 17/11/2009 0.15 <1 <1 <2 9. 0.58 439 251A St. (W. of 11:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 24/11/2009 ❑.08 <1 <1 <2 6 0.46 439 251A St. (W. of 10:30 256 St.) 37 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100ml- 100mL MPR- 130 Ave. @ 01/12/2009 0.14 <1 <1 <2 5 0.68 439 251A St. (W. of 10:20 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 08/12/2009 0.19 <1 <1 12 4 0.42 439 251A St. (W. of 10:25 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 15/12/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 4 1.30 439 251A St. (W. of 10:05 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 22/12/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 3 0.48 439 251A St. (W. of 9:35 256 St.) MPR- 130 Ave. @ 29/12/2009 0.39 <1 <1 NA 4 3.50 439 251A St. (W. of 9:50 256 St.) MPR- 232 St. @ 117 06/01/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 4 0.28 440 Ave. 8:20 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 13/01/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 4 0.92 440 Ave. 8:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 20/01/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 4 0.50 440 Ave. 7:55 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 27/01/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 3 0.37 440 Ave. 7:55 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 03/02/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 4 0.40 440 Ave. 7:55 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 10/02/2009 0.3 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 440 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 17/02/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 440 Ave. 8:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 24/02/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 5 0.27 440 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 5t. @ 117 03/03/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 4 0.65 440 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 10/03/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 440 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 17/03/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 440 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 24/03/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 4 0.54 440 Ave. 7:40 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 31/03/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 5 0.41 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 07/04/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 5 0.41 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 14/04/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 6 0.71 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 21/04/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 8 0.46 440 Ave. 7:30 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 28/04/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 7 0.32 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 05/05/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 8 0.67 440 Ave. 7:00 I MPR- 232 St. @ 117 12/05/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 8 0.33 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 19/05/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 8 0.54 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 26/05/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 9 0.43 440 Ave. 6:10 MPR 232 St. @ 117 02/06/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 11 Q.90 440 Ave. 7:20 K1:3 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi ECdi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR 232 St @ 117 09/06/2009 0.61 <1 <1 64 10 0.43 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 16/06/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 23/06/2009 0.83 <1 <1 2 11 0.47 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 34/06/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 10 0.33 440 Ave. 6:20 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 07/07/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 11 0.33 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 14/07/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 12 0.43 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR 232 St. @ 117 21/07/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 13 0.38 440 Ave. 6:55 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 28/07/2009 0,7 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 440 Ave. 6:40 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 04/08/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR 232 St. @ 117 11/08/2009 0.86 <1 <1 4 14 0.28 440 Ave. 6:45 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 18/08/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.29 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 25/08/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.30 440 Ave. 7:05 MPR 232 St. @ 117 01/09/2009 0.99 <1 <1 <2 13 0.33 440 Ave. 6:55 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 08/09/2009 0.94 <1 <1 <2 13 0.43 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 15/09/2009 1 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.57 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 22/09/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 14 0.44 440 Ave. 8:54 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 29/09/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 12 0.49 440 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 06/10/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 14 0.32 440 Ave. 8:30 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 J-3/10/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 13 0.52 440 Ave. 9:35 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 20/10/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 10 0.51 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR 232 St. @ 117 27/10/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 10 0.63 440 Ave. 7:35 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 03/11/2009 0.48 <1 <1 12 9 1.20 440 Ave. 10:40 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 10/11/2009 0.95 <1 <1 4 8 0.78 440 Ave. 7:20 MPR 232 St. @ 117 17/11/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 7 0.87 440 Ave. 7:50 MPR- 232 St. .@ 117 24/11/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 6 0.74 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 01/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 5 0.74 440 Ave. 7:10 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 08/12/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 4 0.73 440 Ave. 7:25 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 15/12/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.80 440 Ave. 7:15 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 22/12/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 4 1.40 440 Ave. 7:00 MPR- 232 St. @ 117 29/12/2009 1.4 <1 <1 NA 4 0.81 440 Ave. 7:05 39 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi ECoIi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100mL 100ml- 100mL MPR- 132 Ave. @ 06/01/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 7 0.26 441 Cedar Way 8:50 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 13/01/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 4 0.55 441 Cedar Way 8:40 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 20/01/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 4 0.62 441 Cedar Way 8:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 27/01/2009 0.61 <1 <1 <2 4 0.32 441 Cedar Way 8:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 03/02/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 441 Cedar Way 8:35 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 10/02/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 441 Cedar Way 8:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 17/02/2009 0.69 <1 <1 2 4 0.37 441 Cedar Way 8:35 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 24/02/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 5 1.10 441 Cedar Way 7:45 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 03/03/2009 0.43 <1 <1 2 5 0.39 441 Cedar Way 8:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 10/03/2009 0.61 <1 <1 <2 4 0.40 441 Cedar Way 8:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 17/03/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 4 0.42 441 Cedar Way 8:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 24/03/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 4 0.43 441 Cedar Way 8:05 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 31/03/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 5 0.45 441 Cedar Way 7:25 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 07/04/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 5 0.32 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 14/04/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 6 0.51 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 21/04/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 9 0.52 441 Cedar Way 8:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 28/04/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 7 0.43 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 05/05/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 8 0.28 441 Cedar Way 7:25 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 12/05/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 8 0.41 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 19/05/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 8 0.39 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 26/05/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 9 0.43 441 Cedar Way 6:40 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 02/06/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 12 1.10 441 Cedar Way 8:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 09/06/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 11 0.52 441 Cedar Way 7:25 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 16/06/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 11 0.41 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 23/06/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 11 0.45 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 30/06/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 12 0.39 441 Cedar Way 7:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 07/07/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 11 0.25 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 14/07/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 11 0.35 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 21/07/2009 0.12 <1 <1 <2 13 0.73 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 28/07/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 441 Cedar Way 7.05 40 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total ECali EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 132 Ave. @ 04/08/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 14 0.40 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 11/08/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 14 0.31 441 Cedar Way 7:15 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 18/08/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 14 0.20 441 Cedar Way 7:40 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 25/08/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 441 Cedar Way 7:25 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 01/09/2009 0.21 <1 <1 <2 14 0.23 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR 132 Ave. @ 08/09/2009 0.47 <1 <1 2 14 0.25 441 Cedar Way 7:30 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 15/09/2009 0.41 <1 <1 18 14 0.45 441 Cedar Way 7:20 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 22/09/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 13 0.53 441 Cedar Way 8:01 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 29/09/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 13 0.39 441 Cedar Way 8:15 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 06/10/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 12 0.60 441 Cedar Way 9:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 13/10/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 14 0.36 441 Cedar Way 10:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 20/10/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 10 0.66 441 Cedar Way 7:45 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 27/10/2009 0.78 <1 <1 IQ 10 0.42 441 Cedar Way 8:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 03/11/2009 0.87 <1 <1 36 10 1.40 441 Cedar Way 11:05 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 10/11/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 8 0.62 441 Cedar Way 8:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 17/11/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 8 0.96 441 Cedar Way 8:25 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 24/11/2009 0.84 <1 <1 <2 6 13.00 441 Cedar Way 7:40 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 25/11/2009 0.92 <1 <1 2 6 0.58 441 Cedar Way 12:00 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 01/12/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 5 0.76 441 Cedar Way 7:50 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 08/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.88 441 Cedar Way 8:15 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 15/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.68 441 Cedar Way 7:45 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 22/12/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 3 1.60 441 Cedar Way 7:45 MPR- 132 Ave. @ 29/12/2009 1.1 <1 <1 NA 4 0.90 441 Cedar Way 7:40 MPR- Princess St. @ 06/01/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 9 0.29 442 Ditton St. 9:40 MPR- Princess St. @ 13/01/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 4 0.62 442 Ditton St. 9:15 MPR- Princess St. @ 20/01/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 442 Ditton St. 9:15 MPR Princess St. @ 27/01/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 442 Ditton St. 9:15 MPR- Princess St. @ 03/02/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 4 0.37 442 Ditton St. 9:20 MPR Princess St. @ 10/02/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 4 0.27 442 Ditton St. 9:15 MPR- Princess St. @ 17/02/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 4 5.00 442 Ditton St. 9:20 41 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °c NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100mL 100mL 10omL MPR- Princess St. @ 18/02/2009 0.85 <1 <1 <2 5 0.34 442 Ditton St. 10:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 24/02/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 5 0.32 442 Ditton St. 8:20 MPR- Princess St. @ 03/03/2009 0,68 <1 <1 <2 5 0.85 442 Ditton St. 8:35 MPR- Princess St. @ 10/03/2009 0,65 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 442 Ditton St. 8:55 MPR- Princess St. @ 17/03/2009 0,67 <1 <1 <2 4 0.28 442 Ditton St. 8:30 MPR- Princess St. @ 24/03/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 4 0.43 442 Ditton St. 8:40 MPR- Princess St. @ 31/03/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 5 0.38 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 07/04/2009 0,79 <1 <1 2 5 0.58 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 14/04/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 6 0.53 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 21/04/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 8 0.50 442 Ditton St. 9:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 28/04/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 8 0.68 442 Ditton St. 7:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 05/05/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 8 0.57 442 Ditton St. 7:55 MPR- Princess St. @ 12/05/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 8 12.00 442 Ditton St. 7:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 13/05/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 8 0.35 442 Ditton St. 10:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 19/05/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 8 0,40 442 Ditton St. 7:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 26/05/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 9 0.32 442 Ditton St. 7:15 MPR- Princess St. @ 02/06/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 12 0.38 442 Ditton St. 9:20 MPR- Princess St. @ 09/06/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 11 0.31 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 16/06/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 11 0.37 442 Ditton St. 8:10 MPR- Princess St. @ 23/06/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 11 0.34 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 30/06/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 12 0.29 442 Ditton St. 8:05 MPR- Princess St. @ 07/07/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 12 0.25 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 14/07/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 12 0.31 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 21/07/2009 0.71 <1 <1 6 14 0.36 442 Ditton St. 7:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 28/07/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 442 Ditton St. 7:35 MPR- Princess St. @ 04/08/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 14 0.28 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 11/08/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 14 0.33 442 Ditton St. 7:40 MPR- Princess St. @ 18/08/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 14 0.23 442 Ditton St, 8:10 MPR- Princess St. @ 25/08/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 14 0.22 442 Ditton St. 7:55 MPR- Princess St. @ 01/09/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 14 0.21 442 Ditton St. 7:50 42 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- Princess St. @ 08/09/2009 0.79 <1 <1 2 14 0.27 442 Ditton St. 8:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 15/09/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 14 0.32 442 Ditton St. 7:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 22/09/2009 0.02 <1 <1 2 16 0.31 442 Ditton St. 8:34 MPR- Princess St. @ 29/09/2009 0.43 <1 <1 2 15 0.28 442 Ditton St. 9:00 MPR- Princess St. @ 06/10/2009 0.32 <1 <1 2 15 0.37 442 Ditton St. 9:32 MPR- Princess St. @ 13/10/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 14 0.31 442 Ditton St. 10:35 MPR- Princess St. @ 20/10/2009 0.1 <1 <1 2 10 0.45 442 Ditton St. 8:30 MPR- Princess St. @ 27/10/2009 0.42 <1 <1 4 11 0.38 442 Ditton St. 8:30 MPR- Princess St. @ 03/11/2009 0.36 <1 <1 4 12 0.93 442 Ditton St. 11:30 MPR- Princess St. @ 10/11/2009 0.41 <1 <1 2 10 0.62 442 Ditton St. 8:50 MPR- Princess St. @ 17/11/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 10 0.83 442 Ditton St. 9:20 MPR- Princess St. @ 24/11/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 7 0.74 442 Ditton St. 8:20 MPR- Princess St. @ 01/12/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 6 0.74 442 Ditton St. 8:35 MPR- Princess St. @ 08/12/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 3 0.56 442 Ditton St. 8:55 MPR- Princess St. @ 15/12/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 4 0.54 442 Ditton St. 8:25 MPR- Princess St. @ 22/12/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 4 1.30 442 Ditton St. 8:15 MPR- Princess St. @ 29/12/2009 0.6 <1 <1 NA 5 1.00 442 Ditton St, 8:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 06/01/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 7 0.26 443 Donovan 9:20 MPR- 216 St. @ 13/01/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 4 0.78 443 Donovan 9:00 MPR- 216 St. @ 20/01/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 4 0.43 443 Donovan 8:50 MPR- 216 St. @ 27/01/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 443 Donovan 8:50 MPR- 216 St. @ 03/02/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 4 0.29 443 Donovan 8:55 MPR- 216 St. @ 10/02/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 443 Donovan 8:50 I MPR- 216 St. @ 17/02/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 4 0.31 443 Donovan 8:55 MPR- 216 St. @ 24/02/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 5 0.29 443 Donovan 8:00 MPR- 216 St. @ 03/03/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 5 0.65 443 Donovan 8:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 10/03/2009 0.74 <1 <1 2 4 0.56 443 Donovan 8:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 17/03/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 4 0.27 443 Donovan 8:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 24/03/2009 0.57 <1 <1 2 4 0.46 443 Donovan 8:20 MPR- 216 St. @ 31/03/2009 0.58 <1 <1 < 2 5 0.32 443 Donovan 7:40 43 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi ECall HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFWml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100ml- 100ml- 100ml- MPR- 216 St. @ 07/04/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 5 0.35 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR 216St. @ 14/04/2009 0.84 < <1 <2 6 12.00 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR- 216 St. @ 15/04/2009 0.46 <1 <1 2 6 0.39 443 Donovan 9:00 MPR- 216 St. @ 21/04/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 8 0.50 443 Donovan 8:30 MPR 216 St. @ 28/04/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 7 0.32 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 05/05/2009 0,74 <1 <1 <2 8 0.48 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 12/05/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 8 0.27 443 Donovan 7:30 MPR- 216 St. @ 19/05/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 8 0.42 443 Donovan 7:35 MPR 216 St. @ 26/05/2009 0.8 <1 <1 2 9 0.30 443 Donovan 7:00 MPR 216 St. @ 02/06/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 12 0.41 443 Donovan 8:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 09/06/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 10 0.36 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR 216 St. @ 16/06/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 11 0.36 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR- 216 St. @ 23/06/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 11 0.42 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR- 216 St. @ 30/06/2009 0.71 <1 <1 2 12 0.32 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 07/07/2009 0.6E <1 <1 2 12 0.33 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR- 216 St. @ 14/07/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 12 0.24 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR- 216 St. @ 21/07/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 443 Donovan 7:35 MPR 216 St. @ 28/07/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 14 0.42 443 Donovan 7:20 MPR- 216 St. @ 04/08/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 13 0.30 443 Donovan 7:45 MPR 216 St. @ 11/08/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 14 0.21 443 Donovan 7:25 MPR- 216 St. @ 18/08/2009 0.92 <1 <1 2 14 0.30 443 Donovan 7:55 MPR- 216 St. @ 25/08/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 14 0.25 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 01/09/2009 0.96 <1 <1 2 14 0.30 443 Donovan 7:30 MPR- 216 St. @ 08/09/2009 0.86 <1 <1 <2 14 0.30 443 Donovan 7:40 MPR- 216 St. @ 15/09/2009 0.99 <1 <1 2 14 0.36 443 Donovan 7:35 MPR- 216 St. @ 22/09/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 15 0.4❑ 443 Donovan 8:10 MPR- 216 St. @ 29/09/2009 0.71 <1 <1 2 14 0.33 443 Donovan 8:35 MPR- 216 St. @ 06/10/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 13 0.49 443 Donovan 9:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 13/10/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 14 0.47 443 Donovan 10:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 20/10/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 11 0.52 443 Donovan 8:00 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100ml- 100mL MPR- 216 St. @ 27/10/2009 0.59 <1 <1 4 10 0.57 443 Donovan 8:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 03/11/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 10 �.80 443 Donovan 11:15 MPR- 216 St. @ 04/11/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 10 0.98 443 Donovan 9:30 MPR- 216 St. @ 10/11/2009 0.57 <1 <1 2 9 0.77 443 Donovan 8:25 MPR- 216 St. @ 17/11/2009 6.62 <1 <1 <2 9 0.80 443 Donovan 8:50 MPR- 216 St. @ 24/11/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 6 0.61 443 Donovan 8:00 MPR- 216 St. @ 01/12/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 5 0.79 443 Donovan 8:15 MPR 216 St. @ 08/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 4 0.63 443 Donovan 8:30 MPR- 216 St. @ 15/12/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 3 0.67 443 Donovan 8:05 MPR- 216 St. @ 22/12/2009 0.81 <1 <1 2 4 1.30 443 Donovan 7:55 MPR- 216 St. @ 29/12/2009 0.94 <1 <1 NA 5 0.83 443 Donovan 7:55 MPR- Foreman Drive 06/01/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 6 0.24 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:40 MPR- Foreman Drive 13/01/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 3 0.63 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:30 MPR- Foreman Drive 20/01/2009 0.17 <1 <1 <2 3 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:20 MPR Foreman Drive 27/01/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 2 0.39 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 03/02/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 3 0.30 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 10/02/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 3 0.32 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 17/02/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 3 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:25 MPR Foreman Drive 24/02/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 4 0.34 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:35 MPR- Foreman Drive 03/03/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:55 MPR- Foreman Drive 10/03/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 3 0.70 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:10 MPR- Foreman Drive 17/03/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 3 0.47 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:50 MPR- Foreman Drive 24/03/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 3 0.43 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:55 MPR- Foreman Drive 31/03/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 4 0.44 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 07/04/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 4 0.36 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR Foreman Drive 14/04/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 5 0.38 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:25 MPR- Foreman Drive 21/04/2009 0.29 <1 <1 <2 9 0.39 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:50 MPR Foreman Drive 28/04/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 6 0.54 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 05/05/2009 0:36 <1 I <1 <2 8 0.44 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 12/05/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 7 0.42 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 45 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- Foreman Drive 19/05/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 7 0.36 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 26/05/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 8 0.44 444 @ Marc Rd. 6:30 MPR- Foreman Drive 02/06/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 14 0.35 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:10 MPR- Foreman Drive 09/06/2009 0.25 <1 <1 14 10 0.38 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 16/06/2009 ❑.34 <1 <1 <2 10 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 23/06/2009 0.16 <1 <1 <2 10 0.31 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 30/06/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 14 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 6:45 MPR- Foreman Drive 07/07/2009 0.1 <1 <1 8 10 0.27 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 14/07/2009 0.25 <1 <1 2 11 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 21/07/2009 0.42 <1 <1 2 12 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:10 MPR- Foreman Drive 28/07/2009 0.22 <1 <1 <2 13 0.25 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:00 MPR- Foreman Drive 04/08/2009 0.25 <1 <1 <2 14 0.21 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:25 MPR Foreman Drive 11/08/2009 0.15 <1 <1 <2 13 0.27 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:05 MPR- Foreman Drive 18/08/2009 0.28 <1 <1 2 13 0.31 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:30 MPR- Foreman Drive 25/08/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 13 0.28 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 01/09/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 13 0.33 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:10 MPR- Foreman Drive 08/09/2009 0.34 <1 <1 6 13 0.22 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 15/09/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 13 0.40 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 22/09/2009 0.2 <1 <1 <2 15 0.49 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:50 MPR- Foreman Drive 29/09/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 14 0.53 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:00 MPR- Foreman Drive 06/10/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 13 0.45 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:50 MPR- Foreman Drive 13/10/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 14 0.26 444 @ Marc Rd. 9:50 MPR Foreman Drive 20/10/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 9 0.38 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:30 MPR- Foreman Drive 27/10/2009 0.63 <1 <1 6 9 0.54 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:50 MPR- Foreman Drive 03/11/2009 0.3 <1 <1 >1100 11 0.84 444 @ Marc Rd. 10:55 0 MPR Foreman Drive 10/11/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 10 0.68 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:50 MPR Foreman Drive 17/11/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 9 0.87 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:15 MPR- Foreman Drive 24/11/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 5 0.66 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:30 MPR- Foreman Drive 01/12/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 4 0.62 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:40 MPR- Foreman Drive 08/12/2009 0.36 <1 <1 2 3 0.62 444 @ Marc Rd. 8:00 M District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR Foreman Drive 15/12/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 3 0.84 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:35 MPR- Foreman Drive 22/12/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 3 1.00 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:20 MPR- Foreman Drive 29/12/2009 0.53 <1 <1 NA 3 1.20 444 @ Marc Rd. 7:25 MPR- 127th Ave. and 06/01/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 7 0.31 445 266 St. 11:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 13/01/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 3 0.66 445 266 St. 9:55 MPR- 127th Ave. and 20/01/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 3 0.43 445 266 St. 11:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 27/01/2009 0.33 <1 <1 <2 3 0.46 445 266 St. 11:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 03/02/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 3 0.38 445 266 St. 10:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 10/02/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 3 0.60 445 266 St. 10:55 MPR- 127th Ave. and 17/02/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 3 0.31 445 266 St. 10:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 24/02/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 4 0.72 445 266 St. 9:45 MPR- 127th Ave. and 03/03/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 4 0.49 445 266 St. 9:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 10/03/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 3 0.42 445 266 St. 9:55 MPR- 127th Ave. and 17/03/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 3 0.32 445 266 St. 9:30 MPR- 127th Ave. and 24/03/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 3 0.58 445 266 St. 10:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 31/03/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 4 0.35 445 266 St. 9:20 MPR- 127th Ave. and 07/04/2009 0.63 <1 <1 2 4 1.10 445 266 St. 9:05 MPR- 127th Ave. and 14/04/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 5 0.34 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 21/04/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 8 0.63 445 266 St. 10:40 MPR- 127th Ave. and 28/04/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 6 0.32 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 05/05/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 7 0.44 445 266 St. 9:20 MPR- 127th Ave. and 12/05/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 7 0.35 445 266 St. 8:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 19/05/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 7 0.46 445 266 St. 9:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 26/05/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 8 0.35 445 266 St. 8:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 02/06/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 12 0.50 445 266 St. 11:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 09/06/2009 0.44 <1 <1 2 9 0.56 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 16/06/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 10 0.33 445 266 St. 9:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 23/06/2009 0.04 <1 <1 8 10 0.41 445 266 St. 9:15 MPR- 127th Ave. and 30/06/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 13 0.30 445 266 St. 10:40 MPR- 127th Ave. and 07/07/2009 0.09 <1 <1 <2 10 0.33 445 266 St. 9:10 47 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total FColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100ml- MPN/100ml- 100ml- 100mL MPR- 127th Ave. and 14/07/2009 0.11 <1 <1 <2 11 0.28 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR 127th Ave. and 21/07/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 12 0.30 445 266 St. 8:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 28/07/2009 0.07 <1 <1 90 13 0.24 445 266 St. 8:50 MPR 127th Ave. and 04/08/2009 0.02 <1 <1 8 13 0.32 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 11/08/2009 0.03 <1 <1 10 14 0.40 445 266 St. 9:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 18/08/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 13 0.20 445 266 St. 9:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 25/08/2009 70. 11 <1 <1 22 13 0.25 445 266 St. 9:10 MPR- 127th Ave. and 01/09/2009 0.08 <1 <1 38 13 0.23 445 266 St. 8:55 MPR- 127th Ave. and 08/09/2009 0.13 <1 <1 10 12 0.21 445 266 St. 9:05 MPR- 127th Ave. and 15/09/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 13 0.44 445 266 St. 8:55 MPR- 127th Ave. and 22/09/2009 0.53 <1 <1 2 14 0.42 445 266 St. 10:08 MPR- 127th Ave. and 29/09/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 14 0.47 445 266 St. 10:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 66/10/2009 0.65 <1 <1 2 14 0.46 445 266 St. 10:20 MPR- 127th Ave. and 13/10/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 14 0.34 445 266 St. 8:40 MPR- 127th Ave. and 20/10/2009 0.92 <1 <1 <2 10 0.52 445 266 St. 10:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 27/10/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 9 0.29 445 266 St. 9:50 MPR- 127th Ave. and 03/11/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 12 0.52 445 266 St. 9:45 MPR- 127th Ave. and 10/11/ 0009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 10 0.80 445 266 St. 10:35 MPR- 127th Ave. and 17/11/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 10 0.69 445 266 St. 11:00 MPR 127th Ave. and 24/11/2009 0.05 <1 <1 <2 5 0.70 445 266 St. 10:00 MPR- 127th Ave. and 01/12/2009 0.24 <1 <1 <2 4 0.55 445 266 St. 9:55 MPR 127th Ave. and 08/12/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 3 0.47 445 266 St. 10:05 MPR- 127th Ave. and 15/12/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 3 0.67 445 266 St. 9:45 MPR- 127th Ave. and 22/12/2009 0.35 <1 <1. <2 3 0.65 445 266 St. 9:20 MPR- 127th Ave. and 29/12/2009 0.41 <1 <1 NA 3 0.90 445 266 St. 9:30 MPR 128th Ave and 06/01/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 6 0.40 446 Willow Place 10:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 13/01/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 3 0.49 446 Willow Place 9:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 20/01/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 3 0.48 446 Willow Place 10:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 27/01/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 3 0.48 446 Willow Place 10:55 MPR- 128th Ave and 03/02/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 3 0.49 446 Willow Place 10:40 .M District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100ml- MPR- 128th Ave and 10/02/2009 0.91 <1 <1 <2 3 0.33 446 Willow Place 10:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 17/02/2009 0.97 <1 <1 <2 3 0.34 446 Willow Place 10:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 24/02/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 4 0.46 446 Willow Place 9:35 MPR- 128th Ave and 53/03/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 4 0.49 446 Willow Place 9:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 10/03/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 3 0.49 446 Willow Place 9:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 17/03/2009 0.94 <1 <1 <2 3 0.39 446 Willow Place 9:20 MPR- 128th Ave and 24/03/2009 0.69 <1 I <1 <2 3 0.50 446 Willow Place 9:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 31/03/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 4 0.39 446 Willow Place 9:10 MPR- 1281th Ave and 07/04/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 4 0.67 446 Willow Place 8:55 MPR- 128th Ave and 14/04/2009 0.63 <1 <1 <2 5 0.41 446 Willow Place 8:55 MPR- 128th Ave and 21/04/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 8 0.44 446 Willow Place 10:30 MPR- 128th Ave and 28/04/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 6 0.33 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 05/05/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 7 0.58 446 Willow Place 8:55 MPR- 128th Ave and 12/05/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 7 0.34 446 Willow Place 8:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 19/05/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 7 0.36 446 Willow Place 8:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 26/05/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 8 0.35 446 Willow Place 8:35 MPR- 128th Ave and 02/06/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 14 0.45 446 Willow Place 10:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 09/06/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 10 0.49 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 16/06/2009 0.28 <1 <1 <2 10 0.39 446 Willow Place 8:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 23/06/2009 0.23 <1 <1 <2 10 0.42 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 30/06/2009 0.13 <1 <1 <2 13 0.41 446 Willow Place 10:25 MPR- 128th Ave and 07/07/2009 0.1 <1 <1 <2 10 0.55 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 14/07/2009 <0.01 <1 <1 <2 11 0.38 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 21/07/2009 0.03 <1 <1 <2 12 0.46 446 Willow Place 8:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 28/07/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 13 0.35 446 Willow Place 8:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 04/08/2009 0.22 <1 <1 <2 13 0.48 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 11/08/2009 0.13 <1 <1 <2 13 0.31 446 Willow Place 8:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 18/08/2009 0.22 <1 <1 <2 13 0.26 446 Willow Place 8:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 25/08/2009 0.26 <1 <1 <2 12 0.27 446 Willow Place 9:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 01/09/2009 0.24 <1 LI 12 0.31 446 Willow Place 8:45 I 1 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled date Chlorine Total Total EColi EColi HPC Temp Turbidity name name Free Coliform Coliform MF/ MPN/ CFU/ml °C NTU mg/L MF/100mL MPN/100mL 100mL 100mL MPR- 128th Ave and 08/09/2009 0.22 <1 <1 <2 12 0.26 446 Willow Place 8:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 15/09/2009 0.57 <1 <1 6 12 0.44 446 Willow Place 8:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 22/09/2009 0.5 <1 <1 60 15 0.56 446 Willow Place 10:00 MPR- 128th Ave and 29/09/2009 0.13 <1 <1 <2 14 0.45 446 Willow Place 10:35 MPR- 128th Ave and 06/10/2009 0.2 <1 <1 <2 12 0.61 446 Willow Place 10:07 MPR- 128th Ave and 13/10/2009 0.71 <1 <1 <2 12 0.34 446 Willow Place 8:30 MPR- 128th Ave and 20/10/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 9 0.31 446 Willow Place 9:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 27/10/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 9 0.40 446 Willow Place 9:40 MPR- 128th Ave and 03/11/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 10 0.52 446 Willow Place 9:30 MPR- 128th Ave and 10/11/2009 0.63 <1 <1 4 10 0.53 446 Willow Place 10:20 MPR- 128th Ave and 17/11/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 9 0.70 446 Willow Place 10:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 24/11/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 5 0.63 446 Willow Place 9:50 MPR- 128th Ave and 01/12/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 5 0.70 446 Willow Place 9:45 MPR- 128th Ave and 08/12/2009 0.65 <1 <1 4 3 0.63 446 Willow Place 9:55 MPR- 128th Ave and 15/12/2009 1.4 <1 <1 <2 3 0.66 446 Willow Place 9:30 MPR- 128th Ave and 22/12/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 3 0.43 446 Willow Place 9:10 MPR 128th Ave and 29/12/2009 1.2 <1 <1 NA 3 0.81 446 Willow Place 9:25 Sample name Sample reported name Sampled date Chlorine Free mg/L Total Coliform MF/100mLs EColi MF/100mLs HPC CFU/mis Turbidity NTU GV-071 Haney 06/01/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 08/01/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 14/01/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 15/01/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 20/01/2009 0.31 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 22/01/2009 NA <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 28/01/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 29/01/2009 0.95 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 04/02/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 12/02/2009 0.82 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 13/02/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 19/02/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 20/02/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 24/02/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 26/02/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 04/03/2009 1 0.54 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 05/03/2009 1 0.68 <1 <1 <2 50 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample name Sample reported name Sampled date Chlorine Free mg/L Total Coliform MF/100mLs ;=Coli MF/100mLs HPC CFU/mis Turbidity NTU GV-071 Haney 11/03/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 12/03/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 19/03/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 20/03/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 24/03/2009 0.63 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 26/03/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 02/04/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 07/04/2009 0.82 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 17/04/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 21/04/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 23/04/2009 0.92 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 29/04/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 30/04/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 07/05/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 14/05/2009 0.53 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 21/05/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 27/05/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 04/06/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 05/06/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 10/06/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 12/06/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 15/06/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 19/06/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 24/06/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 25/06/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 30/06/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 02/07/2009 ❑.83 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 07/07/2009 0.79 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 09/07/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 16/07/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 23/07/2009 0.51 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 30/07/2009 0.99 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 06/08/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 11/08/2009 0.8 <1 <1 10 GV-071 Haney 12/08/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 18/08/2009 0.88 <1 <1 6 GV-071 Haney 23/08/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 03/09/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 10/09/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 17/09/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 18/09/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 24/09/2009 1.1 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 01/10/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 08/10/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 15/10/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 21/10/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 22/10/2009 0.95 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 1 27/10/2009 0.82 1 <1 <1 <2 51 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample name Sample reported name Sampled date Chlorine Free mg/L Total Coliform MF/100mLs EColi MF/100mLs HPC CFQ/mis Turbidity NTU GV-071 Haney 29/10/2009 1.1 <1 <1 2 GV-071 Haney 03/11/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 05/11/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 GV-071 Haney 12/11/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 0.76 GV-071 Haney 13/11/2009 0.62 <1 <1 <2 1 GV-071 Haney 17/11/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 0.72 GV-071 Haney 19/11/2009 0.95 <1 <1 2 0.5 GV-071 Haney 24/11/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 0.83 GV-071 Haney 26/11/2009 0.93 <1 <1 <2 0.69 GV-071 Haney 03/12/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 0.63 GV-071 Haney 09/12/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 0.68 GV-071 Haney 10/12/2009 0.53 <1 <1 4 1.1 GV-071 Haney 17/12/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 0.59 GV-071 Haney 22/12/2009 0.91 <1 <1 <2 2.2 GV-071 Haney 31/12/2009 0.71 <1 <1 NA 0.8 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 06/01/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 08/01/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 14/01/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 15/01/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 20/01/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 22/01/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 28/01/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 29/01/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 04/02/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 11/02/2009 1 0.69 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 12/02/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 18/02/2009 0.93 <1 <1 2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 19/02/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 24/02/2009 0.55 1 <1 12 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 25/02/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 26/02/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 27/02/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump Station 04/03/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump 05/03/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 52 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coliform ECoii HPC Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Station Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 11/03/2009 0.74 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 12/03/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 19/03/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 20/03/2009 0.37 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 24/03/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 26/03/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 01/04/2009 0.61 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 02/04/2009 0.5 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 07/04/2009 0.42 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 17/04/2009 0.79 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 21./04/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 22/04/2009 0.29 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 28/04/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 30/04/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 05/05/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 09/05/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 11/05/2009 0.7 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 15/05/2009 0.87 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 21/05/2009 0.6 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 26/05/2009 0.76 <1 <1 6 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 28/05/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 29/05/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 03/06/2009 0.43 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 05/06/2009 0.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 09/06/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 11/06/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump 15/06/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 091 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coliform EColi HPC Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Station Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 17/06/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 23/06/2009 0.46 <1 <1 4 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 24/06/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 25/06/2009 0.75 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 26/06/2009 1 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 30/06/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 02/07/2009 0.88 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 06/07/2009 0.78 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 09/07/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 10/07/2009 0.59 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 15/07/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 22/07/2009 0.92 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 24/07/2009 0.73 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 28/07/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 31/07/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 05/08/2009 3.9 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 06/08/2009 0.44 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 12/08/2009 0.82 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 13/08/2009 0.58 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 18/08/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 23/08/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 03/09/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 10/09/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 17/09/2009 0.26 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 24/09/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 01/10/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 GV-072 Maple Ridge Pump 08/10/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 54 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coliform EColi HPC Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Station Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 15/1.0/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 21/10/2009 0.82 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 22/10/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 27/10/2009 0.83 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 30/10/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 03/11/2009 0.8 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 06/11/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 0.68 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 12/11/2009 0.98 <1 <1 <2 0.85 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 13/11/2009 0.77 <1 <1 <2 1.1 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 17/11/2009 1.2 <1 <1 <2 0.63 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 19/11/2009 0.97 <1 <1 <2 0.58 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 20/11/2009 0.89 <1 <1 <2 0.92 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 24/11/2009 0.96 <1 <1 <2 0.69 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 26/11/2009 1.1 <1 <1 2 0.7 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 01/12/2009 0.88 <1 <1 <2 0.97 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 04/12/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 0.83 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 08/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 0.85 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 11/12/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 0.66 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 17/1-2/2009 0.75 <1. <1 <2 0.58 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 22/12/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 2.6 Maple Ridge Pump GV-072 Station 31/12/2009 1.5 <1 <1 NA 0.84 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 06/01/2009 0.47 <1 <1 4 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 08/01/2009 0.75 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 14/01/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 15/01/2009 0.74 <1 <1 LA Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 20/01/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 GV-098 Maple Ridge 22/01/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 55 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coiiform -EC oli HPC Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Chamber Main Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 28/01/2009 0.72 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 29/01/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 04/02/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 12/02/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 13/02/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 19/02/2009 0.81 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 20/02/2009 0.52 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 24/02/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 04/03/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 05/03/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 10/03/2009 0.64 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 12/03/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 19/03/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 20/03/2009 0.43 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 24/03/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 26/03/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 02/04/2009 0.68 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 07/04/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 17/04/2009 0.84 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 21/04/2009 0.4 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 23/04/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 29/04/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 30/04/2009 0.38 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 07/05/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 14/05/2009 0.42 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 21/05/2009 0.48 <1 <1 <2 GV-098 Maple Ridge 27/05/2009 0.65 <1 <1 <2 56 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coliform EColi HPC j Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Chamber Main Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 04/06/2009 0.64 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 05/06/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 10/06/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 12/06/2009 0.51 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 15/06/2009 0.24 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 19/06/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 24/06/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 25/06/2009 0.29 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 30/06/2009 0.36 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 02/07/2009 0.39 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 07/07/2009 0.63 <1 <1 2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 09/07/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 16/07/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 23/07/2009 0.71 <1 <1 4 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 28/07/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 30/07/2009 0.43 <1 <1 4 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 06/08/2009 0.32 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 12/08/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 14/08/2009 0.46 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 18/08/2009 1 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 23/08/2009 0.9 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 03/09/2009 1.1 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 10/09/2009 0.67 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 17/09/2009 0.45 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 24/09/2009 0.55 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 01/10/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 GV-098 Maple Ridge 08/10/2009 0.66 <1 <1 <2 1.T1 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 Sample Sample reported Sampled Chlorine Total Coliform EColi HPC Turbidity name name date Free mg/L MF/100mLs MF/100mLs CFU/mis NTU Chamber Main Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 15/10/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 21/10/2009 0.36 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 22/10/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 27/10/2009 0.34 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 29/10/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 03/11/2009 0.4 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 05/11/2009 0.56 <1 <1 <2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 12/11/2009 0.76 <1 <1 <2 0.75 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 13/11/2009 0.49 <1 <1 <2 1.3 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 17/11/2009 0.35 <1 <1 <2 0.82 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 19/11/2009 0.41 <1 <1 <2 0.56 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 24/11/2009 0.57 <1 <1 <2 0.74 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 26/11/2009 0.44 23 <1 500 0.77 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 03/12/2009 0.39 <1 <1 <2 0.74 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 09/12/2009 0.47 <1 <1 <2 0.64 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 10/12/2009 0.69 <1 <1 <2 1.1 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 17/12/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 0.48 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 22/12/2009 0.54 <1 <1 <2 1.2 Maple Ridge GV-098 Chamber Main 31/12/2009 0.84 <1 <1 NA 0.86 m H U o� O! m Z:) a' W M m Er M og U a W W W � zD Fno oz i j U O X fr 0 W z W a a Q Hd sllun Hd FFJ °° rn ti oq ti 0TZ 01190eoleH le40 mm � Lo m Lo m co � (o 't Lo aploy oo CD Lo cm0 Lo plov 01190e0aolgola 0000 N N 00 N fD CY) 00 N 0 � 00 N coN N N N c i 00 N 0') CV ri N CO N O N m N C.0 N pov ol1aoeoaolgoouoW It ri v v v v N v v ri v plov ollaoeowoagouolAl v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ploy oiJaoeoaojgol() � O CN rl- Lo co -1 N N N N lc\j N N r-I N N N N N N Lo Lo Lo Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq Lq ploy oljaoeowoagl❑ o 0 0 0 0 0 �Lq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v GRl2J;9AV Lq Lq Lq Lq Lr)0) LC) Lq ti Lo uiuund Co N N tiLC) N ti N N lenuuy r N N N N N N N N m N N N N saueglawolequllejo N N CO m � m co N N co dam- N N LY) -i Cm a w 10�010 g It ONO O N N M M� M CO CN co K7� r i m N NF— aueglawowoagipoaolq vv v v v v v v v v vvv v v v waojowoae-1 -1 -1 r1r•riri ���� v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 9ueqjawoaofgo!powoa8 ri riT-v,-v, -1 ri r-I -i v v v v v v v v v v v v v v y CA 0) Cn d) Cn 0) CD Cn m CA m m CA m 0) m Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N co Cn \ N \ (9 \ m \ r-I \ N \\ (9 C)) � N N \ (9 \ \ \ \ \ \ a) O 00r O 00- 000 Cr .� t6 0) Cm (9 Lf'7 Cn (•7 (9 m C9 - 000 O r i 0 1-1 N r i O r-I N �i m O r-I In N m -1 m O O e i LC) N T T T T T T T T L L C L Cn Cn Cn U) N O N O U) 0 Cn Cn Q Q Q Q C C C C c-i c-I c-I c-I O N N O Lo Lo LC) Lo CY d d -0 .0 -0-0 N N N N . . N N N N Q Q Q Q 4 > N N 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O Q Q Q Q W W W W O O O O cn C C c @ @@ U @ > > > > cu Q Q Q Q 0 Cn Cn (n > Q > Q > Q > Q a-+ (n +S Cn +J Cn 4j Cl) U N N N N O O O O LC) L0 LC) Lo N N N N J O O O O ct lzt I�Y It N N N N m (o Cn m r-I ci �t It c-I ci N N (N N rq c i rq N N N N It It Lo LC) L0 Ln 00 00 00 00 O O O O m M Cn CO (Y) c0 00 m m m Ch m It d cr It Qq-�1�;� �lz�'rIT 1�q lr� IT�IT'T l_ Cr x Cr Cr � � � Cr Cr Cr 0 Cr Cr Cr Cr cc Cl 0- 0-Cl a.a- Cl Cl C1 Cl C1 C1 a_ CL d I O O O N t-, Q m bn +_ - co 41 d Q � (ci$ z G � O U •� l/ft lelol ou!Z 0 0 CN 0 a 0 O 0 D ❑ T16 O 0 0pO V l5w lelol wnlpos w N co m rn Zt u i Isi in L6 ui in 19w lelol aanlls a 0 0 0 a a O o ❑ ❑ O p O 0 0 0 0 O V V V V v V l/'Aw lelol wnluala$ o o a 0 V 0 V o V v o V 0 V l5w lelol I9)1oIN a a n a o 0 ❑ ❑ 6 O ❑ ❑ Cj 0 ❑ 0 0 ❑ V V V V V V l/Ww le;ol wnuopgAlow 0 0 0 0 0 N o 0 0 o a o v V V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V l/?w le;ol asaue5uew a o a s a a l/Ww lelol wnlsoufty 6 � o 0 k 0 o o ❑ 6 0 15w lelol Peal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 V v V v v V l/�w le;ol ual D w 0 co O 6 O O 0 0 0 o 0 o 1/5w lelol jaddoo o a N Ni a a ❑ o 0 0 a V 0 0 0 v 0 l/dw lelol llegoo a r+ O a r 0 a O a 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 1/2w le;ol wnlwoay� a o o 0 v ❑ o a 0 ❑ a V a V o V v y 0 V o V l/Tw lelol wnloleo 11 m cn r U5w lelol wnlwpeo o In LOO to 0 0 a a a a a a 0 V 0 V 0 V v v V v V l/$w le;o-L u0jo8 0 o N 0 a o ❑ v O v V v v V V 1/2w lelol wnueg ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ o 0 l5w le;ol oluasjV o o a o v a V 0 V v V 0 V 0 V 0 V VRw lelol wnuiwnlV a a o Q Q v o 0 0 °'rn �o rn rn rn m o a 0 o a 'fl CL N N r_-f N [�D ❑ CNI � � N N 00 �� ❑o�� oC) LO fn N I-- N 00 N 11 N 11 N I- N 00 N 6] N N C Q d ❑ O Q Q O N N sNi t` t- a m N C77 U7 CO U) U7 E NN IN NQNQ N N N co in m to m 0 O N CD CO n ' It 1� 7 Eca lr LY District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 APPENDIX D - METRO VANCOUVER COQUITLAM SOURCE TREATED WATER QUALITY Physical and Chemical Analysis of kk ater Supply Ldr Greater Vancouver Water District 2009 - C€ quitlamWater System i nlrca rvL l Treated f2y1 y_ L:ntu��inet �L Parameter Ai erae+: Average Ranee Guideline C,uidcllnc Gold Cl€nti Exceeded limit At Oil Mud Alkalinit,: as CaC1),img L1 1.9 9.6 fi.f!_t Lt none AluminiumDiss,,1,rd(mg.tLt 0.05 (1.06 0.04i1(17 none Aluminium Total tmb Lt 4.08 (t0$ R05.0.12 none Antimony Total img:L:t <0.002 41.002 <0.002 0 0.W6 health Arsenic Total (mg Ll 4)1}tJoi" 4i.t!(,1) <0.009 (1 00it, hcalth 3ariutn Total img Lt 0.003 (1003 0.002-0.003 0 1.0 health i3aron Total Iing IL1 4).02 <0.02 <IO2 0 5.0 health 9romat- ?ing:Lt <i1.0€ <0.01 0 001 health Bromide mg.:U g101 <0A)I none Cadmium Total (mg Lt <W01" 4).0005 <0.11005 0 0.005 health Calcium Total (mg L) » 0.97 (L92-).10 none Carbon Organic Dissoh cd I mg: L t - 1.4 1. €-2.0 none Carbon Organic Total I.mgrL} i.43 1.38 1.13-2_04 none C'hlarateimg,Ll <(101 <0,01 0 €,0 health Chloride Total (mgiLl 0,6 1.9 1.7-2_t 0 ?250 aesthetic Chromium Total(ml;I <0001 4I.001 <0,00€ 1 0.05 health Color Apparent (ACU) € € 2 €-5 none Unto True JCU) 9 1 1-3 :-t ?15 aesthetic Cxtductnityi.umhosrcm1 9 29 25-35 none Copper Total (mg,L) (W3 <0.W2 <0.002 0 ?` aesthetic C}anidc Total (mg L1 <0.02 <0.02 <(SL 0 t1.2 health Fluoride(mg;L) 4).05 41,05 <0.05 1.5 health Hardness asCaCO,(mgjLi 2.88 295 none iron Ltissrik-A(mg%L'1 0.02 (1.02 0.0".03 stone iron Total (mgr'L,i 4106 005 0.04-0.12 0 ?0.3 aesthcu ieadTotal Ima,L) <0.001 m.00I <0.001 0 0.0€ health ALagne-slum Totalfm¢;Lt 0.11 of € (109-0.14 none gan 9aneseDissolvod(mg'L1 0.005 41004 0.0(12-0.005 none Manganese Total (mg;L) 0.00- (1004 0.003-0.006 t! ?0.05 aesthetic Mercury Totaltmg L.t 4}.00005 g0.00005 <0.00005 0 0A)I health Nickel Total (me%L) <0.001 410(11 <0,001 none Nitrogen - Ammonia as N lmgrl-? <.02 <002 <0.02 none Nitrogen - Nitrate as N imgrL) 01 1 0.12 0.09-0.14 0 10 health Nitrogen - Nitrite as N (mg:Li Qt.O € <0.01 <0.01 1.0 health I'H 6.6 6.9 6.5-7.4 _ 65 to 9.5 aesthetic Phcnols(mr/L) <0.00 41.005 <0005 none Phosphoru%Total(.mg.L;t <0,005 <l.005 <0005 none Potassium Total (mg.21 Q 13 0.13 0.12-0.14 tmne Residue Total (mg,'L) 13 22-31 none Residue Total Dissolvedimg1) 12 25 22-29 ?560 aesthetic Residue Total Fixed (mgJL:t 9 0 1&23 none Residue Total Voiatilc(mg!L'k 5 is 6-9 none Selenium Total (mgil-) <0.01 4),00) <0.001 0 0.0; health Silica as Sit), (mg,L) 2.5 2.5 2.1-2.6 none SilSerTotal img:'L_l <400€ 41.001 <0.001 none Sod turn Total Irn1;&'1 <0.5 12 4."A 0 ?200 aesthetic Sulphatei,mia'Ll 0.8 hR 0.7-O.R 0 ?500 aesthetic Turhidit, I NTU'1 0.57 (150 0.26-2.6 UV254iAbs:cm 1 0.059 (1018 0.012-0.037 none UV254App. tAbs'em'k 0.066 (1022 0.014-0.045 none Zinc Thal (mgiL) <4002 4t.002 <0.002 0 ?$ acsthct€c %r-tt,+igures creae•erwe s•iaue,r`nm anu w^er :r'tae^ixrv«f wd ses dire rk a-gitw, the year. 11'8ere rise rmj?efs asingle tahie no variarkw e, as measured for rsre.sinpias a fd remE a•ehaaed,,rr IiiJS'e { jttt,i dard .tferNfifs atW rer aid 11'asre 11`afer"21si Edirfrx 2005 Len r1wi (<i & orar na dereadrfet lib rre technique useal fir dde?a•mtnaaion trHrrmred r,aer rs tenor r.re o, race 7rinr r,r cktarint3iar. rrearef r,taer h lrrm a.sing/e.slre is the Gl'RF� dlerrlAutf+xr .sy.sren: drnvn.srrear. at+ ch/rrinat(:ri Gufdetinef arerdwt rnrn "Gtddettnes_fr CrrtaXa- Lrtn,h'ng War& ¢uditg _ Sixth Edtrfan"Hegtlthand R'4/areCatada f 996. updareit,? Afa.y ?008. 0;Witt,:.m want is rra:r�1 aeartiaccrtefarnrimanailsi.�vfecn,�t,ciFt(xireel"<r.set,redarvdtstmfeetiar;.:etdsafaastriatncra;sepTianddkdtalrl-.'Arsenvrld'untreref,,arertvasrer;tii-teflylCP•AfS. District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 APPENDIX E - 2010-2014 CAPITAL PROGRAM 2010 Projects Dewdney Trunk (260 - 262) Watermain Replacement Dewd ney Tru n k @ 246 St GVW D P/S CL2 station @ 248 Water P/S Replacement 2011 Projects SCADA replacement program Sound attenuation enclosure for standby generators Water security improvement 125 Ave (241- Ansell) Watermain Replacement 141 Ave @ 232 St PRV 210 St (116 -118) Watermain Replacement 224 St (North - 119) #fo Watermain Replacement 224 St (North - 119) [fibre] Watermain Replacement 263 St (440 Reservoir - Stage 2) Phase 2 Ansell St (124 - 125) Dewdney Trunk (Laity to 216) Watermain Upgrade Emerg PRV service f/Grant to Albion 158 Water service upgrades to Albion 158 zone Rothsay Heights Reservoir Improvement Truck fill system: proposed reserv. site 2012 Projects 119 Ave (227 - 228) Watermain Replacement 2013 Projects 136 Ave (236 - 240) Watermain Replacement 136 Ave @ 24200 Rockridge Res. Phase 2 216 St (124 - 128) Watermain Replacement 232 St (136 - Silver Valley Rd) Watermain Replacement 248 St (116 - DTR) Watermain Replacement 270A St @ 123 Ave P/S Phase 2 Cottonwood Dr (115 -116) 110 Ave (240 - 243) Watermain Replacement 111 Ave (240 - 243) Watermain Replacement 113 Ave (246 - 248) Watermain Replacement 124 Ave (246 - 248) Watermain Replacement 128 Ave (235 - 238) Watermain Replacement 224 St (124 - Abernethy) Watermain Replacement 231 St (117 - 118) Watermain Replacement Equip Purch - Leak Detectors Fletcher St (DTR - Brown) 62 District of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2009 2014 Projects 108 Ave (248 - 249) Watermain Replacement 124 Ave @ 232 St (PRV) Watermain Replacement Abernethy @ 240 St GVRD Connection Brown Ave (Fraser - 228) Equip Purch - Enclosed Trailer 63 a x 0 z w a a ¢ 0 E P. � _ - 0 0 r I arpy tinr+onr � �� • _ 133HIS GLZ 133t115 LLZ u-� - r I w � J } m - - �-- w 133a15 956 y W w �e -- I1 1331Nis B4L 133aS ObZ -1 �!• 133Ei1S Z::^Z d 4 t - -� { v rn ��� �, 133il1S bLZ •t O pis 0 0 0 0 O O 1 1S KLIVI - CO N O 04 tii`- a Q L338LS LOZ O bA + ' u � I _ �.s rba Fr 5 O � U •� _c 0 0 z 0 f-4 LD I MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots District of Maple Ridge Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Area Planning Assessment Policy Report - Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: September 16, 2010 Workshop The Official Community Plan commits the District to the preparation of area plans in the Community, and provides some guidance regarding the prioritization of neighbourhoods. In addition, the Plan provides criteria regarding the timing of a Thornhill Area Plan, and some of the elements to be included within that plan. However, details regarding the timing and selection of neighbourhoods for future area plans is not contained in the Official Community Plan and is intended to be determined by Council. In October 2009 and January 2010 Council gave consideration to an Area Planning Process Report and draft Area Planning Assessment Policy and identified some issues that require further discussion prior to adopting the policy. The June 2010 Council Matrix identified that the Area Planning Assessment Policy would be discussed at the September 20, 2010 Workshop. The following report provides an overview of the discussion that has previously taken place, and identifies how the issues raised by Council have been reflected in the revised Draft Area Planning Assessment Policy (September 16, 2010) RECOMMENDATION: That the Area Planning Assessment Policy attached to the staff report entitled "Area Planning Assessment Policy Report - Update", dated September 16, 2010 be adopted. BACKGROUND: At the October 26, 2009 Workshop, Council gave consideration to the "Area Plan Process Report" dated October 22, 2009, and passed the following resolution: "That the report entitled `Area Plan Process Report" dated October 22, 2009 be received as information; and -1- 4.6 That staff be directed to prepare a policy to assist in the selection of future area plans." On February 1, 2010, Council reviewed a staff report and draft Area Planning Assessment Policy (dated January 20, 2010) and forwarded the report and policy to the February 9, 2010 Council meeting. The recommendation in the staff report was "that the Area Planning Assessment Policy attached to the staff report dated January 20, 2010 be adopted". At the Council Meeting, Council considered the policy and passed the following resolutions: "That the Area Planning Assessment Policy attached to the staff report dated January 20, 2010 be adopted." (R/2010-082 ) and "That consideration of Resolution R12010-082 be deferred to a future Council Workshop Meeting. "(R/2010-083) On June 21, 2010 Council considered the Council Matrix Report which directed that the Area Planning Assessment Policy be placed on the September 20, 2010 Workshop Agenda. Pursuant with the above, this report has been prepared to respond to the issues raised by Council during previous discussions, and to discuss the revised draft policy. The earlier reports provided an overview of the Official Community Plan policies pertaining to Area Planning, as well as an overview of the policies relating to the Albion Flats, and for that reason, are not included in the discussion in the subject report (the earlier reports are attached as information - see Appendix A). Rather, this report is intended to respond to the issues previously raised by Council and to identify how they have been reflected in the revised Area Planning Assessment Policy (September 16, 2010). DISCUSSION At the February 2010 Workshop, Council discussed the draft Area Planning Assessment Policy and raised a number of issues' that are noted on the attached Table 1. This table contains three columns as follows: • Column 1 identifies the draft policy as it was presented to Council in February 2010; • Column 2 provides a summary of the Council discussion that took place; and • Column 3 reflects the reworded policy. A copy of the revised draft Area Planning Assessment Policy (September 16, 2010) as it would appear in the Policy Manual is also attached. For information, some examples of area plans that could be considered under this policy include Hammond, the Albion Industrial Area, and areas that border the Town Centre, etc. ' Comments are recorded in no particular order and reflect the discussion as interpreted by the author of the report. The Clerks Department do not take verbatim minutes. WA CONCLUSION: The Official Community Plan identifies the District's commitment to an area planning framework, based upon working cooperatively with residents, and other interested groups/agencies. The Official Community Plan provides an overview of the content for an area plan, and general guidance regarding where area plans should be initiated, however the selection and timing for future area plans is not prescribed. Recognizing that area planning is a desirable process, and that the number of requests for area plans would likely exceed District resources, Council directed that an area planning policy be prepared to assist in the selection of future area plans. Based on Council's previous review and comments, the draft Area Planning Assessment Policy has been revised, and is presented for adoption. Prepared by: Christine Carter, MPI. MCIP ManagerKom m unity Planning by: aWPickei' M,CP, lVrCIP L� DIreeto6o Wining --, l Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. or° GM: uf,lic W & Devel me Services j / Concurrence: J.L. m) Rule Chiqff Administrative Officer CC/cc Attachment - October 26, 2009 Area Plan Process Report January 20, 2010 Area Planning Assessment Report Area Planning Assessment Policy Chart (September 16, 2010) Revised Area Planning Assessment Policy (September 16, 2010) W11 w � « � 0 0 0 � w 2 u 2 q q 2 c 2 z 2 � � w � f w CD q w 0 w 0 q (d � � b 2 LLJ / 2%°$£\ 0 f/ U) � 2 E \ 2 § 2 \ 3 $ m m co ®E /Qo b / ■ � c % % \ °%2p z a L¥Qo ƒ%- Qo / cn kƒ? / » _ \ E E\ a) t c #� / 0 Q § : % ƒ I £ % / % ® ) c 2 a) o/ ƒ a 3 / ' co /22 2 ° / j: Cl) 2 f \ / \ » § m 2 � & ƒ 6 / / \ ƒ \ / f a m m. / \ 3 = g = / / o k 0 \. £ < 2 • a) 0 ( ° \ / % / / / / § k / / ƒ / / / / _. cn t3 ƒƒ \ �// /§ m % // z 0 ® j / \ t= \ cn S 2 R 2/ \§ / k � / /' / CL 0 2E/ U) / 5to �\. /�/ 2 c � y E g 2= ' t 2 / § R ƒ 2 c / 3 i§ / f to 2 2 t g e$ E% 2 o c O O / \ k ± \ � $ E / § , // 2 o e / § E / o Q / f o u° / \ - \ ƒ \ / y 2 % 3 ƒ / / / 3 % $ o % 9 e m ® / Q) CC ° \ � 3 Q) ) %2/� 2 _/ C.)7// \ 0 E \ f// m k t o2©4-V) n m E c» 2 f 2 \ LL « 3 y 2N f \ / \ % o G 7 ƒ © Ct § a \ \ f / .0VH ° 3 / Q \ § iz O / m a Fx0% & = o % \ . m �\ d/ f//ƒ0 2 \% zj) ƒ § § k\§ 2±_ \2$ƒ g= a °°° E /m x 6% 2% o °= o / k / / /� 2 \ n a A a Q Q& m q M R U -O O Q) O N N U Q) O p v Q) N G O Co U cOn C (n (n Q) C O 0 M U .— L Q) C Q) O a (n Cf) Q Q) C U 0 Q) S � U C U) as O O O > O O Q) O O c0C :,-0Z i''U mav > U c o V o o O 0 O O O 0 0 0. co acn` E -) o 2) 0 L) 0 c Q) 0 co oo�' Q Q Q Q U N Q) O O co coo m o y i ai Q O Q. -c — o 0 0 - a M c CL Z °L�� oa � w cc C ° C a) a 0 C a) 4- _�' o Q) a) o a i C) C) ° a°i 0 z 0 z 0 z O z c°,°��mo o�Q) a) 0 O cn v) a) U) -O U.0 C to T -0 C 'D (� O C co 0 z O 3 co _0 -C a) o � CU s co a- 0 cn U) C o O—_in Cc— a) t + co v� -0 °J � ' +� C m C 0 o _ o o 0 o a) c •� a -0 Q U (� ° 3 U ' N Cc - i -0 >, cn Z a) O y co E U 0 N a) co + ui a) C + > i U7 N a) Co 0 C O a) C 0 0 +- CoO 7C_ Uz En n cn O 4C C O O_O U C -0 �0� Zn 0 a�Cv,� _0 0 CL Q) C O LQ (Di 0 O U O O O =. 0 >` _ 'O > U zmoo, c-}Qoco m oQ) co �•Q o>' on ao�a)cacU 3U v �0� o 0 �� U� �4- ° aoi a) � z Eas ��o QQ) Q) ' Oco _� M �U O C cB cn O O Q x�i O O C Q O c6 C N p o��o c Q= 0 Qom) U� o o-oaQQ O >•�c� rz °p�Q)i� o v a) � ) Q) o �accuai Quo °°Q) ° N o '� O C m ��70 ) p a •� Q U) En °°Q.a O O o Q) U Q L O c �,m°oMoaoo C Z) °a'����a — Q) O O O zz a�zza O Q) a' 2 C6 +` Q) a Z cn V) co U >, 100 Q o N cam-- ° •� _>, � V ° Q ucn, Q �� c�.� o Q� o ° ° c c� c� a) �o a) a� a)a co ov °Q.o� — cz$ 3��'c� — °Q O U)i ci o O c}a Q) U CL O > .2 C .� Q) O C m -C o Q a� a) E n_a a' �, ,Z3 a) a- U a) ap cn o cB Q .p � C O C U) C a) co'QOi i O 'Qc O � 4 a' N O O- `QO i 3 C 0 N N O 21 C Z O a0 NJc N N 2 cn t QL Y)w 70� N a) ti10 `.— Q) "a O Q co E C m O O� co C U) a U) a) to O i O -Z a' � � C C C O N U CO O:' O U � CL cam/_) C co QOj I 40 } C -0 � a) o� o70=4a Q O >,o cn a' U co '' �°� N ¢ N o�� m.- co a�Q 3� a; � 0 co co U o o O 'Q 4w am o a cn E c U U ai �' U) -Q S, c. ¢ __ m x o o c c ca m o Q aw .2 m c U) O Q)_ U co 3 'U > w aU ° O- Q V) a ca — ca o o a) o co a �� '� OL m o w 70 C C 'Qw C C p co 3 C 0 `- a O co o Cr-co ,c n ai � ' Q) a) E t +, a) m o ° m c Q) w a� �u)zocnCCoC: C) ° cod .� cQ) o o � 6-m Q) ,aUi� C: o CL � � o ma m 0 0 �n 0 cn 0� U c" }' Q� m co - ti a Yaw Un H co a) a� a) — O a i 0 0 O -O m Q m co 0 0 C.) 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VerSlon MAPLE Deep Roots Greater Heights Title: Area Planning Assessment Policy Authority: ❑ Legislative ❑ Operational Approval: ❑ Council Policy Statement: ❑ CMT General Manager POLICY MANUAL Policy No: Supersedes: New Effective Date: Review Date: The District of Maple Ridge is committed to preparing area plans in Maple Ridge. Recognizing that there is a likelihood that the number of requests for area plans may exceed staffing and budgetary resources, the following policy has been created to assist Council in its selection: 1. The decision to undertake an area plan is at Council's discretion, noting that other projects and priorities may take precedence. 2. Area Planning priority will be given to an area: i. that is in transition; experiencing increases in development applications that are inconsistent with the Official Community Plan; or is impacted by policy changes, demographic changes, or significant transportation/infrastructure improvements to the area; ii. that does not have an existing Area Plan; iii. where the area plan is intended to further the goals and objectives identified within the Official Community Plan, or is identified as a future work item in the Official Community Plan; iv. with declining student enrolment in the School District catchment area; V. where the project is consistent with the Corporate Strategic Plan and Council adopted Business Plans. 3. Requests for area planning are to be considered as a package during Business Planning. Requests received outside of the business planning cycle, and/or during an active area planning process will be considered premature, and will be held until the appropriate Business Planning cycle. All requests will be accompanied by a staff report assessing the areas compliance with the "Area Planning Assessment Policy". The report will also identify emerging issues in the community that may pertain to the request. 4. Once an area has been selected to undergo an Area Planning Process, a staff report identifying the public consultation process; elements and issues to be addressed in the Plan; geographic boundary of the planning area; and scale of detail to be incorporated in the Land Use schedule will be prepared for Council's endorsement. 5. The District will typically undertake one area planning process at a time, and an area planning process should not be undertaken during an Official Community Plan review. Page 1 of 2 Policy Purpose: To provide a framework to assist Council in the selection of an area(s) for future area planning. Definitions: Area Planning - is defined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as "an Official Community Plan that applies to a local planning area". Refer to Chapter 10.1 of the Official Community Plan. Planning Area - refers to the geographic area being requested, and/or considered for an area planning process. Key Areas of Responsibility Action to Take Responsibility Page 2 of 2 Policy Appendix A 77, Deep hoots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District Of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Area Plan Process Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: October 22, 2009 FILE NO: ATTN: Workshop During the consultation for the 2006 Official Community Plan the community noted the importance of detailed planning work at the neighbourhood level, and the need to utilize a consultative approach to area plans that involves working cooperatively with Provincial and Regional agencies, the School District, community groups, and residents.. Based on this, the Official Community Plan commits the District to initiate the creation of area plans as a means to guide development. The Plan states that historic and new communities will form the general boundaries for the preparation of future area plans, and also provides some guidance regarding where area plans will be initiated and the elements to be addressed in an area plan. On September 21, 2009 Council considered a Work Schedule Matrix that outlined Ivey deliverables that Council and staff were to focus their efforts on in the coming months. Item 9 on the Council Work Schedule Matrix identified that a report on Area Plans would be presented to Council on October 26, 2009. Item 12 on the matrix identified that a report outlining the process to undertake an Area Plan for the Albion Flats will be presented on November 9, 2009. The following report is intended to provide an overview of the Area Plan policies in the Official Community Plan and identify a process for proceeding with an area planning program in the District. RECOMMENDATION: That the report entitled "Area Plan Process Report", -dated October 22, 2009 be received as information; and That staff be directed to prepare a policy to assist in the selection of future area plans. DISCUSSION: What is area planning? The term "Area Planning" refers to a consultative process, where area residents, agencies and stakeholders work together to refine objectives, policies and land uses for a specific area or neighbourhood. Area Planning is defined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as "an Official Community Plan that applies to a local. planning area". - 1 - How long does the Area Planning Process take? An area plan typically takes up to 2 years in total to complete, and involves two phases, although timing may be compressed by targeting staff resources, utilizing consultants, and accelerating the public process. The first phase involves the formation of a steering committee, the preparation of background reports, issues identification, and public consultation. The second phase involves the drafting of the Plan, and accompanying mapping and bylaw amendments. The amount of time taken from presentation of the Bylaw to Council and adoption depends on the nature of the issues relating to each plan. In addition, Area Plans can be very time dependent on other agencies. For example, if approvals from the Agricultural Land Commission, Metro Vancouver and TransLink are required, the timing of the Area Plan is subject to the timing of a response from these agencies. How many Area flans does Maple Ridge have? Area planning is not new to Maple Ridge. There are 3 adopted Plans housed in the Official Community Plan. The Silver Valley Area Plan was adopted in 2001; the Albion Area Plan was reviewed in 1994, endorsed as a guide plan*, and incorporated in the 2006 Official Community Plan; and the Town Centre Area Plan which was adopted in 2008. What does an Area Plan cost? The cost of an area plan depends on the issues pertaining to each neighbourhood. For example, an Area Plan for a newly emerging area would cost significantly more than an area -plan for an established neighbourhood. New areas require detailed engineering and servicing work, transportation studies, and other consultant reports, whereas many of these issues have typically been addressed in established areas. Generally, the more consulting reports required, the more the Plan will cost. For discussion purposes, the cost of an area plan is typically in the range of $ 75,000 to $100,000. OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN: Area Plans: Chapter 10.1 of the Official Community Plan contains the Area Planning policies for the District. This Chapter identifies what an area plan is; areas for consideration of an area plan; and highlights the elements to be contained in an area plan. An Area Plan is a Council adopted bylaw that provides a greater level of detail regarding land use, density, form, character, and phasing for a specific area, than is typically found in the Official Community Plan. The OCP states that area plans: "can apply to a group of neighbourhoods, or a single neighbourhood, or entire designated areas, and may guide the development of new communities or the redevelopment of existing ones."; and "...are often called Neighbourhood Plans, Secondary Plans, or Neighbourhood Concept Plans". Policies 10-1, 10-2 and 10-3 of the Official Community Plan identify the general boundaries for future area plans, priority consideration for area plans, and the elements to be housed in each new area plan. Those specific policies read as follows: * Guide Plans are Council endorsed plans that have been utilized in neighbourhoods where the future land use is known, yet more detailed information is required regarding elements such as lotting patterns, traffic, neighbourhood connectivity, and servicing. -2- 10 - 1 The historic communities identified in the Historic 'Communities Figure (Figure 1) will form the general boundaries for the preparation of future area plans. The area plans map (Figure 6) identifies existing and future area plans. This figure does not preclude the District from undertaking an area plan for any other portion of the District. (refer to Figures 1 & 6 attached) 10 - 2 Maple Ridge will initiate the creation of area plans as a means to guide development: a) The Regional Town Centre will be one of the first area plans due to its significance and high capacity to accommodate residential growth; b) Priority consideration will be given to an area in transition, neighbourhoods that present the greatest opportunities for redevelopment, or areas where Guide Plans are in existence; c) Area plans will be developed for the historic communities of Maple Ridge including Hammond, The Ridge, Port Haney/Haney, Albion, Yennadon, Webster's Corners, Whonnock and Ruskin; d) The Thornhill area is recognized as a Historic Community that will require an area plan prior to urban development occurring in the area. This area plan is a long- term priority for the District and will be initiated in accordance with the Thornhill Urban Reserve policies of the Official Community Plan; and e) Subsequent area plans will be based on a consideration of each area's suitability for accommodating residential intensification. 10 - 3 Area Plans will be developed utilizing a consultative approach that involves working cooperatively with Provincial and Regional agencies, School District, community groups, and residents and will include, but not be limited to the following. a) policies relating to the types and form of development, land use patterns, and phasing; b) physical inventory of the site including an assessment of environmentally sensitive areas, ecosystems and the impact of development; c) an assessment of existing and future infrastructure, and a fiscal impact analysis study; d) a transportation study that addressees road connections, transit and alternate modes of travel, and connections to the Regional Town Centre, e) an assessment of parks and open space; and f) the provision of community amenities. Figure 6 Area Plans: As noted above, the Area Plan map in the Official Community Plan identifies the location of existing and future area plans in the Community. Identified on this map are Silver Valley and Albion with existing area plans. The Town Centre', Albion Flats and Thornhill are identified as Future Area Plans. Policy 10-2(d) notes that an area plan for Thornhill is a long term priority for the District. The Town Centre Area Plan was adopted November 4, 2008 041 Implementation: Chapter 11 of the Official Community Plan contains the Implementation Strategy for the Official Community Plan, noting that policies are general in nature, and that further work is often required following adoption. It is noted that the OCP identifies a number of projects that require further study, recognizing that the timing of the projects, roles and responsibilities will be considered in relation to the Corporate Strategic Plan, and determined by Council during Business Planning. The area plans/studies identified in Chapter 11 are: Albion Flats study Regional Town Centre Area Plan (adopted November 4, 2008) Area Plans for Historic Communities Albion Flats: The Albion Flats has emerged as an area of considerable interest in the recent past. The OCP contains numerous policies regarding its current and future land use, as well as policies and a map figure identifying the Albion Fiats as an area requiring future Area Planning. Even more recently, through its review of the draft Regional Growth Strategy, Council reaffirmed the Albion Flats is an area requiring further study. On April 14, 2009 Council adopted the 2010-2014 Business Planning Guidelines. Within those guidelines it was noted that Council has a strong interest in initiating the Albion Area Plan. On September 21, 2009 Council considered a Work Schedule Matrix that outlined key deliverables that Council and staff were to focus their efforts on in the coming months. Item 9 on the Council Work Schedule Matrix identified that a report on Area Plans would be presented to Council on October 26, 2009. Item 12 on the matrix identified that a report outlining the process to undertake an Area Plan for the Albion Flats will be presented on November 9, 2009. The November 9, 2009 report will include an overview of the comprehensive strategy policies in the OCP. The report will provide options on how those polices will be addressed for the Albion Fiats Area Plan to proceed. FUTURE AREA PLANS: As noted in the proceeding section, there is a desire for area plans to be prepared for the new and historic areas in the Community, noting that priority consideration will be given to neighbourhoods in transition, neighbourhoods with opportunities for intensification, or areas with existing guideplans. The OCP policies identify the criteria and general locations for future area plans, however the timing and selection of neighbourhoods for future area planning is to be determined by Council. Recognizing that there will be competing interests in the selection of a neighbourhood for area planning, developing a policy to provide clarity regarding how and when area plans are to be undertaken may be appropriate. Such a policy could include the following elements, Guidance regarding the prioritization of neighbourhoods such as: o areas that are in transition; experiencing increases in development applications that are inconsistent with the Official Community Plan; or are impacted by policy changes, demographic changes, or significant transportation/infrastructure improvements to the area; o areas that do not have an existing Area Plan; o where the plan is intended to further the goals and objectives identified within the OCP, Council's Strategic Plan, or are identified as a future work item in the OCP; o where the project is consistent with the Corporate Strategic Plan and Council adopted Business Plans. -4- A link to Business Planning and the Corporate Strategic Plan such as: o that the decision to undertake an Area Plan is wholly at Council's discretion; o the impact on other projects and priorities; o the timing of an Area Plan as it relates to Area Plans in progress; o the number of Area Plans to be undertaken at any one time; o consideration of the District's financial plan. CONCLUSIONS: The Official Community Plan identifies the District's commitment to an area planning framework, based upon working cooperatively with residents, and other interested groups/agencies. The Official Community Plan provides an overview of the content for an area plan, and general guidance regarding where area plans should be initiated, however the selection and timing for future area plans is not prescribed. Recognizing that area planning is a desirable process, and that the number of requests for area plans would likely exceed District resources, it is recommended that a policy be created for Council's consideration. It is intended that this policy would provide a framework to assist Council in assessing requests for future area plans. A report outlining the process to undertake an Area Plan for the Albion Flats will be presented on November 9, 2009 for Council consideration. I�S�lu G,�&Z Prepared by. Christine Carter, MPI. MCIP r Community Planning ved by: Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP DirectgW Pjar�riing � Approved by1lP"ablic Quinn, MBA, P.En 6' G W 5 lop Services Concurrence: J.L .(Jim) Rule Chl Administrative Officer CC/cc Attachment - Figures 1 & 6 Official Community Plan -5- -40 his +u0 LL LL Z OO W flUUG 0 W 4tr2 W LL O it O J 0W� eZi7 5 Ll a wn �o { ■ ! Q z CL -i � W < x Z Z W _� � � U WLL M-A i �r• _ �01911111111 Deep RDots District of Maple Ridge Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: January 20, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Workshop SUBJECT: Area Plan Assessment Policy Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In the recent past the District has completed two significant Area Plans (Silver Valley and the Town Centre) and adopted them into the Official Community Plan. On January 11, 2010 Council directed staff to proceed with an Area Plan for the Albion Flats using a concept plan approach. A detailed report on the Albion Flats process is scheduled for Council's consideration on February 15, 2010. The Official Community Plan commits the District to the preparation of area plans in the Community, and provides some guidance regarding the prioritization of neighbourhoods. In addition, the Plan provides criteria regarding the timing of a Thornhill Area Plan, and some of the elements to be included within that plan. However, details regarding the timing and selection of neighbourhoods for future area plans is not contained in the Official Community Plan and is intended to be determined by Council. As part of the Workplan Matrix for 2009, at the October 26, 2009 Council Workshop, Council gave consideration to the Area Plan Process report dated October 22, 2009, and passed the following resolution: "That the report entitled `Area Plan Process Report" dated October 22, 2009 be received as information, and That staff be directed to prepare a policy to assist in the selection of future area plans. " The following report discusses a proposed policy regarding the process for the selection of future area plans in the District. The October 22, 2009 report contains an overview of relevant Official Community Plan policies and is attached as information. RECOMMENDATION: That the Area Planning Assessment Policy attached to the staff report dated January 20, 2010 be adopted. ve BACKGROUND: As noted in the preceding section, Council gave consideration to the process for the selection of area planning neighbourhoods in the fall of 2009. The Area Planning Process report provided an overview of relevant area planning policies with specific attention to Chapter 10 of the Official Community Plan that identifies what an area plan is, and highlights the elements to be contained in the Plan. Specifically, Policies 10-1, 10-2 and 10-3 of the Official Community Plan identify the general boundaries for future area plans, priority consideration for area plans, and the elements to be housed in each new area plan. Those specific policies read as follows: 10 - 1 The historic communities identified in the Historic Communities Figure (Figure 1) will form the general boundaries for the preparation of future area plans. The area plans map (Figure 6) identifies existing and future area plans. This figure does not preclude the District from undertaking an area plan for any other portion of the District. 10-2 Maple Ridge will initiate the creation of area plans as a means to guide development: a) The Regional Town Centre will be one of the first area plans due to its significance and high capacity to accommodate residential growth; b) Priority consideration will be given to an area in transition, neighbourhoods that present the greatest opportunities for redevelopment, or areas where Guide Plans are in existence; c) Area plans will be developed for the historic communities of Maple Ridge including Hammond, The Ridge, Port Haney/Haney, Albion, Yennadon, Webster's Corners, Whonnock and Ruskin; d) The Thornhill area is recognized as a Historic Community that will require an area plan prior to urban development occurring in the area. This area plan is a long- term priority for the District and will be initiated in accordance with the Thornhill Urban Reserve policies of the Official Community Plan: and e) Subsequent area plans will be based on a consideration of each area's suitability for accommodating residential intensification. 10-3 Area Plans will be developed utilizing a consultative approach that involves working cooperatively with Provincial and Regional agencies, School District, community groups, and residents and will include, but not be limited to the following: a) policies relating to the types and form of development, land use patterns, and phasing, b) physical inventory of the site including an assessment of environmentally sensitive areas, ecosystems and the impact of development, c) an assessment of existing and future infrastructure, and a fiscal impact analysis study; d) a transportation study that addressees road connections, transit and alternate modes of travel, and connections to the Regional Town Centre; e) an assessment of parks and open space; and f) the provision of community amenities. The Area Planning process report (October 2009) also provided an overview of the policies pertaining to the Albion Flats and noted that the Albion Fiats has recently emerged as an area of considerable interest. The Official Community Plan contains numerous policies regarding its current and future land use, as well as policies and a map figure identifying the Albion Flats as an area requiring future -2- Area Planning. Even more recently, through its review of the draft Regional Growth Strategy, Council reaffirmed the Albion Flats is an area requiring further study'. At the October 26, 2009 Workshop, Council discussed the Area Planning Process Report and directed that a policy be created to assist in the selection of future area plans in the District. During the discussion it was also suggested that the policy consider giving priority to areas with under - subscribed schools, and that the terminology relating to area planning be clearly defined. DISCUSSION Terminology: The preeminent text book "Planning Canadian Communities" by Gerald Hodge and David Gordon highlights the difference in terminology used across the country to describe similar planning documents. For example, what is often referred to as an "Area Plan" in Maple Ridge, is also called an Area Development Plan; an Area Structure Plan; a Local Area Plan; a Secondary Plan; or a Development Scheme in other jurisdictions. The City of Surrey Official Community Plan identify Secondary Plans as plans guiding planning at the local level and also refer to them as a Neighbourhood Concept Plan or Local Area Plan. The Maple Ridge Official Community Plan describes area planning as follows: "An Area Plan is a Council adopted Bylaw that provides a greater level of detail regarding land use, density, form, character, and phasing for a specific area, than is typically found in an Official Community Plan. An area plan can apply to a group of neighbourhoods, or a single neighbourhood, and is suitable for newly developing, existing, or historic neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods can be residential, commercial, Industrial, institutional, or agricultural, or of any combination." For discussion purposes, it may be helpful to discuss what an area plan is not. For example, an Area Plan will identify the need for a road connection between point A and point B, but it will not prescribe with absolute certainty the exact location of that connection. Nor will the area plan identify street or block layout. This level of detail is typically found in what is commonly referred to as a "Guide Plan" in British Columbia. Guide Plans are essentially a sketch that guides development that is not adopted by Bylaw, nor approved by Council. Draft Area Planning Assessment Policy: The Official Community Plan identifies that there is a desire for area plans to be prepared for the new and historic areas in the Community, noting that priority consideration will be given to neighbourhoods in transition, neighbourhoods with opportunities for intensification, or areas with existing guide plans. The Official Community Plan policies identify the criteria and general locations for future area plans, however the timing and selection of neighbourhoods for future area planning is to be determined by Council. Recognizing that there may be competing interests in the selection of a neighbourhood for area planning, developing a policy to provide clarity regarding how and when area plans are to be 'On January 11, 2010 Council directed "that staff be directed to proceed with an area plan for the Albion Flats Area A utilizing the Concept Plan approach noted in the staff report dated November 5, 2009, taking into account key linkages to Area B, with a completion date of March 31, 2011 for the Concept Plan.' -3- undertaken is appropriate. A draft Area Planning Assessment Policy has been prepared that includes the following elements: 1. The decision to undertake an area plan is at Council's discretion, noting that other projects and priorities may take precedence. - This policy acknowledges that Council is under no obligation to endorse an area planning process, noting that depending on priorities, Council may prefer to direct staff resources elsewhere. 2. Area Planning priority will be given to a neighbourhood: L that is in transition; experiencing increases in development applications that are inconsistent with the Official Community Plan; or is impacted by policy changes, demographic changes, or significant transportation/infrastructure improvements to the a rea; ii. that does not have an existing Area Plan; iii. where the area plan is intended to further the goals and objectives identified within the Official Community Plan, or is identified as a future work item in the Official Community Plan; iv. with declining student enrolment in a publicly funded neighbourhood school; V. where the project is consistent with the Corporate Strategic Plan and Council adopted Business Plans. - the above noted items are intended to build upon the OCP policies regarding Area Planning, to assist Council is reviewing requests. This policy acknowledges that certain neighbourhoods may have a greater need for area planning due to changing circumstances in the area. The policy also acknowledges the importance of the Corporate Strategic Plan and Council directives in the assessment of requests for area plans. 3. Once a neighbourhood has been selected to undergo an Area Planning Process, a report identifying the public consultation process; elements to be addressed in the Plan; and geographic boundary of the planning area will be prepared for Council's endorsement - This policy acknowledges that every area plan is unique and will need to be tailored to reflect this. Typically, where outside agency approvals are expected to be required, Area Plans should include the completion of a concept plan. The area planning boundaries would also need to be confirmed prior to undergoing the Plan. 4. Neighbourhood requests for area planning are to be considered as a package during Business Planning. Requests received outside of the business planning cycle, and/or during an active area planning process will be considered premature, and will be held until the appropriate Business Planning cycle. - this policy is intended to ensure that all requests for area plans are considered as a package during Business Planning. It is important that all requests be reviewed during the completion, or nearing completion phase of an active area plan, to ensure that District priorities remain current. 5. The District will typically undertake one area planning process at a time, and an area planning process should not be undertaken during an Official Community Plan review. - this policy acknowledges that area planning is complex, time consuming and very demanding of District resources. It is also intended to acknowledge that the coordination of more that one plan at a time can be confusing to members of the public wishing to participate in one or more processes. -4- The Definition section of the Policy notes that Area Planning is defined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as "an Official Community Plan that applies to a local planning area." and refers the reader to Chapter 10.1 of the Official Community Plan for further discussion. The definitions also clarify that for the purpose of the policy, neighbourhood refers to the geographic area being requested, and/or considered for an area planning process. CONCLUSIONS: The Official Community Plan identifies the District's commitment to an area planning framework, based upon working cooperatively with residents, and other interested groups/agencies. The Official Community Plan provides an overview of the content for an area plan, and general guidance regarding where area plans should be initiated, however the selection and timing for future area plans is not prescribed. Recognizing that area planning is a desirable process, and that the number of requests for area plans. would likely exceed District resources, Council directed that an area planning policy be prepared to assist in the selection of future area plans. It is recommended that the attached Area Planning Assessment Policy be adopted by Council. fr Prepared by: Christin4,arter, MPI. MCIP Man*r gomrn3 nity Planning A _ ve a Pickeri MCIP Direct; o anning� Approved by:.' Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. GM: Public Works & Deva&merdServic Concurrence: J.L. im) Rule Chij Administrative Officer CC/cc Attachment - October 26, 2009 Area Plan Process Report -5- 1�h"�p16 �,rs i can Deep Roots POLICY MANUAL Greater Heights Policy ;No Title: Area Planning Assessment Policy Supersedes: New Authority: Legislative ❑ Operational Effective Date: Approval: Council: CMT Review Date: General Manager I Policy Statement: The District of .Maple Ridge is committed to preparing area plans for Maple Ridge neighbourhoods. Recognizing that there is a likelihood that the number of requests for area plans may exceed staffing and budgetary resources, the following policy has beer' created to assist Council in its selection: 1. The decision to undertake an area plan is at Council's discretion, noting that other projects and priorities may take precedence. I 2. Area Planning priority will be given to a neighbourhood: i. that is in transition; experiencing increases in development applications that are inconsistent with the Official Community Plan; or is impacted by policy changes, demographic changes, or significant transportation/infrastructure Improvements to the area; ii. that does not have an existing Area Plan; iii. where the area plan is intended to further the goals and objectives identified within the Official Community Plan, or is identified as a future work item in the Official Community , Plan; f iv. with declining student enrolment in a publicly funded neighbourhood school; V. where the project is consistent with the Corporate Strategic Plan and Council adopted Business Plans. 3. Once a neighbourhood has been selected to undergo an Area Planning Process, a report identifying the public consultation process; elements to be addressed in the Plan; and geographic boundary of the planning area will be prepared for Council's endorsement 4. Neighbourhood requests for area planning are to be considered as a package during Business Planning. Requests received outside of the business planning cycle, and/or during an active area planning process will be considered premature, and will be held until the appropriate Business Planning cycle. 5. The District will typically undertake one area planning process at a time, and an area planning process should not be undertaken during an Official Communitv Plan review_ Page 1 of 2 Policy Purpose: To provide a framework to assist Council in the selection of neighbourhoods for future area planning. Definitions: Area Planning is defined in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan as "an Official Community Plan that applies to a focal planning area". Refer to Chapter 10.1 of the Official Community Plan. I KInicshhniirhnr,.d _ I . . . . _ Page 2 of 2 Policy TO: FROM: SUBJECT District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 13, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0530-01 Chief Administrative Officer Council Matrix Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ATTN: Council Workshop Attached to this report as Appendix I is the Council Matrix for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2010. It includes additional items added to the Matrix at the June 21, 2010 Council Workshop. As well, as requested by Council, the description of the status of items has been expanded upon starting with items completed at the June 21, 2010 meeting. As Council is aware, there will be several items to be discussed in the Fall including the Albion Concept Plan, and initial discussion on the new zoning bylaw, which will required a substantial amount of time. As well, Council will be engaged in Business Planning on November 29 and 30. Staff will make every effort to meet the dates outlined but it should be noted that the dates listed may be altered depending upon availability of information and personnel. It should also be noted that dates of items scheduled for September and October were varied to accommodate discussion of the Draft Regional Growth Strategy. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council Matrix attached as Appendix I to the staff report dated October 13, 2010 be adopted. DISCUSSION: The matrix was developed to track key items for Council. The matrix lists those items that are of particular interest to Council but are only a small fraction of the work that occurs at the District on a daily basis. Council has been extremely busy this year and seventy-seven items on the matrix have been completed since January 1, 2010. P epared by: Ceri Marlo, C.M.C. , ncurrence by: J.L. Rule Manager of Legislative Services Chief Administrative Officer 1� Appro ed by: Paul Gill, B.B.A, C.G.A, F.R.M General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services /cm Page 1 of 1 4,7 Council Work Schedule Matrix 2010 (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010) Appendix ITEM DIVISION SCHEDULED DATE BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING STATUS 1 Albion Concept Plan PW &DS January 11 W/S complete 2 Regional Growth Strategy PW &DS January 11 W/S complete 3 Matrix Update Clerk's January 18 W/S complete 4 Run of River Power Generation Clerk's January 18 W/S not required; project cancelled 5 Fraser Valley Regional Library Update Clerk's January 18 COW complete 6 GVA Parking Tax C&FS January 18 W/S complete 7 BC Assessment Update C&FS January 18 W/S complete 8 Aquifer Signage PW &DS January 25 W/S complete 9 SPCA Shelter Update C&FS January 25 January 26 COW Council complete complete 10 Metro Vancouver - Waste to Energy - Fred Nennin er MV Clerk's February 01 W/S complete 11 RCMP Update C&FS February 01 COW complete 12 RCMP Contract Update C&FS February 01 COW complete 13 Justice Institute Update C&FS February 01 W/S complete 14 224 Street and Lougheed Hwy Im rovements PW &DS February 01 W/S complete 15 Economic Development Presentation - Mike Shardlow, Chair Economic Dev February 09 Council complete 16 Albion Concept Plan Process PW &DS February 15 W/S complete 17 Fraser Health Authority Update Clerk's February 15 W/S complete 18 Performance Measurements, See -It Admin February 15 W/S complete 19 E-Comm Dispatch Services C&FS February 15 W/S complete 20 Dog Park Implementation CDP&R February 15 COW complete 21 Ambulance Response Time C&FS February 22 W/S complete 22 Opening of 240th Street Bridge PW &DS February 22 240th St complete 23 Legal Seminar Clerk's March 01 W/S complete 24 Pavement Rehabilitation Program (Phase 1) PW &DS March 01 W/S Phase I - complete Phase II -to be brought forward at Business Planning 25 Pitt River/Golden Ears Bridges (Min of Transportation -Gateway) Dedicated Bus PW &DS April 12 W/S complete 26 Affordable Housing Strategy update CDP&R April 12 W/S complete 27 Silver Valley Infrastructure Update PW &DS April 12 W/S complete 28 Matrix Update Admin April 12 W/S complete 29 Fire Department Update C&FS April 12 COW complete 30 224 Street and Lougheed Hwy Improvements -Award of Contract PW &DS April 13 Council complete 31 Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan Funding Envelope CDP&R April 19 W/S complete 32 Composting Food Waste &Recycling Update Admin/SEI April 19 W/S complete 33 jAbernethy Way Improvements Update PW &DS April 26 W/S complete 34 Accessibility Committee & Universal Design Guidelines CDP&R April 26 W/S complete 35 School District 42/P&LS Master Agreement CDP&R May 03 1 W/S complete 10/14/2010 10:18 AM Council Work Schedule Matrix 2010 (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010) Appendix ITEM DIVISION SCHEDULED DATE BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING STATUS 36 Investigate Storm Water Utility PW &DS May 03 W/S complete 37 Lease Options/Urban Renewal Clerk's May 03 W/S complete 38 Living Water Smart Admin/ Sustainabilit May 03 W/S complete 39 Low Flush Toilet Program PW &DS May 10 W/S complete 40 Tax Rates - residential vs commercial/ industrial C&FS May 03 Audit complete 41 Financial Update C&FS May 03 Audit complete * 42 HST Impact on municipal services C&FS May 03 Audit complete 43 Sewer to Correctional Facilities Update PW &DS May 10 W/S complete 44 Garburator Regulation PW &DS May 17 W/S complete - update provided April 19 45 Capital Works Update PW &DS May 17 W/S complete 46 Emergency Program Update Clerk's May 17 W/S complete 47 Tourism Update Admin May 17 W/S complete 48 Cat Licensing PW &DS May 17 W/S complete 49 Regional Growth Strategy Review of Plan PW &DS May W/S complete - requires updated status from Metro Vancouver upon receipt of next draft of RGS 50 First Nations Communities - Briefing on the needs assessment for First Nation Residents living in MR/PM CDP&R June 07 W/S complete 51 Agricultural groundwater impact assessment PW &DS June 07 W/S complete 52 Aquifer Signage Update PW &DS June 07 W/S complete 53 South Haney Neighbourhood Development Initiative Process Update CDP&R June 14 W/S complete 54 Albion Area Plan update PW &DS June 14 W/S complete 55 Project and Development Tour PW &DS June 14 W/S complete 56 Matrix Update Admin June 21 W/S complete 57 RCMP Update C&FS June 21 W/S complete 58 RCMP Contract Update C&FS June 21 W/S complete 59 Scrap Metal Initiative PW &DS June 21 W/S complete - update provided; further report scheduled for October 60 School District - Post Secondary Admin/SEI June 21 W/S complete 61 Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan Finalization CDP&R June 21 COW complete 62 Dyking Districts Update PW &DS July 05 W/S Letter sent to Province requesting assessment of dykes and to other affected local governments Scheduled for December 13 63 JAcquisition of Strategic Properties C&FS July 05 W/S complete -July 19 Closed Council 64 Silver Valley Infrastructure Update PW &DS July 05 W/S complete - Council resolution - improvements to 236 St, 132 Ave and Larch Ave to be brought forward at Business Planning 1011412010 10:18 AM Council Work Schedule Matrix 2010 (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010) Appendix SCHEDULED DATE BEFORE ITEM DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING STATUS 65 Silver Valley Landscape Maintenance PW &DS July 05 W/S complete - update provided - resolution to prepare LAS Plan 66 TransLink Update PW &DS July 5 or 12 W/S awaiting meeting confirmation TBD 67 Expansion of transit services PW &DS July 5 or 12 W/S awaiting meeting confirmation TBD 68 E3 Fleet Program PW &DS July 12 W/S complete - update provided 69 Housing Accessibility Update PW &DS July 12 W/S complete -Adaptive housing criteria forwarded to MACAI 70 Our Spirit Our Town Update Admin July 19 W/S complete - included in State of District Address 71 SPCA Discussion - Animal Services PW &DS July 19 W/S complete - update provided July 12 Council 72 Sustainability Update Admin July 19 W/S complete 73 Commercial Tax Rates Update C&FS August 30 W/S complete - update provided July 12 74 Albion Concept Plan Update PW &DS August 30 W/S update provided - plan underway - next update sheduled for December 75 Meeting with School District No. 42 Clerk's September SD 42 meeting scheduled for October 20 76 RCMP Contract Update C&FS September 13 W/S complete ** 77 Area Planning Policy Report PW &DS September 20 W/S scheduled for October 18 ** 78 SPCA Shelter Construction Update C&FS September 20 W/S scheduled for October 18 ** 79 224 and Lougheed Highway PW &DS September 20 W/S scheduled for October 18 Improvements Update 80 Fire Department Update C&FS September 27 W/S complete - October 4 Committee of the Whole Meeting 81 Financial Performance Update C&FS September 27 W/S complete - update provided September 13 82 Capital Works Update PW &DS September 27 W/S scheduled for October 18 83 South Haney Neighbourhood CDP&R September 27 W/S scheduled for October 18 Development Initiative 84 Matrix Update Admin September 27 W/S scheduled for October 18 85 Metro Vancouver Regional Growth PW &DS October W/S September 20 - meeting with Metro Strategy Vancouver reps; October 4 - draft reviewed and Council resolutions forwarded to Metro Vancouver; waiting for response from 86 RCMP Update C&FS October 04 W/S complete - updated provided September 14 87 Storm Water Utility Update PW &DS October 04 W/S scheduled for October 25 88 Fraser Valley Regional Library Update Admin October 18 COW complete - Update provided October 4 89 Kwantlen Project Update PW &DS October 18 W/S plan received; awaiting further details from Kwantlen T-0 Blue Mountain Trails Management Plan; CDP&R October 25 W/S S status of re ulations im lementation 1011412010 10:18 AM Council Work Schedule Matrix 2010 (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010) Appendix ITEM DIVISION SCHEDULED DATE BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING STATUS 91 Katzie Update on Blue Mountain Community Forest CDP&R October 25 W/S 92 Transportation Plan PW &DS November 01 W/S 93 Search and Rescue Update C&FS November 01 W/S 94 IS and Records Management Update C&FS November 01 W/S 95 Zoning Bylaw Update PW &DS November 15 W/S 96 Sewer to Correctional Facilities Update PW &DS November 15 W/S 97 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Update PW &DS November 15 W/S date to be confirmed 98 Ministry of Transportation Update PW &DS November 22 W/S date to be confirmed with Ministry 99 Sustainability Update Admin November 22 W/S 100 Business Planning C&FS Nov 29-30 101 Albion Concept Plan Update PW &DS December W/S scheduled for December 6 102 Emergency Planning Update Clerk's December 06 W/S 103 Off Leash Dog Park Operations Review GDP&R December 06 W/S 104 Wildfire Protection Plan C&FS December 13 W/S 105 Recycling Bylaw for Apartment Buildings PW &DS December 13 W/S 106 Matrix Update Admin January 2011 W/S 107 Meeting with Agricultural Land Commission Admin Declined ALC Declined * 108 Metro Vancouver Liquid Waste Management Plan PW &DS September 20 W/S complete - resolution to endorse municipal actions of plan * 109 Metro Vancouver Solid Waste Management Plan PW &DS July 12 W/S complete - resolution of general support for plan submitted to Metro Vancouver * 110 1 Pavement Degradation Policy PW &DS TBD W/S scheduled for December 6 *I 111 ISilver Valley Update PW &DS I TBD W/S scheduled for December 13 Legend Abbreviation Admin Administration SEI Strategic Economic Initiatives CDP&R Community Development Parks & C&FS Corporate and Financial Services PW&DS Public Works & Development Services TBD Date of Topic to be determined NOTES: * = added to Matrix by Council resolution ** = Items deferred to accommodate Regional Growth Strategy Discussion 1011412010 10:18 AM �f r Flidge Meadows Recycling Society September 13, 2010 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Box 283, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X-7G2 Phone:(604) 463-5545 Fax:(604) 467-6100 Depot Location: 10092-236 St. Maple Ridge, BC mail: kim@rmrecycling.org (a M:.,�e Other I~ . Action: MAYOR ATTENTION: Mayor Ernie Daykin and Council RE: Green Waste / organics Drop off — Maple Ridge Transfer Station Ridge Meadows Recycling Society has been exploring options for Maple Ridge to divert the 36% of the waste stream that has been identified as "organics" and a very big determining factor in the development of a municipal wide program is the availability of a local drop-off or compositing processing facility for this commodity. Metro Vancouver has a residential green waste drop-off area at the Maple Ridge Transfer station. The Society has sent two letters (November 2007 & July 2009) requesting this site be developed to allow large commercial loads. Both times we were informed this site is at capacity. In their letter of response, Metro Vancouver suggested an alternative location, Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre — Port Coquitlam, but this is not a long-term solution as this facility only has a 2 year lease. The Society has sent another letter to Metro Vancouver (attached) requesting they look at options for Maple Ridge and we are asking Mayor and council to also send a letter asking Metro to consider alternatives to handle organics locally in Maple Ridge. The new Solid Waste Management plan has a target of 70% diversion by 2015 and the only way to achieve that goal is to aggressively target organics. Sincerely, TRIDGES RECYCLING SOCIETY Exeedtl ive Director cc: Frank Quinn, Andrew Wood 5.1 RiCGe Meadows Recycling Socie!y September 10,2010 METRO VANCOUVER 4330 Mngsway Ave Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8 Ri,dg.e ,Me;-idcws Recycling Society Box 233, l'Jlaple Ridge, BC, V2X-7G2 r ;hona:t604) 433-5545 Fax:(804} 467-6,100 Depot Locat on- 10092-236 St. Maple Ridge, K Ema 1. �irn@rmrecycling.org MMY Fax# 604-451-6180 ATTENTION: Paul Remillard, (Contract Services Division Manager) Re; Green Waste / Organics drop-off — Maple Ridge Transfer Station. Ridge Meadows Recycling Society fully supports Metro Vancouver's zero waste challenge initiatives and the goal of 70% diversion by 2015. Based on a 2006 Waste composition study, 36% of Maple Ridge's garbage is organic waste; yard, food (kitchen) or wood waste. Together with our 55% recycling rate, the addition of organics to the recycling program would exceed the new regional target of 70% diversion Metro Vancouver has a residential green waste drop-off area at the Maple Ridge Transfer station. The Society has sent two letters (November 2007 & July 2009) requesting this site be developed to allow large commercial loads and we were informed this site is at capacity. Alternative locations suggested (Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre — Port Coquitlam) is not a long-term solution. Maple Ridge continues to urge Metro Vancouver to redesign this facility by exploring options for a local drop-off or composting processing facility. we are looking at options tv handle organics and availability of drop off is a very big determining factor in the development of a municipal wide program. 3 SOCIETY MMY Cc: Mr. Ralph Randt. (Senior Engineer, Contract Services) District of Maple Ridge - Frank Quinn, Andrew Wood mg@m n BRITISH COLUMBIA SEP 2 7 Ma ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION M"Yore ,r M&CACAO Other f -fat- September 20, 2010 Action: Board of Directors Seven years ago, the British Columbia Achievement Foundation launched the British Columbia Community Achievement Awards to celebrate excellence in community A Keith Alitchell, oC service. Since that time, we are proud that these awards have recognized the Chair contributions of 248 outstanding British Columbians involved in such fields as arts, Kathleen Bartels culture, sports, education, health care, environment, public life and volunteerism. Robert Belton I am writing to ask you to reflect on the objectives of the Community Achievement The Honourable Awards as outlined in the enclosed information. I encourage you to think about Gordon Campbell people in your community whose spirit, imagination, dedication and commitment Bennett have truly made a difference. I hope you will consider nominating them for this Bill Bennett TheHonourable special award. Kevin Bent Throughout my time in public life, I have had the privilege of meeting many amazing and inspirational people - great achievers who work very hard behind the scenes Peter Errg serving their community quietly, yet significantly. These are people from all walks of Carol Henriquez. CM life who have made a difference by identifying challenges and working out constructive solutions. They have been instrumental in helping society progress and, Wendy John ultimately, they have contributed significantly to making British Columbia such a C. T. (Manny) Jules, great province. OBC Thank you for considering the British Columbia Community Achievement Awards as Fanny Kiefer an excellent way to formally thank those who have done so much for your The Honourable community. Kevin Krueger Ron Lou-Poy, QC Sincerely, Scott McIntyre, CM Max Wyman, OC 0 Gordon Campbell, Premier Board Member British Columbia Achievement Foundation PO Box 3663 Stn. Terminal, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3Y8 T: 604-261-9777/1-866-882-6088 F: 604-261-1964 info@bcachievement.com www.bcachievement.com 5.2 VW E A 011'Hij b ia. C01-11-1-1111-flitJ7 A chievem.en t A -wards r, NOMINATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER ig Celebrating the spirit, imagination, dedication, and outstanding contributions of British CoIumbians to their communities. Nominate a deserving individual Nvho raises the quality and character of your community for a British Colunibica Cotrzttiiiiiiti! : lchieuetTientAward. Ge Ne'ralf5itf sPonsored U}' POSTM E DI.�NETWORK 1 f!E YAN L 11"ER SLR kflM SERIOUSLY WESTCORST It starts here. Riws.;O =COLONIST POSTME D Iq,aMMUNITY PUBLISHING BRITISH COLUMBIA ACHfEVEMENT FOUNDATION "Give brick to the people who give the most in Your cnmrnunity." British Columbia's communities are shaped by the people who live in them, and especially by the contributions of extraordinary individuals. The British Columbia Community Achievement Awards celebrate British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others and who devote time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, healthy, and unique. They inspire by their example. The British Columbia Community Achievement Awards are presented by the British Columbia Achievement Foundation, a foundation established in 2003 by the Province of British Columbia to celebrate excellence in community service, enterprise, arts and the humanities. The BC Community Achievement Awards are generously sponsored by Postmedia Network, Canada's largest publisher of paid English language daily newspapers, whose strong presence in BC includes The Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Times -Colonist and numerous community newspapers throughout the province. WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR THESE AWARDS? Any person or group may nominate a current or former long-term resident of British Columbia. Nominees will have made a significant contribution through a unique achievement or outstanding service —either as a volunteer or in the course of their work—in any area that provides a benefit to the community. These include, but are not limited to, arts and culture, sports and recreation, multiculturalism, environment, healthcare, education, civic duty, business innovation, community volunteerism, and youth or seniors' leadership. Neither Members of Parliament or Members of the Legislative Assembly, past or present, nor members of the Judiciary are eligible for nomination. Posthumous nominations will not be accepted. Self nominations will not accepted. HOW DO I NOMINATE SOMEONE FOR THIS AWARD? Complete the attached nomination form and submit it with: • A letter describing the contributions of the nominee; • A brief personal history of the nominee; • Two current letters of support for the BC Community Achievement award nomination from individuals or organizations that describe the value and impact of the nominee's contributions to his/her community. Nominations will remain confidential between the nominator and the Awards' program. HOW ARE THE AWARD RECIPIENTS CHOSEN? An independent group of community leaders will review the nominations and select approximately 30 award recipients. In its evaluation, the Advisory Council will consider the nominee's contribution and commitment to the community as well as the nominee's length of service and community impact. WHAT DO THE AWARD RECIPIENTS RECEIVE? In the Spring, recipients will attend a formal ceremony at Government House in Victoria where the Lieutenant Governor and the Premier of British Columbia will present the recipients with the British Columbia Community Achievement Medallion, a special commemorative medallion designed by renowned BC artist, Robert Davidson. Cultural hero, spirited, undaunted, fearless, bold Raising our awareness to a higher understanding Robert Davidson BC Community Achievement Awards Tel: 604.261.9777 or Toll Free: 1.866.882.6088 Email: info@bcachievement.com Website: www.bcachievement.com BRITISH COLUMBIA COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS NOMINATION FORM Please complete all four sections: NAME (MR /MRS /MS /MISS/DR.I HOMr ADDREss CI-FY/TOWN/ PROVINCE/ POSTAL CODE DAYTIME TEI.EPHONt EVENING TEEEPHOAIE EMAII 0&GANI_ZATION III: AVFLICARI.E- ORGANIZATION ADDRESS (IF APPLICABLE) CITY / TOWN / PROVINCE / POSTAL CODE Is the nominee a current or former long-term resident of BC? Yes/No NAME IMR./MRS./MS./MISS/DR.I ADDRESS CITY/TOWN/PROVINCE/POSTAL CODE GAYTI ME TELEPHONE EVENTNG TE1EP110r4L EMAIL ❑RGAI9IEA71014 IIF APPLICA11LEI How long have you known the nominee? [ have provided or made provision for all the nomination material required for a completed nomination package. SIGNAIURE OF NOMINATOR DATE List the individuals who are providing a letter of support for the nomination NAME (MR./MRS./MS./MISS/DR.I TITLE AND ORGANIZATjON (1F APPLICABLE) CITY/TOWN / PROVINCE/ POSTAL CODE DAYTIME TELEPHONE How long huge vott known the nuntigee? NAME (MR./MRS./MS./MISS/DR.I TITLE AND ORGANIZATION (IF APPLICABLEI CITY/ TOWN / PROVINCE / POSTAL CODE DAYTIME TELEPHONE ADDRESS How long have you known the nominee? Nomination deadline: November 15 YOUR COMPLETED NOMINATION PACKAGE MUST INCLUDE: 1. Completed nomination form 2. Three letters: (maximum 500 words each) • A letter from the nominator giving the reasons for nomination. • Two letters of support for the BC Community Achievement award nomination from other individuals or organizations that describe the value and impact of the contributions of the individual. 3. Brief biographical sketch of the nominee as it relates to the nomination. 4. Optional: Up to five pages of additional material about your nominee. 5. Please do not send submission packages in binders or folders. MAILING INFORMATION: Mail or courier completed nomination package to: BC Community Achievement Awards c/o 6209 Angus Drive Vancouver, BC V6M 3P2 For more information, please contact Tel: 604.261.9777 or Toll Free: 1.866.882.6088 Email: info@bcachievement.com Website: www.bcachievement.com Please note that it is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that the nomination is complete including the receipt of support letters by the deadline. All material received will be kept confidential. Privacy Policy The British Columbia Achievement Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of people through responsible management of information received. Nominations are confidential between the nominator and the Awards program. You may view the complete privacy policy at www.bcachievement.com or by calling the office for a copy. Generously sponsored by POST MEDI�NETWORK Brili,tili. (-;ohi ri.bia Awards For more information about the awards, please contact the BC Achievement Foundation. Tel: 604.261.9777 or Toll -Free 1.866.882.6088 Email: info@bcachievement.com Website: www.bcachievement.com BRITISH COLUMBIA ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION BC Community Achievement Awards BC National Award for Canadian Non -Fiction Carter Wosl( BC Creative Achievement Awards BC Creative Achievement Awards for First Nations' Art BC Aboriginal Business Awards Generously sponsored by POST MEDI,�NETWORK "f beliei,e it is irrrp.o.rtant to recognize oitr finest cii.izerrs for their coatrib utions to Our pro i�ince, and tit is special fIWtIrr.l is a I i ideal way to fiarnially thank therm for ail th at they have done for their co ni ?n u n it ies. I in.Vite you to consider the people within your community whose spirit, iniaginatioIi, dedicrttion, and comaritment have truly nIt? fie a difference arrd to )Iorninate them f r a British Coturubia Crirrrniutri.ty Ach.ieverarent Award." 'Ihr IIon—rablr [-rdnn i.:,tmrheII, hr,L11L1I Board Member ISritlsh Cnl uiilna Ach[CW133ent i1rundatintz �i40TVq .� ik 2010 Conuruutity AchievementAward Recipients with His Honour, Steven L. Point, OBC, Lieutenant Governor or British Columbia and The Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia THE VANCOUVER SUN SERIOUSLY WESTCOAST It starts here. I i1 IE, 5 COLONIST POSTMEDfA/COMMUNITV PUBLISHING BRITISH COLUMBIA ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION