HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-02 Workshop Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf District of Maple Ridge 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDAADOPTION OF THE AGENDAADOPTION OF THE AGENDAADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES ––––April 18, 2011April 18, 2011April 18, 2011April 18, 2011 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESSUNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Recreational Vehicle Parking and Storage in Residential Zones and Temporary Recreational Vehicle Parking and Storage in Residential Zones and Temporary Recreational Vehicle Parking and Storage in Residential Zones and Temporary Recreational Vehicle Parking and Storage in Residential Zones and Temporary TentTentTentTent StructuresStructuresStructuresStructures Staff report dated May 2, 2011 recommending that staff be directed to prepare proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 3510-1985 4.2 Draft Draft Draft Draft Albion Albion Albion Albion Flats Concept Plan Flats Concept Plan Flats Concept Plan Flats Concept Plan –––– Council Update on Open House Results and Council Update on Open House Results and Council Update on Open House Results and Council Update on Open House Results and Next StepsNext StepsNext StepsNext Steps Staff report dated May 2, 2011 recommending that the draft Albion Flats Concept Plan and accompanying background materials be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment and discussion. Please note that due to size, Appendices B and C for this report will be available for viewing at the Planning Counter in Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDACOUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDACOUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDACOUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA May 2May 2May 2May 2, 20, 20, 20, 2011111111 9:009:009:009:00 a.m.a.m.a.m.a.m. Blaney Room, 1Blaney Room, 1Blaney Room, 1Blaney Room, 1stststst Floor, Municipal HallFloor, Municipal HallFloor, Municipal HallFloor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. REMINDERSREMINDERSREMINDERSREMINDERS May 2, 2011May 2, 2011May 2, 2011May 2, 2011 Closed Council following Workshop Committee of the Whole Meeting 1:00 p.m. Council Workshop May 2, 2011 Page 2 of 4 4.3 District Owned Land Adjacent to Spirit SquareDistrict Owned Land Adjacent to Spirit SquareDistrict Owned Land Adjacent to Spirit SquareDistrict Owned Land Adjacent to Spirit Square Staff report dated May 2, 2011 recommending that an open house inviting comments on options for the District owned site on 224th Street adjacent to Spirit Square be held on May 16, 2011 4.4 2011201120112011----2015 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw2015 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw2015 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw2015 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw Staff report dated May 2, 2011 recommending that Maple Ridge 2011-2015 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6819-2011 be given first, second and third readings. 4.5 Property Tax Rates BylawProperty Tax Rates BylawProperty Tax Rates BylawProperty Tax Rates Bylaw Staff report dated May 2, 2011 recommending that Maple Ridge Property Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6820-2011 be given first, second and third readings. 5. CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider include: a) Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be taken. b) Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. c) Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion. d) Other. Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent. 5.1 Recommendation: 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILBRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILBRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILBRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTMATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTMATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTMATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT