HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-20 Workshop Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf District of Maple Ridge 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. MINUTES –January 6, 2014 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 3.1 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Industrial/Commercial Review Continuation of discussion of the staff presentation provided at the December 2, 2013 Council Workshop Meeting. 4.2 Town Centre Incentive Program Partnering Agreements Staff report dated January 20, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute Partnering Agreements for Building Permit Numbers 11- 124862 and 13-121189 to provide financial incentives of $90,316 as part of the Town Centre Investment Incentive Program. COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA January 20, 2014 9:00 a.m. Blaney Room, 1st Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. REMINDERS January 20, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting 1:00 p.m. Closed Council following Committee of the Whole January 21, 2014 Public Hearing 7:00 p.m. Council Workshop January 20, 2014 Page 2 of 3 4.3 2014 Council Matrix Staff report dated January 20, 2014 recommending that the Council Matrix attached as Appendix I be adopted. 5. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider include: a) Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be taken. b) Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. c) Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion. d) Other. Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent. 5.1 City of Pitt Meadows – Official Community Plan Amendment Letter dated December 12, 2013 from Terry Fryer, Acting Director of Operation and Development Services, City of Pitt Meadows inviting comments on a proposed Official Community Plan amendment to the North Lougheed Study Area. 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. ADJOURNMENT Checked by: ___________ Date: _________________ Council Workshop January 20, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; (c) labour relations or employee negotiations; (d) the security of property of the municipality; (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; (f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; (h) an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council (i) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (j) information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (l) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] (m) a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; (n) the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) (o) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. (p) information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 6, 2014 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on January 6, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor E. Daykin J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor C. Ashlie K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Councillor C. Bell Parks and Recreation Services Councillor J. Dueck P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Councillor A. Hogarth F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor B. Masse Services Councillor M. Morden C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required D. Fleugel, Superintendent, Ridge Meadows RCMP D. Splinter, Inspector, Operations Officer, Ridge Meadows RCMP S. Blue, Manager Strategic Economic L. Holitzki, Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities Note: These Minutes are posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Note: Councillor Ashlie joined the meeting at 9:03 a.m. 1.ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted as circulated. 2.MINUTES R/2014-001 Minutes It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of December 2, 2013 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL – Nil 2.0 Council Workshop Minutes January 6, 2014 Page 2 of 4 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS Superintendent Fleugal introduced Inspector Dan Splinter, the new Operations Officer for the Ridge Meadows RCMP Detachment. 4.1 Ridge-Meadows RCMP, Superintendent Dave Fleugal • Real Time Intelligence Centre Superintendent Fleugal gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the concept of a real time intelligence centre currently in development by police agencies in the Lower Mainland. 4.2 City Designation Staff report dated January 6, 2014 recommending that staff be authorized to initiate the legislative process to change the municipal designation of Maple Ridge from a District Municipality to a City and that approved of the electors be obtained through the alternative approval process. The Manager, Strategic Economic Initiatives reviewed the report. R/2014-002 City Designation It was moved and seconded Forward to Council Meeting That the staff report dated January 6, 2014 titled “City Designation” be forwarded to the January 14, 2014 Council Meeting. CARRIED 4.3 Noxious Weed Strategy The Manager of Parks and Open Spaces gave a PowerPoint presentation providing an overview and background on the noxious weed strategy. He outlined the implementation strategy and directions given to the consultant. The Director of Parks and Facilities advised on the use of pesticides as a control for noxious weeds, the responsibility of private landowners for the removal of noxious weeds and the use of the Bylaws Department to enforce removal. He provided information on the development of inventory indicating the location of knotweed in the municipality. Council Workshop Minutes January 6, 2014 Page 3 of 4 4.4 Whonnock Lake Capital Update The Manager of Park Planning and Development gave a PowerPoint presentation providing information on the Whonnock Lake master plan concept. He highlighted proposed changes and enhancement to the park area and outlined reasons for the proposed design. The Director of Parks and Facilities addressed the question of costs for the Whonnock Lake project. He advised that all phases of the project were introduced in the 2001-2002 capital plan and that implementation of the project was delayed due to the wait for a grant for the Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club which did not materialize. He also advised on duties of the caretakers at Whonnock Lake. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised that the presentation on the Whonnock Lake Capital was an update and included a refreshment of the original plan. She also advised that as budgeting for the project has been approved, staff will be proceeding with the elements as presented. 4.5 Website Update The Chief Administrative Officer introduced the topic. He advised that the new District website is now online and that a full report will be provided in the following weeks. The Director of Corporate Support provided a history of the previous District of Maple Ridge websites and outlined work currently being done on the new website. 5. CORRESPONDENCE – Nil 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL – Nil 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT – Nil Council Workshop Minutes January 6, 2014 Page 4 of 4 8. ADJOURNMENT – 11:27 a.m. _______________________________ E. Daykin, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ C. Marlo, Corporate Officer District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: Jan. 20, 2014 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council Workshop SUBJECT: Town Centre Incentive Program Partnering Agreements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On November 1, 2010, Municipal Council approved the framework for an incentive program to encourage accelerated private sector investment in the Town Centre. On February 8, 2011, Council approved the use of partnering agreements as one of the tools to support the program, for projects that advance Town Centre Area Plan goals and objectives. Several projects are at or nearing the stage where partnering agreements are required in order for the District to provide incentive payments. In accordance with Council direction, the agreements are presented for consideration at a public meeting, and although legally subject to Council approval, the projects meet pre-established eligibility requirements. Note: It is requested that a resolution be adopted at the January 20, 2014 Council Workshop meeting, considering that (a) Council previously adopted the Partnering Agreement framework that lays out the parameters and timing for payment to developers, and (b) Council previously adopted a Priority Processing incentive so that time is of the essence. Forwarding this resolution to a future Council meeting will delay payment. RECOMMENDATION That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute Partnering Agreements for Building Permit Numbers 11-124862, 13-121189 and 13-123429 to provide financial incentives of not more than $90,316, in accordance with the Town Centre Investment Incentive Program. DISCUSSION The vision for the Town Centre is dependent upon numerous goals and objectives that cannot be met solely through the actions of the District, and therefore private partners are a critical element in achieving the vision. The projects referred to in this report help to achieve objectives within the Town Centre Area Plan, and meet pre-established eligibility requirements. •A $4 million, four-storey apartment over commercial building located at 11862 226 Street, Maple Ridge, BC, to Falcon Homes Ltd. under building permit number 11-124862 in the amount of $28,023; •A $8.45 million, four-storey apartment building located at 22327 River Road, Maple Ridge, BC, to Falcon Homes Ltd., Stacks and Decker Developments Inc., and Mainstay Holdings Ltd. under building permit number 13-121189 in the amount of $37,293; Page 1 of 11 4.2 • An $18.5 million, 125-unit hotel located at 22369 116 Avenue, to H S H Hotel Ltd. under building permit number 13-123429, estimated at $23,000 and not to exceed the maximum cap amount for commercial projects of $25,000. The amount will be finalized when the building permit is issued. Residential and mixed-use projects are eligible for assistance of up to 10% of the Development Cost Charges, to a project cap of $50,000. The projects in question do not qualify for the higher, $75,000 cap for LEED-Silver certified (minimum) or where greater than 50% of energy consumption will be sourced from alternative/renewable energy. The commercial project is eligible for assistance of up to 25% of the Development Cost Charges, to a project cap of $25,000. It does not qualify for the $37,500 cap for LEED-Silver certified (minimum) or where greater than 50% of energy consumption will be sourced from alternative/renewable energy. In alignment with the District’s desire for transparency and to comply with Provincial legislation, newspaper notices were run January 15 and 17, 2014. DESIRED OUTCOME To provide financial incentives that encourage development that will help achieve Council’s vision for a strong and vibrant Town Centre. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL PLAN IMPLICATIONS As part of a review of 2010 financial performance, General Revenue funding of $500,000 was reserved to support the upfront incentive element of the Town Centre Investment Incentive Program. In March 2012, after a status report indicated the funding was oversubscribed if projects in progress met the program deadline, Council authorized a further $240,000 toward the program. The partnering agreements referred to in this report will required that the reserve will be drawn down by not more than $90,316. In combination with previous partnering agreements, the balance remaining in the reserve will be $330,703. Beginning Balance $500,000 January 2012 funding 240,000 Authorized in 2011/2012: 11566 224 Street - 31,094 Paid 22308 Lougheed Highway - 40,484 Paid 12075 Edge Street - 47,076 Paid 11882 226 Street - 50,000 Paid 12040 222 Street - 50,000 Paid 11887 Burnett Street - 50,000 Paid 22710 Lougheed Highway - 4,136 Paid 11580 223 Street - 46,191 Paid Page 2 of 11 Authorization requested: 11862 226 Street - 28,023 22327 River Road - 37,293 22369 116 Avenue - 25,000 *or less Balance Remaining $330,703 CITIZEN IMPLICATIONS The District’s approach to the incentive program is one of full transparency. After numerous Council reports, presentations and newspaper notices, and three years of implementation, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, though some citizens have commented that the District should not be using property tax revenue, which is primarily residential, supporting business. Past citizen surveys have indicated strong support for the Town Centre, and a desire for expansion of the commercial base. The incentive program was intended to expand commercial development, both directly through incentives, and indirectly by encouraging the residential density needed to support businesses. CONCLUSION This report requests Council authorization to execute partnering agreements that will allow the District to provide financial incentives for three development projects noted in this report. The projects meet pre-established eligibility criteria adopted by Council. The incentives total a maximum of $90,316 and support the $31 million in construction value represented by these projects. The partnering agreement incentives are a component of a comprehensive incentive program that supports Council’s vision for the Town Centre. “Original signed by Laura Benson”____________________ Prepared by: Laura Benson, CPA, CMA Manager, Sustainability and Corporate Planning “Original signed by Paul Gill”_________________________ Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager: Corporate and Financial Services “Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule_______________________ Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template Page 3 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template PARTNERING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference mmm dd, yyyy, BETWEEN: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, a municipal corporation under the laws of British Columbia and having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 (“District”) AND: (“Owner“) WHEREAS: A. The Community Charter, Part 3, Division 1, Section 21 authorizes the District to enter into an agreement for the provision of a service on behalf of the municipality; B. The achievement of the District’s vision, goals and objectives for the Town Centre require private sector development; C. The Owner agrees to construct a Project that supports Town Centre goals and objectives, as identified on Schedule A: Town Centre Goals and Objectives; D. The District agrees to provide a financial incentive, as identified in section 4(a): NOW THEREFORE in consideration of $1.00 paid by the District to the Owner, the receipt and sufficiency of which the Owner acknowledges, the parties agree as follows: 1. In this Incentive Agreement, a. ”Sub Area 1” means that area identified in Schedule B of this agreement b. “Sub Area 2” means that area identified in Schedule B of this agreement c. “Project” means: Description of development project, address, number of units, building permit no. 2. The Owner agrees to: a. Undertake the following service on behalf of the District: Either wholly or in part, achieve goals and objectives outlined on Schedule A: Town Centre Goals and Objectives, through construction and completion of a Project as described in section 1; b. Comply with all other Municipal bylaws, regulations, agreements and permits in relation to the Project; c. Obtain final occupancy permit(s) for the Project within two (2) years from the date the Building Permit was issued. d. All work identified under the building permit is to be completed no later than 120 days after the issuance of the first Provisional Occupancy Permit and an unconditional Occupancy Permit is issued Page 4 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template 3. If the Owner or the Project causes any breach of any obligation set forth in this Incentive Agreement, the Owner must forfeit the amount received under paragraph 4, or a lesser amount agreed to by both parties. The forfeited amount must be received by the District within thirty (30) days of the date the District issued notification of the breach. 4. The District agrees to pay to the Owner $XX,XXX, representing an amount equivalent to a portion of Municipal Development Cost Charges assessed on the Project, as described in the Town Centre Investment Incentives Program. Payment will be made on the eleventh (11th) business day following the date on which the Development Cost Charges were received by the District. Payment will be held back if the Project is not in compliance with all other Municipal bylaws, regulations, agreements and permits. 5. This Incentive Agreement expires on the date all units in the Project have been issued final occupancy permits. As evidence of their agreement to be bound by the terms of this Incentive Agreement, the parties have executed this Incentive Agreement as follows: Date: ______________________, 2011 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ) by its authorized signatory: ) ) ) ) ) ________________________________________ ) Ceri Marlo ) Corporate Officer ) Property Owner ) by its authorized signatories: ) ) ) ) ) ) _________________________________________ ) signature ) ) ) ) _________________________________________ ) print name Page 5 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template Schedule A: Town Centre Goals and Objectives Checklist PRINCIPLE: 1 Each Neighbourhood is Complete Goal: Increase density and distribute a range of uses throughout the Centre Objectives: • Increase density for residential and non-residential land uses • Incorporate a range of densities • Incorporate mixed use development opportunities • Ensure opportunities for living, working, shopping, and service provision • Integrate waterfront development into the Centre • Develop on currently undeveloped lots • Create links between the Centre and other hubs within Maple Ridge Goal: Enhance opportunities for personal development and recreation Objectives: • Provide educational/training facilities • Enhance technological capabilities so people can take advantage of world opportunities • Develop cultural facilities • Improve recreation opportunities, particularly for youth • Improve and secure public access to natural places, including streams and waterfront • Provide more public green space within the core • Promote the social integration of all ages and groups through shared or adjacent facilities and spaces • Design easily accessed public spaces • Ensure public safety and security, and accessibility throughout the Centre Page 6 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template PRINCIPLE: 2 Options to our cars exist Goal: Acknowledge and respect pedestrian needs Objectives: • Prioritize the safety of pedestrians • Enhance pedestrian experience • Designate pedestrian-only areas/no-car zones • Enhance connectivity of pedestrian and other non-vehicular routes • Utilize and upgrade laneways, sidewalks and other existing paths for pedestrians, bikes • Design for short walking distances to reach daily needs Goal: Increase transit modes, availability and destinations Objectives: • Establish an internal transit system for the Centre • Increase the frequency of transit service both internally and to out-lying areas • Consider other transit modes • Link new Abernethy crossing to transit • Increase and improve access from river to Centre • Provide water transportation options • Ensure public safety for all transportation modes PRINCIPLE: 3 Work in harmony with natural systems Goal: Preserve, enhance and capitalize on natural amenities and create new ones Objectives: • Respect and enhance riparian areas and water resources • Maintain views of mountains • Maintain access and views to Fraser River • Protect and enhance a range of wildlife habitats • Reinstate historical streams Goal: Protect natural systems from the impacts of development Objectives: • Increase quality and amount of green space in the Centre • Establish a green system that is linked throughout the Centre and beyond • Reduce the generation of water pollution, air pollution and waste • Manage pollution and waste with Best Management Practices (BMPs) Page 7 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template PRINCIPLE: 4 Buildings and infrastructure are greener and smarter Goal: Make it easier to be environmentally friendly Objectives: • Identify and act on appropriate urban ecology opportunities • Provide incentives for the development of environmentally friendly buildings • Have municipality adopt green building and infrastructure standards • Educate on environmental benefits of growing smarter • Increase quality, function and amount of mandatory public/open/green space built by developers Goal: Combine new technologies with rediscovered approaches Objectives: • Incorporate alternative methods of power generation • Require sustainable buildings and building systems • Design buildings to adapt to future technologies and uses • Minimize environmental impact of erosion and waste disposal during construction • Adaptively reuse existing buildings, including heritage buildings • Manage urban stormwater with green infrastructure methods • Develop green infrastructure that provides for multiple land uses PRINCIPLE: 5 Housing serves many needs Goal: Increase housing options to provide for all ages, economic status, and life stages Objectives: • Integrate housing for all demographics • Ensure a variety of housing types and tenures that are fully accessible and accommodate special needs • Integrate affordable housing/low-cost housing with market housing • Improve rental housing stock and options • Improve housing quality and range of housing types • Design housing for flexibility of use over its lifetime • Design housing to strengthen social relationships • Provide housing for people in transition Page 8 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template Goal: Increase density in the Centre by integrating housing with other uses Objectives: • Increase residential density and identify density limits • Integrate housing with other uses at the scale of both building and block • Establish attractive form and character and mitigate noise to make housing in the centre desirable PRINCIPLE: 6 Jobs are close to home Goal: Encourage all types of jobs, including new and non-traditional businesses and workplaces Objectives: • Provide an educational centre to train for jobs and to provide teaching and other jobs • Increase civic development and retail development for job creation • Incorporate high tech, internet, home businesses • Incorporate live/work and work/live developments • Welcome unique industries/business opportunities • Make zoning and bylaws less restrictive for location and form of business premises, while retaining a positive sense of community • Promote the film industry • Promote the tourism industry Goal: Attract investment by supporting business needs Objectives: • Attract investment in housing and business ventures • Densify the Centre to provide a customer base for businesses • Identify and promote niche markets for business • Develop the industry potential already present in Maple Ridge and support local businesses • Pre-install technological infrastructure in buildings to attract businesses • Streamline development approval processes and provide incentives • Provide venues to support arts and crafts businesses PRINCIPLE: 7 The Centre is distinctive, attractive and vibrant Goal: Cultivate an identity that grows from the heart of the community Objectives: • Develop the “caring” identity of Maple Ridge • Ensure that historical and cultural assets are respected and celebrated • Feature the natural beauty and amenities of the place • Establish development guidelines that respect local heritage, natural settings and attributes • Support the arts in the community • Encourage art in public and private spaces Page 9 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template • Enhance the urban public environment Goal: Establish the Centre as a hub of activity Objectives: • Increase tourism • Provide opportunities for festivals and community events • Provide more entertainment and education venues • Encourage evening activities that cater to a broad demographic while benefitting the community • Utilize park space for daily activities as well as special events • Create easily accessible routes to key destinations • Encourage symbiotic relationships among and between lands and land users • Support and encourage the vitality of small business PRINCIPLE: 8 Everyone has a voice Goal: Create safe spaces and opportunities for all members of the community Objectives: • Create spaces and opportunities for all age groups and social stratas • Integrate spaces to foster social relationships • Empower the least powerful • Ensure safety Goal: Create opportunities for open dialogue among members of the community Objectives: • Establish ongoing public evaluation of smart growth strategies • Provide public gathering spaces • Ensure economic development office advocates for local business and interacts effectively with all levels of government Page 10 of 11 Appendix 1: Partnering Agreement Template Schedule B: Town Centre Investment Incentives Area Page 11 of 11 District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: January 20, 2014 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0530-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council Workshop SUBJECT: 2014 Council Matrix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Attached to this report as Appendix I is the Council Matrix for the period of January 1 through July 7, 2014. The matrix captures items that Council identified as priorities, presentations to update and inform Council on local issues, and policy discussions. The matrix includes items scheduled for Council Workshop and presentations to be made at Committee of the Whole. Staff will make every effort to meet the dates outlined on the 2014 Council Matrix but it should be noted that the dates listed may be altered depending upon availability of information and personnel. Attached as Appendix II is the completed 2013 Council Matrix indicating the status of each item as of December 31, 2013. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council Matrix attached as Appendix I to the staff report dated January 20, 2014 be adopted. DISCUSSION: The matrix was developed to track key items for Council. The matrix lists those items that are of particular interest to Council but these items are only a small fraction of the work that occurs at the District on a daily basis and a fraction of the work identified in the 2014-2018 Business Plan.. It should be noted that agenda items at these meetings are not limited to the items on the matrix. Emergent issues will also be added to agendas as they arise. “Original signed by Ceri Marlo” ______ “Original signed by J.L. (Jim) Rule”__ Prepared by: Ceri Marlo, C.M.C. Concurrence by: J.L. (Jim) Rule Manager of Legislative Services Chief Administrative Officer “Original signed by Paul Gill”__ ___ Approved by: Paul Gill, B.B.A, C.G.A, F.R.M General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services /cm Attachments (2) Page 1 of 1 4.3 Council Work Schedule Matrix 2014 (January to July 2014)Appendix I January 20, 2014 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING SOURCE STATUS AND COMMENTS 1 Incorporate as a City from a District (City Designation) Admin 6-Jan W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning Complete - staff report forwarded to the January 14, 2014 Council Meeting 2 Noxious Weed Strategy CDPR 6-Jan W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix Complete - powerpoint presentation provided, further update scheduled for July 3 Whonnock Lake Capital Update CDPR 6-Jan W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning Complete - powerpoint presentation provided, work proceeding 4 Website Update CFS 6-Jan W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix Complete - verbal update provided, further update scheduled for January 20 5 Matrix CFS 20-Jan W/S Regular update 6 Website Update CFS 20-Jan W/S Follow-up from Jan 6, 2014 Workshop 7 Commercial/Industrial Plan PWDS 20-Jan W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 8 Aloutte River Management Society (ARMS) Update PWDS 3-Feb COW Annual Presentation 9 Job Creation Incentive Program Admin 3-Feb W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 10 Housing Action Plan CDPR 3-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 11 Seniors Housing Update CDPR 3-Feb W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 12 Bicycle Advisory Committee Structure PWDS 3-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 13 Medical Marihuana Federal Regulations Implications PWDS CFS 3-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 14 Tax Assessment Update and Presentation by BC Assessment CFs 3-Feb W/S Annual Presentation 15 140th Birthday Celebrations CDPR 17-Feb W/S Council - 2014 Business Planning 16 Infrastructure Funding Update CFS 17-Feb W/S Regular update 17 Noise Control Bylaw PWDS 17-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 18 Tandem Garage Update PWDS 17-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 19 Transportation Plan PWDS 17-Feb W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 20 Kanaka Environmental & Educational Partnership Society (KEEPS) Update PWDS 3-Mar COW Annual Presentation 21 Report from Social Planning Advisory Committee on Bicycle Use CDPR 3-Mar W/S Referred to SPAC by Council 22 Gaming Funds Policy CFS 3-Mar W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 23 Preliminary Year End Results CFS 3-Mar W/S Annual Presentation 24 Hammond Area Plan PWDS 3-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 25 Zoning Bylaw Update PWDS 3-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 26 Fire Department Update CFS 17-Mar COW Annual Presentation Council Work Schedule Matrix 2014 (January to July 2014)Appendix I January 20, 2014 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING SOURCE STATUS AND COMMENTS 27 Meeting with MLA's Dalton and Bing CFS 17-Mar W/S Annual meeting 28 Compassionate Cities Update CDPR 17-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 29 Leisure Centre Revenue Update CDPR 17-Mar W/S Council - 2014 Business Planning 30 Review of the Joint Service Agreement for Parks & Leisure Services CDPR 17-Mar W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 31 Cottonwood Landfill PWDS 17-Mar W/S 2014 Business Planning 32 Environmental Management Strategy Update PWDS 17-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 33 Sign Bylaw PWDS 17-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 34 Conduit for Fibre Optics CFS 17-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 35 Smoking Bylaw PWDS 17-Mar W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 36 Human Resources Update Admin 7-Apr COW Annual Presentation 37 Council review of Advisory Committees & Commissions CFS 7-Apr W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 38 Reserve Funds CFS 7-Apr W/S Annual Presentation 39 Loitering Bylaw Report PWDS 7-Apr W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 40 Recycling Society Update PWDS 14-Apr COW Annual Presentation 41 Meeting with Agricultural Land Commission Admin 14-Apr W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 42 Metro Vancouver Incinerator Update PWDS 14-Apr W/S Council - 2014 Business Planning 43 Consolidated Financial Statements CFS 14-Apr W/S Annual Presentation 44 Meeting with Randy Kamp, MP CFS 14-Apr W/S Annual meeting 45 Business Improvement Area Update PWDS 5-May COW Annual Presentation 46 Update on Education Forum Admin 5-May W/S 2013 Business Planning - Output from Education Taskforce 47 Business Planning Process and Guidelines CFS 5-May W/S Annual Presentation 48 Document Management Implementation Update CFS 5-May W/S 2014 Business Planning 49 Parks and Leisure Services Update CDPR 12-May COW Annual Presentation 50 LED Lights Update Admin 12-May W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 51 Community Wildfire Protection Plan CFS 12-May W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 52 Overhead Wiring Review PWDS 12-May W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 53 Information Technlogy Update CFS 9-Jun COW Annual Presentation Council Work Schedule Matrix 2014 (January to July 2014)Appendix I January 20, 2014 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING SOURCE STATUS AND COMMENTS 54 Tax Rate Survey CFS 9-Jun W/S Annual Presentation 55 Amenity Program Update PWDS 9-Jun W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 56 Lougheed Highway Enhancements PWDS 9-Jun W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 57 True North Signage Campaign Update PWDS 9-Jun W/S Carried forward from 2013 Matrix 58 RCMP Update CFS 16-Jun COW Annual Presentation 59 Albion Community Hall Discussion CDPR 16-Jun W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 60 Leisure Centre Revenue Update CDPR 16-Jun W/S Council - 2014 Business Planning 61 Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan Priorities CDPR 16-Jun W/S 2014 Business Planning 62 Matrix CFS 16-Jun W/S Regular update 63 Building Department Update PWDS 7-Jul COW Annual Presentation 64 Capital Works Update CDPR PWDS 7-Jul W/S Annual Presentation 65 Purchasing Policy Review including Studies & Consultants CFS PWDS 7-Jul W/S Council - 2013 Business Planning 66 Housing Action Plan Update CDPR 7-Jul W/S Follow up to February Update 67 Tri-plex/Four-plex zone PWDS 7-Jul W/S 2014 Business Planning 68 Noxious Weed Strategy CDPR 7-Jul W/S Follow up to January update Legend Admin CDPR CFS PWDS Items to be presented at Committee of the Whole Administration (includes SEI and Sustainability) Community Development Parks & Recreation Corporate and Financial Services Public Works & Development Services Abbreviation Council Work Schedule Matrix 2013 (August 26 to December 10, 2013) Appendix II Page 1 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING STATUS AND COMMENTS 1 2014 Financial Update CFS 26-Aug COW Complete - presentation provided by the Manager of Accounting at Council Workshop 2 Vibrant Downtown CDPR 26-Aug W/S Complete - update provided at the October 7, 2013 Council Workshop Meeting 3 Property Tax Collection Period CFS 26-Aug W/S Complete - presentation provided by the Manager of Revenues and Collections 4 September Public Hearing Date CFS 26-Aug W/S Complete - September 27 Public Hearing rescheduled to September 17 5 Update on the exclusion applications in the Albion Flats PWDS 26-Aug W/S Complete - staff report provided by the Director of Planning; update on ALC decision on two exclusion applicantions west of 105 Avenue 6 Permissive Tax Exemptions CFS 9-Sep COW Complete - adopted at the September 24, 2013 Council Meeting 7 Economic Development Strategy Admin 9-Sep W/S Complete - presented at the October 7, 2013 Committee of the Whole 8 Housing Action Plan Update CDPR 9-Sep W/S Complete - status on the housing action plan provided; further update in 2014 9 Commercial/Industrial Strategy PWDS 9-Sep W/S Complete - commercial and Industrial Strategy Consultation Summary Report received; draft strategy to be finalized; further update in 2014 10 MMBC - Paper and Packaging Producers PWDS 9-Sep W/S Complete - forwarded to September 10 Council Meeting for further discussion; resolution carried at Council 11 Tandem Parking PWDS 9-Sep W/S Complete - report brought forward at the October 7, 2013 Committee of the Whole Meeting; Bylaws received first reading; public process to follow 12 Recreation Facility Rental Fees CDPR 23-Sep COW Complete - amended bylaw presented at the October 21, 2013 COW meeting 13 Community Safety Officers CFS 23-Sep W/S Complete - RCMP presentation provided at the September 23 COW Meeting 14 Environmental Management Strategy Update PWDS 23-Sep W/S Complete - presentation provided; follow up to be provided in 2014 15 Heritage Strategic Plan Update PWDS 23-Sep W/S Complete - update provided at the October 21 Council Workshop Meeting 16 Bicycle Advisory Committee PWDS 23-Sep W/S Complete - report on structure of committee provided; further update in 2014 17 E-Comm Services CFS 21-Oct W/S Complete - presentation by by E-Comm Council Work Schedule Matrix 2013 (August 26 to December 10, 2013) Appendix II Page 2 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING STATUS AND COMMENTS 18 Library Update CDPR 7-Oct COW Complete - presentation provided at the October 8, 2013 Council Meeting 19 Albion Flats PWDS 7-Oct COW to be rescheduled - date to be determined - Exclusion application 20 Invasive Plant Management Strategy CDPR 7-Oct W/S Complete - update provided at the Jan 6, 2014 W/S meeting; further update in 2014 21 Whonnock Lake Update on Capital Improvements CDPR 7-Oct W/S Complete - staff report provided; further update in 2014 22 Overhead Power Lines PWDS 7-Oct W/S Complete - PowerPoint presentation provided at the November 4 Workshop 23 Secondary Suites Bylaw PWDS 7-Oct W/S Complete - presentation provided at the September 23 Workshop 24 Zoning Bylaw PWDS 7-Oct W/S Complete - update provided at the October 21 Workshop Meeting; further update in 2014 25 Emergency Program Update Admin 21-Oct W/S Complete - presentation provided 26 Compassionate Cities Update CDPR 21-Oct W/S Complete - update provided 27 RCMP Contract Update CFS 21-Oct W/S Complete - update provided 28 Municipal Telecommunications Towers Strategy PWDS 21-Oct W/S Complete - update provided 29 Update on Regional Growth Strategy PWDS 21-Oct W/S Feedback on Metro Vancouver comments re: Regional Context Statement 30 Customer Service Admin/ CDPR 4-Nov COW Complete - presentation and update provided 31 Strategic Economic Initiatives Admin 4-Nov COW Complete - Update provided on Economic Strategy at the October 7, 2013 COW meeting 32 Community Sport Strategy CDPR 4-Nov W/S Complete - presentation provided 33 Policy on Alcohol Service in Municipal Facilities CDPR 4-Nov W/S to be rescheduled to 2014; date dependent on PLSC decision 34 Noise Bylaw Update PWDS 4-Nov W/S Complete - draft provided; followup scheduled for the February 17 Workshop 35 Information Technology Update CFS 18-Nov COW Complete - presentation provided 36 Recycling Society Update PWDS 18-Nov COW Complete - presentation provided at the October 22, 2013 Council Meeting 37 Incentive Program - next phase Admin 18-Nov W/S Complete; further update in 2014 38 Infrastructure and Capital Assets Analyses Update and Capital Works Update CDPR/CFS/P WDS 18-Nov W/S Complete - update provided (titlted Capital Works Update) 39 Transportation Plan PWDS 18-Nov W/S Rescheduled to February 17, 2014 40 Traffic Calming PWDS 18-Nov W/S Complete - part of the Capital Works update Council Work Schedule Matrix 2013 (August 26 to December 10, 2013) Appendix II Page 3 ITEM DIVISION DATE OF MEETING MEETING STATUS AND COMMENTS 41 RCMP Finances CFS 2-Dec COW Complete - presentation provided 42 Compassionate Cities Recommendation CDPR 2-Dec W/S Complete - update by Fraser Health representative 43 Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw PWDS/ CDPR 2-Dec W/S Ban of dogs at parks and sports fields; - review of the impact on dogs at sports fields; rescheduled to 2014, date to be determined 44 Building Maintenance Bylaw PWDS 2-Dec W/S Complete 45 Smoking Bylaw PWDS 2-Dec W/S Complete - draft copy provided for information and discussion; further update in 2014 46 2014-2018 Financial Plan Bylaw CFS 10-Dec Council Complete Legend Abbreviation Admin CDPR CFS PWDS Items to be presented at Committee of the Whole Administration (includes SEI and Sustainability) Community Development Parks & Recreation Corporate and Financial Services Public Works & Development Services 5.1 a minor amendment (Type 3) requiring an affirmative 50% +1 weighted vote of the Board and will not involve a regional public hearing. We invite your comments and would appreciate an early response. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. My phone number is 604-465- 2420. Yours truly, T ry Fryer cting Di ctor of Operation and Development Services DP:kw Enclosure #1162790 CITY OF PITT MEADOWS COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE REPORT To: I Chief Administrative Officer File No. From: Acting Director of Bylaw/Policy No: 2635- Operations and 2013 Development Services Date: December 3, 2013 Subiect: I North Lougheed Planning Area Official Commu Plan Amendments RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Council: A. Grant First and Second Reading to Bylaw No. 2635-2013 to amend the OfFcial Community Plan; AND B. In accordance with Section 882(3)(c) of the Local Government Act, refer the proposed bylaw to the Provincial Agricultural Commission; AND. C. Schedule a Public Hearing for the January 21St, 2014 Regular Meeting of Council; OR D. Other. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S COMMENTS: D4-Dec-2013#116051v1 moon North Lougheed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments s A small portion of the area designated as commercial is zoned for commercial use, but the majority of the area is zoned agricultural. The predominant land use is agricultural with the exception of a veterinarian clinic and the Ramada hotel complex near the Lougheed Highway / Harris Road intersection. The Park House, a structure that is on the City's Heritage Register, is also located in the Planning Area. Access and Traffic The area is currently accessed from the Lougheed Highway, from Harris Road and from Meadow Gardens Way. Properties along the Lougheed Highway have driveway access to the highway. The Province controls road access and intersections along the Lougheed Highway, Schedule 4A of the OCP shows a proposed arterial road that links the Lougheed Highway to Golden Ears Way. This route was included in the OCP to relieve congestion on Old Dewdney Trunk Road for the benefit of the local agricultural community. The proposed arterial (the North Lougheed Connector), shown as a yellow dotted line in Figure 2, physically frames the northern boundary of the study area and is one of the key drivers behind the land use study and the recently approved'ALC land exclusion application. Figure 2: OCP Urban Highway Network and proposed North Lougheed Connector #116051v1 -9 - North Lougheed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments a Metro Vancouver The area south of the proposed North Lougheed Connector is identified as a Special Study Area in the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). Special Study Areas are locations where, prior to the adoption of the RGS, a municipality has expressed an intention to alter the existing land use, and is anticipating a future regional land use designation amendment. The City of Pitt Meadows expressed this interest to Metro Vancouver in March 2010, in anticipation of the important role the study area lands play within the city and in recognition of the impact future road infrastructure will have on the area. Amending a regional land use within a Special Study Area is a minor amendment under section 6.3.4 of the RGS, which will require a 50%-plus-1 weighted vote of the Metro Vancouver Board. No regional public hearing is required. Recent Application History On July , 2011, Council received the final ty of Pitt Meadows North Lougheed Land Use Study" from AECOM, consultants. The study was the culmination of several months of study, workshops with Council and public and stakeholder. . consultations on the future of an area north of the Lougheed Highway and east of Harris Road. It was referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Economic Development Corporation and the Agricultural Land Commission for feedback on planning and land use issues. The objectives of the land use study were to identify an optimal land use mix that considers and balances market demands, transportation demands, and the protection of agricultural land. Other objectives of the study included creating pedestrian connections; supporting agriculture; creating an iconic entry point and identity for the City. AECOM produced three different development concepts after analysis, stakeholder engagement and a consultation process. In September 2012, the City of Pitt Meadow forwarded an application to the Agricultura! Land Commission to remove just over 33 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in the North Lougheed Planning Area. This application was based on "Concept C" as presented in the AECOM report, which involved the removal of all of the North Lougheed Study Area land from the ALR. "Concept C" also contemplated the development of this area for commercial uses. A public hearing was held on September 17th, 2012 in accordance with the application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, In August 2013, the Agricultural Land Commission approved the exclusion of 33 hectares of ALR land with conditions including a traffic -calming strategy for Old Dewdney Trunk Road. #i�sos�v� North Lou POLICY: eed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments 5 There are a number of CrOpolicies that provide direction regarding the North Lougheed Planning Area. The following summarizies these policies: Chapter 3, Regional Context Statement The OCP addresses the possibility of future development within Chapter 3, Regional Context Statement, The Regional Context Statement affirms that: "While no decision has been made at this point, the City may in the future, depending on the final location of the proposed North Lougheed Connector, choose to amend Schedules 1 (ALR), 2 (Green Zone), and 3A (Urban Land Use) to make land between this corridor and the Lougheed Highway available for non-residential urban uses subject to the amendment of the LRSP if necessary." This same statement has been carried over to the newly drafted Regional Context Statement which has just been accepted by the Metro Vancouver Board. Chapet 4.7, Commercial 4.7.1 General Commercial Development b) A wide range of commercial businesses is encouraged, but a distinction should be maintained between the types of retail and services that are permitted in established commercial areas: • Commercial uses which serve regional population and require greater parking considerations are encouraged to locate in Highway Commercial areas adjacent to Lougheed Highway and major arterial roads; 4.7.3 Lougheed Highway Corridor a) Developers of commercial areas adjacent to the Lougheed Highway will be required to provde acomprehensively-designed parking and traffic flow plan prior to rezoning of properties; b) The City encourages limiting vehicular access points along the Louhgeed Highway between Harris Road and Meadows Gardens Way and supports consolidation of ownership and comprehensive development of the land to achieve this objective; c) The City encourages the development of the North Lougheed Commercial Area in a comprehensively planned manner that will provide a consistently high quality of building and landscape design and that recognizes the present and anticipated future needs of retailers and related commercial uses; #116051v1 North Lougheed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments 6 Chapter 4.8, Industrial 4.8.1 Protection of Industrial Land b) The City supports expansion of its industrial base as long as this can generally be accomplished with no net loss to the City's current inventory of agricultural lands or productivity, c) Industrial and business park uses that will achieve higher .employment and land use densities are encouraged; Chapter 4.9, Transportation North Lougheed Connector Last paragraph in Section: Depending on the final location of the proposed North Lougheed Connector, additional land may be available for further commercial / industrial development between this corridor and the Lougheed. However, portions of this land are currently in the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Green Zone. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Early in 2013, G.P. Rollo and Associates completed an assessment of commercial development potential in Pitt Meadows in order to explore how such development might change the nature of property tax revenue distribution between non-residential and residential tax payers in future years. The analysis concluded that development of the proposed business employment lands in the North Lougheed Area, in combination with the South Bonson industrial lands, could significantly shift the Pitt Meadows property tax base such that revenue from non-residential property taxes would surpass residential property tax revenues by 2022 and account for 53% of the municipal tax base by 2027. In the immediate future, the municipality will incur costs associated with the more detailed planning work performed to insure the proper development of the North Lougheed Planning Area and the construction of the North Lougheed Connector. There are two decision packages in the 2014 Business Plan that relate to the North Lougheed Planning Area. They are: 1. The North Lougheed Area Plan; and 2. The Old Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic -Calming Plan. REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: The development of additional land for commercial purposes in Pitt Meadows will increase the amount of waste produced by the City. Commercial businesses are #116051v1 North Loin Planning Area Official unity Plan Amendments 7 responsible 16, their own garbage collection and recycling. Therefore, the future development of the North Lougheed Planning Area will have no impact on The City's waste management plan. Commercial businesses and private sector haulers are managed under Metro Vancouver's Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management Plan. DISCUSSION: Official Community Pian Amendments Staff is recommending an amendment to the OCP to redesignate the approximately 50 hectares that make up the North Lougheed Planning Area from Agricultural (33 hectares) and Highway Commercial (17 hectares) to Mixed Employment and Highway Commercial. The proposed amendments to the OCP are consistent with "Concept C", which was presented in the final AECOM report for the North Lougheed Study Area. Mixed Employment areas totaling 30.3 hectares are proposed to be located on the western and eastern thirds of the area, with 17.4 hectares of Highway Commercial in the centre third. There is also be a proposed 2.3 hectare "flex" area of both designations along the Lougheed Highway that could accommodate either land use category, depending on market conditions. A buffer area is located between the residential subdivision to the east and potential development to the west. Figure 3: The North Lougheed Planning Area with Proposed Mixed Employment and Highway Commercial Land Use Designations #116051v1 North Lougheed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments a Mixed Employment Land Use Designation "Mixed Employment" is a new OCP land use designation. The definition has been tailored to fit the vision of development for the North Lougheed Planning Area; specifically, for an area that will benefit from high vehicular visibility and from the proximity of farmlands to the site. The new designation is defined.as follows: "Permits light industrial, business park, commercial, office and other employment related uses, particularly those uses that benefit from visual exposure along the Lougheed Highway and North Lougheed Connector. Uses may include hotels and conference centres. Agricultural supporting activities, such as food processing, agricultural learning or teaching facilities, museum farm, and the distribution of agricultural products may be located along the North Lougheed Connector, taking advantage of the proximity to agricultural land. This designation excludes residential development." This definition of "Mixed Employment" is consistent with the Regional Growth Strategy's definition of "Mixed Employment", which is defined as: "Mixed Employment areas are intended for industrial, commercial and other employment related uses to help meet the needs of the regional economy. They are intended to continue to support the planning function of Urban Centres and Frequent Transit Development Areas." The Regional Growth Strategy identifies Surrey, the Township of Langley, Burnaby, Richmond and Coquitlam as having Mixed Employment areas. Richmond is the only City amoung these that has a Mixed Employment Land Use designation within their Official Community Plan (adopted earlier this year). Areas identified as Mixed Employment in the Regional Growth Strategy contain a number of OCP land use designations and permit a wide range of commercial uses. For example, Surrey's OCP land use designations within the regional Mixed Employment area includes industrial, and the corresponding zoning permits industrial uses, warehouses, offices, and some retail / commercial. Coquitlam's OCP designations include Industrial, Highway Retail Industrial, and General Commercial, and zoning permits light industrial uses, retail, services, and restaurants. Highwax Commerical "Highway Commercial" is an existing OCP land use designation. It applies to Meadowtown Centre. Staff recommend an update to the definition to emphasize that retail / commercial use does not necessarily have to be car -oriented. This #1160510 North Lougheed Planning Area Official Community Plan Amendments s update is consistent with the vision for the area which would be to encourage a retail shopping area with the potential for more pedestrian activity. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends amendments to the Official Community Plan that would change the land use designation of the North Lougheed Planning Area from Highway Commercial and Agricultural to Mixed Employment and Agricultural. After public hearing and third reading of this bylaw, the municipality will submit to Metro Vancouver a formal request to amend the Regional Growth Strategy. In the near future, the City must also submit a revised Regional Context Statement to ensure consistency with the OCP and the Regional Growth Strategy. Additionally, the Local Government Act requires that all plans applying to land in the Agricultural Land Reserve be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment. While the North Lougheed Planning Area has been conditionally removed from the Agricutural Land Reserve, the bylaw will .be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment in accordance with the legislation. Following adoption of this bylaw, the City will begin the second phase of planning for the development of this area. Pending funding, this stage will involve detailed work regarding design, road layout, financing, amenities and construction phasing. The second phase will also include an extensive public consultation component that would help to form the development of a North Lougheed Area Plan. Respectfully submitted, Dana K. Parr Planner Reviewed by: nne Berry ATTACHMENTS: A. Bylaw No. 2635-2013 Approved by: r of Operations and Services #116051v1 CITY OF PITT MEADOWS ATTACHMENT A OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW NO.2635, 2013 A Bylaw to amend applicable sections of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2352, 2007 WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2352, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Council of The City of Pitt Meadows has, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act, considered the Official Community Plan amendments in conjunction with: 1. The City of Pitt Meadows Financial Plan, and; 2. The Regional Waste Management Plan NOW THEREFORE, the Council' of The City of Pitt Meadows in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Gifu of Pitt Meadows Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2635, 2013"; 2. Part 4 Policies, 4.7 —Commercial is amended as follows: a) 4.7.3 Lougheed Highway Corridor —deleting the first and second paragraph and replacing it with the following: Certain areas of the Lougheed Highway corridor are available for commercial development, with significant areas within the Agricultural Land Reserve or designated for industrial use and, to a lesser degree, residential use. The City considers the area east of Harris Road on the north side of the Lougheed Highway that is designated for commercial uses as suited to destination retail (e.g. anchor stores and restaurants), lifestyle retail (typically open air "mainstreet" — like development), car oriented retail, or hybrid projects which involve some combination of retail styles. Given its high profile location, high -quality development is expected in terms of both buildings and landscaping. Building and parking placement will be particularly critical in site planning. b) Policies is amended by deleting c) and replacing it with the following: The area designated as Highway Commercial on the north side of the Lougheed Highway east of Harris Road will require the preparation of a comprehensive development plan and development permit area guidelines acceptable to the City prior to the City considering any rezoning applications for lands within the area. #116007v1 OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT Page 2 BYLAW NO. 2636, 2013 3. Part 4 Policies, 4.8 — industrial is amended as follows: aI Second paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following: As part of ensuring an adequate industrial land supply, the City has designated additional land for industrial use in this OCP under the Business Park designation in the south Harris Road area and also under the Mixed Employment designation on the north side of the Lougheed Highway, ease of Harris Road, as indicated in Schedule 3A. In both cases, a comprehensive development plan is required for this area prior to consideration of rezoning by the City. These plans must address issues such as specific uses and densities, layout, servicing, road network, buffering and building and landscape design standards. b) 4.8.1 Protection of Industrial Land, Policies, e) is deleted and replaced with the following: e) The areas indicated in Schedule 3A that are designated for Business Park and Mixed Employment will require the preparation of a comprehensive development plan acceptable to the City prior to the City considering any rezoning applications for lands within the area. 4. Part 5 Land Use Designations is amended as follows: a) Deleting the definition for Highway Commercial and replacing it with the following: Highway Commercial Permits retail/commercial, auto -related retail and service, accommodation, food service and hospitality, building supply and recreation facility uses, b) Adding a definition as follows: Mixed Employment Permits light industrial, business park, commercial and other employment related uses, particularly those uses that benefit from visual exposure along the Lougheed Highway and North Lougheed Connector. Uses may include hotels and conference centres. Agricultural supporting activities, such as food processing, agricultural learning or teaching facilities, museum farm, and the distribution of agricultural products may be located along the North Lougheed Connector, taking advantage of the proximity to agricultural land. This designation excludes residential development. -17 - #116o07v1 t OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT Page 3 BYLAW NO. 2635,2013 5. Map Schedule 1 is hereby deleted and replaced with Map Schedule 1 as shown on Attachment "A". 6. Map Schedule 3A is hereby deleted and replaced with Map Schedule 3A as shown on Attachment "B". 7. Map Schedule 36 is hereby deleted and replaced with Map Schedule 3B as shown on Attachment "C". $. City of Pitt Meadows Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2352, 2007 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a FIRST and SECOND time the day of , 2013. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 2013. READ a THIRD time the day of , 2013. ADOPTED the ,.2013. -18 - aii600�vt tt M"dows Ud OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2635, 2013 ATTACHMENT `A' Page 4 H116007v1 OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT Page 5 BYLAW NO. 2635, 2013 ATTACHMENT `B' OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT Page 6 BYLAW NO.2636, 2013 ATTACHMENT `C'