HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-15 Workshop Meeting Agenda and Reports - Special Meeting.pdfCity of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING AGENDA December 15, 2015 2:00 p.m. Blaney Room, 1st Floor, Municipal Hall 1.0 CALL TO ORDER 2.0 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3.0 UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 3.1 Recommendations re: Council Advisory Committees Report from the Advisory Committee Task Force dated November 16, 2015 providing information on the recommendations of the Task Force 4.0 ADJOURN Checked by: _________ Date: _____________ MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people’s lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person’s behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Special Council Workshop Meeting December 15, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; (c) labour relations or employee negotiations; (d) the security of property of the municipality; (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; (f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; (h) an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council (i) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (j) information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (l) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] (m) a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; (n) the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) (o) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. (p) information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Advisory Committee Task Force MEETING: Council Workshop SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATIONS RE COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the January 19, 2015 Council Workshop an Advisory Committee Task Force consisting of the Mayor, Councillor Shymkiw and Councillor Speirs was formed to review the Advisory Committees of Council and to make recommendations to Council on each Committee. The Task Force met with the staff liaisons of each of the eight committees under review and developed recommendations for the Committees. RECOMMENDATION: This report is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Following the formation of the Advisory Committee Task Force (“the Task Force”) at the January 19, 2015 Council Workshop, the Task Force reviewed background information on each of the committees and met with the staff liaisons. The following committees were the subject of the review: •Agricultural Advisory Committee •Community Heritage Commission •Active Transportation Advisory Committee (proposed new committee) •Economic Advisory Commission •Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues •Social Planning Advisory Committee •Public Art Steering Committee •Environmental Advisory Committee (proposed new committee) The following committees were not reviewed: •Parks & Leisure Services Commission •Advisory Design Panel (legislated by Local Government Act) •Audit & Finance Committee (this committee functions in a different manner, allowing Council members a focused conversation with the external auditor) •Liaison appointments to community organizations 3.1 Attached as Appendix I is a spreadsheet listing each Committee and providing information on the structure of the committee and any changes proposed. Attached as Appendix II are information sheets on each of the eight Advisory Committees. As the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues is a joint committee with the City of Pitt Meadows under the umbrella of the Joint Parks and Recreation Agreement, the Task Force is recommending that the amendments identified for this committee not be considered at this time. This committee will be included in the transitioning process to separate Parks and Recreation services. The mandate of the Agricultural Advisory Committee will be established following the prioritization by Council of the goals of the Agricultural Plan. b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Task Force is recommending that the existing budgets for the Committees remain as is for 2016. In 2017 budgets will be amended, with the exception of the Public Art Steering Committee, to $2,000 annually with the opportunity to request additional funds for specific purposes through Business Planning. A budget of $2,000 will be required for the new Environmental Advisory Committee. A staff liaison would also be assigned to the Committee which will incur extra costs for that support. Administrative costs for the staff liaison and Committee Clerk may be reduced if the Committees meet quarterly but this will be dependent on there being minimal support required by the sub-committees from those positions. Those requirements will need to be monitored to fully assess the financial implications of the recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: The Advisory Committee Task Force has completed its review of the eight committees and is now seeking input from the balance of Council on the recommendations outlined in this report. “Original signed by Mayor Nicole Read” _____________________________________ Mayor Nicole Read Chair, Advisory Committee Task Force “Original signed by Ceri Marlo” for __________________________________ Deputy Mayor Tyler Shymkiw Member, Advisory Committee Task Force Original signed by Ceri Marlo” for ______________________________________ Councillor Craig Speirs Member, Advisory Committee Task Force :cm APPENDIX I ADVISORY COMMITTEE TASK FORCE SUMMARY OF CHANGES November 2015 Committee Budget Meetings Membership Mandate Active Transportation Advisory Committee (new) $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings See information sheet See information sheet Agricultural Advisory Committee In 2017 reduce from $10,000 to $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Change from minimum quarterly to quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Change from two members from Council to one. Remove one member nominated from the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission. To be determined after completion of survey of Council re priorities Community Heritage Commission In 2017 reduce from $10,000 to $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Change from minimum quarterly to quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Remove as a non-voting member person from the Citizens Advisory Committee as that Committee no longer exists Add an alternate Council liaison No changes proposed Committee Budget Meetings Membership Mandate Economic Advisory Commission Change name to Economic Advisory Committee In 2017 increase from $1,000 to $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Change from minimum quarterly to quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Reduce membership from 16 to 7: One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison Six community at large members No changes Environmental Advisory Committee (new) $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Voting Members One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison Two environmental professionals A member from ARMS A member from KEEPS A member from the CEED Centre A member from TAPS A member from the Recycling Society Three members-at-large Non-Voting Members MP MLAs Metro Vancouver Katzie First Nation Kwantlen First Nation Conservation Officer Service See information sheet 2 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues (joint with City of Pitt Meadows) Provide budget of $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Change from monthly between September through June to quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Add an alternate Council liaison from the City of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows Amend to include “to create a more inclusive City”. Note: Changes to this Committee to be considered following the transition of the Joint Parks and Recreation Services Agreement with Pitt Meadows Public Art Steering Committee Budget established at Business Planning, currently $70,000 Change from minimum quarterly to quarterly with ability of chair to call additional meetings and for sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Add an alternate Council liaison No changes proposed Social Planning Advisory Committee Change name to Social Policy Advisory Committee In 2017 reduce from $10,000 to $2,000, additional monies to be allocated as required at Business Planning Change from minimum three per year to bi- monthly with no meetings in July or August, sub- committee meetings to occur between meetings Two workshops to be held annually with Provincial Ministries and two workshops with Community Network partners Reduce from 24 to 12 One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison A member from the School Board A member from Fraser Health Two members from the MRPM Community Network A member from the MRPM Seniors Network A member from the Business Community A member from the RCMP Three members-at-large One member-at-large (19- 25 years of age) Revised (see information sheet) 3 APPENDIX II Active Transportation Advisory Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Number of Meetings Per Year: Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Meeting Date, Time and Location: Third Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm in the Blaney Room Membership: The Committee is comprised of the following 10 members: • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison • One member from Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues • One member from School District No. 42 • Three members from the community-at-large • One member at large with a cycling interest • One member representing the seniors’ community • One youth representative (aged 25 years or under) • One member from Ridge Meadows RCMP Mandate: The Active Transportation Advisory Committee is appointed for the purpose of advising Council on strategic priorities, planning, policies and mobility issues relating to transportation in Maple Ridge, using the Transportation Plan as a guide. The Committee shall work towards creating, promoting, and improving an efficient, affordable, and safe transportation network that supports a variety of transportation choices. About the Committee: The Active Transportation Advisory Committee will: • Support the promotion of public education and awareness on the benefits, necessities and safety aspects of active transportation facilities. • Advise on matters related to active transportation as it relates to; active workplace travel, active commuting, active recreation, and active destination-oriented trips. • Support the promotion of improved pedestrian and multi-modal path networks for all ages and ranges of mobility throughout their daily activities within the community and with connectivity to neighbouring communities. • Encourage regulations and policy changes that support and strengthen multi-modal active transportation and transit. • Review and consider active transportation policy in a regional context as it affects Maple Ridge, and provide options on how to advance, promote, and improve the movement of people and goods within the region. • Review and make recommendations to Council with regards to active transportation initiatives proposed by other levels of government and/or agencies. Quorum: 5 Agricultural Advisory Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: 2016 - $10,000 2017 - $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Number of Meetings Per Year: Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Meeting Date, Time and Location: Fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Blaney Room Membership: The Committee is comprised of the following members: Voting Members: • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison • One member nominated by the Haney Farmer’s Market • One member nominated by the Agricultural Fair Board • Five members actively involved in the agricultural sector appointed by Council • A maximum of four members-at-large appointed by Council with priority given to those who reside in Maple Ridge and are knowledgeable about agriculture Non-Voting Members: • One member from the Agricultural Land Commission who shall serve as a liaison and attend when available to do so; • One member from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries who shall serve as a liaison and attend when available to do so. Mandate: To be determined following completion of the prioritization of the goals of the Agricultural Plan. Quorum: 7 Community Heritage Commission November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: 2016 - $10,000 2017 - $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Number of Meetings Per Year: Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Meeting Date, Time and Location: First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Blaney Room Membership: The Commission is comprised of the following membership: • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison • Two members nominated by the Maple Ridge Historical Society • Four members from the community-at-large appointed by Mayor and Council • As many other members from persons selected by Council, nominated by citizens or organizations as Council may choose to appoint with priority given to one youth member Mandate: The Commission is appointed to advise Council on heritage conservation matters and undertakings and to provide support for such activities as benefit and provide for the advancement of heritage conservation in the City. Quorum: 4 Economic Development Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget 2016 - $1,000 2017 - $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Meeting Date, Time and Location Third Wednesday evening of the month in the Blaney Room Number of Meetings Per Year Quarterly meetings of the Commission, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Membership The Committee is comprised of 7 members: • One Council liaison and one alternate Council liaison • Six Community at Large members Mandate: The Economic Advisory Commission is an advisory body to Council on matters relating to the long term economic health of the community. The EDC is focused on the retention and expansion of existing business and attracting new industrial and commercial investment to create high value, local jobs. In coordination with the Economic Development office the EDC may: ● Advise Council on matters related to strengthening our economy; ● Provide strategic input for consideration of Council; ● Contribute to annual business plan and performance measures; ● Act as an ambassador profiling economic opportunities in Maple Ridge. Quorum 4 Environmental Advisory Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Number of Meetings Per Year: Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Meeting Date, Time and Location: Second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Blaney Room. Membership: The Committee is comprised of the following members: Voting Members One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison Two environmental professionals A member from ARMS A member from KEEPS A member from the CEED Centre A member from TAPS A member from the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Three members-at-large Non-Voting Members MP MLAs Metro Vancouver Katzie First Nation Kwantlen First Nation Conservation Officer Service Mandate: The Maple Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee will help provide local perspective and advice to Council with respect to achieving the City's goals, environmental objectives, and accompanying strategic recommendations and directions taken from the current Maple Ridge Official Community Plan and Environmental Management Strategy report, 2014. Specific responsibilities of the Committee include, but are not limited to the following: • Provide advice to Council on a wide range of existing and emerging environmental issues, trends, and opportunities including strategic planning initiatives, bylaws, and policy development; • Provide a local perspective on the environment while giving due consideration to the balance between social, economic, and environmental aspects; and • Identify and advise on ways to build local environmental awareness, to enhance environmental programs, and to continue to promote strong environmental stewardship within the City. Quorum: 5 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues November 2015 Terms of Reference Note: As the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues is a joint committee with the City of Pitt Meadows under the umbrella of the Joint Parks and Recreation Agreement, the Task Force is recommending that the amendments identified not be considered at this time. This committee will be included in the transitioning process to separate Parks and Recreation services. Annual Budget $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Meeting Date, Time and Location Third Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Meetings alternate between the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall and the Meadows Room at Pitt Meadows City Hall. Number of Meetings Per Year Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Membership The Committee is comprised of 15 members: • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison from the City of Maple Ridge • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison from the City of Pitt Meadows • One member from the School Board of School District No 42 • One member from the Ministry of Child and Family Development • One member from the Ministry of Social Development & Social Innovation represented by a community service provider • One member from the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living • One member from the Fraser Health Authority • Six members-at-large who are residents of Maple Ridge, or employed in Maple Ridge or are eligible to be on the Municipal voters list for the City • Two members-at-large who are residents of Pitt Meadows, or employed in Pitt Meadows, or are eligible to be on the Municipal voters list for the City. Mandate: The purpose of the Committee is to create a more inclusive City and to advise, inform and educate the Councils, municipal departments, community agencies and general public on accessibility and disability issues. About the Committee: The Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues strives to remove the social, physical and psychological barriers that prevent people with accessibility issues from fully participating in all aspects of community life. The Committee's focus is to create equal access in the areas of employment, education, housing, transportation and recreation. Projects include sensitivity training for municipal staff and residents creating a greater awareness regarding accessibility issues, public facility design consultations and an annual award program. Quorum 7 Public Art Steering Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: $70,000, annual budget established through Business Planning Meeting Date, Time and Location: Last Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm in the Coho Room Number of Meetings Per Year: Quarterly meetings of the Committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair Sub-committee meetings between main meetings About the Committee: The purpose of the Committee is to: • Recommend criteria for the commission of public art installations to Maple Ridge Council; • Enter into agreements and contractual obligations within the limitations of approved budgets for the commission of public art installations which meet the criteria noted above; • Have authority to spend money within an annual budget approved by the Maple Ridge Council; • Submit an annual report to Maple Ridge Council by the end of May each year describing the activities of the previous year. Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of the following members: • One Council liaison, one alternate Council liaison • Two artists • An Arts Council staff member with the appropriate technical expertise to be appointed by the Arts Council Board • One Landscape Architect, Architect or Municipal Planner familiar with public art programs • One developer of residential or commercial properties who is active in the Municipality • One community member Quorum 4 Social Policy Advisory Committee November 2015 Terms of Reference Annual Budget: 2016 - $10,000 2017 - $2,000, any additional budget requirements to be submitted through Business Planning Number of Meetings Per Year: Bi-monthly, no meetings in July or August, the Chair may call additional meetings Sub-committee meetings between main meetings Meeting Date, Time and Location: First Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Blaney Room. Membership: The Committee is comprised of the following 12 voting members: • One Council liaison and one alternate Council liaison • A member from the School District #42 School Board • A member from Fraser Health • Two members from the MRPMK Community Network (representing network agencies and special populations) • A member from the MRPMK Seniors Network • A member from the business community • A member of the Ridge Meadows RCMP • Three members at large from the City of Maple Ridge • One member at large from the emerging adult population (19-25 years) Mandate: The Committee has the mandate to enhance the social well-being of present and future citizens of Maple Ridge by: a) Advising Council on the planning and development of municipal strategies and policies related to the social need, social well-being, and social development of a healthy and socially sustainable community; b) Monitoring and identifying opportunities to recommend for Council to advocate for policy change and service enhancement to meet the social needs of the community based on research, community engagement, and monitoring of social indicators of a healthy community; c) Providing leadership that encourages partnerships and networks by promoting a collaborative framework that encourages community response to current and emerging social needs. Sub-Committee(s): Time-duration Sub-Committees may be established by the Chair or Council focused on a specific purpose and be inclusive of individuals and representatives that bring an informed voice (local and external experts) to the subject matter being explored. The sub-committees would be designed to support specific bodies of work of SPAC and would report to SPAC on a regular basis. Social Policy Engagement Workshops: Social Policy Engagement Workshops would be designed to encourage broad input and participation, be added with purpose of gathering input or feedback on priority topics related to the approved work of the committee, or regarding emerging issues for recommendation to SPAC. • Twice per year a workshop will be held that has decision-makers from Provincial Ministries in attendance to discuss social service delivery, opportunities for integration of services at the local level, and potential for addressing emerging issues. • Twice per year a networking workshop with Community Network partners will be hosted on specific topics aligned with the Committee priorities. Quorum: 6