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1� J c r a .,. Minutes of January 7th, 1957 453 The Statutory _Ie-et ng convened on January 7th at 10dp;m. with Magistrate"dilliam Hope taking the declarations of the newly elected ,members of` the Council and Parks Board. Padre Moss was then called on for Divine Prayers and Reeve then addressed the Council with a few appropriate words; that it was difficult to fulfil all obligations requested but would do their best to meet them with the limit of resources: Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the minutes of December 6th, '7th and 28th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. The following Committees were now appointed by the Reeve, the first name being,Chairman: Finance - Councillors G.L. Bailey & W.C. Brown Machinery`- Councillors W.R. Dunlop & F.H. Cox Waterworks - Councillors W.C. Brown & W.iR. - Dunlop Hall & Grounds Councillors J. Simmonds & W.H. Cox Fire - Councillors W.C. Brown & W. R. Dunlop Cemetery - Councillors J. Simmonds & G.L. Bailey = Traffic & Parking - Councillors F.H•. Cox-& 'dd.C.`.Brown Health`Centre - Councillors G.L. Bailey & J. Simmonds Subdivisions - Councillors `4."R. Dunlop &.0 Brown Sewers, Public Forks, Health.- Councillors & Reeve. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop -that Councillor Simmonds be appointed representative to the Lower Mainland Regional Planning)Board. CARRIED. _ TT Moved `by Councillors Brown and Simmaonds that Reeve Jenewei.n be appointed to the Fraser Valley Library Board representing Maple Ridge. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Simmonds that Councillor. G. Bailey be appointed to represent the Council on Civil Defence. C kRH IED . Koved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that Councillors W. Brown and J. Simmonds be appointed as representatives to the North Fraser. Valley. -Health Board. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that Councillor Brown represent the Maple Ridge Council on the North Shore Highway Association. CARRIED. Moved b.y° Councillors Brown 'and Bailey that the Reeve and Councillors Cox and Dunlop be the Negotiating Committee dealing with the outside Employees' Union. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that James Hadgkiss and W.L.B. Clappison be appointed to the Maple Ridge Town 'laming Commission for a period of three years, 1957, 1958 & 1959. */_111 . CARHIED . Moved,by Councillors Bailey and Brown that 4100,000 be allocated for operation of the Ivlunicipality, pending budget being brought down. Moved by Councillors�Bailey and Brown ,that the -first and be given to the Annual -'Loan Bylaw No 434 "' . CARRIED . second reading CARRIED. Moved .by'Councillors Brown- and• Simmonds that the regular monthly ,meeting be held on the first Friday of each month at 9-30 a.m. CARP.IED �- 41 Minutes of January 7th, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the;Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to sign -and issue from time to time cheques of the following nat-4re,, pending formal approval'of the payment of ,such cheques at the next regular meeting of the Council. 1. Payroll cheques for salaries and wages of officers and employees of the,14unicipality which shall be paid semi-monthly or monthly as the case may be.; provided 'the payroll is produced and is signed by the Department head. 2. Cheques payable to ,Social- Welfare recipients and for Hoarding pursing Home or Hospital care, approved by the We'lfare Admini- strator. 3. Cheques payable to the Land R gistry f'fice and the County Court Registry which are necessary to conduct Municipal business. 4. Cheques payable to the.B C. Electric Co. Ltd..and the B.C. A'Telephone. Co. covering.the regular monthly accounts and which have,been approved by the Treasurer. 5. Cheques.f:or trade,accounts,where delayed payment would result in loss of discounts provided such trade discounts are certified by the Department head as correct, due and payable, for goods delivered or services rendered to the iNiunicipality. 6. Cheques by way of advances for travelling`expenses.of any member of the Council or, any officer of the Municipality when on departmental or legislative business affecting the Municipality, provided that the Reeve approves of such advance for such purpose. 7. Emergency payment approved by Reeve. { CARRIED. Mr. Clark `was present at the meeting and requested consideration ,for a plan of the subdivision of the S.W.! of the S.F. , Section 13, Township 12. As his plan was roughly outlined he would submit it.at a later date when completed. E Mr. Andy Marc requested certain road work including approximately � 500 feet of brushing approaching his farm north of 14th avenue. As the road was used only by him and the U.B.C. Forestry Dept. Officials Council advised Foreman Lilley to investigate and await a request from U.B.C. Officials, who would no doubt contribute .material towards the necessary culvert repairs. Mr. Marc presented a rough estimate handed to him by a Representative of the University; Department, which was not signed. This estimate was turned over to Foreman Lilley., .Mr. Pete Telosky being present complained of the Council's attitude with regard to inadequate drainage and culverts installed parti- cularily the junction of loth Avenue and Lougheed Highway. He also instanced the newly constructed road running south from Ross, Road to the north line of his ball park. He claimed the road in .quest on'was running the water south onto his property. As the i owners of the property knew nothing of the problem the Council would visit the area following this meeting. apparently the road had been approved as satisfactory to the Road Subdivison Bylaw before dwellings were erected and trees removed. The owners would .be asked to also inspect the road. Mr. Stephenson of Pemberton Securities was now interviewed with? regard to the sale'of the Hospital Debentures. Although he could not guarantee he felt confident that if the Council would grant' .his firm an option until January 31st he could dispose of the issue at the original interest rate of Graf for a figure not less than 86%. Reeve and Council were of the opinion that if the Hospital Board could construct a functional hospital for 86� on .the dollar the Council would grant an option to expire January 31st next. Reeve informed sir. Stephenson that he would arrange for the Hospital Board.to meet tonight and 111r. Ste henson would be advised of the results. In the meantime, the 5-2% Hospital Amending Bylaw woulci be tabled pending results. 455 Minutes of January 7th. 1957, continued. Foreman Lilley reported that Donavon Road ditching would be completed in a day or two. - -- - ' The peeve;,: who had investigated the drainage problem of the United Church property, recommended the diversion of the ditch to stay on Municipal roads by,running north on 6th Avenue thence westerly on the newly opened road to the revine. All felt that this would solve the problem and, avoide ease- ments. The,iReeve reported a plan to continue 21st Avenue h to connect with 15th Road at a point close to Kanaka Creek, if private owners would co-operate. - The problem of road access to alot on Shingle Street, Hammond could also be solved with the use of a bulldozer, when weather permitted. Foreman was instructed to investigate the location. Councillor, Simmonds asked for the north.end of the Ruskin bridge to -be replanked as ,soon as possible.. A letter of thanks was read from the outside workers Union No-.622 for the small Christmas bonus they received. Also, letter was read from the Board of Trade appreciating the Stewardship Meeting that was sponsored by them and well attended by.Nunicipal representation and voters. GENERAL ACCOU14TS : Queens Printer Election Expense 5.00 ..Registrar of County Court Misc. Admin. 00 Donald M. Reid Misc. Disb. 2A:05 Municipal `I'r,easurer, Misc. Disb. 222.17 Municipal Treasurer To correct Tax Sale Posting 31.05 Queens Printer Misc. Admin. Exp. 9.45 Municipal Treasurer Unem.insur-386.18,Deleg.Exp.-10.50, Tools-1.25,Trucks74.77,nef.Rd.P1., Lib-17.75,Ref.Bldg.Perm-6.50,Post- . 272.30,Hall-n.07,IVIisc.Admin-3.79,- Off.Sup-9$¢,_Kmas Bonus-250.00 ,960.39 Kanaka Creek Prod. Culverts &Bridges 138.20 A., ,Vogl Gen.Rd.IvItce. 8.00 Sydfs Taxi Election Exp.,. 3.75 Chuck',s Park Board Exp.. 43.68 .Appliances The,Gazette Eire Dept. 12.$0 Fleck Bros. Ltd. Fire Dept. 16.35 W.G. Alexander Comtn on Collections 105.95 Addressograph,Ltd. Office Supplies 50.74 Port Haney `Ditching 28.65 -Brick Maple,niage Appliances Cemetery a/c 73.45 IvlacKenzie's Hardware Cemetery a/e 1.68 024ice.5pecialty Ltd. _ .., Office �uppTies 'Eauip 41.90 J . 'Biggs Tools & . 4.00 Iy'Iinister of Finance L.H.O. r'ees 7.35 Frank Dennis Keep of*Prisoners ;: 18.00 Clark Keep of ' Prisoners 46 • $$ J.8. Pattern Keep of'Prisoners 5.25 Sioltze kotor'Fght. ' Office Supplies .75 Underwood Ltd. Misc. Admin:— 22.36 ivIiniater of 'r inance S.S.& X:A. Tax ' Collections ' 8.32 Receiver General Income Tax Deductions Dec. 516.75 Muriicipal'2mployees Un. Union Dues ='Dec: 52.50 Medical Serv.xsstn. M.S.A. 340.34 B:C:'electric Hmd.Drain-4:99,Pub.Wk8=90.30, ' Hall-98:42,Dire'Dept--17.62,Park' Bd-4.20;St.Lts-294:42,Health Unit- 22.7$ -538.21 Noraquist,& S6ns Ltd: Hall Add.Cap=7.93*New Sh4eds Cap- ...- .... 27.45 . , ..,,, .. - 35.38 B:A.'Qil'C6. Ltd. Gas & Oils-511:57,Ha11=105.43, t t Health-63.63.,,.. ..... 6$0.63 4C)6 Minutes of January .7th, 1957, . continued., GENERAL ACCOUNTS .. CONT' D, Acme Machine Shop -Trucks. Regal Building Supply Hall a/c Beryl !McKenzie Keep of Prisoners:.. A. t`1i"clntosh . Gen. Rd. Mtce. Haney Garage Ltd. Trucks-6.92,Bulldozer-1.00 . B.C.-Teleph6ne Co. Police-16,07,Fire-8.81,Hall- 48.82, Pub,Wks-10.35 The Gazette Election Expense Cambridge Craft Co. Hall a/c Minister. of Finance Child Welfare Bndert Plumbing & Heating -Health Centre Moved by Councillors Bailey. and totalling $4881.58 and.payrolls 140.77 46.10 18.00 48.00 7.92 84,05. 40.38 4.20 . 120.18, 100.00 Brown that the above noted accounts as listed below be paid. CARRIED. PAYROLLS Gen.Mtce-3475.54,Brush & Ditch-1046.0O,Sriow Removal-533.60, Crusher-336.00,Bridges-780.5.5,'Sick Leave-166.40,Stat.Hol-539.10,Gen. MHol-52.00,Parks-128.70,Police Exp-63.56,Cemetery-223.20,New Sheds -Cap-25.87,Brush & Ditch-1040.00,Admin-2810.78 WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS B.C. Electric Waterworks lAtce. $.6.53 Haney Garage Ltd. Waterworks Truck 136.51 Haney-Hmd.Motor Fght. W.W. Mtce-1.25,Const-9.34 10.59 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $153.63 and payrools as listed below be paid. CARRIED. PAYROLLS: Maintenace-9$$•90;Connections-379.6OmHol.Pay.St'at-127.50 SOCIAL ELFARE ;ACCOUNTS: Alouette Private Hosp........ 9:60 IUrs. L. Lynch :......:....... 34.00 Dist. of Matsqui..,.••.•:••:•• 42.50 Dist. of Delta..; ........... 23.40 POELLER, Jeanette........... 50.00 BAYDUZA, Mike...............156.50 CALLAGHAN,. Grace. ... .•.•...°.156.50 COREY, Frank B.......... 4..• 76.50 CORNWELL, Herbert ......... •. 4$.50 FOSTER, Robert ............... 156.50 GA1'tDINER-,-Dorothy ............108.50 HEWITT, Herbert ....... 76.50 HORNBROOK, Doris .......... •.156.50 KLASSEN, Wilhelm............ 76.50 LEROUX, Anna................156.50 LORENZETTA, Emily ........... 108•50 MAYERS, Archie...........:..124,50 NEIL, Julia ...............:• 32.50 NEWMAN, Ruby..••.•....•..••• 63.50 NYHUS, Olaf ........... ••••.•124.50 OSTRAND, Jack....••...••..•.• 92.50 PERFITt', Jean...............156.50 RICE, Myrtle... ..........•.:156.50 SCOTT, Wallace..............156:50 SEWELL, Horace..............136.50 USSELMAN, Jacob ..........:.. 92.50 HANSON, Leatha.............. 40.00 LANSALL, Rosemarey•.:...:.•: 40.00 McCAIVIViANT, Emma :............ `45:00 ANDERSON, Sven .............. ` 50.00 FRITH, Joseph ............... 50.00 GUSTAFSON, Adolph........... 50.00 KLASSEN, William............ 50,00 LEE, Frederick .......:..:... 45.00 MATTHEWS, Thomas............ 50.00 STONHOUSE, Lewis .......... •. 30.00 MOODY, Flossie.............$ OSWALD, Gertrude.......... -PEAREN, Edna .............. -PIPO, Anna ................ SAMIS, Mareda............. -SIMPSON, Rheta............. TAYLOR, Anne .............. TROTTER, Mabel............ VERTT, Bernadette......... ZIEMAN, Josephine ...... .,• GILBERT, Phyllis,....•..•: BYE, Pearl................. DIONNE, 1Aargery...•.•_,•,•4 GRASSER, Jean...........:., HILL, Elo T............... HOULE,'Cecile............. JOHNSTON, Verna..........: LUND, Vdally.............•. MacKAY, Alice ............. WILLIAMS, Lewis..........: OSTRAND, Jack.....• ... POPIL, Jean.... ........... BROWN, George:•..•••...••. W'EWCHAR, Wasyl........ ,••. SHARPE, Alice ............. WHITE, Doris .............. WILCOX, Frances:.........* •EASTON, George.......,.... MITCHELL, Elizabeth....... CASS, Donald .............. BARTEL, Reita............. FOLLETTE, Anthony ... ..•••• McNEIL, Kathleen.......... VAN KLEEK,'Lawrence....... SQUIRES, William.......... ANDEtRSON, Howard.......... Minutes of January 7th, 1957, continued. 457 SOCIAL WELIE ACCOUNTS CONT-'-D. TONER, Alvin.... .s.• 50.00 ZAPLETAL,'Anton........... 50.0 u LUBYK,Dmytro............. 50.00 STEPPLER, Valentine....... 7.00 ALLAM, Mary.........:,..... 50.00 Dr. T.A. Nikiforuk... �.... 60.00 BOYS, Tannis 35.00 DALY, Gunda............... 40.00 DERKSEN, Annie............ 40.00 GREGOR, Francisca......... 35.00 JACOBS, Lucy._..............45.00 LAIRD, Elizabeth.......... 50.00 MEEK, Jean... ............. 25.00 Garden Hill Funeral Chap..120.00 Kenny Truck Service........ 20.60 HAGEN, Jennie........,.... ROBERTS, I`•ary:.........:. ROBINSON, Hazel.......... TASSELL, Charles......... @RMITAGE, Dorothy...`... . BALE, Virgina............ CArviPBELL, Ida............. DAWSON, Dorothy....,.:.... GOODERICH, Mamie...,...... HARDY, N-abel............, KLABUNDE, Dora......:.... LITTLE, Doris.......:.... MELVIN, Inez............. Osborn's Ltd .. .......... DeWolf's Market.......... 7:00 7.00 7.00 7.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 50.00 7.88 40.00 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling-6645.83 be paid. r CARRIED. No further business meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. 11 REEVE CLERK Minutes of January 18th, 1957. Special session of'the Council convened at 2:00 P.M.,Friday; January 18th. Present were Reeve, Councillors Bailey, Dunlop, Cox and Simmonds. Correspondence dealt with a letter fror,-G. Savage and Company, requesting Municipal work for their bulldozers. As Council had other requests for bulldozer operators to work during slak seasons and as there was nothing available at the present time the letter vas filed for future reference. Letter from. the Department of Municipal Affairs asking Council to consider the repeal of our Ferry Bylaw I?os. 94t'At' and 99t'At' (1943) in order to clear `the field for the operation of Provincial ferry. -The-request was grant ed as the 1943 Bylaws had only authorized the installation of 'a ferry- vhich had never materialized due to provincial and local problems that developed later. A request from Ivy. Sadler, Ivienzies Street east of 9th Avenue for the cleaning.of ditches on'the•north side was referred to the Foreman for inspection and the necessary work to be cargied out if' needed. Letter from 5� to ' 1.00 Store asking for a five foot concrete sidewalk to be laid for the full length of the property at the corner of Menzies Street and 8th Avenue was read. The store owner was to be -'advised to submit an estimate from the contractor and if Council approved same a contribution of . 40% would be granted if.'work was satisfactory to. Fbreman's recuirerr.,ents. Minutes of January' 18th', 1957, -continued. As a black top sidewalk was to. be replaced because of -damage caused by the building of the extension of the store the usual 5`0% cbnt'ribu'tion was - to be, reduced' to '40%' in� this':case. The Webeter8' Corners petition was reviewed. by Council' and authorized ih principle' and' -work would start when' weather permits., Clerk to nbtify' 'the' petitioners. Moved by Counb ill"ors' Dunlop and Cox that tentative approval. be -given -to the propo'seci' subdivision of, Lot 2 of 5E, action 29, Township 12, Plan 3`90�7' (Byrnes) providing roads- are- in -creased- to a minimum width` of - fi.fty feet' '(50,, ) and the provisions- of, the, road Subdivi.sib.n. � Bylaw' reauiren eats: meet with: approval- -of Committee. - - .. m.e , CARRIED. ..... . Moved by Councillors' Simmonds- and Dunlop that the Subdi.visi on of Lot "L". and o'f pl'a'ns 1476 and 5308, District- Lot- 433; be approved. - CARRIBD Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that tentative approval be given to the proposed subdivision of Lots 7, 8 & 9 of District Lot 401, (Gilley) providing the' provisions of 'the Road Subdivision -Bylaw meet with the approval of the Committee and the Provincial Dept. of Highways. C AµMUED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the subdivision of the Wiest -Twenty- nine feet of Lot twenty-six (26) of a subdivision of a ten (10). acre portion of District Lot Three hundred and ninety-eight (398),. Group 1, Plan 3 206, .h . tW. D . , be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Si=nionds that an additional advance of 4 400.00 be made to the Hospital Board. " RRIVP s Moved by Councillors Bailey and Simrnonds that the third reading the Annl' uaLoan Bylaw Vo.434 "A" Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the rate for Police set. - at 7�1.00 per hour . be given to" i CARRIED. i Guard benow CA7ARIED . The erection of an attractive sign at the corner r f 8th 1-Avenue and Selkirk Street was granted to the Anglican.Church" providing pedestrian head clearance be observed. Councillor Cox brought up the matter of clearing the snow from the sidewalks fronting commercial stores and offices. Clerk was in- - structed to publish in the Gazette a notice that`,this was^the duty and obligation of the store owners, also to advise the mail Merchant Association and -Board of Trade. peeve reported on a interview with the T,i.mber' Preservers Representati relative to the replacing of the Websters Corners Bridge. Two elevations were considered and the cost would be anything from $60,000 to �80,000. As this construction had to be placed in the current Secondary Highway estimate Council members wouldt have to make a decision very shortly. I t Reeve also again reviewed the 19th Avenue drainage problem, which was another heavy committment for 1957• Drainage would have to be carried through private property or out to the drunk Road i-dhich would involve replacing 25 to 30 large concrete culverts. Reeve requested the Councillors`to consider this problem carefully. Co,jncillor Cox inquired with regard to the responsibility of the garbage collector. The Reeve replied that it was entirely a matter between the customer and collector. If good service was not given there was no legislation present to stop competition entering the field in order to give better service. 4 5 9 Minutes of January 18th. 1957, continued. The Reeve explained that frequent requests had been made to Council for a private franchise for this work, which had been refused. Also the possibility of Municipal garbage collector had` been explored many times and had been found to greatly _ exceeds the cost paid .by the taxpayer to �ozzk private, enter- _ -prize tat the present time. Councilll-or Dunlop asked -if the s wer systems, Haney and Hammond, were 6till flushed regularly . As the Corporation paid for this. service to the . Watet ,Wo3'ka Department Clerk would 'check to see ; if there had been any lapse in this service. Councillor Simmonds reported that nothing had been down regarding the Hopper` goad opening. He also complained that the bridges had not been -salted during the icey weather. C -The Reeve advised Councillors to keep in closer touch with the Foreman regarding unfinished requests. He.felt that when a Councillors request had been approved by Council the Councillor -- ,should follow it up to completion with the Foreman,'who is always available at the Municipal Sheds at 8:00 a.m.; 12-1 p.m., and- 4-4:30 P.m.. The Negotiating Committee were now prepared to report their recommendations with regard to the 1957 outside workers' demands. As the Committee's recommendations were confidential at -this stage, the press were asked to retire. The acknowledgment of appreciation of Mr. J.T. Nightingale of the. -floral gift provided. by the Council k on his retirement as Postmaster was read. No further business meeting: -adjourned at 4:30 p.ri. � 41_� EEVE CLERK 4� Moved by .Minutes of January 29th. 1957. Full Council met for a special meeting to authorize the sale of Maple Ridge Hospital -Debentures. The following motion was carried: Councillors Bailey and Brown that the $549,000 Maple Ridge Hospital Debenture Issue be sold. to Pemberton Securities Ltd., Vancouver for a price of.86.00 plus accrued interest from January'21st to February 1st and that the Bank of Montreal be authorized to forward the total issue to their head office in Vancouver, who will release same to Pemberton Securities Ltd. on payment in full, being in the amount of $472, 952.22, made payable at `Haney, B . C. Upon receipt of . same the Reeve -and Txasurer are authorized to sign and issue a cheque payable t6 the Maple Ridge Hospital Association the total amount of the debenture sale being vk72,140.00, plus accrued interest from July 20th, 1956 to January list, 1957 of 413,164 72 less Hospital Board's indebtness from the Corporation's books .of �25,766-.51 to date. The total disbursement to the Hospital will equal' 45.9,538.21. CARRIED. hTl6ved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the Annual Loan Bylaw No. 43 "All be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. - - z . CARRIED . Moved by Councillors Siminonds and Brown that the first and.second reading of Maple,Ridge Hospital Amending Bylaw No. 433"A" be recinded. CARRIED. .'Moved by Councillors Simmonds.and Brown that the first and second reading be given Re pealing Bylaw No.. 435"At' . Letter was read from Mr. A. p. Stark, 15th Avenue south,,requesting the Corporation to.pay.his attached bill of 0.00 for the thawing of Municipal,, water'connection on 15th avenue. Although this liability was —not the responsibility of the Council it was ordered paid and the Clerk was advised to investigate as -to who had un-•.. .covered Corporations connection and exposed same to frost. No further business meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. 0 461 Minutes of,February lst, 1957. Council met in session _Februa'ry__ls.t-.at-,9-:,30 a.m. Present were Reeve Jenewein, Gounc il-]:ors---,Sr own, Simmonds, Dunlop'and.Cox. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Brown that the minutes -of January 17, 18, and 29th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. The Reeve requested that he \ revise . his Subdivision Road Bylaw Comipittee to now read Councillo2z Dunlop and Cox instead of Councillors Dunlop -and' Brown. was Bread from rom the Department of Highways asking for S66ondary Highway Estimates to be submitted not later than February 15th.'.The Reeve reported his afternoon spent with the Public Works Engineer, Mr. Finlyson, visiting the proposed works to'be contemplated. As the largest job was the replacement of the Websters Corners Bridge, he%ould now get in touch, by telephone, with Honourable Lyle Wicks regarding same,. Mr. Pattern and Mrs. Folks, representing an association interrested --in low cost housing in O.A.P. cases presented a tentative plan, of six duplex dwellii igsito be situated on Lots 49, 50,and 51 of Lot,398, Group l,'Plan 2899. The request was 'that the dwellings be.allowed to sit only 21 feet from the road frontage, which •was-4.feet less than our Bylaw required. Council felt that the tentative plan should be approved if the lots were consolidated together and would remain as;low cost housing project with . special privileges and only one title to :same. Committee representing Board of Trade O.I.P.101 the Historical Society now entered the hall and reported that they were organizing themselves into a body to operate the building known as the Youth Centre and.would later present a plan to the Council ,of administration. Reeve reported that the Council were prepared •to discuss same when ready. Moved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that the Vancouver School Board Debentures of $10,000.00 held in our Sinking Funa A6count listed earning al l as 4000 1961, 3000,1962) 3000 19631) 326 interest be sold to Pemberton Securities Ltdt., Vancouver for 91.5 and that 102000 . .00 of 1961 412-% Maple Ridge Hospital Debentures be purchased at 94.125. The initial cash,loss o ' n the transaction will be 4262-50 which will be offset by an overall gain of $300.00 at maturity date, July 20th, 1961) by virtue of the interest gain 6f 1-1%". Earning capacity of 410,000 41% 4450600 x 4f years 22025-00 Earhing capacity of slOOOO 3 1 $325-00 x 4t years 462.50. 562-50 Initial purchase loss 262.50 Overall Gain 300-00 CARRIED. Moved by. Councillors Brown and Dunlop that permission be granted to Tosh Nagai, Mir. Nagai and Mr. Robinson .to lay a 2 inch private water Jine on 15th Road from 17th Avenue under supervision of water- -works foreman. Two in inch connection to 17th Avenue at cost. Three metersrequired. CARRIED. Moved by'Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Municipality of Maple Ridge purchase a -Bucyrus -Erie Model 15B ',cubic yard dragshovel and Positive Crown Shovel equipment-, for the qum of $27,170-00 less trade-in allowance-on.2 cubic yard Link Belt shovel combination $6,000.00 and 2 cubic yard dragshovel front $1,350-00 total allowance $7,350 -'00 with freight added totalcostto Municipality $21'380.00) Plus 5% S.S.A. Tax. Vancouver Equipment.Co. LtZRIED • Moved' -by Councillor . s Brown and Dunlop that the -old water pipes on Dartford Street and on Maple Crescent be repl4ced with new 4 inch cast iron pipe as soon as possible. CARRIED. Minutes of ;februar 1st. 1 continued. Mloved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that B.C. Electric pole Plan 16631 be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that thel2ubdivisioribef Lot 2eof North Half: of..Section 30, To p , to our Road Rubdivision Bylaw and Committee's inspection. the aubject CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Subdivision of Portion'of a 41.12 acre portion aft Lot 434, Group ,l, N.W.D•, be approved,` subject t�_o the requirements --of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and our Committee's inspection. CARRIED. CARRI -- Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Subdivision of a'54.72 acre portion of Lot 438�Grou 1 N.W.D. be -approved ' e approved, subject to the requirements of the RoadpSubdivision Bylaw and our Committee'_s inspection. - CARI Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that .th6 subdivision of Lot B of .Block ' of Lots 241, Group 1, H.W.D. be approved. earned. , f IIoved by Councillors Dunlop and.�.Cox- that the subdivision of Lot .B of Black 1 of Lot 241, Group 1, N.W.D• be approved, subject to. the. -Ma- Biclge �. Road Bylaw and Committee approval. CARRIED. ` Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that thq subdivision of portion of Lot •A1 of Block 4 of :the_ North East of Section 29, N-•D? be approved. & Dunlop that third reading be givenC�,�IED. Moved by Councillors Cox to Maple Ridge Repealing,Bylaw No. 435"A" Foreman $ O . W .' Lilley, was asked to submit an estimate of° 19th , Avenue proposed drainage plan through private property which would or Gox felt that involve at leastc$ foot cut in places. Councill` this would not relieve the major problem on the Dewdney Trunk Road and recommended that the full Council visit the area- shortly and • discuss the matter on the spot. Councillor Simmonds aske,d� fora guard rail to; be installed on the i !� Trunk Load 33rd Avenue kt1lill at the east end of the Municipality. ,V t e Traffic Committee. -Councillor Cox reported as chairman,of thHe deplored the parking and unloading of , delivery trucks at the corner, of .$th Avenue and Trunk Road, particularily the eastern side and I'I! strongly recommended the erection of No parkin] signs 30 feet from', i! the corner both ways and also a stop sign at- $2 Avenue and North St. The .foreman being present was ordered to have these signs erected. f'! Councillor Cox asked for Sgt. Calvert to be called.up and when, present the matter of reducing speed on the Trunk road was discusse It was recommended that the 40 mile,signs now existing should.also • be posted with an additional sign marked 30 msles ded that between angle 17th Avenue and 2nd Avenue. It was also recommende east of $th parking on the Trunk Road, particularily to the fr Avenue should be eliminated entirely. ` At this po int a delegation representing the B.C. Electric Officials entered the hall. Councillor Cox asked for permissiori to carry on after the delegation received attention. Of -9 ► Representatives were Messrs Nay Shaw,. MacDonald) ;Dodd, u�oodwards an :Shore. Mr. NacDonald addressed the Council on the ,subject of gas distribution lines. A preliminary -survey would commence at once, in the Municipality=and-'plaizs shotiling the detail of the grid would be filed �rrently in the Municipal ;office. A standard agreement would be presented,to each member of the Council to thoroughly signing* ' All Municipal ordinance and installations peruse beforearmed .would of water and sewers would be -respected by the Company .. co-operate at all-tirnes with the officials of���unicipality: r 463 °Minutes.'.of CFebruary 'lsty 1957, continued. to bring about the least distance. Although the Certificate of Necessity granted to the Company gave them the authority to enter'dnd lay gas lines they would at all times consult with the 'Municipal officials to avoid inconvenience 'to ,the' public . <The 'Company, would, of course, f aesume all ' costs of replacing broken pavements etc. Manylquestions:were°asked'andnanswered and delegation retired. 'The'mdtter of traff ic•and parking problems was now -re -opened and the Committee headed by Councillor-Cox'wasngiven full authority to Act ' 6n" both the, kxaf:�±x Trunk Road - problem , and °also • the east side 6f 8th,Avenue'approacYing Lou.gheed'Highway♦where sidewalk privileges .for pedestrians must be observed. n ° " ° Councillor Cox now reported the serious -situation -that could develop into ybuth•-delinquency unless controlled. --The police were aware 6.f'the' (tightly dancing in the rear -coon -of • the •restaurant but as n6'admission charges were made°they�were-powerlessto act. The only alte.tnative appeared to be a night'police'patrol'through: the rest- aurant'in an effort to control'disorderly'con.duct, as dancing is, not'an offence but disorderly condact♦is.°°°- Councillor Simmonds asked that'the°gravelling of 33rd Avenue be f'inishod'immediately the weather breaks: Parks,Board.Budget, -dated January 29th was°submitted for consider- ation`,but`left over until Corporation Budget°is-discussed. WATERWORKS- ACCOUNTS: B:C:` Electric A/c Payable=-131 :4O,W.W.IIltce-13.20 147.60 B&K•Mlfling Co. Ltd. T"u erworks Mtce: • 4.45 Greater Van.W terDist. a�c Payable-- y ♦ 1097.40 Public-Freightways Ltd. Waterworks-Mtce: 11.49 Canadian° Ood• Pipe a Waterworks Mtce: • , . ` 881.72 Hales Lumber Co. Waterworks Mtce.- 90.75 Hansons Ltd. - Waterworks Mitce: 1.58 Snack Bar 'Waterworks rtce. 10.00 .Haney Garage Ltd. Waterworks Truck 49.07 R. Muth & Sons Waterworks Mtce. 7.00 Municipal Treasurer Refund Water account. 4.86, Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the above noted accounts totalling :i�'1505.92 be paid. CARRIE . SOCIAL V�ELFARE ACCOUNTS: BARNES, James. ........... • 20.00. ALLAtVI, Mary B......A...•...... 50.00 NEIV81AN, Ruby .............. 63.50 ARMITAGE, Dorothy............ 50.00 Mc'NE1L, Kathleen.......... 86.50• BALE_, Virginia ............... 40.00 McNEIL, Kathleen..•....... 5.00 BOYS, Tannis.............•.•. 35.00 LUND,.-Wally.•..•.e.e.•.•..•70.25-CAMPBELL, Ida ................ 50.00 EIVGL-7ISH, Percy • • . • • • . • .(• . • 93.50- DAudSONDorothy.... • ..... • ... 40.00 WARNER, Joan C • . °...... • . • . 67 e•50 DERK6EA Annie ...... • ........ 40.00 GLEBE, John ................ 50.25 GOO DRICH, Mamie........... . 50.00 BACK, Agnes..*..••..••..•... 15.00 GREGOR, Francisca............ 35.00 ALAIN, Frank ..... :........ 62.25• HARDY, rebel................. 35.00 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale...-.'.350.50-...JACOBS, Lucy E....... 45.00 Mrs. L-. Lynch.....,........ 97.00 KLABUNDE, Dora ......... 35.00 Crestwood Guest Home...... 32.60 LAIRD., Elizabeth..........•.. 50.00 Alouette Priv.Hosp....... 1829.75` Little, Doris ................ 35.00 J.B. Martyn... 5.00 MEEK Jean........e.......... 25.00 Mrs. A. Johnnesen........ : 55.00 MELVIN Inez............•.... 50.00 Mrs. J. Campbell.......... 75.00MOODY, Flossie•............... 35.00 lArs . H.I. Mitchell..' • s • e • • 65 a00 OSWALD, Gertrude • • • .•. • e • • 35 e00 PEARvN, Edna•..`.e......... 42.50 PIPO,.Ann...... 50.00 BAYDUZA, Mike .............156.50 POELZLR, Jeannette......,...... 50.0u CALLAGHAN, Grace .......... 156.50 SAvIIS, Nareda...•....:...:.:. 35.00 COREY, Frank B ....... .... '. 76 •'50 ' SI14PSON, Rhe'ta .. s • • ....:......: 50.00 CORNTELL, Herbert.........-48.50 TAYLOR, Annie....'...... 40.00 ENGLISH, Percy..... ......108.50 TROTTER, Mabel ............... 45.00 FOSTER, Robert ...... .e..... 141.59 VERTT, B°ernadette-.:....•.•..., 50.00 464 Minutes of February 1st, _1957. continued. :-K SOCIAL 'WELFARE ACCOUNTS, CONT'D. ' GARDINER, Dorothy. ...........108.50 ZIEMAN,Josephine .......... 50eC HEWITT, Herbert, • .. . . . . . . . .. .. 76.50 HOREBROOK, Doris.. . e • • e • . ..156. 5 KLASSEN, Wilhelm... ...........76.50 BYE:, Pearl..............•..108.5 L, Et�.OUX, Anna . . . . . . . . e • . • • 156.50 DIONE, I��argery e e . • e . s e e • • • • 176.5 . . • e . LORENZETTA, Emily.............108.50 GLEBE, John...............,.100.5 MAY:ERS, Archie................124.50 GRASSER; Jean ........ •.....124.5 NEIL, Julia.. ................. 32®5O HILL, Elo T.... 64.5 . N tidZ'AN, Ruby.... • ......... • ... 63.50 HOULE, Cecile.. • ..........140. 5C NYHUS, Olaf........e•'e...••e•.124.50 ,.JOHNSTON, Verna ...... .....108.5C OSTRAND? Jack ................. 92.50 LUND, *Wally ............... 70.25 PUPIL,.Jean...................140.50''MacKAY, Alice.. ......... ..124.5C RICE, Myrtle................e•156.50 WILLIAMS, Lewis..... •... •124.5C SCOTT, Wallace ................ 78.25 SE11TELL, Horace..........99136.5C BROW%, George ................. 50.00 SHARP, Alice.............. 51.50 WEWCHAR, Wasyl ... < ......... • .. 50.00 USSELMAN, Jacob .. . e ....... 92. 5C WHITE, Doris ........ • ......... 76.50 I�'LliliZIES, Hal Ltd......... • 35.00 HANSON, Leatha.....®.......... 40.00 WILCOX, Frances........... 89.50 LANSALL, - Rosemary............. 40.00 McCAMMANT, Emma.. .:...... 45.00 MITCHELL, Elizabeth........... 11.50 AND123ON, Sven.. ...,..... 50.00 CASSDonald... 00600* 40.00 FRITH, Joseph............. 50.0C BARTLL, Reita................. 57.50 GUSTAFSON,,Adolph......... 50.00 FOLLETTE, Anthony ............. 57.50,'KLASSEN, William.......... 50.0C McME;O ,, :Kathlenn.............. 86.50 LEE, Frederick............ 45eOC VAN KLEEK, Lawrence ........... 83 .0 5 MATTHEV.TS, Thomas .......... 50.00 SQUIRES, William .............. 45.00 STONHOUSE, Lewis.......... 30.00 TONM, Alvin .................. 50.00 ANDERSON, Howard.......... 7.0C HAGEN, Jennie.........* ....... 7.00 SAPLETAL, Anton ........... 50.00 ROBERTS, Mary. ...............•• 7.00 ZUBYK,'Dmytro.............. 50.00 ROBINSON, Hazel ............... 7.00 STEPPLER, Valentine....... 7.00 TASSELL, Charles.. . 7.00 Foodland.Market...•.....•. 75.7� Dewolf I s Market...e ...... •. • . • • 10.00 - GARDEN' HILL' Ambul.Serv.... 60.00 R.G. Kirkpatrick:"... 5.00 Minister.of Finance....... 47.6C Haney Hotel Co.,Ltd........... 19.75. G. Gibeault............... 5.0i Dist. of Coquitlam............ 12.50 . City of New Westrdnster... 31.6( Dist. of Surrey. . • • • . • • . . e • • • e 73 •95 Dist • of Pitt meadows. • ...109.0C Bruce ° s Market ........... a .... 45.00 Esquire I s Pilens. Wear Ltd.. . 8.3; Red &.White Supermarket.•..... 10.89 ikoved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that the above noted accounts totalling 9527.50 be paid. CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS Maple Ridg_e-hosp.Board Canadian Pacific Rlway Co. Fleck. Bros, Ltd., H"- ey, Garage. Ltd. HArry. Cutler, Superior, Stamp, & Stencil Mpni,cipgl. Treasurer L' ' • � .C°.. Rhodes Receiver, Generla o Brown Bros. Greenhouses I�Irs. Z. t3ailey, Minister of .Finance ` Minister of Finance ` Kirkpa.tric°j ,Sand & Gravel 141n ster of rThance' G'. K . kho d�e's 1t d . C'aPi .'FV .. 'of' I6ayors 01un•` Director. Y-L'.'A. Chuck's 'A'ppliances Canadian Pac.Al'Wy.Co. Uss born''lt. d ITTSnister' -of :efnahce' U n . i . o . n .oF, .B.`C.' lviunicip.` Advance 400.00 Gen. Rd. Vitce. 495.42 Fire Dept. 3.68 Accounts Payable . , ° , 1.45 Mi s c . Exp . 5.00 Trade Licence-78_55,bog Tags- ' 100.60 ° 179.15 Iviis c . Exp-6.7.5 : Hal l=-30.30 , Health Unit-7.56, Park' Bd-27°. OU0 71".61 Police xp 5.00 a%c Payable'-6919'.77',Po ce i Mlileage- 1812.42' .. .... . ,.. ( 8732.19 Misc . " Amin.. 5.25 Keep of Prisoners 9.00 arc Payable7.....'°° " ' 162.19 a/c Payable...._ 41.23 a/,c Payable ... ' .. - 280.00 a/c Payable' ' -412..36 Office °Supp°li:e's` 20.21 1957 fe"es ... ...... 60.00 Refund 'arrdad's0110;,23,-Intere'st-- 17 _ - .... 110.40 Crusher °... 10.50 Gen.Rd.1Atco.' 1.00 .Fire D6pt . t 12.521 Hall a/c " " ° " ' 7.50 Dues ° 150.00 Minutes of February Tst, 1957, continued. 465 GENERAL ACCOUNTS, CON ' �. City of New Westminster Co-ordinator Civil Def. Pitney Bowes of Canada Richard E. Lester Haney-Hmd Mtr .Fght . Kanaka.Concrete Products Public Freightways Ltd. Dr. SI:R. Arber, Dustbane Products Ltd.. Port Han.ey•Brick Co. Motor C,ar- Parts & Equip. B.C. Equipment Co. ttd.. B&K Milling Co. Ltd. B.A. oil Co. Ltd.-.. White .& Taylor Ltd. Haney lMusi,c & Art Store Hammond Motors D.C. Forest Products Ltd. Canadian Industries. Ltd. Highway auto Wreckers Martin Motors Field°s Welding.Supplies Vancouver Equip. .Corp, Nelson Bros. Sawmills Lts. The Gazette Hansons Ltd. United Farmers Ltd. Haney.Builders Supplies Betty Baker Superanuation Com'r. Registrar of County Court B.C. Telephone Co. Medical Services Ass I n. Minister of Finance B.C. Electric West Coast Motors Parkvi ew Garage Imperial. Oil Ltd. Timber Preservers B..i. Oil Co., Ltd. Acme Machine Shop Co. Fleck Bros. Ltd. Haney Garage.Ltd. Maple Ridge Appliances Maple.Ridge Home Municipal Treasurer WG.. Alexander Municipal Employees Union Receiver General University of P. C- .Maple Ridge Film Council.. Albion Community Club Frank Wright Mrs. A. Morlang Haney Music & Art Store Coroner & Inquest Civil , Defence Postage.Meter Rental Police Expense a/c\Payable Culy. & Bridges®5.5•$7, Brush & Ditch%-1474.12 1 Dog Tax-1.00,`1'ools-1.25,Office Supplies-l.00,Tolls-1.00 Police Expe Hall a/c Brush & Ditch A/c Payable a/c payable Gen.Rd.. Mtce. aPc Payable a/c Payable Gen.Rd.Mtce. Trucks Bridges Culverts Gen.Rd. IvItce. Trucks.. Gen.Ad.Mtce. Gen.Rd.Mtce. Graders Ditching Dog Tax-22.52,Rd.Pl.&Lb-2C�21 Office Sup-38-13,Police,Exp- 9.01 a�c payable-4.322Hall a/c-l4.02 Ge�n.Rd.Mtce. Tools & Equip-1.16,Police-1.53, Gen.Rd.ktce-1.16 Police.Expens.e Trust-40.00;Super-63.74 Reg. Bylaws. Police-16.07,Fire-$.56,Hall-44.47 Pub . Vlks-13 , 50 - 14.S.A. Child Welfare a/c Payable-294•22,Hmd.Drain-4.99,. Pub.Wks-26.94,Hall-99.64,Fire Dept- 10.00 30.24 15.00 10.00 6.25 529.99 4.25 tkx-ji 15.00 17.36 145.53 .1.58 91.53 2.50 657.63 735.00 8 1b.34 250.11 70.61 13.13 .68 11.71 107.19 18.51 94.49 18.34 34.20 3•85 19.00 103.74 3.00 82.6o 337.35 122.13 19.18, Park Board-4.20 449.37 Trucks-1.$0,Graders-2.00` 3•$0 a/c Payable-17.82,Trucks-1.98 19.80 Graders 53.23 Drainage & Ditching 2623.93 'Gas & Oil-.491.43,Gen.Rd.D1tce-6.55, Hall-95.68 593.66 a/c Payable-266.27,Trucks-320.89 Tools-23 .20,Bulldozer®l'i.58, Graders-22.51, a/c payable-83.49, .650.45 Crusher-4.64, Tools-10.41 98.54 Trucks 15.32 Gen.Rd.Mtce. 2.61 a/c payable 9.24 Misc.Admin-10.00,L.R.O,-2.00, Hall-5.32,Trucks-3.50,Sup-894, Ref _.TradeLic-25.00,Postage-90.00, Unem.Ins-G6.02,Ref.Police 2.00 24 2.78 Com'n.Parking Tick-6.00,`i°rade.Lic- 82.50,Rd.Pl.Lib-5.20,Dog-1.50 95.20 Union Dues January 46.50 Income .Tax Deductions January 542.25 Civil Defence 1.00 Civil defence 5 •50 Civil Defence 2.00 Civil Defence 5.20 Civil Defence 2.50 Civil' Defence 5.72 Minutes of February lst.1952, Contd. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTtD. f L . E. McCullough Civil Defence- 6.50 Ken Bruce Civil Defence 22°$0 B . A. Noble Civil -Defence 54 •'S0 B.C.' Electric Health .Unit ° . 20.59 Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. Heal Unit 44.24 Moved by Councillors Brown and. Si ihmonds that .the above noted account totalling 321077.90 be -paid. CARRIED No'further business meeting adjourned- at 12*40 p.1r1. REEVE {;LER.K Minutes. of Februa_ry__12th , 1957 • An emergency meeting of the Council was called on February 12th at 5 p..m. to discuss the method of .road restrictions, which would have to be applied immediately due to the breaking down of pave- .ment. A large delegation of truckers was present and the matter was reviewed in detail.. The result was the adoption of the following motion, pursuant to Bylaw No. 254"Atf, to be enforced immediately: Moved by Councillors Bailey and Simmonds that vehicles -be permitted to operate on Municipal Highways, provided that the loads are not. j more than 50% of vehiclets gross tonnage and not to exceed 20 I miles per hour, by permit only. Logging trucks and hauling of ° heavy equipment is prohibited. j CARRIED. Request was read from the Inspector' of Welfare Institutions with regard to a licence being issued to , Jack and jill Kindergarten. The Building and, Electrical Inspector had approved the premises, pursuant'to the regulations and also the fire hazards.. Clerk was to notify the -Department that -Council had no objection to a licence being issued. ' r A petition for paving;Rldgeway Subdivision off 5th Avenue -was I received and —tabled until the paving program was discussed at a dater date. �. Police report was read and filed,.*, I Report from the Maple Ridge Volunteer Fire Department was tabled for the'next meeting, as it.involved considerable recommendations. Moved -by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Bylaw No. 436n'A9 be given the first and.second reading. Moved by Counci Ilors Bailey' and Simmonds that Bylaw No., 435"A" be recon- sidered', finally passed and adopted. a CARRIED. The matter of the -drainage of the Donavon Road newly.constructed ditch through private' property, owned by Mr. 1"sic Lean, was finalized. If it was Mr. M; Leants wish that the' strip of land at the rear of his property which carried the open ditch be surv_e_yed and deeded to the Corporation, Council was willing to:=pay -tfee . cost of the curve and accept same. �. Minutes of February 12th._' 1957,_continued. 467 Secondary Highway accounts were now presented to Council, who discussed each item and approved same for a total of $11,549.00. As the deadline date was February 15th, Clerk was instructed to notify the Engineer of the public Works department, -New Westminster. The matter of the .Meph�m ditch was also delayed until the next meeting,. .1 No further -,business meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. REEVE, . Z CLMff— Minutes of Februnry.14:, 1957 A Sppeftil Meeting was called to deal specifically with the opening of tenders for the purchase of new trucks and also to receive the recommendations of the negotiating committee dealing with the outside workers wages at 5:15 P.M., Thurs- day February 14, 1957. Tenders were opened and discussed at considerable length, but the decision to purchase was delayed until the, --machinery committee had viewed and inspected the trucks and reported back to the Council. The negotiating committee now presented their findings, with regard to meeting,with the outside workers' union represent- atives. The following Motion was Carried. - Moved by Councillors Bailey and Simmonds that the recommendation of the negotiating Outside Employee's commencing J-anuary this Council except Committee with the, lst, 1957. CARRIED In dealing with the inside staff's request for an increase in wages, the following Motion approved same:. Moved by Councillors Bailer and Simmonds that: L.T. Hawkins $435.00 be increased to: 500.00 R.W. Ansell 270.00 be increased to: 280.00 J.G. Taylor 330.00 be increased to: 375.00 W,R,Young 280.00 be increased to: 300.00 W.I. Burrell 250.00 be increased to: 280.00 G. Hemminger 185.00 be increased to:. 225.00 B. Baker 165.00 be increased to: 195.00 R. Bennett 165.00 be increased to: 195.00 G. Mysel $175.00, Car allow--$425.00 car allowance of $30.00 commencing January lst, 1957. be increase to:200 and CARRIED 46 Minutes of February 1L, 1957, conta.nued. Moved by,Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the Third reading be given to Bylaw No. -4361TA"a, CARRIED The reaj*uest from the Motor Vehicle.Branch, Head Office, to keep { our local Motor Vehicle.Department Open all- day or, the 23rd instant was approved by the Council. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P-M- REEVE CLERK } lit g 1 M1 J�II F . Minutes' of March lst, 1i57`a The regular monthly meixg�"cornrnenced at 9:3.0 A.M., Friday, March 1st, with full Council present. Mr. Campbell of Hammond - received first attention, with .regard to a nuisance that was disturbing the neighborhood, in particular, the pile of broken jalopy cars scattered over and around the Airth property. Council promised to order the road allowance cleared of the untidy me s, if a trespass had been made on same. However, they had no , Ir to control storage of any material on private property, whether untidy or not, unless it created a health hazard. A Nuisance Bylaw had been found to be very costly to -sustain in Court, as the Judge's opinion usually:varied. to the items listed as a nuisance in the,Bylaw. Mr. Campbell also complained of the non observance of atop and Speed signs., vdhich. was a Police matter. Also, dogs running at large had bothered him greatly. As this is lavdful if -the dogs were licenced, until a Jog Pound Bylaw is instituted.in the Municipality, which proves to be a very con- troversy matter with both Council and the ratepayers, as itt deals primarily with the destruction of dogs throughout this -large rural Municipality. Council could do nothing about it until a Jog Pound Bylaw was.pnvoked. However, Council would visit the Airth property and order the road allowance cleared, if necessary. Mr. P41lot, on behalf of the Rod & Gun Club asked Council to con- sider renting to their -Association Lots 5, 6 & 7, SEI:, Section 27 Township 12, Plan 2510. A committee of the Council would visit the location Saturday afternoon. Mr. Scribbens, representing the Yennaden Ratepayers Association-, spoke on the letter listed on the agenda, asking that Council consider reducing the mill rate for general purposes;'from 75% to 5Wo, in order to benefit the house owner. At first thought this was a startling request, as tte implication was to drasticly reduce taxes and the only item in the budget that would be effected in doing this would be the Public Works Program and the result would be that.large industrial and commercial concerns would benefit unless the mill rate was increased and that would.throw a'very heavy burden on the farmers and land owners. Mr. Scribbens asked for figures or examples to prove this, which would be given later. Mr. McNutt, who was in attendance asked Council to consider approaching the tax payers, requesting them to donate the Z28.00 house owners,grant towards the Centennial Proj6ct. As, this was beyond the power of the Municipality, carried.out under the present legislation effecting this grant, Mr. McNutt was informed that this was a> private matter to be considered by the tax payers, whether they wished to contribute voluntarily to the Centennial Corrimittee. Mr. Camferman, speaking on bdalf of.the Dutch Christian School, operating in the basement of the Dutch Reform Church, Trunk. Road, between 3rd and 5th Avenue, was not aware that his body had violated our Zoning .Bylaw No.. 126"A"•,-:pursuant to the complaint submitted to Council by Solicitor, r. Lester, also listed on the agenda. The Solicitor's clients were asking for protection given by the Bylaw under their Residential section and asked that the private school be moved out of the zoned area. Mr. Camferman appeared ignorant of the lave and admitted. he had not investigated with the Municipality before establishing the school. Reeve in- formed him that it would appear that council had no alternative than to respect and protect the wishes of the zoned residents and council asked that the school be.removed.into an unzened area. All were sympathetic and sorry that considerable expense had occurred in establishing the school. As no further delegates were present the agenda was now referred to. n'Ioved by Councillors Simmonds and Junlop.that the minutes of'February 1st, .12th & 14th, be approved as circularized. CARRIED'. 470 Minutes of March lst 5 1957,_ continued. Letter from Mrs. Luck, Trunk Road between 26th and 27th Avenue, south side,.asking for,culvert to be cleaned'to allow better drainage, which was running through her property at the present time. Councillor Cod had inspected same and foreman -was to be instructed to attend to the matter. Letter from Haney Processor was read, complaining of damage to concrete ramps on their property, from our water main leak. This had been investigated by Reeve, Councillor Simmonds and Water Works Foreman and no liability to the Corporation had been found. Haney Processors had'been so advised verbally. Foreman Lilley now entered and reported that the frost had done considerable damage to our old roads but the new roads were standing up very well.. Reeve confirmed this and also appreciated the response from the travelling.publi-c, particularily the truck drivers, for observing our emmrgency regulations during this trying.time. The reporters present were asked to publish our. appreciation of this. I Letter from Mrs. H. Hilland, asking for the gravelling of 21st Road was left for the foreman to inspect. Also, Mrs. Morrisette asked for the attention of the 1,'oreman on No. 9 Road. Councillor Simmonds requested that No. 12 Road, Ruskin, be built up for future hard. surface. Councillor Brown asked that as soon as the road regulations were lifted that the new shovel excavate test holes on the McPhaden property, pursuant to our contemplated water reservoir at.that location. Councillor --'Cox felt. that the Hammond Town Pite should receive street maintenance as often as Haney, if required, particularily with reference to catch basins, clearance and rubbish removal. At this point a delegation of the School Board, Mr. Tweedie and Mr. Livesay, presented their current tentative. budget, which was discussed with Council. Also, a new School Money Bylaw was explained. Council acknowledged both after various items in each had been questioned. Mr. Lohnes, 5th Avenue; asked for a ruling with regard to,his mink ranch operations, pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. Our ruling would.be given before the closing of the meeting lat.e_r---on in the afternoon. Fleeting now adjourned for lunch at 12e45 p.m. to reconvene at 2 P.M..I At 2 P.M. the R.C..M. Police Contract was again tabled. Fire Chief 1 s report was read and recommendations therein would be considered -at a later.date. Letter was read from, Mr,. Noble,. Civil Defence, asking for independent telephone to be instalhed, in .the.,hall basement in -exchange fair the present extension. This' was grated and the extension to be..,__ removed to the upper office and a new, number listed for same •,for Waterworks and Licences. 11•dwever, the request for a private telephone at the Corp6 ration's expense was not granted. The matter of a new trash burner for office refuse was considered and turned down in favour of receiving garbage, removal service,. which would be taken care of with the firm operating same. This decision was brought about by the possibility of the increasing fire hazard of burning office papens-=now't'riat the area had been built up. 4'71 Minutes` of March l.sts 125Z,_ continued. Letter from the Health Centre to place signs warning the public. not to park against their building between 9 a.m. and.5 p.m. was turned over to the Chairman -of the Parking r Committee -to take the matter up with them and erect what- ever .signs he saw fit. '1 Machinery Committee,,,elative to the purchase of the'new trucks , -qas not yet prepared to 'recommend but would give a decision.very shortly. Moved b Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the Highway Departments plan Hof the Ferry Crossing on river Road, Albion, BE APPROVED and approving.officer authorized to sign same, subject to a pedest- rian crossing at ' l7th yvenue, being retained. . UALLi6�J1L s .The tentat4ve plan for -Mr. Clark on 3rd Avenue was tabled until the Cemmetery Committee approaches the owner with a view ofthe Corporation acquiring a portion of the subdivision, that was adjacent to our cemmetery. The B.C. Electric Gas Agreement was again discussed and the following motion.resulted: Moved by -Councillors Bailey and, Dunlop that the signing officers be authorized to sign the Gas Agreement with the B.C. Electric Co. CARRIED Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that last and 2nd reading be given to Land Sale Bylaw No. 4371'Ar' (curling Rink) CARRIED. Moved"' by Councillors Dunlop and Simmonds that the Provincial sanitary Dept's. design and specifications of septic tanks showing a distance of. a minimum of five feet of an installation from any dwelling be approved and adopted by this Municipality and attached to the Maple.midge Plumbing Bylaw No. 184"A" as referred to in Section 50 CARRIED. Mov ed,by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the Plan of portion of. the North 150.7t feet of Lot H of Lot of Lot 2 and of Lot 1 of the North p est � of Section 33,-Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. The matter of the established mink ranch within the zoned area was now discussed in detail. As the mine ranch had existed prior to both our Mink Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw, the final ruling was made. 111ove,d, by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that the request for permit to construct new mink pans be not granted to Mr. Lohnes, being contrary to Section 10, Article 3, Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 126"Alle CAR `LIED Councillor Cox was disturbed over the heavy Social Welfare Accounts. Clerk reported that rigid inspection of the Welfare Dept.'s reports was carried out and continual controversy over these was . xar-ri2d occurring between Municipal Office and Welfare Department . Councillors interest and support was solicited as the case load was increasing every year, • due to new Welfare. Legislation being hnvoked.. Although the Municipal share had not increased appreciably over the years, we we're the -accounting and disbursing office for same and was taking up too much of our -time in the administration. The.Reeve now reported_ on the danger of a slide occurring on our fill at the new 1-7th Avenue Bridge. The District Engineer, Mr. -.Finlayson, had inspected same and recommended that we do nothing 472 ITelinutes' of March 1st, 19 7, coj-jtinucd. M further at the present time, as it may settle into permanent. position. If not, the pwouldibetwi�e to awaf a itefurthermay develop-� necessary. However, it e . ment. A complaint was read from Mrs. E. Merkley with regard.to dogs running at large. This more-er-lens confirmed Mrm thCampoell's complaint, previously taken care of. y up this nuisance would de to institute a Pound Bylaw, which Council would review. VIATL`RWORKS ACCOUNTS: Canadian Wood Pipe & Tanks New Const-13.86,Mtce-1.45 d V\1 01-5 ��249J�} A. Terminal City Iron forks�� Bank of'�Tantreal,Hammond W.W.tce. Comm'n on Coll-_s ction�A- :,a 14\ 84.49 12.87 Sam Saari's Garage W.W. -Mtce. W.W. Ntce. I 4. Ak 2112.95 Greater Van. rater Dist. Municipal 'Treasurer eater Arrears transferred 4651.76,. Haney-Hmd.T�iotor Fght. Taxmoll 'M .W.ace . W.W. r� 11, 25to .,.. . 42 Public rreightways Ltd. tu.i�. �vitce. 11i1�. Mtce. W.W.W.��tce. 64. 50 R. Muth &Sons Gorton � Belyea Ltd. � �-12338.97 tN 4.00 Haney Garage Ltd..i. W.W.Truck lice. rA 281e93 B.C. Electric Municipal Treasurer. Meter Heading. - 23.$0 PAYROLLS Tvitce 1055.35, Connections-57.20)Stat.Hol.Pay-63.75 January p Moved by Councillors totalling :'19860.21. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Bailey and Brown -that--the above noted accounts and payrolls as listed .be paid. CARRIED. Dyking Commissioner Maple Midge Hosp.kss,t n .. Beyrl McKenzie F. Dennis H.J. Clark J.B. Pattern; Pemberton Securities Registrar of County Court. District of Delata _i ney Stationers. Workmen's Comp. Board H.&.L. Johnston Minister of Finance Gestetner Ltd. Clarke & Stuart9Co. Ltd. Dr. S.R. Arber S/Cst�l D.G. Sinclai_r- Bus Depot Cafe Dr. L.C. Capling The Carswell Co. Ltd. -Prince David Nlasonic Hld . Minister of Finance C.H. Rennie Ministex• of Finance Minister of :Finance Fraser Valley Reg.Library. Minister df Finance.- SuperanuAion. C.om1r.. Griffiths & Griffith.s Regal Building Supplies Dietrich Collins Ltd. Hanson -Fraser Lta. Nelson Bros . San. -L Ltd. R' ney Builders Supplies,. Maple. Ridge Appliances Dyking Tax $ 2.18- Pr= oc eeds of Sale - of Deben.459538. 1 Keep of Prisoners 7.80 44.5 Keep of Prisoners 66.00 Keep of Prisoners Keep of Prisoners .00 Purchase of. Bonds for S.F. 223 • $0 Registration of Bylaws 3.00 10.00 Contrib. to Nursing Home 3.5.44 Office Supplies . ? 92`5.00 Assessment Snow removal 4.8.00 S.A Medical Services- � 631.44 . Office Supplies Stationer & Office Suppliesf%�183.$8 Police Expense + 7,:50 7�.50 Keep of Prisoners / 1:30 Keep of prisoners 20.00 Police Expenseftk 2 •35 :Police Expense Ck-A, 10.00 Muse. Expense . .9°52 L.R.O. Fees. Pire'.Dept. rA 2500 Child ryle 1f are -Infirmary. M 126.20 AN "3.25 Provincial V\,18'64.80 Library Assessment... AA 162.19 T.B. Units Expense Misc. Accounts Payable :t- 15001.00 e Gen.t�d,1VXL.. _~ 34: 75 P%- 581-40 ��Dragline Hall a/c ,� 5.62 14.�5 .Drainage Gen:Rd.Mtce-3.10,tia"neySewer- 14.20 .11.18 Gen.Rd.T�Itce-4.94,Sull®95¢ 9.51 Tools-3.62 _ 473 Minutes of March lst, 19,57, continued. GENER"L ACCOUNTS.,.-,GCTrr ; -- The Gazette Adv.&.Print-166.99,Dog Tax-13.60, Office Supplies=90.67,Gen.Rd.IvTtcep 25.41 301.77 .PA Male Ride Home Service 'vhWay Fire. Dept. 29.38 &1 ,Hi Auto, Wreckers Trucks 13 .13 Haney-Hma.Nkotor. FghtGraders 2025 AA Stoltz Motor Fght.. Office Supplies 1.00 rA Powell :Machine, Works, Graders 4.62 rA Jack Cewe Blacktop Ltd, Patching 22:05 ems.. Sam. Saari Is . Garage Dragline-51.35,, 7'oc s-4_.20, Trucks-10.59 66.11� .Public.Freightways Ltd. Graders 1.45 ,National Machinery Co Dragline 47.29 .Lon°.s Auto Body Shop Trucks 7•-50 ,Fleck Bros. Ltd. Fire Dept. 55 -58 Haney Builders Supp. Fire Dept, 15a81 Imperial Oil Ltd.. irucks7ll.92,�hovel-50'1: 17.23' .OfficB Specials Co® Office Supplies Fire. Dept. �4127 40:40 !cCulloch.Co. Ltd.. Kanaka,Concr.ete.Prod: Culverts & Bri°dges 252."53 Haney-Hmd.Mtr.Fght Park Board 1.50 Hanson -.Fraser Ltd... Park :Board 15.26 IiacKenzies Hardware Park Board '2. 50 i=unicipal Super.Comm. Trust-1,6.00 'Super-63.74 109.7.4 B.A., Oil Co,.. Ltd. B.A., Gen.R.d.Mtce' 20.19,�Gas & 'Oil- .. The .gazette Civil Defence , I en Bruce Civil Defence B.A. Noble Vicil Devence Vancouver .ECuip.Corp. Graders ; Crown Bros:.Greenhouses Misc. Expense .p F. Dunlo r�oShas: _ Betty Baker, Police Expense . Haney .Garage Ltd. Trucks--12.52,Bridg6s�-1e34 L. iiuth A aons ' Crusher-3.92,Trucks-4:00 Ylartin Motor. s Tools ' :cme'Machine Shop 'Elect. Trucks-4J.94,Tools=23,40 Henri-6r n, Auto Tools B.C. Electric ` Hi rid,Drain-4.,99,Pub:Wks 102.46, Hall-103.99,Fire-21620,Pdrk-4.20, 'St.Lts.-294,42 West Coast *Motors `Trucks _I'Junicipal Treasurer Snow Removal-600,Office Supplies- 10.3.7,Unem.Ins-205:68,Hall-7.50, T6ols-1.30,Trucks-2.20,Deleg. AA ii r� 685.37 5 .'10 Ak 2000 PA 48:80 620.98 AA 5.25 4k 24°70 ' 11.00 13.86 k 7•92 M" 39-59 M 279.34 65.45 Yvt 531.26 P'A 114 07 v'-t Exp-25.20 z252,$5 Provin6lial Collector Assessment Appeal 9.00 Ah O.Ga'Alexander' ComTn on Collections'`' 100.10 PAYROLLS January-'Brush'L, Ditch --2352.00,Gen.Rd.Iklt6e-=3375.J5,Patch-42.40, Snow'Removil-1182:52, Cru8her.-607.60, Bridges-152.00; Ho1.Pay-311.15 Admiri-2508.35,:Haney Sewer-16.80, Cemetery-^192.00. t Mloved `by Counci.116rs Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling470336.02 and payrolls as listedvbe paid. . , . C1iIZ1�.ZEIi . SOCIAL 'VU7ELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20%'6f aiiount shown Maple ' Ridge - _ Other' ' Government CAMI&RON,'Merrill.. ...:�. 50.00 Fifth Ave=e'Grocery.......' 12.00 CASS' °Donald > ... ®. 40e00 AND _ 30N) Sven............1:� 50.00 STEEVES,'Margaret........® .20.00 i I3ayes:sm.:, ... ...:.,.. 18.00 FRI H,'Joseph............h/t\ 50.00 BRUKEAU,.Rene.::....e... ... 15.00 GUSTAi,'SON, Adolph....... 50.00 PkTTENi F`lorence,....... ...... e 129.50 KLASSEN, Willi -am ........ !'4 50.00 0VVENS', Edwin:::::.. 25.00 . .......... 474 Minutes of March lst, 1957, continued. SOCIAL 1TLLFARE ACCOUNTS, CONTtD. 20% of Amount Shown Mapl4 Ridge. LEE, Frederick.........., 50.00 MEEK, Thomas........... 54.25 MATTHEWS , Thomas ..........A 50 e 00 ERICKSON, Elof........... P:e 50.00 SQUIRES, �N"illiam.........i 45.00 STONHOUSE, Lewis ........N� 30e00 CUNNINGHAM, William.;..... 78.25 TONER, Alvin ............. 50.00s MORRISON, Michael......... 46.25 ZAPLETAL, Anton ... 50.00 CAMERON°, Merrill.......... 25.00 LEROUX,•Anna............ . 78.25 ALLAY, Mary B ......... .��. 50.00 BALE, V-.rgi:;a .......... 40.00 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale.. 70.7:5 BOYE., T°annis............ CA, 35e00 14rs L..' Lynch ............ 97.00 CAMPBEL°L, Ida........... K 50.00 Crestwood Guest Home .... .�.12.00 DA�1dSOD,° Dorothy ..........Nk 40.00 Alou.ette Private Hospitall759.50 Mrs. J; Campbell........ 75.00, GRZGOR, Francisca...... :35-.00 JACOB-S,° `Lucy ...........:t - 45.00 KLABUNDE, Dora.......... MA, 35.00 MEEK, Jean .............. jv.% 25.00 MOODY, `Flossie.• ........ K... 35.00 OS19ALD,• Gertrude....... w 35.00 PEAREN; Edna.....♦..... K.42.50 CORNIWELL, Herbert . • ..... 48.50 PIPO, Minna ............... e 14\- 50,00 CUNNIINGHAMD, Wi.11iam:.. M.156.50 POELZER, Jeanette ...... 1k. 50.00 ENGLISH, Percy:.... ...P. 108.50 SAMIS, 'Mareda ...........,A 4 35.00 TAYLOR; Annie......e•.•.'no 0, 00 CARDINER, Dorothy . e ... e e 10$ . 50 TROTTER, Mabel.........1A 45.00 HEWITT; Herbert........ 76*50 ZIEMAN; Josephine e .....ik: 50.00 MORGANS, Kathleen...... �35e00 KLASSEN, C�,il77hel'm........ % ' 776.50 LOREIVZETTA, Emily... . • ..6b 108.50 MEYE S,* Archie _.-..... .. 124 e 50 NEIL, Julia............ 32.50 NEWMAN; Ruby ...........'.A 63.50 NYHUS, Olaf ..... . .... tt\.. 124.50 OSTRAND, Jack.. .t&. 92.50 RICE, Myrtle- ....: • ..� 156.50 SEWELL, Horace...e..... i�-*1. 136.50 SHARP, Alice.....;..... 51e50 WHITE, Doris ......76.50 PHILLIPS, Albert.....:.K 63.50 FOLLETT, Anthony....... e.\ 57.50 HAGEN, Jennie ...... ..... M, 7.00' TASSELL, Charles. I k 7.00 Dist. of Matso�ui • .. . . . . . X 17 e60 Dist. of Pitt Meadows.. tA. 292.00 Minister of Finance.... . 72.30 Dist. of Coquitlam..... W. 18.50 Dist. of Matsqui .......1 .. 20.10- Dist. of Surrey.......'.i 15.30 e�of Delta.......... d . 23.40 ,.Dist. Dist. < o' i7elta e . • ee •e-. ..� 36 . $0 1.J DeWol''s • Market' , :. 30.00 R.G.. K rkpatrick,...... 12.20 Gardpp Hill Amb,.Sery.... : 27.00 .T. Aa NNikiforuk.,,;,....11t 27e00 Bruc es P'larket . ......._. . .15.00 .Exclusive Atmbulance.. .. • . P 20.00 Other Government GIESBRECHT, Jacob.............141.50 FULTON, Sheila.................. 5.00 FITT, William ........... ...... 25.00 GROBER, Max .................... 78.25 ZUBYK, Dmytro................ & 50e00 SUTTON, Diary ................... 56e50 BRUNIAU, Rene ................. 38.00 ARMITAGE, Dorothy ...........P.A. 50.00 LUND,- +val-ly..................0 35.10 Firs. E.S. Nightingale ......... 342.50 Crestwood Guest Home.........* 35.0-0 Al_ouette Private Hospital..■... 639.5/0� DrJRKSEN, Annie • • . •. • . . . . . . . . e: f �. 0.00 i GOODRICH, Miamie............ PAt 50.00 Mr : J . B . Martyn?............. 5.00 Mrs A. Johar:neseon....... 55.00 • HARDY, Plabel......••.....•.iA. 35e00 }NTrs . i • Mitcthel 1 • ... • • • . • .. 65 .00 J.ELVIN Inez ............ •.• 50,00 BAYDUZA, Mike. .......... • ... 156.50 CALLAGHAN, Grace ... •♦...... h 156.50 •COREY, Frank B..... .• ....'� 76.50 F �: STIR, Robert ......` :�? .... :• 156. 50 GROBER, Max.... ..•••.•..e!. 156.50 VERTT�,, Bernadette. '�errnadette ...........fA 50.00 HOnNBh0OK, Doris ..e.•••.•...INN 156.50 BYE, Pearl..................,hn, 108.50 BRUIv'LAU, Rene........... • .. X.- 68•50 DIONNE, Margery............ �?Ay�A�; 76 e 50 GISS-BRCHT, Jacob e . . . . . . . .'n 156.50 GLEBE, John...... C.4:`:C.-• • . ... 100.50 GRASSER, Jean..; . . ........ tv: 124-50 i1..L HLIT'LL :�lo • , T • e e e . • • e s • • • e • e AA °64 a[.f.0 HOUL:E, Cecile .... 140.50 JOHNS-T01u, Verna........... • YA- 108.50'1 LUND, ,Vally • • ♦ e • • . . . . . . . e e e .• e' 140 a 50 MacKAY, Alice ............. : 124.50 -1,01dCISON' •:ichael... • . .... 92.50 V�ILLI��I`1:5, Lewis . CAMe-V 50 FITT Wi lliam.25.00 iJTtliJ L/Il rili., VYasyl • . e e • - 50 a 00 I-IANSON, Leatha .... ......... 'M 140.00 hANSALL, Rosemary .......... [(:�Y:1a0.00 PIC iJx131ANT, Emma e • e o . . . . . . . �s♦ • 45 e 00 PATT"EN, Florence.. . f . . .. . . .'.! 129.50 0 , Mary .............. 56.50 SUTT USSELIVIt N, Jacob .. . • ........ � 92.50 WILCOX, Francis)............ 89.50 HAL 1-IEWZIES LTD) ........... Y�\ 35.00 zBARTEL, Reita...... .......+ 57.50. 1�McNEILL, Kathleen..86.50 -A�NDErR7001\,, Howard...-:.*.**.*..:*.. *�.��7.00 FUL`iON, Sheila. . • • . . . . . S e `e 7 e 00 ROBERTS, Nary• .... • .....:.. 7.00 ROBINSON, Hazel.:..........''.. 7.00 STEPPLER, Valentine....... ,?. 7e00 R. Hayes13.01; Fifth Aire. G:cocery. • ..:.... 11.77 Jobn A. Folkins ............ 50=- 00 Haney Meat Market.........••. 5.00 HANEY l'A XIE .................. tA 10.50 Emersons Market ...... ......... M15.00 Lougheed Grocery,-__ .....:A 9.50 D e v d 0 1 f s AatRe't' ...............M35.00 R:.G. lirkpatrick15.00 Garden'Hill'Amb.Serv....s ... 58.00 1,4 nutes of Ma,rrcch ls.t, 1957, continued 43ocial Welfare Accounts, Co_nt'd. ,-loved by Councillors Bailey .and Brown that the above rioted accounts totalling.10797.47 be paid. , CARRIED. No Luther business, mee in - adjourned at 4 P.M.' REEVE C LERK Minutes of March 15th, 1957 J . Special meeting was held on Larch 15that 4 p.m. with Reeve, Councillors Dunlop, Brown, Simmonds, and Cox present. Nr. Clark of the Department of Highways was present, askingg: for permission to install a temporary trailer camp on our No. b Road Gravel Pit, adjacent to the- stock pile for the period of their operation.- Permission was granted. Mr. Pallot, representing the R.od'& Gun Club, explained the reason that their club wished to rent Lots 5,6, & 7 of the S.E. , Section X 27, Township 12. As this location had been inspected by Council's committee the following motion was approved. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that a .5 year rental lease be given to the Maple Ridge Rod & Gun Club. Rental this „year to be 20.00 and to be revised each year allowing for improvements made on the property. Description of property as per letter. CARRIED. Solicitor, R. Lester, attended the meeting, representing Mr. Lohnes and his mink ranch on 5th Avenue. Council would again review the matter and the Clerk would advise Mr. Lester of their decision. Request from H. Hilland to establish a mink ranch on his property, 21st Road off 23rd Avenue was dealt with by the following motion: ;Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Bunlop that permission be given to H. Hilland to establish a Mink Ranch on Lot•2 of 2 of SE!, Section '23, Township 12-, Plan 8606, as the location complies with the fink Bylaw. CARRIED. Letter from the Christian Science Society, asking for provisions for parking be.made on 6th Avenue, adjacent to their :Church, was read and a committee headed by Councillor Cox would make recommen- dations at the next meeting. Letter was read from Solicitors, Mussallam and TiicGreer, representing E.B. Carr, asking for compensation for removing his hog pens back to a distance of 150 feet from - the highway. Clerk was ordered. to turn this matter over to the Health Department, as the prosecution had•been made under the Provincial Health'Statutes. Quotation from Ripley and ,Associa'tes with regard tm soil testing the test holes made by the Corporation with a view to constructing.a water'reservoir.The mat-teo wa's tabled, awaiting a further reply from ths,company. 476 Minutes of March- 15th., 19.57, continued. I Letter was read from the Assessment Commissioner asking for the Assessor to attend a three day course at Victoria, the Government providing $10.00 a day,towards expenses. It was approved that Mr. Taylor could attend if he so wished. Claim for the loss of rabbits by L. Salmi and D. Hinton was approved by the following motion: Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the sum of $28,00 be paid to L. Salmi and D. Hinton for the loss of 28:rabbits, being 50% of total loss. Total value $56.00. CARRIED.. Police report was read and file'&. Sgt. Calvertts letter requesting t1je appointment of Deputy Coroner was read and:.filed..,-Recommendation quoted Dr. Arber, which was approved. Letter from J. Hadgkiss, Chairman of the Town Planning Commission, suggesting that the McLean Subdivision road be reduced from 50 feet to40 feet. By so , doing,'this would maintain -:.much better rear yard to the lots in question. As the road came to a dead end Council approved the request by motion of Councillors Dunlop and.Cox. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlopnand Cox that the tentative plan.of Lot, 21 of District Lot-245) Map 8060'be approved) provided surveyors plan -agrees with the tentative submission. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors SimmondsandCox that the subdivision of Lot 10 of District ,Lot 398)_ Map 2$99., showing an 18 foot front4ge, commercial site, now,occupied by a Drug Store be approved. . CARRIED It was reported that gravel would be needed on the Trethewey Road was before plan would be approved'. Committee would _12nd. Road, befo again 16pk into the matter. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that Tax Sale Appropriation Bylaw No. 436"All be reconsidered, finally passed and.adopted. CARRIED. -Moved by Councillors Simmonds-and Brown*that 3rd reading bei,-given 'to Bylaw No.- 437".Al' (Curling Rink) CARRIED. Moved by Councillors-Simmonds'and Brown that a grant of $150.00 be -made to the Maple Ridge junior Band and a cheque for that amount be issued as soon as possible. CARRIED. The matter.of tiling llth Avenue, due to the request of residents, would'be agatn inspected by Councillors Cox and Simmonds. The.Reeve',brought up the matter of maintaing the old River Road entering the Whonock-Mill. Cierk was to notify the company that Council would. grant .permission to 'them to maintain same. at their own cost. As the title to the property:was fiested 'on the Crown, no lease. -could be issued. Police Contract was again tabled... Foremans repprt of portions of -road, approximating 2 m ' iles to be torn up and.'relaid was considered and Clerk would provide copies ,for each Councillor. The Junior I Chamber of Commerce requested permission from the Reeve' to close the short road running from 8th to 9t1i Avenue, south of the Agricultural Grounds, to allow driving tests fdrjuniors. Counc was in favour if this occurred on Saturday or Sunday, but not scho, 477 1viinutes of March 15th, 1957 continued. or working days-*---T— It was . approved . that the Waterworks and General Road Foreman, in view of the 150 an hour increase -to the outside worke,];s that the two on salary should receive an increase of $25.00 per month, retroactive to January lst. No further busines\ meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. K of I tinutes V1 March 18th, 1957- Council met in special session at 6 p.m., Yionday,-March 18th. Present were'Reeve, Councillors Brown, Dunlop and Cox. Moved by Counci . llors Dunlop and Brown that Bylaw No. 437"A" be recon- sidered, finally passed and adopted. (Curling Rink) - Cam. A'reviewof the 5th Avenue 1viink Ranch, owned by Mr. V. Lohnes, confirmed the original''moti6n of Council that no permit -should be issued to erect additionalminkPens on the Froperty. Clerk was not notify 1'r. Lohnes of same. The Fire Chief's report was again discussed and the Reeve and committee would meet t with the Fire Department and discuss the detail of same. In the meantime the Clerk would prepare an amendment to the Building Bylaw to allow only masonary walls to be erected between commercial stores. Councillor C ox reported with regard to llth Avenue tiling of ditch and if foreman's estimate was not greater than , 200.00 to complet'esame. Councillor Cox had also interviewed lAr. Price at the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 8th Avenue, who had requested black topping between the sidewalk and hard surface road. As this would benefit his frontage he was willing to contribute towards the cost of same and would notify us by letter. Councillor Cox also brought up the matter of the congested parking in the area of the Civic Centre and strongly recommended the installation of a gravelled 20 foot strip on the south side of the.Agg:V Grounds. Clerk was requested to contact the members of the Parks Board as to whether they would be in favour of a concrete curb also being installed..and charged to their approp- riation. The Waterworks Department submitted the folllowing motion in order to allow fire hydrant to beinstalled in the lower area of Hammond where a fire occur- recently. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that th.e old water pipe on Princess Avenue be replaced with approximately 1800 feet of 4 inch cast iron pipe ipe from Ospring Street to Kent Street and that Fire Hydrants be placed at the intersections of Lorne Road and Kent tree CARRIED. Id S Minutes of March 18th, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the tender from West Coast Motors be accepted, 0 ' ne Ford.F-700 series 4 Ton, 21,000 lbs Truck. One 'Ford, 100 Pick-up with 16ng,box. Total cost to the Municipality of both trucks $5,632-55, net cost as per sheet attached. CARRIED. Considerable 'di'scussion followed with regard to the Second Ave. ditch and the obnoxious odors arising from same. As this would be a very expensive project to tile and cover, the matter would receive further consideration. Foreman's report to tear up some two miles of hard surface roads, that were considerably damaged, listed as follows, was approved. River Road, Second Avenue East to Third Avenue 4 000 feet. 3r.d Avenue, River.Road to Highway 1:600 feet. V � 3rd .,Uenue,�Trunk-Road North 2,200 feet. 5th Avenue, Highway North to Trunk Road — 800 feet. T7100 feet. Recap two portions of Trunk, hoad West from 8th Avenue, 1,100 feet each 2.200 feet. 10,800,feet Councillor Cox reported that he had visited the Christian Sdience ..Church area on 6th Avenue with regard to the .parking problem and estimated that approximately 35 yards of gravel would solve the problem. It was left with him to deal with the matter. The problem of removing the Youth Centre Building from the Civic ,..-,Centre was -now ' entertained. The Reeve and Council would im et and fdi�mulate a plan to carry this out if at all possible',' No further business meeting adjourned at*8:45 P.m. Minutes of April is.t, 1957- Full Council met in session,on April 1st at 8 p.m. Correspondence dealt with=--ac--I_ett_er from R.E. Lester, Solicitor for B.C. Walsh Corapany'Limited, 'requesting 'permissionito.use a portion of 34th Avenue road allowance, which fronts the mill, for the storage of lumber. Council approved -same, providing that,adequate provision was allowed for the public to travel on. Permission was to be withdrawn.any time the Council sees fit to do so. Letter from the Board of Tr'a'e was read asking for some remedy to relieve the dangerous hazard of parked cars on the corner of 8th Avenue and Trunk Road, aslo to establish suitable signs in the Mountain View Crescent School area to control traffic and also to investigate the problem.at 14th and Trunk Road. Chairman of the"fraffic Committee, Councillor Cox, reported'thatthis was taken.care of by his committee, but*he would again review item numb6r three, 14th and Dewdney Trunk Road, but failed.'to see where the present condition couid be improved as it appeared that the fault was definitely that o-f-the drivers who failed to observe the existing signs. A lease prepared by -the Clerk, in ' favour of the Rod and Gun Club I Lots 5, 6 * -4 to lease municipal property known as UO and 7 of the S W of Section 27, Township 12, 'Plan 2510-was approved. Squadron 583 of the Air Cadets asked permission to hold a Tag Day on May 4th. This was granted. Maple Ridge FairBoardagain requested a grant of.oii500-00 for the current year. This was tabled until the budget was discussed. The Police Contract was again reviewed and the Reeve and Clerk were authorized to noti , i , y the that they were prepared to sign same. Council was notified of'the next meeting of the Fraser Valley Municipal unicipal Association, in the City Hall basement, New Westminster, Wednesday, .14ay 10th, at 8 p.m. A request was now made to purchase one of the municipal lots on Calaghan Street. At this time Council was not prepared to accept same but would notify the applicant if tenders were to be called at a later date. Letter was read from Mrs. C. Kershaw, asking for a ditch to be dug on 27th Road east of 14th Avenue in order to alleviate the flooding of her property. This was turned over to the Foreman to carry out the job when time permitted him to do so. Councillor Cox now reported the results of a meeting with the committee of the 'School Board, relative to the congested traffic on Mountain View Road. -Both Councillor Cox and Councillor Brown had visited the area and recommended that this was more -or -less a School Board problem which is aggrevated by their bus transportation system. The logical way to control the problem would be for the School Board to open up a portion of their property to connect with the north end of Maplewood Drive, allowing the buses to travel south to the Trunk Road. Clerk was to notify the Board of this fact, as to make the Mountain View Road a one way road would penalize a number of property owners who were established prior to the School Board problem. The School Board committee had also asked the Traffic Committee the disposition with regard to opening up 15th Road, Irffionock, t * o connect with 32nd Road. Clerk was to notify the School Board that Council was definitely in favour of this and were negotiating at the present time to bring this,about. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that first and -second reading be given to Bylaw No. 43811ktt.Bylaw to amend Building Bylaw No. 183"A". CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that first and second reading be given to Bylaw No. 439"A"; Bylaw to Lease Tax Sale Lands to Road and Gun Club. CAR -HIED. 4S; Minutes of April.lst,, 1957,-continued. ' Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that. first and second reading be given to .Bylaw No. '440. J'Prevention of Chimney, -Grass and Brush Fires t CARRIED. The subdivision plan presented..for -approval was `tabled for the time being. Clerk was to notify the- owner that. as' the, Qouncil' did not intend to open up 25th Avenue ---shown on the east'side of the sub- division and also 15th Road, bordering the south line o'f the plan, the owner should ..consolidate lots 5 and 6 into the remainder of lots 7 12, so that the' present' travelled road- would serve all lots. It was reported 'that an -accident had ocieurred -tb a small: ;,boy, in trying to walk along" the top of 'tlie retaining wall ;on the. south side of. the Lougheed:- Highway between "nth and,---8th Avenues. A quest -vas made- -to` the Gouncil to erect some -kind of- -rail or protection .so this cbuld not happen again-in.the future.-Glerk was to take the- matter up with the Department of Public 4ork's', New Westminster. Another letter from the Board of Trade was read, protesting the installation of transmission poles,through the business section of Haney,. attached- to -'the' letter was- a petition signed by 112-.,names. The Reeve reported- that Yee had arranged to meet with .the Engineering section of the B.G. Elec;tri:c, Wednesday afternoon to see whether there could possibly,be a way ©f by-passing the business section. A second letter .was also read :from R.E. Lester, on behalf' of,`Victor Lohnes, requesting a hearing of the Appeal Board, pursuant to the Zoning Act. The matter. was -to be referred, to- the -Board of. Appeal, who would set `the' d ate 'for -the hearing. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that Mr. L.W.` -Hawkins is therefore appointed Secretary to the Appeal -Board as to -Zoning Bylaw and to record such appeals that may be made. CARRIED No further business meeting adjourned at 9:10.p.m. The followiIng ° omission forms part of the above minutes, ".That Council Cox was authorized to order the painting of a,yellow line defining s walk from the existing sidewalk.onpepst side of 8th Ave'.toj�ougheed corner. REEVE CLERK i r Minutes of April"5th, 1957. At 9 : 30 ,a.m. , April 5th the -regular monthly meeting of the Council convened,--wi- h- all present. Nir, Cyril Clark requested permission to install a foot bridge about four feet wide, across.the ravine -to serve his proposed su.bdivison. Permission was not -granted to place a foot bridge on the road that may become public. Mr. R. E. Lester,, representing Messrs Reddecliff and E . Hampton, who were also present; stated that for many years his clients had enjoyed water rights. on the ravine running through their property and now by subdivision development on the higher levels the water had become contaminated and unfit to drink. The request was for the NTunici,pality to continue the treater mains .to their property and provide them with a connection. Their Solicitor, fir. Lester reasoned t that because the Council had approved the subdivision on the higher levels they were responsible for the polluted water. The Reeve replied that the extension of the water main to his clients' proper- ties had -nothing to do with the subject.whatsoever and advised that such an extension would cost in the neighborhood of $5,000 to $6,000. The Waterworks system was a,utility which was financed b-y the water users only and not the taxpayers in general and that —no taxpayer had the right to demand any service unless they assumed a portion of the capital ,cost of the extension. The Reeve also explained that Water rights did not guarantee either quantity or quality of water. I:t would therefore appear to overcome the difficulty his clients should dig a well, which would no doubt clean up the situ- ation. However, the matter was tabled for a report from the. Provincial SanAiitary Inspector, Mr. Greenhill of the Aggi association was present to inquire with regard to the proposed concrete curb to be installed on the southern side of the Aggi Grounds.. He was informed.that it was an attempt to control the disorderly parking that existed.at the present time and also to protect the Aggie Grounds. Both Council, as owners of the property and the Parks board as administrators would share in the cost of same. Messrs Foggil and Mowatto on behalf of the Board of `Trade, asked for Council -representation on a committee to investigate the future policy of the B.C. Forest Products in Hammond and also to assist in .establishing the-200 workers that had been laid off from the- B.C. Forest Products Mill at Hammond® They asked for Council to advertise through the local.press for men if needed by local employers of labour. reeve appointed Councill Dunlop as Council's representative on the conznittee. Mr. G. Byrne� 1 of the Historical Society was granted a temporary grant of $2 0.00 and permission to use the site of the old Municipal Hall on Calaghan Street to place an old school house thereon, which the Society had recently acquired. Mr. Bert Noble, Co-ordinator of Civil Defence, was again present to discuss his tentative budget, after .a short debate this was again tabled until later. Road Foreman Lilley reported that two broken culverts had collapsed on 29th Avenue and recommended that as the culverts had diverted the,road water from one side to the other and thence back again that they be eliminated and an 18 inch concrete pipe be installed on one side only. This was approved by Council at a cost in the neighborhood of $500.00. The problem that had existed for some time now at 32nd Road and 17th Avenue was the-road.water that drained onto the Fitz-H.oy property. The reeve recommended that Council visit the area and study the.matter. ,The matter of the parking strip recommended on the Aggi Grounds was again brought up. Council approved gravelling a l$ foot strip if' Parks Board would provide the curb, approximately 400 feet long, about 1Ox12 concrete. Council would also provide or loan planks for the forms, also gravel for mix. Minutes of ,April th-, 19 7, ,-continued The Foreman recommended that the planks should be 3x12 rough. Parks Board would pay contractor for mixing and laying. Councillor Cox reported to Foreman that a hole needed filling by Jd)nesf.Jewellers on 8th Avenue and also that 30th Avenue north of Trunk -Road, at Welton the Florist needed gravelling. - Councillor Bailey asked for stumps to be removed on Trunk Road f'ronti Hepbur-nts property. At this time a representative of the B.C..Electric entered the hall and was introduced by Mr, ray Shaw.- They reported that there was now no cause for complaint, as made by 112 petitioners to the Council, regarding the B.C. Electric new poles being added to the main line through -the centre of the town. The officials stated that the intent was not to carry power from Ruskin to 5th Avenue Sub Stations but from,the Sub Station additional power to provide:the Haney Town Site. Therefore it.was a service to the commercial interests and town users and for their benefit only. However, the line would now o through on -5th Avenue to River road and thence to the bottom of Ith avenue and up the, hillinto, the main portion of the town. They kped that would satisfy. everyone. They also added that no extra poles would be erected in Haney but the existing ones, however, would likely be replaced with slightly higher poles. No further delegates the agenda was now referred to. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the minutes of March, lst, .15th and 1$th be adopted as circular3l2p_d. CARRIED. Letter from A.P. Patchett, Albion Flood Control Association, asking for a grant of $600.00 was read. Reeve and Councillor Dunlop would investigate the request. CouncilX ,approved the Resolution of the Lower Mainland Park Board to be submitted to the Minister of Lands., asking the Crown to purchase private property that was -for sale at the Boundary Bay., Sandspit. .Clerk was ordered ,to' forward same to the Department. U.B.C.M. Convention -.dates, September 25th to-27th in Nelson, was read and Clerk was prepared to make reservations for same. Police report] was- read and filed. Letter from Frank Taverna,,as-ki.ng Council to co-operate in assisting keeping Telosky Stadium in condition for the use of Junior and- Little League Ball Teams'was approved. Moved by.Councillors Brown and Simmgnds that ]bylaw No. 440"Ast be given the third reading. C ARR IED . Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 43911k" be given' the third reading.. - - CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of Lot 9 of the North West 1 of Section 10, Township 12, I�1•�'�•D•, be approved. \ C ARRIED . Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that plan of ^portions of "Block 6 of Lot 398, Group 1, N.W.D., formerly -parcel A of Lot 17 and of portion, of Lot 17 be approved.. - CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and -Cox that the plan of subdivision -of Portiono Lot 8 of the Forth East 1 of Section 16,-Townsh p 12, N.W.D., be approved. ° CARRIED. 483 • J 'Kinutes of April -5th! ..font' d Koved by councillors Dunlop and _ Cod to.Tt G he Plan of subdivision of Lot 1 and of -Lot 5 of Lot 3 of Lot 4 and of portion off' a 2.295 acre portion and. of the east 81.0 feet of a 2.295 acre portion of Lot 398, Group 1, N.W.D•, be approved. . j CARRIED. tsoved• by Councillors, Dunlop. and' Cox bhat the tentative plan of subdivision of i of 'l of Block 1 of Parcel: A of -the North-West 1 of Section 17, TonTvship 12, I .W.D.; be a. ;r ed.. ... . CARRIED. Moved- by Councillors- Bailey and Brown- that- the. Assessm-ent- Commissioner's Aceount of 415,078.00 and y 3,00.00 for• Services -be paid. ... CARA Q. moved, by Counci-1.1ors Bailey and Brown that .the Invoice for new shovel from Vanc,ouver• Equipment Rentals -Ltd.- for the .sum• of. 22809.25 be paid. Reeve -reported that Messrs Trethewey and -Edge had requested to use -our bulldozer, on the 5th Avenue. dyke.- This .was approved, on the -understanding -that they would pay our :operators wages for the -use of, same. A..1-etter- asking that the une-named• road. west, of. 3td Avenue be named •21st road West was approved. A tentative budget was submitted. to. the Council. by the Treasurer to -be -studied and. considered... WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: Munic° pal Treasuere 'Waterworks Mtce.. 0.70,m, B:•C. electric Waterworks iitGe. 314.03^^~ Haney-Hamd..Ivotor Fght .._. Waterwork-s Mtce. 31.30"^. Haney Garage Ltd.: - Waterworks .Tryck 101.27 % Terminal City- Iron Kks • Waterworks Mtce.. 6.62 B: -K.- Oil 'Waterworks .Tryck 2.70-- Haney Builders Supplies Wate.rworks Canst.... 15.00^V% Greater .Van.°vuater., Dist. Wa.terworks. Mtce 2347.154v R . •Muth, & Sons Waterworks YItc e .. 80.00 "v`. Canadian .Wood Pipe Waterworks Mtce., 2 .1010- Gordon .& Belyea Ltd. Waterworks-Mtce... , .... 147�.42,w,. Moved. by Councillord Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling \$4401.29.and payrolls as listed be paid. ;.. CARRIED. WATERWORKS PAYROLLS February -• l'itce-1055.5!,AConnections ,-106.70, ,Hol . Pay -2 •'70 March • Mtee-1111.79, Connections- -350.3Q, .Hgl. Pay-27.94s OCIAL .W*E*LF.AR ACCOUNTS 20%.of'Amount .Shown -Maple Ridge . i Other Government . ARMITAGE Dibrothy ......... $50.00 . - kU s . A . Meade .......... • .y.. 17.50 BALE,.,Virginia........•e.. 40.00, SIMPSON, �heta..,.......l�• 50.00 BOYS ". Tannis..... s • • s e . • • e 35.00 I`falriCHELL, Elizabeth. • . • • ll •50 EASTON, Geroge.. , 78.25 .. DvEF(tj7K"��Sj'EN(,?j�Annie......... 1;.0.00 CA���iPBELTL, Ida....' .. • • .. • • . • . • • . 50.00 �TO`(J4i4�—AICH, NIam� e • • • • . • . 50.00 .1.� ,James 'V•ss•.•.,•ess 30e50-..��•`�•""'- Blow•.Lstate-a-•...•ee 0 30 •00 ' DAWSON, Dorothy.......*.* . 40.00. D�1�iT�c�Y, � - ?�velyn......... 55.25 484 IvIinutes-of, April 5th; 1257continued. SOCIAL VJELFAR.E ACCOUNTS CONTID. 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge: Other Government KILSBY, Christina....... • . e .. slo.00 � 1 HARDY, 1'1abe1..... , • • e • N$'35.00 $.00 LEROUX: Annn4,.............. 441e50 35a00 DAVIS, Roy........•.,.,. Mrs. E.S•. Nightingale.. 247.75 GREGOR) Franciscaee.•.♦....... JACOBS$ Lucy E.•♦......•.... :n,-45.00 Crestwood, Guest. Home. :113.77 Hf MMOND, _.Jocelyb......... ... • ��e 15.60 Alouette Prix'. HospitA1141 e 50 KILSBY, 0hristina........ .... ^: 10.00 I&LVIN, Inez.......... 50a00 j KLABUNDEDora...............:,35.00 , J.-B.Martyrs....♦...e..- Mrs. A. Jo hanneseA..:. 500 55e00 Mrs. E.S.-Nightingale......e •..312e75 Mrs. 1kfitihell.•• v •e'�156a50 65.00 Mrse•.Jo �ynch•ea•e49.00 MCRAE, 40• 0 ) AYDUA Mike e••a•e Crestwood GuestHome........... 65.00 25.00 CALLAGH�N, Grace••.a.♦`w--i56'•50 SYI_i,U}iPS�O �T, Rheta... e ... "': 50 e0(0} i4i +'EK, Jea�nj..... I• ... o........ Alouette Priv. Hospital • • • • . • • s 971. 50 COR 3 , i rank e • e • • • e e . . e 7.6 e ��+ . I�1rs..J..-Campbell........... oW . N.N. 75.00 VERTT, Bernadette....:: MOODY, I� lossie.............. iv,. 35.00 GARDINER, Dorothy. #5 .:: 150.00 08.50 �-56,.501 MORGANS, Kathleen........... •tom• 35.00 -_ 35 00 GROBE;R, M x. • • ... * . . .... • BRUIVIEJ.f'I.U, Rene • e • •`�Y e.�• • • s 56 a 00 © MM+LLD., Gertrude s • s • e •.a . • ♦ e e-i'i`•• a PEAR.E.N, Edna................ , n. 42 e 50 DIONNE, Margery ......:k:. 76. 50 PIPO, knna,.e.e........ea...: 50..00 HORN BROOK; Dories....:: 156.50 POELZL Jeanette ... • .... ; .. "�`. 50.00 GIESBRECH T , -Jacob . a ..'tom.-156.50 140.50 SAi��Ji'yIS'[,l+ ar-eda�....... ......, .... •" : 45..00 -GRASSER, Jack. E..e..h,. ... � 63=50 1AJ.LIOR, Annie • • • • e • • • e e • • e • • e,�•�'♦ 40.0p �$ 50 HILL) Elo -Te • • e e e o e , e HOULE, Cecile . ♦ • ... • • .. 140.50 CORN ELL, Herbert • • e . • < • ♦ • . • .or. • TROTTER .• 45e00 .a ...:.• LUNDvially.s 14.0.50 CUNNINGAM, gilliam.• e••e.•e.�k156..50 v,.108.50 MacKkyl, � MORRN1C3ael..�... 124-50 92e50 ENGLISH, Percy... LIEMANJosephine •••....... •..• 50.00 ) fAl RYANRichard.. 45.00 129.50 HAMMONL `Joceyln•.•.•.•. e.78.50 76.50 PATT-N Florence ee.•. HANSONLeatha.. 40.00 . HEdITTfHerbert....... KY�lhe�•s•se••.ee•••s 76.50 •LANSALL_Rosemary••.♦et'. 40.00 . ASBiN Lh, ,Annna-. s • • • • e s . ♦, .*• :141=50 1AcCA1vS�A1k Emma. 45•00 11.50 .LORyENZET�T�TA,: Emily • . • • • .°• • • . e ♦ �108.50 MI�(TCH�`T.{LL, Elizabeth e : �:►�e (} 56 50 icLk,OD, 11Yyno na e • i • ♦ a • • • s s • e • • � 13 }©e 50 %12y-'.,5© S TTON -Mary.**,..** • • • `. e . • �,�c, USSELi+��N, Jacob.,.... � e a 5" .M YERS, Archie • • e • • • e e •, •. •. • • • • Julia... • e • • • • i e ♦ et•`• •.• . :: 32..50 , , WILCOX, Frances.,. • e._e • k,�1 }9A{2 89.50 °NEIL; •NEAW IAN Ruby:. • ............'.....M:. 63 •.50 Hal Menzies Ltd•,*,.....,.,•„ 35.00 NYHUS; Olaf • e • • •' . s • • .............12 .50 B,ARTEL, R.eit,a .. • , ..,. • ... 57.50 OSTRAND, Jack ..• ........ • • ..... , 9z •-50 FOLLETTE, l nthony .... •. •,.; 57.504 M ICE; I+ yrtle .: • ... , ... r .. • • < . 56 •.50 JOHI�SON, : Mary,. • :..... •`. $9.00'� $6.50�. -SE''�vELL, Horace ... e ........... m136_50 51.50 McNEIL, Kathleen., ....;•` AND'ERSON, Sve50.00 SHARP, Alice..... • ........... WHITE, Doris........... e ...'♦ . 76e50 _ ANDER.SON, Howard.........:. 'UTO1, 7-00 -C SS�1(,� Donala........ • e ° , . •... T 10.00, Sheila... o . a. a e.• { • j0�0� 7 FRITH Jogs. eph e.s ,s • • a • • • e a • • e e e w�! 50.00 ROBERTS,IJAiL1 Mary• • • ♦ • , e • ee w• STEPPLERValentine,. eVL 7.00 GU8TAFSON Adolph............::.50:00 50.00 WBWCHAR, u�asyl<•e••••♦.• 7.00 KLASSEN William ........... 40.00 `LUBYK, Dmytro........•� 50e00 LEE, :Frederick ...............:• 7.00 Bow Estate.,*...* e- 30.00 HAGEN, - Jennie. e',. . i • • i . • e •*a ...�• • 50.00 ti`'.-.5,. Carden Hill Ambulance:. 154-00 MATTH'WS,. Thomas..:.•*••_•♦•ems 45.00 Syds Taxi ......,........:: " 7.50 SQUIRES. William.. 3TONHOU5Zj Lewis... • . e . • • . • ..30.00 Dr. H. 161orse..... • .. • • � •tft- 2.00 7 TASELL, Charles ............... 7.00 50.00 :Esquire. Ltd...-, • .....�..-'�" -88 Haney I%ieat Maket,...:'.: . 95.11 . , s • .... • ... e . • . `BONER , A lvin"on`50.00 . Kenny Truck ervic e .:..^'� 12.50 ZA.PLETAL Ant ............ • .'�^� 82.42 R.G_. Kirkpatrick.. • e' . o� 11e75 City.New.Westminster.........^.^-. ,Garden Hill Ambulance.. 14•50 City'of Vancouver..... a...••.,4,.233•80 1952� ••^ 1�•50 Garden -Hill Ambulance.♦••......140'00..Radio.Dis.patch, Syds`Tax9..::::.....•... .••...,.: •1.25,.... �"•`` 14*72........... j �. ° Clark s • General Store ..... • . • , ° •1`.1fatsoui . • ..... •�►r.. 20.90.......... .Up Zst, of A < • • • • • Di8t• of,Mission•e:.••.•s••e.:.•103.00..-.. DZst• of � Co,0,lilt �ame • • • • 'i • e e s e/y�'• ° T - Nikiforuk • • • • • • • p1/°��ey�®� , . •,-.• • s • a'� i `J0.0o ' ' ' .A: 63.55 Iujin. of' Finance....... • ......:':. Ivirs..E. Lorenzetta............ Corp. of Delata..............e.e 3S.5 rry 14-.097 DeWolf t s Market ............. • • 48 ) Minutes of April 5th, 1957 continued. tir-1FARE ACC.CUNTS CONT' D.. 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge Shop Easy• Stores Ltd., ..• ..... $15 .00 Mrs. Moved by°Councillors Bailey aid Brown that totalling 410587.60 be paid. 'GENERAL kCOUNTS : M. Gifford.... • .. • .... 435 w, the above noted accounts CARRIED. A. Vogl. Geri. Rd.lvltce.- 16.23 M Frank Dennis Deep of Prisoners 33.00 -A, H.J. Clark ° 'Keep of Prisoners 20.00 rA B.C. Telephone Police-16.07,Fire,-8.56.,Hall-42.22, Gen'.Hd.Mtce-16.30 83.15 rA Receiver- General `Income Tax Deductions Feb. 786.60 Mun. Employees' Union Union -Dues February 48.00 1, Minister of Finance Municipal Treasurer 'Misc•. Admin. —` Water Rates Transferred to Roll 5.25 4651.76 M Minister of Finance RentaliMunicipal Sheds 120.00 M M Maple Ridge 'Jr. Band M.R.-P.M. FarmersTnst. Grant , -Contrib. to Powder Magazine 150.00 75.00 M kacKenzies Hardware Civil Defence 21.•61M Esquire Ltd. Civil Defence 173.00m 49.03 B.A. Noble . Civi•l Defence 20.00 M Ken, Bruce Civil Defence 1.80m R. Kilsby R-efund:.Private Crossing 10.00rl Fraser valley Mun.Ass'n Annual Dues 126.20M Minister' of Finance Child: Welfare. 16.$0+� Minister' of. Finance Assess. l;xp. 40.00M Friden Calculation Mach. Misc.-Admin. - 10.00M The Medi-cal Clinic B.A. Gil' Ltd. Coroner & Inquest Hall-228.63,Trucks-19.39,Gen."Rd.I,4tce- 31,46, Gas &. Oil-651.61 931.09 M L. Salmi & D. Hinton Dog Tax -Claim 28•00ri 329.16M Medical -Services Assn. 14-S.A. 24. 08 m Haney Garage Ltd. Iliin. of -Finance Fire Dept. Refund $of ,Contrib to 'fielfare 36.00M Min. of -Finance T. B. Units . 429.G2M 240..90M C.H. Rennie Fire Dept.. $ M General -Appraisal Go. Assess,. �Exp-. .5o B.C. Telephone Co. Police-16.07,Fire-$.56,Hall-67.32, - Gen.Rd.Mtce-14.7,52Civil Def-19.62 126.32M Betty Baker Police Expense 38•50'" 6.75M Municipal Treasurer Water Service - Re Walsh 20•79M The Geo. H.Hewitt.Co: -Gen.Rd.Mtc,e. Hall Dustbane of B.C. Ltd. Gestetner Ltd. a/c Office Supplies. 20.$5M Haney Stationers Office Supplies 6.71M 47.04M Jack Cewe Blacktop Ltd. -Patching, 8 GO M Pearce Signs Tools &- Equipment • Addressograph-Multigraph Office Supplies-107.52,Misc.Admin- 116.-77 M Maple Ridge Pharmacy 9.25 Fire Dept. 2.00m Stoltz Motor. Freight Dire Dept. •75M 5.00M Dr. R. C. Rhodes Police Expense 6.50 0 B .D. Durnin Hall Grounds 10.29 M Minister of Finance Minister of Finance L.R.O. Assess. Exp. 597•80M G.E. Savage Lumber Co. Gen.Rd.lgtce. 31.5014 B.C. Electric 1Hmd .drain-4.99,-Pub .Wks-103..25 , Hall- 83.70,Fire Dept-16.64, Park Bd-4.20., St.Lts-294,42 509.20 T.W.11 Krell Ref. Police Court Fine 102.00M A. Vogl Gen.Rd•.ltce,. • 113.32. 17.2$ M J.G. Taylor Asses•s.-Expense 16.8014 G.A. Roedde Ltd. Assess. Expense 21.99M B.& M. Supermarket Park Board 18.20M. Albert Lyons Park Board . Minutes of April -5th. 1957, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTID. C. Whitehead —Parks Board 4 72.80 40.0014 H.P. Stevens Parks Board Parks Board 410-00M R. Siddon B.C. Forest Products. D larks Board 39.43`4 3.1314 B.C. i P' Co. Murphy Excavating Co. Trucks Parks Board 750-OOM 28-13m Burr Office Supplies Office'Supplies. 13-73m Underwood Ltd.. Ltd. Misc. Admiri. Postage Meter Rental 15-00m Pitney Bowes Medical Services Ass'n. M.S.A. Trust-46.00,Super-63,74 355.29 M 109.74M Superannuation Comm'r. Public Freightways To(DlS-1.25,Graders-5.10)Crusher 1.25,bff.i'ce SIpplies-1.25,Gen. Rd.Mtce-2. 25,Hall-1-45 12.55 Frank Dennis Keep of Pri soners Keep of Prisoners 39-00m H.J,. Clark HaneyHmd Mtr.Fght... Tools 3.90,'Graaers-2.25 6.15M 591.54M Kanaka Concrete Products Bridges L, Culverts Unem.Ins-.-222.12,Postage-125-00 Municipal Treasurer Tools-l.20rpGen.Rd.XItce-74 Trucks-1.90)Hall-3-79,Office Supplies-5.08,"2,ef.Elect.Permit- 3,50,.Asse ss.Exp_1.0O,)Cemetery-. 2.16 " 366-491m, Beryl McKenzie Keep of Prisoners Adv.& Print-108.6OrpGen.Rd.Mtce- 13.65101 The. Gazette. 45.90 154.50 Acme Machine Shop Tools-89.60Trucks-209.27 ) 298.8.7- T.501- Highway Auto Wreckers Maple Ridge Appliances Trucks Tools-1.2b)Shovel-28�,Hal-1-.�87� '? 41- 58:80 t4 Jack Gewe Blacktop Stoltz Motor Fg�t. Patching Gen.Rd I .14tce. . .75- 46-39-" Park,view Garage Imperial Oil, Ltd. Trucks Gas &,Oil West Coast Motors Trucks k . iall-24.64,Crusher-2.00 25 -39- 26.64"- Hanson Fraser Ltd. Co-ordinator Civil Def. civil Defence 30.24- �3.70' B.C. Equipment Co. Ltd. Bulldozer 102.27A- Dietrich Collins -Equip. 2Crusher,, `U'J'quip 1 V Martin Motors Canadian -industries Ltd. Tools & Gen.Rd.14tce. .05nw' 217.60--' National Machinery Co. Grader-26.67 ' Crusher-2.87 Tax' 29-54/hN, "t- 32-50, Ithionock Lumber Co.. . Road oad Poll & Library • I 200.00 -,,- W.G. Alexander Comte on collections 46-93- Field's Welding Supplies Tools Equipment & 128-42- Vancouver_ quip. Corp. Graders Trucks?-4.02,8hovel-32.59)Dr. R.-Muth & Sons Line-15-00' 51.61 Haney Builders Supplies Police ExI)_9 .1.41Gen.Rd-IvItce- 23.18,w 13-77 Fleck Bros. Ltd. Trucks-3 * 81 ) Tools-159-32) Crusher-5.68 168 . .81NW Regal Building Supplies. Gen. d-.IvItce-65.61,CemeterY720.80 86-41- Maple Ridge Lumber Bridges-150-79,qen.Rd.Mtce- 171-44,wv 2*0.65 ro. 6.00-o- Sam Saari's Garage TOOIS-4,-502. a oze 1.36,,-- Maple Ridge Home Service Fire Dept. Irlun. Employees Union Union Dues. 51 - 00" Receiver General income -Tax Dedudtions 1,Iarc,h 712.65'Y" PAY -ROLLS: _V�_i k P4 5��, ,Bru8h 1) ch#-�_026.54, Snow'-ft, IV oval-125b 78, February, Gen..'Rd., �� - 9 3 1 Haney t crusher2N-90) lges-�.5970 ' Pay 3eweP!42-4OmCemeter,, Bric g -101. VV289. 10, Priv.Cros4L%7.2O 5 Pat ch$7- 00, Adffi.in-3213-35n H-,ry-437-90, Crusb� 'Rd.1,F Ditch-1148.72,,ec emet'ery-475, march -Gen. Brush,& Hmdz.� -S e w e r - 25•20 U s-896 Pay-135.20, 1143.00,Bridge, .35, Hot. ed-i687-50 Pa-tch-85-70) Parks-217.40,. Admin=32V�-3 .,, Indemniti . tot, 11 Moved by.0ouncillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts z - -1 A payroll I s as listed be paid. r 487 Minutes of April 5th, 1957, continued. No further business meeting adjourned at 1:15 P.T. \ �N EEV. CLERK Minutes of April 12th, 1957. Council met in special meeting Friday, April 12th at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve, Councillors --Dunlop, Bai"1-ey, Brown and Cox. J Letter was read from lVir. . Cookman, operator of the Stave Falls Haney Bus Line. Attached to the less was a. reduced schedule he was forced -to present to Council, as the line operations were losing money. Council.felt it,was better to accept the curtailed schedule in order to save, the operations from being eliminated entirely. Yr. Cookman was to be so notified. Letter was read from the Presbyterian Church, asking permission to.hjold Laster Sunrise,Service at 7 a.m. on the lawn in front of the Municipal- lull.` This was granted. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lots 3 and 4. of a 50.0 acre p6rt on' -of the- "South `.Bast of Section 14, Township 12, I�-W-D., -be approved CARRIED. Mo ed by Councillors Brown. and Dunlop ,that Bylaws numbders 439 and 440 bereconsidered, finally passed and adopted.. CARR IUD D. Moved by'Councillors Bailey and Brown that first *and second reading be given to Reyenu.e� and Rates: Bylaw No. �4111A" . C ARC.IED . Moved byjCouncillors Cox`and.'Dunlop that first and second reading be given to Gas _Distribution Agreement Bylaw No. 442"Are CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that first and second reading be given to Zoning .amendment Bylaw No. 444"Alr . CA-HRIED . Moved bylbounci.11ors Dunlop and Cox that first and second reading be given to Bylaw No. � 3, Metcalfe- Road Lighting Bylaw® ti -CARRIED. It was reported that the Klassen:road was now ready for inspection by the Road Subdivision Committee, Councillors Cox and Dunlop. Permission was given to the B & K Pilling Company to erect a scaffold on the sidewalk fronting their store on Monday, in order to allow them. to make the necessary" alterations to the building. Letter was read from Ivr. Turnerbz 103 A"nu.e, complaining that the ditching promised a year ago had not -Veen -Started. Clerk was to report this to the foreman and also to enter --it into the -black book for immediate attention. Water Works G'o"r mittee approved IUr . Burto Is request to cover the new truck, and -.to `'dispos'e of the' old one-, winch would not fit the new waterworks truck. 8 8. Minutes of April 12th, 1957, _continued._ The Reeve now brought up the problem that existed on Mr. Setter's subdivision off 6th avenue, north of the United Church. Apparently the foundations of a.new house had been laid which is contrary to the zaning and -building -regulations. Reeve .and Councillors had visited the area, together with the Building Inspector. after a lengthy discussion Council was of the unani- :mous°P'£hat this violation could.not be condoned, as others would also Atake advatange of it. Therefore, Mr. Setter was to be advised that • the. present location .of. the- _building be moved 14 feet north to allow at least 19 feet clearance from the south line of the property. Another violation.was also reported which would be investigated and ruled ..up.on -when more evidence was on hand. Council was strongly of the opinion that all Bylaw regulations should be enforced. Approximately an hour -was now spent .i.n.. investilgating all items on the proposed budget appropriation. as this could not be finalized until they were notified -of- Government grants avail- able, meeting adj9urned:at'9:40 p.m, Minutes ,of `Hay -1'st, 1957 Special meeting of. the Couftcil' convened at,,,. 8 p.m., Vedesday., Iay lst, with all present. Mr. 'Chilton,'representing the`Junior-Baseball Leagues,'consisting of 27 competing teams,'iiequested''Council to provide suitable grounds -for playing on, Council advised Mr.'Chilton that the cause, was a worthy,one,but some practical thought should have been ' explored by the various -:organizers as to where these boys_ could play and that to ask the"Council to provide 27"Vaseball'diamonds was --an, unreasonable request. It was reported that the. Parks Board had.already spent approximately.$2500.00 during -the first of the year, in ,preparing :baseball, grounds: �11'so,' Council had pro- vide'd trucks, 'bulldozers and graders, free"of cost' for' -'the week- ends6.,= CouncillorO Dunlop strongly recommended that the.organizers should now guide their efforts towards financing the purchase of available" grounds, similar to the' Hammond',Community a f,6iq, years ' ago. Councillor Cox felt that if -this was done the Council would no 'doubt assist. The Reeve advised Mr. Chilton that ,ir =the Commu_ pity. organizers..would�inv,estigate the purchase .a`f a:`suitable site and` could collect -'or raise half`; the .'purchase -cost', the Council would � put a 1ioney' Bylaw to the ratepayers for" the re- . mainder He also recommended that the School,Board owned considerable sites that -had recently been purchased'and not�as,yet.built upon • and as the whole of -their 'legi'slation dealt. with' childred 'and their problems it would be' wise to, take thematter up'with•-that- oard, until such time as the sites were used for school purposes. The thought ' arose -as to why the organizers had directed all -their efforts towards baseball and the'problem'of,providing grounds to pla.j on, which they,were now faced with." It appeared that there were other ova •nS. wh ch,could have been explored; Boy Scouts, Sea Cadets, nature studies in Garabaldi Park,":which would not-'beso 'expensive . %:lr Chilton retired. Mr. Lester, Barrister and Solicitor; was': pr se ent on• behalf of fir. Huish and referred to his complaint about the establishment'of a school in the ytxia. residentially: zoned area. Apparently),. Mr. Lester wished for 'assurance from the ICouncil that the- school would not 'be allowed to operate after the close of `the 'present term. A 4 S 9 .Fine t`es' `of ;I&V 1st, ,f1911, continued. Council could not give this assuranc-e;. as a petition may be presentedthat would _re--ope the matter with the result that the., case may be- referred - to -t,he Zoning Appeal Board, who had the authority to. over -rule Council's previous decision. l+ir�.Farquhar headed a delegation from 19th Avenue. They pre- ! sented.a petition signed by 21 signatures that this road be hard surfaced this year.* Council :was not prepared to promise this, they did, however, state that the road would be widened and prepared for hard surface, whenever that should occur. The delegation retired with. ;the impression that .they would again ask for hard surface in 1958. This was not,.promised at•this time. Correspondence dealt with a..letter from Stan Pocha„asking for permission to cut firewood on a. -section -of the old right-�of-way logging road gging..to the garbage dump.: This.was granted and was to be recorded in the minutes for future reference. The Fraser Valley Municipal Association by letterlasked for the opinion of the, Council regarding. -the suggestion that the "Municipal Act" be amended to require a Municipality having a*pdpulation up to 5,000 to consist.of Reeve and four (4J Councillors. Clerk was to advise that this was endorsed. Letter was read from Mr: R. King, located approximately, 250 yards north of the extension of 32Ad Avenue , asking for gravel, about 3 or -.4 loads. . This would,, be. taken care of -later, on , ins t ie year when. the road dried up, as at the present time it was too tsoft to carry- the. loads.. Mr. R..E. George.y askkd for. permission to take gravel from -the No.12 Road ..Gravel'..Piv. This. was-_ not gianted, and Clerk was to so advi se. Messrs. J.B......Rhodes, T. Kosaka and A. Stark,` 1:5th Avenue. south of Trunk Ro_ad;.,-.requested .Co:uncil- to* visit, their, location and inspect the draih� Lg.e- problem that existed. Reeve appointed,.,a; committee c.onsiIsting . of himself ,and as many Councillors.:as :possibly could attend on- an• eveni-ng that would be arranged lattr. The annual- communication, from the Minister of `Kdnucipa1t:i ,..s asking for one or :more of .thee appointed officials to.'attend the .Annual ';thin cipal officerst Convention, Play 27th to 29th was read. Clerk was. authoriz.ed.:;to attend with one other. official selected by him. Ir.<. Burrell •.was .recommended. Mr,vA . Paitchettts request for a contribution of $3,00.:00 towards the.; Albion �F�lood. Contr-ol� .Association was, read- and the f ollowing motion Itte,nded� to, same.'-) Moved by`..CounclXllors: Bailey and Dunlop that grant of 300.00 .be authorized paid to: The Albion Flood' Control Association for protection to loth Road rand sFixsihermens .Road R, :.... _..� ..... CAR RIED. Moved' by Couricil:lors., Bailey`,:and Brown that: Bylaw.. No. 441"A", Rates and Revenue. Bylaw,. be.given -t,he third reading..! - CARRIED. Moved. by Cou.'rcillors,-Bailey and Brown that Bylaw No. 442, Gas Distribution 11 Agreement bylaw 1957,'by given the third reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and. Cox that Bylaw No. 4441TA"'', a Bylaw to provide Street nights- o`n- Metcalfe Road, be- given, third reading,: CARRIED. 7 Moved, by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that 1st; andf 2nW-reading be..given to Bylaw No. 445110 fo>i protection of trees, shrubs •and flowers. CARRIED. �ved by ' Councillors Cox and Brown that the building known -a s the Youth . Centre ,'s'ituated on, the Civic- Centre be sol d-44o.ERoss Harrison, :being the- highest tender for the sum of 395.00 and -that..=a �chequ.e for .this amount Fie issued to the Ridge -Meadows Baseball1A.sstn.�` . CARRIED. r Minutes of Tav lst, .1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that Reeve Jenewein be given leave of absence for a month commencing on ,May :15th .and that Councillor J. Simmonds be.'appointed Acting.Reeve for that period, also signing officer., The decision of the Zoning Appeal Board, relative.t o Witnesses case.was now read..to the Council. - Mr. L.W. Hawkins, Secretary of the. Zoning Appeal Board, Municipal Hall, Haney, B. C. CARRIED. the Jehovah's Dear Sir: Congregation of. Jehovah's Witnesses vrs. MunicipalitY of Kaple _hidge.B.C. The Maple Ridge Appeal Board constituted under the provisions of the Town Planning, Act, -Sec. R.S.B..C. 16 in session Monday,, April 15, submit 'their findiings as follows• That the Clerk was justified in not is a building permit immediately on demand being made by the appellant. _v That the plan presented by the appellant .together v1ith application to ,build a church was, not that of a church and in no way conformed to the- definition ,of. -a church pursuant to the interpretation as stated in the Tviunicipal Building Bylaw, therefore it .was the Clerk's duty to with-, hold permit pending Council's final.decision ,to issue or reject.same. Thatithe written and verbal protest made by, the proprietors-.ofvthe "Rest Home" located on the opposite corner of the proposed hall to be built on Lots.5 & 6 of Lot F, Block 1, D.L. 245, Group' 1, Plan 14367, N.W.D. in the opinion of the -Appeal Board was justified on the grounds that it will create a nuisance and dsturb the rest of the patients.who are aged and.infirm. That the petition signed by almost 100% of the property owners adjacent to the above described corner being the junction of 5th Avenue and.the Dewdney Trunk Road object- ing to such Hall being,erected in their Residential Zoned . Area was sufficient reason to cause the Council to carry out their duty-and,respect the vote of the majority by NOT ISU ING- A BUILDING PERMIT TO THE APPELLANT for the erection of the.building.requested. Therefore, it is the unanimous opinion of the ,Board of Appeal to sustain the action of the Council to be- guided by the wishes of the majority vote and not to issue a building permit for any public building or church on the corner in question AND NOT TO GRANT THE APPEAL. Chairman of the Appeal Board J. H. Nightingale.. Member of the Appeal Board. Hope. Member of the .Appeal Board. W. R. Dunlop Dated April 26th, 1957, :Haney, B . C . The Parks Board requested that the Council review the letter from Mr. Peter Oberlander. The letter was a quotation to prepare a long range plan and model for the development of the Civic Centre and the cost involved to the Parks Board was quoted as 1200 for plan, $300 for model. Both Parks Board and Council felt that it was 4� R Minutes Hof May 1st, 157. ,. eo.ntinued.. very necessary - to have a 25�or-.30--year plan for the development of the Civic Centie- b'ut_T_Uhe Parks Board felt that the cost was too high and asked for Council t s opinion. Council was -impressed by the letter and felt that such,.a development�plan,would be present as a- guide : for the next 25 to 30 years ,, However -,-'they left it to the parks board to obtain the -best -possible `price for same'. :. A .request from the Aidgew y. Subdivision -for hard., surfacing. their . road was discussed and the Council.agreed to, adopt a.policy of hard. surfacing by local improvement -on,,a .-50/-50 • basis,- based on approximately - 7, 000 per- • imile, according,,. ccording. to road. foundation and preparation for same. Ridgeway petitioners were to be advise of this, The bdget was finally finalized at, A, -figure --o£-$631;480 for General purposes and 3262,342 for School purposes, total 893,822. The following mill •rates: were approved,: To .provide for Municipal Debt ( hospital) _ 3.01$2 ' -1-1s J Schools (ordinary) 10.0000 Yalls Schools - Interest and principal. 5.5182 Mills 'arks 1.0000 Mills Municipal - General 11.5000 Mills Total 31.0364 lAills No further business meeting adjourned.at.10:50 p.m. EVE :,eF 492 Minutes- of",Kay 3rd, 1957. Full Council met for the regular monthly meeting and the Hearing for the_ Zoning_1$ylaw .No. 444A at, 9:.30 a.m., Friday, May 3rd. Building Inspector, George Nysel, requested Councils:attention regarding plans submitted by -Clark Homes. Ltd., ,which did not call for window sashes.or, door jams. Council felt. that, this was sub standard construction and instructed the Building Inspector.to. _recommend that jams and window frames be installed and that all provisions as laid down in the Building Bylaw be complied. ,with. Mr. Lloyd,Hinch reported to Council that he wasknot able to find anyone to clear. up the- debris left by the Municipality on his property..east of loth Avenue when the road was opened. Council had prop sised Mr. Hinch if he could find. anyone to do this work for $100.00 Corporation.would pay same. The Council would now advertise or find some available equipment to do this work. Mr. Nillson complained Of houlin& dogs and also of the,destruction done in his heighborhood to plants and shrubs by uncontrolled dogs. The whole matter was discussed.by Council,as to.a properly constituted pound.bylaw... Council would discuss .this. problem further but felt that such a bylaw would also deal with the destruction of stray dogs or dogs not on a leash.. Perhaps it would be.better.to ask for a referendum from the ratepayers on same. The matter was tabled for further consideration. Mr. T. Kosaka asked for permission to take three or four poles, possibly 8 inches in diameter at the thick end, from the refuse in Alouette River. He was granted same..- Mr..Schiedel .ofthe Board. of..`T'rade, together with a delegation, how approached the Council requesting financial assistance towards printing any advertising folder for publicity in Maple Ridge. He estimated the cost at -approximately : 13-.00.00_ and, asked. Council . for. something between 4500 and MO., Each Councillor would review this request and make a decision at -the next meeting. Mr. W. Franklin of the Board of Trade and.also representing the Ferry Committee asked Council to participate in the opening of the new, ferry -..Langley, and Albion. He also asked for a contribution of $100.00 towards general expenses, including luncheon. Moved. by Councillors Bailey and Brown that a grant of $100.00 be made to the Ferry.Committee to assist in the opening ceremonies of the Ferry. CARRIED. Mr. C. Lesar-of Hammond, O.A.P., again complained of poor water service. —It was explained to him by the Water Committee that a new line was about to be installed past his property, which would remedy the situation. - Road Foreman, Lilley, now enitered the Hall and reported that he had just about -completed the 25th Avenue Bridge. The hard surfacing list was discussed and it was decided that No. 12 Road, Whonock would be struck off the list for this year, in order to widen same. Foreman reported that Tyke Road should be machine laid and n6t grader mixed, as the road was -too narrow. Foreman was ordered to prepare and widen 119th Avenue for hard surfacing in the future. Reeve also informed him to meet members of the Council on Monday at 5 p,m., junction of 15th A enue and 'Trunk Road. in order to inspect J the drainage problem to the south. He was also to investigate the Hopper Road with a view to bull dozing and widening same when dry weather permitted. It was approved that the Foreman should purchase blocks and tackle that he requested, not to exceed $50.00. 493 Minutes oi-, 1iav: 3r--d,y..`:195:Z;-..donti-nixed. Councillor Dunlop_a,sed--for a 'low spot by the Ridge property in Hammond to- be Tixed. Reeve reported that he was expecting_ word from the District • e `Enginer; •Finlayson; before°'the ;end ofnext -week; •with regard to-the•32nd Road bridge -arid also 1tiebsters Corners•Bridge: Moved by -Councillors Dunlop and Cox`that the•plan-of•portions•of Lot 401, Group •1; •N:W:D.- formerly- Lot' 2 of ,Lot •21 •and,fermerly* part -of Lot•21-of Lot 2 of Parcel E, be approvedi CkHRIED1. Moved by -Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the•plan•of,subdivi�sion of 'Parcel • G - and of portion - of a 2i.582 acre -portion -of e • portion- of the South East•-l•of•Section 20, Township•-12, N.W,D,;•be•approved. . , .. .CARRIED. Moved by -Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the•Plan•of-the proposed Sub- division -of -portion of, Block 9 of Lot 401, Group• 1; • N.W.D., be tentatively•approved... ••• , ',. CARRIED. Moved by - Councillors Dunlop -and Cox that the• Plan. of- subdivision of Block E of Parcel G • and of Lots 1,` 5 and 6- of• Parcel,F. of Lot 400,•Group•1, N.W.D., be approved. ... CARRIED Moved by -,Councillors -Cox and "Dunlop that- the• Gas, Distribution Bylaw. Tiio•.- 442• be- reconsidered, finally• passed and -adopted.. . ..... , ... .......... CARRIED-.,, Moved by-'Counci•1•lors Brown and Simmonds that the• Revenue. Bylaw N.o.441 Ve-' reconsidered_, finally passed- and adopted... , . ..... . ............... CARRIED. Moved by• Councillors• Dunlop and Bailey• that the- Metcalfe, Street .Lighting. Bylaw- No,.- 44411An be reconsidered., finally passed. and adopted. CARRIED . Moved by- Councillors Bailey and Dunlop- that the - Protection of. Trees and Shrubs Bylaw. No. 445 be given the third, reading... CARRIED. . CARRIED. Moved by Gounc. 1•1,ors Dunlop and Bailey. that Bylaw No.,., 41.4,. a. Bylaw to amend- certain zoning of 141aple Ridge Zoning Bylaw.,, .1.944.,: No. 126"A" be• given the third reading. ....,.. ..... .. ..CARRIED. - Police report was read and filed. Clerk -reported that the Klassen .Subdivis.ion was ready for inspection. "WATERWORKS -ACCOUNTS: ; Municipal Treasurer W.W. •Ivltce. 4 0.95'� - West -Coast Motors, Capital out ,of Revenue. .1, 4.06.2i-- Greater lsn.Water.Dist. W.W..Mtce..,. 2,446.9.1�- West -Coast. Iiot•ors: W.W..Truck ........... 4.40'^ Pearce Signs........ W.W. •'Truck.... .4.50MA- B.C, -Electric W.W.,..Ntce..... • . , , _ 1:05- Gordon & Belyea Ltd. W.W. %itce. , ..... , ... 134.62-,, Haney-Hmd -1V1tr. Fght . Vi .W.. Mtce ... 11. 54�- Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown : that. the .above noted accounts totalling $4,010.62 be paid. r _ CARRIED. 494 Minutes -of May 3rd, 1957, continued-. SOCIAL 'WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of amount shown hown 14aple Ridge Other Government. BALE, Virginia.....-.........:.. 40.00-LIvIcNEIL, Kathleen.......,.. 32.00 .BEAULAC, Marie ................. 50-00- ARMITAGE, Dorothy...'s...... 40-00 BEAULAC, Marieo.... . ...99 ...... 0 50.00""-Canadian Pacific Rlwy..... 9.50 BOYS, Tannis ................... '35-00---DENTREY, Evelyn ........... ---.70.25, SHEVES Margaret ............... 19.12- DERKi'SIEN, Annie............ & 0 * a 0 * 0 * *,W_ 40-00 .1 CAMPBELLf 50.00'--Ivlrs. E.S. Nightingale..... 130.50 DAWSON,''Dorothy ................ 40.00"-Crestwood Guest home...... 103.00 Mrs. E. So Nightingale......... 65-00 Mrs. H. Us Mitchell...- 65-00 Crestwood Guest home............ 12.00 Alouette Private HospitL .1144-50- Alouette Private Hospital..... 1045.00 Mrs. A. Johannesen ......... * 55-00 Mrs. J. Campbell .............. . 75.00 J.B. Martyn Estate ........ 5.00 CORN ELL, Herbert ............. - 48.50 BAYDUZA, Mike............ rL156-50 ENGLISH, Percy ................. 108.50 COREY, Frank B .............. L 76-50 GILBERT, Phyllis .............. 92.50 DENTRY, Evelyn............ 70.25 HAMMOND,' Joclyn ............... 78-50 GARDINER, Dorothy........�108.50 KLASSEN, Wilhelm.i% ............ f"- 76-50 HORNBROOK,-Doris..,,,..,.o.1"15.6*50 LEROUX, A'nna................::j""�-99-50 SUTTON, Mary.............. 56,-�50 LORENZETTA, Emily ........... '1-108-50 USSELMIAN, Jacob........... 92-50 McLEOD Mlavis ............ s.... ' 140-50 �J24-50 WILCOX, Frances.........*.* 89-50 MAYE;RS: Archie'. o s so * 9 a. o ..... Hal Menzies Ltd ........... 35-00 . NEIL Julia ................... , 32.50 ANDERSON, 0"ven .... 50900 NEWMAN, Ruby ...... , 0.50 ZUBYK, Dmytro ................ , 50-00 NYHUS Olfa ............... 124-50 GOODRICH, Mamie... .50-00 OSTLIh, Jack ............. :::: \192.50 HARDY, Mabel ...... 35-00 PATTEN, Florence .............. 140-50 1VIELVIN,Inez ............. 50-00 RICE, Myrtle ........... 0*00*000 156-50 8LVIPSON,.Rheta ................. 50.00 Horace ................ 136-50 VERTT, Bernadette......... WV50.00 SHARP.' Alice ..... 9 ... os.00**** 51-50 CLARKE, Wilfred ........... m124-50 ' STEEVE.S ,-Margaret ............. 92-50 DIONNE, Margery. ..50 ......... rif- 7 6 WHITE, Doris .................. 76-50 GIESBRECHT I Jacob ......... r�-156-56 LASS, Donald...,*.6#6.60 . . . . . . --40.00 HILL, Elo T ................ rv, 63-50 FRITH,, 'Joseph-s., ......... 50.00 HOULE, Cecile ............ 140 , 5 0 GUbTAFSON, Adolph ............. ^ 50.00 LUND,Wally .............. 4,,-140'050 KLASSEN., William 50-00 MacKAY, Alice ............ 4y% 124-.50 ............... LEE Frederick ....... 0 ........ /Vol. 45.00 HTRIiSTON, Ernest..,....... 45..*00 QTTH943, Thomas ........... 1 1 50-00 RYAIN Richard............. 45-00 SQUIRES, 45.00 HANSON Leatha ........... T- 40-00 STOEHOUSE, Lewis .............. . v, 30.00 LANSLL: Rosemary.........-.~ 40;-OO TONER, Alvin................... - 50-00 McCAWiANT Emma.... ...... C"`15.00 ZAPLETAL, Anton ............... 50 - 00 * , MITCHELL, Elizabeth ....... r` 11-50 GREGOR) Franciscao..* ..... 35-00 JOHNSON Mary .............. vy�-89.00 H81WITT . Sarah................... Ivv- 35.00 ANDERSOA, Howard.......... 7.00 17 JACOBS) -r,45 .00 FULTON, Sheila............. -00 KILSBY, Chri's-tina. ......... 20.00 ROBERTS, Mary............. 7.00 KLABUNDE;Dora ................ 35:00 STEPPLER, Valentine ....... 7.00 McRAE,-Esther ................. twl,40-00 WEWCHAR, Wasyl............ 7.00 MEEK, Jean .................... 25-00 MOODY, Flossie..;-.... .......-W45-00 MORGANS, Kathleen ............. 35.00 Donna Bishop.............. 18.00 OSWALD, Gertrude .............. 35-00 Shirley 14. Verhaag ... so*6 . 42.00 TEAREN, 42-50 ,. Dr. Go A. Drenan.....1too . 90.00 PIPO, Anna ................ 50.00 Dr. Hugh Morse 2.00 SAMIS Mareda ......... 45-00 Dr: Hugh Morse:*.*.*.*.'.***. 2.00 TAYLOR,- Annie .................. 40.00. Haney Taxi................ 6.75 TROTTER, Mabel 45.00 Ivirs. Alice P..Areey ....... 17.80 ................ WOODS, 'Hazel .................. 50.00, �30-00 Bruce's Market............_ ZIEKAR, Josephine ... 50'.00 - Beryl -McKenzie .... so's s 4*40 FOLLETTE, Anthony .... 57-50 R.Hayes .................... 7.55 HAGEN,' Jennie ....... *004**.000, 7.00. Haney Meat Market.......... 9.00 TASSELL,.Charles ............... 7.00 F.S. Blow Estate ............... 30-00• Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dist. of,Coquitlam ............. 18.50 Brown that the above noted accounts City of Port Coquitlam. ........ 29.20 totalling 49329 54,bP,paid Dist. of lvl�atsqui ................ 20.10 Dist'. of Surrey ....... 22-54 A] 0 RRIED City of Vancouver ............. -1-31-75 Dr. N. _f9. Huculak .............. 90.00 Dr. Hugh Horse ................ 17-00. A. E.'Waldron ........... 10.00. Shop Easy Stores Ltd.......... 10.00 Minister of Finance........... 91-30 Corp. of Delta ................ 40-90 Minutes of May rd, -19' continued. 1, 4,95 GEMERAL ACGOUXTS: Vancouver Equip. Rentals Vancouver Equip. Corp. Minister of. Finance Minister of ,Finance.._ B. C. Electric.. M-R,-& P.M. Historical Gr\ant Registrar of County ..Court West Coast Motors Ltd. N.R. Bailey 7' Minister of finance Minister of Finance W. R. Dunlop - Richard E. Lester Minister of:Finance Superannuation Comw0r. Haney Garage Ltd. J. Biggs A. Vogl Municipal Treasurer Weateel Products Ltd. Haney Furniture Pearce -.Signs Burr Office Supplies. Brown Bros. Greenhouses Haney Garage Ltd. Maple Riage Home Service Dr. 8. R. Arber R..A. Hales Lumber Co. DesBrisay Sporting Goods Haney Furniture R.J. Chappell. B & M Supermarket B & K Milling Co. F. H. Cox Maple Ridge Appliances Central garage A...Lyons- F.,Worfolk Kelly -Rose A. Paltilla M. Lockhart W. Fulton C.-Whitehead .Whonock Nursery R. J,. Scobie F. Wotfolk Receiver General Municipal Luiployees Union Highway Auto Wrecker's Kanaka Concrete Products Public Freightways Ltd. Henderson Auto Electric The Gazette The Port Haney Brick Co. Standard Oil Co. L. G. Alexander Hansons Fraser'!,td. R. J. Scobie CruickshaA Bros. Ltd. Nelson Bros. .Ltd. , Dietrich -Collins Equip. Imperial Oil Ltd. B & K Milling -Co. Ltd. Capital.out of Revenue 211.198-30" Capital out of. Revenue. 1,610.95 A Assessment Exp-ense 300.00 Assessment Expense 15,078.00,,- .Public Works 73-50-- Grant 100.00 111"' L.R.O. 41. 00'"', Capital.out-of Revenue (truck) 4,364.94— Fleet Insurance 873.18— S.A. Drugs. 431-39— Child-Welfare 128.14"h% Insurance on Shovel 41 - 00" Police Expense 150.00,w*- T.B, Units 162,191w*- Trust-46.00,�uper Fund-63.74 109.7 . 4-", .Police 'Exp. 10. OOt^ Tools & Equip. 12 . 2 5001ko Gen.Rd.l'jltce.. 57-74,�- .Trucks -3 10'.Keep. of' Prisoners-1,50, Peleg.-txP-46-.70;Office,Supplies-50'15, Refund Police Court Fines-49-00, Hall .Grounds-1-391-Un.I'sn-240.42;.Hall-620 hiss ess.Exp-60.00,Ref .Bld.g. Perm--6.'5()- Ref - Parking ,Ticket-2.0.0 .4 Gen.Rd.Pltce. Gea.Rd.1vitce. Shovel-.10.50 ? Trucks-8-50 Office- Supplies 1 Alriisc. Admin. Fire Dept. Fire Dept. PoliceExpense Parks Board. tt tt it tr is tt 7 tt tr Income Tax Deductions April Union Dues April Trucks. Priv.Cross-31-76,Bridges & Culverts-132.35 Tools Trucks Office Supplies-30.'03,Assess Exp- 2.37 C,ulv. & Bridges Patching- Com1n on Trade Licences-150.00, Tickets-45-00, Hall a/c Trucks Trucks Culverts & Bridges Dragline Gas & Oils Hall grounds, 10 .38 vs- 68.61" 7.46,-- 19. 00 ew- 42 . 7 6,v& 7.35 " 3,. 00 13.3 0 7 . 5Qv- 10. 19"A' 7.09,w, 18. go,,. 32-50 -w- 35.06,fft 28-79. ftw 5.25,-. 1.59 fw- 3.32-,, 28.6o.,, 73 40,v- 30:98 4V1, 14-50- 2 8. 00 16.00,- 85.00- 87.50'w' 3.46,K 28. 00,1' 73 - 5 5 �# 52 .50ml- 8.40,%, 164.1l,w- 13 .04,w- 1.72,,- ,32-40N,'-. 76 :10 36-*70 195-00-1- 2.71'ry- 5 .42 /VVL. 5.02" 3.47/rAl. 183 .80'.�, 6.10 4.10 496 Minutes _of May, 3rd, 1952, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS C014 ID.. v Hanaye Garage Ltd. P.oller-1.79, Trucks-67� - 2.46. West, 'coast Motors Ltd..-... .Trucks _20,v,-- Wilkinson Co. Ltd, Trucks-.243.86.,:Gen.P.d.Mtce8•.67` Bridges-43.42-,Dragline-76.65- 372.60� Acme machine Shop Graders-347.11,Trueks!�69.78 'fools-56.44'.; 473-.23.m. Maple Ridge Appliances Gen.Ad.Mtce-:7'.62,Trucks-7:17 Tools-1.26 16.05— Haney Builders Supplies Tools 2.69,Trueks-29.29,Sewer Conn-32.14, Police=9.84, Bridges-1.5.7 _ . 75i. 5.0-, Parkview Garage Trucks - Maple Ridge Lumber Co. ,,'Bridges 82.57 w- Field.s Melding Supplies Toolsx & Equip 68.66,v B.C: Electric Hmd.Dray.n-4.99,Pub.Wks-19.O2,Hal1- 82.73,Fire-15.77,Park .Bd-4-54-, St . Lts-294-.42 421- 476,. Regal ,B1dg.Supplies Cemetery-24-48,Sewer Conn-2.56 Gen.Rd.lgtce-3.14 30.18� B.A. Oil ..Co: Hall-1,57.96,-Gen.Rd.mtce-39.12 -Gas & - Oils-685.97 883.05�I- B.0 . Hospital 1nsur .Serv. Hospital Per -Diem 4, 596.00o% .Fleck- Bros . L- td. e • > .. • Bridges 98.86,,% B.C. Telephone` Co,, - Police-16.07;Fire-8,56,Hall-38,49, Ge1i.Rd.Mtce-9j,85, CivilDef-7.48 80.45� C.B. McClure Sidewalks 92.00�- Public Freightways Ltd. Tools•& Equip. 13.04" I rank -Dennis s a -Keep of -'Prisoners 63.-00'-- H.J: %lark Keep of Prisoners 1$.00'A- School Dist. No.42 Advance 10,000.003 Albion Flood Control Assn Grant • 300.00'7- Ridge 1lleadowsBaseball .Ass I n Grant - 395.00v,- R.J:"Scobie Cemetery 5.25,, Mrs: Beryle •lhjcKenzie Keep o ,,Prisoners 17080�- minister 'of_` Finance L.R.O. Fees Haney-hma.RItr.Fght • `fools-1.45, Trucks-5.46 6.91 The -Gazette Advert & Print-388.09,Dog Tax-13.72 .401:81'm Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted .accounts totalling 66,802.08.be paid. CkRfUED. t' Having received no delegations or complaints with regard to the -Hearing of the Zoning: BFlaw No. 444"A" , the Hearing was now closed and the. meeting adjourned at 12*35 PIm. _- REEVE CLERK' 4 97 -Minutes of Ivla.y I th 1957. Full Council met in special meeting at 4 p.m.,.Tuesday, Play 14th. Moved by Councillors -Si:R ds and Dunlop that the minute's of April lst, 5th and 12th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. Mr. Foley asked for permission to cut approximately ten Cotton Wood trees on Munictp�al property, being the North 2 of Lots 11 2. and 3 of the nest 2\of Section 20, bordering on the. Alouette River,. 8th Avenue. Moved by Councillors Bailey=and Dunlop that Mr. Foley be granted per- . mission to cut approximately 10 trees and to pay $1.00 per cord, on the North J, of Lots .1, 2 and 3 of the West 2 . of Section 20i North side of Alouette River .off of 8th Avenue. Brush to be .cleaned up. CARRIED. A request was read from Mr. Birch of Bend Road and Mr. Bitner and others --on the River Road, between 3rd and 2nd Avenues for an oil spray to lay the dust. The policy adopted in the past.was,that the people bordering on the roads requiring the dust layar would collect approximately 10� per foot and remit to Council.. As the River Road had been torn -up for hard surface within a few weeks, Clerk was to notify those making -the request . . Letter from 111r. W.J.' Biggs, Secretary of the Outiside Workers Union was read to the Council, -with regard to their annual picinic on Sunday, Yli`ay 26th. This was an invitation for the Reeve and Council to attend. All noted the date. Letter of thanks and appreciation was read from the Ridge -Meadows Baseball A4.soc ation for the co-operation of the Council in helping to prepare the junior ball diamonds. IIr. Gerbrant was given the job of removing the pile of stumps on East Ivenzies Street, as per motion. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that Mr. J. Gerbrandt be given, 100.00 to remove all stumps on East Menzies to old Ylunicipal dump on 14thAvenue. CARRIED. Mr. S.C. Pallot reported to Council that he anticipated subdividing Mr. S.pittal's property on 22nd Road east of 25th Avenue. Apparently the property was to be divided.into twohalfs. As no roads were required and the -frontage far exceeded our minimum of 50 feet, Council would approve same when deed was presented. Mr..Pete Telosky entered the meeting and asked that the work crew cut-thibrush on 25th Avenue, between 27th Road and 30th, as it was a dangerous situation that existed there for anyone entering onto 25th Avenue... The Reeve would instruct the Foreman to do so. Parks Board requested Council to accept the road allowance through private -property in 'order to approach the south end of Whonock Lake. The.Van Kleeks,- who were the owners of Lots 19 and 20, agreed to deed same to the Corporation without cost.. Moved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that we offer to deed the easterly 25 feet of Lot 19 and the westerly 25 feet of Lot 20 for the purpose of a :road to munic pai . property, as outlined in the. letter _of W.C. & E.L. .V.an Kleek be accepted. CARRIED. Mr. George..Mysel, Assistant Building Inspector, presented a problem for Council's .consideration, regarding Lot 7-of D.L. 246, Hammond Town Site. -The lot, was of triangularshape a-nd apparently the extension of the building was planned. As this lot was in a com- mercial zone, Council approved the.addition, subject to the inspection and discretion of the Building :Inspector. Letter was Iread from the Building Inspector, D.C. Morlez, notifying Council that he, with the Workmenst Compensation Board felt that he was ready to return to light work,�after his recent..operation. 498 Minutes o•f day .11 th,, .`1957„continued. Council noted same and would advise him later. Letter was read from Dr. A.F. Balkany, stating that he was in favour of a dog pound, this -was noted and filed, as Council were considering.asking for the people's opinion at election time in December.. Mr. J. St.Jean made an offer of $100.00 per acre for Lots 1,2,3, 16 and 17 of the South West4 of Section 27, Township..12,. Plan 2622. As this was on the road to Garabaldi Park the Council rejected the offer. Correspondence from our neighboring municipality, Pitt Meadows, was read, asking Council to participate in a quarter share for hard surfacing on the Trunk Road. As this was an intermunicipal road between the two Municipalities and the Government would share 50% of same, Clerk was to inform Pitt Pleadows that they were prepared to contribute $1000.00 towards the cost of same. Also, the matter of an extra policeman was brought up; the.cost of same shareable between Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Council agreed to this,. The Parks Board was,given permission to use Miunicipal machinery, including the bulldozer or grader to level the Aggie grounds. Parks Board would p be charged with the operatorts time, if they were agreeable to working after hours or week -ends, It was understood that this mould not be done during the Municipal -work hours. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that.the tentative plan of Lots 4, 5, 61 7 and 8 of Lots 262 and 276, Group 1, be approved, subject to the' requirements of Road Subdivision Bylaw and.Gomrf ttee's approval. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Simmonds that first and second reading be given to Maple fridge 8hopps karly Closing Exemption Bylaw 1957 No.447. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown -that the Maple Ridge Zoning Amending Bylaw 1957 No. 444 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey .and -Dunlop that the Maple Ridge Protection of Tmes, Plants, and Shrubs Bylaw 1957, No.445 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Loved giventoDunlop Closi by Cox ng first and second reading be o Bylaw (1957) No. 446. Mr. Gadsby -j corner of Garden Drive and Trunk Road, to subdivide off the north 50'.feet of his lot. As Commercial zone Council agreed to this and plan or approved when presented for signature. CARRIED. requested permissiot this was in the deed would be • Councillor Simmonds. reported that the Ceminetery gate been finished and that he would order plants for the C ARRIE:D . posts had now planter beds. Councillor Dunlop reported that'a ditch deeded tiling and closing in approximately 60:feet, opposite the Dutch Reform Church. The owner of the property fronting same would pay for the the if Council would.lay and back fill -same. This was agreed to. The matter of the hard surfacing -program was now discussed at con- siderable length. The -Reeve informed the Council that Columbia Bitulithic had notified us that the foot frontage rate would be increased to 10¢•, reaching 44.28 per ton and our need 'wo uld'be approximately 6000 tons. As the foreman now had. the preparing work 499 Minutes .of 14th, 1-957. continued. " mostly in hand, we were ready-t-o�"comm nce as soon as the company notified us. As usual,- w ie would transport to the layer and.roll same. Our program called for approximately 5-miles machine laid and,2 miles N.I.P. and as the provisions made in the budget for this work were -considered ample it was hoped -that a small surplus would occur that could be used for a dust layer program.. As the Reeve was leaving fo Europe tomorrow, all wished him a very happy and safe journey. IVo, further business meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. /� YlLZ%tG�ti REEIVE c/e-,.6-� CLERK Minutes of May 30th, 1957. Council met in special session. at 8 p.xa., Thursday,. M.ay 30th, with Acting. Reeve J. Simmonds in'the chair. Mr. Zarowski presented a sub -division plan for approval. It was given with the.following motion: Moved by Councillors Cox and Brown that the sub -division of lots B and C of S.W.I, Section 21, Twp.,12, be tentatively approved, subject to the provisions of the_Road Subdivision Bylaw.and Committee's inspection. Representatives.of the B.C. Electric now entered the matting, Mr. Ray Shaw, Mr. Greer, Mr. Beil-and Mr...Mac Donald: Acting Reeve 6immonds had asked for this interview, as very many complaints had been received regarding their contractors installing the gas transmission line. Most of the complaints that had been received from owners situated on No. 6 Road.�was that their gates were closed off from them by the fact that ditches were still open. Mr. MacDonald, speaking for t- he B.C. Electric`Ccmpany, was sorry that this had occurred and asked.that in future that these complaints should be re- ported as soon as they occur and not;to let them pile up. He stated"that the contractors were to ditch,.if possible;;; 4000 lineal foot per -day. This was a big undertaking, but on the other hand it was felt that if this record was kept up the job would be completed sooner. The company official realized :.that some of the complaints should definitely be investigated and this they were ready to do. They anticipated.the work.wouldrbe completed by the end of the week, except for the clean-up.., Acting Reeve'Simmonds arranged to visit the area, along -with company representatives -tomorrow" Friday. Mr. Price, representing a real estate interest'`=re7ported to Council that they could expect to receAive subdivision plans for a very large development in the Albion area. As he stated he: was".not.allowed at'this time to disclose the interested corporations the matter was filed. A petition from six owners on Menzies Street directly east of Maplewood -Drive, asking for hard surface_on,'�a,.5Q/5Q-,shareable-basis with the Corporation, would be referred to the Foreman to see whether the road was in condition. Also,'an estimate for replacing the sidewalk on the corner of 8th and Trunk -Road for $60.00, received from Mr. Walske would be looked into. The following motion dealt with the B.C. Electric -'easement for transmission gas lines: 3� Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the offer of the B.C. Electric of $40.00 / for .39 acres of an easement for gas line purposes through parcel U of Lot' 402 and 403, sketch 3633, N.W.D., be accepted and that the signing officers be instructed to sign ;the agreements. CARRIED. Minutes of May 30t4, 1957, continued. Letter was read from the .Lower Mainland Park Advisory Committee, asking for Council's opinion as -to whether they preferred elected or appointed Parks Board. Clerk was to notify the 'ark Advisory Committee that they definitely supported Council having authority to.elect or -appoint. - Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the sub -division of the North 2 of Lot 10, D.L. 276,•Group 1, Plan.3359-, be tentatively approved, subject to the pro- visions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's inspection. CARRIED: Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that Bylaw No. 44S be given the third reading. CARRIBD.: Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 449, Land Purchasing Bylaw, (Skippers) be given the first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that Bylaw No..448, Land Purchasing Bylaw, (Reservoir) be given the first and second reading. CARRIED Clerk .was.to notify. Foreman..Berto to .investigate the MacPherson water connection at the Paradise Inn. Also, Clerk was to envoke the Sprinkling Regulations as soon as possible. Acting,R.eeve Simmonds.brought up the matter of the C.C.F. using a loud speaker at election time. .As:this was.political propaganda Council felt it would^be better to deny this privilege. Councillor Dunlop reported:that.Bruce Langston had been complaining that he could not.'r-eceive' a water connection. Clerk would check into this matter, however, it was felt that,the line dial not' reach to his property. Councillor-Dunlop.also requested that the Foreman investigate the•,ditch on' F,lthem Streetwhich apparently was'on:pr vate property instead of the road. .Property ,was. owned by Mri., H, ilj erks• Councillor Cox reported that the Foreman.should investigate the small bridge on the lane at the rear.of Fuller-Watson-s store. It appeared that some 'planks needed replacing. The.matter.of. .an ,application to.rent Municipal Lots 13 �14 on Calaghan Street, the ,location of the 'old; Hail was approved by motion. Moved by Councillors Dunlop - and Cox that ,Lots 13 , or 14 ,of . District 'Lot 39$, Oroup r 1, Block 6; Plan 155,�be.:rented to Mr. Burgess for, the remainder,of11957 for the sum of $i00.00fto-.be paid "in advance, plus sewer, .Tight and water: CARED. -`. Treasurer•was authorized;to..purchase Maple.Ridge.Hospital Bond, a's per motion: Moved by Councillors_ Brown and Dunlop - that $1,000.00 Maple Ridge Ho' spital Debenture be purchased with-•proceed'Ffrom,sinking.funds earnings for the, sum of 975:00 plus accrued interest to yield, 5...4% (.CARRIED: business imeetin adjourned at:10:50 p; M- o :further busa.n , g . J .. � Minutes of June 7th,- 1957.. Full Council convened.,,_at tl-leir regular monthly meeting, with Acting Reeve Simmonds in -the chair,,,at 9:30 a.m., Friday, June 7th. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that Miss Ruth Ansell be appointed Acting Clerk in the absence of Mr. Hawkins. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey -and Dunlop that the minutes of May 1st, 3rd, 14th and 30th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. Mr. Ostrand inquired about cutting about six cords of alderwood on Municipal property on 8th Avenue, for'his own use. Council advised him that they would look the matter over and advise him on Monday, The tender received from Elmer,Walske for the replacement of a sidewalk on 8th Avenue, at a price of $60.00,was passed by the following motion. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the tender of Mr. E. vJalske to remove damaged sidewalk and replace with 5 e 1 mix on 8th Avenue at Price' SStore, for the price of $60.00, rubble to be removed, be approved% -CARRIED. Letter was read from Mrs. M.E. Lien of 12th Avenue South, regarding widening of the road. This letter was left until the attendance of the Foreman at the meeting. The petition received from the residents of Menzies Street West, from Maplewood Drive to York Avenue, regarding paving, was again discussed and left in abeyance until the next meeting. Letters were read from 11r. Joe S. Gray and Mrs. Isobella Campbell, regarding oiling of the road leading to Garabaldi Park.Road. Councillor_Simmonds had also received a telephone call from Mr. R.S. Garton of Fern Crescent, regarding oiling of the,same road. The Clerk was to write to each person with regard to the Council's policy of oiling roads. A letter was read from Mr. Claude Courtney, regarding damage to the drain on No. 6 Road, when the gas pipe line was put through. He was to be advised that this would be taken care of by the B.C..Electric. The R.C.M. Police report for the month of May and'the minutes of the meeting of the Library Board were read and filed. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision,of Lot "A" of pt. of the NEI, Sec. 16, Tp.12, pursuant to P1.13265 be*approved, subject -to approval of Foreman: CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan.of subdivision of Pt. of the Sth. 280 feet of Lot 5 of IAT2 of SE4, Sec. 22, Tp.12, pursuant to P1.5390, be approved. CARRI}. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 9 of NE-1, Sec.16,,Tp.12, pursuant to P1.1676, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 3 & pt. of Lot 5 of Ptn. of S2 of SEA, Sec. 10, Tp.12, pursuant to P1:12923, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of a portion of Lot 1 of Blk.62 of NEB,, Sec. 29, Tp.12, pursuant to P1.14756.be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the subdivision of a portion (60 x 100). of Lot 3 of SEA, Sec.23, Tp.12, P1.3861 be tentatively approved. CARRIED. Not " tl Minutes of June 7th, 1957,,continued. Mir. Carr spoke on a subdivision plan which was up before the Council for approval, in which a change should be made in the size of the lots on the original plan. The..plan.was approved.by.the following motions Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lots 34,3506 & 37 of B1k.21, of Lot.397, Gp.1, he approved. . CARRIED. Mr. Knechtel ,spoke.tothe Council regarding"his subdivision plan which was presented for approval. The subdivision committee] of the Council were to make a check of this property before the plan was approved.' A plan was presented for tentative approval by Mr. Roe on property situated on 27th Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road. This was left in abeyance until the subdivision committee looked over the property inquestion. A subdivision of property situated on No.15 Road, owned by Mr. Warkentin, was pre- sented to the Council .for approval. After discussion it was decided that the sub- division committee would make a further check before this plan was approved. A discussion took place regarding the traffic situation in the neighborhood of Maple Ridge Park. Councillor Simmonds was to take up with.the Provincial Government the matter of .getting 14th Avenue from the Lougheed Highway to 32nd Road set as a Secondary Highway and also to see what could be done about the River Road near the Albion Ferry site. A discussion took place regarding petitioning the Provincial Government regarding having the Albion -Langley Ferry running without fares during the time that the Pitt River Bridge centre span would'be out for replacement. It was decided that the Council would support this measure. The Foreman reported that the bridge over the Kanaka Creek on 15th Road had collapsed. It was decided that the Council as a whole, would inspect this bridge immediately after the meeting. Foreman was -'to check the lane at the back of Fuller-Watson's store and also to check Selkrk Street East for widening. Foreman was given approval to close the steep portion. of 21st Avenue South. He was also given approval to go ahead with the Secondary Highway work before approval of the estimates as received from.the Provincial Government. The Foreman reported that he had had request from ratepayers of Mountain View. Crescent,•Selkirk Street and Malta Drive, regarding oiling of roads.. The Foreman was to bring in the names of the people concerned so that a letter could be written regarding a, petition.. Council discussed various problems on road patching with the Foreman. Councillor Cox reported that the telephone company had torn up pavement on Bth Ave. and the company was to'be informed that they should do'the repairs. A discussion took place on clearing of the shoulders on the road sides.and grass cutting*.- Mr. McCauley spoke to the Council regarding sprinkling regulations and he brought up the matter that the men -had to stay later hours to do this work at the schools, at the'present.time. He wanted to know if Council would give them special con- sideration in this matter. Council re -affirmed their stand that the regulations were ih affect for all. A discussion took place on repairs to 29th Avenue and it was decided to leave the matter in abeyance until further investigation was made. In the meantime, it was decided that the Foreman should erect a barricade on the side of the road affected. While the Foreman wasin attendance Mrs., Lien's letter was brought up for discussion i and Mr: Lilley informed the Council.that the. road in question was not vw private reed and Mir. Lien was J_ be so informed and thatrCouunncillor Simmonds would look into it again. Moved by Councillors Cox and Bailey that the motion to accept Walske's tender on sidewalk be rescinded. CARRIED. Minutes of June 7th,.1957, continued:,:.: 503 ACCOUNTS: Medical Services Assn. M.S.A.- Registrar of the County Court Registration of'Bylaws 7.00 Receiver'. General Gen.Rd.Mtce. 2.00 Registrarof the'County Court\ Registration of'Bylaws 4.00 Municipal Officers Assn. Delegation•Expense 14.00 Chas. C- Marfleet - Cemetery 450.00 Minister'of Finance Child Welfare 493.90 W. C"ornwell Cemetery 46.40 Chuck Prosser's Chimney Sweeps Hall a/c' - -5.50 The Gazette . Fire Dept. 4e25 Canadian Pacific Rlway. Co. Gen.Rd.Mtce. 10.00 Bus Depot Cafe steep of prisoners 1.30 Ewart Davis Inquiry •(Corner & Inquest) 12.00 Minister of Finance S.A. Medical Services 676.67 Fraser Valley Reg. Library LibraryAssessment 1864.80 Maple Ridge"Home Service Fire Dept. l6117 Minister of Finance T.B. Units _� 117.72 Webb & Gifford Ltd. Fire Dept. ! 9.00 Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. Hall a/c 22036 B.C. Electric Hmd.O-rain-4.99,Fire Dept-13.11,Hall a/c- 7259,Public Wks�-101.64,Park Bd-5.90 St.Lights-294.42 510.75 Morris Electric Police Office 23.66 Mrs. D.J. McFarlane Parks Board 30:00 George Milne " f 17.40 Pearce Signs " it 3.15- B . & ICI. Supermarket "- it 29.89 G.E. Savage Lumber Co. Ltd. '! If 21.92 H.P. Stevens " " 131.00 R. Muth &_:ions „ "' 8.20 B.C. Forest Products Ltd. " " 46.40 Haney Builders' Supplies '! " 10.59 United Farmers -Ltd: 2.20 Ward & Bush - Trucking '! " 99.00 SAC Studios n rr 21-04 R.A. Hales•humber Co. '' °1 54*55 B.C. Forest Products Ltd.. 37.80 F . Worf olk 117.64 Lloyd Gillies '_' t/ 31.20 R.J. Chappell " " 29.90 Ray Stackhouse 31.20 C. Whitehead 70.00` Hansons Limited it If 6.17 Burr Office Supplies Office Supplies 21.89 A. Vogl Gen.Rd.�tce - signs 36e84 Cloverdale -Paint & Chemicals Gen•:Rd.Mtee - signs 35-05 Minister of Finance L.R.O..Fees 9.24 .V. Edge Surveys 118.00 John G. Taylor -Assess.14ileage 9.04 National Cash Register Co. Office Supplies 4.62 B.C. Telephone Co. Police-16.07'Fir e Dept-8.86,Hall a/c- 34.99.;Gen.Rd.Mtce-12.30,Vici1 Def-8.13 . 80.35 Kanaka Concrete Products Priv.Cross-67.:44.,Culv.& Bridges@839.65 907.09 Municipal Treasurer Tools-3.45,Postage-278.82,Hall-14.59, Ref.Bldg.Perm-10.00,Trucks-3.89,Gen.Rd. IlItee-20.89,Unem.Ins-243.90,Deleg.Exp- 120.00,Office Sup-$.lO,Gra4ers-l-55, L.R.O.-79 - 706.88 Vancouver Equip.Corp. Graders 82.20 Greenaway Auto Electric Trucks -10.00 Jack.,Cewe Blackstop Ltd. Patching 252.84 Imperial Oil Limited Gas & Oil .6.10 Regal Building Supplies Ltd. Gen.Rd.Xtce. 10.'62 Sam Saari's Garage Dragline-43:05,Tools-15.00,Crusher-20.60,' r',- Bridges-10.00 88:65` United Farmers Ltd. Hall Grounds 5:00 Dr. R.C. Rhodes Police Exp. 5.00 Minutes of June,7th; 1957, continued. %3EENERAL ACCOUNTS- CONT'D Brackman-Ker i"filling Co. Ltd. Gen:Rd.Mtc2. $ 2:.67 Beryl McKenzie Keep of prisoners 4.15 Medical Services Assn. M.S.A. 306.72 Clarke & Stuart Co.,.Ltd. Supplies 6.36 B.A. Oil Company Ltd. Gas & Oil-1811.04,Hall a/c-294.72 2105.76 Highway Auto Wreckers Trucks 6.30 Canadian Industries Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce. 66.62 Imperial Oil Limited Gas & Oil 6.88. Active Service Ltd. Cemetery 2.36 Dr.•G. Morse Coroner & Inquest = 35.00 Dr.^A.J. Trudel Police Exp. 5 00, R.S. Scobie Dragline 4.20 Len's Auto Body & Welding Shop Trucks 12.54 Parkview Garage Trucks 36.67 West Coast Motors Ltd. Trucks-12.42,Grader-2.51 14.93 B.C. Equipment Company Ltd. •shovel 7.66 Frank Dennis Keep of prisoners 50.50 H.J. Clark Keep of,prisoners 18.00 J.B. Pattern Keep of prisoners 7.50 Parsons Brown Ltd. Insurance 487.37 Addressograph-14ultigraph j"iisc. Admin. 36.25 White & Taylor Ltd. Capital.a/c 785.50 Esco Limited Crusher 306.65 Public F'reightways Ltd. Graders--3.56,Hall a/c-100,Tools-1. 5.56 Brown Bros. Greenhouses Ltd. Cemetery 7.88 Ports Haney Brick Compaay-Ltd. Brush & Ditch 358.47 Salvail Bros. Motor Service Cemetery a/c 6.23 Martin Motors Trucks 6.41 Maple Ridge Home ;Service Fire Dept. 115.75 University of B.C. Civil Defence 2m00 B.A. Noble Civil Defence 111:69, Ken,Bruce Civil Defence 55:60 SwainsIs Cleaners Civil Defence 5.20 Fleck Bros. Ltd. Uivil Defence 50.40 Acme Machine 'shop Ltd. Loader-181.16,Tools-62.24,Trucks- 171.63 415.03 W.G. Alexander Com'n on collections 278.85 The,Gazette Advertising & Supplies 114:82. Fleck Bros. Ltd. Crusher-64.13,Dragline-10.8-8,Bridges- 69.50,Tools-137.65,Shovel-11.31 293.47 Haney-Hmd. Mtr. Freight Tools & Equipment 5.60.. Superannuation Commissioner Trust-46.00,ouper-63.74 109.74 Receiver General Income Tax Ded. May 756.00 Municipal Employees Union 11nion Dues 51.00 Mohawk Service Ltd. Trucks 13.07 Jack Cewe Blacktop -Ltd.,, Hardsurface 105.84 Maple Ridge -Lumber Co. Ltd. Bridges-& Culverts 2185.07 Henderson Auto Electric Ltd. Tools & Enauipr4.44,Trucks-27.71 32.15 National Machinery Co. Ltd. Crusher-27.79,Graders-229.88 -257.67 Maple Ridge Appliances Cemetery-15.17,Graders-.74,Gen.Rd. lAtce-.89,Dragline-45.57 62.37 . R. Muth & Sons Shov&1-65.95,Crusher-.19 66.14 B•0• Electric Gen.Rd.11tee. 52.50 Field's Welding Supplies Ltd. -- Tools &. E quip.. 68.12 i Martin Motors Tools & Equip. 3.97 i Haney Garage Ltd. Hmd.Drainr.45,Cemetei7-200,Tru-45.44 46.09 MacKenzie's Hardware•Ltd.- Park Board - 32,8 PAYROLLS - APRIL Gen.Rd.Wk-3628.99,Brush & Ditch-1082.10,Priv.Cross-3.10,Patch-3291.60, Crusher-801.20,Cemetery-445.502Bridges-1638.08,Sick Leave-14.00,11aney Sewer-136.28, Parks-588.10,Stat.Hol-698.52,Admin-2978.35 $17,7z5.72 Moved by,Cou4cillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling an& payrolls as listed be paid. CARt�,IEll. 505 Minutes of June 7th,-1957, continued SOCIAL WE- LFACCOUNTS: 20% o f .amount shown. . 1'Iaple _ridge Other Gove_ • rnment -� :Anthon .......... .. . FOLLIETTE,;y.......,.......$ 19.80 MLacDONALD_ Irms...e..:.................$ 76.50 KLASSEN, Harold ................. 25.00 BATMAN. Hattie ....50.00 w ..: : : s' .: : : : . . • e . a e CABS, Donald .................•.. 40.00 DENTREY, Evelyn....... 70.25 LOR. ZETTA, Emily ............... 16.00 JOHNS'TON, Grace.............. .n+140.00 FRITH, Joseph:.................. 50.00 McMULLEcd, n ......... Robert C..e.................. 38.25 GUSTAFSON, Adolph ............... 50.00 Mrs. E.S. I3�ightingale.'...:.......... 173.80 KLASSE , Herold .................. 25.00 ZUBYK, Dmytro.......................... ..50.00 KLASSEIyT, William.. 50.00 Crestwood Guest Home.. ... 124.65 GIFFORD, Elizabeth........ 6.00 llrs. I. 111i.tchell..... 57.00 LEE, Fred ........................ 45.00 ARMITAGE, Dorothy...................... 50.00 MAT'"1HEWS, Thomas ................. 50.00 BA71a.101 Hattie................. ..... 50.00 WATE6ZFIELD, Arleigh.............. 38.25 Alou.ette Private Hospital.. 994.50 SQUIRES, William ................. 45.00 Mrs. A.. Johannesen..................... 55.00 Mrs., E.S. Nightingale............ 82.00 J.B. Martyn Estate ..................... 5.00 STUNHOUSE, Lewis ................. 30.00 Mrs. Me Marion. .e..eeee........... 8.5 TONER . Q (�1, Alvin . ......e.. ... 50e00 DLR.KS IV , Ann9e........•.e..•.v: o...o 40:00 ZAPLETAL, Anton. 50e00 Haney'Hotel �'o. Ltd ....... 3.00 Crestwood Guest Home............. 12•.00 GOODERICH, Mamie.. 50.00 BALE,, Virginia.. ...:.•.•.,•.... 40.00 HARDY, Mabel .............. e..:........ 35.00 Alouette Private Hospital ........ 1033.50 BAYDULA, Mike, ...... 156.50 BEAULAC, Marie ................... 50.00 COREY, Frank B.......................... 76.50 Mrs.-J. Campbell ................. 75.00 'DENTRhy Evelyn ................. ........ 140.50 BOYS' Tannis...................... 35e00 GA_DIIM" Dorothy..................-...108.50 CA14PBELL' Ida .................... 50.00 MELVIN, .Inez........................... 50.00 DAudSON.1 Dorothy .................. 4000 HAMMOND, 'Joyce ................ ....:.... 39.25 GREGOa, Francisca.....:.e.:...... 35.00 MacDONALD, Irma .......... ......... 76.50 HEKITT, Sarah •.........• ....•.. 35.00 McMULLEN Robe rt ert eo. e.... ..a..eo.e.esoe 76.50 JACOBS, Lucy ..................... .45.00 SIMPSON, Rheta........................e 50.00 CUlzNWELL, Herbert.......•...•..... 48.50-MORGAN, Audrey ...... o.•es •♦e•••..:a.. 59.50 KILSBY'-Christina................ 20.00 VERTT, Bernadette ........ ............. 6 50.00 KLABUNDE..Dora....:............... 35.00 PATTEN, Florence. 140.50 EIVGLISH •••e......e.....ee Percy ............. 108.50 CLARKE, Wilfred 12 0 . o . . e . • v • . e . • . o . .. • o s o • . s o ". 0 4 s 5 McRAE, Esther'S...... 40.00' DIONNE, Margery ........................ �J76.50 GILtsERT, Phyllis ................. 92e50 GIESE'caCHT, Jacob. ................... 144-75 M06DY, Flossie ................... 50•.00 BUTTON, Mary.........................e. 56.50 MORGANS, Kathleen ................ 35.00 HOULE, Cecile.......................... 140e50 KLASSE14, Wilhelm ................. 76.50-USSWIAN, Jacob..............;;.......... 92.50 OSWA.LD, Gertrude ................. 35.00 LUND.- Doreen.................. ... 1:24.50 LEROUX ..•e.e Anna ..................... 141.50 XacKAY, Alice.......................... 1.24.50 PEAREN, Edna.., ................... 42w50 WILCOX, Frances........................ LORrENZETTA Emil 12 L 85.50 ., y.o.s.:... ee 4.50'Ha1 Menzies td.seeo.e.•oe..e..eo.o.... 35.00 PIPO, Anna. ...................... 50.00 WATERFIELD, ti,50.00 RYAN� Arleigh.................... 76e50 SAN S, IVlareda .................... Richard.................. 0....... 45.00 TAYLOR., Annie.._ .................. 4.0•.00�. LONGBOTTOM, Frank...................... 38.755 !VEIL, Julia.... ...•....•...` .. 32.50 HANSON, Leatha......................... 40-00 TROTTER, Mabel: .................. 45.0ONLUGHNSTON, Brace ...... ...... 40.00 NrMMAN, Ruby ..................... 63.50 LANS ALL+ Rosemary....oeeseee.eoa.e.s•.. 40.00 uYHJSa..a... 45.00, .......••.......•e.....,rm. WOODD, Hazel ..................... 50.00 MITCHELL, Elizabeth .............. •..... 11.50 OS'TRAND, Jack .................... 92.50 JOHNSON, Diary.....,.................... 89.00 ZIEMAN, Josephine ................ 50.00 ANDERSON, Howard....................... 7.00 RICE, Myrtle..................... 156e50 ROBERTS Mary ................... 7.00 304ELL, Horace ................... 136.50 STEPPLEA, Valentine..................... 7.00 SHARP, Alice........ ...... 51.50 WE'wCHAR, Wasyl 7.00' STEEVES, Margaret ................ 92.50 Esquire llien's Wear..................... 7.88 WHITE, Doris ..................... 76.50 Foodland ltd.. 81.82 ...................... HAGEN, Jennie..................:. 7.00 Harkness Pharmacy ...................... 14.80 TASSELL, Charles.:...... . . . ... .. . 7.00 Dr. Hugh Morse...................e.e... 3.00 Dr. N.-W. Huculak................ 29.00 Haney Pleat Market...................... 72.50 Dist. of Matsqui...... 0... ....... 20.60 R.G. Kirkpatrick.......• ............... 11.75 Dr. Hugh Morse......... 2.00 Henry's Grill ...... 2.25 Dist. of Coquitlam..... 0.•.... ... 11.50 DeWolfis I'iarket........................ 2.00 Minister of Finance .............. 70.45 Dr. Hugh Morse......................... 4.00. W. Squires .............. ••...... . 1.45 Garden Hill Ambulance........®......... 15.00 Dist. of Pitt Meadows............ 173.20 Mrs. Leatha Hanson ..................... 7.60 Mrs. Charlotte i1cLennan.......... 1.15 Mrs. E. Lorenzetta' =', k� �h 4....... 0.. 7.65 . 506 Minutes of June 7th,.1957, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS CONT'B. 20% • of amount shown, Maple Ridge _ Triangle Cabs Ltd ...................$ 5.00 Syd's Taxi....................: 7.50 City Pt. Coquitlam......... ......... 3.20 City of New Westminster.•..••.. 180.00,. Iron Mountain Service.. .............. 3.00 Garden Hill Funeral Chapel..... 13$.50 Garden Hill Ambulance ................ 15.00 Dist. of .Delta., ... ..... ......... 40.90 =Shpeasy Stores.`..•...... • .. ........... 25.00 loved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted. accounts. totalling' 9, 563.1+5 be paid., CARRIED. WATERWORKS 'ACCOUNTS: Charles Williams Waterworks refund 719.08 Vint Taylor ... Waterworks capital arc, 2500.00 West •Coast Motors Waterworks Track 3.67 V. Edge' , " " Capital' account, re reservoir 85.00 Municipal Treasure'r' Waterworls I tce. 2.28 Cambridge Craft moo. _ Waterw rks Truck 89.25 Roffman 6c 0ons Ltd. Waterworks "onst.(Williams subdivl 108.50 Hansons•Ltd.' Waterworks Mte. 3.28 Gordon''8c Belyea Lta..... I' eters-321..06,Const-70.00,Yitce-1132.32 1523e38 . B.C. !sectric Waterworks Mtce. 131.78 _ Greater Vancauver Water Dist. Waterworks Mitce. 1811$5 Great_er�Vancouver Water Dist.` Waterworks Mtce. 2134.37 Mrs. �`, Lassen Refund portion deposit` 105.70 B.C. Electric 'Waterworks Mt.ce. ... 150' 15 Haney-Hmd.T'tr. Freight Waterworks Mtce. 15.94 .. Hoffman, &. Son. Ltd.. Const. (Klassen)-38.50,�li ce-39$.75 437•25 APRIL' PAYj1OU8':.... .... mtee-900.75399nnections-347.20,Construction-266:60,Sick Leave-49.60,Stat.Io1-127.00 Moved_ by. Councillors Bailey and .Bro�-rm that the above noted accounts totalling. $9,821,49. and_ payrolls as, listed be paid. ' CARRIED /vn��y7 7 No further. ne busiss. meeting: adjourned at 11:15 a.m. .. .._. .. .. ... ..REEVE' ACTING CLERK ............. ..... ........... �4 �._-......... . 50 Minutes- of June 19th, -1957. Full Council met_for—a-8pec!al meeting on June 19th at 8 p.m. The agenda dealt with a'letter from the B.C. Electric Company, asking Council if they wished to have representation at the Court of Appeal,dealing with the amoritizati.on of the Vancouver -Gas' Plant. Clerk was to notify the company that Council did not wish to attend. Letter was -read from Mir,. C.B. Cookman,representing the Central Valley Coach Lines Limited, which included a new rate sheet being submitted to the Public Utilities Commission. As the rates did not affect to any extent the Maple Ridge area,_ the following motion wa.s passed. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that the Council has no objection to the new scale of bus rates submitted by the Central Valley Coach Lines Limited. "'ARR LD. Mr. M. A. Zimmerman complained of the dust nuisance on the west end of the River Road, Hammond. Clerk was to notify him that the hard surfacing program would°be commencing near the end of the week and this portion of -the road was listed on the program and would be completed within three weeks to a month. Mr. 'Elmer Walske was to be approached by either Councillor Cox or Councillor Simmonds to repair the pitted sidewalk frontingPricel•s Store, corner of 8th and Trunk Road. A concrete wash was suggested. The matter of an additional 220 feet of hard surfacing on a portion of West -Menzies, east of Maplewood Drive was approved, providing the six owners paid into this office the total amount of $151.$0: A letter was read from Solicitor R. E. Lester, stating that the Golden Ears Curling Company had arranged with Mrs. R.E. ,Mayers to borrow an additional '$2500.00, which would increase the mortgage indebtedness to a total of 410,500.00. Council's approval was given by the following motion: Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the modification of the Mortgage No. 215471C between the Golden Ears Curling Company and Rose M. Mayers from $g,000 to $10,500.00 be approved by this Council as a party of the 3rd part. CAELUED . Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the third reading be given to Bylaw - No. 446. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 447 be reconsidered$ finally passed and adopted. CAIMIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the third reading be given to Bylaw No.448. CIAHRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the third reading be given to Bylaw No.449, CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Brown that the plan of subdivision of Parcel "A" of SWI., Section 17, Township 15, Pur'suant to Ref.P1.3079 be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that the plan of portion of Parcel C of Lot 10 of -Lot 245, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. CA LL IED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and. Cox that the tentative -plan of the subdivision of Portion of 1 of part of the north z of,Lot 242, Group 1 and of Parcel A of Lot 1 and of Parcel A of Lot 2 of the N! of Lot 242, Group 1, N.W.D. be approved subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's approval. CAMZIED. Minutes of June l9th, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the plan of part of Lot 3 of H of District Lot 433, Group I, N.W.D., flan 9056, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors'Dunlop and Cox that tentative approval be given to the sub- division of S1 of Bast 125 feet of Lot 5 of Blk. 1 and 2 of NW4, Sec. 18, Tp.15, P1.7439, subject to the approval of Subdivision Committee. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors.bunlop and Bailey that the plan of portions of Lot 244, Group 1, N:WW.D., formerly Lots 7&8 of Lot 2 and of Parcels A and B of Lot 1, (Plan. 5575) of Lot 248, Group 1 and of Blocks 11 2 and 3 (Plan 1007) of Lot 244, Group 1, Plan 16301 be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of a portion of L.S. 1 of Section 19, Twp. 15, be approved subject to the approval of the B.C. Electric and subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's inspection. CAM-ED. School Board No. 42 requested $175,000.00 advance on their budget, -which ncessitated borrowing this .amount from the bank. . Reeve, Clerk and Finance Committee.were authorized to negotiate and sign the required bank form. Mir. Weins was authorized to be given a connection to the water line at the end of 10th Avenue on the payment of the usual 35.00. The matter of hiring trucks for the hard surfacing program was discussed and Council decided at the present time not to do so but to arrange with Pitt Meadows to use their trucksand to repay when Pitt Meadows needed ours. The Reeve reported. on his visit to Victoria, with regard to the mosquito spray program, which had resulted in a promise from the Provincial Government to contribute $1500.00 towards same. He had also discussed our bridge problems with the Honourable P.A. Gaglardi and we would be hearing from the Minister within a few days. 'Payment of $25.00 to Mr. Skippen and Mr. Ashworth was agreed to by the Council for conveyance to the Corporation of the South 20 feet of Lot 13 and the North 20 feet of Lot 12 of the South West 1, Section 16, Plan 8688, for the purpose of widening 15th Road to the Whonock Lake. A Bylaw would be prepared to this effect. We are now awaiting for the deed to be signed in favour of.the Corp- oration. Councillor Cox recommended to Council that we should approach.the Greater Vancouver rater Board with'a view to'providing us with a far more adequate amply of -water and also it was recommended that the Board should be approached, asking them to consider reviewing the water shed to the north of Haney as a source of supply. r Councillor Cox also reported on the disorderly mess that had been made in the Al:ouette River by Mr. Foley when we granted him permission to take out pulp wood.' Considerable wood still remained there and Mr. Foley vans not to be allowed to continue and should be required to clean up all the debris. Clerk was to look into the matter. Reeve asked that consideration be given to paving the remaining portion iof the, River Road hill, west of Clappisons Packers. Tris had been.promised a, couple of years ago and he felt that this could be done by grader nax after our machine program was completed. The cost would not be very great. f Councillor Simnonds brought up the matter of the lane serving Brackman_,�Ner Milling Company and the Company's desire to have this hard surfaced onja shareable basis with the Corporation. As this work would involve both United Farmers and Modern Motors an estimate of the, cost would,be brought down and companies involved approached. Councillor •Simmonds also broTg-Ht :up the matter of paving the road knourn as Kearns Road, connecting 30th Ave. xmixthe to Sir Stephen Lennard's home. It was left with Councillor Simmonds to arrange the best possible contribution from Sir_ Stephen Lennard and submit same back to Council. 5�9 i 11inutes of June 19th, ' 1957, -continued. No further business meeting adjourned at lWO p.m. IvUnutes of July 5th, 1957. The regular monthly meeting convened at 9:30 a.m., Friday, July 5th. Present were the -Reeve, Councillors Bailey,,Brown and Dunlop. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the minutes of June 8th and 19th be' .adopted as circularized, subject to correction to hard surfacing of lane fronting B & K Filling Co., United Farmers Ltd. and I'laple Ridge Home Service, 7516/25% shareable basis. CARRiED. Letter was read from Garden Hill Funeral Chapel requesting that the jp80.00 burial charge be increased to 5140.00. The decision was delayed until'full Council was present. The police report was read and filed. Notification was read by the °clerk of the Fraser Valley iviunicipal Association meeting to be held in the City Fall, Nets* Westminster, Wednesday, July loth at 8 p.m. An attached resolution was also read which was to be'disbussed at this meeting with regard to compensation to liunicipalities for taking care and correcting flood emergency work. Correspondence was read from School Board No. 42, requesting that the road fronting Fairview Schoolbe hard surfaced and also a sidewalk installed. This"matter would be investigated by Councillor Dunlop and Bailey and would report back at next meeting. The B.C. Aviation Council's i'lembership account for $10.00 was ordered paid. A quotation of,$28,000.00 from the Timber Preservers Company Limited for the replacement of the Kanaka Creek Bridge on 15th Road was submitted to Council. This figure did not include asphalt decking of some 2320 square feet, neither was the fill or the engineer's fee included. The Reeve informed Council that the Honourable Lyle Wicks had visited the bridge location and we were now awaiting and anticipating financial help from the Government in this emergency.. As it was quite possible and also recommended by the Honourable Lyle Wicks that a by-pass road could be 'constructed that would eliminate the necessity of the bridge and also serve the area to advantage, the reeve was hoping that the Government would offer assistance to be used for either project. In the meantime, Council would explore the possibility of -obtaining sufTicient land in case the,by-pass road was chosen. A representative of the Old Age Pensioner Board, headed by Fr. Hodgson, asked for permission to erect three seats to be placed on sidewalk or convenient location at the corner of 7th and Trunk Road, 8th Avenue fronting vir. Edwards residence and corner of 8th and Lougheed by I'nodern 171otors. This would enable Old Age Pensioners to rest while waiting for bus transportation. -Permission was granted. The Reeve now brought up the matter of the Boudon bridge on 22nd Road, east of 25th Avenue. This had been erected in the past, with Council's permission, by Ir: Boudon, who had now sold his property -and the bridge had now collapsed. The Reeve suggested that this bridge be replaced by our own crew and°as we had the material on hand the cost of labour only would be involved. Council agreed to this plan. Minutes of July 5th,.1957, continued. A request had been made to the Parks Board and how was referred to Council by Mr. Geisbrecht and NIr. Ford, askingrfor perm ission. to clear and prepare 31st Avenue running north from 15th`Road,'which was not opened, to be used by their Association for hot -rod drag track. The offer was that .their members would volunteer to clear:`and prepare same. Council granted permission on the understanding that when speed tests did occur the road -would be closed off to other traffic. The owners of Maple- Bridge- Xotors�,- B- &,.K- Milling Company and United Farmers- had now approved sharing -with` the Corporation .the cost of hard surfacing their lane on a 7516i25% basis. The estimated figure was in the neighborhood of 225.00. Foreman was instructed to carry out the work when possible. The matter of the Hopper Road -at Ruskin, north of the .old River Road was now discussed and4as the problem had always been the steep and curved grade it was now necessary to attempt to correct. same. The property owners had offered additional land and the,Reeve`and Foreman.had-inspected the location. Also, a new survey plan had been prepared by the Surveyor, Mr. Edge. It was recommended that the steepest portion of the_grade,should.,.be hard surfaced for a width of about ten (1O)'feet•in order to give better traction., It was also estimated that t wo'or three days with the bulldozer and `shovel would be needed to carry out the work. Council agreed to prepare this at the earliest possible time.. Foreman reported that the hard surface machine laid work wa.b.progressing on schedule and the Reeve suggested that if time permitted somet'hing should be done with regard to hard surfacing.the River road hill, west of Clappison Packers, which had always caused considerable -,trouble, The Foreman reported that.'if this portion of the hill was to be laid by grader mix he would like to look the job over first. He would report at next.meeting, Councillor Brown asked the Foreman. to call on Mr. Darling, who lived on the Langton Road, south of the River Road. Apparently Mr. Darling had reported a broken tile which was plugging the road ditch. The Reeve had taken up the matter of the'First Avenue bridge problem with Dyking-.Commissioner.J. 2?11cDonald.. The Commissioner would advise the Foreman two or three days ahead of time when their department was ready to re -open this project.. The Reeve estimated that our dragl:i.ne would be necessary to make an :adequate ditch dut that would solve the problem for all time. Moved by Councillors Brown and Bailey that Bylaw No.446. (Farling Closing) be recon- sidered, finally passed and adopted. y� y CARRIED . Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that Bylaw No.4.48 (Waster Reservoir) be recon- sidered, finally passed and adopted.. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that Bylaw I4o.449 (Public Roads) be recon- sidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Brown that Bylaw 0.0.45O (Land Sales) be given first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Ba"iley that the plan of subdivision of Portion of an 11.0 acre portion and of Portion of .9.623 acre portion of Lot 2/48, Group 1, N4WiD. be approved subject to the Committee's approval and the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw. CARRIED. ` Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that the plan of portion of Parcel J of Lots 402 and 403, Group i,.N.W.D., be approved, subject to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's approval. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Brown that the -plan. of portion of Lot 1,of Lot 1 of Block 1 of Parcel A of the North Nast Quarter of Section 17,, Townshi.p- 12,N.W.D.; be approved.. CARRIED. Minutes of, vluiy 5tki; .1957.,, continued, 5-1-1 W.C. & E.,.rL,. Van X;eek Parks Board L. Sc E. Skippen Purchase of 'land for -road purposes J. & E. 'Ashworth Purchase*of land for rood purposes Registrar of County Cart Registration of Bylaws Jacob Gerbrandt Gen.Rd.11r1t1be. School Dist. No.42 1957 Advance Odlum Brown Investments Purchase of bonds for S.F.,` Maple Ridge Dyking Dist. Dyking Tax, Haney-Hmd.Mtr.Fght. Tools-3.25,Hall-1.45- Ed.Fraser Police Expense Marshall -Wells Police Expense Haney 5¢41.00 Store Police Expense DesBrisay Sporting Goods Police Fkpense Salvail Bros.lvlotor Serv. Cemetery R.J.- Scobie Police Expense Can. -Industries Ltd. Gen.Rd.14tce. Re -al Building Supplies Gei,_-RdXt'oe. Nelson Bros. Sawmills Culverts '& Bridges Cloverdale Paint, & Chem.. Gen.Rd.Mtce. A. Voal Gen.Rd.Mtce. Hi;:-hwa,y Auto Wreckers Trucks Greeni%ray Auto Electric Gradefs Underwood Limited Civil Defence B. A. Noble Civil 'Defence Ken '3ruce Ujv-j'_l Defence • Municipal Treasurer Misc. Exp. JL. Muth & Sons D:�agline-312.41,Trucks-3.91 'Gestetn ' er Office. Supplies School Dist. #42 Office , Supplies Gov.- of Prove of D.C. T.B. Units Brown Bros. Greenhouse Misc. Admin. Kenneth C. Buchanan Refund Taxes paid twice G.H.- Wood -& Co. Ltd. P11 a/c Fuller 'Watson Ltd. all -a/c Receiver General Police Salaries E. Lemberg Parks Board R. Muth Stinson Drug Store L. Gillies F. Worfolk B.C. Forest Products Griffin Bros. at Haney BuildersI.Supplies 1! Chucks' Appliances R.J. Chappel 11 Gordon S. Sangster 4 Siddon IVIT.R., Septic Tank Service Central Garage 93 H.F. Stevens R.A. Hales Lumber Co. it Nelson -Bros. Sawmills Ltd. Mr. Fulton F. Worfolk United Farmers Ltd. ri I'lilliam G4 llies rr Pea Agencies -cock C. Mnitehbad Brackman"!�err E. 'VIalsek- Pitney-Bowes Rental -postage meter Butler Tire Ltd. Trucks Ryan Distributors Hall a/c Minister of Finance Child Welfare Moaquito Control Board 1957 'Levy Minister of Finance S.S. Tax Sup6ranuation Com1r. Trust-46.00,Super-63-74 Brackman-Ker Gen.Rd.Mtce. 10.00 25-00 25-00 2.00 100.00 125000-00 1990.44 26.95 4.70 2.00 2.21 .63 1.26 6.23 204-50 71-94 5.04 41.12 29.64 47-38 6.30 12-31 78-75 50-36 25.00 6.75 316.32 3.68 15..91 308.69 5.45 18.94 27-52 .89 7155-00 38.00 5.33 6.25 22.10 8.40 4-70 31-45 72.15 22.10 6.00 108'.00 30-00 37-19 489.05 74-19 9.95 12.00 28-50 .95 25-00 30-30 70-00 96-05 237-36 15-00 201.89 4.15 129-05 2880.00 ; 4.83 .109-74 9.08 5 4_ Minutes of July 5th, 1957, coritinued. General Accounts, Cont'd; Municipal Treasurer r P.O. box-5.00,trucks-2.15,1Iall ac/4.16, tools;esquip-1.20,unern.insur-242.50, mileage-25.60,L.R.O.-.79,hall grounds- .90,ref.bldg.permits-4.00,posta.ge-80.10 Deleg.exp-21.25,supplies-.79 M.R.` Lumber Co. Ltd. Bridges & culverts Port Haney Brick Co. bridges and culverts Hansons Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce. Henderson Auto Electric Tools-25.92,trucks02.05 Martin Motors Tools-4.4l,trucks-.16 Vancouver Equip.Corp. Trucks-7.15,grader-1.85 Public Freightways Ltd. Tools & equip-2.00,crusher-1.00 Len °'s Auto Body Shop Trucks Acme Machine Shop Co. Trucks Kanaka Concrete Prod. Priv.cross-15.87,culverts & bridges-6.59, brush & ditch-200.45 Imperial Oil Ltd. Gas & Oil Gazette Office Supplies-15.25,1`Iiis.Exp-26.46 Maple Midge Appliances Gen.Rd.Mtce-4.54,To6ls-2a06 Timber Preservers Ltd. Culverts & Bridges Crown Electric Crusher Stoltze Motor Freight Crusher B.C.` Equipment Co. Ltd. GradersOl2.71,Bulldozer-3.74 Receiver General. Income Tax Deductions Flefk Bros. Ltd. fire Dept-4.52,Crusher-42.45,Bridges-6.83, Tools & Eq-aip-101.02 Municipal Employees Union Union Dues Haney Builders Supplies-Gen.Pd.l°itce-24.47,Tools &Equip-1.73,Priv.Cross- 32.97 W.G.° Alexander "Com'n on toll-240.75,Parks Bd-10.00 Kenriy Truck Services Parks Board Frank Dennis Keep of prisoners J.H.' Clarke Keep of prisoners J.B.` Pattern beep of prisoners B.A.` Oil Co. Hall-44.31,gas & oil-979.25 Co-ordinator Civil Def. Civil Def. West Coast Motors Ltd. Trucks-5.38,tools-p11.36 Addressorgaph-rultigraph Office Supplies B.C.° Electric Hmd.Drain-9.93,Eire Dept-11.18,Hall-69.69, . Pub.Wks-7.61,Park Bd-7.39,Street Lgts-2.94.42 Haney Garage Ltd. Trucks B.C.' Telephone Police-16.07,Fire Dept-8.76,Hall-58.19,Gen. Rd..Mtce-13.30,Ci.vil Def-7.48 588.44 664.98 65.84 137.19 27.97 4.57 9- 00 3.00 39.02 57.82 222.91 58.77 41.71 6.60 528..01. 4.00 1.25 . 16.45 624.95 154.82 52.50 59.11 250.75 10.00 37.50 17.00 9.00 1023.56 30.24 16.74 .99 30.22 25.12 103.80 Palrrolls May.-Gen.l,'Itce-41.24.79,Brush & Ditch-1667.18,Priv. Cross- 50.30,Pat ch-141.60,%rusher-93$.90, Cemetery-495.44,.B--idges-1185.112,Hol.Pay-72.20, Park- 506.61,Hmd.Sewer- 51.90,Admin-2978.35, Indemnities-1687.50.. June-Gen.•itce-3362.12,Brush & Ditch-1849.60,Crusher-813.00,Parks-441.55,Bridges-490.J+0, Pattiz-188.40,1-1md.Sewer-70.40,Cemetery-469.80,H/s-552.86,Hol.Pay-148.40,Admin-3365..55. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling 4145592.71 be paid. CARRIED. WATER.T, tK RKS ACCOUNTS*. Roy'Sironen capital (reservoir) 12<OQ Hans'ons Ltd. Waterworks 1°Itce. 2-89 Clarke & Stuart Co. Ltd. Waterworks lace. 60.06 Haney-Hmd Iitr.Fght. l ateniorks litce. 4.55 West Coast Motors Waterworks Truck - 2.00 B.C. Electric Waterworks 'Truck 1.05 Gord & Belyea Ltd. Mtce-349.79,1vew Coast-43.14 392.93 IqAY °PjxYftU1_,LS/ Gen.2tee-1227.87, Connections465.00 JUNTf, PAYROLLS/ Gen. Ifftce-980.75,Connection-266.6©,Con st-285:20,Capital Reservoir-106.25 16oved'by Councillors Bailey and Brown that. the above noted accounts totaling $475.48 be paid'and payrolls as listed. CARRIED. 5.13 € Tiinutes` of July 5th"", 1957, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS 20 0 of amount shown - Maple Ridge Other Government BALES Virg nia............... 40.00 STEI'H" SONS {'Miss A ........... $ 2.00 BAYS' Tan -Ls .................. 35.00 ARMITAGL9 Dorothy............ 50.00 MacLEOD' Aavis............... 70.25 `t JACKSOP Almanda............. 62.25 CAMPBELL9 Ida .......... ..... 50.00 \,JOHATMSEN9 Jean......... ..... 3C.25 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale ... 1 .... 366.50 BATEI16., Hattie..... ........ 50.00 DkZON, Dorothy .............. 40.00 Mrs. E. Back .................. 4.00 GREGO., Fra.ncisca...... .... 35.00 DER`Y.SEN, Annie.. ... ...... 40.00 Crestwood Guest Home......... 12.00 Mrs, E.S. Nightingale......... 280.50 HEWI'TT., Sarah................. 35.00 GOO;DRICH., Mamie....... ...... 50 00 JACOBS.. Lucy............... 45.00 Crestwood Guest Home.. ..... 103.00 Alouette Private Hospital. ...1087.00 HARDY, Mabel... .. . .... 35.00 !'Irs. J. Campbell ............. 75.00 Alouette Private Hospital.. .. 994.50 KILSBY., Christina............ 20.00 L LVIIv., Inez................... 50.00 J.B. Martyn Estate... ...... 5.00 S rpsc-N, Rheta. ... ......... 50.00 KLABU DE' Dora.. . . ....... 35.00 TEITT, Bernadette.. .......... 50.00 Mrs. 14. Marion........... .. 65.00 BABCOCK, Mabel ................. 76e50 MCRO', Esther ................ 40.00 BAYDUZA9 Mike ................... �- 156.50 Mrs. F. Da1e........... .... 35a00 COY, Frank B................ 76.50 H'OODY' Flossie ............... 45.00 DEN`REY' Evelyn.............. 140-50 MORGANS., Kathleen... ... 35m00 GARDINER., Dorothy ............. 108.50 031WALD, Gertrude...... ..... 35.00 JOHAISEN, Jean V. ... ........ 20.00 Pearen, Edna .......... ...... 50.00 MacIDONALi7, Irma.... .......... 76.50 PIPO Anna. ............. 50.00 PA`l'TEN' Florence. ... ..... ,JTaryetta....... 140.50 SAfi'IS'9 Mareda.. ........ 50.00 SMITH, ...... 76.50 TAirLOR� fliznie. ... ... .. , 40.00 SUTTUTv� TMary....... ......... 56.50 TROTTER _I bel................. 45.00 USSELMAN� Jacob..... ........ 92.50 WHITE Dois............. .. WILCOXFrances.. .: £39,.50 WOODS, Hazel........ .... 50.00 HAL MENZIES LTD. . 35.00 Jose phine.. ........ 50.00. ANDS;LSON; Sven.. ....... 50.00 ojj�ily' CORIV�nT`{'- .,,Herbert F ... .. 48.50 ZUBYK, mytro... ........... 59.00 ENGLISH3 Percy.... .. . 108.50 CLARKEWilfred. 124.50 GIL1TPhyllis......, 92.50 ... �D DIOIV9Margery.. ....... 76 .50 KLAN'Wilhelm.......... . 76.50 GIESBR`lCHT, Jacob... .. ... 156.50 LE.......... .....141.5 �Dorothy........ . 121�.50ROUX,E L01 Emily A Y, Alice.. ... 124.50E NEIL...... a.. ......... 32.50 LOTGk11Ci, Frank..... ..... < 34.75 NEITHAN .,,: Ruby... ............... 63.50 , RY N , Richard................. 4 .00 5 IdXtNSI._Olaf ....... .... .. C 121�..�0 HAN30Tu T, , Leatha. ......... ...® 40.00 OSTRAND .Jack....... .... 92.50 JOHi',ISTON' Grace ............... 40.00 SHARP Alice ................. 51.50 LiiTvSALL' Ro'`emary.... ...a... 40.00 STEEVES, Margaret............ 92.50 J0I-H4SOh Mary ................. 89.00 WATERgIELD.,, Arleigh.......... 76.50 , ANDERSON, Howard.............. 7.00 CASS'.Donald. . ........... 40.00 ROBERTS Mary a. ........... 7.00 FRITH9.Joseph ....... ..... 50.00 _ STEP-'LER, Valentine...... .. 7.00 GUS`1'AFSON, Adloph............ 50.00 W CHAR, Wasyl................ 7..00 KLASS N, William ............. 50.00 Haney Meat Market............. 38.75 LEE1 Frederick ............... 45.00 Haney Tara........................50 MATTHEKS. Thomas......... .. 50.00 William ......:...... 45.00 Loved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that TONER � Alvin ................. 50.00 the above noted accou is totalling $8760.25 HAGEN Jennie...... ....... 7.00 be paid. Corp:. of Delta................._ 40. 90 C_AITI-ED. Dist. of 'Surrey.. ............. 45.08 Dist. -Op Coq'uitlam........... 11.50 Minister of Finance.......... 751.80 Dist, of_ Matsqui.............. 20.60 Super--Valu................... 44.00 Iron Mountain Service........ 3.00 Hilltop Grocery .............. 50.00 Bullock's Grocery.. ......... 10.22 Dr. N.Ro Huculak............. 338.00 Dr. T.A. Nikiforuk........... 56.00 Corn. of. Mission ............. 96.40 No further business meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. CLERK • Minutes -of July 17th 19.57. Full Council met in special meeting on Wednesday, July 17th at 8 P.M. Mr. Huish and Mr. Dempster were present and asked f or protection of the Zoning Bylaw, with ' refer'e-hee to the Dutch Reform School operating as such in a residential area. This matter had been before the Court earlier in the year and:Counc-ills decision at that time -ra,s, th&t'th6*Dutch'Reform Schobl could continue -to -operate until the closing bf.'the*seS8i6ft,','June 30th'and they' would' not be allowed to r'e-open'fol-lb-�viftg'this' date. The delegates' now' tOtitte8ted'Council to enforce this` ruling. Clerk-wdt instructed to write to'th�)'schbol'huthorities adivising them &gaih*6f this ruling. Each Counc-illoi—waq questiofted'and all wore unanimous that the'tchool should not be allo-wed'tb re;-bpeh. Correspondence'dealt with a,petition for hard'surface'ftorh the'Carr Avenue''. property Mners'.' Clerk was to inform the petitioners that'this road was not ready for.'h&td'sutfatihg.'"Considerable work was necessary to build up and ditch same'before this was in order. Notificatioh of'the' ann-Ual convention of the B.C. Airi&tibii'Co-uncil was read,' and our delegate, Cotheillor Sinmbnds, was authorizbd to^atteftd' if he'so wishbd. The Regiofial'Plahhing'BoLrd requested Co-oxicills en.dors6ment to* 4'1-b-Eter that was bent tbthe'Miftibtbi- of Public Works., Parliament' Bbildifigs ? 'Ottawa., with reference to bbt&U1iftg a development plan of the ndVigable part of the Fraser River. This was ehdbrbQd by Council and OttaiWa wab't6'be's6'iibtified. A gab linb easement requested by the B.C. EleU.ric'Com,par�y that crossed th6 MuniKpal Piiblic'Works' Depa'rtmentIs land on the Trunk" Road, was' reviewed and Clerk was' to notify the` company that the Council s*&fiticipat6d*pj7ice for-saihe was$5.,000.00*, as this would interfere with our plahning'And'bUlding extension program fb:i7'ail* time: Clerk read a letter frbiln'the Department of Mluhicipal Affairs, which set the date'and the fee requirod'for. their Municipal` Administration Course. Clerk, reported that'he'vas'informed that m4riy Municipalities paid the,fee and that the three,members-of-the office staff who were taking thecoursewould - appreciate* the 'Maple -Ridge Couicil doing likewise., For*the-past two years they,had paid their -own -fee and'expenses. Co-ancil-did-not-approve this at' this - time: Clerk was ordered to' bring in a report - as to how many 111unicipalities 'were- doing� this*. .............. ... .... -No.'42- to, hard- surface'` Fairview to the 'letter from the School Board .1 'Road and'also-lay a sidewalk, no report was available -from our' committee as yet*.'' A request from the garden Hill -Funeral Chapel'to allow an -increase to for the burial- of - indigents and, Welfard cases; was:' not allovred; - * Council were. agrt—eable'twan increase to 51251,00, as from August first."as,this was the amouftt approved by the Provincial Department 6f'Welfare;' A request'from'O:k,.P-.-Local No. 30,.to install threo'more-seats,for elderly". people at specialized corners, including 5th and I'lletdalf;'Powerline Road and 3rd., was ap proved, .......... Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop' that this Cor-borati6ft'&dcepts'the' plans-aftd,i speiaifidations of the proposed high level earth water*resertroir'as prepared - and presented by Engineer Andrew Hunter at an'e " irhati��d'tost-6f *Fp22pOoo st including the 8ite,'kid the tenders shall be called' for' construction of safe on the property described as Lots 2 and 3, of'the Southeast Quarter, Section Township 12, Plan 8085, Y.W.D., now be3-ng'-pureh8L8ed"aftder,authority as. referred to in Bylaws No. 448-and 451. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that Tax SaIe,Land*By1aw-No;'450: be.given. third reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop-t-hat `Byla-w No.. 451- (Purchase of Lot 2, SEA,, Section 24, Tp.12, Water Res-ervoir),begiven 1st and 2hd reading. CARRIED. 5 1.. 5 Minutes of July 17th,•1957;•continued. As tender deadline.ada-e for the water..reservoir was�set at 5 p.m., July 25th, the. Clerk was to`arrange a meeting.with Mr. Hunter for July 26th for the opening of the .ditch. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Subdivision of.the South ©f'Block B .of the South West Quprter of ,Section 23, Township 12, N.4'd.D., be approved .subject to%the Road S division. Bylaw and.the.Committee's approval.:..Subject to the .Laying of a ,4- inch water line .at Sub divider's expense, said install.✓ ation to be subject to reimbursement of 25% by the Municipality as.soon "as a minimum of 15 connections are. made. C%: The Clerk -brought up the matter of three or four sewer.rentals.of five dollars per•year.. As.the debentures for the ,installation of the 1920 sewer were now -redeemed these few -rentals would be waived in 1958. .The�Road Subdivision Committee was. advised to inspect the Gilley, Volker and Mowattl.Roads and pass same if in order. Inspection.had already been m@4e by .the Foreman. Assessor, Mt. .J.,.Taylor, would continue on - sick pay leave until July 31st, 1957. The Reeve now reported on a• telephone conversation from Deputy Minister of Highways, Mr. Evan Jones, who informed himthat the Department is prepared to accept the replacement of the Websters Corners Bridge.under Secondary. Highway, on a 50/,50 basis, if plans, specifications and -the cost of same are approved in the neighborhood of 455,000.00 and also, they are willing to grant $20.000.00 towards the.replacement of the 15th Road -Bridge, which collapsed. very recently., which the Municipality eras not in an financial position to replace without considerable assistance. They would, however, grant anothing towards the Municipalities=suggested plan.to build a new road, thus eliminating the need of the said bridge. The Reeve had studied the budget and found that the receipts and -expendi- tures were running parallel with the,.. original estimate. and he . felt that finances were available for, the Websters.Corners.Bridge and with the assistance of the 420;000.00 from the.Government, he.fel.t the 15th.Road Bridge could be replaced with an additional. Municipal eypenditure between 3,000.00_and $4,000.00. The Reeve now asked,the Council's approval to obtain a firm price from the Timber Preserve.rq.Limited for both bridges, assuming than the 15th Road Fridge would�be laid.by our"own.bridge crew, under the supervision of Engineer Wynant of Timber Preservers Limited. The i"ouncil gave their approval and requested the Reeve to meet the Engineer and obtain a firm.figure s?b that tire would be prepared to call for tenders. No further business, meeting adjourned at 10r30 P.M. 1 16 Minutes of -August 2nd., 1957. Full Council -convened for the regular monthly meeting on August 2nd, 1957 at 9.30 p.m. Mr. Foley was present and requested.further.permission to cut cotton wood on Alouette River. A discussion arose regarding -the refuse -that he left and had - not cleaned up in -the last operation granted to'him. The Council was not satis- fied and would not grant permission until he had carried out.this work. The matter was left for Mr. Foley to report.when this had occurred. Council would then consider granting. him- further permission, at one. -dollar ($1.00) per cord. Mr. Moore and -a neighbor were present, also Mr. W. Armstrong, Sanitary Inspector, together with our. Acting Building Inspector, George Mysel. Mr. Mysel reported that he had left-a'red :Stop"Proceedings notice on the'site of a proposed duplex construction, which had not commenced. The property belonged'to Mrs.._.Blonde Blackstock, known as.Lot-3 of Fl$:D.L. 249, Group 1, Plan 5119 and Plan 15M. The Building Inspector explained that the lot was situated.too.low in a depression and that septic tanks could not function, therefore he asked}for. a discussion with the Council regards:rig-th s •natter: -The'neighbors also :complained that. should a septic tank be installed there it would over-flow.onto their property:and.contami- nate same. The problem seemed to be a drainage difficulty and according to the, Building Inspector, the neighbors and the Sanitary -Inspector, it would appear impossible to drain the runoff from the septic tank. The Council coIImended the Building Inspector for bringing .this matter before.them before the building had commenced:,' Council was .informed that Mrs. Blackstock, together.with.legal repre- sentative, Mr. Lester, would.attend the meeting later on.in-themorni.ng. Therefore, the matter was tabled for the time being. Mr. J.-,Knox of 31st Road asked for permission to cutpulpwood to the extent of 15 cordstat one dollar ($1.00)' per cord to the Corporation: Mr. Knox proposed to d6 this to assist him in financing his term at the University. He was informed to pay the $15.00 into this office -and to carry on with the work. Correspondence: dealt with letters from the Regional Supervisor of Welfare, Mrs. Mary K. Kitig; notifying.Council that the Government was "prepared to share 80% of the fifteen dollar (15.00)-per month increase allowed nursing homes%and•the ten dollar=(10.0Q) per'month.increase allowed the board ng•homev. As this would only increase the Corporation's finance to the.maximum extent of $36.00" per month it was agreed to.pay the increased rates from July lst. Moved by -Councillors Bailey a nd Brown. that' -this Council accepts the proposed. increase of, 15.00 per month on Nursing Homes also $10.00 per month on Boarding biomes. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that the minutes of July 5th and 17th be adopted as circularized. {i Letter was read.from Mr. Hilland of_Hilland Road, asking for the extention of the road through private property. Clerk was to inform Mr. Hlland-that public funds could not be used to extend roads through private property but only for public roads If he wished to extend the -road at his own expense and have it remain a private road Council.. had no. objection._ Letter was read from Mr. Kaneen, Chief Gas Inspector, asking for Council's.dis- position regarding gas inspections when ready. Clerk was to inform the Inspector that our Inspector, when certified, would take over, in the Oeantime they wi6hed for the -Government to make the inspections..... . Moved by -Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the tender submitted by Break's Brothers Construction Company Limited for the excavation and placing of fill'at the new water reservoir at the tendered price of 800 per cubic yard.be accepted anti the Clerk draw up the contract for same. Also that tenders be called for locally for the placing og a gravel lining in the water reservoir. CA:RRM). Police report was read and filed. Moved by Councillors Brown and 'Cox that Bylaw No. 450, bylaw to dispose of lands acquired through Tax Sale, be given the final reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that Bylaw No. 451, Land Purchasing Bylaw (Water Reservoir) be given the third reading. CARRIED. Minutes of "August 2nd, 1957,`6ntinued. Moved by -Councillors Cox and Dunlop that —Indemnity Bylaw No. 452,.be given first and second reading. - fi CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox.that.the plan of subdivision of a portion of Lot 15 of Parcel A of the North West of Section 221 Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. B a Cox that the plan of portion of Lot 2 of Lots 248 and Moved by Councillors Brown and p 284, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that the plan -of subdivision of Portion of Lot 2 of Lot 1, of the North West 2 of Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the South 2 of Lot.263, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved.. CAc ILD.__ Moved by Councillors Dunlop. and Cox that the plan of portion. of Lot 7 of Lot 1 and of Lot 1-of Lot 242, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by,Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that the subdivision of Lot 21:of Lot 14 and Parts,of_Lots 13 and 15, Block 2 of Lot 245, Group 1, and of part of Block 1 of Lot 396, Group 1, Plan 8060, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot A of Part of the North East F of Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CtiRRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that the plan of subdivision of part of Lot 5 of. the West 1 of the .South East �. of Section 22, Township 12, N.W.D., be -approved. CARRIED. Councillor Bailey reported on the meeting held in the Office of the Health Centre last Tuesday evening. It was planned by that Department.to increase the floor space considerably and Council approve same as long as it lined up with our existing buildings. The,Machinery Committee together with the Waterworks Committee are anticipating purchasing a tractor backhoe for the waterworks and a demonstrations would be made next week when'Council representatives were present. Purchase price was in the neighborhood'of $7900.00. At th,i's time the Foreman.entered the Hall and reported that the ditching project on l st Avenue entered. Mr. Stone's property on 21st Avenue and he felt that Mr. Stone was not quite satisfied unless the neighboring property should share the portion of it, as in some places Mr. Stone would lose the use of 20 foot width of his land. The Foreman would ask the neighbor to share the width of the ditch.. This brought up -,the matter of the disposal of the bulk of the clay which was being excavated to"make the ditch and the Reeve felt that this could be'used'possibly. to build up the dyke requested by Mr..Bishop.at�the Alouette Hospital, who had` offered to,contribute $400.00 towards the cost of same. The Reeve reported that the dyke was proposed to eliminate the danger of flooding; that would likely arise by virtue of the building up of 14th Avenue by the Corporation. .Clerk was'to,.notify Mr. Bishop that Council would accept his $400.00 and build this dyke. It was estimated it"would cost $675.00 plus two days bulldozer work, making a.total of 800.00; if Mr. Bishop would absolve the Corporation from any liability ,from the road level being increased. The Foreman thought the trucking from lst Avenue yould perhaps be too expensive and some clay should be found near the Alouette Hospital proposed dyke.'' Foreman reported on the rebuilding of the Boudon bridge on 22nd Road. He also reported that he had a little difficulty tracing the tiel drain on the corner of 8th and Menzies Street that could flood Mr. Barclay's basements. He would explore this further. Minutes of August 2nd, 1957,, continued. Mr. Siltzer of 17th Avenue South, property described as Lot 2 of B of 2, District Lot 406, Phan 11873,.wi.11.a6cept fk150.OD compensation and absolve the Munici- pality from all further,responsIbility for._=.the damage caused to his fence and the encroachment of road fill over his property line, which remain therein the future. This. was ordered paid. As a matter of.information, the Reeve now read letters from the Timber Preservers, who were in the process of preparing plans and specifications for both the Websters Corners Secondary Highway Bridge and. al3o the 15th Road Bridge. Councillor Cox ask the Foreman to preferably scarify and.gravel 16th Avenue, which was very rough Councillor Dunlop requested the removal of a willow tree between 5th and 3rd Avenues, which obstructed the vier of the drivers considerablyl The Foreman was also requested to grade Chigwell Street where necessary. The white line was also asked to be installed on Dewdney Trunk and Powerline Road. Clerk was to report to Mr. -Armstrong, the Sanitary Inspector, that the Christensen Munk ranch should beinspected, as strong odours emanated from there. At this point Mr. Lester,'the legal representative for Mrs. Blackstock, entered the hall and requested permission for his client -to go ahead with the construction of"_" her house and the installation of septic tanks and that the building inspector had. no authority to stop proceedings. It was eAplai.ned to Mr.'Lester that'Council felt the building inpsector extended a good service to Mrs. Blackstock before'she had spent any money on the project, in warning her that in his opinion a septic'tank would not work and wouldeventually have to be condemned. Mr. Lester appreciated this and. Alt that the'time this -should occur is when the septic tank failed to function. Council informed Mrs. Blackstock and Mr. Lester that'they had been given warning which should be appreciated at this time. The matter would be dealt with•as construction continued, The Parks Board.asked for permission to use gravel from the Whonock pit in order to gravel.the road. to Whonock Lake. 'They were asking for tenders of contractors for same and found it would be cheaper'if such was available in the'Whonock area. This permission was granted. It was reported that Mr. Okeson was operating a second-hand junk store on Haney St., which was in a residentially zoned area. Licence Inspector was instructed,to.warn Mr. Okeson and summons if necessary. Councillor Cox brought' -up the matter of Mr. Hyde of Cambridge Craft who had contributed $20.00 for a concrete sidewalk, which finished before passing his property,. Twenty dollars.($20.00) was ordered tobe.refunded to I11r.•Hyde. Mr. Salvail'of the Lougheed_Highway was prepared to present a petition to have a.side- wa-lk built now that -the new curb had been installed. Council's policy of 50J50 share - ,able with theowner for the first 5 feet was available to him.. . Councillor Cox also reported on the driveway entering Berryland Fruit Farms, which w as in a dangerous condition and could damage perishable produce entering the canery, due to'the wavey condition. Same had been fixed up temporarily and he recommended that a. black-top finish be put of the top. Council felt this was only.a temporary.re.medy as the culvert would have'to be replaced later. Due to 111r. Morlez entering thehospital once again, possibly for a prolonged period of time, Mr. George Kysel`was appointed Acting building Inspector during his absence. Commeneing'August lst he would receive an increase of salary. I A short discussion arose over the oiling of roads. It was delayed for a few days longer in order to investigate the tatter. t All payments had been received, with the exception of three, for .the 'black topping of West Menzies Street towards 6th. Apparently one owner had refused to contribute. Council refused to commence the job until the Clerk had visited this owner and. reported his reason for refusal. If the Clerk could endeavour to obtain half.the cost levied against the owner, which was -more than the average due'to the flanking side, Council would reconsider. --All' other payments had'been made, with the exception of the two owners who had promised to pay before the end of the year, which the Council would accept in good faith. Council agreed to pay the $85.00 for the three members of the staff taking the Municipal Administration Course, providing they pass the examination and remain with the Corporatit for at least 3 years following the certification. Minutes of August 2nd, 1957, continued. 5 1 9 GROM& ACCOUNTS: a Paradise Inn ,Keep of prisoners Solly Photographic Studio Coroner & Inquest Children's Aid Society Child Welfare Workmen°-s Compensation W.C.B. Dues Minister of Finance Land Registry Office National Cash Register `iisc. Admin. B.C. Aviation Council Misc-. EXp. Minister- of Finance _ T.B. Units Minister of Finance Child -Welfare Clark Homes Ltd. ,. Ref. Trade Licence Henry's Grill Keep of prisoners Brown Bros*, Greenhouse- Misc.•Admin B.C. Electric Md.Draim-4.99,Fire Dept-10.31,Hall-68.24, Pub. Wks78190, Pk.Bd-11.08,St.Lts-294.42 Municipal Grants Grants - as per list Ewart.Davis Coroner & Inquest Sam Saari's Garage Bridges-4.50, Dragline-24.47,Crusher-12.16 Parkview Garage ` Trucks Haney Garage .Ltd. Fire Dept. Municipal Treasurer Taxes on Municipal Land -� Dr. A.J.- Trudel Coroner & Inquest - Dr. S. R.-- Arber Coroner & Inquest Garden 4ill Funeral Chapel Coroner & Inquest Dr. G. Morse Coroner & Inquest Standard -Oil Co. Patching Len's Auto Body Tolls & Equipment Brackman-Ker Hall grounds United Farmers Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce, Dietrich, Collins Roller National, Machinery Co. Shovel-29.00,Crusher-12.41 Gazette Trade Licences Rewinding Shop Graders Canadian -Industries Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce. " Columbia.Bitulithic Ltd.';' Patching-126.00,-Hardsurface-6646.42' Martin Motors Tools & Equipment Butler Tire. Ltd. Trucks Receiver, General R.C.M. Police Mileage M.S.A. M.S.A. A. Vogl . Gen.Rd-.Mtce. - Municipal Treasurer -Rd. -Poll & Ref. Library-Tax-9.50,Ref:current taxes-10.,Assess exp-628,Unem.Insur-242.18, postage-90.14,Hall a/c-18.,27,office supplies- 7.30,trucks-2.60 Superannuation Comm. Super-63.74,Trust-46.00 Betty Baker Coroner & Inquest-4.50,Police.Exp-4.00 E.N. Kelly Assessment 14ileage B.C. Telephone Police-16.07,fire dept-8.56,Hall- 9.49,Gen.Rd. Mtee-11.35,Civil Def-6.88 R. Siddon Rd. Mtce. Minister of Finance L.R.O. Fees Kanaka,Concrete.Products Cult'. & Bridges-105.95,priv. cross-40.83 Hanson's Ltd. Civil.Defence Pat Turner Civil Defence B.A. Noble, ....Civil Defence Ken Bruce, - ..Civil Defence B.A. Oil Co. Ltd.,..,. Gas & oil-719.99,Cemetery a/o 8.42 West Coast Motors .Ltd... Trucks Haney Builders , Haney sewer-2.68 Private- Cros-s-19 15, Poli-ce Ex - G.M.C. Fleck Bros. Ltd., Acme Machine Shop Receiver General R. Siddon Brackman-Ker R.J. Chappell B. & M. Supermarket_ Haney Florist H. Okeson L. W. Hawkins C. Whitehead 7.19, Hall a/c-3.77 p ......Trucks ...Fire Dept. Tools-244.13,Bulldozer-13.10,Trucks-149°.00- Income tax deductions ...... .Parks Board . •id t1 u n a a 3.40 21.53 28.49 361.82 9.66 45.10 10.00 230.21 138.54 25.oO 5.25 3.55 470.92 1442.00 10.00 41.13 3.80 3.60 189.19 50.00 10:00 30.00 30.00 36.70 20005 6.24 2.20 29.30 41.41 43.89 6.95 10.58 6772.42 .68 384.07. 2123.82 148.59 21-36 476.37 109.74 8.50 60.56 82.35 40.00 8.19 146.78 14.95' 19.90 46.00 25.00 728.41 4.15 32.79 451.26 73.15 406.23 869.65 240.00 24.95 25.20 11.88 5.75 10.50 150.00 70.00 52)0 Yinutes of_August 2nd, 1957, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTID. E. Lemberg Parks Board Griffin Bros. " Kenny Truck'Services MacKenzie Is hardware " '! Municipal Employees Union Union Dues. Public Freightways Crusher Maple Ridge Appliances Cemetery-1.84,Haney sewer-3.l0,Gen.Rd.Mtee- 15.86 Haney Garage Ltd. Graders-5.30,Cemetery-1.59,trucics-147.00 Henderson Auto Electric Trucks Inperial Oil Ltd. Hardsurface Y.G. Alexander Dog-74.25,Traffic-22.50,Trade Lic-79.50 12.23 13.67 10.00 5.67 . 52.50 1.00 20,80 153.89 73.50 259.07 176.25 Moved by Councillors Bailey_,and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $17631.25 be paid. CARRIED. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: Hal Menzies Ltd. Water line extension 529.54. F'. S. Jones Water line extension 86.94 E'. Webber Waterline extension 86.93 West Coast.Motors Ltd. W.W. _Truck _ 1.75. Clarke & Stuart W.W. Rtce. 60006 C.I.L. W.W. Construction - reservoir 61.59 Sam Saari's Garage W.W..Mtce, 8.40 Gazette W.W. Mtee. 49.34 Hansons Ltd. W.W. Mtce. .97 Public Freightways W.W.-Mtee. 1045 Vint Taylor W.W. a/c reservoir site 12032.. Ripley & Associates Capital a/c Re; reservoir 368.44 Vancouver Water Dist. W.W. Mtce. 2799.30 ,Hoffman & Son Ltd. .W.W. Construction 300.00 Armco Drainage -& Metal Prod. Capital a/c - reservoir 109.01 . B.C. Electric W.W. Mtce. 180.60 V. Edge Capital.a/c - reservoir, 97.50 Municipal Treasurer Refund deposits on plans 20.00. Terminal City Iron Works Const-6.14,Capital7reserv6ir-48.67 54.81 _ G6rdon & Belyea Ltd. W.W. IAitce-80.76,Cnnst-308.64 389.40 Gord al & Belyea Ltd. W.W._,Mtce. 279.62 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that,the-above noted accounts totalling $5497.97 be paid. - CARRIED. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of amount shown Maple Ridge . Other Government BEAULAC, Marie.......•.... $ 50.00 JOHANESEEN� Astrid......... ... o$-55-00 1 ANDERSON, Sven .............. 50.00 FRASER� Violet M................ 77.50 CASS� Donald ................ 40.00 HOLLAND...F. G............ .. 6.00 FRITH Joseph ............... 50#00 �.... PAULS,.Waldemar.......... 21.00 MORGANS.1 Kathleen........,.. 21:50 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale.......:'. 327.53 GUSTAFSON, Adolph........... 50.00 Crestwood Guest House...:....:'.. 132.91' VAN PELTS Jobje............... 50.00 Alouette Private Hospital ...... 1163.50- KLASSEN, William............ 50.00 ARMITAGE, Dorothy .............. 50.00 LEE, Frederick .............. 45.a00 Mrs, M. Marion.....,...'......... 65.00 MATTHEWH Thomas ............ .50000.' BATEMAN� Hattie................ 50.00 MOODY, Flossie ............... 5.00 Mrs.. Astrid Johanessen.'........ 55.00 SQ�UIRESY William.*........... 45.00 -.Mrs. Margaret Martyn.......`..., 5.00 TONERAlvin........ ....... o 50.00 DERKSEN, Annie ........:....:..... 40.00 ZUBYK� Dmytro.............. 50.00 GOODRICH� Mamie ................. 50.00 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale....... 43.84 HARDY Mabel .................... 35.00 Crestwood Guest House....... 44.83`" BABCOOK, Mabel... 56.50 ' Alouette Private Hospital ... 1143.501°-- 15650 ��-:. BAYDUZA, Mike ................ . Y�l. Minutes of August 2nd,!1957, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS CONT'D. 20% of -amount shown Maple Ridge Other Government Mrs. J...Campbell...............$ 75.00 Mrs. F. Dale .............. .... 35.00 BOYE�'Tannis P.............1.... 35.00 CAMPBELL� Ida .............. ��.. 50.00 DAWSON,-Dorothy................ 40.04 GREGORP,.Franci.sca.............. 35.00 HEW'fITTV Sarag.: ............... 35.00 JACOBS, Lucy ................... 45.00 KILSBY, Christina ....... ...... 20.00 KLABUNDEJ, Dora.' .............'... 35.00 Mc�,-Esther.................. 40.00 COREY., Frank ................... 76:50 CORY"LL., Herbert .............. 48'.50 MOODY,.Flossie..'...I........... 50.00 O3,JALD, Gertrude. .............. 35.00 PEAHEN, Edna ................... 35.00 ENGLISH, Percy ................ 108.50 PIPO, Anna...... ............... 50.00 SAMIS, Mareda....... ........ too 50.00 GILBER.T, Phyllis.......... ..... 92.50 SLIIPSON, Rheta....... 0.......... 50.00 KLASSEN,.Wilhelm ............... 76.50 TAYLOR, Annie....:............. 40.00 LEROUX, Anna :.................. 141.50 TROTTER, Mabel ................. 145.00 LORENZETTA., Emily .."........ 124.50 VANPELT, Jobje................ 50.00 MORGANS, Kathleen., ............ 56.50 W'HITE,.Doris................... 50.00 NEIL� Julia .................... '32.50 ZIEMAN., Josephine .............. 46.25 NEWMAN) Ruby... ................ 63.50 NYHUS,.Olaf..........s..... .. 124.50 OSTRAND, Hilda ................. 51.50 SHARP;.Alice................... 51.50 STEEVES, Margaret .............. 92.50 WATERFIELD, Arl.eigh........... . 76.50 Dr. D.;-K.-Stratton .............. 94.00 Corp. of Delta................. 44.50 Garden Hill Ambulance Service.. 20.00 Minister of Finance............ 50.80 Dist. of Surrey:-............ 22.54 City of New Westminster....... 37.60 City of Vancouver .............. 144.24 Dist. of Coquitlam............. 11.50 Village 'of Mission City......... 60.00 Iron Mountain Service.......... 25.20 Exclusive Ambulance.............. 17.00 Dist. of Matsqui- ...........:... 30.60 Dist. of Burnaby. .............. 95.00 LANSALL,..Rosemary .............. 40.00 BENTLEY, Pearl............ 7.00 HAGEN, Jennie..................... 7.00 BALE, Virginia., ................ BEAULAC, Marie .................... ME.J Lnez........... ............ DEVTRY, Evelyn .................... FRA.SER; Violet.... ................ GARDINL., Dorothy ................. MacDONALD,:Irma................... VERTT,.Mernadette......... ........ PATTEN, Florence .................. SMITH, Maryetta............ ...... CLARttE, Wilfred........"........... DIONNE, Ma,r.gery........ .......... SUTTON, Mary..►... ... .......... ••• GIESBR.ECHT, Jacob ................. USSELMAN.,Jacob................... LUND_ Dorothy ...............::... MacKAY, Alice...... ................ WILCQX,.Frances................ .... THEPuiIEN? Helen.......... .......... Hal -Menzies: Ltd... ...... LONGBOTTOT4., _ Frank .......' ........ . RYr 1,. .'Rich 440....... ........ 'PA.ULS'' Waldemar......... ....... Garden Hill Funeral Chapel........ HANSON, Leatha............... 0... 0, JOHNSTON, Grace.... " ........ a JOHNSON, Mary.........•...•.•.....' 'ANDERSON, Howard ..................... ROBERTS, Mary. ....................... STEPPLER, Valentine.:".::.......... WECHAR, Wasyl..................0. 40.00 50.00 50.00 140.50 92.50 108.50 76.50- 50.00 140.50 76.50 124.50 76.50 56.50 156.50 92.50 124.50 124.50 89.50 88.50 �5.00' 34.25 45.00 50.00 165.00 40.00 19.00 '89.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $9309.59 be paid. CARRIED. _ No further business meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Minutes of August 14th., 1957. A special meeting of the Council convened at 8 p,m.,_ Wednesday; August 14th. Present were Reeve, Councillors Dunlop, Brown, Simmonds and Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Dempster, owners of property immediately east of the Dutch Reform Church on the Trunk Road, requested permission from the Council to'obtain'a'building'permit to erect a duplex dwe]lirig'at'present, with. ' the'possibility of two more later on, on their'pr`operty:''The''Reeve explained-to'Mr:'Dempster that he should consider the -possibilities of a future'subdivision-in planning the building 6ite6'f6r the'proposed.': duplex'heuses;'as-if a'subdivision was contemplated later'he'should be prepared'to'leave'sufficient for road allowance and'th6'6id6, back and" front areas'required'under the zoning regulati6fid. -The'Couricil had no objection 'to "three ' duplex buildings being `built ' on 'thd 'pr6per`ty; as the area was in'exdess of one acre; with excellent'sub=66il'f6r'draina9e and septic -tank -facilities. Mr. -Strachan 'on 'the neighboring property to the `east 'also 'asked 'for permission to build a'small'sedond-dwelling on his property; 'which'was 'l.6 acres. He also was"advised 'to 'place the building so that 'future'subdivi:sion could *be con- sidered: j A request •from •Mr. -Hakkinen,. whose property was `6utside 'the zoning area, to also construct•two'duplex houses was granted by"th616116wirig motion: Moved by Councillors -Dunlop -and Cox that.Council consents to"two'duplexes being built on Lot -3 -of •5, -Group 1, Lot 247, Plan 5046, as 'detaiI6d on 'plan presented, .pro- -viding building -inspector proves there is 'adequate 'dd&iAAge _ ..."..'.....CARRIED. Mr. •George •Mysel; •Building Inspector, was "present "arid-iriformed 'Council that in his •opinion •there •was •a violation of the Zoning "Bylaw 'within the McMyn Sub- division in -Hammond: • He felt that Mr. White was 'oir g 'hi:s 'residential lot as his -place -of business and -was operating two "trucks 'frdm'that point.' He had also -installed -a -commercial gas storage tank. 'Coniplai:rits 'had been received from -his -neighbors regarding ,this and Clerk was 'instructed 't6 'notify Mr. White to discontinue -business from that location. ....... Mr. E. H. Stephens from Port Moody asked for a "renewal 'of its 'option with re- gard to establishing a mausoleum on 36 lots in'the Maple Ridge'Cemetery. It was explained to Mr. Stephens that although the 'opti do 'call'ed 'for a merchantible title this cannot be a registerable title -as registration°of .cemetery lots is denied us under Section 10 of the Municipal Cemeteiftes'Act. Our grave plots, however, can be sold or transferred to a new owneras grave plots. The matter was tabled until Councillor Bailey, member of the�Cemetery lGommittee, was- present. Mr. W. Minty asked for Council's "permission to remove gravel or sand fran the Alouette.River at Sth Avenue. Permission was grantedat,the,usual rate of 100 per yard. . . ........ Correspondence dealt with a letter from Mrs. Vivian•Bludoff,"asking Council whether we would approve the Hartnell home on 2nd Avenue in Hammond as a Nursing Home for old people. Council felt that as-thiswas in -a residentially zoned area and that a nursing home would be a commercial enterprise, together with the ! fact that the location, adjacent to the B.C. Forest'Prnducts Mill, would dis turb the patients, also that there was a traffic,hazard•fronting same, they could not approve this home for the purpose requested...... A quarter page publication in the B.C. Municipal -Year Book,•at•$42.00 was authorized. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the option to E.H. Stephens for Grave Plots 1-9 and 44-52, Block 26 and Grave Plots•1-9 and 44-52, Block 31 be extended to December 31st, 1957. CARRIED. ! Moved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds ghat the"General Taxes of $5,618.80 levied against the B.C. Electric Dam Site in error be written off. .Also Provincial Ferry Site Taxes of $6.21 now exempted be written off. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that Notice of motion and rule of Procedure.be suspended and that Percentage Addition Bylaw Igo. 453 be given first, second, and third reading this day.. CARRIED. 523 Minutes of August 14th, 1957,"continued. Moved by Councillors Brown and_Dunlop-that Bylaw No. 451 be,reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. ._- - CARRIED . ". Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of part of Lot 1 of District Lot 433, Group 1, Plan 6126, New Westminster District be approved. 1 CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and 'Cox that the plan of subdivision,of Lots ,4, 52 61 7, and 8 of Parcel B of Lots 262 and 276, N.W.D., be approved.. CARRIED The grant to the Agricultural Society wasagain considered and eventually approved on the understanding that in future the Aggi Society when requesting their grant should present a budget for the year's operations at the same time. The B.C. Electric option to allow the company to survey the ground only was authorized and the Reeve and Clerk were to sign same. It was expressly under- stood that this did not influence or interfere with negotiations regarding the price to be paid for the easement onto same. On presentation, of doctor's certificate Mr. Young would be allowed an additional two weeks leave of absence immediately following his vacation, with pay., on the understanding that the purpose was to provide him with complete rest.. A zoning petition was read from 17th Avenue, from 6th Road to Kanadka Creek Road, 500 feet deep on each side. This.was tabled for the time being in order to investigate the purpose of this petition. Complaints had been brought to the Council with regard to our crews when -scarify- ing had top roads for repair and replacement they had in some instances destroyed private driveways directly connecting with same and had not replaced them. It was now decided by Council that where -ever a. driveway -connects with the hard surface road to be replaced that the driveways should also be'replaced by re- connecting the black top, at the cost of the Corporation. The Reeve reported on a drainage condition at the Red and White Store on the River Road at "Whonock. Apparently the present culverts of 12 and 18 inches were not adequate. The Foreman had explored the situation and reported that a wood stave pipe, 30 inches in diameter, approximately 44 feet long, in his estimation would solve the problem. The cost would be ih the neighborhood of $440.00. The`Foreman was ordered to carry out this work. No further business meeting adjourned -at 10:35 p.m. 5 Minutes of August 28th, 1957. Full Council met in special meeting on Wednesday, August 28th at g p.m. Mrs. L. Cameron, together with Mrs. Rose, approached Council with a request that some endeavour be made to divert the flooding of Mrs. Rose's Whonock property. She felt that the major portion of the water came down`30th Ave. and ran south..onto her driveway and resulted in the -flooding of her basement. The property in question was known as the Shrove home before Mrs. Rose purchased same. The Reeve and Councillor,Simmonds were familiar with the problem and it was.resolved that Mrs. Rose would''notify Council when the next heavy rain occurred and they would all visit the location. They would endeavour to solve the -problem with the use of our shovel for possibly one days digging. Mir. Whhite, Sr. of Hammond, on behalf of his son E.G. White, who operated a paper delivery route. Protests had recently been 'received that there was a "violation within the residential section of Hammond by 3drtue of this business operation. The legality -of same had been investigated and it was found very questionable whether there was a case against Mr. White. The :natter was left for the complainants to lay a charge and let`the Count settle the matter if necessary: An engineer representative of Miss Gilley's explained to Council the new and re- ,vised subdivision plan that had been presented for approval. Reeve and Council 'explained'the.difficulties which would have to be overcome before approval was given., It was decided thata committee of Councillors Dunlop and Cox, together with,Miss Gilley's.,engineer would go over the subdivision on Saturday morning and report back. The major problem was the lay -out of roads crossing and adjacent to ravines, also the frontage road facing Lougheed Highway which should not be less than 50 feet in width. Mr. R. Kirkpatrick, who had a contract with the B.C., Electric Gas Lines to the disturbance.caused on Municipal roads by the company laying the pipe lines, now asked assistance from the Corporation in obtaining' -suitable crushed rock for that purpose. Council agreed -to load Mr. Kirkpatrick's trucks at the cost of $1.00 per yard. If our loading facilities were not available on certain days Mir. Kirkpatrick would use his own loader, price would still reaymin 'at $1.00 per yard. Letter was read from Lawyers, Campbell and Leedha_m, representing the Dutch Christian School, asking that by virtue of being in possession -of a petition that was'favourable.to re -opening the school that this matter should here -opened, Clerk was to.reply that a decision had been handed down by.the.Council in March of this year and again fonfinned by a letter on July 18th and the case must remain closed, as no appeal from same, pursuant to Sub -section 3 (a)of Section 12 of Bylaw 126"A", had been received in the time specified.` Mr. J. St.Jeans application to purchase Section 27, Township 12, Plan 2622, was -'applicant of same. tax sale lots 1, 2, 3, 16 ,and 17, SVii'4, rejected. The Clerk was to notify the Letterwasread from Mir..J._Radyk,:asking for permission to build cabins on his property,Lot 13 of Lot 247, Plan 7909. This was allowed on the understanding that he conform to the distances required from property lines and our Building and Plumbing Bylaws. i Letter from .B.D.. ,Egan was _r.ead _with -reference to the drainage of Maplewood Avenue, crossing the Dewdney Trunk Road. Council felt that this was no problem as the water could be diverted onto Maplewood Avenue north of the Trunk Road to the catch basin, which was not present during the last.,rainy season. j Request from Father Steele, representing the Catholic School,( which would be 1.11 exempt from taxation commencing 10, that relief from taxation be given for this current year. As the amount 6f,/taxes levied on the school buklding worked out' at $980.85 , Council approved the following motion® I Moved by Councillors Bailey and Cox that a grant of $980.85 be made toithe Roman Catholic School to off set 1957 taxes. CARRIED. Mrs. Leaf, chariman=of the Blueberry Queen Committee, requested by letter that the usual annual grant be made to the new :Blueberry Queen, Miss Marlene Rothenberge; Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that a grant of $50.00 be .made to Miss -Maple Ridge} for representing this Municipality at the P.N.E. CARRIED. 525 Minutes' of August"28th, 1957, continued. Replacement plan of poles on the Lougheed Highway was presented by B.C. Electric Officials for approval. a Moved bylCouncillors Bailey and,Dunlop that approval is given to the B.C. Electric Company to replace,their poles on the Lougheed Highway to the inner or boulevard side immediately adjacent to the newly constructed curb. CARRIED. 1 Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the tenetative plan of the Hilland property Lot 1, SEA-, Section 23, Tp,,12, Plan 8606 be tentatively approved subject to the requirements of'the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Road Committee's approval. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 25 of Parcel A of Block 2 of Lot 399, Group '1,' N.W.D., be approved. t, CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 16 of Lots 6 and 7 of the NW71 of Section 29, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Bailey that the Zoning ammended bylaw #455 (17th Ave.) be given first and second reading. CAiLRILD . Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the Penalty Percent Bylaw #453 be re- considered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the Indemnity Bylaw #452 be given third reading. CARRIED.. F r. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the John Deere Tractor -with Backhoe and Blade be purchased from Purves Ritchie Sales Lts. for $8563.98, as per invoice. CARRIED. A verbal request from Mr. C.C. Campbell of Happy Acres on 27th load that the Corporation fall a cotton wood tree on the boulevard and he would take care of disposing of same was approved. Clerk was to notify the Foreman.. Mr. C.R. Hardy of llth Avenue.complained of neighbors leaving refuse on the road modr, and also on the property line. This would be investigated by the Road Foreman. A petition for the erection of school signs on the road running from 8th Ave. to 9th Ave., through the Aggie Grounds was approved. Clerk was to inform Mr. Vogle to erect same. Councillor Simmonds asked what progress was being made with regard to the widening of'the Jackson Road. The bottle neck was the fault of the survey, Mr. V. Edge. It was felt that all Councillors should individually approach Mr. Edge and try to move him to complete his survey. Councillor-Simmonds reported that the grader was badly needed on 33rd Ave. .,Also that the planking on the Ruskin Bridge had not been completed. Neither had anything been done in regard to 12th Road, or the black topping of the Road known as Keirns Road, now the -approach to Sir Stephen Lennard's property. The Reeve explained that all these matters were on the books to be attended to and assured Councillor Simmonds that they would be attended to when the hard surface r program was completed. Councillor Dunlop brought up the matter of the delay in -phone calls to the Municipal Sheds, due to the property line being,.over loaded: ---Clerk was to ask the Telephone Company fora private.line to.be installed at the sheds.. also, that a phone be installed at No. 6 Road at the side of the gravel pit: The oiling of the road over the track was referred to by Councillor Dunlop and also the nedded ditchi.ng:along Princess Street,. ;This,brought up the matter of the use of the new backhoe, purchased by the,water;board. It was flet that 526 Minutes of Aulust-28th, 1957, continued, this could be loaned to general maintenance together with the watereorks operator and that the wages only should be charge to'general, for the time being. Councillor Com felt that an adverse labour situation with the outside workers was rapidly•developing. It was definitely agreed by all that the Reeve should take the matter up with the Assistant Foreman with a view to giving him the authority to weed out those that were hot giving adequate service aed return for —their wages. AIV Councillor Bailey reported that the residents along 19th Avenue were complaining, that the program that was laid down for that road had not yet commenced. The Reeve explained that this work, together with the Secondary Highway drainage problems was yet to be done and he felt that the Whole thing would be completed before the end of the current year. No further business meeting adjourned at 11 p.m. C. REEVE ' ZRK Minutes of September bth, 1957. Full Council met for their regular monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., Friday, September bth. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the minutes of August 2nd, Ikth and 28th, as circularized be approved. CARRIED. Letter was read from the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, signed by the • Honourable Howard. Green, which dealt with the Department's policy towards the Fraser River Development Plan, as prepared by J. W. Wilson of the Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board: Honourable Howard Green promised to co-operate fully whenever this was undertaken. Letter was ordered filed. Communication f;iom Doctor A. F. Balkaney, Medical -Health Officer, with reference to the state of our garbage dump. Considerable discussion arose and the Foreman, was to arrange to back fill and cover -the refuse and continue to do so when necessary. The garbage maintenance man is not to allow any septic tanks to be dumped other than by ratepayers of Maple Ridge. The Clerk was to ask Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitarian if the sewerage could be treated before dumping. A proposed plan of septic tank drainage was presented by.the Engineers for "School District No. 42. As this traversed the Dewdney Trunk Road for a considerable distance and would interfere with our existing water lines and possibly our gas lines, it was recommended that one crossing on the Trunk Road be allowed to the south east point of school property and then directly down 21st Avenue, or as an alternative an easement be obtained from the Ansell property. Notification was read from the Regional Planning Division, Department of Municipal Affairs saying that it was now necessary, pursuant to°Section 887 of the"Municipal Act" to approve and pass a"Bylaw to establish a Zoning Appeal Board and the terms of the present members of the Board would expire December 31st, 1957. Clerk was ordered'to prepare same and present -to -Council a list of names so that one could be selected by the Council as their -representative on the-•Bo�rd. Letter of resignation was "read from Mr. K.C. Bruce, who held the position of Assist Civil Defence Officer. He asked for his resignation to be effective as soon as poss It was with regret that the Council was asked to do this but they would accept same as from September lst, 1957. ,. _... 52 Minutes -of Se ptember 5th, 1957 continued. Archbishop of Vancouver,'-t TvIost Reverend W.-M: Duke, thanked Council for their tax rebatd of $980.00, granted at our last meeting, in favour of St. Patrick's Parish Church. The Archbishop appreciated the quick response to their request. Police Report.was read andXfiled. A petition to hard surface 7th Avenue north of the Trunk. Road was received and noted and would be dealt with by the new•1958 Council. In the meantime, the Foreman was to,investigate as to.preparing this road for next year's hard surfacing program. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that tentative approval be given to the sub- division of Lot 14, SW41, Sec, 22,.Tp.12, P1.3118, subject to the requirements. of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and the Committee's approval,.. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Parcel A of the SEY of Sec. 32, Tp. 12, N.W.D., be approved. (r CATMED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lots 31 and 32 bd of the Of Sec. 20, 1p. 12, N.W.D• be approved. - ;CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of portion of Lot 1 and of Lot 1 of Lot 242, Gp.l, N.W.D.,be approved. CARRI"io. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the tentative plan of the Gilley property Lot 8 and 9, D.L. 401, Gp.l, P1.3899, be approved, subject to Road Subdivision Bylaw requirements andRoad Committee's approval. CARRIED.. Moved by 0ouncillors-Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of the S- of block B of SSW-41, Sec-. 23, Tp. 12, N.W.D., be approved, subject to the Provisions of. the Road Subdivision.Bylaw and ('ommittee's approval. Water installation on a shareable basis, Corporation 25% and owners 750, Lots 20 to 1, north road installation to be -looked at a later date at owners -expense. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that the plan of subdivision -.of Part of Lot A (Plan 9057) of a 12.55 acre portion andof part of a 21.582 acre portion (reference -plan 1435) of the S� of Sec. 20, Tp. 12, N.W.D- be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Indemnity Bylaw ft'-452 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Councillor Cox brought up the problem of night telephone service in the police office. The Reeve would talk the matter over with Sergeant Calvert, with a view of hiring an additional guard for that service, who would be regularily on the job during the night. Council agreed to meet to open tenders at 5 p.m., Thursday, September 12th.' The Foreman now entered the hall and Councillor Cox reported that St. George's Church had asked him to investigate the matter of hard surfacing the road shoulder facing their property- Foreman was directed to get estimates of the cost and report to Council. Councillor Cbx brought up the matter of the line that had frozen to the rear of ,the Snack Bar, very early this Spring. It had been reported,to him that one load of gravel dumped at this spot would avoid this in future;: -This would be in— vestigated by the Foreman.,: 528 Minutes of September 6th, 1957, continued. 4 Councillor Cox also reported on a bad condition that existed on North Street, between 7th and 8th Avenue. Erosion caused by water seemed to be washing out a portion of the -road at frequent intervals. This would be also looked into by the Foreman. Mr. Lilley now reported that he hoped to start the replacing of culverts etc. on the Dewdney Trunk Road next week. Councillor Dunlop felt that, he should also look into some matter on.2nd Avenue, which had been promised last year. Councillor Simmonds reported that the ditches on 12th Road should be;redug back to the fence. Also, that he asked for 28th Avenue ditching to be done before the end of-the,year. The Foreman reported that he had yet to do 16th and 19th Avenues, which was still on the program as unfinished. Miss King, Social Welfare Regional Supervisor, together with Mr. B. McLean, Assist&, Supervisor, now entered the meeting and asked.for.perm ssion.to give their annual report. As this was lengthy copies were left on file after it was read. Also, each Councillor would be provided with a copy. a Application had been made for 36 propane, gas connections. ,As our Bylaw allowed no rebate the charge for this service would be set at $10.25, based on $1.50 for the first and the remaining 35 at 250." A letter was read from the Maple Ridge Hospital Association requesting Council tot advantage of Section 277 of the new "Municipal Act", which was a repetition of Secti 158 of the old Act, of which Council .were quite aware of. The request was the matter of receiving the difference between par value of the sale,price of.the Hospital Debentures sold early in January of this year. The.ho.spital mould be satisfied ifar additional $39,000.00 as working capital, was provided. The,sections of the PIunici° Act, as noted above, authorizes the Municipality to make application.to the Lieutena Governor -in -Council to issue the difference in debentures. Council was not unani- mous about g'anting this request and all felt that the better plan,would bethat if the Hospial Board could establish the need for this additional.$39,000.00 that a referendum should be put to the ratepayers authoriz-_.ing Counciltoraise this amount, At the present time there was no evidence present that the.:need was there, therefore, Clerk would %Trite .to the Hospital Board for ,proof of 'same. The matter would then be dealt with before election time. As an alternative measure the Hospital Board had suggested that we make an annual grant of $13,000..00 each year for 3 yearsto equal the amount desired. At this time this was'not favourable. It was felt that if necessary a referendum _should -be put to the ratepayers. The Reeve reported on a matter that heeded attention and that was the painting of sidewalk lines on the Lougheed Highway between 6th and 7th Avenues, adjacent to the newly constructed curb. Councillor Cox regretted very much that he had to report that incorrect statements were given to the Province and Sun newspapers by the press. He felt that frequently these statements were not as made by the Council in session. _ WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS Mrs. Ruth MacPhaden H. P. Stevens µ A.P. Fairbroth_er H.` Heath Purves Ritchie Sales Ltd. Anderson Realty Ltd. Don 'Morlez B. C. Electric. Gazette R.A.- Hales .Lumber Co. Gordon & Belyea Ltd. Crane Limites R. Siddon Paul M. Cook Terminal City Iron Works Purves Ritchie Sales Ltd. Canadian Wood Pipe & Tanks B.A. Oil Co.' W.W. Capital a/c.,. Capital a/c reservoir Refund Refund Wat er•,,rork s W.W. capital -'reservoir W.W• capital -„reservoir W.W. litce. W.W. Mtce. Cap a/c — reservoir Cap a/c •- reservoir' it tt !6 n ct �t W.W. Tractor W.W. Mtce. Gas & Oil 100.00 384.00 282.59 383.44 . 8563.98 3547e65 150s.00 158'. 81 216.94 96.54 536.21 610.31 2600.00 153.00 lob9.78 2.16 481.85 6.77 Minutes of September 6th, 1957, continued..' 5�9 �aterworks Accounts, Cont'd.� -'47 Imperial Oil Ltd. W.W. NItce. Haney®Hord. Motor Freight W.W. Mtce-7.49, W.W. Const-9.31, reservoir-6.99 Greater'Vancouver Water Bd. W.W. Mtce. Hoffmann & Son Ltd. Cap a/c reservoir. Mussallem's Garahe W_W. Mtce. Hansons Ltd. W.W. Mtce. Gordon & Blyea Ltd. W. W. Mtce. Public'Freightways Ltd. Cap a/c reservoir July- Payrolls 4.73 23.79 1935.78 . 340:00 .42 1.88 127.03 15.21 Mtce-897.10, Reservoir-346.90, Connect-489.80, ;Const-93.00,Hol.Pay-124.00 August Apyrolls Mtce�-1036.95, Connect-334.80, Hol Pay-139.00, Const-93.00, Reservoir-96.$7 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling 21786.27 be paid and payrolls as listed above., -� CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Frank Dennis H. J. Clark J. B°. Pattern Herbert F. Zilzer Henry J. Hyde Mitchel Press Ltd. B. C-. Aviation Council Jack Stanyer - Gordon Hemminger Corp. of Ia7aple Ridge Marlene Rothenberger Municipal Collector Ruth` Ansell Parsons Brown Ltd. Nordquist & Sons Ltd. Minister of Finance Haney-Hmd. Motor Freight Henry's Grill • - Maple .Ridge Home• Service Minister of Finance Underwood Limited Ed. Holtby R. D: Durnin Dustbane Co. of B.C. A.G. Hartwill Addressograph-Multigraph Gazette C.P.R. Co. Burr Office Supplies Minister of Finance Minister of Finance A., Vogl B. A. Noble Jacob Flatla Mutual Life D.V.L.A. D.V.L.A. Charles Tubbs Lloyde E.'Nelmenbrecher. Butler Tire: Ltd. Regional Library B•C..Telephone Co. B.C.-Electric W. C. B- Keep of -prisoners 7.00 Kepp of prisoners 61.00 Keep of prisoners 3.00 Gen. 'Rd: Mtce. 150.00 Refund - siddwalks 20.00• Misc. Exp. 42.00 Delegation Expense 18.00 Fire Dept. 200.0& Refund- Admin. course 8500 Waterworks 19.86 Grants & Donations $0.00 Tax grant -Catholic church 980.85- Refund - Admin. course 85.00 Hammond Ball Park 14.55 Hall a/c 25:73 T.B. Units 117;72 Tools 2.45 Keep of prisoners 4.52 Fire -Dept. 3:38 S.A. Drug Services 596.42 Misc. Admin. 15.90 Fire Dept. 30.26 Hall,grounds 6.50 Hall a/c 17.26 Tools & Equip. 238.00- Misc. Supplies ,16 Fire Dept. 4.25 Gen. lid. Mtce. 181.96 Office Supplies 20.34 S.A. Refund 46.00 Child Welfare 139.05' Gen . Rd.ILit ce . -signs 29.62 Civil Defence 55b24 Refund -current taxes 10.86 p .0 n 183.81 82.99 ra, rr rr 30.48 Refund arrest-5.00,interest-.19 5.19 Refund current -taxes 10.38 Trucks 416.97 'Librar} installment 1864.80 Police exp-16.07,Fire Dept-8.56, Hall a/c-3839,Gen.Rd.Mtce-17.55, Civil Def-8.13 88.70 - Hammond•Drain-4.99,Fire Dept711.30., Hall a/c-66.80,Pub. works-81.05, Park Board-11.17,Street Lights-294.42• 469-73' W.C.B. Dues 1062.50 Minutes of September 6th, 1957, continued. General Accounts Contid. Minister of Finance Pacific Tractor & Equipment Marshall -Wells H.J. Clark • J.B. Pattern, Betty Baker Brackman-Ker•Milling Co._ Kirjpatrick Sand & Gravel Allan F. Howe Maple,Ridge Construction R. Siddon R.J. Chappel C. Whitehead A. Lyons • B. & M. Supermarket R. J. Scobie Ma.cKenziets Hardware Griffin -Bros. Peacock Agencies Hammbnd Community Assn® John Taylor James-E. Kelly Minister of Finance Receiver General West, Coast Motors Ltd._ Superanuation Com'r. Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Haney 'Music & Art Store J. Biggs Dr. S.R. Arber B.A. Oil Co. '3.G.,, Alexander Mun.,Employees Union) Kirkpatrick Sand & Gravel R. Muth & Sons Gazette Timber Preservers Ltd. Wilkinson Co. Ltd.- Y Kanaka Concrete Products Public Freightways Ltd. Acme Machine Shop Co.. Ltd. Regal Building Supplies Parkyiew Garage Nelson Bros. Sainnnills Ltd. Hansons Ltd B.C.-Equipment Co. Ltd® Columbia Bitulithic'Ltd. Maple Ridge Appliances Ltd. Haney Builders Supplies Henry's Grill Colverdale Paint & Chem. Imperial Oil Ltd. National Machinery Co. Vancouver Equipment Runicipal Treasurer 0. E. Lerbeck Fleck Bros. Ltd. School Dist. #42 Haney Garage Ltd. _ Fields Welding Supplies.. B.A. Oil Co. Ltd. .. Ole Prestbakmo S.A. Medical Services Tractor Cemetery. a/c - Keep of prisoners r1 tt Police Expense Park Board Exp. f9 it it - Park Board Exp. tt f1 r1 . 'n ti' tr ' t1 tY 1f - It rt Tt 1 rt r1 Assessment Exp. re fr L.R:O. Fees lnc6me Tax Deduction Tools-1I20,graders-2.50,trucks-523.55 Trust-60.00,super-73.85 Gen.Rd.iMtee. !1 "it " It 6'77.92 11.55 3.31 44.50 35.00 227. "5'0 2.95 9.00 14.GO 625.00 324.00 33.60 70.00 26.. 60 .2 p36 3.12 2.71 6.22 2.45 100.00 12.80 18.40 5,1088 "799:80 537.25. 133.85 2.50 1.00 Tools_& Equ,p. 11.50 Police Exp. 7•50 Gas & O i 396.72 -'Trade licences-120.00,traffic-27.00', dog taxa8l,00 228.00 Un' ibn Dues 52.50 Hardsurface 31.60 Dragline_. 13 -MO Print & Supplies 28.30 Culverts q, bridges 28�..02 Bulldozer. 86.13 Culverts 505.68, -Crusher-2.00,dragline-1.00,Gen.�Rd.i4t'ce- 4..50,Hall-1.25,tools-2.45,graders-1.00 12..20 Trucks-97.12,tools-82.33,grader.-19.44 198.98 Hall a/c-23.60,Sewer-15.75,Gen.Rd.Mtce- 7.64 46.99 trucks- 3.04 Bridges & culverts 443,67, Hall a/c ?+94 Bulldozer 1822.45 Hardsurface 20]252.72 Trucks-.47,tools-.76.Gen.Rd.Mtce-5.57 6.80 Private cross-1.32,Haney sewer-1.47, Gen. Rd. 1ttce-18...82, E FXt=W=x 21.61 Keep of prisoners 3.20 Gen.Rd.Ntce. (signs) 29.58 X. S. A, 319.50- Gas & Oil-6.10,cemetery-5.88,Hardsurf- 3119.44 3131.44 Dragline-94.25,crusherp43.91 138.16 Graders t,, Deleg. exp.-4.40,tools-3.\55,trucks-3.92, 468.83. Gen. Rd.Mtce-1.00,.Hall-13.17,Unem.Tnsur- 255.90,Keep of prisoners-14.10,,;l'Jiiscl Welfare- -9.80,Lib.tax ref-7.50,L-R.0e"-'5O,pOst-.88, ref. current taxes- .15,ref .,O t,H,Gd112.00 426.87 Tax sale redemption " 92.38- Crusher-9..81, Gen. Rd. Mtc"e_-_ 11-1 02'-- 120.83 School•Board-Advance 44974.50 Bridges-35.00,trucks-26.66 61.66 Tools & equipment 52.82 Hall. a/c-130.42,Gas & Oil-691.64 822.06 Refund -current taxes -13.13 0 Minates of September. 6th,, 1957, continued. 531. Accounts, Contl5d.. Ifaple Ridge Home Serviee Port Haney Brick Co. British Columbia Forest Prod. 11arshall-Wells Fire Dept. Refund -current taxes 'Gen:Rd.IVItce. Fire Dept. 2.45 49.66 15.12 5.50 July Payrolls Gen.RdeWk-2342..07,13rush & Ditch-1502.96,Bridges & Culv,7447.90,,Patch"510.60, H/S 17$9.40, Cemetery-551.00, Sec. Hwy-17g.30,Hol.Pay Stat-339•B2s.Hol.Gen�926.52, Raney sewer-113.60,Parks-731.80,crusher-175.20,sick leave-23..20, Hammond sewer-24.$0 Admin-3128.35• August Payrolls. Gen.RdeWk-3286.06,brusher-947.53,patch-70.40,H/S-B00--71,crusher-&03.20, bridges-1205.92, parks-770.80,Hol pay-1065.00, Haney sewer-4$.05,cemetery-510.40;.admin-3268.35 Moved by Councillors. Bailey and Brown that the above noted 'accountstotalling 6214.75 be paid and payrolls listed above. . SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge CARRIED. Other Government DREW., Barbara. ........... .$ 76.50 HUNEi , Jean.-...-.-. ...........vV 76.50 TALBOT, Eleanor DYCK ....., . e ..eeoee•..o•.. 46.25 , 'Susan e'.w .'.'•• e•... •• ore• e. 40.00 Sr;WELL, Horace ................ 50.00 McMULI N, -Florence°..,..•:: e ...... e ... 17. 50 VAN PELT Job je.. e ... • .... e e e • 8.25 Mrs.-Z. S.` Nightingala.,.-o . o . • • e o o • s 337.50 PRIDMORE' Margaret............ 18.25 Crestwood Home:.•.•..,..e -.,... 13G.77 WHITE, Doris .................. 26.50 Alouette Priwat-e� Hospital-••.s...... 1246.50 McKTLLEN., Florence... ........ 17.50 Mrs. ............90.00 POELZER., Cecilia .............. 25.00 Mrs. Margaret zJa6hanesen..•........... 55.00 SEMELL, Horace..e.eeaesee..o•os 50.00 Ers. Margaret Martyn............•.. 5.00 PIrs.-E.S. Nightingale......... 42.84, BABCOOK., Mabel..................... 56.50 Crestwood Guest Home.......... 48.00 BAYDUZA., Mike ............. •......... °156.50 Alouette Private Hospital.....1094.00 COREY, Frank....................... 76.50 Mrs. J. Campbell .............• 75.Oo DENTREY, Evelyn .................... 140.50 SHIELDS., Barbara.. 70.00 DREW, Barbara............. ..• 76.'50 MANUEL' Ethel ................. 27-.50 G•AIDINER Dorothy...... 7'....e... 10$.50 COIidI ELL, Herbert ............. 48.50 HUMS, Jean......................:.. 76.50 EIVGLISH.'Percy...;.............. 1Og.50 MacDONALD' Irma. ..e..•..e.•..•e.e. 76.50 GTLBERT9 Phyllis �............ 92.50 P'TTEN9 'Florence ................... 140.50 KLASSEN� Wilhelm.... ......... 76.50 PRID14ORE, Margaret ................. 76.50 LERIOUX, Anna. ...... 141.50 SUTTON., Mary........ ....•.... 56.50 LORENZETTA , Emily....,........® 124.50 USSELi�iAN''Jacob...•.....e.• ....... 92e50 NIO_1-tGA S' Kathlenn...e,•....eee- 56.50 I.1TLCOX., Francis.................... 89.50 NEIL, Julia ................... 32.50_ (�j�Rmdx Hal Menzies Ltd....... 35.00 NE11lft.t�1V, Ruby .................. 63.50 .414DERSON, Sven ..................... 50e00 NYPHU5 Olaf .................. 124e50 ZUBYK ,•mytro..................... SOe00 OSTFAIVD� Hilda................ 51.50 ARI�IITAGE' Dorothy ........... 50.00 PRIDIORE' Margaret............ 76.50 DERKSIai Annie.....e....e..eee..... 40.00 SEWELL, Horace...0........ .e.• 156e50 GOODERICK Mamie .......... •....... 0 50e00 SHArP' Alice ................ 51.50 HARDY Mabel........ •.•e•.o•••••s.. 35.00 S1t1 VEST Margaret ............. 92.50 McMULLEN, Florence................. 35.00 T' OT9 Eleanor ............... 42.50 SII-,1i'SON Rheta................ ...... 50.00 VAN FELT., Adriaan........... 53-11 CL 0i _ tiiilfred•.......... ... 124.50 WATF:3t TELD.. Arleigh........... 76e50 llIOIvIuEA Margery........... ... 76.50 WHITE,.Doris.................. 76.50 GIESBRFCHT, Jacob..•............... 156.50 CASS, Donald ................... 40.00 LUNDDorothy, ..................... 124.50FRITH Joseph......... ice,.... .o............... 124.50 MacKA GUSTAFSON , 'Adolph............... .....e..,..e.. 50.00 hacNEiL.. Marion. o o• ......s...e. es.®e.....e... 92.50KLASEN., William ..eee•..o.e...a50.00 THEP11,I'NHelen.•.eee•eeo.1V0a50MATTHh11S,Tjomas...........0..@ 50.00 LONGBOTTOff Fran.....k. 34.25 SQUIDS' William...... ......... 45.00 PAULS9 Waldemar.................... 5 0.00 STOi�HOUSE' Lewis............... 30e00 RYAN, Richard44�s-wwwm•••••o•••••e• 45.00 Toner, Alvin... ................ 50e00 DYCK Susan. 40e00 BALE , Virginia ................. 40.00 HANSOK Leath&,..................... 40.00 BEAULAC, Marie:...... 5-0.00 .JOHNSTON Grace ..... 20.00 IY� 532 TJlinutes or September. 6th,. 1957,. continued. Social Welfare Accounts, Cont'd. 4 20 - o f Amount ' Shown Maple Ridge Other Government . BOTan,nis....................a35.00 LANSALL , Rosemary .eee......os..o....e� 40.00 "�LLIda ........ Vl�T . 45e00 DAVISON9 -Dorothy ................ 40.00 JO1Ui3ON, nary................. .....: 89.00 33 GREGOR, Francesca .............. 35.00 ANllERSON., Howard -44................. 7.00 ffEWITT Sarah ...... 35.00 ROBERTS. Mary. ..so.. 7.00 .JAQOBS, Lucy ....... VILEWCH 9 Wasyl.w...•o..e......e.ee.e 7.00 KILSBYV Christina...:.......... 20.00 Bulloch's Grocery..:,..... 15.00 KLABUNDE, Dora ................. 35.00 Dr. A. Breen..... 75.00 .. m e e ... e s .. m e e e. o MCRAE'-Esther .............. .... 40o0Q Super -Yalu Stores ................•,.. 15.00 I-ELVINInez................... 50.00 Emmerson's Market30.00' . MOODY Flossie .................. 50.00 OSWAL3. -Ann ........... 35 . 00 PIPO= .�►t lfd o ..... o . . .... . ... 50.00 POE.LZER., Cecilia ................ 50.00 S.. S., Maieda.................... 50.00 SIivIPSOL, Rheta.................. 50.00 TAYLOR'.Annie................... 40.00 TROT`fER� Mabel .................. 45.00 zieman, Josephine ............... 47.60 BENLEY., Pearl .................... 7.00 HAGEN., Jennie................... 7.00 Dist. of Coquitlam............... .11.50 Corp. of De1ta.........o.........44.50 City of Vancouver........ ... .180.47 Syd&s T`ax3 ... e.e.e.•. 8.90 Exclusive Ambuiance.. .. 13.00 Harknei Uharir ac'y....... , ...... .12.. 00 Di. Hugh F. Morse.. .. ..... 67.00 Dist. 24.60 hiniste'r 'of Fina,nce.............. 50.60 Bx°uce's' Mar]kA.. ... 20.00 Moved by Cowicillors. Bailey and Brown that the above noted_ accounts. totalling °$37.39 be. paid.. CARRIED. No further business meeting adjourned at 1t00 P.M. ,EVE ... ... . CLERK y 533 Minutes of September 12th, 1957. A special meeting was call ed_fbr—the opening of tenders for the Websters Corners Bridge and•also-th 15th Road Bridge., -with full Council present. Bids opened listed as follows: - Bridge Construction: - Fraser River Hie Driving Company 14,976.00 Vancouver.Pile Driving Company 15,500.00 Greenlieghs Pile Driving Company 14,991.00 The following motion, for the erection of the bridge, was approved as follows: Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the Tender of The Fraser Diver Pile,Driving Company, the sum of14,976.00 for the erection of Bridge as specified in plan, subject to Engineers approval, be accepted; no extras unless authorized by our Engineer. CARRIED. The fill tenders were now considered from Bruce McIntyre 33,050.00, Van Boeyen, Eddie & Thomas Constr; 31,776.20 Wharton & Wharton Construction Co.' 31,160•79 Clary & Bens Construction Co: 33,250.00 Inter City Excavation Co. & A.A,.Staub 34,258:50 Penning Construction Company 47,230.00 Scott Bros. Gravel Company 25,000.00 Moved by_Councillors Brown and Cox that, Scott Bros. Gravel Co. Ltd. of,Coquitlam be awarded their tender as subrLitted to supply the gravel fill and removing of old - structure - cost not to exceed $25,000.00, subject to,the approval of the Engineers. Ct'I IED . 15th Road Bridge ® Concrete Piers:® Jarvis Construction Company 4.1550.00 Valley Construction Company 6p690.00 Moved by Councillors Brown and Simmonds that Jarvis Construction Co'. be awarded the contract to construct 2 A Piers and 1 B Pier for the 15th Road Bridge at a cost of not more .than $4,550.00, subject to the approval of the Engineers. CARRIED. ,A meeting was arranged with the engineering firm in charge of the..construction and the Reeve for Friday afternoon at 2 P.M.., to confirm the above contracts. Council,now considered a request from Mr. D.R. Bishop.and Mr. M.A. Mathers, who offered to clear up the slash left by hex.. St.Jean when taking off the timber on Lots lb, 17, & 18, South West -1, 'Sec6ion 27,. Township 12, Plan 2622. Messrs Bishop and Mathers.offered to clean up and burn the refuse and pay $1.00 per cord.for pulp wood and:500 for fire wood. Council 'approved this offer. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that Councillors Bailey, Dunlop, Simmonds and the Reeve be appointed as voting delegates at the U.B.C.M. Convention, September 25, 26, & 27, 1957. CARRIED. I The matter of black topping the frontage to the Anglican.Church was again considered and the Foreman reported that,this would cost $150.00 to carry out this -work, with an additional $180.00 to,complete.the shoulder to 8th Avenue. Also, the request that the shoulder.be.black topped fronting the Royal Crescent Cleaners at the price of $72.00 was reviewed. This matter was left in the hands of the Reeve and Councillor Cox to authorize the work if they deem.fit. Both matters were on Municipal road shoulders and not on private property Arid -would improve our parking problem. No further business meeting:.adjourned'at 7:10 p.m. REEVE CLERK 534 z Minutes of September 20th, 1957. Full Council met Friday., September 20th, 1957, at 9:30 a.m., Letter from the C.N.I.B. was read, informing,Coun.cil they anticipated opening. a Branch in Haney. Council was very pleased to hear this and directed Clerk to notify the Institution that Council would give their full support to sane. Final consideration was given to the plans of the Timber Preservers Limited for the 15th Road Bridge, which were explained,in detail. The following motion approved same. Moved -by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the 'Tender of Timber Preservers Ltd., for a pressure treated bridge as to drawings #BRl1F & 3 and BRllf & 4 per your quotation #916-7 for 15th Road for a total price of $17,370.00, be accepted. CARRaD. With -reference to the fill of the W6bsters Corners Bridge and the encroachment on private property, an estimate was read from the four owners, Messrs Leino, Shorthouse,"Tuokko and Hilbert, which was based on a value of approximately $2,000.00 an acre for creek bottom land.. Council felt this offer was out of all reason and Clerk was instructed -to offer $500.00 for the 35 feat strip to"be divided amongst themselves as they saw fit. Letter from L.O. Way•complaining that,building-encroached onto municipal road was investigated by the Foreman -and found to be in order. Mr. Bushey of 8th Avenue -presented a rough plan for a duplex to.be built at the rear of his property. He was advised to first approach the Town Planning Commission with a,view to getting their approval: Council would then deal with the matter.. Mr Fletcher, representing the Gazette,, now attended to solicite a -half page advert- isement paid for the Corporation, with relation to the opening of the Pitt River Brit 'on October 21st. Council asked Mr. Fletcher to again attend the next meeting and thepTould then review same. Mr. Franklin, representing the Board of Trade and other Haney merchants, asked for Council's influence.i.n approaching the Provincial Highways Department to complete their Lougheed Highway project at least to 10th,Avenue corner, as planned. Clerk was instructed to contact Honourable Lyle 'rIicks, by letter, a copy of which would be .given to the .Bland of Trade: The Imperial:Oil Company presented a.plan of. -the gas station on the corner -of loth Avenue,, showing two crossings. Apparently one had been turned down by the Department and, they now asked for Council's approval. Council saw no objection to this .second crossing, located at the'west end of the property.. Clerk was to so notify the oil company. ,T-he- sewer for .the Golden Ears. School,. corner of 21st and Trunk Road, was approved as per plan presented by their Engineer, which signified one crossing under the Trunk Road to continue down 21st Avenue.._ Moved by Councillors Frown and Dunlop that the Sewerage Disposal'Plan crossing the Dewdney Trunk Road from the proposed Garabaldi Junior High School, corner of 21st Avenue,sut rnitted by R.J. Cave & Associates; be. approved. C?�RxtIED. Moved by._Councillors Simmonds and Brown that the Municipality of Maple Ridge [consents toth granting of -easements under Section 71 of the Land Act to British Columbia Electric Company Limited. These easements are..to.accomodate a 12" gas pipeline;lacross Bedford Channel, the old channel between. McMullan and Brew Islands;. antd.Russell Reach of- the Fraser River as shown outlined iii,,red on -plans prepared. by David.•H. Burnett, B.C.L.S. and attached to the application'by British Columbia Electric, Company Limited, Moved by Councillors Cox and Simmonds that the rules of procedue be dispensed with and that Bylaw No. 4.57 be given first, .second andthir_d-reading this day. CARRIED. 535 Minutes of,September 20th, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that Councillor Bailey and Councillor Brown shall sit together with the Reeve and form a Court of Revision for the annual Voters' List, held on November 1st, AND that John H. Burrage be appointed Returning Officer for the 1957 Municipal Elections. CARRIED. The matter'of black toping the remaining portion of the boulevard, on the south side of Selkirk St eet and 8th Avenue was reviewed. Clerk wa-¢ to request a contribution in the neighborhood of $50.00 from the postal authorities. When this'was received Council would carry out the work. Councillor Simmonds complained of the garbage being dumped on the old River Road adjacent to the Indian Reserve. He also informed 'Council that the Department also objected to this. Therefore a sign marked No Garbage Dumping was ordered to be erected at that spot. No further business meeting adjourned at 11:50.M. REEVE CLERK Minutes of October 4th, 1957 Full Council .met for their regular monthly meeting at 9:30, Friday, October 4th, 1957. Mrs. Clarkson, corner of Metcalfe and 3rd Avenue, complained with regard to the flooding of her basement, which she stated was from a plugged road tile. As a very low depressionexistedon the east side of her property, which could cause the flooding, the Council would personally visit and inspect same. Mr. Elli.p of 21st Road, presented a subdivion by deBcription in deed form, conveyinga piece of property 1001x700". As this was now ultramv"res to Section 709 of the Municipal Act it could only be approved on the,grounds that this property had, been conveyed prior to -the new Municipal Act coming into force, therefore, the approving officer approved same on these grounds. Mr. Geisler, situated immediately north of Martin Road requested permission to sub -divide his property. Upon inspection it was found this would not.comm ply with any existing regulations as the area which he contemplated fronted only onto a 20 feet lane. He then asked permission to build cabins on same. After considerable discussion and advice given to Mr. Geisler he was informed to take the matter up with the Town Planning Commission. . Mr. Frank Dennis of No. 6 Road, complained of the unfinished gravel portion between our gravel pit -and the top of the hill, which had not been hard surfaced and the deplorable state that existed there. As this problem had been pending for considerable time and awaiting the survey of 11r. Edge. The Reeve and Council would endeavour to bear pressure on Mr. Edge to get this survey com- pleted without any more loss of time. Mr. McEwen, proprietor of the store on the corner of 17th Avenue and Trunk Road , asked for considerable improvement to that road zorner and also strongly impressed apon the Council to tile and close in the ditch fronting his premises. The matter was eventually decided upon later when the Foreman was present. A 54 fobt culvert would be installed and the ditch filled in, also the flare of 17th Avenue out to the Trunk Road would be increased to make a better turn. Minutes of October lath, 1957, continued. Mr. Armstrong, Sanitarian for this district, reported that a great improve- ment -had been done by the Municipal crews at the garbage dump and he felt that'the reports..going around had no grounds whatsoever, unless.it,was for some other motive. He would make a weekly inspection of same to see that the combultibles and tYe non-cornbustibles were s razed and flies etc. were killed. The Sanitarian could see no reason wky. e complains were made or any reason why the dump could not .continue to serve for many -_.years. The Reeve replied that the Council would always observe the advice of the Sanitarian and recommende? that he continue his reports. r The agenda was now' referred to. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the minutes of September bth and 20th be adopted as circularized. s CARRIED. �^^}} CARRIED . Fraser Valley Municipal Association meeting to be held Friday, October 18th was advised to all Councillors. Complain, was read from E. M. Waren that the Parking Signs on the\Lougheed Highway facing his property were most unleading for the out of town visitors. Both the Parking Committee and the Council as,a whole felt that the signs served the area adequately. - Mr. H.M. Johnson, ?"7th road, recommended the ditches be cleaned out along side of same.. Foreman was advised to carry out this work before the winter rains set in, A petition was. now read. from. the residents of Fern Crescent and 32nd Road, complas of the possibility of a dine. and -.dance licence being not issued to Mr. C.M. Senft, on the grounds that it would be a public nuisance and a detriment to the surrounds: .property owners and a very hard situation to police. The Reeve advised T,4% Greg and Mr. McTaggart that a licence had been issued for retail and cafe some two weeks ago and that the area would be rigidly policed and that if no transgressions of i the law occurred he would be allowed to continue to operate. If, as stated in the petition, it developed into a. public nuisance the Council had the power to close same. The Foreman reported that the bridge on the River Road east of the brick yards would, have'to be removed and a culvert would have to be installed and possibly 3000 yards of fill would be necessary. As this had been promised the last .two years he was authorized to commence as soon as possible. He also reported that further two culverts would be necessary on 25th Avenue before the winter rains commenced. The matter of the junction of 17th Avenue and Trunk- Road as previously mentioned was discussed with the Foreman and it was felt that this work of filling in the - ,ditch and widening the intersection could be charged to Secondary Highway, on -- the grounds that it was definitely a safety factor. Councillor Cox in the presence of the Foreman referred to the condition that ecisted at the rear of Fuller-4datson's store, in the lane, and theFonl.7 remedy would be a fill, supported by a concrete butress wall. The matter was left to contact the property owners and to gather together informationsre'garding the total cost as to whether it is possible to do -this work this year -or enter it into the new budget for next year. I i Mr. Luko of 8-L Avenue had approached Councillor Cox, bringing !up an old question of the low lying -land in that area and the difficulty of draining same. The Council and Foreman would take a second look at this matter. , Also, the complaint of Mr. Sh\p was referred to the Forefaan,� with regard to Municipal refuse left on the corner of llth Avenue. The For6mal7 doubted this very much but would visit the spot and report back. j Foreman would also inspect the culvert at Mr. Legg&.s on 11+th Avenue, v1hich he had spoken to the Reeve about being plugged again. The Reeve also asked that some gravel be provided on Menzies Street beside Mr. French's property. The question of future heavy traffic on No. 9 Road, caused by those owning gravel pits and trucking same down to the Road to Penning Construction's new site, was discussed. It was reported that possibly this would exceed-100,000 yards per yea, and it was felt that if this was the case, those using same could contribute tovrar, the cost of widening and improving the road. 53r Minutes of October 4th, 1957, continued. The Foreman promised to brush the corners of the detour from 23rd-and:.;25th. Avenues, which was now travelled in order to escape the Websters Co�ners-•l3ridge crossing.. ' Councillor Simmonds asked for the grading of 31st Avenue and 25th Avenue. Councillor Dunlop asked f.or the cleaning of the ditch on 17th Road. Councillor Bailey reported the grader wassnecessary on 21st Avenue and he hopes that the ditch in front of the old high school, corner of 9th, would be filled in before the end of the year, Councillor,* Brown of the Waterworks Conmittee reported a major problem had occurred.at the Websters Corners Bridge when the water service line had been damaged. This mean the crews would likely have to work over the week -end to repair and temporarily bury same. Apparently the demolition of the bridge now taking place would be stopped on Saturady and Sunday, which was an opportunity for our crews to carry out the repair work and safe guard it. Sergeant Calvert reported that everything was in order as./far as his policing was concerned, but felt that signs.should be put on'the old River Road east of Kanaka Creek to the ferry and also an arrow should be placed somewhere near loth Avenue instructing the drivers to continue on,.as many had turned up loth and found the mistake later. As this was a Ylunicipal Road it was up to us to erect such signs. A�representative of the Gazette now presented a prepared one.page advertisement to'commemorate the opening of the Fitt River Bridge later in October. .This was quite satisfactory to Council, so permission was.given to complete the display and charge same to -the Corporation: It was approved by all Councillors -present -and the :reeve that Tir. S. Berto be commended for his very: fine service and extra, hours that he had given during these emergencies caused -by the laying of gas lines in very close proximity of our existing water lines and as a token of appreciation a cheque for $100.00 should be presented to him. It ;was felt that this would not dompensate for all the extra hours that he had put in on night work. - Moved by Couneil7_orw Brown and Simmonds that Bylaw.No..456 (appointing one member to Zoning Appeal Board) be given first and second. reading. CARRIED. Roved by Councillors Baily and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 457A (granting consent to Gas Lire river crossing easement) be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CIHRIED . Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that Bylaw No. 458 (appointing Board of Park Commissioners) be given first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Plan of portions of Lot 245;. Group I, N,W.D., formerly Lots A and B, Plan 15642 of Lots 1,7,8,9,10 and 11 of Lots 1 and 2.of Block 11, be approved. CAEMIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the Plan of subdivision of Lots B and C of Block.v 2.of the North West of Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved, subject to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Com itteels approval. CARRIED. Moved by. Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Plan of subdivision of Portion of Lot 8 (Plan 2510) and -of portion of Parcel nB" (Ref.Plan 475) and of Parcel G,.(Ref. Plan 4628):and of Portion of Parcel -.A (Ref. Plan 4611)-N.W.D., be approved. - CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the East part of the North West of.Section 14, Township 12; N..-D., be approved.. CARRIED. Moved by Councillorw Dunlop and Simmonds that the Plan of subdivision of Lots 1,•2 and 3 of portion of Lot 7 of Lot 245, Group 1, NX.D., be approved. CARRIED. 58 Minutes of October 4th, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Simmonds that the Plan of. subdivision of Lot 2 of the East part of the I4orth West 1 of Section 33, Townshipe 12,, N.W.D., ibe.approved. r CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Bailey that the Reeve, Peter denewein, be appointed to represent the Maple Ridge Council on the Advisory Board of the New Westminster Harbour Commissioners. CARRIED - Nelson Bros. -were granted an extension of time, relative to the cutting and disposing of timber on the Thornhill lease, from October 31st, the date of expiry, to December-31st; 1957• Letter from the Hot House Growers was read and noted by all Councillors. The tenders for the supplying of gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and furnace oil were now to be o,pened. Upon opening the B.A. Oil Company's envelope it was found that an error had been made in their office and the tender not enclosed. Therefore, the unopened tenders were remained sealed and a special committee would meet on Monday afternoon, after the B.C. Oil Company had been contacted informing them of their mistake. This was agreed to -by all present. WA`rFRVTORIiS ACCOUNTS:` ` B.C. Electric Public Freightways Marshall -wells Haney -Hammond I11tr. Freight Vancouver Water Dist. Sam•Saari's. Burnett,McGugan S Hunter Terminal -City Oron Works Hanson's. Ltd. September Payrolls- W.vY• Mtce. 144-90- Cap. a/c. -Reservoir 7.63 Mtee-897.89, Const-418q.50 5087.39 W.W. 1v1tce=13-42,Cap.Resv4.10 27.52 W.W. Mtce. 1933,31 W.W. Mtce. 31;50. W.W. Cap a/c Reservoir 1396.50` New Conste44-45,Cap.Reservoir.®28l.62 326.07 W.W. Mtce. 2.89 T�itce-1025.69,.Reservoir-136.40,-Hol. Pay-12.50, Stat.Hol-75.90,.Conn-275.90 Moved by Councillors Brown and Bailey that the above noted accounts totalling 8947.71 and payrolls as listed above be paid. ' CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Shores Jewelers 14isc. Admin. 27.83 Planning Board Grant 361.00 School -Dist.. A2 Advance - 32367- 50 _ Municipal Treasurer Waterworks frontage _ 3148.76 H. Cornwell. Labour-lv'honock cemetery 58.00 Minister of Finance T'-B. Units 81.10 Daniel Cadsand Ref. Curr. Taxes 3.00 Morris Electric Half. a/c 8:25 Municipal Treasurer 'Hisc. Exp. 6:75 City of New West. Coroner & Inquest 67.00 B.C. Hospital Insurance m.Hospital-Per Diem 5926�20 A. Vogl Gen.'Rd.Mtce. 29.74 Sidney Blow mall a/c r 3$.00 Addressograph-Multigraph Office Supplies Pitney Bowes Rental Postage Meter 15,.80 15.00 B.C. Electric Hammond drain-4.99,F* e Dept-2.63., Hall a/c-63.90,Public works-82.68,. Park Bd-8.34, St. Lts-294.42 456.96 Osbron's Store Fire Dept- 13.18 Foggo's Ltd. sire Dept. -r- 152.25 52.5 Butler Tire Ltd. .rucks -�`- `�` Betty .Baker Police Expense 5e50 T4�utual raid Civil Defence 30.24 Superannuation Cori'r. Trust-60.00,Super-73.85 133.85 Westeel Products Gen.1id.11tce. 115.96 H-J. Clark weep of prisoners 31.50 "Minutes of October 4.th, 1957; continued. 553 9 GENERAL ACCOUNTS COIF T I D . J.B. Pattern H.S. Cockrill Municipal 'Treasurer Imperial Oil Ltd. Columbia Bitulithic B•C. Telephone Co. James Kelly., Municipal Treasur"dr Kanaka Concrete Prod.'' R.J. Chappell. • . B & M Supermarket Kirkpatrick Sand & Gravel L. T,I. Jackson G. Steeves N.R. Bailey J A. Chatwin I J. Nightingale ThainIs•Corner Store C. Nhitehead 3. Lemberg. .. ,,... F. •Worfolk .. . Keep of Prisoners - 9: 00 Keep of Prisoners 15.00 Ref.Home Oi^xier Grant-168.00,L.R.O-.79, Hall\ a/c-4.17, Ref . Cur. Tax- . 01.,Niis c . Adrrdn- .63,H411 grounds-.O1,Ref.arrear..os taxes-,, .01, D�leg.Exp-823.,09,Postage-100.Mg,Assess. ExP-5.52,Ref.Dep. of plane-20.00,Ref.Dep.on plans,Ksn.Ur.Bridge-20>00,Ref.Oi1 burner perm- 3.001Gen.Rd.14tce-.89, 1.392.81 Hardsurface-400.42,Patching-527.30 927.72 Patching-317.58,Sec.Hwy-94.54,Gen.Rd.I4tce- 68.40,Hardsurface-562.09 1042.61 Police-16.0",Fire Dept-8.56,Hall a/c-47.29, Gen. Rd-Mtee-7.60,Civil lief.7$.28 87-80 Assess .Exp. 14-,.16 Waterworks sewer flushing 500.00 Sec.Hwy=808.32,Priv.Crossin -23.80 _832.12 Parks Board 19.60 Parks Board .$0 tt It . t1 It It tt If tf n it It it 4 if 11 If _ It t1 11 to 9..00 50.00 . . - 95,00 W.J. Biggs eerderson Auto Electric Tools & Equip. The Gazette Election'F.xp-24.70,bridges-9.50 C.I.L. Gen.Rd.Mtce. ......, R.J. Scobie Shovel Dr.- A. J-.• •Trud'el .,Police Exp. Hoffman & Son Culy, & bridges R. Siddon .. • . Gen.Rd.Mtce. Sam, Saani•ts Garage• 'Shovel-22'.46,tract or-7.15,drag-�6.15 Trapp Motors. Ltd. Trucks Haney i'usic & Art; Gen.Rd.Mtce. Fuller -Watson -Ltd. Bridges-6.66,.4.73-. Receiver- General, Tyfc ' Tax Deductions' .. .... ' . Dietrich -Collins " Crusher Public Freightways Tools.& Equipment Acme Machine Shop Trucks 35.00,crusher-1.81,tools-27o51 Brackman-Ker. Gen.Rd.Mtce. Regal Building,Supplies Gen.Rd.Mtce. Lens Auto -Body. Shop Trucks Standard•Gil•Coe:•° .,patching j Haney -Hammond •Mtr.Fght; ... Tools Minister,of Finance • • - - -L.R.O. Fees M. S. A.... ..... M.S.A. V. Edge Surveys Armco Drainage Sec. Hwy. M.1R.,. Construction -Sidewalks Tikber Preservers ' •Sec.Hwy. ; West. Coast Motors Tru6ks_=12.94,Shovel-.26 Fleck Bros.. •Ltcl. Tools &Equip. INelson Bros... Bridges-173.12,Sec.Hwyr-17.81 .... .`.. Haney 'Builders t ° -Crusher Dist. of I'Ii ssion Gen.Rd.Mtce. , Ken Bruce•. Civil Defence " Gazette Civil Defence B.A. Noble Civil Defence ....' . " Field Is Welding Tools & Equip. Maple Ridge Appliances Crusher-.91,tools-12.18. R. Muth & Sons Crusher-5.50,tractor-1;13,dragl.ine'-24.6 ,. Haney Garage Ltd. Trucks-8.04,graders-12;84 " B.A. Oil Ltd. Gas & Oil ° W.G. Alexander Traffic-48.00,11rade licences-58.50 Dog Licences-129.00 r 90.00 65a00. 30- 00 64.90 65.00 44.00 1358.30 9.30. 30.94 34'.20 66.62 1.26 6.00 182.00 192.00 95.77 5.7$ .47 11.39 670. )9' 5 1.45 64.32 2.67 2.10 123.90 15.45 1 00 10.22. 312.12 52.50 408.81 15.00 1062.60 13.70 82..18 190.93 2.42 127.70 27.20 10.97 55.86 . 21.10 13.09 4 31.27 2O. e 88 939.85 235.50 540, Minutes of October 4th, 1957, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTID. Payrolls -September Gen.Rd.hltee-3116.06,Brush & Ditch-418.40,Patch-719.85,H%S-124-00,Crusher-576.50, Bridges-583.80,Sec.Hwy-993.54,Parks-471.20, Stat.Hol-339.02,Hol.Pay-792.40,Haney Sewer-18.60,Hammond Sewer-19.3.40,Cemetery487.20,Admin-3594.35,lndem.-2250.00 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accowats totalling $55103.70 and payrolls as listed above be paid. CARRIED. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount Shown. Maple Ridge CASS., Donald ...................$ 40.00 STEVART' Margaret .............. 25.00 FRITH.Joseph................... . 50.00 McCANN, Martin J............... 20.00 GUSTAFSON., Gust....: ............ 50.00 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale.......... 21.00 Crestwood Gust Horne............ 48.00 Aloue-tte Private Hospital..... 1088.00 Nrs. J$ Campbell.............. 75.00 Mrs. -Ethel Manuel ............. 35.00 Mrs.-S.; Peterson .............. 22.84 CORYWELL� Herbert.............. 48.50 ENGLI.SH Oercy................ 1.08.50 GILBERT3 Phyllis T............ 92.50 KLASSEN':Wilhelm.............. 76.50 LEROUX Anna .................. 141.50 LGLEMIZETTA, Emily ............. 124.50 MORGANS,, Kathleen......)....... 56..50 N3.S:lL,-Juba a e s • • e . . e . . • . .. . • e • 32 e 50 NE`i�ei:IAN.., Ruby ............... ... 63.50 NYHUSI- Olaf ............. ..... 124.50 OSTRAREL, Hilda:............... 51.50 SLWELL, Horace ............... 156.50 SHARPEN- Alice.................. SMITH. Hiargaret.......e....... 92.50, TALBOT, Eleanor.................. 42.50 VAN PELT' Adriaan.............. 76..50 %ATERFIELD, Arleigh........... . 76.50 WHITL•• s Doris ... 76.50 .. WILCOX,.Frances............... 89.50 HAL IrWZIES LTD.... ....i.... ` .35.00 HAGEIti.' . Jennie. o-:.: `; .... 7.00 MATTri-I:h�'�n1S, Thomas...`:.:...::........ 50.00 SQUIREH .William ............... 45.00 STONHOUSF.'.Lewis. .. 30.00 TONER, Alvin.................. 50.00 BALE, Virginia................. 40.00. BOYE`TaPnis P................ 35.00 WIPLE' Ida. ... ........ 50.00 TIArrSON� Dorothyy............... 40.00 GREGOR' I4rancisca............. 35.00 H��,WITT, =Sarah .............. ... 35e00 JACOBS' •Lucy....... 45.00 . KILSBY, Christina ............. 20.60 KLABUNDE' Dora.. .::..'....._ 35.00 McRAE, Esther ..............•.. 40.00 MOODY, Flossie.. 50.00 35.00 PIPO� Anna ..................... 50.00 POuL�E, • Cecilia..... 38.37 - SAI`IIS' Mareda............... 50.00 S:I MPSON, -%beta................ . 50.00 TAYLOR, Anrjie.... 40.00 TROTTER, -Mabel ................ 45.00 ZIiAAN' Josephine.....,........ 50.00 Other Government. Mc NEILL, Triari on ...................... 5.00 BAz�`�, Hattie.......... .•....... 25.00 Mrs. M. Marion....... ............. 90.00 Mi-s. Astrid Johannesen...... 55.00 Mrs. Ma.rgaret.Martyn.........<....., 5.00 Mrs. M. Jones ...................... 140.00 BABCOCK., Mabel....................... 56.50 BAYDUZA? Mike ...................... 156.50 CONY' Frank ....................... 76.50 DENTREY, Evelyn ..................... 140.50 GARDINER, Dorothy.......... ..... 108.50 HUME,.Jean....................... �76e50 MacDONALD., Irma ..................... 76.50 PATTEH_Florence.................... 14Q.50 PRII)MOPZ' Margaret .................. 76.50 SMITH '.I1iaryetta..................... 76.50 SUTTON. I''Iary................ . 56.50 LSSELIJTAN' Jacob................. ,.92.50 johnson, Mary.* .............. ....... 89..00 ANDERSON Howard. ..... 7,.00 BE TLE-Ys.Pearl..............7.00 ROBERTS ZTa5 Ivlary.................. .. 7.00 STEPPLER,'Valentine................ .7.00 ANDERSONs.aven................ ... 50.00 ZUBYR, Iimytro................. ...... 50.00 BATE�•+iAN' Hattie ......... e ...... 50.00 GOODRICH, Niamiie ... ... .......50.00 HARDT'Mabel............. ........ 35.00 NMELVIN., Inez.. .............. .. .;50.00 SLTSON., Rheta...... ...... 50.00 CLARKE', Wi.lfred............ 124.50 DIOTINTE' IlIargarey................. 76.50 GIESBRECHTs'Jacob.... 156.50 LUND �`Dbroty. ............ ::...:....::124: 50 MACKAY Alice. ... 37.30 I�IACIEIL;' Marion...... • ......... 97.50 NORR.IS- Robert ................ 76.50 THERR EN, Helen ................. ...108.50 LONGBOTTOM' 'Frank ............ 34.25. RYAN' Richard ................:., ,::. 45.00 DYCK 8usa. 40.00. .•s.ea.o..e••.. a1• .i c•e j' IANSONI'Leatha.•............ ..... 40.00 JOHNSTON.,.. Grace ............. ... •15.00 7LANSAvL9t{1Ro-"{s;j+emary.................. ... 40.00 l cCAi's�.�ANT' EI'mms3�S• ..... • ... .; a ... .. ; 45 i 00 .T. A. Nikifor .....................' 90.00 Dr. W. A. Rutledge.......... e,.,:,. 5.00 Dr.' F A. Mitchell ................... 2.00 541. mutes of October 4th, 1957, continued. SOCIAL WELT Ad -LE ACCOUN`i'S CONT I D. 20o of Amount shown _ J' Maple Ridge :`i.nister of. Finance ................. 51.40 3yd' s Taxi .... 1..90 Dist. of Ila.tsqui.................... a 24.60 Dorporation of Delta.................46.50 Dr, N. W. Huculak... ..........�64.00 aity of New Westminster ............. 44.60 loved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $9061.03 be paid. No further business meeting adjourned at 1 p.m. i E UE CLERK Meeting of October 7th, 1957. Council convened at 2 p.m.,, Honday, October'7th for the special~purpose of opening tenders for supplying of gasoline, diesel -fuel, and furnace oil. Present were the Reeve, Counci.11oru Dunlop, Cox and Brown. The following tender resulted in the contract being awarded to-Royali.te Oil Company, local agent H. Gibeaut. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the tender for Royalite Oil Company Limited,, being the lowest tender quoted at Premium 22.0; :Regular 20..101, Diesel,19.1, Furnace Uil'17.$5' be accepted. CAI'.; ED D. From this date the trucks will use regular gasoline, as quoted above; No further business meeting adjourned at 2:55 REEVE CLERK 54 2'. Minutes of October 16, 1957. A Special Meeting was called for on October 16th at 8 p.m. for the Hearing of the 17th Avenue Zoning Bylaw. Present were Reeve, Councillors Dunlop, Bailey, Simmonds and Cox. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that. the -Hearing for. -the. Seventeenth Avenue Zoning be now opened.. ... ....... CARRI'ED.. Mr. Spencer located on the Dewdney Trunk road ;between . Sixth and Seventh Avenue inquired with reference to the drainage problem that had.existed which effected his basement. The Reeve informed him that it had now been taken care of by the extension of a larger diamenter concrete pipe through the United Church property, however, if Mr. Spencerts basement was to low, the Council could not be responsible for the flooding of same. Penning Construction Company was present and asked for approval of a C.P.R. crossing in their favor and not for public use. The Council had no objection and the Reeve signed a letter presented by Penning Const- ruction to that effect. The Company representatives notified the Council that -they would be hauling 280,000 yards of gravel during the next six months travelled via 21st Avenue, thence through municipal property to Number 6 Road and south on Seventeenth Avenue to the railway crossing. The Council warned the company officials that the roads would not hold up up under heavy and incesant traffic during the winter and it is quite possible that the ExtraordinaVy Traffic -Bylaw could be enforced during different periods. The Council recommended that before the hauling started there should be a full understanding between the municipality and the company with regard to replacement of damage to Roads. Mr. Albert who lives on 17th Avenue felt that this heavy transportation operating on 17th Avenue' wouia- be -,-of' danger -to - the school children attending the Albion 6chool and recommended that a sidewalk should be built to protect there. The Company officials were ready to meet and discuss the'matter with the, Council before cbmmencing'operatiohs. The Goodwill'Committee were granted -a tag day for November-22nd, next. The School Board Representatives, Miessrs Jones, Livesy''and Tweedi'e presented a drainage problem from the 21st Avenue- Corners.school.site south on' %iunicipal Road for approximately 2800 -feet acid asked' the ,.Councili co-operation'in:installing a ten inch or 12 inch concrete -pipe line south on 21st Avenue to take care -of the outfall frbm their sewage'dis- posal field -.-at the school site. They were not asking for financial assistance, but primarily for the Council to carry out, the work and to include this project in our 1958 works programme. The Reeve promised to have an estimate brought in and to discuss later.with the :.school Board as to the total cost. Firs. Noble Bergren and Mrs. Barnard of Civil Defence were now present to discuss the much debated question of providing the radio equipment set for-�.Cvil. Defence use only. The Councilts attitude previously had been that the municipal share would be two-thirds of the cost of same. The matter had now been qualified from a letter from the Civil Defence Headauarters to the Municipal Clerk to the effect that if it was used solely for Civil Defence, only one -quarter of the cost 1would be charged to the municipality and that -if we increased our CivillDefence budget from $2350.00 to 5000.00 which headquarters would approve, this would provide the equipment. Moved by Councillors Bailey and\�immonds that this Council excepts the Budget for 1957 concerning Civil Defence, total cost $5000.00, lAunicip- ality share 25% $1250.00. ' I C ARB.IED . i The adgenda was now referred to and a letter of resignation was read fra the pound keeper,!,Fir. W. Robinson, due to ill health, was accepted with regret. lair. Robinson was asked to continue to October 31st if possible, Councillor Simmonds-would interview Mr. Dan Cadsand with the possibility of him accepting the post. 543 .Minutes of October 16,1957, continued. the Clerk was ordered to -provide one poppy wreath and two sprays'from the Canadian Legion on November"llth, price $19.00. Municipal Employees, outside staff, Local No. 622 notified Council that it was their intention to negotiate for the 1958 contract. The Clerk advised that this was t,9 be dealt with by the 1958incoming Council. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the subdivision of the West 230 feet of Lot 25 and 35 of Lot 432, Group 1,. plan 1208, N.W.D. be approved. Moved by Councillors Dunlop 'and portion) of the north portion Plan 809, N.W.D. be approved. CARRIED. Cox that the subdivision of part (2 acre of lot 8 of District Lot 404, Group 1, CARHIED. 14oved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that'the subdivision of the South 159 feet of the South half. -of 1 of "Att of N12 of SE-, Section 30', 4 Township 12, Map 6152, N.W.D. be approved tentatively. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and C'ox that the first and second reading be given to Bylaw No. 454, "Yennadon 'fiater Arealt. I ( - C XRR IE � 'D. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Bailey that the third reading be given to Bylaw No. 456, "Appointment 'to the Zoning Board of Ap'peal.It -CARRIED. The proposal by A. -Foucher to erect a semi detachable unit at the rear of his lot on,8th Avenue had been approved by the Town Planning Commis - Sion, therefore the Council also approved same., A request from Mt. R. Twwedie to improve the intersection of 30th Avenue and No.P, Road would be inspected and dealth with later. Mr. Tho rnhill was .authorized 'to lower the culvert on his subdivision Road, and if it was carried .. out satisfactorily tk he would be paid �20. 00. Mr. Gordon Savage's contract with the Corporation to remove the timber from the SW -I of, the NVA of Section 18 Township 15 was extended to 41 4 Rovember, 1958. D. B. Bishop requested permission to cut fire and pulp.wood on Lots 9 to 32, Section 12, Township 12. The Council are riot prepared to allow this until Nelson Brothers contract had terminated on. December 31st,next. However, permission would be granted after this date. .The price would . be $l.00 per cord- of pulp wood and 50� a cord for fire wood. The Council would rather consider a lump sum cash -,offer. Councillors Cox and Bailey were appointed to' a committee togethrr with the foreman to inspect the gas line installations and to estimate the unfinished road replacement work. Councillor Dunlop had reported that a car body had been left on the boulevard on Battle Street in -Hammond. However, he would approach the Suspected owner asking .him to remove same 'or ,notify the police. . - Councillor Dunlop also reported that Mr.,'Norman Owen of the Maple Ridge Hotel had offered $1,000.00 cash contribution towards the kxxiixg tiling and back filling of the ditch running north on 2nd Avenue. The odor from this ditch had caused considerable complaints during the last year and it, is now felt that. it was partly caused by the.! sink drainage- from the Maple Ridge Hotel. The Councilwere prepared to accept this, offer and left the matter in Councillor Dunlbpts hands. 544 !�Iinut,es.. of October_16,1957 continued. -... As no comments had been received or recorded during this meeting.against the Seven.te.enth Avenue Zoning Bylaw, the meeting was closed with _t-i,1:e following motion: Mloved by Councillors Baileyand-Dunlop- that theHearing -for. the Seventeenth Avenue Zoning be now.closed and the third reading be given to the Seven- teenth Avenue Zoning Bylaw No. 457.- CARRIED . Eleeting adjourned at 10.:30 P-1V4 Minutes of November lst,, 1957 Full Council "met November 'ist. at- 9-.'30 'a'.m.' for -.' their monthly I meeting and,. also to receive complaints with regard 'to' the1951-1958' Voters . List. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that.the,Cou t of Revision for the Voters!, List 1957-1958 is now opened and that Reeve P..Jenewein act as Chairman of, the Court and L.W. Hawkins act as Clerk.�.. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and ,Brown,,that __the minutes of October 4th.and '16th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. Two residents from an un-named ad, P�uthEast4., :cation 28, requested, Council 1. road, i to remove the rock by blasting or otherwise that.-interfbr-ad with the approach to the small bridge. ..One volunteered t contract, if to, the blasting on .6onti the Corporation would drill the; rock.;,, He, w,as.,in.structeid to submit his price to the Road Superintendent when ready. Mr. Pete Telosky was given permission to burn the brush on the ro&dside.,on 25,th Avenue North, fronting his property -:if- he- "wished it to be removed. Mr. Stewart Harveyrco#lained by letter''.6f drainage ainage faciliti6s on 811F Avenue South of Lougheed Highway. It.appeared that the, Medical Building 'and •,Han6on 1.'s'Warehouu drained their roof tops 'onto bis lot vhich,was located betwe(§n.thetwo.. Council arranged to meet,hfDm on, the location at ..2' p.m. and -they would, endeavour'to locate the storm sewer that was there. Miss Ruth Ansell was called,to.the,C6unci.l.Chamber and the. -Reeve presented her with a Junior M.,unicipal Administration Diploma, certifying that she had successfa passed the examination requirements for same at the U.B.C. . Council expriessed their appreciation for -her good.,work.--,' The Agenda was now referred to. A letter from the Fraser Valley Mumdipal,, Association was read, r equesting all Councillors to* express An opinion regarding the U.B.C.M.. 1960 Convention being held in New Westminster, ' -due to'that.city celebrating.their-Centennial..Yearl at that time. ,This matter was nD-" 4 p a-14 zed, AIIT,o Letter was read from the Department of Municipal Affairs., asking Council if they were in favour of increasing,-their.Councillors strength from five.to six. This ..was replied to in order of,the,approval of the following motion.' Moved by 'Councillors Baileyand Brown that the Lieutenant-Govertior-in-CounciI be respect- fully requested to delay the enlargement of-fli—e-iiembers 'of the Council from Reeve and five Councillors to Reeveand six Councillors until the need and necessity to do so is present. CARRIED. Minutes of November lst, 19573 continued, Mr. France, repreaenting tYouth Hall, which.had recently been built on 32nd Road,.north of the park, 'asked Council to donate approximately ten loads of gravel to be spread in front and also if Council would approach the B. C. Electric with a view o_f installing two lights, one beside the Youth Hall and one at 32nd Road park entrance. Council approved both requests. At this Time Mr. George Mussallem, representing the Board of Trade and supported by Mr. Fletcher of the Gazette,, waited upon Council and reported that the brochure prepared by the Board of Trade and brought to the attention of the Council in the early Spring, was now ready for publication. Reeve and Council reviewed same and approved the foilowing motion. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that this Council approves in principle the printing_of.an Informational Brochure for Maple Ridge by the Board of Trade, in conjuhction with the Centennial Year. Municipal share not to exceed $800.00. *. 1 The Reeve reported that he had met with officials of the B.C. Electric Company and he was now recommending to Council that they accept the Company'-s offer to allow the Municipal crews to repair and replace the damage caused -to our roads by the installation of their gas lines. Both the Reeve and Council felt that our crews were better trained to repair this work and that the extra crew we had recently hired be•retained to assist in the matter and if necessary the foreman would hire additional men. The location of -each clean up job would be forwarded to the B.C. Electric office in the form of an account,.whoeting the location and cost of each item. At the request of the Wood's Turkey Farm, 15th Road entrance, Council approved the grading,and.gravelling of a portion of 15th Road,.which was not opened, at the foreman's estimated figure that the ;k ob would take our fleet of trucks one full day to repair this for travel.purposes. The foreman was instructed to carry out the work at first opportunity. I" complaining A petition waa now read/of odours arising "from the Allandale Turkey Farm on the Lougheed Highway east of lst Avenue. This was to be referred to the Public Health Officer and'Sanitary Inspector. The estimated life time of the proposed.Yennadon Water Extention Bylaw No. 454 was now read as at 30-years, the estimated cost was at $31,000.00 and the entire cost of.the installation would be borne by the Yennadon.Water Area owners by paying 20 annual installments, with interest calculated at 6%. The Foreman was now present and Councillor.Cox complained of the deplorable state of some of our ditches that we had promised to complete but had not as yet been commenced.. He referred particularily to the ditches on 102 and 22nd Avenues and felt float they should have immediate priority. He also was of the opinion that considerable action could be brought about at our rock .crushing plant. The Reeve reminded -Councillor Cox ,that all Councillors serve on, the Public Works Committee and.he,.the Reeve, personally was of the opinion that the year's accomplishments had been very favourable. The program can only be'in accodance with`the amount of money we have alloted for the particular item and not by the amount of work that could be -done. All Councils faced this problem and in his opinion we could only look at the amount of work that had been done at the year's end. An application was read from Nor. France for the position of Assistant Road Foreman. This was rejected, due to the fact that the years of service given to the Corporation by Mr. Frank Zeron was worthy of consideration and he also was will to take •:I the position over. t was eventually decided that the position of Assistant foreman be offered to Mr. Frank Zeron` and he would report for work as soon as he recovered from he recent illness.' The Reeve now reported on his visit to Mr.Michel on 17th Avenue north and he felt ,that we should notify him by letter that due to.the fact that he had established ,his garden on-22nd Road running east of,171th Avenue that we'should use the portion ;of 17th Avenue running north through his pro-perty and .improve same if we deem -it -necessary without any further protest from Mr. Michel, who hadagreedto thise,_ Clerk would confirm same by letter. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that Nor. Dave Spalding be appointed Returning -Officer for the Yennadon Water -Area vote. CARRIED. b, Minutes of November 1st, 1957, continued. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown that Mr. Cadsand be appointed as Pound Keeper as of November 1st, 1957. -TL 'CA�Li.l, � ED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the third reading be given to Bylaw. No. 454, Yennadon Water.Area CA;d.,�I. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Brown that Bylaw No. 456 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors.Simmonds.and Brown that the final reading be given to.Bylaw No. 457, 17th Avenue Zoning Bylaw. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that the third reading be given to Bylaw No.. 458, Park Commissioners Establishing Bylaw, CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simonds and Brown that the first and second reading be given to Bylaw No. 459, Minimum FootFrontage Bylaw. CARRIED•. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that -the plan of subdivision of --Lot B of the. South' half- of -South -half of -the- South east quarter of the' - Southeast quarter of Section 18,•Township:15, XiW.D.,�be approved. CASED. Moved -by Councillors.Dunlop and Cox -that -the plan of subdivision of Lot 2 of the South half of the Southeast quarterrvof the Section 32, Tosnwhip 12, N.W.D., be Approved, CARRIED.., Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision -of Lot 16 of portion of Lot 7 of Lot 245, Group 1, N,W.D., be approved. CARRIED . Moved by Councillors. Dunlop and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot D of Lots 3 & 4-of the Northwest quarter of -Section 14, Township 1.2, N.W.D.,.-be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop andCox that the plan ' of portion of the East hal..d. of_ Lot 5 of. -portion of•the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 12, N.W.D. be'approved, CARKED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop- and- Cox that tentative approval 'be given to the consolidati of the N. 400- ft.- of Lot 1 and Lot- 3 ' P1.8066 an& Lot 3,'Pl- 5ll6- of the ,-NE4,, Sec, 29, Tp.12' The N. 400 ft. of. Lot 1 comprises of one acre moreor,•less; . . -CAcMI D. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS': Lill.iam Cameron `" Refund waterworks Deposit 574.07 Addressograph Ltd. T.W. -Capital "a/c `offa ce supplies - 373.28 Greater Vaa.Water Dist. W.W.-Mtce. �, - ' 2496.47 R.A. Hales Lumber Co. W.W. Mtce 74.13 Purves Ritchie Ltd. 'Tractor repairs _-20.80 B-.C. Electric :W.V.•Mtce, 176.93 Hansons Ltd. W:W: Mtce. -1.31 Haney.Builders Supplies W.W IvItce. 3.36 Marshall Wells Ltd. Mtee-179 94, New Const-4216:76 4396.70 Municipal Treasurer Refund•Water rate r 1.50 Municipal Treasurer Freight="capital a/c 36.70 Marshall Wells Ltd. W.W. Const, 201.31 B.C. Electric W.W. Mtce. 1.05 Haney Brick &c Tole Cap. a/c,reservoir• '177,64 Moved -by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $8535.25 , paid. CARRIED. f 547' kinutes of November 1st, 1957, continued. GEMMAL ACCOUNTS: . Registrar of Titles Tax Sale Titles 4 15.00 M.R. Vol. Fire Dept. Remuneration 1957 1841.00 Grove Investment Co. Tax Sale Cancellation 69.33 S. Tuokko et al Sec.Hwy-Kan.Cr.Bridge 500.00 Minn. Ejnployees Union ' " ' " Union Dues 3-pt. 51.00 Canadian `L'egloi ... Poppy wreath ` ' .... . 19.00 Scott`Brds. Gravel Cd.' Advance on Web. Core Bridge "" 10000.00 Timber '•Pres`ervers `Ltd'." 15th Road Bridge ' ' ' ' . ` . ' ' . ' ` ' ' ` ` ' ' 4803.70 Swains ........ Police Expense .65 Jack'Cewe'Blacktop Ltd. "Sidewalks - 50.40 Minister 'of Finance '' Child Welfare 127:73 Minister of Fihan'ce"•-- T:B. Units 192.84 Fleck' Brb's'.- Ltd.. Fire Dept. 8.57 MacKenzie Hardware ' Fire Dept. " " ' " ` 5.50 0`sbor O i3' Ltd. ... , Fire Dept. 1348 Maple- Ridge- H'ome` Service Fire Dept. . ` 5`.14 L.C. Thbrnhill" ' ' ....... Cult'. & Bridges "' `"' " " ' 20:00" Addre`ssograph' L'td.' ' ' OffLice Supplies 47.15 G.E. Savage Lur;Lber Cd. " ' Ger .Rd.lftce. '(Signs)• ` . ' . " ` " • ... - 15.66 Burr Office -Supplies'`•` Office Supplies' '''' 17.54 Gordon` & Belyea' Ltd.- Sec. Hwy-Kanaka Cr.' Bridgge` . ' ` ` 3897.93 M". Lockhart... " = " Park Board " " " " " ' " 10.40 R: Sta-ekhouse. ....... ,' „ 14.00 C: Whitehead.,.... ,► „ 14-00 Dr. R'. G. • Rhod'e's' ' ' ` ' • ` • .... ..... Police gip. 10.00 Cloverdale'. Paint' Ltd.'`'' Gen.kd.Mtce. '(signs)' ..`.... 28:08 Minister' bf` Finance. ' - ` S.A, 'Drugs 490.44 Superahuation• Cbm r' ` ' ` ' ' Trust-60.00,Super-73'.85• ' , � . ' " - " 133.85 Butler- Tire, Ltd:" Truck6-107.54' Grader-s�-168.03 275:57 . W:G. Alexander- ``- `,' .``•`. Com'n on Collection's" 192.75 Powell- Lachine- Works ...... . Crusher 59.16 Maple- Ridge- Pharmacy.. ` . - Gen.Rd.1111tce: .32 Hansons.Ltd....... ...... Hall a/c 5.62 Haney=Hmd.-M r,:-Fght: S.ec.Hwy. Kan.Cr.Bridge=$9'.91,,Tools=6.22 96.13 John G.-Taylor -- '•- " " Assessment Expense" ` " ' 23.20' B.A. Oil` Ltd: • " " ° ' Gas'-& Oils 405.94 B.C.':Electric°' Hmd'.Drain-4.99,Fire'Dept-2:63,Ha11=74:52;" Public Wks-81:64,Park-Bd=4.20;St:Lts=294.42 462:40 Sam Saari's'Garage......... Bridges "....... ..`.. 9.70 Mun. Employees•Union`° " " - Union Dues October`... `. ' " " 52.50 James•E: Kelly. `........ Assessment Expense....... ..`°. 15.44 Hammond•Motors°.`.`.. Trucks ...... 23.21 Morris•Electric........ Gen.Rd.Mtce. 1.71 BA. Noble .. .. ..... Civil " Def en ce ` " 50.66 ` Hafisons - Ltdo . ` ... .... Hall --a/c ..... . 2.84 Publi•c-•Freightways• ..... . Crusher-1.25,Assess.Exp-1;25-- 2.50 Hunicipal -Treasurer " T.S.Costs-5.42,Ref:Bidg:Perm-2:50;Postage- 90.00,Deleg-27.40,Utlem.Ins=249:66;Elect-164, Office Sup-6.43,Ref:H O:G:�102:29,Trucks-1:55, •••••• Tools=3'.30,Assess.Exp=8:69;Ref:Int:'on'Arrears ' •64�)Ha11=5.82,Ref.Dep:15th•Rd:Bridge-10.00, Ref.Dp. Dn.Tk:R.d.Bridge-20:00.... .. 533.86 Fleck- Sros.•-Ltd.• Tools-229.68,Bridges=41:22;Crusher-6:00', 276.90 Fields, Welding -Sup. Tools & Equip: . 47.51 ` R-. Muth- & Sons........... . Dragline " . 50 Maple Ridge Appliances..... Bridges-1.52,Gen.Rd:Mtce-3:41--`..... - 4.93. Acme Machine Shop Trucks 8.83 Armco Drainage Ltd,.. Sec. Hwy 408.81 Parkview Garage Ltd.• - • Trucks ..... .. 2.10 Rewinding- Shop, Trucks 3.95 ' Haney Builders Sup.- hainmond sewer- •••.••..• .•• •• 62".00 Royalite Oil. Co.•Ltd•.• Hall'a/c-64.58,Gas-&-Oil=635:01- " •.... 699.59 The` Gazette, •.,..... . Adv. & Printing 303.48 " West Coast. Motors... Trucks ...... .31':58 - Elson Bros. Sawmills Bridges-379.AO,Trucks-14:17;Sec:Hwp031.98;-- Crusher-8.91,Gen.Rd:Mtce-4:91......... -.439.37 Receiver General Income Tax Deductions -Oct:.... •..... • 865,75 A. Vogl Gen.Ilitce-signs •... ...•.... 44.62- • Med. Services Assn. .•• ....... 326.88 Moved by. Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling :$28142.50 be paid. CARRIED. 548 Ninuters of . November lst, 1957.' continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge Other Government. MacDONALD, Daniel ...................$ 50.00 -G Marjory.................... 92.50 LEES Frederick ...................... 45.00 DIGUIRL Leona..............,....... '92.50 McaETY� Clifford ............:'...... 40.00 A JOH Alvina..................., 50.00 MAYERS, Archie.... ....... 124.50 SMITH S_Maryetta..................... 6.50 TALDOT,, Eleanor ..................... 80.00 WALKLEY..Edith....'.................. 37.50 BOURGEOIS, Wilbert .................. 25.00 GRDINR�.Dorothy.................. 17.00 Mrs. E. Nightingale ................. .21.00 ISHERiiOODJ,-Tom...'........e.......e.. 20.00 Crestwood Guest Home... .... e... .... . 91.75 B?LDBC;.Constance.................. 46.25 Aloitette Priv. Hospital... ........... 1057.00 Mrs. M. Marion.... 90.00 Mrs-e J. Campbell....... e e .......... • 75eOO ' Mrs. Margaret N.lartyn........ . e'...... 5.00 Mrs;. M. Jones, ... o .... o.00 ......... o 140.00 : SMITHS Maryetta........,.........:.0 26.00 Mrs. Ethel Manual ................... 35.00 BABC00K., Mabel.. ................. 56.50 Mrs: S. Peterson.................... 47.50 ' B YDU Mike .......e...e......,...0156.50 BOUR.GEOIS,, Wilbert .................. 51.15 BOLDUC, Constance....................,92.50 CORMfELL., Herbert.... .... oo..o ... oo. 48e50 .. ... .. 'COREY�'Frank..... -..•• •. 76.50 ENGLISH Percy 108 50 DENV Lip Evelyn 11+Os 50 GIL.BERT , Phyllis lis................ .50'0 .5092 92 KLSEN.1 Wilhelm; .................... 76e50 MacDONALD� Irma......... ........... 76.50 LEROUX, Anna ........................ 141.50 PATTEN'-Florence .... ...............140.50 LORENZETTA) Emily .............. •.... 124.50 SMITH Ma.ryetta................ee.. 76.50 , MAYETttS� Archie :..................... 124e50 USSEL�iAIiT� Jacob......,............... 92'50 MORGANS, Kathleen................... b. 0- 5 5 ANDERSON., ..... ............. 5 0,00 NE2L� .. ...... ..... Julia.... �..e ... .. 32,50 .Sven... BATENiAN , Hattie ............ ......... 50.00 N1;WRuby... .......... 63.50 GOODRICH., Mamie.................... 50,00 NYHUHOlaf ......................... 124-50 HARDY 'Mabel ........................ 35.00 OSTRANDHilda ......... .............. 1:50` MELVIN Inez .... .. 50 00 RIDiOR.E., Margaret. .................. 76-50 SIIrPSON. Rheta........ ............. 50.00 SEKELL' Horace ...................... 14.0.50 CE Wilfred .. 124 50 SHARP' Alice.... .......... o ......... 51.50 , D%GUIRE� Leona...,.......... ..... 92.50 STEEVES, Margar6't.............•..e.. 92e50 -DIONi � Margery.................... 76.50 TALBOT, Eleanor......... ........... . 122.50 ESSER, .... Mary........ ............ 8 2 7 . 5 VAN'PELT' Adriaan.......I............ 76.50 GARDINER� Dorothy .....108.50 . ............. WHITE' Doris... 76.50 GIESBRr.CHTP Jacob ........ ........ ...156.5o WILCOX' Frances .:..........:........ 89.50 LUND,'Dorothy .......... ............124.50 Hal-I1enzies Ltd......:..........,.... 35:00 MACKAY Alice....80.90 CASSP Donald....... .................. 40.00 M,ACNEILJ., Marion.................... 97.50 FRITHJoseph ....................... 50.00 SUTTON, Mary...................... 56.50 GUSTAFSON, Adolph....... 50.00 THERRIEN, Helen ..................... 108.50 LEE, Frederick ...................... 45.00 LONGBOTTOM, Frank...........,...... 34.25 MACDONALD', Daniel ................... 50.00 RYAN,',Richard...................... 45.00 MACCANN., Martin J.... 40.00 BROOKS... -Will iam L................ 50.00 .......... ..... McVEETY� Clifford .................... 40.00 A.AICE' Alvina.............:....... 50.00 NiATTH1�01--Thomas W:................. 50.00 .DYCK� ,Susan......................... 40.00 SQUIRES, William....*, .......... 45.06 HANSONLeatha...................... 40.00 STONHOUSE,"Lewis............_........ 30.00 JOH14ST&J, Grace ...................... 15.00 TONER' Alvin..... ...... $0.60 LANSALL' Rosemary ................... 40.00 ZUBYK, Dmytro.................. .., 50e00 heCA'utIVT� Emma ..................... 45.00 BALE Virginia ....................... 40.00' WALKEYV Edith ............. 0.0..0.....•37.50 I BOYE, Tannis ............ 0........ .._.. 350'00' , J014NSON Diary ........................,89.00 VAIBELL�dae ..............:....... 50.00 ANDERSON� Howard......_.............. 7.00 DAWSON,.Dorothy, .................... 40.00 BENTLEY, Pearl.....................' 7.00 GREGOR,,Francisca................... 35.00 ROBERTS, Mary......................: 7.00 HEWITT, Sarah ....................... 35e00 'STEPPLER, Valentine.. JACOBS, Lucy......... ............... 45.00 Haney Meat Market..................f. 15.00 KILSBY, Christina................... 20.00 Supbrvalue Stores.... '... ... . 0 *. 0 ... /1. 15.00 KLABUNDE, Dora.... .............. 0.00 35.00 Mission Funeral Hone Ltd.... ...... .173.50 McRAE, Esther... ... * ................ 0 40.00 R.O. Crool....................... ..t. 90.00 MOODY, Flossie..... e.............,..9 50.00 Mrs. F. H. Cox................'...... 40.00 OSWALD, Gertrude .................... 35.00 R. E. Lawrence,,.., ... ......... ..J.. 45.00 -PEAi, Edna ........................ 50.00 Dr. N.W. Huculak.e................. . 20.00 PIPOI Anna .......................... 50-00 POELZJ�Rl Cecilia.................. .. 38.37 SAMIS, Mareda.............. .........50.00 - T STEART' Margaret ................... 50.00 TAYLOR, Annie ....................... 40.00 • 549 J, hLinutes of November 1st, 1957, continued. SOCIAL -WELFARE ACCC;UNTS CENT D. ; 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge 11ROTTBR,, Mabel ...................... 45.00 ' UGEN� Jennie........,.......:. .... 7.00 Supervalue Stores.. • ..-..... ..,.. 20.00 Garden Hill Ambulance Serv...... \ .... 15.00 City of Vancouver .................. 209.37 Dist. of Matsqui. ................. 46.30 Dist. of Coo ,uitlam................. 11.50 ' Mission -Funeral Home Ltd......... 173.50 Exclusive Ambulance Ltd............ 14.00 Dr. H. F. Morse.... ................ 60.50 Dist. of Coquktlam................0 11.50 Minister of Finance................. 48.60 Dr. T. A. Nikiforuk................ 67.00 Garden Hill Am-b. Serv............... 30.00 s Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the aboved noted accounts totalling $10993.97 be paid. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Bailey that the Voter's List as corrected be posted as the Voters' List for the R"unicipality of Maple midge -.for the"years'1957-1958 and that same be certified by the Reeve and that this Court now be closed. CARRIED . �/� No further business meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m. - REEVE ' CLERK 5,50 Minutes of November 13th, 1957. A special meeting convened on Wednesday, November 13th, at one p.m.., ' primarily to give third reading: to Bylaw No. 454, also,, members of the Zoning Appeal Board were present to consider what 'Instructions to give to Solicitor, R.E. Lester., with reference to the Haney Jehovah Witnesses petition, who summoned him to issue a writ of mandamus regarding the Appeal Board Hearing on April 15th. The Yennadon Water Area B**Jk-tNo- 454., which had' !-bbbived* thitd' reading on November lst had since that date been submitted' to' the` Inspector of Municipal tie, for approval. The Bylaw had been returned with' the' recommendation that an., additional clause be added, which is now recorded a SectUbh' 9*. ' ' Theiref bi.'e,. a motion was in order to rescind the third reading given' on NoVeinbbjr'l�ff.' Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the third relidihg'given to Bylaw No. 454 on November lst be rescinded. ........ CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the'YennadbifWator Area Bylaw, 1957, No. 454, as revised be given third reading this day".* ......... CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the first and second reading be given to the Trades Licence Bylaw No. 460. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Cox that the third reading be given to the Foot Frontage Bylaw No. 459. Ckfh'IED. The Reeve now reported that damage to,a car had been reported by a.ratepayer, due to the neglect`of our work'ctews providing'sufficient crossing over ari' excavated culvert. The Reeve had visited the location and felt that more planks could have been provided by our crew and., although we accept no responsibility for the damage to the car,, we felt that we should entertain -a contribution to- wards the cost of repairing same, when the bill was presented. No further business meeting adjourned at 2 p.m. r� P, 1✓ . a� Minutes of November 28th, 1957 Full Council_met-for-special meeting on November 28th at 8:00 P.M. . 1. The correspondence opened with a letter from the Pitt River Bridge Opening Committee, requesting that Pitt°Meadows, Maple Ridge and Port Coquitlam Municipalities make up the deficit incurred at the opening event by contributing $150.00.each. Moved by Councillors Bailey and ,Simmonds that a grant of 150.00 be paid to the Pitt River Bridge -Opening Committee. CARRIED. Letter from Mussallem & McGreer, Solicitors for E.B. Carr, requested compensation for Mir. Carr as he had suffered a loss.by the encroachment of.a suburban subdivision, which now surrounded his farm. Council instructed the Clerk to inform the Solicitors that the Corporation accepted no responsibility in the matter. At -the request of I.O.O.F . 'Lodge No.32 Maple Ridge, Council were pre pared to set aside 80 grave..plots.::allocated as burial sites for their members. A motion was approved setting up the extended shopping hours allowed for Christmas shoppers, as outlined in the Department of Municipal Affairst' letter. Clerk. was instructed to forward a certified copy of the resolution to the Deputy Minister, Moved by Councillors Brown and Cox that the Christmas Shopping Hours within the boundaries of the Municipality of Maple Ridge shall be extended to allow shops to remain open on Saturday, December 21st, 1957 and Monday December 23rd, until 9 P.M. and on Monday, December 30th until 6 P.M. CARRIED. A. letter addressed to Councillor Simfnonds from.Mrs. Miller was read to Council, asking.for a ditch crossing at her property on No..9 Road. It wasreported that the Foreman had attended to the matter. The Christmas bonus for Welfare recepients, recommended by the Welfare Department - $5.00 each family head and $2.00 for single persons was approved. The matter of land exemption on property owned by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, to provide playing grounds for the Catholic `School erected on same was now covered.in Bylaw No. 463, pursuant,to Section 325 of the Municipal Act. The _following motion dealt with the matter, Councillors Dunlop and Bailey.voting nay. Moved by Councillors Cox and Brown that the rules of procedure be dispensed with and that Bylaw No. 463, Land Exemption Bylaw, be given first, second and third reading this day. CARRIED. Police report was read and filed. The claim for 1`oss of rabbits was dealt with as follows: Moved by.Councillors Rii1ey and Brown that the sum of $5.00 be paid to Mr. Ron ,Huuha for the loses of 10 rabbits on the recommendation of the R.C.M.P. CARRIED. Considerable discussion occurred with regard to crossings from Municipal Roads into•private property. It was very evident and necessary that _.,property owners should now no longer be allowed to construct their own crossings. Therefore, the following motion resulted: Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the subdivider shall pay to the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge the sum of fifty dollars ($50) for each lot shown on plans presented for Councilrs approval that will require an entrance crossing from the public road -fronting same and the funds so created shallbe used to defray, the cost of installation 'of the said crossings. 552 Minutes;of November 28th,. 1957, continued. Motion continued. - It is farther resolved that an owner who desired to install his own crossing shall do so under the Foreman's supervision and requirements and that $50..00 shall,be refunded to him upon installation being approved, and that. Bylaw No. 393"A" be amended to embody this resolution. CARRIED. Pursuant.to"Section 195 of the'Municipal Act the.Provisional 195$ Budget was considered and the following motion passed. Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the provisional budget for General and Waterworks for the year 1958 be approved. - General $904:930.00 Vaterworks - $i110,350.00 CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that 41aw'No. 458 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved byCouncillors lop and Brown that Bylaw No. 459 be reconsidered, finally passed a CARRIED. Moved by Councillors.Bailey and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 462 be given first and second reading. Moved -by Councillors Bailey and Simmonds reading. CARRIED. that Bylaw No. 461 be given first 'and second CARRIED. A delegation,representing the Maple Ridge Hospital. Board, of Messrs 11a.lcolm Brown, Edgett, Harkness and Edwards, requested Council to issue additional debentures,for their Maple Ridge Hospital in order to create the sum -of 39,000.00, pursuant -to Section 277 of the Municipal Act. The"Reeve requested that they explain to -the Council the need and -necessity for doing so. The matter was debated at considerable length and each Councillor was convassed for an.opinion®. ;The majority were in favour thatas this would be creating additional municipal debt and that the annual -municipal elections would occur very shortly that a referendum should be submitted to'the voters, asking for their approval. The amount required was to provide working capital, which appeared to be very necessary,' however, all debt should be authorized by the ratepayers and Council decided to submit a referendum on �e�-ay, December 12th, . 1957. T:itx; SAY Mir. H.C. Harris requested Council to remove a tree from the Municipal road allowance fronting his property. This is approved and foremanwa.s to be notified ,to carry, out this work. - A petition was fora ditch to of doing so. read from the residents of the Ross Road and Adair Road, asking be installed on saiiie. Foreman would investigate the possibilities The Foreman was instructed to carry out, as recommended, the repairing of the bridge on 22nd:.Avenue at a cost -of 55.00.. Apparently the bridge would be closed for three days in carrying out this work. Permission was requested -to convert a large home situated on the corner of River Road and 5th Avenue, Lot 4, D.L. 247, Group 1, Plan 13429, into quarters to house,a portion of the nursing staff of the.Maple Ridge Hospital. Permission was granted. A watch had been found some twelve months ago and'it now 'became municipal property (not being claimed). Letter from the Attorney General's -Department had confirmed this, therefore Council presented same to the finder. Letter ,of thanks and appreciation was read from�the�Alouette Athletic-Associatim for the gravel that the Corporation -had spread in front of their property. Councillor Dunlop now requested the Clerk to notify the Sanitarian, Mr. Armstrong and Dr. Balkany, the Health officer, to provide us with a'report with regard to the complaints of the odours arising from the turkey farm on the Lougheed Highway between 3st and 2hd Avenues. Minutes of-Boyember 28th, 1957, continued. Councillor Dunlop -aJrs_ reported that the Imperial Oil Company were prepared to install tile and back fill the ditch on the corner of loth Avenue and Lougheed Highway, fronting their service station. This was approved by Council and Councillor Dunlop would notify ` the Imperial Oil Company to carry out the work at their own expense. A petition was'now'read\from the residents of 27th Avenue north of the Trunk Road, complaining of the dangerous turn at that point and requested that the hill be lowered considerably and the road widened. The Council, would visit and investigate the situation. Councillor Bailey. referred to the heavy hauling of gravel through the - cut -off road between 6th 'and 9th roads. Council were aware of this and recommended that the contractors if they continued to use same should widen thh road and gravel it,in order to carry the traffic. Councillor Bailey also inquired as to the much delayed survey on No. 6 goad. He was now happy to be informed that the surveyor had at last commenced this work. Councillor Bailey also reported,that the Mountain View Crescent -goad,"fronting the high school was too narrow and that the south shoulder of same beside the high school entrance shoulded be widened. the Clerk was again -instructed to enter into the foreman's work book the matter of widening 20th.Avenue. The Rees=e now reported on his interview with ItIr. Zeron,. who had recently been promoted to Assistant Foreman and he read the instructions that had been given to Mr. Zeron in the form of a letter, which Council now approved as correct: No further business meeting adjourned at 10.00 p.m. . .'REEVE, CLERK 554 a Minutes of December -.6th,, 1 57. Full Council met for their regular monthly meeting on December 6th-at-9 301 A: Mr. Jones of No.5 Road:,was.:-present and corripla�ned oP."the` ` water running -':on 30th.,Avenue to 5th toad, due, a's °he��thought', , to -plugged culverts, and ditches caused by _t he imstal3ati-i n of transmission gas lines, Also, he questioned. why the s.6h0`01 buses were' --not' usifi • •No.. g 6 Hoadz. The R:eevereported that the' last time he was that vicUl ty the catch basins, were ingood working condition' ' however, Councillor . k m finds and, the Voreman would investigate the matter. Letter was read' from -Mr. Forest Orland, •-asking for some grader or bulldozer Mork to -be done on the short -road running from the Lougheed Highway down to the Ruskin wharf . he reported that the condition at the present time -was ' imp'passable CouneYllor Simmonds and, the Foreman would also investigate' this. _ A request was received from-the-Beventh-Day Adventists that they be allowed to sing.carols ih Haney for three days from seven to nine ot'clock, during December. The purpose of this would be to J olicit-funds for welfare work sponsored by their organization. Councilts permission was'. given, providing that there"was .no house canvassing or solicitations imade 'from, the st :ie8 The . C ty of Langley notif ed •Counci1 of • their opportunity- to attending the unveiling of a plaque --commemorating the MaoMalla.nw Portage 133 years, ago. This would occur at 2:00 P.M. Satiarday, becember •14ti ., C"nuncillors n©t.ed'-:the time and ,•date.` The' North eraser" Health Unit, directed by Dr. Balkan,, • reported their findings with regard to the odours .arising from• the Allan- wo.od Turkey Farms Limited, on the Lougheed..Highway between.1st and, 2nd Avenues. ..It was reported that- this.'manure Mould' b�e cleaned up after Christmas.and if.thi.s was attempted before is would be a great loos, due to the upsetting of -the ,turkey crop far . the .Christmas market.. .The owners felt that this would cause a greater dmaage .than the nuisance complained of..: Dr. ;,Ball any` felt that this was not a health --hazard,- only. a- nuisance. I Clerk 'was directed to forward a copy of the letter to Mrs. N. .Dyke, whoheaded`the petition of complaint. Mr. Britten of.14th Avenue Forth presented a sketch plan to GO uncil of a subdivision comprising of some.,42-:lots. After considering same the `fo-ll-oaring-motion.--was .passed._ Moved by councillors,dlopand Cox that tentative approval be -given to the sllbdivision� of Lot 4 of the North East .of Section, Q, 'township 12, Plan 5467, providing. it meets specification of Subdivision- Bylaw. Jcarried. .Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the minutes of,November 1st,l 13th and 28th,be adopted as -circularized -CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that a plan-of.subdivision of portion of Lot A of Lot -.of :of Lot 1-of Lot 249, Gp.l, N.W.n.,,, be ' approved. a CARRIED Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that plan of smbdivisio.n of portion of .Parcel A of -the North West � of: See-. 3, Tp:l2,. 1�,.�J.17., be approved CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and _Cox that the plan of subdivision of Parcel B of the 1t1W of .Section 14, Tp.12, T�S��i -3..3�be�approved, -- CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that tentative approval be given to the subdivision -of Lot 2 of SBA of Section .20, Township 12,, Plan 17 providing that a 60-foot frontage lot is shown leaving the remainder. 55.56 feet where house is standing. CARRIED. — 1 "a 0 .1 e9 Minutes of -Dec. 6th, 1957, continued. Messrs Franklin, Lien and Grieves, residents of Menzies St., Haney, requested Council to do something about the terrible mess that existed at the present time on their street, due, as they thought to the upheaval made by the installation' of gas lines. in their estimation the drainage system had been damaged during the rain spell and the boulevards were a sea of mud. The\Council as a whole would inspect the situation immediately after the meeting. Sergeant Calvert now entered the chamber and requested an additional telephone line to be installed in the.police office, as one Line was not sufficient. He was authorized to approach the B.C. Telephone in order that .this be done. The matter -of double parking -was also brought up and Council confirmed that this was a violation of the Traffic Bylaw and would not be allowed. .Messrs Lester, Carlson, Anderson and Ward were now present --to .discuss -with Council the contemplated legislation 1 of charging .50.00 for every lot shown on plans submitted -for approval .that needed a private entrance. No Bylaw had yet been prepared _to bring about this legislation, although Council had resolved to do something about it, either by amending the Road Subdivision .Bylaw or the Building Bylaw. Also.the question was argued as .to whether the intial payment should be paid by the subdivider .or by the subsequent purchaser of the lot, on application of a .building permit. The matter was left over*for further investi- .gation. As the Foreman was now present the 30th A enue problem, also the Menzies Street drainage was reported Yo him. Councillor Dunlop requested the Foreman to provide a'load of -gravel adjacent to the St. John's Rectory and also in front of the Reedsdale Hall. Councillor Bailey inquired about the Darling plugged culvert. The Foreman reported that he had used.the rods on same and felt the problem was cleared up. Councillor Simmonds reported that the Whonock Luir�uer Company was using 30th Avenue for their heavy hauling in order to avoid travelling 34th A enue and the weigh scales. Clerk was instructed to notify the WhoZock Lumber Company that they would be assessed heavily if they continued to use our road over -loaded. .The.Reeve reported on an interview with Penning Construction .representative, with regard to the use of our cut-off road -between .6th.and.9th.Roads and also 17th-Avenue.- He was surprised that .their foreman had not met with oir Mir. Lilley, as promised. .The Reeve.also remarked about .the complaints with regard to night .shifts.and the use of heavy equipment and the -noise and disturb- ance caused to the residents along the route. Apparently no .legislation.was present to stop same. There appeared to be nothing .we could .do .about the ,matter of -over,time with heavy equipment. Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop•that•approval be given to the purchase of 18 Hydrants and fittings -from Terminal City Iron Works .at a price not to exceed 4,000.00 and tax. CARRIED. Moved .by Councillors Brown and Bailey that Bylaw No.. 465 be given .fist and second reading. Moved. by. Councillors. Simmonds and 'Bailey that Bylaw -No., 462 be given third. reading. ... CARRIED. Moved. by. Councillors Cox and Brown that Byl-aw No.• 463. be- reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. �• F Minutes of. December6th. 1957, continued. The Reeve now brought .up the.matter of .the.ambulance.:service in laple Ridge, which was owned.and operated"by,Mr, 'Whitebone, who mow had decided to dispose.of same. Mr. McNutt,was. ready to take over' the operation, but would require a subsidy -pf 2500.00, in order'to nsure`good operation. The matter was tabled for the present „time to investigate other channels.of operation, as council cann6t.use public funds to subsidize private enterprize. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS': . B.C: Electric Gordon & Belyea Lt-a'. tB.C. Electric 'Municipal''Treasurer, G.eat er Vancouver `Wat . Haney-Hmd Mtr.Fght Butler Tire 'Ltd. Neptune M6.tors Ltd. Kirkpatrick Sand & Grave Pu"rves Ritchie Ltd'. The .Gazette Terminal City Iron Works Haney Builders' -Supplies Greate'r'Van.Water Dist. West, Coast iviotors Ltd. AdM6' Machine Shop W.W. lvtce. W.'W. Mtce . W- W. j tce. ..Ref'. eater Connection 'lid.d . -mt c e . - .. W.W. Cap.R.eservoir-3.35,W•W.. Const-9.06 W. .., Truck W...'. atce. 1 'R.e.servoir Cap a/c W.W. Tractor T.V. itce. New.' Const. W*W. Ivitce Mtce. W W. Truck WSW .';: Truck 1.47.53 111.30 152.51 .1 5.00 1809.92 12,41 5261 .69. al .105000 25.94 135.98 230.34 2.88 1881.01 38*45 37.01 _Pa�ro_l�ls-October- Iitce-1144,.97,,Conn-409.20,SickLeave-49.:60,Hol.Pay- 359.60 Stat.Hot-8�8.30,Const-26O.40,kese'rvoie-74•40 November - Mtce-1466.67, Res' ervoie=99.20,Hol.Pay-,24..80,.Sick Leave- 111.60,atat.Ho1-88.3.0,Conn-2%.5.90,Const.-142..60. Moved .by Councillors Brown and Bailey that the above .noted accounts totalling -�4,817.00 and payrolls as listedbe.'paid. :, :1....:. CARRIED. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20%of amount shown Maple RRidae Other Government KLASSEN, William.............. 50.00 PAULS, Waldemar.....:....... CABS, Donald.'......,........... 10.00 Crestwood Guest, -Home........ SEWELL, Horace...,.............. 16.00. CHORNYCHUK'3 Joseph.:......... LEIGH, Harry ................. 50.00 PLAGER .Vera..............:... LAWAASON, George ... .........._ 50.00 V KAZOKAS, Alice..........:...,. LOWRY, Alliam...:........... 61.50 BRUNEAV, Rene. .... LEIGH, Harry.................. 12.25 JACKSON.,. Almanda............. LOWR.ASON, George.............. 10.85 SMITH,.Ivaryetta.......... .... ALLAM, Frederick ............. 25.00 JACKSOIV Almanda.......•..,:.... pAULIN,-Charies H.....,..._... 65.00 LUND, Wa11y.........'.-....f.... �iAGNER,.Rosemary............. 35.00 PAULS, Waldemar..........'.... AIsi, Mary B................ 25.00 GALE, Louisa ...... Pirs. E. Nightingale.......... 12.00 Mrs. E. Nightingale....!.... Crestwood Guest Home......... 48.00 Crestwood Guest Home........ Alouette Priv. Hospital.....1086.6,0 \.,Alouette Private Hospital.... Firs. J. Campbell ............. 75.00 'Mrs. Id . Marion ......... I..... Mrs. A. Jones ................ 140.00 Mrs. iargaret Martyn..!..... Mrs. Ethel Manual.............„ 35.00 Mrs. Olga Novakowski-.::..... BOURGEOIS, Wilbert........... 51.15 BABCOOK, Mabel................ COKN`ai�ELL, herbert............. 48- 50 BAYDUZA, Mike ................ EiNGLISH", Percy ............... 108..50=�BOLDUC, Ramon............... GILBERT, Phyllis .........:::. 92.50 COREY, Frank.....-..........,.. KLASSEN, Wilhelm ............. .76.50 DENTREY,- Evelyn.."............ LAWRA5014, George ............. 125.70 GENOW, Marjorie...,.-,.,...... LEIGH, Harry ................. 124.50 JACKSON, Almanda...... ....... LEROUX, Anna.................. 141.50 MacDONALD, Irma .............. -Minutes. of -Deceffibert-6th, . 1957, 'c6ntiriued. SOCIAL WELFARE'ACCIOUN_TS CONTf Do 20% of amount shown Maple Ridge, LORENZETTA' Em 0. 4. 3o;,124- 50 LOW Y Wi lli am. 5P ,Kathleen..... $6: 50' VEIL; Julia ....... NEOIN), -Ruby..... , -oo oeo, oo -63o50 Nyhus,,.,Olaf...., o 124*50 OSTRAND, Hilda. SEWELL 'I. Horace 156.50 0 SHARP, Alice5 "I 51-50 STEEVES' ' Margaret. , asoo 92*50 I TALBOT Eleanor......... 192-50' VAN PET. Adriaan .... 76.50' WHI'Tt,-, Doris.,. PHILLIPS, - Albert. . 65-30 Frederick d 50-00 Donald.. 50-00 Joseph.......... 5_0-,Oo GU�TAF'�-* oON , Gust ........... 50.'00 KLASSEN,-William. .......... 50'.00" LEE Frederick .... 45 - OU Macaonald,baniel .......... 50,oO0 MacCANN ' Martin J ........ -40,-00 '00 McVEETY Clifford. "" 400. MATTHEWS) Thomas. . : 000..0* 50-00 STONHOU'SE -Louis............ 37-50 TONER ..Alvin......... ...... 50-00 ZuRic Dmy. tro. . o 0 50000 ALLAY, Aark 0 - - - ' 4 V. *00 090.0; 50i,00' BAL-1 irginia. . oo 40 0 # 0 40000 50-00 0 0-0 BOYE,..Tannis., 035'.001", AMPBt LL : 500 C .00 DAWSONi._,Dor,othy.,.,..... ..40.00 GOO]AIGH 50.00 GREGOR_V.Pranscisca ... 35.00 HEWIT.L.,. Sarah...... 35.00 JAC.OBS 2 Lucy..... 45.00 KILSBY,) Christina .... 20.00, KLABUNDE', Dora..... .. 35-00 IvIcRAE , Esther.. 01 o 4 -0 0 o a 40-00 MOODY Flossie.-... 50..00 OSWALL'$ Gertrude...., o 35o00 PEAHEN Edna................. 50o00, POELZEA VIrs.. .'C ecilia. .. 38-937 S,AVIIS '. Mareda* . �. oo * o *,*' o o e *,, 50o00 SIMP - $ON , �Rheta ...... 4.*900 50 00 STEWART, Margaret.... 50:00 TAYLOR, 40o00 TROTTER 45-00 WAGNER Rosemary..,....,,,.. 50-00 WILLILTIS , Mona. . o o . o o o . . 50"000 BENTLEY., 0 7.00 HAGEN Jennie..:..........7.00 ILL 6 H TOP,, Grocery.......... 14.25 W.T,; Esselmont........e-,.0 .7-41 Fuller Watson Ltd......... 20-79. Exclusive ambulance..,,.:. 17-00 Garden Hill Ambulace..,.,,. 18.00 City of. New West.o,,.-.... 44.60 Dist. of Mission..i......'.. 114-90 Disto of Burnaby .......... 15030 Dist - 6f. Matsqui ........ o.. 44-30 Corp. ofDelta,-,,-,,,,, . #* 93.00 City of Vance'uver......... 222.16 Other Gov-ernment.- ..-PATTEN - 'Florence . a .-0 0 1 0 .140-50 -PR I D-141ORE,, -L eondrd.-.o',`. 92.-50 ,81V1ITH.,- -Ivlaryetta.-. 76 .50 -U8SELKU.* N, Jacob.. . 92.50 -WiLCOX, Frances ..... ,,,,!... 99.50 -Mrs.., -Rosa -Wils'an. ... .,. . 0 Is'. -25-00 -CHORNYCHUX - Joveph.-.- 0 76'o $0 INUERSON, Sven.;.......*** **,.o 0 50' 00 '-BATEIVIAN,- Hattke�;. o o. o. '50 - goo GALE - Louis&.- 0 - * * ' * * 904 50'o 00 COOD- Mamka.,.-. . AICR 40.00 HARDY '3 5. 00 MELV14,- -Inez,,,,.*.,,,,,.,,,, , '50:00 8RUNEA0 Rene ,*..*.-,,,.,,..,.,4750 CLAPjilfred. .o.124050 GEGUt ?Leona..,. 000*4600 92.50 ftOXNY,-,, Margery-, 76-50 ESSER. *25 78 GIESBRECHT,J' 156.50 a RAZOXAS :Alice'.......... 56*50 LUD's '_ Wally'.'.. W 0.0.1401o, 50 M' ice..... Z acKAY, Al' 80'90 NO IS-') Rbbbkt. 97-50 - .10.00*0400000-..6 70-50 SUTTO"j I - vy I lary .............. $6.50 GHERRIEN 'Heieho o 000l08 50 BROOKS 50:00 PkUT!'-'z-.`WAldem&r o o - - o - o o o -00 .50'* 65-00 AIRRANCE.; AlVina o 0 5Q.00 -DUK." Susan::::..::::...: 40.00 UNSOXI' Le' AJ tha ......... 0, 40.00 .JOHNSTON a 15. 00 -L ANSALL 'Ro 6-, emary 0 00 '40 o 00 mCcAMtv1ANT,- 'Emma. . .45 .00 WALK,EY)' Edith ................ 37-50 JOHNSON,$* Mary.:......::........89000 AUDERSON, 7 -,00 ROBERTS,' Mar'y..�,',-,.','- .7 000 STEPPLER* * val, . ehti'n'e 7*00 4-,.Go Kirkpatrick'.'.:::'..., 10.00 Cl-appison'Br'O'S'**O*.*.......... 15.00 .Dr. .110.00 Store,— ........ 35"' , 0U 40:* 00 .Peter Bokstrom... 00 0118.00 supervalue;..... . 30 . .,00 lqdEwe ns * Gro c ety 15-03 Garden ,Hill'Funeral 'Cha'p'e1.. .135 0 -_00 47.60 Ni k if o ruk o; . 24,o 00 YlcEi,vvens :Grocery.::.:....:..: .19-77 Moved by Councillors liors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $12,210.20 be paid. CARRIED. Minutes of December__ah, 1957, continued, SOCIAL VELFAE- I CHRISTMAS BONUS 20% of amount shown -MADle Ridge. Other :Government_ BOURGEOIS Wilbert ......... a o 3.00 BABCOOK. Nabel....,... 5.00 -RUJ'd=8` 'h6eph W ............ 5 •06- 1 AYDUZA 5 1 .00 .00RINTELL,.. Hdibert .......... 5 BOLDUC Ramon...r. ..s O's a 5i00 -ENGLISH; TlOrdy o 00000.00 so* *00 5.00 5.00 'GILBERT 'Phy .6.0 :00 "DENTREY ,, Svelyn. #1 5.00 nksbm V111hldn. .... 500 .GENOi. Xarjo.rie........ I 5.00, ,LAWRASOA 'Gddr;ge.- o -o o a, 5.00 ..JACK 50N ,. Almanda. . .1. v or, 5.00 _1EIGH,- .'Harry. * o o a , , 5.00 Ma WA 5.00 -r R01A. 0PATE4.,,_ Flo'.re_ce.._._._, o,-.* 5*00 'Anna..:::::...: 0 4. 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 �,, T� 1ORENZITTA , tni 00 PRIDmORE I. 14onard . a 4 . 0 -4 * 0 1 5.00 LOWRY— Will'iahi' :•7*:5.,6O-.'3paTH,,, TU're tta,... 5.00 5.00USStIMAN Jacob 5.00 .0�6.o , . - , -, - '). *I =1',.' Julia ......... o-.*o*0000e 5.00 WILCOX,, 5.00 Ruby. ♦ a • ,owa.- . *o' .5:00 .0HORNYCEUX12 Jos,eph..* 61*6-o 5-00 NYHUS014f.4 6 ***o oo oo o 4500 • ARDERSON Sven... . . 2.00 OSTRAXV ' Hi1b*.'.-... ---_5-00, PHEEPL' 5.00, BATEIVIlkil Hattie ..._,.. '2.00 SEWELL-1 5.00 - GALE, ), oisa. so 2.00 SHARP, so 6 4 5600 GOODATCH,.Ylamie.......... ,.. 2.00 ST 5', M,;jr a-r,6t.- � 9.1 1 � * o 4 # 4 * o o 5.00 2.00 -TALBOT E,,6&fi6r'. o a 4 * 4 o ..Inez..,,,., 2o00 biW VA!4_PE4T,, - Adriaan. . o. * ... . 5.00 SI14P5QN,,Rheta.,.,. 2.00 WHITE�l - Doris . e. 46 * 0 o 5*00 CLAR M11 ..Wilfred.. C.44 *o i o 5o00 5.00 CAST, , Donald-.,. . o o . 4. . 4 o 0 4 2#00._ 3'10N", Jdargery.. 5o00 FRITH'. Joseph-- 2.00'' t6S'ER',1 'Mary... o.. - 5.00 _dI2SBR-ECHT. .ST , Y 5.00 .Gu 2400 Jacob.. =Ass= - .14illiam is KZAOXAS VIlice 5.00 LEE, Fpaderick--; 0.6 a o* *-2 *00 LUND Wa 4 *,d,-# 5.00 IlAcDOIIAL D; - Daniel ........ * 2.00 1V1acKAY , Alice.. .6 o 0, 4.o d' 5.00 1V1cVF.ETYj -Clifford... *so**. .00 .'Mac'NEIL�., -Marti 46-0 0. -5-00 luTuIEWS - Thomas6 o o a . 4 4; 2.00, NORRIS Rober.t o o 5*00 3T0NHOUH;,-L"- ouis ........ *,* to. 2.q0' 4VTT N.,, b -o 'o 5.00 TONER -Alvin;.,: ... o ....... so 2.00 THXR-RIj?X 5s00 ALLAYI., -D1ary.-.-. 4 * . * . 0 a so*,** 2600 BROOK8.,' William -L. 2.00 BALE - V-irgj:nia;,.. . . . . '. '- 2.00 .;'FA;AtLS4. Wal-demar..... 2.00 Bl=LAC. Miarie * o• o o os oo • *o s2.00RAN Ra......ihrd2.00 BOYE,Tannis.oso .,so 2,00AINCg #to 2600 Alvina... CliUvIPBtLl• 1da'. . 2.00 DYCK- j3 *so****** 2.00 DAWSON.) I- Dorothy-:HANSON Leatha4........- . *-o.o a 2,00 ,GOODR-ICH-,- 2.00 JbHNSTU') so. 2.00 GREGOIC -'Francisca.. 4. .'s.' 2'*00 2.00 H-01YVITT! Sarah. o o o- 2.00 .1virp CAI&INT, - Emma., 2.00 JACOBS 2.00 WALKEY".. Edith.......*** 2#00 KILSBY!' Christina*. o *'2. 00 JOHNSON Mary, ..... - - o o - 5.00 .KLABUNDE--Dora'..*.'..',.......'*. 2.00 Mcrae,Esther:..:.....,.. 2.00 MOODY 2.00 OSWALL,-Gertrude.. ........ 4. '2.00 PEAREN, Edna::::::.. .. 1 2.00 POELZEH--Cecilia' 4. o; 2.00 so SAYTIS - -iv)iareda. .6 .* 41, .4 o .2..00. ,STEWAkT, Margaret.4 ... o.4. 2.00 TAYLOR, 2 00 .TROTTER Niabel. ........... o 2:00 WAGNER, Rosemary.: ....... so.. 2.00 V WILLIAYIS, Mona.... 2.00 ,Noved,by Councillors Bail ey and Brown, ,that the. above, noted, accounts totalling $365.90 be paid, CARRIED s -5 0 Trucks-43.82;Graaer-.�,y>lt..,ru her-. it Truc.ks-6,.84.jPolice Exp-14-00 Bulldozer- 84,, Grade.rs. 4.8.2 Supernnaut.i.on Trus,�60-.00,jouper-1.340.? General IncPme,Tax Ded. (November.), Employees.Union.Noyember dues Ltd. 559 Minutes of December 6th, 1957, continued.. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: a/ B.C. Telephone Coi; Ltd ' Police-16.98,Hall ' c-41:292 Pub.Wks-16 42 Civil Def-7.43, 90-5650000 Fire Dept- .5 Community Planning ,Con. ' -, Park, -Board - B.C. Tele-cjhone Co. Ltd., - Police-6.19, Pub.Wks-10 .03 .16-.22 3300.00 Scott Bros. Gravel Secondary Highway E.P. 011enberge r Ditch & Brush .10.00 150-00 Pitt River Bridge Openini\g�.Misc. Exp,. Dan, Ebert !qotors B, ' Be. Exp...12-50 5.00 Ronald Huuha Dog Tax Claim * Frser River Pile Driving Sec.,.Hhway. .15936-74 �g 7.72 Marshall -Wells Stores hall a c').J, 7.75 Henry's Grill Xe'ep of.prisoners .,-8.00 Ewart -Davis Police Court Kanaka Concrete. Prod..,.i -Culverts & Bridges-2509.09,Priv. . 0039 cross.-36.87,drainage-313-54 .6 John G. Taylor.... Ass'essmentexpense 14.-96 9.00 Maple Leaf- Cemetery a/ E.G. Alexander Comm..Tr,ade.Zice-115.50)Traffic-51-00) Dog Lic-42i00 _ 20�-50 F. Dennis Keepof prisoners .57-50 3.68 Inspector of Dykes 14isc..Dyking Tax E. Lemberg N.R. Bliley Parks Board Parks.Board 25.00 James E. Kelly iP VA Assessment, Expense Mist Exn-purchase of gravel 6.48 1500-00 nane Silver Line • Fire Dept.(1/3 tobe collected -from Civil -Def ence Haney-Hmd., Mtr - Fght Fire Department Maple *Ridge Home "Service Fire Department Brown Bros;. Greenhouses- 1V1isQ . _Admin..,: 1E Fraser. Valley :Regional Library Assessment G.A. Roedde Ltd. Assessment,Expense Rewinding Shop Fire ,Department Maple Ridge Pharmacy Gen.Rd.Yitce ' Ministerof Fiance Child.Welfare Minister of,-F -inance S.A. Kodical Burr Office Supplies upp .Office ,Supplies Ryan Distributors Hall A/c -Mrs. Edith Carlson Deeks VicBride Ltd. Fire Dept. lvlun.,Sheds, .(cap A/c') Eaton Bros. Ltd. Sec .._Highway McCullough Electric Fire Dept. duller Watson Ltd. Tools .& ,Equipment Minister of Finance L.R.0 ..Fees Minister of Finance Child 'Welfare Can. Pac. Rlwy. Gen. Peacock Agencies Misc. Exp. Haney_5� to 41.00 Store, Police.Exp.., Dr..A.JI Trudel Coronter.'s,Inquest N.R. 3ailey Fleet Insur# Jackson & Gordy Ref,Fines_ &.Costs. Itlinister of Finance T..B. ,Unit.s__, Minister of Finance -0-A. ,Per Capita Gestetner R. lvlut'h & Sons... office Supplies Dragline'-lY5,-09).Tools, & Fquip-3..62,. Haney GaragetLtd.. Municipal Receiver Municipal A. Vogl Underwood Gen,.hd.TV1tce.. ksigns i r)flflno Aiinplies.Cap.. a/c-273.28,* 649.48 2.00 20.21 15-35 64.80 L93.29 4.00 .32 185.41 678.11 .8-30 18.11 7.00 22.00 31-25 ,.,-..62 2,0.30 167.90 1.0.00 .40..80 .1 1.72 72 .50-00 28.68' 2.7-00 .91-14 875-30 3.68 191.45 26-50 133-85 82-5.65 49.50 58-52 Plisc., Admin-15-75 289-03 Valley Concrete Co. flpw She ds %Cap. a1c 67.34 Grown Eie ctri,c Crusher 135.68 Butler Tire.Ltd. Trucks-84.50;Grader-470-57 555-07 Columbia Bitulithic.Ltd. -Patching 25.67 B.C. Hospital Insurance Hospital per them 1588-30 Kunicipal Treasurer Hall a/c-9.08,'Unem-Ins-292-f-I01 421 Is Office Supplies-5-0l; ele 112.00,Ref.Bldg.Perm-5.25, 560 Minutes of December.6th, 1257, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTINUED. Municipal Treasurer cont'd. B.C. Electric Clarke & Stuart Haney Brie, & Tile Ltd. Hansons Ltd. United Farmers Ltd. Brackman Ker.Yiilllmg Go.. Addressograph-Multigraph The Gazette Dr. R.C.-Rhodes Regal Building Supplies ' Haney Builders Supplies Newberry & Heselton G.A. Roedde-Ltd. .. Dendoff Springs Ltd. The Gazette B.'A,. Noble Council of the Order. of .St. John Mrs. Irene Giesbrecht Haney -Garage Ltd.. Mapie'Ridge Home Serv. Public Freightways Parkview Garage Canadia'n Industries Ltd. Timber Preservers Ltd. Haney-Hmd.Mtr. Fght. National Machinery Co. :Nelson Bros. Sawmills i Iaple Ridge Lumber ,Co . Sam Saari's Garage . Dietrich Collins Ltd. Morris Electric 1,B.A* - - Oil Ltd. Purees Ritchie Ltd.., Esco-Ltd. West Coast Motors Ltd,. -14i'dical Services Assn. Cloverdale Paint Ltd, B.C. Electric Vancuuver Equipment Co. Haney Brick & Tile Ltd.. Fields Welding Supplies .Regal Building Supplies Haney Builders Supplies Acme Machine Shop Fleck Bros. Ltd. Fleck Bros., Ltd. Royalite Oil Co. Assessi,Exp!-24.12,Trucks-1-55, - 'Shovel-.55Tools-.60,Ref.Oil -,Perm-l.*50,Ref.Dep.Plans Web. C,or.Bridge-20.00,Police Exp- 2-57_,E1ect.Exp-2.63,Ref-.Dog Tax-1-50 , 11 .1 1 478.78 Hmd.Drain-4-99,FireDept-!45-07, mall-a/c-94-33,Vub.Wks-88 01 , Parks,.Board-3.60,3t.,Lts-3,iO.99 546..99 Trade licence expense 3.89 New Sheds.(Cap a7c).21.00 Graders-2-49.,Shovel-1.32,Hall a/c-6.-14,Crusher-.58 10-53 Tools ..'Gen.1vitce-4-00,Ha ll,a/c-5.00 9.00 Office.. Supplies 5:60 Adv & Postage-138.18,Elect.&p- , -292..32-,Assess.Exp-188.27 .618-77 Police.Expense 22.50 Park.Board 34.77 .Fire , Dept . '4.20 Fire Dept. 11.68 Assess. Exp. 33.56 -Trucks 7.17 Civil Defence 2.45 Civil Defence .62.80 Civil �Def ence 'Civil Defence Fire -Dept Fire Dept. Crusher-3.19,Graders-2-70 Trucks -Gen.Rd.'Ivltce:. Culv-' &. Bridges Tools-1-45,Shovel-1.25 Crusher-30.20,Dragline-74.96- Culv, & Bridges Bridges Dragline Crusher-348.86,I)ragline-147-04, Shovel-2.25- New-Sheds Cap. a/c Gas & Oils ,.- Shovel -- Dragline', Trucks• Gen.Rd. Ditce. Public Works Shovel Culv.,&,Bridges Tools & Equipment Gen.Rd.1q':ce-13-97,Sheds (cap)- 92-94 Ditch & Brush=690,Gen.Rd.Yltce- 54•44,Grader-220 Haney &3ewer- 5,,.�7)Offic'e,Sup-�..73,Yiun;Sheds- Cap-,157-90 - Crusher-39.25,Trucks-91-42,• Grade'r-15 48,-Dragline-13.52, Shovel-14�-43,- Fire. Dept.. - -Mun..Sheds Cap-39-34)Too. - ls-37.12 Bridges & Culv-11L.00. Haill-165-37,Gas .& Oi-1-842-.34 27.09 . 5.00 .19-97 14.39 6.89 8.99 -70.61 726.26 - 2.60 105.16 84.77 23.94 44.90 498.15 3.89 93.58 13-13 10.91 10.08 308.70 22-4 97.65 34.30 71-38 28-35 106.91 225.65 306.10 126-48 187-46 1007-71 FUnutes of December 6th. 1957-, continued. GENERAL. ACCOUNTS CONT i D.-- PAYROLLS October Ge - n'.Rd;IvItce-3462.-46'Brush & Ditch_1734-36,Patch-118.40, Sec.Hwy.-669' * i2,Crusfiee 88.6�.00:$Bridges-k-1186-56,Parks-.532.80,. Stat*Hol-339.02, Hol.Pay-241-32, Sick Leave-69.602 CemeterY-429.20, New Sheds-184.34 November Gen.Rd..'�ce"3508,.06,,Brush & Ditch-1764-55,New Skie'as''840-00, Crusher'-1136.80,cem tery-243.6a). Bridges-161.00IB.ridges-986.90., Sick Leave-506'.00 Stat. Hol.-339.02) Gen.Hol-257.28,-Parks-387.20,.Patch-, 47.20, Se C, . HWY- 311 63 Haney �Sewer-,34,,10- Moved by Bouncillors Bailey . and Brown that totalling-$48714.24 be paid and payrolls as the above noted accounts listed. NO further- business meeting adjourned at, 12:00 noon. Minutes of December 18th., 19576 Full Council met on December l8th primarily to . give hearing to the amendment of the Zoning Bylaw., No, 126"A". loved by Councillors Simmonds and Brown -that the -Hearing for Zoning Amending Bylaw No.*461 be now opened, CARRIED. Mr. McClure ofRossRoad was interested in the hearing 'and asked.for information with',regard to the plan he had'submitted for approval on his own property.,,which had 110-3.7-foot frontage. He was informed by the Reevle-'that provision was in the amending bylaw to give discretionary powers to Council to deal with lots with existing dwelling having a frontage between 110 and 120.feet., The policy would be that'they allow a lot tob6 subdivided measuring 60 feet frontage., leaving a dwelling on the remaining portion as long'as' . It equalled or exceeded 50 feet,, which.was the-minimum,frontage prior to this date. Letter was read from'iheWhonock Lumber Company with regard to the.-Cou . ncills; notice"that that if their trucks heavily,loaded.6ontinued to damla,96,30th.Avenue--they would be liable to a heavy assessment. The'Company informe . d Council that . the trucks were -pftv&tely,owned by contractors,, who supplied their mill with -lumber. Therefore.v,they-were not responsible for any. damage,,, however they would co-operate with touncll.` 'The eve and -Council agreed -that they would first make an inspection of what' damage had really occurred to -30-Lh Avenuie and then attemptI totake up the matter .with' tie indI'vIduaI*truck ownersW Letter was 'read from Bu(f DeW61f, requesting Council to help him provide some form of informative or_constructive'Work for his group of Rover Scouts, between the ages ,of 16,and 23 years., Councillor Simmonds volunteered to have a talk with Mr. Bud DeWolf . r6kar-ding'.what he had in - mind. The purchase of fire hydrants at -a costof$43.76.-52.,.plus provincial tax Was approved, Also;;the' 16cati-oh' where they should bein6talled;'wa6.' c6hfirmed. 'Thi's 'matter -was original motion brought UP. as, the 6' 1) al rb'cordbd the cost of fire hydr4nts",not'to'exiceed $42000.00 plus tax:' The present location include'd.an additional hydrant. aq n� 5)02 -Minutes of December ;18th, -1957, -continued. The Timber Preservers Engineer's account for construction of tlae'Websters Corners Bridge of 2971.30 was -considered reasonable and ordered paid. The R.eturnirig Officer's re port for the recent Municipal Election. was read in.detail and ordered osted. '� Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the Yennadon Water Area Bylaw No. 454 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. , CARRIED: Moved by Counciliors Simmonds and Brown' that*the Liquor Licence.Byliw•No. 02,be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Drown and Dunlop that Bylaw No','465, Hospital Debenture Bylaw, be given -the -third reading. CARRIED., Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that first and second reading be given to Bylaw No-461� Private Crossings'Bylaw. CARRIED. . Moved by Councillors.Dunlop and Cox that approval be given to tentative plan of sub- division of -the- West -I of -Lot -8' of--°'G"-"bf-'NEB, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 8881, provided that a 60' lot be-. shown leaving the existing dwelling on the -remainder, (McClure) Moved by Councillors Dunlop and 'Cox that _the tentative plan of subdivision of Lot B of 1, NE ; 'Section 29'-Township 12; "Plan..7004 be approved, showing 20' entrance to rear portion. (erickson) CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop end Cox that- the- motion of Noveuter 28th, 1957, dealing with the subdivider shall pay the sum of $50.00 for each lot crossing be now rescinded. CARRIED. Tentative approval was preferred with regard to the Hanson and Nikiforuk sub- division, due ;to the width of the road being only 40 feet. The matter will be considered later, Moved by Councillors Brown and Dunlop that the water main on 19th'Road west of 17th Avenue be replaced with new 4" cast iron pipe. CARRIED. .be- . Moved by Councillors, Brown and Dunlop that, the 4" cast iron water pipe/laid on Malta ---- Street 'from Selkirk to Menzies Street - CA.Rf LIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that upon receipt of $1,000.00 from the Maple Ridge Hotel we are prepared to proceed with laying of pipe and fill on the west side of 2nd Avenue north of Lougheed Highway to McKenny Creek. - CARRIED. It was agreed that the five dollar Christmas bonus for the 'inside and outside sty. be continued this year. Also, the closing of the office for the Christmas holid:; from Tuesday night, Dec. 24th to Monday morning, Dec. 30th, was approved. An advertisement of Christmas Greetings from the Reeve and Council to the rate- payers was approved at a cost not to\exceed 25.00, -Mr: Clark, a glass merchant on Lougheed Highway between.6th'and 7th Avenues re- quested that 25 feet of the curb be painted yellow, -as a loading or unloading zone. He complained that many cars parked there all day long and it was very difficult for him to handle large sheets of plate glass.-The'committee would investigate and use their power to act :-if- necessary. The . coiui.ttee woiid also investigate Mr. Clark's opening of a new road on ll+th and 21st.before the gravelling of same took place. 5 �i e3 Minute6 of December 18th, 1957, continued. Councillor Dun];op brought up the matter of carrying out the proposed drainage scheme on 2nd Avenue from Lougheed Highway to Powerline Road. The,foliowing motion resulted. Moved by Councillor Dunlop and,Cox that upon receipt of $1,000.00 from the Maple Ridge Hotel we are,�prepared-to proceed with laying of pipe and,fill on the west side of 2nd Av \ ue horth of Lougheed Highway to McKinney ,Creek. CARRIED. The,locations-for.new:fire hydrants'as approved are as dollows: #17 17th Ave. & Lougheed Highway 24 2nd�Ave. & Powerline Rd. 25 8th Ave. &.22nd,Rd 26 8th Aver & North Street 27 6th Ave.,& Selkirk Street - 28 Malta Ave. & Menzies St. 29 6th Ave. & 20th Rd. 30 10th Ave. & Lougheed Hwy. �- 31 9th Ave. & Menzies St. 32 7th Ave. & Menzies St. 33 7th Ave. & %wdney ,• 34 17th Ave. & 15th Rd., 35 17th Ave. & Dewdney 36 15th Ave. & Dewdney 37 26th.Ave. & Aewdney, 38 18th Ave. :& Dewdney The matter of the School Board's assistance in tiling and closing in the ditch .n,�front ofthe old high school on the Trunk Road.was_ discussed. Councillor Cox volunteered -to approach the School Board and.investigate.why their contribution was not forthcoming,towards the cost of same. _ Councillor Cox also reported that he,had.,visited No..6'Road and,could not find where any survey had been made by surveyor, Mr. Edge, who had reported that the survey had.been completed. Council felt that we should advise Mr. Edge that . if the work.was not finished within one week we would.have to -engage an outside surveyor to do it, as the matter was now becoming an emergency. No further business meeting adjourned and the following motion closed the hearing. Moved -by Councillors Simmonds and. Brown that , tIn' hearing for Zoning Amending Bylaw No-461 be. -now -closed. - CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. k 564 Minutes of December 3oth. 1957. Full Council met for their final meeting of the current year on'December 30th at 7:00 P-K A refund was requested by Mr. Jalbert for the amount of money paid for a building permit, which had not been serviced by the Building'Inspector as the building had not yet been commenced and the project was now cancelled. The following motion was approved: , Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Permit No.2458 in favour of J- Jalbert for $20.25 be rebated, as Mr. Jalbert had not done any building under said permit. 0_ Letter was read from the. Alouette Construction Company with -reference to their participation in eliminating the excess water created on $2 Avenue. The three owners of the property, Mr. A. Hanson,-l+4r. W.J. Harvey and the Alouette Construction Company, were willing toassume witthe ma.ttethe cost of elimin- acing same. The following r: Moved by Councillors Bailey and Dunlop that, re drainage of several properties on 82 Avenue and North Street, the -drain will be installed by Councils the total cost to be paid by said owners. Foreman to estimate job and deposit made before operation is commended. - Letter of appreciation and thanks from H. W. Johnston of 27th Road, for the work the Council had done in improving the drainage problem that existed there, was read and filed. Building Inspector, Don Morlez, requested Council,`by letter, to consider his proposal that a gas installation be installed at the Municipal Work Sheds and lunch room, at a cost of $595.00- He was convinced that this installation. would eliminate fumes that could arise from the present home- made oil installation.. Council accepted this recommendation and approved same. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Trade Licence Bylaw No.460, be given third reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Zoning mending Bylaw No.461 be recon- sidered, finallypassed and-ad&pted. CARRIED. Moved ^by ,Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Private Crossings Bylaw No-464 be -given third reading. CARRIED. Mr. Bert Noble, Civil Defence Co-ordinator, now gave his report for 1957, for -Council t s,: benefit e__.. _ Councillor Simmonds read a -letter he had received from Mr. Y. Miller, asking for grader service on Igo. 9. Road. This was left over for the.new Council to deal with at the next meeting. Both Councillors Brown and Si.mmoncls reported the acute necessity of gravelling 21st Avenue at the bottom of 'the, hill, which was now in a very bad condition. Foreman was to be instructed to gravel this section immediately with a heavy application. Councillor Simonds 'reported that he had interviewed Mr. Bud DeWolf, regarding the Rover and Scout Group's application for some type of civic work. Councillor Simonds had recommended various small projects but it seemed that they were not acceptable to Mr. DeWolf. Therefore he recommended that the matter be dropped. Councillor Simmonds also reported on he condition of the short road east of the Walsh Mill at Ruskin, which had been complained about a short time ago, I ausing difficulty for fishermen to enter the, wharf. Clerk was to notify Mr. Walsh that this road was to be brought back to the condition that it had been, at their own expense, and the work was to be completed within two weeks or Council would cancel their privileges granted. 5651 Minutes of, December 30th, 1957, continued. Councillor Cox now reported--�nth regard to the Penning Construction Company and the excessive and continual hauling,'both day and night and Saturdays and Sundays, contrary to the ordinary working hours. Apparently they 'were travelling from pits on 21st Avenue down --both No. 9 and No. 6 Roads" onto 17th Avenue and thence'to their river property., This heavy ✓ transportation was-definite'ly,effecting the condition of the roads and would eventually collapse and cause great expense to the taxpayers. It was resolved that some form ofCsecurity deposit should be made to the Corporation from which we could draw to 'repair such damage. Therefore the following motion was approved: Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that Penning Crushing and Construction Company be ordered immediately to deposit a certified 'cheque for $5,000.00 to repair any damage done to Municipal roads for the years 1957 and 1958, all operations to cease until cheque has been received. CARRIED. Councillor Cox now inquired about the installation and blocking of the culverts on loth Avenue South, immediately fronting the Imperial Oil Company's Service Station. Apparently the gap between the two culverts had been back. -filled, covered over and therefore ceased the culverts to be of no use.whatsoever, resulting in a flooding condition. Our crews had to take up the emergency over the holidays and clean away the obstruction. It appeared that the fault was'entirely due to the Imperial Oil Company's employees or -officials and definitely not the fault of the municipal crews. Clerk was ordered to bill the company for the cost of clearing away the debris. The Reeve instructed the Clerk to call the new Council together for a short 'meethg on either Thursday or Friday afternoon. He would advise Clerk which ,day. The. December accounts were now passed for payment. Moved by Councillors Brown and Bailey that whereas the Centennial Swimming Pool Fund has not reached half of the required $7500.00 to get the`Provineial Grant and whereas the Municipality's finances seem'to be adequate to make"a'grant, therefore we grant a''sum of" 13750.00 to the�fund this year. CARRIED. :SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20%_of Amount 'Shown Maple'Ridge Other Government KNUTTILAY Ina.................�+1'08.50 BUCKHOLTZ� Richard............ 125.50 HERSEY. Louis ................. 50.00 MAAYERS, Archie ................ 114.50 McVEETY, Clifford ............. 10.00 KNUTTILA, Ida ................. 5.00 BUCHOLTZ,, Richard ............. 5.00' HERSEYi Louis.....:........... 2.00 MAYERS Archie. 5.00 BOURNE. Howard 5.............. 62.25' FRANK; George ................. 78.25 PIPO Anna .................... 50,00 BALLANTYI�tE� Delia ............. 92.50 . POELZERI, Jeanette ............. 38.257. Crestwood Guest Home.......... 28.00� Mrs. E. Nightingale........... 12.00 Alouette Priv. Hospital ....... 1180.60 Mrs. J. Campbell .............. 75.00 Mrs. M.-Jones................ 140.00 Mrs. Ethel Manual............. 35.00 Dist. of Burnaby.:...... * .... 15.30 Min. of Finance............... 47.60 T.A. Ilikiforuk................ 4.00, Garden Hill Fun. Chapel....... 165.00 Shop Easy.Stores Ltd........... 15.00 City of Fernie................ a.00 Dr.,N.W. Huculak............... 3.00 HOEBSJ Robert ........ o ....... 3 50.00 MORRISON, Michael ............. 48.50 SKITH.,.Maryetta............... 12.50 HOBBS., Robert ................. 2.00 MORRISON., Michael......... ... 5.00 McCONNEL, Michael ............. 78.25 PLAGER.,-Vera.................. 25.00 Jophgn,,,Al............... 38.25.H� =C, Mamie.' .............. 10.00 TATTRIE., Alister...... ........ ,38.25 Crestwood Guest Home.......... 129.77 Mrs. E. Nightingale........... 210,00 .Alouette Private Hos pi.tal.....1045.70 Mrs.'M. Marion ................ 90.00 ,Mrs.'Margaret Martyn......... . 5.00 Mrs. Olga Navokowski.......... 7.00 R. J. Kirkpatrick.......... ... 24.50 Whonock Red & White........... 25.00 ,,Super -Value.... ... **60000-.09.- 25.00, .B.&.M. Supermarket............ 19.51. Garden Hill Fun.Chapel........ 165.00 Mrs. E. MacGregor.....,........ 27.83 Metropolitan Ambulance........ 36.00 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $4588.31 be paid. CARRIED. ,; 66 Minutes of -December 30th, 1957, continued. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS Anderson Realty Refund Extension Deposit. 575.70 Anderson Realty-. !E " " 179.55 Municipal Treasurer W.W. .Admin. Casts 3000.00 Emil Zurowski Refund Ext.ensio'n°Deposit 271.aO , . Sam Saari I s Garage WX. Ace: 13.34 Marshall Wells Ltd. W.W.. Mtce. ?29.95 Terminal City Iron Works 'New Const. 63$.ol Public Fre,ghtways Ltd. -''W.W. Const. 7.92 Purves Ritchie Sales W.W. Tractor 250'78 Mussallems Haney Garage W.W. Tractor .34 R.A. Hales Lumber Co. W.W. Mtee. 150.84 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that.the above noted accounts totalling 5093.33 be paid. CARRIED. GENERAL-ACC,GUNTSs • Minister of Finance Election Expense 5.001, Community Planning Consult.. Parks Board 804..25 Election "Expense As. per list 544..3.9 D'. Spalding Election :Expense, 17..50 Prince David -Masonic Holding ,Election Expense 15.00' Pearce'Signs Election 'Expense '3:15 Dr. A. J. Trudel Police Expense 5.00 Jack Cewe Blacktop Patching 29-.4.0• Minister of Finance 'Refund Welfare Contributions 6$:60 Minister of Finance— ' T'.B. 'Units 88.20 Haney Taxi Election Expense 8.50 Syd's Taxi Ltd.- Election.Expense 13.20 Receiver General Police Salaries 10202.'00 John G. Taylor Assessment Expense 17.84 B.C. Hosp. Insur.Serv, Hospital Per`Diem 1908.90 Metalex- Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce, (signs) 49.15 B.C. Telephone Co. Police-20.23;Hall-47.51,Pub',Wkks- 19.88,Civ.Def-12:1.0,Fire Dept-10.57 110.29 '. Brendan Moss Civil Defence 26.23 George Manuel Civil Defence 7.00 Mrs. Irene Giesbrecht Civil Defence 7.00" B.A. Noble Civil Defence 61.54 Haney Theatre Civil Defence .2.00 Haney-Hmd. Mtr.Fght. Dragline-1.75,Bridges-3.82,Mun.Sheds Cap-3.26,Tools-2.25 11.08 Greenaway°Auto°Electric-- Trucks 9.37 Haney-Hmd. -Mtr: -Fght: Fire Dept. "4..'00' Fleck Brosa'•Ltd;...... Fire Dept. 316.50' -tea-mmond Motors, .°°°°•-•-- Tools & Equipment ... . ... 1.75' Byrnes Garage......... .Trucks .2.00' T.F. Houghton--_: -Mun. Sheds. Cap. a/c-.,'., ,: _ ,24.00 Sam•Saari's•Garage........ Dragline 33.05 R.J: Scobie...... 15th Rd. Bridge 2.26 Solly Photo•Studios-• =Coroner & Inquest .58 Fuller-Watson•Ltd:---- Gen.Rd.Mtce Highway AutoWreckers Crusher . ..•.... 2.00 Eaton Bros; Ltd.• -- Sec.°Hwy. 31100 Canadian -Industries Gen.Rd.Mtce; 66162 MacKenzies•Hardware-- Parks Board`, ..... 1 26 L. W. Hawkins...., Parks Board' 1501.00 L.W.- Jackson...... Parks Board 3k.00 N.R.- Bailey ° ..... • .. - '-Parks Board ' 345o George Steeves.. Parks Board"-'- .. 34.00 J. nightingale ............. Parks Board 34 00 A. ChatwiTn - - ° ... Parks Board 34.00. Columbia-Bitulithic Sec.1Iwy. Kanaka Creek •Bridge - 161.81 Pitney-Bowes.Ltd...... Postage Meter Rental• - • - - 15.00 Betty Mosdell Coroner & Inquest` 3.50 B.C. Electric =Hmd:Drain-4.99,Fire Dept-21.68, Hall-102.87,Pub. Wks=16.-3-1jParksBoard- 4.20,St.Lights-626.•4:1............. 776.ki Haney 5¢to 1. Store Police Expense -•.I-•. -•-•- 4-87 Garden Hill Fun.Chapel Coroner & Inquest-', 30.00 C Minutes of December 30th, 1957, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS.CONT'D. Dr. S. R. Arber Coroner & Inquest h 20.00 Addressograph Ltd. Office Supplies .84 G.H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Hall a/c 14.97 Fleck Bros. Ltd. \ Fire Dept. \Sec.Hwy. 90.68 Timber. Preservers Ltd. Kanake Creek Bridge 2971.30 B.A. Oil Co. Ltd. Gas & Oil 32.54 Haney Brick &_Tile Ltd. Brush & Ditch 68.95 Valley Concrete Co. Mun.Sheds Cap a/c 219.94 A. Vogl Gen.Rd.Mtce. Xsigns) 30.92 National Machinery Graders 160.02 R. Muth & Sons Tools 11.14 Maple Ridge Employees Un. Union Dues 48.00 W.G. Alexander Com'n on collections 123.00 Receiver General Income Tax Deductions 823.15 Royalite Oil Co. Gas & Oil-610.83,Hall-174.42 785.25 Fields Welding Sup. Tools & Equip. 12.59 Nelson Bros. Sawmills Shovel-24.50,Culv.& Brid es-121,.93,Sec. Hwy.(Kanaka Creek Bridge 161.36 Public Freightways Dog Tax Claims 1.00 Burr Office Supplies Office Supplies 23.98 The Gazette Adv.Print. & Sup-101.07,Elect.Exp-218.30 319.37 Fleck Bros. Ltd. Bridges-52.61,Trucks-18.75,Dragelin-15.35, Tools & Equip-l.48,Gen.Rd.Mtce.-7.60 95.79 Haney Garage Ltd. Trucks 32.62 Hansons Ltd. _ Gen.Rd.Mtce-2.57,Bridges-4,04,Cap. a/c New Sheds-89�,Crusher-2.99,15th Rd.Bridge- 3.23,Hall-5.62 19:034 Haney Builders Sup. Klun.Sheds-cap a/c-80.511Gen.Rd.Mtce (signs)- 7.18,15th Rd. 8ridge-3.89Haney Sewer-1.31. 92.89 Regal Building Supplies New Sheds Cap a/c ti ' 66.65 Cambridge Craft Co. Sec. Hwy.Kan Cr. Bridge-6.04, Mune.Sheds Cap"a/c-161.03 167.07 Cloverleaf Del. Election Expense 4.00 J.A. Wilsoni Election Expense 4.00 Maple Ridge Lumber Co. Bridges 162.10 Superannuation Com'r. Sumer-73.85,Trust-60.00 133.85 F. Dennis Keep of prisoners 66.00 Moved by Councillors Bailey and Brown that the above noted accounts totalling $22,575.46 be paid. CARRIED. No further business meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. . � _ ` �` �. �\R �D; '� _�°. . d - 1 569, Minutes of January 6th, 1958. The.Inaugural Meeting -of the year opened atone p.m., Monday, January 6th,^ 1958, as authorized in the "Municipal Act". Reeve Jenewein,,Councillors Simmonds, Telosky' and Nightingale now took their declaration of office and oath of allegiance under Magistrate W. Hope. Invocation and appropriate prayers were rendered by,th6 Rev. W. Fearn. The historical custom of smoking the pipe of.p4ace at the induction of the Reeve's office was now observed. Asthepipe was still functioning properly at the - completion of "this event it was hoped by all that good legislation would be carried out. As a larg e attendance was present the Reeve introduced the old and new members of his Council and then gave his annual address, which outlined roughly the problems that they would be faced with. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Cox that the minutes of December 6th., 18th and 30th . be adopted as circularized. —GARRIED. The Reeve now Pet up the 1958 committees, as follows, the first name acting as s chairman:- ,CO114ITTEE Finance Machinery Waterworks Fire Department Hall & Grounds Cemetery Traffic & Parking Health'Centre (Building) Subdivisions` Seweil,,"Public' I Works & Health Industrial Workers Negotiating COUNCILLORS Simmonds & Nightingale Dunlop and Telosky Cox and Dunlop -Dunlop and Simmonds Nightingale and Simmonds SLmmbnds and'Telosky Cox and Telosky Nightingale and Cox Telosky and Cox., Reeve and Full Council Cox Cox and Telosky Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that Councillor, Nightingale be our representative on Civil Defence. CARRIED.. Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that Councillor Dunlop be appointed to the North Shore Highway Association for 1958. CARRIED. Moved by'Co'un'cillors,Dunlopand Cox that Councillor Simmonds be appointed to the Regional Planning Board and B.C. Aviation Board. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Simrnonds that Reeve P. Jenewein be appointed to Fraser Valley Library, Greater Vancouver Water Board and Maple Ridge Hospital Board, I - CARRIED. Moved- by Councillors Dunlop and Telosky that Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale be appointed'to North'Fraser Hedlth Unit for 1955: CARRIED. -Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the regular monthly meeting of the Council shall be the first Friday in every month at 9:30 A.M. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to sign and issue from time to time cheque's of the following nature, pending formal approval of the payment of such cheques at the next regular meeting of the Council. X_ i l.. Payroll cheques for salaries and wages of officers and employees of the Municipality which shall be paid semi-monthly or monthly as the case may be., provided the -payroll is produced and is signed by'the Department head. , Minutes of January 6th, 1958, continued. 2. Cheques payable to Social: Welfare recipients and for Boarding,and Nursing Nome or-xospital'care, approved by the Welfare Administrator. 3. Cheques for trade accounts, where delayed payment would result in loss of discounts provided such trade discounts are certified by the Department head as correct, due and payable, for goods delivered- or services rendered to the Municipality. 4. Cheques byway of advances for travelling expenses of any member of the Council or any officer of the Municipality when on departmental or legislative business affecting the Municipality provided that the Reeve approves of such advance .for such prupose. 5. Emergency payment approved by Reeve. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and,Cox that we, the Council of Maple Ridge, -accept with regret the resignation of J.I. NightintaJ_e as a Commissioner of the Parks Board. CLTaUD. �s Moved.by Councillors Simmonds and Telosky that N.'R.Bailey, A.W.Chatwin be appointed as Park Commissioners for a term of two years and L.W. Jackson, G.Steeves and W.C.Brown be appointed for one year. CARRIED. Correspondence dealt with a letter from the Board of Trade, signifying their co- operation with the in -coming Council and also advising that they were setting up an Industrial Committee to work with Council. Letter was read from Mr. Bud DeWolf notifying Council that they were invited to attend a Civil Defence meeting on January 23rd at 7e00 P.M., which had recently formed a Mountain.Seareh acid -,Rescue Branch and they were quite ready and willing to discuss -'the procedure of this new branch of this service at the meeting, if they so desired. Police report was mead and'filed. Mr. McKay of 28th Avenue, Whonock,.being present asked Council to attend -to the unfinished drainage problem. -fronting his entrance. The Reeve was of the opinion that this work had been completed some considerable time ago, however, Councillors Cox and Telosky would.visit.the spot tomorrow morning and if necessary the full Council would again review the matter at the.end of the week. - - Mrs. Airth now complained bitterly regarding the charge -against her son.,for parking a number -of old.cars.on the boulevard of Dltton Street,.Hammond. She claimed that the_road was not in its proper place and in error for a distance of 30 feet or so, the boulevard washer property and.therefore.no offence had been committed. The Magistrate had reserved his judgment, pending the establishment of her property lines by a certified surveyor. ---- The Counci.were surprised when Mrs. Airth requested that support be given to the Hot Rod Youth Club to use -the Municipal roads as a speed track for their -cars. Complaints had been received.in the past that youths from other -Municipalities, members of the.club, had made use of.municipal property for that purpose.- The Reeve explained that Council had the responsibility to provide and preserve'roads forthesafety of the travelling public, both pedestrian and otherwise. However, with regard'to.the adjourned Court.action he felt that it was the property owner's responsibility to prove their.ownership of a portion of Ditton Street, as was claimed and not .the responsibility of the Municipality to defend their road allowance, Mr, . Jones 'of Whonock reminded -the Council to include No. 6 Road hill in their annual inspection tour. This the Council promised. Mr. George Jorgenson, representing Penning Construction Company, presented himself in reply to the Council's request for a $5.,000.00_security cheque to be deposited ar with the Corporation. He stated it would-be -fmore convenient .for .him ,to arrange a $10,000.00 Insurance Security Bond.in favour of the Corporation, if Council would accpet same. He would then recommend that a municipal billing be made.to his. company monthly for any road damage that occurred. This was approved by Council if no delay occurred in presenting the bond to them. Minutes of January 6th, 1958, continued. The Council asked h3r.Jorgenson to instruct his employees to eliminate as. much noise as possible during their -night trucking. He was also warned that drivers were travelling, at ti.mes,'grester than the" -speed limited. Certain work -at the corners was -asked for -by the Council, which Mr. Jorgenson agreed'to when -time permitted. Mr. C.S.Pallot, on -behalf of -the Guri''Club, requested that their annual fee be- nowjreduced to $1.00, due to the fact that they had made considerable improvement on the municipal land leased to them. He also asked that the, lease'be renewed for the,. current •year. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that we renew the lease to the Haney Gun Club for. $1.00 for year 1958. CARRIED. The Reeve now notified Councillors to meet at the Municipal Hall next Friday at-9:00 A.Mv -to'commente their inspection of the road and bridges throughout the -Municipality. -He also reported that, he had met with Mr. Finlaysoh, District Engineer, who requested that the Secondary Highway Estimates be submitted with -- in• a week or two if possible. The Reeve also recommended that the privit hedge which projected well out onto the Trunk Road, north side, a short distance east of 3rd Avenue, be removed` without delay. Councillor, Cox asked for the installation- of a-20 mile an hour speed limit' sign on•14th•Avenue•at approximatdiy 50 feet south of'Albuette Inn and again north of -the North Alouette'River Bridge.- This would establish a reduced speed•going through the hospital zone and also the Maple Ridge Park. He also felt that signs -should be erected closer to the bridges marked, "slippery when wet". Councillor Nightingale reported on a 4 inch tile culvert for a private crossing that had recently been installed by the owner on Menzies Street, north 'side, approaching 6th Avenue., _... . .. For the benefit of the new Councillors the Road Building and Crossing Bylaws, now inforce,_were. discussed at great length. Moved by Councillors .Simmonds and Nightingale that the •first.an, d.secmnd reading be given.to,the.."Aanual.Loan Bylaw,,1958, No. 466.•............... CARRIED. Moved by Councillors.-Cox.and.Dunlop.that Private Crossings Bylaw.No.464.be:reconsidered, finally.passed.and.adopted. Moved by Councill1rs.Gox.and1Dunlop that Trade Licence.Bylaw No.460 be reconsidered, finally.passedsnd.adopted. ........... CARIED. Moved by Councillors<Simmonds..and Dunlop that the Provisional -Budget of Expenditures be adopted.until.later amended. CITED, The a ent4tive,plan of .Lot.42,of W;5 of 20,.was turned -over to.the.Subdivisi_on Commmi:ttee , for ,inspection., WATERWORKS ACCGUN`I'S: _ B. ^C. Electric . W.W.INTtce. $120.23 Municipal.Collector..,. W.W.Mise.-216, W:Wjractor,-.60., 2.76 ........... Dec, -lit q-:949,85,,Conn-7246.45, Si ckLe ave-3. OQ, Const-223.20,Stat. Hol-5.2 i 6O. Moved by,oCouncillors,Simmonds and- Nightingale that.the above ,noted accounts totalZ9ng122,,99 ,and payrolls as listed be pa>gd, .. , CAR IED . 52 Rinutes .of January 6th, 1957, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS.* Centennial Project Fund Grant 3,750000 B.C. Electric Bal.Dec.Account .05 Municipal Treasurer Trucks-2.00,De1.Exp-19.60,Unem.lnsu.r- 445e7�44.Ref.H.OeG.-56.00,Hall a/c-3.50, Postage-315.00,Gen.Rd.Mtce-2.36,Assess,. , Exp-5.24,Ref.Bldg.Perm-2.50,Sup-2.47, Xmas Bonus-250.O0,Iv1isc.Admin-.90 1:,=105.•31. J. Jalbert Refund Building Permit 20.25 Fleck_.Brose Ltd. Fire Dept. 188048 Dr. A.J. Trudel Coroner & Inquest.. 50.00 Kanake Concrete Products Culverts 8c Bridges 216.45 Electric Home Service Munic.Sheds (Cap a%c) 209.53 J. Biggs Tools & Equipment 7.50 Dr. G. Morse_ Coroner & Inquest 130.00 Minister of.Fi_nance S.S. & M.A. Tax Refund 4.61' Dendoff Springs Ltd. Crusher 44.46 The Gazette Election Exp-47,50,Adv. & Ptg.Supp738..95 $6.45 Marshall -Wells Stores Gen.RdaMtee. 1.96 Medical` Services Assn. M.S.A. 306.00 Addressograph-Iultigraph Misc. Administration 36\25 H. Gibeault Gen.Rd.Mtce. 5.16 Royalite Oil Co. hall a/c., 136,28 Dr.' R.C. Rhodes Police Expense 30.00 PAYROLLS: Gen.Rd.Wk-3304.51,Brush & Ditch-1931.46,gusher-»946.10,Cemetery--35.00,15thRd:Bridge- 1095.32,Bridges-& Culverts-679.35,Sec.Hwy-111.40,Sick Leave--253.10,Hol.Pay-26.40, .Stat.Hot-654.44,P;arks-190.40,New Sheds-311.68,Haney Sewer-27.9Q, .Adm n-3597.55 Moved,by Councillors Simmonds: and Nightingale that the above noted accounts_ totailing 6328.74 and payrolls as listed be paid. CARRIED. SOCIAL ELF= ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount .Shown Maple Ride Other Government ALLAI�I� MaryB, ...... • s .... . . ..... a 11 50.00 BAJ VIAN, Hattie............. ► .. a .. 50.00 BALE' Virginia.................. 40.00 .HILL�.Harry J ..................... 25,00 District-oof.,Surrey.............. 37.00 McGILLIVRAY' Mary ................. 50.00 1iTYNL, Delia; ............... 92. 50 BrBVO.OK, Mabel... e e . e .... e • ... 56e 50 'LAi BOURGEOIS. e........•.. 51.15 BAYLUZA, Mike.... ............ ; .... 156.50 s..... Howard Bry�OyUryiiT��,�'s 1�2j4.5j0� Frank ....... ... e ...�.... �.... 76.54 y y.................. BUCKLES -Joseph j6e50 �CfOt��+E�'yY�,j CUUi1.1'R John R.................. 76•50 BUCHOLTZ, Richard ................ 14.0.00 DEI�'`1'REY•, Evelyn .. .. s .. e e s a .. e s e .•. 140 50 COPI1'ELL9 Aerbert...:........... 48.50 GENNOW� Marjorie...... ........... 0 92.50 EN7GLISH�, Percy .................. JACCKSON.. Almanda................. 124e50 FRANK., George,,,.,,, e e . e e e .. e e .. .. • y108.50 156.50 Ma G` ONALU, .Irma._,.... a e , ........ 76.50 GILBERTT., Phyllis. . . . .. . . ..•..... ... 992,50 SMI1HI, Maryetta................... 776.50 76e50USSEiAN3 .o ••, •.e.,Jacob..•: 92,50KBASS^'iilhelm..•a..ee...a... , KNUT ILA Ina, ...... 108a50 WI1a(C3 Fran i'1 rJ.•.••.,.ee .a..<.a.• 99.50 LAvuRASOId; George .... . ....... . .. . I25.70 Mrs. R.'Wilson................... 25.00 PATTEN...1.40.50 Florence .............. LEIGH Harr .........,.•.,....e... y 124.50 LE��;; �j(� , ROUX Anna.e.........e....e.,. '�)�'� (� 141.50 {��V H��{, �r`"DERSO Sven ................. 50-00 LORENZETTA, Emily............... 124,50 , .HOBBS., Robert...... .......••, 50,00 L( Y' William 61.50 ZUBYk, Dmytro.-.e...............I..... 50.00 .................. MAYERS, Archie .................. 42.60 Gam; Louisa..................:.... 50,00 MORGANS. Kathleen.... ....... .... 56.50\ GOOD�ICH� Mamie,.r............1.... 50.00 NEIL, Julia ...................... 32.50 'HARDY, Mabel ..... ...-,...... . a 35e00 NWIXAN., Ruby B. * * ... # ...... *.. 0 o. 63..50 KELVIN' Inez, ........•..e.a...I..:;e 27.50 NYHUSSarah .................... " 78.50 . SIMPSON, Rheta.... 50.00 � •-OS`I'RAND� Hilda .................. 51.50 BRUNEAU� Rene.e...e•.sa..,..o i•.... 47.50 SEiELL ..,..,... Horace......... 15b.50 CLAIiKE Wilfred::,:-""- SHARP, Alice......-..........,:.. 51.50t , DEQUIRE., Leona..:........:....:...: 92.50 ST+IEVES Margaret............... 92. 50 DIOII14E Margery .................. . . 76, 50 J TALBOT' Eleanor...............,.. 122•;50---ESSM, Mary........................156#50 VAN PELTI Adriaan............... 76,50 CHyTA'Jacob...................180.90 5y6.50 WHITE, . Doria .. . . e • , • . e .... ► e ... . 76.50 7G�I�ESB'? LIacKAY, Alice..: lide e • . e . , .. , e , • e ... • .. s . e 80 . 90 ALLA14,.Frederick................ 50.00 MacNEIL, Marion....a.....e...:.0e.e108.50 CASS, Donald ..:................. 50.00 McCONNELL.. Michael .......... ee.... *156.50 Minutes of January 6th, 1957, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOU7uTS CUNT_t➢. — 20% cf Amount Shown kaple Ridge Other Government FRITH' Joseph......:...:.. ........ t,50.00 MORRISON., Michael................... 48.50 GUSTAFSON., Adolph... ..... •.••... 50.00 NORRIS' Robert ..... ...•.... ......... . 76.50 HERSEY' Louis ...:............... 50.00 TATTRIE, Alister.................... 76.50 KLASSE14.7 �jilliam.......•...:.... 50.00 BROOKS, William .... .......... ...... .. 50.00 LEE, Frederick .................: 45.00 HILL' Harry ....... •................. 50.00 MacDONALD, Daniel............... 50.00 PAULS, Waldemar ..................... 50.00 Mcc lartin J.........,.,. 45.00 At���_,T~ .;..., 40.00 RYAN� Richard ............. McVEE`i'Y, Clifford................50.00 ARItAliCE' Alvina...................... 50.00 MATTHEaS) Thomas .......... 50.0.0 -DYCE, Susan ................•.....:,.. 40.00 STONHOUSE - Lewis ................ HANSOiv TUNER ' 37.50 , Leatha....................... .00 40 Alvin .................... 50.00. JOHNSTON., Grce...................... 15.00 BENTLEY' Pearl.................. 10.00 LANSALL, Rosemary.... 40.00 HAGEN' Jennie.. • ................. '10.00 I�1cCk ii�AN`i'' Emma.... • .,.... e .......... 45, 00 Dist. of Matsoui................. 48.70 McGILLIVRAY� Mary................... 50.00 WALKEY9 Edith.......... _ -._... .... 37.50 JOHNSON. Mary....... ................ 89.00 ANDERSON9 Hoard .................... 10.00 ROBERTS� .14a.ry........... ........ 10.00 S`i;PPL}R� Valentine....- ............: 10.00 Moved'by Councillors.Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $8018.41 he paid. CARRIEb. No further:business meeting adjourned at 5=00 P.Mi. N 574 Minutes of January 13th, 1958. A special meeting with School Board off cials'convened at 7 p.m.; Monday, January 13th. Subject matter for discussion was the proposed long range plan of the Civic Centre. Present were Trutees Jones, Hopkins, `Whitebone, Livesey, LEster. axed Inspector Chell. - The -plans. ,anii model, prepared by Planning Consultants,. •Professor P. Oberlander and_ I .J...Cave,< v er-e :on display in the Council -Chamber -and Reeve Jenewein ex- plained .the progress to date, which had -not passed the -planning stage,, -neither ..had .Council .officially approved the long range -development -as yet, as�it .involved .School Board. property .having to be relinquished in the distant, future. The Reeve .informed the meeting that the •proposed- -Civic -Centre consists. of 2.017. acres of .School Board .property and 9.523 acroes 'Corporation., total.-. located in. the centre of Haney. , He remanked..that the Park Board., p who. was responsible for the developing of the Cenotaph Memorial Gardens had I approached..Council with the: idea of conzer;ving, this publicly. owned property and . developi<ng .over the years into the highest, poszd bl - use. value, . that. of a:.Civic centre.- . -The idea received Council's approval.- hence the plans .and model present at, this time. The Reeve, on behalf. of the Council, felt that the time had. arrived -to consult the School Board authorities, asking ,for their co-operation and, -view--points . i Chairman, D.• Jones,- speaking for the Trustees, felt that the development mm so a far as- exaanplified by the model and the plans of the site for the future , was to_be.highly comnended but many difficulties would arise. The major one being the future use- value of the existing* public school, situated 4or ` the site, which was estimated at last 15 years. Trustee Jones' felt that- a minimum amount of maintenance would have to be carried out each year`and if the Council were suggesting-that.replacement should not occut on the -present site, it would be only fair to ask the Corporation to provide a new site in close proximity to the town. A,n`i.mmediate thought should be given to "that problem now, in view of the fast development that is taking place. The Trustees,.n a whole, felt that they could not commit future School Boards 15 years -hence to -relinquish -this property. They were of the opinion -if the Council could acquire five acres, acceptable to'the present Board, and dedicate it for the future school board's use as a site, they w ould consider: recommending) to future boards to continue to approve same. In the meantime, the School Board would mark out an area within close distance of Haney, wherein the proposed school site should be located and advise Council of same. School Board retired. The short agenda was now referred to and a letter was read from Mrs. Skillen, who had subdivided her land on the south side of 21st Road, which included an un-named road. She now asked that this be named the Skillen Road. Clerk was to advise -her that Council had no objection for the time being. Letter was read from the Secretary of the Garden Club, asking for a grant of - 50.60. As gardening was a hobby and could establish a precident that all those who enjoyed hobbies ..could ask for a similar grant; the matter was referred to Councillor Cox who would investigate. Letter was read from Mr. Patchett, asking for Council's assistance in building °a dyke to protect the property in Lot 275 from future flooding. This was tabled for the time being until Council had visited the location. The loss of a pilgrim goose was reported by E.K. Merkley, who asked for com- pensation under the dog tax, also the loss of some 60 chikens killed by'dogs was reported by George A. dePapee Both claims would be ,turned over to the R.C.I41.P.. for verification. ! The Public Utilities Commission notified Council of a non public hearing pursuant to applications made by the\B.C. Electric, with reference to gas rates and the establishment of a Thermo -electric generator station at Ioco. Council had no objection to same and should notify the Public Utirlities Commission not later than January 17th. As the ultimate result.would likely be reduction of consumer gas rates,Council was not objecting to same. Minutes of January 13th,"195$, continued. Letter was read from Solihtor's Lester. & Leggatt, relative to the Redecliff Creek"e* ing - used for drinking water.. ;. As.' the . Sanitarian',s: ' report indicated that the bacteria count was less upon leaving 22nd Road,. the Clerk:was 'to, notify Lester.& Leggatt that there appeared to be no liability against the Corporation. Moved by Councillors` Simmonds and Nightingale that the .Annual Loan Blaw,..,0;'166, receive the 3rd reading: .. .J .. - .. a .. .• . i J.i Councillor ' T.elosky reported that.:he had visited thecrushing; plant. on- N.o. 6Road and ,had 'found-, that- they dragline needed repairs. ..A new -;'sprocket, -real had to - be replaced -and rather than allW oux.crew;_toOdo. the,:y(ory;he had,,contacted a qualified, machinist,.' who resided in.I'lission:-, and . he recommended that. - the, machinist replace'.and. .install the.. new .sprocket, at_,a,quot.ed price ;of .appi;o L,��a�te'ly $170.00. He felt that this work. •required,an;experienced man and:that we:;should�_be better protected by having the wor0down to-ider. contract. He also reported that he had heard various members of our outside crew report that machinery in the past -had . not , been. .repaired.when. needed.,:•:+He :Felt than„if this:waste,tp-a -jta•.was a bad policy.to adopt and .if it was untrue he would like to :take it up -with those that had reported• such matters to him. The. Reeve ,•reported.;that,, at, all times machinery _ .. o ,.. when repairs Caere -;needed should be done.,without -loss ,,of<�t me, ; , , Councillor'Cox requested information.re.garding the•ambulance.service, that he understood was being, discontinued very shortly..., The-'Reeve,informed him.. that 'it'app6ared, the -matter, xi .c ,was`solved," as, the taompany waa_taking. over.,tthe, ambulance service and operating service. M4 .: Councillor Cox also reported the.,necessity, of tiling and closing. the . ditch on " the' east. side ofth A�reriue� Avery dangerous situation existed there)_- parti- cclarily on Thursday `,ri ghts_ when the Agricultural Ha11 operated their ib_ ir_go :'games; Councillor Nightingale felt.that.action should be•brought.,about ontthe.:Lougheed hxghvray-adjacent=to <a.Avenue. e ebently ari accident.hsd occurred- at -that spot' mod' he felt tHat the 50: mile 'zone;,sign; should,;be ;moved- to a new.- location. He asked for permission to"take this matter up Vith the R.C.M.F.; which was granted. -'•The plan' of ,subdivis on''iaas" discussed' iith'reference to Lots ,1 and 7 on Menzies Street east..of 10th Avenue, as to whether.a lane .should be provided. Council would- visit the spot,, when continuing.: their tour. of ,the unicipality. No lfurther business m6-eti 'adjourned' at 900 p.in.' r 56 Minutes of -Special Meeting, Januar;r 27th, 1958 I � -A Special Meeting of .full Council convened at 1:00 P.M. Monday, January 27th, 1958. The primary purpose of the Meeting was to investigate and enquire into Councilts procedure with regard to public works and to establish the future policy. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Simmonds that this Council deems it necessary to conduct an inquiry into the management of our Municipal public works and -the relationship of the Council on public works.- This Council; instructs the Reeve to conduct this inquiry immediately, The procedure of` -the inquiry is to be in accordance with the ruling laid down by the Reeves As soon as possible after the hearing' the Reeve shall submit to the Council; in writing, the results of the hearing -and make recommendations9.which-in,.his. opinion tends to improve our public works. CARRIED. At 1:10 P.Ma tyre ,Cler< -tar requested .to==retire, during Councils s discussion in Camera. At 3:30 Y'. M. tPie Council again convened in public meeting, and the agenda, commenced with the correspondence. A petition from il6nraondbusiness men was read,: asking for mmedi.ate action to be taken regarding repair or replacement of the sidewalks,.. Coun,cillor'.�Ibunlop would head a committee to bring in an estimate of cost, A. letter from D. E. Finlayson, District Enginaer, asking for a man -hole to be installed on the Northside of''Lougheea and 2rid Ave.,_ where a .newlyoi.nsta3_led culvert • commences with same, Council agreed to do this, in order to allow the Department of Highwayst crews to clean the Highway culvert, when needed,- Petitions were now read for hard surfacing 7th Avenue North, 16th,•Ave'._ :Forth? Selkirk'and Malta .Avenue., -These are all; tabled, awaiting the hard -surfacing program, which would be set up later in the season Permission was granted to the Senior Citizens to hold a . T,ag .Day on .IMay 17th, 1958. A request for financial assistance to assist the Cormuni.ty•Goodwill Cormtittee to balance their budget for 1957 was read and granted. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that a Grant of $50.00 be given to the Goodwill Committee to offsetexpenditures of 1957. CARRIED r Ghicken•losses from G, A® DePape and'E. K. Merkley were ordered paid through the following Motion Moved by Councillors Simmonds and, Dunlop that George A. DePape be paid theesum of $50*00 for the loss of 50 chickens killed by dogs$ . also Mr. E. K. Merkley be paid the sum 2,j5O for the lose of one goose, _ C A Public Utilities Relations letter, regarding the proposed usoleum=was i read and tabled until next meeting. The Clerk was to invite' the bu_ild:er, of the proposed mausoleum, Mr. Eo H. Stephens, Port Moody,,B.�C. to be present at the -February 7th meeting, ' A letter was read from 'Solicitor R. E. Lester, regarding the Reddecl:iff Creek contaminated water. As all.angles of the problem have beenfexplored and a considerable amount of past correspondence was on file, that definitely in- dicated the water in the Creek was always contaminated, re'a.rdless of road drainage, the Clerk was to reply that the matter was closed until the comma plain,ants, or their Solicitor, prove their charge against the Corporation, -Minutes of Special Meeting, January 27thm1958 (continued) The Board of Trade account for advertising and hall rental at election time,, in the amount of $56.57, was ordered paid and the Association be notified that a $5.00 advertising charge per meeting, plus the rental, was the maximum allowed in the future. It was noted that the Subdivision plans for Lower 10th Avenue and also Saunders, on Uth Avenue was stall in the hands of the Subdivision Committees The Mclvor tentative plan on River Road; however, was ap-. proved, as'no near -roads were involved and adequate frontage to the lots was provided. The proposal to instal a water line from Trunk Road, south on llth Avenue, crossing Lougheed Highway and continuing to the South of`Zlth Avenue, on the understanding that the Gilley Estate contribute $2000,.00, cash] towards the project and all others connecting to the lane pay an additional $50,00, over and above their connection fee, was left to the dater Committee to approve, with Councilts sanction. Mr. Buff Shepard asked permission to cut timber on NQiAh 6th Road, was. referred to Councillors Simnonds and Teloskey to cruise and. investigate. A letter of thanks and appreciation was read from Mrs6 Olive -Bailey and family, for Council.'s expression of sympathy in their great loss, The Reeve made a short report on his visits to Victoria,, on behalf of the School Board.. The Clerk reported that no Bond.had been received from. the Penning Con. structi,on Company and he was now instructed to write to them and recuest y the Bond forthwith, or they would be notified to shut down, their truck ink; operations,. The Annual Loan Bylaw is now approved. -writh the following motion, Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Annual Loan Bylaw No,466 be reconsideredi finally passed and adopted, CARRIED .No further business, the Council adjourned at 5:25 Pon, a Minutes of January 31st, 1958 A special meeting of the Council convened Friday afternoon,,.January 31st at 3 p.m. Receipt of -.:a; petit on :fr66_ the complainants}' regarding` the odours ari6ing from the. All.anwood Turksy,;Fa s -was acknowledged and the Clerk All: ri6tify them that they will be heard at thre 'regiilar moni-hly meeting; :Februai r' Y 7th and also that the Sanitarian should be asked to attend. Apa roval)�kas, given to. the :i:nstallati,on-of'-,a four '-ir ch- wat line'on 11th Avenue from, Trunk ,Road. crossing the. -highway to the- south 'entd, .by' b-pth ` Wat,or Committee andxCounei1i' pursuantvta the proposals 'set out i.n<.-thee• Clerk's Letter addressed to the Gilley Estate and their reply accepting same,-on.the understanding that the Gilley representatives contributed $2,000.; 00. towards the -installation', ;r Letter,,qvias,,)rjead•..fr-om the�� Greater. Vancouver, Wate'r� Board with- referen,6e to Floridatione: . Council, .i;r©ul:d consider ?this during the, yea r, : •wl:th 'regardsto placing a referendum to:the peuple.'at'.the next' -election. A'ti"moemnt• it would appear that each user tcould floridate their own water by tablet. form, thus leaving the public mains clear. n.. Thy- -Pa:rks,Board Budget;,of.:One `-Mill was received and tabled for, acceptan6e Later. Moved by, Councillors Simmonds. and Nightingale -'that the arrears- of4takes of '307.65 on Rollr1 (CrownJands)'be,"written off by virtue of Lease exp Ang'•d.n�1956. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval on sub -division ofLots 31 and..32__ of the-,West.1-half. •of, Section 20, . Townsvhip 12, *Pl'&n. ll61,- Pi-.W4D.i, subject. t o the, p'r'ovl.s3,ons of the .ad . Subdivis on; Bylaw- .'tie given.; CARRILD. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the Council acknowledge the Parks Board f s Budget . of I., mill for. 1958.` .1 CARRIED. +; Moved by Councillors •Dunlop and Simmonfls .,-that this Council :.approves the app � oi5tment of our ,Bgilding Inspector as a Fire Inspector, concurrent faith his other duties, CAHUED. A request was received from the residents of St.Ann's Street for a concrete side- walk to be installed. Clerk was to obtain cost of the project and submit to the residents on the usual 50f50 basis. 'Councillor Cox of the eater Committee reported that Mr. Telep on 20th Road off lsp, Avenue was willing to install his own water line at his cost. He recommended that we''charge' hiin �P40.00 for a one inch connection and also jadd= install a meter. The line would be installed under the supervision of our Waterworks Fore-:, This was approved. The Reeve now outlined the proposal of 6=-rl- the svdmming pool as the Centemit. Project with an estimated cost in the neighborhood of 50,000.00. As 152000.00 was already'in sight"towards same -it would necessitate borrowing of money in a short live year term. The follovving motion was approved. I Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that this Council preparedito borrow up to $140,000.00 for the Centennial Pool to repay over a period of 5 years. CARR ED. i The Reeve now reported the results of his visit to Victoria together with School. Trustees and. the Reeve of Pitt Meadows. This was with reference to the new Golden Ears School to be constructed at the corner of 21st Avenue: The contract price was in excess of the.amount approved by the Government. They recommended that the architect revise -his. plans and estimates to the Government's shareable figure of $4l01000.00--er-ess. The Reeve also reported with regard to the anticipated $39,000.00 required by the Hospital Board. Council felt that the Hospital Board was given d13,000.00 cash and the borrowing power n the remaining $26,000.00, Council would be xffi= prepared to under-ATite this ' *r the Bank of Montreal. officials. 579 Minutes of January .31st, 1958, continued. Thetrepresentativesof the- Cpuncil_wh_o-were on the Negotiating Committee reported the maximum offer to -the outside workers, which -is confidential until negotiations are completed. This refers to the new 1958 contract. The Reeve now informed Council with.regard to the.Public.Works Inquiry and the possibility of employing a part.time certificated Pablic Works :Engineer. The Reeve received approval from the douncil to meet tomo-rro'4, Saturday afternoon at one-p.m..with the proposed Engineer in person. Councillor Telosky recommended that.the crusher be thoroughly overhauled and put in Working condition;,as at the moment it was not running..,He received approval from the Council to carry out the repairs by a competent. mechanic at.the �e.rliest possible moment. .. A complaint was reported by the Clerk from Mr. Oliver, that drainage -water on 22nd.Avenue was•now crossing.the 0ewdney Trudy Road by culvert and thenoe through his property, which.had increased the flow, by Mr. Oliver's estimate, ten fold. Council waald check the matter, although they felt that no damage had occurred as the hater was confined within a ravine. No,further business meeting adjourned at $ 00 p.m. yfijGG-Lw� F' EVE CLLM Minutes of February lst, 1958. Full 'Council convened on=Saturday, February lst at 1'p.m. to interview Mr. Wisham, Civil Engineer, with the anticipation of afeuing him part time. employment. Mr. Wisham was asked to outline his qualifications. He stated that he was 40.years of age and was a graduate of Aberdeen University, with post-&anduate work at Edinburgh university. He was a B.A.S.C., P.Eng.,A.N.E.I.C.. He had been'employed by the City'of Glasgow on sewer and watermain installation;` saw considerable war service with the Engineers (Sapers); considerable Municipal experience In Johannesburg, South Africa and in -the last three years was with the Associated Engineers Services Limited. Couhcil outlined what was.expected of him'here in Maple Ridge and described our immediate problems:. He would commence February 4th{ giving us'half'of his services for the remainder of 1958,\.approximately 5;2 months, for the sum of $3,000.00. He would be in full charge of Public Works and responsible to Council only. The Foremand and Assistant Foreman would take their instructions from him and he would plan, control and supervise our outside staff, including Waterworks and endeavour to co-ordinate both men .arid machinery into; an efficient. and economical pro ducing unit. He would also be expected to review all new subdivision plans involving roads. With regard to transportation, whenever possible the Foreman or Assistant Foreman would provide same, but 10¢ per mile would be paid for the use of hiw own car when necessary. Council were of the opinion that this was an opportunity to establish the much debated question of whether the employment of a professional engineer would justify the expense. No further business. meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M.' Minutes of February _7thF 1958. The regular monthly meeting convened at 9:30 a.m., Friday, February.7th, with Councillor- Telosky not present due to illness. Mr. Clark being present referred to his two subdivisions, loth Road east of 25th and zest Ave.,Albion. Bad weather had delayed the completion of the sub- divison road and as he had conunitted himself on the sale of the'lots he proposed that Council..accept a'security deposit and in return approve the plans, thus enabling hini to register same and issue deeds. Council did not approve of this as they were not prepared to complete the roads, should Air. Clark fail to do so. In the meantime, the :Subdivision Committee, together.wi.th Engineer, would inspect the two subdivisions.and the road -work already accomplished. Mr.'Clark also re- quested that Council take title to Lot 15 of B, which was the Kanaka Creek Crossing and should be reserved for Park purposes. The Council'would inspect this lot when on the spot. Mr. Bayduza asked permission to cut wood on Municipal property between Hth and loth Aven'ces on the Alouette River bank'. As Mr. Bayduza.was a welfare recipient this was approved. Mr. Green of No. 6 Road, Whonock, referred to Council the perennial problem that had faced the Council for -the passed twenty years, the School.House.H ll. He was prepared to give the necessary land fora detour, as -all efforts had failed to remedy the danger that existed on this hill due to the grade, the drainage problem and the difficult junction with 30th Avenue. Another problem was 28th Avenue at .the LougheedHighway .end,. which was. sliding away. Some obstruction, mpc as a safety -measure., was needed to prevent an accident. Also, the hunch on River Road should be removed or at least reduced to provide a better view ahead, as this hunch caused a blind spot. Also, -the foot of 25th Avenue, junction with Loughe'ed -should be, i'mpr_oved.... Mr.. Green felt that these hazards to the driving public had.existed too long and no time should be lost now that we had an Eingineer on the staff. Mr. Wishart was to look over these four. projects and see if they could be remedied. Mike Chequis, whose home was only 19 feet .from the B.C. Electric gas underground tanks felt very .strongly that his property had depreciated considerably by the explosion haxard.being installed next door to him.and,that he was.denied the right to light or strike matches or smoke on his own'property, by reason -that the Fire Marshal was forbidding -same withi,4k0 feet. As the Reeve was meeting officials of the B.C. Electric within two weeks he would take the matter up with them. Rev. Griffin 'of the 'Little `Chappel:, Hammond, asked for bermission to use a loud- speaker to advertise his church services: This was granted, providing that when stationery the loudspeaker would be operating at reduced volume. Mr. Byrnell, representing the Historical, Society, reported that they had purchased the -old United Church on'.Haney Street, -at the lower part of Haney, which theyin- tended to"convert into a museum . but to do this they needed more cash and they were now asking Council: for` a grant of 500.00. iCouncil would consider' this later, In the meantime, the Clerk-h= would advertise for sale the two lots owned by the Municipality on .Callaghan Street. The result of the cash ,offers made .for the lots would'decide whether or not.a grant mould be.made. It wa& questionable whether a museum in this district would attract any interest from the public and would develop into a liability due to.the'upkeep expense., Mr. J. Allan of'$gl Avenue, asked that the drainage problem fronting his Iproperty be remedied. Council promised to investigate this and.the Engineer noted same. Mr. E.. H. Stephens of Port Moody was present with reference to his building of a mausoleum in our Cemetery. The Reeve advised him that if he .could not Jiron out his difficulties with the 'T g'Co'm'm tsi:on to return and meet the Council again.c1,3G�e u�ry 4 A.delegation of R. Franklin and S. Axford representing other who hadlsuffered from the .obnoxious odours eminating from the~ Al:lanwood Turkey Farris presented their viewpoints and were-not-satisfied-wi.th the Health Officer's reply to their petition of complaint.- Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitary Health Officer, who had agh visited the turkey farm, now asked_for his letter to be read. Mr. -Armstrong's letter repeated that all.anwood Farms had been instructed to clear up the situation without loss of time. Mr. Wood promised that this would be done at once and would confirm 'same by letter, copies of which -would be sent to the complainants,Je yw., requested compensation for removing his pens to the required distance of 100 feet from any highway or dwelling, pursuant to the requirements of the Provincial Health Minutes"-o� ebruary 7th; 1958, continued. Act, enforced by the Provincial Health authorities. As he had violated" the Health.Act for many years by having his pens closer.than 100 feet.he had no- entitlement to compensation and as this was a provincial regulation, the Municipal authorities had no right to discuss the matter. A -complaint from A, W. Johnson, -with reference to chicken farm refuse from his neighbor encroaching on\hs property was referred to Mr..Armstrong, the Provincial Sanitarian. Mr. George Steeves, representing the Centennial Committee,..also the Vice President, now presented the Centennial Flag-to'the Reeve, with instructions that a special official day was set aside, April 27th; for the raising of the Aflag. This was . to be an event throughout the.Province. r: Steeves, on behalf of•the-Hammond area.,-brought-up.another matter; the necessity of a stop and go light at the junction of 2nd Avenue and.Loughtbd Highway. The Council were in accord with this request and would approach the Highways Department and Honourable Lyles 'W%icks. Council agreed -that as it w"' twelve noon they would.adjourn until one p�.m. Upon -reconvening the Clerk -was ordered to arrange for flowers to be'sent to hospital for Councillor Telosky, Councillor Dunlop would assist the Committee in -Councillor Telosky's absence. 1'he agenda was now referred to. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the minutes of January 6th, 13th, 27th, 31st and February 1st be adopted ascircularized. CARD. A letter was read from -Mr. G.A. Bing, requesting that 102 Avenue be changed to -".Centennial Avenue" or some.other appropriate name. Clerk -was to inform Mr. -Bing that as a drastic change of numbers of Avenues and Streets would be expected to take place throughout the Valley in a year or two, that this -would not -be appropriate time to consider any -change. Letter was road from fr. 0. Kelly, complaining that Council had not dealt with her particular problem of providing a turn out on 29th Avenue. Clerk was to reply that unfortunately the Council as a whole had not.complete'd the tour of the east -end of the Municipality and they realized the -necessity of such a turn around -and would have the engineer report on the matter without loss of time. Dr. Balkany informed Council of his resignation. - Loved by Councillors Nightingale and -Cox that we accept with regret the resignation of Dr, -Balkany. CARIL D. The Police Report was read and filed. The Council'were-also in favour of providing the pclice'office with a stenographer, capable of taking Court stenography. Clerk was -i.nstructed to attend to this. The Fire Department Budget was.read and receipted by motion :- Moved by Councillors Dunlop and'Sinunonds that the budget of the maple Ridge Volunteer Fire Department•in the -amount of $5769.06 be approved. DARRTED. The•LowerMainland Reg onal,Park.Board's`letter, re an Industrial Survey, was now -read. As -this proposal'enveloped-the whole valley -on a per capita charge, our share would be slightly over $200.00. At the request of Councillor Simmonds this matter was tabled for further review. An inquiry was received from the Assessment Equalization Board requesting our -Assessor and his assistant attend a 3 day course in Victoria, the Government would contribute• $�10;00 'for each -marl *per day. -This was approved. >- The--Fraser,Valley Municipal Association's meeting would be Monday, February 24th at, the' City Hall, blew. We'stminste'r at 8 aim. was noted, The Reeve would endeavour -to see the Penning Construction 4s.to. why we were not in 'receipt of their U0,0Q0.00 bond.- . 5. 8 � Minutes of February 7th,1958, continued, Moved by Councillors Simnonds and Dunlop that the Maplewood.Avenue North Lighting Area Bylaw, 1958, No. 467, be given first and second reading. CAMUtD. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that this Council make a donation of $50.00 to the Maple Ridge Garden Club for this.Centennial Year to incour4ge.beautifying our gardens CARRIED. Moved by Councillors. Cox and Dunlop- that. the'plan of portions of Block. 9 of Lot 399, Group 1, N.W.D., formerly,lots J and.K, be,approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that tentative approval be given to subdivision of Lot 42 of W2,'Sec.20, T2p.12,.Phan 1161, N.W..D., subject to the rovisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committees approval. (E.G.Harms CARFLhED. � Moved by Councillors Dunlop and C(A that tentative approv 1 be given to the subdivision of Lots 31 and 32, of, the W2,. See. 20, Twp.12, Plan 1161,N.W.D., subject to the provisions of the -Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's approval.• (Sanders) CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of portions of .block 1.7 of the south east 1 of section 28, township 12, N.W.D., formerly lots 5 and 6, plan 5490, f be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of portion of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of bet G of'the South part..of,Lot 248, Group.-1, P1an,10213, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by. Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of -portion of Lot_1 of Lot ^ 1 of Lot C of Block 1 of the northeast I of section 29, township 12, N.W.D.., be approved. CARRIED. "'oved by Councillors Cot and Dunlop that the. plan of. portion of .Lot 16. of- the north of the northwest w 6f section 9 and of the, south west.1 of section 16, township 15, N.W.D., be approved. CARD. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of portion of Parcel F of the North West I of.Section 14, Township.12, T.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Loved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that.the plan of subdivision of portion of Lott of Lot 2 of a 61.6 acre portion of the southeast 1- of section 23, }township 12, N.W:D., be, approved, - subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivisi on Bylaw and Committee's approval. CARD. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that tentative approval. be given t o the subdivision; of lots 2 and 3 of SEA, Sec.29, Plan 5471, subject to the provisions of the RW'I Subdivision Bylaw and Committee'sapproval. (W.J.Barnes) CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and -Dunlop that the plan of subdivision of the west 2 of r lot-8 of parcel G of the north east "' of Section 17, township 12, N.W.D., be approved. : CARRIED. The Reeve and the Machinery,Committee now reported on their visit to Vancouver with regards to crusher repafts`� and the' -necessity of -having a. new , jaw cast.This would vest in the neighborhood of- 1700.00. Also a further. $600.00 if the driving shaft needed- straigh"t ne ng. Powell Machine Works of Mission quoted thret motors.at the following prices:-, 365.70, 341.45, 378.60;,belt drive at $26R, new screen 652.00,total 2,OQ5.35. ..Wiring. Would cost another. $600.00 with tax applied; total being in the neighborhood of S5,000,00 to put the crusher inworK order again. As the National Machinery were investigating used crusher machined in Seattle, Council would await their reply.before ordering the repairs and repirs 1 4. 583 Minutes of"February 7th, 1958, continued. to be carried out. Mr. Wishart, the Engineer, -was instructed to investigate the leaky roof over the new rest room at the municipal sheds and also design and bring in the. cost for a waterworks shed on the site. i Counci4lor Dunlop reported a plugged ditch at Kent and Charlton Street,: Hammond, also water over the road at Ungers on loth Avenue and also on West End Road, Hammond. It was approved that more gravel fill was necessary.. Also, there was a large hole at 2nd Avenue and,Lorne Road.. _ Councillor Nightingale reported that the lane south of the highway between Martin Road and Cars Hill Road needed inspection, particularily at the rear of the Trerise house. Mr. Wishart was authorized to ask for .tenders on!Hew Sewer Rods and also a flame torch and purchase same if he was axtJ= satisfied with the prices. The 15th Road off 17th Avenue levelling and fill and also the 6th.Road_pr_oject wYiihc had been delayed for the last 4 or 5 years was authorized. Clerk was also authorized to purchase a desk and filing cabinet for Mr. WisYiart's office. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS:. B. C. Electric Han'sons Ltd. Haney -Hammond Motor Fght. R.• Muth & Sohs Greater Van. Water Dist. Tern' .nal City Iron Works Ltd. Canadian Wood Pipe & Tanks Gordon & Belyea Ltd. Municipal Treasurer Public Freigltways Ltd. Weet Coast Motors Ltd. W.W. Mtee. 142.28 W.W. Mtee. M8 W.W. Mtce. 7*14 W.W. Construction 2.50 Accounts Payable 2460.10 W.W.Cap a/c (Hydrants) 4140.81- W.W. Mee. 70.68 Cap a/c (Hydrants) 43.37 Refund -- 'water rates ': .18 W.W.Mtce-1.45;Cap a/c-44.33` (hydraits) 45078 W.W. Mtce.• . 3.84 PAYROLLS: Mtce.-74.7.37, Connections-•209.25, Stat.Hol-26.30. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted account's totalling 66,920.46 and payrolls, as listed, be paid. CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Grove Investment Co. Ltd. - George A. McMartin - Gordon & Belyea Division City of Vancouver Dus bane Co. of B.C. Betty J. Mosdell Receiver General. of Canada Mussallem's Haney Garage Ltd, Maple. Ridge Rome Service .. B.C. Telephone Co. Mohawk Service Ltd. B.G. Hospital Insur. Service Superior Stamp & Stencil Co.Ltd. Walsh Lumber Co. Municipal Treasurer Minister of Finance "Gov't. of the Prov: of B.C. Can. Pac.. Railway Co. Hammond blot or s • . I - Dept. of ---Public L4orks Union of B.C. Municipalities Morris Electric Solly Photographic Studios Ed,.. Holtby Tax Sale Redemption 256.20 Tax Sale Redemption 38.92 Gen.Rd.Mtc: (signs) •16.46 Coroner & Inquest _ 54.58 hall Account '24.68 Coroner &-Inquest 12.50 Accounts Payable 1998.99 Fire Department 3.50 Fire Department 3.78 Accounts Payable 117.33 Accounts Payable (trucks) 178.94 Accounts -Payable 378.00 Accounts -Payable (Dog Tax-Exp.) 190.52 Accounts Payable (Mun.Sheds.Cap) 249.86 Misa.Exp-6.75,Park Bd-27.00,Fall. a/c- 30.24- • 63.99 L.R.O.-Fees 14.07 T.B.- Units 91.14 Gen.'Rd.Mtce.-- 1.00 Trucks. 9.70 Hall account. 7.50 1-958 Dues 150.00 Police Expense 21.20 Coroner & Inquest (Robinson) 22.58 Hall grounds-10.06,Fire Dept-99.75 •109.81 584 Minutes of February 7th, 1958, continued* GENERAL ACCOUNTS-(CONTID. B.C. Aviation Council Co-ordinator*.,'Civil Defence Cooper, .Kinnear & Ward George A. Depape E. Merkley Community Goodwill Committee Maple Ridge Board of Trade Yiedical'Services Ass-ino A. Vogl E. Lemberg Whonock Florists Jones Tent '& Awning Ltd. John.G. Taylor Rogers Majestic Ltd. George Manuel - Mrs. Irene Giesbrecht Blakels Drygoods B. A. -Noble Brown Bros. GreenhDuses Ltd. Canadian Industries -Ltd.. Hansons Ltd*. Timber Preservers Ltd. Nelson Bros. Sawmills Ltd. The Port Haney Brick Co..Ltd. Haney Builders' Supplies Ltd. Dr. A. J. Trudel Garden Hill Funeral Chapel Dietrich -Collins Equip,Ltdo G.A.-Roedde.Ltd. Maple RidgeFLumber Co. Ltd. --Haney Music & Art Store Ltd. Rewinding Shop, R.,J..Scobie Field's Welind Supplies Ltd. Haney Brick & Tile Ltd.. : - National Machinery Co.' Ltd. Addressograp4-Multigraph R. Ritchie R. Muth. & Sons H. Gibeault Dept, i'linister of Finance Public Freightways-Ltd. Fleck -Bros. Ltd. Fleck Bros. Ltd. Regal Building Supplies Ltd. Burr. Office Supplies - B.C., Electric Imperial Oil Ltd. Haney-Hammond,Motor Freight Sam Saari's Garage, Haney -Hammond 'Motor Fght. Jack Cewe Blacktop Ltd., Muni.cipal Treasurer - The Gazette Receiver General Superannuation Comm. 1958 Dues ,civil Defence' Police Expense Dog Tax Claim Dog Tax Claim Grant Iflisc.. Adminisration Miscellaneous Gen. Rd.- Mtce. (signs) Park Board 'ark Board se. Expense Assessment Expense Accounts Payable-2125.28,Civil Def-570-00 Civil '.Defence Civil Defence Civil Defence Civil Defence Misc. Administration Gen.Rd.Mtce. Bridges & Culverts-5.43.,Hall a/c-8.98., Gen .Rd.11Ttce-1-79 Brush & Ditch Culver & Bridges -2.99,Gen.Rd.Mtee-43.65 Brush & Ditch a/c payable!203..2�6., 15th Rd.Bridge-1-52,, Brush & Ditch-2.88 Police Exp ense. , Coroner & Inquest. Tools & Equipment Asses'sment Expense Bridges-15th Rd,.-17.20.,Bridge Repairs- 563.64 Gen:kd.mtce_. Trucks Grader-1.,OO,Tools=2.25,tools--2.25 Tools & Equipment -Brush, & Ditch. -Crusher Office Supplies Dit thing Trucks Gas &,Oil Gen..Rd.Mt.ce. Tools-1.45,Hall a/c-1.25.,Crusher-1.00 -A/c Payable-201.80,Tools-.75.81.,!3riages` (15th Rd.)-10.03 & Dragline-143.77 Fire Department /e c'Pa i a�le-'178.22.,Gen.Rd.141tc -16.88' Office Supplies-5-47.,IAiosquito Control Bd-22-72 Hall a/c-113.86,Parks Bd-4.20,Public Wks- 23.815Hmd.Drain-4.99,Yire Dept-33.51, a/c Payable-726.39 Gas & Oil Tools-1. 00, Gen. Rd.!At ce-2.85,Hal,1-1, 25, crusher-1.00 Crusher Fire Department - Patching j`isc.Admin-10.00Trucks-1.60)Tools-1 15% Hall a/c -9..15,.Grader-1 . 50, Gen. -Rd. PIt ce- - 6 * 70,GeniRd.1`1tce (signs.),-42,0fkice Sup- 8 12,UneM.Insur-102.80 * Assesq.Exp.-3.28, L:11.0.-l.59,Poli-ce--Exp-20.00.,Deleg.-Exp- 36,.,67,,Posta9e-95_._0O, Dog Tax Exp-22.52,Trade Lie-61.22, Cemetery-21.37 Income Tax. Trust-60.00,Super-7.3.85 10.00 30,24 9.00 50.00 2.50 50-00 56'.57 311.40 48.88 19.00 13-13 22.32 2695.39 9..00 5.20 5.05 75.42 7.88 138.56 . 16.'20 1819-13 -46.64 '$6.'28 207.',66 20.00 45-PO 2.75 17.86 580.84 8.85 12 71 5:50 24.82 1.39 53-36 116-13 58,00 19.99 3.57 148.24 3.70 .431-41 ,5.56 195.10 ?8.19 906.76 153.87 6.. 10 45.90 7.70 .29.40 10541 700-90 133.85 Minutes of February 7th, 1958, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS (CONTID) Frank Dennis - ` Police Expense, w _ _ _ ._ .. '30.00 Mrs. Frank Dennis Police Expense 22.50 Cambridge Craft Gen.Rd.IWtce (signs)-3.36, Cap.a/c- Mun.Sheds-2.25 5;61 B.A.•Oil Co. Ltd Gas & Oil " ' 138.01 West Coast Motors' Ltd:: Bi;lldozer-1.25,Trucks-2.1a4;gtad"er-:,.6 4.15 B.C. Telephone Co....- \ R.C.M.P.-24.31,Hall a/c-93.43;Pub.`Wks_ 35.36,Fire Dept-19.72*7 Civil' Def-15.61 188943 Municipal Emp:Union. .. . Union Dues . 43.50 The Gazette...... . .... Trbaff:Ticklets-20.21;Bldg; Perrii=12'.13", Office Supp-2.31,Advert=22:80,Dog:'- Tax-13.30,Assess.EXp-5.70... 76.45 B.C.'Electric•••- ' Gravel Pit-Gen.Rd.Mtce.' 73.50 Minister of'Finance•' Child Welfare 275.13 Public°Freightways•Ltd.'-' Office Sup=1.25,Grader-1.00,C"rusher-1.00 3.25 Dr.- R.C. Rhodes' Police"Expense 20-.00 W.G. Alexander Trade"Liceheos-81.00,Traff.Ti6kets-72.00 153.00' Cloverdale'Paint-& Chemicals Gen.Rd.Mtce.(signs)".'•.'' '12.91 Acme -Machine Shop Co. Ltd:. A/c payable-196.83,too1s=382.00,truck_s`I '98:34,crusher-36.86.. 714.03 Butler-Tire-ltd. Trucks=702.95,Graders-1209.14' " ' 1912.09 National Machinery-Co:'Ltd. Draglirie 73,32 Air Equipment Service Ltd. Tools 10.83 Vanc.-Equipment Corp. Ltd. Graders 800.89 Haney Garage -Ltd., Graders-5.79,Trucks-3 .53,' 39..32 Royalite Oi1'Co::•Ltd. Gas & Oil-833.38,-Hall a/c-122.00 '" 955.38 West Coast Motors -•Ltd. --Bulldbzer 1.25 R. Muth & Sons Crusher-9.47,15th-Rd.'Bridge 9.97 Mohawk -Service, Truck's " ' 34.68 Parkview Garage• Truck's 2.1E2, Kanaka-concrete Products' Sec.Hwy-147.'74,Priv.Cross-61.51,'' Drainage-278 24 ... ........ 487.49 PAYROLLS: Gen Rd;Wk-3372.47,Bruslz;'& l)itch-1572: 65;Crasher=927:7:7;Ne r Shed6"31.76, Geri.Bridges�603.80,''15th`i=td: Bridge-2l6l.02,Sec'y.,Hwy:=226 15, Sick Leave-19Z.80, Stat. Hot-327:42;Ceinetery-307.40,Patching-23.20,Haneyr'Sewer-6.20,Hmd.:Sewer-18�.60, Parks-16 80.,Admin.Payrolla3423.35 .`...... ' ' " Moved h` Councillors -Simmonds and Nightingale that'the •above 'noted accounts 'totalling 19,923.07 and payrolls.., as listed above,-be'paid: . .......... CAIED'. SOCIAL WELFAIE ACCOUNTS JENSEN'�'Do naald A......:......:.. DREW' Barbara ....... JENSEN-, MORVEC�° Am. .°.:. .:'... SENFT•Harry:.-:.:....•.•....... < .. • STL.WA T., Margaret................ Crestwood. Guest •Home.,..::....... Mrs. E.•S. Nightingale.-.-..,.-. ..... Aloue'tte Priv. Hospital ........... Mrs. J. Campbell.......... Mfrs. Ethel I.... VAN PELT, Adriaarr.�................ WHITE, -Doris .................... Si.'Els� M`2a.rjorie...... ..... ALLAT'i, Fredeerick......... ' . CASS., Donald .................... FRITH'., Joseph ................... GUSTAFSON, Adolph ............... KLASSEN, Abe... ............... LEE, Frederick .................. MacDONALD., Daniel ............... McCANN,.Martin.................. McTY, Clifford :.....::::..... MATTHEWSP 'Thomas ................ SENFT� Harry..... ............... SToNHOUSE., Lewis...........'..... TONER, Al Vin........... ....... s. 42.25 LUND) Wally.':.":..'..'::::.'.::. 10.00 76.50 SCHINDEL•s 'Harold:.'..,.'::.. # . 54.25 -20.00 SMITH' Maryetta3 .':. 4.00 500-25 HA14SONLeatha...'.'...'.'.-.. 9.33 25.00 agC V John:.'.'.'...'.`.'. , "..':.... 25.00 '50•.00' DUB' 62.•25 26:'50 KENNEDY' Lorrain....:..'..'.:.. 54..-25. 38.75 SCHINDEL�.Harold.-.....•....... 54.'25 45.00 Crestwood Guest Home:......:. 26.77 1065i60 j1rs. E.S.•Nightingale.'....... 132.50 1 0.00 'louette-Priv: 1 `ospital......1133.20 35•: XM00 X sarion.. ..s s.e..••... 90.00. 76.50 Mrs: M. Martyrs:.::.:..'...'..'.. ..5'.00 76.50 %ire. X Jones.`:.'.-......."..... 140.00 92.50 1`jrs. Olga Novakowski......... 10.00 50.00 irdTLCO 'Frances'.'......::..:'.: 99.501 50.00 ifjrs. R. Wilson................. 25'.00 50.00 ANDi RSON, Sven.. 50.00 50.00 THEW Frank....... ......... 50:00 •50:06 • LIGOY 1K'' Michael............ 45. 00 45.00 BABCOOKi Mabel ............... 56.50 50.00- BAYDUZA, Mike ................ 156.50 40.00 COREY, Frank.........•....... 76.50 50.00...DENTREY., Evelyn .............. 140.50 50.00 DUIMERP Heidi ................ 124.50 50.00 GENNOW, Marjorie ............. 92.50 37.50 JACKSON,�_Almanda............. 124.'50 50.00 GUBYK, Dmytro................ 50.00 5 8"6 Minutes of Februaryy "7th, 1958, continued. SOCIAL 'ctiELFriRE ACCOUNTS (CUNT D.) , BOURGi+.OUS Wilbert..'.* ... `......:3 51 15 ,eDONALD' "Irma76. 50 BUCKLES, Joseph .................. 76.50 .............6 PATTEN,-Florence............ 140.50. 1BUCHULTZ, Richard......;........., 140.50 SI-UTH, Maryetta.....a..,..... 76.50 COREY, Frank.-..... ............... 48.50 USSE124AN?Jacob.............. 92.50 DREW Barbara .'...:....:.... .. 76.50 BAT}MAN� Hattie..........:.. 50.00 � ENC. iJ fSH Mary* ..... ...:. 67.50 =Louisa. GILBERT, P y ........, h 11is... 92.50 CH Mamie......... .... 50.00 JENSEN, Donald:..:. .......,. .. 92.50 MELVIN, fnez:............... 50.00 KNUTTILA. Ina .......:............ 92.50 SLAPSUN,-Rheta.............. 50.00 LA11RASON George. 4 ................125 e 70' BRUNEAU, Reme......:...... 47.50 LE R Ug '0" Anna ..................... 7.41.50 CLiILE Wilfred............. 124.50 LQRENZETTA, Emly........ ...... 124.50 DEGUIRE, Leona............... 92.50 L0d Y W"lliam... ..........e .... 61:50 DI0NNE Margery.- ,. 76.5 IiAYEPS, Archie..... ...... .. 124.50 GIESBRSCHT, Jacob..... ...... 156.5& MORGANS, Kathleen... ............ 76.50 KEEN DY, Lorraine,.......... 108,50 iIII� Ulia. ........•... ...... icIAYDlice.... 124.50 N Zfi''A . Ruby ................ • .... . 63.50 , YacI,rEIL, i'iarion.. 108.50 NYHUS, Sarah.'.•....:: .... .... 78.50 • . • • ....... ili6comELL, �?ichaei.... OSTR&A D, Hilda ........ ......... 51.50 .....156:50. NO3014, Michael.. ........ 47:50 POELZE i., Jeanette ................" 76.50 NORRIS) Robert......•....... 76.50 �iIUE� James........................ 188.50 SCHINDEL, Harold. .... .. 108.50 S wLLL, Horace .............. .....15G.50 PAULS, Waldemar..... 50.00 SHARP; Alice............`........,... 51 50' ...... �R.YAN� Richard............... 45.00 „ STEEVES Iv ........ Zargaret........ 2. 0 9 5 Ar CE, ...........,:. Alvina 50.00 , STEWART, Margaret ................ 76.50 DYCK Susan................. 40.00 TALDG.. Eleanor .................. 122;50• HAMS N, Leatha.............. 40.00 ALLAY, Mary. .. ..... 50.00 "JOI-RISTUN Grace 5.00 BALE'Fr,ank 40.00 LANSALL, Margaret. . ...... 40.00 BEAUL1 •...a.....e.. .•.s•. 50.00 iicC114ANTija..se.••••e.. 45.00 BOYS'"Tannis.................,... 35.00 , WALKEY, Edith ................ 37.50 t;AIiPBELL, .Ida. ;................... 50.00 JUHIVSOI3, Mary................ $9. 00 DAWSGI';Dorothy.....:............ 40.00 . ANDERSON'„Howard......... ... 10.00 GGGDRiCH'_Sarah ..-.......:......... ' S0. 00 •DTEPPL . e ....... 10.00 HEWITT, Sarah..... ............... '35'00 ,Valentine ROBERTS, Mary......... e.... 10.00 JACOBS, Lucy ..................... 45.00 Fuller Watson Ltd........... _17.23 K1LSBY, Christian ................ 20.00 Si.mpsons-Sears-:Ltd..,....... 3.23 KLABUNDE, Dora ................... 35.00 T.A. Nikiforuk............... 39.00 KLASSEN, Helen ................... 35.00 Dr. N. Huculak.............. 125.00* Mc.. Esther .................... 40.00 I,iUODY,,Flossie .......... ......... 50.00 20% of Amoutn shown - I'iaple Ridge (cont'd) 140RAVEC, Annie ................... 50.00 MURRAY, Edna ..................... .50.00 Corp. of Delta............:.. 41.70 OSWALD., .Gertrude::,..":.'...."..".... 35.00 City of Vancouver:.::.... .. 94.31 PEAREN Edna:.:..::::............ 50.00 Dist. of oquitlam......"::... 10.60 PIPO' =Anna. ,':::.. ..: , ..... .. 50.00 City of New Westminster.. ... 34-180 POELZER Cecil_ia.' .':. . , . ` 50.00 City of Victoria... ... ... 7.90 SAMIS,` Mareda:.'...':::.`:.':.':.:. •:. 50.00 Corp. of Delta........... e .. o . 44.10 TAYLOi, Annie.'.'...:.......--....... 50.00 Mina of,,.,. ce.. ...... 50•.72 TROTTER, 2�Iabel. :.. .'.'. ........ 45.00 Syd ` s Tali Ltct.......... ... 3.20 WAGNER, E.H.,.... .. ...........". 30.00 Haney Taxi Ltd. .......,..... 23.00 WILLIAiS, i"iona. ............. 50.00 I116twens Grocery........... .. 10.00 HA.Glii13,` Jennie. ........ ..... " 10.00 Fuller-viatson Ltd.. ...... 4-'_ 5 BENTLEY, Pearl.':.. .......LL...... 10.00 -Haney Ambulance:. ... .e.♦ 18-00 J. Gerbrandt..'."....".... ....•. 12.00 Mrs. E. Lorenzetta........... 12.60 T.A. Mikiforuk. .......:"........ 29.00 Moved by Cou'n il.lor Simmonds and ighitingale the above noted accounts totallirE, $11893.54 be -paid. .. .... .that .. ...... CARZED. No further business, meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. r ............. ......�.. ... .... .... .. _ - VE • . . r . "}' CLERK a Fn kiinutes of February 19th, 1258 Council met in special meeting,at 8::00 p.m-* Wednesday,,.February.l9th,1958a Mro H, Jones requested a load'of"gravel; fronting his property on Menzies 5t., East of loth Avenue, This was'authorized. Whonock" Meii6rial 'Hall requested_ attention to their road, which required 'gray» vel. Council authorized samea\ Pitt Bridge `Opening Account.' for $28600 was ordered paa aid,, " Fleet 'Insurance which wcpires March 7ih 4as' dealt with by -'the following motion: Coved by Councillors Dunlop and °Cox that 'Egdn Realty Limited be authorized to renew Fleet Insurance on .the basis of limits of $50,000/$1.00,00, and $10,,000 P.L. & P.D. premium` of UP0750600 o. , .. `CARRIED, . The'Nortl 'Shore'Highway meeting; February 24th, was noted:'by 'Councillor Dunlop,, Crown Electric Account for.$199000 was ordered paido A request from the Alexander Robiftson P ' ,.AA.: for council to dontinue to''i iden the Trunk Road between 17th and 14th' Avenues was-readThe•Clerk was to reply that this, waa an the current works program and the`complet a on was anticipated -to occur thie year; Map- W Ridge Bus` Servioe amei deci Time Table' \was approved by the following 'Motion: Coved by Councillors Cox and Nightingale that we.approve the increase in services,by the, Maple Ridge Bus- Serviced o Mr. John Burridge requested.permission to allow him to instal a,3" independent water line from=the"River'Road, Hammond, to his'propertya The Council and Water..cormi.ttee were,prepared to instal a.2" line, providing a contribution of 2�;,b0 is°:paid fe to' the Corporations o Mra g lArst _enqui-ed allowed in this Muni�cipalitya As a Special,meeting with Pitt Meadows' Council was arranged for to_morraw night' the.matter was.,tabled,•pending the results of that meeting The Reeve reported that Pennin Construction'Company had promised.to have a- Securily Bond,' _value 'of $16 000.QO, 'in' tti3 sti Office0by Friday 'at 3:00 ypims ,,The opinion 'of"the"Coivicil was -'that this' would',be 'a' dead -line date' and .if•- the :Bond was not' forthcomin` g`by 'that table'; steps 'would -'be taken to discontinue 'hie- heavy trucking on,6th Road and 17th Avenuegi Mrs Johnson;, West ' of ,5th:. Avexiiie, Soy ihwsiad ' of ` TrW* Road ' complaiaied of, the water ruritiir g ctotan from the'jcornex� ;'The' -engineer was to. arrange to open a) -ditch r ,. to -the South least corner at ,the; ji netion- of -5th d-Trunk Road; in girder, -to, allow. the' %`rater to drain 'to ' the culvert- crossing - on 5th',t6the `South: ,, -. A`-fett6r'addresi6a to -,the Reeve;'-from'tie Archery Club; asking permission to haul gravel from our 1.2th Road,-Abho ock Gravel pit,.:to-th6fr-property on the North side of-Whonock.Lake v.s read,, The Clerk was to advise that Council approved of same,.a . Sun ;Life Insurance Coinpai y pre`senteri 'the "Reeve: withi a Group 'Insurance 'Plan that Cmaj .ixiteriit `the Mni a cipal` worker'sa' " OThis eras tabled lor the' tj:me besngp Moved bar'Couhe,I ors 'Cox"6nd-'Dimlop that the tentative 'approval -'be givers to the ;suggeso tdd Plan of Parcel, "A" 'of Lot • 2; df •'1 `;of '-Distriai 11ot 263 j, Plan' '10W providing the 43,foot road is" -surveyed on the northside*-. �. CAiiRIED Moved by Councillors `Simi Ends aarid`'Cox- that By1a 'NoA467 `(Maplewood Avenue, Street Lighting) be given 3rd Reading* A change of date for the meeting of the Fraser Valley Municipal , al Association to Mauch 12th at 8:00 pqmo was noted �88 Minutts of February'19th,195$ (continued) The'Industrial Survey submitted by the Lower Regional Planning Board, at,a cost to the Municipality of $203,00. was.- approved(, A letter from Mrs. Joyce Williams, asking if she could name her new subs division road as tCedar Drive' was not objected to by Council, on the under. standing at some future date, all Roads would be reinumberedd... A complaint was presented by Councillor Simmonds, that emanated from the Legion of Frontiersmen, that any of their members that'were required to -function at any particular time, or event, and were members of our outside: working staff, should not lase their time from their workv' Council'reco served the right,to consider each case on its meritfl Dr.A. J. Trudelts account for 95000 was ordered paid. This dealt`4 th .`a visit made by a tax -payer., who had fallen into a culvert.` Tend,ers,have been received by the Reeve for the electrical work required at the crushing plant, with regard"to the new motors to be installedd' Tenders are as follows t- Crown Electric $76413 Hiiland Electric 5$56$5 . McCullough Electric* 5300� Morris Electric eo 4A$Q00 (which was only for" (3)..motors.) The detail of,each bid was studied carefully and the result was the_followft i-ng motion:o. Moved. by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Maple Ridge Council accept the .quo- tation of McCullough Electric on the supply and installation of four motors to municipal crushing plant, as per schedule attached, for the sum of $536.00, CARRIED. The Clerk was ordered to check the Shimek corner plan on 25th.Avenue S6uth9 The portion of plan shown on the land, which would benefit the turn at that point s had been offered to Council for $100.00 sometime agog_ The.Clerk will investigate Councillor Cox then brought up the matter of pressure that was being brought about by the taxwpayers, to have the Municipal Office open on Saturdays and closest on Mondays. The Clerk reported the difficulties that would arise with the Social Welfare Department and the Motor Vehicles De'partmentQ He was in» structed to write to these Departments and bring in further information(, Councillor Cox also brought up the matter of the Board of Trade charging the Municipality.$30z,00 for the rent of the Aggy Hail, which was Municipal ", property. This was proved to be incorrect, as the Board of . TraWt� arged ` only $15-e00 for this rentalQ The Clerk informed Council,that the Aggy Hall operators,; which is the Parks Board, was quite prepared that in future there would be no charge for the council.holding their stewardship meetings in their own propertye. The Parks Board would contribute the heating9 Janie+ for service and-lighting,,whieh amount to $15oOOa The ditch on 21st Road, benefitting VanPelt would be cleaned, Councillor -Dunlop brought"up the matter of the.excessive speed of the grader, All felt this should be reduced to A,twentykmfive per hours or less, also some arrangements should be made, when working in the Easterly parts of the.Muni.cipality, to park the grader there over -night, if required the .'next day, with transportation providedfor the operatorA Councillor Nightingale reported on the condition of the sidewalks and roade work necessary in the townsite.of Hammonds Both Councillors Dunlop and Cox felt that a permanent maintenance man should be there at all times, -089 Minutes of Febraary-19th. 192 (Continued), Thor' ii11 Road, off Riirer Road, is ,reported to need, gravel*. The 'Fbreman , was instructed `to car . ry this out The matter of blasting stone 6ii 6th Road would require a Certificated man to handle, the powdery This 'should be left to . the Foreman to pj o6rldea- Coutjcillor Dunlop reported, the F .re Chief has requested a ,hydrant. at the, -Corner of 17th Avenue`' and tougheed . " Installation was approved Waterworks. foreman ;to 'be advised - The' Clerk- was to call for- Tenders.'for a Truck and also a Grader Gouneillor�Nightingale .enquired regarding -3o3rd Avenue North, i9ihonock, which needed"gra" ,and- ditdhing- : The 'Cldj?k urill advise the .Engineer- The matter of 'a new, gas pugp at tie -sheds was discussed and ,it wasdecided to approach the Gas and Oil Connpariies with a ,vievr to 'tendering fora ,fie . year" period; 'commencing- October.'lst: Whidh would include the installation of anew gas pump 'to, be added on tA._,the' 'price of : Gas and other supplies No further business,, the meeting •adjourned at 1 s35. ..REEVE_ Special Meeting February 20th, 1958 _.. _ A. , Special Meeting was called Thursday, ', February 20th at 8. p,m , to meet with the -Reeve and Councillof Pitt Meadows t'o consider the adoption of a future policy regarding the prohibitions, or (regulation ana coArol' cif the establishing of Trailer Courts within both Municipalities. 7. Mro 'W®' R. -Axti6tllong., `the Provincial Sara .tart' Officer was present,, also the Assessor and Bugdi.ng Inspector for Maple Ridges Reeve Jenewei.n took the Chair, briefly ovtliza g the. si.tuatioii,ex- had'" isting at ' the ,presoat time, ' that 'neither' Muni*cipalitiee" had Control Bylai s. and ,.. the taxing Legislation in the New Act was inadequate and very Vag o als6 the Director of -the .Assessment Commission's directives could be challenged,.,as not Statutory haw The Rteeve continued' that ail Municipalities- were faced:: w ..tYi;this invasion of A.ut-6 Trailers -dwellers, -in search of employment -and if such `eiploy!4 went was found, a perm, anent place to park their trailer was necessary.. members present were mare of this problem and that an auto trailer w4q. ,not tpropertyt as. defined, in 'tyre' Manic" ipal Act and thereforecould not 1be airectly taxed, with, the result that the :bonia 'fide p'T°o�aerty ',o' mers on, the .Assessment Roll were paying for the riei.ng cost to service these additional families. The i.nformbl' di.scUssibn -that followed revealed that the `trailer owners paid more in trailer court rentals through the year, than the average, property owner. In some cases, as high as 030,00 a month, so the trailer court rate on a permanently parked trailer would be $360.00 per anrum for full time occupancy. TtLis-would net the Trailer Court owner, assuming that one acre would provide twelve courts, full occupancy " $4320.00; half-time occupancy, $2160.00 and-one-quaiter time occupancy *�`$1080.'00, a very lucrative business for the owner*, Mr, Armstrong, the Sanitary Officer, informed, the members that the Provincial Sanitary regulations would have to be supplemented by more detail and that a Municipal Bylaw would have to have the necessary control, installation, if Trailer Courts were not prohibited The Chairman asked all to express their individual opinions.,which appeared to be that,,- -if the burden of taxation could be spread over these addi- tional families, by taxing or licensing the Trailer Court Operator, thereby enabling the Corporation to share in the profits accruing, they would have no objection to allowing Trailer Courts within the boundary The Chairman called for a show of hands in favour of prohibition. Members of the Maple Ridge Council and Reeve Sutton of Pitt Meadows was in favour, -The Councillors of Pitt Meadows were against prohibition. Therefore, the _count was- even and a state of status quo existed. The discussion continued until Councillor Dunlop -suggested that we allow a small number of Trailer Courts in conjunction with Auto Courts. This suggestion received unanimous approval and it is resolved that the Clerks of both Municipalities were to prepare a Bylaw to cover same, It was recommended that the Bylaw should record that one Trailer site be allowed for two Auto Court units, one unit to consist of a minimum of one bedroom, one kitchen and one bathroom and that all applications shall first receive the approvalof the respective councils, as to location and type of structures,. No further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p,m* CLMK 51. Minixtes of March 7th, 1958. The regular monthly meeting convened at 9:30 a.m.; Friday, the 7th of March, with Councillor Telosky being 'absent due to illness. Ma.hy taxpayers were present and,the Reeve asked the largest delegation to state their business, which appeared,to be the widening and hard surfacing of 16th AvIenue north of the Trunk road:. The delegates were convinced that the Corporation had sufficient road allowance, `In their opinion the property line from the west Side commenced 15 feet west of tie Gilland fence. Reference was made to the plans showing 16th Avenue and the statement made by the delegates was proved to be in- correct, as only a.very small portion of the total length had been taken on approval of subdivision plans. The Council, however, promised to take .the matter, up with the owner of the cannery, Mr. Gilland, with a view to obtaining additional frontage. The Reeve pointed.out that a hard surface road had not been promised.previously,9 but only that the road would:be prepared for same. Mrs. Evans also,stated that she had given a strip of her property to the Corporation a few years ago, towards the widening of the road. This also was incorrect as the subdivision of the prior owner, Morley Brown, proves by plan, that the additional frontage was taken by the Corporation for the wame purpose in 1947, prior to her purchase. Council will endeavour to widen and prepare the road for,hard surface at a later date. Mr: Green of the Whonock Ratepayers was also in attendance and again reviewed all the requests made by him at -the -February meeting:- No..6th Road hill «- 25th Ave. and'Lougheed Highway - shoulder foot of 28th - 8th and 25th Avenue bridge repairs .. 5th Road and 31st Avenue swamp. Mr. Wishart, our .Engineer, again not all these requests. Mr. Ernie Hampton stated that the owners of property on the east side of the old Trunk Road xmm running north from 27th Road to the dyk, were willing to donate eight feet of their property if Council -would dig a drainage ditch on same. This would provide greater w14th for the road and also provide the owners with drainage. fa.ci.lities.' As the work would only require 2 or. 3 days with the shovel and operator the Council would aaccept the project if the owners would remove and replace the fences and provide their own crossings. Mr. Lowry of 5th Avenue asked why the approval of his subdivision plan was held up. The Reeve,explained that this was only for the purpose of assisting him in laying out his plan to better advantage.; As Mr. Lowry,felt,that that was his problem and if the present plan in no way affected -.Council he asked that they comply with his request and approve same. Ttis was granted. A delegation of Mr. U. Anderson, Mrs. L: Cameron and,Mr. R. Carlson, who were ,,,,all realtors, objected to the increase in their Trade Licence and informed the Council that Maple Ridge was higher than neighboring municiplities. Council pointed out that in their estimation it was fair and was based on the number of salesmen employed and: was definitely.in. accordance with'the regulations of the "Ake .near-"Municipal.Act". The motive was to equalize the licences so that the one man real estate office would pay less than the multiple staff of salesmen operating also from one office. The potential volume of sales was measured and this could only,be governed by the number of salesmen operating and also the .livelihood that the operation provided for its1employees. Merchants and store keepers were now licenced according to the Floor and counter space and the number of -employees. The delegates were not objecting to the amount of the licence but that Maple Ridge was higher than some other Municipalities at the present time. .The. Reeve informed them that likely the other Municipalities had not yet revised their Trade Licence Bylaw, pursuant to the new Act. Brigadier Steel of the Salvation Army was in attendance and made the usual request that_in addition to the grant of p150.003 irhich he hoped was included in this years budget, that assistance be given towards their capital cost of new buildings. The Reeve pointed out the enormous cost of Social Welfare in this and other Municipalities was frightening and seriously hampered the services the taxpayer.was entitled to. ,The Reeve and Council appreciated the work of the Salvation Army but the point was fast approaching where the provisions for the delinquent and irresponsible would absorb the major portion of the annual budget unless some other method of financing Welfare was enacted: Mr. Brunner, Lougheed and 3rd Avenue, complained of.septic tank drainage -on the Lougheed Highway neighboring his property. Mr. Armstrong should be notified as this.was not.our problem. Apparently Mr. Brunner had already contacted the Provincial Sanitarian, with no results. Special Meeting •`" February 20th, 1958 A.:Special Meeting was called Thursday,;February 20th at $ per, to meet with -the I Reeve and Couri'ci.l: , of ` Pitt Meadows to consider the adopt�_gn of a future policy regarding the prohibition;or "regulation ana coArol'bf the establishing of Trailer Courts within both Municipalities. Mr; ICI.' R. , Arr'stroni, the Provincial Sanitary Officer was present, also the Assessor and Bui;ding Inspector for Maple Ridge-,, ,,Reeve Jenewein took. the Chair, briefly outlining the: sitiiatzar ;exA isting at'the•present time, that 'neither Muni"ci.palitie6'had Coratrdl'"Bylaws`-and. the ta), ng Legislation in the New Act was inadequate and very vague, also the Director of the Assessment Commission's directives -could be challenged,",as not Statutory La-4ij The Peeve continued that all Muniei alines were faced v�xtii,.thi invasion of Auto Trailers dwellers, in- search of employment -and 'zf such employ oy vent was found, a permanent place to park their, trailer was necessa'70. All members present weave aware of 'this problem and that an auto, trailer.was. not spropeityI ae defined, in 'the' Municipal Act and therefore, could not lie direct taxed; with -the result that the :bona 'fide p`i6pert orders ori, the ,Assessment Roll were paying for the rising cost -to service: these additional families. The informal` discussion "that followed revealed` that the Trailer owners paid more in trailer court rentals through the year, than the average, property owner. In some cases, as high as $30.00 a month, so the trailer court rate on a permanently parked trailer would be $360.00 per annum for full time occupancy. This -would net the Trailer Court owner, assuming that one acre would provide twelve courts, full occupancy $4.320,,00; half—time occupancy � 21.60.00 and one —quarter --time occupancy ft' 1O8OeOO, a very lucrative business for the owner,* Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitary Officer, informedthe members that the-Pzovincial Sanitary regulations would have to be supplemented by more detail and that a Municipal Bylaw would have to have the necessary control installation, if Trailer Courts were not prohibitedb The -Chairman asked all to express their individual opinions,which appeared to be that; 3:f the Vurden 'of taxation could be spread over these addi» tional families, by taxing or licensing the Trailer Court Operator, thereby enabling the Corporation to share in the profits accruing, they would have no objection to allowing Trailer Courts within the boundary, The Chairman called for a show of hands in favour of prohibition, Members.of the Maple Ridge Council. and Reeve Sutton of Fitt Meadows was in favour. The Councillors of Pitt Meadows were against prohibition. Therefore, ---he count was!even and a state of status quo existed. The discussion continued until Councillor Dunlop suggested that we allow a small number of Trailer Courts in conjunction with Auto Courts.. This suggestion received unanimous approval and it is resolved that the Clerks of both Municipalities were to prepare a Byla-u to cover same. It was recommended that the Bylaw should record that one Trailer site be alloured for two Auto Court units, one unit to consist of a minimum of one bedroom, one kitchen and one bathroom and that all applications shall first receive the approval of the respective councils, as to location and type of structures No further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m*' CLERK ahW'tes of' -March 7th, 1958. The regular monthly meeting convened at 9:30 a.m., Friday, the.7th of March, with.Councillor Telosky being absent due to illness. Many I taxpayers were present and the Reeve asked the largest delegation to state their business, which appeared,to be the widening and hard surfacing of 16th Avenue north of the Trunk Road. \The delegates were convinced that the Corporation had sufficient road allowance,In;\their opinion the property line from the west side commenced 15 feet west Iof the 'Gilland fence. Reference was made to the plans showing 16th Avenue and the statement made by the delegates was proved to be in- c"orrect, as.only a very small portion of the total length had been taken on approval of subdivision plans. The Council, however, promised to take .the matter. up with the�o-wner of the cannery, Mr. Gilland, with a view to obtaining additional frontage. The Reeve pointed out that a hard surface road had not been promised previously, but only that the road would.be prepared for same. Tars. Evens also -stated that she had given a strip of her property to the Corporation a few years ago, towards the widening of the road. This also was incorrect as the subdivision of the prior owner, Morley Brown, proves by plan, that the additional frontage was taken by the Corporation for t-he -game purpose.in 1947, prior to her purchase. Council will endeavour to widen and prepare the road for hard surface at a later date. Mr. Green of the Whorock Ratepayers was also in attendance and again reviewed all the requests made by him at the February meeting:- No. 6th Road hill - 25th Ave. and Lougheed Highway - shoulder foot of 28th - gth and 25th Avenue bridge repairs 5th Road and 31st Avenue swamp. Mr. Wishart, our Engineer, again noted all these requests Mr. Ernie Hampton stated that the oimers of property on the east side of the old Trunk Road xmm running north from 27th Road to the dyk, were willing to donate eight feet of their property if Council -would dig a drainage ditch on same. This would provide greater width for the road and also provide the owners with drainage facilities.' As the work would only require 2 or. 3 days with the shovel and operator the Council would accept the project if the owners would remove and replace the fences and provide their own crossings. Mr. Lowry of 5th Averiue asked why the approval of his subdivision plan was held up. The Reeve explained that this was only for the purpose of assisting him in laying out his,,,plan to better advantage. As 'Ir. Lowry felt that that was his ,problern and if the present plan in no way a f(Ected;Council he asked that they comply with his request and approve same.' This was granted. A delegation of Mr. W'. Anderson, Mars. L'. Cameron and fir. R Carlson, who were F.:,all_realtors, objected to the increase in their Trade Licence and informed the Council that Maple Ridge was higher than neighboring municiplities. Council pointed out that in their estimation it was fair and was based on the number of salesmen employed and. was definitely, in. accordance with the regulations of the .new -"Municipal Act". The motive was to equalize the licences so that the one man real estate office would pay less than the multiple staff of salesmen operating also from one office. The potential volume of sales was measured and this could only,be governed by the number of salesmen operating and also the :livelihood that the operation provided for its employees. Merchants and store keepers were now licenced according to the floor and counter space and the number of employees. The delegates were not objecting to the amount of the licence but that Maple Ridge was higher than some other Municipalities at the present time. .The.Reeve informed them that likely the other Municipalities had not yet revised their Trade Licence Bylaw, pursuant to the new Act. Brigadier Steel of the Salvation Array was in attendance and made the usual request ,that, in addition to the grant of $150.00, which he hoped was included in this years budget, that assistance be given towards their capital cost of new buildings. The Reeve pointed out the enormous cost of Social Welfare in this and other Municipalities was frightening and seriously hampered the services the taxpayer was entitled to. ,The Reeve and Council appreciated the work of the Salvation Army but the point was fast"approaching where the provisions for the delinquent and irresponsible would absorb the major portion of the annual budget unless some other method of financing Welfare was enacted. Mr. Brunner, Lougheed .and 3rd Avenue, complained of septic tank drainage on the Lougheed Highway neighboring his property. Mr. Armstrong should be notified as this was not our problem. Apparently Ivlr. Brunner had already.contacted.the Provincial Sanitarian, with no results. Minutes of Iviarch.7th, 1958, continued. Mrs. Gowan complained that" she had been given wrong information by the office, with regard to the zoning --west of 3rd Avenue.' She was now given the correct information and she appeared to be satisfied. Mike Chequis again complained to the effect that a sign had been placed on his property, less than 40-feet away from his.house, stating that no smoking or flame was allowed within 40 feet of the "sign. As this was a matter that Mr: Chequis should take up with the people who had erected the sign, the Council would accept no responsibility. He had repeatedly been advised of this by the office staff. Mr. C.S.- Pallot, supported a long petition requesting -Council to allow the Parks Board to operate the two municipal lots on thenorth side of Callaghan Street, the site of the old Municipal Hall, and reserve such as a playground. Council was agreeable to this and that the lots be not sold at the present time. The agenda was nowreferred to: - Moved b_y Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the minutes of February 71bh, 19th and 20th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. Letter was read from the civil Defence Co-ordinator, Mr. B. Noble, asking for an increase in pay, and was referred to Councillors Nightingale and Simmonds to investigate. Letter asking that the usual grant be allowed to the Boy Scouts was approved. v• Letter from Mr.' Barnes, relative to Trailer Court operations 111s read and tabled until the Bylaw was enforced, providing for trailer courts. Letter was read from the Golf Club requesting the use of the grader on their privatf. road into the course. Council approved same. Police report was read and filed. Moved by Councillors_Dunlop and Cox that lst and 2nd reading be given to Local°Improvement Bylaw (St. Anne's St. S3_dewalk) No. L�6&. C LRRIED . Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Bylaw No. 461 (Maplewood Ave. Street " Lights) be" -reconsidered, finally passed and --adopted. CA:%tRILD . Moved by Councillors•, Cox and Dunlop that the plan of portion of Block 2 of the North 2 of the South West Sec.l, Tp.12, N.W.D., be approved. - CARRIED. i sad by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the subdivision of plan of portion of Lot 6 of , portion of the N.W.�,, of Sec.13, Tp:12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the plan of portion of lot 1 of lot 2 of lot 11 k of lot 247, group f` N.W.D,., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and. Dunlop that the •plan of portion of the east Jof, Lot 3"of k 'the South East 1 Sec.23, Twpa12;` 1.�i�T.D., be approved. :CARR.TED. Moved by Councillors Cox. and Dunlop that the plan of portion of Parcel A of Block 16' of the N.irY.1 of Section 10, 'Twp.l2, N:W.D., be approved. CARRIED. ° Five tenders were opened, bidding on a five year contract to supply gas, diesel, fuel oil, and furnace oil, to commence October' 1st. As -only one tender stated that the tanks and pumps, that we requested be installed at the Municipal Sheds by the successful bidder, would _revert=t°o the Municipality- after the five year contract had terminated, tYie-Clerk was instructed to -again notify all the bidders to. confirm whether their quotation -only loaned the�equipriment to the Corporation and"if this was so we would require a new bid based on the fact that'th'e Corpor- ation became the owner of the equipment. 799e3 :Minutes of TE&6 i` 7tl 195�3; corii� niieel. , The Reeve reported with regard to the committee dealing with the demands of our Organized Union Labour Local No.622. The_Reeve also reported on the Municipal costs of 15th road Bridge•and that -Mrr A. Lilley, who had given good service be given an extra 20� per hour for the total hours that he, worked, on the bridge. The Reeve also reported briefly on his meeting with the Honourable Lyle Wicks, regarding the 2nd avenue stop sign, 15th Road Bridge at Whonock and River Road, Albion. -Councillor Simmonds inquired with regard to the cost of extending the sewer line -to a Mr. Jones east of loth Avenue, who was informed that sewer line facilities were only available to property owners within the sewer -area who had been taxed ,and are now being taxed for the cost of the installation; pursuant to various -local improvement bylaws. It was reported that the Garden Hi1l,Funeral,Parlour had eliminated.the rough boxes for burials, however, we had insisted that they include them, which the Funeral Parlours are doing at the present time. y- 27th Avenue was brought to the attention of the Engineer and Mr. Wishart reported that the cost of approximately 350 feet of 'nei,* stJrer rods would be -in the neighbor- hood of $850.00. However, he felt that the -rock drill would be expensive and he would inquire and report regarding same. ,WATEEKORKS ACCOUNTS: Public Freightways Ltd. -Greater Van. Water District Haney-Hmd.Motor Fght. .R. Muth & jons .Terminal,City Iron Works ,Can. Wood pipe & Tanks Ltd. =Acme machine Co. Ltd. •Jarrett Agencies •R.A. Hales Lumber Co. 8� C• Electric .Hansons Ltd. - Marshall -Wells Ltd. Cap. a/c Hydrants-9.38, W.W. Mtce._l.00 W.W. Mtce. R.W. Mtce. W.W. Mtce. Cap. a.c. Hydrants-578.81, Yitee.-55.28 W.W. Mtce. W.W. Tractor Cap. a/c . Water Meters .W.W. I1tce: W.W. Mtee. W.W. Ift,ce. New Construction-201336.74, ^PItce.-1318.10 10:38 1804.25 2.45 1.50 634.09 11.09 5.67 787.50 8.40 1.05 2.67 21654.84 Moved by Councillors Simmonds and -Nightingale that the above noted accounts, totalling 24,923.,89 and payrolls, as listed below be paid. CARRIED. WATERWORKS PAYROLLS: / Mtce.-616,50, Connections-150.35, Sick Leave-136.40, Construction-235.60. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: ,.Maple Ridge Garden Club Frank Dennis i.. G. Clark H. J. Cockrill Fitt River Bridge Opening Comm. Minister of Finance Edward Wagner Fraser Valley Peg. Library Minister of Finance Minister of Finance Ali nister - of Finance Minister o ''inance City of New,Westminster N. ' Burt on Minister of Finance T.G. Norris 1958 Grant '50.00 Keep of Pra s.oners 59.00 Keep of �' isoners 7. p0 Keep of Prisoners 8.00 Misc. Exp. 28.00 Assessment Appeal- 5.00 Police Expense 29.00 Library Installment 1864.80 S.A. Drugs 493-45 S.A. Medical Services 677:11 T.B. units 91:14 Supe,rarrauation 17.66 Coroner & Inquest 60.00 Tools & equipment 11.60 Chi l d alfare 141,64 Ref. ,Police Court Fines 600.00 594 Minutes of March 7th, 1958, continued. Municipal Treasurer Water Account 5793.96 Canadian •Fed.. of •Yllayors & Mun's 1958 Dues 60.00 Maple lidge.Home;Service Fire Department 12.31 Clarke & Stuark Co. Ltd. Trade Licence.Exp., 56:31 Bull,Housser,Tupper,Ray etc. _Legal Expense _35.00 Vancal Reproductions Ltd. Tools .27.04 Ciayburn-Harbison'Ltd. Haney Sewer 11.43 Crown electric Crusher operations 199.00 D.B. Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. Hall account .17.33 Frederick Goertz Ltd. Engineer's tools 16.07 National Cash Register Co. Office Suppli es 9.64 Underwood Ltd. f Misc. Administration 15.-75 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd. Office supplies 9.35 Office Specialty Co. Cap.,.,a/c.(flffice Equip.) 250.32 Egan Realty Ltd. Fleett Insurance 1075.60 Link -Belt Ltd. Crusher 35.69 Western Bridge Warehouses Ltd.` `rucks- 31.43 Nat. Machinery *Co. Ltd. urader-31.-05,Crusher-67.29 .98.34 Hammond Motors Trucks .19.52 Powell Lachine Works.Ltd. Dragline 197.25 Maple,'Leaf' Truckers Cemetery 9.00 "Minister of Finance L.R.O.'Fees 7.49 Frank Dennis- Keep of.prisoners $6.00 Harry Corder aleep of prisoners 8.00 H-J. Cockrill keep of prisoners 8.00 Mrs. M. Dennis Keep of prisoners 19.00 R- J. Scobie Parks Board 3.15 Haney Brick _& Tile-_, Parks Board 2.04 B.C. Forest Products`._ Parks Board 34.-02 Roy'Stackhouse Parks Board 40.60 B. & M. Supermarket Parks Board 12.75 Butler Tire Ltd. Trucks 110.10 Addressograph-Multigraph, Office Supplies 70.49 Henry's Grill Keep of,Prisoners 62.65 Parkview Garage Trucks 47.25 Superannuation Commissioner Super-$2.79,Trus-70.:00 152.79 Medical Services Ass'n.. rvyedical Services _ 293.22 Brown Bros. Greenhouses Ltd. Misc.. Admin. .5.75 Jack Cewe Blacktop Ltd. - Patching-1i23.4.$,-15th Rd. Bridge-237.04. -360.52 Kanaka Concrete Products Culy. &.Bridges-4.$l.$4.,Priv.Cross-16..66 498.50 Acme Machine Shop. Co. Ltd. _ Gr,ader-35:.-•76,Truck s-71.21 106.97 B. &. K. Milling Co. Ltd. Gen..Rd.Mtce.,�, 29.11 A.G: Hartwell Trucks 1$.00 Expense .Account, Un.Emp..lnsur-244.24,ffice 3up-7.97, Miuncipal _Treasurer t-rueks-31.50,Trade L.ce.Ex-.,75,Ref. --- Bl,dg.Perm-6.00,Hall.a c- 1..84,.Assess. Exp-9.01,xire Dept-6-00,Police-6.09,Misc. r�xp-17.75 _341.15 A. Vogl Gen.Rd.Mtce. (si ns) 5$-50 Receiver General ; Income Tax (Feb. 469.55 Municipal Employees Union Union Dues (Feb.) 45.00 Betty J..Mosdell Police Expense 8.00 Garden Fill Funeral 'Chapel. Coroner & Inquest 15.00 Dr. J.V. Taylor Police Expense 35.00. Dr.. A.J. Trudel �`isc. Fxp-5.00,Pol. Exp., _ 10.00 Len" s Auto Body Shop Grader 22.64 Regal Bldg. Supplies Itd. _ fire, Dept. 6.25 R.S. , Scobie' .Trucks r .5.67 Air Equipment Ser.Ltd. Tools 20.06 'Vanc. Equipment Corp. Ltd. Graders 1256.64 BX. ' Equipment Co. Ltd. Graders �177.62 Nelson Bros. Sawmills Ltd. ..Culverts•& Bridges t:137.59 Can. Industries Ltd. Gen. R;d... Mtce. 75.04 White & Taylor Ltd. Cab. a/c, Trucks 713.06 Fields Welding Supplies • Tools & qu:ipment- 9.40 Frid.en Automatic Calculators --M sc.-Ydministration 4.0.00 Corp. of Dist. of Pitt Meadows Gen.Rd.Mtce. 916.79 Hansons Ltd. Civil Defence 1$-75 595 Minutes csf March 7tli, 1958, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONVD. B. A. Noble Civil Defence 65-01 George Manuel Civil Defence 5i.00 Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. Ditching-358.98,Culv....& Bridges-821.10 .1207.08 _rotor ,�o�on Fght.-Ltd. Crusher-1.2T5,,Tools-2.25 ... ...... -3,50 Regal Bldg-qu'pples,,Ltd. 4n IiA- M*tce (signs)-45-6'Haney Sewer-30-15 75.80 Haney Bldg.SuppliA Ltd... GAder-5N,Hanay sewer-14.-07,,Police Exp- .... ..... 15-70,.30.27 'Hansons, Ltd... Tools Equip. 2.07 Haney-H�am_oA Not or'Fght Fire Dept; 2.00 Sam Saari's Garage.... ... Dragline-51-42,Bridge-17-.78-,No.1-truck- 7 50 Shovel-18 PO 05.60 B , A. Oil.,' o., Ltd..... R.rMuth. � :ons. Fleck Bros; Ltd... B.C. Electric_ Haney Garage' Ltd.. Public Freightways ...... Gas &.,Oils 65.62 Crush er-1. 25 , Trucks-1 04., graders-6-.17- 22.46 Fire Dept-17-75,Crusher-8,.48 ...... .. 26.23 .. ..... Hall, a/c- 104-62, PArk, Bd-4,.20-, Pub-. Wks - 24-73,,HndiDrain-4.99,,.Fire-Dept-28-.15, t.-4St.Lts-319.85 � s $6,54 Trucks .. ... ...... ---6,.32 '4d.. Crusher-li.OMab. a/c-office,equiP-4,58, Timber Preservers, Ltd. Th'e daz"ett-e Graders-3.83,Hall-1.25- • ......... 10.66 See. Hwy-127.05.,Ditching.&,Drain-1034.88 1161.93 Office S:up-,olies-26.95,,,,1)k,,,.Pd:�11-40;Adve-i�t- I - 1. 11-40 Dog 'fax Dq)-6.65 Assess.Exp-5-70 62.10 G,A. Rolpdde Ltd. -.Assess. Exp. 3.37 Swains ql� .4nprs. I Police Extp. 7.00 overd4f1, aint,&_Chemicals Gfpn.Rd.Mtce. .... 21.63 f " Oil 11 Hall a/c-175,83,Gas & Oils-855.02 1030-85 West Coast Flotors.Ltd. Graders-1.92,Trucks-l�.46- 6,;38 Burr Office Supplies Ltd. Office Supplies •65-72 Dr. A.J. ' .; Trudel,. Coroner's -Inquest 7500 W.G. Alexander Comm'n on Trade.Lice-108.00.,Traffic-82,00 190.00' I PAYROLL�: Gen.Rd'Wk-4031-01,Brush & Di.tch-1804-10,Patching-88.60,kOjnisher-240.10,u'emet6ry-�36-.35, Bridges -71384. 60, Hol., Pay. Gen. -6-03 Sick Leave-24.80, Haney Sewer-128-36,Admin-3720.07, 15th Rd, Bridge-495.81. Nov Y Councillors .3immonds and Nlighting�Lle that the -above noted accounts totalling $22,209,99 and payrolls as listed above be paid.,- CARR IED. SOCIAL,Vt,LFARE ACCOUNTS 20''% of Amount -Shoran 'KaplV'Rlcdge, Uthe.r. Government, LOEvEN' 1sornelius ......... ....... 38.25 Hi RDY47i_ �Jabel.-. V35-00 NAKAIT Ito. 50,00 _hrN-NA.", John.. , 25-00 4C 25-00 KLASElS'',T-Y 41.50 ' 2)11 ff'U'18y, Bertha.... . - 50-0d"RK�IQyl' 16.00 WATERFIELD, Arleigh-.,.-. . 76-50 TATTI E; 38.25 VARGA, J�uEunice ...................... 78-50 GLEBES John' 60.25 50-00 SMITH Ma,ryQj��- 9.50 NEIL , 60.00 CLLkL� Hiari e'. ....... . 5.00 DREW 30.00 Crestwood Guest, H0te,..*.-..-.-.-.,..- 1426-77 CUAD., '25-00 Mrs. E.S-. ' Nightingale'.'. . . -. . . '. . 132-50 Crestwood Guest House.......... 30-00 Alouett e' Priv. - Hbspit al. -. . .. . . 1126.120 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale .......... 15-00 Mrs. M. Miartyn ........ o ....... 5.00 I Alouette Private Hospital.....'.1006.60 Mrs. 0. Novakowski ............ 30-00 Mrs. J. Campbell ............... 140-00 BABCOOK Mabel.`....,.........., 56-50 Mrs. M. Jones. ................. 140-00 BAYDUZA'�Mike.................. 156-50 Mrs. Ethel Manuel .............. 35-00 COREY Frank................. 76.50 BOURGEOIS, Wilbert ............. 23.1.5 ITf"NTREY Eielyn ............... 140.50 BUCKLESI.ioseph ................. 76.50 FOYTIK,, Frank ................. 108.50 BUCHOLTZI Richard .............. 140-50 GENN(Yvi Marjorie.............. 92-50 E11GLISH, Mary ................. 67.50 JACKSON Almanda .............. 124-50 DREU Marbara ................. : 76:50' MacDONALD1 Irma...........76-50 PAT T L� 14 GILBE�i RT> Phylls ............... 92.50 Ftlibrence .............. 140-50 11inutes o�f March 7th, 1958,. continued. SOCIAL WELFARE, ACCOUNTS Ca T'.D. 20% of amount shown Maple Ridge Other Government. KLASSEN? Wilhelxr...... . 76..50 SMITH," Ma.ryetta... ,............. 76 50 �KNUTTILA9. /I'�na..-... e ..... .......:..92.5t� U�7�y�� �L��� TyyJ77 �.'J�acob.......... > ...... 92.5^O L1Y1ViIlLt� ViU.$ Qgcrge. ,"•;• • • o.a e•• • •.a • �25.70 , ° A�VD.uc'3...7�3`,i; Sven • • • •.e . • e e .. • .. , 5o•OQ LEROUX Anna..:..e......•...... 1 1. 0 THE'�d Frank .. ................ 0.00 LOR 112tTTA 5 ' S , Emi1_y...... ....... 124.50': ZUBYK' Dnytro...... ,............ 50-00 MAYERS' Archie. 121�. 50 {B�A�TE1� 4AN, Hattie....• ... e :....... 50.0(0� MO^'GANS, Kathleen. • • • e . • 76..54 . `"�+"'*', LoT�ssa s • • • • • e • a a • • • • e 50a00 P3EIL' Julia.................... g2.50 GOOD�� IC�i ...a50.00 NEWMAN �Y'- n,. ............. y...e.....•........e Mabel.e............. 35e00 ,""�NYHUS' Sarah78e50. .. Inez...., nez•.e e••e..••••....• 50-00 VS1LtlJ da. 1.1i'NQ , ,I •ee.......e. e.° ',. , Rheta • ...• •ee .. 50a00 Hil . POELZER, Jeanette••• ..•.. 70.50, BRUI4EAU, Rene .................. 47.50 RICE' James..., ..._...:......•. 1$8.50 Ci,AE Wilfred...........<.... 129.50 SE'1niELL� Hora.ce........ .. e . • �JEG�1:C x .... 156.54 �., _L^ona..... .........• 92e50 SHARP, Alice..•...•..•..,...•.• 51.50 DIONNE' v'jargery...... ..•...•••• 76.50 SIMS, Marjorie .............,. 92e50, GIESB ECHT' Jeacob...m.. 156.50 STEEVES 1 $ •...... 14 .5 Margare lr e ............ 92.. 5Q. G;r.,EBi+�., John . • .................. 0 Q STEWA ,'I'., ,Margaret • ........ e'...: 76.50`' �i�E,+�ii �DY� Lorrain....... 0 ......': 124-50 TALBOT"' Eleanor.. , . , ...... , .... 102.. 50 MacKAYAlice ................. 80.90 VAi.PELT' Adriaan.... . ........... w'76.50 ha,cNEIL .Marion................ 10$.50 VARGA- Eunice. 78.50 r�T0 3TS`UTi�' 47.50 VIATERPIELD' Arleigh• • .......... 76.50 TATTftE- Mrs• � Vda.. • • ...T... • 38.25 WHITE,.:Doris................... 76.50 KNOX -John ...................... 50•00 WILCOX� WILiII �.S...... a .' Waldemar ........ 50.0 Mrs. R. Wilson ................... 25.00�RYAN, Richard.............. 45.00 bona....... ....... 7656ARRANCEAlvina................. LO-WRYTyi_ 36e50 HANSO.1, Leatha...................$ ,. .•••••o••.4©eVi ALLA1JOiVSTO, d• ..•.0e rrg.ce a,ye,, . • . • • • . • e • . • 15.00 FRITH' Joseph .................... 50.00 LANSALL� Margaret.............. 40.00 GUSTAFSON-;'Adolph.............. 50.00 McCAT' Emma................. 45..00 KLASSE11' William ............... 50.00 WADY, Edith.................. 37.50 LEE'. Frederick.. ..... 4.5.00 . JOHNS01j, Mary............:.. ka- cDONALD Daniel...............-0..00.. ANDERSGN.-Howard......... ....... 10.00 Me C1in. • . • • • . • .. e .. • e . 40.00 ROBERTS�, nary... • .. • r . ...... ° • • 10.00 MOVEETY' Clifford .............. 50.00 STEPPIZZ, Valentine ............ 10.00 HATTrDS S' . Thomas................. 50 e 00 -Mrs. Irma MacDonald........ 5.90 SENFT, H'arry..............e... 30.00 Super Valu................:..... 10:00 STONH,OUSE, Le.413............... 37e50 .fir. W. A. Rutledge............. 51.00 TONE Alvin................... 50.00` Henry's Grill .................: 17.50 ALLAM' Mary B.................. 50.00 R. Hayes ................. ••,•:..-15.50 BALE Virginia ................. 40.00 �ByEAUULAC1-.Marie................. 50.00 20j jy6��1of Amount shown - Maple 'Ridge' . /� ' DQ<'E" 1annie•e., ......... . • ,�J e©� CAM BE��"L-+�dc�,.••s.ee•••e• •e...4�0.VQ CARTER Mabel....:..::::::::::.. 50.00 COW' 3?-.isabella.,..:...e...... 50e00 DAWSON, Dorothy................ 40..00 GODDRI6H' Sa,rah...•....;:......... HENSCHELL " " " " ' " " ' ,Kate.. .... .... 50.00 �'�iS'1T'. Sarah...... ....,....-.. 35..oQ JACOBS' .. Lucy..' .....• •..... , . •45.00 ' .khSBH' 'ChristJ,na .: ... 20..00 KLABUNDE' Dora. . .... • 3 j.00,` hlcRA-E, Esthete.• •.° •.. <. •,e.. • . '40.00 1Y OODY' . Flossie',. '...*.......,:..... 50.bo 140RAVEC': Annie .... .. 50.00 I�URRAY' Edna.:...- :..•:::. 50. O i�1AI11Hi A'. Ito...•.•...:. ;.. ,50:00 OSWALD' Gertrude.... .. �.e.'.......... • 35.00 PEATti+���' Edna. ....•.... •......... 50 I P P{)) Anna. '.50.00 POELZER, Cecilia,..,....,., .......,..... 50 00 SAp(i�IS]' Mareda. 50-0b �jTAYt`LOR' Apnnie.....-. •..,•..°..... �5•/0�0 TROTTER, Mabel • .. .'• • `• • . • • :.. r e • 45: QQ +TUCKEY, Berth • ... • . . .. s s • • SQ.. VQ WAGNER' Rosemary. .'......... : ,40.00 Moved by' Councillbi-Y Sim nnnas• and lllighti' ale that the' move noted a,ecounts totalling $12,430;63'be paid. CARRIED. No further`ibusiness- meeting• adjourned' at 'T:35 p.in. . ....... ........... REEVE CLM 597 Minutes of March 19th, 1958. A special meeting cones e_d to 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 19th. Present were Reeve'and Councillors -slop, Cox, Nightingale and Telosky. -°. A. Hanson was present,_with `reference to his subdivision plan on 132 Avenue, south of the.Trunk Road and -the necessity of opening -up the portion dedicated for road, located between lot 30 and lot 31. He was informed by Council that it, was necessary for him to comply with the regulations set down in the Road Subdivision Bylaw; either that the road be opened by -him or in this case the Council would accept a deposit, that would be estimated by the Engineer, to allow the road to be opened by the Corporation at a later date,, when necessary.- As he preferred the latter recommendation, the Engineer would estimate the amount required. The agenda was now referred to. - A letter was read from.the board of ?'Managers of the Haney Presbyterian Church, inviting Councilto attend their opening service on March 30th at 2:30 p.m. This time and date was noted by all present,. The Foreman and Engineer were to be instructed to gravel the portion'of 7th Avenue shoulder, fronting the new Presbyterian Church, which would allow for parking. - J Maple Ridge - Pitt "eadows Branch of the Road Cross 'Society requested Council to consider making an annual grant to their institution. This would be attended to when. the detail of the budget was considered. Mr. Walters on,28th Road, east of 8th Avenue, notified Council that a great deal of . erosion was occurring., caused by the .Alouette River' running through .7 his property and asked if some protection could be given -him. Clerk was to reply that Council was, anticipating doing some bulldozing work on the river bed in that vicinity, -which would no doubt affect his property advantageously. The Town Planning Commission notified Council that they were prepared to appr6v6 the construction -of a duplex on..Lot 1 of lot I. of 3-of "B", Lot 401, Plan 9190; si.tuated..one block north of the highway on 9th'Avenue3-cornering Selkirk Street East,. providing the location of the building, on the site, was in accordance with the recommendation that it should be situated 25 feet back from 9th'Avenue,-121 feet from Selkirk Street and a minimum of 5 feet Srom the other two sides. Council therefore approved the request. The G.E. Savage Lumber Company asked for an extension of time to October 31st, to clear up their logging operating. The following motion approved same. Moved by'Councillors Nightingale and Dun op that an extension until.October 31st,1958, be given to the'G.E. Savage Lumber�ompany Limited, to remove the timber on the South VIest -1 of the North West y and also Lot 5 of Section 18, Township 15. CARRIED. Letter was read from Mrs. A.B. Lee, located on Lots 11 and 125, S.W.4.1 Sec.94. Twp.15, Plan 1118. 'She asked if the Council would consider selling to her, - to consolidate into her property, the portions of the E.H. Heaps logging road which passed through lots 11 and 12. As this logging road was taken from the property many years ago Council felt that the owner should have the right to acquire same, as the area was of little or no use to the Corporation. Mrs. Lee proposed to pay. 1200 cash for.the portions, which,added together, equalled 2.92 acres. Council instructed the,Clerk to advise that she could acquire same for the sum of $500.00. The Greater Vancouver Water Board's notice of motion of their next meeting was read - to Council. The matter dealt with the fluoridation of.their water mains. As Reeve denetein was our representative on that Board he was directed to advise them that this Corporation would put a referendum to the people at the next Municipal Election regarding same. Minutes of March 19th, 1958, continued. The matter of removing the.,-B.C. Telephone pole located on 6th Avenue north off the Trunk Road and that this Corporation pay half of the total cost of $378.00, which amounted to $189.00, or"contribute that amount towards the greater cost of an underground buri-ing of the wires, was left over until the location was again inspected by a committee and our Engineer. Mr. Davis, accompanied by Solicitor R.E. Lester, entered the meeting and -re- quested Council to issue a licence for the establishment of a Trailer Court .on 14th Avenue,. Apparently a building permit had been issue inerror by the office staff some six weeks ago for a Trailer Court and he had now gone to .great expense in constructing same. Council advised Messrs Davis and Lester that vre were now in the process of preparing a Trailer Court Bylaw and -as this permit h ad been given some considerable.. time before, he would be issued a licence, Moved by Councillors Dunlop and'Nightingale that as Good Friday falls on April 4th, the regular. Council meeting be held on Wednesday Morning, April 2nd at 9:30 a.m. and that notice be published.in the ;ocal paper. jY _D ' CAi.IrJ Loved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that an amendment be made to the Trade Licence Bylaw No. 460, under Section.442 S.S. "J" of the Municipal Act, covering second- hand goods purchased by licenced second-hand dealers, to be given lst and 2nd reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Telosky -that tentative approval be given to the subdivision of lot 1 of.D•L. 401 Group 1, Plan 7858 and lot 7 of part of lot 5., D:L. 401, Group 1, Plan 9236. C RRIE Moved by Councillors Telosky and Lox that tentative approval be given to the. subdivision of lot 35, SO W., 230e of the Nl, D.L. 432, Twp. 12,. Plan.1208, N.W.D- CARRIED . Moved by Councillors Telosky and. Cox that the,,plan, of subdivision of portion of the West 2 of Block 2 of the East - O Section 17, T-v,rp. 1.2 N.vi.D., be approved, subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Committee's. approval. 6a I' ED . Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of portions of block 2 of lot 245, group 1, N.W.D., formerly the south of lot 5 (Plan 1007) and formerly lot 2 of lot 4 (Plan 6790) be approved. CAtiIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of lot F of Block 1 -ana of portion of lot 2 of 0.5 acre portion of lot 2G.2, Group 1, N • W. D • , be approved. CARRIED. Tenders for the construction of, a sidewalk on the north side of St.Annes Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, were now considered'. Submissions were made by the Maple Ridge Construction Company (Walske) at $11.48. per. foot and the Valley Concrete for $1.28 per foot. As the dead -line date was March 6th and the Valley Concrete's tender was dated March llth, the Council had no alternative but to award the contract at 41.48 per Lineal foot to -the Maple Ridge ,Construction 'Company. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the tender submitted.by thel%laple Ridge Construction be given the contract to build a concrete sidewalk, 4 feet wide, between 7th and 8th Avenues,, -north on SteAnne St., Haney, as per tender sub- mitted on March 4th. CARRIED. Tenders were now opened for the purchase of a truck. Submissions were made by West Coast Motors, Parkview Garage and Haney Garage. Moved by Councillors Nightingale aftd—Cos, that the tenders for new truck be inspected by the Machinery Committee and on recommendation by the Committee that tender be t d a.ccep e CARRIED. 599 Minutes of March l9th, 1958, continued. New tenders were now opened for -the supplying to 'the Corporation, under a five year contract, petroleum products,•gas, diesel fuel, furnace oil, and also to install new pumps and tanks on the Corporation property; such equipment.to revert to the Municipality at the termination of the five year contract, commencing October 1st, 1958. As only three companies agreed to this form. of tender, the -other vrishing to loan the equipjment, the matter was referred to a sp6cial committee, headed by the Reeve, to examine in detail the quality of the equipment offered. . Quotations which were not tenders were turned over t4the Machinery Committee to consider and to wait until our budget was confirmed. The matter of the appointment of the Civil Defence Coordinator of Maple.Ridge was again discussed. As Councillor'Simmonds, who was a member of that particular committee was not present.,, the Reeve would meet with the committee members and clarify the matter. As the matter of providing -regulations to control the operation of Trailer Courts within the ISunic_ipality had been discussed at great length, the following motion was approlred. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that first and second read:j-ng be given to Trailer Court hBylavr No. - 469. Copies of the Bylaw would be provided each Councillor, which would enable them to thoioughly review the matter before the third reading was given. The.Reeve now reported that Mr. D. Morle2, whose leg had been amputated below the' knee; -was -now ready. to renew his occupation as Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspector and it.would be considered very shortly whether onr two Inspectors should provide -Pitt 1"leadows also with thesimilar service. The Aeeve also reported with regard to the necessity of a flashing light or some,form-of protection to be erected -at the junction of 14th Avenue and Trunk Road. ,Sergeant Calvert was not in favour of a flashing light. Councillor Cox, Traffic Committee Chairman, reported that reflector lights have now been installed and were giving very good service. He also recommended that warning signs of approaching an important intersection should.also be placed on the Trunk Road. Council agreed to this. Councillor.Cox reported with regard to Mrs. Blackstock's duplex building, which was Tow in the course of construction. Some time ago errs. Blackstock had been advised by.Council that the site was not suitable, due to the fact that there' were no drainage facilities. As the matter was now coming to a head Councillor _ Cox felt that a committee should be formed to include the Reeve, Engineer, and `Sanitarian, Mr. Armstrong, and that the committee should visit the property with the Bu.-;.lding Inspector, with a view to straightening out the matter, if at all possible, which at the moment appeared to be hopeless. Councillor Dunlop again brought up the matter fo parked cars and jelopys being left on Corporation boulevards on Ditton Street and he would again expect complaints from Mr Damer andMrs. Airth. Councillor Dwa.lop also felt that as the gaa@ler was now to be shut down that immediately.this occurs the Machinery Committee should be advised without delay. Apparently there was some difference of opinion regarding the required horse- power to -operate same. The Reeve remarked that this Corporation should not be held responsible for loss of time caused by changing motors. Also, the matter of the C.P.R. station at Hammond being made a :g flag stop in order tb pick up passengers going to and. from Vancouver, was considered. The Clerk would be.provided with -any information that Councillor Dunlop had, in order to approach the C•P-R. officials. It was .also requested that Ditton Street and Wanstead" S reet be hard surfaced, if at all possible. Councillor Nightingale reported with regard to the parking problem adjacent to the Legion quarters on 8th Avenue. Also that he had canvassed the property owners on 'nth Avenue north of Trunk Road, and all seemed in favour .of paying for culvert pipe for crossings. Minutes of Rarch 19th, 1958, continued. The Brick Yard. -also asked,for a clean up on 9th Avenue South, which appeared.to be desperately in need.of gravel. Committee would investigate the matter. The Clerk was asked to leave the, hall, lrhile.the inside staff salary increases were discussed, which. were, eventually. approved, effective January° lst. L.. ��. Hawkins v 550:00 'Monthly salary R. Ansell 315.00.. effective Jan, •lstl lg, . J. Taylor 415.00 ' W. Young 320.00 W. .Burrell 31-5.00 G. Hemminger. ' 285.00 B. Mosdell 220.00 E. Kelly 235.00 C. Sissons 220.00 G.;Mysel:(Car falow.) 40.00. 0.W.: Lilley 369.00 F. Zeron 329.00 r 'S. Berto 313.64 R.-Bennett 220.00. No further business meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.14s REEVE i IIt - I 'I 601 Minutes of April 2nd, 1958. Council convened at 9.30 a.m., Wednesday, April 2nd; all members present. Mr. •. Smith of Trunk Road and 27th Avenue corner, requested that Council order 'Mr. Nickols to remove his fence from the centre line of 27th Avenue southjback to his easterly boundary line. Apparently Mr.Smith was entering his property from 27th Avenue side and the fence, in the middle of the road, was creating a, hazard and also a nuisance to him. He also asked. for a small portion to be gravelled. As Mr. Nickols had cleared the road many years ago and had been permitted to use same until needed, the Clerk was instructed to now notify him to remove the fence. Mr. ,Chequis.again solicited Council's help to bring pressure upon the B.C, Electric to compensate him for -damage to his property. He also re- quested that his assessment be also'reduced. As the damage referred to was only a matter of opinion and no doubt could not stand up in Court, the Council remained neutral,.however they referred him to the Assessor. Mr. Green of the Whonock Ratepayers Association complimented Council on the work progress in that area to'date and now asked for, attention to 27th Avenue running south from 6th Road to 3rd Road, this needingJgravel _ and grading. He also felt there was some justification in asking for - stop signs to be placed on 6th Road at the junction of 25th Avenue and in general felt that the grader should give more service in their Whonock area. Mr. N.M. McKay of 28th Avenue, was present and the bank at his entrance was again discussed. Apparently seepage was the problem and as -the solution was not yet present our Engineer, Mr.. Wishart; would-stud�r the matter. The same large delegation from 16th`.Avenue was present and had nothing further to-add'to.their last request that 16th Avenue be hardsurfaced this year. Mrs. Grant spoke at considerable length but failed to disturb the original opinion of the Council that 16th Avenue would be prepared for. hard surface but no promise was made that this would be laid in 19584- Councillor Telosky felt.that 16th Avenue was not in bad condition at all and he promised to interview Mr. Gilland as to whether he -would donate sufficient land to widen the road. The -Reeve had written to Mr. Gilland but no'reply had been received. Complaint was also made of odorous smells in the ditch fronting the Gilland barns. Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitarian, would be advised of this. A delegation from Ross Road asked for a dtich to be installed on the south side; running to 12th Avenue. As considerable fall was present the Engineer would -investigate the matter. -.Mrs. ,Leaf of, Whonock, together wit4,, another delegate, asked Council, far, financial assistance in order to repair the Whonock Memorial Hall. As the. two ladies were somewhat vague about the cost of their proposed renovation. and just what they intended to (do., Council were not prepared to promise anything until more detail was available. The delegation promised to pro- vide this in figures. Mr. C.S. Pallot,:in order to establish a Real Estate Office on his own .home site prepared to bring in a petition signed by.the people between 7th and 8th Avenues and Thomas Street, asking for the area to be zoned as Commercial. Council would deal with the matter when the petition was -.present. Letter was -read from the Whonock Memorial Hali Committ.ee.thanking Council for the gravel that had been laid on the approach in from the Lougheed. Also,'a letter of thanks for service given was read from the Whonock 'Rate- payers Association. A petition was read from the residents located on an un-named road north of.•the Hammond.School, asking that this road be named "Centennial Road". Council was not in favour of the word "Centennial" being used'but we re. willing to consider any, other name submitted. '- fi02 M Vt Tis'' of April 2nd2 .1958, continued. Reeve & Council,, / Municipality of Maple Ridge, Gentlemen: I beg to report,that the construction of a four foot concrete sidewalk on the north side of St:Anne's Street betweeri 7th and 8th Avenue is estimated as follows: 1, The -estimated lifetime of the work is 20 years. 2, -The,estimated footage - 578.8 feet ® $1.48 per lineal foot - $856.62. 30 That 50% 'of.the.cost of the work shall be borne -by the lands directly abutting on the work and 50%,shall be.borne by the Municipality. 4. That the special assessments shall be payable in five annual instalments @ 5% per annum. (Signed) L.W. Hawkins, Municipal Clerk. Dated at Haney, B.C. March 20th, 1958.' ,Moved by Councillors Nightingale and.Dunlop that -the report of the installation costs and lifetime of the.work of the installation of a sidewalk on the north side -of St. Anne's ' Street, Haney, ,as outlined be accepted and approved and the work be ordered completed and charged to General Funds, and Bylaw No. 468 be giveh third reading. CARRIED. The.Reeve & Council, Municipality of Maple Ridge, Gentlemen: I beg to report the results of the "Election" held in the'Yennadon'School House on.Saturday, December 7th,°1957, in' connection with the Yennadon Water Area Bylaw, No. 454.. Total number of votes cast 77 Number voting yes 72 Number voting no 5 The total yes votes exceeded three fifths, as required"by`Section 222 of the "Municipal Act". I therefore declare the Bylaw. as. carried. (Signed) D. A. Spalding, Returning Officer Sworn before me at Haney, B.C. this 9th day of December, 1957• (Signed) L. W. Hawkins, C.M.C. ` Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the Returning Officer's report in connection with the Yennadon Water Area, Bylaw No..454, wherein -it is stated that seventy-two voted "yes! and=five`'oted "ney" was approved and accepted and as no protest had -been received to date with -regard to quashing of same, that certification of the Bylaw be applied for. CARRIED. "Minutes of ;April ,2nd, 1958, continued. �3 f Council was advised of a meeting to be held at Mission on April 9th, relative to land development and subdivisions. Police report was read and filed. Moved by Councillors Cox and.Dunlop that the 21.st Avenue Water Extension Bylaw No. 470 be given" first acid second reading. s= CrARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and'Nightingale that the tender of Surrey Excavating Company Ltd., 47,669.$9 be'accepted for the construction of'a 25 metre swimming -pool and that the Contract be drawn up and signed and that first and second reading be given to Short Term Borrowing Bylaw ($40,000) No..471• CARRIED.. Moved.by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that tender from'the Royalite Distributor, Harvey Gibeault•to supply the Corporation with petroleum products at Regular Gas 20.1 cents per gallon, Diesel Fuel 19.4 cents per gallon, Furnace oil 18.1 cents per gallon and `provide- us with' two tafiks and pumping equipment which will.become Corporation property,, be acepeted and the Contract be drawn up and signed. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of lot l'of the North z of Section 30, Township 12, N.W.D:, be approved, subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw-ar d 'Engineer's approval. CANED. Moved by•Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of lot F of lot 1 -,of 'Ibt 1- of, the South -! Hof lot 263, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved, CARR18D. Moved by•Councillors Telosky and Cox that the'pplan of subdivision of a portion of L'ot A 'of lots 4 and 5 of the' North East 4 of Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors :Telosky 'and Cox that the plan of portion of lot 4 of the North,West of Section 9 and of the South West' of Section 16, Township 15, N.W.D.,.be approved. CARRIED. Moved by.Councillors Telosky acid Cox that tenitative-approval be given to the subdivision of the Sk of lot 1 of D of Lot 263, GP. 1, P1.13328, pursuant, to approval of the Committee and of the Road Subdivision Bylaw. CARRIED. Moved,by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of lot, 17 and portion of'�lot 18, - of the North East"�;- of Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D. " be approved: CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that approval be'given to multiple dwelling units on the South half of lot "F" of D.L. 399, Group 1, Plan 8914, N.W*D.; 210 feet west of 8th Avenue behind the existing owners residence and garage. CA RJJ], D. The Civil Defence Ccinrni,ttee, Councillors Nightingale and Simmonds, �d M - he being a �.nterview r. Ken Bruce to confirm their recommendation that' younger man and better trained, be appointed.as Civil Defence Cordinator and the .following-motiod to that effect was approved unanimously; - Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Mr. Ken'Bruce be appointed Civil Defence Co-ordinator for Maple Ridge as of April 2nd, 1958 and Mr. Bert Roble be released from that post. CARRIED. 6 a! n Minutes of .April 2nd, 1958,. continued. It was decided not to publish the. Financial Statement this year in the local press. The Reeve and Council recommended that abetter purpose would be served and understood if'a graph showing the percentage of receipts and expenditures was perhaps mailed out with our tax notices this year. Due to the increasing pressure of work falling, upon the Magistrate the following motion was approved. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Maple Ridge Council increase the indemnity of Magistrate Hope in the amount of $$300.00 per year, retro- active to January lst, 1958. CARRILD. It.was now 12:20 p.m. and Council adjourned until 1:30. 1:.30 p.m..Council reconvened The Trailer Court Bylaw was now'read in detail and discussed clause by clause and the following motion recorded. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the third reading be given to .Triler Court Bylaw No. 469. CARRIED. Mr. Schmiek, who had .agreed to :sell a:small three corner..portion of land, less than a quarter of an. acre, `.some years.ago,.had now raised his price from $100 to $150. He also required that when the fence was removed it .would be replaced to his new line and also that some small fruit trees would be transplanted on same. The difficulty previously, had been with regard to the survey. The matter was.now left.with the engineer and Council agreed to accept once again Mr. Schmick's offer. as agreed upon. The Reeve reported with regard to his meetings with representatives of the Canadian Legion Local Brnach, with.the motive in mind of acquiring A portion of the Legion property known as the.Courtnay property. The matter was confidential at the'present time and Council decided on a maximum figure to offer. To acquire the property would solve two ,problems; to provide junior play fields presently and iater, when it was necessary for the schools to be removed from the Civic Centre, this property in question would be a suitable site. Council and Legion Committee would meet together again. .Councillor Telosky that our employees, when operating the front -end -loader, should receive truck driver's wages. The request had been made from our local union members. _ Council_agreed to this.. Councillor Telosky asio reported with regard to the gravel :pit and felt that the gravel supply, tothe crusher was moving too slow. He felt that consideration should be given to x increasing the bucket size to at least 1i yards, if ameater test proved that this would not be overloading. .-Recommendations were made that the Engineer, Mr. Wishart, should visit the Mountti.n View area, adjacent' to the entrance of the High School and attempt .to improvise a scheme to eliminate the driving hazard around the steep curve fronting the school entrance. Also, could something be done about clearing up the islands that exist in the middle of the roads. r Councillor Telosky also reported -on the necessary repairs that would have to be made to the\bridge on the old Bowering Road off 14th Avenue, ,which had been in many years* -The Engineer would supervise the.laying of a concrete sidewalk by our crews, fronting the old -McLean High School on the Trunk Road. Councillor Dunlop again brought up.the matter of repairing the Hammond sidewalks. The Engineer -=recommended that this also be done by our own crews as it=would b very be difficult to tender on same.. 60 `MDhUt'es.• of April 2nd,_ 1958,.. continued. Councillor Dunlop, member of the Machinery Committee, reported on the progress made with regard to the purchase of a new truck, which would be finalized in a few days. :The Machinery Committee was given authority to. award the tender. Councillor Nightingale reported on the proposed extension of the Health Centre and he was assured that the insurance would be increased as the project progressed. \ .WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: B C Electric W.W. Mice. 121:01 Public.Freightways W.W. Mtce. 6.00 Haney -Hammond Freight W.W. Const-13.39,W.W.Mtce-3.10, .-Cap. 'a/c W.Meters-2.65 19.14 Terminal City Iron Works W.W. Mee 389.34 B.. C. Equipment Co. W.W; Mtce. 141.37 Greater Vane.,_ -.Water Dist. W. W. • Mtce. 2o64.58 Sam Saari'�s Garage W. W. Ntce. 50.40 R. Muth &.Sons W. W. Mtce. 11.00. West Coast Motors Ltd. W. W. Truck 3.79 Marshall -Wells C6nst:-366.95,Mtce-.190.15 557.10 B. C. Electric .W. W. Mtce. 109.73 Moved by Councillors Siamonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts, totalling $$3473.46, as listed above,be paid. CARRIED., GENERAL ACCOUNTS: B..00. Electric St Lights-4 43,Pub-Wks-73.50 77.93 B. C. Telephone R.C.ht.P.-29.54,Ha11 a/c-21.73, Pub;;Wks-7,76,Civil Def.-l.35 60.38 Minister of Finance Sub., B..C. Gazette 5.00 McCullough -Electric Cap. a/c -crusher 536.00 Minister. of: •Finance ., s Child Welfare 183.29 Workmen•'s.Compensation-Board, Work:.Ccmpeno 935.00 Municipal Treasurer Misc.-Exp. 6.75 Mr. Cornwell - Cemetery a/c 24.80 Murray's Book Store . Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Eng.Fxp.) 18..64 Minister of Finance T.B.`,!Units 82.32' Haney -Hammond Motor Freight Tools=1.45, Cap. a/c-1.65, Crusher=1.25 4.35 Legion. of Frontiersmen , Police ense. � 56.00 Superannuation Commi-ssioner8 � Trust-76.00, Super-83.79 -158.79 Pitney�-Bowes of Canada Ltd. Postage'Meter Rental 15.00 John.-G.,Taylor _ Assessment. Expense -. 9.40 B. C. Forest Products Parks Board 112.83 R. J- Chappell Parks Board 15.00 B. & M. Supermarket !'arks, Board 7.08 Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd. Parks Board 6.32. Meir's�Decorating Parks Board 235.00 R. Stackhouse Parks Board 39.0.0•' C. Whitehead Parks Board - 18 oo" Laurie Lum ve ._ be .- r Ltd Parks Board u _. 41.37 Kanaka Concrete Products Bridges.=& Culverts . ................ 203:49. . J. Biggs. Tolls & Equipment.. ...... . 13.75 ..... A. Vogl. Gen.Rd.�'itce. (signs).... ... 22.08 Lester &'Leggatt Police Exp.-150.00,4gal.Ex.-158.09 308.00 McLermnan.�cFeely Civ l e ence........... 74.97 . George Manuel Civil Defence-,_... 5.00 B. A. Noble Civil Defence 64.40 . W. G. Alexander Comm. on collections 155.50 Minister of Finance • L.R:O. Fees • , 6.30 TheRGazette. ._... . ... Printing-1.38.60,,Off. Sup-2,97 . �•57 ,Haney•Garage Ltd, Trucks-17.99 Tools-8 O,gra4er-1.00 19 87 Rewinding Shop. Trucks 3.75, Royalite Oil Co..Ltd. Gas & Oil-633,50,I4a a/c-134.63., 768 13 West�Coast Motors.Ltd. Trucks 1.64 Dan Ebert Motors - Tools &.Equipment 10.27 A. G. Hartwe....... ... •.•. Tools & Equipment 191.50 M Minutes of April 2nd, 1958, continued. GENEPtAL ACCOUNTS CONT'D.. Vancouver.Equipment Corp.,Ltd.. National Machinery Co. :Ltd Butler Tirel Ltd. - Dietrich -Collins Logging Co. Maple Ridge.Home Service Air Equipment Serv. Ltd. Burr ffice Supplies -Ltd. R. Muth & Sons Ltd. Fleck Bros. Ltd. Nelson Bros. - Sawmills Ltd. Fields Welding Supplies Ltd. Dr. J. V. Taylor, Acme Machine Shop Co. Ltd. M & L.Machine Works Canadian Industries Ltd. Len' s. Auto Body Shop- Dr.'Ar,_J Trudel Sam Saari''s Garage Haney.Builders Supplies Hansons ,Ltd. Regal.Bldg. Supplies Ltd. Pub. Freightways Ltd.-. Metalex Ltd. - Timber Preservers Ltd. B. A. Oil Co. Ltd. Armco Dra rrage- & Metal Products B. C. Electric Municipal Treasurer Receiver.,General R. Muth & Sons Regal. Bldg. Supplies Ltd. West Coast Motors Ltd. Shovel-10.91:,Graders-7.65 18.56 Graders-160.02, Spray tank-31.39 191.41 Tools (compressor) 20.62 .Bulldozer - 36.76 Fire, Dept. 6 77 Tools .(compressor),'. 14.39 Office.Supplies (maps) .134.20 Bulldozer-88.71,Trucks-18.38 Dragline-9.05,Loader-1.61,tools_-2.21 119.99 Tools-86.38,crusher-99.32 185.70 _Bridges.& Culverts .75$.61 ..Cap a%crl68.26,tools-58•.30 .226.56 - Police Expense 15.00 Trucks-131.39,Crusher-.8.88, ,Loader-10.65 15a.92 Loader .. ?.10 Gen.. Rd. Mtce. 14700 Graders_ 22.64 Coroner. & Inquest 25 '00 _-Loader 9.15 . Police` Expense .3.78 gusher-1.46,Hall aPe-5.62, Halle grounds-1.16 8.24 Gen. Rd. Mtce. (signs) �1.34 Gen.. Rd. -Mtce. (si.gnsp 1..00 Gen. Rd. Mtce. (signs) 42.73 A/c Payable-19,088.68, Culv. & Bridges-121.28 19,209a96 Gas & Oil 18.90 -Culverts.& Bridges 519.54 .Hammond,.,Drain-4.99., Hall a/c- . .. -86.60,Fire Dept-24.91,Parks Bd.- .4.20,Pub. Works-20..09. 3.40.79 Ref.Bldg.Perm-5.00,Office Supp- .11.80,Pstg.-95.00.,Shove1-.55, ' Trucks-3.70,Tools-60¢-,Bnem.Insuri. , -252.80,Ref.Pol.Court-Fine-22.00,. Hall a/c-7,15,Gen.Rd.Mtce-630. Deleg.Exp-31.00,Gen.Rd.Mtce-1.58 431.81 .Income Tax Deductions 1,038.60 Tools 3.38 .Bridges & Culvert 6.51 Trucks, .88 Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts,_ totalling 1$28.151.31, as listed.above, be paid. CARRIED. SOCIAL `WELFARE ACCOUNTS:. 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge Other Government, JENSEN9.Donald..................... 46.25 DARBYSONi Geraldine ............... $ 30.00 JENSEN,.Donald........ :........... . 46.25 SMITH,. Maryetta................. '14.50 DeWQLF's.Market ..............'..:....$.94 DARBYSQN� Geraldine..............: 7.50 Crestwood Guest Home ... ........:.. 38.00 'Crestwood guest'Home ........ ..'..r 126.70 Mrs. E.>S. Nightingale ......... ... 75..00 Mrs. E. S: Nightingale........,. 193.00 Alouette Private Hospital .......... 996.60 Alouette Private Hospital;.......1054.70 Mrs. J. Campbell ..................147.50 Mrs. M. Martyn.............. 5.00 Mrs. Ethel Manuel..................35.00 -Miss Donna Bishop...`............. •90.00 Pars. M.-Jones .....................140.00 BABCOOK ' Mabel ......:........... 66.50 BUCHOLTZ' Richard..:......e......-158.50 BA-YDUZA. Mike ................... 176.50 CORNu7ELL� Herbert....... .....:-...58:50-- CORvY.,.Frank..............`.... 86.50 DREW Barbara ..................... 66.50.__DENT1iNY1V Evelyn........,...:.... 158.50 ENGITSH.9 Mary ....:................ 79.50 Frank.; ..,;.. 122.50 Gilbert -Phyllis ...................104.50 GENNOW.7 Marjorie...`.......;..'... 104.50 JENSEN,'•Donald ....................104.50 JACKSON,, :Almanda.....,.....`.,... 140.50 LAWIIASONj George...................143.70 PATTEN, Florence................ 158.50 P. 1 ipn{5 jq!. •l F Minutes'of April 2nd, 1958, continued. 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge LEROUX�iAnna' ..................161.50 LORENZETTA Emily..0..........140.50 MAYERS . Archie .............. Q 140.50\ - NEILJulia ............ 0...... 104.50 \ NEW&- 11.Ruby............:..... 75,50 NYHUS�i Sarah. ...:............. 92.50 OSTRAND� Hilda..............,.. 61..50 ZER POEL, Jeanette....y.:....... 43.25 RICE, ames....................212.50 SEWELL. Horace................176.50 SHARPSAlice................. 61.50 SIMSMarjorie...........,.....104950 STEihS. Margaret.............104.50 STEWARTIV'Margaret. .:..:....... 86.50 TALBOT?.Eleanor...............104.50 VAN PELT, Adriaan............. 86.50 WATERFIELD., Arleigh........... 86.50 WHITE Doris ................... 86.50 WILLIAMS, ........ 86.50 ALLAM-' Frederick .............. 55.00 FRITH., Joseph B............... 55.00 GUSTAFSON,, Adolph ............. 55.00 KLASSEN. Abe....... .:......... 55.00 LEE Frederick . ..,...9 50.00 MacDDaniel.. .......... 55.00: McCANN,-Martin J........ 45.00 Mc`iEETY..Clifford D.......... . 55.00 MATTHEWS1 Thomas W............ 55.00 SENFT,..Harry................... 35.00 STONHOUSE Lewis. .:........... 42.50 TONER." Alvin ..........:....... 55.00- ALLAM1 Mary H....,.......:...... 55.04 BALE Frank ................. 45.00 BEAULAC; Marie... ..........j..: 55.00 BOYE- Tannis P......... ........ 10.00 CAMPBELL -Ida ........ .......... 55.00 _ CARTER --Mabel. ... .............. 55.00 COWARD, Isabella .............. 55.00 DAWSON-J-'Dorothy............... 40.00 GOODRICH. Sarah.... .... o*.o..* 55.00 HENSOHELh�,Kate................ 55:00 HEWiTT,-Sarag.,................ 40.00 JACO.BS� Lucy .................. 50.00 KIL'SBYChristina............. 25.00 KLABUNDE� Dora ................ 40.00 KLASSEN,.Helena... :.......... 40.00 McRAB, Esther ................. 45.00 MOODY, Flossie ................ 55.00 MORAVEC� Annie ... ............ 55.00 MURRAY, Edna..,........:....... 55.00 NAKAHARA� Ito................. 55.00 OSWALDI;Gertrude.............. 40.00 PEARENI.Edna.................. 55.00 PIPO Anna .................:.. 55.00 S � ,.Mareda..... ......... 0.0 55.00 TAYLOR? Annie ..::..........:.. 45.00. TROTTERP Mabel.. ..........•... 50.00 TUCnE l Bertha.................55.00 WAGNER, E. Ho.................1 55000 HAGENJennie.................. 10.00 Jacob Giesbrecht......... 11.25 City of Victoria.,.-.,.....: 750 City of Vancouver........ ... 86.66 Dist. of Coquitlam..... ... 29.10 Minister of Finance.... .......32.30 Other Government SKITH� Maryetta................ 86.50 ussELMAN, Jacob................104.50 WILCOX, Frances................115.50 WILSON' Mrs. R................. 25.00 AND.r�RSON, Sven... .............. 55.00 THEW, Frank .................... 55.00 ZU3YK� Dmytro.................. 55.00 BATEMAN, Hattie ................ 55.00 GALE', Louisa ................... 55.00 HARDY Mabel ................... 40.00 IiELVIN, Inez ................... 37.50 SIMPSON., Rheta................0 55.0b BRUNEAU, Rene .................. 89.50 CLAME Wilfred................145.40 DARBYSON, Geraldine.... ........ 152.50 DeGUIRE� Leona.............J...104.50- DIONNE Margery ................ 86.50 GIESBRECHT, Jacob ............... 176.50, KENNEDY, Lorrain...............140.5b MacNEILI Marion................122'.50 MORRISON, Michael .............. 59.50 NORRISP Robert .................. 86.50 LUND; Wally....................158.50 KNOX� John ..................... 55.00 RYANP Richard .................. 50.00 Mrs. Samantha Augustson.......... 55.00 ARRANCE� Alvina............:.., 55..00 AA.NSON, Leatha................. 45.00 JOHNSTON, Grace ................ 20.00 LANSALL, Margaret ............. 45.00 -McIA114ANTI Emma...... ;....... =45:.00 WAId{LEY� Edith................. 42.50 JOHNSUN� Mary..... ........... 99.00 ANDERSON, Howard. .............. 10.00 ROBERTS,, Mary ................. 10..00 STEPPLM Valentine............ 10.00_.._._, Haney -Cafe ..................... ,4.85 - Super-Valu No.58................ 5.00 Foggo's-Ltd.................... 29_•95 .Osborn Is -Ltd ................... 10.45 Price's Confectionery.......... 16,.92 R. Hayes ....................... 15.50 Super -Value No. 58..... ,........ 4.00 Fuller Watson Ltd..-.. ........ .7.38 Kingsway Ambulance.. .......... 12,.100 I.G.A. Store. ......... 15.00 Dist. of Mission ..............0 74.70 City of New Westminster........ 34.00 Twp. of.Richmond............... 15.30 Haney Taxi... ................ 8:.70 Maple Ridge Ambulance.......... 34.00 Dr. F. A. Mitchell ............. 83.00 Vancouver Gen. Hospital........ 75.00 T. A. Nikiforuk.......... !*.... 2.00 Maple Ridge Fuels,... ..., . ..... 11-00 Dist.. of Surrey...;; . .......:. 9..25 Dist. of I'111atsqui.: :.. :........... 39...30 Corp. of Delta-...... ***** ****** elta................. 44.10 Kingsway Ambulance............., 12*00 Moved by Councillors• Simmonds acid - Nightingale'that the above- noted -accounts totalling.. 12,124.44 be paid.. CARRIED. 60 e ?. Minutes of April 2nd, 1958, continued. No further business meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. t Minutes of April 16th, .1958... . A special meeting •of the Council convened at 4:,00 'P.M:; -Wednesday; April 16th,' all were present:..... Moved by Councillors •Nightingale -and Dunlop that the minutes of •March 7th-and 19th be adopted ,as •circularized. _ CARRIED. The first 'item on the -agenda was the notification from -the B.C.- Telephone Compagq with ,regard 'to tho-,A ticipated raise in rates and the notice -of -sitting advice frc the Board •of ^Transport Commissioners of Canada to -be -held 'on May 2Oth at 10 A.Ft. Ij in•the•Vancouver•Public Library. -The anticipated increased were discussed and they were unanimous that they. would participate in the 'protest that* would be prepared by•the-Union,of-B:-C.•Municipalities. Communicatimn •from the Lower :Mainland Regional `Planning 'Board 'asking if we could disburse their -grant for general purposes of $385 -and 'also 'an industrial survey .grant of •$230, as -they were short of funds. Clerk was 'ordered 'to carry this out. ......... Letter •frcm•the •Yennadon Ratepayers Association; 'protesting the 'establishment of i trailer •courts -in, theijr- area, was read. Clerk was to reply 'that Trailer Court Bylaw No.469 -was -now -in force and would control -same: • They -also regretted the fact that . -we -had not zoned their area for residential 'and •farming purposes only. They -were to -be -notified that a petition requesting 'this type of zoning, digned-by-the,,•residents; would have to be presented to Council. Another °letter -from -that -Association requested that •a 20 mile -anhour minimum speed sign -be -placed on 14th Avenue directly north 'of 32nd 'Road, in order to cm - trot heavy -trucks: • -Sergeant Calvert of the 'R. C:M:P. was •present and recommended that this -be -not -done as their was no justification 'for 'same: - -Clerk would so notify -the -Association. _Mr,; Jameson • of _Parkview _Motelt_Lougheed Highway 'east -of •3rd -Avenue, requested th". he -be allowed - to •establish a trailer court on his -property: • Is -the extent of his property was only in the neighborhood of one acre -and 'the 'Trailer Court Bylaw's minimum -requirement was three, he -could not -qualify •for -same; -but, as he had beer told that -he - could do • so -the Council would set up •a -committee -to investigate the matter: The Honourable Minister -of Public Works, Lyle Wicks; ,much -to •the -surprise of the Council; -entered -the hall. The -Reeve at once took 'the opportunity of in- quiring -as to -the •disposition of the proposed establishment of fa stop light at 2nd Avenue: The Minister reported the matter was 'in -the -handsj'of the Highway Department and � in •due course we ehould be advised 'e ' 'the lt resu. The Reeve also inquired with -regard to the -anticipated bridge crossing •Whonock Creek at the eastern • end of -15th Road and the Government t's 'possibility ,of -sharing the cost with us. Mr. Wicks would not commit the Government -in any -way but advise + Council to go very carefully with, regard to -expenditures -or •hope that the Government would assist. in same, as the condition 'throughout the Province which affected -provincial revenue,_at the moment, was -not very promising. No doubt -later in the year the financial situation would -brighten up. 7 Minutes of April 16th, 1958, continued, The Engineer's report with,,regard to the establishment of crossings -on 19th Road running.west off 17th Avenue was ordered to be carried out 'at the Corporation's exepense, also the ditching. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that JGroup 1, N.W.D., be approved. the subdivision of lot A of lot 2 of lot 440, Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of portion of lot 1 of part of the North 1 of.Section 30, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. 9 CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the subdivision of lot 5 of S.E.1, Sec. 22, Twp.12, Plan 3151, N.W.D.; subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and .Engineer's approval: .CAIRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of lot 6 of lot 9vof lot 222, Gp.l,'pursuant to plan 12828 be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the plan of subdivision of lots 4,5,6,7, and 8 of -parcel B of lots 262 and 276, Group'l, Plan 17259,N.W.D. and the roads provided are subject to the appproval of the Engneer.and the Engineering Committee pursuant to the specifications of the Road Subdivision Bylaw, also a suitable waterline be installed. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds andCdx that lstt-and 2nd-reading be given to Automobile Service Stations Closing Exemption Bylaw, 1958,,No.474. Moved by -Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the St:Anne's Street Sidewalk Byl,0 l o.468, be reconsidered, finally passed and: adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop ax�1idightingale that the Zoning Amending Bylaw, No.472 be given first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillor's S.mmonds'and Nightingale that the Annual Budget Bylaw, No-473 -be given.first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Trailer Court Bylaw No.469 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. &nwt The Reeve reported with regard to the St.Anne's Street sidewalk and the dis- satisfaction registered by one ratepayer with..regard to the destroying of a landscaped boulevard that she had created. The matter was now settled satis- factorily to all concerned and the sidewalk would finish on the Shaw and Anderson boundary line and the three lots to the west, who had landscaped their frontage would receive no sidewalk at this time and would be relieved from payment for same. Notification was read with regard to the changing of date of the meeting of the Automotive Transport Association and'the Reeve was nominated to attend same. Also -,,it was noted by -all present that the regular monthly meeting of the wxFraser Valley Municipal Association would be held in the City.Hall, New Westminster, Thursday, April 24th at 8 p.m. It -was brought to the attention of the Council that scholars from the Nigh School were littering up the boulevards abd roads,'particularily Mountain View and 5th Avenue, with candy papers and pop bottles. Clerk was requested to notify the School -Board of the High School Principle and request that the scholard attempt to clear up their refusev as this was a highly desireable residential area. 6 _ J Minutes of Aprir-lUlf;-1958.,continued. �1 The purchase of a G.M.C..Truck was confirmed by the Machinery Committee at -the price of $4389.68, plus a few extras. The Clerk requested that a Committee of the peeve and Councillors Cox and Nightingale examine the applications for the Assessor's office vacancy and inter- view the applicants if necessary. A representation of the Candian Legion Branch No.88, Messrs Mowatt and Carlson, how entered the hall for the'purpose of discussing with the Council the purchase of their 9.9 .acres of legion .property on the Trunk.Road between 7th and 8th Avenues»..The Council had anticipated this for some time and at the request of the Reeve this delegation was asked to attend. As the need was present fro the - Council to acquire public property adjacent to the Haney Town Site; immediate use would be to establish a junior play field and in -a few years would be't.o possibly donate a*portion to the; School Board- in ;order that the Council may accuire the School Beard owned land presently situated on the Civic Centre. As this particular property, 9.9 acres, was the last available portion of any size adjacent to the Haney Town 'Site the Council .felt that. no time should be.lost in_ acquiring .it -for public purposes. The ultimate price agreed upon was•435,,000.00 and the .Legion would paythe cost of.registration and provide Council with the title of conveyance, - a rl f First and second reading was now:given to the Land Purchasing Bylaw.Na.475, dealing with the ;acquisition of this property. _ e Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that lst and 2nd readingbegiven-to Land I Purchasing Bylaw No-475• v - :CARRIED. 1 Council brought up the matter.of eliminating the name Ealing Street and calling the front street at Hammond, continuing west to lst Avenue"Maple Crescent"* and that same.be posted as such. j The budget was now discussed in detail, item by item and ,general purposes .and hospital debt was confirmed at 19 mills, which would be confirmed by.r. No further business meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. „LE.,RK 1 1 j 1 Minutes of May 2nd, 1958. The regular'monthly meeting convened at'9:30 a.m., full Council present. Friday, Play 2nd, with loved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the minutes of April 3rd and 16th be adopted as circularized. a CARRIED. As us al, M,� . Green, representing the Whonock Ratepayers,was present. This time) e'complimented the Council on the good grader work which was'now being done and then reverted back to the outlet of-25th Avenue onto the Lougheed Highway. Slight confusion arose as to whether Mr. Stirk or proprieters-of the "Lazy Susan" would give, sell or release any land to better the situation. Council committee and Provincial Engineer, Mr. Finlayson,.would view the situation. p Mr: -Green also asked that an attempt be made to smooth down the portion of No.9 Road off 30th Avenue to allow a wheel chair to operate from there to the paved 30th Avenue. Gravel spots on 6th Road, caused by the Penning hauling project .should be fixed. without delay. ' J Mr. H. Gibeault, representing Royalite, reported the necessity of providing a separate =tank for marked gas. The Reeve suggested that as two new tanks and pumps were,now being installed one of the old ones could be retained and .made use of for this purpose. Mr. Moore of Lougheed Highway asked for assistance in draining private property from there to Powerline Road. The -Reeve explained that public funds could only be used for the -benefit of the general public. However, his request for the•installation of a fire hydrant on Lougheed Highway between 2nd and 3rd Avenues would be considered and installed if the need was present and -approved by the _Fire :Chief. Mrs. Ward from Ridgeway, representing a delegation regarding a dog -pound j*tsbe installed in Maple Ridge, entered,the hall. From past exeperience and -records of previous Bylaws, Council was aware that this matter should be settled by a referendum to the -voters and this was promised at next -election. Mrs. Ward also -asked .that a.�road sign be placed at the corner of ,5th Avenue and 14a;ple Crescent. Engineer noted same. Mr. R., Lester again attempted to pursuade the Council to hard surface Selkirk Street.irom 6th Avenue to Maple'Wood Avenue and Bend Road from Trunk Road to Lough ed Highway. He -was again told that he would be notified :when the final plan forr-hard surfacing was finalized. Mr. Colvin, who had lost his house by fire, was granted a free building"permit if the site of the newhouse was not greater than the old one. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that the application of Mr. M. Colvin to rebuild his house which was recently destroyed by fire, be given without charge. CAKRIED Council was notified that Mr. J.B. Nickols at the corner of 27th and Trunk•Road had promises•to remove his fence from the centre of 27th Avenue. However, the Council was not in,favour`of granting him any compensation, as he had used the road allowance for a matter of 15 years. Application was read from Mr. P.K. Papeau to establish and rent a trailer on, his one acre property on Lougheed Highway. As this was not in conformity with the new Trailer Court,*Bylaw, Clerk was to notify him that this would.not be allowed. Mr..,C. Foster's appl.icatioh to cut cottonwood from the Alouette River on 8th Avenue was not accepted, as Mr. Bayduza had been given this authority some time ago°. r - . Minutes of May 2nd, 1958, continued. The Building Inspectors' Convention at Vernon was noted by Council and permission was given to-Mr..Morlez to attend, and a maximum of $50.00 be allowed, The Parking and Traffic Committee would establish '15 minute parking signs in front of the B.C. Uquore Storeh, if necessary. Mr. Armstrong, Sanitarian and Health Officer, reported that numerous letters and MFqM1Ud3rkK warnings had been sent to; -the Ailanwood.TrukeyFarms. on Lougheed Highway, to remove the nuisance that so many ratepayers had complained about. To date nothing had been done. Clerk was instructed to notify the turkey farm that ten.(JO)L days would be given to correct this or prosecution would follow. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the Allanwood Turkey Farm owners be notified that unless the above turkey farm's droppings are cleaned up by May 10th, legal action will be taken by this Council. CARRIED. Councillors Cox and Dunlop had, visited the Auto Court on Lougheed Highway between` 2nd and 3rd Avenue on the south side,,and now reported+that a Trailer. Court should not be alloweda'aas the area did not comply with our new Trailer Court,Bylaw regu- lations. However, they felt that additional cabins could be allowed if required. Clerk was to so notify the owner. Council was agreeable to black -top the corner of 14th Avenue and 29th Road.(Thain's Sote) to be carried out on a 50/50 shareable basis with the owner. Councillor Cox recommended that Maplewood Avenue north be also back -topped on a 50/50.basis® The Engineer would check this road first. The old complaint of septic tank odours arising from the ditch on 101 Avenue North was recommended to be given to Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitarian and again checked in an attempt to trace down who was responsible. Mr..E. Dunning, who was leaving on a short trip to Europe that the Council provide an areal photograph of Maple:Ridge and if this was possible he would's ee that this was placed in the B.C. House, London. All agreed that such a photograph could be obtained in the short time available, preferably in colour and Mr. Dunning should carry out this gesture. Councillor Nightingale reported that Mr. Robb and Mr. Anderson of St,.Annes Street would supply tile for the ditch fronting their property if Council would close same. Councillor Dunlop reported that patching was needed on lst Avenue, also Westfield Street and that a tree in tomly 'ark should be topped, if this was possible. Engineer noted same. Clerk was to call for tenders for the construction of a sidewalk on the Trunk Road between 8th acid 9th.Avenue, south side. It was decided that in view of the annual holidays the outside staff should shut down the last week in June and the first two weeks in July but the r should continue to operate.����2 The Engineer reported that the new bucket,w as already showing signs of wear and that we 'should return same to the owners as unsatisfactory. Mr. Wishart was now prepared to present a list of proposed black topping and he would have same typed. Mr. Wishart reported with regard to the proposed ditching of Ross Road. .He felt that the fall from the Adair Road was to the east and also west to 12th Avenue. The drainage problem on 8th Avenue adjacent to the laundry could only be taken care of if the owner provides the provision for same by easement. Moved by Councillors Sirmonds and Telosky that Bylaw No-476 (Speed -Boat Control) be given lst and 2nd reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Short Term Loan Bylaw No.471 and 475 �I be given 3rd reading. 6 _1_ 3 Minutes'of May 2nd; 1958, continued. Moved by Councillors Simmonds--and Nightingale that the notice -of motion and rule of procedure be suspended and that Annual Rates Bylaw, 1958, No.477 be giver_ lst and 2nd and 3rd reading. CAR? ED . Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that Bylaw No.474 (Service Stations Exemption) be given 3rd reading. WdUED. Moved,b Councillors Simmonds and that Bylaw No.4?3 (annual budget) Y� Nightingale Y g ) be given 3rd reading. CARRIED. ''Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision. of the North half +. of -lot 3 of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 12, and Registered Plan 1105, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Movedby Councillors Telosky and Cox -that the plan of subdivision of lot '9 and part of lot 10 of the North 1 of Lot 1 of the'Nor-1 of Lot 263,• Group 1,_P-1-an 17085, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved.by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given -to the sub- division -of portion of Lots "D" and"F" of D.L.400, Gp.l, M.9032, N.W.D., subject to the provisions of -the Road Subdivision Bylaw arid Engineer's approval. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the,xubdivision of lot "A" of lot 5 of the South half of D.L. 263, Group' 1, Plan 6918, be approved. CARRIED. ,Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the'plan of subdivision of lot 3 of lot 20, of lot 397, grup•l, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. ; Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the -plan of subdivision of the S.W., of Lot 242, Group 11 N.W.D.,.f ormerly lots-1 & 2 of Block 7, be approved. CAIZUED. Moved.by Councillors .Telosky and Cox that the plan of portion of -lot 5 of lot 1 of the N.E.-1 of Sec.20, Twp.12,_ N..W:D.-, be approved. A T1Y'/ D. Moved. -by Councillors Telosky and. --Uox that the.plan of subdivision of portion of lot 4 of the.N.E.r, of Sec.20, Twp.12, N.W.D., be approved. . CARRIED. Moved -by Councillors Telosky and Cox.that-tentative approval be given to subdivision.of lot 20 of lot.A-of part..of N.W.-,��,.Sec.16,•Twp.12, Plan 18230, N.W.D. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the -plans of W.J. Barnes be approved and a permit be issued to construct.a trailer court on lot 2 of 3 of Sth.1 of the S.E.w, Sec.29, `I'wP•129 Plan 5471. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the-ubsidivision of Plan of portion of lots 25 and 35 of D.L.432, Group 1, Plan 1208, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Parcel A of Lot 2 of lot 1 and of part of lot 2 of Block 4 of the South 2 of -Lot 263, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved, subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw.' and Engineer's approval. CARRIED. . Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the sub- division of Lot 10, SO R.P;.;15478, D.L.245, Group 1, Sk.7468. Carried- 6-1-4 Minutes of May- 2nd; -1-958, continuede Mr. Henschel's plan for the proposed building of cabins to be rented an Metcalfe Road, which is a residential area, was referred to the Town Planning Commission. A request has been made to purchase the, used wood -stave pipe. which had been salvaged. Council saw no reason why this should not be disposed of at 100 per foot. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Maple Ridge Employees Union Frank Dennis Mrs. M. Dennis Henry's Grill Lower .Mainland Reg.Plan.Board Lower Mainland Reg.Plan.Board Maple Ridge Hospital Assn. M.R.-P.M. Historical Society Powell Machine works Ltd. Minister of Finance Minister of Finance Swain's Cleaners Ltd., Griffiths & Griffiths B.C. Telephone Co. Stanley Brock Ltd. McCullough Electric Fraser Valley Mun. Ass'n. City of New Westminster Minister of Finance Co-ordinator-Civil Defence Minister of Finance Minister of Finance Minister .of. Finance City of New Westminster ..RayBrittain & Co. Ltd. The Gazette ,.,, Maple Ridge, Home Service Haney Garage Ltd. A. Vogl. . . Haney Glass Co. Underwood Ltd. Kanaka Concrete Products B:C. Equipment Co. Ltd. Public Freightways itd. Jack Cewe Blacktop Ltd. Parview Garage Cloverdale Paint &,Chemicals Ltd. National Machinery Co. Ltd. R. Sddon Metalex Ltd. Haney-Hmd. Motor Freight Highway Auto Wreckers Sam Saari's.Garage The Gazette Minister of Finance M. & L. Machine Works Haney Chain.Saw Dr. S.R. Arber MacKenzie's Hardware Ltd. --Paradise Inn Dr. J. V. Taylor Burr Office Supplies Ltd. Minister of Finance Magneto Sales & Services Hansons Ltd. Nelson Bros. Sawmills.,Ltd, March Dues Keep of Prisoners Keep of Prisoners Keep of Prisoners 1958 Ordinary Grant R. industrial. Survey Grant Grant 1958 'Grant Crusher Repairs Child Welfare Rental of Prov.Govt.Sheds-1958 Fire Dept. Accts.Pay.- 1700-Legal &,.Audit-$150. Police-26.31,Ha1; a/e-25.46,Pub-wks- 20.83,Civ.Def-9.23,Fire Dept-8.01 Hall a/c Crusher 1958 dues Coroner & Inquest Assessment.Expense Civil Defence L.R.O. Fees Contribution Refund Contribution Refund Refund Contribution Bulldozer Fire Dept. Fire Dept. Fire Dept. -Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Signs) Mun.Sheds (Cap. a/c) . Misc. Adman. Culverts & Bridges Bulldozer Grader-;.1.00,Gen.Rd.Yltce)signs)-2.00, Crusher-1.00 Patching Trucks .Gen.Rd.I4tce. (Signs) Crusher . Gen.'Rd.1'1tce. Gen.Rd.Mtce. (signs) Crusher-2.25,Tools-2.25,Bulldozer- 1.45,Culv.Bridges-4.15,Hall-1.25 Trucks Bridges-14.70,Bulldozer-2.00 Cap. (Swimming Pool) Print & Sup.- 349.40 Trust-64.60;Super-45.97 Shovel. Gen.Rd.Mtce. Police Exp:., Gen: Rd.Mtce .\ .Keep of Prisoners Police Expense Office Supplies Drug & Optical Graders Crusher _ —Shovel" Minutes. of_ May.2nd,_.1958, continued GENIAL ACCOUNTS C014T D. Vancouver ,Equip..Corp... Grader 22021•-y- Rewinding.Shop Trucks `- 5,87 �- B., C. Electric,_.... Hmd.Drain-4.99,Hall-86.60,Fire Dept-25,41+,- ., ....... ....... Park Bd.-4.20,Pub.Wks.-108:05••• 229.28'� Dietrich-Collins:Co. Ltd. Bulldozer-1.25,Dragline-183.80•• •..•• 185.05""` Laurie Lumber .Ltd.. `� Cap -a/c (Mun.Sheds) 87'.85 Stanley ,Brock .Ltd. Hall `a/c .. _ 26.20 W.G.. Al exander.. .......... Com'n •traffic-45.00,Trade-97.•50 •142.50 4- Haney'Builders.Sup.... Brush &-Ditch=4.73,Mun.Sheds-Cap-17.06 21.79. Regal Building •Sup., , .... , Haney- Sewer-2.36�;Brush & Fitch-11.59 13.95^'` Armco Drainage Ltd.••.,.•., Duly.-& Bridges 351.67 /• B & K Killing :Co. .. Hall 'grounds 3.12 nw Imperial Oil. Ltd. Patch-11:Il,Gas• & Oil 7:25,Cemetery-5.88 24:24-A We,st,Coast Motors. Ltd.... Trucks 1,56 H. Gibeault.......... ..... Gas & Oil 11.19'0. B.A., Oi-1 Co. Ltd. . .. Gas & Oil- • • • • Ill..19 "°'- F. Worfolk- .. ... . ...... Parks • Board . ..... :75.00 Av" Laurie Lumber, Lt.d..... . • Parks Board - 16:63 (1- Whonock Florist, Parks Board 13.13 ly" Pearce , Signs. ,'... .. ..... Parks..•Board Y19.95,1- B & M Supermarket.., Parks Board 18-019 "`- R.J. Chappell... .... .•.,.Parks Board 39.00^*6- Ray Stackhouse•,.. . ,. Parks Board' 39.00 ""' Peacock, Agencies.... , . , . Parks; Board 37.80 'W Hales Lumber,•... ... Parks Board 15.39'"v G..,Telosky Parks. Board•• ....... 6.00 nv A. Lyons.... ........... . Parks Board 7,50wr- X.R. Centennial,Committee Parks Board ........... 10:50 --- •C. Whitehead. Parks Board 136.50 ""' Pearce Signs,.... ...... . Parks Board 16.80'w' Brackman-Ker,Xilling Co. Parks Board 1.93'`' Nun. Treasurer. Tools-2:25,Assess.Exp-61.43,Unem.Insur-•• 298,.86)Office:Sup.-6.94,Gen.Rd.Mtce-700; .......... Ref.Bldg.Perm-7.00.,Trucks-3.20,Hall-3.50, ..Cemetery12.16,Mi:leage-26.60,Graders-600, Postage-90.-OO Hall grounds-50¢ 503.74°"- Receiver,General. Income Tax Ded..- April.. 859.65',A- Municipal.1'nployees.Union.. Union'Dues - April. B..C. Forest,Products. Hammond Drain 14-'08q& B:,D.. Durnin...:..... ,. Hall A/c 1:10 Min of Finance., S.A. Mdical :689:99 K. C.. Bruce. Civili Defence 56.88,w. Acme I! �achine.Shop.Col.. Loader-54.41,Trucks-35.00,Grader-99.67, ........ Tools-14.07,Roller-9.78. -212.93" Haney Garage ,Ltd... Trucks 5.30m•. Fleck Brose.,Ltd,......... Crusher-10.75,Gen.Rd.Itce.-18.16,Tools-39.80• 68.7a^y- •R. Muth &,Sons... Gen.Rd.lqtce-7.00;Crusher-33.20,Dragline-2. 0; .:...... Trucks-1.82,Loader-5.63,Cap.(Swimming Pool- 6.50 _ 56.65w�, Royalite.Oil Ltd., Hall-107.01,Gas.& Oils-438.26 545.27-,,, Butler Tire .Ltd.. Loa der 196.01� m; Minister •of •Finance .. • ... L.R.O. Fees r" 7.;14 Moved by •Councillors..Simmonds- and Nightingale .that the above 'noted accounts totalling •$29,305,43- .be .,paid.. , CARRIED. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: Greater Van., Water fiistrict W.W. Mice. 2,394.38 Bank of real Mont Com°n on collections 87129 Public Freightways Ltd. Yen1Y1adon.,Const-l0.71,W.W. Mtce-1..00.. 11.71 ,Imperial Oil Ltd. ...... W.W. Mtce:.:. _ ....... 4.54 R. 14uth &Sons W.W. Mtce. = .. ..... 6.13 Terminal City Iron•Works_ Yennadon Const-672.12,W.W.Ntce-17.48 .. 689.60 West Coast Motors Ltd., • • , W.W.. Truck. .. ..... - . 24, 70 . Municipal Treasurer. W.W. Mtce. 060 Haney-Hmd.I�otor Fght. W.ti"1. I�tce. 1.45 Purvis Ritchie Sales Ltd.; W.W. Tractor 31.87 Mar hallo Wells_ B.C. Ltd:., . , • W.W. Const-462.22,14tce-4619...90. . .. . . • .. 1082.12 Moved by Councilloed Simmons & Nightingale that the above noted accounts be paid. OADOTLIn Minutes of May 2nd, 1958, continued. .20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge Other Goverment REMPEL, Peter ............. .:.... 86.50 Super -Vale No.58...•.•e............'.6 32.00 BUCKLES Joseph •O.e............. 43.25 Parkview Auto Court .......... •.... 60.00 ENGH Theodore..._.•.............-. 45.00, DARBYSQNP Geraldine ............... 50.50 BUCKLES Joseph W.....e.... .43.25 Mary Allen, ....................... 80.00 BOZEKI Michael............... ... 88.25. Crestwood Guest .Home..::..•..•..•:. 409.77 LO-Y, William..... 36e50 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale.... .............e-. 105.00 yP09L'ZER� Jeanette ............... 43.25 'Aplou�(e�t7t�'e Priv. Hospital ........... 1054.70 DAW.50N. Dorothy.. e • . • . ..• ..-• e .. e . .5.00 , BABCOOK� Mabel e e .. . . e e .. e • . e . 6 66.50 - e e e PETERS, Richard T.. e...., 61.25e BAYDUZA''Mike...................... 176.50,E +iAI�HERS Merrit A..•.......... ......... 151 50 . .¢ 9 ,: .... 7;5.50 - DEI�TREY, Evelyn..... • •-... PRI,ST#60,D GUEST HOI�............ 206.00 FOYTIK Frank ...................... 122.50- Mrs. E-S' Nightingale........... 45.00 GENNOW' N . ia,rjorie........••......... 104.50"& Aloue'tte Priv. Hospital...,..._... 1065.50 . JACKSON, Almanda........ •.......... 140.50- fiMrs., J. Campbell....... • .... • ... 140.00"PATTEN j Florence...•. 158.50 ^� Mrs • M. 1'�arlone•..•oeo•••ewe..•e 35e00 SMITH, �Iaryetta •eee•.. Ilia a�uW6 e . . e . . e • . e . .-• . . . 'Mrs. M. Jones ........•••........ 140.00Mrs •Helena Kroeker •.® •97.5fl Michael. .... ...... 176.50"- USS/ IWJAN Jacob, ..... e ............ 104.50m BUCXLBS, Joseph ................. 86.504- ILCOX r -Frances ......e... 115.50 ^nBUCHOLTH Richard ............... 158.50,WILSON-Mrs. R........ •....... 25.0000RNWELL Herbert ............... 5850"ANDERSO�N Sven 55.00�' DRLA Barbara ..........•.•.o ... eG__Theodore.................. 45.00"ENGLISI, Mary .................. 7q•5O,-THE`W Frankeeo••eeeee.•oo•GILBRyPhyllis Te...se.•••..•e���•5OBT_�1••eoeo•55e00�• ' VH.............. *..a* 55e00- JENSEN Donald 10 0 CO11-EY F 40.00- •..e••. ••e.•see �•.o 4•�5 ,- Flora Meee •e e••ee.•••e.•a•• tiLAWRASC�N George • • .......... '� 4 6 G L ... • �n _ , e • ey 'j� 1• 1 N��j�, Louisa e e e e • . . • • e e'e a 55e00 'ROU .......••••••se�lW 161.50 `•HARDY • •♦.••......♦♦•s •..`. �` ROUX., tA�nna.... � /�/� ��ry' n7 Mabel 407.00 LORLIdZIi,'lAI ly......... a....a 3f-0-50-AIL LVIN- Inez.n .o..ee. o.. •.e •. •..e 3(•50� MATLOWEY, William e • e • • . •sea . . • • . • 71050 - SJ.MPS0N . Rheta•Le ... e . e (}^h .•e.00••e 55•�(7 rIEHISP Merrit................. 106.00, BRiThEAU; Rene.............. • .. 74.50"" NEIL, Julia ..................... 74.50m CLARI Wilfred. .• 158 50' • e • • e e • o e • e . o • e . • • s V YYP16'lF. , Ruby B.................. • 75 . 50-. DE Y ON Geraldine ..:... -. • ... ' : ;' - 92 . 50"' NYHI7SpI Sarah .. -.. . e ............. • g2.50,'AtKVIEW ivl0'TEL (Darbyson) .: • .. :: 60.0¢ OoT AND kll�da•: .•••'.••.ees.•.•. -61.50- DL'QUIRE" Leona e.ee....s•......•e.• 104.50 A" PETERS9 Richard........ 122e50-1MQiEDY".Lorrain.................. 140.00"" FOELZE. Jeanette......... .... 86.50^4LUND1 Wally.... ............... . 1 8.50 5 " REMPEL., Peter ................... 86.50/m.MacXEILL' Marion.................. 122.5011` RICE'_James..................... 212.50,- MORRISON, Michael............:...'. 59.50" SEWELL� Horace .................. '7.6.50 ,w.NORRIS' Robert... •...:........ • .:. 86.50�` SHARP' Alice..• ................. 61.50� MacKAY Norman .... :. 55.00` SIMiS ... RYAIJ ' e e . . . .� Marjorie<.. •...•....... 104.50�, , Riellarde..e.......<........,* 50.00^" STEEVES, Margaret ............... l04.50*-RRAhCE? Alvi.na............ .... 55.001" STEioART? Margaret ............... 86.50,. HAVSON3 Leatha .........I.......5... 45.00- RALBOT, Eleanor........*... ... '-134.50,K JQHNSTON) Grace ....... 6....... ....o° 20.001" VANPELT3 Adriaan................. -86.50 h LANSALLP Rosemary.................. 45.00""- WATERFIELD� Arleigh............. .j...a• s •. • • •.. • es.. -46.OOmMcC.�A9T' 'Ema......... ....... 45.OflWILLIAMSMna.••e..e..ea.• •.w.•86es0nUALaY _d th• •• •oe.ee••• ••e• se••, , 42e50TM TiI1Aa 10,.00-r�-JOHNSONMary ..•••o..eee e••s.99.00A ALLAM, Frederick................ 55.00.A1QERSOH Howard.<........:...e... 10.00"' FRITH Joseph B................. 55.00-,ROB RTS Mar ........ 10.00j" GUS AFSON. Adolph, ............. 55.00m.STEPPLER, Valentine............... 10.00,- LEE, William ................ 55.00,w►Vancouv6r Gen. Hospital. ....e.'.:... 75.000 'Frederick ................... 50.00-r- Dr. N 4t Huculak......... ..r..e e. 42.00 Ma.cDONALD, Daniel ............... 55.00- DeWolf's Rarekt........... .. 10.00- MacC ,.Martin J............... • 45.00n,�Black's Drugs............:•....... 4.80/K MCVEETY' Clifford .... . ........ 55.00,Y- Haney Cafe...•..'......::.. e..: • . 20.27r" MATTHE'dS' Thomas W............... 55.0010\Price's Confectionary............. 16e931m SENFT, Harry........,........... 35.0011" . MAPLE RIDGE CONTiD. STONHOUSE. Lewis ................ 42.50,w BEAULAC'\Marie-L ... 55.00 TONER... ....... ....e.... .. .e 55.00 BOYS T v�.n•• •e••e .•e. � � anna.$ Pe•w••e.e e••.. n.e•••e• 4O.fl0'"� ALLAM9 Mary ..................... 55.00ft,CAMPBELL, Ida..................... 55.00^., BALD Virginia .................. 45.00n&CARTER Mabel............. 55.00 , COWkRDP Isabella ....... .......... . : 55.00�.DAWSON'� Dorothy. ...- ......... ....:. 45e00� FUNK -Eva ..................•..., 40.00,K GOODRI CH, � Arah • • • s . • s e o e • .... 55.00 • e • • . HENSCHELLJ, Kate ................. 55.00,m H&9ITT, Sarah....... e.... 40.00 m. JACOBS�- Lucy. ...:...•.......•....• •50.00,,, KILSBY� Chr%stina........:.. 25.00 m. KLAt3UNDEi Dora .................. 40.00m KLASSEN' Helen............ .•.... .....•.. 40.00,m MCRAE, Esther................... 45.00- MBE Esther.... ....... ' •..•..% .• •.. ••.' .•• 45.00 MOODY' Flossie .............. • . ,.. 55.00��I�iUAY� Edna... • .•.. 55e00 �► NAK RAC Ito.. 55.00 rm OSWALD� Gertrude.• ................. 40.00 - PE;Ahr;N Edna................ e 00'v+ PIPO'Anna.....'....,,, JJ{ n�� ,,. • e e 55 • 1 ' �1L1a'e e • e . • • • "• e s . • •e • . • • .. • • • • 55 • flfl qN ' Minutes of May 2nd, 1958, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS"C_> lD. 20% of Amount Showsn - Maple,Ridge. SATINS' Mareda ...................$55:00^ TAYLOR, Annie .................. 3 45..00'"- FROTTM, Mabel .............:.... 50.00- TM'UCKEY, Bertha.................., 55.00^ WAGNER, Rosemary ........... .\.. 55.00- DIONNEE Margery.. ............... 86.50-� GIESBRECHT........... . . ' -City of New Westminster- 17.00� Dist-. of -Surrey... ........... 14-50"Peter Bokstrom.................. 90.00^"1- Dist. of'Burnaby............:.. 28:00"°`Dist. of Coquitlam.............. 10.60,11 Minister of Finance............, 91.1.4—Minister of Finance.. :.'....... . 32.30— Mrs. F. H. Cox ................. 10.50o*14a.ple Ridge Ambulance..:......:. I"sinister of Finance .... ........103.90 — City of Vancouver........... ., 135:91"'� Twp. of Richmond.. .. 15.30/r'� Shopeasy Stores .................. 72.82 Dist. of Matsqui............... 38.02t+° Fuller -Watson Ltd................. 20.79 /— City of Vancouver .............. 152.56rl" roved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that totalling $v13819.17 be, pi.ad. No further business.meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Minties of May 14th, 1958. the above noted accounts, CA�:tRIEDµ:, avE CLERX .- Full Council met Wednesday, May 14th at 8.`00 P.M. for the purpose of a hearing Ior Zoning Extension.Bylaw No./+72. Moved by Councillors Simnonds and Telosky that the'Hearing for Zoning Extension Bylaw Noi472 is now opened. CARRIED. A delegation was present from Westend Road and presented a petition signed by�seven or eight property owners', asking that the road be either hard surfaced or oiled.to eliminate the terriffic dust mt nuisance. The petition also stated ` that the auction barn at the corner had caused a terrific parking hazard on the, highway and also that they were parking,on both sides of Westend Road, The Reeve'explained that there were over 120 miles of gravel surface roads in the Municipality to be hard surfaced and those r"esidents fronting on same were expected to contribute towards the cost of same; as a dust layer was only a very temporary measure and benefited only the houses on each side of the road, the cost was in the neighborhood of 100 per foot of road. ._a The.delegates were not satisfied with this, therefore the Council decided to table the request until the hard surface program had been finalized, following , further informatio'n-,with regard to the replacement of the loth Avenue Bridge,. as this would require a revision of our budget figures. With regard to the ,-....:parking, however, signs would be placed on Westend Road,,the Highway, however was not under our jurisdiction. Mr. L. Carr was the next delegate to support the approval of his subdivision .plan fronting on Lougheed Highway. He was aware that final approval would have to be given by the Provincial Department and the Access_ Highways Act; before this, however, the approval of the Municipality was necessary, which they were prepared to give and the necessary motion resulted. Minutes of: May 14th, 195g,-u-w ijued. No further delegates, the correspondence was read from the,gmtside Workers' Union No.622, inviting Council to their pcinic at.Swans Point on May 25th. This was noted by all present. Another letter from the Union notified Council that over 90% of the Workers werein favour of the group insurance plan, as outlined by the Sun Life Insurance Company. Clerk was-to•notify•.them,that. as the budget had been -closed -and this would add a further expense -to -the -Municipality., the matter would -be -tabled -until 1959. The police report was read and .filed. The -`Reeve -now -gave -information regarding an interview with•our-Assistant.Foreman Mr. • Zeron • relative• to some of the outside working• crews- and he was prepared to carry the -investigation further until he was -satisfied -that -the workers were giving a~fair return f or the wages they were°paid:...... 'The -major, -collapse -of our'l4th Avenue bridge; crossing -the South Slouette river was now outlined by the Reeve Jin detail and the matter -was -now in the hands•of our Legal Advisor. When further information was available a special meeting wcu]d be called. At the moment a temporary bridge had been constructing, alldwing'traffie to pass. In the meantime, the Reeve would contact the B.C. Electric Officials with regard to -releasing water from the dam, which may injure this temporary bridge. As the Reeve would be leaving -for Victoria at' the end of May -for a Conference of the Mayors and Reeves of the Dominion, and would be away for five days, $150.00 allowance was approved for this event. - Councillor Sinmonds recomnend-ed that all bridges should be inspected and -posted with maximum weights and he also -requested that an illuminous sign be placed' at the entrance of the Wittall property on River Road. On request, Councillors Simmonds, Telosky and Nightingale would visit the foot of No. 6 Road, junction with 30th Avenue,.to examine the possibilities of brushing and flaring -out -the-' -intersection. The.)purchase of a new mower for the Maple Ridge'Cemetery was approved and Councillor Simmonds would arrange for the purchase of same. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the Walker and Webber account for $1506.00 and also Surrey Excavating.Company's progress with'swimming pool, in the amount of.$14,154.58 be paid, CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds tend Nightingale that Bylaw No.475 (Capital Borrowing) he reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved•by,Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Bylaw No,471 (Capital Borrowing) be 1-�-''.,reconsidered 9finallY � ssed and adopted'" - CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Bylaw No.474 (Closing Hours) be reconsidered, finally passed, and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that Bylaw'No.470, (21at Avenue Water)'be given third reading: CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Simmonds that Bylaw 96"47, (Rates) be reconsidered, .finally passed and adopted• . CARRIED.' Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Sirmnonds that Bylaw No.473 (Budget) be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted, i CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of a portion of Block 9 of a portion of Lot 401, Group_ 1, N.;VJ.D.-b approved and the road .be approved subject to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Engineer's approval. CARRIED. [ Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of Lots l,2,3,4,15,16 and 17, of Lots 18 & 19 of Lot 397 be tentatively approved, subject to the provisions of the Subdivision Bylaw, Committee's approval and also Access Highways Act approval. CABAL, Minutes of -fii' '14tYi� fi95-contiriuedo Moved by Councillors =Telosky and Cox that_ the --plan of subdivision of Lot 7 of .a 14.0 acre portion (Plan 31:10")-and of portion of Parcel G (Ref.Plan 2893) W of Lot 277, Group 1, N••D•,.be approved.. CARRIED. Moved1by Councillors Telosky and'Cox that the plan of portion of Lot l of Lot 2 lof 37.27 acre portion of Lot 249., Group 1; N.W.D., be approved,.subaect to ';the Road Subdivision Bylaw and the Engineer's approval. �i CARRIED. Moved -by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of.plan of portion of Lot 2 of 9.96 acre portion of Lots 278 and 279, Group 1, Plan 5740, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the subdivision of Lot 1 and Lot 3 of S- of D.L• 242, Plan 1101, N•W.D., subgect to the*Require- ments of the Road Subdivision Bylaw and Eingineer's approval* CARRIED. A request was made from the Parks Board that a Bylaw be prepared for —the control of motor speed Jboats at Whonock Lake, to definitely prohibit speed and power boats from entering or using the lake administered by the Parks Board and that signs to this effect should be posted. Council unanimously approved this and ordered a bylaw to be prepared for third reading. Mr. J.:Hohn requested permission to erect another duplex on his property, bordering on the west side of the Municipal Sheds. This has been inspected by our Assistant Building and Plumbing Inspector, Mr. George Mysel; and approved. Council was familiar with the location and also approved the issuance of a permit.to Mr. Hohn for this purpose. A large .sketch was now presented by Mr. Don Morlez, our Building Inspector, with reference to the constraction.of Municipal truck sheds. The.sketch was examined carefully and being familiar with it, approved same, as long as the total -cost did.not exceed $5,000, as itemized in the budget. The result of the supreme Court Jehovah's Witness' action, of which Council was notified by the Clerk had been handed down. •We were now awaiting notification from our Solicitor, R.-E. Lester. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and 'Simmonds that the Hearing for Zoning Extension Bylaw No. 472, is now closed, and now received third reading this day. CARRIED. No further business -meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. 620 The Corporation of.the. istrict of Maple Ridge Minutes of May 28th2`T5'58. Full Council convened for special meeting primarily to; discuss the hard .surface and oiling program in detail. A short agenda was referred to, commencing with the resignation of Pound - keeper, D.F. Cadsand. Resignation was accepted by the following motion:, Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that Danny Cadsand's resignation as Pound Keeper be accepted as of May 31st and Mr. Pete Lazar of 32nd Road be appointed as Pound Keeper of Maple Ridge effective as from June lst;.1958. CMRIED. The Maple Ridge Zoning Appeal Board notified Council of the results of the Supreme Court action brought about the the Haney Congregation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which read as follows: 15th May, 1958 The Reeve and Councillors' District of Maple Ridge, Haney, B. C. Dear Sirs: Please be advised -that, by a Writ of Mandamus issued out, of the Supreme Court of. British Columbia in Vancouver on the 12th of May, 1958., the •Zoning. Appeal Board for the District of Maple Ridge was ordered to direct the Municipal Council of.the Corporation of the, Municipality of Maple Ridge to issue or.cause to be issued a, building.. permit as applied for to the Haney Congregation of Jehovahts Witnesses for the erection of 'a 'Church on Lots 5 and 6 of Lot 'IF".,Block 1, District Lot 245, Group 1, Plan 14367, New ;Westminster -District.. Therefore, the Zoning Appeal,Board of Maple Ridge hereby directs that you issue a building permit as applied for to the Haney Congregation of Jehovah''.s -Witnesses •for the erection ,of .a Churchon the Lots above described, provided, of course, that all municipal by-laws othr than the Zoning Bylaw with which we deal.are complied with. Yoursmsincerely. MAPLE R I,DGE ZONING APPEAL BOARD L. W. Hawkins., Secretary The Maple Ridge Junior Chamber of.Comnerce notified Council of their plan to form mt a Teen Town Youth Movement. The Reeve, who had attended the meeting on.May 21st,_gaye a short report on the matter and recommended that Council should give them support in an attempt to alleviate the juvenile problem that apparently existed throughout the province. A petition was read from Davison Road off 22nd asking for either hard surface or provide them with a dust layer. This was tabled, pending the results of this program, for which this meeting was called. Another letter from N.A. Weiser, dealing with the same matter mn Malta Avenue and Selkirk Street was also tabled, waiting the results of the program, Letter was read from lire L.J. Hodgkinson, 14asking for permissionto raise Chinchillas on Lot 16 of Skille'n Avenue off 26th Apad. The Clerk had already notified Mr. Hodgkinson that the minimum acreage, pursuant to our Fur Bearing Animal Bylaw No.284 required at least 5 acres. Council instructed the Clerk to advise Mr. Hodkinson that if he commenced raising Chinchillas, the Bylaw would not be enforced until Council was requested to do so by the immediate neighbors in that area. Letter was read from Mr. J.W. Anderson of Dewdney; B.C., stating that he had purchased the West I of Lot 5, Sec.8, Twp.15, plan 2798 and now asked that the road allowance be opened. Clerk was to notify the writer that Council would not promise when his road would be opened, as the expense would be'to great to warrant same;'but as the road allowance was there the Council would not deny him the right to open same at his own expense. +�1�tiriutes ofiay 28th, 1958, continued. Mr. E. Walske, representing the L.P. Party, requested Council -to strongly protest to the P.U.C:with regard to the proposed B.C. Electric and B.C. Telephone increased rates to the consumers. The Reeve explained to Mr. Walske that the strength of such.' a protest lay in the consolidated effort of all Municipalities through the U.B.C.M., who are prepared to get the best talent procurable to -'present the case. The Municipalities in the Province were in the\process of creating a fund of 20,000.00 to meet the cost. Mr.'Walske;,who was apparently satisfied, retired from the meeting. Mrs. Saari had requested the Clerk to ask Council's permission to allow her to move an old'trailer chasis that had been left on the property which was purchased by the Municipality at our water reservoir site. The trailer had belonged -to her family and she could make use of same asma bird pen. As it was of little or no'use to the Corporation and it was e&ppreciated very much and also considered personal property, Council granted her permission. She offered'$5.00 but Council felt that they would allow her to move it without cost. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and'Uox that the Zoning Amendment Bylaw -No. 472 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 476 (Motor Power Boats) be given third reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky°aid Cox'that tentative approval be given to"the plan of Lot 4 of a 38 acre portion of the Northwest Quarter, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 6833, N.W.D. CARED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of a portion of Lot 7 of Lot 245, Group 1, Plan 1007, N.W.D., be approved subdect to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and the Engineer's approval. j CARRIED. Moved by Councilors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the subdivision of plan *of Lot 18 -of the Southwest Quarter, Section 16, Tp.15, Plan 8688, N.W.D. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox.that the plan of subdivision of lot 1 of the South Half of Lot 242, Group 1, Plan 1101 be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision plan of Lots 1, 3 and 4 of Blocks 31 and 32 of the West half if Section 20, Twp.12, N.W.D., be approved, subject to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and the Engineer's approval. CARRIED.. z Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of the north 126 feet of Parcel A. (Ref.Plan 13772) of Lot 15 of Parcel A of the Northwest Quarter of section 22, Township 12, Plan 9364N.W.D. be approved. CARRIED. Councillor Cox now brought up the matter with regard to the necessity of the Waterworks Department p-drehasing a small pick-up'truck for the Foreman's use, as he was taking and returning men from their work, which interfered with his duties. The extra truck would allow the workers to relieve him of this. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders in the local paper. The truck should be equipped with back-up light, turn signals, spot light, heater and defroster. The matter of sprinkling regulations were now discussed at length and it was decided that in the next issue of the local paper we should change the regulations to read that odd numbered houses would sprinkle on the odd number days cif the month and the even numbers on the even days of the month, throughout the Municipality and that the hours would be changed to 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. The advertisement should also read that the Bylaw would be enforced and the maximum fine for violaters would be $100.00. 6 2 2, Minutes of May 28th, 1958, continued. Councillor Dunlop asked for a test to be made with regard to spraying the roads des with 24--D. The Engineer noted.same., The proposed'black topping and oiling.of.roads was now considered in detail and the Engineer presented copies of his submission'.quoting'.both footage and cost per mile. As the ai6unt'listed.in the budget, for this work totalled $30,000.00"and the typed list of roads .and avenues,presented.by the Engi.neer'approximdted.in the neighborhood of" 25'000.00., it was'felt that the surplus would be spent" in oiling roads, as the approximate cost of one mile of oiling equalled $500.00, this would cover 10 miles® It was left to the Council to bring in their recommendations auto what roads should be oiled and present same at the.next meeting. Councillor Telosky reported that Mr. Price.at the corner of 8th and'.Trunk Road was not satisfied with the proposed position of the sidewalk from there to 9th Avenue, on the south side. Councillor Cox had also been informed by Mr. Price that he would not cortribute,towards the cost of same, unless the sidewalk was moved_ back. The matter eras left in the handsof the Engineer to interview Mr. Price, and report back to Council. In the meantime the construction .of the sidewalk would be held up. A lengthy discussion was now entered into regarding the outside workers and their attitude towards work. The discussion lasted until 12:15and eventually adjourned to convene at a later meeting. All were.unanimous that we were not satisfied with the progress made by the outside wokkrs and that more investi- gation should be carried out. No further business meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. 623 Minutes of June 6th, 1958. The regular monthly meeting -convened -at 9:30 a.m., Friday, June 6th; full Council preserit.' Mr. Jonesof Whonock requested that 25th Avenue south of 6th Road be oiled. .Council felt that this could be included in the program and the Engineer was to note same.. Mr. Whitebone, representing the Garden Hill Funeral Parlours, protested the increase in his TraA Licence fees from $30.00 to $100.00. He felt t�iat this was the highest rate for funeral parlours paid in the Valley and should be reduced. As Maple Ridge had raised many of the rates by amending the Trade Licence Bylaw and other Municipalities were still in the process of doing so, we would contact others and inquire as to the proposed new rates. Mr. Whitebone also asked foratt.ention on North Street west of 8th Avenue to 7th Avenue; suggesting that it shoald be widened and paved. The Engineer would look into the matter. A delegation of Mrs. Trethewey, Mr. Dean and others, speakingfor the Equitation Centre,, presented a plea to Council to provide some protection and service for the benefit of horse riders. They recommended that signs be erected a suitable places warning the driving public that horse riders were in the vicinity. Council was agreeable -to this, if the members would provide the painted signs and signify the places to be erected and Council would erect same. The second request was would the Council bulldoze or grade off the road shoulders so that same could be used for a bridle path. Council could not promise.this as,it would involve a great expense for -the benefit -of so -few to enjoy. However, as the major problem appeared to be to connect with Garibaldi -Park the Corporation would be aaying new water mains on 8th and 32nd very shortly and they 'would then consider whether it was possible to level off the back -fill over the mains so that same could -be used for horse riders. The third request was for permission to ride horses along the dyke tops. Councilireferred them to the Dyking Commission, under whose authority the dykes were operated. Mr. Streng of 8th Avenue asked for permission to erect a triple suite on Lot 10, West z of Section 20. Apparently the building was well advanced .and no permit had been taken out. As a,letter was on the agenda, written by.the Building inspector, asking that the permit be held up until the Building.Byla-w regulations were complied with; the letter was•referred to, which.signified that no plans had been presented and that.an old barn was being embodied into the new building and apparently 10 feet of same was on the neighbors property. J Moved by Councillors -Dunlop and Nightingale that a Building Permit be granted to Mr. Streng,, providing that all building Bylaw regulations be complied with. CARRIED. The Agenda was now referred to. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that the minutes of May 2nd, 14th and 28th be adopted as circularized. r CARRIED. The police report was read by all and filed. A letter was.read from.the Yennadon Ratepayers asking for gravel and grading on dth Avenue north of 3.2nd and east to the end of 34th,Road. The Engineer noted same. 13 624 Minutes of June bth, 1958, continued. A petition was ;then read from the.residents on 32nd Road, that this area between 8th Avenue and l4tki Avenue be zoned for residential and farming purposes only. As the majority of the property owners had signed same, lst and 2nd reading was given to Zoning Bylaw No.,,1'79 and the Hearing - date would be published in the local paper to allow complainants to protest the zoning if they so desired. Moved by. Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that 1st and 2nd reading be given to Yennadon 'Zoning Bylaw No. 479. V ALRiED . School Trustees Hopking and Livesey were -present and inquired with regard to the proposed sewer disposal line runing south on 21st Avenue from Trunk Road. As they were asking for information with regard to the clearing of the road boulevard they were informed that they should first obtain a con- tract price from Siddon or,others with bull®dozers, as our crew was too busy to consider.doing the job at this time. A letter was read from Solicitor C. Genge, notifying Council that Mrs. Pritt was demanding compensation.for the loss of -her husband, when he collided with our road grader. Our'Insurance Agents had been notified of this accident -on.' March 30th last. Letter was also read.from Mr. W.J. Biggs asking that�his black -topped driveway be connected with the proposed hard surface on 23rd Avenue. Clerk was to notify him that this service had been discontinued same years ago, due to the increased number of requests fpr this work, which had disorganized our public works -program considerably. Mr. Shaw, of the B.C. Electric, accompanied by Mr. Paulson and Mr. Woodward, now entered the meeting to discuss the gas line right-of-way running through our Public Works property. The Council had asked for compensation of $5000.00 for the easement but the B.C. Electric representatives felt that this was entirely out of all reason. A long discussion continued and Council emphasized the fact that comparative land values and compensation paid to others had no bearing on this particular matter; as the property was not for sale and no other site would be suitable for the Municipality. Future use value, which was denied us, appeared to be the only debateable point and from the Corporation's view point this easement would jeopardize the functioning of the whole public works grounds, as it isolated a portion on the north of the right-of-way. The B.C. Electric delegation appreciated this.entirely new view point and realized that this was: a liability to the Corporation for all future•ti.me. As the Corporation had .owned this property for the last 40 years and were working in line with a master plan, they were not in a position to move and establish on any other location without A great loss. This was the view point of the Reeve and all Councillors and the Company officials retired to present this new phase to the head -quarters. Park Commission 1T. C- Brown now reported to Council- the estimated cost of building the dressing and locker rooms for the swimming pool, which was authorized by motion. Moved. by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the dressing rooms -and lockers for the swimming pool be constructed at an estimated cost not to exceed $5,000.00. CAtZRIED. Mr. Brown also outlined the favourable progress of the pool and.'he felt that it would be ready by June 28th. Council were of the opinion that the administration should come under the Parks Board, which called for the next motion. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the Centennial Swimming Pool, on completion, be turned over to the Parks Board for administration. i CARRIED. 4 Commission Brown also recommended that the vacancy on the Parks Board,!caused by the death of Mr. Bailey should now be filled.by Mr. R.J.�Kirkpatrick,,who was well known to the Reeve and Council. r Moved by Councillors Cox and Telosky that Russell _G._Kirkpatrick be appointed Park Commissioner for the remaining_portion-of 1;-58 and 1959. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that the Maple Leaf and Blueberry street decorations, along with some small centennial flags be erected by the outside crew. 1 CARRIED. i f` Minutes of June 6th, 1958, continued. Moved by'Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the Power -Boat Bylaw, 1958, No. 476, be reconsidered final-ly"passed and adopted. - � ; :CAftRIE�7. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of.the East:,half of Lot 45 and 46. of the West half of Section 20, Township: 12•, Plan 1161,. N.W.D., ;b e approved. i o CARRIED. Moved,'by Councillors Nightingale and `Dunlop that the notice of ;motion and .rules .of ,procedure be suspended and that,the Maple Ridge Percentage Addition bylaw, 1958, No. 478, be given first, second and third reading this day. /ryaA-ppppI Moved by'Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of Lots 2 and 3 of the South half of the Southeast Quarter of. Section 29, Township 12, Plan 5471, be approved,.subject•to., the Road Subdivision Bylaw and -the Engineer's approval. CA.R.RIF,D.. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the -subdivision plan of a.portion of_Parcel ".G" of the West half of Section 20 of Township 12, be approved. CATUUED,. WATrffWORKS ACCOUNTS: B. C. Electric L. Volker H. S. Skillen George, Bentley Anderson Realty Ltd. Deeks-McBride Ltd.' Port'Haney Brick Co. Greater Vanc.Nlater Dist, Haney -Hammond Freight Sam Saari!Is Garage R. Muth &:. Sons West_Coast Motors Ltd. Purves. Ritchie Sales Ltd. B. C.. Electrif The Gazette Marshall -Wells Waterworks Mtce. 125.48n.. ...Refund Deposit 401833 ^^ Refund' Deposit Refund Deposit 387.39 -, Refund Deposit 199.50 � :. Reservoir (Cap. a/c) 41.58. Reservoir ).Cap. a/c) .12.29'M Waterworks . Mtce. 2103..94 Mtce.-11.50,Const-11.91 G ' 23.41 Waterworks Mtceo 6.30^ Waterworks Nitce. 1.12 Waterworks Truck 27.09 — Waterworks Tractor 14.08 ft- Waterworks Y•itce. 1834'D49 �iaterworks Mtce. 18.00 :July Sub-div.-193.66,Mtce-1556.67 1750.33 . PAYHOL�S _ MARCH j.,Mtee-1311.96, Const-89..90, Connections-348.95,Sick Leave-26.40. APRIL Mtce-1255.45, Connections-398.40,Holiday Pay-1.63.20, Const-315.00 KAi Mtee-953.85, Reservoir-397.64, Connections-559.20,Holiday Pay-26.40, Const-367.80 IYioved by Councillors Simmonds $5769.53 be paid and Payrolls, GENERAL ACCOUNTS: and Nightingale that the above, noted accounts ,,t otalling as listed abov e. Frank Dennis Mrs. M. Dennis H. J.'Cocjrill Henry's Grill Municipal Officers' Assn. Receiver General . Accommodation Committee U.B.C.M. Maple Ridge Jr. Band B. C. Telephone Walker & Webber Surrey Excavating Co.Ltd.- Map1e Ridge Construction - School District No. 42 School District No. 42 ` Canadian Pacific Rly.Co. CARRIED, Keep bf�Prisoners 47 00 Keep of Prisoners 19.00 ^� Keep of Prisoners -10.= M Keep of Prisoners 13 .3 5 Delegates' Expense 14.bO ^^� Gen. Rd.Mt ce. 2.00 Delegates'••Expense 60:00Z Grant 150:00 ''� R.C.M.P.-25®3o,Hall a/c-40.99,Civil 1` Def-7.98, Pub.WkS-20.08,Fire Dept-8,56 102.92- Centennial Pool (Cap a/c) 1806.00'm Centennial Pool (Cap Res.a/c) Z 154.$8""- Sidewalks i� 611.00"� Advance 50000, 00'"h� Advance ;' 50000.00 `"° ` Gen : Rd i I`1t ce . 5 . 00 ML 626 iiriut of June° 6th, 195% continued. GENERAL .ACCOUNTS CONT' D. Parsons=Brown Ltd. Insurance Corp. of -Dist. of Pitt Meadows Police -Salaries Workmen's Compensation Board Compensation The Gazette Minister of Finance Minister of Finance' G.H. mood-& Co. Ltd. Auto Radio Service City of Vancouver Fraser Valley Reg. Library Carswell Co. Ltd. Burr Office Supplies Parsons. Brown Ltd. Enaert Plumbing & Heating Frank Dennis W.:McTa•ggart H. J. Cockrill .S. A. C. - ,Studios Anna Seigo B•. &. M..Zupermarket A. G. Hartwell Magneto Sales & Service Hanson -Fraser Ltd. A., Vogl Garden Hill Funeral W.,H. Cunninghamd & Henry's Gri.11 Metalex Ltd. Len"',s Auto Body Shop ,Office Specialty Civil Defence Child Welfare T.. B. Units . Hall a/c Fire Dept. Coroner & Inquest Library Assessment Police Expense Printing & Supplies Fire Insurance Mun. Sheds,Cap•/ac Keep of Prisoners Deep of Prisoners Keep of prisoners Trucks Police Expense Tools - Gen.Rd.Mtce. Tracks ..... Bulldozer-1.30,New Sheds Cap-68.2,, Gen.Rd.14tee-1.26,Trucks-2.27,Crushei 3.05,Hall a/c-1.89 Gen.Rd.itce. (Signs) Chapel Coroner & Inquest Hill Ltd. Tools (Cap a/c) Butler Tire Ltd. Electric Home Service Maple Ridge Home Service Meiers Decorating Morris Electric G, A. Roedde Ltd. _ R. J. Scobie Stoltze Motor Freight Municipal Employees Union Receiver General Minister of Finance Hanson Fraser Ltd. B &( 11 Supermarket _.. Deep of Prisoners a Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Signs) Trucks Cap, a/.c (-Police)-61.32•, O ffice , Supplies-17.80 Trucks Mun.Sheds-(-Cap a/c) _ Fire Dept: Trueks Halla/e Assessment Expense Trucks Cap a/c - office supplies p Union Dues - May Income Tax Deductions - May, Trust-64.50,Superannuation-45.97 Parks Hoard Parks Board Haney Builders -Supplies Ltd— -Parks.Board . J. Raymond Parks Board Stinson's Drug StoreLtd. Parks Board Frank W. Drew h Parks Board F. Worf olk Parks Board Albion B. A. Service Parks Board R. Siddon Parks Board R. Siddon Parks Board United Farmers Ltd. Parks. Board Mers Decorating Parks Board The Gazette Parks -Board R. Chappell Parks Board Earl Middleton \Parks Rbard Garage arage arks, Board Newberry & Hesselton ParksjBoard Fuller & Watson Parks Board C. Whitehead y Parks Board. Aggie Hall Trust A/� 'arks Board_.. Expense Account- ` Hall a/e-5.60,Ref.Bldg.Perm-10.00,. ^__�--- trucks-6.25,Unem.Insur-308.04, Postage-12.00,Tools-2.75,Office,Sup- 2.10,Hsll grounds-.99,Deleg.Exp.- 250.00,I�jisc.Admin-1.00,Ref.Fines-& 134.00- 98.90.E 172.21'W. 3.60�" 182.25 - 221.97 — 27.94- 69.62- 54.05- 1864.80 - 2.35— �9.30T&.. aO.54- 719.34q& 72.00- 7.75- 17.00 14.60- 3.75,. 2.19(bo 198.00 v. 4.80"1- '77.97� 54.28r 47.00`m 83b.7511y" 9,75 — 33.681- • 3e50" .79.12— 156.09—. 35.59' 9.48". 8.23 "�- N 6.05"" 12.60— M 1.26^y. 1.25'' 76.00w 774-.19 *v "110.47- 8.48- 11.85"` 12.63` 20.50- 4.15' 24.00'" 17.50'K 5.00- 80.00' 300.00"Y" 3.20"- 29o%o�- 7.20 13. 50 ` 20.00 1.79 9.77 2.42- 90.00 �14.02 '"" Costs-32.00,Ref.H.O.G.-28.00,Mi.leage- �} 22.00 668.85 Tools 4.17 B & M Supermarket hrI mutes of June 6th, 1958, continued, ' GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONT'D.- -r r Public Freightways Ltd. Gen.Rd.117tce. (Signs) 1.00r"' Jack•Cewe Blaoktop•Ltd..... Patching = 70.56 1" Haney -Hammond Motor Freight.Ltd. Crusher-1.00,Bulldozer-1.00,Ha1'1=.'- " J.I V, Naylor ... J 1.25 .................. Police Exp: ....... .... . � 3.25 S:OO fw Albion B. A 1 ion Service Tools s • ,29 ff� Rewinding Shop. • Grader 3 00 "* D'r. A:J. Trudel Coroner & Inquest 125:00 Hgh;.�ray Auto Wreckers .. Tools ..... , ..... 3:50 Dr. Arber Coroner & Inquest..._......_ -10:00'** Bchlick, Pitt .Meadovis, Loader ...... 5:13 The Gazette Office -Supplies - •56.59,Advert. •& Printing-147.03,Dog.Tax-6..65,.. Assess . -p. -5 ..20, B1dg.Insp..Costs- 79.70 .. • ...... .295 ,17 Btackman-Ker Milling Co.Ltd. Cemetery-78.70,Hsll.Grounds-6.28 . 84.98 r° K. C. Bruce Civil Defence. .. . .......... , f5,6.79`- Haney Brick ,& Tile, Ltd. , Gen. Rd..Mtce.-1.39,.Brush & •Ditching-1.10 2.49 ' Fleck Bros.., Ltd.., Tools,& Equipment,- .. .......•. 226.97 "` National Machinery. Co., Ltd.., Roller-49,79,Crusher.-47.61•.••• •'97.40 Fields Weld,ing;Supplies Ltd.. Tools &-Equipment ............ . ... 24..52'9- Royal ite Oil Co.. Ltd., , Ha11-38.11, Gas & Oil1308.11- • • • • • 1346.22 V, Parkview Ga rage. .. . ........ . Trucks 39. 70 '"' Regal. Building. Supplies, Ltd. -New Sheds (Cap a/c).. ....... .. 63.34 Cant. Pacific, Railway Gen. Rd.M._ tce'. . .......... 5.00 Haney. Garage_ Ltd., .G-raders-15.10,.Trucks-23,93 - • - -39.03'M Nelson. Bros., Sawm_-il s. Ltd... 144 Ave. Bridge-32-0.83,,Trucks-17..53, Bridges •& Culverts,308.70.... • , ... 647,.06,yr- Cambridge, Crafi, Co.. , , New Sheds (Cap.)-�.68,, Truck sal•.58• • 2.26^'"' R. Muth & Sons- . Loader-48,02 Bulld.ozer,L1_.00,,Crusher- . . 26,41;Trucks=19.32....... ..... 97..75^v- .Sam Saari ' s Garage Shovel: ........ 7-.181f- Canadian Industries Ltd... Gen.RdJltce.. 1 8.5b� Standard Oil Co. Patching ........... .30.61,�,. Dietrich-Collins.Equip,... Crusher-281.90.,Dragline-169.34.• 451.24,,h- Imperial Oil. Ltd, . Gas & Oil .. 7.09 Haney Builders.Supplies..... Brush & Ditching-19,55.,Sheds-24.78, „ a Hamriond Sewer-5.29,aideiralks-19.95, .. ..., ' Gen.Rd:Mtce.-15.16........ 84.73"w B. A. oil Co. Ltd . Gas & Oil 1..1.75'm Maple Ridge,Lumber Co. Bridges . ...,,,,..,.,• 2,02 n� Hammond Motors •Trucks 5.50'w Columbia Bitulithic.Ltd. 'Patching-100.00 Cemetery-r25.00,Sec. Hwy.(W..C.Bridge=96.00. 221:00 v W. G. Alexander Commission on Qollections..,,. 168.75°0- B.C. Eiectric . ..... .. Hammond Drain-4.99,Ha11-72.15,Fire Dept-23.02,Parks Board-6.03,Pub.dorks- :... 212.01, St.Lights-31.0.99... 629.19ft- Minister of_Finance .. Hospital per them ..........•. . 4560.50 w Acme Ma,chine.Shop.Co..Ltd. Trucks ,..,.. . .. 143.4.3 " R. C. Johnstone Cemetery •2.41'vf' PAYROLLS - iqxY .. Gen.Rd.Mtce•-41.23.71, Brush & Ditch-1.743.68,P.atchi,ng-:284.90, Cemetery-5b7.30;Crusher-1550.80, Bridges-361.14,Bridges-992.69,Hol..Pay-21.29,. New She'd s-55.66 XHa 6nd'Sewer-26.80;Parks-1060 OO,Fire.Fighting-69.6o Admin- 4678.b7, APftIL Gen.Rd.�Itce-4513.57,Brush &-Ditch-2195.60,Crusher-:1062.,OO,New Sheds-135.52, Bridges-818.66;Cemetery-564.20, Holiday Pay-98.88, Sick,Leave-225..60,Stat.Hol.-772.24, Haney Sewer=20,20,Parks-1060.00,Patching-107.40,Iiammond,Sewer,-18..39,Admi.n-4499.82 MARCH-Gen.Rd Wkr-664*64" rush & D th-14b9.00,Priv.Cross-9..90,.Patching-653.20, Crusher-329.6b,Cemetery-4.25.00,Bridges-1279.45,Sick Le4tire-110..40,.Hol:Pay-84.00, Parks-388.00,Sec.Hwy-�960.60,Haney "Sewer-33.00,Adriiin.Payro11- Moved by Councillors Simmonds'and Nightingale that the above, noted accounts, totalling w4;891.73;and payrolls as listed above, be paid..,,._, SARR(DED. Minutes of June 6th, 1958, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount Shown Maple Rid&e r" Other Government . - •,�' II Doris Y e e � .... o . e . e .. 86.50 �'4'Y' 'VV4P1'JAL, Harvey o e e ......... s o 26.00o' ... P SHUF ITA. Petr.............122.50-T BISHOP'. - • . . e < e o e s .�. a . o 90.00� _ .. e % ��y{�K '7' (� �.j(� 7 �7t�onna.. uI , -Marie....- . e . . e . • e e e ....125. 50 ""�^ ?i�+L.�.�Lt,�.lV i1NJR Charles .. • . e • . e e . . ♦ ' /� 55. 00` WiCKHAM Levi..<............® 5.00 M 'UOYM' Rene............. ...... 74.5 r"� 0 Crestwood Guest Home......... 20.00 M-PAULSWaldemar...............r. 27.50'" Mrs. E.S. Nightingale ........ 208.50 M ROSLJ0. Flifford............... 52.25"- Alouette Private Hosp....... 1109.50 m BETGER' Donald.................:. -5 5:00'w"- Mrs. J. Campbell.............140.00 '^_S1v1ITH' Maryetta.................. 4.00 Mrs. M. Marion ................ .35.00 - ROSLAND' Clifford............... 52.25" Mrs., rs. M. Jones................140.00'"" PAULS.-Waldemar................. 27.50/m BOGEK' Michael... .............1-76.50 ,, DARBYSON Geraldine............ s 24.00"''` BUCKLES., Hoseph... .....-...... 86.50 v .THOi�iAS� Edith................... 22.50'Y''` BUCHOLTZ9 Richard...,..........158.50 ,^ BALZkNTi, Delia ............ 92.50-y°` ENGLI:SITY Mary ................ 79.50 Crestwood Guest Home............ 191.77^x GTLBORT' Phyllis-.............104. 50 -Mrs. E . S. Mi..ghtingale ........... 1-05.00 "" LEROUX Anna ......>......... .169.76 Alouette Private Hospital ....... 1054.70'm LOr3EVZETTA' Emily............140..50"*-Mrs. M. Martyn................... 5.00 LOWRY.-, William ............... 36.50''" Miss Donna Bishop ................. 48.75`"` 111ATH�L� is S' Merrit.... .........106.00 ^'� BA.BCOOK' Mabel..,.....•...:....... 6b.50 NEILP Julia .................. 74e50 ^ BAYDUZA, mike.................... 176.50 " NEV'TMAN, Ruby .......... ..... .. DER�TR1,T Ezfelyn........ y.ee...e.e. 69.50 - NYHU ' Sarah ............... .. �75.50If • ..... 92.50,o, Franks....... 122e50 OSTIsA�iD. Hilda ............... (F�OYTIK, 61. 5a � GE12aOW, Marlorle........... .... 104.50 PETERS Richard ...... ........122.5:0°�� e . J�iCKSO p-�Almanda.............. is� POELZER' Jeanette............. 86..50 ,� PATTEN Florence. ............... 158.50 m, REMPEL, Peter,................ 9 -86.50- SMITH' Maryetta..-...........0..•. 86.50� RICE'. James 11................,205.00^� USSI✓ MAN' Jacob 104.50- SE Z- LLB Horace..... .........1,76. ................. 50 � WILCO' Frances .............. 115.50-- SHARP' Alice < ..........:..... 0.0 61.50 /rn; 1uI:LSON a Mrs. R................... 25�.00 "1`• SHUjfFFLITA' Peter.............1/2�2.5/0� � La7'_ VIERRE, Ada 140.-50 SI1+ � - Mard ori:�e . • e • . . . .. . . . .. e ................... 104. 50 m Ai317�,R5®N.' Sven ..... . ....... ..... 55 ST,EEV•ES' Margaret............ 104.50.- ENGE'.Theodore ..................e e.00AA 45.00 � STEWART, Margaret ..........186.50f- HOLTSLkNDER' Charles : 55.00" TALBUT Elenor.... ...... E.:...<� ' < ... 55.00"" VAN PELT Adriaan...e........ 86.50 all, OW�"VS' Edwin. 5.00^ uVHITF, Doris. ............:... . GIB,3 d' .....• ....;...oa 86.50^d Ba`%' ,T�t, Hattie................. 55.00'- . 5(0� ,^� CC)REY' Flora... e e • 40000/- WILLIAMS Mona , 1".�onae • . e e . . • • . . . • s s �5}1.. ... . ......... GALE 06e5V ' Lou`J�ar < s q,-Mabel..................:. 55.0V� L,II.LLI Mariel.................176.50 . • e .. . • . e • e . . e ... 40.00- ALLAM' Frederick.. ... 55.00 MARYKUCA' Jean.. 55.00"N FRITH' Joseph ................ 55.00^^ T�^LVIN,'Inez............e.... 37.50.E GUSTAFSON' Adolph... ...... ..e 55.00 mm BA1,Lt ld Y1u D1iea.. .......:.. ' 104.501^ KLASSEN' Abe for William..... < , 55.00^^^- ERUi�MAURene........... 74.50'm LEE Frederick............... 50.00ma CLARkE, Wilfred................. 158.50ro MacbOIRALD' Daniel............ 55.00 mn. DARBYSOI' Geraldine............. 70.50" McCANN'_Martin ............... 45.00110' Mrs M. Allen.................... 54.004*�> Me TY' Clifford.............55.00^-w DEGUIRE' Leona.................. 104.50,m. MATTI WS., Thomas............. 45.00 DIO1agE,, Margery................0 '86.50^ SENFT Harry .................. 35.00 � GI.ESBR�ECHT Jacobi .............. 154.00'r- STONHOUSE' Lewis... ........ , 42.50 , GOYER' Rene ..................... 74.50-, TONER, Alvin ................. 55.00 KEi3NEDT Lorrain................ 140.00-ft, ALLAM' -Mary ..................... 55.00^^ LUND' -Wally .............. .... . :.. 148.50,m -BALE, Virginia. ............. 45+00^f�, MacNLIL' Marione...,..-.e.<<..... 122.50 - BEAULAC' Marie.,L, ........ so, '55.00 1W MORRISON 'Michael.....`:....:. ., 59.50 BOYE' Tannis................ . 40.00- NORRIS, Robert 86.-50mN CAMPBELL., Ida ................ .................. 55.00 - AUGUS'TONN' Samantha.............. 55.00'm COWARD- Isabella. ......-55.00 - ,- ...... -- RYAN ... .........etl.: Richard:.• 50 00^� DAWSON,.Dorothy.•........... ... 45.00'1'v1--ARRANCE' Alvina;...:".,....<.:..; 55.00'- FUNK Eva........ V ............ 40.00 - HANSEN . _ Le atha..... 45.00 ^rA ry,_ G�O7O7DRICH Sarah.........'..... , oases. ✓.. s..m Grace ............... .. 55.0/0� - 20.00'"� HEISCH�L�L Kate • • i • e .'. . e ... < P • • J 7JO��H14ST'O`N' 55.00'm- LANSALL . .... .. s ..V. J Ma.rgaret.:-.. • 45.00 All HEWIT'T' "Sarah ................ 40.00mm-McCA114ANT Emma.............:.. ; 45'.00AY'- JACOBS.$ Lucy. .•..:............ '-50. 00,w, WALKEY' Edith..a..%� . -42. 50 /1'\ KILSBY' Christina:........... 25.00� JOHNSON' �y...e 99.00 KLABUNDE' Dora............... ......:........ 40.00"v. AN1D]�NSON, Howard..........-..,,.,.* 10.00^1' McRAE, Esther ................. 45.00 rtw R08MTS' Mary .. . .. < e . ..... s e s�.. • 10 a 00 /A Minutes of June "6th;"1958;'continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS CONT,1 D. 20% of Amount Sown Maple Ridge t Other Government MOODY., ;Flossie; ...........i:.... 55-QOr-.. STEPPLER' Valentine..... 10.00 IgUiLAY, Edna ............... �... 55.0011• Maple -Ridge AXbulance.........:.. 12.00'-. OSWALDP Gertrude..............9 40.00rt-, Haney Cafe. ... ........0.....a 14.55r^ NAKAHARA� Ito .................. 55.00,r- Super -Value No. 58................ 5.00 1- PE.AR;N� Edna.................... 55.00'�A I.G•A. Store.. ................. 20.00'"� PIPO, Anna. <.................. e. 55..00- Henry's Grill.................... 13.10'- SARISti � Mareda ..................:55.00-k. Dr. H. F. Morse.................. 98.00'- SIMPSON, .Rheta........... ......... 55.001m Dr. F . A• 115.00'"` TAYLOR, Annie ................. 45.0011A Dr, P. Bokstrom....•... ......... 90e00f0_. TROTTER, Mabel ................ 50.00nA- _ Dr. P..Bokstrom............ ...... 90.001ft TUCKEY, Bertha ................ 55.00�*A Super -Yalu No. 58................ .27.00 m- 4AGNER,, Rosemary........ ...... 55.00-. Triangle Taxi Service ............. 5.00n.. CARTEi� Mabel ...............•.. 10.00ert R. Hayes.......... ........ ...... 6.00"'` HAS. Jennie ................. 10.001"n Super -value -No. 58......... ... 25.00"'� WICKHAM., Levi ................. 10.00^- Haney Taxi.. ............0...... 2.901'- OSB-Or- NS Ltd .............. e ..... 5.20 /- maple. Ridge Alv`bulance......... , .. 24.00 r. nti Corp. of. Delta ................ .33.07 - Haney Hotel..... :...::..,...... 3:50 m Mr-s-. E. Gifford .. ............ 4-.250' McEwens Grocery, ................ 51.03^"` City of New Westminster....... 13.80'- Dr.. H. F. Morse............•*.. 103;00*&- Maple Ridge, Ambulance......... 12.00Jll : Disty of Surrey ............... 15.00 ---@. City of Victoria .............. 6.07- Dr. ': •Bokstrom................ 51:.0Or, Or- ,Dist.- of Coquitlam:............ 9.;-75,m. City .of Victoria....':.. .. .. s 7.750 ,w s Corp. of Delta.....* .... 33.071,*- Dist. of Matsqui.............. 16.13nk Minister of Finance............ • .35:171"- Twp._'of Richmond.. ............. 12:97 Maple Ridge Ambulance.......... 29.00nwm. ,T. aA. Nikiforuk.......... ..... 6.00 : Maple Ridge Ambulance.*... ..se: 12..00nw . _ .. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $13,834.04 be paid. CARR.IED , As there was still unfinished business to attend -to Council adjourned at 12:25 p.m. to meet again at 7:00 p,m. 7:00 P.M. The request from the Albion- Community Club was dealt frith by the following motion: Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the grant of U00.00 be given to the Albion Community Club. CAR= A similar 'request from the-tiJhonock Memorial- Hall was turned over to Councillor Simmonds to inquire as to exactly what their needs were. Mr. •Summerville, a farmer on 14th Avenue, wa.s given permission to cut hay on the "LEgion Property" for the.sum of $10.00. The Reeve now reported on the necessity of installing a rail guard on the retaining wall on.the Lougheed Highway, south sidei_-Apparently a small child had fallen over and was -now recovering in.hospital. The Reeve would investigate whether this was a Provincial or,Municipal repponsbility'and if ours, -would recommend that we call for contracts to do the work. Many other places in the Municipality were reported to need similar protection. This would not be considered until the Lougheed Highway installation,'was made. The press reports of uncouth behaviour of youths at Alouette Park had been replied to by the Reeve, which Would no doubt be published in the Province and Sun. Our local R.C.M.P. Detachment had received no information, telephone calls 630 Minutes of June 6th, 1958, continued. or anything about the matter and Council were all of the opinion that this occurred on Provincial lands at Alouette Lake, which is not under our supervision.. The Reeve also reported on a meeting with the Websters Corners Ratepayers, regarding the bridge approaches, which had now been completed and were very satisfactory:. The Engineer would now estimate° the• cost• of a• sidewalk across -same;-if-it is at all possible. -Itwas felt•that the requests for oiling roads-were•beyondi•the means of the - Municipality, • being• far too numerous and that the ten• miles • proposed would have- to• be the• limit• unless the' hard surface program - was cut down: • Councillor• Simmonds asked that the - Reeve and- Council.• meet- with him on,River Road• at° Whonock, on . Monday. •Councillor•Telosky referred•again to the new subdivision-off•5th Avenue which had been -reported did not need ditching. It appeared -that -recently basements were- reported• to• have• flooded and therefore Councillor• Telosky asked Council to take �a• second look at the matter. Councillor• Cox- reported that Mr. White had- complained• that- Council in 1951 had demanded a lane to be given when he presented -his -plans -for the South,West corner on the junction of Trunk Road and 10th Avenue•.• The- plan. was referred to and it was evident that. Mr. White had provided the, lane. which- was very necessary as the lot was in a commercial zone and it- required- lane- service, Councillor Cox also received a complaint from Mrs Holtby with regard to the flooding of her lot next to the Anglican Church- on Selkirt Street. The Engineer Would look into the matter. ...... The selling of Stanley Hardware Products, in private- homes• Councillor .Cox reported, was on the increase and the retail merchants had asked=him to investigate the matter as to whether they were properly licenced•..--The clerk would 'search the records. The matter of the shortage.of water was now discus-sed and it was pointed 'out. that over consumption by continuous sprinkling eras greater than the supply coming into the Municipality. This sevege draw off naturally, reduced the pressure with the result that some homes would only receive a -trickle and- quite possibly those onihe higher levels may for short periods -receive nothing. The matter was discussed at great length and the Reeve would arrange, if possible, for the Engineer of the -Greater Vancouver iIater Board; Mr. Patrick, to attend a special meeting. Councillor Cox had attended the Whonock Ratepayers meeting, accompanied by Councilloi Si.mmonds ax d Telosky and he felt that the ratepayers criticisms were not all justifi•• neither were them demands. The three Councillors if elt that .the Whonock Ratepayers did not appreciate the fact that we had other districts to serve and that we had limited budget. Councillor Cox had reported to them: that they had- received their share and that our records would prove this. He recommended -that later in the year we prepare a statement showing exactly what had been spent with regard to public works, in all -ratepayers districts. Clerk informed Council that this could be done if desired. Councillor Dunlop reported that Mr. Holland on lst Avenue and Powerine, was using the road ditch in order to drain his basement. Councillor Dunlop .informed Mr. Holland that he would do this at'his own responsibility and.notT Councils. It was now necessary to ditch, grade and �gravel the cut off road from 17th Road to Eougheed Highway, as it was being used as a short-cut from 2nd Avenue to connect with the Lougheed Highway. The west side of Dartness Street had been torn up by the installation of gas lines and definitely needed attention. The Clerk would telephone the Abbotsford office and inform them that- they should contact Councillor Dunlop in Hammond when - they arrived® �_� ��__.--�—, - • Councillor Nightingale reported on the North Fraser Valley Health Unit meeting, particularity with regard to the proposed extension. This would cost in the neighborhood of $17000 and at the moment they were approximately $4.000. short of this sum. He also stated that a new health doctor. had been appointed, Dr. Smith and it was anticipated that the Sanitarian would be provided with an Assistant. Minutes of Dune 6th, 1958, continued. No further business meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Minutes of June 16th, 195$.' met At 2 p.m., Monday, June 16th, full Council/with representatives of the Greater Vancouver Water Board to discuss the shortage of water in Maple — Ridge during sprinkling periods. The'members of the Water Board advised Council that an adequate supply was on hand at all times, as the surplus' in the company's tanks had not been reduced below five feet at any time ,this'year and thepressure at'third Avenue pumps was held at 55 pounds pressure. Therefore, the problem of delivering to the consumer would be in'the Corporation's distribution lines. The Reeve and Council were well aware that their.lines were quite capable of delivering`the water needs of the users during 9 months of the year but during the prolonged dry spell the demand was three to four times greater than usual. All present realized that there were two remedies; either the users stop wasting water or the monthly rate be doubled during June, July and August to enable the Corporation to provide the capital to either increase -the 'diameter of the delivery lines or build up pressure in same. During the present dry spell the users were using far more water than they paid for at the rate -of §2.25 per month. 'With regard to the wood stave lines, which were installed in .1946/tag, at a debenture cost of $248,000.00 with a 20 year life, $131� 000.00 was still owing on this issue but it was good for another ten years,. With the exception of parts of the old Haney and Ham;nond lines, which *had been in use before the Corporation acquired same;.all water lines installed from 1954 to present date were four inch cast iron, in all new subdivisions. All were quite adequate to serve their present and future needs. Our own Water Department is and has been aware that the main trans- mission lines feeding into four inch cast iron viill be gradually replaced with larger pipe, following the c6mpleti6n`of the Websters Corners reservoir, which takes priority. It would appear that the Greater Vancouv6r'Water`Board members had nothing informative to offer the Corporation to remedy their problem. They would not guaranty a minimum pressur, however, they did express their willingness for our Engineer to discuss our problem width their engineers. The rumours that some users had no water at all would definitely bear in- vestigation. It could quite possibly prove that the low pressure was not sufficient to handle their sprinklers or that their avan lines, installed by themselves, of a smaller diameter was reducing the flow to a trickle. The Board members retired at.3:40 p.m. The short agenda waz now referred to. A letter was reqd from the Yennadon Ratepayers asking Council when preparing the Zoning Bylaw that lot size should not be below 100 foot frontage, with an adequate length. Letter was read from property owners on Davison Road north of 22nd, asking that same be hard surfaced. Council was agreeable to this on the under- standing that they contribute $30.00 cash per lot before work is commenced. ti Minutes of June 16th, 1958, continued. Letter was read from the Whonock Memorial Mall, quoting a figure of. $600.00 for the replacement of their --water system. Ass a request had been made for Council to contribute towards this major expense for a smaller community hall, the following motion was approved. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Whonock Memorial Hall be given a special grant of �&'200.00 for repairs to the waterworks as outlined in their letter of Tune llth. CARRIED. Mr. Lee of Ruskin had asked what was the decision of Council with regard to the sale of _the -old. f eapt 8 Lo ging'I oa:d; which ran through his property. Council felt that as the. -frontage that entered the junction of32nd and .12th Road would make a very desirable.lot, the -remainder of the area was offered to Mr. Lee for the sum of $250.00 or Q61,000.00 for the complete right-of-way, including the road frontage. The contract for brushing done by Mr. Leonard Oling was approved in the amount of $60.00 The .'motion amending Pound Bylaw No. 383"A", allowing. mileage to be charged in excess of three miles distance from the -'pound was- approved. Moved by.. CouncilloA Dunlop --- an.d Cox that Section 6 of the Pound Bylaw No., 383"A" be amended as. .follows: "That following, the words 'cattle .each five dollars_! shall be added land 20¢ per.mile for each mile travelled, -hen impounding, in excess of three (3) miles distance from the.pound." CAR-P,IE7D. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision of Lot 5 of. D.L. 4. 8, Group 1, Plan 17346, be tentatively approved., subject to the provisions of the -.Road Sub- division Bylaw and Engineer's approved. CAI' D. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that Doctor John H. Smith b.e appointed Medical Health Officer for the Municipality of Maple Ridge. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that'the Percentage-Idditions Bylaw., 1.958, No. 478 be reconsidered, finally passed andadopted. CARRIED. Councillor Cox reported that a bad hole needed fixing on 25th Avenue at the bridge approach. Engineer was to be notified. Tenders were now opened for the purchase of a Pick-up Track for the Waterworks Department. General Motors ......$2134.00,plus tax 'Yepd.Studebaker...... 2090.00, rr rt Ford ................. 20$9.29 Dodge ................ 2030.21 'All four tenders were turned over to the Xachinery Committee to investigate in detail, make a decision and -award the contract. No further business meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. c�� CL�t2K G 3 Q Minutes of July 4th, 1958. Full Council convened at-9:30-a.m., Friday, July 4th for the Hearing of the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw and also their regular monthly meeting. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the Hearing now be opened for the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw, No. 479. CARRIED. ` The original petition reco ded.2l,for zoning and 16 had not signed. Council _was now faced with another petition requesting $ names be withdrawn and 2 to be added; resulting in 15 for the zoning, 6 against and 16 no expressing any opinion. Mr. Krell, speaking on behalf of the "nays", felt that the,zoning was too.premature at this time and that the property -owners -were not quite aware of what they were voting_for, as some were of the opinion that all they wished was protection from Trailer courts being established in their area. The speaker supporting those in favour of the Bylaw was Mr. R. Edgett, who _had still 16 owner absentees to canvass. The Council realized•that:all ,petitioners and owners should receive further detailed information on the matter., -therefore the Hearing was adjourned to a later date. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop,that today's hearing of the—Yennadon Zoning Bylaw be adjourned and the next hearing be on August lst, 195$ at 9:30 a.m. t MovedbyCouncillors Dunlop and.Cox that the minutes of June 6th and 16th be adopted las..circularized. CARRIED. Mr. Jones.of Menzies Street east reported that'his request for the cutting of,,.grass on boulevards had not been complied with. The Engineer noted same. The CIrk was directed to write the B.C. Electric and B.C. Telephone, informing them."that.they should not leave pieces, of stray wire etc. on -the boulevards, .as.it. caused -considerable damage to our grass.cutter. Mr. Pallot, speaking for Mr. Lee, who was an inmate of Alco Infirmary, -asked for permission for Mr Lee to -cut 6 or 7 cottonwood trees on our boulevard adjacent to the infirmary. Permission was granted without chaege for same. Mr. Pallot also asked that,$2 Avenue South, should be either hard _surfaced or`smoothed down, as the.road was very rough, left in that condition by installers of the gas lines and it was.very hard for pedestrians to 'climbe t he hill. Mr. Holbeck of 22314 Selkirk, reported a very bad water connection and felt that the stoppage was before it reached their property. This would be reported ;t o.the Waterworks Foreman for attention. The agenda was now referred to and a petition.was read from the owners of 33rd Avenue, asking that this road be hard surfaced. Clerk was instructed to in- form the first name on the petition that the road was not ready for hard surfacing. The police report was read and noted. Letter was read from Mrs. 0. Leaf of the Blueberry Queen.Zommittee, requesting the usual grant of $50.00 from Council to supplement, the cost of the Queen's wardrobe. Moved,by Councillors Cox and Dunlop that a grant of $50.00 be made•to the Blueberry Queen for the year .195$. Another motion was also approved for $15.75 Mr. Frank Neuman. CARRIED. compensation for chicken loss to Moved by Councillors Cox and Telosky that the sum o£-$15.75 be -paid to Mr. Frank Newman for poultry killed by dogs - number- 35 birds, CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlo and Nightingale that 1st and 2nd reading be given to Bylaw No. 481 (Parks t COED. 63 Minutes of July.kth, 1958,,continued. Sergeant Calvert.'now reported�to Council; recomaeending the use of"Ghost Cars" for spotting those driving --beyond the speed limit.,' -particularity on the Trunk Road. He was authorized to arrange with local dealers to rent cars,,when needed, and to change the model frequently and to spread the rentals as evenly as possible among the local dealers. The Reeve nowareported on the inquiry made this week in his private office, with regard to complaints made -,;by :Pluinbers that municipal workers under the � super- vision of'our Plumbing Inspectors were cutting the contract: prices and'evading the regulations of the Plumbing•.Byiaw. The Reeve and Councillors present at that',neeting felt that: there was no foundation for these charges whatever and the work of constructing the dress*ng rooms at the swimmixg "pool, by the Municipal Inspectors and municipal -`work crews, was a good job well done, with A -great saving of the taxpayers'.'moneye' Councilor Cox'. reported that a new connection was necessary at the laundry on lower 8th . Avenue- at an -'approximate- cost` of 9150.00 and: in - view of the fact that this was a replacement job to provide a greater volume of water, consideration should be given to the Municipality either reducing the installation charge or sharing in the cost of same. The -Water' Committee would look into the matter and report back. Mr. Ken Bruce, Civil. Defence Officer, reported on the progress made by -the Civil _Defence Auxilia ' Police, which had patrolled the parks nightly and had. given very good service. to. the Parks Board, who were happy to note the good behaviour that was being. observed in,'. the parks.. Mr.' Bruce f elt that it was the.: proper time to again bring up the matter of the request to uniform these nevi`Aux.l ary Police and he reminded Council that there was $300.00 in the Civil Defence Budget for this purpose. Council was aware of this, as they had delayed this expenditure some time Ago awaiting proof that the Auxiliary Police would prove'their need for uniforms. Council was now prepared,, to pass the expenditure -of this, amount, for 'the -purpose requested. Council was prepared totaccept $30.00 from each lot owner on Maplewood Avenue North, as a contribution towards Bard surfacing. Preliminary shoulder gravelling would have to be carried out by the'Municipality prior to black topping. 'This brought -up -the -matter' of amending the Road Subdivision, Bylaw. Clerk and Engineer would review same and bring forwarded an amended bylaw, reduiring the subdivider to lay water lines on all subdivisions which were -adjacent to exisiting water lines; also, it would be. necessary to increase the quantity of gravel on the roads from to three (3) yards per lineal yard, and it-, would be the duty of the subdivider to' hard surfacedthese 'roads,before `the plan was approved. A motion to amend the Bylaw was as follows: Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that lst.and 2nd reading be given to Bylaw No. 482, an amendment to .our ;Road_ Subdivision 'Bylaw. CARMD. * The request ,of taxi drivers to close the ' taxi stand on the south side of Lougheed Highway, if one additional• taxi stand was allowed on the north side of the highway, totalling threeln number, -,was approved. Mr. -John Wren reported that the ditch on his"side'of llth Avenue and. Trunk Road was infested with rags and needed attention. The Engineer noted same. Councillor Dunlop asked that no more time be `lost in wiring up -the newly installed gas pumps at the municipal shed property. He also felt: that the, Contractor who supplied our gas and diesel fuels should also supply all other oils that were to be .purchased. This the• Council agreed to. Councillor Dunlop also asked who had the authority to discharge men. The peeve replied, the Engineer and the two Foremen. He also wished to know -if the brushing test on a selected road to determine the cost of the work had been abandoned. The Reeve's answer was no and that Council should endeavour to select. an average brushing job so that this -could be given a test. Mr. Airth of Hammond wished to know the cost of tile in order to ddrain Chigwell Street. The Foreman and Engineer would provide the figures. 635 Minutes== of July; 4th, 1258, continued. Mr. Campbell complained,to-Co ncillor Dunlop of. the inequality .of -•.lower Hammond Townsite's assessments, adjacent to his property; which appeared to be out of line. The Assessor had been advised to correct.same for t1959 if such were out; of• order. Councillor Nightingale gave.�a detailed report.on.the Civil Defence Meeting `held at Sumas and the disaster angle and evacuation if. and when necessary. .............. Councillor Nightingale also brought up,the matter of the. necessity of,side- walk. adj!spnt to the Kerr_ property on ,the Lougheed, Highway, . north side, east of,�th.,Avenue. Council.would-share.on•a 50/5b*basis and this information should be`rtalten, to Mr.. Kerr.. _ a .... .. s The Clerk now brought up the matter of. replacing the oldest -,typewriter in the office,, purchased in 1939. It would cost, in. the. heighborhood. of $66 io.�70.for a renovation job and this should Ib_eIcompared with the discounted purchase, price, including the trade-in value of $40 thatcould provide us with a new electric typewriter -at approximatelib75.00. .Council approved `the' purchase of a new ,one and the Clerk was _ orddred to go ahead with, it. Moved`by Councillors' Telosky and Cox that_the plan of. subdivision 'of lot 5 of the east 2' of`thesbUfi' east of section 22, township 12, N:W.D., be approved, subject'to, the, provisions' of the. Road Subdivision Bylaw. and Engineer.'.s` approval. ................... . .CURRIED. Moved ` by' Councillors ' Telosky and Cox that the plan of ' subdivision of . portion ' of lot '42'of'the`west,21;+of section 20, township 12, N.W.➢. be�approved. ................ CARRIED. Moved`by`Councillors'Telosky and Cox that the plan'of'subdivision*of'the.south 15 '6f'the'north`2 of lot*263, group 1, N.W.D.,'be approved. V ............. CARRIED. ... Moved'by'Councillors'Telosky. and Coxthatthe plan' of'subdivision.of lot 4 of the north iaest`�'of'secton-3, township 12, N.W.D.;,be approved,_providing that tW ten'foot (101)'addition to the.width of*No. 6 Road be slashed,and.cleared to'meetIwi.th Engineer's approval. �nl�DTI . • CARRIED. Moved'by'Councillors'Telosky and `Cox that the.plan'of'subdivision'of portion.of 'lot"4'of'portion'of Parcel A of the north west.w.of.section 3, township 12, 'N.W.D:;'-66 i roved;" .......... CARRIED. Moved `by' Councsillor'Telosky ' and' e Cox -that th- plan ' of subdivision of , portion :of aots:43 and.44 of the west $ of section 20,.township be -approved. CARRIED: Moved 'l y' 'Councillcrs 'Telosky and' Cox that the plan of ' subdivisiari *of .portion of "lot ' 26 ' ( plan " 7499) -arid of, lots A and B ' of lot ' 27 of lot 3 of lot 245, group 1, ' ' 'N:W:D:;.'be`approved. ................... ........... .................. CARRIED. ...... , Moved `by'Couricin&J 'Telosky and Cox that the plan'of 'g-dbdivisieri 'of lot B. of block 1 'of `the `riorth 'east of section= 29, township I2; N. t.D., 'be approved-. ............ ....... ... CARRIED. Moored `by 'Councill'ors 'Telosky and Cox that teftative `approval .'be 'given 'to. 'a ,subdivision plafi .of :a :7.:987 parcel of D.L. 241, group 1.,;Sketch '17:166, Plan 4921� N.W.D. ...............• CARRIED. Moved by 'Couricil"lors ,Telosky and 'Cox that the piari 'of _subdi.visiori 'of 'parcel ."M" of the south east 4 of section 16, township 12; 1v.1rd.'D.'; 'be 'approved, subject to the provisions of the Road Subdivision 'Bylaw 'arid 1rigiiii4, approval. CARRIED. Minutes of July.4th, 1958, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of amount shown _ Maple Ridge Other Government CUNNINGHAMD , Bonnie...............$122.50^wm ESSER Mary ......... ..............� 58.25w�,. KLASSEN, Helena.... ................ 40.00 h^ DARB&K, Geraldine............... 5.00-k NEIL, Julia ........................ 30.00 - ROGERS, William 0................0 1.22.50'o SEWELL 43 5 - HELQUIST Robert .. 45 "'" Carole A ................... .2 , .. ....... ...... .00 SIMPSON� Alfred....:..............0 25.00'"^. JOHNSON, Mary..................... 2.25 SIGOUIN� Louis... .................. 30.00" GIESBRECHT, J........`...........:. 22.50'1�% Crestwood Guest Home ............... 20.00 ^'" SMITH;.Maryetta.................... 32.001m Mrs. E.S. Nightingale .............. 172.50/n NELSON, George.................... 15.00""' Alouette Private Hospital.......... 884.00 ^ HUNTER, Ruth. ..................... 44.13`"' Mrs. J. Campbell ................... 140.00 , Delia.....:.'....... BALLANTYNE .... 3o.0a°� Mrs. E. Manuel ... .............. ..... 35.00/m CRESTWOOD GUEST HOME;,;,,,,,,,;,, 209.48m1 Mrs. M. Jones ...................... 14.0.00 r-Mrs. E.S.-Mightingale............. 105.00^"` BOZEK, Michael ..................... 176.50 Alouette Private Hospital ..... :... 11.47.20/R BUCKLES.,'Joseph .................... 86.50 Mrs. M. Martyn................ .... 5.00" BUCHOLTZ, Richard....... .......... 158.50 BABCOK, Mabel .................... 66.50 CUNNINGHAM, Bonnie ................. 122.50 BAYDUZA, Mike...................... 176.50 ENGLISH, Mary ... :................... 79.50 DENTREY,, Evelyn................... 102.50 FOYTIK, Frank ...................... 122.50 GENNOW., Marjorie.................. 104.50 GIBSON, Bernice .................... 76.50 PATTEN, Florence.................. 158.50 GILBERT.,-Phyllis................... 104.50 SMITH Maryetta................... 86.50 LEROUX., Anna ....................... 176.50 USSELMAN, Jacob................... 104.50 LORENZETTA, Emily...., ...... 140.50 WILCOX, Frances..:................. 115.50 LOWRY, Willia#L..................... 36.50 WILSON, Mrs. R.................... ANDERSON, 25.00"" MATHERS, Merritt ................... 106.50 Sven.................... 55.00 NEILJulia........................ 104.50 ENGE, Theodore.................... 45.00 NEWYIN, Ruby ....................... 75.50 HOLTSLt1NDER, Charles.............. 55.00 NYHUS, Sarah..........:............ *92.50 - CWENS., Edwin ...................... 5.00 PETERSRichard .................... 122.50 THEW, Frank.............`.......... 44.50 POELZER, Jeannette... .............. 86.50 BATMAN, Hattie................... 55.00 REMPEL., Peter...... .... 86.50 COREY, Flora 40-00 RICE, -James ...... ........ ........... 205.00 Gam, Louisa...................... 55.00 SEWELL, Carole.... ....... 36.25 Y, Mabel...................... 40.00 SEioTELL, Horace ..................... 176.50 MARYKUCA� Jean.................... 55.00 SHARP, Alice ....................... 61150 KELVIN, Inez........•............. 55.00 SIMS, Marjorie.. ................. 104.50 MOODY, Flossie.................... 55.00 STEEVES, Margaret.................. 104.50 SIlgPSON, Rheta..................... 55.00 STEWART, Margaret ................... 86.50 ➢EE, Nellie....................... 55.00 TALBOT� Eleanor .................... 134.50 BALLAiiTYNE� Delia.........:....:.. 122.50 VANPELT, Adriaan.................0 86.50 BRUNEAU, Rene..................... 74.50 VARGA, James ....................... 140.50 CLARZE, Wilfred................... 158.50 WHITE, Dories.. ..................... 86.50 DARBYSON, Geraldine............... 92.50 WILLIAMS, Mona.;.:.; ................. 86.50 LITTLE, Fred...................... 60.00 Marie.. :.............. ZIRK� ....... 176.50 DEQUIRE, Leona .................. ..104.50 55.00 , Margery ............ 8b.50 ALLAM Frederick ................... DION1M ....... FRITHJoseph ...................... 55.00 GEISBRECHT, Jacob................. 176.50 GUSTAFSON, Adolph.......,........... 55.00 GOYER, Rene ....................... 74.50 KLASSEN, Abe for William........... 55.00 HUNTER Ruth.......... LEE, Frederick ..................... 50.00 HELQUIST, Robert................. 45.00 ACDONALD, Daniel ................... 55.00 JOHNSON,.Mary:............::.:.:.. R4.00 KC CANNA Martin J..... ............. 45.00 ANDERSON, Howa10.00 rd......,. MATTHEWS .........•.• Thomas W................. 55.00 ROBERTS, Mary..................... 10.00 SENFT, Harry ....................... 35.00 STEPPLER, Valentine............... 10.00 42.50 'Dr. T. A. Nikiforuk............... 23.00 TONER, Albino ...................... 55.00 Dr. F. A.,Mitchell................ 105.00 ALLAM, Mary...... .................. 55.00 Syd's Taxi,Ltd.................... 14.70 BALE, Frank for Virginia........... 45.00 Emerson's Market. 40.00 BEAULAC, Marie......: .............: 55.00 Haney'Hotel Co. Ltd..:............ 6.50 CAMPBELL, Ida ...................... 55.00 Fuller -Watson Ltd................. 7.71 COWARD, Isabella .................... 55.00 Paradize Inn...................... 5.25 DAWSON, Dorothy .................... 45.00 Clearview Confectionery........... 10.00 FUNK, Eva..... ..................... 40.00 GOODRICH Sarah......,......'..:.:... 55.00 HENSCHELLiKate.................... 55.00 - - - - HEWITT, Sarah ...................... 40.00 1� JACOBS, Lucy..* ........ 0 .......... * 50.00 KILSBY, Christiana ................. 25.00 KLASSEN, Helena .................... 40.00 637 Minutes? of 'Jul�r�4th�; '1958, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE.ACCOUNTS CONTD. • 20% of -amount" shown -.Maple Ridge McRAE,Esther.................. 45.00 MURRAY' Edna 55.00' NIto .................. 55.00 OS'MAND, Hilda.....................37.00 OSWELLD ' Gertrude ............... 40.00 PEARENf Edna....... 5 00 ••.s• 5 e PIPO� Anna .................... 55.00. SARIS':.Mareda.....e...:"..:..'.: 55.00 TAYLOR' ` ..1.` . TROTTL Mabel..- 40. 00'_ , Annie................... 45.00 ,Mabel. e....•.�.`...•.. TUCK Y' Bertha... ..:........... 55.00 WAGN iP E. for Ros8mary:`e:.'.`:..` ` 55:00 KENNEDY Lorrain .: "�1' -•LUND - . e . � .... 1 0`. 0� ' Wally. , .. . ; .... 158.50 McNEILL1 Marion ................ 122.50 NORRLS• Robert..... 86.50 ROGE$S� Will22 50"•AUGVSTSON� Samantha,:..,..:,... 55.00 RYAN�_Richard...:..- :.:. :.:'`50:00' McKENLTE� John .............. .. 55.00 NELSON George.. ....: e.:. 55.pp•' ARRANCE Alvina:' 55.00 -HANSON; Leatha•.... �0 JOHNSTON� .... ...•••�..'•~ 45'. 0 Grace... . 20.00 LANSA%.,_Rosemary. .:`:....... -45.00 "WALKk,Y Edith.....,... ...... :42.50 CARTER Mabel.... ' ennie 10.00 HAGEN� J �.10000 WICKHAM' Levi .....:........::.: 10.00 Dist. of Mi:ssion....":`..:::'".::..:, 63.23 City -of New Westminster.. :.... 22:05 City of Victoria........:...... 14:.25 Corp: of Delta...:...... :.:"�33:07 ''Dist. of Coquitlam..........:.e ,9:75 Minister of Finance... .o "53.84 Twp.�of Richmond.. •........... .:.: 15a67 City -of White Rock:...........: 3.00 Dist. of Matsqui::.:...... .:.,. 35002 Dr. T.A-. Nikiforuk............. 15.00*'Dr.`'G: A. Drennan Syd�s'Taxi Ltd ........ .....:... 27:80. Maple Ridge Ambulance:.:. 18.00 Maple Ridge --Pharmacy p g y•••.••.•.s 7.50 `B.C.:Welding Suppl eso........:'.''100.80 Super-Valu.... •........ ........ 15:00' Metropolitan Ambulance......... ,12.00. Moved�by Councillors. Nightingale'_aiid.Dunldp"that the above noted accounts totalling $13,490.41 be paid. - CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Wilkinson Co. Ltd. - Marshall -Wells -Stores Hammond Motors Jack Cewe `Blacktop -Ltd., White &`Taylor Ltd._ Cloverdale Paint & Chemicals Mansell_ Overand Ltd. Timber Preservers Ltd. Columbia.Bitulithic Ltd. A . G. - Hartwell ' Alexander Geary B."&.M. Supermarket West Coast Motors Ltd. Municipal Treasurer Henry's Grill Minister of Finance J . V . - Taylor Egan Realty Ltd. Maple -Ridge Lumber Co. Regal -Bldg. Supplies Ltd. Haney=Builders Supplies Ltd. Laurie Lumber Ltd. Solly•Photographic Studios Valley Concrete Co. Evans - Coleman & Evans Ltd: Clayburn Harbison Ltd. - The Gazette _ Truck, 195.86 Roller' 1.05. Trucks 3.41 Ptching T39:65 Trucks .. 104.3 Gen.`Rd'.Mtce. y .33 Trucks. :. 516:45 Culverts & Brid es 50.64 Web.6or.Bridge (Sec. Hwy.") 1055:90 Trucks "- -- .. 31.g5 Gen:Rd.Mtce.'" 'Gen.RdeMtce•' 150:00 - $35- ,., Trucks-15.,24,Bulldozer-3.61,Ha11 18.85 grounds'=1;'58; Mileage-43.90,Deleg Ek. p--50:00', Grader-3.00,Unem.Ins"u"r- 314.82'Gen.Rd.Mtce-4.O1,Postage-'. ' 345.30,P:0.Box-rental-5.00' Hall a/c-4. 2,Office Supplies-4.25,Ref. Bldg.Per-�16:95,Trucks-3.15,Ref.Pol.. Court Fine .50,Ref.Trade Lie-15.00,, Police Exp 2.05 813.63` Keep of Prisoners 29.50 S.S. & M.A. Tax _ 7:84 Police Ekpense' " .'20.00 " Fleet Insurance ..29..75 Sheds .(Cap a/c)-260.52,Centennial Pool 86.19 346.,71 Centennial Pool 108.34- Trucks-1.09,New Sheds-53.73,Centennial.' ' Pool-29.44, Gen.Rd.Mtce.-9.26,Haney Sewer-V. 61, 101 13 Sj'w mming' ' Pool-7.88,New Sheds-74.75 - 82.60., Misc. Admin. 5.25 Centennial Pooi-85.05,New sheds-205.54 CentennialrPool ,290,59 180'90 Centennial Pool 5.93 Advert & Print-36.00,Trade Lice-12.13 48.13 638 Minutes".of July 4th, 1958, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CUNTID. _ _-- B. C. Electric Hammond Draine-16.80,Hall a/c-72.41, Fire Dept-19.16,Parks Bd-15.44,Pub. Works-19.65,St.Lts-348.52 491.98 Butler Tire Ltd. -Trucks 281.71 Office Speality Ltd. Office Supplies 5.46 Air' Equipment Service' Ltd'.' Tools 29.22 B.A.:Oil` Co: ` Ltd.' ... 'Gas &(ail 213.46 :. Haney Garage`Ltd'. Trucks 12.07 Fleck Bros.' Ltd..... Tools & Equipment— Eq `pm 62.46 -Acme Machi hb., Shop' Co: *Ltd. Trucks 79.43 Nelson. Banos:'Sawmills Ltd. ' Bridges-& Culv-26.4$0Gen.id.Mt,ce:- ..... ^ 45 .00 B. C. Telbphone'Co...... AX-M:P.-z5.31,Hall a%0'-51.69,Civ. Dei-7.48,Pub.Wks-20.03;Fire -16.81 . -115.32` Kanaka Concrete Products Cuivers & Bridges-47.64,Private Crossing-159.90 . 207.54.:, The 'Gazette" " Grants & Donations' 800.00._. W.G: A.1.eXaaide.r.. ..... Dog Tax Commissions.... 59 Municipal Coflector... Taxes - re Frank Alain' .. ... ...... 132..84... Surrey Excavating'Co:`Ltd. Swimming Fool capa%e 16235.15 Leonard Olu g " " " " Brushing Contract 60.00 Municipal' Collector`` W. to Tax,Sale,(Aiaan).- 4.25 Medical Ssvices`Ass'n. M..SAo 51.48:. Minister'6f`Fina6c6`:'' L.A.U.-Fees, Maple Ridg6'Hospital •Misc: Exp. 2.00 A. Barnard'""" .. Assessment expense .. Mn�.ster'of'rinance ...Assessment- Expense.. 25.20'`. Frank' -Dennis "Keep of Prisoners 73.00 Mrs'. Dennis Keep of Prisoners 3.00.,, H. J. Coekrill Keep of Prisoners .38.00, Lester &,Leggatt Legal Expense 177.00 Underinrood-Ltd. 41ise. Admin-1448-,Off.'Sup-28.72 42.90 Brown Bros. Greenhouses Cemetery Minister of Finance T.B. Units 194.0& Miss Anna Seigo Police Exp.. . 5.25: The Cirdwell Co. Ltd. Police 'Exp. 2,5q Chuck Prosser's Hall Account" .• - •6.50 - Receiver Gen. of Canada Accounts Payable-2001.01,Pol.Salaries- 8200.99 10202.00 Finning -&-'Tractor & Equipment 'Gen. Rd.Mtce. Municipal Treasurer Misc. Exp. 6,075 Pitney -Bowes of Canada Ltd.. P.O. Meter.Rental _. 15.00 Finning Tractor &Equip. Capita].I�achinery Account 17277,75. Haney -Hammond Fgt. Ltd.-` Tools-13..77,Hall -1.45,Gen.Rd.Mtce- '. _ 1. 00 22 16,22 Minister of Finance Trust-64-50,Superan-45.97 110.47 . Terminal City Iron Works Swimming §ol Cap a/c 12.53 A. •Vogl Gen Rd.Mtce. (signs) :41-34 Fuller Watson Ltd. Gen.Rd.`itce... _ 5.50 Mun. Employees-Union'`_'Union Dues - June 74.00 Receiver General,,, Income Tax Dea.-June 1186.65. Central Garage., Parks•Boar`d _ 19.84 Frank W. Thew Parks Board 26.25 BrackmanOKer Milling Co. Parks Board 1.60 Haney.Chain Saw Parks Board , 10.00 The Gazette Parks Board 1:00 Kanaka Concrete Prod. Parks Board 75..03 A. Pattila Parks Board 15.00 Haney- Builders Supplies td. Parks Board 79..85 F. Worfolk '- Parks,Board 55.00 Hanson -Fraser Ltd. Parks Board 4.76 R.Ai Hales Lumber Co. Parks Board 4.38 Albion B.A.-Service Pa"rks Board 16.98 R.J. Scobie' Parks'Board 15.75 Civil Defence Parks Board . 20.45 Jean Raymond -Parks Board. 53.50, Burrell Bros- Parks Board. 250.00 United Farmers Ltd. Parks'Board 2.20 C. Whitehead - Parks Board 75.00 B. & M. Supermarket Parks Board 2.41 Stan Li11ey Parks Board 7.10 W. G.--Alexander 'Dog Tax-57.75,Trade Lice-60.00,Tiek- 156.75 39.00 639 Minutes of July 4th, 1958; continued." 'TtD. Standard Oil Co. Ltd. Gas.& Oil 35.61 c Public Freightways-Ltd.. Tools .,; 1.00 Dr. A.' J,- Trudel Police -Expense 110.00 Addressograph-Multigraph• 3 Office Sup43�,Misc. Admin-42.59. 43.22 Field's Welding Supplies Ltd. Tools & Equip: 21.83 Hansons,_Ltd. + Cemetery-6467,Gen:Rd.Mtee-1.41,Tools•. Equip.-89 _ -8.97 RoyaliteOil Co. Ltd. Gas .&•.Oils.. �. " 823:56 Dietrich -Collins Equip.Ltd. Rools & Equipment 4;50 R. Muth & Sons Trucks-26.41;Toosl-3.37,Crusher-21:.92, }. Loader-36.84. -88.54 Walker;& Webber Swimming Pool... 9?6.23- Brown's Pharmacy assessment Exp. 3.18 Moved:;by Councillors Nightingale .and.:Dunlop•.that the above noted accounts, totalling ..55,781.93 be . paid, .as listed above,.... CARRIED. - . WATERWORKS .ACCOUNTS: N } William Alan Murdoch W.W. Const:. �,53..95 C. J.-Gloveri. W.W. Const: 35.00 Breaks;Bros. Const. Co.-' Reservoir (Cap -a/c) 3032:80 Air Equipment Ser. Ltd. W.W..(Reservoir.Cap. a/c) 40.00'ri .GreaterNancouver Water..Dist. W.W- Mtee:_ :: 2822:75°^1b. Haney -Hammond Motor Freight. :il. Garabaldi Esso Service. TucW..M.ce. '21.07 W.W. k - 32;24 rn. Roy Sironen Yennadon Waterworks Extension 224.00"'?, West, Coast" Motors Ltd. W.W. a/c :.(Cap. -New Truck) 21930'75— West -Coast; Motors Ltd. W.W... Truck.' R. Muth & -8ons _ W.W..Mtce._. 11.00�*- Haney Builders Supplies Reservoir(Cap a/c/ . 66:18- Purves Ritchie Sales Ltd. Bulldozer- " 56.36'*+� Public Frei.ghtways Ltd..., W.W. Mtee.. 1.00 Terminal City Iron Works Ltd.-Mtee-478.:54;W.W•. Const-158.75, Hydrants-157.82 795.11 Marshall-4eLI.s (B.C.) Ltd. W.W.Mtce-55..23;Const-2O.12 75.35 Smith Lithograph".Co.;_Ltd;• Waterworks -a/c (Yennadon Const:) '- 277,43,'N. The Gazette . _ W.W. c Mtce.' `- .. , '36.00 "- Municipal Treasurer W.W. Mtee-4.95,Vd.W.Truck-3.00.4 . 7.9511, B.O. Electric W•W• Mtce. 189:.00; Moved by Councillors Nightingale.'.and Dunlop that the above noted accounts •totalling.$9,975..33 be paid, as listed above. CARRIED. No further business meeting adjourned at 12:40 pm. 640 Minutes of July 11th, 1258 Full Council met in special session'Thursday., July l7.th;'at '4:b0 P.M. Primarily the reason was to open tenders at -the dead -line date of July 17th at five o't.clock for thepurchis:e-of $31,000.00 of Yennadon Waterworks Debentures. The first item;on-the correspondence was the annual advertisement for I . .this Corporation in the Municipal Year -Book. Council eventually decided to take out a quarter page advertisement for $2.00, Sydts.Taxi made application for Council to'provide a Bylaw for the control of taxicabs in the district.. As only one company was now operating,, regis- tered under the Public Utilities,dommisslon there is no need for a Municipal Bylaw, An application, had -beerxLreceived for establishing anAuto Court on the Henschell property on Metcalfe Road., which had been referred to theTown Planning Commission., pr1or to the date of July 9th. The Chairman of the Boardt-s letter was now read - "The area in question is coned for Residential use and the established pattern and development includes many fine%omes, .and as there is no main traffic route involved., it does•notappear to'be . any need to provide a tourist court at that location. Such a type of land ,use could result in the lowering of the standard of the area,, which could work to the disadvantage. of the present residents," . The. Council'tabled Pr ,the matter for the time be3mg to investigate why they should give one ,property owner permission to step Aut.of line wYen apparently there was no .need to do so, The problem arose with.regard-to making a $50 giant to Miss Maple Ridge ,when it was event that she was a resident of Pitt Meadows Municipality and ,therefore could not legally represent Miss.MapleRidge, The matter was .tabled for investigation. Moved, by Coundillors Simmonds and Dunlop,that By-law No. 481 (Park Regulations) be given third reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simonds and Dunlop that Roll 4183-2., McBride property ,transferred to Province; taxes for,1958.,.in the amount of $8.62 be written CARRIED. The matter of enforcing sprinkling regulations was now discussed. . It was quite ##X evident that many water users'were violating the regulations and the R,C,M.P. were to be ordered to issue sunmons X#ftwhere necessary, to those that were sprinkling other than within regulated hours, itBaasdecided that Maple Ridge would not enter a float in the P.N.E. As it was now five dt.clock tenders were now opened for the 01,000 Debenture Issue. A.E. Ames and Company quoted ")99,11; Pemberton Securities 498.55 and Odlum Browri Investments - par value 1.OQ Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that the offer of Odlum Brown Investments Ltd. of $31,000.00 for Yennadon Waterworks Bylaw No. 459 be accepted at Par. carried. The z4(jus�t 'to grade Silver Valley Road north of l4th was reported by Councillor Cox as taken careof. The Maple Ridge Golf and Country Club requested Council-ts permission to meet with them on an important matter, The Clerk would notify them that they should attend the regularA-ugust 1st meeting. I Council was willing to accept contributions towards the cost of oiling roads. Councillor Cox brought up the -matte F—of-cleaning Haney streets and recommended that at least 3 days should be spent in Haney and 2 in Hammond. This work could be supplements by assistance,from employable Welfare recipients. Minutes,of July-17th,-1958, continued. Councillor Dunlop was -given authority to,arrange for the repairing of the Hammond Sidewalks,,which had been discussed at many previous meetings.. Councillor Simonds asked for some brushing done on 34th Avenue. Councillor Telosky ordered immediate attention to the ditch on Ross Road. The matter of the new Bylaw -with regard to additional graveliing and hard surfacing work to be provided by subdividers when presenting new subdivisions for approval, was discussed at considerable length and the Bylaw would be prepared to give third reading at Augast lst meeting. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plaft of�subdiiision of lot 3 of block Arof lot 400, group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox*that the*plan of portion of lot A of block 1 of the north of the southeast 1 of section 10, township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and.Cox that the plan of portion of a 40:3 acre parcel and�of., the. east. 20 feet of� a- 5.0- acre- portion of lot 440, group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of portions of lot 245, group 1.. H.W.D.,.formerly the west 80 feet of lot 2'of lot .16 and formerly Parcel A of loi.l.of.lot-l6.of block 2, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of portion of lot 1.8 of the north - of the north west 1 of section 9 and of the westerly portionof the south west of section 16, township 15, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors,Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of part of east 2 of west I of the south west 1 of the north east of section 7, township 15, N.W.D., be approved. - CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of portion of lot B of block 1 of the North 2 of the south east r of section 10, township 12, N.W.D., be approved. QARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox'that the plan of portion of lot 3 of the easterly portion of the North east of section 20, township 12, N.W.D., be approved CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan.of subdivision of portion of lot 2 of lot 248 and 284, group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. No further business meeting adjourned at 6:20 P.M. • REEVE RK C FYI 4 � 642 Minutes of July-l8th, 1958, A special, meeting was called at 7:00 P,.Ma, July 18th.. Present .were :Councillors Simonds, Dunlop, Cox --and Telasky,` Moved by Councillors.Cox and Dunlop that pursuant to Section 13A of Bylaw 1954, No. 382.0 all users of water' connected"to-the"Municipal Waterworks System, occupying odd numbered houses -are allowed.to sprinkle water between the, hours of ' 8 and 10 p,mi',' on odd numbered days ar d ' all users occupying even numbered houses may sprinkle between 8 & 10 p,m. on even numbered days. Odd -.numbered -users sprinkling on'evenn numbered=clays and even numbered users sprinkling` on odd":numbered" days and sprinkling' at any other time that is not between the' hours -of 8 `and 10 p.m.. shall be_' guilty of ; an ` inf ractaon. of the Sprinkling Regulations`and`subject to the.penalties imposed in Section 19 of Bylaw, 1954, No.. 382. CARRM �.... No further business meeting adjourned at 7:10 p,.m. REEVE Minutes of August lst9 1958 The August regular meet_ing.and the adjourzned meeting for the Yennadon._ Zoning Bylaw openedFriday,.August lst at.9:30 a.m. Moved`,Y Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the hearing now be -re —opened for -the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw No, 479 CARRIED. Solicitor T. W. Krell, representing Mr, McKay, again protested the Zoning Bylaw as it affected his clients holding, which had been le,ased,with.the option to purchase and tb establish a commercial concern at the corner of 32nd Road and 8th Avenue, Although his client was not apposed to the Bylaw as it affected others it did disturb future commitments. The first Hearing a month ago revealed the fact that the property owners involved were not too conversant with the effect that the zoning would have on their properties and the -adjournment for one months which expired•today, was to give the owners time to study the Bylaw, a copy of�which had been mailed to each of them together with an.explanatory letter. -The result at this time was that 28 were in favour out of a possible 44'and 7 were def— initely against it, which did not include Mr. McKay, The Council realized the possible injustice that may occur to Mr;; —McKay and as the Bylaw had not'. been given third reading the following motion was passed which would eliminate the McKay poperty from the zoned area, Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Council is satisfied that the opposition to the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw, as'presently stated in"the' Zoning Bylaw No. 479, is justified and therefore rescinded and anew_ one drafted, which'will have boundary changes, CARRIED, Moved`by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that`tYe Minutes of July 4th, 17,th;! and 18th, as' circulafr zed, be adopted. CARRIED,. r -The Council was in favour of'a proclamation being published observing National Defence Day. Mrs; Lambert was present, regarding permission'to subdivide off a'65 foot front lot from her property on , 22nc1; Itoad', ' . This was *granted, Another property owner asked for Councilts permission to pile cotton wood on -the roadside of llth•Avenue between the Lougheed and Trunk Road, He, was`allowed to-do this provided that he cleared up all the refuse that would occurs. Mr".'Welton,'the Florist on the corner of 9th Avenue and Trunk Road, offered W0000 for'the black top shoulder to.be carried out fronting the flower shop, Council felt this was a good offer and agreed to accept same, -Approximate measurement is 15tx200t. The Proprietor of Henrys Grill protested the additional taxi stand on the north side of',the Lougheed Highway, in:front of his.cafe.- Also, a letter, was read from the agenda from Vint Taylort,s Real P'state Office, supporting this protest, A ter considerable debate Council decided that the.taxi stand should remai.n'as"is for the remainder of'the year. A1,Councillors realized the'reg'ulati.on's'rt,garding-taxd stands would have to.be revised and the area on the busy Lougheed,�aghway reduced'to possibly one stand only:.,. Mr, McClure, on behalf of the Maple Ridge Golf.Club, explained the difficulty they were having in controlling golf balls -from damaging.house.property,and windows-owned•by, Mro Boviden"_, The Golf Club admitted that Mr., Boudon had a grievance and that" e-had already suffered minor damages.. Mr. McClure now recommended that Council allow the Golf"Club to erect a wire screen on Municipal Road allowance. The problem had existed some considerable time and many methods had been tried to escape the damage caused and it.wouldnow appear that the` Tast resource was the present request. The screen would be approximately 40 feet high and would not interfere with'the travelled portion of the road.. Council granted permission at the expense of the Golf Club..- A 14Minutes of August lsi, 1258, continued. A representative of the Williamt,s Subdivision off'21st Road inquired as to whether they could,construct_.a portion of the road now and the remainder later, after the sale of the front lots. He was told it was necessary -to d- build the'roain full., otherwise'he would be*require I d to hard surface same-, -under-the proposed new Bylaw. A petition was - read asking fora ditch to be cleaneU on 32hd Road. 'This was turned -over to the Engineer. A letterwas-read from the Greater Vancouver Watbr Board requesting that we put a referendum to the voters at the next election regarding florldation. This was agreed to. -Another letter was read from Solicitors tester and Legatte., re our Trailer Court Bylaw arid -the licensing sections'referred to, The 'Clerk'recomm I ended that the Bylaw be'revl6ed and the sections deal * ing with licence's be 'repealed, ,as ourTrade Licence Bylaw would govern -all licences, Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Simnonds that Section 56 of Maple Ridge Trade Licence Bylaw be repealed and the following is substituted:- "Re-enact-56'-Mobile ' 6 Home Parktt , From every person operating a Mobile,Home\Park, either as a-bu6iness.or in -conjunction with any other business, for I whic 11 h a 'Trade Licence has-been ' issued -,'the sum -of Forty Dollars ($40.00) lor'each Trailer Space for every six months, discounted at the rate of Twenty Cents,(200) per day -for the number of days -unoccupied:' CARRIED moved by Councillors Nightingale'- and' Simmonds that L the Mobile H6me Park.Bylaw,, 1958, No. -469: is amended as follows by striking out the words "Claiise'(b)'h6reof"t in the sixth line of Clause (a) of Section 5, and substituting the works "Section 56 of Maple Ridge -Trade Licence'Bylaw No; 460, the said fee'to bd collected in like. manner as all other.,Trade Licences," ClaAise'�t,Bt,.' and at. of Section 5 and Section 6 & 7 shall be repealed in their.entirety. CARRIED, The Garden Hill Funeral Parlours again requested a reduction in their I trades Licendel which was,now $50.00 for every six months. This was not granted as upon - inquires,both Surrey'and White'Rock were charging the same and other Municipalities were' -considering an -upward revision. Upon the recommendation of the Centennial Committee and also.the Go-ordipating Committee, -,th6 'Council had -delegated the Reeve to meet with the'Fair*Board .Committee to advise them that the annual4500 grant made by the Coun__Lf.for the past two years to the Fair Board., primarily to off -set the expenses''o± -entertainment and parade costs; should now be made to the Centennial Co-ordinating Committee, -who -would. be -relieving the Fair Board of parade cosh and'm'os`t' of the entertainment -costs,- 'As the -peak of the Centennial Celebrations wouid_be carried out during the'FairWeek*the Reeve had Fet with the'Fair Board Representatives, ,-President Dean and Secretary Greenhill, who had left the Reeve 'with the impression that they were agreeable to this,,.as their cos ' ts would be lowered and their receipts —augmented considerably by the additional attractions provided by',the"Ce-nt'ennial Co-ordinat-ing-Committee., which would -within the fairgrounds.. take place rounds',. The'Council was now faced with a'spathing letter from Secretar*'dre6zih!liI who ' was very. bitter about this transfer apparently. However..' th�e .7 '0'- ouncildid not -;feel that it represented the opinion of the President'or. thb- "i'e-'ra'aining .,portion of the Fair Board. -It-was decided that the Reeve or Clerk 'should rep L ly to same stating the true factt of the case* Letter was read from Mr. Barnes asking for permission-, to --erect -a sign,,, approximately four by eightfeet, directing sailers' to his trailer court; The, 1. "1 would be set up atthe corner of llth Avenue and -Trunk Road, Thi's was approvedIby., Council providing it was set well back7from thetravelled road'. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop -that Bylaw No. 481 be reconsideredifiLily passed and adopted. Moved,by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale'that Bylaw No. 482 be'giienihird reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox th�W_i_he plan of subdivision of a portion of lot 1 of lot 2 of a 37.27 acre portion of lot 249, group 1, be approved, subject to the Road Subdivision Bylaw and the Engineert,s approval. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the proposed subdivision of the West 1 of Section 20, Township 12, N.W.D., subject to the 2 requirements of Road Subdivision Bylaw and Engineertsapproval. CARRIED. Minutes of August lst,�1958, continued. 645 Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision plan of portion of lot 27 of Lot A of Part of_.the=Northeast Quarter, Section 16, Township 12, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the. plan of portion of--lot,4 of, an •116.6 acre portion of lot 276, group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARTED; .Councillor Cox was authorized to cause.new signs to be erected at certain ,new roads. Tiematter of 413^major bridges -and their state of repair and replac6ment was discussed at great'length., The Engineer was instructed -to prepare 'and call for tenders for they.fill on.,l7th Road Bridge north of the Teunk.Roa:d. 'also, the Clerk was to inquire with•.,regard to encroachment.bnto.private property, regarding the fill. , Mr. C, Bent entered the meetingn and.was,upset with regard to the charges for electrical 1n'spections-., It was,evedent that Mr, bent was under a mis- understanding and had misinterpreted the electrical fees,wrongly. Councillor Simmonds brought up•_the matter of providing Whonocki andRuskin .with water and in particular -the proposed source of supply. --He recommended that the Council should absorb the:cost of having some qualified person the quantity maximum flow. The Reeve would visit the source of -,-supply this evening at 7 p.m., also the Council and Reeve would inspect the 32nd Road - Bridge, which the Engineer had recommended should be olosed'. The Council -at.that time would also view the feasibility of eliminating the replacement of, the bridge by exploring the ,proposed cut-off which existed through private property_ to the east: - t..•. ..: C,16,rk was given permission to_employ a young Junior Office Assistant for the month of August. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the Hearing of the Yennadon Zonin -Bylaw 1,00 479, be now closed, ...... C .. inTATERWORKS ACCOUNTS. - terminal City Iron Works Ltd. R,.Muth & Sons Sam Saarits Garage Shanahants Ltd. fianey-Hmd. Motor Freight ;:vans -Coleman Tr.Co,Ltd. F;.A. -Hales Lumber Co. Greater Vancouer Wtr.Dist, Haisons Ltd. A4 Sironen PUrives Ritchie Sales Ltd. Marshall t4ells (B. C.) Ltdo PAYROLLS - JUNE Maintenance 40.64� Reservoir=7.00,Mtce-3.50 10.50 W.W. Mtce. 10.50 Reservoir 40.95 . W W Mtce-12.25,Yennadon Const- 2►70,Hydrants-2.70 17.65-, Reservoir _9 OO Mtce, .. 135.38 W.W. Mtce. 2912i84*. ° W.W. Mtce: W.W# Mtce., - 32.00 Tractor. 3*78 , Mtce-1275.33,New Const-12,024;-07 13299:40. . . Maintenance-867.b7,Reservoir-415o07, Connections-423.90, Construction-307..60• Holiday Pay-330.00 - b Moved by Councillors Simmonds.,and Nightingale that the above notedlaccount' t0talling,$16,513.98 be paid and payrolls, as listed above. GENERAL ACCOUNTS, Frank Newman. - Dog Tax KC. Bruce .Civil Defence K.C. Bruce Civil Defence (Advertg.) Valley Concrete Co. Sidewalks William W. Jckson Gen.Rd,Mlce, Richard Livesaey Brush-_& Ditch. Fraser Valley Mosquito-'Cont,Bd. Grant Sohool District ##42 --Grant. Medical Services Asstn. M.S.A. CARRIED_. 15:75 54.20 12.60 732.24 100/00 20:00. 2880-00 100000.00 336.24 646 Minutes of August 1st, 1958, continued. MMRAL ACCOUNTS CONTt D. Butler Tire Ltd. Trucks 15.25 Co-ordinator, Civil Defence Civil Defence 30,24 Minister of Finance Child Welfare 83.79 Ruth W. Ansell. Misc. Expense 85.00 National Cash Register Co. Misc. Administration p Map4.e, 'Ridge 'Cons'tr`u:c'tion ' ' ,;.!`, C`ent'ennial Pool (Cap of c) \. ,1i25�5 .00 Phillips,, Barrett &-Partners Legal Expense ,: '-.250,00 Minister of Finance T.B. Units r, 132.30 Morris Electric Police Expense t_20.74 Roy Sironen Centennial Pool (cap a/c). T, .r.16.00 Sam Saarits.Garage. Gen.Rd.Mtce-11.25,Cru6her-54,70 , ...65.95 Electric Home Service., Mun. Sheds (Cap a/c) - 212.31, Underwood Ltd; ,,:, Capital. a/c (office supplies), c,496.25 Powell Machine Works Ltd. Crusher �-„ 27.72 Canadian Industries Ltd. Trucks 66,62 Stanley Brock Ltd. Hall a/c 36.23 B.C. Telephone Co, ,. ;.. R.C.M.P-24.66,Hall a/c-58..69, a Civil Def-6.88,Pub. Works,25.63,'. Fire Dept.-8.56 124.42 Municipal,Collector r. Taxes on Municipal Property _ 191.23. Minister of Finance ti..,. Child Welfare 86.59 Mitchell Press Ltd. Adverttg. & Printzg. 42.00 Receiver General -of Canada Police .Mileage 2493.81 Canada Creosoting Co,,Ltd. Culverts & Bridges _ 48.74 Armco Drainage & Metal•Products Private Crossings 452.55. Columbia Bi.tulithic Ltd, Road P tching , 1,8.51 Maple Ridge Home . Service . _ , . ; - Fire Dapt. " 77.28 A. Vogl .: _ _. Gen.Rd.Mtce. (signs).:. 23.66. Haney -Hammond Motor -Freight Tools-7.90,Ceritennial-Pool-1;00,q :� Trucks-7.84,Bulldozer-1.00_ 17.74 Kanaka Corn rete Products;... .... ,.,- Culverts & Bridges .. ,101,26 F. Worfolk P rks Board Crown Electric Arks Board 11747.15 11,50 R,A. Hales Lumber,Co.. Parks Board `12.00 Sam Saarit`s Garage �:. Parks Board -6,20 Brackman-Ker Milling Co, Ltd, Parks Board Haney Builderst Supplies Ltd, Parks Board .t..95 Hanson -Fraser Ltd.. Parks Board ,46,71 1,81 Salvail Bros. Motor Service r. Paks Board r Thainxs Corner Service . --. L ,Parks Board 56.12 R. Siddon Parks Board 102.00 R. J. Chappell Parks Board _ . 27.00 Civil Defence Auxiihi.ary .Police. ,. - Parks Board 7 . 30,85 Kirkpatrick Sand & Gravel Parks Board 20-50 Commi.ssioners,.Secretary & Mileage Parks Board 367.50 CO Whitehead P-'rks Board f b5,00 G. Currie s Parks Board r 16.00 Perco Industries Ltd., Centennial Pool 208.85 Dr. S.R. Arber Police Expense 10,00 A. W. Stevens Web. Corn. Bridge (-Secondary-Hwy.)'--- Superannuation Commissioner Superannuation ,t 11.0.47 Hammond Motors Grader 3.02 E. S. Thimsen Parks Board "V i18.00 Vancouver Equipment Corp. Ltd,, Graders }38.83 Standard Oil Co. Ltd. Gas & Oil 33,61 A. McIntosh _.. Centennial fool--126.00,Sec.i WY-]A,00 1.40.00 Marshall -Wells Stores Gen.Rd,Mlce. - .63 Minister of Finance S. A. Drugs 530.09 Laurie Lumber Ltd. Centennial Pool 535.40 The Gazette Office Supplies r 42,31 New Westminster Y8s Mean Club Grant 50.00 Dietrich -Collins Equip. Crusher-331.07,Shovel-25.15 356.22 McCullough Electric Gen,Rd,Mtce, 1.00 R.J. Scobie Trucks .48 H. Menzies Ref. Arrears-7.50,Int-25@ 7.75 Imperial,0il Co. Gas & Oil-54.46,Oiling-2164.43, 1. Parks Board-77.00,Hardsurface-2208.92,' Patching-139.48 4644.29 B.C. Ho41tal Insurance Serv, Ugspit:al,Per Diem � 690.20 A. Barnard Assessment Expense la2.80 Haney Builders Supplies Ltd. Centennial Pool-327.22,New Sheds--17.94 4- Gen.Rd.MTce.-47.37 392.53 Cambridge Craft Co. Centzitenaial Pool + 48.01 647 Minutes of August lst, 1958,.continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONY D,= Public Freightways Ltd. Centennial. Pool-2.25,Trucks-1.00 3.25 Parkview Garage Trucks _.-... .24 The B,A. Oil Co. Ltd, Gas & Oil 51.40 Burr 0f»fice, Supplies Ltd.- -Office Supplies ..... , . ^ .. 45.54 Reg -a:, Bua,l.,ding, Supplies., .Ltd. Swimming Poa1432-,91-,N°ew 5iTe-ds237o48 _. ' 1070.39 .Pacific, Tractor. &, Equipment Ltd Loader 1.10 P,arsQAS-Br.0WA Ltd., , , , . , . Fleet Insurance . • ... ° , 67.90 Frank A=Lis............... Keep of -Prisoners •........ ,,^»,. 9.00 Mrs. Aennis,°............ K-eep of Prisoners- ..................... 19.50 H,. J.,CO,Qkrill...... ^,,.. Keep oflPrisoners°....... ..,,<».,.,,., 87.00 J, B..Pattprn ........^. Keep of -Prisoners,....,. ...........,, 5.00 Air -Egquipment. Service, Ltd.. ..Tools & E u ent q � < 58.49 Magneto,5ales,&,Service. Ltd, Trucks -55.71).Bulldozer-19o50•• 75.21 Hansons,Atd,.,,.. Hall-8.45,Tools-1 63°.. ............. 10.08 Fields, Welding, .,,... Tools & Equipment..... 33-95 Fleck, Brpe.„Ltd.. , .. , . Tools-165.87)Haney-Sewer=-9.45;Gen;Rd:MTee-' » 7.95,Crusher-15.87,° .... 199.14 RP ,4,$Qxzs....., Muthn Crusher-53.87,Bulldezer-$3.76...... 137.63 West Coos NQtQrP,Ltd...... Bulldozer1. 0 HaneY.G4ragQ,L'td®,,,,,<,,,.,, Bulldozer-1.O1,Trucks-1-32:39^ " ,.-. 3.40 3 Nelson.Brosp,$avmi.11s<Ltd. Bridges & Culverts ............. r '122.20 Acme I!4c e.$hQp,Co..Ltd.• Graders-14.81,Genand4M ce-7:17;Crusher- ,.....,»..,. MKanaka.,CwcrPte ;154.31,Trucks-177:67;Tools-9 40.,.,.,,. 363.36 Products. , .. . '.Centennial Pool-6142;Gulverts°&°Bridges- 243.69 ,...,., 210,11 Dr, S A Ajzr er,,,,, ,. .' Police Exp.-10.00;Goroner-&•Inquest-10.00 20.00 B1 Schlick., .... Tools. ..,,<... .......... 5:73 Gas & Oil-20:44,Hardeurfacing-1175005; ' t Oiling-1260.27 ............. » ........ 2455.76 Royalite A! ,Co,., Ltd., Gas ,& Oil - ... 577.74 B.C. Electric Hammond Drain-8.93;Hall-73:31,Fire•Dept- 19.03,Parks Board-•1.5:64;Pub »Forks--96 25 Medical- Services Assr.A....... _Street Lights•-339,31 .......» M.,S.A. 552.47 336,24 Municipal Treasurer Ha11-14,0'114,Office S*pp1i-es--ab.r65;R&funds: • .. , . , , . , , . , » 41e . Maps 3.2.5, S.S .Tax 16.-00;B1•dg.3�rm- ,, 14,.75,Arrears. Taxes-52,0,,current, q`a�-45¢ Police Court Fine-$50.DQ,.Home^ Owner Grant-.. .» .. $28.00,Unem..Ins-313..30-,Mileage 14.00,Postage- - .,..,,.»..,. 90.34,Trucks:2a$5,Tools.-°.5:5..„........ r.^ 534-96 PAYROLL'S'- JUKE ......, ., In66hri.'ti es-2250.00,Gen.Rd.MTce-3358.41,Brush. & Ditch_2225v80,OUing«-286450,Crusher- !1131.4 Bridges-583.I�O,Secondary.Highway-255.33,Cemetery-5148,70,Pool�-422.00yNew Sheds-1424,OO1Parks-1906p0g,,Administration-3005,OO,Patching-38,QO)Hardsurfacing-463.68 Holiday Pay-2615.20 ..,,,<..,°.,^,., .. .., Moved by Coun.ci7]ors,Simm9nds.and .., Nightingale.that,the.above-noted-,acedunts,.totalling $$1 6.4142.9g and payrolls, as -listed above, be,paid.,.......••.n-,..... CARD. S06IAL' itiJL AFE »ACCOUNTS: " ' ' ..... . . 20% of°Aan9unt'Shown»»'' Mamie <Rid je „ Simpson, AsOUo.s.e....eees.gs.se..oQp'28.00 SN�TH, 'I�orina ��{ 17.50 OLDEN,Y olgE:ree.....eOA.YO�a...e�.. 104.50 SIRONEN, Annettee.esa�ee®eoao.seoe. 5e.00 VINK, .e....e..e..ea.uo 61e25 Mrd E:S.Nightingale......,...0....255.00 Alouette TA-;. 'Hospital, 37Z.00 Crestwood 6-dest'Home.o,+o..........:0 10.00 Mrs- J. "Campl6e1:2: '(H e 1140 0 ag n) 0 Kids /Donna '5ii th '(Ramsden).,,,..,, 17.50 MrS',Mo Jones"e^,sooe~ee.seeeseoeo.e.es 140,00 BUCKLES., Joseph..,........e........ 86.50 CUNNINGHAM, Bonnie..-e,.... Oa*.e,ee 122.50 ENGLISH, Marye..ee,...ee..e.®..... 79.50 GIBSON, Bernice......... *0*060* 43.25 GILBERT, Phyllis.....,,.,..eee.e... 104.50 .Other.Goverment••_ BELLROSE, ,Haroldm f e f a ®s f d 8:.....:...qp 10.00 SMITH,.Maryetta,oe«sasesa:e...:,..... 41.50 70.25 HARRINGTON.,Josepha,,da6,..,..O9ei.ee. 55.00 JACKSQNy Mrs. .Bessie.,er.e. ita.O e,.: -e, 22.54 BRUNEAUy Renea..ororeao.ace°.o.eoe,ie'. 120*00 D�YaON,, .Geraldine a e' e* w e q.... o e: o 6 s 4.00 ENGE, .TheOdt i so re °.. .^. e. e, . e r.... 20e00 CJMSTJE.,, I abel., ir. a+°o"e^e^..e o..... 50,00 K,ALIEN°, e e pee a e^e a o'o'e'o s e e e e i e o o' 70,25 CUSK'ER,, ,t�D ire*evvrerre^sa^o^o e'e'o e o. e e io .;e a 52.25 C,AMPBELL,. Use,tw.•.•e°. ^sy^.^.. e. . o.'e. . 52,25 Mrs.. E. S.. Nightingale,,-,-, -112-46 .Alouette. Priv.. Hospital'......, ...:1119:70 Crestwood. Guest, Home, m .... _..... a 0 ..=. -10.00 Mrs. M..MArtyn,(Ryan)...... ......e:. 5.00 68 Martel o%Auust 1st, 1958, contntzed. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS CONTtD, 20% of Amount-Showsn Maple Ridge Other Government LEROUX, Annae.-o,eee.o•ooa....a.ef.$176.50 BABCOOKI Mabel.,.,,,Aa000A4Aeoofoeaeoo .81,50 '��•ORENZETTA, Emilye�sm•..efse.•ewfs.s.l Om50 BAYDU2,A.,, Mike s-ob•o'000.emfe•s.of.owefl76'A50 .LOWRY, William*'*.sepssofe.se•sees• 36e50 BOZEK,.Michael.0ooweoAe®`•seosm*oo,os176e50 MATHERS, Merritt A...... .......... 106.00 ,DENTHEY, Evelyn.p/mwe•.,*fef.ep.-A4aee1.58w50 }VEIL, eTUl7ass.w•eo..opos.0000,oeffa 104.50 FOYTIK, 1Franks..m.eoo.o••es.soososeo122o�Q �E , Ruby**, easeo«f.eeoose000e 75,50 gennow, Mar orie.......pof.•e...,.,,104.50 iYHUS, Sarah•«e.,.o-co,,.ase••'.oee• 92o50 KALLEN, Williamoo«.000ee.,.,,,feeo.l40.50 OLSEN, Holgerf,.•..•,...•e,.,... .• l04.50 PATTEN, Florence........,.. o,,,,,,.,158«50 PE1ERS,.Richard, 0o.ee.000•00a«...... 122.50 USSELMAN, Jacob.,..•.,«-f.eb-...,,,.,,,lO4p50 POELZER, Jeannette :,4.;,,e 86.50, WILCOX, Frances, .f,oa.o,«..e.•aso #*115f50 REMPEL, Peter,..-.•.e,,,,,,•,,•„e.--86:50. WILSON, Mrs. Re..efe.f.ee.e.ee,...f• 25o00 RICE, JBICIeS«ewaos,eo..e.eoseoe..e. 212.00 ANDERSON, Sven.........eo,eoe.efao.a 55«00 5MLL, Horace.•.•.....:..,,ae.• 176.50. harrinngtion, Joseph,,..oeb•e «..f,w. 55.00 SHARP, A3icee....00fso....f..wf,.. 61.50 holtslander;.Charles•.............. 55e00 8IMS, Marjorie L•. .f.o,�►soa..s.fo 104-50 KLASSEN, Abe for William, «..fos..*« 55z00 STEEVES, Margaret.......,„e 104o50 ovens, Ed ri•aofsfe.se•eo's,e.,m.o0,' 5,00 8TEWART, Margaret,b.e.9.eepo..s4e f- 86.50-.THEW��,e,Frank...........f.'..,.osof.,w 32.80 TALBOT, Eleanor...,f•f.,...•e•,.f•, 52.25 JACKSON, Almanda..a•...e...f'®0.•e.e« 55.00 BAN PELT, Adriaanss..o.•,®®-s .: 4 0� 86.50 BATEMAN, Hattie:.e•s....e of. o so,* *o 55000' VARGA, James•ee.se.....e.e..•-,.a,'. 140.50 CHRISTIE, Isabel...;...«...f.o.o0,ae..50.00 VINK, Adeleina.•f_..,f.,........fA .. 1"22,50. CORC'Yp. 'Flora .aoo. ooe.w'es«.o.osoe,-.o 40.00 WHITE, or1s•eo..aos.••.e•o.,-•e.e-e 86o50 DEE,,Nellie..oee,eoff..•ooe...,«,.ef 55600 WILLIAMS, Mona .o.ese•`e..e.,.,eo,.a $6.50 GALE, Louisa..ee.f,.aee.eee.,e'+fofai 55000 DIRK, Marie w.es.«eswe,.ee•se.o,• 176f50 HARDY,_Mabelo...e.,oe•.e•....o.e.s.,a 40a00 KU=R,Julia aoaoeeo.ao.oO, o.eeo0so0 86o50 . MARMCA, Jean oewoeo.•.a.„o.os..ef 55.00 FUNK, James fes.f,eepe.oepeo.evaoeo 122.50 MELVIN•,' Ine7.o,..o.a.e•.. o.saf,00, 55e00 11AMILL, HeleIifo•e-ese•fo «e.ee. 122.50 SIMPSON, Rheta....eaef•eseeeveoaes« 55.00 ALLAM, Freder ckp«e,0, .e�efe...p,e1,e 55.00 BALLANTYNE, Delia,e..•ao ofe ,f•,122,50 r FRITH, Joseph...�.oeeeoaei.+s.oe.e. 55,00 •BRUNEAU Rene•.•eo•ee. . • p eese,ae«ooesol94o50 GUSTAFSON, Adolph..,«wao.e. e.sa•, 55.00 CAMPBELL, Victor... ... efs-.e104.50 L`EE, Frederick.....•.«..e,•«.....ef 50oOO CUSKER,, John... e.e f.•104m50 55,00 ,. .CIARKEI Wilfred ...... ,faf114.64McCANN, Mrt�nef,ee,,,oQO--EGUIE, Leona.........«MATHEWSe•9eee104«50 •.e. o, . o s e 55.00 HIQNN9, Margery..... w A . o-e . • s s • •, e o o 860 50 SENFT, Harryee «eeosee.,:e«e,fo�• 35.00 GIESBRECHT, Jacob•.. o.o...eo,se..1w176.50 STONHOUSE, LeWis....aooe.asf,aesose,. 42o50 KEiNEDY, Lorrain•.o•e..,o.f.e.e.,ae140.50 TONER, Ali%7X1ee,e.s/s.e„s'«sm-ee+a.s.; 55.00 LUND, Wally........o•ofaees,.:faep 157-50 ALLAM, Mary B.e.e•ee,•00000+.e.fe• 55.00 McNEIL, Marlon.....ee,•f•o'a,•droe w.e.122.50 BALE, Frank for Virginia..,....... 45.00 HELQUIST, Robert..,....,..f,fe.•p e 55.00 BEAULAC,• Marie, ..e w f «. f_e f «d. o. f o a o,f e 55.00 • auguston,-- Samantha - for N: McKay..... 55.00 CAMPBELL,, Ida.., ►,eoerm:o,.aee.f.a...e, 55.00 MCKENZIE, Johnwme.Sa„',,,e .:,.. 55f00 COWARD, I.sabella...r..o...�.p ®; 55.00---RYAN; Richard.p@.b.ae,00w sf`.oeea.s 50:00 DAWSON,-Doroth yo,eo.eeof.o,efeoeso 45000 ARRANGE, A1.V3.21aaoa-eweof.e.«o•�:.'staa.55e00 FUNK; EVao•oso•o .e:.«e•.e.e.fae.o• 40.00 HANSON, Leather...«eefesee.,f.oaee.s« 45o00 GOODRICH, Sarah...o.,,...•...;ee...ea 55.00 JOHNSTON, Grace:,,,,,,.•,:...".,.•,, 20.00 HENSGHELL, te,.f.a...,.wee..:.ee.. 55-00 .LANSALL, Margaret for Rosemary.e;lf 45.00 HEWITT, Sarah.•oeee««ee«e«fee,ee.f 40.00 WALKEY, Edltho.sf«oss�afaee,«1ss..e 42.50 JACOBS, Lucy.waeeeee,o«o..«fa«a.eo 50.00 4OHNSON, Mary.... m._�,•....,._of.ai.e'.s. 94w00 KILSBY, Chrl3tana ....se..esefoo oo 25f00 ANDERSON, Howard.o.efss,ee.s,,., ...,io.00 KLASSEN; Helena..e,00a..000«ee.e.s 40.00 BELLROSE, Howard•eoe.fe.•eee).eoeofsa."1000 MCRAE, Esthero.wew..w•.,,: ,o@f.®. 3.7400 ROBERTS, Mary,.***-.e- ®«..,w.;«o-10,00 MOODY, Flossie•........,,.,,..,.:•, 55.00 steppler, Valentine.............;,. 10.00 MURRAY,, yEdna..@a@@aaoeaf000,ee.ewf« 55.00 Super Valu �Nos,58-;o,.®a.oeeaopo 'e•. ef 50,00 NAK44WI 55,00 Halley Hotel -Goa •LTdeseoe'31,02 /O�cST❑RANDI(.�.�? 44,,R. �.f.®Am...aa..:.. 37.00 Leatha H+ansohiii;a :a:: �. ..a..oa. 8 60 OSWQLD, `^`r! A �4 ecee O. e-OOf.6,l 40*00 IOG.Ao lt���eO m60.'ot OO.a Oa'- 1 60.00 PEARMA Edn4**4,.,.,.,,.o...w«.e.w, .0 55.00- Haney `Hmde Motor �Freight,,.9 f 0ef 35o00 SAMIS,. I. rec�.,gfp�.o«.eea.om.lfo,, 55*00 Fuller -Watson L�do::.of,o0o..a'.s'eo.o' 4.1.0 TAYLOK,z 2121�et. S.ao,oe.opoo'efoo®so.. 4.5s00 DYE, He Morse,'O"a`mo'sofoo.o, •f..',ae;.®eo p6.00 TROTTER, Ni�bel�.. ,o.•.•.osws...s..:e.•e < 50.00 Dist. of M tSKlx1e.'a"s°i.os..o,fo.w.o.o' 37.90 TUCKEY," 3�Z`t,3 o..,.,, «f a ,. a.... o'er 55.00 Haney Cafe e 18.26 CARTER, ;Nla el,.n.. o,• e.e,e.•5e...• o 0 o o o o a 10.00 •Dr. N.W,- flxcula kio **'so* i.f « -.125 # 00 HAGENs. Jenief„«..,,�,....,..,....,.., ..<. 10e00 - _ ...: , n > 8 e WICKHAK., )-ey�e•,s:oaowo o.o00e0#•04•.' 10.00, D1St.^ Of'X'erY.sJA.e..w•.a....,. a7.55 « . + . > . n City, of lfw W.0ptminster..... 2 .bO .. . , , . ...... . lY1s tip. f . 7✓olaMp3,*`�•>" * o s o e e ..-o o o o . o o - 9, 75 " ° " , ' • , , , > "" . Supex' 3Ta111e. No., 58, a , . « •..... . 42.00 ... , Minutes of August 1st, 1958, continued. 6 4 9 SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS CONTID. 20% of Amount Shown - Maple Ridge Dr. P. BOkstrom..e.......osee.....0 90.00 -Marie 5.60 I.G;A. Store... .... *.&*.*4&********.-25*00 Maple Ridge Akbulances...'.....0,21.00 Canada Safeway.............. 15,00 Maple Ridge Pharmacy ... ..........6.00 Township of Richmond .....:.....:... 15,68 Minister of Finance..a.......e'.`. 38.10 Dist, of Matsqui .............`.....''39.00 City of Vancouver........,.,,...®.102,90 Township of Missioh...,''a......... 54.75 City of Glctorla........ .. 14.25 Moved by Councillors Simmohds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts, totalling $14,003.04 be piad. CARRIED. Minutes of August 13th, 1958, Full Council was in attendance for a special meeting at 8 00 P.M., Wednesday, August 13th. 1 Messrs Edgett, Spalding, Scribbens anti others, also Solicitor Krell,- were. present to disguss the out6ome of the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw No.. 4-79. "The• Reeve, in calling the meeting'to'order,`asked for the first speaker. Mr. D, .Spalding,. President . of the Yennadon Ratepayers Association requested information regarding the procedure for zoning. He was given -this information by the Reeve, who also instructed the Clerk to read the Bylaw No. 479, parti— cularily outlining the proposed area, which had been revised by order of Council since :the last meeting,_. As :this eliminated the westerly 664'feet_, Mr. Edgett strongly protested same and asked for permission to be given to Mr.'SCribbens to -speak on the matter. Although Mr. Scrbbens resided outside the proposed area, the Council were in favour of listening to him if he,had anything•con-- stru.ctive •to offer. His opinions_.were .listened to .but. nothing informative resulted other than what may happen in the future;,regarding the westerly 664 feet, if left out of the zoning. Solicitor Krell• -representing the .major portion of the'land proposed to be left out of the area, informed; Council that.his clients, due to previous comittments, stood to lose violently if theme lands were zoned, particu larily one client,.whose subdivision plans..were held by Council, subject to'_the passing': or rejection of the zoning. bylaw.. The matter' i of septic, tank disposal; within the . area` was 'discussed," relative to .condensed .occupancy of thb area in, future- flooding periods; ' In Councils s opinion, who were better able to judge due to paste experience' in 'srriilar ' areas, this was not a'seraous problem. A compromise was offered by those.opposing eliminating the 664 feet, by recommending that only 100 feet from the corner of 8th" A `enue and "32nd Road be eliminated. Solicitor` Krell, on behalf of his clients, opposed this, Members of the Council were canvass6d for their verdict and'the'result was that two were ih favour of eliminating the 664 feet and passing the bylaw as read by the Clark arid'three Councillors were not in favour but suggested. that further consideraati.on be given to the matter by Council, who would make a decision shortly. Delegation retired.. Minutes of Aiig ist-- lath.` 1258, -ebhtinuede i The agenda was now referred to. Letter was read from the Whonock Ratepayers Association asking for the removal of brush on 26th Avenue and 6th Road and 25th Avenue South of 3rd ROad.+ fihas,was,noted by the Engineer, Letters wa"s read from Lester and Legatte, suggesting' that' the Council meet wi'tl 'the' occupants of Trailer .Courts "afid dlseu`s.`s' the proposed Trade Licence cha.'rges'." Thl's' was not considered nece" sar'y" by' the' Council:" ' . ♦ , • e . . n . a n . . rt a - < • , t. n v , n f r. Letter was read from the School Board -with -reference to the clearing .and cleaning up of the west boulevard of 21st Avenue South and -the Trunk Road for a distance of 3200 feet. Apparently Mr 8iddon'had �sub'mittbd a tender of $350.00 and the School Trustees felt that as this was advantageous to the Council that they should shame'" this arr6uii ' on a ' 50/50 basis; Moved by Councillors Cox and Telosky that we share the expense 50/50 of $350.00 for the clearing of the boulevard south on 21st Avenue for a distance of 3200 feet, with the School Board; to be charged to Waterworks Department. CARRIED, Another matter which affected the School Board and Council was the construction of a road runing north from Ross Road bordering the school property frontage and also east to the south end of 131 Avenue. Council felt that the cost of this should be borne by the School Board, as it was primarily for their use. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and--Cox-that the subdivision Plan Approval Amendment Bylaw, 1958, No. 482, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. . Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that first and second reading be given to the Trade Licence Amendment Bylaw, 1958,.No.:483. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that first and second reading be given to the Mobile Horne Park Amendment.Bylaw No. 484. CARRIED, Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the sub- division of Lot 4Drt of W2 of S.E.T1,,-Sec. 23, Tp.12, Ref.Plan 2200-B, subject to.the,provisions of the Road -Subdivision Bylaw and Amendments and Engineerts approval.. :, CARRIED; . . Moved by.Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of Lot 4 of the north east 1 of section 20, township 12, N.W.D., pursuant to the provisions of the Road Subdivision Bylaw.and Engine erts approval.'... ARRIED. The matter of Mr. Henschellts application to construct.cabins on the rear -of his.lot.on Metcalfe Road, which -had been referred to the Town Planning,Conmission was�now discussed and'Council agreed that the recommendation.of. the Town.Planning ..-Commission tLt the one',family dwelling zoning :that now exists.�'on Metcalfe Road should. not -be disturbed until the need or necessity arose, .Clerk. was to so notify Mr„ Henschel that -no permit would be issued. y The Reeve now referred to various complaints that had arisen from occupants on lower 5th Avenue and.27th Road, regarding the dust nuisance caused by excessive trucking. He recommended that, if possible, oiling be•delayed'a,few days.to enable.us to get further figures on the -,'development of, hard surfacing program., as :it ray be'possible to include this area', if funds .permitted. He also,brought up the matter of the necessary bridge replacements and,repairs'. in particular the arbitration proceedings that we would have to deal with on the 32nd Road Bridge -immediately west of:14th Avenue.. It was. .the unanimous decision -of the jReeve and Council and Mr. W.E.:Anderson should be appointed as Arbitrator on behalf of the Municipality. The Reeve now read the folowing letter, with reference to the problem of sewage.,disposal on the.'.Blackstock property fronting the..Lougheed-Highway west of-3rd Avenue. 0 .) Minutes of`Aizgustl3th, 195g, continued. =- July 23, 1958 To the Reeve.and.C'ouncil: Re: Mrs. Blonde Blackstockgs,Sewage DisposafSystem . for Multiple. Unit Dwelling, West of 3rd_Avenue on Lougdeed `Highway. Lot 3 of ttFtr of Lot 249, Group l,,Plari'5ll9, S&E Sk. 9015, 9592 :Plan 14895, Explanatory Plan 15293. We the undersigned have inspected the said disposal field and find that since the Department of Highways have deepened their ditch by approximately eighteen.(18) inches, the above installation has -a good chance' of working efficiently and therefore approve it, with the stijulation that should the system fail or create a menace to'health,' same will be "condemned until rectified. omsm.omoo��a�•��m.�mmesoeom00000eomeo (Municipal Engineer) (Signed) . a .. .. a ..:. o ee O O. O e'O ....-. 0 ..... so 0 ,(Municipal Inspector) Yours truly, \\JJ (Assistant Municipal. Inspector) (Signed) .s.e.eeo.00.moeeos'o.o.ao-n-eeoe (Sanitary Inspector) The following grants were approved for payments Boardiof Trade,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.$25.00 Centennial Conmittee.....m.o.m.....$500,00 Girl Guides......e.so.os..o.,,s.•50.00 Boy Scouts..... .....,.,.......:.....100.00 Hammond'Wa"I....,..eooeo.000eeoe,123e00 Albion Community Ass;n...........e. 100.00 Whmnock W.I..o..........-e.ee. oe25OeOO Ruskin Community Asstn 2$.00 Finish Organization No. ,60...... 16.00 Salvation Army.........•,..a,.-,..,.... 150,00 C.N:I.B .............e........e..100.00 Cancer Society........... 50e00 Red Gross..®,..........e..e..... 25.00- Arthritic Society, ..... 0... ,...e..e 50e00 Alexander Robinson Comm.Assan.,. 50.00. Polio Fund..............a:eem..aeo1 50.00 Rental Hammond`�T.I........•.,..... ,50,00 M.Re-PM. Farmers Institute;......eO. 75.00 Miss Maple Ridge ................ 50.00 Councillor Dunlop reported the need for ditching on.2nd Avnue and also at the south end of the Hammond Stadium sloping towards Westfield Street. Another matter was that overhanging.,trees should be removed on Lorne Road. Westend Avenue also need inspection-wth regard to. drainage.. The matter was brought up with reference to the condition that had existed some time peeviously,.referring to complaints made by Mr. Campbell on the lower side of Hammond, about the hot -rod racing-and'the parking of old cars on the boulevard fronting the Airth.property. The police should be notified to frequiently visit and inspect this area. No further business meeting adjourned at ll.i00'P.M.' r FEEVE cI-ARK a 652 Minutes of August 26th., 1958. Council met for a special meeting on August 25th at 4:00 P.M; Present were Reeve, Councillors Dunlop, Cox, Nightingale and Tel:osky. The agenda referred to a letter from Mr. L.W. Campbell of Stonehouse Road, asking for grader work, which appeared to be justified as this was a new road and not yet hard surfaced. The Engineer; being present, would take care of the matter. Letters of thanks and appreciation were received from the Salvation Army, Canadian Arthritic Association, Red Cross and boy'Scouts for receiving grants. -These were read and ordered -filed. - Moved Councillors Dunlop and Cox that the first and second reading of Zoning Bylaw No. 479, as previously approved, be rescinded and that first and second reading of Zoning Bylaw, 1958, No. 479y as now presented, be given. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Bylaw No. 483 (Trade Licence) be given third reading. CARRIED. - Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Bylaw No. 484 be given third reading (Mobile Home Park) CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Cox and Telosky that first and second reading be given to Bylaw No. 485 (Zoning) CARRIED. Moved by Counlc llors, Nightingale, 'and: D Inlop that' fixb°t` and' secbnd` 'rea'd'ing be° given to Bylaw No. 486 (Zoning North Street)' CARRIED. Progress payment on the swirmning pool for $10,129.86 was ordered paid by the following motion: Moved -by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that -Surrey Excavating Company's account for- 61.0,129�.86• for, the Centennial Swimming, Pool,- be- paid-.- , CARRIED. Moved, by. Councillors Cox and Dunlop that William. le, Burrell, be -appointed as Returning Officer. for. the, vote to be taken on 21st Avenue Water Area -bylaw, 1958, No. 470) on. Monday,. Sept ember 8th,'1958. CARRIEDo .., , The matter, of, then ad justed wages for -the Building Inspector, Don Morlez, was .confirmed at $325:00 per month -plus car allowanee•of-$40.00. Mr. Endert had complained of being required to pay for two tradelicences; $15.00 for plumber and an additional $10.00 for heating enntractor. -He' requested that both of them be combined. -Council did not agree with this, neither'-did.it con- form to the Trade Licence Bylaw No. 460. Therefore, the request was not granted; his licence.woul.d.,be $25,00 for.plumbing and heating. The request from the extra guards hired by the R.C.M.,P. to increase their hourly rate from $1,00 to $1.25 was approved as other Municipalities were paying this rate The Clerk reported that a complaint had been made by_a neighbor of the --McCullough property on 5th Avenue, that Mr. McCullough was violating the�zoning�area by extending his commercial interests'to include a pole yard and also installing creosoting vats As his commercial work shop was frozen a, few years ago when the area was zoned residential,the Clerk was to notify him that this'was a transgression of the zoning regulations and that the complaint would be justified by the removal of the pole yard. Councillor.Cox asked that something be.done with the appooach on 27th Avenue north of Trunk Road, which was a dangerous corner. The Engineer will investi- gate the matter. The Clerk was now ordered to offer for sale the south 451 feet of the Legion property recently purchased by the Corporation, known and described as Lot "Get of Lot 3.99,..Group 1, Plan 106.89,.for one issue inthe Gazette only. The offers would be'considered one week later to conform with Section 471 of the Municipal Act, Councillor Dunlop reported with regard to water. lines on 47th Avenue; whether the connections should be made at the -time of the installation of the main line or after the lines are active; The matter would be investigated further. No further business meeting adjourned at 5:20-P.M. REEVE CLERK r r Minutes of September 5th, 1958. 6153 The regular monthly meeting, together with the Hearing for Zoning Bylaws No.s 479 and 485 opened with the folloing motion: Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the Hearing for Zoning Bylaws No. 479 and No. 485 be now opened. CARRIED. Messrs McCool', White, MacDonald and Funk spoke, objecting to the zoning of the area. They were also supported by Solicitor Krell. The major objection was the one hundred foot frontage minimum, which denied the right to all with less than 200 foot frontage to subdivide. They also felt that there was no protection in the Bylaw other than to keep out commercial interests from being established on 32nd Road only. Solicitor Krell contested the legality of the bylaw, particularily with regard to the imposition of the one hundred foot frontage minimum. Most of the opinions expressed were repititions of what had been heard at previous hearings, therefore the Council felt that this hearing, which was the third, should be final; due to the absence of Councillor Cox a decision would be tabled until his return, which would be in a few days. Mr. W. Anderson, who was Councilts arbitrator with regard to the proposed new 32nd Road Bridge being built.on what is now private property, rebohme"nded that Council accept the owners valuations. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Simnonds that we accept Mr. W. Andersonts recommendation to purchase the property owned by Mr. McDonald, Mr. Cook and Mr. Nickol as per the price offered by Mr. McDonald - $5,000.00, Mr. Cook - $2,000.00 and Mr. Nickol - $5.00, CARRIED. The four acre portion of Lot rtG" of D.L. 399,.Group 1, Plan 106891 which was offered for sale by the Corporation for the sum of $36,000.00,was now considered. Three tenders were on hand, the first and the original tender from the' Atlas Finance R alty Co. of $36,000.00, which caused the Council to list thi's figure as their gelling price (pursuant to Section 471 of the Municipal Act) At 4:35 p.m., Sept. 4th, this offer was verbally increased to $40,000.00 by a sub agent of the same Company as he was of the opinion that their original offer of $36,000.00, which had been made public information, would be exceeded by other bidders within the"remaining twenty-five minutes. At 4:55 P.M. an offer of $40,000.00 was received by the Clerk from Boultbee Sweet Co. Ltd. Al 5:00 P.M., deadline time, no further offers had been received, shortly after the Clerk phoned the"sub agent, Mr. Savage, that his verbal offer of $40,000,00 had been matched and it would have to be confirmed by letter prior to Council dealing with the matter at tommorrowts meeting. The Council was now faced with three offers to purchase, the ori�inal $36,000.00 from Atlas Finance Realty Co. Ltd., which was now confirmed by letter at $41,000.00 and the Boultbee Sweet Co. at $40,000.00. The Reeve informed the Council that pursuant to the requirements of Section 471, prior'to selling any land that was not dedicated for special purposes, we must host or publish same for one week, which had now been complied with, stating the offered price, which was the offer made by the Atlas Realty. Therefore, Council could ignore all other competitave offers if they so wished, in fairness to the first and original offer. Closed or sealed tenders had not been called for, nor was it the intention of Section 471 to imply or invite tenders. Offers were to be received by the Clerk and not closed tenders, until 5:00 P.M., Sept. 4th. In his opinion a verbal offer was legal, if confirmed by those that gave it. The additional $1,000.00 added to the verbal perhaps could be'ruled out if the highest offer only was tobe considered. Council members each expressed their opinions and all were unanimous that the Atlas Finance Realty Co., who had made the first offer to Council, a price in excess of present day value that Council were willing to accept but could not do so until the offer was made public and should in all fairness be now given the opportunity to do so and it was unfortunate for them to have been forced to raise their price which was not due to any action by Council other than carrying out the requirements of the Municipal 'Act, however if they were willing to pay $41,000.Od for the four acres iri question and assure Council that a shopping centre would be established thereon, including a Dominion Wide Food Chain Store of a certain name, they would accept the offer. The name of the Food Chain Store which Council has anticipated would be established in the Shopping Centre was confirmed by the purchasers and the following motion approved. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that the offer of the Atlas Finance and Realty Co. Ltd. of 117-6th Avenue East, Calgary, Alberta, to purchase the south four acre portion of Lot "G" of Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 10689, N.W.D., as advertised, for the sum of $41;000.00,'$3600.00 cash and the balance to,be paid infull not later than December 316t, 1958, bejaccepted aid the Clerk to nrgDara the necessary b law, development to be in accordance with letter included. 6 , 4 6 4 ' � Minutes bf September �th.,''958 continued. The voting delegates for the U.B.C.M. Convention were now appointed; Reeve s Simods, nlopadJenewein, CouncillorCox, The Police report was read and filed. The Reeve reported on an interview with the R.C.M.P. Inspector, who felt that the local'Detachment should be enlarged., The Reeve informed the Inspector that the fines -and costs so fa) this year'were little or no greater than last year and since then'the-staff had been inceeased-also a full.time.stenographer had . been employed for the police office'so'that the Constables could.give more time on patrol. The"Inspector reported to the'Reeve'that the Police this year.we.re.now saddled with extra work and duties with.reference"to the'Haney Correctional Institute And .also .the' -Provincial Park, Council felt that an ad jizstment should -be made as the local • taxpayers `slioul'ci not" be saddled 'with this extra expense and service given. to the Provincial Institutes, The Council was advised of a` Civil Defence meeting 'at ABbotsford. Mir. J.A. Setter was advised that 'he' could name, his new 'subdiVis on road, 'for the time being, as the IlBetter Road" The letter from the police office with regard to the loss of sheep by drowning was read and filed°and the claim was made by the owner, J. Trethewey. The School Board informed the Council by letter that for.the time being it etas not necessary to open the road`at'the eastern of the present Ross Road it o"?der to tie up with 131 AVenue. ' Mr. A. Nillsorit,s `application to build a four suite apartment block on 12th AVenue South,was approved® Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Dunlop that Bylaw No.' 484 be reconsidered, finally passed .and ad'opterl. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds"and-Dunlop that Bylaw No. 483 be�reconsidered., finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Telosky that,Bylaw No. 485 be given'third'read ng. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Simmonds that School•Board Taxes of .$33.68 be written off.Roll Yo. 1238-1/ CARRIED. _ Many subdivision plans were on hand that had been presented fifteen -minutes before Council. meeting.. As the surveyor. had many times been notified to. submit plans at .least the da*y.prior to the meeting so the Engineer could review same, these plans were not. to be consideredd..'until the next meeting. Councillor Nightingale reported bad odors arising �from.the Okeson property on the south side of.Calaghan Street. The Clerk was to. notify the Sanitary inspector, Mr. Armstrong to investigate same. - Councillor Simmonds.asked for Councilts advise regarding his'membershipjn the B.C. Avaiation Council and whether he should withdraw from 'same. ; IT' was recommended that he retain his membership as our adjoining Municipality,'Pitt Ntead'ows 4as novi slated for 'a large airport, _ I Engineer-Wishart referred to the purchase of the fence fore the- municip 'l-,s�eds and yard['s protection. HE received- prices,~ and Council `authorized. -the M deninery Committee to take care of the matter. The Engineer also brought up the-probelm of catch basin' drainage of -Selkirk Street fronting -the Anglican Church, also the contemplated purchase of -the -J..-Fraser lands on 32nd AVenue, Ruskin. Councillor'Simmorids,'together,with the Engineer, would bring in a further report on�this matter of the Fraser lands, Tile Legion property acquired by Council early=in'the Spring although title has not yet been received, due to the, loss 'of `same, _the ,taxes were ordered. to' be paid in the amount of $350.80, by.Corporationts`-clhequea WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS _ $.C. Eledtric .'WOW,' Mtce. $ 231.15 William. Barnes W.W. Construction 404.09 Minutes of September 5th, 1958, continued. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS CONTtD. r H. Unger - - -W.W.= Construction - 129.28 E Harm W.W. Construction _ 129.28 ` .Mrs. Fairbrother W.W. Construction 133..58 Kirkpatrick Sand& Gravel Reservoir 1454.50 ° Haney Buiodef•s= Supplies Ltd. New W.W. Shed 4.08 Laurie Lumber Ltd. Sheds .(Cap. a/c) 25.65 ° Haney Brick & Tile Ltd. Reservoir (W.W. Cap. a/c) 90.00 Greater Vancouver Water Dist.,., 'W,W,'Ntce. 3106.77 Canadian Wood Pipe & Tanks W.W. Mtce. 41.62 Vancal Reproductions Ltd. Reservoir (W.W. Cap a/c) 30.00 Hoffman & Son Ltd. Reservoir (W.W. Cap a/c) 598.50 R. Muth & Sons W.W. Mtce. 3050 • West Coast Motors Ltd. W.W. Truck r11.54 Hanson -Fraser Ltd. wow* Mtce. 13.24 Haney -Hammond Motor Freight W.W. Mtee-7.40, NewConst-23.75 31,15 ° Public Freightways Ltd. W.W. ##XX Mtce. 1.25 ° Armco Drainage & Metal Prod., W.W. Mtce. 58.50 Terminal City Iron Works L d. Reservoir (W.W. Cap a/c) .'139.39 Purves Ritchie Sales Ltd. t W.W. Tractor 124.39 The Gazette W.W..Mtce .,. 50.92 Maple Ridge Lumber Co. Ltd. W.W. Sheds _- 78.32 Marshall Wells (B.C.) Ltd. Mtce.-226.87, Yennadon Const-329.311 Cep. E:xp-399.00 955.1 B.C. Electric W.W. Mtce. 294014 Haney Brick & Tile Ltd. Yennadon Bylaw W.W. 210,00 payrolls - JULY: ° Maintenance-647.05, Connections-576.60, Reservoir-807.72, Holiday Pary-201.601 Construction, Yennadon-267.20, Construction 452.80. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accountsi totalling $8,350,02 be paid and payrolls'as'listed aboved. CARRIED. ° GENERAL ACCOUNTS: -McCullough Electic Centennial Pool $ 185.00. W,G. Alexander' Traff.Tic728.50,Dog.Coll-73.50, Trade Lic-106.50 208.50 •K.C; Bruce Civil Defence 54.96 -J.S. Wishart Engineer Expp 33.70 E. Lemberg = Parks Board 26.50 -Henryts Grill Keep of Prisoners 15.65 -F,G. Scherck Assessment Costs '6.00- Ylinister of Finance Income Tax Ded. - July 946.31 -MWdcipal Employees Union Union Dues - July 72.00. -Anton Pole & Lumber Refund Ptn. Trade Licenbe 5.00' Odlum Brown Investments -Ltd. S.F. Invest-3032.00,Acc.Int-33:04 (Savings 7004) 3065.04 J. Stanger Fire Dpeartment 250.00 °Frederick P. Shimek ,. Gen.Rd.Mtce. 150.00' -Board of. Trade 1958 Grant 25.00 -Centennial Committee ►► it 500.00 • Girl Guides ► . 111 50•00 Boy Scouts .' " TT 100.00 HammondW.I. T► Tt 1230.00 Hammond W.I." Rental. 50.00 Albion Community Asstn., 1958-Grant 100.00' °Whonock W. I. T:T TT 250.00 - Ruskin Community Asst n. rt - ct 28,00 -Finnish Organization160 ►.t i► 32.00 'Salvation Army _ ' T► 150.00 "C. N. I.B. it T► 100.00 Cancer Society tt ►► 50.00 'Red Cross _ r► T► 25.00 Arthritic Society ° T► ►t 50.00 Alexander Robinson Comm: 'Ass?n '� 43 " 50.00 `Polio Fund - t► it . 50, 00 °•M.R.-P.M. Farmerst Inst. rt r► 75.00 °Miss Maple Ridge rt rt .50-00 -B.C. Telephone Co. R.C.M,P.-25.31,Hall-41.24,CivilDef.- - 6.88,Pub.Wks-19,58,Fire Dept-8.56 101.57: -B.C. Hospital Insur.Service �hospital.Per diem 11e90: -J, V. Brister Gen.Rd.M�ce, 56"a85" Minutes _of 'SePt'embeLlthi -1958, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTtD. I I Maple Ridge Legion Co. C-Ld. CaP.Rlestrvoir a/c (Porch. of Prop. I 35b00.00 Surrey Excavating Co. Ltd. .) . Centeftnial Pool (Cash Reserve a/c)_ 10129.86 MuseallemTs Haney Garage Ltd, Purchasfe, New Truck,,, Machinery a/c. '4604993 Kirkpatrick ' Sand and Gravel Gen.'Rd.Mtce-14-70.,Sed.ga�rY-49-00 -63-70 Fraser Valley Regional Library Libl-ar7 kssesbment, 1964.80 Garden Hill Funeral Chapel Cbronertb Inquest 12,00 Union of.,B.C. Municipalities kisce E4`, 121-40 Fleck Bros. Ltd. 'Flre.Departmefit 2.78 Maple Ridge Home Service Fire Department 6.13 Paradise Inn Keep Of prisoners .555 Rock Gas Propane Ltd Ref« trade I i cance 25. Haney -Hammond Motor Freight 'Fire Department 2000 DeWolfts Market Genand.1"ce, t .90 Clarke,&'Stuart Co. Ltd. 'Trade'Licence Exp. 15.24 Haney 50 to $1,00-Stor6 "%Offic6 Supplies 4,.62 Minister"ofFinance Geti.RdMce, 383.80 Minister of Finance 'T.B,,Uhits 55.13 Minister of Finance Me4idal Servi6eg 521,21 Nesco Aluminum Ltd. "New -Sheds (Cap a/6) 321.26 Minister of Finance 'Child'1161fare 119.30 R. 3iddon "Fire Fighting 20'00 A. P. Evans,, 'Keep'6f Prisoners, 6.00 H.J. Cockrill KEep of Prisoners 51 00 Frank Dennis 'Keep 6f'prisoners '18:00 Mrs: Frank Dennis 'Keep, of F isoners 4.00 A. Vogl Gen.Rd.M ce. (signs) 25-76 Dr. S,R.'Arber Keep of prisoners 5.00 Magneto'Sales & Service Ltd. "Tools & Equipment R.J. Scdbie 'Police 'Expe'nse 6.50 Fuller Watson Ltd. 'Centennial"Pdol 4,00 Salvail Bros. Motor Service Trucks. 2.69 Brownts Phdr'm'acy ."Assess. Exp*' 17." A. McIntosh 'Centennial Pool (Cap.'Res. 'a/c)' 27-00 Cambridge Craft Dr. A.J. Trudel Centennial Pool (Dressing Rooms) 23-15 Coroner & Inquest 500'00 J.V. Taylor Police expense 15-00 Minister of Finance L«R.O. Fees Jul, y-7-49.,A-dg.'7-,07 14.56 Greenwell-Blackstock- Liunber Co. Brides 3�9.89 Haney Music & Art Store Ltd, 0en.Rd0MTce. 1.14 Maple Ridge Construction MuneSheds(Cap a/c) 24.00 Sam Saarits Garage Crushet-9-07,Dragline-77.30 ,Bridges- 18.90 105,27 M, &'L, Machine Works Trucks 4.00 Dan Ebert.Motors Tools 1.47 Mansell erand Ltd. B.C.-Forest Products Trucks 1,,14 Ltd. Bridges-& Culverts 49.26 Ridge Construction 'Refund current taxes Leon A, Salvail taxes 89.10 SunTLife Assurance ;r6fund'd-hrrent Refund.cui-rent taxes 4� 6 .55 D. V; L.A. Refund current taxes 149.69 Minister of Finance Refiind'85% re E. Owens July cheque 4.25 Kanaka Concrete Products Culverts & Bridges 221.24 Medical Services Assn. M. S. A. 1354.24 B.C..'.Electric Hamond'Draine-5-39,2Hall a/c-70.20., A. V; Barnard Receiver General Municipal Employees Union Superannuation Commissionerg Sundry Exp. (Municipal Treasurer) Archibald Hewatson T. -Krell Kenneth C. Buchanan Acme'Machine Shop Co. Dominion Life Assurance Co. Regal -Building Supplies Ltd. Regal Building.Supplies Ltd. K. C. Bruce Muftidipdl'Treasure'r R. Walker & Sons Ltd. I .� Fire Dept-17.09,rarks Board-1509., Public Works-110.66,St..Lts-364.59 f585-51 Ass , ess�nent Expense 32.10 Income Tax Ded. Augu6t 1-974.95 Dues - August 74,00 Trust-64-50, Super-4,'),-97110-47 Sundry '644.80 'Refund contributioiiz4riis c, Ref. 50.00 Centennial Pool 'current 15-00 Refund taxes 132-97 Trucks-juj.bl., Crusher-8.255Shovel- 3547,Grader-2?.60,Loader-39,.8 Q_, Bulldozer-34.-44.- Refund-Curient Taxes Gen.Rd.mtce, Centennial Dool Civil IJetence - August R/W root "Frontage Rates Trucks 443.87 110-78 -1 135.63 341.27 79.28 5875.60 11.34 L - 6 R.P a Minutes of September, 5th, 1958, continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTtD. Haney -Hammond Motor Freight GenpRd.MTce. 2.25 Hanson -Fraser Ltd. New'Sheds (Cap.)-9.552Gen.Rd. - " IvM acKenziets Hardware Ltd. Mtce-7497 1752 New Sheds-6.06,Gen.Rd.MTce.-10@ 6.16 Butler Tire Ltd. _ Trucks 322.37 Ge.stetner Ltd. -� Office¶Supplies 3g.08 Fieldts Welding Supplies Lid. Tools & Equipment _ 24.95 j Maple.,Ridge Volunteer Fire D`ept,- 1958 Remuneration 1539.00 Haney Builderts Spplies.Ltd._ Pool-16.38,New Sheds- . . 200.00iCemetery-8.09,Gen.Rd.Mtee- .23.15 -247.62 1?acific Tractor & Equipment .Ltd. , '.,-,Tools-29159, Loader-53.86 83.45 West Coast Mbtors Ltd. - Trucks. 8.42 4. Muth & Sons _ Shovel-10.96,Trucks-1.00,Crusher- 27.97,Bulldozer-9.25 49.18 -standard Oil Co. Ltd. Gas &°Oil 20.61 Armco Drainage & Metal Ltd®.:. -,,Bridges - 2159.42 Vancouer Equipment Corp. Ltd. Graders 144.10 Boothby Truck Line Ltd. New Sheds Const. 9.20 Dietrich -Collins Equipment Ltd. Crusher. 21.1.87 The Gazette Office Supplies-107.81,Gen.Rd.Mtce- 23.11,Bldg. Perm-381.'12,Ass.Exp-2.58 171.62 Dan.. Ebert Motors Fire Dept. r 2.35 Laurie Lumber Ltd. New Sheds (Cap.)-45.97,Cent.Pool-371.66 417.63 -R.J. Scobie Police Expense _ 18.75 Wmj. Martin & Elizabeth E.Martin- Refund•current taxes ;06 Maple Ridge Lumber Co. Ltd. Sec.Hwy.-264.60,Bridgs-lO8.65 '37a025 Haney Garage Ltd. Graders•-31.22,Trucks-30.38 611:60 National Machinery Co. Ltd. _- Tool repairs-452.22,Grader-133.35 585.57 °Muriicipal Treasurer Sewer Flushing 1958 500.00 Cnadian Industries Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtcee : 70.61 Public Freightways Ltd. - Grader • 2.66 Electric. Home Service Gen.Rd.Mtce. 26.68 H. Gibeault Gas & Oil 37.91 Royalite Oil Co, Ltd. Gas& oil 4+79.28 B.A. Oil Coi.Ltd. - Gas' CSC . Oil - ( 76.96 Cambridge Craft Co. Centennial Pool 29.14 W.G. Alexander Traffic Tickets-45.00,Dog Tax-93.75, Trade Lic.102.00 (August) 240075 R.J. Cappell' Parks Board 10.50 R. Siddon Parks 'Board 46.00 Salvail Bros. Parks Board 5.86 Granville Plastics Parks Board 11.77 Greenwell Parks Board .6.38 Clappison Packers Parks Board 1.52 Maple Ridge Construction Parks Board 30,00 A.. Paltilla Parks Board 25.00 `Kanaka Concrete Products Parks Board 16.97 R.A. Hales Parks Board 37.36 Regal Building,Supplies Parks Board 48.29 Hal Johnston Pazks Board 10,00 Haney. Garage Parks Board 11,25 McCullough Electric Parks Board 28.35 C. Whitehead Parks Board 55-00 Earl Middleton Fuels Parks Board 38.00 J.S. Wishart Engineergs Mileage - August 24.10 Imperial Oil Ltd. Hard.surf--6929.17,oi1-709.00,Patch- 140.00,Gas-18.13, 7797.29 J. Biggs Gen.Rd.Mtce. 11.00 Maple Ridge home Service Fire Department 44.09 PAYROLLS- JULY Gen.Rd.Mtce.-2811.72,Brush & Ditch-709.70,Patching-62.40, Crusher-1188.45,Oiling-102.40,Hard.Surf-1388.86,Bridges-470.42,Sec.Hwy-150.00, Hol.Pay.Stat-399.32, Hol.Pay,Gen-412.72,Sick Leave-42.00,Haney Sewer-14.85, Cemetery-579.70,Parks-1096.00,Cent.Pool-1302.30,Admin-4752.66 Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $88,285.27 and payrolls as listed above be paid. CARRIED. Minutes-of_September 5th, 1958, continued. SOCIAL '�ELFARE ACCOUNTS: 20% of Amount Shown Maple Ridge Other Government CAMPBELL, Donald. 55500 ELLES, Dorothy $$.25 OLAFSON, Alfred -a - 122,50 ENGE, TheodQre r 55.00 LAURASON, George 70.$0. DARBYSON, Geraldine 140.50 JOURBAIN,' Wilfred 79.25 ELLES, Dorothy 5.00 STEWART, M rgarct 39.35 ROACH, Clara 55.00 ' FERGUSON, aohn A. 55�.00 BECK, Ronald 62.00- LAURASON, George 70.$0 BAUDUZA,.Mrs. Mike 1.70 CAMPBELL, Donald, 52.25 _ GOWAN, Roy 70. 25- OLSEN, Holger 104.50 , BELLROSE, Minnie 10,00 FREGREN, Gus 27.50 Mrs. E.S. Nightingale 105.00 CAMMPBELL, Donald 36.00 Crestwood Guest Home 15$.54 TALBOT, Eleanor 15,,00 Alouette Private Hospital 1128.00 Mrs, E.S. Nightingale 165.00 Mrs. M. Martyn (Ryan) 5.00 Crestwood Guest Home 10.00 Haney Cafe , -.1.50 Alouette Private Hospital 972.00 ."Super Value No. 5$ 12.00 Mrs. J. Campbell (Hagen) 140.00- Miss Donna SMith (Ramseen) 35.00 20% of, Amount Shown Mrs. M. Jones (Shields) 140,00 -Maple 'Ridge Mrs. Marie ZirX 18.00 Maple Ridge Ambulance\Service 113.40 District of Surrey $,1$- Bullocha s Grocery 25.000 Twp. of Richmond 15'.6$ A.E. Waldron- ,. 20..00 Dist. Of -Pitt Meadows 267.,95- DeWolf s Market 30.00 Dist. of Matsqui 29..62 Super Value No. 5$ 40000 Corp. of Delta 66.14 Dr.-N.W. Huculak p 125,00. Minister of Finance { 39.30 Dr. H.F.'Morse. 39,00 Shopeasy Stores L d, 15,02 ANDERSON, Roward 10.00 CARTER, Mabel t: 10.00 BELLROSE, Harold 10.00 HAGEN, Jennie 10.00 , roberts, Mary 10.00 STEPPLER, Valentine 10.00 %ICKHAM, Levi 10.00 Total direct Assistance - September -- 10,257.25 Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that'the above noted accounts . totalling $15287.08 as listed above be paid. CARRIED. , Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Nightingale that the Hearing on Zoning,Bylaw No. 479 and No. 488 be now closed. CARRIED. , No,further business meeting adjourned at 1:00 P.M. i Minutes of September 17tha 1958. 5 Special meeting -convened at 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 17th, with full Council present. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the minutes of August, 1958, be adopted, as circularized. CARRIED . Representatives of the Boultbee Sweet interests, including their Solicitor, Mr, Gowan, were present, relative to the sale of the South 4 acre6 of Lot IIGrt of Lot 399, Plan 10689. The Reeve outlined to Council what had occurred at the 'previous meeting and since then, the dissatisfaction that had been expressed by the unsuccessful bidders. at a meeting in the Reevets office, tdgether with Councillors Cox -and Telosky. The main objection of the,Boultbee Sweet firm was the Council dealing: with•the offers for the purchase of the said four acres before -their representative had arrived at the meeting on September 5th. They reported to the Reeve that the Clerk had informed Mr. Boultbee Jr. that the offers for the property would not be considered until 11:30 a.m. and the matter had been disposed of by Council at approximately 10:45 a.m. The Clerk reported 'that he doubted very much that he had said 11:30 a.m., as he had no control over the time the agenda items would be discussed; as visitors or delegates before Council were not expected to sit through Council meetings waiting for 4. their business to be called from the agenda. He may, however, have mentioned eleven (11)-otclock, as the third hearing of the Yennadon Zoning Bylaw could' last an hour ro so. Council as a whole felt the matter'of the sale of the four acres in question had been conducted in a proper manner and that the letter of confirmation delivered by the Avey Realty Limited, prior to the matter coming up, had confirmed the verbal $40,000.00 offer made at 4:35 p.m. on the previous day, September 4th. Mr. Henschell of Metcalfe Road was present and requested permission to biuld a dwelling on the rear part of his lot, which was located in a residentially zoned area. As the Zoning Bylaw only allomred one dwelling, with accessory buildings, to be erected on one lot, Council informed him that his lot was large enough to subdivide into twolporti•ons`, and therefore he would be com- plying with the Zoning Bylaw. Residents were present from the area to be zoned'by Bylaw No.-479* However, as three previous public hearings had been heard on the matter, the Council would now deal with the question without hearing anything further from the property owners involved. -Zoning -Bylaw No. 479 was now read by the Clerk -and the vote of the Council was taken and a resolution that same receive third reading. Councillor's Cok, Dunlop and Nightingale voted in favour of the -third reading being given. Councillors Simmonds and Telosky voted against the resolution, The Reeve addressed the Council, stating that he was not satisfied with this division and he was disturbed with the results Hof the --three previous hearing allowed to the property owners that the Bylaw would affect. At least a third of the owners within the area were opposed to same and now it was evident that two . fifths>(2/5) of the Council members had voted against it. Pursuant to Section 164 of the Municipal Act the responsibility of making a"decision had been left with him. He regretted the situation and had hoped that such would not arise. However, he now had to face it; that in his judgment the majority in favour of imposing all of th6 regulations provided by the Zoning Bylaw was not large enough. He thought the matter should be delayed until there was a greater -expression of unity,, Therefore, he was giving them the opportunity d-57z" using his=vote:to.equalize the count and -to defeat the �ylaw. .,The Reeve was sorry he had to make this decision, but in doing so it was in`the best interests of the area, at,this time, Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that Zoning Bylaw No, 479 be given third reading. (Yennadon) •DEFEATED. Sergeant Calvert requested that the Police Office stenographer, Miss Seigo, who had been hired on probation at $175.00 be increased to $200.00, as she was now Court Stenographer;. 'This request was granted and the Clerk would make the necessary provision for same. Letter from G.S.'McNutt, appreciating Councilts work on replanking the bridge on 39th-Avenue was read and filed. ..Letter from the City of Vancouver, asking for support in their resolution to the Federal Government opposing the sale of the B.C. Electric Transit System to private enterprize was read and ordered filed, as Council was not acquainted' with the ramifications of same. 'i I I Minutes of .S.e t-embefr 17th . 1955 continued. Letter was read from Inspector Shank of the R.C.M. Police, recommending that the Police Force be increased commeengi April 1st, 1959, which.should not be less than g. This was accepted. The B.C. Telephone 'Companyts application for increased rates was read, opposed, and filed. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Mr. Trethewey be paid fifty per cent (50%) of S530:00J* total loss of sheep killed.by dogs, also Mrs. McLaughlin fifty per cent (5016) of $25.20 for loss of 12 chickens. CARRIED. .Letter was read from Mr. E. Dentrey complaining of rats investing the garbage dump. This was noted by the Engineer, urho -;.roul.d inspect same and remedy, if so required. Letter from F. G; I4allace, caliming hospital account for X.Ray treatment for $16.00, for his son, ageyl� years, who received injury by falling wires, at the 14th Avenue Bridge; was ordered'paid when bills were presented. Moved by Councillors Simmond'and Nightingale that Lands Sale 'Bylaw ND. 489 be given lst and 2nd reading. CARRIED. " Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Land Purchasing Bylaw No. la.$$.be given lst and 2nd reading CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Cox that -pursuant to Section 35 of the Municipal Act, the Reeve and Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale shall be - appointed to the Court of Revision for the Voter6t List to be held Monday,. November 3rd, 195$. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telbsky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot'12 of lots 6 and 7 of the N.W..31 of Sec.29, T14p.12, N;W.D., be approved. CARRI �. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Telosky that Procedure Bylaw No. 487 be given first and second reading. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors�Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 29 of the West 2 of Sec. 20, Twp. 12, N.W.-D. be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot 2, N.W.-4, Sec. 28, Tp. 12, Plan 6139, S&E Sk.1O151, as presented last May, be,given tentative approval, providing the road width is 50 feet as recommended. GARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Simmonds that the plan of subdivision of Lot 1 of Block 5 of the S.W.1 of. Sec. 28, TVap, 12, N.W.D., be approved. t CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and'Cox that the plan of subdivision of the South_! of Lot 10 (Plan 1161) and of portion of Block G of the West 1 of Section 20� Twp.12,�-N.W.D. be approved. CARRIER. ; Moved'by Councillors Telosky and Simmnnds that the Plan of portions of the 4� ast,2 of the S.W.,!, of See. 20, Twp.15, N.W.D., be approved. - CARRIED)! Moved by Councillors Telosky and Simmonds that the plan of subdivision of portion. of Lot 1 of $lock 'B of Parcel A of Lot 402, Group 1, N.WOD., be approved. CARRIED.,, Moved by Councillors Telosky and. Cox that the plan of portion of Lot 4 of the N.W.' 1 of Section 11, Twp.l2, N.W.D,, be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and'Cox that the plan of subdivision' -of Parcel.,Q of Lot 4 of Block 2 of Lot 398, Group 1, N.W.D., be approved. CARRIED. Moved by'Councillors-Telosky and Simonds that the plan of portion of Lot A of Lots $ and 9 of the'West 1 of the S.E.1 of Section 1, Twp.12,.N.W.D. be, approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and-Cox.ghat the plan of portion of •Lot. of Lot,9"of Lot 2L�7, Group 1, N-OW.D. be approved. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the_plan-�of portion of Lot l of the•Easterly 46.5 acres of .Lot 2/+l, Group 1, N.W.D. be approved. CARRIED. ti 2 Minutes of September. 17.t11, 1958, continued. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision plan. of a portion of Lot 2 of Block B of the North 30 acres -of -the West 60 acres of the S.W.143 S�',c. 15, Twp. 12, Plan 1378b, N.W.-D.", be approved.'' CARRIED. }- Loved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the sub- division of a 40 acre porti3nn of the South half of the N.ird.1 of Sec.23, Twrp.12, N.W.D., pursuant to the regulations of the Road Subdivision -Bylaw and Engineerts approval. CARRIED. Y Moved by Councillors Nightingale and\Dunlop that Zoning Bylaw No. 485 be reconsidered, finally/passed and adopted. CARRIED. September 17th, 1958. I The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, Haney, B. C. Gentlemen: I beg to report that the proposed extension of a four inch (-4t1) Cast Iron Water Main on the Trunk Road South on 213t Avenue, .for a distance of 2680 feet, referred to. in. Bylaw NO- .470, .I-.nown and described as the t"Twenty-first Avenue South WAter . Areatl , 1. The estimated life time::for the work is 30 years. 2. The estimated cost of the work-is,$5475.00. The entire cost of the installation shall be borne by the water users situated within the 21st Avenue South Water Area by paying twenty (20) annual instalments, with interest calculated at the rate of 52/. Yours very truly, L.W. Hawkins, C.M.d. S. Berto, W.W. Foreman September 9th, 1958 The Couniil of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge �.. Dear Sirs: On September 8th a vote on the 21st Avenue South WAter Line was held in the Municipal Hall from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Seven eligible voters cast their ballots. The final result was seven tlyestt votes. r Ynud truly, W. A. Burrell, Returning Officer (Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Cox that Bylaw No. 470 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED. The Engineer read out a request from the School Board, asking Councilo permission to provide the necessary stakes to peg their sewer outfall on the westerly boulevard of 21st Avenue. 'This was granted. The Engineer also reported his progress with regard to the request for a temporary Bailey Bridge on 14th Avenue. HE was still waiting fora favourable answer. Sufficient steel pipe, approximately 100 feet of 8 inch diameter was necessary to be purchased. His requirement was approximately 300 feet, having at present 200 feet on hand left over from the Websters Corners Bridge. This was approved. A 66 Minutes of 6eptember l7th;`,I9_5$, -coat need. Mr. Alexanderts request that he receive commission on.any summons he has to take to Court on Trade Licences, was approved, on fines and'costs as : well. No further business meeting adjourned at 5 20 PM.. CLERK? Y Minutes of -,September. 18th, 1958.' Council met in, committee _at. 2 00, P.M.., Thursday, _. September' lgth to consider the zoning problem that had arisen. Clerk was instructed to publish a notice in two issues, consecutive, of the Province or Sun newspapers, both circulat- ing within the Municipality,.advertsiging that.a hearing would be held on October 3rd at 9:30 a.m. in `order to extend the Commercial Zone on both sides of the Trunk Road.to 12th Avenue. " The matter of -the recent wind,storm.causing'..branches'of trees growing on Municipal Property.to fall onto C.P.R. ra.i.lway-tracks'had-caused the company to complain to.Council to remedy the situation; Council agreed to give Mr. J. Davis the work of")topping and trimming the trees at the sum of $175.00. Meeting closed at 3:30 p.m. Minutes of October 3rd, 1958. 6 ;./ 3 The regular monthly meeting convened with full Council present at 9:30 A.M., Friday, October. 3rd, '1958.- Moved by Councillors Simonds and Telosky that the Hearing for Zoning Bylaws No. 486 and No.. 490 be now opened. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simonds and Telosky that the minutes of September 5th, 17th and 18th be adopted as circularized. CARRIER. Mike Chequis was present and wished to obtain a permit to build a comercial addition to his dwelling. This permit had been refused by the office staff, _ as it was a violation to the Zoning Bylaw, as his lot was a residential lot within the commercial area and Mr, Chequis was not prepared to,leave the i required side line widths pursuant to the Bylaw. Council would investigate how this complaint 'could be overcome, as the office staff can only carry out the printed regulations. Mr. C. Bent requested Council to purchase the Haney Ball Park, fronting the Lougheed Highway, east of Haney. It was explained to, Mr. Bent that ball parks were a liability at all times, as the bleaches and the diamonds caused.a great expense to maintain for the short summer period and only used by a -very small number of patrons. As the four acres of the Agie Grounds was now available and also the newly acquired six acres of the Courtney Property would be avail- able next year to accommodate some half dozen junior ball diamonds; the need to acquire the Haney Ball Park was not -very urgent, However, Mr.;Bent was asked to report to Council what price the owner expected.to receive for his property. Correspondence dealt with a letter from the Pacific Stage Lines Limited' advising Council of the increase in rates. On behalf of all those who could not afford their own transportation, the Clerk was to reply to the Company that this Council could not approve the increase. Council was advised of the Yennadon Ratepayerst'i.nvitation to attend their =ting on October 27th, The Maple Ridge Hospital W.A. .was given permission to erect`a banner across 8th Avenue to advertise their coming,sale to'raise money for the hospitals. also, our crew would erect same if necessary. . The Yennadon Youth Associationts request for a grant would be considered in -- next yeart's budget, The Greater Vancouver Water Boardt`s letter, re - Flouridation - was read and• noted, with reference to the referendum next Fall. The Police Report was.read.and filed. Dr. Morsels letter oil behalf of all the local-doctors,,advsing Council that the minimum rate for certifying prisoners.free from contagious -or infectious, disease would be raised -to $10.00, was read. The Clerk was to reply that $10.00 was considered by Council as a reasonable charge for attending -.sick,,; Wisoners but $5.00,shoud.be the maxmxm to provide the above.noted,certificate. Letter was read from Mr. Greenhill, Secretary of the Fair Board, asking for a grant to offset their deficit. Council would not consider granting same. until an audited statement, preferably by Auditor G.A. Bing, was provided for Councils perusal.. Moved by Councillors Nightingale+ and Dunlop that Penning Contracting,Co. Ltd. be assessed for repair work to be done on the following roads- 6th Road off 17th Ave. $285,00 6th Road offl7th Ave. 270.00 Blacktopping of Road between 6th Road and gravel pitt - $2,331.00.' Total• 2,$86.00, Balance of $5,000.00 cheque to be•refunded. CARRIED. Mr;,�'.C.S. Pallot thanked Council.rfor: grading the road to 'the Rod and Gun Club. Mrs Pallot also complained of horse riders using the roads in a1disorderly fashion. He recommended that they keep'to the correct side bf the. _road when a car wished to pass., Sergeant Calvert,,who__was present, would write --.a letter to the Equitation Centre: LL i 664 Minutes of October ' rd• ..1 8.. continued, Engineer Wishart reported with reference to the hiring of tracks for the fill on 17th Avenue. He felt that this was a -cheaper method than calling for a contract and giving same to one individual contractor. HE was in- structed to spread-the'work amongst all the"local truck drivers, The Reeve also asked Mr. Wishart, without loss of time, to prepare ,a report showing ,the value and future value- of the 14th•Avenue Bridge, at the tame'of collapse. The Courts were dealingnwith:the matter -and' -`.•'apparently the hold up ` seemed to be the absence of ths!depreciated value of the bridge. Mr. Wishart promised to get the figures out-at,onde ' The Engineer asked that an Executive Committee be set up pu rsu' nt to the Work - menus Compensation 'Act. ' The' Re"eve and Engineer would represent the Council and out local Union would' -also select two of their member. 'T was also decided as this matter was i:n the interest of the workers 'arid for, the!. protection,, 'they should also look after the secretarial work resulting from the committee sitting. Councillor Siumonds, supported by the Engineer, recommended thatnotime s3iould be lost in prom.sin& Mr. Fraser that this'Corporation would Purchase his land for the proposed by passing'of 32nd'Avenue Bridge. Y� ' , dg pparentl�r_•I�r, Fraser �+ras being approached by other intending purchasers and at the moment he 'did not know just how he stoado Council was prepared to mike tas,commitment, although 'payment may be delayed for the time 'being. T ".: r`. Councillor S&i:rrmond"s had also advised Pitt Meadows Municipaii4, that the charge for the use ;of, our cemetery "would `be based on 1:3%' of the total cost- of 'administering same. This was the percentage used in dividing school costs betweerr the' kinicipalities, Councillor Telosky asked for the immediate'completion of the .14th Avenue_ Bailey g ry shortly now and it wduld be a serious situation deve o uid likely Bridge or a by-pass higher than the resent. one'. He felt that."hi h water wo occur ve 1 ped,.brought about by isolation. He asked that priority be given this work `aridit also 'referred" to the Blake Bridge on 32nd Road. Councillor.Telosky also recommended that we remove thekoil tarok and put an'old ,-box-on the chasis, as our new trucks were receiving considerable, damage at the crashing 'plant chute..'- He felt that only one truck should 'beused and not our' new: equipment.. Councillor Cox requested that the Clerk write to the.B.C. Electric with regard o to the "outstanding payment of the' easement through our Municipal Shed property.. He felt that this matter had been delayed far too long and should be -brought to a head: , The''matter of{the poor service given by`the`garbage dump maxi at thatt point, was now discussed. Apparently the present worker was looking after his own interests in attempting to salvage saleable brass fitting etc. As'�Ye wa"s-receiving less than the union wages Council felt that this may -be the reason',and;decided.to•inerease his trate,"ofJpay-for oinetinonthlland "see if better results werrthcom e foing, of not -he-should ne' discharged, and. -a- replaceinent made. - .-u. ... . Councillor:DInlop' reported that 'he had taken the matter up"wfih-the` Sun and the Province.with, regard- to the 'litter caused by their carriers, -- ihich"could 'result in fire.. The recapping of tires was left -to the Machinery'Con6ittee. Councillor Nightingale reported that he had seen store janitors'sweeping`the store refuse across the pavement into the street gutters,:._The Clerk was to write' to the Board of Trade. Council was advised that a demonstration of a sma114gutter sweeper would.be given at 2.00 P.M. Monday afternoon, ; Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the subdivision-of'Lots l"&t2 of W'`of 2, S.T.; -See. 21, Tp.1.2, Plan 5355 be tentatively approved for a distance of'500 feet north of Trunk Road, subject to` all the��requirements'`' f'the Road' Subdivision Bylaw ,-and Committeet s approval. CARRIED. }r , • .. , ,- Moved,by"Councillors Nightingale and`Dunlop that third reading be given to Bylaw No. 487. (Procedure) CARRIED. i Minutes of,October,3rd,,_.1958;..continued.. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: s ,Y B. Cp F,,quipment Co, L d. Maintenance V49.94 Marshall Wells (B.C.)tLtd. Maintenance ::." --59.33 Marshail Wells (B.C.) Ltd. Yennadon,W,W, 689.84 Hanel Uammond Motor Freight Yennadon W.W.-9.63,Mtce.-5.60 :, 15.23 The Gazette .W.W,,Mtde, 161.70 West Coast Motors Ltd. W.W..Truck 9.73 Regal Building Supplies W.W.,34e4s 284.441 Hoffman & Son Ltd, New Construction - : �_- .•••.- ••154:00 Hoffman & Son Ltd. Yennadon W,W, 1274000 Purves,Ritchie Sales Ltd. _,W,W. Tractor 12.65 Greater Vancouver Water Dist, ,W.eW. Mtce. 2982088 Neptune Meters Ltd, ,W.W. Meter Repairs LL . 93.93 Maple Ridge Luber Co. Ltd. _W.W. Sheds 117.10 G.C. Electric B.C. Electric 226;57 Haney Builders Supplies Ltd. W.W. Sheds 74.41 Laurier Lumber Ltd. W:W.. New Sheds 553.23 PAYROLLS AUGUST b Maintenance-849.59, Come ctions,5,9•9.hQ,Reservoir-16.50, Sick Leave-100:40,-ljoliday . Pay-302.98,Construction-1895.I0,., PAYROLLS - SEPTEMBER , :Maintenance-871,05,Reservoir-437.24,shed Shed-685.25, Contruction-1179,40,Conections- 7320'60,Satutory Holidyi81.60, Sick Leave-13.20. Moved -by Councillors Simnonds and Nightingale that the above noted -accounts totalling $6758.95 be paid, and payrolls , as -,listed above. CARRIED,1. general ACCOUNTS: Municipal Treasurer f. T5xes~on Mun. Property ;; _.,350.80 Minister of Finance ._.Mist. Administration 18.00 Minister of Finance _ Tax Sale Surplus A/c j297.81 Grove Investments Co. Ltd, Tax Sale Redemption 347.09 Nel.son,Bros. Sawmills Accounts Payable, -T -3700.00 Municipal Treasurer Swimming Pool - ;:• ,150.00 Mrs. -S.G. McLaughlin Dog Tax Claims 12.60 Edgar Trethewey Dog_ Tax Claim ,: ,_ _ : .. c. _ �.265.00 Janet 4. Gilley Sidewalks " 27.32 ~• George..A. McMartin Tax Sale Redemption 222,61 Maple Midge School Dist. #42 .Advance _.. 69.504.50 J. D. Davis Gen. Rd. Mtce,. .57.00 School.Dist. #42 kdvance r 3•1517.50 265.28 DeRouge Development Co, Ltd. Tax Sale Redemption Municipal Treasurer _ Miscellaneous 6.75 Leek. &,Go. Ltd. Refund. Trade Licence _ 15.00 B.C. Electric Hmd.Dr•aine-5.39,Hal.l.;-a,c-76.17-: T . -Fir.%-Dept-19.98,Park Bd:-14 39;:- , :7 -. .- -, Pub .jdks-129.66,St.Lts-375.54 _, 621.13 R.C.M. Police,-Agassiz _: , ,,. Keep of, Prisoners Brown Bros, Greenhouses Ltd, Misc. Exp. 6.60 Minister of Finance Refund of A.O.P. July (S.A.) 55.00 Haney Hammond Viotor Freight, Crusher-4.95,Tools-2:65 _ „- 7.60 John. Wood Company Ltd. __.,Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Gas Pumps):.'� •23,46 Dan Ebert Motors Fie Dept.; _ -3.50 Sam Saarit's Garage Dragline-1:15.65,Tools-6.00,Crusher-L. 12.00 133.65 Parsons Brown Ltd. Masi ne Insurance - �: 67,90 Gestetner (.Canada) ltd. , Office,. Suppl ies 1:3.86 Paraduse inn Keep.of prisoners 3.05 Cloverdale Paint &.Chemicals• -Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Signs) 21_..63 A. C. Horn Co, Ltd. Sidewalks-7.98,Gen.Rd.Mtee 1(Signs)-- . 1a 88 i 12.86 The Master Builders Co. Ltd. Bridges _. _ .14.28 Dr. S.R..Arber disc., Expense 14.00 Maple -Ridge Hospital Misc, Expense R.C.M.P,-27.27,Ha1l .2.00 B.C,.-Telephonen a/cd57.34,,Civil Def-6:88; Fire Dept,,4.56, Pub.Wks-22,44. :122,49 Municipal Treasurer Misc. Expense . 29•74 T. F, .Houghton Pool Dressing Rooms 17•00 Haney -Hammond Motor Freight Fire Dept. 2.00 666 Rinutes of.Octob"erjrd,r.1958 "continue ed,, . A. Vogl Gen.Rd.Mtce. 61.06 Maple Ridge Pharmacy Sidewalks 1.05 ,Kanaka Concrete Products' Culverts & Bridges - 117.47,. •The Province r "Advertising. 3120 •Pitney-Bowest of Canada w •P.O. Meter Rental 58,50 .Finning Tractor& -Equipment •Graders ' . ". 76.62 •Brownxs Pharmacy. Gen.Rd,Mtce. 1.50 •Highway Auto Wreckers Trucks; 3:-5 ,Minister of Finance L.R.O.• 9.4.5 •Brackman:Ker Milling Co. Parks Board 17-W •Haney Builders Supplies •Parks,Board 1:68 -Maple Ridge Septic Tank Sear. Parks Boardc 30,00, " -Regal Building Supplies Ltd. Parks Board 1-.80,- F. Worfolk Parks Board 20s00 -Civil Defence Auxiliar Police Parks Board 23.85� ..Hansen Fraser Ltd, Parks Board 9066. ,Cambridge Craft Parks Board . 164 •C.-Whitehead Parks Board Port Haney Brick Co. Pakrs Board 83.39 Ed Holtby Fire Department -24.5.7 W.G, Alexander' Comtn on Collections - 203.-25,. Minister of Finance Contrib. to S,$,A.;Sept. ; 238,.10 - Haney Garage Ltd, Trucks-12.4.6,Loader-5.50 17.96 _ Fleck Bros.. Ltd. Tools-167.57Crasher-19.27 ,, - ` Bridges-•19e90 . 206.74 , Fields Welding Supplies ` , Tools 33186" .." Vancal Reproductions Tolls 28:67 H.J. Cockrill Keep of Prisoners. 27,50,' Frank Dennis Keep of Pris6ners8 . - 75:00..' J.B. Pattern Keep of Prisoners' 6.25 Mrs. Frank Dennis Keep of Prisoners 117.,;50 , J.S. Wsishart Gen.Rd.M ce. 44.20 Superannuation Commissioner "Trust-64t50 Super-45.97 110.47 Municipal Employees Union,- •; Union•Dees-Sept, -76.00 °Receiver General Income :Tax Ded- Sept. 901 79 x West ;Coast Motors 'Ltd. Trucks . 231 ®Maple Ridge Lumber Co.Ltd,*' 'Bridges 78.15L • Co-ordinator, Vicil Def. -Civil Def. 30 244': B.E. Imes - Parks --Board 19.75. °Mi.nister of Finance Purchase of Municipal Act. ..90 • MacKenzie't s Hardware Ltd. Gen.Rd.Noce. , 62-.:. R. Walker.,&Sons Ltd. Trucks A 26.69"•" . .Hanson -Fraser Ltd. Tools-4.07,Cen,RdM ce.-5.51 9..58. °Fleck Bros. Ltd.- Fie Dept' t 57.29 -R.-Muth & Sons Trucks--74-32,Crusher-10.23 84,55 - •The Gazette Advertising-89.10.�13idg.Perm.- ". ° Exp-18.48,Trade Lie-9.82 -117.40. Butler Tire Ltd. Trucks •97:77=- B.C. EquipmentvCo Ltd, ..Tractor 4,93•-1 Dietrich -Collins Ltd. Shovel-106.67,Crusher-124,01 230.68 •R. & S. Sales Ltd. ••Trucks, 16,75 -Regal Building Suppies Ltd, New Sheds-47.56,Dressing Rooms-: 9.64 57;20 . -Mansell Overand�Ltd. Trucks 28 53 ,Haney Building Supplies -Ltd Gen.Rd.Mtce.-4.19$Drainage-183.84 188 03 • Addressograph-Mult graph 0 ffice• Supplies 8...37 .,Dan Ebert Motors Tools 24;88 Vancouver Equipment Corp.Ltd Graders 135.10 Haney Brick & Tile Ltd. Drainage 3,10 ' Royalite Oil Co. Ltd. - Gas & Oils 946-..52-" Acme Machine Shop. Co. Ltd. Trucks45.02,BulIdozer-13.15, L -Tools-11,29 119 6 • ' Imperial. Oil Ltd. Gas• & Oils-41,12,P-at'ch :ng Wl-33 7421'45 Burr Office Supplies Ltd." - 'Office Supplies 44f05 •BaA. Oil Co. Ltd. Gas & Oil 881.81 ,Armco Drainage & Metal. Prod. Culverts_& Bridges 2732.81 --'Vancal Reproductions Gen,Rd..M,tce. 60'00 • � ° Mi.nister of Finance S.A. Drugs � 256.92 Vancouver Equipment Corp. Shovel-,--- 145*71 K.C.' Bruce Civil -Defence M 63..59 r-Vancal Reproductions Capital out of Revenue 276.15 " F1eck'Bros. Ltd. Tools,& Egipment 87.37. ""me Machine Shop 'Trucks 44.90 Minutes of'Ostober 3rd.158,-continued-. 6 7 GENEMAL ACCOUNTS CONTtD. Henryts GrillKeep of Prisoners 20-55 Municipal Treasurer Un.Insur.-358.40.,Crusher-.60.,Misc,- -37.,Ref,'H.O.G.44-O0,Ha11 a/c-3-50., Shovel-.60,Gen.Rd.Mtce.-5.96.,Trucks- .1.'10,T6ols-.95pDel-eg.E'xp-695400,Vo L,R,O,-9,24,Kileage-16.10soffice Sup- 3.88.,,Postage-49.00 1228.70 PAYROLLS- AUGUST A- T Gen.Rd.K1ce..-4277.23,,B;rush & Ditch-1722.27,Patch-152.80,H/s-692-75.,Cr-uher-1212.54, Bridges-557.51,,Cemetery-474.90.,Sick.Leave-217.20,,Hol.PaY333.22.,Haiii3y'Sewer-158.47., New Sheds -616.00,Pbol-1152-57,Park-%-1084.00.,Fire-268.44,,Sec.Hwt-64-40' S2PTEMBER Gen.Rd.i'ce-3409.34.,Brush,&.Ditch-2246-15s Patch-224.95pCrusher-957.09$ H?S-349.24.,Bridges-1191-76, Sec. Hwy-349.66, Sick Leave-63.60.'Hol.Pay-262.40$ Stat.Hol-415.32., Haney Sewer-105-70.,Poo1-392.24, Park-1086.00,,Cemdtery-329.60. Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that thi above noted accounts, totalling $116.,746.68 and payrolls as listed., be paid, CARRIED, SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS HALL., Charles 46.50 VARGA., James 47-75 LA,BELIE., Albert 88.25 EELLROS9, Minnie 5.00 SIMPSON., Alfred 55-00 PAULS, Waldemar 55.00 BILACKSTOCK REALTY 40'*W LA BELLE.,.Albert 88.25 LENZ, Pierre 27.50 BELLBOSE., Minnie 25,00 TALBOT, Eleanor 52 25 ACMUM., Julius 55:00 DRADER., Florence 26.50 OSTRAND., Hilda 24* 50 MRCAMMANT., Emma 15.00 M, s. R. Morse 16 00 MPs. E.S. Nightingale 270-OW Crestwood Home 131.04 Alouette Private Hosp, 1795.50 J. C�mpbell 140-00 ,Mrs, Mrs. M. Laine 25,00 Miss Donna Smith 35-00 Mrs. M. Jones 140-00 Mrs, M. Martyn 5 00 M.R. Ambulance 49:00 Super Value 700 B,.C,,Welding Supplies 12600 Hammond Cash Store . . . 20,00 Syds Taxi Ltd., 4*90 I.G.A. Store 23.50 OCTOBER MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS City -of Victoria 14.25 Dist. of Mission 104-32 Twp, of Richmond 15.68 Dist. of Ma:tsqui 47-31 City of Vancouver 199.10 Minister of Finance 38,70 City of New Westminster 37,60 Dr, N., HuculaR 206.00 .Shop Easy Stores Ltd,. 30-00 Super -Value No, 58 2,00 Blackstop Realty r 40,00 COKFORTS-ALLOWANCES .Carter, Mabel Anderson,, Howard Hagen, Jernue Roberts,, Mary Steppler., Valentine Ifickham., Levi e 10.00 10.000 .10.00 .101,00 1 .10.00 101.00 Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that theabove noted accountsk totalling $13601,05 be paid, CARRIED. 'Moved.by Councillors Simmoiids* ax�d Telosky that the hearing for Zoning Bylaw No,490., (Triank Road Commercial) be now closed,and 'rules of procedure be 'waived and lst and pr 2nd and 3rd reading be -given same this day,,, CARRIED, Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the hearing for'Zoning,,Pylaw No. 486 (North St,) be now cloased and -same b6'given 3rd reading.. CARRIED. No further -business meeting adjourned,at 12:46 PM.. �7 REEVE e Minutes of Octo�aer.9th. 1958. Special meeting convened at 2:00 P.M.,, Thursday, October 9th,-with fu34 Council - present, r Solicitor Krel,lo representing Geo. Clark, asked ~Council to approve the conveyance to include the westerly 25. feet of the riekkt "property. The property in question is Parcel. 'IQ's of Lot 433,' "Group 1; -Pl:an 1476,, N.W.D. He assured Coucil that 25 feet would be consolidated together at"the first'possible moment. He was given permission to do this on that asstirarice. Letter was -read from Mr. H. Pullen, objecting to the Whonock Lumber Company purchasing from the.Cvown the unused portion;of,the old R ver.Road.. As,Council had little "informatiain on this ' at the "pre°sent tune the matter ,�vias tabled for 'the time being. _ a 'The matter of the 'lack -of water 'pressure was again discussed and .Co'uncil- was willirig to meet the public any time If 'sponsored by any brganizition._ They would also pay for the rental of ' the hall but would ndt be* obligated for an%y 'vtheY costs, including advertising, etc. Moved by Councillors T'elosky=and'Sim mofids that Zoning Bylaw Nos 06 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED, Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Cox that Procedure Bylaw No. 487 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARIDe Moved by Councillors Simmonds and�'Telosky`that Zoning Bylaw No. 490 be reconsidered" finally passed' and adopted. CARRIED,' Moved by Cduncil.:l.ors Telosky and Cox that tentative approval be given to the subdivision of Lot 63 of WJ of Sectidis 20, Twp.,12, Plan 11200, N.W.D. CARRIED. Land `Sales Bylaw was discussed with regard to the 'clause dealing'with the. time limit allowed for the erection mg the.shopping centre.,." Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that Land Sales Bylaw Noe 489'be givth— third reading. CARRIED. Councillor Simmonds brought..up the- matter of opening the westerly portion, of the Gazetted road shown on Plan Rio.- 2788, locaed in Lot 4 0. This plain had• been regis- tered in 1913 although it had never been opened. The owner now aske&for a portion of the road to be opened and gravelled. Council were agreeable 'that If the owner brushed and opened the road Couricil, would provide `a Limited amount. `of: gravel. " The matter was again brought up with regard to a fair chargee against Pitt Meadows for the use of our cemeter y, It was felt that a'r"easonablbe amount..`would be about 13% of the difference between cemetery revenues and expenditures, Councillor Cox .had "received inquiries as to what provision we could' zpake to e2mi.ni.ate cars passing each other through the town of Haney and whether no ':JL passing' signs were necessary, The -Reeve felt all that.would be necessary would be.to renew;the white line. However, the matter would be discussed with the R.C.M.` Poliee'.' Councillor Cox also brought up the matter of widening the shoulder bk,Trunk Road between 14th and 18th Avenues, which would be investigated by the Engineer,° ° , A the �resent..time it was a.great traffic hazards, increased by pedestrian,school Aildren. _ ... Councillor Nightingale had been approached by Mr. L.S. Carr with.regard to the Trunk.Road water, south side -,drainage, which was causing flooding --conditions, Councillors Cox and Telosky . together with the -Engineer,; would"meet''with;Xr Carr regarding the matter on Monday -or - Tuesday of 'next week: - why Council -was at a doss to understand'l' A the editor of 'thee local'; Gazette should publich such a misleading ediiori.a as appeared in' this weekr°s issue; reIgardi.ng Councillorst administrative duties. The editorial had failed to credit the Reeve and Council with the major portion of their time spent between'Council.'me.eiings in carrying X out the various works planned at the meetings. All felt that it was unfair not to mention that the greatest amount of their time was spent, in investi- gating pooblems within the Municipality that needed their attention. The time .taken up,at meetings was only to confirm what had -been accomplished since the last meeting and approve future work, to say.nothing of Committee meetings. No further business meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM, Imo', - CLERK 669 Minutes --of October Qrds 1958 A Special Meeting,of the Council convened at 2 P.M. October Zrd,.all present. Civil Defence ,Coordinator, Ken Bruce, was present for -the purpose,of .reporting to Council the progress and activities of the Maple.Ridge Unit. An active headquarters has been established for the area,'and a'nursing course was in operation, -also - radio patrols were being.trainede- A' Unit of approximately two hundred strong was on hand and could mobolize within the area, when necessary equipped with six fully -equipped ambu- lances. An active auxillary police was now -giving good patrol service. .Their immediate need was to provide the eight selected.members with uni'- f orms, which would cost approximately $70.00 apiece.- Mr. Bruce drew to the Councilos attention that the original request last Spring had been for an amount of $300.00 to equip six members of the police force at that time, and now reported that at the present eight selected men had served steadily for the last month or two, that their patrol work had increased considerably during that time. All were keen in regard tb their work and Mr. Bruce felt that the force would now become permanent and should be provided with uniforms. The original idea had been, to buy the material and have suits made up - loeally. They now find that this is not practical and request the council to increase the Grant from $300'.00 to $560.00. The Reeve and Council, questioned the Coordinator regarding the personnel and their detail,of ..operation. Councillor Cox,had attended a special meeting of -the force - and Councillor Nightingale had represented the Council at all meetings - this year,. All Members felt that Civil Defence•Local Unit were now providing a service for the benefit of the.ratepayers and the following motion,would support the auxillary police in their work; Moved by Councillors Nightingale and,Dunlbp'that the previous Grant.of $300.00-for Uniforms be re -considered and that $56o.00 be granted for'the`purchase-of eight uniforms for the auxillary'police of the,`Civil,Defence, provided that the -Senior Governments pay their share. CARRIED. Mr. Chuck Bent, representing the Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Junior Ball Park League, sought information regarding the acquisition of.suitable junior ball diamonds. He•was told'that'the Parks Board would be adminis- tering in the neighborhood of ten"additional acres next year, four -acres on the Aggie Grounds and also six acres on the Courtney property. ' Also, there was a movement to consider the acquisition of some sixty,acres at Albion. The Reeve explained -that the Parks Board was a recreational body, interested primarily- in" _�all types of -recreation., therefore, Mr. Bent . should discuss the matter with them"first, as that -was the.purpose of. appointing a Parks, Board, -to relieve the Council of recreation, pleasure and sport problems. Mr. Bent retired. Mr.'Halbaum of Penning Contracting and Construction -Company was present.to ask for,an explanation of the.$2,886.60•charge against their Company for the damage to corporation roads, when they were • hauling -gravel'same from January to July this year. The Reeve and Council explai6R 'the charges in detail and advised the' Company representative that -they could"consider _themselves lucky, that the charge wa:s only $2,886,00, and''not the total amount of,their.$5,000.00 security deposit. -Mr, Halbaum appeared to be. satisfied with the explanation and would report back to his Company.-'` - The Agenda was now referred to. Public,Uti.lities Commission notifi6d-Couacil'that a Hearing,`relative-to gas rates, would take place on'Tuesday, the kth day of November'at 11"AeM.- in the Vancouver. Public: Library. :1`The Reeve= expressed the. -wish' that"he' hoped to be able to attend. ' Cl Niin� of October 23rd,1958 (Continued Quotation from the Legion Ba°anch, ;No,8$, .. frith' regard to Popplr Day wreaths, the Clerk was authorized to order one at $12,00. Municipal.:Employees_Local Union #622 advised,Council of their intention to ne. gotiate- for,.a-1959 ,Contractm...The Clerk was .to inform them that -letter had been received and the matter would be dealt with by the 1959 Council.e Request to erect a duplex.on Lot 20,,;M'aplewood Avenue North was noted acid the Plans inspected, which revealed,that ,tine required rear yard of 25=' according to .our, bylaw No.126A,,'.must''be.reduced to 21!, if.:allowed', The Council. did not approve reduf ing the rear yard depth, - and recoanmended that. -the front yard be reduced to 31 instead Moved by, Councillors Telosky,and Cox that Building..Sate Bylaw, :,Noo-493 be given first and second reading. Moved by Councillors'Telosky and Cox that Zoning-Pylaw, No-491, be givenfirst and second readings - C Moved by 'Councillors Nightingale and Simmonds that IindlSales .Bylaw, 'Noo489- ,be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted, CARRIED • Moved by Councillors Simnonds aria Telosky thatLandPurchasing Bylaw, N0'.488,.be given''.fii-st and second reading CARHM. The Clerk reported -that the house located on a water reservoir,site wax.in a very bad state of repair and Councillors Cox and Dunlop, the Water Committee, would visit -same and report .back to Council. Financing ' Report, prepared by.*.* G. A. Bing, . regarding .the Maple , Ridge .Agri- cultural Association's current operations was placed before Council for their consideration,,with regard.to their Grant asked for.hy. the,,Board,,. :_The,..f gores were investigated. in detatil,, and Council decided not to,,make , any Grant.."at. the present time,,' , other than the `,$100.00 already ,promised to; offset . a lot; of. expenses'in 'entertaining vis' tiny Fair Boards to this municipality.,. The Report revealed that a matter of $1,104.00,in excess of receipts, was ne- cessary to balance the operation. The matter of 'Trade Licences be -collected by the two Building+Inspectors; par- ticularl.y :in , connection with the; conistraction, business;; would:,be ,.d sciissed in cofimii.ttee lateir.' A report , submitted ' by the engineer, in reference to,,the. ., _' damage , that had beep suffered by=the,ortciplitMy in respect to the: collapse,, of the V�th 'Ave., 'Bridge was now read` in " detail, .; The total loss to, the :Corporation was) in the amount 'Of ''$26,489,.50.. 'Copie's of the report would be.>turned_over,-:to our_So3i.ci- tor, "R. E. - Lester, who was acting on our behalf on the, Case ;before -,the' Courts, The Clerk was instructed. to. notify Capt, Byrnes that we� appreciated'his'.assistance in the matter of attempting to obtain a bailey bri.dge.; for our -use, which now appeared ,,to be impossible, due to the heavy freight,: charges from- Alberta.' Councillor . Dunlop now presented a, registered letter from-, a Mr.' Hoffman of, Hammond, relative to the corner of a ditch through what could be assumed,.as.:private Property, The Clerk was to check the records, '.to :-see whether tine 'ditch' was our responsibility, or not. Councillor Dunlop also reported that the welder was"at the Acme Machine tdo� x°ks at Mission for repair and also recommended that our machinist be provided with a Jack for lifting purposes- as .this would be much 'safer .to � operate than the pulleys, He was also not satisfied with the .progress made on- the ,'erection : of the fence at tile.machine sheds, The engineer explained that. -the. -ten weresnot working-' only on the odd day or hours, 1L-I-5 Minutes of October 23rd. 1958 (Continued Considerable discus"sion-developed withrregard to the ditch crossing in the vicinity of the Ward home, Apparently this was a problem'we in- herited when the primary highway was turned back to the Corporation, .The engineer was advised to have it cleaned at once, Councillor Dunlop also felt that the garbage dump'man should take two days off in the week and be there on Saturdays and Sundays, .,Council approvement was given to the prospective subs -division of Lot 4, D,L,249., Group 1, Map 8536, only in regard to the perimeter size,,shown as -the Westerly 751. No further business, the Meeting adjourned at 5.15 P.Me 0 Minutes of November 3rd, 1958. Court of Revision of the Votersx List opened at 10 00 AM., Monday, November 3rd. �. Moved by Councillors Simmonds,end Nightingale that the:Court of Revision for the Voterst List 1959-1959 be now opened*and'that Reeve Jenewein act�as Chairman of the Court and, L.W. Hawc .ns act ,as Clerk. CARRIED., Present were Reeve Jenewe.n and Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale.. 'Mr. C. Kernighan was the only ratepayers to ;inquire and on checking the list it.'ivas found that his name was entered thereon, therefore- he ,with- drew. Twelve noon the Court ad§ourned with the following motion: Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that the Voters`, List as corrected be posted as the Voterst List for the Municipality of Maple Ridge for the years 1958-1959 and that same be certified by the Reeve and that this Court benow closed. CARRIED, E)4� M.inutes.of Nkvember 7th, 1958. The regular -meeting of the Council; convened- at 9x30 A.M., Friday;' November 7th. Mir. Lorne Mars, representing aalarge delegation, presented Council with a written brief for the Council to acquire by purchase Lot 7'of Lot 2?5, Plan 8827; a sixty (60) acre portion of the old Associated 1lairy!s'Farm at Albion. As the Council was anticipating this request and the.rproperty was Down to all of them, they were in favour of submitting a referendum to the voters at next Decembert,s election. The question as to how the property would be managed was a greater problem than the purchasing of same, therefore the Council decided to call a special meeting on,Wednesday evening next. Delegation retired. Reverend Griffin asked permission to build a church on Second Avenue, Hammond. Council had no objection if off -the -street parking was provided and the plans and specifications met with the Building Bylaw requireinents., The Good Will Committee was granted permission.to hold a Tag Day on Saturday, November 29th, Mr, P411ot, on behalf of Mr, Burbudge, asked that Council would approve the portion of the old A & L Right-of-way through Lots 10 and 19 of"the"S,E.41, Sec. 27,.Twp.12,*Plan-.2510 be consolidated into these.lots. As the -Provincial Government owned the right-of-way Mr. Burbidge would have to deal with the Crown if they wished to sell same to him, Mr.,Festing registered a complaint before Council objecting to the Building Committee of the Health Centre riot calling for public tenders regarding their proposed new addition, 'As the Council were aware that the,Fealth Centre intended to build this addition by day labour, under the supervision of our Building Inspecting staff, Councillor Cox objected to.Mr. Festin.t s statement. The Reeve stated, together with Councillor• Cox,-that�"if •the taxpayerst money could be saved'by`day labour there was ,no reason,why tenders should be.called. Mr. Knechtel inquired as to the hard surfacing of new roads, pursuant to the Road Subdivision Bylaw, As this subdivision was not'in'lot form but in small holdings, would he be required to hard surface the roads. Council informed him that we were inthe process of deciding what.constituted a subdivision, with,reference to the hard surfacing of roads and he would be informed late as to the -decision. Permission was given -to Mrs. Martin to�build a duplex.on her,9th Avenue lot, ....,providing she complied with the required 25`:foot ## and backyards and.also the minimum side yards. front The agenda was now referred to. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the minutes of October 3rd, 9th and 23rd be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. The Clerk was directed to reply to,R, Walker and 3 o-n-st, letter that the holes on 8J Avenue would be repaired and�i'f the east side'' owners would subscribe to the cost of a sidewalk, 'one houi° parking.signs would'be erected. Police report was read and filed. Greater Vancouver Water Boardts letter advised Council of a Notice of Motion at the next meeting to,regulate the -new distribution of voting strength, which apparently was in favour of the outside Municipalities being served. The Reeve was advised to vote in favour of the Notice of Motion. A petition was received from th'18 1% Roa and list Avenue to 12th Road, asking for hard surfacingY It °ka o £h�a 'ehi"s would 'be carried out next year, The petition'-was'reterred to the Engineer to investigate with reference to preparation for hard surface. A,, Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that John Burrage be appointed Returning Officer for'the December Municipal Elections, He is also delegated the authority to appoint the required number of Deputy Returning Officers for duty on Election.Day. Nominations for Office will be held at the Municipal Hall, Haney, on Monday, December lst, from 10 A.M. until Noon, ;445 Minutes of November 7th, 1958, continued. The places at.which Polls will be held for Election Day, December llth., will, be:- United Church.hall, Hammond;.'Masonic Hall, Haney,• Alouette Inn, Yennadoh; Albi.ofi'Community Hall; Websters Corners United Church Hall;.,- Whonock Community Ball; Ruskin Community Hall, CAD, Moved by Councillors Nightingale and_PwaGP that.first and second readingbe to Referendum Bylaw No. 494. CARRIED. given Moved by Councillors Teloaky and_Cox that the third. reading be given to Bylaw No. 493 (Building Sites)' CARRIED.' t Moved by' -Councillors Telosky and Cox that ,we dispense with procedure-regulatibns and ,give first, second and"thi.rd-readings to Acquisition and Road'Dedication Bylaw No. 495 this day. CAPMD, Moved by Councillors'Simonds and Nightingale that we. increase the charge to waterworks for administration costs to $5,000.00 carte Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that pursuant to -Section 709 (Minimum Frontage) Council.approves the subdivision of the West 2 chains of Lot..21 of S.W;1 Sec.6, Twp..I5, Plan 2721 and also Lot ItFee of S.E.4, Sec. 16, Tp.120 Sketch 1969. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that °parauaht to Section 709 (Minimum Frontage) cCouncil approves -the subdivision of Lot 6Fnof S.E,4,-See.;16, TP.l2, Sketch 1969. CARRIEDq A request was made to subdivide Z t 11]y! of 1 of 4 of .2 of Lot Mr. Hackinen. This is located at the most souther 3 ve belonging to turned down as the re .red, l3' end of 8� Avenue. , `Tha;s was qu' portion, after subdivision, would be less than the- ' minims required it area and also it would require the continuation of g Avenue into a�steep ravine. M�. R. Shag and Mr. N.E. ,Duncan of the B.C. Electric attended the, meetin g - especially toadvise Council of -the. new,pro.posed route for the distributionll nes=enter ng Haney -from the west. Apparently the River Road route contem laced was not p Previously practical and it was now planned to enter Carrs Hill Road from the south end -and continue to Lougheed Highway and thence easterly along•the south lane to kh. Avenue. This was agreeable ,to Council. and .would be approved when Pole plans were presented... .. The Reeve reported on his'm6eti,ng with Mr. Trethewey Jr;.., regarding -their posed subdivision on the NE4pro- .., Sec. 12, Twp.12. The question had--agaif arisen as to how the new Road Subdivision Bylaw would affect same. All were unanimous .that for the time being, this Particular area beingmore- -or-less, a- smallholding `development, the road,wrld not be required to be7black-topped;--as the.lats wens greater than one acre in extent, Also, if the Tretheweyts upon opening the Municipal roads presently shown on themap as not opened, the Corporate would consider gravelling same. ,The Buld.ing.Inspecotr Morlezts 'letter was read to Council,.recommendiTg'that an upper storey be constructed onthe Welfare Building,, ro This.was_to;be,consdered on the P. gram for the early spring.' The Clerk reported that the present office space was becoming ovgr-crowded and -could very well do,wi.th this extra room® The letter also'recommended that the transient licences should be enforced by the Building Inspectors when 'they .came..across transgressions'in carrying out their inspection work. A committee would deal with this matter. Councillor Nightingale reported that Mr. Campbell on Menzies Street had complained of a depression Left in the road - from the gas iinstallation.'�. The Enigineer'- would see to this.' Also; it was recommended that a..finer spread.of,.grave] be -laid over the top of the loose ._fill, The Engineer recommendedien ll dung the wood stave p�.pe culvert on 2nd Avenue � at a cost of approxau�ately1200..00.. The Council felt that.this should,be delayed until Spring. Tn'the meantime, Mr. Armstrong, the Sanitarian; should again carry out aV`iracer test that may reveal why odours are present. Kimtes of November 7th, 1258, continued. a� • S Councillor Cox recommended that the Board of Trade should sponsor a Stewardship Meeting, prior to -nomination day..All agreed that the -hall rental should be paid by the Council, plus $5.00 allowance for advertising:, Councillor Cox rtlso felt that the Blueberr' signs should be removed from the'streets. Councillor Cox and Councillor Dunlop recommended that the house, on the - Websters Corners Water DepartmentIs property should be burned down,1-under- " the supervision of the Fire Brigade._.Also.that a strip of -land should be purchased on the north and east sides of the reservoir to control, leaves being blown into the water, The Clerk was to notify the Horse Riderst Association and also the -Equitation Centre that Council would not maintain the signs erected by the*. Councillor Cox, Chairman of the Water Board, felt that Mr. Reddicliffts request for an extension to the north end of the water lame in'the Hayneq.Subdivision, down through their property by laying a'plastic•line, at Reddicliffts-expense, should be approved. This would be -at n6 cost'to the Council and Mr,-Reddicliff would'be responsible for the five or six connections thit it would serve. , This -would be paid into the Water Department along with all other connections. Council approved same. , Council approved the cost of the i.nstallation'of a fire hydrant at,the.east,. end of Ross Road for the purpose of•s6rying'th'e'schoo1 property. The School Board'would provide 75%'6fthe cost'of'same, Councillor Simmonds reported that the.ditch-needed cleaning on'14th Avenue south; adjacent to the Windover property. Councillor Dunlop interviewed Mr. A. Finny regarding the drainage ditch fronting his property,- 'If this"ditch was not 'cleaned out by the Municipal crews Mr. Finny °mould back -fill same. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: -B.C.-Equipment Co. Ltd. Maintenance ' 49,94 Marshall- Wells (B.C.) Ltd. Maintenance 59.33 Marsha'llWelI s (B.C.) Ltd.' ' ' .Yennadori W.W. t 689.94 Haney -Hammond Mtr, Fght, Yennadon W.W.-9.63,Mtce-5.60 15.23, The Gazette W.W. Mtce 161.70 West Coast Motors W.W. Truck 9,73 Regal -Building Supplies W.W. Sheds : 284.41 Hoffman & Son Ld. Neer Construction N 145.00 Hoffman & Son Ltd. Yennadon W,W.' 1274,00 Purves Ritchie Sales Ltd. W.W.-Tractor 12.6.5 Greater Vancouver° Water" Dist'. W.W. Mtce. 2982.88 Neptune Meters Ltd.- •�W.W. Meter Repairs 93.93 Maple Ridge Lumber Co.Ltd. W.W. Sheds • 117.10 B.C. Electric B.C.Electrica W.W.'Mtee, 226.57 Haney Builders Supplies Ltd W.W. Sheds 71-41, Laurie'Lumber Ltd. W.W. New Sheds .553,23 PAYROLIS AUGUST Maintenaiide-849.59, Connections-599;60, Reservoir -16..50,'Sick- Leave-100.40,` Holiday, Pay-302.98, Construction-1895.10. PAYROLLS-SEPTEMBER Maintenance-871.05, Reservoir-1437.20, Rew Sheds-685.25, Connections--732.60,. Stat:Holidary-81.60, Construction-1179.40, Sick Leave-13.20. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts, tftalling $6758.95 be paid, and.Payrolls as listed above, ' .. , , CARRIED.. .. ,. . Minutes of November-7th. 1 58continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: A.V. Barnard Assessment Expense` 31030 Medical Services Assn. M.S.A. 345.24 Paradise Inn Keep of Prisoners 6.02.. Bull,Houser etc. Legal Expense a 35,00. Penning Crushing 3 Misc, 2114:,00 DeRou a Develo nt Co, g pme Tax Sale ;Redemption 5©1.75 DeRouge-Develoltierit 'Co. `'fax Sale Redemption, 3$6 01 School'Dist, No.. 42 Misc. Exp, 175.00 Dr. L.C. Capling Police Expense 56,00•_ Brownts"Pharmacy Assessment .Expense 8-18 .. Min. of Finance, S.A. Costs Sept. 1612.16 Mn.of Cinance Child Welfare 195.92. Haney=Haminond Motor Fght. 'Fire Dept, 2000 Dan Ebert Motors Fire'Dept. . 479 .. Morris E'lec�tii- c :Fine Depte 2,12 Morris 2lectiie Office Supplies 3,69 Can. Pacific Telegraphs Bridges 1.02 Shores,Ltd, Office Supplies 17,$5 Van. Pacific Paper Co. Hail a/c 24-05 Murrayts Book Store Ltd. Gen.Rd,Mtee., 22,05 B.C. Telephone R.C.-XeP'0726.36,Hall-59.89, Civil Def- 7.33,Fi're-8.56;Pub.Wks-20.06 122.20 Maple Ridge Home Service Fire Dept. 71.95 Minister of Finance Child Weefare 138.27, T.W.. Krell Police Expense 75.� . Vancal Reproductions Ltd. Tools Cap. a/c 15:75' Addressograph Ltd. Office Supplies 75.00. B.C.-Electric Hkd..Drain-5.39;Hdll-91:40 Fire-23'.53, Park-10.16,Piib.Wks-162.01,St:Etd-372:00 661 49. Garden Hill Funeral Chapel. Coroner & Inquest 12.00 Stanley Brock Ltd. Hall a.c 39,06 Can. Legion Poppy Fund Misc. Exp. .1400 Mun. Employees Union Union Dues- Oct, 76.00 Receiver General..' Income.Tax Ded.-Oct, 1028.20 Superannuation Commt''r.. Trust-64.50, Super-45.97 110_47 W.G.• Alexander Commt,n on Colections 171.15 A, Vogl Gen.nd.Mtce. '61084 Pitney Bowes Ltd, Postage Meter Epp." 2.15. H,J.- Cockril.l. Keep of Prisoner's " 27 - 5{ Frank Dennis Keep of Prisoners ' 196:.25 Mrs.a Frank Dennis Keep of Prisoners Municipal -Treasurer Tools-3.20, Trucks-1.70, Hall-11;.74 Unem.Irisur-342.76,Ref. H.'0*'G:-84*',OO, Ref: Bldg. Permit-`17.25, Of f`ice-200' Postage--90.25,Geh.Rd.M,,ce-2.33,L.R.0.- 2.38,Hall grounds-50¢ 559*31 Medical Services Asst'n., M,;S.A. 328:50' , —TA.V.- Barnard Assess.. Exp. 43 XO Minister of Finance L.R.D. fees 16.03 Brown Bros, Greenhouses Misc. Administration 17.50 The Gazette Advert. & Prtg-22.80,Police Exp-2$ 30 Nelson Bros. Sawmills Ltd. Bridges & Culverts 769049 R.J. Scobie Bulldozer .37- '57 B.G. Equipment Co. Ltd. Bulldozer' 00 Griffin Bros. Power Saw 1.47-. Haney Music & Art Store Gen,Rd,M ce. 1s001- Marshall Wells Stores Gen.Rd,Mtce. �.62 Dan Ebert Motors Power.Saw . ,`..1472' Haney-Hmd.Kotor Freight, Gen,Rd..Mtce-1:00',Crusher-1.45, 4 Bul1dozer-1.25. , 3.70. White & Taylor Ltd. Trucks 329.95 Len/s Auto Body Shop Tracks-8.50,Loader 2.50' 11 00 ` Dr. A.J. Trudel.. Police Expense 17..00 R, Muth & Sons Trucks 79.10,Crusher-11.06Tools-9,24, Bridges-4.00,Grader 1.87 105.27 Wardfs Trucking Bridges 180.00 Hanson -Fraser Ltd. Hal 1 a/c-5z62;Gen.Ad.M ce-1.43 t 7.05. Can.Industires Ltd. `- Gen.Rd.Mtce, 66.62 Mainland Foundry Co. Ltd. Culverts & Bridges 188.33 Minutes of November th 1958, continued 677 GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONY D. Cloverdale Paint Co. West Coast Motors Ltd. Marslia.31Wel1:s Ltd. Pi'B 1.0 Fr`ei.gii ways Ltd. V`etii:6h-Co]1ins Ltd. M1ec't'ri`c Bozos° Service Butler Tire` Iatd. T;.' Machine Works ` Haney Garage` Ltd'.' ' Oalyburn° Harhuson` , k ni ste'r of Finance Minister' of� Finance `ste"r' oi' .Finance Lents°Auto Bogy Shop Kanaka Concrete Products Maple Ridge `jiome Service Sam° Saari is ' Garage R:. Walker'.& Sons Ltd, Acme` Machine Shop` Co. Haney Builders Supplies The Gazette Finning Tractor & Equipment Crown Electric H.P. Stevens Ne1sOn'Bi66;'Sawmills Ltd. R: ' Sidd6fi ° ° Thains Corner Stores The B. &. K. Milling Co. Kirkpatrick Sand & Gravel Timber Preservers Ltd. BbC:'Telephone'Co:'° ' °Iznperi.al'Oil `Ltd. Regal °Bd.i%diz g `Supplies Fleck'Bros:°Ltd. B.A. Oil Co. Ltd. Fields Welding Supplies Armco Drainage & Metal Burr Office Supplies Royalite Oil Co. Ltd, The Gazette Maple Ridge Home Service Can.Pac.Rly Co. J.S. Wishart Mansell Overand- Ltd, K.C.�Bruce Mrs. P. Giesbrecht C. Davis Canada Creosoting Co. Office Specialty Co. B.C. Electric Howard Hampton Gen.Rd.Mlice. Trucks -2: 21, Loade r Gen.Rd.Mte'e. Trucks.. Bulldozer New Sheds " Trucks ................... Bulldozer.,,.....,..'..,,,,... Keep of Prisoners Gas & Oil Loader-9.4 ,Poer Saw-2'.65.Trucks-39.60 Culverts &c Bridges` Welfare Contri:.. ( October S,A, Medical S.A. Costs Loader-7,0©,,Trucks-10.50 Private Crossing-l8$.91.,Hammond Drain-16.66aBridges.& Culy-85.1�8 Trucks Tools °..,., Trucks .................. Graders-96.69,Tools-18.71 .Trucks - 209.75 Brush & Ditch-7.16,Gen.Rd.Mtce- 22.41,Haney Sewer-5.29,New Sheds i.84 „ ° .,... Election Expense-22.80, Advert. & 14.84 2,67 54.13 1.85 35.96 100.00 299.43 3.00 13.05 46.10 43.19 397.85 430.60 . 351:68 1612.76 ,i7.50 291.05 22.39 2.50 15.56 445.15 36.70 -- Printing-11.40 34.20 Grader 16.45 Parks Board 3,50 Parks Board 10,00 „ Parks Board{ 219,22 ........°' Parks Board" , , " ,,,.., 229.60 Parks Board.'..`..` , „ " 46.51 Parks Board 6.50 Parks Board i44.60 32nd Road Bridge 604.69 11.C42*1.P.-26.36,1ial,l a/c-52.1�9,uly-11. 'Defence-6 S8,;Pire Dept-8.56,Pub.Wks- - „ ...,^,`, 19.31 n113.60 Gas`& Oil... ,. , 62.83 Gen. Rd.'Mtce:`"° " ° 53.97 Dragline49,6$ Trucks-.21 19.89 Gas & -Oil`' 147.65 Tools & Equipment 12.60 Culverts &Bridges 433.94 Office Supplies _ _136.50 Gas & Oil 840.60 Assess,Exp, 3.18 Fire Dept, 4.05 Gen.Rd.Ace. 10.00 Gen.Rd.Mtce. 37.80 Trucks 10.00 Civil. Defence 60.45 Civil Defence 10,00 Civil Defence 22.z6 Culv. & Bridges 20.48 'Office Supplies 25.67 ,Public Works 73.50 Pakrs Board-' 20.00 PAYROLLS - OCTOBER Gen.Rd.Wk.-4637.64,Brush & Ditch-1833.85,Crusher-474.75, Parks-1108.50,Bridges-2044.19,Sec.Hwy-32.20,Sidewa.lks-61.75,Sick Leave-65.20, Stat.Hol-410.92,Gen.Ho1.-38.80,Haney Sewer-51.20, Cem.-359.60, Moved by Councillors Simonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $18,843.29 and payrolls as listedbe paid. CARRIED M 678 Minutes of Ngvember 7th 125$:, continued. - SOCIAL irJELFARE: ACCOUNTS: OCTOBER AJiANCEB BROADHURST, John. e. :,p.,�'e .a..� 79.25 JACKSON, A1mandao e.ppmeempeoe�oio. . 50,00 ARAIER, Florence.....epe..ae.. a e...e. 18*00 ' PYRAH, Norman....pOOpoe.o...es..�ee�.#33m50 ^ SALAY, AL.,.se♦so-oesos.smewsasooa.�s 55o00. NNi�1Up i�+1�',��7u��,Ttiios p mpA<a Ae em eoemaow®oapaa Ov.p54J KLASSEN, fYil.pO b.•p4wppm poee a:aepp 10o00 HUDON, Cha1lese#p-poe- a25 WARBURTON, Flora... e,o..o.me,ee.e...r 333o25 P1ResB, 88.OQ - m/'�ah�o7yn..�,wLuTellynp.:m.n .. .e.....-o.. 37.00 i� r•N1YJ:i 1, Lorrain p y p O p p -e J'e a ra p 1 p O O p p to 70.25 MI, LIER, BenjaminZ'opeaepppepsosposop♦ 37.00 LTNDSAY, Christina .......... 0*4400* 45.00 .Crestwood Guest Home,.'.p'smebieeeeeseo'206,044 Mrs. J. Campk)611 * .'a m o'p * o 'a i e e e.. s 06. l4C e 00 ,Miss Donn xa c7y��ffi]t�laewp.00eoeaspsa'.om"se 25p00 .Mrs. No iltyn...`6*A*o*m.pp.e9ooeoao4 �5,00 -SupperValueNo* 58*000e.ipp.pi.epo.i88.00 'I.G..A. ►store.gpeOO.,oO,...seeesOo.ap62..00 Haney 5041-00'_Storesopp.a000®ee`e040 17e55 NOVEMBER ACGOUNTS. Director of Welfare.o..aea•.e.oe.'seoll,111.67 Chesques 1740-1870 18$9--189i vIrs. Fmr�Q, ardinele e m a .. w a a e: e. e$20400 BUCHOLTZ; OT'�eaIlrmpomasepwisrme�5 050 LEE _.. 50*00 CHRISTIE, 35-00 BROADHURST, Toln.ep ®m.wp®m 4006 19.25 CHRISTIE,.Stella. a6s 18100 KLASSEN, Abe.w e.eo s..e 45e 00 SLI7ER, Leeo4so+0pooe000.*4eeeoe 49.50 �I3�OIRA p RU.t1h*.p,emaeao-aeo.e 0,e0 w'eo 120.50 l'.F2'LHV1�V+.�,s Y .o.l.p,mya,,a,aapilaepaOpO08es 40e00 BRANS ORD, John ,mm.oe.pa b e♦ 3.50 LABOSSIERE, . �'rE'"c1 e s a ®s. a a e a e 52.25 TALBOT, Eleanor* ee6oec.po.o.. "m 52.25 Kra. E.S, Nightingale e a e e's a a m 0120.00 Alouette Private 1qospita1,`.w.,1.810.00 Mrs.'Mo. Ldineme....o.eose.a.•e. 25.00 Mrs. Me Jonesoweo.m&*'t 140.00 Haney Meat' Market. o,. a .... a r s .. 5.00 Price; aS Gonf6 ctlOTiciry. o e 22 i 07 Haney_.Cafe:oso.eoi.wo.®,pose-oar 2.55 I.CCHFORTS ALLOWANCE ,ANDERSON, Howard.oe.eo..we000e000m,$10.00'`HAGEN, Jennieaaeeam.osmes.o.eo.;o$ 100000 ROBERTS, ao'Ob.'Valenti 10e00 ,WICK AM$ Levi** 6.p4.e.4 .i. pea.A 10000 -MISCELLANEOUS ADOUNTS. ,Selma Salay.eep.p,Oo**Op,.ep.eoe.p.o$ 31.25 Dr. H. Morse.esem.......oem.o.ae.$335.00 Maple R .dge-'AMbu1 nce ";�ervi 'e.. aq. a ` 49;00 Garden Hi ll Furisral 'C1 a e ...: 0 ... 340.00 B.C. Welding Supplies;,.po.eo ®epo. '279.30 Dx. D.K. Stratton.....*e.epee.e 52n00 0sborns lltdo....6o.e00.Ow.wseeo.... 10.60 Dr. Norman Grlevel000000eo.;aw.00w 90•00 `City of Vancouer......4*.opooa.>.p.00 94 53 Corp. of Delta. o..00:cmp.:p ebp. 30e00 -Dr. T.A. Nikiforuk4ei.esepse: m.e. 8.00 a1ty...emoe.eow.vw.;e. 11Om00 Dist of Pitt Meadows.......... eem. 65.47 Blackstoek Re p -Roved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that theabove noted.accounts totalling 4162654.78 be paid. CARRIED. ,No further business meeting adjourned at 300-P.M. 679 Minutes of November 24th, 1258. Special meeting of the Council -convened at 8:00 P*M. , Monday, November 24th. Approximately,thirty members of'the Maple Ridge Lionts'Club.-were present., as a request had been'granted to allow them to sit in as interested -spectators, The correspondence ofithe Agenda was referred to.' A letter from the -Seventh Day Adventists of Mission, requested Councilts permission to sing car.ols.on the Haney Streets during the month of Dec6mber between the hours of T, and 9 P.M. This request was granted, on the understanding that there was to be no house to house canvass for funds. However., no objection was raised to a collected being made. Two letter from School District No.42 were read,, requesting Council -to approve the transfer of unexpended bylaw accounts to other funds, s. to be used . ed for special purpose. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that this Council,has no objection,to the Board of School Trustees transferring tfie Surplus Funds -to the credit of their Referendum No. 2 Account,- $10,698.24, Also, the Council has no objection to the incurrence of Emergency Debt created in the amount of $3,037.60 for the purchase of new desks, CARRIED,' The Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board requested Council to dupli-cate,the grants made to them for the coming year, 'Moved by Councillors that the sums of $385.00 normal grant and'$2b3.00,, for the.Industrial Surveys as outline by the,tower Mainland Regional Planning..,Board..be included in the 1959 Budget.. CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Dunlop and Telosky that pursuant to Subsection-,(4) of Section 79 of the Municipal Act the use of a poll-book,at the forthp9ming.election.,be waived. CARRIED. $oyed by Councillors Dunlop and -Cox that Building Sites Bylaw No. 493 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. CARRIED* III Moved by Councillors Simmonds and'Nightingale that Referendum Bylaw No. 494 be given third reading. CARRIED. Moved by CouncillorsTeloskyand Cox that Road. Ded.idation Bylaw No. 495 be reconsidered, ;j finally passed and adopted. CARKM.. -Roved by Councillors Telosky and -Cox that tentative approval be given to the.subdivision of Part of Lot "B" of D.L.400, Group 1., N'.W.D*JFeathersionehaugh). CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cokthat pursuant to Section 709., Si.S.2 of the Municipal Act, the subdivision of the East 75t of Lot 4,of Parcel ItTIt of.Lot 248, Group 1., Plan 8546,'N&W.D., be approvedli, CARRIED. The Clerk reported on the Work Projects that had been approved by the Provincial Government in the amounts of $S1000.00 - Parks, .$3,000'00,for replacing wood stave water mains and $4000.00 for general ditching', brushing and repairing roads.. II Grateful ackno-14edgment'in receipt of floral contribution made by Council was read from Mrs# Johnny Johnson, who had suffered the death of EX -Councillor A,B. Johnson. The Redv6'rdp6iteid'6fi *izit6r'v'i'6-;r'fi6'had'w'1Uh Honourable Lyle Wicks with reference to the contemplated new 14th Avenue Bridge. He felt that it was quite possible that the Government would assist us,, with regard to the cost of the replacement of the bridge that was destroyed, if we would contribute towards opening up Municipal Roads approaching the Garabaldi Bark. Eric DUririirig'ds&dd,Cduzidi1'-66 *dd *6*66'e'th'inig about thelane directly south of the Lougheed Highway between 7th and 8th Avenue. This had always been a problem to Council but now that Fuller and Watsons were building a warehouse on some the congestion was amplified to a degree almost impassable. The matter was turned over to the Engineer for thorough investigation. Also., Mr. Dunning suggested that Council consider raising the sidewalk from the 8th Avenue entrance to the lane north to Lougheed Highway.,a matter of three inches��,'I� on a 50/50 shareable basis with tis owners. At the present time and for the past few years this had been a cause of flooding watery and this suggestion would remedy-11�1 the situation. The Engineer would also investigate the possibility. Kinutes:.of November 24th' 195$; Continued. .The Reeve reported on his interview with Mr. Donegani of gth Avenue North, who requested ,the- raising -of- tide, road in order to `eliminate the flooding, danger. ,The Reeve felt that this request'was i.inpossible' to grant, as the water could be four or five feet in depth, as it had been in the'past, He recommended to Mr. Donegani that It might be� wotth'approaching the Dyking Commission' -with a view to including this in the Ayking Area. This 'remedy, of course, would.drain the land and it would not be necessary.to raise the road. Councillor Simmonds•referred to No. 9 Road and' in particular the east end, which was referred to in a letter from Charles Miller, the last resident on game Water was running down the road, causing erosion and definitely needed maintenance work. The Engineer would look into the matter. .Also, a report was given to Councillor Simmonds from Cliff Kershaw on 29tkRoad, 14th Avenue, complaining that his basement was flooding from a.flooded ditch. The matter would be looked into. -A complaintha.d been received from a tax payer.on'9th Road east of 17th Avenue that the grader, in grading the road, had`aecidently destroyed -his culvert. This was under investigation by the Engineer.. Mr. W shart presented 'a plan for approval dealing with ,the north end of the Gil.ker Hill Road; Papeau property on the west side and Dickenson on the'east side, The road was in a terrible state, due to blasting. Council, hoever, as it dealt with new subdivision, had no intention of doing any further wbk on same, The matter was guiIte familiar to them and they were willing to appro4e the subdivision without 'any further contributions towards the opening of the road allowance. The Engineer would so'notify Mr Papeau. Council I or Cox brought up the matter . of the letter he, had received from G her who had net with two Couhnillors, with a few `to recomunending c rtineer, ; �- main improoveve ments for our present water system. He now advised CdLuncill.or Cox -that he had' compiled certain data which could be ava labe to the -Council for a fee of approximately $700.00. As there had been not commitments made with Mr. Gwyther, Clerk was` to -advise` him of - same and that Council at this time could not'-be"considbred as potential purchasers for the I brief that he is willing to sellfor the said sum,_ Councillor Dunlop reported that water was running across 21st'Avenue at the end of 9th Road, Also, there was broken tile on the north side.of the,River Road between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. -The Engineer noted same 'and would -'investigate both reports. Councillor Nightingale reported on the progress made so far with.,regard to the Health Centre new addition; which was under the supervision of. our'Buildingrliispector, Mr. -Don Morlez i with'full. Councillt s permission. Cou-.cillors Daniop'and Telosky reported a drainage. problem in the rear of the ba-11 park wYiich was affecting consider2sbie � properties in that - area: The `Engineer would look at same and see whether it involved -the'Parks Board. ` "Tl e'Cl6rk 'would: aldo' notify the Parks Board to look into the matter. No further business meeting adjourned at `11.10"' P M. Minutes of December 5th, 1958:_. The regular monthly meeting of the Council convened at 9:30 A.M.., December 5tht, with full. -Council present. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the minutes of November 3#d, 7th - and 24th be adopted as circularized. CARRIED. No delegations being present the first letter on the Agenda was read from an outside employee, W,J. Biggs, appreciating receiving sick -pay allowance while ill and thnking the Council for this service. All were happy to receive this type of letter from an employee'and ordered it filed. The Police Report was read and filed. • Y Notice was read from Yennadon.Ra.tepayers requesting Council to attend their meeting at 8:00 P.M., December 8th. This was noted by Council. Application to establish a mink farm by Mr. Moyle, located on the five acre portion of Lot 2 of N.E.42 Section 72 Township 15, Sketch 12071, was received by Council. As everything appeared to be in order -this application was approved. Fence Viewers Committee, W.Hv Anssell, A.D. Toovey & S,A. Heal, reported their finding as follows: *'We find that Mr. Maunusts fence is on Mr. Ferguson,$ property a distance of three feet more or less on the south end and tapering off to nothing on the north end. • We have marked what we believe to be the line of their properties and have informed them as to the erection of the fence, which is to cons-ist of good cedar posts.) strung with five strands of barbed-wire well constructed with braces. Mr. Ferguson is to construct the north half and Mr. Maunus the south half. l Signed: Fence Viewers ,Committee.tz The Clerk had informed the Council that pursuant to Chapter 119'R:S.B.C. the Council must appoint a Fence Viewers'Committee, which consists of the present incumbents, Messrs Ansell, Toovey and Heal.. The complainants must notify the committee direct and not through Council. A Letter of thanks was read from Walker and Sons of B2k Avenue for improving the unhappy condition with regard to parking that.existed on that street. It was now Councilts intention to mak it a one way street, with parking on both sides, and post same The request from the C.N.I.B, to allow one of their blind members to establishj� themselves in the Motor Vehicle D''partment at the Municipal Hall., in order to sell bolts to fasten the plates OR during the latter part of February. This `was approved as it was understood thatallof the Motor Vehicle Departments, throughout the Province allowed,this concession. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop -that 3rd.Reading be given to Bylaw No. 488 (Purchasing Land for Road Purpose) . CARRIED. Moved by Councillors Simmonds.and Telosky, that Referendym Bylaw No. 494 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. .CARRIED. p' The Subdivision plan of Mr. Stirkts, fronting.Lougheed Highway, was tabled for the time being. The Engineertis to approach Mr. Stirk with regard to the possibility of acquiring ten feet of land on 25th Avenue, The Assistant Building Inspector, G. Mysel,reported that a permit had been issued. to Mr. Ziebert on Lot 1 of the West z of -Section 20, Plan 9687 to repair the �( present dwelling and also a work shop in the rear. Apparently he was now attempting�,i +� .to change the work shop into.a second dwelling, which appeared to be a violation of the zoning. Bylaw. As 'the properties had been zoned commercial some time ago a debateable point arose. The Council_ left,the matter over for further discussion later. Reverend Haynes,who was present, felt that the refund that he had received ° recently from his deposit cheque of $1330.00 was not sufficiently large ,enough. The Clerk reported that the office had advised Reverend Haynes that a deposit of $1.80 per foot was required before the water line extension could -be installed in �. his subdivision. The Municipality would share the cost,of the Line on a 25/75% shareable basis. The balance of the IJIWA deposit would be refunded to the depositor upon completion. No money was, deposited at, that time.- However, months later Reverend Haynes made a deposit of $1.80 per foot and he was told that due to the increase in wages and in the cost of pipe, the ,cost of installing the line h; would therefore be greater. Reverend Haynest argument was that the office had F informed him that the line would be laid at a firm price,of $1.80 per foot and he would be refunded 25% of the amount., ,The Clerk informed :the Council that the r. T fi Minutes of December 5th., 1258, continued. firm price, xgs the deposit of $1.80 per foot, the estimated 100% cost of the line,A must be evident to all that only 75% would be required to be deposited if, -the firm price of the cost of the line was 1.80. The cost of any project whatsoever cannot ,be determined until its completion, TheBefore, 100� of the estimated cost is required to be deposited. As this was too com- plicated for Mr. Haynes to accept and by virtue of the fact that the cost of this, particular installation was slighty greater than the average, the following motion was approved. Moved by Councillors Cox and Dunlop thaf the Corporation refund a f ther 6163.91 to Reverend Haynes from the change for the instalation of the waaUr line on his subdivision. CARRIED The use of tge lunch :room .at .the Municipal Sheds was requested to be.:used for the purpose. of holding the Municipal Employees Outside, Union Niemberss.Meetings. No objection was raised by Council. The Engineer was informed to prepare a list of work -for the $10.,000 project, shareable 50/50 with t;hhe Federal Government.. Councillor Telosky, recommended the, blasting of the, rock on 32nd Road east. of Maple Ridge Park inthe,vicinity of7the dead-end road running north fromthere. He also complained about,the Public Works'Department instaling a-culvert;on -the. subdivision on the south side of, the Trunk- .Road . east -of 14th -Avenue. , Apparently, it served no purpose and should be lowered 'at least one foot., He asked the Council members to visit the installation in order to confirm this.complaint... , Councillor Telosky also referred to the 3,2nd Road. (Lake). Bridge. the -pile hould be d u _mod or damage would occur frm-h log jams. Also why was this bridge, which had recently received a•large amount of repair and renovation, posted only :ten ton limit. Th6 Engineer would -make a report on same. Councillor Cox complained about -the delay i.n.gravelling the shoulders'.,on Menzies Street in the vicinity of the CampbIll home. Also, some attention was required east of.the Masonic Hall. „ e Councillor. •Cox ,also, requested -that Council consider .increasing the Board of Trade grant for Christmas Lighting purposes from 25.-00 to 1.00.00.;,as;.the,.present.amount was not sufficient to compensate the trades people. -He also` felt ,that ire' •should' considere" doing something about restricting.:the� bicycles -being ridden on sidewalks, . a" a.zard to elderly people; He ..also Basked for a financial report of the Centennial Committeet-s work: this :summer., The. Engineer was instructed to interview Mh. Astbury of the..Box Factory. :or. send him -a- letter, asking him to remove the obstruction on 17th Avenue.so-that we could clean the ditches fronting his box, -factory. Council felt that this -matter had.been-left too long. Councillor, Dunlop "requested •permission' on behalf of the owners on the. road :running west from Westend Road to name same as Cedar Crescent. Conndillor Si armonds :reported {on. his '.interview with 'the B.C. Electric: with regard to .removing the `;pole ` lire ,along side of the fire ..hall, recommending that the power lines run over the roof of the hall...' He.also.reported that.%due,,to the, high .coat of erecting.:.the: Christmas. tree he would ,prefer-to.let the job by contract... Moved by Councillors. Cox and Nightingale that ;the grant to the•Board,of;Trade of Maple R,i.dge'be increased,from'$25.00 to. $100.00 for the year, Themoney:to be used 'for decorative -street .li ghting..'-. CAD: _- WATERWRKS ACCOUNTS:. A.J.L. ;.Haynes ' M &,L,Machine Works _ Marshall=dells Ltd..:. Hoffmann &,Son Ltd. 'Greater ..Van..Water Dist. �R.A, Hales, Lumber Co. The Gazette. -..Purves.Ritchie, Ltd.-, B.C.' Electric ,Hanson Fraser Ltd. . ,Cambridge Craft; Co. -Waterworks Refund 129.29 ..:.-Waterworks '.Tractor - 32.60 New Construction - 8428.15 -' New .Wconstructinn . 56.00 'Waterworks 'Mtce.... 2094.40 W.W.=Mtce;` 138.00 W.W. Mt'ce.. .228.69 Tractor 253.68 ' W,W. Mtee, 169.10 W.W. Mtce. 1.34 W.W. Sheds 8.31 rt 683 Minutes of Dgeember 5th, 1958, continued. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS CONTtD. West Coast Motors - W.W. Truck 92.10 Haney -Hammond Motor Freight - Mtee-24.00,Const-13.56,Sheds-7.92, '45.48 Terminal City Iron Works Reservoir-39.45,Mtee-532.51.,New Const-98.,09 670.05 Canadian Joni Manville Water Construction 1591.04 Can. Wood Pipe & Tanks W.W. Mtce. •19,•06 Regal Building Supplies W.W. Sheds 44.8'1 Public Freightways W.W.•Mtce.. 1.25 Laurie Lumber Ltd. W.W. Sheds - -84.72 Electric Home Service W.W. Sheds 9.81 Marshall Wells Ltd. W.W. Mtce..' 18.81 PAYROLL - Mtce.961.80,New.Sheds-236.00,Const-892.80,Stat.Hol.-81.60Connections-278.00 Moves by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts, totalling $14ju 6.84 bepaid. CARRIED. GENERAL ACCOUNTS. - Receiver General Fire•Dept:-3400,Civil Def-2.00_. 5,00 Maple Ridge Agric.Asstn. 1958 Grant 100.00 R.G.'Kirkpatrick Parks Board '65.00 B.C.'Forest P oducts Parks Board •' 63.50 J.D.'Davies r Parks Board 55,00 R.J.'Chappell Parks Board 6,00 Auxiliary Police... Parks Board 18.20 Haney Hotel Restaurant Parks Board 157.50 Administration & Mileage Parks Board (as perl-ist) 400.00 E. tidmberg Parks -Board _ -43.00 Whondck Florists Parks Board 23.21 Westeel Products Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce,. ,(signs) 30.84 Brown Bros. Greenhouses Misc.,•.Administration 7.88 G.A. Roedde Ltd. Assessment Expense 2:70 Wilkinson Co. Ltd. Trucks-83.18,Brdges-12;,35 95.53° Dr, G. Morse Estate Coroner &. -Inquest 280.00 Fraser Valley Regional Library Quarterly Instalment 1864.80 Georgets'Radiator Shop Trucks, 113.02- Legion.of Frontiersmen Police Expense 96.00 Civil' Defence Aux. Police -PoliceExpense " 36.00 Sgt. A.,Calvert .. _Police Expense 4.00 Cst. W.A. Demmon Police Expense 4.60 Maple Ridge Hospital Asstn. Coroner & Inquest 90.00 Workments Compensation Board. W.C.B. Dues 632.50 Haney'Buildders Supplies Gen Rd.Mtce,_. Canadian Pacific Railway Gen.Rd.Mtce. 20.68 OsborAs Ltd. Fire Dept. 426.35 Browns Pharmacy Assessment Expense 17.95 HaneyGlass Co. Trucks• 1.37 DStoltze Motor Freight Ofice Supplies-1.00,Drainage-8.05 9.05 Columbia Paper Co. Ltd. H fice •Supplies- , 4.66 , F. Worfolk Cemetery Mtce. 12:15 H.N. Watson Police Expense, - 5:00 Mac Kenzies Hardware Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce. 4.83 Sam Saarits Garage Dragline-3.00,Tools-13.90,T:ractor-1.00 17.90 Clarke & Stuart Co. Ltd. Office Supplies- 31.43 Minister of Finance S.A. Refunds' 218.10 Municipal Treasurer Postage-26¢,Trucks-3:45,Unem.Is-328.94, Office Sup--5.19,Ref. H.O.G,-28.00,Hal1 ((` 20.75,Tools-5508 387.14. " Superannuation commissioner Trust-256.28,Sliper-199.39 455.67 Maple Ridge Employees Union Union Dues - November 76.00 Receiver General Income.Tax Deductions November 713.45 A..Vogl Gen.Rd.Mtce.,(Signs). 90.1.2 & Heatin .62Exdert'luinbing W.T. Alexander Comtn on collections 199.50 Minister of Finance S.A. Per capitamonthly charges 1612.76 H.J. Cockrill Keep of Prisoners 10.00 Frank Dennis Keep of Prisoners 91,25 Mrs. F. Dennis Keep'of Prisoners 6.25 J.G. Taylor Assessment Expense 14.70 A. Barnard Assessment Expense 25.40 Anderson Realty Ltd, Misc. Expense 25.00 H. Gibeault Gas & Oil 894.04 Addressograph-Multigraph Office Supplies , 77.39 684 .Minutes of,D� cember -5thj_..1958...', cofit-in'-ued'. GFJZR,AL ACCOUTS CONVD, Gestetner Ltd., Office Supplies 3 4 7.14 Haney -Hammond Motor.,'FrQight Fire Department 1.00 Armco Drainage & Metal Ltd. Culv,&-Bridges -9442,Sec. ffiy15,96 110-38 Varjcouver Equip,Corp, Ltd. 'Grader. 35-10 Dr. A.J. Trudel Police ExP-15.00.,Coroner & Inquest-25, 40.40 R. Walker & Sons Ltd. T ucks 17.64 Wright"s Cahadian Ropes Ltd. een.Rd.Mtce.-(Fence) 945.40 Hdriey-Hammond Motor Freight Tools-2.25,,Gulvert & Bridges-5�.49., Trucks-1,1p5 9.19 Inspector ofDykes Misc-. Expense 3.68 HalMenziesMisc, Expense 3.50 Whonock Florist -Hall grounds- -16 i 28 Lents Auto Boo Shop Trucks 29.66 Haney Nusic-& Art Store Gen*Rd.KTce, R.J. Scobie 32nd - Rd.Bridge-76-39-k.,,Tr-ucks-5;04 '81.43 Acme Machine Shop Co. Ltd. Trucks-57.24OTools-16.74,Cap.-309.81 383.79 Henryt,s Grill, Keep of Prisoners 18.00 Haney -Hammond Motor Freight` Tools-3.85,Gen.Mtee-1.45,Hall,-1.00, Trucks-1.85.,Grader-1.25 9.40 Firming Tractor Tools 1.85 Cambridge D Craft Gen.Rd.Mtc.' 27-72' Canadian Industries Ltd. Gen*RdbMtce* 69.28- Pubiic Freightways Ltd. Graders 1.5 Wilkinson Co. Ltd. Trucks 34.19r Kanaka Concrete Products Priv.Cro ss.-75.62,Bridges & gulv-3081,.63 384.25 Land Registry Office L.R.O. Fees 12 60 K.C. Bruce y Civil Defence 64.29 Mrs., W. Giesbrecht Civil Defence 10,00' Cloverdale Paint Ltd. Gen.Rd.Mtce. (Signs) 6.72 Minister of Finance S,,A-, Per Capita 1958 31481:79 St.J ' ohn Ambulance Civil Defence ..7.35 Burrell Bros. Fire -Dept * 497.41 B.C.,Electric Hammond ;rain-5-39,Hall-99.64-Fire 25..94,Park-8.6o.St-Lights376.87, Public-Works-205.52.' '72�.96 B.A.Oil Co. Gas & Oil 32.22 ClayburnHarbison Ltd, Haney Sewer -10 49 Hanson -Fraser. Ltd.. Tools-1-37,Gen.Mtce-3.03,lCrusher-2.27 6:-67 Nelson Bros. Sawmills Ltd. 32nd Rd. Bridge--849.82,Trucks-15.99' 865.81 The Gazette Election Exp-44.47.,Assess.Exp-211' 3 7;j, OfficeCupplies-14-44 270.28 Dietrich -Collins Ltd. Shovel-5.6oiDragline-631.05 06.65 Burr Office Supplies Office Supplies ' 22.48 Fieldts Welding- Supplies Tools & Equipment 64-49 Dr* �_*"C'e Rhodes Police Expense 10.00 Jack,Cewe Blacktop Ltd. Patching 3820'20 The GazetteElection . Expense 201.50 Maplq Midge Home Service Fire Dept. 130-51 B,C.,Equipment Co, Tractor-1-77,Grader-25-01 26.78 Haney Garage Ltd., Tractor-1.68,,Txucks-58.26 59-94 R. Muth & Sons Crusher-1-75,Tracks-3-93 5.68 West , .Goast Motors Trucks .- 1 8.75 Kanal�a Concrete. Products, Culverts & Bridges 7.15 Sam Saarit.s Garage Bridges 7 018 Fled. Bros. Ltd. Tool3i.l37.46r,Grader-5.41,,Gen,Mtee-124-50 267-37 Browns Pharmacy Assessment Expense 23-51 Dist.,of.Pitt Meadows Police Salaries' 784-75 " ada.,cp" Services Assn 340-56 PAYROLL Gen.AO.Mtee-4082.68,Brush & Ditch-544.40,Prv.Crossing-19,20,,Patching-218.60,Crushbr- 845.-,80,-,Parks-347.00.,Bridges & Culv-2220.06,.,Sick-Leave-411.800,Stat.Hol-398-52,Hol.Pay- 28602,,Haney Sewer-44.55.,Cemetery-289..85 ,See. Awy-24.80. Moved.by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $20.067619 and payrolls as listed be ;paid. -CARMDO 685 Minutes of December 5th, 1958, continued. SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: N0VEM1M ADVANCES ROSS, Norma ................... 6 27.50 McRAE, Edith ..:................. 46.00 BOD�iN�AR,t�Doreen.........:. 42.50 BRUNEAU, Rene ........... 5.00 j BUCHOLTZ, Orlean.. e e m e e e a m e a♦ 77.25 GL��(1��+,1��V1ppVLpp" 1 y' BruC. P. a ... a •.. a o.� s i a ees . m• 61.25 MYIER PODOLSKI, William ...... 74e00 , Sam....... ............... 79.25 SIMPSON, Alfred...........s99,115.50 NORSE', Robert....,....,.,.......... 70.25 ? TKENNEDY, Delta......:. .:. 43.25 ,HUGHES, Eila.................... 52.25 LUND, Wa1ly...e:.a ...\s uses.••' 79.25 LAHELLE, Alberi....ee•,.....e..m. 3.50 THOMAS, Ralph.....a140e50 McEVEN, IAN.•se.ee•a•e•.e.ee.•.• 19.00 Mrs. E,S.,Nightingale........,237.50 Crestwood Guest Home.... e....... 206e04 Alouette Private Hospital .... 1753.50 Mbs.,J. Campbell..........,....., 140e00 Mrs. N.Lainee...........e•..e 25.00 Pam Harris'(Ramsden)... ......... 10.00 Doris Hornbrook...(Ramsden).. 20.00 Firs. M. jopes...:,...a..:..e..... 140.00 Super Valu-No. 58............ 69.00 I.G.A. Sao e....m............... 20.00 Whonock Red'& White...:.,..... 15e00 Shopeasy Stores.... ..... ..... 10.18 C(liFORTS ALLOWANCE.- ANRSON, Howard..e.••...... .e 10QOO HAGEN, Jennie ...............e....$'10.00 ROBERTS, Mary ....:............ 10,00 STEPPLER, Valentine. ...-.<.- 10.00 r WICKHAM, Levi. e... ...... 10.00 DIRECT WELFARE ECEMBER Chequest 1933-2075,:2084, 2085, 2091-2093 - $12072.12 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS Maple Ridge Ambulance Service..... p5r4�.00 B.C. Welding Supplies.........6126.00 13r:�P.:.Bokstrom...•.e.se.,. .er••• 7I,00:;Hodgson Co,.._.as.e.ee,.eeae..• 35.00 Dr. H. Morse... e......,.......ee:.' 2.00 .City of.Vancouver..,e.e,•..... 137.22 Dr. N.W. Huculak.................. 53.00. Blackstock Realty .............. 40.00 Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the(above noted accounts totalling $l6,251.61 be paid.' CARRIED. No further business'.meeting adjourned at 12:45.PeMe • e e• e e0� ar• • .. a •. d s �e gas .e a s iGt� i •eveeeceoee.e�eeeeoeeeiee000seeeeeeeseeeeeoeCLERK 4 Minutes of December 17th, 194, Special meeting of the Council convened at 7:00 PM-,, December 17th, Present were Councillors Dunlop., Cox, Nightingale and Telosky. The election report,, submitted by the'lReturning OffiOr.. Mr, J,H, Burrage, was -read •to -Council a& follows: YtTo,-, , -They Reeve & Council., Muni-c-i-pali-ty of M&P14a Ridge., Haney.,, BC,, Gen-t1emen..- beg to report on the results°of-the Municipal Election held,on,December Ilth,, 1958.,-as follows: For.Councillorac... W.C. Brown votes- received, 1058 Cox, .-969 WR, Dunlop 1202 E, Rothenberger 283 J.H. Setter 284 C.V. Telford 613 I.therefore-declare W.C, Brown and W.R. Dunlop -elected -as Councillors for the years 1959 and 1960 For School Trustees: D,J, Hopkins votes received 1562 T.R. Jones 794 R,T, Kleaman 1431 C.E, May 337 ref9ro.deolare D,J.. Hopkins.and'.R.T..Kleaman.elected for School Tr.40oos, f9r the years, 1959 and 1960. Referendums: Water Rates Increase Fluoridation I therefore declare both referendums defeated. Dog Pound Bylaw Spencer Farm Purchase I therefore declare both referendums Carried. Declared before me at Haney,, B.C. this 15th day of December, 1958 (Signed) , ' ed) L.W. Hawkins Municipal Clerk Yes - 272 No. - 965 Yes - 11$9-341 No - 920 Yes - 1184 No - 1016 Yes - 1258 No - 879 (Signed) John H., Burrage Returning Officer Letter was read from Doctor Arber requesting thit Council should consider the interest of'those businesses operating on 8j'Avenue before it was made a one-way street. As Council were of the opinion that the matter was settled to their satisfaction they were surprised to receive such a letter. Councillor Telosky was delegated to interview.the'affected parties and find out their requirements. A request was received from J.G. Walters who had paid the rental in the amount of $lOoOO for the Masonic Hall public meeting at election time. He asked that this be refunded to him because he understood that Council would take care of the cost. The Clerk was instructed to make the refund., on the understanding that in future this would only apply to publicly constituted ratepayers associations or recognized community associations. .0 Minutes.of December 17th, 1958, continued. s The claim for the loss of ten.(10) chickens, received from E,K. Merkley and confirmed by Cst..Millhouse, was ordered paid at the'usual rate of 50% of the -value, Application for Water Rights on the Alouette River A for farm irrigation, amounting to thirty acre feet per annum was reviewed and discussed at,con— siderable length. This could amount to a very large draw off'in the dry, season and as the.Council was always seeking new sources of water that,' may supplement our public water system they instructed the Clerk to register an objection against this amount being used. , A letterof complaint was read from.W.I. Craigie, with regard to renting rooms in a residential area. This was ordered to be tabled -for the time being.until investigated. At this poant_.representatives of the Canadian Legion entered the hall, Mr, W, Burrell, executive member, introduced President J. Elliott and President Elect H, Corder, who forthwith, with a few appropriate words, presented a picture of the needlepoint, a facsimilie of St.John the Divine Church of.Maple Ridge. As this was.a photograph of -the presentation thtt was made to Her Royal Highness, Princess Margaret, the Council were very please to receive same, The Reeve asked them to convey Councilr's appreciation to -all the members of the Legion. Moved by, Councillors. Nightingale and Dunlop that Bylaw No. 488 be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted and that the amounts stated in the Bylaw be .paid to the.owners of the properties recorded, or -their Agents. Cam. Moved by Councillors Nightingale and Dunlop that the rules of procedure be suspended and notice of motion dispensed with and the Short Term Loan Bylaw No, 1+96 be read three times this day. e THAT Bylaw No. 496'be'read first and second time.. THAT Bylaw No. 496 betaken as read the first and second time. THAT Byfaw_No 496 be given third reading. THAT Bylaw No. 496 be taken as read the third time this day. CARRIED. Council again. authorized $5.00 Christmas,bonus to the paid to all Municipal Employees_, The Reeve now referred to the proposed Dog Pound being established. Re reported that he had been in touch with the S.P.C.A.,.who-were quite willing to operate in Maple Ridge. The unfortunate angle was that the pmmd was established in Coquitlam and would serve neighboring Municipalities. Council felt that the S,P,C.Ao were the best agents to operate such a pound, All felt that the Reeve and Clerk should investigate further with regard to preparing bylaws. The Reeve had -also investigated the report of a log jam in the Alouette River. He also brought in a ineinber of'the,,Fisheries Department -to investigating without finding evidence of such a jam. As the report had been made with regard to a log jam by Mr. Nichols on 32nd Avenue;.Councillor Telosky would investigate to try to find out exactly where this supposed log jam existed. Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the Plan of Subdivision of Part of Lot 1 of,Lot 241, Grop 11 Explanatory Plan 11166, N,W.D., be approved, subject to the removal of the word "Road" and consolidation of the three acre portion in the rear. CARRIED, Moved by Councillors Telosky and Cox that the plan of subdivision of portion of Block #E (Plan 1184) and of portion of a 1.88 acre portion of Block F (Plan 1609) and of Parcel one of Lot 4 of Block F, being portions of Lot 329, Group 2, and of part of N.E.4 of Section 36, Twp.11, N.W.D., be approved, subject to the requirements of -the Road'Subdivision Bylaw and Engineerts approval. CARRIED. The Reeve now brought up the matter of opening up a portion of the new road running north from No. 9 Road- in Whonock, which was owned by Mr. Anderson of Dewdney. 688 e++ Minutes ;s .of .December lIth �29.5 continued. _ The Engineer reported that: the opening.. would require • an expenditure in:: tl e. neighborhood of'41500.90. Council felt that; a:contri.bution of at least $1,000.00 from Kr. Anderson would be necessary before we -consider carrying out the work. The Engineer reported-wi.th,regard to,Mrs':.TretheweS4,s••.aubdivi:sisrim; His'- `estimate of $6960,,ou wou d:be•needed'o'open-up l5th toad. and approximately: $1500..00.-on No. lb Road. A.iso�, ,&-enive`rt, would be necessary, which Mr.. Trethewey -had ,agreed to pay, for i -we r6ulel`!iistaIl• same. The approximate. cost of the<:Installation would be- $250.00 to, $390ODa_..r�; Councillor Teltibk r asked tha f� -possible w6 make payment. to- -the aan- thatt blasted the. rotkslon-:.32fid: Aveiiulb�'k effore• Christmas e . Another discussion. -arose over the -difficult corner that existed where Sth Ave crosses the • Trunk-'-R6ad -axici- the; property -now owned -by 'the: Canadian' Legion-.,, It was felt that' we should-4miet'�wi th,,",the' •members of the Legion, ta.�_conslder what improvement could �,be-made'-there � • t Councillor,°N ghtinga%,,*-reported that Mr. •L.S. Carr eras stIll' complA-ining. about the water'-runnyi2g-'south -of— -the=,-Truftk, Road onto his .subdivision, roads/A Counciihlor Cox inquired ass to,what-had developed with regard- -to the, ditch fronting the Box Factory on 1.7th Avenue.- ` ._ �.:.G • c.. ..... ., .,.. •. ._ .. , � The Engineer read out--a-letter-ghat, he• -had sent to Mr.= Astbury, .Manages, which had been. -registered andr�cal led-hfor-�a: reply within 14days; -.warning, Mr. As:tbury that we should_ commence.cleaning•the ditch after that period had expired. No further business+,-meeti:ng' adjourned. at- 9:55- P:M, . + a.r • s .a . 1W:.6L.A YE_ WERK. 110 Minutes. of Deceme�30th, 195g. 6 t Full Council met for their last meeting of the year'at 4:30,P.M... December 30th. Mr, R. Bruce of=-14th Avenue North was present.and inquired about the .hard surfacing of his proposed new subdivision. He had been informed that if the roads were gravelled and prepared the cost of blacktopping same,would be in the ne.ghbprhood of $4.00 per lineal foot, pursuant to.our.new-Byaw. He .therefore asked if the blacktopping, in his case, could be eliminated, as the property would not be worth subdividing if such a.price_had to be paid. The Reeve and Council informed him that the Bylaw would have to be complied with. ,i 4t ,if he prepared the gravel road .ready ,for..black .topping it would be quite ,posgiblre that if time allowed for, .the °Corporation togive him the grader ,nAF ,i;t ,Kogld note cost any more than,$1.00 ,to 41.50 ,per ,foot and even if °ti;e °Work ,Was done by machine they felt .the ,actual ,cost .of hard ourfacing > WggJ4 °not .e_Nceed $2.00 per foot, Mr. Bruce .appeared .to .be satisfied and retifidd.... > a fir.„ .W� Frase.,r, representing the Maple Ridge ,Junior, Hand,, informed • the Council ,that ,the. Rotary Club promised to ,provide .$500..00 .towards the purchase of uniforms, ,fob; ,the. ,Junior members of the ,band., which, would •cost in the :neigh- bgrhgqc1 X 95.-00._ He said that the band .had ;Keen ,available ,to• the ;Corporation .all ,thrrqug}j the Centennnial Year and was, ,always ready. to, give .service to the Munici;pAljt,y., , As there was a balance on hand Of. the. -Centennial, Punds.,. of which he >ha4 beef, ,i�,formed.,he asked Council for, .a .spe,cial, grant of. $3Q0.00 so that he° could -,give, the, order for the uniforms,,, , .Goun i.1 mere unariihi us that this was A yery, worthy, cause and passed, the fb-UQwin& motion.., Moved b'v Councillors" Simmonds and Nightingale, that a' n ci al grant of . $300.00 , be i ee to Maple Ridge, \Junior Band for. their ;unifor=4' , , CARRIED. A fetter was read, from the Lower Hsainlapd RegionaL Planning. Board,,\ asking for Council"-sendorsement to a .request, made, by, tiat, organization, asking, the provincial Government to, underwrite one third (1/3),of,their proposed 1959 budget,, one' third would amount to �$12.,OOp.00p, , p, copy of° the letter to the ' Minister of Municipal Affairs was read,, requesting: thie ,amount and the Clerk 'was'directed-to write a letter to the -Department,endors�pg,the, dower Mainland " kegional Planning Boardt s request; , al®or a; copy of,, the, letter to-, be sent to the Ronou°rabfe: Lyle Wicks. ...... . Moved' by' Councillors 'Dunlop7 and Telosky that lst,,, 2nd and, Ord reading be given to 'Bylaw No. 497, (Bylaw Passing Procedure .CARRIED.,.,* ., '0ouncllor"bunlop brought up the matter of,the9damage caused to one of,our trucks'. which necessitated the i.mmediate'repia,cement by purchasing a new truck.. Three tenders had been called for and the prices quoted were reasonably close together. 'The Council decided that the matter of investigation., decision and purchase could now be left with the Machinery Committee, pursuant to the following motion: Moved by Councillors, Simmonds and Nightingale that the machinery committee t?e..given authority to purchase a new truck. CARRIED, As the Statutory Meeting must be held in the afternoon of Monday, January 5th, Council decided to call same..to'convene at 1:,OO P.M. As the Centennial Committee had now been °disolved their Financial Statement was placed before Council, showing a.surplus°of $396.27 in the Entertainment Fund. and a surplus of $629.00 on the Project Fund., accompanied with the statement .were two cheques.for these amounts, issued to the Corporation; as the Centennial Committee felt that this money should be returned to the Municipality.. 1s,two unpaid bills were on hand the following motion took care of the matter. Moved by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that Legion Centennial Account for $ ''s,$74.12 be paid from balance of Centennial Funds turned over to this Corporation., '.,also the $75.00 for the Curling Rink rental. CARRIED. The Clerk brought up the matter of Government Offices being closed on January 2nd and asked should the Municipal Office also be dosed. Council ruled against this. Councillor Teloslq reported on the proposed one-way traffic on $2 Avenue, which apparently was not acceptable to the business concerns on that street. He felt that if the light poles could be moved back.and a curb installed the situation could be remi.died to give the ordinary two way traffic. The matter was left in his hands for further investigation. 690 Minutes.of.December 30th, 195., continued, The proposed hiring of -.the extra labour, pursuant to the Federal 50% grant,, was discussed and ordered to commence as soon as possible. Also the matter of.transporation to -enable the extra men to get to work; This•would be'left to:'the Engineer and theLForeman,and if -it is necessary to provide "Straw Bosses" or ''Charge Hands":to work with these new men he sould be hired from our permanent crews,and allowed.100 per hour more, SOCIAL WELFARE ACCOUNTS: HEDRICK, Olive, 88.25 -CUNNINGHAM, Nil11amgggo®.aio-.sa 73e25 BROADHURST, W lliamg.....,o....r,....a9s. 9e00 CUNNINGHAM, Jean,.e.e...b.,.,ee. Wow EELY, James..s...i.......n:.m..e.. -.. 88.25 McEWEN, Ivan, a.....®...s.*',00 0 s e 11,25 WILCOX, 'T'aTlces .,oe..00soeeoe•o.o-.e 35.00 ODLAND,-Gabriel... e.s..o..o.e'Go 4.6,00 UE.., Albert ..a..oeo.o.,..o....'se..a.. a ••7o00 ERICKSON, Elmer,,,,,, .'e.e'...... 18o50 KINIER, Albert ..... .,.o..o.00..e.os 61.25 BRANSTROM, Svante... .,f..o:**#Dose 61,25 LANGSTON, Bruceoo+e.o,,,,.,®eae.o,-e. 52.25 VOLKER., Go2'don.osee.oes.o...aa• 85.75 GIESBRECHT, Jacob..o-.eea..es:•eo . 62e00 LORENZETTAd Ejnilyoee ea.o4e.o. 70.00 BENNETT.,, Robert,,...oeo,040**oae.o.o,107.50 BROADHURST., Jo�ui.oee0009.eoae.. 9e00 - EELY, James o..a•a.000..oe.a.e e.-... 88e25 KINDB'R,, Albert.000- ......ewes. 61.25 4UND, Wally* a:es000e.aee.goeggs eo.ess 79.25 HUGHES, Ei'la..^ovs..eeoos.e.o.o. 52.25 MEIER, Same.00-......-.-s..s..o..00.•oe.' 57.50 POELZER, Jeanette,,oe..'e®ea.... 4.3.25 MORSE, Robert;, e:o e........... « o ...... 70.25 SIMPSON-;, Alfred............ e. . e .. 70.25 WEIGHILL, Maxine...oso.esa.'.,.e.a.. 70.25 ERICKSON,;Elmer. .saeooeoe.egg o. 18.50 VAUGHAN•, Wil1laTRe.oee.so.'s.•.s.aee 23e00 PARADISE INN...„e.e...eo..e.oe .90 KENNEDY, Briiceaoeeoeeeeevs.oeeoeaoo 30.60 2LU BONDSso..so...... moo*.see. 535.00 TOBER, Helmut..pee.o.esee.eaoo.o.eo. 88e25 McEWENes.eoo..so...oee.oeeoo41aea 30o25 KNUTTILA,. Ina.....- ,so.o-es..se... 44,50 FERGUSON,-John..;,,,,;.,.,,...,, 106.00 BROOKS, Peter*-, 4. 0e0.ro.±-.eo0o.ar.s. ' 1$050 QURGSTROM, .GOtharGd.o+a-eooaesi.. 18.33 KAZOKAS, Aliceoe..,.s.s.as.e...o..a 52s25 HANKEL,-Frank....,.o..a,o.e...o 43.25 38.25 SEIGO; AleX.aes.eseoeas.a.:o.so 43.25 HARTUNG, CLYDEe.eoo.o..o.e..e•o..es. 27.50 Burnaby Orthopitic, Cli�iceo.;.. 5,00 Fifth Ave: Grocery.s.a....'..e.o.soo 1.5.00• Saxons Shoeso,,,,,,,,:*so'...si. 73.71 Bul.l.och`tGrocer .:..e...o..s .....',, 25*00 Super4alue No. 5$..... oo:.soo. 5�4*00 Haney Hotel Co. Ltd.,s.. .:........t 7.60 Shop -Easy -Stores Ltd..,,..e`;::.:.. 15.03 Syd�s Taxi*.."...... 4. # 0 0 o * 0 ID 0.'. 2.60 B:C.lieltling Zuppli4seoos®os00e 399.00 Minister of Finance,.,.s,..,eo..000 6.00 Dr. T.i. Nikiforuk.;.,..,. :.'o.. .12.00 Dr. P. Bokstrom..,....s.eo.s...oso* 90.00 Dr. No Hucvlak...s.00s.seseo:oso 125.00 Dr. .Hugh Morse.,.e,•,,,,..e,o..eo.. 270.00 Mrs, E,S®.Nightingale,.,,..,,.,,, 220,00 Crestwood Guest Home........®ee.`e;.. 216,04 Alouette Priv, Ho'spitai ,e.so..1894..50. Mrs. J. 140e00 Mrs; M. Lane.,,.;,,..;m,.,.;.,, 10.00 Mrs. M. Jones.,.eae......e......... 14..0.00 Mrs. George Wright,.....es.ee.. 15e00 Mrs, Doris HOiI1I'OOkso...e....o. 20.00 Moved by Councillors Simmonds-and Nightingale that the above noted accounts totalling $6500,06 be paid. CARRIED. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS: R.W. Beam .sh r Extension Refund 34.1,02 C.H. Nelson Extension Refund 341.02 A.J.L. Haynes Extension Refund 163,91 Mun. Treasurer W.W. Admin. 5000e00 R, Muth & Sons Waterworks Mtce. 2.00 B.C. Equipment -Co. W.W. Mtce. 14-53 Greater Van. Water Dist,. W`.W. Mtce. 2034..69 Marshall %Tells 1td. W.W. Mtce. 1299.13 Moved. by Councillors Simmonds and Nightingale that the aboved noted accounts totalling $9196.30 be paid., CARRM, 691 Minutes of December 30th, 1958,E continued. GENERAL ACCOUNTS: W,H, Ansell _. Fence Viewers .. 12.00 _--- J.D. Toovey Fence Viewers 12,00 S,A, Heal Fence Viewers 1.2.00 M.R. Board of Trade Grant 7.5.00 Minister of Finance Election Expense 5,00 Election Expense As per -list 588.78 J,D, Davies Misc,. Expense.. 25,00 T,A, Smith Misc. Expense 25_.QQ E.K. Merkley Dog Tax Claim 10,00 Joseph Champagne Gen.Rd.Mtce. 27,00 J.G..Walters Misc. Exp. 10.00 Christmas Bonus As•Per.list 310.00 Bank of Montreal Purchse•of Fraser property .10000,00 Royalite Oil Co, Gas & Oil. 26.99 B,C..-T-elephone Co, Police-25.52,Ha11=-51.89,Civil Def-. 8w28IF'ire Dept-8,56,Pub.Wks-20.46 114.71 Prince David Masonic . Election Exp.� 15.00 Hal Menzies Ltd. Pub.Liab.Insurance 707.60 Maple Ridge Hospital. Police Expense 2.000. M.R, Septic Tank Service Police Expense 20,00 Van Salt Coo. Gen.Rd.Mtee. - 85.05 J, Van Ardenne Fire Dept, 273,00 Haney Builders Supplies Fire Dept. 6,00 Silver.Line Fire Equip, Fire Dept. 9.41 Osborns Ltd, Fire Dept, 13.51 J. Wishart Gen.Rd.Mtce.. 21,60 Butler Tire�Ltd......... -Trucks.<....,. 140.26 Minister of Finance T.B. Units 11.04 Clarke & Stuart Adv, Print & Sup, 6.39 Oklahoma State Univer. Fire Dept, . 22-,14 T. Kanzaki Sale of Cemetery Plots 100.00 B,E., .Inns Park Board Exp 13.00 Cambridge Craft .Co. a .. Hall"-/.c .... , , 16.08 B & M Supermarket Tools 2.11 Dist. of Pitt Meadows Police Salaries 846.0o M & L Machine Works Shovel 3,00 Armco Drainage & Metal Culverts & Bridges 111.85 Peacock Agencies Purchase of -Fraser Property 33.50 Parsons Brown Ltd. Bal, Insurance 1832.24 United Farmers..Ltd. Parks.Board .M0 Anderson Realty.. Purchase of property 7005.00 A. Barnard Assessment Exp. 10.60 T.G.. Taylor Assessment Expense 10,90 Addressograph Ltd, Misc-4 Exp, 39.75 Underwood Ltd. Misc. Exp. 13,13 Dist.of Mission Gen.Rd.Mtce. 22.80 J. Biggs Tools 9.00 C,J. Gaody Coroner & Inquest 35.00 Lens Auto Body Shop Trucks 9.00, Mansell Overand Trucks 12.28 Marshall. Wells Tools-6.20,Crusher-1.40,Gen.Rd.Mtce 1.10 8,70 .R.J. Scobie Tools-3,12,Haney Sewer-2.20,Trucks - 1.26 6.58 Hanson-Fraser.1td, Tools 1,25 Morris Electf°ic Hall grouds 19.53 A. Vogl Park Bd-5.00, Gen.Rd.Mtce-8.08 13,08 Maple Ridge Construct. Sidewalks 274.50 J. Wilson Election Expense 7.00 Bank of Montreal Redemption Bylaw 475 (Cap. Res. a/c) 35000.00 H. Gibeault Hall-219.20, Gas & Oil-816.76 1035.96 K,C, Bruce Civil Defence 56.24 Mrs, W. Giesbrecht Civil Defence 10.00 The Gazette Civil Defence 17,10 Cal Davies Civil Defence 21.62 K,C,.Bruce Civil Defence (Aux.Police) 5.42 Kanaka Concrete Prod. Prix, Cross-37.72,Culv.Bridges-225.45 263.17 Haney Garage Ltd, Trucks 126.33 J.S. Wishart Gen.Rd.Mtce. 26.30 West Coast Motors" Trucks 18.17 eJ Pd Minutes of December 30th, 1958, continued, A GENERAL ACCOUNTS CONTtD. Fleck Bros, Ltd, Tools-187e22,Crusher-16.53,Gen.Rd._- Mtce-6.56 210®31n Haney Builders Supplies Tools-5.03,Hmd.Sewer-27.23 32,,26, R. Muth & Sons Crasher 2.76. Fields Welding Supplies Tools 65-..95. R. Walker & Sons Ltd. Crusher-47;04,Trucks-15.61 62.65, Reg4 Building Supplies Gen.Rd..Mtceo. 12.96, B*A,* Oil Co. ;Ltd. Gas, & Oil 69®.5Z Acme Machine,Shop Co., Trucks-99o92,Crusher-19.53,Grader, 11.53• 130.9i Dr.•A.d. Trudel Co. & inquest-75.00, Police-5e00 80-000. Dr.-S.R. Arber Cor. &.Inquest .. <'t • 10..00 The�Gazette Elec.ExP-462.78,Print--67.92, Trade Lie-41.01 571.71 Public Freightways - • Tools : , - 1.0450 B.G. Electric Hmd.Drain-5.39,Pub.Wks-110.53, Pk.Bd-2.10;St;Lts-376.87. 494189 . Moved by Councillors ,Sinmonds and Nightingale that the above noted',aaccounts totalling $61,36$,.21 be paid. CARRIED®. Nofurther business meeting adjourned at 6:10 -,P`.M. .e.. i...e_.e.a,......aa..y...s'*,,reeve ' 1