HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-16 Public Hearing Agenda and Reports.pdf City of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING February 16, 2016 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, North-East corner entrance, at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 16, 2016 to consider the following bylaws: 1a) 2012-004-RZ MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW NO. 7159-2015 LEGAL: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) Except: Portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 23791 112 Avenue PURPOSE: To amend Schedule “B” of the Official Community Plan, as shown outlined in heavy black line on map below FROM: Conservation TO: Urban Residential AND PURPOSE: To remove Conservation from Schedule “C” of the Official Community Plan, as shown outlined in heavy black line on map below 1b) 2012-004-RZ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 7111-2014 LEGAL: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) Except: Portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 23791 112 Avenue FROM: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) TO: R-1 (Residential District) PURPOSE: To permit a future subdivision of approximately 16 lots. 2) 2015-334-RZ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 7184-2015 PURPOSE: To amend the text of the Maple Ridge Zoning bylaw to direct the use of Shipping Containers 3) 2014-087-RZ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO.7189-2015 LEGAL: Lot A Except Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP13823, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 9541 LOCATION: 11980 227 Street PURPOSE: Site specific text amendment for the subject property located within the Town Centre Area Plan, to permit a full range of professional services in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the aforesaid bylaws and copies of staff reports and other information considered by Council relevant to the matters contained in the bylaws will also be available for public inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from February 4, 2016 to February 16, 2016, Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted. Some of this information will also be posted on the City website www.mapleridge.ca on the Your Government /Meet Your Council/Council Meetings page. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected by any of these bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws or by making a written submission to the attention of the Manager of Legislative Services or by sending an e-mail to the Clerk’s Department at clerks@mapleridge.ca, by 4:00 p.m., February 16, 2016. Please note that all written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. Dated this 4th day of February, 2016. Ceri Marlo Manager of Legislative Services DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2012-004-RZ File Manager: Ann Edwards Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1.A completed Application Form (Schedule “A” – Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2.An application fee, payable to the City of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3.A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan*+ 9.Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation*+. *These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: Geotechnical Report March 16/15 Arborist Report Nov 26/14 ESA Report Nov 2014 1. - 1 - City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: December 7, 2015 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2012-004-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015, and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014 23791 112 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 23791 112 Avenue, from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 16 lots. The minimum lot size for the current RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone is 0.8 hectares (8,000m²) and the minimum lot size for the proposed R-1 (Residential District) zone is 371m². The proposed R-1 (Residential District) zoning complies with the policies of the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Urban Residential. However, this application requires an amendment to the OCP to redesignate approximately 3756m² from Conservation to Urban Residential. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014, and considered the early consultation requirements for the OCP amendment on October 28, 2014. Since then, the bylaw map has been amended to adjust the zoning boundary to protect a tree within the park dedication. Pursuant with Council resolution, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) program. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on- going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014, be amended as identified in the staff report dated December 7, 2015 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; - 2 - 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedules "B" and “C”; iii) Road dedication as required; iv) Park dedication as required, including removal of all debris and garbage from park land; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; and vi) A voluntary citywide Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) be provided in keeping with the direction given by Council with regard to amenities. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Aplin & Martin Consultants Owner: Maple Industries Ltd. Legal Description: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) except: portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District OCP: Existing: Urban Residential, Conservation Proposed: Urban Residential, Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: R-1 (Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Park, Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Designation: Conservation South: Use: Single Family Residential, Park Zone: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation East: Use: Single Family Residential and future Fire Hall site Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential, and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation - 3 - West: Use: Park Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Conservation Existing Use of Property: Rural Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Urban Single Family Residential Site Area: 5.950 ha. (14.7acres) Access: 112 Avenue and continuation of 238 Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Companion Applications: 2012-004-SD, 2012-004-DP, 2012-004-VP 2) Background: This rezoning application was received in January 2012 for a proposed townhouse development to be zoned RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). In a report to Council for first reading dated February 6, 2012, the Planning Department did not support the development proposal because it conflicted with the neighbouring single family houses and was not supported by the OCP infill policies. At the Council meeting of February 14, 2012, Council denied first reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6897-2012. At the Council Workshop meeting of February 20, 2012, Council approved a resolution to reconsider the application at the next Council meeting. At the Council meeting of February 28, 2012, Council reconsidered the application and deferred Bylaw No. 6897-2012 pending further analysis of the site. In 2014 a revised development plan was submitted for single family residential development. The original bylaw was cancelled, and the new Zone Amending Bylaw No. Bylaw 7111-2014 was prepared to rezone the developable portion of the property to R-1 (Residential District) for approximately 16 lots. At the Council meeting of October 28, 2014, Council approved first reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014. 3) Project Description: The subject property is located in the Cottonwood area at the northwest corner of 112 Avenue and a future continuation of 238 Street. The majority of the property is designated Conservation and a narrow strip of land on the east side of the property, between the top-of-bank for Horseshoe Creek and the east property line, is designated Urban Residential. North of the property there is a single row of single family lots on the west side of 238 Street with steep slopes down to Horseshoe Creek in the rear. This proposed development will continue that pattern south to 112 Avenue. Single family lots are also located south of 112 Avenue. The lands north and west of the property are dedicated park land for Conservation purposes. The future Fire Hall/Park property is to be located east of this property at 23863 112 Avenue. The subject property is 5.950 ha (14.7acres) in area (Appendices A and B). The applicant is proposing to rezone the developable portion of the property to R-1 (Residential District) for approximately 16 lots fronting onto 238 Street. The balance of the property will be dedicated as Park for the protection of the steep slopes and watercourses. Road dedication is required to construct 238 Street along the east side of the property as a continuation of the existing street at the north end, and to connect with Kanaka Way at the south. To achieve this road alignment, additional road will be dedicated from the City-owned property at 23863 112 Avenue, which is the future location for Fire Hall #4. 112 Avenue terminates in a cul-de-sac on the south side of the property and will not be extended further to the west across the Horseshoe Creek ravine due to the steep - 4 - slopes. In addition, a 4.5m (14.85ft) wide service corridor will be dedicated to the rear of the lots to provide access for future maintenance of the municipal services to be located there. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject property is currently designated Urban Residential and Conservation, and the proposed R-1 (Residential District) zone is consistent with Urban Residential Policies 3-18, 3-19 and 3-21 for Neighbourhood Residential Infill. The development is compatible with existing single family housing in the surrounding neighbourhood. An amendment to the OCP is proposed to redesignate approximately 3756m² at the top of the slope from Conservation to Urban Residential as a result of ground-truthing on the property. Geotechnical and environmental assessments have established the location of the top-of-bank and the required setbacks (Appendix C). ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) (Appendix D) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 16 lots (Appendix E). The minimum lot size for the current RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone is 0.8 hectares (8,000m²) and the minimum lot size for the proposed R-1 (Residential District) zone is 371m². iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: As per the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, two parking spaces will be provided for each lot, with additional parking available on the driveways. A restrictive covenant will be registered at the subdivision stage to require the driveway access from 112 Avenue only for Lot 1. iv) Proposed Variances: Development Variance Permit application 2012-004-VP has been received for the following variance: 1. Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993: to waive the requirements for servicing upgrades on the 112 Avenue frontage west of the cul-de- sac, as the road is not intended to extend further west. The requested variance will be the subject of a future Council report. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Sections 8.9 and 8.10 of the OCP, Watercourse Protection Development Permit combined with a Natural Features Development Permit application 2012-104-DP has been received to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas, and to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and - 5 - enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous conditions. These permits are required for:  all developments and building permits within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands;  all areas designated Conservation on Schedule “B” or all areas within 50 metres of an area designated Conservation on Schedule “B”, or on Figures 2, 3 and 4 in the Silver Valley Area Plan;  all lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 %; and  all floodplain areas and forest lands identified on Natural Features Schedule “C” vi) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this development as fewer than 25 lots are proposed. vii) Parkland Requirement: As there are more than two additional lots proposed to be created, the developer will be required to comply with the park dedication requirements of Section 941 of the Local Government Act prior to subdivision approval. For this project, there is sufficient land that is proposed to be dedicated as park on the subject property and this land will be required to be dedicated as a condition of final reading. viii) Citywide Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) program: On October 19, 2015 Council passed a number of resolutions pertaining to the establishment of a Citywide CAC program. Options for dealing with in-stream applications were discussed and staff were directed to include information on the proposed CAC program in future staff development reports. It is noted that the Resolutions passed at the Council Workshop can be used as a guide for determining CAC contributions, in the interim period while the CAC OCP amending bylaw is being considered. As this application is to be considered by Council since the CAC discussion occurred, staff have included the following condition in the recommendation section: vii) That a voluntary citywide Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) be provided in keeping with the direction given by Council with regard to amenities. 5) Environmental Implications: The subject property is located in the Cottonwood area at the northwest corner of 112 Avenue and a future continuation of 238 Street. The majority of the property is comprised of a ravine with steep slopes over 25%. Several small tributaries run off the slopes and into Horseshoe Creek, which flows from the north through the property. The clay slopes in the Cottonwood area are known to have significant slope stability problems, and evidence of instability has been noted in the area. Both loading and unloading (cutting and filling) associated with development can cause substantial changes to the stability of these slopes. Detailed geotechnical and environmental assessments have been provided confirming suitability of - 6 - the property for development and to establish the setback requirements for geotechnical and watercourse/slope protection on this property. Development is limited to the relatively flat bench along the eastern edge of the property. A significant tree on the south side of Lot 1 will be protected by a restrictive covenant at the subdivision stage, and another significant tree behind Lot 14 will be protected by shortening the depth of the lots so the tree is within the Park. 6) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The rezoning (off-site) servicing requirements for this application include the construction of 238 Street to an Urban Collector standard along the east side of the property as a continuation of the existing street at the north end, and to connect with Kanaka Way at the south. To achieve this road alignment, additional road will be dedicated from the City- owned property to the east at 23863 112 Avenue. Approval of a Variance Permit is required to waive the requirements for servicing upgrades on the 112 Avenue frontage west of the cul-de-sac, as the road is not intended to extend further west. The storm and sanitary services will be located within an access corridor to the rear of the lots. ii) Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks Department has confirmed that a trail is not required within the proposed park dedication as there is no opportunity for trail connectivity to the north. iii) Fire Department: The Fire Department commented that, given that this property is directly adjacent to the future Fire Hall #4, it is recommended that the developer conduct a sound attenuation study to measure the impact of noise generated from the proposed fire hall and training facility. The use of noise abating construction materials is recommended, and this will be included as a condition of subdivision approval. 7) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 881 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 on April 2, 2015 and a response was received April 20, 2015, which notes that:  “Alexander Robinson Elementary has an operating capacity of 480 students. For the 2014-2015 school year the student enrolment is 534 students (111.25% utilization) including 212 students from out of catchment.  Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary has an operating capacity of 600 students. For the 2014-2015 school year the student enrolment is 802 students (133.67% utilization) including 213 students from out of catchment.” - 7 - 8) Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, to redesignate a portion of the subject property from Conservation to Urban Residential, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014, and that application 2012- 004-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by Ann Edwards” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 Appendix D – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111-2014 Appendix E – Subdivision Plan City of PittMeadows District ofLangley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ DATE: Oct 17, 2014 FILE: 2012-004-RZ BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY ´ Scale: 1:2,500 23791 112 AVENUE City of PittMeadows District ofLangley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ DATE: Oct 17, 2014 FILE: 2012-004-RZ BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY District of Maple Ridge´ Scale: 1:2,500 23791 112 AVENUE (2011 photography image) CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7159-2015 A Bylaw to amend the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7159-2015 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) Except: Portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 908 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby re-designated from Conservation to Urban Residential. 3. Schedule “C” is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) Except: Portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 909 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by removing Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8th day of December, 2015. READ a second time the 8th day of December, 2015. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of ,20 . ___________________________________ __________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 11306 11346 11430 11230 11221 112272362011421 236672362911226 11232 11376 1117123647 11229 11241 11253 11269 237202 3 7 2 0 2377323756 23813 23825 11341 23816 11411 23826 23832 23836238482385423 8 8 4 2388211316 11374 2360511217236222363011375 11397 236382364111412 11422 1118723658 11225 23746 238022380923806 23821238182386323829 23833 11373 11340 238482387923851 2389323867238752388511354 11384 11420 11210 11226 2361723635236232365011366 11315 11335 23736 23750 2380523791 2381011317 11325 11333 11349 2385723871 23862 2387823864 236352365711207 2364311431 23640112162364211386 11432 11257 11305 11377 11399 23757 23740 11309 11357 23837 23836 23840 238332388523843 2362111410 11206 11216 236471121123628 2365111342 11163 11209 11215 11249 11345 11413 11423 11433 11155 2 37 26 23 753 2 3 73 0 23760 23817 11396 11406 238632384223820 238682389 92 3 8 9 22387 22361011364 2361111347 11355 236402365011356 11195 11261 237102370923724 23766 11303 11379 11391 23845 2384911296 11336 11398 2363611220 11231 11337 11365 11385 11411 23646112222364811332 11396 11155 11201 11205 11233 11279 11287 11367 11414 23820 11365 1139911407 238411136023828 23 8 4 4 238102362211290 2362911200 1124023610 2363311212 11179 11219 11245 11357 11387 11424 2 37 1 623763 2377011385 11330 11350 11370 2385823861 112B AVE. 111 A AVE.236A ST.LANEKANAKA W AYCREEKSIDE ST.112 AVE.238 ST.112 AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.1 1 1 A A V E .112A AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.113B AVE.236A ST.CREEKSI DE L ANE113A AVE.238 ST.113 AVE.11 1 15 4 26LMP 5008314 6 16 18 BCP 2410434 8 46 PARK 58 10 1 7 3 20 29 31 16 22 33 13 15 15 PARK20 15 2 3 24 22 21 9 29 21 5 6 36 2827 23 10 11 9 BC P 3322229 27 19 21 25 2 LMP 26483LMP 264838 5 25 45 21 LMP 31334 18 LMP 3379737 41 BCP 21397 2 2 1 6 12 3 17 BCP 213976 9 12 11 32 30 12 9 42 LMP 36163 EPP 26771 28 LMP 313347 5 LMP 24722 1817 Pcl. 'P' 27 21 LMP 33797 12 17 14 4 16 16 13 12 7 BCP 42842 13 LMP 36163 14 4 7 19 37 25 BCP2798445 BCP 26118 LMP 43730 PARK (EPS 1815) RP 1387 26 23 15 24 6 1 32 46 19 17 34 43 14 16 21 17 5 11 1 4 7 25 23 16 8 17 20 5 35 11 1 39 Park BCP 41985 54 Rem G PARK 5 1 26 LMP 3379719 LMP 33797 35 36 40 EPP 45993 6 19 18 8 LMP 36163BCP27984 5 7 8 10 10 33 26BCP 1145144 53 18 22 1LMP 385523 3 2 LMP 264832 6 19 RP 1224 30 LMP 33797 20 PARK 42 16 38 3 2 16 15 BCP 12853 3 28 BCP 42841 14 8 13 2 10LMP 5008343 41 40 BCP 17100 PARK 57 55 LMP 49698 1413 4 24 28 20 44 11 22 1 19 18 14 BCP 4284110 9 BCP 24104 BCP 27984 27 15 13 31 24 22 12 7 BCP 26244 PARK 30 PARK 20 1 12 11 4 LMP 33797PARK9 8 4 9 2 21 23 18 39 LMP 26487BCP 11452BCP 12856BCP 20491 EPP 26772BCP 24102LMP 50084 LMP 41836LMP 36164BCP 21398 LMP 30482EP 81201 LMP 36165 BCP24103LMP 6327LMP 33577 LMP 30482BCP 12854 LMP 30218 BCP 12855 RP 75056 BCP 33223LMP 33798EPP 26772BCP 41985´SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: Conservation Urban Residential 7159-2015908 11306 11346 11430 11230 11221 112272362011421 236672362911226 11232 11376 1117123647 11229 11241 11253 11269 237202 3 7 2 0 2377323756 23813 23825 11341 23816 11411 23826 23832 23836238482385423 8 8 4 2388211316 11374 2360511217236222363011375 11397 236382364111412 11422 1118723658 11225 23746 238022380923806 23821238182386323829 23833 11373 11340 238482387923851 2389323867238752388511354 11384 11420 11210 11226 2361723635236232365011366 11315 11335 23736 23750 2380523791 2381011317 11325 11333 11349 2385723871 23862 2387823864 236352365711207 2364311431 23640112162364211386 11432 11257 11305 11377 11399 23757 23740 11309 11357 23837 23836 23840 238332388523843 2362111410 11206 11216 236471121123628 2365111342 11163 11209 11215 11249 11345 11413 11423 11433 11155 2 37 26 23 753 2 3 73 0 23760 23817 11396 11406 238632384223820 238682389 92 3 8 9 22387 22361011364 2361111347 11355 236402365011356 11195 11261 237102370923724 23766 11303 11379 11391 23845 2384911296 11336 11398 2363611220 11231 11337 11365 11385 11411 23646112222364811332 11396 11155 11201 11205 11233 11279 11287 11367 11414 23820 11365 1139911407 238411136023828 23 8 4 4 238102362211290 2362911200 1124023610 2363311212 11179 11219 11245 11357 11387 11424 2 37 1 623763 2377011385 11330 11350 11370 2385823861 112B AVE. 111 A AVE.236A ST.LANEKANAKA W AYCREEKSIDE ST.112 AVE.238 ST.112 AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.1 1 1 A A V E .112A AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.113B AVE.236A ST.CREEKSI DE L ANE113A AVE.238 ST.113 AVE.11 1 15 4 26LMP 5008314 6 16 18 BCP 2410434 8 46 PARK 58 10 1 7 3 20 29 31 16 22 33 13 15 15 PARK20 15 2 3 24 22 21 9 29 21 5 6 36 2827 23 10 11 9 BC P 3322229 27 19 21 25 2 LMP 26483LMP 264838 5 25 45 21 LMP 31334 18 LMP 3379737 41 BCP 21397 2 2 1 6 12 3 17 BCP 213976 9 12 11 32 30 12 9 42 LMP 36163 EPP 26771 28 LMP 313347 5 LMP 24722 1817 Pcl. 'P' 27 21 LMP 33797 12 17 14 4 16 16 13 12 7 BCP 42842 13 LMP 36163 14 4 7 19 37 25 BCP2798445 BCP 26118 LMP 43730 PARK (EPS 1815) RP 1387 26 23 15 24 6 1 32 46 19 17 34 43 14 16 21 17 5 11 1 4 7 25 23 16 8 17 20 5 35 11 1 39 Park BCP 41985 54 Rem G PARK 5 1 26 LMP 3379719 LMP 33797 35 36 40 EPP 45993 6 19 18 8 LMP 36163BCP27984 5 7 8 10 10 33 26BCP 1145144 53 18 22 1LMP 385523 3 2 LMP 264832 6 19 RP 1224 30 LMP 33797 20 PARK 42 16 38 3 2 16 15 BCP 12853 3 28 BCP 42841 14 8 13 2 10LMP 5008343 41 40 BCP 17100 PARK 57 55 LMP 49698 1413 4 24 28 20 44 11 22 1 19 18 14 BCP 4284110 9 BCP 24104 BCP 27984 27 15 13 31 24 22 12 7 BCP 26244 PARK 30 PARK 20 1 12 11 4 LMP 33797PARK9 8 4 9 2 21 23 18 39 LMP 26487BCP 11452BCP 12856BCP 20491 EPP 26772BCP 24102LMP 50084 LMP 41836LMP 36164BCP 21398 LMP 30482EP 81201 LMP 36165 BCP24103LMP 6327LMP 33577 LMP 30482BCP 12854 LMP 30218 BCP 12855 RP 75056 BCP 33223LMP 33798EPP 26772BCP 41985´SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:To Remove Conservation from Schedule C as shown 7159-2015909 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7111 - 2014 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ___________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as " Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7111 - 2014." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel “G” (Reference Plan 1387) Except: Portion on Plan LMP38552 of the South East Quarter Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1626 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 28th day of October, 2014. READ a second time the 8th day of December, 2015. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 11306 11346 11430 11230 11221 112272362011421 236672362911226 11232 11376 1117123647 11229 11241 11253 11269 237202 3 7 2 0 2377323756 23813 23825 11341 23816 11411 23826 23832 23836238482385423 8 8 4 2388211316 11374 2360511217236222363011375 11397 236382364111412 11422 1118723658 11225 23746 238022380923806 23821238182386323829 23833 11373 11340 238482387923851 2389323867238752388511354 11384 11420 11210 11226 2361723635236232365011366 11315 11335 23736 23750 2380523791 2381011317 11325 11333 11349 2385723871 23862 2387823864 236352365711207 2364311431 23640112162364211386 11432 11257 11305 11377 11399 23757 23740 11309 11357 23837 23836 23840 238332388523843 2362111410 11206 11216 236471121123628 2365111342 11163 11209 11215 11249 11345 11413 11423 11433 11155 2 37 26 23 753 2 3 73 0 23760 23817 11396 11406 238632384223820 238682389 92 3 8 9 22387 22361011364 2361111347 11355 236402365011356 11195 11261 237102370923724 23766 11303 11379 11391 23845 2384911296 11336 11398 2363611220 11231 11337 11365 11385 11411 23646112222364811332 11396 11155 11201 11205 11233 11279 11287 11367 11414 23820 11365 1139911407 238411136023828 23 8 4 4 238102362211290 2362911200 1124023610 2363311212 11179 11219 11245 11357 11387 11424 2 37 1 623763 2377011385 11330 11350 11370 2385823861 112B AVE. 111 A AVE.236A ST.LANEKANAKA W AYCREEKSIDE ST.112 AVE.238 ST.112 AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.1 1 1 A A V E .112A AVE.CREEKSIDE ST.113B AVE.236A ST.CREEKSI DE L ANE113A AVE.238 ST.113 AVE.11 1 15 4 26LMP 5008314 6 16 18 BCP 2410434 8 46 PARK 58 10 1 7 3 20 29 31 16 22 33 13 15 15 PARK20 15 2 3 24 22 21 9 29 21 5 6 36 2827 23 10 11 9 BC P 3322229 27 19 21 25 2 LMP 26483LMP 264838 5 25 45 21 LMP 31334 18 LMP 3379737 41 BCP 21397 2 2 1 6 12 3 17 BCP 213976 9 12 11 32 30 12 9 42 LMP 36163 EPP 26771 28 LMP 313347 5 LMP 24722 1817 Pcl. 'P' 27 21 LMP 33797 12 17 14 4 16 16 13 12 7 BCP 42842 13 LMP 36163 14 4 7 19 37 25 BCP2798445 BCP 26118 LMP 43730 PARK (EPS 1815) RP 1387 26 23 15 24 6 1 32 46 19 17 34 43 14 16 21 17 5 11 1 4 7 25 23 16 8 17 20 5 35 11 1 39 Park BCP 41985 54 Rem G PARK 5 1 26 LMP 3379719 LMP 33797 35 36 40 EPP 45993 6 19 18 8 LMP 36163BCP27984 5 7 8 10 10 33 26BCP 1145144 53 18 22 1LMP 385523 3 2 LMP 264832 6 19 RP 1224 30 LMP 33797 20 PARK 42 16 38 3 2 16 15 BCP 12853 3 28 BCP 42841 14 8 13 2 10LMP 5008343 41 40 BCP 17100 PARK 57 55 LMP 49698 1413 4 24 28 20 44 11 22 1 19 18 14 BCP 4284110 9 BCP 24104 BCP 27984 27 15 13 31 24 22 12 7 BCP 26244 PARK 30 PARK 20 1 12 11 4 LMP 33797PARK9 8 4 9 2 21 23 18 39 LMP 26487BCP 11452BCP 12856BCP 20491 EPP 26772BCP 24102LMP 50084 LMP 41836LMP 36164BCP 21398 LMP 30482EP 81201 LMP 36165 BCP24103LMP 6327LMP 33577 LMP 30482BCP 12854 LMP 30218 BCP 12855 RP 75056 BCP 33223LMP 33798EPP 26772BCP 41985´SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-1 (Residential District) 7111-20141626 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2015-334-RZ File Manager: Diane Hall Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1.A completed Application Form (Schedule “A” – Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2.An application fee, payable to the City of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3.A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan*+ 9.Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation*+. *These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: 2. City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read DATE: December 7, 2015 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2015-334-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Zoning Bylaw text amendment directing the use of Shipping Containers First and Second Reading Bylaw No. 7184-2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has invited staff to bring forward bylaw amendments in advance of adopting the new Zoning Bylaw in its entirety. The reasons that specific bylaw amendments are pursued relate to priority concerns of Council and the community. Due to a concern for safety and orderly development, this report outlines a proposed amendment for directing the use of shipping containers. Shipping containers are the enclosed units constructed for storage and transport of goods via ship, rail or truck. As they are abundant and readily available, there is significant incentive throughout the community to repurpose them as accessory buildings. Compared to conventional wood framed structures, these units cost less per unit volume. Due to these circumstances, there is a risk that the use of these structures may proliferate throughout the community. A building permit is required for any structure over 10 square metres in area. However, unlawful structures exist in the community, and bylaw enforcement for such a structure usually occurs as an official response to a neighbourhood complaint. Unique challenges associated with shipping containers relate to the risks they pose to health and safety if not appropriately modified for an alternate use. This risk is due to the combination of poor ventilation and structural strength of these structures if not modified. If ignited, stored flammable materials can cause these structures to explode. Documented examples have shown that accidents under these circumstances have caused human injury and death. Due to the risks involved, the process of bylaw enforcement for these non-compliant structures needs to be made clear. A beneficial approach is to explicitly identify in the Zoning Bylaw the circumstances under which these structures could be used. This approach would assist in expediting the process of bylaw enforcement if necessary. A further concern relates to aesthetic considerations. There are examples of adaptive reuse of shipping containers for residential purposes; however, without architectural intervention these structures can be unsightly. For this reason a recommended approach is to direct the use of these structures into uses that will benefit from their economical utility, and prohibit the use of these structures where they may cause community concerns, especially in residential settings. - 2 - This report discusses the issues surrounding shipping containers and recommends Zoning Bylaw text amendments to direct this use. The four main goals of this report and bylaw recommendations are to ensure: 1. That the potential risks involved with these units are communicated; 2. That shipping container structures, where permitted, are regulated or modified in compliance with the Building Code in order to be safe for the use intended; 3. That the economical utility of these structures may be realized where appropriate; and 4. That the potential for the unsightly placement of these structures and the resulting conflicts be minimized. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7184-2015 be given First and Second Reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. BACKGROUND: Applicant: City of Maple Ridge PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This proposed text amendment has arisen out of concerns for the unlawful use of shipping containers as accessory buildings. A few of these structures have been placed on residential properties within the community, and enforcement process has proven especially challenging with the absence of specific language in the Zoning Bylaw. To assist with meeting this challenge, this proposed text amendment will explicitly outline the conditions for using these structures for temporary, industrial, agricultural, or institutional purposes. This text amendment does not anticipate the use of shipping containers on typical urban residential properties, except as a temporary use during a phase of construction. PLANNING ANALYSIS: As shipping containers are plentiful and inexpensive, there is considerable incentive to repurpose them as accessory buildings. However, there are serious potential risks involved with their use, and neighbours often find them unsightly. 1. Communicating the risks: In September 2014, the Fire Chief’s Association of BC issued a position paper (https://fcabc.ca/Files/FCABC%20Shipping%20Containers.pdf) that noted the potential explosive effects of shipping containers if improperly used for storing flammable substances. In 2011, a shipping container explosion in Enderby BC, created by an internal fire caused the container doors to eject, which struck and killed the attending fire captain. A similar incident in Saanich in 2013 caused by a leaking barbecue tank did not cause injury, but the radius of the explosion was 274 metres (300 yards). - 3 - These two incidents demonstrate the considerable risks associated with these structures, unless modified to accommodate the new use by venting or weakening the structure. The reason these structures are so risky is due to their poorly ventilated but sturdy steel construction. Their structural strength allows these units to withstand significant internal pressure buildup, with the doors being the weakest part of the structure. The lack of proper ventilation will allow internal atmospheric pressure to build to the point of exploding the structure. Small volumes of stored fuel are sufficient to cause this effect. The Fire Chief’s position paper recommends a number of steps for Federal and Provincial governments to take for accident prevention. The recommendation for local governments is to adopt bylaws to regulate the use of shipping containers as buildings, requiring code upgrades and inspection services prior to approval and placement. 2. Regulating or modifying shipping containers to be safe for the use intended: The Fire Chief’s position paper discusses potential mitigation strategies for reducing risks associated with shipping containers. These strategies include adopting regulations, requiring structural alterations, and establishing safety protocols. Regulations for these structures could involve prescribing or prohibiting the types of substances that could be stored within the shipping container. Modifying the structure to eliminate the risk of explosion could involve weakening the structure, or installing ventilation to equalize the pressure difference. Ventilation would also allow smoke to escape from the structure, which would therefore alert those nearby of the presence of a fire. It should be noted that these modifications would be required as part of the building permit and inspection process established for making these structures legal and code compliant. Safety protocols could be a standard set of operating procedures for fire departments to follow when faced with a potentially hazardous situation involving shipping containers. 3. Recognizing the economic utility of shipping containers: As an adaptive reuse, shipping containers are economical to use for storage purposes. For this reason, it is recommended that they be permitted in specific contexts, as follows: a) as a temporary use during construction: a shipping container could be used as a temporary office or for equipment storage on a property for which a valid building permit had been issued. In this instance, security would need to be posted to cover the cost of removal of the structure within 30 days of the closing or expiry of the building permit. b) as accessory to an institutional use: Reduction of visual impact with a continuous landscape screen would be a condition of use. c) as accessory to an industrial use: Reduction of visual impact with a continuous landscape screen would be a condition of use. d) as an agricultural use: Demonstration of need would be required, along with farm status from BC Assessment Authority. In all cases where shipping containers are permitted, a building permit and inspection services will be required to ensure that the structure is modified to be safe for the intended use. - 4 - 4. Minimizing the potential for unsightly premises: Shipping containers are proposed to be permitted as a temporary use on residential properties during a period of construction where a valid building permit has been issued. With this exception, shipping containers are recommended to be prohibited as accessory structures for residential uses. Zoning Bylaw: In order to recognize and regulate this use, the following recommendations are proposed to amend the Zoning Bylaw. Part 2 Definitions, Shipping Container means an enclosed unit used or intended to be used for storing and transporting goods via ship, rail or truck, whether or not it is actually being used for such a purpose. Part 4 General Regulations, A shipping container may be used: a) as a temporary use for office or equipment storage in all zones, during a phase of construction in progress, subject to issuance of a current and valid building permit. Security must be posted to cover the cost of removal of the structure within 30 days of the closing or expiry of the building permit. b) as accessory to an institutional use where enclosed behind a continuous landscape screen. c) as accessory to an industrial use where enclosed behind a continuous landscape screen. d) as accessory to an agricultural use. Demonstration of need would be required, along with farm status from BC Assessment Authority. Where permitted, a shipping container shall only be used, placed, stored, repaired, cleaned, upgraded, or modified to comply with the requirements of the zone as if it were a building or structure. The following shall not be stored in a shipping container: (a) Gasoline, propane, or any other flammable, combustible liquid or compressed gas; or (b) Explosive as defined in the Maple Ridge Fire Prevention By-law No. 4111-1988. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: The intent of this bylaw amendment is to protect public safety and maintain orderly development while recognizing the needs of industrial, institutional, and agricultural users. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: This proposed bylaw amendment has been prepared in collaboration with staff from the Maple Ridge Fire Department, Planning, Building, and Bylaws. - 5 - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Increased staffing costs for inspection services and permitting are anticipated to be recovered through the municipal application fee schedule. ALTERNATIVES: Council is advised to proceed with a bylaw amendment that recognizes the use of shipping containers in specific contexts to maximize their economic utility, but prohibits this use in residential settings in order to avoid hazards and unsightly premises concerns. As an alternative, Council may wish to prohibit these structures entirely within the municipality, or to leave the Zoning Bylaw unchanged. CONCLUSION: This proposed bylaw amendment has been prepared in response primarily to concerns for public safety. In addition, aesthetic concerns are being considered, and as a result the proposed use of these structures is intended to take advantage of their economic utility by locating them in industrial, agricultural, or institutional contexts. With the exception of temporary uses during a phase of construction, these structures are proposed to be prohibited in residential zones, where nuisance issues would be most apparent. “Original signed by Diana Hall” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Diana Hall M.A., MCIP, RPP Planner 2 “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter M.PL., MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA. P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Zoning Bylaw No. 7184-2015 Link: BC Fire Chiefs position paper on shipping containers: https://fcabc.ca/Files/FCABC%20Shipping%20Containers.pdf CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.7184-2015 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. ___________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7184-2015." 2. PART 2, INTERPRETATION Insert the following definition in alphabetical order after the definition of “setback”. SHIPPING CONTAINER means an enclosed unit used or intended to be used for storing and transporting goods via ship, rail or truck, whether or not it is actually being used for such a purpose. 3. PART 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS, SECTION 402 REGULATIONS FOR PERMITTED USES OF LAND, BUILDINGS, AND STRUCTURES. Insert the following as subsection (14) A shipping container may be used: a) as a temporary use for office or equipment storage in all zones, during a phase of construction in progress, subject to issuance of a current and valid building permit. Security must be posted to cover the cost of removal of the structure within 30 days of the closing or expiry of the building permit. b) as accessory to an institutional use where enclosed behind a continuous landscape screen. c) as accessory to an industrial use where enclosed behind a continuous landscape screen. d) as accessory to an agricultural use. Demonstration of need would be required, along with farm status from BC Assessment Authority. Where permitted, a shipping container shall only be used, placed, stored, repaired, cleaned, upgraded, or modified to comply with the requirements of the zone as if it were a building or structure. Maximum height shall not exceed 4.5 metres. The following shall not be stored in a shipping container: (a) Gasoline, propane, or any flammable, combustible liquid or compressed gas; or (b) Explosive as defined in the Maple Ridge Fire Prevention By-law No. 4111-1988. 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8th day of December, 2015. READ a second time the 8th day of December, 2015. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 . READ a third time the day of , 20 . ADOPTED the day of , 20 . _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2014-087-RZ File Manager: Therese Melser Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1.A completed Application Form (Schedule “A” – Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2.An application fee, payable to the City of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3.A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout & building plan 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan*+ & site plan 9.Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation*+. *These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: Certificate of Compliance from Ministry of Environment, dated May 5, 2006 Geotechnical Investigation Report from Valley Geotechnical, dated August 26, 2014 3. City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: January 18, 2016 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2014-087-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading (Site Specific Text Amendment) Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7189-2015 11980 227 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for a site specific text amendment for the subject property located at 11980 227 Street, within the Town Centre Area Plan, to permit a full range of professional services in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. A commercial building is currently under construction on the subject property for use as a commercial store for Meridian Meats, under the existing CS (Service Commercial) zone. The form and character of the building was approved by Council under Commercial Development permit 2014- 087-DP on January 27, 2015. At the pre-application meeting for the development permit, staff suggested the site to be rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). The applicant at that time indicated they did not desire to rezone, as they intended to use the new building entirely for themselves. Since approval of the development permit, the property owner has advertised rental opportunity for part of the second floor office area. A potential law office tenant has shown interest, but is currently not a permitted use within the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. Only a limited range of professional services are now allowed in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The applicant is therefore requesting a site specific text amendment to allow for all professional services, in order to be able to rent office spaces to a legal firm. Pursuant with Council direction, this application is exempt from the Community Amenity Contribution program because it is a commercial project within the Town Centre Area. In addition, the applicant is simply seeking a text amendment to allow an additional use to the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7189-2015 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Meridian Acquisitions Ltd Owner: Meridian Acquisitions Ltd Legal Description: Lot A except part dedicated road on Plan BCP13823, DL 401, Group 1 NWDPlan9541 - 2 - OCP: Existing: Town Centre Commercial Proposed: Commercial Zoning: Existing: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Civic Institutional (Fire Hall 1) Zone: P-6 (Civic Institutional) Designation: Institutional South: Use: Commercial Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial East: Use: Commercial Zone CD-5-88 (Town Centre Commercial and Service Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial and Low Rise Apartment West: Use: Commercial Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial Existing Use of Property: Commercial, under construction Site Area: 0.217 HA. (0.536 acre) Access: Dewdney Trunk Road and 227 Street Servicing: Urban or Rural Standard Urban Standard Previous Applications: 2014-087-DP and 2014-087-VP, approved in January 2015 2) Background: In 2014 Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. applied for a Development Permit and a Variance Permit in order to construct a new building for an expanded butcher and grocery ‘Meridian Meats’ store. The second floor of the building is for office space. At the time the applicant was confident that the existing CS-1 (Service Commercial) zoning was sufficient to meet their business office needs. The existing CS-1 (Service Commercial) zoning of the property does not align with the site’s Town Center Commercial land use designation. However, property owners are entitled to develop their properties in accordance with the current zoning. Both the Development Permit and Variance Permit applications were approved on January 27, 2015, and the building is currently under construction. More recently Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. advertised the opportunity to rent 2,422 sq.ft of the offices on the second level of their building, Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. will use the remainder 2,684 sq.ft for their office use. A lawyer’s office showed interest in the excess floor space, and Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. then recognized the constraints of the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone which prohibits a lawyer’s office in the existing CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. 3) Project Description: The subject property is located in the Town Centre Area, at the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 227 Street (see Appendix A and B). The subject property is under construction for a two storey building that will contain a butcher/grocery store on the main level and offices on the second level, within the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. The development will have an off-street parking area to - 3 - the east and rear of the property. The main pedestrian entrance is located on the east side of the property with a secondary access on the north side of the building fronting Dewdney Trunk Road. Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. will use 2,684 sq.ft for their office use within the offices on the second level of the building, and the tenant will be using the remaining 2,422 sq.ft. The tenant will have access to the building via the west entrance (double doors), joining access to the second level through the stairwell and elevators. The tenant will have four (4) dedicated parking spaces within the approved off-street parking area on the property. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan (OCP): The subject property is designated Town Centre Commercial within the Town Centre Area plan. The intent of the designation is to foster a compact and vibrant commercial area with a distinct pedestrian realm. This area has the most diverse land uses associated within it, and is intended to provide a full range of services and commercial options for those residing nearby and in the broader community. The Town Centre Commercial designation aligns with the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone, which provides for a broad range of principal permitted uses, including professional services This proposed text amendment will permit additional uses on the site and is consistent with the intent of the Town Centre Area Plan. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The property is zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial) and the minimum lot size for the current CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone is 929m2. The property area is 0.217 ha. (0.536 acre). The zone’s permitted principal uses, stated under Part 7, 708, 1), allow for professional services limited to veterinarians, architects, engineering and surveying offices, and drop-in medical clinics, as described under item m). The applicant is seeking a site specific text amendment to allow a permitted accessory use for the whole range of professional services on the property located at 11980 227 Street, within the Town Centre Area Plan, to allow Meridian Acquisitions Ltd. to rent out a part of the offices on the second level to a lawyer’s office. (See Appendix C) The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 states Professional Services means a use providing services to the general public in which the provider of the service is required to be licensed or certified by a self-regulating professional authority, or by Federal, Provincial or Municipal authorities. Ideally, to facilitate the full range of professional services on the property, the process would require a rezoning of the site to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). However, given that this building is under construction, is situated in the Town Centre, and the proposed professional service use is in alignment with the intent of the Town Centre Commercial designation, a site specific text amendment to the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone is supportable. iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The requirements for this development were reviewed under application 2014-087-DP. The development will have an off-street parking area to the east and rear of the property. The main pedestrian entrance is located on the east side of the property with a secondary access on the north - 4 - side of the building fronting Dewdney Trunk Road. The development proposes 38 parking spaces, and 30 parking spaces are required for large retail and office space within the Town Centre Area Plan. iv) Previous Variances: A Development Variance Permit application was approved January 27, 2015 to vary the building height from 7.7m to 15.2m to accommodate the appearance of a three storey building, and to vary the front and external side yard setbacks from 9m to 3.77m and from 7.5m to 2.27m, to contribute to increased sidewalk activity. No variances are needed. v) Previous Development Permit: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit application is required for all multifamily residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. For a commercial building Development Permit 2014-087-DP was received September 18, 2014 and approved January 27, 2015. (See Appendix D).There will be no changes to the appearance of the building. No new Development Permit is required. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7189-2015, and that application 2014-087-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. No Community Amenity Contribution will be triggered by this zoning text amendment application as the property is situated in the Town Centre. “Original signed by Therese Melser” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Therese Melser Planning Technician “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by E.C. Swabey” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: E.C. Swabey Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7189-2015 Appendix E – Site Plan DATE: Oct 29, 2015 2014-087-RZ BY: JV PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY 227 ST´ Scale: 1:1,500 11980 227 St 2011 Image Legend Legend Indefinite Creek River Centreline River Major Rivers & Lakes DATE: Oct 29, 2015 2014-087-RZ BY: JV PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY 227 ST´ Scale: 1:1,500 11980 227 St 2011 Image Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2011 Legend Stream Indefinite Creek River Centreline River Major Rivers & Lakes CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7189-2015 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7189-2015." 2. That Part 7, Section 708.1 PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item “m” be amended by adding the following: i. By inserting “(i)” before the words “professional services limited to…” ii. By the addition of the following clause (ii) after the words “drop-in medical clinics”: (ii) Professional Services are permitted above the first storey on the parcel and tract of land and premises known and described as: 11980 227 Street Lot A except part dedicated road on Plan BCP13823 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 9541 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of January, 2016. READ a second time the 26th day of January, 2016. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER STOPSTOPDEWDNEY TRUNK ROADADJACENTFIRE STATION227 STEXISTING ALL TURNSSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONCROSS ACCESSEASEMENT TO BEPROVIDED1.5M (4'-11")LANDSCAPE SETBACKLINE6.0M (19'-8")BUILDING SETBACK LINE9.0M (29'-6")BUILDING SETBACK LINECONC. SIDEWALKCONC. SIDEWALKEXISTING BUS STOP& TRASH CANEXISTINGLIGHT STANDARDSEXISTING POWER POLE7.5M (24'-7")BUILDING SETBACK LINEEXISTING POWER POLECITYSIDEWALKCITY SIDEWALKBC HYDROTRANFORMER1.5M (4'-11")LANDSCAPE SETBACK LINEEXISTINGADJACENTBUILDINGEXISTING POWER POLE TOBE RE-LOCATEDEXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TOBE RE-LOCATEDEXISTING STREET LIGHT TOBE RE-LOCATEDPROPOSEDSITE ACCESSEXISTING GAS SRWPROPOSEDSITE ACCESSEXISTING TREETO BE REMOVEDEXISTING TREE & PLANTINGBED TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING STORM MANHOLETO BE REMOVEDPROPOSEDTREE (TYP.)CONC.SIDEWALKCONC. SIDEWALKLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGPROPERTYLINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTYLINEEXISTING STORM MANHOLE.LAND.LANDSCAPELANDS.80'-0"[24.38m]FFE = 43.50MEXISTINGTREEEXISTING CURBTO BE REVISED1A4.1PAINTED LINES &LETTERSLOADING ZONELOADING ZONEGARBAGEENCLOSURELANDS.SC SC8'-0"[2.44m]9'-0"[2.74m]15'-6" [4.72m]2'-0" [0.61m]2'-6" [0.76m]8'-0"[2.44m]9'-0"[2.74m]15'-6" [4.72m]2'-6" [0.76m]8'-0"[2.44m]8'-0"[2.44m]LETDOWN (TYP)BIKERACK9'-712"[2.93m]14'-1014"[4.53m]24'-0"[7.32m]12'-412"[3.77m]12'-534" [3.80m]6.08M (19'-11 1/4")PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACK LINE9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0" [2.74m]9'-0" [2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]2'-0" [0.61m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]19'-1114" [6.08m]19'-1114"[6.08m]LETDOWN (TYP)LINE OFAWNINGOVERHANG,TYP.PAINTEDPATH9'-0"[2.75m]9'-0"[2.74m]15'-6" [4.72m]2'-6" [0.76m]9'-0"[2.74m]8'-8"[2.64m]15'-6" [4.72m]4'-0" [1.22m]24'-0" [7.32m]8'-8"[2.64m]9'-0" [2.74m]9'-0" [2.74m]9'-0"[2.74m]9'-0" [2.74m]8'-8"[2.64m]9'-0" [2.74m]PAINTEDSYMBOLLANDS.LANDS.TREE GRATE13'-6" [4.11m]14'-1034" [4.54m]REINFORCEDCONCRETEAPRON6" STEEL BOLLARDSCSC5'-0" [1.52m]PAINTEDLINE (TYP.)LAND.2'-6" [0.76m]13'-0" [3.96m]SCPROPOSED LOCATION OF BUS STOPSUBJECT TO TRANSIT APPROVAL.6" STEEL BOLLARD,PAINTED BLACK, SEELANDSCAPE DWG.5'-034" [1.54m]BUILDING AGROUND FLOOR AREA = 6,432 SF (598 SM)2ND LEVEL FLOOR AREA = 6,432 SF (598 SM)BUILDING TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 12,864 SF (1196 SM)TOTAL PARKINGPROVIDED = 38 STALLSREDSTAMPEDCONCRETE,HERRING-BONEPATTERN,TYP.RED STAMPEDCONCRETE,HERRINGBONEPATTERN, TYP.PROPOSEDEXTERIORSETBACK2.27 M FROM 7.5M.PROPOSEDFRONTSETBACK3.77 MFROM 9.0M.79'-8"[24.28m]LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG.7'-512"[2.27m]SLOPEMIN 2%ORGANICGARBAGECARDBOARDRECYCLINGREINFORCED CONCRETE APRON5'-6"[1.68m]1'-434" [0.42m]5'-6" [1.68m]14'-1034"[4.54m]13'-834"[4.18m]2'-6"[0.76m]2'-6"[0.76m]3'-0" [0.91m]8" [0.20m]5" [0.13m]7'-0"[2.13m]5" [0.13m]3'-0" [0.91m]1'-4" [0.41m]13'-6"[4.11m]8'-0"[2.44m]21'-6"[6.55m]6" [0.15m]8" [0.20m]8" [0.20m]2" [0.05m]6" [0.15m]6" [0.15m]T/O HSS BEAMEL. 9'-0"T/O PAVEMENTEL. 0'-0"SCALE:1A1.03/32" = 1'-0"DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD227 ST SCALE:2A1.0NTSSCALE:3A1.11/4"=1'-0"SCALE:4A1.11/4"=1'-0" ABBREVIATIONSAERIAL KEY PLANSITE KEY PLANPROJECT DATACIVIC ADDRESSLEGAL DESCRIPTIONZONING DEVELOPMENT PERMITAPPLICATION FOR:TWO-STOREYCOMMERCIAL ANDOFFICE BUILDINGAll work shall conform with the BC Building Code 2012.It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to check andverifyall dimensions and details before proceeding withconstruction.Discrepancies found on these plans should be brought to theattention of the Architect prior to work commencing.GENERAL NOTECONTACTSURBAN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTS LTD.Contact: Fariba Gharaei, Architect AIBC#600 - 1140 West Pender StreetVancouver, B.C. V6E 4G1Phone: 604-687-2334Fax: 604-688-7481Email: faribag@udga.comMERIDIAN MEATS & SEAFOOD LTD.Josh Penner#2 - 22621 Lougheed HighwayMaple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2V4Phone: 604-466-0508E-mail: j.penner@meridianmeats.caWEILER SMITH BOWERSDarryl J. Bowers, P. Eng.118 - 3855 Henning DriveBurnaby, BC V5C 6N3Phone: 604-294-3753Fax: 604-294-3754E-mail: bowers@wsb-eng.comBYCAR ENGINEERING LTD.Daryl Keturakis, P. Eng.105a - 7808 132nd StreetSurrey, BC V3W 4N1Phone: 604-591-2766Fax: 604-591-2733VALLEY GEOTECHNICALENGINEERING SERVICES LTD.Narayan Abhyankar, FEC, P. Eng.Sammy ChengUnit 15, 20279 97th AvenueLangley, BC V1M 4B9Phone: 604-882-8475Fax: 604-882-8476E-mail: n.abhyankar@valleygeo.caE-mail: s.cheng@valleygeo.caSPRATT EMANUEL ENGINEERING LTD.Mark W. Emanuel, P. Eng.2348 Yukon StreetVancouver, BC V5Y 3T6Phone: 604-872-1211Fax: 604-872-1274KWA SITE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTINGAlex Karadjov, P. Eng.2453 Auckland Drive,Burlington, ON. L7L 7A9Phone: 604-764-0599Email: alex.karadjov@kwasitedev.comNEMETZ & ASSOCIATES LTD.Steven Nemetz, P. Eng.2009 West 4th AvenueVancouver, B.C. V6J 1N3Phone: 604-736-6562Fax: 604-736-9805ARCHITECTSTRUCTURALBUILDINGENVELOPEGEOTECHNICALOWNERELECTRICALMECHANICALLANDSCAPEM2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREAND ARBORICULTURE LTD.Meredith Mitchell, BCSLA#220 - 26 Lorne Mews,New Westminster, B.C. V3M 3L7Phone: 604-553-0044Fax: 604-553-0045Email: office@m2la.comCIVILTERRA PACIFIC LAND SURVEYING LTD.Mike Bernemann, BCLS22371 St. Anne Avenue,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2E7Phone: 604-463-2509Fax: 604-463-4501Email: mike@terrapacific.caSURVEYORDRAWING LISTARCHITECTURALA0.0COVER SHEETA1.1SITE PLANA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA5.1WALL SECTION DETAILSA5.2WALL SECTION DETAILSA6.1A7.1SECTION DETAILSA7.2SECTION DETAILSA6.2PLAN DETAILSPLAN DETAILSA0.1PROJECT INFORMATIONMECHANICALA2.1GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLANA2.3ROOF PLANSTRUCTURALELECTRICALCIVILLANDSCAPESURVEYLANDSCAPE PLANLANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONSSTRUCTURAL SOIL SPECIFICATIONSL-1L-2L-3Survey Plan of Lot A Except:Part Dedicated Road On PlanBCP13823, DL 401 GP 1 NewWestminster District Plan 95411 of 1A2.22ND LEVEL FLOOR PLANA4.1BUILDING SECTION-------EXTERIOR FINISHESSAMPLE BOARD7'-512"[2.27m]DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD227 ST