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City of Maple Ridge
May 15, 2018
1) 2016-055-RZ
23183 136 Ave
Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018
To Amend Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 2 - Land Use Plan,
and Figure 3A - Blaney Hamlet, from Institutional, Conservation, Medium/High Density
Residential to Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation
To Amend Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 4 – Trails / Open
Space to Add to Conservation, Remove From Conservation and Add To Trail
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016
To rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). The current
application is to permit the construction of approximately 54 townhouse units.
May 15, 2018
7:00 pm
Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow all persons who deem themselves affected by any
of these bylaws a reasonable opportunity to be heard before Council on the matters contained
in the bylaws. Persons wishing to speak for or against a bylaw will be given opportunities. You
will be asked to give your name and address. Please note that all written submissions provided
in response to this consultation including names and addresses will become part of the public
record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. Further
consideration of bylaws on this agenda will be at the next regular Council meeting.
The meeting is recorded by the City of Maple Ridge.
TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995
Haney Place, Maple Ridge, North-East corner entrance, at 7:00 pm., Tuesday, May 15, 2018, to
consider the following bylaws:
1) 2016-055-RZ
23183 136 Ave
Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018
To Amend Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 2 - Land Use Plan,
and Figure 3A - Blaney Hamlet, from Institutional, Conservation, Medium/High Density
Residential to Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation (as
shown on Map 974)
To Amend Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 4 – Trails / Open
Space to Add to Conservation , Remove From Conservation
and Add To Trail (as shown on Map 975)
Map 974 Map 975
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016
To rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential).
The current application is to permit the construction of approximately 54 townhouse units.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the aforesaid bylaws and copies of staff reports and other
information considered by Council relevant to the matters contained in the bylaws will also be
available for public inspection at the Planning Department Counter of City Hall, between 8:00 am
and 4:00 pm from May 4, 2018 to May 15, 2018, weekends and Statutory Holidays excepted. The
Public Hearing Agenda with full reports can be viewed on the City website at
www.mapleridge.ca/640 .
ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected by any of these bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable
opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws
or by making a written submission to the attention of the Corporate Officer or by sending an email to
the Clerk’s Department at clerks@mapleridge.ca, by 4:00 pm, May 15, 2018. Please note that all
written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public record
which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection.
Dated this 4th day of May, 2018.
Laura Benson, CPA, CMA
Corporate Officer
FOR FILE 2016-055-RZ
File Manager: Michelle Baski
Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED
1.A completed Application Form
(Schedule “A” – Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999)
2.An application fee, payable to the City of Maple Ridge, in
accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001.
3.A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different
from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title.
4. A legal survey of the property(ies)
5. Subdivision plan layout
6. Neighbourhood context plan
7. Lot grading plan
8. Landscape plan*+
9.Preliminary architectural plans including site plan,
building elevations, accessory off-street parking and
general bylaw compliance reconciliation*+.
*These items may not be required for single-family residential applications
+ These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01
Additional reports provided:
Geotechnical Site Assessment, by Able Geotechnical Ltd., dated Sept 1, 2017
Environmental Assessment, by Envirowest Consultants Inc., dated Sept 14, 2017
Arboricultural Assessment Report, by Michael J. Mills Consulting, dated Sept 14, 2017
Fire Hazard Assessment, by B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd., dated Apr 12, 2018
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CityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge
and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2016-055-RZ
SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: FirstFirstFirstFirst and Second and Second and Second and Second ReadingReadingReadingReading
OfOfOfOfficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw No. . . . 7446744674467446----2018201820182018
Second ReadingSecond ReadingSecond ReadingSecond Reading
Zone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw No. . . . 7238723872387238----2016201620162016
23183 136 A23183 136 A23183 136 A23183 136 Avevevevenuenuenuenue
An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 23183 136 Avenue, from
A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit the future development of
approximately 54 townhouse units. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-
2016 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP)
amendment on April 26, 2016. The proposed development has since been amended to include the
northern property, which is now consolidated with the original two properties that had received first
reading in 2016.
The proposed development is in compliance with the policies of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the
OCP. Ground-truthing on the site has established the developable areas, and as a result, an OCP
amendment is required to revise the Conservation boundaries of the site.
Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution
Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit, for an estimated amount of
A text amendment to Section 602 of the Zoning Bylaw is proposed to allow a Floor Space Ratio of
0.63. In exchange for the additional density, the applicant is proposing to pay $3,100 per unit,
which is consistent with the Albion Density Bonus contribution rate, but would be applying the rate to
the Silver Valley Area Plan, which has not been done before. This density bonus contribution of
$3,100.00 per unit, for an estimated amount of $167,400.00, is in addition to the Community
Amenity Contribution.
1)1)1)1) That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section 475475475475 of the of the of the of the Local Government Act,Local Government Act,Local Government Act,Local Government Act, opportunity for early and opportunity for early and opportunity for early and opportunity for early and
onononon----going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending
Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 on the municipal website and on the municipal website and on the municipal website and on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a requiring that the applicant host a requiring that the applicant host a requiring that the applicant host a
Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any
further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;
2)2)2)2) That Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 be considered in conjunction with be considered in conjunction with be considered in conjunction with be considered in conjunction with
the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
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3)3)3)3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 is consistent is consistent is consistent is consistent
with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;Management Plan;Management Plan;Management Plan;
4)4)4)4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. . . . 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 be be be be given first and second given first and second given first and second given first and second
readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;
5)5)5)5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238723872387238----2016201620162016,,,, asasasas amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated April 10, April 10, April 10, April 10,
2018201820182018,,,, be given secondbe given secondbe given secondbe given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;
6)6)6)6) That the following termsThat the following termsThat the following termsThat the following terms anananand conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading:
i)i)i)i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the
deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the AgreementAgreementAgreementAgreement;;;;
ii)ii)ii)ii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A –––– Silver Silver Silver Silver
Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 ---- LLLLand Use Plan, and Use Plan, and Use Plan, and Use Plan, Figure 3A Figure 3A Figure 3A Figure 3A ---- Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, and and and and Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 ---- Trails/Open Trails/Open Trails/Open Trails/Open
iii)iii)iii)iii) Road dedication Road dedication Road dedication Road dedication on on on on 136 Avenue136 Avenue136 Avenue136 Avenue, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, asasasas required;required;required;required;
iv)iv)iv)iv) Park dedicationPark dedicationPark dedicationPark dedication,,,, as required, including construction of as required, including construction of as required, including construction of as required, including construction of multimultimultimulti----purpose trailspurpose trailspurpose trailspurpose trails and removal of and removal of and removal of and removal of
all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land;
v)v)v)v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the , which addresses the , which addresses the , which addresses the
suitabilisuitabilisuitabilisuitability of the subject property ty of the subject property ty of the subject property ty of the subject property for the proposed development;for the proposed development;for the proposed development;for the proposed development;
vi)vi)vi)vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;
vii)vii)vii)vii) RegistratioRegistratioRegistratioRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
viii)viii)viii)viii) Removal of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildings;s;s;s;
ix)ix)ix)ix) A ProfessionalA ProfessionalA ProfessionalA Professional Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire
protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided;
x)x)x)x) In addition to the site pIn addition to the site pIn addition to the site pIn addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional rofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional rofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional rofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional
Engineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage tanks on the nks on the nks on the nks on the
subject propertysubject propertysubject propertysubject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the . If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the . If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the . If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the
subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site.
xi)xi)xi)xi) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $$$$167167167167,400.00,400.00,400.00,400.00 ($3,100($3,100($3,100($3,100/unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in
exchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; and
xii)xii)xii)xii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $$$$221,400.00221,400.00221,400.00221,400.00 ($4,100($4,100($4,100($4,100/unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in /unit) be provided in
keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions.
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1)1)1)1) Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:
Applicant: D. Laird, Aplin & Martin Consultants
Legal Description: Lot 2, Section 32, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
Existing: Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation, Civic
Proposed: Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation
Existing: A-2 (Upland Agricultural)
Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)
Surrounding Uses:
North: Use: Multi-Family Residential
Zone: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)
Designation: Medium/High Density Residential
South: Use: Single Family Residential (under application for 5 single
family lots)
Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
Designation: Low/Medium Density Residential, Eco Cluster, Conservation
East: Use: Multi-Family Residential (under application for street
Townhouses and single family lots)
Zone: RST-SV (Street Townhouses – Silver Valley)
Designation: Medium/High Density Residential, Low Density Urban, Eco
Cluster, Conservation, and Open Space
West: Use: Single Family Residential
Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural)
Designation: Civic and Conservation
Existing Use of Property: Vacant
Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Townhouses
Site Area: 1.4 ha (3.5 acres)
Access: 136 Avenue
Servicing: Urban Standard
Companion Applications: 2016-055-DP/VP, 2016-326-DP, 2016-410-DP
2)2)2)2) Project DescriptionProject DescriptionProject DescriptionProject Description::::
The subject property is located on the northwest corner of 232 Street and 136 Avenue (see
Appendices A and B). The site slopes from the northeast corner down to the west. A watercourse,
Cattell Brook, is located to the west of the property, running north-south.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property to permit future construction of a
townhouse development with approximately 54 units, all with double car garages. The proposal
includes a mix of three and four bedroom units. The units are oriented in a north-south direction and
accessed via a private strata road from 136 Avenue. Park dedication for conservation purposes is
proposed along the western property line of the property.
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3)3)3)3) Planning AnalysisPlanning AnalysisPlanning AnalysisPlanning Analysis::::
i)i)i)i) Official Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community Plan::::
The subject property is located within the Blaney Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan and is
currently designated Medium/High Density Residential, Civic and Conservation. The Medium/High
Density Residential designation provides for single family, intensive residential and townhouse forms
of development and aligns with the proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. For the proposed
development, an OCP amendment will be required to adjust the Conservation area boundary for
protection of the watercourse, and to remove the remnant 1% Civic designation from the north-
western corner of the property (see Appendix C).
ii)ii)ii)ii) Zoning BylawZoning BylawZoning BylawZoning Bylaw::::
The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-
1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a townhouse development. The development proposal includes
variance requests for setbacks, distance between buildings, and Open Space dimension
requirements, as discussed below, which will require a Development Variance Permit application.
The maximum allowable density of the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is a floor space ratio of 0.6
times the net lot area, excluding a maximum of 50 m² of habitable basement area per unit. This
development has a floor space ratio of 0.63, so a site-specific text amendment to the zone will be
required to allow for the additional density. The applicant is proposing to pay $3,100 per unit, which
is consistent with the Albion Density Bonus contribution rate, but would be applying the rate to the
Silver Valley Area Plan, which has not been done before. In 2016, Policy 2-9 was added to the
Official Community Plan, as follows:
2-9 Community Amenity Contributions and density bonuses may also be considered at Council’s
discretion for all Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amending applications that are
seeking a higher density than is envisioned in Schedule “A” and/or Schedule “B”, to help
provide a variety of amenities and facilities throughout the municipality.
This density bonus contribution of $3,100.00 per unit, for an estimated amount of $167,400.00, is
in addition to the Community Amenity Contribution.
In addition to the site-specific text amendment to allow for the increased density, Zone Amending
Bylaw No. 7238-2016 has been amended to include the third property to the north and reflect the
current consolidated legal description (see Appendix D).
iii)iii)iii)iii) Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances:
A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the
following variances (see Appendix E):
1. To reduce the minimum front yard setback for Blocks 4 and 5, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down
to 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) at its shortest distance.
2. To reduce the minimum rear yard setback for Block 1, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 4.1 m
(13.5 ft.) at its shortest distance.
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3. To reduce the minimum exterior yard setback for Blocks 1 through 4, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.)
down to 4.0 m (13.1 ft.) at its shortest distance.
4. To reduce the minimum interior yard setback for Block 9 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 4.0
m (13.1 ft.); for Block 10 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 1.9 m (6.2 ft.) at its shortest
distance; and for Block 11 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 3.1 m (10.2 ft.).
5. To reduce the required minimum radius of space unencumbered by buildings from living
room windows from 15 m (49.21 ft.) to 12.6 m (41.3 ft.) between Blocks 1 through 4 and
Blocks 5 through 7; to 9.9 m (32.5 ft.) between Blocks 5 and 11; to 14.9 m (48.9 ft.)
between Blocks 7 and 8 and Blocks 9 and 10; and from 10 m (32.3 ft.) to 9.9 m (32.5 ft.)
between Blocks 5 and 6 and Block 11; and
6. To reduce the minimum required Usable Open Space per three bedroom unit with a
minimum dimension of not less than 6.0 m (20 ft.) to 4.0 m (13.1 ft.) for its shortest
length for all units.
The requested variances to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone will be the subject of a future
report to Council.
iv)iv)iv)iv) OffOffOffOff----Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:
The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires 2 parking spaces per unit and
0.2 spaces per unit to be provided as visitor parking spaces. For 54 units, this amounts to a total of
108 residential parking spaces and 11 visitor parking spaces. Double-car garages are provided for
all of the units, providing the required 108 residential parking spaces. Fourteen visitor parking
spaces are provided throughout the site, with 2 of them sized for disabled parking spaces. Some of
the driveway aprons of Blocks 9 and 10 are also capable of providing additional off-street parking
spaces within the development for the individual townhouse units.
v)v)v)v) Development PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment Permits::::
Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to
ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that
meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Accordingly, prior
to final zoning approval, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. An application for
the Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the
subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the
Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met.
Pursuant to Sections 8.9 and 8.10 of the OCP, a Watercourse Protection and Natural Features
Development Permit application has been received to ensure the preservation and protection of the
natural environment of Cattell Brook and the adjacent slopes. The developer will provide restoration,
enhancement and replanting works as required, and a security will be taken as a condition of the
issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met.
Pursuant to Section 8.12 of the OCP, a Wildfire Development Permit application is required for all
development identified in wildfire risk areas. The purpose of the Wildfire Development Permit is for
the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wildland fire; and
where this risk may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary
measures. An application for the Wildfire Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this
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project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken
as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Wildfire Development
Permit Area guidelines are met.
vi)vi)vi)vi) Advisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design Panel::::
The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the development plans for form and character of the
proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on November 15, 2017.
Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the ADP made the
following resolutions:
Landscape Comments:
1. Provide a gateway structure at entry to the development emphasizing the character of
the development;
2. Provide more energy to public amenity space/playground area (i.e. with different surface
material, texture, elements and natural play elements, site furniture, etc.)
3. Provide pedestrian connection between public amenity space and trails;
4. Provide texture to pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures at selective
locations and intervals (i.e. between building breaks) to break up the length of the drive
5. Provide adequate pedestrian lighting in public amenity space and at exterior stairs;
6. Provide additional pole lights at strategic locations;
7. Create overhead structure at mailbox for weather protection and provide recycling and
garbage receptacles at mailbox kiosks;
8. Provide more variety of tree species along 232 Street and internal roads;
Architectural Comments:
9. Have material at front elevations return along the sides of the end units;
10. Consider providing more variation on the facades (materials, colours, glazing, etc.);
11. Show rainwater leaders on elevations;
12. Consider using longboard for fencing at the front yard (along 232 Street);
13. Consider variations in gate access to the units along 232 Street;
14. Consider different treatments at bump out at end of buildings 1, 4, 8, 9;
15. Consider colour variations to the hardie panel facades labelled 6 that show the wood
Most of ADP’s resolutions have been addressed appropriately and are reflected in the current plans
(see Appendices E, F, and G). The applicant has not provided an overhead structure for the mailbox
nor recycling/garbage receptacles (item 7); they are not providing longboard fencing (item 12); and
they are not providing colour variations to the hardie panel facades (item 15). The applicant
considered ADP’s resolutions but has a particular style that they prefer. They are also concerned
with the additional costs of the longboard fencing and mailbox shelter.
The Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines for Building Design, Massing, and Siting state that:
5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and
features to:
a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual
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b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a
larger concept; and
c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct
access to grade for ground-floor units.
9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid
significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of
Should Council desire the applicant to fully comply with ADP’s resolutions, then minor changes
should be made to the architectural plans prior to the Multi-Family Development Permit coming to
Council for approval. A detailed description of how these items were or were not incorporated into
the final design will be the subject of a future report to Council.
vii)vii)vii)vii) Development Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information Meeting::::
A Development Information Meeting was held at Yennadon Elementary School on March 6, 2018.
Approximately 12 residents attended the meeting. A summary of the comments and discussions
with the attendees was provided by the applicant as follows:
1. Traffic Concerns
“There were some traffic concerns with proposed access to the site off of 136 Avenue. The
concerns came from the resident directly to the west of the site. The applicant advised that
the majority of cars leaving the site would go east to 232 Street and would have little impact
on the residents to the west.”
“There were concerns of speeding on 136 Avenue, and one of the residents would like to see
four-way stop signs at 230A Street and 136 Avenue.”
2. Tree Removal
“The applicant confirmed that the existing cedar trees on the west property line that are in
the proposed park will have to be removed due to fire hazard concerns. There will be
extensive enhancement planting in the park.”
Note that Staff are not in support of removing the trees and have requested that the Wildfire
Hazard Assessment be revised accordingly. This has since been updated and will be the
subject of a future report to Council.
3. Removal of vacant houses onsite
“The residents would like to see the two existing empty houses on the property removed as
soon as possible.”
The applicant has confirmed that the buildings are scheduled to be demolished at the
beginning of April and should be completed prior to the Public Hearing on this application.
4. New Sanitary Sewer
“The applicant confirmed that a new sanitary sewer has been constructed on 136 Avenue
and that people on septic could apply to the City to hook up to sewer.”
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As per the Sanitary Sewer Regulation Bylaw No. 691-1964, connections would be required if
they are smaller than 0.4 ha (1 acre).
4)4)4)4) Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications:
The Environmental Enhancement Plan, the Arborist Report, the Geotechnical Report, the Wildfire
Hazard Assessment, and the Stormwater Management Plan have been reviewed. The Registered
Professional Forester has coordinated their recommendations with the environmental consultant,
civil engineer, and arborist to ensure the environmental objectives are achieved. The Wildfire Hazard
Assessment has been revised to retain the row of cedar trees, as long as the tree crowns do not
extend into Fire Priority Zone 1 and the requirements of Fire Priority Zone 2 also apply.
Restoration measures with a cost estimate and security deposit are required, including a five-year
maintenance period.
5)5)5)5) Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:
i.i.i.i. Engineering Department:Engineering Department:Engineering Department:Engineering Department:
The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this
development do not yet exist. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Servicing
Agreement and provide the securities to do the required work in that Agreement. Required servicing
will include:
• Concrete curb and gutter along the frontage of the property on 136 Avenue and 232
• Road widening on 136 Avenue and 232 Street. This will be coordinated with the
Capital Project on 232 Street. No improvements are required along 137 Avenue.
• Sanitary and Storm Sewer construction along 232 Street. This can be coordinated
with the development on the east side of 232 Street.
• Concrete sidewalk along 136 Avenue and 232 Street.
• Onsite storm sewer services to be designed to meet the three-tier criteria for
stormwater management, as outlined in the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and the
Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw.
• Street lighting and street trees are required, to an arterial standard.
• Underground servicing for all utilities.
ii.ii.ii.ii. Parks Parks Parks Parks Planning and Planning and Planning and Planning and DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment::::
The Parks Planning and Development Section has reviewed the development application and
supports the trail connection along the western property line. The ADP resolution regarding a public
connection from the trail to the amenity space (item 3) is not supported by the Parks Department, as
they don’t want to encourage public use of the private, strata maintained amenity area. There will be
a neighbourhood playground and park area nearby at 137 Avenue and 230A Street. There are also
adequate pedestrian connections through the development to the north and south already shown,
therefore this has not been incorporated into the development.
iii.iii.iii.iii. Fire DepartmentFire DepartmentFire DepartmentFire Department::::
The Fire Department has identified that all onsite carriageways must be a minimum width of 6 m and
rated to their specifications, which were provided to the developer. Signage indicating that the lanes
are fire lanes and that no parking is permitted within the lanes is required. A unit directional
- 9 -
addressing sign, which is visible day and night, is to be permanently mounted at the main entrance,
with additional directional signage at intersections within the development. A turn-around has been
provided at the north-west end of the development, and emergency access only has been provided
from 137 Avenue to the development, restricted to the public with bollards.
iv.iv.iv.iv. BuildingBuildingBuildingBuilding Department:Department:Department:Department:
The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments
related to Building Code requirements which have been provided to the developer. These comments
will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage.
6)6)6)6) School District Comments:School District Comments:School District Comments:School District Comments:
Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is
required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. The School District responded on February
7, 2018, with the following information:
“The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently
served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School.
Yennadon Elementary has an operating capacity of 545 students. For the 2017-18 school year the
student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary was 580 students (104% utilization) including 130
students from out of catchment.
Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2017-18 school
year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School was 795 students (75.5% utilization)
including 258 students from out of catchment.”
7)7)7)7) Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues:
Local Government ActLocal Government ActLocal Government ActLocal Government Act::::
An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to
adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local
Government Act. The amendment required for this application, to amend the Conservation boundary
and the 1% Civic designation, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no
additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the
Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or
agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments.
The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste
Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact.
- 10 -
It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018,
that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016, as amended in this report,
and that application 2016-055-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing.
“Original signed by Michelle Baski”
Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by:::: Michelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle Baski, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA
“Original signed by Christine Carter”
Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP
Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning
“Original signed by Frank Quinn”
Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng
GM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development Services
“Original signed by Frank Quinn”
Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA
Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer
The following appendices are attached hereto:
Appendix A – Subject Map
Appendix B – Ortho Map
Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018
Appendix D – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016
Appendix E – Site Plan
Appendix F – Typical Building Elevations
Appendix G – Landscape Plan
DATE: Aug 3, 2017FILE: 2016-055-RZ
23183 136 AVENUE
232 ST´
Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC
Ditch Centreline
Edge of River
Indefinite Creek
River Centreline
Lake or Reservoir
Major Rivers & Lakes
DATE: Aug 3, 2017FILE: 2016-055-RZ
23183 136 AVENUECity of PittMeadows
District ofLangley District of MissionFRASER R.
232 STAerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´
Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC
BYLAW NO. 7446-2018
A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014
WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the
Official Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows:
1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending
Bylaw No. 7446-2018."
2. Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 2 - Land Use Plan, and
Figure 3A - Blaney Hamlet, are hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises
known and described as:
Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 974, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown.
3. Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 4 – Trails / Open Space is
hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 975, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown.
4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended
READ a first time the 10th day of April, 2018.
READ a second time the 10th day of April, 2018.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20
READ a third time the day of , 20
ADOPTED, the day of , 20 .
___________________________________ _____________________________
136 AVE.
230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546
13552 232882325013547
13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602
135892318323141 2327213743
5 17
Rem B
P 43567
EPP 60285EPP 44846
EPP 34552
RP 10274
EPP 60071
RP 17267
BCP 43237
EPP 27588
BCP 48906
EPP 60071
BCP 43235
P 20132
EPP 60071
P 15063P 2409
EPP 70286
EPP 44846
P 11173EPP 70486
EPP 70286
EPP 60071
EPP 59915
P 40424
BCP 48908
EP 79495
EPP 37092
BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072R
W 4
8EPP 62660EPP 49148
EPP 60313EPP 35006
BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227
EPP 34551
EPP 60286
232 ST.´
SCALE 1:2,500
To Amend Figure 2 and 3A of the Silver Valley Area PlanInstitutional, Conservation, Medium/High Density Residential
Medium/High Density Residential Conservation
136 AVE.
230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546
13552 232882325013547
13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602
135892318323141 2327213743
5 17
Rem B
P 43567
EPP 60285EPP 44846
EPP 34552
RP 10274
EPP 60071
RP 17267
BCP 43237
EPP 27588
BCP 48906
EPP 60071
BCP 43235
P 20132
EPP 60071
P 15063P 2409
EPP 70286
EPP 44846
P 11173EPP 70486
EPP 70286
EPP 60071
EPP 59915
P 40424
BCP 48908
EP 79495
EPP 37092
BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072R
W 4
8EPP 62660EPP 49148
EPP 60313EPP 35006
BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227
EPP 34551
EPP 60286
232 ST.´
SCALE 1:2,500
MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:To Amend Figure 4 Trails/Open Space as shown
Add To Conservation
RemoveFrom Conservation
Add To Conservation Remove From Conservation
Add To Trail
BYLAW NO. 7238-2016
A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows:
1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016."
2. That PART 6 - RESIDENTIAL ZONES, Section 602, RM-1 (Townhouse Residential
District) Subsection 5, DENSITY, is amended by adding point c) as follows:
c) Notwithstanding the above, all buildings and structures shall not exceed a floor
space ratio of 0.63 times the net lot area, excluding a maximum of 50 m2 of
habitable basement area per unit, for the parcel or tract of land described as
23183 136 Avenue (Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan
3. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1672 a copy of which is attached hereto
and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential).
4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached
thereto are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the 26th day of April, 2016.
READ a second time the 10th day of April, 2018.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20
READ a third time the day of , 20
ADOPTED, the day of , 20
_____________________________ ____________________________
136 AVE.
230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546
13552 232882325013547
13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602
135892318323141 2327213743
5 17
Rem B
P 43567
EPP 60285EPP 44846
EPP 34552
RP 10274
EPP 60071
RP 17267
BCP 43237
EPP 27588
BCP 48906
EPP 60071
BCP 43235
P 20132
EPP 60071
P 15063P 2409
EPP 70286
EPP 44846
P 11173EPP 70486
EPP 70286
EPP 60071
EPP 59915
P 40424
BCP 48908
EP 79495
EPP 37092
BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072R
W 4
8EPP 62660EPP 49148
EPP 60313EPP 35006
BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227
EPP 34551
EPP 60286
232 ST.´
SCALE 1:2,500
A-2 (Upland Agricultural)
RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)