HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-10 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf Page 1 City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 10, 2018 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City’s Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 27, 2018 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 600 DELEGATIONS MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people’s lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person’s behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 650 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Note: Questions from the Public are limited to 15 minutes unless extended by a motion approved by the majority of Council 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 27, 2018 701.2 Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council • Active Transportation Advisory Committee – November 29, 2017 • Advisory Design Panel – February 21, 2018 • Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues and Inclusiveness – November 16, 2017 and January 18, 2018 • Social Policy Advisory Committee – February 7, 2018 702 Reports 702.1 Albion Community Centre Design Update Staff report dated April 10, 2018 outlining the need for affordable infant and toddler care and out of school care in the community and providing an update on design elements to support the development of the Albion Community Centre as a multi-use community facility. 703 Correspondence 704 Release of Items from Closed Council Status 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 3 of 7 1000 BYLAWS Bylaws for Adoption 1001 2017-281-RZ, 21428, 21460, 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road 1001.1 21428, 21460 and 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 To designate from Urban Residential to Institutional Adoption 1001.2 21428 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-6 (Civic Institutional) to permit expansion of the Maple Ridge Cemetery Adoption 1002 2017-291-RZ, 24093 and 24137 104 Avenue and PID 009-437-061 1002.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 To designate from Medium Density Residential and Institutional to Institutional and Conservation and to add to Conservation Adoption 1002.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to P-1 (Park and School) to permit two P-1 (Park and School) zoned lots for the construction of a new School District-owned elementary school and City-owned community centre. Adoption 1003 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7426-2018 To provide updated regulations for staff to pursue compliance with any violations of the Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw Adoption Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Public Works and Development Services 1101 2018-012-RZ, 23795 and 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7432-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) for future development of approximately 29 units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. . 1102 2018-084-RZ, 22108, 22118, 22126, 22136, 22146, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7449-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for future development of a four to five storey apartment building with approximately 120 to150 units and underground parking be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1103 2016-055-RZ, 23183 136 Avenue, A-2 to RM-1 Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018 to revise conservation boundaries be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016 to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit future development of approximately 54 townhouse units be given second reading as amended and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1104 2017-216-DP, PID 017-967-546, Wildfire Development Permit Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-216-DP to fulfill requirements of the Wildfire Development Permit Area guidelines to permit a proposed four lot subdivision under the RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone. Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 5 of 7 1105 2017-385-DP, 11907 228 Street, Housing Agreement Bylaw Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that 11907 228 Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7447-2018 to secure units as below-market rental housing in perpetuity be given first, second and third reading. 1106 Award of Contract: Pavement Rehabilitation Program Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that the extension for the 2016 Contract for Pavement Rehabilitation be awarded to BA Blacktop Ltd.; that additional work locations may be added under extra work provisions up to 25% of the contract and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the contract. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 British Columbia Lottery Corporation Request to Increase the Maximum Number of Slot Machines Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that the maximum number of slot machines permitted at the Chances Maple Ridge located at 22692 Lougheed Highway be increased to a maximum of 250 slot machines. Parks, Recreation & Culture 1151 Award of Contract – Arthur Peake Field Civil Works Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that Contract ITT-PL17-79: Artificial Turf Field – Civil Works for Arthur Peake/Golden Ears Elementary be awarded to Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd., that a contingency be authorized, that the Financial Plan Bylaw be amended to include additional funding from the Gaming Revenue for the Arthur Peake Synthetic Field Project and further that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1152 Award of Contract – Arthur Peake Centre and Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School Synthetic Field Carpeting Staff report dated April 10, 2018 recommending that Contract RFP-PL18- 17: Supply and Installation of the Sports Field Synthetic Turf Surfacing at Arthur Peak Centre and Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School (“SRT”) be awarded to Worldwide Turf Incorporated, that the next Financial Plan Bylaw include a draw from the Turf Field Replacement Reserve to fund the replacement of the synthetic turf at SRT and further that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Administration 1171 Other Committee Issues 1191 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1400 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 1500 ADJOURNMENT Checked by:________________ Date: ________________ QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing bylaws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk’s Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. 400 Adoption and Receipt of Minutes 400 401 Minutes of Regular and Special Council Meetings 401 City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 27, 2018 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on March 27, 2018 at 7:07 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. 0BPRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Councillor C. Bell P. Gill, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor B. Masse D. Boag, Acting General Manager of Parks, Recreation & Councillor G. Robson Culture Councillor T. Shymkiw F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor C. Speirs Services T. Thompson, Interim Director of Finance ABSENT C. Carter, Director of Planning Mayor N. Read L. Benson, Corporate Officer Councillor K. Duncan A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other staff as required D. Pollock, Municipal Engineer R. MacNair, Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services M. Baski, Planner 2 A. Kopystynski, Planner 2 Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City’s Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge Note: Councillor Shymkiw chaired the meeting in the absence of Mayor Read. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Items 1001 and 1152 were withdrawn from the agenda. Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 2 of 13 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2018-160 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for March 27, 2018 be amended with the withdrawal of Item 1001 and Item 1152 and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 13, 2018 and the Regular Council Meeting of March 13, 2018 R/2018-161 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 13, 2018 and the Regular Council Meeting of March 13, 2018 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 402 Minutes of the Public Hearing of March 13, 2018 R/2018-162 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Public Hearing of March 13, 2018 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL – Nil 600 DELEGATIONS – Nil 650 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC – Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meetings - March 6, March 13 and March 21, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 3 of 13 701.2 Committees and Commissions of Council • Community Heritage Commission – February 8, 2018 702 Reports 702.1 Disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2018 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2018 be received for information. 702.2 2018 Council Expenses Staff report dated March 27, 2018 providing an update for Council expenses recorded to date. 703 Correspondence – Nil 704 Release of Items from Closed Council Status – Nil R/2018-163 It was moved and seconded That Items 701.1, 701.2, 702.1 and 702.2 on the “Items on Consent” agenda be received into the record. CARRIED 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 801 Proposed Resolutions for the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (“LMLGA”) Conference Councillor Bell reviewed the resolutions for Items 1 to 3. Councillor Masse reviewed the resolutions for Items 4 to 5. Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 4 of 13 R/2018-164 It was moved and seconded That the following resolutions be forwarded to the Lower Mainland LGA: 1. Compulsory Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods 2. Ending Discrimination in Tenancies 3. Supporting Innovation in Home Heating Systems 4. Increasing the Number of Family Practitioners in BC 5. Review of BC’s Fee for Service Model R/2018-165 It was moved and seconded That the “Compulsory Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods” resolution be revised to include the text “and Genetically Engineered Foods” CARRIED MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED 900 CORRESPONDENCE – Nil 1000 BYLAWS Note: Item 1001 was withdrawn 1001 2017-291-RZ, 24093 and 24137 104 Avenue and PID 009-437-061 1002 Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic Amending Bylaw No. 7418-2018 To provide updated regulations for compliance with current parking and storage issues Adoption R/2018-166 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7418-2018 be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Masse, Councillor Shymkiw - OPPOSED Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 5 of 13 1003 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7419-2018 To allow consistency with the Highway and Traffic Amending Bylaw Adoption R/2018-167 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7419-2018 be adopted. CARRIED 1004 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7428-2018 Text amendment to prohibit the retail sale of cannabis Adoption R/2018-168 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7428-2018 be adopted. CARRIED Councillor Speirs - OPPOSED 1005 Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 7441-2018 To ensure definitions match amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to better support home occupations Adoption R/2018-169 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7441-2018 be adopted. CARRIED 1006 Maple Ridge Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw No. 7425-2018 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending adoption as amended To reflect Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan and maintain alignment with Metro Vancouver member municipalities in the consistent application of that plan. Adoption Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 6 of 13 R/2018-170 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7425-2018 be adopted. CARRIED 1007 Maple Ridge Water Service Amending Bylaw No. 7427-2018 To update the bylaw to reflect the new naming of the Water Shortage Response Plan Bylaw to the Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw Adoption R/2018-171 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7427-2018 be adopted. CARRIED 1008 Alternative Approval Process Results and Loan Authorization Bylaws Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending adoption 1008.1 Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Renovation Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7370-2017 To authorize the borrowing of a portion of the estimated cost to renovate the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Adoption R/2018-172 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7370-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1008.2 Telosky Stadium Synthetic Fields Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7371-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of constructing synthetic fields at Telosky Stadium Adoption R/2018-173 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7371-2017 be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 7 of 13 1008.3 Albion Community Centre Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7372-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of constructing the Albion Community Centre Adoption R/2018-174 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7372-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1008.4 Silver Valley Neighbourhood Gathering Places Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7373-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of constructing Silver Valley Neighbourhood Gathering Places Adoption R/2018-175 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7373-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1008.5 Hammond Community Centre Renovation Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7374-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost to renovate the Hammond Community Centre Adoption R/2018-176 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7374-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1008.6 Whonnock Lake Canoe and Kayak Facility Improvement Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7375-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of improving the Whonnock Lake Canoe and Kayak Facility Adoption R/2018-177 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7375-2017 be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 8 of 13 1008.7 Maple Ridge Secondary School Track Facility Upgrades Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7376-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of constructing the Maple Ridge Secondary Track Facility Upgrades Adoption R/2018-178 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7376-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1008.8 Ice Sheet Addition Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 7377-2017 To authorize the borrowing of the estimated cost of adding an ice sheet Adoption R/2018-179 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7377-2017 be adopted. CARRIED 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Public Works and Development Services 1101 2017-548-RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into two single family lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules B, E and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with information required for a Subdivision application. M. Baski, Planner gave a PowerPoint presentation providing the following information: • Application information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 9 of 13 • Development Proposal • Site Context outlining slopes • Proposed Subdivision Plan R/2018-180 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7433-2018 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules B, E, and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879–1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. CARRIED Councillor Speirs - OPPOSED 1102 2017-553-RZ, 12848 240 Street, RS-3 and RS-2 to R-2 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7424-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to allow future subdivision into approximately 13 single family residential lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B, F and J of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with information required for a Subdivision application. R/2018-181 It was moved and seconded In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 10 of 13 and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City’s website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Bylaw No.7424-2018 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B, F and J of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879–1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. CARRIED 1103 2018-004-RZ, 22567, 22583 and 22577 Brown Avenue, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7445-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a 46 unit apartment building be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. A. Kopystynski, Planner gave a PowerPoint presentation providing the following information: • Application Information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics • Development Proposal • Site Plan R/2018-182 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7445-2018 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C and D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879–1999, along with the additional information described in Section g). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 11 of 13 1104 2017-078-RZ, 22368 North Avenue, Housing Agreement Bylaw Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that 22368 North Avenue Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7443-2018 to secure six dwelling units as affordable rental units for persons with developmental disabilities in perpetuity be given first, second and third readings. R/2018-183 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7443-2018 be given first, second and third reading. CARRIED 1105 Frogstone Bar & Grill Liquor Primary Licence Application Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that the application by Frogstone Bar & Grill at 2 – 22932 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, for a Liquor Primary License with a Family Food Service Endorsement be supported and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch. R/2018-184 It was moved and seconded 1. That the application by Frogstone Bar & Grill at 2 – 22932 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge for a Liquor Primary License with a Family Food Service Endorsement be supported, based on the information contained in the Council report dated March 27, 2018. 2. That a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. CARRIED Councillor Masse - OPPOSED 1106 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7426-2018 Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7426-2018 to provide updated regulations for staff to pursue compliance with any violations to the Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw be given first, second and third reading. Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 12 of 13 R/2018-185 It was moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7426-2018 be given first, second and third reading. CARRIED Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services Development Proposal Staff report dated March 27, 2018 recommending that a program to provide assistance to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services project be developed as recommended by the Audit & Finance Committee. R/2018-186 It was moved and seconded That a program to provide assistance to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services project that follows the framework of the recently expired Town Centre Incentive Plan be developed as recommended by the Audit & Finance Committee. CARRIED Parks, Recreation & Culture 1151 Funding Model for Youth Wellness Centre Concept Staff report dated March 27, 2018 providing options for funding for construction of a Youth Wellness Centre, one of which will be provided to Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services. R/2018-187 It was moved and seconded That the following option be provided to Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services for the construction of a Youth Wellness Centre: • Use of the land adjacent to Greg Moore Youth Centre valued at approximately $500,000; and a cash contribution of $500,000, contingent on the balance of funding being secured. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 Page 13 of 13 Note: Item1152 was withdrawn. 1152 Award of Contract – Arthur Peake Field Civil Works Administration – Nil Other Committee Issues – Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTS – Nil 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT – Nil 1400 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS – Nil 1500 ADJOURNMENT – 8:01 p.m. _______________________________ T. Shymkiw, Acting Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ L. Benson, Corporate Officer 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 700 701 Minutes 701 701.1 Development Agreements Committee 701.1 701.2 Minutes of Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council 701.2 702 Reports 702 REPORT: Albion Community Centre Design Update Page 1 of 3 Date: April 10, 2018 City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: 1918503 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Albion Community Centre Design Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the February 20, 2018 Council Workshop, staff was directed to explore options for child care space, library resources, and other design considerations to develop the Albion Community Centre (ACC). The result of staff’s preliminary research on child care in the community confirms the need for additional child care services in Maple Ridge. Based on this need for childcare in the community, staff directed the design team at CHP Architects to include a multi-use child care space in the design of the ACC which would meet licensing requirements. This report outlines the need for affordable infant and toddler care and out of school care in the community. It also provides an update on other design elements to support the development of the ACC as a multi-use community facility. RECOMMENDATION: No Recommendation required DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: The City of Maple Ridge (CMR) and School District No. 42 (SD42) have been working together on a joint park/school site that includes an elementary school, learning centre and community centre. In 2016, a public consultation was hosted in the Albion neighbourhood through a collaborative process with SD42 which provided valuable feedback on the community’s vision for these facilities. Child care resources and the provision of services and programs for children 0-12 years of age were identified as desirable components. Child Care According to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) office, wait times for infant care can be as long as two years, and many parents struggle to find after school care and child care outside of the standard hours of work which are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.. Additional information received from the CCRR includes data specifically related to the current number of child care spaces available in the rapidly growing area of east Maple Ridge, which includes the Albion area (attachment 1, table 3). This information, along with school population statistics for east Maple Ridge, is included in this report as Attachment 1. Considering this data, space in the ACC is being designed that would be suitable for child 702.1 REPORT: Albion Community Centre Design Update Page 2 of 3 Date: April 10, 2018 care and infant and toddler care benefitting families living in east Maple Ridge, and complementing the preschool and daycare services that will be offered at the adjacent South Albion Elementary School. Daycare services will populate the Community Centre during non- primetime hours and would offset operating costs by a projected $27 to 37K annually based on similar models of agreements with CMR. Design Elements Since the February 20, 2018 Council Workshop, staff have investigated a number of design elements to support the accessibility, sustainability, and multi-functionality of the ACC.  Facility plans have been reviewed by our accessibility staff and the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness.  With regard to sustainability, a green building design feasibility and costing study is currently underway.  Covered bicycle parking has been incorporated into the design.  To expand the breadth of amenities offered at the ACC and further to Council’s interest, staff has contacted the Fraser Valley Regional Library to identify opportunities for library services and programs at this site.  Also of note, staff will be working with the Maple Ridge Historical Society, Museum Curator, First Nations and CHP Architects to identify opportunities to include historical references in the ACC design.  As well, a presentation/consultation is scheduled with the Maple Ridge Public Art Committee to consider the inclusion of public art in the design of this facility.  Council is also aware of ongoing discussions with the YMCA regarding a potential operating agreement. As a next step, the YMCA is preparing a presentation on their program offerings to bring to a discussion with the Board of Education which will assist School District No. 42 to provide their feedback on this proposal. Use of Airspace Another request arising from the February 20th meeting was that staff investigates the feasibility of allowing future use of the airspace above the ACC. CHP Architects has considered this, and if Council would like to purse this option, it may be possible. However, it will require a change to the scope, design, construction timeline and cost of the ACC project. Additionally, planning for this possibility in future is difficult as seismic codes change and it is difficult to over-build existing foundations and footings to meet future unknown codes and building programs. In addition, as this has not been incorporated in any of the planning to date, it would impact parking and zoning requirements depending on density and future use. Council direction would be needed to proceed with design and scope modifications to incorporate future air space needs. b) Desired Outcome: That the ACC is designed to meet the needs and provided services the community requires while maintaining the desire for flexible multi use space to serve a variety of users. c) Strategic Alignment: The ACC and the services it will provide aligns with the 2010 Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, and the Master Agreement on the Cooperation for the Joint Use of Public Facilities and Coordination of Services between the City of Maple Ridge and SD42. REPORT: Albion Community Centre Design Update Page 3 of 3 Date: April 10, 2018 d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The City and School District No. 42 collaborated on a community consultation process to gather feedback on the design of the School and Community Centre. In addition, further stakeholder consultation(s) have taken place to ensure the ACC design meets the needs and requirements of the community and stakeholders. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Typically the City leases space to child care operators through a competitive bid process. The ACC child care facility could generate $27,000 to $37,000 annually in lease revenue to offset facility operating costs. With regard to funding, it is relevant to note that both the federal and provincial governments are investing in early learning and child care in the near term. In particular, the Maple Ridge area has received provincial funding for 350 child care spaces, with 308 being developed by SD42 and the remainder by private sector licenced providers. With senior governments’ recent attention to child care, staff will seek grant opportunities that would support the provision of child care services at the ACC. f) Policy Implications: The City of Maple Ridge should consider implementing a child care needs assessment/strategy (in the future) and an overall review of municipal policies around child care. The inclusion of policies that encourage child care spaces in municipal facilities and allow for no or low rent, reduced lease or competitive market leases are often used to improve the provision of child care in communities. Municipalities across Metro Vancouver vary considerably in the types and variety of child care resources and policies available. CONCLUSIONS: Throughout the design process the ACC has been designed as a flexible, multi-use facility that is sustainable and accessible for all members of our community. Based on the preliminary child care data collected and recent Provincial and Federal Government initiatives, staff has included space to accommodate licenced child care uses including infant and toddler care and out of school care including after school programs. “Original signed by Don Cramb” Prepared by: Don Cramb, Senior Recreation Manager “Original signed by Danielle Pope” Reviewed by: Danielle Pope, Director of Recreation & Community Services “Original signed by Kelly Swift” Approved by: Kelly Swift, MBA, BGS, General Manager: Parks, Recreation & Culture “Original signed by Frank Quinn for” Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA, Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (1) Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Child Care Resource and Referral office data sheet Attachment 1 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Child Care Resource and Referral data sheet Map 1: Maple Ridge East/North (Human Early Learning Partnership UBC) Table 1: Child Care Spaces by Type/Facilities in Maple Ridge Type # of Spaces # of Facilities Group Child Care (under 36 months) 24 1 Group Child Care (30 months to school age) 101 5 Preschool (30 months to school age) 193 10 In Home Family Child Care 259 37 Group Child Care (School Age) 302 14 In Home Multi-Age Child Care 80 10 Multi-Service Programs Under 36 months - 172 36 months to School Age - 508 Preschool - 255 School Age - 508 Multi-Age - 48 Family - 7 Total Spaces - 1530 28 Total 2489 101 Table 2: School Population Maple Ridge East/North Name of School # of Children (Catchment Area) #of Children (Total) Albion 429 560 Blue Mountain 215 308 Webster’s Corners 171 210 Whonnock 176 284 Yennadon 450 580 Golden Ears 323 491 Total 1,764 2,433 Table 3: Child Care Spaces by Type/Facilities in Maple Ridge East/North Type #of spaces # of Facilities Group Child Care (under 36 months) 0 0 Group Child Care (30 months to school age) 20 1 Preschool (30 months to school age) 73 4 In Home Family Child Care 56 8 Group Child Care (School Age) 76 4 In Home Multi-Age Child Care 32 4 Multi-Service Programs Under 36 months - 47 36 months to School Age - 149 Preschool - 100 School Age - 150 Multi-Age - 8 Family -7 Total Spaces- 461 11 Totals 718 32 1000 Bylaws 1000 CityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge TO:TO:TO:TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING DATE:DATE:DATE:DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2017-281-RZ FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Council SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: Final Reading:Final Reading:Final Reading:Final Reading: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7357735773577357----2017201720172017 21428, 21460, 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road21428, 21460, 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road21428, 21460, 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road21428, 21460, 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road Zone Amending Bylaw No. Zone Amending Bylaw No. Zone Amending Bylaw No. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360736073607360----2017201720172017 21428 D21428 D21428 D21428 Dewdney Trunk Roadewdney Trunk Roadewdney Trunk Roadewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently were granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of this application is to designate all three subject properties, 21428, 21460 and 21472 Dewdney Trunk Road as Institutional for cemetery use and to rezone 21428 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit the expansion of the Maple Ridge Cemetery. Council granted first reading to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 and for Zone Amending Bylaw No 7360-2017 on July 25, 2017. Council granted second reading to these two bylaws on November 28, 2017. This application was presented at Public Hearing on January 23, 2018, and Council granted third reading on January 30, 2018. The applicant has met Council’s requirements for this OCP re-designation and rezoning application. Therefore, it is recommended that these OCP and Zone Amending Bylaws be adopted. RECOMMENDATION:RECOMMENDATION:RECOMMENDATION:RECOMMENDATION: That That That That Official Community Plan Amending Official Community Plan Amending Official Community Plan Amending Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw No. . . . 7357735773577357----2017201720172017 be adopted; andbe adopted; andbe adopted; andbe adopted; and That That That That Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. 7360736073607360----2017201720172017 be adopted. be adopted. be adopted. be adopted. DISCUSSION:DISCUSSION:DISCUSSION:DISCUSSION: a)a)a)a) Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on January 23, 2018. On January 30, 2018 Council granted third reading to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed prior to final reading: 1) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; 2) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "B"; and 1001 - 2 - 3) Road dedication on Dewdney Trunk Road as required. The following applies to the above: 1) Approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw 7360-2017 was granted by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on February 8, 2018 pursuant to Section 52(3)(a) of the Transportation Act. 2) Official Community Plan Schedule "B" will be amended with final approval of these bylaws; 3) Road dedication on Dewdney Trunk Road has been provided. CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council’s conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017. “Original signed by Chee Chan” _______________________________________________ Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by:::: Chee Chee Chee Chee ChanChanChanChan, MUP, MCIP, RPP, BSc, MUP, MCIP, RPP, BSc, MUP, MCIP, RPP, BSc, MUP, MCIP, RPP, BSc Planner 1Planner 1Planner 1Planner 1 “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved byApproved byApproved byApproved by:::: Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.PPPPLLLL, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, RPP, RPP, RPP, RPP Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: GM: GM: GM: Public Works & Development ServicesPublic Works & Development ServicesPublic Works & Development ServicesPublic Works & Development Services “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017 Appendix C – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017 Appendix D – Proposed Site Plan DATE: Jul 20, 2017 FILE: 2017-281-CP 21428/60/72 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD City of PittMeadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHERRINGTON PLACE GLENWOOD ASHBURY CRT. McINTYRE CT. GLENWOOD AVE.HOOD ST.DONOVAN AVE. AVE. CHERRINGTON AVE. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD HOOD ST.CHERRINGTON ROAD 214 ST.21589215112155911890 21568 2154421526118792158711895 215 6 0 12028 2148111944 2153811935/37 1 1 8 7 521366 118802152012036215492134521558214092155521595215512158221583120 8 5 215171207111964 2138712042214922147212079 1187711892 2156421501 2155011891 21593215221 1 8 7 1 2 1 5 5 6 2155811939 2157911954 21369215171 2 0 8 9 21569215101207521539215071 1 8 7 32135812067 2150421591215442133812032 21 5 7 9 2 1 5 7 5 215482135911940/76 1187811889213862153011940 2146012077 2152011947 215672142811934 214972151412083 2153921410 215002152811959 2 1 5 5 221542 215452 1 5 7 721363 215501204821516214672 1 5 7 321378 215282156421525118832153111931 12083 11881213902157412063 215252158512093 2151412081 215262133912059118851188721387215002153611967 120441 2 0 8 7 11882214862145321491118932152021416SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC APPENDIX A CITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. 7357735773577357----2017201720172017 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 _______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREASWHEREASWHEREASWHEREAS,,,, Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREASAND WHEREASAND WHEREASAND WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7357-2017." 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 District Lot 247 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8050 Lot 3 District Lot 247 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8050 Lot 4 District Lot 247 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8050 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 951, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated/amended as shown. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ READ READ READ a first time the 25th day of July, 2017. READREADREADREAD a second time the 28th day of November, 2017. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING held the 23rd day of January, 2018. READ READ READ READ a third time the 30th day of January, 2018. ADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTED the day of , 20 . ______________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX B 1001.1 CHERRINGTON PLACE GLENWOOD ASHBURY CRT. McINTYRE CT.HOOD ST.GLENWOOD AVE. DONOVAN AVE. AVE. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD HOOD ST.ROAD 214 ST.215112155911890 21568 215442152611879215 6 0 11895 12028 2148111944 2153811935/37 1 1 8 7 521366 1188021520120362154921345215582140921555215512158221583120 8 5 215171207111964 2138712042214922147212079 1187711892 2156421501 2155011891215221 1 8 7 1 2 1 5 5 6 2155811939 2157911954 21369215171 2 0 8 9 21569215101207521539215071 1 8 7 32135812067 21504215442133812032 215482135911940/76 1187811889213862153011940 2146012077 2152011947 215672142811934 214972151412083 2153921410 215002152811959 2 1 5 5 221542 21545213632155012048215162146721378215282156421525118832153111931 12083 11881213902157412063 215252151412081 215262133912059118851188721387215002153611967 120441 2 0 8 7 118822148621453214911189321520214161 240 3 Rem 622 249 14 12 25 4 16 19 4 24 1 265 27 1 20 A 246 729 1 203 237 19 W PTN. of 13 714 5 262 "A" 252 253 Pcl.1 242 8 12 2644 2 1 5115 23 1 254 54 41 15 1 3 114 245 12 117 1813 20 8 10 7 244 21 8 B 25 2 26 247 319 23 10 2 9 22 119 17 B 238 REM 26 A 64 5 A 250 10 1 2633 A 13 13 6 11 7 243 241 2 266 3 1 2C 16 1 Rem 9 4 15 Rem 8 11 17Rem M9 6 J 15 15 1B 126 22 8 248 9 2 118 125 1 116 8 45 14 124 1 16 24 Rem 2 6 1 Rem A 21 28 18 A 5 2 251 3 118 2 2 16 P 9007 P 68447 BCP 23937 LMS 1743 RP 9535 RP 8035P 8981BCP 15387P 14984P 8050 P 37707 P 72680 P 8981P 72382 EPP 52741 P 29311 P 32497 EP 15205 P 2819 P 39885 P 28751 LMP 17475NWS 3157 P 17075P 60776 P 60182 P 39885 NWS 23 P 692P 57980BCP 23935 P 12157 LMP 11311 *PP 168P 8050 P 14367P 57980 P 53446P 8981 P 39970 P 57980 P 67960P 8920P 8981P 43383P 72707 EP 13421 P 81879 LMS 1769P 67960P 78718NWS 1479 P 24576 P 692 P 25353 P 23699 LMP 16052 P 29449 P 23699 P 60776 P 21731 RW 74343LMP 16054EP 67962 RP 78149 RW 12285 BCP 52105LMP 16053EPP 52158 P 60183 EP 57981 BCP 23936 RW 60777LMP 3 2 9 3 3 RW 12285 LMP 31897 EP 58528 EP 60778 RW 74822 RP 77609EP 67961LMP 10702 LMP 17476LMP 20581 EP 22712 LMP 20581 RW 60777 RW 18394 RP 77386 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD ´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: Urban Residential Institutional 7357-2017951 CITYCITYCITYCITY OF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. 7360736073607360----2017201720172017 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREASWHEREASWHEREASWHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7360-2017." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 District Lot 247 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8050 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1721 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to P-6 (Civic Institutional). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ READ READ READ a first time the 25th day of July, 2017. READREADREADREAD a second time the 28th day of November, 2017. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING held the 23rd day of January, 2018. READ READ READ READ a third time the 30th day of January, 2018 APPROVEDAPPROVEDAPPROVEDAPPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure the 8th day of February, 2018. ADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTED the day of , 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C 1001.2 CHERRINGTON PLACE GLENWOOD ASHBURY CRT. McINTYRE CT.HOOD ST.GLENWOOD AVE. DONOVAN AVE. AVE. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD HOOD ST.ROAD 214 ST.215112155911890 21568 21544215261187921560 11895 12028 2148111944 2153811935/37 1 1 8 7 521366 118802152012036215492134521558214092155521551215822158312085 215171207111964 2138712042214922147212079 1187711892 2156421501 215501 1 8 9 1215221 1 8 7 1 2 1 5 5 6 2155811939 2157911954 21369215171 2 0 8 9 21569215101207521539215071 1 8 7 32135812067 2150421544213381 2 0 3 2 215482135911940/76 1187811889213862153011940 2146012077 2152011947 215672142811934 214972151412083 2153921410 215002152811959 2 1 5 5 221542 21545213632155012048215162146721378215282156421525118832153111931 12083 11881213902157412063 21525215141 2 0 8 1 215262133912059118851188721387215002153611967 120441 2 0 8 7 118822148621453214911 1 8 9 321520214161 240 3 Rem 622 249 14 12 25 4 16 19 4 24 1 265 27 1 20 A 246 729 1 203 237 19 W PTN. of 13 714 5 262 "A" 252 253 Pcl.1 242 8 12 2644 2 1 5115 23 1 254 54 41 15 1 3 114 245 12 117 1813 20 8 10 7 244 21 8 B 25 2 26 247 319 23 10 2 9 22 119 17 B 238 REM 26 A 64 5 A 250 10 1 2633 A 13 13 6 11 7 243 241 2 266 3 1 2C 16 1 Rem 9 4 15 Rem 8 11 17Rem M9 6 J 15 15 1B 126 22 8 248 9 2 118 125 1 116 8 45 14 124 1 16 24 Rem 2 6 1 Rem A 21 28 18 A 5 2 251 3 118 2 2 16 P 9007 P 68447 BCP 23937 LMS 1743 RP 9535 RP 8035P 8981BCP 15387P 14984P 8050 P 37707 P 72680 P 8981P 72382 EPP 52741 P 29311 P 32497 EP 15205 P 2819 P 39885 P 28751 LMP 17475NWS 3157 P 17075P 60776 P 60182 P 39885 NWS 23 P 692P 57980BCP 23935 P 12157 LMP 11311 *PP 168P 8050 P 14367P 57980 P 53446P 8981 P 39970 P 57980 P 67960P 8920P 8981P 43383P 72707 EP 13421 P 81879 LMS 1769P 67960P 78718NWS 1479 P 24576 P 692 P 25353 P 23699 LMP 16052 P 29449 P 23699 P 60776 P 21731 RW 74343LMP 16054EP 67962 RP 78149 RW 12285 BCP 52105LMP 16053EPP 52158 P 60183 E P 5 7 9 8 1 BCP 23936 RW 60777LMP 32933 RW 12285 LMP 31897 EP 58528 EP 60778 RW 74822 RP 77609EP 67961LMP 10702 LMP 17476LMP 20581 EP 22712 LMP 20581 RW 60777 RW 18394 RP 77386 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD ´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-1 (One Family Urban residential) P-6 (Civic Institutional) 7360-20171721 APPENDIX D City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2017-291-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Final Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 24093 and 24137 104 Avenue and PID 009-437-061 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7369-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 for the subject properties, located at 24093 and 24137 104 Avenue and Parcel Identifier (PID) 009-437- 061, have been considered by Council; Public Hearing was held and subsequently the above mentioned Bylaws were granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit two P-1 (Park and School) zoned lots for the construction of a new School District-owned Elementary School and City-owned Community Centre. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369- 2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 on October 24, 2017. This application was presented at Public Hearing on November 21, 2017, and Council granted third reading on November 28, 2017. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 be adopted; and 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on November 21, 2017. On November 28, 2017 Council granted third reading to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017, with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii)Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule “C”; 1002 -2 - iii)Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways and trails; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; iv) Consolidation of the subject properties; v)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vi) Registration of a Reciprocal Statutory Right-of-Way Agreement for shared parking; vii) Registration of a Reciprocal Cross Access Easement Agreement; viii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection; ix)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; x)Submission of a Traffic Impact Study Report and approval of the report from the Engineering Department; xi)Removal of existing buildings; xii)A Water Supply Operating Permit from Fraser Health will be required for any water supply system serving everything other than a single family dwelling; xiii)A Professional Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided; and xiv) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. The following applies to the above: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the security deposit has been submitted for registration on title, as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor; ii)Schedules and Figures will be amended upon adoption of the relevant bylaws; iii)Park dedication has been submitted for registration on title, as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor; iv) Consolidation of the subject properties is no longer required, as the registration of the Subdivision Plan prior to rezoning will create two new lots, the School District-owned Elementary School and future City-owned Community Centre, as well as the Conservation area dedicated to the City around the tributary to Spencer Creek; (see Appendix E); v)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report has been submitted for registration on title as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor; vi) Registration of a Reciprocal Statutory Right-of-Way Agreement for shared parking is not required as a condition of rezoning, and will be captured in a separate agreement between the School District and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department; vii) Registration of a Reciprocal Cross Access Easement for servicing has been submitted for registration on title as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor; -3 - viii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection is no longer required, as the trees to be retained onsite are within a protected Conservation area; ix)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management has been submitted for registration on title as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor; x)Traffic Impact Study Report has been submitted and approved; xi)Existing buildings on the subject properties have been removed; xii)A Water Supply Operating Permit is deemed outdated and no longer required; xiii)A Professional Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes has been provided; xiv) A disclosure statement, dated April 11, 2016, indicates that no underground fuel storage tanks exist on the subject properties; and xv) It was later identified that an additional condition was required for an Access Easement Agreement to allow the future Community Centre access to their site via the School District property. This Access Easement has been submitted for registration on title as per the ‘Letter of Undertaking’ by the solicitor. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council’s conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364- 2017. “Original signed by Adam Rieu” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Paul Gill” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7369-2017 Appendix C – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017 Appendix D – Site Plan Appendix E – Subdivision Plan DATE: Jul 5, 2017 2017-291-RZ 24093/24137 104 Avenue 009-437-061 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: JV Legend Stream Indefinite Creek River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7369-2017 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 ___________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, and Schedule “C” of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7369-2017 2.Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 4 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 9 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14750 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 952, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended as shown. 3.Schedule “C” is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 4 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 9 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14750 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 963, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adjusting the Conservation boundary. APPENDIX B 1002.1 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24th day of October, 2017. READ a second time the 24th day of October, 2017. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of November, 2017. READ a third time the 28th day of November, 2017. ADOPTED the day of , 20 . _____________________________________ _____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 242B ST.104 AVE.240 ST.103A AVE.240A ST.10325 10349 2417924188242161052810319 241922420024172241831055524022103751052524154242252420810352 2424024185241562417710366 10420 10313 24222242042421910543241962419024178105522398624093241891054910386 1053124186241952 4 2 3 824169 10316 10525 2421324166242612408624212240611035524028 2417024202241082421810534241642417610456 1053724206242092418924201242202422610343 240602 4 2 3 0 10328 2 4 2 1 2 2413724273 10310 24180242302416024232241482428010337 24027105462417110332 2414210322 242071034010389 1054010346 10331 10358 241962422524238B PARK 107 12 25 96 8 15 6 10 18 7 14 26 106 111 C 9 105 4 292427 A 110 PARK 137 A 8K 95 139 108 31 5 16 13 15 A PARK2 14 6 20 12 Rem. Pcl. A 99 13 101 32 1 2 15 PARK 28 9 94 10 14 6 102 4 17 38 4 141 23 5 30 1 1 3 16 104 93 100 138 7 B 97 7 7 33 36 17 3 109 22 3 2 9 PARK 98 11 PARK A 18 21 PARK Rem 7 8 Rem D 5 PARK 6 11 142 34 103 19 LMP 48057 (EPS 2387) BCP 8155 LMP 51537 BCP 438 BCP 9309 P 21769 P 10921 BCP 36407BCP 438BCP 35192 LMP 41823 BCP 4 3 8 P 14750 (EPS 763) EPP 45286 EPP 49494 LMP 35918 EPP 45286 BCP 8 1 5 3 BCP 35192 P 13554 P 10921 P 66684 1 BCP 8 1 5 3 P 22743 P 11176 NWP7139 BCP 1010P 14864BA K E R P L A C E P 20434 BCP 8153 P 13554 BCP 49334 P 10921 P 14750 P 41519 LMP 51539 EPP 59457 LMP 4 18 2 3 BCP 35253EP 51519RW 66539 EPP 60758 LM P 5 1 5 3 9 RW 66539 LMP 39369BCP 36408EPP 49495RW 66539 EPP 59458 EPP 471 3 9 EPP 45287 LMP 39314BCP 35252 240 ST.´ SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:From: To: To Amend Albion Area Plan Schedule 1Medium Density Residential and Institutional Institutional Conservation 7369-2017952 242B ST.104 AVE.240 ST.103A AVE.240A ST.10325 10349 2417924188242161052810319 241922420024172241831055524022103751052524154242252420810352 2424024185241562417710366 10420 10313 24222242042421910543241962419024178105522398624093241891054910386 1053124186241952 4 2 3 824169 10316 10525 2421324166242612408624212240611035524028 2417024202241082421810534241642417610456 1053724206242092418924201242202422610343 240602 4 2 3 0 10328 2 4 2 1 2 2413724273 10310 24180242302416024232241482428010337 24027105462417110332 2414210322 242071034010389 1054010346 10331 10358 241962422524238B PARK 107 12 25 96 8 15 6 10 18 7 14 26 106 111 C 9 105 4 292427 A 110 PARK 137 A 8K 95 139 108 31 5 16 13 15 A PARK2 14 6 20 12 Rem. Pcl. A 99 13 101 32 1 2 15 PARK 28 9 94 10 14 6 102 4 17 38 4 141 23 5 30 1 1 3 16 104 93 100 138 7 B 97 7 7 33 36 17 3 109 22 3 2 9 PARK 98 11 PARK A 18 21 PARK Rem 7 8 Rem D 5 PARK 6 11 142 34 103 19 LMP 48057 (EPS 2387) BCP 8155 LMP 51537 BCP 438 BCP 9309 P 21769 P 10921 BCP 36407BCP 438BCP 35192 LMP 41823 BCP 4 3 8 P 14750 (EPS 763) EPP 45286 EPP 49494 LMP 35918 EPP 45286 BCP 8 1 5 3 BCP 35192 P 13554 P 10921 P 66684 1 BCP 8 1 5 3 P 22743 P 11176 NWP7139 BCP 1010P 14864BA K E R P L A C E P 20434 BCP 8153 P 13554 BCP 49334 P 10921 P 14750 P 41519 LMP 51539 EPP 59457 LMP 4 18 2 3 BCP 35253EP 51519RW 66539 EPP 60758 LM P 5 1 5 3 9 RW 66539 LMP 39369BCP 36408EPP 49495RW 66539 EPP 59458 EPP 471 3 9 EPP 45287 LMP 39314BCP 35252 240 ST.´ SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:To Amend Schedule C as shown To Add to Conservation 7369-2017963 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7364-2017 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7364-2017." 2.That PART 2 INTERPRETATION, ASSEMBLY USE definition is amended by replacing with the following: a use providing for the assembly of persons for charitable, philanthropic, cultural, entertainment uses, public transportation depots, or private educational purposes; includes auditoriums, youth centres, social halls, community centres, group camps, theatres, private schools, kindergartens, and child care centres. 3. Those parcel (s) or tract (s) of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 4 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921 Lot 9 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14750 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1725 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to P-1 (Park and School). 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24th day of October, 2017. READ a second time the 24th day of October, 2017. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of November, 2017. READ a third time the 28th day of November, 2017. ADOPTED the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C 1002.2 242B ST.104 AVE.240 ST.103A AVE.240A ST.10325 10349 2417924188242161052810319 241922420024172241831055524022103751052524154242252420810352 2424024185241562417710366 10420 10313 24222242042421910543241962419024178105522398624093241891054910386 1053124186241952 4 2 3 824169 10316 10525 2421324166242612408624212240611035524028 2417024202241082421810534241642417610456 1053724206242092418924201242202422610343 240602 4 2 3 0 10328 2 4 2 1 2 2413724273 10310 24180242302416024232241482428010337 24027105462417110332 2414210322 242071034010389 1054010346 10331 10358 241962422524238B PARK 107 12 25 96 8 15 6 10 18 7 14 26 106 111 C 9 105 4 292427 A 110 PARK 137 A 8K 95 139 108 31 5 16 13 15 A PARK2 14 6 20 12 Rem. Pcl. A 99 13 101 32 1 2 15 PARK 28 9 94 10 14 6 102 4 17 38 4 141 23 5 30 1 1 3 16 104 93 100 138 7 B 97 7 7 33 36 17 3 109 22 3 2 9 PARK 98 11 PARK A 18 21 PARK Rem 7 8 Rem D 5 PARK 6 11 142 34 103 19 LMP 48057 (EPS 2387) BCP 8155 LMP 51537 BCP 438 BCP 9309 P 21769 P 10921 BCP 36407BCP 438BCP 35192 LMP 41823 BCP 4 3 8 P 14750 (EPS 763) EPP 45286 EPP 49494 LMP 35918 EPP 45286 BCP 8 1 5 3 BCP 35192 P 13554 P 10921 P 66684 1 BCP 8 1 5 3 P 22743 P 11176 NWP7139 BCP 1010P 14864BA K E R P L A C E P 20434 BCP 8153 P 13554 BCP 49334 P 10921 P 14750 P 41519 LMP 51539 EPP 59457 LMP 4 18 2 3 BCP 35253EP 51519RW 66539 EPP 60758 LM P 5 1 5 3 9 RW 66539 LMP 39369BCP 36408EPP 49495RW 66539 EPP 59458 EPP 471 3 9 EPP 45287 LMP 39314BCP 35252 240 ST.104 AVE. ´ SCALE 1:3,000 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential)P-1 (Park and School) 7364-20171725 APPENDIX D APPENDIX E Page 1 of 2 City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7426-2018 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 WHEREAS the Council of The City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1.This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7426-2018 2.Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting the words Maple Ridge Water Shortage Response Plan Bylaw No. 6307-2005 from Schedule 1 and replacing them with Maple Ridge Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw No. 7425-2018 3.Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting Schedule 28 in its entirety and replacing it with: Schedule 28 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Maple Ridge Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw No. 7425-2018 Section Fine No automatic shut off device 6.1 $250.00 Unnecessary water run off 6.2 $250.00 Water artificial turf 6.3 $250.00 Hose run unnecessarily 6.4 $250.00 Faulty irrigation system 6.5 $250.00 Unauthorized Watering Schedule 1, Part 1 $250.00 Unauthorized Watering Schedule 1, Part 2 $500.00 Unauthorized Watering Schedule 1, Part 3 $750.00 Unauthorized Watering Schedule 1, Part 4 $1000.00 1003 Page 2 of 2 READ A FIRST TIME the 27th day of March, 2018. READ A SECOND TIME the 27th day of March, 2018. READ A THIRD TIME the 27th day of March, 2018. ADOPTED the ____ day of ______________, 2018. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1100 Reports and Recommendations 1100 City of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple Ridge TO:TO:TO:TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING DATE:DATE:DATE:DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2018-012-RZ FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Council SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: First ReadingFirst ReadingFirst ReadingFirst Reading Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No. 7432743274327432----2018201820182018 23795 and23795 and23795 and23795 and 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road23831 Dewdney Trunk Road23831 Dewdney Trunk Road23831 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 23795 and 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road, from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), for future development of approximately 29 units. The property located at 23795 Dewdney Trunk Road is a remnant parcel in the Agricultural Land Reserve that has been identified as a property that the Agricultural Land Commission would support excluding from the Agricultural Land Reserve. An Agricultural Land Reserve Exclusion application is accompanying this development application. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution charge of approximately $118,900.00 ($4,100 per new townhouse dwelling unit created). RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7432743274327432----2018201820182018 bbbbe given first reading; e given first reading; e given first reading; e given first reading; andandandand That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules C, D, and EC, D, and EC, D, and EC, D, and E of theof theof theof the Development Procedures BylawDevelopment Procedures BylawDevelopment Procedures BylawDevelopment Procedures Bylaw No. 5879No. 5879No. 5879No. 5879––––1999199919991999.... DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: a)a)a)a) Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:Background Context: Applicant: 1116524 BC Ltd. Legal Descriptions: Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 17000) of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 1734) of the South East Quarter Section 21, Township 12, New Westminster District; and Lot 27, Section 21, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan LMP30403 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 1101 - 2 - Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Designation: Urban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation East: Use: Commercial and Multi-Family Residential Zone: C-2 (Community Commercial) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Commercial and Urban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential (under application for Multi-Family Residential) Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Properties: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Properties: Multi-Family Residential Site Area: 0.68 ha (1.7 acres) Access: Dewdney Trunk Road Servicing requirement: Urban Standard b)b)b)b) Site Characteristics:Site Characteristics:Site Characteristics:Site Characteristics: The subject properties are located mid-block on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road between 237 Street and 238B Street, at 23795 and 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices A and B). The properties are relatively flat and are currently occupied by single family dwellings. c)c)c)c) Project Description:Project Description:Project Description:Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to allow for a townhouse development of approximately 29 units. This proposal and site layout is consistent with the development application to the west, which is proposing approximately 41 townhouse units. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. dddd)))) Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis: Official Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community Plan:::: The subject properties are designated Urban Residential – Major Corridor in the OCP. This designation allows for ground-oriented housing forms such as single detached dwellings, garden suites, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhouses, apartments, or small lot intensive residential, subject to compliance with Major Corridor Residential Infill policies. The proposed development for townhouses is consistent with the OCP designation. - 3 - Zoning BylawZoning BylawZoning BylawZoning Bylaw:::: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) (see Appendix C) to permit a townhouse development of approximately 29 units (see Appendix D). The applicant is proposing front, rear, and interior setback variances. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment Permits:::: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Advisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design Panel:::: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment Information MeetingInformation MeetingInformation MeetingInformation Meeting:::: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading, the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e)e)e)e) Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Implications:Implications:Implications:Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) School District; f) Agricultural Land Commission; and g) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. - 4 - f)f)f)f) Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications: The property located at 23795 Dewdney Trunk Road is a remnant parcel in the Agricultural Land Reserve that has been identified as a property that the Agricultural Land Commission would support excluding from the Agricultural Land Reserve. An Agricultural Land Reserve Exclusion application is accompanying this development application. The property is designated General Urban in Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy. g)g)g)g) Development Applications:Development Applications:Development Applications:Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879–1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E); The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. “Original signed by Michelle Baski” _______________________________________________ Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by: : : : Michelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle Baski, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA Planner 2Planner 2Planner 2Planner 2 “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.PPPPLLLL, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, RPP, RPP, RPP, RPP Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P. EngEngEngEng GM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7432-2018 Appendix D – Proposed Site Plan DATE: Jan 16, 2018 2018-012-RZ 23795 & 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC Legend Stream Indefinite Creek River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A DATE: Jan 16, 2018 2018-012-RZ 23795 & 23831 Dewdney Trunk Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC Legend Stream River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX B CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7432-2018 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7432-2018." 2.That parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 27 Section 21 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP30403 Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 17000) Of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 1734) of the South East Quarter Section 21 Township 12 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1750 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). 3.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C 238A ST.237 ST.119B AVE.238A ST.37A ST.120A LANE 238B ST.238B ST.237 ST.11 9B AVE.237A ST.DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. 120B AVE.237 ST.238 ST.119A AVE. 120B AVE.238B ST.119B AVE. LANE 237A ST.11991 12085 11907 12071 11977 2389923730238949211949 23795238892381012102 11926 1197023838 119272368211953236832381812080 12070 11917 11938 2388911987 2383011959 11939 11965 2375012099 23912238952369811918 12069 1207 3 238082369723780238002381511931 11928 11911 1196012078 2390612055 0023716237882379123675236941 1 9 0 823729 239182373511941 11920 1193023765 11915 2389011942 2385012087 2386711988 237941209811971 11937 238431197823671 23831238822377 5 238312372011918 120822377011917 237456012075 11915 12 0 7 9 2373011921 2 3 7 7 0 11950 12094 23926237002389111995 11957 23750238882374598238252380712090 4023780 11908 2374023864237602370823855119832383112073 11909 2389711943 02389511 932 23755237101197923679 1208311 9 0 42368723760 2802371211923 11949 12005 12057 11940 11929 238231198023840 2389411967 238202374012074 11954 11930 12077 1196623702 238812369111931 119 14 12 5 6 17 5 E 20 23 15 11 22 9 19 3 2 21 14 7 6 7 29 1 20 15 4 20 10 9 2 19 27 18 2 7 13 18 9 2 12 18 15 20 3 2 10 4 4 13 26 1/2 4 10 2 14 5 30 16 4 10 Rem A 6 1 9 11 9 13 14 2 10 80.7' 17 12 16 11 16 18 20 1 17 21 6 2 2 1 Rem 13 B 3 12 9 4 25 2 5 7 11 of 8 14 3 18 7 15 1 17 19 14 16 24 7 16 10 22 17 16 1 24215 19 W 11 21 1 28 3 23 8 6 19 25 22 7 1 Rem Pcl. 2 of Pcl. A 26 17 8 8 15 27 Rem 1 3 8 Rem Pcl. 'A' 15 8 3 6 5 4 3PcL 111 P 76536 25296EPP 7256 LMP 1144P 72572LMP 39851 *LMP10227LMP 39851P 5812P 76536P 85134P 72572 9713 BCP 21769 EPP 725LMP 39851LMP 30403LMP 30403 P 72572EPLMP 25296 LMP 25296P 85134LMP 30403BCS 3574 LMP 806 LMP 1641P 8513415903 25296P 85134 LMP 30403 P 7653672LMP 30402 LMP 25296EP 1734 P 72572 P 76536EP 17000LMP 30403 LMP 3166 LMP 39850 LMP 27920 RW 72574LMP 30401LMP 30401EP 76537B.C. TELEPHONE CO. LMP 30404 LMP 4613 BCP 19841 LMP 16374 RW 72573 BCP 21771LMP 9545 LMP 3333BCP 971463 LMP 25297BCP 21770 RW 725734 LMP 1145 LMP 9546 RP 86679 LMP 1642EP 7622825297RW 28408 RW 72574RP 8 ´ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 7432-2018 1750 SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX D City of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple Ridge TO:TO:TO:TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING DATE:DATE:DATE:DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2018-084-RZ FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Council SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: First ReadingFirst ReadingFirst ReadingFirst Reading Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Zone Amending Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No. 7449744974497449----2018201820182018 22108221082210822108, , , , 22118221182211822118, , , , 22126221262212622126, , , , 22136221362213622136, , , , 22146221462214622146, , , , 22154221542215422154, and , and , and , and 22164 Lougheed Highway22164 Lougheed Highway22164 Lougheed Highway22164 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 22108, 22118, 22126, 22136, 22146, 22154, and 22164 Lougheed Highway, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for a four to five storey apartment buiding with approximately 120 to 150 units and underground parking. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution charge of approximately $3,100 per apartment dwelling unit created. RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7449744974497449----2018201820182018 bbbbe given first reading; ande given first reading; ande given first reading; ande given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules C and DC and DC and DC and D of theof theof theof the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879––––1999199919991999.... DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: a)a)a)a) Background Background Background Background Context:Context:Context:Context: Applicant: R. Acharya, Land Vision Solutions Inc. Legal Descriptions: Lots 4 through 10, District Lot 397, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 8614 OCP: Existing: Low Rise Apartment Proposed: Low Rise Apartment Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Church Zone: P-4 (Place of Worship) Designation: Institutional 1102 - 2 - South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Single Family Residential East: Use: Salvation Army Caring Place Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Properties: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential Combined Site Area: 0.57 ha (1.4 acres) Access: Lane south of Lougheed Highway Servicing requirement: Urban Standard b)b)b)b) Site Site Site Site Characteristics:Characteristics:Characteristics:Characteristics: The seven subject properties, located at 22108, 22118, 22126, 22136, 22146, 22154, and 22164 Lougheed Highway, are located on the south side of Lougheed Highway, between 221 Street and the Haney Bypass. The properties are relatively flat and are currently occupied by single family residences (see Appendices A and B). c)c)c)c) Project Description:Project Description:Project Description:Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the seven subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for a four to five storey apartment buiding with approximately 120 to 150 units and underground parking. The applicant is proposing a mix of studio, one bedroom and two bedroom units. A variance would be required to the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone to allow for a five storey apartment building; however, the applicant has not yet determined the design of the building and if they will be seeking this variance or not. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. dddd)))) Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis:Planning Analysis: Official Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community Plan:::: The subject properties are located at the western edge of the South of Lougheed (SOLO) precinct in the Town Centre Area Plan and are currently designated Low Rise Apartment. This designation is intended for development in a three to five storey apartment form where units are accessed from an internal corridor and residential parking is provided underground. - 3 - The following OCP policies would also apply to this rezoning application: 3-31 Maple Ridge supports the provision of rental accommodation and encourages the construction of rental units that vary in size and number of bedrooms. 3-32 Maple Ridge supports the provision of affordable, rental and special needs housing throughout the District. 3-33 Maple Ridge will encourage housing that incorporates “age-in-place” concepts and senior housing designed to accommodate special needs. The applicant has not indicated how they intend to meet the above-referenced policies at this point; however this will be discussed in a future second reading report to Council. Housing Action PlanHousing Action PlanHousing Action PlanHousing Action Plan:::: Maple Ridge’s vision and commitment to towards housing is encompassed in this statement contained in the Maple Ridge Housing Action Plan (MRHAP): "Access to safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community is a priority.” The current application will provide approximately 120-150 new apartments in the Town Centre; however, it does not improve the diversity or choice of market rate, owner-occupied residential units as it only offers one and two bedroom units. As mentioned previously, it also does not address the need for rental, affordable, special needs or age-in place housing at this time, which have been fulfilled by other recent applications around the Town Centre Area. Zoning BylawZoning BylawZoning BylawZoning Bylaw:::: The applicant is proposing to rezone the seven subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) (see Appendix C) to allow for a four to five storey apartment buiding with approximately 120 to 150 units and underground parking (see Appendix D). The applicant is proposing a mix of studio, one bedroom and two bedroom units. The minimum lot size for the proposed RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone is 0.13 ha (0.3 acres) and the proposed consolidated lot area is approximately 0.57 ha (1.4 acres). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment Permits:::: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit for the South of Lougheed precinct is required for all multi-family residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. - 4 - Advisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design Panel:::: A Town Centre Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information Meeting:::: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e)e)e)e) Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) School District; f) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and g) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f)f)f)f) Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications:Intergovernmental Implications: The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has a Haney Bypass Intersection Improvement Project underway. This development application will be referred to MOTI after first reading to determine if they have any concerns or requirements that will impact the proposed development. MOTI will need to approve of Zoning Bylaw No. 7449-2018 prior to the bylaw obtaining final reading. g)g)g)g) Development Applications:Development Applications:Development Applications:Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed, the following information must be provided as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879–1999, as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); and 2. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D). The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. - 5 - CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. “Original signed by Michelle Baski” _______________________________________________ Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by: : : : Michelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle Baski, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA PlaPlaPlaPlanner 2nner 2nner 2nner 2 “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.PPPPLLLL, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, RPP, RPP, RPP, RPP Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P. EngEngEngEng.... GM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CCCConcurrence:oncurrence:oncurrence:oncurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7449-2018 Appendix D – Proposed Site Plan DATE: Mar 8, 2018 2018-084-RZ 22108 - 22164 Lougheed Hwy City of PittMeadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R . ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: JV APPENDIX A DATE: Mar 8, 2018 2018-084-RZ 22108 - 22164 Lougheed Hwy City of PittMeadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R . ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: JV APPENDIX B CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7449-2018 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7449-2018." 2.Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 5 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 6 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 7 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 8 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 9 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 Lot 10 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8614 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1756 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C DRI F TWOOD DR . LOUGHEED HWY. H A N E Y B Y P A S S221 ST.LIGHTHOUSE CRT.BROOKMERE222 ST.CRT.SELKIRK AVE. CLIFF AVE. 117632202222066 2224122136221912205322188221272203222057220462204422222221272218322173220722224511743221471 1 7 2 9 1175111850 2203322108221551 1 7 7 722004220302206322071 221752207611868 1175511851 22213220882202011758 11814 117 0 92205711741 222192213722165221262 2 0 9 0 11901 2223811875 11783 11717 22155221552212711910 222391 1 7 7 12211811888 221461172722035 222342201222050221172202311759 2206522073220562204311665/11667 1186722167 22043221182202322230117352201522045222512212211713117 2 322023 117152211922057 117 6 3 11721 2197622034 22040117 0 5221471173 3 2213722116221642222211747220202205611841 220782196811719222541 1 7 3 9 2219011887 22154117672197222031 2207022136219642208311874 A 18 4 Rem 169 199 910 13 Rem 7 A 47 2 45 186 36 31 31 37 27 1 15 198 32 86 14 40 32 191 73 51 31195 21 53 6 11 181 204 35 48 A 29 18 8 34 46 85 55 14 2 68 28 43 29 179 194 Park 48 30 177 50 34 84 B Rem 188 Rem A 21 Rem 12 42 1 205 3 192 196 32 176 Rem 74 33 Rem Rem 39 6919 207 38 5 178 Rem 38 52 61 26 46 6 50 20 17 16 ' Rem 33 39 56 16 45 22 203 37 30 171 242 180 B 5 18975 13 44 28 193 168 5 ' 1 1 22 47 A A 25 187 17 A 7 15 Rem 35 66 49 67 12 8 41 173 197 206 202 Rem 190 49 11 29 174 4 40 54 P 69427 P 52495 P 74121 P 67821 LMP 33699 P 69427 P 9388P 63822P 9218 P 155P 11251 LMP 39714P 11251 P 11251 P 6 0 0 7 1 P 69427 P 69427 *LMP10226 P 14049 BCS 2550 P 14049 P 6808 P 46 5 6 4 P 8614 P 37074NWS 2611P 76483 LMS 3814P 72557LMP 39631 NWS 2948 *LMP 43508 NWS 2762 P 78577 P 47796 P 14891 P 69427 LMS 3234P 9218 P 9218 P 68759 P 62478 (P 11251) P 30365 P 25970P 25783 P 6808 P 11251 P 11251 *PP072 P 8614 P 61550 P 69427 P 9218 P 6808 P 9218 L M P 1 7 2 2 0 EP 81642 EP 67823 EP 69426 E P 6 0 0 7 2 BCP 32783 (lease) BCP 5928 (lease)EP 69426E P 4 6 5 6 5 LMP 30988 BCP 23824LMP 48604 EP 69426 LMP 30558EP 67822 LOUGHEED HWY. ´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) 7449-20181756 APPENDIX D - 1 - CityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge TO:TO:TO:TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING DATE:DATE:DATE:DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2016-055-RZ FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Council SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: FirstFirstFirstFirst and Second and Second and Second and Second ReadingReadingReadingReading OfOfOfOfficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending ficial Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw NoBylaw No. . . . 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 Second ReadingSecond ReadingSecond ReadingSecond Reading Zone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw NoZone Amending Bylaw No. . . . 7238723872387238----2016201620162016 23183 136 A23183 136 A23183 136 A23183 136 Avevevevenuenuenuenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 23183 136 Avenue, from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit the future development of approximately 54 townhouse units. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238- 2016 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment on April 26, 2016. The proposed development has since been amended to include the northern property, which is now consolidated with the original two properties that had received first reading in 2016. The proposed development is in compliance with the policies of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the OCP. Ground-truthing on the site has established the developable areas, and as a result, an OCP amendment is required to revise the Conservation boundaries of the site. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit, for an estimated amount of $221,400.00. A text amendment to Section 602 of the Zoning Bylaw is proposed to allow a Floor Space Ratio of 0.63. In exchange for the additional density, the applicant is proposing to pay $3,100 per unit, which is consistent with the Albion Density Bonus contribution rate, but would be applying the rate to the Silver Valley Area Plan, which has not been done before. This density bonus contribution of $3,100.00 per unit, for an estimated amount of $167,400.00, is in addition to the Community Amenity Contribution. RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS:RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)1)1)1) That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section That, in accordance with Section 475475475475 of the of the of the of the Local Government Act,Local Government Act,Local Government Act,Local Government Act, opportunity for early andopportunity for early andopportunity for early andopportunity for early and onononon----going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amendinggoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amendinggoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amendinggoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 on the municipal website and on the municipal website and on the municipal website and on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host arequiring that the applicant host arequiring that the applicant host arequiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide anyDevelopment Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide anyDevelopment Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide anyDevelopment Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw;further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2)2)2)2) That Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan AmendinThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. g Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 be considered in conjunction withbe considered in conjunction withbe considered in conjunction withbe considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1103 - 2 - 3)3)3)3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 is consistentis consistentis consistentis consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;Management Plan;Management Plan;Management Plan; 4)4)4)4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw NoThat Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. . . . 7446744674467446----2018201820182018 be be be be given first and secondgiven first and secondgiven first and secondgiven first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing;readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5)5)5)5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238723872387238----2016201620162016,,,, asasasas amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated amended in the staff report dated April 10,April 10,April 10,April 10, 2018201820182018,,,, be given secondbe given secondbe given secondbe given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6)6)6)6) That the following termsThat the following termsThat the following termsThat the following terms anananand conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading:d conditions be met prior to final reading: i)i)i)i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of theRegistration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of theRegistration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of theRegistration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the deposit of a security, as outlined in the AgreementAgreementAgreementAgreement;;;; ii)ii)ii)ii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A –––– SilverSilverSilverSilver Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 Valley, Figure 2 ---- LLLLand Use Plan, and Use Plan, and Use Plan, and Use Plan, Figure 3A Figure 3A Figure 3A Figure 3A ---- Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, Blaney Hamlet, and and and and Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 ---- Trails/OpenTrails/OpenTrails/OpenTrails/Open Space;Space;Space;Space; iii)iii)iii)iii) Road dedication Road dedication Road dedication Road dedication on on on on 136 Avenue136 Avenue136 Avenue136 Avenue, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue,, 137 Avenue, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, and 232 Street, asasasas required;required;required;required; iv)iv)iv)iv) Park dedicationPark dedicationPark dedicationPark dedication,,,, as required, including construction of as required, including construction of as required, including construction of as required, including construction of multimultimultimulti----purpose trailspurpose trailspurpose trailspurpose trails and removal ofand removal ofand removal ofand removal of all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land;all debris and garbage from park land; v)v)v)v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical ReportRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the, which addresses the, which addresses the, which addresses the suitabilisuitabilisuitabilisuitability of the subject property ty of the subject property ty of the subject property ty of the subject property for the proposed development;for the proposed development;for the proposed development;for the proposed development; vi)vi)vi)vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii)vii)vii)vii) RegistratioRegistratioRegistratioRegistration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;n of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; viii)viii)viii)viii) Removal of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildingRemoval of existing buildings;s;s;s; ix)ix)ix)ix) A ProfessionalA ProfessionalA ProfessionalA Professional Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fireEngineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fireEngineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fireEngineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided;protection purposes can be provided; x)x)x)x) In addition to the site pIn addition to the site pIn addition to the site pIn addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professionalrofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professionalrofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professionalrofile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence oEngineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage taf underground fuel storage tanks on thenks on thenks on thenks on the subject propertysubject propertysubject propertysubject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site.subject property is not a contaminated site. xi)xi)xi)xi) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $$$$167167167167,400.00,400.00,400.00,400.00 ($3,100($3,100($3,100($3,100/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in exchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; andexchange for the additional density for this proposal; and xii)xii)xii)xii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $$$$221,400.00221,400.00221,400.00221,400.00 ($4,100($4,100($4,100($4,100/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Ckeeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions.ommunity Amenity Contributions. - 3 - DISCUSSIONDISCUSSIONDISCUSSIONDISCUSSION:::: 1)1)1)1) Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:Background Context: Applicant: D. Laird, Aplin & Martin Consultants Legal Description: Lot 2, Section 32, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan EPP70286 OCP: Existing: Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation, Civic Proposed: Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation Zoning: Existing: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Multi-Family Residential Zone: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Medium/High Density Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential (under application for 5 single family lots) Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Low/Medium Density Residential, Eco Cluster, Conservation East: Use: Multi-Family Residential (under application for street Townhouses and single family lots) Zone: RST-SV (Street Townhouses – Silver Valley) Designation: Medium/High Density Residential, Low Density Urban, Eco Cluster, Conservation, and Open Space West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation: Civic and Conservation Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Townhouses Site Area: 1.4 ha (3.5 acres) Access: 136 Avenue Servicing: Urban Standard Companion Applications: 2016-055-DP/VP, 2016-326-DP, 2016-410-DP 2)2)2)2) Project DescriptionProject DescriptionProject DescriptionProject Description:::: The subject property is located on the northwest corner of 232 Street and 136 Avenue (see Appendices A and B). The site slopes from the northeast corner down to the west. A watercourse, Cattell Brook, is located to the west of the property, running north-south. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property to permit future construction of a townhouse development with approximately 54 units, all with double car garages. The proposal includes a mix of three and four bedroom units. The units are oriented in a north-south direction and accessed via a private strata road from 136 Avenue. Park dedication for conservation purposes is proposed along the western property line of the property. - 4 - 3)3)3)3) Planning AnalysisPlanning AnalysisPlanning AnalysisPlanning Analysis:::: i)i)i)i) Official Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community PlanOfficial Community Plan:::: The subject property is located within the Blaney Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan and is currently designated Medium/High Density Residential, Civic and Conservation. The Medium/High Density Residential designation provides for single family, intensive residential and townhouse forms of development and aligns with the proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. For the proposed development, an OCP amendment will be required to adjust the Conservation area boundary for protection of the watercourse, and to remove the remnant 1% Civic designation from the north- western corner of the property (see Appendix C). ii)ii)ii)ii) Zoning BylawZoning BylawZoning BylawZoning Bylaw:::: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a townhouse development. The development proposal includes variance requests for setbacks, distance between buildings, and Open Space dimension requirements, as discussed below, which will require a Development Variance Permit application. The maximum allowable density of the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is a floor space ratio of 0.6 times the net lot area, excluding a maximum of 50 m² of habitable basement area per unit. This development has a floor space ratio of 0.63, so a site-specific text amendment to the zone will be required to allow for the additional density. The applicant is proposing to pay $3,100 per unit, which is consistent with the Albion Density Bonus contribution rate, but would be applying the rate to the Silver Valley Area Plan, which has not been done before. In 2016, Policy 2-9 was added to the Official Community Plan, as follows: 2-9 Community Amenity Contributions and density bonuses may also be considered at Council’s discretion for all Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amending applications that are seeking a higher density than is envisioned in Schedule “A” and/or Schedule “B”, to help provide a variety of amenities and facilities throughout the municipality. This density bonus contribution of $3,100.00 per unit, for an estimated amount of $167,400.00, is in addition to the Community Amenity Contribution. In addition to the site-specific text amendment to allow for the increased density, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016 has been amended to include the third property to the north and reflect the current consolidated legal description (see Appendix D). iii)iii)iii)iii) Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances:Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following variances (see Appendix E): 1. To reduce the minimum front yard setback for Blocks 4 and 5, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) at its shortest distance. 2. To reduce the minimum rear yard setback for Block 1, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 4.1 m (13.5 ft.) at its shortest distance. - 5 - 3. To reduce the minimum exterior yard setback for Blocks 1 through 4, from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 4.0 m (13.1 ft.) at its shortest distance. 4. To reduce the minimum interior yard setback for Block 9 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 4.0 m (13.1 ft.); for Block 10 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 1.9 m (6.2 ft.) at its shortest distance; and for Block 11 from 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) down to 3.1 m (10.2 ft.). 5. To reduce the required minimum radius of space unencumbered by buildings from living room windows from 15 m (49.21 ft.) to 12.6 m (41.3 ft.) between Blocks 1 through 4 and Blocks 5 through 7; to 9.9 m (32.5 ft.) between Blocks 5 and 11; to 14.9 m (48.9 ft.) between Blocks 7 and 8 and Blocks 9 and 10; and from 10 m (32.3 ft.) to 9.9 m (32.5 ft.) between Blocks 5 and 6 and Block 11; and 6. To reduce the minimum required Usable Open Space per three bedroom unit with a minimum dimension of not less than 6.0 m (20 ft.) to 4.0 m (13.1 ft.) for its shortest length for all units. The requested variances to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone will be the subject of a future report to Council. iv)iv)iv)iv) OffOffOffOff----Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw:Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires 2 parking spaces per unit and 0.2 spaces per unit to be provided as visitor parking spaces. For 54 units, this amounts to a total of 108 residential parking spaces and 11 visitor parking spaces. Double-car garages are provided for all of the units, providing the required 108 residential parking spaces. Fourteen visitor parking spaces are provided throughout the site, with 2 of them sized for disabled parking spaces. Some of the driveway aprons of Blocks 9 and 10 are also capable of providing additional off-street parking spaces within the development for the individual townhouse units. v)v)v)v) Development PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment PermitsDevelopment Permits:::: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Accordingly, prior to final zoning approval, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. An application for the Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Pursuant to Sections 8.9 and 8.10 of the OCP, a Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit application has been received to ensure the preservation and protection of the natural environment of Cattell Brook and the adjacent slopes. The developer will provide restoration, enhancement and replanting works as required, and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Pursuant to Section 8.12 of the OCP, a Wildfire Development Permit application is required for all development identified in wildfire risk areas. The purpose of the Wildfire Development Permit is for the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wildland fire; and where this risk may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary measures. An application for the Wildfire Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this - 6 - project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Wildfire Development Permit Area guidelines are met. vi)vi)vi)vi) Advisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design PanelAdvisory Design Panel:::: The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the development plans for form and character of the proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on November 15, 2017. Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the ADP made the following resolutions: Landscape Comments: 1. Provide a gateway structure at entry to the development emphasizing the character of the development; 2. Provide more energy to public amenity space/playground area (i.e. with different surface material, texture, elements and natural play elements, site furniture, etc.) 3. Provide pedestrian connection between public amenity space and trails; 4. Provide texture to pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures at selective locations and intervals (i.e. between building breaks) to break up the length of the drive aisles; 5. Provide adequate pedestrian lighting in public amenity space and at exterior stairs; 6. Provide additional pole lights at strategic locations; 7. Create overhead structure at mailbox for weather protection and provide recycling and garbage receptacles at mailbox kiosks; 8. Provide more variety of tree species along 232 Street and internal roads; Architectural Comments: 9. Have material at front elevations return along the sides of the end units; 10. Consider providing more variation on the facades (materials, colours, glazing, etc.); 11. Show rainwater leaders on elevations; 12. Consider using longboard for fencing at the front yard (along 232 Street); 13. Consider variations in gate access to the units along 232 Street; 14. Consider different treatments at bump out at end of buildings 1, 4, 8, 9; 15. Consider colour variations to the hardie panel facades labelled 6 that show the wood braces. Most of ADP’s resolutions have been addressed appropriately and are reflected in the current plans (see Appendices E, F, and G). The applicant has not provided an overhead structure for the mailbox nor recycling/garbage receptacles (item 7); they are not providing longboard fencing (item 12); and they are not providing colour variations to the hardie panel facades (item 15). The applicant considered ADP’s resolutions but has a particular style that they prefer. They are also concerned with the additional costs of the longboard fencing and mailbox shelter. The Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines for Building Design, Massing, and Siting state that: 5.Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; - 7 - b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. and 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. Should Council desire the applicant to fully comply with ADP’s resolutions, then minor changes should be made to the architectural plans prior to the Multi-Family Development Permit coming to Council for approval. A detailed description of how these items were or were not incorporated into the final design will be the subject of a future report to Council. vii)vii)vii)vii) Development Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information MeetingDevelopment Information Meeting:::: A Development Information Meeting was held at Yennadon Elementary School on March 6, 2018. Approximately 12 residents attended the meeting. A summary of the comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant as follows: 1. Traffic Concerns “There were some traffic concerns with proposed access to the site off of 136 Avenue. The concerns came from the resident directly to the west of the site. The applicant advised that the majority of cars leaving the site would go east to 232 Street and would have little impact on the residents to the west.” “There were concerns of speeding on 136 Avenue, and one of the residents would like to see four-way stop signs at 230A Street and 136 Avenue.” 2. Tree Removal “The applicant confirmed that the existing cedar trees on the west property line that are in the proposed park will have to be removed due to fire hazard concerns. There will be extensive enhancement planting in the park.” Note that Staff are not in support of removing the trees and have requested that the Wildfire Hazard Assessment be revised accordingly. This has since been updated and will be the subject of a future report to Council. 3. Removal of vacant houses onsite “The residents would like to see the two existing empty houses on the property removed as soon as possible.” The applicant has confirmed that the buildings are scheduled to be demolished at the beginning of April and should be completed prior to the Public Hearing on this application. 4. New Sanitary Sewer “The applicant confirmed that a new sanitary sewer has been constructed on 136 Avenue and that people on septic could apply to the City to hook up to sewer.” - 8 - As per the Sanitary Sewer Regulation Bylaw No. 691-1964, connections would be required if they are smaller than 0.4 ha (1 acre). 4)4)4)4) Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications:Environmental Implications: The Environmental Enhancement Plan, the Arborist Report, the Geotechnical Report, the Wildfire Hazard Assessment, and the Stormwater Management Plan have been reviewed. The Registered Professional Forester has coordinated their recommendations with the environmental consultant, civil engineer, and arborist to ensure the environmental objectives are achieved. The Wildfire Hazard Assessment has been revised to retain the row of cedar trees, as long as the tree crowns do not extend into Fire Priority Zone 1 and the requirements of Fire Priority Zone 2 also apply. Restoration measures with a cost estimate and security deposit are required, including a five-year maintenance period. 5)5)5)5) Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications:Interdepartmental Implications: i.i.i.i. Engineering Department:Engineering Department:Engineering Department:Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development do not yet exist. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and provide the securities to do the required work in that Agreement. Required servicing will include: •Concrete curb and gutter along the frontage of the property on 136 Avenue and 232 Street. •Road widening on 136 Avenue and 232 Street. This will be coordinated with the Capital Project on 232 Street. No improvements are required along 137 Avenue. •Sanitary and Storm Sewer construction along 232 Street. This can be coordinated with the development on the east side of 232 Street. •Concrete sidewalk along 136 Avenue and 232 Street. •Onsite storm sewer services to be designed to meet the three-tier criteria for stormwater management, as outlined in the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and the Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw. •Street lighting and street trees are required, to an arterial standard. •Underground servicing for all utilities. ii.ii.ii.ii. Parks Parks Parks Parks Planning and Planning and Planning and Planning and DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment:::: The Parks Planning and Development Section has reviewed the development application and supports the trail connection along the western property line. The ADP resolution regarding a public connection from the trail to the amenity space (item 3) is not supported by the Parks Department, as they don’t want to encourage public use of the private, strata maintained amenity area. There will be a neighbourhood playground and park area nearby at 137 Avenue and 230A Street. There are also adequate pedestrian connections through the development to the north and south already shown, therefore this has not been incorporated into the development. iii.iii.iii.iii. Fire DepartmentFire DepartmentFire DepartmentFire Department:::: The Fire Department has identified that all onsite carriageways must be a minimum width of 6 m and rated to their specifications, which were provided to the developer. Signage indicating that the lanes are fire lanes and that no parking is permitted within the lanes is required. A unit directional - 9 - addressing sign, which is visible day and night, is to be permanently mounted at the main entrance, with additional directional signage at intersections within the development. A turn-around has been provided at the north-west end of the development, and emergency access only has been provided from 137 Avenue to the development, restricted to the public with bollards. iv.iv.iv.iv. BuildingBuildingBuildingBuilding Department:Department:Department:Department: The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments related to Building Code requirements which have been provided to the developer. These comments will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage. 6)6)6)6) School District Comments:School District Comments:School District Comments:School District Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. The School District responded on February 7, 2018, with the following information: “The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Yennadon Elementary has an operating capacity of 545 students. For the 2017-18 school year the student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary was 580 students (104% utilization) including 130 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2017-18 school year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School was 795 students (75.5% utilization) including 258 students from out of catchment.” 7)7)7)7) Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues:Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government ActLocal Government ActLocal Government ActLocal Government Act:::: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, to amend the Conservation boundary and the 1% Civic designation, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. - 10 - CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION:CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016, as amended in this report, and that application 2016-055-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by Michelle Baski” _______________________________________________ Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by:::: Michelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle BaskiMichelle Baski, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA, AScT, MA PlannerPlannerPlannerPlanner “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPPChristine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.EngFrank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018 Appendix D – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016 Appendix E – Site Plan Appendix F – Typical Building Elevations Appendix G – Landscape Plan DATE: Aug 3, 2017 FILE: 2016-055-RZ 23183 136 AVENUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY 232 ST´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Edge of River Indefinite Creek River Centreline Lake or Reservoir River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A DATE: Aug 3, 2017 FILE: 2016-055-RZ 23183 136 AVENUE City of PittMeadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY 232 STAerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC APPENDIX B CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7446-2018 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 _______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7446-2018." 2.Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 2 - Land Use Plan, and Figure 3A - Blaney Hamlet, are hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 974, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown. 3. Schedule “A”, Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A – Silver Valley, Figure 4 – Trails / Open Space is hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 975, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 . ___________________________________ _____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C 136 AVE. SILVER VALLEY RD 230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546 13747 13552 232882325013547 13542 13586 1355613616 13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602 3 2 8 0 135892318323141 2327213743 231032304140 18 1 4 2 1 PARK 3 PARK PARK 5 17 14 6 PARK PARK S PART 9 6 5 1 57 Rem B 8 2 A 7 3 PARK 4 4 PARK 2 PARK 19 2 2 3 PARK 1 A P 43567 EPP 60285EPP 44846 EPP 34552 RP 10274 EPP 60071 RP 17267 BCP 43237 EPP 27588 BCP 48906 EPP 60071 BCP 43235 P 20132 EPP 60071 P 15063 P 2409 EPP 70286 EPP 44846 P 11173EPP 70486 EPP 70286 EPP 60071 EPP 59915 P 40424 BCP 4 8 9 0 8 EP 7 9 4 9 5 EPP 37092 BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072RW 4 6 8 0 8EPP 62660EPP 49148 EPP 60313EPP 35006 BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227 EPP 34551 EPP 60286 232 ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:From: To: To Amend Figure 2 and 3A of the Silver Valley Area PlanInstitutional, Conservation, Medium/High Density Residential Medium/High Density Residential Conservation 7446-2018974 Conservation 136 AVE. SILVER VALLEY RD 230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546 13747 13552 232882325013547 13542 13586 1355613616 13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602 3 2 8 0 135892318323141 2327213743 231032304140 18 1 4 2 1 PARK 3 PARK PARK 5 17 14 6 PARK PARK S PART 9 6 5 1 57 Rem B 8 2 A 7 3 PARK 4 4 PARK 2 PARK 19 2 2 3 PARK 1 A P 43567 EPP 60285EPP 44846 EPP 34552 RP 10274 EPP 60071 RP 17267 BCP 43237 EPP 27588 BCP 48906 EPP 60071 BCP 43235 P 20132 EPP 60071 P 15063 P 2409 EPP 70286 EPP 44846 P 11173EPP 70486 EPP 70286 EPP 60071 EPP 59915 P 40424 BCP 4 8 9 0 8 EP 7 9 4 9 5 EPP 37092 BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072RW 4 6 8 0 8EPP 62660EPP 49148 EPP 60313EPP 35006 BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227 EPP 34551 EPP 60286 232 ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. Purpose:To Amend Figure 4 Trails/Open Space as shown 7446-2018975 Add To Conservation RemoveFrom Conservation Add To Conservation Remove From Conservation Add To Trail CITYCITYCITYCITY OF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGEOF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. 7238723872387238----2016201620162016 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREASWHEREASWHEREASWHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7238-2016." 2. That PART 6 - RESIDENTIAL ZONES, Section 602, RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Subsection 5, DENSITY, is amended by adding point c) as follows: c) Notwithstanding the above, all buildings and structures shall not exceed a floor space ratio of 0.63 times the net lot area, excluding a maximum of 50 m2 of habitable basement area per unit, for the parcel or tract of land described as 23183 136 Avenue (Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286) 3. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 32 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70286 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1672 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ READ READ READ a first time the 26th day of April, 2016. READREADREADREAD a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ READ READ READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED,ADOPTED,ADOPTED,ADOPTED, the day of , 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ PRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX D 136 AVE. SILVER VALLEY RD 230A ST.137 AVE.230A ST.13536 13546 13747 13552 232882325013547 13542 13586 1355613616 13548 2314013602 (PUMP STATION)23106230602 3 2 8 0 135892318323141 2327213743 231032304140 18 1 4 2 1 PARK 3 PARK PARK 5 17 14 6 PARK PARK S PART 9 6 5 1 57 Rem B 8 2 A 7 3 PARK 4 4 PARK 2 PARK 19 2 2 3 PARK 1 A P 43567 EPP 60285EPP 44846 EPP 34552 RP 10274 EPP 60071 RP 17267 BCP 43237 EPP 27588 BCP 48906 EPP 60071 BCP 43235 P 20132 EPP 60071 P 15063 P 2409 EPP 70286 EPP 44846 P 11173EPP 70486 EPP 70286 EPP 60071 EPP 59915 P 40424 BCP 4 8 9 0 8 EP 7 9 4 9 5 EPP 37092 BCP 48909EPP 49148 EPP 76072RW 4 6 8 0 8EPP 62660EPP 49148 EPP 60313EPP 35006 BCP 42569EPP 61215EPP 49227 EPP 34551 EPP 60286 232 ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 7238-20161672 APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2017-216-DP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Wildfire Development Permit PID 017-967-546 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Wildfire Development Permit application has been received in conjunction with a proposed four lot subdivision under the existing RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone. A Wildfire Development Permit is required as the subject property is located within the Wildfire Development Permit area. This application has been reviewed in relation to the Key Guideline Concepts (Section 8.12.1) and Guidelines (Section 8.12.2) of the Wildfire Development Permit, and in consideration of the Home Owners FireSmart Manual (BC Forest Service Protection Program). RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-216-DP respecting property located at PID 017-967-546. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Applicant: Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 11 Section 24 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP6975 OCP: Existing: Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential 1104 -2 - South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Site Area: 1.7 ha (4.2 acres) Access: 126 Avenue Servicing requirement: Rural Standard Companion Applications: 2016-274-SD, 2016-274-DP b)Project Description: The subject property is located on the south side of 126 Avenue, between 261 Street and 262 Street (see Appendices A and B). The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into four single family residential lots, with access from 126 Avenue (see Appendix C). The subject property has steep slopes and a watercourse, Zideco Creek, located along the southern portion of the property. As part of enhancement works, native shrubs will be planted throughout the subject property. A Wildfire Hazard Assessment has been received from B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd., and was prepared by a Registered Professional Forester qualified by training or experience in fire protection engineering, with at least two years of experience in fire protection engineering and with assessment and mitigation of wildfire hazards in British Columbia. c)Planning Analysis: The Wildfire Development Permit Area Guidelines are intended for the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wildland fire and where this risk, in some cases, may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary measures. A Wildfire Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for areas within the Wildfire Development Permit area, as identified in the OCP. The Wildfire Development Permit Guidelines are to work in concert with all other regulations, guidelines and bylaws in effect. -3 - This development respects the key guidelines as outlined in this section with comments provided by the Registered Professional Forester: 1.Locate development on individual sites so that, when integrated with the use of mitigating construction techniques and landscape management practices, the risk of wildfire hazards is reduced; All four proposed lots are sited on the northern portion of the development site. As such, the forest interface areas will be treated along with the use of fire resistant construction materials, as recommended in the Wildfire Hazard Assessment; 2.Mitigate wildfire impacts while respecting environmental conservation objectives and other hazards in the area; The watercourse setback area for Zideco Creek and the slope protection area cover a significant portion of the subject property. Only proposed Lot 4 interfaces with conifers, which will require some pruning and removal of smaller trees. 3.Ensure identified hazard areas are recognized and addressed within each stage of the land development process; All forested areas have been assessed and delineated into fuel types. Recommendations for each stage of construction can be found in the Wildfire Development Permit Report. 4.Manage the interface forest fuel components, including vegetation and structures, thereby increasing the probability of successful fire suppression, containment and minimize adverse impacts. To be managed by the pruning of existing coniferous trees, removal of small diameter conifers and removal of excess woody debris accumulations. d)Environmental Implications: An application for a Watercourse and Natural Features Protection Development Permit has been received and is being reviewed concurrently with this application. The Project Coordinator for the professional consultants for this development has reviewed all the consultant reports and ensured that there are no incompatibilities with regard to recommendations, standards, policies, or guidelines resulting from the work/reports of the professional consultants. e)Financial Implications A security in the amount of $2,900.00 will be taken as a condition of the WFDP to ensure that the initially proposed clearing and trimming occurs. -4 - CONCLUSION: This application is consistent with the Wildfire Development Permit Key Guideline Concepts (Section 8.12.1) and Guidelines (Section 8.12.2), and in consideration of the Home Owners FireSmart Manual (BC Forest Service Protection Program). Therefore, it is recommended that this Wildfire Development Permit 2017-216-DP be approved. “Original signed by Adam Rieu” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician “Original signed by Michael Van Dop” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Michael Van Dop Deputy Fire Chief “Original signed by Christine Carter” _____________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Paul Gill” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Paul Gill Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Subdivision Plan DATE: Apr 5, 2018FILE: 2017-216-DP P.I.D. 017-946-547 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Edge of River Indefinite Creek River Centreline River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A DATE: Apr 5, 2018 FILE: 2017-216-DP P.I.D. 017-946-547 City of PittMeadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC APPENDIX B APPENDIX C City of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple RidgeCity of Maple Ridge TO:TO:TO:TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETING DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO: 2017-385-DP FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Council SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: Housing AgreementHousing AgreementHousing AgreementHousing Agreement Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No.Bylaw No. 7447744774477447----2018201820182018 11907 22811907 22811907 22811907 228 StreetStreetStreetStreet First, Second, and Third ReadingFirst, Second, and Third ReadingFirst, Second, and Third ReadingFirst, Second, and Third Reading EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject property, located at 11907 228th Street Street (see Appendix A), is subject to a Development Permit and a Development Variance Permit. The proposed development is for a mixed use building combining office space with 94 units of below-market rental accommodation for low income tenants. A parking reduction variance is requested in support of this application. In order to justify the variance, it is recommended that these rental dwelling units are secured as below-market rental housing in perpetuity through a legal agreement. To authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement, the attached authorizing bylaw (see Appendix C) is being brought forward to Council for first, second and third reading. A Public Hearing is not required. This Housing Agreement bylaw will be brought forward for final reading at the same meeting as Council’s consideration of the Development Permit (2017-385-DP) and the Development Variance Permit. RECOMMENDATIONRECOMMENDATIONRECOMMENDATIONRECOMMENDATION:::: ThatThatThatThat 11907 22811907 22811907 22811907 228 Street Street Street Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. Housing Agreement Bylaw No. Housing Agreement Bylaw No. Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7447744774477447----2018201820182018 bbbbe given first, second and third e given first, second and third e given first, second and third e given first, second and third reading. reading. reading. reading. DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: a)a)a)a) Background Context:Background Context:Background Context:Background Context: Applicant: Bissky Architecture And Urban Design Inc. Legal Description: Lot: B, D.L.: 401, Block: 3, Plan: NWP21553 OCP: Existing: TCCOMM (Town Centre Commercial) Proposed: Town Centre Commercial Zoning: Existing: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Proposed: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) 1105 - 2 - Surrounding Uses North: Use: vacant Zone: CS-1 Service Commercial Designation Low Rise Apartment South: Use: shopping mall Zone: C-3 Town Centre Commercial Designation: Town Centre Commercial East: Use: vacant Zone: RM-6 highrise apartment Designation: medium high apartment West: Use: bowling alley Zone: C-3 Town Centre Commercial Designation: Town Centre Commercial Existing Use of Property: Office Building Proposed Use of Property: mixed use Site Area: 2750 m2 Access: 228th Servicing: urban standard b)b)b)b) Project Description:Project Description:Project Description:Project Description: Under Section 483 of the Local Government Act, the City may enter into Housing Agreements. These agreements may include terms and conditions agreed to by the City and a land owner regarding the occupancy of the housing units identified in such agreements, including the form of tenure of the housing units. Authorization to enter such agreements requires an authorizing bylaw. The subject properties are being developed to accommodate mixed use building of office space with 94 rental housing units. In support of the parking reduction variance request, a housing agreement to protect this rental accommodation in perpetuity is recommended. Support for this proposal is consistent with Policy 3-32 of the Official Community Plan which states that “Maple Ridge supports the provision of affordable, rental and special needs housing throughout the District.” In addition to the bylaw, the agreement will be registered as a restrictive covenant, and a notice of the Housing Agreement will be filed on Title by the City in the Land Title Office, in accordance with subsection 483 (5) of the Local Government Act. To allow this proposal to proceed, the applicant has agreed to enter into a Housing Agreement to allow for the rental housing dwelling units in this proposed development to be secured as rental accommodation. Provision of this rental housing will meet a recognized community need. The Local Government Act requires an authorizing bylaw for a municipality to enter into such Housing Agreements. Therefore, Council is required to consider granting first, second and third reading for the 11907 228 Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7447-2018. Final adoption would be considered by Council concurrently with their consideration of Development Permit 2017-385-DP and Development Variance Permit 2017-385-DVP. - 3 - CONCLUSIONCONCLUSIONCONCLUSIONCONCLUSION This housing agreement is to protect the below-market rental tenure of the residential portion of this proposed mixed use building. The proposal will meet a recognized community need, and adoption of this proposed bylaw is recommended. “Original signed by Diana Hall” _______________________________________________ Prepared byPrepared byPrepared byPrepared by: : : : DianDianDianDianaaaa HallHallHallHall, , , , M.A.M.A.M.A.M.A., MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, RPP, RPP, RPP, RPP PlannerPlannerPlannerPlanner 2222 “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.Christine Carter, M.PPPPLLLL, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, MCIP, RPP, RPP, RPP, RPP Director of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of PlanningDirector of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by:Approved by:Approved by:Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Frank Quinn, MBA, P. EngEngEngEng GM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development ServicesGM: Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Frank Quinn” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence:Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGAPaul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative OfficerChief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – 11907 228 Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7447-2018 Appendix D – 11907 228 Street Housing Agreement DATE: Sep 6, 2017 2017-385-VP 11907 228 Street PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: LP Legend Stream Indefinite Creek River Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A APPENDIX B CITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGECITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. BYLAW NO. 7447744774477447----2018201820182018 A Bylaw to Authorize the City of Maple Ridge to enter into a Housing Agreement for 11907 228th Street. ____________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREASWHEREASWHEREASWHEREAS, pursuant to Section 483 of the Local Government Act, as amended, Council may, by bylaw, enter into a housing agreement under that Section; AND AND AND AND WHEREASWHEREASWHEREASWHEREAS Council and Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows Community Services Council wishes to enter into a housing agreement for the subject properties at 11907 228 Street; NOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORENOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: This bylaw may be cited as “11907 228 Street Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7447-2018”. 1. By this bylaw Council authorizes the City to enter into a housing agreement with Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows Community Services Council 96355, in respect to the following land: Lot B Block 3 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 21553 2. The Mayor and Corporate Officer are authorized to execute the housing agreement and all incidental instruments on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge. 3. Schedule A, attached to this Bylaw, is incorporated into and forms part of this Bylaw. 4. This Bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. RRRREAD EAD EAD EAD a first time the day of , 20 READREADREADREAD a second time the day of , 20 READ READ READ READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTEDADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBERPRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICERCORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX C APPENDIX D 1 of 2 City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Regular Council SUBJECT: Award of Contract – Pavement Rehabilitation Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As part of Council’s commitment to infrastructure renewal and replacement, the backlog of roads requiring pavement rehabilitation continues to be addressed. This year’s program combines 2018 allocated funds from Capital, Maintenance, Translink and Developer funding, for a total investment of close to $1.8 million in road maintenance resurfacing and associated works this year. RECOMMENDATION: That the extension for the 2016 contract for Pavement Rehabilitation be awarded to BA Blacktop Ltd., in the amount of $1,059,509.13 including applicable taxes, and further those additional work locations may be added under the extra work provisions in the contract up to 25% of the value of the contract ($264,877.28) including taxes, and furthermore that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the contract up to the maximum amount of $1,059,509.13 plus the contingency. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: A public invitation for Prequalification was conducted in 2016. Following a detailed assessment of 6 submissions two contractors met prequalification criteria. Both submitted bids on the Pavement Rehabilitation work. An evaluation was done by the City of Maple Ridge with technical assistance from Aplin and Martin Consulting Engineers. It was determined that BA Blacktop Ltd. provided best value to the City of Maple Ridge. This contract has multi year extension provisions. Quotations for the 2018 works is appropriate and provide best value for road rehabilitation works. b)Financial Implications: The funding for this work is approved within the financial plan and is within budget. This is a unit price contract and as such a 25% extra work provision has been added for potential additional works within the approved budget envelopes. The City’s Purchasing Policy requires that the potential to add additional works be identified to Council at the time of award. The expenditure is authorized in the 2018 Capital and Operating Budget and is within the approved budget windows. Planned Locations: The following locations are anticipated in the 2017 program: 1. Westfield Ave – 207 to Maple Cres 2. 102 Ave – 240 St to Jackson Rd 3. 232 St – DTR to 122 Ave 4. 100 Ave – 248 St to 256 St 5.Marshall Ave – 248 St to 251 St 1106 2 of 2 6. 123 Ave – 227 St to 228 St 7. 112 Ave – 24300 Block to 246 St 8. 246 St – 112 Ave to 113 Ave 9. 208 St – Powell Ave to 123 St 10.Powell Ave – 203 St to 208 St 11. 132 Ave – 216 St to 220 St 12.West St – Maple Meadows Way to 119A Ave 13. 104 Ave – 28269 Block to 287 St 14. 124 Ave – 252 St to West End Future Works: This is a unit price contract and as such may be extended to rehabilitate additional road surfaces depending on weather, time commitment, preparation and budget. Contract provisions allow the extension of this contract for a total of 3 additional years by mutual agreement. CONCLUSION: The recommended contract award continues Council’s commitment to infrastructure renewal and replacement. Award of the contract would see the work completed through the spring and summer of 2018. “Original signed by Walter Oleschak”__________________ Prepared by: Walter Oleschak Superintendent of Roads and Fleet “Original signed by Daniela Mikes”____________________ Concurrence by: Daniela Mikes Manager of Procurement “Original signed by James Storey” ___________________ Approved by: James Storey Director of Engineering Operations “Original signed by Frank Quinn”______________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn General Manager, Public Works and Development Services “Original signed by Paul Gill”__________________________ Concurrence: Paul Gill Chief Administrative Officer Page 1 of 1 City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: British Columbia Lottery Corporation Request to Increase the Maximum Number of Slot Machines EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) has requested that the maximum number of slot machines allowed at Chances Maple Ridge be increased from 200 to 250. The rationale for this request is outlined in the attached letter from BCLC. Chances Maple Ridge contributes to the local community in a number of ways, as outlined in the attached letter from Great Canadian Gaming Corp., the operator of the local facility. They have initiatives in place around responsible gambling, regulation, employee involvement as well as community support. The City of Maple Ridge receives a share of the gaming revenues as a host community. This revenue stream has increased over time, and following Council policy and direction, continues to be a significant funding source for items such as infrastructure replacement. The requested increase can be accommodated within the existing building envelope. Further, the RCMP and Bylaws Departments have no concerns with the manner in which business is conducted. As a result, staff support the requested increase. RECOMMENDATION: That the maximum number of slot machines permitted at Chances Maple Ridge located at 22692 Lougheed Highway be increased to a maximum of 250 slot machines. “Original signed by Trevor Thompson” Prepared by: Trevor Thompson, Interim Director of Finance “Original signed by Frank Quinn for” Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (1)2018-04-03 Letter from BCLC (2)2018-04-03 Letter from Great Canadian Gaming Corporation (3)2016 Great Canadian Gaming Corporation Community Highlights Report 1131 April 3, 2018 Mr. Paul Gill Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Gill: Re: Request to increase maximum slot machine limit at Chances Maple Ridge BCLC is the agent of the Crown, responsible for the management of casino gaming in the Province of British Columbia. In the City of Maple Ridge, BCLC conducts and manages gaming through the use of an operational services contract with its Service Provider, Great Canadian Gaming. The purpose of this letter is to advise the City of Maple Ridge (the “City”) that BCLC is currently assessing consumer demand in the gaming marketplace for the Maple Ridge region. This assessment is part of an on-going process to identify potential revenue opportunities and consumer demand in the regional gaming marketplace. BCLC’s market assessment recognizes other economic factors beyond the gaming sector. For example, the Maple Ridge region, has enjoyed steady economic growth for several consecutive years. In 2008, the City of Maple Ridge (formerly the “District”) approved the relocation of the Haney Bingo Place to the current Chances Maple Ridge site, at 22692 Lougheed Highway. Subsequent to that, the City approved a maximum limit of 200 slot machines at Chances Maple Ridge. In order to respond to continued customer demand, BCLC is requesting that the City of Maple Ridge amend this limit, and increase the maximum number of slot machines to 250. This request follows BCLC’s assessment of the regional gaming market and will enable BCLC to address future market changes. The proposed slot increase would result in minimal changes to the gaming floor, namely, a minor reduction in the size of the bingo area due to declining demand for bingo gaming at the facility. To discuss further, or if you have additional questions about BCLC’s request, please contact Greg Walker, Director, Public Affairs at (604) 225-6410. We look forward to working with the City and Great Canadian in order to continue delivering exceptional entertainment in the City of Maple Ridge. Yours truly Brad Desmarais Vice President, Casino and Community Gaming BCLC cc: Mr. Chuck Keeling, Great Canadian Gaming Corporation Mr. Raj Mutti, Great Canadian Gaming Corporation Mr. Jerry Williamson, BCLC Mr. Greg Walker, BCLC April 3rd, 2018 Mr. Paul Gill Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Gill: Chances Maple Ridge has now had the privilege of doing business in the City of Maple Ridge for just over four years, and, during our brief history, we have worked proactively to be recognized as part of the community. Although we feel our efforts have been extensive in that regard, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a brief snap shot of some of those efforts: • Alisa’s Wish – Child and Youth Advocacy Centre has been our “Signature Charitable Partner” since 2015. With an initial donation of $10,000, we continue to support the organization with donations, fundraising initiatives such as carwashes, 50/50 draws and staff volunteer opportunities (we featured them in a quick vignette we produced two years ago, which we can provide upon request). • In April of 2017, the newly established local Youth Wellness Centre received a $20,000 donation from Chances, in support of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge youth between the ages of 8-14. • As part of the original sale of the Haney Bingoplex operation by the Ridge Meadows Bingo Association (RMBA), representing 36 local charities, to Great Canadian Gaming (GCGC) in 2008, RMBA receives $100,000 annually from Chances Maple Ridge for a period of 10 years. • For 2018, Chances Maple Ridge is excited to be the first Community Sponsor for the new “Citizen of the Year Youth Event” supporting the Maple Ridge Community Foundation. • Chances Maple Ridge has also made regular financial donations to the following local endeavours: o Rotary Duck Race o Caribbean Festival o The ACT o Ridge Meadows Hospital Run o Haney Rotary Golf Classic o Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Gala • While several of our employees volunteer, belong to service clubs and sit on local boards, one employee in particular, in addition to being the Field Trainer for the Community Policing Branch of The Abbotsford Police Department, is also a 5 time Ruby award winner for service excellence, an overall GCC Diamond Service Award winner and holds 3 honourable mention awards for service excellence for our guests. • We currently have representation from our team on the Board of the BIA and the City’s Tourism Task Force, and we have had representation on the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and the Friends in Need Food Bank. • Employee Tenure: Of 76 Employees, 8% or 6 Team Members (TMs) have 20+ years of service, 22% or 17 TMs have 10+ Years of service, 34% or 26 TMs have 5+ years of service. • 25 employees have had at least 1 career promotion from within GCGC and/or Chances Maple Ridge, and some as many as 4 within their tenure with GCGC and/or Chances Maple Ridge. • More specifically, Chances Maple Ridge employs a Gaming Attendant who is significantly sight impaired. He has been an employee since April 1st, 1994 and will achieve his 24th year of service in a couple of weeks. He has never let his difficulties with sight hold him back, and almost all of our bingo guests know him well and call him by name to assist with letting him know when they need service and the direction of their location. Despite his sight challenges, his track record for accuracy in sales and cash balancing is excellent. • Another long-term Gaming Attendant began his career back in March of 1998 and has just achieved his 20th year of employment with the operation. His roots began as a volunteer for numerous charity bingo events held previously at Haney Bingoplex. Over the years, as a volunteer, he was both vocal about his interest in becoming a team member as well as his triumphs and tribulations regarding a diagnosed mental illness. He was ultimately successful in transitioning into a paid employee position and has remained as such on a regular, part-time basis for two decades now. His openness regarding mental illness has continued to teach those around him about ability and perseverance. • Chances Maple Ridge continues to have a positive working relationship with local RCMP. Due to an extensive surveillance system both internally and externally at the facility and with the continued support of the Chances Security/Surveillance team, from 2017 to current, Chances Maple Ridge has assisted RCMP on 15 different occasions with incidents totally unrelated to site or gaming operations. (Detailed list includes: lost /found people, lost/found items, motor vehicle accidents, suspicious external activities, etc.). In addition to the above, our commitment to maintaining- and exceeding- compliance standards related to Responsible Gambling practices is a core value that is central to all of our operations, including at Chances Maple Ridge. Brief examples of that include: • Chances Maple Ridge ensures that all site team members complete BCLC’s Appropriate Response Training (ART). ART helps team members learn what responsible gambling means, gain insight into the signs and impacts of problem gambling and gain knowledge of the available resources. • Great Canadian’s 2017 annual team member snapshot survey, which measures responsible gambling awareness and knowledge, has indicated that Chances Maple Ridge: • 98% of team members have a very good and good understanding of risks associated with gaming • 92% of team members have a very good and good understanding of signs of a gaming problem • 92% of team members have a very good and good understanding of available help resources • In 2015, Chances Maple Ridge was RG Check Certified and continues to hold its accreditation status in good standing. RG Check accreditation is conducted by the Responsible Gambling Council, a third-party organization that specializes in problem gambling prevention and responsible gambling promotion. RG Check is considered the “gold standard” for casino accreditation for responsible gambling best practice. • The robust RG Check audit process has confirmed that Chances Maple Ridge complies with all provincial responsible gambling policies and procedures. • In addition, RG Check findings have illustrated that site team members are diligent in responding to responsible and problem gambling related situations: “Since working at Chances Maple Ridge, have you ever…” • 69.6% had suggested/provided RG related information to a patron • 82.6% had talked to a patron about the GameSense Information Centre at least once • 73.9% had talked to a patron about the VSE program at least once ▪ In 2017, 66 individuals at Chances Maple Ridge chose to enroll in the Voluntary Self Exclusion program, which is a tool that assists people curb their gambling challenges by barring themselves from all gaming facilities in the province. In addition to the above, we would also encourage you to review the 2016 edition of GCGC’s “Community Highlights Report” (attached), that provides an overview of some other relevant data points in relation to our impact in Maple Ridge, as well as our 2017 “Community Impact” presentation. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you this quick overview of some of the more notable aspects of our operation in the City of Maple Ridge, and we would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have once you have reviewed. Sincerely, Chuck Keeling VP, Stakeholder Relations and Responsible Gaming COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTSREPORT2016 REPORT: Award of Contract - Arthur Peake Field Civil Works Page 1 of 3 Date: March 27, 2018 City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council DOC NO: 1908200 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Award of Contract - Arthur Peake Field Civil Works EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The cost to redevelop the sports field at the Arthur Peake Centre into a synthetic surface is contained within the City’s Adopted Financial Plan. Once complete, the upgraded field will increase allocation times for our sports user groups who are requesting additional field time due to growth in participation. The development timeline for this field upgrade and parking lot expansion is planned to occur through the spring and summer, with completion in September 2018 in advance of the fall/winter sports season. An Invitation to Tender for the civil works to redevelop the field and construct a parking lot to support the field use was issued on December 14, 2017 and closed on February 7, 2018. Seven tenders were received. Staff has reviewed the tender including optional price items, and recommend that the work be awarded to the submission that provides the City with the best overall value, received from Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. in the amount of $2,493,000.00 (excluding taxes). RECOMMENDATION: That Contract ITT-PL17-79: Artificial Turf Field - Civil Works for Arthur Peake / Golden Ears Elementary be awarded to Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. in the amount of $2,493,000 plus taxes, as well as a contingency of $300,000 be authorized; and That the Financial Plan Bylaw be amended to include an additional $600,000 from the Gaming Revenue Reserve for the Arthur Peake Synthetic Field project; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: The field design process included consultation with sports user groups, School District No. 42 and the community to obtain feedback. A community open house was held at Thomas Haney Secondary School on July 19, 2017, advertised through park posters, neighbourhood mail outs, social media and on the City’s park development webpage. The presentation materials were posted on the park development webpage as well, providing an opportunity for residents to review the material at their leisure. The field concept was generally supported by the community, though neighbours expressed some concerns regarding impacts due to noise, lights, traffic, parking and loss of privacy arising from field operations, as well as the loss of the existing grass field. A session was held with concerned neighbours on September 1151 REPORT: Award of Contract - Arthur Peake Field Civil Works Page 2 of 3 Date: March 27, 2018 18, 2017, and individual vegetation and buffer treatments have been included in the design to address their concerns. Comments have been received questioning the health impacts of synthetic surfaces, particularly for an elementary school playfield. Through additional discussion with parents at Golden Ears Elementary School, staff learned that concerns focus on the proposed use of recycled crumb rubber tire infill material. In response, staff is requiring alternative infill options at this site within the synthetic carpet proposal call. An Invitation to Tender for the sports field and parking lot civil works was issued through BC Bid on December 14, 2017 and closed on February 7, 2018. Seven tenders were received with the total tender prices (including all optional and alternate work) ranging from a low of $2,428,885.00 to a high of $3,379,274.00. Tenders were checked for completeness and compliance with the Invitation to Tender documents, and five of seven tenders were found to be compliant. Upon further evaluation, the lowest bidder did not provide three project references that staff considers to be comparable in purpose to the work, as required in the Instructions to Tenderers. Based on the project references that were provided, staff does not consider that the lowest bidder demonstrates the experience or ability required to complete the work to the city`s satisfaction. The four remaining bid results are listed below from lowest to highest price.  Wilco Civil Inc $2,462,396.00  Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. $2,493,000.00  Canadian Landscape and Civil Services Ltd. $2,714,256.00  Arsalan Construction Ltd. $2,888,000.00 Staff evaluated the bids in accordance with the factors specified in the Invitation to Tender, using the information submitted within each bid. The evaluation included contacting the project references provided by each bidder. After concluding this evaluation, staff is of the opinion that the submission from Cedar Crest provides the best overall value for money to the City. While Wilco provided a slightly lower bid price than Cedar Crest, after evaluating the bids as a whole, staff believes that better value would be obtained by awarding the contract to Cedar Crest. Cedar Crest Lands (BC) are experienced in synthetic field construction with recent projects throughout the lower mainland. b)Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to obtain Council approval to award the contract ITT-PL17-79: Artificial Turf Field - Civil Works for Arthur Peake / Golden Ears Elementary so that work can commence to construct the synthetic field and parking area to enhance recreation opportunities at this facility, with completion targeted for September 2018. c)Strategic Alignment: This project is one of a number of Council’s current infrastructure priorities. The field at Arthur Peake Centre/Golden Ears Elementary School, along with the Karina LeBlanc field at Merkley Park, will add allocation times for both practice and game play for our sports user groups who have been requesting additional field time due to growth in participation. d)Citizen/Customer Implications: Sports user groups will benefit from the provision of increased field capacity in the short term. Providing synthetic sports surfaces enables additional game play with fewer closures due to fall/winter adverse weather conditions which do not support natural turf growth. REPORT: Award of Contract - Arthur Peake Field Civil Works Page 3 of 3 Date: March 27, 2018 e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Department was consulted during the detailed design process to ensure site servicing is to City standards. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Funding in the amount of $3,000,000.00 from Capital Works Reserves is included in the Adopted Financial Plan for the redevelopment of the field. However, higher than anticipated organic material levels were identified by the Geotechnical Report, which must be removed in order to establish a uniform base for the synthetic surface to be placed on. Staff has become aware that the Golden Ears Field may have been used as an organic material dump site prior to the construction of the grass sport field that is there now. This additional excavation work, removal of organics and replacement with structural fill material has resulted in increased costs of approximately $300,000. In addition staff recommends that an additional $300,000 be made available as a contingency fund, in case the excavation exposes other issues that have not been identified or anticipated. If the contingency is not required for this purpose, it would not be used. Therefore, staff are recommending that the Synthetic field project budget be increased at this time by $600,000.00 using Gaming Revenue which is intended to be used for non-recurring items, and in particular, capital improvements of benefit to the community. This fund has the capacity available to accommodate this amount. CONCLUSIONS: The planned synthetic field redevelopment at Arthur Peake Centre is needed to deliver additional field allocation to the community. Staff is satisfied with the tender submissions and recommends that the project be awarded to Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. to begin the work for completion in advance of the 2018 fall/winter sports season. “Original signed by Valoree Richmond” Prepared by: Valoree Richmond, Manager of Parks Planning & Operations “Original signed by David Boag” Reviewed by: David Boag, Director of Parks & Facilities “Original signed by Trevor Thompson” Reviewed by: Trevor Thompson, Interim Director of Finance “Original signed by Kelly Swift” Approved by: Kelly Swift, MBA, BGS General Manager: Parks, Recreation & Culture “Original signed by Frank Quinn for” Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge TO: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read MEETING DATE: April 10, 2018 and Members of Council FILE NO: 1659755 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Award of Contract – Arthur Peake Centre and Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School Synthetic Field Carpeting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This Award of Contract recommendation is for the provision of synthetic surfacing for a new carpet as part of the field redevelopment project at Arthur Peake Centre (APC) and a replacement carpet as part of the planned carpet lifecycle replacement at Samuel Robertson Technical (SRT) Secondary School which were bundled together to obtain best pricing. Three submissions for these projects were received on March 23, 2018 for the Supply and Installation of the sports field synthetic turf surfacing (RFP-PL18-17). Staff reviewed the proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained within the Request for Proposal (RFP) and is recommending the best value submission for this contract. The carpet provision for APC field is a portion of the field redevelopment project and the carpet supply and installation came in very close to the anticipated budget. The carpet provision for Rotary field at SRT is a portion of the lifecycle replacement work, combined with civil work, required to renovate this field to a safe, durable surface. RECOMMENDATION: That Contract RFP-PL18-17: the Supply and Installation of the sports field synthetic turf surfacing at the Arthur Peake Centre and Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School be awarded to Worldwide Turf Incorporated in the amount of $1,270,000.00 plus taxes; and That the next Financial Plan Bylaw amendment include a draw of $703,000 from the Turf Field Replacement Reserve to fund the replacement of the synthetic turf at Samuel Roberson Technical Secondary School; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Rotary field at SRT was installed in 2005 and the surfacing has lasted well past the warranty and is in need of replacement to continue to provide a safe, playable surface. A Turf Reserve 1152 was set up to fund the eventual recarpeting of the synthetic fields. This field renovation is scheduled for the summer when disruption to the school and field users will be minimized. The APC field is a current infrastructure project anticipated to be complete in the Fall. During the community consultation process, concerns were expressed on the health impacts of recycled crumb rubber tire infill material. Until recently, recycled crumb rubber infill has been used as other options with proven performance for sports surfaces have not been available. Now with new and greener synthetic turf infill products available, alternate infills are becoming more widely used. Staff has required alternative infill options within the synthetic carpet proposal call in response to the concerns expressed through the APC community consulation process as well as comments received from neighbours and sports participants at SRT. As both of these projects entail the supply and installation of synthetic carpet undertaken within a similar timeframe, the procurement was bundled together to obtain best pricing. A Request for Proposal was issued through BC Bid on January 25, 2018 for the Supply and Installation of the sports field synthetic turf surfacing (RFP-PL18-17). Three proponents submitted proposals before the closing date of March 23, 2018. The proposals were individually evaluated using the criteria included in the RFP. The evaluation panel’s review of the proposals resulted in Worldwide Turf Incorporated (WTI) proposal receiving the highest ranking, providing the best value to the City using the evaluation criteria which included qualifications, experience, product performance, warranty and price. WTI’s submission was also the lowest cost for both fields with pricing of $567,000.00 for APC and $703,000.00 for SRT which is a larger field with endzones. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is that the synthetic carpet can be ordered and installed to meet the SRT recarpeting completion for August and the APC field construction completion targeted for September, 2018. c) Strategic Alignment: The Arthur Peake field project is one of a number of Council’s current infrastructure priorities. This field will add allocation for both practice and game play for our sports user groups who have been requesting additional field time due to growth in participation. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Sports user groups will benefit from the provision of increased field capacity in the short term. Providing synthetic sports surfaces enables additional game play with fewer closures due to fall/winter adverse weather conditions. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: For the Arthur Peake field, funding in the amount of $3,000,000.00 from Capital Works Reserves is included in the 2018 Adopted Financial Plan, which can accommodate redevelopment of the field. The carpet provision is a portion of the field redevelopment project. The Rotary field at SRT funding for the carpet replacement is contained within the Turf Replacement Reserve. CONCLUSIONS: The field redevelopment at the Arthur Peake Centre is needed to deliver additional field allocation to the community while the planned replacement of the synthetic carpet at Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School is needed to continue to provide a safe surface for play. Staff is satisfied with the proposal submissions and recommend that the projects proceed. “Original signed by Valoree Richmond” Prepared by: Valoree Richmond, Manager of Parks Planning & Operations “Original signed by David Boag” Reviewed by: David Boag, Director Parks & Facilities “Original signed by Trevor Thompson” Reviewed by: Trevor Thompson, Manager, Financial Planning “Original signed by Kelly Swift” Approved by: Kelly Swift, MGB, BCS General Manager: Parks, Recreation & Culture “Original signed by Frank Quinn for” Concurrence: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer :vr