HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-05 Committee of the Whole Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA March 5, 2019 1:30p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Chair: Acting Mayor 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 19, 2019 3. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. 1101 2019-016-DVP, 27134 Ferguson Avenue Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2019-016-DVP respecting property located at 27134. 1102 2018-505-DVP, 11299 240A Street Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2018-505-DVP respecting property located at 11299 240A Street. Committgg of thg l!>Jholg .A.ggnda March 5, 2019 Page 2 of 3 1103 Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 7529-2019 be given first, second and third readings. 1104 Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. -Brewery Lounge Endorsement Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that the application for a brewery lounge endorsement, as an amendment to their manufacturing license, by Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. Located at #2-22826 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge be supported based on the information contained in the Council report dated March 5, 2019 and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. 5. CORPORATE SERVICES 1131 First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative Application Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that staff be directed to work with Kwantlen First Nation on a joint submission to the First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) based on the program information attached to this report dated March 7, 2019 and that the Mayor provide a letter in support of the application to the CEDI. 6. PARKS, RECREA T/ON & CULTURE 1151 Joint Youth Planning Table Recommendation Staff report dated March 5, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Council invite the City of Pitt Meadows to join the Youth Planning Table to establish a Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Youth Planning Table and that the Terms of Reference be amended to include voting members from the City of Pitt Meadows and that a cost sharing arrangement be developed should the City of Pitt Meadows accept the invitation to join the Youth Planning Table. 7. ADMINISTRATION (including Fire and Police) 8. OTHER COMMITTEE ISSUES 9. ADJOURNMENT Co111111ittee of ti 1e WI 1ole Age11da March 5, 2019 Page 3 of 3 10. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing bylaws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to the individual members of Council. The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings and delegations. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca ----~~--~-.;.·-------,-,c._ ---\ ' --------·----------·~-~== 2.0 Minutes 2.0 City of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES February 19, 2019 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT: Councillor Robson Appointed Staff K.Swift, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Community Engagement F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services L. Benson, Director of Corporate Administration T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Manager of Development and Environmental Services B. Elliott, Manager of Community Planning A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services D. Boag, Director of Parks and Facilities D. Pope, Director of Recreation and Community Engagement Y. Chui, Recreation Manager, Arts and Community Connections *Councillor Duncan joined the meeting at 1:46p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Councillor Judy Dueck, Presiding Member, called the meeting to order at 1:35 pm. The Corporate Officer advised on the procedural rules for the meeting. Co111111ittee oftl ,e 'NI ,ole Mi1 ,utes February 19, 2019 Page 2 of 5 2. ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 5, 2019 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the February 5, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 4. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 2013-087-RZ, 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue, RS-3 and RS-2 to RM-1 and P-1 Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7526-2018 to establish a defined boundary between the portion of the site to be developed and the portion proposed to be developed as neighborhood park to the west be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) to allow future development of approximately 19 townhouses with 0.53 ha (1.3 acres) allocated for a future neighborhood park and conservation lands be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services, provided background on the application advising that this application has been ongoing for quite some time and was previously deferred to allow staff time to work with the applicant relative to various parks issues. Those have been dealt with. He gave a Power Point presentation including the following information: • Applicant Information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics • Development Proposal • Proposed Site Plan • Site Cross Sections and Elevations • Parking • Landscape Plan • Front/Back Yard Elevations • Terms and Conditions Committee of tile Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 3 of 5 Staff answered questions relative to the tandem parking and the possibility of extending aprons to all units to accommodate all resident vehicles. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "First and Second Reading, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7526-2018; Second Reading, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 23500 and 23550 Larch Avenue" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1102 2016-109-DVP, 21137 River Road Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-109-DVP respecting property located at 21137 River Road. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Development Variance Permit 21137 River Road" in relation to permit number 2016-109-DVP be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1103 2018-448-RZ, 12061 Laity Street, Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 7532-2019 be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule D of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 and Schedules Band C of the Maple Ridge Heritage Procedures Bylaw No. 6951-2012. A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services; gave a Power Point presentation including the following information: • Applicant Information • Subject Map • Official Community Plan Context • Neighbourhood Plan Context • Site Characteristics • Development Proposal • Gillespie Residence History • Proposed Site Plan Committee of the Whole Minutes February 19, 2019 Page 4 of 5 • Building Elevations and Views • Terms and Conditions Staff answered questions relative to whether this type of application had been before Council in the past where there is only one access into the property from the street. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "First Reading, Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 7532-2019, 12061 Laity Street" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 5. CORPORATE SERVICES -Nil 6. PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE 1151 Festival Grant Program Recommendations -Intake One Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that festival support allocations totaling $77,120 for events taking place between May 1 and October 31, 2019 as outlined in Attachment A of this report titled "Festival Grant Program Summary Chart -Intake One 2019" be approved. Y. Chui, Recreation Manager, Arts and Community Connections, provided background and statistical information relative to festivals and the two grant application opportunities the City hosts. She spoke to the opportunity to expand existing festivals and festival season to year round. Ms. Chui answered questions from Council relative to budget, festival locations and public safety. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Festival Grant Program Recommendations -Intake One" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 1152 Region View Lease Renewal Staff report dated February 19, 2019 recommending that the lease renewal request from Region View Recreation Services be approved on the same terms l ~ I Co111111ittee of Llie Wl1ole Mirrutes February 19, 2019 Page 5 of 5 and conditions as the original lease agreement, which includes a rate that is the greater of $120,000 per annum or 20% of gross revenue. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated February 19, 2019 titled "Region View Lease Renewal" be forwarded to the Council Meeting of February 26, 2019. CARRIED 7. ADMINISTRATION (including Fire and Police) -Nil 8. OTHER COMMITTEE ISSUES -Nil 9. ADJOURNMENT 1:59 p.m. Councillor Judy Dueck Presiding Member of the Committee ,,,, .... -. ._.,-. --------·---------I 4·W ~-··· mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Development Variance Permit 27134 Ferguson Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: March 5, 2019 FILE NO: 2019-016-DVP MEETING: Co W Development Variance Permit application 2019-016-DVP has been received in conjunction with a Building Permit application to renovate the existing house. The requested variance is to reduce the asphalt width requirement, from the current standard for a local rural road of 7m to the pre-existing 6m width. Since the existing asphalt width of 6m provides an adequate level of services for the road, the variance can be supported. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2019-016-VP be approved. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2019-016-DVP respecting property located at 27134 Ferguson Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Luke A Didiuk Lot 36, Section 18, Township 15, New Westminster District Plan 9809 Rural Residential Rural Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Rural Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Rural Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Rural Residential Page 1 of 3 1101 l West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Rural Residential Residential Residential 8070 m2 (2 acres) Ferguson Avenue private well and septic The subject property is approximately 2 acres in size, and is relatively flat, with an indefinite water stream on the adjacent southern property. The property is bound by rural residential properties and Ferguson Avenue to the north (see Appendix A). The property owner has applied for a Building Permit to seek approval for renovations. Development Variance Permit application 2019-016-VP has been received in conjunction with this Building Permit application, to seek approval to reduce the required asphalt width for a local rural road tot.he pre-existing width. c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general m1n1mum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below (see Appendices Band C): 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule D (Design Criteria Manual) and Schedule F (Supplementary Standard Detail Drawings): To reduce the asphalt width requirement for a Local Rural Road, from 7m to the pre-existing 6m. The existing asphalt width of 6m provides an adequate level of services for the road, therefore the variance can be supported. In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 CONCLUSION: The proposed variance is supported for the reasons described above, therefore it is recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2019-016-DVP. “Original signed by Therese Melser” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Therese Melser Planning Technician “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Paul Gill” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Paul Gill, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map ' I J I I I I J I I I I APPENDIX A 11547 I 11576 11535 11497 I SUBJECT PROPERTY 11475 /) I i ~ ~ Ll ______ ~_L---~-'---1-14~67 ~---l~~L=-=-;;;;;-;-;;;;;;_;._,=---L-------,.~ I I I I I ---FERGUSON AVE. USON AVE. _ ·---~----,....___ ~--.----------• ----, ' ---.. ? , N Scale: 1 :2,500 ' I I I I I Legend -stream -----Ditch Centreline ------Edge of Marsh - -Indefinite Creek --1111 Lake or Reservoir ~=:;j Marsh ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) _/ 11478 11447 11414 I 11408 ' . I~ I~ 11380 "' !::; 11376 t' 11354 11343 11344 I I 11317 I I I 11330 27134 FERGUSON AVE PLANNING DEPARTMENT l~-FILE: 2019-016-VP DATE: Jan 30, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY: LP I I .. Scale: 1 :2,500 27134 FERGUSON AVE FILE: 2019-016-VP DATE: Jan 30, 2019 BY: LP City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: March 5, 2019 2018-505-DVP cow SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 11299 240A Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application (2018-505-DVP) has been received in conjunction with a building permit application for a single family house in the R-2 Urban Residential District. The recently created subject property was part of a rezoning and subdivision application to create 5 single family lots and a 54 unit townhouse development. The requested variances are to: 1. Vary the rear yard setback from the principal dwelling from 13 metres to 9.47 metres; 2. Vary the required separation between principal structure and detached garage from 4.5 metres to 2.3 metres. Council gave final reading to the rezoning application 2016-336-RZ on May 22, 2018. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2018-505-DVP be approved. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2018-505-DVP respecting property located at 11299 240A Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Main Street Willow & Oak Homes Ltd. Lot 3 Section 15 Township 12 Plan EPP83476 MRES (Medium Density Residential) Medium Density Residential R-2 (Urban Residential District) R-2 (Urban Residential District) Page 1 of 3 1102 Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: One Family Residential CD-1-93 Amenity Residential District Medium Density Residential Vacant (Townhouse site) RM-1 Townhouse Residential Medium Density Residential Park RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Conservation Townhouse Residential RM-1 Townhouse Residential Urban Residential Vacant One Family Residential 429 m2 240 A Street Full Urban Services 2016336-RZ, 2016-336-SD This variance request pertains to the siting of a single family home and detached garage for one of the 5 single family lots created by this subdivision. The lot dimensions comply with the requirements of the R-2 (Urban Residential District) Zone. The applicant is seeking to develop the property in consistency with the neighbourhood context with a principal residence and detached garage. However, this objective is challenging due to the lot dimensions, and requires a variance in order to be realized. c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985, Part 6, Section 601B, D, a1. b): To vary the rear yard setback from the principal dwelling from 13 metres to 9.47 metres; 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 3510 -1985, Part 6, Section 601B, D, b, v): To Vary the required separation between principal structure and detached garage from 4.5 metres to 2.3 metres. This variance request is being made in order to site a principal dwelling and detached garage that are consistent with the neighbourhood context. For these reasons, this application is supportable. Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 Citizen/Customer Implications: In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. CONCLUSION: The proposed variance is supported because it will help to achieve a consistent appearance in the neighbourhood. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2016-505-DVP. “Original signed by Diana Hall” __________________________________________ Prepared by: Diana Hall, M.AL, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” for _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning “Original signed by Frank Quinn” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM Public Works & Development Services “Original signed by Paul Gill” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Paul Gill, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Site Plan showing requested variances. I ! r;----3 9 5 " (/) "' ~ 11195 11187 11181 11428 11422 11418 11414 11410 11402 N Scale: 1 :2,500 "' C 0, 0, ~ KANAKAWAY 0, '" " 11415 11403 11397 11363 ........... -------. 11305 11225 11189 11183 ,-.: (/) 0 ;;/; 11416 11394 11382 11376 11372 11362 11356 11350 11336 11302 1 ..... 1_1_29_8 _ _. I ~1'-'-1"-29'--'4--'-____ __,__~__, I I I I I I I 11272 I I I I -------------....... APPENDIX A 112AVE. I Legend 11299 240A ST. ---Stream ---Ditch Centreline Edge of Marsh Indefinite Creek ~ Marsh FILE: 2018-505-VP DATE: Dec 11, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca BY:RA 111 --l APPENDIX 8 f 11299 240A ST. Scale: 1 :2,500 BY:RA "il 22~71 i .i ~.«"[Ul.,,i ~. l Ii -f= ·r, rr -=, r- :t>· ' I I 1, z ·~ fr, . m,...j .£\ ;} Ca., ::, 1 !) ill Rear yard setback Ito be varied from 13 metres toli 9.47 metres t .gt.1"l1'~ ~· ~ ~:!1fiwl ' I'"" !I. ;: '.ll! i ~ ls ! !J2.6 ')i ... j ,..._;,!?~ ,,~ ~I ~ 1, i .-4... . I~ I .;. ~P·'M.MI ,··c,· \t; t )> -0 "'O rn z 0 X (") TO: FROM: City of Maple Ridge His Worship, Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: March 5, 2019 MEETING: Cow SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 7529-2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On September 4, 2018 at Council Workshop, Council passed a resolution directing staff to prepare an amendment to the Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw (Appendix I) to include the sale of non-medical cannabis. Those amendments have been enacted but more are needed as changes to the Federal regulations on cannabis continue. These amendments are being made to create a separate category in the Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw for cannabis related businesses and to address the need for a fee for the review of each application. Other housekeeping amendments are based on a review of the Bylaw to bring certain sections up to date. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 7529-2019 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Federal government legalized cannabis October 17, 2018. The Province has set out their guidelines for the retail sale and the City of Maple Ridge has created a policy of defining how this will be applied in the City. This policy was approved by Council. The Federal government has announced that they will be looking at legalizing different products as well as reviewing the micro cannabis production. Because there will potentially be several types of cannabis sales and production, it is necessary to create categories for these in the Business Licence and Regulation bylaw. These amendments address that need. The policy that was adopted includes the review of each application for approval of a business that retails cannabis. This review includes mailing out letters to the surrounding neighbourhood, tabulating the results as well as preparing a report on the review. This entails a considerable amount of staff time as well as the cost of postage and office supplies. A review of other municipalities has shown that they are charging a fee for this service and this amendment proposes a fee for this as well. Page 1 of 2 1103 Staff also reviews the Business Licence and Regulation bylaw on a regular basis to ensure that it is current with existing legislation and recent business trends. After this review there are also some housekeeping changes that are included in this amending bylaw. The Community Charter requires that City of Maple Ridge provide an opportunity for individuals who consider they may be affected by the adoption of the bylaw the opportunity to provide input. Staff posted a public notice advertisement in the local paper on January 30 and February 1, 2019. Those who considered themselves affected by the adoption of the bylaw were directed to make a written submission to the attention of the Manager of Bylaw & Licensing Services. No responses were received. CONCLUSIONS: The adoption of this bylaw will ensure that the Council resolution is complete and that the Business Licence and Regulation bylaw will be able to address all the new additions of the Federal program. Prepared by: R. MacNair Senior Advisor, Bylaw & Licensing Services ~ Co-Prepared by: Michelle Orsetti M t rer, ~w & Licensing Services Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng . . . . . . . Gen al Manager: Public Works and Development Services Concurrence: RM/jd Appendix I -Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 7529-2019 Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX I City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending No. 7529-2019 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 WHEREAS the Council of The City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to amend Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Amending No. 7529-2019. 2. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended in Schedule A by adding the following new section 11 and re-numbering all subsequent categories accordingly. 11. CANNABIS SERVICES Category a. Cannabis Retail b. Cannabis Production c. Provincial Cannabis Application Review Licence Fee $5000.00 $5000.00 $ 500.00 3. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended by adding the following under 7.7 Cannabis 7.7.2 All provincial applications submitted to the City of Maple Ridge are subject to an application review. 4. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended in Schedule A by removing k. Cannabis from 41. RETAIL. 5. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended in Schedule A, 12. CLOTHING & LAUNDRY SERVICE by amending the fee for category d. Laundromat to read $110.00. 6. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended in Schedule A, 24. FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES by adding the following under c. Liquor Primary Licence Establishment, under the phrase "For each additional occupant": Provincial Application Review $500.00 7. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended under Part 7 Specific Regulations, 7.16 Licensed Premises and U-Brews, by adding: 7.16.2 All Licensed Premises shall not be open later than 2:00 am on New Year's Eve. 8. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended by adding the following under 6.6 Licence Renewal 6.6.2 The Licence renewal fee shown on the Licence renewal statement is due and payable in full by December 31 the preceding year or a late payment fee of $25 shall be applied. 9. Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 is amended by updating the table of contents to reflect the current page numbers. READ A FIRST TIME this __ day of ______ , 2019. READ A SECOND TIME this __ day of ______ , 2019. READ A THIRD TIME this __ day of ______ , 2019. ADOPTED this __ day of ______ , 2019. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER TO: FROM: MAPLE RIDGE Elrtt,sl\Gaua...-City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: March 5, 2019 MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. -Brewery Lounge Endorsement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) received an amendment application from Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. located at #2 -22826 Dewdney Trunk Road for a brewery lounge endorsement to their manufacturing brewery licence (Appendix I). One of the considerations utilized by the LCRB in reviewing an endorsement application to a licence is a resolution from the local government. A number of regulatory criteria must be addressed in the Council resolution as well as comments pertaining to the views expressed by area residents. Council may choose to support the application, not support the application or indicate they do not wish to comment. In 2015 the previous owner of Ridge Brewing Company submitted an application to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) for a manufacturer-brewery lounge. On November 16, 2015, that application was not supported by Council due to the change in occupancy, the significant structural alterations that would need to be done to the building, inadequate parking, and concerns raised by clients in the adjoining units. The Council comments supported this type of business in the Town Centre, but not at this location. In order for Ridge Brewing to change their existing manufacturing brewery licence to permit a brewery lounge endorsement, the building classification would need to be evaluated to all three occupancy classifications to determine the construction requirements which would have to be implemented in the entire building. The parking allotment and availability will need to be reviewed and verified to ensure it meets the required number of parking spaces. RECOMMENDATION($}: 1. That the application for a brewery lounge endorsement, as an amendment to their manufacturing license, by Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. located at #2 -22826 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge be supported based on the information contained in the Council report dated March 5, 2019. 2. That a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. DISCUSSION: a} Background Context: On September 12, 2018, the current owner of Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. through the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) submitted an application for a brewery lounge endorsement to their manufacturing brewery licence. Page 1of 3 1104 T"-----c--------· The LCRB guidelines request a specific Council resolution commenting on the application in terms of community impacts which may occur as a result of the proposed change to the establishment operations as a result to the proposed change to the licensed brewery license at this particular location. Part of the process requires Council to gather views of the residents who may be affected by the establishment of the liquor primary license in their neighbourhood. In following the public input requirement, the City posted a public notice in the local newspaper running in two separate editions the 19th of September and then again on the 10th October 2018. The City also mailed 500 letters to owners and occupants of property within approximately 200 metres of the subject site with the vast majority of the recipients being Maple Ridge residents and the rest of the property owners showing as registered companies. Of the 500 letters sent to surrounding property owners and occupants there were 3 responses all in support of the proposed application. In addition to the area resident's responses, there were 9 responses from citizens who reside in Maple Ridge opposed to this proposal and 140 in support of it as well as 148 other supportive responses from people who did not provide any information as to where they resided. The Maple Ridge RCMP Detachment was asked for their input on this matter and they have confirmed they do not have any operational issues with this application. Attached as Appendix II to this report is correspondence from the Chief Building Official for the City, who advises that for Ridge Brewing to change from a manufacturing establishment to a manufacturing brewery lounge establishment, the building classification would need to be evaluated to all three occupancy classifications to determine the construction requirements which would have to be implemented in the entire building. Parking allotment and availability will need to be reviewed and verified on the subject property for this proposed change as it just meets the required number of parking spaces. The three closest liquor primary licensed premises to the subject property are: • Witchcraft Pub -22648 Dewdney Trunk Road • Maple Meadows Brewing -22775 Dewdney Trunk Road • Chances Maple Ridge -22710 Lougheed Highway b) Intergovernmental Issues: Both local government and the provincial government have an interest in ensuring that liquor regulations are followed and that licensed establishments listen to the needs of the community. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The review of this application has taken into consideration the potential for concerns from surrounding properties in terms of parking, traffic and noise generation as well as the proximity of schools and similar establishments. Page 2 of 3 d) Interdepartmental Implications: The Licences & Bylaws Department has coordinated in the review process and solicited input from the public, other municipal departments as well as the RCMP. e) Alternatives: To not approve the application and provide conditions to the approval in the form or recommendations to forward to the LCRB. CONCLUSIONS: That Council pass the necessary resolution supporting the application from Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. based upon the staff findings set out in this report. Mana er, Bylaw & Licensing Services .... rank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng General Manager: Public Works and Development Services MO/jd Attachments: Appendix I: Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch Lounge and Special Event Area Application Appendix II: Correspondence from the city's Chief Building Official Page 3 of 3 a~-'"""""S::=,:=-.-~c-~-~-----------·-------RECEIVED Sff l 2 2018 APPENDIX I BRITISH COLUMBIA Liquor and Cannabis Regufallon Branch MAP. LE RIO~· · 400-645TyeeRoad,.Viclona;e.c V9A6X5 . OUN.GE ANO SPECIAL EVENT AREA Matl:P. 0 Box.929.2 Sin Provinctal Go"t,'{f'l.1'!'e§c'V6'f<HQIDMITS & rYDWVo Phone. 1.666209-21!1 Fox: 250-~l'tl'l!lt~vt:'1, [Lil ·· , APPLICATION Llquor.,ind Carmahls Ffogul;i,tlon pionn. l~CRB049A Instructions: Using the attached guide, complete this application form and assemble all required documents. Once complete, follow instructions for submitting your application package to local government/first nation and the Liquor and C.annabis Regulation Branch. Part 1: Type of Application 1ZJ Lounge Endorsement 0 Special Event Area Endorsement Note: Do not apply for special event area if it will occupy same footprint as the lounge. Are. you submitting an application for a manufacturing licence with this application? 1ZJ No D Yes ffi se only _...,.,.,.~· _;.;.~· .. ,...,,.,~-·····--· -, Are you submitting an application to transfer the Jocatioh of the manufacturing facility with this application? 1ZJ No D Yes Part 2: Applicant Manufacturer Licence Number (if licensed): ~'3-0_64_4_0_. ---------~. ApplicanVLicensee Name: JRidge Brewing Company Ltd. Mailing Address: J2-22a26 Dewdney Trunk Road j JMaple Ridge j jsc J jv2x 3.H6 :=J '------------Su-.-.,----------,, "'"-----~Ci-,y--~---~ Province Po$lat·code Phone li(.lrnber: ~Je_o_4-_3_eo_-_oe_e_a ________ ~ E-mail .address: steve@ridgebrewing.com Nqte: An autho_rized Sigrnilg :authority of a !1cens-~e Geil ·appoint a reJ)rosen:1a11ve to fnter~cJ with the branch ~m tDOJr behalr by'-c_ompleting forn, ~CRB101 Add. ChB(JgO or Remove,Ucensee Representauv~ Part 3: Application Contact Pe~son Name: j Stephen Barron/Aegir Consulting Inc::. Phone number: ~'7_7_8_-8_8_5_-6_5_8_2 ______ ~ Position: LjA_g_e_n_t·-----------~ E-mail address:/steve@aegircons,ulllng.ca Not El! Th& apj)_lltafll aut~onz~~ lh& person at>ove to ba to.s p_nmaty _contact fot the du'ration or 1he app!ica_tiOQ procass onty. Part 4: Establishment Establishment Name: jRidge Brewing Company Manufacturer Address: ----··· 12-22826 DewdneyTrtJnkRoad Slreot 4a, Parcel ldentifier(PlD): !023-575·654 //Maple Ridg~ J /sc .......... -llv2x 3~6-~------c,-ty------~ Province '---P-os-\e-1 C-o-de __ _, 4b. Local Government/First Nation: !city 9f Maple Ridge 4c. Js, this .Jocatibn zoned for liquor service.? D No 18] Yes Local Police: /Ridge Meadows RCMP 4d. ls thi1, man(.lfacturjng site part of the Agri,c;ultural Land Reserve (ALR)? 18] No D Yes 4e, If the. proposed site is oh ALR land, have. you reviewed the ALR policies regarding a lounge and/or special event area? D No D Yes t..CRB049A . (Last ~pdated'27 June 2016} .. . -. . . . t or5 . . . . .. .. . . -Lounge and sj,e~ial EventAroa Appllcalio~ I I !· ! I Part 5: Lounge Proposal This section requiresseve.ral supporting documents to be submitted with your application. Please see the checklist on page 3 below for more information regarding letter.of intent, floor plan and site map. 5a. Proposed Service Areas: Complete the following based on yoLJr establishment floor plan and occupant load (see page 5 of guide): Area No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Floor Level (e.g. Basemont Mein, 2nd) Indoor Patio Total Occupant Load (ofall licerised areas): 1,;,.'.::'r :Pc\{.l~!<'1 $ . rt'6: Special Event Area Proposal OccLJpant Load Thi. section requires several supporting documents lo be submitted with your application. Please see the checklist on page 3 below for more _ formation regarding letter of iriteni. floor plan and site plan. ,,, Ela. Propose~--Service Areas: Comple.te the. _owing chart.based on you_r establishment floor plan: Occupant load is required for indoor and patio areas(see page 5 of guide), If you w an outdoor area that is not il pati.o see 6b: Area No. 1. Indoor Patio Occupant Load "', l----+---------~-"~~--+------1------+------------···--····-~-2. '".f"-.... ---~----·---------.+---'>.,..:-.----1--------+-------~----------\ --·· ~,~---·---· 3. Total Occupant Load (of all Jicense~as): 6b. Complete, the following chart if you will have an outdoor event ar~t a patio) .. Outdoor areas require a person capacity not occupant load (see page 5 of guide): ' ~-Area . Outdoor Area . ·, . .. ' No. Identify by location or name ,-... Capacity 1. 2. 3. 4, Total Person Capacily for all Outdoor Areas: Saturd~y· Part 7: DeGlaration of Signing Authority ............ i Sunday 1 ·I ~....-,11. I SecUon 57(1 )(c) of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act stales: "A person commits an offence if the person (c) provides false or misleading information in the following circumstances: (I) when making an application referred to in section 12; (ii) when making a report or whim required and as specified by the general manager under section 59". As theHcensee or authorized signatory of the licensee, I understand and affirm that all of th.e Information provided is true and complete, Signature:._. -~-·.c:.·:c-_·. ---~·-~-· _-_~_· ~_c_~-'-·-·_. ----------------Autho.r!zed signatory of Iha Hcensoo Name: Position: Date.: ( lasl/ firsl/rnlddfo) (lfnOl en individual) (Day/Monlh/Yoar) Note:.An.agefl!,.lawyer orthlrd·porly operalor may not slg_n lhe declorsllon on behalf _or"lhe licensee. This fo~rn Should bo 9lgned by arl Individual with lha·aulhorfty to Qind th.8.apJ)lk:ant. The Branch-relies on tM lrcensOQ lo am1ure l_hat_the.lndlvidual.wJ:io signs this rorm 15; aulhorlzed to-do so, Typically, nn ll_ppropriale lndlviduor wiH be as follows: • • It l_he. fi(;erisea ls an.fnd!Vid43I or ~ole ·prnprlet.9r, the indivldu_ol hlniself/he"rse!f .. • I( the h.censee.ls o Corporation, a duly authorized signatory Who will usually be an officer or, In.same cases, a director • -H l~e li(?Ein:1¢e !s. a g~na·ral par:tnersMlp; one Of lhe Par1riers .-If ihe licensee·i~ a limileci partnership, the, genetel partner Q.f Iha partnership • If Ifie UC8nse6 ls a-~001ely, lhen a cliraClor o'r a ~enlo(mana"ger (as defrnecf lii·the SocletleS Act} !£ an aulhofize'd signatory.hos compfoted 1he Acfct Change orR~move liconseo Reprose_nlalivo rorm (LCL8101) nnd !hoy hava spaeifica!fy pcrmillod a l1e-0nseo raprosenlahve to sign lhis rorm on me l(c~ns.ee'$ behal/, th·e branch will acCopl the: llcflinsee representalive's.signat.ure. Part 8: Checklist Your application package must include the following documents .. An incomplete application will delay the licensing process. 0 Completed Lounge & Special Event Area Application (this form). 0 Letter of Intent for each type of endorsement (page 5 of the guide). 0 Lounge Floor Plan (2 copies) preferably with occupant load (page 5 & 6 ofthe guide). 0 Special Everil Area Floor Plan (2 copies) preferably with occupant load (page 5 & 6 of the guide). D Site plan for any outdoor endorsement area (see page S ofguide). 0 Palio(s) (see Appendix I on page 8 of the guide). 0 Any additional information (labelled per question nurilberon application Form) if there. is not sufficient space to answer a question on the application fOriri. 0 Take your application package to Local Government/First Nation (Part 9 below). Note: Tills step is. note. requited if you are applying for this endorsement(s) on a second manufacturing licence localed at the same site (see# 3 on page. 2 of guide). 0 After Part 9 is completed, submit your application package .to the Branch (Parts 10 and 11 below) . ................. ..,,...__. .. _ ..... _ ...... · ·,. . ....... · ...... _ .• .. , .•.•••. -.. ~.. ~ =. , •.•.... · LCRB049A l I I I I ' I Part 9: Local G.overnment/First Nation (LG/FN) Confirmation of Receipt of Application This ls to be filled out by your local government/First Nation office prior to submitllng this application to the. branch. Local goverhment/First Nation (name}: 1,.-/ _C_it.::..y_o_f_M_a_.,_p_le_R_i_d--=g'--e _________________ __, Name of official:/ <.) a c:1 b'\ c<C b (,t\L, Email: ) .CC,t, / Tille/Position: J Mwfi o. ~f£,'iBii'lv,t+ Phone:J ful'4·-4b'J .:7?51 I I Dale Received:! ~pt 12 [1~_] Check here ii the LG/FN w, I not be providing comment: D Yes, opting out of comment. Note: The LG/FN cannot provide comment for the.ir own application. Is the manufacturing site located on Treaty First Nation land? 1'J No D Yes Instructions for Local Government/First Nation (LG/FN) This serves as notice that <in application for a lounge and/or special event area endorsement is being made within your community. The. Branch requests that you consider this application (application form, letter of Intent, and floor plan) and provide the Branch with resolution wi.lhin .90 days of the above received dale, Aiternalively, LG/FN can delegate staff with .the authority to provide comment. • The applicant will bring their completed application form, patio appendix (If applicable), letter of intent. floor plan and site map (for outdoor areas) to LG/FN. • llthere are any.major issues (e.g. zoning}, LG/FN may hold off.signing the application until the issues are resolved or they have a plan to deal with the issues, · · • When LG/FN is comfortable with the application proceeding, LG/FN staff will sign Part 9 of the applicallon form and return it to 1he applicant. LG/FN will l<eep a copy of Jhe signed application form and all supporting documents. • The applicant Will $Ubmit the signed application package (with all requited documents) to the Branch. •· Branch staff will contact LG/FN to confirm receipt of the application and identify lhe Branch staff responsible for processihg the application. • Brahch staff and LG/FN staff will advise each .Other if there are any concerns with the propos.ed application. To provide a resolution or comment: • Gather public input for the community within the immediate vicinity of the establishment. • Consider these factors which must be taken inlo account when providing resolution/comment: • The location of the establishment. • The person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment. Provide a resolution/comment with comments on: o. The impact of noise on nearby residents. • The impact on the community If the application is approved. • The View of residents and a description of the method used to giither views. o The LG/FN recommendations (including whether or not the application be approved) and the reasons on whi.ch they are based, • Provide any reports that are referenced in, or used to determine, the resolution/comment. • ff more than 90 days is required, provide a written request for extension to the Branch. o If LG/FN opts out, or is !he applicant, the Branch wjll gather public input ancl contact LG/FN staff for information to assist the Branch in considering the regulatory criteria. If you have any questions, or the establishment is located on Treaty First Nation land, please call the Branch loll-free at ts866-209-2111. to speak to the Senior Licensing Analyst. LCRB049A REVISIONS No. -•/Dtr 1 ,_....__ /'Jlj/11 41'--4° LEGEND -a'-%'- J J + G:(J NORTH ARROW 8 REVISION ~~ UHI\IERS,:.l i ~ TOILET ROOM c:i • DATUM POINT [;; °' ~secnoN"U"'" " BUILDING CROSS SECTION z SHEEl/lUMBER \ ::, ~::::.=:.::::. _____ °' I +x·.xx· I AFF HEIGHT TAGS ~ ----~11111 ~O') // >->-~ lo"""'•""'* (_') w " ELEVATION I 111 I // Zx EXISTING BASE BUILDING WALL // z O,c, I // G 3: > ~OETA!LtJVM5ER IE3E--31 EXISTING WINDOW (( HOT LIQUOR s: 00 co DETAIL BUBBLE w -0 - SHEET NUMBER II ''"" O<'. Nw ~('.) }'----t-lX'-J DIMENSION LINE FROM FINISH co NO FACE TO FINISH FACE II w ' a: 0 WALL TAG II (_') Nw f FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 8 "'~ II 0 ~ <L COLD ROOM -..: @D AREA NUMBERS J (WALK-I N COOLER) II HOT LIQUOR O<'. 5:, ~~ EMERGENCY LIGHT/ EXIT SIGN ''"" ,. II K e PLUMBING SYMBOLS !Nil EXIT SIGN 11~ ... A II l! A 8 DOOR NUMBERS Li MANUFACTURING AREA ~ FIRE BELL EQU~MENT 8 IMCA [El PULL STP..TION ''"'""'"' construction ~ """"·"'"""""'b"'"'"'·"'"' DESZQIEll:K.Hl-:1.:J.\f Tcl.i 6CmOS-87~/ ,.. ..... ----1'1 110:,.,-JJ125_:r0iii.'W RFI.H,OC ~ ... 8 I I lrtoQl:n<~"1rl5~<>CtioMom i I I BAR ,.,o.".c~rv;:1 ~ 2 11.5 sqft(19.65 sqm) ,,,,,--= 2 st aff ,, DRAY«NC llTIE: Proposed Occupant Load: ----I 11 l~L UUTI 8 FLOOR PLAN SEATI NG AREA ~ 1 300.3 sqft(27.9 sqm) h -23 persons ~ Seating (23 seats) ~ 8 +Bar (2 staffs) ~~ .......,,. ... 201-.. =25 persons ~ sc.,a£ .. .. JED " IA/D/'( ~ • i k-• k--i=r= •IJ'-10" DIIA .. Im IQ( ·1 -lll"-1 0' ENTRANCE .............. ,._,. I 20'-01/%' , ...... ,~ -N ! @ ~';L?:~~--~L A N W.E [~r _ .... NO, A -1 s ~ ~--~ --------------,-,---------------~ ~........,---~- ,·,· ... l. ------r--,:=-------------------------··-·------------·-·=~-~-""= September 6, 2018 Liquor Control & Licensing Branch PO Box 9292, Stn Prov. Govt. Victoria, B.C. A3GJR CDNSULTING INC V8W9J8 Attention: Licensing COJ;UMBIA SQUARE R'PO PO BOX 42555 NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C.V3L OAS TELEPHONE: 778.885.6582 www.AE._GlRCO~ via email: liquor.licensing@gov.bc.ca LETTER OF INTENT Application for New Brewery Lounge Applicant:Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. Manufacturing Licence #306440 Dba Ridge Brewing Company at: Unit 2 ~ 22826 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge BC Please be advised that we are the duly authorized representative for the applicant and as suchi pursuant to application guidelines, this is the written submission in support of the Manufacturer Lounge application as required. 1. Purpose: The applicant is submitting this application for a Manufacturer Lounge Endorsement (Brewery) for Ridge Brewing Compally at Unit 2 -22826 Dewdney Trunl< Road, Maple Ridge BC. This appHcation seeks to add a lounge endorsement as permitted by Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation and the City of Maple Ridge. The licensee wishes to have a licensed lounge area of the brewery in order to showcase the products produced by the brewery. The lounge area will be used for educational purposes for wholesale clients, as well as an area to promote products to the general public, including locals and tourists. In addition, Provincial licensing regulation now prohibits the safe of glasses of beer (12 oz) unless there is a lounge endorsement. The brewery currently sells flights of beer {4 3 oz tasting glasses), however customers have requested the ability to order beer in a glass. The brewery vvould also like the abiJity to showcase other BC products and a lounge would permit a guest tap (from another brewery or cidery). Many patrons of the lounge will participate In short tours of the establishment, which will conclude in the lounge where patrons will be able to sample and purchase product made on site. The Brewery will hold special events such as beer pairing dinners in the licensed area Manufacturer Lounge Endorsement Application -Ridge Brewing Company I I l of the lounge. There will also be special beer launch events and seasonal celebrations such as New Year's. All events will take place in the brewery lounge seating area. The brewery lounge capacity will comprise 23 customers and 2 staff for a total of 25 persons. This 'final capacity will be contingent on obtaining City building department approval. The room will include a bar of 3 seats, a small retail counter, a stand up rail and table seating. The bar counter will be used to display products including bottles and cans for sale as well as merchandise such as hats, T-shirts and glassware. There will also be a small growler filling station at the bar to allow permit the operator to fill growlers to go. 2. TARGET MARKET: The target demographic is patrons from all income levels. Tourists, locals and wholesale customers will attend the brewery to learn about the production process and have the opportunity to taste new and existing products. The focus of the brewery lounge will be to retain local customers of the establishment, however it is expected that tourists and other lovers of craft beer will patronize the establishment once its products become better known. Maple Ridge is increasingly becoming known as a destination for food and craft beer lovers and it is anticipated that this lounge will become a destination for these customers. 3. Composition of the Neighbourhood This neighbourhood is primarily industrial and commercial use. Jhe zoning for this area is specifically for manufacturing, industry and commercial buildings. Please see the attached map for details of the neighbourhood characteristics, including social facilities, schools and public buildings. There a~e no social fadlities within a two block radius of the site. There are two other breweries located in Maple Ridge. We have used a distance-guideline of two city blocks, given that this located in the City of Maple Ridge, in a built-up industrial area. 4. BENEFITS TO THE COMMUNITY: If this application is approved, the community will have a location to patronize to sample locally crafted beer. The brewery will become a destination for the local craft beer culture-, and if approved, this location will serve to enhance Maple Ridge as a centre of craJt brewing culture. We believe that the City of Maple Ridge and Province of British Manufacturer Lounge Endorsement Application. Ridge Brewing Company I I Columbia has moved to assist local companies to promote their products to local residents and visitors like by permitting the addition of brewery lounges. The addition of a 'brewery lounge' to this neighbourhood in the City of Maple Ridge will be a positive addition to the community. In addition, it will also provide for: • employment opportunities for residents of the community; • a potential location for fundraising and small community events; • payment of provincial and city taxes; 0 a further diversification the hospitality venues available in Maple Ridge 5. Impact of hoise on the surrounding communitu The tasting room is on the interior of the brewery . As such, the noise impact to the neighborhood will be minimal and noise will only be generated when people enter and exit the lounge. Furthermore there is no residential housing adjacent to or across from the brewery entrance. 6. Other Impacts on the surrounding community This .is a small lounge located in a min·i mall in Maple Ridge; the impact on parking to be minimal. The lounge will be staffed by two servers on a daily basis. Each of our staff members will be trained and certified by "serving it right". The operational controls will ensure a safe and orderly environment to be enjoyed by our patrons. There are no public buildings or facilities that have been impacted by the brewery and it is not anticipated that addition of a lounge endorsement will change the operation or impacts. We Will be communicating with the neighbouring businesses to ensure that there are no impact on their customers. 7. Other information The applicant will be operating under and complying with all City bylaws, including those related to noise and licensed establishments. There are no specific entertainment options apart from a television planned at this time. The proposed lounge space will also have food available to patrons and currently offers snacks, and hot sandwiches. The applicant believes that this will enhance the Manufacturer Lounge Endorsement Application -Ridge Brewing Company I experience for customers and also will promote responsible liquor service. The applicant will complete any public consultation required by the Branch related to this request. The City has conducted the the public consultation process on another brewery lounges in the area, and we anticipate that this may be the case for this application. We look forward to working with you to complete this project. Should you have any questions or require anything further, please contact me directly at 778-885-6582 or steve@aegirconsulting.ca Regards, Aegir Consulting Inc. Stephen l3arron Encl. Manufacturer Lounge Endorsement Application -Ridge Bre1iVing Company TO WHOM tr MAY CONCERN -----· --J f.7}~ret,y.aqtt1otize AEGIR'GONSULl~fNG Inc, to.represent tr,e following Gompany,9,rKJI .or c:iur interests reg6tcling t1·1e,•appl[6atli':lr1 rota lic(udr Hee nee u1at is curf'enily in process Mtlicili:her,Jt I.$ tiefq~eJlifjUquor.ContrQI i:lfld Licensing Branch or th(~ Local Goverrnmmtin th~ ?,tp@rpprf;ite jurisdictlon, · · This appoilit(nent 11t11d a.L!tl1,qri.zt;1tiQJi Wi!J remain in effect until modffiec1 orTEWOl,edby Vtfltten:notifica~fon sent tothe:government in quesiiort · ~GIA CONSULTING INC, 'PO Box42555 RPO Cotombla Square ·130-.,'!005 Columbia Street, New \l\!estminster B.C. \!3M 6L7 11fH:ll35·6502. YOL!rS Truly, rev~~-.. bUP. , L£kve_,) N~rne f)I/V'&~.~-~ . ··.+·----.· . -. -··-. . -Title J", . J,,__ 3 0 . ''.A?· I J . O~t":~;rJ-. . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . I ! I I i Establishment Name: Licence Name: Location Address: Issued to: Ridge Brewing Company Ridge Brewing Company 2 • 22826 Dewctn(;!y Trunk Road MAPLE RIDGE;ac' V2X 3H6 Ridge Brewing Company Ltd. TERMS AND CONDITIONS On-site Store Endorsement Approved o. f:l:iefa1'fr1$ Iiii'o conditions to whkh·thisJ(ct!nta rs ~t.lbJi,,ct In.tlUdEi -rne·t¢rms,1,md conditl'cins cori'ttlliri'.iclit'itJ1&Hdense~:rerms' ondClxirlltfoni HandbookrwJ1khJ$ avuHabl\! oh tho Liquortor'Jtrof ahd U(eming'B~anch wcbt;ite;theTi\rnt<;:$hd:'CdbdiHbiis Hm'ri:rbookis\1men(Jedfr6mtime to time. · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · / · · o StipJe<:t.to t.,m,~ and:c9nditionsspecified i.n ·th& ras.trittl<:lnorapprav~!hm~r(j), A copy ofrestrict'ron,.r.:w t1ppfo11al l~ffo.i'(s) to be K\'lpt wi'tt:i qurreritliquor licencei · · 0 L(quorproduct spld iii ~he on site.stOre must be fog!sterndc-uncttir ~Mi rnanufatti,ir.¢rliGence. ~iJ11·ctJAFlE1~lT VAt1o'[[cENc'e,1Qus-r aifi>ROMINartt::~>:r· sfiLAVr:o At ALL:trMfEs; TAMPIE'AING; 1\LTEiiirfo:1 mr • fiAOtNGtHll:H.!CENCEJN ANY M;~N~J~F{ MAY R~SULT•· ' Tt·i~ LlclENe~·a~ING C/\NCt:L't.ED: ',' . ~,.;;,.,. ·.,,~---., .... ~,=+--~-__ -.. ~,~~¥.)':,~ ·,.:c,.·,,,·;··"'-·-~---·'··-~<"< .¥ •• Mar~h l6., 2018 l ; i j l I l -··--·----~------ Prope rty R e port (2 -22826 D EWDNEY TRUNK RD) Property ID: 12925 Address: 2 22826 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD Fo lio: 52629-0002~0 Pla n: LMS2583 Lot : 2 l egal: PID : 023-575-654 l TO: Zo nin g: CS-1 OCP land Use: TCCOMM Backyard Burning: Backyard Burning on this property is notpermitted due to the Outdoor Burning Regu lation. Recycli ng Pic kup Day: Wednesday Approx. Area: 0 .393 ha. Street Labe l (large) * Facility or Attraction -+ Railway Major River or Lake Edge Major River or Lake lntedor Lot Boundary ""'"' School 0 Park 0 Property ;"""-\ Municipal Boundary ,... ...... "'- 0 90 180 360 ft D I l 1 f I I I I I N 0 25 50 100m Scale 1 :2,500 I Toe City nf Maple Ridge makes ! no guai:antee. regarding 1he City of Maple Ridge RldgeView 2.0 12065/75,'1)5/95 .LANE 11903 11887 .. =t;'.° ~ ·---------·---------1--1--- uJ ·::::=:;:::=::;:::::::=:;::::::::::;::::::=::;::::::::::;:::~ ~: : :) ,a, "" ~ ~ g] . FUtlsR.A'vE 1!931 11932 11.S2'i /"1922 11912 11911 11902 11$07 11898 "i-1891 11888 11/lS1 11S78 11869 "' ~ ' accuracy orpresent status of the information shown on this map •.. Printed : August 28 , 201 s I 1< I I 11851 I I I r i 1t aas I I ~ Property ID: 12925 A dd ress,.2 22826 DEWDNEYTRUNK RD Fo li o: 52629-0002-0 Pla n: LMS2583 Lot: 2 Le g a l: PI O: 023-575-654 LT O: Zo nin g: CS-1 O CP La n d Use: TCCOMM Property Report (2 -22826 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD) Backyard Burn ing : Backyard Bu rning on this property is not permitted due to the Outdoor Burning Regulation. RecycUng Pic k up Day: Wednesday A p prox. A.rea: 0.393 ha. ~ N Street Label (large) Facility or Attraction Railway Major River or L ake Edge Major River or Lake. Interior L ot Boundary School Park Property Mu nic ipal Boundary 0 90 180 I I I i I i I I I I I I I 0 25 50 Sc a le 1 :2,500 360 ft I I J 100 m The City of !VleipJe Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy. or present status of the inf.ormati on shown ·on --this map. City of Maple Ridge RidgeView 2 .0 Printed: August 2 8,. 2018 '7J' January 21, 2019 To Michelle Orsetti Manager Bylaw & Licensing Services APPEDNIX II Re: Proposed Change In Use to Ridge Brewing Co .• Unit 2 -22826 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge I have reviewed the files for 22826 Dewdney Trunk Road and in particular Unit 2 at this address as this unit is requesting a change of their license from micro-brewery to liquor primary. The original building was constructed to the following BC Building Code requirements: • Constructed to the 1992 BC Building Code, • Constructed as a split occupancy; Group E & Group F Division 2 classifications, • Building Area is 1,434m2 (15,434 sq. ft.), and • The sprinkler system installed in compliance with NFPA 13 The proposal is to change what can be served in Unit 2. As the seating capacity is not changing this serving area is still considered a subsidiary use to the primary function which is currently considered a Group F Division 2 (F2) industrial classification and the subsidiary use being considered a Group A Division 2 (A2) Assembly classification. With this proposed change the floor area in this building that is being used for A2 occupancy's exceeds 10% of the buildings floor area which requires the building to be evaluated to all three occupancy classifications to determine the most restrictive construction requirements which would have to be implemented in the entire building. Code excerpts included here for reference. Multiple Major Occupancies 1) Except as permitted by Articles and, in a building containing more than one major occupancy, the requirements of this Subsection for the most restricted major occupancy contained shall apply to the whole building. Exceptions for Major Occupancies 2) In a building in which the aggregate area of all major occupancies in a particular Group or Division is not more than 10% of the floor area of the storey in which they are located, these major occupancies need not be considered as major occupancies for the purposes of this Subsection, provided they are not classified as Group F, Division 1 or 2 occupancies. Group A, Division 2, Low Occupant Load 1) A suite of Group A, Division 2 assembly occupancy, except a child or infant daycare facility, is permitted to be classified as a Group D, business and personal services occupancy provided .... Not only does the building classification need to be reviewed to determine use classification of the space and its potential impacts on the existing building but based on the patronage of the unit, the buildings parking allotment and availability will need to be reviewed and verified. An evaluation of the units and the required parking per -Schedule A of the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 and amendments -is as follows: City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Canada Tel: 604-463-5221 Fax: 604-467-7329 enquiries@mapleridge.ca www.mapleridge.ca I , Unit 1 Broco • 2(d) of the parking bylaw 1 per 2om2, unit is 249m2, therefore 12 parking spaces. Unit 2 Proposed Brewery/Lounge • 2(1) of the parking bylaw 1 per 4 seats, based on 25 seats 6.25 therefore, 7 parking spaces Unit3 & 4 • 4 of the parking bylaw 1 per 20m2, 463m2 therefore 23 parking spaces Unit 5 Karate • 4 of the parking bylaw 1 per 20m2unit is 252m2, therefore 12.6 = 13 parking spaces Unit 6 Car Rental • 2(b) of the parking bylaw 1 per 25m2, unit is 244m2, therefore 10 parking spaces Based on the above calculations and current and proposed uses on the property, 65 parking spaces are required for this development. The original development was required to provide 64 parking spaces. Of these required spaces, 56 were provided as designated parking spots and 10 were considered based on the area in front of the overhead doors being available to the tenants of these units. Currently only 8 of the original 10 spaces are available which means the site still just provides the minimum number of spaces required of the original development. Considering these calculations and the proposed change in the use of unit 2, the site just meets the required number of parking spaces. Based on the current uses on this site only one business runs a standard 9 to 5 type work day where the other business would still be open and operating during the same time period as this proposed space. This being the case there is no availability to use spaces from other tenants that would be unoccupied after 5pm Both building code and parking evaluations will be required as part of the building permit process once Council has considered and accepted the proposal. Based on the proposal there should be no impact on the buildings design or life safety features. Sincerely, Stephen J. Cote-Rolvink, RBO, CRBO Chief Building Official Building Department -Permits & Inspection Services City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Canada Tel: 604-463-5221 enquiries@mapleridge.ca www.mapleridge.ca Fax: 604-467-7329 I ---=--~-..... ~-City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: March 5, 2019 FILE NO: 2160138 MEETING: COW SUBJECT: First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative Application EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Maple Ridge has received a request from Kwantlen First Nation to submit a joint application to the First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI). This program is administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers, and offers support to First Nations and adjacent municipalities in the development and implementation of joint community economic development or land use initiatives while building a resilient, sustainable partnership. Kwantlen First Nation is interested in partnering with the City of Maple Ridge on this application to facilitate work on joint land use planning and investment attraction. RECOMMENDATION: That staff be directed to work with Kwantlen First Nation on a joint submission to the First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) based on the program information attached to this March 7, 2019 report; and further That the Mayor provide a letter in support of the application to the CEDI. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Over the past number of years Kwantlen First Nation has expressed interest in the potential development of its lands east of 240 Street, known as the IR5 lands. More recently, Kwantlen's economic development branch, Seyern Qwantlen Business Group (SQ), has met with the City's Economic Development staff to discuss the potential for the City to provide some guidance for how to structure their planning process. Undertaking this work presents an excellent opportunity to develop a joint land use plan for the area, including the municipal land surrounding IR5, to support positive economic development outcomes for both the City and Kwantlen First Nation. The CEDI application, if successful, would provide funding for such a planning process. First Nations and municipalities are invited to jointly apply for the CEDI. Participation in the program requires a commitment from each partner organization as outlined in the February 19, 2019 call for applications (Attachment A). Should Council endorse the recommendation, staff will work with SQ on the joint application, which is due for submission by March 15, 2019. Doc # 2160138 Page 1of 2 1131 =-------------------~----,-=====~~~~-~~=-b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome of this work with Kwantlen First Nation is a cohesive, vibrant neighbourhood in and adjacent to IR5 that will benefit all residents and highlight our communities as desirable places to invest. c) Strategic Alignment: Collaboration with Kwantlen First Nation in the CEDI aligns with the Council Strategic Plan, particularly with regard to inter-government relations and building strong relationships with the region and other levels of government, including First Nations. This work also connects to the priority of growth management and planning for local infrastructure and economic growth. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Collaboration on land use planning and economic development in the context of the IR5 lands will involve staff from Planning and Economic Development & Civic Properties, with support from the City's First Nations Liaison. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: There are no direct costs associated with participation in the CEDI program. CEDI provides technical support through third-party facilitation, and provides financial support by covering workshop costs. Three grants are also available jointly to the participating communities, including a $35,000 Capacity Building Grant that can be used to support the implementation of the joint community economic development initiative. CONCLUSION: The City of Maple Ridge and Kwantlen First Nation continue to build positive working relationships that benefit citizens and strengthen the economic, environmental and social fabric of our communities. The opportunity to work with Kwantlen through the CEDI presents an opportunity to further develop our relationship in alignment with Council's strategic priorities for inter-government relations and economic growth. ' ~ <... . tfCdtV': ;:> Prepare{jby:LinSlracusa Direct r of ;9-°nomic Development & Civic Properties rank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. Gene I Manager Public Works & Development Services Reviewed by: Attachments: (A) 2019-02-19 Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program Doc # 2160138 Page 2 of2 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program I , , A.-·--1 FCM FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES Jom FEDERATION CANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITES Careers Contact us Sign ,n HOME > NEWS & MEDIA > ANNOUNCEMENTS > CALL APPLICATIONS FIRST NATION MUNICIPAL COLLABORATION PROGRAM .ANNOUNCEMENT Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program February 19, 2019 Cando (the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) are accepting applications for one partnership through the First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDi). CEDI supports First Nations and adjacent municipalities in the development and implementation of joint community economic development or land use initiatives while building a resilient, sustainable partnership. Previous and current First Nation-Municipal partnerships across Canada have collaborated on many successful joint community economic development initiatives. These include the development of a Regional Growth Plan, the development and implementation of a joint tourism strategy, the creation of joint land use plans, the hiring of joint economic development and tourism staff, successful joint investor attraction https://fcm,ca/en/news-media/announcement/call-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 1/7 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program i ni Lia Lives, and ti 1e developrr 1ertt of a11 i11dustr ia I park ti ,at pr avid es benefits to both the municipality and the First Nation. Program Information Who should apply? • First Nation and municipal governments -jointly. What is joint community economic development? • Joint Community Economic Development is a process by which community partners initiate and generate their own innovative solutions to their common economic challenges, thereby building mutual long-term community capacity. This approach integrates economic, social, and environmental objectives that benefit members of both of communities, building stronger and more sustainable communities. What are the benefits to joint community economic development? There are many potential benefits, including: • A stronger, united voice for engaging with businesses and other levels of government. • Increased ability to access funding from other levels of government. • Cost savings and more efficient program and/or service delivery. • More opportunities for local business development and jobs. • Ability to leverage the unique financial, human and physical resources of each partner. • Coordinated planning efforts to improve land use, land management and environmental/resource protection. What level of commitment is required? https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcement/call-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 217 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program Joi, 1t applicants are comrnitting to an initiative that runs from Aprill, 2019 to March 31, 2021. During that time they will: • Assign joint working group champions (minimum of one elected official and one staff member from each community) to lead participation in the CEDI program and attend monthly joint working group meetings. • Through the joint working group, contribute to the design and development of two workshops for staff and elected officials per year that include objectives pertaining to relationship development and joint community economic development initiatives. How much does participation cost? There are no direct costs associated with participation. CEDI provides technical support through third-party facilitation, using the Stronger Together approach, for working group meetings and workshops, administrative support, along with financial support by covering workshop costs. Three grants are also available jointly to the participating communities (details below). Is there available funding to support a joint community economic development initiative? There are three grants available to support the selected partnership in the development and implementation of their joint community economic development initiative: l. Peer Mentoring Grant -$3,600 that can be used for travel and accommodations for a peer mentor. 2. Study Tour/ Learning Grant-$7,200 that can be used for learning activities locally or further afield. 3. Capacity Building Grant-$35,000 that can be used to support the implementation of the joint community economic development initiative. https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcement/call-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 3/7 ------------------------------· -------~~-=~--.......,-~==~=~·~= 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program Important Dates • Deadline for applications: Friday, March 15th (midnight, MST). • Short-listed applicants must be available for an interview between Monday, March 25th & Friday, March 29th. • Successful applicants will be notified at the end of March and should be available during the first 2 weeks of April for an orientation meeting with the CEDI team. Selection criteria If you are a pair of a First Nation and a municipal government interested in participating in CEDI, please jointly complete and submit the application form. CEDI will only consider joint applications from First Nations and municipal governments, based on the following criteria: l. Candidates should have clear need for support in the area of joint community economic development. 2. Candidates should have political leadership of both the First Nation and municipality able to demonstrate: a. interest and leadership in supporting and participating in intergovernmental relationship building; b. interest and leadership in exploring regional planning processes; & c. time and capacity to commit to the CEDI process. 3. Candidates should have the capacity to dedicate staff resources (estimated 12 hours/month) to CEDI work. 4. Candidates should understand the goals, objectives and expectations of CEDI program and the nature of the support to be provided. 5. Candidates should be prepared to begin in April 2019 and have the capacity to commit to an accelerated process (completing March 31, 2021). Learn more about CEDI https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcemenUcall-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 4/7 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program • Example of Program Delivery Timcline • CED! Program page (FCM) • CEDI Program page (Cando} Download the application form Please Note: All three sections (Joint, First Nation,& Municipal) must be completed and submitted by email to CEDl@edo.ca; applicants are asked to submit one joint application, with all sections completed. Deadline is March 15th_ Please email CEDl@edo.ca or call 1-613-277-2684 if you have any questions. Instructions to completing the application: l. Determine which community representative will begin the application. 2. Select the English or French version of the application. 3. Save the application* to your computer using both communities' names (First Nation & Municipality) (i.e. Enoch Edmonton CEDI Application) 4. Complete your section of the application and start thinking about how to answer the joint section. 5. Save the application and send to the co-applicant to complete their section. 6. Once both have completed their sections, meet to discuss and complete the joint section. 7. Submit completed application CEDl@edo.ca by March 15th. *Saved applications can be edited as many times as needed. As well, individual answers can be edited. Community Economic Development Initiative ( First Nations Programs) https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcement/call-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 517 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program --------Fl--rlc.--~.,.1 .... --ffFEO"E-~A-'f""'l0""14--<P'E1·=---------------------------------------f-OF CANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES 24 Clarence Street Ottawa, Ontario KlN 5P3 T. 613-241-5221 F. 613-241-7440 Email: info@fcm.ca Follow Us Focus areas Programs Funding Resources Events & training News & media About FCM JOIN FCM CAREERS 2019 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Site Map https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcemenUcall-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 617 2/28/2019 News: Call for applications: First Nation-Municipal Collaboration Program https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/announcement/call-applications-first-nation-municipal-collaboration-program 7/7 I r~ TO: FROM: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: March 5, 2019 2164923 cow SUBJECT: Joint Youth Planning Table Recommendation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On February 14, 2019, Maple Ridge staff held a Youth Planning Table (YPT) information meeting with service providers and community members. During discussions, it was noted that all YPT non-municipal service providers support youth in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, and that surveys conducted to inform the Maple Ridge Youth Strategy (YS) and its priorities were inclusive of students across School District No. 42 as well as caregivers and service providers in both communities. At the conclusion of this meeting, the majority of participants recommended that staff report back to Maple Ridge Council with a recommendation to make the YPT a joint table with the City of Pitt Meadows (CPM). RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Council invite the City of Pitt Meadows to join the Youth Planning Table to establish a Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Youth Planning Table; and That the Youth Planning Table Terms of Reference be amended to include a voting Council liaison, a non-voting staff liaison and members at large from the City of Pitt Meadows, and that a cost sharing arrangement be developed should the City of Pitt Meadows accept the invitation to join the Youth Planning Table. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: At Council Workshop on December 11, 2018, Maple Ridge Council endorsed the YPT Terms of Reference and directed staff to report back with a draft implementation schedule for the YS. To begin this process, staff held an information meeting on February 14, 2019 with the proposed YPT membership, many of which are service providers who work with clients from both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. As a result of this meeting, a recommendation was brought forward that the YPT become a joint Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Youth Planning Table to recognize the joint nature of many of the participating service providers and that the YS was developed through consultation with all SD42 students, as well as caregivers and service providers from both communities. The proposed joint planning table would be similar to other existing joint Committees and working groups including the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness (MACAI) and Ridge Meadows Senior's Society (RMSS). In both cases, the Doc# 2164923 Page 1 of 2 1151 1 --l ------·----------s:-~ ~== inclusion of Council and staff liaisons from both municipalities has provided added value to the working groups and are greatly benefiting both communities. Should both Councils endorse the YPT as a joint table, the membership outlined in the YPT Terms of Reference will need to be amended, and staff will work with CPM on an agreement for shared administration and financial support. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to deliver a comprehensive Youth Strategy Implementation Plan that is inclusive and supportive of youth and services in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: A joint table would support service providers to better allocate resources to respond to the needs of youth in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: $2000 has been budgeted for administrative costs of the Maple Ridge Youth Planning Table. Staff will work with CPM to develop a cost sharing arrangement for all associated YPT costs should CPM join the YPT. CONCLUSION: The YPT membership believes that a joint table would be an asset to both the City of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows. Shared resources will provide both communities with the necessary expertise in creating and delivering a comprehensive implementation plan. We know that youth access services in both cities. A consistent approach to delivering services will benefit our children, youth and emerging adults. Prepared by: Tony Cotroneo Manager of Community Engagement I~ Reviewed by:· Danielle Pope irector of Recreation & Community Engagement c-creation & Culture Doc# 2164923 Page 2 of2 I