HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-17 Public Hearing Agenda and Reports.pdf City of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING November 17, 2020 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA 1) 2020-117-RZ 11913 Burnett Street Lot A Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP98130 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 To designate subject properties as a Temporary Use Permit to allow for a temporary sales centre for the future apartment use on-site. 2) 2017-233-RZ Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 To include Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Guidelines in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA November 17, 2020 7:00 pm Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow all persons who deem themselves affected by any of these bylaws a reasonable opportunity to be heard before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws. Persons wishing to speak for or against a bylaw will be given opportunities. You will be asked to give your name and address. Please note that all written submissions provided in response to this consultation including names and addresses will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. Further consideration of bylaws on this agenda will be at the next regular Council meeting. The meeting is recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. For virtual public participation register by going to www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings and clicking on the meeting date. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City’s Website at www.mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter (see: Public Hearing) CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE NOTICE OF VIRTUAL ONLINE PUBLIC HEARING INCLUDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS TAKE NOTICE THAT a virtual online Public Hearing, including Council Chambers, will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, North-East corner entrance, at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 17, 2020. For virtual public participation register by going to www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings and clicking on the meeting date. The Public Hearing Agenda and full reports is posted on the City’s Website at: www.mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter (see: Public Hearing). This Public Hearing is held in order to consider the following bylaws: 1) 2020-117-RZ 11913 Burnett Street Lot A Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP98130 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 To designate subject properties as a Temporary Use Permit to allow for a temporary sales centre for the future apartment use on-site. 2) 2017-233-RZ Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 To include Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Guidelines in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the aforesaid bylaws and copies of staff reports and other information considered by Council to be relevant to the matters contained in the bylaws are available for viewing on the City’s Land Development Viewer site at: https://gis.mapleridge.ca/LandDevelopmentViewer/LandDevelopmentViewer.html. During the COVID-19 health emergency it is important to ensure that our democratic processes continue to function and that the work of the City remains transparent for all citizens. As authorized by Ministerial Order No. 192, the Public Hearing pertaining to the aforesaid bylaws will be conducted virtually using the link set out below. Attendance and participation virtually is encouraged, however, limited opportunities to attend and participate in-person will also be provided. ALL PERSONS who believe themselves affected by the above-mentioned bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws. Please note that all written submissions provided in response to this notice will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. These are the ways to participate: • Virtually, by going to: www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings and clicking on the meeting date to register. When registering you will be asked to give your name and address, to give Council your proximity to the land that is the subject of the application. We ask that you have your camera on during the Public Hearing; • Attendance in person by pre-registering with the Corporate Officer at snichols@mapleridge.ca by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Please provide your name, address, and phone number as well as the item you wish to speak to. Due to restrictions under Provincial Health Orders, in-person attendance will be limited, and registrations will be assigned on a first come basis. Persons who have not pre-registered will not be permitted to attend or to speak in person at the Public Hearing. • Submitting correspondence prior to the Public Hearing to the Corporate Officer by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 16, 2020 via drop-box at City Hall or by mail to 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, V2X 6A9; or, • Emailing clerks@mapleridge.ca until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Dated this 3rd day of November, 2020. Stephanie Nichols Corporate Officer DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2020-117-RZ File Manager: Therese Melser Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1.A completed Application Form (Schedule “A” – Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2.An application fee, payable to the City of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3.A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan*+ 9.Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation*+. *These items may not be required for single-family residential applications +These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: 1.0 2020-117-RZ Page 1 of 4 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: October 6, 2020 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2020-117-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020; 11917 and 11903 Burnett Street, Temporary Use Permit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP), Appendix D – Temporary Use Permits. The proposal is to designate the subject properties located at 11917 and 11903 Burnett Street as a Temporary Use Permit Area, to allow for a temporary sales centre for the future apartment use on site. The rezoning bylaw for a 54-unit apartment building (2017-489-RZ) was granted final reading on September 8, 2020. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on- going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2)That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 3)That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement for the Temporary Use. Servicing requirements due to change to land use in the future shall be reviewed by Engineering; ii)Amendment to Official Community Plan, Schedule "D – Temporary Use Permits" identifying the subject properties for temporary use as a sales centre, for a maximum term of 3 years; DISCUSSION: 1)Background Context: Applicant: Travjit Johal Owner: 1135888 BC LTD Legal Description: Lots 6 & 7, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046 2020-117-RZ Page 2 of 4 OCP: Existing: APTL (Low-Rise Apartment) Proposed: APTL (Low-Rise Apartment) Zoning: Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) , adopted September 8, 2020 Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Apartments Zone: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment South: Use: Apartments Zone: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment East: Use: Single-family residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Apartments and vacant Zone: RM-2 and RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment, and Medium and High-Rise Apartment Proposed Use of Property: Temporary Sales Centre for Apartment Use (2017-489-RZ) Site Area: 0.267 ha (0.661 acres) Access: Burnett Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard 2)Project Description: The subject properties are each approximately 1340 m2 in area and located within the Town Centre Area Plan of the Official Community Plan. The original structures on both lots were demolished in 2018. Rezoning application 2017-489-RZ, to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) for a 54-unit apartment building, received final reading at September 8, 2020. The applicant is currently proposing a temporary sales centre of approximately 960 ft2 (88 m2) to be located at the front of the property at 11917 Burnett Street as well as five parking stalls and an asphalt parking drive isle on the property located on the adjacent 11903 Burnett S treet (See Appendices A and B). Landscaping is proposed along the Burnett frontage of these lots. 3)Planning Analysis: i)Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Low Rise Apartment. Section 492 of the Local Government Act provides for areas to be designated in the OCP where Temporary Use Permits may be permitted where the zoning does not allow such uses. The Temporary Use Permit (TUP) can override a parcel’s underlying OCP designation and zoning. OCP 2020-117-RZ Page 3 of 4 Amending Bylaw 7659-2020 must receive four readings from Council and be presented at a Public Hearing. Notice similar to Public Hearing is also required. An amendment to the OCP identifying these areas must be adopted prior to issuance of such a permit. Currently, the OCP only allows temporary uses to occur on specifically designated lands. Thus, an OCP amendment is therefore required to allow the new temporary sales centre as the current and proposed zoning for the future apartment does not permit sales centres. As per Section 492 of the Local Government Act, a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is valid for up to three years, with the possibility of another three year maximum extension. The applicant will need to ensure that construction of the proposed apartment building under the Development Permit is coordinated with the temporary sales centre under the TUP. Council may decide to require the subject sales centre building to be relocated off-site or demolished once the apartment construction progresses and/or the need for the temporary sales centre ceases to exist. ii)Zoning Bylaw: The subject properties were rezoned for apartment building use under file 2017-489-RZ, which was granted final reading on September 8, 2020. The subject application 2020-117-RZ is to allow the temporary use of the properties as an sales centre, for three years, with a possibility of another three year maximum extension by Council. iii)Advisory Design Panel: The proposed Temporary Use Permit application for a commercial sales centre use is not subject to review by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. iv)Development Information Meeting: No specific Development Information Meeting was held for the temporary use of Sales Centre on the subject properties. 4)Interdepartmental Implications: At building permit application stage, the applicant will need to ensure a clear code review and clear code plans are provided, and an address for the sales centre is provided. As a standard, a separate permit is required for sign(s); the applicant will need to ensure the proposed signage complies with the City of Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. The applicable servicing and street frontage works under the rezoning for the apartment building will need to be completed in advance of the sales centre. 5)Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, 2020-117-RZ Page 4 of 4 including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. 6)Citizen/Customer Implications: The subject amendment of the OCP is to allow a temporary use of the properties as a sales centre for the apartments to be constructed as per the approved Development Permit. The Temporary Use Permit is valid for a maximum of three years, with an opportunity to extend with another maximum three years. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020, and that application 2020-117-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by Mark McMullen” for _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Therese Melser Planning Technician “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020 Appendix D – Site Plan, Building Elevation Plans and Landscape Plan DATE: Apr 24, 2020FILE: 2020-117-RZ 11903/17 BURNETT STREETPID'S: 009-150-587, 009-150-544 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES 2019-428-DP 2018-319-VP 2018-319-DP 2019-392-RZ 2017-035-RZ 2017-035-VP 2017-035-DP 2019-245-RZ 2019-245-VP 2019-245-DP 2018-093-RZ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PCBURNETT STLegend Ditch Centreline Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) DATE: Apr 24, 2020FILE: 2020-117-RZ 11903/17 BURNETT STREETPID'S: 009-150-587, 009-150-544 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7659-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 _______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7659-2020." 2.Appendix D, Temporary Use Permits, Section TEMPORARY USE PERMIT AREA is hereby amended by the addition of the following : TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL USE PERMIT AREA LOCATION No. 8 Purpose: To permit a temporary sales centre for an apartment use for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP98130 is hereby designated to permit a temporary commercial use for a sales centre for an apartment, for a three year period, effective upon adoption of this bylaw. 3.Appendix D, Temporary Use Permits, Section TEMPORARY USE PERMIT AREA is amended by the addition of the attached Temporary Commercial Use Permit Area Location No. 8 in sequential numeric order after Temporary Commercial Use Permit Area Location No. 7. 4.Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 28th day of July, 2020. READ a second time the 13th day of October, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 . ______________________________ ______________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER DATE: Oct 29, 2020 PLANNING DEPARTMENT229 ST.GEE ST.FULLER AVE.BURNETT ST.DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD BURNETT ST.228 ST.11910 11960 11921 11888 11940 229362294411817 2290911861 1182522773/8711821 11920 11931 11900 11869 11868 11963 2292211913 11868 2293811858 11891 11930 22768/7211811 11920 11887 11830 11911 11881 11901 11843 2289811878 1184822866 119212281122905 1183122882/96118412275322912119352289511844 11851 2291022952229392289911890 11880 11898 229171187122826 11838 118242278011953 11818 11931229042292111932 11856 11826 11881 11922 1184522814 1191122759 11902 11940 229291185122923 11836 11900 11821 11912 11837 11969 11857 11891 11954 11816 11901 76 111 223 Rem.93 95 112 1 49 71 116 1 72 97 167 A 81 99 69 70 73 157 102 229 121 154 48 74 80 78 75 94 113 101 63 114 79 231 110 156 119 61 Rem 66 151 89 152 60 96 91 "B" A 117 236 Pcl 1 62 64 77 220 90"A" 98 1 7 54 1 56 2 214 109 158 115 155 230 11 55 57 65 120 122 A 153 Rem. A 8 58 100 118 57 59 P 43930 P 43788 BCS 4014 P 57165P 39859P 84291 LMP 26960 P 40749BCP 555EPP 98130 P 68237 EP 13671P 58011 P 58813 P 57491 P 46839 NWS 1739P 14874P 86981 LMP 13758 P 40749LMP 25642 (LEASE)LMS 2583LP 59674 (P 21553)P 32322P 43788P 77489 LMP 42856 LMP 11048LMP 8029P 44489 LMP 34065 (LEASE) LP 76344 P 22046 P 61527 (EPS 1316) DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD ´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL USE PERMIT AREA Location No.8 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ABBOTSFORD OFFICE#400 - 34077 GLADYS AVE ABBOTSFORD, BC V2S 2E8T 604.853.8831 F 604.850.1580 WWW.KRAHN.COMABBOTSFORDEDMONTONVANCOUVERlarry podhora | architecture inc1952 BRACKMAN WAY. NORTH SAANICH. B.C. V8L 0C2ISSUES AND REVISIONSSEALARCH D Title Block - R18 Rev _ (Mar1/18) Copyright © 2018 PROJECT NAMEPROJECT ADDRESSDRAWING TITLESCALEDRAWNREVIEWEDPROJECT NO.DRAWING NO.C:\Users\waynev\Documents\Revit\Temp Files\170464_sales centre_R2020 New_waynevanables.rvt04/22/202011:59:05AMThis drawing has been prepared solely for the use of THECLIENT and there are no representations of any kind madeby LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. to any partywith whom LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. hasnot entered into a contract. This drawing shall not be usedfor construction purposes until it is issued for the purpose.24'X40' SALES CENTRE(TEMPORARY BUILDING)11903 & 11917 BURNETT STREET,MAPLE RIDGE, BCCOVERSHEETWV170464A0.10SCALE:1SOUTHEAST PERSPECTIVEINDEXA0.10 COVERSHEET & INDEXA1.01 SITE PLANA2.01 MAIN FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLANA4.10 ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS24'X40' SALES CENTRE (TEMPORARY BUILDING)11903 & 11917 BURNETT STREET,MAPLE RIDGE, BCNO. DATE Y/M/D DESCRIPTIONA 2020-04-22 Issued for Building Permit W/D(6.1 m)20'-0"(5.5 m)18'-1"(1.2 m)3'-10 1/2"(0.6 m)2'-0"(2.7 m)9'-0"(2.7 m)9'-0"(2.7 m)9'-0"(2.7 m)9'-0"(1.2 m)4'-0"(2.7 m)9'-0"(3.2 m)10'-4 1/2"1LINE OF ELEVATOR SHAFTPROPERTY LINENEW PROPERTY LINEOLD PROPERTY LINE(4.5 m)14'-9"(12.2 m)40'-0"PROPOSED BC HYDRO PMT C/W COUNTERPOISEHATCHING INDICATESAREA OF ROAD DEDICATION(3.4 m)11'-0 1/2"(7.3 m)23'-10"(9.3 m)30'-7"(8.6 m)28'-2"(0.3 m)1'-0"POTENTIAL LOCATIONFOR SITE CRANESIDEWALK (PAVERS)SIDEWALK 2345H/CCONSTRUCTION ACCESSPARKING DRIVE AISLE(ASPHALT PAVING SURFACE)(1.5 m)4'-11"EDGE OFEXISTING ROADR 3'-0"(12.2 m)40'-0"(9.1 m)30'-0"(20.2 m)66'-1 1/2"(8.9 m)29'-2"(6.1 m)20'-0"EDGE OFEXISTING ROADACCESSIBLE PATHLANDSCAPE3'-0" HT. WOOD FENCE6'-0" HT. WOOD FENCE6'-0" HT. WOOD FENCEBURNETT STREET(33.2 m)108'-10"SALES CENTRE23'-10"x40'-0"(16.7 m)54'-9"(1.5 m)4'-11"PORTABLERESTROOMLANDSCAPE(5.4 m)17'-10"(8.6 m)28'-1"GRAVELSURFACEEXISTING TREE PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES IN PROXIMITY OF THE SALES CENTRESIDEWALK (5.0% MAX. SLOPE)LANDSCAPE12'-8"7'-4"ALLAN BLOCK WALL BETWEEN LANDSCAPE AND FOUNDATION CRIBBINGALLAN BLOCK WALL AS REQUIREDFOR PMT 31'-7"5'-0"5'-0"ABBOTSFORD OFFICE#400 - 34077 GLADYS AVE ABBOTSFORD, BC V2S 2E8T 604.853.8831 F 604.850.1580 WWW.KRAHN.COMABBOTSFORDEDMONTONVANCOUVERlarry podhora | architecture inc1952 BRACKMAN WAY. NORTH SAANICH. B.C. V8L 0C2ISSUES AND REVISIONSSEALARCH D Title Block - R18 Rev _ (Mar1/18) Copyright © 2018 PROJECT NORTHPROJECT NAMEPROJECT ADDRESSDRAWING TITLESCALEDRAWNREVIEWEDPROJECT NO.DRAWING NO.C:\Users\waynev\Documents\Revit\Temp Files\170464_sales centre_R2020 New_waynevanables.rvt04/22/202011:59:30AM1" = 10'-0"This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of THECLIENT and there are no representations of any kind madeby LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. to any partywith whom LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. hasnot entered into a contract. This drawing shall not be usedfor construction purposes until it is issued for the purpose.24'X40' SALES CENTRE(TEMPORARY BUILDING)11903 & 11917 BURNETT STREET,MAPLE RIDGE, BCSITE PLANWV.170464A1.01SCALE: 1" = 10'-0"1SITE PLANNO. DATE Y/M/D DESCRIPTIONA 2020-04-22 Issued for Building Permit W/D1BA3A4.10540'-0"23'-10"KITCHEN8'-0" x 8'-6"LINE OF BEAMS OVER (BRITCO MODULAR BUILDING)11'-8"4'-4"8'-10"15'-2"HIJ11'-11"11'-11"OFFICE11'9"x7'5"3'-2"5'-0"15'-11"15'-11"8'-2"40'-0"2MASTER SUITE10'-6" x 11'-0"W.I.C.7'-8"6" 2'-4" 9 1/2" 7 1/2"11'-11"2'-9 1/4"8'-2"3'-6" 3'-10"4'-0"5'-4"15'-2"23'-10"11'-3 1/2"12'-6 1/2"6'-6 1/4"6'-0 1/4"LINE OF ROOF PARAPETOVER (TYP.)8"8"5'0X4'05'0X4'03'0X6'86'0X7'0UNIT 'B' LAYOUT1'-0"6" 6"6"1'-6" 6"6"1'-6"CORNER BUILD-OUT (TYP.)6'-0"1'-4"9'-3"2'-0"9'-4"2'-0"17'-5"8"X8" POST ONA STONE BASE (TYP.)ABBOTSFORD OFFICE#400 - 34077 GLADYS AVE ABBOTSFORD, BC V2S 2E8T 604.853.8831 F 604.850.1580 WWW.KRAHN.COMABBOTSFORDEDMONTONVANCOUVERlarry podhora | architecture inc1952 BRACKMAN WAY. NORTH SAANICH. B.C. V8L 0C2ISSUES AND REVISIONSSEALARCH D Title Block - R18 Rev _ (Mar1/18) Copyright © 2018 PROJECT NORTHPROJECT NAMEPROJECT ADDRESSDRAWING TITLESCALEDRAWNREVIEWEDPROJECT NO.DRAWING NO.C:\Users\waynev\Documents\Revit\Temp Files\170464_sales centre_R2020 New_waynevanables.rvt04/22/202011:59:55AM1/4" = 1'-0"This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of THECLIENT and there are no representations of any kind madeby LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. to any partywith whom LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. hasnot entered into a contract. This drawing shall not be usedfor construction purposes until it is issued for the purpose.24'X40' SALES CENTRE(TEMPORARY BUILDING)11903 & 11917 BURNETT STREET,MAPLE RIDGE, BCMAIN FLOOR PLANWV170464A2.01SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1MAIN FLOOR PLANNO. DATE Y/M/D DESCRIPTIONA 2020-04-22 Issued for Building PermitFINISHED FLOOR AREA: 953 s.f. (88.56 s.m.) MAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"BAA4.105GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 m2'-6"9'-0 3/4"MAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"BAA4.105GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 m2'-0"2'-0"LIGHT FIXTURES(TYP.)COLUMNS @ WALL (TYP).COLUMNS INFOREGROUND (TYP).(4.6 m)15'-0 1/2"9'-0 3/4"2'-6"ABCDDFGE2'-0"9'-4"2'-0"8"8"SIDEWALK (5%MAX. SLOPE)ALLAN BLOCK WALL BETWEEN LANDSCAPE AND FOUNDATION CRIBBINGMAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"13A4.106GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 m9'-0 3/4"2'-6"12'-10 3/4"22'-6"SIDEWALK (5%MAX. SLOPE)MAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"13A4.106GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 m22'-6"9'-0 3/4"1'-4"12'-10 3/4"2'-0"SIDEWALKMAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"BAA4.105GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 mHI9'-0 3/4"2'-6"2'-6"40'-0"23'-10" x 40'-0" MODULAR BUILDING DESIGNED AND SUPPLIED BY 'BRITCO'FOUNDATION & ANCHORING SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION BY 'BRITCO'EXTERIOR FINISHBRITCO MODULAR BUILDINGTYVEK ' HOME WRAP'3/8" OSB SHEATHING (SEE STRUCTURAL SCHEDULE FOR FASTENING)2x6 WOOD STUDS @16"O.C.R-24 BATT INSULATION6 MIL. U.V. RATED POLY VAPOUR BARRIER1/2" GWBFLOOR FINISHBRITCO MODULAR BUILDING5/8" T&G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR2x10 WOOD FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C.R-31 BATT INSULATION3/8" OSB UNDERSHEATHINGBRITCO MODULAR BUILDING45 MIL. EPDM ROOF MEMBRANE (FULLY ADHERED)15/32" OSB ROOF SHEATHING (SEE STRUCTURAL SCHEDULE FOR FASTENING)2x10 WOOD ROOF JOISTS, TAPERED TO 2x8 @ 16" O.C.R-31 BATT INSULATION6 MIL. U.V. RATED POLY VAPOUR BARRIER1/2" GWBMAIN FLOOR100'-0"(GEO.) 24.69 mU/S ROOF109' - 0 3/4"13A4.1069'-0 3/4"GRADE100'-0"(GEO.) 23.93 m7'-0"11'-4"2'-6"28'-10"11'-11"11'-11"23'-10"2'-0"5" PREFINISHEDMETAL GUTTERSLOPE 2% MIN.(4.6 m)15'-0 1/2"CRICKET BEHINDRAISED ROOFSIDEWALK5% MAX. SLOPEALLAN BLOCK WALLBETWEEN LANDSCAPE AND FOUNDATION CRIBBINGCONCRETE POSTBENEATH WOOD COLUMN4'-0"CONC. CAPSTONEBEAMSROOF MEMBRANE5/8" T&G ROOF SHEATHING2x10 @ 24" O.C. (SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS)VENTED VINYL SOFFIT1'-10"23'-10" x 40'-0" MODULAR BUILDING DESIGNED AND SUPPLIED BY 'BRITCO'C1C2C3C4HARDIE PANEL SMOOTH IRON GRAYHARDIE PANEL SMOOTH AUTUMN TANHARDIE PANEL SMOOTH COBBLE STONECULTURED STONE 'LEDGESTONE STERLING'ABBOTSFORD OFFICE#400 - 34077 GLADYS AVE ABBOTSFORD, BC V2S 2E8T 604.853.8831 F 604.850.1580 WWW.KRAHN.COMABBOTSFORDEDMONTONVANCOUVERlarry podhora | architecture inc1952 BRACKMAN WAY. NORTH SAANICH. B.C. V8L 0C2ISSUES AND REVISIONSSEALARCH D Title Block - R18 Rev _ (Mar1/18) Copyright © 2018 PROJECT NAMEPROJECT ADDRESSDRAWING TITLESCALEDRAWNREVIEWEDPROJECT NO.DRAWING NO.C:\Users\waynev\Documents\Revit\Temp Files\170464_sales centre_R2020 New_waynevanables.rvt04/22/202012:00:10PMAs indicatedThis drawing has been prepared solely for the use of THECLIENT and there are no representations of any kind madeby LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. to any partywith whom LARRY PODHORA | ARCHITECTURE INC. hasnot entered into a contract. This drawing shall not be usedfor construction purposes until it is issued for the purpose.24'X40' SALES CENTRE(TEMPORARY BUILDING)11903 & 11917 BURNETT STREET,MAPLE RIDGE, BCELEVATIONS & SECTIONSWV170464A4.10NO. DATE Y/M/D DESCRIPTIONA 2020-04-22 Issued for Building PermitSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4WEST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2EAST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"6Section 1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5Section 2SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"PROJECT COLOURSABCHARDIE PANEL, SMOOTH, IRON GRAY COLOUR - C1EHARDIE PANEL, SMOOTH, AUTUMN TAN COLOUR - C2ELEVATION FINISH LEGENDENTRY DOOR - PAINTED 'IRON GRAY COLOURWINDOWS & DOORS: EXTRUDED PVC - ALL WEATHER,DOUBLE LOW E GLAZING OR EQUAL - WHITEFDMETAL FLASHING, PAINTED TO MATCH WALL COLOUR BELOWHARDIE PANEL, SMOOTH, COBBLE STONE COLOUR - C3GSTONE VENEER - 'LEDGESTONE STERLING' - C4 2564131 Page 1 of 6 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: October 6, 2020 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2017-233-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673 - 2020 Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Over the last year, the City has been experiencing a growing interest in triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing forms permitted under the RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone. It was intended that for the first year, applications received for triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing would require a Multi- Family Development Permit and review by the Advisory Design Panel. Specific, tailored guidelines were expected to be developed over the first year of adoption. Staff are looking to streamline the development application process through the use of tailored ground-oriented development permit guidelines. On June 9, 2020, draft Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines were presented for review and comment at Council Workshop. At that meeting, Council directed staff to prepare an Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw for the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 (Appendix A) has been prepared to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) to include the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines. It is recommended that OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 be considered at the next Regular Council meeting for first and second reading. RECOMMENDATION: 1.That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2.That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673 – 2020 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1. Development of the RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Zone The Housing Action Plan (HAP), endorsed in 2014, and its Implementation Framework, endorsed in 2015, includes a number of goals and principles aimed at providing safe, affordable and appropriate housing for the community. Strategy #1 of the Housing Action Plan articulates the importance of a diverse housing mix, the importance of housing innovation and encourages the City to “support the 2.0 2564131 Page 2 of 6 development of a mix of housing forms”. The Housing Action Plan Implementation Framework reaffirmed the importance of these new housing forms to increase housing options in Maple Ridge by identifying the development of a triplex/fourplex zone as a short term action item. In April 2016, Council received a report outlining possible policy and zoning next steps to help implement triplex, fourplex and courtyard residential forms of development. Development Permit options specifically tailored for these housing forms were also discussed. At this meeting, Council directed that staff prepare OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments to create a zone for triplex, fourplex and courtyard residential. In June 2017, Council received a staff report presenting policy and zoning amendments to the OCP, Zoning Bylaw, and Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw to create a new RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone for triplex, fourplex and courtyard residential forms. The proposed amendments provide for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings within established residential neighbourhoods and along major corridors, in a form that will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context. Based on this information, Council gave first reading to OCP Amending Bylaw, Zone Amending Bylaw, and Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw on June 13, 2017 to create the new RT-2 zone. The Bylaw was adopted in January 2019 and since that time Council has considered a number of triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing applications. 1.2. Development of the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit It was intended that for the first year, applications received for triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing (RT-2 Zone) would require a Multi-Family Development Permit including a review by the Advisory Design Panel. During this time, design guidelines specific to these new forms would be developed with the assistance and input of the Advisory Design Panel. In the fall of 2019, the City engaged EcoPlan International for consulting services to assist with the development and production of the Ground- Oriented Residential Infill Housing Development Permit. Over the past year, staff have been refining the requirements of the Ground-Oriented Residential Development Permit with the developers and designers of the in-stream rezoning applications, as well as other developers interested in this new housing form. As a result of this work, a first draft of the Development Permit went to the Advisory Design Panel for review and comment in early 2020. The Advisory Design Panel members were pleased with the document and stated that it was descriptive and well-written. The following resolution was passed at the City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting held March 18, 2020: R/2020-010 That the Advisory Design Panel support that the Draft Ground-Oriented Infill Residential Housing Development Permit Guidelines be forwarded to Council for consideration. On June 9, 2020, the draft Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines were brought forward for Council consideration. EcoPlan International provided an overview of the intent and content of the Guidelines. At that meeting, Council passed the following recommendations: 1. That the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines be used to guide the preparation and evaluation of new and in-stream triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing applications; 2. That an Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw for the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines be prepared; and further 2564131 Page 3 of 6 3. That In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies; and In that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City’s website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. 2.0 DISCUSSION: 2.1 Overview of the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines The Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit would be designated under Section 488 of the Local Government Act which permits the establishment of guidelines for the form and character of intensive residential development. The Development Permit will help ensure that new residential infill development within established residential neighbourhoods will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context. These new housing forms provide flexibility for ground-oriented residential infill, offering the City and its residents’ a greater variety of housing options. The complete Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 - Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines are attached as Appendix A. The Development Permit is laid out for ease of use, including illustrative images and cross-sections, and identifies the intent, guideline concepts, as well as the key design elements of the housing types, which include:  Single Family Character: o Respect the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing. o Transition to neighbouring properties by stepping massing down. o Resemble a ‘single family’ house with a clearly identifiable front entrance oriented to the street to fit seamlessly into the neighbourhood. o Encourage building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape. o Create unit and building diversity to ensure a varied streetscape.  Greenery & Landscaping: o Provide usable private space for each unit through landscaping and screening. o Encourage permeable surfaces for pathways and driveways as well as other opportunities for infiltration and on-site rainwater retention. o Encourage pedestrian and neighbour-friendly lighting. o Utilize screen and fence material that is attractive, durable and contributes to the quality of the residential landscape design. 2564131 Page 4 of 6  Courtyard Areas: o Incorporate a flexible common area (not designed for parking) intended as a pedestrian-friendly space that invites quiet, non-motorized movement. o Be a focal and an organizing element of the development and not ‘leftover’ space. o Provide for a variety of gathering opportunities, including different gradations of privacy and multi-functional elements to provide seating / screening / recreational opportunities. o Extension of the unit living rooms with private patios and entries oriented around the common space to facilitate neighbourly interactions. o Defined site landscaping through the use of plants, trees and minor changes in grade in addition to hard landscaping.  Access: o Require a clear access route to the entrance of the units, with neighbour-friendly lighting. o Share site access between units, with appropriate signage. o Where lanes exist they can provide concealed access to parking and reduce the amount of paved area that detracts from the streetscape. Applying recesses to front entrances and garage entrances combined with screening and landscaping can also provide each dwelling with a feeling of uniqueness. 2.2 Impact on RT-2 Inquiries and Applications By adopting the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines, staff will be able to work closely with applicants and interested developers on the design details of their projects. Having clear form and character guidelines will streamline the process and help the applications move expeditiously through the development application process. 2.3 Next Steps Based on Council comments at the June 9, 2020 Council Workshop, staff prepared Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 to include the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines into the Official Community Plan. The draft Bylaw is being presented for Council comment at the October 6, 2020 Committee of the Whole and, should Council direct, be brought forward for consideration of first and second Reading at the October 13, 2020 Council Meeting and forwarded to Public Hearing. Figure 1 – Proposed Bylaw Amendment Process Council Workshop Committee of the Whole First & Second Reading Public Hearing Third Reading Adoption We are here 2564131 Page 5 of 6 Upon Council endorsement of the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines in June 2020, all new and in-stream triplex, fourplex and courtyard applications that have not yet received third reading have been using the draft guidelines to guide the preparation and evaluation of their development proposals. Staff will continue to ensure that the guidelines are applied and referenced in upcoming Council reports for any applications that have not already completed third reading. In-stream applications that have received third reading are not subject to the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit and would continue to proceed through the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit process. 3.0 Strategic Alignment: As part of the City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022, under its Growth theme, the implementation of strategic plans related to local infrastructure and the economy is identified as a key priority of Council. 4.0 Policy Implications: The City’s Official Community Plan and Housing Action Plan establishes as a key goal the creation of community capacity to innovate and improve access and opportunity for affordable housing and housing choice in Maple Ridge. 5.0 Interdepartmental Implications: The Planning, Engineering and Building Departments continue to collaborate on research and policy matters to help foster greater affordable housing in Maple Ridge. Other interdepartmental efforts to create greater housing choice and offer more affordable, rental, and special needs housing options are ongoing. 6.0 Financial Implications: The Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines are currently part of the Planning Department’s 2020 Workplan. 2564131 Page 6 of 6 CONCLUSION: Encouraging housing choice in Maple Ridge by implementing the RT-2 zone, through the use of supporting Development Permit guidelines, aligns with the goals, principles and strategies of the City’s Official Community Plan and Housing Action Plan. These new housing forms provide flexibility for ground-oriented residential infill, offering the City and its residents’ a greater variety of housing options. The Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines are intended to help ensure that new residential infill development within established residential neighbourhoods will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and the emerging context while streamlining the development application process. Therefore, it is recommended that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 (Appendix A) be granted first and second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by Amanda Grochowich” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Amanda Grochowich, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning and Development “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer Appendix A: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7673-2020 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.7673-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 _______________________________________ WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7673-2020." 2. That the Table of Contents be amended by inserting the following after 8.13 Hammond Development Permit Area Guidelines: 8.14 GROUND ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES 3. That Chapter 3 Neighbourhoods & Housing, Section 3.1.4 Residential Infill and Compatibility Criteria be amended by repealing policy 3-20(d) and replacing with the following: d) adherence to Development Permit Guidelines for ground-oriented residential infill, multi-family and intensive residential developments as outlined in Chapter 8 of the Official Community Plan. 4. That Chapter 8 Development Permit Area Guidelines be amended by inserting the following after “Hammond” on the Title Page:  Ground-Oriented Residential Infill 5. That Chapter 8 Development Permit Area Guidelines, Section 8.2 Application and Intent be amended by inserting the following after 8.2 (8): 9. Ground Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit pursuant to Section 488 of the Local Government Act to establish guidelines for the form and character of intensive residential development. The Ground Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit applies to triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing developments. 6. That Chapter 8 Development Permit Area Guidelines is amended by inserting the Ground Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Guidelines, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms a part of this bylaw as Schedule 1, following after Section 8.13 Hammond Development Permit Guidelines: 7. That Chapter 10 Area Planning Section 10.2 Albion Area Plan be amended by repealing policy 10-16 and replacing with the following: 10-16 Development in the Albion Area is subject to the Natural Features policies of the Official Community Plan. Multi-Family, Ground-Oriented Residential Infill, and Intensive Residential Developments must also adhere to the Design Guidelines detailed in Section 8 Development Permit Guidelines. 8. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 13th day of October, 2020. READ a second time the 13th day of October, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 2020. READ a third time the day of , 2020. ADOPTED, the day of , 2020. ______________________________ ______________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines September 2020 2 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Ground-Oriented Residential Infill - Development Permit Area Guidelines Triplex, Fourplex, and Courtyard Housing Fourplex Courtyard Housing Existing Neighbourhood Triplex City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 3 INTENT The Development Permit Area is designated under Section 488 of the Local Government Act to establish guidelines for the form and character of intensive residential development. The purpose of the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Area is to allow for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings (triplex, fourplex and courtyard housing) within established residential neighbourhoods and along major corridors, in a form that is incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging neighbourhood context. A Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit is required for all new triplex, fourplex and courtyard development on land designated Urban Residential on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan other than those circumstances indicated in Section 8.4 Development Permit Exemptions. The following form and character guidelines apply to all triplex, fourplex and courtyard developments. These guidelines must support specific neighbourhood policies and context as outlined in Area Plans adopted by the City of Maple Ridge. In the event of a conflict between the Development Permit Guidelines and those contained in the Area Plans adopted by the City, the latter shall apply. KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS Applications for Development Permits will be assessed against the following key concepts as follows: • Incremental and sensitive integration of RT-2 Ground- Oriented Residential Infill Zone projects into existing neighbourhoods. • Consider similarity of scale, massing and appearance to a detached single-family dwelling, and avoid replicating townhouse or rowhouse housing form. • Ground-oriented infill developments are expected to relate to the height and location of existing single detached neighbours and sensitively transition to neighbouring properties by stepping massing down, where applicable. • Dwelling units must be in one building with shared party walls or as a stacked unit to create triplexes or fourplexes. • In the case of courtyard residential development, dwelling units may be arranged individually or attached in groups of buildings that still resemble single family dwellings. Dwelling units must be clustered around a shared courtyard in a village-style residential pattern. In addition, private greenspace requirements must be met for each unit as outlined in the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 – 1985, as amended from time to time. • Access to public roads to be in accordance with the Maple Ridge Design Criteria Manual. A secondary driveway may be approved by the Engineering Department, where it supports key guidelines concepts. • Design and construction of new buildings located within designated floodplains to be in accordance with Provincial legislation and the Zoning Bylaw. • Effectively utilize the site context to create uniqueness, orient entrances towards the street, and use landscaping and screening to create private or semi- private yard spaces. • Encourage permeability of rainfall and meet City of Maple Ridge stormwater management requirements and best management practices. • Contribute to a more sustainable community and neighbourhood, design for health and wellbeing, use green infrastructure, adaptations for climate change and resiliency. 4 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines A. Neighbourhood Character - Massing, Siting, and Design GUIDELINES City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 5 Siting and Building Design 1) Reinforce the existing neighbourhood character by incorporating common patterns and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood into the design themes of the new development, through: i. Articulation of façade elements, such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; ii. Placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; iii. Setbacks of existing housing; iv. Location and visual appearance of driveways, garages and/or parking facilities; v. Selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms, and; vi. Design of hard and soft landscaping. 2) Development should face the street, through: i. Siting the main entrance to the street and direct pedestrian access to individual units, and; ii. Use appropriate exterior treatments and differentiated facades. 3) Design pedestrian pathways, patios, retaining walls, lighting and fences to be detailed, functional, and where applicable, aligned with specific neighbourhood policies and context where outlined in Area Plans adopted by the City of Maple Ridge. Maintain compatible or provide variation in roof lines to compliment existing roof lines of adjacent residential. Face entrances to the street and provide direct pedestrian access. Reinforce existing neighbourhood character patterns - massing, spacing, streetscapes and housing types. Existing residential New multi-plex residential Maintain a similar set-back Maintain or compliment existing rooflines Pick up on patterns of the existing neighbourhood 6 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines 4) Design developments on corner lots or double- fronting lots with an equal level and quality of design in detailing on each street front. 5) Design and site buildings to respond to existing site characteristics and take advantage of natural features (i.e. topography) or views and view corridors. 6) Design to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses.Maintain an equal level of design quality on double fronted corner lots Design buildings that respond to existing site characteristics and take advantage of natural views or view corridors. Utilize topography in the design of units.Take advantage of views City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 7 Massing 7) Design and orient residential units to appear as a ‘single family house’. i. New development should respect character elements of the existing residential inventory if identified in an Area Plan. ii. Consider the form, massing and setbacks of the surrounding neighbourhood. iii. Where there is a difference in height of greater than one storey between new and existing development, sensitively transition to directly adjacent properties by stepping down the massing of the building. iv. Relate infill development to the front yard set-backs of the surrounding neighbourhood. 8) Provide a thoughtful interface with adjacent properties through sensitive side yard setbacks. 9) Provide variations in the roof forms and building facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings. For example, use of dormers, gables, and architectural detailing into the roof structure. 10) Site and building design should mitigate for potential shadow casts and blocking of daylight on nearby properties. Step down height to existing residential heights, and vary roof forms to reduce visual length of building. Articulate to look like single-family units Relate to existing front yard set backs Variation in building façade reduces visual length and massing. Existing residential Design an orient residential units to appear as a ‘single family house’. 8 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Unit Design 11) Adjust massing and building forms to ensure a variety of unit sizes which may accommodate different family sizes, age-related abilities and affordability. 12) Design residential units with enough width (minimum 7.5m) to include attractive entrances and windows between garage doors. 13) Organize interior living spaces to ensure casual overlook of common courtyard space. 14) Locate and size windows to maximize visual connections with the street, outdoor spaces and increase availability of natural light. 15) Provide adequate storage space in all residential units. Provide a variety of unit sizes. Maximize connections with the street, outdoor space and ensure casual overlook of courtyard spaces. 16) Entrances should: i. Include clear pedestrian access routes to the entrance of each unit from the street that does not cut through the private space of another unit; ii. Each unit is addressed with large numbers visible from the street. Directional signage may be required, depending on number of units; iii. Provide weather protection and adequate exterior lighting, and; iv. Encourage overlook of semi-private and public spaces. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 9 Entrances Provide a clear entrance and directly connect to the street front. Provide weather protection and encourage overlook of semi- private and public spaces. 16) Entrances should: i. Include clear pedestrian access routes to the entrance of each unit from the street that does not cut through the private space of another unit; ii. Each unit is addressed with large numbers visible from the street. Directional signage may be required, depending on number of units; iii. Provide weather protection and adequate exterior lighting, and; iv. Encourage overlook of semi-private and public spaces. 10 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Decks / Porch / Balcony / Materials 17) Create a strong relationship between the private and public realm by facing development to the street and locating windows, balconies and patios on to semi-private or public outdoor spaces. 18) Where undersides of balconies and porches are visible from a street or public walkway, cover exposed areas with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to the public. 19) Use high-quality exterior cladding materials, such as wood, stone, brick, concrete composite or other acceptable alternatives. Low quality vinyl is discouraged as an exterior cladding material, especially for front facing walls. 20) Where possible, continue detailing in design and materials on the principal façade(s) to the side and rear elevations. Create a strong relationship to the fronting street. Use high quality cladding materials and detailing in design. Use high quality cladding materials and detailing in design. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 11 Landscaping and Open Space 21) Landscaping both within private, semi-private or common areas should: i. Provide definition for pedestrian corridors; ii. Delineate private and semi-private space from public or common space; iii. Provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; iv. Present a pleasing street image; v. Provide a suitable buffer between public road and privacy areas; vi. Soften the transition between adjacent land uses; vii. Create interesting views and focal points in and out of the site, and; viii. Reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, through use of plant materials and other landscaping elements, where appropriate. 22) Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to meet Tier A requirements as outlined in the City’s Design Criteria Manual for on-site absorption of rainwater. 23) Utilize permeable pavers and other green infrastructure. 24) Minimize erosion potential by discouraging excessive changes to existing slopes, maintaining existing vegetation on slopes, and planting new and existing slopes with stabilizing vegetation. 25) Where possible, retain existing mature trees through siting and design and ensure accordance with the City of Maple Ridge Tree Protection and Management Bylaw No. 7133-2015, as amended from time to time. Provide definition and soften edges with landscaping. Delineate private space with landscaping. 12 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines 26) Incorporate deciduous tree species into street front landscaping to define site boundaries, enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. Refer to recommended tree species within the City of Maple Ridge Street Tree Species and Replacement list. 27) Enhance existing vegetation with new planting whenever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. 28) Use drought tolerant and/or native plant species, pollinator plants and “non-irritant”/allergy friendly species for landscaping. 29) Incorporate rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking area landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground, impervious liners and drainage will be required if located within an escarpment area. Enhance existing vegetation with new planting where construction has destroyed vegetation. Use drought tolerant or native plant species for landscaping. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 13 Courtyards 30) A courtyard is intended to be a semi-private outdoor common space for use by all residents that: i. Is a focal organizing element of the development; ii. Is flexible space which integrates well between the site and building(s); iii. Be of a shape and size that permits a range of activities; iv. Provides for a variety of passive and active gathering opportunities, including programmable spaces; v. Defined through the use of plants, trees, and landscaping; vi. Have adequate natural light, and; vii. Not designed for parking. 31) Where possible, design ‘L’ or ‘U’ shaped courtyards facing north-south to maximize solar gain. 32) Facilitate neighbourly interactions by orientating private patios and entries around the courtyard.Maximize solar gain for courtyard spaces. The courtyard is intended as an outdoor common space for use by residents and not for vehicles. Activate courtyard spaces, provide for a variety of recreational opportunities and encourage neighbourly interaction. 14 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines 33) Activate the transition between private entrances, outdoor living spaces, and the courtyard with stoops, stairs, and porches where appropriate. 34) Where principal unit entrances are not fronting a street, design entrances with an address, to face the courtyard and not an internal side setback. 35) Use multi-functional elements to provide seating, screening and/or recreational opportunities in the courtyard such as: i. Communal gardens to provide residents with the opportunity to interact as well as grow food; ii. Amenities for pets, in particular for exercise and relief; iii. Opportunities for children to experience cognitive and imaginative play, as well as active play, and; iv. Seating for gathering and elderly or mobility challenged residents. 36) Incorporate elements (railings, seating, etc.) that provide amenity and assistance to residents and that are of high quality and made of durable material to minimize maintenance. Internal entrances face and overlook the courtyard. Activate the transition between private and outdoor living spaces with stoops, stairs and porches. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 15 Fencing / Screening / Outdoor Lighting 37) Ensure that the height and location of a landscape screen: i. Adequately protects privacy to adjacent properties; ii. Maintains driving site lines from adjacent roads, maneuvering aisles, parking lots, and; iii. Enhances the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces. 38) All screen and fence material should be attractive, durable and contribute to the quality of the residential landscape design. 39) Define public and private space through the use of front and exterior side yard landscape screens or fences. 40) Provide fencing in combination with landscaping. 41) Avoid the use of chain link fences, in particular along street frontages. 42) Provide adequate lighting for all entrances and associated sheltering elements. 43) Provide pedestrian level lighting along all pedestrian routes and open spaces. 44) Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution and ensure lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians or motorists and/or visible from the public right-of- way or adjacent residential land. Provide fencing with landscaping to delineate the private realm. Incorporate pedestrian level lighting that does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residents. 16 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Address and Signage 45) Where signage is used to indicate a name of the complex (a courtyard development), it must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653-1992, as amended from time to time. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the Bylaw shall take precedent. 46) Integrate and complement the address and/or signage design and materials to the scale and architectural detail of the building(s). With this, each unit address should be clearly identified and lit. 47) Ensure the address and signage (if a courtyard development) is visible from the street and clearly outlines unit location without being visually obtrusive yet accessible to emergency and other services. Ensure the address or signage is visible from the sidewalk and street. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 17 Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 48) Locate parking and servicing in the building, or to the rear of the site with access from a lane, or flanking street for corner lots. Where a parking garage fronts a street, recess the parking from the front façade of the building and not protrude beyond the front entrance of a unit. 49) Provide architecturally compatible and adequately screened attached and detached parking structures. 50) Reduce the visual impact of parking and parked cars. i. Design parking areas to be no greater than half the width of the full front façade of the building. ii. Minimize the visual width of the driveway through the use of landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways adjacent to the parking area, and use of pavement treatment. iii. Enhance the appearance of garage doors by using quality materials and details that work with the rest of the development. iv. Where cantilevered car ports are installed, ensure posts are set back and foundation reinforced. v. Pair one driveway for two units instead of one driveway each. 51) Minimize impervious materials for surface parking and design to provide additional outdoor flex space when not used by cars through permeable pavement or alternative surface treatments. 52) Conform road grades, streets, lanes and driveways to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. Locate parking at the side or rear. Recess parking from any front façade. Utilize permeable paving materials or use of parking strips to reduce paved areas and increase absorption of water run-off. 18 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines 53) Parking plans must conform and align with the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 - 1990, as amended from time to time. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw and these guidelines, the bylaw shall take precedent. Minimize parking and incorporate into the building structure. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 19 Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 54) Locate refuse, recycling and service areas to be: i. Inside each unit (garage) or common indoor service area; ii. Easily accessible to residents and service vehicles; iii. Incorporated into the overall design of the development, and; iv. Animal resistant. For convenience and efficient use of space, two residential units may have a shared or combined space. Recycling and solid waste must be in accordance with Maple Ridge Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation Bylaw No. 6800-2011, as amended from time to time. 55) Provide a structure designed to be compatible with the architecture of the building and screen from public view, all garbage, recycling or other waste containers when waiting for pick-up to avoid containers being left on the street and that allows for adequate maneuvering space for refuse removal vehicles. 56) Locate ancillary devices, such as building ventilation systems to minimize noise, exhaust nuisances or setting off carbon dioxide detectors. 57) Install one set of service connections for multiple units (i.e. one water meter) to maximize efficiency and minimize visual impacts of services. Refuse, recycling and service areas should be easily accessible with the ability to be stored in an individual garage or enclosed area. Locate building systems to minimize noise, exhaust, etc. 20 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Energy Efficiency and Conservation 58) Design energy efficient landscapes. This can be accomplished through: i. Use of native and/or drought-resistant species; ii. Design the landscape to moderate the effect of wind; iii. Locate deciduous trees on the south side of buildings to provide shade and minimize unwanted heat gain during summer and to provide solar access and passive solar gain during winter; iv. Allow natural draining to occur throughout the site; v. Allow daylight into the buildings, and; vi. Redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 59) Consider microclimate conditions created by surrounding existing and planned buildings for the selection and placement of trees and other plant material. 60) Use energy efficient heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. 61) Utilize energy efficient light fixtures, such as LED or solar powered lights, and avoid unnecessary use by incorporating timers, photo sensors or motion detectors. 62) Reduce building energy consumption through the use of alternative energy sources and of high- quality durable materials with a long lifespan, where possible. 63) Solar energy devices are encouraged. In Residential and Commercial zones, solar energy devices shall be permitted provided that: i. the device shall be attached to either a principal or accessory building; ii. the device shall not extend above the ridgeline of the roof, and; iii. the device shall not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof. Coniferous trees are a barrier to wind in the winter. Deciduous trees allow shade in summer, light in winter Plant energy efficient landscapes. Use energy efficient lighting with motion sensors to avoid unnecessary use. City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 21 Safety & Hazards 64) Design developments to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. 65) Incorporate Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles into the design with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances. 66) Design buildings to minimize the visual impacts of elevation due to flood construction level (FCL) requirements within a floodplain, such as landscaping to transition grade changes, use of retaining walls, terracing and rockeries, raised courtyards, porches, etc.Provide good opportunities for natural surveillance (porches, balconies, etc.). Private space Public space Visible front entrance Permeable site lines Landscape and low fencing delineates private space. Overlook Street Triplex, fourplex, courtyard housing Transition from public to private spaces and provide privacy while still creating opportunities for casual surveillance. 22 | City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines Accessible Design 67) Include developments with units that have barrier-free access or can be easily adapted to support universal accessibility1, and include consideration for the design of common open areas, sidewalks and pathways (wide enough for wheelchairs and scooters), slope, step riser heights, grade changes and appropriately located curb cuts/curb let-downs. 68) Utilize best practices for universal design and design layouts for identified accessible units (i.e. layouts with a Master Bedroom on the same floor as the Main Living area, and one-level units in conjunction with split level units). 69) Consider interior details and finishes (e.g. door hardware, flush thresholds, wider doorways, lever door handles, coloured entry doors, an accessible washroom on the main floor, heights of light switches, electrical outlets and fixtures and non-slip flooring throughout). 70) Consider exterior details and finishes, including zero step entry, adequate lighting, signage, non-slip paving, and accessible parking stalls to accompany identified units. 71) Design that allows for low- maintenance building and landscaping materials associated with accessible units or units targeted to those with accesibility challenges. 1 Universal accessibility - Zoning Bylaw Definition: means an accessible and unobstructed area or areas available for use by all the building’s inhabitants; having no slope greater than 5%; providing for greenery, gardens, recreational space and other leisure activities normally carried on outdoors. Include some units that maintain barrier free access as part of the overall development (i.e. zero-step design, wide pathways and doorways, etc.) City of Maple Ridge: Ground Oriented Residential Infill Guidelines | 23 Noise and Vibration 72) Design and construct buildings to maximize sound attenuation between units, between public roads and units, and between adjacent land uses and units. 73) Consider noise abatement and vibration mitigation measures for all new building construction within 50 meters of the railway corridor. i. Assess the level and impact of noise and vibration on a development site by a qualified acoustics and vibration consultant through the preparation of a noise and vibration impact study, undertaken early in the process. ii. Assess the impact of all noise and vibrational sources affecting the development site and provide recommendations for noise abatement and vibration mitigation for the site. Incorporate noise abatement and vibration mitigation measures for new development adjacent to rail lines