HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-13 Council Workshop Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA April 13, 2021 11:00a.m. Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. REMINDER: Council Meeting -April 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the March 30, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 RCMP Update Verbal update by Inspector Wendy Mehat, Acting Officer in Charge, Ridge Meadows RCMP Detachment 4.2 Strengthening Communities' Services Grant Program Staff report dated April 13, 2021 recommending that the 'Community Resource Hub' project be submitted to the UBCM Strengthening Communities' Services Program. 4.3 Strategic Transportation Plan Project Process Staff report dated April 13, 2021 recommending that the work plan and process steps for the Strategic Transportation Plan update be endorsed. 5. CORRESPONDENCE Doc#2738110 Council Workshop Agenda April 13, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/ QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. NOTICE OF CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING 9. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED BY: PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE: DATE: City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES March 30, 2021 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on March 30, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. held virtually and hosted in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, General Manager Corporate Services S. Hartman, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services T. Thompson, Director of Finance/Chief Financial Officer D. Denton, Acting Corporate Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning K. Gowan, Planner 1 L. Zosiak, Manager of Community Planning J. Mickleborough, Director of Engineering A. Bowden, Planner 2 L. Benson, Senior Policy and Sustainability Analyst These Minutes are posted on the City's website at www.mapleridge.ca/agendacenter Note: Due to the COVID pandemic Councillor Duncan, Councillor Meadus, Councillor Robson, Councillor Svendsen and Councillor Yousef participated virtually. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers. 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2021-WS-025 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the March 30, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 2.1 Council Workshop Minutes March 30, 2021 Page 2 of 6 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the March 9, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting R/2021-WS-026 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of March 9, 2021 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL-Nil 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUS/NESS 4.1 Online Permit Application Guide Staff presentation of the new Online Permit Application Guide that provides residents with an outline of documents and forms required to submit a building permit application. K. Gowan, Planner, introduced the new Online Permit Application Guide and gave a presentation outlining the background and work done on the development of the tool. A video providing a demonstration of how the guide will work was shown. Staff responded to questions from Council. 4.2 Thornhill Background Report Staff report dated March 30, 2021 recommending that staff prepare a Thornhill Employment Lands Scoping Report, which outlines the necessary background studies, estimated costs, and a timeline that indicates when an Area Plan process may commence. L. Zosiak, Manager of Community Planning, provided a presentation on possible future development and potential for employment in the Thornhill area. Staff answered questions from Council. R/2021-WS-027 It was moved and seconded That staff prepare a Thornhill Employment Lands Scoping Report, which outlines the necessary background studies, estimated costs, and a timeline that indicates when an Area Plan process may commence, taking into account feedback received from Council at the March 30, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED Council Workshop Minutes March 30, 2021 Page 3 of 6 Note: The meeting was recessed at 1:03 p.m. and reconvened at 1:45 p.m. 4.3 Fraser Basin Council -Invitation to Comment on Draft 1 of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy Staff report dated March 30, 2021 recommending that the comments provided in the staff report pertaining to Draft 1 of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy be supported and forwarded to the Fraser Basin Council. The Director of Engineering gave a presentation on the draft Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy provided by the Fraser Basin Council. He provided history of the Fraser Basin Council and reviewed the strategy as presented. He spoke on staff input and requested feedback from Council. Note: Councillor Mead us left the meeting at 2:05 p.m. during the discussion and returned to the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Note: Councillor Duncan left the meeting at 2:15 p.m. She was not in attendance for the vote. R/2021-WS-028 It was moved and seconded That a letter of support for Draft 1 of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy including comments from the City of Maple Ridge be provided to the Fraser Basin Council. CARRIED Note: Councillor Duncan returned to the meeting at 2:17 p.m. 4.4 Proposed Policy 3-17 Change -Town Centre Area Plan Staff report dated March 30, 2021 recommending that an Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be brought forward with rezoning application 2020-256-RZ to amend Policy 3-17 of the Town Centre Area Plan. A. Bowden, Planner, gave a presentation on a proposed change for Policy 3-17 of the Town Centre Area Plan. She outlined the current policy and bylaw framework and provided an overview of the planning context, public consultation results and the rationale for updating the policy. Note: Councillor Duncan left the meeting at 2:43 p.m. during the discussion and returned at 2:48 p.m. Council Workshop Minutes March 30, 2021 Page 4 of 6 R/2021-WS-029 It was moved and seconded 1. That report 11Proposed Policy 3-17 Change -Town Centre Area Plan11 be received as information; and 2. That application 2020-256-RZ be brought forward to Committee of the Whole for Council consideration. CARRIED Mayor Morden, Councillor Dueck, Councillor Mead us -OPPOSED 4.5 Provincial Legislation Enhancements to Reduce Community GHG Emissions Staff report dated March 30, 2021 recommending that resolutions pertaining to Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing and the Help Cities Lead (HCL) campaign be supported. L. Benson, Senior Policy and Sustainability Analyst gave a presentation providing an overview of provincial legislation enhancements to reduce community GHG emissions, highlighting the Property Assessed Clean Energy program and Help Cities Lead campaign. R/2021-WS-030 It was moved and seconded 1. WHEREAS retrofitting buildings across British Columbia is crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting provincial and local climate targets, and would create opportunities for green economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic; WHEREAS the upfront costs of retrofitting homes and businesses for climate resilience are financially prohibitive for many property owners, and Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) lowers those barriers while adding building value and enhancing occupant health and comfort; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor write a letter to relevant Provincial ministers and PACE BC expressing support for legislation enabling PACE by third-party administration and confirming the City's interest in having a PACE program if it becomes available in BC. 2. WHEREAS climate policy modelling completed for the Help Cities Lead campaign shows current actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings are insufficient to achieve the provincial targets for 2030 and 2050; Council Workshop Minutes March 30, 2021 Page 5 of 6 WHEREAS the November 2020 mandate letters to Provincial ministers include direction to move forward with three of the five policy measures included in the Help Cities Lead climate policy modelling: GHG requirements for new buildings, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, and home energy labelling; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor write a letter to relevant Provincial ministers expressing the City's endorsement of the Help Cities Lead campaign; support for the directions set out in the November 2020 ministerial mandate letters regarding GHG requirements for new buildings, PACE financing, and home energy labelling; and requesting that the Province empower local governments with the option to take action on the two remaining items of the Help Cities Lead's campaign, namely GHG requirements for existing buildings and building energy benchmarking. CARRIED Note: Councillor Robson left the meeting at 3:05 p.m. and did not return. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Canadian Union of Postal Workers -Request for Support for Delivering Community Power Correspondence dated March 2021 from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers requesting Council support for the Delivering Community Power initiative. Councillor Yousef requested that Items 5.1 and 5.2 be voted on as one item. Following discussion, it was the consensus of Council to address each item separately. R/2021-WS-031 It was moved and seconded That the correspondence dated March 2021 from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers requesting Council support for the Delivering Community Power initiative be received into the record. CARRIED 5.2 Township of Spallumcheen -Support for 988 Crisis Line Correspondence dated March 5, 2021 from the Township of Spallumcheen requesting Council support for 988, a national suicide and crisis hotline. Council Workshop Minutes March 30, 2021 Page 6 of 6 R/2021-WS-032 It was moved and seconded That correspondence dated March 5, 2021 from the Township of Spallumcheen requesting Council support for 988, a national suicide and crisis hotline be received into the record. CARRIED Councillor Duncan, Councillor Svendsen -OPPOSED 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -Nil 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 8. NOTICE OF CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING -Nil 9. ADJOURNMENT -3:17 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct D. Denton, Acting Corporate Officer TO: FROM: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 FILE NO: 01-0110-01 MEETING: Workshop SUBJECT: Strengthening Communities' Services Grant Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Province of BC and Government of Canada have made $100 million in grant funding available to support communities with the impacts of COVID-19 on unsheltered populations through the Union of BC Municipalities. Staff are proposing a project valued at approximately $1.3 million for application to the fund. The proposed project involves advancing the next steps of the Community Social Safety Initiative, including the temporary funding of increased Community Safety Officer service levels and public consultation on the program, implementing a Community Resource Hub for unsheltered community members and increasing the capacity for front-line staff to respond to emerging issues. Staff require a resolution from Council to submit the application to UBCM prior to the April 16, 2021 deadline. RECOMMENDATION: That staff submit the 'Community Resource Hub' project to the UBCM Strengthening Communities' Services Program. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Strengthening Communities' Services Program, administered through UBCM, supports local governments in managing the impacts of increased visibility, health, and safety challenges of unsheltered homeless populations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is intended to assist municipalities and Treaty First Nations for a one-year period with: • Improved health and safety of unsheltered homeless people living in public or private spaces, including reduced risk of COVID-19 or other disease transmission; • Reduced community concerns about public health and safety in neighbourhoods where unsheltered homeless populations are seeking temporary shelter and services; • Improved coordination among eligible applicants and health/social service providers, Indigenous organizations and others working on housing, homelessness and service provision; and • Increased capacity of eligible applicants to work with homeless persons and Indigenous organizations towards culturally safe and trauma-informed responses. 2735320 Page 1 of 3 _ 4.2 I As the majority of program outcomes align with the goals of the Community Social Safety Initiative (CSSI), staff, in collaboration with community partners, have developed a project for application with the following outcomes: • Advances a remaining deliverable in the CSSI Action Plan o Volunteer Ambassador Program • Funds one-year of the increased complement of Community Safety Officers o 16 hours, seven day per week coverage o One Senior Community Safety Officer and two Community Safety Officers • Strengthens partnerships with local service providers o Situation Table o Outreach coordinators including Indigenous Liaison • Supports additional training for Community Safety Officers o Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design o Mental Health First Aid o Trauma-informed approaches to response • Increases resources for front-line responders; and o Automated Electronic Defibrillators (AED) o Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) equipment • Implements a pop-up Community Resource Hub model o Single-site, two days per week with access to: • Showers and washrooms • Health services • Outreach staff The centrepiece of the initiative is a pop-up Community Resource Hub where unsheltered members of the community can access amenities such as showers and washrooms. Through collaboration with partner agencies, the Hub will be a funnel to on-site supports, which include health services, outreach staff, life skills training and meals. Successfully obtaining the funding ultimately supports the transition from implementation of the CSSI Action Plan to a fully embedded, long-term, sustainable Community Social Safety Strategy. b) Strategic Alignment: The proposed program supports remaining activities in the CSSI Action Plan, which is a high-priority deliverable within the Community Safety pillar of Council's Strategic Plan. Additional elements of the proposal advance partnerships that embed critical community safety principles that ensure long-term sustainability of the model. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: A key component of the CSSI is a public consultation process. As the scope of the consultation process is in development, identifying future actions is a key outcome. Additionally, the proposed program speaks to several of the recommendations stemming from the Town Centre Visioning process including consideration for environmental design to promote a sense of safety. d) Interdepartmental Implications: As with the broader CSSI, implementation of the proposed activities requires collaboration across the City. Members of the CSSI Action Team, representing a variety of departments, have 2735320 Page 2 of3 ~---been involved in the development of the program. Further support will be coordinated through a dedicated staff resource who will be responsible for ensuring internal and external stakeholder participation in the Hub. The proposed resource is funded through the grant. e) Alternatives: The City could choose to scale down the components of the proposal or not apply to the grant. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this grant program is a unique opportunity to leverage provincial and federal funds to activate resources at the local level. Although the majority of proposed activities will exist beyond the one-year funding period, implementation of the Community Resource Hub model could be treated as a demonstration project to empirically demonstrate the merits of a permanent, senior-government funded program. CONCLUSION: Successfully obtaininggrantfundingforthe proposed project delivers on Council's short-term priorities while strengthening the foundations of the CSSI. Prepared by: Chad Cowles Manager of Community Social Safety Initiative ~ Approved by: Christina Crabtree W7lfil4YvtA:: Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer 2735320 Page 3 of 3 ::r: ::,;:,.----~.w--.• ~ -TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021 FILE NO: 11-5255-40-233 MEETING: Workshop SUBJECT: Strategic Transportation Plan Project Process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Strategic Transportation Plan (STP) update includes a review of the transportation conditions present in Maple Ridge today, and will outline updated transportation goals and strategies to guide the long-term vision for the enhancement of the City's transportation system. The STP will provide directions for policy and infrastructure projects for both development activities and capital expenditures for the next 10 years. The last STP was completed in 2014. The priorities identified in the 2014 STP were: improvements to the road network, safe roadway crossings, localized intersection efficiency improvements, and long-range plans for walking, cycling, transit and the road network. This has led to many transportation improvements over the past 7 years. These improvements include projects such as: widening Abernethy Way, new guidance for road expansions and bridge alignments in the north east sector, introduction of Rapid Bus Service and new cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. STPs require periodic updates to ensure they remain relevant and provide appropriate guidance for development activities and capital expenditures. In response to changes in the community such as the Golden Ears Bridge toll removal, additional growth and population and planning updates for employment and residential areas, the STP is identified for an update in the 2021 Corporate Plan and Budget. This report provides an overview of the STP update process. An important part of development of an STP is community input and engagement. The report also outlines the Communications and Engagement Plan (Appendix A). Due to the challenges with the current pandemic, the Communications and Engagement Plan is considered a dynamic document and may be adjusted as the initiative proceeds. The STP Work Plan consists of five phases that will take 18 months to complete. As part of the Work Plan, three Interim Report Papers will be drafted for Council's review and direction. The three Interim Report Papers will be incorporated into the Draft STP for Council review and final approval. This report seeks Council's endorsement for the STP development process. RECOMMENDATION: That the work plan and process steps for the Strategic Transportation Update be endorsed. 4.3 Doc#2737553 Page 1 of 6 ' " t ~-t ' ,- DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A Strategic Transportation Plan establishes the Vision, Goals and Principles for the City's transportation network. It considers present conditions and establishes strategies, policy and priorities to achieve the Vision. This includes identifying infrastructure projects for short term (1-5 years), medium term (5-10 years) and longer term (10+ years) time horizons. The 2014 STP outlined a capital investment plan for the transportation network. The City made progress on many initiatives including: • Expanding Abernethy Way (210 Street -224 Street) • Preliminary designs and approval for extending Abernethy Way east of 232 Street to 256 Street • Alignment and preliminary concept review for 240 Street Bridge over the Alouette River • Introduction of Rapid Bus to Coquitlam Central Station • Expansion of cycling facilities on Lougheed Highway, 232 Street • Identification and implementation of STP projects coordinated with development related activities. Since the adoption of the STP in 2014, there have been several changes that impact transportation and planning: • Increased congestion resulting from removal of the Golden Ears Bridge tolls, impacting arterial and collector roadways on the west side of the City • Continued traffic volume growth east west transportation corridors • Elimination of the School District Bus Service for outlying areas • Proposed development in North East Albion • New land-use strategies for several neighbourhood areas in the City. As a result of the changes over the past seven years, the 2021 Corporate Plan and Budget included an update to the STP that will provide a refreshed Vision, Goals, and Principles, as well as identify transportation improvement projects for Maple Ridge along with an implementation strategy to complete them. The STP development will align with the Official Community Plan and support recent land-use strategies including the Hammond area, Lougheed corridor and Yennadon employment lands. In the fall of 2020, a Request for Proposal for consulting services was issued to assist in development of a new STP. In January 2021, the City selected the proponent Urban Systems Ltd. Doc#2737553 Page 2 of 6 _l The STP work plan will consist of five phases as outlined in the figure and text below. Figure 1: STP Development Phases Winter& Spring 2021 I Wearehere Phase 1: Project Launch Spring 2021 Interim Report#! Summer 2021 Interim Report#2 Fall& Winter 2021 Interim Report#3 Winter& Spring 2022 Review of existing conditions including a review of existing issues, barriers and opportunities identified since 2014. This phase includes development of a Communications and Engagement Plan that is included in this report as Appendix A. Phase 2: Data Collection and Assessment This phase includes a review of how the current transportation systems in Maple Ridge are operating today through assessments for existing conditions for walking, cycling, transit and performance of the road network. A regional transportation model will be developed to detail how the road network is currently performing and how it is projected to perform in 2035 and 2050 based on projected growth and employment identified in the Official Community Plan. In this phase, an assessment of active transportation travel modes will also occur to determine current conditions, identification of barriers and opportunities to explore as the plan develops. Public Engagement This phase will also include the first public consultation. The Transportation Advisory Committee will play an important role in the process and will be providing regular input and feedback. The Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Environmental Advisory Committee and the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness will also be engaged for input and feedback. In addition to the targeted committee engagement, public consultation will commence using an online survey. The online survey will ask participants to identify current issues and opportunities for transportation and seek high level input on the next phase of plan development that focuses on Vision, Goals and Principles of the STP. To complete this phase, Interim Report #1 will be prepared. This will be the first of three Interim Report Papers prepared as part of STP development. Council will receive and review each of the three Interim Report Papers and have the opportunity to confirm directions proposed as the plan develops. Interim Report Paper #1 -Summary of Existing and Future Conditions This report will provide an overview of how the transportation system in Maple Ridge is operating today. This overview will include a technical assessment of roadway performance, current state of infrastructure for sidewalks, cycling facilities, transit, safety performance and Doc#2737553 Page 3 of 6 r how the road network is operating. This overview will also include input from public engagement on what residents identify as issues and opportunities for transportation in Maple Ridge. Phase 3 -Vision, Goals and Principles This phase will develop a Vision, quantifiable Goals and Principles for the future of transportation in Maple Ridge. Vision, Goals and Principles work will set the overall direction for the City with respect to the future road network and active transportation improvements. In the latter stages of developing the STP (Phases 4 & 5), projects and policies will be developed and prioritized relative to the Vision, Goals and Principles identified in this phase. A second aspect of technical work that will occur as part of this phase will be early development of proposed road, and cycling networks. As part of Phase 3, public consultation will consist of Stakeholder Meeting #2 and public engagement with the community. This round of engagement will introduce preliminary recommendations for road, transit, cycling and walking networks for comment. Engagement for these transportation networks will help guide discussions in Phase 4. The transit network is governed by Translink and as such, the City cannot direct improvements to the transit network but the draft Area Transport Plan (ATP) does outline network expansions into the future. The ATP and associated amendments requested by Council will be coming forward shortly for consideration. To complete this phase, the second Interim Report will be presented to Council for consideration and direction. Interim Report #2 -Vision, Goals and Principles This report will document the Vision, Goals and Principles of the STP based on feedback and public consultation. A summary of consultation feedback from residents and stakeholders will be included. A high-level summary of gaps, barriers and opportunities will be presented for the transportation network. Phase 4 -Plan Development Based on input from earlier phases, the networks for roads, transit, walking and cycling will be reviewed and updated. This phase of the plan will review proposed changes to ensure design options are feasible and develop preliminary high level cost estimates for consideration of potential infrastructure projects. This phase will include the third round of public and stakeholder engagement. Engagement will seek input on the proposed long-term networks improvements. To complete this phase, Interim Report #3 will be presented to Council. Interim Report #3 -Strategic Development and Refinement This report will document proposed long-term improvements for transportation in Maple Ridge. This will include maps and project descriptions for road network, pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements. Improvements for transit will consist of bus stop improvements and strategic future direction to be completed in coordination with Translink. The report will also include a public and stakeholder feedback summary on the proposed long-term improvements. Doc#2737553 Page 4 of 6 Phase 5 -Implementation and Final Plan This phase will prioritize projects based on technical reviews, population/employment projections and public feedback. Primary responsibility for each project in the plan will also be identified (TransLink, BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, City or private sector). For each project identified as City responsibility, project cost estimates will be developed. Based on estimates and funding sources, a phasing strategy will be identified for implementation of the plan. Prior capital and operational budgets will help guide development of short (1-5 years), intermediate (6-10 years) and long-term (10+ years) projects for the implementation plan. At this stage, the STP will complete the last round of engagement with the stakeholders and the public. Key elements of the plan and proposed phasing will be presented for feedback and comment. Draft Strategic Transportation Plan The final Draft STP will be provided to Council as the last task of this project. The final Draft STP will consist of content outlined in the three Interim Report Papers and further information on actionable items and proposed phasing for capital projects. Final Strategic Transportation Plan Upon review and acceptance/endorsement by Council, the final Draft STP report will be finalized. Implementation Strategy Subsequent to endorsement of the STP, staff will report back with an Implementation Strategy that will identify financial and staff resourcing to complete projects identified in the STP. Public Engagement A Communications and Engagement Plan has been developed, it is included in this report as Appendix A. Engagement with the community will occur at 4 stages of plan development. The approach for each community engagement will help confirm directions proposed are supported as the plan is being developed. As noted in the Communications and Engagement Plan, engagement will take place at 4 stages of development. The Transportation Advisory Committee will play a key role in the development of the STP and will be providing their input and advice throughout the implementation of the plan. b) Desired Outcome: The STP will help set the future direction for transportation in Maple Ridge. c) Strategic Alignment: The STP update will support Council's Strategic Plan alignment for Growth. Doc#2737553 Page 5 of6 ·~~-~ ----d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Transportation impacts the daily lives of all Maple Ridge residents and visitors. The STP update will provide a framework for how the City wants to move forward with transportation. The results of this plan will impact other areas such as greenhouse gas emissions, health, employment and livability. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Directions from the STP will impact other departments in the City. Engineering will undertake a multi-disciplinary approach to engage other departments as part of STP development. CONCLUSIONS: The Strategic Transportation Plan update will endeavor to engage and understand the needs of the community, and accommodate future planning and growth. As part of developing the plan, Council review will occur at three phases of development and a final request for endorsement to complete the STP. Prepared by: ~viewed by: Approved by: Attachments: Mark Halpin, BA, PP Manager of Transportation Josh Mickleborough, PEng. Director of Engineering \W~ David Pollock, PEng. General anager Engineering Services (A) Appendix A -Communications and Engagement Plan Doc#2737553 Page 6 of 6 l f I . t = MEMORANDUM DATE TO April 1, 2021 Mark Halpin -City of Maple Ridge CC Allison Clavelle -Urban Systems FROM FILE Appendix A URBAN SYSTEMS Kelsea Korki 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 1.0 BACKGROUND OVERVIEW The City of Maple Ridge is updating its 2014 Strategic Transportation Plan to address key opportunities and challenges that have emerged from changing transportation needs and trends. The update will consist of five phases of work and include four consultation periods. The purpose of this Communications and Engagement Plan (CEP) is to set the stage for a meaningful and well-rounded engagement process. The CEP is intended as a point of reference for the entire project team, within the City and Urban Systems, ensuring a shared understanding in the execution of a series of engagement opportunities for the Strategic Transportation Plan update. It outlines engagement and communications objectives, important messages, key stakeholders, and the overall approach to engagement. The CEP should be treated as a living document to be continuously updated throughout the process, responding to stakeholder and public feedback on the engagement process and other needs as they arise. The CEP has been designed to be sensitive to the current needs for physical distancing in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While the engagement process will be facilitated virtually, the project team will continue to monitor Public Health guidelines and potentially incorporate in-person engagement opportunities should the current situation in the province improve. Suite 405, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-953-6500 I -l DATE April 1, 2021 Fl LE 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 PAGE 2 of 8 2.0 OBJECTIVES The primary engagement and communications objectives are: URBAN SYSTEMS l. To encourage meaningful dialogue aboutthefuture of transportation in Maple Ridge by: a. ensuring balanced participation with diverse stakeholder representation b. providing opportunities for input that leave participants feeling like they have been heard 2. To establish the context of the engagement process by: a. clarifying the scope of the Strategic Transportation Pian b. outlining a time line for the planning process and implementation c. providing information is up-to-date and informative 3. To deepen community engagement and improve the relevance, depth, and representativeness of public feedback by: a. utilizing on line engagement tools that make it easy for people to participate b. reaching out to harder-to-reach stakeholders 4. To ensure stakeholders and the public clearly understand how their feedback will be used to inform design decisions by: a. clearly communicating who the decisron makers are b. reporting back in a way that directly demonstrates how feedback was used Suite 405, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-953-6500 DATE FILE Aprill, 2021 1279.0036.01 ..1 SU BJ ECT Ma pie Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Pian Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 PAGE 3 of 8 3.0 AUDIENCES URBAN SYSTEMS Stakeholders are individuals and groups with an interest or stake in the future of transportation in Maple Ridge. The project team will seek to engage a broad spectrum of community members in order to fully understand the needs of the community. A detailed stakeholder list can be found in an appended excel file. These stakeholders, referred to as the 'Stakeholder Outreach Group' will be informed during the engagement process and encouraged to participate and raise awareness for the initiative. The initial group could increase based on interest from other organizations during the development of the STP. Advisory Committee Engagement We will engage with existing Advisory Committees of Council to act as a sounding board, providing guidance and input throughout the development of the STP. Engagement will include the following committees: • Economic Development Committee • Environmental Advisory Committee • Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee • Transportation Advisory Committee Their voices will act as a sounding board for the direction of the STP but also help to raise awareness for the process and engagement opportunities. Agencies and other 3,ct party organizations, such as Translink and the BC Ministry of Transportation will also be consulted during the process. Suite 405, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-953-6500 = = - -::±::--F ·------.?:;" DATE Aprill, 2021 Fl LE 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 PAGE 4of8 4.0 KEY MESSAGES ~-.----URBAN SYSTEMS Key messages are high-level communication points from which all subsequent communication material (press releases, speeches, invitations, fact sheets, posters, etc.) are developed. They do not represent all the messages that will be communicated. Key messages are clear, concise, and consistent across all communication. In addition, key messages provide context, manage expectations around process and outcomes, and move people to become involved in the process. To ensure a successful engagement process, it will be important to clearly communicate how participants' feedback will be used. Engagement best practices suggest that participants will expect to know: • the boundaries of the engagement process (i.e. what parameters are negotiable vs. non-negotiable) • how their feedback will be used to inform final Strategic Transportation Plan • when the strategies and project identified in the final Strategic Transportation Plan will be implemented KEY MESSAGES • The City of Ma pie Ridge is updating its 2014 Strategic Transportation Pian to shape the future of transportation in Maple Ridge, respond to growth in a sustainable way and adapt to changing transportation needs and trends. • Our transportation system is changing as it adapts to demand, and the addition of new development, technology and projects that alter how our community moves around. The updated Strategic Transportation Plan will identify strategies and projects to improve safety and mobility choices for all users. • Transportation decisions affect our community's health, environment, and economy, and ensures community members can safety move in and around Maple Ridge. • Road corridors serve a variety of transportation modes. The Transportation Plan will consider how to use that space to best meet local needs in an equitable way. • The City is keen to hear from a range of voices to create a transportation plan that is inclusive, sustainable and forward-thinking. We need your input! Suite 405, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-953-6500 -r:-. ,~---=-DATE Aprill, 2021 Fl LE 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagem_ent Plan -Draft V3 PAGE Sof8 URBAN SYSTEMS • The project process will take place from March 2021 to June 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and current recommendations from the Provincial Health Officer, the engagement process will take place virtually through surveys and virtual meetings. 5.0 AWARENESS BUILDING Broad and balanced participation during the engagement process is a key objective in the CEP. The following are proposed outreach strategies to reach a broad cross-section of Maple Ridge community members. SOCIAL MEDIA The City's social media platforms will be used throughout the project to: • share project updates at key milestones • raise awareness for engagement opportunities • direct followers to the project website • monitor community conversation and correct misinformation as required The City should also consider using paid ads and/or boosting posts to increase the reach on social media and target a broader audience that may not follow the City's social media channels. LOCAL PRINT MEDIA Media releases will be distributed to Maple Ridge News at key project/engagement milestones. STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH GROUP The stakeholders identified in Section 3 will be encouraged to raise awareness and encourage participation in the engagement process. This strategy will increase the reach of the City's outreach efforts and allow the City to reach populations that are typically not represented through processes such as this, including newcomers, renters, students, low-income individuals, and families. Suite 40S, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-953-6500 DATE FI LE Apri 11. 2021 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 St rategic Transportation P lan U pdate: Communications and Engagem,;nt Plan -Draft V3 PAGE 6of8 6.0 ENGAGEMENT DESIGN ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ANO PURPOSE Project Web site [A rcG IS Story Map) . Level of engagement: infor m/consult . Dedicated platform to share information and keep community members updated t hrou g h out the process Media Re lease . Level of engagement: infor m . P rovide in for m ation on t he project in cludin g p u r p ose. p rocess, an d fut u re engagement o p portun ities . Level of engagement: infor m Socia l Media Campaign . Raise awareness for t he project and engagement process . Increase t h e reach of engagement efforts . Leve l of engagemen t: inform and in vo lve Advisory Committee Engagem e n t ltl . In trod u c e proj ect tea m m em bers, pr ovide an overv iew of the stu dy process. an d p rese nt ex isting co n d it ions . D iscuss key issues an d opp ort unities . Leve l of engagement: in for m Stake h o lder Outreach Grou p Letter . Not ify t h e b roader stakeh older l is t of the officia l p r oj ect lau n c h . P rovide a n overview o f t he study process an d share upcomin g opportunities for input . Provide a direct l ine of cont act for fu ture inquiries '" . Leve l of engagement: con su lt Onli ne survey #1 . Identify cu r r ent transportation habits and key issues and opportunities . Seek in put priorities t h at w ill hel p to inform the vision , goa ls and principle . Level of engagement: inform Int erim e n gagement summary report . Docume n t and summarize t h e resu lts of each e ngagement activity . Used to report back to pa rticipa nts and the g reate r commun ity '" . Leve l of engagement: infor m and involve Advisory Com mittee Engagement #2 . Provide a project updat e an d present findi ngs from previou s phase of work . Communicate upcoming o p portunities to provide feedback . Co llect f eedback on draft vision , goa ls and principles S1..s:te .(,OS. 9900 Kin g George 31vd., Surrey, BC V3T CK9 I T· 604-953--0500 URBAN S YST E M S OUTCO ME La u nch project site Distribute media re lease Establish and launch socia l media campaign Receive i n put from .A.dvisory Committees D istribute st akeholder letters Admin iste r survey Publish engagement su mmary r eport t o project web sit e Receive input from Advisory Committees P il'I,,,,' :Id ·?::!ill! • ""'i<ri!'Jn '"---·lillii~1milll~ DATE FILE Apri l 1, 2021 1279.0036.01 SUBJECT Maple Ridge 2021 St rategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 PAGE 7of8 ACTIVITY OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE . Level of engagement: consult Online survey #2 . Present draft vision, goals and principles, and multi-modal networks . Obtain feedback on proposed materia ls Interi m engagement summary report . Level of engagement: inform #2 . Document and summarize the resu lts of each en gagement activity from the previous round . Used to report back to participa nts and the greater community . Level of engagement: inform and involve . Provide a project update and present findings from previous phase of work Advisory Committee Engagement #3 . Communicate upcoming opportunities to provide feedback . Obtain feedback on draft strategies and projects . Collect feedback to inform implementation priorities . Leve l of engagement: consu It Onli ne survey #3 . Present draft strategies and projects •: . Obtain feedback on draft strategies and projects . Collect feedback to inform implementation priorities Interim engagement summary report . Level of engagement: inform #3 . Documen t and summarize the results of each engagemen t activity from the previous round . Used to report back to participants and the greater community I', Advisory Committee Engagement #4 . Le ve l of engagement: inform and involve . Present draft STP and collect feed back Online survey #4 . Level of engagement: consult . Present draft STP and coll ect feedback S'..de 405. 9900 Ki ng Georg e B lvd., Su rrey, BC V3T OK.9 I T· 604-953-6500 URBAN SYSTEM S OUTCOME Administer survey Publish engagement summary report to project w ebsite "' Receive input from Advisory Committees ·-hi Administ er survey ," Publish engagement summary report to project website Pl Receive input from Advisory Committees Administer survey ,:i:~1rmmm1:~:;i~1il!:;i;;;\;rrm~ITnIT~n~E~~flu~r:nJijfl~r:un~n~i:i ! t1mnmnmm»nnVr~IDiru1HHITTittillillUil~~nlitttttnnmmmmmttttITttTI~ITD»ttttttBflttflflHijmmnrrnn~tt~ttnnn~nn~tt!l~nmrrnrrnrr~~~mm~r~00~~~~;;'.1f:~~Tin~0~q~m~:~J~i;1; :::~ i~ r !, ii I i~ Ii -1;1 DATE FILE SUBJECT PAGE Aprill, 2021 1279 0036.01 Maple Ridge 2021 Strategic Transportation Plan Update: Communications and Engagement Plan -Draft V3 8 of 8 7 .0 CLOSING URBAN SYSTEMS Our team looks forward to implementing this CEP in collaboration with the City of Maple Ridge. Please feel free to contact the undersigned directly to discuss. Sincerely, URBAN SYSTEMS LTD. Kelsea Korki Communications Specialist /kk Enclosure \\usl.urban-systems.com\projects\Projects...Sur\1279\0036\0l\R-Reports-Studies-Documents\Rl-Reports\Engagement\2021-02-22-DRAFT Engagement Plan R0-1.docx Suite 405, 9900 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T OK9 I T: 604-9S3-6500