HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-20 Public Hearing Agenda and Reports reduced (Item 1 - withdrawn).pdf City of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING July 20, 2021 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA 1a) 2019-392-RZ 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199 of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178; Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 To amend Schedule B to re-designate the land use from Urban Residential to Commercial. 1b) 2019-392-RZ 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021 To amend the zoning bylaw text to create a CD (Comprehensive Development) zone. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) zone. The current application is to permit the construction of a six-storey, mixed-use building with 127 units of apartment housing and approximately 180m2 of commercial space in two units on the ground floor. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA July 20, 2021 7:00 pm Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow all persons who deem themselves affected by any of these bylaws a reasonable opportunity to be heard before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws. Persons wishing to speak for or against a bylaw will be given opportunities. You will be asked to give your name and address. Please note that all written submissions provided in response to this consultation including names and addresses will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. Further consideration of bylaws on this agenda will be at the next regular Council meeting. The meeting is recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. For virtual public participation register by going to https://www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council- Meetings and clicking on the meeting date. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City’s Website at: www.mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter (see: Public Hearing) WITHDRAWN 2)2019-393-RZ 20786 River Road Lot 37 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 31152 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). The current application is to permit a future construction of eight (8) dwelling units in the form of Courtyard Housing. 3a) 2018-180-RZ 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 A site specific text amendment to Section 3-20(c) of the Official Community Plan is proposed to increase the maximum height for apartments to six (6) storeys for Major Corridor Residential development at this location. 3b) 2018-180-RZ 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). The current application is to permit a future development of a six (6) storey apartment building with approximately 106 units and underground parking. 4)2021-198-RZ The current application is to rezone the following properties regulated by a Land Use Contract in order to meet Provincial deadlines and be in compliance with the Local Government Act. 4a) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 11670/11690 243 Street Lot 17 Section 15 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1973 To rezone from Land Use Contract to A-1 (Small Holding Agricultural). 4b) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021 12170 222 Street District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Strata Plan NWS612 To rezone from Land Use Contract to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 4c) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021 22509 Royal Crescent and 11760 225 Street Lot 14 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4769 Lot 15 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4769 To rezone from Land Use Contract to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 4d) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021 11742 225 Street Lot 58 Except: Part Shown on Plan 63699; District Lot 401 Group Lot 1 New Westminster Distric Plan 48518 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-00 (Comprehensive District). 4e) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021 To create the Comprehensive Development zone of CD-1-21 (Medium Density Rental Apartment Residential). 4f) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021 12128 222 Street Lot "B" (N51402) District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 9669 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development). 4g) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021 12184 - 12190 224 Street Lot 326 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 52376 Except Part Dedicated Park on Plan LMP21095 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development). 4h) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021 North/East of 12184-12190 224 Street Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP21095 To rezone from Land Use Contract to P-1 (Park and School). CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE THAT A PUBLIC HEARING is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is an online virtual meeting to be hosted in Council Chambers at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. Limited in person attendance is permitted. For virtual online participation, access the link at: www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings and click on the meeting date to register. For viewing only, access the link at http://media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase and click on the July 20, 2021 Public Hearing presentation video; The Public Hearing Agenda and full reports are posted on the City’s Website at www.mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter (see: Public Hearing). This Public Hearing is held in order to consider the following bylaws: 1a) 2019-392-RZ 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199 of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178; Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 To amend Schedule B to re-designate the land use from Urban Residential to Commercial. WITHDRAWN 1b) 2019-392-RZ 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021 To amend the zoning bylaw text to create a CD (Comprehensive Development) zone. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) zone. The current application is to permit the construction of a six-storey, mixed-use building with 127 units of apartment housing and approximately 180m2 of commercial space in two units on the ground floor. WITHDRAWN 2)2019-393-RZ 20786 River Road Lot 37 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 31152 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). The current application is to permit a future construction of eight (8) dwelling units in the form of Courtyard Housing. 3a) 2018-180-RZ 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 A site specific text amendment to Section 3-20(c) of the Official Community Plan is proposed to increase the maximum height for apartments to six (6) storeys for Major Corridor Residential development at this location. 3b) 2018-180-RZ 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018 To rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). The current application is to permit a future development of a six (6) storey apartment building with approximately 106 units and underground parking. 4) 2021-198-RZ The current application is to rezone the following properties regulated by a Land Use Contract in order to meet Provincial deadlines and be in compliance with the Local Government Act. 4a) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 11670/11690 243 Street Lot 17 Section 15 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1973 To rezone from Land Use Contract to A-1 (Small Holding Agricultural). 4b) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021 12170 222 Street District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Strata Plan NWS612 To rezone from Land Use Contract to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 4c) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021 22509 Royal Crescent and 11760 225 Street Lot 14 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4769 Lot 15 District Lot 401 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4769 To rezone from Land Use Contract to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 4d) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021 11742 225 Street Lot 58 Except: Part Shown on Plan 63699; District Lot 401 Group Lot 1 New Westminster Distric Plan 48518 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-00 (Comprehensive District). 4e) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021 To create the Comprehensive Development zone of CD-1-21 (Medium Density Rental Apartment Residential). 4f) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021 12128 222 Street Lot "B" (N51402) District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 9669 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development). 4g) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021 12184 - 12190 224 Street Lot 326 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 52376 Except Part Dedicated Park on Plan LMP21095 To rezone from Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development). 4h) 2021-198-RZ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021 North/East of 12184-12190 224 Street Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP21095 To rezone from Land Use Contract to P-1 (Park and School). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the aforesaid bylaws and copies of staff reports and other information considered by Council to be relevant to the matters contained in the bylaws are available for viewing on the City’s Land Development Viewer site at: https://gis.mapleridge.ca/LandDevelopmentViewer/LandDevelopmentViewer.html The City of Maple Ridge will gradually increase interactions at City Hall consistent with the BC Public Health recommendations. The City of Maple Ridge will continue to use virtual tools to host the meetings and public access will continue electronically, and there is currently limited public seating available on a first come, first served basis. Members of the public can sign up in advance to reserve those seats by calling 604-463-5221. We will be doing health screening for people attending in person and we are asking that people wear a mask consistent with the recommendations in Step 3 of the BC Restart Plan. ALL PERSONS who believe themselves affected by the above-mentioned bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws. Please note that all written submissions provided in respons e to this notice will become part of the public record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection. •For virtual online participation, access the link at: www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings and click on the meeting date to register. When registering you will be asked to give your name and address, to give Council your proximity to the land that is the subject of the application. We ask that you have your camera on during the Public Hearing; •For viewing only, access the link at http://media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase and click on the July 20, 2021 Public Hearing presentation video; •To submit correspondence prior to the Public Hearing, provide written submissions to the Corporate Officer by 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, July 20, 2021 (quoting file number) via drop-box at City Hall or by mail to 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, V2X 6A9; or, •To email correspondence, forward written submissions to clerks@mapleridge.ca to the attention of the Corporate Officer, by 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, July 20, 2021 (quoting file number). Dated this 7th day of July, 2021. Stephanie Nichols Corporate Officer 2019-392-RZ Page 1 of 10 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: June 15, 2021 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2019-392-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021; First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021; First and Second Reading Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw Amending Bylaw No. 7763-2021; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020; 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development), to permit the construction of a six-storey, mixed-use building with 127 units of apartment housing and approximately 180 m² of commercial space in two units on the ground floor. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 on March 31, 2020. This is being accompanied by Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021 to amend the Zoning Bylaw text to create the CD-2-20 Zone. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw Amending Bylaw No. 7763-2021 is also being brought forward in order to establish a parking requirement for the new CD-2-20 Zone. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to re-designate the land use from Urban Residential to Commercial, and is being accompanied by Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of ($3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit), for an estimated amount of $393,700.00. The applicant is proposing an increase in base density from 1.8 floor space ratio (FSR) to 2.6 FSR, which can be achieved through a cash contribution, typically applied in existing zones and contained in the proposed CD-2-20 Zone at $161.46 per m² ($15.00 per ft²). The cash contribution, which equates to 2,447.0 m² (26,339.0 ft²) of added floor area, would be approximately $395,093.00. This proposed Amenity Contribution also aligns with Official Community Plan Policy 2-9, enabling Council the discretion to consider such an amenity contribution. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a VirtualWITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 2 of 10 Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2)That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3)That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4)That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5)That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021 be given first and second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6)That Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 7763-2021 be given first and second reading; 7)That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 8)That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii)Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "B"; iii)Road dedication for the lane as required; iv)Consolidation of the subject properties; v)Removal of the existing buildings; vi)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property(ies) for the proposed development; vii)Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for lane access over 22882 Dewdney Trunk Road; viii)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; ix)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management including maintenance requirements; x)In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; xi)That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $ 393,700.00 ($3,100.00/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions;WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 3 of 10 xii)That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $395,093.00.00 based on rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) for the additional density being sought in accordance with the proposed CD-2-20 zone in Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019; and xiii)That voluntary payment of $16,000 be received in accordance with Maple Ridge Off -Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 - 1990 as cash-in-lieu for two (2) off street parking spaces provided for residential use respecting the properties located at 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road. DISCUSSION: 1)Background Context: Applicant: Billard Architecture Inc. Legal Descriptions: Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011; and Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199; of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Commercial Within Urban Area Boundary: Yes OCP Major Corridor: Yes Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: CD-2-00 (Comprehensive Development) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Commercial Zone: C-2 (Community Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Commercial, Service Station Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Commercial and Apartment Site Area: 0.33 ha (0.8 acres) Access: Rear Lane Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Companion Applications: 2019-392-DP/DVP WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 4 of 10 2)Background: The subject properties, located at 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices A and B), are located south of Dewdney Trunk Road, east of Burnett Street and west of 230 Street. The subject properties are located outside of the Town Centre Area Plan. Consolidation of the subject properties will be a condition of final reading, which will have a combined area of approximately 0.33 ha (0.8 acres). All three lots are currently vacant, relatively flat, and have a combination of grasses, shrubs and trees located throughout each property. This application was deferred at the February 11, 2020 Council meeting. The deferred application was proposing a 119 unit, five-storey apartment building with a proposed floor area of 7,246m² (78,002 ft²) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.37. Council had suggested the applicant consider the addition of commercial at this location, as part of the subject development. Council had also suggested an increase in height to six storeys, which the applicant was willing to explore. Discussions with the applicant has resulted in two commercial units being included on the ground floor of this development, as well as a sixth floor with residential dwelling units being added to the building. 3)Project Description: This application is for a 127 unit, six-storey apartment building with a proposed floor area of 7,986m² (78,002 ft²) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.6. The allowable base FSR in the proposed CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) zone is 1.8, which is based on the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone, on which the application was made. The applicant will exceed the allowable base FSR; therefore, the density bonus provisions will apply. The applicant intends to bridge the current mid-century style of the adjacent single family homes with an apartment building design that will use modern materials and other forms inspired by new residential development within the community. The building is proposed to be stepped back at the third storey, along the southern elevation, providing both natural light for the outdoor cou rtyard space and to limit the impact on those adjacent single family lots to the south. The proposed building will contain a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units. Residential parking will be located in two underground parking levels and accessed via a rear lane loading from Burnett Street. The proposed building will feature two (2) indoor amenity areas on the southern portion of the ground floor of the building. A prominent ground floor courtyard space will provide for an outdoor amenity area that is planned to be programmed as a children’s play area and will feature natural surveillance from the interior units that face the courtyard space. The landscape plan provides for a variety of trees, including Japanese maples, Serbian spruce, robin hill serviceberry and purple spire crabapple. These trees are accompanied by a large variety of shrubs that are generously spread throughout the ground floor of the development, providing for ample amounts of privacy for ground floor units. The rooftop amenity area is well programmed with a variety of seating areas, including a social seating area for larger gatherings of residents and backless benches that can accommodate smaller groups of residents. WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 5 of 10 4)Planning Analysis: i)Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located along Dewdney Trunk Road, where the OCP currently designates the subject properties Urban Residential, and development of the properties are subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the OCP. The Major Corridor policies identify the various types of housing forms which are encouraged along major road corridors including apartments such as those being proposed. These policies also require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. An OCP amendment is required to re-designate the subject properties from Urban Residential to Commercial based on the addition of commercial units to the proposed building. This brings the commercially designated land east from the existing Husky Gas Station, located on the corner of Burnett Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, to include the subject properties (see Appendix B). The redesignation of the subject land would reflect the existing General Commercial area identified in OCP Policy 6-23 on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road to the subject site directly on the south side of Dewdney Trunk Road. This proposed development helps to support OCP Policy 6-25 by providing centres that accommodate the automobile, pedestrian and transit services and will integrate into the emerging character of the area. ii)Zoning Bylaw: The applicant had initially proposed to rezone the three subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for a five-storey building with approximately 119 units. This proposal included a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units. Council initially deferred the application and subsequently suggested, at the time of first reading, that the applicant consider the addition of commercial at this location, as well as the additional of a sixth floor to the building. As a result of these suggestions the applicant has updated their plan to include a six (6) storey building with two (2) commercial units on the ground floor. The addition of commercial at this location, outside of the Town Centre, has necessitated a rezon ing to a CD (Comprehensive Development) zone. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties to a CD-2-20, which is being based on the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Zone, allowing a number of comparable commercial uses from the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone. A comparison of the density, lot coverage, setbacks, building height, parking and permitted uses in the proposed CD-2-20 zone are provided in the following table: WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 6 of 10 Zone RM-2 Zone Proposed CD Zone FSR 1.8 up to 2.5 with density bonus 1.8 up to 2.6 with density bonus Lot Coverage N/A N/A Setbacks 7.5 metres from all lot lines Front – 4.5 metres Side – 6.1 metres Rear – 3.0 metres Height 11 metres or 4 storeys outside of the Town Centre 22 metres or 6 storeys Principal Permitted Uses Apartment Residential Apartment Residential, Assembly, Business Services, Cannabis Retail, Civic, Convenience Store, Financial Services, Indoor Commercial Recreation, Licensed Retail Store, Light Industrial (limited to Microbrewery), Liquor Primary Establishment, Media Prodction Studio, Personal Repair Services, Personal Services, Place of Worship, Private Hospital, Professional Services, Public Market, Restaurant, Retail (exlusing Highway Retail) and Tourist Acommodation. Parking 1.7 spaces per unit (including visitor) 1.2 spaces per unit (including visitor) *** This is the same rate as the C-3 and other mixed-use zones The applicant is proposing an increase in base density from 1.8 floor space ratio (FSR) to 2.6 FSR, which can be achieved through cash contribution, at $161.46 per m² ($15.00 per ft²). The cash contribution, which equates to 2447.0 m² (26,339.0 ft²) of added floor area, would be approximately $395,093.00. This proposed Amenity Contribution aligns with Official Community Plan Policy 2-9 in the OCP, as follows: 2-9 Community Amenity Contribution and density bonuses may also be considered at Council’s discretion for all Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amending applications that are seeking a higher density than is envisioned in Schedule “A” and/or Schedule “B”, to help provide a variety of amenities and facilities throughout the municipality. iii)Housing Action Plan: City’s Housing Action Plan (HAP) was endorsed by Council in 2014. It seeks to increase access to “safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community”. The HAP also speaks of the need to provide a range of non-market, affordable and special needs housing. This was reaffirmed with the endorsement of the Housing Action Plan Implementation Framework in September, 2015. WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 7 of 10 The subject application does provide a mix of unit sizes to help in achieving housing diversity. This includes the following breakdown: 31 studio suites (24.41%) 51 one bedroom suites (40.16%); 26 two bedroom suites (20.47%); and 19 three bedroom suites (14.96%). iv)Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The proposed CD-2-20 Zone will have a similar parking requirement as other mixed-use zones, such as the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and C-2 (Community Commercial) Zones. The CD-2-20 Zone will require 1.0 concealed space per dwelling unit, plus 0.2 concealed spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. Commercial uses, such as retail or personal service uses, will need to provide 1 space per 30 m² gross floor area, the same as in the C-3 and C-2 Zones. The following parking is being provided: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires 159 spaces; however, 157 parking spaces are being provided, seeking a reduction of two (2) parking spaces; 11 of the parking spaces are at grade, while 146 are located in two levels of underground parking; Four (4) of the spaces underground are in a tandem configuration; Three (3) of the above spaces are to be designed as accessible parking spaces. This has been provided in accordance with the bylaw; A total of twenty-nine (29) of the required parking spaces are designed to be small car spaces, which exceeds the 10% restriction in the Bylaw and will require a variance; and Thirty-one (31) long-term bicycle spaces and three (3) short term spaces. With respect to the reduction of two (2) parking spaces, a variance is not required. Instead the applicant has elected to make a $8,000.00 per space payment-in-lieu in accordance with the Off- Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. On this basis, the total payment for two (2) spaces totals $16,000.00. The applicant is also proposing twenty-nine (29) small car spaces, which amounts to 18.5% of all spaces which will require a variance. The reduction of two (2) parking spaces is permitted by the Bylaw because: The cash-in lieu payment will contribute to a future municipal parking facility; and The site is located adjacent to the Town Centre Area, where residents can walk or cycle to stores, offices and recreation, and transit services already exist along the Dewdney Trunk Road within convenient walking distance. The project will also comply with the electric vehicle charging requirements by having roughed-in infrastructure capable of providing Level 2 charging outlets for each residential parking space, and one Level 2 outlet each for every two (2) of the visitor parking spaces (i.e. at least 50%). WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 8 of 10 v)Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations: To permit up to 20% of all parking spaces to be small car or compact spaces. The requested relatively small variance will be the subject of a future Council report and represents an increase in thirteen (13) small car spaces from the 10% permitted in the Bylaw. vi)Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.5 of the OCP, a Commercial Development Permit application is required to address the current proposal’s compatibility with adjacent development, and to enhance the unique character of the community. Accordingly, prior to final zoning approval, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. An application for the Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. vii)Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the form and character of the proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on May 12, 2021 (see Appendices G, H and I). The ADP concerns have been addressed and are reflected in the current plans. A summary of the resolutions and how the developer addressed the resolutions has been provided (see Appendix J). A detailed description of how these items were incorporated into the design will be included in a future development permit report to Council. viii)Development Information Meeting: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible for the developer to host an in -person Development Information Meeting. In lieu of Development Information Meetings, an interim process has been established to allow for a ten day Public Comment Opportunity. The notification requirements are the same as for the Development Information Meeting and include a mail-out, newspaper advertisements, and notice on the development signs that provides the contact information for the developer and the Public Comment period. The Public Comment Opportunity was held between May 18 and May 28 2021. The developer received correspondence from one resident. A summary of the Public Comment Opportunity is attached to this report as Appendix K. WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 9 of 10 5)Interdepartmental Implications: i)Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified the following improvements for this development to proceed: The rear lane will need to be constructed, complete with road drainage, to meet lane standard. Street trees are required along Dewdney Trunk Road. A Statutory Right-of-Way will be required with the site to the west (Husky Site) to facilitate access to the rear lane. ii)Building Department The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments related to Building Code requirements which have been forwarded to the developer. These comments will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage. 6)School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 and the following comments were received: “The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Golden Ears Elementary and Thomas Haney Secondary School. Golden Ears Elementary has an operating capacity of 517 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Golden Ears Elementary is 529 students (102% utilization) including 161 students from out of catchment. Thomas Haney Secondary school has an operating capacity of 1200 students. For the 2019- 20 school year the student enrollment at Thomas Haney Secondary School is 1156 students (96% utilization) including 650 students from out of catchment.” 7)Intergovernmental Issues: i)Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7759- 2021, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the Schoo l District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. WITHDRAWN 2019-392-RZ Page 10 of 10 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No 7759-2021, Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 7760-2021, Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 7763-2021 and that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020, and that application 2019-392-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by René Tardif” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Rene Tardif, BA, M.PL Planner 1 “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021 Appendix D – Zone Text Amendment Bylaw No. 7760-2021 Appendix E – Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 7763-2021 (not included in Public Hearing pkg) Appendix F – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 Appendix G – Site Plan Appendix H – Building Elevation Plans Appendix I – Landscape Plan Appendix J – ADP design comments Appendix K – Public Comment Opportunity Comment WITHDRAWN DATE: Nov 15, 2019 FILE: 2019-392-RZ 22904/10/22 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PID'S: 005-703-018, 005-562-171 & 005-649-617 City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT PURDEY AVE. FULLER AVE. APPLE 230 ST.228 ST.230 ST.230 ST.PURDEY AVE.228 ST.DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD229 ST.BURNETT ST.228 ST.GEE ST.GEE ST./9212094 23011 228662296411940 11921 12116 12073 12064 2300711902 11910 11955 12041 12053 11869 12084 11980 12070 12120 12104 11891 11900 12040 11930 11900 2298711935 11932 11921 11931 12124 12084 229102283911910 11903 229711189822920 12107 11920 11881228261205022871 11879 11868 11861 12102 2281111845 12110 11913 2300412091 229222291212081 12064 11953 2293811891 11922 11940 11832/11976 12105 12036 118882291022905 12092 11900 118502293011969 11982 11930 1193722939 1186011868 12130 2292122921228142280712110 12065 12151 11880 11940 11890 12074 1215312115 11949 11880 12092 11963 229092294912094 2289012053 2293612067 229942289912056 12078 2294012048 11911 11901 2297412041 12055 12080 12114 2292312105 12094 12155 11878 11869 1193122900 11830 2291712022 12095 12130 11912 12105 11954 12090 2289511951/53 1189522944 23010/3012037 230152292911975 23013 11881 11890 11870 12041 12147 11960 12149 22882/96228982298412095 119272287022881 11871 12130 2288012087 12125 11911 11901 2295212085 2291111920 2295411887 2290411851 118302295012103 2300911950 11920 11905 1206412057 11851 12125 1212012115 11917 SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC228 STWITHDRAWN DATE: Nov 15, 2019 FILE: 2019-392-RZ 22904/10/22 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PID'S: 005-703-018, 005-562-171 & 005-649-617 City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT PURDEY AVE. FULLER AVE. APPLE 230 ST.228 ST.230 ST.230 ST.PURDEY AVE.228 ST.DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD229 ST.BURNETT ST.228 ST.GEE ST.GEE ST./9212094 23011 228662296411940 11921 12116 12073 12064 2300711902 11910 11955 12041 12053 11869 12084 11980 12070 12120 12104 11891 11900 12040 11930 11900 2298711935 11932 11921 11931 12124 12084 229102283911910 11903 229711189822920 12107 11920 11881228261205022871 11879 11868 11861 12102 2281111845 12110 11913 2300412091 229222291212081 12064 11953 2293811891 11922 11940 11832/11976 12105 12036 118882291022905 12092 11900 118502293011969 11982 11930 1193722939 1186011868 12130 2292122921228142280712110 12065 12151 11880 11940 11890 12074 1215312115 11949 11880 12092 11963 229092294912094 2289012053 2293612067 229942289912056 12078 2294012048 11911 11901 2297412041 12055 12080 12114 2292312105 12094 12155 11878 11869 1193122900 11830 2291712022 12095 12130 11912 12105 11954 12090 2289511951/53 1189522944 23010/3012037 230152292911975 23013 11881 11890 11870 12041 12147 11960 12149 22882/96228982298412095 119272287022881 11871 12130 2288012087 12125 11911 11901 2295212085 2291111920 2295411887 2290411851 118302295012103 2300911950 11920 11905 1206412057 11851 12125 1212012115 11917 SUBJECT PROPERTIES Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC228 STWITHDRAWN CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7759-2021 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 _______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7759-2021." 2.Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199 of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178; Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1043, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated/amended as shown. 3.Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 . ____________________________________________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER WITHDRAWN FULLER AVE. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PURDEY AVE.BURNETT ST.230 ST.PURDEY AVE.2289811912 12087 12057 229172289922900229212291211940 11902 230042287111931 2291111960 1204812041 11930 11955 12078 11980 22909119312292922923 12074 2281412084 11937 12065 11911 12067 2294912064 22936119272290511975 11832/11976 11920 12055 2292012041 1194022930 2298411932 12040 229542289511910 119052291022944 11901 12056 11920 22939119502292222890 11911 11913 22940229742288011921 11951/532298722882/9623015119102292122971 11982 11949 12053 12036 11922 119132283911930229102296411921229942286612084 12022 1206422881 229382295011895 11935 1190022870228262290422952/92327 "A" 223 111 157 69 150 5 63 1 Pcl. 1 72 113 146 2 99 70 101 5 102 217 216 309 1 318 2 Rem215 313 145 43 Pcl 1 154 Rem 66 Rem.4 317 218 3 30 1 144 229 262 231 151 71 1 LOT A A 149 Rem. Pcl. 2 6 1 147 310 3 2 3 A 158 45 152 LOT 1 38 7 1 110 156 73 230 8 316 112A 319 A 260 8 109 155 220 100 284 98 153 44 320 224 A 1 31 Rem Pcl A148 65 64 261 62 P 40749 BCP 9320P87113P 51371P 56868P 45071 EP 13671P 57491P 58011 P 84291 P 77489 LMS 1887BCS 4014 P 24720 LMP 1505 P 86981 BCP 22903 BCP 37415 P 44292 LMP 8029P 68237 BCP 555EPP 98130 P 84291 LMS 2583P 26269P 77489P 57165P 13473P 45030LMP 42856 P 43788P 46282(BCP 8273) P 32509 P 56520 P 47804 RP 7941P 32322P 43788 P 20969 P 43788RW 15258 BCP 22904 LMP 41200 BCP 38398 BCP 5567 RP 8 7 5 9 0 BCP 30861 LMP 2449 R W 8 0 2 4 3 EPP 98772 EP 35748 LMP 43981RW 80199 RW 15258 BCP 9319BCP 9321 RP 878221.5B.C.T. R/WLMP 2409GREENWELL ST. ´ SCALE 1:2,000 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: Urban Residential Commercial 7759-20211043WITHDRAWN Page 1 of 4 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7760-2021 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1.This bylaw may be cited as “Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7760-2021”. 2.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended as follows: 3.PART 10, COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONES, is amended by adding the following section in the correct sequential order: SECTION 10 CD-2-20 PURPOSE 1.This Zone provides for a range of Commercial, service and Residential Uses with a maximum Building Height of four (4) to six (6) Storeys. PRINCIPAL USES 1.The following Principal Uses shall be permitted in this Zone: a.Apartment Residential. b.Assembly; c.Business Services; d.Cannabis Retail; e.Civic; f.Convenience Store; g.Financial Services; h.Indoor Commercial Recreation; i.Licensee Retail Store; j.Light Industrial, limited to Microbrewery, Microwinery and Microdistillery; k.Liquor Primary Establishment; l.Media Production Studio; m.Personal Repair Services; n.Personal Services; o.Place of Worship; p.Private Hospital;WITHDRAWN Page 2 of 4 q.Professional Services; r.Public Market; s. Restaurant; t. Retail, excluding Highway Commercial; and u. Tourist Accommodation. 618.3 ACCESSORY USES 1.The following shall be permitted as Accessory Uses to one of the permitted Principal Uses in this Zone: a.Boarding; and b.Home Occupation. 2.Refer to Sections 401 and 402 of this Bylaw for additional information. 618.LOT AREA and DIMENSIONS 1.Minimum Lot Area and dimensions shall be not less than: a.in Lot Area 1,300.0 square metres b.in Lot Width 30.0 metres c.in Lot Depth not applicable 2.Refer to Section 407 (Building Envelope) of the Bylaw for required minimum Building Envelope dimensions. 618.5 DENSITY 1.Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed a base Density of 1.8 times the Lot Area. 2.Additional Density, up to a maximum of 2.6 times the Lot Area, may be obtained with the following provisions: a.an amount equal to 0.1 times the Lot Area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing all parking spaces in an Underground Structure for parking; and b.for Lots located within the Town Centre Area, as identified on Schedule “C” (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw or located adjacent to a “Major Corridor” as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4 in Schedule “A” of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014, an amount not to exceed 0.8 times the Lot Area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $161.46 per square metres ($15.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. Refer to Section 402 (Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential) of this Bylaw. 3.Refer to Section 403 (Gross Floor Area Exemptions) of this Bylaw for Gross Floor Area requirements.WITHDRAWN Page 3 of 4 61 LOT COVERAGE 1.Not applicable. SETBACKS 1.Minimum Setbacks for all Principal Buildings and Principal Structures shall be not less than: a.from a Front Lot Line 4.5 metres b.from a Rear Lot Line 3.0 metres c.from an Interior Side Lot Line 6.1 metres d.from an Exterior Side Lot Line 7.5 metres 2.Minimum Setbacks for an Off-Street Parking provided in an Underground Structure for parking that extends not more than 0.8 metres above Average Finished Grade and which is Landscaped and integrated to become a useable part of the yard area shall be not less than: a.from a Front Lot Line 1.5 metres b.from a Rear Lot Line 0.0 metres c.from an Interior Side Lot Line 0.0 metres d.from an Exterior Side Lot Line 1.5 metres 3.Minimum Setbacks for all Buildings and Structures shall meet the requirements of Section 403 (Visual Clearance at Intersections) of this Bylaw. HEIGHT 1.Building Height for Principal Buildings and Principal Structures shall not exceed 22.0 metres nor 6 Storeys, and shall be not less than 11.0 metres. 2.Building Height for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures shall not exceed 4.5 metres. 3.Refer to Section 403 (Building Height) of this Bylaw. LANDSCAPING and SCREENING 1.Landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Section 405 (Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Requirements) of this Bylaw. PARKING and LOADING 1.Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading shall be provided in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 2.Accessory Off-Street Parking, except for that provided as visitor parking space, shall be Concealed Parking that extends no more than 0.8 metres above Average Finished Grade and which is Landscaped and integrated to become a useable part of the yard area. 3.Refer to Section 402 of this Bylaw.WITHDRAWN Page 4 of 4 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1.Common Open Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot for Apartment Residential Use as a minimum of 30% of the Lot Area. 2.Outdoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio, and this area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement: a.1.0 square metres per apartment Dwelling Unit. 3. Private Outdoor Area(s) shall be provided for each Dwelling Unit at a minimum of 5.0% of the Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 square metres, whichever is greater. This area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement. 4. Indoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio: a.1.0 square metres per apartment Dwelling Unit. 4.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER WITHDRAWN CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7627-2020 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1.This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020." 2.Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel “One” (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199 of Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178; Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1833 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development). 3.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 31st day of March, 2020. READ a second time, as amended, the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER WITHDRAWN B A Billard Architecture Inc. 16 SITE PLAN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN 2019-393-RZ Page 1 of 8 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: June 15, 2021 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2019-393-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020; 20786 River Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 20786 River Road from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill), to permit a future construction of eight (8) dwelling units in the form of Courtyard Housing. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 on March 10, 2020. This application is in compliance with the OCP. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per ground-oriented dwelling unit, for an estimated amount of $32,800.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2)That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii)Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii)Road dedication on River Road as required; iv)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; v)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vi)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection; vii)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management, including maintenance requirements; 2019-393-RZ Page 2 of 8 viii) Removal of existing building; ix) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. x) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $32,800.00 ($4,100.00/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Zeyuan Zhou Legal Description: Lot 37 District Lot 277 Group 1 NWD Plan 31152 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential Within Urban Area Boundary: Yes OCP Major Corridor: Yes Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential South: Use: Maple Ridge Elementary School Zone: P-1 (Park and School) Designation: Institutional East: Use: Maple Ridge Elementary School Zone: P-1 (Park and School) Designation: Institutional West: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Single-Family & Compact Residential (Hammond Area Plan) Existing Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Residential Site Area: 0.20 HA (0.5 acres) Access: River Road Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Companion Applications: 2019-393-DP/DVP 2019-393-RZ Page 3 of 8 2) Background: The subject site located at 20786 River Road is relatively flat and vacant, with some trees and shrubs along the front as well as along the side and rear common to the adjacent Maple Ridge Elementary School. The subject property is 0.20 HA (0.5 acres) in size and is located in the general urban area, on the eastern border of the Hammond area. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 on March 10, 2020. The application was submitted under former Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 to allow the subject property to be rezoned from RS-1 to RT-2. It should be noted that the RT-2 zone under the former Zoning Bylaw allowed a maximum height for principal structures to be not more than 9.5m. However, when Council adopted Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, the RT-2 zone height regulations changed in the way height is measured for principal structure from 9.5m to top of roof to 8.0m to mid-point of roof. As a result of these changes, the applicant is now seeking a variance to the allowable height of the proposed buildings. The Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 will be adopted under the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. 3) Project Description: An application has been received for the property located at 20786 River Road for a courtyard housing development consisting of eight (8) dwelling units in the built form of four (4) duplexes. There will be two courtyard open spaces traversing the site; one in the south west corner and the other on the eastern portion of the site mid-way. An internal drive aisle will provide access to the garage of each unit. All eight (8) units will feature side by side parking garages, as well as one visitor space will be provided. Special surface treatment will be applied over the portion of the drive aisle connecting the courtyard area. The proposed eight (8) unit courtyard housing development is designed to be of a similar scale to the adjacent single family houses, and is meant to interface with the surrounding neighbourhood. The development proposes four buildings containing two (2) units each, with each unit featuring a separate ground floor entrance, which gives it the appearance of single family housing. The developments form and character are similar in scale to the overall neighbourhood and respects the height of the existing homes in the area. The River Road elevation of the development reads as two single residential units, while the bulk of the massing of both units is contained primarily on the first and second floors. This elevation integrates well overall with the single family streetscape along this portion of River Road. The courtyard is the project core and it emphasizes this importance by incorporating corner glazing facing common amenity spaces and the driveway. All of the units have fenced rear yards and landscape areas along the property line. The outdoor amenity areas have also received a generous landscaped treatment, which is meant to maximize the privacy from adjacent properties. The courtyard space has been broken up, in order to retain a significant offsite cedar tree labelled as OS-1 in the landscaping plans, located in the south west corner of the site. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The OCP designates the subject properties Urban Residential – Major Corridor, and development of the properties are subject to the Major Corridor Residential policies of the OCP. The Major Corridor Residential category identifies the various types of housing forms which are encouraged along major 2019-393-RZ Page 4 of 8 road corridors to include ground oriented housing forms such as: single detached dwellings, garden suites, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, courtyard residential developments, townhouses, apartments, or small lot intensive residential. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. It is noted that one of the underlying principles in the OCP is to encourage growth within the Urban Area Boundary (UAB) and to accommodate growth through infill by promoting a mix of housing types and tenures (Policy 3-1). The proposed RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Zone to support the development of a courtyard aligns with the intent of these OCP and neighborhood residential infill policies. A number of OCP Infill Policies apply to this site and are e valuated with respect to the proposal’s design as follows:  The overall OCP objective is to encourage growth within the Urban Area Boundary (UAB), including growth through infill by a mix of housing types and tenures (Policy 3-1). This is achieved by the increased density being proposed through this project. The proposed courtyard housing form also represents a new type of housing in the City of Maple Ridge, which will help by introducing an intermediate form of housing.  In changing the single family residential to a Courtyard Housing form, Policy 3-19-b sets the criteria with respect to achieving street-oriented buildings, including developing a design “that resemble a single detached dwelling, with an emphasis on orientation to the street.” The two units immediately on River Road are front facing and will achieve this requirement. The detailed design will be refined though the Development Permit process.  Policy 3-21 requires attention be paid to having site plans, setbacks and building massing that respects existing development patterns and are sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhood. The massing is sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhood. With Maple Ridge Elementary School parking lot on the two other sides, the setback and height variances can be justified. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) to permit the development of a courtyard residential building with eight (8) units (see Appendix C). The subject property is 2020m2, which is larger than the 950m2 minimum lot size required for a courtyard development. The courtyard residential development is supported on this property because it will be similar in scale with the surrounding established single family neighbourhood. The RT-2 zone (triplex, fourplex and courtyard) is intended to resemble a single family home and integrate with the existing 2019-393-RZ Page 5 of 8 neighbourhood. Each dwelling unit is provided with greenspace, while access to off-street parking areas can be accessed from the lane behind the subject property (see Appendices D and F). The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 0.75 which complies with the maximum density of 0.75 FSR in the proposed RT-2 Zone. Housing Action Plan: The City’s Housing Action Plan (HAP) was endorsed by Council in 2014. It seeks to increase access to “safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community”. Strategy #1 of the Housing Action Plan articulates the importance of a diverse housing mix, the importance of housing innovation and encourages the City to "support the development of a mix of housing forms". iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 – 1990 requires that triplexes, fourplexes and courtyard residential developments are to provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. Both spaces for each unit are side by side and there is also an opportunity to park one additional vehicle on the apron in front of each garage. The proposed courtyard meets these requirements by providing a total of seventeen parking spaces, two spaces per unit and one visitor parking. Bicycle parking can be accommodated in the accessory detached garage for each unit. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations (see Appendix D):  Reduction in the Front Lot Line setback from 6.0 metres to 4.5 metres;  Reduction in the Rear Lot Line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres;  Increase in the allowable Building Height from 8.0 metres to 9.41 metres; and  To relax the road standard on River Road from 20.0 metres to 18.0 metres. The requested variances to the RT-2 zone will be the subject of a future Council report. As stated previously in this report, the application was made under the former Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, which permitted a maximum building height of 9.5 metres in the RT-2 Zone. The request for a height variance is therefore supportable based on the timing of this application and the changes in the new Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. The proposed Front Yard setback is supportable because it enhances the pedestrian environment and as the development is dedicating approximately 5 metres along River Road. The Rear Yard setback variance brings one of the proposed units closer to the Maple Ridge Elementary School site; however, this portion of the site includes the parking lot and will be buffered by ample landscaping. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family: Ground Orientated Residential Infill Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. 2019-393-RZ Page 6 of 8 The application is subject to the Ground-Oriented Residential Infill Development Permit Area Guidelines which were adopted into the OCP on November 24, 2020. These guidelines provide applicants with information and examples of design principles for triplex, fourplex, and courtyard housing that align with vision of the Official Community Plan. Accordingly, prior to final zoning approval, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. An application for the Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security for the landscaping will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. vi) Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the form and character of the proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on March 17, 2021 (see Appendices F and G). The ADP concerns have been addressed and are reflected in the current plans. A summary of the resolutions and how the developer addressed the resolutions has been provided (see Appendix H). A detailed description of how these items were incorporated into the final design will be included in a future development permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible for the developer to host an in -person Development Information Meeting. In lieu of Development Information Meetings, an interim process has been established to allow for a ten day Public Comment Opportunity. The notification requirements are the same as for the Development Information Meeting and include a mail-out, newspaper advertisements, and notice on the development signs that provides the contact information for the developer and the Public Comment period. The Public Comment Opportunity was held between April 27 and May 6, 2021. The developer received correspondence from four (4) people. A summary of the Public Comment Opportunity is attached to this report as Appendix I. 5) Environmental Implications: This project’s site proposal will have to conform to the City’s three tier stormwater management requirements. Because the subject property is within the Fraser River Escarpment, no infiltration is permitted. 2019-393-RZ Page 7 of 8 6) Traffic Impact: As the subject property is located within 800 metres of the Lougheed Highway, a referral has been sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Ministry approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw will be required as a condition of final reading. At this time, the Ministry has granted preliminary approval of the development application. City traffic requirements are summarized below. 7) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified the following improvements required for this development to proceed:  River Road will require 5 metres of dedication and widening across the frontage to reflect the width that is established across the frontage of Maple Ridge Elementary School.  Street trees and installation of LED street lights required along River Road. ii) Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments related to Building Code requirements which have been forwarded to the developer. These comments will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage. 8) School District No. 42 Comments: A referral was sent to School District No. 42 and the following comments were received: “The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Maple Ridge Elementary and Westview Secondary School. Maple Ridge Elementary has an operating capacity of 471 students. For the 2020-21 school year the student enrolment at Maple Ridge Elementary is 426 students (90.5% utilization) including 164 French Immersion students and 122 students from out of catchment. Westview Secondary school has an operating capacity of 1200 students. For the 2020-21 school year the student enrollment at Westview Secondary School is 651 students (54.2% utilization) including 270 French Immersion students and 724 students from out of catchment.” Please note that the out of catchment numbers are from the 2019-20 school year. 2019-393-RZ Page 8 of 8 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020, and that application 2019-393-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by René Tardif” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Rene Tardif, BA, M.PL Planner 1 “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 Appendix D – Site Plan Appendix E – Building Elevation Plans Appendix F – Landscape Plan Appendix G – ADP design comments Appendix H – Public Comment Opportunity Report DATE: Nov 15, 2019 FILE: 2019-393-RZ 20786 RIVER ROAD PID: 006-579-868 City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT RIVER R O A D 115 AVE. STONE Y A V E .209 ST.GRAVES ST.209 ST.207A ST.GOLF LANE 117 AVE. 11469 20745 20824208102068311454 11499 20750208062083220735117182071911509 2080111693 11475 2071320767206902084511700 20804208152083311674 11672 20841116642080211690 11697 11440 2073620815208212073511685 2069111643 11709 208272089820905207712082011674 11673 11669 11593 11684 11493 2075020705207602071620797208422076511653 11481 207392087520865208582072 520725 208352085511445 2091020769207102072120720207562080920680208852084911484 11673 20846207952069711631 11 6 7 0 207522084320826209032081811460 208082086420685117171145511475 2081611659 11644 11444 11465 2082311502 11661 2085711474 2076611534 2080511494 11714 208591165420681 2085911512 20844207602075611675 11499 208202078720805207122067011569 206752085020858208092076320725208652075620847207802091211664 20740208292083111653 20886208682078611708 2068811580 11588 20852114802083020851207552080011470207722074020699 11470206922075520870 2071611712 11485 2074511450 11495 11522 20895209132082811682 11465 2083811455/5920732207262082311637 207182081211548 2077620838207442071511645 20777116 2 8 11485 11610 11489 2083 7 2072020817208202079611464 20813SUBJECT PROPERTY ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC DATE: Nov 15, 2019 FILE: 2019-393-RZ 20786 RIVER ROAD PID: 006-579-868 City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT RIVER R O A D 115 AVE. STONE Y A V E .209 ST.GRAVES ST.209 ST.207A ST.GOLF LANE 117 AVE. 11469 20745 20824208102068311454 11499 20750208062083220735117182071911509 2080111693 11475 2071320767206902084511700 20804208152083311674 11672 20841116642080211690 11697 11440 2073620815208212073511685 2069111643 11709 208272089820905207712082011674 11673 11669 11593 11684 11493 2075020705207602071620797208422076511653 11481 207392087520865208582072 520725 208352085511445 2091020769207102072120720207562080920680208852084911484 11673 20846207952069711631 11 6 7 0 207522084320826209032081811460 208082086420685117171145511475 2081611659 11644 11444 11465 2082311502 11661 2085711474 2076611534 2080511494 11714 208591165420681 2085911512 20844207602075611675 11499 208202078720805207122067011569 206752085020858208092076320725208652075620847207802091211664 20740208292083111653 20886208682078611708 2068811580 11588 20852114802083020851207552080011470207722074020699 11470206922075520870 2071611712 11485 2074511450 11495 11522 20895209132082811682 11465 2083811455/5920732207262082311637 207182081211548 2077620838207442071511645 20777116 2 8 11485 11610 11489 2083 7 2072020817208202079611464 20813SUBJECT PROPERTY Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7614-2020 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020” 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 37 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 31152 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1828 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 10th day of March, 2020. READ a second time, as amended, the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER RIVER R O A D 209 ST.GRAVES ST.115 AVE. 117 AVE. GOLF LANE207A ST.STONE Y A V E .209 ST.11674 116542085911697 11464 11465 2080111475 207672084120740208452086411674 2072520804208952084411637 207252081511669 208202078720763207602075611534 20832208552068811512 20939209132077620827208702068511653 208512085011502 2075011569 207152082011474 208262080011445 11455 20755114502067020697 11653 20736207602082311664 2083 720802 208082069111484 208352073920817206902080911460 11661 11645 20796207722075611481 2073511684 11440 208982083011664 11643 2082320740207502083311588 11593 208682091120720208122078620912208852073511475 114952071220721 20828207652086511659 116 2 8 20857207102081611673 2090320858208052081511631 2084211708 11470208521170020745206921147020865 2091020716208382080611469 2080911499 11548 208312082111444 2084320699207802076611 6 7 0 20769208242075511493 11509 2085911685 2084611465 20771208102072 5 11690 11485 11580 207772082020849208132070511522 2080511673 11489 11672 208752085811610 11485 1149920680 208292079720726207522083811494 20795114801145420718208472088611675 11644 12 311 26 303 2 20 40 28 Rem 1902 10 298 254 286 316 377 373 3 315 9 21 195 A 24 Rem 38716 310 251 281283 D 5 353 1 293 24 308 1 3 278 248 11 287 22 30 4 309 2 292 312 13 13 A 313 5 276 255 11 329 317 Rem 8 Rem 8 305 29 B 10 6 279 291285 28 1 1 250 4 294 2 352 3 25 275 8 252 1 2 280 289 16 27 314 2 304 2 C 37 A 328 23 274 9 B 302 2 B 1 10 Rem 13 Rem 13 1 A 259 27 290 185 14 331 194 25 368 376 362 210 1 7 257 29 277 354 21 1 6 300 260 1 4 22 297 30 209 27 284 340 258 295 3 1 282 299 253 256 318 14 23 18 339 7 384 1 354 375 26 249 2 306 374 2 330 301 12 288 A 307 17 192 10 296 20 15 352 9 1LMP 35551LMP 1862P 81218 P 76498P 20181P 58300P 44312 LMP 41821*PP05 6 P 84260 P 43793 P 43794LMP 849 EPS 3893 P 54678 LMP 41821 P 85418 P 44702 LMS 809P 75786 LMP 29390 P 43797 P 43797P 43792P 43797 P 75786LMP 41821EPP 44623 P 83069P 19225P 20332P 77490P 66901P 76457P 21114 P 58300 LMP 2092LMP 5112P 25068P 40699P 66930P 44698 P 43797 P 40807*PP056P 4379 7 LMP 28091 P 25068LMP 13822P 85673 LMP 9843P 31152 LMP 5112 NWS 3345 P 43797P 43797 P 70862P 81218 P 21047P 43797 LMP 40400 *PP05 6 P 76457LMP 1862LMP 28093 EP 437 9 8 EP 57773EPP 22250LMP 7 8 4 1 RW 75787RW 24967 LMP 3 0 2 1 7 LMP 2 8 5 4 8 RP 8072LMP 13823EPP 4 3 0 0 4 EP 437 9 8LMP 13823RW 64315EPP 22318 BCP 33687 LMP 28350 EP 437 9 8 RW 75787 RW 85419 LMP 28549EP 60915207 ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) 7614-20201828 May 14, 2021 Maple Ridge File No.: 2019-393 RZ City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attention: Rene Tardif Dear Sir, Re: Summary of Public Comment Opportunity (PCO) - File No. 2019-393 RZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Atelier Pacific Architecture as the agent on file for 2019-393 RZ held a Public Comment Opportunity regarding subdivision application 2019-393 RZ for the property located at 20786 River Road Maple Ridge, BC. The following is a summary of the conversations and comments received during the comment period, and afterward up to the date of this letter. Date Range: May 4th – May 13th, 2021 Consultant: Brian Shigetomi, Atelier Pacific Architecture NOTIFICATION Notification Decal A Development Information Meeting notification decal was posted on the development site’s development sign on April 23th, 2021, over ten days prior to the meeting date to accommodate the holiday season schedule. The decal included the contact email and date range to submit comments. Newspaper advertisement A Public Comment Opportunity advertisement was published in two consecutive issues of the local newspaper, The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News, as per Maple Ridge Council Policy No. 6.20. The first advertisement was located on Page A13 of the April 23th, 2021 issue and the second advertisement was located on page A18 of the April 30th, 2021 issue. PCO Notification Letter A list of 40 mailing labels was prepared for all property owners and residents within 100 meters of the development site by the City of Maple Ridge. Brimming Development Management mailed all 82 notification letters on April 27th, 2020, over ten days in advance of the PCO date range, as per Maple Ridge Council Policy No. 6.20. A copy of the decal and newspaper issues have been attached to this summary. As of May 13, 2021, none of the letters have been returned to Brimming Development Management as “No such address (NSA)”. PCO RESULTS & ANALYSIS During the comment date range, Atelier Pacific Architecture received comments from 5 people from the surrounding area. · 4 people do not support the development as it is proposed: and, · 1 requested more information but did not provide an opinion either way. The common concerns were: · Parking · Building height · Increased density; and, · Traffic increase A copy of all correspondence sent in during the Public Comment Opportunity date range is attached. Should you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at 604-662-8689. Yours Sincerely, Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. Brian Shigetomi, Senior Associate 2018-180-RZ Page 1 of 9 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: June 1, 2021 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2018-180-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018; 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway and PID 005-293-910 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway and unaddressed lot identified by PID 005-293-910 from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit a future development of a six (6) storey apartment building with approximately 106 units and underground parking. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018 on May 28, 2019. A site specific text amendment to Section 3-20(c) of the Official Community Plan is proposed to - increase the maximum height for apartments to six (6) storeys for Major Corridor Residential development at this location. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of ($3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit for an estimated amount of $328,600.00. The applicant is proposing an increase in base density from 1.8 floor space ratio (FSR) to 2.36 FSR, which can be achieved by providing all parking underground and through a cash contribution, currently determined at $161.46 per m² ($15.00 per ft²), as permitted by the RM-2 zone. The cash contribution, which equates to 1,366 m² (17,702.0 ft²) of added floor area, would be approximately $220,555.00. This proposed Amenity Contribution also aligns with Official Community Plan Policy 2- 9, enabling Council the discretion to consider such an amenity contribution. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Virtual Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No . 7758-2021 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 2018-180-RZ Page 2 of 9 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018 be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That voluntary payment of $152,000 be received in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 - 1990 as cash-in-lieu for the nineteen (19) off street parking spaces provided for residential use respecting the properties located at 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway and unaddressed lot identified by PID 005-293-910; and 7) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Section 3-20(c), Schedule "A"; iv) Road dedication on Lougheed Highway and the lane as required; v) Consolidation of the subject properties; vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vii) Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for planting trees onsite along Lougheed Highway; viii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; ix) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; x) Removal of existing buildings; xi) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage ta nks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; xii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $328,600.00 ($3,100.00 x/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and xiii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $220,555.00 based on rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) for the additional FSR being sought in accordance with RM-2 zone in with Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. 2018-180-RZ Page 3 of 9 DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Legal Description: Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251; Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Medium Density Multi-Family Within Urban Area Boundary: Yes Area Plan: Lougheed Corridor Transit Study Area OCP Major Corridor: Yes Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Maple Ridge Baptist Church Zone: P-4 (Place of Worship) Designation: Institutional West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential Site Area: 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) Access: 221 Street; New Lane Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Companion Applications: 2018-180-DP & 2018-180-VP 2018-180-RZ Page 4 of 9 2) Background: The subject properties are located on the north west corner of 221 Street at Lougheed Highway. The properties are relatively flat and have been cleared of the single family houses that previously occupied the site. 3) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the three subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for a six storey apartment building with approximately 106 units and two levels of underground parking. The applicant is proposing five storeys at the rear, adjacent to the lane, and six storeys along Lougheed Highway. The five storey form is proposed as a transition to the surrounding single family residential properties to the north. The application proposes a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units. A variance is required to allow for a six storey apartment building, as well as a variances to setbacks along the south (Lougheed Highway), east (221 Street) and west property boundaries. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located to the west, just outside of the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP designates the subject properties Urban Residential – Major Corridor, and development of the properties are subject to the Major Corridor Residential policies of the OCP. The Major Corridor Residential category identifies the various types of housing forms which are encouraged along major road corridors to include: single detached dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhouses, apartments, and small lot intensive residential developments. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. It is noted that one of the underlying principles in the OCP is to encourage growth within the Urban Area Boundary (UAB) and to accommodate growth through infill by promoting a mix of housing types and tenures (Policy 3-1). The proposed rezoning of the subject property to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) aligns with many of the Major Corridor Residential policies. OCP Policy 3-20(c), however, limits apartments along major corridors to four storeys. Because the current proposal is for a six sto rey apartment building, a site specific text amendment to the Official Community Plan is required to allow for the increased height at this location until such time as the Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan is adopted by Council. Lougheed Transit Corridor Study The subject properties are located within the Lougheed Transit Corridor study area. The st udy area encompasses the B-Line rapid bus route, which runs between Haney Transit Exchange and Coquitlam Central Station along the Lougheed Highway. Bus stops are located at Laity Street and 203 Street, with the opportunity to add an additional stop in the future at 222 Street in proximity to the subject properties. Council endorsed a process and engagement strategy and study area boundaries for the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study on September 4, 2018. At Council Workshop on November 10, 2020, Council endorsed the Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan. 2018-180-RZ Page 5 of 9 The subject properties are designated as Transit Corridor Multi-Family in the Concept Plan. This designation supports densification through lot consolidation along key arterials such as Lougheed Highway. Supported multi-family forms of development include townhouses and apartments. The maximum height for an apartment use in the Concept Plan is six storeys. The Plan calls for proposed development adjacent to existing single detached dwellings and for these developments to ensure buildings are designed in a sensitive manner by stepping down building faces at interface points with adjacent existing buildings. The proposal is consistent with the designation in Concept Plan. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit a future development of a six (6) storey apartment building with approximately 106 units and underground parking (see Appendix D). The applicant is proposing front and side yard variances as outlined in the following section. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. The applicant is proposing an increase in base density from 1.8 floor space ratio (FSR) to 2.36 FSR, which can be achieved by providing all parking underground and through a cash contribution, currently determined at $161.46 per m² ($15.00 per ft²). The cash contribution, which equates to 1,366 m² (17,702.0 ft²) of added floor area, would be approximately $220,555.00. This proposed Amenity Contribution aligns with Official Community Plan Policy 2-9 in the OCP, as follows: 2-9 Community Amenity Contribution and density bonuses may also be considered at Council’s discretion for all Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amending applications that are seeking a higher density than is envisioned in Schedule “A” and/or Schedule “B”, to help provide a variety of amenities and facilities throughout the municipality. iii) Housing Action Plan: The City’s Housing Action Plan (HAP) was endorsed by Council in 2014. It seeks to increase access to “safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community”. The HAP also speaks of the need to provide a range of non-market, affordable and special needs housing. This was reaffirmed with the endorsement of the Housing Action Plan Implementation Framework in September, 2015. The subject application does provide a mix of unit sizes to help in achieving housing diversity. This includes the following breakdown:  5 studio suites (5%)  39 one bedroom suites (37%);  52 two bedroom suites (49%); and  10 three bedroom suites (9%). 2018-180-RZ Page 6 of 9 iv) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The following is observed about the parking being provided:  The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires 181 spaces; however, 162 parking spaces are being provided;  The proposed building is seeking a reduction of nineteen (19) parking spaces;  Four (4) of the above spaces are to be designed as accessible parking spaces. This has been provided in accordance with the bylaw; and  A total of sixteen (16) of the required parking spaces are designed to be small car spaces, which is in compliance with the 10% restriction in the Bylaw. With respect to parking, a variance is not required because the applicant has elected to make the prescribed $8,000.00 per space payment-in-lieu of providing parking in accordance with the Off- Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. On this basis, the total payment for nineteen (19) spaces totals $152,000.00. The reduction of nineteen (19) parking spaces on the property can be justified because:  The cash-in lieu payment will contribute to a future municipal parking facility; and  The effect of this reduction is minimal because the site is located adjacent to the Town Centre Area, where residents can walk or cycle to stores, offices and recreation, and transit services already exist along the Lougheed Corridor within convenient walking distance. The project will also comply with the electric vehicle charging requirements by having roughed -in infrastructure capable of providing Level 2 charging outlets for each residential parking space, and one Level 2 outlet each for every two (2) of the visitor parking spaces (i.e. at least 50%). v) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations:  Exterior side (south) setback reduction from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres;  Front yard (east) setback reduction from 7.5 metres to 3.66 metres;  Rear yard (west) setback reductions from 7.5 metres to 5.9 metres;  To waive the requirement for street trees along Lougheed highway; and  To increase the building height in the RM-2 Zone for a building outside of the Town Centre from 15 metres and 4 storeys to 20.3 metres and 6 storeys. The variances to the side yard setbacks are supportable as the site is constrained by significant road dedication along Lougheed Highway at 3.5 metres and with dedication required along the rear lane to the north at 0.75 metres. The requested variances to the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), zone will be the subject of a future Council report. 2018-180-RZ Page 7 of 9 vi) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Accordingly, prior to final zoning approval, the Development Permit must be reviewed and approved. An application for the Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. vii) Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the form and character of the proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on March 17, 2021 (see Appendices F and G). The ADP concerns have been addressed and are reflected in the current plans. A summary of the resolutions and how the developer addressed the resolutions has been provided (see Appendix H). A detailed description of how these items were incorporated into the final design will be included in a future development permit report to Council. viii) Development Information Meeting: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible for the developer to host an in -person Development Information Meeting. In lieu of Development Information Meetings, an interim process has been established to allow for a ten day Public Comment Opportunity. The notification requirements are the same as for the Development Information Meeting and include a mail-out, newspaper advertisements, and notice on the development signs that provides the contact information for the developer and the Public Comment period. The Public Comment Opportunity was held between April 27 and May 6, 2021. The developer received correspondence from two people. A summary of the Public Comment Opportunity is attached to this report as Appendix I. 5) Traffic Impact: Ministry approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw will be required as a condition of final reading. At this time, the Ministry has granted preliminary approval of the development application. City traffic requirements are summarized below. 6) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified the following improvements required for this development to proceed:  The rear lane will require a rollover curb and 221 Street will require a new barrier curb.  Lougheed Highway will require a new curb and gutter to Ministry of Transportation standards.  A new sanitary service connection is required, size to be determined by Developers engineer.  A 3.0 metre wide multi-use path (MUP) will be required along Lougheed Highway. 2018-180-RZ Page 8 of 9  Onsite source control facility is required on site to address the 3 tier storm water management criteria.  A stormwater catchment analysis is required downstream of the proposed development and any required storm sewer upgrades will need to be installed by the developer.  Street lighting is required along Lougheed Highway and 221 Street.  Pedestrian level lighting is required along the MUP.  Street trees will need to go within a 3.0 metre ROW onsite adjacent to Lougheed Highway.  A new water connection is required, size to be determined by the developer. ii) Fire Department: The Fire Department has identified that the rear lane must be a minimum carriage way of 6 metres (19.6 feet) in width. Signage indicating that the lane is a fire lane and that no parking is permitted within the lane is required. The building address must be visible from the street and visible at all times and in all weather conditions. iii) Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments related to Building Code requirements which have been forwarded to the developer. These comments will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage. 7) School District No. 42 Comments: A referral was sent to School District No. 42 and the following comments were received: “The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Glenwood Elementary and Maple Ridge Secondary School. Glenwood Elementary has an operating capacity of 360 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Glenwood Elementary is 362 students (101% utilization) including 85 students from out of catchment. Maple Ridge Secondary school has an operating capacity of 1300 students. For the 2019- 20 school year the student enrollment at Maple Ridge Secondary School is 1216 students (93.5% utilization) including 724 students from out of catchment.” 8) Intergovernmental Issues: i) Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. 2018-180-RZ Page 9 of 9 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018, and that application 2018- 180-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. “Original signed by René Tardif” _______________________________________________ Prepared by: Rene Tardif, BA, M.PL Planner “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A – Subject Map Appendix B – Ortho Map Appendix C – OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7758-2021 Appendix D – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018 Appendix E – Site Plan Appendix F – Building Elevation Plans Appendix G – Landscape Plan Appendix H – ADP design comments Appendix I – Public Comment Opportunity Summary Report DATE: May 2, 2018 2018-180-RZ 22057 & 22083 Lougheed Hwy City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES LOUGHEED HWY SELKIRK AVE 220 ST´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: JV DATE: Jul 20, 2018 FILE: 2018-180-RZ 22057/83 LOUGHEED HWY City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley District of MissionFRASER R. ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENTYORK ST.DRIFTWOOD DR . LOUGHEED HWY.221 ST.A C A D I A S T . CLIFF PL.221 ST.SELKIRK AVE. 119 AVE. CLIFF AVE.220 ST.117632202222066219652195621960 2213611943 11942 21988220332218811952 21950 2196411952 22032220572204622058220442213821942 221272218321937 2217321948220721174322147219901 1 7 2 9 1175111850 220332210822155220041 1 7 7 72193222030220632206822071 22175220761186822077 117551185121989220882202011932 11758 11814 22057219642213711879 22165221262195221934 2 2 0 9 0 11875 219522197311783 219202215522155221271191021954 1 1 7 7 1221181188822057 2214611932 22035117272201222050 221172202311759 21955 2199111927 22023221282207311942 220562204321943221672204322048221182202322158220151173522045219762200011859 2216411926 22122219652195711945 117 2 32202321960 22141221192193822057117 6 32202011957221092197622034 11721 11949 22040219502216821980221471173 3 221371184921951 221162216422001117472202011937 11956 22056220782201221968221482195011869 21938 221182194621944 1 1 7 3 92195611887 22154117672197222031 22070221362203221948219642207821968219412208311874 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 220 STLOUGHEED HWY Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2016´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.7758-2021 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan _______________________________________ WHEREAS the Local Government Act empowers a local government to adopt or amend an Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7758-2021." 2. That Section 3.1 Neighbourhoods & Housing, 3.1.4 Residential Infill and Compatibility Criteria, Apartment policies be amended by adding to the existing policy 3-20(c) the following sentence: The height max be increased to six (6) storeys specific to the following Lots: (i) Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251. PID 005-293- 910. (ii) Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251. PID 005-293- 944. 22057 Lougheed Highway. (iii) Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251. PID 001-844-652. 22083 Lougheed Highway. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8th day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 8th day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , 200 . READ a third time the day of , 200 . ADOPTED, the day of , 200 . ______________________________ ______________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7481-2018 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7481-2018." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Lot 4 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 Parcel B (Y89442) District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11251 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1766 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 28th day of May, 2019. READ a second time the 8th day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER LOUGHEED HWY.221 ST.A C A D I A S T . CLIFF PL.221 ST.SELKIRK AVE. 119 AVE. CLIFF AVE.220 ST.117632202222066219652195621960 221362219121988220332218821950 2196422032220572204622044220582213821942 21937 221272218322173219482207211743221472199011850 2203311751221082215522004219322203022063220682217522076220711186822077 1175511851219892208822020 11929 11758 11814 22057219642213711879 22126221652195221934 2 2 0 9 0 11901 11875 219522197311783 2192022155221552212711910 221182205711888 22146220352201222050221172202321955 2199111927 2202322128220732205622043219431186722167 22043220482211822023221582201522045219762200011859 2216411926 22122219652195722023219602214122119219382205722020220342210921976 2204021950221682198022147221371173 3 1184921951 22164221162200122020117472205611841 2201222078219682214811869 21938 221182194621944 1 1 7 3 92195611887 221542203121972 22136220702203221948219642207821968219412208311874 A 1 18 4 25 135 19 910 139 13 7 47 2 160 45 36 31 31 37 27 1 21 54 6 15 86 14 40 32 191 51 73 195 21 53 6 11 5 35 48 A 138 29 18 8 46 85 55 14 23 60 68 3 28 43 29 194 162 Park 48 30 20 50 22 6 34 84 27 B Rem 158 58 137 12 42 3 192 32 Rem 74 33 Rem 161 39 69 19 38 56 136 52 Rem 38 26 140 6 46 20 50 38 17 16 52 163 39 ' 7 39 27 56 16 45 22 37 30 242 171 61 5 26 189 4 75 59 40 24 13 1 28 193 5 ' 24 247 134 47 2517 2 7 159 53 28 15 Rem 66 6 26 49 57 67 12 8 41 59 173 23 49 Rem 190 11 174 7 4 248 40 54 P 69427 P 52495 P 8728P 14113P 62365 P 67821 P46564P 9218 P 11251 P 8728P 11251 P 11251 P 1 7 1 8 5 P 6 0 0 7 1P 12965P 69427 *LMP10226 P 14049 P 8614 P 14049 P 1 7 6 2 9 P 4 6 5 6 4 P 8614 P 370 7 4P 12965P 46564*LMP 43508P 47796 P 14891 P 9218 P 9218 P 1 7 1 8 5 P 15564P 68759 P 62478 (P 11251)P 15564P 30365 P 25970P 11251 P 11251 *PP072 P 8614 P 61550 P 9218 P 9218 EP 67823 EP 81642 EP 69426 EP 6 0 07 2 BCP 5928 (lease)EP 4 6 56 5P 34609EP 69426 BCP 30626 RW 44519 EP 67822 W I C K L O W W A Y LOUGHEED HWY.220 ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: 7481-20181766RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Doc # 2748714 Page 1 of 7 2017 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: June 15, 2021 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2021-198-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Termination and Replacement of Land Use Contracts; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 – 11670/90 243 Street; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021, 12170 222 Street; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021, 22509 Royal Crescent and 11760 225 Street; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021, 11742 225 Street; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021, Creation of Zone CD-1-21; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021, 12128 222 Street; Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021, 12184-12190 224 Street; and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021, North/East of 12184-12190 224 Street. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In May 2014, the Province enacted Bill 17, which made changes to the Local Government Act that stipulates that all Land Use Contracts in British Columbia will be automatically terminated on June 30, 2024. Municipalities are required to enact zoning regulations for all properties affected by Land Use Contracts prior to June 30, 2022. The Local Government Act also allows municipalities to terminate contracts prior to 2024 provided zoning is enacted for the affected lands. At the October 13, 2020 Council Workshop meeting, the process for early termination of Land Use Contracts and the strategy to meet provincial deadlines was presented. On April 27, 2021, the first bundle of seven rezoning bylaws for properties that were associated with six Land Use Contracts was adopted. The purpose of this report is to start the early termination process for six (6) Land Use Contracts (bundle #2), and rezone eighty-five properties, of which 8 are regular fee simple lots and 77 are strata. To meet provincial legislated deadlines, the strategy is to terminate as many Land Use Contracts as possible by bringing bundles of rezoning bylaws to Council meetings over the course of 2021 (three separate bundles are anticipated in total). The applicable bylaws to rezone the property are presented in Appendices B to I. A Land Use Contract termination bylaw will be presented once the rezoning bylaws have been adopted. RECOMMENDATION: 11670/90 243 Street 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; Doc # 2748714 Page 2 of 7 12170 222 Street 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 22509 Royal Crescent and 11760 225 Street 3. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 11742 225 Street 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; Creation of Zone CD-1-21 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 12128 222 Street 6. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 12184-12190 224 Street 7. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; and North/East of 12184-12190 224 Street 8. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. 1.0 BACKGROUND: Between 1971 and 1978, the Municipal Act (now called the Local Government Act) allowed local governments to enter into Land Use Contracts with property owners. In May 2014, the Province made changes to the Local Government Act requiring municipalities to enact zoning regulations for all properties affected by Land Use Contracts prior to June 30, 2022 and that all Land Use Contracts will automatically be terminated after June 30, 2024. On October 13, 2020, at a Council Workshop meeting, the process for early termination of Land Use Contracts and the strategy to meet provincial deadlines was presented. The strategy is to bring bundles of rezoning bylaws to Council meetings over the course of 2021. A Land Use Contract termination bylaw will be presented once the rezoning bylaws have been adopted. To ensure the process and implications were clearly communicated to property owners, staff mailed tailored information packages to all property owners involved, created a page on the City’s website that includes general information on Land Use Contracts and invited all affected property owners to an information session. However, due to low registration of property owners for the information session, the information session was cancelled and staff have been meeting with interested property owners on a case by case basis. A Development Information Meeting is not required as no new development is being proposed. Doc # 2748714 Page 3 of 7 On April 27, 2021, the first bundle of seven rezoning bylaws for properties with a Land Use Contract was adopted. The properties within this report will continue to be regulated by their Land Use Contract until the Land Use Contract termination bylaw has been adopted and 1 year has passed. Essentially, this report is to propose underlying zoning for each property. 2.0 DISCUSSION: The purpose of this report is to start the early termination process for six (6) Land Use Contracts (bundle #2), and rezone eighty-five properties, of which 8 are regular fee simple lots and 77 are strata. Sections 2.1 to 2.6 provide the background information on the existing development, the proposed zone, and the planning analysis. For a summary of the addresses, proposed zoning, and surrounding area context, see Appendix A. 2.1 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021, 11670/90 243 Street The property located at 11670 243 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1975 to permit the use of: • 1 single family dwelling • 10 turkey barns • 9 bulk storage feed bins • 1 processing shed (New York Dressing Facilities Evisceration for Door Sales) • Storage facility • Incinerator • Door Sales of Turkeys, maximum period of fifteen (15) days per year The property is 2.097ha (5.18 acres) in area and is bounded by single detached rural residential properties. The property located at 11670/90 243 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to A-1 Small Holding Agricultural (see Appendix B). At the time of writing the report, the property owner had not contacted staff about the rezoning of the property. The property is currently designated Agricultural in the OCP and is located within the Agricultural Land Reserve. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, support the proposed A-1 zone on lots exceeding 2.0 hectares. As the lot size for the property exceeds the minimum lot size requirement, the proposed A-1 Small Holding Agricultural zone is consistent with the OCP policies and is thus supportable. The existing development does not meet the front or rear lot line setbacks regulations for the A-1 Zone, which means that the property will become non-conforming with the Zoning Bylaw under this zone. However, even though the property does not meet some of the setback regulations, it may continue with current uses and any redevelopment inquiries received can still be submitted and reviewed by staff. 2.2 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021, 12170 222 Street The property located at 12170 222 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1975 to permit the use of: • One 77 dwelling unit condominium project Doc # 2748714 Page 4 of 7 • Accessory Off Street parking • One Swimming Pool • Accessory Residential Uses The property is 0.707ha (1.747 acres) in area and is bounded by single detached residential, townhouse residential, and apartment residential properties. The property located at 12170 222 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential (see Appendix C). At the time of writing the report, staff have been in contact with the president of the strata council and no concerns were raised . The Public Hearing will provide further opportunity for the property owners and the strata to raise any concerns. The property is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment in the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the proposed RM-2 zone on lots exceeding 1,300 m2 (0.32 acres). As the lot size for the property exceeds the minimum lot size requirement, the proposed RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential zone is consistent with the OCP policies and is thus supportable. The existing development does not meet the front, interior, or exterior lot line setback regulations for the RM-2 zone, which means that the property will become non-conforming with the Zoning Bylaw under this zone. However, even though the property does not meet some of the setback regulations, it may continue with current uses and redevelopment inquiries can still be submitted and reviewed by staff. 2.3 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021, 22509 Royal Crescent / 11760 225 Street The property located at 22509 Royal Crescent/11760 225 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1971 to permit the use of “Nine units for living accomodations”. The property is 0.162ha (0.400 acres) in area and is bounded by single detached residential use and properties with a commercial use. The property located at 22509 Royal Crescent/ 11760 225 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential (see Appendix D). At the time of writing the report, the property owner had been notified of the land use contract termination and rezoning process, and the property owner had not contacted staff with any questions or concerns. The property is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment in the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the proposed RM-2 zone on lots exceeding 1,300 m2 (0.32 acres). As the lot size for the property exceeds the minimum lot size requirement, the proposed RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential zone is consistent with the OCP policies and is thus supportable. The existing development does not meet the front, interior, or exterior lot line setbacks regulations for the RM-2 zone, which means that the property will become non-conforming with the Zoning Bylaw if under this zone. However, even though the property does not meet some of the setback regulations, it may continue with current uses and redevelopment inquiries can still be submitted and reviewed by staff. Doc # 2748714 Page 5 of 7 2.4 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021, 11742 225 Street The property located at 11742 225 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1975 and amended in 1982 to permit the use of “A Boarding House to accommodate 38 Boarders; and Accessory Off Street Parking”. The property is currently registered as an “Assisted Living Residence” with the Province. The property is 0.146ha (0.360 acres) in area and is bounded by a single detached residential use and properties with a commercial use. The property located at 11742 225 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to CD-1-00 (see Appendix E). At the time of writing the report, the property owner had been notified of the land use contract termination and rezoning process, and the property owner had not contacted staff with any questions or concerns. The proposed zone, CD-1-00, permits the principal uses of “Apartment Residential for Seniors” and a “Congregate Care/Assisted Living” as an accessory use. The property is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment in the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the proposed CD-1-00 zone. The existing development does not meet the front, interior, or exterior lot line setbacks regulations for the CD-1-00 zone, which means that the property will become non-conforming with the Zoning Bylaw under this zone. However, even though the property does not meet some of the setback regulations, it may continue with current uses and redevelopment inquiries can still be submitted and reviewed by staff. 2.5 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021; Creation of CD-1-21 Zone for Rental Apartment Use The proposed new comprehensive development zone, CD-1-21, is tailored to allow for two apartment rental properties regulated by a Land Use Contract (see Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 below). The proposed CD-1-21 zone is similar to the RM-2 zoning regulations, but specifies the existing rental use and reduces the setbacks by 1.5m to eliminate most of the non-conformities that would have occurred for these properties under the RM-2 zone (see Appendix F). The strategy in selecting a zone for properties regulated by a Land Use Contract is to review the use and regulations permitted in the Land Use Contract and attempt to align these with a current zone. Currently, the City of Maple Ridge does not have a rental-only zone. The proposed new CD-1-21 aligns with the uses permitted in the Land Use Contract and protects long-term rental housing in the City. 2.5.1 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021, 12128 222 Street The property located at 12128 222 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1977 to permit the use of: • 45 residential rental units • Accessory off-street parking The property is 0.338ha (0.835 acres) in area and is bounded by apartment residential use and single detached residential use. The property located at 12128 222 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 as noted above in section 2.5 (see Appendix G). At the time of writing the report, the property owner had not contacted staff about the rezoning of the property. Doc # 2748714 Page 6 of 7 The property is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment in the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the RM-2 zone on lots exceeding 1,300 m2 (0.32 acres). However, while the proposed CD-1-21 is similar to the RM-2 zone, it better aligns with the uses permitted in the existing Land Use Contact as it specifies the existing rental use. The existing development does not meet one of interior lot line setbacks regulations in the CD-1-21 zone, which means that the property will become non-conforming with the Zoning Bylaw under this zone. The interior lot line setback that would become non-conforming is approximately 2.5 metres from the lot line. Although, the proposed CD-1-21 zone reduces all four of the RM-2 lot line setbacks by 1.5 metres (making the regulation 6.0 metres), reducing the interior lot line setback to 2.5 metres is a reduction that is not needed for both interior lot line setbacks. Nonetheless, the property’s use and the majority of the lot line setbacks would conform under the proposed new CD-1-21 zone. 2.5.2 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021, 12184 - 12190 224 Street The property located at 12184 - 12190 224 Street is currently regulated by a Land Use Contract established in 1977 to permit the use of: • 147 residential rental units • Accessory off-street parking The property is 1.261ha (3.11 acres) in area and is bounded by apartment residential use and park. The property located at 12184 - 12190 224 Street is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to CD-1-21 as noted above in section 2.5 (see Appendix H). At the time of writing the report, the property owner had not contacted staff about the rezoning of the property. The property is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment in the Town Centre Area Plan. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the RM-2 zone on lots exceeding 1,300 m2 (0.32 acres). The proposed CD-1-21 is similar to the RM-2 zone and better aligns to the uses permitted in the existing Land Use Contact. At the time of writing the report, staff have been in contact with the property owner’s agent and no concerns were raised. 2.6 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021, North East of 12184-12190 224 Street. The property located just north/east of 12184-12190 224 Street was sold to the City in 1994 as part of the Land Use Contract that regulates the property to the south/west (see section 2.5.2 12184- 12190 224 Street). The Land Use Contract stipulates that 0.32 acres of land be sold to the municipality for park, which was completed in 1994. The property is bounded by parkland on the north and east and is proposed to be rezoned from the Land Use Contract to P-1 (Park and School) (see Appendix I). It is currently designated Conservation in the OCP. The OCP policies, as per the Zoning Matrix, supports the proposed P-1 zone, as there is no minimum lot size for park area. Therefore, rezoning the property from a Land Use Contract to P-1 Park and School zone is consistent with the OCP land use designation and is thus supportable. 3.0 CONCLUSION: In May 2014, the province made changes to the Local Government Act that requires municipalities to enact zoning regulations, prior to June 30, 2022, for all properties affected by Land Use Contracts. The purpose of this report is to start the early termination process for six (6) Land Use Contracts Doc # 2748714 Page 7 of 7 (bundle #2), and rezone eighty-five properties, of which 8 are regular fee simple lots and 77 are strata, in order to meet provincial legislated deadlines. This report contains bundle two out of a total of three rezoning bundles being brought before Council. The properties contained within the first bundle of Land Use Contracts received final reading for rezoning on April 27, 2021. Once all the properties regulated by Land Use Contracts have underlying zoning in place, a Land Use Contract early termination bylaw will be brought forward. “Original signed by Krista Gowan” ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Krista Gowan, HBA, MA Planner 1 “Original signed by Chuck Goddard” _______________________________________________ Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning “Original signed by Christine Carter” _______________________________________________ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning and Development “Original signed by Al Horsman” _______________________________________________ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendix is attached hereto: Appendix A – Context and Background Appendix B – 11670/90 243 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 Appendix C – 12170 222 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741 -2021 Appendix D – 22509 Royal Crescent/ 11760 225 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742 -2021 Appendix E – 11742 225 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743 -2021 Appendix F – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021 Creation of Zone CD-1-21 Appendix G – 12128 222 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745 -2021 Appendix H – 12184, 12186, 12188, and 12190 224 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746 -2021 Appendix I – North East of 12184-12190 224 Street Subject Map and Ortho Map – Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751 -2021 Associated Bylaws Address Existing Zone Proposed Zone OCP Designation Surrounding Uses North South East West Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021 11670/90 243 Street LUC A-1 Small Holding Agricultural Agricultural Single Detached Rural Residential Single Detached Rural Residential Single Detached Rural Residential Single Detached Rural Residential Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021 12170 222 Street LUC RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential Low Rise Apartment Single Detached Residential LUC Townhouse Residential Apartment Residential Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021 22509 Royal Crescent/ 11760 225 Street LUC RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential Low Rise Apartment Commercial LUC Single Detached Residential Commercial Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021 11742 225 Street LUC CD-1-00 Low Rise Apartment LUC Apartment Residential Single Detached Residential Apartment Residential Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021 12128 222 Street LUC CD-1-21 Low Rise Apartment LUC Apartment Residential Apartment Residential Single Detached Residential Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021 12184 - 12190 224 Street LUC CD-1-21 Low Rise Apartment Apartment Residential Apartment Use & Elderly Citizens Rec Centre Park and School Apartment Residential Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021 North/East of 12184-12190 224 Street LUC P-1 Park and School Conservation Park LUC Park LUC DATE: May 28, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ 11670/90 243 ST PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2018-449-DP ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: AY SUBJECT PROPERTY Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Lake or Reservoir Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) DATE: May 28, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ 11670/90 243 ST PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: AY SUBJECT PROPERTY Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Lake or Reservoir CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7708-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7708-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: LOT 17 SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 1973 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1867 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to A-1 Small Holding Agricultural. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 243 ST.116 AVE.116 AVE.2435411665 11731 11632 11629 11756 2432011781 11794 243802422411626 2424811670/90 11755 11645 24284243792441111716 2432511612 31 1 34 16 17 2 3 33 15 P 1973 P 1973 P 1973 P 22670P 1973 P 36558 P 36558 ´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) A-1 (Small Holding Agricultural) 7708-20211867 DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12170 222 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT 121 AVE. 123 AVE. CHURCH AVE. BROWN AVE. 122 AVE. 123 AVE.223 ST.222 ST.GARDEN ST.DUNBAR ST.DELCREST ST,222 ST.12275 12128 2225512121 12158 12127 22320222292216512306 12135 12101 12139 12230 2212112061 12179 12150 12117 120971209722175 12170 12080 12161 12120 120752212212191 12131 12119 2223012106 22147/5112149 12112 222262216112167/7322109 12130 12196 12129 22 1 0 2 12251 12085 1221922160 12093 120832216112159 12071 12121 12182 1212322116 222132215312096 12151/73 12086 12312 12142 12168 22160/90120842210312124221852222512096 12170 2227512138 223152232812052 12043 12210 12238 12209 12154 12310 221512227712220 12048 12111 12313 12231 12320 12250 1206122178 12051120532220712087 12060 223062217712096 1225822104 12139 2216022110 12294 12228 2226212113 12286 121072222912240 12081 223322219012255 12118 2217912297 2219412241 2209912070 2216212061 223332229512295 12301 12147 2017-306-VP 2017-306-RZ 2017-306-DP 2016-052-VP 2017-061-RZ 2019-255-DP 2020-309-DP2019-255-RZ 2020-166-DP 2020-167-DP´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12170 222 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek River Centreline (Topographic) SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7741-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7741-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: DISTRICT LOT 399 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT STRATA PLAN NWS612 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1880 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 121 AVE. 123 AVE. BROWN AVE. 122 AVE. 123 AVE.223 ST.222 ST.GARDEN ST.DUNBAR ST.DELCREST ST,222 ST.12275 12128 2225512121 12158 12127 22320222292216512135 12101 12139 12230 2212112061 12179 12150 12117 120971209722175 12170 12080 12161 12120 12075 12191 12131 12119 2223012106 22147/5112149 12112 2222612167/7322109 12130 12196 12129 22 1 0 2 12251 12085 1221922160 12093 120832216112159 12071 12121 12182 12123 222132215312096 12151/73 12086 12142 12168 22160/90120842210312124221852222512096 12170 2227512138 223152232812210 12238 12209 12154 12310 2227712220 12111 12231 12250 221782220712087 2230612096 12258 12139 2216022110 12294 12228 2226212113 12286 121072222912240 12081 223322219012255 12118 2217912241 2209912070 22162223332229512295 12147 Pcl. 1 96 9 7 K 13 N 87 40 82 1 8 11 274 13 91 1 9 9 CP 131 3 15 12 159 130 85 89 139A 41 Rem M 1 G A 88 11 M 10 220 B 12 14 98 7 B 275 223 I 84 O "B" 14 273 13 2 5 "A" G 95 8 57 13 18 53 3 51 17 93 105 Pcl."A" I 280 6 272 23 92 7 16 12 12 C 1 103 90 99 15 222 5 A 10 8 6 11 58 56 16 L 15 D 2 129 3 1 4 281 L 15 219 11 4 J Q 86 2 2 106 2 12 H 97 13 14 94 221 100 P 14 81 1983104 10 P 16997 P 49482 P 53750P 16997P 67144NWS 1357 P 20588P 10689P 26368P 51690 P13752LMS 1802 P 26368(EPS 5617) P 39057 P 13752P 57090 NWS 133 *PP119 P 16012P 39057 P 61062*PP119 P 14397P 88443 *LMP 22261EPP 88082 *PP119 (P 9669) LMP 15241 P 16997 (P 38752) EPP 90675 NWS 1615P 13752P 60017 P 16012 P 26368*PP060P 15728*PP060P 15022 (EPS 3472) P 22958 (P 28894)P 36736LMP 27702 P 18496P 58218NWS 612 *PP060P 28894 P 8813LMP 12218 NWS 1531 EPP 66650P 13752P 26235P 30167LMP 27701 P 16132 P 16346P 15728RW 18394 EPP 70995EP 72617 LMP 739 LMP 516 8P 18394EP 30259 EP 88112 EP 44056 LMP 27700EP 57274LMP 87 RW 39999 RW 18394BCP 48430 EPP 80811 BCHPA LMP 9617RW 83762LMP 15242LMP 50618 BCP 15939 EP 70164EPP 92939 (LEASE)LMP 7151EP 67682 RW 18394 EP 67145RW 80320´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) 7741-20211880 DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 22509 Royal Cr 11760 225 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT SELKIRK AVE.225 ST.ROYAL CRES. LANE 225 ST.226 ST.NORTH AVENUE FRASER ST.ROYAL CRES.BRICKWOOD CLOSELOUGHEED HWY.LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 11771 22528/3011675 2252 622554/5811724 2252 922446 22580225811168822422 2252911667 62/64/66 11742 Credit UnionWestminster Savings 22411224661168222425/2711697 22544/4611850 11735 11692 22564/682252 2 11718 22538/422252 8 11698 11668 11674 22535/3711686 225162252211695 225322247122461 225962258811698 22530 /69 11686 11778 2252 3 11680 2252 7 11715 11685 22570225652253511834 2252 5 11763 11767 224902252 1 11711 11781 11767 11784 2250411760 11774/78 225482246411837 224102251 5 225752260211662 2254122556225772244411783 22471225342242822501 11900 11703 2252 4224151168322527 11671 11681 11770 03/05/07/09 2253511862 2245611771 11759/61 /65 1177922432 11742 225502 2 5 3 3 225 3 1 225372014-006-DP 2021-181-RZ ´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 22509 Royal Cr 11760 225 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7742-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7742-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: LOT 14 DISTRICT LOT 401 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4769 LOT 15 DISTRICT LOT 401 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 4769 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1881 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER SELKIRK AVE.225 ST.ROYAL CRES. LANE 226 ST.NORTH AVENUE ROYAL CRES. LOUGHEED HWY.LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 11771 22528/3022554/5811724 2252 922446 22580225812242211688 2252962/64/66 11742 Credit UnionWestminster Savings 22411224661168222425/2711697 22544/4611850 11735 11692 22564/6811718 22538/421169822535/37225162252211695 225322247122461 225962258811698 /69 11686 11778 11680 11715 11685 22570225652253511834 11763 11767 2249011711 11781 11767 11784 2250411760 11774/78 225482246411837 2241022575226022254122556225772244411783 22471225342242822501 1170322415 11683 2252711770 03/05/07/09 225352245611771 11759/61 /65 1177922432 11742 225502 2 5 3 3 225 3 1 22537Rem 13 64 Rem. 21 2 1 14 'A'7 92 6 7 19 1 4 1 1 3 70 D 20 1 E 3 18 3 17 79 5 Rem. 1 22 69 E A 94 11 18 '1' Rem 3 74 68 62 15 6 4 2 3 3 B 19 9 Rem 13 14 1 A Pcl. A 16 2 3 PARK 5 10 of 3 2 63 A Rem. 23 22 1 E 106' 1 C W 6 Pcl Rem. 58 12 A C W 4 23 1 C 93 7 15 12 P 4769 NWS 2316P30522LMS 715P 44960 P 18056 RP 5647 P 12239Plan 4834 P 41490P 9372 BCS 1620P 8641 P 34597P 77953 P 63225P 6524P 71022 P 19374P 21162*LMP38099EP 10459 EPP 88989 EP 9742 P 6645 P 4769 P 8274 P 9819 *PP092 LMP 30487 EP 8383 P 19374 P 4769 P 8641P 43090 P 70416 P 28007 P 5871 P 8615 P 4202 P 8181 P 8658EP 11970P 4834 BCP 8886 P 48518 EPS 2538P 7487 P 70416(EPS 6943) P 4769 BCP 22107 P 8615 P 10091EPS 5529 P 5414 P 65452P 8181RP 68557EP 63801 LMP 9820 99149C A34135 RW 61238 EPP 50001E P 7 0 4 1 7 LMP 9307EPP 28268EP 70417RP 63699A34135LMP 12816 11703 ´ SCALE 1:2,000 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) 7742-20211881 DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 11742 225 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT SELKIRK AVE.225 ST.ROYAL CRES. LANE 225 ST.226 ST.NORTH AVENUE FRASER ST.ROYAL CRES.BRICKWOOD CLOSELOUGHEED HWY.LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 11771 22528/3011675 2252 622554/5811724 2252 922446 22580225811168822422 2252911667 62/64/66 11742 Credit UnionWestminster Savings 22411224661168222425/2711656 11697 22544/4611850 11735 11692 22564/682252 222538/422252 8 11698 11668 11674 22535/3711686 225162252211695 225322247122461 225962258811698 22530 /69 11686 11778 2252 3 11680 2252 7 11715 11685 22570225652253511834 2252 5 11763 11767 224902252 1 11711 11781 2261211767 11784 2250411760 11774/78 225482246411837 2251 5 225752260211662 2254122556225772244411783 22471225342242822501 11900 11703 2252 4224151168322527 11671 11681 11770 03/05/07/09 2253511862 2245611771 11759/61 /65 226111177922432 11742 225502 2 5 3 3 225 3 1 225372014-006-DP 2021-181-RZ 2017-461-SD ´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 11742 225 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7743-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7743-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: LOT 58 EXCEPT: PART SHOWN ON PLAN 63699; DISTRICT LOT 401 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 48518 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1882 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-00. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 225 ST.ROYAL CRES. LANE 225 ST.226 ST.NORTH AVENUE FRASER ST.ROYAL CRES.BRICKWOOD CLOSELOUGHEED HWY.LOUGHEED HIGHWAY 11771 22528/3011675 2252 622554/5811724 2252 922446 22580225811168822422 2252911667 62/64/66 11742 Credit UnionWestminster Savings 22411224661168222425/2711656 11697 22544/4611735 11692 22564/682252 222538/422252 8 11698 11668 11674 22535/3711686 225162252211695 225322247122461 225962258811698 22530 /69 11686 11778 2252 3 11680 2252 7 11715 11685 2257022565225352252 5 11763 11767 224902252 1 11711 11781 2261211767 11784 2250411760 11774/78 225482246411837 2251 5 225752260211662 2254122556225772244411783 22471225342242822501 11703 2252 4224151168322527 11671 11681 11770 03/05/07/09 225352245611771 11759/61 /65 226111177922432 225502 2 5 3 3 225 3 1 225375 Rem 13 A 64 Rem. 14 21 2 1 14 N 1/2 2 'A'7 92 6 7 19 1 4 1 1 3 70 D 20 1 E 3 18 3 17 79 26 5 Rem. 1 22 69 7 27 E A 94 11 18 '1' Rem 3 74 68 62 15 6 9 25 4 2 3 3 B 19 8 24 6 Rem B 1 A Pcl. A 16 2 3 PARK 5 10 10 of 3 2 63 A Rem. 23 22 15 4 1 E 106' 1 C W 6 Pcl Rem. 58 12 A C W A 4 23 1 C 93 7 16 15 12 P 4769 NWS 2316P30522LMS 715P 44960 P 18056 P 12239Plan 4834 LMP 1864 P 41490P 9372 BCS 1620P 8641 LMS 683P 34597P 77953 P 63225P 6524P 71022 P 19374P 21162*LMP38099EP 10459 EPP 88989 EP 9742 P 6645 P 9800 P 4769 P 8274 P 9819 *PP092 P 9800 LMP 30487 EP 8383 P 24524 P 19374 P 4769 P 8641P 43090 P 70416 P 28007 P 8615 P 4202 P 8181 P 8658EP 11970P 4834 BCP 8886 P 48518 P 7487 P 70416(EPS 6943) P 4769 BCP 22107 P 8615 P 10091P 8615EPS 5529 P 5414 P 65452P 8181RP 68557LMP 9820 99149C A34135 RW 77641 RW 61238 BC P 9 2 8 6EPP 50001E P 7 0 4 1 7 LMP 9307 EP 70417RP 63699A34135LMP 12816 11703 ´ SCALE 1:2,000 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) CD-1-00 (Comprehensive District) 7743-20211882 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7744-2021 A Bylaw to amend the text forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to create a new comprehensive development zone called “CD- 1-21 Medium Density Rental Apartment Residential”; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7744-2021." 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is amended as follows: 1. THAT PART 10 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONES is amended by inserting the following after Section “1034 CD-1-05”: 1035 CD-1-21 Medium Density Rental Apartment Residential 1035.1 PURPOSE 1. This zone provides for a medium Density Rental Apartment Residential use with a maximum Building Height of six (6) Storeys. 1035.2 PRINCIPAL USES 1. The following Principal Uses Shall be permitted in this Zone; a. Rental Apartment Residential 1035.3 ACESSORY USES 1. The following shall be permitted as Accessory Uses to one of the permitted Principal Uses in this Zone; a. Boarding; and b. Home Occupation 2. Refer to Sections 401 and 402 of this Bylaw for additional information 1035.4 LOT AREA AND DIMENSIONS 1. Minimum Lot Area and dimensions shall be not less than; a. in Lot Area 1,300.0 square metres b. in Lot Width 30.0 metres c. in Lot Depth not applicable 2. Refer to Section 407 Building Envelope of the Bylaw for required minimum Building Envelope dimensions 1035.5 DENSITY 1. Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed a base Density of 1.8 times the Lot Area. 1035.6 LOT COVERAGE 1. Not applicable 1035.7 SETBACKS 1. Minimum Setbacks for all Principal Building and Principal Structures shall be not less than: a. from a Front Lot Line 6.0 metres b. from a Rear Lot Line 6.0 metres c. from an Interior Side Lot Line 6.0 metres d. from an Exterior Side Lot Line 6.0 metres 2. An Underground Structure, for Off-Street Parking, will not extend more than 0.8 metres above the Average Finished Grade and the above grade area is to be landscaped to become a useable part of the yard area. Minimum setbacks for the Underground Structure shall be not less than: a. from a Front Lot Line 1.5 metres b. from a Rear Lot Line 0.0 metres c. from an Interior Side Lot Line 0.0 metres d. from an Exterior Side Lot Line 1.5 metres 3. Minimum Setbacks for all Buildings and Structures shall meet the requirements of Section 403 (Visual Clearance at Intersections) of this Bylaw. 1035.8 HEIGHT 1. Building Height for Principal Buildings and Principal Structures shall not exceed 22.0 metres nor 6 Storeys, and shall be not less than 10.0 metres. 2. Building Height for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures shall not exceed 4.5 metres. 3. Refer to Section 403 (Building Height) of this Bylaw. 1035.9 LANDSCAPING 1. Landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Section 405 (Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Requirements) of this Bylaw. 1035.10 PARKING AND LOADING 1. Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading shall be provided in accordance with Multi-family residential RM-2 regulations in the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 2. Accessory Off-Street Parking, except for that provided as visitor parking space, shall be Concealed Parking that extends no more than 0.8 metres above Average Finished Grade and which is Landscaped and integrated to become a useable part of the yard area. 3. Refer to Section 402 of this Bylaw. 1035.11 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. Common Open Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot for Apartment Residential Use as a minimum of 30% of the Lot Area. 2. Outdoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio, and this area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement: a. 1.0 square metre per apartment Dwelling Unit. 3. Private Outdoor Area(s) shall be provided for each Dwelling Unit at a minimum of 5.0% of the Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 square metres, whichever is greater. This area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement. 4. Indoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the following ratio: a. 1.0 square metre per apartment Dwelling Unit. 3. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12128 222 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT 121 AVE. CHURCH AVE. BROWN AVE. 122 AVE.223 ST.222 ST.DUNBAR ST.DELCREST ST,222 ST.PLAZA ST.12128 2225512121 12158 12127 2222912041 12101 12139 12230 2212112026 12061 12179 12117 12097 12080 12120 12161 12075 12191 12119 12106 12131 1204022147/5112149 12112 222262216112002/12 12196 12129 12219 12032 120352216112159 12071 12182 12123 2221312040 12096 12151/73 12086 12168 22160/902222512096 12170 12138 2231512210 12209 221512227712048 12220 12111 12231 1206122178 120512220712060 12087 221772230612139 221602226212113 2222912081 221792219412070 2216212061 2229512147 2017-306-VP2017-306-RZ 2017-306-DP 2017-061-RZ 2016-052-VP 2020-166-DP 2020-167-DP 2020-421-RZ´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12128 222 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,000 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek River Centreline (Topographic) SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7745-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7745-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: LOT "B" (N51402) DISTRICT LOT 399 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 9669 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1884 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-21. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 121 AVE. CHURCH AVE. BROWN AVE. 122 AVE.223 ST.222 ST.DUNBAR ST.DELCREST ST,222 ST.PLAZA ST.12128 2225512121 12158 12037 12127 223202222912041 12135 12101 12139 12230 2212112026 12061 12032 12179 12150 12117 1209712097 12170 12080 12161 12120 12075 12191 12131 12119 2223012106 1204022147/5112149 12112 222262216112167/73 1202112002/1222109 12025 12130 12196 12129 12085 12219 12093 12032 12035 12083221102216112159 12071 12121 12182 12123 2221312040 12096 12151/73 12086 12142 12168 22160/9012084 12124 2222512096 12170 12027 12138 223152232812052 12043 12210 12238 12209 12154 221512227712048 12220 12111 12231 1206122178 12051120532220712087 12060 223062217712096 12139 2216012228 2226212113 12107 12038222292209712081 12118 221792219412241 2209912070 2216212061 223332229512147 Pcl. 1 96 14 9 7 K 13 N 87 80 82 1 1 8 36 78 274 13 91 1 26 9 18 CP 131 3 130 85 89 2139A Rem 1 G A 88 107 E M 10 16 B 12 14 98 B 4 275 I 15 F 84 O 3 "B" 14 273 2 24 7 "A" G 95 57 18 13 53 3 51 17 8 93 105 Pcl."A" 34 109 I 280 6 272 23 71 92 7 16 12 C 1 103 90 11 99 15 9 5 A 8 11 58 16 10 56 L 79 15 D 2 129 3 1 4 9 281 L 17 C 15 11 J 4 Q 55 86 2 2 106 50 12 H 97 35 13 112 108 94 100 P 14 81 1983104 10 H P 26368P 16997 P 49482 P 14571P 53750P 16997P 67144NWS 1357 P 10689P 20588P 16997P 26368P 51690 P13752(EPS 2668) LMS 1802 P 26368P 26368P 14898 P 9669 (EPS 5617) *PP080 P 13752P 57090 P 14571 NWS 133 P 61867P15319P 17845P 61062P 14397P 88443 *LMP 22261EPP 88082 LMP 39839 (P 9669)*LMP22658LMP 15241 P 16997 (P 38752) EPP 90675 NWS 1615P 13752P 15319P 60017 P 26368*PP060P 15728*PP060P 15022 P 22958 (P 28894) LMP 27702 P 18496 EP 70401 P 58218NWS 612 *PP060P 48265P 28894 P 8813EPP 88082 LMP 12218 NWS 1531 EPP 66650P 13752P 20094 RP 9654P 13752P 26235P 30167LMP 27701 P 16132 P 16346P 15728P 12284 RW88444 EPP 70995EP 72617 LMP 739 LMP 516 8P 18394EP 30259 BCP 50303 EP 88112 EP 44056 LMP 27700EP 34836LMP 87RW 18394EPP 80811 LMP 9617RW 83762LMP 15242BCP 15939 EPP 92939 (LEASE)EP 67682 EP 67145PLAZA ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development) 7745-20211884 DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12184-12190 224 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT 121 AVE.121 AVE. HINCH CRES. 123 AVE.FRASER ST.224 ST.123 AVE. 122 AVE. 12227 22501225692257912217 12130 22561-97224902258812092 12128 22527225572255212127 12075 2256712296 12150 (REC CENTRE)2252222557225622253212184-90 2250212157 12085 2254912207 12080 12155 12101 225402257212138 12305 12148 (ECRA)22517225042257012275 22577225622256922582225832258712247 12206 12325 22557225392255412064 22491225602245012082 225142254312151 12257 225862248122423/3722530225772259612129 2256212283 12191 12238/12248 225822255912237 2240812268 12104 120602247712175 12072 2257612241 2256512063/65 12258 225892019-244-RZ 2019-244-VP 2019-244-DP 2018-004-RZ 2018-004-VP 2017-061-RZ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 16, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd 12184-12190 224 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Lake or Reservoir SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7746-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7746-2021." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: LOT 326 SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 52376 EXCEPT PART DEDICATED PARK ON PLAN LMP21095 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1885 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-21. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 121 AVE.121 AVE. HINCH CRES. 123 AVE.224 ST.123 AVE. 122 AVE. 12227 2250112217 12130 22561-97224902258812092 12128 22527225572255212127 12296 12150 (REC CENTRE)22522225622253212184-90 2250212157 12085 2254912207 12155 12101 225402257212138 12305 12148 (ECRA)22517225042257012275 22562225692258212247 12206 2255422491225602245012082 2251412151 12257 2258622423/37225302259612129 2256212283 12191 12238/12248 225822255912237 2240812268 12104 2247712175 2257612241 2256512258 236 238 8 PARK 21 Parcel "A" 3 254 6 7 108 Rem. 326 PARK 256 10 235 11 258 240 1 29 255 18 A 8 20 1 243 259 PARK E 237 244 PARK 'A' 241 10 19 233 B 242 9 E 1/2 11 Rem 3 PARK A A 2 Rem A 28 24 8 17 20 3054 9 2 Pcl. A 234 7 3 A 245 9 239 2 257 112 232 W 5' 10BCP 15645 P 42134 P 75480 LMS 3721 P 86603 LMP 34533 P 42134 P 52376 RP 56793BCP 15645 P 7875 LMP 39518(lease)P 8540P 61324 BCS 2621 P 22111BCS 2665 RP 56793 P 46852 LMP 43240 LMP 24836LMS 4011 P 8843P 42134P 19358 P 42134 NWS 1688 P 42134 NWS 2777 P 15022P 8679P 14543LMP 26249 BCS 2665 P 80477 P 19358 P 15022 BCS 3724 BCS 3276 (EPS 4738) BCP 30288 P 7875 P 1161 LMP 50617 P 26132LMS 873 LMP 21095 BCP 41528BCP 19886 LMP 37897 EP 70164 RW 18394 BCP 15646 LMP 26401 RW 81544 LMP 24828 EP 45584 LMP 43241 RP 80479 LMP 24829 RW 80478 LMP 4968LMP 24837EP 48212BCP 20950 EP 44389 LMP 50618 EP 70164 RW 41758RP 60276LMP 35734EPP 61234LMP 24838P 28405 LMP 26325 LMP 24830P 67454LMP 35899RW 45029 EP 61325RW 48132LMP 24835LMP 26402 RW 78233´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) CD-1-21 (Comprehensive Development) 7746-20211885 DATE: Apr 22, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd FOLIO: 52697-0101-0 LEGAL: SEC 20; TWP 12; NWD; PL LMP21095 PLANNING DEPARTMENTEDGE ST.224 ST.2019-244-RZ 2019-244-VP 2019-244-DP 2018-004-RZ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) SUBJECT PROPERTY DATE: Apr 22, 2021 FILE: 2021-198-RZ.mxd FOLIO: 52697-0101-0 LEGAL: SEC 20; TWP 12; NWD; PL LMP21095 PLANNING DEPARTMENTEDGE ST.224 ST.Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: DT Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7751-2021 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 - 2019 as amended ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; AND WHEREAS, a local government may, under s. 548 of the Local Government Act, terminate a land use contract that applies to land within the jurisdiction of the local government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7751-2021." 2. That parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN LMP21095 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1886 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to P-1 Park and School. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 22nd day of June, 2021. READ a second time the 22nd day of June, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 121 AVE. 122 AVE. 121 AVE. HINCH CRES. 123 AVE.224 ST.123 AVE. 122 AVE. 12227 22620226102250122569225792258012217 22561-972261922490225882260722527225922255722552226222257912127 2259612296 2259712150 (REC CENTRE)225902261722522122602263122557 225621227012250 2253212184-90 225022260612157 2254912207 12155 22572225402262012101 12138 12305 12148 (ECRA)22517225702250412275 22577225622258222569225892258712247 12206 2253922632226402255422609224912256022450225142254312257 12151 22586226112258722423/37225302259612129 2256212283 12191 12238/12248 22608225822255912237 2240812268 22612226102247712175 226342257612241 2256512258 4 236 238 8 PARK Parcel "A" 3 254 6 248 7 108 Rem. 326 PARK 256 10 235 11 258 240 2 6 255 18 8 20 1 247 231 243 259 PARK E 237 244 PARK 'A' 241 10 19 233 B 242 E 1/2 11 A 287 260 PARK 253 A A 2 Rem A 230 24 227 17 252 288 305 228 9 3 Pcl. A 5 234 7 A 245 3 9 246 239 257 229 261 112 232 W 5' 10BCP 15645 P 42134 P 75480 P 86603 P 42134 P 52376 RP 56793BCP 15645 P 7875 LMP 39518(lease) P 61324 BCS 2621 BCS 2665 RP 56793 P 46852 LMP 43240 LMS 4011 P 42134P 19358 P 42134 NWS 1688 P 42134 NWS 2777 LMP 26249 BCS 2665 P 80477 P 19358 P 7875 P 1161P 26132P 19358LMS 873 LMP 21095 BCP 41528BCP 19886 RW 41758 RW 18394RW 18394 BCP 15646 RW 81544 LMP 24828 EP 45584 LMP 43241 RP 80479 LMP 24829 RW 80478 EP 48212BCP 20950 EP 44389 RW 41758RP 60276EPP 61234 P 28405 LMP 24830P 67454EP 61325LMP 24835HINCH CRES. 123 AVE. 122 AVE. 122 AVE.EDGE ST.´ SCALE 1:2,500 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINGBylaw No. Map No. From: To: LUC (Land Use Contract) P-1 (Park and School) 7751-20211886