HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-08 Council Workshop Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA February 8, 2022 11:00 a.m. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIME Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other Items of Interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. 1. APPROVALOFTHEAGENDA 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the December 14, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Port Haney Land Use Policy Review -Public Engagement Process Staff report dated February 8, 2022, providing background on the project and outlines of the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review engagement process, the area of study, and the anticipated timeframe for completing this work. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATIERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. NOTICE OF CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING
Council Workshop Agenda Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Page 2 of 2 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90 (1) and 90 (2) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered relates to the following: Section 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; Section 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; Section 90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; Section 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; Section 90(2)(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party; Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90 (1) and 90 (2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 9. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED BY: DATE: PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE:
City of Maple Ridge
Council Workshop Minutes
December 14, 2021
The Minutes of the City Council Workshop Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council
Chambers of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on December
14, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of transacting regular City business.
PRESENT Appointed Staff
Elected Officials S.Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer
Mayor M. Morden
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor C. Mead us
Councillor G. Robson
joined at 11:02
Councillor R. Svendsen
Councillor A. Yousef
C.Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services
C.Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services
D.Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services
P.Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer
T.Thompson, Director, Finance
Other staff as required
G.Goddard, Director, Planning
J.Kim, IT Support Specialist
Councillor K. Duncan B.Livingstone, Business Retention and Expansion Officer, Economic
F.Smith, Director, Engineering
L.Zosiak, Manager of Community Planning, Planning
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councillors Yousef and Robson participated in the
meeting electronically. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers.
Note: Councillor Robson was absent at the start of the meeting.
It was moved and seconded
That the agenda for the December 14, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting be
approved as circulated.
Workshop Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021 Page 2 of 4 02 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the November 23, 2021 and November 29-30, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting R/2021-C-106 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the November 23, 2021 and November 29-30, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 03 DELEGATIONS -Ni I 04 UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Consultant Report -Thornhill Employment Land Use Study Outcomes Staff report dated December 14, 2021 recommending the Urban Systems Thornhill Employment Lands Opportunity Assessment report be received for information and that staff undertake analysis of the report findings and bring recommendations on next steps to a future Council Workshop meeting. The Manager of Community Planning introduced representatives of Urban Systems who provided a detailed presentation. Note: Councillor Robson entered the meeting at 11:02 a.m. and participated electronically. R/2021-C-107 It was moved and seconded That the Urban Systems Thornhill Employment Lands Opportunity Assessment report be received for information; and, That staff undertake analysis of the report findings and bring recommendations on next steps to a future Council Workshop meeting. CARRIED 4.2 Processes for Permitting Curb-side Patios on a Long-term Basis Staff report dated December 14, 2021 recommending the development and implementation of a permitting process to allow restaurants, cafes and craft breweries to operate curb-side (on-street) patios on a long-term basis. R/2021-C-108 It was moved and seconded That a permitting process to allow restaurants, cafes and craft breweries to operate curb-side (on-street) patios on a long-term basis be developed and implemented.
Workshop Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021 Page 3 of 4 That staff and/or the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute any and all agreements, land title documents and other necessary documents related to the disposition. CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/ QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL Councillor Dueck asked if the City is considering going back to conventional Council meetings in the new year. The General Manager of Corporate Services advised that additional equipment would be required to get the Council Chamber audio/visual system fully functioning again. 7. MATIERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -Nil 8. NOTICE OF CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90 (1) and 90 (2) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered relates to the following: Section 90(1)(a) Section 90(1)(e) Section 90(1)(g) Section 90(1)(i) Section 90(1)(k) Personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a position appointed by the municipality; the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90 (1) and 90 (2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Workshop Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021 Page 4 of 4 9. ADJOURNMENT -12:58 p.m. Certified Correct P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer M. Morden, Mayor
4.1[~-TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: February 8, 2022 FILE NO: ATTN: Workshop SUBJECT: Port Haney Land Use Policy Review -Public Engagement Process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A review of Port Haney land use policies and regulations has been approved by Council, through adoption of the City's 2022 Business Plan. Land Use in the Port Haney neighbourhood is primarily regulated through the Town Centre Area Plan, the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines, and the Zoning Bylaw, and possible review outcomes may involve recommendations to amend one or more of these documents. The Town Centre Area Plan land use policies, for the Port Haney Area, allow a range of uses, including ground-oriented residential, low-rise apartment, commercial, and mixed use, with a minimum height of three storeys and a maximum building height of four storeys. However, since the 2009 change to the BC Building Code permitting six storey wood frame buildings, several recent development applications have been proposing this building form and height in the Port Haney area, with three development applications receiving first reading in 2021. The Port Haney Land Use Policy Review process will examine current permitted uses and explore an increase in maximum building height, while maintaining and enhancing desirable features for the area. This report provides some background on the project and outlines the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review engagement process, the area of study, and the anticipated timeframe for completing this work. The proposed engagement process includes hosting a public open house (virtually, depending on Public Health Orders in place at the time) and three workshop sessions tailored for specific stakeholder groups, including the local business community. To encourage community engagement, staff will: • "pop up" in key community locations to advertise the project and solicit input; • promote a self-guided walking tour to encourage residents to explore the Port Haney area; and • advertise an online survey that will be utilized to obtain feedback on potential changes to Port Haney land use policies and regulations. All of these events and avenues for participation will be advertised in the local newspaper, via social media and through existing City of Maple Ridge networks, including the Advisory Committees. It is anticipated the Port Haney public engagement process will commence in the spring of 2022 and conclude in the summer of 2022 with an outcomes and recommendation report to Council on proposed policy and regulatory changes. The proposed work, which is consistent with the Economic Development Strategy, can be viewed as a mechanism to support the revitalization of the area and be an impetus for positive change for the Port Haney neighbourhood. Alternatively, should Council wish to move forward now with the proposed amendments, the following alternative recommendation has been included in the report for Council consideration -That staff prepare Official Community Plan and Zone Amending Bylaws to eliminate "residential only" buildings Doc#2984534 Page 1 of 9
on vacant or underutilized properties within lands designated as Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial, & Mixed-Use and to permit buildings up to 6 storeys in height. RECOMMENDATION: That the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review Public Engagement Process, incorporating Council comments, be endorsed. 1.0 BACKGROUND: The Town Centre Area Plan {TCAP) contains a vision for increased density, mixed-uses and green space while creating a pedestrian-oriented environment. A large portion of residential and commercial growth within Maple Ridge is anticipated for the Town Centre Area. During the extensive community consultation for the development of the TCAP, the community expressed a desire to retain Port Haney's historical character and views of the Fraser River, while encouraging revitalization. There was also interest and support within the community to create a tourist area along the Fraser River waterfront that includes enhancing the wharf and creating a boardwalk at the foot of the historical Port Haney commercial hub and additional parkland. The Port Haney and Waterfront Area (Figure 1, provided in full size in Appendix A) represents approximately 11 hectares (27 acres) of land. The area boundary is set out by the land use designation and policy (see Section 1.2 for further details) of the TCAP. Supporting the TCAP policies is the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines {the Guidelines), which contains guiding principals and objectives that support the development of a compact and complete community within the Town Centre, where residents have the option to live, work, shop and play in this vibrant and multi-faceted area of Maple Ridge. Both the TCAP and the Guidelines are included within the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan, as Sections 10.4 and 8.11, respectively. 1.1 Historic Context Pttlf'tlnrJ"~,r9f.~11"4~ -Ca'll,tl\,11111"1 .... Figure 1 -Port Haney & Waterfront Area Land Use Designations The Town Centre of Maple Ridge is often referred to as "Haney" and "Port Haney", which reflects that Maple Ridge is comprised of a number of historic communities, each with its own unique characteristics. While 'Haney' is generally considered as the area north of Lougheed Highway, Port Haney is considered south of Lougheed Highway, adjacent to the Fraser River. Similar to other historic communities in Maple Ridge, Port Haney grew alongside the province's earliest transit route -the Fraser River. The name "Port Haney" was formally established in the 1880's when the C.P. Railway was completed and this transportation alternative to the riverboat was introduced to the community. With the C.P. Railway station, the community experienced significant growth and began to operate as the commercial heart of the newly formed District (now City) of Maple Ridge. The area experienced a series of fires in 1910 and 1926, so when the construction of the Lougheed Highway was announced in 1928, businesses began to relocate "uphill". The Lougheed Highway was completed in 1931, and its Doc#2984534 Page 2 of 9
bypass of other historic communities, such as Hammond, enabled the Town Centre area to establish itself as the main business centre for Maple Ridge. The "Port Haney" area was named after Thomas Haney, who purchased land on the north side of the Fraser River in 1879 due to the area's excellent deposits of clay. Thomas Haney established the area's earliest industry with his brickmaking business. Thomas Haney's house still resides in the area and up until the 1970's, decedents of the Thomas Haney continued to live in the house on what is now 224th Street. The Thomas Haney House is a significant heritage site that is open to the public as a museum (see Figure 2, full size in Appendix B) I ; ! f I l i !9 ' : • i I --\ 9 \, ' \ . 9'9 L~•nd 9 K>*lrie$llts PorlHln,py,11'\dFr.,-;;,.,\•~cntNN l (, t~ I I.: l i 1 -' ! .• / I I i Figure 2 -Port Haney & Waterfront Area Historic Sites 1.2 Existing Policies and Regulations While the Port Haney area boasts unique historic and natural features, it is also within walking distance to the Town Centre Central Business District, which is slated for the highest commercial and residential densities in Maple Ridge and contains the Haney Place Transit Hub for the R-3 Rapid Bus (travelling directly to and from the Coquitlam SkyTrain Station) and other local bus routes. Additionally, the West Coast Express station, located on the southwest edge of Port Haney, is a short walk within this neighbourhood. Port Haney's location and unique local features make it an important neighbourhood within the Town Centre Area Plan. The following outlines three focus areas for land use designations (Appendix A) and policy within Port Haney: • Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use: This section addresses four heritage properties located on the west side of the neighbourhood between Callaghan Avenue and 116th Avenue. The policy intent is to encourage conservation of these buildings through new and adaptive uses for these properties as needs and possibilities change over time. • Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial, & Mixed-Use: The policies in this section address most of the properties located in Port Haney and encourage ground-oriented development, low-rise apartment, and commercial or mixed-use. The minimum building height in this area is three storeys and the maximum is four. • Port Haney Fraser River Waterfront Area: Policy 3-41 addresses the waterfront area, along the Fraser River and encourages development of a wharf and boardwalk with walking trails heading east and west to connect the area with the Kanaka Creek trail system. The Guidelines encourage careful consideration of form and character for new multi-family, commercial, or mixed-use development and identify seven precincts, which outline key development objectives and concepts for each precinct. One of the seven precincts is the Port Haney & the Waterfront area, which is roughly considered as the area that encompasses the properties from 117 Avenue to the Fraser River and between 224 Street and the Haney Bypass. The Guidelines provide a vision for Port Haney's future, as follows: Creating a connection between the waterfront and the Town Centre is encouraged, with tourism-oriented uses, and this will be enhanced with a proposed multi-modal pathway along the waterfront. Port Haney's historic roots, heritage character, waterfront access, green space and river and mountain views should be maintained and enhanced with any new development. Doc#2984534 Page 3 of 9
In addition to the policies and guidelines outlined in the TCAP and supporting Guidelines document, both of which are part of the Official Community Plan, the development of the Port Haney area is also guided by a number of other city strategies, plans and bylaws, which include: the Economic Development Strategy, the Commercial and Industrial Strategy, the Cultural Plan, the Public Art Plan, the PRC Master Plan, the Housing Action Plan and Housing Needs Report, the Community Social Safety Strategy, the Strategic Transportation Plan and the Subdivision & Servicing Bylaw. 2.0 RECENT WORK IN THE TOWN CENTRE AREA 2.1 Town Centre Visioning At the September 10, 2019 Council Workshop, the key features of the Town Centre Area Plan (TCAP) were presented to Council, along with examples of recent development that has proceeded under the Plan. Through the discussion there was acknowledgment that the Plan remains relevant in supporting Council's aims for this area. However, Council indicated that a visioning process would be timely as a 2020 project, with an aim to encourage greater vibrancy and new development within the Town Centre Area. As part of the 2020 Business Plan, the Planning Department was tasked with undertaking a public process for Town Centre Visioning. At the March 31, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting, Council endorsed the scope of work for the Town Centre Visioning process and the engagement process ran during the summer of 2020. The Town Centre Visioning engagement process outcomes were presented at the February 23, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting, which reaffirmed that the direction of the Town Centre Area Plan continues to resonate with Maple Ridge residents today. At that meeting, Council directed staff to assess the recommendations in the outcomes report to advance ideas for ways to foster an inclusive, vibrant, and welcoming Town Centre Since then, work to foster a vibrant and economically viable Town Centre has continued through a number of initiatives including development of the Economic Development Strategy, Strategic Transportation Plan and the Community Social Safety Strategy. One newer piece of work centers on a review of land use policies for the Port Haney neighbourhood. Council approved the 'Port Haney Land Use Policy Review' through the endorsement of the 2022 Business Plan at the December 14, 2021 Regular Council Meeting. 2.2 Development and Place-Making Activities in the Port Haney Area As of January 2022, there are five active development applications in the Port Haney area, with three active development application immediately adjacent to the area (see Figure 3 on the following page, full size available in Appendix C). Four of the active development applications in the Port Haney area are for rezoning and have received first reading either in 2020 or 2021. The rezoning applications propose either five or six-storeys of apartment or mixed residential and commercial use. Two of the active applications are variance applications for building height. Both variance applications propose an increase the number of storeys from four to five. One of the active development applications that is adjacent to the precinct is a rezoning application for a six storey apartment residential use and the other application is for a building setback and height variance. Doc#2984534 Page 4 of 9
Development applications that have been approved in the last 10 years include four apartment residential uses, that are either four or five storeys, and one mixed commercial residential use that is four storeys in height. The apartment building off the Haney Bypass, Haney's Landing, went through the development application process in the early 2000's and the building immediately south, River Gardens, went through the development process in the mid-1990s. These developments were built to 4 storeys and 5 storeys, respectively. Beyond active files and park spaces, there are approximately 16 vacant parcels (1.4 7 hectares or 3.6 acres) and 15 underutilized parcels (1.35 hectares or 3.33 acres) for a total of 2.82 hectares or 6.93 acres in the Port Haney neighbourhood. In addition to development applications, a number of place-' : r i -Mop<,<! o~-.._,:;:::.~ G:;J-IZ!~ Figure 3 -Port Haney & Waterfront Area Development Applications making and community activations have been taking place in the Port Haney & Waterfront Area. While the construction of Beckett Park is a recent example, there is also an on-going Artist in Residence program at the property adjacent to the Thomas Haney House, regular tourism activities (including Music on the Wharf), and the Fraser River Heritage Walk that links historic sites with a paved walkway. 3.0 PROPOSED PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND TIMELINE: Following Council's direction to initiate the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review, staff are in the process of completing background review and research to inform the implementation of the proposed public engagement process. The Port Haney Land Use Policy Review will cover relevant City plans and policies, as well as those relating to transportation networks, environmental systems & geotechnical features, servicing capacities, housing, and land use economic analysis. Initial findings suggests that an expanded Port Haney & Waterfront Area would be appropriate for the purposes of this work, going forward ( see Figure 4, full size in Appendix D). The Port Haney research and review effort proposes to identify opportunities and constraints within the neighbourhood and ~~8-yand\~.rtnt~ guide the public engagement process to ensure realistic and .___ _________ ___._~..::......_....:..., actionable comments are solicited. The public engagement Figure 4-Port Haney Neighbourhood process, proposed below, is comprehensive yet tailored to ensure a range of opportunities are available to residents and key stakeholders, including the local business community. Doc#2984534 Page 5 of 9
3.1 Public Engagement Process The following engagement events are proposed for the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review engagement process: 1. "Pop up with a Planner" Staff will "pop up" at key community hubs within the Port Haney neighbourhood. Through these Pop-Ups, staff will be soliciting comment on what types of housing forms, commercial services and associated amenities are envisioned for Port Haney's future. At these Pop-Ups, attendees will be able to ask questions of staff, learn about the process as well as the project, and sign-up for an e-newsletter to stay up to date on policy projects taking place within the Town Centre Area. Approximately two Pop-Ups are envisioned, however the exact locations and number of pop-ups will be determined, reflective of staff time and resources, closer to the implementation of the public engagement process. Possible Pop-Up locations could include the West Coast Express Station, Billy Miner Pub, local parks as well as St. Andrew's Heritage Church. 2. Self-Guided Walking Tour Staff will organize a self-guided walking tour, to offer participants an opportunity to explore Port Haney and become more familiar with the neighbourhood character, amenities, and consider how greater density may be incorporated into the area. Built into the Walking Tour materials will be opportunities for participants to provide comment on proposed strategies to strengthen synergies between the Port Haney land use policies and goals and objectives identified in other guiding documents, including the Economic Development Strategy, Community Social Safety Strategy and the Town Centre Area Plan. Input on proposed changes to further support the viability of the Port Haney & Waterfront Area will also be solicited. 3. Stakeholder Workshops: a. Business Community: Representatives from the local business community, including the Maple Ridge Downtown Business Improvement Association and Chamber of Commerce, will be invited to a stakeholder workshop. The workshop will include a short presentation, an interactive exercise, and feedback activities that will solicit input on any proposed changes necessary to further support the economic viability of the Port Haney & Waterfront Area. b. Community Safety: Members from the Community Social Safety Initiative, as well as representatives from the City's community safety network familiar with the Port Haney neighbourhood, will be invited to a stakeholder workshop. This workshop will follow the same format as described above in order to solicit input on any proposed changes necessary to further support community safety initiatives in the Port Haney & Waterfront Area. c. Community Amenities: Representatives from community amenity sectors, including development, tourism, and heritage networks, will be invited to a stakeholder workshop. This workshop will also follow the same format as described above in order to solicit input on any proposed changes to support and develop community amenities within the Port Haney & Waterfront Area. 4. Public Open House: The intent of the proposed public open house is to provide background information on the current policies, land use designations and guidelines for the Port Haney & Waterfront Area, outline the potential land use policy changes, and request community feedback. Participants will be requested to provide input directly at the event and through a subsequent community questionnaire. It is anticipated that the open house will be held virtually, due to ongoing public Doc#2984534 Page 6 of 9
health orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, however, if there is an opportunity to hold an in-person component, staff will design the open house according to Public Health Orders at that time. 5. Community Survey: An online survey, separate from the questionnaire provided at the in-person events, will be made available for those who are not able to participate in the open house event or the other engagement opportunities discussed above. The survey is intended to reach as many members of the community as possible for input and as such, it will be advertised in the newspaper, via social media as well as through existing City of Maple Ridge networks. Hard copies of the survey will also be available at any in-person events, the City Hall reception and the Planning Front Counter. The input received from the public engagement process will be compiled into an outcomes and recommendation report. The report to Council will discuss any proposed policy or zone amendments. 3.2 Public Engagement Promotion and Notification Planning will work with the Communications Department on creating a Port Haney Land Use Policy Review colour scheme and promotional materials, as well as specific web page for sharing information with the public. Invites to the workshops will be targeted to the specific stakeholder groups, as discussed in Section 3.1 above, while broad community advertising of the process will include: • Newspaper advertisements; • City of Maple Ridge Social Media accounts; • City of Maple Ridge Networks, including Community Tables and Advisory Committees; • Letters to property owners within the Port Haney area; • Posters in high community traffic areas, such as the Leisure Centre, City Hall, Library, Greg Moore Youth Centre, Haney House, etc.; and • Use of digital sign boards (indoor and outdoor) at City Hall and the Leisure Centre. 3.3 Project Phases The completion of the background review and proposed public engagement process outlined above will draw to a close the initial phases of the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review project. Figure 5, below, outlines the project phases: Figure 5 -Port Haney Land Use Policy Review Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 We are here! It is anticipated the public engagement process will commence in the spring of 2022 and conclude in the summer of 2022 with an outcomes and recommendation report to Council discussing any necessary policy or zone amendments. Doc#2984534 Page 7 of 9
3.4 Alternative Recommendations Noting that recent Council direction to applicants has encouraged ground floor commercial uses as well as allowed for higher building heights, Council may prefer to direct staff to prepare Official Community Plan and Zone Amending Bylaws to eliminate "residential only" buildings on vacant or underutilized properties within lands designated as Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial, & Mixed-Use to permit up to 6 storeys in height. These types of proposed amendments could apply to approximately 6 vacant parcels (0.4 hectares or 1 acre) and 12 underutilized parcels (1 hectare or 2.47 acres) for a total of 1.4 hectares or 3.5 acres. Should Council wish to move forward now with the proposed direction, the following alternative recommendation has been included for Council consideration: That staff prepare Official Community Plan and Zone Amending Bylaws to eliminate "residential only" buildings on vacant or underutilized properties within lands designated as Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial, & Mixed-Use and to permit buildings up to 6 storeys in height. 4.0 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Implementing strategic plans related to local infrastructure and the economy is a Council priority, as established under the Growth pillar of the 2019-2022 City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan. Additional outcomes of work in the Town Centre, and specifically in the Port Haney neighbourhood, are intended to align with the Community Safety, Community Pride & Spirit, and Natural Environment (Green Infrastructure) pillars of Council's Strategic Plan. 5.0 POLICY IMPLICATIONS The Official Community Plan (including the Town Centre Area Plan) establishes goals, objectives and policies in support of the development of a complete community that is vibrant, healthy and safe. The proposed work is consistent with the Economic Development Strategy and can be viewed as a possible mechanism for the revitalization of the area and be an impetus for positive change for the Port Haney neighbourhood. 6.0 INTERDEPARTMENT IMPLICATIONS The review of Port Haney land use policies will involve several City departments: Economic Development, Engineering, Development and Environmental Planning, Parks, Recreation & Culture, and Community Safety. Additionally, the process is anticipated to provide opportunities for combining and supporting synergies with the work that is underway on the Community Social Safety Initiative, Strategic Transportation Plan, and the Economic Development Strategy, in which many City departments are already engaged, including on-going efforts from Communications, Information Technology and Corporate Planning staff. 7.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Port Haney Land Use Policy process is included in the City's 2022 Financial Plan and the bylaw to enact this plan was adopted at the December 14, 2021 Council meeting. Doc#2984534 Page 8 of9
CONCLUSION: This report outlines the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review engagement process and the time anticipated for undertaking and completing this work. The engagement process brought forward for Council endorsement includes hosting a public open house (most likely virtually, depending on Public Health Orders in place at the time) that will be advertised in the newspaper, via social media and through existing City of Maple Ridge networks. Also being planned are approximately three workshop sessions tailored for specific stakeholder groups, including the local business community. To encourage community engagement, staff will "pop up" in key community locations to advertise the project as well as solicit input and organize a self-guided walking tour to encourage residents to explore the Port Haney neighbourhood. In addition, a questionnaire will be utilized to obtain feedback on potential changes to the land use policies, development permit guidelines, and zoning regulations specific to Port Haney. Jt is anticipated that the public engagement process will commence in the spring of 2022 and conclude in the summer of 2022 with an outcomes and recommendation report to Council discussing any proposed policy or zone amendments. Council approved the 'Port Haney Land Use Policy Review' through the endorsement of the 2022 Business Plan at the December 14, 2021 Regular Council Meeting. At this time, the Port Haney Land Use Policy Review Public Engagement Process is presented for Council consideration, comment, and endorsement. "Original signed by Amanda Grochowich" Prepared by: Amanda Grochowich, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 "Original signed by Charles Goddard" Approved by: Charles Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning and Development Services "Original signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D Doc#2984534 Port Haney & Waterfront Area Land Use Designations Port Haney Historic Sites Port Haney & Waterfront Area Development Applications Port Haney & Waterfront Neighbourhood Page 9 of 9
lOUGHEED HWY. D Legend CJ Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area 1111 Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use .. Conservation Ill Park N Scale: 1:3,500 NORTH A.VENUE Port Haney and Waterfront Land Use Desginations PLANNING DEPARTMENT [j-.A--mapleridge.ca FILE: PortHaneyLandUse.mxd DATE: Jan 21, 2022 BY:OT
LOUGHEED HWY. I -, \ \ _____ r _\ -r1 __ J~-~! r----T-]=: \__ __ ~ r 1 1 1 (I ,--------·ij l---1.1 n ----, ' \ 9 u,n -----I' -7----. __ \ , \_,{f ___ , ,/7\-·· 1/~!z~---.i I ~v-[ \ \ \.----\ --·-21169 nm n·;-n--·-1sr-------f '\ ~ I \ '-I ., • .,,,, .. , \ ) ',1 1 ...... I I : -I ! \_ ! ! \ ,-==--_]~----, l_L_ ~ ___ J ~Its J l __ . ---··-_ -·-j cALLAOHAN AVE. I ;'''•----·-; I 1------,-~i ··1 ),,i:;-. I I I i l i f :::] I_ t I 9hl!l91 -J '---' ~--r--·· 1_·:-·_·----·1 ·-. ------1:. 1 ii[ .... , I --------~---...... -------.......... 1 ~ ···---~ ---·-----.._ ---·-_------------'m~ ---~-----------------(~.,,,,,.~I ~1-m~---. -----lllv~-J 1---~ .......... -------. ---.:.::"Ill) ~ ---~--~-Legend 9 Historic Sites __________ ... -m,N ,j' ~~ i~ iTrC I APPENDIX B ~m C 2~ --~ ~a ! ~ , -1 111,!J ~,-----~~,, ~m 1l I I hm-,~ I j [maf1 :· --=-i ; __ _J ' ,-y--,-'ll79.: ------. _f17j_1._j ljig I LL Mn-,!,,,/j/) 11111 t,-: !E'.!.."':::!..1 bJ 22JS3 j; tr11~ 123"57· 1 I j ,,, .. i ~ I \ , ___ _!L_. _ __L__. I ~l~:h \~ l il""' -=-' ,-NORTH AVE B -r I 11 I r I 117 AVE. ij r 11 ~'"' ~ ST. ANNE AVE. ""' --ii mm ~ ~1~919~/B ii I" ! .. !! j i 9.~,-ft t CALLAGHAN AVE "'/ NORTH AVENUE. \~ I \ \ "'~---LU I I 11703 ! ti ... ..... ,, ... I rnun 1ta&B H7.:ll> H7r.5 ,,,,, i ,, •• , I TIH3 ~ 11371) ~1142' I ! ! ! l I I ~~~ Ht~!lilB ,--, l!rm_, ~illL ~!!_iQ_ '!!?.:! .. , ft65a ~/ ~ 11067 11•02 . , 7 / "·'t ,,~ 7 . ( ,,.,.: ~ ~, ... ,,. I' ~' tt61i<1 ~ 11m I ,, "-.'\§ ~; ----------) lJ ------------~ .,,~~ ---I ,, ... ~RICKWOOO ' i:: CLOSE '11 ~-r·-cc B -'----: ' I l,mo 9 j ---."-I I~ /_,,.,, ('" ,,~A~ .j_~ , ,1 ' ... ' ' -_J ""' ,____ ·~ 11,79 ~ 11 ... ··~~,., .. ~ ~ '"' I )11 "Z~ "" l I i I"·'" Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area l, ··,~. N Scale: 1 :3,500 Heritage Sites PLANNING DEPARTMENT I~-~:: maple ridge.ca FILE: PortHaneyHistoricSites.mxd DATE: Jan 20, 2022 BY:DT
__) ] ~ .-~,"-. .->--" ,,,., 2ii"7J 22177 ---Legend Adopted 116IW11661 D Recently Adopted LOUGHEED HWY. I;; fl 11168 11748 11740 a rJ ,! ~ ~ ~ I 1-,,-1-,."-.: --,. 2011-089-RZ IIUJ ~ I ST.MINE AVE. CALLAGHAN /\VE, ---r. ~--Ji_ l -Heritage Sites 0Parks APPENDIXC irr~~--~LJ-L-u1 ~ _J [J~ 1176o 177 B21!i~ 11770 I ,m,\ " 11767 ~ ~ NOR.TH AVENUE 11735 117'1'2 q~~ 11715 i! ti! 11103 1172" -~ 201?~247-RZ 11698 '~~ -n 11696 11682 ... 11691 11~95 f1688 11883 U680 2021-104-RZ 11eu :l ~ I 11668 ~ 11~61 :;:; ~ 11651. lil ~ 11650 (1644 11 lil ) CALLAGHAN AVE, 11~-~-11620 111114 Ii ~ tf6QB 11t01 I [j 11578 Formerly Adopted In Stream Files Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area 11510 rz.Ll Residential ~ Commercial/Residential N Scale: 1:3,500 Port Haney and Waterfront Area In Stream and Recently Adopted Applications PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: PortHaneyActiveFiles.mxd DATE: Jan 21, 2022 BY:DT
22113 22111--22TB Legend l ~ LOUGHEED HWY. I' I ~ CALLAGHAN AVE. :;: ~ 11168 i 1'746 I '1740 a ~ Port Haney and Waterfront Neighbouhood N Scale: 1 :3,500 NORTH ,WE. I ~ APPENDIX D NORTH AVENUE. ft70J 11695 11M2 118B5 11688 11{j]f 11787 11715 111i1 11691 1Hi83 11681 11675 116151 11545 ti N 11760 ....... 11124 11698 11692 , ... 1Ul80 11674 11658 11662 11556 11"50 11608 11602 11578 11510 Port Haney and Watertront Neighbourhood PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1~•-mapleridge.ca FILE: PortHaneyNeighourhood.mxd DATE: Jan 21, 2022 BY:DT