HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-07 Regular Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 07, 2023 7:00 pm Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. This meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal For virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to  Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgment The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes ­ Regular Council – February 28, 2023 ­ Special Council (to Close) – February 28, 2023 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 6.1 Alouette River Management Society Presentation by Greta Borick­Cunningham, Executive Director, on  2022 activities 7.CONSENT AGENDA Recommendation: THAT the items contained in the following items on the March 7, 2023, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes: ­ March 1, 2023 7.2 Metro Vancouver Board in Brief – February 24, 2023 7.3 Correspondence from Fraser Valley Climate Action dated February 10, 2023, requesting Council to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non­Proliferation Treaty. 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. *NOTE: Items 10.1 to 10.7 are from the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda of March 7, 2023. In the event the items are not referred to this Council Meeting they will be struck from this agenda. 10.1 2023­004­RZ, 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street, RS­1 to RM­3 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM­3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction of a five­storey apartment building, including the consolidation of two lots and a road dedication, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in the report. 10.2 2023­019­RZ, 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway, RS­1 to C­7 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to C­7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed­Use), to permit the future construction of  approximately 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520 dwelling units in the form of residential apartments, be given first reading. 10.3 2019­091­RZ, 21585 River Road, RS­1 to RT­2 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7041­2019, to rezone from RS­1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT­2 (Ground­Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of four dwelling units, clustered around an internal courtyard, be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.4 2020­296­RZ, 10420 & 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue, RS­2 to RM­1 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916­2023, be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683­2020 to rezone RS­2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM­1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complex and dedicated conservation area, be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.5 2021­264­DVP, 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­264­DVP to reduce the visual clearance at a lane and to reduce the access and egress driveway in either direction from the point of intersection.  10.6 2021­270­DVP/DP, 11692 Pine Street, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­270­DVP and 2021­270­DP to permit the construction of a five­storey apartment, waive the requirement to upgrade to Collector Road Standard, reduce setbacks, and increase maximum building height.  10.7 2022­421­DVP, 20581 Maple Crescent, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022­421­DVP to reduce the required parking spaces, reduce the front and side setbacks and that the design covenant on Title be modified by the applicant to reflect the new design for the addition to the existing building.  11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 07, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. This meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at:https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes­ Regular Council – February 28, 2023­ Special Council (to Close) – February 28, 2023 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 6.1 Alouette River Management Society Presentation by Greta Borick­Cunningham, Executive Director, on  2022 activities 7.CONSENT AGENDA Recommendation: THAT the items contained in the following items on the March 7, 2023, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes: ­ March 1, 2023 7.2 Metro Vancouver Board in Brief – February 24, 2023 7.3 Correspondence from Fraser Valley Climate Action dated February 10, 2023, requesting Council to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non­Proliferation Treaty. 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. *NOTE: Items 10.1 to 10.7 are from the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda of March 7, 2023. In the event the items are not referred to this Council Meeting they will be struck from this agenda. 10.1 2023­004­RZ, 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street, RS­1 to RM­3 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM­3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction of a five­storey apartment building, including the consolidation of two lots and a road dedication, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in the report. 10.2 2023­019­RZ, 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway, RS­1 to C­7 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to C­7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed­Use), to permit the future construction of  approximately 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520 dwelling units in the form of residential apartments, be given first reading. 10.3 2019­091­RZ, 21585 River Road, RS­1 to RT­2 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7041­2019, to rezone from RS­1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT­2 (Ground­Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of four dwelling units, clustered around an internal courtyard, be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.4 2020­296­RZ, 10420 & 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue, RS­2 to RM­1 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916­2023, be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683­2020 to rezone RS­2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM­1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complex and dedicated conservation area, be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.5 2021­264­DVP, 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­264­DVP to reduce the visual clearance at a lane and to reduce the access and egress driveway in either direction from the point of intersection.  10.6 2021­270­DVP/DP, 11692 Pine Street, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­270­DVP and 2021­270­DP to permit the construction of a five­storey apartment, waive the requirement to upgrade to Collector Road Standard, reduce setbacks, and increase maximum building height.  10.7 2022­421­DVP, 20581 Maple Crescent, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022­421­DVP to reduce the required parking spaces, reduce the front and side setbacks and that the design covenant on Title be modified by the applicant to reflect the new design for the addition to the existing building.  11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 07, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. This meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at:https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes­ Regular Council – February 28, 2023­ Special Council (to Close) – February 28, 20235.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS6.1 Alouette River Management SocietyPresentation by Greta Borick­Cunningham, Executive Director, on  2022 activities7.CONSENT AGENDARecommendation:THAT the items contained in the following items on the March 7, 2023, RegularCouncil Consent Agenda be received into the record.7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes:­ March 1, 20237.2 Metro Vancouver Board in Brief – February 24, 20237.3 Correspondence from Fraser Valley Climate Action dated February 10, 2023,requesting Council to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non­Proliferation Treaty.8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented atan earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with anopportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting fordebate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hardcopy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agendapackage dated accordingly.*NOTE: Items 10.1 to 10.7 are from the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda of March 7,2023. In the event the items are not referred to this Council Meeting they will be struck from thisagenda.10.1 2023­004­RZ, 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street, RS­1 to RM­3Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.7904­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM­3(Medium/High Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction ofa five­storey apartment building, including the consolidation of two lots and a roaddedication, be given first reading and that the applicant provide furtherinformation as described in the report. 10.2 2023­019­RZ, 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway, RS­1 to C­7 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to C­7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed­Use), to permit the future construction of  approximately 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520 dwelling units in the form of residential apartments, be given first reading. 10.3 2019­091­RZ, 21585 River Road, RS­1 to RT­2 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7041­2019, to rezone from RS­1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT­2 (Ground­Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of four dwelling units, clustered around an internal courtyard, be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.4 2020­296­RZ, 10420 & 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue, RS­2 to RM­1 Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916­2023, be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683­2020 to rezone RS­2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM­1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complex and dedicated conservation area, be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.  10.5 2021­264­DVP, 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­264­DVP to reduce the visual clearance at a lane and to reduce the access and egress driveway in either direction from the point of intersection.  10.6 2021­270­DVP/DP, 11692 Pine Street, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021­270­DVP and 2021­270­DP to permit the construction of a five­storey apartment, waive the requirement to upgrade to Collector Road Standard, reduce setbacks, and increase maximum building height.  10.7 2022­421­DVP, 20581 Maple Crescent, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022­421­DVP to reduce the required parking spaces, reduce the front and side setbacks and that the design covenant on Title be modified by the applicant to reflect the new design for the addition to the existing building.  11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 07, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. This meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at:https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes­ Regular Council – February 28, 2023­ Special Council (to Close) – February 28, 20235.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS6.1 Alouette River Management SocietyPresentation by Greta Borick­Cunningham, Executive Director, on  2022 activities7.CONSENT AGENDARecommendation:THAT the items contained in the following items on the March 7, 2023, RegularCouncil Consent Agenda be received into the record.7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes:­ March 1, 20237.2 Metro Vancouver Board in Brief – February 24, 20237.3 Correspondence from Fraser Valley Climate Action dated February 10, 2023,requesting Council to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non­Proliferation Treaty.8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented atan earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with anopportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting fordebate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hardcopy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agendapackage dated accordingly.*NOTE: Items 10.1 to 10.7 are from the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda of March 7,2023. In the event the items are not referred to this Council Meeting they will be struck from thisagenda.10.1 2023­004­RZ, 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street, RS­1 to RM­3Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.7904­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM­3(Medium/High Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction ofa five­storey apartment building, including the consolidation of two lots and a roaddedication, be given first reading and that the applicant provide furtherinformation as described in the report.10.2 2023­019­RZ, 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway, RS­1 to C­7Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.7909­2023, to rezone from RS­1 (Single Detached Residential) to C­7(Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed­Use), to permit the futureconstruction of  approximately 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520dwelling units in the form of residential apartments, be given first reading.10.3 2019­091­RZ, 21585 River Road, RS­1 to RT­2Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No.7041­2019, to rezone from RS­1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT­2(Ground­Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of fourdwelling units, clustered around an internal courtyard, be given second reading asamended and forwarded to Public Hearing. 10.4 2020­296­RZ, 10420 & 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue, RS­2 to RM­1Staff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Official CommunityPlan Amending Bylaw No. 7916­2023, be given first and second reading andforwarded to Public Hearing, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683­2020 torezone RS­2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM­1 (Low DensityTownhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complexand dedicated conservation area, be given second reading and forwarded toPublic Hearing. 10.5 2021­264­DVP, 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue, Development Variance PermitStaff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer beauthorized to sign and seal 2021­264­DVP to reduce the visual clearance at alane and to reduce the access and egress driveway in either direction from thepoint of intersection. 10.6 2021­270­DVP/DP, 11692 Pine Street, Development Variance Permit andDevelopment PermitStaff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer beauthorized to sign and seal 2021­270­DVP and 2021­270­DP to permit theconstruction of a five­storey apartment, waive the requirement to upgrade toCollector Road Standard, reduce setbacks, and increase maximum buildingheight. 10.7 2022­421­DVP, 20581 Maple Crescent, Development Variance PermitStaff report dated March 7, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer beauthorized to sign and seal 2022­421­DVP to reduce the required parkingspaces, reduce the front and side setbacks and that the design covenant on Titlebe modified by the applicant to reflect the new design for the addition to theexisting building.  11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3314140  City of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 28, 2023 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on February 28, 2023, at 4:01 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor O. Dozie Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor J. Dueck Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning and Development Services C. Crabtree, General Manager, Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager, Engineering Services P. Hlavac-Winsor, General Counsel and Executive Director, Legal and Legislative Services/Acting Corporate Officer S. Labonne, General Manager Parks, Recreation and Culture A. Nurvo, Deputy Corporate Officer Other staff as required C. Goddard, Director of Planning R. Ollenberger, Manager of Infrastructure Development Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Public Engagement P. Purewal, Senior Manager, Corporate Communication and Public Engagement F. Smith, Director of Engineering Note: These Minutes are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal. Note: Councillor Schiller participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 4:01 pm 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 1.2 Approval of the Agenda R/2023-S(C)-015 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the agenda of the February 28, 2023, Special Council meeting be adopted. 2. GENERAL MATTERS 2.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2023-S(C)-016 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED Special Council (to Close) Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Document: 3314140  THAT, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter, this meeting be closed to the public as the subject matter being considered relates to the following:  90(1)(g) – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and  90(1)(i) – the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. 3. MINUTES 3.1 Adoption of Closed Minutes  February 7, 2023  February 13, 2023  February 14, 2023  February 21, 2023 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Closed to the public pursuant to sections 90(1)(g) and 90(1)(i) of the Community Charter. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 6. ITEMS TO BE RELEASED FROM CLOSED STATUS 7. ADJOURNMENT – 4:02 pm _______________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer Document: 3320076 City of Maple Ridge Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on February 28, 2023, at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor O. Dozie Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor J. Dueck Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning and Development Services C. Crabtree, General Manager Corporate Services P. Hlavac-Winsor, General Counsel and Executive Director, Legal and Legislative Services/Acting Corporate Officer S. Labonne, General Manager, Parks, Recreation, and Culture A. Nurvo, Deputy Corporate Officer D. Pollock, General Manager, Engineering Services Other staff as required A. Dhillon, Committee Clerk C. Goddard, Director of Planning J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist E. Murphy, Clerk 3 F. Smith, Director of Engineering T. Westover, Director of Economic Development Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal Note: Councillor Schiller participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgment. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA – Nil 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.1 Approval of the Agenda R/2023-CM-032 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the agenda for the February 28, 2023, Regular Council meeting be approved as circulated. Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 6 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes R/2023-CM-033 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the following Council meetings be adopted as circulated:  Special Council (to Close) – February 7, 2023  Special Council (to Close) – February 13, 2023  Special Council (to Close) – February 14, 2023  Regular Council – February 14, 2023  Special Council (to Close) – February 21, 2023  Public Hearing – February 21, 2023 5. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL – Nil 6. DELEGATIONS 6.1 The Bahá’ís of Maple Ridge M. Mirza-Agha and V. Mahboubi provided a presentation on services offered by Bahá’í Community of Maple Ridge and responded to questions from Council. 6.2 Maple Cricket Club Dr. N. Rao Kolla, provided a presentation requesting a dedicated cricket ground development to the British Columbia Mainland Cricket League standards and allocation of same to the Maple Cricket Club and responded to questions from Council. 7. CONSENT AGENDA R/2023-CM-034 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the items contained in the February 28, 2023, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes  February 22, 2023 7.2 Disbursements for the month ended January 31, 2023 Staff report dated February 28, 2023, providing information on disbursements for the month ended January 31, 2023. 7.3 2023 Council Expenses Staff report dated February 28, 2023, listing Council expenses recorded to January 31, 2023. 7.4 Committee Appointments The following appointments were released from the Closed Council Meeting held on January 31, 2023. Public Art Steering Committee Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 3 of 6  Dana Bates, Member at Large (January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023)  Wane Bissky, Architect (January 1, 2023-December 31, 2024). Social Policy Advisory Committee  Nicole Kiniski, Member at Large (January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023) 7.5 Award Recipients The following awards were released from the Closed Council Meeting held on February 7, 2023. Community Heritage Commission  Whitehead Residence (11406 205 Street) be awarded the Heritage Site Award;  Haunted History BC be awarded the History Hero Award;  Tom Little and Jill Smith be awarded the Sheila Nickols Award;  Wild and Immersive be awarded the Stewardship of a Community Cultural Asset Award;  Linda Zhang, Jason Dong, and Nick Li be awarded the Youth Heritage Award; and  Fred Branches be awarded a Heritage Commendation. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Nil 9. BYLAWS 9.1 2017-548-RZ, 12123 McNutt Road, RS-3 to RS-2 (THIRD READING) To permit the rezoning to allow a future two lot subdivision. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 To rezone the subject property from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential). R/2023-CM-035 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 be given third reading. 9.2 2018-132-RZ, 12121 232 Street, RS-3 to R-1 (THIRD READING) To permit the rezoning to allow a future three lot subdivision. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7491-2018 To rezone the subject property from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential. R/2023-CM-036 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7491-2018 be given third reading. 9.3 Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 7906-2023 (FOR ADOPTION) Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 4 of 6 To remove the expiry date of loan authorization bylaws: Silver Valley Neighbourhood Gathering Places (7373-2023), Whonnock Lake Canoe and Kayak Facility Improvements (7375-2017), and Ice Sheet Addition (7377-2017). R/2023-CM-037 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 7906-2023 be adopted. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 2023-016-RZ, 20000 Stewart Crescent, M3 to CD-2-23 Staff report dated February 21, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7908-2023, to rezone from M-3 (Business Park Industrial) to CD-2-23 (Comprehensive Development), to permit redevelopment of an existing industrial building to construct a one-storey industrial building along with a seven-storey office, research and development and parking structure, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in the report. R/2023-CM-038 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7908-2023 be given first reading; and further 2. THAT the applicant provides further information as described on Schedules C, D, and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 10.2 2022-326-RZ, 12050 York Street, RS-1 to RT-1 Staff report dated February 21, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7902-2023, to rezone from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-1 (Two-Unit Urban Residential), to permit the future construction of a duplex, be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described in the report. R/2023-CM-039 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7902-2023 be given first reading; and further, 2. THAT the applicant provide further Information as described on Schedule C of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 10.3 2020-051-RZ, 11980 Glenhurst Street, RS-3 to R-1 Staff report dated February 21, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7658-2020 to rezone from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential), to permit a future subdivision of two lots, be given second reading and forward to Public Hearing. R/2023-CM-040 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7658-2020 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. THAT the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on Glenhurst Street as required; Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 5 of 6 iii) Road dedication on Dewdney Trunk Road as required; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; vi) Removal of existing building(s); vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $7,100.00 for one lot, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.4 2020-066-RZ, 11892, 11886 and 11902 232 Street, RS-1 to RM-1 Staff report dated February 21, 2023, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7647-2020, to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit the future construction of a 47 unit townhouse complex, be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2023-CM-041 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7647-2020 be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and further 2. THAT the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 232 Street as required; iii) Consolidation of the subject properties; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; vi) Removal of existing buildings; vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $267,900.00 ($5,700.00 X 47 units), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2023 Page 6 of 6 ix) That a voluntary contribution under the Density Bonus Program, in the amount of $435,311.00 ($344.46 per square metre ($32.00 per square foot)), be received. 10.5 2019-402-DVP/DP, 9450 287 Street, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit Staff report dated February 21, 2023, recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2019-402-DP and 2019-402-DVP to permit the recommissioning of a service station, with three commercial retail units, and to vary the permitted height of a retaining wall. R/2023-CM-042 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2019-402-DVP respecting property located at 9450 287 Street; and 2. THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2019-402-DP respecting property located at 9450 287 Street. 11. STAFF REPORTS – Nil 12. OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT – Nil 13. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD No members of the public provided comments to Council. 14. MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Mayor and Council reported on various events and activities. 15. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS – Nil 16. ADJOURNMENT – 7:59 pm ________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ___________________________ P. Hlavac-Winsor, Acting Corporate Officer March 1, 2023 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Daniel Ruimy, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITIEE Scott Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Patrick Hlavac-Winsor, Recording Secretary 1. 2020-128-SD LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 1 Section 14 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 70166 Except Plan EPP109259 and EPP114521 Lot "H" (Reference Plan 204 7) South West Quarter Section 14 Township 12 New Westminster District Except Plans LMP30004, EPP109259 and EPP114521 002-267-802 013-303-171 25171112 Avenue and 25123 112 Avenue Epic NE Albion Homes Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement, Restricted Access Covenant, Statutory Right of Way, Stormwater Management Covenant, Covenant Release -Temp SRW CA9624029 and CA6424030 (Parcel H) and Covenant Release -No Build C9444889 and CA9444890 (Lot 1 and Parcel H) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2020-128-SD. 2. 20-117342-BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 16 Except: Part on Plan BCP22675 Section 29 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 32932 006-764-321 22845 132 Avenue Virginia A. Anglin, Keith B. Anglin, Mark P. Anglin, Marisa C. Anglin and Peter Anglin REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use 1 For Metro Vancouver meetings on Friday, February 24, 2023 Please note these are not the official minutes. Board in Brief is an informal summary. Material relating to any of the following items is available on request from Metro Vancouver. For more information, please contact: media@metrovancouver.org. Metro Vancouver Regional District E1.1 Impacts of E-Commerce on Industrial Lands and Transportation Systems Study RECEIVED In support of the implementation of the Regional Industrial Lands Strategy, Metro Vancouver retained Colliers Strategy & Consulting Group to undertake a study on the impacts of e-commerce on industrial lands and transportation systems. Completed in late 2022, the results further the understanding of the implications of the rapid growth in e-commerce, accelerated in part by the COVID-19 pandemic, on industrial lands for the distribution of goods, as well as associated transportation and employment considerations in the region. Key recommendations from the study include: • Create up-to-date, citywide inventories of loading zones, curbs, and congestion points to inform local strategies to address the increase in demand for curbside space • Designate curbside delivery areas adjacent to apartment buildings to mitigate parking flow interruptions and double parking • Rethink zoning flexibility for a more resilient city that can absorb emerging trends, while still retaining the primary intended use of lands • Align housing densification and opportunities for emerging sustainable distribution methods to ensure that policies are current with business needs • Explore opportunities to introduce some industrial uses to commercial areas, such as urban logistics, with shops housing multiple stages of the e-commerce supply chain in addition to retail The Board received the report for information. E1.2 Metro Vancouver Industrial Lands Portfolio Update RECEIVED This report provides a status update on the industrial lands portfolio and Metro Vancouver’s implementation of the Regional Industrial Lands Strategy (RILS) which was approved by the Board on July 3, 2020, after over two years of research and engagement. RILS identifies 10 priority actions and 34 recommendations that Metro Vancouver continues to implement. Since mid-2020, Metro Vancouver has completed a number of projects to advance and implement the industrial lands portfolio. Metro Vancouver will continue to work with member jurisdictions and agencies to advance the recommendations of RILS, as implementation will require continued close collaboration with stakeholders and a long-term commitment by Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions. The Board received the report for information. 2 E1.3 Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future – 2021 Annual Performance Monitoring Report RECEIVED The Local Government Act and Metro 2040 require the preparation of an annual report on the regional growth strategy’s progress. This report provides a summary update on the performance measures with relevant annual change and available data. A complete profile of Metro 2040’s performance measures with a detailed data breakdown is available in the Metro 2040 performance monitoring dashboard on the Metro Vancouver website. The Board received the report for information. E1.4 Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future – 2021 Procedural Report RECEIVED This report documents the staffing and resources required to implement, administer, and amend the regional growth strategy, and provides an annual report on the operational performance of the Regional Planning Division. Staffing and resources required to implement Metro 2040 include supporting and reviewing Regional Context Statements, preparing supporting implementation documents, conducting policy research and analysis, and processing proposed amendments. Since the adoption of Metro 2040 in mid-2011, both the costs and number of staff directly associated with the Regional Planning Division has remained relatively consistent. The Board received the report for information. E2.1 2023 Invest Vancouver Management Board Meeting Schedule, Work Plan and Invest Vancouver 2023 Annual Plan APPROVED At its February 10, 2023 meeting, the Invest Vancouver Management Board endorsed Invest Vancouver’s 2023 work plan, which includes four priorities: • Attract world-class companies to the Metro Vancouver region • Strengthen our key strategic industries • Address regional issues to increase resilience for the regional economy • Provide a focused, sustainable regional service The Board endorsed the Invest Vancouver 2023 Annual Plan as presented. E2.2 Life Sciences in Metro Vancouver: Shaping a Globally Prominent R&D Hub RECEIVED The fourth Invest Vancouver investigation into the region’s strategic export-oriented industries focuses on the life sciences industry to answer two fundamental questions: why do firms in the life sciences industry invest in Metro Vancouver, and what actions would unlock additional growth and investment in the life sciences industry? 3 The investigation’s findings revealed that: • The Metro Vancouver region has a flourishing life sciences industry powered by a concentration of highly skilled talent and backed by an extensive innovation ecosystem. • The industry has grown substantially since 2001, and this growth accelerated during the pandemic. • With focused, coordinated support from public and private stakeholders, the industry could further expand, add jobs more quickly, and rise in prominence as a global hub. • Addressing the need for wet lab space is critical for spurring growth. Long term, talent development and recruitment from outside the region is essential for the industry to reach its potential. The Board received the report for information. E2.3 2023 CanExport Community Investment Contribution Award RECEIVED Global Affairs Canada, through the 2023 CanExport Community Investment program, awarded Invest Vancouver approval for up to $244,735 in match funding. The program is dedicated to supporting projects that serve to attract, retain, and expand foreign direct investment and provides reimbursement of up to 50 per cent of eligible expenses. Projects must be completed between January 1 and December 31, 2023. Invest Vancouver proactively aligned CanExport Community Investment project proposals with planned work activities and budget for 2023. In order to implement projects effectively, project management documents will be generated in order to sequence work, manage budget and procurement processes, and identify and collaborate with project partners. The Board received the report for information. E3.1 TransLink’s Application for Federal Gas Tax Funding for 2023 Fleet Replacement – Part B for 84 Conventional Renewable Natural Gas Buses APPROVED At its October 28, 2022 meeting, the Board postponed the consideration of a portion of TransLink’s application for a renewable natural gas bus replacement project under the Greater Vancouver Regional Fund program. This matter was postponed to give TransLink an opportunity to provide greater clarity on how this application fits into their Low Carbon Fleet Strategy. The Board approved $75.24 million in funding from the Greater Vancouver Regional Fund for TransLink’s purchase of 84 conventional renewable natural gas buses proposed in its 2023 application for Federal Gas Tax Funding as presented. 4 G1.1 Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022 Third Reading and Final Adoption APPROVED Following three years of extensive engagement and policy development, Metro 2050 was read a first and second time in March 2022 and a public hearing was held in April 2022. All 24 affected local governments have passed resolutions accepting Metro 2050, the update to the regional growth strategy. The MVRD Board gave third reading to Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022 as presented; then passed and finally adopted said bylaw. Next, the Board directed staff to notify the Minister of Municipal Affairs as well as all affected local governments, local First Nations, organizations, and agencies that participated in the development of the updated regional growth strategy that Metro 2050 has been officially adopted. I 1 Committee Information Items and Delegation Summaries The Board received information items and delegation summaries from standing committees. Regional Parks Committee – February 1, 2023 Information Items: 5.2 Pacific Spirit Regional Park – Wreck Beach Update Renowned for its natural beauty and its unique social character, Wreck Beach is a popular destination within Pacific Spirit Regional Park. As a result of its remote location and increasing use, Metro Vancouver and its partner agencies have been responding to a high number of emergencies and public safety incidents in recent years. With input from emergency response providers, strategies have been developed to improve public safety and access to Wreck Beach. This multi-pronged action plan uses an integrated approach that takes into consideration site design, education, enforcement, and partnerships. Mayors Committee – February 1, 2023 Delegation Summaries: 3.1 Eoin Finn and Peter van der Velden, Friends of Tilbury Subject: Expansion Proposals Fortis Tilbury LNG Facility 3.2 Roderick V. Louis Subject: Overview – Housing Supply Act and Strata Property Act Amendments Information Items: 5.3 Overview – Housing Supply Act and Strata Property Act Amendments On November 21, 2022, the Province introduced Bill 43 (the Housing Supply Act), as well as amendments to the Strata Property Act, to increase housing options and speed up housing development in communities. Changes to the Strata Property Act to remove rental restrictions and age restrictions (with the exception of 55+ housing), took immediate effect. 5 However, specifics to implement the Housing Supply Act, which give the Province authority to set municipal housing targets, are still to be confirmed. This report provides an overview of these legislative changes along with opportunities for Metro Vancouver to work with the Province and its member jurisdictions to support coordinated housing targets, and to support the delivery of more housing across the region. Climate Action Committee – February 2, 2023 Information Items: 5.2 Climate 2050 Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap – Scope of Work and Project Status As part of Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 strategy, Metro Vancouver staff have initiated work on the draft Climate 2050 Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap. Work on the roadmap began in March 2022 and engagement will occur throughout 2023. Building on the progressive climate-related policies in the draft Metro 2050, the roadmap will outline regional and corporate goals, strategies, actions, and performance measures for the mitigation of greenhouse gases and climate adaptation in our region. Finance Committee – February 9, 2023 Information Items: 5.1 Authorization to Attend 2023 Standing Committee Events This report brings forward conferences and events for approval by the Finance Committee, as required by the Remuneration Bylaw, approved in the 2023 budget. Twenty-two events were identified given their relevance to the various standing committee mandates; each event presents an opportunity for committee members to participate in learning, interaction, and engagement with other North American organizations, and to represent Metro Vancouver. 5.2 Authorization to Attend 2023 International Events This report brings forward international conferences and events for approval by the Finance Committee, as required by the Remuneration Bylaw, approved in the 2023 budget. Metro Vancouver will participate in events that promote Metro Vancouver in a leadership role; provide opportunity for engagement and continuous improvement in the advancement of organizational goals; allow for the acquisition of knowledge and skills which directly benefit the organization and region; offer the provision of assistance to other cities or regions in the world; and enhance Metro Vancouver’s reputation in the international community. Selection of director(s) to participate requires the Board chair approval as the final step. 5.3 Treasury Report – June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 The Corporate Investment Policy requires a thrice-annual investment update. This report covers the seven-month period from June to December 2022. Metro Vancouver’s investment returns for 2022 were 2.42 per cent for short-term, 2.64 per cent for long- term, and 2.28 per cent for the Cultural Reserve Fund. Due to timing of long-term maturities and the strategy to hold larger amounts in cash to fund capital projects, investment performance slightly lags below benchmarks. 6 It is anticipated as investments mature, they will be re-invested in higher yielding products. In 2023, to improve cash and investment management, Metro Vancouver will use MFA’s temporary borrowing process for the first time. This was approved by the Board in October 2022. In 2022, inflation rose from 3.4 per cent as of December 31, 2021 to 6.8 per cent a year later. In addition, the Bank of Canada increased the overnight borrowing rate 400 basis points, from 0.25 per cent to 4.25 per cent. These economic factors have resulted in increases in borrowing rates, the cost of purchasing goods and services, and investment returns. 5.4 MVRD Audit Plan from BDO Canada LLP Metro Vancouver districts and the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation are required under provincial legislation to prepare annual financial statements, audited by a public accounting firm and approved by the Board by May 15 each year. The 2022 annual financial statements, along with the draft auditors report, will be presented to the Finance Committee at its April meeting, prior to Board approval. This report outlines the audit approach, key audit areas, auditor responsibilities and audit deliverables. In addition, the report highlights a number of upcoming accounting standards, the most significant being the asset retirement obligation requirement, effective fiscal year 2023. Management has engaged external resources to assist with the scoping work and measurement estimates required to complete the audit standard and will report back to the Committee in the spring. Regional Planning Committee – February 10, 2023 Information Items: 5.3 Metro 2050 Climate Policy Enhancement Study – Project Initiation In response to Board direction, staff have initiated a Metro 2050 Climate Policy Enhancement Study to identify possible amendments to the current climate action policies and new ones that could be added to Metro 2050 via an amendment, to enhance the regional growth strategy’s climate resilience. As both relate to climate action in the region, this study is being coordinated with the development of the Climate 2050 Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap. Metro Vancouver staff have hosted two joint workshops in early 2023, one in person and one online. The workshops were attended by member jurisdiction staff as well as invited experts who provided input on how to refine a list of potential new or amended climate policies and actions. Next steps include reviewing the workshop data and developing draft recommendations for Metro 2050 and the Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap. 5.4 Climate 2050 Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap – Scope of Work and Project Status As part of Climate 2050, Metro Vancouver staff have initiated work on the draft Land Use and Urban Form Roadmap. Background work on the roadmap began in March 2022 and engagement will occur throughout 2023. Building on the progressive climate-related policies in Metro 2050, this roadmap will outline potential regional and corporate goals, strategies, actions, and performance measures for the mitigation of greenhouse gases and climate adaptation in our region. 7 Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation E1.1 Names for Select Metro Vancouver Housing New Development and Redevelopment Projects RECEIVED The Metro Vancouver Housing Naming Framework is intended to provide guiding principles and a process to support decision-making when naming new development sites, or renaming existing housing sites. In spring 2022, staff initiated naming or renaming processes for a selection of Metro Vancouver Housing new development and redevelopment projects. • Eastburn Square in Burnaby is now “The Connection” • Civic Centre in Pitt Meadows is now “Heron’s Nest” • Southwynde Avenue in Burnaby is now “The Steller” • Welcher Avenue in Port Coquitlam is now “Salal Landing” The Board received the report for information. I 1 Committee Information Items and Delegation Summaries The Board received one information item and one delegation summary from one standing committee. Housing Committee – February 3, 2023 Delegations: 3.1 Roderick V. Louis Subject: Manager’s Report – Proposed 2023 Housing Committee Work Plan Information Items: 5.2 Metro Vancouver Housing Cost Estimating & Stage Gate Approvals Metro Vancouver Housing uses a standard approach to estimate project costs, account for risk, and establish stage gates for Committee/Board approval throughout the housing development process. MVH currently has five affordable housing development/redevelopment projects advancing through design and development approvals and these will be returning to Committee/Board to review active project budgets at project stage gates. Greater Vancouver Water District E1.1 Coquitlam Sockeye Hatchery Land Use Licence Agreement & Water Use Agreement RECEIVED BC Hydro is starting construction of the Coquitlam Sockeye Hatchery in 2023 within the protected Coquitlam Water Supply Area on a parcel of GVWD fee-simple land. The hatchery facility is being funded 8 by BC Hydro, which has the primary responsibility for fisheries restoration efforts in the Coquitlam watershed. Sockeye stocks are severely depleted in the Coquitlam River Watershed, primarily due to loss of access to habitat in Coquitlam Lake following completion of the first hydro-electric dam over 116 years ago. Restoration of sockeye stocks is an important cultural goal of the kʷikʷəƛ ̓ əm/Kwikwetlem First Nation and they have been working with BC Hydro, the GVWD, and other local partners in support of this goal since 2004. The GVWD is entering into both a Land Use Licence Agreement and a Water Use Agreement with BC Hydro as a means of providing in-kind support with a land parcel and water supply for the new Coquitlam Sockeye Hatchery. The Board received the report for information. E1.2 Award of Contract Resulting from Request for Proposals No. 22-380: Construction of Kennedy Newton Main – Phase 3 South Section APPROVED Metro Vancouver is constructing the Kennedy Newton Main between Newton Reservoir and Kennedy Park Reservoir in Surrey. This new 1.8 metre-diameter, eight-kilometre-long water main will meet growing water demand south of the Fraser River. The project is being delivered in three separate phases, spread out over several years. Construction of Phase 3, the final phase, has been split into three separate contracts in order to address constraints within the local construction industry and to promote participation in the procurement process. The Board approved the award of a contract in the amount of $27,914,600 (exclusive of taxes) to B&B Contracting (2012) Ltd. resulting from RFP No. 22-380 for the construction of Phase 3 South Section of the Kennedy Newton Main, subject to final review by the Commissioner. E1.3 Award of Contract Resulting from Tender No. 21-047: Backup Power Installation of Capilano Raw Water Pump Station APPROVED Construction Tender No. 21-047 includes the Capilano Raw Water Pump Station Backup Power project and the Capilano Watershed Security Gatehouse project. The backup power project will help deliver water from Capilano Lake to the Seymour Capilano Filtration Plant in the event of a power outage, to ensure reliable drinking water is supplied to the region under planned and emergency conditions. The gatehouse project provides a new facility for Capilano Water Supply Area security staff and includes improvements to the entranceway off Nancy Greene Way to increase safety for vehicles and people. The Board authorized a budget increase for the Capilano Raw Water Pump Station Backup Power project and the Capilano Watershed Security Gatehouse project in the amount of $27 million. The funds will be drawn from known savings on another project, bringing the revised combined budget for these projects to $83 million (exclusive of GST). The Board approved award of a contract in the amount of up to $49,454,982 (exclusive of GST) to NAC Constructors Ltd. resulting from Tender No. 21-047, subject to final review by the Commissioner. 9 I 1 Committee Information Items and Delegation Summaries The Board received an information item from a standing committee. Water Committee – February 8, 2023 Information Items: 5.1 Watershed Fisheries Initiatives Annual Update Water Services, Liquid Waste Services, Regional Parks, and other Metro Vancouver departments collectively contribute to Pacific salmon conservation and restoration in the region. GVWD manages and participates in fisheries management and restoration initiatives both upstream and downstream of the dams in the Capilano, Seymour and Coquitlam River watersheds. Metro Vancouver strives to ensure fisheries protection and enhancement initiatives are evaluated, planned, and implemented in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the Capilano Seymour Joint Water Use Plan Provincial Order and all pertinent regulatory responsibilities. Greater Vancouver Sewage and Drainage District E1.1 Recommended Wet Weather Cost Apportionment Approach APPROVED At its February 8, 2023 meeting, the Liquid Waste Committee endorsed a recommendation to revise the cost apportionment bylaw for liquid waste services that would change how member jurisdictions pay for sewer services by introducing separate fees for dry and wet weather flows. Various options for wet weather pricing were developed by staff and the recommended approach, informed by municipal feedback through a working group and advisory committees, is to phase in wet weather pricing incrementally over a 10-year period commencing with requisitions in spring 2024. The Board directed staff to prepare amendments to Cost Apportionment Bylaw 283, 2014 for its consideration in accordance with the direction as presented, and to initiate wet weather cost apportionment in the 2024 billing cycle to be implemented incrementally over 10 years. E2.1 Award of Contract from RFP No. 22-186: Municipal Solid Waste Contingency Disposal Services APPROVED Despite the region’s success in reducing waste, approximately one million tonnes of garbage require disposal each year. Garbage in excess of what can be managed at the Waste-to-Energy Facility and the Vancouver Landfill is sent to remote contingency disposal. Contingency disposal requirements over the last three years have ranged from 35,000 tonnes to 145,000 tonnes per year. 10 The cost of the region’s solid waste system, including contingency disposal, is funded through garbage tipping fees, with higher contingency disposal requirements corresponding with higher tipping fee revenues. Expected contingency disposal costs can be accommodated within the approved Solid Waste Services budget and the five-year financial plan. The Board approved award of three separate five-year contracts, resulting from Request for Proposals No. 22-186 as follows, subject to final review by the Commissioner: • GFL Environmental Inc. in the amount of up to $47,330,000 (exclusive of taxes) • Republic Services in the amount of up to $44,720,000 (exclusive of taxes) • Waste Management of Canada Corporation in the amount of up to $48,510,000 (exclusive of taxes) I 1 Committee Information Items and Delegation Summaries The Board received information items from standing committees. Liquid Waste Committee – February 8, 2023 Information Items: 5.2 2022 “Wipe It, Green Bin It” Campaign Results The disposal of fats, oils, and grease into the sewer system costs the region over $2.7 million every year. In its sixth year, the 2022 “Wipe It, Green Bin It” campaign asked residents to put fats, oils, and grease in the green bin and not down the sink. The campaign ran in the fall and in the lead-up to Thanksgiving, targeting a time of heavier seasonal cooking. It included social media, YouTube, television, banner ads, Google adwords, and a website. The campaign generally performed well and delivered 16 million impressions, 1,200 engagements, 1.6 million video views, 13,000 clicks for more information, and 14,000 website visits. Monitoring of fats, oils, and grease at pump stations generally shows a drop in their levels since 2019. In 2023, the campaign will run again with similar timing and creative materials and will also include a post-campaign survey. Zero Waste Committee – February 9, 2023 Information Items: 5.1 2021 Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report The overall regional recycling rate increased from 64 per cent in 2020 to 65 per cent in 2021. Sector- specific recycling rates increased in the commercial/institutional and the construction and demolition sectors. In the residential sector, the recycling rate in 2021 was similar to 2019, but lower than 2020 — a year marked by increased residential organics recycling during the pandemic, potentially due to more eating at home. Glass recycling dropped in 2021 when processing facilities were closed as a result of the November flooding emergency. Reuse increased in 2021 compared to 2020, when pandemic shutdowns impacted charities and businesses accepting clothing for reuse. 11 5.2 Solid Waste Management Plan Update – Vision and Guiding Principles Engagement Metro Vancouver is launching engagement this spring on the development of the vision and guiding principles for the Solid Waste Management Plan update. Regional districts are required by the Province to develop, and submit for approval, plans for the management of municipal solid waste and recyclable materials. Prior to this year, a pre-engagement phase and the forming of advisory committees in support of the solid waste management update were completed. Engagement with First Nations, government, and advisory committees is essential to the process. Climate Action Committee members will be invited to the April Zero Waste Committee meeting to help ensure greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate change considerations are fundamental elements of the vision and guiding principles. A robust and transparent public engagement process will involve the waste and recycling industry, waste producers, businesses, communities of interest, and Metro Vancouver residents. Following the engagement, a report will summarize participation and outline how input and feedback was considered in developing the vision and guiding principles. Metro Vancouver continues to pursue initiatives to achieve zero waste, reduce greenhouse gas emission, and advance the circular economy, in parallel to the development of an updated Solid wWaste Management Plan. 1 Subject:FW: Fraser Valley Climate Action is asking City Council to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.   From: FraserValley ClimateAction <fvclimateaction@gmail.com>   Sent: February 10, 2023 4:11 PM  To: Mayor Council and CAO Distribution List <MayorCouncilAndCaoDL@mapleridge.ca>  Subject: Fraser Valley Climate Action is asking City Council to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non‐Proliferation Treaty.      Dear Maple Ridge City Council Members, I am writing on behalf of the 67 members of Fraser Valley Climate Action including those who live here in Maple Ridge. We are writing to encourage the Maple Ridge City Council to formally endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. As we all know, the pollution from burning fossil fuels is one of the largest contributors to climate change, and it is imperative that we take immediate action to address this issue. We must take action because this affects our city and province directly. In 2021 the BC Coroner indicated that the week-long heat dome killed 600+ people. Events like the atmospheric river and subsequent flooding are occurring more frequently and with greater damage. Resulting in additional costs for cities to rebuild infrastructure, and to make infrastructure like dikes and roads more resilient. Insurance costs are rising for all of us. The scientific community, the UN, the IPCC, the WHO (who have signed the treaty) all indicate we must stop burning fossil fuels and certainly we must stop expanding and subsidizing their use. Our local support systems are already stretched thin. Climate change disproportionately affects the most vulnerable of our residents. As cities, we must shift gears and start taking action to actively and intentionally work to fight Climate Change. People are scared (and for good reason). Not only will our city leadership affect the outcome for children and grandchildren, but it will also affect our retirement and we are already being affected now. But there is some hope... In our area other neighbouring cities are showing leadership through this endorsement including; Vancouver, Victoria, Richmond, Burnaby, New West, Powell River, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and Port Moody, The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is an international agreement aimed at reducing the use of fossil fuels and promoting the transition to clean and renewable energy sources. More can be learned here: https://fossilfueltreaty.org/endorsements/#cities By endorsing this treaty, the Maple Ridge City Council would be demonstrating its commitment to addressing the climate crisis and committing to planning for a more sustainable future for our community. Showing that our city is serious about our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and transitioning to clean energy would bring increased attention to the issue of climate change, raising awareness and inspiring action on a local scale. Fraser Valley Climate Action has endorsed this treaty along with 236 other Canadian organizations. There is a strong desire in Canada to shift away from polluting oil and gas. As a member of this community, we believe it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to address the climate   EXTERNAL EMAIL: Don’t click on links or open attachments you don’t trust.  COURRIEL EXTERNE: Ne cliquez pas sur les liens et n’ouvrez pas les pièces jointes suspects.  2 crisis. Endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty would be an important step in the right direction, and we urge Maple Ridge City Council to take this action as a sign of awareness and commitment to continue on the path towards sustainability. Thank you for your consideration. We request your response by email and we look forward to providing more information if required. Sincerely, Greg McKone for Fraser Valley Climate Action. fvclimateaction@gmail.com      ‐‐   Thanks for helping us fight Climate Change!  1�•-· mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904-2023 MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: March 7, 2023 2023-004-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street, from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction of a 5-storey apartment building with 41 market strata dwelling units. The units would range in configuration from studio apartments to 2- bedroom plus den apartments. The proposed development would involve a consolidation of two lots and a road dedication. The development proposes a density of 1.67 FSR (Floor Space Ratio) after the road dedication is removed. It would include underground parking in order to improve the streetscape and create a more urban form of development. The parking arrangement and form are consistent with that of nearby apartments buildings. To proceed further with this application, additional information is required as outlined below. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $4300.00 per unit, for a total estimated amount of $180,600.00, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904-2023 be given first reading; and further 2.That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules (C, D, and E) of Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: 2023-004-RZ 1051751 BC Ltd; 1051761 BC Ltd Lot 15 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminister District Plan 8679; Lot 9 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminister District Plan 8005 Page 1 of 5 OCP Designation: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use of Property: Existing: Proposed: Site Area: Existing: Proposed: Proposed Access: Servicing Requirement: Fraser Sewer Area: Flood Plain: b) Site Characteristics: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Medium and High-Rise Apartment Yes Town Centre Area Plan Yes RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Vacant Land; Apartment Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Retail; Restaurants C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Apartment Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Low-Rise Apartment Two-Unit Residential RT-1 (Two Unit Urban Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Single Detached Residential Apartment Residential 1796.44 m2 (0.44 acres) 1685. 73 m2 (0.42 acres) Pedestrian access from Brown Avenue; Vehicular access from Fraser Street Urban Standard Yes No The subject properties are located at the intersection of Brown Avenue and Fraser Street and have a total lot area of 1796.44 m2 (0.44 acres) (see Appendices A and B). The site is relatively flat with a few trees. The site is bounded by apartment residential to the north and east. To the northeast, there is a lane. To the south, there is Brown Avenue with retail and restaurants across the road. To the west, there is Fraser Street with two-unit residential across the road. One of the subject properties has a single detached residence and an accessory structure on it with vehicular access off Fraser Street. The adjacent subject property located on Brown Avenue is vacant. 2023-004-RZ Page 2 of 5 c) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to construct a 5-storey apartment building with 41 market strata dwelling units. The total floor area would be 3490.76 m2 (37,574.24 sq. ft.). Unit configuration breakdown would be as per the table below. Unit Configuration Studio 1-bedroom plus den 2-bedroom 2-bedroom plus den Number of Units 13 13 10 5 The proposed development would involve a consolidation of two lots and a road dedication. With 679.43 m2 (7313.28 sq. ft.) of excludable floor area, the proposed development would have a density of 1.67 FSR after the road dedication is removed. The proposed development would include underground parking in order to improve the streetscape and create a more urban form of development. The parking arrangement and form are consistent with that of nearby apartments buildings. The applicant is proposing to have vehicular access from Fraser Street. Given the location of the site within the controlled access area of Lougheed Highway, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) approval of the proposed development will be required prior to final adoption of this application. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Medium and High-Rise Apartment. The Medium and High-Rise Apartment designation supports the proposed development under the RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment) zone. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 22481 Brown Avenue and 12064 Fraser Street from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment) (see Appendix C) to permit an apartment building (see Appendix D). The minimum lot size for the current RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) zone is 668.0 m2 , and the minimum lot size for the proposed RM- 3 (Medium/High Density Apartment) zone is 1300.0 m2 • Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Preliminarily, this proposal will require a Development Variance Permit to vary setback requirements. Variances will also be necessary for the percentage of small off-street parking spaces, the percentage of upright bicycle parking spaces, the width of the parking access ramp, and the width of a parking isle. There are 46 off-street parking spaces required and 39 off-street parking spaces proposed. 2023-004-RZ Page 3 of 5 Pursuant to Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the City will need to receive $20,000.00 for each off-street parking space that is required but which is not provided. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit (North and South View) application is required for all multifamily residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. Advisory Design Panel: A Town Centre Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to Second Reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks, Recreation and Culture Department; f) Utility companies; g) Canada Post; and h) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit Application (Schedule E). The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. 2023-004-RZ Page 4 of 5 CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original Signed by Daniel Rajasooriar" Prepared by: Daniel Rajasooriar, MRM Planner "Original Signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -0rtho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904-2023 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan and Perspectives 2023-004-RZ "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX A ~ 12191 ~ l1 12184-90 12175 I- I / 12150 (REC CENTRE) 12155 (/J w I C) 0 I w 12157 I-12148 (ECRA) . (/J , s::t 12137 12138 N \ N 12151 12129 F-8 I ANI-N OF 1 21 AVE 12127 ii il I-..... g 0 ..... (/J N 0) NW 12104 .... ~ IO ~ C) N ~ N N (/J -0 w 1?1 A\/C 121 AVE 121 AVE c::: 121 AVE w -------12092 / ' I-5 ~ / .., (/J 0 .... ~ I-N N ~ 12101 0 0 1: .., .... c::: IO ...... IO ~ <o IO IO N .... N IO N N N w N -~ N N N N N 12082 (/J N ~ .g N I- (/J <( s::t w c::: IU 12085 w 12072 N ~ LL N LJ ll'U::~ UrTZ1 ~vc LANc ~ ur-·1.,n Ave r--~ I<-I-12080 <( "--~c::Jffi1 ...J I- BRowNAVE 2064 (/J w IO 8 RowNAv~ ~ t 12075 C) 12060 ..... ..... 0) ~ IO IO .., 0 IO N IO .... /62 ~ N ~ N w \-~ 12052 12011 12048 ·----·---...J, BROWN AVE BROWN AVE z BROWN AVE"' --J 12042 I SUBJECT PROPERTIE~ " I-<o I-(/J .... <o IO <o ..... 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This Bylaw may be cited as 11Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7904-2023." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 15 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster Distict Plan 8679; and Lot 9 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster Distict Plan 8005 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1995, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map jA' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of , 20 ,20 , 20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER \ 12175 / ix> Q. L /~45029 4 12157 7 \28 ..-M LMP 37897 ~ ~ 1 22 >-· ~ ~ 1 t.: ~ / \ \U. ~ LMP 39518(leas,~l 29 ,,v,,:---7 12151~ ...J 12130 \ ~ I I 12128 I I co N I 1; co 21~ I~ I~ ~ 1------'-~--4\ 7 13 N 12104 Q. 01 \ ll-f \~ I 20 ~ 12092 ,II I o. z 9 ,.,.. I :5 w ,., I " o :'! ~I I ~ 12082 ~ ijn ,.._ 3 (!) 8 o. ~II Ii 12127 12101 12072 a:: I a.. Rem 7 ~II~ ---...J RW75573 5 RPBt647 12052 12011 " ~ 4 ~C') 12042 :.ts;t: 3~ CA9164171 12034 U0... P49034 Rem 2 52 12026 CA91 64171 0 C"l co LMP24829 12150 (REC CENTRE) LMP 43240 LMS 4011 Parcel "A" ~ a.. 12148 (ECRA) :'.5,_ __ L~~24~ ___ L~2~2!!__ ~ N 0 (0 a.. a:: co (0 / NWS 1688 E P 61324 A LMP 34533 ~ LMP 39562 (lease) ~ I .~20t3/6~ ---~ LMP3453 LMP 87 lMP 4709 LMP 174 Iii a:: w 1/l ~ u. i--: Cl) ~I «ii a.. 6 ~1 4l_[ ~ 121AVE. 0 IO 'q- N N A LMP44378 12080 ~7 12064 I{) 0 15 9 0 <X) i Q. 12137 12129 E 1/2 11 P7875 p 875 I 7 ~ 8 ti 9 +o~ ~ IO IO IO N ~ ~ ~ 0 'q-~ 0) 0 'q-IO IO N ~ N C\117 N 18 19 20 P 8679 12085 (EPS 1223) A EPP 13648 12075 C = I i--: 1_2Qf81 LMP 2359 =-~----.J LMP 2358 1f-L---==---BROWN AVE. -~EP6913~ Cl) w (!) 0 w LMP 30148 (LEASE) LP 69873 Rem. 302 P45004 RP 79869 / ml ~~ 12003 C"l ffil /09 Men en fbl r--0) ._,. r-- u; (0 ..... \1 Q. <X) ~ Q. ~ 12138 co N IO ; a.. u Ill 24 P 1161 ~EPP 61234 -1N--_J ~ (EPS 4738) 2 P 8~ P 8081 EPP 108731 9 8 .,.,A 12060 "-"-IO IO /62 IO N N N N 00 ;"JI; <o le <o IO IO ~ 0 N N <X) N N N 4 Q. 5 6 LOTA 12038 P 8081 (P9687) *LMP1821 12018 LMP 19461 1 P 96S7 303 A 2 1 P44882 ;'ci IO "-"-*PP094 ~ IO ~ RP 69394 \_ EP 9471 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 130 LI------~ ~I 1~i9~ ~ P 61041 i--:~~✓EP 11502 cn 11990192/~4 103 ..,. ---P49778 I--' g P 60451 ,,,. ~ N Rem . Rem. 5 ~ 119J2186 -P 4076 ~ LMP46699 118 117 Municipal Hall MclNTOSH 11968170 1 ~ ~ 0::: w 11995 A 20 N l E I A 11969 B 11965/67 ,l\ P 4076 ~ ~ 11952/54/58 BCP35451 1 ~ i IO Q) RP 52529 <o 0::: 0 .., Pel. "C" I{) ~ 11955 -.:t" 'q- RIV 68845 I- MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: 7904-2023 1995 RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) P 60562 ~ R~ ' RCMP 11990 / 'S;;::~I ,✓, 1 i::: = j I PAllllA'l _1j N CP ,-.. C"l [;; NWS 2403 a..- 2 11996 I RW 59110 To: RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential) MAPLE RIDGE Bnt1sh Columbia P 70955 LMP~ ix ~ 0 0) IO IO IO N N N N ~.t N Rem. ~ 0::: West Re 81 .5 -.:t" 4 N (/) ._,. Feet ._,. 4 ~ <X) p 86~ z co Q. -- . ···- SCALE 1 :2,500 -� iihi#•i;iui§I··� +@@Hil- TO: mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 7, 2023 FILE NO: 2023-019-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: cow SUBJECT: First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909-2023 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the properties located at 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway to C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use) zone. The purpose of this rezoning application is to permit the construction of a high-density mixed-use building on the subject site. The current zone for 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway is RS-1 (Single Detached Residential). While the proposal is at the preliminary stage, the applicant is proposing approximately 929 m2 (10,000 sq. ft.) of commercial space and 520 dwelling units in the form of apartment residential. The properties are designated Commercial in the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Commercial Mixed-Use in the draft Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (L TCAP). The Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan was endorsed by Council on October 10, 2020, and the Area Plan has received first reading on December 14, 2021. Considering that the Commercial designation of the OCP only allows commercial development with accessory residential with limited building height and lot coverage, if this application proceeds to final adoption prior to approval of the L TCAP, an OCP amendment may be required to re-designate the sites from Commercial to Mixed-Use Commercial. The proposed Mixed­ Use Commercial land use designation would maximize the sites' developm.ent potential through an increased density, lot coverage, and building height. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $4,300 per apartment unit, for a total estimated amount of $2,236,000, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i.The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii.The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii.The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv.First Nations; v.Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi.The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. 2023-019-RZ ·Page 1 of 7 and in that regard, it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2.That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909-2023 for 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway be given first reading; 3.That the applicant provides further information as described on Schedules A, C, D, and E (if applicable) of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999; and further 4.That this application not proceed to second reading until the full risk assessment for the Fraser River Escarpment is completed. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: Applicant: 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway (2023-019-RZ) Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: 2023-019-RZ Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Lot 1 and 2 District Lot 247 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 6664 Commercial Commercial Mixed Use Yes Lougheed Transit Corridor Yes RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use) Use: Hotel and restaurant Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Place of worship Zone: P-4 (Place of Worship) Designation: Institutional Page 2 of 7 West: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Use: Manufactured home park Zone: CS-3 (Recreation Commercial) Designation: Commercial/Urban Residential Vacant lot High-density mixed-use commercial/residential 0.808 (2.0 acres) Lougheed Highway Urban Standard The subject properties are located in West Maple Ridge, south of Lougheed Highway between 216 and 218 Street. The sites are currently vacant and have vehicular access off Lougheed Highway (see Appendices A and B). The subject properties are relatively flat with the exception of the southern portion of the sites which contain areas of localized steep slopes. 21710 and 21728 Lougheed Highway are treed particularly around the perimeter and the southern portion of the properties. c) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to construct a high-density mixed-use commercial/residential building containing 520 dwelling units with an average unit size of 60.4 m2 (650 sq. ft.). According to the proposed preliminary plan, the development includes a mixed-use tower along Lougheed Highway, attached to a medium-density apartment residential building to the south. The proposed building design is intended to reduce the impacts (shadow cast, and privacy) of the high-density development on adjacent single family neighbhourhood to the south of the development site. The reduced building height between the tower and the single detached residential would help with the transition from the high-density tower to low-density single detached residential, and improve the integration of the development into surrounding neighbourhood. In addition, the development includes 929 m2 (10,000 sq. ft.) of commercial space on the main floor of the tower along Lougheed Highway to create an active street frontage (see Appendix E). It should be noted that the proposed development plans do not include detailed information related to building height, number of storeys, setbacks, lot coverage, unit mix, number of rental units, access, and off- street parking spaces. This information is required prior to second reading. The proposed development containing a high-density mixed-use building will have a residential density of 4.0 FSR, utilizing the additional density for the provision of underground parking for the residential use, as well as the construction of a building exceeding three-storeys, and the cash contribution for the density bonus. This density is in line with the maximum permitted residential density in the proposed C-7 zone. The proposed preliminary plan is not in compliance with Council Policy 9.14 for access and will require revisions to remove permanent access from Lougheed Highway. Alternate access must be provided in accordance with this policy, which will impact building form, massing and density of the site. Given the location of the site within the controlled access area of Lougheed Highway, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval of the proposed development and the location of vehicular access to the site will be required prior to final adoption of this application. 2023-019-RZ Page 3 of 7 The subject site is located within close proximity to the Fraser River Escarpment (FRE) (partly within 300 m from the crest of the Fraser River). The City is currently undertaking a risk assessment of the FRE to determine the suitability of increased densification along this corridor. Considering the density of the proposed development, it is recommended that the risk assessment be finalized prior to this application proceeding to second reading and public hearing, as the results of the assessment may impact the ability to increase residential density of the site. The FRE is an area of geotechnical complexity adjacent to the north bank of the Fraser River from 207 Street to 224 Street, with an area df influenc~ extending as far north as 124 Avenue. Over the years, the crest of the Escarpment has experienced occasional landslides of various sizes and consequences. In accordance with the explanatory memo to Council Policy 6.24 -"Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres of the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment", on properties that are located between 100 m and 300 m of the crest, only duplex, triplex, fourplex, courtyard or townhouse developments can be supported subject to the appropriate g~otechnical review. Apartment developments will be deferred until the City can complete a quantitative risk assessment of the FRE. The applicant has submitted two other rezoning applications for 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway, located to the west of the subject site, proposing to rezone the properties to construct two high-derisity mixed-use buildings. These properties contain a manufactured home park. Any development of these sites will be subject to Council Policy 6.27 -"Manufactured Home Park Redevelopment Tenant Assistance", as well as Policy 6.32 -"Tenant Relocation Assistance Policy". According to Policies 6.27 and 6.32, an applicant-led consultation meeting should be conducted prior to first reading. In addition, proof of all early and ongoing tenant communication, including minutes and tenant comment forms from the consultation meeting should be included in the first reading report. The applicant is in the process of conducting the consultation meeting and a professional appraisal of the site's housing stock, as well as hiring a qualified professional to assist tenants impacted by the rezoning, in accordance with the applicable policies. The rezoning applications for 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway will be forwarded to Council for first read_ing when the requirements of these Policies have been fully satisfied. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the OCP and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are currently designated Commercial in the OCP (see Appendix C). The applicant is proposing to re-designate the sites to Commercial Mixed-Use through the draft Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP) approval process. It should be noted that the properties are designated Commercial Mixed-Use in the draft LTCAP. The Commercial designation of the OCP permits general commercial land uses that are different from retail uses that are typically found in the Town Centre. The proposed Commercial Mixed-Use designation permits a mix of commercial uses at ground level and residential apartments above. The following policies in the draft LTCAP provide guidance on the supported form of development on properties designated Commercial Mixed-Use: 2023-019-RZ Page 4 of 7 Maple Ridge will support a minimum of four storeys. Policy 4-11 Policy 4-12 Maple Ridge will require a minimum lot consolidation of 3,000 m2 for commercial and mixed-use developments. Under the draft L TCAP, rezoning to C-7 zone is supportable on properties that are designated Commercial Mixed-Use. The proposed high-density mixed-use development is generally in compliance with the Area Plan policies. Should the subject application be considered for final adoption prior to approval of the L TCAP, an OCP amendment may be required to re-designate the sites from Commercial to Mixed-Use Commercial land use designation. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 to C-7 zone (see Appendix D). The C-7 zone is a new zone that is supported within the L TCAP. The Zoning Bylaw amendment that creates the new C-7 has received third reading from Council on July 26, 2022 and is anticipated to be adopted prior to the approval of this rezoning application. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: A Development Permit application is required to guide the form and character of the proposed high- density mixed-use development. The draft LTCAP includes a new development permit area with specific guidelines. It is anticipated that the forthcoming Lougheed Transit Corridor Development Permit Guidelines will be approved in the early stages of this development application. Should this application proceed to second reading prior to approval of the L TCAP, Commercial and Multi-Family Development Permit applications will be required pursuant to Sections 8.5 and 8.7 of the OCP. Advisory Design Panel: The required development permit applications must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading of the rezoning application. Development Information ·Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; a) Fire Department; b) Building Department; c) Parks, Recreation and Culture Department; d) Utility companies; e) School District; 2023-019-RZ Page 5 of 7 The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -0rtho Map Appendix C -0CP Designation Map Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909-2023 Appendix E -Proposed Plans 2023-019-RZ Page 7 of 7 r.!... I I I I I I I I I I 1 10'75 11888 APPENDIX A 7 [ I I IC) 1.. .... I IC) (0 IC) :g ~ "' 11882 IC) (0 .... "' ~ ~~ ~ (0 .... .... ~ ,:;; ,:;; "' "' N (/J --< ~ ,. (,0 11868 HOWISON AVE ..... N :g~ ~~ ~ C, C, "' 0) .... ~ ~ (0 (0 ~~ (0 .... (0 N N ,:;; "' .... "'"' "' "' I- 11889 (/J 11884 ..I ..I ~ IC) < CX) t! .... :I: .... N N N I 77 6'~) -~ DOV~: RD IC)~ ~ "' HOWISON AVE -11863 J I- (/J (0 "' C, ~ ~ ~ 00 "' t! ~ :e 11851 ~ ~ .... (0 ..... "' "' N "' N N ~ N "' NGTON }1"~ ~~-------1=.;::::::::==:::::::::'.:==;:::::=====::::::::============~:::::::;:===::::;:::::'.:::::::::::==========:::::::.---1 11841 I 1-- (/J c.o r::i -IEED HWY LOUGHEED HWY l SUBJECT PROPERTIES I LOUGHEED HWY LOUGHEED I - I I I 1-- (/J (,0 ..... N 11754 11748 r I .... I 11714116 I C/J I (,0 I ...... N . I I I I I I I I I I I • I 11742 11722 -- 11688 11718120 ..., ..._ 0) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' 117 AVE ------ I •• 1-----...._ _ _....____~----- • 1 .... ~11=68=0---,----,---~ •(/J .~ 11666 IN 11652/54 Legend I 0) ; ~ <") "' ~ t--------,.=-=-=-="--'..:::...-------N ~ i ~ r--...._ (0 .... ~ ~ ~ C, ~ N -...___ ---Ditch Centreline N Scale: 1 :2,500 "I- ~ "' (0 to ~ "' 11772 11162 11161 ~ 11153 11750 11154 11751 11141 ~ 11738 11147 I-~ 11729 (/J 11726 11737 00 I- 'l"'" (/J ~ N 0:: 11713 11112 11721 0:: 11101 < ~ (J ~ 11706 11717 'miiB "' 117 AVE 11696 I'... 11700 11702 Q) Q) 11610 (0 t 11699 11690 ~ "' "' 11691 ~ 11683 - _.r------:-Q)-r---<o---.----1 g ~ ~ ~ 21710 & 21728 LOUGHEED HWY PIO: 011-228-351 & 011-228-377 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I mapleridge.ca FILE: 2023-019-RZ DATE: Jan 30, 2023 BY: AL N Scale: 1 :2,500 21710 & 21728 LOUGHEED HWY PIO: 011-228-351 & 011-228-377 FILE: 2023-019-RZ DATE: Jan 30, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AL 7 I I I I .... I I cn 11748 I <O I 11742 N • ,-..:..:....:....:=...------.-_--J ·1 I .., ..... 0) <O ;;:; ;!!: i ~~ "'N ~ I') "' ~ t-. N "' N HOWISON AVE ... ~ 0 N 0) ~ N 8 <O ~ l;:; "' N "' I ~ ~ ~ I ._1_17_22~=.,___N----1...N.:....__.i..:."'=--------J I --1 17AVE ---- 11688 ERRD N Scale : 1 :2,500 a, ~ N Legend ·-- N a, CD N Urban Residential -Commercial -Institutional .... 8 .:!: "' l;:; <O ~ l;:; N ~ "' 11888 ~ 884 ..I < :c 0 ..,. .., <O ~ ~ N "' 0, ~ N 117 AVE ~ t-. ;;:; 11753 11741 .... 11729 Cl) QC) N 11713 11707 11750 11738 11726 11712 11706 11696 11670 ~---.--------co i::: ;;:; APPENDIX C 11863 11851 11841 ....... "'N co 0 0 ~ ~ "' N .... "' CX) T'" N I') t-. 0 0 Cl:) co l;:; l;:; LAURIE AVE 11772 11767 11762 11754 11757 11748 11747 11738 11737 t- u, 11728 0::: 11721 g$ U 11720 11717 11708 11709 11702 11699 11690 11691 11662 11683 RIVER R 21710 & 21728 LOUGHEED HWY PIO: 011-228-351 & 011-228-377 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: 2023-019-RZ DATE: Jan 30, 2023 BY:AL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7909-2023 A Bylaw to amend Schedule 'A' Zoning Map forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended APPENDIX D WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 76b0-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as 11Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7909-2023.11 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 24 7 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 6664; Lot 2 District Lot 24 7 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 6664; and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1999, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map 'A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ,20 ,20 ,20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of ADOPTED the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ,20 J_ 0.. ww~ 11882 2 2 P 79206 _118~ ------ ~ 1-------7-EP 36356 ~~ ~ <o <o 324 .... <o C\l .... C\l P 64655 224 225 238 J.1.858 EP 75514 i-: HOWISON AVE. C\l 8 <o ~ C\l C\l 226 227 228 229 230 231 P 36( D99 I J 232 233 234 235 236 192 ::; ..- 11863 119 11851 ~ 120 '<:I" u. 11841 121 I i-: CJ) co N (/) LMP 22030 Rem I~ 319 EPP 73031 'St" (0 0 N (0 (0 I{) a... .... C\l <o N / / <o C\l 2 <o N LP 59245 N ('? r--- co ...... 0.. 1 ...... 11754 N 50' of 3 11748 I-P 5046 1 Rem 3 11742 I- ~ P 32876 158 i""" 11722 117 AVE. ~ 1 P 30039 -124 11688 ~ P 13429 3 11680 ~ LMP 12706 A 11666 11652/54 .._ B LMS 3673 '-LMP 12706 "A" RP 74552 RP 84920 Rem B P 7433 * (P 84920) 11714/16 11718/20 p 3' 876 159 (') r--.. 160 o,161 ~ @ i C\l C\l N 117 AVE . <o a <o ~ i "I- <o ~ ~ N 162 163 164 F 3690-' P n3429 5 6 a I{) <o N 6 P 1007 C P 11112 "-<o ~ C\l ex, <o <o N 1---- - - - RP30988 -_.1 "B" P 8950 ;:!: C\l (0 ~ 1-------,.-----1N 70 C\l 73 P 3 >510 p 1 112 ,___ 1 r---I{) 0) ~-~ W1/2 E1/2 71 (J) a... r---w D D ....!::::..___ 0.. (0 ~ r--- r--- a... w 0 ~ _i .. J N ~2 ~ (") 18 00 P 61812 (0 N I_J~ '<:I" l{) LP 77304 (") (') I t:; R ~ o.. ~ ~ N I C\l ~ ~ LOUGHEED HWY. ~ <o ex, ~~ C\l C\l 275 *PP075 *PP066 2 3 276 11753 P 6664 P 6664 l{) 277 l{) 11741 co (") o.. 278 11729 279 11713 85 11707 243 244 0) 0) ~ ~ P 31 i>974 N N r----_ 117 AVE. a ~ "I- N ;:!: N <o ex, ex, ~ ~ "-"- C\l C\l N 79 84 83 87 90 p 3 P51Q P B2510 EPF 0 87 43 1 2 80 81 82 (') I{) 89 74 ~ ~ I{) ~ "-(') .... /;; ;:!: N C\l N --IN MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: 7909-2023 1999 RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) A i-: (/) 00 N a (0 ~ a ~ r---ex, co .... C\l (") C\l Rem..- 2 0.. 189 11762 188 11750 187-r- 11738 ~ M 1860.. 11726 185 11712 240 ~ 11706 (J) M 241 o.. 11696 ' a C\l ~ "I- ~ N C\l A B C F 840! 7 11767 8 11757 (0 9 ~ 11747 N ..-10 0.. 11737 11 11721 12 -11717 co (") N 13 ..-11709 u. 11670 14 11699 242 l{) 15 s> 11691 r---..-16 0.. 11683 P 15 ~84 B C p 1 17205 I{) 17 18 (') a ex, "-ex, N N a I~ rm5/ ~ C\l I-If To: C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use) MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia DOVER F 150 151 (') a ~ C\l 149 148 "-a ~ C\l LOUm ex, ~ N 7 p 1 *PP ~ 6 ~ 5 1175'1 4 ~ 3 11738 2 ~ 1 ~ 7 6 ~ 5 1169() 4 ~ 3 P 13 ~ N SCALE 1 :2,500 21710 & 21728 Lougheed Highway L~alAcdfeu: tgi~g:~~tgii!~~~~: u;~~D~~ 011-22~51A0l1-22o-377 APPENDIX E ~~"~_;7i.:~) .. ~-· =-:',.;~ :-:>17:~,::~-.~~: ~ ::!:"%~:::~~ ....... ,. .. t _ ... _ • ..i 21710 & 21728 Lougheed Highway I� I TO: mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: March 7, 2023 2019-091-RZ cow SUBJECT: Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7541-2019 21585 River Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 21585 River Road from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of four dwelling units, clustered around an internal courtyard. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7541-2019 on May 28, 2019. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP). Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $5,700.00 per ground-oriented dwelling unit, for an estimated total amount of $17,100.00, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. Note that the original dwelling unit is exempt from this policy. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7541-2019 be given second reading as amended, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and further 2.That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i)Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii)Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii)Road dedication on River Road, 216 Street and rear lane as required; iv)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; v)Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; vi)Removal of existing building(s); vii)In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 2019-091-RZ Page 1 of 6 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii)That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $17,100.00 ($5,700.00/unit), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1.Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: 2019-091-RZ JinyongYum Lot 27 4 District Lot 24 7 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 38052 Urban Residential Urban Residential Yes Not Applicable Yes RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential Courtyard Residential 1,220 m 2 (0.3 acres) Rear Lane and 216 Street Urban Standard No Yes Page 2 of 6 1·~•-· mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First and Second Reading MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023 Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020 10420 & 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: March 7, 2023 2020-296-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 10420 and 10456 240 Street, and 24027 104 Avenue, from RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complex with approximately 64 units and dedicated conservation area. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020 on November 24, 2020. The proposed RM-1 zoning complies with the policies of the Official Community Plan (OCP), however, an amendment to the OCP is required to adjust the area designated Conservation around the watercourse by amending the Conservation boundary. The application is proposing a density of 0.75 FSR, which is possible by utilizing the Albion Density Bonus provisions of the RM-1 zone. The applicant is enabled to increase the FSR from 0.60 to 0. 75 in exchange for making a Density Bonus Amenity Contribution in accordance with Section 402.8 of the Zoning. Bylaw. This contribution is $3,100.00 per unit (64 x $3,100.00 per unit) for a total of $198,400.00. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $5,700.00 per townhouse dwelling unit, for an estimated total amount of $364,800.00, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. 2020-296-RZ Page 1 of 8 and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020 be given second reading as amended, and forwarded to Public Hearing; and further 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 240 Street and 104 Avenue as required; iii) Park dedication as required, including construction of multi-purpose trails; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; iv) Consolidation of the subject properties; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vi) Registration of a Reciprocal Cross Access Easement Agreement for access to the property to the north under PID No. 025-792-792; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; viii) Removal of existing buildings; ix) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. x) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $364,800.00 ($5, 700.00/unit), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. xi) That a voluntary contribution under the Albion Density Bonus Program, in the amount of $198,400.00 ($3,100.00 /unit), be provided. 2020-296-RZ Page 2 of 8 DISCUSSION: 1. Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2. Context: Kunwar Bir Singh Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 NWD Plan 10921; Lot 7 Except Part Subdivided by Plan 227 43, Section 10 Township 12 NWD Plan 14750; and Lot "A" Section 10 Township 12 NWD Plan P227 43 Medium Density Residential, Conservation Medium Density Residential, Conservation RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Residential RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Conservation, Medium Density Residential, Urban Residential Residential RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential and School P-1 (Park and School), RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Institutional, Medium Density Residential Vacant RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Urban Residential, Conservation, Medium Density Residential Residential Residential and Park 1.373 ha. (3.39 acres) 240 Street and 104 Avenue Urban Standard The site consists of three parcels of land to be consolidated as part of the development application process. The land is highest in the southeast portion of the subject site and gradually slopes down towards the west and northwest. There are a number of tree clusters on the site and a drainage ditch running along 240 Street. The northwest portion of the site is close to Spencer Creek (see Appendix A). 2020-296-RZ Page 3 of 8 3. Project Description: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 10420 and 10456 240 Street, and 24027 104 Avenue, from RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future townhouse development containing 64 units. All of the townhouse units will feature three bedrooms. At the north end of the site is the Spencer Creek watercourse, which is an area that will be dedicated to the City as conservation. The outdoor and indoor amenity areas for this townhouse complex will be adjacent to this conservation area. The proposal also includes a swale along 240 Street, approximately five metres in width, which ties in to the stormwater management system for the subject site. Internal walkways connect the internal units of the development with both 240 Street and 104 Avenue. As part of this development, the applicant will be required to register a reciprocal access easement with the property to the north, which does not have a civic address, but is known as Parcel Identifier Number 025-792-792. This reciprocal access easement will allow for the northerly property to gain access to 240 Street through the subject site, which will allow the future development of the northern lot. 4. Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Medium Density Residential. The Medium Density Residential designation supports the proposed development under the RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) zone. The density associated with the approximately 64-unit project being proposed is within the density range permitted in the Area Plan. Below is a list of policies in the Albion Area Plan and an explanation of how this project supports those policies. Policy 10-6 A: That any residual lots or remaining land parcels are left in a configuration and lot area which are suitable for a future development proposal, or can be consolidated with other abutting residual lots or land parcel and would be able to comply with the applicable Land Use Designation(s) and Policies of this Plan. The residual lot to the north is being provided with a reciprocal access easement that will allow it to develop in the future and will not leave that lot orphaned. The residual lot to the east of this development and beside the school is of a sufficient size and will have its own access in order to be able to develop on its own in the future. Policy 10-7: The siting, form, character and massing of multi-family residential development and areas for parking, storage and landscaping should be designed to facilitate orderly development of the area and to be compatible with single family residential developments. The proposed development is surrounded by other townhouse developments and is similar in scale, character and massing to those developments. The layout and design will contribute to the orderly development by completing this vacant part of the neigbhourhood and also by facilitating the future development of the lot to the north. Policy 10-8: Multi-family housing should be provided with appropriate amenities to enhance the character of development. 2020-296-RZ Page 4 of 8 Ample outdoor and indoor amenity areas are provided within the site, all connected by internal walkways that provide pedestrian access. The site will a/so contribute to the development of natural amenities with a trail adjacent Spencer Creek to the north and with the development of a swa/e along the entire frontage of 240 Street. This development will allow for the extension of the Multi-Use Pathway from the along 240 Street to the north, connecting with this Parks trail that will run from the west to east through the conservation area. Policy 10-10: Natural vegetation should be retained where possible to enhance the character of the area. Significant treed slopes or natural vegetation will need to be retained in order to minimize disruption to watercourses and to minimize erosion. Geotechnical assessments may be required. The proposal includes the dedication and enhancement of the watercourse to the north, tree retention along the boundaries of the site and also the development of the swa/e along 240 Street. All of these elements include the retention and replanting of trees and vegetation. Policy 10-13: A Density Bonus option will be permitted on lands designated Low Density Residential, Low-Medium Density Residential, and Medium Density Residential in the Albion Area Plan, as well as on the lands designated Single Family, Cluster Residential, Townhouse and Village Commercial in the North East Albion Area Plan. The proposed development seeks to increase the allowable density under the RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Zone from 0.6 FSR up to 0. 75 FSR by taking advantage of the Albion Area Density Bonus Amenity Contribution option under Section 402 (Density Bonus for Albion Area) of the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. Policy 10-16 requires adherence to form and character guidelines in Section 8 of the OCP, such as: providing street fronting character to townhouse facing 240 Street and 104 Avenue; creating a sense of place through the layout of buildings and open spaces; and giving attention to the landscaping and built form at the southwest corner of the site to create a gateway into the Albion neighbourhood. The form and character and 240 Street elevation fit well with the existing neighbourhood. Between first and second reading, it has been determined that an 0CP Amendment (see Appendix C) is now required in order to adjust the area designated Conservation around the watercourse. The adjustment of the conservation boundary is being done through Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The subject application seeks to rezone the subject properties, located at 10420 and 10456 240 Street, and 24027 104 Avenue, from RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit a future construction of a townhouse complex with approximately 64 units and dedicated conservation area. The application is also proposing several variances that will be discussed later in this report and will be the subject of a future development variance permit report to Council. The applicant is proposing an increase in base density from 0.60 floor space ratio (FSR) to 0.75 FSR, in exchange for making a Density Bonus Amenity Contribution in accordance with Section 402.8 of the Zoning Bylaw. This contribution is $3,100.00 per unit (64 x $3,100.00 per unit) for a total of $198,400.00. 2020-296-RZ Page 5 of 8 iii) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that townhouse developments are to provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit and 0.2 spaces per unit for visitors. The proposed development meets these requirements by providing a total of 144 parking spaces, two spaces per unit and 16 visitor parking spaces. Bicycle parking can be accommodated in the accessory detached garage for each unit. The applicant is also proposing that all of the 64 units will feature double car garages. This is in keeping with the 70 percent double garage, 30 percent tandem parking ratio which complies with the Maple Ridge Policy No. 6.35, which desires no greater than 30 percent tandem parking in any RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) development. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations: Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 1) To reduce the interior side (east) setback from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 3.4 metres (11.2 feet); 2) To reduce the frontr side (south) setback from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 5.9 metres (19.4 feet); The requested variances to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) zone are still preliminary and may change with further review of the application. Any proposed variance will be the subject of a future Council report for development variance permit. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the 0CP, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for all developments and building permits within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands. The purpose of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit is to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. Accordingly, prior to final zoning approval, the Development Permits must be reviewed and approved. An application for the Development Permits has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to Council and a security for the landscaping will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permits to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. 2020-296-RZ Page 6 of 8 vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the November 16, 2022 meeting. Their comments and the applicant's responses are included in Appendix H. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting hosted by the applicant was held on October 18, 2022. Two people provided a response. The notification requirements for the Development Information Meeting included a mail-out, newspaper advertisements, and notice on the development signs, providing the contact information for the developer and information on the development. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees at the Development Information Meeting was provided by the applicant and attached to this report as Appendix I. 5. i) ii) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has indicated that the following servicing upgrades will be required through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement: • Road dedication as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Utility servicing as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Frontage upgrades to the applicable road standard. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department: The Parks Department has indicated that the following servicing upgrades will be required through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement: • Incorporate a 2.5m (8.2 ft) wide park trail from 240 Street to the east boundary of the subject site within the park dedication area to be field fit around significant trees and natural features. Incorporate pedestrian connections from the development to the trail network. iii) Environmental Section The applicant will be required to remove the 240 Street drainage in order to provide road dedication. They will need to provide a habitat balance that shows the addition of a swale feature along 240 Street. 2020-296-RZ Page 7 of 8 iv) Fire Department: The applicant was provided with comments from the Fire Department about matters to be addressed through the Building Permit process. 6. School District No. 42 Comments: A referral has been sent to School District No. 42 and the City has requested a response by March 20, 2023. The response will be included in the correspondence with the future Public Hearing for this application should this application receive second reading. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020, and that application 2020-296-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original Signed by Rene Tardif" Prepared by: Rene Tardif Planner 1 "Original Signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Appendix C -Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020 Appendix E -Site Plan Appendix F -Building Elevation Plans Appendix G -Landscape Plan Appendix H -ADP Design Comments Appendix I -Development Information Meeting Summary 2020-296-RZ Page 8 of 8 10416 10410 10406 ii5 1--103_9_0 ---I ~ l ~ I ~ I I o I ~' Cl) I I I I I I I I I I I I 10380 N Scale: 1 :2,500 I I I I I I I I 10525 I 104AVE Legend -stream 10389 ---Ditch Centreline - -Indefinite Creek -River Centreline -Lake or Reservoir APPENDIX A 10456 i-: Cl) 0 ~ I I 10420 I I I ...... ..... ~ <o '<I-~ C\I _ __,_ ..... _ 104AVE. ·---------- C <o <o ~ C i ~ ~ ' 10386 I __ J_-f 1 1----..L..._____JL....._ ___ __J-----,-, I 10366 10358 10355 10352 10349 10346 10343 10340 10337 10332 10331 10328 10325 10322 10319 i-: Cl) ~ ~ 10420/56 240 STREET & 24027 104 AVENUE PID'S: 009-247-513, 009-437-070 & 010-040-722 FILE: 2020-296-RZ DATE: Sep 15, 2020 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:PC Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX 8 10456/ 20 240 STREET & 24027 104 AVENUE PID'S: 009-247-513, 009-437-070 & 010-040-722 FILE: 2020-296-RZ DATE: Feb 27, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AH CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7916-2023 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 APPENDIXC WHEREAS Section 4 77 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedules "A" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7916-2023." 2. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan and "Figure 1: Northeast Albion" is hereby amended for the parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 Plan NWP10921; Lot 7 Section 10 Township 12 Plan NWP14750; and Lot A Section 10 Township 12 Plan NWP227 43 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 107 4, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as shown. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 Plan NWP10921 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1075, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of ADOPTED the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of , 20. , 20 , 20. ,20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER _j CL 0 0:: 0 u. ~ Cl) _j a. 0 0:: 0 u. ~ Cf) / (EPS 2387) / .,,....-· , EPP 45287 T! :. -=--=-• I j"...J I I / I l...:J I 0) Rem. Pel. A BCP 8155 ~I ~, ~ ....J'r- / I / / 10406 3 N ~ ,__10_39_0_ .... <D'-' ~ 4 2 <D 10380 "<t / I / ...... / / / I / / I I / __, I I f I / "" / I I "\)\)/ I I ~c,«/ / I 1/ / / / I / (,, \ \ \ (EPS 763) 10389 i--: Cf) 0 ~ t--= Cl) 0 ~ /' 10456 P 22743 P 14750 A Rem 7 10420 EPP 109213 , M fr Rem. Pel. A P 14750 8 EPP 80804 CL Cl EPPl109212 ft EPP 59457 ,..L---------'-:___...t-------1 (EPS 5443) A P 13554 10366 10358 9 1.8 1Ql55 CX) 0 "<I" EPP 59458 10352 B 17 10349 (0 C') 10346 7 16 10343 0.. 0 m 10340 66 15 10337 ' LMP418 104AVE. (EPS 4930) A EPP 49494 P2 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7916-2023 1074 To Amend Albion Area Plan Schedule 1 Low/Medium Density Residential Conservation D N SCALE 1 :2,500 3 _j N 10390 (0 Cl. 0 2 (0 a:: """ 0 10380 u. ~ (J) _j a. 0 a:: 0 u. ti: .J CJ) / (EPS 2387) / ,,,--· , EPP 45287 T1 :. -=--=-• r ...J PARK I I I ,,,.. I....J / I 0) ~I ~I Rem. Pel. A I s.,.... I BCP 8155 c::, ii "'/ 8- CCJ/ ...., / I I "" / "r:::,r:::i_,,, I ~cJ?,,,, / 1/ / / I / I I / ' \ \ \ 0 <o 0) ~4 I / \ / / / I I I I <o <X) ~ / f / I / I / / / (EPS 763) / 4 10389 ..,: CJ) 0 ~ ~ (J) 0 ~ -✓ / -'/ ~i'=> I -✓ Rr,.\ t-----=i:::-/~/-/~/ / \-~ BC P 81 5 5 Qfll I I I I 5 / J I I I . I -.!.. .., I 10456 P 22743 P 14750 A Rem 7 10420 EPP 109213 '" Ir EPPl109212 A P 13554 10366 10358 9 18 1£E.55 co 0 -st 10352 8 17 10349 <D ('") 10346 7 16 10343 0. u (I) 10340 66 15 10337 Rem. Pel. A P 14750 8 <o 0 ~ EPP 59458 Cl. Cl. w BCP 81 ' LMP418 EPP 80804 Cl EPP 59457 / ✓/4, 0 EPP 80806 / J( g;i (')------..//,co ~ 11-- - ---, & ~ w 104 AVE. ' p 2 (EPS 5443) (EPS 4930) A EPP 49494 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7916-2023 1075 To Amend Schedule C as Shown c:::J Add To Conservation 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7683-2020 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7683-2020." 2. Those parcel (s) or tract (s) of land and premises known and described as: Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10921; Lot 7 Except Part Subdivided by Plan 227 43, Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 14750; and Lot "A" Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan P227 43 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1851 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24th day of November, 2020. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of ,20 , 20 ,20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER 3 _j N 10390 (!) a.. 0 2 (!) 0:: -.;j" 0 10380 u. ~ ...J (/) _j a. 0 0:: 0 IL ~ en J (EPS 2387) / ,,,.-- I EPP 45287 ,_. ! :_ -=. -=. I / r..J I I / I I....J I Ol Rem. Pel. A BCP 8155 21 ~I 2 ....J'r- / I / / ....... / / / I / / I / ..,,, f I / I / I "" / I I ,.,_c::iC).,,,, I I <o0«.,,,, / I 1/ / / I I / I I / <.. \ \ \ \ Cl <o 0) ~4 (EPS 763) 4 10389 i-= (/) 0 'SI" N --.,.... I' -'/ ~'J,~ I .-,,,-x> b." t----::i,-/'----/-/~/ _,,, \-~ BC P 815 5 Qf!s I I I I 3 / I I I I . I _.!__,I 10456 P 22743 A 10420 P 14750 Rem 7 EPP 109213 . " r;: EPPl109212 A P 13554 10366 10358 9 t8 1<]}_55 <Xl 0 "'<I" 10352 8 17 10349 (0 <'> 10346 7 16 10343 a. (..) (I) 10340 66 15 10337 Rem. Pel. A P 14750 8 EPP 59458 a.. a.. w MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7683-2020 1851 RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) EPP 80804 Cl EPP 59457 (EPS 5443) ' LMP418 104 AVE. (EPS 4930) A EPP 49494 P2 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 lSOrZ (/) w (/) => 0 :I: z ~ l- o ~ 0 ..... z ::s a... w 1- u'i APPENDIX E c:r: Oz ILO ow W> ::iw C/)0:: Cf)a... -0 z ::s a... w 1- u'i 10 4 2 0 TO W N H O U S E S 10 4 2 0 & 10 4 5 6 - 24 0 St . , 24 0 2 7 - 10 4 AV E , MA P L E RI D G E , BC . , CA N A D A DA T A SH E E T SH E E T IN D E X CO N S U L T A N T S I SH E E T NO . AR C H I T E C T U R A L I Af l 9 : ! ! m KA S I A N AR C H I T E C T U R E IN T E R I O R DE S I G N AN D PL A N N I N G Ud ~- 10 G I D - 1 0 W N HO U S E S 10 Q 0 . 1 ~ S T &_ ~ - 1 C M . ~ . ! . M U ' ~ J I D G L I I N T I S H CO W M a l A . ~° ! ' o D E ! i q l ~ 14 7 8 3 2 , 8 1 ft O R !G R O S S SJ 1 E MI A AJ E A 15 9 0 9 . 4 0 ft O R !5 : J M . 4 3 .~ ) l O R __ 1~ : 1 ~ ! t: 6 : 11 .. ~~ ~ - i ! i ~ ~ -i J I I L L I f l .S . R . • NE T AR E A /E ) C l l . l D I N G GA . R A . 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SU R F A C E AR E A / NE T SI T E AR E A 40 . 0 1 % t: ! ! _ P E S & A R E A S .J GA R A G E c~ ~ ~ : : : ; ~ : lm i " M B E R ~ U N I T S _ f _ E R A C R E l. NU M B E R OF UN I T S PR O P O S E D &I UM B E A O F U N r T S P E R A C R E ET S I T E A R E A 22 . 3 9 ! 1 S S 2 9 5 PR I V A T E OU T D O O R AR E A _ ( P E R U N I T l .. 22 f> W N F L O O R SE C O N D FL O O R TH l R O F L O O R ~t = 3 4 FA R ~ UJ . ( 1 5 , l ; R O F U N r r 5 P ~ ~ G R O S S S f T E . A R E A ) JI . ~ =~ ~ ~ = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = f - - - + - - + - - - f - - - + - - - + - - + - - - - + - - - + - - - + - - + - - - - ! f - - - + - - - - - - l r= ~ = ~ 1 AR E A ~ O F U N f f - 1 ;~ : : . 1 1 1 1 L± = ± = ± =1 =J /P R O V D = D P F W A l E O U T C O O R A R E A / <4 7 1 3 . ~ j, 3 7 ~ 1 8 9 4 ~ ci u ~ - C O M M o N < ? , ~ R A ~ (◄5~ M P E R U N : t : : " ' ' ° " - I - ll l O V O E D CO M t . t O N OV T C O O R A A E A (O P E N Rf A . . c : x . n t X ) Q R A M E N I T Y A R E A • P E f v . t E A B L E _D E W A L K S ) __ _ _ _ :t ~ ) -- ; . f n J QU A E D QU I R E D ~m ~. ; w ~ ~ r ; • ~ l f f i ' A R & ( l > l : i : . l RO O F T O P GA R D E N ON IN D O O R M£ I T T Y BU U l l N G ) ~ ~ ST A I . L S ST A L U ST A I . I . a L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 1 A L f U< i • T A U S DP - O S E R I E S 3D V I E W & D A T A S H E E T DP - 2 S E R I E S DP . J S E R I E S DP - 5 S E R I E S DP - 8 S E R I E S DP • 7 S E R I E S DP - 8 S E R I E S SI T E P L A N S I S I T E S E C T I O N S I S T R E E T S C A P E BU I L D I N G A. D O R PL A N S BU I L D I N G EL E V A T I O N S BU I L D I N G CO L O U R E D EL E V A T I O N S RE N D E R E D IM A G E S MA T E R I A L BO A R D CO N T E X T MA P NT S 15 0 0 WE S T GE O R G I A ST R E E T , SU I T E 16 8 5 VA N C O U V E I \ BC , CA N A D A I V6 G 22 6 T6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 4 1 4 5 AT T N : DO U G JO H N S O N Em a i l : d o u g . j o h n s o n @ k a s l a n . c o m _h l m a n s h u . c h o p r a @ k a s l a n . c a : r i f! Y ! h AP L I N & MA R T I N CO N S U L T A N T S LT D . 20 1 - 1 2 4 ' 8 82 N D AV E N U E , SU R R E Y , B C , V 3 W 3 E 9 T: 60 4 . 5 9 7 . 9 0 5 8 C 77 8 . 8 6 6 5 7 7 9 AT T N DO N BE V A C Q U A Em a i l : d b e v a c q u a @ a p l l n m a r 1 l n . c o m EN V I R O N M E N T A L ED I EN V I R O N M E N T A L DY N A M I C S IN C . 35 0 - 3 4 B O G I L M O R E W A Y , BU R N A B Y . B C . V 5 G 4 Y 1 T: 6 0 4 . 6 3 3 , 1 8 9 1 C 77 8 . 5 3 7 . 1 0 2 5 AT T N : RA N D Y MO R R I S Em a i l : rm o r r l i . @ . e c t y n a m l c s . c c : m ~ !: M Q LA N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T S LT D . C1 0 0 4 1 8 5 S T I L L C R E E K D R . BU R N A B Y B C C A N A D A V 5 C 6 G 9 T: 1. 6 0 4 . 2 9 4 . 0 0 1 1 A TI N . MA R Y CH A N YI P Em a i l : ~ e , _ ~ C) ~~ 5NT E X T MA P er , CL I E N T CL I E N T AL V A I R D E V E L O P M E N T L T D . 16 B - 1 2 B 3 0 9 6 A V E N U E SU R R E Y , B C . V 3 V O C 2 T 77 8 . 3 2 0 . 0 0 6 1 AT T N : GR A E M E SI L V E R A Em a l l : g r a e m e @ / 8 1 V a l f f i r o u p . c a : n @ PR O J E C T SI T E Ka s 1 a . : ~ K. n s l a n A r c h ~ c t u r e ln t e r l o r D e ~ l g n 15 0 G W 1 I I O . . . . g l a ! l l t t t 1 , S U 1 1 1 1 H 5 Va n m 1 ¥ W , B C c . n . t 1 V ! ! G I D T0 0 , 1 U l C 1 , 5 F 0 0 4 H l 2 W -. n 1 1 1 1 1 . c o m an d Pl a n n i n g Lt d Ti l t a O R A V I N O . A t A M I N G T R U M E M T O F S S I V I C E , J i T i l E " l ' R O l ' E A T Y O F W l ' N li i t r ~ J : : : : : : ~ ; f ~ : 10 4 2 0 - TO W N HO U S E S 10 4 2 0 , 10 4 5 6 - 2 4 0 S T & 24 0 2 7 - 1 0 4 A V E . , MA P L E RI D G E , BR I T I S H CO L U M B I A . DA T A SH E E T -- - IS S U E D FO )> DP RE V I S I O N -0 '1 J 72 2 0 1 0 rr , :z DP - 0 . 0 1 0 >< ,, lt u~ lSOIZ z :s a.. w I- C/) 0:: Oz ILO ou5 W> :::iW (f)Q'.'. (f)o... -0 z :s a.. w I- C/) := 1 SI T E PL A N -2. 1 1 1/ l 2 " = 1 · - 0 · (2 ) ~ ® ~ eD l ~I [ ~/ [ i p1 r - r 1 104 A V E (J l f . t ) FU T U R E DE \ / 8 . 0 P W E N T SI T E t (Z ) - -- - ~ 1100 · •1 10 . , 1u if i 1 i o 1 _A TO T A L I . A M l S C A P E P E R I J E A S t . E A A E A 0~6 2 6 .fi 9 S O .IJ TO T A L L A N D S C A F E PE i l . M E A . E l E A R E A R E O U I R E O -~O' .. TO T A l W I I S C A P EPE R / ,tE A f l L E A R E A P R OV I OE D - ~ -01 % ■ ~:~ 1:: ; ~ ; ~ Q l ~ E P E i l l ,EA S I . . E A R : A ,TO TA! . ~ A A E A lC O M M O N O U T D O O R A R E A ! fl =~ N~A L ~ E : , T : ' L E ~ : ~ T A L C P E H A R E J 4 9 ;: 1 : ~ ~ ' . : ~ ~ ~ : ~ : t 0.~ T A L O P E N A R : A lCC \ l . !LI O ~ O O T D O O R A R E A ) -T O T A L C P E N A R E A -21 0 9 .76 5 0 \ 1 rm i1 = : ~ ~ o s = : t m LE ~& C O . l M O N W T D O O R A A E A ) ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ P E I W E A B L E A A E A ) 0 PE R M E A B L E P A V E R S 0 1. ' . l l l . 1 6 S O ' J {/ N CW O E D IN TO T A L l A H O S C A P E P E F i L E A E L E A R E A ) ■ ,= LE ~~ ~ = ~ ~ E A ! i l . E AR EA ) ■ =~ ~ : = : P : E A B L E A R E A ) □ •L A N D S C A P E A R : A 0 17 9 . 1 0 S O M NO T E : PR I V A . TE OL I T O O O R S P A C E l . ! ! N . 5% PR O V I O E D S Y OI J T D O O R B A L C O N ! E S . ~~ FO S : B. E F U M E oo : r u :FI B J T Ka s 1 a n ~ ~ Ka s l an A r c h lt t ct ure ln k rlor D e s l gn Dnd P b n n l n g lt d ~ AEV 7 'n ' Y Y -U U: 0 0 l~ D W 1 I I O u r ~ t l ! t t 1 .:. . A 1 1C. 0 5 v- , B C c . n . d a V I G Z . U T0 0 0 U AM5 FW U l l 2 1 7 1 10 4 2 0 -T O W N HO U S E S 10 4 2 0 , 1Q . 1 5 ~ 24O ST & 24 02 7 . 1 0 4 AV E . , MA P L E RI C G E , BR m S H CO L U M B l A . SI T E CO V E R A G E PL A N SH O W S AL L CO M M O N AR E A S IS S U E D FO R DP RE V I S I O N DP - 2 . 1 1 A MA T E R I A L LE G E N D : MA T E R I A L CO L O R ®@ HA R D I E P A N a DA R K GR E Y FA S C I A @ TR I M DA R K GR E Y @ ME T A L FR A M E BL A C K @ GU A R D / R A I L I N G DA R K GR E Y @ RO O F SH I N G L E S WH I T E DO V E @ STAN D I N G SE A i ! SI L V E R GR E Y ME T A L RO O F @ HO R I Z O N T A L HA R D I E WH ITE DO V E SI D I N G S • PL A N K @ HO R I Z O N T A L HA R D I E SI L V E R GR E Y SI D I N G 8 ' P L A N K CO L O U R E D WE S T EL E VA TI O N I@ HO R I Z O N T A L HA R D I E CO P P E R tS . 1;) ' 1/ 8 " • 1 '- 0 " SI D I N G S • P L A N K MO U N T A I N WI N D O W S BL A C K / WH IT E DO O R S BL A C K / WH I T E NO T E : RE F E R TO SH E R W I N WI L L I A M S FO R CO L O R CO D E S CO L O U R E D EAS T EL E V A T I O N P- 6 . 1 5 1 / 1/ 8 " • 1' - 0 " CO L O U R E D SO L / T H EL E V A T ION CO L O U R E D NO R T H EL E V A T I O N P- 6 .15 1 / 1/8" • 1'-0 " P- 6 .1 5 1 ' 1/ 8 " • 1' - 0 " • ---■ II ] II ] Ka s 1 a n ~ i Ka s h 1 n A r c h l l o c t u r o ln tc rlo r D C t S l g n an d Pl a n n l n g U d 1~ Vl nl ~5 rn t , ~ 1Ul 5 V11'1 C Q # • , II C CI N c a VIO m Tt o l U : 3 ' 1~5 ft o l W 1$ 2 1 10 4 2 0 - T O W N H O U S E S 10 ◄ 2 0 , 10 ◄ 56 •2 ◄ 0S T & 2◄02 7 - 1 0 ◄ AV E ,M A PL E RI D G E , BC AM E N I T Y BU I L D I N G -C O L O U R E D EL E V A T I O N S IS S U E D FO R DP RE V I S I O N 23 - 2 2 - 0 2 I Au t h o r 72 2 0 1 0 As lnd lca l e d DP - 6 . 1 5 1 I 7 MA T E R I A L LE G E N D : MA T E R I A L CO i . O R ®@ HA R D I E PA N E L DA R K GR E Y FA S C I A ® TR I M BL A C K ® ME T A L FR AM E DA R K GR E Y @ GU A R D . ! < A I L J N G DA R K GR E Y ® RO O F SH ING L E S WH I T E DO V E @ ST A N D I N G SE A M ME T A L RO O F SIL VE R GR E Y @ HO R I Z O N T A L HAR D I E WH I T E D OV E SI D I N G B ' P L A N K @ HOR IZ ON T A L HA R D I E SILV E R GR E Y SI D I N G B ' P L A N K @ HO R I Z O N T A L HAR D IE CO P P E R SIDING B 'P LA N K MO U N T A I N CO L O U R E D EA S T EL E VA T I O N P- 6 . 1 1 / 1/ B " • 1' - D " WI N D O W S BL A C K / WH IT E DO O R S BL A C K / WH ITE @ RO L L . U P DO O R WH ITE NO T E · RE F E R TO SH E R W I N WI L L IAM S FOR CO L O R CO D E S 1 CO L O U R E D WE S T EL E VA TI O N P- 6 . 1 1/ B "• 1• - 0 • CO L O U R E D NO R T H EL E VA TI O N P-s .11 / 11B· - 1 ' - D " CO L O U R E D SO U T H EL E V A T I O N P-6 . 1 1 / 1/B " • 1' - D ' ---II □ ~ ■ ■ II ] II ] ~ Ka s 1 a n ~ ~ Ka s l a n A r c h l l o c t u r o ln tc r l o r D o s l g n and P l a n n l n g U d 1! : 0 0 \ l l a . l ( l , a g i , i 6 n t ; l W l e 166 5 v, _ , . rr ,O C C a n a c a V I G m Tt o , 1 t l ) 4 U 5 F & o , I W 2 t J 7 10 4 2 0 TO W N H O U S E S 10 4 2 0 , 10 4 5 6 - 2 4 0 S T & 24 0 2 7 -10 4 AV E ,M A P L E RI D G E , BC BU I L D I N G - 0 1 (U N I T - B ) CO L O U R E D EL E V A T I O N S IS S U E D FO R DP RE V I S I O N S Pro j ec t Nu m b e r I SC A L E ~o~ ~~ ~ 2 ~ I ~v ® :: I AS tn a l ca 1 e d DP - 6. 1 1 I 7 MA T E R I A L LE G E N D : MA T E R I A L CO L O R ®® HA R D IE PA N E L DA R K GR E Y FA S C IA ® TR IM BL A C K M / H I T E @ ME T A L FR A M E BL A C K @ GU A R D , R A J L I N G DA R K GR E Y @ RO O F SH I N G L E S OL I V E @ ST A N D I N G SE A M ME T A L RO O F VE R T I C A L BL U I S H @ HO R IZO N T A L HA R D I E OL I V E SI D I N G B ' P L A N K @ HO R IZO N T A L HA R D I E BL U I S H SI D I N G B ' P L A N K @ HO R I Z O N T A L HA R D I E BE W E L SIDI N G B ' P L A N K WH I T E WI N D O W S BL A C K / WH I T E DO O R S BL A C K / WH I T E @ RO L L . U P DO O R WH I T E NO T E : RE F E R TO SH E R W I N WI L L I A M S FO R CO L O R CO D E S CO LOUR E D W EST ELEVA T ION P- 6 . 15/ 1/8" • 1'· 0 " -IC ] ------B IC ] IC ] ~ Ka s 1 a n ~~ Kn r . l n n Arch l l o c t u r o lntcrlor D c: l g n and P bi n n l ng Ud 1!£ 0 V / u J ~ S .. ct W i . 1Ud V1n: . o u . • , l l C C a l \ l a V G O : z l l Tt O H I D • U S F C b l W . L " ' l ' 10 4 20 TO W N H O U S E S 104 2 0 , 104 5 6 -24 0 S T & 24 0 2 7 - 1 0 4 AV E ,MA P L E RIDG E , BC BU I L D I NG-02 (U N I T - B ) CO L O U R E D EL E V A T I O N S IS S U E D FO R DP RE V I S I O N 09 J U LY2 0 2 0 I- Au t h o r Pr o j e c t N u m b e r ISC A L . £ As l n d l c a 1 e c f Ch e c k e r DP - 6. 1 5 1 6 MA T E R I A L LE G E N D : MA T E R I A L CO L O R ®@ HA R D IE PA N E L DA R K GR E Y FA S C I A @ TR IM BL A C K @ ME T A L FR A M E DA R K GR E Y @ GU A R D . ! W L I N G DA R K GR E Y @ RO O F SH ING L E S WH ITE DO V E @ ST A N D ING SE A M SI L V E R GR E Y ME T A L RO O F @ HO R IZO N T A L HAR DI E SE R I O U S GR E Y SIDI N G 8 ° PL A N K SW - 6 2 5 6 @ HO R I Z O N T A L HA R D IE BO O T H B A Y GR E Y - SI D I N G 8 ° P L A N K HC - 1 6 5 @ HO R IZO N TAL CE D A R JA M E S T O W N BL U E - SI D I N G S " P L A N K HC -14 8 COL O U R E D EA S T EL E V ATI O N WIND O W S BL A C K P-6 .1\I 1/8" • 1'· 0 " DO O R S BL A C K @j RO L L . \ J P O O O R WH ITE NO T E : RE F E R TO BE N J A M I N MO O R E FO R CO L O R CO D ES 1 COL OU RE D WEST E LEVA TIO N P-6 . 1 1/8" • 1'- 0" 7 COLO U R E D NORT H EL E VA TI O N P- 6 . 1 1/8" . 1•- 0 · CO LOU RE D SO UT H ELE V A T ION P- 6.11 / 1/8 " • 1' - 0 " I I -•1 - I -.. . . . . . . . . II ] II ] ~ Ka s 1 a n ~;. Ku la n A r c h lloc t ur o 1~ W a . 1 0 t - a r g l a S • c r t t u l t e l l i l 5 lnto rl o r D e! . lgn v~ .. . a. c . e a n a c a v a o m a nd P l: t . n n l n gU d T~ tl 3 ' - 1U F~ W 2U 7 10 4 2 0 TO W N H O U S E S 104 2 0 , 10 4 5 6-2 4 0 S T & 2402 7 •10 4 AV E ,M A PLE RIDG E , BC BU I L D I N G - 0 2 (U N IT- B ) CO L O U R E D EL E V A T I O N S DP RE V I S I O N 1' 1 . 0 T O . \ r E 20 2 3 , - 0 2 - 2 2 1DR A V , 1 / Pr o j e c t N u m b e r [ EG A L E As lnd l c a l c d l RE \ ' E Y I E D DP - 6. 1 1 I 7 .. . . . V) 0 ~ N ST R E E T TR E E . R E F E R TO OF F S I T E L A N O S C A P E P L A N S -- - - /S T R E A M ~ / ~ r \: i f ~ ~I '\: \' \ \ · •. P~ I _ I 1f \ ' "" ;~ ; 1 ,~: ~ ~ ~ : J f i ~ ' " ' PL A N T SC H E D U L E AC E R P A I . M A T 1 J M ' 8 L O O O C O O O ' AC E R P A L M A T U M ' O S A K A Z U l < I ' AC E R R U B R U M ' R E D R O C I C E r BE T U L A N IGR A ' D U R A H E A r CE R C I S C A N A O E N S I S ' FOR E S T P A N S Y ' CO R N U S F LOR I O A ' R U B R A ' CO R N U S I C O U S . - . ' C H INE N S I S ' 11 1 F. A . C U S S Y L V A T I C A ' O A W V C I < ' 7 GI N I C G O B I L O B A ' P R I N C E T O N S E N T R Y " II MA G N O L I A K O B U S S T E l . L A T A 'RO Y A L S T A R ' 6 PI C E A O M O R I K A PR U N U S SE R R U L A T A 'A M A N O G A W A ' PY R U S C A L L E R Y A N A ' C H A N T I C L E E R ' STEW A R T l A P S E U O O C A M E L L lA OU R A H E A T R I V E R B I R C H FO R E S T PA N S Y RE D B U D PI N K FL O W E R I N G DO G W O O D CH I N E S E I C O U S A O O G W O O D FA S T I G l . f . T E D , 1 . W Y C K B E E C H PR I N C E T O N SE N T R Y MA I D E N H A I R RO Y A L ST A R M . & . G N O U A ( W H I T E ) SE R B I A N SPRU C E AM A N O G A W " Fl O W E R I N G CH E R R Y CH A N T I C L E E R PE A R 5C M C A L ; 1 . l M S T O ; B& B :! . 5 M H T ; 8' . B ; UP R I C H T F O R M !I C M C . A , L ; B& B II C M C A L ; U M S T O IC M C A L ; 2 M S T O ; B' 8 5CMC A L ; B, B , 1. 5 M S T O . II C M C A L ; 1 . 5 M C A L ; B. l . 8 5C M C A L . 1.5 M S T O GC M C A L ; 1 . 0 M ; B, B 6C M C A L ; 2 t . C S T D ; B' 8 ,t C M C A L , 1 . 0 t . C S T D JM H T ; B' 8 6Ct . C C A L ; 1 . 5 1 . 4 S T O ; B' 8 6C r . 4 C A L ; 1 . 5 M S T O : B, a 5C M C A L . 1 . 5 M S T O , JM H T ; B' 8 ii ~ l i i ~ I t ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ : ~S T R U C T U R A L S O I L L O C A T I O N S .i - - - t - - - - - 1 /j I 1~ // 1 / ; ~ (0 C o p y r l g h t r o 5 e r v e d . Th lsd 1 1 1 1 ~ n g o n d d e s l g n lsU I O prop e r t y of PM G La n d l C : l p o Ar t : h r t e c : t s nn d ma y no t be ro p r o d u c e d o r 1 J S o d f o r o t h o r p r o j o c t s W 1 h o u t t h e lr pc r m hi ~ on . Su !l eC 1 0 0 • 41 6 5 S t i D C r o e k D r i v e Bu r n a b y , Br t t i s h Co l u m b la, vs c 6G 9 p: 60 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 1 1 : 1: 6 0 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 2 2 TO W N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N T 10 4 2 0 , 10 4 5 6 - 24 0 T H ST R E E T , 24 0 2 7 -1 0 4 T H AV E N U E MA P L E RI D G E , BC LA N D S C A P E PL A N )> -0 -0 rr , 2 0 >< (i ) .; CJ ) 0 ~ N / ST R E A M UN : / -- - , , - - -- - ' - // . ti \\ : < I ,; : , , - " ' - ' - ' - " •y ~ ' . \ I l ( - __ , \\ '\ \ \ '\ , \, _ \ \ \, \ \ 'x - , ' \ \ ~\ 1 '- ~ - \ \~ , \ ', \, _ \, \· \ : ' \ '} \ PA R l ( ~ A . ! _ I _ O N , I, J: I "' ; , , _ , j : I .J I · . .. . , . _ , <= _ s r s ; / / 1 ~~ P O S S I B L E FU T U R E : V I I: I V E L O P M E : N T /1 l ✓ ~s T R E : A M SI T BA C K It . I /i UN E : J ~ \t 1 C o p y r l g h t r o s e r v o d . T h 1 s d ! l l ' M n g a n d d o s i g n i s t h o pr o p o r t y o f P M G L a n d s c a p e A r c h 1 t & c t x i a n d m a y n o t b o ro p r o d u r ; o d o r u s o d f c r o t h o r p r o J e c t s v . r t h o u t t h o l r po 1 m u ; & 1 o n , TO W N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N T 10 4 2 0 , 10 4 5 6 • 24 0 T H ST R E E T , 24 0 2 7 -1 0 4 T H AV E N U E MA P L E RI D G E , BC GR A D I N G PL A N DA T E SC A L E : DR A W N DE S I G N CH K ' D 21 . M A Y , 1 7 1: 2 0 0 L2 DF 7 21 - 0 6 8 ., j V) 0 "" " N J /I L 10 4 AV E \t l C o p y r l g h t t o f / , 8 r v e d , T h 1 & d m v . ; n g a n d d n ! g n 1 s t h o pr o p e r t y of PM G La n d $ 1 ; : 1 1 p e Ar c h J t o c i s an d ma y no t bo re p r o d u e o d o r u G O d f o r o t h o t p t t i J o c t s ~ h o u t t h o l t p0 1 m I s & . l o n . Su l t e C 1 0 0 ~ 41 8 5 S t i H C r e e k D r t v e Bu r n a b y , Br i U i . h Co l u m b i a , VS C 6G 9 p: 6 0 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 1 1 ; f : 6 0 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 2 2 TO W N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N T 10 4 2 0 , 10 4 5 6 - 24 0 T H ST R E E T , 24 0 2 7 -1 0 4 T H AV E N U E MA P L E RI D G E , BC GR A D I N G PL A N DR A ' M N O N U M B E R ~1 = 1: 2 0 0 L3 RJ DE S I G N RJ CH I C ' D MC Y OF 7 PM O P R O J E C T N U M B E R 21 - 0 6 8 ri L l I I n - al l " 2: - - a ½ · lt ' . I [l ' l I I I I I I I I I I I ! __ j bl r. L r ,_. J~ I L PO S TI N CO N C R E T E FO O T I N G !! . Q i s : AL L P O S T S P R E S S U R E T R E A T E O T O C S A S T A N O A R O A N O E N D CU T S T R E A T E O W I T H PR E S E R V A T I V E . AL L OT H E R M E l . 1 8 E R S T O B E C E O A R , " 2 ( C O N S m U C T I O N J AL L H A R D ' N A R E H O T D O U I R E O IPP E D G A L V A N I Z E O , AP P L Y 2 C O .. . TSE X T E R IOR S T A INT O M A N U F A C T U R E R S SP E C I F I C A T I O N . F I N J S H S E L E C T I O N A S A P P R O V E O B ' l ' O W N E R 8- ¥ E L L I S L , _j E9 GR A V E L DR A I N ST R I P E9 CO N C R E T E ST E P P I N G ST O N E CO N T R O L J O I N T :1- D E E P ; 5 ' 0 . C . : == = = = = - = - - - - - - - - - - 4M LI G H T BR O O M FI N I S H CO N C R E T E ,_ : ~ ~ : : ~ ~ CR U S H G R A V E L ( 1 QMM M INU S ) i-- = - 1_ ' _: _ _ _ _' .: _ _ · CO M P A C T E D S U B G R A O E T O O S , . S P O ;I I I ; : l I l~-~~111 , , , 11 1, , , 1 11, , , 11 1 ~ E9 CO N C R E T E (S I D E W A L K & PA D ) PAVE R S - - - - - f t .«f / /1 } /d '(ZJ \V ' , ? 4 # If (( & )~ 150 M M C O M P A : ~ : : ~ ~ ~ : : : : : = m ~~ m ~ ~ ~ I - - 1- -1 -1 CO M P A C T E O S U B G R .'D E r m m m m m - I I 1- 11 1 - J I 1- 1 I 1- 1 l f- 1 E9 NO TE: PA V E R S TO BE INS T A L L E D TO MA N U F A C TUR E R S SP E C I F I C A T I O N S PA V E R S ON GR A D E ~ it ) C o p y r l g h t r u e r v e d . T h l,d m W n a o n d d o s lgn l , th e p, o p e r t y of PM G La n d a a i p e Ar c h i t e c t s an d ml l Y no t be re p r o d u c e d o r u s e d f o r o l h e r p r o j e c t s ' M l h o u t t l ' l e lr pc 1 m ba.l on , Su i t o C 1 0 0 - ~1 8 5 5 t !UC r e e k O r 1 V e Bu r n a b y , Br i ti sh Co lum b la, VS C 6G 9 p: 60 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 1 1 ; t 60 4 2 9 4 - 0 0 2 2 TO W N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N T 104 2 0 , 10 456 • 24 0 T H ST R E E T , 24 0 2 7 -1 0 4 T H AV E N U E MA P L E RI D G E , BC LA N D S C A P E DE T A I L S DA T E : SC A L E : AS . > n. . , YV A L6 DR A W N RJ DE S I G N RJ CH K ' D MC V OF 7 PM O P R O J E C T N U M B E R · 21 - 0 68 APPENDIX H February 24, 2023 ADP comments R/2022-ADP-049 Architectural Comments: Further development needs to happen on architectural fa~ade of buildings, including refinement of additional colour palettes, additional detailing on fa~ade Response: Updated. Please refer to the elevations DP-6.11, DP-6.151, DP-6.11 Ensure all exterior doors have weather protection Response: Revised. Please refer to the elevations. Recommend to check environmental setback on west side of Building 15 Response: The riparian setback for the newly constructed ditch on the west side of the property was determined based on achieving the targeted amount of riparian area to replace that riparian area that was lost along the relocated ditch. We used the SPR setbacks applied to the original channel to determine how much riparian area would be lost when we relocate the ditch. The new ditch was extended much longer than the original relocated ditch in order to have more day-lighted stream (116 m long vs 43 m) and to exceed the total areas needed for aquatic and riparian compensation (more than 1.5 times more area gained than lost). We lose 207 m2 of riparian habitat when we move the 240th ditch; but we gain 383 m2 of riparian habitat with the new stormwater channel, for a net gain of 176 m2 of riparian area (meeting the 1.5:1 replacement ratio). As planned, the ditch right-of-way is 4.9 m wide with a meandering channel, so the setback width varies. This is preferred over a straight ditched channel as it provides more habitat complexity and stream structure. There should be a setback of 1.9 m between building 15 and the channel. This is the setback distance that was identified and approved for this newly constructed ditch to compensate for the infilling of the ditch along 240th Street. Recommend reviewing building sides facade to provide interest at building ends Response: Please refer to the elevations. Recommend studying opportunities to provide amenity in a more central location Response: The intent of having amenity building towards northern side of the property is to bind the amenity space with the open environmental area. Also, we explore the opportunity of centralizing the indoor amenity but ended up into losing units which wouldn't be feasible. Landscape Comments: Recommend introducing meander and varied plant material or species into internal roads and pedestrian walkways to increase visual interest and reduce tunnel affect Response: Mews has been modified to not be straight, but with a meander. Tree selections are in uniform blocks to complement the buildings and to offer more distinction for each building block. Ensure Storm Water Management plan is coordinated with landscape plan Response: SWM plan has been co-ordinated. Suggest landscape palette is reflective of and coordinated with architectural palette Response: Plant materials have been adjusted to complement buildings. Recommend reviewing plant schedule; hibiscus are not trees Response: The hibiscus proposed are in tree form; however, they have been reclassified as shrubs. Recommend reviewing Storm Water Management plan and internal road drainage with engineering department to ensure it complies with Tier A Storm Water Guidelines. On-site storm water drainage must be approved by engineering department. Response: The SWM plan complies with Tier A. Noted. Ensure amenity building design is provided in next submission Response: Please see the attached drawings DP-3.151 and DP-6.151 Recommend reviewing access to amenity building and outdoor amenity; provide exterior walkway on internal road side of amenity building to ensure pedestrians don't walk on the road Response: Walkway has now been provided adjacent to roadway. Provide walkway connection from Unit 52 walkway to Unit 14 walkway and further that a potential additional access to 240th Street Response: Walkway with stamped asphalt has now been provided connecting the sidewalks between the units. Recommend reviewing landscape area at firetruck access and providing additional hard surface amenity with lawn to create secondary southern amenity Response: Fire truck access has been finished in grass grid to allow for a permeable finish. This area is large enough for informal badminton or young kids to play soccer. Benches have been provided for seating. Recommend reviewing location of accessible stalls at main entry to ensure safe access to walkway Response: Visitor parking stall 09 has been relocated adjacent to the walkway to the indoor amenity. Ensure adequate light levels at street frontage entry with pop-outs Response: Fixtures and quantity will be specified to meet required lighting levels Recommend providing landscape lighting plans at next submission Response: Lighting plan will be provided by Electrical Consultant based on photometrics. Garages and front doors will all have wall scone lights on a common photocell for the development. Electrical consultant will review the photometrics of these fixtures to determine what additional lighting will be required along the pedestrian pathways. Ensure trees in internal roads comply with required soil volumes and setbacks from overhangs of buildings Response: Structural soil have been added to supplement soil volume in tight areas. Ensure detail sheets are updated to current landscape plan in both amenity area and trellis locations Response: Trellis is shown on plan and corresponds to trellis in detail sheet. APPENDIX I Memorandum Date: October 19, 2022 To: Subject: Maple Ridge Planning Department-Attention Rene Tardif Development Information Meeting Rezoning Application 2020-296-RZ Dear Rene, we are pleased to provide this report regarding the results of the Development Information Meeting for this project that took place on October 18th 2022. This report is being provided in accordance with the City's policy for a Development Information Meeting. A. Mailouts, Signage and Ads A letter was mailed out to residents surrounding the project as per City policy on October 4th . An ad was placed in the Maple Ridge news which ran in the October 7th and 14th print editions. A decal was placed on the sign in accordance with the City Policy. See Appendix A for copies of the letter, the ad and a photograph of the decal placed on the existing site sign. B. Number of Respondents via email or calls We confirm that a total of 2 inquiries from the public in regards to the project were received. One resident reached out to the City directly on October 17th asking for an update on what the developer is doing with the existing houses on the site. Alvair confirmed back to the City that the houses will be rented until the development permit is received. Upon issuance of the development permit the houses will be demolished. Another resident, Amar Bains requested a copy of the site plan to review and decide if we have any comments. The site plan was sent on October 18th , 2022 to Mr. Bains as per his request. Copies of the original email correspondence received is included in Appendix B to this report. C. Attendees at Development Information Meeting A development information meeting was held at Albion Elementary 10031 240th Street Maple Ridge, BC from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on October 18th . Representatives from Alvair attended as well as the project architect, landscape consultant and traffic consultant. There was 1 attendee from the public that visited the meeting to review the materials on display. The individual declined to fill in a comment sheet, please see Appendix C for a copy of the sign-in sheet and comment sheets that were created for the meeting. D. Summary of Comments received There were no comments received as a result of the meeting. Kunwar Bir Singh Alvair Development Ltd. ·�•-mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: March 7, 2023 2021-264-DVP FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer Development Variance Permit 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue MEETING: cow EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application 2021-264-DVP was received to facilitate an Intensive Residential Development Permit 2021-264-DP that was approved by Council on April 12, 2022, to permit a twenty-eight (28) lot single-family residential subdivision. The subject properties are located within the second phase of this two phasE;; development. The first phase of the development zoned all of the properties that are contained in both phases on May 25, 2021. The requested variances to Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 are as follows: 1.To reduce visual clearance at a lane from 6.0m (19.7 ft.) to 4.15m (13.4 ft.) for proposed Lot 13;and 2.To reduce access and egress driveway being permitted in either direction from the point of intersection of an exterior side lot line or a rear lot line from 7.5m (24.6 ft.) to 4.1 (13.4 ft.) for proposed Lot 13. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021-264-DVP respecting property located at 25123 and 25171 112 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: 2021-264-DVP Epic NE Albion Homes Ltd. Epic NE Albion Homes Ltd. Lot 1 Section 14 Township 12 New Westminister District Plan 70166 Except Plan EPP109259 and 114521 Parcel 11 H11 (Reference Plan 204 7) South West Quarter Section 14 Township 12 New Westminster District Except Plans LMP30004 EPP109259 and EPP114521 Page 1 of 3 • (( OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Single-Family Residential and Conservation R-2 Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential Vacant RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Conservation Single-Family Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Suburban Residential and Low/Medium Density Residential (endorsed as Single Family in the NE Albion Area Plan) Single-Family Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Suburban Residential Single-Family Residential (Phase I) and Park R-2 Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential Single-Family Residential and Conservation Vacant Single-Family Residential 1.0 ha (2.6 acres) Lane Urban 2019-425-RZ, 2019-425-DP, 2019-425-DVP, 2019-128-SD, 2020-102-DP, 2020-128-SD, 2021-264-DP The subject properties, located at 25123 and 25171112 Avenue (see Appendices A and 8), were recently rezoned from the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone to the R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential) and R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential) zones. The single-family subdivision was split into two phases, with 55 single-family lots created in the first phase, and 28 single-family lots currently proposed in Phase 2 (see Appendix C). To bring the design that was approved under Development Permit 2021-264-DP into compliance with Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019, two variances are required for proposed lot 13 that are detailed below. 2021-264-DVP Page 2 of 3 c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family developments. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances are described below: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 7600-2019 as follows: Part 4 -General Regulations, Section 403.8.1 b) • To reduce the required distance for visual clearance at a lane from 6.0m (19.68 ft.) to 4.15m (13.4 ft.) for proposed Lot 13. Section 403.8.2 • To reduce the required distance between an access and egress driveway from the point of intersection of an exterior side lot line with a rear lot line from 7 .5m (24.6ft) m to 4.15m (13.4 ft.) for proposed Lot 13. The proposed variances can be supported as they are integral to the Intensive Residential Development Permit (IRDP) 2021-264-DP that was approved by Council on April 12, 2022. This IRDP was developed under the former Zoning Bylaw 3510-1985 which differs from the new Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. CONCLUSION: As the proposed variances are in keeping with IRDP 2021-264-DP that was approved on April 12, 2022 the staff can support the application. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2021-264-DVP. "Original Signed by Wendy Cooper" Prepared by: Wendy Cooper, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP Planner 2 "Original Signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Site Plan Appendix D -Proposed Variances 2021-264-DVP ."Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Page 3 of 3 00 co 0 lO "' N Scale: 1 :2,500 "'" 00 0 lO C\j Legend -stream ---Ditch Centreline ------EdgeofMarsh - -Indefinite Creek -Lake or Reservoir ~-,<a Marsh ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) APPENDIX A 0 C\j ~ \ C\j \ \ \ \ \ I I 25123&25171112AVENUE PID'S: 013-303-171 & 002-267-802 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ____ ....... __ ... _ , __ mapleridge.ca FILE : 2021 -264-DP DATE: Mar 8, 2022 BY: AH N Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 25123&25171112AVENUE PID'S: 013-303-171 & 002-267-802 PLANNING DEPARTMENT -----~·-·-••· FILE: 2021-264-DP DATE: Mar 8, 2022 mapleridge.ca BY:AH Parcel L .. ,,,,,,,~ -----~ ,.,.. ,... '"' -""" ~ .... - (. :;;:,ill, .. ::-lW n-7 II ,, , A,~~i-,, '~---::I ----=474, _, \ 112th Avenue APPENDIXC Rem Lot 1-JJ:N 57 II~ &IV ! Lone a PROPOSED LOT 13 To reduce access and egress driveway being permitted within either direction from the point of intersection of an exterior side lot line with a front lot line or a rear lot line from 7.5m (24.6 ft.) to 4.15 (13.4 ft.) for proposed lot 13. ! i I-----~-'----- "' APPENDIX D ~ 2 '_.!::'.[0~e 1~~'1t-~~~~ii~-i~~9e ~Ff~F---::;;~I To reduce visual clearance at the ...... .1 --.,-intersection of lot lines at a lane DETACH P GARAGE .. E.EL.104.15 I--I 2'(!lo 1,1J P. L. 104,15 io-.,a .. ~ 5 .. Iv; -oj C'\J . ~.vh .. PRINCIPAL OWELLiNG .. ... ~ -t-r"j ('\j --+-.., <l.) <l.) ~ --+-.., V) 0 C: ~ C"-J corner and a line joining points along the said lot lines at a street corner from 6.0m (19.68 ft.) to 4.15m (13.4 ft.) for proposed lot 13 � MAPl.:E RIDGE British Columbia TO: mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 7, 2023 FILE NO: 2021-270-DVP 2021-270-DP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer Development Variance Permit Development Permit MEETING: cow SUBJECT: 11692 Pine Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for the subject property located at 11692 Pine Street. The site is pre-zoned RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) and designated as Urban Residential in the City's Official Community Plan (OCP). The proposed building is five-storeys in height and contains 64 units of market apartments. The Development Permit application is a subject 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Development Variance Permit application (2021-270-VP) has been received in conjunction with this application. The requested variances are: 1. To waive the requirement to upgrade Pine Street to Collector Road Standard; 2. To reduce the minimum setback from a Front (west) Lot Line from 7 .5 metres (24.60 feet) to 7 .3 metres (23.95 feet); 3.To reduce the minimum setback from an Interior Side (north} Lot Line from 7.5 metres (24.60 feet) to 5.1 metres (16.73 feet); and further 4.To increase the maximum Building Height for Principal Buildings and Structures from 4 Storeys and 15.0 metres (49.21 feet) to 5 Storeys and 16.4 metres. (53.81 feet). The applicant is proposing a 1.79 floor space ratio (FSR), which is permitted by the existing RM-2 zone. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021-270-DVP respecting property located at 11692 Pine Street; and further 2)That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2021-270-DP respecting property located at 11692 Pine Street 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 1 of 6 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: 0CP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: South: East: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: b) Project Description: Douglas Johnson Lot 48 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 32547 Urban Residential Urban Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Ridge Meadows Hospital P-6 (Civic) and RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Institutional, Conservation and Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Duplex Residential RT-1 (Two-Unit Urban Residential) Urban Residential and Institutional Apartment Residential Apartment Residential 2800 m2 (0.69 acres) Pine Street Urban Standard The subject property is located at 11692 Pine Street, at the end of a cul-de-sac just south of the Ridge Meadows Hospital (see Appendices A and B). The neighbourhood character is primarily single family and the site is relatively flat. The applicant is proposing to construct a five-storey apartment building that will feature 64 market strata residential units. The building is designed to be stepped back from the single family residences to the south and east of the proposed building. An outdoor amenity area is featured on the ground floor and on the roof of the building. The outdoor amenity area will feature an outdoor kitchen and BBQ, outdoor dining table, outdoor lounge set and other landscaped seating areas. Located on the ground floor, adjacent to the outdoor amenity area is the indoor amenity area. By locating both the outdoor and indoor amenity area on the ground floor close together, the building 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 2 of 6 will maximize the usability of both areas for future residents to host certain functions and social gatherings. All of the ground floor units on the proposed building feature ground level entrances aµg outqoor private areas that will enhance the way this building integrates with the existing fabric of the neighbourhood. The development has been mindful to ensure that existing mature trees just over the eastern property line are being retained. This involved the movement of the underground parkade in order to accommodate the trees. The building also has a generous amount of landscaping around the perimeter of the site that will work to provide a good buffer and privacy for both the future residents of this development and the residents of the neighbouring properties. Vehicle access will be through a driveway on the north of the site off Pine Street, that will lead to two levels of underground parking. All of the parking for this project will be situated underground and the main entrance to the building for pedestrians will be set back off Pine Street. The building will feature six inch wide light grey and cedar coloured hardi siding, along with some dark grey hardi panel. The windows and doors will come with black trim and some of the windows with grey trim. c) Planning Analysis: It's important to note that the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zoning is already in place for this site, therefore, the applicant is only applying for a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit. The neighbourhood is primarily single family in character, with a duplex to the west of the site across Pine Street and Ridge Meadows Hospital to the north of the proposed building. i) Official Community Plan: The subject property is located on the north end of Pine Street, where the OCP currently designates the subject property as Urban Residential, and development of the properties are subject to the Neighbourhood Residential infill policies of the OCP. The Neighbourhood Residential policies state that density is based on the current zoning of the property, which in this case is the existing RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. The Neighbourhood Residential Infill policies also state that residential infill must be designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. With the current development proposal, the applicant has gone through various design modifications, in order to better integrate the proposed building within the adjacent single family neighbourhood. As a result of these considerations, the building is being stepped back on the top floor to reduce the overall mass facing the housing to the east. The underground parkade of the building has also been moved in some locations along the eastern property line, in order to save several mature trees that are located adjacent to the property line. Setbacks along the south and east of the building meet or exceed the Zoning Bylaw in order to provide adequate spacing between the building and the existing homes. The applicant has also proposed a landscaping plan that will provide for vegetated buffers between this building and the existing neighbourhood. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The subject site is zoned RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) and the proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio} of 1.8, which complies with the maximum density of 1.8 FSR in the underlying zone. 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 3 of 6 iii) Parking and Bicycle Storage: The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 requires that the development provide parking at 1.5 stalls per dwelling.unit and 0.2 stalls per dwelling unit for visitor parking for a total of 109 stalls. Residential Component: • 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit x 64 units= 96 spaces Visitor Component: • 0.2 stalls per dwelling unit designated for visitors x 64 units = 13 spaces The applicant is providing the 109 parking spaces that are required by the Parking Bylaw. The proposal also includes 19 short term and 16 long term bicycle parking spaces, which exceeds the requirements of the Parking Bylaw. iv) Proposed Variances The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulatio ns for single f amily development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below (see Appendices D and H): Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 -1993 1. To waive the requirement to upgrade Pine Street to Collector Road Standard. Section IV(B)(s) of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servic ing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993, as amended, states: Where lands are being improved for Commercial, lndustrlal, Institutional or Multi-Residential use, excluding triplex, fourplex and courtyard residential uses, the Street or Streets fronting the development site must be designed and constructed to collector street sta ndards_ as set out in Schedule D "Design Criteria Manual", Schedule E "Supplementary Specifications and Schedule F "Supplementary Standard Detail Drawings" The variance to waive the requirement for a Collector Road is reasonable considering the site is located on an existing cul-de-sac and the additional dedication needed t o achieve this Collector standard would significantly limit the redevelopment of this site. The applicant has agreed to provide additional visitor parking on site. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is varied as follows: 2. Part 6, Section 618.7, 1. a): To reduce the minimum setback from a Front (west) lot l ine from 7 .5 metres (24.60 feet) to 7 .3 metres (23.95 feet). 3. Part 6, Section 618.7, 1. c): To reduce the minimum setback from an Interior Side (n orth) l ot line from 7.5 metres (24.60 feet) to 5.1 metres (16.73 feet). 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 4 of 6 4. Part 6, Section 618.8, 2.: To increase the maximum Building Height for Principal Buildings and Structures from 4 Storeys and 15.0 metres (49.21 feet) to 5 Storeys and 16.4 metres (53.81 feet). The variances to the north side and front yard setbacks allow the building to be moved further away from the single family residential lots. The variance to the height is mitigated by stepping back the building on the top floor along the south and east sides. Stepping the building back on the top floor will lessen the impact of the extra height being sought through this variance. d) Advisory Design Panel: The application was presented at the Advisory Design Panel meeting on September 21, 2022. At the Panel's request, the applicant has provided revised plans and resubmitted them to the ADP for information. A copy of the ADP resolution and the applicant's response is attached to this report as Appendix G. e) Engineering Implications: This property is located within proximity to the Fraser River Escarpment (FRE). The Fraser River Escarpment is an area of geotechnical complexity adjacent to the north bank of the Fraser River from 207 Street to 224 Street, with an area of influence extending as far north as 124 Avenue. Over the years, the crest of the Escarpment has experienced occasional landslides of various sizes and consequences. The City is currently undertaking a risk assessment of the FRE to determine the suitability of increased densification in this area and that results of that assessment may impact the current polices that govern development including the City's ability to support the issuance of building permits. The applicant has been advised that until the assessment is complete the City would not be in a position to support the issuance of any future building permits pending further legal review. f) Environmental Implications: As part of the subject application, the developer has submitted to the City an Arborist Report that details both the on-site and off-site trees that may be impacted by this development. The report notes several maple trees to the south and a long hedge of western redcedar along the eastern property line that are both planned to be retained as part of this project. The applicant has modified the outline of their underground parkade along the eastern portion of the site in order to retain the existing western redcedars along the eastern property line. An Arborist will be on site to supervise the foundation excavation for the underground parkade in order to ensure their protection during construction. g) Citizen/Customer Implications: Public Consultation has been provided through the requirement for a Development Sign on the subject site. In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 5 of 6 h) Financial Implications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated landscape cost, the security will be $205,075.68. This security will be collected at the Building Permit stage, given the Engineering implications discussed previously in this report. CONCLUSION: The subject application is in compliance with the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines and the goals of the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2O21-27O-DVP and 2O21-27O-DP respecting the property located at 11692 Pine Street. "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Prepared by: Rene Tardif Planner 1 "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original Signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Photo Appendix C -Site Plan Appendix 0-Proposed Variances Appendix E-Architectural Plans Appendix F -Landscape Plan Appendix G -Response to ADP Comments Appendix H -Development Variance Permit No. 2021-270-DVP Appendix I -Development Permit No. 2021-270-DP 2021-270-DVP/DP Page 6 of 6 11762 11746 11732 11666 N Scale: 1:2,500 11691/93 Legend ---Stream ---Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek 116B3 11681 11671 1661 11651 11641 11631 --- 11684 11674 11664 ,-: "' w ;z 11654 ii: 11640 LOUGHEED HWY. 11756 11745 ,-: "' 11746 11735 !!2 a: a: 0 ::; 11736 .... ~ .... ; ., .. ..,. :: ;;; . ;;; ., 0 ., "' ;;; ... ~ ;;; N 11e85 11688 11689 1167Q 11682 11673 ,-: 11676 11679 "' "' 11667 ii'. 11670 a: 0 11669 :::; 11663 1166 APPENDIX A ~ ., ,._ ,., .., 0, ~ ! .. ... ;;; N N N 117 AVE. ,--... "' "' 0, .. .. N ;;; -,-- 11688 11689 ,_; "' 11678 11677 r ID a: ~ -., 0, -... ., --NN ,-: "' "' ;:; aERRY 11657 11653 11669 11656 11649 11692 PINE STREET PIO: 024-378-224 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca FILE: 2021-270-DPNP DATE: May 20, 2021 BY:PC Scale: 1:2,500 APPENDIXB 11692 PINE STREET PIO: 024-378-224 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: 2021-270-DPNP DATE: Feb 21, 2023 ~ ■ mapleridge.ca BY:AL ~--------------------------------------------------- APPENDIXC u; i t "' ,-: :a' 2 "' z "' ,,.- w :"i ::, ~ "' ~ n. n. c)i w 0 ~ .... tr ! 0.. u; ft i 0 0 w ::, d <I) • !a i i ... --... ~-=::-... ,, ,,-t::::::---..... ===!:'.t'=::--~:_:_:_:_:_:__s.L:::.~~~~Sf~;l_f:.'.a~~:+!:+;:#c;~;;-"."::.l:-:::::--"2~-~-f'a~~:-4N~~~\ \ / / "/ .: / ),. r'--+-,----'--"-''---'---ib..-'r...;,,~~;""'5,""-.:,;.:'----'~--.r-+.~-'-'--~--~---"---'-'-+-+-''-'-"-='~,-C //~ : ~\ ~ ~ --/ \ :, ·. \ ',....,_. __ ,~ ... .L33tl1S 3Nld e I( ) 0 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ' !i ~ ~ Va r i a n c e to re d u c e th e fr o n t ya r d (w e s t ) se t b a c k fr o m 7. 5 me t r e s do w n to 7. 3 me t r e s . f-w w 0: : : f-C/ ) w z a: @ SI T E PLA N. 2. 1 1 / 1" • 10 ' - 0 " e r- - '< t ' <O st ' @ lt W% ~ L. : : J ,:c f: -- - - - - - - - !? . . --- - - - - - - Va r i a n c e to re d u c e th e in t e r i o r si d e ya r d (n o r t h ) se t b a c k fr o m 7. 5 me t r e s . MA I N FL O O R RE A : 10 4 7 . 5 0 SQ M .. \~ _,, ,: ; " - , '\ \ \ \ . ~ 19 7 . 2 5 ' (6 0 . 12 m) ., , , . . , , . - - -- - // ~ / \ l '" ' - 'tf / ~ ~ "" " - - -- -- ~ -, \ " ;\ ) \ ": ~ -- I ~\ 1 I ,", _ ~ \ I \ .. '\ ,! 1\ / I '- V-1 V ,)' \'/ \ / :; t , } -.-. : , . : : / . .. - ' / / ' I _,, , , , : ,_, / / -- Ka s 1 a n ,. , ~ K3 s lan Ar c h lt t ct u re l~ l l 0 W u 1G, o r p n u 1 ,su 1 1 , m s ~n n ~ r~;~n ~ ~ : ~t d s: ~ ~ c ~ c ~ ~~i : : 116 92 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P LE RI D G E , BC SI T E PL A N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S 22 - 0 7 • 2 7 DP - 2 .11 > "' C "" O rr , z 0 >< 0 11 6 9 2 - P I N E ST . It ST R E E T S C A P E ELEV ATI O N DP - 2 .1- o / 118 " • 1'-0 " Va r i a n c e to in c r e a s e th e bu i l d i n g he i g h t fr o m 15 me t r e s an d 4 stor e y s to 16 . 4 me t r e s an d 5 st o r e y s . :1t I - I I I I 11 6 8 4 - P I N E ST . NO T E : AD J A C E N T PR O P E R T Y DI M E N S I O N S AR E AP P R O X I M A TE. 1t : Ka s 1 a n ~~ Kn s \ a nA r c h lt t d u r t ln tu lor D e s: l gn and f ' l ann lng l t d t5 0 0 W n t a . . , p , : i h e l , ~ 1 1 U 5 V1 1 1 u w 1 r , BC C l n . l : u V f Q 2 U TG l M t l l ( H 5 , G l M U l : : 1 7 1 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P L E RIDG E , BC ST R E E T S C APE EL E V A TIO N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N DP - 2 . 1 4 8 APPENDIX E s Cf) Q_ 0 0:: 0 LL 0 w :::i Cf) ~ 1 1 69 2 RE S I D E N T I A L AP P A R T M E N T 1 1 69 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC Ka s 1 a n ~ i DA T A SH E E T SH E E T IN D E X CO N S U L T A N T S ;. ~ ~ " , 1~ = , ' . . ~ i ! ; : , : ' . " · ,. E 5 D ' ; . " " " ' " ~ , . , . . . . E N T S~ E E T N O . AR C ~ I T E C T I J R A L A~ = : • A R C ~ I T E C T U R E 11 Ku l a n A m , l l a c l U r w =. = : : : : - . : ; . '" ' ln t s r t o r D e a l g n TI I C W l l l l ◄ mF 0 0 4 1 1 4 3 l l l 1 l~e o . o . ~ ct ! s C R i l 5 n o N AD P - 0 OO ' D VI E U / IN T E R I O R 0- . . S IGN AN D PL A N N I N G L 1D an d Pl a n n i n g Ud im N I N Q RM - . 2 . ' 15 0 0 WE S T GE O R G IA ST R E E T , SU I T E 16 & 5 ~' n O N A J E A 13 1 4 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ = t ! = ~ -; ~:!! , ~: : _L_ _ ,. = , ~= ·I ;~ ; t :~ ~ ~ - ~ E E T ~: : ~ : : ~ : : N A D A V 6 G 2 Z h SI T E PL A N ,Q L J t ' · l , l l t' A t < O < . A D E R. O O R PL A N • I au -F l i i l i ' ,a . ' " f 5 24 2 7 ~~ -~-~ 1 ~ ME T E R -- - . . ; o - 7. 4 ( ) - ?~~ 1- r H l l l D .. - L : O i O R : .AP ' t E A .. . . oU R i R FL O O R AR E A 1F f i - i FL i . ' . x S A A A l i 16 .. . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . . . . .. . . ~.~~ = ·• .. . . . I •• • • • • • ••• NU M l ! I E R O F U N T S 1- S E O R M f& 2 " ) h OF ~T A L u, , , r f " T S 1; ? - B E D ~ OF TO T A L UN I T ' S 1 ,, .. . . ~F O R F S A f E X a . . . . -r r , s . a _,_.. . _ .. . ~~ : F. A. 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J M B e ' R OF UN f ' T ' S Pf l t O P O G & D NL M B E R OF UN I T S PE R AC R E (N E T Sr T E A~ NL & A B E R OF u, . , n ' S ~ _ R _ A C R E (G R O S & Sr T E AJ I I E A ) NU M ~ § _ R OF _u ~ PE R 1- E C T A R E (G R O S S sr r e AR E A ) lN T C . .. e: t f ' L O O R ~ N. 1 5 0 I L I J_ J_ J_ I J. J . AD P - 2 . 1 3 PA R K A D E FL O O R PL A N • 2 AD P - 3 . 1 I MA I N FL O O R PL A N AD P - 3 .2I SE C O N D FL O O R PL A N AD P - 3 . 3 I TH IRD FL O O R PL A N AD P - 3 . 4 I FO J R T H FL O O R PL A N AD P - 3 . 5 I RF T H R. O O R PL A N AD P - 3 . 6 I RO O F PL A N AD P - 4 . 1 I BU I L D I N G SE C T I O N DP - 4 .D BU I L D ING SE C T ION AD P - 5 . 1 1 BU I L D ING 8. E Y A T I O N S AD P - 5 .D BU I L D I N G 8. E Y A T I O N S AD P - 6 . 1 1 CO L O R E D 8. E Y A T I O N AD P - 6 . D CO L O R E D aE Y A T I O N AD P · 1 . 1 1 SI G N A G E DE T A I L PR O J E C T SI T E _.. . , _ DO U G L A S R. Xl ~ N S O N AR C H I T E C T Ll D . •3 ~ 1 WE S T 3R D . 5 T . NO R ~ VA N C O U V E R , BC Vl P 3~ PM . /6 0 4 ~ 3 3 & 1 FA X . /6 0 4 ~ ! 1 B - - 0 2 n B1 A I L , d0 U 9 - . ] o h ~ n e k a l . , n . c o 1 1 LA N D S C A P E A~ I T E C T M2 "2 2 0 - 2 6 LC R N E M8 ! 1 5 Y3 M 3L1 FA X , 6 0 4 . 55 3 . 0 0 ◄ 5 B1 A I L 1 of T l ~ n 2 I a . c o i n VI C I N I T Y MA P -- i _. , - - - ' 48 .. . . . -- - - - - 9 ( p 32 5 4 7 11 6 9 1 / 9 3 ) __ _ ,/ _ __ w1~16~ 2 ~ -- - 1 -- - - 8 11 6 8 3 92 '- - 4 - ~~ ~ ~ ._ 1_1G _ 8 4 _ ·- · /1 61 I O> l/ ) 7 93 co 1' i 11 6 7 4 <O i- n : - - - - me r 11 6 64 l/ ) 94 M 6 t- ' !l . rn 11 6 5 1 IU 11 6 5 4 5 ~ L~. n 95 :: . ; . . : i - VI C I N I T Y MA P ~ -- ~ PR O J E C T s7 : e ~~ ~ 5 ~ ,& • l" O l ' t E 2 1 " &L E l l ' V ~ TJ -¾ ·i =_ ! ~ l' O f l t : : ~ H1•* 1 M -+ - ~~ -ir ~ ~~ ~~ E W Tl t l S O A A W I H Q . M . A H J N S T I M I E H T C F ! I B M C f , 1 5 l l £ PA O P E I I T T ' O F W I A H AA C H I T E C J U R E I H T E R I O R O E S I Q N A N D P I . . A l , , t . D r , ' O L T i l . T H E C O P l ' R l l l K l ' I N T H E ! W . l f af l N O R f S E R V E t l T O T H E l l N O R f P R O D U C T I O H l 5 A L L . O W E D W I T l 1 0 1 / T T t i E ~O F i u . : u . N A A O m e r u R E O O E R I O R D E S O / N I O P \ N r , l , : O C . LT D AN D 'l l t 1 E H t . W ) f . l . t ' J S T I E A A t T S w . . t l E. TI I I S D A A W I N G I S H0 T T 0 1 1 f ; : S C A l f l l .Tl £ C0 N T R A C T O R l! I TO V E R n D " - I E J i S I O H S OO Q . \ T A l m m ti ~ Yf f l H M C O N D m o t e Q N !I J I ! : NI O I S R 6 1 ' 0 N S l a L ! F a t RC f ' O l n t l , j ! i N f ' f O I S C R D ' A N C Y I D W W I A R C H I T t C T U J I C I N f ' E R O t D f S U l N M ' O l' I . A H H I H O L T O F O R A D . I J ! T U O O . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 116 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , B C DA T A SH E E T IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N 72 2 0 5 8 Pl O T Q f . T E 20 2 2 - 0 7 - 2 7 1DR A W N CB NT S 1- >S DP - 0 . 0 1 17 E :g :: : : ~ • ·· · · - ~ ··· . __ :_ 1 1-w w a: I-C/ ) w ·z 0: : : r; ' \ , s1 T E P L A N . · 1- : i " i ] 1· - 10·-o · 'e Y E 0 ·• · ,, , . . /, , , - - -- -' : : \ I 1 !; ) t :: , cs, _.. , n I I I I \ __ . : " ' ! C: , ;; " o ! ' > :1 -- - - I· -• ~ -· 1 r_, , , , _ •~ « _ t .. ,. . , . ~ ► s~ • ·~· / / I I ! . . .. . df . : .. ) c. '' . C' . 0 ; 1 / ;?. , ; ; ; ; ':_ -~~ > -"; 7 ~ I . to : i 9 rt \ ) I ,e - ~ -t·,, c. -~ -'. 2- > - - ; :; _ >;; !J k , ~ ~/ / ~ / / -- 1 : - 7. 3 ' } . . ' 1 . 5 _ _ . .. .- ."' ' i ' -- - - ; ; . , - - • - -h / 7 - , ' / '/ , r / . /- -- ~ ~ ., : ; : - - - • • - •• • _J - •• -: : -~ '' 1 1 / / , /' ,, / __ . /:? ' . 2 < : , 1 I , ,J + " '° . - ·1 0 7' _ , ( c~ I ~- - / . . / YA R D !- -- - - ~ f\ \ · -. - - I , ~ .;- ~.U < V j ~ ~ Y, l I 1,I -- ,\ 1( '· I \ 'I ·1 ,1 .,- ~ .. . frZ ' \ :!f ~~, , , ., ) •. I MA I N FL O O R AR E A : 10 4 7 .50 SQ M , , ~ \ • I -~ ~ ~) v1:'v : 12 - 0 S i)' Y, / \ ~!. ), V i } i! ?>/ · .- · ., , , , ✓ -- IE O F PAR K A O E LO W I I ·' \ _ I I ,,, , ("''(// :-:· ,. ~ - :: ~ ~ ~:~· ·· , :~ -- , .: ~· ,, - - - ~~ -- c - · · t: ,~ ~ ".: ~ r ·~; :' . ~;. ~ ~ ~:~-:~ -~~~;; ; ', · - ·~ a' ~~~7" -~,~~ :: :~ -~ J:f <._ " - ~-~-~ ~~~ >/) -· ' \ ° ' \ \ ~ ~ ~' \ ' \ \ ~ ~ 19 7 . 2 5 ' (6 0 . 1 2 m ) f, - , ' - \ ~ j " - ' \ ~ _: 1 ~-y: ~ 0 " 1 ·; z : s . _ ~ ~ ~ -- - / l I - ' ~ -' · . ! f" \ " ~ ' \ ,. . _ _ _ ,. ~ , - , Ka s 1 a n ~~ Kn s l D nA r c h ll e c t ur a ln t cr 1 or 0 o sl g n Dnd P ID nn l n g Ltd 1~ W• 1C D v l •S l r o • ~C i N 1 c a s V- r , DC U ' W l : I VI Q : z & H OU. SHH ~ FW H K l 2! 2 7 MS O R A V. ll ( . . A S A H l ' G T R I A I E N T O f : i eN r: E. ts n E N I O i ' E A T Y O F ~ / Af 0 1 1 E C IU I E III EI O O R Dt s a r . l l A l lt l ~ LI D, UE CO P V R t : l K T N TH E :i A U E l! E N G Rl ! U M . 01 0 11 - E U . , , i , R. E r r o D t . C m tl G AU. O W E I I W I IH O U T nE PERI I G S l J N Of KA S \ I J , ' A l i O I T T t C T \ J l l r l l f E I O O I I D E ! V I A l l ! l l ' \ . A 'l l ' - NC I Llt l . l J I D Y/ H E UWO E UI. S T II E AR I T SNW E . ~ OAA W l ' ~ GIIO T TO BEOC A L E O . T H E C O ! f f l \ A C T O A t . T O V E R F V O I U D~ At , D O o \ J A ,, i , IEf ) hef l U I Y I II H OE CQ IO l 1 ~ Ql !. I IE. U I D GRE S P O G E L . E F O I I fl C P O f f i t l l A l l 1 015 C I I C P A . l « : 1 T O ~ IA N A R C l t f T ! C 1 1 . A ' \ C l t T ' C R O R OCS O N . u . D ,l , I J l ! , , l l . ( I L lt l rOA Al W S T U 0 1 T . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 1 16 9 2 PI NE ST R E E T, MA P LE RIDG E, BC SI T E PL A N IS S U E D TO CO N S U L T A N T CB 722 05 2 A- 3. 1 1 11 0 DP - ~ .1 0 ~/~~ : 1 ~ T PL A N Ka s 1 a n r ~ Ko s l a n A r c h l b c t u r e ln t t r l o r D e s l g n an d Pl a n n i n g Lt d 15 t l O W 1 1 t C . o t p ~ h f l , ! . u i l 1 11 15 v,n u w 1 1 ,Bc ~ v1o m TU , t C I H U S F m l l l l f l :m l 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC CO N T E X T PL A N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N 22 - 0 7 - 2 7 I- CB DP - 2 . 1 2 8 MA T E R I A L BO A R D DP •2 . 1 @@ > GU A R O / R A 1 L I N G @€ 1 GU A R D / R A ILING @) @ T R I M @@ G" H A R D I S I D I N O @@ 6 " HAR D I SIOING @@ FA S C IA @® FL A S H I N G @@ ) H A R D I PA N E L @ CJ ] CJ ] D 9 != : a l -D 11 1 1 1 1 - Ka s 1 a n ~i Kn s l . 1 nA r c h lb ct u r e In t e ri or De si gn nnd P ! a n n l n g L t d UO O W 1 1 t C l t t t .. !: h .. . :. u i , 11U V1nuu . . r , 8C c . M C . 1 Vt OlU Tl ! J , I H 3 l H ! F t l l t l l l : l T . ! f 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P L E RID GE , BC MA T E R I A L BO A R D IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N AS DP - 2 . 1 3 8 11 6 9 2 - P I N E ST . R. I I I I ST R E E T S C A P E EL E V A T I O N DP - 2. 1 ' \ 1 1/8"• 1'- 0 " TO P O F ROO F ~ __ -- - - - -- - :R. I - I I I I 11 6 8 4 - P I NE ST . 61 ' - 0 1/4" NO T E : AD J A C E N T PR O P E R T Y DI M E N S I O N S AR E AP P R O X I M A T E . R. : I Ka s 1 a n ~ ~ Ka sht nA r c h l t u tu r e ln tl r lo r DH lgn nn dP l an nlng lt d 1, 1 1 C 1 w u 1 0 r o r p . a ~ 11 t, ~ • I I IS V1 n u w 1 1 , l ! C C~ V 6 Q l Z J TI O U I H I O H D U l l :: S l l 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE STRE E T, MA P L E RID GE, BC ST R E E T S C APE EL E V A T I O N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N 22 - 0 7 - 2 7 I- CB DP - 2 . 1 4 I 8 Ka s 1 a n ~ i Kn s l. i n A r c h lt • c tu r e ln t e r l o r O . s l g n an dP 1 an nl n g l t d 1S O O W t d ~ ~ .. ,.:; , , , , : . u 1s v .. . -. , .ec c a n w v,o m TI D U I H H S , C O U l l 2 r : 1 7 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC SC I O G R A P H Y - AP R I L 01 1 DA M , NO O N , 2P M IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N , ~.3 0 · ~ ~ l11 £V E \ '.E D Ch e c l e r DP - 2 . 1 5 I 8 // , , , , . , , , . - - - - - - (i ' i . ·~ ; y r: : · . :" 1 . (. - 1 . '; "; 1 ·\ ~; ; - , ; -- ; ~ ; ,. , . :~ \ T '1 r l T 141 •. 73 14• I, ;, I .. :1 ;~ -- tt r- - , .. i: , ., o / I 4' • 0" 57 j•9 1 1 ? " 23 • . 4 112 · 22 ' · 53 / 4 " l 34• . o· _ ,": _ / 1 I I ! .. - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I .. . . . . . L If . _ _. 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O i lEC T Uf£ DU ER J C » l D E ~ A UD PI . . A N l . t . l C , LID , 1 H E C O l ' 1 f v = . Ml N T HE S . W E BE N G f l t S E I M O I O l t £ 1 J . H O R E l ' f O D t . C I C I N I S A U D . Y E D I V I I H O U l l H E ,£ 1 W G . S & : ; W ( S l ( A S l , U l . t . J O m c n J R C t I T T I O O I I O C $ ' 1 , \ l , I O P L , l . > 1 N N O L l D UI D l' , l t : II I J I. O E U 1 5 T B E . l R IT 5N A . L I E . nt S D F I A V . l l C C l l f J T T 0 8 £ r . c A l E O . T H E C O N T R A C T C f l ~ T O l ' E P . f Y D I I E I ~ OO O A TANO IE D lt f l l i : J I W R H1H E C Q I O l 1 ~ Q IS I IEA l l l 6 f\ E S P O I S E ! I . . E . F O II fl O ' O l m ( l > . l l 1 0 E C J I D ' . . l ' C t T 0 ~ 14 N A A C l ll T E C T U I C II T t : I I C ~ O C ! G N A t , t l ,w o, l l , ( I L TD r ~ . u w s n o l T , 11 6 9 2 PI NE ST . 11 6 9 2 PI NE ST R E E T . MA P LE R IDG E , BC PA R KAD E FL O O R LE V E L - 1 IS S U E D TO CO N S U L T A NT CB A- 3. 3 1 10 le f; l s -- - - - - n -- ; - '· · ~ __ _ C~ " /l 14 1 ' -7 3 /4" 4' - 0 " 57 ' - 9 1 /:? M 23 ' - 4 1 / 2 " 22 ' - 5 3 /4" 34 ' - 0 " e "' ,, , , , . . O> m - DR I VE W A Y __ _. , , " I ~ ~ -- - "' I ~ " __ .. F - - - - - .. e : - ~ . -: s . ~~ o• " " " "' . r- - - - __ J 18 ' - 0 " ~ : -- • • I " - • I :, [ __ l__ _ -" • · . . . 2z - o · -- - - -- - • I '- -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 8'- 6 " 9' - 6 " e s ~ I - - \ ;✓ /✓ t /\ f - " .. . " ' ' ' \ ' \ ' ~ \ \; \ \ \ I e ~ "' 18 ' - 0 " ~ "' I' ° I &J 23 ' -0 " ,,, , ,, ti I I \ ,' '' y r ~~ , \ }' ,>; , _ , ; I ' v1 '✓ / 1, ( ,1', _ ,, 1 y / \ I l\ \. . . )! ' / I \ ~, ,: : 1/ 1 I \ \ , Ni IJ @ I I I I I I I I I e \ •. :,, , s: -i _, / "~ : .. . : -- 1- - -- 1 ( I I I I I I I I e 18 ' - 0 " SH O TC R E T E I 21 • - 5 - s <O ·r 'I ~ I "' I ., I e . 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N l . l ' - O LTD rOA A A U S l \ 0 / T , 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 1169 2 PI NE ST R E ET, MA P LE R IDG E , BC BU I L D I N G SE C T I O N S IS S U E D TO CO N S U L T A N T 22 - 0 7 -27 I CB 722 0 52 As in d ica t e d !° __ _ ____ AS A- 4. 0 1 10 l c, ( 7; T' c: , Tc :, . _ ; ? ( ,i; ~ ! 1 <. . ! c : J It I Nit ! == - - - - -- = i - -- - 1- _- _ @ I I I I I I I I _ ,_ _ -- - I 10• - 3 1 1 2 · - _; _ I : - - r- - - 1 I I I - - I I -, - - - L tt t i t t ! i l " ._ _ . . . , I I I 9' -1 0 " I ,, - - f 7 A ff l l l l ~~ I Mil -t - r- -- i I I I - -- l - - nr . - . - - r - - l i l I -- - - - -- 1- i- -- -- -- 1 1 - -- - - 1 i _, I I -- - -t -- r- I I ! 1 I I I I I ~ I ; -- + -- ~ I Ii . . SE C T I O N 2 A- 4.02 / 1/ 8" = 1' - 0 " ·' . ~ ) ·. _ ,p .. k 25 ' - 3" L ~ p FR F I :. . . 'I 15 7 ' - 2 1 9 /32 " (47 .92 m ) - - - - - - - - - - -- - - : ! 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TH I S O A A \ \ t l G t : . t l O T T O B E ! ; C A l E O . TH E r . . o N T R . \ C T C A ~ T O V E R O ' Y D G J E I O J ~ Ah l l l l A I A h O I E O H E l ! E I I I W I H I T H E C O I O l l ~ O I I S I I E . I . I U l C . I \ E S l ' O I S E l t . e F O I I RO O l ! T t l l A l l ' I O l $ C l l ( P A . l : C f l O K . l $ 1 4 M A I I C l lf T C C ' l 1 . I \ C l n t R l l l l l l [! l , N 4 ) , , [ ) ,1 . . ,, m , n .O L TD r O R A l W S T U O l f . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC BU I L D I N G EL E V A T I O N S IS S U E D TO CO N S U L T A N T 22 - 0 7 - 2 7 1 CB 72 2 0 5 2 AS A- 5. 0 1 11 0 '- t ! (~ ·f {; ; . ' , •: ~ : l , ~- ~ { 0: ~ } (~ l :: ~ : ) ·: ; ) T 'f 10 ' ·0 1 /4· I 9•- 0· I I ±- _ - I I I I .. 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F .1 . 0 0 A 6' \ i 125' -5 1 1 132 " (3 8 . 2 ~ I I i- - 1, d ~ ~ : S ~ ~ ~ _. 10 4 ' -1 1 27~~ ' . ~ [t~ f ~ - - I ~ lit -- 1 - - - _ IQ e . . Q F _ J l O O F 6' \ ~ 15 7 ' - 2 1 9 132 " (4 7. 9 2 m ) ' J ' ! ~ I , - "" " T 4 5 ' - io 2i J ; ; 7 t t ~ I I I : -- - - - ; - j 5 l ~ N ~ I I I __ _ .l l i ! f i l ) s . 1 125 •.5 1 ,1 32" (3 8 . ~ I I -+ - -11 5 . : { ~ 3 ~ ~ I Ka s 1 a n ~ ~ Ka c l a n A r c h l l D C t U r a ln l o r i o r D o s lg n on d P l o n n l n g l l d ISC i ) W o c t C ; o , o r g l a S C , , , a l C . , . i . 1 c a 5 y. . . . , _ , , o c c . a n - u ve a : m TC . 0 - . 1 , I H I◄~ f t. O < l f . a : ! Z l l : ! ' l ' ~D A A \ \ l l t . , AS. I . N t G T R U U E N T O F S E R V . : E. IS TH E PR O f E R T Y 0 F K . C W I AI C r - l l ~ I U f E l l l E f ! I C f l D ~ A I I D P L A ' < ! J ' , , C . l ! O , I H E C Q l l f M i H I N UES A U E l! E N G l l E ! : U l V E O I 0 l l E L I . N 0 R E P R J D U C 1 O 1 GAU. 0W E O W l l l« : I II T l t E PE F W l i m N O f K . l S I I . H A , 0 1 I T E C T I J I C t t T t / \ D l l l l ( $ l j , U l l l l ' V . N N N Q l f f l AI I) "'' H B I U A O E U U S T l l f l l l r T S N . 1 1 . E . TH I S D A A \ \ U l C IO T l O & E S C A L m . T l ! E c . c : w m A C T C f l l S T O \ a ! F Y D I I J B ~ AW O, . I A NO ! W HU I U I Y ' l l l i 1 HE CO I I O f l D G Oi l SI T E Al l ) l. 1 1 £ S P 0 6 l l l E FO I i PO O A m G A J tt CE . Q I C J > .l . "O ' T O o . ! \ , I N , \ R C H I T t C ' f \ . f ! C t l l t l l C I I CI C Hl N ~ PU N ' - 1 1 . 0 L m roA A l l J J S l L O ( T . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 1169 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC BU I L D I N G EL E V A T I O N S IS S U E D TO CO N S U L T A N T CB 72 2 0 5 2 A- 5. 0 2 11 0 CO L O R E D EA S T EL E V A T I O N DP - 6 .11/ 11 8 " • 1'- 0 " 2 \ CO L O R E D WE S T EL E V A T I O N DP - 6 . 1 1/ 11 8" • 1' - 0 " ® @> GU A RD/ R A ILI N G @ @ OU A R O I R A IUN O @) @ TR I M @© 6" H A R O I SI O ING @) @ G" HA R O I S I O I N O ®@ FA S C I A @) @ FL A S H I N G @@ ► HA R D I P A N E L ® D CD D g = -D -- Ka s 1 a n r i K. E l s l a n A r c h l t • c t u r e In t e r i o r De s i g n nnd P l 1 1 n n l n g L t d l~ O O W n t ~ ! : h t 1 , s . . i i . 1 1 U Va r w : a w n , I I C C a n & d . l V • o r u UG U I H U S FC G U l l l l 2 1 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 116 9 2 PINE ST R E E T , MA P L E RIDG E , BC CO L O R E D EL E V A T I O N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N DP - 6 . 1 1 8 r- @@ > G U A R D / R A I L ING BL U E @ ~1 GU A R O J R A IU NO WH I T E CO L O R E D NO R T H EL E V ATI O N @) @ : ) TR I M OR E Y DP - o .1 ] , / 1/8"• 1' - 0 " @© 6" H A R D I S IOI N G LI G H T GR E Y @@ 6" HAR D I S I D I N G CE D A R @@ ) FA S C I A BL A C K @® FL A S H I N G GR E Y @@ ) H A R O I P A N E L DA R K GR E Y ® Wl N D O W S t . O O O R S BLA C K 2 \ CO L O R E D SO U T H EL E V A T I O N DP - o .1], I 1/8"• 1' - 0 " en IC ] D 9 ~ -D -- Ka s 1 a n ~ ~ Kn s l: m A r c h l l l • c t u r e ln t e r t o r D r s l g n an d P ! a n n l n g L t d 15 0 0 W u l 0 . " ' 9 ' & ~ .. 1. :u i i ,1 u, Va n t l l N f l , BCc . n a d l V A O l l l T@ t ~ u , m F~ H l : r : ! f 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 69 2 PINE ST R E E T . MAP L E RI D GE , BC CO L O R E D EL E V A T I O N IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N 22 ~ 7 -27 I- CB DP - 6 . 1 2 8 EJ o 0) I at ; _ <J .C . 1 '✓ . : } Li <1 l- 1 . <I _ - _j <J _ /I A ;. : l ' ,, . , , <] ' . , , .: ' . . \ ✓ .: i <) - <I d. z. ' . ' . \ <! '. : : ] <J 1. 8 m 3/ 4 " CH A M P H E R (6 ' - 0 " ) L <I <! 4 A, ./ f .d <J i <J <l "4 , l] <1 - ' ,f l PR O J E C T 'S <i , 8" 1 N D I V I D U A L M E T A L L E T T E R S - <I d BR U S H E D AL U M I N I U M ~1 /! - • 11 6 9 2 , PI N E ST , MA P L E RI D G E ' ✓.: : i i 4" IN D I V I D U A L ME T A L LE T T E R S BR U S H E D AL U M I N U M _, , , - _t l q: , L\ _,. .C 1 ~ '' < ! / 2 - L' . l /2 - ,( j <~ - , , ' -- <! ' :. 1 · - . - j \ -< . , , ~ ~' - - - - - + - CO N C R E T E SH I P L A P FO R M 6" BO A R D S <! , -- · : : / ., . , ~l _, -4 L: \ 6 /2 <I Li , L' . l <I .l ' . : 1 - <J .d , /2 <J .. L 1 8 ~~ : ~ : . G E DE T A I L Ka s 1 a n Ka s l a n At c h l t r d u r e mo w o t a . ~ s h e t . 5 U l l • 1 U 8 5 ~n n ~ ~ ~ ~ : i ~ I : ~ ~= ~ ! ~ ~ • G ~ ~ ~ : 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST . 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E ' , BC SI G N A G E DE T A I L IS S U E D FO R DP SU B M I S S I O N 22 - 0 7 - 2 7 I- CB 3" = r- 0 ~ DP - 7 . 1 1 I 8 )j Q I J ; , _ -L A N D S C A P E PR E P A R A T O R Y HO R I < AN D CO N S T R U C T I O N HITH / N AN D IN DI R E C TL Y AO J A C - E N T TO AN Y TP Z HI L L RE G U I R E LO H IM P A G T ME T H O D S AN D MA T E R I A L S TO BE U5 E O TO MI T I G A T E RO O T AN D 50 / L IM P A C T S . AL L su c . H HO R K S AR E TO BE CO O R O I N A TE O H/ T H mE PR O J E C T AR B O R /ST IN AD V A N C E OF CO M M E N C I N G TH E M , AN D 9. I P E R V I S E D AT TH E DISC R E T I O N OF mE PR O J E C T AR B O R /ST IN Ae c o R D A N C E H/ TH AR B O R I W ! . 1 1 J R A L BE S T MA N A G E M E N T PR A C T I C E S . MI N / H I M 48 HO U R S NO T I C E FO R SI T E \1 1 5 / T. - CO N TAC T LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T AN D AR B O R / S T IN OR D E R TO RE Y / E H mE 50 / L DE P T H S FO R Fl . A N T I N G HI T H I N _ I H E TP Z ; f' R I O R TO PL A C E M E N T OF GR O H / N G ~ / U M . DO NO T Al TJ : R GR A D E S NO R AD P '2 9 1 1 AR Q I J N P JR E f 5 A TH I N 3" LA Y E R OF BA R K MU L C H CA N BE SP R E A D IN OP E N AR E A S IF NE E D E D . OR , PO C K E T PL A I T T • I PD T. MA I N T A I N A 10 ' DI A M E T E R NO PL A N T I N G AR E A FR O H CE N T R E OF TR l ! N K . OR , 5 IHP L Y LE A V E A5 15 . 00 NO T SP R E A D HI L D MI X A5 IT MA Y CO I T T A I N HE E D GR A S S E S . - PR O J E C T AR B O R I S T t- 1 / S T BE ON SI T E TO SI J P E R V I S E AL L CO N S T R U C TIO N AN D PL A I T T I N G AR O U N D AL L CR I T I C A L RO O T ZO N E AR E A S . CO N T R A C T O R t- 1 / 5 T GI V E AR B O R I S T 48 HO U R S IN AD V A N C E NO T I F I C A T I O N . HA N D DI G PO S T S , HI T H AR B O R I S T ON SI T E TO RE V I E H IH P A C T , IF NE C E S S A R Y , AD . . l ! S T LO C A T I O N OF PO S T S MA 5 5 F/ . . A N T I N G OF NA T I V E UN O E R S T O R Y TR E E S , PO C K E T PL A N T E D HI T H / N TP Z . AC 1 1 J A L LO C A T I O N TO BE DE T E R M I N E D BY AR B O R / S T TO AV O I D LA T E R A L TR E E RO O T S TR E E PR O T E C T I O N BA R R I E R TO RE M A I N IN PL A C E UN T I L CO N S T R U G T I O N 15 CO M A £ f c AN D UN T I L SU B S T A N T I A L CO M P I . . E T 1 0 N RE Y / E H . LA N O S C A P E R TO RE M O V E ON E PA N a ON L Y FO R AC C E S S AN O UN D E R 51 / P E R \ I I S I O N Of CO N S U L T I N G AR B O R / S T . TR E E BA R R I E R TO BE RE I N S T A T E D ON G E LA N D S C A P E CO N S T R U C T I O N CO M P L E T E HI T H I N TR E E PR O T E C T I O N ZO N E . AR B O R / S T SU P E R V I S I O N RE G U / R E O FO R AN Y HO R K HI T H I N 5 ME T E R S Of TR E E BA R R I E R AL L LA N D S C A P E AR E A S - T O - B E AU T O M A T I C A L L Y IR R IGA T E D HI T H DE S I G N BU I L D AU T O M A T I C IR R / 6 A T I O N SY S T E M . SH O P DR A H IN6 TO BE PR O \ I I D E O TO LA N O S C A P E AR C H I T E C T FO R RE Y / E H PR I O R TO IN S T A L L A T I O N . IN AL L TP Z AR E A ON S I T E AL L IR R I G A T I O N SY S T E M 15 TO BE DR I P ST R I P ON L Y NO TR E N C H I N G _ AL L O H E O NO T E , NO EX C A V A T I O N OR FI L L I N G AL L O H E O HI T H / N TP Z . 9. J P E R \ 1 1 5 / 0 N FR O M PR O J E C T AR B O R / S T 15 RE G / U I R E O \_ _ ~ ~ "' ' \ f-w w Ci f-0, w z 0: : : ft \ ~ 8 8 OU T D O O R DI N I N & TA B U " AN D BE N C H E S HA R P O /I C , " BY LA N D 5 G A P E FO R M S PL A N T SC HED U L E - TR E E S GR O U N D F L O O R M2 JO B NU M B E R : 21 02 4 KE Y QT Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E CO M M O N NA M E PL A N T E D SI Z E / RE M A R K S TR E E ~5 AC E R PA L H A TU H JA P A N E S E MA P L E 5G H GA L < . O O G M ; Bl B 13 GE R G I D I P H " l ' L L l / 1 1 JA P O N IG U H KA T5 V R A TR E E oG H GA L l. l l H ST D ; BI B I MA G N O L I A 50 . . \ . A N G IAN A SA U C E R HA G N O L I A 5G H CA L , l. l l H ST D ; BI B _\ q 5T Y R A X JA P O N I C U S JA P A N E S E SN O H B E L L 4G M CA L l , 5 0 M ; BI B NO T E S , ' PL A N T SI Z E S IN TH I S LI S T AR E SF E < ; I F I E D AC C O R D I N 6 TO TH E BC LA N D S C A P E ST A N D A R D , LA T E S T ED I T I O N . CO N TAI N E R SI Z E S SP E C I F I E D A5 PE R CN T A STAN D A R D S . BO T H PL A N T SIZE AN D CO N T A I N E R SI Z E AR E TH E MI N IMl l 1 1 AC C E P T A B L E SIZE S . ' RE F E R TO SP E C I F I C A T I O N S FO R DE F I N E D CO N T A I N E R ME A 5 U R E M E N T 5 AN D OT H E R PL A N T MA T E R I A L RE G U IRE M E N T S . ' SE A R C H AN D RE V I E H , MA K E PL A N T MA T E R I A L AV A I L A B L E FO R OP T O N A L RE V I E H BY LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T AT SO v l < C E OF SU P P L Y . AR E A OF SE A R C H TO IN C L I D E LO H E R MA I N L A N D AN D FR A S E R VA L L E Y . • 5U B S T l 1 1 J T ION 5 , OB T A I N HR I T T E N AP P R O V A L FR O H TH E LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T PR I O R TO HA K I N 6 AN Y 5U B S T l 1 1 J T I O N 5 TO TH E SP E C I F I E D MA T E R I A L . UN A P P R O V E D 5U B 5 T l 1 1 J T I O N 5 HI L L BE RE . B ; T E D . AL L O H A HI N I M l l 1 1 OF FIVE DA Y S PR I O R TO DE L I V E R Y FO R RE G U E 5 T TO 5U B S T I T \ J T E SU B S T I T \ / T I O N S AR E SU B J E < : . T TO BC LA N D S C A P E ST A N D A R D - DE F I N IT I ON OF CO N D I T I O N S OF AV A I L A B I L I T Y . AL L PL A N T MA T E R I A L MU S T BE PR O V I DED FR O M CE R T I F I E D DI S E A S E FR E E NU R S E R T . PR O V I D E CE R T I F I C A T I O N UP O N RE Q U E S T . M' i P P : ¥ ; , A P E I f© P fi : B Q ' f ? f l 02 8 8f i l CE . i l l 6: E l i: : = : : J ~ ~ a. . A 5 5 1 ' C 5 T N C J I I R D 5 E R I E 5 AO O O T 5 F O S D w r < a < r n ' =· £ l x ~ P! A Z Z A S E R J E S n ' P E " I AB B 0 1 = w r < a < E T E r= ~ i • ~A ~ 5 L A 8 ~= 5/ Z E , 2' 4 " X 2 4 ' X2 '. ~= " - 5T A Q : : B : : I B O N D ff l K i : { N f i [ f € : R f 2 § R W , . P f l O O f l '4 2 ' HT , J - b o o P l a : : E f ' f f i , t ; E A/ B N t n . . ! S f I ff f l P f? B Q . « ? f l QQ R □ ~ ◊ OJ J IQ D I Q 6R E ! : N T J 6 l R T ' P P - 5 G - : ! 6 a. e E R M T E R S '6 ' 1 < " 6 ' 1< ' 6 " CO ' . . . . a . R . H A T T E B I . A a cv r o o o R l l 8 < G H BY H A f t . l H Ct l T D c X ) R T A a . E S W C H A I R S KO N T O L R G O U . E C T I ~ B r ' H . A 6 U N Lc : : f f l S E O l l ' T t : I O O R 5 0 f A 5 5c T CJ CV l ' D O ( ; ; I R Dl ~ 1 N 5 TA B L . E A I O D D DD □ .= f r . , . e r L . A t O S C A P E F O R N S CT I ~ □ ls t f i l @ ~ CH A l 5 E U W 5 E 12 0 5 E R J E S B Y M A 5 i . J N CU S T C H G l P ~ ee l C f - i ~ T O P CO C H R A N L. . G \ t i 6 E G H A I R BY ~ " ' " ' " ' 5 C: V J ' I X ) : : ; ) R K I T C l - f : : N B ' f CL / f N T IO C o P T • l& ll t •e ~" " " '° " · Th i ~ c: , a .. lnc in c l oe , J r n 1, th e Pf O p , : r t y o l M l U n d ! a p , : A t c : h i l t c t : and m a r n o t b e nt ~ r o d u t t " d a r v u d fa r a 1 hf f p r a J ~ r n w tl1 1au: :M lrp ~ n n l ~ i l o n . M2 LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T U R E #2 2 0 - 26 L orn e Me w s Ne w We s t mi n st e r , Brit i s h Col u mb i a V3M 3 L7 Tel: 604 . 553 . 0 0 4 4 Fa x : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 5 Ema i l: of f i c e @ m2la. c o m ~ ;1 i : = 1 _ , , , , : . : , : , , . . . . . , , . J : : 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC TR E E PL M GR O U N D FL O l > "1 J 21 0 2 ~ /rY ~ . z p I M2 l A P R O J E C T NU M B ~ R : '1 J rn 2 0 >< ,, PL A N T SC H E D U L E - TR E E S LE _ V E L _ 5 KE Y QT Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E CO M M O N NA M E ~ a AG E R PA L M A T I J H JA P A N E S E MA P \ . E ~ 8 ST Y R A X JA P O N I C I J S JA P A N E S E SN O H B E U . PL A N T E D SI Z E / RE M A R K S 5C - M CA L ~ b O G M 1 64 6 4G M GA L , 1 , 5 0 1 - 1 ; BI B N0 T E S 1 ,~ PL A N T SI Z E S IN TH I S LI S T AR E 5f ' E C . 1 F 1 E D /' I C C O R D I N G TO TH E BC LA N D S C A P E ST A N D A R D , LA T E S T ED I T I O N . CO N T A I N E R SI Z E S 5P E C - I F I E D "' 5 PE R OI T A ST A N D A R D S . 60 1 H PL A N T SI Z E AN D CO N T A I N E R SI Z E AR E TH E MI N 1 t - t , t 1 AC , C . E P T A B L E SI Z E S . • RE F E R TO Sf ' E G I F I G A T I O N S FO R DE F I N E D CO N T A I N E R HE A S I J R E M E N T S AN D OT H E R PL A N T MA T E R I A L RE G I J I R E M E N T S . • SE A R C H AN D RE Y ' ! E H , MA K E PL A N T HA T E R ! A L AV A I L . A 6 L E FO R OP T I O N A L RE V ! E H 6' ( LA N D 5 G A P E AR C H I T E C T AT SO I J R G E Of SI R P L Y , Af l J ' c A OF SE A R C H TO IN C U J D E LO H E R MA I N L A N D AN D FR A S E R VA L J . E ' ( . ' 9! E l 5 T I 1 1 J T I O N 5 , OB T A I N NR I T T E N AP P R O V ' A L FR O M TI - I E LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T PR I O R TO MA K I N G AN ' f SW S T l 1 1 J T I O N 5 TO TH E SP E C I F I E D HA T E R l A L . UN A P P R O V E D 5U B 5 l 1 T V T I O N 5 NI L L BE RE J E C , 1 1 : D , AL . L O H A Ht N I H V H OF FI V E DA Y S PR I O R TO Da l V E R ' f FO R RE Q U E S T TO 5W S T 1 T V T E . 5U B 5 T I T I J T I O H S AR E SI J 6 J E G T TO BC LA N D 5 G A P E ST A N D A R D - DE F I N I T I O N Of WN D I T I O N S OF AV A I I . A B I L l l Y , AL L PL A N T MA T E R I A L MU S T BE PR O V I D E D FR O M CE R T I F I E D DI S E A S E FR E E NU R S E R Y , PR O V I D E CE R T I F I C A T I O N UP O N RE Q U E S T , O! W O O R TA B i . £ 5 K' CH A I R S r- - : , - - - - - KO N T O J R CO L L E C T I O N l3 Y MA 6 L I N OJ W O O R BE N C H /3 Y M A 6 L I N 8X I O eR E E N H C U S E l3 Y BC eR E E N H O J S E ~ Sr r R A X JA P O N I C U S CL U S T E R SE A TI N G 21 0 6Y MA 6 ! . I N _, - , _ n ~ .~ . I : -I . - 2 X 2 TE X A D A PA V E R CO C H R A N LO U N G E CH A I R BY /. A N O S C A P E FO R M S RA / 5 @ VE e E T A B L E PL A N T E R GR E E N TH E O R Y PP - S G - 5 b CU B E PL A N T E R S B6 " X 36 " X 36 " 42 " GF R C FI R E OO H L BY RE A L Fi . A M E tf A S P 5 < : A P E ( E e f f l P M 0 : f f l ? B Q ? R m: : J IC : : : : J l □ ®) Q. . A 5 5 1 C ST A N D A R D 5E R J E 5 A0 0 0 1 S f ' O R V c o r < ; R E f E ~H ~ ~ ~~ = ~ O\ / T t l l ? O R S E N C H BY M I \ G L J N ~= n ~ " : : i 1 ~_ f N CU l 5 1 E R S E A T I N 5 2 1 0 BY w . G U N AA I S B ? V l : G E ' r A B L E Pt A N T E R CO C H R A N LC W 6 E CH A I R 13 f ' I . . . N D S C A P E F O R H 5 ~8 ) ( 1 0 - CJ " ' B C - M2 LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T U R E #2 2 0 - 26 Lo r n e Me w s Ne w We s t m i n s t e r , Br i t i s h Co l u m b i a V3 M 3L 7 Te l : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 4 Fa x : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 5 Em a i l : of f i c e @ m 2 l a . c o m ~ 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC TR E E PL A N LE V E L 5 MA Y 2 ' ! , : 2 0 2 0 L2 CF 7 21 0 . 2 + o 6 R E v f ' E R C 1 r r ~ r . z j : ; 1 I M2 L A P R O J E C T N U M ! I E R : 2f - 0 2 4 PL A N T SC H E D U L E - SH R U B S GR O U N D F L O Q R KE Y QT Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E CO M M O N NA M E SH R J J B I 25 PR ! / W S LU S I T A H I C A PO R 1 1 . 1 5 E S E l. A I J R E L 41 AZ A L E A .. l - \ P O N I C A 'P U R P L E SF L E W O U R ' AZ A L E A , RE D - V I O L E T bO CH O I S 1 ' A TE R N A T A ME X I C A N MO C K OR A H 5 E 1q H1 ' D P A N 5 E A PA N I C U L A T A 'B O M B S H a L ' HH I T E LA C E C A P HY D R A N G E A 36 L 1' S M A C H I A IU 1 M l , \ . A R J A CR E E P I N & .E N N T 11 q PR l J N U S LI J S I T A H I C A PO R T \ J 5 E S E l. A I J R E L • 62 RH O D O D E N D R O N 'C R E S T ' RH O D O D E N D R O N ; 1' 8 . L O H , M A 1 ' M TA X U S X ME D I A 'H I C \ : : 5 1 1 ' HI C K $ 1 ' E H 6R A S S ~ 45 LI R I O P E MU S C A R I LI L 1 ' ™ " 1 ' 12 1 OP H l O P O G O N .J A P O N I C U 5 MO N D O GR A S S PE R E N N I A L ® 24 5 LA V A N D l ! . A AN G U S T I F O L I A EN & L I S H LA V E N D E R Ge I 36 BL E C H N U M SP I C A N T DE E R F E R N 20 LE P T I N B . L A SQ U A L I D A GR E E N BR A 5 5 Bl ! T T O N S 1q q PA C H Y S A N D R A TE R M I N A L I S GR E E N SH E E N JA P A N E S E SP U R G E rr PO L 1' S T I C N U M MI / N I T \ J M NE S T E R N SH D R D FE R N M2 JO B NU M B E R : 21 02 4 PL A N T E D SI Z E / RE M A R K S •I PO T , 4 0 C H #3 PO T ; 4 0 G M #2 PO T , 4 0 C M 11 3 PO T , O O C M #2 PO T #3 PO T ; tl O C . M ; 64 B #2 PO T •3 PO T , l > O C H '2 P O T #2 PO T #I PO T #I PO T ; 2 0 C . H t1 4 P O T #I PO T #I PO T , 2 0 C M NO T E S , • PL . A N T SI Z E S IN TH I S US T AR E SP E C I F I E D AC c . O R D l N & TO TH E 6G LA N D S G - A P E ST A N D A R D , LA T E S T ED I T I O N . WN T A I N E R SI Z E S SP E C , I F I E D AS PE R CN T A ST A N D A R D S . 60 T H PL A N T SI Z E AN D CO N T A I N E R SI Z E AR E TH E MI N I H V H AC C E P T A B L E 51 Z E 5 , • RE F E R TO SP E C I F I C A T I O N S FO R DE F I N E D CO N T A I N E R ME A S U R E M E N T S AN D OT H E R PL A N T MA T E R I A L RE Q U I R E M E N T S . • SE A R C H AN D RE Y I E H , MA K E PL A N T MA T E R I A L AV A I L A B L E FO R OP T O N A L RE V I E H 81 ' LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T AT SO I R C E OF SW P L l ' . AR E A OF SE A R C H TO IN C L U D E LO H E R MA I N L A N D AH D FR A S E R VA L L E l ' . • SU B 5 T I T 1 J T I O N S , OB T A I N HR I T T E N AP P R O V A L FR O M TH E LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T PR J O R TO MA K I N & AN T SI B S T I T l J T I O N S TO TH E SP E C I F I E D MA T E R I A L . UN A P P R O V E D 51 / B S T I T \ J T I O N S HI L L BE RE J E C T E D . AL L O H A HI N I K J H OF FI V E DA Y S PR I O R TO DE L I V E R l ' FO R RE G ' J E S T TO SI B S T I T \ J T E . SI J B S T I T 1 J T I O N 5 AR E 51 / B . E C T TO BC LA N D S C A P E ST A N D A R D - DE F I N I T I O N OF CO N D I T I O N S OF AV A I L A B I L I T Y ' . AL L PL A N T MA T E R I A L MU S T BE PR O V I D E D FR O M CE R T I F I E D DI S E A S E FR E E NU R S E R Y . PR O V I D E CE R T I F I C A T I O N UP O N RE Q U E S T . 1- -w gt o~ i: : : ! C1 L" > >i ) '; j - ' '\ \ ~ \ El ) E ci : l 'S I ' ~ -, - <1 ) g: 11 a 1 1 , < ' d or u~ e a 1o r p1 r w , pr < i J ~ t t : . "1 1 r o u 1 tr w , r pe r m t ~ ~ 1 0 II LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T U R E #2 2 0 - 26 Lo r n e Me w s Ne w We s t m i n s t e r , Br i t i s h Co l u m b i a V3 M 3l 7 Te l : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 4 Fa x : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 5 Em a i l : of f i c e @ m 2 l a . c o m ~ 4/ F m l l ; w 2 1 / i ' , e l ~ : = / , A / I J j L f t 7 A _ J : - -- - - - - 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC SH R U B PL A N GR O U N D F L O O R L3 CX : 7 .. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . . . : . . . . . _ . . . . . : . . . . . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ : : : 2 1 0 . : : : : , - : : : = : : : : : : : : : : ' r r : : . : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : r , : ! : : . . l t : - M2 t A P R 0 J E C T N U M B E R : 2K J 2 4 PL A N T SC H E D U L E - SH _ B U l : l _ S L_ E V E L 5 KE Y QT Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E CO M M O N NA M E SH R U B 11 2 AZ A L E A JA P O N I C A l' V R P L E Sf ' l E N D O ! R ' AZ A L E A , RE D - V I O L E T II C. H 0 ! 5 Y A TE R N A T A HE X I G A N HO C K OR A » S f : 45 L' ! ' S M A G H I A ~1 - t / L A R I A CR E E P I N G . . E N N ' ! ' 24 RH O D O D E N D R O N 'G P . . E S T ' RW D O D E N D R O N ; 1' E L L O H M A 1 ' @ 1q OP H I O P O G O N JA P O N I G U S MO N D O GR A S S PE R E N N I A L 0 21 LA Y A N D \ A . . A AN 6 U S T I F O L I A EN G L I S H LA V E N D E R GG ~ 20 BL E C H 1 < 1 J M SP I C A N T Df f R F E R N 5( , PA G H ' l ' 5 A N D A A TE R H I N A L l 5 GR E E N SH E E N JA P A N E 5 E 5 P i , R 6 E M2 JO B NU M B E R : 21 02 4 PL A N T E D SI Z E / RE M A R K S ll : l PO T 1 4 0 C M t1 2 PO T ; 4 0 C M 1t 2 P O T il 2 PO T ti ! PO T ; 2 0 G M t1 J PO T NO T E S 1 " PL A N T SI Z E S IN TH I S LI S T AR E 5P E G ! F l E D AC . c . O R D I N G TO TH E BG LA N D S G A P E ST A N D A R D , l. A T E S T ED I T I O N . GO N T A I N E R SI Z E S SP E G I F I E D AS PE R CN T A ST A N D A R D S . 00 T H PL A N T SI Z E AN D CO N T A I N E R SI Z E AR E TH E MI N l t - l M AC C E P T A B L E SI Z E S . • RE F E R TO SP E C I F I C A T I O N S FO R DE F I N E D CO N T A I N E R ME A 5 L R E M E N T S AN D OT H E R PL . A N T MA T E R I A L RE G l i ! R E M E N T S . • SE A R C - H AN D RE V I E H 1 MA K E Pl . A N T MA T E R I A L AV A I L A B L E FO R oP T l O N A L RE Y I E H BY LA N D S G A P E AR C H I T E C T AT 5a l < C E Of SU P P L ' ! ' . AR E A Of SE A R C H TO IN C L U D E LO H E R MA I N L A N D AN D FR A S E R YA L J . . E l ' . • SU B S T I T U T I O N S , OB T A I N HR J T T J : N AP P R O V A L FR O M TI - I E LA N D S C . A P E AR G H l l E G T PR I O R TO MA K I N G AN Y 5U B 5 T I T V T ! O N S TO TH E SP E G ! F I E D MA T E R I A L ll N A P P R O Y I D 5U 6 S T I M ! O N S Hi l l . BE RE . . E C T E D . AL L O N A MI N I M U M Of FI V E DA ' ! ' S PR I O R TO DE L I V E R ' ! ' FO R RE G U E S T TO SO O S T I T I / T E . 5U 6 5 T I M I O N S AR E SU B J E C T TO BC l. A N D S C A P E ST A N D A R D - DE F I N I T I O N Of CO N D I T I O N S Of AY A I L A B I L I T ' ! ' . AL L PL A N T MA T E R I A L MU S T BE PR O V I D E D FR O M CE R T I F I E D DI S E A S E FR E E NU R S E R Y . PR O V I D E CE R T I F I C A T I O N UP O N RE Q U E S T . M2 LA N D S C A P E AR C H I T E C T U R E #2 2 0 - 26 Lo r n e Me w s Ne w We s t m i n s t e r , Br i t i s h Co l u m b i a V3 M 3L 7 Te l : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 4 Fa x : 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 5 Em a i l : of f i c e @ m 2 l a . c o m ~ 4F m l l . 3 0 2 2 IS S I D F c « I P fl l ' I :, ~ , : « ; ' t P E P . a T Y ~ I M B l . f ' l ? A f. ) 1 , / :Z , . , , , . s , = . l9 . l e ' F C I R D P ~J C I ~ FF B J H I N A R l " D f 5 1 e i H ~. . J C RE V I S I O N D E S C R 1 P T I O N 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC SH R U B PL A N LE V E L 5 MA Y 2 ' f , 20 2 0 I DR A W I N G NU M B E R : DR A W N : f J N , L4 t: F l 21 0 2 ~ f T T ' C C M ' 1 E N T . t f ) I M2 L A PR O J E C T NU M B E R : 2H J 2 4 =i 1 £ ~ Y £ L 5 . FO R TR E f : 5 1. A R 6 f R 1H A N 65 t m l CA L I P E R I . I S E 1 5 m m f 5 T A K E 5 FO R 5 H A . l l . E R 1 ' R E E S L l 5 E 50 m m Cl ' S T A K l : 5 TR E E ST , 6 J : : J S TO BE AL ! G l 6 ' PA R A L L E L TO S I D E H A L K / R O N : > . 5E T T R E E P L U 1 1 3 . L 5 E 2 R O I J N D ST A K E S , E A G H S E T C > O O n m fl E l . . O H ~ E t 12 0 0 m m ~- - 50 r r m DE E P SA U C E R FO R M E D IN TO P S O I L ~R 1 N ~ ~ t J ? . R W\ l E R I ~ . ST , a . a : : a ; t P T , 2 X 8 1 - 0 0 D E D 0 f ; R RI Y E R R O C t : : : I N l 2 • H I D E P R A I N 5 i R I P ~ ~Q ; { ~ f : " 5ck ~ ~ ~ ~ T I : RO O T BA U . HI D 1 1 1 PU J S 60 0 r m l ( H I N E A C H 5 1 D E J TR E E PL A N T I N 6 DE T A I L L5 J SC A L E , 1/ 2 ' = l' - 0 ' L5 / SC A L E , 1/ 2 ' = l' - 0 " PL A N T I N 6 ON SL A B L5 J SC A L E , 1/ 2 " = 1' - 0 ' Ti o t t r ! , N O l ' ! U J : P . J : : ! i l m ) -~ ~ . . ; = - /: , , , . , .. ,, . , , , , , , , . . . , . , c '' ' ' " ' ' ' " " " " / ,~ ~ , ,~ ~ , ~~ : ; : ~~ ~ ~~ ~. - - J¥ 5 3 1 r ~ ; ; ; : ~ _, I" ' " " '" " ' " ' ' " " " " ' - - - " " " ' " ' " " " ' 1 CO N C R E T E l! N I T PA Y E R S ON &R A D E L5 / SC A L E , 1/ 2 ' = 1• - 0 • '" ' " " TY P I C A L . D f T . A I L T O f f E l / 5 f P F Q Q . f l B ' G l 6 N C I Q W R S f l A a . E 5 , ~D t 5 f N C f f C f i t 5 1 Z E P B ' t . 5 1 f : E f " L - - o c : i 6 . TO P ~ S L A l " S O V T ! ' F . ~ ;= ; ; = = = = ; = = = = ; ; = = = ; ; = ; ; ; , = = = . = , I 7 :: , ~ ~ ; ; = MI R A O A A f N '1 0 0 0 a: , o v a . . s , SJ O E D ) OR Ea . l ! V A J . B , ' T A L T E R F A S R J C RL TE R FA B R I C ON TH E ~ MA . t - U F A C M < ! : S P E C I A C A T I O N ~~ ~ ~ 'A A l l : 5 RE B A R A 5 ~ R I D t S H O O " r n ,I "~ # • - - ; - , \ AN l 5 H E D F A C E o N P A T f 0 5 f O E ~~ ~ P A V I N 6 o N T O P O F P E 0 5 T A L O R I CO H " A C T B ? e R A I M . A R :: : : : - - AR C H f T E C T I P . A L fl l / l L D W f (B Y ' A R C H I T E C r 1 A P P R O X . r D E F ' f H } ., , , tt r D R A P R E 5 5 E D S I . . . A S 5 2 \ . l a ' O N TO P O F P E D E 5 T A L ; R B " E R ~ 1 X i $J J - . , ~ ~ AR ' . : H l l l ' C I V R A L " ' 1 L D I A " •~ E S • '. \ .' , ' . : . ~ . :~ : : ~ ~ : = PL A N T E R 2' HT ON SL A B L5 SC A L E , 1/ 4 ' = l' - 0 " ~ L5 / SC A L E , I' = 1' - 0 ' 42 " HT AL l ! M I N l ! M FE N C E L5 / SC A L E , 3/ e , " = 1' - 0 ' /" " " 1 X D - N ' 1 1 , A f ~~ I C O ! f l o r . , f' 1 E r - 5 R A N E { B T " A P £ . H I T E C T ; O E P T H AP P R O X ) PL A N T I N 6 SO I L ~ .: : : : : : : : . 1 5 = - l • • • 'L • B R A C E 5 A T E A C H W R N E R ;; ] g ~T l ! R A L ST O N E S ON &R A D E ~ -~ ~ · ; t [ , - _ . , 1 1 -- ~ ~ ~= ; ; 1 ·- - - j J L' . ~ I; ,' , I , ' I I_ , ' , ' I ,' J t = = : : . : . , . . . , ' t I0 ' - 4 " 2" X l 2 ' C E D A R r t ' O O P I . . . A N G (P O N O T ' H l ' l " F ' £ C O R N ! : R S ; I I S E . 5 ' 4 : : ) F : : f l . B ' l 6 1 i - l M O Y E P L A P ) 1 eN - "" ' ' ° ' " " " " ' " ' " i, i i & w ~ - - ~~ ~ : ~ ¼ i : . ; r ~ r ~ -- - "° ' " o " ° " " ' ~ ,' 1 L J . t 1 1 t u - ! f L A ~ ~ :,- :_ · 7 RM 5 t ! P G / . ' A D f ! SG , N ~ : § :x : ; . _ , ~ ; ~ . ; . . . ~ ' : ' ? ' ~ - ~~ ~ ~ · · ·- · ~ . . _: .. (B r A A c ; l l i T f C T i pe p - f H N ' P F ! f ) l ( . / t , O N M I 2. .. . . U . ~ J O T D l ' f W O N . V A M Z t P ,. I T T i ' J l t - ' l l . ~ ! l l . f f ~ W f f l l H : l WA . l ? > ~ l < C A - , . . H ) ~ T > . I N . (; O ( , l : U t , 0 1 1 , l , T Q ! " " ' ° " P l l t N l ) I ! ~ TO C W O l . ~ ~ N . P J i l X l ! l t ' ! O 4. Sl O > l " O I C E O l l : a W . ' Z O l ' 0 ! 1 ' ! , " J O F C I . 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Bl " RE A L FL A H E HT T P S , / / H I - H R E A L F L A H E . W H / P R O D l X O T S / 10 )4 2 " FI R E BO H L Lb HT S I HA R P O TA 6 1 . E AN D EJ E N G H E 5 HT T I ' S , / / l + I H . L A N D S C A P ! : F O R l - 1 5 . W H §s s § ~§ § § ~ G - Dn n n n G ln n r c r - HA R P O TA B L E AN D BE N C H E S L6 / SC A L E , 1/ 4 '= 1' - 0 ' 81 0 SE R I E S BE N C H Bl " HA 6 L I N HT T I ' S , / / l + I H . H A 6 L I N . W H / P R O D I X O T S / B E N G H / H L B 8 1 0 S E R I E S . H T H L IC O N I C CO L L E C T I O N Bl " HA G L I N HT T P S , / / H H H . H A G L . I N W H / P R O D O C T S / I C O N I C / H B R - 2 : l O C > - 0 0 0 0 1 . H T H L , '- - - -- ' 0 ID a MA S LI N BE N C H MA S L I N BI K E RA C K L6 / SC A L E , 1/ 4 ' = l' - 0 " L6 / SC A L E , 1/ 4 " = l' -0 ' '· 1 ·\\ ~ ·' : ,. _ ~ :c . ~ ~ GR E E N TH E O R Y " PP - S G - 3 6 SQ U A R E PL A N T E R S 36 " X 3 6 " X 3 & ' I- I T T 1 ' 5 , / / G R E E N T H E O R Y " D E S I G N . C O H / M E T AL -S Q U A R E 12 0 CH A I S E LO l ! N G E SE R I E S Bl " HA G L I N HT T P S , / / H H H . H A G L . I N . W H / P R O D I X O T S / B E N C H / H C L 12 0 5 E R I E S . H T H L ii ~ ®" " ' " " ' " ' " ' " AE 6 f A N 50 ' OV T D O O R FI R E P L A C E HT T P S , / l l - 0 - I H . R E A L F L A H E W H / P R O D ! X O T S / AE S E A N 50 " FI R E P L A C E Lb I HT S o: J i {E j ~ ~ -E E ~ } ~ T= ' E i } . 1i " ' " " " i C : t J ~T i eM A G U N " , n r g " • J ~- MA S L I N CH A I S E LO U N S E CO C H R A N CH A I R S 21 0 CL U S T E R SE A T I N S BY MA S L I N KO N T O \ J R CO L L E C T I O N Bl " HA G L IN HT T P S , / / H l + l H A G L IN. W H / P R O D O C T S / K O N T I J R I I N D E X . H T H L 12 )M A S L I N OU T D O O R TAB L E AN D CH A I R S Lb HT S Lb J SC A L E , 1/ 4 "= I '- 0 ' Lb J SC A L E , 1/ 4 ' : I '- 0 ' 8 x 10 GR E E N H O U S E DI V A CO L l . E C , T I O N Bl " VA N G O W E R SO F A CO M P A N Y " Bl " BG GR E E N H O S I J E I- I T T 1 ' 5 , / / r ! H H . V A N G O W E R 5 0 F A C O M P A N Y " . C O H / P R O D I J G T / D I V A - B l " - R A T A N A I 14 \8 X I O SR E E N H O U S E Lb I HT S #2 2 0 - 26 Lo r n e Me w s Ne w We s t mi n s t e r , Br i t i s h Co l u m b i a V3 M 3L 7 Te l : 60 4 .55 3 .0 0 4 4 Fa x: 60 4 . 5 5 3 . 0 0 4 5 Em a i l : of f i c e @ m 2 l a . c o m 'r , , . " . . ; f " " " . , ~ " " = " " " ' " " " ' ' i " ; . " 3I O! ? U O ~P 5 ! . _ q r r _ C G f f E N T t M ! : ! ~ ! Z t _ ~ 11 6 9 2 PI N E ST R E E T , MA P L E RI D G E , BC DE T A I L S 2 DA T E : M) , ; ( !J I , 20 2 0 L6 CF l ~T D OO R LO U N S E SE T \v H T S 21 0 2 ~ 1 r r c a - t t : N T . z _ , I MZ l A PR O J E C T NU M B E R : 21 - - 0 2 4 ~u H1s g i ~ I I 1~1 115 ~ ~ ~ I" gj " l -j ~ I ~ :m n~ ~"l .,. r, 1'1-g i-:- [.; I LU(.) lQ "' LU 0l /: LU' 0 -J /J)(!j j:: LU 9 "'( :i::CX: (.) ci:LU !;l:; ~ ffi ...J (.) ~ (\IQ. LU ~ ~ 0) "'( Q. p, /J) ;< Ii iE il ~ i ~ ~ "- ~ ! I :;i " MEMORANDUM Date: Attention: Firm Name: From: _as requested for your estimate DISTRIBUTION: Arsh Dhillon Wendy Cooper Ka/Malhi Doug Johnson Himanshu Chopra Twisa Jariwa/a Meredith Mitchell Bahareh Nassiri November 21th, 2022 Arsh Dhillon Wendy Cooper Maple Ridge Jazmin Cedeno for Meredith Mitchell for your information x for your approval Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Bui/run Capital Kasian Architecture Kasian Architecture Kasian Architecture M2 Landscape Architecture M2 Landscape Architecture APPENDIXG M2 LANOSCAPf ARCHITECTURE Project File No.: 21 024 City File No.: Project Name: Multi-family Development Address I Email: 11692 Pine Street Maple Ridge B.C. for your comment EMAIL aadhillon@mapleridge.ca wcooper@mapleridqe.ca kal@bullruncapital.ca Douq.Johnson@Kasian.ca Himanshu. Chopra@Kasian.ca Twisa.Jariwala@Kasian.ca Meredith. mitchell@m2/a.com Bahareh.nassiri@m2la.com for your use Re: Review of Landscape Plan for 11692 Pine Street, Maple Ridge, BC. M2 Landscape Architecture reviewed ADP comments received on September 21, 2022 for landscape plan. Comments are addressed in latest plan Issued November 21th, 2022. Landscape Comments: 1-Bike racks have been provided at main entrance of the building. Refer to Sheet L 1 and L6. 2-Building's main entrance has been enhanced with different landscape features such as feature paving, seating area, feature planting and bike racks. Main entrance has been connected to Pine Street as per new Arch drawings. Refer to Sheet L 1. 3-West stair core has been reconfigured as per new Arch plan and accessibility has been improved. Refer to previous comments. 4-Connectivity to outdoor amenity areas has been improved by opening/rearranging layout towards the main entrance to indoor amenity. Feature paving connects to indoor amenity area entrance . Refer to sheet L 1. #220 , 26 Lorne Mews, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 3L7, Tel: (604) 553-0044, Fax: (604) 553-0045 Email: office@m2la.com 2022-November-21 M2 Project No.:21 024 Multi-family Development 11692 Pine Street, Maple Ridge, BC II lANOSCAPfARCIIIHtTUR[ Page 2 of 2 5-Privacy issued have been addressed for units 110, 11 and 112 by adding hedges between dorms and outdoor amenities. Refer to Sheet L 1. 6-Outdoor amenity has been provided at Level 5. Gardening beds, raised planters, a solarium, seating areas and tables have been proposed. Refer to Sheet L2. M2 Landscape Architecture is happy to answer any questions or concerns, if you have any further requests please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, ~ Jazmin Cedeno for Meredith Mitchell. M2 Landscape Architecture. KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD 1500 West Georgia Street Suite 1685 Vancouver Bri tish Columbia Canada V6G 226 t 604 683 4145 f 604 683 2827 www.kasian.com DON W. KASIAN Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, MAA, NLAA, NSAA, NWTAA, OAA, SAA, FRAIC, Hon. FA/A, BES, MArch DEAN BENVENUTO Architect AAA, BArch, LEED AP BO + C AZIZ BOOTWALA Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, MAA, NWTAA, SAA, FRAIC, LEED AP, MBA WOJCIECH BRUS Architect A/BC, NWTAA, FRAIC, MArch SUZANNE CAMPBELL AR/DO, LEED AP, /DC BILLCHOMIK Architect A/B C, Architect AAA, OAA, SAA, FRAIC, Hon. FA/A, RCA, BA, BArch WILL CRAIG Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, RIBAPart /1 SANJA DJULEPA LEED AP BD+C, TSA, MRAIC, MArch W. SCOTT DOUGLAS Architect A/BC, Architec t AAA, MAA, BArch, BSc CRYSTAL GRAHAM Ucensed Interior Designer AAA, AR/DO, RID, /DC, I/DA, LEED AP KIM GREEN DID ABHISHEK GUPTA BArch, MBEM, LEED AP DANIEL HAWRELUK MArch, MComm, BA, A/BC, RAIC DOUG JOHNSON BSc, BArch, Sloan Fellow, MA/BC JUDITH MACDOUGALL Architect AAA, LEED AP BO + C, MArch DEAN MATSUMOTO AOCA SALLY MILLS AID,RID ALAN NAKASKA Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, BArch, BSc DOUGLAS NIWA BID SCOTT NORWOOD MAATO, Dip. Arch. Tech GOLNAZ RAKHSHAN Architect A/BC, Architect NSAA, LEED AP, MRAIC, BSArch, MArch JAMES RICE OAA, NSAA, MRAIC, MArch (Hons), BAS (Hons), Dip Arch Tech KATHERINE ROBINSON Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, NSAA, MRAIC, BArch WARREN SCHMIDT Architect A/BC, Architect AAA, MRAIC M.Arch B.E.D IAN SINCLAIR MHA.CHE Vancouver Victoria Calgary Edmonton Toronto Doha 06 Dec 2022 202-17610 65A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 5N4 Attention: Subject: Arash Dhillion Wendy Copper Response to ADP comments from the September 21, 2022 meeting regarding 2021-270-DP. Please see Architectural response in blue: Architectural Comments: • No concern on casting shadow to the hospital parking lot. Acknowledged • Apartment building at the end of Pine Street cul-de-sac and all the traffic needs to let out to River Road that will add considerable traffic pressure. Traffic study by consultant is recommended. The proposed project is only 64 units. In our experience the traffic load generated by a building of this size at peak hours would have minimal impact. • Ensure the requested variance is clearly indicated on the drawings for better understanding. Added please refer to Datasheet DP-0.01 • Consider emphasizing building entrance for better way finding. Revised please refer to main floor plan DP 3.21 and elevations DP 6.11 and DP 6.12. The main entrance has been relocated to the South West corner adjacent the cul -de-sac. • Ensure accessible pedestrian pathway is achieved from Pine Street. Updated. Please refer site plan DP 2.11 and main floor plan DP 3.21 • Ensure there is no direct connection from one unit to the outer for security. (I.e. Unit L living room window and Unit K balcony) Revised . Please refer floor plans DP 3.21 to 3.61 • Building orientation -outdoor amenity is fully in the dark in terms of the orientation o Possibility to explore outdoor or rooftop amenity Revised . Please refer to the fifth-floor plan DP 3.61 and landscape drawings. • Entrance is not inviting and lost, the entrance should be taken closer to Pine Street. Revised please refer to main floor plan DP 3.21 and elevations DP 6 .11 and DP 6.12 The main entrance has been relocated to the South West corner adjacent the cul-de-sac. The entrance is framed with a heavy timber element to emphasize the entry point. • Explore outdoor amenity on fifth floor. Vancouver Victoria Calgary Edmonton Toronto Doha Page2of2 Kas1an~~ Yours truly, Revised. Please refer to the fifth-floor plan DP 3.61 and landscape drawings. 5th floor space has been programmed as useable outdoor space. • Parkade to be explored carefully on the east side due to cluster of trees to be retained. Revised. Please refer to the parkade plans DP 3.11 and DP 3.12 • Elevator location to be relocated suggest to bring it closer to Pine street. Limitations with parkade limit the distance the core can be moved and we then would have dead space in the interior corner that will be difficult to utilize. We feel the shown locations is still best. • Unit K balcony fully overshadowed by the neighbouring units, suggest to bring it a bit out in line with other balconies. Revised. Please refer floor plans DP 3.21 to 3.61 • Suggest consolidating the green areas in one location on fifth floor to be more practical and for better maintenance. Please refer to landscape drawings/comments. • Suggest enclosing the corridor on fifth floor for better operational conditions like heated corridor during winter. Revised. Corridor is weather protected but still open.The experience of the roof garden is shared with the corridor. Doug Johnson Member AIBC • British Columbia City of Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 2021-270-VP TO: DOUGtAS R. JOHNSON ARCHITECT LTD. DOUGLAS JOHNSON 901 W 3RD ST UNIT 37 4 NORTH VANCOUVER BC V7P 3P9 (the "Permittee") APPENDIX H 1. This Development Variance Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "Municipality") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to those lands within the Municipality described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: Lot 48 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 3254 7 (the "Lands") 3. Section IV(B)(s) of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993, as amended, states: Where lands are being improved for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional or Multi-Residential use, excluding triplex, fourplex and courtyard residential uses, the Street or Streets fronting the development site must be designed and constructed to collector street standards as set out in Schedule D "Design Criteria Manual", Schedule E "Supplementary Specifications and Schedule F "Supplementary Standard Detail Drawings The requirement to upgrade Pine Street to Collector Road Standard is hereby waived. 4. The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is varied as follows: Part 6, Section 618.7, 1. a): The minimum setback from a Front (west) Lot Line is reduced from 7 .5 metres to 7 .3 metres. Part 6, Section 618. 7, 1. c): The minimum setback from an Interior Side (north) Lot Line is reduced from 7.5 metres to 5.1 metres. Part 6, Section 618.8, 2.: The maximum Building Height for Principal Buildings and Structures is increased from 4 Storeys and 15.0 metres to 5 Storeys and 16.4 metres. 4. As a condition'. of the issuance of this Permit, Council will be holding the security set out below to ensure that development, including landscape works, is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. Should any interest be earned upon the security, it shall accrue to the Permittee and be paid to the Permittee if the security is returned. The condition of posting the security is that, should the Permittee fail to carry out the development hereby authorized, according to the terms and conditions of the Permit within the time provided, the Municipality may use the security to carry out the work by its servants, agents or contractors. Any surplus shall be paid over to the Permittee upon verification by the Director of Planning of the Municipality, or their designate, that the development has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. There will be filed accordingly: a) a certified cheque in the amount of $205,075.68. 5. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which sliall form a part hereof. 6. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted by this Permit within 24 months of the date of Council Authorization of this Permit, _____ _ this Permit shall lapse. 7. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the ISSUED on the day of , 20 . Appendices: Subject Map Plans showing variances day of 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER City of Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 2021-270-DP MULTI-FAMILY TO: DOUGLAS R. JOHNSON ARCHITECT LTD. DOUGLAS JOHNSON 901 W 3RD ST UNIT 37 4 NORTH VANCOUVER BC V7P 3P9 (the "Permittee") APPENDIX I 1. This Development Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "City") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to, those lands within the City described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: Lot 48 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 32547 (the "Lands") 3. As a condition of the issuance of this Permit, Council will be holding the security set out below to ensure that development, including landscape works is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. A Certified Cheque in the amount of $205,075.68 will be provided at the Building Permit stage. 4. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 5. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted by this Permit within 24 months of the date of Council Authorization of this Permit, this Permit shall lapse. 6. In the event that this Permit lapses, the Permittee may request refund of the security described in Paragraph 3, and the City shall make such refund. 7. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the ISSUED on the day of, 20 . Appendices: Subject Map Architectural and Landscaping Plans day of 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER .cl_l■N TO: mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 7, 2023 FILE NO: 2022-421-DVP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Co W SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 20581 Maple Crescent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application (2022-421-DVP) has been received to allow for the construction of a new addition (Phase 2) to the existing lnnervisions Men's Treatment Centre located at 20581 Maple Crescent. The requested variances are: 1. To reduce the required parking spaces for a Private Hospital from six spaces to five. 2. To reduce the front (east) setback from 7.5 metres (24.60 feet) to 5.51 metres (18.08 feet); and 3. To reduce the exterior side (south) setback from 7.5 metres (24.60 feet) to 2.87 metres (9.42 feet). RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022-421-DVP respecting property located at 20581 Maple Crescent; and further 2. That the existing design covenant on Title be modified by the applicant to reflect the new design for the addition to the existing building. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: 2022-421-VP Jinyong Yum Parcel "One" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP37013 Institutional Institutional Yes Hammond Area Plan Yes P-2 (Special Institutional) Page 1 of 4 Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: P-2 (Special Institutional) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Vacant Single Family lots and Battle Avenue RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Low Density Multi-Family · Commercial and Maple Crescent H-2 (Hammond Village Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Single Family H-2 (Hammond Village Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Parking Lots C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Infill General Employment Treatment Centre Treatment Centre 0.13 ha (0.32 acres) Battle Avenue and 206 Street Urban Standard No Yes 2013-021-RZ The subject property is located at 20581 Maple Crescent and is bound on each side by Maple Crescent, Battle Avenue and 206 Street. The property is located within the Hammond Area Plan and features a more modern building on the western portion of the site, along with a much older building on the eastern portion of the property. Previously, the older building was known as the Hammond Cafe & Rooms and Hammond Hotel and is listed on the City's Heritage Inventory. The older building is in poor condition and smaller than needed for the expansion desired for the treatment centre. It also projects into the City road right of way and must be removed. The application seeks to expand the current Treatment Centre by replacing the older structure on the east side of the property with a new structure that will be attached to the existing building on the west side of the property. The old structure on the east side will be demolished as part of this redevelopment. There is also an existing design covenant on Title placed when phase one proceeded in 2013 which will need to be modified to reflect the updated layout and design of the proposed addition. c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below (see Appendices D and E): 2022-421-VP Page 2 of 4 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Part 9, Section 902.7, 1. a) To reduce the minimum setback for Buildings and Structures from a Front Lot Line (206 Street) from 7 .5 metres (24.61 feet) to 5.51 metres (18.08 feet). ' The variance is supportable as the building is buffered on all sides by roadways and the variance will have minimal impact on the adjacent neighborhood. The lot is also very constrained due to its unique shape. 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Part 9, Section 902.7, 1. d): To reduce the minimum setback for Buildings and Structures from an Exterior Side lot Line from 7 .5 metres (24.61 feet) down to 2.87 metres (9.42 feet) for the southern Exterior Side Lot Line along Maple Crescent Street. The variance is supportable as the property is buffered on all sides by roadways, which limit the land use impact on the adjacent neighbourhood. Also,, the design meets the visual clearance requirements at the intersection of Maple Crescent and 206 Street as per Section 403 of the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 and continues the setback pattern of Phase One on Maple Crescent. 3. Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990, Schedule uA", Part 6.0, a): To reduce the required parking for a Private Hospital from six spaces to five spaces. The variance is supportable as the participants of the treatment program do not drive and the staff on site require minimal parking. Also, there is on-street parking available in close proximity. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999; notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. 2022-421-VP Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: The proposed variances are supported because they will cause minimal impact on the surrounding neighbourhood and are required due to the irregular size and shape of the lot. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2O22-421-DVP. "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" for Prepared by: Rene Tardif, M.PL Planner "Original Signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Site Plan Appendix D -Site Plan Showing Variances "Original Signed by Charles R. Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Appendix E-Development Variance Permit No. 2022-421-DVP 2022-421-VP Page 4 of 4 N Scale: 1 :2,500 " ~ t-, en '----'~.i__.:..:~:,____:ij.:1-_.:..:~:,__----'-'-'~ ~ E LORNE AVE ! ~ ...J :fl ·W ...J ~ 11315 ff} N 0::: <( 113 AVE~ 0 ~ ~ ~ w ~ Legend Stream " ... "' "' "' "' 0 0 "' "' 125 -Ill 0 "' ' ---Ditch Centreline Edge of River Indefinite Creek -River ... ... :g N LORNE AVE ,,. 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I~ I I l!ilhi t~ ~ ~~o.~~ e • ~•ii ~ il ~ • I J I ., I / I ~ ~j !iii Ui; i; i~j • !l! / I I I / I / I I I F--- 1 // I I / ,;1 ~ i Iii ~ I / 17t-----==--------Tr,,-:--.,..,-.-JIJ. \ { --\ , ;\ {, /:: ' h ;-----'"""---,P.~-J---- \ ' ; •; 1· \ ; I\ ' ' I '-1 \ ! i 11 . i i J-,1 □ ') \LLccc,-I--__ i_____ U LJ Ji_-~ · □11 / II 'I, ·11li!. i -· ---1~~----. ·i--! ~ !• :~ _l _________ --~--- ~ • ·1n II 1· z ! .. , ·' : I J I : ;§ . ~ XION3dd\f ..... -1 _ r~--~--:~::?:: / r--: · --=( 2orntSTREET II! ~ I ,.,-·. -. , I TREATMENT CENTRE -PHASE TWO I ~ £ I \ I ~ ( I • c! J g ill ·. / ; z '·· · · ,, 20581 MAPLE CRESCENT, MAPLE RIDGE, BC I !'> Iii '!ltif !llfilllll ,, .,1 ..• 1 h ,d.1 d ! u ,1111\!~1 ., i1 !I ,t, -'t if tf1i!i iJ,l,1·Pu !l l, f. 111:j i Ii •l r, ,.. r • ., '" Cl >< Cl z UJ a. . a. . <( r, :. , . K . i " ;;·-- - - - - - - ~ -- JI: / . i '·, .. . . ~ :. Na t ~ N O . . : : t t l M I C W t : C ' i ' r . 1 1 1 .. . . . . . . . -. 4. . Jl t l ' M f D C l ' l f Q f N l m k Y . L Dm . J G J : t l O • C D J C U » C m . t. Dl f f f . t D . T , W , U N f f L 1. D l : l ' T .W M J I I N CO O L D l ~ O O T ' . 1. N t W C O N C , ~ ' ( l 1W D D I D I U . l l . : s c ? C M . D f m . 1t . ED f f .N I C ff J ' M 1 U D f f ' C Q O l t c n o t l tt . ao « : M ' D D l ' t l G l l t D I N U D M L 1: . . a l C M : m r r M l ~ M : I I I I N # D C C M l t C T ' DI S T I N Q G ' J Q N . 1 1 : I N t W l l f N O t D R N N . C. l ' I O f t l D Q A a t . m : C C l l l t C T D t M C A . W. MW I I . D O C n c T M l , t l r C J 1 ' 0 , L l . . , a : w , r - - " I ! aw o , . Va r i a n c e to re d u c e th e re q u i r e d pa r k ing sp a c e s fo r a Pr i v a t e Ho s p i t a l fr o m 6 sp a c e s do w n to 5. DA T T I . E A v e l U E · EX I S T I N G 2 S T O R E Y TR E A l l l B I T . BU I L D I N G · · : :·ai n L D I N G A R F A · · :, . O , U m 2 . . I\ I F E : 1 D , a v m ··, : Va r i a n c e to re d u c e th e ex t e r i o r si d e (s o u t h ) se t b a c k fr o m 7. 5 me t r e s do w n to 2. 8 7 me t r e s . CD f. \ . . . m E _ ! ' _ l , A N __ Q7 ~ PR O P O S E D l ST O R E Y Tn E A n l B I T BU I L D I N G BU I L D I N G A l l f A : 1D D . D 4 m 2 MF E : 1 0 . G D m -} l Va r i a n c e to re d u c e th e fr o n t ( ea s t ) se t b a c k fr o m 7 .5 me t r e s do w n to 5. 5 1 me t r e s . al ! I --1 - _ r. ! ~ -- - ·~v ·-1 ··= = :: : : : : : :: :: ~ : : : : : i Ii -- - - - 1 I j ' : : .. ' -! ~ : ! I : .. . . . . . . "/ 111' -· 1 I I I I I s ~ i .. :: : . . ~ ~ - = = - . , ~ o t c i - lJ L C M l ' r f C : W I I C D C . ( J T A / - . , , . , 1 1 1 , k ~= : ~ 1 : ~ - =: : : .. . . __ . .. ,. . . . , , .. . . . . . . . ~: ; ; . ; : : : : : . - ' " . : . : :: = , .. m. i , , . . , . . . . . ; = - , - i . ,/ ' t , . M , , . - . . U M . _ _ . . . . , , , _ . , . _ .. . .. - . I C ' _ . . . . - , .. . . -. .. . . . . . 0 ~ w u, al ci : s : :: c uj <! I l' l . ~ !: : l w a: ~ I- l 2: w 0 ; c. : , I-z I w :E j ~ w a: i I- JV AR C H I T E C T U R E IN C . :. - , , . . , I U 1 : l l f f l l : f f , I . N l t l ! ' r C : \ 7 ' t ' t c : J ~ :- ;, . · /DQ c u r a t i 4 ! r. : : s . t i . a l au c , o i N . 1 1 " ' 1 . 0 T O O .. :· .. , . ·1 .. . ;; , , . · . - :: : -! =- -- ... . . . ·· ·- - ·· . . SI T E PL A N A1 0 0 I~ I TO: JINYOUNG YUM City of Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 2022-421-VP 8661 201 ST FLOOR 2ND LANGLEY BC V2Y OG9 (the "Permittee") APPENDIX E 1. This Development Variance Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "Municipality") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to those lands within the Municipality described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: Parcel "One" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP37013 (the "Lands") 3. Schedule "A" of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993, as amended, states: All parcels within a proposed subdivision or development shall be provided with services in accordance with Schedule "A" and all highways within, or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development shall be constructed in accordance herewith. Schedule "A" requires full urban services in the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone including curb, gutter, street lights, sidewalk, underground wiring and street trees. 3. The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is varied as follows: Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 7600-2019, Part 9, Section 902. 7, 1. a): To reduce the minimum setback for Buildings and Structures from a Front Lot Line from 7.5 metres down to 5.51 metres. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 7600-2019, Part 9, Section 902. 7, 1. d): To reduce the minimum setback for Buildings and Structures from an Exterior Side Lot Line from 7.5 metres down to 2.87 metres for the southern Exterior Side Lot Line. 4. The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading bylaw No. 4350-1990 as amended is varied as follows: Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No 4350 -1990, Schedule "A", Part 6.0, a): To reduce the required parking for a Private Hospital from 6 spaces down to 5 spaces. 6. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 7. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted by this Permit within 24 months of the date of Council Authorization of this Permit, (February 28, 2023), this Permit shall lapse. 8. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the ISSUED on the 02 day of FEBRUARY, 2023. day of 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER N It) 0 N I-(/) Scale: 1 :2,500 t--~ (') -::;u, ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~-~-~-~--~~ 'E. LORNE AVE ~ (/) ~ ...I (/) w w ...I ~ 11315 ; 113 AVEi Legend Stream >-w ...I ffi ~ " .. ill "' "' 0 0 N "' 125 -ti! "' ---Ditch Centreline Edge of River Indefinite Creek -River ... ... "' 0 N LORNE AVE ~ N "' 0 "' ~ :a 1;l N "' ., 0 "' ., ~-"IL. ·- -~ ;;; "' "' ., C, 1;l 0 "' "' 113 AVE 11289 ., :.<.: ., -<o ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 "' "' NN BATTLE AVE Major Rivers & Lakes Iii cg 0 N Iii cg 0 N I- (/) cg 0 N /BB I-11381 11352 (/) flO Q -., ., ~ ~ f::! ~ 0 ... ., "' ., 0 -~ ;;; ~ u.. ill <o ... rg I- ~ ~ "' <o 0 :g :g 0 11365 1;l 0 0 ~ N N N N N N c:( LORNE AVE Q LORNE AVE <o ;!: N 11339 0 i;i <o "' 1;l 0 1;l "' 11329 0 0 0 ... "' "' :g :g <o I-0 (/) "' "' "' Q ~ 11334 11329 0 11312 11311 u.. I-11310 11315 ~ "' ., -.; ~ ~ 1;l 0 0 "' "' <( Q "' "' ., "' ... ., <o :g 0 :g "' "' "' 113 AVE 113 AVE <o "' ~ g iii 1;l "' N 11295 "' ., "' ., <o ... "' <o :g I-0 0 11291/93 (/) N "' N Q 11277 ~ 11281 0 u.. I- 11Z78 11273 ., 111261 i;i ~ 11266 0 ,2 N ~ 11267 <( 11272 Q 11253 BATTLE AVE 11258 11252 11249 11239 11230 124315 I-11240 (/) Q ~ 11235 0 u.. I-~ 11232 <( ., Cl .; ., "' <o "' 0 120 0 "' "' ~ MAPLE CRES 'l, ....... ------ 20581 MAPLE CRESENT PIO 029-263-298 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I~ .. I FILE: 2022-421-VP DATE: Nov 23, 2022 mapleridge.ca BY:AL