HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-14 Regular Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 14, 2023 7:00 pm Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at:  https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal For virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgment The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes Special Council (to Close) – October 10, 2023 Special Council (to Close) – October 17, 2023 Report of Public Hearing – October 17, 2023 Regular Council – October 24, 2023 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 5.1 The ACT Arts Centre Curtis Pendleton, Artistic and Executive Director, to present annual update. 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: THAT the items contained in the November 14, 2023 Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreement Committee Minutes October 18, 2023 October 25, 2023 November 2, 2023 7.2 Festival Grant Program Allocations – Intake Two 2023 Staff report dated November 14, 2023 for information only. 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7972­2023, 9878 285 Street, Driveway Access License Agreement RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw 7972­2023, a Bylaw to enter into an Access Driveway License Agreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul­de­sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 285 Street, be given adoption. 9.2 Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Service Fees Annual review and adjustment of recreation service fees. RECOMMENDATION:  That Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966­ 2023 be given adoption. 9.3 Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915­2023 and Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 To repeal and replace the Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme to remove the City of Merritt as a participating municipality. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 be given adoption; and 2. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915­2023 be given adoption. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 10.1 2022­457­RZ, 12035 222 Street, Temporary Use Permit Application is to allow a temporary accessory off­street parking use at the subject property. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Temporary Use Permit No. 2022​­457​­RZ respecting property located at 12035 222 Street, to allow a temporary off­​street parking use accessory to the commercial building location at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road, for a maximum period of three years, be forwarded to Public Hearing and subsequent Council meeting for decision; and 2. That following the Public Hearing,the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Temporary Use Permit 2022­457­ RZ,once the following terms and conditions are met: i) removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and ¼" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal; ii) registration of a Cross​­Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; and iii) installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan and payment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00. 10.2 2023­240­RZ, 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street, RS­1 to RM­2 To permit the future construction of a six­storey apartment building with approximately 119 dwelling units, and two levels of underground parking. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967­2023 be given first reading; and further 2. That the applicant submit a complete application, including detailed information and technical reports, for the rezoning, development permit, and development variance permit applications. 10.3 2023­203­DP/DVP, 23532 Larch Avenue, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit To extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DVP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DVP from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DP is to begin from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. 10.4 Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973­2023 Delegate authority for development agreements. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No 7973­2023 be given first, second and third reading. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDANovember 14, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 MinutesSpecial Council (to Close) – October 10, 2023Special Council (to Close) – October 17, 2023Report of Public Hearing – October 17, 2023Regular Council – October 24, 2023 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 5.1 The ACT Arts Centre Curtis Pendleton, Artistic and Executive Director, to present annual update. 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: THAT the items contained in the November 14, 2023 Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreement Committee Minutes October 18, 2023 October 25, 2023 November 2, 2023 7.2 Festival Grant Program Allocations – Intake Two 2023 Staff report dated November 14, 2023 for information only. 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7972­2023, 9878 285 Street, Driveway Access License Agreement RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw 7972­2023, a Bylaw to enter into an Access Driveway License Agreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul­de­sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 285 Street, be given adoption. 9.2 Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Service Fees Annual review and adjustment of recreation service fees. RECOMMENDATION:  That Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966­ 2023 be given adoption. 9.3 Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915­2023 and Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 To repeal and replace the Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme to remove the City of Merritt as a participating municipality. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 be given adoption; and 2. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915­2023 be given adoption. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 10.1 2022­457­RZ, 12035 222 Street, Temporary Use Permit Application is to allow a temporary accessory off­street parking use at the subject property. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Temporary Use Permit No. 2022​­457​­RZ respecting property located at 12035 222 Street, to allow a temporary off­​street parking use accessory to the commercial building location at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road, for a maximum period of three years, be forwarded to Public Hearing and subsequent Council meeting for decision; and 2. That following the Public Hearing,the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Temporary Use Permit 2022­ 457­ RZ,once the following terms and conditions are met: i) removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and ¼" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal; ii) registration of a Cross​­Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; and iii) installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan and payment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00. 10.2 2023­240­RZ, 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street, RS­1 to RM­2 To permit the future construction of a six­storey apartment building with approximately 119 dwelling units, and two levels of underground parking. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967­2023 be given first reading; and further 2. That the applicant submit a complete application, including detailed information and technical reports, for the rezoning, development permit, and development variance permit applications. 10.3 2023­203­DP/DVP, 23532 Larch Avenue, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit To extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DVP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DVP from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DP is to begin from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. 10.4 Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973­2023 Delegate authority for development agreements. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No 7973­2023 be given first, second and third reading. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDANovember 14, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 MinutesSpecial Council (to Close) – October 10, 2023Special Council (to Close) – October 17, 2023Report of Public Hearing – October 17, 2023Regular Council – October 24, 20235.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL5.1 The ACT Arts CentreCurtis Pendleton, Artistic and Executive Director, to present annual update.6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the items contained in the November 14, 2023 Regular Council ConsentAgenda be received into the record.7.1 Development Agreement Committee MinutesOctober 18, 2023October 25, 2023November 2, 20237.2 Festival Grant Program Allocations – Intake Two 2023Staff report dated November 14, 2023 for information only.8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7972­2023, 9878 285 Street, Driveway Access LicenseAgreementRECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw 7972­2023, a Bylaw to enter into an Access Driveway LicenseAgreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul­de­sac of98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 285 Street,be given adoption.9.2 Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Service FeesAnnual review and adjustment of recreation service fees.RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966­2023 be given adoption. 9.3 Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915­2023 and Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 To repeal and replace the Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme to remove the City of Merritt as a participating municipality. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 be given adoption; and 2. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915­2023 be given adoption. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 10.1 2022­457­RZ, 12035 222 Street, Temporary Use Permit Application is to allow a temporary accessory off­street parking use at the subject property. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Temporary Use Permit No. 2022​­457​­RZ respecting property located at 12035 222 Street, to allow a temporary off­​street parking use accessory to the commercial building location at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road, for a maximum period of three years, be forwarded to Public Hearing and subsequent Council meeting for decision; and 2. That following the Public Hearing,the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Temporary Use Permit 2022­ 457­ RZ,once the following terms and conditions are met: i) removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and ¼" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal; ii) registration of a Cross​­Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; and iii) installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan and payment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00. 10.2 2023­240­RZ, 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street, RS­1 to RM­2 To permit the future construction of a six­storey apartment building with approximately 119 dwelling units, and two levels of underground parking. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967­2023 be given first reading; and further 2. That the applicant submit a complete application, including detailed information and technical reports, for the rezoning, development permit, and development variance permit applications. 10.3 2023­203­DP/DVP, 23532 Larch Avenue, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit To extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DVP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DVP from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DP is to begin from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. 10.4 Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973­2023 Delegate authority for development agreements. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No 7973­2023 be given first, second and third reading. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDANovember 14, 20237:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 MinutesSpecial Council (to Close) – October 10, 2023Special Council (to Close) – October 17, 2023Report of Public Hearing – October 17, 2023Regular Council – October 24, 20235.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL5.1 The ACT Arts CentreCurtis Pendleton, Artistic and Executive Director, to present annual update.6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the items contained in the November 14, 2023 Regular Council ConsentAgenda be received into the record.7.1 Development Agreement Committee MinutesOctober 18, 2023October 25, 2023November 2, 20237.2 Festival Grant Program Allocations – Intake Two 2023Staff report dated November 14, 2023 for information only.8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7972­2023, 9878 285 Street, Driveway Access LicenseAgreementRECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw 7972­2023, a Bylaw to enter into an Access Driveway LicenseAgreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul­de­sac of98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 285 Street,be given adoption.9.2 Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Service FeesAnnual review and adjustment of recreation service fees.RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966­2023 be given adoption.9.3 Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915­2023 and IntermunicipalBusiness Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023To repeal and replace the Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme to remove theCity of Merritt as a participating municipality.RECOMMENDATION:1. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 begiven adoption; and2. That Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915­2023 be givenadoption.10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at anearlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to askstaff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Bothmeetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can befound in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly.10.1 2022­457­RZ, 12035 222 Street, Temporary Use PermitApplication is to allow a temporary accessory off­street parking use at the subjectproperty.RECOMMENDATION:1. That Temporary Use Permit No. 2022​­457​­RZ respecting property located at12035 222 Street, to allow a temporary off­​street parking use accessory to thecommercial building location at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road, for a maximumperiod of three years, be forwarded to Public Hearing and subsequent Councilmeeting for decision; and2. That following the Public Hearing,the Corporate Officer be authorized to signandsealTemporaryUsePermit2022­ 457­ RZ,once the following terms andconditions are met:i) removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and¼" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal;ii) registration of a Cross​­Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; andiii) installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan andpayment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00.10.2 2023­240­RZ, 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street,RS­1 to RM­2To permit the future construction of a six­storey apartment building withapproximately 119 dwelling units, and two levels of underground parking.RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967­2023 be given first reading; and further 2. That the applicant submit a complete application, including detailed information and technical reports, for the rezoning, development permit, and development variance permit applications. 10.3 2023­203­DP/DVP, 23532 Larch Avenue, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit To extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DVP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DVP from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023­203­DP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013­087­DP is to begin from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. 10.4 Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973­2023 Delegate authority for development agreements. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No 7973­2023 be given first, second and third reading. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3314140 City of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2023 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in the Council Chambers on October 10, 2023, at 3:01 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting special City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Other staff as required K. Anastasiadis, Manager of Intergovernmental Affairs GUESTS Marc Dalton, Member of Parliament Chelsa Meadus Sean Gillespie, Constituency Assistant Note: These Minutes are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 3:01 pm 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 1.2. Approval of the Agenda R/2023-S(C)-048 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the agenda of the October 10, 2023, Special Council Meeting be adopted. 2. GENERAL MATTERS 2.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2023-S(C)-049 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT pursuant to Section 90 of the Community Charter, this meeting be closed to the public as the subject matter being Special Council (to Close) Meeting Minutes October 3, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Document: 3363787 considered relates to the following: Section 90(2)(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party with respect to funding for larger infrastructure projects, community safety, health, and housing. 3. GENERAL MATTERS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 6. ITEMS TO BE RELEASED FROM CLOSED STATUS 7. ADJOURNMENT – 4:07 pm _______________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ___________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3314140 City of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2023 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in the Council Chambers on October 17, 2023, at 1:28 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting special City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor K. Carreras Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer S. Labonne, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Director of Legislative Services and Corporate Officer Other staff as required M. Best, Interim Director of Planning V. Richmond, Director of Facilities, Parks and Properties F. Smith, Director of Engineering T. Thompson, Director of Finance Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Public Engagement M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services C. Neufeld, Manager of Parks Planning and Development Note: These Minutes are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 1:28 pm 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 1.2. Approval of the Agenda R/2023-S(C)-052 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the agenda of the October 17, 2023, Special Council Meeting be adopted. 2. GENERAL MATTERS 2.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2023-S(C)-053 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT pursuant to section 90(1)(e) of the Community Charter, this meeting be closed to the public as the subject matters being considered relates to the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements. Special Council (to Close) Meeting Minutes October 17, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Document: 3363787 3. GENERAL MATTERS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 6. ITEMS TO BE RELEASED FROM CLOSED STATUS 7. ADJOURNMENT – 1:31 pm _______________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ___________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3357098 City of Maple Ridge Report of Public Hearing October 17, 2023 The report of the Public Hearing held as a virtual meeting hosted in the Council Chambers on October 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor K. Carreras Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer S. Labonne, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Director of Legislative Services A. Nurvo, Deputy Corporate Officer Other staff as required C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 K. Gowan, Planner A. Grochowich, Manager of Community Planning C. Howes, Acting Deputy Corporate Officer Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Community Engagement M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services F. Smith, Director of Engineering T. Westover, Director of Economic Development Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal Note: Councillor Tan participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:02 pm The Mayor called the meeting to order and provided the land acknowledgement. The Corporate Officer explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on October 24, 2023. The Mayor then called upon Planning Department staff to present the following items on the agenda: 2. BUSINESS 2.1 Application 2023-281-RZ Allowing Larger Detached Garden Suites on Residential Lots The subject application is to permit the total gross floor area of Detached Garden Suites to be a maximum of 140 m2 or 15% of the lot area, whichever is less. Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 2 of 7 a) Zone Amending Bylaw 7866-2022 First Reading: September 5, 2023 Second Reading: September 5, 2023 Purpose: To permit the total gross floor area of Detached Garden Suites to be a maximum of 140 m2 or 15% of the lot area, whichever is less. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the October 6th and October 13th, 2023, editions of the local newspaper and that one piece of correspondence expressing concerns was received in relation to this application, which was circulated to Council. K. Gowan, Planner, gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called a first time for public input. Steve Ranta, Maple Ridge resident, requested that prior to approving this application, Council consider the difficulties of enforcing the Tree Protection Bylaw to ensure significant trees are protected and that Council wait until the urban forest strategy has been approved. Craig Spears, Maple Ridge resident, stated that he was not in support of the bylaw in its current form since the bylaw was not flexible enough, and that the siting restrictions were very prescriptive and should depend on the size of the property. The Mayor called a second, third and final time for public input. There being no additional comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.2 Application 2022-034-RZ 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road Lot 48 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20770; Lot 47 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20770; Lot 46 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20770; Lot 45 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20770; and Lot 3 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP3164; Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10361 The subject application is to permit the rezoning to allow a future subdivision into one RM-1 lot and three R-2 lots and the future construction of a townhouse development with 52 market strata dwelling units. a) Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7852-2022 First Reading: May 10, 2023 Second Reading: September 5, 2023 Purpose: To rezone the subject property from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential to the RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) and R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential). Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 3 of 7 The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in October 6th and October 13th, 2023, editions of the local newspaper, that 432 notices were mailed out and that one piece of correspondence in opposition and three pieces of correspondence expressing concerns were received in relation to this application, which have been circulated to Council. M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services, gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called a first time for public input. Rebecca Kozol, Maple Ridge resident, advised that she was not in support since the development was too large for this area, traffic was already too congested, cars travel too fast along this road and the parked cars make crossing the road and access to other properties difficult. She stated that signal lights and four-way stops at intersections in this area should be installed to make it safer, especially for children crossing for school. Bev Chisholm, Maple Ridge resident, stated that this development would result in another 100 cars in this area and would increase the already heavy traffic and parking, and that traffic signal lights were needed to handle the increased congestion. Jason Howlett, non-resident, advised that his family lives in Maple Ridge and that he supports the development since there is currently a lack of housing options, there is a need for further housing to handle future growth and that this was a good site for infill development. Laura Egan, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in support of the development which would help address housing affordability for young families, and would provide an opportunity for young people to stay in the community, and that the site is near schools and parks. Ian Vodnak, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the local school was full, that the crosswalk was dangerous and should be upgraded, that the development will add further stress on existing traffic. Della Davies, Maple Ridge resident, agreed that there was an issue with the capacity of local schools, and asked how many more children would be living in this area with all the current development applications in progress. She stated that she does not support the traffic study findings and that road upgrades in this area are required. Dianna Johannson, Maple Ridge resident, stated that she agreed with previous comments and that the street was very unsafe for children, and encouraged Council to require a more thorough traffic report with appropriate upgrades such as four-way stops and traffic lights. Kaylie Whitaker, Maple Ridge resident, expressed concerns regarding the requested variances for smaller parking spaces since many people drive larger trucks. She urged Council to consider the capacity of the local schools. The Mayor called a second time for public input. Bev Chisholm, Maple Ridge resident, expressed concerns regarding the safety of emergency vehicles responding to incidents in this area. Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 4 of 7 Rod Antalke, Maple Ridge resident, expressed concerns regarding the safety of youth and seniors and stated that 236 Street should be a right turn only, and four-way stops in the area would be safer. He stated that he supported the application since it meets the OCP and Zoning Bylaw and there is a need for more housing, but that changes should be made to the road infrastructure to make this neighbourhood safer. The Mayor called a third and final time for public input. Craig Spears, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in support of this infill development, and stated that an on-demand traffic light was needed for increased safety. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.3 Application 2022-293-RZ 21511 and 21521 Exeter Avenue Lot 235 & 236 District Lot 244 New Westminster District Plan 46774 The subject application is to permit the rezoning to allow a future subdivision of three lots. a) Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7881-2022 First Reading: October 11, 2022 Second Reading: September 5, 2023 Purpose: To rezone the subject property from RS-1a (Single Detached (Amenity) Residential) to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential). The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the October 6th and October 13th, 2023, editions of the local newspaper, that 39 notices were mailed out and that one piece of correspondence opposing the application and one piece of correspondence noting concerns were received in relation to this application, all of which were provided to Council. M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services, gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called a first time for public input. Nicole Breuls, Maple Ridge resident, expressed concerns that the size, scale and style of this development is not a fit with the current character of the rancher homes in this area, and that it does not respect the existing neighbourhood. Grace Jaffrey, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the renderings provided did not accurately reflect the existing houses on either side of the proposed development, and that it was not compatible with this area, and this was not what the neighbourhood wants. Greg Mulds, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the renderings were not valid since there was a slope and the houses would be below grade level. Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 5 of 7 Beth Mulds, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the proposed three new homes do not match what is there, and it should be redesigned with two houses on two lots that would fit in with the neighbourhood. Mark Breuls, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the renderings provided by the applicant were not accurate and did not reflect the current sidewalk and road. Brandon Cheema, non-resident, advised that he was part of the applicant team and stated that there were no variances, the proposed development followed what the City had planned, and that the applicant attempted to capture the neighbours’ comments regarding the form and character of the proposed houses. The Mayor called a second time for public input. Greg Mulds, Maple Ridge resident, stated that he had multiple concerns regarding the proposed development including that the property was below grade, drainage issues, and impact on trees. Nicole Breuls, Maple Ridge resident, stated that at the neighbourhood meeting the neighbours expressed concerns but felt they were not heard and stated that she is deeply concerned regarding this application. The Mayor called a third and final time for public input. Doug Jaffrey, Maple Ridge resident, stated that the area has mostly rancher homes, and the size and style of the new homes would not fit into this neighbourhood. Grace Jaffrey, Maple Ridge resident, stated there is little support from the neighbours, that this is an old established neighbourhood and the application does not fit in with it. Beth Mulds, Maple Ridge resident, stated that not many neighbours showed up at the public hearing since they think this is a done deal. She requested that Council take another look at the application before considering approval. There being no comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.4 Application 2021-471-RZ 22582, 22588, 22596, 22606 and 22610 121 Avenue Lot 2 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843; Lot 3 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843; Lot 1 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9446; Lot 2 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9446; Lot 3 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 9446 The subject application is to permit the rezoning to allow the future construction of a 5-storey apartment building with 87 market strata dwelling units. a) Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7810-2021 First Reading: December 14, 2021 Second Reading: September 26, 2023 Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 6 of 7 Purpose: To rezone the subject property from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-3 (Medium/High Density Apartment Residential) to allow the future construction of a 5-storey apartment building with 87 market strata dwelling units. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the October 6th and October 13th, 2023, editions of the local newspaper, that 148 notices were mailed out and that one piece of correspondence expressing concerns was received in relation to this application, which was circulated to Council. M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services, gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called a first time for public input. Beth Mulds, Maple Ridge resident, expressed concerns regarding parking and stated that what is proposed for parking is not sufficient and that street parking is not easily available in this area. The Mayor called a second, third and final time for public input. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.5 Application 2023-016-RZ 20000 Stewart Crescent Parcel A District Lot 280 Group 1 New Westminster District Reference Plan LMP22088 The subject application is to facilitate the re-development of the subject site for the expansion of the E-One Moli Energy facility. a) Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7908-2023 First Reading: February 28, 2023 Second Reading: September 26, 2023 Purpose: To rezone the subject property from M-3 (Business Park Industrial) to CD-2-23 Comprehensive Development to facilitate the expansion of the E-One Moli Energy Facility. The expansion includes a one-storey industrial building, including two levels of mezzanine space with a total floor area of approximately 61,256 m2, a seven-storey office/research and development building with a total floor area of approximately 9,118 m2, and a stand-alone five-storey above-ground parking facility. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the October 6th and October 13th, 2023, editions of the local newspaper, that 180 notices were mailed out and that no correspondence was received in relation to this application. M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services, gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. Public Hearing Report October 17, 2023 Page 7 of 7 The Mayor called three times for public input. There being no comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed The Mayor declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 8:49 pm. ____________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3569148 City of Maple Ridge Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on October 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor K. Carreras Councillor S. Schiller Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer S. Labonne, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer C. Howes, Acting Deputy Corporate Officer Other staff as required M. Admas, Director of Bylaws & Licensing M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 K. Gowan, Planner 2 A. Grochowich, Manager of Community Planning J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Community Engagement M. McMullen, Manager of Development & Environmental Services W. Oleschak, Director of Engineering Operations F. Smith, Director of Engineering T. Westover, Director of Economic Development Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:01 pm 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA - Nil 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.1 Approval of the Agenda Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 2 of 8 Document:3569148 R/2023-CM-244 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED That the agenda for the October 24, 2023, Regular Council meeting be approved. 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes R/2023-CM-245 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED That the following minutes be adopted as circulated: • Special Council (to Close) – September 25, 2023 • Special Council (to Close) – October 3, 2023 • Special Council (to Close) – October 10, 2023 • Regular Council – October 10, 2023 5. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL– Nil 6. DELEGATIONS Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Leanne Koehn, Manager of Community Engagement, presented annual update. 7. CONSENT AGENDA R/2023-CM-246 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the items contained in the October 24, 2023, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Development Agreements Committee Minutes • September 27, 2023 • October 11, 2023 7.2 Disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2023 Recommending that disbursements for the month ended September 30, 2023, be received for information. 7.3 2023 Council Expenses Listing Council expenses recorded to September 30, 2023. 7.4 Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce – Support of Bus Rapid Transit Proposal Correspondence dated October 13, 2023, from Kristi Maier, Executive Director and Jerry Kwok, President. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Nil 9. BYLAWS NOTE: Items 9.1 to 9.5 are from the Public Hearing of October 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 3 of 8 Document:3569148 9.1 2023-281-RZ, Allowing Larger Detached Garden Suites on Residential Lots The subject application is to permit the total gross floor area of Detached Garden Suites to be a maximum of 140 m2 or 15% of the lot area, whichever is less. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7866-2022 R/2023-CM-247 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7866-2022 be given third reading; 2. THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7866-2022 be adopted. 9.2 2022­034­RZ, 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS­3 to RM­1 & R­2 To permit the rezoning to allow a future subdivision into one RM­1 lot and three R­2 lots and the future construction of a townhouse development with 52 market strata dwelling units. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7852­2022 R/2023-CM-248 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7852­2022 be given third reading. 9.3 2022­293­RZ, 21511 and 21521 Exeter Avenue, RS­1a to R­4 To permit the rezoning to allow a future subdivision of three lots. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7881­2022 R/2023-CM-249 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7881­2022 be given third reading. with Councillor Yousef opposed 9.4 2021­471­RZ, 22582, 22588, 22596, 22606 and 22610 121 Avenue, RS­1 to RM­3 To permit the rezoning to allow the future construction of a 5­storey apartment building with 87 market strata dwelling units. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7810­2021 R/2023-CM-250 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7810­2021 be given third reading. 9.5 2023­016­RZ, 20000 Stewart Crescent, M­3 to CD­2­23 To facilitate the re­development of the subject site for the expansion of the E­One Moli Energy facility. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7908­2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 4 of 8 Document:3569148 R/2023-CM-251 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7908­2023 be given third reading. 9.6 2024­2027 Permissive Tax Exemptions Exempt certain types of properties from municipal property taxation for up to ten years. Maple Ridge Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 7961­2023 R/2023-CM-252 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Maple Ridge Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 7961­2023 be given adoption. 9.7 2018­489­RZ, 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, RS­1 to RM­2 To permit the future construction of an 88 unit, four­storey apartment building. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523­2018 R/2023-CM-253 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523­2018 be adopted. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 2023­346­RZ, City of Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 7970­2023 To require owners and occupiers of any land, building or structure to provide off street parking, bicycle, and loading spaces. Council discussed options and staff answered questions of Council. R/2023-CM-254 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED That City of Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 7970­2023 be given first reading; and That Staff bring forward the necessary bylaw and policy amendments to align with the City of Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 7970­2023. 10.2 2020­129­RZ, 13287 232 Street, RS­3 to RS­1 To permit a future subdivision of two lots. R/2023-CM-255 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on­going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 5 of 8 Document:3569148 Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7653­2020 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7653­2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7653­2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7653­2020 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7654­2020 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; i) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report and floodplain report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; ii) Removal of existing buildings on proposed Lot 1; iii) Registration with Fraser Health for septic disposal and water quality; and registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic field areas; iv) If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; v) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. vi) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $9,200, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2021­402­RZ, 20535 123 Avenue, RS­1 to R­1 To permit a future subdivision of two lots. R/2023-CM-256 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 780­2021 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication of 123 Avenue as required; iii) Removal of existing building; iv) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 6 of 8 Document:3569148 property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. v) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $9,200, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.4 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 To permit a future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road and construction of approximately 16 townhouse units on a third lot to the south R/2023-CM-257 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and further 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi) If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. with Councillor Yousef opposed 10.5 2022­250­RZ, 22534, 22548, and 22556 Royal Crescent, RS­1 to RM­2 To permit the future construction of a six­storey rental apartment building for seniors. R/2023-CM-258 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on­going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7873­2022 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 7 of 8 Document:3569148 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7873­2022 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7873­ 2022 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7873­2022 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7874­2022 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A”, Chapter 10.4 Town Centre Area Plan, Schedule 1 ­ Town Centre Area Land­Use Designation Map; iv) Road dedication on Royal Crescent as required; v) Consolidation of the subject properties; vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject site for the proposed development; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; viii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; ix) Registration of a Housing Agreement in accordance with Section 483 of the Local Government Act and a Restrictive Covenant stating that the proposed 98­ unit apartment building will be restricted to residential rental units; x) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. 10.6 2018­489 DP/DVP, 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit The development proposal is for the construction of an 88 unit, four­storey apartment building and associated variance. R/2023-CM-259 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2018­489­DVP respecting property located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue; and further 2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2018­489­DP respecting property located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue. 10.7 Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Services Fees Annual review and adjustment of recreation service fees. R/2023-CM-260 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 2023­7966 be given first, second, and third readings. Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023 Page 8 of 8 Document:3569148 10.8 Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915­2023 and Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 To repeal and replace the Intermunicipal Business Licence Scheme to remove the City of Merritt as a participating municipality. R/2023-CM-261 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED 1. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 6957­2012 be repealed in its entirety; 2. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971­2023 be given first, second and third reading; and 3. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915­2023 be given first, second and third reading. 11. STAFF REPORTS Nil 12. OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT - Nil 13. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD One member of the public provided comments to Council. 14. MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Mayor and Council provide an update on their participation in recent community events. 15. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS - Nil 16. ADJOURNMENT – 8:10 pm ________________________ D. Ruimy, Chair Certified Correct: ____________________________________ C. Mushata Corporate Officer October 25, 2023 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Dan Ruimy, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Scott Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Carolyn Mushata, Recording Secretary 1. 2019-244-RZ LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 305 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 46852 006-147-828 12155 Edge Street Edge Street Holdings Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENT: Discharge of Statutory Right of Way, Statutory Right of Way Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2019-244-RZ. 2. 2021-07 4-DP LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 3, District Lot 409, New Westminster Plan 12820 Lot 3, District Lot 409, New Westminster Plan 11584 Lot 3, District Lot 409, Lot B, District Lot 409, New Westminster Plan 2624 District Lot 409, Lower Mainland Plan 39102 District Lot 409, Reference Plan 3150 007-118-309 007-118-431 012-847-046 012-846-970 024-277-657 012-847-119 24366 and 24388 River Road 24548 Lougheed Highway Two Unaddressed Lots Off Lougheed Highway Two Unaddressed Lots Along Fraser River 1355755 BC Ltd. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee October 25, 2023 REQUIRED AGREEMENT: Enhancement and Replanting Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2021-07 4-DP. D Chair Scott Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer Member CARRIED Page 2 of 2 .. , ......... ......... ~........__~-LOUGHEED HwY ----------------- N Scale: 1 :4,500 --n-~Rc:..:,IVER RO Legend -stream -•• Ditch Centreline -Edge of River ~ = Indefinite Creek ·--------- -River Centreline (Topographic) 1111 Lake or Reservoir 1111 River 24366 & 24388 RIVER RD, 24548 LOUGHEED HWY, PID'S: 007-118-309, 007-118-431, 024-277-657, 012-847-046, 012-846-970, 012-846-902, & 012-847-119 FILE: 2021-074-RZ DATE: Jul 7, 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:DT 12283 12268 12275 12258 12241 12238/12248 12207 12206 12191 l 12184-90 12175 12150 (REC CENTRE) 12157 12148 (ECRA} 12151 12127 ,._ !:l ~ ,.: 121 AVE. "' .. 12101 !:f .. ij Q ~ ~ ~ ,.: 12080 0 Cl) --./ II! "---~, 2064 ~. "-I ~ r----12011 N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend ---Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek \'\ .., \ \\~ • ,._ ~ I:;: "' l'! ; c:, ... i iii :::i ~ i ~ ---BROWN AVE. "' l~i\~ ., ~ 0, "' ill "' ~ ~ :::i ~ :::i I 12257 HINCH CRES. I 0 0 Q 12247 "' I,; .. ., ) ~ "' :::i N N 12237 -~ ,._ 0, "' 12227 18 :g I,; :::i l:i ~ ~ 122AVE. ~~, I "' N ~ "' N 18 :g .. ) "' "' l1! :::i l:j :::i :::i :::i ~ ---- l ). SUBJECT PROPERTY I ,·, / 12155 12129 ~ II ~1 ~ ~ - :!. I ... ~ I . 12085 12075 --·--· ,.; Cl) w ' Cl 0 w 1213/J ~ iii "' .. ...,. ___ -121AVE • N "' .. "' "' "' :& ., ii!! c:, "' ., "' N :::i ~ N "' N N N 12060 ,._ ,._ ... .... .., "' ,._ .., ... Ill I;, Ill .. /62 ~ ., I~ li! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BROWN AVE. ~ "' ~ .. "' :& :& 0, :::i "' ~ ~ f-1 ~ ~2038 12155 EDGE STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.~--~· /~ ~-- mapleridge.ca 0 ., ., ~ ,._ .. ... :::i N lo :::i 0 1o ~ ~ lo ~ "' 2 ~ FILE: 2019-244-RZ DATE: Jul 5, 2019 BY:DT "' li! :::i 0 "' :::i "' :::i 0 l,i ~ c:, N "' ~ - -:= "' ~ ~. Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: SUBJECT: Festival Grant Program Allocations -Intake Two 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: November 14, 2023 01-0640-30 Council The City's Festival Grant Program (the "Program") was established in 1999 to provide financial and in-kind support for eligible festivals that benefit residents and attract visitors to Maple Ridge. The grant funds support community led festivals of all sizes, from small grassroots to medium and large-scale events, that attract thousands of attendees. These festivals build and celebrate community pride and strengthen community connections by fostering a sense of belonging, as well as providing opportunities for social, economic and cultural development. As such staff recommends allocating funding and/or in-kind support from the Program's approved annual budget of $45,600. This funding will support public safety, such as road closures and safety-related equipment rentals. RECOMMENDATION: For information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Program supports recurring and new festivals demonstrating positive community impact and sustainability. Staff evaluated applications that include financial documentation showing their need and justification for financial support, according to the Program's criteria in the Festival Support Policy No. 4.22. Successful applicants include non-profits and/or charitable organizations who host community events, or have a regional mandate to deliver services and programs in Maple Ridge, and have met the criteria of the Program. Earlier this year, staff completed the first intake for funding and approved a total of $19,200 for festivals and events taking place between May 1 and September 30, 2023. This funding included $7,000 for the Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival, $2,700 for Bard on the Bandstand, $2,200 for Pride in the Park, $1,500 for River's Day, $1,400 for GETI Fest, $2,200 for Multiculturalism Day, and $2,200 for Truth and Reconciliation). Additionally, $7,500 was dispersed to our multi-year operating agreements ($6,000 for Agricultural Association and $1,500 for Fraser North Farmers Market Association operating Haney Farmers Market) for a first intake total of $26,700. Doc#3548268 Page 1 of 2 Staff adjudicated the second intake of the program and has recommended: • $18,900 for three community festivals organized by independent organizations that include medium and large size festivals, including: o $8,000 for the Christmas in the Park and the Santa Parade o $4,000 for Earth Day o $2,100 for Family Fest o $4,800 for Grassroots Grants b) Desired Outcome: That the Program continues to contribute towards a healthy, engaged, creative and inclusive community, raises community pride and the profile of Maple Ridge. c) Strategic Alignment: Festivals showcase Maple Ridge as a destination and community with rich arts and culture opportunities and aligns with Council's vision for an engaged, healthy community. The Program enhances festivals' quality, scope, and diversity, which fits within the PRC Master Plan (2023), Culture Plan (2018), and Tourism Strategy (2018). d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The Program assists community groups and partners to implement positive arts and cultural festivals and special events. This encourages strong citizen engagement and provides opportunities for residents to give back to their community through meaningful volunteerism. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The level of festival grant funding falls within the approved City operating budget. CONCLUSION: The Maple Ridge's Festival Grant Program helps to nurture free or low-cost outdoor festivals that make our community vibrant, engaged, prosperous and inclusive, and celebrates community pride. Prepare~ss Brummer Attachments: Stephane Labonne Deputy Chief Administrator Officer (A) Festival Support Policy No. 4.22 Doc#3548268 Reviewed by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Deputy Director of Finance Chief Administrator Officer Page 2 of 2 • POLICY MANUAL Title: FESTIVAL SUPPORT Authority: D Legislative Approval: ~ Council Policy Statement ~ Operational □ CMT D General Manager Policy No: 4.22 Supersedes: New Effective Date: Review Date: The City of Maple Ridge will support the growth and development of festivals and special events that build community, foster good community relations, support culture, develop the local economy and tourism, and enrich the quality of life of all residents and visitors. We build community capacity and vibrancy through community involvement . This policy provides guidelines for the equitable resource allocation of financial and in-kind support to qualified festivals, events and groups in alignment with relevant policies, priorities and by-laws of the City of Maple Ridge. Purpose Maple Ridge has a proud tradition of supporting and hosting a range of Festivals and special events, with established ones that have matured and evolved and new ones being added, reflecting the growth of the city and the demand for celebrations of civic pride and community engagement. Festivals and events enhance citizens' quality of life and are an essential element in creating complete communities. The experiences and benefits derived from festivals and events have significant value for citizens and visitors and are a vital ingredient in the municipality's on- going development as an active and vibrant City. Applications for festivals support will be based on the following: • Encourages community identity and spirit and aligns with the City's brand • Provides opportunities for economic development and alignment with City strategies • Builds community involvement • Demonstrates a sense of responsibility to the community Events will encourage community involvement that builds the capacity of local residents and the power of local associations and institutions which contributes to a vibrant and sustainable community. Through this policy, the City is committed to supporting: • A vibrant, inclusive and diverse range of festivals and special events Page 1 of 3 Policy • Opportunities to celebrate history, living heritage and diverse cultural character • Growth of volunteerism, tourism and business This policy provides a foundation for the development, management and resource allocation of grants and services that support festival and event development by: • Providing a base level of support, per definition below. • Articulating a clear definition of festivals and special events eligible for support from the City. • Providing guidelines and criteria for financial and in-kind support requests from qualified festival groups. All requests will be considered within the context of available resources, alignment with municipal strategies and benefits to the community. • Creating an effective, efficient and adaptable management process by ensuring a streamlined approval process. • Ensuring festivals and events are safe, accessible, and sustainable. • Reviewing applications and making recommendations for funding allocation. Definitions Festival: A free or low-cost volunteer-driven celebration, entertainment or activity (new, one-time, annual or infrequently occurring) held in a City owned and/or operated facility that is accessible, promotes local community spirit, identity and responsibility and is promoted to the general public including Maple Ridge residents and tourists. It raises the City's profile, supports its culture plan and adds economic benefit from a tourism perspective. For the purpose of clarity and this policy, this definition does not include sporting events, tournaments, fundraisers, consumer shows, trade shows, private events, conferences, symposiums, marketing initiatives, artistic competitions or exhibits, religious causes or commercial events. Qualified Festival Group: A Maple Ridge based festival group or a group in the region with a Maple Ridge partner, registered as a non-profit society, or similar group with the potential to become a non-profit society, that has made application and agrees to enter into a grant agreement for activities that take place in Maple Ridge. Available Resources: The budget established through the City to support qualified Maple Ridge festivals and groups, plus in-kind allocations including parks, facility and equipment use or staff time provided by the City. Base Level of Support: The level of support available to any and all qualified festival groups in accordance with resources, policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of festival organizers to develop, plan, manage, fund and implement their festival. Benefits Criteria Definitions Encourages community identity and spirit and supports the City brand: Involves citizens in planning creatively for the community. Enhances the image and reputation of the City of Maple Ridge demonstrating clear alignment with the City. Involves citizens in planning creatively for the community, contributing to a vibrant and creative environment that attracts citizens, visitors and business. Grows economic opportunities and aligns with City strategies: Draws a critical mass opportunity, Page 2 of 3 Policy attracting a large number of attendees including tourists. Provides opportunities for businesses to network with or promote their services to the community in a positive environment. Builds community involvement: Increases the range of experiences available to residents and visitors through cultural, recreational and educational components. Provides an environment for public gathering, mingling and safe celebration and increases residents' sense of belonging and enjoyment in participating in their community that includes access to these activities through inclusive practices and low-cost opportunities. Demonstrates a sense of responsibility to the community: Uses sound financial practices and has sources of revenue other than from the City. Demonstrates environmental stewardship. Supports local business and community projects. Ensures safety is a primary consideration when planning and staging Festivals and special events. Incorporates a range of quality opportunities for volunteer engagement, training and leadership development that helps to fulfill the group's mission and vision. Key Areas of Responsibility Action to Take Provides base level support to qualified festival groups. Facilitates festival support in accordance to this policy. Provides networking and skill development opportunities. Allocates financial and in-kind resources. Meets criteria, ensures insurance requirements and safety plans are met. Page 3 of 3 Responsibility Parks, Recreation & Culture Parks, Recreation & Culture Parks, Recreation & Culture Parks, Recreation & Culture Qualified Festival Groups Policy CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7972-2023 A Bylaw to enter into a Driveway Access License Agreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 – 285 Street. WHEREAS Section 35(1)(a), 35(12), 36(1) and 39(e) of the Community Charter, SBC 2003 c-26, authorizes a City to pass bylaws to regulate and prohibit in relation to all uses of or involving a highway or part of a highway and to enter into a license of occupation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to enter into an Agreement to license a driveway access over an unopened road allowance owned by the City; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. THAT the City enters into the Access Driveway License Agreement attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forming part of this Bylaw. 2. THAT the Mayor of the Council of the City and the Corporate Officer are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or to obtain approvals where required, except where otherwise provided, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer are hereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary documents and to affix the Corporate Seal of the City to such documents. 3. THAT this Bylaw shall come into force and effect on the date of its final passing. READ a first time the 10th day of October, 2023. READ a second time the 10th day of October, 2023. READ a third time the 10th day of October, 2023. ADOPTED the day of , 2023. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Schedule 'A' to Bylaw 7972-2023 DRIVEWAY ACCESS LICENSE – 9878 285 Street THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN: THE City of Maple Ridge (hereinafter called the "City") OF THE FIRST PART -and- HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ (hereinafter called the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is the registered owner of the lands and premises more particularly described in Paragraph 1 of Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "Licensee's Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Licensee desires to gain access to the Licensee's Lands via an unopened road allowance under the City's jurisdiction (the “City's Lands”) which is described in Paragraph 2 of Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS the City has agreed to permit the Licensee to construct and maintain such driveway on a portion of the City's Lands in the area described in Paragraph 3 of Schedule "A" (the “Licensed Area”) subject to the requirement that the Licensee enter into an agreement with the City; AND WHEREAS direct access to the Licensed Area is from western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 – 285 Street, which is only seasonally maintained by the City; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT WHEREOF IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO COVENANT AND AGREE WITH EACH OTHER AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS In this Agreement: (i) “Agreement” means this agreement along with any schedules attached hereto; (ii) “Business Day” means a day, other than a Saturday or Sunday, on which City government offices are open for normal business in British Columbia; (iii) “Crossing Area” means the area beginning at the property line of the Lands at 9878-285 Street directly up to the Crossing Point as outlined on Schedule “A”; (iv) “Crossing Point” means the area at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue where the City’s maintained roads intersect or meet the Licensed Area more particularly described in the attached Schedule “A”; (v) “Crossings” mean free and uninterrupted access on foot, bicycle or other similar conveyance, baby stroller, wheelchair or motorized scooter or similar conveyances used exclusively by persons with disabilities, with or without vehicles, equipment, materials and supplies, onto and through the Lands in common with the City, at all times hereafter from time to time at Licensee’s will and pleasure to enter upon, go, be on, and pass and repass upon, over and across the Lands for the purpose of unobstructed access to and from the Crossing Point, as provided for in this Agreement, in order for the Licensees to access Licensee’s Land; (vi) “Designate” means the primary contact person set out in the Notice section for each Party. (vii) “Force Majeure” means a situation beyond the reasonable control of the Parties including but not limited to: any war, riot, pandemic, civil emergency, natural disaster, strike, lockout, inability to procure materials or services, or other industrial disturbance, fire, lightning or floods, in each case which prevents Crossings, delays due to Governmental Authorities or Governmental orders, delays due to adverse weather. (viii) “Licensed Area” means the area more particularly described in Section 3 of Schedule “A”; (ix) “Licensee’s Land” means property located at 9878-285 Street, legally described as LOT 24 DISTRICT LOT 440 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2788, PID 004-400-348. 2. LICENCE 2.1 The City hereby permits and consents to the Licensee to establish and maintain a driveway upon the Licensed Area for the purpose of Crossings, which is more particularly described in Paragraph 3 of Schedule "A" for the purpose of providing access to the lands described in Paragraph 1 of Schedule "A". 2.2 This license is granted for the sole purpose of providing driveway access to the Licensee's Lands for residential use. 3. INDEMNIFICATION FROM LIABILITY AND RELEASE 3.1 The Licensee will indemnify and save harmless the City and any entities affiliated, associated or otherwise related to the City and their respective agents, independent contractors, directors, officers and employees from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, actions, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) that the City, its servants, employees and agents may sustain, incur, suffer or be put to arising: (a) directly in consequence of the permission hereinbefore granted and/or the exercise by the Licensee of such permission and/or the presence of the driveway or in any matter related thereto during the Term of this Agreement, (b) from breach of the obligations of this Agreement by the Licensee, (c) breach of any warranty, representation or covenant herein by the Licensee, or (d) the wilful misconduct, gross negligence or the bad faith actions of the Licensee their sub- contractors, and those for whom they are responsible at law, except to the extent that any such loss or claim is caused or contributed to by the negligence of the City. 3.2 The Licensee hereby releases and forever discharges the City, its officers, servants, officials and agents from any claim, demand, loss, cost, charge or expense which may arise as a result of the City performing any municipal work in or upon the Licensed Area which may damage or interfere with the driveway. 3.3 The Licensee will exercise due diligence and all reasonable care to prevent damage or loss to any structures, buildings, or improvements in Crossing Area. On the occurrence of damage or loss in the course of exercising Crossings through the Crossing Area, the Licensee will immediately take appropriate action to mitigate or prevent further damage or loss and immediately notify the City so the City can provide direction as to remedial measures to be undertaken. The Licensee will comply with any directions given by the City under this subsection in a timely manner. 3.4 It is expressly understood that nothing contained herein shall be construed as imposing upon the other Party, any obligation to indemnify and save harmless the other Party from or against any losses, costs, charges, liabilities, damages or expenses occasioned by or arising directly or indirectly from or out of any negligence of the other Party, its servants, agents, employees, contractors and those for whom they are responsible at law. The provisions of this Section 3 are paramount to any insurance requirements herein and shall survive the Term of this Agreement. 4. TERM, FEE AND PROPERTY TAXES 4.1 Term - This Licence Agreement shall be effective upon the date of execution by the City and shall continue from year to year subject to the termination provisions hereinafter set forth in Section 5. 4.2 Annual Fee - The Licensee shall pay a fee of $200 prior to the execution of this Agreement and each year thereafter on or before July 1. Should such amount remain unpaid on July 2 in each calendar year, the City may add the amount owing to the Tax Roll of the Licensee's Lands. (Note: There shall be no pro-rating of applicable fee.) 4.3 Municipal Taxes - It is a condition of this license agreement that the Licensee shall maintain the property tax account for the Licensee's Lands in good standing. For the purposes of this Agreement "in good standing" shall mean that all property taxes imposed upon the Licensee's Land for the then current tax year shall be paid in full no later than the first Business Day in July of that tax year and if such property taxes are not in good standing the Licensee is deemed to be in default of this Agreement. 5. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 5.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the City: (a) upon six (6) months' notice in writing by the City, with or without reason, to the Licensee at the City's sole discretion; or (b) upon default of the Licensee of the terms of this agreement; as a condition precedent to giving such notice of termination the City shall provide written notice of default and the Licensee shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice to remedy the identified default(s) to the satisfaction of the City; where such default has not been remedied the City may, in addition any other remedies, terminate the agreement as of a date specified in writing and require the Licensee to remove the encroachment within a reasonable time and take such measures to restrict use of the Licensed Area as Council determines appropriate. 5.2 This Agreement will automatically terminate: (a) upon the registration of a transfer of the ownership of the Licensed Area from the City to the Licensee; (b) upon the removal of the driveway and the restoration of the Licensed Area to a condition satisfactory to the City. 6. NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AND ACCESS FROM PUBLIC HIGHWAY 6.1 The Licensee acknowledges that this Agreement shall in no way create any interest in land or easement rights. 6.2 The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensed Area remains a component of an unopened road allowance over which the public is entitled to travel. Accordingly, the license granted herein is non-exclusive and the Licensee may not prohibit or interfere with the public travel along the unopened road allowance. 6.3 The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (a) access to the Licensed Area is from the Crossing Point located at western end cul-de- sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue; (b) the Licensed Area does not receive winter maintenance, emergent repairs, or upkeep from the City; (c) members of the public, including the Licensee, are not permitted to undertake any maintenance activities on an open public highway and specifically are not permitted to undertake any maintenance activities (e.g. snow plowing) of the Crossing Point at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue to gain access to the Licensed Area or the Licensee's Land. 7. CONSTRUCT, REPAIR AND REMOVAL 7.1 In consideration of the permission and consent hereby given, the Licensee: (a) shall, at its own expense, obtain a geotechnical report authored by a member in good standing of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia setting out the soil conditions and any requirements for a driveway or proposed works to be constructed on the Licensed Area supporting the driveway (the “Geotechnical Report”); shall, at its own expense, construct and maintain the driveway within the Licensed Area with a minimum standard width and surface material meeting all municipal, provincial and federal requirements, and Geotechnical Report requirements including review by the City of Maple Ridge Engineering Department and Emergency Services prior to construction; (b) shall not pave or otherwise hard surface the driveway in a manner different than 7.1(b) above; (c) shall, at its own expense, obtain all required governmental approvals for the construction of the driveway, including the submission, review and approval of a work plan for the driveway; (d) shall, at its own expense, keep and maintain the driveway in a safe, good and proper repair and condition; (e) shall not store any chattels (materials, goods, or equipment) on the Licensed Area; (f) shall maintain the interface between the City’s road at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue and the eastern end of Bell Avenue and the Licensed Area adhering to all municipal, provincial and federal requirements; (g) shall not erect a gate prohibiting public access to the Licensed Area and shall not prohibit adjoining lands to the Licensee’s Land from utilizing the driveway upon the owners of those lands obtaining a license from the City at a future date; (h) shall, upon termination of this Agreement, forthwith remove the driveway and repair any damage caused thereby at the sole expense of the Licensee without being entitled to any compensation whatsoever. 7.2 The Licensee acknowledges that the authorization hereunder applies only to the Licensed Area and it is the Licensee's obligation to ensure that works authorized hereunder do not encroach upon abutting lands. The Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining the assistance of a professional surveyor for such purpose and the cost thereof. 7.3 In addition to any other remedy at law or hereunder, if the Licensee fails to maintain the Licensed Area in a safe condition, or to repair or remove the driveway as required by this Agreement, the City may alter, repair or remove the same at the expense of the Licensee. The expense thereof shall be final and binding upon the Licensee, and the City may recover the same from the Licensee in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due and owing to the City. 7.4 The City may enter upon the Licensed Area at any time to inspect the driveway and carry out repairs and maintenance in the event the Licensor fails to maintain the driveway in a manner that is inconsistent with Subsection 7.1. 8. INSURANCE CERTIFICATE AND POLICY 8.1 Policy of Insurance - The Licensee shall lodge with the City, prior to the execution of the Agreement by the City (and prior to July 1 of each calendar year), an insurance certificate with an Insurance Company satisfactory to the City, and insuring for the joint benefit of the Licensee and the City against any liability that may arise out of authorization granted hereunder or any use of the Licensed Area. 8.2 Comprehensive General Liability - Such policy shall carry limits of liability in the amount to be specified by the City, including: (a) property insurance, in an amount acceptable to the City acting reasonably, protecting both the Licensee and the City from loss or damage to the Lands; and (b) commercial general liability insurance, in an amount acceptable to the City acting reasonably no less than $5,000,000, in respect of injury to or death of one or more persons and for damage to property, regardless of the number of claims arising as a result of any one occurrence protecting both the Licensee and the City against claims for personal injury, death or property damage or other third party or public liability claims arising from any accident or occurrence upon, in or about the Crossing Area or any portion thereof. The deductible under this coverage will be in an amount acceptable to the City, acting reasonably. The above insurance policies will: (c) be in a form and substance satisfactory to the City, acting reasonably; (d) exclude any rights of cross claim against the City or any rights of the insurer or insurers, whether by subrogation or otherwise, against the City and against those for whom the City is in law responsible; (e) include the City (including its officers and employees) as an additional insured; (f) contain a provision requiring that at least 30 days written notice be given to the City by the insurer prior to cancellation of or material change to the policy; (g) contain a cross-liability clause; and (h) provide product/completed operation coverage. 8.3 Certificate of Coverage - Any certificate of coverage filed with the City solicitor shall specifically contain confirmation that the coverage as specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above is in effect. 8.4 Confirmation of Premium Payment - The Licensee shall, from time to time as required by the City, provide confirmation that all premiums on such policy or policies of insurance have been paid, and that the insurance is in full force and effect. 8.5 Claim in Excess of Policy Limits - The issuance of such Policy of Insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Licensee from responsibility for other or larger claims, if any, and for which it may be held responsible. 9. DEPOSITS 9.1 The Licensee shall lodge with the City, as applicable, those cash deposits more particularly described in Schedule "B", prior to the date of execution of this Agreement by the City. 9.2 Without limiting the generality of Section 10, in the event any expenses incurred by the City in the preparation and administration or enforcement of this Agreement, exceeds the deposit, the Licensee shall pay such additional amounts to the City as invoiced. Failure to pay such invoices within the time periods set out in this agreement or in the invoices shall be considered a default of this agreement. 10. EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE LICENSEE 10.1 Every provision of this Agreement by which the Licensee is obligated in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Licensee" unless the context otherwise requires. 10.2 The Licensee shall pay such reasonable fees as may be invoiced by the City in connection with all work to be performed as a result of the provisions of this Agreement. 10.3 All expenses for which demand for payment or invoice has been made by the City, shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum commencing 30 days from the date of invoice. 10.4 In the event that the City finds it is necessary to engage the services of engineer or technical personnel not permanently employed by the City to review the plans of the Licensee and/or carry out on­site inspections of the work performed, the City will advise the Licensee accordingly of this need, and the costs of such outside engineers so engaged shall be the responsibility of the Licensee. The City may require a deposit for this purpose. 11. LICENCE NON-TRANSFERABLE The license hereby granted may not be transferred by the Licensee without the prior consent in writing of the City, which may be arbitrarily denied. 12. NOTICE Any notice, report, statement or invoice which will or may be given pursuant to or in addition to this Agreement will be in writing and shall be conclusively deemed to be validly given or delivered to and received by the Parties’ Designate as set out below: (a) if hand delivered, including by bonded courier, to a Party at the address specified in this Section, on the date of that personal delivery; or (b) if mailed, on the third Business Day after the mailing of the same by prepaid post to the addresses specified in this Section; or (c) if sent by email as of the time of verified reception to an email address specified in this Section. The onus of proving reception lies with the mailing Party, by copy of an email confirmation to the appropriate email address. To Licensee: HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ 9878 - 285 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2W 1L2 Email _____________________ To the City: Attention: Forrest Smith 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Email fsmith@mapleridge.ca 13. ESTOPPEL OF LICENSEE The Licensee agrees to not call into question directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever, in law or in equity, or before any administrative tribunal, the right of the City to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained. This Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppel against the Licensee in any such proceedings. 14. ERECTION OF WARNING SIGNS The Licensee shall erect signs at the approach of the unopened road allowance which read as follows: "THIS UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE HAS NOT BEEN ASSUMED FOR PUBLIC USE BY THE CITY. IT IS PRIVATELY MAINTAINED FOR ACCESS TO ABUTTING LANDS. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC MAY STILL USE THIS UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE, BUT DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK". 15. TIME OF ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this Agreement and, without limitation, will remain of the essence after any modification or extension of this Agreement, whether or not expressly restated in the document effecting the modification or extension. 16. GOVERNING LAW The validity and interpretation of this Agreement and the legal relations of the Parties will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force from time to time in the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement (including any modification of it) states and comprises the entire agreement between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement and replaces any previous oral or written agreements between the Parties for the rights granted to the Licensee. There are no representations, warranties, terms, conditions, undertakings or collateral agreements express or implied between the Parties other than expressly set forth in this Agreement. 18. FORCE MAJEURE If either Party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, by reason of Force Majeure, such Party will be excused from performance for so long as and to the extent that Force Majeure will so prevent such performance, provided that such Party uses reasonable efforts to restore its ability to perform its obligations hereunder. Any Party claiming Force Majeure will, with reasonable promptness, give to any other Party notice of the cause of the Force Majeure and its expected duration. 19. INTERPRETATION As used in this Agreement, the gender will include the feminine or masculine gender, and the plural will include the singular wherever appropriate. 20. COSTS Except as provided in this Agreement, each Party will perform its obligations under this Agreement at its own cost and expense. 21. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Nothing in this Agreement will entitle any person other than the Parties to any claim, cause of action, remedy or other rights of any kind in respect of the subject matter hereof. 22. ASSIGNMENT The Licensee must not assign any of the Licensee’s rights or obligations under this Agreement without the City’s prior written consent, which may be arbitrarily denied. Upon providing written notice to the Licensee, the City may assign to any person any of the City’s rights under this Agreement. 23. INDEPENDENT LEGAL ADVICE The Licensee and the City each agrees that the contents, terms and effect of this Agreement have been explained to them by a lawyer and are fully understood. 24. COUNTERPARTS AND DELIVERY BY FAX This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this Agreement and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile or other electronic transmission shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the Parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the Parties transmitted by facsimile or other electronic transmission shall be deemed to be their original signatures for all purposes. 25. DISPUTES In the event of a dispute arising between the Licensee or City under this Agreement, each Party shall be entitled to give the other Party’s Designate written notice, within ten (10) Business Days of that Party’s awareness of such a dispute, and the Parties shall use the below process to address disputes: 25.1 Designates for each Party will meet and work to resolve the dispute. If a resolution cannot be reached within ten (10) Business Days, or such time as agreed by both Parties, the dispute will be escalated in accordance with Subsection 25.2 below. 25.2 All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated herewith or derived therefrom, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of the ADR Institute of British Columbia. The appointing authority shall be the ADR Institute of British Columbia. The case shall be administered by the ADR Institute of British Columbia in accordance with its arbitration rules. The place of arbitration shall be Vancouver, or, if agreed to between the Parties, any other location in the province of British Columbia. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed and set their hands and seals on This Agreement: By the City on the day of 2023. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF Maple Ridge Per:_____________________________________ Per:_____________________________________ By the Licensee on the day of ' 2023. Per: HANS SCHRANZ Per: LAILA SCHRANZ SCHEDULE "A" THIS IS SCHEDULE A TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ 1. Licensee's Lands Legal Description: LOT 24 DISTRICT LOT 440 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2788 PID: 004-400-348 2. City's Lands Road Allowance Between the western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 – 285 Street. 3. Licensed Area That portion of the Road Allowance Between the end of western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, abutting the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 – 285 Street as depicted in the shaded area below. SCHEDULE "B" CASH DEPOSITS AND SECURITY THIS IS SCHEDULE B TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SHCRANZ The Licensee shall, on the dates specified herein, lodge with the City, the following described cash deposits and security. 1. TYPE OF SECURITY Any security required to be filed under this Agreement, shall be by Cash or Letter of Credit in the amount or amounts hereinafter set out. 2. DEPOSITS The following deposits are estimates only and are to be paid to the City, as applicable, prior to the execution of this Agreement by the City. In the event that the actual costs incurred by the City exceed the deposits, such excess shall be invoiced to the Licensee and be due and payable 30 days from date of invoice.  For planning and engineering expenses and disbursements in connection with this Agreement, a deposit of $1,000.00; and  For the estimated expenses of removing the driveway in the Licensed Area, a security in the amount of $5,000.00. --------City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: October 3, 2023 FILE NO: 09-3900-03 MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7972-2023: Driveway Access License Agreement for 9878 285 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this repot is to request Council authorization to enter into a non-exclusive license agreement with the Property Owner of 9878 285 Street, to permit property access through an unimproved unopened road right-of-way established at the rear of the property. Current access to the subject property is provided through an easement across a neighbouring lot; however, given topography constraints to accessing the buildable area of the lot, the Property Owner is requesting alternative access be considered. Staff are supportive of this request and have prepared a license agreement (Schedule A) within Bylaw No. 7972-2023, which the Owner is amenable to for Council's consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw 7972-2023, a Bylaw to enter into an Access Driveway License Agreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 285 Street, be given first, second and third reading. DISCUSSION: a)Background Context: The purpose of this report is to request Council authorization to enter into a non-exclusive license agreement with the property owners of 9878 285 Street to permit property accessthrough an unimproved unopened road right-of-way established at the rear of the property. Current access to the subject property is provided through an easement (Attachment B) across a neighbouring lot; however, given topography challenges for accessing the buildable area of the lot, the Property Owner is requesting alternative access be considered. Staff are supportive of this request and have prepared a license agreement (Schedule A) within Bylaw No. 7972-2023, which the Property Owner is amenable to for Council's review. The agreement is non-exclusive and provides provision for neighbours to enter into similar agreements with the City in the future as required. Doc#3541731 Page 1 of 2 Further, at a high level, the agreement requires the Licensee to: • Commission a geotechnical report of the proposed work to the satisfaction of the City • Meet minimum construction standards • Obtain applicable permits (including municipal, provincial and federal) • Maintain the driveway in a safe, good and proper repair and condition • Prohibit storage within the License Area • Prohibit the installation of a gate b) Strategic Alignment: This aligns with Council 's strategic priorities of Livable Community and Governance & Corporate Excellence. c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The license contains language requiring an annual fee of $200 to cover City costs for yearly administration of the agreement. In addition, the License requires the following securities: • For planning and engineering expenses and disbursements in connection with this Agreement, a deposit of $1,000.00; and • For the estimated expenses of removing the driveway in the Licensed Area, a security in the amount of $5,000.00. d) Alternatives: Should Council decide not to grant a license agreement under Bylaw No. 7972-2023, it may be cost prohibitive for the Property Owner to access the buildable area of the lot; potentially rendering the lot undevelopable under existing market conditions. CONCLUSION: Given topographical constraints, 9878 285 Street is difficult to access from 285 Street through an existing easement. Staff are supportive of providing access through an unimproved unopened road right-of-way established at the rear of the property and have prepared a License Agreement within Bylaw No. 7972-023 as Schedule A for Council's adoption. Forrest Smith, P.Eng. J;/iJt 1;;;;:gWb1v Reviewed by: PatrickHlavac-Winsor, JD, MBA General Counsel ~-, Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Bylaw No. 7972-2023 (B) Existing Easement Map Doc#3541731 Page 2 of 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7972-2023 A Bylaw to enter into a Driveway Access License Agreement over unopened road allowance beyond the western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 -285 Street. WHEREAS Section 35(1)(a), 35(12), 36(1) and 39(e) of the Community Charter, SBC 2003 c-26, authorizes a City to pass bylaws to regulate and prohibit in relation to all uses of or involving a highway or part of a highway and to enter into a license of occupation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to enter into an Agreement to license a driveway access over an unopened road allowance owned by the City; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. THAT the City enters into the Access Driveway License Agreement attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forming part of this Bylaw. 2.THAT the Mayor of the Council of the City and the Corporate Officer are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or to obtain approvals where required, except where otherwise provided, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer are hereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary documents and to affix the Corporate Seal of the City to such documents. 3.THAT this Bylaw shall come into force and effect on the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD TIME, passed, signed and the Seal of the City affixed hereto, this_ day of ___ 2023 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER APPENDIX A Schedule 'A' to Bylaw 7972-2023 DRIVEWAY ACCESS LICENSE -9878 285 Street THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN: THE City of Maple Ridge HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ -and- (hereinafter called the "City") OF THE FIRST PART (hereinafter called the "Licensee") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Licensee is the registered owner of the lands and premises more particularly described in Paragraph 1 of Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "Licensee's Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Licensee desires to gain access to the Licensee's Lands via an unopened road allowance under the City's jurisdiction (the "City's Lands") which is described in Paragraph 2 of Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS the City has agreed to permit the Licensee to construct and maintain such driveway on a portion of the City's Lands in the area described in Paragraph 3 of Schedule "A" (the "Licensed Area") subject to the requirement that the Licensee enter into an agreement with the City; AND WHEREAS direct access to the Licensed Area is from western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 -285 Street, which is only seasonally maintained by the City; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE COVENANTS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT WHEREOF IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO COVENANT AND AGREE WITH EACH OTHER AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS In this Agreement: (i) "Agreement" means this agreement along with any schedules attached hereto; (ii) "Business Day" means a day, other than a Saturday or Sunday, on which City government offices are open for normal business in British Columbia; (iii) "Crossing Area" means the area beginning at the property line of the Lands at 9878-285 Street directly up to the Crossing Point as outlined on Schedule "A"; (iv) "Crossing Point" means the area at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue where the City's maintained roads intersect or meet the Licensed Area more particularly described in the attached Schedule "A"; (v) "Crossings" mean free and uninterrupted access on foot, bicycle or other similar conveyance, baby stroller, wheelchair or motorized scooter or similar conveyances used exclusively by persons with disabilities, with or without vehicles, equipment, materials and supplies, onto and through the Lands in common with the City, at all times hereafter from time to time at Licensee's will and pleasure to enter upon, go, be on, and pass and repass upon, over and across the Lands for the purpose of unobstructed access to and from the Crossing Point, as provided for in this Agreement, in order for the Licensees to access Licensee's Land; (vi) "Designate" means the primary contact person set out in the Notice section for each Party. (vii) "Force Majeure" means a situation beyond the reasonable control of the Parties including but not limited to: any war, riot, pandemic, civil emergency, natural disaster, strike, lockout, inability to procure materials or services, or other industrial disturbance, fire, lightning or floods, in each case which prevents Crossings, delays due to Governmental Authorities or Governmental orders, delays due to adverse weather. (viii) "Licensed Area" means the area more particularly described in Section 3 of Schedule "A"; (ix) "Licensee's Land" means property located at 9878-285 Street, legally described as LOT 24 DISTRICT LOT 440 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2788, PID 004-400-348. 2. LICENCE 2.1 The City hereby permits and consents to the Licensee to establish and maintain a driveway upon the Licensed Area for the purpose of Crossings, which is more particularly described in Paragraph 3 of Schedule "A" for the purpose of providing access to the lands described in Paragraph 1 of Schedule "A". 2.2 This license is granted for the sole purpose of providing driveway access to the Licensee's Lands for residential use. 3. INDEMNIFICATION FROM LIABILITY AND RELEASE 3.1 The Licensee will indemnify and save harmless the City and any entities affiliated, associated or otherwise related to the City and their respective agents, independent contractors, directors, officers and employees from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, actions, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) that the City, its servants, employees and agents may sustain, incur, suffer or be put to arising: (a) directly in consequence of the permission herein before granted and/or the exercise by the Licensee of such permission and/or the presence of the driveway or in any matter related thereto during the Term of this Agreement, (b) from breach of the obligations of this Agreement by the Licensee, (c) breach of any warranty, representation or covenant herein by the Licensee, or (d) the wilful misconduct, gross negligence or the bad faith actions of the Licensee their sub- contractors, and those for whom they are responsible at law, except to the extent that any such loss or claim is caused or contributed to by the negligence of the City. 3.2 The Licensee hereby releases and forever discharges the City, its officers, servants, officials and agents from any claim, demand, loss, cost, charge or expense which may arise as a result of the City performing any municipal work in or upon the Licensed Area which may damage or interfere with the driveway. 3.3 The Licensee will exercise due diligence and all reasonable care to prevent damage or loss to any structures, buildings, or improvements in Crossing Area. On the occurrence of damage or loss in the course of exercising Crossings through the Crossing Area, the Licensee will immediately take appropriate action to mitigate or prevent further damage or loss and immediately notify the City so the City can provide direction as to remedial measures to be undertaken. The Licensee will comply with any directions given by the City under this subsection in a timely manner. 3.4 It is expressly understood that nothing contained herein shall be construed as imposing upon the other Party, any obligation to indemnify and save harmless the other Party from or against any losses, costs, charges, liabilities, damages or expenses occasioned by or arising directly or indirectly from or out of any negligence of the other Party, its servants, agents, employees, contractors and those for whom they are responsible at law. The provisions of this Section 3 are paramount to any insurance requirements herein and shall survive the Term of this Agreement. 4. TERM, FEE AND PROPERTY TAXES 4.1 Term -This Licence Agreement shall be effective upon the date of execution by the City and shall continue from year to year subject to the termination provisions hereinafter set forth in Section 5. 4.2 Annual Fee -The Licensee shall pay a fee of $200 prior to the execution of this Agreement and each year thereafter on or before July 1. Should such amount remain unpaid on July 2 in each calendar year, the City may add the amount owing to the Tax Roll of the Licensee's Lands. (Note: There shall be no pro-rating of applicable fee.) 4.3 Municipal Taxes -It is a condition of this license agreement that the Licensee shall maintain the property tax account for the Licensee's Lands in good standing. For the purposes of this Agreement "in good standing" shall mean that all property taxes imposed upon the Licensee's Land for the then current tax year shall be paid in full no later than the first Business Day in July of that tax year and if such property taxes are not in good standing the Licensee is deemed to be in default of this Agreement. 5. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 5.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the City: (a) upon six (6) months' notice in writing by the City, with or without reason, to the Licensee at the City's sole discretion; or (b) upon default of the Licensee of the terms of this agreement; as a condition precedent to giving such notice of termination the City shall provide written notice of default and the Licensee shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice to remedy the identified default(s) to the satisfaction of the City; where such default has not been remedied the City may, in addition any other remedies, terminate the agreement as of a date specified in writing and require the Licensee to remove the encroachment within a reasonable time and take such measures to restrict use of the Licensed Area as Council determines appropriate. 5.2 This Agreement will automatically terminate: (a) upon the registration of a transfer of the ownership of the Licensed Area from the City to the Licensee; (b) upon the removal of the driveway and the restoration of the Licensed Area to a condition satisfactory to the City. 6. NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AND ACCESS FROM PUBLIC HIGHWAY 6.1 The Licensee acknowledges that this Agreement shall in no way create any interest in land or easement rights. 6.2 The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensed Area remains a component of an unopened road allowance over which the public is entitled to travel. Accordingly, the license granted herein is non-exclusive and the Licensee may not prohibit or interfere with the public travel along the unopened road allowance. 6.3 The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (a) access to the Licensed Area is from the Crossing Point located at western end cul-de- sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue; (b) the Licensed Area does not receive winter maintenance, emergent repairs, or upkeep from the City; (c) members of the public, including the Licensee, are not permitted to undertake any maintenance activities on an open public highway and specifically are not permitted to undertake any maintenance activities ( e.g. snow plowing) of the Crossing Point at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue or the eastern end of Bell Avenue to gain access to the Licensed Area or the Licensee's Land. 7. CONSTRUCT, REPAIR AND REMOVAL 7.1 In consideration of the permission and consent hereby given, the Licensee: (a) shall, at its own expense, obtain a geotechnical report authored by a member in good standing of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia setting out the soil conditions and any requirements for a driveway or proposed works to be constructed on the Licensed Area supporting the driveway (the "Geotechnical Report"); shall, at its own expense, construct and maintain the driveway within the Licensed Area with a minimum standard width and surface material meeting all municipal, provincial and federal requirements, and Geotechnical Report requirements including review by the City of Maple Ridge Engineering Department and Emergency Services prior to construction; (b) shall not pave or otherwise hard surface the driveway in a manner different than 7.1(b) above; (c) shall, at its own expense, obtain all required governmental approvals for the construction of the driveway, including the submission, review and approval of a work plan for the driveway; (d) shall, at its own expense, keep and maintain the driveway in a safe, good and proper repair and condition; (e) shall not store any chattels (materials, goods, or equipment) on the Licensed Area; (f) shall maintain the interface between the City's road at western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue and the eastern end of Bell Avenue and the Licensed Area adhering to all municipal, provincial and federal requirements; (g) shall not erect a gate prohibiting public access to the Licensed Area and shall not prohibit adjoining lands to the Licensee's Land from utilizing the driveway upon the owners of those lands obtaining a license from the City at a future date; (h) shall, upon termination of this Agreement, forthwith remove the driveway and repair any damage caused thereby at the sole expense of the Licensee without being entitled to any compensation whatsoever. 7.2 The Licensee acknowledges that the authorization hereunder applies only to the Licensed Area and it is the Licensee's obligation to ensure that works authorized hereunder do not encroach upon abutting lands. The Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining the assistance of a professional surveyor for such purpose and the cost thereof. 7 .3 In addition to any other remedy at law or hereunder, if the Licensee fails to maintain the Licensed Area in a safe condition, or to repair or remove the driveway as required by this Agreement, the City may alter, repair or remove the same at the expense of the Licensee. The expense thereof shall be final and binding upon the Licensee, and the City may recover the same from the Licensee in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due and owing to the City. 7.4 The City may enter upon the Licensed Area at any time to inspect the driveway and carry out repairs and maintenance in the event the Licensor fails to maintain the driveway in a manner that is inconsistent with Subsection 7.1. 8. INSURANCE CERTIFICATE AND POLICY 8.1 Policy of Insurance -The Licensee shall lodge with the City, prior to the execution of the Agreement by the City (and prior to July 1 of each calendar year), an insurance certificate with an Insurance Company satisfactory to the City, and insuring for the joint benefit of the Licensee and the City against any liability that may arise out of authorization granted hereunder or any use of the Licensed Area. 8.2 Comprehensive General Liability -Such policy shall carry limits of liability in the amount to be specified by the City, including: 8.3 8.4 8.5 (a) property insurance, in an amount acceptable to the City acting reasonably, protecting both the Licensee and the City from loss or damage to the Lands; and (b) commercial general liability insurance, in an amount acceptable to the City acting reasonably no less than $5,000,000, in respect of injury to or death of one or more persons and for damage to property, regardless of the number of claims arising as a result of any one occurrence protecting both the Licensee and the City against claims for personal injury, death or property damage or other third party or public liability claims arising from any accident or occurrence upon, in or about the Crossing Area or any portion thereof. The deductible under this coverage will be in an amount acceptable to the City, acting reasonably. The above insurance policies will: (c) be in a form and substance satisfactory to the City, acting reasonably; ( d) exclude any rights of cross claim against the City or any rights of the insurer or insurers, whether by subrogation or otherwise, against the City and against those for whom the City is in law responsible; (e) include the City (including its officers and employees) as an additional insured; (f) contain a provision requiring that at least 30 days written notice be given to the City by the insurer prior to cancellation of or material change to the policy; (g) contain a cross-liability clause; and (h) provide product;completed operation coverage. Certificate of Coverage -Any certificate of coverage filed with the City solicitor shall specifically contain confirmation that the coverage as specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above is in effect. Confirmation of Premium Payment -The Licensee shall, from time to time as required by the City, provide confirmation that all premiums on such policy or policies of insurance have been paid, and that the insurance is in full force and effect. Claim in Excess of Policy Limits -The issuance of such Policy of Insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Licensee from responsibility for other or larger claims, if any, and for which it may be held responsible. 9. DEPOSITS 9.1 The Licensee shall lodge with the City, as applicable, those cash deposits more particularly described in Schedule "B", prior to the date of execution of this Agreement by the City. 9.2 Without limiting the generality of Section 10, in the event any expenses incurred by the City in the preparation and administration or enforcement of this Agreement, exceeds the deposit, the Licensee shall pay such additional amounts to the City as invoiced. Failure to pay such invoices within the time periods set out in this agreement or in the invoices shall be considered a default of this agreement. 10. EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE LICENSEE 10.1 Every provision of this Agreement by which the Licensee is obligated in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Licensee" unless the context otherwise requires. 10.2 The Licensee shall pay such reasonable fees as may be invoiced by the City in connection with all work to be performed as a result of the provisions of this Agreement. 10.3 All expenses for which demand for payment or invoice has been-made by the City, shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum commencing 30 days from the date of invoice. 10.4 In the event that the City finds it is necessary to engage the services of engineer or technical personnel not permanently employed by the City to review the plans of the Licensee and/or carry out on-site inspections of the work performed, the City will advise the Licensee accordingly of this need, and the costs of such outside engineers so engaged shall be the responsibility of the Licensee. The City may require a deposit for this purpose. 11. LICENCE NON-TRANSFERABLE The license hereby granted may not be transferred by the Licensee without the prior consent in writing of the City, which may be arbitrarily denied. 12. NOTICE Any notice, report, statement or invoice which will or may be given pursuant to or in addition to this Agreement will be in writing and shall be conclusively deemed to be validly given or delivered to and received by the Parties' Designate as set out below: (a) if hand delivered, including by bonded courier, to a Party at the address specified in this Section, on the date of that personal delivery; or (b) if mailed, on the third Business Day after the mailing of the same by prepaid post to the addresses specified in this Section; or (c) if sent by email as of the time of verified reception to an email address specified in this Section. The onus of proving reception lies with the mailing Party, by copy of an email confirmation to the appropriate email address. To Licensee: HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ 9878 -285 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2W 1L2 Email ________ _ To the City: Attention: Forrest Smith 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Email fsmith@mapleridge.ca 13. ESTOPPEL OF LICENSEE The Licensee agrees to not call into question directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever, in law or in equity, or before any administrative tribunal, the right of the City to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained. This Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppel against the Licensee in any such proceedings. 14. ERECTION OF WARNING SIGNS The Licensee shall erect signs at the approach of the unopened road allowance which read as follows: 'THIS UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE HAS NOT BEEN ASSUMED FOR PUBLIC USE BY THE CITY. IT IS PRIVATELY MAINTAINED FOR ACCESS TO ABUTTING LANDS. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC MAY STILL USE THIS UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE, BUT DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK". 15. TIME OF ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this Agreement and, without limitation, will remain of the essence after any modification or extension of this Agreement, whether or not expressly restated in the document effecting the modification or extension. 16. GOVERNING LAW The validity and interpretation of this Agreement and the legal relations of the Parties will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force from time to time in the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement (including any modification of it) states and comprises the entire agreement between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement and replaces any previous oral or written agreements between the Parties for the rights granted to the Licensee. There are no representations, warranties, terms, conditions, undertakings or collateral agreements express or implied between the Parties other than expressly set forth in this Agreement. 18. FORCE MAJEURE If either Party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, by reason of Force Majeure, such Party will be excused from performance for so long as and to the extent that Force Majeure will so prevent such performance, provided that such Party uses reasonable efforts to restore its ability to perform its obligations hereunder. Any Party claiming Force Majeure will, with reasonable promptness, give to any other Party notice of the cause of the Force Majeure and its expected duration. 19. INTERPRETATION As used in this Agreement, the gender will include the feminine or masculine gender, and the plural will include the singular wherever appropriate. 2O.COSTS Except as provided in this Agreement, each Party will perform its obligations under this Agreement at its own cost and expense. 21. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Nothing in this Agreement will entitle any person other than the Parties to any claim, cause of action, remedy or other rights of any kind in respect of the subject matter hereof. 22. ASSIGNMENT The Licensee must not assign any of the Licensee's rights or obligations under this Agreement without the City's prior written consent, which may be arbitrarily denied. Upon providing written notice to the Licensee, the City may assign to any person any of the City's rights under this Agreement. 23. INDEPENDENT LEGAL ADVICE The Licensee and the City each agrees that the contents, terms and effect of this Agreement have been explained to them by a lawyer and are fully understood. 24. COUNTERPARTS AND DELIVERY BY FAX This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this Agreement and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile or other electronic transmission shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the Parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the Parties transmitted by facsimile or other electronic transmission shall be deemed to be their original signatures for all purposes. 25. DISPUTES In the event of a dispute arising between the Licensee or City under this Agreement, each Party shall be entitled to give the other Party's Designate written notice, within ten (10) Business Days of that Party's awareness of such a dispute, and the Parties shall use the below process to address disputes: 25.1 Designates for each Party will meet and work to resolve the dispute. If a resolution cannot be reached within ten (10) Business Days, or such time as agreed by both Parties, the dispute will be escalated in accordance with Subsection 25.2 below. 25.2 All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated herewith or derived therefrom, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of the ADR Institute of British Columbia. The appointing authority shall be the ADR Institute of British Columbia. The case shall be administered by the ADR Institute of British Columbia in accordance with its arbitration rules. The place of arbitration shall be Vancouver, or, if agreed to between the Parties, any other location in the province of British Columbia. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed and set their hands and seals on This Agreement: By the City on the day of 2023. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF Maple Ridge Per: Per: _______________ _ By the Licensee on the day of '2023. Per: HANS SCHRANZ Per: LAILA SCHRANZ SCHEDULE "A" THIS IS SCHEDULE A TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SCHRANZ 1. Licensee's Lands Legal Description: LOT 24 DISTRICT LOT 440 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2788 PIO: 004-400-348 2. City's Lands Road Allowance Between the western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 -285 Street. 3. Licensed Area That portion of the Road Allowance Between the end of western end cul-de-sac of 98 Avenue, abutting the eastern end of Bell Avenue, to property located at 9878 -285 Street as depicted in the shaded area below. •• ~ N s , 2023 SCHEDULE "B" CASH DEPOSITS AND SECURITY THIS IS SCHEDULE B TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND HANS SCHRANZ and LAILA SHCRANZ The Licensee shall, on the dates specified herein, lodge with the City, the following described cash deposits and security. 1. TYPE OF SECURITY Any security required to be filed under this Agreement, shall be by Cash or Letter of Credit in the amount or amounts hereinafter set out. 2. DEPOSITS The following deposits are estimates only and are to be paid to the City, as applicable, prior to the execution of this Agreement by the City. In the event that the actual costs incurred by the City exceed the deposits, such excess shall be invoiced to the Licensee and be due and payable 30 days from date of invoice. • For planning and engineering expenses and disbursements in connection with this Agreement, a deposit of $1,000.00; and • For the estimated expenses of removing the driveway in the Licensed Area, a security in the amount of $5,000.00. m ~ C z w a. a. <( FI L E D Nh ' B C P - 4 0 2 2 4 RC . V 0 : 2 0 0 9 - 0 3 - 1 0 PR N T : 2:0 0 9 - 0 4 - 1 6 - 0 8 . 3 5 . 0 6 . 5 1 6 1 5 3 EX P L A N A T O R Y PL A N OF EA S E M E N T OF PA R T OF LO T S 19 TO 26 D. L . 44 0 GP . 1 N. W. D . PL A N 27 8 8 Pu r s u a n t to Se c t i o n 99 ( / ) ( e ) LT . A . Ac c e s s Pu r p o s e s B.C . G . S . 92 G . 01 8 Th i s pl a n lie s wit h i n th e · Gr e a t e r Va n c o u v e r Re g i o n a l Di s t r i c t Mu n i c i p a l i t y of Ma p l e Rid g e Sc a l e 1: 5 0 0 Nf d'd t a a C N at1 1 1 in mlf f t u mrr : e p t ~ otb f f l f i s e no l t J d 10 S D 14 0 25 . 0 ~ i I BO O K OF RE F E J l £ N C £ De s c r i p t i o n : All of D. L 44 0 Gr o u p 1 N.W . D . Pla n 27 8 8 Pa r t Lo t 19 Pa r t Lo t 20 Pa r t Lo t 21 Pa r t Lo t 22 Pa r t Lo t 2J Pa r t Lo t 24 Pa r t La t 25 Pa r t Lo t 26 Ss a r i n g s ar e As t r o n o m i c an d ar e de r i v e d fr o m Pla n 27 8 8 Ar e a 18 4 . 9 m2 18 6 . 7 m2 24 0 . J m2 24 1 . 9 m2 18 . 0 m2 18 . 0 m2 JJ . I m2 J2 . 9 m2 Wa d e & As s o c i a i e s La n d Su r v e y i n g LJ. d B.C . La n d Su l V S } ' O r s Ma p l e Rid g e an d Mis s i o n . Fil e : H2 8 2 J - 0 2 Ph o n e 60 4 - 4 8 J - 4 7 5 J 23 Pa r c e l 'H ' Ex . P l a n 16 2 9 6 Pla n l 2 7 8 8 "'l : s rj t - ~~ ~ 22 /· M 'i i I 27 D W ' C 61 J o ~•o o • l;i - l l io o il l ,. ~ \, , , a~ mq • o a · ·- - , t '( f l ({ _ .._ c. I aa if j R1' 1 1 R f if t v .• 9C 1 0 0 ' 0 l f Pa r t 24 EA S E M E N T 24 1a a m 2 JJ . l , _ 44 0 Pl a n 25 Pa r t 25 EA S E M E N T JJ . 1 m2 27 0 " 0 0 ' o o • ••. 2 2 Pa r t 26 26 EA S E M E N T 32 . B m 2 Po s t i n g Pla n 77 1 0 9 'C ' 'B ' (P l a n 27 8 8 ) (P l a n 27 8 8 ) ~, 1 21 Po s t i n g Pla n BC P J1 5 2 9 jl .1 .1 ~ , - - ~ I l< / , : : r .1 ; / / ( CP . I ~1 l 27 a 8 -l ! I I I ~ I !ii l~ ! ii j I ~J ~8 2·0 0 · ·'0 0 " ' )c • C/1 , J C . M C . 1 1 I / I< ) / ,. . _ 1 m 2 I 2 =~ 0• 1 i I 5.1 . 3 0 47 . 7 9 L , § ~ 1a . 1 6 .4 . 4 8 20 I I . ;; ; . ff i 1'/ i i ' O i f o o ' I 46 . 7 9 < I f: ~ "" " ' l ' ° ~ I 90 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ' ' t l: ' - . / !l ~ -- - - - 1 - - ~, ~ - l! I I Pa r t !9 __ , I EA f . f . M ! f T I I I I I I 19 I # J -# ~ (; , , · ~- 'A ' (P l a n 27 8 8 ) , !. 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O. , , u ! , Re g i s t r a r ,c , r ,,. . . , Re f e r e n c e : \ I I I e. i ID ' S S 1- i ' 1 Pla n LM P 24 9 J I I - I /. , . __ _ -- -- -- 1h e pla n wa s co m p l e t e d an d ch e c k e d , an d th e ch o c l c r t s t fil e d un d e r #9 2 7 6 4 on th e Jrd da y of Fe b r u a , y , 20 0 9 . an d is he r e b y ce r t i f i e d co n - e c t In ac c o r d a n c e wit h La n d Tit l e Off i c e re c o r d s . #t : . ¾ J l f i J e . - OR I G I N A L THE CORPORATION.OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 7966-2023 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Maple Ridge, ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1.This bylaw shall be cited fo r all purposes as "Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966-2023". 2.Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 is amended by: (a)Replacing Schedule B "Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees" with Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw 7966-2023 Schedule A "Recreation Services Fees", attached hereto. READ a first time the 24th day ofOctober, 2023 READ a second time the 24th day ofOctober, 2023 READ a third time the 24th day ofOctober, 2023 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of, 2023 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: October 17, 2023 FILE NO: 05-1810-01 MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw -Recreation Services Fees EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Recreation Services department annually reviews fees for Lower Mainland recreation facilities to align City fees with regional averages, with the most recent increase in September 2022. Proposed adjustments include increasing the majority of fees by 2%, increasing others by 5%, maintaining some fees, and introducing a multi-year schedule to improve customer planning. The goal is to balance cost recovery, offset operational costs, and ensure accessibility, in line with the City's strategic plan. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Maple Ridge Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 2023-7966 be given first, second, and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees and Charges Policy guides the process for conducting the annual review of fees. The review of rental and admission rates of Lower Mainland recreation facilities includes Mission, Pitt Meadows, Langley, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam. Data gathered is then used to determine current market rental and admission rates to ensure alignment with regional rates. The most recent increase to recreation fees came into effect in September 2022. Through market analysis, staff are proposing the following adjustments to admission and rental rates: • Maintain current fees for: o 1-Year Memberships o Gymnasium fees o Ice -Youth/Senior Non-Profit fee o Sport Field User Annual Contribution and Miscellaneous Fees • Increase the following fees by 5% to align with market averages: o Mult-use rooms o Commercial o Park Shelter • Introduce multi-year rate proposals for Private & Non-Resident rates in order to improve customer process for long-term event planning and to improve administrative efficiency. • Increase remaining user fees by 2% to maintain pace with inflationary cost increases. 3557238 Page 1 of 2 b) Desired Outcome: That updated fees are adopted to reflect the cost to deliver services and average fees for regional comparators. A modest fee increase will assist in offsetting increasing facility operating costs, while balancing the need to ensure City Parks, Recreation & Culture services and programs remain accessible to all residents. c) Strategic Alignment: Maintaining fees with the cost for delivering services aligns with Council's Strategic Plan 2023-2026 objective to 'Ensure organization and financial alignment to achieve Strategic Priorities and meet the needs of our growing community'. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Regular adjustment of user fees ensures that the balance between user contributions and general revenue subsidy maintains balance over time. Multi-year gaps between rate increases the general revenue portion of program funding. Additionally, the City has a number of programs that will continue to support residents by offering several low-cost options to maintain the accessibility of recreation services, such as: • Financial Access Program • Rental Rebate Subsidy • Grade 5 & 6 Active Pass • Canadian Jumpstart • Low Cost Admission times e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Once adopted, revenue increases will be built into the Recreation Services Department budget during the 2024-2028 financial planning process. f) Policy Implications: The Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees and Charges Policy guides the review of fees and development of recommendations. No policy changes will be enacted through the adoption of this bylaw. CONCLUSION: The City supports equitable access to recreation opportunities for all members of the community. Future adjustments will continue t come forward on an annual basis. / -----~ - Prepared by: St phane Labonne Deputy Chief Administrative Officer ~ Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 2023-7966 (B) Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees and Charges Policy 3557238 Page 2 of 2 Attachment A -Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966-2023 THE CORPORATION OF THE CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 7966-2023 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Maple Ridge, ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1. This bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as 11Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7966-2023". 2. Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 is amended by: (a) Replacing Schedule B "Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees" with Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw 7966-2023 Schedule A "Recreation Services Fees", attached hereto. READ a first time the day of, 2023 READ a second time the day of, 2023 READ a third time the day of, 2023 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of, 2023 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Schedule "B" -Recreation Services Fees Note: 1. New rates take effect January of the noted year. 2. If no new rate is identified, the most recently stated rate will continue to be applied. 3. All fees are exclusive of tax, which will be added, if applicable. 4. Non-prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates and applied to all hours outside of the prime-time windows listed below: Days Monday -Friday Saturday/Sunday (Year-Round) Admissions Child Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year Youth/Student/Senior Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year Adult Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year Hours 5:00 pm -9:00 pm 8:00 am -9:00 pm 2024 $ 3.11 $ 26.62 $ 49.69 $ 27.96 $ 74.54 $247.95 2024 $ 4.18 $ 35.80 $ 66.83 $ 37.60 $100.25 $333.45 2024 $ 6.11 $ 52.33 $ 97.68 $ 54.95 $146.51 $487.35 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Family 2024 Single $ 11.18 10 Pass $100.43 20 Pass $178.90 1 Month $105.45 3 Months $281.20 1 Year $935.37 Drop-In Skating -Single 2024 Child $ 3.05 Youth/Student/Senior $ 4.11 Adult/Parent & Tot $ 5.55 Family $ 9.77 Outdoor Pool Admission -Single 2024 Child $ 1.90 Youth/Student/Senior $ 1.90 Adult/Parent & Tot $ 2.86 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Arenas All rates are listed hourly Ice -Prime Time 2024 2025 2026 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $118.18 Adult Non-Profit $177.26 Private $295.42 $301.33 $307.36 Commercial $326.64 $333.18 $339.84 Non-Resident $315.99 $322.31 $328.75 Ice -Non-Prime Time 2024 2025 2026 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $86.90 Adult Non-Profit $132.95 Private $221.56 $226.00 $230.52 Commercial $252.19 $264.80 $278.04 Non-Resident $236.99 $241.73 $246.56 Dry Floor -Prime Time 2024 2025 2026 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $44.91 Adult Non-Profit $67.37 Private $112.28 $114.53 $116.82 Commercial $149.52 $152.51 $155.56 Non-Resident $134.49 $137.18 $139.92 Ice -Junior B 2024 2025 2026 Prime Time/Games $123.80 $126.27 $128.80 Non-Prime/Practices $92.86 $94.72 $96.61 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Fairgrounds Stage included at no-charge when booking grounds All rates are hourly Barns Beef, Exhibition, Commercial 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 8.49 Adult Non-Profit $12.73 Private $21.23 $21.65 Commercial $23.35 $23.81 Non-Resident $25.47 $25.98 Grounds & Showrings 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 7.43 Adult Non-Profit $11.14 Private $18.57 $18.95 Commercial $20.43 $20.84 Non-Resident $22.29 $22.73 2026 $22.08 $24.29 $26.50 2026 $19.32 $21.26 $23.19 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Fields Youth/Senior Non-Profit Artificial Turf 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $24.33 $25.54 $26.82 Special Event $ 6.09 $ 6.39 $ 6.71 Regular Use Class A 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $23.63 $24.11 $24.59 Special Event $ 5.61 $ 5.72 $ 5.84 Regular Use Class B 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $17.61 $17.96 $18.32 Special Event $ 4.41 $ 4.49 $ 4.58 Regular Use Class C 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $ 5.88 $ 5.99 $ 6.11 Special Event $ 1.47 $ 1.50 $ 1.53 Regular Use Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Adu It Non-Profit Artificial Turf 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $24.33 $25.55 $26.82 Special Event $18.82 $19.76 $20.75 Regular Use $14.01 Class A 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $23.63 $24.11 $24.59 Special Event $17.41 $17.76 $18.11 Regular Use $12.95 Class B 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $17.61 $17.96 $18.32 Special Event $12.25 $12.50 $12.75 Regular Use $ 7.12 Class C 2024 2025 2026 Commercial $ 5.88 $ 5.99 $ 6.11 Special Event $ 2.95 $ 3.01 $ 3.07 Local, Private or Political 2024 2025 2026 Artificial Turf $24.33 $25.54 $26.82 Class A $23.63 $24.11 $24.59 Class B $17.61 $17.96 $18.32 Class C $ 5.88 $ 5.99 $ 6.11 Commercial 2024 2025 2026 Artificial Turf $26.76 $28.10 $29.51 Class A $26.76 $28.10 $29.51 Class B $19.93 $ 20.93 $ 21.97 Class C $ 6.66 $ 6.99 $ 7.34 Non-Resident 2024 2025 2026 Artificial Turf $30.59 $32.12 $33.72 Class A $29.71 $ 30.31 $30.91 Class B $25.15 $ 25.66 $26.17 Class C $ 8.74 $ 8.92 $ 9.09 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Halls Non-Prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates. Facility rates are hourly Kitchen rates are daily Great Hall -Albion Community Centre 2024 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 50.34 Adult Non-Profit $ 75.50 Private $125.84 Commercial $256.53 Non-Resident $242.08 Hammond Hall 2024 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 26.49 Adult Non-Profit $ 39.74 Private $ 66.23 Commercial $ 91.70 Non-Resident $ 81.27 Whonnock Hall 2024 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 86.54 Adult Non-Profit $129.82 Private $216.35 Commercial $256.53 Non-Resident $242.08 Kitchen 2024 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 35.54 Adult Non-Profit $ 53.33 Private $ 88.86 Commercial $ 125.16 Non-Resident $ 125.16 • Fairgrounds • Hammond Hall • Whonnock Lake Centre • Albion Comm unity Centre 2025 2026 $128.35 $130.92 $269.35 $282.82 $246.92 $251.86 2025 2026 $ 67.55 $ 68.90 $ 96.28 $101.10 !t 82.90 $ 84.56 2025 2026 $220.68 $225.09 $269.35 $282.82 $246.92 $251.86 2025 2026 $ 90.64 $ 92.45 $ 127.67 $ 130.22 $ 127.67 $ 130.22 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Pools All rates are hourly Competition & Teach Pool rates are per lane Hammond Pool rates are for the whole pool Competition Pool/Teach Pool 2024 Swim Club -Competition Pool $ 6.08 Swim Club -Teach Pool $ 5.17 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 10.58 Adult Non-Profit $ 15.87 Private $ 26.46 Commercial $ 34.60 Non-Resident $ 31.35 Hammond Pool (Whole Pool) 2024 Swim Club $ 20.69 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 27.84 Adult Non-Profit $ 41.75 Private $ 69.58 Commercial $ 77.77 Non-Resident $ 70.89 2025 2026 $ 26.99 $ 27.53 $ 36.33 $ 38.14 $ 31.98 $ 32.62 2025 2026 $ 70.98 $ 72.40 $ 81.66 $ 85.75 $ 72.31 $ 73.75 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Rooms Non-Prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates Rooms are listed hourly Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 1-15) 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 4.74 Adult Non-Profit $ 7.10 Private $ 11.83 $ 12.42 Commercial $ 14.53 $ 15.26 Non-Resident $ 14.53 $ 15.26 Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 15-30) 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 9.46 Adult Non-Profit $ 14.20 Private $ 23.66 $ 24.84 Commercial ' ' ( $ 29.05 $ 30.50 Non-Resident $ 29.05 $ 30.50 Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 40-60) 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 12.42 Adult Non-Profit $ 18.64 Private $ 31.06 $ 32.61 Commercial $ 37.35 $ 39.22 Non-Resident $ 34.25 $ 35.96 Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 60-80) 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 14.64 Adult Non-Profit $ 21.96 Private $ 36.59 $ 38.42 Commercial $ 50.78 $ 53.32 Non-Resident $ 47.63 $ 50.01 Gymnasium 2024 2025 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 49.35 Adult Non-Profit $ 74.02 Private $123.37 $123.37 Commercial $154.31 $154.31 Non-Resident $132.64 $132.64 2026 $ 13.04 $ 16.02 $ 16.02 2026 $ 26.09 $ 32.03 $ 32.03 2026 $ 34.24 $ 41.18 $ 37.76 2026 $ 40.34 $ 55.98 $ 52.51 2026 $123.37 $154.31 $132.64 Schedule A -"Recreation Services Fees" Sports Field User Annual Contribution 2024 2025 2026 Fall/Winter Clubs -per registration $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Spring/Summer Clubs -per registration $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Miscellaneous 2024 2025 2026 Park Shelter (day rate) $ 73.50 $ 77.18 $ 81.03 Event Trailer (day rate) $147.31 $147.31 $147.31 Tennis/Sport Court (Commercial) $ 15.75 $ 16.54 $ 17.36 POLICY MANUAL Title: Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees and Charges Policy No: 4.21 Supersedes: New Authority: ~ Legislative Approval: ~ Council D Operational □ CMT Effective Date: June 13, 2017 Review Date: June 2018 D General Manager Policy Statement The intent of this policy is to provide a framework for the establishment of fees and charges for Parks, Recreation & Culture services. Purpose 1. To provide staff with direction and guidance on fee setting in Parks, Recreation & Culture (PRC) facilities. ·· 2. To ensure consistency in the rental and admission fees charges at all facilities that provide the same or similar services to citizens. 3. To ensure access for all residents. The guiding principle of this policy is that PRC will conduct a market analysis on an annual basis. The resulting Facility Rental Market Averages (of like facilities) and a reduced formula for Local Non-Profit organizations will be used when establishing fees & charges including Admission and Program Fees. The City recognizes that community recreation facilities are a social hub and may be used as informal gathering places. To support this use, PRC will ensure some sites remain available at no cost for unstructured social gatherings that are open to the public. Where applicable PRC will apply the following formulas in establishing rental fees: • Youth/Senior Non-Profit Subsidization: 40% of the facility rental market average. • Adult Non-Profit: 60% of the facility rental market average. • Non-Prime Time: facility fees are reduced by 50%. Note: Prime Time hours are defined below. • Private: facility fees for an activity or booking that is not open to the general public. • CommercialjFundraiser: facility fees for an activity or booking where the object is to gain profit. • Non-Resident: facility fees for an activity or booking where the majority of participants do not reside in Maple Ridge. Page 1 of 2 Policy 4.21 Definitions Facility Rental Market Average: The average rate for each type of municipal operated facility. Local Non-Profit: Community and sports associations with a majority membership comprised of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows residents. Admission Fees: Average rates charges in similar facilities operated by public agencies. Program Fees: Rates charged for registered programs set at a level sufficient to cover instructor and supply costs. Prime Time: Rental times where facilities tend to be over capacity (Monday-Friday 5:00 pm -9:00 pm, Saturday/Sunday 8:00 am -9:00 pm) Non-Prime Time: Underutilizes times where facility fees are reduced. Key Areas of Responsibility Action to Take 1. Conduct annual market analysis 2. Set recommended updates to Fees & Charges 3. Prepare updated Fees & Charges bylaw 4. Approve Fees & Charges bylaw Page 2 of 2 Responsibility PRC Business Operations Staff PRC Business Operations Staff PRC Manager of Business Operations Council Policy 4.21 City of Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971-2023 Effective Date: City of Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971-2023 A bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an lntermunicipal Business Licence WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to provide for a bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an lntermunicipal Business Licence; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as "lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971- 2023. Part 2 Bylaw Agreement 2.1 Council hereby authorizes the City to enter into an Agreement with the Participating Municipalities in substantially the form and substance of the Agreement attached to this Bylaw as Schedule A, and also authorizes the Corporate Officer to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, and to deliver it to the Participating Municipalities on such terms and conditions as the Corporate Officer deems fit. 2.2 This Bylaw is to come into force and take effect on the date of its enactment. Schedules Schedule A - lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Schedule 1 - lntermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing READ A FIRST TIME on the 24th day of October, 2023. READ A SECOND TIME on the 24th day of October, 2023. READ A THIRD TIME on the 24th day of October, 2023. ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915-2023 Effective Date: to carry on the Business authorized by the lntermunicipal Business Licence in any Participating Municipality for the period of the suspension. 6.15 If the Council of a Participating Municipality is of the opinion that reasonable cause exists to cancel an lntermunicipal Business Licence issued by another of the Participating Municipalities, then it may by resolution reciting the details of such reasonable cause request the Principal Municipality that issued the licence to consider whether or not the licence should be cancelled pursuant to section 15 or section 60(2) of the Community Charter. 6.16 Any resolution made under section 6.15 of this Bylaw shall be communicated in writing to the Principal Municipality that issued the lntermunicipal Business Licence, together with such documentary evidence of the reasonable cause as may be available, and such Principal Municipality shall as soon thereafter as reasonably possible consider whether the lntermunicipal Business Licence should be cancelled. 6.17 In making any decision as to whether to cancel an lntermunicipal Business Licence under section 6.15 of this Bylaw or section 15 or section 60(2) of the Charter, the Principal Municipality shall approach the matter as if the conduct complained of had occurred within its own jurisdictional boundaries. 6.18 The Principal Municipality will retain the authority to hear related reconsiderations or appeals of suspensions and cancellations of lntermunicipal Business 6.19 Nothing in this Bylaw affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any business licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community 6.20 In the event of an inconsistency between this Bylaw and any other bylaw relating to business licensing of a Participating Municipality, the provisions of this Bylaw shall take precedence. 6.21 This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect upon on the first day of January 2024. Part 7 lntermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing Formula 7.1 The revenue generated from lntermunicipal Business Licence fees is shared on the following formula: (a)The Principal Municipality is to retain 90% of the fee collected and the remaining 10% is to be distributed to the remainder of the Participating Municipalities. READ A FIRST TIME this READ A SECOND TIME this READ A THIRD TIME this ADOPTED BY COUNCIL this Page 4 of 6 24th day of October, 2023. 24th day of October, 2023. 24th day of October, 2023. day of , 2023. .~ MAPLlE RIDGE ·------British Columbia City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: October 17, 2023 09-4560-20 cow SUBJECT: lntermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915-2023 and lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971-2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Created in partnership with local governments, UBCM, and the Province of British Columbia, the lntermunicipal Business Licence (IMBL) program has simplified and streamlined the licencing process for trade contractors and construction industry professionals. A business licence can be purchased in the home community which is valid for all municipalities that belong to the Fraser Valley lntermunicipal Business Licence Program. Currently there are thirteen (13) municipalities within the Fraser Valley that participate in this program. In 2019 the Village of Harrison Hot Springs and the City of Merritt requested to join the IMBL partnership which was approved by nine (9) out of the eleven (11) Fraser Valley municipalities. The two partners who did not agree to include the Village of Harrison Hot Springs and the City of Merritt have not amended their Bylaws. In order to align the Fraser Valley IMBL Bylaw it was decided by all eleven (11) original Fraser Valley IMBL Bylaw members to include the Village of Harrison Hot Springs but not the City of Merritt due to their geographical location. The nine (9) participants that have the City of Merritt in their bylaw have agreed to remove the City of Merritt from the Fraser Valley IMBL, the City of Merritt have no objection to this exclusion. In order to do this, the City of Maple Ridge IMBL Bylaw will need to be amended. The remaining two (2) municipalities will be bringing a report forward to their City Council to include the Village of Harrison Hot Springs in their IMBL bylaw. Staff do not anticipate any negative budget impacts from removing this municipality. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the following recommendations be forwarded to the next available Council meeting. Doc #3431768 1. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 6957-2012 be repealed in its entirety; 2. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971-2023 be given first, second and third reading; and 3. That lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915-2023 be given first, second and third reading. Page 1 of 3 DISCUSSION: Doc #3431768 a) Background Context: On January 1, 2013, nine (9) Fraser Valley municipalities implemented a one year lntermunicipal Business Licence (IMBL) Pilot Project. The participating municipalities included the Township of Langley, City of Langley, City of Abbotsford, City of Surrey, City of Maple Ridge, City of Pitt Meadows, District of Mission, City of Chilliwack and the District of Hope. Maple Ridge took a leadership role in implementing the IMBL project. Prior to the implementation of the lntermunicipal Business Licence Pilot Program, non- resident (mobile) trade contractor businesses were required to obtain a business licence from their home municipality in which they were based, as well as purchase a non-resident business licence from each municipality in which they operated. Under the lntermunicipal Business Licence Program, the participating municipalities have agreed to allow non-resident (mobile) trade contractor businesses from within the participating municipalities to operate in their municipality on the basis of one lntermunicipal Business Licence purchased from their home municipality. The cost of the IM BL is $250 annually, and each mobile trade business is still required to purchase a resident business licence from their home municipality. The revenue generated from sales of Inter Municipal Business Licences is shared among the participating municipalities. During the two year pilot program, the IMBL Committee worked closely with the Province's Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Branch to ensure the successful development of an lntermunicipal Business Licence Program taking into consideration the addition of other municipalities to the program, developing a more sustainable revenue sharing formula, and expanding the eligible business types. The success of this pilot program led to it being adopted as a permanent entity in 2016. Currently the Fraser Valley IMBL partnership includes, the City of Langley, Township of Langley, City of Abbotsford, City of Chilliwack, City of Delta, District of Hope, District of Kent, City of Maple Ridge, City of Mission, City of Pitt Meadows, City of Surrey, City of Merritt and Village of Harrison Hot Springs. The revenue generated from IMBLs is shared on the basis that the principal municipality (i.e. where the contractor is located) retains 90 percent of the business license fee revenue and the remaining 10 percent is evenly distributed amongst the other participating municipalities. At a meeting earlier in 2022 staff from the eleven (11) original participating IMBL municipalities agreed to the removal of the City of Merritt from the IMBL due to geographical location and it being beneficial in aligning participants bylaws, but in order to do this all participating municipalities need to amend their IMBL Bylaws to remove the City of Merritt prior to January 1, 2024. b) Financial Analysis: The cost of an IMBL is $250 annually, and businesses are still required to purchase a resident business licence from their home municipality. The revenue generated from the IMBL sales is distributed among the participating municipalities using a revenue sharing formula. Currently we are in a business licence renewal cycle so IMBL numbers Page 2 of 3 are not known at this point in time, however, in 2022 the City of Maple Ridge had a total of 388 intermunicipal business licences with a revenue of $97,000 before the profit share distribution. CONCLUSIONS: The IMBL Committee will continue working closely with the Province's Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation Branch to ensure the ongoing delivery of a successful lntermunicipal Business Licence Program. Consideration will continue to be given to the addition of other municipalities into the program and possibly expanding the eligible business types. Prepared by: Michelle Adams Director of Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Concurrence: Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix I: lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 7915-2023 Appendix II: lntermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw 7971-2023 Doc #3431768 Page 3 of 3 APP City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915-2023 Effective Date: City of Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. Table of Contents Part 1 Citation ................................................................................................................. 1 Part 2 Severability ........................................................................................................... 1 Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal ........................................................................................ 1 Part 4 General Provisions ............................................................................................... 1 Part 5 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 1 Part 6 Specific Regulations ............................................................................................ 2 Part 7 lntermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing Formula .................................... 4 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7915-2023 A bylaw to enter into an lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme WHEREAS Fraser Valley municipalities wish to enter into an agreement with one another to permit certain categories of Businesses to operate across municipal jurisdictions within the Fraser Valley region while minimizing the need to obtain a separate Municipal Business Licence in each jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS each of the undersigned local governments (herein called singularly the Participating Municipality or as a group the "Participating Municipalities") has adopted this Bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw No. 7915-2023" Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal 3.1 Maple Ridge lntermunicipal Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 6957-2012 Part 4 General Provisions 4.1 There is hereby established an lntermunicipal Business Licence scheme, pursuant to section 14 of the Community Charter and according to the terms and conditions of this Bylaw. Part 5 Definitions 5.1 In this bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: Business has the meaning as defined by the Community Charter. Page 1 of 6 Community Charter means the Community Charter, S.BC. 2003, c.26. Mobile Business means a trades contractor or other professional (related to the construction industry) or contractor who performs maintenance and/or repair of land & buildings from other than their Premises. lntermunicipal Business Licence means a business licence which authorizes a Mobile Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities in accordance with this Bylaw and shall be in addition to a Municipal Business Licence. Municipal Business Licence means a licence or permit, other than an lntermunicipal Business Licence, issued by a Participating Municipality that authorizes a Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of that Participating Municipality. Participating Municipality means those of the following municipalities that have adopted this Bylaw: City of Abbotsford City of Chilliwack Corporation of Delta District of Hope District of Kent City of Langley Township of Langley City of Maple Ridge City of Mission City of Pitt Meadows City of Surrey Village of Harrison Hot Springs Person has the meaning as defined by the Interpretation Act, S.B.C. 1996, c. 238. Premises means a fixed or permanent location where the Person ordinarily carries on Business. Principal Municipality means the Participating Municipality where a Business is located· or has a Premise. Part 6 Specific Regulations 6.1 Subject to sections 6.2 and 6.4, the provision of the lntermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw, the Participating Municipalities will permit a Person who has obtained an lntermunicipal Business Licence to carry on Business within any Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the lntermunicipal Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence in the other Participating Municipalities. 6.2 A Principal Municipality may issue an lntermunicipal Business Licence to an applicant for an lntermunicipal Business Licence provided the applicant is a Mobile Business and meets the requirements of this Bylaw in addition to the requirements of the Municipal Business Licence bylaw of the Principal Municipality. 6.3 Notwithstanding that a Person may hold an lntermunicipal Business Licence that would make it unnecessary to obtain a Municipal Business Licence in other Participating Municipalities, the Person must still comply with all other regulations of any municipal business licence bylaw or regulation in addition to any other bylaws that may apply within any jurisdiction in which the Person carries on Business. Page 2 of 6 6.4 A Person that operates a Mobile Business may only apply for an lntermunicipal Business Licence from the Participating Municipality in which they maintain a Premise. 6.5 Neither this Bylaw nor the issuance of an lntermunicipal Business Licence eliminates a requirement of a holder of an lntermunicipal Business Licence to obtain a Municipal Business Licence for each Premises that is maintained within the jurisdiction of the Participating Municipality. 6.6 The lntermunicipal Business Licence fee is $250 and is payable to the Principal Municipality. The lntermunicipal Business Licence fee is separate and additional to any Municipal Business Licence fee that may be required. 6.7 Notwithstanding that some Participating Municipalities pro-rate their Municipal Business Licence fee, the lntermunicipal Business Licence fee must not be pro-rated. 6.8 The revenue generated from lntermunicipal Business Licence fees is shared amongst all Participating Municipalities using the revenue sharing formula referred to in Part 7, subsection 7.1 of this Bylaw. 6.9 The Participating Municipalities agree that the revenue sharing formula will be reviewed from time to time and will be altered as necessary upon agreement of all Participating Municipalities. 6.10 The revenue generated from lntermunicipal Business Licence fees collected by the Participating Municipalities will be distributed by each Participating Municipality to the other Participating Municipalities as follows: (a) The revenue generated from lntermunicipal Business Licence fees collected from January 1 to December 31 inclusive will be distributed by February 28 of the year following the year in which the fees were collected. 6.11 The term of the lntermunicipal Business Licence is the same as the term for the Municipal Business Licence issued by the Principal Municipality for that Business category. 6.12 An lntermunicipal Business Licence issued within the twelve (12) month term of the lntermunicipal Business Licence scheme established by this Bylaw shall, until its term expires, remain valid within the jurisdictional boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities. 6.13 Each Participating Municipality shall provide the other Participating Municipalities with information regarding the lntermunicipal Business Licences that it issues by way of regular updates on a shared database that is available to all Participating Municipalities. 6.14 A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the Principal Municipality and suspend an lntermunicipal Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to suspend a business licence under the Community Charter or the Municipal Business Licence bylaw or regulation of the Participating Municipality. The suspension shall be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities and it shall be unlawful for the holder Page 3 of 6 to carry on the Business authorized by the lntermunicipal Business Licence in any Participating Municipality for the period of the suspension. 6.15 If the Council of a Participating Municipality is of the opinion that reasonable cause exists to cancel an lntermunicipal Business Licence issued by another of the Participating Municipalities, then it may by resolution reciting the details of such reasonable cause request the Principal Municipality that issued the licence to consider whether or not the licence should be cancelled pursuant to section 15 or section 60(2) of the Community Charter. 6.16 Any resolution made under section 6.15 of this Bylaw shall be communicated in writing to the Principal Municipality that issued the lntermunicipal Business Licence, together with such documentary evidence of the reasonable cause as may be available, and such Principal Municipality shall as soon thereafter as reasonably possible consider whether the lntermunicipal Business Licence should be cancelled. 6.17 In making any decision as to whether to cancel an lntermunicipal Business Licence under section 6.15 of this Bylaw or section 15 or section 60(2) of the Charter, the Principal Municipality shall approach the matter as if the conduct complained of had occurred within its own jurisdictional boundaries. 6.18 The Principal Municipality will retain the authority to hear related reconsiderations or appeals of suspensions and cancellations of lntermunicipal Business 6.19 Nothing in this Bylaw affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any business licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community 6.20 In the event of an inconsistency between this Bylaw and any other bylaw relating to business licensing of a Participating Municipality, the provisions of this Bylaw shall take precedence. 6.21 This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect upon on the first day of January 2024. Part 7 lntermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing Formula 7.1 The revenue generated from lntermunicipal Business Licence fees is shared on the following formula: (a) The Principal Municipality is to retain 90% of the fee collected and the remaining 10% is to be distributed to the remainder of the Participating Municipalities. READ A FIRST TIME this day of, 20. READ A SECOND TIME this day of, 20. READ A THIRD TIME this day of, 20. ADOPTED BY COUNCIL this day of, 20 . Page 4 of 6 PRESIDING CORPORATE Page 5 of 6 APPENDIX II City of Maple Ridge Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971 - 2023 Effective Date: City of Maple Ridge Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971 - 2023 Table of Contents Part 1 Citation ................................................................................................................. 1 Part 2 Bylaw Agreement ................................................................................................. 1 Schedule A – Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement ........................................... 2 Schedule 1 – Intermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing ......................................... 8 City of Maple Ridge Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971-2023 A bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Intermunicipal Business Licence WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to provide for a bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Intermunicipal Business Licence; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as "Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7971- 2023. Part 2 Bylaw Agreement 2.1 Council hereby authorizes the City to enter into an Agreement with the Participating Municipalities in substantially the form and substance of the Agreement attached to this Bylaw as Schedule A, and also authorizes the Corporate Officer to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, and to deliver it to the Participating Municipalities on such terms and conditions as the Corporate Officer deems fit. 2.2 This Bylaw is to come into force and take effect on the date of its enactment. Schedules Schedule A – Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Schedule 1 – Intermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing READ A FIRST TIME on [Date] READ A SECOND TIME on [Date] READ A THIRD TIME on [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Schedule A Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement WHEREAS the City of Abbotsford, the City of Chilliwack, the City of Delta, the Village of Harrison Hot Springs, the District of Hope, the District of Kent, the City of Langley, the Township of Langley, the City of Maple Ridge, the City of Mission, the City of Pitt Meadows, and the City of Surrey (hereinafter the “Participating Municipalities”) wish to permit certain categories of Businesses to operate across their jurisdictional boundaries while minimizing the need to obtain a separate municipal business licence in each jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE the Participating Municipalities agree as follows: 1. The Participating Municipalities agree to establish an Intermunicipal Business Licence scheme among the Participating Municipalities, 2. The term this Agreement and the Intermunicipal Business LIcence scheme will be permanent, unless terminated as provided for in this Agreement. 3. In this Agreement: Business has the meaning in the Community Charter; Community Charter means the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26; Intermunicipal Business means a trades contractor or other professional related to the construction industry or a contactor that performs maintenance and/or repair of land and buildings from outside of the Participating Municipalities in which the Premises are located; Intermunicipal Business Licence means a business licence which authorizes an Intermunicipal Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities; Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw means the bylaw previously adopted by the Council of each Participating Municipality to implement the intermunicipal business licence scheme contemplated by this Agreement; Municipal Business Licence means a licence or permit, other than an Intermunicipal Business Licence, issued by a Participating Municipality that authorizes a Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of that Participating Municipality; Participating Municipality means any one of the “Participating Municipalities”; Person has the meaning in the Interpretation Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 238; Premises means one or more fixed or permanent locations where the Person ordinarily carries on Business; Principal Municipality means the Participating Municipality where a Business is located or has Premises; Singular vs. Plural means Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa, unless otherwise specified or the context requires; and 4. Subject to the provisions of the Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw, the Participating Municipalities will permit a Person who has obtained an Intermunicipal Business Licence to carry on Business within any Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the Intermunicipal Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence in other Participating Municipalities. 5. A Principal Municipality may issue an Intermunicipal Business Licence to an applicant if the applicant is an Intermunicipal Business and meets the requirements of the Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw, in addition to the requirements of the Principal Municipality’s bylaw that applies to a Municipal Business Licence. 6. Notwithstanding that a Person may hold an Intermunicipal Business Licence that would make it unnecessary to obtain a Municipal Business Licence in other Participating Municipalities, the Person must still comply with all other regulations of any municipal business licence bylaw or regulation in addition to any other Bylaws, that may apply within any jurisdiction in which the Person carries on Business. 7. An Intermunicipal Business Licence must be issued by the Participating Municipality in which the applicant maintains Premises. 8. The Participating Municipalities will require that the holder of an Intermunicipal Business Licence also obtain a Municipal Business Licence for Premises that are maintained by the licence holder within the jurisdiction of the Participating Municipality. 9. The Intermunicipal Business Licence fee is $250 and is payable to the Principal Municipality. 10. The Intermunicipal Business Licence fee is separate from and in addition to any Municipal Business Licence fee that may be required by a Participating Municipality. 11. Despite paragraph 10, the Intermunicipal Business Licence fee will not be pro-rated. 12. The Participating Municipalities will distribute revenue generated from Intermunicipal Business Licence fees amongst all Participating Municipalities based on the revenue sharing formula referred to in Schedule 1 to this Agreement. 13. The Participating Municipalities will review the Intermunicipal Business Licence scheme and the revenue sharing formula established by this Agreement from time to time and may alter the formula in Schedule 1 by written agreement of all Participating Municipalities. 14. The revenue generated from Intermunicipal Business Licence fees collected by the Participating Municipalities will be distributed by each Participating Municipality to the other Participating Municipalities as follows: a) The revenue generated from Intermunicipal Business Licence fees collected from January 1 to December 31 inclusive will be distributed by February 28 of year following the year in which the fees were collected. 15. The Intermunicipal Business Licence is set as a permanent bylaw. 16. An Intermunicipal Business Licence will be valid within the jurisdictional boundaries of all of the Participating Municipalities, unless the Intermunicipal Business Licence is suspended or cancelled in accordance with the Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw or a Participating Municipality withdraws from the Intermunicipal Business Licence scheme among the Participating Municipalities in accordance with Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw. 17. Each Participating Municipality will share a database of Intermunicipal Business Licences, which will be available for the use of all Participating Municipalities. 18. Each Participating Municipality which issues Intermunicipal Business Licence will promptly update the shared database after the issuance of that licence. 19. A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the Principal Municipality and suspend an Intermunicipal Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to suspend a business licence under the Community Charter or under the business licence bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The suspension will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities and it will be unlawful for the holder to carry on the Business authorized by the Intermunicipal Business Licence in any Participating Municipality for the period of the suspension. 20. A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the Principal Municipality and cancel an Intermunicipal Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to cancel a business licence under the Community Charter or the business licence bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The cancellation will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities. 21. The suspension and cancellation of an Intermunicipal Business Licence under section 19 and 20 will not affect the authority of a Participating Municipality to issue a business licence, other than an Intermunicipal Business Licence, to the holder of the cancelled Intermunicipal Business Licence. 22. Nothing in this Agreement affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any business licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community Charter except as provided for in this Agreement. 23. A Participating Municipality may, by notice in writing to each of the other Participating Municipalities, withdraw from the Intermunicipal Business Licence scheme among the Participating Municipalities, and the notice must: (a) set out the date on which the withdrawing municipality will no longer recognize the validity within its boundaries of Intermunicipal Business Licences, which date must be at least six months from the date of the notice; and (b) include a certified copy of the municipal Council resolution or bylaw authorizing the municipality’s withdrawal from the Intermunicipal Business Licence scheme. 24. Nothing contained or implied in this Agreement shall fetter in any way the discretion of the Council of the Participating Municipalities. Further, nothing contained or implied in this Agreement shall prejudice or affect the Participating Municipalities’ rights, powers, duties or obligation in the exercise of its functions pursuant to the Community Charter or the Local Government Act, as amended or replaced from time to time, or act to fetter or otherwise affect the Participating Municipalities’ discretion, and the rights, powers, duties and obligations under all public and private statutes, bylaws, orders and regulations, which may be, if each Participating Municipality so elects, as fully and effectively exercised as if this Agreement had not been executed and delivered by the Participating Municipalities. 25. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. Such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument, notwithstanding that all of the Participating Municipalities are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. Signed and delivered on behalf of the Participating Municipalities, the Councils of each of which have, by Bylaw, ratified this Agreement and authorized their signatories to sign on behalf of the respective Councils. The City of Abbotsford Name / Title Signature Date City of Chilliwack Name / Title Signature Date City of Delta Name / Title Signature Date Village of Harrison Hot Springs Name / Title Signature Date The District of Hope Name / Title Signature Date The District of Kent Name / Title Signature Date The Corporation of the City of Langley Name / Title Signature Date The Corporation of the Township of Langley Name / Title Signature Date City of Maple Ridge Name / Title Signature Date The City of Mission Name / Title Signature Date The City of Pitt Meadows Name / Title Signature Date City of Surrey Name / Title Signature Date Schedule 1 Intermunicipal Business Licence Fee Sharing The revenue generated from Intermunicipal Business Licence fees is shared on the following formula: (a) The Principal Municipality is to retain 90% of the fee collected and the remaining 10% is to be distributed to the remainder of the Participating Municipalities. ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy MEETING DATE: November 7, 2023 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ 12035 222 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: FILE NO: 2022-457-RZ MEETING: CoW A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application has been received to allow a temporary accessory off-street parking use at the subject property located at 12035 222 Street. The proposed off-street parking will provide 14 additional off-street parking spaces for an existing commercial building located adjacent to the subject property at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road. Both properties are under the same ownership. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Temporary Use Permit No. 2022-457-RZ respecting property located at 12035 222 Street, to allow a temporary off-street parking use accessory to the commercial building location at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road, for a maximum period of three years, be forwarded to Public Hearing and subsequent Council meeting for decision; and 2. That following the Public Hearing, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ, once the following terms and conditions are met: i. removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and ¼" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal; ii. registration of a Cross-Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; and iii. installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan and payment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: 2022-457-RZ Tontine Holdings Ltd. Lot E District Lot 396 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16997 Town Centre Commercial Town Centre Commercial Yes Town Centre Area Plan Page 1 of 4 OCP Major Corridor: Zone: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East West Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: b) Site Characteristics: Yes RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Single Detached Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Town Centre Commercial Professional Health Services/Pharmacy C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Apartment Residential RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Town Centre Commercial Place of Worship (Golden Ears United Church) P-4 (Place of Worship)/RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Institutional Vacant lot Temporary off-street parking accessory to the commercial building at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road 704 m2 (0.17 ac) 222 Street Urban Standard No Yes The subject property located at 12035 222 Street is in proximity to the intersection of 222 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices A, B, and C). The property is currently vacant, has two significant trees and is relatively flat in nature. The Golden Ears United Church is located to the west of the subject property and a single detached residential dwelling is located to the north. A four-storey apartment building is located east of the subject property across 222 Street. c) Project Description: The applicant proposes to utilize the subject property to provide an additional 14 off-street parking spaces for staff and customers of the existing commercial building located to the south of the subject property at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendix D). There is common ownership between the subject property and the adjacent property at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road. There are no proposed changes to the existing commercial building. 2022-457-RZ Page 2 of 4 The proposed gravel parking lot will provide an additional 14 parking spaces, including one small car parking space. A landscape screen along the western and northern property lines will be installed to reduce the impacts (visual, dust, and noise) to nearby properties. A landscape plan for the proposed use has been reviewed and accepted, and a refundable landscape security has been provided to ensure the completion of landscaping to City's satisfaction (see Appendix E). An Arborist Report has been provided and one significant cedar tree located along the southern property line is identified for removal, due to its poor condition and declining health. Six replacement trees will be planted and will be located around the perimeter of the lot to allow for future redevelopment of the site. The property has an existing letdown on the south-east corner which will provide access to 222 Street. Access to the subject property from the existing parking at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road will be secured through a registered Cross Access Easement. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Appendix D of the Official Community Plan outlines the regulations pertaining to TUPs which are intended as follows: 7. Lands in the City may be designated to permit temporary uses if a condition or circumstance exists that warrants the use for a short period of time but does not warrant a change of land use designation or zoning of the property. 2. Council has the authority by resolution to issue TUPs to allow temporary uses on specific properties. Council may specify conditions for the temporary use. The subject property is located within the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Town Centre Commercial. The Town Centre Commercial designation permits development including commercial, mixed- use, and multi-family residential developments with building height from three storeys to twenty storeys under the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone. It is the intent of this proposed TUP (see Appendix F) to allow the accessory use of the property for off-street parking use on a temporary basis for a period of up to three years. This temporary use of the property would allow the future consolidation with surrounding properties and redevelopment to a higher- density use under the existing Town Centre Commercial designation. TUPs are valid for a period of up to three years and can be renewed once at the discretion of Council subject to a future TUP application and report to Council. Zoning Bylaw: The subject property is currently zoned RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) which does not permit an off- street parking use. This TUP is supported to allow the off-street parking use on the subject property to accommodate the off-street parking needs of the commercial business located at 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road by utilizing an otherwise vacant property. By providing the off-street spaces, more street parking will be available for surrounding businesses and residents. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: 2022-457-RZ Page 3 of 4 The Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-7990 allows off-street parking to be provided on a lot other than that on which the building being served is located. A cross access easement between the two properties is required as a condition of the TUP to ensure access to the additional off-street parking spaces for the customers of the adjacent commercial building. Section 4.2.iv of the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires that off-street parking areas for more than 4 vehicles be surfaced with asphalt, concrete or pavement material. Due to the temporary nature of the parking use, and to aid with the permeability of the lot and stormwater management, staff support the proposed gravel surface. A landscape screen is required on the northern and western property lines to reduce the associated disturbance and dust on adjacent properties. Citizen/Customer Implications: Public notification of the Public Hearing will be required with two newspaper advertisements and notices sent to owners/occupiers of properties within 50m (164 ft.) of the subject site, 14 days prior to the Public Hearing date, subject to Council endorsing the recommendation of this report. CONCLUSION: The proposed temporary off-street parking use supports the business needs of an existing commercial building in the Town Centre. Therefore, it is recommended that Council approve the Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ to allow a temporary off-street parking use for a maximum of three years. "Original Signed by Erin Mark" Prepared by: Erin Mark Planning Technician "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Map Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan Appendix E -Proposed Landscape Plan Appendix F -Draft Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ 2022-457-RZ Page 4 of 4 ~ 0 "' "' Q:, <o 0 "' "' 12171 12161 12145 12137 12131/33 12129 12105 12097 12087 I- C/) N 12071 N 12053 12047 12041 12029 11973 11963 11953 11943 11945 r--. r--. 0 "' "' fe 0 ~ N Scale: 1 :2,700 12172 12152 12146 12142 12116 12108 12106 12090 12086 12060 12050 12046 12042 12040 12028 ~ ~ 12167173 12159 12139 12121 12113 12101 12097 I-C/) 12085 ~ <( IXl ___ 1_20_8--11 § C 12071 12061 12053 12041 12037 12025 12015 ,___~ ..... 0------~j----' 12106 12096 12086 I 121 AVE 12080 12070 CHURCH AVE 12032 12018 '-----~ 12170 12128 12111 12096 APPENDIX A 12161 I- C/) 12039 M N N 12011 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD 11952 11942 11932 Q:, 0 ~ ~ "' "' "' "' 2021-066-VP fi 119 AVE ~ Q:, Q:, Q:, ~ ~ ~ "' "' "' "' "' "' Legend Stream Existing Trails :'2 ~ "' "' 11965 11951 11941 .,,. ~ 11929 Q:, ~ ~ ~ ~ "' "' "' ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) -Municipal Park I-CJ) N N N .,,. Q:, .,.. .,,. "'"' "'"' "'"' 11980 11960 11926 LAr IC I'll I lO ~ "' "' "' 11916 "' "' "' "' 119 AVE "' ~ r--. "' I~ I I JI'" I 1.1 /'\VI.. lO ~ ~ "' "' "' 11963 11957 11933 11925 11907, I-C/) M N N 12035 222 STREET ACTIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN AREA FILE: 2022-457-RZ DATE: Oct 10, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AL Scale: 1 :2,700 12035 222 STREET ORTHO FILE: 2022-457-RZ DATE: Oct 10, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT •••• mapleridge.ca BY:AL 12171 12161 12145 12137 12131/33 12129 12105 12097 12087 I-en "I"" 12071 N N 12053 12047 12041 12029 "-(0 0 "' "' ;::!: 0 ~ 11993 11973 11963 11953 11943 11945 I::: 0 "' "' <X> ~ (0 0 0 "' ~ "' N Scale: 1 :2,700 12172 12167n3 12152 12159 12146 12139 12142 12121 12116 12113 12108 12101 12106 12097 12090 I-(/) 12085 0::: < al z 12081 ::, 12086 C 12071 12060 12061 12050 12046 12042 12040 12028 i;:i "' 0, 0 0 "' "' "' "' ~ ~ Legend Single-Family Residential 12120 12112 12106 12096 12086 12080 12070 12060 - Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Medium and -High-Rise Apartment - Low-Rise Apartment <X> <X> ~ ~ "' "' "' "' ; "' "' Flexible Mixed- Use - Town Centre Commercial -Institutional -Park APPENDIXC It') "' "' "' "' 12035 222 STREET LAND USE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----••· FILE: 2022-457-RZ DATE: Oct 10, 2023 mapleridge.ca ~ "' "' "' BY:AL mo::i·sp;)f 01dsnqmn10::i@o1u1 ~ ruo::i·sp;)fo1dsnqrun10::i·1v.Vv.\h\ =>NI si:>filOHd 9~Zl -08£ -t09 :3N.0Hd Z:)1£ XZA. YCIVNV::> '::>a ':;:marn 3'1dYW Sil8Wil'10J CIVO<I )INfl<ll A3NGM3G 9ILZZ -OOZ Chornlmk fen, le D Lot oreo=1884.2m 2 #22795 la i:: g ::i I-r-t- ~~ Oe, Uo: 1~ ~ f;:I I-r-t-;: [ ' ~ u~ ,g ~~ i=:~ r✓..:r. a ~ +-+-" APPENDIX D Sew Vol ~ :B Q.) -.J British Columbia mapleridge.ca CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 2O22-457-RZ TO: TONTINE HOLDINGS LTD 221958 DEWDNEYTRUNK RD MAPLE RIDGE BC V2X 3H7 APPENDIX F 1. This Temporary Use Permit (the "Permit") is issued subjectto compliance with all the Bylaws of the City applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this permit. 2. This Temporary Use Permit applies to and only to those lands within the City described below and any and all buildings structures and other development thereon: Lot "E" District Lot 396 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16997 PIO: 007-982-933 3. The Temporary Use permitted by this permit is limited to: • Accessory off-street parking use (Appendix B). 4. The Temporary Use shall be carried outaccordingto the following conditions: • removal of existing organic material and installation of 3" minus road base and ¾" clear crush, as per applicant's proposal; • registration of a Cross-Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195 Dewdney Trunk Road; and • installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan (Appendix C) and payment of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00. 5. As a condition of the issuance of this Temporary Use Permit, Council will be holding the security set out below to ensure that development, including restoration works is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Should any interest be earned upon the security, it shall accrue to the Permittee and be paid to the Permittee if the security is returned. The condition of the posting of the security is that should the Permittee fail to carry out the development hereby authorized, according to the terms and conditions of the Permit within the time provided, the City may use the security to carry out the work by its servants, agents or contractors, and any surplus shall be paid over to the Permittee upon verification by the City's Director of Planning or his/her designate that the development nas been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit. There will be filed accordingly: a) Security in the amount of $3,784.00 City of Maple Ridge Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ Page 1 of 2 6. The Property described herein must be developed strictly in accordance with·the terms and conditions and provisions of this permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 7. This Permit will expire three years after the date that the permit is issued. 8. This permit is not transferable. 9. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the ISSUED on the day of , 2023. Corporate Officer Appendices: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Site Plan Appendix C -Landscape Plan City of Maple Ridge Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ day of 20 . Page 2 of 2 • Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy MEETING DATE: November 7, 2023 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer FILE NO: 2023-240-RZ MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967-2023 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject site, located at 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11956 and 11970 220 Street, from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). The purpose of this application is to permit the future construction of a six-storey apartment building with approximately 119 dwelling units, and two levels of underground parking. This rezoning application is being considered for first reading only as the application was received prior to July 25, 2023, when the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-7999 was amended to require a complete rezoning application for consideration of first and second readings. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $5,600 per apartment unit, for a total estimated amount of $666,400, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967-2023 be given first reading; and further 2. That the applicant submit a complete application, including detailed information and technical rep<:>rts, for the rezoning, development permit, and development variance permit applications. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: 2023-240-RZ LOVICK SCOTT ARCHITECTS LTD. Urban Residential Transit Corridor Multi-Family (based on the proposed Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan) Yes Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan No Page 1 of 6 Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: b) Site Characteristics: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Single Detached Residential Apartment Residential 3,836.33 m2 (0.95 ac) Southern Lane Urban Standard No Yes The proposed development site is comprised of four properties which form a 3,836 m2 (0.95 acre) rectangular shaped property bordered by 220 Street, York Street, and two lanes (see Appendices A, B, and C). The development site is located approximately 50 m south of Dewdney Trunk Road and is included within the proposed Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan. The location offers proximity to the transit services along Dewdney Trunk Road and shops and services within the Town Centre. The boundary of the Town Centre Area is one block to the east of the development site. The properties are relatively flat and each currently contain a single detached dwelling. The surrounding neighbourhood is primarily single detached dwellings. There are several mature trees located around the perimeter of the development site which will be assessed through an Arborist Report and are subject to the City's Tree Bylaw. c) Project Description: The applicant is proposing a six-storey, wood frame podium-style apartment building with approximately 119 apartment units (see Appendix D). The preliminary design for the building includes a 156.4 m2 (1,683 ft2) indoor amenity area on the first floor and a 327 m2 (3,520 ft2) outdoor amenity area on the second floor. Each unit has a ground floor patio or balcony offering additional private outdoor amenity space. A range of unit types, including family-friendly sized units, are provided as shown in Table 1. 2023-240-RZ Page 2 of 6 Table 1: Breakdown of Unit Types Unit Type Number Percentage of of Units Total Units 1 Bedroom 61 51% 2 Bedroom 22 19% 2 Bedroom + Den 24 20% 3 Bedroom 12 10% Total 119 100% The vehicle and bicycle parking provided meets the current requirements of the Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 (see Table 2). Off street parking will be accessed off the existing southern lane and includes concealed ground level parking and two levels of underground parking. A maximum of 10% of the total number of required parking spaces may be small car spaces. Table 2: Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw Requirements for the RM-2 Zone Required Provided Residential Parking Spaces 203 204 Accessible Residential Parking 3 3 Spaces Bicycle Parking Currently not required 36 -Short Term (Ground Floor) 236 -Long Term (Parkade) Access to Charging Stations EV Charging Resident Parking Spaces Visitor and Resident Parking Spaces Roughed-in Roughed-In At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are currently designated Urban Residential which does not support the proposed rezoning to the RM-2 zone. However, they are proposed to be designated Transit Corridor Multi-Family in the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP). The LTCAP proposes the Transit Corridor Multi-Family designation for lands to the north, east and south of the development site (see Appendix E). The LTCAP received first reading on December 14, 2021 and was referred back to staff for further review at second reading on June 28, 2022. Rezoning applications within the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area can proceed in advance of adoption of the LTCAP; however, the rezoning application cannot receive final reading until the Official Community Plan designation supports the proposed rezoning. The Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan remains subject to change until final adoption by Council. Applications 2023-240-RZ Page 3 of 6 proceeding in advance of adoption must comply with the final adopted version of the LTCAP or will require an OCP amending bylaw at second reading of the application. Within the LTCAP, the Transit Corridor Multi-Family designation permits multi-family residential densification along key arterials such as Dewdney Trunk Road, which could include fourplexes, townhouses, or apartment buildings. The maximum height for an apartment use is six storeys. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a six-storey apartment building (see Appendix F). The proposed development site meets the RM-2 zone minimum lot area requirements of 1,300 m2 and minimum lot width of 30 m. A maximum density of 1.80 Floor Space Ratio (FSR) applies to developments in the RM-2 zone. The applicant is proposing a density of 2.39 FSR achievable through the payment of a Density Bonus at a rate of $161.46 per m2 ($15.00 per ft2), for an estimated contribution of $347,164.83. Density Bonus contributions are allocated to a Density Bonus Reserve Fund to fund affordable housing projects as determined by Council. This application may require a site specific text amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to allow the proposed density of 2.39 FSR if the application proceeds to second reading prior to the adoption of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan. The proposed design includes variances to reduce the required lot line setbacks on the east and west property lines: • To reduce the exterior lot line (west) setback for buildings from 7.5 m (24.6 ft) to 5.76 m (18.9 ft); and • To reduce the exterior lot line (east) setback for buildings from 7.5 m (24.6 ft) to 5.09 m (16.7 ft). Any variations from the requirements of the RM-2 zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. The Multi-Family Development Permit will be assessed against the LTCAP Development Permit Guidelines. The L TCAP Transit Corridor Multi-Family Guidelines encourage developments which are adjacent to existing single detached dwellings to be designed in a sensitive manner by stepping down the building faces at interface points with adjacent buildings; the applicant has designed the proposed building to step back on the sixth floor to meet this guideline. Should this application receive first reading, a detailed review of the building design to ensure compliance with the LTCAP Development Permit Guidelines will be completed before Council's consideration of second reading. 2023-240-RZ Page 4 of 6 Advisory Design Panel: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for this application and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e} Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks, Recreation and Culture Department; f) School District No. 42; g) h) i) Utility companies; Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. f} Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-7999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E). The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. 2023-240-RZ Page 5 of 6 CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the proposed Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan; therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original Signed by Erin Mark" Prepared by: Erin Mark Planning Technician "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Map Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan, Floor Plans and Rendering Appendix E -LTCAP Designations Land Use Concept Map Appendix F -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967-2023 2023-240-RZ Page 6 of 6 88 80 50 40 24 20 14 06 11964 119 8 ,.._ QJ ~ 0) QJ ~ 12059 12049 12039 12029 ~ 0) ~ 11989 11973 11961 LAURIE AVE 12095 12075 12060 12065 12050 12055 12040 12039 12019 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD / 11996 11990 SEATON PL Legend Existing Trails t-en 0 N N 11999 11989 11971 11949 11937 11927 11879 11869 11859 12070 12060 12050 12040 12030 12014 t-en 0 N N APPENDIX'A 12071 12069 12066 12081 12080 12086 12071 12070 12060 12053 12067 12063 2022.:.326-RZ 12061 12050 12047 12041 12031 ,.._ 0 0 ~ 12046 12042 12034 12047 12041 12029 11993 11973 11963 t-en N N 12046 12042 12040 12028 ~ ~ 0 0 120 3 12041 12037 12025 12015 .____~...,__ __ ~:...r-----' 12026 12018 > > > ~ > > ) l-'.1.:.:_19::_::6~2 __ _.jt---:;-;11iii9'i;'.53.1 )C )( )C > -• )C )C JC )C )C ,-'X )C X _)C X )C )I )C )I V )I X )C )I )C )C )C )C )C )C > )C )C )o )C )o )C )C JC )o 11952 " )< " JC )o } •~X-•~")I. -• • - l.!~·--··~~--·•-.,_·~!:I::: 11942 11926 11874 ~ 0 "' "' ~ 0 "' "' 0 "' 0 "' "' ., 0 ~ 0::: 0 >-11932 ,.._ "' 0 "' "' QJ ..,. 0 "' "' ., ..,. 0 "' "' 0 ..,. 0 "' "' ,.._ "' 0 "' "' QJ Cl) 0 "' "' 11943 11945 119 AVE QJ ,.._ 0 ~ ~ 11887 ~ 11875 SELKIRK AVE QJ QJ 0 "' "' 11952 11942 11932 on 11888 Avc-_ ___._ _ ___,___---' __ .__~ 11868 11850 11957 YORK ST, 11956 220ST, 11970 220ST, & 11965 YORK ST. ACTIVE APPLICATIONS IN AREA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ffi} Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) ._~---•-N -Municipal Park -Lake or Reservoir mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :2,500 FILE: 2023-240-RZ DATE:Sep1,2023 BY:DM Scale: 1 :2,500 11957 YORK ST, 11956 220ST, 11970 220ST, & 11965 YORK ST. ORTHO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ILE: 2023-240-RZ BY: DM 88 12095 80 12075 12060 12065 50 12059 12049 12050 12055 40 12039 12040 12039 24 12029 12030 20 12019 14 12019 06 12010 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD c::, / "' 0, ~ 11988 11989 11996 11964 11973 11990 119 8 ~ 11961 '-"' SEATON PL c::, ;:,; ~~ ~"' LAURIE AVE Legend Single-Family Residential -Ground-Ori. .. 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C O M 60 4 29 8 37 0 0 VV V V V V . L O V I C K S C O T T . C O M ME M B E R OF TH E AIB C . AA A , SA A , MA A YO R K ST . AP A R T M E N T j 22 0 T H ( YO R K ST R E E T c{J MA P L E RID 5 E , OC ~ a§ :a ; 3R D - 5 T H FL O O R PL A N "''" " ' " " " " " ' ~ " " e r n , - - - - - = , ~ = , , . , = , u = . , , ~ , -~ ' . ~- 0 3 / l Al. 4 ~ 1~ 6 ' =J' : : Q _ ' :,. : : MA Y 20 2 2 MA Y 15 20 2 3 §2 {<M . 1 1 NI' 05 ' - f l l l ' 0-'l [,f l - ' ) I I - I 11 " " " " 1 ' I I "" " " " ' l; ! 2E l : D S ♦i:ie N '" " ' '" " '" " ., , , o n 6K 5 G l 1 ' T . 614 ! G P T . 6H 5 0 P T , rV 1 ~ ia ,.. , , . """ ' · ,. . , , . "" ' " " " · "" ' " " " · ~ I- - - ~., l; fN ~" " "'' " '" " 56 1 ~ . I "" ' " " · - "" " "" " "" " ' "" " ' '" " ' .. . , , . , . , . , i '" " ,. , . . , , . , - !!, i's l: : r : - "" " ' !:: , , ,.. , . ~l! ms o r . ,, . , , , "" ' " " " · - I I - 54' - f l l / . f • "'" ' ' [lb . ~ [13 .. 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LI.I .... :::::, Q LI.I :c (.) Cl) Chapter 10, Page 219 APPENDIX E Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7967-2023 A Bylaw to amend Schedule 'A' Zoning Map forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended APPENDIX F WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7967-2023." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 62 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14685; Lot 63 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14685; Lot 64 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14685; and Lot 65 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14685. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2033, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map 'A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of , 20 ,20 , 20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of ,20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 166 LO 12050 N 167 12040 168 12024 3 12020 2 N 0 12014 I"- 0.. 12006 P 21 29 7 11988 5 2 67 11964 11958 57 1n 14 12069 13 12059 12049 12 I-' (/) 0:: 12039 w 11 > 0 0 12029 10 EP 72341 8 ~R_P_1_18_1_8 ~ l Remg 21 ~ "St (0 11989 20 11973 19 12070 6 12060 12065 C") 3 N C") 12050 0 co 5 co LO 12055 4 0.. 0.. 4 12040 12039 5 12030 6 EPP11396 CJ) co-A ;u 12019 0.. 0.. w I RP 71667 Rem 13 12 11996 11999 14 "St (0 LO "St 11989 (0 11 LO 11990 ~ ~ 0.. 0.. 11971 15 1n 0, 10 \.... N SEATON PL. 11949 9 8 11937 "St 11927 (0 7 LO LO 0.. 6 0, cc 0, N C) 5 0, 0, N 11879 4 11869 "St 3 (0 LO 11859 0.. 2 12060 33 12050 34 12040 35 12030 LO 36 0.. LMP 36308 A 12014 12067 41 12063 12047 40 37 I!) st m N 0.. 0.. w DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD C) C) ~w <") ~ Rem i--= C\J65' C\J 43 (/) 42 43 0 N P 13• 19 N 11988 64 65 P1 ~685 11970 11965 p 1 4685 63 62 11956 11957 p 4049 59 60 61 <") <") C\J <") C) C) 11926 C\J ~ C\J I-' C) (0 ~ C\J C) N C) C\J C") ~ C\J I"-(/) 0 N N 67 66 CJ) 0.. P 14, ~91 ~ 11910 EPP 87668 P 524f 5 173 174 22 <") (') C\J 11874 C) C) ~ C\J C\J 12050 66 (') 12053 "St 18 0) P 15319 12046 N 12047 67 0.. 1 12042 I"-12041 68 ~2 ..... 12034 0.. 12029 m 69 3 4 P 14571 <") 4 142~ t--. '<I-(0 C) C) C\J C\J C\J C\J ~ cc ~ I{) C) C) C) C\J C\J C\J C\J 7 C\J 8 C\J13 14 p 1 4113 PE 728 11993 11970 11973 6 12 11963 5 11 11962 11953 4 10 C") 11952 ..... co "St r-: 11943 3 ..... co 9 11942 0.. 0.. >- 11932 2 (') ~ 811945 ..... t--. "St I"-t--. I{) 1 ..... co 7 t--. C) 0.. 0.. C) ~ C\J C\J 119AVE. cc cc cc '<I-I{) (0 C) C) C) C\J C\J C\J C\J C\J C\J 55 54 53 p 4049 P 11251 21 20 19 <") t--. ~ '<I-I{) C) C) C) ~ C\J C\J C\J C\J SELKIRK AVE. cc t--. C) C\J C\J 52 18 ~ C) C\J C\J cc cc C) C\J MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7967-2023 2033 RS-1 Single Detached Residential RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential 12060 LO co 81 10 ..--(.!) 12061 12050 0.. (.!) N 0.. 80 9 12053 1201E_ - 12042 - 8 ~ 79 12040 LO 12041 7 0.. 12028 78 12037 12025 p 1 571 I"-279 (.!) 120 5 6 co <") I{) (.!) 12015 EP cc 0, 278 C) C) 0.. C\J C\J C\J C\J DEWDNEY (0 LO ~ ~ cc C) N C\J I{) 0) C\J N N ~BC\J A C\J "St C\J C\J 0.. LO -.:t 0) (") co 0 ..-N ~CJ) r,...s C W1 0.. fu z '1!1970 w BCP 226 RW27912 BCS 23 2 I-' 11960 (/) N 3 co N 11952 N I"- co "St ~I 4 0.. ..... ~ r,... 11942 I"-~I 0.. 0.. WI 5 co I-' 11932 (/) N I"-0, 6 co C) N o..~ _I ~ cc cc C\J <") N N N C\J C\J C\J 51 50 49 48 47 p 11887 11888 17 25 26 27 ~ t--. C\J 11875 11868 ~ N C\J D N SCALE 1 :2,500 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: November 7, 2023 2023-203-DP /DVP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension) 23532 Larch Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council authorized issuance of 2013-087-DVP and 2013-087-DP following the adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7068-2014 associated with rezoning application 2013-087-RZ on December 14, 2021. The Coprorate Offcer then issued the permits on December 15, 2021. This approved rezoning is to permit the construction of 19 townhouse units and an agreement for a portion of the lands to be acquired for active park use and another sloping portion for conservation to be dedicated as park. The land transfer and dedication of parkland have been completed. An application has been received to extend the date to commence construction by two years, from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025 for both of the previously issued permits. There are no changes being proposed to the form, character and landscaping. Notification about the new completion date is required for the new application 2023-203-DVP, to extend 2013-087-DVP, although there are no changes to variances previously granted for this townhouse development. The previously approved variances, to remain in effect, are to: 1. Increase the retaining wall height from 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) to 2.4 metres (7.9 feet); and 2. Reduce front setbacks (Larch Avenue) from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 4.5 metres (14.7 feet) for the northwest and northeast building end units. 3. Reduce rear setbacks from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) for the southwest building end unit and to 4.5 metres (14.7 feet) for the southeast building end unit; and Council is being requested to consider granting this requested change. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023-203-DVP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013-087-DVP from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2023-203-DP respecting property located at 23532 Larch Avenue, to amend the date by which substantial commencement of the development must begin as stated in 2013-087-DP is to begin from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. DISCUSSION: 2023-203-DP Page 1 of 5 a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Mottet Architect Inc (Agent: Bernard Mottet) Lot 1 Section 28 Township 28 New Westminster Plan EPP11447 Medium/High Density Residential Medium/High Density Residential Within Urban Area Boundary: Yes Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Silver Valley Plan Yes RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Vacant Residential Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential), R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential) & RST-SV (Street Townhouse Residential -Silver Valley) Medium/High Density Residential Residential RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Conservation & Medium/High Density Residential Residential RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Conservation & Medium/High Density Residential Park & Conservation P-1 (Park and School), RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) & RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Neighbourhood Park & Conservation 0.741 ha (1.83 acres) Larch Avenue Urban Standard No Yes 2013-087-DP This application is to extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from December 14, 2023 to December 14, 2025. The site is located at 23532 Larch Avenue (see Appendices 2023-203-DP Page 2 of 5 A and B) and the development permit allows for the construction of 19 townhouse units sharing a private strata road for access (Appendix C). The 19 townhouses will be grouped in four buildings: one building containing six units, one has five units and two have four units. Each townhouse unit will have its own private backyard. Access will be by way of a private strata road extending southward from Larch Avenue. Twelve townhouses have 24 side-by-side parking spaces and seven townhouses have 14 tandem parking spaces. A total of 37% of the parking spaces are in tandem arrangement; however, this arrangement is acceptable because: • This application predated the Zoning Bylaw restrictions that came into effect and applied to newer applications at the date of adoption of the zone amending bylaw associated with the project; and • There are driveway aprons or additional parking spaces in driveways of all the townhouse units. Effectively, the total number of parking, including parking in the aprons, is 69 parking spaces, significantly more than required. In addition, there are five visitor parking spaces provided, one more than required. This application does not propose any changes to the project. The form, character and landscaping remain the same as accepted by the Advisory Design Panel on June 20, 2018 and in the Development Permit 2013- 087-DP and authorized for issuance by Council on December 14, 2021. c} Planning Analysis: Variances: The variances that Council approved in the current the Development Variance Permit that proposed to be extended are: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Part 4, section 403 is to be varied as follows: a. Subsection 403.9 1.: The maximum height of a retaining wall height is increased from 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) to 2.4 metres (7.9 feet). 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No 7600-2019, Part 6, Section 617 RM-1 Low Density Townhouse Residential Zone is to be varied as follows: a. The front setback (Larch Avenue) is being reduced from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 4.5 metres (14.7 feet) for the northwest and northeast building end units; and b. The rear setback is being reduced from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) for the southwest building end unit and to 4.5 meters (14.7 feet) for the southeast building end unit. The variances that Council approved in the issued permit are to: 1. Reduce the front setback (Larch Avenue) from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 4.5 metres (14.7 feet) for the northwest and northeast building end units; 2. Reduce the rear setback from 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) to 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) for the southwest building end unit and to 4.5 metres (14.7 feet) for the southeast building end unit; and 3. Increase the retaining wall height from 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) to 2.4 metres (7.9 feet). These variances are supportable to allow for this sloping site to be developed, to accommodate a suitable transition for the lands to the east where a taller, 10-metre long section of retaining wall is needed to allow for better useable back yard spaces, and for the design of the private strata road. (Appendix D). 2023-203-DP Page 3 of 5 At the December 14, 2021 Council meeting where the permits were authorized for issuance, Council was advised that 58 notices were mailed out in relation to the item and one piece of correspondence was received expressing concerns. Form and Character: With no changes proposed, the project complies with the Development Permit Area (DPA) Key Guideline Concepts in Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. This includes: • This new development respects private spaces, and incorporates local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing; • There is a bridging density from the similar form and character townhouses to the east, including a stepped retaining wall that is sensitive to the grade difference, and transitions to the Neighbourhood Park to the west through the use of landscaping; • The requirement for clustering does not apply because this is not larger scale development; and • The pedestrian circulation Key Guideline is achieved by way of an internal sidewalk. The developer has voluntarily contributed $80,000 to allow the child play area to be built by the City in the future park to the west to serve area residents. d) Advisory Design Panel: The application was submitted, and the plans attached to the development permit addressed all suggestions made by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) at the June 20, 2018 meeting. No design changes were requested. e) Environmental Implications: On July 22, 2021, Development Permit 2016-208-DP governing steep slopes and natural features was issued for this project, as delegated to the Director of Planning. The necessary protection measures will be done in concert with construction once the building permit is issued. f) Citizen/Customer Implications: Any concerns or comments arising from the Development Information Meeting or notification about the development variance permit were addressed and are reflected in the issue development permit. g) Financial Implications: All necessary securities for the project have been submitted under 2013-087-RZ or 2013-087-DP are being held by the City. 2023-203-DP Page 4 of 5 CONCLUSION: The applicant is seeking Council approval to extend the time for substantial commencement of this project from December 15, 2023 to December 15, 2025. Given that no changes are being proposed and the form, character and landscaping or the variances granted in the originally permits that Council authorized, it is in order to issue development permit 2023-203-DP and development variance permit 20233-203-DVP to grant extensions. "Original Signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by. A KopyscyrlSki MSc, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Development Permit and Development Variance Permit issued December 15, 2021 2023-203-DP Page 5 of 5 <'a ;'$; "' C> co .... <") "' 13202 FERN CRES N Scale: 1 :2,500 0) (0 .... <") "' 13301 ~ .... :::i (0 ~:)<:X.>v<:X~~ ...... .,,.,..,,,,._,,,,,c,.,,.,, <") .,....,,,,.._.,,....,,,,,~.,.. ...... "'~,,1,1,1,1,1A1• Legend -Stream -Existing Trails I- Cl) IO (") N 33 13370 13365 13360 13355 13350 13306 ~ ~ IO IO :::i :::i ~ "' <") ~ IO <") "' "' -Pending, Proposed, & Desired Trails -Major Rivers & Lakes ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) -Municipal Park -River 13345 I-13346 Cl) 13341 <{ IO 13340 (") 13339 N 13335 13336 13331 13332 13327 13328 13321 13322 13317 13318 13313 13309 ~ IO <") "' 13351 13347 13343 13339 13335 13331 13325 13319 13289 13283 13277 13263 13215 1-(/) (.0 (") N APPENDIX A IO ~ 0) " IO <") ~ ~ "' <") ~ ~ (0 (0 <") :::i <") <") <") :::i "' "' "' "' "' 133 AVE 13260 23532 LARCH AVENUE ACTIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN AREA FILE: 2023-203-DP DATE: Jun 8, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT •••• mapleridge.ca BY:AH Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX 8 23532 LARCH AVENUE ORTHO FILE: 2023-203-DP DATE: Jun 8, 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~·1•• mapleridge.ca BY:AH [~ I City of Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 2013-087-DVP TO: KBK NO. 108 VENTURES LTD. INC. NO. 510047 1020 -789 WEST PENDER ST VANCOUVER BC V6C 1H2 (the "Permittee") APPENDIXC 1. This Development Variance Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "Municipality") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to those lands within the Municipality described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: LOT 1 SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP114470 (PID 031-592-325) (the "Lands") 3. The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is varied as shown in Appendix A and as follows: • Part 4, section 403 is to be varied as follows: o Subsection 403.9 1.: The maximum height of a retaining wall height is increased from 1.2m (3.9 feet) to 2.4m (7. 7 feet). • Part 6, Section 617 RM-1 Low Density Townhouse Residential Zone is to be varied as follows: o The front setback (Larch Avenue) is being reduced from 7.5m (24.6 feet) to 4.5m (14.7 feet) for the northwest and northeast building end.units; and o The rear setback is being reduced from 7.5m (24.6 feet) to 3.0m (9.8 feet) for the southwest building end unit and to 4.5 meters (14.7 feet) for the southeast building end unit. 4. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 5 If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted by this Permit within 24 months of the date of Council Authorization of this Permit, December 14, 2023 this Permit shall lapse. 6. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the 14 day of December 2021. ISSUED on the /~#-day of Petew.ber, 20)-)- Appendices: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Proposed Variances CORPORATE OFFICER 13345 I-13346 13341 (JJ ~ M 13340 13339 C\I 13335 13336 13331 13332 13327 13328 13321 13322 13317 13318 13313 LARCH AVE --------- 0 N N .., ~ ~ ..,. .., ~ <'I 13351 13347 13343 13339 13335 13331 13325 13319 13263 I-C/l t.D M C\I I I I I I I . I I I I I APPENDIX A 13356 13350 13346 13340 13336 13332 13326 13320 13312 133 AVE 13210 l SUBJECT PROPERTY I I I I 13260 I I L---r-----, 13202 ..... a, .... fO .... ~ ;; a, N ;,; N ESFERN CRES 132 AVE 132 AVE 13227 13215 .... i~ ;;:; \ IC) .., N ,~ I •-• i~ I ' I I I I I I I : ! i ' , ... ___ ----r-N~-----T--------~;---~-----.-----=L _1_32_A_V_E ___ -,-, B .,, .. ~ N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline -Edge of River Indefinite Creek -River Major Rivers & Lakes The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 23532 LARCHE AVENUE PIO 031-592-325 FILE: 2013-087-VP DATE: Dec 15, 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AL n= 20 1 3 - 0 8 7 - R Z Re z o n i n g an d .De v e l o p m e n t Pe -rm i t Ap p H c a t i o .n 23 5 0 0 an d 23 5 5 0 La n : h Av e n u e ·Pr o p e n i e s re z o n e d to Pa r l e an d Co n s e r v a t i o n Ara , . an d Pa r t ol 23 5 5 0 La r c h 10 .To w n h o u s e -Oe v e l a p m e n t , RM - 1 , 19 ti r e e be d r o o m Un i t s __ . / ~- - - - ~ -- . . . . . : : : : : _ - _ - _- : . _ - _- _ - : . _ - : . _ - : . _ - : . _ - _ _,, , , __ /, p. \ J c N u r : v, R O - \ 1 Q~ · ,n - - - - ~ MM _ ! ) l ~ LA R C H AV E N U E 49 , Pa r l e an d Co n s e r v a t i o n Ar e a C, - a ~ ~m ~- \ , .. \~ - ~ ~- j -'- ~~ 1\ \ \\ J~ := - ~ ~ 49 . 5 5 7 Pa r l e De d i c a t i o n : 4, 3 3 1 . 0 2 0 m2 «. m !l q . J t . -= (1 . 0 7 ac r e s ) Su b d i v i s i o n Pla n LL = \~ I \ ~ Co n t e n t of . , . . _ . . . . . , . . o n d _ l o p a n l . . . . , . . . _ _ , . . . Al d l l l e c l u r a l - •- ... . ,.. __ NJ ~ - - .. . . - Al -S- P l o l l - 0 . 0 . . P l l b - Q N. Sl l o l ' l l n w - . : ~ -. . . . , s , . M- • - .U - < I S I I O Al ll f f l 1 , P l o n a , - - - A'T l l f f l ~ .. . . . . . . -- AJ \J n l 1 1 , __ _ _ _ MU O U 1 z . - . - - . - A1 0 Wa J l - r . S l l c S J o n , - U i ; l l l l l . - A1 1 "" " " ' 8 : S l l o .l'l l n - ~, . , . , . _ , . La n d a i : a p l n 9 l' l \ t < U M - - l l = u . t u: C o " " " - L - . : . i , . .. . . L1 ... , _ , , . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 LZ ~ S l u l m l ' l l n i., Sl o l i n d f t ! l l ' l l n Le g a l De s c r i p t i o n ~- Lo l : 1 1 , _ _,. . _ __ ~ a.a i a ; _ , . . l ) ' e l M o p l O , , . , , . -- ~ - LD l 4 . - Z 4 1 o C 2 o n d p o r t o f L o l » . - - .. . , .. _ .. .. _ Y . . , _ _ 1 1 - - 1 ll d r l : l , . . . . . . . . . , . o l M o p l o f U d g o Re v i s i a M r.._,\--- a : i ; ; " " " " " " L ' 1 - ' . . . : •" 11 !41 & 1 t l ~ .L a : : 'D-- D . ~ ' - " t ~ ~ ~~ , ' : ~: = , .. - • ,.t l n r , 1 7 =: ~ -.. . . . . - ,~ :1 !:- 0 1 0 1 8 ~ ~ t. ~ , : i~ ,u . ;,c - ~ t., •[1 1 ' 5 " Q l t : r.c . d a , . . . . , I r1.:1 1 a 1 . a:; : s t:: l e f ~ !I ~'! . ~, =- - ~ = ~ · ! ~~ l ~ ~ b t ; ; ; .. . .. . , .. . . . . .. ~( ! J i - 0 ~ .. (O ) f m ' Z La r c h Av e n u e To w ~1 . " ' : : 1 1 1 ~ ~ , a p Uf <k . 1 b ":U ~V'I Y c L::a . , . ,., , ~ ,- - - s . - t . ~ .. . . 't ln l o n n g l i a n , Co o t c n Su b d i v i s i o n kw . I : 25 0 Cc: - ~ r.a a n , ... . . ~~ 1-~ -~ il @ ! I D ~ I Ai ~L , : e A , , l l j !o t ~ l :J I : = , -0 -c m 2 0 x tI J City of Maple Ridge DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 2013-087-DP MULTI-FAMILY TO: KBK NO. 108 VENTURES LTD. INC. NO. 51004 7 1020 -789 WEST PENDER ST VANCOUVER BC V6C 1H2 (the "Permittee") 1. This Development Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "Municipality") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to, those lands within the Municipality described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: LOT 1 SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP114470 (PIO 031-592-325) (the "Lands") 3. As a condition of the issuance of this Permit, Council will be holding the security set out below to ensure that development, including landscape works is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. The condition of the posting of the security is that should the Permittee fail to carry out the development hereby authorized, according to the terms and conditions of the Permit within the time provided, the Municipality may use the security to carry out the work by its servants, agents or contractors. Any surplus shall be paid over to the Permittee upon verification by the Director of Planning of the Municipality, or their designate, that the development has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. There will be filed accordingly: a) an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $214,953.05 4. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 5. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted by this Permit within 24 months of the date of Council Authorization of this Permit, December 14, 2023 this Permit shall lapse. 6. In the event that this Permit lapses, the Permittee may request refund of the security described in Paragraph 3, and the Municipality shall make such refund, provided that Council approves such refund by resolution. 7. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the 14 day of December 2021. ISSUED on the /~ay of ffe~W, 20J--)- CORPORATE OFFICER Appendices: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Site Plan; Architectural & Landscaping Plans :::s-- 13345 ,_ 13341 Cf) ~ M 13339 C\I 13335 13331 13327 13321 13317 13313 LARCH AVE ------- C) "' C'I co /ij ~ "" l") ~ "' C'I 13346 13351 13347 13340 13343 13336 13339 13332 13335 13331 13328 13325 13322 13319 13318 13283 I-Cf) (0 M C\I i I I • I I I I I I APPENDIX A 13356 13350 13346 13340 13336 13332 13326 13320 13312 133 AVE 13210 l SUBJECT PROPERTY I I I I 13260 13202 .... 01 ..... "" fO "" ~ "' 01 i ,.,.---..._ !:a ~ ES:ERN CRES 132AVE 132 AVE 13227 13215 .... \ ~ l") C'I I I L------,---, ,~ I --• i~ I ' I I I I I I I : ! i I '----· ----r-~~~------,---------~;;;-,r-----r-----==L _1_3_2_A_V_E ___ --r--i ~ ~ N Scale: ·1 :2,500 Legend -stream ---Ditch Centreline -Edge of River Indefinite Creek --River ~ Major Rivers & Lakes The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 23532 LARCHE AVENUE PIO 031-592-325 FILE: 2013-087-VP DATE: Dec 15, 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AL APPENDIX B ~' \ I ~ ·· - !. . " L . . ~ i: / ' = i _ "'~ i/ ~" " - - - .. 1 ?e c t i o n 1- 1 · - ·· -· · · -- ·~ c • -- 's -· · " ~ • . .. . i I ·"' - ' \, ___ c:! H _' _'_!£ " " , ! _/ Re v i s j o n $ 1-l l•,tr __ C,• _ ' • ,,. , . , , , , , 1.., , . ,.,. . , 1 = •0-s t- 0 - , 11 f:, 1:S · •v.r , o=:.. r r 1.ir o o ; ; : 1 . l 1I~ u l~~ i g ~ - ° " ! 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" 0 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First, Second and Third Reading MEETING DATE: November 7, 2023 FILE NO: MEETING: Committee of the Whole Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973-2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Historically, all development-related agreements have been signed by the Mayor and the Corporate Officer at a weekly meeting. Upon review of the legislation, there is no legal requirement for the Mayor, or any member of Council, to sign these types of agreements. Staff are recommending Council delegate the authority of such agreements to the Director of Planning and the Director of Engineering, or their delegates, who are subject matter experts to the agreement matters. The Corporate Officer would still be the secondary signatory to the agreements. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973- 2023 be given first, second and third reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: In 1987, the Council of the day adopted a bylaw authorizing the creation of a Development Agreements Committee consisting of the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer who would, upon agreement, authorize the Mayor and Corporate Officer to execute and seal agreements related to the development of lands within the municipal boundaries of Maple Ridge. These agreements included but were not limited to items such as statutory rights-of- way, easements, subdivision serving, registration and discharge of restrictive covenants, etc. Over the years, the bylaw was amended to update the types of agreements that were authorized and to reflect the job titles of those authorized to act as a delegate for the Chief Administrative Officer. The most typical types of agreements this process includes are for detached garden suites, Section 219 covenants, storm and sanitary sewer systems, secondary suites and temporary residential use. Page 1 of 6 b) Desired Outcome: • That the development agreements will be authorized by subject matter experts who understand the nuances associated with each agreement/ • Mayoral and staff resources will be reallocated to other tasks as the Development Agreement Committee meeting will no longer occur and no meeting packages nor minutes will have to be prepared for the weekly meeting. • There will be additional time savings realized for the processing of some developments as a one week delay will not be necessary when a correction is required. These have typically had to have been rescheduled to the following week. c) Strategic Alignment: This Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Bylaw aligns with the Governance and Corporate Excellence Pillar of the 2023-2026 City of Maple Ridge Council Strategic Plan as it will aid in delivering an exceptional customer service experience across City Services. d) Legal Implications: There is no legal requirement for the mayor to authorize development related agreements, and Council has the authority under Section 154 of the Community Charter to delegate the signing of such agreements. CONCLUSION: The requirement for a Development Agreement Committee and having the Mayor be a signatory to development agreements is an outdated practice and streamlining this process by delegating the authority to staff will allow resources to be reallocated to different matters. Cl7k4-4 Prepared by: Carolyn Mushata Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Concurrence: Director of Legislative Services/Corporate Officer Marlene Best I~ 1 °/C-ctor of Planning F rest Smith Directp½gineering ~ 'C2:S Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Page 2 of 6 Attachments: (A) Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973-2023 (B) Maple Ridge Delegation of Powers to the Development Agreements Committee Bylaw No. 6113- 2003 Page 3 of 6 CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7973 ATTACHMENT A A Bylaw to provide for the delegation of authority of development agreements. WHEREAS under Section 154 of the Community Charter, Council may, by bylaw, delegate its powers, duties and functions, including those specifically established by enactment, to its officers and employees; AND WHEREAS Council considers that there are a number of circumstances where delegation of certain powers, duties, and functions would foster good government; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw No. 7973-2023". 2. The Director of Planning, the Director of Engineering and the Corporate Officer and their delegates, are each delegated the following powers, duties and functions: a. The power to enter into, execute and have registered agreements which relate to the development of lands within the City of Maple Ridge, including releases, partial releases, discharges, modifications and amendments to such agreements. 3. Maple Ridge Delegation of Powers to the Development Agreements Committee Bylaw No. 6113-2003 is hereby repealed in its entirety upon the adoption of this Bylaw. READ a first time the __ day of __ , 2023. READ a second time the __ day of __ , 2023. READ a third time the __ day of __ , 2023. ADOPTED, the __ day of __ , 2023. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT B BY-LAW NO. 6113-2003 A by-law to delegate executive and/or administrative powers to a Standing Committee of the Municipal Council WHEREAS pursuant to Section 239 of the Local Government Act, the Mayor is empowered to establish standing Committees for matters better regulated and managed by means of Committees; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 232 of the Local Government Act, the Council may, by by-law adopted by at least 2/3 of all its members delegate to a standing Committee established under Section 239, authority to exercise executive or administrative powers of the Council; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Delegation of Powers to the Development Agreements Committee By-law No. 6113-2003". 2. "Maple Ridge Delegation of Powers to the Development Agreements Committee By-law No. 3840-1986" and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety. 3. The Development Agreements Committee shall consist of (a) the Mayor or, in her/his absence, the Acting Mayor; and (b) the Chief Administrative Officer or, in his/her absence, any one of the following: 1. General Manager: Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services 11. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services, or 111. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services 4. The Development Agreements Committee shall meet on an as needed basis; except, however, that when it does meet minutes shall be taken noting the purpose of the meeting and the disposition of those matters that have been referred to it. An employee of the Clerk's Department shall be the Secretaiy for the Committee and shall be responsible for taking minutes. 5. All decisions of the Development Agreements Committee shall be unanimous before they can be acted upon. 6. The Development Agreements Committee has the power to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute and seal agreements which relate to the development of lands within the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, including releases, partial releases, discharges, modifications and amendments to such agreements. BY-LAW NO. 6113-2003 PAGE2 READ a first time the 8th day of July, 2003. Page 5 of 6 READ a second time the 8th day of July, 2003. READ a third time the 8th day of July, 2003. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the Municipal Council on the 22nd day of July, 2003. MAYOR CLERK Page 6 of 6