HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-30 Regular Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA January 30, 2024 7:00 pm Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at:  https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal For virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes – January 16, 2024 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30, 2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved. 7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023 Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2023, be received for information. 7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023 Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2023, be received for information. 7.3 2023 Council Expenses Staff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded to December 31, 2023. 7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate Action RECOMMENDATION: That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April 2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce. 7.5 Council Committee Appointment The following committee appointment was released from the Closed Council Meeting held on January 23, 2024: RECOMMENDATION: That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record: Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness Kevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term (January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025) 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024  A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020 RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 be given first, second and third reading. 9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023  Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019 RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption. 9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots. RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. 10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23 To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed; 3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) be provided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading; iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park; iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement; v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management; viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. 10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2 To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and the construction of approximately 16 townhouse units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading, 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance Permit To request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­ sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. 10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street 10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJanuary 30, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes – January 16, 2024 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30, 2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved. 7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023 Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2023, be received for information. 7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023 Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2023, be received for information. 7.3 2023 Council Expenses Staff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded to December 31, 2023. 7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate Action RECOMMENDATION: That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April 2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce. 7.5 Council Committee Appointment The following committee appointment was released from the Closed Council Meeting held on January 23, 2024: RECOMMENDATION: That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record: Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness Kevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term (January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025) 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024  A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020 RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 be given first, second and third reading. 9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023  Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019 RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption. 9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots. RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. 10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23 To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed; 3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) be provided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading; iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park; iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement; v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management; viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. 10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2 To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and the construction of approximately 16 townhouse units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading, 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance Permit To request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­ sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. 10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street 10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJanuary 30, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes – January 16, 20245.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30,2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved.7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended November 30, 2023, be received for information.7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended December 31, 2023, be received for information.7.3 2023 Council ExpensesStaff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded toDecember 31, 2023.7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate ActionRECOMMENDATION:That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce.7.5 Council Committee AppointmentThe following committee appointment was released from the Closed CouncilMeeting held on January 23, 2024:RECOMMENDATION:That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record:Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and InclusivenessKevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term(January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025) 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024  A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020 RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 be given first, second and third reading. 9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023  Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019 RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption. 9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots. RECOMMENDATION:  That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. 10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23 To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed; 3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) be provided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading; iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park; iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement; v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management; viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. 10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2 To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and the construction of approximately 16 townhouse units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading, 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance Permit To request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­ sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. 10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street 10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJanuary 30, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes – January 16, 20245.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30,2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved.7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended November 30, 2023, be received for information.7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended December 31, 2023, be received for information.7.3 2023 Council ExpensesStaff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded toDecember 31, 2023.7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate ActionRECOMMENDATION:That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce.7.5 Council Committee AppointmentThe following committee appointment was released from the Closed CouncilMeeting held on January 23, 2024:RECOMMENDATION:That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record:Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and InclusivenessKevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term(January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025)8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020RECOMMENDATION:That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 begiven first, second and third reading.9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023 Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption.9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots.RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted.10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented atan earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with anopportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting fordebate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public.10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units.RECOMMENDATIONS:1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement forconsultation during the development or amendment of an Official CommunityPlan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically:i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan islocated, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iv. First Nations;v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed; 3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) be provided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading; iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park; iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement; v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management; viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. 10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2 To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and the construction of approximately 16 townhouse units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading, 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance Permit To request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­ sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. 10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street 10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJanuary 30, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes – January 16, 20245.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30,2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved.7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended November 30, 2023, be received for information.7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended December 31, 2023, be received for information.7.3 2023 Council ExpensesStaff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded toDecember 31, 2023.7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate ActionRECOMMENDATION:That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce.7.5 Council Committee AppointmentThe following committee appointment was released from the Closed CouncilMeeting held on January 23, 2024:RECOMMENDATION:That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record:Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and InclusivenessKevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term(January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025)8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020RECOMMENDATION:That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 begiven first, second and third reading.9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023 Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption.9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots.RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted.10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented atan earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with anopportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting fordebate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public.10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units.RECOMMENDATIONS:1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement forconsultation during the development or amendment of an Official CommunityPlan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically:i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan islocated, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iv. First Nations;v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; andvi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies.and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be requiredin respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed OfficialCommunity Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation tothe public to comment;2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed;3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given firstand second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second readingand will be forwarded to Public Hearing;5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) beprovided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community AmenityContributions;ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in theamount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalizedafter third reading;iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be providedtowards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park;iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenantand receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement;v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue;vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the StormwaterManagement;viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, adisclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advisingwhether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subjectproperties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that thesubject property is not a contaminated site.10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and theconstruction of approximately 16 townhouse units.RECOMMENDATION:1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading,2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant andreceipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required;iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, whichaddresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development;iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. 10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance Permit To request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­ sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. 10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street 10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJanuary 30, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes – January 16, 20245.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARECOMMENDATION:THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 30,2024 Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved.7.1 Disbursements for the Month Ended November 30, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended November 30, 2023, be received for information.7.2 Disbursements for the Month Ended December 31, 2023Staff report dated January 30, 2024, recommending that disbursements for themonth ended December 31, 2023, be received for information.7.3 2023 Council ExpensesStaff report dated January 30, 2024, listing Council expenses recorded toDecember 31, 2023.7.4 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate ActionRECOMMENDATION:That the duration of the Mayor's Climate Action Taskforce be extended until April2024, including no less than three (3) additional meetings of the Taskforce.7.5 Council Committee AppointmentThe following committee appointment was released from the Closed CouncilMeeting held on January 23, 2024:RECOMMENDATION:That the Council Committee appointment be received into the record:Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and InclusivenessKevin Priebe, Member at Large, two­year term(January 23, 2024 – December 31, 2025)8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637­2020RECOMMENDATION:That Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986­2024 begiven first, second and third reading.9.2 2023­111­RZ, Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments Bylaw No. 7928­2023 Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600­2019RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928­2023 be given third reading and adoption.9.3 2017­548­RZ, 12313 McNutt Road, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018To permit the subdivision of the subject property into two lots.RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433­2018 be adopted.10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented atan earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with anopportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting fordebate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public.10.1 2023­350­RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS­3 to CD­5­23To facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units.RECOMMENDATIONS:1.  In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement forconsultation during the development or amendment of an Official CommunityPlan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically:i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan islocated, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by theplan;iv. First Nations;v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; andvi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies.and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be requiredin respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed OfficialCommunity Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation tothe public to comment;2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791­2021 be repealed;3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980­2023 be given firstand second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979­2023 be given first and second readingand will be forwarded to Public Hearing;5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:i. A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) beprovided in keeping  with the Council Policy with regard to Community AmenityContributions;ii. A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in theamount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalizedafter third reading;iii. That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be providedtowards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park;iv. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenantand receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement;v. Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue;vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the StormwaterManagement;viii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, adisclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advisingwhether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subjectproperties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that thesubject property is not a contaminated site.10.2 2021­579­RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, M­1 to RM­1 & R­2To permit the future subdivision of approximately two single­family lots and theconstruction of approximately 16 townhouse units.RECOMMENDATION:1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826­2022 be given third reading,2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant andreceipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;ii. Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required;iii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, whichaddresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development;iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking;v. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management;vi. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environmentdetermines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted SiteDisclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permitcannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property;vii.  In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, adisclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advisingwhether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subjectproperty. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that thesubject property is not a contaminated site.viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 pertownhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicableat third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions.10.3 2017­548­DVP, 12313 McNutt Road, Development Variance PermitTo request a variance to waive the road dedication requirement for a rural cul­de­sac and to reduce the required cul­de­sac asphalt carriageway radius.RECOMMENDATION:That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017­548­DVPrespecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road.10.4 Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicingworks to the benefitting lands.RECOMMENDATIONS:That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is,in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide theseservices shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; andThat Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels andin the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and furtherThat the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer AgreementLC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street10.5 Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the extended storm sewerservicing to the benefitting lands.RECOMMENDATION:That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 RidgewayCrescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. 10.6 Award of Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) To obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase the existing Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Contract EN23­107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. 11.STAFF REPORTS 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3649274 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on January 16, 2024 at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef Councillor O. Dozie ABSENT Councillor J. Dueck Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer, Director of Legislative Services Other staff as required M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Community Engagement T. Westover, Director of Economic Development Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal Note: Councillor Tan and Councillor Schiller participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA - Nil 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.1 Approval of the Agenda R/2024-CM-001 Moved and seconded That the agenda for the December 12, 2023, Regular Council meeting be approved as amended by removing Item #9.2. CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Document:3649274 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes R/2024-CM-002 Moved and seconded That the following minutes be adopted as circulated: • Special Council (to Close) – December 12, 2023 • Regular Council – December 12, 2023 CARRIED 5. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL - NIL 6. DELEGATIONS - NIL 7. CONSENT AGENDA R/2024-CM-003 Moved and seconded That the recommendations contained in the following items on the January 16, 2024 Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Committee and Taskforce Minutes Agricultural Advisory Committee • April 27, 2023 • September 28, 2023 Advisory Design Panel • July 19, 2023 • September 20, 2023 • October 18, 2023 Economic Development Advisory Committee • May 31, 2023 Public Art Steering Committee • July 6, 2023 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate Action • December 4, 2023 7.2 House of Commons – Suicide Prevention Hotline Correspondence from Todd Doherty, MP Cariboo-Prince George CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 Page 3 of 4 Document:3649274 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Nil 9. BYLAWS 9.1 Film Fee Update To amend the Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw to reflect changes to filming fees. R/2024-CM-004 Moved and seconded RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7978-2023 be adopted. CARRIED 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 2018-448-RZ.01, 12061 Laity Street Extend the completion date in the Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the conservation of the Gillespie Residence on the subject site R/2024-CM-005 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7981-2023 be given first, second and third reading. CARRIED 11. STAFF REPORTS ~ NIL 12. OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT~ NIL 13. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD No members of the public asked any questions or made any comments to Council. 14. MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Mayor and Council provided an update on their participation in recent community events. 15. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS – Nil Regular Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 Page 4 of 4 Document:3649274 16. ADJOURNMENT – 7:15 pm ____________________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ____________________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer ~ Maple Ridee -...,;; TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 30, 2024 FILE NO: 05-1630-01-2023 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The disbursements summary for the past period is attached for information. All voucher payments are approved by the Director of Finance or Deputy Director of Finance. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended November 30, 2023 be received for information. DISCUSSION: GENERAL PAYROLL PURCHASE CARD a) Background Context: $ 10,610,184 $ 2,587,948 $ ___ -=1~35=---,0~1=6 $ 13,333,148 The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. All disbursements are subjected to the appropriate approvals through the City's Procurement Policy. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the Financial Plan Bylaw or subsequently approved through Council Resolution. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 3628000 Page 1 of 2 c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Inc -Multi use pathway (Hammond Rd) $ 234,449 • Conwest Contracting Ltd -203 St watermain replacement $ 841,979 • GPM Civil Contracting Inc -Park construction (241A St) $ 94,922 • Greater Vancouver Water District -Water consumption $ 1,346,876 • Jack Cewe Ltd -Abernethy Way road improvements $ 396,078 • Kearns & Company, In Trust -Land acquisition (12141 227 St) $ 974,215 • Lafarge Canada Inc -Pavement rehabilitation $ 578,126 • Province of BC (IHIT) -Integrated Homicide Investigation Team costs $ 202,137 • RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd -Ice rentals $ 122,269 • Suncor Energy Products -Gasoline & diesel fuel $ 150,422 d) Policy Implications: Corporate governance practice includes reporting the disbursements to Council monthly. CONCLUSION: The disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2023 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall, CPA Accountant 3 Approved by: .-pson, BBA, CPA, CGA Director of Finance Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer 3628000 Page 2 of 2 VENDOR NAME Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd Aptean Canada Corporation Aqua Silva Resource Management Arcadis Professional Services B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Inc Badger Daylighting Lp Bartle & Gibson Co Ltd BC Hydro BC SPCA Blue Pine Enterprises Ltd Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd CUPE Local 622 Canada Manhole Ltd Canadian Pacific Railway CDW Canada Inc Chamber of Commerce City of Pitt Meadows Cobing Building Solutions Conwest Contracting Ltd Curtis Personalized Health Diamond Head Consulting Ltd Electromega Ltd Faulknerbrowns Architecture Inc GPM Civil Contracting Inc Greater Vancouver Water District Hallmark Facility Services Inc Howard Wilson Construction Ltd Image Painting & Restoration ISL Engineering & Land Services Jack Cewe Ltd Kearns & Company, In Trust Kovacs, Maria Ladbrook, Kelly A & Ladbrook, William Daryl Lafarge Canada Inc Laurentian Athletics (2019) Inc Maple Leaf Disposal Ltd Maple Ridge & PM Arts Council Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games Matrix Video Communications Corp May, Robert McElhanney Consulting Services Metro Motors Ltd Municipal Pension Plan BC MXD Development Strategists Night Hoops Basketball Society Prime Traffic Solutions Ltd Province of BC (IHIT) Receiver General For Canada RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Schoolhouse Products Inc Scottish Line Painting Ltd Stantec Consulting Ltd Strata Plan LMS Commercial Suncor Energy Products Tantus Solutions Group, Inc CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS -November 2023 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Professional fees (design services) Ross maintenance & support services Environmental monitoring & permitting Sanitary sewer network analysis Multi use pathway (Hammond Rd) Hydro-excavation (multiple locations) Plumbing & electrical supplies Electricity Contract payment Tree/shrub planting+ light landscaping (Fern Crescent) Supply & install musco lighting (THSS Skatepark) + Misc. electrical work Union dues (employee remittance) Manhole repairs Railway crossing upgrades/maintenance Software maintenance & minor tech hardware Service funding Maple Ridge drainage/diking contribution Facilities repairs, maintenance & upgrades 203 St watermain replacement (Lougheed to Thorne Ave) Contracted service provider (fitness classes & programs) Urban forest management strategy development Traffic signal replacement Building condition assessment (The ACT) Park construction (241A St) Water consumption Janitorial services & supplies MRSS Track upgrades Painting & restoration services Professional fees (design services) Abernethy Way road improvements Land acquisition (12141 227 St) Legal Settlement Security refund Pavement rehabilitation Permanent mount of bleachers (Albion Sports Complex) Refuse container and litter collection Arts Centre contract Release of BC Games Society money being held In Trust Audio/Video meeting room upgrades Renovations & sound proofing (Municipal Hall & GMYC) Professional fees (design services) 2023 Ford Escape+ 2023 T-350 E-Transit Employer/employee remittance Retail market analysis "Night Hoops" program costs Traffic control Integrated Homicide Investigation Team costs Employer/employee remittance Ice rentals Furniture (Albion Community Centre) Thermoplastic road markings Professional fees (design services) Panorama strata fees (ECRA Facility) Gasoline & diesel fuel Professional fees AMOUNT 32,977 129,552 50,893 21,273 234,449 35,237 42,462 145,133 33,924 21,026 80,103 41,347 20,484 178,900 17,009 20,000 329,700 18,637 841,979 19,818 35,922 20,138 22,324 94,922 1,346,876 51,939 119,507 21,000 79,472 396,078 974,215 35,000 15,000 578,126 19,690 31,630 61,022 308,580 30,959 31,259 29,424 139,016 585,042 36,929 40,057 27,869 202,137 848,603 122,269 15,465 26,668 30,703 17,846 150,422 126,836 VENDOR NAME The Barootes Partnership Group Inc Trapeze Communications Inc Tundra Plumbing Ltd Turning Point Upanup Studios Inc Urban Matters CCC Ltd VDZ+A Consulting Inc Vertigis North America Ltd Warrington PCI Management Webir Automation & Control Services Wedler Engineering Western Compensation & Benefits Consultants Whitestar Property Services Windmill Flooring Wishbone Industries Limited X10 Networks YBS Yard Beautification Services Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards -Payment Total Disbursements November 2023 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Professional fees (naming right valuation) City branding project Facilities maintenance, repairs & upgrades Software maintenance + support Website improvements Professional fees Design services for destination playground (Maple Ridge Park) Software maintenance Tower advance Facilities repairs & maintenance Multi use pathway (Hammond Rd) Professional fees Parks mowing & trimming+ light landscape Carpeting for IT Dept renovations Worksyard inventory Software maintenance Vegetation control + light landscaping PP23/22 & PP23/23 AMOUNT 19,768 23,662 135,963 16,241 23,422 79,429 53,713 38,252 70,590 21,794 26,800 27,847 31,766 17,625 24,898 21,706 25,038 9,646,362 963,822 10,610,184 2,587,948 135,016 13,333,148 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 30, 2024 FILE NO: 05-1630-01-2023 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUM MARY: The disbursements summary for the past period is attached for information. All voucher payments are approved by the Director of Finance or Deputy Director of Finance. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended December 31, 2023 be received for information. DISCUSSION: GENERAL PAYROLL PURCHASE CARD a) Background Context: $ 19,508,260 $ 3,932,018 $ ___ ~14~5~,5~7~6 $ 23,585,854 The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. All disbursements are subjected to the appropriate approvals through the City's Procurement Policy. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the Financial Plan Bylaw or subsequently approved through Council Resolution. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 3652738 Page 1 of 2 c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Inc -Multi use pathway (Hammond Rd) $ 386,019 • Clearway Construction Inc -Forcemain construction (Jim Robson Way) $ 140,724 • Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd -Water pump station (236 St) $ 770,981 • Gen X Solutions -Computer equipment replacement $ 636,792 • Greater Vancouver Water District -Water consumption $ 1,318,562 • Jack Cewe Ltd -Abernethy Way road improvements $ 428,792 • Jack Cewe Ltd -Pavement rehabilitation $ 161,974 • Kendrick Equipment (2003) Ltd -Hydro excavation truck $ 720,026 • Lafarge Canada Inc -Pavement rehabilitation $ 962,994 • RCMP -Quarterly RCMP contract payment $ 5,230,520 • Sandpiper Contracting Lip -Sanitary & storm sewer upgrades $ 531,641 • Stageline Mobile Stage Inc-Supply & deliver mobile stage $ 211,226 • Tritech Group Ltd -Reservoir expansion (263 St) $ 548,262 d) Policy Implications: Corporate governance practice includes reporting the disbursements to Council monthly. CONCLUSION: The disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2023 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall, CPA Accountant 3 Approved by: , , CPA, CGA ance Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer 3652738 Page 2 of 2 VENDOR NAME Antiquus Arch Consultants Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd Aqua Silva Resource Management Arcadis Professional Services Avenue Machinery Corp B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Inc Badger Daylighting Lp Bartle & Gibson Co Ltd BC Hydro BC Plant Health Care Inc BC SPCA Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd CUPE Local 622 Cascade Wear Ltd CDW Canada Inc Centralsquare Canada Software Centrix Control Solutions Lp Clearway Construction Inc Cobing Building Solutions Curtis Personalized Health Davey Tree Expert Co Diamond Head Consulting Ltd Dinesen Nurseries Ltd DMD & Associates Ltd Dougness Holdings Ltd Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd Eecol Electric Corp EMCO Corporation ESRI Canada Limited Festilight Finning International Inc Fortis BC Fred Surridge Ltd Gen X Solutions GPM Civil Contracting Inc Greater Vancouver Water District Hallmark Facility Services Inc Harbour International Trucks I.D.R. Commercial Construction Management Image Painting & Restoration Increment One Consulting Ltd lnterprovincial Traffic Services ISL Engineering & Land Services Jack Cewe Ltd Jacks Automotive & Welding Kasian Architecture Int.Design Katzie Development Partnership Kendrick Equipment (2003) Ltd Lafarge Canada Inc Laurentian Athletics (2019) Inc Leaders International Executive Lee's Trees Machinex Recycling Service Inc Mainland Construction CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS-December 2023 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Archaeological impact assessment Design services Ditching, ditch cleaning & debris removals Sanitary sewer network analysis Kubota worksite utility vehicle (RTV-X1100C) Multi-use path (Hammond Rd) Hydro-excavation (multiple locations) Plumbing & electrical supplies Electricity Inspection, risk assessment & tree removal Contract payment Electrical work Union dues (employee remittance) Water proof gear/jackets Software maintenance Software maintenance Water pump station upgrades Forcemain construction (Jim Robson Way) Misc. building maintenance & Firehall#1 DDC control/engine bay upgrade Contracted service provider (fitness classes & programs) Roadside chipping & tree removals Urban forest management strategy development Supply & delivery of specimen grade trees Design Services Catch basin cleaning Water pump station (236 St) Street light upgrade program (LED street light luminaires conversion) Works yard inventory Cityworks license agreement & hosting fees Illuminate Maple Ridge (install & removal) Equipment maintenance Natural Gas Waterworks supplies Computer equipment replacement Park construction (241A St) Water consumption Janitorial services & supplies Equipment maintenance Data recabling & server room relocation Painting & restoration services Professional fees (Agile Training) Illuminated street signs & crosswalk maintenance Professional fees (design services) Abernethy Way road improvements Pavement rehabilitation program (holdback release) Fire Dept equipment repairs Space Planning Watermain replacement (203 St Lougheed to Thorne Ave) Hydro excavation truck (2024 Vacall AJV1215) Pavement rehabilitation Permanent mount of bleachers (Albion Sports Complex) Recruitment fees Street tree planting Recycle baler rebuild/reline Roundabout modifications (Kanaka way & 234A St) AMOUNT 26,036 59,400 44,796 18,389 76,541 386,019 40,021 20,049 148,777 16,897 33,924 25,944 41,639 17,086 24,354 21,273 18,031 140,724 115,738 15,583 41,147 34,302 21,063 15,321 37,615 770,981 141,621 31,968 171,751 40,064 19,813 26,924 46,667 636,792 29,462 1,318,562 46,521 29,237 126,188 18,060 16,126 28,700 109,557 428,792 161,974 590,766 29,237 27,262 54,894 720,026 962,994 45,942 28,494 27,837 148,751 117,422 VENDOR NAME Maple Leaf Disposal Ltd Maple Ridge & PM Arts Council McElhanney Consulting Services Metro Motors Ltd MME Maple Ridge Investment Ltd Municipal Pension Plan BC New Rhodes Construction Inc North of 49 Ice Sports Services Ltd Open Storage Solutions Inc Pacific Blue Cross Pine Creek Development Ltd Prairie Coast Equipment Inc Prime Traffic Solutions Ltd Province of BC RCMP Receiver General For Canada RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Sandpiper Contracting Lip Sanscorp Products Ltd SAP Canada Inc Scottish Line Painting Ltd Spot on Landscaping Services Stageline Mobile Stage Inc Stantec Consulting Ltd Stewart Mcdannold Stuart Strata Plan LMS Commercial Streetwise Traffic Controllers Suncor Energy Products T& T Demolition Ltd Tantus Solutions Group, Inc Tetra Tech Canada Inc Total Power Ltd Tritech Group Ltd Tundra Plumbing Ltd Urban Lumberjack Tree Services Urban Matters CCC Ltd Valley Traffic Systems Inc Victoria Mobile Radio Ltd Warrington PCI Management Water Street Engineering Ltd West Coast Toyota Westerra Equipment Lp Westridge Security Ltd Whisk Catering X10 Networks YBS Yard Beautification Services Young, Anderson -Barristers Zhu, Feng Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards -Payment Total Disbursements December 2023 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Refuse container and litter collection Arts Centre contract Program revenue (Oct & Nov) Design Services 2023 Ford Escape Hybrid Security refund Employer/employee remittance Columbaria expansion (Cemetery) Contracted service provider -skating lesson programs Software maintenance Employer/employee remittance Security refund 2023 John Deere Mower Traffic control Employer Health Tax Annual fee for DNA analysis services Quarterly RCMP contract payment Employer/employee remittance Ice rentals Residential curbside pickups Sanitary & storm sewer upgrades (225 St & Royal Cr) Roadworks material Software maintenance & support Thermoplastic road markings Vegetation control + light landscaping Supply & deliver mobile stage Design services Professional fees Panorama strata fees (ECRA Facility) Traffic control Gasoline & diesel fuel Building demolition Professional fees Environmental monitoring Generator maintenance Reservoir expansion (263 St) Facilities maintenance & repairs Roadside chipping & tree removals Professional fees Barricade boards for inventory SCADA upgrade Tower advance Water network analysis and planning Vehicle purchases (4 2023 Toyota BZ4X + 1 2023 Toyota Tacoma) M06 Backhoe attachment for Parks Bobcat mini track Community patrols & static guard service Municipal functions Software maintenance Vegetation control+ light landscaping Professional fees Security refund PP23/24 & PP23/25 & PP23/26 AMOUNT 15,300 61,022 65,322 126,344 17,813 46,539 68,840 889,270 64,731 31,668 15,860 212,351 48,594 34,656 35,571 220,914 57,223 5,230,520 5,287,743 877,876 267,751 56,819 531,641 23,982 34,130 23,606 43,533 211,226 38,370 17,339 17,846 17,083 56,590 42,483 137,640 16,825 25,885 548,262 19,241 36,260 28,112 15,584 68,826 100,000 23,889 222,247 17,898 55,842 21,187 16,874 17,887 21,670 15,000 18,588,888 919,372 19,508,260 3,932,018 145,576 23,585,854 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: 2023 Council Expenses EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 30, 2024 05-1880-20-2023 Council In keeping with Council's commitment to transparency in local government, the attached schedule is a preliminary list of Council's expenses recorded to December 31, 2023. An updated version will be submitted once all transactions have been recorded . The expenses included on the schedule are those required to be reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information and are available on our website. RECOMMENDATION: For information. DISCUSSION: The expenses included in the attached schedule are those reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), including those incurred under Policy No. 3.07 "Council Training, Conferences and Association Building". The budget for Council includes the provision noted in Policy No. 3.07 as well as a separate budget for cell phone and iPad usage. The amounts on the attached schedule are those recorded prior to the preparation of this report and are subject to change. Prepared by: Kim Hayes Accountant 2 Reviewed by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Deput Director of Finance Approved by: 0re?o; Thompson, CPA, CGA DirF ce Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: 2023 Council Expenses 3588174 Page 1 of 1 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Carreras, Karleen January Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 GV Board ofTrade 23.81 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 2023 UBCM Housing Conference 541.52 May Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 LMLGA Conference 766.43 June Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 31.08 July Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 38.85 August Cell phone charges 33.17 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 62.06 Chamber of Commerce End of Summer BBQ 25.00 September Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 33.09 2023 UBCM Convention 2,799.80 October Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 48.66 Celebrating Woman in Business 98.00 November Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 62.07 December Cell phone charges 43.87 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 62.04 Chamber ofC::ommerce HolidayParty Carreras, Karleen Total 881.41 4,131.56 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Dozie, Onyeka January Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 Columbia Institute Civic Governance Forum 756,99 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 May Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 June Cell phone charges 38.54 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 16.37 July Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 59.50 August Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 23.22 Chamber of Commerce End of Summer BBQ 25.00 September Cell phone charges 33.17 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 October Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 RMH Gala 250.00 Hometown Heroes Banquet 60.00 November Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 December Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party 37.00 Dozie, Onyeka Total 633.04 756.99 372.00 1,762.03 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Dueck, Judy January Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 February Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 March Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 April Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 May Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 LMLGA Conference 650.00 June Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 July Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 12.91 August Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 September Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 October Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 Celebrating Woman in Business 98.00 November Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 December Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 Dueck, Judy Total 107.07 650.00 98.00 855.07 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Ruimy, Dan January Cell phone charges 83.46 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad} 8.56 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad} 8.56 RM South Asian Gala 150.00 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 8.56 GV Board of Trade 122.80 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 8.56 2023 UBCM Housing Conference 350.00 May Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 8.56 LMLGA Conference 760.10 FCM Annual Conference 3,541.66 Ottawa/Translink BRT Consultation 1,310.33 June Cell phone charges 43.87 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 12.41 UPlan's Youth Tank 13.50 July Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad} 16.29 August Cell phone charges 33.17 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad} 13.20 Chamber of Commerce End of Summer BBQ 50.00 September Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad} 8.56 2023 UBCM Convention 3,159.42 BC Law Enforcement Memorial 173.40 October Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 8.56 Celebrating Woman in Business 98.00 RMH Gala 225.00 Hometown Heroes Banquet 60.00 Ridge Meadows Hospice Society -Oktoberfest 79.91 Advocacy for Maple Ridge Moves 571.97 November Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 GV Board of Trade 99.00 Chamber of Commerce AGM 20.00 Advocacy for Maple Ridge Moves 3,854.73 December Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad} 8.56 Cham~er of Commerce Holid~y Party 37.00 Ruimy, Dan Total 587.60 8,032.98 906.81 5,737.03 15,264.42 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Schiller, Sunny January Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 May Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 LMLGA Conference 650.00 June Cell phone charges 38.56 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 62.06 July Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 33.36 August Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 9.25 September Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 23.79 2023 UBCM Convention 3,061.05 October Cell phone charges 33.17 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 53.30 November Cell phone charges 38.52 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 28.47 2023 Zero Waste Conference 275.00 December Cell phone charges 33.17 Portable electronic device charges (e.g: I Pad) 35.32 Schiller, Sunny Total 765.61 3,986.05 4,751.66 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Tan, Jenny January Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 Chamber of Commerce Nominee Luncheon 58.00 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 RM South Asian Gala 150.00 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 Columbia Institute Civic Governance Forum 676.99 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 2023 UBCM Housing Conference 350.00 May Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 LMLGA Conference 760.10 June Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 62.06 July Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 35.10 August Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 62.04 September Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 12.57 2023 UBCM Convention 2,906.09 October Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 62.04 November Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 27.97 December Cell phone charges 25.68 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 50.51 Tan, Jenny Total 765.97 4,693.18 208.00 5,667.15 2023 Council Expenses Cell Phones Conferences Community As at December 31, 2023 /iPads & Seminars Events Other Grand Total Yousef, Ahmed January Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 February Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 RM South Asian Gala 150.00 March Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 April Cell phone charges 51.36 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 8.56 May Cell phone charges 23.09 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 8.56 LMLGA Conference 650.00 FCM Annual Conference 2,664.16 June Cell phone charges 40.66 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 43.32 July Cell phone charges 40.66 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 46.50 August Cell phone charges 63.45 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 59.86 Chamber of Commerce End of Summer BBQ 25.00 September Cell phone charges 58.85 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 61.53 2023 UBCM Convention 700.00 October Cell phone charges 58.85 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 62.06 Celebrating Woman in Business 98.00 RMH Gala 250.00 Hometown Heroes Banquet 60.00 November Cell phone charges 58.85 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 62.07 December Cell phone charges 58.85 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 62.07 Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party 37.00 Yousef, Ahmed Total 1,048.91 4,014.16 620.00 5,683.07 Grand Total 4,789.61 26,264.92 2,364.81 5,737.03 39,156.37 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Bylaw No. 7986-2024 A bylaw to rescind the City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637-2020 The Council of the City of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: (1) This Bylaw shall be cited as "Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986-2024". (2) City of Maple Ridge Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637-2020, and all amendments thereto, are hereby repealed. READ a first time the __ day of ___ _, 2024. READ a second time the __ day of ___ ~ 2024. READ a third time the __ day of---~ 2024. ADOPTED, the __ day of ___ _, 2024. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Page 1 of 8 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7928-2023 A Bylaw to amend the text and Schedule “A” of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended ____________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as “Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023”. 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise Part 2 - Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions, as follows: a. The definition of “Accessory Building and/or Accessory Structure” is amended by inserting “or to a Principal Use of the Land” after “on the same Lot”. b. The definition of “Building Envelope” is amended by inserting “steep” before “slope”. c. The definition of “Building Height” is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with: “BUILDING HEIGHT means the vertical distance of a Building measured between: (a) the Average Natural Grade or Average Finished Grade, as applicable, and (b) the mid-point of the main roof system or the highest point of the roof, as applicable, and in accordance with Sections 403.4 (Building Height), 403.6 (Height Exceptions) and 403.7 (Highest Building Face) of this Bylaw.” d. The definition of “Commercial Vehicle” is amended by restructuring the clause and clarifying the requirements for a truck trailer: “COMMERCIAL VEHICLE means a motor Vehicle, used in the course of business for the transportation of Persons or freight, including without limitation: (a) a truck or truck tractor with a licensed gross Vehicle weight greater than 5,500.0 kilograms, which includes a Trailer for a truck or truck tractor, whether or not it is attached or licensed; (b) a Vehicle that transports Contractor’s Equipment; (c) a bus or motor Vehicle whose operator is required to hold a license under the British Columbia Passenger Transportation Act [SBC 2004] Chapter 39; (d) a limousine, taxi, livery car, or shuttle van; (e) a business Vehicle, as defined in Section 237 of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 318. Refer to Section 402.19 (Parking and Storing of Commercial Vehicles) of this Bylaw.” e. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of “Detached Garden Suite Residential”. f. The definition of “Exterior Side Lot Line” is amended by inserting “Refer to the definition for Lot Line.” at the end of the definition. Page 2 of 8 g. Refer to Clause 6 for amendments to the definition of “Forest Resource”. h. The definition of “Front Lot Line” is amended by inserting “Refer to definition for Lot Line.” at the end of the definition. i. The definition of “Frontage” is amended by deleting “Lot Width” and replacing it with “width”. j. The definition of “Gross Floor Area” is amended by deleting “extreme outer limits of the Building” and replacing it with “Building Face”. k. The definition of “Lot Area” is amended by inserting “Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope), 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) and 407.3 (Panhandle Lot Requirements) of this Bylaw.” at the end of the definition. l. The definition of “Lot Depth” is amended by inserting “Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw.” at the end of the definition. m. The definition of “Lot Line” is amended by inserting “A Lot Line may include more than one line segment.” at the end of the definition. n. The definition of “Lot Width” is amended by inserting “Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw.” at the end of the definition. o. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of “Manufactured Home”. p. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of “Modular Home”. q. The definition of “Restaurant” is amended by deleting “provision is” and replacing it with “provisions are”, and by inserting “or to be taken out” after “premises”. r. The definition of “Side Yard” is amended by inserting “Side Lot Line” after “Interior”. s. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of “Single Detached Residential”. t. The definition of “Steep Slope” is amended by inserting “Refer to Sections 401.3 (Prohibited Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures) and 407.1 (Building Envelope) of this Bylaw.” at the end of the definition. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to provide a further clarification for Zones not included in Schedule B (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw, as follows: a. Part 4 - General Regulations, 407 Requirements for the Area, Shape and Dimensions of Lots that may be created by Subdivision, 407.2 Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions, 407.2.1 is amended by inserting the following at the end of the clause: Page 3 of 8 “For Zones not specified in Schedule “B” (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw, the minimum Lot Area and Dimensions shall conform to the minimum “Lot Area and Dimensions” requirements specified in the applicable Zone.” b. Part 2 - Interpretations and Definitions, 201 Interpretations, 201.2 Lot Area and Dimensions is amended by inserting the following at the end of the clause: “Refer to Schedule “B” (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw.” 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to allow a Single Detached Residential Use and a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use to be located within a Manufactured Home (also known as “Mobile Home”) when installed on a permanent foundation and on lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares; and further to allow a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use to be located within a Modular Home, as follows: a. Part 2 - Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions: i. the definition of “Detached Garden Suite Residential” is amended by inserting “May be located within a Modular Home.” after “Rear Yard”; ii. the definition of “Detached Garden Suite Residential” is further amended by inserting “On a lot with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation.” to follow the amendment above; iii. the definition of “Manufactured Home” is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: “MANUFACTURED HOME means a Residential Use, constructed in a factory on a rigid steel frame (chassis) to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z240MH Series Manufactured Homes standards and transported on its own chassis. Where permitted for a Temporary Residential Use, shall be installed on a temporary foundation in compliance with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z240.10.1 Site Preparation, Foundation and Installation of Manufactured Homes requirements. Where permitted for a Single Detached Residential Use or a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use, shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code. A Manufactured Home does not include a Recreational Vehicle or Modular Home.” iv. the definition of “Modular Home” is amended by inserting “A Detached Garden Suite Residential Use shall be permitted within a Modular Home.” at the end of the clause. v. the definition of “Single Detached Residential” is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: “SINGLE DETACHED RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use where the Building on a Lot is used for one Dwelling Unit. The Use may be located within a Modular Home or, on a Lot with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located Page 4 of 8 within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code.“ b. Part 4 - General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential clause 402.11.1.c. is amended by deleting “and” after “Basement”; clause 402.11.1.d. is amended by inserting “and” after “subdivided”; and the following clause is inserted after 402.11.1.d.: “e. on Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code.” 5. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise the maximum Building Height and Rear Lot Line Setback requirements for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use on RS-3 Zoned Lots on large Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve so that they align with Agricultural Zoned Lot requirements, as follows: a. Part 4 - General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential, 402.11.4.b.(ii) is amended by inserting “for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and” after “7.5 metres”. b. Part 4 - General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential, 402.11.5.a.(iii) is amended by inserting “for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and” after “Rear Lot Line” and by deleting “and RS-3 Zoned Lots” at the end of the clause. 6. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to include “Interpretation and Education Facilities” in the definition of “Forest Resource” and to include a maximum height for this Use in the A-2 zone, as follows: a. Part 2 - Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions, the definition of “Forest Resource” is amended by inserting “, and includes Interpretation and Educational Facilities.” at the end of the clause. b. Part 5 – Agricultural Zones, 502 Upland Agricultural, 502.8 Height, 502.8.1. is amended by inserting “Forest Resource Use” after “Agricultural Use”. 7. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to correct the “Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential” requirements in the C-2 General Commercial and C-3 Town Centre Commercial Zones. These two zones are not located within the Land Use designation of “Major Corridor Residential” category as identified in Chapter 3 and Appendix C (Zoning matrix) of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP). The following clauses are revised to redefine that the C-2 and C-3 Zoned Lots must be abutting a “Major Road Corridor” for a Density Bonus: a. Part 4 – General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.10 Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Page 5 of 8 Residential is amended with the addition of “Major Road Corridor” to the title of the section, as follows: “402.10 Density Bonus for Town Centre Area, Major Corridor Residential and Major Road Corridor”; b. Section 402.10 is further amended by inserting the following clause after 402.10.2.b.: “or c. Lots zoned C-2 and C-3, shall be abutting a “Major Road Corridor” as identified on Figure 4 “Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan” of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014.” c. Part 7 – Commercial Zones, 702 Zone: C-2 General Commercial, 702.8 Height, 702.8.2. is amended by deleting “Designated as “Major Corridor Residential” in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4” and replacing it with “abutting a “Major Road Corridor” as identified on Figure 4 “Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan” ”; and d. Part 7 – Commercial Zones, 703 Zone: C-3 Town Centre Commercial, 703.5 Density, 703.5.2.d. is amended by deleting “Designated as “Major Corridor Residential” in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4” and replacing it with “abutting a “Major Road Corridor” as identified on Figure 4 “Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan” ”. 8. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to correct typographical errors, as follows: a. Part 6 – Residential Zones, 603 Zone – R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Residential, 603.1 Purpose is amended by deleting “213.0 square metres” and replacing it with “255.0 square metres”. b. Part 10 – Comprehensive Zones, 1042 CD-1-22 Equestrian Facility and Restaurant, 1042.3 Accessory Uses 1042.3.3. is amended by inserting “Residential” after “Detached Garden Suite”; 1042.3.7. is amended by inserting "Residential” after “Secondary Suite”; and 1042.5 Density, 1042.5.1. is amended by deleting “N/A” and replacing it with “No Density requirement in this Zone.” 9. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise and reformat the requirements for placement of a heat pumps, air conditioners and back-up generators, as follows: a. Part 4 - General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4.2.b. is amended by inserting “and” before geothermal devices” and by deleting “and heat pumps”; b. Part 4 - General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4.2.c.(iv) is amended by deleting “excluding heat pumps and air conditioners”; c. Part 4 - General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4. is amended by inserting the following new clause 401.4.4. at the end of the section: Page 6 of 8 “4. The placement of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and Back-Up Generators for Lots zoned for Single Detached Residential, Two-Unit Residential, Triplex Residential, Fourplex Residential, Courtyard Residential, Street Townhouse Residential, and Detached Garden Suite Residential Uses are subject to the following provisions: a. may be located within the required Front Setback or Rear Setback for a Principal Building, and shall be more than 1.0 metre from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building; b. shall not be located within the Interior Side Yard, between the Interior Side Lot Line and the nearest wall of a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as “Residential” in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014, except: (ii) for lots with a lot area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, shall be more than 1.0 metres from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as “Residential” in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014; c. may be located within the Exterior Side Setback; d. shall be in compliance with the requirements of Section 404.2 (Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure) of this Bylaw.” d. Part 4 - General Regulations, 404 Waste and Energy Regulations, 404.2 Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure, 404.2.4. Geothermal Energy Devices, 404.2.4.a. is amended by deleting “for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures in” after “requirements” and replacing it with “of”. 10. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise the exemptions from Gross Floor Area calculations for Residential Uses to measure to the center of a common wall where applicable; and to delete the requirement that the Gross Floor Area be calculated twice where the ceiling height for a Residential Use exceeds 4.27 metres (14 feet), as follows: a. Part 4 - General Regulations, 403 Regulations for the Size, Shape and Siting of Buildings and Structures, 403.3 Gross Floor Area Exemptions, 403.3.1 is amended by inserting “or to the center of a common wall separation, as applicable” after “Building Face”, and 403.3.2. is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with “Deleted by Bylaw No. 7928-2023.” 11. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Schedule “A” – Zoning Bylaw Map is hereby amended to include approved Zone Amending Bylaws which amended Map “A” of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 after adoption of the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019: a. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7404-2017 was adopted on June 28, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Page 7 of 8 Lot 14 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 10601 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). b. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7464-2018 was adopted on June 28, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP118975 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2016, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1d (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). c. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7409-2017 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 18, Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP125799 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1d (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). d. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7527-2019 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 3 South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP111834 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2018, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential. e. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7551-2019 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 17 to 24, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan EPP127799 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2019, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is are hereby rezoned to RS-1d (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). f. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 was adopted on October 5, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots A and B District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP91933 Page 8 of 8 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2020, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential). g. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 was adopted on December 13, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: East 72 feet Lot 2, Except Part in Plan LMP16156, District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8586 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). h. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020 was adopted on February 14, 2023, as follows: The following parcels or tracts and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP116876 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2022, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). 12. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 12th day of December, 2023. READ a second time the 12th day of December, 2023. READ a third time the day of , 2024. ADOPTED the day of , 2024. _____________________________ ____________________________ PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: December 5, 2023 2023-111-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Housekeeping Amendments First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 was adopted by Council on December 8, 2020 and has been well received for its ease of use, clarity, and detail by the public and by staff. The Zoning Bylaw is a large, very complex and detailed document that regulates development in the City, and it is important to provide clear, concise language that can be easily and consistently interpreted by all users. As can be expected for a Bylaw of this size and complexity, some additional minor corrections and clarifications have been identified. Thus, these housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 are provided for Council consideration in Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023, attached as Appendix A. Refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendment to the Zoning Bylaw. In summary, these text amendments are minor in nature and include the following: (Note: the numbering below corresponds to the clause numbers in the attached Zone Amending Bylaw) 2. Revisions to Definitions; 3. Clarification in Sections 407.2 and 201.2 for zones not specified in Schedule "B" of the Zoning Bylaw; 4. Allowing Single Detached Residential and Detached Garden Suite Residential Uses to be located in Manufactured Homes for on large lots (:2: 0.4 ha.), and Detached Garden Suite Residential Use in Modular Homes; 5. Revisions to Maximum Building Height and Rear Setback for Detached Garden Suite Residential Use in the RS-3 Zone located in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR); 6. Addition of "Interpretation and Educational Facilities" in the definition of Forest Resource Use, and including a maximum building height for the use in the A-2 Zone; 7. Revisions to the requirements for a Density Bonus in the C-2 and C-3 Zones to be define the Lot to be abutting a Major Road Corridor (Appendix C); 8. Correction of typographical errors in the R-3 Zone and the CD-1-22 Zone; 2023-111-RZ Page 1 of 5 9. Revisions to the placement of heat pumps, air-conditioners, and back-up generators in Residential Zones; 10. Exemptions to Gross Floor Area calculations for Residential Uses to delete the requirement that where the ceiling height exceeds 4.27 metres (14 feet) the Gross Floor area is calculated twice; 11. The inclusion of eight (8) Zone Amending Bylaws which amended the old Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 Map "A" (Zoning Map) between June 2022 and February 2023 are included for adoption into Schedule "A" (Zoning Map) of the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. As per the Local Government Act, Section 464(2), when a Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan, the City may waive the requirement to hold a Public Hearing. When a Public Hearing is waived under Section 464(2), the City must then give notice in accordance with Section 467 of the Local Government Act which requires that the notice states the purpose of the Zoning Bylaw; the lands that are subject of the Bylaw; the place, times and dates where the Bylaw may be inspected; and is published in a newspaper the same as for a Public Hearing. Through this process, the Public Hearing was waived for the last Housekeeping Zoning Bylaw Amendment adopted on February 14, 2023. It can be expected that additional changes to the Zoning Bylaw will continue to occur from time to time, as it is used and new situations and needs arise in the course of normal business. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 be given first and second reading; and further 2. That a Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2). DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: On December 8, 2020, the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 was adopted by Council. Since then three housekeeping amendments have been adopted by Council. On February 22, 2022 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 77 49-2021 was adopted, on July 26, 2022 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7827-2022 was adopted, and on February 14, 2023 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7894- 2022 was adopted. The Zoning Bylaw is a large complex and detailed document that regulates development in the City, and it is important to provide clear, concise language that can be easily and consistently interpreted by all users. The Bylaw has been in use for more than two years and, as can be expected for a document of this size and complexity, some additional minor corrections and clarifications have been identified. 2023-111-RZ Page 2 of 5 b) Planning Analysis: The clause numbers in the following discussion of the amendments are in the same numerical order as the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 (Appendix A). For ease of use, refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendments in the Zoning Bylaw. Clause 2: The amendments to Section 202.1 Definitions are revisions to defined terms used in the Zoning Bylaw to provide additional clarity, aid in interpretation of use, and ensure consistency of language. Clause 3: The amendments to Sections 407.2 and 201.2 provide clarification that any Zones not included in Schedule B (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw shall conform to the Lot Area and Dimensions specified in the applicable Zone. Clause 4: The amendments to Single Detached Residential Use and Detached Garden Suite Residential Use are to allow the Use within a Manufactured Home (also known as "Mobile Home") when installed on a permanent foundation and on lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares. Also, to allow a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use to be located within a Modular Home. These amendments will provide additional affordable housing options. Clause 5: Revisions for Detached Garden Suite Residential Use in RS-3 zoned lots located in the Agricultural Land Reserve are to increase the maximum Building Height to 7.5 metres, and to amend the Rear Lot Line Setback to 7 .5 metres. These amendments align with Agricultural Zone requirements. Clause 6: The amendments to the "Forest Resource" Use will allow "Interpretation and Education Facilities" where permitted in Agricultural Zones, and to limit the Building Height for the Use to a maximum of 15.0 metres in the A-2 zone. Clause 7: The amendments are to correct the "Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential" requirement for the C-2 General Commercial and C-3 Town Centre Commercial Zones. The Density Bonus applies to development on Major Road Corridors (Appendix C) when outside of the Town Centre Area. These two Zones are not included in the Major Corridor Residential category of the 0CP because they are Commercial zones. Thus, this amendment specifies that C-2 and C-3 zoned lots must be located on a "Major Road Corridor" to meet the Density Bonus requirements. Clause 8: These amendments are to correct minor typographical errors in the R-3 Zone and the CD-1-22 Zone. Clause 9: The amendments in Sections 401.4 (Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses) and 404.2 (Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure) provide limitations for the placement of heat 2023-111-RZ Page 3 of 5 pumps, air conditioners and back-up generators in Residential zones to reduce the potential for noise disturbance to adjacent residential properties. Clause 10: The amendments in Section 403.3 Gross Floor Area Exemptions delete the requirement that the Gross Floor Area be calculated twice where the ceiling height exceeds 4.27 metres (14 feet) for a Residential Use, and to measure to the center of a common wall where applicable for adjoining Residential dwellings. Clause 11: When the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 was adopted in December 2020 there were a number of rezoning applications that had already received third reading under the old Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, and those were able to continue to adoption under that Bylaw. Since April 2022 eight (8) of those applications have received final adoption for Zoning Map Amendments. They are included here as Maps 2015 to 2022 to amend Schedule "A" -Zoning Map of the new Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019. In some cases, the name of the Zone was changed in the new Zoning Bylaw and that is reflected in the new Rezoning Maps. CONCLUSION: In summary, these text amendments are minor in nature and include the following: (Note: the numbering below corresponds to the clause numbers in the attached Amending Bylaw) Refer to Appendix B for a markup of the amendment to the Zoning Bylaw. 2. Revisions to Definitions; 3. Clarification in Sections 407.2 and 201.2 for zones not specified in Schedule "B" of the Zoning Bylaw; 4. Allowing Single Detached Residential and Detached Garden Suite Residential Uses to be located in Manufactured Homes for on large lots (~ 0.4 ha.), and Detached Garden Suite Residential Use in Modular Homes; 5. Revisions to Maximum Building Height and Rear Setback for Detached Garden Suite Residential Use in the RS-3 Zone located in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR); 6. Addition of "Interpretation and Educational Facilities" in the definition of Forest Resource Use, and including a maximum building height for the use in the A-2 Zone; 7. Revisions to the requirements for a Density Bonus in the C-2 and C-3 Zones to be define the Lot to be abutting a Major Road Corridor (Appendix C); 8. Correction of typographical errors in the R-3 Zone and the CD-1-22 Zone; 9. Revisions to the placement of heat pumps, air-conditioners, and back-up generators in Residential Zones; 2023-111-RZ Page 4 of 5 10. Exemptions to Gross Floor Area calculations for Residential Uses to delete the requirement thc;it where the ceiling height exceeds 4.27 metres (14 feet) the Gross Floor area is calculated twice; · · · · · 11. The inclusion of eight (8) Zone Amending Bylaws which amended the old Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 Map "A" (Zoning Map) between June 2022 and February 2023 are included for adoption into Schedule "A" (Zoning Map) of the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. It is recommended that first and second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023, and that at a Public Hearing be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2). As per the Local Government Act, Section 464(2), when a Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan, the City may waive the requirement to hold a Public Hearing. When a Public Hearing is waived under Section 464(2), the City must then give notice in accordance with Section 467 of the Local Government Act which requires that the notice states the purpose of the Zoning Bylaw; the lands that are subject of the Bylaw; the place, times and dates where the Bylaw may be inspected; and is published in a newspaper the same as for a Public Hearing. "Original Signed by Ann Edwards" Prepared by: Ann Edwards Senior Planning Technician The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Appendix B -Markup of amendments in Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Appendix C -Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridors Network Plan" of the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060, 2014 2023-111-RZ Page 5 of 5 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7928-2023 A Bylaw to amend the text and Schedule "A" of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023". 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise Part 2 -Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions, as follows: a. The definition of "Accessory Building and/or Accessory Structure" is amended by inserting "or to a Principal Use of the Land" after "on the same Lot". b. The definition of "Building Envelope" is amended by inserting "steep" before "slope". c. The definition of "Building Height" is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with: "BUILDING HEIGHT means the vertical distance of a Building measured between: (a) the Average Natural Grade or Average Finished Grade, as applicable, and (b) the mid-point of the main roof system or the highest point of the roof, as applicable, and in accordance with Sections 403.4 (Building Height), 403.6 (Height Exceptions) and 403.7 (Highest Building Face) of this Bylaw." d. The definition of "Commercial Vehicle" is amended by restructuring the clause and clarifying the requirements for a truck trailer: "COMMERCIAL VEHICLE means a motor Vehicle, used in the course of business for the transportation of Persons or freight, including without limitation: (a) a truck or truck tractor with a licensed gross Vehicle weight greater than 5,500.0 kilograms, which includes a Trailer for a truck or truck tractor, whether or not it is attached or licensed; (b) a Vehicle that transports Contractor's Equipment; (c) a bus or motor Vehicle whose operator is required to hold a license under the British Columbia Passenger Transportation Act [SBC 20041 Chapter 39; (d) a limousine, taxi, livery car, or shuttle van; (e) a business Vehicle, as defined in Section 237 of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act [RSBC 19961 Chapter 318. Refer to Section 402.19 (Parking and Storing of Commercial Vehicles) of this Bylaw." e. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of "Detached Garden Suite Residential". f. The definition of "Exterior Side Lot Line" is amended by inserting "Refer to the definition for Lot Line." at the end of the definition. Page 1 of 8 g. Refer to Clause 6 for amendments to the definition of "Forest Resource". h. The definition of "Front Lot Line" is amended by inserting "Refer to definition for Lot Line." at the end of the definition. i. The definition of "Frontage" is amended by deleting "Lot Width" and replacing it with "width". j. The definition of "Gross Floor Area" is amended by deleting "extreme outer limits of the Building" and replacing it with "Building Face". k. The definition of "Lot Area" is amended by inserting "Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope), 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) and 407.3 (Panhandle Lot Requirements) of this Bylaw." at the end of the definition. I. The definition of "Lot Depth" is amended by inserting "Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw." at the end of the definition. m. The definition of "Lot Line" is amended by inserting "A Lot Line may include more than one line segment." at the end of the definition. n. The definition of "Lot Width" is amended by inserting "Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw." atthe end of the definition. o. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of "Manufactured Home". p. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of "Modular Home". q. The definition of "Restaurant" is amended by deleting "provision is" and replacing it with "provisions are", and by inserting "or to be taken out" after "premises". r. The definition of "Side Yard" is amended by inserting "Side Lot Line" after "Interior". s. Refer to Clause 4 for amendments to the definition of "Single Detached Residential". t. The definition of "Steep Slope" is amended by inserting "Refer to Sections 401.3 (Prohibited Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures) and 407.1 (Building Envelope) of this Bylaw." at the end of the definition. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to provide a further clarification for Zones not included in Schedule B (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw, as follows: a. Part 4 -General Regulations, 407 Requirements for the Area, Shape and Dimensions of Lots that may be created by Subdivision, 407.2 Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions, 407 .2.1 is amended by inserting the following at the end of the clause: Page 2 of 8 "For Zones not specified in Schedule "B" (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw, the minimum Lot Area and Dimensions shall conform to the minimum "Lot Area and Dimensions" requirements specified in the applicable Zone." b. Part 2 -Interpretations and Definitions, 201 Interpretations, 201.2 Lot Area and Dimensions is amended by inserting the following at the end of the clause: "Refer to Schedule "B" (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw." 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to allow a Single Detached Residential Use and a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use to be located within a Manufactured Home (also known as "Mobile Home") when installed on a permanent foundation and on lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares; and further to allow a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use to be located within a Modular Home, as follows: a. Part 2 -Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions: i. the definition of "Detached Garden Suite Residential" is amended by inserting "May be located within a Modular Home." after "Rear Yard"; ii. the definition of "Detached Garden Suite Residential" is further amended by inserting "On a lot with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation." to follow the amendment above; iii. the definition of "Manufactured Home" is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: "MANUFACTURED HOME means a Residential Use, constructed in a factory on a rigid steel frame (chassis) to Canadian Standards Association {CSA) Z240MH Series Manufactured Homes standards and transported on its own chassis. Where permitted for a Temporary Residential Use, shall be installed on a temporary foundation in compliance with the Canadian Standards Association {CSA) Z240.10.1 Site Preparation. Foundation and Installation of Manufactured Homes requirements. Where permitted for a Single Detached Residential Use or a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use, shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code. A Manufactured Home does not include a Recreational Vehicle or Modular Home." iv. the definition of "Modular Home" is amended by inserting "A Detached Garden Suite Residential Use shall be permitted within a Modular Home." at the end of the clause. v. the definition of "Single Detached Residential" is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with: "SINGLE DETACHED RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use where the Building on a Lot is used for one Dwelling Unit. The Use may be located within a Modular Home or, on a Lot with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located Page 3 of 8 within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code." b. Part 4 -General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential clause 402.11.1.c. is amended by deleting "and" after "Basement"; clause 402.11.1.d. is amended by inserting "and" after "subdivided"; and the following clause is inserted after 402.11.1.d.: "e. on Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code." 5. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise the maximum Building Height and Rear Lot Line Setback requirements for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use on RS-3 Zoned Lots on large Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve so that they align with Agricultural Zoned Lot requirements, as follows: a. Part 4 -General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential, 402.11.4.b.(ii) is amended by inserting "for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and" after "7.5 metres". b. Part 4 -General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential, 402.11.5.a.(iii) is amended by inserting "for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and" after "Rear Lot Line" and by deleting "and RS-3 Zoned Lots" at the end of the clause. 6. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to include "Interpretation and Education Facilities" in the definition of "Forest Resource" and to include a maximum height for this Use in the A-2 zone, as follows: a. Part 2 -Interpretations and Definitions, 202 Definitions, the definition of "Forest Resource" is amended by inserting", and includes Interpretation and Educational Facilities." at the end of the clause. b. Part 5 -Agricultural Zones, 502 Upland Agricultural, 502.8 Height, 502.8.1. is amended by inserting "Forest Resource Use" after "Agricultural Use". 7. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to correct the "Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential" requirements in the C-2 General Commercial and C-3 Town Centre Commercial Zones. These two zones are not located within the Land Use designation of "Major Corridor Residential" category as identified in Chapter 3 and Appendix C (Zoning matrix) of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP). The following clauses are revised to redefine that the C-2 and C-3 Zoned Lots must be abutting a "Major Road Corridor" for a Density Bonus: a. Part 4 -General Regulations, 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures, 402.10 Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Page 4 of 8 Residential is amended with the addition of "Major Road Corridor" to the title of the section, as follows: "402.10 Density Bonus for Town Centre Area, Major Corridor Residential and Major Road Corridor"; b. Section 402.10 is further amended by inserting the following clause after 402.10.2.b.: "or c. Lots zoned C-2 and C-3, shall be abutting a "Major Road Corridor" as identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan" of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014." c. Part 7 -Commercial Zones, 702 Zone: C-2 General Commercial, 702.8 Height, 702.8.2. is amended by deleting "Designated as "Major Corridor Residential" in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4" and replacing it with "abutting a "Major Road Corridor" as identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan" "; and d. Part 7 -Commercial Zones, 703 Zone: C-3 Town Centre Commercial, 703.5 Density, 703.5.2.d. is amended by deleting "Designated as "Major Corridor Residential" in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4" and replacing it with "abutting a "Major Road Corridor" as identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan"". 8. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to correct typographical errors, as follows: a. Part 6 -Residential Zones, 603 Zone -R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Residential, 603.1 Purpose is amended by deleting "213.0 square metres" and replacing it with "255.0 square metres". b. Part 10 -Comprehensive Zones, 1042 CD-1-22 Equestrian Facility and Restaurant, 1042.3 Accessory Uses 1042.3.3. is amended by inserting "Residential" after "Detached Garden Suite"; 1042.3.7. is amended by inserting "Residential" after "Secondary Suite"; and 1042.5 Density, 1042.5.1. is amended by deleting "N/A" and replacing it with "No Density requirement in this Zone." 9. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise and reformat the requirements for placement of a heat pumps, air conditioners and back-up generators, as follows: a. Part 4 -General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4.2.b. is amended by inserting "and" before geothermal devices" and by deleting "and heat pumps"; b. Part 4-General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4.2.c.(iv) is amended by deleting "excluding heat pumps and air conditioners"; c. Part 4-General Regulations, 401 Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures, 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses, 401.4. is amended by inserting the following new clause 401.4.4. at the end of the section: Page 5 of 8 "4. The placement of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and Back-Up Generators for Lots zoned for Single Detached Residential, Two-Unit Residential, Triplex Residential, Fourplex Residential, Courtyard Residential, Street Townhouse Residential, and Detached Garden Suite Residential Uses are subject to the following provisions: a. may be located within the required Front Setback or Rear Setback for a Principal Building, and shall be more than 1.0 metre from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building; b. shall not be located within the Interior Side Yard, between the Interior Side Lot Line and the nearest wall of a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as "Residential" in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014, except: (ii) for lots with a lot area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, shall be more than 1.0 metres from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as "Residential" in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014; c. may be located within the Exterior Side Setback; d. shall be in compliance with the requirements of Section 404.2 (Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure) of this Bylaw." d. Part 4 -General Regulations, 404 Waste and Energy Regulations, 404.2 Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure, 404.2.4. Geothermal Energy Devices, 404.2.4.a. is amended by deleting "for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures in" after "requirements" and replacing it with "of". 10. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 is hereby amended to revise the exemptions from Gross Floor Area calculations for Residential Uses to measure to the center of a common wall where applicable; and to delete the requirement that the Gross Floor Area be calculated twice where the ceiling height for a Residential Use exceeds 4.27 metres (14 feet), as follows: a. Part 4 -General Regulations, 403 Regulations for the Size, Shape and Siting of Buildings and Structures, 403.3 Gross Floor Area Exemptions, 403.3.1 is amended by inserting "or to the center of a common wall separation, as applicable" after "Building Face", and 403.3.2. is amended by deleting the clause in its entirety and replacing it with "Deleted by Bylaw No. 7928-2023." 11. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Schedule "A" -Zoning Bylaw Map is hereby amended to include approved Zone Amending Bylaws which amended Map "A" of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 after adoption of the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019: a. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 404-2017 was adopted on June 28, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Page 6 of 8 Lot 14 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 10601 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). b. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 was adopted on June 28, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP118975 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2016, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-id (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). c. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 409-2017 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 18, Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP125799 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-id (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). d. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7527-2019 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 1 to 3 South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP111834 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2018, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential. e. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7551-2019 was adopted on July 26, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots 17 to 24, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan EPP127799 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2019, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is are hereby rezoned to RS-id (Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential). f. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 was adopted on October 5, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lots A and B District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP91933 Page 7 of 8 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2020, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential). g. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 was adopted on December 13, 2022, as follows: The following parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: East 72 feet Lot 2, Except Part in Plan LMP16156, District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8586 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). h. Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020 was adopted on February 14, 2023, as follows: The following parcels or tracts and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP116876 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2022, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). 12. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the ADOPTED the PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of day of , 2023. , 2023. , 2023. , 2023. CORPORATE OFFICER Page 8 of 8 Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 PART 2 -INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS 201 INTERPRETATIONS 201.2 Lot Area and Dimensions APPENDIX B 1. Under the heading "Lot Area and Dimensions" in each Zone, the Lot Area, Lot Width and Lot Depth specified in this Bylaw are the minimum areas, widths and depths respectively for Lots that may be created by subdivision in the Zone, in respect of which the areas, widths and depths are specified under the British Columbia Land Title Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 250 or the British Columbia Strata Property Act Bare Land Strata Regulations. Refer to Schedule "B" (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw. 202 DEFINITIONS 202.1 In this Bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires: ACCESSORY BUILDING and/or ACCESSORY STRUCTURE means any permanent or temporary Building and/or Structure customarily associated with, incidental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to Principal Buildings and Principal Structures located on the same Lot. or to a Principal Use of the Land. Refer to Section 401 (Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses) of this Bylaw. BUILDING ENVELOPE means that portion of a Lot available for locating a Building in accordance with the Lot Area, dimensions, Setbacks and Steep Slope requirements for each Zone of this Bylaw, and shall exclude areas subject to restrictive covenants, easements, or rights-of-way, as applicable. Refer to Section 401 (Prohibited Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures), Section 403 (Visual Clearance at Intersections) and (Siting Exceptions), and Section 407 (Building Envelope) of this Bylaw. BUILDING HEIGHT means the vertical distance of a Building measured between: (a) e+tfl€f the Average Natural Grade or Average Finished Grade, as applicable, and (b) e+tfl€f the mid-point of the main roof system or the highest point of the roof, as applicable, and in accordance with Refer to Sections 403.4 (Building Height), 403.6 (Height Exceptions) and 403.7 (Highest Building Face) of this Bylaw. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE means a motor Vehicle, used in the course of business for the transportation of Persons or freight, including without limitation: a limousine, taxi, livery oar, or shuttle van; a truol~ or truol~ tractor with a licensed gross Vehicle weight greater than 5,500.0 kilograms; an attached Trailer, bus, motor Vehicle 1Nhose operator is required to hold a license under the British Columbia Passenger Transportation /\et [SBC 2004] Chapter 39; a business Vehicle, as defined in Section 237 of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle /\et [RSBC 1996] Chapter 318; or a Vehicle that transports Contractor's Equipment. Refer to Section 402 (Parl<ing and Storing of Commercial Vehicles) of this Bylaw. (a) a truck or truck tractor with a licensed gross Vehicle weight greater than 5,500.0 kilograms, which includes a Trailer for a truck or truck tractor, whether or not it is attached or licensed; (b) a Vehicle that transports Contractor's Equipment; (c) a bus or motor Vehicle whose operator is required to hold a license under the British Columbia Passenger Transportation Act [SBC 2004] Chapter 39; (d) a limousine, taxi, livery car, or shuttle van; and Page 1 of 8 APPENDIX B Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 (e) a business Vehicle, as defined in Section 237 of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 318. Refer to Section 402.19 (Parking and Storing of Commercial Vehicles) of this Bylaw. DETACHED GARDEN SUITE RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use within a self-contained Dwelling Unit, Accessory to, subordinate and detached from a Single Detached Residential Use . _ Limited to one Dwelling Unit on the same Lot, and located within the Rear Yard. May be located within a Modular Home. On a Lot with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which installed on a permanent foundation. Refer to Section 402.11 (Detached Garden Suite Residential) of this Bylaw. EXTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE means the side Lot Line(s), other than the Front Lot Line or Rear Lot Line, common to the Lot and a Street, but does not include side Lot Line(s) common to a Lane. In a bare land strata plan an Exterior Side Lot Line also applies to the strata Lot Line(s) common to a strata Lot Line and a private strata road on the same Lot. Refer to the definition for Lot Line. FOREST RESOURCE means a Use providing for the conservation, management, and extraction of primary forest materials, and includes Interpretation and Educational Facilities. FRONT LOT LINE means the Lot Line(s) common to the Lot and a fronting Street or, where there is more than one fronting Street, the shortest Lot Line(s) common to the Lot and the fronting Street. For a Panhandle Lot the Front Lot Line shall be common to the Rear Lot Line of the Lot or Lots situated between the fronting Street and the principal portion of the Panhandle Lot. In a bare land strata plan a Front Lot Line also applies to the strata Lot Line(s) common to a strata Lot and a fronting private strata road on the same Lot. Refer to the definition for Lot Line. FRONTAGE means the common boundary shared by the Front Lot Line and a Street. On a corner Lot the Frontage shall be deemed to be the shorter of the Street boundaries, regardless of which way the Principal Buildings and Principal Structures on the Lot faces. No Lot shall have a Frontage of less than 6.0 metres in l::ef Wi€/#t width. GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total area of all the floors, measured to the extreme outer limits of the Bu!!dfng Building Face but excluding those areas identified in Section 403.3 (Gross Floor Area Exemptions) of this Bylaw. LOT AREA means the total area of a Lot taken in a horizontal plane within the Lot Lines of the Lot, excluding any portions of the Lot required for: Panhandle; dedicated Public Road Allowance; dedicated Public Park; and dedicated Park for Conservation Protection. Restrictive Covenant, Easement, and Right-of-Way areas shall form part of the Lot Area. Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope), 407 .2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) and 407.3 (Panhandle Lot Requirements) of this Bylaw." LOT DEPTH means the lesser of the average of the lengths of the side Lot Lines, excluding the Panhandle portion of a Lot, or the length of a line running through the center point of the Front Lot Page 2 of 8 APPENDIX B Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 Line to the center point of the Rear Lot Line. Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw. LOT LINE means a line forming a boundary of a Lot. A Lot Line may include more than one line segment. LOT WIDTH means the width of a Lot measured as a straight line which intersects the side Lot Lines at equal angles located atthe minimum distance required for the Front Setback for a Principal Building on the Lot and excludes a panhandle. Refer to Sections 407.1 (Building Envelope) and 407.2 (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw. MANUFACTURED HOME means a Residential Use, constructed in a factory on a rigid steel frame (chassis) to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z240MH Series Manufactured Homes standards and transported on its own chassis. a-oo Where permitted for Temporary Residential Use, shall be placed installed on a temporary foundation in compliance complying with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z240.10.1 Site Preparation, Foundation and Installation of Manufactured Homes requirements. Where permitted for a Single Detached Residential Use or a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use, shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code. A Manufactured Home does not include a Recreational Vehicle or Modular Home. MODULAR HOME means a Single Detached Residential Use built to the CSA A277 standard in a factory, transported to a Lot and installed on a foundation compliant with the British Columbia Building Code. Modular Homes are not intended for future transport and are not permitted in a Manufactured Home Park or as a Temporary Residential Use. A Detached Garden Suite Residential Use shall be permitted within a Modular Home. RESTAURANT means a Use in an establishment where food and beverages are sold to the public and where provision is provisions are made for consumption on the premises or to be taken out. Includes a Food Primary Establishment licensed under the British Columbia Liquor Control and Licensing Branch. SIDE YARD means the area between the Interior Side Lot Line or Exterior Side Lot Line and the nearest wall of the Principal Building. SINGLE DETACHED RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use where the Building on a Lot is used for one Dwelling Unit. and may include The Use may be located within a Modular Home, or, on a lot with aJQ! area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code. STEEP SLOPE means a Natural Grade where the average slope is 25% (4:1) or greater over an area in which there is a gain in elevation of five (5) metres or more, as surveyed at one (1) metre contour intervals and mapped at a scale of 1:500 or greater. Refer to Sections 401.3. (Prohibited Uses of Land, Buildings and Structures) and 407.1. (Building Envelope) of this Bylaw. Page 3 of 8 Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 Part 4 -GENERAL REGULATIONS 401 USES OF LAND, BUILDINGS and STRUCTURES 401.4 Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses APPENDIX B 2. Unless otherwise permitted or restricted elsewhere in this Bylaw, non-Residential Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures to a Principal Residential Use in all Zones shall: a. not exceed a total Lot Coverage of 15% or 279.0 square metres Gross Floor Area, whichever is the lesser; b. be restricted to not more than two (2) Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures where the floor area is less than 10.0 square metres and shall be sited not less than 0.5 metres from an Interior Side Lot Line and Rear Lot Line. Solar energy devices, wind energy devices and geothermal devices and heat pumps shall not be limited in number. 4. The placement of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and Back-Up Generators for Lots zoned for Single Detached Residential, Two-Unit Residential, Triplex Residential, Fourplex Residential, Courtyard Residential, Street Townhouse Residential, and Detached Garden Suite Residential Uses are subject to the following provisions: a. may be located within the required Front Setback or Rear Setback for a Principal Building, and shall be more than 1.0 metre from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building b. shall not be located within the Interior Side Yard, between the Interior Side Lot Line and the nearest wall of a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as "Residential" in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014, except: (i) for lots with a lot area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, shall be more than 1.0 metre from the minimum Interior Side Setback required for a Principal Building where adjacent to land zoned for Residential Use or Designated as "Residential" in Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014; c. may be located within the Exterior Side Setback; d. shall be in compliance with the requirements of Section 404.2. (Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure) of this Bylaw. 402 Regulations for Permitted Uses of Land, Buildings, and Structures 402.10 Density Bonus for Town Centre Area, aA€I Major Corridor Residential and Major Road Corridor 2. Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential Density Bonus contributions are permitted on Lots that are Zoned RM-1, RM-2, RM-3, RM-4, RM-5, RM-6, C-2 or C-3, subject to one of the following requirements: Page 4 of 8 APPENDIX B Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 a. shall be located within the Town Centre Area, as identified on Schedule "C" (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw; or b. shall be Designated as "Major Corridor Residential" in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014. Refer to Chapter 3 and Figure 4 of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014; or c. Lots zoned C-2 and C-3, shall be abutting a "Major Road Corridor" as identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan" of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014. 402.11 Detached Garden Suite Residential 1. Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: c. shall not have a Basement; a-oo d. shall not be strata-titled or subdivided; and e. on Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code. 4. Building Height for a Building with a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: b. for Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares~ (i) shall not exceed 6.0 metres and one (1) Storey; or (ii) shall not exceed 7.5 metres for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve and for Agricultural Zoned Lots when the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; or (iii) shall not exceed 6.0 metres and one (1) Storey when the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use . 5. Setbacks for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: a. from a Rear Lot Line: (i) shall be Setback not less than 2.4 metres; or (ii) shall be Setback not less than 1.5 metres for Lots with Lane access and where the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; or (iii) shall be Setback not less than 7 .5 metres from a Rear Lot Line for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve and for Agricultural Zoned Lots; and RS 3 Zfill.Q d 1=.fils; Page 5 of 8 APPENDIX B Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 403.3 Gross Floor Area Exemptions 1. For Buildings in the RM, RST, RST-SV, RT-2, Commercial and CD (Comprehensive Development) Zones, the Residential Gross Floor Area shall be measured to the Building Face or to the center of a common wall separation, as applicable, but shall exclude: a. exterior cladding and exterior solid wall systems up to a maximum thickness of 0.165 metres; b. all common and limited common areas, including, but not limited to, amenity areas, recreational, storage, swimming pools, stairwells, corridors, open sundecks, terraces, balconies, and bicycle storage lockers; c. any portion of a Storey used for mechanical or electrical service rooms; and d. non-Habitable portions of the Building situated below the Average Finished Grade that are solely used for parking, storage, mechanical or electrical service rooms, and cisterns used for the collection of storm water. 2. In all Residential and Commercial Zfil]Q_s, areas where the vertical floor to ceiling distance for a Residential 1J:.§Q exceeds 4 .27 metres, the resulting Gross F.'oor Area of that space §}]_QjJ_ be calculated twice. 1=.Q1Q located within the Agricultural Land Reserve shall be excluded from this requirement. Deleted by Bylaw No. 7928-2023. 404 WASTE and ENERGY REGULATIONS 404.2 Renewable Energy Systems and Infrastructure 4. Geothermal Energy Devices: a. in all Zones all above ground parts of geothermal energy devices and heat pumps, when not located within the Principal Building. shall comply with the requirements fef /\ooessol)' BuiJdings and /\ooessol)' Structures in of Section 401 (Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses) of this Bylaw and in the applicable Zones in Parts 5 through Part 10 of this Bylaw. 407 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AREA, SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS OF LOTS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY SUBDIVISION 407.2 Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions 1. Except as hereinafter provided, no Lot shall be created having Lot Area and dimensions less than those specified in Schedule "B" (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw. For Zones not specified in Schedule "B" (Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions) of this Bylaw, the minimum Lot Area and Dimensions shall conform to the minimum "Lot Area and Dimensions" requirements specified in the applicable Zone." Page 6 of 8 Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 PART 5 -AGRICULTURAL ZONES 502 ZONE: A-2 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL 502.8 HEIGHT APPENDIX B 1. Building Height for Agricultural Use. Forest Resource Use and Cannabis. Commercial Production Use shall not exceed 15.0 metres. PART 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES 603 ZONE: R-3 SINGLE DETACHED (INTENSIVE) RESIDENTIAL 603.1 PURPOSE 1. This Zone provides for Single Detached Residential Use with a minimum Lot Area of~ 255.0 square metres in an intensive Residential form. PART 7 COMMERCIAL ZONES 702 ZONE: C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL 702.8 HEIGHT 2. For Lots located within the Town Centre Area, as identified on Schedule "C" (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw, or Des:gnated as "Major Corridor Residential" in the Maple Ridge Official Communitv Plan Bvlaw No. 7060 2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4 abutting a "Major Road Corridor" as identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan" of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060- 2014), additional Building Height to a maximum of 12.0 metres and three (3) Storeys may be obtained for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. Refer to Section 402.10 (Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential) of this Bylaw. 703 ZONE: C-3 TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL 703.5 DENSITY 2. Additional Density may be added to the Residential Floor Space Ratio, up to a maximum of 4.0 times the Lot Area, excluding the Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area as identified on Schedule "C" (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw, with the following provisions: d. for Lots located within the Town Centre Area, as identified on Schedule "C" (Town Centre Area Plan) of this Bylaw, or Des:gnated as "Major Corridor Residential" in the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw ~Jo. 7060 2014 (as identified in Chapter 3 and Figure 4 abutting a "Major Road Corridor" identified on Figure 4 "Proposed Major Corridor Network Plan" of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060- 2014), an amount not to exceed 0.5 times the Lot Area may be added to the Residential Floor Space Ratio for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $161.46 Page 7 of 8 APPENDIX 8 Zoning Bylaw Markup for Zone Amending Bylaw 7928-2023 per square metres ($15.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. Refer to Section 402.10 (Density Bonus for Town Centre Area and Major Corridor Residential) of this Bylaw. PART 10 COMPREHENSIVE ZONES 1042 CD-1-22 EQUESTRIAN FACILITY AND RESTAURANT 1042.3 ACCESSORY USES 1. Agricultural Employee Residential; 2. Boarding; 3. Detached Garden Suite Residential; 4. Produce Sa/es; 5. Rental Stable; 6. Restaurant. limited to 185 patrons; 7. Secondary Suite Residential; and 8. Tennis Court (maximum of one). 1042.5 DENSITY 1. -NfA No Density requirement in this Zone. Page 8 of 8 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Final Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 12313 McNutt Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 30, 2024 2017-548-RZ COUNCIL Council granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 on March 27, 2018. Council granted second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 on January 31, 2023 see Appendices B and C). This application was presented at Public Hearing on February 21, 2023 and Council granted third reading on February 28, 2023. The purpose of the application is to permit the subdivision into two (2.0) lots not less than 0.4 hectares (0.99 acres) (see Appendix D). RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on February 21, 2023. On February 28, 2023 Council granted third reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; and further 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; Three copies of signed originals have been received and approved for registration with a solicitor's Letter of Undertaking 2017 -548-RZ Page 1 of 2 ii) The registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic field areas; Three copies of signed originals have been received and approved for registration with a solicitor's Letter of Undertaking iii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not, a contaminated site. Report has been received by a Professional Engineer and confirms that the subject property is not a contaminated site. iv) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $7,100 ($7, 100/lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. A Community Amenity Contribution amount of $7,100.00 has been paid to the City of Maple Ridge. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 433-2018. "Original Signed by Annie Slater-Kinghorn" Prepared by. Annie Slater-Kinghorn, BA Planning Technician "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C-Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018 Appendix D -Subdivision Plan 2017-548-RZ "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX A 12433 I I I ,,., I L--L--k,P.L----1-------_J__--_____;L__ _ _____J__ __ I I I I ' '-----....----------; I I I I I L._ _____ --j I I I L.--------~-----------1 ' 12294 12251 12278 12231 12266 122AVE. Legend 12313 McNutt RD ---Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---Indefinite Creek N -River Scale: 1 :2,500 Major Rivers & Lakes 2017-548-RZ DATE: Nov 24, 2017 BY: JV N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend Stream ---Indefinite Creek 1111 River Major Rivers & Lakes 12313 McNutt RD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2017-548-RZ DATE: Nov 24, 2017 BY: JV CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7433-2018 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map 11A11 forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7433-2018.11 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 32859) Lot 5 Except: Part Dedicated Road Plan LMP6069 Section 20 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan 12094 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1751 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map 11A11 attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 2ih day of March, 2018. READ a second time as amended the 31st day of January, 2023. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of February, 2023. READ a third time the 28th day of February, 2023. ADOPTED, the day of 1 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MP 10924 6073 15 I I I PARK 31 ~MP 15210 I 12357 29 28 30 (") N en 12295 O 12251 a.. ~ ....J LMP 12231 EPP 31947 12294 ~ Cf) N LMP 20048 t--N 12278 LMP 20048 0) 7 <D 0 <D a.. 12266 ~ ,, ' ,I LMP 20050 10 8 LMP LMP P 12094 7 EPP 31374 LMP LMP LMP 20048 20047 19808 I_ .,,,,.. ,~ 0) ,;;; a.. J a.. w I / 'i " 20049 0047 6 10924 ....J ---- LMP 6073 Rem 27 AVE. 3.0 12236 LMP 5 LMP 20003 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7 433-2018 Map No. 1751 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) / To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 12414 P 12094 8 J ~ / "::i"-"::,/ < rl/2 "~ / fi=PP 31374 12355 I /'v ". ~<o /"::,""::, /. 9.q_ 9 BCP 41305 BCP I 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 TO P O G R A P H I C SU R V E Y PL A N OF PR O P O S E D SU B D I V I S I O N OF PA R C E L A (E X P L A N A T O R Y PL A N 32 8 5 9 ) LO T 5 EX C E P T : PA R T DE D I C A T E D RO A D PL A N PL A N LM P 6 0 6 9 , SE C T I O N 20 TO W N S H I P 15 NE W WE S T M I N S T E R DI S T R I C T PL A N 12 0 9 4 CM C NID R E S S : 12 . l 1 J I/C t / U T T RO N ) , MN ' ! £ ll1 0 G f : PA R C a . l D E N T I F 1 E R : 0 0 9 - 5 4 2 - D 9 9 PR E P A R E D F O R : I W . D F r Se a l • 1:. f O O Mr6 r t 1 1 1 1 c : a a n r i n m c t r a a m l d n : m a l r u.n d v n l l a o t l l m r i l t l t i n ~ KJ t . . . J - . . ; " 32 Pla n LN P 6 0 7 3 1:J 4 ' ~ ' ~ ~ ;,. f "✓ !✓ LO T O/l / E N S / 0 / / S IJE R M D FRQ I I FIE L D SU R \ ' f : Y El. E V , l , l l O / I S AR £ IN I/E J 1 1 £ 5 (G E O D £ 1 1 C ) El. E V , l , l l O / I S R E F E R E N C E D r o 1/0 N U I I E N T : BSH O l t H El.E V , l , l l O N : 18 7 . 7 7 LO C I T I O N : DE ' , l ! ) / / £ Y TR U N K fl( W ) ~i £ o ' f = s : : SU ~ N G LI D . I I :~ ~= : W.Y - J U N E " 20 1 8 PH O N E : : (6 0 4 ) 82 6 - 9 5 6 1 OR ~- 4 7 5 J : SIP T E J I B E R 7, 20 1 8 FIL E : : H26 2 9 - - / J 3 - R 2 10 Pla n IN P 2 ( } ( } , f 9 Pla n LN P 2 0 0 4 7 .L £ f i f . / f I J Sy m b o l , E-- -< Ill " 0 GI Da c r i p t l o n Alla / O R WIR t CA T r : H ~ N CU L V E R T PO l l £ 1 1 PO l £ WA T E R S E I M C E / l , l r T E R WA T E R VA L i £ /IA N H O L E " - DR A I N / S T O R I I IIA N H O L E " - SN / T r A R Y Pla n EP P J 1 J 7 4 =~ ~ ~ m m ~ NJI I I J J M C l M N N / r -" " " " " " BK " l ! U . 5 U S T A M t W Y R r . H r a ' I M Y 11 Pla n LJ / P 2 ( } ( } , f 9 Pla n LN P 2 0 / U 7 Pla n EP P J 1 J 7 4 rrn t :; L b- : t f , , , 1 / ft ,. , - / rt: I r, ~J ; " , r -4 ' ' )> -0 -0 n, z C, >< 0. C, Maple Ridee - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 23, 2024 FROM: SUBJECT: FILE NO: 2023-350-RZ Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Originally a rezoning application (2021-419-RZ) was received to rezone the properties located at 24070 128 Avenue, and 24195 Fern Crescent from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential) and R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential), to permit a future subdivision of approximately 27 single-family lots. At a meeting held on February 08, 2022, City Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw 7791-2021 to permit a future subdivision of approximately 27 single-family lots, subject to the following information being provided to the City of Maple Ridge within 12 months of the date of first reading. 1. An Official Community Plan Application 2. A complete Rezoning Application 3. Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Application 4. Development Variance Permit 5. Natural Features Development Permit Application 6. A Wildfire Development Permit Application 7. Subdivision Application Since then, the subject rezoning application (2023-350-RZ) has been received to rezone the properties located at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to a CD zone (CD-5-23), based on RM-1 zone (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to facilitate the development of 48 townhouse dwelling units which has been revised as well and outlined below in this report. The subject application was presented to Council for being granted first and second reading at the Regular Council meeting on December 12, 2023, at which it was referred back to staff to review the density portion of the application and then bring the item back to Council. Also, some concerns were discussed at the above-mentioned Council meeting regarding the proposed garage sizes. Staff have been working with the applicant to address concerns raised at the Regular Council meeting on December 12, 2023, including the density, unit counts, and garage sizes. The subject properties are also located within the Horse Hamlet Village of the Silver Valley Area Plan. The property located at 24195 Fern Crescent is currently designated Medium High Density Residential. The property located at 24070 128 Avenue is also currently designated Medium High 2023-350-RZ Page 1 of 10 Density Residential and with a small portion Neighbourhood Park. An OCP (Silver Valley Area Plan) Amendment is required to change a small portion of the Neighbourhood Park land use designation on 24070 128 Avenue to Medium High Density Residential; and to make a text amendment to permit a density over 40 units/ha with up to 57 units per hectare for the subject site within Horse Hamlet. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $7,400 per unit, for a total estimated amount of $347,800, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; 2. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791-2021 be repealed; 3. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 be given first and second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing; 4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 be given first and second reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 4 7 units) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; ii) A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of approximately $419,932.8 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading; iii) That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park; iv) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement; v) Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue; vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management; viii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of 2023-350-RZ Page 2 of 10 underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. DISCUSSION: 1. Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: 0CP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area (Net): Access: Servicing requirement: 2. Application Update Jagdeep Mann Lot 18, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11363, Except Plan BCP50115 Lot 19, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11363 Medium High Density and 7% of the lot at 24070 128 Avenue is Neighborhoods Park Medium High Density RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) CD-5-23 zone based on RM-1 zone Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Conservation and Tourist Commercial Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) 75% (Low/Medium Density Residential) -17% (Medium Density Residential) -9% (Low Density Residential) Residential RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) Estate Suburban Residential Vacant (Single Detached Rural Residential) Neighborhood Park Residential Townhouse 0.837 Ha Fern Crescent Street Urban Standard As discussed above, staff have been working with the applicant to address concerns raised at the Regular Council meeting on December 12, 2023, including the density, unit counts, and garage sizes. The revised application has dropped one townhouse unit, from 48 units to 4 7 units, and reduced the density from 0.832 FSR to 0.75 FSR. The proposed density of 0.75 FSR aligns with the maximum allowable FSR in the RM-1 zone. 2023-350-RZ Page 3 of 10 2023-350-RZ Page 4 of 10 Originally 48 townhouse units were proposed. The revised application proposes 47 townhouse units. Dropping one townhouse unit has resulted in proposing a larger open amenity area as well as gaining two additional visitor stalls. The revised application proposes an open amenity area of 470.7 SM which exceeds the RM-1 zone open amenity area requirements of 235.0 SM. The revised application proposes two additional visitor stalls above the ten required visitor stalls as per Off-Street Zoning Bylaw. The previous application proposed ten visitor stalls as per Off-Street Zoning Bylaw. In order to address concerns regarding the proposed garage sizes, more specifically concerns around the interior length of the garages, unit type mix has been modified to accommodate larger parking garages. The revised application proposes 47 three-bedroom units versus 38 four-bedroom townhouse units and 10 three-bedroom units which were previously proposed. A summary of changes in the revised parking garage sizes are demonstrated in the tables below: Parking Garages – Proposed Length RM-1 Zone Requirement Revised Application Previous Application Number of Garages Proposed Length Comment Number of Garages Proposed Length Comment 6.7m 31 One side: 6.1m One side: 9.3m Ample area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 32 One side: 5.5m One side: 6.2m Small area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 6.7m 8 8.4m Similar to the previous submission. 8 8.4m Ample area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 6.7m 6 One side: 5.77m One side: 8.4m Ample area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 4 6.2m Small area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 6.7m 2 One side: 5.69m One side: 6.76m Similar to the previous submission. 2 One side: 5.7m One side: 6.8m Adequate area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. 6.7m 2 6.3m Small area for bike storage and garbage/recycling. Parking Garages -Proposed Width RM-1 Zone Revised Application Previous Application Requirement Number Proposed Comment Number Proposed Comment of Width of Width Garages Garages 6.5M 11 6.6m Exceeds zone 41 6.4m Slightly below the requirement. RM-1 zone 6.5M 12 6.55m Exceeds zone requirements. requirement. 6.5M 14 6.4m Similar to the previous submission. 6.5M 8 6.3m Similar to the 5 6.3m Slightly below the previous RM-1 zone submission. requirements. 6.5M 2 One side: Similar to the 2 One side: Below the RM-1 5.7m previous 5.7m zone requirements. One side: submission. One side: 5.8m 5.8m 3. Project Description: The subject properties are located in the Horse Hamlet of Silver Valley Area Plan, at the southwest corner of the 128 Avenue and Fern Crescent. The 24195 Fern Crescent property consists of a single- family home, asphalt driveway and small building to the north. The 24070 128 Avenue property consists of a shop, asphalt driveway and single-family dwelling. The properties are relatively flat. There are trees along the property lines as well as on the western and middle portion of the property at 24195 Fern Crescent. The subject properties are not located within 50 meters of any watercourses (see Appendix A). The applicant is now proposing to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to a Comprehensive Development (CD-5-23) zone, based on the RM-1 zone (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to facilitate the revised development of 4 7 townhouse dwelling units. According to the proposed plan, the vehicle access to the development is from Fern Crescent. The proposed development has a residential density of 0.75 FSR including 4 7 three-bedroom dwelling townhouse units all in a three-storey height configuration (see Appendix E). The applicant is providing a voluntary cash contribution, in the amount of $347,800 ($7,400.00 X 47 units) in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions for the total proposed 47 townhouse dwelling units. The applicant is still also providing a voluntary contribution of $195,000 towards improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park despite now exceeding the outdoor amenity requirements in the revised application. 4. Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: Both subject properties are located within the Horse Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan and are currently designated Medium High Density Residential except the small western portion of the property 2023-350-RZ Page 5 of 10 located at 24070 128 Avenue which is designated Neighbourhood Park. The Medium High Density Residential land use designation supports a townhouse residential development under the RM-1 zone. The Silver Valley Area Plan indicates that residential densities are to range from 15-40 units per hectare for the medium to medium/low densities located adjacent to schools, commercial use, and civic uses. Staff estimates, based on the site area measurements the current allowable density for this site is maximum 33-34 dwelling units. The proposed density of 4 7 townhouse dwelling units on net site area of 0.837 ha (57 unit/hectare) exceeds the allowable density described in Silver Valley Area Plan. Given the above, an OCP (Silver Valley Area Plan) Amendment is required to change a small portion of the Neighbourhood Park land use designation on 24070 128 Avenue to Medium High Density Residential. Also, OCP Amending Bylaw 7980-2023 makes a text amendment to permit a density over 40 units/ha with up to 57 units per hectare for the subject site within Horse Hamlet. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to a Comprehensive Development (CD-5-23) zone, based on the RM-1 zone (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. The base Floor Space Ratio (FSR) for the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is 0.60. Under the RM- 1 zone, a 0.15 FSR Density Bonus may be added to the base density, for the lands designated Major Corridor Residential, for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $344.46 per square metre ($32.00 per square foot). The applicant is proposing to utilize the density bonus provision mechanism for RM- 1 zone to achieve a FSR of 0.75 by contributing an estimated voluntary cash amount of approximately $419,932.8. This amount will be finalized after third reading. iii) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: In accordance with the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw, the proposed development is subject to the parking ratio of 2 spaces, plus 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit for visitors, which require the provision of 104 off-street parking spaces. The application is proposing 106 parking spaces in total exceeding the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requirements. Parking Required Proposed Resident spaces 47 units x 2 spaces= 94 spaces 94 spaces Visitor spaces 4 7 units x 0.20 spaces = 10 12 spaces including 2 accessible including accessible spaces including 2 accessible spaces spaces spaces iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations: A variance to the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993 to reduce the required road dedication from 3.0m to 1.0m along 128 Avenue. The requested variance has been supported by the Engineering department subject to the applicant proving that all required services can be accommodated in the reduced road right-of-way. 2023-350-RZ Page 6 of 10 A variance to the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 for the following relaxations in the side-by-side double-car garage sizes: 1. To reduce the length on one side of the garages in 31 units from 6.7m to 6.1m. 2. To reduce the length on one side of the garages in 8 units from 6. 7m to 5. 7m. 3. To reduce the width of the garages in 14 units from 6.5m to 6.4m. 4. To reduce the width of the garages in 8 units from 6.5m to 6.3m. 5. To reduce the width of the garages in 2 units from 6.5m to 5.7m. The proposed reductions in the width of the side-by-side double-car garages are minor. The proposed reductions in the length of the side-by-side double-car garages are only for one side of the garages. The other side of the garages exceed the required 6. 7m length and are deep enough to offer ample area for storage of bikes and garbage/recycling needs. Thus, staff are supportive of the proposed relaxations in the side-by-side double-car garage sizes (see plans in pages A-200, A-202, A-204, A- 206, A-208, A-210, A-212, A-214, A-216, and A-218 in Appendix E). The subject application proposes some other variances to the Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 that are included in the Zoning Bylaw No. 7979-203. The above-listed requested variances are indicative only at this stage and they might change as design progresses and will be the subject of a future report to council. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Guideline Concepts: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. o Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development has included landscaping and privacy fences along the property lines. The building form, height, and architectural features are consistent with the emerging new buildings in the local neighbourhood. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. o Staff Comments: The proposed height is consistent with the surrounding single-family zones (the maximum proposed townhouse height is 9.6m). 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community and improve visual attractiveness. o Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development is limited to maximum 6 attached dwelling units and is proposing open amenity areas for the future residents to use and socialize. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground 2023-350-RZ Page 7 of 10 where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. o Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development has provided double-car garages for all proposed townhouse dwelling units as we// as two additional visitor stalls to ensure that off-street parking is maximized onsite. Architectural elements, landscaping, and lighting facing streets and internal strata roads have been incorporated to create more interest. vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) at a meeting held on October 18, 2023, and their comments and the applicant responses can be seen in Appendix G. A detailed description of the project form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20 was held by the applicant on November 14, 2023, at Yennadon Elementary School from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The Development Information Meeting advertisement was published by the applicant on November 3, 2023, and on November 10, 2023, in the City of Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News. Mailout notifications were sent out to residents within 100 meters of the subject properties by the applicant in accordance with Policy No. 6.20. According to a summary report that was submitted to staff by the applicant on November 16, 2023, twenty-one (21) people attended the meeting. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees at the Development Information Meeting was provided by the applicant (see Appendix H). 5. Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the proposed development, comments and input, have been sought from various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Community Planning Department; b) Engineering Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks, Recreation and Culture Department; f) Environmental Department; g) School District; The applicant has been provided with two rounds of consolidated interdepartmental comments and has submitted revised plans addressing the majority of provided comments. i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has indicated that the following servicing upgrades will be required through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement: 2023-350-RZ Page 8 of 10 • Road dedication as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Utility servicing as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Frontage upgrades to the applicable road standard, including a multi-use path on 128 Avenue. ii) Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and provided their comments. Fire Department requirements shall be met as part of the review of the building permit. 6. School District No. 42 Comments: The original application of 48 townhouse dwelling units has been reviewed with the School District and comments have been attached (see Appendix I). A summary of comments is below: • The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. • Yennadon Elementary School has an operating capacity of 628 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary School was 679 students (111% utilization) including 54 students from out of catchment. • Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrollment at Garibaldi Secondary was 973 students (93% utilization) including 267 students from out of catchment. • Based on the density estimates for the various land uses at build out, the following would apply. • For the construction of 48 townhouse dwelling units, the estimated number of school age residents is 21. A revised Referral letter for the revised application of 4 7 townhouse dwelling units has also been sent to the School District for their review. Upon receiving the comments, if they are different from the above list, they will be included in the next report to Council. 7. Intergovernmental Issues: i) Local Government Act: An amendment to the 0CP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The above-noted 0CP amendment required for this application is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791-2021 be repealed, and that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 and that first and second reading be given 2023-350-RZ Page 9 of 10 to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 and that application 2023-350-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original Signed by Maryam Lotfi" Prepared by: Maryam Lotfi, M.ARCH, M.URB Planner "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning Appendix C -Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 Appendix E -Architectural Plans Appendix F -Landscape Plan Appendix G -ADP Design Comments and Responses Appendix H -Development Information Meeting Summary Appendix I -School District 42. Comments 2023-350-RZ Page 10 of 10 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7979-2023 A Bylaw to amend Schedule 'A' Zoning Map forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7979-2023 as amended APPENDIX D WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023." 2. PART 2 -INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS, SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS, SECTION 202.1, is amended by adding the following definition in the correct sequential order: LIVE/WORK UNIT means a use involving a Dwelling Unit where the occupant also uses part of the dwelling for Office use and to provide Professional Services. 3. PART 10 -COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONES, is amended by adding the following section in the correct sequential order: 10XX 10XX.1 CD-5-23 PURPOSE This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a medium to high density comprehensively-planned townhouse residential development. 10XX.2 1. 10XX.3 1. PRINCIPAL USES The following Principal Uses shall be permitted in this zone: a) Townhouse Residential b) The usage of ground floor of all units is limited to non-habitable use. ACCESSORY USES The following shall be permitted as Accessory Uses to one of the permitted Principal Uses in this Zone: a) Boarding; and b) Home Occupation. 2. Refer to Sections 401 and 402 of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600- 2019, as amended, for additional information. 10XX.9 1. 1037.10 1. LANDSCAPING and SCREENING Landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Section 405 (Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Requirements) of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended. PARKING and LOADING Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading shall be provided in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, as amended, except as provided below. a) 12 on-site parking spaces to be designated for visitor parking. 2. Refer to Section 402 of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended. 10XX.11 1. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Common Open Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot for Townhouse Residential Use based on the ratios as set out in Section 617 .11 of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended, except as provided below. a) 2,500 square metres of Common Open Area(s) to be provided on site in total. 2. Outdoor Amenity Area(s) shall be provided on the Lot based on the ratio as set out in Section 617 .11 of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600- 2019, as amended, except as provided below, and this area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement. a) 450 square metres of Outdoor Amenity Area(s) to be provided on site in total. 3. Private Outdoor Area(s) shall be provided for each Dwelling Unit based on the ratio as set out in Section 617 .11 of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended, and this area may form part of the Common Open Area requirement. 4. A Townhouse Residential Use shall be limited to six (6) attached Townhouse Dwelling Units in one block, not to exceed a length of 45 metres (147.5 feet). 4. The parcel and tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 18 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11363 Except Plan BCP50115; and Lot 19 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 2035, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-5-23 (Medium/High Density Townhouse Residential). 5. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended, and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 12th day of December, 2023. READ a second time the 12th day of December, 2023. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ a third time the ADOPTED the PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of I 2023. I 2023. I 2023. CORPORATE OFFICER November 4th, 2023 City of Maple Ridge Department of Planning 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Attn: Maryam Lofti -Planner 1 APPENDIX G G~@ UP 161 OF ARCHITECTURE ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE BARNETT DEMBEK ARCHITECTS Re: 24070 128 Avenue & 24195 Fern Crescent. Maple Ridge -Proposed Townhouse Multi- Family Residential Development With regards to the comments raised on the project please see our responses below in blue: ADP Comments Architectural Comments: • Lot 7 visitor parking appears to be encroaching into the unit. • The stalls next to all blocks along the western PL have been relocated to safe distance from the units and clearance for a 3 point turn for the ease of parking. • Consider providing a focal element within the development as there is currently nowhere for the eye to rest. • We have revised the site layout per discussion with city to create a central out door space which would help in having a larger & better programmed amenity. The revised location would help create the central focal element as stated by the ADP panel. To help relief the visual appearance of the internal drive aisles we have provided one centralized amenity in between blocks 1 & 2 and the other in between blocks 8 & 9 along the southern PL. Tel 604 284 5194 info@group161 .com group161.com 350 -10851 Shellbridge Way Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2W9 Group 161 is not an architectural firm, all architectural services are provided through our firms that hold the certificate of practice. 2 Re: 24070 128 Avenue & 24195 Fern Crescent. Maple Ridge -Proposed Townhouse Multi-Family Residential Development Second Reading Submission • The buildings are very similar, consider varying the color and/or material. • The buildings have been revised to have two color schemes complimenting each other. One is the darker grey background with the lighter white bays and the other would be the lighter white background with the darker grey bays. These would be alternated thru the development to add interest thru the development. • Provide a privacy buffer between the public sidewalk and the development. • Per city's discussion landscape has updated layout to address this concern. • There is no connection between the park and Fern Crescent; consider splitting the meandering path between the two roads. • Landscape architect to address. • Suggest aligning window bays more centrally within the various architectural massing volumes as they appear slightly off-center. • Noted the elevations have been updated to address this concern and the masses are now centralized to the gable roofs/ bays. • The square ventilation louvre takes away from the design of the fa9ade; consider a different shape and move it higher. • The ventilation louver on the top of the gable helps create a sort of crowning and we feel it adds to the overall quality of the elevation hence the same has been maintained. • Reversing out of visitor parking seems difficult without a hammerhead and the lane is too long to reverse out. • We have provided sweep paths for vehicle stalls which seemed impeded to clarify the maneuverability of the vehicles. • There is a missed opportunity to provide a better interface with the park. • Landscape to address • Consider a walkway around the parking stall between blocks 5 and 6. • The walkways have been added around the western stalls. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let us know. Regards, JESSIE ARORA Principal, Architect AIBC SAA, MAA, AAA, OAA, RA Tel 604 284 5194 info@group161.com group161.com 350 -10851 Shellbridge Way Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2W9 Group 161 is not an architectural firm, all architectural services are provided through our fi rms that hold the certificate of practice. Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 / Attention: Maryam Lotfi, Development Planner Summarv Report -Development Information Meeting Proposed Residential Development within the Silver Valley Area Plan, City of Maple Ridge Project No. 2023-350-RZ INTRODUCTION This report is submitted to the City of Maple Ridge in accordance with the Developer Information Meetings Policy. The Development Information Meeting (DIM) notification, organization, and logistics are also in accordance with the policy. • Application: 2023-350-RZ • Lands under application: 24070 128 Street & 24196 Fern Crescent • Proposal: Rezone from RS-3 to CD zone to enable an increase in the permitted density (0. 75) to an FSR of 0.83 by utilizing density bonus provisions. An Official Community Plan Amendment is also being applied for to increase the allowable density for the site from 34 units to 48 units. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project and project team, present the development plans, and obtain feedback from the community. NOTIFICATION The DIM notification was in accordance with the City of Maple Ridge Developer Information Meetings Policy. • The public was notified in two (2) ways (Attachment 1) o 45 mail-out invitations sent to neighbouring properties selected by the City of Maple Ridge on November 2, 2023. o Advertised in The Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News on November 3, 2023, and November 10, 2023. • Contact information was also provided for those unable to attend the PIM PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 ) r~-· ( · · , , · ~ ,0. ;',·_I r ' \ -r--=-1 · .. \o··· ,;. . Vt) ~ > ,' \ ' '\\' ' I ,--, _ · 9 ·, .,". ,/ '/' ~5~-~~--rlC INF~R~ATIO~ME~w, ORGANIZATION-' , Meetiri~ f q!:!Jlat_J>pen house • Matena s (?!_9,vraed: p · Questionnaire (to be completed by November 15, 2023) o Project Information Sheet • The following 9 display boards were presented (Attachment 2): Welcome Landscape Plan Servicing Silver Valley Area Plan Project Information Site Plan Sample Multi-Family Architectural Drawings (2) Thank You INFORMATION MEETING LOGISTICS DIM organization and logistics are in accordance with the City of Maple Ridge Developer Information Meeting Policy. • Location: Yennadon Elementary School, 23347 128 Avenue, Maple Ridge • Date: November 14, 2023 • Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm • The consulting team in attendance included the following individuals: o Victoria Venner -Planner/ Project Manager, McElhanney Ltd. o Prabhjot Sran-Planner, McElhanney Ltd. o Jason Rosevear -Project Engineer, McElhanney Ltd. o Zubin Billimoria -Project Architect, Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. o Deepinder Singh -Architect, Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. o Kelly Koome-Project Arborist, Koome Urban Forestry Ltd. o Sarah Morin-Horticulturist, Koome Urban Forestry Ltd. o Meredith Mitchell-Landscape Architect, M2 Landscape Architecture PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING RESULTS • Attendees: 21 (Attachment 3) • Respondents to questionnaire: 22 (Attachment 4) • Comments received via email: 19 (Attachment 5) • The provided questionnaire included one (1) question and space for additional comments. The results from the questionnaire are provided in the following section. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 ( \ Quiesfion 1 I \\ ; With respect to thE? proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the \ \ "-p~•" / I construction d(48 tovynhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Results (including questionnaire and comments received via email): • Support: 29 • Neutral: 2 • Somewhat Oppose: 1 • Oppose: 8 COMMENTS SECTION D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose The below tables provide the comments received from both questionnaires and emails. The questionnaires were received by the project team during the development information meeting, while the comments via email were received before, during and after the development information meeting. The comments have been organized into sections based on the respondent's level of support for the proposal. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 Con;,ments in Support ' ( _,) /I / Bonus fof"the extra1deep parking in somerof the units. Need more housing options in the area as single family homes aren't attainable ~or1a lot of the local families. Much needed housing in our community. Great plans and highly needed homes in this area. Good to see Maple Ridge continuing to grow. Townhomes are more affordable and only a slight increase in unit count. Great location w/ park beside it! Email comments provided and sent to District of Maple Ridge. Single family homes are too expensive and we need more affordable housing options like townhomes. This development provides a lot of good housing options. Single Family homes are too expensive and we need more affordable housing option like townhomes. This development provides a lot of good housing options. We need more housing practically everywhere and especially multi family housing like more affordable housing. Almost everyone who moved into the area has bought newer homes. I fully support this project and another bridge as well. It is good affordable housing and strategic location and a good place. It will fulfill the growing community and more diverse housing solutions. We are pleased with the new proposed project as contributes to the community's development & most of all, opens new housing opportunities for people like us who choose to live in quiet and peaceful neighbourhood. I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed townhouse project at 128 and Fern Crescent, led by Woodlock Developments. I believe in this project for a few important reasons. Firstly, I appreciate the effort to create homes that are affordable, especially the townhomes. This is important for many people in our community who are looking for housing that is reasonably priced. Secondly, I think the decision to place the townhomes on 128th St. is a good one. It seems like a smart choice that aligns with the area's needs and dynamics. Thank you for considering my thoughts on this matter. I believe the Fern East project will make a positive impact on our community. Please take this email as my support for the site you are looking to develop in "Fern East,,. With the housing & affordability crisis facing the entire region it only make sense to have multi-family projects. This will bring much needed product for young families to grow and thrive in the community. Hopefully this can set precedent for future development as well. Your groups experience and expertise in Maple Ridge make you guys the best candidates to make this happen. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 / ( / My apologies for noi beingJble to support your Development proposal in person -I am in Hartford this week. As aresic{~nt of Maple Ridge (sidce 2004), I am always excited to see new developments \__ t, _____ J ,/ / that are hitting tb,e/demands of the mark~tplace and our community. Maple Ridge is not a community of mass condos and it has,, continued to rely on single family subdivisions that are way too tight for comfort. I am very supportive of town home projects that will help service the needs of the families that want to call Maple Ridge home -and your proposed development at 128th and Fern will accomplish that. I am looking forward to the continued progress of this project and many more that Wood Lock is able to bring to our community. Please see below my letter of support for the Fern East townhome community. The following letter is written in full support of the Fern East community, and the positive impacts a community like this will have on the Silver Valley neighborhood as a whole. As the cost of living increases and single- family housing prices sky rocket, the demand for more affordable multi-family housing in desirable areas has also risen. Silver Valley has traditionally been a predominantly single-family home neighborhood, and while many of its residents appreciate this, diversifying housing options in the area can help introduce new, young families to the area. In addition, the introduction of multifamily housing can also allow for those that may currently live in the community, who are looking to downsize to something that is a little easier to maintain, the opportunity to stay within the community. Introducing multifamily communities often brings families, young couples, and working singles into the mix. These groups tend to utilize the small, local businesses close to their communities and support the city's parks and recreation. Both contributing to a lively and thriving community scene. Woodlock Developments is a local, Maple Ridge developer with extensive experience in the community. Woodlock's passion for maintaining the integrity of each site it develops makes it the best-suited to bring a project like this to life while maintaining the authenticity of the existing neighborhood. With so much potential for growth in the Maple Ridge, Silver Valley community, Woodlock Developments is well-positioned to be the trusted developer of these homes. To Whom It May Concern, My name is Josef Bouwman, I have been a resident of Maple Ridge for over 20 years. I am writing to show my support for the proposed development at 128 and Fern Crescent by Woodlock Developments. I think that the project will bring much needed homes into Maple Ridge during the current housing crisis, and given the growth in population that Maple Ridge has seen in the last few years I think the project will be an important addition to the community. If you have any questions, please connect with me via email. We are very supportive of this type of development in the area, we've resided just off Fern Cres for 12 years and have seen a lot of new single-family homes build. It is great to see more diverse and affordable housing options in the area. We hope to see more developments like this in the future. Please accept this email as our support for the project you are proposing on Fern East. My personal belief is that development is needed in all communities. We are facing a huge undersupply of housing and only way to create community is to continue building homes. The higher the supply level the more affordable housing can be. We are in support of your project. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 V11ould like to take ihis o~p6rtunity to express my support for the Woodlock DeveJopment group on their proposed4,8 UrJ)t townhouse site in th~ heart of Silver Valley. Not only would a well thought out site lfl(e. th\t~nlproposed help us fulfif some of the dire needs for housing in the Silver Valley' area but the-loCation of the site will e?(Cite many young families looking to stay close to home. Young families that are looking for affordable options on where to live and raise their families with a quality lifestyle close to schools, shopping, and accessibility to transit and commuter routes Many of these families are active in the community taking advantage of what the best of Maple Ridge has to offer from its trail systems and parks to the natural creeks and lakes. I would also like to say that I have had the privilege of seeing Jag and Tai Mann at work and to say their work ethics, construction results, and end results were above and beyond expectations would be an understatement. The Woodlock group is one of the few I promote to my client base as a solid product done right! They have my support for this and future projects in the area! Terry Passley The Need For Affordable Quality Town homes in Maple Ridge Dear City of Maple Ridge, I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to underscore the pressing need for the development of affordable, high-quality town homes in Maple Ridge, aligning with the government's overarching plan for housing in British Columbia. As our community continues to grow, the demand for accessible and well-crafted housing options has become increasingly paramount. Affordable housing is not merely a matter of shelter; it forms the cornerstone of a thriving and inclusive society. Quality town home developments not only provide families with a secure and comfortable living environment but also contribute significantly to the overall well-being and stability of the community. The government's plan to address housing challenges in BC recognizes the importance of affordability and sustainable development. It is crucial that Maple Ridge embraces this vision and actively participates in the realization of these goals. By strategically implementing affordable town home projects, we not only contribute to the regional housing objectives but also foster a diverse and vibrant community. Maple Ridge, with its unique character and charm, has the potential to become a model for balanced urban growth. The construction of affordable townhomes aligns with the principles of inclusivity, enabling a diverse range of residents to call Maple Ridge home. This, in turn, fosters a sense of belonging and community engagement, which are integral components of a well-rounded and prosperous society. Moreover, such developments are essential for addressing the needs of various demographics, including young families, seniors looking to downsize, and individuals entering the property market. It is an investment in the future stability and sustainability of our town. I urge you to consider and support initiatives that facilitate the creation of affordable, high-quality townhomes in Maple Ridge. By doing so, we not only uphold the government's broader vision for housing but also ensure that Maple Ridge remains a welcoming and thriving community for generations to come. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am optimistic that, through collaborative efforts, we can create a lasting impact on the housing landscape of Maple Ridge. Sincerely, Comments that were Neutral I understand that this application fits into the SVAP of the OCP but as always the traffic if approved, this will result in at least 100 more vehicles on Fern Crescent on a daily basis. No more needs to be said about the already overburdened arterial road. I feel like there should be a moratorium on any more developments in Silver Valley until there is a second access in and out of the area. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 I Comments that Somewhat Oppose Not 5Q%\incre~kjn1Density. Trucks/worktrucks/wont fit. Garages are too small and tight to access. Concerns: #-1. parklng is not sufficient for, this site. Most people don't use garages for cars anymore. We do not want or support street parking on Fern Crescent, is there parking available on 128th . Is a round about planned for a future traffic flow out of Fern Crescent? This density is too tight for the site in this location at a very busy park access area. Golden Ears bridge should be built 1st before this project is built. Where do kids to go school? An emergency access to the site if the entrance is blocked. The project appearance is pleasant enough. No to Bioswale. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 \ \ ' I Comments in opposition \ I 50% incraase f~dmjtiitial proposal. Increase of traffic on already overburdened road.# of visitor, parking spotsresoit of overflow onto Fern/Crescent? Sufficient parking for residents? Intersection of , - Fern Cres/128th• inability to make a left turn on 128 from Fern due to traffic volume from prov park. 15,000 vehicles daily. Density from existing developments. Enough width for the fire trucks to enter? Exit? Where are work vehicles going to park? Density far too high for existing neighbourhood. When will bridge be built? Should be complete before any more development in the area. One way in, one way out-> Fire Hazard? Climate change forest fires. Consideration for wildlife (Bears, Deer in area). Where are the kids going to school? Horsetrail-where will the horses go? Density too high. Major concern with intersection 128th/Fern. Turning left on busy summer lake traffic at that location. Parking-10 visitor isn't sufficient. Reduction of setbacks too much. Need a 2nd access to the park from development for pedestrian or emergency exit. Family oriented development, where are children going to school. Horse Trail crossing. The density is too high for this area. The proposed parking of 2 small garage spaces per unit is not enough. There is no provisions for larger trucks or work vehicles. There is no public transit or proper sidewalks going west to crossers cabins park. For children walking it is not safe! The Townhouse concept: Densification + with all the amenities (Stores, transport etc). Not the situation here. This proposed development is too dense. Detached housing is more realistic -Huge traffic concern and still only 1 way out. Golden Ears Park: lots of dead wood, homeless people camping out of there (smokes.campfires), climate change a big factor here. Safety issues+ Yes the 250th bridge is in the plan but lets take care our people in the interim. We feel that 48 units too dense for the area and there will be not enough parking as well. And having only 1 entrance/exit is not ample. Our concern too is the row of cedar trees along Fern Crescent. They should stay. Townhouses do not fit into this neighbourhood. Traffic in this area is already over-congested on Fern Crescent and 48 townhomes means at least 96 more cards entering and exiting. No schools or amenities for this type of family development. There is no possibility for this density development for this area. Townhouses are more affordable for families understandably but we were told years prior before any development happened in the Fern Crescent area that homes would be fit and form to the already existing neighbourhood. It was a battle to get Fern grove as single family detached dwellings, but that subdivision of Fern Grove 1 and 2 is now quite a beautiful subdivision. I would prefer to see houses. There is no space for emergency vehicles to access this amount of units. There should be no parking on Fern Crescent at all. The road is not wide enough. Where are the horse trail routes going to be. Currently 128th ave is the horse trail for riders. I don't think horses cars and townhomes fit together. Limen industries is an industrial business. How does that fit in to a neighbourhood of families with children. Large equipment and trucks come and go from there frequently. This development needs a revision. I hope you are open to the input of the people who live in this neighbourhood. We are almost 47 years here. Same home. My concerns are regarding an increase in population and traffic. Before the "new" bridge at 240th street is built. For safety and traffic management, the bridge should be built prior to any development occurring. Parking is also an issue in this area. Currently there is a single stop sign to allow traffic to turn from Fern Gres onto 128th Ave. This must be addressed, or traffic from the development will be unable to turn left onto 128th during busy Golden Ear Park visit times. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 ( 1 · , ·o' '-'\ </v1 , ··. \ __ , ·--~:\ ''I\ I O )\' ' ,; • ''\{:,✓' /•.; ,•• ' \ 1c:•)' -~~-\ \ ,_,,-' \ \ ,. ' \ ' \ . ·, ', ' ' ./ \ ',\} -";}: .',--,'_ \ ', ( ----~(! / . CONCLUSION . , ·, . ' \ ' ( I , -/ ---,, y------- Th~ public info(r,9!i9n 'J}eeting saw a total of tvyenty-one (21) participants. The proposed develoj5ment ' ...----aligns general l{with he Official Comm~nity Prlan (OCP) and fulfills the overarching goal of medium/high ..... , / density land1 use. It's noteworthy that numer6us residents express support for increased affordable ,1 / housing options in the area, recognizing the necessity of such advancements. In response to concerns / about traffic in the area, access to the site has been strategically placed on Fern Crescent instead of 128th Avenue as encouraged by the City. Parking requirements are in compliance with the zoning bylaw, and additional dedication on 128th Avenue facilitates street parking. Importantly, extra parking spaces above the bylaw requirements was proposed but at the guidance of the City, the additional parking was replaced with green space. In accordance with the Silver Valley Horse Hamlet area plan, a horse trail is proposed approximately 96 meters north of 128th Avenue but does not relate to the subject site. All in all, the proposed development is cohesive with the surrounding neighbourhood and would provide affordable and desirable housing for future residents. If you have questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, McElhanney Ltd. Victoria Venner (Salisbury) Planner/ Project Manager Wenner@mcelhanney.com Attachments: 1. Mail Out Invitation & Newspaper Advertisements 2. Display Boards 3. Sign-in Sheet 4. Questionnaires 5. Comments received by email PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETI NG -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 / .1 / ATTACHMENT 1 / Mail Out Invitation & Newspaper Advertisement PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 \ I ( 2111-06173-00 November 3, 2023 Maple Ridge Project Number: 2023-350-RZ Development Information Meeting for Proposed Development at 24070 128 Avenue & 24195 Fern Crescent, Maple Ridge BC. Dear Neighbour, You are invited to attend a Development Information Meeting to review and discuss the proposed development at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, Maple Ridge. The intent of this public information meeting is to seek input from the area residents on the proposed amendments and address any questions which may arise. The proposal includes the following components: • Official Community Plan Amendment to enable the development of 48 townhouse units. • Proposed rezoning from RS-3 to CD zone to enable an increase in the permitted density to a FSR of 0.88 utilizing density bonusing provisions. D ti ~1 ~j .--;;-••:•:v~ , 1 _.u .... ... ! .. ,.. r; .., •• ; ~ ~ L 1-------t The meeting will be held on: Date: Tuesday November 14, 2023 Time: from 6pm -8pm Location: Yennadon Elementary School 23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge Details regarding the proposed development will be presented at the Development Information Meeting. The proponent and project consultants will be available throughout the Meeting to answer any questions and get your input on the proposal prior to proceeding to Council for further consideration. Please also note that this is NOT a Public Hearing notice. Please join us. Your thoughts are important to us. If you are unable to attend this meeting, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 604-807-9441 or jag@ woodlockdevelopments.ca or the City of Maple Ridge Planning Department at 604-467-7341. Sincerly, Jag Mann, Director of Development Woodlock Developments Ltd. ATTACHMENT 3 Sign In Sheets / PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 \ J ( 2111-06173-00 No v e m b e r ·J 4. 20 2 3 Ou r Fi le: 21 ·1 1-0 G ·J r3 -00 ~ Mc E l h a n n e y SI G N - I N SH E E T De v e l o p m e n t In f o r m a t i o n Me e t i n g fo r Pr o p o s e d De v e l o p m e n t Ap p l i c a t i o n Ci t y of Ma p l e Ri d g e Pr o j e c t 20 2 3 - 3 5 0 - R Z Nov e m b e r 14 , 20 2 3 Yen n a d o n El e m e n tar y Sc h o o l 23 3 4 7 128 Av e , Mapl e Ri d g e NA M E (: Aff f 5 - - t {} ; n V ? , c 1? o b So ri C. l . i "' 1 · S f& h.S bY ' \ f. l v s l . ~ "' ·To v n<- -- s --" ~ ~, Lcu . . J r - c . . _ 0 ,. ' D ~ 1 ... . . . . ~ a. . . ll " ' ~C L . . ~' - ' > \c ,: . : : : : , J t' nA &u. \ \ "- ~ I l /3 (! ) ;3 c: { 2 1.A I / v /. J 1~ L '- . (L ( , Kc - - ~b e , , , {£ 1 . - - r : r : i V\ O G. J g . ts o ~ - <7 -7 " ' 1 1 V6 /J / /) / 4 ! 6 f i / Z - r ~ c; l{ l L IY 1 /--1 - ~ 'h ~ ~ N~K /Y l f f l N -. . . - . b iv , DA - ' - - ~ - Mc Ell1 c 1 nn e v Lt d Suite 230 0. Cen tral Ci ty To w er. 1'. J 45 0- - 10 ? '" ; 1': \ ve. Surre y , BC \/ 3T 5X 3 mcelha nn e y. co m AD D R E S S ;} _ L f o s :; - r;; i 7 ,3 /I v e . J1 1 C L - l) I< . µ~ 0 .. I Z L[ o 5 ' z _ ~~ - (1 , + B Av <!_ ;1 1 1 4 Pk e. J d- J ~ tt - 11 231S: 3 ; > 13, ~ , rt ~r k /Z :- ~ c1 _ 40 l 0 • l ·:; i _ _ g - - ~ }¥ J . Q , . G_ ,% _ . s ) 1:U2.b3 ~y A ~ ~ ~ o1o ( Z fs ~ 6~ w ;\ ' t ·R <2 r #1 1, - 2 2 5 1'- f - - l / t , A: v e ;i , ;( _ 2 L/ ? b O l/ J 2 ~ Aµ . . lf 1t 1 6 1i, d p; ~ rJ z w OA : 3 _ d- ' ~ ti \ \ L{ - ~ 0J t . . ~ . M~ ~~ V4. e _ ~ s ·3 ' zY /i &» C& £~ 7 /J i € , J/ ~ ; e :Z S 3 ~' i - ca : t t€ ¥ < . . ,d Ct ] ~ · k -~ \, A f B ~~ l ~ ,t ! ! / ~ 6 O ~ ,:. . , u f! d . /J ' l q (j : : , / Q f? < of JJ o. 'Z ~ 6~6 ~ 9- z , f- D . /1 1 a f LL _ A2 u l . f= · fu 1~ C_ I\ ~L C ' t : f No v e m b e r ·1 4 , 20 2 3 Ou r F i l e : 211 1 - 0 6 1 7 3-0 0 SI G N - I N SH E E T ~ Mc E l h a n n e y De v e l o p m e n t In f o r m a t i o n Me e t ing fo r Pr o p o s e d De v e l o p m e n t Ap p l i c a t i o n Ci t y of Ma p l e Ri d g e Pr o j e c t 20 2 3 - 3 5 0 - R Z No v e m b e r 14 , 20 2 3 Ye n n a d o n El e m e n t a r y Sc h o o l 23 3 47 12 8 Av e , Ma p l e Ri d g e NA M E Lc) ( a . [ e L G~ ~- ~ - Q_ i, c. . J C M A . l( N' . - v i , b, . - - - (/ 2) c , ~ t t 5~ ds k lr - . ' ~ V') \A J C A - ~~ r ~ fv1 c E ll1 anney Ud. Suite 23 00 . Ce ntr al Cit y To w e r. ·I34 f ,0 ·- 10 2'" ' ' Av e . Surrey BC V3T 5X 3 rn c e l h a n n e y cor n AD D R E S S :2 , Lf I I o K r A u "'2 _ , sc~ y\ _ f L _l _ tj j _J 'L/ / I If /I 9 'i . f _ _ g _ ,; ~ (' v ~ 1 lt b Fe r r1 Gr e . £ ' < E ? ) 1±: \2 ' 2 3 )✓1,B %A 5- t ~' o l 1 i ~ ~' M/ Z , !!. '"¥ - PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 \ j 2111-06173-00 3 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridg~ BC Av;t;-;" ·T <1''" I\L-I -p/1-J.~I ~3-t~C ftve 1 Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment appliqation to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: I 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the su'.bject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: · A B C D E ~ Somewhat Neutral Somewh'~t Oppose Support Oppose\ Please use the below space for any additional comments: /1..-v,, for }L-.:_ &.-l-r" vJ-e,e_ f p t!rL;J_ THANK YOU! 1 Please return your comment sheet to the registration ta~le. McElha 1ney Ltd. Suitt 2300. Central City Tower. '13"1::,0 -102"'1 Ave .. Surrey. ec V:iT 5X3 rncelhanney.com 4 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC h---@+J,0---8v '-... "'-,;:--..._~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construe\ 48 townhouse units, do you: A" \ B C \ Somewhat Support Neutral D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose Please use the below space for any additional comments: Uuck ,N2~~~ ~03~'\J'\ a~ THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhann6y Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower, 13450 -1 OT''' Ave .. Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com 5 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ~ V l-4,,J ~« 1....v' A/ -6' .d'L Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1 . With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney LtcL Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -102"0 Ave .. Surrey. BC V3T '.:°,X3 mcelhanney.com E Oppose 6 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ~Ct> m,e ~ 2_:,::)~,(e..b Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the ~0\ion of48 townhouse units, do you: V B C D E Support Somewhat Support Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: THANK YOU! Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElllar-:ney Ltd. Suit& 2300. Centrsl City Tower. 1345 ·· -102'"' .A.ve .. Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 rncelhanney.com Oppose 7 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 i~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ,i3'°0 8 4?L1 I A) 1J~ L L Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A B Somewhat Support C Neutral D Somewhat Oppose Please use the below space for any additional comments: / 6,l(~A-r L-o cA=-TtoH w //1..+ttl< 812.S1p/-z' I T ,, THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Centro:21 City Tower. 13450 -10211" Ave .. Surrey BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com E Oppose 8 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC [h c}1et~\ -8 1-ivl\oe r Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: (!) Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose t:' (V)a \ \ C::,VV)l)"\&\-\-s vo V \ ~ lh <l, c5en }-b <i ,:::, \..--,d\-a I?-- ---- THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -102''' Ave .. Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com 13 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC G? L,l/t 'h1 ,J-~ 'V)o/'I Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: 0 B C D E e9 Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Oppose Support Oppose Please use the below space for any additional comments: SiYld/e ::f?arr1jld horn~ 9i2::e..foo expe11Sfve-O('Ylol we :nee.a.{ 'Yl?o re.. a:f!ft?:i::o/o bf e hot0, '11J opfio YI If f;__e. f6i.v11 home-\. 1 h,·s d eve.lo pmen± fyo v j4vi a, I ot aj-~ ,;:9q b 00 i"'.Y)d apt0vir THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. f\/lcElhanney Ltd. Su ,te 2300, Central City Towe'. 13450 -102';1 Ave .. Surrey', BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com 14 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023- Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Name ·• J/lf-1~!"\{ EK S, /VJ/jN/'I. Residential Address ~I 8 h b A~\ 1\1€?2:-: /?..SJ. /Vlc=f/e f-2<._o~e-- Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: (!) B C D e Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Support Oppose THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table, I\AcElllanney Ucl. Suite 2300. Central City Te;wer. 13450 -102''0 Ave. Su rrey. BC V31 5X3 mcelhanney.com E Oppose 20 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ~~~J t ~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose ~J.Je, JL\efP ,MO<e Y\WS ~ pvyc-foi; lij _ QVe ~w>re:- (NVj QS ~edal l~ VVl>\i1 1=~'1 Y l~<S J \~ VV\O ~_ 0\, {+o.1 dc,J@1 _ Wi\.)~1~, /t\V\f\n,s-\ ru e1io,ie-, t!~ \f\.o\!fd 1-d6 JX'\Q; w~°'· V\C\S ~~W: Ne1.&r ,V'Dv~s . I fol ½ Svffh' +- -\-¼~':> ~I Q )°r:i c.lf\() OW{)~ 5)r i~~-oJ, \-& l I THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney Ltd Suite 2300. Central City Tower, 13450 -102"J Ave. Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com 22 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Name 1<0r-<ifl-a&:o½el, ~ ~ , 22 5L g ~ tro 9' ~~-U.#~ /1'19 1 rrc,,f-lk ~ Residential Address Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the _subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: ~ /4c:91?--S, &V::<l& THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose 4 ~ Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300, Central City Tower. 13450 -102"'' Ave .. Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com E Oppose 23 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 i\. McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: 0 Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose ei~ ~ ~ ~- THANK YOU! Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. r1.~cElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300, Central City Tower, 13450 -102"' Ave . Surrey. BC V3T 5X.3 mcelhanney.com E Oppose 11 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 -". McElhanney QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Name ._Do U G /~ 7'ft,A/ G~---, 239;/i; r£/<,I\/ L&§SO=&'.z; /~!"LC: Je»G£ Residential Address Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C0 Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose J t/,v.o,c,e.sr/i)IJD ;fii, ~ Nf',,uC/1710/l/ G-s ,dwo --z;i/4 EVA,P Or z;j4, OcP &7'/ls //LbVfiYS /,1/6 Z/itJ.Ft1.0> /r /1/7,P,R,o//L»,-;:r;;;, tt/LLkv~..7 /4 11-r ,,(/4:/{SI /;;; 4£ tk1'a.£.s-V,v ;:;;,~){/ ueLS0=,{17 r:2.» /I .D&D" &sis, A/41/?11£ J/4:cos /0 d§./5' @Z> Jl,son · ~ /h./?t-ADY. i)Ll£:£67L/,«D<£a;J£t2_ JteT£/G(lf L /Y>H-D. _. Z4 ~T,.-,-'68£.' ,/-1,200 C /1 .. .TIJ/2./V/'1 i?~A.>-.J ~r<,b DcV£.,LO/"/f 6 ;()T fa .SILVER~ ' '.11LL£;,:_!/ ,'1/71/L //-k.~ · ,/_c: /1 S £(A1/D /7c.0c.ss ~~L/v, O,c 1//-1£ R;e,/4/f, Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McEll1anney Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -1C·2":1 Ave .. Surrey. BC V~T 5X3 mcelhanney.corn Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary~ch -347128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC . -? ~/L/✓ . . e65"o<--tf' . d z:6 :tb 42.78 ~ ~.l"'~~d Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1 . With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support 8 Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. 1\/lcE!hanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -10z-~ Ave .. Sui"i'ey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.corn 16 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC /_.o Q~ CLA12.~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A B C E Support Oppose 2 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ~ r11 e'_ l<ohson Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A. Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. 11/lcElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Centred City Tower, 13450 -102"' /we .. Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com E 9 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Jt:EYNr--fe.,TTA Q)5JW Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1 . With respect ~ sed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the constructi of 48 townh use units, do you: . Al--~~ L 5Do/o tNGfjWoc F~ tN rn fa, B C D E Somewhat Neutral Support Oppose Support Somewhat 5T~6L,f Oppose * IN~ Of ~ Ffu a--1 fvlf3tiv01 Ovtfi6G/:j Please use the below space for any additional comments: 'J!:"' -=#q Vtsff°) ~,S,Nb-~15-P{fvL-T Of Olt~f:W.10 ) OOTo fc~t--1 {flff5C~T 7 5UFFiut:1LYT OOc,""& r~ ~1<LcD-r5 ? ~--\ ~ --:I(: IN1'-C:56t-GrilYJ Or fd2N C12i<:::s ! 12eTH l JNf81UTLf To ~£ l O '-A ~ L-cr:T· ,~ o"1 )2-EJ r8[)o\ -ft:£N O..X,Tb~F1u Va.prr'f:_,. ~ R / !5,oa::,+ v£A1tiB)::,A1,__y ~ 8 1-.l' ~DY\ PPJN ~r) ~ ~rr11 rn,cm c:t-.tSr1N6 a\lt1.cprrc10T:S ~ \ s ~ t:NOlJOH li\.)IDlH f03 FIY-J=: TPpu:..:s To bJTt:r-:] ? ~ez1r ? ~ -~~ + w-tcq:, FJPiG V])o/ZJu Vc-HIUE:S ca Lb To ~I'S ? 1 -i+ ~ffi( °rR~ !CO -HltH fi=0 ~LSTlrlb" 0/C/6HID.f3+-lco? 0 THANK YOU! 8 -~ * t .. :-.u.?-,....._ 1 1 _ 'l/LLPleff..,-[e!,41J.l your commr,1}.~hee~ ~ the registration ta~E:· _ _ . vvn"--~ vv . 'Oi,uc:c, a CJU'u .. B-1-cuLD t>=,, ccrnpLeTt M~Elhanney Ltd. B::'~ AN~ frYAL f.X:>/c.LD(Jrrt::.J..51 ·1N' A£3/::-A ffTc C:J-IRI'{~ Swt& 2300 Central City Tower. 13450 -102 ., Ave .. Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 CLJm mcelhanney.com 1 . ~ _ ----...-· -r::· Of' i::.r:;d/ n ? =rm-e:5T pint=-=-~ +·,[Y'-[e, lA.tvGf J N) (Y--lc vUY ,Lf C1J l ~ I t. )L/ +-f,J Vl~ • ----I r}--...-* (CN5iD~ao fa; W!Lbufc (~,,ftc~ ,N ~cf4) 12 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 i~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC ~~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1 . With respect to the pr.oposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose fVicElhanney Ltd -••. ~ \ L-d OR\Bi'J·W~ Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 1'.?,450 -102"~-Surrey. BC V3T 5X3 mcelhanney.com ~oL. E 15 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC -~~l-\~ 04-LQ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site·to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -102''" Ave., Surrey. BC V3T 5X.3 mcelhanney.com E 17 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC J-z:tvNE fp 7 a~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose E C::J /k,, &t,.,,-., hit:; e ~ r/-~ ~ d ,G-,,/,,,,.. n 1-~ oU ,{4,. a:z,..,.,,,. , ,t,,, .'- (sfw,-, >' f ,,,,._., :;tu:d::. e/c-) ,,,«4-, ~ .AR<t-eL. V/1,:,/ &....-J7/4,_,6,;,,., /4-u • 6,, he . ~(t.U kn,~~ ·-. 3 THANKYOUI Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. f\/lcElhanney Ltd. Suite 2300. Central City Tower. 13450 -102"(] Ave . Surrey . BC V3T 5X3 rncelhanney.com 18 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 o Elementary School -2334J-1)8 Ave, Maple Ridge BC )J/0/}-( /4 ·-~ Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral f.f, ~, ~--~-/4 /4 THANK YOU! D Somewhat Oppose Please return your comment sheet to the registration table. McEll1anney Ltd. Suite 2300. Centred City Tower. 13450 -102''\' Ave .. Surrey. BC \/')T SX3 mcelhanney.com E 10 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name Residential Address QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC 0?frrN l-'\ 0 (2£J, £0 qj Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration, we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: A Support B Somewhat Support Neutral Please use the below space for any additional comments: D Somewhat Oppose E Oppose tA'{ wNC£14J.S k(l.£ iZEb~N§ 1\1\l 1N ~ 1 ,J Pofw U\1:ioN ~Nb. T~(G ~tz.e \\-\1:/-:NeW '' £(l1M-E {\--C @--lh ~;,;(\?.Et::r \ 'S ·D \J \ L. T. 'fb (.(. ~!\f fJ::( A \..I h T12./\-t'f I c__, tv\~N~®> :n-tt B1c1~ £t+oVLh & ·mt L--C Hv o 12-I'[) /\:~1 ):)e\]B_(je~m-C OOCU~\ N~ ·@ McElllanney Ltd. ~r~~:r~t~~c ZJ \1rr T(\1\eS ~ 19 Date: November 14, 2023 Our File: 2111-06173-00 ~ McElhanney Name . QUESTIONNAIRE I COMMENT SHEET Public Information Meeting for Proposed Development in the 1 Silver Valley Area Plan City of Maple Ridge Project 2023-350-RZ Tuesday, November14,2023 Yennadon Elementary School -23347 128 Ave, Maple Ridge BC Residential Address (1 / , , 1• , : · />.._ v Prior to advancing this rezoning and official community plan amendment application to the City of Maple Ridge Council for consideration1 we would like your input on the following: 1. With respect to the proposed development application to rezone the subject site to facilitate the construction of 48 townhouse units, do you: ~ ~· A Support B Somewhat Support C Neutral D Somewhat Oppose Oppose Please use the below space for any additional comments: b ,vJnJl\<~f\(::0lS (}w 1\.0+ -fi,t 'i vt / , . o ~Y\} :~ n--e.i l ,h~ll{ A1t >v{ · 7r {;l,ft ·-c, ·\ vt · ~ /\/ s CtKLfiL ·i s (J✓lNJ_,t~J o ·\f'{J__,ft -u~ 1 tr·k oC (Jv)! ·r:e✓r rt l ta✓~ t-· -~ C, N.-5 r. fA + CIA'V9l '-H +o t,i 11 h fJYYl,{5: r1U1.11'A1.S {;l.J 1,<~~---t t:tf _ eJl{.er t "-Ii Ovvtil .e_K r'f~·.r1_c ~ !Vo 6dVJ~l ~ (ft OcJ'iteJ1_;'.h l > f.or ·fht?;, ~-L oP~/lt, .w_ f--1ltN_ t5 no , o ss ; bi //h. W --Hv}s d JJ.,f a ch.~ 6l d w d U1-1o/ ~ 1 {? u.,, f---1-t-CL t ;; (Lb cU Vi s. , 'OY1 o fl /--ern 9 ro\/Jl I l1Aol ~ Tr Y\ff?V i 1,,u'V-e tJL 1/tN , _ I, ,j \ i\. I I I'(""'" .\fY1 T . V (T 0-l-·ll.(A-r, ·t-,L . 1 > ' · · . w 0vt.(c{ f N!..f6l' -h; ~g__ h, , r rlV!.+J[ I 71,d sp(,Lc .e_ ,.fJY\,elj.f.Al'tj V ,e_h,/c.{J..J fiJ ct.a s :. {Ai5, OuYLMf\-f-6f (;Ll\.J I-S .£ 1-l {cl fVD t it-c. (JY'v 7=e r .(l Cris-nI IA f-A [ ( .. Tk {) ro &YA_ i5 rvt f w ; -e_ e 11 {JV._ 7 A . w W .e_ .j__/ j J '[. J,.., '-, ~" L "'.e._ vui'l K r t . lll'L 'f-t' s· g o , rx . C(,iJ(~(L f-f 1 f cl..<;? <+-ft (lr,A.f..._ t 5 'fl~ l\.,«·U "fretr'f ·-h r r i' ol c.e c(,~ . ~-;' 11. k krsY 5'f.~ s CLt,li; ·-h ft f\.oYYl LS .f ·fv3 ji__ fl~t < L ~ m e f'\ f {\ ius 'if; n /,5 t?vJI\. i' ,.._ rJ CA.. s fr /A../ b i' 11. .es· . (,J o1. o e J -+A.a+ +-i' 11... Ct_ M; J' rs1 A cl. Df ·A1'1,<) ~! /'u tAJr'f:-1,, . cJ1. l I rJ. ,'11 ri . l ?lR.__ e CA ;f m .e 11.. + a ILC'!l. -fr K.c.k r c~l--l Ctf\ol ~ ·-P-1iJYY\. +ku'>L freqv_,(1_11_ Hey r 1711) 5 r).e I) :.e { 0 f rYI. €.rt f-(l (!_ <(!_d s, CL I'~(/, s / OYl. . I ftttjL 'do-,,c, C(N-_~F-~ ·-it> .. !{ , ( ~.p,1-. + crfl f A..e p i2 c,-p I~ vJ AJJ //vt. t A 'fA tJ 11.il.t 9_ It b . Ju1 ~ ?Y\ W t-a f'L et. f rn. o s+ 4 7 y· .. e w s h..ri r--e.. ( ~ tv.111. e.. hr.vn t: < C Subject: Re: proposed development meeting. Nov 14/23 Due to illness I am unable to attend the information meeting on Tuesday Nov., 14 regarding the proposed development 24070 128 and 24195 Fern Crescent. For this reason I have asked a friend to take these concerns to the meeting on my behalf. I am opposed to this application as it currently stands for the following reasons: This application proposes to bring more people into an already under serviced area. There is no public transit so that also means more private vehicles and increased traffic. This will double or triple during the summer. This does not conform to the Official Community Plan which we all had the right to rely on when moving to the area, and it destroys the semi rural nature of this community. This development advertises Town Homes, which by their nature are intended to be within walking distance of amenities -of which there are none. Schools that have been promised by past developers have yet to materialize, yet there are no school busses for children who live on Fem Crescent and surrounding areas. Witness the pandemonium of traffic at the intersection of 232nd and 128th at drop off and pick-up times for Y ennadon School. There is only one way out of this area and that is through the intersection of Fem Crescent and 232nd. When crews were working on the resurfacing of lower Fem Crescent it took me 25 minutes to go from the new roundabout on Fem Cr. to the one on 232nd -normally a minute's drive. This was just normal traffic on a normal day being controlled by construction. Trying to get out of the area in the event of an emergency, such as a forest fire in Golden Ears Park, could be disaster. This is a Public Safety issue and it needs to be addressed before more development puts everyone at greater risk. My objection is that there are already too many people and too little attention to the needs of families already living in the area. Until these needs are addressed there should be a moratorium on further development in this area. Donna Clay 604 -463 -3696. ~r ,/;{h /,t );l3 Sent from my iPad= 2023-11-14 .r ATTACHMENT 5 Comments received via email PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -SUMMARY OF RESULTS November 16, 2023 2111-06173-00 From: To: Subject: Date: Jag Mann Prabhiot Sran; Victoria Venner Fwd: Support for Proposed Townhouses at 128 and Fern Crescent Wednesday, November 15, 2023 9:15:56 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Check email address, links, and attachments Please see support email below. Thank you, Jag Mann Woodlock Developments 604 807 9441 This e-mail message (including attachments, if any) is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, proprietary, confidential and exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender and erase this e-mail message immediately. Le present message electronique (y compris les pieces qui y sont annexees, le cas echeant) s'adresse au destinataire indique et peut contenir des renseignements de caractere priye ou confidentiel. Si Yous n'etes pas le destinataire de ce document, nous Yous signalons qu'il est strictement interdit de le diffuser, de le distribuer ou de le reproduire. Si ce message yous a ete transmis par erreur, Yeuillez en informer l'expediteur et le supprimer immediatement. ----------Forwarded message --------- From: Samantha Kowan <samantharosekowan@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 8:11 PM Subject: Support for Proposed Townhouses at 128 and Fern Crescent To: jag@woodlockdevelopments.ca <jag@woodlockdevelopments.ca> Hello, As a Maple Ridge resident for almost 10 years, I am writing to support the proposed townhouse development at 128 and Fern Crescent. I think the project will greatly benefit our growing community in numerous ways, most especially with regards to the ongoing need for housing as well as public spaces like a park. It is also great that the developer is from Maple Ridge and cares about improving the community. It seems they have taken great care in planning a project that will benefit more than just their potential clients, but the community as a whole. If you have any questions, please contact me via email. Thank you, Samantha R. Bouwman (nee Kowan) Subject: Proposed Townhouse Project at Fern Cres & 128 Attn: City of Maple Ridge Please accept this letter as our support for the project Woodlock Developments is proposing on Fem Crescent and 128 in Maple Ridge. My personal belief is that development is needed in all communities. We are facing a huge undersupply of housing and the only way to create community is to continue building homes. The higher the supply level the more affordable housing can be. I am in full support of their project. Thank you, Aman Bring 24169 Fem Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC V4R2S1 Subject: Support for Proposed Townhouse Development at Fern Crescent & 128 Dear City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, I trust this correspondence finds you well. I am writing to formally express my endorsement of the proposed townhouse development at Fern Crescent and 128th led by Woodlock Developments. I am convinced that this initiative will significantly contribute to our community's growth and well-being, driven by the following factors: Affordable Housing: The incorporation of affordable townhomes in the project is a commendable step towards addressing the pressing need for accessible housing options. This demonstrates a proactive approach to meeting the diverse housing requirements of our community. Community Development: The commitment to community development through the establishment of a park, a school in Silver Valley, and the acceleration of commercial development showcases a holistic vision for our community. These efforts will undoubtedly enhance the overall living experience and contribute to a thriving local environment. Traffic Management: The decision to introduce more townhomes at the heart of the hamlet not only diversifies housing options but also reflects a thoughtful consideration for traffic management. This strategic approach ensures a well-rounded and sustainable development that takes into account the broader impact on our community's infrastructure. I appreciate your attention to these critical aspects, and I am confident that the project will be a positive force for our community. Sincerely, Amy Mann 21866 River Road Maple Ridge, BC V2X2C1 Subject: Feedback on Woodlock's Fern East Project in Silver Valley Dear City of Maple Ridge, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to provide feedback on Wood lock's Fern East project in the Silver Valley area of Maple Ridge. The project, particularly its focus bringing an attainable housing type to an ideal location for families, Wood lock's proven track record and the continued growth of Silver Valley as a community, has garnered our attention and support. Attainable Ownership/Housing Variety We purchased in Silver Valley back in 2014, moving here from the Tri-Cities. We were attracted to the community for it's natural setting and attainable ownership. During our time in Silver Valley, we've seen lots of single-family development, but limited townhome. This limits opportunities for families looking to lay their roots in Silver Valley, the same way we did. We personally have family members who are hoping to move to the area but have been priced out. Providing a greater variation of product types including townhomes, back-to-back townhomes and condominium product would provide more opportunities for these homebuyers seeking the Silver Valley lifestyle. Quality Developer Woodlock Developments' has history of building quality product throughout Maple Ridge. We appreciate their commitment to quality and excellence, including delivering communities that offer curb appeal, enhancing the look of the community. We are confident that the Fern East project will uphold these standards, further enhancing the reputation of both the developer and the City of Maple Ridge. Community Development We applaud Woodlock's commitment to community development. The acceleration of park creation, contribution to the establishment of a school in Silver Valley, and support for commercial development in the hamlet and village center are initiatives that will undoubtedly enrich the lives of residents and contribute to the overall growth of the community. I can say firsthand that Silver Valley needs this growth. There is a lack of commercial opportunities, and our elementary school is bursting at the seams with more than 700 students. Continuing the growth in the number of residents in Silver Valley will only push us closer to the goal of getting a new school for the area. It will also provide a greater need for commercial services. In conclusion, we express our support for the Fern East project and believe it will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Silver Valley. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on our community and are confident that Woodlock Developments will continue to uphold the highest standards of excellence. Thank you for your ti me and consideration. Sincerely, Charles Des Rosie rs 23146 Gilbert Drive Maple Ridge BC, V4R OC3 Attn: City of Maple Ridge Planning Department To Whom it May Concern, This development is a great mixture of three and four bedroom townhouses that will provide affordable housing options that are needed in our City . It was great to see larger than average garages, this is a great idea for individuals with larger trucks or work vans. I cannot wait to see what this development will look like once built. Sincerely, Colin Graham 778-997-5183 Unit 98 -13819 232 Street Maple Ridge, BC V4R0C7 Subiect: 128 and Fern Crescent Townhomes Attn: City of Maple Ridge Planning Department I trust this finds you well. I'm writing to express my support for the proposed townhouse project by Woodlock Developments at Fern Crescent and 128 in Maple Ridge. A few reasons why: Firstly, the focus on growing businesses in Maple Ridge is a strategic move for community vitality. The City is in desperate need of more shopping options, and more development will help the community bolster that need. Secondly, the choice of 128th St. for town homes shows a thoughtful approach, meeting housing needs while aligning with the community's dynamics. I also appreciate the attention and care they have taken with regards to traffic planning in the area. Lastly, Woodlock's history of successful projects builds my confidence in the positive impact this project can bring to the community. I've lived in Maple Ridge for a combined total of over 18 years, and am looking forward to seeing the community continue to grow moving forward. Best, Doug Freer Address: 11266 Harrison Street Maple Ridge, BC, V2x 9p6 Subject: Support for Woodlock Developments' 48 Townhouse Development at Fern Crescent and 128 Ave Dear City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, I wanted to share my support for Woodlock Developments' plan to build 48 townhouses at Fern Crescent and 128 Ave. Having been part of the Maple Ridge community for a few years, I think this project is a great idea for bringing more affordable and high-quality housing options to our neighborhood. The choice of Fern and 128 for the townhouses is smart-it's a spot that makes sense for everyone especially considering the number of opportunities for growth in the area. This development addresses the housing needs in Silver Valley, offering a mix of homes that our community can benefit from. What excites me is the positive impact on our community's growth. The addition of a new park and potential for a school enhances our living experience. Plus, it's great to think about more local shopping spots popping up. I also appreciate that these townhouses will be integrated into the heart of our community. It's not just about creating more homes but also about improving the flow of things, which includes managing traffic better. I'm all for it and look forward to the positive changes this project could bring to Maple Ridge. Thanks for considering the views of us residents. Regards, Dustin LeBrun 12125 Acadia Street Maple Ridge, BC Subject: Support for Proposed Townhouse Project at Fern Crescent Dear City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed townhouse project at 128 and Fern Crescent, led by Woodlock Developments. I believe in this project for a few important reasons. Firstly, I appreciate the effort to create homes that are affordable, especially the townhomes. This is important for many people in our community who are looking for housing that is reasonably priced. Secondly, I think the decision to place the townhomes on 128th St. is a good one. It seems like a smart choice that aligns with the area's needs and dynamics. Thank you for considering my thoughts on this matter. I believe the Fern East project will make a positive impact on our community. Sincerely, Harbir Mann 21866 River Road Maple Ridge, BC V2X2C1 Subject: Woodlock Developments Proposed Townhouse Project Attn: City of Maple Ridge Planning Department Please take this letter as my support for the proposed development at 128 & Fern Crescent. With the housing & affordability crisis facing the entire region it only makes sense to have multi-family projects. This will bring much needed product for young families to grow and thrive in the community. Hopefully this can set precedent for future development as well. Woodlock's experience and expertise in Maple Ridge make them the best candidates to make this happen. Thanks, Jag Sikham 24169 Fern Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC V4R2S1 re: 128 and Fern Crescent Townhomes To the City of Maple Ridge, My name is Josef Bouwman, I have been a resident of Maple Ridge for over 20 years. I am writing to show my support for the proposed development at 128 and Fern Crescent by Woodlock Developments. I think that the project will bring much needed homes into Maple Ridge during the current housing crisis, and given the growth in population that Maple Ridge has seen in the last few years I think the project will be an important addition to the community. If you have any questions, please connect with me via email. Regards, Josef C. Bouwman Email: snjbouwman@hotmail.com Address: 11266 Harrison Street Maple Ridge, BC, V2x 9p6 Subiect: Proposed Townhouse Development at 128 and Fern Crescent Attn: City of Maple Ridge Planning Department I was unable to attend the DIM in-person due to travel, but wanted to communicate my support for Woodlock's proposed townhouse project at 128 and Fern Crescent. As a resident of Maple Ridge (since 2004), I am always excited to see new developments that are hitting the demands of the marketplace and our community. Maple Ridge is not a community of mass condos and it has continued to rely on single family subdivisions that are way too tight for comfort. I am very supportive of townhome projects that will help service the needs of the families that want to call Maple Ridge home -and Woodlock's proposed development at 128th and Fern will accomplish that. I am looking forward to the continued progress of this project and many more that Woodlock is able to bring to our community. Regards, Kerry Nagy Subject: Support for Woodlock Developments' 48 Townhouse Development at Fern Crescent and 128 Ave Dear City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, I'm writing to support Woodlock Developments' idea for 48 townhouses on Fern Crescent and 128 Ave. I've been living in Maple Ridge for a few years, and I think this project is a good move for more affordable and quality homes in the area. Woodlock has done good work before, so I trust they'll do a good job here too. This project covers what Silver Valley needs for different kinds of homes and helps the whole community grow with things like a new park, a school, and more places to shop. I also like that these townhouses will be right in the middle of things-it's not just about homes, but it helps with traffic too. I'm all for it and excited to see more affordable housing options in Maple Ridge. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Miana LeBrun (nee Dundas) 12125 Acadia Street Maple Ridge, BC Subject: Feedback on Woodlock's Fern East Project in Silver Valley Dear City of Maple Ridge, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to provide feedback on Wood lock's Fern East project in the Silver Valley area of Maple Ridge. The project, particularly its focus bringing an attainable housing type to an ideal location for families, Wood lock's proven track record and the continued growth of Silver Valley as a community, has garnered our attention and support. Attainable Ownership/Housing Variety We purchased in Silver Valley back in 2014, moving here from the Tri-Cities. We were attracted to the community for it's natural setting and attainable ownership. During our time in Silver Valley, we've seen lots of single-family development, but limited town home. This limits opportunities for families looking to lay their roots in Silver Valley, the same way we did. We personally have family members who are hoping to move to the area but have been priced out. Providing a greater variation of product types including townhomes, back-to-back townhomes and condominium product wou Id provide more opportunities for these homebuyers seeking the Silver Va I ley lifestyle. Quality Developer Woodlock Developments' has history of building quality product throughout Maple Ridge. We appreciate their commitment to quality and excellence, including delivering communities that offer curb appeal, enhancing the look of the community. We are confident that the Fern East project will uphold these standards, further enhancing the reputation of both the developer and the City of Maple Ridge. Community Development We applaud Wood lock's commitment to community development. The acceleration of park creation, contribution to the establishment of a school in Silver Valley, and support for commercial development in the hamlet and village center are initiatives that will undoubtedly enrich the lives of residents and contribute to the overall growth of the community. I can say firsthand that Silver Valley needs this growth. There is a lack of commercial opportunities, and our elementary school is bursting at the seams with more than 700 students. Continuing the growth in the number of residents in Silver Valley will only push us closer to the goal of getting a new school for the area. It will also provide a greater need for commercial services. In conclusion, we express our support for the Fern East project and believe it will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Silver Valley. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on our community and are confident that Woodlock Developments will continue to uphold the highest standards of excellence. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Michelle Des Rosiers 23146 Gilbert Drive Maple Ridge BC, V4R OC3 Attn: City of Maple Ridge Planning Department To Whom it May Concern, I am very supportive of Woodlock's proposed development in the Silver Valley area at 128 and Fern Crescent. I've resided just off Fern Crescent for 12 years and have seen a lot of new single-family homes built. It is great to see more diverse and affordable housing options in the area. I hope to see more developments like this in the future. Regards, Mike Cartwright 24085 130 Avenue, Maple Ridge Re: The Need For Affordable Quality Townhomes in Maple Ridge Dear City of Maple Ridge, I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to underscore the pressing need for the development of affordable, high-quality townhomes in Maple Ridge, aligning with the government's overarching plan for housing in British Columbia. As our community continues to grow, the demand for accessible and well-crafted housing options has become increasingly paramount. Affordable housing is not merely a matter of shelter; it forms the cornerstone of a thriving and inclusive society. Quality townhome developments not only provide families with a secure and comfortable living environment but also contribute significantly to the overall well-being and stability of the community. The government's plan to address housing challenges in BC recognizes the importance of affordability and sustainable development. It is crucial that Maple Ridge embraces this vision and actively participates in the realization of these goals. By strategically implementing affordable townhome projects, we not only contribute to the regional housing objectives but also foster a diverse and vibrant community. Maple Ridge, with its unique character and charm, has the potential to become a model for balanced urban growth. The construction of affordable townhomes aligns with the principles of inclusivity, enabling a diverse range of residents to call Maple Ridge home. This, in turn, fosters a sense of belonging and community engagement, which are integral components of a well-rounded and prosperous society. Moreover, such developments are essential for addressing the needs of various demographics, including young families, seniors looking to downsize, and individuals entering the property market. It is an investment in the future stability and sustainability of our town. I urge you to consider and support initiatives that facilitate the creation of affordable, high-quality townhomes in Maple Ridge. By doing so, we not only uphold the government's broader vision for housing but also ensure that Maple Ridge remains a welcoming and thriving community for generations to come. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am optimistic that, through collaborative efforts, we can create a lasting impact on the housing landscape of Maple Ridge. Sincerely, Mike Huber 604-839-864 7 24 760 102A Ave, Maple Ridge Re: Woodlock Developments Proposed Townhomes in Silver Valley Dear City of Maple Ridge Planning Department The following letter is written in full support of the Fern East community, and the positive impacts a community like this will have on the Silver Valley neighbourhood as a whole. As the cost of living increases and single-family housing prices sky rocket, the demand for more affordable multi-family housing in desirable areas has also risen. Silver Valley has traditionally been a predominantly single-family home neighbourhood, and while many of its residents appreciate this, diversifying housing options in the area can help introduce new, young families to the area. In addition, the introduction of multifamily housing can also allow for those that may currently live in the community, who are looking to downsize to something that is a little easier to maintain, the opportunity to stay within the community. Introducing multifamily communities often brings families, young couples, and working singles into the mix. These groups tend to utilize the small, local businesses close to their communities and support the city's parks and recreation. Both contributing to a lively and thriving community scene. Woodlock Developments is a local, Maple Ridge developer with extensive experience in the community. Woodlock's passion for maintaining the integrity of each site it develops makes it the best-suited to bring a project like this to life while maintaining the authenticity of the existing neighbourhood. With so much potential for growth in the Maple Ridge, Silver Valley community, Woodlock Developments is well-positioned to be the trusted developer of these homes. Should you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Nicole Lajlo re: 128 and Fern Crescent Townhomes To the City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, As a Maple Ridge resident for almost 10 years, I am writing to support the proposed townhouse development at 128 and Fern Crescent. I think the project will greatly benefit our growing community in numerous ways, most especially with regards to the ongoing need for housing as well as public spaces like a park. It is also great that the developer is from Maple Ridge and cares about improving the community. It seems they have taken great care in planning a project that will benefit more than just their potential clients, but the community as a whole. If you have any questions, please contact me via email. Thank you, Samantha R. Bouwman (nee Kowan) Email: snjbouwman@hotmail.com Address: 11266 Harrison Street Maple Ridge, BC, V2x9p6 Subject: Support for Proposed Townhouse Project at 128 & Fern Crescent Dear City of Maple Ridge, I am writing to express my formal support of the proposed townhouse development project at 128 and Fern Crescent spearheaded by Woodlock Developments. I believe this initiative holds significant promise for our community, supported by the following considerations: Strategic Location: The selection of 128th St. for the townhomes reflects a well-considered decision that aligns seamlessly with the area's dynamics. This strategic positioning not only meets housing demands but also demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to community development. Proven Track Record: Woodlock Developments' commendable history of successful projects stands as a testament to their commitment to quality and excellence. This track record instills confidence in the prospective success and positive impact of the project. Diverse Housing Options: The endeavor to fulfill the community's need for diverse housing solutions in Silver Valley is noteworthy. This commitment not only addresses varying housing needs but also contributes to the overall development and inclusivity of our community. I appreciate your consideration of these points and firmly believe that the project will be a valuable addition to our community. Sincerely, Talbir Mann 21866 River Road Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2C1 Subject: Proposed Townhouse Development in Silver Valle;y To the City of Maple Ridge Planning Department, I would like to take this opportunity to express my support for the Woodlock Development group on their proposed 48 unit townhouse site in the heart of Silver Valley. Not only would a well thought out site like the one proposed help us fulfil some of the dire needs for housing in the Silver Valley area but the location of the site will excite many young families looking to stay close to home. Young families that are looking for affordable options on where to live and raise their families with a quality lifestyle close to schools, shopping, and accessibility to transit and commuter routes Many of these families are active in the community taking advantage of what the best of Maple Ridge has to offer from its trail systems and parks to the natural creeks and lakes. I would also like to say that I have had the privilege of seeing Jag and Tai Mann at work and to say their work ethics, construction results, and end results were above and beyond expectations would be an understatement. The Woodlock group is one of the few I promote to my client base as a solid product done right! They have my support for this and future projects in the area! Terry Passley (Resident of Maple Ridge for over 50 Years) APPENDIX I ~ Scliool District 42 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows learning Today, Leading Tomorrow November 20, 2023 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Maryam Lotfi Re: FIie: 2023-350-RZ Legal: Lot: 18, Section: 22, Township: 12, Plan: NWP11363\\Lot: 19, Section: 22, Township: 12, Plan: NWP11363\\ Location: 24070 128 AVE\\24195 FERN CRES\\ From: RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) To: CD-5-23 zone based on RM-1 zone (Low/Medium Density Residential) The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Ye!lnadon Elementary School has an operating capacity of 628 students. For the 2022-23 school ye·ar the student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary School was 697 students (111% utilization) Including 54 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi S~condary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary was 973 students (93% utilization) Including 267 students from out of catchment. Based on the density estimates for the various land uses at build out the following would apply: • For the construction of 48.0 townhouse dwelling units, the estimated number of school age residents Is 21. Sincerely, • Digitally signed by Richard Richard Rennie Rennie Date: 2023.11.24 14:02:28 -08'00' Richard Rennie Secretary Treasurer The Board of Education of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows) cc: Louie Girotto, Director, Facilities David Vandergugten, Assistant Superintendent Rebecca Lyle, Executive Coordinator School District No. 42 I Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows 22225· Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8N6 Phone: 604.463.4200 I Fax: 604.463.4181 2021-579-RZ Page 1 of 10 TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy MEETING DATE: January 23, 2024 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2021-579-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Third Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road from M-1 (Service Industrial) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) and R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately two single-family lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road and construction of approximately 16 townhouse units on a third lot to the south. The proposed townhouses are configured as 3-bedroom units each with double-car garages. The proposed development will require subdivision of the existing lot into three lots, and road dedication to extend the existing lane located to the east of the property. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP). Council granted second reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022 (Appendix C) on October 24, 2023. A public hearing was held for this application on November 21, 2023. At third reading, Council referred this application to staff on November 28, 2023. Staff have been working with the applicant to address Council’s concerns raised at the November 28, 2023, meeting including right-in/right-out access to the development from Dewdney Trunk Road and potential onsite storage options. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,200 per single family lot, for an estimated total amount of $136,800. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022 be given third reading, 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 119 Avenue and for the new lane as required; iii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of Visitor Parking; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Stormwater Management; • Maple RidQe - vi) If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property; vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $136,800 ($7,400 per townhouse dwelling unit and $9,400 per single family lot), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regards to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1. Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: 2021-579-RZ Geoff Lawlor Architect AIBC West 80.7 Feet East Half Lot 7 Except: Part Road on Plan 86679 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1676 Urban Residential Urban Residential Yes Yes (Dewdney Trunk Road) M-1 (Service Industrial) RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential) Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) and CD-1-93 Designation: Urban Residential Page 2 of 10 West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: Relevant Applications 2. Application Update: Use: Industrial Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Urban Residential Vacant Single-Family and Multi-Family Residential 0.46 ha (1.1 ac) Dewdney Trunk Road, 119 Avenue, and new lane extension off 237 Street Urban Standard No Yes 2021-579-DP 2021-579-VP 2021-579-SD The subject application was presented to Council for being granted third reading at the Regular Council meeting on November 28, 2023, at which the following resolution was passed: "That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022 be referred back to staff. A roundtable discussion ensued with Council directing staff to provide further comments on right-in/right-out access to the development from Dewdney Trunk Road and potential onsite storage options." At this location, Dewdney Trunk Road is classified as a major arterial road under Council Policy 9.14 - Access Management. Under this policy permanent direct access is prohibited and the development does not qualify for exemption under the conditions listed in the policy. Staff conducted additional review and found no other extenuating circumstances to support exemption from this policy. For these reasons vehicle access to the proposed development has not changed. Staff have worked with the applicant regarding demonstrating on-site storage options. The applicant has provided a rendering of the proposed garages demonstrating that the proposed side-by-side double-car garages offer separate storage spaces, area for long-term bike storage, and the capacity to park large vehicles such as pickups, and area for recycling and garbage needs (see Appendix I). The Off-Street Parking Bylaw requires a larger size for enclosed side-by-side double-car garages in the RM-1 zone which is 6.5m in width, 6.7m in length and 2.1m in height. The subject application proposes side-by-side double-car garages meeting the Off-Street Parking Bylaw size requirements for side-by- side double-car garages in the RM-1 zone (see Appendix I). The proposed on-site parking stalls, including visitor stalls, surpasses the City's Off-Street Parking Bylaw requirements. The applicant has also provided a technical memorandum specifying an anticipated vehicle trip generation by this proposal. As per this memorandum, the proposed development would generate 11 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour (2 inbound, 9 outbound), and 13 vehicle trips in the PM peak hour 2021-579-RZ Page 3 of 10 (7 inbound, 6 outbound). The trip generation for the proposed townhouse development site is shown in the table below. Please see Appendix J for further information. Housing Single Family Attached Dwelling Units 16 We-ekdat~J~'LP_~c!!sJ:!ourJotaL___ ______ . Weekday PM Peak Hour Total Weekday 0.95 Afternoon Weekday 0.48 Morning Weekday 0. 75 Afternoon 63 37% % 25 75% % 59 % 2 2 2 6 The above-mentioned memorandum provided by the applicant's traffic consultant further discusses that the subject site property alternatively would be able to fit a total of four (4) single-family lots. Given the new direction from the Province of British Columbia every single-family lot of these sizes would be potentially allowed to fit up to 4 (four) units. Thus, the study has concluded that the alternative development of four single-family lots would result in a similar traffic impact as is being proposed by the subject application (16 townhouse dwelling units and two (2) single-family lots with coach houses). Please see Appendix J for further information. 3. Site Characteristics: The subject property is bounded by Dewdney Trunk Road to the north and 119 Avenue to the south. The property is relatively flat and is currently vacant; a mix of mature, adolescent trees and vegetation cover most of the property (see Appendices A and B). 4. Project Description: The current application is proposing to rezone the subject property from M-1 (Service Industrial) to RM- 1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) and R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential) (see Appendix C) to permit the construction of 16 market strata townhouse units, and two single-family lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices D and E). The two proposed R-2 zoned single-family lots will have parking provided on-site and will be accessible by the new lane extension which will be constructed as part of this rezoning application. The proposed townhouse units will be accessible from the lane extension as well as 119 Avenue. At the November 28, 2023, Council meeting, Council requested staff to provide further comments regarding a right-in/right-out access to the development from Dewdney Trunk Road. Staff further discussed this request with the applicant and with the Engineering Department. Under Council Policy 9.14, vehicle access to this road is not permitted and further review found no supporting rational to allow an exemption. The townhouse units are configured in three buildings: two buildings containing 5 units and one building containing 6 units (see Appendices D and E). The townhouse units are proposed as 3-bedroom 2021-579-RZ Page 4 of 10 4 8 units with concealed parking in double-car garages. The proposed garage sizes meet the Off-Street Parking Zoning Bylaw requirements for the RM-1 zone. The application is proposing the density of 0.60 FSR, which meets the base density of the RM-1 zone and is less than many similar townhouse applications with a density of 0.75 FSR. 5. Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the Urban Area Boundary and is currently designated Urban Residential-Major Corridor. The development of the property is subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the Official Community Plan (OCP). The Urban Residential-Major Corridor designation permits a range of housing types that encourage residential growth through infill density in a manner that respects the characteristics of the surrounding neighbourhood. This designation supports ground-oriented, multi-family housing such as townhouses as well as single- family dwellings, and is more closely aligned with the OCP than the current M-1 zone. The proposed R- 2 zoned lots continue the existing neighbourhood pattern along Dewdney Trunk Road. The proposed rezoning to the RM-1 and R-2 zones comply with the Urban Residential-Major Corridor designation and Major Corridor Infill policies. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from the M-1 zone to RM-1 and R-2 zones to respectively permit the construction of 16 townhouse units on one large lot and the subdivision of two single family lots. The minimum lot area for the RM-1 Zone is 0.1 ha (0.25 ac) and the proposed lot area for the RM-1 portion of the property is 0.37 ha (0.9 ac). The minimum lot width of the RM-1 Zone is 27.0 m (88.6 ft) and the minimum lot depth is 30.0 m (98.4 ft). The proposed lot width is 24.6 m (80. 7 ft) and the proposed lot depth is 113.4 m (372.0 ft); a variance application has been submitted for the proposed lot width for the townhouse development The minimum lot area for the R-2 zone is 315.0 m2 (3,390.6 sq. ft.). Each of the two proposed single family lots are proposed to be 369.0 m2 (3,971.9 ft2). The minimum lot width of an R-2 lot with lane access is 9.0 m (29.5 ft) and the minimum lot depth is 30.0 m (98.4 ft). Each of the proposed lots is proposed to be 12.3 m (40.3 ft) in width and 30.0 m (98.4 ft) in depth. Common Open Area, Outdoor Amenity Area, Private Outdoor Area, and Permeability Requirements: The proposed townhouse development meets the required common open area, outdoor amenity area, private outdoor area and permeable area requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. Required and proposed amounts are as per the table below: 2021-579-RZ Page 5 of 10 Common Open Area (Includes Outdoor Amenity Area and Private Outdoor Outdoor Amenity Area Private Outdoor Area Permeable Area Required 720.0 m2 of common open area 80.0 m2 of outdoor amenity area Minimum 5.0% of dwelling unit 40% of proposed lot area iii) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: Propg§ed 7 42.87 m2 of common open area 148.0 m2 of outdoor amenity area 12.56 m2 In accordance with the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw, 36 off-street parking spaces are required, while 37 parking spaces are proposed. Long-term bicycle storage can be adequately provided inside the garage of the individual units (see Appendix I). Off-street parking for the single-family lots will be provided onsite and will be accessed from the new lane and 119 Avenue. Required and proposed parking are as per the table below: Required Townhouse Residential 32 residential parking _16 units x 2 sp_<:3-9~~-===_:3~._Q§J~§-~~§~_ spaces Visitor Parking · 4 visitor parking spaces 16 units x Q.~_spac~~ = 3.2 spaces Proposed 32 residential parking ____ spac~§ 5 visitor parking spaces Long Term (Residential) Bicycle N/A i Storage provided inside Parking ~paces ____ __________ _______ ___ I___ _ _ --~ J__ individual units Short-Term (Visitor) Bicycle Parking N/A___________________________ Short termbicycle parking --- Spaces spaces have not been prnp()sed in this application The Off-Street Parking Bylaw requires a larger size for enclosed side-by-side double-car garages in the RM-1 zone. It should be mentioned that no tandem garages are proposed. The required and proposed side-by-side double-car garage sizes are satisfied as outlined per table below: I __ Length__ __________ _________ ______ ____ _ _______________ _ ! Width i_Jj~_ig~ht __ ~-------------------------------------------------2.1M Proposed 6.7M ------------------------------- 6.5M 2.8M An average length for various types of vehicles is demonstrated in Appendix I to show what type of vehicles can fit in the proposed garages. It is shown that a pickup truck can fit in the proposed garages. 2021-579-RZ Page 6 of 10 iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations (see Appendix D): Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 1. To vary the required lot width of the proposed RM-1 zone from 27.0 m (88.6 ft.) to 24.6 m (80. 7 ft.). The requested variance to the RM-1 zone will be the subject of a future Council report. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required for the proposed townhouse development to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs of the community and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal's compliance with the applicable Key Guideline Concepts: 1. "New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing." • Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development has included landscaping and privacy fences along the eastern and western lot lines. The building form, height, and architectural features are consistent with the local neighbourhood. 2. "Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments." • Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development does not exceed the base density permitted in the zone (0.6 FSR). The height is consistent with the surrounding single-family zones (the proposed townhouse is 9.34 metres). 3. "Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness." • Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development is situated to conform with the narrow lot width. Communal areas between the building blocks have been provided to encourage social interaction. 4. "Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property." 2021-579-RZ • Staff Comment: The proposed townhouse development has provided double-car garages meeting the garage size requirements for RM-1 zone as per the City's Off- Street Parking Bylaw requirements as we// as one additional visitor stall to ensure that off-street parking is maximized onsite. Architectural elements facing the street and internal road have been incorporated to create more interest. Page 7 of 10 vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the May 17, 2023, meeting and their comments and the applicant's response can be seen in Appendix F. As per the ADP resolution, the revised plans were resubmitted to ADP for information at the September 18, 2023, meeting. It was resolved by the ADP at the meeting that the application meets the recommendations, and that the applicant may proceed to Council for second reading. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: There was a Development Information Meeting hosted by the applicant was held at Alexander Robinson Elementary on May 25, 2023, at which 19 people attended. The notification requirements for the Development Information Meeting include a mail-out, newspaper advertisements, and notice on the development signs that provides the contact information for the developer and information on the development. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees at the Development Information Meeting was provided by the applicant and has been included as Appendix G. On March 30, 2023, a petition with 248 signatures was received by the City regarding the proposed development and a separate nearby proposed application (2022-034-RZ in relation to the properties located at 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road). In accordance with Council Policy 3.13, the petition was brought to the Council meeting on April 25, 2023, and includes the following main points: • Concerns over emergency access for the proposed development o Staff Comment: The proposed development includes access from both the lane and from 119 Avenue. The proposed townhouse development will include a 6 m (19. 7 ft.) internal road that meets the requirements from the Fire Department. The Engineering Department have noted that the surrounding roads are constructed to meet the City's Design Criteria Manual, which was developed with support from the Fire Department, and are suitable for fire response now and with the development of the subject properties. • Concerns over density and traffic congestion/safety and suggestions to require permits for on-street parking 2021-579-RZ o Staff Comment: The RM-1 zone is supported by the current Urban Residential-Major Corridor land use designation and the application is not seeking additional density through density bonus options. o Staff Comment: In terms of traffic congestion/safety, the Engineering Department have noted that 119 Avenue is not at capacity and that a 4-way stop at the intersection of 236 Street and 119 Avenue, a traffic light at the intersection of 236 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, and a 3-way stop at the intersection of Cottonwood Drive and 119 Avenue are not warranted based on the Transportation Association of Canada's warrant assessment guidelines to assess intersection control measures. o Staff Comment: In terms of permits for on-street parking, the Engineering Department have noted that, while the City has Legislative Policy 9.09 (Resident- Exemption and Resident-Only Parking), resident-only parking is reserved for areas of high parking demand such as hospitals and transportation or commercial hubs Page 8 of 10 where non-resident vehicles can take up limited on-street parking. The policy is not to be used to re-allocate a public resource between neighbours. The intent is that on-street parking would be utilized on a first-come, first-serve basis. • Concerns over elementary and secondary schools at capacity o Staff Comment: Comments from School District No. 42 have been provided in Appendix H. 6. Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: ii) The Engineering Department has indicated that the following servicing upgrades will be required through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement: • Road dedication as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993; • Utility servicing as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993; • Frontage upgrades to the applicable road standard. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department: • The applicant was provided comments from the Parks, Recreation and Culture department to be incorporated into the landscape design. iii) Fire Department: • The applicant was provided comments from the Fire Department regarding matters to be addressed through the Building Permit process. iv) Environmental Planning: • An arborist report has been submitted by the applicant and reviewed. The subject site is currently vacant and a majority of the site is vegetated. Approximately 81 trees were identified onsite, and two significant red cedars will be retained. The majority of the trees identified are not suitable for retention due to the species type or conflict with the construction area. A tree cutting permit will be required for removal of trees; replacement or retention of a minimum of 19 trees will be required or a cash in lieu option of $600.00 per tree (a total of $11,400.00). This will be further assessed through the Tree Cutting Permit and Development Permit to ensure that the tree canopy targets have been met. 7. School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 4 76 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 on May 16, 2023, and School District No. 42 provided a written response (Appendix H). 2021-579-RZ Page 9 of 10 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that third reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022. "Original Signed by Maryam Lotti" "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Prepared by: Maryam Lotfi, M.ARCH, M.URB Planner Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Bylaw Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022 Appendix D -Proposed Architectural Plans Appendix E -Proposed Landscape Plans Appendix F -ADP Resolutions and Design Comments and the Applicant Response Appendix G -Development Information Meeting Summary Appendix H -School District No. 42 Comments Appendix I -Rendering of the Proposed Double Car Garages Appendix J -Technical Traffic Memorandum 2021-579-RZ Page 10 of 10 APPENDIX A ·r " l I I I I f 120A LANE I- LANEN OF CTR (/) r---("') N 12018 / I.I) ,-I.I) ~ (\') " ,-I.I) 0) (\') 0) I.I) 0) (\') " ,-lO 0) (\') ,..__ ,-,..__ ~ 0 ,-(o C\I ~ (\') (\') &3 ~ co I.I) l2 co co " " " co co 0) 0) co co <o co co co co (\') co co co co <o co co co co co (\') (\') (\') C") (\') (\') (\') (\') C") (\') C\I (\') C") (\') (\') (\') C") (\') (\') (\') (\') (\') C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I ' - DEWDNEY TRUNK RD SUBJECT PROPERTY - -r-----'-. / co C\I <o C\I co co C\I ~ co C\I co C\I <o 11991 0 ,-,-C\I C\I <o (\') I.I) 0) i2 0 ,-,-<o <o (") <o <o co co <o " r,.... r,.... (") (") C\I (") (") (\') (\') (") (") (") (") (") C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I 11979 IO IO lO ~ ~ lO C r-... LANES OF DTR LANES OF DTR 11967 (\') (\') (") ~ C\I C\I C\I 11987 11988 1198 AVE I-(/) 11957 -u:, M 0 0 __.,,. N 11962 11977 11978 ~ ~ 0 11949 I-IO ~ 11956 (/) (\') (\') " C\I C\I (\') < C\I 11965 11966 11943 r--("') N 11938 11946 11937 11953 11954 11932 11936 I-11931 (/) r--("') N 11923 11926 11926 11941 11942 11920 11929 11930 -11915 11914 I. 11917 11918 11909 11908 I ,-,..__ (\') IO 0) ,-11905 11906 119DJ J ,-,-C\I &3 ~ co /11902 , co co co co co (\') (\') (\') (") (\') (\') ~ C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I I 119 AVE ~ I t ~ 11888 " / 11899 1 ~l 0 0 C\I co co <o I'-- C\I (\') ~ IO 0) (") co co co <o ~ C\l (\') (\') (\') (\') 11899 11898 (\') (/) 11892 ~ C\I C\I (\J C\I (\,I -4 l~ 11880 11897 I-11888 ~-11887 (/) 11888 ✓ r::a 11870 ~1 u:, 11881 ("') u N 11882 ""~ ,----.. (") " (';) <o 11873 ~~ 11862 (") 11876 C\I lO ~~Cf, 11856 -r,.... ~ (0 (") 7 C\I 11865 , 11870 L--23669 I 118A AVE ' .~ ,__.. I ~n~nrl - CJ Parcels selection 23682 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD -stream PIO: 012-293-148 --Indefinite Creek PLANNING DEPARTMENT __,,,,.,,,___ I ~ .. --N mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :2,000 FILE: 2021-579-RZ DATE: Feb 8, 2022 BY:AC N Scale: 1 :2,000 Legend -stream --Indefinite Creek APPENDIX B 23682 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PIO: 012-293-148 FILE: 2021-579-RZ DATE: Feb 8, 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:AC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7826-2022 A Bylaw to amend Schedule 'A' Zoning Map forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended APPENDIXC WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7826-2022." 2. That parcel of land and premises known and described as: West 80.7 Feet East Half Lot 7 Except: Part Road on Plan 86679, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 1676 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1951 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) and R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended and Map 'A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 8th day of March, 2022. READ a second time the 24th day of October, 2023. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of November, 2023. READ a third time the day of ,2024. ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER I I ~ ======:::::i ,, ~ 1 I__. LMS 988 ) ) LMP 9544 LMP 9546 ~ ~ ~ & 120A LANE Oo D EPP 91159 EPP 106315 n O -EPP91159 LMP9545 'fl /~/~/-------~~~---~Q:J -, r _] I_ CJL_J Ji LMP 9545 BCP 684 7 ,r E Cf P 9rT1 B BC,P 9713 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910PARK111213~41516171819t2021 ~ LMP 4233 LMP 787 LMP 327 \ / LMP 3164 RP 57263 77/) 86679 p:5 a ..... a:, i I<) (") "' ------ "' ~ I<) <o ~ LANE CJ 12018 1 EPP 91160 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. LMP 16374 111991 i-= 11979 (j) 2 <!'. r--C') 11967 N RW 72573 P7'572 30 29 28 ------sc~~ 91bbm --- SL 1 II SL3 a:: SL5 ~ a SL2 SL4 O SLE <D a, 11962 BCS 1L 41 Rem vv 80.7' 11987 ...___--11988 8 16 3 ~ 11957 C') 119BAVE. B P 83835 _r----------~ ---- ~ ~-11956 0 45 en o.. 11946 u (0 11936 46 47 0 l'--1'--0 N [l_ 11926 P 20770 48 LMP 2 307 1 2 3 4 ~~ ~ I<) <o <o ~ (") (") (") (") N N Rem 3 5 a, ~ ~ ..... 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( lllo d i c , r u 1 f 1 1 r f A l l . m l c u l o t l a n i7 . 5 0 p a r l 1 n g , t o l l • 1J. ~ p . o r k l n 4 $ ' U l l 1 311 . f . 7 d r l v - : , Y p e f f f l l : . 1 1 1 ! 1 > p . , l l t n g ~; : ~ ~ :: : : ::: : : ~ : : :: : 15;~ : :": r 1 1 t . 1 0 0 1 ( t 6 • ~ . 1 - 1 1 ~11 I N > d 5) t 4 5 • E•D u n d f l o m %.ll 1 1 1 1 1 m 111 ; 1 \ n / l o o r lS l i . O l l i l l m u11 p • d l o o r Jr; G O ! l ~ m IU l l . l ' > J ' l m ~- - - - - ~ -- ~ " 5 un i t s co m m o n op e n sp a c e 5 un i t s 5► ~ I I ► co m m o n op e n sp a c e !► 6 un i t s ptl• 4 1 < ' 0 P , : l l • J l < ' r n p , O Y 1 < l e d • ba, r m r i , t m,ii n l l o o r f:! F f l o o r 11. 2 4 , q m "'< l u l r - c d p n v 3 t t ' < > P < l 1 1 • p a c , , • prl• ~ t e o l f < ! r ' l • l l l l t l ' P r t W l d ' 1 1 ~ f.7 1 1 d o d ; ~.7B pa l l o ~" ' l f f l Co n s u l t a n t Lis t SU M y a r Ge o f f l . . a W o r A 1 c h l t e c t u r o l n c . B32 - 5 3 1 1 C e d a t b t l d g & W { I J Y , ~~ 1 r ; c : ; n i : i . ~ z • ' l 1 r o Iii . ~~ ~ d g • , O C e: ~ ~ , B C ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ M t e t A I B C M1 k 1 S.m . m a n n , BC L 6 t1l : l ! 0 4 - 4 1 5 3 - 2 5 ( J g co L : 7 1 6 - 9 9 8 - 6 0 0 8 CJ\ I I J E n g l n e e r Ap l n , M a l ' i n C o i w 1 ; 1 b n • L l d . &1 5 - 1 7 5 S W . i r c a d - y Ge o t e c h n l c a l E n g l n e c r Ge o s o l ' / o C o n s u l ! t ! n t s L t d , ~~ ~ ; ; • r , O C o .. ldL a l r d , P . E r , g . t,L , l ! I 0 4 - 7 l - 4 - « 1 2 7 ~~ ~ r d , B C Ra J 1 n d o r 8 a l n 5 , P . E n g . , M . E n g , tc L , & ) 4 . . 7 1 2 - 1 9 9 5 Lil n d s c n p e A r c h l t c c t CK w o l 1 , - s & , . , _ o c i l l t • l n a . 2~ 1 5 2 J a n q u l Coi , r t Abb o t l f o 1 d , 8 C Mik o Fa d um & ... RX •• L.t . #10 5 - e 2 T T - 1 2 9 S t r • t :~ E ~ : ! m VJ0 3 E ! e ~t~ ; ~ l = ~ - 2 3 7 1 5 t1 l : T 7 & - ! 1 ; 3 - C I J O O .a . r c h l t o c t u r o l d r a ' M n g s Sh o e t Nu m b e r Sh e e t Na m e AH A1 · 2 A1 · 3 AH A1 · 5 A1 - 6 A1 - 7 A1 - 8 A1 - 9 AH O A2 · 1 A2 · 2 A3 - 1 A3 - 2 slt o e _ l o n & d a t n slt o o l o v a t l o n s & s o c t i o n s ro o f & un i t ~s ~ . . . e _ o r m o n b l e ar o a s ma t o r i a l & c o l o u r _ e _ n l o t t o do t a i l o d s i t e _ e _ l a n s su r v e y ~to & c o m ! T i o n o p ( ) : _ ~ - ~ e a c e s no o r a r e a c a l c u l n t l o n s sit o c o n t e x t sh a d o w stu d i e s un l t t y p o A p l n n s un l t t y p o A s o c t i o n s un i t i y p ' o B p \ a n s un i t t y _ e _ o B s o c t l o n s iii' ! l I ;o , . , , , . \ ' : : ' l J ' , , . " " = ~ • , . 2 : ' , • . : : : = ~ • to v A , O e c 3 / Z 1 &ub - d r v 1 , 1 o n 1 n ! o u p - d a t e d prc j l ! C t d a t a u p - d o t c d rw B , M a r e h 1 3 1 2 2 un r t s r e d u c o d l n u r o o re v C , M a r e h : ' . ! 4 1 : 2 2 DP p a c k a g e u p , d i r t o d - u n t t s 1 e d u c o d l n & l z e 1ev D , M 1 1 r c h 3 1 f 2 2 ro 1 1 d w d t h c h a n g e d b a c k t o 6 m ro v E , A p r J 4 1 2 2 b~ i . v . o l o m o \ l o d t c e o s t p r o p . h n t t la n d & e a p e w d t h i n c r c a s c d a l o n g v . e i s t pro p . ~n e r1 1 1 1 F , M a r e h 3 1 1 2 3 ~~ " : : ~ : : ~ toa i ; c o m m o d a t c &eu t h iw G , J u n o t i / 2 3 ro u d s u r t a c a c h a n g e d out d o o r n r n e n l t y & p Q C C l n c r e o s e d pen ; p o c t N e u p d a t o d ro v H , J u n o 3 0 / 2 3 gon e r o l A D P c h a n g t t S rw l , A u g 1 4 1 2 3 aro n c n l c s a d J U 5 t o d f o r c n t r y l o b b y c h a n g o per & p o c t t J o u p - d a t e d ro v J , S o p t 2 9 / : 2 3 pro j o c t d a t a u p - d a t e d RE - I S S U E D FD R RE . Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G . DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 712 1 l)) f l ' : ; f ( . ' l ) P ' f W f l l - f C U T T 1 1 [ D P l ' C 5 ' l W " ' 1 T O I l'O ' I . I I T I I 0 1 < 0 F T K N > ! > t ! T c . C T N0f T O O C L I O C D ~ O l t C O t l ' . T T 1 n ! C T l 0 ! - I U ! U . C T , l ! t . l . " ' " " ( D .., 4 , J ~ m , ~ ~ 1/:.r ; ( . J . r n J . r w A rc ~ h f f ! M ! / ; , J n c . TO I M l h O U M ! S 23 8 8 2 D ~ M y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l o R!d g o sit e pla n & da t a $Cl l l i : ! - l!I I S h O ' M l ~ A 1- 1 )> -c "1 J m z C, >< a r,; \ J : c 3 ! i t ... . . . . ~ l- , , , , . r t v J • lin - H I I ,o , d r;; : \ _ § _ e _ g : i o n 2 ~ ~e c t i o n 1 ~ ptc p e r t y l ! n e I I, , ! I! 11 ; , pro p e r t y ~ n o - , 1".) N r . . . , . . . o 4 T 1 t . , . µ o t t m d - . . 1 - . < N • o l o . , . . la r . ; ~ - : ~ " ; ' ! : , " ; ; ; : ' ~ ~ : r = : ~ ! ~ " 111 . t l ~ , . , _ . . . . . , u . , , d . , , / f f l d " m . . , _ l o re v A , A u g 1 1 1 2 1 := ; 1 : ~ ~ ~ ~ d : c : : : ~ ~ n : ~ t rtw B , M a t c h 2 4 / Z ? OP p a c k a g e u p . d a t e d - u n l t s r e d u c e d l n a r e a re ' I O , J u n e . 3 0 / 2 3 gen e r a J A O P c h a n g e u rw E , A u g 1 4 ' 2 3 ... . 0 U f i n 1 s h c h a ~ e d t o s ; h l n g l e s ro o f t o o n t r y c h a n g o d en t r y l c b b y W n d O V - . 5 1 n c t a a M : ! d RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7/2 1 r.:i ,m r CO f > / \ l i l l l i O U T T t l E ~W R ! T T O J ,~. "-~ ~ T l - " l l : . u > o , m : c r ·' Mo d > t i ~ ~ t ~ ~ 6 c J m Tov . n h o u s e s Z3 6 8 2 0 e w : ! r e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rid g e dri ° w l n g t r t l e sit e ele v a t i o n s & se c t i o n s •~ • '" " ' " " A 1- 2 dru ' M l t , - f GD L chc c k c d t : J . { <( (I) C. ]:; , ·1 : ::, .. . . . . . t= - • • = 1 1 1 1 / M ~ Ii 11 NO R T H CD ~- (I) C. ]: ; , ·1 : ::, 0 ty p i c a l un i t s A & B - up p e r fl o o r 1: 10 0 <( ,,- : · · · · . - - , - - - _ ~ ~ - - -~ pro p e r t y l l n e (I) C. ]: ; , ·1 : ❖ ::, len c o d re a r y a t d .. . . . . . ga t e - NO R T H ~ { If ·:· . : . : . ' . : :f r - - - ~ fen c e d re a r y a r d CD I' l -- - - - 1_ (I) ·• • : , • 0 ❖ C. <: s - ~ : -- - ]:; , ·c ::, /1 iµ . t u - - r - - I G) ty p i c a l un i t s A & B - gr o u n d fl o o r 1: 10 0 <( (I) C. ]: ; , ·1 : ::, .. . . . . . NO R T H CD (I) C. ]: ; , ·c ::, ~a l un i t s A & B - ma i n fl o o r \V · - · 1 : T o b t l m I ' ® si t e - ro o f pl a n 1: 30 0 , .. . . . . . . jN O R T H ~e r m e a b l e ar e a s ~ lo, ... . ··:: : < l a ' · :: : : : ~ - . ~ ~ = : : ~ ~ ' ! : : ' · Th , ~ _ , . , _ _ . . i _ . . , - 1 . , t t , o u , 0 ' 4 1 " " !"'f l "'' " ' ... "" o... . i l .. ,b" hr · ;•·• • I ~"" .... . ..i <ri~ H ... . ..,l ... . . _l/ a O ... """ " ' " " " ' o l " " / m < l " " ' " ' 3 > ! < > rw A , A u g 1 1 / 2 1 krt c h c n l a y o u t s c h a n g e d rw B , M a r c h 2 4 / 2 2 DP p a c k a g e u p , d a t e d - u n ! m r e d u c e d l n a r e a re v C , M a r c h 3 1 / 2 3 ~a ° a " : : ! : : : ; s t a ac c o f l m O d . l t e so u t h re v 0 , J i m e 3 0 / 2 3 Qe n e r a l A D P c h a r , g e s . re v E , S e p t 2 9 1 2 3 pe r m e a b l e are a s up d a t e d . RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7 1 2 1 O,J ~ O T C O P I W f ! W l \ J T T H C D J ' l > I 1'!T T l ) l P01 t . l l . > e . J - . l t , .. .-£ A A C ' H T I : C T At~ _ , m . J l " . : l \ ' . i , r n [ J ( T H C A P = c r Ar c ~ J l f f l M f l J ~ n c . NO R D E L No r d e l De v e l o p m e n t s Lt d . To v . n h o U S 0 5 Z3 6 8 2 0 e v . d n e y T r u n k R o n d , M i l p l c Rld { i e dra w ! n g t l t l l ' ro o f & un i t pla n s & pe r m e a b l e ar e a s pi-o j e c t # ZM i i dra ' M n g # nt.1 k l ass h o v . n ~ A 1- 3 ch a c k e d t : l f ~c o l o u r s - Bl o c k s A & C - we s t ~ 10 0 (A \ _ Ex t . _ c o l o u r s - Bl o c k s A & C - ea s t \j ' T : 1 6 o ~c o l o u r s - Bl o c k B - we s t ~ ex t e r i o r fin i s h e s 0 as p h a l t s h l n g l e s - b l a c l < 0 0 0 0 0 0 G [D 0 0 [g G G 0 0 ~ 0 ~ fas c l a b o a r t 1 - p a l n t e d 8 M ' N h ~ cem e n t f l b r e s h l n g l e s l d ! n g - p a l n l : o d B M C r o m . w l l G r a y H C - 1 0 3 ce m 1 1 n t f i b r e b c m r d l a p g l d l n g 6 " C D 1 p o o u r e - p a l n t e d B M D l n n e r P n r t y A F - 3 0 0 alu m l n w n g u a r d r n l f - p n l n t e d B M B b c k S a t l n 2 1 3 M 0 trl m b o a r d - p a f n t m : I B M \ r \ l h l t e t cem e n t flb 1 e boa r d lap nld l n g 6" lff P 0 1 u m , -pai n t e d BM Blu e No& . e -1 C 7 8 v.h l t . i o v l n y ! W n d o w ' M t h p o r ! m e t e r t r l m p a l n t e d v . h l t e v.h l t e vin y l Wn d o w v . t t h pe r i m e t o r trim pa l n t t t d BM Bla c k Sa t i n 21 3 1 - 1 0 gb = e d en t r y doo r pa i n t e d BM Re v 1 H e Ptw . t e r HC - 1 7 2 wth fra m 1 : 1 e. tr! m pai n t e d BM Bla d e Sa t i n :!1 3 1 - 1 0 gla : c d ga 1 a , ; 1 e do o r pa i n t e d BM Dis t a n t Ha : : e v.t! h rra m & & tri m pa i n t e d BM Dis t a n t Hlll : e ce m e n t fib r e txm r d lap aid i n g 6" e)! ' p 0 5 U r e • pai n t e d BM R.ic c o o n Fur 212 £ . . 2 0 ce m e n t f 1 b r e b o a r d l a p s l d 1 n g 4 " e l ( J l o s u r e - p a l n t e d B M O l s t a n t H a : : & Wll t e vin y l v.ln d o w v . i t h per i m e t e r tr!m pn l n t & d BM Dis t a n t Ha z e trl m b o a r d • p n l n t e d B M D i s b n t H : t t e gla : o d en t r y doo r pa i n t e d BM Ra c c o o n Fu r 21 2 5 - 2 0 wth fra m o e. tri m pal n t & d BM Dl!i t a n t Ha : o cer n e n t f l b r e b o a r d t a p a l d ( n g 6 ' ' 0 ( p 0 S U f O • P l l l l n t e d B M D l s t a n t H n = e gla : o d gar a g e doo r pa i n t e d BM Ra c c o o n Fu r Zl2 6 - 2 0 Wth fra m e & trim pai n t e d BM Dis t a n t Ha: e gla : e d ent r y doo r pa i n t e d BM Dis t a n t Hic e 'M t h fra m e & trim pa i n t e d BM Dis t a n t Ha : : o c:a m e n t f l b r o b o a r d l a p s l d l n g 6 " e x p c s u r e - p a l n t n d B M R e v e r e P e v . t n r H C - 1 7 2 ~c o l o u r s - Bl o c k B - ea s t ~1 : 1 0 0 Dis t a n t ha z e in c . " 1 ~ · : ~ ~ ' : ! µ a , , 1Yi: 1== : : : : , ' " ,..,, . , l > l > o . r ' s > < l ! 0 < c : : t l < ~ U < ! . , , 1 r lf'o d . , • .i., 1 1 , , 1w A , A u g 1 1 / 2 1 sto n e v e n o o r c h a n g e d t o - i " l a p & l d l n g beM & e n g a r a g u & p e r n p e c t r v o u p - d a t & d rw B , M a n : h 2 4 1 2 Z DP p a c k a g e u p - d a t e d - u n t t s r e d u c e d i n a r e a fln l 5 h ' 1 $ a d j u s t o d rw C , M a r c h 3 1 / 2 3 g& n e r a l r o v l s l o n s t o a c c o m m o d a t e s o u t h ro a d d e d ~ t l O n rm D , J u n o 9 / 2 3 c:o ! o u r s . u p d a t & d ra v E , J u n e 3 0 / 2 3 gon e r a l A D P c h a n g o a re v f , A u g 1 4 / 2 3 'n 1 l U f i n 1 s h c h a n g e d t o s h l n g l & s roo f lo ent r y cha n g e d RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7/2 1 D.'.l l , I O T C!ll ' " f W l T t t O U T T t t E E;,W £ ! . l l W I I I T T J : N P£1 > 1 , C " l · - c l t c A I I C t < I T [ C ' T NW I O E l ' . I J $ 0 ) R l l l C T l l l ( . W l l C T i t r l l U ! l . . £ . r . : l ~ ~ t . l f ' C T J M1 0 c t L 1 ~ ! 1 1 : 0 D Y T t t E : . I > " H l E C T Ar c ! µ / ! f ! M ! A , J 1 1 c . !lll o l ,.,~ . ~Ill r·~ 1 J o t 1 4 \ y <.t.1 1 l71 - 1 1 ) ' 1 . < • ~ . d ru,1 u , .... . 1u r .., . . , , . .,, 0 · \ .rd ~ ' " ' " " " " ' " " vlL ' . : c i , t 1 0irn 1 < . 1 « .... . . ,., , , . . m , w 1 < , o . . , , ; 4 , i , , e , . . , , • .,,, , NO R D E L No r d e l De v e l o p m e n t s Ltd . T0 W l h o u s n 23 6 8 2 D e M n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rid g e dra ' M n g t t t l a ma t e r i a l & co l o u r pa l e t t e sca k t nas h o w n ~ A 1- 4 ch e c k e d b y '\ ( ~ ' \ ( pr o p o s e d zo n e CD - 1 - 9 3 ~:~ : : : : h ~ 7 ; 5qm mln l o t d e e ! h 2 4 Lo t 2 ·1 o t a f ; i a " ; . J 6 8 . 1 7 ~ 11 9 B Av o . I~ '~ ' ~ NO R T H lre o r: : ~ \ ll )r : ; ; ~ : I • 1 i ~ I ., . , ~ : : ! l J I ! : : : : : 41 1 " ' " j r\ / o _: c _ . : - <t: a • . . ~ ... . . . . . o. . • .. " -'" m • • • = - - ~ - • ... , l () . ,, I O \ j !I ! :::: S : : : : ~- - 1\ 1ti 1 r o e t o b o r o l n 1 n o d J () 0 ... . J co 0 de t a i l e d si t e pl a n - Bl o c k C 1: 15 0 I \ \ I I I I I '! ' ·~ I \j ~~ ~ i : :~ : a t J o n / -- - - - ou t d o o r am e n i t y !ki r d l l g h t & sp a c e ti ~ nd! 1 C 3 p 0 1 ( ® de t a i l e d si t e pl a n - Bl o c k B 1: 15 0 I I 1 ti l ~ ! ,., , 1 II o, = e - : ; : - - 1 1 - \I I ti; = i _ ! 1 a r d l 1 g h t r . I I I :i ' I ·% : 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... . llt = L ... . . 1~~ 6• 5 ~, ~ t ~ ~ ·1 1 ~i !1 It ·- - T .. w, __ , 55 7 Y :: n \ \ ', 2p a r a 1 ! n l r r k ! n g o t a 1 1 s ' .. . . . . . . . 11 9 Av e . NO R T H (D de t a i l e d si t e pl a n - Bl o c k A 1: 15 0 rw A , M a r c h 2 4 1 2 2 DP p . 1 c k a g e u p , - d u t r z d . u n 1 t J . t e d u c e - d i n a r e a ff' N 8 , A p r d 4 / 2 2 b10 - , Y . O l o m c v e d t o t l l l £ t p r o p . l i n o lim d & e n p e w d t h 1 n c r e 1 1 o o d a l o n g \ W t i t pro p . ~ne rc v D , M a y 1 1 2 3 blo c k d 1 r r n m s k m s & h 0 W 1 & h l g h l i g h t o d re v E , J u n e 6 1 2 3 per m o a b l o p a v 1 n g a d d f l d ma 1 J b Q l - 1 1 1 1 , r o l o c a t c d bo l l l l r d b o h t & a d d e d ra v F , J u n e 3 0 / 2 3 gen e r a l AD P cha n g e s tu - 1 G , A u t 1 1 4 1 2 3 en t r y l o b b ~ r e d u c e d trN H , S o p t 2 9 1 2 3 re a r p a t J o i . c l l l ! l n g e d f r o m c o n c t o pcr m e n b l o p a v l n g RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7/2 1 OON O T C O f " f \ V l l l 1 0 U T T l 1 £ C < P l " ( ( i S W l / ' f T T D l PC . P t . , l ; : o . .:u J ( , f T K A A C t t l L C T •rD D : J L H I O l ' . , I O ! O ) ! J f PCK f l : C T A rc r i l ! f ! J I J / J l n c. NO R D E ~ L No r d e l De v e l o p m e n t s Lt d . Tow , h o u o o s 23 6 8 2 D c w : l n c y T r u n k R o a d , M l l p l o Rld i f l dra - M n g tlll~ de t a i l e d sit e pla n s pro j e c t # Zt- 1 12 dra . ' M n g l l t eca l u Hs h o w n ~ A 1- 5 SU B D I V I S I O N PLA N OF TH E M"S T 80 . 7 FE E T EA S T HA L F LO T 7 SE C T I O N 16 TO W N S H I P 12 NE W M"S T M I N S T E R DIS T R I C T PL A N 16 7 6 ii EX C E P T PL A N 86 6 7 9 f. ; " ~ ~ - : : : : : : - - ; . , " , ~ - .. - ... -- - - · __ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ , _ , _ ... . . . . . . . . _, _ _ _, ~ ... ~o.- : , , . . , , , , , -- ... . . -! - ~ - ~ ~ - 7:: . : : f . " = . ' ; . . ' . ' ! : ' . ! , : : = - ... -- : = - . -- - == - : : : . " : : " . . ! . . ! : . 7 " ' ~ - - . . _ - - ,.,a . . , __ ., ... . . . . ,. , . _ , , _ , :,.; ,.,. . .... . -1 , _ N;~ -. - - . - , - - - : - - , - · - ~ - . f : H ~ $ · : I: ! ' = . : " ~ ~ : . "· ~ · 1 / ~ (J __, .1 .. <>;1 .. 1·~ - · - !. i. ! . , I ?. i- l ~ . 1 .! ! ! . , I }! - j . E . , 1 1!_ .!! . , 1~ .!! , , . 1? . , .! ! . , I~ .7 ! . . 21 I : ! )1 ~ ... . . . . . . . -... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ , _ . , . , . _., . . . , . . ... . . . . . . . ,., , , , _ , . . . , , . :: ::: : : : - ? 1 ' , l ' . ; £ ' m • · - , _:, . . , , . i PR £ L J M I N A R Y ·;• j u - @@ @ f l @ Rem J Dew d n e y Tru n k Ro a d I Re m , , . f ? ! f e l A ~/ /J / ,.. _ ~ .... J ,7 ( .. ,[ , , = l ~:g I 8 7 ~ I I _, ; - i!: ' ~ _, f - - _} _ ~I! 2 11 9 / h A,e n u e 10 ~- 1 . PR O P O S E D SU B - D I V I S I O N (N . T . S . ) Pla n l E P P ? ? ? ? ? I I SI T E SU R V E Y 2J6 8 2 Der . d n a y Tru n k Roa d , Map l e Rid g e , BC ;z : g 7 b i c Su i w y llf n t aa r [ 1/1 Lo i 7 &c q i t : Pa r t lfD a d or, Pla f f 8~ 7 9 !: ~ 11~ : r , , , l : . 1 . , Di~ V k t P!a n 7 6 M + ~r• ... . - .. __ .. _ _ , ~ : ,.. . , ; ... . " ·: . . . _ : · Ii ~- · - ... ~~ ~ : : § - : : - : . - : - - = " E - :_ - ; : . " . . : . : : . . - - = . N _ . , , , : _ plo t sc a l e is 1:5 0 0 :.: . i > I ~ , : ~ ~ ' : ~ rJM l~ i : . i = : : . ~ - : : • ~ rev A , D e c : 3 1 2 1 su b d r v i s i o n p l a n u p . d a t e d RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 141 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7 / 2 1 IXl l l l ' J T C O P ' I W f f i l Q U T T H t C f f l : ! > ! I W ! > f T T D I f'C l l M ~ . U I I ·et l - 1 [ ; A A O ( T ~ C T ~1 0 dll ~ i i i • ~ ~ f ~ i ~ / 'TE C I A rc l 7 J l ! f l l ! , f / ; , J nc . To v . n h o l f f l 6 S Z3 6 8 2 0 a Y . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rld _ ! ! e drn W l n g l l t l t t su r v e y pro j e c t # :'.! M 12 dra W l n g # sca l e oss h o w n ~ A 1- 6 ch e c k a d b y r, ; \ Q~ a c e - Bl o c k C ~ ~a c e - Bl o c k B \. : . , / 1 ~ ~a c e - Bl o c k A \, _ ' _ J T : ~ - l;c _ . . , , ~ • , i : : ~ . . . : : . : : . : i i ~ 2 : i , ; : : ::.i : . ~ - : 1 . : : • l1> , " " " ' ; ; , ~ " " _ . . a . , , . , , 1 . . - r t . . ~ • • o l 1 , - :o " . . ~ ! : ~ ~ - 1,!- : " : . . " " < f > ' < " ~ : . ; -~" ' , . . = . ' . . , re v B , M a r c h 2 ◄/2 2 DP p a c k a g o u p - d a t e d - u m b r e d u c e d ! n a t e a op o n i u e a i . o d J t 5 t o d rev C , M a r c h 3 1 / 2 3 ~; : : ~ : ~ : s 1D ace o m m o d a t o 50 u t h 1e v D , J u n o 6 1 2 3 op e n s p a e o a d d o d t o c a l c u l a t l o n s ou t d o o 1 a m o n r t y s p n c o a d J u s t & d re v E . J u n o 3 0 / 2 3 go n e r a l A D P c h a n g o s RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE · Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE . Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE . Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 712 1 OOl < ( ) T ctlP ' f W I T i i C l U T l H [ D : P I > . "1,t : : " 1 " C : F T I C A A O - · I I T [ C " T l< N T ( ~i, r o , = n o u u , l . ( ! ; : l ' , 1 " ~ ~ - , , , ; . o IJl[ ) C ' C J U m ; R " J i O l t ; O I J f t H ( f f e C l - f T [ C ' T Ar c ~ J ! ! f l ! I J ' A ~ n c . NO R D E L No r d e l De v e l o p m e n t s Lt d . T0 Y o f l h o ! J 5 C l l . 23 6 8 2 : 0 e v . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rld g o Clr . i . . . . . , n g t l U o pri v a t e & co m m o n op e n sp a c e s pro j e c t # 21- 1 1 2 dra . . . , . , n g # ,c a b aao . h o ' M l ~ A 1- 7 fn \ up p e r le v e l ar e a bl o c k C ~ ~ fl o o r ar e a bl o c k C ~ r: ; \ J J ! Q ! l n d le v e l ar e a bl o c k C ~ .,. , .. • , .. . r-: i t 1n d u d e d in FAR "'" r; ; - \ up p _ e r le v e l ar e a bl o c k B ~ (? \ _ _ l i p p e r le v e l ar e a bl o c k A ~ &M 30 4 . 5 9 m' ~a i 1 1 fl o o r ar e a bl o c k B ~ r: : ; ' \ _ m a i n fl o o r ar e a bl o c k A ~ (A \ _ g l ' ( ) t m d le v e l ar e a bl o c k B ~ in , , ~ • • : = - : t .,., µ . , , 1~i : 1h~ : ~ ~ 1 ~ ' • re v A , M a r e h 2 4 ' 2 2 DP p a c k a g e u ~ t e d - u n l t s r e d u c e d l n a r e a rw B , M a r e h ' . 3 1 / 2 3 ~; ; : ~ ~ = : ~ s to ac c o m r r o d a t e so u t h re v C , J u n e 3 0 / 2 3 ge n e r a l A O P c h a n g t ! S re v D , A u g 1 4 / 2 3 are a c a l c s a d j u s t e d f o r e n t r y l o b b y c h a n g e RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G . DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G . DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G . DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7 / 2 1 CQN O T C O f " f ' l ' , ! l T l i O U T T l i C l : ; , o > l > C G ! I W l ! f T T E ! - 1 ~II T , l _ . c l , l 1 J - r l H C A A ~ T 1 : : C T NO T T O ! l E \ J " - - I D F O R c , : n o u u u . i . = AtO u i i ' r ' ~ i f ; i f f ~ : : 1 , J , - : . . r ( I T Ar c ~ l ! f f t w M n c . Tov . n h o u s e s 236 8 2 D e v . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rld _ Q _ e dm w m g l t l h t flo o r ar e a ca l c u l a t i o n s sc a k , 111 1 s h o w n dm ' M l b - / GO L ch e c k e d I,)' A 1- 8 vi e w 1 vi e w 2 vi e w 3 vi e w 4 ~'· " ' .:': . ~ ' : . ! ' : ~ ib i l~ ~ : ' , Y ~~ ' ; ! ' · Od ·,b a , o , . , . . ; ; i , , , . t , , ; c . ~ . . , o n 1 . , . . , . ""' · 111 > > , v _ , . . , . , . , , d '"' I " " ~ " ,,, _ l o RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7 / 2 1 OO N O T C O f > f W r l l • D I J T T J , , £ / J ; f T T O I Pc: 1 > M ; . , _ , 1 , ; 1 1 J C F T I - C , U . C l 1 1 T ! ; C T W.: , T T O ! l i , , O O C O , J : : : W ! X T i t n 1 u , H . C J ! : f u n ; o ~!. 0 0 : - U H l ; W . l 0 1 0 ) 0 1 ' t t < ! ; W e t f l ( C T A rc ! / i l f f t w ~ , J n c . ... 11u 1 . 5 1 n ,1. , , 1 , , w , , u . . - ; ciU . p,._ - t m . : > u , . 1 , I l . ! . ~l" " l f ' l , J . N l o a < : n . 1 4 1 - . . t . . o < w i \,1 1 X 1 a . n --. i " " ' ' " . . . , . , , . a " ' m . .. ~1n : 1 W 1 1 - " ' " ' ' No r d e l De v e l o p m e n t s Ltd . TO W l h o l . J M s 236 8 2 0 o y , d n c y T r u n k . R o a d , M a p l o R1 d i c dra W l n g h t l e st t e co n t e x t pro j e c t # 2,_ , 12 dra W l n g # UC i l l o Hllh O W T l drn ' M l b y GD l ch c c k e d b y A 1- 9 0 si t e -s h a d o w s au t u m n eq u i n o x 1: 30 0 ·- • - - - J o .. __ _ ~- s h a d o w s su m m e r so l s t i c e ~ ® si t e -s h a d o w s sp r i n g eq u i n o x 1: 30 0 ~- s h a d o w s wi n t e r so l s t i c e ~ /ac . ..-,~ • 1~~ ~ ' : ; . " ~ µ o t l / 1 ~ ~ : ' : ~ , ~ : , ' ~ .; • o... r i . . , ... .,. .. ,., . 1 " " . n " ' ... 1"" 1 <h. !l" ' " ' . . . . . , . _ , d f f l / l m ~ n . m " " " l l i re v A , J u n e 3 1 Y 2 3 gen e r a l AD P cha n g e ~ RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 141 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 71 2 1 oo i m r - = T f f i : ' D : P ! l ( S l l W R I T T D J P(ll t , ~ ~ ~ l J ' • -:~ TH E AAC H T ~ C T w, Ol'U I I C O U ! ; f l l U C T ) l l ' 1 U I J . £ • ..,: ; r A l , ' f ' ! I > ~,o d , l ~ N f ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ ! ' . r r c r Ar c f J J / ! f t l / J G , J n c . TO ' M l h o u s e s 2lM 2 De y , c j r , a y T 1 u n k Ro a d , Ma p l e Rid g e dra w 1 n g b t l 1 J sh a d o w stu d i e s !ic a l o 115 5 h 0 v . 1 1 ~ A 1- 1 0 ch e c k e d ' r , f ~ v1 : s o ~r flo o r ar e a ~ Are a 60 . 6 8 m ' ~ fl o o r ar e a ~ r, ; \ ue e _ e r f l o o r ~ Arn o 43 . n m 2 (A \ _ ba ~ ~ m e n t ar e a V1 : 1 0 D ~ <- S ' ~ ma i n 3 f f o o r ~ DE C K ~ 17 ' - 0 3 / b " :- -1 - ----" T - I ~ do u b l e ga r a 9 e I I I I ~I ! ~I ~ o.,, , , , ; , i , . . . . . . , o 4 n , , . ( . b > . . , ~ - " ' " ' j " ' " ' ' m " ' ,... , _ . . , , ! . . , . , d , " ~ • l ' ' < ' " ' ' ' " ' ( , . o d l i . - i . , - / . . i , h b J " - l"" - . l f l ~ U n f l " t - o u _ o , . , , , . _ , u , . , . r n o , . ; : r , . . , , . . , . ' ° ' ; n rw A , M m r c h 2 4 / Z 2 : un i t pla n cha n g e d te< l 8 , M . i t 6 f ' . . 3 pa l i O r o d u c c d ru- 1 C , J u n o 3 0 / 2 3 ge n e r a \ A D P c h a n a e s nw D , A u g 1 4 / 2 3 on t r y l o b b y r o d u c a d lob b y w n d o w 1 n c r e a ~ rev E , S e p t 2 9 J 2 3 pa t J O n c h a n g e d t o p e - r m e a b k , p a v 1 n g RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 71 2 1 OO ! ! O l c n P , W l f H O U T T I - C C > ~ " " " I T T D l P!J l . . i c C'l> l t < C J J > O .. <HC C T A rc f / i l f f l ! I J " / ; , J u c . ..u , r . u . , 1 1 1 r , t . t u , a ; • " ' l 7 ••1 1 - " ' l ' t l ' < " " - " .tu c - ,-. . , . . m 1 1 ... i.- , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . Vh' i ' I M ' '"" " " " ' --- ~ . . . . . . , _ , . , . . . _ . . . , , . _ T0 W 1 h o ~ 23 8 8 2 D c v . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M l l p l e R1d g t t un i t ty p e A pla n s i.c : i k , Htlh O ' M ' I ~ A2 . 1 ch c c k t d b y __ _ _ _ _ ~x b ~ ~ ~ ~ - h : : 0 ;: ~ : ~ i l d i n g ~ I [ ' J _c e i l i n g A ce i l i n g _ -1 . i - .. . . . -- - - . . . . , ; o - - - + - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - 27 ' - 8 1 / 4 ' • 27 ' - 8 1 / 4 " ~t i o n 5 \V 1 : 5 0 ~W : ~ ~: : : • ~: ~ ~ ~~ = ~ - ~~ ~ - ~~ t i o n 2 ~ __ _ ma x ~ ! ~ ~ ~ - ~ : ~ __ 2 i"_ c ; i ~ i ~ ; ~ - -- -re : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ - -- ~~ ~ n o f l 1 : ; ~ ~I n ~ . __ _ _ '. : : ; ; i l l , . .. !" " " . : . ~ ;~ l ' . n : 114 • - $& Ff f i ■ ■ 14 ><J , _ I ~f l o o r _ ~4 • ff i ~ f f i § ; ~ m g f f s i § T g f t 3 1 & i f r ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ m M ~ f f i ~ 1 1 M £ ~t i o n 1 ~ 4T T . ! . . ! . . ! . m . ! . . ! . . ! . m ! . . ; . . . ; . 1 1 1 .... . . . . l 11 ' " - ' - ' - 1 I l'"- ' - ' - 1 1 l'" - ' - ' - 1 I 1-- - - - 1 I 1 ... . . . . . 1 I l.;.. . : . . . : , . 1 I 1-- - - - 1 I 1--- - - - 1 l 1-- - - - - 1 I l"" " " " " " I 11.; . . . : . . . : , . 1 I 1.;.. . : . . . : , . 1 I 1.a. ~t i o n 4 ~ b~ ~ ~ ;"" · >,lll l , ... . ,o d . r r u . ~ 1 " ' 1 t 1 • . - -~ , ' : ; ~ " o,o 1 1 u w . , " ' ' " " " ' ! ' " • 1 , , • . n ... ..,t i ... :1 ltl. l k , r < P - ' < 1 . . , d . - , / W < l " " ' ° " " 1 G rrw A , M a r c h 2 4 1 2 2 un l t p l a n c h a n g & d re - v 8 , J u n o 3 0 / 2 3 g& n e m l A D P c h a n g e s re v C , A u g 1 4 1 2 3 en t r y l o b b y r t 1 d u C 8 d lo b b y W n d o w ! n c r c a H d lo b b y r o o f c h a n g o d RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7/2 1 DQ U 0 T C 0 P ( \ ~ f f t f O V T T I - E (:4 ' i : l ( l m W P I T T O / Prn M l , X k N C F T H ( A I K t t l C C T 110 l T O O E U .. RC C U C T l O U U I - L . ' . • P E l l .\/ I O C U U l f i l t - . l f . : 0 € t f l H ( A l l O ( T E C l A rc f / i 1 f f ! J I J " ~ , J n c . ,., u r . 1 J . .,1 1 r , , w t , W . • V t ~ ,,, u 1 " " " F - " " " ' ~l l ,,.. . . i . , . _ . , m t J , . . l r . < 1 . L . 1 o r t " ' 4 " < " ' 1 -.:, ! I . I , -i, . , . . , . . . , . , _ 1 1 i - w . . . . . , i.,u , , . . To w i h o u s e s 23 6 8 2 D t ) v . . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l e Rid g e dra W 1 n g b l l t 1 un i t ty p e A se c t i o n s sc a k i as a h o w n dra w n b y GD L ch e c k & d b ' / A2 . 2 ~p l a n \. . J 1 : 5 0 ~r flo o r ar e a \. ' . : / 1 : 1 0 0 l:! l / ! ! 0.5 6 m l ~ fl o o r ar e a ~ ~e r f l o o r \. V 1 : s o ~m e n t a r e a V1 : 1 0 0 ~e m e n t v1 : S O -- - - - - , - - 21' - 4 7 / 8 " 1 do u b l e ga r a ' g e I I ~ ~I ~ 7" ~; : . . . - : : : : . : = : ! ' ; ~ , ~ - - ✓-· ::: : : : : : .. • n,, . - 0 1 = , , . , . , u , . i , . . , . . t o < 1 ~ 1 r a . , o u . . , d " " i,.n 1 , , o f i , . f i « n 0 " " 1 u , , , l , . , / l r t t i f " " " ' " h c . t , , . , " " ' " ° " .,, _ , . , i , w , . 1 1 < > , _ o r t " " " " ~ M r , d , . , n , , , l , , ! o tfW A , M a r c : h 2 4 / 2 2 um t p l a n c h a n g & d re v B , M a r S / 2 3 pat l o r c d u c e d re v C , J u n e 3 0 / 2 3 ge n 1 1 r a l A D P c h a n g " 5 tli! V O , A u g 1 4 - 2 3 en t r y lob b y red u c e d lob b y w n d o w m c r e a s c d re v E , S & p t 2 9 / 2 3 pat l o n c h a n g & d t c p e r m e a b l o p a v i n g RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 1 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 71 2 1 OO ! J O T C O f ' i 1 . ' l 1 W l U T T l i E 8 \ f P I T T D J Pl :fT H C ~ U < I K C T !/O r T O l l C U O C D F C f l C 0 1 r . m > l ) C T l ; J 1 J U M . £ : ; ; : ' . l ~ A ~ ' l " f D .ll l D O J U l ! . £ > f l r l ( # 1 C l 1 1 T I : C T A rc f / i l f f l l ! J / t , l n c . ,., . w 1 J . l \ U h , l t o t . < " " ' • " ' " ' < ,..jl 7 T Y · <.>, _. . , . b ,... . t 0 , , . . . , I W : t , , , ' ¼ • . , ; . . - . . , ... . . .,, \•> , ; < 1 " ' 1 -•. . , " " " ' J w l l l , , , , l a , w " ' " " - " " ' « " " TO W l h o U S O S 23 8 8 2 D e w : l n c y T r u n k R o a d , l v b p l e Rld p e drn w m g b t l 0 un i t ty p e B pla n s pro J 1 1 c U 21 _112 dn . \ l M n g M sC i l ~ aa s h o w n ~ A3 . 1 ch e c k e d b y __ _ __ _ max b u i l ~ ; g ~ h ~ : Q ::~ : ~ l l d l n g h t . __ _ 2r . ' : 1 ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ Q ~l ' . n : 1/4 " -r l <f ~ ■I I I ~~ ~ ~ ~ : : 8 ~: ; _ o ~ ~ ~ = ~ - ~9~~ ~ ~ : Q ;: 1 ~ 0~o o r _ ~e m e n t 9 ba s e m e n t 1 ~ o· o· ni l l m ' . i l l m l L ' m i l l m ' - 1 1 r n i l l r n i l l m i l - ' m i l l ! L @ J l t , 1 # 1 k 1 . l i j : ., , ,_ , . ... . t ~ . . ! . ! r n . . L ' m . . ! . ! r n . . ! . . J r n l l i ; : : ; : : ; J . J J ; : ; : i l l ; : ; : ; l - 1 1 ; : ; : ; 1 - 1 1 ; : ; : : ; w ; : ; : : ; u l = ~t i o n 3 ~ ~t i o n 5 ~ ~t i o n 2 ~ ma x ~ I ~ ~ 2 i" _ c ; 1 : 1 ; ; ~ -- -f a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ -- _m a ; . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a s ~ jf ~ ll r r rl> . max bu U d l n ~ . ~ -- rl> . ce l l i n g . _ #I Ff ■ ~4 • ,- . . u p p e r f l o o r _ ~4 • ~t i o n 4 \. - ' . : : J T s o ~t i o n 1 V1 : 5 0 I 14 rr , v A , M a r c h 2 4 1 2 2 un l t p l a n c h u n g & d rft V 8 , J u n o 3 0 / 2 3 ge n e m l A O P c h n n g e s rn v C , A u g 1 4 - 2 3 e-n u y l o b b y r o d u e & d lo b b y w n d o w l n c r c u s e d lo b b y r o o f c h a n g e j j RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 25 / 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P A P P L I C A T I O N S AP R I L 14 1 2 3 RE - I S S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S MA R C H 24 / 2 2 IS S U E D FO R RE - Z O N I N G , DP & DV P AP P L I C A T I O N S OC T 7/2 1 [X l f l O T ~ :Jc ' · ' ou: ~ ~ ~ ~ c ' ~ " ' I T T O I tiO I I O I J E U t . , C C ! I 0 1 / U t , . 1 , , [ ' . ! C 1 P l ' . D '1 I O C O U l / l , J / O l B ' l ' l H [ A < H ; l - ' C t ( C T Ar c f / l ! f f t ! I J ' ! ; , J n c . ,.,1 · . 1 . , i 1 1 , . i . , 1 1 : , . , . . w , r ul! ? < / J t J \ ~b < ' ,... . , . w , , m c J . . , 1 , , , - , . . . . . . , . , .. ,_ , , 1:,, i . n _.. ... . _,.,. , . , 1 u , , , , . 1 . , o o < 1 > . . , . . , . , . . . . , To v . n h o u s e s 23 8 B 2 D c w . d n e y T r u n k R o a d , M a p l P R)d g l ! ' dra w m g l l l l a un i t ty p e B se c t i o n s sca l e i,s s h o w n dra w n b y GO L che e k t . i d l : y A3 . 2 BL O C K C lo t 1 lo l w u , . l U . H • ~ m 1" 1 1 L o t 21.1 1 1 q m F~ ~ f u E ~ : ~ 9 ; A I L SE C T I O N E_ L E V A I I Q ~ BL O C K B BL O C K A -~ · 11 9 Av e . • NO R T H PE R M E A B L E PA Y E R S :i ~ I p~ ~ ~ ~ : : : s AP R L 2 3 1 Cl!Y CO M M E l / l S .K A V O U N A S & AS S O C I A T E S IN C BC S U CS L A 24 : ~ ~ ~ R T PH O N E : ( 5 0 4 ) 8 5 7 - 2 J 7 6 NO R D a . D E V E L O P M E N T S L 1 D . AT T O f f i 0 1 t R A J 1 0 0 R m• ~ : ~ f i ~ ' 00 4 - B 4 1 - 5 3 5 3 PLA N VIE i / i GR A D I N G PlJ I . N FE N C E PlJ I . N OW N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N 236 8 2 ~~ O O R I ~ : ~ . RO I I D r I~ - - I 1- 1= - , _ , &I )> -c -c m :z 0 >< m De w d n e y Tr u n k Ro a d BL O C K A BL O C K B 11 9 A v e . • NO R T H PE R M E A B L E PA Y E R S EP T / 2 3 1 PE R M o \ B l £ P A V E R S Mlf u ' 2 J i CIT Y CO M M E N T S APR L 2 3 I CIT Y CO M M E N T S .K A V O U N A S & AS S O C I A T E S IN C 246 2 J O N O U I L C O U R T ~; g ; s . c . PHO N E (60 , 1 } 857 - 2 3 7 6 NO R D E l . D E V E L O P M E N T S L T D . AT I E N T I O H : R A J T O O R 17 6 6 5 S ~ ~ c ~ ~ E N U E SU : f s E Y 2 A ~ C . PL A N Vl" f : N LA N D S C A P E PL A N 16 UN I T OW N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N 23 6 8 l D E W D N E . Y l R U N K m w > WJ> I . E R I D C E . B . C . r [" " I 1- 1= : _ , A &I ,: , · · ou t d o o r am e n i t y sp a c e #1 ou t d o o r am e n i t y sp a c e #2 MA G L I N B E N C H "O 0 .; 1 ou t d o o r am e n i t y sp a c e #3 in - g r o u n d in f i l t r a t i o n / de t e n t i o n ta n k • NO R T H PER M t A B L E P A V E R S CIT Y CO M M E I I T S CIT Y CO M M E I I T S .K A V O U N A S &: AS S O C I A T E S IN C 2ff l J O H Q U l L C O U R T ,. ~ ~ ~ e . c . PH O O E ( 6 0 4 ) 1 ! 5 7 - 2 J 7 G NO R D a O E V E L O P M E N T S L T I ) , AT T E N T I O N : : R A J I D O R 17 6 6 5 S ~ I T E J ? ~ ~ E SU ~ R f 2 A ~ C . PL A N Vl' 2 1 / AM E N I T Y AR E A PL A N 16 UN I T OW N H O U S E DE . V E L O P M E N 23 5 6 2 0 E W O N E Y f f l U N K R O A D MA P l . E RIO C E , B.C . r· [~ I 1- 1= - A - , & I, KE Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E @ AC E R GR I S E U M co n e . cro s s i n g ST R E E T TR E E LIS T CO M M O N NA M E QT Y . PA P E R B A R K MA P L E 10 .e . ;, . , • g - _ .: , . ~-i ~ l- , , co ~ a., al, 0.. ~ Z' ::, ... . . ·1 = ::: , ~H P SIZ E SP A C I N G RE M A R K S 6 CM . CA L . AS SH O W N B. & B. I I ! I I rt e I I -- + = = = = = 1 i __ _ _ J ·; : ? . i , · : ~ ~ ~ ~ ( · : 11 9 ) A ' w e . M!!! I ! r r _ u _ m _ p l _ a n U n g c l e a r n n c n f u r s t r e 1 t t r e r . i ln f r a , t r u c t u r v lt.{ i n i m u m Pla n t i n Q Clll ' a r u n c e s (m o a s u r v fro m tho clo s n t : po i n t . bo b r u n lh o l r e u a n d i n f r a ! r l r u : t u r v } la m p P 0 1 t . j6 , 0 m S~ S i g n , a n d T r a f f i c S i g n s j6 . 0 m Uti l i t i n (w a t e r , sa n i t a r y , stn r m , I fo r new roa d dn i g n , rv f 1 r to Sup p t , m e n t a l gm i , cu m m u n i c a t i o n , hy d r o ) Sb : : l n d a r d O.t a i l Dra w i n g s Hyd r u n b Ua n h o l e s , v o l v e ~ Ori v e w . , . Dve r h e a d p o 1 m n n e s 0.7 5 m fo r e x b U n g roa d s tha t are no t bei n g mo d i f i o d . ldi n l m u m 6 sig h t tri a n g l 1 an t i clo o r u n c e as du l u r m l n l l d b y t h 1 S t a p p l n g S 1 9 h t D l s l a n e t (S S 0 } l n S t c U o n 1 , 2 . 5 . 2 o f t h e T A C Ge o r n o t r i c D a l g n C u i d o f o r C o n o d i a n Ro c m 2.0 m min i m u m an d cle o r a n a : a, de t e r m i n e d by t h , : S S D i n S e c t i o n 1 . 2 . 5 . 2 o f l h c T A C Ce o m e t r i : De, i g n Gui d e fo r Can a d i a n Ro o d , Asp e r u U l i t y o w n e r ~i~ : J ~ { :1 =, (b u b r t o n Fa c t of cur b - 0.7 5 m Ed g e of 11 i d n a l k - 0.6 m -- n : SC H E O U L E • A • Stro e t T r e e P l a n t l n t ; D e t a / 1 WJJ I : ! l . ll ~ ! ? ~ ~ ~ . ~ iR E E PL ! - N T l ~ ~ G DE T A I L TR E E PU - 1 N T I N : : i DE " " . ' A J L s1 : " : : ~ - : : 1 : : " : u : t,- . .. a I SD Lt • NO R T H El'T / 1 3 1 PE R l d E A B L E PAV E R S ~I CllY C O M M E N l S AP R / 2 . l l CllY CO M M E N l S .K A V O U N A S & AS S O C I A T E S IN C Z4 8 2 J D N 0 U I L C O U I T T AB B ~ ~ ~ B . C . PH O N E ( B 0 4 ) 8 5 7 - 2 J 7 6 NO R D E L D E V E I . . O P M E N T S L T D . ATT E H T l O N : A A I T O O R 17 6 6 5 S ~ f T E wt: ' ~ ~ E su ~ 2 A ~ c . PL A N VIE W ST R E E T TR E E Pl. A N 16 UN I T OW N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N 2J B 1 ' 2 D E W D N E Y T R U H K R Q t . O W-P L E R I D C E . B . C . [' " f_ - I 1- 1= - ~ - , &I PL A N T LIS T KE Y BO T A N I C A L NA M E CO M M O N NA M E QT Y . SIZ E SP A C I N G RE M A R K S ~ ,. . _ _ _ t . : D ' . . AC E R GR I S E U M PA P E R B A R K MA P L E 3 6 CM . CA L AS SH O W N 8. &: B. CE R C I S CA N A D E N S I S 'F O R E S T PA N S E Y ' RE D B U D 3 6 CM . CA L AS SH O W N 8. &: B. ,. , , ,.r . SY R I N G A RE T C U l A T A 'IV O R Y SIL K ' UlA C TR E E 2 6 CM . CA L AS SH O W N 8. &: 8. = P1 . A N < s CO R N U S FL O R I D A 'R U B R U M ' RE D FL O W E R I N G DO G W O O D 3 6 CM . CA L AS SH O W N 8. &: 8. ·- · · " . ! . : ' . ~ : ! : _ . , , , M , 1-- ~ ~ ~ ! . : ! . , . . . 1 . I ' / '- - " " P.T . = P1. A N K S AC E R PA L M A T U M 'B L O O D G O O D ' BL O O D G O O D JA P . MA P L E 3 3.0 0 ME T E R S AS SH O W N 8. &: B. EB AZ A L E A JA P O N I C A 'H I N O CR I M S O N ' CR I M S O N AZ A L E A 25 HJ PO T 90 CM . O.C . I !~ ~ ~g ~ ~ f ~ f ~i ~ ~ u ~ f ND A R I N UG H 1 S ' ~z ; m g r A~ ~ AZ A L E A ~~ ~ ~g i §g ~~ : 8t 0 AB E L I A 'E D W A R D GO W C H E R ' ED W A R D GO U C H E R AB E U A 48 #3 PO T 90 CM . O.C . 0 HY D R A N G E A MA C R O P H Y L L A 'N I K K O BL U E ' HY D R A N G E A 16 HJ PO T 90 CM . O.C . ® ME D I U M RH O D O D E N D R O N (V A R I O U S ) RH O D O D E N D R O N 48 HJ PO T 90 CM . O.C . ® HO S T A (V A R I O U S ) HO S T A 33 #3 PO T 90 CM . O.C . @ SY R I N G A VU L G A R I S 'M I C H E L BU C H N E R ' UlA C 30 #3 PO T 90 CM . O.C . Ell PR U N U S lA U R O C E R A S U S 'O T T O LU Y K E N ' OT T O LU Y K E N LA U R E L 32 #3 PO T 70 CM . O.C . 0 TH U J A OC C I O E N T A U S 'S M A R A G D ' EM E R A L D AR B O R V I T A E 80 1.5 0 ME T E R S 70 CM . O.C . 0 TA X I S x ME D I A HIC K S I I HIC K ' S YE W 15 1 1. 2 0 ME T E R S 70 CM . 0.C . o BU X U S MA C R O P H Y L L A 'W I N T E R GE M ' AS I A N BO X W O O D 72 #3 PO T 45 CM . O.C . ® CA l A M A G R O S T I S AC U T I F L O R A 'K A R L FO E R S T E R ' KA R L FO E R S T E R RE D GR A S S 33 #3 PO T 70 CM . O.C . ll! l l l l l i D f l ! ! J 1) ~s m : 5 1 N l l l ! S U S T A 1 1 £ s m : J l t D A a : : t l ! l l l l & l O B C I J J m t A P ' E S T A l l l N l t l i . A l E S T Im ! l l 4 " . t m T A N J l ' S l m : A R E S ' E C l ' l E D A S l ' E l t " a 4 T A S T A t l l A R ! J S " ' . B 0 1 H l ' L J . N T S Z E A l l l CC N T A K R S I Z £ A R ( l l £ 1 1 N M I N A C C E P T W m : s . S E A R ' O l » l l ~ . W J : £ P I . A N T IIA l U ! I A I . . A V A U J J I E F l l f C f ' I D I A I . R O U B ' Y i . A l l l 5 a l ' E A R t : H l E C r A T S C l R C E l 1 " S l F P l Y . AR E A t F S E A A O I W I N C U . U I . O I E R l i t A H » ( I A K I F f l W V A U ! Y , "S W S l m m O N S " W S T ~IW ! T l t H A P P R O Y A L F l a l t E i . A t m C A P E A X O I I E t r l ' I I X l l ' l O M A K N ; » I Y SU B S l l t u T D I S l 0 9 ' E C F E D M A J D I I A L U I W ' P l ! I M J ) S I J B S 1 1 M D 6 1 U 0 C l l t [ C t m . A U . D W AII I M l l t f F M ' . l m N C D A Y S P l ! D f l D D E l M l r r f t l t R E D . r n 1 0 & e S 1 1 1 U n : . !il l S 1 1 t u T D I S A J I E S l J B , ( C f 1 0 " i 1 C . l . A l l l S C A P E S T A I I J W AU . P I . A N T I I A l D ! I A L I I J 5 T l £ P R ( M ) E D f l ! Q l a J l l ! F E l " O I S f A S E F I I E J : ' N m S E R T , Al.L P I . A N T WA l E R I A I . . I I J S T c t N : a l l f l l ) T l £ l , \ T E S 1 ' [ D f l O ( t F l 1 £ i l C I J J ( I S t : A P E S l A l ( ) A l l l t . P R O ' I U CE l l l f & \ t l t M I J ' C N R E I I U E S t . A l l l > J « I S t A P l f C > J l l l . A H ~ I I A T O I I A I S T D m m n l l D ML A T E S T E l l T O O C f ' n t : B C I . N 4 , l l a A " l » m a J ' E s m o A R D S " 2) ID l C I I O I I N C m M D O ' T H S I M R l ' l ! D ' A R E D S U l ! Q t . . l « S H A U B E : l.A l l f f A W S 30 0 r r m ma . l l D I X M R A l ! E ' A . 5 4.5 0 n m sm l . l D A R E A S 459 n m TR E E P l l S 30 0 m n A R ! l l l l l m ' 1 ' B A l . l J) QI O I I I E I E l U l 5 ™ U . W . ' - t P H ' I S & l t > J l l 0 E I C A l . m ' E R l D A S D E 5 0 1 1 E l l N T t £ ST M « I A I O S f l J R L M l . 2 A N > l N L J A R O S . O c t P 1 f ' l J I A 1 ! £ A S I M R S T I I U C M ' ! E S M J ! E == E n ~ ~ : : = ~ ~ ~ =) M ~ = = ~ A l l ~ l l f ~ l t C B E s : m s i : ~ ~ f f S T l & I S A 4) IJ f . - s n t a f l l ' I X T D I S D t s S 1 1 A U . S A 1 1 S F ' Y l l £ l l f l l l l l ! f l l 8 f l t f l l £ S T A l r l l , l , R D S f t R Cl!! M f C M E I M . S C I . S 9 1 A l l . B E W f f l J A U . Y F m F R C l l 9 e S ( l . ' K l O O N l . l O a > Y P U H T PAI O ' S , . ED tR l!D ' R t l X J C ' I M : PA f f l tf 'ft D ) S , PL A N T PA n o : ; a & C art . \ N I S M ~ lO X I C WA l D ! I A I . S , S l l H S I M R J O I A I A N : J f ' l l l ' E D I O B . ( t l S . 5) AlL l ' L A N l l ! C I I D S S H A U . R E a M W l S O W B m : W A . C f l II) PU H T S P E D t s A N D V A R E l ! E S M A Y N O T O C S I J I S 1 f f i m D l l 1 l K I J T T i i E A P P R O ' t ' A l t f 1 1 £ UJ m C A P E M L l l l l o : T . 7) l\£ c t t l T R A c t t R S H A L L C U N W l T E E A l l l l A T f J ! I A t s N l l ' l a ! K M A N 9 1 P F O l A P E R I D D C J ' t t l : (1 ) R l l ' l £ A R F l l ( M l l £ D A 1 ! t f R N A L A a : E l " W I C £ . U I U ! I S O H J I I I S E S l ' E t H D . A U . P U J r ' WA U T ! I A L N O T S I J M W l ! . , t l f N l ' O I R C I J 0 1 D l l l l ! t i C l l £ C U A R A N T E i l ' E R K I I S W J J . I E l!E P L A C 8 I S ' l ' l l E C O K T R A C ! t R A T l f O E X T R A C 0 5 T l D 1 1 £ 0 N O . B) l\£ C O O I I A C ' l t R S W . l . C W J I A W A Y F R C l l l l £ S l E A I . L I M l l l & I A S I T A O l l U J l A ~ A I I ) S1 1 A l l . A T l l £ ml~ C F 1 1 £ 1 1 W , W . \ £ 1 l l E I U ! I C N l l l l £ s r t E 1 l l ! l l [ I J N A C W H MO P!! C i O O A ! l ! C O I I I T I I I I . f'R E E f l l C I I A U . O ! I S l R U C T I O K S . -- ~ l'll t C I I A O C SO C M : w J C U I ' u- ~ ( E • • ~ ;: ~ ~ = ~ ~ : ~ T :: : ~ = = - PL A N T I N G DE T A I L SH R U B S & GR D . CO V E R PL A N T S =- = ~ :~ ~ N I J f ~ 1 t . c m E, 1 ! , M A G L I N . § ! ML B 4 5 0 W _ • - - • • - - ~ ~ _ _: ~ ~ µ 7- l 1~ ll" ' : · eM A G L I N - _,, , __ _ -- - ~ - - · · - -- - - - _, , _ , . _ EP T / 2 J I PE R M E A B l £ PA Y E R S MJJ ; l 2 J I CllY CO M M E N l S AP R / 2 J I CllY CO M M E N l S .K A V O U N A S &: AS S O C I A T E S IN C BCS L A CSL A 24 1 ' J 2 . J O N 0 U I L C O U R T AB O O J 5 3 C ~ B . C . PH C I N E ( I I 0 4 ) 8 5 7 - 2 J 7 6 N0 R 0 a 0 E V E l . D P M E N T S L l D . ATT ' E N T I O N : A A I T O O R 17 6 8 : : f ; f ~ ~ U E 60 ~ 4 1 - S J S J PL A N VIE W LA N D S C A P E DE T A I L S 16 UN I T OW N H O U S E DE Y E L O P M E N 2J 6 8 Z D E . W 0 N E Y T R U N K R 0 4 0 W.P L E R l D C £ . 8 , C . I~ . , . r· I 1- 1= · H , &I APPENDIX F Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 17, 2023 Page 3 of 6 6.2. Development Permit No: 2021-579-RZ / 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of the project. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. It was noted that the Landscape Plans need to be provided to the Advisory Design Panel for further review and feedback. R/2023-ADP-017 It was moved and seconded That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further the Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. Architectural Comments: • Consider modern design language for future projects. • Consider additional colors and material transition/variety at along East elevations. • The road connecting north and south has canyon effect, please consider adding some bump ins by placing the building blocks in stepping to add bump ins in the road. • Try to seek variance for rear lot line setbacks to add bump ins on the road side. • Consider adding more articulation on the rear side to have the same effect as on the road side. • Consider adding more articulation on the side way units facing the street to make them appear similar to the front entrances, perhaps adding man doors on the street side. • Due to main entrance being tucked away, consider emphasis on the main entrance fagade with more pronounced projections and recesses to give visual interest and break up the long leaner massing. • Suggest providing architectural interest and variety to east fagade of buildings using different accent colours and materials. • Suggest revisiting the composition of the blocks' end facades, north and south, in order to introduce architectural features that would provide additional visual interest (i.e. windows, balconies, overhangs, feature materials, etc ... ) Landscape Comments: • The landscape design is relatively simple given the long narrow site. • Presentation of landscape drawings online was low resolution and drawings of amenity areas were quite small. Provide colour landscape plans in future with larger scale drawings of amenity areas. • Suggest relocating mail boxes between Blocks A and B to improve access and usability of the amenity space • Suggest introducing additional landscape and architectural features that would contribute to reducing the visual linearity of the lane, for example: o Introduce different paving materials like permeable pavers areas at the beginning and end of the lane and in front of the common open spaces. o Introduce different hedge species, perhaps aligned with the suggested pavers areas above. Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 17, 2023 Page 4 of 6 o Introduce additional accent colours on top of the proposed red so that each block is accentuated with a different colour. • Suggest relocating the PMT to north end of the site, it is currently competing with the site sign beside the main site access. • Suggest revisiting the bio-swale design along the east edge of the site. It seems unrealistic to implement a continuous functioning bioswale across all private patios. Ensure proposed drainage does not discharge off-site or create ponding areas. • Suggest widening the outdoor amenity spaces for usability, perhaps reduce planting to achieve a more square space and introduce a table or two for informal picnics. Suggest one arbor per space. • Suggest introducing street lights or bollard lights along the west verge to achieve adequate street light levels (CPTED) and to make it more pedestrian friendly. CARRIED UNAMINOUSLY 6.3. Development Permit No: 2020-065-RZ/ 22323, 22335, and 22345 Callaghan Avenue The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of the project. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. R/2023-ADP-018 It was moved and seconded That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further the Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. Architectural Comments: • Check building code requirements for smoke vestibules at all stairwells and the elevator lobbies on the parkade level. • Recommend opportunity to add balcony on studio units. • The proposed development does not currently include any amenity spaces. The panel highly encourages to introduce both outdoor and indoor amenity spaces for both commercial and residential users. For example, consider adding rooftop garden for lack of outdoor amenity area. In addition, the Penthouse level seems like the best opportunity to provide amenity space since the ground level is compromised by the CRUs and parking areas. Suggest reviewing and coordinating with planning staff to ensure the minimum amenity space requirements are met. • Suggest introducing additional Architectural and Landscape features to clearly delineate and differentiate the Residential Lobby access, currently treated very similar to the access to the CRUs. Suggest widening the Lobby area to provide a more comfortable entrance. • Double ramp access up to visitor parking area and down to the residential parkade seems confusing and potentially problematic. Ensure ramp widths are appropriate for two-way or provide one-way only signage. Consider having one vehicle drive way that can split off to underground parking ramp or one way at grade commercial parking above rather than two side by side drive way. • Stalls 4 7 and 69 seem compromised and hard to maneuver in and out. rcl!JJff tM!A~nc. Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Gt!o!TLawlor A1chiteclure Inc. rel: 604-238-3380 1mit 632-5311 Cedarbridge Way cell: 778-998-6968 Richmond, B.C. email: geoff@lawlornrchitecture.com V6X 0M3 web site: www.geofllawlorarchitecture.com City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attn.: April Crockett, Planning Technician Re: 2021-579-RZ, 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road, (236 B St./ 119 Ave.), Maple Ridge Responses to ADP comments Hello April, Our response to the ADP comments has been an on-going exchange of emails rather than a single letter response. I believe that we have general agreement at this point and the only way to demonstrate it might be to provide a consolidated extract of this exchange. I will start with the original ADP comments (in black) and follow each comment with our final position (in red) with some additional commentary at the end to provide clarity on planning observatiuons. Architectural Comments: • Consider modern design language for future projects. Noted but do not agree. • Consider additional colors and material transition/variety at along East elevations. Rather than adding colours to the blocks we have selected an entirely different colour scheme for block Bas noted on the drawings • The road connecting north and south has canyon effect, please consider adding some bump ins by placing the building blocks in stepping to add bump ins in the road. We understand the issue but, unfortunately, the dimensional and open space requirements make this impossible. The full setback of 7.Sm is needed at the rear of the units to provide the amount of Common Open Space required by the zoning bylaw. In addition, we feel that the variance needed to reduce this would not receive Council approval because of serious local community objections. Similarly, on the west side, the face of the units are set close to the setback line and a reduction here would place the garage and unit entries dangerously close to the road. The entries to the units on the west side have been increased in area and now project beyond the main building face permitting the addition of a small roof over the entry. • Try to seek variance for rear lot line setbacks to add bump ins on the road side. See above • Consider adding more articulation on the rear side to have the same effect as on the road side. The east elevation is already articulated with highlighted colours in the recessed portions and block B now has an additional colour scheme Consider adding more articulation on the side way units facing the street to make them appear similar to the front entrances, perhaps adding man doors on the street side. We have revised the design of the roof as suggested, making it a dormer with decorative support brackets with integral lighting fixtures. The window size has also been increased significantly giving it a more 'door like' appearance. The entry lobby has been sized to avoid the dormer roof projecting into the internal road. The unit layout does not lend itself to a man door on the south elevation but greater interest has been added with the introduction of more windows. • Due to main entrance being tucked away, consider emphasis on the main entrance fa~ade with more pronounced projections and recesses to give visual interest and break up the long leaner massing. See note above. Although not highlighted on the building elevations, the entries are very visible form the approach road. • Suggest providing architectural interest and variety to east fa~ade of buildings using different accent colours and materials. See note above regarding block B colours • Suggest revisiting the composition of the blocks' end facades, north and south, in order to introduce architectural features that would provide additional visual interest (i.e. windows, balconies, overhangs, feature materials, etc ... ) See note above Landscape Comments: • The landscape design is relatively simple given the long narrow site. Agreed 41 Presentation of landscape drawings on line was low resolution and drawings of amenity areas were quite small. Provide colour landscape plans in future with larger scale drawings of amenity areas. Coloured landscape site drawings have been added to the drawing package. • Suggest relocating mail boxes between Blocks A and B to improve access and usability of the amenity space The mailbox location has been approved by Canada Post and its current location provides opportunity for social interaction at the amenity space but we have moved them to the side to permit easier access. • Suggest introducing additional landscape and architectural features that would contribute to reducing the visual linearity of the lane, for example: o Introduce different paving materials like permeable pavers areas at the beginning and end of the lane and in front of the common open spaces. Permeable pavers have been added in front of the common open spaces and are shown on the architectural drawings and have been added to the landscape ones also o Introduce different hedge species, perhaps aligned with the suggested pavers areas above. different hedge species have been introduced to the west edge of the site o Introduce additional accent colours on top of the proposed red so that each block is accentuated with a different colour. This is an architectural issue -see note above • Suggest relocating the PMT to north end of the site, it is currently competing with the site sign beside the main site access. We appreciate the concern, but final location will depend on BC Hydro -we anticipate the service being provided from 199 Ave and feel compelled to retain it in its present location for the present. • Suggest revisiting the bio-swale design along the east edge of the site. It seems unrealistic to implement a continuous functioning bioswale across all private patios. Ensure proposed drainage does not discharge off-site or create ponding areas. The swale is designed to collect surface water and direct it into the site's storm water system. The swale is located along the property line and will not cut through the patio areas. • Suggest widening the outdoor amenity spaces for usability, perhaps reduce planting to achieve a more square space and introduce a table or two for informal picnics. Suggest one arbor per space. The City has insisted upon strict interpretation of its Outdoor Amenity and Common Open space requirements. The current paved and grassed areas define these separate requirements. The 'rear gardens' are technically Common Open Space for use by everyone in the development. An extended patio would create confusion over who's space it is. • Suggest introducing street lights or bollard lights along the west verge to achieve adequate street light levels (CPTED) and to make it more pedestrian friendly. This has been done. Fencing at the rear has been clarified and changed to provide some screening between units whilst allowing free passage along the eastern property line. The cement fibre board shingles on parts of the fa<;:ade have been retained, as per our initial submission. The 'outdoor amenity space #1 1 shown on the landscape drawings is additional to the zoning requirements. Generally, these common amenity spaces are small and additional furniture will crowd the spaces making them less usable, not more. We trust this consolidated response provides the required clarity. Respectively submitted, Geoff Lawlor Architect AIBC, Principal Geoff Lawlor Architecture Inc. 632 -5311 Cedarbridge Way Richmond, BC, V6X 0M3 APPENDIXG Memorandum Date: May 3, 2023 To: Maple Ridge Planning Department -Attention April Crockett Subject: Development Information Meeting Rezoning Application 2021-579-RZ Dear April, we are pleased to provide this report regarding the results of the Development Information Meeting for this project that took place on May 25, 2023. This report is being provided by the City's policy for a Development Information Meeting. A. Mailouts, Signage and Ads A letter was mailed out to residents surrounding the project as per City policy on May 3rd. Appendix A. An ad was placed in the Maple Ridge news which ran in the March 12th and March 19th print editions. Appendix B. A decal was placed on the sign in accordance with the City Policy. B. Number of Respondents via email or calls We confirm that a total of 3 inquiries were received via phone calls, all three were prior to the meeting date. C. Attendees at the Development Information Meeting A development information meeting was held at Alexander Robinson Elementary at 11849 238b Street in Maple Ridge, BC from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on May 25th. Representatives from Nordel Developments attended as well as the project architect, Geoff Lawlor Architecture Inc. There were 19 attendees from the public who visited the meeting to review the materials on display and attend the presentation on the plan from the Architect. See sign-in sheet Appendix C. D. Summary of Comments received Memorandum 1 There were a total of 11 comment forms received from the meeting. A brief summary of the comments received is outlined below. Summary of comments supporting the proposal: • Need for housing within the community • Good location for housing as proximity to shops and employment areas • Large garages aid in maximizing on-site parking • More infill and densification is required in the city Summary of comments against the proposal: • Traffic calming measures needed • New school , daycares, doctors needed for this development • Traffic issues, a crosswalk and a 4-way stop is needed with lights at 236th and 119th • Concerns for pedestrian safety • Narrow lot • Off-site parking limitations • Construction disruption Arjun Randhawa Nordel Developments Ltd. Memorandum 2 May 19, 2023 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place APPENDIX H Scliool District 42 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: April Crockett Dear Ms. Crockett: Re: File#: Legal: Location: From: To: 2021-579-RZ Lot: 7, Section: 16, Township 12, Plan: NWP1676 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road M-1 (Service Industrial) RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Alexander Robinson Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Alexander Robinson Elementary School has an operating capacity of 4 71 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Alexander Robinson Elementary School is 539 students (114% utilization) including 146 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School is 973 students (93% utilization) including 267 students from out of catchment. Based on the density estimates for the various land uses at build out the following would apply: • For the construction of a 16-unit townhouse development and 2 single family lots, the estimated number of school age residents is 7. Flavia Coughlan Secretary Treasurer The Board of Education of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows) cc: Louie Girotto, Director, Facilities Maryam Fallahi, Manager, Facilities Planning David Vandergugten, Assistant Superintendent School District No. 42 I Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows 22225 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8N6, Phone: 604.463.4200 I Fax: 604.463.4181 I I I I r- - - - - - 1 I I 1- - - - - - - - - l I I I I r- - - - - - - 7 I I I I r- - - - - - 1 I I 1- - - - - - - - J ~- - w - - ~ I I L __ _ _ _ J I I I- - - ■ I ◄ 4'- 0 1/4 " 1.2 3 ~ ;;; ~ t r- - Av e r a g e Le n g t h Of A Ca r Ba s e d On Bo d y Ty p e s 0 N Se g m f f l t s Ha t c h r o c k Se d a n Mid - s ize SW Lar g e SU V Lu x u r y SU V MW Co n ~ r t l b l e Co u p e Pic k u p Tru ck Va n Wa g o n un g t h ( m m ) 32 5 2 41 4 3 39 9 5 47 1 8 50 0 2 46 0 6 43 6 9 47 5 9 43 1 9 46 3 3 49 5 5 re c y c l i n g & \_ I bik e st o r a g e EV ch a r g i n g sta t i o n 21 ' - 4 7/8 " 6.53 un g t h ( f t l 10 . 6 13 5 13 . 1 15 . 4 16 .4 15 .1 14 3 15 .6 14 .1 15 . 2 16 . 2 -- - •-- - - T - - L - - - l -- ~ I I I I 8'-2 3/ 8 " 8'-2 3/8 " )1 3/4 " 0 "' ,, ; 2. 5 0 0 ... . CD I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ;; ; do u b l e ga r a g e i . I I 12 CD 2.5 0 .,:; f "' I ~ ' "' 0 Q) ~ f .,: ; f > :J r/ ) 2:: -~ Q) f _ __ _ . . . _ _ _ , . . _ sta n d a r d -+ - - - + - - - - + - - l - + - - - - + - - - + - - - - 1 - - - < H pa r k i n g st a l l s , I I ,, ,, ,, 0.30 )> -c "1 J JT 1 z 0 X TO: Traffic Engineering Specialists TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Amar Bains, Nordel Developments Ltd. APPENDIXJ Q 101A -1952 Kingsway Avenue Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada V3C 6C2 \. 604.936.6190 ~ 604.936.6175 (i;i www.cts-bc.com FROM: DATE: Gary Vlieg, P.Eng., Creative Transportation Solutions Ltd. (CTS) 14 December 2023 RE: FILE NO: 23682 Dewdney Road TES-Maple Ridge, BC 9174-01 1.0 BACKGROUND CTS has been retained by Nordel Developments Ltd. to provide traffic engineering services for a proposed site development to be located at 23682 Dewdney Road in the City of Maple Ridge. CTS has prepared this technical memo to address questions regarding additional site trip generation as a result of the proposed development. 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 Trip Generation The published vehicle trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (/TE) Trip Generation Manual 11 th Edition were used to forecast the site generated traffic volumes. The development is proposed to contain 16 townhouse units as well as two (2) single family lots that will each have an additional coach house. The trip generation for the proposed development is shown in TABLE 1, below. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION Scope of Tnp Rate Peak Hour Generation }~~1~1-1--1-1-vetiiCleTnp- Development Source . Rate I Weekday 0.70 25% 75% 0 3 3 Single Family ITE 11th Morning ! Detached Dwelling Units 4 Edition Code Housing 210 Weekday 0.95 63% 37% 2 2 4 Afternoon I Weekday Single Family ITE 11th Morning 0.48 25% 75% 2 6 8 i Attached Dwelling Units 16 Edition Code Housing 215 Weekday 0.57 59% 41% 5 4 9 Afternoon Weekday AM Peak Hour Total 2 9 11 i Weekday PM Peak Hour Total 7 6 13 innovative. functional. comprehensive ________________________ ~~~~-es1ablished 1 993 Page2 As shown in TABLE 1, above, the proposed development would generate 11 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour (2 inbound, 9 outbound), and 13 vehicle trips in the PM peak hour (7 inbound, 6 outbound). For comparison, the TABLE 2 should the trip generation if the proposed would fully consist of single-family lots. The proposed development would be able to fit a total of four (4) single family lots each with an additional coach house. TABLE 2 TRIP GENERATION I Trip I Scope of I Trip Rate I IVehicleTrip ~ Land Use Generation Peak Hour Generation Variable Development Source Rate I Weekday 0.70 25% 75% 1 5 6 I Single Family ITE 11th Morning Detached Dwelling Units 8 Edition Code Weekday Housing 210 0.95 63% 37% 5 3 8 i Mernoon I I I Weekday AM Peak Hour Total 1 5 6 Weekday PM Peak Hour Total 5 3 8 Under new direction from the Province of British Columbia, every single-family lot is allowed to have up to 4 units, this results in a similar traffic impact as is being proposed with 16 townhouses and 2 single-family lots with coach houses. The Maple Ridge threshold for requiring a Traffic Impact Assessment for new developments (outside of the Town Centre) is 100 additional vehicle trips during any one hour of the day. This development does not reach this threshold in either scenario. 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS CTS recommends that the City of Maple Ridge: 1. Accept this memo as a technical support for the proposed development. Should you have any questions regarding this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, CREATIVE TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS LTD. CTS Permit to Practice: 1000697 G VI . ,2[.123-n..1s ary ,e8, M.~c., FEC, P.Eng., Vice President gvl ieg@cts-bc.com 250-404-9094 2023-12-15 Maciej Wysocki, EIT Junior Traffic Engineer 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road TES -Technical Memo (14 December 2023) CIS' ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Development Variance Permit 12313 McNutt Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 23, 2024 2017-548-DVP co w Development Variance Permit application (2017-548-VP) has been received in conjunction with a rezoning and subdivision application to rezone to RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) and subdivide into two lots. The Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw requires a rural standard cul de sac to be dedicated and constructed and the requested variance is to reduce this requirement at the north end of 272 Street. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2017-548-RZ on January 30, 2024. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2017-548-DVP be approved. Requested variances: 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 48001993, Schedule C -Required Right-of-Way Widths: To waive the road dedication requirement of 31.0 meters for a rural cul-de-sac. 2. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule F -Design Criteria Manual: To reduce the required cul-de-sac asphalt carriageway radius of 11.0 meters to approximately 6.5 meters. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2017-548-RZ on January 30, 2024. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2017-548-DVP be approved. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-548-DVP respecting property located at 12313 McNutt Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Legal Description: 2017-548-VP Royal LePage Brookside Realty (Don Pearce) Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 32859) Lot 5 Except: Part Dedicated Road Plan LMP6069, Section 20, Township 15, New Westminster District Plan 12094 Page 1 of 4 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: b) Project Description: Suburban Residential Suburban Residential No No RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Vacant RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential Suburban Residential Single Family Residential RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential Suburban Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential Suburban Residential Single Family Residential RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential Suburban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 1.160 ha (2.9 acres) McNutt Road and 272 Street Rural Standard No No The subject property located at 12313 McNutt Road, is approximately 1.2 ha (2.9 acres) in size, and has frontage on 272 Street and McNutt Road (see Appendices A and B). The property is treed in the south- eastern portion, and has significant slopes along 272 Street and along the central-eastern portion of the property (see Appendix D). Cooper Creek is located east of McNutt Road, and there is a cell tower also located near the northern property line, in the center of the property. There is a private agreement in place and a Statutory Right-Of-Way on Title to allow access to this tower until the end of 2023. Cell phone towers are under federal jurisdiction and the City is not responsible for maintaining access to them. The Statutory Right-Of-Way will carry over to the newly created lots once subdivided. The applicant has rezoned the property to RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to allow for the subdivision of two large single family lots of 0.65 ha and 0.51 ha in size (see Appendix C). 2017-548-VP Page 2 of 4 2017-548-VP Page 3 of 4 c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below (see Appendices B and C): 1. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule C – Required Right-of-Way Widths: To waive the road dedication requirement for a cul-de-sac. 2. Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule F – Design Criteria Manual: To reduce the required cul-de-sac asphalt carriageway radius of 11.0 meters to approximately 6.5 meters. A variance is required by the Engineering Department for the road right-of-way on 272 Street and for the widening of the asphalt carriageway. The Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993 requires a rural cul-de-sac to be within a minimum road right-of-way radius of 15.5 meters (31.0 meter diameter) and an asphalt carriageway radius of 11.0 meters (22.0 meter diameter). The 272 Street right-of-way is 20.0 meters and has no asphalt bulb constructed. The developer is required to widen the asphalt carriageway within the existing 2.0 meter right-of-way to a radius of 6.5 meters (13.0 meter diameter). Given the steep terrain to the east and the rural nature of this road, this proposal is supported by the Engineering Department. It has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Fire Department that this reduced cul-de-sac is sufficient to meet the requirements of emergency vehicles. No-parking signs will be installed to ensure the area remains clear of vehicle obstructions. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. CONCLUSION: The proposed variance for road dedication is supported because the existing asphalt road will still be upgraded for emergency vehicle use. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2017-548-DVP. “Original Signed by Annie Slater-Kinghorn” “Original Signed by Marlene Best” Prepared by: Annie Slater-Kinghorn, BA Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Planning Technician Interim Director of Planning “Original Signed by Scott Hartman” Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Subdivision Plan 2017-548-VP Page 4of 4 APPENDIX A 12294 12251 12278 12231 12266 122AVE. Legend 12313 McNutt RD ---Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---Indefinite Creek N -River Scale: 1 :2,500 Major Rivers & Lakes 2017-548-RZ DATE: Nov 24, 2017 BY: JV N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend Stream ---Indefinite Creek 1111 River Major Rivers & Lakes 12313 McNutt RD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2017-548-RZ DATE: Nov 24, 2017 BY: JV TO P O G R A P H I C SU R V E Y PL A N OF PR O P O S E D SU B D I V I S I O N OF PA R C E L A (E X P L A N A T O R Y PL A N 32 8 5 9 ) LO T 5 EX C E P T : PA R T DE D I C A T E D RO A D PL A N PL A N LM P 6 0 6 9 , SE C T I O N 20 TO W N S H I P 15 NE W WE S T M I N S T E R DI S T R I C T PL A N 12 0 9 4 CM C NJ 0 R £ S S : 12 J 1 J 1/C N I I T T RO O l , llA P I . E RID G E PN I C E l . / D f N I I F I E 1 1 : 0 0 9 - 6 4 2 - - I J 9 9 PR E P N I E D F D R : K A L O F F Sca l o 1: ,fO O Md i t r l l l l l c : a - i , m d l a a n d d n : m o k lh e r o o ( u / l o b Q f l l \ e r ' N a i n ~ KJ u; . . . ; 32 Pla n LJ I P 6 0 7 J Pla n EP P J 1 J 7 4 / l◄a..5 6 /4 / -~ ( / • .f ' l ~p ~~ " - - - tp · :~ + l i ,~ t 1 ! t' l ,. t ? ( j ! ti:i ~ ~ · ~/! I; ; ~ M "~ I ✓ LO T Dll / E N S / 0 1 / S DER I V E D FR O I / FIE L D SU R V E r El.£ V A n O N S AR £ IN 1/E J R E S (G 8 J D / J J C ) EJ. £ W , n O N S l 1 E f f R E N C E D 1 1 1 l/O H U l / E N T : 8 5 H 0 7 0 4 EJ . £ W o n O N : 18 7 . 7 7 LO C A n O N : Da l l l N E Y TR U N K RO O l WAO C .t AI S O a . l l t S LA N O SU R \ 0 1 N G LT D - BC LA N O SIIR V E Y O / I S 11/ S S I O N .t l/A P I £ RID G E : ~~ 9 5 6 1 OR .f6 J - f 7 5 J SJ > . W A D E ; B C L S LM I F OF SU / M Y : l/A Y - J U N E : 20 1 8 : SE P I E l l 8 E R 7, 20 1 8 10 Pla n LJ I P 2 0 0 4 9 Pla n LJI P 2 0 0 4 7 .J . I f i f J i D Sym b a h t E- -< Bl " 0 s Oos c r i p U o n ,II / C H O R lt7 / 1 £ CA T r : H / l A S I I I CU L V E R r PO W E R PO L £ WA I D I S E I M C E / l l D ! i l WA I D I V A L \ ' £ WIH O L E : - D / I A I N / S 1 l ) R l l W/1 / 0 L E : - SN / J r A R Y .- 1 ' / ~' l : J : f ~ ~ BIJ 6 B J O ( / C C M ! W l f BIJ I J I W C C M ! W l f BX 1 0 4 . 5 U S T A M D l n ' R I Q f T O F I M Y Pla n EP P J 1 J 7 4 11 Pla n LJI P 2 0 0 4 9 Pla n L J I P 2 0 0 4 7 lr ~ · - 1 ' ii:/ I .; f ' ' : . ~ s /j ::, , . i J .. i ;? ' ~- / 1 1r - lP . ! U > ~" ; f )> -c -c rr , z 0 >< (" ' ) ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: January 23, 2024 FILE NO: 11-5245-20-2016-114 & 06-2240-20 MEETING: cow The lands at 12366 Laity Street have been subdivided into four lots. Part of the subdivision servicing includes extension of the water, storm and sanitary sewer systems and construction of an urban standard road (the "subdivision servicing works't and is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 provides the City's assessment of the allocation of the costs of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. The developers have an opportunity to recover costs for service capacity over and above which is required for their specific development should development occur on those parcels identified in Schedule A within the permitted maximum 15-year time period. Cost recovery may also be possible where a property connects to the Latecomer-eligible utility. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the subdivision servicing works at 12366 Laity Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 with the subdivider of the lands at 12366 Laity Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The lands at 12366 Laity Street have been subdivided into four lots. Part of the subdivision servicing included the extension of subdivision servicing works which is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. Doc#3198813 Page 1 of 2 The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services and land to which the developer provided services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is shown on attached Schedule A. In addition, a copy of Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 is also attached for information purposes. b) Policy Implications: Part 14, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the City shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the City considers will benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 will provide such determination for Subdivision SD 2016/114. CONCLUSION: A developer has provided subdivision servicing works in support of Subdivision SD 2016/114. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands, therefore it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. Latecomer Agreement LC 178/22 summarizes the City1s determination of benefitting lands and cost allocations and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer Charges will be applied. ~ Submitted by: Rachel Ollenberger, AScT. Manager of Development Engineering Concurrence: Seo~~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Schedule A (B) Benefitting Property Map (C) Latecomer Agreement Doc#3198813 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT A Schedule A TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE 1. ONSITE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY Service Total Number Tota I Cost of Cost per EDUs on Benefit of Equivalent Benefit EDU Benefitting Attributed Development Property by Property Units (EDU) Road 8 $76,625.04 $9,578.13 3 Lot 112, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 3 X $9,578.13 1 Lot 113, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0200-8 1 X $9,578.13 Watermain 8 $45,766.00 $5,720.75 3 Lot 112, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 3 X $5,720.75 1 Lot 113, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0200-8 1 X $5,720.75 Storm 12 $97,520.04 $8,126.67 3 Lot 112, DL 248, Sewer Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 3 X $8,126.67 Service Sanitary Sewer Total Number Total Cost of of Equivalent Benefit Development Units (EDU) 12 $45,945.00 Cost per EDU $3,828.75 EDUson Benefitti ng Property Benefit Attributed by Property 3 Lot 113, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 3 RN 20999-0200-8 3 X $8, 126.67 Lot 112, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 3 X $3,828.75 3 Lot 113, DL 248, Group1, NWD Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0200-8 3 X $3,828.75 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Legal Description Lot 112, NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 Lot 113, NWP 37928 RN 20999-0200-8 Civic Address 12350 Laity Street 12358 Laity Street Total Cost $81,762.90 $51,165.14 12397 12383 308 12375 309 12367 310 12355 311 12343 312 12331 313 12323 > 1 5 314 ,---- -tj- N ,---- N ~ C/1 >-r <( _J 0 I'- N ,---- N 1 L01 I'- N ,---- 1111...N "12358 1-235{). 12336 12324 I c."'! N CX) N ,----C 2 N ,----2 ,----3 CX) CT) N N --,---- N N 123B AVE. ·1-1.2 - ' 5 6 4 ATTACHMENT B 124 AVE. CX) "'1-0 CT) --n ~ ~ n CD 0 -- CT) B --N N n 1 9 ----N N 4L() 123~ --n ,---- I N 1 8 I 1. 1 ·5_ 123! 1 7 123, 1 6 7 8 12323/~ ,----24 I'-n --N n CT) 0 --n N N n n ,----~ --N ,----,----N N N 123 AVE. 1 · · · · · · · · · · · 1 .......... ........... BENEFITTING PROPERTIES I I DEVELOPMENT ... --~-BOUNDARY N A SCALE: ---------. CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 1~ Maple Rideel ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT FILE 5245-20-2016-114 12366 LAITY STREET ----------------- N.T.S. DATE: JANUARY 2024 FILE/DWG No LC 178/22 LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 178/22 -SD 2016/114 THIS AGREEMENT is made the_ day of -----~ 20_ BETWEEN: MP Pacific Developments 12366 Laity Street Maple Ridge BC V2X 583 (Hereinafter called the "Subdivider") OF THE FIRST PART AND: City of Maple Ridg,e 11995 Haney Place WHEREAS: Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 (Hereinafter called the "City") OF THE SECOND PART ATTACHMENT C A. The Subdivider has developed certain lands and premises located within the City of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 248, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan NWP 7478 (Hereinafter called the "said lands"); B. In order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the Subdivider has constructed and installed the road, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer services shown on the design prepared by Core Concept Consulting Ltd. Job No: 13082 (Sheets 1 to 5, Rev 5) dated February 7, 2017, reviewed as noted. Project No.7810-0193-00. (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); C. The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; Doc#3198810 Page 1 of 4 D. The City considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; E. The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $244,088.00; F. The City has determined that: LT 2; SEC 27; TWP 12; NWD; PL NWP11128 LT 22; SEC 27; TWP 12; NWD; PL NWP2622 LT 1; SEC 27; TWP 12; NWD; PL EPP66381 LT 2; SEC 27; TWP 12; NWD; PL EPP66381 LT 1; SEC 27; TWP 12; NWD; PL EPP66381 (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; G. The City has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: Doc#3198810 District Lot 113, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0200-8 • $9,578.13 per lot to a maximum of $81,075.00 for access to the road on 123B Avenue • $5,720.75 per lot to a maximum of $35,250.00 for use of the watermain on 123B Avenue • $8,126.67 per lot to a maximum of $97,520.00 for use of the storm sewer main on 123B Avenue • $3,828.75 per lot to a maximum of $97,520.00 for use of the sanitary sewer main on 123B Avenue District Lot 112, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan NWP 37928 RN 20999-0100-4 • $9,578.13 per lot to a maximum of $81,075.00 for access to the road on 123B Avenue • $5,720.75 per lot to a maximum of $35,250.00 for use of the watermain on 123B Avenue • $8,126.67 per lot to a maximum of $97,520.00 for use of the storm sewer main on 123B Avenue • $3,828.75 per lot to a maximum of $97,520.00 for use of the sanitary sewer main on 123B Avenue plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the Manager of Development Engineering of the City (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection of the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; Page 2 of 4 H. The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City shall pursuant to Section 508 (2) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 2015, c.1 be paid to the Subdivider as provided for in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 508 (5) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C 2015, c.1, the parties hereto agree as follows: Doc#3198810 1. The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City within fifteen (15) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Subdivider and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of the next June 30th or December 31 st that follows the date on which the Latecomer Charge was collected by the City. 2. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the City to the Subdivider, or fifteen (15) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the City shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. 3. The Subdivider represents and warrants to the City that the Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall, notwithstanding Item 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. 4. The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. 5. If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer, etc.): 6. In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written. SUBDIVIDER Company: _________ _ Print Name: ________ _ Subdivider -Authorized Signatory Company: _________ _ Print Name: ________ _ Subdivider -Authorized Signatory CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Corporate Officer -Authorized Signatory Doc#3198810 Page 4 of 4 ~ Maple Ridee ~ TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: January 23, 2024 FILE NO: 11-5245-20-B549 & 06-2240-20 MEETING: cow The lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent have been developed. Part of the development servicing includes extension of the storm sewer and is considered excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 provides the City's assessment of the allocation of the costs of the extended storm sewer servicing to the benefitting lands. The developers have an opportunity to recover costs for service capacity over and above which is required for their specific development should development occur on those parcels identified in Schedule A within the permitted maximum 15-year time period. Cost recovery may also be possible where a property connects to the Latecomer-eligible utility. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the extended storm sewer services at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 with the developer of the lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The lands at 21661 Ridgeway Crescent have been developed. Part of the development servicing included the extension of the storm sewer which is considered excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. Doc#3433388 Page 1 of 2 The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the development and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services and land to which the developer provided services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is shown on attached Schedule A. In addition, a copy of Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 is also attached for information purposes. b) Policy Implications: Part 14, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the City shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the City considers will benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 will provide such determination for Development 5245-20-B549. CONCLUSION: A developer has provided storm sewer services in support of Development 5245-20-B549. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands, therefore it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. Latecomer Agreement LC 182/24 summarizes the City's determination of benefitting lands and cost allocations and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer Charges will be applied. ~ Submitted by: Rachel Ollenberger, AScT. Concurrence: Ma ~:;::eering I Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Schedule A (B) Benefitting Property Map (C) Latecomer Agreement Doc#3433388 Page 2 of 2 Schedule A TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE 1. ONSITE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY Service Storm Sewer Ridgeway Crescent Total Number of Equivalent Development Units (EDU) 4 Total Cost of Cost per Benefit EDU $59,692.00 $14,923.00 EDUs on Benefitti ng Property 2 A total of all the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Legal Description Lot C, NWP 15642 RN 42052-3300-0 Lot 30, NWP 14 796 RN 42052-3000-X Civic Address 21667 Ridgeway Crescent 21682 Ridgeway Crescent ATTACHMENT A Benefit Attributed by Property Lot C, NWP 15642, DL 245, Group 1, NWD RN 42052-3300-0 2 X $29,846.00 Lot 30, NWP 14796, DL 245 Group 1, NWD RN 42052-3000-X 1 X $14,923.00 Total Cost $29,846.00 $14,923.00 .,_: (/) (0 ..... N I ..--- ~2 ..---N (D Rem. co 127 N 12314 F 12292 12282 2 3 12272 Rem 4 l'0 <.D ..---N <.D ..--- N 55 54 12222 12204 53 143 LO l'0 <.D ..--- N <.D l'0 <.D N 144 LO s::;j- <.D ..--- N <.D s::;j- <.D N 145 LO LO <.D ..--- N <.D l.() <.D N 146 147 LO LO <.D I' <.D <.D .,-- N N 123 AVE. <.D <.D <.D .,-- N <.D I' <.D N 148 LO OCl <.D ..---N <.D OCl <.D .,-- N I' 0) <.D ..--- N s::;j- 0) <.D 149 ATTACHMENT B 1-..Ju LO 0 I' .,-- N s::;j- 0 I' N I' r::: ..--- N ..-- I' ..---N l::JI N N I' N LO N I' ..---N l0L ..-128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 ° 5 LO LO 6 l'0 s::;j- <.D <.D 122 AVE. N l'0 <.D N 56 58 51 2 E 12 13 ~ LO LO I'--l'--<.D en O N ..---<.D I' I' I' ___,___N---1,___N ___ _.._N __ ___,__N __ ----L,_N_;__ N s::;f-cn o <.D I' NN 29 28 LO !'--en o <.D I' N N N 0) <.D 61 <.D 0 I' RIDGEWAY CRES. OCl ..-- I' N I' .,-- I' ..---N 27 31 OCl 0 N s::;f- 1'--I' .,--..---N N 26 2) I' N I' .,-- N 32 0) l'0 I' ..---N 32 122 AVE. <.D ..--I' ..---,..._ I 0 l'0 I' DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY f:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:j BENEFITTING PROPERTIES N A MapleRidQe CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT FILE 5245-20-8549 21661 RIDGEWAY CRESCENT LC 182/24 SCALE: 1------------,-------------t N.T.S. DATE: JANUARY 2024 FILE/DWG No LC182-2024 LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 182/24 -5245-20-B549 THIS AGREEMENT is made the_ day of -----~ 20_ BETWEEN: Abhayjeet Grewal Shailja Tiwari 21661 Ridgeway Crescent Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 326 (Hereinafter called the "Developer") OF THE FIRST PART AND: City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place WHEREAS: Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 (Hereinafter called the "City") OF THE SECOND PART ATTACHMENT C A. The Developer has developed certain lands and premises located within the City of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: LOT G, PLAN NWP19818, District Lot 245, Group 1, New Westminster Land District (Hereinafter called the "said lands"); B. In order to facilitate the approval of the development of the said lands, the Developer has constructed and installed the storm sewer services shown on the design prepared by Mainland Engineering Design Corporation Job No: 5245-20-B549 (Sheets 1 to 3) dated July 27, 2021, reviewed as noted August 10, 2021. Project No.C-2164. (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); C. The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; Doc#3433402 Page 1 of 4 D. The City considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; E. The Developer has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $59,692.00; F. The City has determined that: LOT G, PLAN NWP19818, DISTRICT LOT 245, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER LAND DISTRICT LOT C, PLAN NWP15642, DISTRICT LOT 245, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER LAND DISTRICT LOT 30, PLAN NWP14796, DISTRICT LOT 245, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER LAND DISTRICT (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; G. The City has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: Lot G, DL 245, NWD, PL NWP 19818 RN 42052-3200-7 • $14,923.00 for use of the storm sewer constructed on Ridgeway Crescent Lot C, DL 245, NWD, PL NWP 15642 RN 42052-3300-0 • $29,846.00 for use of the storm sewer constructed on Ridgeway Crescent Lot 30. DL 245, NWD, PL NWP14796 RN 42052-3000-X • $14,923.00 for use of the storm sewer constructed on Ridgeway Crescent plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the Manager of Development Engineering of the City (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection of the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; H. The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City shall pursuant to Section 508 (2) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 2015, c.1 be paid to the Developer as provided for in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 508 (5) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C 2015, c.1, the parties hereto agree as follows: Doc#3433402 Page 2 of 4 Doc#3433402 1. The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City within fifteen (15) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Developer and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of the next June 30th or December 31st that follows the date on which the Latecomer Charge was collected by the City. 2. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the City to the Developer or fifteen (15) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the City shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. 3. The Developer represents and warrants to the City that the Developer has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Developer herein shall, notwithstanding Item 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. 4. The Developer (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. 5. If the Developer is a sole corporate body or person, the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer, etc.): 6. In the event that the Developer is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Developer, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER Company: _________ _ Print Name: ________ _ Developer -Authorized Signatory Company: _________ _ Print Name: --------- Developer -Authorized Signatory CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Corporate Officer -Authorized Signatory Doc#3433402 Page 4 of 4 ~Maple ~ Ridee TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: January 23, 2024 FILE NO: 11-5255-40-243 MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Award of Contract EN23-107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to award the Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) construction contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. and to increase Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract to provide construction support services. RECOMMENDATION: That Contract EN23-107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) be awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus applicable taxes; and That a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items; and That advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150; and That the existing Aplin and Martin Consultants Ltd. contract for Engineering and Design Services for Abernethy Way (224 Street to 232 Street), be increased by $420,000 for construction support services; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the construction contract. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context The City of Maple Ridge's Strategic Transportation Plan -September 2023 (STP) identified the Abernethy Way corridor as a Major Municipal Road and one of three primary east- west transportation corridors within the City of Maple Ridge: Lougheed Hwy, Dewdney Trunk Road and Abernethy Way. Abernethy Way is also a part of the Translink Major Road Network. The STP outlines long-term improvements to the Major Municipal Road key corridors to increase road network connectivity as the City continues to grow. Doc#362787 4 Page 1 of 4 This project includes widening of Abernethy Way from 224 Street to 230 Street to a four- lane arterial roadway, retaining the existing sidewalk on the south side of the road, and constructing a new multi-use path (MUP) on the north side of the road. Upgrades also include street and MUP lighting, culvert upgrades, traffic signal upgrades, intersection improvements, retaining walls, signage, pavement markings, green infrastructure and storm drainage systems. The project will commence in February 2024 and be completed by spring 2025. Bid Results Invitation to Tender EN23-107: Abernethy Way Road Improvements (224 Street to 230 Street) was posted on BC Bid. Nine bids were received as follows: Bidder Lafarge Canada Inc. Jack Cewe Construction Ltd. B.A. Blacktop Infrastructure Inc. Arsalan Construction Ltd. B&B Contracting (2012) Ltd. Key-West Asphalt (332) Ltd. HANNA Infrastructure Ltd. United Earth Contractors Corp. M2K Construction Ltd. Lafarge Canada Inc. is the lowest compliant bidder. b) Desired Outcome: Bid Amount (excluding taxes) $ 8,475,080.00 $ 8,799, 138.00 $ 9, 138,092.29 $ 9,349,122.00 $ 10,340,600.00 $ 10,866,371.32 $ 11,068,690.00 $ 12,903,632.60 $ 12,999,873.90 The desired outcome is to increase the road capacity to meet the needs of the community, while improving the functionality and overall safety of the Major Road Network in the City. c) Strategic Alignment: This project supports Council1s Strategic Plan to: • Improve mobility with safe, sustainable and effective transportation options; and • Develop infrastructure that positions the City to provide accessible and sustainable services while accommodating growth; and • Enhance and protect the health of our natural environment; and further • Attract, retain and expand business investment to diversify the tax base and increase local employment. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Construction will commence following the project award and procurement of the required materials and equipment. Project completion is anticipated for spring 2025. Doc#362787 4 Page 2 of 4 Traffic control will be managed to minimize impact to motorists. Abernethy Way will maintain two lanes of traffic between peak traffic periods from 6:00 am to 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Single-lane alternating traffic may be considered outside of peak traffic periods upon review by the Engineering Department. Residents who live adjacent to the construction sites will be notified by mail of any construction or traffic impacts at the outset of the project. The project site will include signage with appropriate contact information should residents have questions or concerns, and the City will actively promote construction updates through our social media channels. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering, Facilities, Parks & Properties and Engineering Operations Departments provided input during the design process. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The project is funded through Development Cost Charges (DCC), General Capital Fund (GCF), Translink Grant (GRA TL), and the Provincial Growing Communities Fund (GRA Prov). Additional funds are required as noted below. Proiect Expenditures (Excluding Taxes) Engineering Design Services (Aplin & Martin) (224 Street to 230 Street section) Construction Support Services (Aplin & Martin) Electrical Service Relocations Allowance (BC Hydro) Telecommunications Service Relocations Allowance (Telus) Construction Contract (Lafarge Canada Inc.) Contract Contingency Traffic Control Equipment (City supplied) Total Projected Cost Proiect Funding Sources Development Cost Charges (existing funding) General Capital Fund (existing funding) Translink Grant Proposed funding from 2024 Capital Plan (DCC) Proposed funding from 2024 Capital Plan (GCF) Proposed funding from 2024 Capital Plan (GRA Prov) Total Project Funding $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ct ..p $ $ $ $ $ 201,535 420,000 150,000 50,000 8,475,080 1,500,000 210,000 11,006,615 204,767 20,681 1,477,000 5,690,000 116,150 3,500,000 11,008,598 Aplin & Martin was retained to complete the design and tender phases of the project. In awarding the construction contract and given the scope of the project, staff will utilize Aplin & Martin for contract administration and inspection services during the construction phase. This report recommends increasing Aplin & Martin's contract by $420,000 to provide construction support services. Doc#3627874 Page 3 of 4 Total funding in the 2024 Capital Plan for this project exceeds the projected cost of this project. Unused funds will be returned to the DCC fund in 2024 as part of the capital planning process. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Council approve the award of contract to Lafarge Canada Inc. in the amount of $8,475,080 plus taxes and that a contract contingency of $1,500,000 be approved to address unforeseen items. It is also recommended Council approve an increase to the Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. contract in the amount of $420,000 for construction support services. It is further recommended that advance approval of the 2024 Capital Plan funding for this project be provided in the amount of $9,306,150. - Prepared by: Financial: Concurrence: Concurrence: Attachments: (A) Map Doc#362787 4 ~P.Eng. Acting Director of Engineering 7 T~GA Director of Finance J/;1~~ Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT A Abernethy Way (224 St-230St) N 1/ Township ;/ of Langley Scale: 1 :7,500