HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-12 Regular Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 12, 20246:00 pm (NOTE CHANGE IN TIME)Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal For virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgment The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes • Report of Public Hearing – February 20, 2024 • Regular Council – February 27, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – February 27, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – March 5, 2024 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA Recommendation: THAT the items contained on the March 12, 2024, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Committee and Taskforce Minutes Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee · December 6, 2023 · December 13, 2023 Agricultural Advisory Committee · December 7, 2023 Mayors Taskforce on Climate Action · February 5, 2024 Environmental Advisory Committee​​​​​​ · January 24, 2024 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024 and Procurement Policy 5.45 New Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw to align with Council’s priority to deliver vital municipal services with innovation, accountability and efficiency to meet the needs of the community now and into the future. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024 be adopted; and 2. That amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 be approved. 9.2 Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024 To establish a reserve fund to maintain the Growing Community Grant. RECOMMENDATION: That Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024 be adopted. 9.3 2021­280­RZ, 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road To enter into a Housing Agreement for the subject property to ensure that the dwelling units will be used as rental housing. RECOMMENDATION:  That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992­2024 for 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road be given first, second and third reading. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 11.STAFF REPORTS 11.1 2021­556­RZ, 22020 119 Avenue, RS­1 to RT­2 To permit the future construction of a triplex. RECOMMENDATION:  That Section 2 of motion R/2024­CM­034, pertaining to the waiving of the Public Hearing for Zone amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022, be rescinded; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022 be forwarded to Public Hearing. 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 12, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes•    Report of Public Hearing – February 20, 2024•    Regular Council – February 27, 2024•    Special Council (to Close) – February 27, 2024•    Special Council (to Close) – March 5, 2024 5.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 6.DELEGATIONS 7.CONSENT AGENDA Recommendation: THAT the items contained on the March 12, 2024, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. 7.1 Committee and Taskforce Minutes Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee · December 6, 2023 · December 13, 2023 Agricultural Advisory Committee · December 7, 2023 Mayors Taskforce on Climate Action · February 5, 2024 Environmental Advisory Committee​​​​​​ · January 24, 2024 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.BYLAWS  9.1 Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024 and Procurement Policy 5.45 New Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw to align with Council’s priority to deliver vital municipal services with innovation, accountability and efficiency to meet the needs of the community now and into the future. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024 be adopted; and 2. That amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 be approved. 9.2 Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024 To establish a reserve fund to maintain the Growing Community Grant. RECOMMENDATION: That Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024 be adopted. 9.3 2021­280­RZ, 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road To enter into a Housing Agreement for the subject property to ensure that the dwelling units will be used as rental housing. RECOMMENDATION:  That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992­2024 for 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road be given first, second and third reading. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 11.STAFF REPORTS 11.1 2021­556­RZ, 22020 119 Avenue, RS­1 to RT­2 To permit the future construction of a triplex. RECOMMENDATION:  That Section 2 of motion R/2024­CM­034, pertaining to the waiving of the Public Hearing for Zone amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022, be rescinded; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022 be forwarded to Public Hearing. 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMarch 12, 20247:00 pmVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersThe purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council using bylaws or resolutions. This isthe venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution.The meeting is live streamed andrecorded by the City of Maple Ridge. This Agenda is posted on the City’s Public Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portalFor virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going toPublic Portal at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on themicrophone icon for the select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES4.1 Minutes•    Report of Public Hearing – February 20, 2024•    Regular Council – February 27, 2024•    Special Council (to Close) – February 27, 2024•    Special Council (to Close) – March 5, 20245.PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL6.DELEGATIONS7.CONSENT AGENDARecommendation:THAT the items contained on the March 12, 2024, Regular Council ConsentAgenda be received into the record.7.1 Committee and Taskforce MinutesParks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee· December 6, 2023· December 13, 2023Agricultural Advisory Committee· December 7, 2023Mayors Taskforce on Climate Action· February 5, 2024Environmental Advisory Committee​​​​​​· January 24, 20248.UNFINISHED BUSINESS9.BYLAWS 9.1 Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024 and ProcurementPolicy 5.45New Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw to align with Council’s priority todeliver vital municipal services with innovation, accountability and efficiency tomeet the needs of the community now and into the future.RECOMMENDATION:1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987­2024be adopted; and2. That amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 be approved.9.2 Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024To establish a reserve fund to maintain the Growing Community Grant.RECOMMENDATION:That Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 7985­2024 be adopted.9.3 2021­280­RZ, 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road To enter into a Housing Agreement for the subject property to ensure that the dwelling units will be used as rental housing. RECOMMENDATION:  That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992­2024 for 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road be given first, second and third reading. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The items in the “Committee Reports and Recommendations” category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the Regular Council meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however, they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 11.STAFF REPORTS 11.1 2021­556­RZ, 22020 119 Avenue, RS­1 to RT­2 To permit the future construction of a triplex. RECOMMENDATION:  That Section 2 of motion R/2024­CM­034, pertaining to the waiving of the Public Hearing for Zone amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022, be rescinded; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830­2022 be forwarded to Public Hearing. 12.OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13.PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 14.MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR VERBAL REPORTS 15.NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 16.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3357098 City of Maple Ridge Report of Public Hearing February 20, 2024 The report of the Public Hearing held as a virtual meeting hosted in the Council Chambers on February 20, 2024, at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Carreras Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Director of Legislative Services Other staff as required M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 A. Grochowich, Manager of Community Planning J. Khaira, Manager of Engineering Design & Construction J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Community Engagement W. Oleschak, Director of Engineering Operations T. Westover, Director of Economic Development   Note:  These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal Note: Councillor Carreras joined the meeting virtually. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm The Mayor called the meeting to order and provided the land acknowledgement. The Corporate Officer explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the Temporary Use Permit will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on February 27, 2024. The Mayor then called upon Planning Department staff to present the following items on the agenda: 2. BUSINESS 2.1  Application 2021-389-RZ 11619, 11631 and 11639 Adair Street Lot 16 Section 17 Township 12 Plan New Westminster District Plan 15943 Lot 17 Section 17 Township 12 Plan New Westminster District Plan 15943 Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 2 of 13 Lot 18 Section 17 Township 12 Plan New Westminster District Plan 15943 The subject application is to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of three triplexes on three separate lots. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the February 9th and February 16th, 2024, editions of the local newspaper and that 105 notices were mailed out and that no correspondence was received in relation to this application. The Interim Director of Planning gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called for first round of public input. The Mayor called for second and third round of public input. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.2 Application 2019-051-RZ 11405 236 Street Lot 3 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7289 The subject application is to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) to permit the future construction of 18 townhouse units on the developable portion of the site. An OCP amendment is required to adjust the boundaries of the Conservation-designated area. The area currently designated Conservation is approximately 13,836.80 m2 (3.42 ac), an approximately additional 1,442.80 m2 (0.36 ac) is being added to the Conservation area. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the February 9th and February 16th, 2024, editions of the local newspaper and that 187 notices were mailed out and that no correspondence was received in relation to this application. The Interim Director of Planning presented the application. On behalf of the developer, Ruchir Dhall, Project Architect stated:  the project consists of 18 family-friendly three and four bedroom units,  the applicant has dedicated seventy-eight percent of site to park land, amendments to project design as per the Advisory Design Panel,  they took feedback from the community at the developers open house and made every effort to accommodate the changes requested. Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 3 of 13 The Mayor called for first round of public input. Dana Long, Maple Ridge resident, spoke regarding multiple concerns including waterways and fish redirection, environmental impacts, school capacity, road infrastructure overload, and hospital capacity. Hideya Takahashi, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in opposition due to insufficient parking due to garages primarily being used for storage and neighbourhood traffic congestion. Noah Liguori, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in opposition noting that density of development not a concern, but they are concerned about parking burden on neighbourhood, residents visitors having issues find parking, and children’s safety due to increased traffic and vehicles. Ian Wells, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in opposition noting garbage bins posing problems for wildlife, parking issues already in the neighbourhood, insufficient parking due to garages primarily used for storage, more visitor parking spots needed, and neighbourhood traffic congestion. Ken Magaw, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in opposition as the renderings shown do not match what the street and surrounding area actually looks like, frontage of property needs to be moved back to allow for street parking, and 236th Street is too narrow and can cause accidents. The Mayor called for second and third round of public input. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.3 Application 2021-280-RZ 22306 122 Avenue Lot 3 District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14397 The subject application is to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) to permit the future construction of a fourplex. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the February 9th and February 16th, 2024, editions of the local newspaper and that 437 notices were mailed out and that 2 pieces of correspondence were received in relation to this application. The Interim Director of Planning gave a detailed presentation providing information on the application. The Mayor called for first round of public input. Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 4 of 13 The Mayor called for second and third round of public input. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. 2.4 Application 2023-350-RZ 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent Lot 18 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11363 Except Plan BCP50115 Lot 19 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11363 The subject application is to rezone the properties located at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent from RS-3 (Single Detached Rural Residential) to a CD zone (CD-5-23) to facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. An OCP (Silver Valley Area Plan) Amendment is required to change a small portion of the Neighbourhood Park land use designation on 24070 128 Avenue to Medium High Density Residential. Also, OCP Amending Bylaw 7980-2023 makes a text amendment to permit a density over 40 units/ha with up to 57 units per hectare for the subject site within Horse Hamlet. The Corporate Officer advised this item was posted in the February 9th and February 16th, 2024 editions of the local newspaper and that 28 notices were mailed out and that 47 pieces of correspondence were received in relation to this application. The Interim Director of Planning presented the project. The applicant, Jagg Mann, presented information regarding the development, including that the application is within the Official Community Plan and fits with the City’s requirements, a parking surplus is provided, outdoor amenity space is double what is required, and $195,000 will be paid by the developer to upgrade the local park quicker with no financial gain to the Developer. The Mayor called for first round of public input. Dana Long, resident, spoke in opposition citing multiple concerns including:  natural disaster evacuation problems,  school capacity,  the area cannot sustain more density; the downtown core or by the river is better suited for density,  environmental concerns with garbage left in development sites, and  a more diverse development would be better. Ron Potter, resident, spoke in opposition stating:  they want the area to remain as single family homes,  there are already too many townhouses,  there is insufficient parking on Fern Crescent exacerbated by Golden Ears Park Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 5 of 13 traffic issues,  concern that there is only one exit during a natural disaster evacuation; a secondary bridge has been talked about for many years with no results, and  there are Alouette River environmental concerns regarding seepage from development. Janet Dmitrieff, resident, spoke in opposition noting her involvement in the Silver Valley plan in 1994 which required months of hard work. They believe the plans were shelved due to Developers dislike; the plan was to create a livable future for area. Council needs to do due diligence before approval, asked Council not to make a mess of the community; there are already too many developments in area, Golden Ears traffic concerns, and requested Council help Maple Ridge become livable. Jody Squires, resident, spoke in support noting the Silver Valley Official Community Plan is outdated. There are no stores, no amenities, and average home prices are not attainable for young families. We need to build and develop the area with affordable homes for families, need more young families in the area, developers need to be treated fairly. Cindy Melnus, resident, spoke in support stating they moved back to Maple Ridge and has seen lots of change. They noted:  there is no housing inventory,  a young single person can only afford a townhouse,  they are blessed to be able to live in nature,  their children who grew up in Maple Ridge should be able to live where they grew up,  schools are over capacity,  medium to high density reduces carbon footprint,  need to increase density that will bring a commercial hub,  need to make the community vibrant. Gord Catherwood, resident stated they are not against developments but has multiple concerns including accessibility, school capacity, need for more infrastructure, and one road in and out is a safety concern for the area. Austin Towne, resident, spoke in support as young families should be able to live in Maple Ridge because of townhomes; it is a good access point on Fern Crescent to help with traffic; and covered balconies are a nice feature. Michael Vernon, resident, spoke in support stating:  the developer has met all the criteria that City and Council have set forth,  the application should be further ahead,  society is creating a housing crisis in our own backyard because of delays and constraints,  it takes longer to get development through City approval than it takes to actually build. Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 6 of 13 Michelle Desrosiers, resident, spoke in support and recommended looking at this development and to start getting developments through to help the housing crisis. Milan Johal resident of Langley, read a letter of support from Ernie Daykin, Maple Ridge resident, highlighting:  the project aligns with the Silver Valley plan adding additional density,  developer has provided offsets that benefit the neighbourhood,  townhomes provide viable option for families. Mike Billinger, resident, spoke in opposition stating multiple concerns including:  school capacity,  one way in and one way out access to the area,  Golden Ears Park traffic congestion,  they would be in favour of townhomes in the area once a secondary exit route is built which needs to be a priority. Scott, resident, spoke in opposition stating:  schools are at capacity,  one way in and one way out of the area is a big problem,  Golden Ears Park traffic congestion during peak hours is terrible,  infrastructure needs to be built first,  single family homes are needed for multi-generational living and affordability,  Fern Crescent is too narrow, Jamie Squires, resident, spoke in favour of the development noting the following:  more townhomes are needed for affordability to live in the area,  one road in and out is concerning,  need higher density to fund the infrastructure to provide the access,  traffic studies for the area show forty-eight to forty-nine units will add one to two cars during peak hours,  need more density to get new schools, more amenities, and a bridge. Sukh Toor, resident of Delta, read a letter of support on behalf of Terri Pasley, Maple Ridge resident, noting there is a need for townhome developments for affordability for young families; the developer is generously paying for park, and is a local company that cares for residents. Josh Mellof, resident, spoke in favour highlighting that they are happy the garages are bigger to address parking issues, there is a need for housing to accommodate business’ ability to hire residents, developer is a good local family company. Jan Krentz, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in opposition stating concerns regarding the density of the project, school capacity, concerns about changing the Official Community Plan, Golden Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 7 of 13 Ears Park neighborhood traffic congestion, parking issues on Fern Crescent, and environmental concerns about wildlife homes. Mike Huber, resident, spoke in favour of growth in area, noted that provincial funded infrastructure is ten years behind, there is an urgent need for affordable housing, the Official Community plan supports this type of development, density is needed to show we need schools and hospitals and roads, and Maple Ridge needs diverse range of housing options for people at different stages of life. Monimi Sikri, resident of Surrey, read correspondence previously submitted to Mayor and Council from Al Hogarth, Maple Ridge resident, in favour of the proposal, noting that this development is reflective of principles of diversity in Silver Valley Plan which was meant to be fluid and adaptable to changing needs of community. Two decades of bylaw changes have reduced housing yields resulting in higher infrastructure maintenance costs in Silver Valley area to tax payers. Dr. Tarn Dhillon, resident of Burnaby and Maple Ridge business owner, spoke in support noting they have lost patients and good staff members due to housing affordability; a residential community needs to grow to keep local businesses successful. Scott Brown, resident of Surrey, spoke in support of the application, stating that as a housing consultant, single family housing is not affordable for most, parking issues will be the same at the proposed development as with single family homes. Housing needs to be built to get infrastructure from the province. People need housing, families want to live where they choose to live and not where they are told to live. Lakhvir Purewal, resident, spoke in support of the application stating single family homes in Silver Valley are not affordable to families, this project will provide more housing availability. Gurjit Rai, resident, and business owner, spoke in support stating that they have had to seek work outside of Maple Ridge as there are not many builds happening recently. They want to do business in their home community. The developer is a local company that wants to build local homes, there is a need for affordable housing for people to live and work in Maple Ridge. Ryan Svendsen, resident, spoke in support of the development citing housing affordability issues, one way in and out access is a problem, and to get infrastructure in place we need to develop and densify. Rejecting this application would send a bad message to developers this far into the process, Bernice Roll, resident, spoke in opposition stating:  concerns about the availability of housing,  townhome style homes are not adaptable to accessibility for people to live in permanently for their entire life,  low-income residents are not able to afford these units, Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 8 of 13  the development is too far from shops and amenities,  concern about changes in Silver Valley Plan,  lack of schools, and  Golden Ears Park traffic congestion at peak times. Lynne Potter, resident, spoke in opposition noting:  townhomes should be within walking distance to amenities,  semi-rural areas are not meant for townhomes,  too much land is being developed,  single family homes have places for renters,  the City needs more affordable housing options,  Golden Ears Park traffic congestion,  space for emergency vehicles,  natural disaster evacuation issue with only one way in one way out affecting public safety. Gurmit Mann, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in support of more affordable housing options for families. The Mayor called a second time for public input. Dana Long, resident, added that additional concerns including:  townhouses not being accessible for disabled or aging community,  single family homes are better for multigenerational families,  condos and townhomes belong in the city within walkable distance to shops and amenities, and  single family homes better for more people, ranchers would be better suited for accessibility. Janet Dmitrieff, resident, stated:  Golden Ears Park saw over nine hundred fifty thousand cars from 2017 to 2018,  there is a lot of illegal off-street parking,  two-way traffic is impossible on Fern Crescent at times, and  the application is not part of original Official Community Plan that was developed by residents. Avril Levin, resident, spoke in support of the application stating:  it will help the housing crisis,  there is a need more affordable housing and rentals,  residents who want to stop development are stopping local young families from staying in the community they grew up in, and  development has potential to help Maple Ridge’s future bright. Mike Huber, resident, spoke in support noting:  affordable housing is a critical issue, Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 9 of 13  families are leaving Maple Ridge to afford housing,  development density needs to be supported to get much needed provincial infrastructure funding,  thirty percent of larger company employees live outside of the municipality,  we need to keep people living and working locally that will, create a strong local economy,  losing valued members of community is a large loss to local economy,  invest in construction to build affordable housing, and  change is not easy, but it is required to have our City grow and thrive. Craig Spears, resident, spoke in support of the development and stated:  they were on Council when the Silver Valley plan was developed, it is still a viable plan,  the application fits with the plan,  once the bridge is complete, amenities and shops will be more accessible,  parking issues can be dealt with through the strata,  there is a need for density due to the housing crisis, and  more parking in the development would be beneficial, need mortgage helper in townhomes for affordable rentals. Joseph Bouwman, resident, spoke in support of the development stating that, care and thought into this application despite the added density including, larger garages, a good amount of green space and outdoor amenities. The City needs more housing options in Silver Valley, especially for families. Samantha Capaducca, resident, read a letter of support written on behalf of Sherri Capaducca, which discussed the housing crisis, young adults leaving Maple Ridge due to lack of available rentals and affordable housing options, development of new family-oriented homes in this development are much needed as they can keep families together and contribute to the ongoing needs faced by many. Nancy Che, Vancouver resident, is a realtor and spoke in support of the application stating:  it helps with the housing crisis as, not everyone can afford single family homes,  retirees are selling single family homes and have no downsize options,  the solution to the housing crisis is developments like this application,  infrastructure and amenity budgets will only come with more residents,  townhome owners do not always want to live in city centres, they should have the choice to live in residential areas,  there is more traffic congestions with single family homes,  the demand for townhomes in the market is strong,  building more middle density homes eases pressure on the housing market, and  Maple Ridge needs more housing supply. Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 10 of 13 Jan Krentz, resident, stated they are not opposed to development in general but has the following concerns:  commuting is a part of lifestyle,  there are access issues on 132nd Avenue and traffic congestion,  the road is shared by many,  across from commercial development is the right place for townhomes,  wildlife in the area needs a place to live,  150-year-old trees will be destroyed for development,  reconsider the density in this application, and  the Official Community Plan needs to be relooked at. Jamie Squires, resident, spoke in favour citing:  parking is a big issue, parking enforcement is needed in the area,  The Strata Property Act states that designated parking spaces, such as garages, can only be used for parking and this should be enforced,  a second access in/out, more schools and infrastructure are needed, but will only come with more density to show we need provincial funding,  the Province should be dealing with the congestion coming from Golden Ears Provincial Park. Milan Johal, Langley resident, read correspondence from Pav Rakra, Maple Ridge resident in support of the application, citing a dire need for housing, single family detached home are not attainable for most, need to embrace change to move forward. Jody Squires added that the Golden Ears Park traffic congestion is a Provincial problem, Provincial funding is needed for a secondary access. The developer cannot make everyone happy, common sense should be used in housing crisis. Jagg Mann, developer stated:  supportive of new infrastructure but believes the way to get funding for new infrastructure is via new development,  they referenced a recent deficit in budgeted building revenue that could have been used to help construct the bridge and the Maple Ridge School District Strategic Facilities Review that stated a new school could be opened in the Silver Valley area by 2028 if a school site was secured by 2022. The City has already designated a site but development fees and provincial funding are required to construct the school; this development would help contribute to that.  Provincial housing targets are not being met in Maple Ridge; this development will bring the City one step closer. John Dale, resident, spoke in opposition and stated multiple concerns including:  residents do not feel heard, and the Silver Valley Area Plan needs to be revised,  the application does not make sense in the area, hamlets were meant to be centered around schools,  stop and revise the area plans before further development, Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 11 of 13  parking issues, lack of transit in area, emergency area evacuation concerns with one way in and out, lack of safe sidewalks, are all issues that need to be addressed. Austin Towne, resident, spoke in support stating people know what they are getting into when they buy a home and should be checking if vehicles fit in garage before purchase. Monimi Sikri, resident of Surrey, read correspondence previously submitted to Mayor and Council from Jared Bissky, Maple Ridge resident, in support of the proposal as townhomes are a good, affordable housing option for many. Permitting high density townhomes are an essential component to alleviate the pressures on the housing market and provide much needed housing options for residents. Sukh Toor, resident of Delta, reading a letter of support on behalf of Sachan Mandair, stating the developer is reputable and the proposal meets the needs of many buyers. Bernice Rolls, reiterated their concern that this application will not provide affordable housing. The Mayor called for third round of public input Janet Dimitroff restated their concerns that density should be in transport hubs in town not in Silver Valley and their traffic concerns. Michelle Desrosier restated their position of support and wanted to ensure their voice had been heard. Jody Squires suggested looking at other communities to see how they are doing so well and prospering with large townhome developments. The City needs to plan for the future which can include environmental paths for animals and integrating townhomes into single family communities. John Dale, resident, stated concerns about traffic study not having been done and questioned whether TransLink has been contacted to comment on the intersection of Fern Crescent and 128th Avenue. They asked if there will be a roundabout if a portion of the subject property will be contributed for it. The property is not zoned for this use and the Official Community Plan states it could be for this use, however, density should be in different area. Mike Hubert, resident, spoke in support of the project, stating it takes courage to say yes at the right time, this is the right time for this development in this community. Denying this application will allow the community to fall ten to twenty years behind that will be difficult to recover from. Samantha Bowman, resident, spoke in support of the project stating:  renting is not affordable nor are single family homes attainable, Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 12 of 13  housing insecurity is felt by many; families need density for housing to be accessible and affordable,  opposition to developments in a luxury only afforded to people who entered in the housing market in more favourable conditions, and  it is time for Maple Ridge to embrace higher density to help the housing crisis faced by most residents. Milan Johal, Langley resident, read a letter of support previously circulated to Mayor and Council from Kerry Nagy, Maple Ridge resident, highlighting:  Maple Ridge relies on single family subdivisions that are too tight,  townhouse projects should be supported to service families who want to make Maple Ridge their home,  they are proud to support the developer that is supplying the right product for the buying public and aligns with the housing needs of Maple Ridge,  the City will benefit from housing options that cater to people and families who want to be forever residents, and  infrastructure is not keeping pace with growing community. Monimi Sikri, resident of Surrey, read a letter of support from Amanpreet Bring Maple Ridge homeowner, highlighting:  from a long-term planning perspective, this development application is an important piece of the puzzle for all infrastructure growth,  there is a major shortfall of housing in the community; Maple Ridge has room to grow and lots of land to build affordable homes,  the City has great amenities and access to Maple Ridge is getting better and is, becoming an area where people want to live,  they believe this project will add to community, Jagg Mann, developer, confirmed that the individuals speaking in support of the application are, or are speaking on behalf of Maple Ridge residents. Bernice Rolls, resident, restated her concerns and added that she felt excluded from being informed about the Public Hearing due to a lack of technology, and believe that is why there were few people in attendance to speak to the application. Danny Gerbrandt, Maple Ridge resident, spoke in support of this application, stating there is no supply of affordable housing units in Maple Ridge. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing on this item closed. Public Hearing Report February 20, 2024 Page 13 of 13 The Mayor declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 10:45 pm. ____________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3695763 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2024 The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on February 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor O. Dozie Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer, Director of Legislative Services Other staff as required M. Adams, Director of Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety K. Anastasiadis, Manager, Intergovernmental Affairs M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 C. Cowles, Manager of Bylaw & Community Safety A. Grochowich, Manager of Community Planning M. Halpin, Manager of Transportation J. Khaira, Manager of Engineering Design & Construction J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and Community Engagement C. Nolan, Deputy Director of Finance W. Oleschak, Director of Engineering Operations D. Olivieri, Manager of Corporate Planning and Consultation R. Ollenberger, Manager of Development Engineering V. Richmond, Director of Parks & Facilities L. Talanchuk, Manager of Procurement T. Westover, Director, Economic Development Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal NOTE: Councillor Carreras and Councillor Yousef attended the meeting virtually. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:05 pm 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 2 of 13 Document: 3695763 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.1 Approval of the Agenda R/2024-CM-020 Moved and seconded That the agenda for the February 27, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes R/2024-CM-021 Moved and seconded That the following minutes be adopted as circulated: • Special Council (to Close) – January 16, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – January 23, 2024 • Regular Council – January 30, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – February 1, 2024 • Special Council – February 6, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – February 6, 2024 • Special Council – February 13, 2024 • Special Council (to Close) – February 20, 2024 CARRIED 5. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL - NIL 6. DELEGATIONS 7. CONSENT AGENDA R/2024-CM-022 Moved and seconded THAT the items contained in the February 27, 2024, Regular Council Consent Agenda be received into the record. CARRIED 7.1 Board of Variance Appointment The following committee appointment was released from the Closed Council Meeting held on February 20, 2024: Jared Bissky, Member at Large, be appointed to the Board of Variance for a three-year term (March 5, 2024 – March 5, 2027) Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 3 of 13 Document: 3695763 7.2 Heritage Awards The following information was released from the Closed Council Meeting held on February 6, 2024: That the residence at 11395 205 Street be awarded the Heritage Site Award; That Emil Barrow be awarded the History Hero Award; That the Dewdney-Alouette Railway Society be awarded the Sheila Nickols Award; That the CEED Centre Society be awarded the Stewardship of a Community Cultural Asset Award. 7.3 Committee and Taskforce Minutes Advisory Design Panel • November 29, 2023 Community Heritage Commission • November 9, 2023 Economic Development Advisory Committee • November 30, 2023 Environmental Advisory Committee • June 14, 2023 • November 8, 2023 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness • November 16, 2023 Public Art Steering Committee • November 2, 2023 • January 11, 2024 Social Policy Advisory Committee • April 5, 2023 • December 11, 2023 Transportation Advisory Committee • November 29, 2023 Mayor’s Taskforce on Climate Action • January 8, 2024 CARRIED 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Nil Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 4 of 13 Document: 3695763 9. BYLAWS NOTE: Items 9.3 to 9.6 are from the Public Hearing of February 20, 2024. 9.1 2018-448-RZ.01, 12061 Laity Street, Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7981-2023 Extend the completion date in the Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the conservation of the Gillespie Residence on the subject site. R/2024-CM-023 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7981-2023 be adopted. CARRIED 9.2 Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023, Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986-2024, Elected Officials Oath of Office Bylaw No. 7975-2023, Maple Ridge Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 7974-2023 To incorporate an Integrity Commission function within the Code of Conduct, adoption of a bylaw that incorporates adherence to the Code of Conduct in the oath or solemn affirmation of office, and amendments to the Remuneration Bylaw to reduce a member’s remuneration based upon the Integrity Commission’s finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct. R/2024-CM-024 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023 be adopted. CARRIED With Councillor Yousef Opposed R/2024-CM-025 Moved and seconded Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw No. 7986-2024 be adopted. CARRIED R/2024-CM-026 Moved and seconded That Elected Official Oath of Office Bylaw No. 7975-2023 be adopted. CARRIED R/2024-CM-027 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 7330-2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 7974-2023 be adopted. CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 5 of 13 Document: 3695763 9.3 2021-389-RZ, 11619, 11631 and 11639 Adair Street, RS-1 to RT-2 The application is to rezone the subject property to permit the future construction of three triplexes on three separate lots. R/2024-CM-028 Moved and seconded THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7793-2021 be given third reading. CARRIED 9.4 2019-051-RZ, 11405 236 Street, RS-3 to RM-1 The application is to rezone the subject property to permit the future construction of 18 townhouse units on the developable portion of the site. R/2024-CM-029 Moved and seconded THAT Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7535-2019 be given third reading; and THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7536-2019 be given third reading. CARRIED 9.5 2021-280-RZ, 22306 122 Avenue, RS-1 to RT-2 To permit the future construction of a fourplex. R/2024-CM-030 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7773-2021 be given third reading. CARRIED 9.6 2023-350-RZ, 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent, RS-3 to CD-5-23 The application is to rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of 47 townhouse dwelling units. R/2024-CM-031 Moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 be given third reading and; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 be given third reading. DEFEATED With Mayor Ruimy, Councillors Carreras, Dozie, Schiller and Tan opposed Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 6 of 13 Document: 3695763 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 2023-056-AL, 26060 124 Avenue Application to subdivide Land within the Agricultural Land Reserve at the subject property. R/2024-CM-032 Moved and seconded That Application 2023-056-AL be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission based on the considerations outlined in the staff report titled "Application to Subdivide within the Agricultural Land Reserve, 26060 124 Avenue", dated February 20, 2024. CARRIED 10.2 2023-373-RZ, Units 102, 104, 106, and 116 – 22633 Selkirk Avenue That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7982-2024 be given first and second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2024-CM-033 Moved and seconded That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7982-2024 be given first and second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing. CARRIED 10.3 2021-556-RZ, 22020 119 Avenue, RS-1 to RT-2 To permit the future construction of a triplex R/2024-CM-034 Moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 be given second reading; 2. That a Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2), as Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 is consistent with the Official Community Plan; and further 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication on the lane, as required; iii. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; v. Removal of existing buildings; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 7 of 13 Document: 3695763 vii. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and viii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $7,400 per unit (first unit is exempt), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. CARRIED 10.4 2017-031-DVP/DP, 21333 River Road, Development Permit & Development Variance Permit To permit the construction of four (4) residential units, designed in the form of courtyard housing. R/2024-CM-035 Moved and seconded 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-031-DVP respecting property located at 21333 River Road. 2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-031-DP respecting property located at 21333 River Road. CARRIED 10.5 PL23-106: Award of Contract Maple Ridge Park New Playground Construction To award the Maple Ridge Park playground construction contract to Canadian Landscape & Civil Services Ltd. R/2024-CM-036 Moved and seconded That Contract PL23-106: Maple Ridge Park New Playground Construction be awarded to Canadian Landscape & Civil Services Ltd. in the amount of $2,337,500 plus taxes, and a contingency of $200,000 be authorized; That the project budget be increased by $636,600, made up of $535,635 from Park Development Cost Charges and $100,965 from Capital Works Reserve, and included in the next Financial Plan Bylaw amendment; and further, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 8 of 13 Document: 3695763 11. STAFF REPORTS 11.1 2019-055-RZ, 11795 and 11839 267 Street, RS-3 to RS-2 To permit a future subdivision of approximately fifteen single family lots. R/2024-CM-037 Moved and seconded 1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7834-2022 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2. That second and third reading of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7834-2022 be rescinded; 3. That second and third reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7539-2019 be rescinded; 4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7834-2022, be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7539-2019, be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing; 6. That Council authorize the applicant to proceed with municipal approved streamside servicing & restoration related works in and around the watercourse(s) in advance of final reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7539-2019 and in advance of issuance of a Watercourse Protection Development Permit. These works must be in compliance with Provincial environmental agency requirements, their review process & all potential approval requirements. This is in addition to all approved municipal watercourse protection development permit conditions and drawings following third reading. Should Council authorization be granted, it is subject to the following conditions to the acceptance of the Director of Planning: i. Approval of final servicing design drawings by City staff; ii. Approval of final dedicated areas, as confirmed by a survey sealed a BC Land Surveyor for conservation purposes & approved restrictive covenants for the Protection of Environmental Setback Areas (ESA); Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 9 of 13 Document: 3695763 iii. Written confirmation, designation and supervision of the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) for the duration of streamside works acknowledging that the QEP has the authority to stop any work(s) that, in the opinion of the QEP, have the potential to negatively impact the health and functionality of ESA areas; iv. Receipt of a letter of confirmation from the applicable senior environmental agencies that they are satisfied with the proposed works including the approved servicing plans; v. Receipt of a letter of confirmation from the applicant assuming all risk associated with the related streamside works; vi. Receipt of Watercourse Protection Development Permit securities for enhancement and restoration works; and vii. Commencement of accepted enhancement and restoration works within 30 days of Environmental Setback Areas disturbance. 7. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Road dedication and upgrading to the Rural Local Road standard, on 118 Avenue and 267 Street, as required; iii. Road dedication and cash-in-lieu of constructing the future road going north-south along the west side of Proposed Fee-Simple Lot 4 (future 266A Street); iv. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and a letter confirming removal of all debris and garbage from park land; v. Consolidation of the properties; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of an Agricultural Landscape Buffer adjacent to Agricultural Land Reserve lands to the west; viii. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan for a municipal storm sewer; ix. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; xi. Registration with Fraser Health for septic disposal, and registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic field areas; xii. Registration with the Ministry of Environment Water Protection and Sustainability Branch for water wells; xiii. A Professional Engineer’s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes can be provided; Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 10 of 13 Document: 3695763 xiv. In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, then a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject properties are not contaminated sites; and xv. That a voluntary contribution be provided, in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. CARRIED 11.2 Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-20241 New Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw to align with Council’s priority to deliver vital municipal services with innovation, accountability and efficiency to meet the needs of the community now and into the future. R/2024-CM-038 Moved and seconded 1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024 be given first, second and third reading; and 2. That the amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 be approved by Council in conjunction with the adoption of Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024. CARRIED 11.3 Grant Application – 2024 Local Government Development Approvals Program That staff submit the "2024 Maple Ridge Development Approvals Process and Documentation Enhancement Project" requesting $150,000 to the UBCM Local Government Development Approvals Program and provide overall grant management, if the application is successful. R/2024-CM-039 Moved and seconded That staff submit the "2024 Maple Ridge Development Approvals Process and Documentation Enhancement Project" requesting $150,000 to the UBCM Local Government Development Approvals Program and provide overall grant management, if the application is successful. CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 11 of 13 Document: 3695763 11.4 Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) 2024 Policy Resolutions Consider resolutions for submission to the 2024 LMLGA convention. R/2024-CM-040 Moved and seconded That Council endorse the following resolution for submission to the LMLGA convention “BETTER SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT” CARRIED R/2024-CM-041 Moved and seconded That Council endorse the following resolution for submission to the LMLGA convention “COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE” CARRIED R/2024-CM-042 Moved and seconded That Council endorse the following resolution for submission to the LMLGA convention “CONSULTATION AND REVIEW OF RECENT BC 2023 FALL HOUSING LEGISLATION” CARRIED R/2024-CM-043 Moved and seconded That Council endorse the following resolution for submission to the LMLGA convention “INCENTIVIZING NON-MARKET HOUSING” CARRIED With Councillor Yousef opposed 11.5 Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw To establish a reserve fund to maintain the Growing Community Grant. R/2024-CM-044 Moved and seconded That Bylaw No. 7985-2024 be given first, second and third readings. CARRIED Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 12 of 13 Document: 3695763 11.6 Latecomer Agreement LC181/23 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. R/2024-CM-045 Moved and seconded That the cost to provide the extended road, water, sanitary and storm sewer services at 12874 and 12933 Mill Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 181/23 with the subdivider of the lands at 12874 and 12933 Mill Street. CARRIED 11.7 Latecomer Agreement LC 183/24 Provides the City’s assessment of cost allocation of the subdivision servicing works to the benefitting lands. R/2024-CM-046 Moved and seconded That the cost to provide the extended sanitary sewer works at 24145 and 24185 110 Avenue is, in whole or in part, excessive to the City and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 183/24 with the subdivider of the lands at 24145 110 Avenue. CARRIED 12. OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT~ NIL Regular Council Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 13 of 13 Document: 3695763 13. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Janet Dmitrieff, Maple Ridge – Thanked Council for making Council Chambers a welcoming environment and asked if Council would entertain the thought of having a citizens advisory committee for the OCP (Official Community Plan). 14. MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Mayor and Council provided an update on their participation in recent community events. 15. NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS – Nil 16. ADJOURNMENT – 8:32 pm ____________________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ____________________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3314140  City of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2024 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in the Blaney Room on February 27, 2024, at 9:00 am at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting special City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras (virtual) Councillor J. Dueck Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan (9:07 am) Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor O. Dozie Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer, Director of Legislative Services Other Staff as Required M. Adams, Director of Bylaws and Licensing D. Samson, Interim Fire Chief A. Gander, Inspector, R.C.M.P. Note: These Minutes are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal. Note: Councillor Carreras participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 9:06 am 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 1.2. Approval of the Agenda R/2024-S(C)-021 Moved, seconded THAT the agenda of the February 27, 2024, Special Council Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 2. MINUTES – Nil 3. NEW BUSINESS 4. GENERAL MATTERS Special Council (to Close) Meeting Minutes February 27, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Document: 3363787  4.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2024-S(C)-022 Moved, seconded THAT, pursuant to Section 90 of the Community Charter, this meeting be closed to the public as the subject matter being considered relates to the following: 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; and 90(1)(l) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]. CARRIED 3. GENERAL MATTERS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 6. ITEMS TO BE RELEASED FROM CLOSED STATUS 7. ADJOURNMENT – 2:34 pm _______________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ___________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer Document: 3314140  City of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 5, 2024 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in the Blaney Room on March 5, 2024, at 1:25 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting special City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor K. Carreras Councillor J. Dueck Councillor O. Dozie Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor O. Dozie Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Mushata, Corporate Officer, Director of Legislative Services Other Staff as Required M. Best, Interim Director of Planning R. Ollenberger, Manager of Development Engineering Note: These Minutes are posted on the City’s Web Site at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal. Note: Councillor Carreras participated in the meeting electronically. 1. CALL TO ORDER – 1:25 pm 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement. 1.2. Approval of the Agenda R/2024-S(C)-023 Moved, seconded THAT the agenda of the March 5, 2024, Special Council Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 2. MINUTES – Nil 3. NEW BUSINESS 4. GENERAL MATTERS 4.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public Special Council (to Close) Meeting Minutes March 5, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Document: 3363787  R/2024-S(C)-024 Moved, seconded THAT, pursuant to Section 90 of the Community Charter, this meeting be closed to the public as the subject matter being considered relates to the following: 90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality. CARRIED 3. GENERAL MATTERS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 6. ITEMS TO BE RELEASED FROM CLOSED STATUS 7. ADJOURNMENT – 2:35 pm _______________________________ D. Ruimy, Mayor Certified Correct: ___________________________ C. Mushata, Corporate Officer • Maple Ridee -City of Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee -Special Workshop December 6, 2023 The Minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Special Workshop held via Zoom teleconference and hosted in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall on December 6, 2023, at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Korleen Carreras Carolyn Gosling, Chair Stephen Von Sychowski, Vice Chair Miranda Carpenter Ryan Svendsen Sasha Passaglia STAFF PRESENT Valaree Richmond Emily Davies Cidalia Martin Chad Neufeld COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Murray OTHER GUESTS Amelia Needoba Cindy Cheng 1. CALL TO ORDER - 4:06 pm 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Council Liaison Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Director of Facilities, Parks and Properties, Staff Liaison Committee Clerk Director of Recreation Services Manager of Parks Planning & Development School District No. 42 Board Trustee Diamondhead Consulting Diamondhead Consulting C. Gosling, Chair, called the meeting to order and provided the land acknowledgment. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2023-PRCC-011 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the November 22 2023, Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Special Workshop be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 2023 Page 2 of 2 R/2023-PRCC-012 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Regular Meeting dated October 4, 2023, be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS -NIL 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 Urban Forest Management Strategy A. Needoba, Consultant for Diamondhead Consulting, gave a presentation on the City of Maple Ridge Urban Forest Management Strategy. Topics included understanding the current urban forest, tree canopy distribution and setting a canopy target, developing a strategic framework and vision for the future, and potential next steps. Committee members engaged in discussion and asked questions. 6. LIAISON UPDATES 6.1 Staff Liaison -NIL 6.2 Council Liaison -NIL 7. SUBCOMITTEE AND TASK FORCE UPDATES-NIL 8. QUESTION PERIOD FROM THE PUBLIC -NIL 9. ROUNDTABLE Committee members asked questions of staff on Urban Forest Management Strategy next steps, and engaged in discussion. 10. ADJOURNMENT -5:45 pm /ed The next special workshop of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm. ir 9 Maple Ridge ~ City of Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee -Special Workshop December 13, 2023 The Minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Special Workshop held via Zoom teleconference and hosted in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall on December 13, 2023, at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Karleen Carreras Carolyn Gosling, Chair Stephen Von Sychowski, Vice Chair Miranda Carpenter Sasha Passaglia STAFF PRESENT Valaree Richmond Emily Davies Cidalia Martin Christa Balatti COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Ryan Svendsen Mike Murray OTHER GUESTS Stephen Slawuta 1. CALL TO ORDER-5:04 pm 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Council Liaison Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Director of Facilities, Parks and Properties, Staff Liaison Committee Clerk Director of Recreation Services Manager of Special Projects Member at Large School District No. 42 Board Trustee RC Strategies C. Gosling, Chair, called the meeting to order and provided the land acknowledgment. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2023-PRCC-013 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the December 13 2023, Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Special Workshop be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES -NIL Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee Minutes December 13, 2023 Page 2 of 2 4. DELEGATIONS -NIL 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 Master Plan Implementation Workshop #2 S. Slawuta, Consultant fo r RC Strategy, facilitated a workshop on the City of Maple Ridge Master Plan Implementation. Committee members were provided with an overview of potential upcoming projects and reviewed the updated Workshop Criteria. Topics included: project planning that is currently underway (including the Urban Forest Management Strategy and sports infrastructure enhancements), a list of potential infrastructure projects (including a spray park and pickleball facility), and strategies and plans for future projects including a strategic plan for the Port Haney waterfront, a feasibility study to determine needs for an outdoor stadium, and a recreation trails strategy. S. Slawuta, with the help of City Staff, led committee members in an exercise where projects were then scored and ranked . The criteria included: low financial barriers to access, ability to accommodate multiple uses, environmental sustainability, and cost impacts to taxpayers. S. Slawuta collected members scores and led a discussion about the results. Committee members engaged in discussion and asked questions. 6. LIAISON UPDATES -NIL 7. SUBCOMITTEE AND TASK FORCE UPDATES -NIL 8. QUESTION PERIOD FROM THE PUBLIC -NIL 9. ROUNDTABLE 10. ADJOURNMENT -7:49 pm /ed   CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7987-2024 A Bylaw to delegate Procurement powers, duties and functions to officers and employees at the City of Maple Ridge. WHEREAS, Section 154(1) of the Community Charter, Chapter 26 [SBC 2003] (the “Charter”) permits that a council may, by bylaw, delegate its powers, duties and functions, including those specifically established by an enactment, to officers and employees of a municipality; AND WHEREAS, Council of the City of Maple Ridge wishes to delegate to its officers and employees certain powers, duties and functions, including the authority to execute certain documents on behalf of the City; NOW THEREFORE, Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. Citation This Bylaw may be cited as “Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024”. 2. Interpretation For the purposes of this Bylaw: (a) except as otherwise defined in this Bylaw, any words or phrases herein will be construed in accordance with their meanings under the Community Charter or the Interpretation Act, Chapter 1-21, [RSC 1985]. (b) headings are for convenience only and are not to be construed as defining, or in any way limiting, the scope or intent of this Bylaw. (c) any references made to a statute or regulation refers to the most current enactment of that statute or regulation in the Province of British Columbia, as amended or replaced from time to time. (d) any references made to a bylaw or policy refers to the most current enactment of that bylaw or policy at the City, as amended or replaced from time to time. 3. Definitions In this Bylaw: “Approved Financial Plan” means the annual financial plan for the City approved by Council, which includes the approved Capital Plan.   “Chief Administrative Officer” means the person designated by Council as the City’s Chief Administrative Officer. “City” means the City of Maple Ridge. “Council” means the elected Council for the City of Maple Ridge. “Deputy” means an employee or officer of the City holding the position of Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, Deputy Fire Chief, Deputy Director, or their designate. “Deputy Chief Administrative Officer” means the person designated by Council as the City’s Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. “Director” means an employee or officer of the City holding one of the following positions: a) Director of a City department; b) Executive Director; c) Chief Building Officer; d) Chief Financial Officer; e) Chief Information Officer; or f) Fire Chief; “Manager” means an employee of the City holding a position as a Manager, Superintendent, or Assistant Chief of a City Department. “Manager of Procurement” means the person holding the position of Manager of Procurement, or their designate. “Signing Authority” means the person(s) authorized to sign and execute the contract on behalf of the City. 4. Delegation of Procurement Authority As set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw, Council hereby delegates its powers, duties, and functions to the officers and employees as defined herein, to: a) authorize the acquisition of goods, services or construction on behalf and for the benefit of the City (collectively “Goods or Services”) to the maximum amounts specified; and b) execute agreements that have been authorized under section 4(a) of this Bylaw. 5. Surplus Asset Disposal Delegation a) Where certain City assets, other than real property, have been identified as having reached end of serviceable life or are no longer required by any City department but retain some value, then as set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw, Council hereby delegates its powers, duties, and functions to declare these City assets as surplus, to the following officers and employees of the City:   (i) the Manager of Procurement, who may dispose of the surplus assets through auction or for value through trade or other formal or informal process; (ii) the Chief Administrative Officer, who may dispose of the surplus assets through donation without compensation, to any non-profit corporation, association, or entity; and (iii) the Managers or Directors, who may dispose of the surplus assets through City recycling or disposal as garbage. b) Council hereby delegates to the Manager of Procurement the authority to dispose of any unclaimed property: (i) that has come into the possession of the City through the RCMP, in accordance with Section 67 of the Charter; or (ii) that has otherwise come into the possession of the City, in accordance with the City’s Disposal of Found Goods Policy. 6. Delegation a) Council’s delegation of a power, duty, or function under this Bylaw includes delegation to a designated person who may, from time to time: (i) be appointed to act on behalf of the delegate; or (ii) be appointed by Council to act in the capacity of the delegate in the delegate’s absence. b) In the absence of the delegate, Council may also delegate their powers, duties or functions, to the following employees to act in the capacity of the delegate: (i) the Director of the delegate’s department; (ii) in the absence of a Director, the Chief Administrative Officer or the person designated as the acting Chief Administrative Officer; or (iii) in the event of a state of local emergency, the appointed Emergency Operations Centre Director. 7. Position Changes a) Where this Bylaw delegates a power, duty or function to an elected official, an officer or an employee, the assignment or delegation of that power, duty or function is to the person who, from time to time, holds that position or any successor position in title. b) If a position referenced in this Bylaw is modified or eliminated, each authority, power, duty or function delegated to that position will be deemed to have transferred to the position that has assumed responsibility for the subject matter of the delegated authority, power, duty or function or that is most closely connected to the modified or eliminated position.   8. Conditions on Use of Delegated Authority a) Any delegation of authority pursuant to this Bylaw is subject to the condition that any requirements under the Community Charter, the Local Government Act, other applicable statutes and regulations, City bylaws and City policies, including the Procurement Policy, and applicable trade agreements, have been met and that the value of the contract or other document is within the City’s Approved Financial Plan. b) Despite the authority granted under Part 4 of this Bylaw, an officer or employee of the City must not enter into an agreement that is a debenture debt and is of a capital nature under which the City would incur a liability payable after the end of the then current year for a term that is for more than five years, including all rights of renewal and extension. c) An expenditure made by a person to whom the City has delegated authority under this Bylaw must be authorized under the City’s Approved Financial Plan. d) This Bylaw does not authorize the execution of any agreement that requires elector approval under the Local Government Act, whether by stated term of the agreement or any provision for extension or renewal. e) Subject to the Local Government Act, unless a power, duty or function of the City has been expressly delegated by this Bylaw or another City bylaw, all of the powers, duties and functions of the City remain with the City. f) A summary of expenditures exceeding $750,000 shall be reported to Council every quarter. g) Council approval is required in each individual case for all expenditures that do not comply with the Approved Financial Plan. 9. Required Notices All delegations of powers, duties and functions pursuant to this Bylaw are inclusive of a grant of authority to provide any notice required under a statute or other law in relation to an action, decision or other matter. 10. Inconsistency or Invalidity a) If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is, for any reason, held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw; and b) If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw conflicts with, or could be interpreted to conflict with, the Charter or Local Government Act, then the Charter or Local Government Act will prevail.   11. Repealed The Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7711-2021 and any amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety and replaced by the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024. READ a first time the 27th day of February, 2024 READ a first time the 27th day of February, 2024 READ a first time the 27th day of February, 2024 ADOPTED, the ____ day of _______________, 2024. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER   Schedule “A” In accordance with Part 4 of this Bylaw, the delegated authority for various procurement limits, agreement signing and execution is as follows: Delegated Signing Authority and Concurring Signature* Delegated Approval Authority Limit Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Over $750,000 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Up to $750,000 Director and Manager of Procurement Up to $200,000 Deputy and Manager of Procurement Up to $150,000 Manager Up to $ 75,000 *Concurring signature required for Procurements $75,000 and over. The annual value of an agreement determines the authorization required. In accordance with Part 5 of the Bylaw, the delegated authority to declare an item as surplus for disposal is as follows: Position Authority to Declare as Surplus Chief Administrative Officer or Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Over $200,000 Manager or Director Up to $200,000 1 COUNCIL POLICY Title: Procurement Policy Policy No: 5.45 Supersedes: 5.45 (May 25, 2021) Effective Date: May 25, 2021 Amended Date: [TBD] Review Date: 2026 Policy Statement: The City of Maple Ridge will conduct the Procurement of Goods, Services, Construction and asset disposal in a manner that: a) is fair, open, transparent and non-discriminatory; b) ensures sound management of, and obtains Best Value for, public funds; c) is cost effective and efficient for both the City and the public; d) advances the City’s commitment to economic, environmental, sustainable and social goals; and e) is in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements, obligations under trade agreements, competitive bidding laws, procurement best practices, and the principles of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 25 (FOIPPA), and all relevant City bylaws and policies, including this Policy. Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the authorization and competition requirements for Procurement and asset disposal on behalf of the City, ensure that Procurement items are properly budgeted for and authorized in the Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, that Best Value is achieved for the City, and that this Policy and best practices are followed when engaging the marketplace and awarding and managing Procurement Contracts. Scope: This Policy applies: a) to anyone involved in the Procurement of Goods, Services, Construction and asset disposal on behalf of the City; b) to the sale or disposal of surplus assets by the City; and c) even if the City will be reimbursed for the expenditure, such as by way of a grant or insurance claim. All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget, which includes the approved Capital Plan. Procurement must be authorized by the appropriate authority. Nothing in this Policy delegates authority to individuals other than City Staff to enter into Procurement transactions on behalf of the City, unless expressly authorized by the CAO. 2 Definitions: Schedule “A” sets out the Delegated Procurement Authority Limits. Schedule “B” sets out the Exemptions of Procurement Methods from this Policy. Schedule “C” sets out the Definitions in this Policy, which apply unless otherwise stated herein. Definitions of key City terms are set out in Schedule A of the Policy Governance Framework No. 3.09. Any references to a statute, regulation, bylaw, or other policy refers to the most current enactment, as amended or replaced from time to time. Procedure: PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES 1) No Procurement will: a) proceed unless the expenditure is in the approved Financial Plan, or approved through a budget amendment process. Any budget amendments required must be approved by Council prior to entering into a Contract; b) be authorized or incurred on behalf of the City except as provided in this Policy; c) be subdivided in a manner designed to avoid the application of any provision of this Policy; d) be made by the City for the personal use of elected officials, appointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families; or e) be made from any elected officials, appointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families or from any other source that would result in a conflict of interest. 2) City Staff who have been delegated authority to commit City funds and those City Staff who are responsible for Corporate Assets will conduct all Procurement in an ethical and professional manner as described in this Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18, as it applies to their duties performed on behalf of the City. PROCUREMENT METHOD AND LIMITS 3) The Procurement method and process is based on the estimated total dollar value, complexity, risk level, and details of the specific Procurement requirement. 4) The City does not maintain official lists of potential bidders - an open competition, posted on BC Bid, is the default means of soliciting bids. Participation in a Buying Group, Joint Procurement Venture or other methods may be used as appropriate and where permitted under the trade agreements. 5) The type of bid solicitation document and the form of Contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. 3 6) Procurement City Staff may exercise discretion on the appropriate Procurement process for one-time, non-recurring purchases up to $25,000, and the following will apply: a) at least one written quote will be obtained; b) when making a purchase up to $25,000, consideration should be given to Maple Ridge suppliers; and c) this section does not apply to recurring purchases that exceed $25,000 per annum. 7) In certain limited circumstances, the requirement for an open Competitive Process may be waived by the Manager of Procurement or their designate when defensible if: a) only one party can meet the requirements; b) where a previous open competition resulted in no bids; or c) for reasons of urgency, confidentiality, or protection of real interest to follow a standard Competitive Process. 8) Procurement cannot: a) be split; b) structured in a manner that does not include the full scope of work; or c) valued in such a way as to avoid the obligations set out in this Policy. 9) When the City hires a third-party contractor, such as a broker or construction manager, to conduct Procurement on its behalf, the Procurement must follow the processes outlined in this Policy. 10) Procurement methods must be followed in accordance with the following table: ESTIMATED PROCUREMENT VALUE METHOD Goods and Services Less than $25,000 One-time, non-repetitive Discretionary. At least one written quotation. $25,001 to $74,999 One-time, non-repetitive Request at least three written quotations or Formal Competitive Process, or Request at least one written quotation from firms prequalified through a Formal Competitive Process. Greater than $75,000 Formal Competitive Process Construction Less than $200,000 Request at least three written quotations or Formal Competitive Process. Greater than $200,000 Formal Competitive Process. 11) Multi-year Contracts, including options to renew, are dollar value accumulative for determining the estimated Procurement value and applicable thresholds listed above. 12) Project Contingency allowances are to be included in the estimated Procurement value when obtaining approvals. 13) Construction greater than $200,000 in value require bid security and bonding. 4 REPORTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY 14) Contracts exceeding $750,000 which have been approved by the CAO will be reported to Council on a quarterly basis. 15) Council approval is required in each individual case when the Procurement is not consistent with the approved Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, as to the nature, scope, and amount. PURCHASING CARD 16) Subject to this Policy and within established authority, City Staff may use Purchasing Cards for small dollar straightforward purchases of Goods and Services, as directed by the Procurement Section and in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. 17) Where Purchasing Cards are not accepted, petty cash may be utilized for approved expenditures of up to $50. UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS 18) The City is under no obligation to accept, review or evaluate any unsolicited Proposal and can reject any unsolicited Proposal in whole or in part at its sole and unfettered discretion. 19) The City is under no obligation to return an unsolicited Proposal to the Proposal owner. SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL PROCUREMENT 20) The City recognizes its responsibility to mitigate negative impacts on human health and the environment while supporting a diverse, equitable, and vibrant community and economy. The City will make efforts to leverage its purchasing power in order to ensure accountability and efficiency to meet the needs of the community now and to strive for a liveable and sustainable community in the future. 21) When conducting Procurement, the City will consider, where appropriate, its goals of: a) protecting the health of the natural environment, mitigating and adapting the impacts of climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; b) social responsibility that ensures human safety and enhances well-being; c) equity, diversity, and inclusion; and d) ethical workplace practices. SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT 22) Suppliers must meet the performance standards and expectations required by the City. 5 23) Where required, Supplier Performance and Conduct will be documented by City Staff and may be taken into consideration for future Contract evaluations. 24) The City will not enter into Contracts with any Supplier where the City is aware that the Supplier has engaged in illegal or unethical bidding practices, has an actual or potential conflict of interest or an unfair advantage, or fails to adhere to ethical business practices. 25) The City will report any suspected cases of collusion, bid-rigging or other offences under the Competition Act to the Competition Bureau or to other relevant authorities. SUPPLIER CONFLICT OF INTEREST 26) Any Suppliers participating in a Procurement process must disclose any perceived, possible or actual conflicts of interest to the City. 27) A Conflict of Interest in relation to Suppliers during the Procurement process includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances: a) the Supplier has an unfair advantage or engages in conduct, directly, or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including but not limited to: (i) having, or having access to, confidential information of the City that is not available to other Suppliers; (ii) communicating with any person with the intent of gaining preferred treatment in the Procurement process (such as lobbying of decision makers involved in the Procurement process); (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises, or can be seen to compromise, the integrity of an open and competitive procurement process or render that process non-competitive or unfair; or (iv) in the context of performance under a potential Contract, the Supplier’s other commitments, relationships or financial interests could, or could be seen to: 1) exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased and impartial exercise of its independent judgement, or 2) compromise, impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations. 28) If a Supplier is retained to participate in the development of a solicitation document or the specifications for inclusion in a solicitation document, that Supplier will not be allowed to respond, directly or indirectly, to that solicitation, unless authorized by the Manager of Procurement. SUPPLIER ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES 29) The City requires its Suppliers to act with integrity. 30) In providing deliverables to the City, Suppliers are expected to adhere to ethical business practices, including: a) performing all Contracts in a professional and competent manner and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and the duty of honest performance; 6 b) complying with all applicable laws, including safety and labour codes (both domestic and international as may be applicable); and c) providing workplaces that are free from harassment or discrimination. 31) Illegal or unethical bidding and business practices of Suppliers include: a) bid-rigging; b) price-fixing; c) bribery or collusion, or other behaviors or practices prohibited by federal or provincial statutes; d) offering gifts or favours to City Staff, appointed or elected officials or any other City representative; e) engaging in any prohibited communications during a Procurement process; f) submitting inaccurate or misleading information in a Procurement process; g) engaging in any other activity that compromises the City’s ability to run a fair Procurement process; and h) editing electronic City documents or Contracts without annotation or the City’s approval. LOBBYING 32) No Bidder, Supplier, or anyone involved in preparing Bids or Proposals may lobby any elected official or City Staff to try and secure a Contract. 33) During a Formal Competitive Process, all communications are to be made through the City’s Procurement Department unless the Procurement document explicitly states otherwise. 34) Bidders found to be lobbying for a Contract award will be disqualified from consideration for the Procurement and may be disqualified from future Procurement opportunities. ETHICAL CONDUCT 35) All individuals with Procurement authority, involved with Procurement activities, and those responsible for Corporate Assets must perform their duties with a high standard of ethics. More specifically, these individuals must at all times: a) act with integrity and professionalism; b) not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing Suppliers or products; c) abide by this Ethical Conduct as it applies to their duties performed for the City and as set out in this Policy; d) not use their authority or office for personal gain; e) seek to uphold and enhance the standing and image of the City by: (i) maintaining a standard of integrity beyond reproach in all their business relationships both inside and outside the City, (ii) fostering the highest standards of professional competence amongst City Staff, (iii) optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible so as to provide the maximum benefit to the City, (iv) complying with the principles, standards and policies as they apply to the City 7 and Council, (v) supporting and complying with policies and direction provided by Council, and (vi) rejecting and denouncing any business practice that is improper; f) declare any personal interests which may impinge or might reasonably be deemed by others to impinge on a member’s impartiality in a matter relevant to their duties and should be declared to their Manager or the Manager of Procurement; g) ensure that confidentiality of any information received in the course of duty must be respected and is not used for personal gain. Information given in the course of duty must be true and not intended to mislead; h) avoid any Supplier relationships and arrangements which might, in the long term, prevent the effective operation of fair competition; i) ensure that modest hospitality offered does not reach a position whereby a recipient might be deemed by others to have been influenced in making a business decision as a result of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted should not be greater than the recipient’s ability to reciprocate to a similar degree; and j) not solicit, or accept unsolicited donations of gifts, prizes, money or other benefit from any person, firm or corporation which is interested directly or indirectly in any manner in business dealings with the City. This applies to all charitable, social or other events, in accordance with the City’s Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18. Gifts other than those of nominal value will not be accepted. Nominal gifts received (e.g. chocolates or small gift baskets) may be shared by the individual with their department, or donated to a local charity. 36) If there is any uncertainty about what may be accepted in relation to Procurement activities, then the offer should be declined and actively discouraged, and advice sought from the Manager of Procurement. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS ASSETS (Except Real Property) 37) For reference purposes only, and subject to the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw, and Code of Conduct Policy 30.18, if City Assets have been identified as surplus which are not useful to any City Department, and which retain some value, then: a) the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of surplus City Assets through auction or for value through trade-in or another formal or informal process; b) the CAO is authorized to approve that the surplus Assets be disposed of by donation, without compensation, to any non-profit corporation, association, or entity; c) the Manager or Director is authorized to dispose of such Assets through City recycling or disposal as garbage, as appropriate. 38) The Manager of Procurement is authorized to determine whether surplus City Assets retain any value. 39) In accordance with Policy No. 10.01 Disposal of Found Goods, and the Delegation of 8 Procurement Authority, Bylaw, the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of property that has come into the custody and possession of the RCMP or the City. TRADE AGREEMENTS AND FOIPPA TRADE AGREEMENTS 40) The City’s Procurement is subject to the obligations of the following national and international trade agreements: a) The New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA); b) The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA); and c) The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). 41) Opportunities to bid on Procurements covered by the trade agreements must be posted publicly, and competitions will provide a level playing field for all bidders. Application of protective policies such as local preferences is prohibited. The City of Maple Ridge remains compliant with the trade agreements by posting its bid opportunities on BC Bid, the site designated in the trade agreements for the posting of British Columbia’s public sector bid opportunities. FOIPPA 42) All Procurement documents, including quotations and proposals submitted to the City become the property of the City and are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 43) Any unsolicited Proposal received by the City is subject to the provisions of FOIPPA. Administration: AUTHORITY FOR PROCUREMENT TRANSACTIONS 44) Procurement must be conducted by qualified Procurement City Staff to ensure the City is protected through clear contract scope, pricing, contract terms and conditions, appropriate contractor or consultant qualifications, adequate insurance and bonding, sound evaluation and supplier debrief procedures, involvement of legal counsel as required, and police information checks as needed. 45) Procurement City Staff are authorized and responsible for: a) conducting or facilitating Procurement; b) ensuring that all Procurement transactions are carried out in accordance with this Policy and are conducted ethically and in a professional manner that support openness and transparency according to standard Procurement Procedures; c) entering into, or facilitating, contracts on behalf of the City; and d) disposing of surplus assets (excluding Real Property). 9 46) City Staff who have delegated authority through Council may commit the City to any Procurement of Goods, Services and Construction within the prescribed authorization limits of this Policy and are responsible for ensuring that their Procurement is carried out in accordance with this Policy. 47) City Staff involved in Procurement activities must clearly understand their obligations and responsibilities under this Policy and should consult with the Procurement Department in respect of any questions regarding the application or interpretation of this Policy, procurement processes or any relevant procedures. 48) Procurement City Staff may delegate discretionary or one-time, non-repetitive Procurements to other City Staff. The Procurement must be conducted in accordance with this Policy. 49) All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget and Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, and be authorized by the appropriate authority. No expenditure or commitment shall be incurred or made, and no payment shall be paid unless provisioned within the approved Financial Plan, and in accordance with the Delegated Authority limits. 50) Any Goods, Services and Construction must be duly received by the City as expected prior to payment being made, or according to alternate payment terms as approved by the Manager of Procurement. 51) The authorization for Procurement transaction limits are set out in the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw and are listed for reference in Appendix “A”. 52) Other than in an Emergency, Procurement must be in accordance with the Council approved Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, or a funding strategy approved by the Chief Financial Officer before Procurement begins. EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT 53) The CAO may approve a Procurement outside of this Policy in the following situations: a) When strictly necessary if, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the City where the goods or services could not be obtained in time using the standard Procurement Procedures; b) When the City is under a “declaration of a state of local emergency” as defined in the Emergency Program Act, RSBC 1996, c. 111 as amended or replaced from time to time. (Administration Only) Resolution No.: Signature (Council) _____________________________________ Date Signed ____________________________ 10 APPENDIX “A” DELEGATED PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY LIMITS The delegated Procurement authority limits are as stated in the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw. Delegated Signing Authority and Concurring Signature* Delegated Authority Limit Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Over $750,000 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Up to $750,000 Director and Manager of Procurement Up to $200,000 Deputy and Manager of Procurement Up to $150,000 Manager Up to $ 75,000 *Concurring signature required for Procurements $75,000 and over. 1. Services and Construction Procurement is subject to the same policy as materials, equipment or supplies Procurement. The total value, including any Contingency allowances and all extension options throughout the entire agreement duration, determines the authorization required. 2. Delegated authority also authorizes the position to execute Contracts regarding such Procurement transactions, or a Procurement transaction that has been approved by an Authorized City Staff in accordance with the Bylaw, accompanied with a concurring signature or signatures when applicable. 3. Written Contracts are to be used despite the dollar value, when the Procurement is complex, taking into account the level of risk to the City. Written contracts will be used in all instances where there is required Contract security, performance monitoring, project schedules, multi- year agreements, and any Procurement issued through a Competitive Process. The form of contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. 4. Change Orders may be issued by Authorized City Staff within the scope of the Contract where the revised Contract value does not exceed Authorized City Staff’s delegated approval authority and where the Contract will not exceed the expenditure budget for the project or works as approved in the Financial Plan. Doc#3638570 Page 11 of 15 Policy SCHEDULE “B” EXEMPTIONS The following expenditures are exempt from the Procurement methods contained in this policy: a) Financial services including debt payment and insurance policy payments; b) Payroll and payroll deduction remittances; c) Revenue contracts requiring no financial investment or expenditure by the City; d) The rental, lease, purchase and sale of property, land or accommodation; e) Memberships in professional and vocational associations and their publications, conferences, conventions, and other professional and training activities including the directly associated accommodations and travel; f) Subscriptions to newspapers, magazines or other periodicals; g) Advertising mediums such as newspapers and websites; h) Health, dental, and social services expenses; i) Services provided by lawyers and notaries and payments to expert or factual witnesses used in legal proceedings; j) Payments to other public sector entities or non-profit organizations; k) Payments for regulated tariffed Services e.g., to BC Hydro or Fortis BC; l) Employment Contracts; m) Payments required by statute; and n) All other exemptions as stated in the Applicable Trade Agreement. Doc#3638570 Page 12 of 15 Policy APPENDIX “C” DEFINITIONS Applicable Trade Agreements means NWPTA, CFTA, CETA and any similar domestic and international trade agreements that come into force from time to time to the extent applicable by their own terms to municipalities in British Columbia and includes amendments to those agreements. Assets means, without limitation, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets and vehicles, but does not include real property. Authorized Employee means the person responsible and authorized to Procure Goods and Services within the authorized limits as set in this policy. Best Value means the optimal combination of, Total Cost, performance, qualifications, and factors related to sustainability and social goals, as determined in accordance with specific criteria and weighting for each criterion established by the City for the applicable Purchase. Bid means a written submission in response to a Competitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Bidder means a Supplier that submits a response to a competitive bid. Buying Group means two or more members that combines the purchasing requirements and activities of the group into a joint Procurement process. Buying groups include cooperative arrangements in which individual members administer the Procurement function for specific Contracts for the group, and more formal corporate arrangements in which a corporate entity administers the Procurement for group members. Buying groups may involve a variety of entities, including public sector, private sector and not-for-profit organizations. City means the City of Maple Ridge. City Staff means any person employed by the City or any person who has been assigned or hired to act on the City’s behalf. Change Order means a Contract amendment changing the Construction or Services provided under the Original Contract, including but not limited to specifications, scope, schedule or price. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) means the person holding the position of the City Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate. Contingency means a monetary allowance that provides project managers with discretion to meet a requirement that is not perfectly defined. Doc#3638570 Page 13 of 15 Policy Competitive Process means a fair and open competition based on functional and generic specifications. Construction means a construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair, improvement or renovation of a building, structural or other civil engineering or architectural work and includes site preparation, excavation, drilling, seismic investigation. It does not include the routine operation, routine repair, or routine maintenance of an existing infrastructure, facility, structure, building, or real property. The procurement of goods or services outside the scope of a construction contract is not a procurement for construction, and are subject to the thresholds applicable to Goods or Services. Contract means an agreement in writing or verbal commitment between the City and one or more parties which create obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. Council means the elected Council of the City. Deputy means a City Staff member holding a position as Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, Deputy Fire Chief, Deputy Director, or their designate. Discretionary means a Supplier is invited by the City to negotiate and/or sign a Contract for low value Goods or Services without going through a Competitive Process. Director means a City Staff member holding a position as a Director of a City Department, Corporate Officer, Chief Building Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Fire Chief, or their designate. Dispose or Disposition means to transfer by any method including assign, give, sell, grant, charge, convey, Lease, divest, dedicate, release, exchange, alienate or agree to do any of those things; Emergency Purchase means a Purchase made due to an unexpected and urgent request which may affect the health, safety, environment, life and or property, or the welfare of the public. Immediate acquisition of Goods or Services is essential to provide community service, prevent serious delays, injury, further damage or to restore or maintain minimum service. Executive Director means a City Staff member holding a position as an Executive Director of a City department or their designate. Financial Plan means the Financial Plan Bylaw as adopted by Council. Formal Competitive Process means a public Procurement process that is competitive, open, transparent, non-discriminatory and compliant with the laws of competitive bidding and requirements of the Applicable Trade Agreements. Doc#3638570 Page 14 of 15 Policy Goods and Services means, without limitation, Construction, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets, software, vehicles, insurance, Employee benefits, labour and materials, maintenance, services, but does not include real property. IT Assets means personal computers, computer servers, fax machines, cellular telephones and other handheld devices, printers, scanners, copiers and other multi-functional information technology equipment, together with any power supplies, storage media, user manuals, operating systems, software, firmware, peripherals and documentation relating to or incorporated within any of the foregoing items. Joint Procurement Venture means a group of two or more public entities which combines the procurement requirements and activities into one joint Procurement process. Lease means a Contract by which the City is granted the use and possession of personal property for a specified period of time in exchange for payment of a stipulated price (including a price of $0). Manager means City Staff member holding a position as a Manager, Superintendent, or Assistant Chief of a City Department or their designate. Manager of Procurement means the person holding the position of Manager of Procurement, or their designate. Officer means a person appointed the position of Officer by way of a City Bylaw. Procurement means the acquisition by any means, including by Purchase, rental, Lease or conditional sale, of Goods, Services and Construction. For the purposes of this Policy it does not include the purchase or sale of Real Property. It includes contracts, purchase orders, change orders, credit card purchases, and verbal or e-mailed arrangements. Procurement Employee means an Employee of the City employed within the Procurement Section of the Finance Department. Proposal means a written submission in response to a Competitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Purchase means the acquisition by any means, including by purchase, Contract rental, Lease or otherwise of Goods, Services and Construction by the City, but does not include expenditures in any form of City assistance such as grants or provision by the City of Goods and Services to other persons or entities. Purchasing Card means the corporate credit card issued to an Employee for the purposes of purchasing and paying for small dollar transactions within their established authority in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. Doc#3638570 Page 15 of 15 Policy Procurement Procedures means the standard competitive process and procedures governing the Purchase by the City of Goods, Services and Construction. Quotation or Quote means a verbal or written submission from a Supplier in response to an Invitation to Quote. Real Property means land with or without improvements or buildings, or an interest in land, including any right, title or estate in it. Services means any provision of labour or intellectual effort, such as consulting, professional or maintenance, but excluding Construction. Signing Authority means the person(s) authorized to sign and execute the contract on behalf of the City. Single Source means a Contract directly awarded to a supplier, without a Competitive Process, where other potential suppliers may be available. However, due to defensible conditions, a Competitive Process was waived. Sole Source means a Contract directly awarded to or negotiated with a sole supplier, without a Competitive Process. With a sole source, it has been demonstrated there is only one capable and available supplier. Supplier means a company which supplies Goods and Services to another company. Supplier Performance and Conduct means measurable indicators that can be tracked to assess predetermined Contract performance goals. Supplier performance can include subjective evaluations of the supplier by City employees during the performance of a Contract. Term means: i. in the case of a Contract for a Purchase, the initial term of the Contract, not including any optional renewal term; and ii. in the case of an optional renewal or extension of a Contract for a Purchase, the renewal term or extension period of the Contract, not including the preceding periods. Total Cost means the sum of all costs, including all contingencies and non-recoverable taxes (except credits against such costs, such as trade-in values on existing Assets, and amounts subject to City recovery, refund or rebate under applicable sales tax legislation) that are to be paid by the City during the Term for a Purchase of Goods and Services. The Total Cost for a particular Purchase made by a Buying Group in which the City participates is only that portion of the cost attributable to the City (not the entire cost to the joint Procurement). ~ Maple Ridge ~ City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: February 27, 2024 FILE NO: 01-0340-50 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Regular Council SUBJECT: Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024 and Procurement Policy 5.45 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to bring forward a new Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw for Council's consideration in conjunction with an amended Procurement Policy. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024 be given first, second and third reading; and 2. That the amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 be approved by Council in conjunction with the adoption of Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024. DISCUSSION: a) Background: On May 11, 2021, Council adopted a Delegated Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7711- 2021 to delegate procurement powers, duties and functions of officers and employees of the City and adopted an amended Procurement Policy No. 5.45 to outline duties and responsibilities of staff involved in the City's procurement activities, and requested staff report back to Council with a one-year review. Upon review of the policy at Council Workshop on January 30, 2024, an updated Procurement Policy and replacement Delegated Procurement Authority Bylaw is now being presented that amends the authority needed to enter into procurement contracts and ensures that Maple Ridge's procurement is in compliance with the City's legal obligations and aligns with Council's Strategic Plan. b) Desired Outcome: One of the fundamental assumptions of the competitive bidding process is that the City is prepared to award the contract to the successful bidder. To do that, the City must be in a financial position to award the contract and have the appropriate delegated authority under the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw. Doc # 3670964 Page 1 of 4 The amended procurement policy addresses necessary revisions resulting from the change in management structure and aligns approval thresholds with other lower mainland municipalities. The recommended amendments support public procurement best practices and authorizes the prompt award of procurement contracts, further supporting CouncWs Strategic Priorities and meeting the needs of our growing community. c) Strategic Alignment: A review of purchasing policies in other lower mainland municipalities was conducted and the proposed amended Delegated Authority Bylaw and Procurement Policy now aligns more closely with other municipalities, which frequently do not require further Council approval of items that are already approved by Council in the Financial Plan. The current bylaw and policy requires Council approval for contracts valued over $750,000 and can result in a delay of up to four weeks between the close of the competition and the award of the contract. The revised bylaw and policy authorizes staff to award contracts in excess of $750,000 where Council has already approved the expense within the City1s Financial Plan. The recommended revised Delegated Authority Bylaw and Procurement Policy includes controls such as: • An expenditure must be within scope of the City1s approved Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, authorized by a person to whom the City has delegated authority under the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw. • A summary of contract awards exceeding $750,000 shall be reported to Council every quarter. • Council approval will be required in each individual case for all expenditures that do not comply with the Approved Financial Plan. • Concurring staff signatures are required for all contracts over $75,000. The recommended revisions to the Procurement Policy require that the City conduct the acquisition and disposal of goods, services, and construction: • In a fair, open, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. • In a way that ensures sound management of, and obtains best value for, public funds. • To meet the requirements of the municipal departments and the public in a cost effective and efficient manner. • In a manner that supports the City's commitment to economic, environmental, sustainability and social goals. • In compliance with the applicable legislative requirements and obligations under trade agreements. • In accordance with competitive bidding laws, public procurement best practices, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Doc # 3678435 Page 2 of 4 There are a number of controls in place to ensure the City's procurement process is properly governed and that outcomes represent best value to the City. These include: • • • • When the City issues a bid invitation, it is obligated by contract law and the laws of competitive bidding to act in good faith and comply with the procurement process set out in the documents. This includes the obligation to treat bidders uniformly, fairly, and equally, without the application of hidden preferences, undisclosed bid evaluation criteria, or conduct that gives one bidder an unfair competitive advantage over others. Procurements are only initiated when funding is available for the purpose as specified in the Council-approved Financial Plan. The Procurement Policy requires that contracts be competitively bid, with limited exception. The City must meet the obligations of the trade agreements that cover public sector procurement. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Amending the Policy and Bylaw will ensure continued best value for the use of public funds for the City's procurement of goods, services and construction. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In addition to updating approval limits, the revised Procurement Policy authorizes delegated staff to use discretion in determining the procurement process for one-time purchases up to $25,000, with consideration given to Maple Ridge businesses. This is increased from $5,000 in the previous policy. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The recommended change to the procurement approval threshold contemplated for the amended Procurement Policy will have no financial implications. All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget and Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan. Council approval will be required for any budget amendments. Procurement contracts will be authorized by the appropriate delegated authority. Budgets for the coming few years are expected to provide for significant infrastructure improvements, completion of which will be facilitated by timely contract award. g) Policy Implications: The amendment of the procurement policy and bylaw addresses the necessary revisions due to the change in management structure that occurred in 2023 and aligns approval thresholds with other lower mainland municipalities. The recommended changes support procurement best practices and authorizes award of procurement contracts that are only within the scope of the Council-approved budget and Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, in accordance with the Delegated Authority limits. Doc # 3678435 Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Council consider and adopt the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024, provided as Attachment A in conjunction with the revised Procurement Policy No. 5.45, provided as Attachment B to this report, to support the City's strive for excellence to deliver vital municipal services with innovation, accountability and efficiency to meet the nee@~::~~ the future. Prepared by: Leanne Talanchuk, SCMP, CRM Manager of Procurement ~ Reviewed by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Deputy Director of Finance Approved by: Trev ~hompson, BBA, CPA, CGA Director of Finance ~ Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024 (B) Updated Procurement Policy No. 5.45 (C) Procurement Policy No. 5.45 Redline (D) Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7711-2021 Doc # 3678435 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7987-2024 A Bylaw to delegate Procurement powers, duties and functions to officers and employees at the City of Maple Ridge. Page 1 WHEREAS, Section 154(1) of the Community Charter, Chapter 26 [SBC 2003] (the "Charter") permits that a council may, by bylaw, delegate its powers, duties and functions, including those specifically established by an enactment, to officers and employees of a municipality; AND WHEREAS, Council of the City of Maple Ridge wishes to delegate to its officers and employees certain powers, duties and functions, including the authority to execute certain documents on behalf of the City; NOW THEREFORE, Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. Citation This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024". 2. Interpretation For the purposes of this Bylaw: (a) except as otherwise defined in this Bylaw, any words or phrases herein will be construed in accordance with their meanings under the Community Charter or the Interpretation Act, Chapter 1-21, [RSC 1985]. (b) headings are for convenience only and are not to be construed as defining, or in any way limiting, the scope or intent of this Bylaw. (c) any references made to a statute or regulation refers to the most current enactment of that statute or regulation in the Province of British Columbia, as amended or replaced from time to time. (d) any references made to a byl9w or policy refers to the most current enactment of that bylaw or policy at the City, as amended or replaced from time to time. 3. Definitions In this Bylaw: "Approved Financial Plan" means the annual financial plan for the City approved by Council, which includes the approved Capital Plan. Page 2 "Chief Administrative Officer" means the person designated by Council as the City's Chief Administrative Officer. "City" means the City of Maple Ridge. "Council" means the elected Council for the City of Maple Ridge. "Deputy" means an employee or officer of the City holding the position of Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, Deputy Fire Chief, Deputy Director, or their designate. "Deputy Chief Administrative Officer" means the person designated by Council as the City's Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. "Director" means an employee or officer of the City holding one of the following positions: a) Director of a City department; b) Executive Director; c) Chief Building Officer; d) Chief Financial Officer; e) Chief Information Officer; or f) Fire Chief; "Manager" means an employee of the City holding a position as a Manager, Superintendent, or Assistant Chief of a City Department. "Manager of Procurement" means the person holding the position of Manager of Procurement, or their designate. "Signing Authority" means the person(s) authorized to sign and execute the contract on behalf of the City. 4. Delegation of Procurement Authority As set out in Schedule "A" to this Bylaw, Council hereby delegates its powers, duties, and functions to the officers and employees as defined herein, to: a) authorize the acquisition of goods, services or construction on behalf and for the benefit of the City (collectively "Goods or Services") to the maximum amounts specified; and b) execute agreements that have been authorized under section 4(a) of this Bylaw. 5. Surplus Asset Disposal Delegation a) Where certain City assets, other than real property, have been identified as having reached end of serviceable life or are no longer required by any City department but retain some value, then as set out in Schedule "A" to this Bylaw, Council hereby delegates its powers, duties, and functions to declare these City assets as surplus, to the following officers and employees of the City: Page 3 (i) the Manager of Procurement, who may dispose of the surplus assets through auction or for value through trade or other formal or informal process; (ii) the Chief Administrative Officer, who may dispose of the surplus assets through donation without compensation, to any non-profit corporation, association, or entity; and (iii) the Managers or Directors, who may dispose of the surplus assets through City recycling or disposal as garbage. b) Council hereby delegates to the Manager of Procurement the authority to dispose of any unclaimed property: (i) that has come into the possession of the City through the RCMP, in accordance with Section 67 of the Charter; or (ii) that has otherwise come into the possession of the City, in accordance with the City's Disposal of Found Goods Policy. 6. Delegation a) Council's delegation of a power, duty, or function under this Bylaw includes delegation to a designated person who may, from time to time: (i) be appointed to act on behalf of the delegate; or (ii) be appointed by Council to act in the capacity of the delegate in the delegate's absence. b) In the absence of the delegate, Council may also delegate their powers, duties or functions, to the following employees to act in the capacity of the delegate: (i) the Director of the delegate's department; (ii) in the absence of a Director, the Chief Administrative Officer or the person designated as the acting Chief Administrative Officer; or (iii) in the event of a state of local emergency, the appointed Emergency Operations Centre Director. 7. Position Changes a) Where this Bylaw delegates a power, duty or function to an elected official, an officer or an employee, the assignment or delegation of that power, duty or function is to the person who, from time to time, holds that position or any successor position in title. b) If a position referenced in this Bylaw is modified or eliminated, each authority, power, duty or function delegated to that position will be deemed to have transferred to the position that has assumed responsibility for the subject matter of the delegated authority, power, duty or function or that is most closely connected to the modified or eliminated position. Page 4 8. Conditions on Use of Delegated Authority a) Any delegation of authority pursuant to this Bylaw is subject to the condition that any requirements under the Community Charter, the Local Government Act, other applicable statutes and regulations, City bylaws and City policies, including the Procurement Policy, and applicable trade agreements, have been met and that the value of the contract or other document is within the City's Approved Financial Plan. b) Despite the authority granted under Part 4 of this Bylaw, an officer or employee of the City must not enter into an agreement that is a debenture debt and is of a capital nature under which the City would incur a liability payable after the end of the then current year for a term that is for more than five years, including all rights of renewal and extension. c) An expenditure made by a person to whom the City has delegated authority under this Bylaw must be authorized under the City's Approved Financial Plan. d) This Bylaw does not authorize the execution of any agreement that requires elector approval under the Local Government Act, whether by stated term of the agreement or any provision for extension or renewal. e) Subject to the Local Government Act, unless a power, duty or function of the City has been expressly delegated by this Bylaw or another City bylaw, all of the powers, duties and functions of the City remain with the City. f) A summary of expenditures exceeding $750,000 shall be reported to Council every quarter. g) Council approval is required in each individual case for all expenditures that do not comply with the Approved Financial Plan. 9. Required Notices All delegations of powers, duties and functions pursuant to this Bylaw are inclusive of a grant of authority to provide any notice required under a statute or other law in relation to an action, decision or other matter. 10. Inconsistency or Invalidity a) If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is, for any reason, held to be invalid by a court of competentjurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw; and b) If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw conflicts with, or could be interpreted to conflict with, the Charter or Local Government Act, then the Charter or Local Government Act will prevail. Page 5 11. Repealed The Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7711-2021 and any amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety and replaced by the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7987-2024. READ a first time the_ day of--~ 2024. READ a second time the_ day of __ , 2024 READ a third time the_ day of __ ~ 2024. ADOPTED, the_ day of ____ ~ 2024. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Page 6 Schedule "A" In accordance with Part 4 of this Bylaw, the delegated authority for various procurement limits, agreement signing and execution is as follows: Delegated Signing Authority and Concurring Signature* Delegated Approval Authority Limit Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Over $750,000 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Up to $750,000 Director of Finance (CFO) Director and Manager of Procurement Up to $200,000 Deputy and Manager of Procurement Up to $150,000 Manager Up to $ 75,000 *Concurring signature required for Procurements $75,000 and over. The annual value of an agreement determines the authorization required. In accordance with Part 5 of the Bylaw, the delegated authority to declare an item as surplus for disposal is as follows: Position Authority to Declare as Surplus Chief Administrative Officer or Over $200,000 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Manager or Director Up to $200,000 Maple Ridee, Title: Procurement Policy Effective Date: May 25, 2021 Policy Statement: Amended Date: [TBD] COUNCIL POLICY Policy No: 5.45 Supersedes: 5.45 (May 25, 2021) Review Date: 2026 The City of Maple Ridge will conduct the Procurement of Goods, Services, Construction and asset disposal in a manner that: a) is fair, open, transparent and non-discriminatory; b) ensures sound management of, and obtains Best Value for, public funds; c) is cost effective and efficient for both the City and the public; d) advances the City's commitment to economic, environmental, sustainable and social goals; and e) is in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements, obligations under trade agreements, competitive bidding laws, procurement best practices, and the principles of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 25 (FOIPPA), and all relevant City bylaws and policies, including this Policy. Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the authorization and competition requirements for Procurement and asset disposal on behalf of the City, ensure that Procurement items are properly budgeted for and authorized in the Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, that Best Value is achieved for the City, and that this Policy and best practices are followed when engaging the marketplace and awarding and managing Procurement Contracts. Scope: This Policy applies: a) to anyone involved in the Procurement of Goods, Services, Construction and asset disposal on behalf of the City; b) to the sale or disposal of surplus assets by the City; and c) even if the City will be reimbursed for the expenditure, such as by way of a grant or insurance claim. All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget, which includes the approved Capital Plan. Procurement must be authorized by the appropriate authority. Nothing in this Policy delegates authority to individuals other than City Staff to enter into Procurement transactions on behalf of the City, unless expressly authorized by the CAO. Definitions: Schedule "A11 sets out the Delegated Procurement Authority Limits. Schedule "B11 sets out the Exemptions of Procurement Methods from this Policy. Schedule 11C" sets out the Definitions in this Policy, which apply unless otherwise stated herein. Definitions of key City terms are set out in Schedule A of the Policy Governance Framework No. 3.09. Any references to a statute, regulation, bylaw, or other policy refers to the most current enactment, as amended or replaced from time to time. Procedure: PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES 1) No Procurement will: a) proceed unless the expenditure is in the approved Financial Plan, or approved through a budget amendment process. Any budget amendments required must be approved by Council prior to entering into a Contract; b) be authorized or incurred on behalf of the City except as provided in this Policy; c) be subdivided in a manner designed to avoid the application of any provision of this Policy; d) be made by the City for the personal use of elected officials, appointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families; or e) be made from any elected officials, appointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families or from any other source that would result in a conflict of interest. 2) City Staff who have been delegated authority to commit City funds and those City Staff who are responsible for Corporate Assets will conduct all Procurement in an ethical and professional manner as described in this Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18, as it applies to their duties performed on behalf of the City. PROCUREMENT METHOD AND LiMiTS 3) The Procurement method and process is based on the estimated total dollar value, complexity, risk level, and details of the specific Procurement requirement. 4) The City does not maintain official lists of potential bidders -an open competition, posted on BC Bid, is the default means of soliciting bids. Participation in a Buying Group, Joint Procurement Venture or other methods may be used as appropriate and where permitted under the trade agreements. 5) The type of bid solicitation document and the form of Contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. 2 6) Procurement City Staff may exercise discretion on the appropriate Procurement process for one-time, non-recurring purchases up to $25,000, and the following will apply: a) at least one written quote will be obtained; b) when making a purchase up to $25,000, consideration should be given to Maple Ridge suppliers; and c) this section does not apply to recurring purchases that exceed $25,000 per annum. 7) In certain limited circumstances, the requirement for an open Competitive Process may be waived by the Manager of Procurement or their designate when defensible if: a) only one party can meet the requirements; b) where a previous open competition resulted in no bids; or c) for reasons of urgency, confidentiality, or protection of real interest to follow a standard Competitive Process. 8) Procurement cannot: a) be split; b) structured in a manner that does not include the full scope of work; or c) valued in such a way as to avoid the obligations set out in this Policy. 9) When the City hires a third-party contractor, such as a broker or construction manager, to conduct Procurement on its behalf, the Procurement must follow the processes outlined in this Policy. 10) Procurement methods must be followed in accordance with the following table: ESTIMATED PROCUREMENT VALUE METHOD Goods and Services Less than $25,000 Discretionary. At least one written quotation. One-time, non-repetitive $25,001 to $74,999 Request at least three written quotations or One-time, non-repetitive Formal Competitive Process, or Request at least one written quotation from firms prequalified through a Formal Competitive Process. Greater than $75,000 Formal Competitive Process Construction Less than $200,000 Request at least three written quotations or Formal Competitive Process. Greater than $200,000 Formal Competitive Process. 11) Multi-year Contracts, including options to renew, are dollar value accumulative for determining the estimated Procurement value and applicable thresholds listed above. 12) Project Contingency allowances are to be included in the estimated Procurement value when obtaining approvals. 13) Construction greater than $200,000 in value require bid security and bonding. 3 REPORTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY 14) Contracts exceeding $750,000 which have been approved by the CAO will be reported to Council on a quarterly basis. 15) Council approval is required in each individual case when the Procurement is not consistent with the approved Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, as to the nature, scope, and amount. PURCHASING CARD 16) Subject to this Policy and within established authority, City Staff may use Purchasing Cards for small dollar straightforward purchases of Goods and Services, as directed by the Procurement Section and in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. 17) Where Purchasing Cards are not accepted, petty cash may be utilized for approved expenditures of up to $50. UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS 18) The City is under no obligation to accept, review or evaluate any unsolicited Proposal and can reject any unsolicited Proposal in whole or in part at its sole and unfettered discretion. 19) The City is under no obligation to return an unsolicited Proposal to the Proposal owner. SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL PROCUREMENT 20) The City recognizes its responsibility to mitigate negative impacts on human health and the environment while supporting a diverse, equitable, and vibrant community and economy. The City will make efforts to leverage its purchasing power in order to ensure accountability and efficiency to meet the needs of the community now and to strive for a liveable and sustainable community in the future. 21) When conducting Procurement, the City will consider, where appropriate, its goals of: a) protecting the health of the natural environment, mitigating and adapting the impacts of climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; b) social responsibility that ensures human safety and enhances well-being; c) equity, diversity, and inclusion; and d) ethical workplace practices. SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT 22) Suppliers must meet the performance standards and expectations required by the City. 4 23) Where required, Supplier Performance and Conduct will be documented by City Staff and may be taken into consideration for future Contract evaluations. 24) The City will not enter into Contracts with any Supplier where the City is aware that the Supplier has engaged in illegal or unethical bidding practices, has an actual or potential conflict of interest or an unfair advantage, or fails to adhere to ethical business practices. 25) The City will report any suspected cases of collusion, bid-rigging or other offences under the Competition Act to the Competition Bureau or to other relevant authorities. SUPPLIER CONFLICT OF INTEREST 26) Any Suppliers participating in a Procurement process must disclose any perceived, possible or actual conflicts of interest to the City. 27) A Conflict of Interest in relation to Suppliers during the Procurement process includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances: a) the Supplier has an unfair advantage or engages in conduct, directly, or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including but not limited to: (i) having, or having access to, confidential information of the City that is not available to other Suppliers; (ii) communicating with any person with the intent of gaining preferred treatment in the Procurement process (such as lobbying of decision makers involved in the Procurement process); (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises, or can be seen to compromise, the integrity of an open and competitive procurement process or render that process non-competitive or unfair; or (iv) in the context of performance under a potential Contract, the Supplier's other commitments, relationships or financial interests could, or could be seen to: 1) exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased and impartial exercise of its independentjudgement, or 2) compromise, impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations. 28) If a Supplier is retained to participate in the development of a solicitation document or the specifications for inclusion in a solicitation document, that Supplier will not be allowed to respond, directly or indirectly, to that solicitation, unless authorized by the Manager of Procurement. SUPPLIER ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES 29) The City requires its Suppliers to act with integrity. 30) In providing deliverables to the City, Suppliers are expected to adhere to ethical business practices, including: a) performing all Contracts in a professional and competent manner and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and the dut of honest erformance; 5 b) complying with all applicable laws, including safety and labour codes (both domestic and international as may be applicable); and c) providing workplaces that are free from harassment or discrimination. 31) Illegal or unethical bidding and business practices of Suppliers include: a) bid-rigging; b) price-fixing; c) bribery or collusion, or other behaviors or practices prohibited by federal or provincial statutes; d) offering gifts or favours to City Staff, appointed or elected officials or any other City representative; e) engaging in any prohibited communications during a Procurement process; f) submitting inaccurate or misleading information in a Procurement process; g) engaging in any other activity that compromises the City's ability to run a fair Procurement process; and h) editing electronic City documents or Contracts without annotation or the City's approval. LOBBYING 32) No Bidder, Supplier, or anyone involved in preparing Bids or Proposals may lobby any elected official or City Staff to try and secure a Contract. 33) During a Formal Competitive Process, all communications are to be made through the City's Procurement Department unless the Procurement document explicitly states otherwise. 34) Bidders found to be lobbying for a Contract award will be disqualified from consideration for the Procurement and may be disqualified from future Procurement opportunities. ETHICAL CONDUCT 35) All individuals with Procurement authority, involved with Procurement activities, and those responsible for Corporate Assets must perform their duties with a high standard of ethics. More specifically, these individuals must at all times: a) act with integrity and professionalism; b) not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing Suppliers or products; c) abide by this Ethical Conduct as it applies to their duties performed for the City and as set out in this Policy; d) not use their authority or office for personal gain; e) seek to uphold and enhance the standing and image of the City by: (i) maintaining a standard of integrity beyond reproach in all their business relationships both inside and outside the City, (ii) fostering the highest standards of professional competence amongst City Staff, (iii) optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible so as to provide the maximum benefit to the City, (iv) complying with the principles, standards and policies as they apply to the City 6 and Council, (v) supporting and complying with policies and direction provided by Council, and (vi) rejecting and denouncing any business practice that is improper; f) declare any personal interests which may impinge or might reasonably be deemed by others to impinge on a member's impartiality in a matter relevant to their duties and should be declared to their Manager or the Manager of Procurement; g) ensure that confidentiality of any information received in the course of duty must be respected and is not used for personal gain. Information given in the course of duty must be true and not intended to mislead; h) avoid any Supplier relationships and arrangements which might, in the long term, prevent the effective operation of fair competition; i) ensure that modest hospitality offered does not reach a position whereby a recipient might be deemed by others to have been influenced in making a business decision as a result of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted should not be greater than the recipient's ability to reciprocate to a similar degree; and j) not solicit, or accept unsolicited donations of gifts, prizes, money or other benefit from any person, firm or corporation which is interested directly or indirectly in any manner in business dealings with the City. This applies to all charitable, social or other events, in accordance with the City's Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18. Gifts other than those of nominal value will not be accepted. Nominal gifts received (e.g. chocolates or small gift baskets) may be shared by the individual with their department, or donated to a local charity. 36) If there is any uncertainty about what may be accepted in relation to Procurement activities, then the offer should be declined and actively discouraged, and advice sought from the Manager of Procurement. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS ASSETS (Except Real Property) 37) For reference purposes only, and subject to the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw, and Code of Conduct Policy 30.18, if City Assets have been identified as surplus which are not useful to any City Department, and which retain some value, then: a) the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of surplus City Assets through auction or for value through trade-in or another formal or informal process; b) the CAO is authorized to approve that the surplus Assets be disposed of by donation, without compensation, to any non-profit corporation, association, or entity; c) the Manager or Director is authorized to dispose of such Assets through City recycling or disposal as garbage, as appropriate. 38) The Manager of Procurement is authorized to determine whether surplus City Assets retain any value. 39) In accordance with Policy No. 10.01 Disposal of Found Goods, and the Delegation of 7 Procurement Authority, Bylaw, the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of property that has come into the custody and possession of the RCMP or the City. TRADE AGREEMENTS AND FOIPPA TRADE AGREEMENTS 40) The City's Procurement is subject to the obligations of the following national and international trade agreements: a) The New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA); b) The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA); and c) The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). 41) Opportunities to bid on Procurements covered by the trade agreements must be posted publicly, and competitions will provide a level playing field for all bidders. Application of protective policies such as local preferences is prohibited. The City of Maple Ridge remains compliant with the trade agreements by posting its bid opportunities on BC Bid, the site designated in the trade agreements for the posting of British Columbia's public sector bid opportunities. FOIPPA 42) All Procurement documents, including quotations and proposals submitted to the City become the property of the City and are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 43) Any unsolicited Proposal received by the City is subject to the provisions of FOIPPA. Administration: AUTHORITY FOR PROCUREMENT TRANSACTIONS 44) Procurement must be conducted by qualified Procurement City Staff to ensure the City is protected through clear contract scope, pricing, contract terms and conditions, appropriate contractor or consultant qualifications, adequate insurance and bonding, sound evaluation and supplier debrief procedures, involvement of legal counsel as required, and police information checks as needed. 45) Procurement City Staff are authorized and responsible for: a) conducting or facilitating Procurement; b) ensuring that all Procurement transactions are carried out in accordance with this Policy and are conducted ethically and in a professional manner that support openness and transparency according to standard Procurement Procedures; c) entering into, or facilitating, contracts on behalf of the City; and d) disposing of surplus assets (excluding Real Property). 8 46) City Staff who have delegated authority through Council may commit the City to any Procurement of Goods, Services and Construction within the prescribed authorization limits of this Policy and are responsible for ensuring that their Procurement is carried out in accordance with this Policy. 47) City Staff involved in Procurement activities must clearly understand their obligations and responsibilities under this Policy and should consult with the Procurement Department in respect of any questions regarding the application or interpretation of this Policy, procurement processes or any relevant procedures. 48) Procurement City Staff may delegate discretionary or one-time, non-repetitive Procurements to other City Staff. The Procurement must be conducted in accordance with this Policy. 49) All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget and Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, and be authorized by the appropriate authority. No expenditure or commitment shall be incurred or made, and no payment shall be paid unless provisioned within the approved Financial Plan, and in accordance with the Delegated Authority limits. 50) Any Goods, Services and Construction must be duly received by the City as expected prior to payment being made, or according to alternate payment terms as approved by the Manager of Procurement. 51) The authorization for Procurement transaction limits are set out in the Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw and are listed for reference in Appendix "A". 52) Other than in an Emergency, Procurement must be in accordance with the Council approved Financial Plan, which includes the approved Capital Plan, or a funding strategy approved by the Chief Financial Officer before Procurement begins. EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT 53) The CAO may approve a Procurement outside of this Policy in the following situations: a) When strictly necessary if, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the City where the goods or services could not be obtained in time using the standard Procurement Procedures; b) When the City is under a "declaration of a state of local emergency" as defined in the Emergency Program Act, RSBC 1996, c. 111 as amended or replaced from time to time. (Administration Only) Signature (Council) Date Signed Resolution No.: 9 APPENDIX "A" DELEGATED PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY LIMITS The delegated Procurement authority limits are as stated in the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw. Delegated Signing Authority and Concurring Signature* Delegated Authority Limit Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Over $750,000 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Up to $750,000 Director and Manager of Procurement Up to $200,000 Deputy and Manager of Procurement Up to $150,000 Manager Up to $ 75,000 *Concurring signature required for Procurements $75,000 and over. 1. Services and Construction Procurement is subject to the same policy as materials, equipment or supplies Procurement. The total value, including any Contingency allowances and all extension options throughout the entire agreement duration, determines the authorization required. 2. Delegated authority also authorizes the position to execute Contracts regarding such Procurement transactions, or a Procurement transaction that has been approved by an Authorized City Staff in accordance with the Bylaw, accompanied with a concurring signature or signatures when applicable. 3. Written Contracts are to be used despite the dollar value, when the Procurement is complex, taking into account the level of risk to the City. Written contracts will be used in all instances where there is required Contract security, performance monitoring, project schedules, multi- year agreements, and any Procurement issued through a Competitive Process. The form of contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. 4. Change Orders may be issued by Authorized City Staff within the scope of the Contract where the revised Contract value does not exceed Authorized City Staff's delegated approval authority and where the Contract will not exceed the expenditure budget for the project or works as approved in the Financial Plan. 10 SCHEDULE 118" EXEMPTIONS The following expenditures are exempt from the Procurement methods contained in this policy: a) Financial services including debt payment and insurance policy payments; b) Payroll and payroll deduction remittances; c) Revenue contracts requiring no financial investment or expenditure by the City; d) The rental, lease, purchase and sale of property, land or accommodation; e) Memberships in professional and vocational associations and their publications, conferences, conventions, and other professional and training activities including the directly associated accommodations and travel; f) Subscriptions to newspapers, magazines or other periodicals; g) Advertising mediums such as newspapers and websites; h) Health, dental, and social services expenses; i) Services provided by lawyers and notaries and payments to expert or factual witnesses used in legal proceedings; j) Payments to other public sector entities or non-profit organizations; k) Payments for regulated tariffed Services e.g., to BC Hydro or Fortis BC; I) Employment Contracts; m) Payments required by statute; and n) All other exemptions as stated in the Applicable Trade Agreement. Doc#3638570 Page 11 of 15 Policy APPENDIX "C" DEFINITIONS Applicable Trade Agreements means NWPTA, CFT A, CET A and any similar domestic and international trade agreements that come into force from time to time to the extent applicable by their own terms to municipalities in British Columbia and includes amendments to those agreements. Assets means, without limitation, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets and vehicles, but does not include real property. Authorized Employee means the person responsible and authorized to Procure Goods and Services within the authorized limits as set in this policy. Best Value means the optimal combination of, Total Cost, performance, qualifications, and factors related to sustainability and social goals, as determined in accordance with specific criteria and weighting for each criterion established by the City for the applicable Purchase. Bid means a written submission in response to a Competitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Bidder means a Supplier that submits a response to a competitive bid. Buying Group means two or more members that combines the purchasing requirements and activities of the group into a joint Procurement process. Buying groups include cooperative arrangements in which individual members administer the Procurement function for specific Contracts for the group, and more formal corporate arrangements in which a corporate entity administers the Procurement for group members. Buying groups may involve a variety of entities, including public sector, private sector and not-for-profit organizations. City means the City of Maple Ridge. City Staff means any person employed by the City or any person who has been assigned or hired to act on the City's behalf. Change Order means a Contract amendment changing the Construction or Services provided under the Original Contract, including but not limited to specifications, scope, schedule or price. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) means the person holding the position of the City Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate. Contingency means a monetary allowance that provides project managers with discretion to meet a requirement that is not perfectly defined. Doc#3638570 Page 12 of 15 Policy Competitive Process means a fair and open competition based on functional and generic specifications. Construction means a construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair, improvement or renovation of a building, structural or other civil engineering or architectural work and includes site preparation, excavation, drilling, seismic investigation. It does not include the routine operation, routine repair, or routine maintenance of an existing infrastructure, facility, structure, building, or real property. The procurement of goods or services outside the scope of a construction contract is not a procurement for construction, and are subject to the thresholds applicable to Goods or Services. Contract means an agreement in writing or verbal commitment between the City and one or more parties which create obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. Council means the elected Council of the City. Deputy means a City Staff member holding a position as Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, Deputy Fire Chief, Deputy Director, or their designate. Discretionary means a Supplier is invited by the City to negotiate and/or sign a Contract for low value Goods or Services without going through a Competitive Process. Director means a City Staff member holding a position as a Director of a City Department, Corporate Officer, Chief Building Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Fire Chief, or their designate. Dispose or Disposition means to transfer by any method including assign, give, sell, grant, charge, convey, Lease, divest, dedicate, release, exchange, alienate or agree to do any of those things; Emergency Purchase means a Purchase made due to an unexpected and urgent request which may affect the health, safety, environment, life and or property, or the welfare of the public. Immediate acquisition of Goods or Services is essential to provide community service, prevent serious delays, injury, further damage or to restore or maintain minimum service. Executive Director means a City Staff member holding a position as an Executive Director of a City department or their designate. Financial Plan means the Financial Plan Bylaw as adopted by Council. Formal Competitive Process means a public Procurement process that is competitive, open, transparent, non-discriminatory and compliant with the laws of competitive bidding and requirements of the Applicable Trade Agreements. Doc#3638570 Page 13 of 15 Policy Goods and Services means, without limitation, Construction, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets, software, vehicles, insurance, Employee benefits, labour and materials, maintenance, services, but does not include real property. IT Assets means personal computers, computer servers, fax machines, cellular telephones and other handheld devices, printers, scanners, copiers and other multi-functional information technology equipment, together with any power supplies, storage media, user manuals, operating systems, software, firmware, peripherals and documentation relating to or incorporated within any of the foregoing items. Joint Procurement Venture means a group of two or more public entities which combines the procurement requirements and activities into one joint Procurement process. Lease means a Contract by which the City is granted the use and possession of personal property for a specified period of time in exchange for payment of a stipulated price (including a price of $0). Manager means City Staff member holding a position as a Manager, Superintendent, or Assistant Chief of a City Department or their designate. Manager of Procurement means the person holding the position of Manager of Procurement, or their designate. Officer means a person appointed the position of Officer by way of a City Bylaw. Procurement means the acquisition by any means, including by Purchase, rental, Lease or conditional sale, of Goods, Services and Construction. For the purposes of this Policy it does not include the purchase or sale of Real Property. It includes contracts, purchase orders, change orders, credit card purchases, and verbal or e-mailed arrangements. Procurement Employee means an Employee of the City employed within the Procurement Section of the Finance Department. Proposal means a written submission in response to a Competitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Purchase means the acquisition by any means, including by purchase, Contract rental, Lease or otherwise of Goods, Services and Construction by the City, but does not include expenditures in any form of City assistance such as grants or provision by the City of Goods and Services to other persons or entities. Purchasing Card means the corporate credit card issued to an Employee for the purposes of purchasing and paying for small dollar transactions within their established authority in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. Doc#3638570 Page 14 of 15 Policy Procurement Procedures means the standard competitive process and procedures governing the Purchase by the City of Goods, Services and Construction. Quotation or Quote means a verbal or written submission from a Supplier in response to an Invitation to Quote. Real Property means land with or without improvements or buildings, or an interest in land, including any right, title or estate in it. Services means any provision of labour or intellectual effort, such as consulting, professional or maintenance, but excluding Construction. Signing Authority means the person(s) authorized to sign and execute the contract on behalf of the City. Single Source means a Contract directly awarded to a supplier, without a Competitive Process, where other potential suppliers may be available. However, due to defensible conditions, a Competitive Process was waived. Sole Source means a Contract directly awarded to or negotiated with a sole supplier, without a Competitive Process. With a sole source, it has been demonstrated there is only one capable and available supplier. Supplier means a company which supplies Goods and Services to another company. Supplier Performance and Conduct means measurable indicators that can be tracked to assess predetermined Contract performance goals. Supplier performance can include subjective evaluations of the supplier by City employees during the performance of a Contract. Term means: i. in the case of a Contract for a Purchase, the initial term of the Contract, not including any optional renewal term; and ii. in the case of an optional renewal or extension of a Contract for a Purchase, the renewal term or extension period of the Contract, not including the preceding periods. Total Cost means the sum of all costs, including all contingencies and non-recoverable taxes (except credits against such costs, such as trade-in values on existing Assets, and amounts subject to City recovery, refund or rebate under applicable sales tax legislation) that are to be paid by the City during the Term for a Purchase of Goods and Services. The Total Cost for a particular Purchase made by a Buying Group in which the City participates is only that portion of the cost attributable to the City (not the entire cost to the joint Procurement). Doc#3638570 Page 15 of 15 Policy ~~- British Columbia mapler1dge.ca • Maple Ridee ..._; COUNCIL POLICY HANU<\L Policy No: 5.45 Title: Procurement Policy Supersedes: 5.45 (May 25, 2021) Effective Date: Amended Review Date: Date: May 25, 2021 2026 [TBD) Policy Statement: The City of Magle Ridge will conduct the Procurement of Goods, Services, Construction and asset disgosal in a manner that a) is fair, ogen, transgarent and non-discriminato!)'.; b) ensures sound management of, and obtains Best Value for, gublic funds; c) is cost effective and efficient for both the Cih'. and the gublic d) advances the Citis commitment to economic, environmental, sustainable and social goals; and e) is in accordance with all agglicable legislative reguirements obligations under trade agreements. comgetitive bidding laws, grocurement best gractices, and the grincigles of the Freedom otfntormation and Protection at Privac'i. Act, RSBC 1996, c. 25 (FOIPPA), and all relevant City bylaws and golicies, including this Policy. Purpose: The gurgose of this Policy is to set out the authorization and comgetition reguirements for Procurement and asset disgosal on behalf of the City, ensure that Procurement items are grogerly budgeted for and authorized in the Financial Plan, which includes the aggroved Cagital Plan, that Best Value is achieved for the City, and that this Policy and best gractices are followed when engaging the marketglace and awarding and managing Procurement Contracts. Scope: This Policy agglies: a) to anyone involved in the Procurement of Goods Services Construction and asset disgosal on behalf of the City; b) to the sale or disgosal of surglus· assets by the City; and c) even if the Cih'. will be reimbursed for the exgenditure, such as by way of a grant or insurance claim. All Procurement must be within the scope of the Council-approved budget, which includes the aggroved Capital Plan. Procurement must be authorized by the appropriate authority. Nothing in this Policy delegates authority to individuals other than Ci!)'.'. Staff to enter into Procurement transactions on behalf of the Citv unless exoresslv authorized bv the CAO. Definitions: Schedule "A" sets out the Delegated Procurement Authority Limits. Schedule "B" sets out the Exemgtions of Procurement Methods from this Policy. Schedule "C" sets out the Definitions in this Policy, which aggly unless otherwise stated herein. Definitions of key City terms are set out in Schedule A of the Policy Governance Framework No. 3.09. Any references to a statute, regulation, bylaw, or other policy refers to the most current enactment, as amended or replaced from time to time. .A. .. _•••• --• •• + ••-• •• • + -+ •• • --+ •• •H • 0 •• •••-+ • __ --{ Deleted Cells ~Procedure: Policy ~Jo.: 5.45 St113eFseEles: 5.45 (~Jov. PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES ,2004) .11......tiQ Procurement~ a) proceed unless the expenditure is in the apgroved Financial Plan or aggroved through a budget amendment process. Any budget amendments reguired must be approved by Council prior to entering into a Contract: b) be authorized or incurred on behalf of the City excegt as provided in this Policy: c) be subdivided in a manner designed to avoid the agplication of any provision of this Policy; d) be made by the City for the gersonal use of elected officials, appointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families: or e) be made from any elected officials, agpointed Officers, City Staff or their immediate families or from any other source that would result in a conflict of interest. 2) Ci!)'.'. Staff who have been delegated authority to commit City funds and those Ci!)'.'. Staff who are responsible for Corgorate Assets will conduct all Procurement in an ethical and grofessional manner as described in this Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18 as it agglies to their duties gerformed on behalf of the City. PROCUREMENT METHOD AND LIMITS 3) The Procurement method and process is based on the estimated total dollar value, complexity, risk level, and details of the specific Procurement requirement. 4) The City does not maintain official lists of potential bidders - an open competition posted on BC Bid, is the default means of soliciting bids. Participation in a Buying Group, Joint Procurement Venture or other methods may be used as appropriate and where permitted under the trade agreements. 5) The type of bid solicitation document and the form of Contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. 6) Procurement City Staff may exercise discretion on the appropriate Procurement process for one-time, non-recurring purchases up to $25.000 and the following will apply: a) at least one written quote will be obtained· b) when making a purchase up to $25.000, consideration should be given to Maple Ridge suppliers· and c) this section does not apply to recurring purchases that exceed $25,000 per annum. 7) In certain limited circumstances the requirement for an open Competitive Process may be waived by the Manager of Procurement or their designate when defensible if: a) only one party can meet the requirements; b) where a previous open competition resulted in no bids; QI c) for reasons of urgency, confidentiality, or protection of real interest to follow a standard Competitive Process. 8) Procurement cannot: a) be split' b) structured in a manner that does not include the full scope of work: or c) valued in such a way as to avoid the obligations set out in this Policy. 9) When the City hires a third-party contractor such as a broker or construction manager, to conduct Procurement on its behalf, the Procurement must follow the processes outlined in this Policy. 10) Procurement methods must be followed in accordance with the following table: ESTIMATED PROCUREMENT VALUE METHOD Goods and Services Less than $25,000 Discretionarv. At lea One-time non-reoetitive $25 001 to $74 999 Reauest at least thr One-time non-regetitive Formal Comoetitive Reauest at least on firms oreaualified ti Comoetitive Proces Greater than $75 000 Formal Comoetitive Construction Less than $200,000 Reauest at least thr Formal Comoetitive Greater than $200,000 Formal Comoetitive 11) Multi-tear Contracts, including ogtions to renew, are dollar value accumulative for determining the estimated Procurement value and agglicable thresholds listed above. 12) Project Contingenct allowances are to be included in the estimated Procurement value when obtaining aggrovals. 13) Construction greater than $200,000 in value reguire bid securitt and bonding. REPORTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY 14) Contracts exceeding $750,000 which have been aggroved by: the CAO will be regorted to Council on a guarterly: basis. 15) Council aggroval is reguired in each individual case when the Procurement is not consistent with the aggroved Financial Plan, which includes the aggroved Cagital Plan, as to the nature, scoge, and amount. PURCHASING CARD 16) Subject to this Polict and within established authoritt, Citt Staff may: use Purchasing Cards for small dollar straightforward gurchases of Goods and Services as directed by: the Procurement Section and in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. 17) Where Purchasing Cards are not accegted, gettt cash mat be utilized for aggroved exgenditures of ug to $50. UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS 18) The Citt is under no obligation to accegt, review or evaluate ant unsolicited Progosal and can reject ant unsolicited Progosal in whole or in gart at its sole and unfettered discretion. 19) The Citt is under no obligation to return an unsolicited Progosal to the Progosal owner. SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL PROCUREMENT 20) The Citt recognizes its resgonsibilitt to mitigate negative imgacts on human health and the environment while suggorting a diverse, eguitable, and vibrant communitt and economt. The City will make efforts to leverage its gurchasing gower in order to ensure accountability and efficienct to meet the needs of the community now and to strive for a liveable and susta inable community in the future. 21) When conducting Procurement the City will consider, where aggrogriate, its goals of: a) grotecting the health of the natural environment, mitigating and adagting the imgacts of climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; b) social resgonsibility that ensures human safety and enhances well-being; c) eguitt, diversitt, and inclusion; and d) ethical workglace gractices. SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT 22) Suggliers must meet the gerformance standards and exgectations reguired bt the Ci!Y. 23) Where reguired, Sugglier Performance and Conduct will be documented bt Citt Staff and mat be taken into consideration for future Contract evaluations. 24) The Citt will not enter into Contracts with ant Sugglier where the Citt is aware that the Sugglier has engaged in illegal or unethical bidding gractices, has an actual or gotential conflict of interest or an unfair advantage, or fails to adhere to ethical business gractices. 25) The City will regort ant susgected cases of collusion, bid-rigging or other offences under the Come,etition Act to the Comgetition Bureau or to other relevant authorities. SUPPLIER CONFLICT OF INTEREST 26) Any Suppliers participating in a Procurement process must disclose any perceived. possible or actual conflicts of interest to the City. 27) A Conflict of Interest in relation to Suppliers during the Procurement process includes. but is not limited to. the following circumstances: a) the Supplier has an unfair advantage or engages in conduct. directly. or indirectly. that may give it an unfair advantage. including but not limited to: (i) having or having access to confidential information of the City that is not available to other Suppliers; (ii) communicating with any person with the intent of gaining preferred treatment in the Procurement process (such as lobbying of decision makers involved in the Procurement process); (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises. or can be seen to compromise. the integrity of an open and competitive procurement process or render that process non-competitive or unfair: Q[ (iv) in the context of performance under a potential Contract. the Supplier's other commitments. relationships or financial interests could. or could be seen to: 1) exercise an improper influence over the objective. unbiased and impartial exercise of its independent judgement or 2) compromise. impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations. 28) If a Supplier is retained to participate in the development of a solicitation document or the specifications for inclusion in a solicitation document. that Supplier will not be allowed to respond. directly or indirectly. to that solicitation unless authorized by the Manager of Procurement. SUPPLIER ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES 29) The City requires its Suppliers to act with integrity. 30) In providing deliverables to the City, Suppliers are expected to adhere to ethical business practices, including: a) performing all Contracts in a professional and competent manner and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and the duty of honest performance; b) complying with all applicable laws, including safety and labour codes (both domestic and international as may be applicable); and c) providing workplaces that are free from harassment or discrimination. 31) Illegal or unethical bidding and business practices of Suppliers include: a) bid-rigging; b) price-fixing: c) bribery or collusion, or other behaviors or practices prohibited by federal or provincial statutes· d) offering gifts or favours to City Staff, appointed or elected officials or any other City representative: e) engaging in any prohibited communications during a Procurement process: f) submitting inaccurate or misleading information in a Procurement process: g) engaging in any other activity that compromises the City's ability to run a fair Procurement process: and h) editing electronic City documents or Contracts without annotation or the City's approval. LOBBYING 32) No Bidder Supplier or anyone involved in preparing Bids or Proposals may lobby any elected official or City Staff to try and secure a Contract. 33) During a Formal Competitive Process all communications are to be made through the City's Procurement Department unless the Procurement document explicitly states otherwise. 34) Bidders found to be lobbying for a Contract award will be disqualified from consideration for the Procurement and may be disqualified from future Procurement opportunities. ETHICAL CONDUCT 35) All individuals with Procurement authority, involved with Procurement activities and those resoonsible for Coroorate Assets must perform their duties with a high standard of ethics. More specifically. these individuals must at all times: a) act with integrity and professionalism: b) not engage in any activity that may create. or appear to create. a conflict of interest. such as accepting gifts or favours. providing preferential treatment. or publicly endorsing Suppliers or products: c) abide by this Ethical Conduct as it applies to their duties performed for the City and as set out in this Policy: d) not use their authority or office for personal gain; e) seek to uphold and enhance the standing and image of the City by: (i} maintaining a standard of integrity beyond reproach in all their business relationships both inside and outside the City. {ii) fostering the highest standards of professional competence amongst City Staff (iii) optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible so as to provide the maximum benefit to the City. (iv) complying with the principles. standards and policies as they apply to the City and Council. (v) supporting and complying with policies and direction provided by Council. and (vi) rejecting and denouncing any business practice that is improper: f) declare any personal interests which may impinge or might reasonably be deemed by others to impinge on a member's impartiality in a matter relevant to their duties and should be declared to their Manager or the Manager of Procurement: g} ensure that confidentiality of any information received in the course of duty must be respected and is not used for personal gain. Information given in the course of duty must be true and not intended to mislead: h} avoid any Supplier relationships and arrangements which might in the long term. prevent the effective operation of fair competition: i) ensure that modest hospitality offered does not reach a position whereby a recipient might be deemed by others to have been influenced in making a business decision as a result of accepting such hospitality. The freauencv and scale of hosoitalitv acceoted should not be greater than the recipient's ability to reciprocate to a similar degree: and j) not solicit or accept unsolicited donations of gifts, prizes money or other benefit from any person, firm or corporation which is interested directly or indirectly in any manner in business dealings with the City. This applies to all charitable. social or other events, in accordance with the City's Code of Conduct Policy No. 30.18. Gifts other than those of nominal value will not be accepted. Nominal gifts received (e.g. chocolates or small gift baskets) may be shared by the individual with their department or donated to a local charity. 36) If there is any uncertainty about what may be accepted in relation to Procurement activities, then the offer should be declined and actively discouraged, and advice sought from the Manager of Procurement. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS ASSETS (Except Real Property) 37) For reference purposes only, and subject to the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw, and Code of Conduct Policy 30.18, if City Assets have been identified as surplus which are not useful to any City Department. and which retain some value, then: a) the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of surplus City Assets through auction or for value through trade-in or another formal or informal process: b) the CAO is authorized to approve that the surplus Assets be disposed of by donation without compensation, to any non-profit corporation association, or entity: c) the Manager or Director is authorized to dispose of such Assets through City recycling or disposal as garbage, as appropriate. 38) The Manager of Procurement is authorized to determine whether surplus City Assets retain any value. 39) In accordance with Policy No. 10.01 Disposal of Found Goods, and the Delegation of Procurement Authority. Bylaw, the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of property that has come into the custody and possession of the RCM P or the City. TRADE AGREEMENTS AND FOIPPA TRADE AGREEMENTS 40} The Cit:b Procurement is subject to the obligations of the following national and international trade agreements: a} The New West Partnershig Trade Agreement (NWPTA}; b} The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA}; and c} The Canada-Eurogean Union Comgrehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA}. 41} Oggortunities to bid on Procurements'covered by the trade agreements must be gosted gublicly, and comgetitions will grovide a level glaying field for all bidders. Agglication of grotective golicies such as local greferences is grohibited. The City of Magle Ridge remains comgliant with the trade agreements by gosting its bid oggortunities on BC Bid, the site designated in the trade agreements for the gosting of British Columbia's gublic sector bid oggortunities. FOIPPA 42} All Procurement documents, including guotations and grogosals submitted to the City become the grogerty of the City and are subject to the grovisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 43} Any unsolicited Progosal received by the City is subject to the grovisions of FOIPPA. Authority: ~ Legislative - App_r~ygl~ ·-_[g]_. G()!-!IJPJl GMT. ____ . ________________________ . ______ ---•----· __ ~ernl ~,<laRager/\dministration: □ AUTHORITY FOR PROCUREMENT TRANSACTIONS 44} Procurement must be conducted by gualified Procurement City Staff to ensure the City is grotected through clear contract scoge, gricing, contract terms and conditions apgropriate contractor or consultant gualifications, adeguate insurance and bonding, sound evaluation and sunnlier debrief orocedures involvement of leaal □~ effeotive Date: May tteAa-1 2a,2G21 L -····--········-·--····--·····-··········· --------------------------------------- __ ---( Deleted Cells ---• -{ Deleted Cells counsel as reguired, and i;1olice information checks as needed. 45) Procurement City Staff are authorized and resi;1onsible for: a) conducting or facilitating Procurement; b) ensuring that all Procurement transactions are carried out in accordance with this Policy and are conducted ethically and in a i;1rofessional manner that sui;1i;1ort oi;1enness and transi;1arency according to standard Procurement Procedures; c) entering into, or facilitating, contracts on behalf of the City; and d) disi;1osing of suri;1lus assets (excluding Real Proi;1erty). 46) City Staff who have delegated authority through Council may commit the City to any Procurement of Goods, SeNices and Construction within the i;1rescribed authorization limits of this Policy and are resi;1onsible for ensuring that their Procurement is carried out in accordance with this Policy. 47) City Staff involved in Procurement activities must clearly understand their obligations and resi;1onsibilities under this Policy and should consult with the Procurement Dei;1artment in resi;1ect of any guestions regarding the ai;1i;1lication or interwetation of this Policy, i;1rocurement wocesses or any relevant i;1rocedures. 48) Procurement City Staff may delegate discretionary or one-time, non-rei;1etitive Procurements to other City Staff. The Procurement must be conducted in accordance with this Policy. 49) All Procurement must be within the scoi;1e of the Council-ai;1i;1roved budget and Financial Plan which includes the ai;1i;1roved Cai;1ital Plan, and be authorized by the ai;1i;1roi;1riate authority. No exi;1end iture or commitment sha ll be incurred or made, and no i;1ayment shall be i;1aid unless orovisioned within the aooroved Financial Plan and in accordance with the Delegated Authorit:'. limits. 50} Any_ Goods, Services and Construction must be duly_ received by_ the City_ as exgected grior to gay__ment being made, or according to alternate gay__ment terms as aggroved by_ the Manager of Procurement. 51} The authorization for Procurement transaction limits are set out in the Magle Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authorit:'. Bylaw and are listed for reference in Aggendix "A". 52} Other than in an Emergency__, Procurement must be in accordance with the Council aggroved Financial Plan, which includes the aggroved Cagital Plan or a funding strategy__ aggroved by_ the Chief Financial Officer before Procurement begins. EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT 53} The CAO may_ aggrove a Procurement outside of this Policy_ in the following situations: a} When strictly__ necessary__ if, for reasons of extreme urgency__ brought about by_ events unforeseeable by_ the City_ where the goods or services could not be obtained in time using the standard Procurement Procedures; b} When the City_ is under a "declaration of a state of local emergency__" as defined in the Emerg_enq1_ Program Act RSBC 1996 c. 111 as amended or reglaced from time to time. {Administrat Signature Date Signed ion Only) {Council) Resolution No.: APPENDIX "A" DELEGATED PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY LIMITS The delegated Procurement authority limits are as stated in the Delegation of Procurement Authority, Bylaw. Deleaated Sianina Authoritv and Concurrina Sianature* Deleaated Authoritv Limit Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) Over $750,000 Deoutv Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance (CFO) UQ to $750,000 Director and Manaaer of Procurement UQ to $200,000 Deoutv and Manaaer of Procurement UQ to $150,000 Manaaer UQ to $ 75,000 *Concurring signature required for Procurements $75 000 and over. 1. Services and Construction Procurement is subject to the same golicy as materials equigment or sugglies Procurement. The total value including any Contingency allowances and all extension ogtions throughout the entire agreement duration, determines the authorization required. 2. Delegated authority also authorizes the gosition to execute Contracts regarding such Procurement transactions, or a Procurement transaction that has been aggroved by an Authorized City Staff in accordance with the Bylaw, accomganied with a concurring signature or signatures when agglicable. 3. Written Contracts are to be used desgite the dollar value, when the Procurement is comglex, taking into account the level of risk to the City. Written contracts will be used in all instances where there is required Contract security, gerformance monitoring, groject schedules, multi- year agreements, and any Procurement issued through a Comgetitive Process. The form of contract used will be determined by Procurement City Staff. Change Orders may be issued by Authorized POLICY 8TATE!\'IENT; This policy will ensure that all Goods, Services and Construction will be procured in a competitive, fair and open manner that: a) is effieieAt, aeea1mtable aAa ma.·imi:z:es Best "al1c1e; b) aavaAees the Cit:, 's eammitmeAt ta eeaAamie, @A ,·ira AmeAtal, aAa saeial rns13aAsibilit) by supporting the Purchase of Sustainable Goods and Services; and c) meets the reEJHiremeAts afthe CamnrnAit:, Charter, the Laeal Ga , emment Aet, the A1313lieable Traae AgreemeAts, 131:1blie seetar best 13raet-iees aAa eam13etili , e biaaiAg la..-s. Table of Contents POLICY STATEME~JT ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. OBJECTll'E ............................................................................................................................................ 3 3. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. INTERPRET0TIO~J ................................................................................................................................. 4 §. PROCUREfl.qE~JT PRl~JCIPLES ................................................................................................................. 4 e. DELEGATEDAUTl=IORITY FOR PROCUREMENTTR.'\NSACTIONS ........................................................... S 7. CONTINGENC¥ ..................................................................................................................................... § 8. PROCUREME~JT METl=IOD .................................................................................................................... S 9. ROLES ti ND RESPO~JSIBILITES ............................................................................................................... e 10. SUSTAl~JABILITY ................................................................................................................................... 7 11. SUPPLIER cmmUCTMJD CONFLICT OF lmEREST.. ............................................................................. 8 12. LOBB¥1NG ............................................................................................................................................. 9 13. PROPONENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS ..................................................................................... 9 14. SUPPLIER PERrnRM 0~JCE El(0LU0TlmJ ............................................................................................ 10 1§. SUPPLIER DEBRIEFING ........................................................................................................................ 10 le. ETl=IICAL CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................ 10 17. DISPOSITlmJ OF SURPLI IS 0SSETS (El(ECJ3t La Ads) ............................................................................. 12 18. RELATED POLICIES, B¥U\WS /\ND GUIDES ......................................................................................... 12 SCl=I EDU LE "A" .............................................................................................................................................. 13 SCl=I EDU LE "B" .............................................................................................................................................. 17 SCl=I EDU LE "C" .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Doc No. 2786243 Page 2 of 38 Policy No. 5.45 1. PURPOSE L The pHrpose of this Poliey is to seli. er sest o. erall , alHe to the City for the ProeHrement ofGooss, 8er.iees ans GefistFHetion. This will be in aeeorsanee 1, ·ith the val Hes of OHr eommHnity ans CoHneil as artieHlateEl in oo6Hments sHeh as the 8trategie Plan. City Staff within the scope of the Contract where the revised Contract value does not exceed Authorized City Staff's delegated approval authority and where the Contract will not exceed the expenditure budget for the project or works as approved in the Financial Plan. DsE Ns. 2786243 Page ~ of ~g Poliey ~Jo. 5.115 3 SCHEDULE "B" EXEMPTIONS The following expenditures are exempt from In assordanse with Delegation of PrnsurnmentAuthority Bylaw ~Jo. 77112021, this Polisy prnvides for the delegation of sertain Prncurnment authority, and outlines duties and rnsponsibilities of the various parties involved. It maims reference to related polisies, bylaws and procedures to provide guidanse when involved in the Prnsurement of Goods, Servises and Construstion, and related Prosurement astivities. 2. 0:8JECTIVE The ob-jective of this Policy is to ensure that the Prosurement is properly budgeted and authorized in the F"inansial Plan, results in Best Value for the City and that best practises are utilized to engage the marlrntplase, award and manage Prosurnment Contrasts. 3. SCOPE This Pelioy applies te an) ene Elireotl) er inelireotl) in ,rel ,·eel in the Procurement e-f-Gooels, 8en·ioes anel Censtrnotien en behalfefmethods contained in this policy: a) Financial services including debt payment and insurance policy payments: b) Payroll and payroll deduction remittances· -3-dc) Revenue contracts requiring no financial investment or expenditure by the City;-a-ne 3.2 This Pelioy applies ta the sale erDispesal sf Surplus 6 ssets by th~ ~reournment metheels requireel uneler Part I ef 8cheelule "C" Ela net apply----te---tHe---feUewmg and, the methods required under Part II of Sshedule "C" apply solely to (I) and (m): a-,-the--eerre ding anel in, esti:Hg ef meney; b. re ,renue Centraets; &.g.lthe The rental, lease, purchase and sale of property, land or accommodation; El.~membershipsMemberships in professional and vocational associations and their publications, conferences, conventions, and other professional and training activities including the directly associated accommodations and travel: e.f)_the purehase efsubseriptiensSubscriptions to newspapers, magazines or other periodicals; f..glaEl.-ertisingAdvertising mediums such as newspapers and websites; g. the Purnhase ef eriginal "erl's e fart; R-..bL_health ser,•ieesHealth, dental, and social services expenses: hll__s-er-v-i€esServices provided by lawyers and notaries and payments to expert or factual witnesses used in legal proceedings; Doe Ne. 2786213 Page 1 of ~g Policy ~Jo. S.1S 4 J-JLpurehase frnm aPayments to other public ooaysector entities or non-profit erganii".atien, erorganizations: k}_ernpleyrnentPayments for regulated tariffed Services e.g .. to BC Hydro or Fortis BC: K-;I) Employment Contracts; hml_£fflei:getley Purehases:Payments required by statute: and 5 Dec ~le. 2786243 Page !i of 38 Policy ~Jo. S.4S ~nl_at!.Afl other exemptions as stated in the Applicable Trade Agreement. 4. INTERPRETATION 4 .1 Sehed1:1le "A" eontains defin:i!ions of terms 1:1sed in this 13oliey, dh:ieh are to a1313ly 1:1nless the eonte,;t etllern'ise reEJ1:1ires. 4 .2 Selled1:1le "B" eontains Authority for Proe1:1rement Transaetffitls:. 4 .3 Sehed1:1le "C" eontains Prnc1:1rnment Method. 4 .4 A reference to any stat1:1e, reg1:1la!ion or B) la .. refeFS to that enaetment as it may ee amenEled or re13laced from time to time. 4 .5 A referenee to the O13erational Proeurement Proeed1:1Fes means se13arate n'fitten 13roeesses and 13rnc-edt¼res go,,erning tl1e 13roe1:1rement of GooEls, Services and Construetion that ha ,'e seen a1313ro ,red B) tho-Chle.f Administrati, e Offieer, and inel1:1des amendments thereto. 4 .6 This Polie) does not a1313I) to P1:1rehases-ef-et-ller ernerbene) res13onse aeti, ities of the City eond1:1c~ a "deelaration of a state of loeal emergene)" as defined in the emergene) Program Aet, R.S.B.C. 1996, e. 111, as amended or re13laeed from tin1e to time. 4 .7 If there is a coefliet eet>;reen this 1301-IBy-1rnd Ha13le Ridge Emergency Program Byla,., No. M87 2QQ7, then Emergency Program Byla ,,r No. €i4 87 2QQ7, as amenEled or re13laeed from time to lime, sllall 13re 1ail. 5. PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES 5 .1 l'!o P1:1rehase shall ee a1:1thorized or ine1:1rred 1:1nless Couneil has a1313ro, ed a fl:lndinb so1:1ree fort-he Purehase in the--BJ3131-i-c---ae-l€-f411a-ne-i-a-1-P-1-afJ--M-!-he--Gtty--,--er----ap13RW-a-HS---Oetai-ned-th-mugh---a--et1~d-men-t-j3roe-ess-c 5 .2 l'!o PurehaGe-sli-a-l-l--ee-a-1:1-~F-i-ne-urred-en-bellalf-e-f-tl1e-Ci-ty--eK-WJ3t-as---pre-vided-tn----th-is---el-iey--er---a-s etllerwise a1313ro, ed ey Co1:1neil. 13m ,·ision of this Polio) or the O13er-atien-a-1-Froeurement Procedures. Savings are likely to--ee--aeh-ie-ved-thmltgh----the-P-ro6-t1Fef11e-nt--ef-G.eod5-afl~e~-tly-wi~!t1er-erg-aa:iza-t-IBns----and t-hese 01313ort1;mities sho1:1ld B0-'j31tf5t1ed. B1:1) ing Gro1:113s ma) in, el ,'ea , ariety of entities, inel1:1dinb 131:1elie seetor, 13ri. ate seetor and Rot for profit organizatioAs. This 13oliey pro ,1ides tl1e e1:1thorit) to the Manager of Proe1:1re111ent or e1:1tllor~ delegate, to 13artiei13ate in Buying Gro1:113s dhen it is int-he eest interest of the City to do so. In s1:1ch eases, the procedures set 01:1t by the ageney responsiele for tl1e vent1:1re will be followed and not-the--j3roeedures set ot1t in this P-etiey, 13ro,,ided that the 13roeed1:1res 00111131)· , ith all A1313lieable Trade Agreements and the City's legislatii1e reEJ1:1irements. 6 Doe No. 2786243 Page 6 of ~8 Policy ~lo. 5.45 APPENDIX "C" 5.6 The City is s1c1bjeet ts the :British Celmneia Freedem sf lRfermatieR aRd -Prnteetien sf Pri ·aey O et aRd tho CaRadiaR Free Trade AgreemeRt aRd eeRsiders the iRfermatieR it reeei ·es frem S1c1ppliers er ether e,·temal paft-ies,--i-Relttd-i-Hg-respeRSes--te---reE)-Hes-ts--feF--SHf)ply-,--te----ae Page 7 sf iii Pelicy ~10. s.qs 7 eonfidential information. The City will exereise reasonable eare to protest the eonfidentiality of that information. 5.7 All City Ele-J3a-Ft-ments-----wil-l-w-e13erate-----i-&--he--l¼F£base----ef-.s.H.pplies by simplifyi~El--stati~i-flg-l-i-ke requirements, where, er possible. E, er:, effort , , ill be maae te reaue-e----the---ty-es----a-f!-0---nas ef preaucts---usee te----tbe smallest m1mber iH eraer te mini1fli:ce investment ans maximi:ce value ts the Cit). Any stanaara er stanaaras relates measure that the Cit)' aaepts er maintains will net-be mere traae restrietive than neeessar:,1 te aehieve its Ie.;itimate 0~ 5.8 }Te Purehase shall be maae by the Cit)' fer the persenal use ef eleetea effieials, appointee Offieers, er Employees er their immeaiate families e.·eept as pre .'iaea in this Peliey, a Cit)' agreement, a Cit)' peliey er etheFW-ise----a-j3pre-v-oo--'7y--Goo-ne-i-1~ -5-,9-.Ne..-P----tlffiha.se-ey-t-he-Ctty----sffittt--e----rnatle----frem--a-ny----e-leetea effieials, appeiatea Offieers, Empie) ees or thetr immeaiate families er frem any ether seuree tl3at l!'eula result in a eenfliet sf interest. 5 .10 EmpleJ ees , , ho ha , e been Elelegatea authorit)· to eommit Cit)· fun as ans these Employees .. ho are te5f30nsible fer eerperate Assets ,,·ill abiae bJ the Ceae ofEthies, as Eleseribea in this pol:iey, ans as it applies to their Eluties perfermea fer the Cit:,. Refer ts the Cede sf Cenduet Peliey }le. 30.18. 6. DELEGATED AUTHORITY FOR PROCUREl\'IENT TRANSACTIONS 6.1In aeeeraanee ,ith B11a..-No. 7711 2021 Dele.;ation of Proeurement 6uthority, the autheri:cation fer Proeurement transaetion spenaing limits are listea fer refurem:e in Sehedule "6" Delegated Preeurement f uthority Limits. 6.2 Other than in emergeneies, Preeurement transaetions must be-----alfoeated and appreved by Couneil in aeeerdanee .. ith the Finaneial Plan before Proeurement begins. 7. CONTINGENCY 7 .1 The prajeet manager , ill ineluae a centingeney 0pti0n when eensiaering the Autheri:cea Appre, al Limits ~ereentage amount .. ill be outlined ,, hen ebtaininb the appre ,1al ts Purehase er, .. hen applicable, eatlm1IB--H1--Rej30rts--te-Ge-u-Hc-il when an aware is reee-FAfA('!-REle4 8. PROCUREMENT ~·IETHOD 8.1 The method sf the Cit) 's Prncurement is bases en the do Liar value, risl· le .·el, and the nature efthe speeifie P-reeurement transaetion, ensuring that the eest and ti1fle asseeiated ,, ith using a C01'Rpetiti, e Preeess---is propertienate to the benefit reeei .-ea. 8.2 Prneurement methods must be seleeted in aeeordanee .. ith the fello ..-ing table and the proeess set eut in Seheaule C Proeurement Hethoa: Policy ~le. SAS 8 ES+IM,o.:i:rn +RMlSAG+ION GOS+ IM€+HOO GOOQS ,o.~rn SERVIGES l::ess tl:laA $§,GGG I Qirect ,o,warEl l::ess tl:laA $1§,GGG I WritteA Ql:lotatioA Proeess Greatertl:laA $1§,GQQ I Forlllal Golll13etitive Process GO~lS+Rl:IG+ION l::ess tl:laA $2QQ,QQQ 1 1..VritteA Ql:lotatioA Prooess or forlllal Golll13etitive Process Greater tl:laA $2GG,GQQ I Forlllal Golll13etitive Process Note: Multi year agreellleAts, iAcll:lEliAg 013ti0As to reAew, are Elollar value accullll:llative fer EleterllliAiAg tl:le estirnateEl traAsactioA cost a A El a1313licable tl:lresl:lolEls listeEl above. 8.3 gul3jeet ts this PrseuremeRt Psliey aRd ,. 1ithiR estaelished authsrity, empls; ees shsuld 1:1se Cs~ PurehasiRg Cards fer small dsllar strnightfer vard Pmehases sf Gssds aRd geuiees, as dirneted ey the PffiSBfetnent-Sooti-eB---afle---ifl-aeeefffi\-Ree---wi-tl1-the--P-ttreha-se--Ca-re--P-reg-rnfR-P-reeeffilfe-5-fl-Ra-G-l:liee-l--i-Res-c 8.4 Petty sash R~ay ee 1:1tilized fer apprn ·ed e,·ptmditl:lfes up ts $50. 9, ROLES ,AND RESPONSIDILITES 9.1Cs1:1-Reil It is tl:le role of GouAcil to establisA 13olicy aAEl a1313rove tl:le FiAaAcial Pia A aAEl allleAElllleAts to tl:le FiAaAcial PlaA. +l:lrougl:l QelegatioA of ProcurellleAt Autl:lority Bylaw ~lo. n112G21, GouAcil Elelegates to Gity Officers aAEl Elll13loyees al:ltl:lority to iAcur ex13eAElitures iA accorElaAce witl:l tl:le a1313roveEl FiAaAcial PlaA accorElaAce witl:l tl:le wles aAEl 13rocesses set out iA tl:lis Policy aAEl tl:le O13erati0Aal ProcurerneAt ProceElures. GouAcil wil l Aot geAerally be iAvolveEl iA tl:le Elay to Elay ~ffi::JfeffieAt 013erati0As or iAEliviElual colll13etitive ProcurellleAt 13rocesses, bl:lt lllay 13roviEle strategic direotioA aAd guiElaAce oA lllajor 13rojects 13rior to tl:le C0lllllleAcellleAt of tl:le wm-petitive 13rocurellleAt 13roees&. 9.2 Offieers aRd emplsyees S13ecific res130Asibilities 13ertaiAiAg to all stages of a ProcurellleAt wocess, frolll tl:le iAitial ideAtificatioA of requirellleAts tl:lrougl:l to tl:le lllaAagellleAt of GoAtracts witl:l Su1313liers, are detailed iA tl:lis Policy aAd tl:le O13erati0Aal Procl:lrellleAt Procedures. IA additioA, tl:le geAeral roles aAd res130Asibilities delegateEl to Gity Officers aAd Elll13loyees are set out below. 9.3 ChiefAerniRistrati. e Offieer (CAO) +Re G/\O, a1313oiAted by GOU A Ci I 13ursuaAH0 tl:le G0lllllll:lAity Gl:larter SectioA 141, is res130Asible for eASl:lriAg tl:lat staff aEll:lere to 13olicies a Ad bylaws of GouAcil. Qsc ~Js. 2786243 -Page-9~ Pslicy ~Js. 5.45 9 9.4 GeAeral HaAagers (GH) . t that their requirements for deliverables are me General Managers are re~po_nsible to en~ur~"es of this Policy. They will also ensure that the_ir in accordance with the principles ~nd objec v O t' al Procurement Procedures and will departments comply with this Polley_ and ;he P~;:01::ueation and training will be provided encourage sound procurement praetIees. ~•~~ropn to Employees involved in Procurement aetIvJt-iB& 9 5 DiFCeter efFiAaaee . • • , ouneil ursuant to the Community Charter at Sect1~ The Director of Finance, appo1Ated_ bJ C P_ t .. g policies and procedures for City 'bl f de"eloping and main aInIn 14 9, is responsI eor~ Proeu rement processes-, 9 6 ll 4aAager ef Prewremem ' d o··ersee the City's Procurement It is the role of the Manager of Procurement to lead an ~ operations. Responsibilities include: . • • El ptmElrn° De ,·elepi.aa PrneurerneAt strategies aAEI eeA~imially _aAalyziag busmess requirerneAts aA s "' a. "' ·r t; stratc 2ie s01:1reIAg patterns te iEleAtif:, eppert1:1A11es «:ir:::, ' . t'Ag ProeurerneAt protoeels, b. ResearehiAg, Ele, elopiag, 1:1pEla~iAg ans e0H1m1:1AIea I preeeal:lfes, tern plates aAEI rneth0Eleleg1es;_ . t ef a ProeurerneAt proeess aAEI seekiAg A rHressiAa aw· iss1:1es er eeAeems that anse IA respe~ G. nut! b J • I I requires· gHIBafl€&,-&Upp0rt aAEI aEI ,·1se ef lega eo1cmse , as :c , I , .A ·el ·eEI ia nro61:1rerneAt aeti' ities; ' • tr • • aAEI teels te ~rnp 0) ees I • • t' d. Pre, iEliAg appropriate erieAtat10A,amm:::, ftlIB e. DispositioA ef Surplus 6 ssets. 9.7 Pro61:1remeAt SeetieA Ernpleyees . . . ' • res onsible for complying with this Pol1e>y and ~he Employees of the Procurement Section are"'ill :nsure protocols and procedures are applied Operational Procurement Procedures and w t elearlv understand their obligations and p ent Section Employees mus. J d nd eonsistently.roeurem . . , d the Operational Procurement Proco ures a responsibilities with respect to this Poll?', a: M ger of Procurement in respect of any its application. They should consult w~th t e. ~na questions regarding their application or 1AterpretatIon. -9.8 Ernpleyees , · ., I•· d · • I •in '"ith this Policy. Employees IRvO ve IA /\II City Employees are responsible for com~ ~h ~r ~bligations and responsibilities under this procurement activities must clearly understan e d hould consult with the Procurement • I P oeurement Procedures an s . I' , Policy and the Operat1onar . I' tion or interpretation of this Po IG'r, • f , questions regarding the app 183 Section IA respect o an', P dures or any relevant procedures. the Operational Procurement race 10. SUSPl>WULITY . . . ' R9iniR9izo negative iRS~aots on Ruman RealtR and !Re The City recognizes its respons1b1II~ to . I d .,·brant eommuniti· and economy. The City • rt· g a di"erse equ1tab e, an vly . h t environment while suppo IRv ' ,,· C nstruetion that it Purchases have IA e • thatthe ti·pes of Goods, Ser~1ees or o also reeogrnzesy 10 Doc ~Jo. 2786243 ~-ef Policy ~Jo. 5.45 social, human health, environmental, and economic impacts and that it should malw purchasing decisions that embody its commitment to sustainability. In accordance 1Nith this commitment, l::mployees mal<ing Procurement decisions should talw into account ·..vhere appropriate the following sustainability factors: • Envirsnmental faelors lo be eonsiderea ineluae, but are not limitea to, the lifeeyele assessment of: pollutant releases; torieity, espeeially the use oftoYie elrnmieals; 1,1i'aste generation; greeRhouse gas emissions; energy wnsmHption as aeseribea in the Ci1°y's Poliey No. 3G.G1I Energy Poliey; depletion of natural resourees; ana HHJ3asts-e-n-b-ie~ Soeial faetors lo be eonsiaerea ineluae, but are not limitea to, human l~ealth impaets; support of eommunit:) seeial progran~s; ana ethieal sourein,, standaras (e.g. the International Labour Organi:rntion's prohibition on ~euft: •---Ftnaneial faetors to be eonsiaered indude, but are not limitea to: prsffil€-t--performanee ana qualit:)·; life eyele eost assessment; le ,1eragin,; opportunities; impaet on health and safely easts; inereasing operational ana eeenemie effieieneies. 11. SUPPLIE-RtONI>UCT A ND CONFLIC-'.f-OI''-ffi.'.f.EREST The City requires its Suppliers to act with integrity and conduct busi ness in an ethical manner. City l::mployees should refuse to enter into contracts with any Supplier when the l::mployee is aware that the Supplier has engaged in illegal or unethical bidding practices, has an actual or potential conflict of interest or an unfair advantage or fails to adhere to ethical business practices. Illegal or Unethical Bidding Practices Illegal or unethical bidding practices include: a. bia rigging, prise fi,,ing, bribery or eollusion or other beha, iors or praetiees prohibitea b) feaeral or pro, ineial statutes; &.-effering gifts or fa"ors to Cit:)' Offieers, Employees, appointee or eleeted offieials or any other -Fej3R!Se-A-ta t:i-¥&-0-J:-t-h e-C-i-tyt c. enga,,ing in an) prshibitea eemmunieatiens auring a Prseurement pre£eSS; d. subm:itting inaeeurate er misleaaing information in a Prseuremenl proeess; and e. engaging in BA) other aet:i, it)' that eompromises the City's abilit) to nm a fair proeurement proeess. The City will report any suspected oases of collusion, bid rigging or other offences under the Gempetition /\ct to the Competition Bureau or to other relevant authorities. Conflict of Interest /\II Suppliers participating in a Procurement process must declare any perceived, possible or actual conflicts of interest. The term "Conflict of Interest", when applied to Suppliers, includes any situation or circumstances WAew. Doc ~lo. 2186243 Policy ~lo. S.4S 11 &.---ifl----Hie cente. ·t ef a 13rncurement 13rooess,---tHe---&l-p131ier has an unfair ad ,1antage er enga6es in cenffii€-!:; directly, er indirectly, that 1:r,ay give it an unfair advantage, includ+Ag-but net limited te (i) having, er fHWtfl-g--acc--ess---te-;----c-eitfiilent-i-a-l--inf-ett11&t·i0fl-0f--t-he---Gity-t-R-at----irB~l-a¥a-itaelH0-0tRef---SHJ3PHBFS,fi+) cemmunicating ., ith any persen ., ith a , ie., te influeAciAg preferred keat,=r,ent iA the precure1:r,ent 13recess (including but net limited te lebbying ef decisies mal·ers in 101 ,1ed in the 13recuremeAt 13ree-es5t, er (iii) emgaging in cenduct that cem13re1:r,ises, er caA be seen te cem13ro-m-i-se,the integrity ef an 013en aAd cem13etiti, e 13recurement J3F0ees!HYF-fef½Eief---tRa-t-J3F0ees5-fle-A-€0fflJ3etiti ,·e er unfair; er b. in tl1e ceAte.·t 0f13erformaAce uAder a 130teAtial C • ' • ti011shi13s er fiAancial iA!erests (i) ceuld, er eeuld b ~ unbiased aAd im13artial e.,ercise ef its iAde13e , , , cem13remise, i1:r,13air or be incom13atible , , ith the effecti, e performance ef its centractual 0bligati011s; and &.------wRere--a--S-ltJ3Plier is retained te 13ame-i13ate in the de\1el0131:r,1rnt ef a selicitatien decum1mt er the speafi.eat-i-ens-fettn~A-eocu111ent, that the Su1313l+eF-W-itl----net be alls ..'ed te res13enel-; ~r indirectly, te that selicitatien. Ethisal Business Prastises In providing deliverables to the City, SupplieFS are mEpested to adhere to ethisal business prastises, insluding: &.---J')efferm--ing-al.J...Gontr-a~refess-i0flal-a.Rd-c-empetent maAJ1er and-i-A--aewrd-anoo-w-i-tJt-t.Re-tefms--a.na cenditiens efthe Centract and th~0flest 13erfermance; b. eempl) ing ., ith all ap13lieable la dS, ineluding safety and labeur eedes (beth Elemestie and internatienal as-may-be a1313licable); and B;-------prev-i4-ng-we~-a£eS-t-hat-are-free..fFem-flar-assment-e r Eli scriminat-ion:- 12. LOBBYING ~Jo bidder/proponent/vendor or anyone involved in preparing Bids or proposals shall lobby any elested offisia l or City staff in an effort to sesure a Contrast During a i;:ormal Competitive Prosess, all sommunisations are to be made through the City Prosurement Sestion unless the prosuremGAt dosument explisitly states otherwise. Vendors found to be lobbying for a Contrast award will be disqualified from sonsideration for the prosurement and may be disqualified from future prosurement opportunities. 13. PROPONENT DISPUTE RESOLUTIOJ!II PROCESS Unsussessful Proponents that wish to dispute the selestion and award of a sompetitive bid should submit their oonoerns in writing or by email. City staff will review the information and provide written aslmowledgement of reseipt of the dispute within 10 days, and follow up with a more detailed response within 30 days. 12 Pelicy ~Je. s,qs 14. SUPPLIER PERFORM<\ NCE EV<\ LU<\ TION Companies providing strntegie serviees may have their performanee evaluated to doeument either partieularly good performanee of a real value, or problematie pc-rformanee in some form. Evaluations should also provide a means for companies to provide their feedbacl< to the City to eonsider for future improvements. Supplier performance evaluation records may be used to supplement a subsequent prequalifieation proeess or to justify an award where it ean be demonstrated that sueh reeords are part of the evaluation proeess and eriteria. 15. SUPPLIER DEB-RIEFING 'Nhen a Procurement transaetion is awarded using a formal competitive process, unsuecessful Suppliers are entitled to a debriefing upon request to obtain feedbael< on the strengths and wealmesses of their Proposal. The unsuccessful Proponent is expected to submit their request for a debriefing to the Proeurement Seetion representative, within two weel<s of the Cit; announeing the Contra et award. The format for conducting a debriefing will be at the City's sole diseretion. 16. ETIDC <\ L CONDUCT 16.1 16.2 16.3 Qoe No. 2786243 PersoAal lAtegrity aAEI ProfessioAalism Individuals involved with Procurement activities and authority must act, and be seen to aet, with integrity and professionalism. l=lonesty, eare and due diligenee must be integral to all supply ehain activities between organirntions, Suppliers and other stal<eholders. Respect must be demonstrated for eaeh other and for the em·ironment. Confidential information must be safeguarded. Individuals involved in Proeurement activities must not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, sueh as aeeepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing Suppliers or products. CompliaAce Employees of the City of Maple Ridge Procurement Section and those Employees who -Ra-Ve-been delegated authority to commit City funds or participate in Procurement activities and those Employees who are responsible for eorporate /\ssets must abide by this Code of Ethies as it applies to their duties performed for the City. Prneepts Employees will not use their authority or offiee for personal gain and will seel< to uphold and enhanee the standing and image of the City of Maple Ridge by: a. maiAtaiAiAg a slaAElarEI of iAlegrity beyen0---reJ3reaeh iH all 1Aei-F-----btl5tfless relatioAships both iAsiEle aHEI OHlsiEle the Gil); Poliey ~Jo. S.4S 16.4 b. fes~eri_n~ the highest standards ef professienal eempeltmee amengst Empleyees ef the City- c. ept1m1z1ng lhe l:lSe efresemees fer B:ieh th • ' beHefit ta the Cit:,; .. 0:') are resp0ns1ele seas ta pro ,·ide the ma,,imHm d. eemplying ·ith the prineiples st d d d •• Ridge and CeHseil;,an ar s an peheies as the:", apply ta the City efHaple e. SH.ppe.rting and eempl:') ing "ith pelieies and direetien provided B:') CeHneil; and f. FBjeehng and deneHnein,; an:') BHsiness praetiee that is improper. GHidanee Proeurnment authority or aetivities will folio"' the g "d P yees and those delegated rr u1 a nee as follows: In I • app y1Ag these preoepts, Proourement Seotion em I Dede, -at/0,1 ofl.7/e,es/s to impinge on a member's impartiali:, _g r might reasonably be deemed by others deelared to their Manager \Afhere a: inl a ~a_tter relm•ant to their duties should be · n eo are 1Atere t • t /\ny personal interests whieh may im in O O • oases reassign the duties to another t ffs ex1s s, the Manager will in all s a member. Co,1ji<ft,1'·t. ,.,., a,1dAee1 ,t.ej of rife . 1elio1-1 Information reoehi'ed in the oourse of dut, personal gain. lnformati0n-given in the : ust :~ respeeted and ma,• not be used for to mislead. ourse O uty muSt be true and not designed Co111per ·r·o,1 with a Supplier, any arrangements whieh m~h~f _ma:ta1A1ng a oont1nu1Ag relationship operation of fair oompetition must b -~ 'IA t O long term, preventthe effeetive , e avo1 ed. Wt=iile 'd • ". oons1 enng the advantages to the Ci , • • relationshir l=lo"'e"er tbe re,,,·1 . t aeeeptable eourtesy of a business ,.,. n V r, ~H~ -~c, pion s must t II whereby they might be or might b d no a ow themselves to reaeh a position Modest hospitality is an unavoidable and mal~ing a business deeision as a r:su1:e7ed by ~thers to have been influenoed in -~ o~ aeeepting sueh h ·t 1· and soale of hospitalit· aeeepted sh ldosp1 a 1ty. The frequeney reciproeate to a simila; degree. ou not be greater than the reoipient's ability to Solie,'/e/,'0,1, Aeeepla,iet o,· Offe ·,· ig ofGijis o,· Do,16.lio,is In aeeordanee with the Git•'s Gode of Gonduet P • solioit, or aooept unsolioit;d donations of g·ft ~liey No. :iW.18, Employees shall not or eorporation whieh is interested direetl '.~' ~nz_es or ~oney from any person, firm dealings with the City of Maple ~idge Th! or IAl?1reotly IA an,'. manner in business eveAt&. . is app ies to all ehantable, soeial or other Poliey Me. 5.45 Nominal gifts received (eg: ohooolates or small gift baslwts) may be shared by the individual with their section or department, or donated to a local oharitj. ~ l\s it relates to Procurement activities, when in doubt as to what is aooeptable, the offer should be declined or advice sought from the appropriate department head or the Manager of Procurement. 17. DI8Pm:ITIO:N Of 8URPL'J8 A88£T8 (£,·sept LaAas) i;:or reference purposes only, and sub:jeot to the Delegation of Procurement /\uthorit_/, Bylaw No. 7711 2021, if a Manager has identified surplus City /\ssets which are not useful to any City Division, and which retain some value, then: r.i.---tmhe-Ma-A-ageF-Bf-PfeettFefBefl-t-i5---ffilther~pese-4 -stu:fmts--G-i-ty-As-sets;---t-h-Fe-ugh--iHl1711efl--M---fef , alue threu0 h traEle iA er aAather femial er iAfeFFAal prasess; er ii. the Cliief AEl1:niAistrative Offiser is authari2:eEI ta appre"e that the surplus 6 ssets be ElispaseEI sf by ElaAatiAg them, ,·ithaut sampeAsatiaA, ta aAy ASA-prefit serparatiaA, assasiatiaA, er eAtity; er iii. the HaAager is authari2:eEI ta Elispase sf sush 6 ssets threugh muAisipal resysliAg er garbage ~esal,as-ap~ The Manager of Procurement is authorized to determine whether surplus Cit_/ /\ssets retain any vak:J.e., In aooordanoe with Policy ~Jo. 10.01 Disposal of i;:ound Goods, and the Delegation of Procurement /\uthorit_/, Bylaw No. 77112021, the Manager of Procurement is authorized to dispose of property that has 001110 into the custody and possession of the RCMP or the City on behalf of the City. 18. RELATED POLICIES, BYLAWS AND GUIDES • gylav· Na. 7711 2021 DelegatiaA af PresuremeAt 6 utharity • gylaw }la. 61I &7 2007 emergensy Pregram Palisy }la. :rn.1 & CaEle afCaAEluc-t • Palisy Na. 10.0 I Dispasal affauAEI Gaods .,. Purshasing Cara Pregram PreeeElttres aRe Guies-1:i:oos Operatianal PreeuremeAt Preeeeures Paliey Na. S.4S SCIIEl>lJl E " \" DEFINITIONS ~Applicable Trade Agreementsc: means NWPTA, CFTA, CETA and any similar domestic and international trade agreements that come into force from time to time to the extent applicable by their own terms to municipalities in British Columbia, and includes amendments to those agreements. Assets~ means. without limitation, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets and vehicles, but does not include real property. Authorized Staff'.!Employee means the person responsible and authorized to P-tt-reha-seProcure Goods and Services within the authorized limits as set in this policy. Best Value!! means the optimal combination of, Total Cost, performance, qualifications, and factors related to sustainability and social goals. as determined in accordance with specific criteria and weighting for each criterion established by the City for the applicable Purchase. Bid!:_j-Re-h1aes means a written fofffla-1-submission in response to a Competitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Bidder means a Supplier that submits a response to a competitive bid. Buying Group" 6 euyiAg greu13 e0Asists 0f means two or more members that combines the purchasing requirements and activities of the group into a joint Procurement process. Buying groups include cooperative arrangements in which individual members administer the Procurement function for specific Contracts for the group, and more formal corporate arrangements in which a corporate entity administers the Procurement for group members. Buying groups may involve a variety of entities, including public sector, private sector and not-for-profit organizations. "GIT/\" means the Comprehensive Esonomis and Trade Agreement entered into by the Government of Canada and the European Union (tU) to the extent applisable by its own terms to munisipalities in British Columbia. and insludes amendments to that Agreement. "GFT/\" means the Canadian Free Trade /\greement entered into by the go>v<ernments of Canada. the Provinses of Canada, the ~Jorthwest Territories and Yulwn to the extent applisable by its own terms to munisipalities in British Columbia. and insludes amendments to that Agreement. GFTA establishes general rules regarding open and non dissriminatory assess to Prosurements. exemptions to those general rules. and other Prosurement prosedures that apply to the City. "City" means the munisipality of the City of Maple Ridge. City means the City of Maple Ridge. City Staff means any person employed by the City or any person who has been assigned or hired to act on the City's behalf. Change Orderc: means a Contract amendment changing the Construction or Services provided under the Original Contract, including but not limited to specifications, scope, schedule or price. Dec Ne. 2786243 Policy Ne. 5.45 Chief Administrative Officercc (CAO) means the person holding the position of the City Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate. Contingency" Contin6eney allo 1anees prOVitie means a monetary allowance that provides project managers with discretion to meet a requirement that is not perfectly defined. Competitive Processcc means a fair and open competition based on functional and generic specifications. Constructioncc means a construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair, improvement or renovation of a building, structural or other civil engineering or architectural work and includes site preparation, excavation, drilling, seismic investigation, the s1:113ply ofprod,,wts and materials, the sHpply of eEft1+pmeat----and-m-acl1-i-nery--i-f-#iey----a-re---tncllided----i-n-a-nd--i-neidental--te---the-c---an-st-metiBn;--a-nd--tAe---tn-s~a-iHlf~ does not include the routine operation, routine repair, or routine maintenance of an existing infrastructure, facility, structure building, or real property. The procurement of goods or services outside the sc·ope of a construction contract is not a procurement for construction, and are subject to the thresholds applicable to Goods or Services. Doc ~Je. 2786243 ~17_tl~8 Policy No. SAS fixtures of a building, struoture or other oivil engineering or arohiteotural worl<, but does not inolude professional oonsulting Servioes related to the oonstruotion Contrast unless they are inoluded in the Proourement. -"Geflffii€-~ Contract means an agreement in writing or verbal commitment between the City and one or more parties which create obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. Council!! means the elected Council of the City. Deputy!! means aA Effl13leyee eftbeg_City Staff member holding a position as a-Deputy F-tre-Chief, Gefperate CeAtreller Administrative Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, Deputy Fire Chief, Deputy Director. or their designate. "Direet A. lard" Discretionary means a Supplier is invited by the City to negotiate and/or sign a Contract for low value Goods or Services, without going through a Competitive Process. A Dirnet A. ard eaA sea Le " Value Pttrehase, Sele 8ettree er 8iAgle 8ettree, sttt a eeffl13etitieA is Aet reEJttired. Director!! means aA Em13leyee efthef! City Staff member holding a position as a Director of a City Department, ~al EAgimmCorporate Officer, Chief Building Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Fire Chief, or their designate. Dispose!! or .:'.Disposition!! means to transfer by any method including assign, give, sell, grant, charge, convey, Lease, divest, dedicate, release, exchange, alienate or agree to do any of those things; "Employee" means an Employee of the City of Maple Ridge. Emergency Purchase.'.!...A means a Purchase made due to an unexpected and urgent request which may affect the health, safety, environment, life and or property, or the welfare of the public. Immediate acquisition of Goods or Services is essential to provide community service, prevent serious delays, injury, further damage or to restore or maintain minimum service. Executive Director!! means aA Effl13le)ee efthef! City Staff member holding a position as an Executive Director of a City department or their designate. Financial Plan!! means the Financial Plan Bylaw as adopted by Council. Formal Competitive Process!! means a public Procurement process that is competitive, open, transparent, non-discriminatory and compliant with the laws of competitive bidding and requirements of the Applicable Trade Agreements. "General Manager" means an Employee of the City holding a position as a General Manager of a City division or their designate. Goods and Services2..itle-J.ooes means. without limitation, Construction, supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, IT Assets, software, vehicles, insurance, Employee benefits, labour and materials, maintenance, services, but does not include real property. IT Assets!! means personal computers, computer servers, fax machines, cellular telephones and other handheld devices, printers, scanners, copiers and other multi-functional information technology equipment, together with any power supplies, storage media, user manuals, operating DeE ~le. 2786243 ~~ PeliEy Me. S.4S systems, software, firmware, peripherals and documentation relating to or incorporated within any of the foregoing items. Joint Procurement Venture'-' means a group of two or more public entities which combines the 13urnhasiRgprocurement requirements and activities into one joint ~Procurement process. Lease'2 means a Contract by which the City is granted the use and possession of personal property for a specified period of time in exchange for payment of a stipulated price (including a price of $0). Doc No. 2786243 ~-ef-ig Policy ~Jo. S.45 Managerc: means an Em13leyee ef the City Staff member holding a position as a Manager, Superintendent. or Assistant Chief of a City 5e€-fienDepartment or their designate. Manager of Procurementc: means the person holding the position of Manager of Procurement, or their designate. N'l'/PT/\" means the ~low West PartneFShip Trade /\greement entered into by the governments of British Columbia, /\lberta and Saslmtehewan to the extent applioable by its own terms to munioipalities in British Columbia, and inoludes amendments to that/\greement. In some respeots, ~JINPT/\ establishes more stringent general rules than CFTJI. regarding open and non disoriminatory aeeess to Procurements, and narrows or eliminates oertain exemptions otherwise available under CFTJI. to the general rules. Officerc: means a person appointed the position of Officer by way of a City Bylaw . .::Procurementc: means the acquisition by any means, including by Purchase, rental, Lease or conditional sale, of Goods, Services and Construction. For the purposes of this Policy it does not include the purchase or sale of Real Property. It includes contracts, purchase orders, change orders credit card purchases, and verbal or e-mailed arrangements. "Pre13enent" Procurement Employee means an Employee of the City employed within the Procurement Section of the Finance Department. Proposal means a Stlfl13l-ieF----t-h-at----s-Hbm+ts-awritten submission in response to a ooffiJ3e-t-iti-ve-biaCompetitive Process inviting the supply of Goods, Services and Construction. Purchas~ means the acquisition by any means, including by purchase, Contract rental, Lease or otherwise of Goods, Services and Construction by the City, but does not include:-faj expenditures ln any form of City assistance such as grants or leans; er (b) provision by the City of Goods and Services to other persons or entities. Purchasing Cardc: means the corporate credit card issued to an Employee for the purposes of purchasing and paying for small dollar transactions within their established authority in accordance with the Purchasing Card Program Procedures and Guidelines. "013eratienal Procurement Proceduresc: means the ,.rit:ten 13reeessesstandard competitive process and procedures governing the Purchase by the City of Goods-aneL Services that ha, e been a1313re .·ea by the Chief Aaminiskati, e Offieer, aml ineh,1aes amendments therete.and Construction . .::Quotationc: or .::Quot~ means a verbal or written submission from a Supplier in response to an Invitation to Quote. "Services" means useful labours that do not produoe a tangible oommodity. "gef\ iee Pre I iaer" Real Property means land with or without improvements or buildings, or an interest in land, including any right title or estate in it. Services means any provision of labour or intellectual effort, such as consulting, professional or maintenance, but excluding Construction. Dec ~Je. 2786243 Pelicy Me. 5.45 Signing Authority means the OOffijWlJ'-/person that is hired 1:1Rder aR 6 gresmeRt er CeRtrast(s) authorized to prnvide Serrisessign and execute the contract on behalf of the City. Single Sourc~ means a Contract directly awarded to a supplier, without a Competitive Process, where other pete-Rtia-1-spotential suppliers may be available. However, due to defensible conditions, a Competitive Process was waived. Sole Source.:!...ts means a Contract directly awarded to or negotiated with a sole supplier, without a Competitive Process. With a sole source, it has been demonstrated thre1:10 h a l'!etise eflRteRt te CeRtrast er etlm meaRs, there is only one capable and available supplier. Supplierc! means a company which supplies Goods and Services to another company. ::Supplier Performance~ and Conduct means measurable indicators that can be tracked to assess predetermined Contract performance goals. Supplier performance can include subjective evaluations of the supplier by CITY staffCity employees during the performance of a Contract. Term:! means: Dec ~le. 2786243 Pelicy Me. 5.45 i. in the case of a Contract for a Purchase, the initial term of the Contract, not including any optional renewal term; and ii. in the case of an optional renewal or HRforese@R extension of a Contract for a Purchase, the renewal term or extension period of the Contract, not including the preceding periods. ~Total Cost~ means the sum of all costs, including all contingencies and applioablenon- recoverab le taxes (except credits against such costs, such as trade-in values on existing Assets, and amounts subject to City recovery, refund or rebate under applicable sales tax legislation) that are to be paid by the City during the Term for a Purchase of Goods and Services. i:::or greater oertaint:y, theThe Total Cost for a particular Purchase made by a Buying Group in which the City participates is only that portion of the cost attributable to the City (not the entire cost to the joint proourement). Qoe ~lo. 2786243 .-tr ' J I I il H I I i I i li l t i -~ ,o I SCIIEI>UU<: "C" -PRO~ In accordance with Article 8. Procurement Method of the Procurement Policy, the following Procurement methods govern the Procurement of Goods, Services and Construction for the City and are supplemented by the Operational Procurement Proc-BGl:lfeS-, 1. LO\A/ VALUE PURCHc\SES (Less thaR $5,000) &.---Aj3~ This methoG-WH-1-0e used for Goo~ue less than $5,000 and required for a one time (non repetitive) Procurement. b. Preeess I. II. Before iRiliatieg Hie tFaesaelisR Em13lo) ees must 13e, or eRSHre they ha.,e reeeivea a1313re ,1al frem the a1313re13riale Authsrized Staff; multi13le Quotes are ROI req1,1irea aea a PHrehase iR this ealegory eae eithef--be 13aia for 13y PHrehasieg Cara or the City eaA ee ie ,roieea Elireelly. 2. M:EDAA4 VALUE GOODS FND SERVICES PURC}lr\ SES (greater thaR $5,000 aea less lhaR $20,000) &.---Aj3i,m;atioo This method will be used for Goods and Services having a value greater than $5,000 and less than $20,000 required for a one time (non repetitive) Procurement. b. Preeess I. II. Ill. IV. V. VI. Dec ~Je. 21862H Before iRilialiR6 the lraRsaetioR Em13loyees mHsl 13e, or eRsHre they ha ,'e reeei, ea appre\ al frem, the-Atfthorized Staff; (Use some Elegree of eom-pelitioe , ·heee ·er possiele. Preeess east aea eosl of time Reeas to ee ealaReed agaiRsl d1,1e EliligeRe~taie Best VelHe.--Gf}timal e1,1meer of drilteR Q1,1otes (i.e. email, fa,,, letter) is three; All sHppliers will reeei ,re the same Qu0latioe iefermatioR; aREI "11 QHole Eloe1,1meelatioR ,, ill ee s1,1emittea with the A1313reval to PHrehase. /' Hthorized Staff Eh e res130Rsible for seleetiRg the S1,11313lier OR the easis of Best Val He lo the Cit). AR a1313ro\1al to 131,1rehase form arnst ee ereatea ey the-eepartrneRt req1,1estiRg the Gooas aREI Serviees PRJOR to the ,11orl' slartiRg or the Gooas eeieg oraerea aREI apprepriate 806HFReRtatioA FRHSt ee eolleetea (i.e. eertifieates of insmanee, 'NorkSafeBC ele.). 0Ree a CoRIFaet or PHrehase Orser has eeeR eompletea the dork eaA eegin aREI the Goeas een ee erderea. Pelicv Ne. S.15 3. HEDIUH "•\LUE GOODS 6J-ID SER'qCES P'JRGP SES (greater thaR $20,000 aRcl--le-s-s-tl:i $75,000) and CO~JGULTl~JG GEi;MCEG (between $50,000 and $75,000) a. A pplieatioR This method will be used for GoOO&-ef--Services having a value greater than $20,000 and less than $75,000, and Consulting Gervices greater than $50,000 and less than $75,000, required for a one time (non repetitive) Procurement. b. Proeess I. II. Before iRitiatiRg the traRsaetioR Employees m1:1st ee, or eRs1:1re they ha ,·e reeei ·ea appro,,al frem.;--the--Al:lfAo~-f Three writteR Q1:1otes (i.e. email, fan, letter) will ee--ebta-i-Red-from a miRinrnm of three EliffereRt s1:1ppliers (if possiele). Ill. All s1:1ppliers ', ill reeeiYe the same Q1:1otation iRfom'latioR; and IV. 611 Q1:1ote Eloe1:1meRtatioR dill ee s1c1emitteEI II ith the appro ,•al to p1:1relrnse form. ~tAeri~f-are-resp0fls-i-ele-fo-r---seleet-i-A-g-t-he-Stip17l-iff-0A-!+1e----e-as-is---0-f-Btl!l-t---'1-al1:1e-to-H1e-G-~ty-:- VI. 6,R approval to p1:1rehase form m1:1st e oas--and--S~ PRlOR lo the "ork startiRg or the--GeeEls beiRg orElereEI aREI appropriate Eloe1:1menlatioa m1:1st be eolleeteEI (i.e. eertifieations of ins1:1ranee, WorkSafeBC, ete.). 0Ree a Contrast or P1:1rehase Orser has bei;m eompleteEI H'le ,,·orl· ean eegin anEI H'le GooEls ean be orElereEI. VII. VIII. 6 1:1thorizeEI Staff ma) Eletermine that it is appropriate to 1c1se a fon:nal Competiti,,e Proeess insteaEI e-f-t-he-w-ri-tte-n---Q1:10t-a#on-proeess--e-veH-thEHlgh-the-¥a-lite-ef-the-t-raA-S-aei-IBfl----is-less---tw~O~ s1:1eh a ease, A1:1thorizeEI Staff ,, ill, in aeeorElanee II ith the pro, isions of this seheE11:1le, eontaet the Proe1:1remeRt Sec-t-i-e&. Refer to the Operat:ioRal Proe1:1remeRt ProeeEl1:1res for aEIElitional iRstFH€-tffifl&. 4. CONSUJ Tl}iQ SERV1CES (less than $50,000) &---Ap~ This method will be used for procuring consulting--£€.rvices valued at less than $50,000 for a one time (non repetitive) Procurement. Multiple Quotes are not required for consulting Gervices under this value. b. Proeess I. II. Ill. I" .. V. DOE ~Jo. 2786243 Before iRitiatiRg the traRsaetioR Employees FRHst be, er eHs1:1re the) ha ,re reeei, ea approval from, the A1:1thorizeEI Staff. ,6• seope of ..-ork anEI a prieiag proposal m1:1st be obtaineEI from the Ser,•iee Pro ,·iEler. An appro, al to p1:1rehase form HlUS! be ereateEI anEI iael1:1Ele-anraoe1:1mentation reEj1:1ireEI sHeB. as eertifieates of insl:lfanee, 01:1siness lieense anEI 'NerkSafeBC eertifieation anEI the SerYiee Pro"iaers pre-pesah Written Contraets will be HlEjt:1ireEI for Coas1:1lting SeP'iees greater time $20,000 . Refer t0-ttie--Gperatienal--Proe-ttre-ment-P-ffieee-l:!Fe5--f0H1eai-tioo-al--tn-stfl:le-tien5-: Poli EV No. S.45 5. COMPLeX/ HIGH V<\LUE PURCW SES GOODS MID SER'qCES (gmler than $75,QQQ) AJ>ID CONSTRUCTION (greater than $200,000) a. A1313licalion This method will be used for proouring oomplex Goods and Servioes (inoluding oonsulting Servioes) exoeeding $75,000, and $200,000 for Construotion. b:--1¾-eeess I. Befere inHialing tbe transaction Em13loyees must 13e, or ensure they ha ,'e recei ,ies a1313roYal from , the Authorizes Staff. t1II-,-.. -----<C-onFt1lrnaGt--t-be--Procurnment Seolion as early as 13ossil31e in the 13lann:ing stage. ,". Formal Geffipelitiye Process "ill be reEfuires. Ill. Refer lo the 013erational Precuremenl Procesures fer assitional instrnclions. PAR +-II 1. SIWGLE Al>ID SOLE SOURCE PURCW SES a. A13plieation In the ease where there is Single Souroe to supply a Good or Servioe or the deoision has been made to award to a Sole Souroe. b. Precess II. Ill. $2Q,QQQ. The C 6 0 "'ill give final autl:iematloo-: Written appro, al as sescribes ifl Sobesule "B" Delegates Proeuremeal Authority Lin1ils nrnst 13e reoei-ved-t>riof--t~eeesing Viilh the--Plif€-Flase-c Refer lo tl:ie 013erational Pro~re~sEl#ioo-al inslmotioRS-:- 2 . B 4ERGENCY PURCHASE a. Ap131:ieation When quiol< or immediate acquisition of Goods or Servioes is essential to restore or maintain minimum aooeptable levels of community servioe, or prevent serious delays, in:iury, further damage or to restore or maintain minimum servioe. b. Preoess I. ProoHrement Authorit::, Limits. II. "II nom:ial 13Hrehasing sooumenlation ans re13orting, oom13lete v•ith si,;nes authorizations as reEf1:1ires to 13e oom13letes as soon as 13ossible after the emergenoy. ++I-, Refer to tlrn 013erational Proourement Prooesures fer assitional instruotions. Doc#3638570 ___________ ~Pa=g=--e26_Qf_38 ______________ ~P~o~lic,,_,_ WHEREAS: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7711-2021 A Bylaw to Delegate Procurement Powers, Duties and Functions to Officers and Employees of the City A. Pursuant to section 154(1) of the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, Council for the City of Maple Ridge may, by bylaw, delegate its powers, duties and functions, including those specifically established by an enactment, to officers and employees of the City; and B. Council wishes to delegate to its officers and employees certain powers, duties and functions, including the authority to execute certain documents on behalf of the City. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Part 1: Interpretation 1. Name of Bylaw This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw No. 7711-2021." 2. Definitions In this Bylaw, the following words have the following meanings: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER means the person designated by Council as the City's Chief Administrative Officer; CITY means the City of Maple Ridge; COUNCIL means the elected council for the City; DEPUTY means an employee or officer of the City holding the position of deputy fire chief, corporate controller, or deputy corporate officer; DIRECTOR means an employee or officer of the City holding one of the following positions: a) director of a City department; b) executive director; c) municipal engineer; d) chief building officer; e) chief financial officer; f) chief information officer; or g) fire chief; GENERAL MANAGER means an employee of the City holding a position as a general manager of a City division; Page 2 MANAGER means an employee of the City holding a position as a manager, superintendent, or assistant chief of a City section; MANAGER OF PROCUREMENT means the person holding the position of manager of the procurement section within the finance department; Part 2: Delegations of Authority 3. Procurement Transactions Authority Delegation 3.1 Council hereby delegates to the officers and employees set out in Schedule "A" to this Bylaw, the powers, duties and functions of Council to authorize the acquisition of goods, services or construction on behalf and for the benefit of the City (collectively "Goods or Services") to the maximum amounts specified in Schedule "A". 3.2 Council hereby delegates to the officers and employees set out in Schedule "A" to this Bylaw, the powers, duties and functions of Council regarding the execution of agreements that have been authorized under section 3.1 of this Bylaw. 4. Surplus Good Disposal Delegation 4.1 Council hereby delegates the authority to dispose of surplus City assets, other than real property, which have been identified by a Manager has not being useful to any City division but retaining some value, as follows: a) to the Manager of Procurement, through auction or for value through trade or other formal or informal process; b) to the Chief Administrative Officer, through donation without compensation, to any non-profit corporation, association, or entity; and c) To Managers, through municipal recycling or disposal as garbage. 4.2 Council hereby delegates to the Manager of Procurement the authority to dispose of any unclaimed property: a) that has come into the possession of the City through the RCMP, in accordance with section 67 of the Community Charter; and b) that has otherwise come into the possession of the City, in accordance with Policy 10.01 "Disposal of Found Goods". 5. Delegation a) A delegation of a power, duty, or function under this Bylaw includes a delegation to a person who has, from time to time, been appointed to act on behalf of the delegate or is appointed by Council to act in the capacity of the delegate in the delegate's absence including, in the event of a state of local emergency, the appointed Emergency Operations Centre Director. b) In the absence of the delegate, the powers delegated under this Bylaw may be exercised by a person who has been appointed to act in the capacity of the delegate, or the General Page 3 Manager or Director of the person's department. In the absence of a General Manager or Director, the powers delegated under this Bylaw may be exercised by the Chief Administrative Officer or the person designated as the acting Chief Administrative Officer. 6. Position Changes a) Where this Bylaw delegates a power, duty or function to an elected official, an officer or an employee, the assignment or delegation of that power, duty or function is to the person who, from time to time, holds that position or any successor position in title. b) If a position referenced in this Bylaw is modified or eliminated, each authority, power, duty or function delegated to that position will be deemed to have transferred to the position that has assumed responsibility for the subject matter of the delegated authority, power, duty or function or that is most closely connected to the modified or eliminated position. Part 3: Scope of Bylaw 7. Conditions on Use of Delegated Authority a) Any delegation of authority pursuant to this Bylaw is subject to the condition that any requirements under the Community Charter, the Local Government Act, other applicable statutes and regulations, City bylaws and City policies, including the Procurement Policy, and applicable trade agreements, have been met and that the value of the contract or other document is within budget. b) Despite the authority granted under Part 2, an officer or employee of the City must not enter into an agreement under which the City would incur a liability payable after the end of the then current year for a term that is for more than five years, including all rights of renewal and extension. c) An expenditure made by a person to whom the City has delegated authority under this Bylaw must be authorized under the City's approved financial plan. d) This Bylaw does not authorize the execution of any agreement that requires elector approval under the Local Government Act, whether as a result of the stated term of the agreement or any provision for extension or renewal. e) Subject to the Local Government Act, unless a power, duty or function of the City has been expressly delegated by this Bylaw or another City bylaw, all of the powers, duties and functions of the City remain with the City. 8. Required Notices All delegations of powers, duties and functions pursuant to this Bylaw are inclusive of a grant of authority to provide any notice required under a statute or other law in relation to an action, decision or other matter. Page 4 9. Severability If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Bylaw is, for any reason, held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it will be deemed to be severed and the remainder of the Bylaw will remain valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms. READ a first time the 11th day of May, 2021. READ a second time the 11th day of May, 2021. READ a third time the 11th day of May, 2021. ADOPTED, the 25th day of May, 2021. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Page 5 Schedule "A" In accordance with section 3 of the Bylaw, the delegated authority for various procurement levels and agreement execution is as follows: Position Delegated Approval Authority Limit Chief Administrative Officer Up to $750,000 General Manager Up to $500,000 Director Up to $200,000 Deputy Up to $150,000 Manager Up to $ 75,000 Services Procurement is subject to the same policy as materials, equipment or supplies Procurement. The annual value of a service Contract determines the authorization required. CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.7985-2024 A Bylaw to establish a Growing Community Reserve Fund WHEREAS, Council may establish a reserve fund for a specific purpose; NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the City of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw 7985- 2024.” 2. There shall be and is hereby established a reserve fund to be known as Growing Community Reserve Fund. 3. The grant received by the City from the Government of BC under the Growing Communities Fund, shall be deposited to the credit of the Fund. Interest earned from the money deposited in the Growing Community Reserve Fund shall accrue to the Growing Community Reserve Fund. 4. Money in the Growing Community Reserve Fund shall only be used to support the delivery of infrastructure projects necessary to enable community growth. Eligible uses of the grant are as follows:  Public drinking water supply, treatment facilities and water distribution;  Development finance portions of infrastructure costs that support affordable/attainable housing. These may include DCCs or subdivision servicing charges payable or similar costs;  Childcare facilities;  Municipal or regional capital projects that service, directly or indirectly, neighbouring First Nation communities,  Wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities;  Storm water management;  Solid waste management infrastructure;  Public safety/emergency management equipment and facilities not funded by senior level government;  Local road improvements and upgrades;  Sidewalks, curbing and lighting;  Active transportation amenities not funded by senior level government;  Improvements that facilitate transit service;  Natural hazard mitigation;  Park additions/maintenance/upgrades including washrooms/meeting space and other amenities;  Recreation related amenities. Further to the above-noted capital costs, one-off costs can include: Costs of feasibility studies (including infrastructure capacity assessment); Other early-stage development work; Costs of designing, tendering, and acquiring land (where it is wholly required for eligible infrastructure projects); Constructing eligible infrastructure projects; In limited situations, non-capital administrative costs where these are necessary, for example, adding staff capacity related to development or to establish complementary financing for City owned infrastructure or amenities. READ a first time the 27th day of February, 2024 READ a second time the 27th day of February, 2024 READ a third time the 27th day of February, 2024 ADOPTED the _____ day of _________, 2024 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ~ Maple Ridee - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy MEETING DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: SUBJECT: Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Feb-27-2024 05-1615-20 Council In 2023 the City of Maple Ridge received one-time Growing Community Grant money in the amount of $16,586,000. Under the Community Charter, a Reserve Fund is required to be established to maintain these funds. This Bylaw is to create the Growing Community Reserve Fund . Reporting on the Reserve is required on an annual basis. Planned draws from the Reserve will be part of the proposed 2024- 2028 Capital Program which will be presented during business planning for the City of Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw No. 7985-2024 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Growing Communities Fund was a one-time total payment of $1 billion in grants distributed amongst all of B.Cs local governments in 2023. The Growing Communities Fund grant is expected to support the delivery of infrastructure projects necessary to enable community growth. In 2023, The City of Maple Ridge received this one-time payment in the amount of $16,586,000 for their share of the grant. Grants were calculated based on a formula determined by the Province which considered population size and per capita population growth between 2016 and 2021 . With the approval this Bylaw, the City may expend any money, including accrued interest in the Fund, for one-off capital costs incurred to build required infrastructure and amenities. All eligible uses of funds permitted under the grant have been identified in the Bylaw. 3648137 Page 1 of 2 CONCLUSION: The Growing Communities Fund Reserve will be utilized to fund projects that are needed to help the City meet its future infrastructure project needs. These projects will be identified as part of the proposed 2024-2028 Capital Program. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall, CPA Accountant 3 Approved by: re Director of Finance Concurrence: s~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw 7985-2024 3648137 Page 2 of 2 CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7985-2024 A Bylaw to establish a Growing Community Reserve Fund WHEREAS, Council may establish a reserve fund for a specific purpose; NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the City of Maple Ridge ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw 7985- 2024." 2. There shall be and is hereby established a reserve fund to be known as Growing Community Reserve Fund. 3. The grant received by the City from the Government of BC under the Growing Communities Fund, shall be deposited to the credit of the Fund. Interest earned from the money deposited in the Growing Community Reserve Fund shall accrue to the Growing Community Reserve Fund. 4. Money in the Growing Community Reserve Fund shall only be used to support the delivery of infrastructure projects necessary to enable community growth. Eligible uses of the grant are as follows: • Public drinking water supply, treatment facilities and water distribution; • Development finance portions of infrastructure costs that support affordable/attainable housing. These may include DCCs or subdivision servicing charges payable or similar costs; • Childcare facilities; • Municipal or regional capital projects that service, directly or indirectly, neighbouring First Nation communities, • Wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities; • Storm water management; • Solid waste management infrastructure; • Public safety/emergency management equipment and facilities not funded by senior level government; • Local road improvements and upgrades; • Sidewalks, curbing and lighting; • Active transportation amenities not funded by senior level government; • Improvements that facilitate transit service; • Natural hazard mitigation; • Park additions/maintenance/upgrades including washrooms/meeting space and other amenities; • Recreation related amenities. • Further to the above-noted capital costs, one-off costs can include: ■ Costs of feasibility studies (including infrastructure capacity assessment); ■ Other early-stage development work; ■ Costs of designing, tendering, and acquiring land (where it is wholly required for eligible infrastructure projects); ■ Constructing eligible infrastructure projects; ■ In limited situations, non-capital administrative costs where these are necessary, for example, adding staff capacity related to development or to establish complementary financing for City owned infrastructure or amenities. • READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the ADOPTED PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER C, Maple Ridge ~ TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 5, 2024 FILE NO: 2021-281-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: First, Second, and Third Reading Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992-2024 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject properties located at 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendix A) is subject to a rezoning from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) under the rezoning application 2021-281-RZ. Given that the proposed six-storey apartment building contains 178 rental dwelling units, a Housing Agreement is required as a condition of the rezoning to ensure that the dwelling units shall be used and remain as rental housing for a period of thirty (30) years from the date adoption of Bylaw No. 7992-2024. To authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement, the attached bylaw (see Apendix B) is being brought forward to Council for first, second and third reading . A Public Hearing is not required prior to final adoption of the bylaw. The Housing Agreement bylaw will be brought forward for consideration of final reading/adoption at the same meeting as the consideration of final adoption of the rezoning application 2021 -281-RZ (Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 7766-2021), once all terms and conditions of the rezoning are met by the applicant. RECOMMENDATION: That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992-2024 for 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road be given first, second and third reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: 2021-281-RZ KC (MR DEWDNEY) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Lot 218 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP56868; Lot 223 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP57491; Lot 224 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP57491; Lot 230 Section NE17 Township 12 Plan NWP58011; Lot 231 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP58011 . Page 1 of 3 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: b) Project Description: RES (Urban Residential) RES (Urban Residential) Yes No (near the eastern boundary of the Town Centre Area) Yes RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Use: Commercial Zone: C-2 (Community Commercial), and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential, under application to rezone to RM-2 Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential 0.499 ha (1.23 acres) Rear Lane and Semi-Permanent Lane on the west side with a fire truck hammerhead turnaround Urban Standard No Yes The subject properties are being developed to accommodate a six-storey apartment building containing 178 purpose-built rental dwelling units. The proposed development is consistent with Policy 3-32 of the Official Community Plan which states that "Maple Ridge supports the provision of affordable, rental and special needs housing throughout the District." To ensure that the dwelling units shall be used as rental housing for a period of thirty (30) years from the date adoption of Bylaw No. 7992-2024, the Housing Agreement (see Appendix B) is also registered as a covenant on the subject properties as agreed upon by the City and the landowner. In addition to final adoption and registration of the Housing Agreement, a restrictive covenant is also required to state that the dwelling units will be restricted to residential rental units. 2021-281-RZ Page 2 of 3 Under Section 483 of the Local Government Act (LGA), the City may, by bylaw, enter into a housing agreement, which may include terms and conditions agreed upon by the City and a landowner regarding the occupancy of the housing units identified in the agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, the form of tenure of the housing units. If the City is entered into a housing agreement, it must file in the land title office a notice that the land described in the notice is subject to the housing agreement, in accordance with subsection 483 (5) of the LGA. CONCLUSION: To allow this rezoning application to proceed to final adoption, the applicant has agreed to enter into a Housing Agreement to require that all dwelling units in the proposed apartment building be secured as rental dwelling units for a period of thirty (30) years, with the agreement being registered as a covenant on the subject properties. The LGA requires that the City adopt a bylaw to enter into a housing agreement, and file a notice on the title of the land that the land is subject to a Housing Agreement. Therefore, Council is requested to grant first, second and third reading for the Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992-2024 for the properties located at 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road. Final adoption would be considered by Council at a later date, concurrently with final reading/adoption for Zone Amending Bylaw 7766-2021. "Original Signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Skye Bell, MCP Interim Planner 2 "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992-2024 2021-281-RZ "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning Page 3 of 3 12128 12147 12150 12145 \ 12120 12143 12140 12135 12112 12109 12130 12125 12092 12103 12120 12115 12090 12091 12110 12105 12080 12081 12094 12095 12070 12065 12078 :g ~ 12087 12064 12055 PURDEY AVE. 12050 12041 12040 PURDEY AVE. -----------"-I SUBJECT PROPERTIES - ) -11954 11940 11920 11930 11935 11920 11913 11900 11910 11900 11890 11887 11880 11830 11868 11851 11856 11843 11844 11821 11836 N Scale: 1 :3,000 ~2'--'1"50"----+---'-2_14_5---1 l'-12=-'1'-'4-'-4 ---I 12141 ic'2'--'1-"'40"-------lf-----'-2_13_5---I ,_12_1_34 __ --i 12127 ""12'"'1"30'-------f----'..:2..c12'-'5-1 µ.12~1C!:24~----1--------i 1'1"-'21"-20=------1---'-2_11_5-; l;; 1"12'-'1"',4'-----J-------l 12110 12094 12084 11931 11932 11921 11922 11912 11911 11902 11901 11898 11891 11888 11881 11878 11869 11868 11857 11858 11845 11848 11837 11838 ::: Cl 12105 2104 12107 12095 12094 12073 ·12085 12084 12067 12057 12074 12064 12053 1~>----',_0_4' .... DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11931 11921 11911 11901 11891 11881 11871 11861 11851 I 11841 11831 11950 11940 11930 11920 11910 11900 11890 11880 11870 11975 11955 11937 11927 11913 11905 11895 11879 11869 l;; ::J 1-,-11"00'"'0,---j----,::,:c.5::1--j Cl 11850 11845 11840 11835 11829 11830 11819 12152 12140 12130 12116 12102 12092 12064 12056 12048 12036 12022 11982 11980 1832/11976 11830 11824 APPENDIX A 12161 <r L.:..:.-J ci AVE. 0 12159 12157 0 i ~ 1! 12155 (.) 12 148 12153 12146 12151 ~ 12149 \ 12147\ 23013 23011 1214~ Ct 22936/ 44/ 52/ 64/ 74 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PIDs: 005-649-633/ 005-649-641 002-589-257/ 005-603-773/ 001 -775-111 FILE: 2021-281-RZ DATE: May 26, 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:BD CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7992-2024 A Bylaw to authorize the City of Maple Ridge to enter into a APPENDIX 8 Housing Agreement for 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 483 of the Local Government Act, RSBC 2015, c.1, as amended, Council may, by bylaw, enter into a Housing Agreement under that Section; AND WHEREAS, Council and BT PROJECT 175 LTD. wish to enter into a Housing Agreement for the subject properties at 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 2936-22974 Dewdney Trunk Road Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 7992-2024". 2. Council authorizes the City to enter into a Housing Agreement with BT PROJECT 175 LTD, in respect to the following land: Lot 218 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP56868 Lot 223 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP57491 Lot 224 Section 17 Township 12, Plan: NWP57491 Lot 230 Section NE17 Township 12 Plan NWP58011 and Lot 231 Section 17 Township 12 Plan NWP58011. 3. The Mayor or their delegate and the Corporate Officer are authorized to execute the Housing Agreement and all incidental instruments on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge. 4. Schedule A, attached to this Bylaw, is incorporated into and forms part of this Bylaw. 5. This Bylaw shall take effect as of the date of adoption hereof. READ a first time the _th day of_, 2024. READ a second time the _th day of -1 2024. READ a third time the _th day of_, 2024. ADOPTED the _th day of_, 2024. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER BETWEEN: AND: AND: WHEREAS: HOUSING AGREEMENT (2021-281-RZ) BT PROJECT 175 LTD. 43995 Progress Way, Unit 205 Chilliwack, BC,-V2R 0E6 (hereinafter called the "Covenantor") CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 (hereinafter called the "City") FIRST WEST CREDIT UNION 200 -19933 88th Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 4K5 (hereinafter called the "Lender") Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART OF THE THIRD PART A. The Covenantor is the registered owner in fee simple of that land in the City of Maple Ridge, British Columbia which is legally described in Item 2 of the Land Title Act Form C to which these terms of instrument are attached and which forms part of this Agreement (the "Lands"). B. The City is prepared to allow construction by the Covenantor on the following Lands: Lot: 218, Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: NWP56868; Lot: 223, Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: NWP57491; Lot: 224, Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: NWP57491; Lot: 230, Section: NE17, Township: 12, Plan: NWP58011; and Lot: 231, Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: NWP5801 l. C. The Covenantor and the City wish to enter into this Agreement to secure the agreement of the Covenantor that all Dwelling Units within the Development will be used and held -1 - Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 J' only as rental housing, subject to earlier demolition of the rental Dwelling Units no earlier than thirty (30) years frOm the date the Housing Agreement is registered as a covenant on the subject properties, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to have effect as both a covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act and a housing agreement under section 483 of the Local Government Act. D. The City has adopted a bylaw under section 483 of the Local Government Act to authorize this Agreement as a housing agreement. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein contained, the payment of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by the City to the Covenantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree, pursuant to section 483 of the Local Government Act and section 219 of the Land l'itle Act (British Columbia) as follows: Definitions 1. In this Agreement: (a) "Development" means the development of the Lands to accommodate a six- storey apartment building containing 178 purpose-built rental dwelling units; (b) "Dwelling Units" means any or all, as the context may require, of the 178 self- contained residential dwelling units within the Development and includes any dwelling unit that is developed on the Lands in future, whether as part of the Development or otherwise, and "Dwelling Unit" means any of such residential dwelling units located on the Lands, whether those dwelling units are lots or parcels, or parts or portions thereof, into which ownership or right of possession or occupation of the Lands may be subdivided (hereinafter defined) and includes single family detached dwellings, duplexes, townhouses, auxiliary residential dwelling units, rental apartments and strata lots in a building strata plan; (a) "Lands" means the land described in Item 2 of the General Instrument, including any buildings now or hereafter located on the aforementioned land, and any part or a portion of such land or building into which said land or building is or may at any time be subdivided; (b) "Subdivide" means to divide, apportion, consolidate or subdivide the Lands, or the ownership or right to possession or occupation of the Lands into two or more lots, parcels, parts, portions or shares, whether by plan, descriptive words or otherwise, under the Land Title Act or the Strata Property Act, or otherwise, and includes the creation, conversion, organization or development of "cooperative interest" or "shared interest in land" as defined in the Real Estate Development Jvlarketing Act. -2 - Use, Occupancy, Subdivision and No Separate Sale Restrictions Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 2. All Dwelling Units shall only be used to provide rental accommodation and shall remain as rental accommodation for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of adoption of Bylaw No. 7992-2024, being _____ , 2024. 3. All Dwelling Units shall be rented only on a month to month basis or under a residential tenancy agreement having a fixed term not exceeding three years, including any rights of renewal. 4. No Dwelling Unit may be occupied except by an individual who occupies pursuant to a rental agreement that meets the requirements of section 3. 5. The Lands shall not be Subdivided, except by means of a strata plan under the Strata Property Act that includes all of the Dwelling Units within a single strata lot. Specific Performance 6. The Covenantor agrees that because of the public interest in ensuring that all of the matters described in this Agreement are complied with, the public interest strongly favours the award of a prohibitory or mandatory injunction, or an order for specific performance or other specific relief, by the Supreme Court of British Columbia at the instance of the City, in the event of an actual or threatened breach of this Agreement. Notice of Housing Agreement 7. For clarity, the Covenantor acknowledges and agrees that: (a) this Agreement constitutes both a covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act and a Housing Agreement entered into under section 483 of the Local Government Act; (b) the City is required to file a notice of Housing Agreement in the Land Title Office against title to the Lands; and ( c) once such a notice is filed, this Agreement binds all persons who acquire an interest in the Lands as a Housing Agreement under section 483 of the Local Government Act. No Obligation to Enforce 8. The rights given to the City by this Agreement are permissive only and nothing in this Agreement imposes any legal duty of any kind on the City to anyone, or obliges the City to enforce this Agreement, to perform any act or to incur any expense in respect of this Agreement. -3 - No Effect on Laws or Powers 9. This Agreement does not: Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 (a) affect or limit the discretion, rights, duties, or powers of the City or the Approving Officer for the City under the common law or any statute, bylaw, or other enactment, nor does this Agreement date or give rise to, nor do the parties intend this Agreement to create any implied obligations concerning such discretionary rights, duties or powers; (b) affect or limit the common law or any statute, bylaw or other enactment applying to the Lands; or ( c) relieve the owner from complying with any common law or any statute, regulation, bylaw or other enactment. Indemnity 10. The Covenantor hereby releases the City, and indemnifies and saves the City harmless, from and against any and all actions, causes of actions, suits, claims (including claims for injurious affection), cost (including legal fees and disbursements), expenses, debts, demands, losses (including economic loss) and liabilities of whatsoever kind arising out of or in any way due or relating to the granting or existence of this Agreement, the restrictions or obligations contained in this Agreement or the performance or non- performance by the Covenantor of this Agreement that the City is or may become liable for, incur or suffer. Priority 11. The Covenantor will do everything necessary, at the Covenantor' s expense, to ensure that this Agreement is registered against title to the Lands in priority to all liens, charges and encumbrances registered or pending registration against title to the Lands, save and except those specifically approved in writing by the City and those in favour of the City. Consent and Priority 12. The Lender, as the registered holder of charges by way of mortgage and assignment of rents registered against the Lands, which said charges are registered in the Land Title Office at New Westminster under numbers CA9062919, CA9062920 and CA3748612, (the "Existing Charges"), for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1. 00) paid by the City to the Lender (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), hereby agrees that the within section 219 covenant shall be an encumbrance upon the Lands in priority to the Existing Charges in the same manner and to the same effect as if it had been dated and registered prior to the Existing Charges. -4 - Waiver Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 13. An alleged waiver of any breach of this Agreement is effective only if it is an express waiver in wrifo1g o,f the breach. A waiver of a breach of this Agreement does not operate as a waiver of any other breach of this Agreement. Interpretation 14. In this Agreement: (a) reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise; (b) article and section headings have been inserted for ease of reference only and are not to be used in interpreting this Agreement; ( c) the word "enactment" has the meaning given to it in the Interpretation Act (British Columbia) on the reference date of this Agreement; ( d) reference to any enactment is a reference to that enactment as consolidated, revised, amended, re-enacted or replace, unless otherwise expressly provided; ( e) reference to "party" or the "parties" is a reference to a party, or the parties, to this Agreement and their respective successors, assigns, trustees, administrators and receivers; (f) time is of the essence; and (g) reference to a "day", "month" or "year" is a reference to a calendar day, calendar month, or calendar year unless otherwise expressly provided. Further Acts 15. The Covenantor will do everything reasonably necessary to give effect to the intent of this Agreement, including execution of further instruments. Severance 16. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court having the jurisdiction to do so, that part is to be considered to have been severed from the rest of this Agreement and the rest of this Agreement remains in force unaffected by that holding or by the severance of that part. No Other Agreements 17. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties regarding its subject and it terminates and supersedes all other agreements and arrangements regarding its subject. -5 - Enurement Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 18. This Agreement binds the parties to it and their respective successors, heirs, executors and administrators. Counterparts 19. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and delivered by facsimile or emailed PDF file, each of which will have the same effect as if all parties had signed the same document. Each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Effective Date 20. This Agreement is effective as of the date of the signature of the last party to sign. Deed and Contract 21. By executing and delivering this Agreement each of the parties intends to create both a contract and a deed executed and delivered under seal. As evidence of their agreement to be bound by this Agreement, the Covenantor, the City, and the Lender have executed the Land Title Act Form C or D, as the case may be, attached to and forming part of this Agreement. BT PROJECT 175 LTD. By its authorized signatory: Name: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE By its authorized signatory(ies): Name: -6 - CONSENT & PRIORITY Schedule A Part of Bylaw No. 7992-2024 The Lender in consideration of the payment of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged) hereby consents to the registration of the Covenant herein granted under Section 219 of the Land Title Act, running with the said lands and against the said lands and the Lender hereby postpones all of its rights under the Mortgage and Assignment of Rents registered respectively under No. CA9062919, CA9062920 and CA3748612 (the "Lender Documents") to those rights of the City of Maple Ridge under the Covenant herein in the same manner and to the same extent and effect as if the Covenant herein had been dated, granted and registered prior to the Lender Documents. FIRST WEST CREDIT UNION· By its authorized signatory: Name: -7 - TO: FROM: Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: March 12, 2024 2021-556-RZ Council SUBJECT: ADDENDUM to Second Reading Report dated February 20, 2024 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 22020 119 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Application 2021-556-RZ to rezone 22020 119 Avenue to the RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone to permit the future construction of a triplex, received second reading on February 27, 2024. At that meeting, a recommendation to waive the Public Hearing was carried due to the proposed rezoning being supported by the existing Official Community Plan (OCP) designation on the property. The new Provincial housing legislation recently amended the Local Government Act to state that a local government must not hold a Public Hearing on a proposed zoning bylaw if the bylaw is consistent with the OCP and permits a residential development (Local Government Act Section 464(2)(3)(4)). However, the notice that the Public Hearing is not being held must be published in advance of first reading of the bylaw (Local Government Act Section 467(3)). As this application was in-stream prior to the new Provincial housing legislation and has received first and second reading, the application must have a Public Hearing. It is required that the resolution to waive Public Hearing be rescinded and that this application be forwarded to the next Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION: That Section 2 of motion R/2024-CM-034, pertaining to the waiving of the Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022, be rescinded; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original Signed by Erin Mark" Prepared by: Erin Mark Planning Technician "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning Appendix 1 -Second Reading report dated February 20, 2024 2021-556-RZ Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX 1 • Maple Ridee - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: February 20, 2024 FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 22020 119 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: FILE NO: 2021-556-RZ MEETING: CoW An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 22020 119 Avenue from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of a triplex. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 on April 26, 2022. The proposed development is supported by the current Official Community Plan (OCP) land use designation Urban Residential. The subject property is located within the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP). It, however, does not require redesignation via the LTCAP for the proposed rezoning. Staff are recommending that the Public Hearing be waived due to the proposed rezoning being supported by the existing Official Community Plan designation. This property is located within close proximity to the Fraser River Escarpment (FRE). The City is currently undertaking a risk assessment of the FRE to determine the suitability of increased densification along this corridor, the results of which may impact the current policies in place. Building permits will be subject to any policies or bylaws in place at the time of application. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program at a rate of $7,400 per unit with the first unit being exempt, for an estimated total amount of $14,800, or such rate applicable at third reading of this application. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 be given second reading; 2. That a Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 be waived in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 464(2), as Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 is consistent with the Official Community Plan; and further 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii} Road dedication on the lane, as required; iii} Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iv} Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; v} Removal of existing buildings; 2021-556-RZ Page 1of 5 vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject prOperfy • is not a contaminated site; and viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $7,400 per unit (first unit is exempt), or such rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1. Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North/South/East/West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing Requirement: Flood Plain: Fraser Sewer Area: 2021-556-RZ JORH PROPERTIES INC. Lot 66 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14891 Urban Residential (Current) / Intensive Attached Residential Infill (Proposed -LTCAP) Urban Residential (Current) / Intensive Attached Residential Infill (Proposed -LTCAP) Yes LTCAP (Proposed) No RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) Use: Single Detached Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential (Current)/ Lougheed Transit Corridor /Vlulti-Family (Proposed -LTCAP) Single Detached Residential Triplex Residential 885 m2 119 Avenue and lane Urban Standard No Yes Page 2 of 5 2. Project Description: This application proposes to rezone the subject property to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) to allow the construction of a triplex. Each triplex unit is approximately 135 m2 (1,457 ft2) in size and includes three-bedrooms, a flexroom/nook, lower-level recreation room, and a private south facing rear yard. The property is relatively flat with several significant trees on the property. The surrounding homes are mainly single family dwellings; however, the neighbourhood will experience in creasing redevelopment over the coming years due to the proximity to main arterial roads/ transit corridors and inclusion in the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan {LTCAP). There is an active development application (2023-240-RZ) for a six-storey apartment building approximately 65 m north of the subject property (see Appendix A, B, and C for context maps). 3. Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan (OCP): The subject property is currently designated Urban Residential which supports the proposed development under. the RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone. This property is located within the LTCAP and the proposed LTCAP designation, Intensive Attached Residential Infill, also supports the proposed rezoning to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone. Please note that new development applications within the LTCAP have been put on pause, pending further work on the LTCAP. This application received first reading and proceeded through the referral process under the current OCP policies, and is therefore being put forward for Council consideration for second reading. The proposed triplex form is supported by OCP Policy 3-19 which permits infill developments such as triplexes, which resemble a single detached dwelling, with an emphasis on orientation to the street. In addition, OCP Policy 3-21 requires the design to be compatible with the physical patterns and characteristics of the established neighbourhood. The proposed design of the triplex resembles a single detached dwelling and has been designed to compliment the existing homes on the street. ii) Zoning Bylaw: Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-1 to RT-2 to allow the future construction of a triplex. The subject property meets the requirements of the proposed RT-2 zone including lot area, width and depth (see Appendix E for the Site Plan and Architectural Plans). The minimum lot size for a triplex form in the RT-2 zone is 800 m2 (8,611 ft2 ), the subject property is 885 m2 (9,526 ft2 ) in area after the required road dedication off the rear lane. The proposed density of the development (0.748 FSR) is below the maximum permitted within the RT-2 zone (0.75 FSR), and the proposed lot coverage (42.75%) is below the maximum permitted (45%). The required building structure setbacks have been met with the proposed layout. iii) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: A triplex residential use, outside of the Town Centre Area, is required to provide two spaces per unit. The proposed parking includes one enclosed parking stall and one unenclosed single parking pad, accessed off the lane, per unit, which meets the requirements of the Parking Bylaw. One parking stall per dwelling unit will have roughed-in infrastructure to provide Level 2 Electric Vehicle charging. 2021-556-RZ Page 3 of 5 iv) Proposed Variances: There are no proposed variances for this application. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. The Multi-Family Development Permit application addressing the form and character of the triplex will be the subject of a future report to Council. The timing of this report will be in coordination with the final reading of the Rezoning application. vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the October 18, 2023 meeting. The ADP comments and the applicant's response can be seen in Appendix F. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was not required to be held as there are less than five units proposed. 4. Climate Change Considerations: The building will meet the BC Energy Step Code 3 and the stormwater management system must meet the City's Stormwater Tier A, B, and C requirements. The site design achieves the 40% permeable surface requirement of the Zoning Bylaw. Street trees along 119 Avenue are required. Retention of two significant trees on the property is proposed and six new trees to meet the City's Tree Canopy targets are proposed (see Appendix F for Landscaping Plans). 5. Traffic Impact: As the subject property is located within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway, a referral has been sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTi). MOTi approval of the rezoning is required before final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. 6. Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department The Engineering Department has indicated that the following servicing upgrades will be required through the Rezoning Servicing Agreement: • Road dedication as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Utility servicing as required to meet the design criteria of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4800-1993. • Frontage upgrades to the applicable road standard. 2021-556-RZ Page 4 of 5 7. School District No. 42 Comments: A referral was sent to School District No. 42 and the response dated November 28, 2023 (see Appendix H) states that the catchment schools, Glenwood Elementary and Maple Ridge Secondary, for this proposed development are both under capacity at this time. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 and that the Public Hearing be waived, as the proposed rezoning is supported by the existing OCP designation. "Original Signed by Erin Mark" Prepared by: Erin Mark Planning Technician "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A-Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Designation Map Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022 Appendix E -Site Plan and Architectural Plans Appendix F -Landscape Plans Appendix G -ADP Design Comments Appendix H -School District No. 42 Referral Comments 2021-556-RZ "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning Page 5 of 5 12020 12019 12014 12006 12010 0 "' / ~ "' 11988 11989 11996 11964 11973 11990 11958 11961 \. ;;; ;:: ;; "' 0 e e ., ~ "' "' ;;; "' LAURIE AVE ;i; <o "' ., 0 ~ ... .... "' 0 "' ... e e e a, a, ~ ~ ;;; ;;; "' "' "' "' "' 11773 11765 Legend 12019 ;;; ~ "' SEATON PL I-(/) 0 N N 11999 11989 11971 11949 11937 11927 "' ., ~ "' 0 "' ~ "' 11879 11869 11859 11849 0 ., ~ "' 12014 I-(/) 0 ~ DEWDNEY TRUNK RD 0 0 "' "' 0 0 :::i "' "' 11988 _,,,,.._ ..;, -• LI In ,,. )< X ,>< ,t )< :><,t ,t )< ~ )<x "'>(, X X 72023-240"-Rz ~ .... A.-.''>.'. .A-.· ... -. xxxx XXX XXXXXXXJf, X X ......... -· '" "' "' "' "' 0 0 11926 :::i "' "' fJ :::i 11910 :;i ;;; 11874 0 0 :::i :::i I-(/) ~ ~ 0 >- 12016 f;j ill ~ 0 0 0 :::i :::i "' "' 11993 11970 11973 11963 11962 11953 11952 11943 11942 11932 11945 !;; i::: 0 0 "' :::i "' 119 AVE ., ., ., ... "' <o le 0 0 0 0 :::i :::i :::i :::i ~ !;; :;i I:! 0 0 0 0 :::i :::i :::i :::i 11875 APPENDIX A 12025 Ul ~ l:? "' 12015 ~ -"' z ,____--'-'~L--~=-2020-4~ 11952 11942 11932 ½-,11::-88c..:8....L. __ ..__.J. __ .._~ 119 A,.:''-=--.---,---,--~~ ~ .... .... ~ ~ 11868 :::i "' ~ "' SELKIRK AVE I-(/) .... ~ 0 0 0 <o ~ ., "' "' ... "' ., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' ~ "' :::i :::i ~ :::i "' "' ~ :: ~ <o "' ~ :::i ij 11850 . ··-11851 -····--'·----.. ~v :;i "' "' ~ 0 "' ... "' 0 0 0 11814 "' :::i ~ "' "' LOUGHEED HWY 22020 119 AVE ACTIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN AREA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) ~ Maple Ridee N Scale: 1 :2,500 ~ FILE: 2021-556-RZ DATE: Jan 19, 2024 BY:AL Scale: 1 :2,300 APPENDIX B 22020119AVE ORTHO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: 2021-556-RZ DATE: Jan 19, 2024 BY:AL 12020 12019 12014 12006 iil :!! N 11988 11989 7 11973 11951 12010 / 11995 11990 ;:; :!! '-N 12019 I- f/) 0 ~ 12014 11999 11989 11971 APPENDIXC 12016 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD ~ 0 .., 0 ~ Iii .. I! "' 0 0 0 ~ "' ~ "' 11988 11993 ._", .. ~Ul"UT"K 11970 11973 11963 11970 11965 11962 SEATON PL 11953 ;:; ;: ;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ :!! N N "' N LAURIE AVE ;,; le N "' ~ ~ ~ N N N N Scale: 1 :2,500 .. 0 l!! N 0 i:: ~ N OI OI ;;; ;;; "' RES Single-Family Residential Ill Ground-Oriented Multi-Family 1111 Low-Rise Apartment Ill Town Centre Commercial Ill Institutional 11949 11956 I.: ,,,. .... ,."" 11937 11927 11926 :ll OI ;;; I-fl) 0 a: OI ~ ;;; 11910 11879 11869 11859 11874 :ii OI ;;; 11814 Ill Park Urban Residential ~ 0 ~ 11952 11957 11943 ·11~ nva;;;; 11942 ~ ~ !<l ~ ~ ~ 11932 11946 ::i t; I:: i;J N 0 0 ~ i:i 119AVE i:! ~ 11875 SELKIRK AVE I I 18 ~ .. 0 .. ~ 0 ::J ::J 11851 --···--·· • r,v 8 ~ ~ ::J LOUGHEED HWY ~ 0 ~ 11783 22020 119 AVE LAND USE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: 2021-556-RZ DATE: Jan 19, 2024 BY:AL CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7830-2022 A Bylaw to amend Schedule 'A' Zoning Map forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended APPENDIX D WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7830-2022." 2. That parcel of land and premises known and described as: Lot 66 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14891 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1055 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, as amended, and Map 'A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of April, 2022. READ a second time the day of f 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of / 20 READ a third time the day of / 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this / 20 ADOPTED the day of / 20 day of PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORA TE OFFICER 8 "' 12006 12009 ~ 201 "' RP 71818 1 ~ RP 71667 Rem~ / Rem 21 N 13 11988 11996 12 11999 0 0 ~w (') ~Rem ~65' "'43 "' "' ;:!: "' ~ 0 0 "' "' "' "'7 "'8 "'13 14 11989 st 20 st st 11989 42 43 P13 19 P1 14113 P/728 0) 14 <D 2 ~ <D lO 11990 lO 11964 .,.... lO 11973 11958 19 a.. 15 ;-;; ~ '-"' SEATON PL. IB 11 ~ a.. 11971 10 11949 9 8 11937 st 11927 <D 7 lO lO 0.. 6 m ~ "' 0 5 "' "' N 11879 4 11889 st 3 <D lO 11859 .,.... a.. 2 t-' en ~ 11988 11970 6 64 65 P1 4685 11970 11965 5 11982 P1 ~685 63 62 4 (') 11952 .,.... (0 11958 11957 '<t r--3 .,.... (0 11942 a.. 0.. p 4049 59 60 61 (') ~ ~ 0 11928 ~ "' "' 11932 2 (') co .,.... [;:; '<t r-- 1 .,.... (0 0 a.. a.. ~ -119AVE. ~ w 8 "' ~ "' ;g <o N 0 (') ~ ~ ~ ~ r-- 67 66 (/) 55 54 53 p 1~ 91 a.. p h4049 11910 !!:!. -87668 P 524! 5 P 11251 173 174 22 21 20 19 ~ -(') [;:; :;i 11874 0 a ;g 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SELKIRK AVE. 144 143 142 141 ::i ;:: -"' "' 0 ~ ~ "' N "' "' N /RW44519 RW44519 ... ~ "' "' 0 ~ <o ~ 0 "' I I ~ "' ~ ~ ~ "' N "' "' "' "' 91 1130 131 132 133 134 135 I I P 4451 136 137 1 ~ ~ ~ "' 138 139 LOUGHEED HWY. ... 0 ~ ~ ~ 85 86 P47 96 8 7 ~ 11814 ~ 0 0 18 a ;g 0 ~ ~ ~ 11 12 13 P 11251 P 11251 6 5 4 (') ~ ~ a 0 ~ ~ ~ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: 7830-2022 1055 RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) A Maple ~ RidQe ~ 0 ~ 14 3 11993 11973 12 11983 11 t-' 11953 en 10 Fi 11943 9 811945 t-' en I:: 7 0 ~ Fi ~ 0 ~ 52 51 11887 18 17 I:! 0 ~ 11875 "' "' 0 ~ 15 16 11851 (P 11251) B :;i 0 "' "' 11783 DEWDNEY <o ~ lO ~ "' ® m "' A~ ~ &l B"' "' ~ ,,J "' a.. Ill m .,.... ;:::N 0 :i C Wi a.. f!/970 w BCP 226 RW27912 -BCS 23 2 11960 3 (0 11952 N r-- (0 .,....~ ~I 4 a.. .... ~I 11942 a.. fu1 5 11932 (0 r--"' 6 (OO a..~ _I ~ "' "' ~ (') ~ ~ ~ 50 49 48 47 4 p 40 11888 p 12 25 26 27 28 2 ~ .... .... "' (') 11888 ~ ~ ~ "' "' <o Rem ~Re "' (') NRe -Rem 40 ~ 39 "'38 ~ 37 11850 P 11251 t-' -IL IL _JL _ JL en ---✓--_, Fi EP 67822 p LOUGHEE ~ N SCALE 1 :2,500 CMCADDRESS 21020119 AVENUl MAPLE tlOCf.. B.C. LEGAL DESCRIPTIO!sl tOf'-'~lOT1'7,CIOU,.1 p,t(WWUTMINSTU OISTltlCT, "-UI 1.ffl!l1 ZONING SETBACKS ~ "'""="""'-rt0p,1JSCTMO:' 1.s ... ttM:scnw:.: 2STOUY 7.S... SIDCSCTa.,,cr .... tsT 1.Sm/l.2Sm SIOlSOIWXtAST 1.5,,i/l.llrn '-""' ,...,., 1.S .. /2.2S1n 1.51111/2.lSin SITE AREA W.D9StJ,al'}SJ:7Jll~AflCtlANC0£01CAJ10H lOT COVERAGE ~ ~◄S't• l?ll.2 '4"'f,nct..i,--.Ja ~ Ql◄Lr.:-'- 371.7.1 ...... (407)....,., ALLOWABLE FA R A11owro 1orA1tu.n ~ ~ I.U.lll1'q-"'17US.l1.._,N .. r.G2.a6 ....... f71~...,., BUILDING HEIGHT /J.IOWfO!fflCHtoa::ior, ~-1:::!Q ... ·---1·-·---__ T ______ _ PRIVATE OUTDOOR AREA UNIT 1: 76.28 SQ.M UNIT 2: 64.60 SQ.M UNIT 3: 78.29 SQ.M con1~;f, ·----------'-""•-.-i•-:-:-.,s;:;."iSS--·• '/ ) ,'>< ..;.· (-·-·-· ( REMOVETi NE!tt.H11ou1tco PROV}DEO \ ,,.,> ; \ ( REMOVE NEICHBOUR CONS P~DED .. .__, ,o ~-x ~I "' !::::1 1' x":,'\· ~ '.____, __ I I I f ~- .,; $ 0 ~ "' ' L 4'-11' (1.SOMJ 7'-4 1/2' (2.25~ dec2 Rf.MOVE TR 4'-11 1/4' (1.51 Ml 7'-4 1/2' [2.25M) -1 ," :E ~-~ X :S t "Co N 10'-5' (3.1 BM} i "' ,.._ £1 $ q ~ ~'OJ ~-~, x • -·-· rollover gu er ,..,,.,."? -.."?n,; ~'o 10'-5' (3. fi;:.,,,=="'-1'.' '\'.:/ 1~5' [3.18M ~'\, .., 'I·' _;._-===--'c--"'~~~;;2.:.-F-"'-==c,---:,'\· 'I· ;L_ -------==--~· ----.ine ---_.., ~~ SITE PLAN 22020·119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. L ~1 ~J[ SCALE: 1/8' =1 '-00' design studio 11883 Baker-Place Delta 8.C. V4E 2VB email: gsds@u:ttink.ca RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DATE: 09 25 2023 A-1 :t> ""C "'tJ m 2 C >< m □ □ UNIT1 BSMT Fl. 400 sqft. BASEMENT PLAN ~~FLOOR PLAN design studio 1111113 Baker Place Delta B.C. V4E 2V8 email: gsds@eastllnk .ca □ UNIT2 BSMT Fl. 400 SQFT. □ □ □ ~n.!" UNIT3 BSMT Fl. 400 SQFT. ,~101 B ~ -- UNIT1 MAINFL.990sqft. MAINFLOOR PLAN 22020 119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ~101t,_• BIB -- UNIT2 MAINFl.9B4sqft. > '7 ~I - ~.~ ~[D- UNIT3 MAIN Fl. 990 sqft. SCALE: 3/16' =1 '-00" RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DA TE: 09 25 2023 A-2 UNIT1 2ND FL 999.sqft. 2ND FLOOR PLAN ~~FLOOR PLAN design studio 11883 Baker Place Oelt. B.C. V4E 2VB email: gsds@e.astlink .ca UNIT2 2ND FL 973 sqft. t 4:12 4:12 i t t·,- 3:12 t : :;, .u t 4:12 4:12 t 3:12 t , __ i l i n[ij ·; ~-I I' <"_, l ,~-J ', UNITJ 2ND FL 999sqft. ROOF PLAN 22020 119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SCALE: 3/16' =1 '-00" RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DATE:09 25 2023 A-3 ! s ~ design studio ~~ELEVATION 11883 Saker Place Delta B.C. V4E 2V8 e111ail: gsds@leastllllk .a "'I ! s ~ !! ll f~1 -----NORTH FRONTELEVATION--dJ l soun<,,.,,.ruVATION '=" l 22020 119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SCALE: 1/4' =1 '-00" RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DATE:09 25 2023 A-4 l ; $ i ~!)ELEVATION design studio 11883 Baker Ptace Otlta B.C. V4E 2V8 email: gsds@leastUnk.ca !?I ~~~ ' l==l i======: i C:=J: : L...:. •• _.J: rJ, r-<=,=======i::.':'.J :::::J r~l WEST SIDE ELEVATION ~ l. : -===...,: p=====a l,=J l=======a I ~-• EAST SIDE ELEVATION t:::1 r.::'..1 r::::.i c:::::i 22020119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SCALE: 1/4" =1 '-00' RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DATE:09 25 2023 A-5 -I' 1,, 12'-r [3.8"MJ ,r ID r~ ~ ~ t 11=:i======:II- SINGLE CAR GARAGE 23'·1" [7.04M] DOUBLE CAR GARAGE ~ ~ ~ ~!)GARAGE PLANS design studio 11813 Baker Place Delta B.C. V4E 2VII email: gffl@eastllnk .Ci! --~ ~ ~-=- l',U,l(:[fttl(W ~----- ----,..,,.- -- ~ ~ ----u:;;r- WEST SIDE ELEVATION EAST SIDE ELEVATION ,.,,~ LANE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION WEST SIDE ELEVATION EAST SIDE ELEVATION ,_,,,, LANE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 22020 119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SCALE: 1/4' =1 '-00" RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL DATE:09 25 2023 A-6 ij_ ~~SITE/BUILDING SECTION design studio 11813 Baker Place Delta B.C. V4E ZVB email: gsds@eas.ttink .ca SITE SECTION NORTH/SOUTH SITE SECTION REAR YARD 22020119 AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. RT-2: GROUND -ORIENTED RESIDENTIAL INFILL ij_ I ':i: !5 !Sl !~ ["' i ~ .,~•.s1a•10.75Ml • ~LANE DEDICATION ! ! 1 ! SCALE: 1/4' =1 '-00" DA TE: 09 25 2023 A-8 K£Y 8> -----1-----------r------- PLANT UST BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAIIE 01Y. sm: SPACING ACERPALMATUIII ..,...,,,,IW'lE 2 lllOMrnRS "'"""" "'"'"'1111.DBA ·--' &CM.CAI. AS SHO.,,,. al!NUSFLDRIDA'RUBRuM' Sl.OIX)GDOl)JAP.IIAPI.E ' 5Cll.CA!. AS SH'""' ID .wt£AJAPONJC\-"""50Jf -.wt£A 14 j3 POT ,OCM.0.C. 0-...cEAMACIJtl'IMl,l"N!JOOJBWE'. lt'l1lllAHCEA 12 p POT 90CM.O.C. C, MEDIUM RH~ {VA!l!DUS) -10 PPOT 900!.0.C. ~ ~iM'=--HOSTA ' /J POT 90 Ill O.C. we ,, p POT 901:M.O.C. 0 MW.OCCIDOOAUS'sYARACO" EMEllAID AR80JMTAE 12 t.S0~70al.O.C. • HEMEROCAllJS 'All'MIN REI)" AUMINREDLLY " p POT '50LOC. _____ " _____ IC° __ _ :=--::-;i-:-!.=='--=1=.-~-:::1.-:: ==--:-.:-==-=-----:-Ti'i1JJ..u... • E:.:i~-;_¥'9-:=E:.i-. ------··--II ::,:m,...:a.-•••--•-•-c 11 ---------111'·-.. -!=.':a.i:F.~7.F=--t:- • =E'i:"~S~-=-::.i-=:~ SECTION FENCE DETAIL ~d'_, ELEVATIQt! '1!1111' REMARKS au. u,a a•a $ • • ~ PERM!:ABU: PAVERS GRAVa 8ROOM-AHISHED CONC!!ElE ICAVOUNAS & ASSOCIATES IN; ""'""' ---~a.c. 1tOIC(IM}ISMlTI ........ ...,. -- PLAN VIEW LANDSCAPE PLAN PROPOSED 3-PLEX 2202D-111AWM1t _,__.,,_ ,~ .. ~ f_~~ I L-1 6 > ""C ""C ITI z C >< ,, Gurinder Grewal Gsquare Design 11883 Baker Pl. Delta, B.C. V4E 2V8 Erin Marie City Of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Pl, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Hi Erin, As per addressing the ADP comments below please refer to our responses in blue. Architectural Comments: APPENDIXG The three units should have distinct characteristics; consider incorporating colour or material accents. We have addressed this concern by bringing the hardy shake material in the center further down to the main level to provide distinct characteristics between the units along with adding unit address signage on the corner posts of the building, indicating the different units. The front entries should be more prominent to the street indicating it is a triplex. In addition to the above notes, we have added a gable and adj usted t he posts providing a more prominent entry to the middle unit. The design and style are sensitive and appropriate for the surrounding neighborhood. We agree. Landscape Comments: Landscaping should be introduced along the rear lane. We have introduced landscaping in the parking stalls of each unit in the rear lanes. It is believed there is too much grass incorporated into the design and the applicant should consider larger planting beds and/or raised gardening plots. We feel the grass provides more value especially in today's densified developments that lack green spaces. We want fam ilies to enjoy their green spaces and be connected with the natural elements of the earth. We feel there is a sufficient amount of plants, trees and green spaces, without jeopardizing the overall design, functionality and appearance of the dwellings. Gurinder Grewal Gsquare Design 11883 Baker Pl. Delta, B.C. V4E 2V8 November 28, 2023 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Erin Mark Re: FIie: 2021-556-RZ Legal: Lot 66, D.L. 397, Plan NWP14891 Location: 22020 119 Avenue From: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) To: RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) APPENDIX H ~ Scliool District 42 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Glenwood Elementary and Maple Ridge Secondary School. Glenwood Elementary School has an operating capacity of 383 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Glenwood Elementary School was 346 students (90% utilization) Including 75 students from out of catchment. Maple Ridge Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1300 students. For the 2022-23 school year the student enrolment at Maple Ridge Secondary was 1115 students (86% utilization) Including 730 students from out of catchment and 304 French Immersion students. Based on the density estimates for the various land uses at build out the following would apply: • For the construction of 3.0 units (triplex), the estimated number of school age residents 1. Sincerely, Richard Rennie Richard Rennie Secretary Treasurer . Digitally signed by Richard Rennie Date: 2023.11.28 17:44:40 -08'00' The Board of Education of School District No. 42 {Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows) cc: Louie Glrotto, Director, Facilities David Vandergugten, Assistant Superintendent Rebecca Lyle, Executive Coordinator School District No. 42 I Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows 22225 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8N6 Phone: 604.463.4200 I Fax: 604.463.4181