HomeMy WebLinkAboutAAC 2019-01-24 agenda.pdfCity of Maple Ridge AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Thursday, January 24, 2019 7:00 pm Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – November 29, 2018 4. DELEGATIONS 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. 2019 Chair and Vice Chair Elections 5.2. 2019 Subcommittees Appointments 5.3. Educational Event – Proposal Update 5.4. Prioritization of Agricultural Plan Action Items 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1. Food Distribution 6.2. True North Fraser 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1. Metro Vancouver 2019 Agriculture Awareness Grants Email received January 15, 2019 from Theresa Duynstee, Regional Planner, advising Metro Vancouver is accepting applications for the 2019 Agricultural Awareness Grants. 8. QUESTION PERIOD 9. ROUNDTABLE 10. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: February 28, 2019 Agenda Submission Deadline: February 14, 2019 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /aa City of Maple Ridge AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on November 29, 2018, 2018 at 7:01 pm. ____________________________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Gordy Robson City of Maple Ridge Councillor Ryan Svendsen City of Maple Ridge Margaret Daskis, Chair Member at Large Al Kozak Agricultural Sector Bill Hardy Member at Large Ryan Murphy Agricultural Sector Stephanie James, Vice-Chair Agricultural Sector STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Amanda Grochowich Staff Liaison / Planning Department Amanda Allen Committee Clerk ABSENT Candace Gordon Haney Farmers Market Society Chris Zabek Regional Agrologist, Ministry of Agriculture David Kaplan Member at Large Ian Brooks Member at Large Josef Hans Lara Economic Development Committee Representative Lorraine Bates Agricultural Fair Board 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2018-038 It was moved and seconded That the November 29, 2018 Agricultural Advisory Committee agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2018-039 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated October 25, 2018 be adopted. CARRIED Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes November 29, 2018 Page 2 of 3 4. DELEGATIONS - Nil 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. Introductions The Chair introduced Councillor Robson and Councillor Svendsen as the new Council Liaisons for the 2019 term. Committee members provided a brief introduction of themselves to the new Council Liaisons. 5.2. Young Agrarian Land Matching – follow up Following up on the Young Agrarian funding request dated August 31, 2018, the staff liaison sought direction in order to prepare an appropriate response. There was discussion on the funding request. R/2018-040 It was moved and seconded That the Agricultural Advisory Committee acknowledge receipt of the Young Agrarian’s request and a response will be composed summarizing meeting comments for AAC review. CARRIED 5.3. Prioritization of Agricultural Plan Action Items As identified in the Committee’s 2019 Business Plan, the Committee must identify and prioritize action items for 2019. Referencing the action items originally described in the 2009 Agricultural Plan and the 2016 Council Facilitated Session, the Committee established a working list of possible action items. The list will be circulated via email and included for further discussion at a future Committee meeting. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1. Education Al Kozak provided an update on a possible educational seminar, anticipated for the Spring of 2019. There was discussion on potential dates, venues and additional complementary organizations were identified with which to connect for partnership opportunities in the development of the seminar. Mr. Kozak will compose and include for review the seminar proposal on the next agenda. In the interim, members were invited to provide any further comments and ideas via email. 6.2. Food Distribution The staff liaison advised that a report on the proposed Maple Ridge Food Hub was presented to Council at the November 27, 2018 Council Workshop meeting. At that meeting, Council directed the Committee to explore options to build community capacity for a food hub in Maple Ridge. Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes November 29, 2018 Page 3 of 3 6.3. True North Fraser Stephanie James provided a summary of the True North Fraser brand and reported that the subcommittee is looking into the feasibility of signage on roadsides and private property. The subcommittee has drafted a survey for distribution to the Haney Farmers Market to determine interest in the True North Fraser brand and results will be reported at a future meeting. 7. CORRESPONDENCE - Nil 8. QUESTION PERIOD Al Pozsar spoke to the importance of agricultural buffers and the educational component of the Agricultural Plan. 9. ROUNDTABLE Stephanie James shared appreciation and enjoyment from her eight years of volunteering with the Committee. Ms. James thanked Margaret Daskis for her dedication to the Committee throughout the years and her efforts at the Metro Vancouver AAC. Al Kozak reported on the filming currently underway on his farm. Councillor Robson shared appreciation from Council to the members and their contributions to the Committee. Bill Hardy reported he will be travelling to Ottawa with a delegation from the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association for meetings with several Ministries. Ryan Murphy reported on current Christmas tree harvesting at the farm. Margaret Daskis advised she will be attending her final Metro Vancouver AAC meeting on November 30, 2018 and encouraged a representative from Maple Ridge be nominated should an invite again be extended to the City of Maple Ridge. Amanda Grochowich reported that the Bill 52 - Agricultural Land Commission Amendment Act recently received Royal ascent. Ms. Grochowich anticipates the summary report on the community consultation on a possible backyard hen programme will soon proceed to Council. 10. ADJOURNMENT – 9:21 pm. M. Daskis, Chair /aa AAC Subcommittee Descriptions: Proposed for 2019 Backyard Chicken Subcommittee The matter of Backyard Chickens has been raised and discussed over the last several years. Over the summer of 2018, City staff and members of the AAC attended community events to talk about backyard hens in Maple Ridge. In December 2018, City staff presented a summary of the consultation activities and feedback. At that meeting, Council directed staff, in consultation with the AAC, prepare an Options Report that would explore possible regulatory measures that could permit the keeping of backyard hens in Maple Ridge. Members of this subcommittee would support City staff efforts in the development of the Options Report. Education Subcommittee Community education at all levels and through all channels is critical to successfully developing the market for a local food system and encouraging sustainable agriculture. Working towards Goals 2 and 3 of the City’s Agriculture Plan, members of this subcommittee are responsible for collaborating and organizing educational events on food and agriculture-related topics for members of the public as well as local farmers. Food Distribution Subcommittee Earlier work identified gaps in the local food distribution and marketing system for our local farmers. This subcommittee is focused on pursuing the development of key components of a local food distribution system. For the 2017 and 2018 terms, this has included overseeing a ‘Food Hub Implementation Plan’ focusing on our small and medium sized farms. For 2019, the AAC has been directed to explore options to build community capacity for a food hub in Maple Ridge. Food Garden Contest A fun summertime project designed to highlight the importance of gardening and access to local food. Now in its ninth year, members of this subcommittee organize the annual Food Garden Contest. Golden Harvest Subcommittee Intended to highlight our local farms, farmers and culinary artists, Golden Harvest encourages the community to experience all that our local agriculture has to offer. Working towards Goal 3 of the City’s Agriculture Plan, Golden Harvest nurtures relationships with the School District and local culinary programs while encouraging local chefs and restaurants to partner in local food promotion. Members of this subcommittee help organize and support the Coordinator in putting on this community event. True North Fraser Subcommittee In 2013 and 2014, the City of Pitt Meadows, City of Maple Ridge and the District of Mission developed a brand for local agricultural products with the name ‘True North Fraser’ as a unified sub-regional approach to market local products. Initially, a website was developed with a map feature and a directory of farmers and markets throughout the North Fraser Region. The brand is no longer being promoted but is still available to be revitalized as the City of Maple Ridge has retained ownership of the True North Fraser brand. This subcommittee oversees the potential development of the True North Fraser brand. Here is a proposed educational event for the April/May time frame: 1. The Need for Local Sustainable Food Systems  Kent Mullinex (or appointed speaker)  45 min 2. Issues Related to Our Agricultural Land Reserve and How We Can Make ALC Land Productive  Kim Grout (or appointed speaker)  45 minutes 3. Where do we Go From Here?  Panel of 4-5 to include speakers and industry participants to answer questions solicited from attendees  45 minutes Budget: Maple Ridge Council Chambers (evening event) $0 Promotion ad advertising $250 Prioritization of Agricultural Plan Action Items Short List November 29, 2018 AAC Meeting  Explore the viability of developing an Agricultural Land Trust in the region;  Explore Economic Development Opportunities for local agricultural producers;  Further develop educational opportunities for farmers, land-owners and the general community;  Further develop marketing opportunities of local agricultural products, producers, and opportunities. 1 Appendix Table 1: Agricultural Plan – Recommended Action Plan Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Develop a strategy to increase landowner awareness of farmland leasing options, taxation benefits, and community demand for local production AAC District Farmers Institute Minimal Hire a co-op student to assist or consultant to develop strategy b) Create a database of farmland available for leasing, including a database maintenance strategy AAC District, Farmers Institute, Ministry of Agriculture And Lands Minimal Hire a co-op student to assist c) Develop access to materials on lease/rental terms and sample agreements, possibly website delivered AAC District, Farmers Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Minimal Hire a co-op student to assist d) Create educational materials for agricultural property owners regarding stewardship of agricultural land Farmers Institute, AAC Support from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Minimal Utilize existing materials and modify; production and distribution costs e) Through various workshops and electronic media, initiate discussion on the role of small lot property owners in enhancing local agriculture in the District (gaining access to land, pooling of small lots, rent calculator, lessee responsibilities). Farmers Institute AAC Support from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Minimal Invite Ministry of Agriculture and Lands staff to assist Goal 1: Increase Access to Underutilized Agricultural Land f) Identify and promote opportunities for development of urban agriculture Farmers Institute, AAC, Community Kitchens, District Minimal 2 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Partner with farmers to create apprenticeship opportunities and mentorships, and to attract workers to agriculture in the area Farmers Institute Commodity Associations, District, Educational institutions Moderate b) Pursue options and opportunities to provide a hands-on training ground for aspiring farmers Farmers Institute with support from Agricultural Land Commission, District Moderate c) Engage high schools and post-secondary institutions in local farmer training initiatives Farmers Institute Support from Agricultural Land Commission, District, School District Minimal Invite presenters within the industry d) Investigate innovative ways aspiring new farmers without land may be encouraged to access agricultural land currently not in production Farmers Institute Support from Agricultural Land Commission, District Minimal e) Through various workshops and electronic media, initiate information exchange on small lot agriculture (production techniques, organic, equipment, pest management) Farmers Institute Support from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Minimal Invite presenters from within the agricultural industry. Add to Lower Mainland Horticultural curriculum f) Develop information sharing and exchange networks and coalitions with like-minded groups in other areas Farmers Institute Minimal g) Create a cross-commodity Farmers Institute to coordinate and implement the knowledge base initiatives identified in this Agricultural Plan AAC could take lead with assistance from other organizations Moderate Goal 2: Improve the Knowledge Base of Farmers h) Develop awareness of educational initiatives in the local community Farmers Institute Minimal 3 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Develop an inventory of local agricultural land use and agricultural products produced Farmers Institute Moderate b) Create newspaper slot highlighting farming, seasonal recipes, farmer direct markets Farmers Institute; community kitchen Community newspaper Farmers Market Minimal c) Encourage retailers to advertize and identify locally produced seasonal products. Farmers Institute AAC Minimal d) Partner with schools and the School District to communicate information about farming AAC District Minimal e) Create more hands-on displays at District Fair Farmers Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Minimal Partner with commodity associations f) Host a “Taste of Maple Ridge” event annually Farmers Institute AAC Minimal User pay and donations g) Engage local chefs to partner in local food promotion Farmers Institute Minimal User pay and donated h) Partner with schools to develop agricultural curriculum, including coordinating with the Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation and the School Gardens project Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Ag in the Classroom BC Agriculture Council Minimal Already existing i) Report on Agricultural Plan completion in the media District Minimal j) Report regularly in the media on progress and issues relating to implementing the Agricultural Plan District Minimal Goal 3: Improve the Knowledge Base of the Consumer Public k) Provide continued support for the Haney Farmers Market District Farmers Institute Minimal Location, advertising, promotion 4 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Work with producers to: investigate the potential for marketing cooperatives, brokerages; machinery cooperatives; investigate community storage and handling options; learn about marketing models; branding Farmers Institute Support from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Commodity groups Moderate Seek IAF funding to explore options b) Hold workshops on local marketing and distribution systems Farmers Institute Support from Metro Vancouver Minimal Invite existing local marketers c) Enlist the participation of local expertise up-to-date on food marketing issues Farmers Institute Support from AAC, Metro Vancouver, District Minimal Invite presenters from Fraser Health Authority, Food security groups, Organic associations, Direct marketing associations d) Develop a strategy to assist the development of distribution and marketing options in the District Farmers Institute Assistance from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Moderate Seek IAF funding to explore options e) Pursue the development of key components of a local distribution system, including cooling, handling and staging area for fresh produce (e.g., food terminal) Farmers Institute Moderate Seek IAF funding to explore options Goal 4: Develop the Local Distribution and Marketing System f) Investigate marketing needs of local farming community. Farmers Institute Assistance from District, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Moderate 5 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Continue to implement the OCP policies to protect the agricultural land base by creating Development Permit Area guidelines to minimize non-agricultural encroachment on agriculturally designated lands and farming activities District Minimal b) Continue to implement the OCP policies to protect the agricultural land base by creating guidelines for reviewing applications for non- farm use, exclusions, fill applications, transportation and utility applications, subdivisions, and government applications District Minimal c) Investigate federal, provincial and Metro Vancouver support for agriculture irrigation water supply expansion District Minimal to moderate d) Explore opportunities to protect agricultural land from development through a variety of means such as donations of land, covenants, easements, agricultural use of municipal land, consolidation of land, and other mechanisms that support agriculture. AAC District Minimal to moderate e) Support opportunities to provide land for community based agriculture. AAC District Land Trusts Minimal to moderate f) Explore establishing an agricultural levy on agricultural land conversion developments to ensure that capital is available to finance the agricultural strategy in this Plan District Minimal g) Explore retention of lots 2 ha (5 acres) and larger in the Agricultural Land Reserve. District Minimal Goal 5: Protect the Agricultural Land Base h) Support and encourage applications to include lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve AAC District Farmers Institute Minimal 6 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Investigate a watershed-based surface and groundwater irrigation strategy District Metro Vancouver Min. of Ag and Lands Moderate b) Where a need is identified, undertake a water supply inventory for lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve District Min. of Ag and Lands Metro Vancouver Moderate c) Explore establishing a drainage and flood control levy District Minimal d) Require upland landowners and applicants to control storm water flows into the flood plain District Minimal e) Undertake a feasibility study of drainage and flood control to rehabilitate affected areas. District Support from Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Moderate f) Continue to build relationship with neighbouring municipality District Minimal g) Require compensation from unavoidable agricultural land conversion developments to be used to increase net agricultural capability in the District District Minimal Goal 6: Rehabilitate and Improve the Agricultural Infrastructure h) Encourage the Agricultural Land Commission to enforce agreements entered into with proponents that allow applications to proceed on Agricultural Land Reserve land. District Minimal Goal 7: Develop Local Food System Infrastructure Capacity a) Work with producers & local entrepreneurs to explore the feasibility of an agro-industrial infrastructure strategy that could include: shared industrial space; branding; small scale processing facilities; community kitchen; mobile slaughter facilities Farmers Institute Support from District, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Moderate Seek IAF funding to explore options LJ LJ 7 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Work with the AAC to promote and gauge the feasibility of alternative models of community supported agriculture AAC Support from Farmers Institute and other community organizations Moderate b) Continue to acknowledge and incorporate agriculture into District economic development strategies and plans. District Minimal c) Explore the agro-tourism policies of the Agricultural Land Commission for their potential to provide new and expanded opportunities for farmers and their possible inclusion into District bylaws. District Minimal d) Promote local agri-businesses and activities on District website and publications District Minimal e) Encourage linkages among the agricultural sector in Maple Ridge agriculture to identify cross-demand for products and services Farmers Institute Minimal f) Identify a community work force for agriculture AAC District Coordinate with Farmers Institute, Social Services, community organizations Minimal g) Identify community demand and develop linkages for participatory food production Farmers Institute Support from District, community organizations Moderate Goal 8: Increase the Diversity of Agricultural Activity h) Provide opportunities for community gardening, allotments; and urban demonstration plots District Support from Farmers Institute, realtors, Minimal to moderate 8 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Implement Development Permit Area guidelines to minimize non- agricultural encroachment on agriculturally designated lands and farming activities, including specific provisions for buffer zones, appropriate landscaping, subdivision design, and building location District AAC Minimal b) Create a cross commodity Farmers Institute to implement agricultural initiatives identified in this Plan AAC, Metro, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Minimal c) Require notices on title on properties adjacent to agricultural lands (disclosure statements) to avoid neighbhourhood conflicts District Realtors Minimal d) Enforce noxious weed bylaw on idle land in the ALR, municipal rights-of-way and utility rights-of-way. District Minimal to moderate e) Create respect for property rights of farmers respecting trespass, vandalism, and harassment Farmers Institute AAC, District, Metro Vancouver Minimal f) Develop a neighbourhood community watch for stray dogs, animals, and trespass ACC, Farmers Institute District Minimal g) Develop ongoing communication channels with non-farming landowners to promote “good neighbour” relations Farmers Institute Minimal Goal 9: Reduce Potential for Stress in the Agricultural- Residential Interface h) Educate landowners adjacent to agricultural land of potential for farming activities on neighbouring properties District, AAC Farmers Institute Minimal 9 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Educate farmers about the benefits of completing and implementing Environmental Farm Plans Farmers Institute AAC Minimal b) Lobby to have the Environmental Farm Plan program broadened to include the equine sector, hobby farmers, and new farmers Farmers institute AAC Minimal c) Identify options for farmers to manage manures in a sustainable manner Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Farmers Institute Minimal d) Investigate and adopt new technologies to deal with farm wastes, alternative energy sources, and generation of greenhouse gases Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Ministry of the Environment Metro Vancouver Farmers Moderate to major Seek Investment Agriculture Foundation funding to explore options e) Develop interface, linkage, and communications with Department of Fisheries and Oceans and BC Ministry of Environment to create workable solutions to agriculture-environment issues in the District District AAC Farmers Institute Minimal f) Educate and inform the community about the ecological goods and services agriculture provides in Maple Ridge District AAC Farmers Institute Moderate Goal 10: Minimize Impact of Agriculture on the Environment g) Promote the use of natural methods of controlling pests Farmers Institute District. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Metro Vancouver Moderate a) Keep channels of communication open to advise on issues before they become problems AAC Minimal b) Develop strategy to control populations of released domestic rabbits District Moderate c) Work with farmers experiencing depredation from bears and deer to channel movement away from farms Ministry of the Environment District Moderate d) Support research to develop repellents and barriers for problem wildlife Farmers Institute Minimal Seek Investment Agriculture Foundation funding to explore options Goal 11: Reduce Agriculture– Wildlife Conflicts e) Identify opportunities and create incentives for land owners to participate in land management systems that enhance wildlife habitat and support agriculture Farmer's Institute AAC, District , Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Metro Vancouver Moderate 10 Goal Recommended Actions Who? Resources Required a) Continue to retain the AAC to advise Council on issues affecting agriculture District Minimal b) Develop results-based approach to new regulation, so that targets and effects are assessed before regulatory policy is implemented. District, AAC, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Agricultural Land Commission Minimal c) Monitor proposed regulations to ensure they are not unnecessarily onerous on producers and agro-development District, AAC Minimal Goal 12: Create a Regulatory Environment Friendly to Agriculture d) Advocate for Region-wide policies for agricultural areas AAC District , Farmers Institute Minimal a) Continue to implement OCP by concentrating growth to within the urban area boundary District Minimal b) Create a Code of good land stewardship in the Agricultural Land Reserve (abandoned cars, trailers, machinery, trash, obsolete signage, dumped soil) to prevent contamination and visual pollution (batteries, crankcase oil, unproductive fill) District AAC Agricultural Land Commission Minimal c) Encourage property owners to build in a fashion to conserve the land base and minimize potential for conflict with agricultural activity District Agricultural Land Commission Minimal Goal 13: Protect and Enhance the Agricultural Context of the Agricultural Land Reserve. d) Explore changes to the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential Zone) as it applies to the Agricultural Land Reserve with respect to restrictions such as setbacks, lot coverage, and accessory buildings. District Minimal From: Theresa Duynstee [mailto:Theresa.Duynstee@metrovancouver.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 3:22 PM Subject: Metro Vancouver 2019 Agriculture Awareness Grants Hello, Metro Vancouver is now accepting applications from non-profit organizations for the 2019 Agriculture Awareness grants to promote a better understanding of agriculture and local food production in this region. Please feel free to distribute this notice to any non-profit organizations that may be interested in promoting agriculture awareness in Metro Vancouver. Both new groups and previous grant recipients are welcome to apply for a funding grant. Metro Vancouver has awarded Agriculture Awareness grants since 2008. A brochure describing the previous grant recipients is available on the Metro Vancouver website here. In 2018, twelve grants were awarded ranging from $500 to $6,000. The total amount to be awarded in 2019 is $45,000. All submissions for Agriculture Awareness grants are asked to meet the following mandatory requirements before being further considered: · have a regional scope (impacting more than one municipality); · be located in the Metro Vancouver region; · be administered by a non-profit organization in good standing; and · have matching funding (dollars or in-kind) from another organization. Metro Vancouver’s Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) will be evaluating the grant submissions using six criteria (see eligibility requirements) and will make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Regional Planning Committee and Board in early summer. The funds will be available in August 2019. How to Apply for a Grant Information about applying for a grant and the 2019 application form (WORD and PDF versions) for the agriculture awareness funding grants is available on the Metro Vancouver website here - apply for a grant. Once the application form is completed and signed, send it to Metro Vancouver by: Email: agri-awareness@metrovancouver.org or Fax: 604-436-6970 or Mail: Metro Vancouver Agriculture Awareness Grants, Parks, Planning and Environment Department Metrotower III, 4730 Kingsway, 22nd floor Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6 The deadline for the submitting the 2019 Agriculture Awareness Grant Application Form is Monday, March 18, 2019. For further information on the grant application process and requirements, email agri- awareness@metrovancouver.org or call Theresa 604-451-6024. Theresa Duynstee, P.Ag. Regional Planner Parks, Planning and Environment t. 604.451.6024 "'• 1metrovancouver ~ SERV!aS AND 50lllffi0Ni r011 A. IN MGION