HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAC 2020-03-25 Agenda City of Maple Ridge Transportation Advisory Committee AGENDA Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 7:00 pm Held via Teleconference Meeting Access Information To practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic we will be holding the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting via teleconference. All participants including members of the TAC and the public are asked to join the meeting from home using the access information provided below. Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/560858045 Or call in using your phone: Dial: 1-888-455-1389 (toll-free) Then enter the Access Code: 560-858-045 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – January 29, 2020 4. DELEGATIONS 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. New Staff Liaison and TAC Member Resignation 5.2. Active Transportation for Schools Task Force Proposal 5.3. Advisory Committee Draft Minute Circulation 5.4. Additional Commuter Parking in Downtown Core 5.5. Commercial Property - Employee Parking Requirements 5.6. 117 Ave Corridor Improvements 6. LIAISON UPDATES 6.1. Staff Liaison 6.2. Council Liaison 7. SUBCOMMITTEE & TASK FORCE UPDATES 8. ROUNDTABLE 9. QUESTION PERIOD 10. ADJOURNMENT of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. /em QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are Next Meeting: May 27, 2020 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: May 13, 2020 City of Maple Ridge Transportation Advisory Committee MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall on January 29, 2020 at 7:05 pm. ____________________________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Ahmed Yousef Council Liaison Vijay Soparkar, Chair Member at Large Gary Hare, Vice-Chair Member at Large Pascale Shaw School District No. 42 Representative Eric Phillips Member at Large Jennifer Wright Member at Large Jordan Arsenault Member at Large Ineke Boekhorst Member at Large - Business STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Erin Mark Committee Clerk GUESTS Kim McLennan Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Zane Rossouw Member at Large Note: Vijay Soparkar chaired the meeting until the election of the new Chair. Ineke Boekhorst was not in attendance at the beginning of the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-001 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the January 29, 2020 Transportation Advisory Committee be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2020-002 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Transportation Advisory Committee meeting dated November 27, 2019 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS – Nil 5. QUESTION PERIOD – Nil Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes January 29, 2020 Page 2 of 3 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1 Chair and Vice-Chair Selection The Committee Clerk called for nominations for Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee for 2020. R/2020-003 It was moved and seconded That Vijay Soparkar be elected as Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee for 2020. CARRIED Note: Ineke Boekhorst arrived at the meeting. The Chair called for nominations for Vice-Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee for 2020. R/2020-004 It was moved and seconded That Gary Hare be elected as Vice-Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee for 2020. CARRIED 6.2 2020 Meeting Schedule The Committee reviewed the revised 2020 TAC Meeting Schedule. R/2020-005 It was moved and seconded That the revised 2020 Transportation Advisory Committee meeting schedule reflecting a September 30th meeting date as circulated be adopted. CARRIED 6.3 Active Transportation for Schools Task Force Proposal Jenny Wright introduced the proposal and the Committee discussed the objectives of the proposal, timelines and resources required. R/2020-006 It was moved and seconded That the proposal for the Active Transportation for Schools Initiative be amended to reflect the requirements for the creation of a Task Force as reflected in Committees of Council Policy 3.11 and brought forward at a future Transportation Advisory Committee meeting. CARRIED 7. LIAISON UPDATES 7.1. Committees of Council Policy Overview The Committee Clerk gave a presentation on the role of Advisory Committees, the role of Committee members and meeting procedures. Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes January 29, 2020 Page 3 of 3 R/2020-007 It was moved and seconded That Committee members receive a copy of the draft Committee meeting minutes 2 weeks after the meeting. DEFERRED 7.2. Traffic Calming Policy 2019 Update An update was not available at the meeting. This item will be moved to a future meeting. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE UPDATE 9. ROUNDTABLE Members shared ideas and project updates on relevant transportation issues. Councillor Yousef noted that there will be a new Staff Liaison for the Transportation Advisory Committee at the next meeting. The Committee discussed the new R3 Lougheed Highway RapidBus and the improved level of service for transit users in Maple Ridge but shared concerns about a deficit of public parking available for commuters. R/2020-008 It was moved and seconded That the Transportation Advisory Committee send a letter of support to Council for expansion of affordable parking in the downtown core in efforts to increase the use of public transportation. CARRIED R/2020-009 It was moved and seconded That the structure of future Transportation Advisory Committee meeting agendas be revised to move Question Period to after the Roundtable discussion. CARRIED 10. ADJOURNMENT – 9:00 pm. Vijay Soparkar, Chair /em Active Transportation for Schools Task Force Proposal The Active Transportation for Schools Task Force proposes to explore how the TAC can promote active transportation of students at elementary schools in Maple Ridge. There are many benefits for society when people participate in active transportation. Some of these include improved air quality , community engagement, safety and health. Research shows that children who are active are generally healthier. One way to accomplish the goal of having more active children is to have children actively transporting themselves to and from school. Specifically for children, active transportation promotes good cardio and bone development, increased alertness and attention, better sleep, and less anxiety and depression which all leads to improved school performance. Children also experience a greater opportunity to foster friendships, a better understanding of their local area which in turn gives them an increased sense of belonging. Over the long term, reduced vehicle emissions and improved air quality will result in a lower risk of lung and cardiovascular disease. Active transportation is a lifestyle choice and when children are exposed to and encouraged to actively transport themselves at an early age, they can have great influence on how future generations, as well as their own parents, choose to move about the community. The Maple Ridge Transportation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference states the TAC committee’s role is to promote active transportation in our community and to make recommendations to council, regarding transportation initiatives proposed by other governments or agencies. This task force will explore, in partnership with the Maple Ridge School district, what part the TAC can play in promoting children in Maple Ridge actively transporting themselves to school. Parameters: There will need to be a minimum of 3 people from the current TAC, on the task force, in order to initiate this project. The Task Force will: 1.Study and discuss existing toolkits and programs, which are available to facilitate active transportation and school trip planning. 2.Engage with the Maple Ridge School District Superintendent to discuss the task force’s involvement in promoting active transportation in the schools and to request permission to do so. If permission is given, the task force will decide how to best initiate contact with schools and then consult with individual schools to determine the programs that are currently in place, as well as assess their level of interest in participating in the promotion of active transportation in the school. Outcomes: The task force will create a report for presentation to the TAC. A discussion by the TAC will follow, to decide whether forming a subcommittee, based on the task force findings, would be recommended to move the project forward. The subcommittee would be the work of the subsequent TAC. Timeline: March 25,2020-December 31,2020 Funding: There is no anticipation of funding required for the set up of the task force at this time. Members: The task force will be interested members from the TAC, however, the task force reserves the right to invite resource people to meetings to confer/advise on various topics related to the project.