HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAC 2023-06-28 Agenda - City of Maple Ridge TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA – REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 7:00 pm Meeting Access Information Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings are held in a hybrid format. Members of the TAC and the public are asked to join the meeting in-person in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall or remotely using the following access information: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/89231846092 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 892 3184 6092 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. Land Acknowledgement 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – May 10, 2023 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1. ICBC Road Safety Update – Kate Woochuk 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. School Safety Initiative Program 5.2. Strategic Transportation Plan Update 6. LIAISON UPDATES 6.1. Staff Liaison 6.2. Council Liaison 6.3. SD42 Liaison 7. QUESTION PERIOD FOR THE PUBLIC 8. ROUNDTABLE 9. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: September 27, 2023 Agenda Submission Deadline: September 13, 2023 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes May 10, 2023 The Minutes of the Regular Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting held via Zoom teleconference and hosted in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall on May 10, 2023 at 7:00pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Jenny Tan Council Liaison Jerry Kok, Chair Member at Large Ashley van der Pouw Kraan Member at Large Charles Glover Member at Large Trish Coft Member at Large Elaine Yamamoto School District No. 42 Board Trustee (Alternate) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Forrest Smith Director of Engineering Mark Halpin Staff Liaison, Manager of Transportation Krista Gowan Planner 2 Arsh Dhillon Committee Clerk ABSENT Chris O’Brian, Vice Chair Member at Large 1.CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm 1.1. Land Acknowledgment J. Kok, Chair, called the meeting to order and provided the land acknowledgment. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2023-TAC-008 It was moved and seconded That the May 10, 2023 Transportation Advisory Committee agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3.ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2023-TAC-009 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Transportation Advisory Committee meeting dated February 22, 2023 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.DELEGATIONS – NIL 3.0 mapleridge.ca Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes May 10, 2023 Page 2 of 2 5.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. Maple Ridge and Metro Vancouver – Transportation Overview M. Halpin, Staff Liaison, provided an overview presentation on Maple Ridge and Metro Vancouver. Topics included: transportation authority for municipalities, Transportation Association of Canada, and the regional planning of Metro Vancouver. 5.2. Off-Street Parking Bylaw Update – Krista Gowan, Planner 2 K. Gowan, Planner 2, presented on the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. Topics included: the importance of parking, parking in Maple Ridge, on-street parking, municipal property off- street parking, private property off-street parking, and an overview of the current and proposed Off-Street Parking Bylaw. Committee members participated in an activity to provide feedback on the Off-Street Parking Bylaw. 6.LIAISON UPDATES – NIL 7.QUESTION PERIOD FOR THE PUBLIC – NIL 8.ROUNDTABLE – NIL R/2023-TAC-010 It was moved and seconded That the Committee Clerk schedule a Special Meeting in the near future to allow the Transportation Advisory Committee to complete the Off-Street Parking Bylaw Update and Activity. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9.ADJOURNMENT – 9:03 pm Jerry Kok, Chair /ad 5.1 SCHOOL SAFETY INITIATIVE • TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2023-06-28 Agenda 1.Project Details 2.Existing Conditions a)Programs b)Planning c)Projects 3.Short Term Solutions a)Traffic Signals b)Pedestrian Crosswalks c)School Zones d)Speed Management Project Details The School Safety Initiative Program was identified as part of the TAC 2023 Work Plan. Projec Deta i s Project Details The School Safety Initiative Program was identified as part of the TAC 2023 Work Plan. School Safety comprises Education, Enforcement and Engineering. This program mainly focuses on short-term Engineering solutions. Projec Deta i s Project Details The School Safety Initiative Program was identified as part of the TAC 2023 Work Plan. School Safety comprises Education, Enforcement and Engineering. This program mainly focuses on short-term Engineering solutions. Staff would like your feedback today to develop a plan to address School Safety items in the short term. Longer term engineering improvement items to improve School Safety will be identified through the Strategic Transportation Plan and funded through the Financial Capital Planning process. Projec Deta i s Existing Conditions –Programs •Drive to 5 Program Consists of a collaboration with local school to identify walking connections within a 5 minute walk to school. A map is produced that identifies walking infrastructure and corresponding locations for parents to pick-up children within that area. The school distributes this map alongside as part of an education pamphlet to Parents at the school. ,: Parenttan <f!Caregiver• ,: lmponanl memo on Part.ing lo! Safety and Routine, 11 Maple RIIIQ9 Elemenlary JtrkiMuesll.fflMldi!g Maple l'I~ Elementary are a .. retyconeem toll. ManyolOUf parelltl/guan:lianaand set lghbot-. 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FIRE LAUE -11 0 PABISIUG Th" la J,11remarodearloremergencyvehoc:le111altme1.liow"ever ,w11repermlnedto11Hlllordrop-ol'l'f2!iil. Plea,e >Tp,ai1.)'0Ul"earln&hillaneatanybme Vou1raupaeledtopY1baaldelhll curbandQUkklydro!)-off)'OUl"child. 11111e do NOT pllt in lt1e drop-olr .:one and do N OT atop In the dffie-lhrough lane 1yol M11pleAldge Hlq h wayand Traffie8ylaw tlo.67G4 -2009: e Ccy ol Maple l'liclge bylaw atotea In Plrt. 1h11 no vehlda allall blod, • driveway or 119rll wilhrl 3 metert 011 drivew !ale be conti<lerate of the neighbour■. They need to be able lo come and go ulefy 100. ~ The by-laws departn I be iltuin9 li'IHIO ln)'One who II in riolallon ol lheN by.ll'n, ~hw•y and Tr•M,c Byl•w Jl .1 - ,Oriveway-inlron1oforwill'lin3metreao11public«priv1tedn'Yew•y. kltenection-in o,wilflin6me1resolthe app,oa,ct, «la,ticleolan intefSecbOn, •Keep! 11 permined bya u;in ,Hydrant-~ Smola are hydrant meaaure(I from I poinlln fie eurb«edgeollhll roadw,ywhlch;. doseslto l th)'dran!IOlhenearestwheelollhevehic:le ,Cro.1""11l.-onacron .... ._o,Wllhal6111etJHoflheapproact,IIOeof1ct011WII• 'AOUJionlobtlPl!ttRIMIUillltr ConudetparllinQ .. ay from the ld'lool llndwal.'"'iJ )'IM"child IOKhoot Thent la I p11hwaylhat90tt lrom 2: Street to the back olthe 1chool II wel aa fie 119flway on the nonh aide of Khoo4 off of Gr1y SU"eet. Thlldrivelwoughlaneiltorclropo•andpie11>P,PIHNdonotbiod;!hlldrlvethroughlane Enlurealpede$trian'1wef'ledesignatedeio....-a11t.. DonotblocklhaeronwaAWl1hyowvehlcle Donotletcllildrenoutonlheclrrtef'1(tral'k)..:leoftrlevehic:le ~~.,..!lremembeflOtolowlhese guidelinea, pod< Ut)efficaeneylnd, m09limponantty, lhe lale-tyofour children w Existing Conditions –Programs •Bike to School Ride the Road Program The City in partnership with a non- profit HUB Cycling provides a two-day education course to public elementary schools to instruct students on how to safely ride a bicycle in all types of conditions. This program is focused on grades 6/7. Existing Conditions –Programs •Pedestrian Crossing Assessments Pedestrian crossing assessments are completed in accordance with industry best practices outlined by the Transportation Association of Canada 2018 Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide. Approximately 20 to 30 pedestrian crossings are assessed each year for potential upgrades. Existing Conditions –Planning •Draft Strategic Transportation Plan The City has developed a draft strategic transportation plan that focuses on improved active infrastructure to schools and community centres This plan identifies significant investment in walkable connected communities. Existing Conditions –Planning •Draft Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan The Lougheed Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP) is currently at 1st reading for an amendment to the Official Community Plan. This area plan identifies a walkable complete community including enhanced connections to nearby schools. Existing Conditions –Projects •Active Transportation Projects Underway •Hammond Road Active Transportation Upgrade (Tender) •Thorne Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Concept Design) •117 Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Substantial Completion) •Fern Crescent Active Transportation Upgrade (Construction) •Steeves Street /118 Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Tender upcoming) •Highway 7 Active Transportation Upgrade (Detailed design) •123 Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Detailed design) •121 Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Project Initiation Fall 2023) •124 Avenue Active Transportation Upgrade (Detailed Design) •Kanaka Way Active Transportation Upgrade (Detailed Design) •Lougheed Hwy Active Transportation Upgrade (Project Initiation Winter 2023) Future Planning –Projects Future Planning for Projects will consist of the following: •Recommendations in the STP •Pedestrian Crossing Assessment Recommendations •Coordination with Development & Utility Projects Short Term Solutions, Toolbox Approach Items for Consideration Traffic Signals •Leading Pedestrian Intervals •Lighting Upgrades •Full Signalization (warrant based) Pedestrian Crosswalks •Upgraded signs •Crossing Ahead Signs •Curb extensions (temporary or, permanent) •Lighting upgrades •Upgrade to existing crosswalks (warrant based) •Improved sight lines (parking and or, shrub removal) School Zones •Upgrade signage •School zone ends signs •Pavement stencils •Curbside parking regulations •Drive to 5 supplemental signs •Turning restrictions Speed Management •Speed reader board installations •Improved signage •Speed Watch •Requests for Enforcement to the RCMP Road Safety Target Team SSI: Items for Consideration •Leading Pedestrian Intervals •Street Light Upgrades •Full Signalization (warrant based) Not Interested Explore Potential High Value Traffic Signal Options Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) • Activate ped signal 3-7 seconds prior to green light SSI: Items for Consideration •Upgraded signs •Crossing Ahead Signs •Curb extensions (temporary or, permanent) •Lighting upgrades •Upgrade to existing crosswalks (warrant based) •Improved sight lines (parking and or, shrub removal) Not Interested Explore Potential High Value Pedestrian Crosswalk Options SSI: Items for Consideration •Upgrade signage •School zone ends signs •Pavement stencils •Curbside parking regulations •Drive to 5 supplemental signs •Turning restrictions Not Interested Explore Potential High Value School Zone Options SSI: Items for Consideration •Speed reader board installations •Improved signage •Speed Watch •Requests for Enforcement to the RCMP Road Safety Target Team Not Interested Explore Potential High Value Speed Management Next Steps 1.Staff will develop an implementation plan for improvements over the summer/fall of 2023 2.A report of initiated and upcoming actions will be presented at the September 27, 2023 TAC Meeting.