HomeMy WebLinkAboutAFC 2015-03-16 Agenda.pdfCityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge
Audit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance Committee
March 16March 16March 16March 16, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015
8888:00 A:00 A:00 A:00 AMMMM
Blaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney RoomBlaney Room
ChairpersonChairpersonChairpersonChairperson (Acting)(Acting)(Acting)(Acting):::: Mayor Read
Committee Members:Committee Members:Committee Members:Committee Members: Councillors: C. Bell; R. Masse; T. Shymkiw
Staff:Staff:Staff:Staff: Chief Administrative Officer: J. Rule
GM – Corporate & Financial Svc: P. Gill
GM – Public Works & Development F. Quinn
GM – Community Dev. Park & Rec K. Swift
Manager of Accounting: C. Nolan
Manager of Financial Planning T. Thompson
Manager Sustainability & Corporate Planning L. Benson
Recording Secretary:Recording Secretary:Recording Secretary:Recording Secretary: Amanda Gaunt
AGENDAAGENDAAGENDAAGENDA Approval ofApproval ofApproval ofApproval of aaaagendagendagendagenda Approval of Approval of Approval of Approval of mmmminutes of inutes of inutes of inutes of February 2, February 2, February 2, February 2, 2015201520152015 Preliminary Year End Update (General Revenue)Preliminary Year End Update (General Revenue)Preliminary Year End Update (General Revenue)Preliminary Year End Update (General Revenue) Fiscal Impact ModelFiscal Impact ModelFiscal Impact ModelFiscal Impact Model (Presentation) Financial Overview ReportFinancial Overview ReportFinancial Overview ReportFinancial Overview Report (Report to be distributed separately) Next MeetingNext MeetingNext MeetingNext Meeting
• May 4, 2015
“original signed by Catherine Nolan”
Agenda submitted by: C. Nolan, CPA, CGA
Manager of Accounting
CityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge
Audit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance CommitteeAudit & Finance Committee Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMeeting Minutes
February 2, 2015
The Minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting held in the Blaney Room of
the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC on Monday, February 2,
2015 at 9:00 a.m.
Committee MembersCommittee MembersCommittee MembersCommittee Members Municipal StaffMunicipal StaffMunicipal StaffMunicipal Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Mayor Read P. Gill, General Manager, Corporate & Financial Services
Councillor Bell F. Quinn, General Manager of Public Works and Development
Councillor Masse, Chair K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Parks
Councillor Shymkiw and Recreation Services
C. Nolan, Manager of Accounting
GUESTSGUESTSGUESTSGUESTS T. Thompson, Manager of Financial Planning
Councillor Speirs L. Benson, Manager of Sustainability and Corporate
B. Cox, BDO (External Planning
Auditor) A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m.
1. Approval of agendaApproval of agendaApproval of agendaApproval of agenda
be approved as circulated
2. Approval of minutes of January 19, 2015Approval of minutes of January 19, 2015Approval of minutes of January 19, 2015Approval of minutes of January 19, 2015
of January 19, 2014 be approved.
Audit & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
February 2, 2015
Page 2
3. Adopt Amended Terms of ReferenceAdopt Amended Terms of ReferenceAdopt Amended Terms of ReferenceAdopt Amended Terms of Reference
Finance Committee Terms of Reference be forwarded to the next appropriate
Council Meeting for adoption.
4. 2014 Audit Update2014 Audit Update2014 Audit Update2014 Audit Update
Overview of 2014 audit by external auditor
The auditor reviewed the planning letter dated January 21, 2015 titled “Audit of
the Consolidated Financial Statements of the City of Maple Ridge for the year
ended December 31, 2014.”
5. Other businessOther businessOther businessOther business
Councillor Bell recommended that a resolution requesting an increase of
monies allocated to cities by the Provincial Government be forwarded to the
Lower Mainland Local Government Association.
6. Next MeetingNext MeetingNext MeetingNext Meeting
March 16, 2015
AdjAdjAdjAdjournmentournmentournmentournment –––– 9:53 a.m.9:53 a.m.9:53 a.m.9:53 a.m.
B. Masse, Chair
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CityCityCityCity of Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridgeof Maple Ridge
and Members of Council FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:FILE NO:
FROM:FROM:FROM:FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING:MEETING:MEETING:MEETING: Audit & Finance
SUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECTSUBJECT: Preliminary 2014 Year-End Update (General Revenue Fund)
The 2014 Consolidated Financial Statements are being drafted and will be finalized following the
completion of the annual audit. The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary update on results
in the General Revenue Fund.
Overall, results for 2014 were positive. Revenues for the year were $134.6 million; expenses and
transfers to reserves totaled $134 million. Preliminary results indicate we will have a General
Revenue annual surplus of $627,607 after providing for projects planned for 2014 that will proceed in
2015 and various Council identified priorities.
Key variances contributing to the overall positive results include investment returns and building
permit revenues in excess of financial plan targets. On the expense side, we realized savings from the
RCMP contract and careful cost containment. Included in expenses are the retroactive effects of the
contract settlement with CUPE.
A detailed review of the Consolidated Financial Statements will be provided in April once the
statements are finalized.
None required. For information only.None required. For information only.None required. For information only.None required. For information only.
The Financial PlanFinancial PlanFinancial PlanFinancial Plan (budget) and the Financial Statements Financial Statements Financial Statements Financial Statements are two of the most important documents
produced by a municipality in a year. There are fundamental differences between the two documents
that are important to understand and the following provides an overview of each.
The Financial Plan Financial Plan Financial Plan Financial Plan sets out all the planned uses of funds in a year and identifies the sources of those
funds. Planned usesusesusesuses include expenditures for our day-to-day operating activities, transfers to reserves
and investments in the infrastructure we use to provide services to the residents of Maple Ridge.
Planned sourcessourcessourcessources include property taxes, revenues from user fees, grants from other levels of
government, investment income and transfers from reserves. The Community Charter requires that
the total of proposed expenditures and transfers to reserves must not exceed the total of proposed
revenues and transfers from reserves. The result is a “balanced budget” where planned inflows of
funding are equal to the planned outflows. In simple terms, the financial plan looks forward to the next
five years and answers the question: “what are we going to do over the next five years, and how are we
going to pay for it?”
I ~■
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The Financial StatementsFinancial StatementsFinancial StatementsFinancial Statements compare our actual financial performance in a year against the activities in
the Financial Plan. The Community Charter requires our financial statements to be prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local governments. In Canada, those
accounting principles are set by the Public Sector Accounting Board. The goal of the financial
statements is to look back at the year just ended and answer the question: “what was our financial
condition at the end of the year?”
The different objectives of the Financial Plan and the Financial Statements can easily result in
confusion when trying to compare the two documents. For example, the Financial Plan treats transfers
to and from reserves as transactions, while the Financial Statements, at the consolidated level, ignore
transfers as they take place within the corporate entity. It’s important to keep those differing
objectives in mind as we begin to look at financial results for 2014.
General Revenue UpdateGeneral Revenue UpdateGeneral Revenue UpdateGeneral Revenue Update
Local government operations are extremely diverse; our business includes everything from the
provision of water, maintaining the infrastructure we use to provide services which includes activities
such as repaving our roads, developing the plans that will guide our community’s growth, fire
protection services and providing swimming lessons. All of these business streams have different
resource demands and while some are supported by day-to-day operations, others require long-term
planning to ensure we are positioned to meet the demands of a growing community and that we build
our capacity to maintain an ever growing inventory of infrastructure. Tools, such as our reserves, the
General Revenue Fund and the Sewer and Water Utilities help us manage both the short and long-term
demands of our business. This report will focus on operations in the General Revenue Fund as this is
the area where Council has the most discretion and it is the planned transactions in this fund that
drive property tax rates.
Overall, 2014 results are positive and are shown in Appendix 1. Revenues for the year totaled $134.6
million; expenses and transfers to reserves totaled $134 million. Included in expenses are the
retroactive effects of the contract settlement with CUPE. While these results are preliminary, they
indicate we will end the year with a general revenue surplus of $627,607 after providing for various
items noted in the following section. Some key favorable variances to budget were realized from the
following sources:
Investment income $500,000
Building permits 300,000
Recreation user fees (net of shortfall in Leisure Centre) 500,000
RCMP contract $2,230,000
Plans and studies 820,000
Town Centre Investment Incentive Program 905,700
Facility maintenance / infrastructure costs 250,000
Protective services 403,000
Minor capital 1,432,760
Many of the savings on the expense side are transferred to reserves at the end of the year as they
relate to projects in progress.
YearYearYearYear----end Provisionsend Provisionsend Provisionsend Provisions
Council has established various reserves to help manage fluctuations in certain key revenue and
expense accounts. One of these reserves is the Police Services Reserve, which was established to
assist with various policing issues. Council has an established practice of transferring a portion of
savings from the RCMP contract to the reserve each year. This practice has allowed us to manage the
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cost impact of work needed when RCMP building standards change or when retroactive provisions are
anticipated. In 2014 100% of contract savings totaling $2.23 million were transferred to the reserve.
This positive variance is the result of vacancies in excess of previous experience. As well, a number of
items related to the RCMP contract have not been finalized. The recently released report on RCMP pay
also implies that increased costs may be on the horizon. The Police Services Reserve will assist us in
managing these obligations.
The Building Inspection Reserve is another example of a reserve established to help the city manage
the impact of fluctuations in a particular revenue stream, in this case building permit revenues. In
years where building permit revenues miss financial plan targets we can mitigate the impact of that
shortfall by transferring monies from the reserve in order to sustain service levels in the short term. In
years where revenues exceed financial plan targets we can transfer a portion of the favorable
revenues to the reserve in order to maintain a balance of approximately one year of revenue. For the
past number of years the city has experienced some volatility in building permit revenues with
revenues falling short of financial plan targets in two of the past five years. In 2014, revenues
exceeded financial plan targets by approximately $300,000. This amount was transferred to the
Building Inspection Reserve. This will assist us in funding the additional positons authorized for Public
Works and Development Services
As part of our year-end processes for 2014 we looked to Council identified priorities that required
funding support. The following items have been provided for:
Economic Development Restructure $165,000
Mayor’s Task Forces 125,000
Pedestrian Safety 350,000
Branding 55,000
Council Chamber Furnishings 17,500
Final results for 2014 will be available following the completion of the audit. In the interim this report
provided an overview of fiscal performance in the General Revenue Fund for the year. Preliminary
results indicate the General Revenue accumulated surplus will increase by $627,607 after providing
for some key initiatives as part of the year-end process.
“Original signed by Catherine Nolan”
Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA
Manager of Accounting
“Original signed by Paul Gill”
Approved by: Paul Gill, CPA, CGA
GM, Corporate and Financial Services
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Appendix AAppendix AAppendix AAppendix A
Taxes and grants in lieu 70,359,716-
Fees & Other Charges 16,534,126-
Investment income 1,636,250-
Proceeds and Gains 1,471-
Government Transfers 1,568,536-
Gaming revenues 1,056,051-
Equipment 3,233,939-
DCC & Other Contributed Revenue 582,743-
Collections for others 39,642,247-
Total RevenueTotal RevenueTotal RevenueTotal Revenue 134,615,079134,615,079134,615,079134,615,079- - - -
Expenses (excluding amortization)Expenses (excluding amortization)Expenses (excluding amortization)Expenses (excluding amortization)
General Government 12,999,752
Protective Services 30,880,209
Transportation 9,001,343
Planning; Public Health & Other 5,374,045
Recreation 19,574,900
Principal Payments 2,673,389
Collections for Others 39,642,247
Total ExpensesTotal ExpensesTotal ExpensesTotal Expenses 120,145,885120,145,885120,145,885120,145,885
Transfers to/from own reserves 7,526,825
Transfers to reserve funds 4,239,495
Transfers to GCF (fund inventory change) 20,174-
Transfers to Capital (Capital Program) 1,891,630
Interest transferred to reserve accounts 203,812
Net TransfersNet TransfersNet TransfersNet Transfers 13,841,58713,841,58713,841,58713,841,587
General Revenue Annual Surplus (Preliminary)General Revenue Annual Surplus (Preliminary)General Revenue Annual Surplus (Preliminary)General Revenue Annual Surplus (Preliminary) 627,607627,607627,607627,607- - - -
General Revenue Accumulated Surplus - beginning of year 6,895,061-
General Revenue Accumulated Surplus - end of yearGeneral Revenue Accumulated Surplus - end of yearGeneral Revenue Accumulated Surplus - end of yearGeneral Revenue Accumulated Surplus - end of year 7,522,6687,522,6687,522,6687,522,668- - - -
General Revenue Fund Analysis General Revenue Fund Analysis General Revenue Fund Analysis General Revenue Fund Analysis
For the year ended December 31, 2014