HomeMy WebLinkAboutAFC 2024-01-23 Agenda Packet.pdfCity of Maple Ridge
Audit & Finance Committee
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 9:30 am
Meeting Access Information
Audit & Finance Committee (AFC) meetings are held in a hybrid format. Members of the AFC and the
public can join the meeting in-person in the Blaney room at Maple Ridge City Hall or remotely using
the following access information:
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone
Or join the meeting using your phone
Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 861 7212 1594
1.1. Land Acknowledgment
3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES – July 11, 2023
5.1. Auditor Planning Report for 2023
THAT, pursuant Section 90 of the Community Charter, this portion of the meeting be closed to
the public as the subject matter being considered relates to the following:
• 90(1)(l) – Discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal
objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report
under section 98 [annual municipal report].
AND, any other matter that may be brought before the Committee of Council that meets the
requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant of Section 90 of the Community
Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Next Meeting: To be determined
Agenda Submission Deadline: To be determined
Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on
subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak.
Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period.
City of Maple Ridge
Audit & Finance Committee
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Audit & Finance Committee held in the Blaney Room, City Hall on July 11, 2023 at 5:03 pm
Mayor Ruimy
Councillor Korleen Carreras, Chair
Councillor Jenny Tan
Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer
Trevor Thompson Director of Finance
Catherine Nolan Deputy Director of Finance
CK Lee Manager of Financial Planning
Arsh Dhillon Committee Clerk
1.CALL TO ORDER – 5:03 pm
1.1. Land Acknowledgment
Councillor C. Carreras, Chair, called the meeting to order and provided the land
It was moved and seconded
That the agenda for the July 11, 2023 Audit & Finance Committee Meeting be approved as
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the April 25, 2023 Audit & Finance Committee Meeting be adopted as
Audit & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes July 11, 2023
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5.1. Permissive Tax Exemption Policy Review
C.Nolan, Deputy Director of Finance, presented on the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy. Topics
included: statutory exemptions, permissive exemptions, current policy directions, 2023
recipients, 2023 fiscal impact, and process. Staff answered questions from Council.
It was moved and seconded
That the Audit & Finance Committee confirm the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy Framework
as outlined in Policy numbers 5.16, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22, and 5.23.
5.2. Financial Policy Review
C. Nolan, Deputy Director of Finance, presented a financial policy review. Topics included: Policy
No. 5.52 – Financial Sustainability Plan, Policy No. 5.55 – Gaming Revenue, Policy No. 5.11 –
City Lands Disposition Proceeds, Policy No. 5.35 – Expense Policy for Council, Employees, &
Other, Policy No. 5.44 – Investment of Municipal Funds. Staff answered questions from Council.
It was moved and seconded
That the Audit & Finance Committee confirm the scope of work and direction of the financial
policy review.
5.3. Investment Overview
T.Thompson, Director of Finance, presented an investment overview. Topics included:
investments, legislation, investment policy, yield curve, and next steps. Staff answered
questions from Council.
It was moved and seconded
THAT, pursuant Section 90 of the Community Charter, this portion of the meeting be closed to
the public as the subject matter being considered relates to the following:
•90(1)(l) – Discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal
objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual
report under Section 98 [annual municipal report].
AND, any other matter that may be brought before the Committee of Council that meets the
requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant of Section 90 of the Community
Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Audit & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes July 11, 2023
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Councillor Korleen Carreras, Chair
City of Maple Ridge
Audit planning report to the Audit and Finance
Committee for the year ended December 31,
To the Audit and Finance Committee of City of Maple Ridge
For the year ended December 31, 2023
We are pleased to provide you with this planning report to highlight and explain key issues which we believe to be relevant to the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the City of Maple Ridge (the “City ”) for the year ended December 31, 2023 .
The enclosed planning report includes our approach to your audit, the significant risks we have identified and the terms of our engagement. At the year-end meeting, we will provide you with a copy of our draft audit opinion and discuss the nature, extent and results of our audit
work. We will also communicate any significant internal control deficiencies identified during our audit and reconfirm our independence.
Our audit and therefore this communication will not necessarily identify all matters that may be of interest to the Audit and Finance
Committee and the Mayor and Council in fulfilling its responsibilities. This communication has been prepared solely for the use of the Audit and Finance Committee and the Mayor and Council and should not be distributed without our prior consent. Consequently, we accept no responsibility to a third party that uses this communication.
We look forward to completing our draft audit report opinion and discussing our conclusions with you. In the meantime, please feel free to
contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Yours truly,
BDO Canada LLP
January 9, 2024
2 | City of Maple Ridge
Yours truly
Table of Contents
Audit at a glance
Brian Szabo
E: bszabo@bdo.ca
T: +1 (604) 818-7029
START DATE November 20, 2023
For the year ended December 31, 2023
Your dedicated BDO audit team1 4
Audit timeline2 5
Auditor's responsibilities3 6
Significant risks and planned responses4 9
Planned scope5 12
How we audit financial statements6 14
Our audit approach7 16
BDO’s digital audit suite8 17
Recommended resources9 19
Appendices10 23
Your dedicated BDO audit team
Brian Szabo , CPA, CA
T: +1 (604) 818-7029
E: bszabo@bdo.ca
Brian Szabo has over 30 years of audit
experience, working with various
Brian Szabo will be the Engagement
Partner for your assurance services. He
will assume ultimate responsibility for
the provision of all services, monitoring
and controlling costs to ensure you
receive quality, effective and value-
added service.
Marjorie Mercado , CPA, CA
T: +1 (604) 646-6513
E: mmercado@bdo.ca
Marjorie Mercado has over 10 years of
audit experience in public practice and
works with not-for-profit, public sector,
and private company clients.
Marjorie Mercado will be the
Engagement Manager for your assurance
services. She will be responsible for the
supervision and detailed review of work
performed by engagement staff
members, as well as ensuring the
execution of the audit engagement is
performed at a high standard.
Mario Piroddi, CPA, CA, CISA
T: +1 (250) 372-9505
E: mpiroddi@bdo.ca
Mario Piroddi has over 20 years of
experience in general accounting, audit
and information audits. He is the leader
for the Local Government Group in BC.
Mario’s focus in his practice is in public
sector and has in-depth understanding of
the unique scrutiny that public sector
organization face.
Mario will be the Quality Review Partner
and be a resource for the audit team for
technical accounting issues.
Our independence
We have complied with relevant ethical
requirements and are not aware of any relationships between City of Maple Ridge and our Firm that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
4 | City of Maple Ridge
Back to contents
Audit timeline
Planning and interim
November 20-24
Present audit planning
communication and agreed
upon fees
January 2024
Final audit fieldwork
March 18 –28
Clearance meeting with Management and BDO
Mid April 2024
Present final communication to Audit and
Finance Committee
Early May 2024
Release of audit report
After approval of the consolidated financial
statements by Mayor and Council –Anticipated to be early May 2024
APT Next Gen
We use our APT Next Gen
software and documentation tool to save time, streamline processes, and go paperless
with your audit.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
5 | City of Maple Ridge
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Auditor’s responsibilities: financial statements
We are responsible for forming and expressing an opinion on the consolidated financial
statements that have been prepared by management, with oversight by those charged with
governance. The audit of the consolidated financial statements does not relieve
management or those charged with governance of their responsibilities. The scope of our
work, as outlined in our engagement letter dated November 21, 2023, is set out below:
Year-End Audit Work
Work with management towards the timely issuance of the consolidated financial
Provide timely and constructive management letters. This will include deficiencies in
internal control identified during our audit.
Present significant findings to the Mayor and Council including key audit and accounting
issues, any significant deficiencies in internal control and any other significant matters
arising from our work.
We are required to obtain an understanding of the system of internal control in
place in order to consider the adequacy of these controls as a basis for the
preparation of the consolidated financial statements, to determine whether
adequate accounting records have been maintained and to assess the adequacy
of these controls and records as a basis upon which to design and undertake our
audit testing.
We are required to report to you in writing about any significant deficiencies in internal
control that we have identified during the audit.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
6 | City of Maple Ridge
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Auditor’s responsibilities: fraud
We are responsible for planning and performing the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free
of material misstatements, whether caused by error or fraud, by:
Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement due to fraud;
Obtaining sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the assessed risks of material misstatement due to fraud, through designing
and implementing appropriate responses; and
Responding appropriately to fraud or suspected fraud identified during the audit.
The likelihood of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than the likelihood of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from error because fraud may involve collusion as well as sophisticated and carefully organized schemes designed to
conceal it.
Behind the audit report
Learn how we audit your
financial statements
For the year ended December 31, 2023
7 | City of Maple Ridge
Auditor’s responsibilities: fraud
Throughout our planning process, we performed risk assessment procedures and related activities to obtain an understanding of the entity
and its environment, including the City ’s internal control, to obtain information for use in identifying the risks of material misstatement
due to fraud and made inquiries of management regarding:
Management’s assessment of the risk that the consolidated financial statements may be materially misstated due to fraud, including the
nature, extent and frequency of such assessments;
Management’s process for identifying and responding to the risks of fraud in the City , including any specific risks of fraud that
management has identified or that have been brought to its attention, or classes of transactions, account balances, or disclosures for
which a risk of fraud is likely to exist;
Management’s communication, if any, to those charged with governance regarding its processes for identifying and responding to the
risks of fraud in City of Maple Ridge; and
Management’s communication, if any, to employees regarding its view on business practices and ethical behavior.
We are not currently aware of any fraud affecting the City. We request Audit and Finance Committee, Council and management to advise us
of any changes in business processes that may indicate an increased risk of fraud, or if any actual or suspected fraud is identified so that we
may consider the impacts, if any, to our audit.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
8 | City of Maple Ridge
Significant risks and planned responses
We have identified the following significant risks that require special audit consideration. These risks were identified based on our knowledge of the City , our past experience, and input from management and the Mayor and Council . Please review these significant risks and let us know your thoughts on these or any other areas of concern.
Financial statement areas Risks noted Audit approach
Management Override of Internal Controls
(Mandatory audit consideration -Significant Risk)
Management is generally in a unique position to perpetrate
fraud because of management’s ability to directly or
indirectly manipulate accounting records and prepare
fraudulent financial statements by overriding controls that
otherwise appear to be operating effectively.
It should be noted that this risk is not specific to the City and
it is mandatory to consider management override of internal
controls as a significant risk in every audit engagement.
Review of transactions recorded in various ledgers for
unusual, non-recurring adjustments that are not addressed
by other audit procedures.
Test the appropriateness of key estimates, and any
adjustments made in the preparation of the consolidated
financial statements.
Risk of Fraudulent Revenue Recognition
(Mandatory audit consideration –Rebuttable risk)
Recognition of Grant & Government Transfer Revenue
Under Canadian auditing standards, we are required to
consider whether there is a risk of material misstatement
due to fraudulent revenue recognition in all audits. Based on
our understanding of the City’s significant revenue streams,
we have rebutted this risk.
Nevertheless, accounting standards relating to grant and
government transfer revenue recognition are complex and
open to variation in application. There is a risk that grants or
revenue derived from other government transfers may be
incorrectly deferred into future periods or recognized prior
to stipulations being met.
Review of funding agreements, with a focus on key terms
related to revenue recognition criteria, including total
funding amounts, eligibility criteria, stipulations and
potential repayment.
Verify a sample of grant fund receipts to the bank statement
and supporting payment notification from the funder.
Expenditures incurred for projects funded by arrangements
that include stipulations will also be reviewed to ensure
those expenditures meet the requirements of the funding
Review other revenue streams to ensure they are recorded in
accordance with revenue recognition standards.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
9 | City of Maple Ridge
Back to contents
Significant risks and planned responses
Financial statement areas Risks noted Audit approach
Development Revenue and Development cost charges
(Elevated risk)
As with all municipalities, collection and use of DCCs is a
complex area requiring an element of judgement in
determining whether a project or expense is eligible for DCC
funding. There is a risk that the DCC’s have not been
recognized as revenue in alignment with when the resources
are used for the purposes specified.
We will discuss with management how DCCs are tracked and
that all have been accounted for. We will test significant DCC
collections and vouch to supporting documentation for
completeness, existence and accuracy.
Employee Future Benefits
(Elevated risk)
This is a complex accounting area that requires much
estimation and reliance on actuarial experts.
There is a risk that current year estimated obligation is
under/overstated due to significant judgment, assumptions,
and estimation uncertainty in determining the obligation.
We will review the actuarial report and audit significant
We will directly communicate with the external actuary (HUB
We will test the data provided to the actuary for accuracy
and completeness as it drives the actuarial calculations.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
10 | City of Maple Ridge
Significant risks and planned responses
Financial statement areas Risks noted Audit approach
Adoption of PS 3280 –Asset Retirement Obligation
(Elevated risk)
-Asbestos in buildings
-Leased buildings
-Contingent liabilities with partnership arrangements
-Closed landfills
-Newly acquired buildings being demolished
PS 3280 Asset Retirement Obligations will be implemented by
the Municipality for the current fiscal year. The standard
requires significant estimation and recording of a liability for
future expenditures relating to legal liabilities associated
with the retirement of tangible capital assets as of the date
of acquisition/construction.
PS 3280 Asset Retirement Obligations will be implemented by
the Municipality for the current fiscal year. The standard
requires significant estimation and recording of a liability for
future expenditures relating to legal liabilities associated
with the retirement of tangible capital assets as of the date
of acquisition/construction.
Adoption of PS 3450 –Financial Instruments
(Elevated risk)
PS 3450 Financial Instruments is effective for the
Municipality’s current fiscal year.
This Section establishes standards on how to account for and
report all types of financial instruments. Financial
instruments include receivables, payables and equity
instruments, and derivative financial instruments such as
financial options, futures and forwards, interest rate swaps
and currency swaps.
We will review management’s process of identifying and
measuring financial instruments.
We will review the notes to the financial statements to
ensure appropriate disclosure of financial instruments as
required under accounting standards.
As the City’s portfolio investments were previously recorded
at amortized cost and amounts were consistent with fair
market value, there is not expected to be any material
financial impact.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
11 | City of Maple Ridge
We determined preliminary group materiality to be $23.5 million based on 2% of prior year’s Tangible Capital Assets .
Misstatements are considered to be material if they could reasonably be expected to influence the decisions of users based on the consolidated financial statements.
Our current year materiality is based on the City’s prior year actual results and budgeted information. If current year actual results change
significantly, we will communicate those changes to the Audit and Finance Committee as part of our year-end communication.
We will communicate all corrected and uncorrected misstatements identified during our audit to the Audit and Finance Committee, other than those which we determine to be “clearly trivial.”
We encourage management to correct any misstatements identified throughout the audit process.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
12 | City of Maple Ridge
We also calculate specific materiality based on 2.5% of average F2023 total budgeted expenses and prior year actual results. We intended
to use specific materiality of $3.7 million.
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Using the work of others
To complete the audit of your consolidated financial statements, we will rely in part on the work of, and the report prepared by, HUB
International Limited. This expert’s work related to the employee future benefits liability recognized by the City. Canadian generally
accepted auditing standards require us to communicate with the expert. We propose to discuss the following with HUB International Limited :
The objective and nature of our audit engagement and how we intend to use the expert’s findings and report.
Our assessment of the significant and risk aspects of the engagement that will affect the expert’s work.
The requirement to advise us if they have any relationship with the Company which could impair their judgment or objectivity in the
conduct of their engagement.
The nature, timing and extent of the expert’s work and our planned review of it, possibly including review of their working papers.
Confirmation that the assumptions used in their calculations are consistent with those used in the prior periods and with industry
Their obligation to advise BDO Canada LLP of any matters up to the estimated audit report date that may affect their calculations and
their report.
We ask that the appropriate level of management review the data provided to HUB International Limited and that they also review the assumptions used and results reported by the expert.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
13 | City of Maple Ridge
How we audit financial statements: Our audit process
Complete a preliminary review to plan the
audit, determine the materiality level, and
define the audit scope
Focus on those areas of financial statements
that contain potential material
misstatements as a consequence of the risks
you face
Design an appropriate audit strategy to
obtain sufficient assurance and enable us to
report on the financial statements
Perform audit procedures while maintaining
appropriate degree of professional
skepticism, to conclude whether or not the
financial statements are presented fairly
Evaluate whether we have enough evidence
to conclude that the financial statements
are free from material misstatement, and
consider the effect of any potential
misstatements found
Communicate our opinion and details of
matters on which we are required to
For the year ended December 31, 2023
14 | City of Maple Ridge
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How the firm’s system of quality management supports
the consistent performance of quality audit engagements
Standard for Audit Quality
The quality of an audit depends not only
on the people conducting it—but also on
the systems underpinning it. These new
rules up the ante for your audit quality.
The firm’s system of quality management complies with the requirements set out in Canadian Standard on Quality Management
1 –Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related
Services Engagements (CSQM 1) as issued by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB).
In addition to the requirements set out in CSQM 1, we may have identified additional quality objectives and potential quality
risks and have designed further policies and procedures to respond to these.
Taken together our system of quality management supports consistent performance of audit engagements by focusing on eight
components that operate in an iterative and integrated manner. These include:
Firm risk assessment process
Governance and leadership
Relevant ethical requirements
Acceptance and continuance
Engagement performance
Information and communication7
Monitoring and remediation process
15 | City of Maple Ridge
For the year ended December 31, 2023
Governance and leadership
Our audit approach: Responsiveness in action
Our firm is deliberately structured to allow one partner to every six staff members. This means easy access to senior staff and the lead partner throughout your audit. It also helps our team gain a better understanding of your organization.
Our audit process differs from the typical audit in our use of in-field reviews, subject to COVID-19 safety protocols. The benefit
of these in-field reviews is that final decision-makers are on site ensuring issues are resolved and files closed quickly.
We offer clients the full-service expertise of a national firm. Yet we maintain a local community focus. The comprehensive
range of services we deliver is complemented by a deep industry knowledge gained from over 100 years of working within local communities.
Drives consistency and quality in audit execution throughout BDO,
enabling us to be responsive to your size and location needs
We promote a paperless audit where we perform and document
our audit and exchange information with you and your team using
Using our highly trained teams, underpinned by an exceptionally
intuitive audit methodology, to enable timely and efficient delivery
of your audit
Discover how we’re accelerating
audit quality
Audit Quality Report
We collected our core beliefs around
audit quality, the very practical steps
we take to sustain it, and the progress
we have made to accelerate its quest.
Follow our progress
For the year ended December 31, 2023
16 | City of Maple Ridge
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BDO’s digital audit suite
Our digital audit suite of technologies enables our engagement teams to conduct consistent risk-based audits, both domestically and internationally,with maximum efficiency and minimal
disruption to our clients’ operations and people.
APT Next Gen
Our audit software and documentation tool, APT, is an integral part of our audit methodology. Our professionals engage APT to devise and perform
appropriate, risk-based audit procedures and testing based on applicable
Canadian Auditing Standards (CASs), as well as to factor in engagement and industry-specific objectives and circumstances.
APT enables us to deliver an audit that fits your organization—whether large or small; complex or basic.
This sophisticated tool also amplifies two key attributes of our audits:
consistency and quality. The quality framework that we developed measures our audit performance with hard quality indicators and reflects our indispensable culture for quality. To see our audit quality and consistency in action, look no further than how our teams share best audit
practices for continuous improvement.
Through a strategic alliance with Microsoft and the introduction of new technology, this global, cloud-based application can now streamline and focus the audit process in even more ways for BDO professionals and their clients.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
17 | City of Maple Ridge
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BDO Global Portal
BDO Global Portal transforms and enhances your digital experience with your BDO advisors. Available at any time, Portal enables you to access all services, tools, apps, and information and
to collaborate with your advisors in a seamless way through a flexible, appealing, and secure environment.
BDO Global Portal allows BDO and the clients to collaborate securely through
features like multi-factor authentication, DocuSign, data storage encryption,
secure document exchange, and audit logging.
BDO Global Portal is a customer-centric solution that reflects
your needs through quarterly platform releases.
BDO Global Portal is an open platform enabling firms to integrate local
applications and languages. This creates a seamless and tailored experience.
BDO Global Portal provides 24/7 access to BDO services, modern tools,
and apps as well as insights tailored to your industry and business.
BDO Global Portal offers a real time collaboration space for
BDO and its clients, including project, task and team
Within the BDO Global Portal you can set the interval for when and
which notifications you want to receive about the changes in the BDO
Global Portal.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
18 | City of Maple Ridge
Additional resources: Public sector insights
For the year ended December 31, 2023
How to execute an effective
public sector cloud migration
Leadership: Mental health
resources to support your
Envisioning cloud migrations for
public sector organizations
19 | City of Maple Ridge
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Spotlight on sustainability
Fast-moving world events are pushing
sustainability up the agenda of Canadian
organizations. Now organizational leaders,
investors, and customers are responding on
three fronts: environmental, social, and
governance (ESG).
Regulators and issuers of standards are
doing their part by supporting sustainability
in the reporting ecosystem. Increasingly,
organizations will need to go beyond the
financials—and demonstrate sustainability
with non-financial metrics.
5 reasons why businesses should
care about ESG
How climate change became a
business issue worth reporting
10 Questions about
sustainability reporting
Accounting for going green
Why CFOs should make
sustainability a part of their
financial reporting today
Rethinking sustainability: the ESG
For the year ended December 31, 2023
20 | City of Maple Ridge
Additional resources: Accessibility consulting services
To ensure that persons with disabilities (PWD) are not hindered from full and equal participation across public and
private sectors, the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) begins to fulfill the 2040 goal of creating a barrier-free Canada.
Many provinces are enacting their own legislation, including British Columbia. The government of British Columbia
enacted the Accessible B.C. Act in 2021 which supports the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers to
support a fully accessible province.
The BDO Accessibility Consulting Services team has in-depth knowledge of the accessibility landscape. Led by Max
Brault, who helped guide the federal government toward enacting the ACA, we possess unparalleled experience and
We understand the importance of consulting with and including persons with disabilities
We have lived experience of disability
We listen to the perspectives of persons with disabilities across the sectors
We have a strong understanding of the accessibility landscape in Canada
For the year ended December 31, 2023
21 | City of Maple Ridge
Additional resources: Accessibility consulting service offerings
Overall Accessibility
•Holistic accessibility assessments
•Expert accessibility consultation facilitation
•Accessibility plan development
•Accessibility implementation and change
•Accessibility benchmarking
•Accessibility research
IT and Digital
•IT accessibility reviews
•WCAG, European standard compliance
•Usability testing
•IT accessibility infrastructure and process
•Accessibility integration into the employee
•Employment systems reviews focused
addressing systemic barriers for equity-
seeking groups
Built Environment
•Built environment assessments
•Feedback consultation planning and
•Procurement policy, process and governance
reviews and implementation
22 | City of Maple Ridge
Appendix: Changes in Accounting Standards with Potential to Affect your Organization
For the year ended December 31, 2023
23 | City of Maple Ridge
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For the year ended December 31, 2023
24 | City of Maple Ridge
The following summarizes the status of new standards and the changes to existing standards as of the fall of 2022. The Appendix also reviews Exposure Drafts, Statements of Principles,
Projects and Post Implementation Reviews that provide information on the future direction of CPA Public Sector Accounting Handbook.
Section PS 3400 Revenue (effective years beginning on or after April 1, 2023)
This section is related to revenue recognition principles that apply to revenues of governments and government organizations other than government transfers and tax revenue.
The Public Sector Accounting Handbook has two Sections that address two major sources of government revenues, government transfers and tax revenue. Revenues are defined in Section PS
1000, Financial Statement Concepts. Recognition and disclosure of revenues are described in general terms in Section PS 1201,Financial Statement Presentation.
This section addresses recognition, measurement and presentation of revenues that are common in the public sector. It is less complex than the comparable new IFRS standard, although
generally consistent in philosophy.
This new Section will be effective for the City’s 2024 fiscal year.
Section PS 3160 Public Private Partnerships (effective years beginning on or after April 1, 2023)
This section is related to public private partnerships (P3s) used as alternate finance and procurement model available to public sector entities where such entities procures infrastructure using
a private sector partner. The private sector partner is obligated to:
•Design, build or improve existing infrastructure
•Finance the transaction past the point where the infrastructure is ready for use; and
•Operate and/or maintain the infrastructure
This section addresses the public sectors entity’s recognition, measurement and presentation of the infrastructure assets and liabilities associated with P3s arrangements.
This new Section will be effective for the City’s 2024 fiscal year.
Appendix: Changes in Accounting Standards with Potential to Affect your
Appendix: Changes in Accounting Standards with Potential to Affect your Organization (cont’d)
For the year ended December 31, 2023
25 | City of Maple Ridge
Employment Benefits
The existing Employee Benefits standards in PS 3250, Retirement Benefits and PS 3255, Post-employment Benefits are some of the older standards currently existing in the PSA Handbook. Quite
frankly, they have not kept pace with the changes that have occurred in the industry. New concepts such as "Target-Benefit Plans" and "Shared-Risk Plans" do not fit in neatly to existing
In recognition of the wide scope of review required to modernize these standards, PSAB had broken initial review into three different sections:
•Deferral Provisions (Invitation to Comment issued in November 2016)
•Discount Rate Guidance (Invitation to Comment issued in November 2017)
•Non-Traditional Pension Plans (Invitation to Comment issued in October 2018)
The first exposure draft, “Employee Benefits, Proposed Section PS 3251”, and the accompanying Basis for Conclusions, was issued on July 28, 2021.
The first phase of this multi-phase standard is focused on the topics of deferral provisions and discount rate guidance. Future phases will focus on non-traditional pension plans and other
Deferral provisions updated under the Exposure Draft propose that revaluations of the net defined benefit liability (asset) be recognized immediately on the statement of financial position
within the net defined benefit liability(asset) and the accumulated other component of net assets. Deferral and amortization of actuarial gains and losses would no longer be used. Further, it
is proposed that plan assets would be measured at market value.
Discount rate guidance from PSAB proposes that a public sector entity would assess the funding status of a post-employment benefit plan to determine the appropriate discount rate by
considering the proportion of the current and projected plan assets balance compared to projected benefit payments, and the unique circumstances and characteristics of their post-
employment benefit plan.
The comment deadline for the first Exposure Draft was November 25, 2021. PSAB is currently deliberating feedback received on the Employee Benefits Exposure Draft.
For the year ended December 31, 2023
Appendix: Changes in Accounting Standards with Potential to Affect your
Organization (cont’d)
26 | City of Maple Ridge
PSAB’s Draft 2022-2027 Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan sets out the following broad strategic objectives that help guide PSAB in achieving its public interest mandate over a multi-year period:
•Develop relevant and high-quality accounting standards
•Enhance and strengthen relationships with stakeholders
•Enhance and strengthen relationships with other standard setters
•Support forward-looking accounting and reporting initiatives
The strategic plan is effective April 1, 2022 and can be found here: PSAB-Strategic-Plan-2022-2027.pdf