HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2018-02-08 agenda.pdfCity of Maple Ridge
Thursday, February 8, 2018, 7:00 pm
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall
4.MINUTES APPROVAL – January 11, 2018
5.1 Maple Ridge Tourism Strategy
Lino Siracusa, Manager of Economic Development, City of Maple Ridge
6.1 Financial Update – 2018 Business Plan
8.1 Membership – Brenda Smith
8.1.1 Calendar of Events
8.2 Cultural Plan Update – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
8.3 Tourism Strategy Update
8.4 Canada 150 –Brenda Smith
8.5 Private members Tax Credit – Bill C323
8.6 Haney House Conservation Work
8.7 Heritage Conservation Master Plan
8.8 Family Literacy Day – Brenda Smith
9.1 Communications Subcommittee – Brenda Smith
9.1.1 Request to Council for Communications Support
9.2 Recognitions Subcommittee – Kevin Bennett
9.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee
9.2.2 Heritage Nominations 2018
9.2.3 Plaque Placement Request
9.3 Education Subcommittee – Lindsay Foreman
9.3.1 Local Voices
9.3.2 Heritage BC Webinars
9.3.3 BC Heritage Fairs
9.3.4 SD42 – Community-based learning info night
9.4 Maple Ridge Oral History Project
9.5 Digitization Project Subcommittee – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
9.6 Heritage Inventory Project Update – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
9.7 Heritage Register Update – RFP – Brenda Smith, Lisa Zosiak
9.8 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee – Lisa Zosiak
9.9 Hammond Heritage Character Area – Lisa Zosiak
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February 8, 2018
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10.1 BC Historical Federation – Brenda Smith
10.2 Heritage BC – Brenda Smith
10.3 BC Museums Association – Brenda Smith
10.3.1 – BCMA Visit
10.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society – Julie Koehn
10.5 Council Liaison – Councillor Speirs
Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments. Each
person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday,
January 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Brenda Smith, Chair Maple Ridge Historical Society
Councillor Craig Speirs Council Liaison
Julie Koehn Maple Ridge Historical Society
Kevin Bennett Member at Large
Len Pettit Member at Large
Lindsay Foreman Member at Large
Lisa Zosiak Staff Liaison, Community Planner
Amanda Allen Committee Clerk
Russell Irvine
Steven Ranta
Christina Crabtree Chief Information Officer, City of Maple Ridge
Natalie Kovach Systems Analyst, City of Maple Ridge
Erica Williams President, Maple Ridge Historical Society
Eric Phillips Member at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and
introductions were made.
It was moved and seconded
That the Community Heritage Commission agenda dated January 11, 2018 be adopted
Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission meeting of December 14, 2017
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the December 14, 2017 Community Heritage Commission meeting be
amended to correct the spelling of Meaghan Durupt and that the minutes as amended be
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
January 11, 2018
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Christina Crabtree, Chief Information Officer and Natalie Kovach, Systems Analyst – City of
Maple Ridge
Ms. Crabtree and Ms. Kovach presented the City of Maple Ridge Open Government Portal
and explained how to navigate the portal. The navigation included an overview of the
Primary Portal pages, What’s Happening Around Me (WHAM), Info Graphics, applications
such as the Business Finder, Land Development Viewer and Park Finder.
Discussion about including heritage sites, story telling maps, marker inventory and heritage
inventory into the portal. The Commission expressed interest in contributing heritage
information, ie: 150 Geocaching project, to the portal.
Note: Councillor Speirs left meeting at 8:07 pm
5.1 Financial Update – 2018 Business Plan
Russell Irvine submitted the end of year account balances. The fiscal year closed at
the end of December 2017 with the following balances in the three Community
Heritage Commission accounts:
General: $26,058.60
Project: $17,542.00
Revenue: $185.00
The Staff Liaison has forwarded a request to the Finance Department to roll over the
General account balance to fiscal year 2018. The balance in the Project account will
cover payment for the completion of the Inventory project, as the final phase of the
contract was delayed in 2017. The Revenue account comprises funds raised directly
by the CHC at Heritage Week. The Staff Liaison has framed out a spreadsheet for
monthly updates to account for volunteer hours and monthly expenditures. A copy of
the spreadsheet will be provided at the next meeting.
5.2 Subcommittee Budgets - Nil.
5.3 Canadian Museums Association - Nil.
7.1 Membership
7.1.1 Calendar of Events
The Chair will continue to advise members of Heritage Week events as they arise.
Family Literacy Day at the Maple Ridge Public Library is scheduled for January 27,
Community Heritage Commission Minutes
January 11, 2018
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7.1.2 CHC Meeting Flashdrives
Flashdrives and/or binders were submitted to Committee Clerk for 2018 updates
and will be returned to members at next meeting.
7.1.3 Volunteer Hours
The Chair requested members submit their 2017 hours and record all 2018
volunteer hours worked.
7.2 Cultural Plan Update
The Staff Liaison advised a date has not yet been set to submit the Cultural Plan to
Council. It is anticipated that a stakeholders working round table will develop an
implementation plan once Council adopts the Cultural Plan.
7.3 Tourism Strategy Update
Mr. Irvine advised the final stage of the Tourism Strategy is complete. The Tourism
Strategy will be forwarded to Council and Mr. Irvine will provide an update of the
outcome as it progresses.
7.4 Canada 150
Kevin Bennett advised the Canada 150 project is wrapped up. The Canada 150 logo
should be removed from the Heritage brochure. The Staff Liaison will follow up with
the Recreation Manager Arts & Community Connection to update brochure so it can
be loaded on CHC webpage. Mr. Bennett suggested a media push in Spring to gather
renewed interest in the geocaching project.
7.5 Private members Tax Credit – Bill C323
Mr. Irvine reviewed the information electronically circulated to members. In
November 2017 the review of Bill C-323 by the Committee on Environment was
discontinued as the Committee ceased its study of the proposed legislation to amend
the Income Tax Act and provide a tax incentive to owners for the rehabilitation of
registered heritage buildings in Canada. The Committee proceeded with a Report to
Parliament in December 2017, “Preserving Canada's Heritage: The Foundation for
Tomorrow”, outlining a new approach for Parliament to consider regarding heritage
conservation. Recommendations include introducing a tax credit in Canada similar to
the United States to attract private investment in preserving and restoring heritage
buildings as well as revising the National Building Code to facilitate the preservation
of the heritage character of buildings when they are modernized. The Commission
discussed providing an update to Council that Bill C323 is off the table and request
that the local MP provide guidance on how the December 2017 report will be
addressed at next session of Parliament.
It was moved and seconded
That the CHC provide an update to Council on the status of Bill C323 after consulting with
the local MP and informing the MLAs.
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January 11, 2018
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7.5.1 Canada Census
Mr. Irvine informed of the new legislation that reinstates some of the ground lost in
2006. The amendment no longer requires consent of respondents.
The Chair advised that the campaign was successful in securing the release of the
full census record 92 years after the census was taken.
7.6 Haney House Conservation Work
Conservation work underway. Haney House is prepared for new windows and doors.
7.7 Heritage Conservation Master Plan
Staff Liaison advised that a meeting with Parks Department staff is to be scheduled.
7.8 Intersections Event Debrief
The Committee Clerk will check to see if a report has been written on the
Intersections Event. If a report has not been prepared, the Chair, Staff Liaison and
Committee Clerk to consider meeting with the Chair of the Agricultural Advisory
Committee to draft a report on the outcome of the event.
7.9 Family Literacy Day
The Chair informed that event planning is underway and invited Commission
members to attend the January 27, 2017 event at Library.
8.1 Communications Subcommittee
8.1.1 Request to Council for Communications Support – Nil.
8.2 Recognitions Subcommittee
Mr. Bennett advised Recognition subcommittee work is well underway and posters
will be created for online and hardcopy distribution.
8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee - Nil.
8.2.2 Heritage Nominations 2018 - Nil.
8.2.3 Plaque Placement Request
The Staff Liaison received an email from the Recreation Manager Arts &
Community Connection with a plaque placement request. The BC Federation
of Labour submitted a request to the City of Maple Ridge to install a plaque
commemorating Grant DePatie. The submission identifies Cliff Park or
another area of high visibility and foot traffic as the location of the
commemorative plaque. The Recreation Manager Arts & Community
Connection suggested CHC consider the request and provide feedback on
potential locations and the installation of a plaque versus a wrap. A
subcommittee comprised of Brenda Smith, Kevin Bennett, Steven Ranta, Lisa
Zosiak and Yvonne Chui will meet to discuss plaque placement request.
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January 11, 2018
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8.3 Education Subcommittee
8.3.1 Local Voices
Lindsay Foreman advised that there is no Local Voices scheduled in January. Local
Voices will resume in February and is scheduled for the first Monday in February,
March, April and May.
8.3.2 Heritage BC Webinars
Ms. Foreman advised that the selection of a webinar for Heritage week is underway.
8.3.3 BC Heritage Fairs
Ms. Foreman advised of the January 26, 2018 registration deadline for schools and
that the forms are outlined and broken down very well to encourage teachers to
participate in the Fair. Ms. Foreman has, thus far, not received any registration
response from School District 42. Ms. Foreman advised that the MRTA was also
emailed the BC Heritage Fair registration information. Discussion around creating a
physical kit and sending to each school in the district. Mr. Ranta volunteered to
speak with the local specialty teachers association and inform them about the Fair
and upcoming registration deadline.
8.4 Maple Ridge Oral History Project
Mr. Ranta updated that the organization of a meeting is underway.
8.5 Digitization Project Subcommittee
The Chair updated that a meeting is to be scheduled with the Staff Liaison, Chair and
the Chief Information Officer as there is room for more discussion on the digitization
8.6 Heritage Inventory Project Update
The Staff Liaison advised that a meeting with Don Luxton and the subcommittee is
scheduled for January 29, 2018. The final draft is intended to proceed to the April
17, 2018 Council Workshop meeting.
8.7 Heritage Register Update – RFP - Nil.
8.8 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee - Nil.
8.9 Hammond Heritage Character Area - Nil.
9.1 BC Historical Federation
The Chair advised of the possibility that Maple Ridge may be hosting a summit for the
members of the Historical Federation of BC, Heritage BC, and BCMA. This summit
would enable approximately 20 senior members of these organizations the
opportunity to see historic Maple Ridge sites.
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January 11, 2018
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9.2 Heritage BC
9.2.1 Conference Call
The Chair informed that BC Heritage has set dates for three Open Forum discussions.
Open Forum discussion dates and topics are as follows:
January 26, 2018 – Maintaining Momentum and Relationships with Local
April 13, 2018 – The Pressure of Development: Working with Developers and
Not Against;
June 8, 2018 – How the Commission Process is Adapted in Different
Communities: What Works and What Doesn’t.
The Bridges Room in the Economic Development office is booked for the January
session. The Chair invited CHC members to join and participate in the discussion.
The Chair advised of the workshop and round table at the Heritage Conference
scheduled for May 10, 2018. The Chair would like to see representative from CHC
9.3 BC Museums Association – Brenda Smith
9.3.1 – BCMA Visit
The Chair advised that site planning for a visit from the BC Museum Association is
underway. Ms. Foreman advised that BCMA have released the November 22, 2017
forum for public viewing on their website.
9.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society – Julie Koehn
Julie Koehn reported that the Executive Director continues to work with Don Luxton
on the Heritage Inventory. The main cemetery database Areas 4& 5 are updated and
the sites are being checked for markers.
9.5 Council Liaison - Nil
Ms. Foreman advised of the McDonald’s ad that ran in BC. The ad indicated $5 was better
spent on a happy meal than taking kids to a museum. Ms. Foreman advised that the BCMA
swiftly responded and McDonald’s agreed to pull the ad.
It was moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:21 pm.
B. Smith, Chair