HomeMy WebLinkAboutPASC 2013-02-20 AgendaDistrict of Maple Ridge
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Municipal Hall, Blaney Room
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Approval of the Agenda
3.0 Adoption of the Minutes of November 21, 2012
4.0 Unfinished & New Business
4.1 Election of Chair and Vice Chair
4.2 Staff Vacancy Update
4.3 Project Updates:
4.3.1 Necklace Project Promotion
4.3.2 Balance Project Completion
4.3.3 Signage Tendance and Balance update
4.3.4 Artist in Residence Program Review Update
4.4 Pitt Meadows Public Art Steering Committee Invitation: Educational Session
and Creative Cities Conference Presentation
4.5 PM Volunteers Project Management Workshop: March 15 & 16, 2013
4.6 Maple Ridge Public Art Inventory Update
4.7 Budget Update
4.8 Public Art – Research of other Municipal Approaches
5.0 Next Meeting and Adjournment
5.1 Establish Meeting Schedule for 2013
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of 3
District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee (MRPASC),
held in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia,
on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 4:00 pm.
Kristin Krimmel, Chair Artist
Susan Hayes, Vice-Chair Artist
Gabriella Morrison Community Member
Barbara Duncan Curator, Maple Ridge Art Gallery
Judy Dueck Councillor, District of Maple Ridge Liaison
Craig Redmond Developer, Norond Group
Wayne Bissky Architect, Bissky Architecture Inc.
Sue Wheeler Director of Community Services
Ingrid Kraus Executive Assistant Administration
1. Call to Order
Ms. Kristin Krimmel called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm and welcomed the members to the
meeting. Regrets were received from Messrs. Redmond and Bissky.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R12-024 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for the November 21, 2012 Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee meeting
be adopted as circulated.
3. Minutes of the Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee
R12-025 It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the September 19, 2012 meeting be approved as circulated.
4.1 Manager of Community Connections Status
Ms. Wheeler provided an update on the staff vacancy.
Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes – November 21, 2012 Draft
Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee Minutes Page 2 of 3
4.2 Balance Project Completion
The unveiling of the project went very well and all that remains i s the Transfer of Title to
the District of Maple Ridge. The maintenance requirements will be captured in the
inventory project.
Barb Duncan brought forward an invoice from Art.Site in the amount of $1,057.33 which
captured the additional costs based on unforeseen issues. Following a discussion, the
committee agreed that this invoice would be paid.
R12-26 It was moved and seconded
That the Art.Site invoice in the amount of $1,057.33 for the Balance Project be paid out of the
Public Art Steering Committee budget.
Further discussion focused on the complexity of this particular project and lessons
learned. Moving forward, some additional areas to focus on will be the various agencies
that would be involved, insurance, permits required, site locations and inspections and,
what needs to be built into the budgets during the Call for Proposals.
Action Item:
Sue Wheeler will coordinate a meeting with representatives of all departments involved
in the Balance project to debrief and develop guidelines for future projects.
4.3 Necklace Project Completion
Sue Wheeler provided an update on discussions held at the BCPAN meeting. They
identified there was little or no promotion attached to the Necklace project which is now
complete. At that meeting, it was agreed that all ten communities involved will submit
the details on their art pieces, which will be gathered together and used to promote the
project, identify what the pieces are and where they are located. Barbara Duncan will
assist in completing the form which is due by November 30.
Action Item:
Barbara Duncan to complete the BCPAN form for the Tendance project in Maple Ridge.
4.4 Signage Tendance and Balance Projects:
Barbara Duncan indicated that the signs were approved and now with the sign maker.
4.5 Budget
Sue Wheeler has obtained the latest financial information and is working through the
detail. More information will be available for the next meeting.
4.6 Inventory Update
Sue Wheeler advised that the initial work to gather the information has been completed.
The next step will require the assistance of someone with more extensive expertise to
help assess the condition of the pieces and develop a maintenance plan. Ms. Wheeler
will bring what has been gathered to date, to the next meeting.
Action Item:
Sue Wheeler to bring Public Art Inventory binder to the next meeting.
Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes – November 21, 2012 Draft
Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee Minutes Page 3 of 3
4.7 Creative Cities Conference
Sue Wheeler attended the conference held in Victoria on October 21-23 along with
members of the Pitt Meadows Public Art Steering Committee. It was an excellent
learning opportunity and the information gathered will be put into a presentation which
will be shared with both municipal public art committees. Other conference
opportunities were identified for consideration.
Sue Wheeler also provided an update on the Pitt Meadows Public Art Steering Committee
and their policy was approved by Pitt Meadows Council on November 20, 2012. They are
also attempting to coordinate a Public Art Management Workshop for early 2013
targeting participants from the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley area.
4.8 Master Plan Discussion
Sue Wheeler spoke to the importance of having a Master Plan. There are already many
ideas and examples of how public art can be incorporated into the community. Sue
Wheeler suggested that this be deferred until the Manager has been hired .
4.9 Artist in Residence Program Review
Sue Wheeler met with Lindy Sisson of the Arts Council who indicated that the Parks and
Leisure Services Commission had approved proceeding with a review of the program
structure and criteria. The location will also have to change as the current house will no
longer be available. The committee was asked for volunteers to sit on a task force to
develop the new criteria for an Artist in Residence. Following a discussion Ms. Morrison
R12-27 It was moved and seconded
That Ms. Gabriella Morrison represents the MRPASC on a Task Force to review the Artist in
Residence program.
4.10 Planning Department Link
This matter was dealt with in 4.2 and is an action item for staff to follow up.
5.0 Adjournment
R12-028 It was moved and seconded
That the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 in
the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall.