HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-02-12 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:00 p.m. -Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi- family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF December 11, 2012 4. NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 2013 ADP Membership Update 4.2 2013 ADP Meeting Dates 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: 2012-077-RZ & DP Mathew Chang Architects Inc Matthew Cheng, MA/BC Fung Liu, BCLSA Proposal: Neighbourhood Grocery Store (Langley Farm Market) in the C-2 (Community Commercial) zone Location: 11935 207th Street, Maple Ridge Planning Technician & File Manager Siobhan Murphy 6. PRESENTATIONS 7. CORRESPONDENCE Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Agenda Page 1 of2 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Agenda February 12, 2013 -Draft Agenda 8. NEXT MEETING Agenda deadline: 9. ADJOURNMENT /tc Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Agenda Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Monday, February 25, 2013 Page 2 of2 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Peter Lovick, Chair Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Reza Salehi Al Neufeld Johnny Leung STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Rasika Acharya Tracy Camire 1. Call to Order and Introductions Architect Landscape Architect Architect Landscape Architect Architect Planner II Committee Clerk The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. 2. Agenda Approval RESOLUTION: That the December 11, 2012 agenda be approved. 3. Approval of the Minutes -October 9, 2012 RESOLUTION: That the Minutes of the meeting of October 9, 2012 be approved. Advisory Design Panel Minutes CARRIED CARRIED Page 1 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4. New Business 4.1 Review and Finalize ADP Guidelines and Checklist Rasika Acharya reviewed the Guidelines for Presentations to the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel document and ADP Applicant Checklist with the Panel. It was noted that the following item should be added to Page 2, 6) b.'1/landscape feature". RESOLUTION: That the revised Guidelines for Presentations to the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel and ADP Applicant Checklist be adopted. CARRIED 4.2 2013 ADP Membership Update Rasika Acharya provided an update on the 2013 ADP Membership noting that Reza Salehi and Al Neufeld will be stepping down at the end of 2012. 4.3 2013 ADP Meeting Dates Rasika Acharya reviewed the 2013 ADP Meeting schedule with the panel. 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal : Location: Planner II & File Manager: RZ, DP,DVP/107/10 Michael Karton Wayne S. Bissky, Architect David Stoyko, Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architects 69 Townhouse Units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential Zone) 23657 and 23651132nd Ave, Silver Valley, Maple Ridge Rasika Acharya The following applicants were present at the meeting; ► Wayne S. Bissky, Architect ► David Stoyko, Sharp & Diamond Landscape ► Barbara Heller, Applicant ► Michael Karton, Applicant Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated December 11, 2012 attached to the agenda. Wayne Bissky, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page2 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, December 11, 2012 6. 7. 8. 9. David Stoyko, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the landscape plans to the Panel. RESOLUTION: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow up; • Consider providing a barrier to prevent through traffic through the site • Consider reversing the elevation treatment on the end elevations of Building 1 and any other buildings with similar treatment • Consider using a consistent treatment of the cultured stone on all elevations • Look at the corner/bottom trim at the cedar shingle panel • Consider providing a stronger architectural detail at the entry stair and railings • Revise the note regarding the trees in the rairi garden area • Confirm the engineered treatment of the grass in the country Lane • Consider changing the design of the higher retaining walls with the use of a green wall system • Consider providing a hedge along the west property line • Consider providing outdoor patios for Units 1 through 11 • Consider reducing the gravel areas between the building blocks • Consider providing space for more street trees between Units 5 & 6 and 9 & 10 • Consider providing stepping stones through rain garden for access to community gardens • Confirm proper landscape maintenance access for all yards • Consider relocating street trees closer to sidewalk on 133rd Ave • Consider means to make sidewalks continuous throughout the site CARRIED PRESENT A T/ONS CORRESPONDENCE Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Agenda deadline: Monday, December 17, 2012 Adjournment: 5:38 p.m. /tc Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 3 of 3 Architect (2011) Architect (2010) Architect (2012) Landscape Architect (2011) Landscape Architect (2010) Staff Representatives District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS -2013 Vacant Peter Lovick P J Lovick Architect Ltd 2nd Fl -3707 1st Ave Burnaby, BC V5C 3V6 Johnny W.W. Leung Johnny W.W. Leung Architect 8879 Selkirk Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4J6 Blair Arbuthnot R. F. Binnie & Associates #205 -4946 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 4H7 Chris Mramor Phillips Farevaag Smallen berg 2327 Yew St. Vancouver, BC V6K 3H1 Rasika Acharya, Planner II Tracy Camire Committee Clerk Clerk's Dept., District of Maple Ridge Bus: (604) Res: (604) Cell: Email: Replaced Reza Salehi Bus: (604) 298-3700 ext. 106 Res: (604) 526-1794 Fax: (604) 298-6081 Email: peter@pjlovick.com Cell: (604) 729-3632 Fax: (604) 263-1195 Email: jwlarch@gmail.com Bus: (604) 420-1721 Fax: (604) 420-4 7 43 Res: (604) Email: barbuthnot@binnie.com Replaced Al Neufeld January 1, 2013 Bus: (604) 736-5168 Fax: 604-736-5167 Email: cmramor@pfs .bc.ca Replaced Rory Dafoe Jan 2010 (604) 467-7395 racharya@mapleridge.ca (604) 463-5221, ext. 5286 Fax: 604-467-7329 tcamire@mapleridge.ca Membership: 6 (3 for Quorum, including the chair) comprised of: 3 architects registered/recommended with the Architectural Institute of BC 2 landscape architects registered/recommended -BC Society of Landscape Architects 1 the Director of Planning or her/his designate as a non-voting member/liaison Chair and Vice-Chair elected for a one year term Appointments to the Panel are for two-year terms Maximum number of terms an individual can serve is 2 terms, except where it is not possible to obtain a member in a specific profession, and where leaving this post unfilled would cause a lack of specialized knowledge. Maple Ridge Bylaw: 6326-2005 (Replacing and rescinding By-Law No. 5207-1994) Classification: 0540-20-01/ADPAi Revised: January 15, 2013 4.1 District of Maple Ridge ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 2013 MEETING SCHEDULE MEETING DATE TIME LOCATION 2013 Tuesday, January 8 4:00 PM Blaney ReaFR cancelled no applications Ma~le RiElge Mall Tuesday, February 12 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, March 12 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, April 9 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, May 14 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, June 11 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, July 9 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, August 13 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, September 10 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, October 8 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, November 12 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall Tuesday, December 10 4:00 PM Blaney Room Maple Ridge Hall MEETING TYPE Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular REVISED: October 24, 2012 MEETING SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO ADOPTION & FURTHER AMENDMENTS 4.2 \ i -- MAPLE RIDGE .. , B!"iti~h ~1:1lYIT_Jbli1 -. _, Deep Roots Greater Heights February 4, 2013 Dear Stakeholder; RE: Environmental Management Strategy Invitation .- _j!){'AJJ.,, -c (!_ cl. {--f~(-; 5 / L(_i\ .'J I The District of Maple Ridge is undertaking a study to evaluate how we are doing with our existing environmental management strategy framework. The study will also be exploring potential strategies· and action plans to enhance the community's environmental objectives. The District is working with the planning and design team of Catherine Berris and Associates. We would like to invite you as a key stakeholder to attend the District of Maple Ridge Environmental Management Str':ltegy Focus Group Workshop: ESA MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOCUS GROUP WORKSHOP DETAILS: Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Time: 6:30pm -8:30pm Location: ACT -Arts Centre & Theatre -11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC Room: 2D Studio (Upper Floor) You have been identified as a key stakeholder in the District's Environmental Management Strategy Please RSVP attendance where possible and please limit two representatives per group. Please remember that parking fees are required in the underground parking area after the first hour. We have designed the focus group workshop to include input from a maximum of two representatives from each of the different stakeholder groups -as nominated by their respective organizations. Often, a workshop with a large number of participants won't produce as refined an outcome due to the amount of dialogue and debate that occurs. Limiting the number of participants at the workshop is necessary in order to allow the consultant and facilitators time to create a comprehensive and responsive outcome or concept. At this focus group workshop, we will present • An overview· of the general project and consultation process; • What have we heard from stakeholders to date including initial perspectives on the issues, how we are doing with respect to managing the environment in relation to objectives and policies outlined in the OCP, and what the key goals are for this management strategy study; District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Canada • Tel: 604-463-5221 • Fax: 604-467-7329 enquiries@mapleridge.ca • www.mapleridge.ca 100% Recycled Paper • What are the key strategies, tools, and regulatory updates that have been identified at this point to help the District continue to strive towards meeting its objectives and policies. We will be spending most of the time listening to your ideas and receiving input from the community about the future direction of the Environment Management Strategy. We look forward to meeting you and hearing from you at this meeting. We ask that you RSVP whether representatives from your organization can attend or not. Please limit the number of attendees from your group or organization to two persons maximum. Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to planning@rnapjeridge.ca by February 15, 2013. If you have any questions please email Rod Stott at rstott@rnapleridge.ca Sincerely, ~,~· Rodney Stott Environmental Planner District of Maple Ridge 100% Recycled Paper ) District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) □ Development Permit DP/ 2012 -077-Rz 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. Small-scale neighbourhood grocery store, on a site located between the major arterials of the Lougheed Hi ghway and Dewdney Trunk Road. 3. Presenting Architect: Matthew Cheng' MAIBC (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _F_u_n_g_L_i u_, _s_c_s_LA _______________ _ (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: !XI 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. ~ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: Gregory R . Wilson Company: Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. Address: Uni t 202 -670 Evans Avenue, Vancouver Phone No. (604) 731-3012 V6A 2K9 Fax No. __ (_6_o_4_) _7_3_1_-_3_9_0_a _________ _ Email: gregory@mcai.ca / mat thew@mcai.ca (Date) 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by~on Tues Jan OB Mon Dec 10 'rues Feb 12"") Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 Tues Jul 09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct OB Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1. ) Site Data: Civic Address l.1~.:!!:, -~U} ::;treet Area of the lot(s) 2,694m2 Lot width 42 .1 m Lot Depth 64.3 m Existing OCP Designation Commercial Proposed OCP Designation Commercial Existing Zone CD-3-87 Proposed Zone C-2 Existing land use Nightclub/Cabaret Proposed land use Grocery Store Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection 27 .3 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required 1 ,971 m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 999 m2 Reqd. front setback 3.00 m Proposed front setback 3.00 m Reqd. rear setback 6 .00 m Proposed rear setback 33.17m Reqd. side setback 0.00 m Proposed side setback 0 .05 m . Reqd. side setback 3 .00 m Proposed side setback 3.00 m Reqd. building height 7 .50 m Proposed building height 6 .40 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR In the Zone (Total GFA allowed N/A m2) (Total GFA proposed N/A m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space NIA m2 Proposed Usable Open Space N/A m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area N/A m2 Proposed Common Activity Area N/A m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: Underground Parking Y;tt9 Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone .:!~ Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 37 Reqd. small car stalls 3 Proposed small car stalls 3 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area ~/A m2 Required Handicapped Parking 1 Proposed Handicapped Parking 1 Required Visitor Parking spaces N/A Proposed Visitor Pa rking spaces N/A Proposed Variances to Parking N/A 4) Covenants: ROW: Geotechnical Y;1fjl Storm sewer y~ Tree preservation Y.,{tj) Sanitary sewer y ,,<{jl No Build/ No Disturb YAM Drainage Yll'!) Any other Covenants on Title y~ Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland vm (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ llX)lll~-10<30~~ Existing landscaped area s 1.1m2 Proposed landscaped area 113.4 m2 Area of building to be demolished soo m2 In the Flood Plain Y/(tjl In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/~ Proposed LEED points N/A Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. .,, ADP applicant Checklist: All" presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager by the cut-off date, with this checklist completed and submitted with the ADP package. 1} ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans Jl~--h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides .,~ I. Building Design: Signage details Building Design: Lighting details Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 1 Required g 0 (0 :~ ··~ .. vfil ·•3M □ ,(2( ~ ,0 ~ ... □ □ .Cf( d v@ □ v~ l .. _ .ti r-7 ;.-' ,,it!~~•;/ ,, Included ~ ~ Ca' ~ □ ~ ~ u2( □ □ ~ ~ 0' □ ~ SCALE 1 :2,000 11935 207 STREET E!tlllsh Cotumbfa CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 23, 2012 FILE: 2012-077-RZ BY: PC " • • I . . Br,t1sh Columbia , TO: Deep Roots Greater Heights FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Advisory Design Panel 2012-077-DP &RZ 11935 207 Street MEETING DATE: February 12, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted property to permit the construction of a neighborhood grocery store within the C-2 (Community Commercial) zone. Council gave First Reading to the rezoning application (2012-077-RZ) on August 27, 2012, which did not look at any design details as the consideration was for landuse and OCP compliance alone. The development site will be subject to the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines to address the form and character of the development. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: Matthew Cheng MAIBC, Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. 0934194 BC Ltd. Lot B, D.L. 278 Group1, Plan 76445 NWD Commercial Commercial CD-3-87 (Service Commercial, Bank or Credit Union), 87% and CS-1 (Service Commercial) 13% C-2 (Community Commercial) Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Commercial (One-Storey retail -Restaurant, Pub, Laundromat, Automotive, etc.) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Commercial (One-Storey retail -West Ridge Centre Mall) C-2 (Community Commercial), 92%, CS-1 (Service Commercial), 8% Commercial East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Commercial Commercial (One-Storey retail -Maple Ridge Shopping Centre) C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial Commercial (The Keg/Shooters & Fitness Unlimited-Two Storey Restaurant/Pub and Recreation) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Community Commercial 0.269 Hectares (0.664 Acres) 207 Street & 119 Avenue Full Urban Services Pursuant to section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal will be assessed according to the following concepts: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of build ing massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Co mmunity Plan: This property is designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan and included in the Commercial Development Permit Area. No Official Community Plan amendment is required. The proposed development must conform to the Official Community Plan's Commercial Development Permit Guidelines where possible. The accompanying rezoning application proposes to rezone the property located at 11935 207 Street from CD-3-87 (Service Commercial, Bank or Credit Union) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) to C-2 (Community Commercial). • Context: The subject property is part of a larger area with a Commercial land use designation. This commercial area straddles the Lougheed Highway and continues west to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows boundary. It is an established commercial area that is situated along a major transportation corridor (Lougheed Highway) and provides retail and other services to the residents of West Maple Ridge. • Proposal: The subject property is 0.269 hectares (0.664 acres) in size and is located on the North West corner of 207 Street and 119 Avenue in the area known as West Maple Ridge. Presently there is an existing, single storey, commercial building and surrounding parking lot area which was constructed in the late 19E:O's to accommodate a Credit Union and later a cabaret. The existing building was built to a service commercial standard, which was seen to be the prominent zone for the neighbourhood at that time, with the building more to the middle of the site and the parking areas adjacent to the streets (207 Street and 119 Avenue). The proposed development is a one-story building with a significantly larger footprint that will be situated on the corner of 119 Avenue and 207 Street with an off-street parking area to the west of the building. The off-street parking area is accessed through one of two vehicle entries on 119 Avenue. There is pedestrian access from both 119 Avenue and 207 Street; the main entrance is situated at the southeast corner of the building. The proposed building is a one story structure, with a series of glazed overhead doors on the south, east and west sides of the building. Materials used are horizontal lap siding and vertical board-and-batten cladding of fibre-cHment board in warm colours. These materials and the timber of the canopies will be used with materials that complement the .industrial character of the neighbouring buildings. Additional materials are coloured corrugated metal panels with reveal channels; a concrete block fire-wall in a combination smooth faced and split faced blocks; and polished concrete wall bases. • Proposed Landscaping: is characterized by areas that incorporate the existing street trees, emphasizing the pedestrian connection to the building. Additional trees and shrubbery are proposed for the remainder of the site in order to break up the off-street parking area to the west of the building. • Proposed Pa rking: Parking requirements for the C-2 Zone are one space for every 30m2 of gross floor area. Based on the proposed gross floor area of 999m2, the minimum required parking spaces is 33 spaces. The proposed number of stalls is 36 spaces, 1 barrier-free stall and one loading space. • Garbage/Recycling: The garbage enclosure is located on the west side of the building on the near side of the loading ramp. It can be accessed via the parking area entrance on 119 Avenue, past the 3 parking spaces abutting the western side of the building. • Stormwater Management: A Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan has been provided. It is a Stormceptor system that uses catch basins in the parking lot, roof leaders, and foundation drains from the building to divert stormwater to a manhole, through an oil/water separator; then discharged into the municipal storm sewer system. • Tree Retention: The original Tree Retention plan included the removal of three coniferous trees at the southwest corner of the property, within the boundaries of the property. This was to allow for the entry to the parking area to be relocated further from the corner. An existing vehicular access was to be retained on the north-east corner. At that time, each of the existing seven (7) street trees along the boulevard, the municipal ROW, were to be fully retained as part of the original project design, and protected in accordance with municipal requirements. Due to feedback from the Municipality in August 2012, which requested a major revision to the design focused on moving the proposed building to within 3m of the property line on both the south and east property boundaries, the required parking area was revised and relocated in its presently-proposed location on the west side of the property. This allows for the required vehicular access driveways, based on the revised design, and necessitated the rem ova I of two street trees. These street trees will be replaced, along with two additional new street trees along the east boulevard, two trees near the south boulevard but set back to improve vehicle visibility, and five additional new trees within the property, to balance the impact. • Off-site Servicing: servicing will be required to Urban Standard. • There are no proposed variances to this zone . The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: ' ... ~---:~-- 1 -• '. ... __ _ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. #202 -670 Evans Ave., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6A 2K9 TEL: (604) 731-3012 FAX: (604) 731-3908 Email: matthew@mcai.ca January 21, 2013 Municipal Address: Legal Land Description: PROJECT ANALYSIS 11935 -207 Street1 Maple Ridge, BC Lot B, Plan 76445, Group 1, D.L. 278 The captioned site is located between the Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road, both of which are major arterial roads in Maple Ridge. According to the Schedule B map of the Official Community Plan of Maple Ridge (OCP), the land use of this property is designated as "commercial", and is zoned as CD-3-87, essentially as CS-1 for use by a banking institution. In the present, Maple Ridge is one of the fastest growing cities in British Columbia, and population density has increased substantially in the areas adjacent to.this property. We have proposed-and applied for--rezoning the captioned property to C-2, which is intended to permit community commercial uses. DESIGN RATIONALE On this property we propose a small scale neighborhood grocery store that will benefit the community by providing convenient grocery shopping. The proposed building will be designed to observe the guidelines for Commercial Development in Maple Ridge by providing a pedestrian- friendly amenity that will complement the character of the surrounding community. This will be accomplished via the following key design components: Building siting: The new building will eliminate the "no-man's-land" space between the building its neighbour to the north by building to the edge of the north property line. Additionally, and based on comments received dur'ing the rezoning application process, the building will be sited to the required setbacks on the south and east boundaries, allowing for a new outdoor display area to be created with access to it integrated with the public sidewalk. Building Massing: The current building on site has no windows. The new building will improve on this condition by a series of fully-glazed overhead doors on the walls facing the streets, drawing interest toward the building's interior while fostering "natural surveillance" of the building's exterior, creating a safer public space. The additional multi-season functionality of the doors-wide open when weather permits, creating a produce display on the building's exterior-will serve to create a welcoming neighbourhood place. MCAI PAGE2 OF2 Landscaping: The new outdoor display area will be punctuated by landscaping areas that will incorporate the existing street trees, accenting the pedestrian connection to the building. Additional trees and shrubbery are proposed for the remainder of the site in order to break up the monotony of the parking area to the west. Structural Canopies: Continuous overhead weather protection will be provided at the street sides of the building and at the entrance from the parking area in the form of structural canopies. The canopy at the corner entry of the building, facing the adjacent intersection, will be designed as a vertical architectural feature, addressing the street and highlighting the primary public entrance. These structural canopies will serve the additional purpose of housing recessed lighting fixtures in their soffits, providing the required illumination of the site in the evenings and during low-light conditions. Warm Materials: A material palate will be used that will provide a warm appearance, while helping the building better blend into the vernacular created by its immediate neighbours: horizontal lap siding and vertical board-and-batten cladding of durable fibre-cement board in warm colours, and the timber of the canopies; will be used in harmony with materials that complement the industrial character of the neighbouring buildings: coloured corrugated metal panels with reveal channels; a concrete block fire- wall in a combination smooth faced and split faced blocks; and polished concrete wall bases. T029 Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of commercial development permits and is to be completed by the architect ofrecord for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic ✓ calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual .impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest ✓ along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building ✓ design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. ✓ Not applicable. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate ✓ architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in ✓ the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of ✓ solid wall or glass are unacceptable. -1 - 3. New buildings adjacent to ex.istmg small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to ✓ Not applicable. provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy No adjacent and livability of both properties. houses. 4. Significant comers should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of comers ✓ should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building ✓ frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk ✓ Not applicable. and scale between development. \ 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise ✓ Not applicable. generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a ✓ development and over common entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that front a public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and ✓ Not applicable. may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from Not feasible with • rooftop runoff and down~pouts into vegetated areas or ✓ method of rain barrels for later irrigation use. construction select,e d . 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to ✓ adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate n.atural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. B. Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units ✓ and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account -2- views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with ✓ pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. ✓ Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent ✓ residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. C. Street Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image ✓ oresented to the street front. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate ✓ vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with ✓ vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of ✓ public space. 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the ✓ impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. D. Signage and Lighting 1. Signage should be integrated with the design of a ✓ building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage ✓ and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. -3 - 3. Lighting and signage should he designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right- of-way. 4. All signage must confonn to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. E. Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation ✓ ✓ ✓ I. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure ✓ safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on- site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be ✓ provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion ✓ of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of attractive treatment and screening of parking access ✓ and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on ✓ streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, ✓ access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of ✓ the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments -4- I to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non-parking uses or special fai;:ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fai;:ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. F. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access ✓ 1. Development should improve pedestrian ameruty through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear ✓ untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given ✓ precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be considered for all developments. ✓ G. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing; image and -5 - ✓ Not applicable . ✓ Not applicable. ✓ Not applicable. to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision ✓ Not applicable. of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be ✓ encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees ✓ should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out ✓ of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, attractive and well- integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with ✓ courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by ✓ providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private ✓ open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; ✓ b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. -6- H. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to max1rmze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people ✓ to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the ✓ design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parlcing structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals. Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind comers should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. I. Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/ scooters and should include a tactile strip ✓ for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let- downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to ✓ a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible ✓ • from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; ✓ and c) provided with weather protection, exterior ✓ lighting, and power-assisted door openers. -7- ✓ Not applicable. ✓ Not applicable. -. J. Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit localions and ✓ clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long tenn bicycle parking facilities in secure Long term bicycle storage areas within buildings. Bicycle slor.tge areas parking seems typica provided as part of a parking structure. sbouJd be ✓ of multi-unit located close to elevators and access points. In mixed-residential and off use building , bicycle storage facililies for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. buildings,not a grocery store. 3. Large-scale developments arc encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, ✓ Not applicable. within the development. for the convenience of employees. Date: __ J_a_n_u_a_r_y_2_3_,_2_0_1_3 __ Architect Name/Company Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. Municipal File No. 2012-077-RZ Plan Description: Lot B, Plan 76445, Group 1, DL 278 Project No. -.,.c,.J~----.--P--AC------ .. ¾ -8 - 1 ce -/-_206~~ Lougheed Highway -------~------•---------/ ./ 1 STREETSCAPE ELEVATION ALONG 207th STREET A 1.1 SCALE : 1/16" = 1'-0" '--✓- ,,-, 2 STREETSCAPE ELEVATION ALONG 119th AVENUE A 1.1 SCALE : 1/16" = 1'-0" '-/ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD n .... tlJ ~ ., "' ~ I I 119 AVENUE I // ' I I .... ----. 3 , SITE CONTEXT PLAN ,A1. 1, NTS ,,_,,, I 119th Amw, / /-------------•-------------ffg~f:: C~fl~!":t ------------__ ________ __ ~ ____ 11~55 -207th S_treet ___ ----/--___ ---~197J -2071h_Slreet __________ -~ Porkiog Neo {---------------- 111111111 VIEW CORRIDOR -NORTH ON 207th STREET NEIGHBOUR TO SOUTH OF SITE NEIGHBOUR TO NORTH OF SITE PHOTOGRAPHS OF NEIGHBOURHOOD CONTEXT MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. l"niL20:!-G70 ~\0\..S.:S,.\\'E:-."lJE \•,\t,;C"04A 'l:R01JC \'6A :!K? T~I: (GO-IJT-1•,'l0J:!' F:t~:(601) fJt.)tDI Cd: (GO-I) G~'}.()6GIJ F.mail: mi.,_~...,; -.:i '{ 2D71h_Slreet{ I THIsoR,,w1:-.a,1usr"ornr-.sr,trn n-mc;r-.Nr-.R,,1 ' C'OSTll.\Cl'OK SM,u.t. \'t!RIFY ,\1.l Dl~i5~Sl0\"S \ND I Lf.VF.LS Pll10K IUl;.\1'1MEl\t'~~\Ei"TOF WOKI-: .. -\I.I. 'f =~='~.S:-!;i~~b(":r WIU:\'EO. n«Sri..\.~ .\.,l)i,1$'kiiS IU!.\.'OM'r \IL flMtSH~IAl;',TIIEF.Xll\..SI\EPRUrEl(n Ul- i\l \TT!lE\\ Clll:NG ,\RCIIITI:CT ISC,,\t-D i\\,\\" :\OT 111: !!SWOR RErR(')l)l.;('f.[} W!TIIOUT rRIOR \\'RlTTr.'\ C'OSSJ-'..'-T. o. Date Re\'ision 01 2012/05/04 Issue for Revie• 02 2012/05/18 Issue for Review 03 2012/07/20 Issue for Review 04-2012/10/12 Issue for DP 05 2012/11/15 Jssue for Review 06 2013/01/22 Issue for ADP Review Consultants DEVELOPMENT DATA: Civic Address: Legal Description Zoning: OCP: Principle Use: Accessory Use: Gross Floor Area: Gross Lot Area: Lot Coverage: Setbacks Front (east): Side (north): Side (south): Rear (west): Building Height: Parking: Retail or personal services use in the C-2 Zone 1 space/30m' of gross floor area Loading 11935 -207 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Lot B, Plan 76445, Group 1, DL 278 EXISTING PROPOSED Commercial Commercial CD-3-87 C-2 Nlghtclub/Ca,baret Grocery Store Outdoor Display Area PERMITTED PROPOSED 1,971m' (21,217 ft') 999m' (1 O, 753 fl') 2,694m' (28,997 ft') 70.0% 37.1% REQUIRED PROPOSED 3.00m (9.84') 3.0om (9.84') No Requirement o.oom 3.00m (9.84') 3.00m (9.84') 6.00m (19.69') 33.17m (1 08.82') PERMITTED PROPOSED 7.50m (24.61') 6.40m (21.00') REQUIRED PROPOSED 1 space/30m' X 947m' 36 spaces = 31,57 +1 barrier-free stall Total = 32 spaces Total = 37 spaces 1 Loading Space 1 Loading Space Project ntle LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC She.el l1U1: SI TE/NEIGHBOURHOOD CONTEXT AND STREESCAPE ELEVATIONS Drown: GRW Checked: MC Scale: AS NOTED Project Number: Revision Dole: 2013/01/22 Print Dote: 2013/01/22 Dwg, No. Al.I 20629' Dewdney Trunl<"Road ----~ --'"'-.. --....: -~-~--- \ . . EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED "''o ,"'· "'' "i"i "i' , ... , ... ,ix. EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED "''o ,"'· 119th AVENUE ;:, I),"> "i' Ix· ,"" ,ix• ID ,1.• ADJACENT PARKING AREA I i I I I I ! I EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED ">' ,"'· ® ,-,,,,:- (1) 1._"i o,"i ,i.-,"i· ~ ,'<> ·---------I.·. ; ·--------- "il l ·~--·---- \ ' . ~ t..">~ -------·-\ . . :: ~ EXISTING UTILllY KIOSK TO REMAIN ">'I:, ,"'· ~::~, -///r /-/,----~:-~ ~ ---r~:1:'"."~·-he:~-~'.~~=~/ / / / 06$t_~-"'.::'.~~••:'!ay/ ~ 1-w w 0:: 1-(J) ..c -r--0 N EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIGHT STANDARD TO REMAIN EXISTING BUS STOP ~'I:, TOREMAIN EXISTING SIGN TO BE REMOVED EXISTING CROSSWALK AERIAL TO REMAIN EXISTING BOULDER TO BE RELOCATED <o°' ,"'· @ 'u°' ,ix• o,'1-,:· ~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC . Ltni1202-610 EV,\_-..;S ,\\11!:,..1,C. v,,:-.-coC.:\'ER.DCVG,\ ~') T~I; (60~) nl •30t2 I r-:1:,:: {60J) 7'1-l~ Cd: (60~) G~().0669 / Email: maO-'i111cai ca TlllS nRA Wl:-IG ~IUST:-IOT BC:: SCALED nu: GENE.Rr\L CQ};TR.\CTOR SHALL VERlfY ALL lJIMEJ\SJQ:,.;s ;\ND LE.VELS PRIOR m COMME1'l'E..\IE:--T OF WORK. ALL l:RAORS ,\ND OMISSIONS SJL\LL OE REPORTW IMMr:.DI,\ T'EL Y TO IBf.,\R('HITU'T.COrYRJGHT tt.ESU\'EU, TH.JS PL\,\: ,\}iO llESJGN All£ ,\.'-U AT All. TIMES RE.MAL\: TIIE E.'\CLUSl\"E rROPERTY OF ,\I \ TTI IE.II' Clll:NCT .\RClllTT.CT INC.AXD M,\ Y :-IOT □E rsw OR RErRODl:Cl:.D WITHOUT PRIOR \\'RJTTEN CONSENT. No, Dote ReYi,ion 01 2012/05/04 Issue for Review 02 2012/05/18 Issue for Review 03 2012/07/20 Issue for Review 04 2012/10/12 Issue for DP 05 2012/11/15 1s!11.le for Review 06 2013/01/22 Issue for ADP Review Consultants Project liUe LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC St,~a\ nu. EXISTING SITE PLAN Drawn: GRW O,ecked: MC Scolec J/J2" C 1'-o• Project Number. Revision Oott: Pti'll Dote: 2013/01/22 2013/01/21 4 Dwg. No. Al.2 206'29..p ~wdney Trunl(Road ADJACENT PARKING AREA ~ ,11----- NEWlREES I I Z7 fa Jo'-1" (11.00. i ,I .. .. ~ /or /,, !a :,:i 2J'-11· (7.». RELOCATED MUNICIPAL LIGHT STANDARD l -=- I I I I !:) I»_' . -<x· ADJACENT PARKING AREA lHI IHI rn~rnrn_ EXISTING UTILITY KIOSK ,_ _________________________________ ____:2:::11.::'-2~·£[6Um=:::.i..--------------------"1USDNG..mlE.E:=... _______ _J 119th AVENUE FIRE HYDRANT I:,~ ,§, 0 1;.'-)) ":i' ,t><· ,I>.· ,1>.· ,t><· \I>.· t, ,,.. ¥ ·{'l ~I:, "~ \I>.• • \I>.· ,1>.· ,I>.· \.. / --·~ --.. ..._ ---=----··~ 20691 J,,9.ugheed·t-fighway-- __ •• J--____ ..... -•··- -----2~;:--=: -~-------------- / / / / / / / / --,_-------·--~-----.:rn:: '" ........ ~ --· ----.. -------/ 2069_1 Lougheed Highw~ . ..--• '·---.. -,..._... EXISTING MUNICIPAL LJGttT STANDARD 1-w w a: I-(/) .c t:. 0 N MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202 -670 EV ,\:,;SA VE~l,;E VA:--couv1:R.llC V6A V.:? Tcl:(60~)7;\l-)Ol!IF,,:c(60~)l.)!..)toi Ccl:(60.J)U?-06691Email:m•~~"" THISIJR,\\\'ISG;\1USTNDTBESC'ALW THEGENER.-\L CONTR..KTOkSH,\ll HRJf\' ,\ll lllMENSIO~S ANO l.E'IELS PRIOR TU lU~IMU.:Cl::.\lf::'<T OF WORK. .-\ll ERRORS ,\NO m.uss1oi,;s SIIALL DE REPORTF.D l~l~IEDIATILY TO TI-IB .\RC'IIIT!TT,COPYRIGHT RESER.Vim, Tl-US l'l.:\N' A..'\D 1)1:SIGN AllE,\.,'/D AT ,\LL TIMES RI..\IAIN rH.EEXCLUSl\'E PROl'ERTY OF ).1.-\TTIIEW Clll:NG ,\!lCIIITICT INC A1'D ).!,\\"~or OE l:SED OR RfPROOUCT:D \l;lntOUT fRIOR \rRITTL'l CONSE,"\f No. Date Revi!ion 01 2012/05/04 Issue for Review 02 2012/05/18 Issue for Review 03 '201'2/07 /20 Issue for Review 04 • '2012/tD/11 Issue for DP 05 2012/U/IS ls.!lue for Review 06 2013/01/22 l99Ue fOI'" ADP Review Consultants Project Title LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sleet Titk PROPOSED SITE PLAN Drown: GRW Checked: MC Scale: 3/32" • r-o· Project Number. Revision Doll: 2013/01/22 Print Date: 2013/01/22 0,,9, No. Al.3 EXISTING CHAINUNK FENCE TO REMAIN ADJACENT PARKING AREA EXISTING CHAINUNK FENCE TO REMAIN ADJACENT PARKING AREA P L -----. ...::-------·-·---.. 119th AVENUE SITE SECTION A SCALE : 3/32" = 1'-0" SITE SECTION B SCALE : 3/32" = 1 '-0" REl.OCATED LIGHT STANDARD PARKING AREA PARKING AREA ----~--- PROPOSED BUILDING ____________ ,_ ___ -.=.... ____ - PROPOSED BUILDING ---·---------·---- PROPOSED BUILDING ............ ~. .,._ _____ ------·.:-··::...:..., __ ~-·--·-~---:----------- .............. ---------------·----·----------- PL ··~... ------:... -----------------........ ,. ---·----------- SITE SECTION C SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" PL NEIGHBOURING BUILDING 207 Street ------,_ ----~ -- 207 Street MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit202-670 EVANSAVENUE VANCOUVER. OC V6A ll:.9 Tel: (60-01ll-JOl2/Fa.1: (604) Dly9CII Ccl:(60~)tW)•0669/Em~il:m&llhato ...... .:. TillSDRA\VQ,:G MUST NOT BE SCALED THE Gflff.R..\L CONTRACTOll SHALL VERIFY All DIMENSIONS AND I..E.VELS PRIOR 10 CO~tHENl'EMENT OF WORK. ALL l:RRORSAND OMISSIONS Sll1\lL DE REPORTID l.\D.ISII.Ulll' lOTHE ARCHITECT. tof'\"UGCr Xl.'$F.l\1D..OOJ"l'L\i'l .'\KO OF.SIGN hl!':.-\,<l"U;IT ALL TIMeS RalAlN THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MATTl-U::W CHENG ARCllITTCTINC,AND MA Y'.'IOTDE USED OR REPRODUCl!D \VlTIIOl/T PRIOR WRJTTEN CONSS-.'T. No. Dole 01 2012/05/04 02 2012/05/18 03 2012/07/20 04 2012/10/12 05 2012/11/15 06 2013/01/22 Consultants Project TTUe Revision Issue for Review Issue for Review Issue for Review Issue for OP Issue foe-Rc'liew Issue for ADP Re\liew LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC st,ttt noc SITE SECTIONS Draffll: GRW O,ecked; MC Scai,e 3/32" • 1•-0• Project Number: Revislon Ootr. 2013/01/22 Ptl>t l)Qt,: 2013/01/21 0.-i), No. Al.4 _) TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF LOT '8' D.L.278 GP. 1 N. W.D. PLAN 76445 8.C.G.S. 92G. 027 This plan lies within the Greater Vancouver Regional District Municipality of Maple Ridge Scale 1:250 }J/ diJlDncet or, in m,lnis 1tx«pl •htre ~ise not~ 5 2.5 0 , .. Jt---rt--il I M~ Survey dole: June 25,2012 Elevations ore derived from Man: 88/#JJ!i Elev: 17.326 Loe: Dewdney Trunk Rood Beoringt ore Grid and are derived //Om Plan E:PP1910J Wade de Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors lloplo llid9< and u;,.;o,, Filtl: Hl9.JO-OJ Phc,,e 604-foJ--~l ~ Symbols E-• -< a .. a Ill (l) @ CS) (!) ! ~ e Ill ;:; ,.~ 0, ~ .. , •. X ' ' 0 0, .,, ,J> ,"-' " ~ ~ .. 119 AVENUE ,,. X •' , •. i' ..... )' De!Jerip!ion JJiCHOR fl1Rf BORE HOlE OOUARD CATCH BASIN Ci,l\'ERT GISll£m? G4S VALVE 1/YDR,WT JUNCllON BOX IMIIHOL£ -UNKNOWN IWIHOl.f -DRAIH/STORII IMIIHOL£ -SANITARY JINIIIOI.£ -rru:PIICII( W.'IHOI£ -CAll:H 8,ISJ// PERCOIAIJO/I HO!£ P()fl,£R/l)Tr.JTYP<1.£ S11lfEIUCIII rrn PIT wru. ll'AJ£R SVMC(/MmR WAlfR VAi.VE 90' I 9 '55" 64.JLl 17.53 8 Plan 76445 IS.OB~~ 1' ,, "' " ,,-1> ~I ,., i' ' " ,tt~\~ 13 •' 19.5 g, ,., X tf) 0 CP.I a ❖ r--~~\ , .. X C) "' 0.61 ,. , .. X ,,. /> "' ~ 20.07 do " , ... 1-, .. X X •' ,,. (!) ,'t,.,;i X •' ,,. X .. ~' ,-"" ,,. ,, X <D , .. , X , ... , C!) X •' ,, ' t· , .. •t Till• ,. , .. ,'7 URVEY Q to~\t~-= evision Date: ?tin\ Dcte: 2013/01/22 2013/01/21 Owg. No. Al.5 7 I I I I I I J I ' I I 1 BAKERY FREEZER WALK-IN COOLER -BAKERY--- COOLER DAIRY COOLER OFFICE STAFF ROOM GAS METER LOCATION 15'-9• +.BOm --1 MEAT WALK-IN -COOLER I ~ I j 1-.::!li'l'i--- ACCESS LA.DDERTO 1 • MEZANINE ABOVE (ELEC. HOT WATER TANK & COMPRESSOR AR7) ~ RECEIVING I AREA ,-, I OA ING " MEAT AREA I PICAL THROUGHOU 11i-------t· I I I _J I L I ' I I __ ffi j ' -----i-------------------- MENS' WC BP.KTNG AREA LADIES" 'c ---1- RAINWATER LEADER ! _ .. _ ,..,..--..,. I,. ,!. LO C") ...J ...J <{ ~ en 128'-o·' Ji.OlmJ I li-------tll I I I I GROCERY __ J _____ AR~-- 11 IRAk~ 11 II 11 11 I SEALfD CONCRETE FLOOR THROUGHOUT I ER ER 7 I - I I ' I -------.. _ --1- ·1- -1- -1- I 1 I i I dffi ~ L [] I I I ') I I I ,j -· I --- f ,, r I t -.L ;.!, t D i:-. --- MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil:?0?•671'.l EVANSAVENl!E V,\NCOUVER., OC V6A .:!l-:9 Tel: (60~) l'll-J,01 :! / Fa..'(: (60-4) )Jl•!M Ccl: {GO~) 1~~91 Emnil: m~tdi,o,K!llai ,;.o THIS DRAWl:-10 MUST NOT BE SC.-\LED nm GENERAL CONTRACTOk. SHALL VEILII'\' All LllMI!NSIO:-.S AND l.EYELS PRIOR 1U t:O)IMENC~\IE.'HOF \\'ORK. ALL ERRORS AND O~IISSIO."li:S SIIALL OU REPORTW L\tMCIDLUF.L Y TO THE .\RO!ITECT. COJ>YRIGHT KESEJl\'E.Ll. nus Pl..\.'-i A1\l> lJESIGN i\RE,\.'IU,\T .-\LL TIMES R.E.\IAlN THE EXCLUSl\'E PROPERTY Of :-.1.' TTI IEW CllENG ARCIIITI:CT INC. AND MAY :SOT IH! liS£0 OR REPROOUCED w1rnour PRIOR WRITTEN C1J?.SENT. No. Dote Re'4is1on 01 2012/05/04 Issue for Re'4iew 02 '2012/~/18 ls,ue for Review 0:5 '2D1'2/.o1 /20 Issue for Review 04 2012/10/12 Issue for DP 05 2012/11/15 Issue for Rl!Yiew 06 2013/01/22 !,sue for ADP Review Conn1Uonlo Project Title LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sheet Title FLOOR PLAN Drawn: GRW Checked: MC Scale: 3/1•· -r-o· Project Numbl!r: R~si.inOi:ll~ Print Cote: 2013/01/22 2013/01/21 ?~ Owg. No. A2.1 \ '-...-) (3'j T I , ;: STEEL CANOPY BELOW, CANTILEVERE FROMISTEEL STRUCTURE I J I I I J /~" I ,----1-------I -------I -------I -------. --/ " I ~=====~====== '=======-=====~= '======='===-====={ "", r ------------------------------------------------J ---------l': . ~ " -I I ~~ "" ~ " I i ~~~1 ,,,/> I , i I~"/ : _ ___ _ __ _ __ EPDM-TYPJROOF _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ __ _ _____ __ _ __ _ __ -I -1--___ {fJ I -----C/W GRAVEL BALLAST I ....,. I THROUG~OUT I 'II I I ROOF-TOP AIR-HANDLING UNIT 11 I I II I I ,OUNTED ON CURB II I II I I I _____ ___ _____ l-___ .(~, STANDARD 11h118" I ......,, 42"x42" R!OF ACCESS HATC~ CONCRETE ROOF PAYERS 42"x42" ROOIF ACCESS HATCH I I ,; I ', ~~__,.-_,..._,... _ _,. I RAINWATER LEADER ROOF-TOP AIR-HANDLING UNIT Mr UNTED ON CURB I ---7- ROOF-TOP AIR-HANDLING UNIT MIUNTED ON CURB ROOF-TOP 1AIR-HANDLING UNIT iMOUNTED ON CURB I l ---i-- WOOD VISUAL SCREEN OVERING MECHANICAL UNIT TYPICAL I 1:: : 11---1---L II I II I II I Ii I II I II I II I 11---1-_ _/, 111 I -./ II I Ii I II I II I II I II I -I -1---(s) II I ~- II I II I II I II I II I II I ~ ----~ [b _..=I --F-------------------------7 I I ______ _:J STEEL CANOPY ELOW, CANTILEVERED FROM STEEL STRUCTURE MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. U"it ZOZ • 670 El/,\,.'lS ,\VENUE V,\NCOUVER,. DC 1/fiA :?K9 Td: (604} 7Jl-30t2 / F...c (60~} 7tl Ccl; (60~)649,.06691 Email: mall._,,;_,_;« THIS DRA WCNO ~\UST NOT rm SCALED. THE GENER,\L CONTRACTO.k. SHAU. VERIFY ALL LllMENSIONS AND LEVELS PRIOR 1U CO~IM.Et<.l'E.\1E:-ITOF WURK. ALL f:RRORS AND OMISSIOXS SI L.\U. DC: REPORTED LW.IEDIATELY TO Tiffi.\.ttrHITUT. COl'\'RmHT RESER\IED. nus !'LU\' A2'"D l)F,SJGN ARE ,\i\:l) ,\T Ail TIMES Rf..\lAl.'ll TIIE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF M.\ m1Ew CIIENG ARCIIITl:CT INC. AND MAY ~OT DE USED OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CO~>sENr. No. Date Revision 01 2012/05/04 IS!Ue for Review 02 2012/05/18 l,sue for Review 03 2012/07/20 Issue for Review 04 2012/10/12 Issue for DP 05 2012/11/15 Issue for Review 06 201:5/01/22 lsstu, for ADP Re¥iew Con9u1tants Project lille LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC ROOF PLAN Drawn: G!IW O,ecked: MC Scale: J/1•· -r-o· Project Number: Revision Date: 201J/01/22 Prhl Date: 201J/01/21 0,.-g. No. A2.2 PAINTED CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS CIW REVEAL CHANNELS P.L I ~ I ( 1 WEST ELEVATION AJ.1 I SCALE / 3/16" = 1'-0" .,,-..,, r 1\ } ._., I PAINTI:D CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS CIW fEVEAL CHANNELS ,,....--·--..... 2 , SOUTH ELEVATION AJ.1 ; SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" ./ I ( 3 \ EAST ELEVATION \ AJ.1 .J SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" "---./ FIBRE-CEMENT LAP SIDING GLASS SPANDREL PANELS DECORATIVE TIMBER CANOPY STRUCTURE I PAINTED VERTICAL CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS CIW REVEAL CHANNELS DECORATIVE TIMBER -CANOPY STRUCTURE \ SIGN CANTILEVERED STEEL CANOPY FIBRE-CEMENT LAP SIDING CANTILEVERED STEEL CANOPY V l, T' BRICK CLADDING CANTILEVERED STEEL CANOPY GLASS SPANDREL PANELS SIGN FIBRE-CEMENT LAP SIDING P.L I PAINTED CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS CIW REVEAL CHANNELS PAINTED CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS CIW REVEAL CHANNELS r -, SPLIT-FACED CONCRETE BL~CK ] I , IL y --... __ ~ MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil202-(i'10 EVANS AVENUE VANCOUVER. DC\'6,\ :!K9 Tcl:{60·0 7ll-301:!/Fu.: (60~) lJl•.v»t Ccl: (60~)U9-0669/Eluil; rn•in...hviu TiilS [)!U\Vr..lG.\IUSTNOTnr::scALF.rl nmar.Nr:R,\l CONTRACT'Olt SIL\LL VER.If\' ,\LLUIIJENSIONS AND LE'i'El.SPRJOR TOfOMME.M.'E.\IE~JUF WORK, ALL ERRORS ANO m,llSSIONS SHAU DE REPORTED IM:>.IEnlATF.LY TO Tl-ff: .-\RCHlTF.CT. COPYRIGHT Rl!SERVED.TIIIS PLAN ,\l\l) DGSIGN ARE AND AT ,\LL TIMES Rf.\lil.L~ THE EXCLUSIVE PROPF.RTY OF ~l:\TTIJE\V CIIENG ,\R□IITICT l~C.AND ~lAY ~OT Dli USF.JJ OR Rr~ROOl;rfJ) \l;lTIIOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. tie>. Dot• Revision Ot 2012/0S/04 Issue ror Review 02 ~11/0$/18 Issue for Review 03 2.012./()7 /'1.0 Issue for Review D-4 20l'2/10/12. ls9ue for DP OS. lOIZ/11/l:) l9sue for Review 06 lOU/0\/22 Issue for ADP Re'fie" Project ntle LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sl,ut TIU• ELEVATIONS Drawn: GRW Checked: MC Scale: J/16" • r-0- Project Number: Revision Dote: 2013/01/22 Print Date: 20\3/01/2\ Owg. Ho. A3.l - DECORATIVE TIM BER CANOPY STRUCTURE P.L I ' w FLOOR SLAB _.I!. 48.3o""[l4. 74mf" -i, I 1 ,NORTH ELEVATION AJ .21 SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" '----.... ,? GARBAGE ENCLOSURE -REAR 'AJ.2_' SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" '---"' SMOOTH-FACED CONCRETE BLOCK SPLIT-FACED CONCRETE BLOCK SPLIT-FACED CONCRETE BLOCK STEEL GATE WITH WOOD CLADDING SMOOTH-FACED CONCRETE BLOCK . ,,,,-4 GARBAGE ENCLOSURE -SIDE I ...... 3" I GARBAGE ENCLOSURE -FRONT AJ.2 SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" A3.2 1 SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-o" ..... -....____....., OUTLINE OF NEIGHBOURING BUILDING ~. ....--2 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION AJ.2 SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" '-._/ ---MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unil:!02-670 EV,\NSAVENUE VANCOUV£R,BCV6A2J..:9 Tcl:(60~)731.J0t2IFD..~:(60JJ1';11.J3111. Ccl: (60")6~9-06691 Em■H: m1ltkli' llilQi ca lHISM.\\\1XC"l.'Sf"-..OfllF..SC-\l'.IJ'J. TIU::GENERAL CO~'ll..\~SK.\Li. \1'J,I(\' i\U. Dl~"'i .,~t> l.fVELS PRIOR TO COMMEt-:CE.,IE.'ffOF IVORK.. ALL EAAORS AND OMISSIONS SI !All DE REPORTI:D l~l;\I F.OIATF.L Y TO TifF. . .\RCHITF.CT. COC'YRIGHT RESER\'Fl), TIIIS l'L,\N ,\KO DESIGN ARE ,\ND ,\TALL TIMES R.E.\IAIN nlE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF ~l-\ TTlll:.\V CIIENG 1\ROIITECT INC.AND M,\Y NOTBE USF.D OR RF.PRODUCED WlTIIOUT PRIOR WltlTTF)I ('Oi\'<jENT No. Date Revision 01 2012/05/04 lsgue for Review 02 2012/05/18 Issue for Review 03 2012/07/20 Issue for Review 04-2012/10/12 Issue for DP 05 2012/11/15 Issue for Re'liew 06 201.3/01/22 Issue for ADP Review Consultants Project ntle LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sheet TIUe ELEVATIONS Drawn: GRW Checked; ".l: Scole: J/16" = 1'-o· Project Number. Re'MkJn Dote: 2013/01/22 Pt.itll O'Ot.: 2013/01/21 Owg. No, A3.2 (f (3J r I I SECTION A SCALE : 3/16" 1'-0" SECTION B SCALE : 3/16" 1·-0" SECTION C SCALE : 3/16" 17) r I I ,._. -·--· GROCERY AREA (6) (--;, r f I I ----~- RECEIVING AREA GROCERY AREA 14) T ! I -~--- BAKING AREA MEAT WALK-IN COOLER LOADING AREA MEAT ALK-IN REEZER UTILITY MEZZANINE P.L I i I i i i I P1.L I i -. ... MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. UniL202-670 EVANSAVENUt;; V,\!\'COUVER. BC V6,\ 2J.'.9 Tel: (60~) "1JI-J012 I F:>.'<: (60~) l.Ji•}OCll:I Ccl: (60~)619--06(;91 Emmil: mal......,i ~ ~ THIS llR.\Wl!\G MUST NOT nr: SCAU:Jl. nm GF.Nl:R,\L CONTR.,\CTOII. SHALL VERlf\' ,\LL DIMl!NSlONS .-\ND 1£\o'ELS PRIOR TU CO~\MENL'E.\IENTOP"WORK. ALL ERR.ORS AND O~!ISSIONS SIIALL DI:. REPORTF.D IM~IF.J)Jl1 TF.LV TO l'Hf..\RCHITF.CT. COf'VRIGHT RESERVED TIIIS l'L\N Ai\l) O~lGN AR£,\..).l0,\T .-\LL TIMES REMr\lN THE E..\CLUSl\."E PROPERTY OF :-.IATTilEWCll~G,\RCJIITECTINC,.\ND}.L\Y~OTBE USF.DOR Rr:NI.OOUCFJ) \\'lTilOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. No. Date Revision 01 2012/0,/04 lsSlle for Review 02 2012/05/18 Issue for Review 03 20.12/<17 /20 Issue for Review 04 20t2/t0/12 lssut for DP 05 2012/11/15 Issue for Reyjew 06 2013/01/22 IS5Ut for ADP Review Consultants Project Title LANGLEY FARM STORE ---L---------""""'11935 207 ST P.L I i i i i i I i ! ! I MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sheet liUe BUILDING SECTIONS Drown: GRW O,ecked: MC Scale: ,;,s· = 1'-o· Project Number: Re~Ocle:: 201J/01/22 Print Datt: 201J/01/21 """ MARCH 21 N MARCH 21 10:00 AM PST ALTITUDE = 25.57° AZIMUTH = -57.31'S 119th AVENUE N MARCH 21 12:00 PM PST ALTITUDE = 38.54' AZIMUTH = -25.12'S N MARCH 21 2:0D PM PST ALTITUDE = 40.49' AZIMUTH = 14.D2'S ·--:. ........ ..... .,..., • ·:.::.:.:~. OJ D ~ 1191h AVENUE JUNE 21 N JUNE21 10:0DAM PST ALTITUDE = 44.54' AZIMUTH = -73.35'S GEODETIC INFORMATION UTM COORDINATES: 49'13'N I 122'38'W GEODETIC ELEVATION: 14.58m ASL N JUNE21 12:DD PM PST ALTITUDE = 60.55' AZIMUTH = -35.44'8 N JUNE21 2:00 PM PST ALTITUDE = 62.57' AZIMUTH = 24.23'S DRAWING LEGEND SUN SHADOW AT 10:00 AM, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME SUN SHADOW AT 12:00 PM, PACIFIC STANDARO TIME SUN SHADOW AT 2:00 PM, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME SEPTEMBER 21 N SEPTEMBER 21 10:DO AM PST ALTITUDE = 6.08' AZIMUTH = -42.61'S 119th AVENUE N SEPTEMBER 21 12:0D PM PST ALTITUDE = 15.74' AZIMUTH = -16.38'S N SEPTEMBER 21 2:DD PM PST ALTITUDE = 16.45' AZIMUTH = 1222°S TTHEW CHENG RCHITECT INC. \\IXG~IUST~OTnEK,\LErl. TI-IEGT:NER,\\ ASH,\IJ., VERIFY ,\LL Dl~ICNSIO:-:S ,\l\D 'RlOR TO C0~1~1El\l'F_\!E;', TOF \\'ORI,; •. ~LL ·oo,~tSJtAU.Ol:.WORTED fT.l.'11' TI} '11it ,\~lm'.cf.tol'\'lliClll'" llllS PI.\S A~n DE'SIGS llllE,\SD ,IT ,\LL 1.\1:'ltT!IEEXCU.;s11 E rROPERrY OF Clrt!--.i .\RCI IITI:CT 1:-:C.Al\D ~!,\,.SOT 13[; Jl:1:t'Jl:Olll.:Cf.D WITIIOUT rRIOR V. lUITTX Revi,ron Issue for ReY.ew Issue for Review Issue for Review Issue for DP Issue fo,-Review Issue for ADP Review o),<t TIiie ANGLEY FARM STORE 1935 207 ST APLE RIDGE, BC ett liUo: HADOW ANALYSIS ITE PLAN °""' GRW Scale: 1/1s· = 1'-o· Project Number: Ra'r.llon Dote: 2013/01/22 Print Dot•: 2013/01/21 A5.1 MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. Unit 202-670 !!VANS AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC V6A 21{9 Td: (004) Dl•lOJZ/Fu: (6<HJ1)1•J«IS Cd: (604) 6-19-0669/ I::m.lil: m~~i ca THIS DRAWING ~UST NOT BE SCALED. THE GENERAL CO:-ITRACTOR SHALL VERIIY All DIMENSIONS AND LEVEL.5 PRIOR TO cm,t'-IDICDfENT OF WORK ALL ERRORS ANDOMISSIO~S SIIAJ.L BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TOTitE ARCHITECT. COPY RIG KT Rf.SERVED. TIIISPLAN A.'IDOESJGN ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN ntE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY Of MATTTIEWCHENGARCHITTCT~'C ANDMAYNOTBE USED OR REPRODUCED WTTllOUT PRJOR WRJTTEN CO~SENT. Project nu~ LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 207 ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC Sheet TlUc: PERSPECTIVE RENDERING Drown: RS Checked: ~c Scale: N.T.S. Projccl Number: Revision Date: Print Date: 2012/01/22 Dwg. No. ROI --- NEIGHBOURING BUILDING EXISTING rlDOO RETAININ5 HALL ------!~----- ,;_:'P ------ ,.. H " 11 "' ,. ,. :r ,, ,":> <:,'> :i, ... •°' ,t<· ,~'? ... ~"-· ~- SMAI..L SMALL ,. ,. EXISTING TREl: TO BE REMOVED, n'P. -====::::::. _________ _J NEIGHBOURING BUILDING <:,'> Jo~ !, , •. ,~-') ,~· ., " " " S~Af.L & \ 0 ,,, ,, 119th AVENUE ADJACENT PARKING AREA [I] ~ ~ F:-: I D J D rn rn ~ E] ~ EXISTIN5 STREET mff TO BE RETAl>ED, TYP. l-w w EXl5T1NS STREET TREE TO BE RETAIIED, TYP. et:: l-C/) .c ....... ........ 0 N ~ligf\l t~, Thlr. OttMtn{) IJl1d do:9Jal'I t, lhe i,n,ptrty of l..AHOTEC GrnUl'lCl ~C,041S ~nd mq')I not be ffOl'Oeiod Cl'medforotiilll"f"Of'CU •lnou 111W pt1nwion. ~ JAAl3 Mlllh&~ ,or ,op mic~u, R. 2 9',bielanfO'Of'-~~ Fl I ·•-12 Mll'NM~rar-re PL NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. FUNG LIU LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3568 E.48TH A VENUE, VANCOUVER, BC V5S 1H7 TEL: 604-655-3689 FAX: 604-453-0169 E-MAIL: lungllu@ehew.co SEAL: ARCHITECT: PROJ£Cr: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHITECT INC. ·:u.:_."'~'·'-'i,\>c-ut., .... ..,_.,.,,,u.oc-..,:..• ,.,,.,.,.,,.,.11,r.,1,u,•11.•u <"«L(•~'"''~~,. _..., __ ,J.,~ LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 -207th Street Maple Ridge, BC DRAWING TlnE: TREE RET AINTION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: L1 OF 2 SCALE: 11150 DESIGN: FL DATE: h.lg.2012 DRAWN: FL FILE: L.ANelEl" FARM 5TOflE -2ZlP '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' NEIGHBOURING BUILDING NEIGHBOURING BUILDING ADJACENT PARKING AREA CONIFERCtS TRB: -:-,.\:'.I 111~~;i1;;,ijtiJ~tJ:~JJ';g~,i):t}~f~Jci~:i~~t~~,;:J~tl;ri~~ii::~i""',""" .... ""'""ll"""-r--~~=--!.!!'!'=ii!>='IF=~----=n?;mf'.:.?:qj~~*+-;:; EXISTIN6 SHRL!lS TO BE RETAINED. TYP. PIGEA Ol'ORI~ '{)'},~ ,'o SHRUe BED, TYP. ______ _,,':l'-•-4~~ ,, :r; ll R!I.CIGA18> LIGHT ST AND RAD ,..,~ ,.. ... "'°'---~1)) '1 ,"7.~ ,1--------'·· II--------'" 'o': ~'-~·----~" t= / ~TID LIGHT STAl'ORAD SMALL t.PRIGHT TREE PARROTIA PERSIGA l.f'Rl6HT FORM' I RELOGATID EX15TIN5 RQC.K PROPOSED PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLAJ.ilTEO SIZE / ~ARKS TREE ~s 3 PARROT1A ~IC.A tfl'RJ61-IT FORM' PERSIANIRONl-i'.)OC) 6CM GAH,115H STD.; BtB; 4 PJGEA OJ-t'.)RJKA SERBIAN smXOE 25MKT. 2 Smw< JAPONJGIJS JAPAHESESt>:J~ 6CM CAL .. lbH STD.; e,e SHRJ.B 0 PIER.IS JAPOHJCA VAI.BCTlt,I:' Pl~S '3 POT;40GM ~ Pf<1Jltl5 L.AIROGetA51J5 'OTTO LIJYKEN' OTTO LlJ'(Kel L..Al..Ra •2 POT;30CH RH'.:>DODEHDROH 'BOW. BEU..5' Rl-k)OODelDRoN-PI~ LOH HT 13 POT @ ROSA 'SCARLET t-1:IDIL.AND' SCARLET HEIOIL.MD ROSE •2 POT;40GH I SPIRAEA X YON l-k'.JIJTEII BRID~TH SPIRAEA •2POT;-40GM TIU.IA OGGlDENTALJS 'FASTl61ATA' P'T'RAHIDAL CEDAR 15H VIEUmtfDAVJDII DAVJD'S VIBLRIU-f •2 POT;30CH G.C,. ~ ERIGA CARJ-EA '5PRI~ PINK' HEATH ~ POT -. ne<JA 5iWJ.DII 6AL\. TIERIA t/ POT;25GH --l'OJES, • F'l.-"«51ZE5 IH1l0> LIST AAE.g,a;IFlED~ TO 11£ ec:, LNl?SGAPf 5f-lW>,LATESTE!)rJDI. G<l<ITM<!RSIS5FSGIFll'I> ~ F9tGNTA5TNC).NiDS. 80THPl..AHT'54Zl:>JOGOHTAlf'ER.'SIZ!'~ nE HC>Qt-UiAGGEP'Tloa.E SIZE'S-. • met TO 5PEGIRGATIOt6f"~~aa, ""1'--WDOll5'f'I..N<tH,\1$1W. ~ • ,v,JIGHNORelllf><, l'W<f !VHf-AI./..VA~l'Cll<OPtlOIW. R&IEI; !Jr~ A.'!Qffl:GT AT-QL9,ffl,T. NlJ:A Of' SEAAJ,ll 10 =L()l,EllH,\lfUlONO PAASER V""-£Y, • ~ OOTNH H>1m,l /<Wf>QIAI. l"ROt1 !IE IA'<>SCAPI; AAGHl=T PRIOR 11> I'-N<f SU>oTITUll:>H; TD n£ ~ H,\1Ull"I.. ~ 5t.8STIM10t6 HU. Be RE.&Tm. 1'l,1Di A HIH!M.tt a" FNE OA"I!. PRJQR. lO "8.JV8tl' FOR REO.ei,T TO steSlITUTE. SLMTl'M10!6 ~ SLe...EGT TO ec ~ 5TA'CJ,,1,RD -oEFIPmoff OF c;GltOfTIOt6QF AV~. ' .... ,.;:,,. ~ . . '. ,· :.\:·.~ ,:,. :. ~--J · ·~'-------=---1 PEDE:SlRlAft ~'f E.XP05ED A66RE6ATE GONCRETE REl..OGAlEO MJNIGIPAL LIBHT STNVRAD 119th AVENUE SECTION B l--a-amA66RE6ATE CO><ORETE BAIID BROOH FINISH cor-t::.RETE ED5E, rt'P. EXISTING TREE: TO BE RETAIIED, Tt'P. P.L -,:~-i,.,;::,.ii..µ;__ EXISTIN6 TREE TO BE RETAINED, TYP. EXISTINS TREE IN TREE SRATE, TYP. EXl5TIN5-t-UIIGIPAL LISHT STAM)RAO EXISTIN6 GITY BUS STOP -,I-'~--PROPOSEO tEH STREET TREE STI'RAX JAPONICUS t}RlX)H FINISH cott:;RElE , TYP. SECTION A 1-w w 0:: I-C/) .c ...... r--0 N CCopyriiahl fO,S,elYed. This d~ ond de,Jgn 111 lhe Pf~ af LNIDTEC Ground Eivartl and lfilllf nor be ~Ol'l.Mdklroll'ioffJfofteU~Njt'~•ion. NO. DATE RE'VISION DESCRIPTION ... l'I. Ft. DR, FUNG LIU LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3568 E.48TH AVENUE, VANCOUVER, BC V5S 1H7 TEL: 604-655-3689 FAX: 604·453--0169 E-MAIL: lungllu@ahaw.ca SEAL: ARCHITECT: PROJECT: MATTHEW CHENG ARCHlTECT INC. -:,:.,IOC\"S \Y~l-\JI -.,._,,:l'l.•t .. lt .-.,:,,., r, v•i.1rn ,.-.,:,1,.-c,,..,,,..,,... C',11""'••--blll,.._1.,,..'-··-,•e, LANGLEY FARM STORE 11935 • 207th Street Meple Ridge, BC DRAWING TfilE: LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: L2 of 2 SCALE: hl50 DESIGN: R.. DA TE: Alig. 2012 DRAWN: R. FILE: ~ FAAH ST~ ·2ZIP No. DAlE AE\1SION II I I II II II C II Rom I II U 119 AVE. u • » J6 37 I I I I ,-: -----➔--i (/) (0 0 N , -_-=--::...--=----=----=-- 1189 I THORNE A VE. I BENCHMARK: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT B. GROUP 1. DL 278, PLAN BY 76445 ,-: (/) <( r-,.. 0 N 30 ,VJ ,g) I / 'I 11 1----r,:....-""'# I :: Tr= )J I rt=-~ II 11 I EY TRUNK R AD l( .. J 2 J2 " 2.11 212 21J 214 215 2•5 217 J53 JG4 216 219 220 221 2::t ::M 224 JJ<" .),j4 336 !J? 371 H.l (S) ENGINEERING LTD. •#200-9128-ISZnd ST. Surrey, BC VJR ◄E7 •TEL 604-583-1616 •Website.: www hyengine.ering com •FAX 604-SBJ-1737 DRAWN STORM WAJER CONTROL LEGEND EXISTING STORM SEWER ...... • .................................... • ---I>()---- 100 YEAR OVERLAND FLOW .. .. .. .. .. ................ .... ... PROPOSED STORM SEWER ......................................... __ ...... __ _ 100 YEAR SURCHARGE FLow .............................. IE(, FUlURE STORM SEWER ........................................... ------c~:r ------ 100 YEAR FLOW IN PIPE ................................... c::::> EXISTING CONTOURS............................................... ----5---- OVERLAND FLOW .......................................... ~ EXISTING DITCHES .............................................. • -~ ~ LOT GRADING ······ .. ··· .............................. _ PROPOSED SWALES .............................................. .. ¢> BASIN BOUNDARY LINE ............................ --.ept,,-118 .. -•e ... - SUB BASIN BOUNDARY LINE .................... --.8!Jlo-~8P""-@8p,,• CATCHMENT FLOW DIRECTION .............................. • MANHOLE. CLEANOUT OR HEADWALL NUMBER ... ®®® MAJOR CATCHMENT BOUNDARY LINE· ........ ••-•-•-•-•• CATCHMENT AREA ....................................... ~~~~rh~~~ SUB CATCHMENT BOUNDARY LINE ............ •11• .. • .. •11•11•11•11•11• EXISTING DETENTION AREA .......................................... • ~ LOCAL CATCHMENT BOUNDARY LINE•""""••••••••••••••• PROPOSED COMMUNITY DETENTION FACILITY ................ ~ STORM WA TIER CALCULATION SHEET CITY PROJECT NO.: IINll:.NSIIY"" ,n H . Y c-1.1r.-11Jc-rcjNt:: r., ~. ,~uno lnC'IC"ll"'U JlF'T'ln:Mo.l 011:"COI~ 119:5.S ?O? Streat Meola . i...nft•T ftt-,...,.,,.. Mcl\tht• ct,.-i AtchftKl Inc. tn.nn1.'\. ·--Locatfon of From To Area Total Time of Rainfcrl ~ Drainage Area MH MH "A" "R" AR "AR" Concentration ~i ... ~,, ho 8 ,., .. ,,.., EX EX .....JM_ I .. 01 02 t2.93C O."'''" tn., 14,1 0.0 14 I 57.4 EX EX ~ 8 02 03 0.270 a.ec 'noo ,ns< 14.1 0.3 ... f EX EX ~ C 03 n4 14.160 a.~ '••~ .. ~ 14.5 0.9 •~-· EX EX -¥.-:-0 o• HW 1.540 0." 1 •• .. .. 15.4 n_1 t• EX EX -¥!--04 HW .... 1s.• n, .. • NOlES: 1. ONSITE MANHOLE TO BE INSTALLED IS A FlOW CONTROL MANHOLE OESIGNED TO LIMIT THE 10 YEAR POST DEVELOPMENT FtOW TO THE 2 't'EAR PRE-DEVELOPMENT FLOW. 2. TWO 9000 STORM PIPES EXIST FROM MANHotE EX 04 TO THE HEADWALLS AT THE OUTFAU. llEIUI.. STORM PEIENDON CAI WI AJK>NS 2 rue PR£-D£Mloewoo now TI (br) OJJ oao (mm/hr) 22,5 10 XIA8 eosr DOE OPMENT Fl ows &-SIQR/tCf Ym UME ORIFICE DIA, IL 0.09.:5 m h • 0.60 m C= 060 O (Outnow) = 0 014 m"J/s Tc • H.lmti Qpl • 0022m"/s C• oeo H)<I. No~ Ra.,\!al R1f'n.!dl Pack lrltl!::iw O~lloo Mlen .. ly Flow ·-· T, I Op2 Vo~m• ('""'/h,.) fo,"'3./s n\ .. ,\ I II .,__. 0.026 , .... I ,. " no•2 =• ' 20 " 0.019 ,1.~ ' ]Q ,. M" >10 . .. 1• nn11 =·• ; 120 1.] 0000 -· Feok Stor09e Required • 8,8 m"J Peok Detention OtJHlow (10 Yeor) -0.014 rn"'J/s .llfB....C:. 100 YfM 01S'OtARGf 19 S:tPBY Sf'MB (mn) 0.8 0.27 --Rcf•c,u 0nl m• •' ll.Ot• ••1♦ ..... 0..0t4 001• 0.014 A (ho) 0..014 Required Storcge Volume cm·l\ .... a.a 11 ... -•1 - {m"J/s} r,n ... .11 "·•·· 23-Joo-l.l. 10 ·-·"= ·---n ... , •.. ,1V ,.. ··"··· ~ED ~--· "' 0.56 0.26 0~45 4.91 ... 1 Sewer Design Vol m -_,_ . 1.2 7.0 2.6 0.01l ... 1,2 34.0 R 0.0,J ,- 1.2 124,Q; ,, lnou .... a.• = s, O.OIJ •15 0.9 2S.O s, 0..013 ... PRE"-OfYfl(l'UilU OAU 4c AQWS CATCHMENT AREA (A) - IMPERMEABLE AREA • 7. IMPERVIOUS • 2 &: 10 YR RUNOFF' cOEmCIENT (C) = 100 YR RUNOFF COEFFICIENT (C) = TIME Of CONCENTRA 110N (lJ • 2 YR RAINFALL INTENSITY (I) = 10 YR RAINF'ALL INTENSITY (I) • lOOYR RAINF'ALL INTENSITY (I) - 2 YR PEAK FLOW (0=-ClA/3600) = 10 YR PEAK FLOW (O•OA/J600) • 100 YR PEAK FtOW (O=-CIA/3600) ,. P9SI OOfl QPMFlfl DA.Tit & 0 OWS CATCHMENT AREA (A) • IMPERMEABLE AREA = 7. IMFER\10US = 2 & 10 YR RUNOFF' COEFFICIENT (C) • 100 YR RUNOFF' COEFFICIENT (C) = TIME OF CONCENTRATION (T) • 2 YR RAINFALL INTENSITY (1) • 10 YR RAINF'ALL INTENSITY (1) =- 100YR RAINF'AU. INTENSITY (I) "' 2 YR PEAK f'LOW (O-CIA/.:5600) • 10 YR PEAK FLOW (O•OA/3600) • 100 YR PEAK FLOW (O=CIA/.3600) = Remarks Mojo, Flo,. ~ .... ...... In Pl e Below Surfoce In PIDe In Pipe 2700m"'2 25J4m"2 9JJI 7o 080 o.ao 20min 22 5 mm/hr JI mm/nr 46 mm/hr 1.3.S L/s 186 L/s 27.6 L/tr 2700m"'2 2540m'"2 9,t..l ~ oao 080 14.1 min 27mm/hr 36 mm/hr 53mm/hr 16 2L/!! 21.6 L/s 31.B L/s £V SEAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE O<SIQIED ,EV ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT """'''" RED "'""O'IED ER SCAlB 2500 STORM WATER CONTROL PLANb~_-_u_AR_v2-~3-!>lln" PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 11935 207 STREET, MAPLE RIDGE 1 OF 1 ........... 123606-02