HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-05-14 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:00 p.m. -Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi- family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF February 12, 2013 4. NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 2013 ADP Membership Update -introduction of new member, Colleen Dixon 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician & File Manager: 5.2 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: 2013-019-DP J. Kristianson J. Kristianson Jonathan Losee Ltd. Replace existing Kai Tire service facility with a new facility and a CRU building 20803 Lougheed Highway Adrian 2013-037-DP Spire Development Corporation Al Tanzer Internal and external renovations to existing building (Former Roger's Video Store. Location: 11965 Fraser Highway Planning Technician & File Manager: Adrian 6. PRESENTATIONS 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. NEXT MEETING Agenda deadline: • 9. ADJOURNMENT /jg Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Monday, May 28, 2013 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Peter Lovick, Chair Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Blair Arbuthnot COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Johnny Leung STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Rasika Acharya Christina Stewart 1. Call to Order and Introductions Architect Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Architect Planner II Committee Clerk The meeting was called to order at 4:11 p.m. Rasika Acharya introduced Blair Arbuthnot to the Panel as the new Landscape Architect. 2. Agenda Approval RESOLUTION: That the February 12, 2013 agenda be approved. 3. Approval of the Minutes -December 11, 2012 RESOLUTION: That the Minutes of the meeting of December 11, 2012 be approved. Advisory Design Panel Minutes CARRIED • CARRIED Page 1 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4. New Business 4.1 2013 ADP Membership Update Rasika Acharya provided an update on the 2013 ADP Membership. Blair Arbuthnot was welcomed to the panel. Ms. Acharya advised that the final architect position is still vacant. Staff will provide an update at the next meeting. 4.2 2013 ADP Meeting Dates Rasika Acharya requested the Panel Members to email or call her directly if they are unable to make an upcoming meeting. Ms. Acharya noted the importance of having quorum prior to promising the applicanVproject architect a meeting date. 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician & File Manager 2012-077-RZ & DP Matthew Cheng Architect Inc Matthew Cheng, MAIBC Fung Liu, BCLSA Neighbourhood Grocery Store (Langley Farm Market) in the C-2 (Community Commercial) zone 11~35 207th Street, Maple Ridge Siobhan Murphy The following applicants were present at the meeting; ► Matthew Cheng, Architect ► Fung Liu, Landscape Architect ► Gregory Wilson, Intern-Architect Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated February 12, 2013 attached to the agenda. Matthew Cheng, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Fung Liu, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the landscape plans to the Panel. RESOLUTION: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow up; • Confirm that the canopy is extended along 207th Street • Provide a five foot barrier-free access from handicap parking to the rear door • Consider connecting the garbage enclosure to the building and provide a man door Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page2 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, February 12, 2013 • Consider treatment of the exposed north elevation • Provide details of the grade change between the new slab elevation, the existing trees, and the sidewalk along 207th Street • Consider traffic calming devises in the parking lot especially in the pedestrian/traffic common area near the rear entry door • Consider providing pedestrian access from the rear entry door to the city sidewalk • Consider providing landscaping in traffic islands in the parking area • Consider providing a hedge species by the fence along the west and north property lines • Consider retaining the existing conifers in the southwest corner of the site • Consider consistent street tree species along 207th Street • Consider adding street trees along the 119th Avenue parking lot lawn area • Consider providing tree protection drawings • Provide more information on the tree retention plan including species, size and protection of existing trees to be retained • Provide quantities for all proposed plant material • Provide an arborist report CARRIED 6. PRESENTATIONS • 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 9. Adjournment: /cs Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Monday, February 25, 2013 5:21p.m. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 3 of3 _, District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) 0 Development Permit p¥¥/W 13 -0 3 7-J:>P 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. 3. PresentingArchitect: \-\u r,H lCX1\L\b,\ \1.a;C-EN.\U\--\ &2.c·H \TECTu ?e (please print) 4. PresentingLandscapeArchitect: RL 1t\l'l7e.e.,.-LAN.}YSfAf - (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: 0 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. 0 Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please prin_t) Name: S \-\f\0,0P\ ~H,~?{)f\..\ Company:Stle£ ])£\,,)E,LC;f!VlEN.\ { bLf Address: bro -2D<() ,--1 . feAsfe \0Al(. &,:ffyt\ N Phone No. ~()t\ • L\:r,J • fobSo Fax No. 604 ' L\ 31 S9 \~ Email: S\-L\..u.v,c:.Ct..fi{1fe c¼0 \yw\(, 1\.(1 ,, -=--::-t '\ ~~ \_,,\C..1 -~f{X) (Applicant's Signature) ~u 12> t ./.\-Lio (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by Noon on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr 09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May 20 Tues Jul 09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct 08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct 21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1) Site Data: Civic Address \ \ C., l--~) f Cl t-Y5r u -S-:. Area of the lot(s) 4 t1~~ m2 Lot width i:;:1.9 m Lot Depth IC}c. cJ m Existing OCP Designation ('rnV1,1l r--Or•·\ I-It Proposed OCP Designation {',-.,...,l,..Lc:.:i P 1.l.t Existing Zone C • 'I.... Proposed Zone c--~ Existing land use ('"'" l',l\ ,,.. tJ (· \ d I Proposed land use tt1m,1\ l flt'-I r\l Proposed dist. of Site-access from E.i-.\S11r\.C) an existing intersection f: m 2 ) Building Data: [__ '¥-l c:. .. ,., I N.h . Lot Coverage Required ciccJom2 Total lot Coverage proposed 1i'/o m2 Reqd. front setback tJ m Proposed front setback E.)(.1'"'-,1 1, 3 m Reqd. rear setback (,,, m Proposed rear setback F, ·-1-,<;..;-Ci .4 m Reqd. side setback (/I m Proposed side setback r ~1sr I ··'" m . ) Reqd. side setback 0 m Proposed side setback r-ti<:.. r ,16 m Reqd. building height ~'.>162Cl\'1 Proposed building height f''f-.1c.;i > sr<.•eclfP Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed m2) (Total GFA proposed m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space m2 Proposed Usable Open Space m2 Reqd. Common Acti vity Area m2 Proposed Common Activity Area m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: Underground Parking Y,.(!)J, Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone C/) Proposed Parking spaces for the zone lo~ Reqd. small car stalls °I r,(.-f Proposed small car stalls j15 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area m2 Required Handicapped Parking z Proposed Handicapped Pa rking z Required Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking ,¢ 4) Covenants: ROW: Geotechnical Y/<N' Storm sewer Y;t'l f 1 Tree preservation Y/(N'l Sanitary sewer Y/t L' No Build/ No Disturb v m·· Drainage Y/~ ) Any other Covenants on Title Y/N) Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Y/ieJ.' {distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area 15f,m2 Proposed landscaped area z s-o m2 Area of building to be demolished 4/o m2 In the Flood Plain Y/!N> In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/(N,, .. Proposed LEED points Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-037-DP 11965 Fraser Street DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: April 24, 2013 This development permit application is for the interior and exterior alterations of the existing 3 storey 4,560 sq . m. (49,092 sq. ft.) commercial building at 11965 Fraser Street just west of the Library in the Town Centre Area. The alterations are to accommodate a (29,888 sq. ft.) commercially-operated fitness centre, and to improve the office tenant space consisting of 956.6 sq. m. (10,297 sq. It.) on the second floor and 1,013 sq. m. (10,907 sq. ft.) third floor. Parking is also being improved by removing pqny walls and providing landscaping associated with the 8 surface parking spaces. The remaining parking spaces are structured, consisting of 36 spaces on the f irst floor and 69 and the second floor. rhe development site will be subject to Development Permit 2013-037-DP to address the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Spire Construction Inc. (Shauna Johnson) Raamco International Properties Canadian Ltd Lot: 103, D.L.: 398, Plan: NWP49778 Commercial Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial (Shopping Centre) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial Park (Civic Centre) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) P-1 (Park and School) Institutional and Park Commercial (Government Offices and Library) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Institutional Commercial (Stores facing 224 Street) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial Commercial Commercial McIntosh Avenue Urban DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A •, Development Permit is required for all renovations with a total value of $25,000 or more for properties within the Town Centre as identified on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. Based on the information submitted by the Architect, the following Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Area of the Town Centre Development Permit Area apply: 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre The introduction of a colonnade and the strong separation between publicly accessed ground floor and overhanging office programming above, draw on the character of existing civic buildings, enhances the pedestrian experience and lends character to the massing of the development. Material sel ection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, susta inable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. The majority of building colours are neutral , accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the corner of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. 2. Create pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping District The pedestrian experience is the focus of this development. The corner of Fraser St. and Dewdney Trunk Road will benefit from architectural overhangs, transparent street signage and a visually accessible commercial shell. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. The proposed signage reflects and accents the scale of the building, without intruding Qn the pedestrian scaled street experience. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdney Trunk Road and visual division between the street level and upper floors. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to t he sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to t he lobby serving t he upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles The re-use of the existing structure means that this development is drawing formal cues directly from existing Maple Ridge architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing a west-coast modern response to the original building scale and architectural elements. While the mass and scale of the original building will remain unchanged, our proposed fa9ade will visually break the building's massing into discrete elements, and-separate the pedestrian-accessed commercial programming from the office space above. Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. 4. Capitalize on important views Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. _) 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space The proposal for the renovation of 11965 Fraser Street incorporates a re-skinning of the existing structure, and general building upgrades; lobby improvements, life safety eval uations, accessibility considerations, second and third floor finishes, and a flexible, refinished, ground level commercial space. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features Existing landscaping is to be maintained and upgraded; a more detailed landscaping plan will be part of this development. 7. Maintain street connectivity Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creat ing a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. The lane continues to serve its existing loading function. The existing parking will be retained. Rationale and Checklist The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines checklist, all of which are attached to this report. PLANNING COMMENT: The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Adri an Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Scale: 1 :1,500 MAPLE RIDGE Srillsh Calumbti.1 11965 Fraser St CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 23, 2013 2013-037-DP BY: JV ADP Applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager by the cut-off date, with this checklist completed and submitted with the ADP package. Required 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis --:--:;E E A e.c J-1 'S, --re l?Lrt"1. 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis -5££ J>i '>lfi"' 1?ttl nlll 11-1 Le- e. Site Planning: Lighting details -sec l)t--;1 ~,,J 12.Hfll~r..:,I-\Lt:' f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans -· E. 'I , s 7, t-11-') h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ i. Building Design: Signage details ->C:.€.. 8.,Eu1rnc1-JS/lt&".JJ:L-::fl/~ D j. Building Design: Lighting details -5cE ]kS,€,tJ IZi+-nc-.Nl4L~ k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections -f 'f-, :, n A..l<.7 m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 1 □ □ □ □ □ □ Included Required Included 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout □ □ b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area □ □ c. Planting List with specifications □ □ d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping □ □ e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure □ □ f. Signage details for free standing signage □ □ g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas □ □ h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan □ □ End of Document Revised December 2012 2 PRO SCE N IUM ARCHITECTURE+ INTERIORS INC, April 19, 2013 District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, Canada, V2X6A9 Attention: Adrian Kopystynski 1 WEST 7TH AVENUE VANCOUVER BC V3Y ll4 CANADA Re: Design Rationale, 11965 Fraser Street P 60 4,179.Dlll F604.379 H86 www.prosc■•ium.ca The proposal for the renovation of 11965 Fraser Street incorporates a re-skinning of the existing structure, and general building upgrades; lobby improvements, life safety evaluations, accessibility considerations, second and third floor finishes, and a flexible, refinished, ground level commercial space. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing a west- coast modern response to the original building scale and architectural elements. While the mass and scale of the original building will remain unchanged, our proposed fa<;ade will visually break the building's massing into discrete elements, and separate the pedestrian-accessed commercial programming from the office space above. The corner of Fraser St. and Dewdney Trunk Road will benefit from architectural overhangs, transparent street signage and a visually accessible commercial shell. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. The proposed signage reflects and accents the scale of the building, without intruding on the pedestrian scaled street experience. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdney Trunk Road and visual division between the street level and upper floors. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to J<OAI CHJ\N HUGH COCHLIN Ell.ECN CHfN .\RCH!TECT ,\JUC i\A:\ MR:;\tr; LEED AP ,\"GfilrE:GT Ail,( AA..\ Mi,=tAIG LE:SD ,\? existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. The existing building's design precludes the introduction of more outdoor open space, though the landscaped area fronting Haney Place will benefit from the proposed aesthetic upgrades to the parkade. Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. Working with existing massing, the proposal's far;ade features deep overhangs, providing increased solar management and protecting vulnerable envelope features from direct exposure to rain. Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. The majority of building colours are neutral, accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the corner of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. At the sidewalk level, a reduction in the number of visible mechanical units will .reduce the need for screening. Retained, repurposed and refaced: this development will focus on the pedestrian scale, visibility and responsible material selection and detailing. Sincerely, Hugh Cochfin Architect AIBC, AAA, MRAIC, LEED™ AP Principal PRO SCEN IUM ARCHIIECTURE + INTERIORS INC PROSCE N IU M ARCHITECTUR~ + INTERIORS INC. April 19, 2013 District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, Canada, V2X6A9 Attention: Adrian Kopystynski 1 WEST 7TH AVENUE VAHCOUVER BC V5V 1L4 CANADA Re: Design Rationale, 11965 Fraser Street P 604.179.0115 P604.S7~.l486 Please find specific responses to the civic core precinct guidelines below. www.pro■c■nlurn.o■ a. The introduction of a colonnade and the strong separation between publicly accessed ground floor and overhanging office programming above draw on the character of existing civic buildings to enhance the pedestrian experience and lend character to the massing of the development. b. Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. The majority of building colours are neutral, accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the corner of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. c. The pedestrian experience is the focus of this development. The comer of Fraser St. and Dewdney Trunk Road will benefit from architectural overhangs, transparent street signage and a visually accessible commercial shell. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. The proposed signage reflects and accents the scale of the building, without intruding on the pedestrian scaled street experience. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdney Trunk Road and visual division between the street level and upper floors. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk / colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. KORI CH A N ARCHITISCT hlSC AAA hlRAIC LEED' AP HU GH C OC H 1.t U ARCHJTECT .A.18C AAA. MR.A.IC LEE0~1 AP 5 1L.EEH C~CN CGA d. The re-use of the existing structure means that this development is drawing formal cues directly from existing Maple Ridge architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing a west-coast modem response to the original building scale and architectural elements. While the mass and scale. of the original building will remain unchanged, our proposed fayade will visually break the building's massing into discrete elements, and separate the pedestrian-accessed commercial programming from the office space above. e. Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. f. Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. g. Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. h. The proposal for the renovation of 11965 Fraser Street incorporates a re-skinning of the existing structure, and general building upgrades; lobby improvements, life safety evaluations, accessibility considerations, second and third floor finishes, and a flexible, refinished, ground level commercial space. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in tum encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. i. Existing landscaping is to be maintained and upgraded; a more detailed landscaping plan will be part of this development. j .. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. The lane continues to serve its existing loading function. k. The existing parking will be retained. PR O SCE N IU M ARCHITECTURE+ INTE:RIORS INC. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ~•~it~~,,.., lllf--"l'' II IY. ~r • I ,·,r. ~ ! I ,lU(:IT• A.1 Buildinl! Mass and Form Al.l Maintain the mass and scale ofbuildings TCCMUMFR llil □ Al.2 Enhance the block with comer commercial buildings TCCMU ~ □ Al.3 Accent corner buildings TCCMUMFR llil □ Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale desirn elements TCCMU ~ □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCCMUMFR ~ □ Al.6 Desiim large buildings into smaller modules TCCMUMFR ~ □ Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCCMUMFR ~ □ Al.9 Ensure annropriate roof pitch TCCMUMFR llil □ Al.10 Use desim elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCCMUMFR Ix □ □ A.2 Buildin!! Hei1?hts A2.l Vary building heights TCCMUMFR ~ □ I I A2.2 Maintain alil!IIID.ent of architectural features TCCMU MFR [~] □ □ A2.3 Inte_grate taller buildings TCCMUMFR ~ □ A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCCMUMFR ~ □ □ A2.5 Match building heil1'hts at the end of blocks TCCMUMFR X I I A2.6 Manage phased development TCCMUMFR X □ A2.7 Protect views TCCMUMFR X □ □ A.3 Buildin!! Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCCMUMFR X □ I I A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCCMU MFR @ □ A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCCMU MFR @ □ A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow ~ □ □ visual surveillance TCCMUMFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ □ [!I A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCCMUMFR X □ □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtvards TCCMUMFR X □ □ A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCCMUMFR [K] □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. The proposal for the renovation of 11965 Fraser Street incorporates a re-skinning of the existing structure, and general building upgrades; lobby improvements, life safety evaluations, accessibility considerations, second and third floor :finishes, and a flexible, refinished, ground level commercial space. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in tum encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. The re-use of the existing structure means that this development is drawing formal cues directly from existing Maple Ridge architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing a west-coast modem response to the original building scale and architectural elements. While the mass and scale of the original building will remain unchanged, our proposed fai;:ade will visually break the building's massing into discrete elements, and separate the pedestrian-accessed commercial programming from the office space above. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. The lane continues to serve its existing loading function. This project does not contain a residential component. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist -Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines MAPLE Rl□GE Checklist ar,tiSl)C~h.rnt11• ~ ~ ml. . e tilTlf lfi ~i;W!-~ 1.-; I • • •JJfl-~"iiv.1 ~~tM:tlfTIITTTJ B.1 BuiJdine: Fatade Bl.1 Address both sides of the block with comer commercial buildings TCCMU ~ □ □ Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCCMU MFR ~ I □ Bl.3 Locate windows, doors and entrv features at the street level TCCMU MFR ~ □ □ Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCCMU MFR X □ □ Bl.5 Reflect orilrinal facades and building scale TCCMU MFR ~ □ □ Bl.6 Respect orilrinal architectural elements TCCMU MFR X. □ Bl.7 Respect old and new desi1m TCCMU MFR X: □ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontalrhvthm of the street wall TCCMUMFR ~ □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and unner floors TCCMU MFR ~ Bl.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCCMU X □ Bl.11 Ensure annropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCCMU ~ □ Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCCMUMFR ~ □ □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCCMU MFR X □ □ Bl.15 Ensure si1n1age reflects building scal.e, character, and materials TCCMU X □ □ B.3 Buildin2 Materials B3.l Enhance the oublic realm with high quality materials and detailing TCCMUMFR ~ B3.2 Use materials consistently TCCMU MFR X □ □ B3.3 A void the use of inaporopriate materials TCCMU MFR X I □ B3.6 Use a mix of aualitv materials TCCMU MFR X □ B.4 Buildine: Colours B4.l Select aonropriate colours TCCMU MFR @ □ □ B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCCMU MFR ~ □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCCMU MFR X: □ □ B.5 Screenine: and Storaee B5.l Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep ~ □ □ out of site of general oublic TCCMU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical eauipment TCCMU MFR [!I B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCCMU MFR X □ B5.4 Locate building ventilation svstems to minimize noise and exhaust TCCMU MFR X Explain how the objectives for Building Fa9ades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. The comer of Fraser St. and Dewdney Trunk Road will benefit from architectural overhangs, transparent street signage and a visually accessible commercial shell. Addressing both sides of the block, the building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages the basic CPTED principal of eyes on the street. The proposed signage reflects and accents the scale of the building, without intruding on the pedestrian scaled street experience. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdney Trunk Road and visual division between the street level and upper floors. Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk/ colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. The majority of building colours are neutral, accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the comer of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. Moving mechanical units to the roof reduces the need for screening at the sidewalk level. Maple Ridge Town Centre 3 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Meet Guidelines: .. ~~ .. .,;,:~nu, j-.'i'"~1V1 l.l'l:l'f 1, ... • ·• .:; ~!Jl...~, :.,·•~v~~-.r e t'tJ~.tt I I ~.,..-' C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes Cl.I Provide public outdoor space ree MU MFR IBl Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible ree MU MFR □ □ ~ Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor IB] □ □ open spaces reeMUMFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces reCMUMFR X □ □ Cl.6 Provide bardscape elements to enhance tbe street environment reeMUMFR !Kl □ □ Cl.7 Desim bardscape elements as part of the building reeMUMFR ~ □ Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas reeMUMFR X □ Cl.9 Provide public art reeMUMFR X I I Cl.IO Ensure new elements complement existing ree MU MFR X □ □ Cl.12 Provide smooth routes reeMU MFR [RI □ □ Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access reeMU MFR @ I □ C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required oar.king underground, where feasible reeMUMFR □ □ IX( C2.2 Screen large surface oarlcing lots while maintaining surveillance reeMUMFR IX □ C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots reeMUMFR X □ C2.4 Provide visible siim:w:e Tee MU MFR ~ I I C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages reeMUMFR □ □ lxl C2.7 Locate parking lot eouipment away from tbe public street rec MU MFR @ □ □ C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loadin2 reeMUMFR @ I I C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondarv vehicular and pedestrian throughwavs reeMUMFR □ @ - C3.3 Strengthen visual access of tbe lane reeMUMFR □ @ C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity reeMUMFR @ □ □ C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front rec MU MFR X □ □ C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths reCMU MFR ~ □ C3.9 Screen loading areas rcCMU ~ □ I I C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use tbe right species reeMUMFR X □ I I C4.8. Maintain sight lines rec MU MFR Ix □ □ Explain how tbe objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. This development proposed to make use of existing parking, as well as the existing relationship with the lane. Public art is not feasable with corporate image or existing site coverage Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist ) -Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines MAPLE R l □GE Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines -----8riHQh Colvrnb.., KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre a. Does proposed development reflect the quality and character of the existing Civic buildings, such as the municipal hall and The ACT, and will the design enhance the vibrant pedestrian realm created by Memorial Peace Park and the surrounding public spaces? • Consistent: Yes~ No D N/A 0 Explain: The introduction of a colonnade and the strong separation between publicly accessed ground floor and overhanging office programming above draw on the character of existing civic buildings to enhance the pedestrian experience and lend character to the massing of the development. b. Are the building materials of a sustainable quality and the colours harmonious within the development and with existing quality buildings? • Consistent: Yes lil No D Explain: Material selection focuses on durable, Wglt aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. The majority of building colours are neutral, accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the comer of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district c. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes~ No D The ground floor commercial space addresses both sides of the block, the ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a Explain: b.igh degree of transparency, encouraging eyes on tl1e street. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdaey Trunk Road. The main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles d. Does proposed development reference Maple Ridge's more traditional architectural styles? • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: The re-use of the existing structure means that this development is drawing fon:ual cues directly from existing Maple Ridge architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing· a west-coast modem response to the original building scale and architectural elements. e. Is proposed development consistent with the existing newer buildings in terms of setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. 4. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable [Kl Explain: Building heights, allowances_ for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are all driven by the existing structure. g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable [Kl J Explain: Building heights, allowances for the protection of views and solar access of surrounding buildings are an driven by the existing structure. Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Precinct Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space h. Are proposed public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes~ No O Not Applicable 0 The proposal for the renovation of 11965 Fraser Street incorporates a re-skinning of the existing structure, and general Explain:building upgrades; lobby improvements, life safety evaluations, accessibility considerations, second and third floor finishes, and a flexible, refinished, ground level co=ercial space. The building's ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a high degree of transparency. This promotion of pedestrian and visual access in turn encourages eyes on the street. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 1. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building( s )? • Consistent: Yes lfil No D Explain: Hedges and landscaping islands introduced in parking area introducing shade for parking area, will aid in stormwater management and screen the parking structure. Limits exist due to existing site coverage. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway?· • Consistent: Yes~ No O Not Applicable 0 Along Fraser Street, the main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sheltered exterior Explain: colonnade parallel to the sidewalk. This entrance is served by a stair connecting the pedestrian sidewalk / colonnade to existing upper level parking. Entrance to the lobby serving the upper floor office is drawn out to the sidewalk to increase visibility. The lane continues to serve its existing loading function. k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes O No [i] Explain:Existing multilevel aboveground parking is to be retained. Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Precinct 6 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: The open ground floor is flexible for future use. Al .11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes D No Ii] Explain: The existing roof structure is not designed to facilitate green roof. A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: This proposal consists of the reskinning of an existing building. Our facade proposal includes deep overhangs to provide increased solar management. A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes @ No D Explain: This proposal consists of the reskinning of an existing building. The building's massing, and thus effect on solar access and wind is unchanged. ) B. Building Fa~ades, Materials, and Colour Bl.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Our facade proposal includes deep overhangs to provide increased solar management. B2. l Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: Key lighting positions occur under overhangs to minimize light pollution. B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: We intend to encourage energy efficient lighting. B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes@ No D Explain: Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Buildi11g Design Guidelines ~ r. 7 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques B3. 7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes[!] No 0 Explain: This proposal consists of the reslcinning of an existing building. The re-use of the existing structure and flexible ground floor layout as life-cycle cost reductions are pivotal to the viability of this development. C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No(!] Explain: This proposal consists of the reskinning of an existing building, which did not contain any dedicated plazas. C 1.11 Use materials that are :functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes@ No 0 Explain: Material selection focuses on durable, high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. C 1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain: This proposal consists of the reskinning of an existing building, the degree of intervention applied to this building precludes modification of the site stormwater management system. C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes [!] No D Explain: Existing parking is adjacent to the main public entrance. C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes D No @ Explain: This proposal consists of the reskinning ofan existing building, the degree of intervention applied to this building precludes modification of the site stormwater management system. C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Shade trees to be provided along south property line to service parking area. Existing street trees along Fraser Street and Dewdney Trunk Rd provide additional shade for the building and pedestrian areas. C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Secure bicycle storage shall be provided in second level parking structure. Removal of existing HV AC system will facilitate area for bicycle storage. Further coordination required with mechanical designer. C2. l 1 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes I[] No D Explain: A common storage area shall be provided for access by all tenants who could utilize the area for long term bicycle storage. Maple Ridge Town Centre 8 Green Building Design Guidelines Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: Common building storage area shall provide area for lockers/changing area. C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 Explain: Existing access to the building shall remain. No alterations to the existing lane proposed. C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: No revisions to existing grades proposed. C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes D No Ii] Explain: Street trees are existing and in good condition. C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes jg] No 0 Explain: Parklng lot is screened with a laurel hedge, small shrubs incorporated with Katsura trees on the south property line all species require minimaJ mainten.ance. C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes ~ No 0 Explain: All proposed planting is appropriate for the climate C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes O No ~ Explain: Existing site coverage is prohibitive to gardens. C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes D No~] Explain: Existing street trees provide shade to building. Existing site coverage prohibits greater on site landscaping. C4. 7 Minimize erosion potential. o Consistent Yes lil No D Explain: Landscape areas to be contained within 6" high concrete curbs. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Irrigation system to be installed. Building manager to be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of all landscape areas. C4. l O Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes Ix] No D Explain: Screening of parking area and trees on south property line to enhance the visual appeal of the development. C4 .11 IncoJ"J)orate low impact storm water features. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: Increased area oflandscaping will reduce overall flow into stormwater system. C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain Existing drainage to remain. C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes D No IBJ Explain: Existing site coverage prohibitive. C4 .14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes D No ~ Explain: No existing mature trees on site. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines . I . Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members N:ffiffiii@MfN FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pmsuantwith Section 8.J.l of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge To'Ml Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART Il: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectmal and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • Consistent: Yes [i] No 0 . The re-use of the existing structure means that this development is drawing formal cues directly from existing Maple Ridge Exp lam: architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structl,lfe, while introducing a west-coast modern response to the original building scale and architectural elements. b. Help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. • Consistent: Yes [Kl No D The ground floor commercial space addresses both sides of the block, the ground level boasts colourful accent glass and a Explain: high degree of transparency, encow-aging eyes on the street. Existing doors set back from the sidewalk and the continuous overhang between the first and second floor provides a pedestrian scale along Dewdney Trunk Road. The main entrance is emphasized by peeling back the building skin and creating a sbeltered exterior colonnade parallel to the sid<?Walk, c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes @ No 0 . The introduction of a colonnade and the strong separation between publicly accessed ground floor and overhanging office Explami,rogramming above draw on the character of existing civic buildings to enhance the pedestrian experience and lend character to the massing of the development. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fayade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • Consistent: Yes U£J No D . The re-rise of the existing structure means that this development is drawing fonnal cues directly from existing Maple Ridge Explam: architecture. The proposal maintains the approachability of the existing structure, while introducing a west-coast modern response to the original building scale and architectural elements. e. Enhance the architectural and massing concept of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban envitonment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • Consistent: Yes~ No 0 . Material selection focuses on durable high aesthetic value, sustainable selections like cement board, cedar, and metal siding. Exp lam: The majority of building colours are neutral, accented with spandrel glass for visual interest at the comer of the block and offset by the warm wood detailing at the main entrance colonnade. Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 1 DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members f Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Moving mechanical equipment to the roof reduces the need for screening at the sidewalk level. C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Low level screening provided around parkade will allow areas to remain visible to neighboring sites and pedestrians to increase safety. Pedestrian access provided to Fraser Street from parking area. Trees planted on south elevation to enhance the visual appeal of south elevation. h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Existing street trees to remain. All are in good condition and well maintained. i. Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: Existing parking is adjacent to the main public entrance, landscaping will provide screening of the parking lot from Haney Place, while maintaining surveillance. J. Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy, and noxious environments. • Consistent: Yes ~ No D Explain: The lane continues to serve its exispng loading function, separating loading from main entrances and parking. Mechanical equipme(!t is moved from the sidewalk to the roof. k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and human comfort, in accordance with the Development Permit Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes D No IR] Explain: Existing site conditions. FURTHER COMMENTS: Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist EXISTING BUILDING-NORTHEAST FROMDEWDNEYTRUNKROAD EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION-GROUND EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION-2ND LEVEL EXISTING EAST ELEVATION REVISIONS: SPIRE SPIRE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Jtn2cu~:,,:::IFH=P.CdER'i;:;ys1.:ciN/\c!\ :JC'/CJ:•.:-_; T ,:oi4::?:G~SJ = i;:, ~Ji~;;:, "' ,~r~Je1e,cc11:~-0:cJ 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC EXISTING BUILDING '"" APRIL 18, 2013 __,,_ NTS 0 EXISTING BUILDING-NORTH ACROSSDEWDNEYTRUNKRD EXISTING BUILDING-WEST EXISTING BUILDING-SOUTHWEST EXISTING BUILDING-EAST EXISTING PARK -SOUTH ACROSS MclNTOSH LANE SPIRE SPIRE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JOO acas :-.ORCf-": :'R'ISER'i,"A" 6U/U.:~, <IC '/5J ;',f.i~ ;, ,:0~ 43:! tii,SJ ~ G:~ -D\ ~31:; ...,, •. , \;;1,...:0 ,i.s:,,n e,: ~J 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC NEIGHBOURHOOD PHOTOS ....,APRIL 18, 2013 """'NTS 0 r.·~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 0 VIEW NORTHWEST FROM HANEY PLACE 0 VIEW NORTHWEST FROM FRASER ST. 0 ~IEW EAST FROM DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 0 VIEW SOUTHWEST FROM FRASER ST. 0 VIEW SOUTHWEST FROM DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PRO SCEN IUM .\RCtfllECf'URE • IPCTEfUORIS P•.IC '!111111 ,.. \. 1,la .. , .. , ,, .. "" ~-· ~· ., SPIRE DEVELOPMENT 90RPORATION 400-8085 NORTH FRASER WAY BURNABY BC V5J 5M8 T: 604 432 6650 F: 604 431 5915 w,w,.spiredevelopment ca ""°""""""""' 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE ,.,....,,, 11965 FRASER STREET -mu: PROJECT NUMBER ARTIST'S CONCEP 13-05 RENDERING 1----.... -..,--i_ ""' APR. 19 SCN-E NTS ..... ~ .. BN HC 7 __ _J L __ DEWDNEY TRUNK RD 1-w w a::: I- C/) :r: I-~ N N L MCINTOSH LANE I I. L __ OFFICE 2ND LEVEL PARKING --------, LOADING BAYS BELOW (2) 54'-11" 2'-11 1/2' .JL-----(16-.7-m]--+-,i<~ (o.9m] 7 RAMP _ _J PROPOSED STAIR FROM 2ND LEVEL PARKING EXTENT OF 2ND LEVEL PARKING LANDSCAPE ISLANDS---+l!:JI TO EXTEND BEYOND COLUMNS PROJECT DATA: ------ CIVIC ADDRESS 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE BC LEGAL DESCRIPTION COT 103 DISTRICT LOT 398 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 49778 1--w w 0::: 1--(/) 0::: w (/) <( 0::: LL I I ZONING C-3 SITE AREA Ac. 1.10 BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIRED FRONT EXIST. REAR EXIST. SIDE I EAST EXIST. SIDE I WEST EXIST. REQUIRED PARKING REQUIREMENTS HANDICAPPED 1 SMALL CARS MAX. TOTAL 2/100 m 2 91 BUILDING FLOOR AREAS: GROUND FLOOR: COMMERCIAL RECREATION: 2ND FLOOR: OFFICE: 10,297 S.F. 3RD FLOOR: OFFICE: 10,907 S.F. GFA: 49,092 S.F. FOOTPRINT (INCL. COVERED PARKADE AREA) 37,067 S.F. SITE COVERAGE: 77.7% FAR: 1.03 EXISTING LANDSCAPE ~ mae~ITTi '" □~ PROPOSED AREA OF DEMOLITION. GROUND FLOOR ONLY I ... .. PROPOSED NEW LANDSCAPE ISLANDS L __ TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL m2 S.F. 4,434 47,729 PROVIDED (m) PROVIDED (ft) 3.3 11 9.4 31 1.5 5 0 0 PROPOSED 1 0 105 27,888 S.F. 4'-2 1/2' .,,.._,,__ _____ ----,--,---------+----,l'-,1' [1.3m] EXISTING CONCRETE PONY WALL TO BE REMOVED 26'-2 1/2" [8.Dm] MCINTOSH AVE REVISIONS: SPIRE SPIRE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .:o;J =~~~ ND:'l.TH F?,AS:CR'.';Al 6l:'INA3'V SC 'l~J ~II~ T ro~ ~2~ &;50 F c:~ ~3: s2:~ ,.-. ,, •P-•~~J.vc":::::~:M: ;;, 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC SITE PLAN A1 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING BERM TO MEET SLAB GRADE I I I 11·. IJ'' II· 11.· 11 11·. I)'• II • n. ZH M. • u·. II. (/)n •• H II'. I 12'-2" [3.7ml 8'-21/2' [2.5m] i::, E ~ "' to. N b E ~ "' !!"!. ~ E "' ~ !!"!. :, E r.-,. ~ "'t::. I I I I I I PARKING 36 STALLS I I I RESURFACE - I I I EXISTING PARKING AREA 129'-1 1/2' [39.4ml PER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S SPECIFICATIONS I 75'-11" 123.1ml I I I I I I ~ E a, I ,.._ aj ;::! !2 I I ----PROPOSED - STAIR TO 2ND LEVEL PARKING r I I I I - - - - ::;: "' "' z iS g 105'-2' [32.1m] ---- ---- ---- -----EXISTING GROUND FLOOR 27,669 S.F. ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- MAIN -------~@E--------------- PROPOSED AREA OF DEMOLITION ±494 S.F. 178'-4 1/2" [54.4ml I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :::0 I I 0 I I )> I 0 0 m I 0 I I 0 I ~ I 0 I I z I I I ~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I --1-'-----' ". E ~ ~ a, <O ~ !!2. REVISIONS: No. DATE DESCRIPTION RO SCEN IU 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC GROUND FLOOR ~'"APRIL 19, 2013 3 "=1'-0" A2 o 13'-81/2" [4.2ml 129'-11/2" [39.4m] r ~ RESURFACE -==r =r=r=1=7 =7 ==r =r=7f--=:~:5~~EXISTING p a: AND RA ARKING AREA MP PER GEO ENGINEER'S SP TECHNICAL ECIFICATIONS ¢ PROPOSED STAIR B'-21/2" [2.Sm] 11 EXISTING PARKING 69 STALLS 1s·-o· [5.Sm] 125'-8 1/2" [38.3m] r. ::::, . l ' EXISTING OFFICE ±10,297 S.F. , RO SCEN I UM • ,,., ,,..,.,. I , lf f ~ 11 ~&:~~SER STREET RIDGE, BC IIM!l/a,,olffl:li SECOND FLOOR "= APRIL 15, 2013 r.Lu~ 8u=1'-" A3 0 :\I DAAWIHGSf-'nJSI :-;"I Ni\~p.R"< \f)RE.\J {IS\f\lc\\On .J (IO\lo!<IJ \_ r 36'-71/2" r z~ REVISIONS: [11.2m] No. DATE DESCRIPTION ~ o,fu~;; ISSUED FOR OEVELOPMENT PERMIT -_, .__ ~ E 0 (0 ~ ..; :!:. ;;: ~ EXISTING OFFICE ±10,907 S.F. b E _, "': "' ~ (0 ~ - 97'-10" [29.8m] l>RO SCEN I UM ,_r-1 ,JtrT"Ttl■ • -"'tr I '" - ~ SPIRE SPIRE DEVELOPMENTCORPORA.TION ----.::oo ~3~ '-Oi'!TH FRASER V.'AY BURNABY BC '.l5J 5t.19 ffi! r. ro~ 4S.C 6550 F; t:4 ◄3~ so !S , ..... VI ss::,re<l~~cl::;:,ITQ.ll...1 PROJECTTTnE: 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC l 125'-81/2" i-- ~ [38.3ml " ORAWltfGTJTLE: THIRD FLOOR 01111::: APRIL 19, 2013 -3/37"-1'-o" SHEET: '''" A4 0 'l PREFINISHED METAL CLADDING "CHARCOAi.." ~KAo.WOP..AICH EXISTING CONCRETE COLUMNS PTO. TO MATCH FIBRE CEMENT BOARD "GREY" FIBRE CEMENT BOARD PANELS "GREY- @EAST ELEVATION 3/32"=1 '-0" NEW CANOPY PREFINISHED METAL CLADDING "CHARCOAL" Yt.'000.!0fFIT @NORTH ELEVATION I FIBRE CEMENT BOARD PANELS "GREY- 3/32"=1 '-0" PREFINISHED METAL CLADDING "CHARCOAL" NEW CANOPY PREFINISHED METAL CL.ADDING "CHARCOAL" STRIP EXISTING RAKED CONCRETE FINISH .swx>JH ~ FL,-mt PTO TO MATCH FIBRE CEMENT BOARD "GREY" NEW CANOPY PREFINISHED METAL CLADDING "CHARCOAL" REVISIONS: Na. DATE DESCRIPTION RO SCEN IUM SPIRE SPIRE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ,o::, SD~~ tl:O"-TH FRASER 'NIN BUrlN"5V 9C 'J:;.J SI.,~ T, &<J~ ~.;266Sll F e:~ ~3; sg1~ 1,;,.ww,.r.,.J£v..;:.;:rrR.1L~a 11965 FRASER ST MAPLE RIDGE BC ELEVATIONS "'"APRIL 19, 2013 """' 3 "=1 '-0" A6 0 .~.,--------------------~ PAtflRtSkEDMETAL.c;uooaco "CHARCOAL" ®WEST ELEVATION @SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING STAIR 3/32"=1 '-0" 3/32"=1 '-0" r PREFINISHEDMETALClADOING I ~HARCOAL" PREFINISHEO METAL ClADDING "CHARCOAL" REVISIONS: N"O. OATE DESCRIPTION RO SCEN IUM 11965 FRASER ST MAPLE RIDGE BC ELEVATIONS A7 0 ... MCINTOSH LANE LOADING BAYS BELOW (2) s: 0 z a en I ~ z m DEWDNEY TRUNK RD 2ND LEVEL PARKING RAMP EXISTING CONCRETE PONY WALL TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED STAIR FROM 2ND LEVEL PARKING EXTENT OF 2ND LEVEL PARKING LANDSCAPE ISLANDS TO EXTEND BEYOND COLUMNS MCINTOSH AVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING (CITY) 1-w w r:r: t; r:r: w i u. S APE 0 SYMBOL 0 © 0 0 ~ f/1/j EB @) NORTH PLANT LIST QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE 4 110 14 93 ,,._ Cercidiphyllum japonicum Kalsura Tree 6cmcal /1.Bmslnd Shrub• Azalea japonica 'Hine While' Japanese Azalea 1,13 pol llex crenala Japanese Holly #3 pot Prunus I. 'Olio Luyken' Ollo Luyken Laurel #3 pol Nlll\dll'Ul~-Heavenly Bamboo 117 pol Rosa meidiland 'Sevillana' Hardy French Rose var, :#3 pot Spiraea x bumalda rrobelli Spirea var. #3 pot Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' Japanese Andromeda -113 pol Notee: 1, Specilicalion as per most recent BC 'Landscape Standards' and LandSpace Design Inc 'Spec Noles'. 2, 2" Composl Mulch In Shrub Beds, 3. Landscape Areas Irrigated No_ llATE DESCRIPTION 1 .MIUI IMIIEDKllll~l"UIII LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT S IRE SPIRE DF.VEL Ol'MENT CORJ=IDRATIDN e",-J,...,11,cct\l~',",~..,llf:)'!t'Ul"l'.6J:.Ul.!.'I 'l:~.»«fit'~.r'!••l~-~"lG---~I fHJ1%11HUt 11965 FRASER STREET MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DRAWlliGTITLEI LANDSCAPE PLAN PLOT: April 23, 2013 '""' 1/16"-1"-0" 1,11ur1 L-1 I District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) □ Development Permit DP/ DVP 2013-018 20803 Lougheed Hwy. 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. Commercial (Kai Tire Retail Outlet and Multi-Unit CRU Building) Development on Lougheed Highway. • 3. Presenting Architect: John E. Kristianson, Architect AIBC (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _Jo_n_a_th_a_n_L_o_s_ee....:.,_B_C_S_L_A ____________ _ (please print) 5. _Mandatory enclosures include the following: ~ 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. 1' Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: John E. Kristianson, Architect AIBC Company: CT A Design Group, Architecture & Engineering Address: #101 -925 West 8th Ave, Vancouver V52 1 E4 Phone No. 604-736-2554 Fax No. 604-732-7451 Email: jkristianson@ctadesign.net (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by~on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr 09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 Tues Jul 09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct 21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address 20803 Lougheed Highway Area of the lot(s) 4592.8m2 Lot width 81.3 m Lot Depth 61.8 m Existing OCP Designation Proposed OCP Designation Existing Zone CS1 Proposed Zone CS1 Existing land use Industrial Proposed land use Industrial/Commercial Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection N/A m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required ~40% 1887.1 m2 Total lot Coverage proposed ~34% 1450.4m2 Reqd. front setback 9.0 m Proposed front setback 3.0 m Reqd. rear setback 6.0m Proposed rear setback 6.0 m Reqd. side setback m Proposed side setback m Reqd. side setback m Proposed side setback m Reqd. building height 7.7 m Proposed building height 8.5m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed m2) (Total GFA proposed 0.33 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space m2 Proposed Usable Open Space m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area m2 Proposed Common Activity Area m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: ~ Underground Parking Y)._N) Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 66 Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 66 Reqd. small car stalls Max 6 Proposed small car stalls 4 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area 0 m2 Required Handicapped Parking 2 Proposed Handicapped Parking 2 Required Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking 4 ) Covenants: -ROW: - Geotechnical Y,{NJ Storm sewer Y1 l'i Tree preservation Y/N Sanitary sewer YJ~ No Build/ No Disturb Y/N Dra inage Y, N Any other Covenants on Title Y/N Any other ROW - 5 ) Environmental: -Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Y/4.N 1 (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 %or more. Existing landscaped area 363 m2 Proposed landscaped area 858m2 Area of building to be demolished 1000 m:_ In the Flood Plain Y/1.N) In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/(N ) -Proposed LEED points Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. MAPLE RIDGE Bnl1s.h Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-018-DP 20803 Lougheed Highway DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: May 14, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a 921. 7 sq. m. (9,921 sq. ft.) service commercial building (Kai Tire) and a 612.4 sq. m. (6,592 sq. ft.) retail commercial building (CRU Building) on the above cited property to replace the existing building. The Kai Tire Building has a 83.7 sq. m. (900 sq. ft.) upper level for staff. The development site will be subject to Commercial Development Permit 2013-018-DP to address the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: .South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: John Kristianson N & T Properties Ltd. Lot "B" (P570E) District Lot 250 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 10414 Commercial Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Park/McKenney Creek LUC (Land Use Contract) & P-1 (Park and School) Zone Conservation Retail Stores & Canada Post (former Canadian Tire) C-3-88 & CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Restaurant CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Auto-related retail stores CS-1 {Service Commercial) Commercial Auto Service-related {Kai Tire) and Car Rental Auto Service-related (Kai Tire) and CRU Lougheed Highway {alternative access on 119 Avenue) Urban .... ' DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Commercial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. The purpose of the Commercial Development Permit is to foster attractive commercial areas that are compatible with adjacent development and enhances the unique character of the community. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. Staff Comment: Staff has worked with the applicant on the following: achieving sensitive treatment to the east elevation because it is visible from Lougheed Highway, 119 Avenue and from the adjacent White Spot property; designing the portion of the west elevation of the Kai Tire Building also likely to remain exposed to Lougheed Highway; and increasing the number of street trees on Lougheed Highway (from 4 to 8), and by one tree to 5 on 119 Avenue in the vicinity of the CRU Building. In the interest of time, this application is being brought forward while staff is still working with the applicant to improve the sheltering of the two storage/loading areas, particularly the one behind the Kai Tire Building. A more solid form of architectural screening, rather than chain link fencing, has been requested (and should be available for the ADP meeting), to improve the pedestrian environment along 119 Avenue and to be more compatible with the park/conservation lands across from the site to the north of 119 Avenue. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Staff Comment: The applicant has requested a setback variance to bring both buildings closer to the street and thus enhance the pedestrian environment along Lougheed Highway. Landscaping islands are proposed to break up the parking area and, together with the street trees, to reduce the impact of the service bays for the Kai Tire Building facing Lougheed Highway. The south and north elevations of the CRU Buildings incorporate elements for a street-fronting appearance. The existing sign is being replaced by two monument-type signs on Lougheed Highway that incorporate architectural elements of the building design. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Staff Comment: Comments from Engineering and Building on the project are being prepared, and may include storm water management requirements. With the redevelopment of the entire site, there is an opportunity to incorporate some sustainable design principles into the parking layout. For example, Guideline 8.5.2 E 8 encourages minimizing the amount of asphalt surfacing for parking. This could be achieved, where feasible, by installing some porous/permeable paving material and leaving an unpaved strip between abutting rows of parking to facilitate natural drainage. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. Staff Comment: Not applicable. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the· desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Staff Comment: This is in keeping with other redevelopment projects along Lougheed Highway in this community commercial area, improving the character of the area and providing for community commercial areas outside of the Town Centre to serve the emerging residential neighbourhoods the surrounding areas. Rationale and Checklist The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines checklist, all of which are attached to this report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application is to permit the construction of a 921.7· sq. m. (9,921 sq. ft.) service commercial building (Kai Tire) and a 612.4 sq. m. (6,592 sq. ft.) retail commercial building (CRU Building) on the above cited property. The Kai Tire Building has a 83. 7 sq. m. (900 sq. ft.) upper level for staff. These two buildings will replace the existing aging Kai Tire Building on the site. The new Kai Tire Building will be constructed on the western side of the site, to allow the existing business to continue to operate during construction. It will be demolished when the new Kai Tire Building is completed. The CRU Building will be constructed on the eastern side of the site, and parking will be provided in between the two new buildings. Both buildings are to be setback 3.0 m. (9.8 ft.) rather than 9.0 m. (30 ft.) from the front lot line (Lougheed Highway). This variance is justified because it will promote a better pedestrian environment along Lougheed Highway. A building height of 8.5 m. (27.9 ft.), 0.8 m. greater that the 7.7 m. (25.2 ft.) permitted in the Zoning Bylaw is proposed. Approval of a Development Variance Permit will be required for the setback and height variances. The 66-space parking lot area is accessible by one driveway from Lougheed Highway in the south and another from 119 Avenue to the north. This is an arrangement acceptable to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. The layout of the parking rows is perpendicular to the streets. A single loaded row of parking spaces are located across from the Kai Tire service bays. They are punctuated by landscaped islands at the northern and southern ends to soften the view of the service bays from Lougheed Highway. Two double-loaded rows of parking are in the center of the site, with one row abutting a sidewalk along the west side of the CRU Building for pedestrian access to the individual CRU units. Two more landscaped islands are located at the ends of the center row, as well as a 1.5 m. (5 ft.) landscaping strip in between. A screened storage, loading and garbage collection area is proposed between the Kai Tire Building and 119 Avenue. The plans currently show a chain link fence with a black woven screen. Discussions are underway to improve this by using some opaque architectural element rather than the chain link fence. This will eliminate the visual impact of stored tires and other materials and enhance the streetscape and the pedestrian environment along 119 Avenue and from the parklands to the north of 119 Avenue. 7 PLANNING COMMENT: The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ~. Preparedef. Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner b~@J ----------------eta deslQn Qroup ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING District of Maple Ridge Planning ft Development 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 ATTENT ION: Mr. Adrian Kopystynski Dear Sir: RE: Kai Tire Retail Store and CRU Building 20803 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, B.C. 2013-018-RZ DESIGN RATIONALE: April 5, 2013 Through redevelopment, Kai Tire wishes to optimize use of their property at 20803 Lougheed Highway. Market research indicates that augmenting the current retail tire store use with a multi-tenant CRU development would be a feasible option. To this end we have developed a site layout which . satisfies the requirements of projected economic returns, efficient building configurations, adequate parking numbers and access I egress acceptable to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. To reinforce the concept of two commercial zones within the property, we are proposing locating free- standing signage each side of the Lougheed Highway crossing and treating each building with distinct forms and finishes identifying function and personality. These features along with the proposal to limit our front yard setback greatly assist visual and physical accessibility to the site. Best R gards, CTA D SIGN GROUP JK/lr CIARAN J. DEERY, P. ENG.,C.P. JOHN E. KRISTIANSON, M.A.I.8.C. -A PARTNERSHIP OF LIMITED COMPANIES SUITE 101-925 WEST 81HAVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C. V5Z 1E4 TEL: 604-736-2554 FAX: 604-732-7451 www.ctadesign.net ADP Applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager by the cut-off date, with this checklist completed and submitted with the ADP package. Required Included 1) ADP application form & project data sheet [;[] ~ 2) Site and Neighbourhood context □ □ 3) Design Rationale [;[] ~ 4) Project Analysis ~ ~ 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout ~ ~ b. Site Planning: Site Sections □ □ c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations QJ Q'J d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis □ □ e. Site Planning: Lighting details ~ Q'J f. Building Design: Floor Plans QJ Q'J g. Building Design: Roof Plans □ □ h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides ~ ~ i. Building Design: Signage details ~ ~ j. Building Design: Lighting details □ □ k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) ~ ~ I. Building Design: Building Sections ~ ~ m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building 0 CJ] n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives □ □ o. Material Sample Board ~ ~ 1 f • Required Included 6) Landscape drawi~gs in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout ~ b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area □ □ c. Planting List with specifications ~ QJ d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping □ □ e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure □ □ f. Signage details for free standing signage ~ ~ g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas □ □ h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan □ □ End of Document Revised December 2012 2 KAL TIRE 20803 LOUGH MAPLE ~~;~~WAY .... ··········· ... ······· .. ·············· .......•••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •' 119 AVENUE 4 SERVICE BAYS ----LOUGHEED HIGHWAY -------- EASTBOUND INNER LANE ------- EASTBOUND CURB LANE -------------KAL TIRE R CRU BUILDl~J~L STORE AND ITT / FLOOR PLAN JK OlECKEC ) A1 ,m , I .12iYY£1JJJIEt I Tr..u..e Ser'lice~-~ -, . E "! I ,- ·--. IJJRJ06ESTOOE. E l', .. eston:;, :l E ,, !:! r=&,"11 "f/11 'i;f"f o_~l·<1~:s•• ,---,- E I "' -- ~ ' 2.2m VIEW FROM ENTRANCE RENDERED SOUTH ELEVATION : z "' '" z 0 .J >-a. w a: ;::: .J ;:i, _, I LLUP-ANATED KAL TIRE D BIGNAGE PFIEFINl6HED METAL CLADDING PRE c;u.;l'VAt06fOIE PAINTED STEEL COLUMNS MANUFACTURED SIONA OE .I u ef "'I E •1 i .. SIGN AGE (ORANGE) n ,--CULTIJRe:O STONE ..nr-JllOJIIJ.l,LIILi\ite:...0 ·7 r-r~~~w~~ (ClliAACOAL/OfUJl'JltlDWE) PREFINISHED METAL CLADDING (CHARCOAL) I PAEFlNISHEO UllALCU.OCKO Ir-r---1£lfdlll BAY SIGNAGE (BLUE) )'1 1 ~ 1 I J I §~-f . 1--~ 3-:,, ·-I ,--,-....-r,--,_ l i I l I J w I I I J ¥ J_ I I I I t' I I I I I II I r n 11Jl1-I 1, II .1r Ill 1 n r ·n ' IH I 11 ' ...1..1 ' L TINTED DOUBLE GUZI NG (BLUE) L .,,.,,. STEEL 801.1..AA0B (ORANOEJ L OLAZEO 0\/l!RtlEAO OOORII DOWNC~&_~X6~ SECURITY LIGHTING '~"e~• - /: .'. Es:~~ ~ ,. ~ ,:___,.,. --,- • -"' E :! ,, • r; H ,.; . rn 1 .. J 1n ,. I n • I I ' CORfllDOR STAFFROOM SCHEMATIC BUILDING SECTION OOWNC,:S_.lll~,XB~i 7 _ •Offfl IGI.J"'1f a,;.HttNO B!CUAITY LIGHTING ' ~ I E ::i • ' ~ E -::i 1:j I I -I I I T Ill 1 ~ PAINT?D QT!EL UAN DOQffll _J EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION DONt~BJm S!CUtlt1"t'LJOkTIHO □ WEST ELEVATION DOWNC~L_8i;X~~ -- SECUArTY UGHTING ,...--RA'flC:f:BATmNArd:I I ~ 1 , .---- ·- J - I I I I I J I I J I I I I I .I I I . I I J _I I I 1,11 Ill ,. I~ II irn • 1n I •II I 1• .1 •11 SOUTH ELEVATION □□ (~(f,[j[[f]]] KAL TIRE 20803 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE BC KT RETAIL STORE -ELEVATIONS -SECTION ORA"" CHECKEO: JK DIRECTO~V SCALE FILE: 1:100 ORA'MNOtlUMBER A2 JK VERSION C ., . E "! :REFINISHED ETAL CLADDING :~efO COLUMNS :~~foNlFACTIJFtED VIEW FROM ENTRANCE OOWliCAST BEVEL SEC:URIT~ftk.f~~ TINTED OOUBLl!GlAZING (GRAV) NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION REMARKS lt1UU f'OJl,f IOI H'-WW DPIDVPWIIMlat;ION DPIDVPRESUBMIS£10N □□ (r:gy],ffi][[fll ] -CRU ELEVATIONS JK A3 TREE RETENTION KEY (.\ >c:) ( o l \.__ __ ,/ EXISTING TREE TO BE RETAINED EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING HEDGE TO BE RETAINED ste:TAIN" EXtSTI:Ja HS:OG Tll£Ell ~~ FEtflNG PE DECO!,WISSK>N EX CROS~REP OMWJE TO EXIST! t. OIJTT£AAND st IIETA!~ F.(l,;l'JNQ 'TRe {\'f STIIE OFF SITE ANO PROTECT~ 0UR1HG CONSTRUCi~ \ WITH TREE PRQTE~ DS ::==J □ t'<OICA?fs8~~:."a - TREE PROTECTION FENCING PEA crrv OF MAPLE RIDGE REQUIREMENTS wtt>5t;~~t~ 1.B MHEIGlfl' Bv,CK VJNYl, CO•TEDCHANLI~ fE>IOECNIOPAOUE Ill.AC!( Y>QVE~~~~t.8f',.& PLANT LIST ID Latin Name Common Name 1niuntlt1:1 Scheduled Size Hotes 1TRtES AT O.OCSUOOt Strtet Tree as Der C.O. Map!e RfdM s 6cmcal 8& B FO F~us <bllV'ltJ~ .. :Q!X·.tt.,!lli r ........ , Fastiaiate Golden Leaf Beech 10 5 cm cal B&B S>ll!.JBS Au l ArbUtus unedo StrawbflV'nl tree 2 "5 Coot. Au IArctostaohvlos uva-ursl !(lnnJklnlck 75 #loot IConL ,..,_ Owarf Azafea OwarfA2alea ,9 ,.., oat Cont. IHo la,--.... NMUO{,Vil Clmtrlrm...._.,._ ..... u 6 #1 pot, staked Cont. fQ!!_f Pru nus laurocerasus Otto Luvken O.tto Luvken Laurel S8 IOS_J!<!I 1-, ,~ I Pvracantha coccinea firethorn 7 112=1 Cont. Rud I R.udbeclda fulnfda •Gofdst"W'm" Brartn-Eucd Sm~ 19 #1 nnt Cont. $ IScnG~ •Gofcfmound• Goklmound Snirea 46 112-, Cont. GROUNDCOVER Au IAtctai,a~j!f u-.o•anl KJnnlcklnnlck 382 #1 eot ecn,. I LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Sl:tos on the planLing phm shal bo considered minimum &izas, 2. All l•ndlcape con&tructlon to meet the current edlUon d the Brlti6h Columbla Land6Cepe Slat1d#d$Al II minima! aeeepteble 6t:andAfd. Plant W,~~rlal to Iha Si41tlsla.dlon ol 1he LiilndGcape stend.clrdc; !or nurSEiry stoek. Extend search fer ?,ant r&Mqr!.al to WaGhln~on, Oregon, Calitornla, and 3, Root ball& to be tree ol pernicious w~eds 4. TOP.toll Jllln.otJcr O,t ptOlect tl'lalJ be l...:ttcl forpAJl,Cl• tfzt, Ph, And Nutr1-rC ltY•b..an<St·tce(ftm~~c,..to~ ~ """6ndml!lfll6 ~~~4!!"._np,~~ ~,l~=~uhn°J1:::r:=•~~l2~~!1~=.::~==~ :hru=~4:~!~~tgG .~~ ~;~: emoolh 6. Pro-Jee po •C,•des away lrom buildings and loward lawn drains and catch b1.r;lns. Slope AWAY lrom bulldlng at a nwsi'ni,1'11 d :?%. The ~eid 5Ub·.r• &llaJI be appro11ed by the Consult.o.nl prior lo applh:ation of lop soil mhdures snd tlnlth 11aMg. Slope l~UCl•IMWn baslos .cit t~~:~'==•=:,!~~:::~~:;:,;:i~~l/8 ~1=~·. ~~~ 1 1~:J;~~~~:·(:iw!en JUI I andJuia1)11'1,d beuncf« lf)1.ol'ldocfw11,uty unHlhe.•.me 1 ot1N faUclMnD)'NI, ~OlOdf,c,, el• =I~j!ilH"Ehhtt.b&IO 1tma!ri~ tnltAl1 llfflptt~trt-• ptc.'(6dilanl~ JI! ctlp ll'l• CII existing h•dpas, 11••1,, sn4 shrub b&dr. R•fld=~~~w:===rin'!r1=~Jc,~::=-~t~·~:~~dr.:~e°}=::i~~=.::~::~~;~:~ fhe~l~~ligp1:&8!Ji~1e~ C~y Boulevard to have the approval er the Parks Dept prior to lm,lallation Size, ~cies and location reCJ,Jlre .cipproval at Q, AJl lendscaplng le h.civa high efledency Irrigation gyQem to IIABC Wlndtl.rds lnbi\lll(Gtoblxtile brou!,7'1luplotUrb \ Structural Soll Seal": 1/2" = 1'-0" 50,nn compod ovar 450mm depth oflPPl'D'Vld top Sllll fflldu"e. Crowng;g,hUyklr chi,■ge 3nxturll! 101 pl,ced ln tree p!lnm&t~300mmliftl ~toiO".f. MPD, • whir. diCMn on pl1n Pr•n1X9d(notmbc■d onsl\1),suppliedby: Y11rdw0rk1 504-607-3002 ____ lnsurestruttu111[scildepth 800mm. Soil lrN 24 c;ubjc mell!M'S fct 1111ch tree R~TAIN EXlSTING TR!=.ESOfF SJffAND PllOTECT l!U!llNO CO>IS'TIIUC1'1 Ol<WlT>ITREt PAOTfOTICI/ FEH!N3PER MAPL! RIDGE StANOAA . 11115Ps91)t1Ef WESTBOUND INNER LANE ASHPALT PAVING----'/ I ASP~.ALTPAVt~ I 1-l ', CRU:J 164.6S M CRU2 164.55 M CflU1 146.:1S M -----------------------------------------4=~~~ -->.===--------'---"~~"'it&w-~e:TO MEW. N EASTBOUND INNEA LAf£ EASTBOUND CUAB LA.PE LOUGHEED HIGHWAY GUTTEAAHD SIOEW.a.U(J EETf'AVIMl 0 SOUAF.!:: ?RECAST PAVERS. ETIN3• 3W<;I.EAR OOFI\.TEJI Cl.Olli C<l COMPACTED SU60.RAOE. CJWnte" TREATED TIV..8EREOGER Pott Az EX!ST1NG CUABAND GUTTER Apr.31201:1 ,.~.,,,. Dlv.lopm1nl v.i.oc,, hrmll Feb 2&'2013 DG'Jelopmenl VarlancePetmit Feb 2Ql 2013 For Development Pormlt Feb 2&' 2013 For Ae\dew Rt1W!IOIIS ~ Jonathan Losee Ltd. L;tr,d!IGIJpr! ~ro/,i/co/ure Pr(fed: Kai Tire 20803 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge fi1llllll>t! Landscape Plan Scale: 1:.200 Project No. L-1 ,. NORTHSIDE LOUGHEED HIGHWAY SOUTHSIDE LOUGHEED HIGHWAY NO. DATE REMARKS A APR27.13 FORJIDPl'RDENTATION SEAi. KAL TIRE 20803 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE BC Al'ICHITECTURE.Eff<IINEEAIKCI 10l•"25'Wl'flHmQffNl'9o~li VAHQjUW)ll90Vllla-@ TEl.OOIT.lfl,!55,I r:M.!lMT.127<t51 ~ eta ICJM qroup ?:"~:.t:i,rcc:.~~MWC Tln.E: -STREETSCAPE OAAv..tl: CHECKED: JK OIRECTORY: SCALE: P'ILE: 1:100 --A4 JK va<SK>N A