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ADP 2013-06-11 agenda.pdf
District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:00 pm - Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1.CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 1 4, 2013 4.NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit:2012-115-RZ (for Tower 1) Applicant: Bissky Architects Project Architect: Wayne Bissky, MAIBC Landscape Architect: Meredith Mitchell .Proposal: 48-unit 6 story apartment building Location: 22566 and 22554 Brown Avenue Planning Technician & File Manager:Adrian Kopystynski 6.PRESENTATIONS 7. C0RRESPONDENCE 8.NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Agenda deadline: Monday, June 24, 2013 9.ADJOURNMENT /jg 1. District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) Development Permit DP/ 115 / 2012 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. The project is a 3 phase mixed-use development. Upon build -out of the 3 phases , estimated in about 8 years, there would be 240 residential units and approx imately 45,000 sf of commercial space. 3. Presenting Architect: _W_a-<--yn_e_B_is_sk....,Y'----------------------- (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _M_e_r_ed_i_th_M_itc_h_e_ll ________________ _ (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: .J 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched . .J Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: __ W_ay_n_e_B_is_sk_y __________ _ Company: Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture Inc. • 204-22320 Lougheed Hwy. Address: Maple Ridge B.C. V2X 2T4 Phone No. (604) 467-8300 Fax No. (604) 467-8305 Tuesday, 14 May, 2013 (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by~on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 TuesApr09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 TuesJul09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 MonAug19 Tues Oct08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon 0ct21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1) Site Data: I Civic Address 112018 Edge Street 122554 Brown Ave . I h 2038 Edoe Street 122566 Brown Ave. I Area of the lot(s) 4,452 m2 Lot width NA m Lot Depth NA m Existing OCP Designation COMM & APTL Proposed OCP Designati on !Town Centre Commercia l I Existing Zone RS-1 Proposed Zone CD-1-13 Ex isting la nd use Residential Proposed land use Residential & Commercial Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection 32m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required 0 m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 4,085 m2 Reqd. front setback 0 m Proposed front setback 0 m Reqd. rear setback 0 m Proposed rear setback 0 m Reqd. side setback 0 m Proposed side setback 0 m Reqd. side setback 0 m Proposed side setback 0 m Reqd. building height 0 m Proposed building height 0 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone None Allowed FSR in the Zone 3 .9 FSA Proposed FSR in the Zone 3.9 FSA (Total GFA allowed H6,a1sm 2) (Total GFA proposed 16,8 15 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space 1,336 m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 2,370 m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area 240 m2 Proposed Com mon Activity Area 400 m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: -Underground Parking {YJ\I Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 320 Proposed Park ing spaces f o r t he zone 349 Reqd. small car stalls 32 Proposed small car stalls 32 Proposed scooter/bicycle stora ge area 163m2 Required Handicapped Parking 4 Proposed Handicapped Parking 4 Required Visitor Parking spaces 24 Proposed Vis itor Park ing spaces 24 Proposed Variances to Parking None 4 ) Covenants: ROW: -Geot ech nical YJ N Storm sewer YJ~ T ree preservation YI N Sa nitary sewer YJ !'L No Bu ild/ No Distu r b YJ N Drainage Yj N~ Any other Covenants on Titl e YJ N Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: W ithi n 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Y,(N (distance from the TOB of watercourse) NAm Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area 0 m 2 Proposed landscaped area 560m 2 Area of building to be demolished 473 m 2 In the Flood Plain y~ In The Fraser Escarpment Area y~~ Proposed LEED points 51 -· Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. ADP Applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager by the cut-off date, with this checklist completed and submitted with the ADP package. Required Included 1) ADP application form & project data sheet □ [Slj 2) Site and Neighbourhood context □ [Slj 3) Design Rationale □ [Slj 4) Project Analysis □ ~ 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout □ ~ b. Site Planning: Site Sections □ ~ C. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations □ ~ d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis □ [Slj e. Site Planning: lighting details □ ~ f. Building Design: Floor Plans □ bl] g. Building Design: Roof Plans □ [Slj h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides □ ~ i. Building Design: Signage details □ [Slj j. Building Design: Lighting details □ ~ k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) □ ~ I. Building Design: Building Sections □ [Slj m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building □ ~ n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives □ ~ o. Material Sample Board □ [Slj 1 Required Included 6) Landscape drawings in· metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout □ b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area □ 5lJ c. Planting List with specifications □ 5lJ d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping □ ~ e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure □ f. Signage details for free standing signage □ □ g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas □ □ h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan □ r5/J End of Document Revised December 2012 2 MAPLE RIDGE Br1t1sh Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2012-115-DP DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: June 11, 2013 12018 and 12038 EDGE Street and 22554 and 22566 BROWN Avenue An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a three-tower commercial and multiple residential mixed-use development, to be built over an eight (8) year period, with a residential floor area ratio of 1.912 in the first phase, 4.242 in the second and 5.59 in the third and final phase. There are proposed to be a total of 240 residential units and 4,380 m2 (47,144 ft2) of commercial floor area, with 2 levels of underground parking and 2 levels of above ground structured parking. The project and specifically this first phase will be subject to Town Centre Development Permit 2012-115-DP to address the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design (Wayne Bissky) Tony & Denny Holdings Ltd. Ascent One Properties Ltd Lot 303, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 44882; Lots 4, 5 and 6, Section 20, Township: 12, Plan 8081. Town Centre Commercial and Low-Rise Apartment Town Centre Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) CD-1-13 (Comprehensive Development Zone) Use: Duplex and Single Family Residential Zone: RT-1 and RS-1 Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment Use: Civic Complex and Commercial Zone: P-1 and C-3 Designation: Institutional and Town Centre Commercial Use: Municipal parking lot, Single Family Residential and Commercial Zone: CS-1 and C-3 Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment, and Town Centre Commercial Use: Apartment & recently completed apartment development (RZ/078/09), Shopping centre. Zone: RM-2, RM-3 and C-3 ' / Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: APPLICATION PROCESS: Designation: Town Centre Commercial and Low-Rise Apartment Single Family Dwellings (3 lots along Brown Avenue) Commercial Use (Lot at corner of Edge Street and Dewdney Trunk Road) Commercial and Multi-Residential Mixed Use Phased Development 0.43 Ha. (1.06 acres) excluding lane proposed to be included as part of the development site Dewdney Trunk Road, Edge Street and Brown Avenue Urban Standard The complexity and design of this project, the timing of construction, and provision of amenities is proposed to be governed by the combination of issuing a Development Permit (DP) for each of the three phases and entering into a Phased Development Agreement applying to the entire project. Therefore, the applicant is bringing forward the entire design proposal so that ADP can review and comment on the first phase in context of the entire proposal. The Phased Development Agreement is a bylaw that parallels the rezoning bylaw. It gives Council the comfort a project will be built-out, and the developer comfort about the cost and timing of required services and utilities. The agreement may include: timing; provisions related to design (like public art, design elements or sustainability measures to be incorporated into the project), or amenities (like community meeting space, public plazas, public parking, etc.); and supplementary design guidelines for evaluating the future phases. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Town Centre Development Permit is required for all new developments on lands designated properties within the Town Centre as identified on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. Based on the information submitted by the Architect, the following Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Area of the Town Centre Development Permit Area apply 1. Promote the Civic Core as the uheart" of the Town Centre. Staff Comment: This is a major development in terms of its scope, scale and density. It will set the tone and the standard for future developments respecting high density, high quality projects in the Town Centre. It will act as a major draw and source of activity, feeding into the already established civic core, city hall and the adjacent public plaza. The subject site is within convenient walking distance to these main draws in the Town Centre. Residents of the towers and the surrounding area will have access to businesses in about 47,000 ft2 of commercial floor space which will attract even more residents from other areas to come into and support Town Centre business and community activities. In terms of materials, this development will not just match, but in many ways exceed the types of materials currently in use in the Town Centre. A rich, high quality exterior metal cladding system is proposed. The colours, in particular at the lower pedestrian level, have been selected to respect the soft tans, metal and rust-red colours prevalent in the Civic Core. 2 . Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district Staff Comments: A strong pedestrian experience is anticipated, in particular, the north-south along Edge Street, which also wraps around the corners along Brown and Dewdney Trunk Road with enhanced shopping, dining and other commercial activities. The residential units above the commercial/parking floors will ensure these services have a strong market to sustain their investments. The buildings climb vertically from the street not only in response to the site constraints, but also to reinforce and define the significance of these intersections and create an urban dynamic common that is similar to places in Vancouver, New York, and other successful down town shopping areas. Unlike some other area in our Town Centre, this project .lessens that spatial separation and thereby achieves a strong pedestrian urban environment and encourages greater opportunity for social interaction and an enhanced sense of community. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles. Staff Comment: The proposal does not necessarily draw or take cues from the existing architectural styles, and is intentionally different from predominantly low scale existing buildings in the Town Centre. The project draws more on contemporary and international styles. It is also a departure from the small scale, less durable types of buildings and building materials in use, to ones that involve the investment of funds to construct more durable · buildings of cultural and architectural significance . This will contribute to the creation of a strong urban and downtown environment that will evolve with projects will take place in the Town Centre as it continues to grow. Since it is unprecedented in the Town Centre, this project will reflect new developments of similar use and scale in larger cities and -established downtowns like Vancouver, Toronto, New York and London. The emphasis here is on the pedestrian and not thEl car. The buildings are placed close to the street to create a street edge and to allow users to interact with the street life. 4. Capitalize on important views . Staff Comments: From the 4th floor and above, there will be views to the Golden Ears to the north, Mount Baker and the Coastal Mountain range to the east, the Fraser River to the south and towards Vancouver with the ocean beyond to the west. These are Maple Ridge's important views. As well, the site is situated to allow an appreciation of important views within the Town Centre towards the Civic Centre as well as significant buildings, architectural features or civic facilities to be built in the future. Once built, this development will be begin to establish a downtown skyline, and will become a focal point for many coming into the Town Centre from the east, west or south. It will demark the location of the Town Centre. Views from lower levels will include the amenity areas as well as other more immediate views of the newly vibrant street life. 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space. Staff Comment: This development will have floor space to accommodate expansion of business in the Town Centre, including retail commercial and professional services, as well as facilitating informal social interaction. Outdoor art is anticipated in the corner plazas at the two main intersections. The open spaces and decks will have good solar exposure, will be well illuminated at later hours, will be universally accessible, will be landscaped, and will have the sense of openness with pedestrian furnishings like benches. With the residential over the commercial and pedestrian movements all around, there will be many eyes on the street to discourage vandalism-and increase safety. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. Staff Comments: The landscaping is designed to reflect the urban setting and character of the development. It has been selected to be climate appropriate and low maintenance. It can generally be described as clean, geometric and ordered, with a slight oriental design sensibility respecting the owners' heritage. It will not only provide for the ease of movement, but also incorporates places to socialize as well as for quiet reflection. A bio-swale is designed along the south and east edge at grade. Low flow toilets and other green technology to be identified in the Phased Development Agreement, will be used and other feasible green technology explored. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity" Staff Comments: There are public street level activities connecting the interior spaces on grade to the sidewalks and streets. The lane will act as a service street with parking access and loading, refuse and recycling areas located here. There are 2 levels of underground parking. This is the maximum amount encouraged by the soils conditions. Other levels of parking are incorporated on the floors above the first level. Rationale and Checklist The applicant has provided a design rationale, has completed the Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines (Civic Core Precinct) checklist, and has included his own LEED Checklist, all of which are attached to this report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposal is a commercial and multiple residential mixed-use development, having a total of 240 residential units and 4,380 m2 (47,144 ft2 ) of commercial floor area, with. underground and structured parking. It is to consist of a podium, containing the commercial floor space and parking, eventually extending through the entire site, with three towers stepping up in height from 6, 13 to 19 storeys. A new zone is to be created called CD-1-13 (Comprehensive Development Zone), specifically tailored to accommodate the proposal. This project will be developed in three phases. This first phase is the subject of this development permit application 2012-115-DP. It is being referred to the ADP for usual review and comments. However, there will be separate development permit applications referred for review and comment when application is made for the future phases of this development project. Staff is also seeking comments from the ADP on the overall project. Some specific input from the ADP is noted in the body of this report. Three towers are proposed atop the podium. The first phase tower is to be a 6-storey, 48 residential dwelling unit structure facing Brown Avenue. The second phase is to be a 13-storey, 72 residential dwelling unit tower at the corner of Brown Avenue and Edge Street, and the tallest building is to be a 19-storey 120 residential dwelling unit tower at the corner of Edge Street and Dewdney Trunk Road in the final phase of this development project. Unlike current regulations, the proposed comprehensive development zone will allow these towers climbing vertically from the street rather then having a setback for floors above the second storey. Staff is seeking input about this approach. The podium will be 4-storeys along Edge Street, stepping down to 2 storeys in the Phase 1 portion of the development site along Brown Avenue. The podium is to have commercial floor space on the ground level along all three fronting streets and parking on the second level in all three phases. In phase 2 and - 3, there will be a 3rd level of parking with the 4th level of the podium containing additional commercial floor space. Amenity and mechanical rooms may be situated on the above ground parking levels. The parking floors are proposed to be naturally ventilated, thus there are openings that are proposed to be screened by a mesh detail. Staff is seeking input about the manner in which this screening component may become a significant design feature, using more than a simple mesh element, possibly incorporated public art, sensitively designed electronic component or lighting. A western portion of the existing lane off of Edge Street, parallel to Dewdney Trunk Road, is to be converted into a driveway subject to a public access easement allowing for continuous public use and allowing for service and parking access for the project. This will allow the above ground and underground parking levels to be uninterrupted structures and the driveway to be like a porte-cochere. Staff is seeking input about the manner in which this lane/driveway is proposed to be incorporated and considerations as minim izing the interruption in the pedestrian street environments. The project incorporates pedestrian spaces at the street edges, plazas with public art at corners, desk, open spaces on podium roof top areas and living screens. Staff is seeking input on these elements and any guidelines to be considered in reviewing the development permit applications for the subsequent two phases of this project. This development is to· be built over a period estimated to be 8 years. A summary of the phases is described in the below: • Phase 1: A 6 storey structure with a FSR of 1.912, and having 630.6 m2 (6,788 ft2) of commercial and 3,840.3 m2 (37,462 ft2) of residential floor area. It would be located at the eastern end of the site fronting on Brown Avenue. There would be 48 residential dwelling units, and 104 underground or structured parking spaces, including visitor parking spaces; • Phase 2: A 13 storey structure with a FSR of 4.242, and having 1,852.6 m2 (19,941 ft2) of commercial and 6,214.3 m2 (66,890 ft2) of residential floor area. It would be located at the corner of Brown Avenue and Edge Street, .next to and adjacent to the first phase, having a presence on both streets. There would be 72 residential dwelling units, and 105 underground or structured parking spaces, including visitor parking spaces; and • Phase 3: A 19 storey structure with a FSR of 5.59, and having 1,896.6 m2 (20,415 ft2) of commercial and 8,851.4 m2 (95,276 ft2) of residential floor area. It would be located at the corner of Edge Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, south of and next to the second phase, having a presence on both streets. There would be 120 residential dwelling units, and 133 underground or structured parking spaces, including visitor parking spaces; The following table summarizes the proposal : Gross Floor Area Square Meters & (Square Feet) Dwelling Building Resid. Floor Parking Phase Commercial Residential units Height Area Ratio (Storeys) Phase 1 630.6 m2 3,480.3 m2 48 6 1 .912 104 (6,788 ft2) (37,462 ft2) Phase 2 1,852.6 m2 6,214.3 m2 72 13 4.242 105 (19,941 ft2) (66,890 ft2) Phase 3 1,896.6 m2 8,851.4 m2 120 19 5.59 133 (20,415 ft2) (95,276 ft2) TOTAL 4,379.8 m2 17,253.3 m2 240 Average FSR 323 (47,144 ft2) (185,713 ft2) of 3.875 ,__) The development site is located within Sub Area 1 of the Town Centre Area Incentive Program, and meets the conditions to be included in the program. The proposal does not currently have information about ·green" or energy efficiency-related considerations. However, the applicant has been encouraged to incorporating LEED/energy conservation measures into this project and thus receiving a greater benefit under the Incentive Program. Staff is seeking input about the kinds of measures that could be incorporated into this project and/or notes in the supplementary guidelines for future phases. PLANNING COMMENT: The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal and future phases. Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members ----------~------ FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renov.ations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D The design of Stages 1 through 3 will provided a consistent and cohesive architectural massing, setbacks and Explain: materials. It will be a decidedly urban development, unique to Maple Ridge. The con tinuo us pedestrian lin ks on grad e and elsewh e re will draw people to this site from along Dewdney Trun k Raod and e ncourage a vari ety of social and community interaction . b. Help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. • Consistent: Yes I!] No D Public access is fully and comfortably provided under canopies and covered walkways. In additiM , the Explain: commercial and residential entries are clearly visible and will encourage people to. move to and from the project. It is anticipated that commercial ventures such as cafes, markets and retails sales will expand outside to create lively and attractive outdoor spaces. c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes I!] No D Human scale & detail is provided at the street level. and is consistent and complimentary from one stage to the Explain: next. Streetscapes at the street level include generous glazing and entry points, while above the massing and building form is clean , contemporary and inviting . B. Building Fa~ades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fa~ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • Consistent: Yes I!] No D The materials & design theme are meant to be sensitive to the design theme of the civic complex across Explain: Dewdney Trunk Road. The use of colours as well as contemporary design sensibility projects a forward, optimistic view of our community. e. Enhance the architectural and massing concept of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D Metal panels, metal screen balcony railings, & generous glazing are provided throughout. As noh~d above the Explain: concept is present a forward looking design which encourages a contemporary, clean , yet classic app,,nl to the community . Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist rm';: C Elf;'Eo\ I ./i I ' 'J 2U13 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members ------------ f. Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D Explain: Rooftop elements will be provided on the top floor , well screened from the street level & pedestrian realm. C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D Generous walkways & patios are well accessed by the public. The main Intersections are open to the Explain: public allowing from generous, yet not over-scaled gathering spaces , while allowing people to mov e comfortably from one street to the next. Good visi bility into and from the public areas will ensure the public's safety in these areas. h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D New street trees will be provided along all public AOW's as required to meet the municipal standards. In Explain: addition planters and seasonal hanging planters will provide splashes of colour during months of high outdoor use. 1. Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D Explain: Parking is easily accessed & hidden within the building. On grade parking is accessed from the lane, with only one main access to the underground parking provided off Brown ! a low volume street. j . Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy, and noxious environments. • Consistent: Yes 00 No D . All of the service areas are is within the building and accessed off the lane. There will be no conflict with Explam: business or residential activity . k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and human comfort, in accordance with the Development Permit Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes [XI No D The main outdoor spaces are oriented in some cases to the North-South and other cases to the East-West Explain: providing access seasonally throughout the day. In particular the main upper area plaza between stages 2 and 3 is oriented east-west which will give sunshine at varying times of the day. FURTHER COMMENTS: Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist Scale: 1 :2,000 12018/38 EDGE STREET & 22554/66 BROWN AVENUE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLA NNIN G DEP A RTM ENT DATE:Apr2,2013 FILE:2012-115-DP BY :PC iv LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENO\//\TIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE ANO SHELL DEVELOPMENT LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 PROJECT CHECKLIST SUSTAJNABLE SITES ~Prereq 1 s Credit 1 d Credit2 ~Ca.die~ Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Site Selection Developrnent Density and Community Connectivity 8r:ewnf;dd ~eele.ielepffient 26 POSSIBLE POINTS Req uired a) ;,,G:J t,, if Credit 4.1 fi' Credit4.2 ,g Credit 1.3 Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms fJ'Credit4A ..Q CreeHt 5.1 .Q C~dft S.2 U Credit6.1 g"Credit62 ig/credit 7.1 Alternative Transportation: Parking Ca 'pacity Sire 0e¥elepffieflt. PFotect aAd Re:;tere I lebltet Stormwater Design: Quantity Control Stormwater Design: Quality Control Heat Island Effect Non-Roof J .,9 Credit Z 2 Hll!iit lslaRei Effect. Roof l• .:e:1--'c:i:· r""eer:#it,.,t e~-1u"fl~""~'lf-,t-PP1Aell+lllj*ti'l'lio""11.f,R!ia:eJt-+iom-c-rc11rioTTlf--------------------11/[8 WATER EFFICIENCY rr/ Prereq 1 Wat.er t;Jse Reduction cg/ Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping es. Ccedit :l IRROYafia.«@ \A/aste,,vater1i2ehRelggitar IV"credit 3 Water Use Reduction ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE flit' Prereq 1 gPrereq2 IV Prereq3 V Credit 1 ~Credit2 Q Q:eeflt3 ..[] Credit 4 If CredJt5 .Q Crecllt 6 Fundamental Commissioning ofSuHding Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance • Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance On -S ite Renewaole Energy ERFl □nceel Col"Amissieniog ~RAJfleed Refi ige@nt MaRageA~Cflt Measurement and Verification Gree, 1. P<'ooc, 10 POSSIBLEPOINTS Required (2)r • Cl} ,/4 35 POSSIBLE POINTS Required Required Req~ 1-r z.. 2 ◄ .2• ~ GREEN BUILDING CO.UNCIL LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LE-·EO CANADA FOR ~ORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT MATERfALS AND RESOURCES: f1 Prereq 1 srorage and Collection of Recyclables £1 uodit 1 , e _ GeelltU Til'Credit2 e Eiedit3 f!I Credit4 B'creditS ~Credit6 [l(.credit 7 Building Beuse· Maiota.n Existi, ,g \Aiall!i, Flo.:m, a,~e Roliilf Bolltlli 19 ~e0se. MelflffliR Interior Nen ·st n,1G1:uFal £le,, ,e, ,t3 Constru<:tiori Waste Management Matei ials Reuse Recycled Content Reglonal Materials Rapidly Renewable Matetials Certified Wood INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITT Minimum Indoor Air Qu ality Performance Environrnent arTobacco Smoke (ITS) Control Outdom Air Delivery Monitoring lncreas.ed Ventilation 14 .P0 5SIBL E. POIN TS Requi red 1 J. 15 POSSIBLE POINTS Required Hequ !(ed 6) ~Prereq 1 l!f" Pre~eq 2_ ~Credit 1 c,/credit2 ~redit.3.1 r'.'I Crei!).ii.l.2· .C C~dit 1,1 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan: During Construtt i0n - Eo11;;f:,A:,JE _tio1, Ii ,dorn ,lljir Qua lit,, MeRe~effleRt Plal"I! 8efo.~o Qr;;r;;upiaACif be\f' er.iittir=1.9 UateFials: Adl=l0ii"06 ane;l _f,;ealane $ ,. 1.• (!) rl"Credit4.2 □ ~-61itr1 ;a LowaEmitting Materials: Paints and Coatings .l~.~, Li ,ie~iflg Ma~or;a!s· El~fgFiR§! ~!ilms 1 be1_y t,, ,i~ti. 19 trltata ial:S . Co,, ,posite 'o\'ood a, ,d Ag_rifib~ Product3 , . ..d Credit S f!!!f' Credit 6.1 B"Credit6.2 Vilf Credi t 7.1 IRdogr CR@A'lr~I Oiid Mlmam SOUi CE -COi ICIOI ·controllabili~ of Sy~tem: lighti11g Controllabj lin, of Sy-s~em: Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort: Design ,e C edit n lbe•m;il (gmfort· ,4lrific~tioo D' Credit 8. f Daylight a Ad View~: ·Daylight 9"' Credit 8 .. 2 Daylight a,:.d Vfews: Views INNOVATION IN DESIGN J;J CFeElit J if·credit 2 IRne~~io1o1 io Design LEED" Accredi ted Professional REGIONAL PRIORITY fr Credit 1 pl'credit2 Durabl e Burl.cling Regional Pri o rlty Credit IO {YlA-'i t 15 CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL 1 .. ~ Cl) 1 6 POSSIBLE POINTS. 4 POSSIBLE POINTS V I l E E O C A N A O A F. o· R N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N A N O M A J O R R E N O V A T I O N S 'LEED CANADA FOR CORE ANO SHELL DEVELOPMENT LEED CANADA F0H NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2bd9 100 base point~;6 possible Innovation in Design and 4 Regional Priority points Certified 40-49 points \. Silver 50-59 points=, Gold 60 -79 points Platinum 80 points and above Note that projects must meet all prerequisites and achi~ve 40 points from other credits before they may earn ahy poi.nt,S from Regional Priority cred its. vl /DvV\,H 1 l3 .CANADA GREEN su1L □JNG couNc1L ~~'( A~-~EC:r ~17'!l:J-JA.. :12? ,re ?.~r-z_ WAYNE STEPHEN ---,B I S S K Y I ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN ESIGN RATIONALE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 204-22 320 L OUGH EE D H IGH WAY MAPL~ RIOG~ l:lC PH 604-467 -8300 FAX 604-467-8305 Dear Chuck and Adrian, Further to our numerol1S meetings with yourself, other municipal staff and counci l please accepl this comp leted rezoning app li cation. As you are aware, we are requesting council's approval for a 3 phase mixed-use development with 2 levels of underground parking as well as 3 levels of upper parking, to be located on all four of these consolid ated properties . Upon build-out of the 3 phases , estimated in about 8 years, there would be 240 residential units with an average combined FSR of approximately 3 .8 and a total of 47,900 sf of commercial. Integral to this application is the ability for the developer to build under and over the existing lane. As we have discussed, both staff and council have agreed that this is a rare opportunity for our city to demonstrate its support for this type of development by using new and creative approaches so necessary to bring this project to reality. With regard to the DP Guidelines, and in response to my request for clarification, in his March 25th email Adrian confirmed the following: I "It would be the set for the Civic Core Precinct. Also, I would ask for descriptions about the Key Guideline Concepts (see page 7 5 in the TC DPA Guidelines) electronically to be used in my reports to ADP and to CoW,-in other words, how does the project address/achieve the following: 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district 3. Reference traditional architectural styles . 4. Capitalae on important views . 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity" following please find our responses to the Civic Core Precinct Guidelines, the Towncentre DP Area Guidelines Checklist and the Towncentre DP Area Guidelines Green Techniques Checklists. Wayn Bis ky, Architect AIBC Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. 204-22320 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 Ph: 604-467-8300 Fax: 604-467-8300 1237A 31 Design Rationale 10May13 1 of 3 WAYNE STEPHEN --,s I 5 S KY I ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 204-22 3 20 LOU G HE E D HI G HW A Y MA P L~ RIDG~ BC PH 604-467-8300 FAX 604-~67-8305 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre a. Does proposed development reflect the quality and character of the existing Civic buildings, such as the municipal hall and The ACT, and will the design enhance the vibrant pedestrian realm created by Memorial Peace P ark and the surrounding public spaces? • Consistent: Yes [xi No D N/A D Yes, this development is unparalleled in Maple Ridge in terms of its scope and scale. It will set the tone and standard for Explain: future developments and it is hoped will act as a catalyst for similar high density, high qual/ty projects in our city. It will act as a maj or draw end source of activity, feeding into the already established civic core and public spaces. b. Are the building materials of a sustainable quality and the colours harmonious within the development and with existing quality buildings? • Consistent: Yes [xi No D Yes, this development will meet, and in many areas, exceed the materials in existing downtown buildings of Maple Ridge. The Explain: colours in particular have been selected to respect the soft tans, metal and rust-red colours of the civi core. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district c. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style . • Consistent: Yes [2g No D Yes, a strong pedestrian experience is anticipated in particular north-south along Edge Street with enhanced shopping, dining Explain: and other commerCiaJ acl/vilies. The residential over will ensure these services have a strong market to sustain their investments. The building climbs vertically form the street In response to the site constraints, but also to reinforce and define the significance of these intersections. This approach is vel}' typical in major cities in Canada and throughout the world. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles d. Does proposed development reference Maple Ridge's more traditional architectural styles ? • Consistent: Yes D No 00 Explain: Maple Ridge's built environment has typically been small and low scale since its establishment in 187 4. While this is extremely young on a global scale, vel}' few of its older commercial buildings survive from 1874. This is typical throughout the west where there has been limited funds to invest in durable buildings of significant cultural and architectural significance. Hopefully, we are evolving and this project will be_qin that process. e. Is proposed development consistent with the existing newer buildings in terms of setbacks, form , mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes D No [Zl This project's scale has not been seen in Maple Ridge yeti As such there are no real precedents which can be referenced. It does Explain: however, reflect new developments of similar use and scale in larger cities. The emphasis here is on the pedestrian and not the car. The bw1dings are placed to the street to create a street edge to allow users to interact with the street life. There are many fine precendents for this approach in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New Yorok, Chicago and London. 4. Capitalize on important views f Does proposed development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes [xi No D Not Applicable D . . The beautiful views north to the Golden Ears, east to Mount Baker and the Coastal Mountain range, south to the Fraser River Exp lam. and west towarcts Vancou ver with the ocean will all be enjoyed from the levels from the 4th floor and certainly beyond. Views from lower levels in the amenity areas will enjoy more immediate views to the street life. g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes [xi No D Not Applicable D . This development will act as a signpost to reinforce the location of the city's centre on the skyline where it will be a landmark on Exp lam: th e horizon. Otherwise, the 11ignificant view of the city hall from Dewdney Trunk Road will be unaffected. Most of the adjacent buildings are rather introverted in nature by their use and design. The only building that is close which was designed to allow users to enjoy views is the office tower next to the ci tv hall. None of its views will be affected by this development. Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Preci11ct 1237A 3) Design Rationale 1 OMayl 3 ~ of 3 WAYNE STEPHEN --,B I S S KY ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 204-2~320 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPL~ RIDGE IJC l'H 604-467-8300 FAX 604-467-8305 ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space h. Are proposed public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes [xl No D Not Applicable D This development's proposed uses will encourage retail, commercial , professional services, as well as informal social Explain : Interaction . All of them will be universally accessible. The site will be well-tit, and with the residential over the commercial and all around, there will be many eyes on the street to d iscourage vandalism and increase safety. It will also enjoy the advantage of close proximity to the RCMP station. 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes [xl No D . The landscaping is designed to reflect the urban selling and characrer of the developmenl It can generally be described as Exp lam : clean, geometric and ordered with a slight oriental design sensibility respecting th e owners' heritage. It will not only provide for the ease of movement, but also incorporates places to both socialize as well as quietly reflect. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity j . Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes [8] No D Not Applicable D E 1 . . There are street level activities connecting the interior spaces on grade to the sidewalks and streets. The lane will act as a xp am. service street with parking access and loading areas, refuse and recycling areas located here. k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes [xl No D Explain: There are 2 levels of underground parking. This is the maximum amount encouraged by the soils conditions. Other levels of parking are incorporated on the floors above the first level. Maple Ridge Tow11 Ce11tre DP Part I: Key G11ideli11e Co11ceptsfor the Civic Core Preci11ct 12 3 7A 31 Design Rationale 10May1 3 J o i 3 6 :,e a. ID ~ 0 ~ Building 1 -Un it Type & Residential Area Reconciliation • of Bedrooms: Aop{Area: I of Units: Unit A Unit B Un it C U~lt C> Unit E IJnlt F U,1.11t 9 Unit i,, 2 Bedrm 861 sqrt. 4 1 Bedrm 2 B•drm ... 1 Btdrm 570 sqft 85,5 s·qrt ~4 .. S(lft 4 ~ 1 Bedrm 5 5 ! """ 1 800 nr, 2.lle<ln!> m ,qn ll69'l!I\: ,a Suti•Totllil ofArea: 3,446sqlt 2,279sqrt J 14.20.s,qfl ~576,:ql't i ,41'.Wh qrt 8,HU~ 3,4nhqft 2.1Q.71Q« Building 2 -Unit Type & Residential Area Reconciliation C<>mml!!nl l Onor\plion . Unit A Unit B Unit C Unl t O U,:;1 E Un it F IInltG, Unit H Unit I 11;;,t J #of #of1 #of2+ Bachelor Bedroom Bedroom Units: Units: Units: 0 units 32 units 16 units 702 sqft =48 units = 33,37 9 sqft 101 •ot1 tol2• BICMlor '8eelr00fTI 84d1oom Units: Units: Units: , of Bedrooms: 1Bedrm 2Bedrm iUIKUff" 28i,o'firi I ' ', 2~ lie.dim; 2ee.am, feedim 2E.~d:rrrl 0units 36unils 36unils Floor Art•~ 659sqlt B73sqft 6g()JC1ft B1a 1qn ~-,1,C{ft 54.1_sql 840aq"l S7~,.q~ ~.)1-:i Ava-ra,g i:unitArea: 764 sqlt Building 3 -Unit Type & Residential Area Reconciliation Commtl'U / -Unit A Unit B Unit C .Un ito· Un ltE Unlt,F ll}ilt C,. !,!Oil rt JJnltl Unit J •or 1'-of1 •or2• Bacbl!IM Bfodroom 8odroom Units: Units: Units: fll or Bedrooms: floot Area: #olUnits: 1 Bedrm 2 Bedrm 1 8tdrrn z-~od rm J Bedrm ,a..,,.. 905,qlt d§ f~on ~"" 1 • • !.:C c--nn O units 60 units 60 units 767 sqft 692 sqrt B73 sqrt 0001<11 8'.(f,qtt 'l I q~ 8« lq!I 8:;Q "JI ~r. .,~ .!:.. 1,:.q -: Avci,•ge. unit Area: 15 15 \5 15' 1.4 14 I = 120 units S\lb•TotalerArea: 10,381 sqrt 13,091 sqft 10.356sqft 13:172i,ql'l 10,1041q 13/J~tqfl: O,OZZ::1qll 11 ,tc 'Mlft (1,,, •1 :.•"..,·11\ =93,072sqft List of Consultants Consultant Company Contact Municipal Planner. Landscape Architect Surveyor. Environmental: Geotechnical Engineer: Civil Eng ineer. wwyn, St.cpnen 8iss.>.y Wayne Bissky or ArcttUd.We & Urban Onign Inc John Meunier The District of Maple Ridge Adrian Kopystyn ski or Planning Department Chuck Goddard M2 Landscape Architecture and Arboriculture Ltd Wtcso & A:l$0CU£el Lllnd Surveying Doctor Aujla Corp UNITED PACIFIC Consultants Ltd , Wedler Engineering Weiler Smith Bowers Consultants MeredilhMltchell SlanWade Raj Aujla Paullus Yeung Kelly Kerr Gregory Smith LANE -' n Phone# E-Mail {UO-IJ 461-tlOO bissky@telus net to,l nrMUn~omocom (604) 467-7330 a,\0911tyMlCIQmapto rld-t,t-co (60•) •-338 ,.odd WO mo ndll"-Cll (604) 553•0044 meredilh mitchell@m21a com (604) 463-4753 stanw@wadesurvey com (778) 294 -2930 raj@doctoraujla com (604) 841-7748 uni tedpacific@shaw ca (604) 852-7300 kkerr@wedler com (&04J ~,371$3 gismith@wsb-eng com r- 0) w (!) 0 w e BROWN A VENUE DEWDNEYTRUNKROAD PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE VI/HEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") 8ROWIIAVE Site Reconciliation 'TAfll C:-Omt.nsd Pfoj;c1 NHI Total Net Residential Area: 16,768 m2 1B0,486 sqft Total Gross Residenlial Area: 20,316 m2 216,681 sqft Tolal Gross Commercial Area: 3,940 m2 42,413 sqft 8ulJ61ng 1 BuUdlng 2: euikffng3 su:b-Toca1,.: ~ 6 Storey 13 Storey 19 Storey ESB fBmdeotinD 1 935 3 966 s 461 3 766 ESB fC:9rnrnr:mlf) o 387 1,.319 1 043 o BBS Consolidated Sile Area: 17,255 sq ft 13,625 sq ft 17,044 sq ft 47,923 sqrt Density: 121 2 UPA 230 2 LIPA 306 7 UPA 21B 1 UPA GFAParking: GFA Commercial: GFA Residential: Net Residential Area : U"II B'1'9::\' Qawn J, OI Blctwtlot Un.II.$. # of 1 Bedroom Units: # of 2 Bedroom Units: Unit Sub•Totat P1tkmq Bw:rnktmenta Bachelor (0 90 per unit): 1 bedroom (1 00 per unit): 2 bedroom (1 .10 per unit): Vrsitors (0 1 per un it): Commercial (1 / 1000 sq It): 52,041 sqft 6,674 sqft 39,239 sqft 33,379 sqft O units 32 units 16 units O □stalls 32 Ostalls 17.Sstalls 48stalls 6 7stalls 4B,411 sqft 52,020 sqft 152.471 sq'1 ◄2,413,qo 218,68 1 Sqll 180,486aQR 17,970 sqft 17,770 sqft 69 ,634 sqft 110,808 sqlt 54,034 sqft 93,072 sqft 0 units 36 units 36 units 72 Urllts a Ostalls 360 stalls 396 slalls 7 2stalls 180 stalls 0 units 60 units 60 units 120 units 0 Unat!I 128 oni 112 ul'II 240 u 0 O stalls 0,0 1ial1 60 0 stalls 128,0 ,t.-, 66.0 stalls 123,2 alal:I 12 0 slalls 24,0 .Jldi 17 .B stalls 42,4 1Udls Req'd Residential Parking: 55 stalls 84 stalls 138 stalls 277.0 1bll• Req'd Commercial Parking : 7 stalls 18 stalls 1B stalls 43.0 st~I Required Pamng Sub•Tolal· ---62-,,-,,-1,---,0-,-,,-,,-1,--:-,sa~.,--,lsc---,-,-o -,.,-M-ls Parking Provided Sub•Tolal: 98 stalls 112 slalts 139 stalls 349 sb.11.s Loading Spaces Provided: 1 11J:ltt 1 stalls 1 stalls 3 .Jtall Difference/ Phase Parking ---, .. =,,-,_,,.,,---,:-:o:-,,-,,c-11,---_,:c:7:-,,-,,"°11,---,,,.,9-,-,..,,-illl Qfs;k£1t 899\/f!rrntntl 8,oultfd Rekle-ntilll Short term storage (6 /20 units): long term storage (1/ 4 units): CommMdll Short term storage (6 / 1500m2): long term storage (1/750m2): 14staUs 12stalls 2 stalls 1stalls 22 stalls 18stalls 7 stalls 2 stalls 36 stalls 30stalls 7 stalls 2slalls OEIIIOlleY TRUIIK RO Proposed Development with Aerial Photo (!} Scaic ,,soo ~ I , Property Reconciliation Property #1 Property #2 Property #3 Property #4 Mur!~~•I Combined Area Civic Legal 12018 Edge Street 12038 Edge Street 22554 Brown 22566 Brown Ave. Ave NA PI O 007-986-416 007-612•8B5 011-305-118 003-614-408 NA Existing Area: 1,'362 .B 1112 Existing Zone: CS· 1 5.Yl$17no OCP COMM 977.9 m2 RS·1 APTL 978 ,0 m2 RS·1 APTL 979 5 m2 RS·1 APTL 224 2 m2 NA = 4,522 4 m2 48,679sqft NA Provided Bicycles All Buildings Resfdenlial Residential Commercial Commercial Short Term Long Term Short Term Long Term Totals Floor -2: 0 60 sta ts O O 60 stalls Floor-1: 19 stalls O O a 19 stairs Main Floor: 53 stalls O 17 stalls 1 stalls 71 stalls Floor 2: 0 0 O 4 stalls 4 stalls Sub "Totals · 72 stalls 60 stalls 17 stalls 5 stall 154 stalls (--·--·7 -·--·--·-7 • I I I I . I Building 2 . Building 1 I • 13 Storey I 6 Storey I I 72 Units I 48 Units . I • I • I I ~---·--·-Ly-·--·--·-_j . I I . I I . I I B1u~l~~~r~/ • I 120 Units I . I I . I I '--·--·--·J Proposed Building of Develo~~~,~~ ~ W'Mt "' 12 1Ave Brown Ave i:,if:1 ·~· Architectural List of Drawings A1 ~□ A1 ,1 A1 2 Al.3 A20 A3 O A3 ,1 A3.2 A3 3 A4.0 A4 .1 A42 A4 3 A5 O A5.1 A52 A5.3 A60 A6.1 A6 2 A6 3 A7 0 A7,1 A72 A73 AB.O AB .1 AB.2 AB 3 A9.0 A9 ,1 A92 A93 A10 O A10.1 A10 .2 A10 3 A11 0 A11 ,1 A112 A113 A120 A121 A122 A123 A130 A131 A132 A133 A140 A141 A142 A14 3 A15 0 A151 A16 0 A170 A171 A172 A17 3 A174 A175 A176 e3 "' Site Context, Phasing aos~e Reconcilialion Existing Site Survey Fire DepartmentoPre-focident Plan Usable Open Space Comprehensive □Site Plan Comprehensive □Underground Parkilg □Roor •2 Plan Building 1 □Und erground Parkilg □•2 Floor Plan Buildlng 2 □Underground Parking □-2 Floor Plan Build!ng 3 □Und erground Parking □-2 Floor Plan Compreh1msive□Underground Parking □-1 Floor Plan Building 1 □Underground Parking□•1 Floor Plan Building 20Underground Parking□-1 Floor Plan Building 3 □Underground Parking □-1 Floor Plan Comprehensive □Main Floor Plan Building 1 □Main Floor Plan Bui!ding20Main Floor Plan Building 3□J.'iain Floor Plan Comprehensive □Second Floor Plan Building 10Second Floor Plan Building 20Second Floor Plan 8lll'd'>g3~'km!FJG«Plon Comprehensive □Third Floor Plan Building 1 □Third Floor Plan Building 2□Third Floor Plan Building 3□TI!ird Floor Plan Comprehensive □Fourth Floor Plan Building 10Fourlh Floor Plan Buildlng 2□Fowth Floor Plan Bulldlng 30Fourlh Floor Plan Comprehensive□Fifth Floor Plan Building 10Flflh Floor Plan Building 2□Flflh Floor Plan Building 3□Frfth Floor Plan Comprehensive □Roof Plan Building 1 □Roor Plan Building 20Roof Plan Building 30Roor Plan Building 10North Elevation Building 10Ea$1 Elevation Building 1 □Souttl Elevation Building 10Wesl Elevation Building 20North Elevation Bulldlng 2 □Eas\ Elevation Bulldlng 20Soulh Elevation Building 2□Wesl Elevation Building JO North Ek!vation Build Ing JO Easl Elevation BuildfngJOSouth Elevation Building :mWesl Eleva1ion Building Section 1 • 1 Building Section 2·2 Building Sections A·A Buikting SedionsoB, C, D. & E Shadow Oiagrams □St.Jmmer & Winter Solstice Shadow Diagrams □Fall & Spring Euinox Mater!a ls &□Colour Selection Vignette Sketches Vignette Sketches Vignette Skelches Vignette Sketches Rendering Rendering Rendering jS1oreyAve ! Eagle Ave ney_Trunk·Rd:::: ===-:: ()o-:n-ol ·cri//·~ M :Jlf.! RiOG·-llt'l'ltrt.t :_---=====--=Dewdney_:Tr.unk :Rd-=====...:.:. • .;; :8 119Av<! Sl!lkirkAVf!. (t,I ,W ll Fraser River 119Ave .. ,.1, rM '~"'-.' •.•.--:• MAPLE ftlDG"e TOWN CENTRE • •• j Hall 119Ave ;: ; I Selkirk Ave .~ North Ave l\7Ave % f\llll'4:..:U:V~• ~,o- 0 g: Brickwood 11 Poirk 6, Fuller Ave P,uk Cliff All~ 116 Ave 12:I A,4a,fl N i Site Context Location Map I.&.\ Scale: 1:10000 \.1,/ ISSUED DRAWINGS ,ii, Bo~no1,2,&3h-suedFo, ADP 14/MAYftJ -u Build/ngl,2,&Jlssuedfor D8Yelopme111Permil.il/1/13 ,~ f'fisN1.J,,11,J~flt' --~c,12 _, C Q) Q) en E ca a. ..c 0 a.. Q) (") a, oo w Q) Cl) en o::::, a.. 'O 0 Q) 0::: -~ a.. ~ Ol C C 0 'cij :;:::; ca ca ..c a.. ·u C 0 (.} Q) ~ Q) _, C 0 u 0::: Q) _. Q) U) _, U) Date SM<! May 13, 2013 As Noted WB/JM 1237 A1 .0 12003 Ref.Plan 79869 Rem. 302 Plan 45004 /09 ResidenUal Apartments Plan 8679 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D {36'' x 24") tu w c::: I- C/) w C!) Cl w ""' .,,,. X Service ~ ~ ,a "'"~ "' ... Traffic Con .,,, . .,.,<t- X I 1 <;> . C :::; ! a. u ~ -E ! 12038 .,.,, .,,.. X /i X 24,31 0 ~ "" .,,,. ~ 13 ~ X ' "' 4 Plan 8081 ~ ti 1 ,.1' "' X 9 ,,, :'> '+;"I,,. ,.,OJ· Pavement edg,I ~,a.Mf Curb 303 Plan 44882 BROWN AVENUE Painted Centerfine X X Overhead Power lines C:;· • :;;.;; :~:?\:1.-~~:;; • .;+-,G,;t......,__,.,--2---'•.34 ~t)~~ ~"' ~ Graver Driveway ~p X ~ 0 "V ~"(:, .,. ___ Ti"'.0· .,,,<t> X UC....L.....L.....-,;....L.....L.--4---"--'---"--"--"~ 'l,<::, •"'· X .,., .,,,. 5 X if) 6 Plan 8081 _, Plan 8081 ii: ""' .,,,. X if) ~ ~ a .; <>' 1i •"'· .:' X ~$<;"·~""~'-?r>,, • • A Plan LMP19460 ",;-• ,., ti,>· @ ... 0 Kaede Sushi Simplified Financial M R Physiotherapy Building He ig ht: 48 S Service •~ ~ b Ref.Plan 69394 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD LOTA (Plan 9687) .,, .,. X 2 Plan 9687 Bowe rs Automotive Site Plan Scale: 1 /16", 1 "·0" Midas Muffler ISSU ED DRAWINGS llllJ DuJd'.ng1 ,2,&31Ht.1tdfo1 AOPUIMAY/13 1nm Dunding1 ,2,&31miedfor Oevtlopmenl ~,mil 411/13 1w1: Phasa1,2,&J lssuedl0f Rnon:tiQAppl;c:ation OJJOEC/12 >, Q) C: :::J Cf) Q) -u5 0) C :.:; Cl) ·x w ~1 J\SCEN TJ Date: May 13, 2013 Seate As Noted WB/JM reject ID 1237 Sheet A1.1 --- Tht t.olltiwlr"lf wn radivad by Mark Smitten on 30 April, 2013 for ~le# 2012-115-0P &tt Information will be required at building permit stage as lo how is the co-Gn!'iNI"", sequence and enuncialion of Iha fire alarm systems is to Ila hanlled belWMn t1it INH buildings and the parkade COnaJructlon ftr•SIJfc'YPJ.an • -Yo mNtlhe1~11ofu-i.8totn~bla8u.td,ngCode20QG..Oi:vilil>l'S. ~8.1 and¼of'la &ri~ Col~ Fir•CodetBCfC> 2005. O....!t~ 0. 5oction 58 V'n~•~burcfin;t..~oftiulkf!f91,~IHocla,141cf ~n~COftllf\lCtiOI'\. • A pr o,c~ll)H t rv;~hc:rWl:boconwudiMf;r••titty pl11n'tM!bo lfflpllfMl'UCI yfll bei ,.td. . ,u.~.-o;. 1t,;,w.-.n.'"nbe ,.~td IO bl! i;hlrged Mkfacc.liten lhf. tr.ilktngiproprt1"6 OV.,i'.Arnt.fflt'j ba 1~ :a:sffl"I)' b..ldttdltd h NCCf'l.ltl:ucb::W firoQflf'\Yplll" +Sit Ph1n R<!qulred 11• Slt.eplwi:ll'ldlloorJ:Alllftl~Jao11:lon.lO,hn1l■l&d3nli:aWUdur1t101N10t 11it,i:hd.w.irwd'bo;b,,,~e.h ,11 •~UMC1ffirt'Cll'pl,tflll\fflGCll"l'Wd:ior\.llf'ttt,dr1nli,,... 1i.rmp:i,not, ;c:i lW\IJIWIOOtl\ Wri,dplpeC'Of'W'IICbOn1-and nc1.1oi,t0 t.no lt'AJ ilUllllll1aol ■•odl OWH'h!J ltd obwudlonf IO bo ~ ta lho lil• MP•rtm.cir:it fi:.v.oceplllra • PCIF"t oJ .,ltt. w laof ~~ u:i tio .ni.11Jod llll ttr•orffllf,1t.onffm:IR{frtfft'St lhliJ. it,tc btllUdk, Ir■ N~tt1Mlt.p¥-kdclent pMM FD Lockbox • Fire department leek box to be Hush mounted in wall in close prox!mily to th~ fire ":11tmrot~:.::=-'°=-•od)i"a\-;t]l~fro,n~~h; #130 • 195 West 2nd A'l'O tui, V~, 9C '115V' 1B8 Telephone : (604) BLENZ 9'I 7~9994 Fax:(504Jl77•116'1 COFFEE --- FlreAlarm -Flre alarm pam,I or enuncialor lo • klmled t, the m1ln en1tanee lobby wld must be vdney Trunk Rd visible and reactable from the outside Sprillll~ • lbtconH are lo be sprinklered This is due to lhe assumption that propane barbeques . Brown Ave ~ E:.trn Fo-od.:s EJ Brown Ave 22•170 Cold'w~ Banker ■ Tri-Tel Rec1lr.• EJ ;;; i w C~Utl \li~ion ;1nc, He~ring Cenlre 8"old "'91 6Slorey -4SUnits \to,ll"bl uwdo" ttie batconies. H,r~%~ Tf CITY HALL e. $t.2ndplpaCor1MCtton1- • Mditlor.olmnclplpo reqult"91ti the ~nd ~t•--,,~•atornearh t l\:t!Hm bihlgar,r~ C... be l;.catA'don •hralda of 11,eAO;rilf ;;tile. Fi nal locatioo 10 tJ.e, dtl~ by,app,ov.al of ha ir• dep~m•pll. pt(or 11::i 'lnt-UllllOA. To bo locall!d on intermediate landings angled downwards al ◄Sdogrees from horizontal position Final locations for standpipes in garage and stairwells m be approved by Flro Department Fire Oepartm.lD.l'lt"Ae<:os • All Olltibud wK'n on Brown Avenue should be relocated underground This prt1vidos access lo the building by use of fire department ladders All fire department access routes must be designed and r.il!!d for the rol!owing specification!. Minimum of35,000Kg with a minimum forceof70 PS I FlreSa!'(!ty Plan .:ind VertncaUon Reports: -Information in the Fire Safety Plan must be relevantt> tho building Rererences to :;ill b.milll not ~l'lillohibulld",r,;""4111l brt re~&tfd. • f' .. taNltY plln :O llllt~NI ~ ~ 'mdot Fn Oep,lrtlMnt In olectro r,lc format ~r r-;~~~~~'i::~:~~t.d be ,equlrod If) be sen.t toMaploR!dge Fire Department Secu t lty -~.Md on pHU)perience, the doors leading from underground to tt,e outside usual lyht'l'O add'iScM:lal security measures in place thatmak!' access lrom lhose Mairwells :::,~~=::::.=---~=~~fof'°~,!nlto dtfW1mON .XHI ... wcil ;H ma'wutln wa,aiiy, • 5tcu'-.11r•;t g;Ouhiid,o ott»~nnodlb have p,t11'11,#'t111tlp'.lce1N 1allow!i ll!iJrtlQ lrom NtaNII to• Nf•pbm'" the BYII Mol ,noY~taQCln. Gates Ole. noed lo be =~~~9t;~~,.•::::<::~~1u!:=~ owledgo and include a Address Vlslblllty Ensure addres.s is visible from the street and visible day or night. If a rree standing sign is instilled, ensure building address Is included on the sign Apartment units should start with ~nuimtltr 101 at the le~ side of the main !obby and conl inl.H:I numbering clockwise. B~ Ot~ltmenl v.ill have fi nal approval on -... -:i.t.llrw .. 1N11 lobt1JitN!ltdSlM'1 ,~2•k:.. Door ldontlncallon !Other than suites) -All doors lo mechanical space!., electrical room storage elc must be laboled with contrastingedOf'I-Letters IJl'IClni.fflM~ are to be a m~of65mm (2 .5 lnc.ba &\a- • Fire Oopar'Jtl ent may •tri(bbll~on some doors ~lmg fireHght!ng t-qU!pfflii nl or Isolation equipmenl SLich as valves or electrical switches Cun-ent Bulldlnes or Structures • Once lhe current buiklings are vacan~ lhey are lo be m~ secure against unauthorized enlry at all times, as well as durrlg the demol 110n pt\)M until sueh time as they are totally demcl!thot:i Property IODe i.n:.d with fencing minimum 1 &Tl lvgh Ensuro a demolition permit is obtained All asbestos and other hazardous malsrials assessments are lo be co mploted as p1not 1he dlmclc'Jon ~ -V~BCr,,c;al,iU'l 10Qistralionofworkto be co,nplelild ■nd copio!.ofany au.aworiJ.R~ pri;tto V'l■ commencement o .any I\IJJltdout.n,aterialsabatemenl .,, .. , If an underground oil tank is on the property, a permit from the fire depaf\mElnl is req uired STRUCTURE DEMOLITION GUIDELINE llWdlnolt»,.,n.:tfn~••taOlfmt•lltW.-u dur.f!IQitw:ubnti:,,,terno~poc,f.._ &cii;uringof hm1thQd l:r,irhe~~tl'lrllt,IMIN!d:1o1 combPlto111# 1 Comokl.11~ ol dOCU,WJndCMI ■ndolhercpanJ.n,g1 loontd W11'111"1 3mol\hll 'Df(IUlld.Yihlch~'I~• IIC(as:t:ID N b!Jklir.g, lfl0ng-»rm.ll:fue1vt• •b bt bNrdod lO tho HUD standard 2 Minimum 1 B metre high rencing around the building or exposed area 3. Posla 9ecurityguard It remains the r:l'llner's re!.ponsibilily to ensure that the building remains secure at all ~mes andregularim;pectionchecksarerequired, All measures as per the BC Building Code Part Bare to be met SpecificallysectionB.1 2.2 w1n- 1) Precautions shall be ttU n iq, ensure that no person is C)Cpo!.ed to undue risk ..... Q) Q) .... ..... Cl) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIM ENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE \/'11-iEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x 24") Brown Avenue Parking 5 Parking Stalls L...------iiiiiiiiiiiiii. ..... Dul'lad llM olll&of~ Lane ~ ..... Bay Parking 8 Parking Stalls Dewdney Trunk Road Brown Ave Brown Ave Brown Ave Lane Current Structures Note: The current buildings are being maintained secure against unauthorized entry at all limes, as well as during \he demolition phase until such time as they are totally demolished A demolition permit will be obta ined Their is no known underground oil tank on the property, a permit from the l'ire department v.ill be obtained if one is found during excavation . Srnrbuck.s .If: Coffee Brown Ave M1;1c's Convt=nienr.P. Swrer. It EJ Yf Dori-;iir.Affa t1 Fire Department "' f.4aple Rid!Je Fire Dep; Bovd AutoborJy ~ & Glr1s~ e. ■ Golr1t:n Ems Grooming Laminate War~()l~,;:; Joe!J Plaza e. Texas Chicken & Seafood Dewdne}I Trunk Rd Dewdney Trunk Rd 22540 EJ OewdneyTrunk Rd Concord Veterinary S1,pp6es Dewdney Trunk Rd EJ 11 Dewdney T . ~~~ f!~fl?IW,".;t 0 Main Floor Plan ~ Scat.: 1' -20 ft '",., :;...,,..';;;'-a_a;''::::='a.' -a .. 'e'=,,,s5o-_;;,60. FT Legend H. Existing Fire Hydrant Seivice Rooms (Mechanical, Sprinkler or Electrical Rooms TBO) Localion FD Lock Box & Fire Alarm anuncialor panel Vis ible address day or night, Fire Department Conneclion Main Entry into Building Access Stair Well Fire sarety Plan Fire Department Access Proposed Hydro transformer E~~~~~-~ I I I ~! :,ii I I I I 200 ■ CR Cyct-e ... Parking Level -2 27 Parking Stalls 22Ti0 EJ ... ... Site Location Map & Relation to ,, H.:inP.V 8~<fe-:-s· Sup~es Parking Level -2 26 Parking Stalls Ram J uP I 1000 FutureDrfvuAc::eess ID RZ/019/2013 CfouAe&es:.► Agreement Ruquiled ., ~311/ 1200FT I i--. __ 'L • ----. 36.lll,_ • ----• ----• __ _j_ ___ _ !~ 1-I L ___!__.L_L__!___!.._.! __ ==I I I I I I ~ I I I I I ·I· Parking Level -2 31 Parking Stalls Service """ ~~111--f.U ~•-~.tpe.,M-vN el!y en gineurir,gdepartman1 • ' ---21670 -·--·--'---------- *Note* All levels of all buildings to be sprinklered. ISSUED DRAWINGS 'JIYIJ B11ilding1 ,2,&3h.s11edfor ADP 1◄/MAY/13 1111u Buildin o1 ,2,&3b&vedfw Oevakll'.lm e111Permi1 411113 l;i:IIU PhltMl.:.loJhu.ci• Ru.()lllngApplic=i lian 03/0EC/12 -C (I) (I) E (/) ro a. 0 .c a. (I) CV) > (I) 0 0 w (I) Cf) (/) 0 ::> a. -0 0 (I) 0::: -~ a. ~ -c C ro (I) -Ea. t::c ro (I) a.-o (I) ·- 0 g (I) ' ,.__ (I) u::: ct Cl " . I "' I " ! ~~ ~ai "'"' ""' wl(l <ON :,i .. ~--:-~ V) C 1, i iBID ~'.:, ~~ '!';; NN QI GI .-N cncn ~ ~ "'·· "" a;'Q JO. -'1 ASCEN Tl ate : May 13, 2013 ea le As Noted Drawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 Sheet A1.2 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHE N PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24M) Usable Og~n Sgace Provideg Building 1 Bu11ding2 Bu11d1ng 3 Main Floor: 1,394 sqfl 2,610sqlt 3,3'11 sqrt 2nd Floor o sqrt Osqlt O sqft 3rd Floor 4,391 sqft Osqft 0 sqlt 4th Floor O sqlt 2,261 sqft 4,142sqlt 5th Floor O sqrt 3 ,978sqft 3,3 92sqft S bTotal . S 78 • """ ft 10875 Proposed Site Area 17,255 sqrt 13,625 sqft H,044 sqft Proposed Site Area 1,603 m2 1,266 m2 1,583 m2 UOS % of Site 33.5% 65.0% 63,8 % l ot.Ill 7,345 sqrt a sqrt 4,391 sqlt 6,403sqft 7,370 sqrt ~ 25-509 sort 47,923 sqrt 4,452m2 53 2 % +-'' Q) Q) ~ +-'. Cl) Q) 0) "O w Green Area of Usable Open Space I------- Q) 0) "O w Brown Avenue Lane Dewdney Trunk Road Dewdney Trunk Road Build ing l 6 ~tory 48 tlnit s w , 1 1,. .. r Oln •~ Main Floor Plan (f) Sato: , •• 30 11 ~T ~ (l t O re M 10 '.t°::::!°FT 0 10 20 30 10 SO 60 FT Brown Avenue L f --·--·--~- [1 l ii ~ I ,c_l i r~, I I I ,,.___ __ ......:....:..._ l lk=~==-==--===lJ --------·--·--' I I I r Lane Third F~e:rl_~l~~t (!) +-' I m II' ~ ., +-' I I I I I ~ 11 -~~ I .g> i I~ i W j ---L I i l -· ~ i t1 · ~ l -------·--·-- Dewdney Trunk Road I r Lane Dewdney Trunk Road 0 10 10 3Q ◄'l 10 50 FT Fifth Floor Plan (fl Salo:1"•30ft ~ 0 IQ 32 l O i O XJ §O FT IS SUED DRAWINGS WtJ.'11 Building1,2,&3 lssuedFor ADP 1 ◄/MAY/13 •IW't) Bvidifig1,2,8.3Issu~dfor Oeve k;,p ment P,mni1 ◄/1/13 i:»'ll Pha$111 ,2,11.3Jssua dlo1 Rezoo.,g Applic:alion .,.,..,,,. -C Q) Q) rn E co 0. .c: 0 a.. Q) ('") ii> oo LU a> Cf) 1/) 0~ a.. " 0 Q) 0:: -~ a.. ~ Q) C.) co 0. Cf) C Q) 0. 0 Q) .0 co 1/) ~ ..a1 /\SCEN Tl A1.3 Dewdn Trunk Existing Pa 83= I-w w 0::: I-en w (9 ~Ill" ~:- , I .. 0 w !ll ' I , I I ; f I I I I I I t I • I : I I '\: , , ' I L PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRI NTED ON ARCH O (36'' x 24 ") ., I 0 I I l~ I 0 ~i I ·' I r-- <O ~!':. I "' I I \0 I I ' , I I I I ' ' ' I I .... J9.~ ... ----.... , ..... ' ' ' --~~---""ve"' {See landscape) -UM of Main Floor Building 2 13 Story 72 Units MFE: 130'-11" (39 .903.m) Dashed ln,,ot_J' residential Doof 11bovo ' \_0.sood l;ne of 4th Ooo,above Onhed line or residenlial Hoer above Building 3 19 Story 120 Units MFE: 130'-11" (39.903m) ' ' ' \ \ I \ I , I I I I I I ' ,' ·' I I I I , , , I ' ' ,_, ,, II ," I -··· •.!:.: ............. . (S•.748J ,-, ,. ' I \ / I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,/ Buil~ing 1 ,' ~,,-a-~tocy ,' / 48 Units I I : I 'I , I ,, I MFE: 131'-7" 40.107m , I I ' Dashed line of \ --, ,,,,,.~..._-' I \ y residential Hoor atxwt-\ I ', I \ _, ' \ I I I ' \ \ ' \ ' \ . --------· -, -,, 0 I ,, I I I j ' I .. I 8 / ExistiQg uni~ipal / l?a rki ng lot I I I I I t I "",_, ,' Rt:1z O:n_ihg Application for \; 1i26'Unit 18 Story :' R.Zl,019/2013 22·577 Dew,eney , Trun~R0acl r Existing16bmmercial , Site Plan Scale: 1116"'::s 1•-0 " ISSUED DRAWINGS 11 8uilding1,2,&31"uedFor ADP 1◄/MAY/13 II Building1,2,&3Issuedfi>r DovalopmentPermil411/13 CM:: l'tit141t.Z.6la...~.., R1tzoningApplica\icn _., Q) en ctl .c c.. (1) 0 w (/) 0 c.. 0 0::: c.. Q) > ...., C Q) E C. 0 Q) > Q) 0 Q) en ::> "O Q) -~ ~ ·en C C ctl 1? c.. ~ Q) C.:t::: EU) 0 0 i;l . m " "' ~ ,1 1 ~~ "'i;; i; :!!~ :3,,. ~~ -'< YJ C .gi~ 0 UJal .,..• ~~ '! NN • -"'"' • ~ ! ~ :i :i 1a• ·s ~Q 0 ~0. ... 1 ASCEN Tl Obtt. May 13, 201 3. Salo As Noted Orr"" WB /JM F'rojo<t lD 1237 A2.0 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPAC ES ARE NOT FI NAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36'' x 24") 1-w w a::: I- C/) w (9 0 w 0 ,_ 0-- GB ~ 110-,,01, .. 1 1.1.3041 • I I I I ... I BROWN AVENUE I Service IIX!IIX / ~ '""""'T @-t Storage r--,dllllHi :: :::::i::: '"I ..... ~, I I ... ) 0 0 237'-11 12" I Bike ~ Storage Service Parking Level -2 26 Parking Stalls 0 I Service v;;, __!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Future Drive Access to RZ/019/2013 ..._ Cross Access ' Ag reement Required !':\ ! Parking Level -2 : ~\.. • ~ .. • " ~ 27 Parking Stalls ...._ _ _._ .... ..., .... _.__...,!__ ---: j , Ram ~ UP ~f- 2 A14 1 l . .. . .. . . , ~"'-'!"!!!!!" _____ l ......i. __ ---'1-;;_.i .: ------·. -. -L -. -,· 36,331 •. ,. ·----I 1··-· ~: 1 1.,_·__!__·__!__·__!__·....!.,__·...!__·....!.,__ __ -==· =:114 ! LANE © -(f) ~ ! \ i Parking Level -2 -• -' • 1 t------· -•• --··-···· •• --- I ! ! ! "Nole 1 , 31 Parking Stalls ----"-i_M..,!t,poJ se,vimm lanereallgnedaspe,c,,il ·······---··-•-·--• i-·· : l ! l I • • t concept drawings & prelirnanary meetings with • i j ____ I ~ city engineering department. I • . -. I . . . ---I ! i I I ...._ ___ .-'--,-'---'----' . I i i I !-I • J ! .. : . 1 ! ' ;i I ! • Bike J'!l'IIJ'IIIII'';._""_"'_"" ___ ,._ • ~I i 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 22577 I !1 i Storage U 6111U.\i ::::m::::; ----1 t;;•I !, !j !. 1: :·::::wiHl!HO/' , I Dewdney j ! ---1 I ! Trunk Road I i ! ... 'L ~ -• : Existing Commercial i ! l,i IX !IIXl ' I j 22561 i I : Service • ' 1 Dewdney • j L.J "" , , I j Trunk Road ::i ~ 1~,;.:~-I ! Existing Commercial ~ I ~! i 670 i i ...l----·-··-·····-··--·-··-·--·-··-········-········----·--i ' ' ·--·-• ·-½ ---·---""T""'"-· ! ' A 14.2 L---------------J._ ________ _ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Level -2 Underground P ~~~~~/1 ,~~ ~ o ,a re ◄n ., re 70FT -- ISSUED DRAWINGS 1.1m Bu1Iding1,2,331ssuedFor ADP 14/MAY/13 w111, Building1,2.&3Issuedfor D11volopmonlP8rmil4/1113 C/lll~ Ph3&e 1, 2, 8, 3 l5sued for R11zoningApplicalion 03.'0EC/12 0 I M . rn " "' ~ _. ,1 C i Q) Q) E ~~ en C'O a. "''" .c 0 g~ Cl.. Q) ~~ 8o0 CV) > ~~ Q) ~-< 0 0 <I) C .gi~ w Q) Wm 0 . CJ) ~~ ~ en 0~ 0 => NN <I) -N Cl.. "C 0 Q) 0:::: -~ ;; Cl.. ~ 0 a: .. 1 /\SCENT l u z >--::,,:z t/) 0 t,/') i7i z -W(J a:i O V) z zo 2 u.J ~ 0::: I oeO ~ ~ ~ ::J~ i~,. LU 0 f--t~g~ f-w ~ 1~]} t/) "' :::, LU t::; 0 g~~i Z wZ .; -~t >-t:: z ~fl~. <( I Z S ~::; ~l!t < "- Pate : May 13, 2 □13 !Scale As Noted Drawn WB/JM rojectlD 1237 Sheet A3.0 -~ 0 (L 0 ;, B ;; ~ ~ , J u----_ ---=--=---=---=-----=-----=------=-----_-=- LJ FUTURE Building 2 c:::::::l D PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~1 "'· 0 - ~ 0 - I • ' ; -::J :.,_ ~ I c::::J 0-. 0 ! ., - !./ ~ ; i -· :., t. g I 20'-<r' 1 2 SM SM Building 2 20'.(r 27 ,. ' 0 l . : : 1 ~M '-<r I 1 r .,1 .. -I • 18'-1'': ~ ~ ! !:I Bicycle Storage 5 Short Term Residenlial $talls i~ ---· --······---·- 0 12'-<r' I • . : l . 21 : ' I ' ' ' 18',Q"" 22'-10- 10 Brown Avenue 0 I 8·-s- Bicydle Storage 1JlongTo,n, ~Stth Electrical Pkrking LJvel -2 Elevation from MFE ~24'-0" = -7 .~15m ' ' . . ' 19 : 18 17 . ' J l . ' . R-11\MP UP ! : i : v-.. ,. ,.,__,, 0 I : I 10 ,r-1· j Mechanical !l! ;'!: : !!! ,~ . . It ~ :11 0 I : : I i -·-··········-· ! ..................... i ....................... . : : : §,;~ ---1 t:=1 1----i 1--.~; UP r Stair#1 22576 Brown Ave a; Existing Municipal ~ Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 ISSUED DRAWINGS ~ Buifding1 .2,4 31ssuudfo, ADPl ◄IMAY/13 """) 8uilding 1,2,&3Iss oodfor DevelcpmenLF'<lrmil-4I1113 emu Phaoo 1,2,&llssuedfor Re;z:on iogApplicalion 03/DEC/12 -C Q) Q) cn E co a. ..c 0 (L Q) ('I") ii, 00 w Q) Cf) Cl) 0 ::, (L "'O 0 Q) 0:::: -~ (L 2 u ro . ~ :0 a: " 0 ii: ...1 ASCENT l 56",10" _________ 36_,~_,_-____________________ • __ f_!+! _____________ _ 35·.,1· ,I e•.,11.,.• LANE May 13, 2013 IO rewn WB/J~ lo,ofoi:t.ro 1237 ,. Level -2 Underground Parking Plan ~ SOI<!: 118'• 1'-0" Q7 1" ◄0 ~ gt FT A3 .1 TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") L----------------------------------------------_:___---==--:..:=.:.:__:_ _____ __L __ _J l 0 D. " ;;: a ;,; ~ ~ ..... (1) (1) !.... ..... CJ) (1) 0) "O w PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE v\'1-iEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x 24") 0 0 0 0 ' . :,' ::i 0 t =t ; 0 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ■ Service Bicycle Storage (18 Long Tenn Residential Stalls) Brown Avenue 6 Short:Term Residdnlial Bicycte;stalls ~ 0 1 2 3 • I s 1Qi'201l RZ/019/2013 RZ/019/2013 RZ/019/'2013 :RZ/019/2013 I ! . ·------···· ................................ -........... -... _ .. _ .. _.,__ ·--.. _ .. _ -.. - ~ .. !, § Parking Level -2 Elevation from MFE -24'-0" = -7.315m ... RlAl1llfl013 .. RZ/019/2013 2 ·-t 2 21 22 23 24 25 25 SM SM RZIOIQ/2013 RZI0 1Gl2013 (7.41 .. RZI01ll{l013 0 RZJ01~1i5 ~o : ..................................................... ; ................... --.. -... --_.., ~~·-_ .. _·-····-··· ...................................... ~132'lU,1~13.__._ •• _. . ' . : ' I 1Ml2 i ! H Ht IS • : l ..................... -----·. ··-··-·--···-,·-.. ···-· ................... -······('·· ............................... ----....... __ -·----·---.. ·--~------........ . 1D 19 18 . . ' : I ~ ·---·····-·· ·-·-··---·----·---· !--···· ................... ~-----~,.,::::1~'\::~; ---····------.. --r .. --~--·---- 50'-4" Buil ing 3 13'-10" 10 © j Building 1 LANE I Level -2 Underground Pa ~,~~~ 1 9 8 _,~1 1 ~~. (!} 30 .:io 50 60FT ISSUED DRAWINGS t Bu1lding1 ,2,&lbsvedfor ADP 1◄/MAY/13 tnnl Bu1ldw,g 1,2,S 3 bs11ed for Develc:lpmenIPenn'l411/13 •lCIRl Ph~$(! 1, 2, s. 3 lssved ror M!Dl ~~llon .,,.,..,,, Q) Cl) ro .c a.. C") 0 w CJ) 0 a.. 0 0:::: 0.. --C Q) E a. 0 Q) > Q) 0 Q) Cl) :::> "Cl Q) -~ ~ 0) C ~ .._ C N ~ ro 0) "Cl a.. .S: C 0 "Cl :::::l =oO :::::l L.. Ll. a:l e>N Q) I "Cl C :::> (.) a, ~ :s a: I " ! ~1 ~cii "'"' -o"' ~~ 8., ~--~ <I) C !I ~ ~~; ~ N., ~ .;; !l iii. ~Q JD. ~1 ASCEN Tl ai, May 13, 2013 SUIA As Noted WB/JM ~,.1 .. 110 1237 Sfletl A3 .2 ._ _____________________________________________________________ ___L __ __J FOe name: 1237A DP Drawings 09/MAY/13-1,vwx Date: May 13, 2013 Time : 1:50:56 PM -<o 7J ~ ~ :::0 "z m ~6 r :;z - :r "' s:: m ~-;o z ~~ )> ~~ :::0 ei rn -< 0 ► z :o o ~~ z J:-<r ~~-< q~ z :,~o j ~ -I I° 'rO r c:i "Tl c!Q ~ ::u ~o ~o z (/) -l ::u C 0 -l i5 z ' Cl> < ~ [ f 10 (!) .., 0 C: ::::, 0. 1~1.i .. ::::, £co '7J ·--: Ill Us ·.::::, :J ~ ! !' )> w w "" 0 f ~ 0 :; "' ~ ~ 'Cl ;:: 0 CD :E a. ::J CD '< -i """'I C ::J :;,;;- ;;o 0 !l) a. ~ 6 ~ ► ~ i Edge Street @ 0 © 116'-8 12" 0 ,v..gl,,• I 'J'.:z--!!'$ I 2!Nl't" ~ r I .. ... .. . . . .... . . ...... .... ..... .. . . . ... . .... •·· ·····----.. ··•· ..... ..-·7 -·--• .. . ·r1· 126'·9" I I ~ . :ie-.2'.-•·: 36' .. ,.. • I J ~ 7-n If . ... ... . 1T ... ,. ... ~-·-··-·-··--·--· 6~-r I 'f 11 --~ f':"-, ................ -I ·-CD +-I I I I I I I I I I ~-;;. ·~ ' I ·••• "' ~ ~ I • LJ t i~ .; 10 "' !: I 1Q'.~~- i ..... 1S-.... 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PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 11204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 ph 604-467-8300 rax 604-◄67-8305 erna il :bissky@lelus~t ~ > C/l () m z :::! Building 3 Underground Parking -2 Floor Plan -l 20 ::::, <D N " :iE N ::u a. u, 0 ::::, (J') CD ..., ~'< PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave , & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: See A 1.0 PIO#: SeeA1.0 Copwfg~Resa1v,id "Fwhr » AIIC 0,..w~•• """I llil•~ OirJn.,_ ortl••• 19~ IINI~ ~Pll•fi;llby ~:tti:M_. ... ,1N11i ■1 • ::.-::::~-~=r~=~~~~-·n,~--~:-:.:.~~.~~-iwt' ... ,., .. 1 .. , ~~'16D"""lr..N 1:1,.'wl!.triwooeMll'ltdWJIL~~W•~P--rcot.,_. ua'---1•~ llllfC~«i .. joei,'f • .._WII ... Wa!NlitM ~.._..,_ • .,.,...,.d,i__.,.ai,~u.w,o,,1 11\t,111!1'~ ~ z m B U! ·n If I " ; Ii 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WH EN PRI NTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") 1-w w 0:: I-- Cf) w (9 0 w 0-,- 0v I I I I I \r~I Q}--t '"I ~i I I I • - Service BROWN AVENUE ,,.,..,,. (29.66") Dashed li~e of_/ noor tOove 'IXJ IIXJ Parking Level -1 27 Parking Stalls ' 0 0 237'-11 12" I ?(f.,,. I 111.&1 ./ ' ' ' ! : : z 0 C E C\I a:: \.. . . • ,14•..cr {3-17"8) Service Parking Level -1 26 Parking Stalls 0 I Service Future Drive Access to RZ/01912013 ..._ CrossAet:ess Agreemen t Required ' ©-t-1 ' Ramp UP .. J~ I ' :::§I = • ,. .. " .. " I / 2 A14,J 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 ~·--t!--+-+-1-~~· I J ---~-~'"--i-·--·--· , 1--·· !L , • • • • • • • ~! LANE ©© ~; W-l. • ~ : 14.3 14,3 ~ I ! II ! Parking Level -1 -\l .. r ···········--····-····· -................. r·· 31 Parking Stalls ----~~~al seMces,nlan,reahgnedaspero,v,I 11 • . ! concRpi drawings & prelirnanary meetings with , I : city engineering department · I ,, , I i ..... b • • I ! 11 ' I . I ....._ ___ ..._.._,__,'----'----' • I l :1,· I i -, I 1 I : ... 1-----------1 i i, «> : • I l ~i i .. ---------1 ~, I I •: i 1Jtllll-=--'obby : "jl I, 1 1 1.' -~fta-............. ~ ' , ,! ' Service fXll!Xl I I I ~~~ , I ! 22561 i I ! ---=-----, ' ' I i Dewdney j! ! -Dashed .... i Trunk Road I i ! I • offloorabovt\ ' I i Existing Commercial j ' I •--•--•-•--•--•-r-• : i ! 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Commercial ISSUED DRAWINGS M . m " 0: C. -ll C ~ Q) Q) E --~ 1/) co a. "''" ~:g .c 0 ~~ a.. Q) 8o0 (") > ~~ Q) ~« 0 0 U) C ~~ w Q) W<D o, Cf) ~v < 1/) -~ 0~ 0 ::, NN "' -N a.. "O 0 Q) ,,_ 0:: -~ .. a.. ~ 0 a: ..i1 ASCEN Tl u z >-- ::,<'.Z (/1 lJ V1 viz -~lJ c:::::i Ov'i z zo . I u..J ~ ~ I o,O 0.. ::J~ ii;! LU -,, f- t-~~ j~_; ! (/1 °' :, !~iji LU f-lJ Z ~z >-t:: z ;i,f <( I z ~ ~11w10 \ l J-·····-···--··--···-··-···-·--~-· ···---·--·-·-···-····-·-········Pi --··· A i 14.2 ,._ _______________ .J._ ________ _j S ~ :5 .,.,_ itlj 10 o1e. May 13, 201 3 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD IScale As N~ o"""n WB/JM PtOjoct lD 1237 Level -1 Underground P ~~~~6-~I ~ (f) b ~ )0 ◄0 ffl ffl 70FT 5he,t A4.0 m -~ e 0 a. 0 <( § • ~ [f u C D FUTURE Building 2 0 - 0 0 1----------------------------1 6 ----_-.:_-.:_-_-.:_-.:_-.:_-::._:..:..:..-.:..--__ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--------= PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FO R CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPAC ES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHAN GE 0 0 . ' r]· ~-N i ~ ~ -· ~ 7 I ! 1 SM 20'·0" 2 SM :Knce;k out pMof for -4--fll llmt connoc:borl lo btl!dlng2 I ------------····-··· ·-------i---· 20·-o- z Cl a.. 2 ~ 017-0'" Brown Avenue 0 0 0 134 '·00 11'-11" f7•0' I 11r.o-I 8'$ I l l : 6 I Service ......... ! .. " ········•··--···· J\ '~lr #2 ° ~eva to H>- Lobby -"" H '- ··-·······L-~~ .. ----·-L..................... ... • • :.,i,..:-• J ~ ('I ~ i 1' ! Bi cycle Storage 5 Sho rt T~rm Res lden\lal ~lalls i I 1 l 21 7 Parki ng L~vel -1 6,levation fro(n MFE c 12'·0" = ·3.p58m 20 . RAMP: UP I I 0 0 34'-6" n:-o-I 17'-1'" Service 10 i ■• --•• -··· ... ■ .... .,i.. .................. -.-.'""--.------.--.-•• -.---•• -.-•• ~ •• ' i :: I .. 1e·-1· ~ i : 45:5121 '"····-·-··············: ··-··--·..........;.·-···c0 ········1oi ~. ; I -c; l&.:3471 ;. 17 FIAuto OnYe Aceass IO ► ! Rl/01Si2013 kMdc <Ma. panel ror Mwe ► COf'lnection to RZ/019120 13- / Stair#1 0 J 1 '. 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Un it 18 Story RZ/019/2013 -·----------·~-•~_,··_~•. _________________ ._~i _______________ ~ LANE Level -1 Underground Pa ~~n 1 ~ 8 -~I~~ (f) ,. ~ ~ ~ •IT ISSUED OR A'vVl NGS lv u n.J, Buiding 10 2,&J IS.&UedFo, AOP1'4J MAYl13 1-1,r,a Buildillg 1,2,&J l"uedlor O evelopm enl.Pe rmil ◄/1/IJ 1.J:11'\I" Pha se1,2,&3 Issuedfor Re zo nlngApplica lio n ...,.,,.,. hl . ~ " O'. . ~ -" C Q) ~ Q) E --~ ti) co Q. "'"' ..c 0 .g>~ a.. Q) ~~ gi., rt) > ~~ Q) ~« 0 0 U, C ~~ w Q) ~' a Cf) ti) ~i { 0 ::::> NN • -N"' a.. "'O = 0 Q) i c::: .~ « .. •" a.. ~ !~ ~1 /\SCEN Tl May 13, 2013 s..,. As NQCltd Oruwn WB/Jt.\ 1237 Srttot A4 .1 TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") ....___ _____________________________________________________________ _l_ __ __j Fils nams: 1237ADP Drawings 0E:liMAY/13-1 .w,x Data: May 13, 201 3 Tima: 1:50:56 PM --<o 7J ~~ :;:a ~~ m ~o r :;;z -I ~~ ~6 Z ~~ )> ~f) ;a ~~-< 0 ► ~~ 0 ~5 Z :c --<r ~~-< q ~z ~~ 0 lo ~ ~ '• Q --i ""Tl 0 ;:;o 0 0 z (J) --i ;:;o C 0 :::! 0 z r (D < ~ I ..... C ::::l a. Cl) ..... co -, 0 C: ::::l a. \:s,~ ~ s· ~(O ' J2 t i ~ ~ ' ~ "' I ► ~ N .___________ __________ ---.JI Edge Street 0 0 I ~•.a-• 0 0 125'-9 1-1 11 21'·0" 5&·.,, ... 0 11 '-0 * 1 2 4'•2" 00 ~ ·--•,_,,,__•,---·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--~· ---- i ii; .::.oi; .,,, ~ CD C a. ::J (C w I ~ +--- ~ . -" .. .. •· -. . . .. ·-. .. . --·---··--· ...... , ~ -., . ..., .. ' ... --· -~- I'!· ,,,. ; • w • 1 ; • ~-••·-1 11 : i ,, ... ---~ <if !::! -Ii ;;; t;! .; ti ~·~ . 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PL ANNING IN TE RIOR DESIGN & #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, :;; l: Maple Ridgtt , BC V2X ZT◄ a, ~ ph 604-467-6300 rax 604-467-fl305 " ~ cm.M • tii~u.•o n .r101 ~ a: • fd (' ~ Ill,. ....... Building 2 > Underground Parking (/) (') -1 Floor Plan m z -I - , . 1 ... .. .. -1 '~~~ ,, CD C a. ::J (C ~ '7!=:dlll r 7 ~ 11 1 ~ PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Add ress : 12018 Edge St , 12038 Edge SI , 22554 Brown Ave & 22566 Brown Ave. Maple Ridge BC legal Address: See A1 ,0 PIO#: See A1 .0 CopyrighlRoseived, Further Jo AJBC B'(.aw 28(3), :111 plan.ti r;;keletles. dr11wi11~. g,uphic 1ap1a1ienlalions ertd s p<1Qfication, pro pa rod by lho architect a,e, aml at .ill lmll& 111mokl 1h11 axclusNe p1opertyol VVay11e Stephen Bis.sky Ardiltacli.a , U..ban De1ign, Pl11Mlng, encl lnlo1io, Oesi9n 11M cannot be used for any olh111 projed,orsoldoroffe1od l llfsalo(o1o&pal1olasalo..,,p1ope,ty)byanyp;i11yo1he11h1m......SB\Whoul 1he wr~ten consent ol \NSB, Wnlhm dif1111n5ions shill have precedence over SG.llled dlrrlllnaKlns :md ccr.d:ti 0n$ en lho jc b Tt.'& office 1,hull be in!onnud cf Prry YPrielillrr.; lrPm lhe dim$rKi<ln s al'l<I 00tH:li lillns 1hown on Lh6 dr:iwings !j '~ -i-0 :, 'I -10 w :: . .--t @ .. ~ ~{v ... ~ "' '1' "I -~·0 ~ ·0 :~ ~ -+0 ! ~ ;'f. ~ i .!' i ] .• ~ iE a i. ~ CD ~ 0 ~ ::J )> < CD ::J C CD +-' (I) (I) I... +-' Cl) (I) C) "O w J PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") t "' <D G ~ G -- 1 (A),,._.,,..(s)----------l{c) -~'. ~--o-I 30'-11" I g.,-;1 D I 1u:li •u 11'-0-I ···- 35'-5" I J.-l.... \E 11---r F J 13'·9'. 4,21 4) I ~'--;-: I : ~ I I 20 27 2• 29 I I ,~ N i g ;; I <-i. I ! ~ 31) 3t 2 1 0 ' I I ·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·- LANE ISSUED DRAWINGS ~lllll Building1 .2,&31ssu.idFor ADP 14/MAY/13 .-1113 Building 1.2,&Jlssuedfo-r D~velopmer.lPermit ◄/1I 13 C')lt~ Phase 1. 2,& J Jssu,i d ror ~~ll>UC,,, , 0 [ • I : ! 1r-t-i-:--•. -.;_ -------_; ---------_;_ ------_-___:_ -:---i--: ===~==~t===:t====================±:====ll-...L.--~.---------------------1 I · ., I . : ~ .1~i~ i i h!I i· • Ht; I !-i_ ~ I L \?' I ii: i ., Parking Level -1 I I : : ~ ~ Elevation from MFE ..,; • ·11'·4"=·3.454m I I : .: I .: I I ' • I I ! i I I· •I • ····2S····· ·-·24-·-·· ····-23 ···· --:··22-•-· ---21'-··· -···211 -+-t-----t,';f.'i,;-'{1'5i51,----=::;:..:---'-'-·:.:.·:.:.-·.:..c·-.:.::··'-"-l~-;:__:---'-'-·:.:.--:.:.·.:.::··-'-'··cl I I l ~ I I 2 •.q, l ; 2 -0-26'-0-' . -•i•I" I : I II ~~-i .:.·. <\> I . a Short Term '"'1 Reside lltial N Bicycle ~tau s - I -! ~ I I : ! I : -I I = l •-~ I L/Or.i1-j l+H..-'!-l--H+++H--'Hd£ll I I Exi t 'l Exit I? I Stair 'Ut:-,,H+'I-H-t+Hf;,-H-tt,h,:Ols? !? I I L--I I -E~~~~~r ~ ~:• I : I l !3:::::_ ····················-·-······-········· -·· .. ---••••• -·-·················•·-·------·---·· ----··-····· IX M ~ q I ···--··········-········-·-··----··--~~~~~~~-L-··~··· ·······-··········-.:·=··--=·L=.-= •••• ::tl. I Service . -I I I I ! -----¾ l l=-_T~•~,s~_~JJ.~ .. ·----a=~•~~·--__:_=~•~~•T ~"'·-,1 ~ ' ,,,· .. ~ 22561 Dewdney Trunk Road }iii ~ ~{! -t!,S !:~ .I j M ~ m " °' 0. ..... :1 C i Q) Q) E ~ ~ 1/) c.. "''" ro ~l8 ..c 0 ~~ CL a> :3., ("') > ~t Q) ~ .. 0 0 U, C .g~ w Q) wrn o, CJ) ~v < 1/) -~ 0~ 0 ::, NN -N "' CL -c 0 Q) c:::: .~ " CL ~ D ,: .. 1 ASCENT l ~,,_ l ·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·-·----------------------------1 Dewdney Trunk Road Date : May 13, 2013 Sca le As Noted Drawn WB/JM Pro1 ect ID 1237 Level -1 Underground Pa ~~ 1 ~8"~1~~ (f} 1n o sn .Nlr.fT Sheet A4.3 ~ ~ <( ~ gj g, ~ Cl 0.. Cl 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments ffi 1- UJ UJ c::: I-- CJ) UJ (9 0 UJ 0 0 0 BROWN AVENUE Parking 6 Parking Stalls Dashed line ofnoor o~ LANE Commercial DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD tt.i·-tr p4,741l J Commer ial 0 I / 2.?576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Commercial / ISSUED DRAWINGS Jn> Budding1,2,&JlssuedFor ADP 14/MAY/13 ta Building 1,2,&3Jssued!or 011Yelopmenl Penni 411113 llO"I: Pha:;e 1,2,&J lssuacllo1 Re?QningApplicalion -· Q) C >CU 'in a.. C Q) ,._ ..s:: 0 Q) 0 a.. LL E -~ 0 CU 0~ ..i1 ASCENT l ate : May 13, 2013 Scale As Noted Drawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 She et ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ~ ~i,M;~;~~~~oP:~;:J 6~~~~~ ~1 ~~~ ~~:,~EcT ro CHANGE AS . Q J '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"-=_""_::i_""-_""':_.,,._=_re::_:::-=.'="_=:_=_•;a_•::::'?~':.::!llffi_=::_-.:!._"'_rr ___________ _j~ _____ _J Main Floor Plan ~ Salo: 1/16" • 1'-0'' ~ Bui ldina 1 -Gross Floor Area Reconciliatio• C -~ □ "-□ 0 I 0 0 I Brown Avenue 0 134•.00 ,r-a-I ...... I , 134 '-11 '1' Building 2 ,--ii - -0 -n - I 5'-0-Afi', - 1 -~~:~~c~;~:e~~:I •· b tin -Commercial Access Connection .__ --....___ -- l 5 J-1.----1--1--■• .................................... . ~ l------:H-----------------------1----1--':::"--,_,__ ---- t I ············--j ·--··-··-.......... .. ! Commercial ·····-.. ·· _ 4.8~2 sqfl ............ ____ _ ! i r~ : Das hed line~/ residen~al building owr , ' ~· "'lorio<lay<>Ulto ~J do-llylUIIJID le.nant ~ff'IUlt Main Fldor o•.o·= Oip : ' ' . \ . l ' ' Residential Entry Ii I: : ; 5•.11)\• I 12'-&" ~.,_ .. .. :=,gi: Elevato t== -- Lobby I S '#2 : : : i I r ,- 0 I 0 I Commerc al 1791 sqfl 17'-1"' ................. ..:.-.!~~..'.:~ .) ................. . : :.... I i 17.182) Parkin:i tenant lmPfov•m1J ·-·-····· .. ······· .... ··---.. ··· .. ···. I ~ i ' ! c~ c~rmt ; 'I:; ' ~ .. Ccmmel'allll : COOWMn:oal &. .,. l&J[ii] REFUSE LO~ING [fil ~J; ! R~ 1--~i.---. t=jl►-= ... 1--◄ -· ~~ ~--◄ ~-• ---◄ ----J UP Stair#1 0 I •: : ii }, ; ~ CO<nmon l/ Parking Description: (Group F3) Floor p.2: 14 ,417sqft FloorP•1: 14,423sqrt Floor 1: 7,365sqft Floor 2 : 15,836sqrt Floor 3: Osqlt Floor 4: Osqft Floor 5: Osqft ~&: Osqft Sum s: 52,041 sqft 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 Residential (Group C) 312 sqft 312 sqft 1,026 sqft 514 sqft 9,269 sqlt 9,269 sqlt 9,269sqft i ,26Voqft 39,239 sq ft "' ; PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Main ~~~_0 1,r8,P_l1~0~ ~ c DIWENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ----.. w Commercia l GFA (Group 0) O sqtt = 14 ,729sqft O sqtt = 14,736 sqrt 6,674 sqft = 15,064 sqft O sqft = 16,350 sqft O sqtt = 9,269 sqlt O sqrt = 9,269 sqft Osqft = 9,269sqft o...,n •9,2G9 J.q ft 6,674 sqft 97 ,954 sqft ..._ ISSUED DRAWINGS b,,i,,J Buidlna1 ,2,&3 I:n.oe dFcr ADP \A/MAY/13 t1WU Buiding1 ,2,&3Isa,adf,:,r Oavalopm ant f'llrmil ◄l1/13 1:an: Phau1,2,&3I~edfor Ra~ofling App/lcalioo .-cm +-' C Q) Q) (/) E co 0. .c 0 0.. Q) (")~ oo w Q) Cl) (/) 0 ::) 0.. 'O 0 Q) 0:: .2:$ 0.. ~ ..i1 ASCEN Tl May 13, 2013 As Noted WB/JM 1237 AS .1 ~ TO SC ALEWHENPRINTEDONARCH0(36''x24") o ,,. 20 ;in •o u. &A fT ~L..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_JL _____ _J f"'". ,_______ +-' Q) ~ +-' (/) Q) 0) "O w PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") 0 ,______ t 0 - "' g. '11 0 f--,d I ~I 0 - :,n= - ~ :,. ; ~ ~ .. ~ :, <,; I !! I ~ I ' .,- ' I ,_: -■ - I Brown Avenue © I 21'-0" 0i4'•0" I Commercial ········-·--···•---•---•··:--:-.;a .. -,c;.,;, •• :-:, •• ,.,-•• = . .,.,··""··=t··· ... 7,134sqft _ .•... -•••...•..••.... Interior layo ut lo be) Exi t Stai,1)J 111111 TI~TT 11 1 - determin ed by future ten an t improvement [XJ C><l .-- 1 11 l -· -• ■ : -- 'l I ■ -············-··-· ~ ················· ........... . ,- I :1 1111 :I I Pf1 Exl! $1><2 111"-0" LOADI NG ' ' ' -'--- - uW ; i ec.:...a.i j '_,.._., ___ --------... ·-··-------. -···· .. -~•• .. ---..... -c:cmi .. i., ' .. ! Commorcl•t : a! Ramp Over"" Parking . I conv'itdo, l ! -:, ' C~tdal I I I \ - b '" it I;: I •• © I -. ·-· .;,:_~ Bu ilding 1 --L '-- i - LANE .., JO Buildin n 2 -Gross Fl oo r Area Reconciliation CommeN/ Desctlpllon FJoof P-2: FloorP-1 : Parking (Group F3) 10,580 sqft 10,664 sqft 2,192sqft 12,003 sqtt 12,972 sq f1 Osqft O sqrt o sq rt O sqrt Osqrt O sqft D sq ft o sqlt o sqrt o..,. 48,41 1 sqft Residential (Group C) 623 sqft 623sqft 1,472sqtt 596 sqft 596 sqft 633 sqft 7,121 sqft 7,121 sqft 7,12 1 sqft 7,121 sqft 7,121 sqft 7,121 sq tt 7,121 sqft 7,121 sqtt 7,121 tq_ft 68,634 sqft Commercial GFA (Group D) 0 sq n. = 11 ,204 sqft Osqft = 11 ,287sqft 7,134 sqft = 10,7 98 sqtt 0 sqft = 12,599 sqft 0 sqlt = 13,568 sqrt 10,836 sqft = 11,469sqft 0 sqft = 7,121 sqft 0 sqft = 7,121 sqrt 0 sqrt = 7,121 sqtt Osq ft = 7,121 sqft 0 sqrt = 7,121 sqft 0 sqft = 7,121 sqtt O sqlt = 7,121 sqft 0 sqft = 7,121 sqrt o..,. "#7,121 "-ll 17,970 sqft 135,0 14 sqft '' lt .... ,_ ISSU ED DRAWINGS ~ 8uildillg 1,2,&31ssuadF01 AOP 1◄/MAY/13 IIIWU Building1,2,&3 lssuedfor Oevolopmenl Permit 4/1 113 \Ir.hf ...,_~ 112,lo~li!IIMU IM Retonifl(l~plji::alion O:IIU:(.1 11 - 1 I ._ > I I -- _ _J ------ . --- \ 7 1 Main ~~,~~-~11~2 (f) M IO FT _. C (I) (I) en E co 0. .c 0 a.. (I) CV)~ 00 LU (I) (J) en o::::, a.. "Cl 0 (I) 0::: -~ a.. ~ C co N a_ 0) ... C 0 ·-0 "Cl-= LL '.:J C co ·ro ~ ~1 ASCENT l Da te: May 13 , 2013 Scale As Noted !Drawn WB /JM roject ID 1237 Sheet A5 .2 ~ .s ~ " "-" § i,; ~ ~ +-' Q) Q) I-+-' Cl) Q) C) "O w PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE 0 - e - 0 -· !I! G) :-------=-. I~ 1 Buildin~ 3 -Gross Floor Area Reconciliation - r.o-,. ---·J..- 1 '-----'--COCTmllntl ~IL-_jL._ ~ I ~ E (: J 104'-0" ' I 30' .. 11· I 21 '.0-I lS'-5" l !7-8" Par1<ing Residential Commercial GFA 1--1-_-_-:__-_-_-.,.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-""'~:..-_-_-_-:__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_..:;__ ____________________ -:__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--:_-_-_-_-.:.j-1-------1. --• --• ---~:=' I I . . I :::::~;' . ' l Floor 2 : I I ::::;: I : I LANE ::::;: Floor 7: I03'~ 1 Floor 8: I z, Floor 9: l?-0: ,t.·.e"' •S"' 3l'•S" 1· 1a·-r I 241•0--10·~.·•· l Floor10; j--r -t-·--t,-------:----------=----H --------.-+------------l----...;....----l-ll l------+-----------_J F[oor11; r: 1 : [1 , _, • -: -- J 11111 I I Exil l'f1 ii lll Sia;,, 1 11 T'f't ! : I I --·1 -~ ! l -1 Exit I !f 1111 1so.•z I llll'n C Parking I Refuse : ~l·e.n11': I .Jll - -1 \.. : ~ ~ : .: I I LOAD ING I I I I [ L-j-1 H)'d<olclo,k for b418ding ,. 2, & 3 '-I .: ~ '---,l I I I I I I I I I I I 22561 Dewdney Trunk Road Floor 12: Floor 13: Floor 14: Floor 15: Floor 16: Floor 17: Floor 18: Floor 19: Sums: (Group F3) (Group C) (Group D) 11,365sqft 0 sqft Osqft = 11,365 sqft 11,365sqft 0sqfl Osqft =11 ,365sqft 2,67 3sqft 1,521 sqlt 6,777 sqft = 10,971 sqft 13,113 sqft 596 sqft D sqft = 13,709sqrt 13,504 sqrt 596 sql't D sql't = 14,099 sqrt D sqrt 633 sqrt 10,993 sqft =11,625sqH. 0sqft 7,164sqft D sqrt = 7,164 sqft D sqft 7,164 sqft D sqrt = 7,164 sqft D sqrt 7,164sqft D sqrt = 7,164 sqft D sqrt 7,164 sqft o sqrt = 7,164 sqft O sqft 7,164 sqrt O sqrt = 7,164 sqft O sqrt 7,164 sqrt D sqrt = 7,164 sqft O sqrt 7,164scirt D sqrt = 7,164 sqrt O sqrt 7,164 sqft O sqrt = 7,164 sqrt - o sqrt 7,164 sqrt O sqrt =7,164 sqft 0 sqft 7,164 sqft o sqft = 7,164 sqrt O sqrt 7,164scitt 0 sqrt = 7,164 sqft O Sqrt 7,164 sqft 0 sqlt = 7,164 sqrt 0 sqft 7,1645C1ft O sqrt = 7,164 sqft 0 sqlt 7,164 sqlt 0 sqft = 7,164 sqft .... 7,164 tqf'I O,qft = 7,164 sqft 52 ,020 sqft 110,eoasqtt 17,770 sqft 180,597 sqft ISSUED DRAWINGS b°mi Buildii,g 1, 2,& 3 luutd For ADPUIMAY/13 ••u Bu~dll'lg 1, 2,& 3 luued re, Oevelcpmen1Permil<ll1f1J i ~ Philse1,2,&31tsuedfor RezonlngAppric:glion Ol/Dl.ct12 I i l a ! flj•~ ! I "j I 1 ~ ~ " <>.! ,:; ·~ ••-U hr tlU U1 J '1:a1 1l1~ .. t rl-~ lh ~ t t 1••1 f . Zi ·t IJ li i ,1. ,, I] fl1fi!i i fi ,f,,-.1 . ~ z~•l1,i l .11-H H 1t•lu'1 ; ~J • hH ..... C (1) (1) en E co a. .c 0 ~ (1) C'11i) oo w (1) Cl) en o=> ~"O 0 (1) 0:::: -~ ~~ ~-, . tFIIII ;b .• ~ l -. ··-···-----·--·----·····-············· P 'l:!!!!--..... -11111,-•-·-·_-!!!,. ............... _________ --·-····--· ·-----········ --·--··-···· 1----------------------1 § I ~~ I ~ lxJ lrxt f j L t £IlliY -I , ·~· ~i ~p • \ 1 Short term \_ bike storage racks (2 bike stalls) -- Co mme rcia l :6,777 sqrt I :!)-• ! II/ . ,.,. __ ~.,; I>~'"~ I◄ • l : :.1 ~ :--.. .. _ I _____ _, l _ .~~ :,'('~(A --l]I -·-rr.-1 ·-1J -·--·--·-------· ·-, ~-~--J_ l] 2 Short term bike stOf:a~~..£. ~ 3 Short term bike ~t~g• racks (2 bike Mlh) racks (6 bdo:f 1 ) ~_,, sr-T V--',• 1 !r-11'• -2<N'' 4 7<1-7',-~4 ;J;t-1'~ :r Dewdney Trunk Road . ,. 0) .... C 0 I ·-0 "0- 1 ·s~ ca ·rn ~ .. 1 ASCENT l klate: May 13, 2013 Scale As Noted Drawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 Main ~~~;8.~1 1~~ (f) .. "'" Sheet .. AS.3 TO SCALE \o\lHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x 24") L..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.....1. ___ __ 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' X 24") 1-w w a::: I-- Cf) w (9 0 w 0 ,_ I n~· i-LJ I • BROWN AVENUE I I i -----, I - I I I I ~ 1 :menity I IXll !X I 0 0 2(1'.0-I (OIW&I ,.,-.-.. _ ... . . . ,_ . 0 I I E 14,3 I : _ _.n~~ G---1-'. .H ~ ~! -Biki) I . 1, • 077 . -~ 22576 Brown Ave . ~: ~n I ,-ilt:::-lrl---f=;;iJ _____ _J Parking Future ( 11,e-. .. 33 Parking Stalls 10 RZ ~1W2013 _ I ~-· ~ ; AQ, .. .., r 1Reqwad ~,. , : 1······ I I I • •• __ ,_ .._ s;ke , -am 1 . "-~' ·--·-, 1-· : ~ . . -. . L ~ U I ' I Parking ~ 25 Parki ng Stall s ·--·· Ramg DN .,.,,. : . . .. ----...... _ Ii • • .. n-. ' l . 2 14.1 Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 f [.lt"""!"'r "'I"-· 'l"""_-;w-_-r--_ "'T'I!!!!!!~. ~.---"!!!!!!!!!~-~--~t- 3 .--_ 1 LANE ©J;-~ I !: 1 0 • • -• I ---·· 1· -. -~--! r L __________ . -I -------------------1---• . ' ' ! Parking I ! i 35 Parking Stalls j I I : • ..1-.:__· L.:·.J---!-· ~ .. -r--r------i • I ! i I __ I ! J :11r1 _ • "-. I : .... 1 LJ I • I .i :;1 I : -----1-----1 I ~: ! ~ t I i ! Amenity J ~ ,,l T : l:i j ! : ! i i i ! ! ! ! i : I ! ~ l--~~ __._.--II 1 1 1 1 1 . I : "711"71 • I I i IA Jl l/'-..1 , , , -I !::': 22561 I i; 1 1 1 o.,,.,.d t n.~, Dewdney • I I : ----1HldotW11ltloorol>ove \ I I! Trunk Road I , ' \ I l Existing Commercial i l .• i . • I • -~o! ii ~ I • I ! ' : '+--------_ .+fa:670 -------+-1 T ri ~ DEWDNEYTRUNKROAD 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Commercial ISSUED DRAWINGS Y•lJ IJ Building1,2,&3Issued f'or ADP 14/MAY/13 11 111) 8uildi11{1 1,2,&3 Issuedror Dl'Y1 lopmenlPe1mit 411113 I2/lll ~ Phas.e 1,2,&Jtsi;und /Qf RezoningApi:;•.atioo 0JIDEO 12 +-' C: Q) Q) E 1/) C'O 0. .c 0 a.. Q) C") > Q) 0 0 w Q) Cl) 1/) 0 => a.. "O 0 Q) 0::: -~ a.. ~ C: Q) C'O >-·-a.. 1/) .... C: 0 Q) 0 .C- Q) LL .... 0. "O E c: 0 0 u~ Cl) 0 I 1il . m " "' ~ ,1 i ~-~ "'"' im ~~ g., N • -~ ~« U) C !] 0 ~v ;;: 0~ N N -N "' ii " a: ... 1 ASCENT l Date : May 13, 20 13 Scale As Nole~ Drawn WBIJM Project ID 1237 Sheet A6.0 ~ -~ ~ 0 a. 0 § ;,, ~ ~ l ,- I I j nrJ _J I I 0 FUTURE Building 2 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUB JEC T TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARC H D (36' x 24") 0 0 - c:= .__ . . ~ le c::::::::J ~ h ~ r !1 ;!, -· ~ ~ I- I ,_ ' ~ ~ ~ > ,\'l 0 ~ ' 0 I - ~=:~,.1: uu building 2 0 I 0 l Oa!lhlid ln1tc, / fHida~'/ buidlngowr 10'$ 0 I B'r6" ······--·--···· -1.1-------0---~ ...... c.. :::) c.. :a <( 0::: L------, " i::· ! ~~, Bllildirlg',3 ' ' Cc' ri.'1 '!l~af ~' ~ I I I, I i I : l Brown Avenue 0 13•1 '-0~ I a-~· 135'·0' ..,.. : : ' ! i l ., ! .. Vlslo( fhau3 0 v• Buf.d~g 3 I Elevator yliir #2 : Lobby ~ ~ ..., '- Parking Elevation from MFE 1 S'-0" = -4.572m [8,077] ' i : .!; v ..... Phas8 3 0 0 I ,z..,.. l : • 0 ! V~r 1 •• Bu ilding 3 ™°' flL'019/2Pl3 .. ··········--·····-···-----t•-~·-_-__ -_._··-··_· .. ····Ri.,o~1S:---~-· - i ,.. I I ! ! ! ·:? I rt1.10~13 " .., vk11cr RZI01!Vl01:I 1 I ., 1/l,ito, I )' : R.ZA>1~13 I i ., v'.liU>t RZJ01lll2013 : F Ult Orfvo Acc:Mi 10 ... RZI01W'20 13 .~=~~~'f;- I: : : : : 1:···--·---. ·-······················· ~i. -· ----I-•• O'pen to I-•• --------· 1: : Ramp --· -------1, 23 : ~ -.-VhlOt ; '-'"-RZJ01Sll2013 : ,_ __ ,_,_ ,__ I ,__ I lri= i I I 21 v ..... 22 vr,m A:ZI019/Z0 1:l RZAl19/20 13 LANE 20 Vlslco, RZ/019!2013 19 Visi tor RZ/01912013 ' : v~~ rz,o1.W2D ,a 17 Vlsh RZJ018 201~ t== .... .._ -~= ---~ ~ i:! .... ~ .... ~ _,.... _ .... _,_ -,-_,_ == _,_ ~ =<'>= p Stair#1 ,. 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 Second ~~~~;8.~11~; ~ •o S"' oCilo FT ISS UED DR AWINGS ~,..oJ Building 1, 2,& 3 Issue d For ADP 1-4/MAY/13 •w•J 8 uilding 1,2,&.J lul!H fo r Oeve lopmen1 Puimil 411/13 l~Phas-e1,2,&.3 1ssuedror RezoningAppWca bon C,.'0E.Ct1, ..... C Q) Q) w E (I] a. ..c 0 a.. Q) C") iv 00 w Q) Cl) (/) 0 :::, a.. "O 0 Q) 0::: -~ a.. ~ C (I] a.. .......... 0) 0 C 0 'o LL ·-"O :::IC co 0 (.) Q) Cl) .,.1 ASCEN Tl May 13, 20 13 As Noted WS /JM P-ro}ie d lD 1237 A6.1 ,....__ _____________________________________________________________________ _l_ ___ _J g, -~ 0 a. 0 § ~ ~ ~ 0~ !-. "' 0 "'l ~ 0 f-.. 9 - 0 · ,_ ...... Q) Q) !.... ...... Cf) Q) 0) "O w ~ :;] ;:,' ~ 0 - t PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~ ~-; 0 I 0 I ~ X..,'4" ,0'\,1/ ~'), I ....••••• 30'-11" ■ Brown Avenue ~24 '-0" 0 0 © I l j 2.1·,o· :is-s· ,,..,,.. 20·-0· er.cs-: 9".91;• --0~ ".J3l;"' ,. " r ~e1:--a: 9".91:-11'-0½-'" I I I ..,,VVV', Y }tVVV:S, '>t'>tV"-" V ✓ /V ){,')()I'~',. i<">:Y">.'x o/VV-;;. ;;i-x X AX XX v-v-XYYY"' ••r•-~Y-•~=x • v-,rv ,-v y• <xxx: .,D O<XX )(xxxx; .XX/X) ~x xx x.r .x 1i>1.,. '\.X XxxY "J<.XX)<v xx x v v x ~ v v Y~>Q<:x.x xx..,..,," y -LYY..,, ••••••• -·-: • "~ == -~~ ~ F·--.~~. ~ ~ -····--···•-·-··· ...................... i ·----'-. : 1 2 3 --4 ~ 5 g VIUO< ~-11 ~-, -~,,,,.,_ c:omm.rdol - !i • 11 ---•,I- I :- ;,. ~ .. . - ), ' I? :,. ~ ):, ' l,j ;,. ;; i~ ;,:, ; t ;.- ~ ;: :,. i,; 0 ~- :,, ;; !? :,. ~ b "' I ; I I h I I V~o( •i 1 • ~----. -. -. -. -. -. -----······-······-······ •···················c oonoctfoa.to l,.,,n-.1 •• , [X] lX ----■ ·I ; I >---.;. ... iaii ·······-··· ................. _. __ Elevator Lobby ,_ I I r' I i : I -I I I i I I j ' I ie I .. I I I 19 .,_ Bicvcle Storage 2 Long Term Commercial Stalls 20 G\I.H-IH+++-!1.M+lf-H.!01 \.._ Ex it Exit r\1 7 . " SM Visitor .I Parking Elevation from MFE 15'·0" = •4.572m (1,007} ~ I ... 1/li~· _. vJ ~ v: Of :,. '? iii ~r· d v~ ; i C • id&! ~. I q ~ l===!:1· =-•·liil -····i .............. fl~-· •••••••••• ~; -j ;. ; .. ··•······:······················· .. ·····-;-·······-·-·-·-·-· ... r===JIIII•---•--== I i I I I I I ! i7 \0 1 15 •••••i-•r-••--••-••••--• ••••••••••• • r ·--------··· ........... -... .. l r-l-----......c2,.,r..,-d':..... _____ l---------'3~,-;;:·>~•·----==-"'""c-t·1.,......-.......,=--'2!!•·-er:!!:... ____ ....). ___ ~•~&"~•r:.._ __ _j1 :9'. I Building 3 ' I ii I , .. t '\ - Building 1 / : 1 _--l.-+-'--====-===i_--._ J L ·t r--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--. I I I .. LANE Second ~~~;8.~11~!; ~ ,. •fl $,Q i~fT ISSUED DRAWINGS i,,_u,o Building 1. 2,&3 lswedFor ADP 1<1JMAY/13 """ Buildin91,2.&31ssued for Developmenl Pennit 4'1113 t :otl P'totlft.t, ... ')j ..... la --Oli'nC'Cl12 +-' C Q) Q) Cl) E ro a. ..c 0 CL a> ('I") a, 00 w Q) Cf) Cl) 0 :::, CL -o 0 Q) 0::: -~ CL~ C ro CL N '- 0> 0 C 0 '6 LL ::::i -0 a:i § Ot:t o"""' Sh<ltl () Q) Cf) May 13, 2013 As Noted WB/JM 1237 A6.2 TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (30' x 24") '---------------------------------------==-----=-===============-----_l_ _ __J Fila name : 1237A DP Drawings ~\AY/13-1,Vw"Jt Dale: May 13, 2013 Time : 1:50 :57 PM 0 E ~ \'1 :g i 1:1 ~ " :t 0 ~ "' j ,o I] p I'& ~ ,. 10 "U ::0 m i::: s:: z )> ::0 -< 0 z ~ z 0 -I ""Tl 0 ::0 0 0 z (/) -I ::0 C 0 -I 0 z (/) (l) (') 0 ~1~~ ¥0 ;;; -, ,· 7J ~..., iii" '.!I q ::::J ~ ~ $ $ )> O') (.,J 0 CD :E a. ::J CD '< -; -, C ::J 7'i' :::0 0 Dl a. ~ 0 i 0 ~. ~ ~ • ~ " , 0 ,:: :;: il: a, I "' 3 " ~ l © I ~ _f(~_Q_':t ,< -~ i,;i<0J?'' .,,f)., ,l I .. iri=-- :1 ~i !I I is,rr-1- +-- ,1 ~·. I ~F ' ;,1 I 29'-930" 2'-0: ~[ ··- a·.o\· \'· I. ·- 17 fie 9=1 • ............, ............... •I ••• ........ ••• i i -;i ~· I- ;1 -., i i :I 'I', ~19 Edge Street 0 © 11 6'-81 2'' I 9"·1:' I ~IM' - 138'-2" 18'..a>~• !;__.q" ... ,, .. 1-<r. 8'·1'i j!'-0; -·--[! ···-····· ~ --..... I ' . ' ' T • l I : r I i ii : ' I ~ ' ' I i I I ·n ·-.. tr.~·:·:·· .~L I I I h ~ 0 0 I 20'•3'•· I a•.,,,. 1;,q-e•.,,.. ;--o; a·.t'< 1·.g-r.,,,. i!'.O: 29'-0 '," -rr ~·-n~.·-1r---r r -·~----.--.-. I l r--·- 1. :10 I ~ ,~-·-·-·~········································•··i··l ···--·····•·fll -•·-'-···' ,I 0 23'-<J" II 1· (7,0"ioJ .g ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ -,-- ~· l:l i .. ............................... , •l •••-.. ••·•--··I• ¾ .................................................. ••r •••·•·-••-• ~ •••~ol -•_..• ... l • ·-+0 ~iii I I . ~ I m ~1-, 11 :, II) ~g? ~3 ::::J NS: 3 "Tl m ! 20 21 ~ I ~,~ .(61i I -i•-ll • ' ...... ~ .. l i 34 II Iss 1,t 1l .. I I om_e~_Jo ij~)#n_g ,L► I~ +-- "' ~ 2 9 -0 ~ ,- =1= ··, ~=• j ..... 1a •••• 11 •• I 1• I ! 11 I l, 1 .... u ••••. 1 ... I 10 I • I I a. .... ~ ..... z.. ... 1 ... :.~ ..... ••••• .S .·-·1····"•·---l••···J····t1·!H-+····+··:H~--m ~ ··1 ~~I I I WAY NE STEP HE N BI SSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC , PL ANN ING INTERIOR DE SIGN 1120422320 Lougheed Highway, Map le Ridge, B,C V2X 2T4 ph 604-467-8300 f'all 604-◄67-8305 eman : bissky@lelus ne\ 119'-7" ! I , I ti 18"•7° -·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·-- ~ Building 3 > Second Floor Plan (/) () m z :::! -I 20 ::::J (!) N ;,;-:ii: N ::0 c.. '11 0 :::, CJ) (!) ...... ~ '< PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edg e St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave & 22566 Brown Ave . Maple Ridge BC Lega l Address : SeeA1 0 PIO#: SeeA1 O Copy,ighl, ReHrv&d, ~~=-:-~-:s~~-::nd .. ol ~~~~:r .. ~==.~NIPN!ltl11111twkti.. ~----~ i::.IIM-(" .. pll"lllllliilwiielllr,10Jl'Ml¥,l-.,~,.,.r/OlllllfV..W,OWGi..l N.IIM19~i.-ctWSD.Wlh1ditnafUlkaWlll•~-.~....i K>UioCdi;;.t~IAIC~~1t'9. ~Wl.,.io.,UWIII .. W.,t-ooC -.-~~1ht,..;.....i11:llf~on.ui.•,~ r )> z m ~~ d "( g· f . -; ii m ~ .g-~· ~- ' -~!" ~· . i~ [ !!,.!; .~ ;j~ ~ . z ./ (:, A I I V I __ L '-- r '- I en CJ> C ['I 0 ,, )> :;: z &l 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPAC ES ARE NOT FINA L SUBJE CT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36'' x 24") tB 1-w w a:: I- C/) w (.9 0 w 0 0 0 GB ;-.er 2,13A Ill" BROWN AVENUE l ·--·--· I i I I I I Amenity I ·- .- Parking 28 Parking Stalls 0 0 0 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 ISS UED DRAWINGS )"I> Building l.2,&31-.suedFor ADP 14JMA Y/1 3 llltlJ Bul \ding 1,2,&l lssuudfo r Developman l PermTL ◄/1113 -»11 Ph11se1 ,2,&Jlssuedror RezOffl ng Appllcalion DGtCll:t -C ~ ~ rn a. ..c 0 a.. a.> C") iu ~ 00 i -L-A-~E---r· ' . __________________ ......J. ___ ...J ~ ! © 0 a.> H, ,~1-L_.!'---~__L___..!__L __ -:---_~=:=:===~==1 1-....:::::~i1-:.:j_r~--=---=-=-----------------------= _::::::_ ____ -___ ·-__ -_.::: __ == __ :... __ -__ -_ -_-_-_-___ -__ -___ -__ -_____ _: __ :::: __ ~i----------------~---------11-~_i __ ----l; I Parking I : : I 34 Parking Stalls 1 . 1 ! : i I I ! i I I I j i i I I i ! : I , I ; c.o l j Dashed ~e or ,• i : i1 i -floar o-,~, ~, ! l 'I I '": . I I j Amenity ~j i i 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road I I I ! i ! I ! I i -j j Existing Commercial I ! I 22551 : I j I Dewdney , , Trunk Road I :II I Existing Commercial 1 l t I I j I I 1 , I i I i 'f~.~~---~~~ . .==._~A~.~-.'=------~=-~--t--' +••••··-·-··············•·•·•·····-··· -~ 14.2 ------------L.....--------...J DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Third Floor Plan ~ Sc:.a:I~ 1/16 "• 1"-0" w re ,. ffl ffl M lO FT a.> C > rn 'in 0... C .__ a.> 0 ..c 0 a.> -0.. LL E "E o·- Oi= ~1 ASCEN Tl May 13, 2013 Sca!e As Noted Dra wn WB/JM Project ID 1237 heet A?.O 0 FUTURE Building 2 D 0 _, __ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36'' x 24-) 0 c:::= . . ~ ;,, ~ r _j ~ ~ r-:::::i 0 b ;.; ~ I? ; C) b ~ ~ 0 20'-0" 2.1 ·-rr Parking Phase 2 ,,•,tr t l'-,1· 10'-11 " 0 I <:r.o- Master Be droo m 16'-G" 0 Master :Bedroom ---1--1---4c.J peA-t1e1-----+----;.-..,..-1--- Ramp Below 4TH(g!,po,;opt! .. , ... 11 p1,, ... 2 (S ee EIWIJ~IJ Ma ster Bedrm Deck Maste r Bed room Brown Avenue 18',0"' 0 134'-0" K a·..a· 85'-0" Lj_vjog •••... RM Din ing RM M.1s t er .B~dtlJl 0 ~ ·~ V lmil..li 1Bedrm ,_,ci"• +"'t---H+-------------1---1-----!ll""'"'~~~~~~~~!'~~a;;;:...,....,,e,;;,,;_,.. Li ving RM Dini ng RM Din ing RM Di nin g RM Living RM Living RM Living RM Master Bedroom living RM ;,~-------· I 36 ,3-~===ll ·w:;o-------·--3,•-0· --·----· ""'ii".o'_L..,'i,__,-· LANE 0 0 ,:r.o- Deck b ;.; 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipa l Parking Lot ,.-------1-1+-----J--..j1--1Rezoning Application for PLANTING 0ocl< 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 Third ~~~~-~11~!; ~ ,o <G FT ISSUED DRAWINGS ~Buidiflg1,2,&3IssU8dFor ADP 1-4/~AY/13 •nm Bui:li/lg 1, 2, 6 3 lnued k!r DevelopmnnlPdrmil-411113 llOl1f f'IIIMt,J,6:JI--~ Rtl!IJfWIQ.ll~ ..,,.,.,,., +-' C Q) Q) (/) E rn o. .c 0 Cl. Q) ('()~ oo LU a> Cl) (/) 0 :::) Cl. "'C 0 (I) 0:::: .~ Cl. ~ C rn T"" Cl. g>o i5 0 =LL :J "'C CD ._ :c I- ..11 /\SCENT l i>11lt : May 13, 2013 A,_ WB /JM 1237 A7.1 File name: 1237A DP Drawings O!YMAl'l13-1.vwx Dale: May 13, 2013 Time : 1:50:57 PM ~ '--------------___________________________________ _// lo ro ii: 1li ~ z )> ;:o -< 0 z ~ z 0 ---l "Tl 0 ;:o 0 0 z (/) ---l ;:o C 0 :j 0 z -I '=:Y s JJ=;· If ~ ~o ~ -, I "tJ .. -!iii' ; ' :J ~ g,1 )> I ---.I N II 0 ! u :i "' .. ~ w s: &, ~": Edge Street 0 0 0 125'-914" 0 0 00 l •·-6" • 21'.a" 58'•11 3sN I 11'-l)· l z,•.z-e·-2 · l iw .. ,o\- 14·-W_t_ ;r~ e·-1~-s-.,.,,. :z~~.,-1:.q-__ I!'-,,.. ;r.o; e·-w · ... ,y ;!'-tr, __ .. .,_\"__~ 1_~-2'.f' 1;.0-s•,~,.o; s--10·,-6".Q'" ,;-4• r--·---1--·-r.·-r-r --rr-~·n -.~~=-rr-_:~-i-1-:-.~.·-rr:-.=·-::-:_:-·-=.1t-·.=--:-i •r-.... _~ ....... """""""~ . H=t= ~-.:.-. : : <O I . . . . ' ' I : ? ~ ' ' r 7 ~ : , '" I ----·· •· ...... ~. ' -"' ! ~ ! in-.a- l'f.oiof ~ -~···········+···-· en,. s:~ ~ .. .. .. w ~ I : i ....... -· ---~ ................ -~··· ······--· ··f ··· ........ ·-...... ··-··· ....... . I• I 1 : l) ~ --·· ii j : i I: l • )> ' 3 i (I) I :l!. -! : ! ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . ' . : i I , • J I ~. ·-· Z1 1 I -: ! i .. ·-r0 ~1 -'1° !? .. .. .,-; ~ J~ • .:= .. 4.. '0 .. q : ! 11 _, ___ , .... ~26 0-\!t r i l ........... ---·-'l ffl h: 'V -Iii _-~~ ~·,~ U-' : ~:t ~ .. ~ v) "jl -§ -"i I I ·- rn "-' ro ~~,ru II :, -, ~a5" -: "'·' .. l !j 7-~ q ci ,~. - r )> z rn in --o ~ ~ 1 .. w if ~ 0 it r-- ~ $. -; : w-o- ~J ;;o )> ~ -0 0 z 13 -----~--· _, j~ Rl 3 Os; 3 77 m I .12 ••.. ~ ...• 11 ...• 1 _ .. ,o ..... 1 ... o ..... ~ .... .a .... , .. ~ : 1111 • . 'I' '! -. ITT .';, r.'l'I ~ . / ~ ,i .. ··-= ............ ; ...... 1111 , ~ ............... ,................ &) ~ ,-, )<; • -···········-····-··t··-·····-··-····--·············· ... ... . . !I I I J ! ' ti i II!! ~, 7 j e 'i ~ 0 ~ -~ i .. .. ~ -L@ $. a--1,,"-l .20·""'1... 4 .... ,~ ◄J• . .-) .... ij S. I I I I I I I I I - i . c.. P ---==-~-~· -· r .;:: ,----•tt ~ ~C [I =.= ~ ~ L I':, I. ....I...• ~ l ~ ... · , 1 J • . -' ,, L ' • 1 ' or ".__ l ' I • = W ] I:. '? [ = ~., 11 '.'. ,: ._-=c-Jr ~ 5 l _ '_ j l~~r~ J_ I I rt]-·-i "' "! t . , ," .. _Jll L =· 1·r--; •. r ,I • ~ • ,---7 I . " r ~ i. f "" --r -, l .,~ ' ,. ;: ~ = .----,. ~ -• :i -._ .. 1( -t" " " J = =· J a '•! , ~ RJ~ . .,,:; ~ ~ er ~ ......, , -~I )r , • ==U "' ___ { .ll.1 II, ~i1 1 I ~ _ _JU .o , ' ~ •I· -~ k ;JJ • ;; f, ~ ,. ., • ,! .. -• . L P :JI ,, . ~ _. , I tj .1 , ~ .. . /I /~1 Jpl -l[' i 1T~UJt:;? ; _I[ f = <~ 1·1 JI -F JL11· t: -,l 11xi 71 _ ~Ii --,I -': :, :11 .. ~r. I J,r_ 7r-T7 ~i; ~ :: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ~ > (/) Building 2 Third Floor Plan PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development CopyrighlRu.erved ARCHITECTURE & URBAN D ES IGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #20-4 22320 Loughe,d Higtr.vay, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4 ph . 604-'167-8300 lax 604 .. 467-8305 emall:bissky@telusr.el {) m z -i - Civic Address: 12018 Edge St. 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave , & 22566 Brown Ave , Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: See A 1 O PIO#: SeeA1 0 Fur1her lo Al8C 8\flaw 28(3), uN plans skolc:he&, d1awings, graphic rop1oson!olions1mdspet:iliealionsprepa1edbylh8archlleC'l:ire,andol;,II tirnrn 1emaln lhD udusNi'I p1operty ol Vl.';:,,yno 5'ephen Biuky Alch~ecltll'e. U.-b,m Oesion. Ph1n11ing, arod 11110,io, Design and eannol bo used lo, 11ny olhe, projecl,orsoldorotferod lorsale{or aspartof11saleol property)by anypmlyo!he r!hanWSBwilhou1 lhowrillenconsenloflNSO WrillendlmensiGnsshaNhave precedence over sc:!lleddimens.ioo sandc:ond ilionsonlhtijob ThisoHioo,h3N belnformodof anvva1ia!ionsfromlhedimonsionsondcond~~nsshc,wn11nthed1a....,n9s ! U! ~I E i[ f ' ~ J :: i 1 OJ a ~ ::J )> < CD ::J C CD Filo name: 1237A DP Drawings 09JMAY/13-1 -VWX Dalo: May 13, 2013 Time: 1:50:57 PM -1 0 ""CJ ~~ :::0 ~~ m ~o r :;z - :r "'~ m!,_ ;o z :!1 ~ )> ~ ti ::u ~rn -< Q :,. ;:~ 0 ~t§Z :r --<r .::~-< q~z ~~o j ~ --1 '° rro :: ~ ~ ':l "Tl 6 0 ~ ;:o !c o ~o z (/) -I ;:o C 0 ::::! 0 z -I ::::r -, CL ~ ~i :!! ii 0 -o ;;; -, I J2 Lig ~ ~ ~~ ~ ; )> --.I w I ~. " 0 :; "' ~ L 'el a:: 0 CD :E a. :::J CD '< -I '""'I C :::J ~ :::0 0 n> a. . .,, 0 ! § 1: w I ~ I 0 r 29'-93a" 61-s\· , ;1•..11 1-,, 1·0'; 8'-03 e" 1,·.a .. 0 G'·T I B"-21.l" Edge Street © 116'-Bli"' 1:.q-1·.,,.. 7~a; ir.,,.. ~.q- 0 0 •ir:<r 29'·3•e· 138'-2" , .. ,,.. r-o_~8~-1 3s" ,:l!: 3•.1 "ir it.O: ir., ... ~.q-~_7..,., -2~...C½' , fl J-·~-·--t t--·--·--H---·- )/ --·---·---+---·--·-t--·-++-·--·--·7-·--·--~ -" 6, ' ~ :I ~ !I I I ·----····· .. ···--·· ------------·-·+··"'··•·-.. ···!--·· ............ ~~-----· ... -.. ------.. -.......................... . -Ii I : . ·1 I I ~ ·-· • ::it ·············ll!·-·••1•···· 0 · I ~ ~ ~ ~ "1 ~ ' j ,-... t:l ');; ! Fi= I Il l ••-•··• ••••••• -•••••••••••••••-•-••• :I "'~ Rr ---~ ' ............. I .....................•...... r-··+····1-11 --0 -;i ~ '!I I ~, 17 "' "'1, "' "'19 [X / i[f -. 20 21 ; 2:r.0:- I 11.0,01 ,, I ... .. ~ r:r ~ 1-!il-~···· , ............ ,.·-·····••I ••··· .. •••• d ... i M= I fl \~[r j f••l ••••••••••••••••••-1-•••• ·············f·······:···················· i m ~[., ~ i 1 "'1 i;l- ~1 •7i o,-1-:<1- •• , •.... J6 ..... 1 .... .15. .... P.I ·1 "'•- ,S I- i I I ·:a: WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #20422320Lcugheed Highway, Maple Ridge, 8.C. V2X 2T4 ph. 604--467-8300 lalC 604-467-8305 email:bissky@l~lusnet ~ > (/) () m z :::! ' ·-··•◄-·-~-,13-••• I; g ~ :--J a c. Rl 3 ::i O,s: 3 ,, m . ] ... t2 ..... 1 ..... lt. .... ( .... Jll. .... J ..... 9 ...... 1 ..... A ....• ( ..... 7 .... . 136'-6" i: I t t- I ~ f-.... A. ••••• ..... 5 ..... 1 ..... f ..... ..... '3. ., •.••• 2 •.. -1 ... -l. ~ ~ --·--·--·--·--·--·--·--. Building 3 Third Floor Plan -I 20 :J <D N :>l'":E N ;:o C. 01 0 ::i 0) (D .... ~'< PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave, & 22566 Brown Ave , Maple Ridge BC LegalAddress: SeeA1 O PIO#: SeeA1.0 Co~1i11hLR11sa,v•d Furlhtir to AIBC Bylow28(3), all plarn; sketches, drawiog,~grephic ropresenl■lionsends?l)cifications prep.irodbylho tirchltedclfe,nnd al a~ tirms 1emain lhe ncl1.111lve pro party of Wayne Slephen 81ssky Arc:h,leclure, Urban Doslon,Plnnning,and lnteriorDe,lonendcarmolbflu&edlorenyo!l1er projecl,orsoldoroH111ed for nle (or11s pert of e sa le of prapei'ly) by any party olher lh~n WSB without the writt,m oom;nnl ol lNSB Written dimansians shall have precodnnca ovnr scaled dimansians and condiliorw. on lhn job Thr.; olHoe $11111 be iol0fmud of any vari::alioni. lrom lhu dirnemions 1md oondi\ions 1hown on lh& du:iwings ~ z m ; ;; I ,. ~ [ t I . ~ N ~ * ~ -•0 ~ ~ -+~ \ ,\ ~ 0 \ ~ 1- 1r I "'~' i' :;; C !.,i-ir '" "' C ~ ~ ~ z gi ~ ; -~ ~ ,1g -~ 0 0. 0 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments 1-w w 0::: I- C/) w (9 0 w 0 0 0 I ! . ! I ! u I BROWN AVENUE I I • --Commercial Onh•ll lm t or rtt:jdlf!IW OYllf -- 0 0 0 15.21>!1 1 ISSUED DRAWINGS 1r,,J Building1,2,ll.3IssuedFor ADP 14/MAY/13 WU Building1,2,ll.3Issuedfor D ~ O,weklpm~n1Permil411/13 1 3 •~Paaw,.2.6 'J9Dl.,,MI .... -4_. -·-····· ·····1-__ :4·~----------------------,-----+-------":.""~"'"'"'':.""''--·-_· --I -··-.. ······••·--·-·-···· ·I··-· ~ !" ,. I I I I I ~ i i I I I ¼ I -=---,_____i _._.J _ ., . 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 -' !;l . m " "' . 0. ..... :ll C i Q) Q) E ~ en $~ ro a. i; ..c 0 a. Q) ~~ ~., ("t) > ~, Q) We l i::.'=..~oil=fF"="'=="=""F:~~~d....""""""'='===Jbl ~--l~i LANE -T ~, . © -+-L----------------------..1...----1 0 0 w Q) !! 0 , CJ) ~~ < en 0~ . 0 ::> NN <n •N a. -0 0 Q) i i :- i i i i - ! i i I i ! -Commercial -- - . ··t---·-···--··-······················---·-··· --········-·-J; •• _. I i : I i ! : I I. ! : I I I I ~, ' ' 22577 ~i I I I Dewdney l Trunk Road 1 _j Existing Commercial I I I i ~ I ' i 22561 i i Dewdney l:' ! Trunk Road Cl'.'. -~ a. ~ Q) C > ro ·w a. C '- Q) 0 ..c 0 Q) -'-LL a...c Et 0 :::J oo LL ;; 0 a: ___ _,·_ -1-~-~ · I 1 '1.,.___ ·--·--·-:---· ! _ ----~E-x~;st;~~:o~~•:~'-----··-·-·--~---·· May 13, 2013 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD As Noted WB /JM 1237 :0 e PRELIMINARY ONL y NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Fourth Floor Plan ~ ~ DJMENSIONSAND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Sca h!: l/16",.. t •--O " w ., A8.0 ~ TO SC ALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" X 24 ") 0 ffl ]9 -'IQ $0 00 10 FT 1t '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-· ____ " _______________ L ____ _j 0 FUTURE Building 2 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") 0 0 ~ 0 - . °" C, ~ .. i==i ~ :i . [. -- 0 0 0 l 2(1'.a' I 11'·11 " 1 1·-1, .. 10'-11" I 'I ~ ~ ; I I I "" ll ~ 0 lj ~ I b ,;, b i;; .. 'i ,;. ! 0 ! 12"-Cr 16"•8" Master Bedroom 0 Deck : Master ;Bedroom liwng Living RM RM ~ - J8kltn1 ' :··· 18'-<T Brown Avenue 0 134"-00 I 8'-4" I as·-o- 8'-<T Master --Bedroom- Owq RM Llvin~ RM LANE ZNT .. ·~--Liyi_n_g_ RM Dining RM Dining RM Living RM Living RM Master Bedroom Living RM 12'-0" 16'--6" 0e<l< Master Bedrm Bedrm Master Bedroom 0 1r .r 0 I I I I I I ! ., I I .. I I ~ lo iii Ir 22576 Brown Ave ~ Existing Municipal ~ Parking Lot Rezoning Application for '4 126 Unit 18 Story ~ RZ/019/2013 .4 ... .. !; ISSUED DRAWINGS >".I Building1,2,&3lssuodFor ADP 14/MAY/13 •,> Building 1, 2,&3 l&suod for D11'VelopmonlPenni1411/13 D>'U Philoo1,2,&31ssu~dlor RozoniogApplic:alion O~ttClt!! Q) 1/) C'O .c a.. C") 0 LU (/) 0 a.. 0 a::: a.. ...... -C Q) E c.. 0 Q) > Q) 0 Q) 1/) ::::> "O Q) -~ ~ C C'O a.. 0) 0 C: 0 'o u.. :::J .c CD t :::J 0 u.. 0 m . m "' "" . g- " ~ i oo'$ ~:8 ~~ g .. "' --~ ~., U) C .g,~ 0 W<D -~~ ! "'"' . -"' U) ii ~ ~ "iij:ii g>Q JO. ~1 ASCENT l o,i. May 13, 2013 As NOCtd ,...,, WB/JU rojod lO 1237 6h11101 A8.1 0 · :.. 0 :_ ~ 0 9 ;. 0 ..... Q) Q) ~ ..... ), Cl) I i Q) C) ~· "'O " w - .• ; 11 " 0. ~ $i " • • "" 0 PRELIMINARY ONL DIMENSIONSAND y NOT FOR CONSTRUC TO SC ALE WHEN p~t.;:i ~:EARNOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Tl ON CH O (36" X 24•) Brown Avenue C © ' 7'.(f' 30'-11" ' 10'-6· ,. I I .. ···-r ··-···················· ····t·· ·~·························--·-· I -- I ~l- LJ I lb!i = ~24•~- 2-1 -q l 103'-0" I ···-·--· ·-·- Elevator ~ ~½1 -: Commercial 10 ,8~6 sqft In terior \ayout to be) determini!:d by future Lenant i'!1J>rovement l &·~ © 3:i'-5'" I !,'-8" -- -,e·.-,,,· !f7 ~ G I 0 ,. j Q ·····-·····0 ◊ ◊ 42" High ' gua rdrail 10'-1 1" Building 1 ::. ,,i I.!, ]F1=l,-- lf J.!= I ILi I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ fr -71 Building 3 j~ 111'j___=n~~~~~~~L----· I --·--·--·-- 1 71 : ·--·--·--·--· I LANE ISSUED DRAWINGS 'llm Building 1.2,33IssuedFor ADP 14/MAY/13 11111, Buildino1,2,3 3I5$U(ldll)r 1 ~ 12 Dovolopmenl Permit 411113 Pha&e1,2,&JISliUDdf<:M' Rezoning~plicalioo 03/0EC/12 i---.----1 ~1 ASCENT l Date : May 13, 2013 Scale As Noted Drawn WBJJM ro1ect ID 1237 Sheet A8.2 ~ ~ ~ . " ~ C: --Q) Q) I... --Cl) Q) 0) "O w PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36'' X 24") ~ ·~ i, .; :..,, ~ t· ~ 8 -.. z 0 -r- 1 ~ ;;, 0 f- ! A I ~-c I B I □ 0 ' i L ·-o· 21'-0" _Lo .. I Roof Deck ; Loun e Roof Deck I I I I r I : T I , (Sff Undl!Upo) r-t l ...... (S.e Londs<ap.) I -a===;=::::::::!.1 -··············· .... t..::===il ~ 3r.-,,.· '· \_42'High guardrail mff 1T1 TTTTITIJ]I!Ilu" I tJll I : i I : ! 1IIIII[l1 I; 1-::;;:;:::;:::•==· ~~IEL.=• ==• •=1 •=1111=::;;:;:::;:::=111i1E:::::;;:;:::;:::==i1 I i. ' • :I ·······: •••••••••••••• .. ••• •••••••••••••••••••••. ·······-·--·-·-■----------···· •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• I I = I I : I I I : : I : I - - I i i . . -. . i - - Commercial 10,993 sqft : Interior layout to be) ; determined by fulure -: • tenant improvement . Elevator Lobby -·------ fXJ IXI il f-····~··········· -···· ···-············-·•··•··· i I i] I ,, "-,1' .,,. j I i I I - I - - ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·············-·•····· I ISSUED DRAWINGS I·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--- lvum Building1,2,ll,JlssundFor I ADP 14/MAY/13 l,o,1m Buildina 1,2,33Issuodfor D,evolopmenIPermil4/1113 I 1vlm Phase 1, 2, a J Issued Jor Rezoning Applg!Jion ~NE ~n I ! 22561 Dewdney Trunk Road -C Q) Q) (/) E co C. ..c 0 0.. Q) Mil, oo w Q) CJ) (/) 0 ::> 0.. "O 0 Q) 0::: .~ 0.. ~ C co {') 0.. ,._ c:no CO ~u.. ::::, ..c c:o t:::: ::::, 0 u.. ~1 /\SCENT l xq ~~:.-:r -•--•--•--•--•-W-6" -·--•--·--•--•--•J--•------------------------------------·--J Dewdney Trunk Road Date: May 13, 2013 Scale As Noted' jOrawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 . ,. .. Fourth ~~;g.~I~~ (f) _.(I ~ CO FT Sheet A8.3 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments 1-w w 0:::: I-- Cf) w (9 0 w 0 0 BROWN AVENUE 0 0 0 237'-11 12" DEWDNEYTRUNKROAD 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Commercial ISSUED DRAWINGS Q) C -~ ro cn-cO.. Q) ,._ ..c 0 Q) 0 a.LL E..c 0~ C) LL ~1 ASCEN Tl ate : May 13, 20U Scale As Noted rawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 Sheet A9.0 l ~ ~ 1 ,J f a. D ;, l i LJO r::::::J II l 0 0 Brown Avenue 0 © I 20'.0-11 '•11" 31'-1 1"' 0 I 12"·0" ur-6" Master Bedroom Living RM Deck I Deck Master Bedrm Living 0 I I 11·.o- : Master i Bedroom Living RM Master Bedroom Living RM Oi,,ing RM RM i:in;u Deck Bedrm 2~drm ' J0~!.04.otl Master Bedrm -~,+--~-----------------1-------· ·····-••·•••• ':f 0 134'./l) a·-s-j Duw,g RM Entry ~ ~ 8 Dining RM Living RM LANE Living RM Dining RM Dining RM Living RM Master Bed room Living RM Dining RM Living RM 0 0 .·. [!eek Master Bedroom Deck Deck Master Bedrm Bedrm Master Bedroom 0 I I I I I I I I I I f t 1· L •' ~ lo !il ~ 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal !! Parking Lot .. Rezoning Application for ~ 126 Unit 18 Story ~ RZ/019/2013 ~ Ii, ~ ::- ~ ISSUED DRAWINGS )'fJIIJ Building 1,2,831ssuedFor ADP UIMAY/13 _,_. Buildir)91,2,831uuodfor Oevelof)merrt Pefl'T'lil.411113 l»U Phase 1, t ~•)IMUll4 ... ('4"°"""'01\,ppkalim M 'OEC.1 11 _. C Q) Q) E (/) ca a. ..c 0 a.. Q) (") > Q) oo w Q) Cl) (/) Q::::> a.. "O 0 Q) 0:::: -~ a.. ~ C ca ..-a.. C) "-c 0 ·-0 -o_ ·5 LL ID ~ u:::: u al f er t " i ~~ "'cl; i~ W o, ="' a .. ~--·~ c,) C i~o Wal ~ = ~ < ~~ i ! .. < ... j'f ..41 ASCENT l May 13, 2013 WB/JM roj~GtlO 1237 1'11161 ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Fifth Floor Plan ~ E DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE sale: ,,a .. IE r-o" Q7 ::g TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x24") ...,_,a;;a.,,,.--,,='•!a.a-aa-aa-aa~====e.:la==="-'◄~•=====~------~'O FT A9 .1 ~ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====::_ _______________ _J_ _____ _J ~ 0 (l_ 0 ;!: a • ~ ~ +-' Q) Q) L... +-' CJ) Q) 0) "C Ll.l PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE 0 0 0 0 I r-rr 10'-6" Ll\llng Room 12·-1 11•• Dinin g Room Brown Avenue 0 .t2'-V cfi.e .. !iii.=.""."' .. ,. .... -.;Uvlng-•---~~ ..... ...,lr,,,. .... ~==-1 :Room Bedrm Planting ISO• 1.and,co .. l Dini ng , Roo m : Be drm I ····-•···•-------~------·······-·- Building 3 Dining Room Livi ng Room Dining Room Living Room Master Bedrm Deck - 0 0 rr-r i; Building 1 ; ( c:-d ; LANE Fifth ~2~~"~11~~ (f) .. "' ... ISSUED DRAWINGS ~\JIU Building1,2,&3Issu ed For ADP 14/MAY/13 111t1u Buildingt,2,&J ls.suedro-r Oavelopm~nl Pannil ◄11113 Q:IIQ,,,..1,2:.1~1-...ii-, __ ... 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LANE 22561 Dewdney Trunk Road ISSUED DRAWINGS ll/I3 Building1,2,&3IssuedFor ADP 1A/MAY/13 .,,m Building1,2,S.3IssuedJor Oe-valopm nn1 Pemiil ◄/1113 Q'l/12 Pha:;e1 ,2,&3Issuadlor RezQflino App1ii:aticn 03IOECl12 -C Q) Q) en E co C. .c 0 a.. Q) ('I)~ oo w Q) Cl') en o:::::i a.. -0 0 Q) c::: -~ a..~ C co ('I) a.. 0) .... C 0 ·-0 -o_ ·::; LL CD~ u::: ,.1 /\SCENT l I ,. -97-""·,--·------------·-------------------------I !•- .~ • g ~ .S ~ Cl 0.. Cl Dewdney Trunk Road ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Fifth :~e,011r8_~l 1~-o~ ~ E DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE -~ -w IOatc : Ma y13,2013 !scale As Noted IDrawn WB/JM Project ID 1237 Sheet A9.3 :!' TOSCALEWHENPRINTEDONARCH0(36''x24") o t" ,n. ~ o ui lll Ff if .__ _____________________________________________________________ ___L __ __J 22441 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Parking Lot 12003 Edge Street Existing Apartments PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x 24") 0)21 C9 ~~ 1- UJ UJ a::: I- C/) UJ (9 0 UJ 0 0 0 GB I !L BROWN AVENUE •r-a- lW,5661 0 0 0 237'-11 12" LANE Wr--t------b:,,,,,,.,..~~ l l i J j : : -i I 1 1 --=:..__.,;;=-a ~~, I i q i i : 1,! 10 I i ! ill b i i ! i ~ -! ! ~~-. I I I ! M t j : ~ ! I t;;i l I I I I . l I ! I 1 _ I 22561 ! I · D d 1 I ew ney i Trunk Road , I I Existing Commercial !, l I I • 22576 Brown Ave Existing Municipal Parking Lot Rezoning Application for 126 Unit 18 Story RZ/019/2013 22577 Dewdney Trunk Road Existing Commercial ·~0 :-1 I . : : -+---·--·---33:670 ·--·--·+-.1 r 1 - L.--------------~-----~----, DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD ISSUED DRAWINGS Q) > ·oo C C CO Q) -.c a.. Q) ..... ,_ 0 a. 0 E 0::: 0 CJ ... 1 ASCENT l lllt : May 13, 2 □1:1 rllWn WB/JM Ptofoet lD 1237 A10.0 Fila name: 1237A DP Drawings DWMA'ft13-1 WiX Dale: May 13 , 2013 --<o 7J ~~ ::0 ~~ m f;;o r 1"- m i S::: ~o Z "'"" )> ~~ ;:o ~m-< ~~ 0 "'"Z ~~ r ;!~-< ~~ z ~~ 0 j ~ -I ~ "Tl cJ Q ~ ;:o ~o ffi o z U) -I ;:o C 0 -I 6 z 00 t 4"-6" , 21'-0"' __ §.i..14~- 1: I I ~ I ... r Id) )> .,,._, I z I m I I I I I [ ~ lj ~ -0 ! '::;; G - ~ ~ I;! '!!~, ·(ij1i· (I) .$!, DI g_ ffl ~ a ~ Ill •• WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY )> 5 ARC HITECTURE & URB AN DESIGN INC , ...... PLANNING INTERIOR DESIG N 0 I ...... #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, ~ l: w. Ma¢eRidge,8.C. V2X2T4 ph. 604.-467-8300 l'ax604-467~305 ... ~ l .I\.) emai\:blssky@le\usnel ~ ~ a ~ 0 .... -• i !'!.. > en (") m z :::! Time: 1:50:58 PM ClJ "Tl Ee a: -I s ·c cc ;:o Nm 125'-9 14" 0 0 0 ! 58'-11'," ,r-e-2,·.:r :::::::1------=L.....C::7 ~I I !11 l'i'--'P, ~--l- ;;:-ti I ,! · 1 ···· ,._. --,G I •' I" I ,':' I ~ Im c.o -t~ ··-+@ I N :I I -10 .__J ~ I I -1 0 I ·' -~ ~ :I t :! OJ ·1 .., 1 ········ -0 ~ • •• ···L..._ Building 1 Roof Plan 39A3j ;:o CD ___. N Ng ;:o 0) 5· [:::! Ccc 0 :!. )> ........... "'O £e ~~ N CX> -· 0 U) f;l ................ Wo -· '<g o' .., ~ 7J iii' w= .., ::::, ,_cc ~-s::: r:: r::::, 0 -· ..... (1 -a· Ill N N (J1 --.J 0) (D a :E ::::, )> cB PROPOSED 3 Phase --:-1 ----- Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edge St. 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave . & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: SeeA1 O PIO#: SeeA1 0 :I ~ -:::J bi I ► Co pyj jg~Reserv11d Fi11"'"''°*°" .. ~ ... ~11:1t1c ..... c11~gttllfblo r•~a..a•~t-Pf'1l•tallt,fflw•rtMaaai.....id .flll .. :I ;i d ;I ii! :I ·1 I I :I ·1 :I ;i l I =:::~;=~:Z:-,,.!1.,~=~~~--"-"'ft~ ~.,:utio,c:,fl-a --~ (o'MMttttl •ut.ati-,-,,c,-,•"'f'~OlliiW.,_Y.'SIIWlllwl.l tllil'M!')NI CCW...-"1WSIL WIAM..,._flll.lont ,1uo1 i.. ~!Mlli•-., ~~Md~Mt1 .. 'Jp:p_1:n.-i111rD..-blllttMYi•dloJ 11n,ttflliallor.rr11MM1•0~..a~11 ..... C11'11Ndl11"""'ft0'.. ~ ~ __, I ij l f st-"'Ji! e~ gl • 0 c§ :::J C CD 1·0 I I 0 0 File name: 1237A DP Drawings ~Vl13~l.vwt Date: May 13, 2013 Time: 1:50:58 PM [ <; "'CJ ::0 m !:: $ z )> ::0 -< 0 z ~ z 0 -l "Tl 0 ::0 0 0 z (J) -l ::0 C 0 -l 0 z 1i; ! ;;o W O -0 ... ...., ,2' -0 l~ ~ . . )> ...... 0 I\.) Edge Street ~ 0 0 1ZS'·9'•• 0 00 l'-8" 21"-0-58"-11 ... 11'·0" 24 '-2" 6'-, t _ _?,0~~----·--·-• ·--·--·--·-36,379 ·-----·--·--·-------- OJ C: c.. :::J cc w 1J -·-·•····~--. l I I L ]I LJ I I O_ -...... -. . . . . ~. -. JI """1'5< f~--•• ••• ---11 :1 •• ~ .. -..... : ,_ ·--_, 7 i , I I I I I ! \ , I < --~145 __ ~ti) i ==;=~:::::::~:::~::::::::~:~I <i> '-' ~- " 5 ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ~ L a:: r )> z m i 1: I lc..u I~ • u.) I-" I I i. ~ WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC . PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN ! #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, w Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2n ph. 604-467-B300 rall 604·◄67-8305 ~ eman:bisskyCl!lelusntl ~ > (/') () m z -t - Building 2 Roof Plan OJ C: c.. :::J cc ~ PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Cfvic Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave. & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: See A1 ,D PJD#: SeeA1.D CopyrighlR<!Mlrved Further lo AIBC Bylaw28{3J. ell plar,r; &k~lches, drawin11s, grephlc reprer;enlolionsond1pecifiClilliom;proparedbylhearchilec:to1e,and111nW IN I I I I I I I limes 1emaln lhe OllCllKlvt prop<!rty orWeyne Stephen Binky Arehil<'ld.ur<'I.UrbenDe1ion,Plennln11,and lnleriorD11slgn11ndcannolbe usedforenyother projec1,orsok:lorolfered [or6ale(or11sportoloiwleofproperty)byanypartyolherlhenVVSBwilhoul lhewrillenamseriol'MB W1ilt<!ndim.insioni.i.halhovepr&cede11coover scaleddimml-ic,,ns andctlndilionsonlhejob_ThlsoKica1hol belnrornM1dof anyvorfolloiis rrDmlhti dlmen&ions 11ndoonditionss.how11onllledrawings ~ ~ ti! cj ~ )> 0 0 B ~ ----{~ ~ -•G ~ ~ P f d .- "fS 1( f 0 OJ "'"' 0 :E :::J )> < Cl) :::J C: Cl) Fi/enam9: 1237A DP Drawings OSbtw•,fWlt-3-1 ,vwx Dale: May 13, 2013 Time: 1:50:58 PM d ~ 7J en ~ ::0 ~~ m f;;o r ~Z -~i ~ -.o z 2:!~► ~ fl ::0 g~-< ~~o ;o z z ~~ r ~~-< ~l!z ~~o .:n~-, '° p i'& \!: ~ ""Tl 0 ;o 0 0 z (/) -f ;o C 0 -f 0 z [D ~ ., ~ " )> ...... 0 c.,J .Q. . " ci " !:i 0 ~ a. :::J CD '< --i -, C :::J 7' ::0 0 D) a. "l "'f" l ! !; ~ ~ ~ rn Z • i [ ~ @ t '1!1·•»>· 0 1 IY•Z- © t Edge Street 116"·8'1" ◄l"•G' ~ w., ... 0 t r ./ .. -....... --~186 i I /2'~ I _ ◄••· • -----~------~_._?,084 l •/<:)G.,1., I L!:::::[ _ ___.]I I ~ ' n· ; <. ·--·i------1 '--·_----·•-...,.. __ ~ i-.. II .... :·. --It ' r JI ' I I \-· ··----J I r ~ r ·· ·· ---r --·· _j_____ •• L ~ • • -~ • • ~• • ~ • • • • • • I • • • • 1 \ \ I I I J,-------~ ----· ~- J :1 II .I I I I 11 11 I _J ····· ············••-. ·-· 7F.-7 ·D I ll 1i 11 i J 111 ! m '[C . ·0 LJ,= ' ~ 1·91 .. ... .. . . .. . . . ... t..;· •• • •• ·•··. • I 0) -...J 0 ... ... ........ J. ................................... . ~· 7 " ·iJ r:;:::==:: !------:- "ti I q ,-. li- : Ir I 11 ~~===:!1 _,_j_J II If ,JJ II I ~ _--1UJ? _, 1 1 1 ,.......---, ~ I __ ~ ' -- WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ~ ARCHITE CT URE & URBAN DESIGN INC , > PLANNIN G INTERIOR DESIGN (/) () #2Q.<l 2232D Lougheed Highway, m Maple Ridge, B,C V2X 2T4 z ph. 604-467-8300 rak 604-467-8305 :j email:bissky@lelusnel 37 ,172 ·--------" Building 3 Roof Plan -f 20 ::::, <D N ;,;-:EN ;o C. CJ1 0 :::J O"l (D ..... ~'< PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Add ress : 1201B Edge St, 12038 Edg e St, 22554 Brown Ave & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Addre ss: See A1 .0 P1D#: SeeA1 .0 ' 0 -~145. __ Copyrigh\Rllf.llMld Further lo AIBC Bylaw 28(3), 1111 plans sk11lch11s, drawing•. g111phk: repr11senl ati0n111nd1pecfficelionspre paredbythe 11rehileetara,andelall limes remain 1h11 uch.lllve property ofl!Vllyne Stephen Bli:1ky Archlleciure, UrbenCklsl9n,Plennlno,endlnleriorDes!on 11ndc11nnolbeusedforanyolher proj11ct,0r101d11r 0flered for&ala(oresp,irlolas.oleolproperty)bysnyp.,rlyolherlhanWSBwilhau\ Htt1wrillenconsentolVi.$B Wriltendlm!!nslonsshalhav11pr ece d!lnc11ov11r si;.aled dimBnsk:l ns and ccnd~iGiu on \he Job , This ollica sh~~ be io lorm&d of enyvarielicns lromlhlldirnenr.loos andcond;1ianslihcwncnlhedrawings r )> z m ~ : ~ ;; = f ~ C i > m N. ! ~ & !l :£ lS __. :,· iE l ~ !; 'i,.., ~ .. :Og,, ~--i ~,w~ :, [ ~ ~ [ a , ~ w 0) w w ...... M ~ <;i ::1 ~ ,, I 225'76 I Br:own A've i El(isj[ng Ml.In cTpa l Parkin g Loi I i ~~0~9J20 t 3!Phase 1. I I Rezcml ~g'.,«ll'P.J>ll~Upn ror 126'l:l£i1 ~~· ';SJi>I¥ RZ/01~-28 t 3, I I I i l I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO C HANGE TO SCA LE WH EN PRI NT ED ON ARC H O (36'' x 24 ") I rn ~ rn rn rn Bu ild in g 1 Q Bu ilding 2 rn I .! I I i rn I I . u I I I I I I P. 1 ' I I I I I I I II I I 1 1 I I IJ I I 11 I I Uodecgrn"od _t Bu ilding 1 o' Building 2 Parking Access -• ~ - rn g;g -~ g;g rn [Q rn ~ ~ Q±l , l [Q g;g II I I 1 I I I 11 I I I Q) ~ -Cl) Cl) Cl "C w North Elevation (Elevation Along Brown Avenue) 16Sl/ED ORAWl<GS 1nJ 8u~d ing1 ,2,&3 luuad F01 AOP l ◄IMAY/13 j 8uold11~ 10 2,& 3 lt;5Ued for Oevelapmonl Permil 411113 •~ Phase 1,20 &J ls11.l8 d lor Rezor,i11" Appliailion '""'"'" -r::::: (I) (I) en E ro o.. ..r::::: 0 a.. (I) (") > (I) oo w (I) Cl) en 0 ::> a.. "O 0 (I) 0::: -~ a.. ~ r::::: 0 ~ +i ro 0) > r::::: (I) 'ow ·s .c Ill t 0 z ~ . .g> ii' . g- " ~1 /\SCEN Tl tJ z >--:,,: z Vl Q z ~~l.J CC O vi zzo LJ.J ~~ ~ I "'o "" ~ a... :::)ffi ,;!~ u.J ~I- f-~:.e: ~~~! Vl °' ::i 1! --= LU ,-.. l.J :r~~ij, Z ~z ~ ~~i >-t:: 2 i:Jiil~ <( I z S l;i :s i!~i < c.. .:::i. ... .,, Ott~ Moy \3, 2013 ScaJI• Ji.1,NOltd 0rawtl WB /JM Pro;tciro 1237 S.r,ee1 A11 .0 File name 1237A DP Drawings 091MAY/13-1 .vwx Date: May 13. 2013 Time 1:50:58 PM ""CJ :;i::i m !:: s: z )> :;i::i -< 0 z r -< z 0 -l "Tl 0 :;i::i 0 0 z (/) -l :;i::i C 0 -l 0 z 0 f rn OJ (/) ,... rn ro < tll ,... ~ ~,o· ~ ;::r:::, I a, ii. )> 6 ....>. ....>. ....>. ;;; !:l I [l\ Dewdney, Trunk -Road § § § § §' § § § § § § 83 lEffi3EB ~ •. ,. .,j ~-H ..... I ,, ~G§E§··-'°"E§ -•011 ·-. • . ·--' -.: ·- o:::::J·o:::::::t .3R=IFR =:=Ji I i ' i ~ z m ( ~i -ii §s ~. Ji; It I I i I I I H ~~ Ii: f[ n -. i I ·i I •1--•--·1 · !!:. C: :r ~~' ID JD • ,--··············- 1 ··-··· i 1 A -1~· ---~-=~7 --~~~-:~-~-4~ 'II~ J:g_lr _~~~:~ (' •• ' " Brown Avenu"e J ;' ;;; WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN I #204 22320Lougheed Highway, ~ Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 z ph 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305 ! ~ ema il:bissky@te1u snel ... ....... > (./l () rn z -i ...... Building 1 East Elevation PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edge St, 1203B Edge SI, 22554 Brown Ave & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Address See A1 ,0 PIO#: SeeA1,0 ~tt.M!'IIN.. Fu,lher lo AIBC Bvinw28(3) . .ill pl.ins 5~elche5~d1awwiu s. grapl,ic repre5enlalions,ind specificalionsproparodby!h6::irchil6i:lnre.:ind.il.ill limos romain the e~cllJ'llVO prop6rty ot Wayne Slephen Biuky Arch1lei:lure, Urban Oe si1111,Plannln<J,andlnleriorDesi11nnndcnnnolbeu5edlornnyolher p1ojecl,orsoldor0Here(I forsille (ora& p;rt or:i s:iklol p1operty) byanypa1\y olher lhiln WSBwilhoul Iha wr~lon oon&enl ol VI/SB Wr~\en dimensions sholl hnve precetJonc,, over scaleddirnensionsandcondihonscrnlhojob Thisoflic,e$hollbtin!Ofmedof eny vari~lions lrom lhe dimem;ions ilnd oondilions shown on lho dr:1wmus i i a! .. ~ t· I I File name: 1237A DP Drawings 0~tMAY/13•1.vwx Date: May 13, 2013 Tfme: 1 :50:58 PM ""O ;;o m C s:: z )> ;;o -< 0 z r -< z 0 -i Tl 0 ;;o 0 0 z (/) -i ;;o C 0 -i 0 z ~ I~ C rt ::::; [!! CD < tll rt o· i~ I~ [!! CD < tll I!" I ,-t o· ::i )> 0 ::i (Cl r tll ::i o ;1 ~ ~ Edge Street I -1•-·~~··. 11 I l -':::if"k II I 11· I II' ! •JI I It I II I It I • .-, t • It : f•L:_.~~ § § § -§ .. .,IJpifJI Dll lll ~on :I EE::l EEIEE3.EE3 EB ~ § ,_EEIEElEBEEHEB=l -----1-l § R3E§tB~~E§If3 ------4-" § EE:3 EEJ. 8=3~Ra,EEl11BE3'EE3 ____ J __ _I 11 Fl IDL:, 11 1w ,-i r, ~--,1 ~ 1.ili IJl ll il 11111 ' 1 I' I: 1 , .1'lll!lli1,.llt 7ll ,i!.ll l'11 _L -, ii ~1-H~ ---·-·---•-.· ·-... -·---- 7 ~ 11'\Q , I ~~ 11'1 l ,. i"I ~i ! ~:~~ ------·--·--,-·--·--·-1---• ·;P I:::! co ::ll """ ... :si ~ ~ ~,~,~ ,1 e ,;31.If . to ~ICE~' • ~ ~CD ~: N ,g;?i ,j;: _\C.,, ,,t ~ ~ ~ -~-~§ rm ,g :::.~~ 'r~~.;~ qi c,)',o' c,:· i i ~,·g'. - ·"' ti f l ii r, ~ WAYNE ST EPHE N BI SS KY ~ Building 1 South Elevation PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development )> ....lo. ....lo. N 6 i I I: I~ ~1 ' ~ .I!! ~ }: l .; ARCHITECTUR E & URBAN DESIGN IN C. > PLANNING INTER IOR DESIGN ~ li204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge .BC V2X 214 ph 604-467-8300 raic 604-467-8305 ema~ : ll'5sky @lelus net m z :j CIVIC Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge SI, 22554 Brown Ave, & 22566 Brown Ave , Maple Ridge BC legal Address: See A 1 0 PIO#: See A1 0 ---I Fu'it.rlQA&Cllytii.,:t,OQ,. .. plN!t V ~dtltW',ol,,~ ~---and:,°'°'°IIGlbOf~ t,ylhe..U,l.cl_Jof.,-.m!Mlll'J lltrott 1-.11WM-..~~O,W,'tl\4t~11-t1in1y ~ ~i.la1tDft9'-~---0.i1"W1U~ .. ~fotllntcelltl' 111'@d.M..U .. 6!J.l,1 .. lllfW4rt tora. ,..,1 ~•_.cl pllflOl1)') t,v_,.,ft,IUy «MI th.ft\'Mwiiloul ih.t.~11~ofWS8.W...,._ .... _....,....~,,_ ~ !lmwl._,._~-.i it..., f,...\ ISM ~w lrtlMNo• dl"'f-l111imw.~rhitd~.-ndtiiwl-"""'VIIIMIU1lltllllrllwlnfllt- ~j ~; ,~ Y y i • ~ g; I File name: 1237A DP Drawings 0~11V1A Y/13-1 .vwx Dale: May 13, 2013 Time: 1:50:58 PM d 9 7J en ~ ::U ~~ m !n o r :,Z - r '" :S: ~~ -.,,o z ~~ )> ~ ~ ::u g~-< ~~ 0 ?l ~Z r -<r ~~-< ~~ z ~~ 0 ~~ -I ~ It ,~ ,o ~ "Tl b Q g :::0 i;o ~o z (/) ---l ;;o C 0 ---l 0 z :E (1) en r-+ ![!! (1) < Ill r-+ _ "a· ! ::) I )> -->. -->. v,.) I ,, 0 .2. i !I. Ei i § ~ ~i h •a f, II 0 i g :! Brown ·Avemue. • l ·----·-------·----------.......... ·. • ------,.~ !;, a: :..._ ~ ~ ~ ~ l n" i!ji ~~ ~-~1: .Xi if If t == === ]~; ~-~ C: == Q! J I ~-~•• ....... ◄I :· -====--, ~ ·1 .--,r-r ___, _., -·--"--·--·--·--·--·---. s;: z m, i I: l 3. ~ ~ -= ... ~ ;;: Qewdney Tn:mk R.0c1d ~I Building 1 WAYN E STEPH EN BI SSKY ARCH ITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC . West Elevation PLANNI NG INTER IO R DESI GN (") 11204 22320Lougheed Highway~ m Maple Ri dge, B.C V2X 2T4 z ph., 604-457-8300 fax 604-457-8305 c.imJ C&-...:'1l'f'"(r.tM. nt1 -i .... PROPOSED 3 Phase Mixed Use Development C ivic Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave~ & 22566 Brown Ave M aple Ridge BC Legal Address: See A1 O PIO#. SeeA10 Copy,iglttRosa,vod Furthe r lo A IOC 8ylaw26{l), :ill plans sketches, dr~wino,. (11:Jphlc ro prosenl:ilionsnnds~c,r,ca lux1~preparod bv lhearchiloct11ro,.anda\:ill hmosromain lhnoi1elusi110pn;pertyolWilyneStephtinBisij ky A1chileciure, Urt:r.inDflaion, Pla n11ino,ar1dlnlorior Desionondcnnnot be usedforanyolher p,ojec(.or sold orofferod for sale (o r as pa,1 ol a salo of r>roperty) by ony pmty other than WSEI wilhoul the written consenl o! WSB WriNen diroonsio<1s slml havo preeedonca over scakid d1m:insions andcond1li0nson lhejob ThisotllPI! sh~llba 1nl0<medot :iny v:inehon5 /1om the dimonsions and oondiliom. shown on lhe d1:iwio~ i IH ~JE ti r ~ " ~ "' 0 0 i z &l ~6 Brotm ft,'v.e Ex1!!,Ung .tvlunlgpi!!I faarl!!ng .J"ol Rez.on jp g ,:':'R"'Plieation foi 126 l!loit ·1s sto~ ij%§19/2013" ~Llilding ~ 9 Bui ldiAg 2 u .. ,ug,ovnd _J Parking AocH& A,a,2 • ....-~ ~r MIia Aoor North Elevation (Elevation Along Brown Avenue) Sc:,le: 1• • 10 Q) ~ u5 Q) Ol -0 w ISSUEO OAAWTNGS ~J Building 1, 2,& 3 lssuedFar ADP 1◄/MAY/13 J Buildinc 1, 2,& Jlssuedfor ~"""-""" rl0tP "'"41,2..~J -.-lcr •~.i.clllibliwl .. .,,.,,. _. C Q) Q) rn E rn a. .c:: 0 a.. Q) (")> Q) oo w Q) en rn o::::, a.. "O 0 Q) 0:::-~ a.. ~ C 0 N:.;:::. OJ g? C a, :aw ::::) .c:: CDt 0 z _.1 /\SCENT l o, ..... WB/JM A12.0 L ) '"O ~ 0:: ~ C: ::I ~ >,· Q) C: -0 ~ Q) Cl ' ' ~g ~ ~ ~ g ~Q ~ fm~g : ~ ~±H~ ~ ~ ~Hm ~. ' . .ITO CID cm 1JJJ ITII ITO ITO [DJ ITO ITO ITO PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIM ENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUB JEC T TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Q) ::) C: !l? ,<( C: ~ 0 ... CD LANE t::::::::::f' East Elevation Sca le: 1""" 10 ft ISSVEO DRAWINGS ~, 6u~ding1,2,&3I&suedFor ADP 14/MAY/13 W1) Bu,din!)1 , 2,&J lssue d[or OevelopmcnlPe1mit4l1/13 r~J Ptll .. 1.~Al)t.11.000"" R,uoningApplic::JHon 0:\.1>!,C,,,l -C Q) Q) E II) ('!l 0. ..c 0 a.. Q) C") > Q) 0 0 w Q) Cl) II) 0 :::, a.. "'O 0 Q) 0:::: -~ 0.. ~ C N ,.g 0) ('!l C > ·-Q) "'O -=w :J -co II) ('!l w u "" i a: i :,; J C ci5 ~ . "' ~"' -o"' ~~ :3., ~2] ~« "'C H WO, 0 ~~ ;;: -"' o"' NN -N "' ii □ ii: ~1 /\SCEN Tl Li z >-- :,<'. z ti')~ z ~ t3c, CO O vi z Z o ~ L.LI ~ a::: I"'o i ~ 0... ::>~ !£~ LU ~ f-- I-UJ ~ ~"h Cf)"' Jis:.~ 5 ::, [~~, w t;o Z ~z ~fH >-t: z <( I z ~iij i S U<( "'~ <(<>-~ii.. ,.tr::. Mta'r 13, 2013 St.all Ju.N<J:td OIW!I W9IJ14 ,aj ... 10 1237 Shi-el A12.1 ~:.:i:....--l m ~-l ~ I ~~=I I I I I ■ I - I r I I I I - ~I I I .I Knack-Out panel for future vehicular cross access agreement I! I!- I - -I -I ■ ■ B_uill:lrn 9 2Q'Bu ilfl ing 1 ■ I 1 I I I , ■ _,r 2257& Bl'OY'n~v.,e., ISSUED DRAWIIIGS Bu~ding 1, 2, & J Issued For ADP 14/MAY/13 .,,,o Building1,2,&Jlssuedfor DavalopmenlParmi\411113 Rez:oningApplic>llion ..,,.,.,,, +-' C a.> a.> E Cl) co 0. .c 0 a.. a.> ('t) > a.> 0 0 w a.> Cl) Cl) 0 ::::) a.. -0 0 a.> 0::: -~ a.. ~ C 0 N:;:::. co O>> C a.> :aw ·s .c CD ::i 0 Cl) al . rn " Q'. t " 1 ~~ oo,;; !; :~ ~ .. ~~ .:.,: U) C fl rov 0~ NN -N 0 ;; "' ii □ a: ~1 ASCEN Tl l>IIC May 13, 2013 Av Noted ,-! .1----1---1--:,1------lF:":'3<lr------l---4---1---b----------'-------'---'-----'-F I ii I------....L.~::;;.,::::::...._~c....l--_..1.L-1..fil.---1..!ll...--1...!:Jl.......L...!lL...L.!ll__!....ll!.--1..Ai..-1-aw.____;__..;1.:.--==:...::......:.:::=-..____.1.....:1•1>.--L-£"-!--_..,-...... __,._..~..LJ,-.....,......,i.......,.1,;-.J--J.__..1.!::,:..:..:.J:;l.:--J.-...k~_:.....Jl...__:.._....::... __ .......... =1..,._J_L__1._,!L_ __________ _J WS IJM g; Building 26Building 1 1--c-----,m--1 ;!' a PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION South Elevation (Elevation Along Lane) ~ DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Seate; 1•• ._ 10 ft ~ TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") ""=""""___,=,=..,$:!:,==::/,l!_;;;;;;;;;;;;=::~• ==~---....... !:,g,,,,,=~•O FT ~ L...-.-----------------------------------------_-___________________ _j_ __ __J A12.2 File name: 1237A DP Drawings 09/MAY/13-1 WIX Dale: May 13, 2013 Time: 1:50:58 PM "U :::0 rn C: ~ z )> :::0 -< 0 z ~ z 0 --, "Tl 0 :::0 0 0 z Cl) --, :::0 C 0 --, 0 z ::E 0 ~ )> ....>. N <.v (1) V) .... ~ CD < [I) .... i5" ::::l I ¼ ~ 0 ij 0 r i • 1 g- I i ?: !" z i 9. ~ a Dewdney Trunk Roal:I === === === = === === === === ~ ~·E] ··B tJ "lU C).) ., . '--+--1 IL.:L_J ~ ~. 1l I IT! tt:j. § EEi 8=3 EEIEB 'EEI EB EB B_rown Aven~e WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTUR E & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 Lougheed Highway. Map le Ridge, BC V2X2T4 ph 604-467-8300 fa)( 604-467-8305 ema1l:bissky @lelusnel t i Building 2 West Elevation {) m z :::! Mixed Use Development Civic Address: 12018 Edge St, 12038 Edge St, 22554 Brown Ave & 22566 Brown Ave Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: See A1 ,0 PIO#: See A1 .0 CopYJi(lhlRuorvod Further lo AIBC 8ylaw'2B(3),all plans sketches. drilwing5, grophic ropros.anlolion1 ond sp,1cifiea !ion5 proparod liylhe ::ucililect ilrA, and al o• liwai; 10m11in the erel~IYo p1operty ol W.yno Stephen Bissky Arcl:iledt.11.:i, Urban Design. Planning, and Interior OoU(Jn ond caooOf be U'.iod lo, anv olher p10;ac1,or~010llered ro r sole(oraspartolasale o!propeny)byllnyparlyolherlhan~BWllhout lhowrillenoonnnlo(V-.SB Wri!lendrmonsionsshullhavep1ec•doanc•,;,ver scaleddimonslor"andcondilkins,;,n(h(lj(ltl Thisolficoslmllbe Informed of any v11110lions from Iha dim6nskins and C%lnd1lions 5hown on lhe drawings i ! " 1r 1 n: ~J ~l~H L Nft'g;_,,;_, : it l! H[ r 'ai r i I ~ ~ ~ " • ii PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' lC 24") !! I 2i§6 I I II Outline of the building to the East beyond ■ •• •• ■ •• •• ■ •• I I I I II •• •• I ■ II •• I ■ I! -111 II •• I■ II ••• •• 4i t (I) Q) C) -0 w North Elevation (Elevation Facing Lane) Scalo;l • 10 11 lSSUEO OAAWIW,S Building1 ,2,&3 lssued For ADP 1-'IIMAYltJ 111\l'll Buildmg1.2,&Jlssucdfc>1 Developrnenl 1'1!rmil4/1113 ui,n;: fltaW I. 1..~>bauiidll,f RezooingAppl,ealion Q.\U.CIU -C Q) Q) rn E ro c.. ..c: 0 a.. (l) Mii) oo w Q) Cl) 1/) o=> a.. "O 0 (l) 0:::: -~ a.. 2 C 0 (") :g Ol > C Q) ~w ::J ..c: en t 0 z ... 1 ASCEN Tl 0 z >--:,.:: z (,/") g z ~ t8 u COO 'vi z zo LU ~ Ck:'. ~ I"' o ,; ~ CL ::J~ l~~ UJ ~ ~ I-=.?; Ix2- V)"' 1:s;:_;!l :::, g'og w ,_\J Z ~z ~;~, >-t::: z ~~i ~ <( I z 3: ~ :5 H1a.1 < 0. 111: MaylJ,'2013 AINO'.td ,_,, WB/.JM 1131 S!W"' A13 .0