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District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, July 9, 2013 4:00 pm -Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi- family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 11, 2013 4. NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planner & File Manager: 5.2 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: 2013-021-RZ Gord Knuttila, Silver Valley Homes Ltd. Harvey Hatch. Rory Dafoe To construct a two storey 'Treatment Centre" building in the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone. 20581 Maple Crescent Rasika Acharya 2012-062-DP David J. Ho Architect Inc. David J. Ho Architect Inc. Harry Lee Haggard To construct a mixed use building with 5 commercial units on main floor and 5 rental residential units above. Location: 23227 Dogwood Avenue Planning Technician & File Manager: Michelle Baski 5.3 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Designer: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: 2013-051-DP Darren Cruickshanks, Krahn Group Darren Cruickshanks, Krahn Group Stephen Watt ·ro construct a two storey industrial warehouse/office building for uPitt Meadows. Plumbing" on a site with an existing industrial building in the Maple Ridge Business Park area. Planner & File Manager: 20295 1138 Avenue Rasika Acharya 6. PRESENTA T/ONS 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. NEXT MEETING . Agenda deadline: 9. ADJOURNMENT /jg Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Monday, July 22, 2013 ) __ j District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Peter Lovick, Chair Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Blair Arbuthnot Johnny Leung Colleen Dixon COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT 1. Rasika Acharya Joanne Georgelin Call to Order and Introductions Architect Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Architect Architect Planner II & ADP Staff Liaison Committee Clerk The meeting was called to order at 4:03 pm. 2. Agenda Approval Moved and Seconded: That the June 11, 2013 agenda be approved. 3. Approval of the Minutes -May 14, 2013 . Moved and Seconded: That the revised Minutes of the meeting of May 14, 2013 be approved. 4. New Business -Nil Advisory Design Panel Minutes CARRIED CARRIED Page 1 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, May 14, 2013 -Draft 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planner & File Manager: 2012-115-RZ (for Tower 1) Bissky Architects Wayne Bissky, MAIBC Meredith Mitchell, M2 Landscape Consultants 48-unit 6 story apartment building 12018 and 12038 Edge Street and 22566 and 22554 Brown Avenue Adrian Kopystynski The following applicants were present at the meeting: ► Wayne Stephen Bissky, Architect ► Meredith Mitchell, Landscape Architect Ra·sika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated June 11, 2013 attached to the agenda, with respect to the location, context, surrounding buildings, OCP designation and TCA Civic Core DP guidelines, site access, proposed design and density, form, phases, off-site upgrades and building materials. Ms. Acharya commented that information is being sought from this panel for supplementary design guidelines which could be included in the Phased Development Agreement for this application, including gateway lane treatment, public art and parking structure screening ideas. Ms. Acharya also explained as per Section 905.1 of the LGA how a Phased Development Agreement can be entered into for the benefit of the developer and the local govt. and how it can include information on timing of the project, design provisions like public art, "green" building elements, amenities such as public meeting space/public plaza, parking, etc. and supplementary design guidelines for evaluating future phases. Wayne Bissky, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Meredith Mitchell, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the on-site landscaping to the Panel. Moved and Seconded: The proposal be re-submitted to Planning staff and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting after the third reading with the following concerns addressed: • Confirm sidewalk alternative/s to obtain wider sidewalks with street trees • Consider location of the upper story parking spaces and facade openings • Consider connections for all podium levels. • Confirm location of parking lot venting. • Keep corner plazas as open as possible • Develop a more distinctive treatment for tower roofs. • Look at providing a visual treatment for lower rooftops • Consider articulating a green screen wall along the lane Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page2 of4 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, May 14, 2013 -Draft • Consider opening up the entrances of the lane and driveways • Look at creating an inviting treatment ·in the laneway including lighting and wall treatment • Provide proper soil volumes for trees • Explore alternative landscape treatments on the upper levels • Show landscape elements on the elevation drawings • Include development design guidelines in the Phase Developments Agreement • Look at the architectural treatment of the separation between the podium and tower • Consider providing rooftop amenity area • Look at providing a cleaner treatment of areas between the buildings • Look at providing a better frontage treatment for commercial units along Brown Avenue • Consider reducing the amount of deck space on Building 2 adjacent to Building 1 • Provide clearer phasing plans showing interim treatment of exposed walljs • Confirm details, amounts and source of funding for proposed Public Art • Look at including parking level screens and guard rails as public art • Consider a child space amenity area • Provide a pedestrian treatment across the lane and underground parking entrances/access area • Confirm the durability of metal panels used at pedestrian levels • Create an entry feature in Building 1 similar to Buildings 2 and 3 • Consider separate commercial and resident garbage area CARRIED 6. PRESENTATIONS 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: Adjournment: /jg Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Monday, June 24, 2013 7:18 pm Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 3 of4 District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 I. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) ~ Development Permit ~ '2-013 -0 S'l -bP 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. 3. 4. 5. 6. t)E>IC~1f.£ i/ l /?_ Presenting~A-rcblt-ect: t:,...(O\ \'\A.. b1 CDV\. {). 7 • • • • • (please print) \ Presenting Landscape Architect: ~\:::>h~ \t~.ft (please 'print) Mandatory enclosures include the following: J 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. d Design Rationale 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines Contact person for this project: (please print) Name:l}~F/V C(~-\.J\ C k\J~~ Company: ~\<....A;\-VV Address: tl-4lJ.:>-~ ~o 77 C.l.-4Q:t3 \> 11 ~-( S Fi.Yt. YJ i} C . Phone No. 6.u~ --u.;;-'\ -~~> l Fax No. Email: fu'-1 -'3s8 -I -,:;-q...;:. ,,,c e i.-c.r Ol.'vl _ c <}-- ~· 's Signature) '}ut,.J~ L ce,/ f3 (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 Av\:- by~on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 ~Tues Jul 09 ) Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct 08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address z_o ~'? -1/~/j I-hi& i/'-f~ot.z-//2:of~-L Area of the lot(sJ f/f3 25 DI m2 Lot width 4S C/ 0, ,S-3 m Lot Depth --;;;;R D , 3 Cj . m Existing OCP Designation/1'-1,£/t'l t~+no. \ Proposed 0CP Designation ~'1-'.r,, I -r,.,,.,1,,),/-/1,0 ,,. Existing Zone ~ ~ ✓'.:'"> Proposed Zone \V\-~ Existing land use --r:~~11,1<,{rj /LI Proposed land use -~.d,,ufflc, Proposed dist. of Site-access from //4 an existing intersection m 2) Building Data: \..-1.r;« _ / Lot Coverage ~ 001/,) m2 Total lot Coverage proposed vo.tti'7rn 2 Reqd. front setback (,., 0 m Proposed front setback L. o' m Reqd. rear setback :;:2, f") m Proposed rear setback IS. n m Reqd. side setback i "" m Proposed side setback 17,< m Reqd. side setback 4 I ..:.:-m Proposed side setback 14 .~ m . -Reqcr.'buildingheight is-. 0 m Proposed building height /o,u m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone l✓/'/J Proposed FSR in the Zone /'A (Total GFA allowed m2) (Total GFA proposed /✓ m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space m2 Proposed Usable Open Space m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area m2 Proposed Common Activity Area m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: Underground Parking Y/@ Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone .:c:;<, Proposed Parking spaces for the zone ~ '1 Reqd. small car stalls loo/,_; Proposed small car stalls '0% I Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area m2 Required Handicapped Parking I Proposed Handicapped Parking J Required Visitor Parking spaces IV/A Proposed Visitor Parking spaces i,<✓//-1 . Proposed Variances to Parking 4) Covenants: ROW: Geotechnical Y/(tj Storm sewer Y,ail) Tree preservation YI/NJ Sanitary sewer Y/ID No Build/ No Disturb Y_mi Drainage Y/{N) Any other Covenants on Title YJJ:)) Any other ROW .Iv/A . 5 ) Environmental: / Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Y.f'N/ (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ - 15-30 %/ 30 %or more. Existing landscaped area .:.::f 4==7 . ._ ~ ']. m2 Proposed landscaped area 2.v1 O:, m2 Area of building to be demolished /J vr-t m2 In the Flood Plain Y/(N_; In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/(NJ Proposed LEED points Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. j O.ep Root& GrNter Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the URequired" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the ulncluded" boxes need to be completed by the applicanVproject architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Plannlng: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required □ m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan End of Document Revised December 2012 2 Required Included dJ g rd _) District of Maple Ridge -Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Canada Attention: Rasika Acharya Abbotsford Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 June 19th 2013 A13006 Re: 20295-1138 Ave., Maple Ridge -Proposed Mixed Use Warehouse/ Business offices Development Permit Statement This letter is to provide explanation in regards to the Design Criteria and Rationale for the works to proceed on the above mentioned site. The present site is Zone M-3 and in its present state is a lot with an existing building. The intent of the Client is to develop this site and add offices and warehouse building in this independent lot. The main floor has a glazed entrance facing Stewart Crescent St., a meeting room and the new Warehouse; the offices are on the second floor. From a structural standpoint, the building is a steel structure building with metal wall cladding, and wood paneling for the soffit and fascia. The loading facility located away from the main street. Parking area is located between the buildings with a universal parking stall and a clearly defined pedestrian access. I trust this explanation is adequate to explain the planned development. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Krahn Engineering Ltd. Ahmed Ibrahim B.Arch., LEED Green Assoc. #400-34077 Gladys Ave Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 M(778)347-0702 T (604) 853-8831 -Ext. 140 F (604) 853-1580 E ahmedi@krahn.com www.krahn.com MAPLE RIDGE Sr111sh Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-051-DP 20295113B Avenue DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: July 09, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a second industrial building of 14,662.33 sq. ft. gross floor area on a zoned industrial site with an existing building. The existing industrial multi-tenanted building was built in 2002 when an Industrial Development Permit was not required as per the older Official Community Plan. This has changed after the new OCP was adopted in 2006, according to which an Industrial DP is required for any site within the District if it is designated "Industrial" on Schedule B of the OCP. This proposal will be subject to an Industrial Development Permit to address the form and character of the proposed building, as outlined in this memo. Th is is a zoned piece of land (M-3, Business park zone) subject to a Development Permit approval, for the proposed second building. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Darren Cruickshanks, Krahn Group of Companies 247340 sc· Ltd. Lot 5; Group 1; DL: 280; LMP 50318; PID: 025-071-734 Industrial M-3 (Business Park) zone M-3 (Business Park) zone Use: CPR and Industrial Zone: M-3 (Business Park) zone Designation: Industrial Use: Stewart Crescent and Industrial Zone: M-3 (Business Park) zone Designation: Industrial Use: 113B Avenue and Industrial Zone: M-3 (Business Park) zone Designation: Industrial Use: Industrial . Zone: M-3 (Business Park) zone Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Industrial Multi-tenanted industrial building industrial building 9819.99 m2 Stewart Crescent Full Urban DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: (Industrial DP Guidelines): Pursuant to Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Industrial Development Permit Guidelines, as outlined below. 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The purpose of the Industrial Development Permit is to promote quality Industrial development through attractive design that is compatible with adjacent development and conforms to the Official Community Plan guidelines. One of the challenges with new industrial buildings in the Maple Ridge Business Park, has been the fit, as all the surrounding development is quite old (which did not require an Industrial DP prior to 2006) however, this development is required to comply with new Industrial DP Guidelines. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan : The proposal is in compliance with the OCP designation which is "Industrial". • Context: Currently the subject site has a multi-tenanted industrial building and is surrounded by similar uses in the vicinity. • Proposal: The proposal includes adding a two storey industrial building to separate the owner's (Pitt Meadows Plumbing) operations with a 14,662.33 sq. ft. gross floor area building. There is an existing multi-tenanted industrial building (30,536 sq.ft.) built in 2002. The proposed use has a larger warehouse component and smaller reception area on the main floor and offices on the second floor. Proposed materials and building finishes include: Kingspan insulated metal panel, metal canopies, glazed windows with pre-finished anodized aluminum frames, metal doors and wood soffits, as shown on drawing A 4.0 included in the package. The proposed landscaping plan includes native planting species, three street trees, outdoor staff lunch area with a picnic table on concrete pavers, a bio-swale with river rock over landscaped fabric/rain garden in the front yard, as shown on drawing L 1.0 included in the package. • Zoning: The existing zone M-3 (Business Park) allows maximum lot coverage of 60% and a height not to exceed 15.0 metres. The setbacks required are: front: 6.0 metres; interior side yard: 1.5 metres; exterior side yard: 4.5 metres and rear yard: 3.0 metres (increased to 6.0 metres if abutting with a non-industrial use). A 3.0 metres continuous landscape strip is required along the front lot line and along the exterior side lot line. All the loading bays are required to be located away from the front yard and the maximum noise permitted is 70 decibels measured from any point on the lot (reduced to 60 decibels if abutting residential area). The accessory office use and retail use is limited to 25% of the gross floor area of the principal use. • Parking: The parking ratio in the M-3 zone varies depending on the type of industrial use; for e.g. a warehouse use requires 1 space per 186 sq. m. gross floor area; a coffee shop requires 1 space per 3 seats; an industrial building use requires 1 space per 93 sq.m gross floor area, etc. The existing building with a gross floor area of 2836 sq. m. requires 58 stalls and the proposed building with a gross floor area of 1362.18 sq. m requires 14 spaces. Total required parking spaces are 72. The proposal shows 77 spaces with distributed in between building 1 and 2 and around building 1 (existing building) as shown on drawing A 2.0 included in the package. • Garbage/Recycling: Garbage enclosure is combined for both the buildings and proposed near unit 19 in Building 1 as shown on drawing A 2.0 included in the package. The size and capacity seems small and the applicant needs to confirm it meets the garbage and re-cycling waste that is generated from both the buildings. • Off-site upgrades: majority of the off-site servicing is already in place, but with the Building Permit application, some upgrades will be required such as: sidewalk along 1138 Avenue, from the north property line, south to the existing driveway entrance. There are already storm and sanitary connections to the west corner of the lot, off Stewart Crescent, near the proposed building. There are also two existing 150mm water service connections to the property. The applicant's engineer needs to confirm if the existing connections are to be used and if they are adequate for the proposed development. • Proposed Variances to the M-3 zone: There are no variances proposed for this proposal. The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by.~. File Manager for this proposal Scale: 1 :2,500 ! le '0 ! cii 20295 1138 AVENUE '(/) l~t-------------------~ i □ British tGlumbti> CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 24, 2013 FILE: 2013-051-DP BY: PC C' Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Pursuant with Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, industrial development proposals will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of industrial development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and .j architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from ,) public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. 3. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as J accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle J facilities, and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate ,J architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas J should be located at the front of the buildings to face streets. Design facades so that these areas are easily identifiable and visible from streets. 2. Main building entries should be located and designed to be clearly identified from streets or J entry driveways. Include glazing as a major component of street-facing building facades. 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doors and loading docks should not be located on a buildin,:i; -1 - I fac;ade that faces a street. Design service doors to fit with the overall design of a building. J 4. Buildings with significant areas of non-reflective opaque materials or blank walls should incorporate features such as texture, graphics, reveals, colours or decorative floodlighting to provide visual interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compliment the architectural details. 5. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. J 6. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into their site planning. Consider employing techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of / impervious surfaces, installing below surface '"" infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Wherever possible, the majority of parking and all j loading areas should be located between or to the rear of buildings, with ·access from lanes or internal circulation. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance. Use j landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian . pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance the visual appearance oflarge parking areas. 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped buffer between the .j parking and the public realm. 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with rolled edges as an alternative treatment for surface drainage. 5. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non-parking uses or special -2- X Et-,,·1d ,·/1'1 is f\=> 1- lrY-A.¼ -f\.W..r ~ Gre-LJc... or YC'\ v : /\.0...., ...:> r \A/c>.-k.,rcd-1\ ~ /Vu lar~ 5vir-(et~ (?O. r(C:::.. ~ C ~-5" f="·Y'?J p;,~(. fa9ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the fa9ade. 6. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 7. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. C. Pedestrian Access I . Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public sidewalk to industrial uses. Design the access to ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, traffic signals. D. Universally Accessible Design 1. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchairs or scooters and should include a tactile -3 - X y X .. J ":Prop.-al s 1'4--e, h.o.s •"-b otbv-c:.- 9fDAV\.o{ p:,rl:;., .r) r-,f w. vfv1 r''-- f'\.\"") (.:._Df-fop fOr~;~ E°,a(i"S1-•"j s,·~- oi:u-e~~ s,ol.e..vvo.lK.s I G'n:_ 0-L.,("05S 1 k s.+r~. (Vo{&,✓~ po ( { c..' /,1 tt1r-ee,.s -;-=,,o ros-cQ{_ strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct J access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 3. Building and site design features should integrate circulation routes and areas for people with J disabilities with general public use. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas I. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical .j units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access J to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within ·r;;.,, "i >t-, _,,--j I?\/\, Id , .... 0 service areas out of view from pedestrian access. I ~~'?rb"'-_j Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-l-to-.c ,l, f ,·-.: 5 resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize .J noise and exhaust on pedestrian areas, adjacent residential development and outdoor spaces. 5. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be .) oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. F. Signage 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign J By-Law. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. j 2. Signage design, materials and message should be J integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. In multiple-tenant buildings, signs should be ~ designed to present a unified appearance. )( Si r1 LL.·-tGAa>'"' ~- -4 - G. Lighting ,,/ ir_ <} lt'-1< I "'; f?{CV~ 1. Pedestrian level lighting lS encouraged along all ab\,S7 b"','/oft~ pedestrian pathways. I 2. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way J or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. H. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) ~I 1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all buildings and facilities. 2. Ensure convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, J lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings. 3. Design developments to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum ,j visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Wherever possible, locate parking next to uses that ✓ generate human activity. , I. Bicycle Parking and Storage i'\o biv.7 cLL- I. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as p:-,.11c:.~ p r1JfV5-<,?/ bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking should X 0s-t-..fh,s. -/1/1.A-- be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Large-scale developments are encouraged to s , Yl'J u._ h...,. 1° fd,:1 provide end-of-tnp facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience X °Syl/\(',fll (M,>1C{)r1 of employees. b{.e,v.e., ( :J p eAtt{Q,YI t , J. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, including structures used for storin~ materials, should be -5 - visually screened from public streets with dense evergreen planting or should be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the principal building. J 2. For industrial developments with multiple tenancies, consider providing amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces for J individual tenancies may be consolidated into large indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for the common use of all tenancies. Examples include outdoor landscaped areas or recreation spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors j b) provide adequate screening between private . outdoor spaces c) present a pleasing street image d) soften the transition between adjacent land uses e) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 4. Provide landscaping of substantial proportions j around property lines, particularly adjacent to . residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth transition to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity J with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 6. The scale and location of planting material should j ' complement and be consistent with the scale and . massing of buildings. 7. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) The use of native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the j effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; e) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The -6 - 00.faf-vt =r~ pri.:,v,d.ed ) minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. CIJ O pt:,r+N•--. r/-o /u._ Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property J:\Ot being X. developed. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new j planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and J minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 11. Chain link fences are to be avoided, and are j discouraged along street frontages. Where chain link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape material is encouraged adjacent to the landscape screen. I 12. Fences abutting residential sites should be I constructed with materials consistent with fences generally used in residential developments. Date: ·:S-V .Al I':. 16/12 Architect Name/Company ~K~RA~~'M~<\.J~--------- Municipal File No. W\] -D~l -Df> Plan Description: R o\?,?k::e.o( ~ ,Jo \ ~ ~1) ~ L, \+-\Y'-~ V'-or-\v----\.N'-e 5 \-&<~ -.:>~ l--€P V,?I c..q/\~ . ""· 1 Dd,n.\-i °' '. di .J<, lof_p...d( f' ~1r- Project No. ( -7 - Abbotsl'onl Office //400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Pitt Meadows Plum bing Context Photos Project: New Building for Pitt Meadows Plumbing Project Address: 20295 -113B Ave, Maple Ridge Project No : A 13006 Date: June 20, 2013 Vancouver Office /t210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T ( 604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 The folio Nine p,-ovide context p'1otos taker, around t11e propose buildir g site situa ed in the nortl -west '~orner of the highlighted property as dep1G!ed it, the sitt:J Gontext plar I below. Context Site Plan : www.krahn.com Abbotsford Office it400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Photo Looking North-East from Stewart Crescent: Photo Looking South from Stewart Crescent: Vancouver Office #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T {604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 ~1ropos:::.:d site of buildinq at !eft v,1111 net irnpact tJ'"-ie existing buHdlng;s views of Stevvc.d't (:rescent as seen in rhe pr10tc beiow. www.krahn.com Photo Looking West from Proposed Site: Abbotsford Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2EB T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Vancouver Office #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 ,4,s the proposed buHdir:g ~;itf.; !~3 situated vvithin a property that is alrB2c1y developed) the proposed bui!dinq \A1!H be abiE~ to the current the streE1t accf:!5S to 13tevvart <:nsscent as set';n in the photo tJe!ovv. Photo Looking West from North-East Corner: Proposed building site vi1ill be ab!e to utiiiz.e existing storm sewer~~ on-site and will require rriinima! nevv asphalt www.krahn.com y ' Abbotsford Office #400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2EB T (604) 853-8831 F (604) 853-1580 Photo Looking North-East from Stewart Crescent: Vancouver Office #210 -1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 T (604) 294-6662 F (604) 294-6665 Propost::7d buHdlng site:; at (iqht ,Min br::: ~~ituat<::;d suuiti cf !:hf3 existin~3 it,dufJri;JI bui!din~J at !fJL /J~~; there are Y-!O \f\.tindovvs !n thE:; building f&c.c~;:) the buDding c!osest to thr-; mcmr1,,sf,,G the proposc~d btdldin!J \Miff not irnpos~.; on 2,ny '.-:jtE-; !ir:r:~::.~ and vviH provide visucd rE~lit;f in !Jr~:;:;;1.kinq up the continuous t\Mo ~ storey south vv;;,~H f;f U1e etisting buHding. www.krahn.com ,~ L/THDN✓A L✓GH17NG® Catalog ASW2 250M ? TB SCWA DBLB LPI CSA Number -Notes FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING & HEATING INTENDED USE -For building-and wall-mounted applications. CONSTRUCTION -Rugged, die-ca1t, 1ingle-piece aluminum housing. Die-ca1t doorframe ha1 impact- re1istant, tempered, glass lens. Doorframe is fully sealed with one-piece closed silicone gasket. Finish: Standard finish is textured dark bronze (DDBT) polyester powder finish, with other architectural colors available. OPTICS -High-performance segmented reflectors provide 1uperior uniformity and control. Specialty anodized aluminum spot and grazer optics are also available. Reflectors are interchangeable and have field degree aiming capability up to 10' without tools. Reflectors allow for tool-less access to electrical components. All optics meet !ESNA full cutoff criteria in lens down orientation. ELECTRICAL-Ballast: Constant wattage autotransformer. Metal Halide: Super CWA (pulse start ballast), 88% efficient and EISA legislation compliant, is required for 175-400W (SCWA option) for US shipments only. CSA, NOM or \NTL required for probe 1tart 1hipments outside of the US. Pulse-start ballast (SCWA) required for 200W, 320W, or 350W. Ballast is 100% factory-tested. Quick-disconnect plugs easily disconnect reflector from ballast. Socket: Porcelain, mogul-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. INSTALLATION -Universal mounting plate with integral mounting bolts supports the fixture for easy one person installation. LISTINGS -UL listed suitable for wet locations in up or down orientation. UL Listed to US and Canadian safety standards (see Options). NOM Certified (see0ptions). IP65 rated. US Patent No. DS00,569. Canadian Patent No. 107561. WARRANTY-1-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at www arultvbrands.com/CustomerResources/Temis and condl1ions.am, Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Type A Specifications Length: 20-1/4 (51.4) Depth: 18-3/4 (47.6) Overall Height: 12-1/2 (31.8) *Max. Weight: 491bs (22.23kg) ~ERl..l Architectural Area & Roadway Luminaires ASW2 METAL HALIDE HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM f-o All dimensions are inches (centimeters) unless otherwise indicated. *Weight as conngured in example below. ORDERINGINFORMATION For shorte1t lead times configure products usina standard options {shown in bold) ' Example· ASW2 400M SR3 120 SCWA LPI ASW2 Serles Wattage Distribution Volta.ge I ASW2 I .Mili!. SR2 Segmented 120 halide type 11, 2088 175M' roadway 2408 200M' SR3 Segmented 277 [;J type 111, a1ymmetric 347 SR4SC Segmented ~ ' 350M'·' type IV, for-' 400M'·' ward throw, sharp cutoff BOSOHZ• jjjgjJ_ SR4W Segmented gre1sure type IV, for-1odium' ward throw, 2005 sharp cutoff 2505 GZ Wall graz- 4005 ing SP Tight spot'·' OUTDOOR Ballast Mounting Options Finish" Lamp" (blank) Magnetic Shigged in1uill~d lli!>.Jlf!! inst~II~ in fi!lU!t (blank) Dark bronze, textured LPI Lamp 11 ballast I (blank) Surface I SF Single fuse (120,277, DSST Sandstone, textured Included CWI Constant mount 347V n/a TB) DNAT Natural aluminum, VLP Less wattage Shjgged segarat(lt t0 DF Double fuse (208,240, textured lamp isolated 480V n/a TB) DWHG White, textured ~_J!%J ,~ BBW Surface mount back EC Emergency circuit'·" I DBLB Blad, tmured I SCWA box QRS Quartz restrike system'·" Super CRT Non-stick protectJve CWA QRSTD QRS time delay'·" coating {black only) pulse PE Photoelectric cell-button Suggr Qyr~ble Finish~ start type (n/a TB or 480V)" ballast DDBXD Dark bronze Houmide shield" HS CSA CSA certified NOM NOM certified" INTL Available for MH probe 1tartshipping outside the U.S. REGC1 California Title20 effective 1/1/2020 Sbigg~~ seai!mclt WG Wire guard" VG Vandal guard NOTES: 1 These wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. 2 Must be ordered with SCWA. l Requires ED28 reduced jacket lamp. • These wattages require the REGCl option to be chosen for ship- ments into California for Title 20 compliance. S Not available with SCWA. 6 QRS, QRSTD, EC or SP optic cannot be ordered together. 7 Not available with HPS. a Must specify (WI ballast for use in Canada. 9 Optional multi-tap ballast (120,208,240, 277V). In Canada: 120, DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural aluminum DWHXD White DOBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Textured white 277, 347V; ships as 120/347. 10 Consult factory for available wattages. 11 May be ordered as an accessory. Prenx with ASW2. 12 Must specify nnish when ordered as an accessory. 13 Maxiumum allowable wattage lamp included. 14 Must be ordered with fixture; cannot be field installed. 15 Available only with SR2, SRJ and SR4W distributions. 16 See www.lithonia.com/archcolors for additional color options. 17 Must bespecined. ASW2_M_S ASW2 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Wall Mounted TEST NO. LTL 13852P ASW2 400M SR2 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) 0.25 0.5 1.5 2.5 5 -3 f-I (!) -2 iii I (!) z -1;:: z ::, 0 0 :a u.. 0 1 ~ z ::, 2 ,!; w 0 z 3~ (fJ 0 4 0 2 3 4 5 6 400W pulse slart melal halide lamp, raled 36000 lumens. Footcandle values based on 20' mounling heigh!, Classification: Type 11, Short, Full Cutoff TEST NO: L TL 13858P ASW2 400M SR4W ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) Notes .--.---,..---,..--.-..... --.-3 t-r (.') 1--,;,.,;::-.P,,,-+--+--+---f -2 w I (.') E:~'k"...,..,d-'t--\--+-+---l -1~ z ::, 1---w-+-11+-++1--+--+--~o~ u. 0 1 ~ z ::, F=:::a ... <f-+-,~-ll--+--+---f2~ w 0 z ~:~~i~~~-b,,,C....-l---+--+---1 3~ 0 _____ ...... ___ ..... ____ 4 400W pulse slart metal halide lamp, rated 38000 lumens. Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. Classification: Type IV, Short, Full Cutoff Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed from the Lithonia lighting web site (www.lithonla,com), For electrical characteristics consult outdoor technical data specification sheets on www.lithonia.com, Tested to current !ESNA and NEMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause differences between laboratory and actual field measurements. Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data and are subject to change. TEST NO: L TL 13854P ASW2 400M SR3 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) -------------3 f-I (!) 1---...,.....p--+--+--+--l -2 w I " t:::a--""h,,..,.:'k--'\-..1t---+--+---t-d z ::, 0 0::, u.. 0 1~ z ::, 2,:: w 0 z 3~ 0 .__ ..... ____ ..__,._ ____ 4 400W pulse start melal halide lamp, raled 38000 lumens. Footcandle values based on 20' mounting heighL Classification; Type 11, Medium, Full Cutoff Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) 10ft. 4 15ft. = 1.78 30ft, = .44 40ft. = .21 ( Existing Mounting ~eight )2 = Correction Factor New Mounting Height ,~ LfTHDN/A L/GHT/NG" -An~cuityBrands Company TEST NO: L TL 13856P ASW2 400M SR4SC IS0ILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) --,.-..-..... --....,1""""""1 -3 >-I (') t----,t----+--+--+-+----1 -2 iij I (') f;:~~~,---4--..J_-.!----1 -1~ 2 ::, l-~~M.-4.-1--+--!----I o~ "-0 1~ z ::, .....,,...,..._tt+tt-+-+--t 2~ w u 2 t=":3~"9',L--+-+-+---1 3~ Ul i5 ___________ .. 4 400W pulse start metal halide lamp, rated 38000 lumens. Foolcandle values based on 20' mounting heigh!. Classirication: Unclassified (Type IV, Very Short), Full Cutoff ASW2 M S OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Canye1s, GA 30012 Phone: 770 922.9000 fax: 770-918-1209 www.lilhonia.com •\;'2004-2012 Acuity Brands Liohtino, Inc. All rights rnsetved. Rev.12/20/12 ,~ L/THDN/A L/GHT/NG® - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE-for building-and wall-mounted applications_ CONSTRUCTION -Rugged, die-cast, single-piece aluminum housing. Die-cast door frame has a 1/8" thick tempered glass lens. Door frame is fully gasketed with one-piece solid silicone, finish: Standard finish is textured dark bronze (DDBT) corrosion-resistant polyester powder finish.Additional architectural colors are available. Striping is also available. OPTICS -Segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control. Reflectors are interchangeable. Three full cutoff downlightdistributions available: FT (forward throw), MD (medium throw) and WT (wide throw). Six uplight distributions available: FTU (forward throw, 10% up), MDU (medium throw, 10% up), WTU (wide throw, 10% up) and MDU5 (up/down medium throw, 50% up 50% down), WTUP (pencil beam) and WTUC (column beam). ELECTRICAL-Ballast: 50W-1SOW utilizes a high reactance, high power factor ballast Metal halide 150W and below are standard with pulse-start technology. 35S utilizes a reactance high power factor ballast. 175W utilizes a constant-wattage auto transformer ballast. CSA, NOM or INTL required for probe start shipments outside of the US for 175M. Not available 175M SCWA. Ceramic metal halide lamps are recommended for use in applications where superior color rendition, lumen maintenance and longer lamp life are desired. Quick disconnect plug easily disconnects reflector from ballast. Ballasts are 100% factory-tested. Socket: Porcelain, medium-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 660W, 600V 4KV pulse rated. INSTALLATION-Universal mounting mechanism with integral mounting support allows fixture to hinge down. Bubble level provides correct alignment with every installation. LISTINGS -UL Listed (standard). CSA Certified (see Options). Suitable for wet locations (damp location listed in lens-up orientation). WLU option offers wet location listing in up orientation (see Options). IP65 rated. 25"C ambient. ELED: U.S. Patent No. 7,737,640. ~ Note: Specifications subject to change without notice, "1" ~ WARRANTY-1-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at N!Glfl11Mf • www.acuirvbrands.com/Cu1tomerResourm/Terms and conditions.alDli c.,,,,:,:0• '"'' Note: Specifications .subject to change without notice. t! ~~~,::~ Catalog WSR 1 QOM ? TB SCWA DBLB LPI CSA Number Notes PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING Type B Specifications Length: 18 (45.7) Depth: 9 (Zl.8) Overall Height: 7-1/4 (18.4) *Weight: 30 (13.6 kg) Decorative Wall-Mounted Lighting WSR METAL HALIDE: 50W-175W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM: 35W-150W .==========::.1 ,... bd 7-1/4 ~ l-14~~11--l l-(2ia1 I All dimensions are inches !centimeters) unless otherwise indicated. *Weight as configured in example below. ORDERING INFORMATION for shortest lead times, configure product using standard options (shown in bold). Example: WSR 1 OOM FT 120 LPI WSR Series Wattage Distribution Upllght <olor options' Voltage Ballast Mounting jwsnl High_ ~ Ceramic Downlight Up/down dis;trjbutions BLUE Blue 120 (blank) Magnetic (blank) Surface I pressure b..)jJ!g metal ~il!ributiQns fTU forward throw with 10% GRN Green 208' ballast mount sodium SOM b..)jJ!g FT Forward uplight 2406 CWJ Constant ~hioogjj ie1Mratelx1• RED Red 3551 70M 50MHC throw MDU Medium throw with 10% wanage BBW Surface YEL Yellow 277 isolated 505 I 100M I 70MHC MD Medium uplight (coated lamp std.) mount back 347 705 throw -~~ box 150M lOOMHC WTU Wide throw with 10% uplight ~ (coated 1005 150MHC MDUS Up/down medium throw with UTS Uptilt5 175M2 lamp 5CWA 5uperC5A 1505 50% uplight and 50% down-23050HZ' degrees std.) pulse start WT Wide light (coated lamp std.) ballast' throw WTUP Pencil beam1·' WTUC Column beami.• Options Finish" Lampl' Shfpp~d innallc~ ra fii1y1c ELED Emergency LEO secondary source QR5 Quartz restrike S!llJrngiJ marat~ly' (blank) Dark bronze, LPI lamp Sf Single fuse (120, 277, 347V)11 battery pac~ wlih time delay (-4"F system"·17 WG Wire guard textured included: Df Double fuse (208, 240V)" min. operating temperature)" UC5 Uplight component VG Vandal guard DSST Sandstone, textured ULP Less 2ELED Emergency LED secondary source shield" DNAT Natural aluminum, lamp om Emergency circuit 12-volt (35W lamp (two modules) battery pack with WLU Wet location door for textured included)" time delay (-4"f min. operating uo orientation 20(12 Emergency circuit 12-volt (two 35W temperature)" I I DWHG Whi~. textured lamps induded)12 DFL Diffusing lens CSA CSA certified IDBLB Slack, textured I DC2012 Emergency circuit 12-volt (20W EC Emergency circuit"· 15 NOM NOM certified' CRT Non-stick protective lamp included)" IBS Internal backlight shield" INTL International shipment coating" for175M 2DC2012 Emergency circuit 12-volt (two 20W PE Photoelectric cell-button type Super Durable fi!lilh~ lamps included)12 (n/a TB)' DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural aluminum DWHXD White DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Textured white OUTD OOR WSR_M S WSR Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Wall Mounted WSR 150MHC FT LTL11336P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) -...., "f-\ I ' ' I J l--' :f I ~ ~ .25 i--,/ - -2 >-I (!) -1 ijj I (!) 0~ z => 0 1:. "-0 2~ z => 3;;; w u z 4~ iS 5 150W pulse start metal halide lamp. horizontal lamp orientation Footcandle values based on 12' mounting height, 14000 rated lumens. Luminaire Efficiency: 55.6% WSR 150MHC WT L TL 11337P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) 2 3 150W pulse start metal halide lamp, horizontal lamp orientation Footcandle values based on 12' mounting height, 14000 rated lumens. Luminaire Efficiency: 68.1 % Emergency Option Lamp Compatability Lamp options # of lamps/watt-OC12 20(12 0(2012 20(2012 age 355 • • • • 50S ■ • ■ • 70S ■ • • • 100S ■ • • ■ ,sos ■ ■ • ■ SOM • ■ ■ • 70M • ■ ■ • 100M ■ • ■ • 150M ■ • • ■ 17SM • ■ • ■ WSR 150MHC MD LTL11335P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) ~ ""'-. R ~'\ 1 I\ ~ ~r.~ -2 >-I (!) -1 ijj I (!) 0~ z => 0 1:. "-0 2~ z => 3;;; w u z 4 ;": "' iS 5 150W pulse start metal halide lamp, horizontal lamp orientation Footcandle values based on 12' mounting height, 12500 rated lumens. Luminaire Efficiency: 55.3% WSR 150MHC WTU L TL11312P EC • • ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ • ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) r--~"f""--,.--,---,,--. -2 >- I l-___;~~lrl1i~-.-l------ll--l----l -1 ~ I (') 0~ z => 0 1 :. "-0 2~ z => 3;;; w u z 4 ;": 5 "' iS 150W pulse start metal halide lamp, horizontal lamp orientation Footcandle values based on 12' mounting height, 14000 rated lumens. Luminaire Efficiency: 69,7% Lamp ELEO 2ELEO Metal halide • • 50WMH 70WMH ■ ■ lOOWMH • ■ lSOWMH 17SWMH High pressure sodium ■ ■ 35WHPS ■ ■ SOWHPS ■ ■ 70WHPS 100W HPS lSOWHPS t LJ'THDNJ'A LJ'GHTJ'NG" -An ~cuityBrands Company WSR 150MHC MDU5 L TL 11310P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) -2 >-I (!) -1 ijj I (') 0~ z => 0 1 :. "-0 2~ z => 3;;; w u z 4 ;": "' iS s 2 4 5 6 150W pulse start metal halide lamp, horizontal lamp orientation Footcandle values based on 12' mounting height, 12500 rated lumens. Luminaire Efficiency: 77 .1 % Notes 1 llOVonly_ 2 These wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. l Mustbeorderedwithfixture:cannotbefieldinstalled 4 Available with WT (wide throw) distribution only. 5 Available with WTUC and W!IJP only. 6 MustspecifyCWlforuseinCanada. 7 Optional multi-tap ballast (120,208,240, 277V); (120,277, 347V in Canada), 8 Consultfactoryforavailablewattages. 9 Available with 150M or lSOMHC only. 10 May be ordered as an accessory with prefix"WS". Must specify finish 11 Not available with DC options. 12 Not available with ELED, SF, OF, EC or ORS. 13 Maximum wattage IOOM, 705. Not available with ORS, DC or EC Must specify I20V or 277V. 14 Maximum allowable wattage lamp included. 15 Not available with ELED, ORS or DCs. 16 Not available with medium throw (MD, MDU, MDUS) distribulions. 17 Not available with ELED, EC or DCs. 18 Used with FTU and WTU distributions to conceal internal electrical compo- nents. 19 See www.lithonia.com/archcolors for additional color options. 20 Black finish only. 21 Must bespecified,l/lP N/A with MHC. Initial lumens Mounting height 10' 12' 14' 16' 3,900 0.43 0.30 0.22 0.17 5,500 0.62 0.43 0.31 0.24 8,500 0.95 0.66 0.48 0.37 12,500 1.41 0.98 0.72 0.55 12,800 1.44 1.0 0.73 0.56 2,250 0.26 0.18 0.13 0.10 4,000 0.45 0.31 0.23 0.17 6,400 0.72 0.50 0.37 0.28 9,500 1.07 0.74 0.54 0.41 16,000 1.80 1.25 0.91 0.70 WSR_M_S OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 770.922.9000 Fax: 770-918-1209 www.lithonia.com ¢)2003-2012 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All I ighls reserved. Rev, 12/11/12 ,~ L/THDN/A LIGHT/NG® - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE -Architectural deep-cast luminaire provides general illumination for rough service (vandal resistant) applications. Ideal for interior or exterior applications where safety and security are a concern. Certain airborne contaminants can diminish integrity of acrylic. Click here for Aqylic Envjronmental Compatibinty table for suitable um. Attributes: Designed to complement building architecture and to endure extreme environmental conditions and physical abuse. CONSTRUCTION -Bezel: One-piece, marine grade die-cast aluminum, low copper alloy (<1% copper), .125 inch thick. Encloses lens and secures to housing with stainless steel Torx®T-1 O setscrews (two included) or optional stainleii iteel tamper-reiistant screwi (see Options). Housing: One-piece, marine-grade die-cast aluminum, low copper alloy (<1% copper), with post-painted polyester powder coatfinish. Four hole mounting detail for use directly over outlet box, or conduit entry through three 1/2" threaded openings on side or 3/4" threaded opening on rear surface. Gasket Polycarbonate: Perimeter lens gasket ii one-piece silicone "O" ring, mechanically held in lens chan- nel. Glass: Perimeter lens gasket is closed-cell silicone. Pad mounting gasket is closed-cell neoprene that seals backplate to mounting surface. Gaskets help cushion impact shock. Finish: Standard finish is textured polyester powder coat in white, black or bronze. Optional architectural colori available (see Options). OPTICS -Polycarbonate lens: Translucent white, injection molded, UV-stabilized lens is .125 inch thick. Smooth exterior allows for easy cleaning, and interior pattern diffuses light for even surface illumination. Glass lens: Tempered borosilicate lens, .250 inch thick, has smooth exterior for easy cleaning and textured interior. Reflector: Internal reflector is high-reflectance white powder coat perimeter for maximum light output. Lamp positioning assures uniform brightness and illumination. ELECTRICAL -Ballait: Class P, electronic, high power factor multi-volt with starting temperature of -S"F (-20"(). Socket: High-temperature thermoplastic with lamp retention clip. lamp: 35K lamp included unless specified ULP. INSTALLATION -Unit may be wall-mounted. LISTINGS -UL listed to US and Canadian safety standards (see options). NOM Certified (see Options). UL Listed for 25"C ambient and wet locations. lP65 rated. Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Catalog VG02C 32TRT 120 DBLB LPI Number Notes PITT MEADOWS PLUMBLING & HEATING Type C All dimensions are inches (centimeters). GATEWAY ® Architectural Rough Service Fixture VG02C COMPACT FLUORESCENT Oval Horizontal Eyelid Deep Housing Wall-Mounted ORDERING INFORMATION lead times will vary dependin on o lions selected. Consult with your sales re resentative. Example: VG02C 42TRT 277 DWHG PE LPI VG02C Serles lamp type Lens Voltage VG02C 13DTT One 13W double twin-I (blank) Polycarbonate I ~ tube lamp' GL Borosmcaie 277 18DTT One 18W double twin-glass 347 tube lamp 26DTT One 26W double twin-MVOLT' ~ tube lamp 26TRT One 26W triple-tube lamn 32TRT One 32W trlple•tube I lamp 42TRT One 41W triple-tube lamp Accessories: Orderos sepororecorolog numlm. RK1 Tl ODRV Torx TXl O screwdriver, for use with Gateway set screws. RK1 T20BIT Hex-base driver bit, Torx TX20, for tamper-resistant screws with center reject pin. RK1 T2DDRV TorxTX20 screwdriver, for use with tamper-resistant screws with center reject pin. INDUSTRIAL Finish' Options Lamped' S1~m!itd 1~x1yred colors SbiQ11tdinmll~d in fiXlU!t LPI Lamp included I DWHG White EC Emergency circuit (standard) I DBLB Black I (incandescent-25W max-DC L/LP Less lamp bayonet base)' DDBT Dark bronze GLR Internal fast-blowing fusing' DNAT Natural aluminum GMF Internal slow-blowing fusing5 DSST Sandstone NL Night-light (incandescent-6W OptioNt re11Ured colors max-6S6DC base)'·' DBNH Bronze PE Photoelectric cell5 DSPD Dark gray TRS Tamper-resiitant screws' OSPE Green CSA Listed and labeled to comply DSPF Rust with Canadian safety standard DSPG Dark red DSPH light red DSPJ light gray Notes Not available in 347V. Multi-volt electronic ballast capable of operating on any line voltage between 120 and 277 volt See w1•1W.lithgnf/.tntn/arrnrolo!} for additional color options. Maximum wattage lamp provided. Must specify voltage. Not available with MVOLT. llOVonly. T-20 screws with center reject pin. Lamp included unless ULP Is specified. VG02CU VG02C Rough Service Wall-Mounted Fixture, Compact Fluorescent ' VGO2C 42TRT 120 (wall-mount), CF42DT/E/IN/835 lamp, 1.2 s/mh, 3200 rated lumens, test no. LTL7869 Distribution data Output data Angle cp. Lumens Zone Lumens %lamp oo 121 0 0°-30° 97 3.0 50 118 11 15° 116 33 oo-400 172 5.4 0°-60° 377 11.8 25° 115 53 35° 119 75 45° 123 95 0°-90° 724 22.6 90°-180° 295 9.2 0°-180° 1020 *31.9 95° goo 55° 123 110 * Fixture eHiciency 400 600 0° 15° 30° Spacing criterion: 1.2 85° Spacing to mounting height 1.2 65° 75° 85° 90° 95° 105° 115° 125° 135° 145° 155° 165° 175° 180° 119 119 112 119 101 110 94 0 88 96 73 77 57 56 41 36 25 20 13 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tested to current JES and NEMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause dif- ferences between laboratory data and actual field measurements. Dimensions and specifications on this sheet are based on the most current available data and are subject to change without notice. I~ L/THDN/A L/GHT/NG® -An <'!F!tcuityBrands Company i t - crgg VG02C 42TRT WALL MOUNT (in feet) HORIZONTAL PLANE ISO CANDLE LINE (8 FT. SHOWN) 7 8 9 10 A 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.3 B 1.3 1.0 .80 .65 C .65 .50 .40 .32 D .32 .25 .20 .16 VR02CF _O INDUSTRIAL: One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: B00-315-4963 Fax: 770-981-8191 www.lithonia.com ,r, 2000-2011 Acuity 81ands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 06/30/11 NORTH-WEST CORNER PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295 -113B AVE, MAPLE RIDGE PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING COVER SHEET 20295 -113B AVE. MAPLE RIDGE AO.O APPROX LOCATION OF EXSJTING SERVICES VAUl T LOCATIONS T.B C I,; t• - FIR~!D-IIMUOMH.ftlf-C.IA' ---STORM WATI:R INFILTRATION U!!~~D' .. ~ 1- z w (.) Cl) w 0:: (.) l- o:: <( s w I- C/) .APPROX. LOCATION OFEXSITING S.C. HYORO l<IOSK .,. . ·---- ' . I I I I 't, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIGNAGE__..~ I; .J. J_,,( ~j_~5 col II s,c PEDESmlA.N LETDOVVN ,,. #26 #3 --___ t .--- -APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING HYDRANT #25 #6 #5 #4 '1-tif ~ / " Jt0.5T { 1 l'il D34m) 54' -45' 40" _] _] .. #20 #21 #22 .. ~ #14 #13 #12· APPROXIMATE LOCATION -...;._. OF EXISTING HYORANT ,, -!'" ,fl _,, / -· 'I-ti·,· ,,_ ,. .... ~ GAABAGE ENCLOSURE <~7 ~~1PK~~SH # ... ' .:,,~ __!4.?'1: ,- ., ,..,,, ✓ ,,,, .....I' 4 #17 ,, -(>,fl / ... J◄ -5>"' ll J6 -S◄ORAOUS '_,._!OO&j l I / ·-1 l '., '2 :1~~: U7 .; ~~-, .. -. $,....,~ ~ ,<I' ~ii. ''' y"' / • SITE PLAN A1.0 , SCALE: 1'=20'.0" >- <( s _J <( 0:: 0:: (l_ (.) DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ZONING BYLAW ANALYSIS ZONING: BUSINESS PARK INDUSTRIAL ZONE ( M•J) SITE AREA: OH1ha,.2424ac,n(10S.590sqfl) ""'°""'-BLOG 2"AREA TOT,'l.liflLDl"O~ =11,D6369sqll ~9sq11 ~ 1rlTE ~ ... JO 'l"i ~ ~ COVf:AAClf .a CON, MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE HEIGHT: 15 0 m I ◄9 2 nJ ACT\JAL HEIGHT 10 NIA > SETBACKS: FRONTYARD: 60m[19158n] REAR YARD: 30m(911◄fl) REARYARDAal.JTTING: 60mj195artl NON INDUSlRlAL: INTERIOR SIOE YARO 1 5 m I◄ 92 fl) EXTI:RIORSIDE YARO ◄Sm I 1-4 76 FTJ I. LANDSCAPING: '110ttr-&E~IIOE 30m[9B411] All lANOSCAPING TO MAPLE RIDGE ZONING BYLAW SEE LMC)SCAPE ARCHITE:crs DRAWNGS PARKING REOUIREMENTS: PROPOSED "BUJLOING 2 WAREHOUSE; BUSINESS OFFICES: t8f,l,U.~-:,oa:-..• ISTALLPER -4305sqfl ~ OFFICE J.598 6◄1◄30 5 WAREHOUSE 11.CSJ 6!112.002 TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED TOT.aCIUU.S~D TOTAL STALLS PROVIDED • IJIISTAlLS • 52:JSTALLS 14 {13.S9)STAUS I.,...,, 115STALLS DENOTES STALLS FOR PROPOSED BUILDING 2 PAAKING REQUIREMENTS: EXSTINC BUILDING 1' WAREHOUSE: 8USINESS OFFICES: PIM.le~~" RESIDENTIAL: 1 STALL PER2,D02sq fl lSTALLPER -4305sqll t:T,tupgi 11JJ,114.l.. 2 STALLS PER DWELLING UNIT BUILDING'J' OFFlCE13.360/005 WAREHOUSE 18,SllfZ.002 ASSEMBLYJ,290(2155 RESIDENT1AL11,0636!Wi,002 TOTAL STALLS REOUIREO TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED TOTAL STALLS PROVIDED fARKING SPACE SIZES: • ]1 03 STALLS "!i25STALLS : 15.27 STALLS : 2 OOSTALLS 5a(575S)STALLS 58~ 59STALLS TYP SPACE (2395'A!SlEJ •25mir55m (12x1B041 TYP PARAU£l SPACE (23 95' AISLE) • 2 5 m x 6 1 m ll52ir.2DD11 TYPJCALSMALLCAR •24mx49m [71T-1150'] TYPICALHANDICAPSPACE •38mx55m (1248ir.18041 PARl<ING SPACES SHALL SE INCREASED BYD 3 m (D 9ll'J ON EACH SIDE 'M,ICH ABUTS AAY STRUCT\JRE OVER O 3 m IN HEIGHT (MAXIMUM 10% SMALL CARS PEFIMITTEO) PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295 -113B AVE, MAPLE RIDGE SITE PLAN BYLAW ANALYSIS A2.0 @,,- ® ~ ~ so © ~ ;; ® ~ © I ~ ~ ~ ; 0 -1 ~ 0 0 RECEPTION -=---==:j r I ENTRACE FOYER 0 0 EJ~- 1 ,------=- 0 I ----, 0 0 OPEN WAREHOUSE 0 0 l 1 MAIN FLOOR PLAN MAJNFLOORAAEA: 1U90 6!J SO FT. (1,021 06m2) ~NCLUOING STAIRWELLS I r , ; ,._50, 5. ◊.~~· c~f,.._~ VAf.iCOV\'!;;R C':=Fl2:C ~r.~-:;.i~l:GL·'D"!SA'i': 21:J• 1 l,1 H!~TC:C-!,'1\ .ST .~.sao:.o:=o;;:o SC l.':.'.S 2!:C li•'.:CCu'/ER s•; \'[,,'.HJ p 6'.:._o;:!:,:;J,;3; P Hl~::•u•¥l f-,Z!!S,-'C F (-(l,;::!!1:~(''." PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295 -1138 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE MAIN FLOOR PLAN A3.0 G!:!;!·J~) l ~;.•.:.:: Y.:-':. ;,~-e t:OF f;;'.ki! ;;-co= :-0:'l•I!} I G;::c.0,.,1P c: ;.":';;.~f·,~•!ii::i 0 -· © I - OFFICE ~ OFFICE C,>IC!e 0 OFFICE 0 0 0 0 __l_ -E:r::74=-~ -.,. ... "°'~ • 111 CORR DOR I~~~~• -. , v,QUll,,.--- r STOAAGE I «>'I' ..... y J OFFICE 7 ----j MEETINGRC>Q.1 OFFICE I l LUNE0FCA~C\IIOI 0 0 0 WAREHOUSE (BELOW) .., .., -1 -,-' + I I I I I i I ~ 1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN AJ1 SCALI! tir-t•~• 2ND FLOOR AREA: 3,551 SQ FT. (329 90m2) nNCLUDING STAJR~LLSJ 0 :O;'SCTSFC!'i~•C.0flC'E \,, .. ~GV.;J'. ._;r;,.._ ~-;~, -'.>~cn,__-,_;,,_,y_.,wr .. 1.i-·,.J 11 ;ff'D,'i:<'Y s. ,.i1iaor.s.;cc;;;o BG v:; n.~ ,;_.:,i;::-aulJER s-:: v~"-4YJ I" 6('4 ,!53 36J I P o_;_i.; ::J~ '306~ F ~:.:1. es::i 1::;:r,o -C"' "-• ··c:: PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295-1138 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE 2ND FLOOR PLAN A3.1 !,!;_,..,;; <, 1..RA,~On,<_; •--.<:: ,...._.Pfr,,u.,, 0• K'lM·i1,~.;;;'J;?O"'CC:!P.:.t;;i:!; 0,,- 0 - 0 ., ... &Jt.1:0,CClt.UWU - 0 .,_ r 0 I _j LINE OF WALL BELOW 0 ..., t _______ _.SLOPE .I.. !, I ' ! 1' ' 0 I i I i 0 !MAIN RooFI iii ----~-------- ' ;r ~1 I NOTE: ROOF SLOPES ARE TOBE CONARMED 0 I I ·------. I ------, 1 i ROOF PLAN A32 I SCALE: 11e-z1·-o· MAINROOFAREA: 10,11675S0 FT (9J988m2) RAISEDROOFAREA: 1,li652~SQ FT (15471m2) TOTALROCFAREA: 11,75203S0 FT (1,094S7m2) I I ;.550;.,;;:cr.ooFr;cE v,:;;.:-aUV!'.:R O"F!CE 1'10 .J;o-;;(:L,'\DYSi,,\lf.. :",O 131 ! ,;c:::,r~;:tWST .:.Z,.~OTSf"ORC' E!C 'llS ';U VAt!CC'L:\'i:R e~-: VS.« 11'3 r>,l,J4;,;t::.il\3'.ii i'•\:')($5(!if,3i; ;, -ciO~ }.>"'< 'lJOl f -n~ l" ._,, •• ,. PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295-1138 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE ROOF PLAN A3.2 [:£!,C(;"';t; ~ n~:i\f,.;t;,JS,'IRE C~P·:;:i:c:hT!;; l\!'<•'i it~ GR~P {;F Cv',i?f-,i ;::,5 UISDECIC-128,2" U/SCEILING•124',1!5' U/SOECK-128',2" U/SCEILING-112'.Q" III 0 ® I I tr£ I ' I I 0 0 ,,.,,. 'RAIN GARDEN PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DVIG'S 0 m 0 IA"-4Yt" 0 © I m 0 , ...... ,,.,,. 0 ©0 © © 0 ...... I I tl"iTUT' I ~..,. j ~-l1tr OT4" l.f..,tVT I I I I UISCEILING-124'-6" UIS CEILING-!,g'-0" 2 i EAST ELEVATION A40 ' SCALE: 1/8"ar,-0• 0 0 ,.. .... m ill El 0 0 ,.._,. [i) El 0 I 0 , ...... w r.Yl/l" I f./T" I 0 3 i SOUTH ELEVATION A4 0 l SCALE: 1111·,.1•-a- 0 0 m [i) 4 : NORTH ELEVATION A40 '. SCALE: 114""-1'-0- 0 I ! I I © 0 0 ,zc.r , ..... w ,,.,.. ! 0 0 [ill 1 WEST ELEVATION A4.0 1 SCALE: 1/8"a1'..0" FINISH SCHEDULE [iJ KlNGSPAN INSULATED METAL PANEL COLOUR-Cl 0 PRE FINISHED CAP FtASHING COLOUR-CJ 0 METAL CANOPY COLOUR-Cl GJ GLAZING. VISION GLASS [iJ GLAZING FRAA41P,,'G, PRE FINISHED .ANOOIZEOALLMINW 0 METAL OIH DOOR PRE FINISHED w-llTE 12] METAL SLID\NG TRACK OCXJR PRE FINISHED w-llTE 0 METAL MAN DOOR PAINTED COLOUR• C1 0 EXPOSED CONC FOUNDATION WAJ.L 8 WOOO SOFFIT, COLOUR-C4 LIGHTING SCHEDULE 0 LITHONIA LIGHTING -ASW2 [!] L11HONIA LIGKTING. WSR 0 Ll'THONlA UGKTING • VG02C COLOUR SCHEDULE -COLOUR C1 -DURANAR UL TRA·COOL XL 'PEWTER' -COLOUR C2-DURANAR UL 1'RA COOL XL LIQUID COPPER' COLOUR CJ • CLEAR ANOOIZEO ALL.t.11NUM FINISH ... COLOUR C4 -OOUGLAS FIR STAINED ClEAR o----EXISTING~EET ...... ASBOO~i'DRC: Ofi'"iC: \.',Iii !~·;'.)L;"\;!:R O~i"iC: rn ?~u-;-, t.-L,l'J"c..'V-. ::10. n, 1 .,c.,,:;.fiY ··, .:.;1::101:aFo::a:;::, ec V.!:.:,::.; v;.1,c:it.'V:::>: at; v~K~"::: ;,-ti~t .;s:i e:n1 P ,;c~ 2~.; i::~:>z PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295-1138 AVE, MAPLE RIDGE t,• ELEVATIONS A4.0 -:::c:--,.-·,soo'< ,-,.·-:: '"IE~ ....... .,,'7'-'T""' .. 1"1 .... 1~). ~,,, .• :.·i• ".. . , ""~u:lCAnou C#~'N-Offti!EI NEW PLANTING PER --LANOSCAP! ARHITECTS DWG'S PROPOSED RAIN GARDEN l"OR - STORM WATER INF1LTAATIOO SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS !MG'S rt!WIIJITCM.SC£P17 .&PP!tOA,LOCATQI C# OIISil,iiO 1At9 0 UIS DECK-1211'•2" ~ -.l UIS CEILING . 12-4'•6" SECONOFlOOR• ttS'-0' U/SCEILING-112'•0" 0 SECOND Fl.OOR • 115'-0" U/SCEIL.ING-112'-0' MAIN FLOOR -too·q 0 0 0 1?'4' /' r y '.S/1 ~E 0 0 0 ,r..-.. ~ ,r.r ,. 0 0 0 0 ....... I ,,..,. -.l r -I T r-I l I II 1 I 'f,Nl(ljQr,;1[ ASPHAI..T 1 ! SECTION A-A ~ 0 j SCALE: 1111"•1'-0" 0 0 0 0 , ..... ~· >S'-1' w.r 2 l SECTION B-B A5 D ; SCALE: 1111·=1•-o• P550T!:i=ORD C:=FiGE l:J•j lt;';';:1.,V!:R o,.:-;:-rcE ~:y; ?~o•• GL,'-\D"(S ,,•,~,:; :~:: -1:i., ! t.:cx:m:ww ST ~a!-t"fr:aFO~.ci ~c VlS :€6 v~,c~ .. ~~ ec V~;< w:, r>u;>,:::,!;;JZ,.".31 i1Q::<2f<l'.i-><i2 f ,j';lt .<;~(; lf3~ r' ,~')~ 2N (,;..,.; PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING 20295 -113B AVE, MAPLE RIDGE BUILDING SECTIONS A5.0 ;~7g:,:~~~t~ ~~f ~~f 11\~~i~~A;;:c .. ~iv-.,e ~ f'.AVE ----!.-1--.:C , 1--z lLI u tf) lLI ~ u I- ~ <( s lLI 1-- tf) " ... :.;,.~ e :: t,~---~~~~~ .: ~ I .J .T•! ... ~ .. 'ft. •~ #2G o~e- WAY #3 1.f :,1,~TCD ~ ~,, ---- PROPOSED BUILDING 2 ,.,,_ ~,,. .. A -~- #25 NG #-5 #4 #24 ---:----------'=-'' I I re o°'c 1 ,,..,5 '" L! ' J I I I #9 •,? ,1:,!,i; , ;~ ~ , .. C· .,. I :~~~-•.:.;..:.· ,. , .. .. , .' >-- <( s _j <( ~ ~ {L -u ~~r~~';.~~ ~:~~ 01:Lgf.,.,~O~o'cK :LANT I IST f LEGEND t l ~s. ,,r D D D DD "' BIOSWALE EN , .. •· LARGEMENT I / / \ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 1 IU)G,'1GI) -.,1,1u1to ' oS.11-2-Dl~ I I I \.f e 0 DESCRIPTION· ISSUES A REVISl~S: , /'0;04'JI.: en C ·-c (/J ! w l ~ l 0. ~ !s ! C s u~i,1 CU ; ~ ~~i1~1 ~ ~NijV\ ~ z Cl. ::i.•:>)-11.J ~ ..,; ::, ...... -· 0 ! ............... = a:: ~;1 ....._.., C!l ~iroI 1 Z ~f~;:o~ ~ ~ J: ~M~I ILO-g-!l'J~C 5~Ji~~ ~ ;!~~~] PROJECTN.AME: PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING PROJECT ADDRESS: ORAWNGTinE: LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: i'INO'l'!O -~ SWN C>ECl<m SWN PROJECT NO: .,_ DRAWING NO: L-1.0 1- z lLI u (fJ lLI (l,'. u I- n<" <( s lLI 1- (f) D f ,/,. oo..-. RfGDSETEACI,, l?J PJ ~ PJ I . I 2. I , "I': • ,;.EfA•'II EXl~T,N~: , ,v.· 1 ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1~ = 10' 51N6LE DOMINANT LEADER REGl'D NOT ro Ee TRll+1EO :\ DECIDVOU5 TREf Pl.ANTIN6 DETAIL 3.1 4 ., ;:., ==·· .. ,..,.".f" .... 7 . 5 . 17. r111.~ 6o GM SAUCER 50 HM SARK HJLCH .,.. ........ ,:::<:~;:,,,,,£\--,:,:::;-~,,__:;:;;;-19 CH ~ RQ.t.,m 0a'fl • ROOT BALL '(J'lfOe¢AV,r,.r10uol0..tD l'LN"" ~~~=:} Ef:~Jr~ ~ PREPARED stlB6RAOe ---- PLANTIN5 DETAIL -SHRUBS~ 6RD GOVER PLANT';, PREPARED 5RO~IN6 MEDIUM 18. PROPOSED BUILDING 2 -50 MH BARK t-1.ILGH :"."'.rReATfDMOCCIEDdlltQ #24 !tt~ Wif ~tet) l"Xlf>" l-iOOD STAKES '!ie! 1• !!a.OM fC,FI ,()II ED61Ne • .,r.,G.f:iS eEl),,EEN PAVER5 4 WOOD ED6E AS 51-!0~N ON FLAN ~~w~~~.~'i'~§ARD 5Rt:T 57. 4' DEPTH Ste"~~ ,c;:itl L.All;;SC.APE FABRIC. / ~EED e,.rJi',R!5t Ql~::;f HOOD ED.sE. / .SARVEL / PAVER DETAIL ,,... 5G. LANDSCAPE. 1-IOTES ALL l>~ ! .. I.Af?AIALS TO CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION Of THE BC LAND¾APE STANDARD AHD IN AGGOfi!oAttee "'•rtt THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDISE, BRITISH GOLUM81A. Fv-JIT~fe,lf; 1'}Ql.fST~Yt:Gtt-lEO#<.GGlftX>O~ fO~LAl~~f~O>m i..ATEST eoma,r. G,Q,r~~r, AIQ!'~ '6Pl!~ "Qff ... ~l"'f~~·J!Ort4 Pl.J,Jil sue AIO'-Ot.t~e!t ;,w:.~ TH!....,""' AGCeP'fABU: !.~~~t ~ i:te,'154,. ~ F\...lolrT t1Al'BU>i. "'-VoJ4ABLE f'Olt al"TIOtW. ~~~r~~~.8il=i~~~~~-~~,~ E.'~ TO t-'..V..At-,, ~N' ';tMJ\TUnot&-TO ~~Utt> ,-t,a.T!Ru'L II~ ~e,~;s >fll.l,. ~ J:!2.t!Gf!D. AU.DH A 14ir11M.l-t ~ fllV!! ~-1$ CIAY~ ~ "tO CfUvrRY r-oR ~r f() ~eSJiTUTr !!m"ITM~ ~ "!U,~T TO "BL. l,,N~.AI!'!' ~TMDA.W" ALL PLANT MATERIAL H.JST BE ~VED FROM C.ERTl!f<e:) •p15EA5E FREE' NIJft!elh'"• ALL F'LAtlT MATERIAL t-L15T GOtPCCU-1 TO THE LATES-T p)fflON OF TI'IE "BC LAN~ 5TANOARO• PROVIDE CERTIFICATION lf'ON R.EGIA:ST. ALL LAND5c.APIN6 AND L.ANDSGAFE MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE LATE5T EDITION OF THE BCLNNBCSLA "LANDSCAPE STANDARDS" MIN 5ROHIN6 HEDILJH DEPTHS OVER PREPARED :':iU86RADE SHALL BE, LAHt4 AREAS 450 mm 6RD COVER AREAS 450 r,m SHRUB AREAS 450 mm TREE PITS 300 mm oround root boll ~tfSt-a,u,I SW,U, •"'v!f!t;r~, G~ ~r'l5.C..S,~~"• ne !IJ~IQ.r..~~L.fv'1.:! I LC~S~e;.cc.!Pf!'QR~A'5-C-JSl-Sl"QUC~we.f' n,e t«olLN !,U,lJ. GGl~ 1C, fM!. RE:C&IO(Etf'!tll'S FOfl! L.-~ I ""'"1..JGATICIIS, Ff'QGE~~ t ,-1;,0J~ Ofl 4,'l,fWHII!-~ ~Petem'S ~U. ~ 0(:(,i! Cfl~11! .,..-&., t-ec:.li4•Ut:0 ~40 PROUM,. ~-=l~iH~ ~~~~~o'k'T' ~~~~~~~~~=TOR FROM n-tE SOIL THAT HILL BE USED AT THE SITE. OH~Jf'oR:!i•~lfD!oOL§~L ,..,_m#Y nie ~trHU rte:~l"},1¥,l~:'OR6RQH.:fG- MEt,,I.H,!CU,.."~L eE.~f ~FRDH ~l't"dO•KLt.OIO'HOCO'l' ~lrPAA.~ 1-1:eo QR~ P.-.A"r!i> etf' l"e~ Pt..•,ur PA~OG. CflldN~"-. to.JG.:. M/1,~l..¼.. !I JONES OVER 30 MM At,.0 FORE16N 08..ECTS ALL PLANTIN.S BEDS, SHALL RECEIVE 50 MM BARK MULCH PLANT SPECIES MID VARIETIES MAT NOT BE 5UBSTITI.ITED HITHOIJT THE APPROVAL OF TI-lE LMOSGAPE ARCHITEGT e,. Th£.CQl'f'R,l,Gf0tt W,t.lL ~ITU ,t.U 1'-'T'CRt,._U .-.~ f~~ fOR FetJc;o: OF otE (IJ A.ILL TfAA AOf,J OA-1"1: Of' fle fl v-L ~-f.PTNU., tiil.65 QTJ,E~ ~ -"L.L !Ol,~11' ~IPtA.C,. l01' ~16. o,:l..1"1 ~ C:QtDIJV;ltt tulle M~ne FERIOO ~IN.l. ee Rf:~ DT fN! GOfflt4'TOR ,-1 IQ e,,rm,;. i:0f fO 1lE ~ nf! GQi~C.fc;;tt ~ aJ:!,r,.ff /'•UA.'f RDt-1 ~ !iCTE ~ FlAP.U!i1 ,J, IT AG(U:«AJ,1'!,9, AJO~LI...AT~~flQfl~fl-el-~,L!J,'d!''n-e.~AfOSITE~II' AC-1,&,,r! 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I-EEO BARRIER ZX4'TR!!ATED HOOD ED6INS-STAf::ED IU PLACE ~-I' ;24• :< 1.15' STAtlDARO GREY 5IDEl,,IA,LK eLOCK ~ IH AtJD FLLISH W SETTlED 5/8" CP.IJGI-EO GRAVEL ff,,,1"0Cf'.eiE CONCRETE F'ROOJGT5 OR EGVIVELENTJ PIC,NIC TAGLE 4 TRA5!s RECEPTIGAL 2• -4" RIVER ROCt:: OU LA~APE FABRIC LENGHTH Of' OOTT0!-1 OF 8I0!:ol-V-LE I RAJN SARDEN &• -1e,• STOt/5 -5TACl(£0 A5 l'EG!=6ARY TO CREATE 6RAOE CHAHGE s PROTECT GRADE o 5TOF!.M LEJlo.Cl!:R It-FILL " r;~~,P,;.-~~~~~M~vi.rREA 7".<•r ~A.l'£P~fc,a1,t ~TA,,,l!S) HI ~"TEP 1_... ati,• t,.i.-,co frT.utl:5 / ~O.L a~, t•eaoMTCfJON ED51N5 s,e· CRUSHED 6ARVEL PROPOSED BUILDING 2 STORM LEADER FROM 6U!LDIN5 TO BE COORDINATED l ,,m,au ill l .S.S\J.l[D P'OA I 05 17 201l I $ S U E O F O R { NO: OAlE: DESCRIPTION: lSSUES AREVISIONS: PROJECT NAME: PITT MEADOWS PLUMBING PROJECT ADDRESS: 20295 -1136 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWINGl111.E: PLANTING DETAILS NOTES & SCHEDULE ORA\/1,N. CHECKED: CIR,J,.'l.mcaHO L-2.0 DESIGN & DRAWNGS ARE COPYRIGHT OF KRAl-f'ol GROUP OF COMPANIES l I • l District of ·Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 _ 1: This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) □ • :· 9£>l3~ -~'z.- Development Permit 8f9: ~ •• 2. Brief description of project (i.e.; commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context 4. Presentrng Lands<::ape Architect: .. ____ ·:c....~___;..=.Y...__-=D:;;..._A.c..ift?..__.=;_ff~_-_____ •• r_: ___ _ (ple~_se print) l • •• ,,: ' 5. Mandatory enclo~res include the followint • . □ 7 copies of the required presentation.!Tiaterials (as per Guidelines) in 1+ x ,11 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each ind jviduai package should be.stapled and 3-hole punched .. □ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for·this projeqt: .(please print) Name: GI 02.C> 1'-N VTflL,&. Company: CSIL'Jea.., YMJ EY Addr,~:: . eo.· Box. 3 . .-1CtJ 5:tN • . Phon7 No. ~01• 240-'31 ~ ~ Uc,/yg<. l.,t(> ~L c.:m.. • M,g. , -•i-, , .. i.--• oll ..!.I ., Fax No.-------------'---- Email: "?lhl~"Yt\l):e'1 h041ej G. <:W. CA_ fJIJI=· . . . ··(Applicant's Signature) (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Tues Jan 08 Tues Feb 12 Tues Mar12 TuesApr09 Tues May14 Tues Jun 11 Tues Jul 09 ) TuesAug13 TuesSep10 Tues Oct08 Tues Nov12 Tues Dec10 Time & Location: · . Agenda peadlines by ~on • Mon Dec 10 Mon Jan·21 M~m Fep 18 ·Mon .Mar 18 ~onApr22 Mon~ay29 MonJ..un 17 . . Mon Ji.ii 22 Mon Aug19 • Mon ~~.P 16 Mon Oct21 Mon Nov 18 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA::(PLEASE ALL IN ALL AREAS APP_L,ICN3LE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) . ..... _ . ., .... • .. ·-"= "·--. 1) Site Data: . .. Civic Address 1205!11 NAPI£ C11li«, ~ . ,, .. Area of the lot(s) 1~.5m2 .. •.· ... ' -Lot width -$'Sm ., ' -··:.:' ' -~ Lot Depth '2,;--·m , , • A"VE!J..N.E Existing OCP Designatio_n Proposed OCP Designation Existing Zone " "SI ... Pro·p·osed Zone P.'2 11.1911/'TtAM Exist.Ing l~nd use ~ P. Rrifltt~~-• Proposed land use ~ . __ .;~ I .. ' Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection ,' 14 ,. m 2 ) Buildjng Data: ·-~-·-- Lot Coverage Required ,,o.t _m 2 Total lot Coverage proposed "zs., m2 Reqd: front -~et~ck . ·-;;c;m . Proposed front.setback .2,1!5 m \ , .. :-, .... Reqd~ ·~ea,:~~¢tb~ck . : -,,5-'m • · Proposed rear ·setb~ck ··-·· '3.~•"m . Reqd. side setback 7.~m Proposed~side setback ~., m Reqd. $idec setback '7.sm Proposed side setback . f <c,. () in Reqd. building height_ . .-.... ll -m Proposed building height • fl·.,:•ffi,-,;,, Requested Va'riarices to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in ~he Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone .·11~0., n,2)_ (Total GFA allowed ~/~., n,2) (Total GF.'\ proposed Reqd. Usable Open Space NII).. m2 Proposed Usable Open Space • Mb n,2 Retjd. Common ActivityArea 1J/A--m2 Proposed Common Activity Area ,J/,i m2t:, . ' ::., . ... ·•-~: ·: •. ~,. ;,::,•·.; .. ' .. . ·3'JParking,and Off-loading: .... - tJndergroui:ld Parking/"/:,,:; ~ ... :·). ,:-.' .. ;· YJN) Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone l? Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 4 Reqd. small car stalls >;. . ,&-Proposed· small ·car stall~ ~-. : ) '; ~-- Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area -0-m2 Required Handicapped Parking NIA Proposed Handicapped Parking -fr Required Visitor Parking spaces tJ/A Proposed Visitor Parking spaces -e- Prqposed Variances to Parking .. .. 4) Covenants: .. ROW: .... G~p.t~b.lilical .. ... i.Y/ti}. Storm sewer ·. Yl '• .{· J L<' Tf~~ .PJ~eryatio·n .-··.t YAN...., Sanitary sewer Y}. ~ No Bulla/ Nb Disturb .... -: .. YLrv Drainage Yl l\l) Any other Covem:~nts on Title y ~Y/N Any other ROW . 5) Environmental: -Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland . Y/~) (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m .Contours on the lot= less than 15.-%/ . r-: 15-;30 %/ 30 %or more. Existing landscaped area -m2 Proposed landscapeq area :3oo m2 Area of building to be demoli~t,~d vfo m;__ In the Flood Plain •:.:.· ~ _"Y/W In The Fraser Escarpment Area C Y/(1".V ' Proposed LEED points . Note: ~lease provid~ plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items.as required. ,. DESIGN RATIONAL ,.--------__) 17 Bed Treatment Centre, 20581 Maple Cres. This two storey,17 bed, alcohol and drug treatment centre is the second to be constructed in Maple Ridge. The first treatment centre for women was completed last year. "Hannah House" is located on the corner of Laity & Dewdney Trunk Road. This was the first new construction for the client, Innervisions Recovery Society, and was so successful they want to construct a second building. This centre will be for men only. The client is a non- profit society. The site is currently occupied by a single family residence which houses 2 treatment beds. Maple Crescent Lodge is located on the adjacent property to the east of this site. The "lodge" building is also owned by Innervisions and contains 18 beds for treatment. These two properties form the island surrounded by Maple Crescent to the south, Batfle Avenue to the north and 206th Street to the east. The project consists of replacing the existing house with the building in question. The lots are to be consolidated and this building containing 7154 SF of floor area will be built to the west of the "lodge". The "long term" plan will be to remove the lodge and add onto this building. For this reason this building will contain services and kitchen facilities to manage the additional bedrooms that a "second phase" would bring. The exterior design reflects a traditional theme incorporating hipped roofs, gabled window box outs and a covered main entrance. Exterior cladding consists of a combination of horizontal vinyl siding and vinyl wall shingles. Some gable ends are treated with wood trim. The roofing material will be 40 year asphalt laminate shingles. Again this exterior design is very similar to the previously constructed centre. The client seeks to maintain a "residential" look, even though the property is to be re-zoned to "institutional". A "trellis" covered patio will be located on the south side for outdoor activities by the residents. As the requirement for parking is limited to staff, four parking stalls will be located on the north~east corner of the site. Due to the limited building envelope on this very restrictive site, we are requesting setback variances for the north and south yards. The project fits in well with the existing multi-family and single family residences in the neighbourhood. H.R. Hatch Architects Ltd. PROJECT ANALYSIS: EXISTING ZONING: RS I ( ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) PROPOSED ZONING: P2 ( SfECIAL INSTITUTIONAL) CONSOLIDATED LOT AREA: I 3729.8 SF ( I 275.5 SM) LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED: 40% = 5491 .9 SF (510.1 SM) LOT COVERAGE PROPOSED = G748 SF (G28.9 SM)= 49.1 % ( VARIANCE REQUIRED) • INCLUDING EXISTING CRESCENT LODGE BUILDING* F.S.R. ALLOWED: .5 X 13729.8 = G8G4.9 SF (G37.7 SM) F.S.R. PROPOSED: EXISTING LODGE= 5340 SF 7154 SF NEW BUILDING = TOTAL = I 2494 SF ( I I GO.G SM) = .91 FSR (VARIANCE REQUIRED) FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIRED: 25'-0" (7.G M) FRONT YARD SETBACK PROPOSED: 9'-0" (2.75 M) VARIANCE REQUESTED REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIRED : 25'-0" (7.G M) REAR YARD SETBACK PROPOSED: I 0'-1 O" (3.3 M) VARIANCE REQUESTED LEFT SIDEYARD SETBACK REQUIRED: 25'-0" (7.G M) LEFT SIDEYARD SETBACK PROPOSED: 30'-0" ( 9. I M) RIGHT SIDEYARD SETBACK REQUIRED: 25'-0" (7.G M) RIGHT SIDEYARD SETBACK PROPOSED: 52'-G" ( I G.OM) BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED: 3G.O' ( I I .0 M) BUILDING HEIGHT PROPSED: 3G.O" ( I I .0 M) NUMBER OF BEDS = I 8 EXISTING ( LODGE) 17 PROPOSED 3 5 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: (P2) I/ I 00 I SF X I 2494 SF = I 3 SPACES PARKING PROPOSED : 4 EMPLOYEES = 4 SPACES ( VARIANCE REQUESTED) H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Plo.nning -Reseo.rch fii9iil ~ 60H587 West 8th Avenue Voncouver, BJ:. V6J ITS Tel: (604) 261-2347 Fo.x: (604) 261-2349 MAPLE RIDGE Br1l1sh Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-021-RZ 20581 MAPLE CRESCENT DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: July 09, 2013 The proposed "Treatment Centre" is in the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone and institutional uses are not subject to a Development Permit approval. So, technically the panel does not need to review it. However, it is an important project and in the first reading report, staff recommended that Council require this proposal to be reviewed by the panel, so it is being presented. An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a "Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centre" in two phases in the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone. This project is a joint venture between B.C.Housing and the lnnervisions Recovery Society. The applicant has acquired partial funding for this project from the Federal Government through the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS), a Federal Government initiative, is a unique community-based program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness by providing direct support and funding to communities across Canada. Currently the Federal Government commitment is to maintain annual funding for housing and homelessness until March 2014. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given First Reading by Council on May 14, 2013, subject to the pending information to be submitted, the panel reviewing it and a Development lnformaiton Meeting to be conducted, prior to Council considering it for Second Reading. The development site consisting of two irregular shaped lots, that will be consolidated, is located within the Hammond Area of West Maple Ridge. The consolidated lot size is approximately 1275 m2, out of which only 567m2 is being rezoned. The remaining site is already zoned P-2 (Special Institutional) and houses the "Maple Crescent Lodge" which is a recovery house for men. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: Gordon W Knuttila of Silver Valley Homes Ltd. lnnervisions Recovery Society of BC Parcel A, District Lot 278, NWD Plan NWP88024. Commercial Institutional RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) P-2 (Special Institutional) Vacant Single Family lots and Battle Avenue RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential .__) South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Commercial and Maple Crescent C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial Maple Crescent Lodge-Recovery House P-2 (Special Institutional) Commercial Commercial and Maple Crescent C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial Single Family Residential Treatment Centre 567 m2 (in addition to this, property with the Maple Crescent Lodge is 708 m2) Battle Avenue Full Urban Standard A Development Permit is not required for Institutional use properties. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The development site is currently designated "Commercial" on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. An OCP amendment is required to change it to "Institutional". Please note that the OCP amendment will apply to both the properties, while the rezoning applies to only one property (20581 Maple Crescent). The Official Community Plan recognizes that there is a shortage of special needs housing units in the community. Special needs housing is commonly defined as housing for people, who for varying reasons cannot have their housing needs met through the traditional housing market. Research conducted as a component of the Official Community Plan review in 2005-2006 identified that there are waiting lists for social housing, shelter beds, transition housing, community care facilities and supportive housing within the community, and that providers regularly turn away those in need of such housing, for lack of such facilities. Based on all the findings,the objectives and policies stated in the OCP, the "Treatment Centre Use" is in compliance with the Official Community Plan policies. The amendment also recognizes the existing use of a portion of the property and provides for further expansion of the Treatment Centre. • Context and Proposa l: The development site consisting of two irregular shaped lots is approximately 1275 m2, out of which only 567m2 is being rezoned. The remaining site is already zoned P-2 {Special Institutional) and houses the "Maple Crescent Lodge" which is a recovery house for men. The development site, in the Lower Hammond Area of west Maple Ridge, is surrounded by road on three sides (i.e. Battle Avenue on the north; Maple Crescent on the south and 206th street on the east). Both properties are owned by the lnnervisions Recovery Society. The triangular shaped property at 20581 Maple Crescent (subject site) is being rezoned to P-2 (Special Institutional zone) to permit phase I of the proposed "Treatment Centre". The existing single family house on it will be demolished. Consolidation of the two lots will be required as a condtion of Final Reading on the rezon ing. The property fronting 206th Street is zoned P-2 (Special Institutional zone) and houses the "Maple Crescent Lodge" which is a two storey group recovery home with 17 beds, common kitchen, dining and living rooms. This building is encroaching into the road right of way and is on a parcel designated "Commercial" on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. While the use is a permitted use in the P- 2 (Special lnstituitonal) zone, the siting of the building is non-conforming. This existing structure will be retained during the proposed phase I of the project. Once phase I is complete, the residents of Maple Cresce_nt Lodge will be moved to a new facility so it can be demolished for phase II to begin. The project is proposed in two phases. Phase I will include kitchen, dining, laundry and service areas to serve both the phases in a two storey 17 bed facility. Phase II will include demolition of the existing lodge and addition of 24 beds and common areas. Phase II will be attached to the completed phase I building and final product will be one facility with 41 beds and the required common areas. However, the timing on phase II is dependent on acquiring funding in the future. Vehicular access to the site is proposed off of Battle Avenue (north of the subject site). Due to the flat topography of the site and location of the existing "Maple Crescent Lodge", the proposed parking area with four spaces would be slightly raised to provide a level access from Battle Avenue. Battle Avenue is anticipated to be closed at Maple Crescent with a turn around, similar to the existing Waresley Street to the north-west of subject site. • Proposed Zone: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 20581 Maple Crescent from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to P-2 (Special Institutional) to permit the future construction of a two storey 'Treatment Centre" building. The proposed P-2 (Special Institutional) zone permits a "private hospital" as a principal use. Private hospital use is defined as "a use providing for the care of the sick, injured, or aged other than in a public hospital; includes private hospitals, convalescent homes, nursing homes, hospices, palliative care units, community care facilities, multi-level care facilities, ·congregate care facilities and adult daycare centres". The proposed use of a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Centre falls within this definition. The proposed zone permits a maximum density (floor space ratio) of 0.5 times the net lot area. It also restricts the maximum lot coverage to 40% of the net lot area, the maximum height to 11.0 metres and specifies minimum building setbacks of 7.5 metres from all the property lines. A site-specific text amendment will be required to the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone to permit a higher density and lot coverage than permitted in the zone. Proposed floor space ratio is 0.91 times the net lot area, with a total gross floor area of 12494 ft2 for both the phases. The proposed lot coverage is 49.1% of the net lot area. The applicant is also requesting setback and parking variances. The existing "Maple Crescent Lodge" (20591 Maple Crescent) building is encroaching into the 206th Street road right of way. While the use is a permitted use in the P-2 (Special lnstituitonal) zone, the siting of the building is non-conforming. The Maple Crescent Lodge has existed for several decades and when it will be demolished for phase II, the • new building will be in compliance. The proposed development will resolve the non-conformity when phase II is implemented. • Parking: The proposed use requires a parking ratio of one space per 93 m2 gross floor area proposed on site. This is applicable to a "private hospital" use. As described earlier in this report, a "Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centre" is for participants who are registered in a 60-day regimented recovery program _j where driving, vehicle ownership or visitors are prohibited. The on-site parking requirements are minimal and for staff only. Currently the "Hannah House" facility has 11 on-site parking spaces, out of which only 4 to 5 spaces are used at any given time. This proposal is anticipated to have three to four staff members at any given time on site. Sometimes volunteers drop in to help. Four parking spaces are proposed for staff/volunteer use. It is also anticipated that once Battle Avenue is closed at Maple Crescent, there may be some street parking available. • Garbage/Recycling: The garbage and recycling area is proposed opposite the parking spaces, enclosed by a six foot cedar wood fence and gate, as shown on the landscape drawings L-1 and L-2 included in the package. • Off-site upgrades: include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground. The scope of off-site upgrades will be outlined in a Rezoning Servicing Agreement covenant, registered on title as a condition of Final Reading on rezoning. Preliminary discussion with the Engineering Department has indicated that they are supportive of closing Battle Avenue at Maple Crescent with a turn around, so that no further road dedication is required along Battle Avenue. There is no road dedication required along Maple Crescent. However, a corner truncation of 3.0 X 3.0 metres is anticipated to be required at the corner of 206th Street and Battle Avenue. This will reduce the proposed off-street parking from four spaces to three spaces, which is not reflected in the attached drawings. Preliminary storm water management and erosion sediment control plan are being worked out. • Proposed Variances to the P-2 zone: Setback and parking variances are being sought. The site-specific text amendment will address the increased density and lot coverage. All these are subject to Council approval. The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal, prior to the rezoning application proceeding for Second Reading .. Prepared by:~ File Manager for this proposal MAPLE RIDGE 8,-1t,-:;ll Cdvr:i:,,a ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be QompJ~ted by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be comple~~d by !b~ applicanVproject architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1} ADP application form & project data sJ:l~t 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 ffi 5Zf M □ Cit ~ ~ @ □ ~ ~ [if m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board ·----•·-, 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. La~ds~pe Plan/layout ----... - ''.......:,_...:-: ·'""'·~ -Landscaping:dfrtai!s for features, play area/ --- -amenity•space/---common activity a~ea C. Planting List w~h specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project Mel ullee,,(Applicant: Name: fcoRb kAJ k. rr, 1,..A. ~: :T&!""-7.itt: 3 Signature:_~·-·-~----', 7 End of Document Revised December 2012 2 ~ □ g □ g 0 Required Included m ~ -----..::::~-- -··□-□. ~ g ------":-'.··=···. ,-;:-.:,: ·..:: ...,,., .... -= g □ □ .□ □ □· ~ □ □ Scale: 1: 1,500 20581 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE Orlti:.h Calunibl.i CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mar 4, 2013 FILE: 2013-021-RZ BY:PC NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING DWELLING WEST END OF PROPERTY LOOKING SOUTH NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING "MAPLE CRESCENT LODGE" EAST END OF PROPERTY LOOKING SOUTH-EAST VACANT PROPERTY ACROSS BATTLE AVENUE VACANT PROPERTY ACROSS BATTLE AVENUE DWELLING ACROSS 2OGTH STREET LOOKING SOUTH DOWN 20GTH STREET PARKING LOT ACROSS MAPLE CRESCENT LOOKING NORTH FROM MAPLE CRESCENT INTERSECTION OF MAPLE CRESCENT ,t. BATTLE AVE. LOOKING WEST WEST SIDE OF PROPERTY LOOKING EAST No. Do.te D,scriptloo Dm RevlslOfls Copyright Reserved This p(M o.ncl design ll!"e, o.nd o.t all tli,es rel'Klln the exclusive property or HR. Ho.tc:h Al"Chltect Ltd and MY not be used or reproduced ltthout written consent, \/rltten dlrienslons sho.11 h<lve precedence over sco.lerl dl!,enslons. Ccrltl"o.ctor-shall veriFy and be r-esponsR>le For o.ll dil\enslons !lrld conditions on the job and this oFflce shall be lr,;on,ed of llnY var~tlons frOl'I the dlnenslons QJld conditions shom on the dra.lVIQ, H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Pla.nning -Resea.rch 19] ■ 601-1587 !Jest 8th Avenue Voncouver, B£, V6J LTS Tel• (604) 261-234 7 fox, (604) 261-2349 Consultant Seol Project PROPOSED I 7 BED TREATMENT CENTRE location INNER.VISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 ~ 20591 MAFLf CRESCENT MAFLf RIDGE, B.C, Dro.mg 11tle NEIGHBOURHOOD CONTEXT ~h.:.:"':+---+--+---1 Project No. 2012 -05 Issued Do.te Dnte lhDlg No, JUNE 201, Seo.le Reproduction Seo.le I I -,. AG SITE PLAN ·I 1_noo~,ro~== 70.0 ( 21.34) 9 6 _____ 1 I 0.7' ( 33.74 Ml ---~~----~-------7 ---- I I I I = I I i!tc:;;;:EJ , • ..,..,.,,. =31-----~a.!.._ ___ __J"'-=-=~----------,,-.....L---=::;===:zj;:;::~ ~~.;<;.--I I .... ,,,, < PROPOSED TWO STOREY BUILDING 7 I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I l r-----~------------~ I L, __ _J I I L __________________ J ickb!!i I • : I l : 6 NORl11 RECONCILIATION: ZONING FROFOSED: F2 INSTITIJTIONAL LOT A?ll.: 13729.8 SF ( 1275.5 5MJ LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED: 40 % = 5491 .9 5f (5 I 0. I 5M) LOT COVERAGE FROFOSED = 6748 Sf (623.9 5M) = 49.1 % ( VARIANCE REQUIRWJ ' INCWDING EXISTING CRESCENT LODGE BUILDING" f.S.R. ALLOWED: .5 X 13729.8 = 6864.9 Sf (637.7 5MJ f.S.R. FROFOSED: EXISTING LODGE = 5340 5f NEW BUILDING = 7154 5f TOTAL = 124945f(I 160.6 SM)= .91 fSR(VAAIANCE REQUIRWJ NUMElER Of ElEDS = 13 EXISTING ( LODGE) 17 FROFOSED 35 TOTAL FAR.KING REQUIRED: (F2) I/ I 00 I Sf X 12494 5f = 13 5FACE5 FAR.)(JNG FROFOSED : 4 EMPLOYEES = 4 5FACf5 ( VARIANCE REQUf5TED) ......,,....,.,,,_ ,.__,, EXl5TING 6UILDING LOCATION ♦ GRAClf5 ~ !!SY, WADI:♦ A5500A.1?5 17NG/'IIB' °""" L£GAL DE5CRIFTION.: PARCEL A DL 27B NWD PLAN NWP/30024 PARCEL IDENTIFIER: 017-045-398 E] E] 50:LAN05CAP1'PLAN FOR tNClOSURe: DETAIL EXJ5TING 'MN'!£ CRESCENT LODGE' BUILDING FLOOR ARI:.A: 5340 SF (AFPROXJ M.F.E.: 10.26 M REVISED : AFRIL I 0, 20 13 ... ~ I- ,!' ,v LU ILJ ~ I- tf) ~ .µ (J) 0 (\J "" Dote 1Ns: plllll and de:slgl ~. and ca.t a.II tbEs renul it,e exd.ustve sroperty of HR. Ha..tch Arditect Ltd. and. NLY not lie used or r-ep-ocb:ed 'llthtvt written cmsent. \httten drenskJns sho.U ho.w preadl!na! over sea.led _C..,_sl,oll_yondbe- Fir o.l 6iimsbls and mrdtbns on it,e j:lb cmd 'tHs affke shah· be M'01"1"1ed of ony vario:tbls fl"OI ihe- dnenslons w md1kns ~ an tte nmg. H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Plo.nnlng -Reseo.rch ... ~ 601-]587 \lest 8'th Avenue VQl'COUVer, :e.c. V6J 115 Tel• (604) Z61-2347 F nx, (604) 261-2349 Consult.nt Project PROPOSED I 7 BED TREATMENT CENTRE uxatlon INNERVISION5 RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 * 2059 I MAFLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, El.C. lro.ffl9 lltle PHASE ONE SITE PLAN i-:c'":::'"c:+---1---+--I Project "" 2012-05 Jssu,dllote Dote llnlq"" JUNI( 20 I; Scnle 1/3"=1'-0' Al I\ ,,,,,,,,- 42" WIDE CONC.:?:reWAW'.'AY IW.Ali~(r'l'1 l:I..: J05M I I I L-lk ~ I I IV I !STAJR I l 11 UI' OFFICE I I I l'•l•X 11'-0" I I I KITCHEN 500 SF I ~ Nh r, [)o (] I TOILET RM I C_ " " ~ II SER.VERY II I E= I ~ u DINING AREA 483 SF I l'.G.;JO.SM ) (44.85M) OFFICE I 10-3' X 11'-V a r.c.i:,..J1o1 1 CONCRETE I M.F.E.: IO.GM I STAIR.5 ~ . HANDRAJl5 . I ,.,.,"¥ .. , 'll_v ~U 1 1 II M I WOOD TREW5 OVER. - I I . I 1 1 • I 1 iATIO , 1· ;! ii I ] ~ I ~ ~ I ~ MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3G9 I SF ( 342.S 5M) 5PRJNKL.ERED I I . I i LJ IEL.EC. ROOM l 12•-t,•)( 5'-9" 0 I LDY. RM I ~(l~ STO~ MECH-♦ ~ 110 SF SPR.IN"1B<.RM 12'-9' X7'--0' I\ I GR.OUPAFLA GG3SF (GI.SSM) a C \J l5fAJR2l I II, bt I 1111 I I I I I .,. 111 \j~e:> lo ~ STAfl"WR. I ~ N5fLING#I ---' ·-s·x (;-10' . ~ D ic ISTAFF ROOM I 81..f)• X 15'-0' ·o I (rUNSELING #21 I MEDICAL I ....... 0'--0'X9'-0" 9'-9" X "·IO' ~ I r.G., ,o.41\A I ICOUNSaJNG #41 ~ UNSEUNG#3 : O'--O'XG'-G' : 9'-9"XG'·"° ! 6 NORTI1 th !lat, - TNs plCIII w~ ~. w t.to.U tMtst'eftU'ltte ,xt::ltSYe property of HR. lti:i.:tch lrdftect Ltd. 4nd MY not be YSed tr ~ wthNt wtttffl unsent. V'rttten clMnslons SM1l Mve ~ av«-scaled ---sloollwrif)'ondbr,__ ,.,.,.._,,...,_cn.,,.;,.w111s offk:e !N.ll be nf'<nted of o.rry vcirta:Uons frDlt 1he ~ GIid mncltsons st1>Wl IYl h chfflO, H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -?tanning -Reseo.rch ... -~ 601-1587 ~est 8th ~-Voncouver, JLC. V6J 115 Tel• (604) 261-2347 Cmsu1ont Proj,ct Fo.x, (604) 261-2349 FROF05ED I 7 BED TREATMENT CENTRE INNER.VISIONS R.ECOVER.Y SOCIETY 20581 $ 20591 MAPlf CRESCENT MAPLE R.IDGE, tl.C. PHASE ONE MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1-'-=1-----+-I---I .... Ject "" 2012-05 ""'- Issued ])Qt, Daie lnw,g ,.,, JUNE·.2O13 Scale 1/4"= 1'-0" A2 ._ • a JI • " I I I I I I I ... □ 12" XI□ I I I I I I I !5WR IJ = l\o[ I I I I I I I~ 111111 I~ <= - 'I A I ROOMS joouou: I I)□ (7 QQ / ~l) ~ u V I ROOM4 'I I•'""" f □ . U PFER FLOOR FLAN 34G3 SF (321 .7 5M) SPRINKLERED 100·2" 11 •• •• •• ~I C □ 12" DIX :~1 C ::J 12" XI□ = []ofl = ~ a= I =GI I I A I I 7 I ROOM? I IROOMll I IROOM9 ~ ~ '"""""' I\ C □ (7 QQ I\ C □ (7 Q Q - ~ o c:::J I U.F.E.: 13.8 M I GROUP Af/£A ll2G5f 5< ITT SM) 0 . l) C I r S'-0' HJGH ceuNG 0 I j ROOM3 I ~ ==\J ~~ ~ =o r ~ITCHEN 1 ISTAJR21 I I I I I ~\J 1 111 oo = I --I I I I ' I ,,,...,,__,.,. DIX I -1111 J L \J 6 6 l) _J L I"" "" I=, I ROOM 2 I V I ~ LP \J =-= ~-= =~ I D C DIX ""'"""""' I/ "" ~ ~ 6 NOR.111 No Dot. -""" This pion and d!sq1 ere, and at all 1-s" l"'!f"Arl 1he exd!S'l1t property of HR. Hatch Ardlltect Uil and PAY not be used or ~ .tthaut aritten cinsent. Vrittffl 6,enmns st.a.a ha.Ye ~ ov~ scalRd -Cantnd<rwllve-if'y ..... _..... for all ftrQlnS ud CONl1kns on tiw Jab and 1Hs: offlce SMll be nfm-,,ed DI en, vlll'irl-tkns fl"'Of'I 1he chn5blS cud wncttb1s: shoan m 1he CNq H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT .LTD Design -PlQnnlng -ReseClr"ch iiHl ~ GOL-1587 1/~st 8th Avenue V11nCOtNer~ B.C. V6J lTS Tel• (604) 261-2347 S..l f"nx, (604) 261-2349 PROPOSED I 7 BED TREATMENT CENTRE INNERVl510N5 RECOVERY SOCIETY 205111 t 2059 I MAPLf CRESCENT MAPLE RJDGE, B.C. PHASE ONE UPPER FLOOR PLAN ~""=t-'" ------+----+---I ,,...Jed No 2012-05 Issued ]bt, ]bt, J>-<q No JUNE 2013 1/4' = 1'--0' A3 --· ... » 11 JI N ~ /. UPPER ROOF PLAN 6 NORTI1 lb Me Desat,lb, Copyright R...,..,.., This plClf\ and deslgl art, and o.t all 'tiN-s r-e,mi 'the e:tdUSV~ proper-ty of HR. Ha.tch t\rdlltect Lid. and l"lllY nat be 15N or rep"'O(i.ced wH:torl: wttten cmisent. IJrltten ~ shtll tiAve ~e over solt"d ~ Cmtractcr sha.U ttnf'y arid hr r-espcnsl:,le ror .a ~ w ~ on ihe Job and 1Hs off\ce nit br S\fcned or arr, var-lotions f'"°' 'the ~ nncf concttbts stan m 'ttw: hW"ig. H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Planning -Research finR1 ~ 601-1587 Wm 8th AvmY!' Vanc:DUVer, :e.c. V6J 115 Tel• (604) 261-2347 """""""'' ... , """""' 1nmo1111e Fax, (604) 261-2349 PROPOSED I 7 BED TREATMENT CENTRE INNERVl510N5 RECOVERY SOCIETY 205B I t-20591 MAf'U: CRESCENT MAPU: RIDGE, B.C. PHASE ONE ROOF PLAN l..!' .... .!: .... "'-l----1---4---i Pn>.)tct No. 2012-05 Issued !kw o.u 1nmo 11o. JUNE 2013, 1/4' = 1'-0' A4 Repro:b:1:b1 Scllle ... • ,ii ::a • ,. BAT TLE A V E N U E ---• ___ . ___ • __ 11,o_:_rC_5s.~_MJ ___ . ___ • ___ . _____ _ SITE it MAIN FLOOR PLAN 10 BEDS 5828 SF (54 I .4 SM) 6 NOl<Tl1 45 BED TREATMENT CENTRE UPPER FLOOR P 31 BEDS GI G3 SF ( 572. © _ ,...., o __ ----..a... ___ J 2 RECONCILIATION: ZONING : F2 /N5TrTLJTIONAL LOT AREA: I 3729.8 SF ( I 275.5 SM) LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED: 40 % = 549 I .9 SF LOT COVERAGE FR.OFOSED = G388 SF = 4G.5 % F.S.R.. ALLOWED: .5 X 13729.8 = G8G4.9 SF (G37.7 SM) F.S.R.. FR.OFOSED: .9 I = I 255 I SF ( I I GG SM) NUMBER. OF BEDS = 41 . _.,,.1 ..,,, ....... .c: .... U) 0 C\./ ... --..... __, ... ..,._ ............... . ~pr"llpll"iyV,IUl.llatdiA,-dtb,ctL11l_. -,rataladcrl"lllpl"IIIUNtth.rtpttt,al~ Yrftt,m .... ..-..... ina-a-lCUN ...._c..itnctir ... ..,.,.,.Mlli.rnp:nlllr Fcr•lhl!mwnan1111n11111u.•n1t111 of'ftallltllllNW.,_of'_,,,_.,tltnsfrGlitw ...... _. ..... ..,._ .. ~ H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -P1.-.g -Researdl 6m-57 WKt ett, --Va,,aurw, I& V6J tr.I Teti <604) 26L-2347 fU, Ci,0,,4) Zit-2349 -- ""'"" FR.OFOSED TREATMENT CENTRE INNERVISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 2050 I ,$ 205S I MAPL.f CR.fSCZNT MAPLE RIDGf, B,C. -""' ... PHASE TWO PRELIMINARY PLANS 1/0'..,l'-O' P3 SOUTH ELEVATION (FACING MAPLE CRESCENT) (FACING BATTLE AVENUE) EXTERIOR COLOUR SCHEDULE IW ASf>tw.T lA",41flATE" R.OOf 5.'1INGI.B: OOUeL.f 4" t10RIZONTAL 'DUJ..Lf)LACf:..• VIN"Yl 51DING: G!:Nff,;_ 'WINDSWUT SMOl,,f" VINYL WALL 5HINGlf5 fG"61..ESJ, GfJlTB:. 'S~DE G~ a2s· VJM ~ • ts1t•nt1 SIOING: GfNTEfi.. 'Y.1NDSWUT 5MOU" W000 fASCIA, eAAGe • eru.Y eoAR.DS, '51.AO(.' F.Nece~e> ... GAl!IU:TRJM5, 6!:N.JAt,mJMOORf 11571 WltlOOW I DOOR W000TRJM54- COR.N~ 50AAD5 'W\11Tf' AWMINut..1 GtJiTfRS t flAS~ING5: Gt:NT?J--et.AO',. 525 5TOIU:t'RONT 000/tS: r.NODIZEO /IJ.U~NUM MRANCC: GUARDRAIL: "Ell,AC,:." VINYL ',Y'INDOW f"~E'S: '\Vt1I~ AJ.JJM1truM sorrrr: '\'Mire' ~.i.• ::. WM I ____ l~ ~ •uu I l__ .... EAST ELEVATION (FACING 20G th STREET) ► WEST ELEVATION BATTL£ AVENUE MAPL£ CRESCENT NORTH-SOUTH SCHEMATIC SECTION j_ REv1srn , APRIL ~o, 2013 ·1 I "" Do:te Description D,rn, Revisions Copyright Reserved This plon nnd design ore, ond nt oll tines rel'lnfn ihe exclusive property of HR Hotch Architect Ltd, ond noy not be used or reprodoced without written cons1.>nt, \lritten dlnenslons shalt hove precedence over scaled tfr.enslons. Contractor shall vedfy ond be respons!ble for o.ll Q'i,enslons and coflditions on the job and tris office sholl be inforMed of o.ny vo.rlotlons Ftol'I the dN'lenslons o.nd conditions shosn on the dro.wirig. H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Plunning -Reseurch 19] ■ 601-1587 \Jest 8th Avenue Vo.ncou..,er, B.C. V6J 1T5 Tel, (604) 261-2347 Fux, (604) 261-2349 Consu\tont Seol Seo.I Project PROPOSED 17 BED TREATMENT CENTRE Loco.tion INNERVl51ON5 RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 t 205~ I MAPL£ CRESCENT MAFL£ RJDGE, B.C. Di-owing Title PHASE ONE ELEVATIONS Tira.wn I I Project No. I I 2012 -05 C!<ut. """"" Issued Dtite Date 0.-aflng No. JUNE 201 ' Seo.le AS l/8"G I '-0' Reproduction Scole ... " " " " " _____ , .. ,· ~ B A T T L E,. ____ A:::.....""V_E__,N__,.U_E ____ -rr--=--''.-_____ .r ___ __,__,~ ______ , _____ ~ ,,,. __,---: ~--~----------.. -~ I I I I \ ,.,, ------. • • • ~H ~RTl~ULA~ED WOOD FENCE • ~ • • c· Ml'->t WITH 2' JOGS _:-----• • . see detail on L.~ DDED BOOL~ARD / ./ _.f . ~-• . ' I . I , • . f ' I . NOTE: LOCATE WOOD FENCE JOGS TO ALIGN WITH ARCHITECTURAL - FACADE FEATURES AS SHOWN PROPOSED TWO STOREY BUILDING r I> I> SODDED BOULEVARD ;..©~~~: ,,-? -----~. ~-- -~~-----\.PJ 6' HIGH WOOD GARBAGE & ~ RECYCLING ENCLOSURE see detail on L2 -~ r.--;aa.-::=========;:;,.;:,;;--.;;:~,;;.:;,;,~ : -----, ->; ~ P.J~.N:J A I\ • ~•· I '-J1f • PLANT LIST ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL~- see arch'I. plans 4' HIGH WOOD RAIL FENCE -----,ti' see detail on L2 SYMBO~L:;,,...._~UAN~T...,1TY..u..._.,B,..O'..!.Tl:'A~Nl,..C~AL~NAM=~-----=mll!l,!.!ll..!Umll=-------__;-;;__ _ _..i!!:f. SIZE SPAC G , 4 1 ®w· -.. ';,;-? • " ,f M _ _'.1'4 '-.Y SHRUb t : f: ~ ® 48 ":!, Q /s 5 18 Acer rubrum 'Karpick' Cedrus deoclera Fagus ~•tics 'Dewykii' Magnolia soulengeane Arbutus unedo Buxus sempervirens Mauve Comus alba 'Begantissima' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Pieris japonlc:a 'Mountajn Fire' Prunus I. 'Cito L~en' Ribes sanguineum Sarcococca hookeriene humilis Thuja ocddentalis 'Smaragd' GROUNDCOVERS, VINES AND PERENNIALS 0 35 Geullherie shellon (ful) 41 Hemerocallis Stella D'oro ~ ,._, 34 Lavandula engustifolia var. ~ 53 Uriope muscari 'variegate' Karpick Maple San cal., B&B Deodar Cedar 1.Bm ht., B&B Dewyk Beach 5an cal., B&B Saucer Magnolia San cal., B&B strewbelJYBush #2Cont. Green Tower Boxwood #2Cont. 0.6mO.C. Silver Leef Dogwood #2Cont. Emerald Gaiety Euooymus #1 Cont. 0.6mO.C. Mountain Fire Pieris #2Cont. Olio L~en Laurel #2Coot. 1.omo.c. Fragrant Currant #2Coot. Fragrant sweet Box #2Conl Smaragd Cedar 1.2mhl 0.75mO.C. Selel #1 Cont, 0.60m O.C. Da)llily #1 Cont. 0.60m O.C, Lavender Variety #1 Cont. 0.60m O.C. Variegated Blue lily Turf #1 Coot. 0.60m o.c. M.F.E-106M I ~ CONCRETE INTERLOCKING ,, PAVER PATIO p EXISTING LAWN TO REMAIN > 0 I EXISTING 6' HIGH -WOOD FENCE EXISTING "MAPLE CRESCENT LODGE" BUILDING -TO REMAIN M.F.E.: 10.26 M EXISTING 6' HIGH ..,.,.....--WOOD FENCE -(_· • 0 ,; o .J ~ ..... ./' ... NOTES: ALL WORK & MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND IN ACCORDANCE Wini TiiE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE STANDARDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PROVIDE FERTILITY & PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS TEST FOR GROWING MEDIUM PRIOR TO STARTING WORK GROWING MEDIUM TO BE WEED FREE AND COMPOSTED, CONFORMING TO BCNTASTANDARD FOR 'LEVEL 2 SOILS'. PROVIDE TOPSOIL DEPTI-iS AS FOLLOWS: TREES-Min. -Z IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM ROOT BAI.LS. Min. 1 m3 PER TREE SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS-Min. 18" DEPTH CONTINUOUS LAWN AREAS-Min. 6" DEPTH CONTINUOUS, ONE YEAR PLANT WARRANTY SITE REVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO COME FROM A CERTIFIED DISEASE-FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. -==r,,CL ,." '~ .. ,....____ - .J I i I' ...... '!-.. --, ,____ I ~ I I"~ I- w w n:: I- en .c ..... co 0 "' NORTH NOTES ~PlANSFCFM AN INTEGRAL.PART CF TIE OEVaCPMENT Nil BUILDING PffiMITSAHD MUST BE ADtERBJTOFCR RB.EASE Of TlE t.AtOSCAPING lETlcROF CREDIT. RCRY 06.FOE LANOSCAPE AR:HrTECT ASSUMES NORESF'ONSBUTY FCRACQJRACY OF BASE 1,lFCAAATION SUPf'UBJ BY OTHERS 81\SE It-FORMATION SUPPUED B'I" HR HATQ-1 ~ITECTLTO TIE SOU:l'ERo4S CFlHE LANDSCAPE ARCHTECTS SCCf"E OF 'AORl<.At'O PROFESSIONAL RESPOOSIBIUTIESARE DEANBl QI/ lHE LANJSCAPE SCI-EDULES SUBMITTED FCA THIS PROJECT. PU.DESIGNS & CRAWN GS IPM'm & OGITALC<FIES) Ak'I:: COPYRIGHT &Re,IAINlHEPROPERTYOF :e~~~~SEDAND CRCCFIBlWTHOUTPFaCR crnse..rr ~')~ ---------------- No. D818 DesalpUon Own. H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.L TD Design -Planning -Research 601-1587 VVest 8th Avenue Vancouver, B..C. V6J 1T5 Tel: (604) 261-2347 Fax: (604) 261-2349 Office & Mablle: (60,4.)480 0606 Seal Seal Projod PROPOSED17BED TREATMENT CENTRE INNERVISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 & 20591 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Orawtngllle LANDSCAPE PLAN Issued Dale Dale Dnlwlng No. JUNE2013 Scale 1/8"=1'--0" L-1 Reprod'u<::UonScale of2 OIIVl'I 10 3J 40 9J GATES, W/ LOCKING MECHANISM AND ~E:Rri°:~~:l\ ANCHOR PIN -- INTO FLUSH CONCRETE SLEEVE I"\/: I 11 I ef .., "' CONFIRM OVERALL ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS ON-SITE t +l-3.75m PLAN VIEW 1/8" =1'-0" +/-3.?Sm WHEELS (BEHIND) FRONT VIEW 6"X6" DECORA11VE WOOD ---------.. ,,_I _____ m_a_x_._2_.4_m_(_s_id_es_, _1_p_a_n_e_l) __ __,, -4------...d,-/-PosTCAP "h+/-3.?Sm (back, 2 panels, c/w center post) ,m-----2'"X4"10P RAIL ------,,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 ,, :1 t! ,, I L i I 1·x1· NAJLERSTRIP Horuz. hi'"-----.. -&VERT.,BOTHSIOES d -1"X6"VORBUTTJOINT~BOAROS _ i l -~~~=ILON INSID_~_O_F __ _ ll _,-~6~~=MAX------ .~------------, ~--------------------.J I !L--2"],t.·BOTTOMAAU.. f 1 ~ 2"X6"KICKRAIL :i-, it FINISHED GRADE ,. ====::::---i;5::==========i. ~ -GALV'D STEEL SADDLE $ 3Tllt :: ~,!a;L-CONCRETE FOOTING. min.24" deep ~ .: • ~ 11kt & 12"" dia. F: : i.fil',..-.15m DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEL 9..-COMPACTEDSUBGRADE ~ SECTION NOlES: Posis & pertmeler rtame lo be Jlf'95SU'll tniatedftrtblmlock. .Alofniiw\JiOOillmMntNPrsfoe.c.- AH henlNme lo be not~ galventzed. Fence to be stained-2 aiats 'natura· or -= semi-transparent colored stain. Color to be seleaecl by Developer to complement building colors.. SIDE OR BACK VIEW WASTE & RECYCLING ENCLOSURE not to scale 6"X6" POSTS AT MAX. 8'0" ON CENTRE _______ ____ 2"X6" CEDAR TOP CAP ------~ LAP JOINTS AT POSTS NOTES: Posts , perimeter frame and X-brace lo be pressure treated fir/hemlock. Top cap 2'X6" member to be Cedar All hardware to be hot-<lipped galvanized. Fence to be constructed wrth spiral gBlv'd. nails. No staples to be used. Provide 2 coats of stain. Color as selected by Developer. BO~i~ ~L~ ~ .,___ __ 8'_-fJ_•_m_ax_ ___________ __,.j .;a!P""'!=~"';--.b=,;•,.-=-".-""'~.,.__,__:::,.,➔ IOnl)W&nane'pcsa topo.d 2"X4" DECORATIVE CROSS BRACES ----.. x ?::J ., ~ run rBCJJlmd ' _:::::::=:, c:---::: ' E -----9 ----b "" I' ' ',._ -----,□ +I-<;" J PATIO -2X6" P.T. EDGER AT PATIO SIDE VIEW AT PATIO -2' WIDE PLANTER -ALLAN BLOCK LOW RETAINING WALL (see arcti1. drwgs) RAIL PRIVACY FENCE & GATE ~ 6"X6"DECORATIVEWOOD + -POSTCAP _..,.._ r---2"X4" TOP RAIL 11 not to scale 1111 I ! t<--2"'/(4" MIDRAIL -------7::v,, .:··JU]; CONCRETE FOOTING, min. 25cm dia. i=. o •ffi: min.18" deep on line posts, 24" deep on comer posts ~':. i~ Ja. .15m DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEL~ :;[~~:: = ~-----1 COMPACTED SUBGRADE --------..~;:;-,, :'_ ELEVATION 8'-0"max. I. ...... 1ul7 '1 r 1"X1" NAllER .STRIP HORIZ. E!,i I -& 1/E!lT •• BOTH SIDES ----... •:::::::::::;;;:::;;:::::::::::::::::::_:: • , 1 ")(6• T&G FENCE BOARDS -==-e-9 IL WIV-JOINTS _________ ..,. c:o t~i'x4""MIDRAIL 1 '1 6"X6"POSTSATMAX. _ I ----8'0" ON CENTRE I • _,,,,-2"X4" BOTTOM RAIL ====-----~ ---------2"X6" KICK RAIL --- ~-L ANIS1-l8JGRADE _, £,I!'. ·ffl NOTES: FlNISHEO GRAOE °" k"· r-· CONCRETEFOOTING,min.24"deep ::IT.~ : i & 12" dia. 1"'~=-~-: : c .15m DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVB. Posts & perimeter frame to be pressure treated firfhemlock Fence to be constructed with spiral galv'd. nails. No staples to be used. ~-•_·e. All other wood members to be Cedar ~ -COMPACTEDSUBGRADE All hardware to be hot-<lipped galvanized. WOOD PRIVACY FENCE not to scale Provide 2 coats of stain. Color as selected by Developer. A 7-....J NORTH NOTES: lANDSCAPE PLANS FORM AN INTEGRAL PART CF IHb DEVELOPMENT ANU BUILDING PERMITS ANU MUST BE ADHERED TO FOR FH.EASE a= THE LANDSCAPING LETTER OF CFiEDIT RORY DAFCE lANOSCAPE ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY F~ ACOJRACY OF BASE INFORMATlOO SUPR..IED BY OTHffiS. BASE INF~ATIOJ SUPPLIED BY H R HATCH ARCHITECrLTD, THESa..Ei-a,,tSCFTHE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SCOPE CF 'AOl'1< AND PRO'ESSIONo\L RESPOIISIBIUTlES ARE CEFINED ON THE LANDSCAPE SCHEDULES SUBMITTEO FORll-llSffiOJECT ALL IESIGNS &DRAWNGS (PAPER & DIGITALCCPIES) ARE OOPYRIGHT & REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF RCRfDAFCELANDSCAPEAROirrECTAt.o ARE NOTTO BEREPRCOJCED, REVISED OR COPIEDWTHOIJT PRJOR CONSENT. I I No. Dirle Revlslms H.R. HATCH.ARCHITECT.LTD Design -Planning -Research 6D1-1587West:8th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1T5 Tel: (604) 261-2347 Fax: (604) 261-23-49 ProJed PROPOSED 17 BED TREATMENT CENTRE Lat:allon INNERVISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 & 20591 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Drewing Tttle LANDSCAPE DETAILS Drawn RD Appro. RD Chkd. RD Issued Dale D81• I DrawingNo. JUNE 2013 Scale as noted L-2 Repradudlon Salle of2 .. EXISTING TREES TD BE REMOVED PLANT LIST 0 , 2 Acer circlnatum cf?.·.).: A= rubrum 'Karpick' comusmas -~I _ 1 Cedrus deodara 2 ~ © / 2 FaAUS sylvatica 'Dawykll' !' 11 4 MaAnalla soulanAeana I 81-IRU 5 Artiutus unedo 0 70 Buxvs sempervirens Monrue 3 Canus albs 'Elegantlsslma' q,?J 61 Euonvmus fortune! 'Emerald Galetv' 9 Pierls Japonlca 'Mountain f'ire' © © 48 Prunus I. 'otto l..uyken' 4 Rlbes sangulneum 0 16 Sarcococca hookerlana humllls 'i. ·, 18 Thuja occidentalls 'Smaragd' ..... !--= BROUNDCOVERS, VINES AND PERENNIALS ,.. IV 35 Gaultheria shallon 41 Hemerocallls Stella D'oro ,t 34 Lavandula angustifalla var. 53 Uriope muscart 'Varlegata' 6' HIGH ARTICULATED WOOD FENCE Wl'"(H2'JOGS see detail on L.2 SODDED LAWN A BATTLE N U E ~~ SODDED BOUL.¥VARD 70.0' ( 21.34 ) NOTE: LOCATE WOOD FENCE JOGS TO ALIGN WITH ARCHITECTURAL FACADE FEATURES AS SHOWN ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL see arch'I. plans vv 4' HIGH WOOD ~AIL FENCE see detail on L.2 Vine Maple 1.5mht. Karplck Maple 5cmcal .. B&B Ccmellan Cherry 1.5mht. Deodar Cedar 1.8m ht., B&B Dawyk Beech 5cm cal .. B&B Saucer Ma;inolla 5cm cal .. B&B strawberry Bush #2Cont. Green Tower Boxwood #2Cont. Sliver Leaf Dogwood #2Cont. Errrerald Geiefy Euonvmus #1 Cont. Mountain Are Pieris #2Cont. otto UJ'Jl<en Laurel #2Cont. Fragrant OJrrant #2Conl. FraArant sweet Box #2Cont. smaragd Cedar 1.2m ht. Salal #1 Cont Dayllly #1 Cont. Lavender Vanety #1 Cont. Variegated Blue Lily Turf #1 Cont. G a.em o.c. o.emo.c. 1.0Tl o.c. 0.75m D.C . 0,60m D.C. 0.60Tl D.C. 0.60m0.C, 0.60m D.C. NOTES: PROPOSED TWO STOREY BUILDING I> I> WOOD TRELLIS see arch'I. plans i::.;.===ii CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVER PATIO see arch'I. plans ~j ; I,~ l======;=;;•!-'4 @ · P. \ 4 ~ ' • • -.,.. ........ \ _,,1~/ f\ . • --~ l ~~itt~~~~l • • '· , • • Fl. ·;;,. ...... ~ ... ----"""". • ,.1 ' "'"· -~ ,f ... ," -~ ALL ¥\ORK & MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND IN ACCCRDANCE WTH THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE S1ANDARDS, UNLESS OTHER\MSE NOTED. EXISTING !AWN I TORDIAIN . PROVIDE FERTILITY & PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS TEST FOR GROWlNG MEDIUM PRIOR TD STARTING IMJRK. GROWING MEDIUM TO BE 'M:ED FREE AND COMPOSTED, CCNFORMING TO BCNTA STANDARD FOR 'lEVEL 2 SOILS'. PROVIDE TOPSOIL DEPTHS AS FOLLOWS; TREES-Min. 2' IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM ROOT BALLS. Min. 1 m3 PER TREE SHRUBS AND GRDUNDCOVERS-Mln. 18" DEPTH CONTINUOUS LAv.N AREAS-Min. 6" DEPTH CONTINUOUS. ONE YEAR PLANT W\RRANTY SITE REVIEWWLL BE CCNOUCTED ALL PLANT MI\TERIAL TO COM~ FROM A CERTIFIED DISEASE-FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST SODDED BOULEVARD 6' HIGH WOOD GARBAGE & RECYCLING ENCLOSURE see detail oh L.2 EXISTING 4PARl<tNG SPAC!iS~ "MAPLE CRESCENT LODGE" BUILDING -TO REMAIN M.F.E.: 10.26 M J-- w w a::: J- en .c ..... CD 0 N 6 NORTH NOTES: LANDSCAPE PLANS FORM AN INTEGRAL PART a= lliE DEVELOPMENT AND BUIUJNG PERMITS AND MUST BE A0tERED TO FOR ~SE OF lHE LANOSO.PINO LET1ER OF CREDIT RORY DA.Fee LAA05CAPE ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FCR ACOJR/Cf CF BASE INFCAMATION SUf>f>UBJ BY OlliERS B.\SE INFcm.ATION SUPPUEOS'f HR. HATCH ARCHITECT llR lHE SOLE TEFfl\S a= lHE LANDSCAPE AROffTECTS SCOPE OF ~KAND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSISIUTIES ARE DEFINED ON THE lANOSCAFIE SCHEClJl.ES SUBMITTED FOR THIS PROJECT All DESIGNS & DRAWN GS I~ & DIGITAL CCPIESJ ARE CCf"r'RIGHT &REM,,TlEl'A0PEIINOF FICRV' OE t.AN05CAPE ARCHITECT AND AFIEN TOEE R£mt0JCED, REVISED OFI CCPIEO WTHOUT PlilOR CONSENT Juty6/13 R11/d,p1rlree bylaw requirements No. Ollie D•scrtpllon R1Vlslons RO ""'' H.R.HATCH.ARCHITECT.LTD Design -Planning -Research 801•1587 Wn,t 8th Avtw1U8 vancower, B.C, VeJ 1T5 Tel: (604) 261-2347 Fax: (604) 261-2349 Con1uHanl o:too&-l'O');roO OOOII ~--~---- SHI Seal PROPOSED17BED TREATMENT CENTRE Loclll'llan INNERVISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 & 20591 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Crwwlng 1Hle LANDSCAPE PLAN Dnlwn RO Appro. RD C~d. RO lssuedcet, Date Cl"IWtlg No. JUNE 2013 Sc11l1 1/8"=1'-0" L-1 R1prcd.Uctl;nScal1 of 2 " ,. » '° ., rev.#1 -Jul 6/13 GATES, WI LOCKING MECHANISM N TE SOO NG A D N 1 I ,~ HARDWARE I ..! \ I\ I\ \\ \ ~ " [\ I\ I\ 1Yl !Q +/-3.75m CONFIRM OVERALL ENCLOSURE Dl'MENBIONS ON-BITE PLAN VIE!W 1/8" •1'-0" +!-3.75m I\ I/ I/ f\ I/ ~ 1/' l/ ~ ~l/ I_ l 1'X1' NAILER STRIP HO~IZ. & \/ER.T,, BOTH SIOES 1 'XG' V OR BUTT JOINT FENCE BOARDS ~;~~~ OIIINSll);!-::;0:.;0f::_ ___ --, t'X5•POS'TSATM\X. -------ll'O• ON Cl!NTIU; DGRAOE GALV'D STEEL SADDLE CONCRETE FOOTING, mln.24" deep & 12"dia. .15m DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEL ,, ~ COMPACTED SUBG~ADE ANCHOR PIN INTO FLUSH CONCRETE SLEEVE WHEELS (BEHIND) FRONTVIEW WASTE & RECYCLING ENCLOSUltE SECTlON not to acale NO~S; Ports & pertm•l•rfl'lm• to be pressure lmrledftrhl&mlocl(. All oiherwood m,mb,n.to b• C1dar All h11rdw1re lo be hot.dipped g.Vinlzed. Fehce to bo stained-z costs 'natural' er 1,tnl-transparent colC1red stain. Colet to be selected by Dlfll'eloper to ci:,tnplement buildtni;I colors. SIDE ()I{ BACK VIEW sodded boulevard 6''X6'' POSTS AT MAX. 8'0" ON CENTRE -------- 2''.)(6" CEDAR TOP CAP ______ _ LAP JOINTS AT POSTS PATIO CONCRETE FOOTING, min. 25cm dia. min.18'' deep on line posts, 24' deep on comer posts NOTES: Posts , perlmeterframe and X-l>race to be pressure treated fir,tiemlock. Top cap 2"X6'' member to be Cedar All harctNare to be hot-dppea galvanized. Fence to be constructed with spiral golll'd. nolls. No staples to be used. Pr<Wide 2 coets of stein. Color as selected by Developer. 2X6" P.T. EDGER AT PATIO 2' WOE PLANTER .15m DEPTH COMPACTED GRAVEl--------all" J;.....;./,::! ALLAN BLOCK LCJN RETAINING WALL (see arch'I. drwgs) COMPACTED SUBGRADE ------ SIDE VIEW AT PATIO ELEVATION RAIL PRIVACY FENCE & GATE not to stale 81-0•1 max, ~ -POST CAP --"Ir-2''.X4" TOP RAJL 6''X6" DECORATIVE WOOD ~ 2'X4" MID RAIL .. ~ 1"X1" NAILER STRIP HOR.IZ. _____,--- & VERT, BO'IH SIDES E 1"X6'' T&G FENCE BOARDS - ~ WIV-JOINTS "' 2'X4" MID RAIL i--6")(6" POSTS AT MAX. -----.. 8'0'' oN CENTRE ~ 2"X4" e·oTTOM RAIL :::::::::: v-2"X6'KICKRAIL ~ FINfSHED GRADE -t.11 ';: .... NOTES: -' '-CONCRETE FOOTING, mln.24" deep Posts & perimeter frame to be pressure . ~ & 12" dla. treated fir/hemlock. . 15m D!:PTH COMPACTED GRAVE~ ,:>'--.. -,£ All other wood member.; to be Cedar . o • o -COMPACTED SUBGRADE All hardware to be hot-<Jipped galvanized. WOOD PRIVACY FENCE not to scale t ~ Fence t o be constructed with spiral nails. No staples to be used . galv'd. Provide 2 coats Of stain. Color as selected \/9/opar. by De 6 NORTH NOTES: LANDSCAPE P\.ANS FORM A.N IN1BiRAL PART Cf THE CEVELOPMENT AND ElJILONG ~ITS ANO MUST BE ACHERED TO FOR RB.EASE OF lHE LANDSCAPING LET1ER OF CREOT R~ Oo\FOE L,ONOSCAP'E ARCHTECT .ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCURACY OF BASE INFORMATION SJPPUED BY OTH!:RS BASE 11\FORMATION SUPPUEDB'1 HR HAT CM ARCHITECT llO niE SOLE TmMS OFlHE LAt-.lJSCAFE ARCHITECTS SCOPE OF w:>RKANO flROFESSIOl'W. ~ONSIBILITIES ARE DEFINED Ol THE LANDSCAPE SCHEOJLES SUBMITTED FCR lH1$ PROJEC7. ALL DESIGNS & ~WNOS (PAPER & OIGITAl. COPIES) ARE OOPYRIGHT & REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF RORY OAF OE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANO ARE NOT TO BE REPROOOCED, REVISED OR COPIED WTHOUT PRIOR CONSENT July6J13 R.wctptt1, .. byltwrequt,1n,ml No. Cllllt Dtscrlpllon RD awr, H.R. HATCH.ARCHITECT. LTD Design -Planning -Research ... ~ 801~1697 V.st8th N•u• Vancouver, e.c. V6J 1TS Tel: (604) 261-2347 Fax: (604) 261-2349 Comul\11111 Seal --• . 11278 Elham Sll'NI MapleRldlil8 Sriti1.h Col1XT1bia C1nade ~CO'!• l/2X 1PJ omce & Mobile: (604)-460 oeoe SHI PROPOSED 17 BED TREATMENT CENTRE Locallon INNERVISIONS RECOVERY SOCIETY 20581 & 20591 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Dr&'Nlng Tillt LANDSCAPE DETAILS 0mm AO A ' AO C1t<d. AO Issued DIie 011• Crewtlg No. JUNE 2013 Scalt L-2 as noted Rtp-ollUCUtmSc1Jt of2 -,. "' ,. ., ., rev.#t -Jui 6/13 • l I. 2. District of Maple Ridge Advisory ~esign Panel Application 2013 ~-i-,~ --· -~.-. --..--.. --... l ~ ",-,. . ' ,Ii I "' 1,,..1 -t I/ /, .,_j This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) I JUi I l 7 2lll3 ci Development Permit~Dfi> l 2 ;,Q.,~12es Dp L~Y.~ttt!.':' Q.§f,0!1Tl.lE.'IT Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. New two storey commercial building with five commercial rental units on main level and five apartment rental units above. Providing new underground parking with 40 stalls, where 18 stalls will be dedicated to Black Sheep Pub across the street 3. Presenting Architect: _D_av_i_d_J_. _H_o _______________ --=------- (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _H_a_r_.ry'-H----'ag=g=-a_r_d _________ __.Q-.· ______ _ (please print) 5. Manc;latory enclosures include the following: □ 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. □ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: David J. Ho Com pany: David J. Ho Architect Inc. Address: 202-3190 St. John's Street, Port Moody Phone No. 604-469-9649 Fax No. 604-469-0800 Email: djho@telus.net (Applicant's Signature) June 17, 2013 (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by Noon on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr 09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May 14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May 20 ..... TuesJul09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct 08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct 21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall . \ PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address 23227 DoQwood Ave. Area of the lot(s) 1757.80 m2 Lot width 30.5 m Lot Depth 57.87 m Existing OCP Designation Proposed OCP Designation Existing Zone C-1 Proposed Zone Existing land use Proposed land use Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required 703.12 m 2 Total lot Coverage proposed 534.28 m2 Reqd. front setback 7.5 m Proposed front setback 3.0 m Reqd. rear setback 7.5 m Proposed rear setback 3.0 m Reqd. side setback (INTERIOR) 3.0 m Proposed side setback (INTERIOR) 1.80 m Reqd. side setback (EXTERIOR) 7.5 m Proposed side setback (EXTERIOR) 1.07 m Reqd. building height 7.5 m Proposed building height 7.5 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR -in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed (279.00m2) (Total GFA proposed (1051 .72m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space m2 Proposed Usable Open Space m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area m2 Proposed Common Activity Area m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: -Underground Parking WN Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 24 Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 57 Reqd. small car stalls 6 Proposed small car stalls 5 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area 17_92m2 Required Handicapped Parking 1 Proposed Handicapped Parking 1 Required Visitor Parking spaces 1 Proposed Visitor Parking spaces 1 Proposed Variances to Parking 4 ) Covenants: -ROW: ...,.,,. Geotechnical Y,{N) Storm sewer y~ Tree preservation y ~,, Sa nitary sewer YA£_; No Build/ No Disturb y N) Drainage Y}:{i; Any other Covenants on Title lY1 ,N Any other ROW N C) 5 ) Environmental: -Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Yf..N) (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. NO Existing landscaped area m2 Proposed landscaped area 288.18 m2 Area of building to be demolished m2 In the Flood Plain (Y} N In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/1 N, Proposed LEED points - Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. . ,,, !Jeep P.oots G"raaler Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 1r format (7 hard copies ~-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Buildin~ Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sect.ions 1 Required Ll [2f G2J B Included g □ □ □ m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. ~reen Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Cl~ .;,...~ ..... o ~=.r'o Project Architect/ Applicant Name: () f:rV\ p ~-1-\-o Date: ________ _ Signature: ______ _ End of Document Revised December 2012 2 Required [2J □ B [3 □ g □ G Qj □ [}2J Included □ □ □ □ □ BE □ ~ ) DAVID J. HO ARCH ITECT INC . DAVID J. HO ARCHITECT AIBC RISA MISAA 202-3190 ST. JOHNS STREET, PORT MOODY, B.C. V3H 2C7 tr:604-469-9649 Fax:604-469-0800 Email:djho@telus.net The District of Maple Ridge The Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X6A9 Dear Sir/Madam, Re: 23227 Dogwood Avenue. Lot l, Section 28, Township 12, NWD Plan BCP 39158 June 18, 2013. As a result of our meeting with the planning department we have revised the proposed development which has necessitated a new design rational. DESIGN RATIONALE The new proposal consists of 534.28 sq. m. of commercial space on the main floor with 5 residential rental units above and an underground parking structure. There are 17 parking spaces at grade of which 16 are for the commercial use and 1 is the required visitor's parking for the residential units. There are 40 spaces in the underground parking structure of which 18 are dedicated to the Black Sheep Pub across the street. 5 are for the residential tenants and 2 are for the commercial use. The remaining 15 are available for use by the Black Sheep Pub. In addition, the 18 spaces designated for the commercial use will also be available after business hours. Thus, up to 33 additional spaces will be available for the Pub's cllentele. This should alleviate the parking problems considerably. The main floor has been given a commercial look with the use of large storefront windows and slgnage as well as greater height. The units are oriented to the two streets as well as the surface parking. Doors are located to provide easy access from both sides. The upper floor Is given a residential character with the use of small-pane windows, balconies and an articulated roofline with gables . ._} The garbage and recycling enclosure is Integrated into the building and is not a separate structure. The HVAC rooftop units will be located on the flat roof behind the mansard style roof and will therefore be hidden from view. There Is a difference in elevation of up to 2.5 m. between this property and the one to the north. A landscaped, terraced retaining wall will minimise the mass of the wall visible to the neighbour. Landscaping and a 1.2 m solid wood fence on top of the retaining wall, as well as shielded outdoor lighting will ensure that their privacy is maintained. We trust this application will meet with your approval. Yours truly, David J. Ho MAPLE RI OGE Br1ti::.11 Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2012-062-DP 23227 Dogwood Avenue DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: July 9, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above-noted property to permit the construction of a mixed-use commercial building with rental housing on the second storey. Toe ground-floor commercial component will consist of five units for a total gross floor area of approximately 535 m2. The residential portion on· the second storey will consist of five rental housing units, for a total gross floor area of approximately 429 m2• The development site will be subject to Commercial Development Permit Guidelines, through Development Permit 2012-062-DP to address the form and character of the development. A site-specific text amendment to the C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial} zone is required to allow for apartment use and parking use for the neighbouring Black Sheep Pub, as principal uses in the C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial} zone, and to allow for the increased density. The Planning Department supports the increased density based on the provision· of rental housing. A Rental Housing Agreement and bylaw will be required to accompany the development. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: David J. Ho Architect Inc. Beta Enterprises Ltd. Lot 1, Section 28, Township 12, Plan LMP46534 Commercial Commercial C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial} C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial} Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential} Estate Suburban Residential Pub and Liquor Store CS-1 (Service Commercial} Commercial and Estate Suburban Residential Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential} Estate Suburban Residential Residential Page 1of 4 Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Vacant RG-2 (Residential Strata) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Estate Suburban Residential Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential 1,757.8 m2 Dogwood Avenue Urban Pursuant to section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan (OCP), this proposal is subject to the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines. A Commercial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan. The purpose of the Commercial Development Permit is to foster attractive commercial areas that are compatible with adjacent development and enhance the unique character of the community. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multi-modal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed-use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines checklist, all of which are attached to this report. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan: The location of the subject property is in a historic commercial centre, as identified on Figure 2 of the OCP. Limited commercial development is supported in Historic Commercial centres to provide for the commercial needs of the adjacent population. The Historic Commercial centres generally reflect the historic commercial footprint of the area. Limited infill or expansion of a Historic Commercial centre may be supported if the development is sensitive to the historic character of the centre, and is compatible in use and form with the surrounding area. Historic Commercial centres located outside of the Urban Area Boundary are intended to provide small scale convenience shopping and a limited range of services to residents. The development consists of five commercial units fronting 232nd Street and Dogwood Avenue, with five residential units above. Key guideline concepts as outlined in the Commercial Development Permit Page 2 of 4 Area guidelines are being met, with outdoor amenity space provided and landscaping buffers to reduce the visual impact of the parking areas. The scale and roof line of the development is compatible with the current surrounding developments. Context: The surrounding neighbourhood consists of one-family suburban residential to the north and east, commercial to the south, and residential strata to the west. The development is consistent in form and character with the pub and liquor store located to the south. The commercial units are oriented to the street frontages along 232nd Street and Dogwood Avenue. The upper floor is given a residential character with the use of small pane windows, balconies and an articulated roofline with gables. Proposal: The subject property will be accessed from Dogwood Avenue, with pedestrian walkways provided off 232nd Street and Dogwood Avenue. Access to the underground parking is provided in the south-east corner of the property. Commercial unit entrances are provided along 232nd Street and Dogwood Avenue, and along the eastern elevation of the building, from the parking lot. The residential unit entrance is provided along the south elevation of the building. The building materials are proposed to consist mainly of hardie panel siding and brick, with some smooth finish stucco. Due to the difference in elevation between the subject property and the property to the north, a landscaped, terraced retaining wall is proposed, which will minimize the mass of the wall visible to the property to the north. Shielded outdoor lighting is also proposed to minimize impact on the neighbours. Landscaping is provided along the perimeter of the property, with street trees provided along 232nd Street and Dogwood Avenue. Parking: There are 57 parking spaces provided in total, of which 17 are at grade, and 40 will be provided underground. Eighteen parking spaces are required for the commercial component, six are required for the residential component, and 18 are to be dedicated through a Restrictive Covenant to the Black Sheep Pub, located to the south of the subject property. There is an excess of 15 parking spaces provided with this development. Garbage/Recycling: The waste and recycling room is located within the eastern portion of the buiding, with access provided from the exterior of the building. Off-Site upgrades: A Rezoning Servicing Agreement was registered on Title when the subject property was rezoned from a Land Use Contract to C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) in January, 2012. This agreement specifies road reconstruction along Dogwood Avenue, including concrete curb, sidewalk and boulevard construction, plus one street light. There will also be boulevard construction on 232nd Street. Street trees are required along both street frontages. A new sanitary sewer connection is required off Dogwood Avenue, and a new storm sewer connection is required off 232nd Street. Proposed Variances: A site specific text amendment is required for the increased density in the C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) zone, and to allow for apartment use and parking as permitted principal uses. Page 3 of 4 A Development Variance Permit will be required for the proposed retaining walls, as there is less than 1.2 m between the tiers, therefore it is considered one wall, which will be greater than the allowed 1.2 m height. A variance is also required to allow the overhead wiring to remain along 232nd Street, and to vary the front, interior and exterior side setbacks. The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by. Michelle Baski Planning Technician Attachments: Subject Property Map Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines Architectural and Landscape Plans Page 4 of 4 SCALE 1 :1,500 23227 DOGWOOD AVENUE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNl~IG DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 25, 2012 FILE: 2012-062-DP BY: PC Commercial Development Pennit Area Guidelines \ i I I MAPLE RIDGE J PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Pursuant with Section 8.5 of the Official Community Plan, commercial developments will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of commercial development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency 1. A void conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic ✓ calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian· scale through providing ()..ti'~ A\-\1:,~nY outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of Sl°>t\~S \Nt..\.rUt>~l> I IV parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest v' L~!'l'l)~Cl"\ f'I N~ along street fronts. ~ Nt-sc.A ~~ur ~ t wm To ~C~ v\!;1,t~\.-I ~f'l"I "C! 1>,..._o..,, ... ,~ .,._.,~M 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building ✓ design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. ✓ 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should ft/& 5CfJ U f}..-,D ~ 2, reflect the desired character and pattern of ,-.JB-, s Chll'I 11 fZoor l-l 11 ~ ~ A 5 nrve:, development in the area by incorporating appropriate ✓ L,Jl-ff-}· "t )0,P 11'.:(,7 5 architectural styles, features, materials, proportions 51,1. oAJ-6\,{ I and building articulation. A,-so y{;.Vi;lOlf'M@Jt~ Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes. No justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in ✓ the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, roof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone T-+J.e USE o~ ..5102 f" or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial ✓ ~ t;t-e:t,f>S areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of l;>\Si1t0q'-'lS t;¼-Ttll.5 solid wall or glass are unacceptable. ~ ~ e,o\'V'IMeJ2.C1Q;(.... ~ub(:;f. -1 - 3. New buildings adjacent to ex1stmg small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to ✓ provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant comers should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. At intersections, the definition of comers ✓ should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main street alignment. v' 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk "1/t and scale between development 7. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise p/A generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly ~ f' T. 01£ r.l. f-[ f.J L 1 promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a ('({OV\ D 1t i> O 1/8'2, , development and over common entries to commercial ✓ t-J r:Eot>~ s rru wrv WlJ'.l-1 and/or mixed-use developments that front a public ~C,(J;5 S sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by ~(Pr agencies havingjurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encounll!:ed to be retained in their natural state. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. ✓ 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to ✓ adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural-features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal wading is required. B. Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units ✓ and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account -2- views of the roof from adjacent buildings. ✓ eer~S ~'• I I" ~o w;\-C..COW\O~t: 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with ✓ pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in ✓ containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent N/fr residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. C. Street Front (::iA-e>L-i;-&~.!>.) r)-N~ I. Particular attention should be made to the image V t+1 p £ µ10.A-(\J"(.t,--:S-111 Dl>°Gr-->61..tl.S t+ 1"1+€ presented to the street front. 1Mn.1rs.'l S!'J1~.i;;;' 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned ✓ rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with .. / vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of I V public space. 5. Vehicle access on a street frontage should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian v entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. D. Signage and Lighting iz,cr,s r, l\)q SI 4 I'=> l. Signage should be integrated with the design of a ,o e:,-e, ~BTlii Nl?"J) building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination directed at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage ✓ and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential amenity. -3- 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right- V of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter v should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be ✓ provided for upper storey tenancies. E. Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation I. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-I site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be ✓ provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and I pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of ~/" attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on ✓ streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, j access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of r Ir,. the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments -4- to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and penneable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non-parking uses or special fa~de treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fac;:ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such. as ticket dispensers . and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. I 1. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surrounding uses. F. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access I . Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable · entrances, shop fronts with clear untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buildings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be considered for all developments. G. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and · define public space, to present a pleasing image and -5 - ✓ ✓ ' V ✓ ✓ to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. 7. 8. 9. Open space should be usable, attractive and well- integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, roof top gardens, and atria. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. -6- ✓ .I ✓ H. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) I. Developments should be designed to max1m1ze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. 2. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals. Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, particularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. I. Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let- downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. -7- ✓ V ✓ ✓ v ✓ J. Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short term bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entrances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking facilities in secure storage areas within buildings. Bicycle storage ~ provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed- use buildings, bicycle storage facilities for residents are to be separate from those for the commercial uses. 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Date: / 4: IlA. N 1:-~ 1.3 Architect Name/Company !>Av l D 'T. 1-\ o Municipal File No. __________ _ ✓ I Plan Description: _____________________ _ Project No. --,-----=----r----- Signature _--==~=====~==s:::::~;::;>\"'-:>...__ __ _ -8 - NEIGHBOR ON THE EAST SIDE OF P.L NEIGHBORS EAST SIDE ALONG DOGWOOD AVE. !LONG 232ND STREET -SOUTH SIDE OF DOGWOOD AVE. NEIGHBORS NORTH SIDE OF P.L : I i S! 3 ii ~ ~ I I I ii ) ·---+===============================: _____________ _J90"_-a:.(S7;:;,· 91~==~~-~~----------------------L--, STAIRS TO !,•---' 24,03M ~.88M) RETAINING ':'.'.'._ALL ~~------------.-11.1'.:l(l~~~-----------L __ ~ T.O RETAIN. WALL 18.29m STREET TREES AS f'ER LANDSCAPE TOPO 4 FT. HIGH WOOD FENCE N (,J N CJ) -4 ,:i m m Ff ~"~s ~ I ,vr1711~ J:.-. • .•--:21 ,.\ ... -➔ ,. r,-;,;, r I " ~ •@19.49m I i I I -4 ~ D -OUT \ ..... DOOR 0 PATIO 0 ~ 0 \o ....... NOlo1TH -~-~-:L-~-:;-/BL_ .. ~-1~-0"-DO PROJECT DATA LEGAL DISCRIPTION : LOT 1 SECTION 28 TO\f.JNSHIP 12 NI/VO PLAN LMP46534 CIVIC ADDRESS : 2'3227 DOGWOOD AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE B.C ~ EXISTING ZONE: C-1 SITE AREA: ' 1,75760SQM (18,93151 SOFT) JOJAL BUILDING HEIGHT: E ~1'.\7fv-'\ h -=----.. l ,--::\ ~1Y I WALKWAY I PAVERS GROSS FLOOR AREA: PERMITTED PRINCIPAL: PROPOSED: PROPOSED: (MAIN FLR.) COMMERCIAL UNITS GARBAGE ROOM STftlRWElLS TOTAL PERMITTED ACCESSORV: PROPOSED: LANDSCAPED AREA D D 279.0 SQ.M (3,004.83 sa FT) 534 28 SQ M (5,754 22 SO FT) 471 50 SQ M (5,078 OB SO FT) 1394SQM (15011S0 FT) 'ft 5C SOM (SJ'S OlSO FT,) 534.28 SQ,M, (5,754.22 SQ.FT,) 279 0 SQM (3,004 83 SQ FT) I P.L 57.92m SETBACKS: FRONT YARD REC'D: 3.0M (10 O') (232ND STREET) REAR YARD REC'D: 3 OM (10 0') EXTERIOR SIDE YARD REC'D: 1 07M (3 S') (DOGWOOD AVENUE) INTERIOR 510E YARD REC'D: 3 OM (10 O') OFf STREET PARKING: COMMERCIAL: UNDERGROUND T,O RETAIN WALL 17.P{lm .),.-ts:~~ PARKING 11 <¢~~"1 PROVIDED: 4 03 M (13 25'@ COLUMN) 6 07 M (19,92' TO BUILDING) PROVIDED: 28 45 M (93 33'@ COLUMN) 29 94 M (98 25' TO BUILDING) D \ ~ 9' • LOADING ZONE 15 VISITOR H.C 17 13 T.O RETAIN. WALL 17.09m 11 TOTAL17 STALLS AT GRADE FOR COMMERCIAL UNITS T.O FIN. GRADE 17.65M 4 29.94 M TO BUILDING 93'-4' .45 M) TO COLUMN PROVIDED: 1 07 M (:3 5' @COLUMN) DRAWING INDEX· ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECT 2 84 M (9 33' TO BUILDING) PROVIDED: 1 6M (6 O') PROVIDED: 1 HIC A1-SITE PLAN A11 • UNDERGROUND PARKING PLAN A1 2 RETAINING WALL A2 -FLOOR PLANS A2 1 ROOF PLAN DAVID J. HO ARCHITECT INC 202-3190 ST Jot-lN'S STREET PORT MOODY BC V3H 2C7 TEL 604.469.9649 FAX 604 469 0800 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER THOMAS LEUNG STRUCTURAL ENGtNE.ER 121 6th AVE VANCOUVER BC TO RETAIN WALL 16,18m 7 S.C 6 S.C I ELECTRICAL ENGINEER INTERGRAL BUILDING CONSULT ANTS 4 -15243 91 AVENUE SURREY BC TEL 604 790 6036 FAX 604 468 8618 MECHANICAL ENGINEER MEC ENGINEERING CONSULTING LTD 4 -1 5243 91 AVENUE SURREY 8.C TEL 604 581 63'38 FAX 604 581 7448 __ , I I T,O RETAIN. WALL @1709m \ T.O RETAIN. WALL 17 09m :ll ~ z ~ z G') :e' • i!'.(-e r .~ \- .ORETAIN. WALL 18.29m JUN \ 7 2013 PERMITTED: 7 5M (24 6') PROPOSED = 7 5M (24 6') LOT COVERAGE (SECOND FLOOR) UNIT 1 UNIT2 UNIT 3 67 96 SQM (732 00 SQ FT) 64 97 SQ.M (699 82 SQ FT ) 70 34 SQM (757,62 SO FT) 85 92 SO M (925 35 SQ FT ) es 24 sa.M (918 03 so FT> 5,4 41 SQ.1! ,~01 SQFU 534 28 SQM, I STALL PER 30 SQM = 17 9 TOTAL REC'D:. 18 APARTMENT: ~ER D1/-JELUNG USE TOT AL REO'O = 5 5 SMALL CAR 51 STANDARD SMALL CAR PERMITTED 10% = 5 7 (6 SMALL CAR) TOTAL PROV10EO: 57 STALLS A3 -SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS A3 1 -NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS A3 2-BUILDING MASS A4 • SECTION A & B TEL 604,873 176B FAX 604 873 9978 CIVIL ENGINEER HY ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HARRY HAGGARD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 304 • 255 2ND STREET EAST MAPLE RIDGE T pV,.NN NG OEP.ll.!'\TME. I PERMITTED= 40% 70312 SOM (7,572 60 SO FT.) PROPOSED= JO 3% 534 28 SOM. (5,754 22 SO FT.) UNlT4 UNITS CQMMONAA£A. TOTAL 428.86 SC.M. (4,618,83 SQ FT.) VISITORS 5 UNIT= 0 2 PER DWELLING USE TOTAL REC'D= 1 TOTAL REC'D: 1 8 + 5+ 1 = 24 ST ALLS (39 STALLS FOR 23227 DOGWOOD AVE) (16 STALLS DEDICATED TO BLACK SHEEP PUS) LOADING ZONE REQ'D: "' 1 PROVIDED:= 1 • REC'D AISLE WIDTH= 7 3M (24') • PROVIDED: 7 3M (24') 200-9128 152ND STREET, SURREY BC TEL 604 583 1616 FAX 604 563 1737 ~ TERRA PACIFIC 16133110TH AVE. SURREY, 8 C V4N 4Y1 TEL 604 951 7748 FAX 604 951 7746 NORTH VANCOUVER, 8 C V7L 1C4 TEL 604 965 0137 ~ PMG LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS C100-4185 STILL CREEK DRIVE BURNABY, 8 C V5C SGS TEL 604 294 0011 FAX 604 294 0022 u ~~ z :c J, n w >- I-as~ u w ;; 0 I-0 ::;; :r: :,:: u 1s'. 0::: 8 <{ 0 ti m :r: z I ,;_: -, tn i 0 ol "'ill > ;:; -'= <{ ~~ 0 ~ ... .. (_') z 0 __J u :=) ~ (D a "' z >-i <( w __J 0:: ~ Q_ 0 i5 • f-~ w a (J) a f- 0 I (J) 3: ~ f- 3: w z "O i- (,) 0 iii 0 3 8 Al,l 30 28 BLACK SHEEP PUB I B[AcK SHEEP PµB I _ P.L 57.92!Jl ( 190&ft..J 26 23 r,r----::-_, _____ =~ _ UHECfM WO....,..,.. __ J •;-:.:=::. ·:, • ::-_•· ·114t-;;;:; BLACK BLACI< BLACK BLACK ~! SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP -- PUB PUB PUB PUB =;::: J'UP I ( ( -BLACK SHEEP PUB -BLACK 7 BLACK SHEEP 1 SHEEP PUB :Pus 21 I BLACK SHEEP PUB _ _;;;=-_._ ___ : --__ 9_ I I I BLACK BLACK BLACK SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP PUB PUB PUB 7 -~------·- BLACK SHEEP PUB BLACK BLACK SHEEP SHEEP PUB PUB ~~ - BLACK SHEEP PUB I I I UNDERGROUND PARKING PLAN ------<:=::i ,,,;----, I I I I I TOTAL 40 STALLS, 5 STALLS DEDICATED --,o~ARTMEN,-T-ENA~~~,&-1.8-Sl:ALLS,.....-----Q~~~-- DEDICATED TO B~CK SHEEP PU --------~ C) cri I 40T~NANT -1'---rl--~~.;~~'.i;iqur..i--.. ----t-! I I 10 ( ~ ii, ~ ~-01 v -, 39 TENA~T I I 19 BLACK SHEEP PUB 11 I I I -•~======~'=~======~ I ~-,-36 TENANT 1 12 2J'.S" lm'-~n,u'" 0 MECH.&ELEC. 1--~•,&:-.... •·---1 38 TEN~NT 0 SPRINKLER I EI ,:,<??aMFT I , l 37TENANT I I ~ 1\ I 1111 11 S /T_OBIRAKEGE\ Jhh-7,==~::;:;,,~:::=:;:m=,,i:;;;:;;; •• m=.;;=,fnf7,f'='is~TO~RAGE t0-iv-=---"'!~---: I ~ ..,. LOBBY _,~. :1t ', , I l-I;?~~~ /1 105 I 104 I ~ 1 l--.1:;:;:;::;============l STAIR#1 u;, 14 ,_ I' I '" ?i'D ; -1•.n· I 2M --~\ 15 -~-l ;\ l---~~-:.,..__ ___ _Q.l:l!;____ ___ ~ _ ___JJ=-.___1 =:::::::::=======~==~~-~ \\ &--------_J 17 - I ~ ~ .. ,-;, ~- ----P.L57.87m-( 189.86 ft.) -------- 1 -----------________ _l ~-' -=~-;..==--=--~~-~•~r- ,___ __________ 6:f,2'. I -~ r o>a NORTH ~c~~;i~·~·~?UND PARKING PLAN uI] AREA: 1,429.74 SQ. M. (15,398.40 SQ. FT.) DOGWOOD AVE. c' Al:/ "'~~ -~*- u ,-.= u= z N :g ~~ t-as~ u w 5 0 t-0 ::e I be u ~ a:: !:i < "' 0 t;; u, I z I ,;: -, ti,~ 0 o' ~ ill > ;;;v lw < ~i 0 ~ .. ... z <( (_') _j z Q_ 0 (_') ::::! z ::::> ~ m 0::: >-<( w Q_ 0::: 0 0 f-z (J) ::::> 0 N 0::: s: C) 0::: w w z 0 z ::::> .-; ,-<( ,-WOOD FENCE TO BE BOLTED DOWN ON CONC. CURB NEW WOOD FENCE BEYOND TO BE 4'-0" HIGH C/W WOOD POSTS SPACED 6'-0" O.C ...J a. w Cl tri a,: 0 2 ~:-1----'\. b _, I T.O FENCE 19.49 'v' t'.;'.:!:-!:::',:-,::-~.:_Y ;:'.~~~~~~~~ r--'--'-"u.u~u.u~ ,..-~--'<:ti T.O TIER 1 RETAIN. WALL 18.29 - -[~r..,~~~i ~~;;,e;S~.r..:=•-==-=-·==:E:XI;S;T-;IN;G~F:IN:I:S:H:ED:-:G:R:::D:E~~:-~-~=-=:=:-~E:~:IS::~IN~G~G;R:A;D;E~0;~~~~~=~1 -=~~-~~~~-~~~~~-====-===~~~~=====-=:--------~z~~====~J;;~~b~,~:•,__J"<1 1 _~ :: : ::: :: :::: ·..J u r, BEYOND ADJOINING EAST PROPERTY -/ _.,__ :s:z ~.9- / --------,~,~Q]6' FINISHED GRADE BEYOND @ 17.65 -+ ~-'f/1-fil 36'-2" (11.02M) /-'----------------------'~T:::I:-:E,:-R""'.:2~L:":E::-Vc:Ec-L""'.:C:-:O:-:-N:-:C,:-R,:-ET:::E:-,:--R:::ET="A:-:I-:-:N-:-:IN-:-:G:::-7:W-:-:A7L-:--L----.,--y -CQ\'C. RETAINING WALL 92'-5" 28.17M ·",''---------------------------------:::::::-::-~=:::-::::-:!-:::.-;::::;:-::=:::::-:7:77-;----------------------------y " TIER 1 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL r9rzj,q11..,, .. EAST ELEVATION -RETAINING WALL SCALE:1/4"=1'·0" 0'-0" SECTION THROUGH UNDERGROUND RAMP SCALE:1/4"=1'·0" ..J a: a; NORTH ELEVATION -RETAINING WALL SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" ---, b ..-_, CD 55'-11~" FINISHED GRADE BEYOND @ 17.65 - " ........ -- --...__ UNDERGROUND PARKING----------------------- NEW WOOD FENCE BEYOND TO BE 4'-0" HIGH C/W WOOD POSTS SPACED 6'-0" O.C 7B'-B" (23.98M) TIER 2 CONCR.ETE RETAINING WALL 1B7'-11" (57.27M) TIER 1 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 111•.3• (33.S1M TIER 2 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL --~ef' 1 ....... _:: ,.... I ~~ ;2'-8" 2'-4" ...J 1 ----W.:O" ..r-a: w -,r ,.IN. UK>";-j--Cl SE CTION ( E tri SCALE:1/4"=1'·0" T.O FENCE 19.49 sz ~, T.O TIER 1 RETAIN. WALL 18.29 sz T.O TIER 2 RETAIN. WALL 17.09 sz T.O TIER 3 RETAIN. WALL 16.18 sz : EXIST. GRADE '-0" CONC, PLANTER -- ':d. •. ·.: ·'. 1_: .-.. caNc. RETAIN. WALL AND 1 / r FOOTING AS PERSTRUCT~ ---?cc1-411 2'-0" ?---/r-0 _s_sz-A-~E-T1- 1 1~-.. ~-1-·-o-,, ---1( D ) ..___.,. u t;~ z ;~ >v 1--Ux u <D Cl' w iS 0 1--0 ::, I lie u ~ 0::: 8 <( 0 :;\ u, I ~ S; --, >-~ u, :;: 0 ol mil) > ;;; v I <( ~I 0 ~ .. ... C) z 0 _J ::J _J m _J <r: >-s: w O'.'. (.'.) 0 •z f--(/) z <( 0 f--s: w f--O'.'. s w z C\J ..... <( ... ,,\,"' ... D .-!1N ~ D D D □ D I r-1 I I I I I I ~ I D □ CRU 1 1,297.40 SQ. FT. CRU 2 1,204.57SQ. FT. CRU 3 1,288.08 SQ. FT. 20'·1 • UN!: OF WALL ABOVc ---7 I I I ~ CRU 5 I 610,11 SQ. FT. I ___ J ◊ I•□ D 1 ·,-0,--'• ,__ __ ____.,,.=.i_ ___ ..;._ ____ 2_6'-1_.1:_· ---!-~---"--..-Jl 13'-4' ~ MAIN FLOOR -COMMERCIAL SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" TOTAL AREA: 534.28 SQ.M. (5,754.22 SQ.FT.) ff.11• _s_~ ·l' ~ .,. ,-,, ,.. __ , D ··1r 7 BEDR □ ~ 8AlC0NV ~ t ...,&'1 ~l ◊ ~ ----% !i' J.:w." ___ .u.a,L, __ ....;..... ____ 2_6'-1_,11'-· ---~---17'__.-11_. --'-"""- UPPER FLOOR -5 APARTMENT UNITS SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" TOTAL AREA: 428.86 SQ.M. (4,618.83 SQ.FT.) ..,,!S" '° I ~ u ~~ z Id, "'w >v t-55 ~ u w ;s 0 !:: 0 :,a :r: be u ~ 0:: 8 <( 0 Iii V, :r: z I ~ , tn i 0 o' > ;;;~ lw <( ~~ 0 ~ .. C) z 0 _J ::::i [D >-w O'.'. 0 f- U) 0 5 f- 5 w z N <( ... z <( _J Q_ O'.'. 0 0 _J LL O'.'. w Q_ Q_ • ::::i 0 z <( O'.'. 0 0 _J LL z <( 2 DR A W IN G NO A2 . 1 PR O J E C T NO (/) :: : 0 ~ o F;; O w "'T l ~ "" O 1i r --' : )> ~ z 3: lm DA T E , SC N . E , "-M"- Y 28 , 1 2 1-5 SH O W N DR A W N : LH CH E C K E D : OH (i: 1 ► ... . . r.-, l _:: : .. 1 ... . ., 'I ~ r: : J [ .. 1 -· - l '- " ' ' 0 -0 "·- - - ' ., :c en )> r r- 1 i. _ J ~- - - = - - = - - - - - [] ~ :· ; ~i' ; ; ri :x : ' ' -z ~( / ) /1 . : _ __ _J ~ ~ ' ,- : ~ .. , r f-- - - - -- - 1 -- - -- -- - ~ -~ ~ ~ SL O P E r- - - - - -- - - - -- - _ J II M0 1 3 s A N o : . 1 1 v s II L- - - - - - 7 -- - - : : ~ - 7 : II MO 7 3 8 A N O J 7 \ 1 8 II II ~ - - _ [_ - - ~ II Ii MO 7 3 8 A N O J 7 \ 1 8 11 : .. . , II ~- - - r ;- V' ' ° ' ' -- - -- -- - i j '1/ ' i~ ] II I I ~ SL O P E r· , I '-~ L • ..J I ;o )> I QC / l ;; : G) Q- 0 I I; ~~ ... , :Ii I :X : < r )> m -, zr (/ ) n I I - ... , ;i ; I Or z > > .. , c~ r -, Gl r __ , I C :0 m ~o 1; ;o w ii ! ~ I O' ... , o9 0 -n x :0 I_ . . I ~~ () - I -, I I I I I I I ~ ef . oe , I I lf r ~ J JII ( :S L O P E I ( 3d 0 1 S ) I I I I I I I I I I ;o (/) )> I I QI C / l I l - Oz -u -., Gl I I r )> ' L_ m~ _ _J -- - 4 ' ( SI . O e . E SL O P E ' - 3d O h s ~1 SL O P E L_ r I ~ __ _ B. f i l - @ r t ( W; L . Q . W _ _ _ _ _ J '- - SL O P E . ~ (/) ,- di r ,- . r- ·= r 7 l r- ; 0 : ,: -0 .. . . J \- . ~ - ~:_ , m 'V ~I > '3 m~ RE V J S ! O N S OA T E RE V I S I O N S OA T E NE W TW O ST O R EY BU I L D I N G (r ] DA V I D J HO AR C H I T E C T IN C . 23 2 2 7 DO G W O O D AV E N U E , MA P L E RID G E 8.C 20 2 -3 1 9 0 ST JO H N S STRE E T POR T MO O D Y BC V3H 2C 7 . RO O F PLAN PH O N E 46 9-9 6 49 Fl:/ . 46 9 - 0 8 0 0 ) SOUTH ELEVATION DOGWOOD AVE. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" ASPHALT SHINGLES --~ 5" ALUMN. GUTTER ON 2X10 FASCIA ------ 6" HARDI BOARD --- CORNER TRIM --- VINYL WINDOWS WITH 6" CORNER TRIM ---- 6" HARDI SIDING --------+1~-M~~ SIGNAGE ON 4" HSS SMOOTH FINISH STUCCO ALUMINUM STORE FRONT WINDOWS ------➔=>-.d. 38" HIGH BRICK FINISH ---- :r:;: WEST ELEVATION 232 ND STREET SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" BRICK FINISH -- HARDIE PANEL VERTICAL SIDING -- 3~ 2X12 FASCIA TRIM BOARD HARDIE PANEL VERTICAL SIDING --..._ 3~ TOP OF ROOF U.S OF CEILING -------25.28m, ..--.. 23.93m 7 . 1· ' I ~ LI) (:, :-;-1 r;-co i:t N -f----f.-jI ..,T.,.,.O"-"U"-PP'-'E"'R,._,_F_,,_LO=O:..:R.,__2::.:l:.:,.4...,7m ...,_ _ • 8 U.S OF CEILING 2f.'i'ifm ~I ~ ••-··· . I~ __J :3 "' :: >< ..-t <( ~ ::E T.O MAIN FLR. SLAB 17~0.J l Sl.40' TOP OF ROOF rn I U.S OF CEJUNG ------~ 23.93m _ ~ LI) ~ ~ ~ ;o ue ... ROOR 1wJJ ~U~.S~OF~C=El=U~N=G __ -=21-.1'~!!!.,.. N ' r ,4~' 1· {9 C ..--· ...... , ..- .--..._ T,0 MAIN FLR. SLAB ,17.SOm. -~ z 0 __J :3 "' >< <( :E u ,-. 0 u:,i z No ccJ. S: ~ I-as~ u w § I-::a I 6c u ~ a:: < 8 "' 0 t;; u, I ~ ss -:, ~~ 0 ol > ~~ lw < ~i 0 ~ .. C') <( ... (/ ) m 0 )> f'. U) i ~ ,t r -- : ' : m C; < ~ 0 z ( '- -- i o 3: ~ z ~ l/1 ~ (lJ .. . ~1i) 11'-~ " C -- i in o Oc ., , -, , n- u mm - ;o C. , , z ,. . . G) 0 0 ,, -, m -- - ll ~ n: : ru 1-1 1.1 11 , • 11~ 11 1m1 C in 0 .,, n [!l C z G) I I I I I I -- i 0 ,, 0 ,, ,, 0 0 ., , I . "' ) J"' . ~ ~ .~ ,-1 '- ' • ~ M~ 3 3 ) 8'- 1" -~ '- 5 " , ~) , J; __ ~ __ _ ,,_ _ ~ ~-- 24 '-7" MA X . BU I L D I N G HE I G H T 24 ' - 7 " (7 . 5 M ) DR A W I NG NO , DA T E : MAY . 28 , 12 RE V I S I O N S DA T E I RE V ISION S DA T E A3 . 1 SC A L E , ., SH O W N PR O J E C T NO DRAWN: LH CH E C K E D : CH '- - " (/ ) z §2 0 hi JJ w -{ ~ I i m 6 r · m < )> -{ 6 z TENA N T IM P R O V E M ENT 23 2 2 7 DO GW O O D AV E N U E , MA P L E RID G E BC . EAS T & NO R T H EL EVA T I O NS [] li1 1il 1 11 11 llf - = e = - , , - l l l '1 Ui- 1 - l i - ! R l f l M Ii lff i ~ -- i o 3: ~ z .,, r !' VI ~ OJ C -- i in i:: J Oc ,, -,, n- u [! l m C ~ Z, : - Gl 0 ,, ~ ... p: CO ~.,_ . Ao .. . j~ " ' ~, ) 1~ ! .~) 8' - 1 " 24 '-7 " MA X . BU I L D I N G HE I G H T 24 ' - 7 " (7 . S M ) C VI 0 ., , i G) l i;~i , , I I ,n i I' ~ l 1l I I I i I I I I I I 'I I I I I 111 I I 11 I -- i {i ~} ~ N ~ N -l~'4'-5" .~ ) I (~ DA V I D J HO AR C H I T E C T IN C . 20 2 -3 1 9 0 ST JO H N S ST R E E T PO R T MO O D Y BC V3 H 2C7 PH O N E 46 9 - 9 6 4 9 FA X 46 9 - D B D O ·, '- - DR A W I N G NO , DA T E : ~y 25 , 12 RE V I S : O N S DA T E RE V I S I O N S DA T E A3 . 2 SC A L E : AS SH O W N PR O J E C T NO ~ DR A W N : Ui - CH E C K E D : DH .. . . . . . . (J ) (/ ) ~ o fn C ~ -i kl I ,,. m -!e r q m - < ~ 0 z -0 0 G) ~ 0 0 0 ~ m TE N A N T IM P R O V E M E N T 2l2 2 7 DO G W O O D AV E N U E MA P L E RID G E 8 C . BU I L D I N G MA S S = = 6~ .. \ (~ DA V I D J HO AR C H I T E C T IN C . 20 2 -3 1 9 0 ST JO H N S ST R E E T PO R T MO O D Y BC V3 H 2C 7 PH O N E 46 9 - 9 6 4 9 FA X 46 9 - O B 0 0 ) c.J -------- SECTION SCALE: 1 /4"= 1 '-0" I-2'-0' ,..,_ ,_ 1-,_ ·-,_ ·-1-,_ ,_ ... :=:: -·- ~~ o J) l '1.1 I I #, -I STAIR WELL 1 N-,"'N"' LOBBY UNIT 104 ~~ 1:111:111 I l I I r l l l ~ ~ '-'-,__ >----1-1--I f CRU 5 H.C E -----~ ----i e ----1----,__ ----I g ----.-----.. -. -•. --~ •~ I ~ ... _ ., . ,, ... --.. ---' ,_,. ·---. ----.. --·· .. --·· • --•-·•• I I .· --, ·---7 . . .. C:J [:;:[I -------- ATTH SPACE UNIT 103 I, +R WELLl FLAT ROOF FOR MECHANICAL UNITS BATH. ENSUITE ENSUITE BATH. ' ' I -1 I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CRU 3 CRU 2 ... . ' ... .... --. ' .,. --. -.• .. : -......... •.· ~ .·. ... . ,. ••:••I •.•• UNDERGROUND PARKING . -~ .. -' -. -. .. . ~ . . II I I II ~ ~I -I .a;:;:: ~ ,,v,,v• ~ '.\V·.'1•,:., ~ .. ' ~ ' . ==i-I- STAIR I- I- UNIT 105 WELL2 '-'-I- ~ 'lll'llll, ''-''-L _J ~ a: I t I I I I I I ~-''·'·\~ w ,_ ;::::::::. 0 ,_ -· vi ,_ ·p:a ,_ a: ,_ 0 ,_ 2 ·-·-LJ w I-~ CRU 1 I I t -'W,f,NdJ/J. 1---j·· 1r--~• O' c:=+= ~-1---~--<---a~ 1r:-•• __ _J~J:,N -: , .-•' -.... . . ; .~ ' ( I '---~ :~-b ---. ;.n ~ ,_ ,_ '------·• STAIR ---" ". WEUl 3 ~- :'I ]/ .. , •' : • · I--... ,,_·_,_I~ □ c:::J "'; TOP OF ROOF U.S OF CEILING -----25.28m,. !'. ~t ; col ;:!; -f-..----.. F-..., I _T"'-.O=----=U~P'-'PE:.CR'-'F-=L-=-OO=R_,__.=.21=;,A,11'7rtL._ -I 8 U.S OF CEILING -21.18'\;;,_~•~ • I~ T.O MAIN FLR. SLAB Q s oF$LAB ....... I ::=1 "I :?1 co ---T.O PARKING SLAB 15.16m,, -----'T-"'O'-P ""'O'-F ~RO=O~F _ ____.-=25=·~ U.SOFCBUNG u;, -----~ 23.93m, i' Lr) t=, ~ ~ &>1' -~ -;;_:i: _T~.O""-'U~P~P=ER~F~L=O=O=R--=-2=l-ffl47'«'~~-• 8 u.s OF CEILING 21·:fik -::t.1 ~ WA§''.,,.,,. l9 -T.O MAIN FLR. SLAB 17.8Om; Q S oF $lAB .sa.4.-,: • C) I T.O PARKING SLAB z 0 ..J s co X <( :;;: Ii u R; z :,::J, "'w >~ 1--~~ u w i5 1--8 ::,; I "' u 0 0::: 0.. <( i 0 V) I "' :,:: Sil --:, ti;~ 0 O' "' ~ > ;::; ~ lw <( ~~ 0 ~ ... ... f--z w 2 w > [/] 0 z O:'.: 0 Q_ •F 2 u w f--[/] z <( z w f-- r-7 11 □ \-L ~. I . . . .-· -,. • I 1~' .. • \ . . --,,. I\) I W • 8 1 . ~ ~'.::-J ·l?.iY;) -t !.1. ;;.. , ;o b 1• ' •, / ffl ~ · '•. i<oCG m ~ LA<,c,i'\' • -t -(.~<U>) \G,'oc. 4-r,E'D •• - c.111!:-!,T .:f.?~~ l'<.11-1. l-1'-VllJ. 8/ ( <:,a.E (21>1}, OUTDOOR PATIO 1rlt~ -.. _,. f~:~ l======~======it,:i=/}.iF! -l~IC WALKWAY PAVERS fLANTlN Ct PLAN ON SITE PLAN NORTH 1/'. SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" T.O RETAIN. WALL 18.29m I AP. .88M □ ___________ ___;J1J!90'ii::.(f'IL.llf5,i...T.91ru~~--11 __________________________ _ RETAINING WALL ------1 T.ORETAIN. □ 13 □ □ LOADING ZONE 15 >-<( :;: "' VISITOR --' <( :;: H.C 17 ◊ 11 TOTAL17 STALLS FOR COMMERCIAL UNITS <= =:> T,O FIN. GRADE 17.65M {} v 4 ---------- 4.03M) 2 7 S.C I _!_j /;RB. T.O RETAIN. WALL 18.29m :,a m --i ► z ! z G) ::; f'.~ r"' 1:mm All 18.29m IGHPT. WOOD FENCE DOGWOOD AVE. ,,.-...... -----,-,-.;;._ __________ N_E_W_L_ET_DO_W_N _________________ ~'\~t-T-0 __ .____, Yo:i;ihst 4,.,. \nuTTEN 5!£CIFICA71.0l'U .; All wOrl<, ~rulluioa, m••••hb, cl.<:: In~ rcrn CS.LI u,d l!:C fi.T..A. ~iqdor<li~od "['"1:iUc•iiDD~ • ,. t'::mi.~r r~ap; (,&:c;t.SC-"DOt!f? C fip....c.1,r,;} Eact, tree shall be a minimum 6.0 centimetres calliper 2.0 metres standard and not less than 3.5 me Ires in overall height. Each tree shall have a stufd)', reasonably straighl uunk. Minimum branch height on trees shall be considered in street tree designs so as to not obstruct ~4W10f11 movement All measurement methods shall be as_ per the landscape 5.lnl'ldlfd; In • ;.fJpH!n.~~~~'!1,-'~C-~Wdcpl?isas -~z~~g,."ci:''.IP, ... "=ti--,~• ""•"11 .• ,.~--a~ .. _ ... o-r .. b•••""'11il .... ~dtj~ J>o:ri!IN •••i• 1l110111\-aiw:1ob41.,,._~dbyL:J~ColllnoDr~fmj,!!"CDg 111d t...-iuu.Uolioo (1U 1~ucu..._M.,.r~r:>I 1Pf.tf"11b ~ dr.ihugc). Mer ,..U Jll.1.IIWlg odd miai.,n1m 2" li,b3rk mulch (nl~-lr••) ihr.,.,gbou, ~od r111d liuis~ grad~ -J!~I: _""uic:il fiD.i!h t-:~<ks 1h,oufloou110 be 1• below loo ol mspl11.ll ood rood_ lillish Pl101 io•pc;tioo~ uPoo ruju~:ll llJ" L>.od.Y:opc Coo..-~cr.cr 10 iacludc LI, 1'ili:imum of thJee1obc: • (o) filllillspcctioo,1ti:Dc <1fJ)l,11t.1.rr.,"IJ (b) ia.riali,cinsp«lio111. _ (c) l'l~ d. inlfl<ttio~.aflcr tut pluu ID pbu ~ad fft b:rril: 111ul:h .Ill pli« Ge\o\,t-;...,.1.A,4:-u,,,_ ~ '('\ .. lL ~A~~~:'¢.."!";~~•I•.._ _ _. ~c a,,,1 UJ:poodcgb1< A ~(30) difm~iaY.HM;cfp~ 10 illchlkpNoiaz.w11tui:i;.c~ S~JO <by m•Ultt11uioe 10 ~rn 1N.l llt111 7-C ,bavc. . • • The wri'!-'=n i:pcci6"=,,tions (91',"" 12') form an i,,1c~r.,.\ pa11 of 1bc,c d<2...,jng1 Allc.ci:k91.t:,,c:au,u.,u,,&4nt. ~-, •1t i..11,r vc,ilicd--stN ..... WUot.,.QII:~~ , ....., ___ ,, .............. , ... fl_,..,...r~,. ~"". , •~jill;ullJ,l-'Oo:~rbt,..aAl!I,..,~ ~' ....... ~hlnpo.tiWfk,r_ I!/} -==r ~ ... • ~ ~2 /4.f ~~~ -t;.\f\t:.E..:( ,~eE. HOTE:,.:.. t'ER bl'?!C-u·-r oF ,.,\J;,..pl-~ ;:\ 1 O(;"~"Final location and species seltcUOO iJijjfl be to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge• . (_) ~~ z rJ. ,.,, ~ >v I-a5 ~ (_) Lu is 0 t= 0 ::a :::c: 5c (_) 1i' 0:: ~ <( 0 t,; V, :::c: z r >s "'") ~i Cl o• > ~~ lw <( ~I Cl ~ .. ...i I-z z w :;} 2 g <C w __J " Q_ > ~ 0 w Cl'.'. ~ Q_ Q_ • <C 2 ,;-u 8 (I) I-I 0 z z <C ~ <C z __J w I- ~ District of Maple Ridge street Tree Process In New Developments NOTE: The Professional referred to in this document shall be one of the following: Certified Arborist, Certified Landscape Technician, Or Landscape Architect. 1. Street Tree Plans ere submitted along with other servicing plans to. Engineering Departnient 2. Street Tree Plans are reviewed by the Planning Department Arborist (Gail S.wstek) and returned to 1he. Engineering Department for revision o·r acceplance, 3. Refundable Secur/Ues are taken by the Engineering Department on a per tree basis. 4. Wn.n Uoos are OOCKrt to bO, fMc:,llc:<3, tho Proft!sslor,;al Js to bo conta..."'l&d to IMHtt the ttees al Ute nlr."!ey baOfo ~. a, on $i!O ~n~ d&fNcry, An)'thln, that dott net mre 01&111ct or Mlple ~g• •mnaords w1n not 1>e •ccoPteo. ' 5. TIH:5 4 are iMldlfM .nr;d trm Ptot~, OOtn.PIGlttS-th(! Sehedl,llo C fns:tcatlo'n r R:8-klw n o,ofessfonll fCvicw of in~m~tlon. This r~acx, ioo4ls for .:ir,y def,clonclo, In -•a. troe -8!1<I Pla<omcnt ""'3ti()n agn,,,a to on o,,,.r,iai plan (wh;,n mwt bo.•Wdl<tt wf<h Ohons'<s ncnec <WI tilt am,,inB), ••...,, a, thol tho, J)lclnUne mcm tho l!CI.N,\olid ~ 0111nti.,_11on -••m..,11, Neto: 11>• ••• p!Qn\Od" dn>wi(l8 MUST be -lttJ!d In onlcr fo, ll)o O!oltlct to 0,,1,u tho u ... on Its ln"""""Y• ll>ls -w ;, SUbmlllOd I<> tne l'JoMitig O.o,>tllllttt\l At...i.t (Goll Sz.osttk) WhO,-l<s llle S::lledulo O lo,ia,latlon Coft!Qoal,Q U..t rn1ul<a llio . llqionlnc of tile one '/Ollf mo~t.i>onc,, l>Olbl. TIiis C.n.lllcate lo unt 10. 111o ~IOp6t nod o copy kept on fil11t In PlaMJn,. 6. After tho. one ynt motn:tenanoo l)CtSocl' fa awnpfcw~ th9 ~ hft$ a : ProfossfoNf ID r:omplr..i a Seheclule £ FinDf Fldd lbtvf&w 0/:ont: ~.h ti copy of U1'1-i Scl>octule D (ot,o-.,,) ond • 000!' al tho ondnal .,,..t ...., pion w.th -.,. Piontod"' I detclls Ill lllett 11o,•o been c11,_ t,cm lho.Schod<Jlo c l>lons). lllls •-indlcol"5 lilal all 1'Cle$ mat.cl'! lf1tl lnr.lallaUon Ccrtiliea10 onct lh&t a.II trees thin \ftre lnst6Jlitd arc olNe-erttl ht!<hy, oz h4w bf!ien re~,~ tt\6t ~ $!Glees 00d othc-r$Uppc,rt.J iu.vo tieen romOYt!d. Tola "~ o.na ·es ptan~-p~"' ,e,e ~nec1 to tne ~ °""""""'"' .,_ (Goa S>omk) ""° """'"•'"' u-.-S<oooui. F Fi""' Certificate for the site 7. The F"inal Cetlllica~ d ttfa&tt lht ttletso of the secutltle$ 11· .. ,t l\8W3 beeil Mid for ttle West rreca. A pOIIJoA of lfto ~cy, may be held 00d( fo, tlh aoaitlo.nal)'t!IU ol mainten:ance.11 ra~ trees WlttCI: tMiuJred. A copy ot u,~ certlfbto 1,S, knt>l Of\ file and given to the Developer. 1. General 1.1. Street Tree Planting Requfrement street tree planting is a requirement of subdivision and development servicing of land in Zones identlfied in Schedule •A-or Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing By Law No. 4800-1993. The subdivision or development servicing of land, identified in Schedule "A~ reQuires the developers of such land to· prepare a street tree planting plan and install slreeL trees in accordance wlttJ these sPeclficaUons. The Developer. shall provJ~e a refundable dep0s1t to the municipality for the cost to install, inspect and maintain the ttees in accordance With these specifications. 2.6. COndltion IJl' Qlan1 mat1t1111stn11i be of pod tiie.,ath11ntJVfUOf'\'tJU'1 no-...i,1b10Gt~ OI~. ~ oeoa, <lamogo o, Olhorol>juo-blo.s;,f/gt,,.mel)IL AU u ... .,. to be,_ byo C.nlflo<l Atoot!::t., Ccttlll<d -Pt Tochnlclon l>efO<e p/>nt~ The Dth~of lotwi -g I.Aldlvja,d ct --ls ICSPol\Olblo tor ""'"""inl: 1111 tollll,cope/Pf1t1t1ln1 TO<l,nkilt,(407.74!19) Prloi IDdoJlve,yonslu,..u, ~l(oa,Uo,, \NII tho ..... meet the.. ~ulct oft,tu* ffid&eiwedficatlons, e.nowMre Uletrt.esmaCO!"f\lrit t,om. 2.7. Mulch SMll be 2!5ram dfame-10raoo mlnUi Oo~ F",ror~mloc.kberk ~ and fines t1,:ioo, chtncsW 5ticksi., dark bfcl.wn In c::osour, tree rit&tt cofl s~ rootl, we~ AttM■l'ld .,Q(ll"e;$ anc:1 otha, Al'lrlnffUI ~not. The ffl\llcl'J a~ eround t~ lfee ~ Is net to be •-than 2.5 cnl.(1 h:11) •nd1s not 10 bo touoh!ng 11\o uunl<of the troo. 3. Construction 3.1. Installation All ll)Stallation shall compJy wilh 8CNTA/BCSLA landscape standards, latest edition. 3.2. nme of Planting 1. ~m-lna, work It to be completed during normal pfanlin.£ aoosons as akuit.ed by we:nUter C:Ond1tJon,-Planting In rr~.l!n ~ or with ,lffroMn roo1 biu ;s ~ acceptable. Planting Is not be permitted during extremely hot. dry weather, or when rain has atc:urnulOlod r, lhO 1Jec PY'C All ne~J)r pttcaut1oru; Jhol be takcm \0 prolect lhe plant material from severe wc1uhlre:intG~ 01.l.dnt tran&Dortat,ion and pJanung. 2. Pl:t.n&f! of .trees (W'i any dev~t ~rt• shall not be carried out untU building con,.l,uetion is a mir'tlrnum 80'!4, c.omottlL ----------. -------. 3.3. location of Planting Slleet tt~ atiap t:,e loca.teO ~ltnJn uie (OiJCI 11ght of way in the separated boulevard. Where .boulevard Width fs less than 1 0 met~ Che trees may be located between the property line and the back of sidewalk or curb. Actual tree numbers, spacing and locations will vary according to existing site conditions and species selected. LOcations stiall be ' staked by the Landscape Archrtecf/Designer or Developer according to ihe plans submitted to the municipality. The Developer shall reQuest a review of the stake locations. by the Landscape/PlanningTectinlclan prior to planting. Minor alterations in locat1on can be performed by the Developer if obstructions are encountered. ObstrucUons requirinf major atteration to the p/anUng plan are to be reported to the LandscaP.e/PlannJng Technician for resolution. (604-467-7499) • 3.4 Preparation of Planting Area The area fn Whfch the trees are t.o be planted must be properly prepared with a minimum of 100 cm depth of quality topsoil in a continuous strip of at least 2 meters width, or the width of the separated boulevard. The subgrade of this planting strip must be pervious to water. 3.5 Tree planting procedures AJI trees shall be planted as per Schedule One unless olherwtse noted. a) AU planting pits should be dug by hand with care as underground services may exist near proposed street tree locations, The planting pits shall be large enough to accommodate the entire root ball and with an addltlonal 30 cm of loosened native soil around the Inserted rootball. rr present, tlie top 1/3 rd Of· the burlap shall be folded back, top wire bent.back below soil level, and ties removed. b) The trees must be planted al the proper deptli. Remove soil from the base of each tree until the first larger root ls found. Cut all circling glrdling roots that' are obvious. Plant at the depth where the first root found is just' below solJ level. cJ The planting pit shall be back fl/led With the native surrounding sol!, tamped and watered In layers to secure the tree and' eliminate air pockets. Refer to the B,C,N.T .A. Standards for procedures when planting trees grown in containers and wire baskels. d) Upon Installation trees that are unable to stand alone ere to be securely staked as per Schedule One. e) Trees Shall be watered as required to ensure that no stress occurs to the trees during hot weather. f) AU excess soil, rock and debris shall be removed from the site on completion of plantrng. g) After clean up the planting area Shall be mulched with speeified bark mulch (see 2.7 above), The mulch shall not be piled at the base of tlie tree trunk, and shall be not be more than 2 s cm (1 inch) in depth.· 3.6 Plant Mai'riten~nce Tho 0...lope,J, ,_,.l!Jle lor foao..lng tl>Hslalll!<hmon: molnt111>an<e 011,o«fu,.. · ~oeuary ro rNlmlHn OIi t,oes ln n he~•cond.iUoo for a mif'limtun one )'Mr P«'riod. ~-~ :p«ir...,it, tl>e llCSI.A/BCtJTA l.ltrd,capo.,.ndara. Onca1tsni~tlon Ii comp.leu,.""' Oev,Jopc,>h>ff..._ • ..,,.or_•cr,_,,llot1onR,,fo,.)1~t1,eori&inol SlrtH l f!tl Pbn With not~ Chlftge:s. to the Ob'trict. Erwimnmi,nw TfCMician,. Thb Schedule rs to be completed bya Certffied Professional, The maintenance period shall begin upon issuance of the Street Tree Planting Certificate (Schedule OJ by the Em1/ronmental Technician. Maintenance work shall inclUde b~ not be limited to: Watertng Weeding Pruning Repair or replacement of vandalized trees Treatment to control dJsease and Pests Removal of tree staking rnater1als at Uie end of the warranty period The-Muriclta11ity feler\-es the tigllt to ~ti the Oow!-Joper's maintenance tesponsibllily for,an addllJOna/ y,:41' if1 It the end of the lnie,al ptrioa, leaf development, ~h or overall vigor Is not sufficient to ensure tree survival. 3. 7 Warranty 1. All trees shall be warranted against loss for one full year from the s~rt of the maintenance period. 2. The Developer shall provJde a written "warranty to the MunJclpality, at the start of the maintenance period. 3.8 Replacements 1. Ourir,e tne war~ p,erio:I, the Oe.,..loper &ND replace all tlttt that die. are <f.smc&ed or N\1e 11111M to a,ow sati5'ae:todly as detotmlned by the Landscape/Plannlng Technician. 2. All replacements shall be wilh trees of the same species, variety, and size as the original planting pJan. 3. The warranty on replacement trees shall extend for a period equal to the original warranty period. 4. The mnlntonanco -ends When uoc O..•loper hm •ubnllltod Sol>ed""' r. or,1'lch 1$-00fflf)l'etcd b'f a ee,ur~ ProtCSGlonal, U> tM Ettvtronmonta11ec:~ A l'lnol ln<p<!<tion Cenllleot<> lscnodu10 F) will bo """90 ftom.l)>o. Q;sttlol end the ref1,,1ndilb16 security for~~ ~~~II oc t'laumed.. · SCHEDULE "A' Street Tree Planting Detail to HOT lJl"IM l£1J)Efl ~'IN &0-~NNCID-Rw.'11 -~~\A.TOSIOE'l)'_.,U.:fAOAll PROT[CTCIA ~IQIM::0--~ l'lltUY.fAl.ttJil'IIO "" .... ~ l}~~:~=•r:t~~i'ED !1.Jb111.N <.0:..TOstlltHN8- l)1:c~'~=•=:c~ :~ :,:a..!:o~~~~" _ ttO'ROOl' JA00£1. US l&-2; =~=~:,:= TREE PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL E3 ~L _ __,,. STANDARD DRA\IINGS SD ll ~fBEET TREE SP E.G t FI CAT1o~fa .- ----------------------------. ·------ . 11.AAAV LEE,HAGG:ARD_ U\lll?SCAl'E AR_c:HlTEq_ !!~_K;~~-f~?:r E V9P lKS '(604)_985-<1137· ' (..) wl z :,: J, -.... ~ >~ t-~~ (..) w i5 0 !:: 0 :::, ::c: 52 (..) 0 0::: CL <{ 8 f!, 0 u, u, :I: z :,: ~ -, tn i 0 ~~ > '\!! <{ No 0 ~ii' ~ ... .111111 f-z z w ~ 2 8 <( w .....I "' o_ > i 0 w 0::: g o_ o_ • <( 2 ii u -g (/) ~ f-g 0 z z <( ~ <( z .....I w f- 1 ,. N (.,) N tn -I :;a m m -I ... <'l ~ !'!. W/>J.JWIAY PAVER$ -ELANTtN~ 'l?LAN oN MDRTH SITE PLAN SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" 1 ~l!Q. TOP O 4 FT. HIGH WOOD FENCE @19.49m OUTDOOR PATJP lie \· 0 /IT",,.~-,-r --- 1 I T.0 RETAIN. WALL 18.29m DOGWOOD AVE. t . -. '(phu.,ol\<:,if-) .91M RETAINING WALL 13 11 TOTAL17 STALLS FOR COMMERCIAL UNITS LOADING ZONE T.O FIN. GRADE 17.65M 15 VISITOR H.C 17 NEW LETDOWN ,; Wl\i'lTBN° t l'EC[FIC.l"TIP~B 1. '. .::~,.,..~ob,._...:IO~parB.c:.s.I.A.ud.~T~a.ta.Ddowi1.11d" 2 s. Mottoo,t1~~5v·••·~_;_.._,.~pi:allmd}todc;p!Juiiis: t,ii,,,,&:~ ..... ,~~~ ......... ,-:.. ·"'1 • .ur.2?J~'l;:.~~,~.;-~~?t~~~--- ~~llir~&ll..:s.,;..,111t.~i,.,~c-.-.-.m~•1 --~-~ikm(all~lia'.lkft•••ainiif"M .......... ~.). A&t.allpb11tlD1•dll111~l•flrll&dc111■kh(~)~a},ou1.._d~lkbla --6. -~~·tboia,tph1~IMIFlrwo,;.·Mpd.~ ... _, ... f ' • -~-···=~.,_,up,11111.,~~-~ .... ----.t ~t ~~~--=-ell(UMAnfnl_ . G?a:\:ibuSdo1t ::r,~~--:~:'it":.::t-•-' .. ~ ....... '-" Alidny(]O)Uf·~IJf}Cl:,ll,tt:,b:1,i~pnm~WLlcriac.clC-Said30,d1y -Z.t.aanc.o·1ot~,.Aafw..,,.C........ ..~· • 'Ille.'Wril!U,spedfiC:uiGD-1 (a¾•zu") fG1111111 bil¢1nill'uta[lli-drawbip. • All d~ local>'~ ,n ... •lo:. U1: 11~1c ... •~ lo k Y!:l'il5•d o-W pl'Wl"10bl4dmgby111.e.,..i:tM.«1-1tru100. ~• n-.---ri.w ..... , ........................ . ... ,,... ...... 0-.Paliu .. ~lh. ........ Oo.cnias■1~klor. ".. , ~ I __ _J i!I ~~:::,-,·-... ... ,,... ...... ;.,.,,,.,,;_.,,,. __ ~1"" TlUpE §P£<..tBl'.'f'i-DOtif, C 6GL.-0 W) _L_.....::. __ __;c~,..~"!!:i,..~•~---a!!"'~~~ ... w"!It:...r!:..!,•,.:;.a.lb:•tU} __ ___: ______ ~-------::----------;-:---;:-:--:::-: Eai:li11i,;, sriill'ai O mrnlOMlm 6.0 een11m<1tes·coll!pet 2.0 mott"'sllHidA!d one! ool iou J' • lliiin3.5n/ouvs1n...,.a1tefgltL fa<hl,...!lllaltllove••UJldy.n,nc,i111bi)'..,.1/ltlluun11. Minimum O<anth hcl&lU on ,,_$MIi be"°"'~-~ strttLII<@ ~""~to 1101 • =::~~~L Ai!~•~~"'!.,."lSt>~'!!(_l>,.~pcrlllllon,rhc.>pc <;,RE. T.ORETAIN. WALL 18.29m ::0 ~ z ? z G) ::. ~~ .E IGHPT. WOOD FENCE .t;i.T''1\E.E::C :r-~e~ ~o-re.-;..cfs P l?T!'>1c.roF MApL-~ BI oP,:~~nal location and ~spec1e_s·se1ection shall be tollhe satisfaction of the Qistrict of Map!e Ridge~. (.) ~I z :r:J. .,, ~ >• I-55 ~ (.) I.LI i5 0 !:: 0 "' :I: 5' (.) 0 Ck: C- < 8 0 !;; "' :I: :z :,: !:; -, ti,! 0 o' a, ill > ;;;• I,,_, < N5 0 ~ii: ~ .. ... f-z z w ;;l 2 I <( w _j > ~ Q_ 0 w 0::: Q_ '!l Q_ ~ • <( 2 u i (.f) f-0 z z <( t:; <( z 1:l _j w f-