HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-09-10 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, September 10, 2013 4:00 pm - Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1.CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF August 8, 2013 4.NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Nil 5.PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit 2012-021-DP (revised proposal by new architect) Applicant David Laird, Damax Consultants Project Architect: Mark Lesack, MAIBC, Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. Landscape Architect: Meredith Mitchell Proposal:     Proposed mixed use building totaling 702.6 m2 (7,563.5 ft2) and two apartments on the proposed C 1 zoned lot Location:   11185 240 Street Planner/ File Manager:  Adrian Kopystynski                    5.2 Development Permit: 2011-109-DP Applicant: Gary Lycan/Double Gold Holdings Project Architect: Harvey Hatch Landscape Architect: David Mitchell, M2 Landscape Architects Proposal: Addition/Extension of an existing Industrial Building in the M-3 zone Location: 20120 113B Avenue Planning Technician/File Manager: Siobhan Murphy 6.PRESENTATIONS - Nil 7. C0RRESPONDENCE - Nil 8.NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, October 8, 2013 Agenda deadline: Monday, September 16, 2013 9.ADJOURNMENT /jg District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application - 2OI3 This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available)D Development Permit DP/ 2a/L'ê2/'PF 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context, 2 D€u *¿*ê)¡*¿- /*æe-v,æ,â ,4ægZ- ¿€ /1,¿/ Z ,rþt'¿a*fl*+ þætfi ,ff V*ê/+a-a* tø ¡þ bu.rlflà¿ef4æ tò ¿+ ,ue4¿ f¡¿.¿,¿ct¿æêrþf þ/4 ¡Þtag*t7e:û2" 24ùæ'u7 3. PresentingArchitect: (plea print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect:/V6Æe/Alr/fê/Y(fl-¿- (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: dl copiesof the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x L7 formalfor distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. dóesign Rationale 6. Contact person forthis project: (please print) Name lelêÊ'E Co mpany : A *tê€,U¿eî4*¡ * fSa uÌ * 7zã *zZ ¿,?' lf6al€ /'aa' Address:/2 Phone No.âaf fl6 -/êêa Fax No.{16 - Email:rtsa¿râ ,o^u-r'- Áo âs- (Appl ica nt's Signatu re) ,¿ (Date) rev. 2Otl-72-2O Tues Jan 08 Tues Feb 12 Tues Mar 12 Tues Apr 09 Tues May 14 Tues Jun 11 Tues Jul 09 Tues Aug 13 Tues Sep 10 Tues Oct 08 Tues Nov 12 Tues Dec 10 by l{oon-on Mon Dec 10 Mon Jan 21 Mon Feb 18 Mon Mar 18 Mon Apr 22 Mon May 20 Mon Jun 17 Mon Jul 22 Mon Aug 19 Mon Sep 16 Mon Oct 21 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadli 7ê 1) Site Data: þt*t¿&,Pte&CivicAddress ///g{¿æa ///î1, ?fø sv Area of the lot(s)y¡2 ò/.¿-6mLot width ?-q mLot Depth Proposed 0CP Designation e,Õfr þ, ap-ø/tn-Existing OCP Designalion a¿s/tt ¿ r?þt *'?- ô"1Proposed ZoneExisting Zone F-6î Proposed land use ¡uc/$*/tfuu.ç- rt¿te,â ê4Existingland use d*¿6 ta¡sruq ê¿¿¡â-* Ë 2/.6 m Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection,@t"Ze*/¿,*z 2 ) Building Data: f, 8f m2¡2 Total lot Coverage proposed 4¿Lot Coverage Required .(1 mmReqd. front setback rO.êf mm n ftl)Proposed front setback Proposed rear setbaReqd. rearsetback .y'ø nmProposed side setbacR ( 6øî f)Reqd. side setback zë. øLmmProposed side setback før6flReqd. side setback la.fLmmProposed building heightReqd. building height Variances to the proposed Zone ¡A.S?m2)m2)7 Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA proposed Allowed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed Proposed Usable Open Space .12-'rt m2Reqd. Usable Open Space ¡¡2 q2.?3m2Proposed Common Activity AreaReqd. Common Activity Area ç¡12 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: Y/NUnderground Parking 2/Proposed Parking spaces for the zoneReqd. Parking spaces for the zone 4car stallssmaReqd. small car stalls ¡2Proposed scooter/bicycle storage a rea ,Proposed Handicapped ParkingRequired Handicapped Parking 4Proposed Visitor Parking spacesRequired Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking ROW:4 ) Covenants: Storm sewerY/NGeotechnical Sanitary sewer YY/NTree preservation Drainage YY/NNo Build/ No Disturb Any other ROWAny other Covenants on ïitle Y/N 5 ) Environmental: (distance from the TOB of watercourse)murse/Wetlandmawithn Contours on the lot= less Than t5%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Proposed Iandscaped area //Ø m2¡2Existing landscaped area 62Area of building to be demolished Y/Nln the Flood Plain ln The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/N Proposed LEED points PROJECT DATA: (PLTASE FILL lN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) ¿æ+A'æ æ ieF p Êâô4 fã& 7Ø ëþëÉ ,'è lc/4f46 t'/+ Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. SUBJECT PROPERTIES P 1 1 133/85 240 STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPART[,1ENT lrSL ^f¡,*{{e ' MAPLE RIDGE Britlsh Cotumbla c 'ı .Ø o o .Øo DATE: Feb 21, 201 2 FILE: 2012-021 -DP BY: PC Dislrict of Langley SCALE 1:3,000 N 1 1 133/85 240 STREETC .og) .ct) o o -ct)U CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ** . .*"f;î"" MAPLE RIDGE British Cotumbla DATE: Feb 21, 2012 FILE: 2012-021-DP BY: PCSCALE 1:3,000 N District of Langley tlf ._.. .. r.:r /-'l[i-:':L.\lã'.l--'"î:::.-. - MAPLE RIDGE Br¡tish Columbia District of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2012-j2L-DP I"LLBS 240 Street MEETING DATE: August L9,2073 PURPOSE: An AdvÌsory Design Panel (ADP) application has been received for the above noted property. There was an earlier submission to the ADP, however an entirely new two-storey mixed use commercia/residential project is being proposed by the new owner of the subject property. The development site will be subject to Development Permil 2O72-O21-DP (for the commercial component) to address the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed Surrounding Uses: North: South East: Use: /one Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Damax Consultants Ltd. (Dave Laird) Qualico Developments (Vancouver) lnc. Lot: C, D.L.: 4O4, Block: 8, Plan: tgA25 Urban Residential, Commercial RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RST (Street Townhouse Residential), R-1 (Residential District), R-2 (Urban Residential District), C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) Commercial & Townhouse. C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Neighbourhood Commercial, Medium Density Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential, Neighbourhood Commercial and Conservation Single Family Residential R-1(Residential District) & R-2 (Urban Residential District) Urban Residentíal and Conservation West: Designation: Page 1 of 3 - \, Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Single Family Residential Single Family Residential, Multi-Family Residential and Commercial 1.693 HA. 240 Street Full Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Commercial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Commercial on Schedule B of the Official Community PIan. The purpose of the Commercial Development Permit is to foster attractive commercial areas that is compatible with adjacent development and enhances the unique character of the community. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traflic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desíred character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Rationale and Checklist The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines checklist, all of which are attached to this report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The development site is located at the southwest corner of 24O Street and 7!2 Avenue. The proposed building is a two storey structure with parking situated behind the building to the south and to the west. The total floor area is 702.48 m2 (756L 1z). On the first floor will be A9t.t mz (5,77812) of commercial floor space and on the second floor 2 rental apartment units having 22!38 mz (2,383 ¡¡z) of floor area. The new design is more sensitive to the site's corner location and to the street grade, with a strengthened pedestrian orientationlo tL2 Avenue and 24O Street. Vehicle access is from 240 Street and the lane. A total of 2L parking spaces are provided, 1-5 of which are for the commercial use, 1 is a handicapped space and the remaining 4 are for the residential use. The residential parking spaces are to be distinguished by surface treatment. Page 2 of 3 PI.ANNING GOMMENT: The Planning Department request that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the commercial development proposal.M Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski MCIP, MBCAHP Page 3 of 3 -.,*z*..1,*"1,=Ëffi MAPLE RIDGE All presentation material must be in 11" x 1-7" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card subm¡tted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "lncluded" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. Required lncluded Deep Rools 6ßãlor ¡ls¡grr ls h klist 2,-o lL-ÒLl' Pf 1) ADP application form & project data sheét 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Desi{n Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b, Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevatlons d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: L¡ght¡ng details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Buílding DesiSn: Buildin$ Elevations from allsides L/ l-/ l/ W T ø Êw l./'i. Building Design: S¡gnage details j. Building Design: Lighting details (-lÉ ?r¿¡/asøD'Ì k. Coloured elevations (to show materialspecifications) L BuildingDesign: BuildingSections t m. 3D rendering'of the site and/or building n. Green Buildíng Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. MaterialSample Board 6) Landscape drawings ln metric dimensions a. Landscapé Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. PlantínS List with specificatíons d. Site Sections to show lot grad¡ng, drainage and landscaping e. lrrigation details for landscaping above structure t. Signage details for free standingsígnage g. Light¡ng details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. PrelíminaryStorm water Management (SWM) plan Required lncluded W þ/& wn Project Arch itecflApplica nt: Name: ,¡ *' L6@ ¿îDate: End of Document Revised December 2012 2 Ankenman Associates Architects lnc. )uly 24,2013 Our File: 1309 District of Maple Ridge 11195 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention:Adrian KoovsWns ki - Planner Re Des Use Devel at11185 and 111 Street District of The proposed project located at the southwest corner of 240th Street and 1 12th Avenue is a mixed use development consisting of 1 building with commercial retail units on the ground floor with 2 residential dwelling units with individual entrances on the upper floor. The Uuitaing consists of approximately 481 m2 of commercial use with the two dwelling units totaling 221 mi abovè. The proposed development will be bordered on the south and west sides by residential streets townhouses with single family residential development to the southwest across from proposed lane. A commercial retail development is proposed for construction directly across the site on the north side of the 1 12'h Avenue. Residential development is proposed along the east side of 240th Street. The project is designed to serve as part of the neighborhood commercial development for the area and to be accessible both by pedestriun unð vehicular traffic. The building is situated with street frontages directly onto 112th Avenue and 240Ìh Street with the sidewalks at the north and east edges tying into city sidewalks. This allows for vehicular parking to be located within the site and maintaining greater separation between the proposed buildin[ and residential development to the south and west. The building is double'fronted providin! access to the retail units from the both the street and interior parking. Vehícular'u.."r, ù provided by a 10.65 m2 wide access from 240th Street combining both the driveway and walkway to enhance pedestrian movement through the site. An additìonal access to exit ónly is provided to the lane at the southwest corner of the site. The building is continuous around ihe corner of 112th Avenue and 240th Street and is designed to provide ã strong corner element at the street intersection. Due to a slope of approxim ately 5% across the site from northwest to southeast the main floor slab is stepped and minor retaining walls are required in the parking area to maintain a maximum slope of 5o/o at parking and pedestrian walkways to allow for wheel chair accessibility. __,.,', Landscaping is provided to miti[ate the visual impact of higher foundation wall required at the southeast corner of the building due to grading. lndividual suite entrances arè located at the Suite 200, 12321 Beecher Stree! Crescent Beach, B'C.V4A3A7 Telephone 604-536-1 600' Facsimile 604-536-5774 1 Ankenman Associates Architects lnc. south and west elevations to allow direct access from the parking area. lndividual units are designed with decks facing north. Window openings are provided to the south and east for solar access. The building has been articulated to maintain a scale consistent with the neighborhood context. Finish materials consisting of horizontal siding and shingle roofs reflect those of the surrounding area. Brick veneer and wood support brackets for the canopies and the walkways provide an enhanced material palette. Colours have been selected for a brighter aesthetic. Proposed retail signage consisting of metal channels with illuminated Plexíglas lettering in metal channel back age will provide further articulation and detail to the building façade. Additional building signage illuminated by Cooseneck lighting is proposed at the 45 degree corner and at the west and south gable ends. The following features are anticipated as being incorporated into the design to address sustainability and increase envelope performance: lncreased stud spacing for wood frame construction to reduce wood use in framing. Use of engineered wood products, flooring sheathing and structural systems to reduce use of dimensional lumber. Use of cemetitious siding and brick veneer for exterior durability and reduction in use of wood products. Use of roofing shingles with a minimum 25 year warranty. Utilize electric base board heat at residential units with the inclusion of heat recovery ventilation. Utilize high efficiency lighting and Energy Star labeled domestic appliances. Utilize dark sky compliant exterior lighting. lncrease the R value of insulation within stud cavity at exterior building envelope through use of mineral wool insulation. Respectfully subm itted, Mark Lesack, MAIBC Associate Suite 200, 12321 Beecher Streef Crescent Beach, B.C.V4A3A7 Telephone 604-536-1600' Facsimile 604-536-577 4 Pu¡suant with Section 8.5 of the Ofhcíal Community Plan, commercial developments .¡,i11 be assessed against the following form and character guirlelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of commercial development permits and is to be completed . by the archrteú of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be revierved for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Deparbment staff and the Advisory Design Pane1. ) Key Guideline Concepts Consistent Yes No If No, provide justification for inconsistency Avoid conflicts with adjacerú uses tftu'ough sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development.t/ 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmalks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transpofiation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacett residential areas. 5. The form and heatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattem of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proporlions and building articulation. Guidelines Consistent Yes No If No, provide justification for inconsistencv4,. BulldingDesÌgn, Masslng and Siting 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired cbaracter and paltem of development in'the area by incorporating appropriate architectural st¡rles, r'oof forms, facade modulation, architectural features, fenestration patterns, building elements and proportions and building articulation. 2. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of rvarm appeatar;ce. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoicled. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable. J ) 3. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. 4. Significant comers should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and rooßcape features. At intersections, the definition ofcorners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5.Development should be sited to have the building frontage on the main sheet aligrunent. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk a¡d scale between development. Design and construction ofbuildings should account fol maximum sound attenuation between commercial and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepaled. 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a developmênt and over comrnon entries to commercial and/or mixed-use developments that Èont a public sidewalk or open space. 9.Developments adjacent to üeed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. t'/* 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. ,t'/r* 1 1. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: a) preselve and incorporate natural features or views;b) ensrue propor orientation and relationship to adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal 1S B, Rrfuse, ReWding ¡nd ServÌcing Åreas 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechatdcal units and satellite dishes. etc. shoulrl take into account a-L- views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 2. Service areas shouid have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with pedestrians, 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service arcas out of vie¡¡r fi'om pedesfrian accoss. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatheqproof and animal-resistant. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, sewice or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away fi'om adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential properfy. , /'/A C. StreetFront 1. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the street front. 2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side andrear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate verlical and horizontal relief in a well-propot'tionedrhlhm appropriate to the intended scale of development. 3. Buildings with over 15 metres of street frontage should break the horizontal mass of the building with vertical elements in a rhythmic patterrt. 4. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate sheet hees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. 5. Vehicle access on a skeet ftontage should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian entrance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearanoa and disrupfion to pedestrian movement. D. Signage and Lighting Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architechral detail of the building. 2. High intensity illumination <lirected at adjoining properties should be avoided. Commercial signage aad high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be mjnimized in order to protect residential amenity. -3- 3. Lighting aad signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right- of-way. 4. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the lt[aple Ridge Sígn Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. 5. In multiple-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearancs. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. E" Vehicle Àccess, Parking, and Circulation Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on- site parking. Parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance. 2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public strsets. 3. Where possible, parking and sewicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings to minimize the impaot on streetscape appearance and pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading of lanes in terms of athactive heatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged.P/r+ 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian enû'ance and should be designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearafice and disruption to pe<lestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, access should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or share<f access should also be considered between adioinine developments P/n -4- to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maxirrize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of dtiving aisles and pedestrian waikways betçveen adjacent sites is also strongiy encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas by integtating avariety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface h'eatments. ,"/ 9. Above ground palking structures should not front public sheets at grade. Non-parking uses or special façade treatments must be provided along street fi'ontages to enhance the building's appeæance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking sûlctures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the façade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a suffrcient distance from a public street to prevent palking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the sh'eet edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into trafüc. 11. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and surounding uses.,-/n F. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Development should improve pedestrian amenity through interesting design de/rail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear nntinted glanng, concentration of signage at ground level, altractle landscaping and well defined pedeshian crossings for dliveways and roadways. 2, A well defined pedeshian access to tbe commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Desiga will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use- 'Where possible, at least one pedestrian connection should be provided through the main block of buil<lings. 3. Facilities for cyclists should be considered for all developments G, L,andscaplng and Open Space L Landscaping shouid be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing image and 5 I to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all new development for definition of site bounda¡ies and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposos. Deciduous tree species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winter. Mahue vegetation should be retained where possible. 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all properfy lines and around buildings. Sheet hees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. 5. Landscape planting and screening should be usçd to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable, athactive and well- integrated with the design of the building. Open space, in many cases, will be achieved with courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, rooftop gardens, and atria. 7. Landscaping should reinforce design continulty \¡¡it], neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscapíng should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and firnction of public and private space. Al1 private and semi-private open space should be cTearly defined as such and should be conhollable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. -6- I H" Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (cPrED) 1. Developments should be designed to maximrze opportunities for natural surveillance allowing people to easily view what is happenìng around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention tbrough Environmental Design principles and tecbniques are encouraged. tl 2. Crime Prevention through Envilonmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits û'om any underground and above ground parking structrues for maximum visibility within the paxking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals. Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind colrrers should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures, pariicularly underground structures, should be painted white to enhance or reflect light. I" Universally Äccessible Design 1. A1l non-vehicular routes be fifly accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let- downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Locate palking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 3. Building entries should be: Ð clearly addressed with large mrmbets visible from the street;b) directþ accessed from the street without stairs; andc) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. 1 J. Bicycle Storage and Parking 1. Provide short terrn bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close to building entr-ances. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible û'om a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of strudy, theft-resistant matenal, securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle palking facilities in secure storage æ'eas within buildings. Bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. In mixed- use buildings, bicyole storage facilities for residents are to be set'arate û'om those for the commercial uses. */a 3. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. /v/ft Date:v4 î Architect Name/Comp any *î*fUrb ¿¿: la æ* (.,4o"'eArVPt¿.o' .4P4? Municipal Fite No. 26/ 2- - ê2/ - Df Plan Description: Project No. Signature /4t4 A Ot.#¡-:ul ftaf¡ tæ' a). -8- ) ) 5 ,utY12,&r3 trsu8AmÐlOMEffiE lutY fl,20t3h.PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 24or+ sr, DrsrRrcr oF MApLE RrDCE covER sHEEr 1 309 Ankenman Associates Architects I nc RENDERINC AUCUST19,2013 40.0 i I RE-SU8M|Í[OrO UtoE eæE SUsMINÉO rcR NrcMIþN û+-PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DrsrRrcr oF MApLE RTDCE coNrEXr PLAN 1 309 Anken man Associates Architects I nc.AUC 1 9, 201 3 40.0'l -'-'- /-i\ sHnoow - MAR 21 @ 3PM \$/scnr-e' r'ns EP 21 3PM SCALE: NTS /À snnoow - DEC 21 @ 3PM Qpsc.u-r, r.ns ISUIOþRÆPSUSMSION RE.SUMIÛEÞIO Mñ' SæffiÉC 3 WrcÉß L 5TMC( IO LilIR RæF o^tE PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DrsrRrcr oF MApLE RIDCE sHADows 1 309 SCALE: NTS Anken man Associates Arch itects I nc AUG 1 9, 201 3 40.02 112Th AVENUE SYNOPSIS zoNtNc ; LECAL DESCRIPTION PARENI ROPERry, TOfCAND D SITE COVER,ACE stTE cowR^ct FLOOR AREA RATIO MAX. BUILDINC HEICHT PRINCIPAT BUIIDING PARKINC REQUIREMENTS I STÁLI PtR 30m1 (476.210 X1) vStloR SETBACKS NORTH co CIVIC ADDRESSìiìäÃılfìlilãlîmnr nræ¡ SOUTH EÆT wtST 45'@RN[RCUT 45.85mr/17s.0m: =Q3q SITE AREA ñEÍffi GROUP 1,NWD,DL 4g,PUN 19825 17il.0f t89&5F) FLOOR AREA MlNffi UPPERfLæR {1.1d (5178Sr) 2!l.l8B¡ (2¡81 5F) F [J IIJ F U) -c O$ N PßOrcSÉD 702.39m'/17s.0mr = È19 PROrcSED + !89!A$S 16 4 1 PROrcSED 2.0m {6.56 m tlo BLæ FÆE 1.83m (6.6 fl) t To PI6TEß .43m (1.43 Fl) tTo EæEOf LOWIRRæF 10.6m (35o fl) 2oh (ó.s6 FT) tTO BLm f^CE 1.83n (6.ø ñ) tTO PlWrER .68 (1.56 E) RTO trcE OFLOWER Ræf 20.8?ñ (@,31FÎ 2.67m (8.77 F)tfO BLæfÆE 1.74m (5.& fl) iTo2NO fLæR .sñ 0.79 m rTo RæFovERHNc LANE SITE SCALE: 3/32" = 1r0" rsutDfoR^oPSuBM6SlON RE.SUWIÛTD TO MNE EæVEV6LT REóUBMINEOTOMNT EæT SUSM1N¿DrcR INþMIþNlo otsnrq oF MRa &æE o^tEltÛ-PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11'r33 240rH sr, DtsrRtcr oF MApLE RIDCE SITE PLAN 1 309 Ì t ¡ DÆroLrNr^'qru --J¡6tDñ& uNÍ2 ¡¡ff I IL- I I I I I I Ii"' --__€"é_ îffi?*'-1-ì\ I ! -"'SS"(*ê: zfÍnt9r -DÀRKSKC&ÈN LICBI/ rNNDm@.dÑ ..{ 6'r.26m Anken man Associates Architects I nc.3/32"=1ro"AUC 1 9, 201 3 A1 .0'l ) 00s.63m, fl137 5.F.1 INCLUD|NC fAIRS) 5"o fll]ì d_j RESIDÉNÍIAT UNITl {11s.75m,11246 5.r.1 INCLUDINC STAIß) \ -f I -J LINE OF ROOF OVTR MECHÁNICAI,WELL FOR CONDENSINC UNNS Æ\ upprn FLooR PLAN \!/sc^,r, 1/8"=110" N FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1r0" T- I I t I IL I--tL I r$utofoRæPSusMsroN RÉ5U8MITED TO MÈE RæIWSET RËSUSMITEO IO Mft E RMÛRTÉ'Cwrc66 E. SflMC(IOIOWERRæ, iilsÉDw Ls Y/uMrrc^l?¡osf j h"PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND'r i133 240rH sr, DrsrRtcr oF MApLE RTDCE FLooR PLANS 1 309 L PROrcSED TOP OF SIÁB EL- 26-5Om PROPOSEDIOP OF ShB EL 26,50m PROrcSEDTOPOFSUB €t.26.05m CRU ü t- l_ I J GU 02 MAIN FI.OOR COMMERCIAL 476.7m1 t5131 S.F.] PROrcSEDTOP OT sUB EL. 25.85m CRU 01 RISIDTNTIAL UNIT 1 ABOVE ii INDIGÉ ___J lL--------¿ Anken man Associates Arch itects I nc 1/8"=1'-A"AUC 1 9, 201 3 42.0'l OF EILOW ROOF/qNOW /- II r-l T-a I I I IL I I I IJr-- I I I I I I T' I I I L-J I I I ¡ I I L. I I I I I IL- __i ã L L -J I_,_t I RæF/CáNOFY BELOW ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/8":110" IßU¡DfORADPSUSM65ION 7 TE.sUBMIÍIDÞMñf ßæE SUSM¡¡IO rcRNþMIþNTO DI5IRId O' MRÊ Ræ€ lr*-PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1r1Bs AND 11133 24or+Sr, DtsrRtcr oF MApLE RTDCE RooF PLAN 1 309 L _____________---J Anken man Associates Architects I nc.1/8":1'-0'¡AUC 1 9, 201 3 42.02 I FqUút-rt, Lr2rlr ìD' IOP OF CONC ÍOPFNC læ,1 6ú GaODFiO 3tr /-l-\ NonrH ELEVATIoN@ r.n lmR {N[tr !D Prü|ff ufzu t NcuP ¡udE m. loP No -+ÉL 12111 t2' TOP Of COM. TOMNG tL, l r4r il2' BOr6ú Gtæf,O foP ol coM. suBcRU0t.ù tu to:i t2' /l\ srcNaAND DFTATL Q/ sc,rLr' 11t2"=1r0" ûtrNC(rut Æ\ rnsr ELEVATIoN I$UTD FORAOP5UBMBSION RI6USMIÛEO IO HNE EægÈEtL RFSUSMIÍ EO ¡O MÈE RæøMTEtñ6ts E sûMc(lo LowER @F RtuçrDW Lff Y/UMlrc^l24sr &e- \l/ scrLr, 1/8" = 1ro" PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DrsrRrcr oF MApLE RTDCE ELEVATIoNS 1 309 ïilil: \ HH ll= ,4 OvN IHl:I JiiEL oo 1 ^ol'' tlÈvAiloN KÈY NO¡t5: (r) ffñ,Desro,ñtr ffiofÆ( (,) ffm6sþ,ñúffiDrÆ (3) q'mdseûrcú ¡'mDrÆF ^ HnulRtuBßw¡EÈ zi: .**'",sl*rs'usv ^ Bu{Pmrs6\t/ trisNEffiKrqruMdqft ^ ffi\úNú¡r4rwÉw6'\7 wüm{ro8lcHüffsDrú ^ dwilmÙHffinß\7 rcL@rroM{rGÐJtretñ ,â\ ¡ wtrw/wNwnuv @ourroMl$ÆÆMgtú ^ ntrúÙúroûaùuñuMsors¡tr$/ w¡æ!¡ÆßKNw@ruruNcÀruffiÆ¡4'EoÞuw^NtrÉL NINÉ¡þ 5HOP DMffi ¡I il@ruD) ^ hiСMsrdn6ffiÈ(lj2 @fl*roarcH,þtrsorc ,A u.u¡rø*Lo¡¡mwcqusrcr\7 vraMNa/ÐEßçoÈorcrLoM¡Ætwü5Í48ffis ul\ a*swoom¡u ^c*u,V rørqiu@ñHrEfrN¡ñr* ,Z\ (æñrcùffiroR3uÐrrceilG Z\ omomruoorcsrw, Ankenman Associates Arch itects I nc.1 /8":1 10"AUC 19,2013 43.0'l FUu É.t-r1, -.c $c.l .a .t toPor lÙPPLlitLP¡¡I 'IMÊt_ rrirr !l' luP or co\c lo,lì\cr¡mmrróR 130.r6¡' CtOOflrCr _,rxr5¡¡N6CR^Dt ---l---_ -rromg - --- - EL. r0!r rrl' -ì l?ótomctoN¡r, roPol aoNC.$\3-- ,+ r!çs9mCtODtllcr Æ\srcNsAND DETATL Q/sc'*t' I1l2":1ro' ,4\ NonrH ELEVATToN \!9 t*lt' 1/8"= 1!o' Æ\ ¡nsr ELEVAToN Bt n. f^ct tr ñ$toR ttl!! @Rtt^( tiñtr^r{NtrmR Ft^f Ê^ctD cNStN^TlosLtÍtR(NtNUf)nu0LsLf,gRtlftitinú cUP^\CLt tr¿ rolND r¡rÌfRrNc roSlltL r 3¡il mRþR rv{i {mov¡DtB!ñrN(;/srÂFUUL I I i u:)zu E N UPI* IIæR loPOf TO¡ fti1Ê -.- -+tL t2ì¡ I I a!. r¡n!1 f1, rOP Or CN.9,ú -1 5 l/4" \l/scerr, 1/8":1!o' PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DtsrRlcr oF MApLE RtDcE ELEVAIONS 1 309 s larcrs,:orr @aDqM$SMlss ML 4 LptY:2. ærl &SM¡lÐTOWRIWSCsø5 $TE CO@G I rurv rs,:orr &aBMI1ÐfowpffisESNÕMf S8dIOLOtrftRG: luvt, ærr ÈSMl@TOffiEruæmDw¡W Y'Nlrc^ll&ST sB\lm d lNfobqrcNro fflwsM&€ftK 9 I l l Lrj]1T]_oj!_{rylQlë: .\1' rf sìñrr(!srrlvì13,{lrKD¡^c¡l\' 8rN)ù!r¡tr.r{GMsrLiltrRû <r) cßtrsm@rs0{6ffior(t, (r / .'{,r,nrùÁrû*ú ñ1ùDrÁrÕ iì-' ¡g;';¡¡m"lmwvn ¿,,,",,*,,,, *,,,,,,,,,.'" 1ùtrrú\ffirKu(û/ r'M^.r\rkrx¡ r'. rrh,fl re.rrr '',\ liMsr!ù¡{.at¡ilsEsrr{6'' :/ \!otu,eroñô¡ÆttrÐrMr .\ ($r¡Lm/s,ñu",¡. : iñr*hu/$rsmrßç Ãà"$rÐv rR{qt ßx{ cl! ñßú clú\n i{L \1\mr: e [@ R¡D ro I tÀrt ¡\ stwrul'altr d þl dâÍR Ìtr{\ r, s:h'rrÆ\[¡rDrrff m¡$1KMt tr@nID.r 1rt, {rn,r k,.ì\snl,Á,}ÀL'NtrDM, ^ , ", ^,"".-',"^.".'".*-,"t\' "!r.u,ì$ñ\trrÀ^(svûsororLiroNcfrcr lrlfrstru 8f,\artrs -\ .,rur.{¡ù.Ò\.rorÃû^M\ilvrtr/1l rcu.o¡rmotu¡ 'tc,u*" t¡'çt '',,'yru1.'¡r.,,"'ta ii). cwo'"m ¡u.n.csn'r, Ankenman Associates Architects lnc.1/8":1 '-0"AUC 1 9, 201 3 43.0'l il[il tElil ilnflt t#l Itftilf,it HEt=t '*l=t ,e P l\Jè Ø1 ññ-l .I UFTR f LæR l' tr.rrln t2' I r]r.{ûc¿omro rl t-"",."..."-..-l umrrrænI tL. t14r1 1¿' ELEVATION tLro2rl rD' ------.1 u6.frcþmo It,"".,-"..,^,leuor f25.3iñGÉODæ SCALE: 1/8" = 1!0" r ulzU N roP@@rc.ToñrcUÆR FLÓR | (r6.5omGoDf,o t-"".."""**I ouo,+ÊL ¡æff 25,35n GOOEIIOI r¡ wESr ELEVAt.Nr@ ^w r",ror, I'sutoto*^oesrerss'o" rulÌr2,rurr tçs*r<<ÚF.ôvrilcf iurf ì:¡ ru,r tQbx,<. <F ..... -,- - lRËsuMfiaoloMftEÈEt ,uN,,, m,, I i33åüi"Í&€1]ffi lffi - o^ft | o*nrnnr û+.PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND'r 1133 240rH sr, DrsrRtcr oF MApLE RTDCE ELEVATIoNS 1 309 ELilATION Xtr NOTIs: ^ IMAIV|ñXUD(r2 ffdnÌffsDrú,ù ffiDrÆEV IIWINMRT(@ÙLÙTHTþI <2) ffiæsDMú ffiDrÆc (r) tr'J¡]]@rso,sßffiorÆF ^ MuurulfuBßwNÉR ZN "orcnu"sru's"'ue ^ sLtrrvwwDreÁ\7 Dhsh.¡æErcrrruúactft ^ eñMNrw]læ'wE\m6'\(/ w*nßroarcH0ffsDrrc A rw*mr,ç!ffina\7 ,mLouRrcM\rc¡ffisdrc ^ ¡ te*m/wñûnN \7 @LourrcMrdÆ@cdNo o W¡ENßKEWM6EEd, sffiÆR4ßımuwiltruru.tNdw@Í¡rW¡iwdf,ñNerÐsHoPeffi^rÉft@ffat A qÐTMB¡dffiNÈ1]2 @@¡rosrcHwroÆ A r'.MûntuNtutrøwûuñ\ìDN\i/ *ÍeRNft/ffiEKçM¿oro rutrDM fÆr wrH 5¡f [ 8ffi ,Z\ oæsruoom¡wuncwur\.2 ¡eNsn@MH,tmruhñ* /\ @ñrcuffiEroRsuorKe(ìK Zl .vowmæ*o**u, Anken man Associates Arch ¡tects I nc 1 /8"=1 r0"AUC 1 9, 201 3 43.02 ì1 ) -. ---l 065tñCtoot¡É) II toporcorc,*¡r ¡r rdff/-ù sourH ELEVATIoN €/sc,rLr, ra'=1ro" ) P u:)zU -g c.¡ UMTRFIæR EL. ì21:r Ii¡ß2.h6t()mo Ìopo¡cdc toffircUHRfL@ It. ir¡r1 ,2 toP of ff- 5w ---- 1R. l02rr ûl____l r2û5îñaoomcr t,,,".,-*."^"I cnuo¡+/l\w¡sr ELEVAToN þ/ sc.nLr' 1/8" = rlo" 5 gÉDtrMSMffi IULY2,æI3 l luLY 15,20t3 EsWf@þ,@trul)ffisoffiÉgffifotowRM luLY 14 2013 luLY 11,8t3 s@lruûNt@4l&loogffitr¡.{Æ&É l:&mItr,PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DrsrRrcr oF MApLE RIDCE ELEVATIoNS 1 309 43 P h.J f,- -l ñ -{roPor ¡ot pr¡ì!. UPPTR NMR i n- r?r¡ v¡| ß2.hc{oDÉrro :i Ii ToP of corc iØlNc] UHR ItæR--+-.'+' tL. rlrl t2 El.wAnoN KtY NOtËS: <,) crvrñÌrRssrss,s ffiDru! <?).MmdrsuMßmmrÆov BsMNrffir{r:tr MvaftN < I) .rl{ñnrdssDrsúñüor¡11 ^ MUrr[Mrß1LBRc\rsÉt Z> "c',,mr,,o*rsn'mr. A o¡.trì.u,sffirsA - * **nr-***r,,-rr,,.\ rqrr:¡ßrrôÀr^r.B^ilûÀ¡s,)* Z\. r$um^tñ8!rus\-/ i.ordrroÀ{rcil{r{rffi lrru' -:. .Nrfttm/wNmrrueii rrdoùRroMr.¡ÆL{ñeqia .,À ila{r{d rRoß! [usxus 5¡et tRdr$lNmYf#tMrdrtuú6drcßr r9ñMt & Rt@¡tD ro il\t ^\ osR r u v&ur q g arrfi¡ I ß:, s1h*rmNIf f ro *æmis]rßdtúaueD.J ^ srÐ0MffiÍrRnærffih\rr r¡nd,Rro*qc,r^BdNrsDM, ; ,,.,,-.,...^,,*^v riû&or^Nre/mffi ñto\dtrtmo{cqororosurMf¡cñnrr(trû ¡uon9 Æ' cu**rnroc¡r n¡¡rscwu'\1 rou\Ar$@ffi¡trrcarur\rsr <i EÏiMoiKmern¡u,lNsms ¿í\ c*mo,*nmnuvrc-c, Ankenman Associates Architects I nc.'l18"= 1'-0"AUC 19,2013 43.02 ts ts rÉF í\ NonrH sTREETSCAPE I Iþ/ sc,tLr, 3132" = 1\o" lz E N ldd EAST STREETSCAPE SC,{LE: 3/32": 110" 5 ISUTOfORþPSUBMÑION RE.SUSM¡fl ÉD TO MNL ÈEUÈVötU ML RE.SUSMIÛEO ÌO MÉÉ Ræ¿RMSTOW Lg l/lwlrc^l2{sl lô DrsrRrdoÉMnt &æE PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 1i133 240rH sr, DtsrRtcr oF MApLE RTDCE srREErscAPE 1 309 3 ]F letEHHHH 1 I tEüt I /.s J An ken man Associates Arch itects I nc.3/32"=1'-o"AUC 19,2013 43.03 àY ,1rGIY J /1\ NonrH ELEVAToN \-5./scrLr, 1/4"=1,-u Æ\souru ELEVAToN @t*rt, 1r4"=1ro' Âxa4/ /ll ruoon prnN þ/scaLr, 1t4"=1\0' Æ\wrsr ELEVAToN þ/sceLe, 1t4"=1ro" /1\ ¡nsr ELEVAToN GARBAGE EI.ICIOURE ÉIwATION KEYÍ{OTES [il mo¡r¡o rr¡r næ¡rc: wgr RtdNT 68 - BlrlluPwæofÆhlil orou¡roulcs,¡trruNMæRt Hcrs tuR¡r^Ncw Li-.1 orour ro mrc¡, srreñ cÍoltrl MruML - WæD@LUMÉL1 m,orpro*rcs,sruñcf,oú2r MluMr - csrNnno6P^N6rH^iB¿þ^RqIt I wuRüqLMnEM@r: o,c. Rr cc-s æM?^Rrt Lll corounrou¡cn¡oAc¡rrsrorrc T;l DKoMÍuMr^Lqft @qNErcrr /?\ secroN \!/sorLr, 1t4"=1r0. \!/sc*r, 1t4"=1r0" PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 11185 AND 11133 24OTH ST, DISTRICT oF MAPLE RIDCE CARBACE ENCLOSURE 1309 arcts,rorr I'ssutoron^oesuwrsrox MT - - I R¿-SU8M|ÍÉOIO UtE nægw6Etlurrrr¡4rr lrrcEtss[E@vtM( iurYrr,ruìr tetu+Dw^tsÁY/ iurY11, r0rr I iÀD'qnrdô¡dHF ÈEÉ o^l€losn'nor Anken man Associates Architects I nc 12321 Beecher St., Crercent Beach, BC V4A 347 604.536.1 600 t- 4)lliili ili ilLl irli I 114"=1r0"AUC 1 9, 201 3 43.04 -110m*ELrNtOfF$lII I tr!¡ Il-, I t-d-l l-ır--ì ri--l tB F-uu t'- E e.l roP of corc. lØNcUPTR TL@R tLllaLI rÞ' UFERfLE T@OFCÑTOñÑCumR fld rL- | r4l Ù2'ßo,ltuGtomo tsED foi ^DP sÙ3M6SlON RESUBMIÛID IO MruE EæU86il 2 RÉSU8MIÍEO IO &R€ flæTRMStÞWÀff Y/Uñ¡S^I 2¡O5r SUSMIÍIO þRINþM'þN10 0sTnm of mÈE RæE t!ùth@frq B U f,zq Ê ô,1 (32.$d CEOñ|O UñR f TMR Lr1J.1r¿'GO¡tuGOmq /lÀ sEcroN s-e S SC{LE: 1/8" = 110"\l/scrLr, 1/8":1Lo' â+-PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1118s AND 11133 240rH sr, DtsrRtcr oF MApLE RTDGE SECTIONS 1 309 S SCALE: 1/Br = 1r0'' BBIr lzu C'l t-ı¡-ì tirt T--- L -,1 ðù ls ì IPÆKÑ-|ttI_t_ Anken man Associates Arch itects I nc.1 /8":1 10"AUC 1 9, 201 3 44.0'l TOP OF CONC, IOPPINC UPPER I LOOR TOP Of TOP PLATI IJPPFR FI OOR E1.123 1 1i?' i32.90m CtODtTIO 81.114' 1 112', (30.16m CEODETIC) 81.102',-r 1/2" (26.5om 6EODETIC) TOP OF CONC. SIAB CRU 1 nonlzorurnlty INSTALLED cEMENTtlous SID¡NG (B"EXPOSED FACE) BENJAMINE MOORE CC-840 BLUE HERON 2 nonrzo¡¡rnrly rNsrALtED cEMENTrnous stDtNc (B"ExPosED FACE) BEN'AMINE MOORE HC-127 FAIRMONT CRTEN 3 uonlzorurntly tNsrAttED cEMENTtnous srDrNG (S"EXPOSED FACE) BEN.¡¡M¡¡¡¡ MOORE HC-50 GEORGIAN BRICK 4 mururu MATERTAT BRrcK vENEER FOREST BI-END 5 Hrcn PRoFTLE ASPHALT sHtNcLEs 6 nurt-up wooD FAscrA BEN'AMINE MOORE HC-l64 PURITAN GREY 7 vINYt WINDOWDOOR FRAME WITH 6" WIDE TRIM TO MATCH ADIACENT SID¡NG B 6" wlor wtNDoWDooR TRIM (corouR To MATCH ADJACENT SIDTNG) 9 4" wtDE wlNDowDooRTRIM (colouR To MATCH ADIACENT STDTNG) 10 rnrnrrln¡-rv BRoKEN AIUMINUM sroRE FRONTWTNDOW FRAME (BTACK) C/W DOUBLE CTAZINC 11 wooo BRAcKET (STKKENS crror 1/23 NATURAT) FOR ROOF CANOPY WITH SOTID WOOD BLOCKAT BASE OF BRACKET (COTOUR TO MATCH ADTACENT STDTNC) 12l METAL CHANNET (BIACK) C/W COMBINATION MFTAL CHANNEV PTEXIGTASS NEON CUT TETTERING SCREWED TO BUITDINC FACE W STEEL BRACKETS IOP OF CONC. st/\B CRU 01 Ë1. 100!00' {2s.85nì CFODFTIC) 13 c¡-r¡n SEATED coNcRETE RETAINING wALU FOUNDATION C/W ARCH ITECTURAT FI NISH 14 coosr NEcK ucHTtNG FoR BUTTDTNC STGNAGE (BIACK) 15 cnnvro wooD BU¡LDING stcNAcE 16 wnl¡- LrcHT (cotouRTo MATcH wlNDow FRAME) NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = Ir0" ':.1t, ",, t,:, 'l .t-'.1.':,1;,';-a11",,,:::. N w ssuHJ f{)R illp su3ùrssloN tr-sû&vrfi to lo À1ûf ft lrliß¡\15t4 pt-sLj0rntr t F lo Md{L Rt tÆlRslttcmoñrs E str&\Gfo toMRRæf *-s!a ntrilr roM rìrRlxr:HVrSt t)\!Âti14Y¡1^NlrN{i^r lroS¡ ^i PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 11185 AND 11133 24or+ sr, DtsrRrcr oF MApLE RIDCE ffiüËruäffiffi COLOUR BOARD 1309 45.0'l An kenman Associates Architects I nc 12321 BeecherSt., Crescent Beach, BC V4A 3AZ 60,1.536.1600 Ocowrishl rseNd,Thb d¡dins¿nd d6l8n B the proædv of M2 LañdsepèÀ(hhedtand m4 nol & rcÞrducd or lred for þrher p¡ojedr wnhod th¿¡r pemÊtìon. LAI'IOSTAPI AHItlITI[TlJRI 1811 Falcon Drive Coqu¡tlam, Brit¡sh Columbia v3E2C2 Tel: 504.941.5268 Fax: 604.434.3088n ilo JOB xUxlEB: l¡l-osa IRÊEew "Håa åafÉ)æ" @ 2 4 ø 224 b ffiøolEÀ9R rl Pt¡7G*1 oþ.r¡t(Å. eE&A ffiNRPtlA+I 6l oÍtl LIIIIHEAF BOX PîСtNtA E}TRAIP æEEil CÌDAR A)8ffi)ERÄG 6R¡€6 É{Å H¡ØlB 6Al CA; lbl491øbaø E Pû' QAI4EPû¡fr11 t$1 m BaB Àwì2m Ftâ)9 SLVAI1OA DM(X[' FR^XtltÞ ArtRlóAlrA'Arnt4¡ FTRPLE'5ffiNEE ADûÞ HICæ+M-LA NIIÍIER 6E}I' PTÞflI¡IA X FRA5ERIru øÞÊtfAlts 5inÀRAæ', t6 ælt]ÉAøAtA'el'-AJCA',B MlrAlrDrÞ 9ncil5r5 ?txanA¡cEl6' æ cofot€AsfËRDÀr+GRll ffi, .Fl.Allr9ZE9NfriâLt'f ñffiiF@AGA@ltEfOltEB¿LAlWAÆgfArÐÆt,I rEsf Ðmoù CO$tAW5lZrsffilFE'teæ, cltTA 9f^¡ÞARp9. øHp1-A¡It 5læ ^,Ð cø¡IfAlrcR glZE ARE llC HNm,}4 ì{IEfr\e/.-E 5lÉ. . ÆffiTo *tuEb\Iøê FoR tEFl}€D COiITAIICR }GAg|TE}C}¡Tg A}Ð øÎGR PLAIII HA]ESA! REd'IRE}G}¡f9. ' 5EArcII A}Þ Râ/IE}'I I'IAKE FLÂITÍ MAÍÊRIAL AVAIT}S|! 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I hd.¡ffi rdb.*ÉdaüFrhhùrffiüllq¡ù ¡ MhfrúÈdrú PÂRIÎWO SCOPEOFWORK I hdhdffiùilt,ffihlhrhr|*. ¡ hlb$lrdibdFrrtldFrh ¿r hbd&lttrùbrhåit m&åi*iÈ¡Ç¡ sdÈdlúÉ¿ rdllrÊatsrúd.drld¡ Stirdrfr l.Jñttuddt.ldl&Þã hórÈdrtB¡tltlEdÈdEb¿t ¡Edhrñ4F¡Ëçtrlddtdút! ffirh,qçlrlúd¡al4¿r lttdÈdrHd¿l tuiNdddðdrqt¡dth,¿n g&EæbrlMbæffiltr¡¡ ùdhtrbúh,d#tl&dÌr ¡u* mmEffiñümm¡e@þmrmuEMú5/.rS0úúrtulbÐ*hrdtb'. l-n a-ß t-g 9-ñ ã-- t-*t-g r-8 t-g l-4 l-ü Eddt@!¡dh4Htdtd, 3 &ddùdhhH4¡drrüEhF$lü ¡ He¡dqdt*lhhffi ,ht!¡&1r46fr dÞFltht*Fhh ¡¡drry¡bLb6**[tuúd$ ¡hlhtFr¡ B ! *r¡ùFdhdt6rù&l*9l# ¡ hHhkr hMtÉ/&büddhlút¡tEdb5edhl{d¡16ú.ùtudúhqlùMfhnldú J ffi d& r4-lú¡dtëddûJ¡lff È Frl*dhdtÊ Fr!.ffi h ¡ aL t& ^ blütAlú. tuf,lüdr rM d dd h g I d.h d tu d ru b ú ru s f, eqd sdm¡gt.¡ffi.dMth&iddl , ryhrl#ldsm-¡ù ¡ hb hdil.d(dk.rú&lhrd¡9.ÚdÙbh ¡ M,ffi t h'#¡rhEl*qsld ¡ûhltb¡dñ4 ar¡ ¡dultFkhrffi tutlfln&.'*tdJdh ! *trhtrtr5ñFh 3 Sdaihelçr¡Þ¡{¡bËr¡a4b¡r&Èradúhhttf {rú.frt,h¡ddqrrffi Crûffirhdr¡lh blÙhrt ¡'ltrdFdtffi MÚ**:udr t?dtd.h f &æ b¡tudñiqbdd.l¡FF¡tuthà¡td.dÉ PÄRI UNDSCAPE !Jtr]m6trtrE3I khrrd.úr-ddtrhtd'!E¡d¡l.d.*qÈ¡dùffi Ef hrrr¡hdthLr¡oddrülrhrßtrd kr¡tùùhr*rild{dltdltlÉFdd. ¡ ¡r¡¡¡¡ffi d¡hrühtu..¡rt!ffi UrbÈ¡rffi 6t ld¡ú¡#dft h¡i#4¡dr 3 búHWrùnttdhffi tuùt¡túlhh¡'trlfd ¡ bldddrd,iffi dú.rE,dddfr nrdùdú.t J blÉHrút&trqlrhffiß ¡ bfr húr¡ttuFdÉ!dkFdH#4tùffi ß ¡ ùúd*rFkrd5lËùhFr¡lhtÈBffi. .il HrdÊrituúhù-tr.¡¡lh.# fr 6l¡ht¡ùddl¡ddi¡dirdbhl.rffilhtuffidrhÞddæ&hhdùÌ r i¡i4$g*¡tdrhffidbls¡Ðl*.hF J b¡db.ñrdrffiút L¡&HdûÉÈh'd turúlhdlttbrt urusr hl¡d¡¡dhlñhsFfi rhbs@E¡9#t,k. htdrtlúraeh.rld¡BlÉFdùFÉgibø id.ùÈþ 9*¡¡rúb¡Úûh¡úr¡ilrdúbh{¡t*tdar¡tþ ¡ bhhrÚrf ¡rHdt*-úhbhllÈtbÞff¡hùtu 3 ørLtrùat**dtÈhiórrùrtú lffiùt*Ùffi dh¡d$thdúÑh N ¡ Ërt Ënriû tuf .úrr #bh ûtù ! 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J t& hhtòDH& ¡t lrlüffi ¡dhhh#dB ¡Flts.dd. ffi htútÉck¡ibs-tBt¡shh , ¡ú hr4hıd¡.bhdrtddti*ltrdtfr üñlt¡trFdrdñsi¡É,¡t i¡l!¡ry, rùbdùdñdhrrt.¡'i-ra (qrti¡'lffi.t¡L&lldkblrlldbrív3 .t h ¡65dr.ffi úúúidilta¡1ft Mqd¡id¡údthh. Md¡th-+ñ|æt.É6q¡ft *d'tdlh¡t&Fthh.Irtl.ditMrffi {tbri'd,Hdà6qhdúúHFfr qFdi¡lrrrh!øbt¡H P*#rffi ld¡u.t*rqdùMLióbñth. *q-ian*É¡d'q. dhqhËrlhL*ihM¡Ëa*lhq¡lÞdhú¡id .r dErrãb hdü¡llrdddËs¡Fr*rh*¡itlh'dthldstErt4gÚtsdBtu.HrUFd, hl*blrykdú¡ùdb!&raHdù* ¡hÞhbhd rlur lè¡Ënhhr*b kdhbEthÈ En¿h+rddh ,tJ hJdtbùlúFüiltul&. ffi bãd3*LqülnJ' St¡lr hür ùtúaF ff trtì r ù rdd l¡tùì ¡r Ù-ft F¡lù*iffi ÈdÉrqÛffi hr¡#.fl ryrùffi dr¡ñ¡d& &¡bdràrÉbbfrÞth*ffir.ß 5ùndþbxl*std-ttuldbd¡ds, J & d ¡ h rrE¡ r ù H,dþ dù td u ¡ hó h *td.ÈF ør h, lÛ lb¡ t5 ¡'E f;#r-t-"*"aae¡hohüçh*r b¡r!ùrddt.'@Érry,ñññ .r! rüdbt*br.¡s-HhËbhürúûltrdhrÚlhùslhd ¡¡nlüNd¡dh.iÈ¡tahhÉFd. ¡r ¡hiС,¡dblbh,#r.#úbd húdù¡dttihùù5tb*dhü rúb.È b ùli d & * bF. ö ùl,&dd tu h ù¡çl id¡t b ¡Bd .¡ Uhdffirr,*.¿r nd¡k-¡¡dshd*thEtrúÈ !MbdhhrhHddrt.d*. bl|¡lHih*hf ffitürdhtur¡rithffi fr ft lÈr,dtr. hfr wlÖi'üùth'Ûr hùrtrd&.*rlidtxT'drS deÈ¡r'rd bd hùH''Hhhhdlittd.T.*d¡dü ñt htatüH,tudrhBll ¡|d#bL-ühWd!Úrrr¡ll.Ë bff htaHtrñ¡tL hhdSÉd¡dhh#t*tÈrd¡lt,..rd.h.e at¡&¡thÉh&ú1HhÈúÞùs3dlil&h¡Dù*üntit¡d .¡l Èdful{F ü¡Èt4dttltLl&dtû. .nJ Hùtü.dL9þ¡tú**dLld.ffi d(-thh.t¡ lË (¡hhEl*¡l|d¡ù@-Hürd.tu.r¿r h-h#ùúi¡dNhdúhdd¡ly'hqt*lruryrt lrrhùM¡iñlhtËdhùh¡'tdh#rd¡¡ùal bhbd. ffi BrrdrÉhhi¡id.t¡ kF;s¡¡;irdFdr.¡.ß¡q¡r¡ddd Bñ¡h¡t#rdtudtrhLü,ûrd.t¡ Md6rûhd.dhdd¡ùddr¡Ú..lt*thl**ffi.t! Þht4dt,rsùtry,,Íl t¡ñffir*h!F-Hle¡&$4ôlt g,u b-*¡bffi+ ¡r Bdhhúsb'ñd¡iFlÈ PtüñhùdÉlhË¡ddh*.Hr &dqÀtuidhÞh&Ë¡ù hffi ilc¡dbdttr ¡n-tadd l, .a å TFo*r",o *.-r'd úh ¡-ø -rs- il s!t.H-bù¡dtullÉla hrb* .û ßl,ü.E ,g.g ¡ .13 ilIL¡FJtrthl&Hd. üdsrdiÐd.lÉhdru I (ffibþ¡rLFi¡hnlù*h J &.¡'rbsdbfrb ¡l bú,ÈdrúñdrütË 'a¡lú#dbrËhNnHt PÂRTTREE SOtrLÂNDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT.CONT !.ølhrÈddFr hBrd¡ffibhlúFffi- I v.ltHbtd¡nrbütddrhMdBdùhht-td.(l¡tlú*ffi bhhbld¡È. ¡ ffiú*r!ñhhrÉdûd¡irar+¿l v¡trtNlrrÉnli&dffi ryhdÉbdÉb¡úrqa¡ûtrd J ¡ buódtr..5sl.'ffi ¡ffiff 6l{d& blgüô¡Ftrt'dh ! kôdb¡tdrüôrsfr -drÈlñtut&ltrrHdúdtr ü-F'¡rd+¡td¡Èh ¡ tu¡¡ñ¡trl6-h6rdtdÉibtÈ r turñhúhd¡dHhsôùkLttudcffi trhÞitdÈl-EEilFÞtudhlht¿k3hÁ-rúd-ddt;#bÉdú.hùt.¡ia Mi¡rhiltitntibiø#ñrtr*bFdd h fnF^!ffiWffirqdtt&ûm!d hrtF!¡iÊb¡ú ¡ 3 M¡9üdr¡*db t!*t5r4Bddhffi hllhbd&. ¡ 9.b ¡tr|.Þbtdh ¡ ùrdffi ,N|wh*ådtl¡drhFnFlbfl bhÈ 'tirtÈ!dúLú¡thhrl.htddçú¡d& Jüh b-rLrt¡ rF¡!Ñddhh l 5ù hrdldHüidh-Þrdlçgrtrdlr+ tuFhù¡(ddl¡*ts,ùÉ¡;F¡.h5H U a* übú*h, ù h, h É t h lF ¡ H*lH(dt$icl¡çtüffi qil.ltuHÚi J Hftd¡lbrÈrùFlùil tu ilhturhú!!*9l*{ffi dù¡dtdË hü¡gd.tudS-htr¡* ¡t ,s d-lddr¡.à''sF{ l-trt#¡d*rûú. hh¡ æÆzP M2U PROJEÍNUMSER:ffit4 @Cory¡¡8ht.6eryd.nk d.il¡ng a¡d d6¡8n tsrhep¡oFdyôfM2 t¿ndÍ¿peArchhedt ¡nd ñ4not h r€prdùcd oru*d forotherprcjedtwkhod lhet FrmÈtlon. LAI'IOSTAPI ARItlITITTIJRI 1811 Falcon Drive Coquitlam, Brit¡sh Columbia v3E2C2 Tel: 604.941.5268 Fax: 504.434.3088 NO.DR. sal: PROJEq: MIXED I.tsE DEVH-.OFAI,ENT FoFAJXI| A4ñlE ïß5AtÐt¡æ24øtHSr tun-EFÞGE DRAWNGTIru: STRUCTURAT SO'I SPEC/,FICATIONS DAE: BM DRAWNG NUMEER: SALE: ffi DRAWN: R DESIGNI R CHK'D: ñ L4 oF4 DAE REVSION DESRIMON ¿r ffNKitffi .t l¡¡Lt Nl.lt bþ ilgoú9 rtu 4id lo ¡0"h1. h rd..U fo.dr ril h 4i!¡nl¡ ol I¡U! l, Hd.ts ùFtÊlùil h lþ fhg¡d€ ßil h rdld(ùF !d l0 md uFn (üu¡tlb (sdü ¡ Ëull ol dKq6¡lbn ol lh ryú DlìÍh ìh! ¡ol l&tñ Pmmß mm:tdhÉ!d¡gth(úSFhún(bf¡dh h:tdtlbh-l6thh I $9dË fù [5-- b$ ]û h Eb0Í EbtX û+h$blh E-& sTdSffi ¡rmÞ*il-tt ruE: h ùrl É.¡a úli'it *r'Ll i dr..fl W:gdddd tffitrHlDlÈñ 1liuoJãI rum:MdDryr*',l¡l t-d ¿I t8tült .l tlСd rhñ.of ñiCr¡yllltbF dffi rüHrrd. ¡ Stn dsbqd nlb tud rydhtt! rñ¡Êhor¡trlt{lh # Ò91[ : shgl!ürrlû,É¡ddtuù*Flhflðtd0qld. .¡ Aml.lohsdfr¡tüld¡o¡illhlÈ0f -tfñ¡rdrHlr*Dld.PffirxdùdlÈlrwd¡ü*(tuh¡fr|¡núriu .t A'wl. çCitÌ Þtm Nl br d Þ4 ffiq tR tu !otl, lli\ dq.ld r l*td Flil6, rFi Þtd{. d.t lq r ìld, r tu úlnëtl¡l rldd rl h ¡ û|.ltu M r ü! htd. ¿l n$run .l rmrd*FútriPùl: Siüna lh h¡il þlúJ ffi. ü il¡d. lm ll¡d srd lul. P¡ùdlt, ¡C &Fm. ^ko illü! h Y** tDlt Ltd, lû.forq g. t¡-87-il¡. ¿¡ ruÆ8ßE .l h Yor6nl6lü iHlh iilJldð. ry¡lblTùtuñt ùr. h þFldrtüld sr ú,m. hmt hlJll# útl *pl.(rylhot lhrffi{ddmÞh¡¡dd i rrlülü Nl h ¡dddd ùúJd lo úbld wd lHffi96ikútbiMOl*.lbollr¡lüghdnhi[W**. (mlmlolhldld¡rßü*Þtk' - &$ Id. stÉdh rlþ1ó¡2 .10 ¡ì - lùd. Arylh ßTMl2 #-HhhrÆnÈmmF¡ - ñd n* Æm¡¡l ón Vil¡' J fùNlhkolgsnwd$n¡út, .l nlttrlodtrJùùiF. 26 Ern f8t .t Z5 PAffUlM PART ONE . GENERAL il tæYtff .t lhStillEJsdl!ßlt¡lbñ¡FoÍkil¡hlMhtol3!úr-drdßlhF4dtolnldltil!ffit(h ft ilmtuFotrhlñs Flltbtforml6t!6!btüdbltrhi¡tsdkF¡{lilld. lhÈhtmtboilú.dhfrknhlDrmlÞpû(drùktoh4h#.rh Fd. úlnt tlr Fùrb of P t-dr(.p. M!dr!. 1? ÍW¡0¡ ffi I lhrdotbqtu¡HlçrFnìh¡ryltd¡ls¡nnl.Eldrdl.buËãsrytúlhD¡.irdplxûd(ÐBlhgstuÌurJsdÉ{. fry.d xô t¡d.. , nblhilmlhttu¡lülúddúlrr¡llFofr!lþüB*rldbldryù*túÈtksfdli¡tl€dHtFr¡!FÉÐrorfit¡ldildFxhg th tudwd .f h! mta ft ld! tú. F¡lr h @tbn ol lËdthf, lry lH hlr rn! úiE lh tslåli.l ryli. atlk.lh 0t l¡ç rC! ml ildoËnt*Hutr!-&3 R.lF l.ûehFhlütb d tu¡b¡d tltlúc s¡ úlm. ¡ tll otht nl¡Hrt ¡r ù*dbh ùri|F d* h F¡li¡lh ü üAtrOffi I Sffi¡m.t*+rrqieil¡2 Sxh 0¡Í.1útF Èú*3 ffi¡ðþ.hl¡isF ú¡ kh0¡r3,Wrlkú{i5 ffi 0&,Ril¡{lffi.Shôt,dffidÈ $ matÐilsTBmÀ$Ín(Anß I a6hdr tonpt ¡l dik ffi fi ni$gloldr(W Adxt: S.dloî 0t t Sl. &i!3 Sffi Cæ.trrd;gTüúq dldllli!¡ kh0ä,t$t9l6dc¡r¡-Ë1.ilt5 Sffioru.Y.tMr¡ sffior¡lshhñJ ffilrı,ffiıdbióbitr tt sTDl¡6 I ¡Mutdr+Sllülü3| mútdb¡l , túSrldol$Oüf¡¡lb $quffiÆsm[ I ^U¡ffi{dDldEdhrtËllËC¡ti{illhlm¡ffi.#odtlþtdlrldJlflt*ldtrylillûthú!illholflrNhdh¡ú4!süa aôtrr¡.losælrirqDirUl'thdihlmh(ú¡ülÐlof P@dmdFlril.qdnd$*|tut.rkogtdtBtiEF WndbttÞdÉ,¡tth(hlrrlr!dfNtdffi¡hghFlth,L.(htdtrtothmdddhdl6lmülå.dhZltðtftqh ¿ ilddhübhtlülrJd¡tdqdHtolhdriulÞfro¡.ffi!Ðødth(drúl¡l#¡ltl*ddi.trúrPdslolhd.¡h¡lbúrrrDtmdh.úd.¡Mù ßùFrhtorÐlti{rydrihúùtqntñthCdtül!tmdffi!dÞü.rydil¡Cr* ffi &ñ t ¡ nrryËd l6t¡E F pd t h ffi. h tÉt ryl ff l Ffr y d +dlt lh dbr'4.HÉtrt ûl h rytd úñi. ¿1 tul ¡rirìdfiË (drd Bi Ë ¡X ol ùt rrijhltr2 ùFi Dld(dátx.Fdl*otùrr.iC¡1.a ^ddtÞlI g¡úhhllHo.lãûrñL ¡5 l* ldüt llotJ il.otr .rlü. I t.. Xg ¿l¿6 n(dlhlúhrylbotH6rq*bß. 3 hddF lùJlqidtdtiBof ddiBdh6.ilÉ p¡{1. ^t htMlùl'¡&r.lb, ¡lÈtüiCrÞthFtBld (mhtr¡llh nwiü. ld ¡ñl¡ Þl Þh¡nE I ìldß ò Ft nl lFft¡lb d lr !ffi d lh &fädr. .¡ tct of lrydd dd! ùl hû (61 ot ffi .h ñil ffi . to rur lþl k Dl.üt *t SfËlh 5 &qlr! I Dld.l ¡M. tu mt Fl* túm Þjcdh I Èld t* to (mlm lo 4frffi k Ftu. .6 tilh rqdb ot túr& d ¡lütu¡ d t tulxhi¡ RTd¡ rm çCiñ.d bl{ki{ hini .? ^DBhT6l:r Pdff .d úrr d"*Flb!l bldml. Èld rto lo *i4.t¿ AtlþLú¡*ffid!tunb.DlûryhnlÉtdtmlntr¡ntröl.lüstioll.llirit¡td.kHlryft¡tbdlrtffilbol .?3 ffi Èh rrd. ol ¡ic lo túr+ hmRl pio lo úh& $el. ûúd h lüld lo tol* ffi . 0l ild aôff d ¡ Slub¿Shh4ßJJ t@ryl.í¡hlrd¡dÈffFFdúnlhfrÐrJütld(+hHdt¡tuolßùf Fbrtoplx.fft blltlúl+ldiltu?ûrFbhitralé¡2 !*+ ffi Ktt ry Wrl #lb¡ ryld ol Shuld Sd ñúr lo h tðlrd h h dùt lH httu nltuI of th ilm b ft Bq. t?wffi I MùWChtdlrlDt¡(drÉdT¡h*il.01¡tutwC¡dmr.thrdiqotrldt0dù(Þrtulholhtol¿lúbolh¡tulúJ d úln ; dtd. h !Ni! Þi hm Gñtd rh il (dtd3 d d.l.d cùtndm. : S(drb ilo4 ¿l Sr&rFdh¡ JÈpirdÈ¿¡ úJ òtÉ h d. .15 hl{¡h ûls 3 *M. d l¡ !ffii. ü hrtdlth ol ilt ù$ç, hþtia hë r¡1. lðrE. ughlhq Ðiq .k. ¡ (nd!l.wt toñù!lRdsi¡f dl (trÉ4lirn(dht $rutrf I Ft Fklt ddtd. ru! fdit ú .ryh d lıt nFl.dEFln!rylHilh ¿ (Htul.d!Et¡{dhtdtul.tìþHlfli{k ¿l d¡¿ryhl{¡thd(dbU ¡rÞhtolJblh¡ i¡i!lf¡tdddúhü lllCl¡lh ol stütuC d ün¡5 q¡fi.F$ihdlïæt, ¿6 hlll¡hof lË 3 tuDtdtù!htJl.dbrÌù6.f iù(ÐhdñËFUÍtl!hlhhldlrldriliJhi{¡tbtutüuhÞlü-ùtdisffi1l¿ ltffis I Pilih2hsrylEDf JlÈlüid5ryHl*hrwrbolrtrulúJdtußòtrrblo('ü!ãlûf blcl¡lh S¡dr¡dlldriJlh¡lhdN rnh hrt nEl lü Wd l.!fq çñr ü Fqthü dl33 u noûxrMF I lI Dldr d h h (ryrih rl ¡MFC ¡o¡ Nl mt h rF4 dd d hilld qm rh h. ht r h¡ã (dh ¿ SÐdr d M. ddh lA, tdnù. rtü¡s d olb ffiJ ühl¡ h tl*4 çld. rdryú tdliË¡ ¡ilh ill t.¡ht d Fùl dt!¡ ddtÈ*d û dúb ot prd4. rÍ ELffiNY. SIME Ð PNO¡ÍTfi I trrtütrJdFFd¡ltu(.ddirdlorlt,dnF{ìl$lilodrht$.mrıtoFnlùr¡9.lt*ryàlholdldùHtdblhFry.tb ol ¡lüld d. ¡ hd. rt$+ of tsÐd rldrd sl ùll h $hd*b h 3d ¡ ¡ilr ð lo Fd hS r 9t.h ot rt ddt 3 SlüùCdrlohbl¡ldúsðfrfrd.¡lt$úbSrtrtdú¡d¡dù.dñ.nûtl*lkÞd!r¡l¡M!¡Ulh(ordÉiltBJhúDld ryFddt h! (dlil dl uh h.t Dldr hl¡ld. ¡ llDtd h h rtôûpld ùllb! Flrtrd h ¿(ffi¡ llh 8. C frlrt Þl Etrnril $ÈIhi PART IHREE . EXECUTION 3Jffi .l [rd.tr¡{ôf¡&b6ld$hd/MüM6hdh(olñlddiç.Pl{.h¡lühlrd[ùhFif dÞ(6llolh¡5]ipt|1þIhh J hü ùlgEld ð ¡tübl rd h pn¡ rr ihËì hË ¡l¡ilb ùl h Md to tutt-tu Fhl l5ll ffid klr hir ri Nl h h. ¡l !l@3.M. Nt h#, ldi dúilr, Húr Èld3 ¡n ob d.htËM Ètd! ìo ft ?ry¡ ol ìh fi triË. 32 P¡Pñ^rn tr mtr elDE .l Yrlt hl t*¡ æ (ffi i f öry* x(q mfift tMlil d û ùl tü. rrt ü|il ffi d. .2 tr(r¡|. hd to kl8 lbûbJ sËilr¡th kb 02¡. Inffig t¡(ì¡tu d (ryh dldi! t* *i9 dqh d rili !l 3MüJ td ú..¿1 M* b ohd ù¡*ç frN lohhid dlotl* lù tuh.2 b$ltofxffidhrMt..B Sûr* dã.h Nl dry pcld lo h trH gÉ. dd lüÍ h ùdx! ù.h lþr.¡ ú¡ld n h ùr.iliËi{ hiç. .¡ hDlFdrnhlhhlJl¡hof hrlülúCdDldúlilCl¡J¡i.È,dúiittrdhhnkbhtdl.d sffiddæd¡rû¡¡t!¡hH hl n dsúnt 6 ft ¡trold sl úl@ ln ¡ryd ry h Þlrud bn .fb th kldhlbn ol h üm. .5 ntsrrydôhrùdaóg* toryiñt¡.1 ülrdip{ryft¡th dfi nj¡ffigtui$. 13smffi .l ht{loqtul¡ottutrËüäF¡srtiri.lh.¡rlFtoktu02ffi,v¡trdt,Sb0t21,Sldsffi,dS(honr,lffi.rdcdôkh.tl klJl Fh lo blJl.lion ol lL ¡h¡nr¡ ¡d úln.U tñtuhdlMlrdtúBrdfr frrù*ryF r. .13 tilhlR.tholtlm8ù (mtu rihm qiË. 3.¡ mgril .l bl¡l h qtuIr ot Sdh 0m, hþlh SttlÈ. R.r6 ds lo h'çlb Drhç..tl hlJl ¡?¡.tb ú li$ h rÈúlb ¡th ht{l.lb ol lÞ rdd d. htu l¡ir ¡t !td{ xlhg.U tHht! JlmhrlH9tbd¡nhtu.i¡üidqdüi¡t Þd..ts toihh¡lbor4tuMhrih(i¡ niF. il ffisl?|mftsnuf¡u .l tmrdhıÌrmttrihnbotll(@ilibttudrhú¡4 lhr¡ìbol(!.wlrdlrry¡Ë¡t4ftJþbtlo!]elhddeiiqd. to fl dl # h lh rlil. .2 k.nñ!lþtd* - I d rh ol ml.læ ¡6tu ¿¿-6oxlnoltu¡rffiffiZl - 2 rg Ste ¡Ëtb 2l r lh ñol ol r¡b mhd dlrq -Gú$ lo ¡ßin mñt h fif ú I (ùh¡b!9üiEúdstülbFùthlo¡thqt!tm9.|lsúle. &tmúlnülhhrrrtold.upldtr¡trrHtü9lodrt.SlührFü, tlffi .t hd0Ynn.oynUtnKoÈdlb$-¡lbnollþFrif Birhrlþ¡ìm.. frlhrdhü{úlrûffiglhtl{*ildhDldl. I ^ll ú*{ Nl h F d m ¡ fl ¡l i*d, lnl ¡dxr +pd ùt lÞ ldtrt, uúr lh pFÞlt sl ¡ä! qinir J Pry.rqlrshlFl$hr¡ bùl.ftr¡hdú(F ml¡. silry|.ithtBlmllttorwrJ. PART THREE - EXECUTION (cont) 3J üffi I Do mloV¡R n,oWR flÂt0lll6 (h Ëult in rw.tbol h gfr;T ú for lh stoÉ ¡dk d rd r¡bg rll(.r tuiB lh Pl-ffi|ot lþDt.fl .2 ^u úh9 rHl h pdmd d ¡ tl¡t Þrd. lrvd !dx. Ðilrd t lh !trütrt. uú! lh! {ryÞre td úq qinil. .3 PñF !Ðph Slulú¡ Sl Ë¡ð io ùt.tr nlb ol É (qmls. &¡d t¡4lc rth tÉt ildb fr yttr. lJ PUtrttÌT .l &úg* ùl h ryo'ld bt h. (ffidl¡l tsb l0 d¡(mt ot h.hdwJ rd *lr!. ,2 Sh¡lrd !d rh¡ll h drt. bd Þt str¿H dn ¡tlr rh plxd ¡¡rsl rHl Þ hdld lo ilon b¿ç h ù¡hF *ütn5. irillb Sþht. oml. ¡ffirr'ffit. J n¡c Sloæúln hhtlh hqñ hli. æ.ol ¡luir¡ dtrF!. ,t (ryd ul Hl of ¡tMlüd d Dtdd ñh ù.l¡q tu dlr lo tþ slblalb d tÞ dl nF$. .t Pmft EstftJnTdtDûrñtqdh. lEilotffidm,r(çt$!(rylbr¡tGhtlhnfrdhshllldh¡llæol3lülúdd fdrhtdilt lBFuq ¡rtb l5 .6 PÞü. ¡ dd, h d hrd dx. JldiE ld rpdH drTlb or dd k üd / n 9d¡{ ú lo }d ffi ù!þ s.d. .l hldl¿lhof rlulrddlhlhlx.lhþf lh!hkmlüm&vtutdiFtdðútodwdh¡ã,¡hdh¡alq!tu|ùPvtlir.dcb!hqlotdloJlùhdhhklJþd¡lllrlËl(¡Iürnhh ryttdthtrbJd ruilúrElhH!.^ttÞlholtuhtJl¡litlhtdbmdùn riryñülG F $ttu ¿l d lo tu tþ Þol Hl. il FÎtrUmff[TetÆffi .t Arl6*þrCot¡Hd ¡dúh(ryli[hl{nh¡* I Mü.rtu dT ol dl rùi r-d hFüdF ol 3Hd rù 3J elm¡ÀgnTm .l ør!tuEmrd-h!mle¡lñlùlü{ü¡lütrddl.F. .? (rpd 9d- br. lô # ffi klt hit. (qJh sl h !ßbtFt ff ob uú9 t d, ht. DttHt .l Xl ñ lhll h r# te h mtM d d.rdh ffi ¡ld ü lh rnhd ù¡¡ç. tffi prh ùtry. 3! mrtflü .t hlül dlif (ffi ftÈ b¡. ù3túiB d * Fdq b*. I il ùryr¡lbq¡¡td.t ¡hãÞ!ollhktdl.holdtd. 3f,ñÉPtffi .l Renrh¡lFCdrotuklfllDldhf,dR(rubh*hnilJlfrutlEÍ¡ltutuotlhhgú.ftlur¡ltrrùîhúmtHll. ,2 Rr rryt Jl dd Hd Ml H h riil lFflil erút to Fúl slllhg d h ñl Hl h th H¿ .3 kñ hÈ I ttüld h h.¡rl (dn ot h TdrS phÉr ¡t¡lb 3h*ùt d h J htJltR¡nx(ù!dh*SUtúil¡Sl¡ñ (ulilrytFtffimtHlhh,rulbx¡¡FFdt*úñM3.F¡lk¡MTldãdM .S krfl rih hrip h ü F Srlh ¿1 Eñm h 3-! f if db Bd b h rlüH d ù h htCld ã Hfl I F d, .6 Plxrlr drh rytd lilh¡-t rt6 orútþ 14 ¡l h F h rä ru 3t msts .l 9. ñriltm dtoohl öil¡ç lr h.! 9¡16, fÈ d ldl¡F. tß ¡ruPt^E I tdhl rHt hsd rlùl d'h plr!' d ûl* ¡tÐlt! ol dd, d fñ çúr ù lo ptry ¡ ffir&iHlhlrffihofpFdgdidb]hdry.dtsãlfr.ddr'¡ìhdto$btuolFwdr*!o'Fry.k3!lrqt[fffi 9* ¡UI Þt h dc¡r it,¡ t lor. 3S W6iltrru I lrür ll üe5 fl dr d ú ¡ld !¡.¡ d ùFs !l Cl r-1. ßldt. hh d *¡ h h d¿ J gÐçÌf stùñ ÐldmryFddxr.l tþd.f shrdi!ûr. J Lþ6.üd!lh.tth!¡MrddñnhtJl¡hlmæ¡hdÐ ^ûtrtÛf tlræ¡qnil¡lolhFriEkb(c$.ld. tøÆ2tr M2hPRdEı NUMBER:þ-e