HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-10-08 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge 7. CALLTO ORDER & INTRODUCÏ'ONS AGENDA APPROVAL APPROVAL OF MTNUIES OF Septemb er 7O, 2O 73 NEW BUS'NESS & UNFIN'SHED BUS'NESS - N'/ PROJECÏS Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Pla n n in g Technicia n/ File Ma n a ger: 2077-709-DP Gary Lycan/Double Gold Holdings Harvey Hatch David Mitchell, M2 Landscape Archìtects Addition/Extension of an existing lndustrial Building in the M-3 zone 2O72O 7738 Avenue Siobhan Murphy 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.7 6. PRESENTÁT'ONS - Ni' MAPLE R'DGE ADY'SORYDES'GN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, October 8, 2073 4:OO pm - Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel ¡s to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendat¡ons to Council on all new commercîal, industrial and multì- family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 7. CORRESPONDENCE- Ni' 8_NEXTMEET'NG A{enda deadline: 9. ADJOURNMENT /ie Tuesday, November 72, 2073 Monday, October 27, 2073 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADY'SORYDESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meet¡ng of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, September 10,2OL3 at 4:00 pm. CO M M ITTEE M EM BERS PR ESENT Blair Arbuthnot Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Johnny Leung Peter Lovick, Chair Colleen Dixon COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT SIAFFMEMBERS PRESENT Rasika Acharya Joanne Georgel¡n Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Architect Architect Architect Planner ll & ADP Staff Liaison Committee Clerk 7. 2. 3. 4. Call to Order and lntroductions The meeting was called to order at 4:16 pm. Aglenda Approval Moved and Seconded: That the September LO,2OL3 agenda be approved with the following change:o Removalof item 5.2 Approval of the Minutes - Augiust 73,2073 Moved and Seconded: That the Minutes of the meeting of August 13, 2013 be approved. New Buslness Tandem Parking - Rasika Acharya CARRIED CARR'ED Advisory Desi{n Panel Mrnutes Page 7 of 3 Maple Ridgie Advìsory DesÌgn Panel Tuesday, Septernber 10, 2073 - Draft 5,Projects 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planner/ File Manager: 2O!2-O2I-DP (revised proposal by new architect) David Laird, Damax Consultants Mark Lesack, MAIBC, Ankenman Associates Architects lnc. Meredith Mitchell Proposed mixed use buildingtotaling 702.6 m2 (7,563.5 ft2) and two apaftments on the proposedClzonedlot 11185 240 Street Adrian Kopystynski Rasika Acharya welcomes any further feedback or comments, emailed to her, from the Panel regard¡ng Tandem Parking. Panel members agreed that 1005 tandem parking townhouse developments seem to be exist predominantly in city centre or town centre area that supports dense developments and that it is good idea to balance Tandem and double garage developments ¡n all the other areas, to keep it a low density multi-family option. Colleen Dixon pointed out that tandem parking does make the unit more affordable and more efficient to park two vehicles, but is usually the last choice when there are site constraints. Ms. Dixon confirmed that buyers generally prefer double garage townhouses to tandem. The following applicants were present at the meeting: Emily Kearns, Architect Mark Lesack, Architect Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated september 10, 2013 attached to the agenda, with respect to the location, context, surrounding buildings, OCP designation and Commercial DP Guidelines, site access, site size, proposed design and density, form, phases (remove), off-site upgrades, rezoning application, building materials, sanitary sewer connections, landscaping and parking. Ms. Acharya added that this permit had come to the panel previously, but with a new owner it went through design changes and was required to be re-submitted to the Advisory Design Panel. Emily Kearns, lntern Architect, presented the proposed design details. The Landscape Architect, Meredith Mitchell was absent and had provided notes for the project architect to convey to the Panel. Mark Lesack, Architect, explained to the Panel why this application has changed froma four residential unit to a two residential unit and clarified a few details and answered questions. Maple Ridge Advisory Desþn Panel Minutes PaÉe 2 of 3 Maple Rid{e Advisory Des¡gn Panel Tuesday, September 10, 2073 - Draft 6. PRESENTAT'ONS - Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE- NrT 8.Next Meetin{: A{enda deadlìne: Adjournment:5:79 pm Ãs Tuesday, October 8, 2073 Monday,September 76, 2073 Moved and Seconded: The following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. Consider using the roof brackets at the corner of roof feature Provide a pathway access to PMT Provide backup space at north end of the parking area Consider adding gables on the roof line Consider carrying the brick columns around the main corner feature Consider grouping residential entries together (stairs) Provide details for architectural concrete treatment Show the location of the electrical room Consider planters or details of architectural treatments along the sidewalk at the southcast driveway Consider sisn band along rear of commercial building Provide details of the roof brackets Consider concrete pedestals for brick columns Provide details for grades along hard landscape areas CIariff the sidewally'landscape treatment along the east wall Consider using pavers between property line and building (north and east) Consider wheel-stop provision along the west bank of parking to match others proposed Look at sight lines along the fence line for vehicle entry from the lane Consider deletion of one of the brick pilasters where they are grouped together Consider more accessible bike parking areas. CARRIED a a a Maple Ridge Advisory Desigin Panel M¡nutes Page 3 of 3 Guidelines for Presentations to the Maple Ridge Advisory DesiSn Panel lntroduction: Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel provides independent advice on the desi$n of development proposals ánd plays an important role in shaping the built environment of Maple Ridge. The purpose of the panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new Commercial, lndustrial and Multi-Family residential projects that require a Development Permit approval and heritage and lnstitutional projects as well. The Advisory Design panel and the planning Department make a joint efFort to improve the quality of presentations at the ADp meetings with a long-term vision of improving the quality of the projects that are approved through the Development Permit process. Council is also free to defer any other matters to the Advisory Design Pa nel for consideration. The Panel includes three Architects, nominated by the AIBC; two Landscape Architects, nominated by the BCLSA; and a non-voting Planning Department representative/staff liaison. The Panel generally meets the second Tuesday of each month. Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with their Planning Department file manager to understand the process and in order for a project to be considered by the panel. The applicant must comply with their submission package and presentation guidelines' Bulletin 31(AIBC) of The Architects Act The following Table is an excerpt of a portion of the Act , requiring the services of a Regístered Architect. This is intended as a convenient Suide and does nottake the place of the Act itself, which prevails in all cases. Persons who are not architects are prohibited from promoting or providing architectural services (see note 2) on the referenced building types' Major Occupancy per the Current building codes Use Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the services of an architect under Section 6o of the ArchitectsÁct (see also Notes l through 8) Group A (Part 3) croup B (Part 3) Public Assembly Hospital, Sanatorium, or Home for the Aged lnstitutional any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9m or gross area ^-- 2exceeorng ¿l5m ; Any building of more than one storey with Gross area exceeding 235m2; and All schools, any size any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a capacity exceeding 12 beds any building with gross area exceeding 470m2 Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy any building containing 5 or more dwelling units any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial any building with gross area exceeding 47om2 Group F (F1-: Part 3)I ndustrial any building with gross area exceeding 470m2 ln oddition to the requirements of the Act, all projects must also satisfy the current BC Building Code or the Voncouver Building Bylaw (collectively referred to herein os the buitding codes). L)nder these building codes, orchitects ore required to be engoged for design ond field review ond to provide corresponding assuronces on oll Part 3 buildings (of ony occupancy or size) and any part 9 buitdings with common egress systems ond firewalls. tt is importont to understand thot the Part 3/Port I distinction is immoterial under the Act. Page 1 of 3 September 2013 NOTES (arisingfrom the ArchitectsAct and to be read in conjunction with preceedingtable: 7. An architect, under the Act, must be registered with the Architectural lnstitute of British Columbia. 2. An architect's services include the preparation of desifns, plans, supporting documents and the provision of field services for the erection, addìtion or alteration to or repair of buildings for persons other than him/herself. Gu¡delines for presentation and material to be included in the ÞackaÉe: The project architect and the landscape architect will present and answer questions by the panel at the scheduled ADP meeting. The owney'developer may choose to attend as an observer' At the end of the meeting, the panel will form a resolution which will be sent to the project architect/applicant, by the File Manager. All presentation material i.e, the ADP package is required to be complete as perthe attached checklist and submitted to the File Manager, by the cut-off date. lncomplete packages will not be accepted. The package must include the following: 1) ADP application form and project data sheet you can find this on our website at: Panel/pdfs/ADP Application Form.Bdf 2) Site and Neighbourhood context photos showing the overall relationship and compatibility in character and massing to all the surrounding existing development and streets/lanes; impact on view corridors and day lighting and shadow analysis to show impact on immediate properties. 3) Design Rationale: summary of design theme, philosophy, materials and colours proposed and how it fits with the surrounding uses' For a heritage site, a description of how the new structure relates in its form, character and landscaping to the heritage building, including its character defining elements, will be required. 4) project Analysis: reconciliation of major elements of the design such as OCP compliance and compliance with the applicable DP Guidelines, zoning compliance, and variances proposed' 5) Architectural drawings: drawings in metric dimensions of the following: . Site Planning: plan showing all proposed-structures on site, setbacks from new property lines, parking area, loading area, usable open spaces, common activity area, vehicular and pedestrian access points, pedestrian connectivity, relationship between bui6 and open spaces, site sections showing topographic information for sloping sites such as retain¡ng walls, streetscape elevations. . BuildinÉ Design: floor plans of all principal and accessory structures, roof plans of all principãl andãccessory structures, building elevations of each proposed building from all sides and coloured elevations (indicating colours, material specifications and details of finishes), façade treatment and artìculation, signage and building cross sections' Page 2 of 3 September 2013 Perspective/3D rendering: of the site and/or building to show massÌng and overall articulation. Landscape drawings: drawings in metric dimensions of the following: ¡ Site plan showing all proposed soft and hard landscaping' . Plan showing all trees, shrubs/ve$etation to be retained. o PlantinÉ list of all proposed vegetation, indicating quantities of plant material (botanical and common names) with proposed sizes (tree calliper, pot sizes) and showing specificatíons of growing medium. lt should show general appropriateness of form and variety in selected plant species. . lrrigation description for propoqed vegetation, and specifically for proposed planting located over architecturalstructure, i.e. parkingstructures, roof tops etc. ¡ Concept details of important landscape elements such as play area, seating, pedestrian connections, focal points of interest in the proposed design. . Signage details for free standing signage if applicable. LiÊhtinÉ details for pedestrians within the landscaped areas. . Proposed lot grading plan and site sections showing lot drainage and any proposed soil retention, storm water and rain water management' 6) Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives: i.e. any innovative sustainable design features on site or within the building/s such as on-site storm water detention, ex-filtration, rain gardens, energy efficiency, water efficiency, reuse of rain water for landscaping, etc; 7) Material Sample Board showing colours, samples and specifications of all exterior materials proposed. This should match the proposed coloured elevations and/or rendering of the buildings. a September 20L3 Page 3 of 3 {Ææ¡és"- *-/ -#,€i:r-\æsf- -_. RIDGE Oeep noót5 Greater Heigt¡fs ADP a oolicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "lncluded" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. Required lncluded 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site PlanllaYout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow AnalYsis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Desi$n: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from allsides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building DesiSn: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show materialspecifications) L Building Desi$n: Building Sections T m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Materialsample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. lrrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. PreliminaryStorm water Management (SWM) plan Project Arch itect/Appl ica nt: Name: Date: Signature: End of Document Revised December 2Ot2 Required lncluded 2 + "¿4Þr, e \@Gd'ø-{by MAPLE RIDGE British Cotumbia District of Maple Ridge MEËIING DATE: August 22,2OL3TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2011-109-DP 2O27O 1138 Avenue PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the exlension of an existing industrial building in the M3 (Business Park) zone' This is a zoned land subject to a Development Permit approval. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description OCP: Existing: Proposed Zoning: Existing: Proposed Surrounding Uses North: South East: West: Double Gold Holdings Ltd Double Gold Holdings Ltd Lot: A, D.L.: 280, Plan: 1MP52360 lndustrial lndustrial M-3 (Special Industrial) M-3 (Special lndustrial) Use: lndustrial Zone: M3 (Business Park) Designation: lndustrial Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Residential Use: lndustrial Zone: M3 (Business Park) Designation: lndustrial Use: lndustrial Zone: M3 (Business Park) Designation: lndustrial Existing Use of Property: tenanted warehouse and office use Proposed Use of Property: multi-tenanted warehouse and oflice use Site Area: 0.406 hectares or 4060m2 Access: is from 1338 Avenue Servicing: Full Urban Standard Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: pursuant to section 8.6.1 of the official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the lndustrial Development Permit Guidelines, as outlined in this memo. 1,. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting' landscaping, traflic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. promote sustainãble development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building desi$n.4. Respectthe ñeed for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residentialareas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and bu ilding articu lation. PI.ANNING GOMMENTS: Official Community Plan: this property is designated lndustrial on Schedule B of the Official Community Plan and included in the lndustrial Developmént PermitArea. No Official Community Plan amendment is required. The proposed development must conform to the Official Community Plan's lndustrial Development Permit Guidelines stated above. Zoning:.t¡" "ii.ting zone M-3 (Business park) allows maximum lot coverage of 60% and a height not to exceed 1b.Om. The setbacks required are: front setback 6.0 metres, interior setbacks 1'5m, and 6'0m for the rear setback when adjacent to a non-industrial use. A continuous landscape strip not less than 5.o metres in width shall be provided on each side of the developed portion of the development site which abuts an urban residential zone. Loading bays are required to be located away from the front yard. No noise is permitted in excess of TOdB(A) measured at any point on any lot boundary on which the use is located, provided that where the lot is adjacent to a non-industrial lot permitted noise levels shall not exceed 60dB(A). The accessory office use and retail use is limited ro 25% of the gross floor area of the principal use. Context: The subject property is located in a designated lndustrial Development PermitArea atthe western edge of Maple Ridge in the Maple Meadows Business Park south of Lougheed Highway. Uses for this existing building include an office area with a residential unit above, and a vehicle service shop. The existing building is located near the front northwestern corner of the property with landscaping in front. There is a driveway access from 1138 Avenue to the east of the building where two parking spaces (including one handicapped) are Provided. Proposal: The applicant proposes to add an extension to the existing building to create six warehouse units with a small oflice area at the front of each unit. The existing building will remain and a fenced parking area will be created to the rear of the building in order to access the existing service shop. The extension will continue on from the southern end of the fenced parking area toward the rear (southern) end of the property. The existing building is 334.5m2. The eKension of the fenced parking area and building will incr""re the total floor area to 961.6 mz. An additional small storage building will be located along the southeaster edge of the property, which is 60m2. Total lot coverage is 31.9%. Page 2 of 3 .t Stormwater Management: The total site is constructed on pumped river sand to a depth of 1'83 metres Gx i*i). This sanã is free draining and does not retain water. The parking area is paved to prevent oil, iurl, etc. contaminating the ground water. Storm water catch basins were installed in the parking area which then drains to an oil separator at the front of the existing building before discharging into the municipal storm sewer. As part of this extension, a second oil interceptor is proposed to be installed at the rear of the new proposed addition and all remaining parking storm water will be directed to the existing municipal storm sewer in the five metre right-of-way along the south property line. lt was confirmed by enquiry to MetroVancouver that an additional permit was not required for this activity' parking: Requirements for parkingfor warehouse use in the M-3 zone is 1 per 186m2 $ross floor area. Gross Floor Area for the site is L296mz, divided by 186m2 requires a minimum of 7 parking stalls. There are currently two designated parking stalls at the front of the building, one of which is handicapped parking. The area behind the existing building currently has approximately thirty parking stalls for large vehicles. The new building scheme proposes 30 parking stalls, including two handicapped parking stalls. There two at the front of the existing building will remain, with 19 parking stalls proposed along the eastern border of the property, and four along the eastern side of the building extension. An additional five parking stalls are located to the west of the small storage shed along the southern edge ofthe proPertY. Garbage/Rec\¡cling: A garbage and recyclingarea is located to the rear of the line of 19 parking stalls along the eastern side of the property. There are no variances proposed for this zone. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. han M MCIP, RPP Page 3 of 3 District of MaPle Ridge Advisory Desi$n Panel Application - 2Ol.3 1 This application is in suPPort of: (please quote file number if available) Devetopm ent Permit opZ-@ll-lOt -Þ I 2, Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apatment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. €o-it A"{'!"ÅM3. PresentinE!4rrehitee*#**xlÉ'/ t{*rat-l (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect:[,Lero,!i{/^ f^,i ;l-r,hp,l (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: El 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched' tr Desif,n Rationale 6. Contact person for this project (please print) Name:A Address:,v (.ô- Phone No.hÐb q l,øtt Fax No. Email: 6a4 AAt 4* (Applica nt's Signatu re) (Date) Tues Jan 08 Tues Feb 12 Tues Mar 12 Tues Apr O9 Tues May 14 Tues Jun 11 Tues Jul 09 Tues Aug 13 Tues Sep 10 Tues Oct OB Tues Nov 12 Tues Dec 10 bylloon-on Mon Dec 10 Mon Jan 21 Mon Feb 18 Mon Mar 18 Mon Apr 22 Mon May 20 Mon Jun 17 Mon Jul22 Mon Aug 19 Mon Sep 16 Mon Oct 21 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:0O pm in the BlaneY Room Lower Level Maple Rid$e MunicipalHall 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlin rev. 2OLL-L2-2O 1) Site Data: c dress rOt Area of the lot(s)hLú9m2 Lot width 2t-67 m Lot Depth iÞ:.63 m Existing OCP DES ignation tHtOfiøAL Proposed OCP Designation sÀn É, Pro osed Zone iN.å and use iÉp n e use 'll\- Troposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection lS0 m 2 ) Building Data: Coverage Requ .i).39 m'Total lot Coverage proPosed 9â.b n? Re setback b-o m front 9.+ m d. rearsetback Ê-s m rear setback 6.o m Reqd. side setback l4m Proposed side setback 1.5 m Reqd. side setback i-ã m Proposed side setback 3m Reqd. building height rç.ú m Proposed building height 1.eÉ m . Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed m2) Proposed FSR in the Zone (TotalGFA proposed m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 62 Reqd. Common ActivitY Area m2 Proposed Common ActivitY Area m2 3 ) Parking and Otf-loading: Underground Parking Y Reqd. Parking sPaces for the zone t Parking (zone Reqd. small car stalls g smallcar €- scooter/bicycle stora area m2 Required Handicapped Parking NòUø Proposed Handicapped Parking L Required Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking + 4 Covenants:ROW: nical Tree Storm sewer Sanitary sewer No Bui rb Drainage Y Any other Covenants on Title other ROW o 5 ) Environmental: Within Om a Watercourse/Wetland (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot: less lhaíQþS/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area [Ç m'Proposed landscaped area 3ba m2 Area of buildingto be demolished Õm' ln the Flood Plain (urN ln The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/0 Proposed LEED points PRoJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL lN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE T0 YOUR PROPOSAL) .L 6^- j 5 ûu' Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. ê-t 76 a '¡ ira, '6 P Deep Roots Greater Heisl¡15 n ckl 1) ADP appl¡cation form & project data sheet 2) Site and Nei$hbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project AnalYsis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/laYout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Plannin$: Shadow AnalYsis e. Site Planning: L¡ghting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building DesiSn: Roof Plans h. Building Desi$n: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevat¡ons (to show material specifications) L Building Desig¡n: Building Sections AII presentation material must be in 11" x L7" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size coþy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant crrãän¡st needs the "Requíred" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "lncluded" boxes need to be completed bythe applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package' Required lncluded 'J. m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Materiatsample Board W -eútre(q"J(-t\ U Required lncluded6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. LandscapePlan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. lrrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. LiShting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. PreliminaryStorm water Management (SWM) plan Project Arch itect/Appl ica nt: Name: Date: End of Document Revised December 2012 2 r/el\o. il?Þ çíu$-er pursuant with Section 8.6 of the Officiat Community Plan, industrial development proposals will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines- This checklist is intended to aid in the revie, w of industrial development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is ûoted that the project will also be reviêwed foi consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. fr.tts Key Guideline Concepts ConsistentYes No If No, provide justification for inconsistency 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and a¡chitectural interest in building designs fronting public streets ÉYtçf rrJ¿l ßu rrlútlÈrt lç nAÊç-I FRÞuJlrrJa ÀEotloo tl 6sutùç' 2. Loadlrlg facilities should be located awaY from public streets and into the rea¡ or the interior of a site. J Outdoor stora$e and less athactive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or 4. The trânsportation needs of diverse users accommodated tbrough amenities such should be as bicycle facilities, and accessible design for the mobility 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desi¡ed character and pattem of development in the area by .incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Guidelines ConsistentYes No If Noo provide justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing and Siting 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas should be located at the ûont of the buildings to face streets. Desip facades so that these areas are easily identifiable and visible ûom streets. / 2. Main building entries should be located and desiped to be clearly identified from streets or entry driveways. Include glzz.ing as a major component of street-facing building facades' 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doors and docks should not be located on a buildineloadine 1 façade that faces a street. Desip service doors to fit with the overall design of a building. 4. Buildings with sim.ificant areas of non-reflective opaque materials or blank walls should incorporate features such as texture, graphics, reveals, coloursor decorative floodlighting to provide visual interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compl iment the architectural details. / 5 Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into nafural slopes and other significant features. (Huf +6,.t(àb\fL 6. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into thei¡ site planning. Conside¡ employing techniques such as ¡ain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface inûlt¡ation beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. ,/ AXtsf r\r1 6 t1@ \S Q-oCtPL,f,(€tY OVUø.0YW- AÞ0i-TLoi.l Lç 1Þ hI a\TÞtlLl. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include desip elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the stee! surrounding uses and structures such as bridges.V þt¡.tarur4 ÊoÐÉ 18.ç-e1luuÈf t;tl-t, tì'Lía) E>\S1rrt4 B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Wherever possible, the majorþ of parking and all Ioading areas should be located between or to tie ¡ear of buildings, with access from lanes or internal circulation. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance. Use landscaping strips, toees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance tåe visual appearance oflarge parking areas. Êkrsf tu4 S¿1É rs Lvwxçg yuwY ug¿u!¿LovF-:9 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped buffer between the parking and the public realm. Ncrf keçu cLç'ø 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with rolled edges as an alternative treatment for surface draìnage. Éxtilrñ41{þ ts Ft¡-r-g PAV€þ Þ ÞgÞt\ilí-ro l.*\Òv 5. Above ground parking structures should not front public sheets at grade. Non-parking uses or special rJ/L -2- ) ) façade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realn. On non-sheet fronting facades, parking stuctures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the façade. 6. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto tÏe steet' $imilarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. ( Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact f¡om the sfreet, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. 7 NÞ"f ÞWvt*bW C. Peclestrian Access 1. Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public sidewalk to industrial uses. Design the access to ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas should provide a di¡ect pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, ove¡head weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be dssigned to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, fuafñc signals. D. Universally Accessible Design 1. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main enhance to a building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be frrlly accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchai¡s or scooters and should include a tactile -J- strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and cu¡b let-downs should be provided in appropriate Iocations to facilitate safe, convenient, and di¡ect access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 3. Building and site design features should integrate circulation routes and areas for people with disabilities with general public use. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas The design of a roo{ placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take ints account views ofthe rooffrom adjacent buildings. ( 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize yi5¡¿l imFact as well as conflicts with pedestrians.\/ 3. Refirse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedeshian access. Garbage and waste material should be sto¡ed in containers that are weatherproof and animal- resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation qystems to minimize noise and exhaust on pedestrian areas, adjacent residential development and outdoor spaces.\/ 5. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Nol ^yrurcl'&,-L F. Signage 1. AII signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By-Lav. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylatv and tlese guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. In multþle-tenant buildings, sims should be designed to present a unified appearance. -4- ) ) G. Lighting 1. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian pathwaYs./ 2. ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Lighting should be designed source of light visible from or adjacent residential land. so as to have no di¡ect the public right-of-way Care should be taken to ( H. Crime Prevention througll Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Crime Prevention through Envi¡onmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design ofall buildings and facilities. / 2.Ensure conven ient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings./ -)Design developments to maximlze opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum visibitity within the parking area- Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind comers should be avoided in the desip and layout of the parking facilities. ( 4.Wherever possible, locate parking next to uses that generate human activitY. L Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, securely anchored to the floor or grounds- 9t ¿y <,rfr- s Ia b€-Ç\aesm ttt 5ot"tr-s' 2 Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. J. Landscaping and OPen SPace 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, structures used for including should be -5- visually screened from public sheets with dense evergreen planting or should be desiped and finished in a ma¡ner consistent with the principal building. 2. For industrial developments with multiple tenancies, consider providing amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces for individual tenancies may be consolidated into large indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for ths common use of all tenancies. Examples include outdoor landscaped areas or recreaton spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: Ð proyide definition for pedestrian corridors b) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spacesc) present a pleasing street imaged) soften the transition between adjacent land uses Ð create interesting views and focal points into and out ofthe site. 4. Provide landscaping of substantial proportions æound property lines, particularly adjacent to residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth tansition to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring prpperties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 6. The scale and location of planting material should complement and be consistent with the scale and massing ofbuildings. 7 Energy efEciency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through:a) The use of native and/or drought-resistant species;b) desiping the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind;c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; Ð allowing natural drainage to occur tbroughout the site; Ð redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacqnt for future development should be lenrlscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The -6- minimum ground surfa€e frefuent should be lawn- Where possible, the natural state should be retained for tlose portions of a property not being deveþe.d. 9-Existing vegetation shor¡ld be enhanced new planting whgrever conshuction activity has deshoyed vegetation.Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged- 10. Maxinize the anount of landscaped areas and minimize the anount ef impervipus paved surfaces to inçrease the natural absorption ofrêinwater on a site. 11 IiDk fences afe to be avoided,and are discouraged along steet frontages. Where chain link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape material is encou¡aged adjacent to the landscape s6Ìreen. 12. Fences abutting residential sites should be consüucted with materials consistent with fences generally used in residential developments, I ._) Date:)u 4orz ieebåæt Name/company Pu(ÐØb\\\Ò Slaüquç+u oÐSt4,$s, L1Ð' Munioipal FileNo Plan Description: ProþctNo, Signature -7- Design Rationale for proposed warehouse addition at 20210 - 1138 Avenue The subject property is 4065 sq. m (1 acre) in size and is located in the Maple Meadows Business Park. The property is located on the south side of 1138 Avenue between Stewart Crescent and 201A Street and is presently zoned M3 Business Park. At present there is a 18'29 m' 160 ftz¡ building fronting 1138 avenue. This building consists of 223-m' ISOoO ft2) on the main floor of which f f 1.5 rrf (1200 ft2) is office space, 223 m2 (2400 ft2) ¡s maintenance/repair/vehicle service shop with 6.9 m (20 ft.) ceiling. Above the main floor office space is residential unit, which is approximately 223 m'I1ZOO ft'¡. This building was constructed in approximately 2002 and originally used for the maintenance and parking of school buses. The existing building uses all the available lot frontage only allowing for access to the rear of the site beside the building due to the shape of the lot. lt is currently being used by a company assembling tow trucks on existing truck body units. The proposed development is for six warehouse units with 6.9 m (20 ft.) ceilings and small sales/office area at the front of the units. This is the predominant use in the area. Each unit will have an approximate floor area of 475.5m2 (1560 ft2¡with a black overhead door. The storefront will be anodized brushed silver aluminium. The main building will be of tilt up concrete panels with reveals in light and medium grey color. The smaller building at the SE corner of the site will be used as a storage buitding only and have an exterior and roof of pre enamelled steel cladding. This building will resemble the profile of a residential unit and provide a visual transition from the adjoining residential zone to the industrial. proposed landscaping. The existing landscaping at the front of the existing building will be retained and upgraded with maintenance. The existing large coniferous trees at the rear of the lot interfacing with the industrial zoned property will be retained. All existing weeds and shrubs are to be grubbed out and additional soil and plants as shown on the landscape plan added to the six meter landscape strip. The SE portion of the site interfacingwith the residential area is to have a concrete acoustical fence constructed at the property line. The existing two large pine trees will be retained in the six meter strip which will visually buffer the residential area from the adjoining parking stalls on the developing site. The storage building will interface with the Iandscape strip and the acoustical concrete fence with the remainder of the residential site providing an additional acoustical barrier and lower building profile. proposed parking consists of 30 parking stalls of which two are handicap in addition to fronting street public parking. The parking required for this use is L/L86 m' 1ZOOZft2¡. the fenced area at the rear of the existing building is for storage of items being serviced/repaired/altered in the existing shop and is forthe sole use of the existing building. This area is located between the existing building and the proposed new six unit addition. Garbage/Recycling: The garbage and recycling area is located at the SE corner of the site adjacent to the storage unit with access provided through the common travel area' Storm Water Management: This site was preloaded and has approximately six feet of very permeable river sand underlying the parking and building area. At the time of the original construction the parking area was paved and catch basins were installed to collect storm water and direct it to an oil interceptor at the front of the existing building to prevent contaminants moving into the underlying aquifer. Paving of the parking area was not required at the time but with the permeable nature of the underlying river sand these precautions were taken to prevent enúironmental damage. The front portion of the site will continue to use this facility. lt is proposed that a second oil interceptor be installed atthe rear of the new proposed addition and all remaining parking storm water be directed to it then to the existing municipal storm sewer in the five meter right of way along the south property line. 2390 Plan View Section View of Lid 457 Access Cores CoaÌescing Plate System Outlet 1667 1015 lra 1057 of 444 438 Section View of ljni! 1. Type ll oil interceptor comes w/ Coalescing Plate System - Bmm spacing. 2. Unit designed to: TemP.:0"C oil5.G.* 0.85 lnffuent Oil- 100 mg/l Fffluent Oil =.,,< 1 5,mg/l Max flow: 16'Vséi- 3. unit comes comptétélwith intet pVCtee. Max sÞe 375mm. 4. Steel baffles,supplied as shown. 5. Approx. weþht of unifi3840kgs,[B465lbs]. 6^ Min. concrete strength:35MPa- 7. Capacity 2440 liters 8. Concrete lid designed to H20 loading. 9.4-5'tonne liftingiñserts supplied as shown. -T}l E Gftor.J¡' o o Ø914 97V L LC&T ORÍGIN:DRAWN BY: JAO 1:30SCAIE:Type ll Coalescing Plate Oil lnterceptor Bmm DESCRIPTION: DRAWING NO: TYPil-COl-803/11125 DATE: LAN ctEY (60 4' :533-1 6 56 (25O)478-9581 ABBOTSFORD(604)850-5000 t' *F z.o¡ rcÉX: BUILDING |ld lNV.: 4.0 45. BENù I \$ I nltrñeo rtoon ELEV,= á.Jim NSÎÀLL :R Á.I'ID 500ur, -*l:dôo 6roßvrwÊ-i-ÉR l'4 hñ P\& É1,{Ë,ÑÍ WARÉ.HÔIJ 3É.ÉyrÉ¡tSt dl qù\. L 0 1 C ? 0z - lt ß ñuE - F.l ¡i : ,f.r!l:,;lt'' r- ' j '¡ '' l1¡lÈr!ÀM@ÆAYM ffißE*Nffis,satñ. F]|€ñWßÈM$^@q@ffirÀCúÆÆÞ FsqaY^rftR4Éo* REMSIONS DESCRIPÏON DATENo- 03 MAY 11LSSUED FOR DP APPUCATON RFVISED AND REISSUEDFÔR NP APPI ICATÔN ?O AIJG I3 PHOENIX STRUCTURAL DESIGNS Ltd. 2OOAI 1 80 I( NGSWAY AVE. PORTCOOUITLAM. B.C. v3c 6t{/ PH: 9446E21 F¡'.xt 94Æ824 g WAREHOUSE EXTENSION JOEL LYCAN 20210 1138 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. JOB No: PAGE No. 1103 A01.0 0F 3 I SITE I PLAN í3' b.w5æ .dtÌ ç c g ı 50M SITE AND ROOF PLAN tıe 2a ø, t6,&À1344.5ê, G ı9ùìe 3Íì;ô .Þ3.=bh ÐN6 SITE INFORMATION: CIVIC ADDRESS: 20 I I O - I l3E AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, E.C. ZONING: M-3 BU5|NE95 FA&( 5l'IE AREA = 40ê4.9 3M (43754.2 5r ) E(ST|NG WAREFIOUSE BUll"DlNG AREA : 334.5 9M (3GOO 5F I PROPOSED ÞUltDlNG ADDITION AR,få :961.ê 5M (l O,35 I 5F ) SITE COVÊRAGE PROPOSED : I ?9ê. I I 4064.3 x I OØo : 3 I .3 % FARKING REQUIRED: REIAL/ WAREIIOU9E: ll t ôG Mz ( 2OO2 5D, ORtz96.tItb6=7STALI5, FARKING FROVIDED: 30 FARKING 5ïALl-5 ( INCLUDE5 2 D|SABTED ACCESsIBI-E PARKjNG 5ïAl_15 ) te4 t\þÐE ..\¿ €-4 t!", tt b tq4 3!4'is@.241 te4'44. fæ.241 îUf V4. Lt urt I 3!4, !to€5ø.9q 9'4 314' f"7@,5e1 e ñtøqJp : f æNreE?@Eù q c s eDE\\-\_ F dig t 5aL9 3!4. L4UO2.ÊupHG Ðmøt t-ø 94. 1521. t Õ-Y- 3'-3\{{' Bæ.so¡ <4H4ft{N UN( qıJE -à ôf \ LOADING ZONE9 PROVIDED: 6 ç9QlmÉ/&.¡4rffi ÆffiHæm&MffiÆBËc¡Puffis,sÀrñ. f æR[Ë Þffi H^!€ ÀE ffi Pffi sÆÆþr lsÉt¡¡ßgÆdFlÆ- nlE4@dffiffiffiffi!Þ-ruwE@MU4ÆffisãE REVISIONS No-DESCR|PT1ON OATE ISSUED FOR DP ¡,PPUCATION 03 MAY 11 REVISED AND REISSUEDFOR DP APPUCAÏON ,O AUG I32 STRUCTURAL DESIGNS Ltd. 2OOA.IIEO K¡NGSWAYAVE PORTCOOUITLAM, B.C. v3c 6t{7 PH: 94+6a21 FAX: 944Æ824 PHOENIXF WAREHOUSE EXTENSION JOEL LYCAN 2A27A 4138 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, B,C. JOBNo: 1103 I PROPOSEDFLOOR PAGE No.: 402.0 OF 3 | PLAN - fz:1.o8ffi -I 1S!01/gfgf 6.1E 3g{ [914.0q +g 9 sTmGE shF ruæR M{ - æO 9F ( ó3.C # ) pDrtqr Êoe- FN - 9451 5F (A7O 9t¿ ) Æ9tuÈt5E DíAL FDM ÆWMr€ ql RIO (l v2' fr. 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JOB No: PAGE No. 1103 FLOoR+ ELE\rs A03.0 0F 3 -@ cÆolNc Ptr.EIMEUDMf[ffiR rË-ExñEÆ Þtflê! oæn@ æuæom@ MUNICIPAL LOT PLAN Þqot ffiNE@RlffÆ Þw)Rt{wæÆffiffi 27e 26 6'3t.s2o tto3,4lt NrüffiffiaffiÆæffitFuTæiffiN) F]HW ¡'F PREóA5T ÓONóRE'IE AC.ÔU5Í I C AL ftIICEf,tá å FNW ıðı PLANT SCHEDULE Þstx¡JER fla6t É @ffi *rcr@ @Mr@ êt2EüÍqr ffi@ @.M|:qqffi n@mþffi l\ffi f ffi æNffi 6 Æffi @þÉ&l.@fÆþ.uÉffi 4AEætrÐÆBffi^îÆM ffi lÌÆ+Æ ffÆEÆEtÑt@Æ æ'@Effi mF@æmlæÆællÆslru@ffi. . */@Æ @ lÆ¡lÆMìru^vAÆ@@@ww Mø Ar æ æ øt. @ 6 ffi ro n@ ÆllN Æ ffi vM.. øruæ dÆ ,mru&|ffiretMÆ@reTo reñ3FMæ TOtrffiFÞ M1ruffi ffi ruæ¡i¡æ. ,løAlMdMDAElMIo ffi ffi @roffi ffi Æ9E6Þú,Æfw-ffiææfææ^v ¡Æñ. 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SEAL: PROIEI: W A R E H O U S E EX IEA'S'OI'' 20.210 1138 STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC DMWNGÏTLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DAIE: ilWY6 DMWING NUMEER: sqE: W=IA' DSIGN: ¿M CHK'D: ã oF2 r-t_ÞoN w &ffi&frEW DATE RtlsroN DscRtPnoN M2U PRO'EqNUMEER:,1-O87 PARTONE GENERAL REQUIREIUENTS II IEFTR:ilGS CÍdt rir¡ ¡[ ¡ lild ¡ lh: 6!E d Cd,:ili¡E f (ri r*l h 6tr,lnliÐ drr ilit ldid iér aFd.d ht tlú (r'.nl Û:¡n:¡ e .7 3(.ils.¡Fsl¡rAdl9i/f.*dhtt&B(.kirlyrl4s4.^(i'di¡14.3(.rrßoÈlhr.rt¡*ôùri4ìo¡ll!^llrdl¡dn{rdnr$¡.mdd¿úrdrxsd(-hli.8.Cl¿úrp.Sl¡iddrùrr&¡srd¿:ùr¡He+aifùliono¿r.i(lRur-àür+^n[il(lrlIirillr¡itrhu.lior .l HßttN!ú(P¡I9tGKÀ¡10stsl¡rù¡¡oû:lxr!ECr99ó¡tFdbtlÞ(d{lhglqh¿.r.1s.ili4(ds!¡,Fc¡ódlûrrdlb¡¡r:úl¡.diùrÀtedr4 ñd tiê M(d tuh.$ 3 r¡h¡ .¿ f¡þmfm$úS(¡Plnftú^n$SYSlf,lñG ¡rt,Ptrr.dblkl¡iq¡bilirul¡r^'ai¿¡o'llir4:duû. t: fslù6 . {(rolhdrd.l¡¡n¡¡.hùlhì'6tû-¡.rcriqndJ!uù.us¡q'¡i:'il.L'q-nÈdñlidrà'úr¡rlûhnilqUt¡iÙ.Fd.illslüriúli! tsc ùIddÐ ¡cLùdr¡E^(hlcJ. 0(üÌ¡ fcúqndi!¡ hil r3üi hLndKrÀrhlúl f4i.r¡!rf ùÐrörJFùr h düúcot R.lrlr9rl ol,t covq ùiúlúlft ror td.d.r. 7 osdr.çr.rlirnjlhalor.êrlrilrdns Cdteld.!fúrf,.iôp4lorlcrñqlr¡.Þß&n¡lÀ¡l$diri:ri¡l ß sllilIÀt5 .'htrhrntcF.Crltdi,ldh3trorht.dhhrdhll..dh{lddú:il3hib.FÀr¡¡a(dLrlh.t¡dsrÌ&dld. .: sDnini¡ a o¡rkl , Fo(d rût! o. nùhJu'd! ¡ôdrx dlrritiotr . ld. l[:lqiltill¡Êt¡f*+.*:fil.d!GÛ*ltilh¡h:ft¡!'¡drr¿G¡Þl¡dt:r.&.fidl¡ts.&i{il.drcd.v€ilhtd::+rrü'.ilrilú!Ér¡ßkülbrknÌ.ts.th1.rqhùñlo(diimkrtunú.:h¡h¡i:ñesdlp¡:ili(¡liG (dÞd0!i.'5tugsdl)li¿h:ñhFlúril>¿ùçíiti¡ûflir 4¡¡ü*lir.!¡lloe,tûùtsftli. 0xril knrl.du.rÈ4hdúrtol ;llndrlid.úbl[¡¡db;4: ,'.¡ sÞ1hsl.HRl¡g,6.ñ*1(.l¡xrÊri4lorriil.dnc'bs(c,.ftJ¡tlilhf.FcrroÀhxldhr.irvk.cD'sor¡hßter,!.Àrfbidr¡trnnó ,-.7 lr¿ilLpgk*slhq,l¿lr:p.(dilnr[rnp¿il!t^llktrl.fvcirilhoer.aR¡)"*h'iq5h$!ûhrdddl¿ilhidr¿p.(dkrari¿¡r{h]it¡ô hhdd lJr.*r.'pald ldk¡nd hy$ilt la¡..j¿bliltd lh. iry:d. ¡ú ldl fcoMrh! t: l,El¡i&ag¡6nìdr Êrctde{.v¡gr*iùtn'.tulls ..,ì J Irrù*r.tUrd¿ll ülrrtr t¡il3,!r!¡!l ùßúidnidrtlß1. ¡d'ddr¿ndùE í.roÐl{ m'or'h.k(â..0' lì(rlilhn I loddìã rtlrFl.ùlù't7rì{l .'J û.lkôirrRcülvPdd'o¡hc&ñild!idlh.hdûükßrùd.O.iklt(4ôrmd<.firili:croeotúifdùSd.&.¡(dlb.ûrdehr..cßic:.J v¡ì:trryìrißi¡rþrl!lpd+LhiLdli.vriirFaJirlrildris¡llrßr¡tuôllh¡(!'rfr¡¡orCr$.lbtl.r.ri!iirtiirn¡.11¡¡,r4d1ß'nñ¡Ôjo! rú rf il,t !ilil.rê¡r. .1 ¡llrdlrdrq'ûlc!s(.rhJltcpe&md¡tprþMr,*lhdhhúr¡pr.tri¡di4.l¡d:ilb.álpder¡¿pdFq[di:üc!iladp:!l¡.dsJBl¡'dd¡@Ì.1lk¡eßrud h lþrÐidf! ¡slhdlid, .l ^rihi!lÈ'rqú.dro¡.o..lmt¡'rlhlitq(oJlL:ß¡lot.j!fu nib.tr¡thdlr* .a (¡lrñ.ú¡tl!¡il:ll *1¡r;lJo!!ù(riqrill i[ È'I I Xd'yr¡i*:Frrt¡ir¡aúr;¡ydtr.til:ùrUn¡iß;¡!tur¡.Ío¡¡àD&rù.Áahld_[htoaDlqt!¡hrilrY. .¿ Trì.¡ÐrcF .rr¿fil!h¡rrdóv..iìdr¡ttr{! trd¿4syral¡ì.ldixtrr:e¡rfh!.! tdlrilrfirl'c¿f¡,tsoririf,:iik.llfd.thc .? 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Lilh Þ.rßs4 rt d tria '¡Èr .qkk v ih s¡n:s. 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'"rvgr Y'vr PAINT HEDULE: O e<r-nnvrlrD MFIAL rþsHrNG - BLAcK TILT.UP CONCREIE PANET.5 AND REVFALS - LIGIIT GRFT TILT-UP CONCREIE PANEIS - NiIEDIUM GREY O srrrr vnu-oooRg - BLAcK @ ovennraooooR-BLAcK 16l srorernorur eLAzrNG ÞARs - ANoDTzED BRUSnED sTLVER - ¡LuvïNurvl O rm runveu-rD srEEL clADDrNc - DARK GREI ALI PROPOSED COLOURS ARE 'cLOVERDALE.PAJNT' COLOUKS,'OR ECUAL TO N,4ATCH. O enr-rrulvrlrD N¡FIAL FLAonTNG - BLAcK @ rrLr-ur coNcRErE pANELg AND REVEATs - ucnr cRâ' O rrr-r-ue coñcRErE FANELs - rvlED¡uM cRFr ' O uttrt N/AN-DooRs - BLAcK O out*ntoooooR-BLAcK lãl sroarrnoNt eLAzrNc BARs - ANoD¡zED BRUsnED grLVER. - ¡.LuvrNUM @ e<e eulvrr-LrD srEEL cLADDTNc - DARK GRÉì' I Hffi#ffiffiffiil ã _ . . 9_rgß,sqE B-.u-l!a]N9. Ê PHOENIX STRIJCTURAL DESIGNS Ltd. 2OOA.1 180 KINGSWAY AVE. PORTCOOUITLAM, B.G. v3c 6N7 PH- 94+6821 F AXt 944ô824 office@psdbc.com I Iïti ffiffi I