HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-12-10 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:00 pm -Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and mu/ti-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF October B, 2013 4. NEW BUS/NESS & UNFINISHED BUS/NESS 4.1 Tandem Parking Update 4.2 ADP Membership 2014-2015 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician: 5.2 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician: 2012-119-DP Dale Staples Dale Staples, lntegra Architecture Patricia Campbell, MCSLA 104 Townhouse units (RM-1 Zone) 10335 240A Street & 24108 104 Avenue Siobhan Murphy, MCIP, RPP 2013-080-DP Dale Staples Dale Staples, lntegra Architecture Patricia Campbell, MCSLA 18 Townhouse units (RM-1 Zone) 24086 104 Avenue Siobhan Murphy, MCIP, RPP 6. PRESENTATIONS-Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 8. 9. /jg NEXT MEETING . Agenda deadline: ADJOURNMENT Tuesday, January 14, 2013 Monday, December 30, 2013 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Blair Arbuthnot Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Johnny Leung COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Colleen Dixon Peter Lovick, Chair STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Rasika Acharya Joanne Georgelin 1. Call to Order and Introductions Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Architect Architect Architect Planner II & ADP Staff Liaison Committee Clerk The meeting was called to order at 4:07 pm. 2. Agenda Approval Moved and Seconded: That the October 8, 2013 agenda be approved with the following change: • 4.1 Update on revised ADP Guidelines for applicants • 4.2 Update on Tandem Parking-draft zoning and parking amendments 3. Approval of the Minutes -September 10, 2013 Moved and Seconded: That the Minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2013 be approved. 4. New Business 4.1 Update on Revised ADP Guidelines for Applicants Advisory Design Panel Minutes CARRIED CARRIED Page 1 of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, September 10, 2013 -Draft Rasika Acharya reviewed the revised ADP Guidelines for Presentations to the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel, in which Bulletin 31 of the Architects Act has been added to remind potential applicants to assess if their project requires the services of an Architect, as per Bulletin 31, early on in the process. Ms. Acharya asks if Panel members have any comments to please email her. 4.2 Tandem Parking-draft zoning and parking amendments Rasika Acharya updated Panel on the Council report with proposed bylaw amendments including next steps of organizing an "Open House" to seek input from the stakeholders. 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician/File Manager: 2011-109-DP Gary Lycan/Double Gold Holdings Harvey Hatch David Mitchell, M2 Landscape Architects Addition/Extension of an existing Industrial Building in the M-3 zone 201201138 Avenue Siobhan Murphy The following applicants were present at the meeting: ► Harvey Hatch, Architect ► Meredith Mitchell, Landscape Architect Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated September 10, 2013 attached to the agenda, with respect to the location, context, surrounding buildings, OCP designation and Industrial DP Guidelines, site access, proposed design and colours, materials, number of units, storm water management and sanitary sewer connections, landscaping and parking. Harvey Hatch, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Meredith Mitchell, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the on-site landscaping to the Panel. Moved and Seconded: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page2of3 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, September 10, 2013 -Draft • Consider reducing parking count to max of 20 stalls and consider the remaining spaces to be reallocated to back-up functions and landscaping. • Consider introduction of landscape buffer between east property line and parking. • Consider extension of acoustic wall to wrap around east property line to beginning of parking and to west to the proposed building edge. • Provide clarification and details for garbage and recycling area. Consider addition of landscaping in the area not used for garbage/recycling. • Provide additional site grading elevation and building slab elevations. • Provide additional information and details of signage in front of the building • Clarify building heights shown on architectural sections. • Provide architectural wall lighting over main entries and loading doors and site lighting for parking areas. • Consider ways to integrate architectural expression of the three separate buildings and consider alternate roof strategy for the storage shed. • Consider provision of outdoor seating area/ picnic area for staff. • Consider additional storm water management strategies to integrate storm oil interceptor with landscape bio-soils. • Consider security fencing along all property edges and a secure access point at the front of the building. CARRIED 6. PRESENTATIONS-Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE-Nil 8. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: Adjournment: /jg Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Monday, October 21, 2013 5:06pm Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page3 of3 District of Maple Ridge -Urban Design Panel December 10, 2013 Project 1: 2012-119-DP 10335 240A Street -lntegra Architecture Comments & Questions 1} Nice proposal package ... quite comprehensive Arch and LS package. 2) Garden Plots are a very nice amenity and contribute positively to sustainability and social efforts. 3} Rain Gardens, infiltration trenches etc...all good. Does it eventually join the stream? Will there be oil interceptors? If not, how does your civil respond to street runoff into the creek to mitigate oil and other pollutants? 4} Nice palette of materials in varied theme throughout site. Warm stone and colours are quite nice. 5) Urban realm with porches shed roofs and pocket gardens very nice for the street scape. 6} The roof lines and staggered height break things up nicely. The difference in height at roof lines between units is not enough making for a difficult finishing of eaves and finishing the interior wall between unit to unit. Any way of increasing the distance .... perhaps group the buildings in two orfour. 7) The grouping is very flat in the plan orientation especially for the south elevation Buildings on interior streets. The pods also want to be staggered in groups of two and 4 to break it down. The 104th ave fac;:ade being flat is less of an issue as it more urban looking, but that won't help the interior streets flat fa<;:ade. 8} Consider a side light or window in doors at grade or a frosted panel in garage door. The ground floor appears very 'closed' to.the street without even a small window. We want to mitigate people looking in from a CPTED POV, but there is a balance. Small window in door to look out or frosted glass to prevent someone 'casing the joint'. 9) The two facades on the townhouses is a nice device. Consider a more common element to tie the two facades together. For example, craftsmen bracket on gable could be used in a modified way on the more urban elevation with eth plat bay to thematically tie the two. 10} Building 3 is very flat on north and south sides. The break line with the horizontal siding is awkward and will need to be finished. Consider grouping the units and staggering. Similar comment on others of this type. 11} How will exposed foundation walls be finished? (Particularly building 4) painted? Reveals? 12) Consider weather protection over sliding doors on type 4 and five. May help with the flatness issue 13) Love the Plateau and Valley common areas and the garden plots. Nice idea. Nice LS design. 14} The Plateau area seems a bit marooned and hard to get to from Road C. Like the more ceremonial entrance off road 'a' but wonder if it is better suited with the nicer entry linked to the Amenity space. Or move the amenity space over to building 11.. .. ? How much light does the play area get? I like the compact, higher density living, but perhaps there is one too many unit and that one might be given up to open up the common area landscaping. 15) Are there interior lit bollards or lamps standards on the paths between units for CPTED and Safety? 16) Consider well placed breaks in the asphalt paving at critical pedestrian paths to 1) break up the amount of asphalt and 2) provide a crosswalk marker in either stamped concrete or unit pavers. Perhaps at the major pathway to the Plateau kids play area as a visual queue 17) Is there a dog area in the LS plan? Project 2: 2012-080-DP 24086 104th Ave -lntegra Architecture Comments & Questions 1) Thanks for your submission. Again it is a very nice complete comprehensive Arch and LS package. 2) Sister development to the first one we saw. Like the colour palette and materials. 3} Like the staggered units. Will provide meaningful breaks and a good way to mitigate differences in height and material breaks. 4) Building 1 garage door side seems a bit flat. More detailed garage doors may help. Can't see another way around this as the necessity of parking at grade creates this. 5) Similar comment on staggered roof heights as in above proposal. The side wall finishing may be diffucult with this dimension of difference. Hard to finish 6) Nice 104th fa~ade. Very friendly to the street. 7) Like the permeable pave rs breaking up the asphalt and for stormwater management 8} Can there be shared access to the common area for the adjacent strata? Proposed 2014 Meeting Schedule for ADP Meeting Date Agenda Deadline Agenda Mail Out January 14, 2014 December 30, 2013 January 4, 2014 February 11 January 27 February 1 March 11 February 24 March 1 April 8 March 24 March 29 May 13 April 28 May3 June 10 May26 May31 July 8 June 23 June 28 August 12 July 28 August 2 September 9 August 25 August 30 October 14 September 29 October 4 November 11 October 27 November 1 December 9 November 24 November 29 District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2013 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) es. Development Permit.~/ 2012-119-RZ cv-Jm J2-·llq-]:f 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. 104 townhomes with a mix of 3 and 4 bedroom units on a steeply sloping site 3. Presenting Architect: Dale Staples, Architect AIBC AAA MRAIC (please print) Patricia Campbell, MCSLA Principal Landscape Architect 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: Rebecca Colter, BCSLA Intern, MLA, BED (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: !Z;I 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. ~ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: Dale Staples, Architect AIBC AAA MRAIC Company: lntegra Architecture Inc Address: 416 West Pender Street. Vancouver. BC V6B 1T5 Phone No. 604-688-4220 Fax No. 604-688-4270 Email: dales@integra-arch.com (Applicant's Signature) November 15, 2013 (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by~on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 Tues Apr09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 Tues Jul 09 Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL} 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address 24108 104th Avenue, 10366 240A Street, Maple Ridge, BC Lot 19 BCP 36407, Lot 4 Plan 9393, All of Sectior 3, Township 12, New Westminster District Area of the lot(s) 23,169m2 , Lot width Irregular 223 m Lot Depth Irregular 200 m Existing OCP Designation RM-1 Proposed OCP Designation RM-1 Existing Zone RS-2 & RS-3 Proposed Zone RM-1 Existing land use Single Family Suburban/Rural Proposed land use Townhouse Residential Proposed dist. of Site-access from approx an existing intersection 200 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 27% 6,178 m2 Reqd. front setback 7.5 m Proposed front setback 7.5 m Reqd. rear setback 7.5 m Proposed rear setback 7.5 m Reqd. side setback 7.5 m Proposed side setback 7.5 m Reqd. side setback 6.0 m Proposed side setback 6.0 m Reqd. building height 10.5 m Proposed building height 11.0 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 0.60 FSR 13,901m2) (Total GFA proposed 0.60 FSR 14,010 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space 4,680m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 12,400 m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area 520 m2 Proposed Common Activity Area 1,026 m2 3) Parking and Off-loading: Underground Parking Y,(i'i Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 229 Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 229 Reqd. small car stalls 23 Proposed small car stalls 0 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area m2 Required Handicapped Parking 3 Proposed Handicapped Parking 3 Required Visitor Parking spaces 21 Proposed Visitor Parking spaces 21 Proposed Variances to Parking none (bicycle storage within unit garages) 4 ) Covenants: ROW: Geotechn ica I YR} Storm sewer Y,,@ Tree preservation Y@ Sanitary sewer YIV'l} No Build/ No Disturb Y/t-0 Drainage Y,,® Any other Covenants on Title y~ Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland y~ (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30% 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area m2 Proposed landscaped area 12,400 m2 Area of building to be demolished m2 In the Flood Plain Y/(N In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/@ Proposed LEED points Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. Deep Roots Greater Heighls ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicanVproject architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required Included ~ IZ] □ w B-CK] ~ 0 0-~ ~ w c~r--0 □ □ □ □ G"' [Z] 13/" ~ ~ 0 □ □ □ □ ~ [K] if 0 m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building 5eeS~ □ n. G·reen Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives-:-:t~1\19i-r\-n J)e_sta.~~~ o. Material Sample Board Submitted November 29, W1 ~ ~ Required 6) Landscape drawings In metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout ~ b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area ~ C. Planting List with specifications ~ d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping Gr" e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure □ f. Signage details for free standing signage □ g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas □ h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan □ Project Arch itecVApplicant: Name: Dale Staples End of Document Revised December 2012 2 Included ~ [8J 0 IT] □ □ □ □ MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2012-119-DP 24108 104 Avenue & 10336 240A Street District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: November 21, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a 104 unit townhouse development, in the Albion area. The rezoning application supporting this proposal received First Reading from Council on February 12, 2013 to rezone the subject property from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Nordel Homes Ltd. (Amar Bains) Guards Capital Group Gurjit Dhindsa Surinder K. Dhindsa Lot: 4, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 9393 Lot: 19, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: BCP36407 Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Institutional RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Page 1 of4 West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Site Area: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Single Family Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential Multi-family residential 240 Street and 104 Avenue Urban Standard 2012-119-DP 2.3 hectares (5.68 acres) A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family development. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist, both of which are attached to this report. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the Albion Area Plan, and is subject to the regulations as outlined in the Official Community Plan . The Area Plan designates the property Medium Density Residential which allows for a range of housing styles and densities, including townhouses. The proposed rezoning to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is in compliance with the regulations of the Official Community Plan. Pursuant with Council direction, applications within the Albion Area that are in compliance with the OCP can proceed through the development approvals process. • Context: The subject properties extend approximately 2.3 hectares and are bounded by residential development to the north, east and west and parkland and Spencer Creek to the south. Sufficient setbacks from the stream have been provided for through an earlier application, and further conservation dedication is not required, as this has been provided by the existing conservation park area currently surrounding the creek. Page 2 of 4 • Proposal: The townhouse development is comprised of 19 buildings; each are two and a half- storey or three-story level wood frame buildings, with four to seven units per building respectively. The development comprises 104 units in total. The Floor Space Ratio is 0.6, which is the maximum allowable in the RM-1 zone. The buildings are situated to wrap around the existing topography of the site, sometimes with two levels at the front and three at the back, or three levels front and back, making for a varied appearance. Materials used are found in the existing neighborhood and are a mix of vinyl siding and shingles, cement fibre panels, and laminated asphalt shingles, wood trims, and stone and metal railings. Parking is provided on the lower level, along with habitable space featuring a den, bedroom or family room also on the lower level of each unit. The units fronting 104 Avenue have a front entrance to the street including a walkway. The main entrance to the development is from 104 Street, with a secondary access on 240A Street, and out to 103 Avenue and finally, to 240 Street -which is a major arterial. All unit driveways and parking are accessed from the internal strata road. A Traffic Impact study by Creative Transportation Solutions recommends restricting the left turn movement westbound from 103 Avenue southbound to 240 Street to improve safety. There are three outdoor amenity spaces: a common outdoor activity area is located south of Building 3 near the main access point off of 104 Avenue, and there are additional two amenity spaces in the southwest corner of the development: one area features 50 community garden plots, and an adjacent area features viewing opportunities for the preserved riparian buffer. • Parking: The proposed development has 104 units which requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit, and 21 visitor parking spaces, according to the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. Therefore, 208 off-street parking spaces and 24 visitor spaces are proposed. Forty-three percent of the units (45 out of 104) have a tandem parking arrangement with one space inside the garage and one space outside on the driveway apron. The remaining 59 units have 2 tandem parking spaces inside each garage unit. • Landscap.ing: landscape elements include drought tolerant and native plant material, community garden plots, central amenity spaces, a preserved stream bed through the eastern portion of the site, and the protected riparian buffer south of the site. The landscape will feature drought tolerant plants and efficient irrigation technology, implemented to minimize exterior water use. The plant palette will largely contain native trees, shrubs and groundcovers, which provide food and refuge for wildlife, primarily birds. • Off-site upgrades: referral from the engineering requires the following to be addressed prior to Rezoning Approval: • Curb and gutter and sidewalk on the south side of 104 Avenue consistent with urban collector road classification • Ornamental street lighting • Street trees planted in the boulevard of the 104 Avenue road right-of-way • Underground wiring will provide service the new development • 50% cash-in-lieu for a sanitary sewer main along 104Avenue • Stormwater Management A Stormwater Management Plan has been submitted. Elements of the stormwater management plan include rain gardens, permeable pavers, infiltration gallery, infiltration manholes, infiltration trenches and yard landscaping which promotes infiltration. The site development has considered preservation of natural stream flow from east to south side of Page 3 of 4 the subject lot. Storm flow detention is incorporated in the design to meet the DMR's requirements. • Variances: A variance is required to vary the maximum height allowance of 10.5m to 11m, and from 2.5 storeys to 3 storeys in the RM-1 zone. A variance application has already been submitted to vary the height to 11m and 3 storey for the adjacent 2013-080-DP application. However, the new Zoning Bylaw proposes a new method of calculation for height maximum by measuring 9.5m measured from the mid-point of the roof. There will be no maximum number of storeys required in the RM-1 zone in the new Zoning Bylaw. Therefore, if the new Zoning Bylaw is approved before this application goes to Final Reading, this variance application will not need to be considered. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. , RPP Page 4 of 4 Scale: 1 :2,500 10336 240A STREET & 24108 104 AVENUE Bril1sh Columbia CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Dec 6, 2012 FILE: 2012-119-RZ BY: PC 24108 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC 2012-119-RZ Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines : Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the· following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of multi-family development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advis01y Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistencv 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, yes architectural' features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low 1ise ground yes oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of yes community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or yes away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing, and Siting 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views and should enhance yes privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public yes street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating -1 - differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a . public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi~family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non-residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof fmms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes a) the articulation of facades, using where yes appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, prnjections, recesses, and balconies; -2- b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides ofbalconies and porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows yes between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building facade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestiian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or·glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space -3 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no -transom windows at entry doors -optional at garage doors -roofs are typically sloped for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located yes underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to • minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Dt',velopments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a -4- yes yes yes yes yes yes -visitor parking distributed throughout the site -distributed throughout the site -security system rouah-in provided supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disrnption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to rnn parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. C. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non- residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, tlie following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. -5 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Pedestrian pathways through he site to connect the amenity areas and display the adjacent iparian landscape Each residential unit has its own private outdoor space, separated from the public realm oy decorative fencing and seasonal planting beds. The landscape works with the existing grading to provide gradual transitions with the adjacent properties Street trees, a sod boulevard, decorative fencing and seasonally interesting planting all contribute to the design continuity with the new neighboring developments All existing trees in the riparian area to the south are being etained, and two large on site rees are proposed as retained ,vith the appropriate tree Drotection fencing Grading and drainage nformatiop for the site is found Dn the landscape and civil plans see architectural site sections & 3D massing Deciduous.street trees are proposed, Fraxinus emus 'Arie Peters' trees are· along 240A Street, Acer rubrum 'October Glory' trees are along 104th Ave 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and ±) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. g) Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street comers and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous -6 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes -Native and drought tolerant plant material are provided -All landscape gathering areas are protected from wind by large trees and fencing -Shade is provided in the summer with deciduous shade trees -Natural drainage is encouraged into landscape areas -Landscape treatment is continuous along all street frontages Landscape treatment is continuous along all street frontages Entry signage and large trees are provided at the 104th Ave entrance A large lawn with a curved •rellis, boulder feature, and border of pink flowering cherry •rees is featured at the comer of 1240A Street, the other primary ~mrance no vacant portions of site -Two large existing trees are retained on site -The primary landscape features are the riparian area to the south of the site and the preserved stream bed through the southeastern portion of the site. Landscape is provided across he entire site or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. D. Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: yes yes yes yes yes a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible yes from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; yes c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) yes both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior yes lighting, and power-assisted door openers. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; -7 - n/a n/a yes no Natural drainage is encouraged on the site with permeable pavers and large landscape beds Adjacent properties front "encing and planting which provide privacy Road site lines are maintained The quality of outdoor spaces is enhanced with seasonal planting, decorative site Furnishings, large patio and lawn areas, community gardens, playground equipment, picnic ao1es, etc. Pervious landscape surfaces are provided wherever possible. -level access to the front doors of units is provided where possible -significant changes in grade across the site challenge accessibility within the site -all units served by stairs between floor levels where grading permits -at most exterior locations -power assisted door opener at amenity only -individual pickup from each unit -no mechanical units or satellite dishes -individual pickup from each unit b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; yes c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; . yes d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof' yes and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the n/a development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. A void direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or n/a equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems away from pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor yes spaces to minimize noise and exhaust in these areas and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; yes b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. F. Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public 1ight-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adiacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. -8 - yes yes yes yes storage within unit garages -no common service or storage areas -no common exterior mechanical equipment -project name to be determined -final project signage to be submitted for Maple Ridge approval by signage design co. -low signage monument to be provided at 104th Avenue entry -final design by electrical engineer final design by !electrical engineer ,) G. Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities yes -within unit garages should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft-resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Date: November 26, 2013 Architect Name/Company Dale Staples -lnteqra Architecture Inc. Municipal File No. -=2-=-0..:..:12=---'--1-'-19=--..:....R=Z'-------- Plan Description: 24108 108th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Lot 19 BCP 36407, Lot 4 Plan 9393, All of Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District 104 -3 storey townhomes & amenity space Project No. 2012-119-RZ Signature _______________ _ -9 - District of Maple Ridge Advis~ry Design Panel Application -2013 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) ~ Development Permit WI 2013-080-RZ ~ 'DP 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. 1 ~ town homes with a mix of 4 and 5 bedroom units on a sloping site 3 . Presenting Architect: Dale Staples, Architect AIBC AAA MRAIC (please print) Patricia Campbell, MCSLA Principal Landscape Architect 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: Rebecca Colter, BCSLA Intern, MLA, BED (please print) 5 . Mandatory enclosures include the following: ~ 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. 3:1 Design Rationale 6 . Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: Dale Staples, Architect AIBC AAA MRAIC Company: lntegra Architecture Inc Address: 416 West Pender Street. Vancouver. BC V6B HS Phone No. 604-688-4220 Fax No. 604-688-4270 Email: dales@integra-arch.com ~ pp Icants ,gnature November 15, 2013 (Date) rev. 2011-12-20 2013 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlines by~on Tues Jan 08 Mon Dec 10 Tues Feb 12 Mon Jan 21 Tues Mar 12 Mon Feb 18 TuesApr09 Mon Mar 18 Tues May14 Mon Apr 22 Tues Jun 11 Mon May20 Tues Jul 09 '-Mon Jun 17 Tues Aug 13 Mon Jul 22 Tues Sep 10 Mon Aug 19 Tues Oct08 Mon Sep 16 Tues Nov 12 Mon Oct21 Tues Dec 10 Mon Nov 18 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address 24086 104th Avenu e, Maple RidgE ,BC Lot 7, Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11176 Area of the lot(s) 4,052 m2 Lot width 47 m Lot Depth 87 m Existing OCP Designation RM-1 Proposed OCP Designation RM-1 Existing Zone RS-2 & Rs:3 Proposed Zone RM-1 Existing land use Single Family Suburban/Rural Proposed land use Townhouse Residential Proposed dist. of Site-access from approx an existing intersection 200 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 30% 1,232 m2 Reqd. front setback 7.5 m Proposed front setback 4.5 m Reqd. rear setback 7.5 m Proposed rear setback 4.5 m Reqd. side setback East 6.0 m Proposed side setback 6.4 m Reqd. side setback West 6.0 m Proposed side setback 7.5 m Reqd. building height 10.5 m Proposed building height 11 .0 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 0.60 FSR 2,439 m2) (Total GFA proposed 0.60 FSR 2,439 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space 810 m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 1,700 m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area 90 m2 Proposed Common Activity Area 117 m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: Underground Parking Y,{~ Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 40 Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 52 Reqd. small car stalls 4 Proposed small car stalls 0 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area m2 Required Handicapped Parking 1 Proposed Handicapped Parking 1 Required Visitor Parking spaces 4 Proposed Visitor Parking spaces 16 Proposed Variances to Parking none (bicycle storage within unit garages) 4 ) Covenants: ROW: Geotechnical Yk,P Storm sewer Yt@ Tree preservation Y,© Sanitary sewer y~ No Build/ No Disturb Y/-O'JJ Drainage Y,® Any other Covenants on Title YJ@ Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland y~ (distance from the TOB of watercourse) m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30% 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area m2 Proposed landscaped area 1,700 m2 Area of building to be demolished m2 In the Flood Plain Y/U::, In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/® Proposed LEED points Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. Deep Root5 Greater Heights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required Included ~0 ~ CTI ~"0 S-----0 ~ ~ ~ CTI 0 □ □ g,, □ [Z] [c]/ 5J ~ 0 □ □ ~ □ ~ ~ 0 m. 30 rendering of the site and/or building 1 ~, ~ . S ~t~ Su:J'7M 1'\~} ,~ y 11 k-- n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives ~J)e5tf'-roit1:~{ e_ [[j o. Material Sample Board Submitted July 22, 2013 . if ITj 6) Landscape drawings In metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas Project Arch itecVAppllca nt: Name: Dale Staples Date: November 15, 2013 Signature~ End of Document Revised-December 2012 2 Required Included ~ ~ / ~ 0 Gr 0 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-080-DP 24086 104 Avenue District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: November 21, 2013 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted property to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit the construction of 18 townhouses on the site. The rezoning appl_ication supporting this proposal was given First Reading by Council on September 24, 2013. The development site is located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Medium Density Residential. The proposed RM-1 zone is in compliance with the zoning matrix for the Albion Area Plan, and the application is in compliance with OCP policies. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Tejinder S Saluja Tejinder S Saluja Lot 7, Section 3, Township 12, Plan: NWP11176 Medium Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS- 3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Existing Single Family Residential (proposed Multi-Family Residential townhouses) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential (proposed Multi-Family Residential townhouses) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential Page 1 of 3 Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Multi-Family Residential 0.405 hectares (one acre) 104Avenue Urban Standard 2013-080-RZ Pursuant to Section 8 of the Official Community Plan , this proposal is subject to the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines, as outlined in this memo. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The applicant has provided a design rationale and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist, both of which are attached to this report. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the Albion Area Plan, and is subject to the regulations as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The Area Plan designates the property Medium Density Residential which allows for a range of housing styles and densities, including townhouses. The proposed rezoning to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) is in compliance with the regulations of the Official Community Plan. Pursuant with Council direction, applications within the Albion Area that are in compliance with the OCP can proceed through the development approval process. • Context: This one acre lot is located 150 metres east of the intersection of 240 Street and 104 Avenue. The topography of the lot slopes from southeast to northwest. This form of low density townhouse (RM-1) will fit well with the current and developing neighborhood. It is characterized by a large number of small single family homes (R-1 and R-3 respectively) east and southeast of the property. These family-oriented homes will also benefit from a school site that is located almost directly (slightly north east) across the street from the proposed development. • Proposal: The applicant proposes the development of 18 townhomes. The Floor Space Ratio is 0.6, which is the maximum allowable in the RM-1 zone. The building scheme is comprised of Page 2 of 3 .- • three buildings -one at the northern end of the property, one on the west side, and one on the east side respectively. The northern building proposes four units, the east and west buildings each propose seven units for a total of 18 units. The units are either 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, or 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms respectively. Each unit features a two car side by side garage. There will be a shared access off of 104 Avenue with the proposed development application to the east of this property at 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street. There is a shared outdoor amenity space in the northwest corner of the site that will feature a garden and patio space for residents to gather. Parking: All 18 townhomes feature double side by side garages. Sixteen visitor spaces are being provided; which is significantly more than the minim four spaces required for the RM-1 zone. • Off-site upgrades: referral from the engineering requires the following to be addressed prior to Rezoning Approval: • Curb and gutter and sidewalk on the south side Of 104th consistent with urban collector road classification • Ornamental street lighting • Street trees planted in the boulevard of the 104 avenue road right-of-way • Underground wiring will provide service the new development • 50% cash-in-lieu for a sanitary sewer main along 104 avenue • St ormwater Management: The proposed development includes stormwater management initiatives such as rain garden and permeable pavers at strategic locations within the site. All yard areas are proposed to have minimum of 300 mm of top soil to promote stormwater infiltration. Infiltration type manholes with inbitex are proposed to promote stormwater infiltration and cleaning of discharged water. lnbitex is a unique geotextile that aids in the development of naturally occurring microbes. These microbes will assist with the bio- degradation of captured pollutants and overall cleansing of the water. Storm detention provisions are also provided within the eastern boundary of the development site. • Variances: An application has been submitted that proposes to vary the front and rear setbacks from 7.5 to 4.5 m respectively. The same application also proposes to vary the maximum height allowance of 10.5m to 11m, and from 2.5 storeys to 3 storeys. The same variance application will be required for the adjacent application for 24108 104 Avenue and 10336 240A Street. However, the new Zoning Bylaw proposes a new method of calculation for height maximum by measuring 9.5m measured from the mid-point of the roof. There will be no maximum number of storeys required in the RM-1 zone in the new Zoning Bylaw. Therefore, if the new Zoning Bylaw is approved before this application goes to Final Reading, this part of the variance application will not need to be considered. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Page 3 of 3 Scale: 1:1,500 24086-104th Ave MAPLE RIDGE 8r111s.h Columbm CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 9, 2013 2013-080-RZ BY:JV 24086 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC 2013-080-RZ Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of multi-family development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Plamring Department staff and the Advismy Design Panel. Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency l. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, yes architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise grotmd oriep.ted housing located to the periphery of a higher yes density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of yes community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing pnrk:ing underground where possible or yes away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing, and Siting 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views and should enhance yes privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public yes street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emohasized bv incorporating -1 - differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At sigrnficant intersections, the definition of comers should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate comer cuts. 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non-residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimiz~ access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features-and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; -2 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building facade; c) keeping a sufficient width in resid!;!ntial units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage door~ from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where oossible, to provide shared or private outdoor space -3 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no -transom windows at entry doors -optional at garage doors no -roofs are typically sloped for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located yes underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to mm1m12P. the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the yes building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoi~ a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maxmrize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. yes yes yes 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the yes design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To iricrease safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a yes -4- -visitor parking distributed throughout the site -distributed throughout the site -security system rough-in provided supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. • 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of yes paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and yes vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. C. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non- residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. -5 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes -Each residential unit has its own private outdoor space, separated from the public realm by decorative fencing and seasonal planting beds. -The landscape works with the existing grading to provide gradual transitions with the adjacent properties -Street trees, a sod boulevard, decorative fencing and seasonally interesting planting all contribute to the design continuity with the new neighboring developments No existing on site trees are retained Grading and drainage information for the site is found on the landscape and civil plans see architectural site sections & 30 massing IDeciduous street trees are tiroposed, Acer rubrum 'October !Glory' trees are along 104th Ave 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and ±) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. g) Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street comers and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous -6 - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes -Native and drought tolerant plant material are provided -Landscape gathering areas are protected from wind by large trees and fencing -Shade is provided in the summer with deciduous shade trees -Natural drainage is encouraged into landscape areas including a rain garden adjacent to the amenity area -Landscape treatment is continuous along the street frontage Landscape treatment is continuous along the street rrontage Entry signage and large trees !are provided at the 104th Ave entrance no vacant portions of site None of the existing trees on site are retained. Landscape is provided across he entire site or native species is encouraged. 1 O. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 1 1. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. D. Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided m appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: yes yes yes yes yes a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible yes from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; yes c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) yes both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior yes lighting, and power-assisted door openers. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and fmishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easilv accessible; -7- n/a n/a yes no Natural drainage is encouraged on the site with permeable pavers and large landscape beds -Adjacent properties front fencing and planting which provide privacy -Road site lines are maintained -The quality of outdoor spaces is enhanced with seasonal planting, decorative site furnishings, large patio and lawn areas, playground equipment. etc. ::iervious landscape surfaces 3re provided wherever possible. -level access to the front doors of units is provided where possible -significant changes in grade across the site challenge accessibility within the site -all units served by stairs between floor levels where grading permits -at most exterior locations -power assisted door opener at amenity only -individual pickup from each unit -no mechanical units or satellite dishes -individual pickup from each unit b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; yes c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; yes d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof yes and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the n/a development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or n/a equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems away from pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor yes spaces to minimize noise and exhaust in these areas and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; yes b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. storage within unit ~arages -no common service or storage areas -no common exterior mechanical equipment F. Signage and Lighting -project name to be determined 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. -8 - yes yes yes yes -final project signage to be submitted for Maple Ridge approval by signage design co. -low signage monument to be provided at 104th Avenue entry -final design by electrical engineer final design by electrical engineer G. Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities yes -within unit garages should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building en.trance an.d/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft-resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. .. Date: November 26, 2013 Architect Name/Company Dale Staples -lnteqra Architecture Inc. Municipal File No. -=20-=-1.c..:3::....--=-08=0::....-.:..;R=Z'------- Plan Description: 24086 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Lot 7, Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 11176 18 -3 storey townhomes Project No. 2013-080-RZ Signature ______________ _ -9 - --. / PROJECT DATA Project Name: Townhome Devalopmenl Clienl:TeJ1nderSaluja Pro)jlcl No 12297 O:.lat Nov 15,2013 PROJECT DATA Ci11lcAdd1ess Legal Description Civic Address Proposed Zoning EXi!illng Zoning LOT COVERAGE •. 91,1,11,.QIOOli ROAM&. DRIVEWAYS TALOPfllSPACE 24086 104 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Lot 7, Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District. Pl,n 11176 240B61041h Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC RM-1 RS-2 (One Famlly Suburban Residential) f RS..:l (One Family Rural Residential! (lo be confirmed by Oisllict or Maple Ridge) 100 _. 1.232 ml .,.,, ... 1.01-81'1\2 PROPOUO VA...-i! DENSITY BVllDING HBGHT SETBACKS FRONT-North (along104lhAvenue) SIDE-West Building3 SIOE-West Building2 SIDE-East REAR '\'ARO -South IUSEABLE OPEN SPACE 4Sm2par3be<l~il ~OMMON ACTIVITY AREA Sm2pcirunil t'A~I0-2perdWl!llingunil 02pervisitol'3 Ois;ab!Nparlcing -·-P.:Jb<UJO OIJ~ ... ~5 REGULAR CARS Width Lenglh Heinhl SMAL.LCA:RS Width .... "'"" PARKING S'f/llU ... EUTR,U.'CE ADOlflON,AL wtDIM AT WALLS Townhouse Unit Sl.11'1"'111 Usable Outdoor Spaoe Require<! Common Activity Area Required CONTACT LIST 060 FSR l445 ft. 250 storeys 2461 n t969fl 1959 n 2;1s1 n 2461 It 8.719 sqft 969 sq It 10% mai,: 020' 1804 ft ... ._ 7.87 n 16.06 ft 6,69 ft \2.4711 9.021\. ~ ( ........ ~-:"" !_;, C IC,l -~1f~ ':· I C•ee• t)•,,.fi Eiw,n1,·, ::>c v~s ,G:• -.. : "TJ°'\o"M"•li"-'H ,..,,._ ........... ,.,-:,11'-"-'1~ .:, . 2,439 m2 1050 m 750 m 600 m 600 m 750 m 750 m 81000 m2 9000 m2 '' spaces spo1ces s;paces 4 S""CCS 250 .,- 550 ,. 210 m 2.40 m 4.90 m 2.10 m :uo,ri 2.75 m ooo m ,,, !Ot.011 710.E S91.UI SDI~ ,,,, ... , .... ~w1CP;;w r~,..Cl<:'/.1~;, i<'1Jt,-E,1 ,rc0.n,~r.la,P1:,"ller ~-.)la!' ,~~~ rl;.•~, r>l~CE l."apl(-<> BC ,~,. ;,t.=- 060 FSR 36 09 , 300 storeys 14,76ft 21,00 I\ 24,61 It 24611\ 1-176 I\ 1e,304 sq n 1,266 SQ I\ 0% 820 I\ 1804 It . .., ' 7.87 I\ 16.08 II 6.89 II 11.02 I ..... Total ·-,_ . -=-, ..... , llu,1la; 45 m2'u-til S m2/unil 2.439 m2 11.00 m 450 m 640 m 750 m 750 m 450 m 1.70047 m2 11762 m2 36 spaces 16 spam 1 ... ~, Osn,;,ces 250 m 550 m 210 m 240 m "" .. 210 tn """' ,_,.., D.lOm Average (excluding bas,,...mentl so 1\/unit •= """" 14'!",t,$.."I ·-,,.....:n ...... 14Q.l 16 .,... t5111tl .,... 1,n,:s ...... 1,CS,t.15 , ,ft.Mitt 8.719 sq ft ..... , ... ~-u.u.a ~ ,•1-::,."t•I• .. r:4,.• ~ "". NO YES YES YES NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO '"' "" ''° 81000 m2 9000 m2 STREET ELEVATION -104th AVENUE N LOCATION DIAGRAM DRAWING LIST DRAWING INDEX -DOCUMENTATION ARCHITECTURAL A--0,000 COVER SHEET A--0.1D0 SITE CONTEXT/PHOTOGRAPHS A--0.1D1 DESIGN RATJONN.E (11 x 17) A-1.DOO SITE PLAN A-1.01D TOPOGRAPHY & MASSING A-1.100 SITE SECTIONS A-1,200 SITE SECTIONS A-1AOO SITE ELEVATIONS A-1,600 MATERIALS A-2,01D BUILDING i -FLOOR PLANS A-2.011 BUJLOING 1 • FLOOR PLANS A-2.013 BUILDING 1 -ELEVATIONS A-2.02D BUILDING 2 -FLOOR PLANS A-2.021 BUILDING 2 -FLOOR PlANS A-2,023 BUILDING 2-ELEVATIONS A-2,030 BUILDING 3 • FLOOR PLANS A-2.031 BUILDING 3 • FLOOR PLANS A-2.033 BUILDING 3 • ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPE l1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 GRADING PLAN AND DETAILS Total n1s • 111 n1s 1:400 •••• .... 1:100 I II 1:100 1:200 •• nts ••• 1:100 I I 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:200 II 1:200 ADP SUBMISSION INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V68 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 inf o@i nteg ra -a re h. com www. i nte g ra-a re h .com (ARCHITECT St:AI.J Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC lc;I.U NII I t lt LEJ COVERSHEET 12297 NTS Nov. 15, 2013 [PROJECT I l5CAI.E1 1D.AtEJ [15SU'l!J fOR"WIH<;J A-0.000 No Dote 11£ TO REM. LOT 7 8 9 3 I ----+----+--------+----+---~~----.a,1;;;;--=='=~(--+----i--j'---+----+-----+------+-------4•~ .. 12 Revision REM. LOT D 24028 f-w w 0:::: f-(/") BY B 24028 D l!OOIIOAAY OF SUBJECT P D.K. BOWi 'S & ASSOCIATES INC. 8955 J:MlRY STREET, MISSION, 13.C.IV4S IA6 PH: G04,S2,-4399, FAX: 6U4-Sl6-ll 16 I!hf.-\lL: dbowiu@,J1.1w.ca 'llll)f 100mm PE,!F, P,V, S 80111 OIREC110HS TO Fm> S<ifl.fflATION JRENCH. S WolU. ..U.O\lS IIOA!..lRATIOH !RENO! TO DI OltRlAIID TO TH£ Cf!£8(. PARK E)US"ffiG 1210 DITCH FROPOSEO ..,. UTllT)' POLE /,',NCHOR STORM SEWER "" FIRE H'1DRANT 5..4.NJTAAY SE\\ER '"' IRON PIN CAS GAS BASEMENT ElEV. WAlER W/M EDGE OF PAV£J.l,ENT U.G. LIGHTING S/L FENCE U,G, 11YDRO B.C.H, SOEWAl.k U.C, lREPH().'£ B.C.T. SURv£Y UONUI.IENT MAl'-MOLE -0-SAit INSPfCTIOO CHAl.18ER CA'JOi BASIN '2l STREET UCiHT WATER 0A GAS VALVE ... -o-.-. AT TIME OF ~VATIOH Cf' U!tlt"S. A 150mm THiO( ll.Alll<ET OF 1h11 a£.All QffMII IS REQUIRED (n?), llffl.TRA nOH snu: C.8.'S. C/lf lN1ll1tX CLOTH TO ~~~l"'>· HOUSUiC OOHS'IRIJC110N COlll'I.E1t: CATCH BASIN TOP Cf' 160• PERFORA lEO SAVE £1£VA11<1t( a; IN\fRT WC.B. 1.EAO ,,so CATCH BASIN INFlL TRA TION GALLERY 1:25 1.8m MAX KEYSTONE BLOCK SfANDARO UNIT WALL, ( STNIOAAO BlOCK) -~ t l;f◄• ...... 91-• ...... ~ ~ l\.'H ;II.I'! lUI 11".lt D KOSTtl'IE BlOd< W.. 8.\Ckfllt 'Mlll SN«> NIO cw.R ~ lO CN'l\!RE AHO ACT AS l!IOf1LlRA'l1<lN l1l£NCII FOR 8ASt ANO FlflST FLUS!J no +➔ EOOC or Ct1Avtl q--SUWE ----rrr--, l,P. 0 LEFT T RIGHT i ---"'---"'-H[OClE @ APPROVED -,--,-= "" RUD 600I< 4 SCALES ~ BUII.O\NG c::;:J HOflZ. 1-soo VERT. - ,:.:-:-~:~~=t~ ... . t,·;el\,&K::''' • -~~ ,:.·-.•'.,i :. •_,. f. t I i ; fo • UY,s'j" '),')i I\,,~ j j\' r. ,e. • .p' -P-.~· ... ;:;:.~ lot4l COMPAC1£0 (;AAl,lJl)ll SASS------' N)T1JAJ. DIMENSION TO BE CtrElll,jlllE1) 8Y E)ICIHEEJ\ IN Tl£ flELD, TYPICAL SECTION - 1 .2m BLOCK WALL 150 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 11294 -104 AVENUE Dole OCi 2013 1------ No Date REM. LOT 7 REM. LOT D 24028 --------,, -------------1 i I -------·-1 I Revision 1---w w O:'.'. 1--- (JJ BY 8 D 8 24028 BOUKDARY IF WB.t:OT PAAOO. 9 D.K. BOWJNS & ASSOCIATES INC. R9S5 EMIRY STREET, ~ilSSION 1 8,C',, V4S JA(i PH: G04-S2i-4l99, FAX: 604-816-JJ 16 EMAIL: dbowin~@lihaw.ca TO I 11:»11101£S \'ii l©nm f'W, P,V,C. ~E et.00< WALL ORMIS 80111 OIR£C110HS TO rm> 8i0fl.TRATIOH TRalQI. 9AO<rtl. '111111 SANO ANO Cl.£AA aaJSI! TO CAP'I\JRE POROUS WJI.L AU.0WS Blmt.TRATION mfNOf TO IMSP£l!Sl:'. ACT M. BICFltTRAllOH lRDICH Fllff SASE AKO FIRST fl.0WS Olm.AND TO 111£ ll!m<. .,.nu=SH:w.f1.e,OWS.=~-----------...J PARK EXISTING 1210 DlTCH +➔ DRAWN PROPOSED ..,. UTILITY POL.£ /ANCHOR EOGE or GRAVEL OESIGNEO STOR~ SEl'!'En STM FlRE /-i'([JRANT ~ SLOPE --rri-S;JIITARY SEWER SN< IRON PiN . LP. CHECKED QIS GAS BliSEMElff ELEV, LEfT T RIGHT l. ''"""' 0 w•ru< W/)1. EDGE OF PAVEMENT -"------"L-H[D0£ e APPROVEO U,G. UGHTlNC S/1. FENCE -,--,- U.G. tfl'DRO B,C.H. SlotWAU( = "'' FlELD BOOK U.C. rnrl'IKflE B.C.T. SURV[Y MONJJ.IENT ,. SCALES --0-SAN. INSPECTION CHAl.lBER ~ c•1t11a,s,i IZl smEET LIGHT BUILOINO c;i W,._TER OR Oi\S VALVE .., \ ( IHfl.lRATIOH sntE C.8.'S. C/W INBITOC Cl.OT)! TO S:OOECIIAl>E flYDROCl,R80HS (Ill'). PI.UG l.EAO TO GAUD!Y UNTIL KOUS1.~G OOl<S1R\Kll1CH COMPU;TE. TOP OF 150f PERFOOA TEO SAME ELEVATION OF INVERT OF C,8. LEAD CATCH BASIN INFll TRA TION GALLERY 1.5mllill 1.Bm MAX 1:25 KEl'STONE 8!,0CK STAliOARO UNIT WALL. ( STANDAAD BlOCk) RiRis=r --~ f)_(: ~.~'-,.---• ,,,.. SEAL HORZ. 1-500 VERT. - :: ' ,· =~ ,·o•"'' ~ Jo-,. o I COlll',l,CIEO GR,>N\.IIJJl Bl,SIS-----1 ~fUN.. OIIE.H'SlON TO BE ~EO 8Y ENGVlEtR Ill lHE naD. TYPICAL SECTION - 1.2m BLOCK WALL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Dale STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OCT 2013 11294 104 AVENUE Sllt£T -Of Dwg. No. 2202 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Br~ish Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 : f: 604 294-0022 ~Copyright reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG landscape Architects and may not be I ~reduced or used for other projects without their L,m,ssmn 82 [§El SEAL: ( -.,. _; ..:j J' ◄ j ,/ =! I "Y ,; ~ 'v; ,.., . .i _r6) .. ';' :.,t l ll.tiOY.13 REV. NEW ffl PLJ.N, ADP NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OR CLIENT: PLAN T ;'/ ,,, .,.,,. ~V/< fll.~TUfG POST ,ffli§lft:;p'--~ DRAIN GRAVEL ''[ ,//,.! COMPl4TlDI\JIG-RADI! ELEVATION NOTES: 1 METAL: GALVANIZED ALUMINUM PICKETS 2 SMOOTH WELD All JOINTS 3 POV.OER COAT METAL PER OWHERIARCH.APPROVAL 4 All LUMBER TOBE TO CSA STANDARDS PRESSURE TREATED HEMIFIR 5 ALL HARDWARE TO SE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED 6 APPLY TW,'.) COATS OF STAIN TO ALL IAOOO SURFACES TO MATCH BUILDING (TO BE APPROVED BY OVUIIIER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTI 7 COAT ALL CUT SURFACES WTH SIMILAR PRESERVATIVE AS ABOVE 6 LENGTH AND PLACEMENT AS PER LANDSCAPE PLAN @ 42" STREET FRONTAGE FENCE SCALE: 1r.z":1'-0" PROJECT: 18 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24086 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC ~ ,..........I;= "=' "" I I ~"""°'""" llX6POST - I I I -useoTMIUS -- ---1fJRDPOSTHTINCONC.FOOTING ON 75MM OF DRAIN ROCK ~ r,£=:~ ® 6' AND 4' WOOD FENCE l2 SCALE; 1/T'-1'-0- COMPACTED SUBGRADE RAINAGE 0,AJ,INt,AA.FOOTING MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ® UNIT BLOCK RETAINING WALL DRA\I\/ING TITLE: GRADING PLAN AND DETAILS F.= I I J. I I I I I I I it'-ltOC, I I I I I I /. I e2 ~ I I TYPICAL FENCE NOTES: 1, Al.l.WOOOP.T.t!EM,flR 2.. STAIN TWO COATS EXTERIOR STAIN, TO MATCH ARQITECTl.JRM. 1RIM (COLOUR TO BE PREAPf'ROVED BY OWNER) 3 AU. HARDWARE HOTDIPf>ED GALVAHIZEO ◄ GATE HARDWARE TO BE PREAPPROVED BY OWNER 12181-S.ZIP DATE: 13.APR.18 SCALE: 1/16-=1'-0" DRAV'IN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC ORAWNG NUMBER: L2 OF2 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-181 OUb1HNMmHA."CP!OATf Suite C100 • 4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 (C)Cos:i,tighl feHNe4 TN:a dt,MnQ Ind clttlOft Is lM PfOPfflY a, PMG lAndoc,lpa:Nd'lltlm .no~~ bl L prod:.ictdor u.aecl f,nOl.har i:i,ro{ffli.~f'.lout tt-., perm1ssson. 104th Avenue SEAL IIC NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR -~ OEVELOPMENT PlJll,IS t. ~ ~ J , .. <-. -= /' -, ,,. CLIENT: PLANT SCHEDULE QTY 80TAHICAI.HAME C:OMMONNAME ACER GINNALA 'FLAME' FLAME AMUR MAPLE ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE AMELANCHIER 'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE' SERVICEBERRY 13 CERC1S C/WADENSIS EASTERN REDBUD CORNUS KOUSA 'SATOMI' SATOMI DOG'v\000 FAGUS SYLVATICA 'OAWYCKII' DAvVYCKBEECH PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA' WEEPING v\'HITE SPRUCE PINUS NIGRA 'ARNOLD'S SENllNEL' AUSTRIAN BLACK PINE PINUS STROBUS 'PENDULA' PENDULOUS 1/-J'HITE PINE PRUNUS YEDOENSIS 'AKEBONO' DAYBREAK CHERRY SAMPLE SHRUB SCHEDULE ABELIA x'EOWARD GOUCHER' PINK ABELIA AZALEA 'NORTHERN HI-LIGHTS' DECIDUOUS AZALEA; v\ll--llTE YELLOW BLOTCH AZALEA JAPONICA 'HARDIZER'S BEAUTY" AZAL~ LIGHT PINK BUXUS MICROPHYLLA WNTER GEM' LITTLE-LEAF BOX CORNUS SERICEA 'FLAVIRAMEA' YELLOWTVVIG DOGWOOD CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEYI' KELSEY DOGINOOD OEUTZIA GRACIUS SLENDER DEUlZIA HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'LIME LIGHT' LIME LIGHT HYDRANGEA; LIMEGREEN-PINK PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOUUS MONLO OIABOLO PURPLE NINEBARK PIERIS JAPONICA 'VALLEY FIRE' PIERI$ RHODODENDRON 'MRS. BETTY ROBERTSON' RHODODENDRON: YELLOW, E MAY RHODODENDRON LODER$ \o\11-tlTE RHODODENDRON RlBES ALPINUM ALPINE CURRANT ROSA 'ALBA MEIDILAND' ALBA MEIDILAND ROSE; \o\11-tlTE ROSA GYMNOCARPA SKIMMlA JAPONICA (10% MALE) SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS TAX.US X MEDIA 'HICKSll' VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM "DUKE' VIBURNUM P.T. 'SUMMER SNOVV'FLAKE' VIBURNUM TINUS 'SPRING BOUQUET' CAREX 'ICE DANCE' DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA FESTUCA CINEREA HEUCTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS JUNCUS EFFUSUS MISCANTHUS SINENSIS 'GRACILLIMUS' PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'MOUDRY' STIPA TENUISSIMA BERGENIA CORDJFOLIA HEMEROCALLIS HEUCHERA MACRANTHA 'CRIMSON CURLS' LAVENDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA 'HIDCOTE BLUE' RUDBECKIA F SULLIVANTII 'GOLOSTURM' BLECHNUM SPICANT LONICERA PILEATA POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM BALOHIP ROSE JAPANESE SKIMMIA SNO\NBERRY HICK'SY'EW BLUEBERRY SUMMER SNO\NFLAKE VIBURNUM DWARF VIBURNUM SILVER VARIEGATED SEDGE TUFTED HAIR GRASS BLUE FESCUE BLUE OAT GRASS COMMON RUSH MAIDEN GRASS MOUDRY FOUNTAIN GRASS MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS IMNTER BERGENIA; ROSE PINK OAYLILY FANCY-LEAVED CORAL BELLS; DEEP CRIMSON ENGLISH LAVENDER RUDBECKIA DEER FERN PRIVET HONEYSUCKLE 1/v'ESTERN SWORD FERN PLANTED SIZE/ REMAIOOI 25MHT 6CM CAL: 2M STD; B&B SCMCAL 5CM CAL; B&B 25M HT; 8&8 6 CM CAL; 1.2M STD , B&B 2M HT: B&B 3M HT; B&B 2 SM HT: 8&8 6 CM CAL; B&B #'3 POT; 50CM #2 POT; 25CM #2POT;25CM #3 POT;40CM #2POT; 50CM #3 POT; 80CM #2 POT; 40CM #2 POT; 50CM #2POT; SOCM #3 POT; SOCM #JPOT; SOCM #3 POT;SOCM #3POT;60CM #2 POT; 40CM #3POT;60CM #3POT; SOCM #3POT;50CM 12M #2POT;50CM #3 POT; 60CM #3: POT; SOCM #1POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1POT #1 POT; 1-2 FAN 15CMPOT #1 POT 15CMPOT #2POT #2 POT;25CM #1 POT;20CM NOTES: "l'I.ANTSIZESINllilS LIST AAe Sl'ECIFIEDACCOROINGTOT!E BC I.M'OSCAPE STmDAAO. LATESTEIJITION CONTAINER SliESSPJ,CIFIEOASPER CNTA STM~OS. 8011-1 Pl.ANT size ANO CONTAll<ER SIZE ARE 1liE MINIMUM ACCEPTA&l.E SIZES • REFER TO SPECl'JCATIO,,S FOil OEFINEO CONT/\! ER Ml1ASUR£MENTS .,..0 OTHEll PIAtlT MATERIAL REOUIREJI.ENTS. • SEARCH ANO REVIEW. IMKE PLANT W.TERIAL AVJ,llAlll.E FOR OPTlO!<AI. REVIEW BY lA-'1)5QPE AACtr.£CT AT .$0URCE OF Sl.ff>LY. AREA OF SEAl!Clj TO rNCUJOE LOWER 1,Wf<I.AIIO ANO FAASER VALLEY. • SlAlSTITUTIONs; 08TAIN v.!irrTEH Al'PROVAl. FROM THE WIOSCAPE AACHITECT PRIOR TO MAl<JNG Al<Y SU9STllUTIOOIS 10 '!HE SPECIFIED WA"lSIIAL UNAPPR0V£0 SUBSllTIITIONS \._,LL BE .RE-"C:TEO /.!.J..ON,. Mlt,IMu,.1 OF AVE O .. YS P!liO>l TO OEUVERY FOR REOVESTTO SV9STlTIJTE. SUBSTITvnONS ARE SU8.J£CT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD· 0£Flt«TION OF CONOITIO«SOF AVN1.A81UTY.ALL lA-"IDSCAPE MAT£RIAL,\-'<OV.ORl<MANSl1iP MUS, MEET OR EXCE£08C LANDSCAPE STAl<OARO'S '-"'1EST EOIJlOOI, AU. PU.l<T MATERJAL MUST B£ P!IOVIOEDFIIOM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NUtScRY PROJECT: 18 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24086104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC KOIIPAN IJT1U ELEPHANT KOIFAN SAFARI DRA'MNG TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: SCALE: DRAWN; DESIGN: CHK'D: 13.APR.18 RC RC PC DRAW,NG NUMBER: Ll PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12181-5,ZIP OF2 12-181 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burl18b)'. Bnttsh COiumbia V5C 6G9 p: 60-4 294.0011 : f: 604 294-0022 @Capyrighl ro~rvw. Thia drawing arid design is. lhe M10(Utr oC PMG Landscape ArchrteGtl ono ~ nOI be ~I.IOOCl or usod for otlwtt Pf'Oi,ed& ~ INJir pennis.~ SEAL: i U ,-0,,,1' IUV HlWSlflfliAA,A:>P NO DA. TE REVISION DESCRIPTION " o• CLIENT: PLANT SCHEDULE OTY ,3 • ACER CilNNALA 'FLAME. ACER RUSAUM 'OCTOBER GI..ORY' MIELANCH1ER AUTUMN BRILLIANCE' CERCIS CANAOENSIS CORNUS KOUSA 'SATOMI" fAGVS SYLVATICA.1lAWYCKII' PICEA GL.AUCA 'PENDULA' PINUS NIGRA 'ARNOLD'S SENTINEL' PINUS SlROBUS -PENOUL.A' PRUNUS YEDOENSIS "AKEBONO' COMMOHNAME FLAME AMUR MAPLE OCTOBER GLOAY MAPLE SERVICEBERRV EASTERN REDBUD SATOMl DOGWOOD DAWYCK BEECH WEEPING WHITE. SPRUCE AUSTRIAN BLACK PINE PENDULOUS WHITE PINE DAYBREAK CHERRY SAMPLE SHRUB SCHEDULE ABELlA x'EOWARO GOUCHER' AZALEA 'NORTHERN HI-LIGHlS' AZALEA JAPONICA l"iARDIZER'S BEAUTY PINKABEllA DECIDUOUS AZALEA. WHITE YELLOW BLOTCH AZAL.fA, LIGHT PINK BUXUS MICROPHYLlA 'WINTER GEM' UTn.E-LEAF BOX CORNUS SERlCEA 'flAVIRAMEA' YELLO\VlVIIG DOGWOOD CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEYl' KELSEY DOGWOOD DEUTZIA GRACILJS SLENDER DE.UTZIA ttYORANGEA PANICULATA 1.IME LIGHT' LIME LIGHT HYDRANGEA: l\MEGREEN•PINK PHYSOCARPUS QPULIFQ~IUS MONLO OIABOLO PURPLE NINEBA.RK PIERIS JAPONICA VALLEY FIRE' PIERIS RHOOOOENDRON 'MRS EIETTV ROBERTSON' RHODODENDRON: YELLOW, E M.AV RHODODENDRON LODERS WHITE RHODODENDRON RIBES ALPINUM ROSA 'AL.BA MEIOILANO' ROSA GYMIIIOCAAPA SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE) SYUPHORICARPOS ALBUS TA.XUS X MEDIA "MICKSlr VACCINlUM CORYMBOSUM DUKE' VIBURNUM P.T 'SUMMER SNOWFLAKE' VIBURNUM TINUS 'SPRING eououer CAREX 'ICE DANCE' OESCHAMPSlA CESPITO&I FESTUCA CINEREA HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRE:NS JUNCUS EF'FUSUS t.1ISCANTHUS SINENSIS 'GRACILLIMUS' PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'MOUDRY' STIPA TENUISSIMA BERGENIA COROIFOUA HEMEROCALLIS HEUCHERA MACRANTHA 'CRIMSON CURLS' LAVENOULA ANGUSTIFOLIA 'HIDCOTE BLUE' RUOBECKIA F. SULLIVANTU GOLOSTURM' 8LECHNUM SPICANT LONICERA PILEATA POL YSTICHUM MUNllUM Al.PINE CURRANT ALBA MEIOILANO ROSE; WHITE BALDHIP ROSE JAPANESE SKIMMIA SNOWAERRY HtCK'SYEW BlUEBERRY SUMMER SNOWFl.AKE VIBURNUM DWARF' VIBURNUM SILVER VARIEGATED SEDGE TUFTED HAIR GRASS BLUE FESCUE BLUE OAT GRASS COMMON RUSI< MAIDEN GRASS MOUDRY FOUNTAIN GRASS MEXICAN FEATH.fR GR.ASS \¥INTER BERGENIA: ROSE PINK DAYULY FANCY-LEAVED CORAL BELLS. DEEP CRIMSON ENGLISH LAVENDER RUDBECKIA DEER FERN PRIVET HONEYSUCKLE WESTERN SWORO FERN PLAHT£0 SCZE I REMAIIU 2SMHT 6C.M CAL. 2M STO. 8&8 S CM CAL SCMCAL:UB 2 SM HT. B&B 6CM CAL 1 ZM STD, B&B 2MHT; B&B 3MHT: B&B 2 SMHT:B&B 6CMCAL: B&B :t3 POT: 50CM #2POT 25CM ft2 POT; 25CM d3P0T;40CM #2 POT 50CM #3 PDT: 80CM •12: POT: 40CM 1'2POT: 50CM #2POT; 50CM UPOT:SOCM #J.POT:SOCM •3POUOCM "3POT.60CM P2POT,40CM #3 POT. 60CM #3 POT: 50CM OlPOT:5DCM 12M ~2POT: SOCM RJPOT;tiOCM #3 POT: SOCM t!1 POT =:1 POT ~1 POT #1 POT 1111 POT d1 POT 11"1 Pf)1 ;;!POT #1 POT 1H POT, 1-2 FAN 15CM POT #1 POT tSCMPOT #2POT ti2 POT 25CLI •1 POT: 20CM NOTES • PL.ANT SlZES IN n-us UST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE ST ANDA.RD, LATEST EDITION CONTAlNER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNTA STANDARDS 80TH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES • REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS ANO OTI-iER PLANT MATERlAL REQUIREMENTS • SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT tMTERLAL. AVAU .. ABlE fOR OPTIONA.t.. REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER ktAINL.ANO AND FRASER VALLEY • SUBSTrTUTJONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAl "fROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCltlTECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTTTUTIONS TO "rHE SPECIFlED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS 'W1Ll BE REJECTED ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DA.VS PRtOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARO • OEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY, ALL LANOSCAPf MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD'S LATEST EDITION All PLANT MATERJ.AL MUST Sf; PROVJOEO FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY PROJECT: 18 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24086104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC KOUPAN UTTl.E ELDIIANT KOIIPAN SAFARI DRAWINCi TITL!Z: LANDSCAPE PLAN 121!!1•4.l.lP CATE: 13.APR.18 SCALE 1/U,••t•-o• DRAWN: RC OESIGN RC CHK'O· PC ORA\Y'JNy NUMS.£.R Ll OF2 Pt.AG PROJECT NUMBER· U-181 u : UNITC1 CENTER LINE OF INTERIOR ROAD (D BUILDING 3 -SOUTH ELEVATION 0 BUILDING 3 -NORTH ELEVATION (104th AVENUE) © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (GREEN SCHEME) .-.. .. .-°"""'""""" -C~tour ,..._ fblhrn:ne,c,r.o. .,,,.,,, .. Colouf -~CIK9ff0 --a Black/Grey ·-p,.l'IIKl130 Lam~A)jltlallShlnglH -s UghlB~ Benjamin Moare OC-47 Windowldoar I rims, garage door w.att .. Jed Wood al Sloptd f\ooh /uhwood e--0 Light Beige Genh1k """" Vinyl Board & Ballen Siding -El Dark Green Elenjamfn Moore 205-4-10 Enlry doors lo guiles 3rdl'k>orexteriorwal!s Bavarian Fore£! -@ l.iglltGreen Gentek .... VinylSidirtg 1sl, 2nd, & 3rd (loot e--0 Black ·-HS410-943S Alumlnum piekitl railing exl•riorwalls ._.._ Rideau Brown ---0 D;nkGreen Benjamin Moore 2139-30 HlitiUShinglH@ .-,§ Da11<Grey Genlek Aluminum Slate Gutters, downspouh; Sharkskin wlllhi, gable ends & c:olUmns Colour& ~ \IWi/(f Vinyl Windows ..,,,,. Windows ----rg Dark Grey Makin Metals Ltd Slllnd.-idColour Flashings at balcony edge, PrepaintedFlashing ChktDal roar edge ----0 Dark Brown Benjamin Moore 2112-30 YibodU:lnt,,o,o,;i,clqlllfflff'I..IHC~, -@I Grey Amarr Grey Garage doors Stone Brown nooffdot,,~ft, Slrattord Collection 5 ® BUILDING 3 -EAST ELEVATION '"' UNITC2 0 BUILDING 3 -WEST ELEVATION KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604,688.4270 inf o@i nte gra-a rch. com www. i nteg ra-a rch. com {AACflllEC:T SEAL) th1c~.-, Tejinder Saluja 1••0,.,c,1 Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC IIIILCJ BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS 12297 l_."o,ic•1 1:100 11.(AICI Nov. 15, 2013 111•,e1 5 11aavr1 10,.•w11101 A-2.033 f··------··1 ,,,, UNITC;l --=,• ... -== _1.32 UNIT ct ... =•-----==-..... rj p 0 BUILDING 3 -3rd FLOOR PLAN , __ 1.~1___ , ______ 7,32 _ ~ g_ __ --~---UNITC1 _._--l -' !l•~~l 1.--!---·--., @ BUILDING 3 -ROOF PLAN u, UNIT C2 ____ _ F------;-' l ' i ... - ---, KEY PLAN INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688,4270 i nfo@i nte g ra-a re h. com www. in tegra-a re h.com ("RCHITl!C.T ~t:ALJ Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 10:an1 (Gtl,.'WUIGj A-2.031 7:ll UNITC2 rr---.,·=··--+-~=-----==, 1 :: ! -----:j I i! ti __ 1,>t UNIT ~1 i • ' i '------ t I UNIT9_ ., ------n !i -g- u II ___ u -r---'---------'---'---------'----.L-------.L....----L--------"'--=----- (D BUILDING 3 -1st FLOOR PLAN -1----ll1 -----I ___ 7,31_ _ ,1 _____ 1n _____ ,_ •~--_UNIT~Z-~ __ _Ul!IT fe! UNITC1 --, ~-=-.. -------------'"-'--""--'-----------=----------•,;-...,c;.;J i -----------1----------=:J __ IL ----=--j'§~~~~~~~·-===-1=_=_J_jj 0 BUILDING 3 -2nd FLOOR PLAN KEY PLAN INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 info@i nte g ra-a re h. com www. i nteg ra-a re h .com Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge. BC BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 f tC•;.EJ A-2.030 --___ 7,3_7 __ _ _ t J.2. ___ UNIT B2 UN_l1B1 BUILDING 2 -EAST ELEVATION 0 BUILDING 2 -WEST ELEVATION U1 _ ___ IJ_!!IT !!)_ ' ,. T,>2 UNITB1 1------------ 0 MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (GREEN SCHEME) C.U,Jt,lll'W:kfL, "'"'"''""""" Colour ,,._,,_,. R~neeuo Elemenls ~. .............. ~No, ......... e-0 Black/Grey ·-· ,,.~-30 L..am111a.lllAlPf•aUShlngles ----El LJ9fiBlliga Benjamin Moore OC-47 Window# door trims, garage door WulhtlredWood atSIQPldR.oOf&-Ashwood -® UghtBttige ""'"" L-Vinyl Board & Batten Siding -@ 01JrkGreen Benjamin Moore 2054-10 Enlry doorsto,urtes Jrdtloorexltlrlorwall, Ba11ariM Foll!st e--@ Ught<Sreen Gentek s.,. Viny1Slding1st,2nd,&3rd tloor -m Black ...,.., .... HS410•94JS Alumlnum picketrailiog e~t~riorwalls l'C!W'411C~». RkleauBrown e-§ DarkGrr:en Benjamin Moore 213,-30 Hardi Shingles@ -a DarhGuw Genlek Aluminum Slate Gutters, down&pou\& Sharbkin walls, gable ends & columns ColouIs -m 'Mit~ VinylW'ndowi Whl .. Windows .-{g Oark Gr•y Makin Metals Ltd Standard Colour Flashings at balcony edge, Prepainled Flashlng Charcoal roofvdge -m Dark Brown Benjamin Moore 2112-30 Wood trn\. wood'ca.lluai.nlJ.. fHclL -@ Gn,y Amarr Grey Garage doon; SloMBrown rroot~.iouv..1 Stratford Collection -------~~ - u, UNITB1 T.Q U!'lffll2 cENTERLINE--------- OF INTERIOR ROAD CE1'1'tRUt<E 1.W1UTERl0fl ROAII 0 UNIT B2 BUILDING 2 -NORTH ELEVATION © BUILDING 2 -SOUTH ELEVATION KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V681T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604,688.4270 inf o@i nte g ra-a r e h. com w w w. int e gr a -arch.com jARtlltTECT SI.ALI Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge. BC BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 f "'"' 1•11onc,1 IICJl..1.11 A-2.023 ~ =· .... ;' <S ,.,, - ~ .....=c ~= ·- -• - ,.., UNIT 82 - ~1or I - :! ~ -57 1 • r C Ii"; "ir -1: ~ ! 1,n UNIT81 0 BUILDING 2 -3rd FLOOR PLAN ---7~3 UNITJI!_ © BUILDING 2 -ROOF PLAN '7,)7 UNIT81 ;; l G ~ JL ,. 5l.)1 ____ l,_32_ l!_N,ll~! V Ill--=""'=~ ~1 •0:1 _nl! .,.., _J.J2 ~lfil B1 :: JL : , --------_t._32 Cl -~ t -. JL I = UNITB1 -=-- (':-t[""i _l " " 1 ,. ,. n !i Tl2 UNIT81 er -~ -. 1: ~ I -- --I 7_3_2 UNIT 81 = --.= IV -V::-H !! Jill ~ I lL - - -·-·=-J:) C t ~ I:: I: ,, ~ .Ji. .1· 7,ZJ --I UNITB_1 __ _ 1.11 UNITB2 ---- ·- u'" " n .,i L ~ - ' :: ., ii _, I -_;;; -== ~ = -== = ==== ~-=-:-:] 1.n UNITB2 : ~ : ' KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N 't INTEGRA ARCHITEClURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 inf o@i nte g ra-a re h . com www. i ntegra-a re h .com E.UUCiii1H91-l:::11ill.H ::r:nn iii! e m~~T~~.;~i$1i1U]~ !lci~•ll',C _..., C;>"nO\ k l,t,H \"l:IIOOt I~ ·- N ----------- Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC ,c.LISHll t111L~ BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 t••oJeC.tJ (Oi!AWUJO.I A-2.021 7,)7 UNITB2 J.;n_ UNIT_B1 (D BUILDING 2 -1st FLOOR PLAN _, --= ======I ---------□-- @ BUILDING 2 -2nd FLOOR PLAN , ... UNIT~ ,..,, __ _ UIII_J!__l!L - =- -,-·-,- '32 UNIT B1 ! • ii __ L _____ :.; I-- _51,11 --~"' UNITB1 732 UNIT81 • : rF-~-~--:--.-.--:.-...... -:r:· --.---1. ___ ••• U ,.,. --UNIT81 , ... UNIT B1 _____ ,..,,_ _ __ , UNITB1 UT UNITB2 ······-·-.--------------4 ! I ~I t ! ._----- ---• ·---·· KEY PLAN INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V68 1TS T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 i nfo@i nte g ra-a rch .com www. i nte g ra-a re h . com i;.E i: ~ lliTRTHt l~U";Blii 5:ii Eli iilj ii ~~~~~~~ ~~ljO'!II ... (ARCHITECT $1!"ALJ Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC (CUtlNTJ lHUEJ BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 5 IDAHJ (OIIIA.ilUIOJ A-2.020 CD J,ll UNITA2 7,ll UNITA1 BUILDING 1 -WEST ELEVATION @ BUILDING 1 -EAST ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND (BROWN Goj,:a'IO-!(il 0-.. -_,_ --a Bf,ck/Grey Pabco Pr1ttnler 3D LamlflsNGA.tphalt Shingle5 Wrtathered Wood ;i,t SIOfkdRtlo', -@ Light Beige Gentvk L-Vinyl Board & Batten Siding 3rd floor exterior wan, -@I ,...,..,_, ae11a101i p~l(a-.i VinylSidillQ 1st, 2nd,&3rdlloor exterior walls -@I OarkBrown B•n/11mln Moore CC-510 Hardi Shingles@ Buckham walls, gable ellCls & columns -ill -· Vli\rlW~o.-,1 V.,,j• Windows -fl (JarlfBrown Benjamin Moore 2112-30 WOOd Ultli, wood columns, fascia, Stone Brown ~-,P.,louvers .. j.J,.,U_ --- UNIT A1 SCHEME) CENTER LINE OF INTERIOR ROAD =ou, ---@I LigtffB,ipe Benjamin Moore OC-47 Ashwood ----rEl DarkBrcwn Benjamin Moore 2134-2D Midsummer Night e-0 8/a~k $~PNI KS'IO.IUS Pci..,.,GNt~r,1 RldHuilor,m -a Derk Grey Cl.tnUI(~ Co6ou11. ..... -@ DarlfGrey Makin Metals Ltd S~dColollt Prepainled Flashing CJwoo,,I -a Light Brown Am•r, ....,,_ S!r.-tfo:fcl~lon s.:,.,. 7.>J ',!NIT~ 61,31 ._,,._,. ,i.~,~ -Windowf door trims, garagll door Entrydoorsto,uites Aluminum picket railing Gutters.downspouts Fw.hlng.-.111b,~td0f,. -·- Garage doors 1.:n U!!.!J A1 1~,, ___ UNIT A1 __ _ u, UNITA1 1;l.1 _____ U=N~IT A1 U7 UNITA2 ,.,, UNITA2 9.30 UNITA2 .r r .r BUILDING 1 -SOUTH ELEVATION ..,. UNIT A2 © BUILDING 1 -NORTH ELEVATION KEY PLAN 104 AV E NUE N 6 ]]7 r-----iB , l2~J ~ INTEGRA ARCHITECllJRE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 i nfo@i ntegra -a rch.com www.integ ra-a re h .com ::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1..,1111cw11cc.t 1.uq l~Ul'WTI Tejinder Saluja U'ltOJI.ICfl Townhome Development 24066 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC (fUUI) BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS 12297 1••ouc• I 1:100 IICHr;J Nov. 15, 2013 fD._fE, 5 IUllilCI f01U,W11fCJ A-2.013 ,_-----------..,, 7,:)'t_ UNITA2 Ii if 1,>! __ UNITAj __ _ 0 BUILDING 1 -3rd FLOOR PLAN UI U IT A2 © BUILDING 1 -ROOF PLAN .J.n _ UNITA1 I --->1 --,- UNIT~A=1 __ _ e.,_,., ,,, UNIT Ai ,,..,, l.U __ ~ UNIT fil_ _ --,.p UNITA~ _,.,,_____ --__ ,..,, _____ , UN A1 • ____ U~N~IT~A~2 ____ .,. --I t,n __ --."U~~---I -I ' . UNITA1. _____ . ____ ~U=N~I ~A=1 ____ . ____ ~U~Nl=T~A2~-- KEY PLAN INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@l nteg ra-a rch.co m www. i nteg ra-a re h.co m [ARCHlfECT $1iAq Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 240B6104thAvenue ttllL f BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 IICAl.tlJ 10 .... u1 'O&AWIIOIIOj A-2.011 :.. f.lJ __ _ _J,,n __ _ UNIT~ _UNIT:.;A,.,_1 ___ _ (D BUILDING 1 -1st FLOOR PLAN - " " ,, -~----------:J - ::1 - i.,:;.__ ___ 7>2 UNITA1 ® BUILDING 1-2nd FLOOR PLAN 51 ~, --"1.» :.>2 -__ ,___ ----, ___ u, __ _ ---ld!'ill.Af_ ___ U_N_IT~A_1 ____ .....,'" ____ \!N_I_T A1 ..J!!!l_TA1 732 __ _ I ----7 • .32.. ----I-_____ 732 , _____ J~t. !/_l!!!_TAf._ ___ UNITA1 __ UNITA1 .J!.lfilAl -, __ 7dl ____ UNITA2 ---, ,__ 7.)7 __ ____ __:UNIT A2 KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N INTEGRAARCH!TECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 inf o@i nteg ra-a re h .com ww w. i nteg ra-a re h .com ti.Jl iLiili~:i"EUlli:iri Ei:i i;eH ii ff Hit ~~ tlr6~~!!._~15tndalilll =~~cn~~,;-~,,~Fft: (ARCtllTECl SEAi.) Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge. BC BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLANS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 5 A-2.010 Vinyl Board & Batten Siding ~,(Jffoo,,t~Nl'WwaQt -----0 STREET ELEVATION -104th AVENUE (GREEN SCHEME) Genlek Sage Vinyl Siding 11t, 2nd, & 3rd Roen eicte1iorwa1l5 Benjamin 2139-3D Hardi Shingles@ Mo<:lre Stlarkskin walls. gable ends & columns -@ -0 e---§ e---8 ~ e---0 e----0 e-§1 1--Vinyl Windows .,....,... Benjamin Moore -i....-Benjamin Moore DarkGrfffl Benjamin Moore .,~, Supe1m•I Power Coatings OarkGrey Gen\ekAluminum Colours Darl{Gr,:y t,o.,1U,. Moblls Ltd fll~il'ls.d PtlJAi"'UI 11.qltG"q Amarr Stratford Collection White Wmdows 2112-30 Wood lrim, wood columns, lascia, Stone Brown nooredge, louvfilrl!o OC-47 W'~door hims.,.g,or.09000I Ar.hwood 2054-10 Entry doors lo suites Bavarian Forest HS410•9◄3S AJumirlum picket railing Rideau Brown Slate Gull1ua., dowm,poots Standard Colour Flashings al balconyedg11, Charcoal rooredge G~y -- WNSCHEME Vinyl Boord & Batten Siding J.l'ORootc;r.lilf'lor,..,_lk Gentek Pebble Kaki Vinyl Siding 1st, 2nd, & 3rd noor e,cteriorwall1 BenjamNl CC.S10 Hardi Shingles@ Moore Buckhorn walls, gabl11 Mds & columns -@ ,~N~ .--§ Dark Brown e---§ Ugti&ige --a DarkB1tJWJ1 ---m - e---0 I 0.tXfkq e----0 Ditdl'Cte, 1--I KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N Vinyl Windows Benjamin Moore Ben~inMoore Benjamin Moore _, .... POWfl'C.0.UitlO• GN'ltel;.IJt.in,'inUIIII Coblrs ~ln~UII Prvplinled ......... -· StrJtl'OfCI~" While 2112.JO 1 1 I I t.J Stone Brown oc.,1 Ashwood 213,.20 Midsummer Night HS410-943S RideauBrow11 ..... St.ar1dardColour Charco,t .......... Windows Wood trim, wood columns, fasci.l, floorRdll@,louVers Window/ door trims, i,1r111J@ door Enlrydoors lo suites Aluminum picket railing Gut1ers,downspouts fll.lhn;l1,~bllcoatl)'~Qa. -- Garagedooi, INTEGRA ARClilTECT\JRE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 i nfo@i nte g ra-a re h .com www.integ ra-a re h .com uacnii~;;:;-;;:ranr: 1:n:::~ unna- ~'Tro:c~~m~~ -·- lAftCHITECT SEl\l.J Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 1 □4th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC MATERIAL& COLOUR LEGEND 12297 NTS Nov. 15, 2013 (•U.Ul:J A-1.600 7,5mSE1'BACK UNE c-, -------, C-5.l'T~UIII i Po t I 1-- 1 • •l~. t j~l • ' .l CD El.EVA110N ALONG 104th AVENUE PROPERTY LINE ~ 1~ i~i ~!L t 7.5m SETBACK LINE ! ,-1-----EXISTING GRADE PJIOPaSED\\'.AU. Q SOU~ PA.OPERTY 1.rrl!-BEYOND M.!!!,11.J .. ,,_ PROPOSED GRADE® ADJACENT SOUTH PROPERTY ® ELEVATIONALONGSOUTHPROPERTYLINE fg; ~ 'J• •;l~· . -------, ,.... _______ .. . _,. ______ Jo!!:I U __ ~ C.,,IPSl,CICUN'l ,f a PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ,§, ,t?· I l!Xl$"ntlOGAADE@ ~UT'ttllf PROPERn' .............. PROPOSED GRAOE @ ADJACENT EAST PROPERTY ' ' . !ti-ill EXISTING GRADE KEY PLAN 104 AVENUE N d:.... L'.:: - INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688A270 In fo@ln te g ra-a re h. com www. i nte g ra-a rch. com ::;:;::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: (ARCMtTl!.CT SEAL] Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 1 04th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC SITE ELEVATIONS 12297 1:200 Nov. 151 2013 IPIIOll"<CtJ t Tl1LII 1•~0.nic, t I IColllLC:) llldlllA.Wl■OJ A-1.400 BUILDING 3 ___ -► UNIT C2 ◄-BUILOING3 UNIT C2 '◄---BUILDING 2 ,. __ , ----·~· __ , __ U> _ '·" UNIT 81 UNIT 81 UNIT 82 UNIT 81 UNIT 81 F.F.EL 25.91m (85'-0") F.F.EL 26.26m (86'-2") F.F.EL 26.62m (87'-4") F.F.EL 26.97m (88'-6") F.F.EL 27.33m (89'-8") ------i~-_._ ------§ -' -----'------ ► --,-----.n 11 I I I I UNIT 81 UNIT 81 17 -1~ 11 F.F.EL 27.33m (89'-a") F.F.EL 27.33m (89'-8") I! t I<> Q. e 10. .r::. ~ I I INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC v6B 1TS T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 i nfo@i nteg ra-a rch.co m www. i nteg ra-a re h .com ::;::::: .. ~]i~~~~;i;pf 4.Sm SETBACK LINE _-, I EXISTING GRADE 'or:, n,,'<>· 1(,0' ---H---------~ ____________ J ~1,:Ui!j1 ____________ _ 0) SECTION C-C I ◄ UNIT A2 F.F.EL 30.00m (85'-6") --- 0 SECTION D-D UNIT A1 F.F.EL 30.35m (86'-8") BUILDING 1 UNIT A1 UNIT A1 F.F.EL 30.71m (87'-10") F.F.EL 31.06m (89'-0") ------ 51.21 1.P 11r----11r---~1~---_Jl UNIT A1 UNIT A1 i -i UNIT A2 KEY PLAN .. I.: ..J If 4.5m SETBACK LINE e 10. .r::. :•: :\ 1 1] EXISTING GRADE ! ! ' -., "'• '. ~ ... -i Tejinder Saluja ,p·"r:, 1-r--~---~ re,: F.F.EL 31.42m (90'-2") ---------··-.;., -~ o'c95?~ '6'~ ~.9.> Townhome Development ~24066 104IhAvenue (lllaple Ridge, BC 'J>,,. --""".s SITE SECTIONS 12297 1:100 Nov. 15, 2013 11'11110..lt:(.fJ I IC,l,LCI A-1.200 7.5m SETBACK LINE .. -- 7.5m SETBAC KLINE 8.08 (('Q • ,2 SECTION B-B '!'.,.o BUILDING 2 ------------- 9.30 L- I I H _2.90 ----- M-H 3.3S H --► UNIT C2 BUILDING1 UNIT A1 ... ------------F.F.E .48m _#lll'•2") 9.30 M.2 ?.Sm SETBAC KLINE EXISTING GRADE CENTER LINE OF ROAD ?.Sm SETBA CK LINE 'b<:, n;,":>' 1-~.0·E . -v XISTING GRADE ;;.--r,; ~, --_,,.,,,... -PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED GRADE BEYOND PL KEY PLAN BB INTEGRA ARCHI TECTIJRE INC 416 WEST PEND • VANCOUVER ER STREET , BC V T 604.688.4220 681T5 inf o@i n t F 604.688.4270 e g ra -a ~ww,integr rch.com s:;:::~;,~,;,~/ m ~~INC ~~tW~~ ... - Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development i~op~ ~?:th Avenue ge, BC SITE SECTIONS BB 122s1 1:100 - Nov. 15, 2013 5 A-1.100 . ~ ~ ,.~~~,, ., ~,,.. ;., - /" I - . " • ~----·.-,; . ,· ;/ . ,--.,,,,. -' / . -: __ , ' ~ ~~• • -•-• I ) INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 in fo@i nteg ra-a rch .com www. integ ra-a re h.co m fi:i i¾iiiHif{U iHHi iHl i.1$ E ii ii HF. 5 ~~-..~~=~~= -·- fARCH jT[CT 51!:ALI Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC IC.Utktl l•llOJl"CTI 1t11LEI TOPOGRAPHY &MASSING 12297 l~•o.rc;a, I NTS ,,c. .. ,..,, Nov. 15, 2013 (IIU•lll s CIISIJII 1DIIA•l•OI A-1.010 0- ----7 ,l· <. RG 4.5m SETBACK ~cc 104th Avenue·' ~DD s __ ~ --i _29_ ~ : );47-~ .. ,. 11 I" -.:, I -.PROPERTY LINE .,, ,P ,f> I j UTILITY POLE '1 1 u {>_,/ -L ' -• •• ~--.:>...;.,.. -, • 4.Sm SETBACK ,_..., _______ _l --~-_ -~-46.64311\ .,., -.. -0 I _ ~ -0----0----0---~ ..._.,_ __ -0- X· -r---j I r I I I Ii = -:--~ -BUILDING 3-.,I .-----;:r-1 ~-• ,-,rl L■ -~ ·• • _I I I ,--~ ,'.I r 9'-:r. __ _c'·~c- I ._. I , 1-rt ~' -- ~~------,---- ' 1 , .. I I 1- 1 I r ·%· ......I ~ • I ◄ s ,► ,, -' AA --.,--i ---.,,...-----., _______ _. -:t- ,L I I 11 7.5m SETBACK ------.--,js-· ------' i, ... .:=as==cic=I IL PROPERTY LINE I I- I [►cc --r· '::::::::f_ (!) -z c ·~ I -=> al f 4.Sm SETBACK -- _.. '-_ _l -PROPERTY LINE -i/ __,.. ~ DD - ~ ,I PROPERTY LINE , '-n-UTILITY POLE:'"' , ""'------<.i·=· _____ _.BB "'--,..~~ 74.600 35 INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 i nfo@i n teg ra-a re h. com www. i nte gra-a rch . com N Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC SITE PLAN 12297 1:200 Nov. 15, 2013 fCLllllfl ICl4UI A-1.000 Applicable Guidelines The site is located within the Albion Area Plan that encourages medium density residential, allowing for a range of housing styles and densities, including smaller lot single detached housing, townhouse, and duplex dwelling units. The current zoning within the area plan proposes RM-1 zoning for the site and this project has been designed according to these requirements. Variances for front and rear yard setbacks are being requested at this time. Context Plans for the neighbourhood include a new school on 104th Avenue across from the site. Currently the one-acre site is occupied by a single family home. The project provides the opportunity to develop a townhome building form and increase the residential options in the neighbourhood. This project has been designed in conjunction with a larger 5.7-acre site to the south and east with shared access off of 104th Avenue. Neighbourhood Character The proposal includes a series of 3-storey stepped gable roof townhomes complete with projecting 2 level bay windows. This design language is in keeping with the existing single- family residential homes that can be found in close proximity, including the Country Lane Estates North residential area. Topography The topography across the site is varied, with a slope of up to 15% in the east-west direction and 11 % in the north-south direction . There is a large knoll on the neighbouring site that is being re-graded to provide a large outdoor amenity green space. The proposed stepped townhome form addresses the grading challenges allowing for pedestrian and vehicle access and integrating the buildings into the site. The Project The site is located in a quiet neighbourhood and is ideal for residential development. The project consists of 18 townhomes in 3 three-storey buildings. The family oriented homes will have four to five bedrooms and double sided by side garages. Although only 4 visitor parking spaces are required, 16 visitor spaces are being provided. Urban Approach The buildings have been designed to follow the natural orientation and topography of site. The main entrance to the site is at the NE corner and is shared with the neighbouring site. The shared entrance simplifies access to 104th Avenue and allows for a visual green space that welcomes residents and visitors to both sites. Homes along 104th Avenue have been designed with individual pedestrian entries to create a strong street presence and complement the neighbouring homes. A shared outdoor open space at the NW corner of the site provides another visual break along the street and will provide a garden and patio space for residents to enjoy neighbourhood gatherings. The side yards and rear yard provide an opportunity for private outdoor space that is desired in this family type of unit and will include generous patios, lawn and planting beds. Form & Character The town home forms are similar in height and massing to the neighbouring single-family homes. The buildings are designed to wrap and fit into the existing topography , creating a mix of two and three storey elevations. Low slope roof elements with generous overhangs are also used to reduce the overall scale. Design features such as bay windows, porches, and vented gable elements are used to articulate the building elevations. The materials and colours used are found throughout the neighbourhood. Materials include a mix of vinyl siding, hardie-panel and hardie-shingles, laminated asphalt shingles, wood trims, and metal railings . Stronger colours at shingled walls complement warm earth tones used throughout. Individual Home Design There is a mix of four and five bedroom townhome units. Parking is provided on the lower level, sometimes in combination with another den, bedroom or family room. The mid-level is the main living level with access to either a generous balcony or a patio at grade. The upper level is the bedroom level and contains a mix of two or three bedrooms. Each unit is provided with a large outdoor private spaces. The private landscape contains a paver patio and/or lawn area, planted beds and privacy fencing. CPTED Individual residential entrances to the internal and external streets, as well as the pedestrian paths within the site provide 'eyes on the street' to enhance the safety of the public realm. Landscaping elements such as low hedging and fencing maintain visibility of residential entries. Prewiring for individual security systems is to be included in all units. Sustainability While not formally being part of a green rating system such as LEED or Built Green, our client intends to follow a significant number of green strategies that contribute to neighbourhood sustainability and a better environment. Energy efficient lighting such as compact fluorescents or LEDS, energy star appliances including fridges, washer/dryers, and dishwashers, and electric rather than gas fireplaces will be used to conserve energy. High efficiency water fixtures such as dual flush toilets and low flow faucet aerators in showerheads, kitchen and bathroom faucets will be used to conserve water. All insulation is to be low or zero formaldehyde. All interior paints are to be low voe. Sustainable landscape elements include drought tolerant and native plant material, a central amenity space, and a stormwater retention rain garden. The primary landscape material will feature drought tolerant plants and efficient irrigation technology, implemented to minimize exterior water use. The plant palette will largely contain native trees, shrubs and groundcovers, which provide food and refuge for wildlife, primarily birds. Native species are also often more hardy than non-natives, and they enhance our sense of place, reminding residents of natural pacific-northwest landscapes. Landscaping The generous outdoor patios and private lawn spaces are designed to retain and compliment the character of the natural landscape. Pedestrian circulation will be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, and appropriate exterior lighting. Although a number of the existing trees on site will require removal, adequate landscaping including street trees and retaining wall planters will be re-introduced to enhance each public and private outdoor space. Additionally, decorative landscape elements will be incorporated at each of the building entrances. INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@i nte g ra -a re h . com w ww. Int e gr a -arch .com ~H2nnnnEaa~ailnaanna~a ~. Th';'J.~.Noaac~l,11.miatal 1 • ~ ~~•;.:r~g[tgJ"/u.;\,1~F~ ·- [CLIENT] Tejinder Saluja [PROJ ECTJ Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC, [TITLE] DESIGN RATIONALE 12297 [PROJECT] NTS I SCALE) Nov. 15, 2013 IDATEJ 5 [ISSUE) [DRAWING] A-0.101 N.T.S. ALBION AREA PLAN LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE COMMERCIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DATE ADOPTED: July 4, 2006 DATE OF LAST REVISION: July 20, 2011 BY: OT INTEGRA ARCHITECl\JRE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V68 1T5 T 604.68B.4220 F 604.6B8.4270 inf o@i nte g ra-a re h .com WWW, i nteg ra-a re h r C om !All C"1T EC T S EAi.] Tejinder Saluja Townhome Development 24086 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC ''""' SITE CONTEXT/ PHOTOGRAPHS 12297 NTS Nov. 15, 2013 (P!lOJEC1 I [ISCAI.EJ (OAT ti [15:SuEl A-0.100 I ) DRAWING INDEX -DOCUMENTATION A-0.000 COVER SHEET A-0.100 SITE CONTEXT( PHOTOGRAPHS A-0.101 DESIGN RATIONALE -A-1.000 SlTEPLAN A-1.010 TOPOGRAPHY 8 MASSING A-1,100 SITE SECTIONS A-1.110 SITE SECTIONS A-1.120 SITE SECTIONS -A-1.130 SITE SECTIONS A-1.140 SITE SECTIONS A-1,200 MATERIALS -A-1.'JO0 COLOURED PERSPECTIVE A-1,310 COLOURED ELEVATIONS -A-1,320 COLOURED ELEVATIONS -A-1,330 COLOURED ELEVATIONS A-1.340 COLOURED ELEVATIONS A-2,010 BUILDING 1 FlOOR PLANS -A-2011 BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLANS -A-2012 BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS A-2,020 BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.021 BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS A-2,022 BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS -A-2,0JD BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS -A-2,031 BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS A-2,032 BUILOING3 ELEVATIONS J -A-2.040 BUILOING 4 FLOOR PLANS A-2.041 BUILDING 4 FLOOR PLANS A-2.0-42 BUILDING 4 ELEVATIONS A-2.060 BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLANS A-2,061 BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLANS A-2,062 BUILDINGS ELEVATIONS -A-2,060 BUILDING 6 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.061 BUILDING 6 FLOOR PLANS A-2.062 BUILDING 6 ELEVATIONS -A-2,070 BUILDING 7 FLOOR PLANS -A-2,071 BUILDING 7 FLOOR PLANS A-2,072 BUILDING 7 ELEVATIONS -A-2.080 BUILDING 8 FLOOR PLANS A-2.081 BUILDING 8 FLOOR PLANS -A-2-082 BUILDING 8 ELEVATIONS A-2.090 BUILDING 9 FLOOR PLANS -A-2,091 BUILDING 9 FLOOR PLANS A-2,092 OUll.CNNG"!J B.EWJ10NS A-2,100 BUILDING 10 FLOOR PLANS A-2.101 BUILDING 10 FLOOR PLANS A-2.102 BUILDING 10 ELEVATIONS -A-2,110 BUILDING 11 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.111 BUILDING 11 FLOOR PLANS A-2.112 BUILDING 11 ELEVATIONS A-2,120 BUILDING 12 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.121 BUILDING 12 FLOOR PLANS A-2.122 BUILDING 12 ELEVATIONS A-2.130 BUILDING 1:3 FLOOR PLANS A-2r131 BUILDING 1:3 FLOOR PLANS -A-2~132 BUILDING 1:3 ELEVATIONS -A-2.150 BUILDING 15 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.161 BUILDING 15 FLOOR PLANS A-2.162 BUILDING 15 ELEVATIONS A-2.160 BUILOING 16 FLOOR PLANS A-2,161 BUILDING 16 FLOOR PLANS A-2,162 BUILDING 16 ELEVATIONS -A-2,170 BUILDING 17 FLOOR PLANS A-2.171 BUILDING 17 FLOOR PLANS A-2.172 BUILDING 17 ELEVATIONS A-2.180 BUILDING 16 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.181 SUILOING 18 FLOOR PLANS -A-2.182 BUILDING 18 ELEVATIONS A-2,190 BUILDING 19 FLOOR PLANS A-2.191 8Ull,.01fl(i; IC> fl.OOR PLAJl:9 A-2.192 BUILDING 19 ELEVATIONS T<>lal -'6400 LAHO$C.APE LO RENDERED LANDSCAPE PLAN LI LANDSCAPE PLAN '_) l2 GRADING PLAN -Ll LANDSCAPE DETAILS •• SHRUB PLANA -LS SHRUB PLAN B LI SHRUB PLAN C L7 SHRUB PLAN D LI SHRUB PLANE -L9 SHRUB PLAN F -L to SHRUBPLANG -L11 SHRUB PLAN H L12 SHRUB PLAN I ToUf -1:300 ms 1:300 1:300 •= 1:300 1:300 II "" IHI "' 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:400 1:400 1:400 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 I PROJECT DATA 901"YAll:t ... -.~~ iilDlf'l'AA■ D.l\eS!aplu, 1111,~~A•~hrlecruro lnc,,415W,-no,,rS\, V•rlCQWer, \168 tfS, eo• !!164220 Lcl1iBCf'J640f,LOl4PbnaHl.Alc!S.c\11:,n~ t.,..n1t.p12 NewWtllll,lrs1trll1Jlro:I 24106104..,f.-ef\lii \lll66240.0.Scee~ "'•;il1Ao:,IIO BC ·~. 210 ... 1-16111. •• 1Ul!1. l!-1-• UJ,◄N ... '\ u.mcr RI •><1• 1u11.: "" 111•11 '"' : .... ·•· , ... .. "" "° .., "" e I PROJECT 11294 • PROJECT 12297 (SEPARATE APPLICATION) STREET ELEVATIONS -24086 104TH AVENUE STREET ELEVATIONS -240A STREET TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT CONTACT LIST 0.vner Norde\COnstruc\lOnlld ~AMI OINW-«l'.A amarbarfl!:Cli§llj1WC3 701-176556&.AverMJeSurrer 8CVJS2A7 Landscape PMGLandscapeArcMeclSLLd, ~ 5042940011 ocar:::re:t::mlnrm C100-4185 SbU Creek Om,e Burnaby BC V,C6G9 campceu 6043290611 CMI DK!kwm&A.-..oor!H Cbt~ 604 !12643~ ~ 8955 Em1ry Slreel Mis.soon 8C V4S1A6 Environmenl.!II MUJ>GiltErrviromen\alSolultomlr,c; Au\horrty A.Ult10111Y Aulnonty Aulhonty 5703-182Stret!\SUrr•yBC VJS4M5 OislnctofMapleRtdge-Planmn'1Dept 11995HarieyPlaceMapleRidgeBC V2X6o\9 0,-slr.clofMaDleRidge-F'lanmngTechnoan S10!1Jtar, 6Q.ol46J5221 ~....al 11995HaneyPlaceMi1J)leRM:1,eec MI.IIPhy -5566 V2X6A9 Cli$tric1ofNap!eRldg••Pllllner M""' ~40l/Q1 n:wzvtt:rt t :,g 119115 H;mey Place Maple Rtdg1!! BC K,:f)yst'jni/Q V2XGA9 Cis\ncl or M~ple Ridge -env,ronm1nlal Rodne}' 4oa -U rm MiP!..,.....:r!::1 rn Plaooer s1orr 11995HatieyPI.M:•MapleRidgeBC V2.X6A9 24108 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC SITE MAP INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604.688,.-4220 F 604.688.4270 in fo@i n tcg ra-a rch. com www. In L•a ra -~ rc h.com :!:::::::::::::::::i:ffi:1::::::::::::1::: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24106 104th Avenue Map!e Ridge, BC t""UUl"CTJ COVER SHEET 11294 NTS November 18, 2013 11.11••·••1 A-0.000 f N.T.S. ALBION AREA PLAN llEJGHBOlfitC)OO C~II.ERCCAI,. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 0A1'£.A.00PTED, NJ 4. 2006 DATE OF L.AST REVISION July 20, 2011 BY: DT INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.6B8A270 in fo@i nteg ra-a rch .com www. in teg ,a.a rch .com il,¥..!!5~~8Hlff!IOB! ~~~~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410810.:lthAvenue Maple Ridge, BC "'"" SITE CONTEXT/ PHOTOGRAPHS 11294 !<TS November 18, 2013 1ti"iu1 A-0.100 The Client -Nordel Construction The dedication, high quality and craftsmanship of Nordel Construction is reflected in their work. Nordel believes in hands on approach, most projects are managed by its principles on a day-to-day basis. The company is regarded as an expert in the field . Deeply committed to its work, Nordel prides itself on building homes distinguished by their superb value and exceptional workmanship. Design Rationale Applicable Guidelines The site is located within the Albion Area Plan. The current zoning within the area plan proposes RM-1 zoning for the site and this project has been designed according to these requirements. No variances to the RM-1 requirements are being requested at this time. Context Plans for the neighbourhood include a new school on 104th Avenue across from the site. Currently the 5.7 acre site is occupied by one single family home. One of the main guidelines of the area plan is to balance the protection of environmentally sensitive lands while ensuring flexibility and compatibility of housing styles. The project provides the opportunity to develop a townhome building form and increase the residential options in the neighbourhood. Neighbourhood Character The neighbourhood has a mix of single-family residential homes on standard and small lot sites, as well as some newer townhome developments. The newer homes on the adjacent sites are on smaller lot developments, with smaller yards and setbacks. The architectural character varies between traditional 'Craftsman' and contemporary 'West Coast' styles. Topography The topography across the site is varied, with a slope of 10% to 25% in the north-south direction and a slope of 5% to 15% in the east-west direction. There is a large knoll in the north half of the site and most of the site slopes down towards the southern edge. The Project The site is located in a quiet neighbourhood and is ideal for residential development. The project consists of 19 three-storey townhouse buildings with a total of 104 units and a common indoor amenity space. Urban Approach The buildings have been designed to follow the natural orientation and topography of site, and to allow for a mix of larger outdoor open spaces and smaller private open spaces connected by a network of pedestrian paths. Where buildings front on to public streets, a residential street character is created to complement the neighbouring homes. The interior lanes have been treated with street trees, sidewalks, lawn boulevards, residential entry sidewalks and substantial planting beds. Orientation and Outdoor Amenites Homes along 104th Avenue, 240A Street and the interior lanes have been designed with individual pedestrian entries to create a strong street presence. Homes within the site have been designed to follow the topography of the site and allow for a network of internal streets and pedestrian paths. Three main outdoor amenity spaces provide community focal points within the site. The 'Plateau' is the larger central outdoor space that is to be created at the knoll. This park-like landscape is adjacent to the main indoor amenity space, which contains a multipurpose room, fitness space, lounge and central mailroom. The Plateau contains spacious lawns with shaded picnic tables, a generous playground, and large planted beds to add visual interest and screening for the townhomes. The west 'Valley' amenity area is comprised of a community garden, large lawn and picnic area. There are over 50 raised community garden plots provided in this area with 3 picnic tables and shed for tool storage. There are also two additional small garden plot areas at the north ends of the two interior lanes. The 'Valley' also has a third, quieter outdoor space nestled along the southern edge of the site, which overlooks the preserved riparian buffer. This area has a small plaza with a basalt column gurgler set in decorative rock that will produce a soothing water sound. The Plateau and Valley amenity spaces are all connected to the remainder of the site with interior sidewalks and exterior pedestrian oathwavs. Access and Circulation One of the main entrances to the site is along 104th Avenue and is shared with the neighbouring site to the west. The location of this entrance has been encouraged by the District of Maple Ridge to simplify circulation along 104th Avenue and in anticipation of a future school to be developed across the street. The internal street within the site undulates through the site in response to the topography and is intended to slow movement through the site. A secondary entrance is provided along 240A Street. Visitor parking is distributed throughout the site. The pedestrian network provides access to each home and to the common outdoor spaces. Form and Character The townhome forms are similar in height and massing to the neighbouring single-family homes. The buildings are designed to wrap and fit into the existing topography, creating a mix of two and three storey elevations. Low slope roof elements with generous overhangs are also used to reduce the overall scale. Design features such as bay windows, porches, bracketed entries, and anchor chimney elements are used to articulate the building elevations. The materials and colours used are found throughout the neighbourhood. Materials include a mix of vinyl siding and shingles, cement fibre panels, laminated asphalt shingles, wood trims, stone and metal railings. Stronger colours at shingled walls complement warm earth tones used throughout. Individual Home Design There is a mix of three and four bedroom townhome units. Parking is provided on the lower level, sometimes in combination with another den, bedroom or family room. The mid-level is the main living level with access to either a generous balcony or a patio at grade. Each unit is provided a large outdoor private space between 200-700 ft2. The private landscape contains a paver patio and/or lawn area, planted beds and privacy fencing. The upper level is the bedroom level and contains a mix of two or three bedrooms. CPTED Individual residential entrances to the internal and external streets, as well as the pedestrian paths within the site provide 'eyes on the street' to enhance the safety of the public realm. Low hedging and fencing maintains visibility of residential entries. Landscape and building down lighting is to provide well-lit pathways but minimize visual light pollution. Prewiring for individual security systems is to be included in all units. Sustainability While not formally being part of the green rating systems such as LEED or Built Green, our client intends to follow a significant number of green strategies that contribute to neighbourhood sustainability and a better environment. Energy efficient lighting such as compact fluorescents or LEDS, energy star appliances including fridges, washer/dryers, and dishwashers, and electric rather than gas fireplaces will be used to conserve energy. High efficiency water fixtures such as dual flush toilets and low flow faucet aerators in showerheads, kitchen and bathroom faucets will be used to conserve water. All insulation is to be low or zero formaldehyde. All interior paints are to be low VOC. Sustainable landscape elements include drought tolerant and native plant material, community garden plots, central amenity spaces, a preserved stream bed through the eastern portion of the site, and the protected riparian buffer south of the site. The landscape will feature drought tolerant plants and efficient irrigation technology, implemented to minimize exterior water use. The plant palette will largely contain native trees, shrubs and groundcovers, which provide food and refuge for wildlife, primarily birds. Native species are also often more hardy than non-natives, and they enhance our sense of place, reminding residents of natural pacific-northwest landscapes. The inclusion of play areas and community gardens in the outdoor spaces will also allow residents to stay close to home and grow their own food, both important sustainable principles. The south edge of the site is bordered by a riparian buffer. Much of this edge will be preserved in its original state, with four retained trees within the site boundary and many other off site trees. The lack of disturbance along this edge will protect the existing riparian buffer and its corresponding habitat. • l INTEGRAARCHrTECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.fiBB.4270 In fc,@I n tog ra -a re h. com www. In tegra-arch. com I! !I !ii IIIIHD lllrlll■lllfilBTirill ~€:~::J1}':"¼ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC DESIGN RATIONALE 11294 NTS November 1 B, 2013 A-0.101 ,,. 103 co 0 ,.... I ~ ... : # co 0 :,., )e I X :• ------l-+l-----J'---};1~--=f~--::";__-----,.;;---.--~A7"1-:-/--;-/--;)!4.~,L.:J!4,,,g£,49o.;,i9,,<:,..<'-,Klffi,~I 1-::_--("~-'~--: -+-\-,, ..------09 , / "..J:f .... -Lo~ 'Q"~ ,, ; • X ,? 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G) SECTION01 PROPERTYLINE_J 7,.5 •111.1&1.Ci(---+----➔ BUILDING7 ® SECTION02 --·-.... ·--- PROPERTYLUte- ,./, BUILDING 4 BUILDING 2 ·-· -l..5m:51!T'OA.Ct( I(~· ---· . BUILDING 8 --.. , .. II ----l .. , Iv~ - jl V#' fl ~~ 1-W .. ,. 1---~ ~ ·-~< ;=cl$ -i--~ .1~ --· ----..!,1.\,. ...... -C" -----'\.A,.' -----------;, 0 SECTION03 "" BUILDING 8 ffl .. ,, __ -PROPERlY LINE .,. ,.s .. Sl!'TMCl!( -· J;b ! '""' BUILDING 9 PAOPERTY UNE --- -PROPERn'UN!. J.'ftaSETBACK ~ l~l _, .. 1J\. z < °'a w,. t~~L >-o ---~ .. k) ~ ~-----. - KEY PLAN -$- KEY PLAN I [HIJJ[lm:Jl!li!l . INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC vcse 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604,688,4270 I nfo@I n tag ra -a re h. com WWW ,.In •• gr II• af'CI h . c.o,n !iiilltlli!:llJtiGIIUliil1i:IIIJI.IIBII ~~~~~ r,u ,UIT'I CI ,u"1 Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104lhAvenuo Maple Ridge, BC SITE SECTIONS 11294 1:300 November 18, 2013 ,, ...... , A-1.100 I PROPERTYUNf.__j ! BUILDING 1 _.............. I I-n -- © SECTION04 7.!lpitltm&AC.JC"---------t W SECTION05 ® SECTION06 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 5 ............... BUILOING11 PROPERTY UMe 7.Jlr'.sEl'IW:K----+---- auUJ)ING 13 --- BUILDING11 ,,,,,,,--...... ... ... "'" a:o 1----~ !'! ~ ~--=---;a: "" BUILDING 10 +----PROPUJ'Y LINE ,,,,-....., t-----f-----lJ1t111SETBACK PROPERTY LI.HE PROP£RTY LINE • l INJEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. ,111 WEST PE"NDE.R STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 In fo@l n teg ra -• re h. com www.l n tegra-arc h. com IUrBIIKTIIU Hifil ifll I: r! !I EU!! ~~~~~ Nordel Construetlon Ltd •••• .... n 1 Townhome Development 2410B 104thAvonue Maple RJdge, BC SITE SECTIONS 11294 1:300 November 18, 2013 j""JHLl.j lkUI A-1.110 PROPERTY UHi! l.S111Sl:IBAC',C-----!------I BUILDING15 CI) SECTION07 PROPERTY LINE--" ---- T.Sm~C,C BUILDING 17 -, __ -. --------~ 1© I~< °'o i ~~ -Ya...._ ll i a: II -----___... . ~ ® SECTION08 PR0PER1YUH€--L-\ ··-... -- BUILDING 2 BUILDING 1 7,Sm&l!T1W:K n '~--· ---. 1J\. . --. ,. --.. _,,,,,-.._., I .J < t zu °'c I w< >-o -· I 1~ !:a: -I -. ® SECTION09 --- BUILDING 18 ---~----·----.. . . •-• " --..,,.~ 7 ""<1 1 -\' ':""··-- -'==-=--~-----. .. i,---.PROPERTY WR! -. .. = 1,-,.,11\~ -., "' w .... u < " Z"-< :cw .. < .. ~~; -..- 1 i ~ PROPERTY L..00!: 7.JmSETBACK ~~ l~v\. y!i..l ~ rnmrnm a:nnmm ! KEYPLA!i, -$-~ ~ I (rnmJ(lN!,lm\@ rnmrnma:DD ----~ INlEGRAARCHrrECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V681TS T 604.688,4220 F 604.6111'-4270 In ro@lntegra -a re h.eom www. i ntag ra.a re h. com ll ti ~lnl!ll'llll!IIIII lrl:I nlBltlJ!I ~~~~~f= ~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410B 1041h Avenue Maple Rldge,BC SITE SECTIONS 11294 1:300 November 18, 2013 i111••1 A-1.120 -·· ,._ BUILDING 16 -· -· ~. --· --;:; --·-·'• ., .., .. zo, °'0 . w< I >-o z~ ✓ .. u -. .. @ SECTION 13 PROPERTY UHi- 7,5 m ~ .., .. za °'o W,c I >-o !:a: II = @ SECTJON14 ··- BUILDING 1B ~ -- ~ ( 1v~i..~ \/4CZ,,; 1~ I - ··- BUILDING 18 -- ~ 1~1 - -PROPERTY LINE 'f~m~ ,_ w w ,I " ... "' < 11 0 N ' ...,__PAOPOTY ~ 7.teSfflACK ,_ w w " ... ., i " ~ ,; ; INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 115 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.427D In fo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www. J nte g ra-arch .com ilflillfliiilHlililllUl!:11!1!.HI ~~ne.~~~l:,~ IU..!U fl Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 241 OB 1041h Avenue Meple Ridge, BC SITE SECTIONS 11294 1:300 November 18, 2013 1141.t.U# A-1.140 I M1 J VINYL SHlNGLES I ----lj DI WOOO TRIMS! A I ASPHALT SHINGLES H I CULTURED STONE N2 I HARDIE.PANEL 1-----lO I WOOD TRIMS M2 J VINYL SHINGLES CI VINYL WINDOWS L__ __ ....J c.OicWkll'l\)P -, "'1Q/¥11w..11llt)1,._.H11.. Gcntek Northwest JO Midnight Bbck Almond ...... Vloyl While Windows B~};lmln OC64 Moore PIJlf&•hit• Makin Black Metals Ltd. Shaw Brick SUPERMEL ....... L.. __ ....J eoaun,gs p4100.e1Hs MidnlghlBlack Jam11 Hardie Jam11 Hardie Saddle Brown Moo ... ~ ... Veneti•n Rod Cobble Slone Cobblt-Slone .:, """""" Umi~led asphalt shingles @ sloped roofs Vinylsldlng @1st,2nd,3rd, noorselllerlorwalls Vinylwlndowswlmalching nashing&windowlrims Wocd lrirM @windows, hard!epantl@ bay windows, dkoralive braekels/beams @!unit entry roof overhangs Flashing @flat.and sloped roofs Shaw Stone Thin Veneer Pro-f'lt® Ledgntonc @Columns at selected unit enlry locations Aluminum/ glass railing @balconlH Downspouts, gutters Sh.aw Stone Thin 'hnttr Pro~lt~ Ledges lone @fir1pl;111:e elements at selected locations Vinylshlngles(capecodshlngle) @!1st,2nd,3rd noorse~teriorwalls Vinyl shingles (cape cod shingle) @1sl, 2nd, 3rd noors e11.lulor walls Vinyl shlngles (cape cod shingle) @!1sl,2nd,3rd noorsexteriorwalls HafGM'PMitff>VC!rtical Siding @•lo~, ..... HardiePanet® Vert~al Siding @slope<lroors HardiePanc~ Vertical Siding @slop&droofs "' .. ~t ... -=-----•~' '. . . -!~, ; . ·: <:: . '~~/; l jL I H ICVLTURED STONE I 1o.rTH AVE'"NUE KEY PLAN . I ; ~ --------------' '.'.: I I SK-1 BROWN - SK·Z GREEN SK-3 RED - A 1 ASPHALT SHINGLES f-----10 I WOOD lRIMS --i---lMJ I VINYL SHINGLES D I HARDlEPAN EL KJGUTTERS C I VlfllYL WINDOWS DECORATIVE BAACKEiS B3 J VINYL SIDING INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604~688..4220 F 1504.688,4270 in fo@i nteg ra-a rch.co m www.i n teg ra-arch .com :!Jt!!!!!~!UIEU!HHIIIHB.!!.!-H ~k~~.t:_~ l"'RCHITECTIIALL Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104\hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC 1111u1 MATERIALS 11294 NTS November 18, 2013 l•••tl llltwO A-1.200 INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC VGB 1TS T 604 688..4220 F 604.688.4270 in fo@in teg ra-arch .com www, in teg ra -a re h.co m lt;;-q.;irl!al!!ftla;n1e 1111nn 1nm 11 ~y:gric~❖"~:~;:i:i,!rj~~t! Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lhAvenue Maple Ridge, BC COLOURED PERSPECTIVE A-1.300 CD BUILDING 1 -NORTH ELEVATION -104TH AVENUE MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-1 BROWN c ..... _, -Ma1ar1uty ~Gentek EJGH!loilk [=.__]Vinyl WindoW'!. Benjamin Moore North-s\30 Midnlgh!Bl.:k Almond Whi~ OC6' ........ Vinylwind'""Wnrttching rt.uhing&\ollll'deroH.-ll'H Wood trims@! windows, hardiepanel@ bay windovn,de<:orativebrackeUl/beams @unitentryn;,oroverlumgs Makin Melalslld Makin White IBi«k(Makin Black L__j MelalsLtd, Shaw Soulh-st Brick SUPVW;EL P4100.fi1HS ,_ __ _, ~1 MidnightBhKk Flash\nq @v.tl1~~ovn and hudiepanel loc:aliM-t only Flashing @n,1tandsloped roors Shaw Sto~ Thin V111eu Pn;,.fil® Ledeestone @Columns al selKt~ unit efllly locations Atuminumfglnsraitlng @balconin L=:l iO ilL>na; J.; CiN,OhU,D Uh Gentek While Downspouts, gurlers Aluminum Colours Soulh-sl ...... ...... Shaw Stone Thin VP:1'1eer Pro.fittl\.~•aone @lireplaceelemenlsatnlecledl1<.atiami Vinyl shinglH (cap■ cod fflingle) @1st,2nd,3rd~rse-.tuiorw.iU9 Vinylshlngles(c:ap1cod1hingle) @ 1st, 2nd, 3rd noors Hterior walls Vinylshingln(~pecod shlngle) @ 1st, 2nd, 3rd noors txl1rior w.11111 •-Ht ~N2 ~Hardie LJJamK James Hardie ~Jam~ Hilrdie © BUILDING 1 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET WEST ELEVATION SIMILAR Cobble Stone Sandstone Beige Cobble Slone H.lnll"'.Ml!if'"'e.rticalSiding @~root, l-\ardiePanetllV1rtic,1ISldlng @sloped roors HardiePanel® Vertical Siding @ sloped roofs INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604,688.4270 in fo@i n teg ra •arch. com www. in teg ra.a re h.com !:lUl:IY.il:HUI.DDlllfBiiUiITTiiJiifl 1iu1utl Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC , .... n c1·1 IIIUU COLOURED ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 llllWII A-1.310 0 BUILDING 2 -EAST ELEVATION -· -·, -·· •-8' -c -c •-E MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-2 GREEN Colour Manlb~uru ....,, Mal1111!.ey - r:__]Gfflkk --G'"i.t:k IU,. 1 Gentek I:__J Vinvt Windows ·-Ben}olmin ""'" """' Gencck Colourlomalch RererenceNo Northwesl3D MldnfghtBIKk - ~c~ w- ~,,., .. OC'4 Pure while llwwWlll'I• VinvtMnd<IWs'Mmiltci'ling nashing&windowt,ims Wood Mt, e windows, harM,-i,«I@ bay windo...._d~tivebrac:ke~ @unil•ntryroofoverhangs •-F •-H Makin Makin Met.a1sLtd. While 1&.aj Makin Bleck L__j Met.ilsLld. - Bio<> Shaw Brick SUl'f'RJi1EL ,...,., '-----' C~.atlnigir. P-410M16'llS MldnlghlBbck Flashing @natand.1lopt:droof1 ~wStant1hin -....,.fltl'to-f)S Ledgeslone t,c:OMll'la M .1d.a,o ~nlt tnll'Vfocations Aluminum I glau railing @balconies Vin)'tshingles(c;ipecodshlngle) @ 1st, 2nd, 3rd lloors e:o.tfflor walls VinylshinglH(capecodshingle) @1st, 2nd, 3rd noors exterior walls Vinylshingles(captcodshingle) @1st,2nd,3rd noorsexteriorwalls •-N3 James Hardie Jamn Hardie r:____J J•m~ Hal"Uie BUILDING 2 -SOUTH ELEVATION © BUILDING 2 -NORTH ELEVATION Cobble Stone Sandstone Beige Cobble Slone HardiePanel®VertlcalSiding @ sloped roors HardiePanel® Vertical Siding @ sloped roofs 11.0mpilDS)~ighllim,t 104Tli AVENUE INTEGRAARCHIJECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.686 4270 i nfo@i n teg ra-arc h .com www. in teg ra-a rch. com ............................ ;; ........... . Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2~ 1 OB 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC COLOURED ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-1.320 CD BUILDING 10 -NORTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET 0 BUILDING 10 -SOUTH ELEVATION •-• •-B1 -·· -., -c -□ -· MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-3 RED c ..... Manuf:iciur■r C,.ff ........ "'.Y -t:____J G'"lek ....,,,_ Genlek E._J Gtt11otk l=-----_JVinyl WrndoW9 ""'" Ben,i.imln -~ , ..... Gm•k Colourtomateh_ Relerent:•No, North-•t30 Mldni9htBl.ek Almond C.11nyonCl11y -· w,,,,. .... Pt.,,.wm. S...Ylo'hl\l Vinyl 'Mnd._ llll!f MtlDllng Rashing&-,.WOWu1-n Wood trims@ windows, h,Jrdiepanel@ bay IMndows,d«:otativebrackets/beams @unit•ntryrooroverhangs -, c___J .. ..i. "-""- -· ~elalsLld C__J ••k;, Shaw •-H Brick -J C:UEL ""-· -· Shaw -, Brick -·· GenlK -·· ..... , -·· G-,liak M - Black Southwest P410CMiH9S Midn1ght8b.ek While &illth~l SMldle ··-..... , Mon VenenMI ... FIHhing @ nat and slos-1 roofs S,M\llf"l,IIOM.Thln Ywl<C'O' ~-Ledgestone ~•selt«olidualt-'lry!oalions Aluminum I glass rail!ng @b.llconiu Dowr111poull, gutters Shaw Stone Thin VP:1'1ec.-r Pro-Fit® Ledgestone @fireplac:eelemenls:UHlectedloci1lions Vinyl shingles (cape cod 1hingle) @ 1st, 2nd, 3rd ffo,o1,1 e11.lerior walls Vinylshingte:s(eapecodshingle) @1st.2nd,3rd noorsu,t■riorw.ills Vinylshingle:s(ap■codshingte) @1st,2nd,3rd floorttxltrlorwalls --Jilmes H;irdie James Hardie James H ..... UNm "i 0 BUILDING 10-WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SIMILAR Cobble Stone Sandstone Beige CDbble Stone H;irdiePanel®VerticatSlding @ sloped roars 1-brdiePanel®VertlcalSfdlng @sloped roofs HMdlePanel® Vertie.al Sidlrig @ sloped rools :I 110m(J608')Heigl'l!limil ---.r----- 1□-4Tli AVENUE KEY PLAN INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.668.4220 F 604.686.427D i nfo@i n teg ra -arch.com www. in teg ra-a rch.co m htiil'iHlll rm RDIITTill&ililil 11 lf'ff m~~:;;~~~~,a~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104\hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC COLOURED ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 A-1.330 CD BUILDING 17 -WEST ELEVATION -240A STREET - I ® BUILDING 17 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND .... SK-1 BROWN ·-• ""'' C.C.IOw.M-lo •-G c-........... ~11~1',b --· Gr.yl Mal.11r1<ey Nor1h~st30 ~i;~r::r:,aitshlogles -"'°"" Mfdnlght8l;1ek •-II -G•l"lkk Almond ~n{~tr,:~3rd, floorstll.l~iorwalls .... -•1 •-J Ughtr,reen Gentek ~ .. c,..,. :t~i~~ !Joel, ,uiulo,-llw ..,,;. -·· •-• ..,.. .. .,. Gdlr-t.k .,,,. ... :r"'~nr.ani..11oor.~luilw-.li1 _, •-83 '""' Vinyl While Vinyt wind~ 'MM»l<.,,.ng "'""" -c "'""°"" fluhing&""""".,,..."'-• •----M, hf'lil, BeniamWI OC64 Wood lrlm• ® windows, hardiepanel@bay ·--o """" _,,,.,,_ window1,decorativebrac:kels/beams •-Ml @unltentryroofoverh.ings """" Ge!JtliW loc,,,,,'M'l1r. ;:~:~~~$~~:~~!!'tions ... •-E •-»> M.ikin Makin ~a.!t:~wfodows and h.irdiep.inel MelalsLtd While loc.iti1X1,only = ..... .. ... Flashing @natandslopadroor, Shaw South-•t 1,11....,.1,1.MC 1hin Vtneer lll'fo.r.C8 Ledgeslone Brick .AC~•s .. Kll'du!ll\mtryloc.itions S~EL P4100-'1US Aluminum/ g~u ulling •-.. MldnighLBbc:k @!billc:onies co#o, G"tl'Jtllk Mwtaltlvrn White Downspoub, gutters Colo= Shaw Soulhwe1t :~;:= ~~::r,:r::i~ .;:z:.19ne Brick Genlek S.addi. Vinyl 1hingles(C<19ec:od$hin11le) ··-@?1.st, 2nd, 3rd floo,s Hlerior walls Gentek ...... Vinylshingln(upec:odshingle) .... @11t,2nd,3rd noorsell.teriorwalls G.,n:,k ~ltinal'Wor, Vinylshingles(c,pecodahingle) .... @1st,2nd,3rdnoo1.se.11:teriorwalls .... •--NZ .. .,. James H.irdie Jame$ Hardie © BUILDING 17 -NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION SIMILAR Cobble Stone Sandstone Beige Cobble Stone H.irdiePanel®¼rtialS!dln'a'I @sloped roofs HillrdiePanel®Vertic:.alSidlng @.slo?ed roor.s Hardl•h ne}!II_Vertic:alSiding @IIQ9NNOls KEY PLAN 10411-1 AVENUE lNTEGRAARCHrTECTURE lNC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 in fo@i n teg ra -arch. com www. in teg ra•a re h.co m !llllrnmrBDll llDlliflilfffillfllillil ~i~~~~~:t~M~S:: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC JIU\I.J COLOURED ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 16, 2013 A-1.340 -·· < ... ... . .. ... UNIT F UNIT F UNfTF UNITF UNITF UNITF UNITF i==t==l 2ll.7l i=t==i "'·"' ~30.32 i=l==i'l0,&3 • ------ ' ' ' ' LJ LJ LJ LJ - I ,------ I I ... I ,t\ :,: ! ;· \ 1/\, +cl /\.i It \ T./1 I"'\::_!! I/ \i i/ q ii \i f ~«d ' b c,;, •l 1 1I • j! -+-I 1 'L I -JI -+---4"' -::;? .::::..:::: fl I\ I 11=f:lillH:ill I /\ 1 ~{!. /\ I I !'\ j ffl ! /\ i ''I\ 1'1 ·, ,11 l:$U$ ,\ j 1 / I ! i 1\I: 1 /\i r·;\I rl / ! 1 . f'<~ I \ f'<l I/ \ f'<l i V1 f\::.1 / \I f\::.1 ii \I I / • I :/ " I-I \ L O ,I h :1 ',,', ,..,.b • 0 :,ir ~ ~, • n~ •~ s• -r ·-·-. -~,~=~ ~~...1~ •. ~ .. ;:;;, .. ;;:;:;~-~-1~==:;J. l JI L-+-__ .,.JI Ll---_...,..JI ll--_...,..J, l I I 'I , I I ' -t----~ (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1 UNfT F UNfTF UNITF UNIT F UNITF UNIT F- D D FD ~-1 ' I ! i l ' ' ~--J D D D ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1 11)4TH AVENUE • 1 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T fi04.6BB.4220 F 60UiBB.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra-a re h. com ww.,. In tag ra -arch. com l:!tiHU!!ll!!B&R!IIJIHlfllRB. §~~~::~e.: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2-4108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 l •&•.UI November 18, 2013 t ......... , A-2.010 ® 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1 • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 In ro@I n tog ra -a re h. com www.1nt • g ra-arc h. com llltl!DUBIIII..D:DDDDU ~~:at= (C:LIUTJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Meple Ridge, BC BUILDING 1 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.011 UNITF 30.94 101 -,;- UNrTF 29.11 UNTTF 30.63 0 ·-,;• UNITF ~.32 .... UN!TF UNITF 29. 2 9T-6 UNITF 29.11 95'-t. UNITF 29.11 95" • 0) BUILDING 1 -NORTH ELEVATION -104TH AVENUE UNITF 29.11 95"-6" UNlf F 29.72 97"'6'" UN F 3003 ____ _.,. ___ ~t------=------1~:~~~~_:;=U~!_H:IT~~F~_-_-_-_-_-_,1 ~ UHITF ~ UNIT F 30.32 ... 30.9-1 30,6S 101'-6"' --1---A 0 BUILDING 1 -SOUTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-1 BROWN Colourlomuldl,,. Monufeduror R11rer11noa No ....... Canyon Clay WT<ko, Whl• ..... ........ ,.. SnowWtllta ·- V1r,yl wtnd~wlandllng ffuh1ng&~tri'IN Wood trim.a O wlndawa, hard~ @bey ~~~ §unll9nbyroofovafflaltp -M,kln llakln M,ta.1,Ltd.. Whll• Shaw Souttrwm.t .., .. Fluhlng 0 'llltllta wlndow:11 at1d hudl•panol loc:atlornonly fila.lT!ng 81'u1nd•lopedruob Shew Ston• Thin V.it...-Pn>-,Flte LldgMlrm• ftColumna at H!Gd9d unit ,ntry loQadorP AlulM!um / glua nlllng Qbalcanla I""" I a .......... _, ___ ,. C.ll!tlll Whlta Do11ffltpouta, girttar-AIJ.Hnlnum ··········---~ Sh1w .... c___J - Go .... ...... ........... Moonlit -........ ... Shaw Slone Thin V9neer P!v-f'iMO LMgMtonlil 0 ffl"llpl-elemanls at s■Jecmd locathrn• Ylnyt ahln9lfl (apa cod 11hlnglo) Q11Jt.%nd.]rdllooraMtMOf'w.lla Vktyl &hlnglN (cap11 cod 1hlnglo) Cl 1st, Znd, 3rd noor.i 1.d9r\orwalb Vlnyl shlngln (c:.ipo1 cod •hlnglo) 01.t,2nd,Jrd H001"11intariorwe,Ii. -·· t::_j'-Hu'ell• _., t:_j'-" Hardi■ __ , C_J Jmn" Hardi■ 0 BUILDING 1 -WEST ELEVATION I: :! __ u~('-Ul')HelghtUmn HI © BUILDING 1 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET Cobb• Heial1Pan.teV..-tlc::al Siding Ston■ Q,lopctd!Vm S.ndst.on■ Hardl■~l«I V.rtlcal Sid Inv Bel11• O■lofMHlruab 104nt AVENUE Cobb• Han:lleP'an9"9V11rtlcalSldlng ..... G•~r,:,of9 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 In fo@I n tag ra -a re h. com www, I nta g ra-a re h.co m llll.lDllDIJDIII.I..l.lfiHl!iiirGD ~-==-":,c.~~~:ftt.! ~ Non:lel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410S 104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.012 l I ... ,. I 1----3-t-11 .. ___ ----,II ,-----3+'·-·----. I, ii ! i 11 i ;! I, i I, 1• ! I I : 1.. 1 I.J i r, )J D~~. ~111-~1.~1\J u /\ l I / \ i I / \ I /\ I /\ / \ I ! / \ i i; \i . / \. i \ I \ if \i -=" i/ ,~·oO._~_./ 1.\1 1 • 1 \ o '..l_~ I \ 1,,1 \I _-,,,,. i,1: .!1it~~1·1 / \I ----1/ • 'J II~:: " ,, :: ==--:::::_ II' \, V ·l -::::V ', --=~ :J ~ '---=: 'I UNI"! Dl UNIT C1 UNIT Bl UNtr C1 UNtr 81 ' i /\ I i I / \ i -I ; \ ! : ! / \ i I! \I ~ \I \: 1rl G) 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2 ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2 • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 411 WEST PE.NDE'R STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 61M..u.l.4no F 604.SIIS:.41'70 In fo@I nte g ra -a re h. com www. In tag ra-arc h. com ii es tra!I ea·1t1te~tt.Jliall11n 111:111 ~~~~.;il\; Norclel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lh Avenue Maple Ridge, BC flilU) BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 lillll'I I A-2.020 UNITD1 UNITC1 UNJTB1 W 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2 • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,686.4220 F 604.688.4270 In fo@I n tog ra-a re h. com www.lntag ra-arc h. com ll!llt.lllllllUllllll11111111CIIIJH1tl ~~fC.~~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104lhAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 2 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 IUIII A-2.021 0 BUILDING 2 -EAST ELEVATION ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-2 GREEN t:__J M•kln -· ~•lal•Ltd. Colourlon'l81dl.. Calour Manufed:ulilf R11fenmceNo E..,_, i::____J M■kln -· ~■lal■Ud. -· ~Mmr1i:■y _...,,. ~=.,, =.it •hlngln lill,f,rlllhilllladl Show -· 8r1ck -•1 1~ I GGn• ,imond ;?'~~~n13nl, flootSPlMW-n, _, 8.UHR.WEL ·-- -•2 1l%N~ 1 6-~k CanyunCI-,, :1.~~.:~Jrd, !100,:a; ■xlMkl, -ii. -· _., 1-I°"' .. Wlmkat ~'?~~~~lnl, noon,.IIJliAriorYnlla Sh■w _, """' -· r:___J ~~ ""'~ .., ........ Y1nylwlnd-.w,l11"1ndl.1r,g n..l'lln9&~UVM __ , t:=]- -o ,~~ 1~k, OC64 WoodWrna .• ~~@ bay P111wM1it. ~~lirKhtJr.1M.-. @ unit arrtry roof owrilanp _., Gent11k -E .... ...... Sna-.Whlt. "flM'll.~.-l~Nffltl' ~'1ftil:Pliltt4'1W ~◄lfilr4Md•1l'ffl .. , al'~.~ .... " ...... ~ _., 0,- "''" wi,,, Black .. ,,_., P4100-6169S Mldot11htBlack wi,,.. "°"'""""'' ..... .....,, MoonlK •= ....... ... ' .... 0--~andhardl•panol lilc:«aM oriJy' Shnrr Slone Thin V.nMr ~~ LNgntoM QCcilumn■ 111: 1111!.dwd unit •nlr)t loathm• Down■pouta, gUU.1'11 ShnrrSton■Thln VenMrPro-fite L■dgnllKI■ G ll"'pt.c. 11l■m11nb at Hl■ctwd IOQUons ~ny/ ahl~le• (~ cod •hlngle) @1.t,znd.~ lloofw ■Klwior....ill Ylnyl ahlngkNI (c:apa cod ■hlngle) Q1,rt,.lnd,3rd lk>ofs■$rJor..,.jb VlnJlahlnglo•(~pacod•hlngl■) ft111t,2nd,3rd hoc,,-11,dlW'ior-JI■ __ , t:____J J-Hardi■ _., t__]Jmn" Hardi• -·· c:___J = BUILDING 2 -SOUTH ELEVATION © BUILDING 2 -NORTH ELEVATION Cobbl• Hen:li.PIIMICI v.,tlc:al Siding ...... GsloJMd rvoh SandrlantL ,~rtlc:a.l Sldln9 .. , .. 104.Tii AVENUE ...... H~Yow11'.ea1Sldlng -ti•~,.. INTEGRA ARCHITECJURE INC. 419 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 504,1588.4220 F 604.688.427D In fo@I n ta gra -a re h. com www. In te g ra-a rch. c om 11111Dllff111Hlllll:UIDDI ~~~~~e:: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.022 UNITC2 UNITC2 UNIT82 UNITC,Z ' ' ' u) 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 3 UNITD3 UNIT82 UNITC2 UNIT82 UNIT 82 [] ' ' ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 3 AMENITY 28. I • , INJEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688,4270 In fo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www. In tog ra-arc h. com IIIllllllliHEIUUl l.lnl!.S:1111. i&t~~~~~ [l;Lll!IITJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC rlllll l BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 IIIOIJ A-2.030 UNIT 03 UNITB2 UNITC2 UNIT 82 UNIT C2 UNITB2 UNITC2 _____ .J:!:::J:=='ll==:\...,..._,,,,,-=...,...IP=""""'=-.-oe===w=="""!-""'"""'""""""=-li-="ll==-i---........ .....-·1------------ W 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 3 104TH AVENUE • 1 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T ~611.4220 F H4,iia.AVO I nfo@I n te g ra-a re h. com www.l nte g ra-a rch. com lllii!!HHl&Hlillii:lllllBIHl!IEI f::r.""~--~~to~M ~~------- Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410B 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC t Tlll11 BUILDING 3 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November18,2013 A-2.031 UNrTD3 3D.41 100· "" UNIT B~ UNrTCZ UNITB2 UNITC2 UNITIU UHITCZ (v BUILDING 3 -NORTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET 0 BUILDING 3 -SOUTH ELEVATION ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND t:__J ""'" SK-3 RED ... , -· M<1r.l•Ltd. Whl" Co:itul'li~-c____J M•kln Blad< Colour ·-Rlilff,'tll'IOtltO, ''"''""" -· M•taiaLtd. -· 1= ,M■l~•Y __ ,. ~~~•hlngln -.,,.,. .. ..,,_, lil.,Wolllllllladl: -" .,. .. 1~ I G.nls-Alm°"" :r,t~~. llootaamricw-H■ -SUPERNEL P4100-61899 -·· _, PowNr MldntghlBlac:k "°""""" -·· 1~~ 1~~k Cariyvncr-,, ;1.L~lrd, nooni utanor -11■ -· c__J G.nwk Whllo Aluminum Colou111 1-1-..,. Wlckw :r.:~.!l3nl. ftoo111umriol'w.J .. _, c::::J .... .. .,.,_, _., ""'' -c 1~8 ,~ Wh"' Vl'IYJt'll'lndr;,on.,~tng -·· I I -...... "-hlng& ....... trl.NI - -D ,~~ 1 ~ln OCl4 ...... ~0....._Mrdi,.p.,.c;NJ _.., ...... llllootllit Pu111whlta '""'°'"'~~ -c; unit entry l'1)0f onrhang9 _, ~---~~.:ll::"": -_., ...... V.J111tlan of.illllk<tny,i:rn~l'l1,.lftt,l~onw ... AMENITY Fluhli,o @ 'fmllll wbWlooa1, and han:llapanol locatl-~ C_JJ--·· Hardltl '1uNn11 ••••ndslap,rdroofs _., t:_J J-• H•rdlti Shaw Sle>ne Thin VanNr Pn>-FIMD Llld9N10n1 QCc,lumnw lltael..cbd unit •nt,y IOQ.&na i=:::=J J~u _., Hird .. ~"t,'%:;!,tla.t,-lllng Downapouts,gUU.ni """"'P.«MilN,f~,.,..,..UGQM.ID,,• Ot1,-pi..--iaa1:u--,~ Vlnyl shf119ln (cape cod ■hlngla) Olwt.lnd,lrd ffootW.nwtorwalle Vlnyl ahlrtglN (c::ap11 cod ■hlnglol) 01st.2nd,3rd nooniutertorwalb. Vlnyl •hlnglu (cape cod 11hl119I•) 01.t.2nd,3rd noonaJdwiar-lls ,-.. 11.0ilnQII.Dt'))Wl:k~ I 0 BUILDING 3 -WEST ELEVATION -----,lo-:---==-=_-_·---.-"""-.>~._-=~~'-=-~-----:! ' ------------~--.:.:'"""=('"'...,="'-=="""= © BUILDING 3 -EAST ELEVATION ~J. ~h,..,.YwtrcalSldlng ,,_ __ ..... S.ndRllllll ~IW-'-'-rtlcalSldlnv Ihle• -- Cobb. HardlePaneteVartk:al91dlnv ..... @■lopedrooho • INTEGRAARCHITECTURE tflC, ,11 WEST PE'NDER s-mev- VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.6B8.4220 F 604.688,4270 In ro@I n te g ra -arch.com www. In te gr a-a re h . com •niHIJliiifiiiilllij.ilifiQ ~~~~:a!:: [CLIUTJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 241081041hAvenue Maple Rkl99, BC BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.032 UNJTB ,, I I I I UNfTC (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 4 UNITB UNfTC ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 4 __ , __ UNITC I I ! I ' UNITS I --.. , UNITC "" UNITC I I 104TH AVENUE KEYPLAN m _ffi_ ~11 1 't1 :~ !: I I ______ ____JI INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.427D In fo@I nte g ra -a re h. com www.ln tag ra-arc h. com H.ll~IIIBn:IH.11.!lIIIBlilffllii ~€ic~~t:! 1-SLir•II Nord.el Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lh Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING4 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1,u ,ur1 November 18, 2013 rnu/ lJIIM'■l A-2.040 0 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 4 104Tii AVENUE • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688..4220 F 604,688.4270 I nfo@I n tag ra-a re h. com www. In tag ra-a rch. com m.t.illlll'.511"1illlill"ii1ijlilill §.-§?t<~+-7~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lh Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 4 FLOOR PLANS 11294 MOO November 18, 2013 1•n•1 A-2.041 CD BUILDING 4 -WEST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET I I _j ____ _j_ ___ ~---' I ____ L _____ L (1) BUILDING 4 -EAST ELEVATION ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-1 BROWN .... .... , Malo.In _, M1ta11ltd. Whllll Colourtomaldl.,, ,_, Manuf9d!Jrw R111'eronceNo '""""' c__J M■kln ., ... -G ~1tal1ltd. -· 1~ 1~1~ N~30 ~:==-=lit ■hlngln ---..... ...,._, -· """' -•1 ,.. 1 6-n• ...... ;1~1~~:tnl, floo111utMiotw.ll1 -t.\lPEfl.',lfL P410G-61i19 _, t=::., MldnfahlBIKII' -•2 1~r-I a.~ Canyan c1-, ;r...-~~Jnl, lloorautatlof-111 -· Wh,.. -m 1-1-w,,,~ :f.,._•~~113nl, lloorsQiarlor-11• -L C____J Show .. -"""' -c lww. I ~- Whlto r..,:.:r:::.~.:::!1'" -Mt c=J~MN ...... ..... -o ,~ 1 ~ln DCM Wood lrim11 0 wfndowa, hard~ G bay Pur.whK.. wtndc>.n,~brackllblbMnw Aunltentryroofowmanp -M2 c=JGentek -.... -· E___J Oonmk --,.~~~.....,... ,-;all.atwNlffll~~-gffltir. -~~a1.,....i.v.uo1J11 -Ml .._ V.Mllln ... Fluhlflt Owtil• ...,,._andhvdl11puol ·--r:__J J-u __ , H•rdl• """'" Ohl ■nd slopad roafli .,__., t:_JJ-u H•rdl<II Shot Stone Thin V.neer ~tte Ladgnton■ QCl1lum1J11 ilt.nlKDld unll .ntry loc:11tkm1 _., l:._J'-q H1rdle Alumift:w1J1,tlaN,-lllnrg CIHl«Kll•"t o.wri■pouta,,v~ s.tw.atawThh ~Pro-Af;~ ..... e1t11P'-c.lMtl'IIIIMI-N..,_...tw..t,..M 'Yln)'1 ahlnv!n (c::ap9 cod shlng!.) (t l.t_ Znd, 3rd ltool-. ell1Nfof'-,. Vlnyl.r,ln<,Jl•{c:apecod■hlngi.) Q 1.t. 2nd, 3rd nooni •ll'Nrlorwalb Vlnyl ahlnglu (capa cod 11hl119!.) ft 1,n, 2nd, 3rd noor. 1:irtenorw.lla ® BUILDING 4 -SOUTH ELEVATION Ci) BUILDING 4 -NORTH ELEVATION ...... ~V.rtk:a191dlng -.. _ ..... $mdttci1111 H;~W'YltrUcal Siding .... .. ...... ,_ 104Tlf AVENUE Cobb • Hadl<IIP'an<llle Vlllltk:al Siding 9too• G ■lopedrvof9 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC VtiB 1T$ T 604.6B8,4220 F 604,688.4270 In fo@I n te g ra -a re h. com ww w. In tog ra-a re h. com Qll.l..DIIlllllD.lf.Dititiiilll ~~~-=i:u~f: Notdol Coostruclfon Ud Townhome Development 24108 104\h Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 4 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 1, ..... A-2.042 I I --I I I o.ol1t-----~''"--·"--l-----''"'--~---l _ _.,/ll..---l---""-"-------+---ll"''----~' UNIT CZ ' UNIT 82 '-UNJT C:2 ' UNIT 82 UN.IT 01 I (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 5 104nt AVENUE ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 5 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra-a re h. com www. I nte era-arch. com i:UHi..i! e:1111ee!lllUU!e!IHIJI I" IJ IUl ~~r~ j.utUTrttt tl.,.~I Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Rlclge, BC BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.050 UNITB2 UNITC2 UNJTB2 UNITD3 .. W 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 5 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B1TS T 604.688.4220 f 604,688,4270 I nfo@I n tag ra -a re h. com www. In lD ~ r• •• re h. com UBHliiiUiiBilflnlJJHilllllil!I ~~~~-:Y.::1'-:: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 1041hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC I lo'T~.11 BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.051 CD BUILDING 5 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET UMTDJ 29.2$. 96' " _L ___ _JL-------_ _ _ _j ____ _j ® BUILDING 5 -WEST ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-2 GREEN l.=____J M•llln _, Matal•Ltd. Colourh:lmaldl .. , "°""'' Mlll'luflld!JIW RefD1t1ne11No, Eklmonb c___J M■llln -a M•tal•Lld. -A e:__]Mal•rt.Y ~~::~ ~=:' ,::r-it•hlngl .. .. _ -.,_ -H --·· 1-I"'" .. Almond Vl!lrl•ldlng C11M,2nd,3rd, ffoarautarior-11• -.svP8U'EL _, ·-....... -·· ,~..., ,~k C.S.yvn Clq :rsl,•~~3rd, ftoo,-utJtriorMJI• -· _., 1-,-Wicker ~~~3rd, noo,-unnorwa11• Sh--L '""' -c ,~ ,~ Whl~ Vlnylwlnct...."".-..!ng llut!l119&~1111na -M1 c___J- -· M .... Benjamin CCM Wood b1m1 Cl wtndow9, t.dlep&MI Cl bey ..... Purwwhlt.ll wtnd<l"P, decoratt.... brackala/bellffl,I -MZ C..nt■k Cl untl antry roof nvwt,,anga -· ~Gen\9k lloowwtlift• •~.C':'Gffllw~=:-,Dfflm, s.:llt'~~ll"ol!ll~•lrntlon■ -M3 r:::=J - M■kln Whl~ BlllCk .. ..,,.... P<41oo-e181S Mtdnf,ghlBi.ck Whn, .. ..,,_,, --.....,, --....... Rod """"' Q WMli W!i ..... u,d lwdl•panol -·-..... ,. .. O ... aod ■lop■d roob Shaw ston, lllln V.nMI' Prt>,,l'tte LlldgNIDM QColumrno il1. s.i.a■d unit ■ntry lnatlona -- Sh-Shm• lllln veneer Pro-Fite Llldgu!Dn■ G ftrwplace ■tem11nts al ,■l■d9d loettlon, Vln)'1 shlnvln (cape cod :1hlr19l1) ftlsl.znd,3"9 noc-utwtDrw.111 Vlnyl lhlngl• (cap■ cod 1hln11l1) O 1■t, 2nd, 3"9 ftDOts 1:IIWrlor-■tls Vlnyl shlnglmi {cape cod ,hln11I■) Q1■t,2nd.,3nlftODtW■J;hlrlor-ll• -·· c:__J ,-Hardi• _., ~~= -·· t___J ~= !: 1111 UPfrT 03 __,....,......-· ® BUILDING 5 -NORTH ELEVATION © BUILDING 5 -SOUTH ELEVATION """"" HMll■Pan■Mt V■ftlal Sldl119 .,_ a,IDfMdrvoh S.nd'1Dnti H~l■P.n.l«IV.rticaJSldlng B■lg■ Q,,IDpedroot■ Col>bl• HanileP1m11«1 V.rtlCII Siding stone g11Dpedroot■ 11.0m(3608')Hillgttll.lnl 104nf AVENUE INTESAA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V15B 1T5 T 1504.&BB.4220 F 604,688.4270 In r~@I nto g ra-a r ch.com www.f n t•G r 11-~ r·c h. com l!SIJ.9911llRIEDDU¥J;Siflllf ~~'r.c.~~ l~ltU tJ Nordal Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenua Maple Ridge, BC l111UI BUILDING 5 ELEVATIONS 11294 November 18, 2013 A-2.052 I I I ----I UNTTC2 1 UNn"82. I UNITC2 1 UNIT82 t UNITC2 UNIT 92 UNIT Ol -r 1 .. r 1 ----~=~-1 .. =-=~-' =·-=····~!==·~J.=~! =--=-~--'-=-·=·--~-r--i---- 21.1l" • I I (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 6 •. ..,__--'-'-'------,f---....,_--+-_ __..L___-,/------~--+-__.,"'---+--...!JfL----4--~--/, UNITC2 lINrrUl UNITC2 UNITB2 UNITC2 UNIT 82 UNITDJ 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 6 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 4.11:11 WEST PEHOER ST'R.E!ET VANCOUVER, SC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 In Jc:1@1 nl• gr■•• rc"t1 .com www. I nte g ra-arch .com llllElifOiifliUlii&SillllffJ ~~~~=1= Non::lel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 6 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 11111._, •• November 18, 2013 A-2.060 UNlT C2 UNIT B2 UNITC2 UNIT B2 UNrT C2 UNITB2 UNIT D3 0 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 6 • l INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I ntag ra -a re h. com www. In tagra-arch. com .lt.!U!!fhll"IIIEIIIIB'nrlDIIDCIIE! ~€~~~~~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 241081041hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 6 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1~100 November 18, 2013 IDAflT A-2.061 CD BUILDING 6 -WEST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET ® BUILDING 6 -EAST ELEVATION 0 MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-3 RED ~-fl\Cft. .• Colo<,, --R:.lli!~tb. "'="" -A i~r;,,,,, r.larkay ,~, =i:11 ~ =alt •hlngln -•1 1~ .I GDQWk ....... :'?~~,::lnt, noa,.,xtMk.,,-.Jt, -·· 1--_!°"""'' canyanCl.y ;?~~~:rlrd, ftOG,.ilClrtf>r-.JLII _., r:___J 6-nwk -:f~~~~l3nl, floora~rw.JI• -c E__J~I -YlrTJl'Mnd--',riatdllog n.t11r,g& ........... -- -o E_J89"~~ OC64 Wood bimt ft wirlOOWII, haft!~ @I bay M-Pu,-whtt. "'nd~ decorwttn ~k•blblun■ Qunlt■rrtryroofc,vwhanga -· E_JGen~ --· ~~~i:::-.offlm, llhal~ll¥N1W\IJl,llt--■1i.'flltlcillll _,., ,~ l tbkln Makin L__IM1tah1ltd.Whllll P410<M1&99 Midnight Black Whit. So ....... , ... ._ 0..--i:""°"""';mdhudl•pan•I --' .. OIN■nd ■lopedroGfs Shaw Ston• Thin V1n1Mf' Pn>-$'~ LitdgulzHl• QColumn■ llt Nklmd unit 9fTtry IOQ!k>na AlumkwlftllJau,allng (tb•~ Slvw Siona Thin VfilMr Pro-Fffe Ledg..tno■ (I nrwpa-.ioments ■t .. i.cmct IOQ1ton, Vinyl shlngln (cape cod •hlngla) ff11ft,.2nd,Jrcl fto0f911;1afior-.lb Vlnyl 1hlngl• (c:ap,a cod ■hlngla) 0 bt, 2nd, 3rd noon ■x19rklr -lb Vlnyl shlnglff (capo cod shl11919) Q111l,2nd,3rcl floon"1ar111r-ll.t UNl~3 -"~ 21.-1--3"-- ' ______ _l_ ® BUILDING 6 -SOUTH ELEVATION j: 95"-0!" C---I -------~--!l!!.~llol(n_'-'!!!_ ' © BUILDING 6 -NORTH ELEVATION t:_j'-Cobbl■ HWll\tP'lntl«l'lwtk:alSldlng __ , H1rdl<t --Cslopedrvofll -,_ StndstDn• Han:119P'an91«1\'llrtk:a1Sldln51 _., Htrdlt Btllg■ Gtloped raah 1G4TH AVENUE t:_j '-u Cobblo HardleP-.n1MP V,rtk:al Siding _., Htrdlt 9000,, G•lopMlroofl • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I nt• g ra -a re h. com www. I nt11 gra-a rch. com .,:i ••••• , ••••••• --·-··-···········lu ~flC.~~T~lr.~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2◄108 10tllh Avenue Mapls Ridge, BC t11nu BUILDING 6 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 ltC,n1I November 18, 2013 A-2.062 ., UNITOl UNITC2 UNITB2 I /\ I i\ /\ , I \ 1 , / \ i / ' I I I \ / '\ ; i 11 1 \ = 1 ~ w t ! \ ~ _:C I I ! l s----=-i;' ' I I \1 ---\ ---I \ V !\ i iii, i i\ ' i I ' /\ ' '\1~11. ·\ / ,I If\ I\ \ i I / \ I / ' i \ i ~ i / \i ~ c_ ;· \ i ,i \i if \I I r r-----\! ~ I' . I • I/ I \ ", I I 1---~ _J I I W 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 7 UNIT03 UNITC2 DJ (1) 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 7 UNITlll ,1\ : /\ /\ I\ , \ I '\ I \~c_l! ' \lr l\ \ I UNIT B2 UHITDl 3.1.09 /\ ! , I I I '\ 1 u I I '-/ I ! c_ I \! :~ f\ ,: ~ L~ UNIT D3 i JNTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.4270 In ro@I n te g ra-a re h. com www.ln tag ra-a re h. com IIBIHifiiilSillrHiiliiUlliillll' .~";,o.~~~!: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104 lh Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 7 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1•■1tn!ll1 1:100 November 18, 2013 J■...'1.-, A-2.070 UNIT D3 UNITC.2 UNITB2 UNITC2 UMITB2 UNITD3 W 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 7 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688,4270 In ro@I ntegra-arc h. com ww w. IR to; r1 ~• rcn. c. om ··············~···· .... ~ .. ~~ ......... . ~2k~~~ (1'1-11•11 Norclel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 7 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 CICMII November 1 B, 2013 1111-'HI A-2.071 G) BUILDING 7 -SOUTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET ® BUILDING 7 -NORTH ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-2 GREEN -M•"1n _, lihAl•Lll:I. ColoUrlomoldl ... Co'°"' Manufeduo:ir R11fllomcvNo. -C_J···· -G lhtal•Ltd, -· ,~ I Mm•~•Y _,. ~ =lit •hlng!M illitWt.hltilack -.,_ -H ·-_., ,~ ,~ .. Almond ;rat.~3'!-noo .. ~-.u. -J.UVfJl,NEL _, ·---·· ltl,;N,-., I C..ntak Can)'Onc1.,. :tr ... •~Jnl, ftoor:autarlor-.JI• -K I:_J G<lrrt11k Alumln1o1m Cal°"r:11 _., 1-1-Wlckw :rriai:~Jrd,lloar:aamrfor-.Jla Sh--L """' -c t:__J w~ Whl~ =~n:==-~ng Wl ....... -·· ...... -D IYtMu I ~h, OC64 Wood~O~_..,.Nl@bar Purawhtta ~ .._._.. i.-bb.'ltoMn.v @unttantryroofow,hanp -MZ ...... ..... -· ...... SfKN'Whlm :a-:r~IN~..utll..=:.gfflt., .... riif~.~-• .,.,.ale..uo119 _., ...... Makin Fluhl119 Whl~ 0 whh~and MJ"dl•panol __ ..., t:_J J-N -·· H•rdl• Blod< P~ng Ol'lltand'llop,,draab LJ~= _ .. ......... , Shew Stone ll'lln V110Nr PTu-FtMD LeclgNl:one QColvrnn■atnlactvdunlt•ntryloartlon■ _., r:__J JmnN H11rdle P410CM189S ;'t:"'~•r ... rw1nna Mldn,UhtBlack Wh"" 0ownitpOUta,gutbr:a .......... , Sl'lsw Stone lllin VenMr f'n>-.FIMD Llldgulllne Qflrvplacaehm•nl:latsai.ctadlricallon■ ..... Vinyl ■h'"91•• (CIIJl" cod ■hlngla) ·-G 1.t. %nd. 3rd noo,-,.tanor-11e ....,,. Vinyl •hlni!IN (cap11 cod 11hlngl<IJ .... Q111t,2nd,3rd noonu:t,r\ar-1• .. ..... Vlnyl ■hlngla■ (capa cod 1hlngl11) ... O 1st, 2nd, 3rd noon utwior-lla 11.0m{36.08')Heighll.lmit ----1 ---- @ BUILDING 7 -EAST ELEVATION H'..(1-----• --------~--c.c";;.-""';;.(M.Of'l==".::llig:ChlC:UCCC.,;L ' IO' © BUILDING 7 -WEST ELEVATION Cobble H#'Clk"--YM!'caJSldlng ... ~ o-- S1mdstone ~ ~~rt!CIIJSldlng Belg• --104Tlt AVENUE Cobl>I• Han::li.Plin•leVllftlcaJSldlng ,_ ft■lopedrvor. • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC~ 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T fi04.6BB,4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I nte gra -a re h. com www. In le g ra-a re h. com lilHIHHHIUUIUHBID ~~~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAveoue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 7 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 3 A-2.072 29.10 l _, ' UNITOO I i ' i I (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING s UNITC2 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 8 ~ I\ l \ . I \. =l' n ,, I ~ ii \ i' 1 UNIT D3 ,------, l I 104TH AVENUE KEYPLAN m _a)_ ~111 ~ :mm; i: ' ' v _____ __...ll • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604.&88.4220 F 604.688.4270 lnfo@I nteg ra-arch, com www.lnto9ra-1 re r,, c-o m ~Tift~-~ .. -~" ~-~"'~~.=,..,.r.. Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 8 FLOOR PLANS 1:100 (H"l,U) November 18, 2013 IH1■1 A-2.080 .... 't-----""'"'"----+---'-------1~--=---+----"''----+----='----4 UNITB2 UNrTC2 UNIT B2 UNrrC2 UNITDl 0 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 8 INTEGRAARCHJTECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.6B8.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra-a re h. com www.lnte g ra-a rch. com l,;au;!:!I.IIIIHllll.lllllflnllll'HI ~~~::u,;. Nor<lel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC IHU.11 BUILDING 8 FLOOR PLANS 11294 November 18, 2013 A-2.081 G) BUILDING 8 -WEST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET 0 BUILDING 8 -EAST ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-3 RED Colourlornatdl ... c-Menuflldllrw R111'1nncaNo ·- -A ,~ 1~~., =:. ~~•hlng'- __ , ,~ I Genblk Alm""" ;rr~~~'"'-, noorwaa!IH1orwall■ -·· !"""''""_I"""'"' C.ny,:;,nCl.y ;,~~~~. ftoonlQtarlor.-.111 _., 1-1-Wl<kw ;?:~~~3rd, floot:11Q;br1of,...ll1 -c ----Windows t:_JVI~ Wl,tn Vln,lwlndll'l!"IWJ!l'lcbl'nt1 ftuhlng&~llril'PM -o ,-,~ OCM Wood b1m■ 0 wlndowll, n.nfi.p.net@ NY Pi.,r,,whll.a 'llindows, chconrth-a tnc:h~ CD unit ■ntry roof owm&l'l1P -· t=]---·~-=--~~::-.gffl ... -~-~tt•1119gt111l-v.tlor. _.., _.., 1™1 M-.rn lbktn l__J M<lm!11ltd.Whlta c__J M■kln M■t.r■Lld. .,.,. ..... SUPERMEL , .... , ~--~eo.tlog, .. .... ., ... ......... P-'100-411198 MldntghlBIKk Whit. 91\aw Slof,e Thin VenNr ~ Ledg .. mne QColumns fl uloctad u11lt Wllr)' l~ons. Aluminum/ glua ra!Ong @IMlleonlu Stww3w!i■ThlnV-Pro-f'lteled~ Cl n,-pia ... akrn<lnt!I al Hlectad klcadon,s Vinyl ahlngl9.!I {cap,, cod 11hl119hl) O 1st, 2nd, 3rd noors 11:dutorwalla Vlnyl Mll09!.11 (c:;ip,, cod .11hlngk1) g 1st. 2nd, Jrd noors ■JdMic,r -•t. -·· t.=J~== _., t:____J,~ .. H■rdl■ _., t:=]-...... ® BUILDING 8 -SOUTH ELEVATION < .......... ::::::..,, ... __ ,_'29, r,· .. ---- ---------,--------11" .... =c,u,='"',_c:-=""=' ., 0 © BUILDING 8 -NORTH ELEVATION-INTERIOR STREET c.o.~ HardlPMti.v.,tJca!Skflng ..... @1klpadrooh S■odslon. HardlePan•le V.rtlc:111 Siding S.lg■ @.slapedraob °'""" Hftia~V.rtkalSldlng -•• Jc,,pt,f,.,. INTEGRAARCHrTECTURE INC 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.4270 lnfo@I nt•gr1 •• rch.ca in www.l nto g r•-arch. com 1111.nnne1h1tt!IHllll:lllDilEI ~~~='= (Cl,.IIJTJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410B 1041h Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 8 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 Navomber1B, 2013 A-2.082 r ' l i ~---711 I I ' ' I I ' i (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING g ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING g UNITE i , I INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.427D I nfo@I n tag ra •a re h. com www, I nte g ra-a re h. com l[I.J!CIIJl1l"DUiiEHlillt!~!EII? ~~INo.,..,._,~·~ ~~":<.~--~--~1!! Nordel Construction Ltd Townhomn Oevn!opmnnt 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC flllU~ BUILDING 9 FLOOR PLANS 1:1D0 fW&.&.•11 ~ovember 18, 2013 1e1An1 .,...,,.,._,.I A-2.090 ... UNJTE 0 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 9 • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,6BB.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n tag ra -a re h. com -www. In 1• lil r•-• re n. com S!UUHnil!?UllHO IUU!IHI 1111.n C n ~.c.~:;:-~:a~ f.-,llCHITl!.CT H:ALJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC ltiTUI BUILDING 9 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 jll'il-.1.1■1 A-2.091 UNITE 29.26 6 • CD BUILDING 9 -NORTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET ® BUILDING 9 -SOUTH ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-1 BROWN C__JMakln _, Metallllld.. ColourlDmatc:h ... Colaur Manuflldu111r RefllfllllCIINo. -~Makin -· M■tal■Ltd.. -A 1:= ,~ut•y ~llO ~=:~•hlngl• INdl'\IOM-m.... -· t=]shaw ..... -•1 1-. I Genmk Almond ;rr.a:~~3"1, lloorw~-11• -SUttfl,NEL _, ....... c.- __ , ll..igl)I (1(Hn .J o.ntak c.nyunClqt ;r..:~lfd,ftoal'IUS.rtor-11• -· ~ Gerrtek Alumloum Colou~ _., 1-1---;rr...:-~~lrd, lloors..-t.rtorw.11• -L c:::=1·---"""' -c t=]Vlnyl ""'" Vlnylwlnd..-"-ffl#IC:ftlng llahlng &•tMOw"trta. j Wind_. -M1 .. _ -o lmw 1~ DC'4 Wood lr1ma @window&, ~@bey --wlndowa, decorattn lnc:k•blbauna @U11lterrtryrDafDVWl'l.an;e _.., ...... -· t__J Gen~ s,;,_Whilif ir£,~~~~M _.., --- .... , :--r,:_,._aodhud~nal w,,,,. ---~~::: -•1 Black Fh•blna • flal and !!loped ruoflo -J.n,H _,., H■rdl■ -·· 9U. Stone Thfn VanMr Pn>-Flte L9dgu!DM QCalummistaeloctadu11ttentryl-.ttons _,,, r:______J J~u ·-- P4100-e1099 ~-::==:ri:. ,1_. ralllng MldnllilhtBlack Whli. ~pouta,guttars -· 91Nrw3to!M Thin V.,-Pro-Flle Lecf9N!Dne Q ffnopt.c. .i.m.lff!I d s■i.et.d locatlons Saddle Vinyl shlnglff (c:apa cod ■hlngl9) ·-Q1at,2nd,3rd lloORutlll'lorw■lla ._,. Vlnyt Mtln9'N (RtM cod ■hl11g19) ·-@1st.2nd,3nl noors ■xtenornb v,uwltan Vlnyl ahlngln (capa cod 11hl11gl-■) ... Q 1st, 2nd, 3rd floorl; Htotiorw■Jia ,u, UNITE ZU3 II0'-0-:[ 0 BUILDING 9 -WEST ELEVATION 0 BUILDING 9 -EAST ELEVATION-INTERIOR STREET Cobble ffardi.hn■fev.,tlca!Sld~ ..... O•IOJNC!rvoh Sandftl:lr,e Han:llePan.MD v.rtJc::.I Siding .. , .. @11lopld rvofa 104Tli AVENUli -· Kan!i-Parie'®V■rticaJSldlno ..... G•loplwtl'OCm • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604.688,4220 F 604.688,4270 In fo@I n tag ra ·ii re h. com www.lnl•g r1 •■tc:.h . com Hlrila'i!relni!i:t1EH-H111Hll ~~~-===~•:i•~ ~~--""'--.. Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lhAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 9 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 ... ,.. pn ••I A-2.092 ! i ' : i 'I 11 UNrTE: 25.91 ., I • r ! ! i ! (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1 O UNITE UNITE .. ---, ~ ___ ..._~;i-1.--1-...., _-_aa .... ==----__;;;;.3-t.;i;;;;;;;;_~;;;;--;r"""""""'b1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;l"-r-t;~l;;;;;;;;;~T"1"t;;;;;;.;;;;~,::"::!::t1.-..-1.---- ~ 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 10 104TM AVENUE • , INTEGRAARCHrTECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V15B 1T5 T 604,6BB.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra ·• re h. com www.l nlag ra•• re h. com anHHUHUlll!IIIDJIBI ~:~~'£ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 1041h Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 10 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 1•11:.1o111 November 18, 2013 Jl''-"'I A-2.100 •O!!,t----=----+-----"·"'"''-----+---.....,"---~~---s=-----l-----""----_,,.. UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE ® 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 10 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 115 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www.lnte g ra-arc h. com n:n-■i:ill!HU-■IIEll!llnl ~~~~~ Norciel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104lhAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 10 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.101 UNITE 25.91 85 UNITE 25.60 a..· UNITE. UNITE 25.30 a3•-4• ,_ __ ':._-:_--::__-:_--::__-:_-:_--::__-:_--::__-:_,.-:,---c~----.+-·----. _______ .. -----!!J1".?I~~ CD BUILDING 10 -NORTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET 0 BUILDING 10 -SOUTH ELEVATION ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-3 RED -.... , Makin FluhlrlD -· M9bl.11Ltd. Whit• G whllil wtlkl'o.r. and hvdl■pan•I localhtns GBIJ' ColoWtc matdl ... eo1ou, Mllllulncturw Reloranc.Na. -c___J ··~" Bl.ck Flo J;lng -· ~tlll■Ltd, Q1'1aland .sloped roab -· 1= l .i.J.my __ ,. ~;:i =alt•hlngla .-cl"'9'1\1Mak Beige Sh-.. ,_, ShswDitoMTill!l~~Lad.-.llNM -· """' QCl1illf!lfflln~wm...,,IDC11tioM -•1 1~ I Ganmk Almond ;o/.~~~~.Jrd, ftootaia:dDrlol'-.11■ ..... ~EL 1>410M159S Alumlnuffll•I ... 111lllng -J Mldnl;h1Bl1ek ..... _,_ --·· 1~,,... Ir.."~ CerryvnCI_,-:r~~lnt, ftDOrw a.darfot'trtall1 -· r:__J ~ak Wh1l• Oo--1t~c~ =m _., ,-, ..... -.. ;r..:-r~3rd, fkMlrw ulllriar-11& -L ss-..,_, SMWStoneTI11n ...._,Pl'o-Fitele<lgn!Dntl .... Q fl,.P'-... menb 111 sefemld kx,itlOM -c E__]Ylnyl """" ~Ji:~=-"='ng W1- __ , C____J ...... -Vlnylahlflile:1(c:apacodllhl119le) ·-G1.t,2nd,lnl rloon•ld8rlor-ll• -o 1~ ,~In oe .. WOOIMIWD ~-~@bay lllw.1'lflltll ~4lecGpllftk9(1k~.__. GI unit lll'ltl'y rvof 11'19ffl~ _., ...... , ...... VlnylahlnglN{capacod ■hlngle) ..... @1st.2nd,3rd floor.110:tarlorwells -· E_J~---~~:m.~lrflll-:m-=-.omta, .... -i~.~.t.,11111••'-Vlltlo.,. _., ...... -Vlnyl!ihlngln(c::apecod11hlngltl) ... @1.t,2nd,Jrd noonutwior-11• I. ® BUILDING 10 -WEST ELEVATION © BUILDING 10 -EAST ELEVATION c____J J-u Cobb. H.-dlePllnelev.rtlc:alSldlng __ , H■n:119 -· @sloped roof.I l:_J J~" s,nc1.,to,,. ,~rtlcalSldlng -tn: Hardie .. , .. ~,-Cobbl, H~\l'llrtk:iilSldJng _,,, SIOM ·•~'"'-...... 104TH AVENUE • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 41B WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@l n tag ra •• re h. com www.ln tagra•a rch. com 11111llllIHlll!Jll1.111flifirlf11 ~:~+-:::e.~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104\h Avenue Maple Rklge, BC BUILDING 10 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:1D0 November 18, 2013 A-2.102 I I •= UNIT B UNITC ' UNITC ' .,, 1 I .. r ! i ' --·~ G) 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 11 ... .. ,, •= ... UNIT B UNrTC UNITC ' ! ' I I ' ' .I, J. ! I ' ' :~ ei. mJ I I 1$ ~ i [I l ' I ' r--, ,-, ,...... I . ..... -,-ITTT_j -0 -L-:r.i-1 - E6 "t,Jl i~~ bY~-1 -- I= 111111 """' l i ! ~ I i ' ':;. -■ I ;; I ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 11 ---I I ,= . ., '"' UNITB ' UNITB I UNIT C l ·r i I ' .. ' -. .. i I\ : I /1\ I i I \ I i I ' I I / I i I ,. \ . \ l i I \ ~ I ·' \ : i ; i ~ i / ._L Oi ~! \ v \ l 1: IJ ·==---- ---.____ ------- "--- = ,s, ... ., UNlTB UNITB UNITC ' I I ' ' ' I ! ~ I 1il - 00 t 00 ...,, I !.:I ~~ ~ tt .--, 51&111 I I='.=' rf7l='J 17 \.., l:J 5.~ n . §i; t= by~, I== I.; -..... ::. t l I I i ~ ---■ I I I I . ' UNITO I ~91 I ,, I I \ I I I ' l \ I 5-" 1/ \! 1--·-1/ 1i = V ~ -· UNITO ' I ' Lt [] -..: ..: ~ ' rr.,:-J -c?~ I I t -■ ■ i ' --- i ' I ' i ; - i = ' ;; INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V68 115 T 604.6BB,4220 F 604.688,4270 I nfo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www.lnte g ra-arc h. com lliltrll!lii!!IIIHl1U!l!l!E!UIUlll~D ~~r~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104thAvenue Meple Ridge, BC BUILDING 11 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 111Hlj A-2.110 "·"'t-----"''---+---'"'------t---=---f----il'---+------""-------+---'=----Jf----J~---i UNITB UNITC UNITC UNITS UNITS UNlTC UNITD ® 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 11 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 115 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n tag ra -a re h. com www. In tag ra-a rch. com !UIH11 D il:IliHiiUlll':Dll"Rll iUliBlli §~IC.~~~!; Nordt:d Con'!l.rucUon Ud Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 11 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 11o,11:,1t ji;,.•...-.•.1..••r A-2.111 (D BUILDING 11 • SOUTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET J ___ J_~ ® BUILDING 11 -NORTH ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-1 BROWN C_JMuJn _, Metlll:1ltd. Colourhlrnah::h... ,....., ----RorvnincaNo. ·-I:._Jllakln -· ----M1ta.laltd, -· r= I M~utay _,. Mld\lllQMDr..dl '"'= ,::,:alt •l'llnglM -· 1--I= __ , 1~ I G.nmk Almond ;1.~~~~Jrd, noa,. ulerior..,.11• -l~EL _, C.■l:lnvt· -·· luy,,.,... I a.nt.k CarrygnCl.y ~~.!.t~ltd, ltoorw.11.$r1ol'-U1 -· ~G.ntak Aluminum Co- _., 1~ I Gent.k w,,,,., ;rr~~~.!c."!'3rd, ltoc1r•uter1ol'w.lla _, .,_ Brl<k -c t:=J ~~ Wh,.. Vlnylwtnd~wt~ ftMhlng&~lll'UI.W W1""- __ , .. ,,, .. -o ,~ ,~., oc .. ~~'::::!a ber ""'"""" G i.,n1t.ntry rvotOIIMIAnp _,., -· t:=J ~k SnowWtllt8 ·~~ .. ~ N'lfb t.a:_..Nffll!,t,oQU;l,p,1o .. t.pN•l1fflt., llf~.O'IWNlllp.,...-alevatlolT9 _.., .. ,,, .. 1/NITB ..... ,,..., .. c=J~ Wl\111 O...._W1--andhanll<lp,1nel _., --·-.... f'luhlng t:_j'-Ofl.&11nd1lopedrnofa _., H1rdl• .. .,,._, Shaw StoM Thin y..,_-PrM'_. Lad9u1Dne -·· r:___J J~n QCofwnn..tulacadunlt.nt,yl~ H1rdl9 P410M1699 ~=ti_. ndllng MldnlQhtBlack Whffo Down~gutta ... -· Shaw StoM Thin V-Pni-l'lt9l~gNtDno Q ftrwptac. •lemo,nb ct HlKtlki loc:atktns Saddl• Vlnyl ahlngln (,;ape cod 11hlngle) ...... fl 111. 2nd, 3rd noo... Qta,'ior-1111 _,. Vlnyt •hl"&IN (~cod•hl"llle) ..... ft 1-. %nd, 3rd noors anarioflAJb V.nrian Vlnyl Mlnvln (,;;ape cod 11hlntt.) ... ft11t.:tnd,lrd noorsntwlor....it. I ' _______ _J_ ® BUILDING 11 -EAST ELEVATION © BUILDING 11 -WEST ELEVATION =· ;~ • ......_. Siding ........... .. ..... M H~'YM'llc:alSldln'il .. ,,. tt•loPN'-" 104nt AVENUE COl,b. HsdlaPan•teV•rtk:al Sld.1"9 ,._ @11opadl'tl0fw • , INTEGRAARCH[ECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER. BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688.4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra-a re h. com www,i n tag ra-a re h. com l!BBfflll:IHlllllBlf"IIIDilmllliU fl:'i:"'--=~-"'----'AJt•.t! ~~~ .,.. _ __,.. __ ..,;r.;' Norctel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 241081D<llhAvenue Maple Ridge, BC r nn.11 BUILDING 11 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 Navember 18, 2013 IOAUI A-2.112 ,I --""II , r , -~ I l i i I ! • i 1 -r....,,-=--...,,,,,.J.t1.=,_, ..... ,,..,,,,,.J.'tL..,,""""' ..... _J.t-li-==_...,,.,,,,.,,,,l~·J1-==--a::=-=l'J~,__---- W 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 12 BUILDINGS 14 & 16 SIMILAR r -----~1,-4,--L ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 12 -·-, INTEGRAARCHITECJURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T ~Hl.'220 F 60-4.lla.4210 lnfo@I nte gra-a re h .com www.l n t ag ra-a rch .com lllll!IIHH!tll!U.IIUllUiUi ~:~::J~! fl} Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC jHl"l.11 BUILDING 12 FLOOR PLANS 1:100 {ICALII November 18, 2013 1111.111 A-2.120 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 12 • l INll'.GRA ARcmrECTURe INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T fi04.ua.•:uo F I04.Gaa,Cll0 In fo@I ntegra -a rc.h. com www. lntegra-a rch. com IJnDllKfiIIIIIIIHIU'llllLII ~P..:~:=~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104th Avenue Meplo Ridge, BC BUILDING 12 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1,. • .,, ... ,1 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.121 UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE 24.99 24.99 x.o- CD BUILDING 12 -NORTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET BUILDINGS 14 & 16 SIMILAR ® BUILDING 12 -SOUTH ELEVATION ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND t:.__J """" SK-2 GREEN -· lf•ti.l11Lld. Colourtcmeldi ... )=.__J ···· Colour MM-Ralbfll11C11No, ......... -· M■tal■Ltd, -· (= M.llut.■y _,. ~==-,.:r:att■hlngla ~= JU&iltl'IIBladl -· -•1 1~ I 6-ITWk .,m..., ;7~~~r!::'lrd, noorwm.nor-11■ _, IU.l'!IUIEL ,-~r eo.1~ -·· 1W#~ l G.nmk CanrunClrt ;?"'4~3"1. ffooni~-11• -· L_J GllntH Aluminum Colou~ 1-1 ...... Wkkw :rv.!e:~r:~lrd, floorw Qbr10I" wall■ -L . ... _., ..... -c ~VI~ """" Vlnyl1rind1NSw,l111.u:hlng -•1 G■ntH WlndOW9 ftaihlng&Ml!dowlrll'm -o ,~ ,~In OC04 Wood b1rH Qwfn~, ~ Qblly _.., Gllrit■k Pun,whtta wtr--.~tw¥ht.'brlam■ G unit anby roof~ -· t:_JGea~ SnowWhita l~=.f:t~~ _.,, """'"" ..... f::Ubl"'I Whltli 0 ""'"" wt!Jd_.. and M.rdl■panel --t:_JJ---•1 Hud'41 ""'' nub1ng a 11• ■nd ,loped roota t::_JJ~H _., ~H1rd'41 .. ..._, Slww9ton.lltlnV1-~L~IOII• ~-~U""lt■ll1'y~• t:_JJ--·· H1rdl• P410G-ll161S Alt.tml-l1lanrallln11 Mldnl9htBlaek a .. ......, Whlta Da-niJpOUl9,gutt1H'■ .. ....... , !h._. !ton. Tllln V-Pro-flt8 LMlgNIDM Cl fl,-pi.c,. eiemenl=I u HIKtld loc:altJon■ ..... Vlnyl Nlln9ln (capa cod ahlngl■) ·-ft 1st. Znd, lrd flol>I' aat.rlorW911■ _, .. Vlnyt W!fnglM (cape cod ■Mngi.J ·-Cl1st.,2nd,lrd naorsnl■rklrWlllb "''""'" VlnylshlO'lllmi{cipacodahlngl■) .... a 1st. 2nd, Jrd floora -.tarlc,rwau■ 0 BUILDING 12 -WEST ELEVATION UNITE © BUILDING 12 -EAST ELEVATION Cobb. H---Patl~Vwtlc:11I Sldlne ..... O•lopedroofl S.ndlion• H.-dlePllntttD Vertical Siding Belg• C•IOJ»CI~ 104TH A.VE.NU.I! Cobb!, HanlePanele VottlcaJ Siding ..... ft•'°tKd"'°" INTEGRA ARCHrTECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604.688,,4220 F 604.688,4210 In fo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www. I nte g r4-a rch. com IIIIIIIIrlCIUIIUillll!Hrl ~€~~T'°r:'3~ I.UICHITICT IIU,LJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24106 104th Avenue Maple Ridge, BC '"'"' BUILDING 12 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.122 I I '·" I UNlTB UNrTC UNJTC 1 UNITS UNITB UlilTC "' 0 -1-l 1·0 ----r~~'~--=~i =··=··=···~i =-~·!=~'==:d-M---- I /\ I /\ /\ ;\ i /\ I I /\ I I / i ' / \ / \ '--=11~1 // \\ I / \ ! ,~1=,1 ! / \ i i ; \ i ' ! ' ,= , ,, ·,,, ti --_a o .JI ' ·\. Ii i , 1 k , o I i-.i \ , i k'l o u J::, , \, 1 , ,,. i/' \i -:: '!/ 11 /' \! ' -!J '·I / \• 1n--~E3l :1: \! ! ! 11 " \i ::: I= 11 • • I nF ---, / ~ -~ -== V ~ IJ ~ ~ II \J / \: 11i;..o:-~:e--11 ~I ~; I'\ ~ [i l:=!!:::::::::::;f;::::,, ~l~l::::::::;/\~~IIB:~ l=I= /i 7 71 /\, 1.· :, rf'\ I, // ,t-+-tic:=U !! / i Ii ,./'\\ ~l=I= ~l=t= /!\\ Ii, I / ' I I ' I / i1 l·~I' ;' \ . / . ' \ : 1111/l \,\ :'.:)1=1=1::E c._ •. // \\, i.'· [ ! \ ~ I;;,--I!' I I i, \\ / \i FF tE ,/ \ ___j ! L / ! I• : Ii I / J ~ Ir I\ ! : V . Ir I\ :i ~ ·; \ Ir I\ ~ ! : ____ __,L.-----l,l,jba.=""6illl=llllf=::Jll,!-=::a,n,rc!,lljll,,!.,,-==:!illl==llll'===l~'""":c:a:,1.,11Jl,ilc.:a-,,...,..=,"""'==lllil::::::!llofuc=nn,,cl,l,l.__.L.J._ ___ _ (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 13 ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 13 • l INTEGRAARCHrTECJURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 I nfo@I ntagra•a re h.co m www. I nta g ra-a re h. com illltullllll.lButIIDU-IIDli ~r€:,c.~~:a!E Nordal Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 1041h Avenue Meple Ridge, BC BUILDING 13 FLOOR PLANS 11294 November 18, 2013 A-2.130 @ 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 13 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604,688,422.0 F 61l4.6BB.4270 I nfo@I n te g ra-a rch. com www. I nte g ra-a rch. com !1!11111!1!:Ul!!liUE.!!!llll"llllDEII sr;.~~~5! jlULUI Nordal Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104111 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 13 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 1■-.111 A-2.131 CD BUILDING 13 -SOUTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET I I _j ____ j_ ___ __,____ I I __.______ ___ l_ _____ L ® BUILDING 13 -NORTH ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-3 RED c:__J ···· M•kll'I -· Mita.Ltd Whit, Colol.lrlometch,. c,~r Menul'adurw ReforenaiNo ,_ c__J M•llln "'"" -· ----M■ta.l■Ltd, -A 1= 1 M~ _,. ~,:itiltshlngla Mldn!gl!t.Bl.di ~-........ , -H ·- -•1 1~ I Gon~ Almond :1-a:-~~~lrd, lk>o~Wllfiorwalla SUPERMEL P410M1159S _, P11wd.r Mldn'9htBlack eo.u ... -·· IUo\low I Gant.k C.,.yonClay ;1~~~~im.11oo,.u;rar1or-i1. -· C__J Gant.k ... , .. Aluminum Coloun _., ,-,--·-;iv~~~~llrd, noars~-i1a .,_ -,.__, ll<1ck -c t==_]Vlnyl "''"" Vlnyl .ind ... _,,utatlr,,g flaihlng&~~ WlndOW9 __ , """"'' S.ddi. ·--· r~ l =mln .... W<iadtrfmlft~,hwdl9plr,e!Qbay ,,__,., .tndowa, decomff• bnlck1talbHnul (!JunltentryraafoYWtlallp -M2 ...,,. .... _, t::=]-Sn11WWhile =~::~~ona _.., ··-....... ... FWlhtng I 1~= Qwhi._,.,...1ndha.rdl•~ __ , __ ..., flutllna l I~:: Olat■ndslopedraafl ,.__., 9'-" 3hHMI Tllln YltnMf' Pn,,.flte l.Nf,Nl:onl ~= @C11fumoa .t Mlecnd unit entry loczttorsa _., ~=9laundllng DownlJfK>Ula,guturs Sh-Slom, Thln V-Prll-flt1D l9dguloM Cl fir.pa-efamilnb .t Hled9d loc:.atlllf111 VlnylahlnglH(c:a119cod11hlnti.) Cl1s&,:znd,lrd noorsutwlor-11• Vlnyt .tllnglvs (cape cod •lllngl9) G 1st, 2nd, 3rd floon •ntlliof-lb Vlnylshlngi.11(C1pcicod11hln;h) Q 1st, 2nd, 3rd noora •nMforwalli!I 11.('ffl-(31Ui1r}Helgh1.Umil --------------"'·~·· -~-----UNITC / _,.p«.-1' 5.60 _.,- ® BUILDING 13 -EAST ELEVATION I __ L ______ _ 0 BUILDING 13 -WEST ELEVATION """"" HardMPattllev..-tkafSkll"IJ .. _ G■lopadn,oh -!IU!d.Qn. ...... hiMl9lililrtle.l Siding -lt•lepNNWI> 104TH A.VENUE "°"'• ·-t4.....,_.V.rtk:al Siding ·-- • 1 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, ec V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.688.4270 In fo@I n teg ra -a re h. com www. Int •9 r11•• r eh, com _.li.la-JUfliURitlU!UllrllElllll ~":.o.'™-'::?~I!:!: 1u1n11 Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104\hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 13 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 , ....... , A-2.132 ... . ... UNIT DI UNIT C1 UNIT B1 UNrTB1 (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 15 ----... ,_ ,~ ,- UNITD1 UNITC1 UNIT B1 UNIT 81 ' I ' i ; I I ! ' I I Lt iJ. ! i I no [] -~ iJ If .:. [ffl i ~ .:. ! ~ I a Fi! ct tt lr--J L'=r.T1 6-:-r, -I : -7,.:...1 i~,~ b.?~ t~ ; I i~ ~ i --,_ i l l I I l ; I ' : I -....---. i .----~ . ~ I ® 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 15 ,., UNIT C1 UNITC1 '""' ' ' ! ! I ,., .., UNIT C1 UNJTC1 ' I I ' I ' I ' l=r ' ..: u:. i I ~ p:, ~ i ' ,-·7 i """' dJ Lb Imm r::: -t; _., I:: - -~~ ~"iL~ I:: ;;-~ !,. - t::: I:: - llllll! ..... I I l i I --h .-i- I I I I I --~ -- UNIT B1 7 I ! i HT ,_ UNIT 81 : I J, i I:?,! ..!. J_ da. I ---I' ---- ' -..... ' ~ = -..... J • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER" STR.EE1 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 6M:.61S.,:z:ztJ F liCl4,8M.AV'D I nfo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www. In leg ra-a rch. com liilli105i-ltfiilfltil-H11F!!!nl~ll ~:~~ [1:LIIUITJ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 1041h Avenue Maple Ridge, BC i1uu 1 BUILDING 15 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.150 0 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 15 • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC, 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER. BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 6D4,688A2TD In fo@I nta g ra-a re h. com www. In•• g ro•a ,en. com iiillrl!!!!UIU..IUl'E!UIIEl!IIUl.ltlU ~..c.~-:n-~wE Nordel Constn.ictlon Ltd Townhome Development 241081041hAvenua Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 15 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.151 G) BUILDING 15 -SOUTH ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET ® BUILDING 15 -NORTH ELEVATION © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND SK-2 GREEN ... ...," -· M•talslld, Co!ourloll!91.ch, •• c__J M•kln -· M•tll■Lld, Colollr ·--Rafef"llm:eNo. ,_ -· 1= ,~uby Nortti...tloO i9"'~•hlnel• t=t= MkSnfghtB!adf -H __ , 1~ ,a.~ Almond :'?~~~~~~. ffoars■mi1orwa11, _, SUPERMEL ----·· 1~~ I G.nhk C~Clrr ;nr~~~lrtt, lloo111utitrlor'nll• -· L-1 """'" Aluminum Golou~ ,~ 1 G~ Wld<w ~~~.!ct~3rd, lloarwi utllr1ot walla '""· _., -L .... -c t:_JV1~ Whl~ ----WlndD'lll'II ~1:1:!~=,;:,."=Hlg -M1 I 1- -o ,-,~ OCM Wood tmul Q ~. Mtdlopanel O bay -M2 I I Goebk Purwwhfla "1ndvww.. ~ bntdl.ab/bHma C unit an try rvof-,hanga -· t=]Genwk Sn-Wh118 '~ ~wllllllWnlffiMfflhi -M3 """"' ,.~~~::;~:~.,. .. ,~ Fluhlrtg Whit• Qwhllawlnda,rniat1dhardl<ipcnel locstklm, only t:.___J ,---·, ·-· Black ;.!'~~~d •loped rc"'9 L____J J,ou _., H■rdl11 -ShawStvn.ThfnVllnMtPnM°'l\1DLecfvNl:oM @C41umn .CNloct.d uoN:efl'Oyf-.tto,-t:::=J J,ou _., H1nHo P4100-0189S Aluminum/ 11laaa nilllng Midnight Black @ball,:onln Whl~ Downtpouta,gutlllrs .. _,, Shaw St-lllkl v.n..,-Pro-f'MI l9dgu!DM Cl 11,.pi-ehm11nbi at :1■1ectN locadon■ ...... Vln,t ahlngh,s (capg cod 11hln9h) ·-Q1.t.2nd,Jn:I noonianenorwa1i. _,. Vlnyl at!Png* {~ cod ■hlngflJ ..... Cl1st,Znd,Jrdtloc>BaxtMior..ib ........ Vinyl ahln'llln (capa cod !ihlnghi) .... 01.t.lnd,Jrd floonuiAriorwalla ® BUILDING 15 -EAST ELEVATION 8 ..Q'" I .,....~---_-_:-_-_-_-_:-_-_-_~~,1~:::::::::~:---------------~~~~i.,,,.=·~---- IQ © BUILDING 15 -WEST ELEVATION ...... HanltPs!Mte Vwtlcat Siding "'""' @11optdroot1 S.ndfflll'N HutllePan♦~ V■rtlcal Siding Baig■ @slopedn>Of'I 1o.tTH AVENUE ...... H.UloPBMle Vertical Siding ...... @■lop.cl"'°" INTEGRAARCHrrECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 604.6BBA220 F 604,688.4270 In fo@l n tag ra -a re h. com w-,w .In• •D ra ·• ro-h. C Offl !i ................... 1.1 ................ .. Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410B 104th Avenuo Maple Ridge, BC flllUj BUILDING 15 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.152 ,w .~ •= ,= UNIT 02 UNITA UNIT A 24.9' 2,4..99 .,.60 ' ' ' ' /\\ ~ I j Lf I I \ ' \ ! \ ! '/ ': I i \ ! \ f ! I, \! V ~ ,. Ii Ii Ill I Ii -: I 11 ... .Ill • (1) 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 17 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 17 •= ,., UNIT A UNITD2 :z.s.•~ ~-60 ' ' t""I-/· ::::: ' \ tj": I \ "i" I \ I \ I \ '/ \ II J • , INTEGRA ARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F 604,688,4270 I nfo@I nte g ra-a re h. com ww•. Int 111 9 ro-a rich, com E!!HIBBn.lJIBIIIIHll'l!lllllfliBB" ~..==z..T:-!r~~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108 104lh Avenue Maple Rlclge, BC BUILDING 17 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.170 UNIT D2 UNITA UNITD2 W 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 17 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1TS T 6.Q.UII.A-:220 F S04...698..U10 I nfo@I n te g ra -a re h. com www. I ntagra-a rch. com :;::::::::::;;::::;;;:;:::,::;::::::;::::: Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104th Avenue Maple Rldgg, BC 1·u1u1 BUILDING 17 FLOOR PLANS 11294 l~-.;ouin1 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.171 (1) BUILDING 17 -WEST ELEVATION -240A STREET 0 BUILDING 17 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET © MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND ..... """'" SK-1 BROWN -· U.tal■Ltd. Blad< """" """"',._,_ -· M9tal■Ltd. Colou, -RtM~Nca.. ·--· ... ,, -_,. ~~.it■hlngln -.... .,.,., lll'lcinltfll&&Ktl -H ---...... Almond ;'r.~~lrd, nooniuar1or-11■ Bl, .. 5UPERMEL -•1 _, Pc,wdar ....... ,.,..,,,_, ...... ...,,_a.,, ;'r.~~r!ct"!'lrd, ffooru.ldl,rfon■Jla """ ...... -·· -· Aluminum Colou~ .. .,. -Show _., ...... -:?!"~~. noanialdltr1or1ftllll -L ""'" ..,,,. vteyl -~.~n:=.r:=ng "'""" ---c Wind_. __ , ..... Bonjom>, OCM ~ b1,m ftwlnda.1r., twdl.pMel @NY .,,_ """"' -· -P11r.whlh windows, deconlttn brKk•b/lNams _., GunllentryrodCMNtlanp "''" -· -SnawWllit8 r~£~~~Qft9 Rod _,. _.., """'" fluhlft -,,_ Whit. Cwt..:~andhanllrlp.n.l _., ....... ioc.tt--r1 Black Fl,._hlng -· J-u 01':.t ■ndalopedroofa _., H•rdl• .. ..._., 91\awSton.Th/nV.O--PrD-flttll~ --QCotumnsat-..locbtduntt-ntryloc:atlon• _., H1rdlo P-410O-411699 :~~tlaunlllfng Mldnl;htBl■ck "'"" Dawn"Poutll,gutlarw .. ..._, Shaw Ston■Tilln V-Pni-Ftte L~tDn• Q flr.ph.c. .tem.nts at Hi.c:t.cl lou.tlon• s.dd1• Vlnyl shlftUlu (a.pa cod 11hlng1'1) ·-@.111\,Znd,lrd lloor9uterlorw.lla .....,, . Vlnyt .tllrtglN (cap. cod thlngkl) .... O 1st. 2nd, 3rd rloonl emrlor-..lb ...... , Vinyl thll!'llltl• (c;ap,1 ,;vet 1hlngk1) ... @111\,.znd,lrd nal>l'!IW-,torwalla 0 BUILDING 17 -SOUTH ELEVATION 11~ UNtTD2 25. 84' :j 11,C.,,{)15,fflHefgtllLimll © BUILDING 17 -NORTH ELEVATION -· -H_..i.,.,_.~I Skiing o-- S■ndstan. H.-dlePliri■IS V.rtlcaJ Siding Baig■ @•lopad)'Vffl 104Tii AVENUE """"" H.-dleh.n■le Vffllc:al Siding ..... @1top.et,vQh • 1 INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688,4220 F 604.6118.4270 In fo@I n leg ra-a re h. com www.ln tag ra-a rch. com HIHII..I.IJIIIB.llffUD.U a:€~~~~! 1o;u11:u1 Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 2410B 1041hAvenue Maple Ridge, BC fffTUI BUILDING 17 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 ,,,._.u, November 18, 2013 A-2.172 .. UNIT02 I 21.114 T I ! /\ /'\ ~."': I •. ; \ ... -.. -I \ lo.• I \ I , I i I \ I \ \ I \ \ I ' i \ I I I / \ ,! \ / \ \ ~ I ~ ' : II i I 111 iii !I! i I I! i . I I I I ..j lL .. II. .,, ___ .... (D 1st FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 18 UNrT D2 UNITA l/NITA D 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 18 UNIT02 24.38 I /\ §~ I I ..,_ \ : ; \ I i I I \ I ' \ ,! I ' \ I \: '/ ! !, \· !/ ' V • ~ 11: II I Ii I i l I ..I • .. UNIT02 I I I ..I • , INTcGRAARCHrfECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 1T5 T 604.688.4220 F &04,688.427D I nfo@I n tag r• •arch. com www.1 n l ag ra~a re h. com U!IHIHUOU!fllDBDlllf ~Y~~,:aa:; -$ fCt.U11j Nordal Construction Ltd Townhome Development 241081041h Avenue Maple Ridge, BC 1., •• ,..,. BUILDING 18 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.180 I I ~,. ,., I ,---I ~ ·~ UNITD2 ' UNITA UNIT A . UNIT A UNITA I I @ 3rd FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 18 ,= .~ UNIT A UNIT02 • , INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 416 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 115 T 604.688.4220 F 604.688.4270 In fo@J nte g ra -a re h. cam #WW, In t,■9 f • -• re: h. cam IHJ11 llDI lfHCIJBll if 1nrn1rnfln.ll ~:~~:Sr~ Nordel Construction Ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 18 FLOOR PLANS 11294 1:100 November 18, 2013 A-2.181 CD BUILDING 18 -WEST ELEVATION -240A STREET UNITA 22.51 74'--0" UNITA 23.01 75'~- UNTA 23.47 n--0· UNITA 23.93 7 ..... ® BUILDING 18 -EAST ELEVATION -INTERIOR STREET ® MATERIAL & COLOUR LEGEND C____] M•llln SK-2 GREEN _, ,._tllsLld ColoUrltlmatd\-c___JM•kln """"' M1111ufecturer RafefllncaNa. ·--· ~•tiil•Ltd. -· 1= I Mumy ~lO ~~,:i•lt■hlnglaa -.,_ lilliWtMIIKk -H Bria. ,-1-Almond ;'r.~~,:,',n1, noa,. utariont•fl• ..... SUPERMEL -•1 _, ---·· 1"9N~ I G.nt.k C.n~nCI-,, :,~~~3rd, noo,-ut.,tor-11• -K t=__]Gontek Aluminum Colours 1~ 1~---., :rr~~~l:snt, lloorwubrtor-Ha Sh•w _., -L Brid< -c ~VI~ -Vlnyl w1od __ -.l_bthfng __ , I I"-l'uhll'lg&~lrllN Wl- -D -.._,. DCM Wood tr1maftwindOW1,neftllapan.ac;bay _., ...... ·-Pu,-whNa wtndcJww,, decorzttn bnct.blbtlvna @I unit entry roof ovwhang• -· E:=J Gentllk --,::r£d~-::C--.a.n. -·· .... .. UNITD2 2A.3S 10·.o- Makin Whit. Bl•ck .. ..._, P,4100-6161S Mldn'9htBlack ..... ........... , ..... ·-...... ·- "°"""'" ... FLa.hlng 0 'fffllt. wtncio,n and hudl•p&MI locwtlornanly __ , t__J ~= Aohrn11 A flal and •loped roofll -Jun•• _.., Hen:H• Shaw 9hme Thin VlnMl" ~lte LIMIQN!Zm• @Columna d HID$d unit an try toQ.tl-_., t=.J'-...,.,. Alum/nllmlg,._r.llng 0Nlcoflln Downapouts, autmrw Sh-Sto,,a Thin V1111e« Pro-f'ite LldgntDno Cl nnopl-alemanl:!I d Hi-t.d 1-.tlon:ii Vlnyl ahlnglas (rapa cod •hlnsale) 01.t,.Znd,Jrd no-utarlorwwta Vlnrl ahlrtglM (Rpti cod ahlogle) O 1.t, 2nd, lrd noors utat1Grwalb Vinyl shlngla (capo, cod shlngl•I O 1,,t, 2nd, 3rd ~ eid.eriorwalla 0 BUILDING 18 -SOUTH ELEVATION tUm()l,.~He;Qhll.mit "' © BUILDING 18 -NORTH ELEVATION =~-HutHehnetev.rtlcalSldlng stem• Gslopedl'llab Send.ton• HardlePanelf.lV.rtJcal Siding Beige @sloped ruob 104Tlt AVENUE ._ .. ~-MJVutlcaJSldlng ·-fl_illopMI~ • l INTEGRAARCHITECTURE INC. 418 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER,. BC V6B 115 T 604.688.4220 F 604,68B.4270 tnfo@I n Ugr■ •• rob.com. www. Int og ra -arch.com ll.J:H:Ull!iUlclllHrnS°;IU:1!1111 ~:~~:a~ fAllCHITICT IUr,q Nordel Construction ltd Townhome Development 24108104thAvenue Maple Ridge, BC BUILDING 18 ELEVATIONS 11294 1:100 l U'.h.l \ November 18, 2013 lUTI! A-2.182 N .i::i,. 0 )> en -a CD - OYln- •T~cH1ti't-i6 Suile C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, Brillsh Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 : f: 604 294-0022 ©Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG LanClscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used For olher projects without lheir permIssIon. SEAL: t ll.O(T".» NO. DATE illl'a',JIIIW1,IITI\IIIIIOIP REVISION DESCRIPTION DR CLIENT: PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLANT SCHEDULE PMG JOB NUMBER: 12-180 !a:Y nn IOTA..~ ~~ 15 ACER GINNAI..A 'Fl.AME' 0 It ACER PALMATUM 'SANGO KAl<.tr 0~-;::! •_ ·•.· ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' &'dJ ,_..~il!A ""1TllW'MA..IJMCF CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENOULA,' COMMQt,I NMU: Fl.AME AMUR MAPLE CORAL BARK MAPLE OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE SERVICEBERRY WEEPING NOOTKA CYPRESS SATOMI DOGWOOD 0~ : ~=G~;:i;t;:~ eO 1 1 11 =u':'v~::c~~'!=II' DAWYCK BEECH ®QJ : :l~~~:~~NS~::~~F~~::~~NOER SILHOUETTE::~~~:i~~~~~l:~~~GUM ,@ • MAlUS 'RED JEWEL' RED JEWEL FLOWERING CRABAPPLE ft:f 0 ::.. J>tt MAlUS D0t.4ESTICA 'FUJI' FUJI APPLE ~~ PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDUlA' WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE ;/1'\. ~-• PINUS NIGRA 'ARNOLDS SENTINEL' MISTRIA.'t 6\.IIQ( 'P!NIE K'.,' . PRlJNU.SffDOEHai&"AKE~ DAVBREAKCHERRY 0~• ,·I PSEUOOTSUGA MENZrES'II DOUGLAS FIR Que;RC\1$ PI\LUSTAIS PIN OAK » SORBUS lliURINGIACA 'FASTIGIATA' FASTIGIATE OAK LEAF MOUNTAIN ASH Stig,, !l STYRAXJAPONICUS ~DWCONE' 5H0'.....00tC.wi'NIU:E&,;o"liltlJ. 4 58 A9ELIA x'EOWARO GOUCHER' 206 12\ S77 218 59 69 ,, ... AZAl.£A 'NORTliERN HI-UGHTS' AZALEA JAPONICA HARDIZER"S BEAUTY' BUXUS M!CROPHYLLA "WINTER GEM' COfl~AIC&\ "1Aw:l.WfA' CORNUS SERICEA 'KELSEYr DEUTZIA GRACIUS HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'LIME LIGHT' PHYSOCARPUS DPUUFOUUS MON LO OIA80LO PIERIS JAPONICA 'VALLEY FIRE' RHODODENDRON 'MRS BETTY ROBERTSON RHODODENDRON LOOERS WHITE RISES hLPINUM ROSA 'ALBA MEIOILANO' ROSA GYMNOCARPA SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE) SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS TAXUS X MEDIA 'HICKSII' VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM "DUKE' VIBURNUM PT 'SUMMER SNOWFLAKE' VIBURNUM TINUS 'SPRING eououer CAREX'ICE DANCE' DESCHAMP SIA. CESPITOSA FESTUCA CSNEREA Hil~lRJC1,Q,I~ JUNCUS EFFUSUS Ml SCAN THUS S\NENSIS .GRACtLLlf.AUS' PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIOES 'MOUDRY' STIPA TENUISSIMA BERGEN IA CORDIFOLIA HEMEROCALUS HEUCHERA MACRANTl-lA 'CRIMSON CURLS' LAVEN DULA ANGUSTIFOUA 'HIOCOTE BLUE' RUDBECKIA F~SULUVANTII "GOLOST\JRM' BLECHNUM SPICANT LONICERA PIL.EATA POL YSTICHUM MUNITl.JM PINKABEUA DECIDUOUS AZALEA; M-fTE YELLOW BLOTCH AZALEA; LIGHT PINK LITTlE-LEAF SOX YELLOWTW!G DOGWOOD KELSEY DOGWOOD SLENOER DEUTZIA LIME LIGHT HYDRANGEA; UMEGREEN•PINK PURPLE NINEBARK PIERIS ~Ta.i.DW;e..w.'/ RHODODENDRON ALPINE CURRANT ALBA MEIDILAND ROSE; WHITE BALDHIP ROSE JAPANESESKIMMIA SNOWBERRY HICK'SYcW BLUEBERRY SUMMER SNO'.\'FLAKE VIBURNUM DWARF 1/1BURNUM SILVER VARIEGATED SEDGE TUFTED HAIR GRASS BLUE FESCUE BlUE OAT GRASS COMMON RUSH MAIDEN GRASS MOUORY FOUNTAIN GRASS MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS WINTER BERGENIA; ROSE PINK DAYULY FANCY-LEAVED CORAL BELLS; DEEP CRIMSON ENGLISH LAVENDER RUDBECKIA DEERF£1'.IH PRIVET HONEYSUCKLE JJ.'E.STERfi SVJOflDFEAA f'I..AW11-DS(ZE/ID,Wtll.5 2!5MHT 2:!MHT lCMCAl:.:&&STO.M.0 6CM CAL 25M HT; B&B 25M HT;B&B ti CM CAL: 12MSTD.B&B 6CM CAL KM CAL! »um,· NB 5CM CAL: 1 5M STD; 8&8 JCU~t:fJ.151v,;M-II 2MHT;B&B 3M HT; B&B eCMC.AL 8&8 l UHT,:U.,_U\IHT';UJII 7CM CAL ~M CAL 1.5M STD;8&B 5CM CAL I SM SID #JPOT;!50CM ,i2POT;2SCM #2POT:25CM IIJPOT:<tOCM In.POT; !50CM IIJPOT; 60CM #2POT; ~OCM 112.POT: !50CM #2 POT;SOCM "'3 POT:50CM '#3 POT;SOCM IIJPOT;SOCM #3 POT: 80CM "2 POT;~OCM #3 POT; BOCM "3POT:50CM lt3 POT; 50CM 12M 112POT;SOCM #3 POT;60CM #3; POT; 50CM #1 POT ,i1 POT tSI POT '1 POT IS1 POT #1 POT IS1 POT 1'1 POT #1 POT "-1 POT; 1-2 FAN 15CM POT #1 POT #2POT 112POT;25CM #1 POT;20CM NOTES: -PLANT SIZES IN THIS UST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNTASTANDARDS BOTH Pl.ANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. • REFER TO SPECIFlc.a.TIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS • SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PL.ANTMATERIALA.VAIWL.E FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY lANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND ANO FRASER VA.L~Y ' SUSSTITIJTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITIJTIONS TO THE SPECJAEO MATER/41. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITIITIONS WILL BE REJECTED ~LI.OW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE SUBSTlTUTIOJ.1S ARE SUBJECT TO BC lANOSCAPE STANOARO-OEANITKlN OF CONDITIONS OF AVAIL.ABlllTY, AU.. LANDSCAPE MATERIAL ANO WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANOARO-S LATEST EDITION ALL Pl.ANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY DRAWING TITLE: RENDERED LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: 12 NOV,09 1:400 RC RC PC DRAWING NUMBER: LO PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12180-4DP N OF 12 12-180 N .,:. 0 )> CJ) -""I (D (D - Suite C100 -4185 Slill Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: so4 294-0011 ; r: 604 294-0022 @Copyright reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their pcrm1ss1on SEAL: 0 l UNOY.14 AEV.NEWSITTP\AN,ADf 1 U,OC'r.2' AE\f.NEWSITEPI.ANFORDP NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR Q CLIENT: Q Q PROJECT: 0 0 0 0 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC 0 PLANT SCHEDULE PMCJOB NUMBER: 12-180 121 >Tl 2to "' 59 " " "' '" 75 240 402 90 ,,, 200 306 60 72 BOTANICAL NAME ACER GINNAl.A 'FLAME' ACER PALMATUM 'SANGO KAKU' ACER RU BRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' AMELANCHIER "AUTUMN BRILLIANCE' CHAMAECYPAAIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENDULA' COiHIUS KOUSA 'SATOMr EXISTING OFF SITE TREES EXISTING TREES 10 RETAIN FAGUS SYLVA TICA 'OAVMCKlr FRAXINUS ORNUS 'ARIE PETERS' OOMMON"""" Fl.AME AMUR MAPLE CORAL BARK MAPLE OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE SERVICEBERRY \.\JEEPING NOOTKA CYPRESS SATOMI DOGII\OOD OA\/w'VCK BEECH AAW:. PElEAS.FI..O"~G..Mli LIOUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA 'SLENDER SILHOUETTESLENOER SILHOUETTE S1/o/EETGUM MALUS 'RED JEWEL' MALUS DOMESTICA 'FUJr PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA' PINUS NlGRA 'ARNOLD'S SENTINEL' PRUNUS YEOOENSIS 'AKEBONO PSEUOOTSUGA MENZIESII OUERCUS PALUSTRIS SORBUS THURINGIACA 'FASTIGIATA' STY RAX JAPONICUS 'SNOII\CONE' ABEUA .. ·eowARO GOUCHER' AZALEA 'NORTHERN HI-LIGHTS' AZALEA JAPONICA 'HARDIZER'S BEAUTY BUXUS MICROPHYLLA "MNTER GEM' CORNUS SERICEA 'FLAVIRAMEA' CORN US SERICEA 'KELSEYI' DEUTZIA GRACI LIS HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'LIME LIGHr PHYSOCAAPUS OPUUFOUUS MON LO DIABOLO PIERIS JAPON:CA VALLEY FIRE' RHOOOOENORON 'MRS BETTY ROllERTSON' RHOOOOENORON LOOERS 'M-!ITE RISES ALPINUM ROSA 'ALBA MEIDILAND' ROSAGYMNOCARPA SKIMMIAJAPONICA (10% MALE) SVMPHORICARPOS ALBUS TAXUSXMEOIA'HICKSlr VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM "DUKE' VIBURNUM P.T, 'SUMMER SNO\NFLAKE' VIBURNUM TINUS 'SPRING aouauer CAREX 'ICE DANCE' OESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA FESTUCA CINEREA HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVtRENS JUNCUS EFFUSUS MISCANTHUS SINENS1S 'GRACILLIMUS' PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES 'MOUDRY' STIPA TENUISSIMA BERGENIACORDIFOLIA HEMEROCALLIS HEUCHERA MACRANTHA 'CRIMSON CURLS' LAVENDULAANGUSTIFOLlA 'HIOCOTE BLUE' RUDBECKIA F, SULUVANTII-GOLOSTURM' BLECHNUM SPICANT LONICERA PILEATA POL YSTICHUM MUNITUM RED JEWEL FLOWERING CRABAPPLE FUJI APPLE 'M:EPING WHITE SPRUCE AUGTIJ~ ~ Pl!IE DAYBREAK CHERRY DOUGLAS FIR PIN OAK FASTIGlATE OAK LEAF MOUNTAIN ASH SNO'ACONE JAPANESE $NOIIVBELL PINKABELIA DECIDUOUS AZALEA; IMOTE YELLOW BLOTCH AZALEA; LIGHT PINK LITTLE-LEAF BOX YELLOWT"MG OOGW:CO KELSEY DOGII\OOD SLENDER OEUTZIA LIME LIGHT HYDRANGEA; LIMEGREEN-PINK PURPlE NJNEBARK PIERIS RHODODENDRON; YELLC:,.,V, E, MAY RHODODENDRON ALPINE CURRANT ALS.0. MEIDILAND ROSE: VVHITE BALOHIP ROSE JAPANESE SKIMMIA SNO'MJcRRY HICK"SYEW BLUEBERRY SUMMER SNO'NFLAKE VIBURNUM DWARF VIBURNUM SILVER VARIEGATED SEDGE TUFTED HI\IRGRASS BLUEFESCUE BLUE OAT GRASS COMMON RUSH MAIDEN GRASS MOUDRY FOUNTAIN GRASS MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS IMNTER BERGENIA; ROSE PINK OAYULY FANCY-lEAVEDCORAL BELLS: DEEPCRIMSON ENGLISH LAVENDER RUOSECKIA DEER FERN PRIVET HONEYSUCKLE 'M:STERN S'AORD FERN PI.AN1B)51ZE/RIMAIIICS 25MHT 25MHT ICMCM..:lMtllD:MD 6CM CAL 25M HT: B&B 25MHT:UB 6 CM CAL; 1 2M STD, B&B GCMCAL fCMCAL:™5lD;ac:& 6CM CAL: 1 5M STD; B&B SCM CAL: 1 5M STD; B&B 2MHT;l3&B 3M HT:B&B 6CMCAL;B5B 2 M HT, 2S'lll, 2 5M HT: B&B 7CMCAL 6CM CAL 1 SM STD:B!.B 6CM CAL, I SM STD #3POT;SOCM #2POT;25CM A2POT;25CM #3POT;<IOCM 11-2 POT: SOCM 11-3POT:80CM #2POT;40CM 11-2 POT:SOCM 12 POT;SOCM #3 POT:50CM #3 POT;SOCM #3POT:SOCM #3POT:60CM #2 POT:40CM #JPOT:GOCM #3POT:SOCM #3POT;SOCM 12M t2POT:SOCM 13 POT:60CM 13: POT; SOCM ti POT ,t POT #1 POT fl POT 11 POT •1 POT 11 POT •iPOT #1 POT; 1•2 FAN l5CMPOT #1 POT 15CMF'OT f2POT 11'2 POT:2SCM '1 POT;20CM NOTES: • PLANT SIZES 1N THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIEOACCOROING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDmON, CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNTASTANDARDS. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. 'REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER Pt.ANT MATERIAL REOUIREMENTS. • SEARCH ANO REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILAllLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUOE LOWER MAINLAND ANO FRASER VALLEY,· SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN V\'RITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS VV'ILL BE REJECTED, ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR RECUESTTO SUBSTITUTE, SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUaJECTTO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD• DEFINIT!ON OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND 1/'.0RKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD'S LATEST EDITION.ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY 0 DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: 12,NOV.09 SCALE: 1:400 DRAWN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D; PC DRAWING NUMBER: Ll PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12180-5.ZJP N $- OF12 12-180 ~ Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 ctiCopyrighl resel'led This drawing and design is !he property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permissmn SEAL: l l3NOV.1-4 UV.Nl:W51TEl'l.AN,MJfl 1 UOC'T.29 AEV,NEWSITEPLANfOAOP NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: DR. PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRAWNG TITLE: GRADING PLAN 12180-5.ZIP DATE: 12.NOV.09 SCALE: 1:400 DRAWN: AC DESIGN: AC CHK'D: PC DRAvVING NUMBER: L2 Of 12 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-180 j--Z2'--t =~ TOP VIE~ CU..1\RED STOIE COl.1.t"1N TO HATCH ARCH. FRONT ELEVATION ~ mt:.e lt'.JTE5,. 42" 3 RAIL f'Bt'.:.E IYi, 00.AROS I. AU. P051S 4 X 4 6.N..VANIZS, IN~ fOO'Tll-lS, CIW55 PIE'GE:5 cot6TU:i11~ 6RADE CWAR AU. O'llfR cot6lttllai 8<ADE GEDAA. 2. HATIRAL CIDAR STAJH, TH::> GOAlS (TO AAQ-1111:Gnw.L SF'EC) :'. All~ ti?T DIPPED 6Al...VANIZS, 4. tEAVf roN' 5B.F CL.DSIN6 SATE~ TO BE~ 6'f ~ STREET FRONTAGE FENCE 1/2' • l'-0' --t-,.........,_..,,c==,!----=-----1=Fi/:::===============r=::;i -ll0-----l--1==---------------j -bYbPOST- ...---l/3RD POST HT 1H ~N6 OH1511'1Cf'DRAIHRIXK GCH'J,GlID 9.,00RADE TYPICAL Fet;e HOTE5z I.AU.HGICOP.T.1-&WR 2. ~fAlt n-r> CQA.'15 ~ STARC.,TO H.-.TGU >i>ami;'MW,.ll<M(i:«A!ll()ElE-Bl'CHB<J :,_ Al.L~lt7TDff'W6ALVNilZB.). -4. 6A1E HARDWIRE TO BE~ BY' Gttl:R. 5'-6" WOOD PRIVACY FENCE 3/4' = l'-0' JiQJJ; I. Ail POSTS PRE55tRE" lREA'TE:' TO CSA 5TNDARD A.IV EMJ WT5 TREAm:> HITH ""=cRV!JlVE 2 AU OTlER f-&tlERS TO BE CEDAR. '2 (GONST!'lk;TlOll/ e.W>E H;NfH.M. 3. Ail HARDWARE HOT DtPFED 6ALV.ANIZED. 4. AFf'l..Y 2 COATS EXTERlOR STAIN TO t'"Al.£t'""'1?.RfRS .5Ff:C/FIGATION. flNJSH 58.EC,TioN AS~ Bf FRO..ET Allt;fi/TI:CT. 5. ALL ~ TO BE LEvH... OlAn5ES IN 6RADE TO BE IN 12"-/l}" STI:FS (NAXJ. 6AFS TO 5R.ADE TO FOLLOW FINISH 6RADE. 6AP TO BE .3--6". J MAGLIN BENCH MAGLIN PICNIC TABLE HONEYCOMB CLIMBER DRAGONFLY SEESAW TREE CLIMBER DISC SWING Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: so4 294-0011 ; r: so4 294.0022 ©Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is !he property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projecls without their permission~ SEAL: l llNOV.14 IIEV.HEWSITEi'lAN,JiDP 1 u.ocr.29 REY,NEWSITEPlANFORDP NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION CLIENT: DR, PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC DRA'vVING TITLE: DATE: U.,,QY.O'l SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN: RC DESIGN: RC LANDSCAPE CHK'D: PC DETAILS DRAWING NUMBER: L3 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12180-5.ZIP OFlZ 12-180 ENTRY SIGNAGE Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek. Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 ©Copyright reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their perm1ss1on. SEAL: ~ 7 95'-6' 29.11 DECK ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 9 B ILDING 1 95'-6' 97'-6' ~ 99'-6' 29.11 29.72 30.32 3 DECK ROADD BUILDING 3 R? r:.? R? r:.? CLIENT: "' 1 130CT.29 P.EV,NEWSITEPLANFORDP NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR, ~ 2 R? ~ 5 •,I .: .... . . •' . .,. ,. ... -~ .. ~ '··.• ·,-· . ,• -'•·(• ... ---/:· -:·'t~ ::·,.;., ,.· •·:'\ .,. --~~, ,' ";: •• PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC WITH GAR MIX SOIL .. . .. . ., .. ' .. . :; .. .. ~ C ~ N u C) z ~ -al C -I -::> ~ m u ~ al ORAWlNG TITLE: SHRUB PLANA TIO, TYP. X18" HYDRAPRESSED SLABS ON GRADE, TYP. !oC)C) ':i' 12180-5.ZIP DATE: 12.NOV,09 SCALE: 11100 N DRAWN· RC $-DESIGN• RC CHK'D; PC DRAWING NUMBER: L4 OFU PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-180 SuiteC100 -4185Sti11CreekDrive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; t 604 294-0022 ©Copyright reserved This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduc·ed or used ror other projecls without their perm1ss1on, C2 SEAL: 82 IJUI C2 . . -,: .• •, ... •... . : :, :··· ;_.:"I, j, 't.:~-- •. : ;-: ·:~· ·:~;; • •. :: : .. • ... ·:. :· ·: ... ...... : .. . -···. ,.., 2 13NOV.14 REV,NEWSITEPlAN,ADP 1 130Cl"..29 REV~NEWSITEPlANFORDP NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR. .., .... '-' ~ 82 C2 82 ~ C D3 HYDRAPRESSED SLABS CLIENT: N m N 0 N m (!) z -C ...J -:l m B PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC 0 C <( 0 a::: 0 WOOD PRfVACY FENCE BETWEEN BACKYARDS ~ -i.:--~----==::;i •• lo---+---..+-(!) m . ... . . . . ... •.· . . . -· :~:~:· --....- ~~ ··.~ .r:?:. ::~t•:_&a':<LHC<.""" ~-~ ::~. 28.20 ... ' . 27.58 . .. .., L . .. :::-·· ~ . -C ...J -:l 0 0 (0 N (!) CD z - ...J N -:l 0 m N CD 18X18" HYDRAPRESSED SLABS ~ ......._ DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN B N '\I,) :~\,) 1,)1,) • b· "5 'ol,) ?.)• ,:s!','b ~ ~ ~a V F A A 12180-5,ZIP DATE: 12.NOV.09 SCALE: 1;100 N DRAWN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC $ DRAWING NUMBER: LS Of 12 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-180 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 SCopyright reserved, This drawing and design is lhe property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission, SEAL: , .. ,. -···· .•.• z -w N al 18X18" HYDRAPRESSED SLABS 4 RISERS AT 6'' M C NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION J.______ SUBSURFACE STREAM CONNECTION CLIENT: DR GRAVEL CHANNEL STREAM BED <)<::) ~--<..°' ~~ CONNECT TO EXISTING STREAM BED OFF SITE D3 C2 82 C2 B2 D3 BOULDER WALL W01 ~ PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRUSHED GRANITE PATH DRAIIV1NG TITLE: SHRUB PLANC N M 12180-S.ZIP DATE: l<:,NOV.09 SCALE: 1:100 N DRAWN: RC $ DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC DRAWING NUMBER: L6 DF1Z PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-180 ~ B 25.60 25.60 ~BOVE ILDING 10 PRIVACY FENCE N BACKYARDS YDRAPRESSED LA :..:..A=IN..:.:E=D=,__.TY__,_,_P"-. _,/ tn1n- •i~~i7gi0 Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 @Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is lhe property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their perm1sston <o ". ~'I, ~ HYDROSEEDED WILDFLOWER AND GRASS MIX, TYP. SEAL: ;.___ SUBSURFACE STREAM CONNECTION BUil " 4 • • * * ~ "' * ·'t ,:f Me 'f' -t' M • .. • • ... • -> CLIENT: REV.NEWSfTEF'L.AN,ADP NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR ING 9 ~ PROJECT: 96 '-0" 29.26 91'-6" 27.89 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC CRUSHED GRANITE PATH l~~I DRAVVING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN D N m N (.) N m N (.) M C DATE; SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: 12,NOV,09 1~100 RC RC PC DRAWING NUMBER: L7 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12180-5.ZJP N -$- OFlZ 12-180 25.10-- M FINISHED CONCRETE VALK ~ 9 E -24 X 24 PAVERS ON SAND -CRUSHED GRANITE PATH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Suite C100 _ 4185 • Burnaby, British ColSlill ~reek Drive p: 604 294-0011 . ~-mb1a, V5C 6G9 • · 604 294•0022 «:)Copyright reserved Thls dr • property of PMG Landsca awm_g and design Is the reproduced or used tor ole Arc~1tecls and may not be permIssron er projects without their E 77'-6' 23.62 SEAL: 25.20--- ~ 9 ~ 9 B ILDING E E 77'-6' 77'-6' 23.62 23.62 WOOD PICKET FENCE NO, DATE 25.30-- ~ 9 14 E 77'-6' 23.62 II'£ IRW JfflJV.N, /Ila UV.JliLWIIJl,'V. .. "'CIIQlf! REVISION DESCRIPTION "" "" DR ~ 9 E 77'-6' 23.62 25.50-- 25.40--ROAD A E 77'-6' 23.62 ~ UNIT BLOCK WALL TYP. ~ 9 B \LO\NG E E 77'-6' 23,62 PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC 25.60-- 2 E 77'-6' 23.62 '.f L__j V 25.70---25.80-- E 77'-61 23.62 EXISTING VEGETATED BANK DRAVVING TITLE: SHRUB PLANE 25.9( ~ ' 0 DECKABO"§ ILDINC E E RIVACY FENG ACK YARDS PRESSED TO BE RETAINED. TYP. I 12180-5.ZIP DATE: 12 NOV,09 SCALE: 11100 N ORAVv'N: RC $ DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC DRAWING NUMBER: LS OF12 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12-180 en • I -, CD CD • I WOOD PICKET FENCE BETWEEN FRONT YARDS Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 @Copyright reserved, This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects wilhouttheir perm1ss1on, i~• o I •,; ··, ~.. . . .04 SEAL:• . :? .. ::·-~.._,: . .-;. ·.-~+>.:f','.',.t:i~:.:. ~❖• .. : !"" .,. .., .. •.,.:• ..... .,. • ... ; ... ;~ ... ,.., ...... ::.;"'.~T.r .... •1:!: ... ).;.,·.;. D2 A A A A D2 2 13N0\ll4 REV.NEWSITEPLAN,ADP l ]3,ocr.u REV,NEWSITEPLANFORDP NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION 24.83- 24.48- ~ 3 ~ 3 T"'" ~ (!) z 7 C ~ ...J -::, 1 MEASLE PAVERS ~ 6 ED EQUIVALENT ' 72'-6' LUMN GURGLER 22.10 CO:RATIVE ROCK ~ 4 CLIENT: DR. £."1".UV - rn;J 9 E 77'-6' 23.62 PROJCCT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC rn;J 9 E £..J.VV £..J. IV rn;J 82' 24.99 9 BUILD NG 16 E E BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE SIDEWALK E 77'-6' 23.62 E 77'-6' 23.62 CRUSHED GRANITE PATH TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TO BE RETAINED \_ EXIST! G VEGETATED BANK O BE RETAINED, TYP. DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN F DATE: 12,NOV.09 SCALE: lylOO DRAv'JN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC DRAWING NUMBER: L9 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 'l\ 12l~SZIP N -$ Of 12 12-180 ' I WOOD PICKET FENCE BETWEEN FRONT YARDS GATE AT EACH ENTRANCE CURVED TRELLIS WITH BENCH LAWN BOULEVARD TYP. WOOD PICKET FENCE ~ Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; r: 604 294.0022 ©Copyright reserved, This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used ror ether projects wilhout their permissfon. ..... ····:·--.. •,. ; .... .~::::. . . ... :-. ·,• SEAL: A ~ 6 A D2 ~ 4 EXISTING VEGETATE BANK TO BE RETAINED, TY. CLIENT: REV.NEWSITEPLAN,ADP 1 u.ocr.n NO, DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DR MEASLE PAVERS ED EQUIVALENT ' LUMN GURGLER CORATIVE ROCK PROJECT: 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC \_EXISTI BANK PICNIC TABLE CRUSHED GRANITE PATH TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TO BE RETAINED GVEGETATED 0 BE RETAINED, TYP. DRAVVING TITLE: SHRUB PLANG DATE: 12,NOV.09 SCALE: 1;100 DRAWN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC DRAWING NUMBER: LlO PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 12180-SZIP N -$ Of 12 12-180 WOOD PICKET FENCE BROOM FIN ISH ED CONCRETE GATE AT EACH ENTRANCE 48" HEIGHT PILLARS AN •• • .. ;' ENTRY WALL, FINISH T : .:.,< MATCH ARCH. CHIMNEY FINIS Suite C100 -4185 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 ©Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property or PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projecls without their permission 4.04 SEAL: 24. ◄ D2 A A z -C -A D2 6-- 2.7% 2 UNOV.14 REV.NEWSITEPLAN,ADP l uocr.2!1 REV.NEWSITEPIAN fOitDP NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION ~ 24.48- CLIENT: DR. REA;PREP 1TH GARDE IXSOIL 24.83- D1 fs2'l ~ 24.80-- PROJECT: C 104 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108 104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC 81 81 1 C 81 BUILD NG 15 24.90--25.00-- 82' 24.99 BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE SIDEWALK DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN H DATE: l~OV.09 SCALE: 1:100 DRAWN: RC DESIGN: RC CHK'D: PC DRAWING NUMBER: Lll PMG PROJECT NUMBER: E ~ . 12180-5 ZJP N -$ OFlZ 12-180 81 25.10-- CONCRETE CTS ~~ite ~100 .-. 4185 Still Creek Drive ma Y, Bnt1sh Columbia VSC 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: so4 294-0022 ©Copyright reserved This d • property of PMG Land rawmg and design is the reproduced or used fo~cape Arc~itecls and may not be permission, 0ther proiects without their B C 25.20--- SEAL: C B BUILD NG 13 25.30-- NO, DATE REV.NEWSITEPLAN,ADP REV.NEWSITEPIANFOROP REVISION DESCRIPTION B RC RC DR C 25.40--- CLIENT: !61SC SWING 25.50-- ROAD A 25.60-- ,, PROJECT: l04 UNIT RESIDENTIAL 24108104TH AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC a a 25.70-- DRAWING TITLE: SHRUB PLAN I 0 PERMEABL PAVERS OR UIVALENT s5' 5.91 25.80--- DECKABO~ - .06- l 25.90--- DATE: SCALE: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHK'D: 12,NOV.09 1:100 RC RC PC DRAWING NUMBER: L12 PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 1218~SZIP N -$- Of 12 12-180