HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-02-11 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:00 pm - Blaney Room, Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial,industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1.CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF December 10 , 2013 4.NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 Introduction of New Members 4.2 Election of ADP Chair and Vice-chair. 5.PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit:2013-082-RZ, DP, VP Applicant:Randy Dick, Portrait Homes Rock Ridge Ltd. Project Architect:Michael Huggins, Burrowes Huggins Architects Landscape Architect:David Stoyko Proposal:61 Townhouse Units (RM-1 Zone) Location:13260 236th Street (Silver Valley Area) Planning Technician:Rasika Acharya, MCIP, RPP 6.PRESENTATIONS - Nil 7. C0RRESPONDENCE - Nil 8.NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Agenda deadline: Monday, February 24, 2014 9.ADJOURNMENT /jg l I l I .J' District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application - 2014 ThÍs application is in supportof; {please quote file number if avaiiable}2-ot5-pÍ2-Æ, W,Wæ¡-_.F Development Permit 2. Brief descriptíon of project (i-e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. dF êl UM,ff9 xl.t- &UMLW!øhe 4.tPf{rW (þw4 5Øe 7lA "tt8.2oro la A*,{, y A@ Ê0.t4-*tnøles.,¿q pælàv 3. PresentingArchitect:U,oh WS (please print) 4. PresentingLandscapeArchitect:ozvià 4bqb (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: (Z coptes of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 1 1 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members; Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. .HOeslgn Rallonale 6. Contact person for this projecf (please print) Name: -€""Å1 0,.U Company: Address: Phone No. Fax No. Email: P""{Ê"ìf bnne" &.U"4* z+Å (Applica nt's Signature) ? etrl- at - l? {Date) rcv. 201'l-12-2A a'(-- Jan 14 Febll Mar 11 Apr 08 May 13 Jun lfl Jul 08 Aug 12 Sep 09 Oct 14 Nov 12 Dec 09 by Noon on Mon Dec 30 Mon Jan 27 Mon Feb 24 Mon Mar24 Mon Apr28 Mon May 26 Mon Jun 23 Mon Jul 28 Mon Aug 25 Mon Sep 29 Mon Oct27 Mon Nov 24 & Locaüon: pm in the Blaney Room Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Êobe"f Ç^,k^ I I Slte Dala: Civic Area of the lotfs) Ii2-2erh m2 Lotwidth lq -t<m Lot Deoth ,4 ,17 m nationExistinq OCP Desionation Existino Zone Proposec and useland use ??nhC Proposec Proposed dist. of Site-access fron an existino intersection m 2 ì Bulldlnq Dala:3zz*^,vf Lot Covêraoe Reouirec m2 lotal lot Goveraqe proposed ¡rooosed front setback 5t ¡¡¡Reod. front setback 7.Ç m 7.5 mReod. rear setback 7.6 m Proposed rearsetback ;.5 mReod. side setback 7.ç m ¡roposed side setback 4.S msideCamProposed side setback Prooosed buildino heioht mbuildm/6uRK ¡nrtof ¿n*ta¿hnønt 7l¡â5 mzlTqz7mzl Proposed FSR in the Zone fTotal GFA proposedAllowed FSR in the Zone ffotalGFA allowed m227o5 mz mzm2 3l Parklno and Off-loadlno: YfN,¡ Parki the ' (4¿þ Proposed Parking spaces forthe zont Prooosed small car stalls ltilReod. smallcarstalls tm2 HandResuired Handicapper red V¿Proposed Visitor Parking spaces7l.agâ*.¿a 4 nts: Tree DraiNo on 50 m ofa the TOB of Contours on the lot= less than 'l5o/o/ 15-3A o/ol 30 o/o or more. m2Existinq landscaped area m2 Area of buildins to be demolished m2 ln the Flood Plain YIN ln The Fraser EscarpmentArea YIN Proposer LEED po¡nts Nsw6¡- PROJEGT DATA: ( PLEASE FILL lN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL l ,î h (.75p2 t)6 f to nalvÅ<à Þ7elv-r Nole: Please provlde plans/drawlngs/reports to explaln lhe above ltems as requlred. I,IAFl-E RIDGE o.rp lrott Cfl¿Lrth&âùt ADP applicant Checklist All presentation materiat must be in 11" x 77' 'lormat (7 hard copies Shole punched), one full slze copy and one digtal copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the Flle Manager, whlle the'lncluded" þoxes need to be completed by the applicanVproject architect and submitted with lhe ADP package' Requlred lncluded 1) ADP appllcatlon form & proJect data sheet 2l Stte and NelÉhbourhood context 3) Deslgn Ratlonale 4l ProJestAnalysls / A** wnpar\zl 5) Archftectural drawlngs ln metrlc dlmenslons a, Slte Plannlng: Slte Planllayout b. Slte PlannlnÉ: Sfte Sectlons c. Slte Plannlng SteeEc€pe elevatlons d. Slte Plannlng:ShadowAnal}als e. sfte Plannlng: ughtlngdetatls 4W L4XIJvçCfrpel f. Bulldlng tÞsþ: Floor Flans g. Bulldlng Deslgn: Roof Plans h. Bulldlng Deslgn: Bulldlng Elevatlons from all sldes l. BulldlngDeslln:Slgnagedetalb ffi J. Bulldlnf Deslgn: Llghtlngdetalls b3 Aç\fuffi'. k. Coloured elevatlorus (to show materlal.speclficatlons) l. BulldlngDesþn: BulldlngSestlons tr EI ø ú ñ ú ñ,d E ÉK øwwp' ú wwWwVww E ú Ød Jtl^ 1 m. 3D rendering of the site and/or bulldlng n. Green Bulldlng DeslÉn/ Sustalnable lnltlatives ?(t- zlæ lWl"çazlr,e- o. Material SamPle Board úK tr' M ñ ø KK Requlred lncluded 6) Landscape drawlngþ in metrlc dlmensions a. LandscaPe Plan/layout b. Landscaplng detalis for features, play arca/ amenity space/ oommon actlvity area c. Plantlng Llst wlth speciflcatlons d. Slte Sections to show lot gradlns, drainage and landscaplng ¡'rt- *tob /wruttv'15 e. lrrl¡ptlon detalls for landscaplngabove structure f. Sl$nage detalls for free standlng slÉnage g, LlÉhtlng-detalls for pedestrlans/landscaped a reas h. Prellmlnary Storm rvater Management (SWM) plan (*r, C'wtu Wà\t'lV'?'þ Projest A.f chft áffAP Ptl ca nt: Name:Êobt*Çiw'tç"t N/x E'*^rry Date: Slgnature: End of Document Revlsed December2012 I -r**Råa*=K MAPLE RIDGE District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: February 1-7,2Ot4TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2013-082-RZ, DP,VP a326O 236 Street PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of 6l townhouse units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) zone. This development site has a bit of a history. ln 2008, an earlier application sitting at 3rd Reading, proposed 51 townhouse units in the RM-1- (Townhouse Residential District) zone. ln 2OLO, Council granted Third Reading to this application for a much lower than 0.6 FSR or 51- units with all double car garages. This application was extended due to changing market conditions and finally the property changed hands and was bought bythe current developer, Portrait Homes Rock Ridge Ltd. The current developer is seeking a site-specific zoning text amendment to permit an increase in density on the site from 0.6 FSR to 0.65 FSR which would result in 61 units or almost 50 units per net hectare. A number of variances (height and setback) will be required to achieve this density, as listed in this memo. The applicant is proposing an amenity (off-site) in the form of a new neighbourhood sidewalk being installed along 236 Street frontage, extended south between t32n¿ Street and Fern Crescent, as a compensation for the excess density. On September 23, 2013, Council saw a "Denial Report" for this application. The proposed density did not comply with the OCP and existing context, so on that basis it was recommended that Council deny this development application. On December !O, 2OL3, Council gave first reading to this development with the condition of an off-site (sidewalk) amenity anticipated to improve the pedestrian connectivity in this area. Recently the proposal has been revised to avoid an OCP amendment by reducing the total number of units from originally proposed 64Io 6t; but it still exceeds the maximum permitted FSR (density) so a site.specific text amendment will be required' Prior to proceeding with second reading and Public Hearing, the developer is required to present to the Advisory Design Panel, complete all the revisions recommended by the Panel and conduct a "Development lnformation Meeting" for the neighbourhood. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Existing: Proposed Randy Dick Portrait Homes Rock Ridge Ltd Lol:2L, Section: 28, Township: !2, Plan: NWP47603; PID: 001--1-66-085 Med/High Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Page 1 of 5 Zoning: Surrounding Uses: North:Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: South: East: Tone: West: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servici ng requ irement: a Single Family Residentialand 13310 Avenue R-1- (Residentia I District) Medium / High Density Residential Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Medium / High Density Residential Proposed Multi-Family (townhouses) and conservation; existíng Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residentiat) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium / High Density Residential Single Family Residential, Street Townhouses and 236tn Street RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RST-SV (Street Townhouses- Silver Valley) Medium / High Density Residential Single Family Residential Multi-Fam ily Residential (townhouses) 7.22L Hectares ( 3.01acres) 236tt' Street Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREÆ Pursuant to Section 8 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the "Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines" and will be assessed as per the following Key Guideline concepts: PI.ANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan: The development site consists of a corner lot (corner of 236ti' Street and 133'o Avenue) within the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Oflicial Community Plan, located just outside of the "River Village" Hamlet Page 2 of 5 areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. L. New development into established used to bridge areas of low and high densitieg through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 2. Transitional development should be foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. on toopments s uld be clustered a architectural sepa3. Large scale through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. 4.n circulation should be encou with attractive streetscapes attained Centre. The subject site is located outside both: the defined higher density areas in the Silver Valley Area Plan and the 400 metres or 5 minute walking distance from the River Village Hamlet Centre. Yet the density proposed for the site exceeds the permitted density for this area. The site is designated "Medium HiSh Densíty Residential". Ihe RM-l- (Townhouse Residential) zone correlates with the "Medium/Hiflh Density Residential" designation and is meant to provide a transition in density between the single family development to the north, and the more dense developments intended within the River Hamlet Centre. The proposed density/FSR is significantly higher than what the current RM-1- zone permits (0.60 FSR) and higher than other developments proposed in the immediate area. In the past, the Panel has seen a townhouse proposal on the east of subject site, proposing a total of 69 units or 0.57 FSR or 46.4 units per net hectare. The original proposal had proposed 64 units, which has been revised to 6l- units, thus avoiding an OCP amendment but it still exceeds the maximum permitted FSR (density) in the RM-1- zone, so a site- specific text amendment will be required to support the excess density. Context:a The subject site located in the Silver Valley area of Maple Ridge is surrounded by single family lots and 133'o Avenue on the north; Street townhouses and 236tt Street on the west; proposed townhouse development on the east and single family suburban zoned lots on the south. The site is sloping down almost t2% from north-east corner to the south-west corner, towards the intersection of 1-32n0 Avenue and 236tn Street. To the east of subject site, a townhouse development with 69 units (16 blocks of 3 to 5 units each) is proposed in the RM-1zone. The Panel reviewed this proposal in December 2012 and it is anticipated to receive fínal approvals ín a few months. a Proposal: The development proposal (201-3-082-RZ, DP, VP) shows 61 townhouse units in 17 blocks clustered around a 6.0 metres wide strata road. Main access to the site is proposed in the south-west corner. The blocks size varies lrom 2 to 5 attached units that have a combination of tandem and 2-car double wide attached garages. The proposed unit sizes vary from 1277 to 1-749 sft. Out of a total of 61 units proposed, 21-are two bedroom and 40 are three bedroom units with attached garages. The units facing 1-33,0 Avenue have direct pedestrian access on to 1-33,0 Avenue and are in a duplex form to be more sensitive to the existing single family houses north of 1-33'o Avenue. Each of the duplex unit has either a tandem or a two-car double wide garage attached. Most of the units facing 236tt Street are narrow (13 feet wide) and tall with tandem parking arrangemeni. A central common useable open space is proposed, facing east, surrounded by pedestrian walkways and townhouse blocks fronting on to a C- shaped internal strata road. Proposed building finishes include: Pre-finished Vinyl siding, painted Board ad batten siding, painted wood wall shingles, painted wooden bargeboards, fascia, columns, beams, cultured stone cladding for column bases, pre-finished aluminum soffits, guardrails, gutters, and pre-finished metal entrance and garage doors, and Fiberglass laminated shingles for roofing. a Proposed Landscaping: The proposed on-site landscaping includes native planting species, bio-swales with planting, decorative gravel under balconies and overhangs, scored concrete paving in the visitor parking stalls, low flowering planting, individual gated front yards, painted timber fences, etc. as shown in the landscaping plans/details by Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture. Page 3 of 5 a Storm-water ManaÉement: The surface rain water and storm water management of water quality and quantity needs to be achieved by desígning the infiltration and filtration of site run-off through absorbent landscaping, rain gardens, bio swales, central green space to collect and filter rainwater before it is directed to the run- off, permeable pavers and staggered landscaped beds near driveways, as required. A three-tier storm water management system, designed in accordance with the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 64LO-2OO6 and incorporating the following three components, is required. il Rainfall Capture (Source Control), for Tier A events (the small rainfall events that are less than half the size of a mean annual rainfall (MAR), 90% of all rainfall events are TierA events); Runofl Control (Detention) for Tier B events (the large rainfall events that are greater than half the size of a MAR. but smaller than a MAR, about 10% of all rainfall events are Tier B events); and Flood Risk Management (contain and convey), for Tíer C events (the extreme rainfall events exceeding a MAR, a Tier C event may or may not occur in any given year) Rainfall capture will be primarily achieved by using 300 mm thick absorbent topsoil, with detention, containment, and conveyance achieved through oversized piping and the bios-wales, rain gardens and detention tanks located on the site. The BCLNA "growing mediLlm" tables provide guidelínes for ratios of sand, silt, and clay, along with organic content, acidity, and drainage. Specific to this development site, some SWM elements have been proposed, as shown on the landscaping plans by Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture and as per the preliminary "Storm water Management Plan" by Damax Consultants Ltd. included in the ADP package attached. Proposed Parking: Based on the required total on-site parking ratio for the RM-1- zene, t22 residential stalls are required, which have been proposed in the form of tandem or double wide parking garages attached to each unit. A total of 31- parking spaces are required for visitors, which have been distributed throughout the site, including some spaces on the driveway aprons, as shown on the attached site plan. Out of a total of 61 units proposed, 36 have a 2-car double wide attached garage, while 86 units (70.49%) have a tandem parking arrangement. Offsite upgrades: a a A corner truncation of 3M X 3M is required to be dedicated as a condition of final reading on zoning. The off-site upgrades include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewerr new fire hydrants, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages (south of 133rd Ave and east of 236tn Street frontages); under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground. Details of the sidewalk amenity offered by the developer, between l-32n0 Street and Fern Crescent, is also required as part of the off-site servicing drawings after third reading on zoning. a Proposed Variances to the RM-1 zone: The proposed RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) is intended for low to medium density townhouses and multi family residential buildings. A maximum density of 0.6 times the net lot area is permitted along with a 50 mz habitable basement area per unit. This zone requires a minimum usable space of 45 mz for each three-bedroom and 30 mz for each two-bedroom unit. This zone also requires a Page 4 of 5 common activity area of minimum 5 m2 per unit. The RM-1 (Townhouse Residential Zone specifies the following setbacks: 7.5 metres from front, rear and exterior side yard; 4.5 metres from an interior side yard for a wall with no windows to a habitable room and 6.0 metres from an interior side yard for a wall with a balcony or a window to a habitable room. Maximum permitted height in this zone must not exceed l-0.5 metres or 27/z storeys. Some variances sought by the applicant are listed below a) Some setback variances are being sought as listed below: l. 1.3 metres setback variance on the north (proposed setback to the building façade, on the north is 6.2 metres, while required setback is 7.5 metres); ll. 1.25 metres setback variance on the north (proposed setback to the columns, on the north is 5.0 metres, while required setback is 6'25 metres); lll. 0.84 metres setback variance on the west, facing 236tn Street (proposed setback to the building façade, on the west is 6.66 metres, while required setback is 7.5 metres), except for unit 12, building 06, where the setback variance is increased to 3.54 metres (proposed setback for this unit is 3.96 metres while the required exterior side yard setback is 7'5 metres); lV. 3.3 metres setback variance on the south, for unit 29, building 1-0 (proposed setback to this unit is 4.20 metres while required setback is 7.5 metres); V. 1.5 metres setback variance on the east (proposed setback on the east is 4.5 metres, while required setback is 6.0 metres), except for unit 01-, building 01, where the setback variance is increased to 4.17 metres (proposed setback for this unit is 1.83 metres while the required interior side yard setback is 6.0 metres)' b) Height exceeds 10.5 metres for all the 61 units. Out of 61 units proposed, 20 units are proposing a height of !7.75 metres while 41 units are proposing a height of tl.5 metres. c) Units that are more Than 2 L/z sloreys tall: All the units proposed are three storeys tall' d) Retaining Wall height variance: Any retaining walls exceeding the permitted maximum height of 1-.2 metres will require a variance. These have not been identified in the attached drawings. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared Rasika Planner and File Manager for this ProPosal Page 5 of 5 SUBJECT PROPERTY N 13260 236 STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTR¡CT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT J"""$'# MAPLE RIDGE British Columb¡a .oU' .9. o ()'- .9.o DATE: Aug 15, 2013 FILE: 2013-082-DP BY: PC District of Langley Scale: 1:2,000 í t. IÌlulti-Family Development Permit Area Guielelines Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the OfÍrcial Community PIan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the following form and characte¡ guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the review of multi-family development permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Departuent staff and the Advisory Design Panel- Key Guideline Concepts ConsistentYes No If No, provide justification for inconsistenev l. New development into established a¡eas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elernents in building form, heighq architectu¡al features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bddge areas of low and high densities, through mean! such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing locatecl to the periphery of a higher density developments. / 3. Large scale developments should bc clustered and given architecfural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual athactiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with atbactive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking strucíues or surface pa¡ki¡g located to the rea¡ of the propefy- Guitlelines Consistent Yes No If No, provide justification for inconsistencv A. Buílding Design, Massing, and Siting Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of nafural featu¡es or views and should enbance privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedeshian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalþ or through the provision of pedesfian walkways linked to the sheet. Street frontases shouid be emphasízed bv incomoratíng -1 It differentiated ûont, side and rea¡ oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale- Buildings that are desþed with an end wall or u¡it adjacent to a public sheet should design the end ur¡it with the pedestrian enhy facing the sf¡eet At signiñcant inte¡sections, fhe definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings ttratfront on both streeb and ircorporate com€r cuts. 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major sheets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a hansition to lower densiþr uses. tt/n 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings sl¡ould: a) be consistent in form auil massilg with the zunounding area;b) be sited adjacent to major sFeets to provide a tansition to lower density uses; ") concentate density to the cent¡e of the development or towards a non-residertial boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density resiclential uses;d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood;e) minimize access conflicts; Ð be designed to maximize privacy and mínimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. nh 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to:z) provide variation in the facades to heþ reduce the vizual length of individual buildings;b) have the appeaftince of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept ande) incorporate components thatexpress strongunit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 6. New multi-family developments should use desþ themes, architectu¡al featu¡es and elemenb of the surrounding neighbourhood by inco4lorating common elements such as form, scale, massing ald proportion ínto the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: Ð the artisulation offacades, using where appropriatg elemetrb such as porches, chimneys, Droiections. recesses. and balconies: -2- b) the placement, sue, shape and number of doors andwindows; c) the location andvisual appearÍmce ofgarages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection ofappropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design ofhard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed unde¡sides ofbalconies andporches that are visible from a sheet orpublic waikway should be cove¡ed with exterior finishes to provide a finìshed appearance to public view. 8- Developments are encouraged to use the Leadershipin Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) sfandards in the desig-n of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infilfration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes íuto vegetated areas ate encouraged. /IÐ ltlar àaIzü, 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either withiu a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact ofgarage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential unitswith enough width to include athactive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building facade; c) keeping a suffrcient width in residential units fo allow the c¡eation ofattractive enhances and feneshation between garag€s. d) grouping garage doors iu pairs between adjacent units to allow building enÍances and facades more prominence on the sheeq e) providing interior spaces that overlook the streegf) separating and orienting unit enbances to the sheeg g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the sheet- h) inciudìrg design dåtails such as tansom windows or gl¡zi¡g in garage doors;i) a comprehensive landscape plan tlat identifies l¡ow the visual impact of garage doors ñom the sheetwül bemitigated. nlø X K x ?1Àn Frr+u'wu,t þ e+aV' viÅ E lJ6?¿P tN îw ¡t ¿l tü.t 6( lt" "6t'+Å sik ttb*+ b >wA Puru a*+fi^45 þ vW-k url¡.-l¿ trSSvbt' . Mll cq'a5',.t'{ ll. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible. to provide shared or orivate outdoor sDace fi/tt -J- it for residents and to provide atbactive views for residents and passersby. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circul¡fion 1. Parking and servícing should be located underground or to the rear ofbuildings, with access from lanes wherever possíble. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from sFeets via nar¡ow driveways to minimize tlre impact on súeetscape âpp€arance and disruption to pedestrian movem€nt. 2. Parking structures should be ad,equatd screened and arclritecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be dividetl into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appeffance with lanrlscaping skips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement teatment to enhance their visual appearance, 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a dírect pedestrian pathway system through the parking ar€a to facilitate convenient and safe pedestian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining sheets. Features such as special landscaping witlr trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be ilcorporated wbere appropriate. Pedesfrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. nl* 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be conside¡ed where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access shoulil also be considered between adjoining developments to midmize disnrption of pedesfian sidewalks ar¡d to maximize landscaping and permeable surfacæ. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites ís also stroûslv encouraqed. hl* 5. Locate parkhg spaces allocated for people rvillt disabilities as close as possible to the main enhance to abuilding. hl* 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) princþles should be incorporated into the design ofall parking facilities rvith conv€nient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building enÍaûces, lobbies or other príncipal areas of buildings, and to grade level ftom any underground o¡ above ground parking sructures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic securitv devices and monitori¡s wstems as a ll {i supplement to natural su¡veillance opportunities in parking stuctures and parking areas- 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate swface keafunents. 9. Road grades, $treets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possibleto ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned wherever possíble, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural sontours and existing grades. wl,,ü¿, wrufu C. LandscapingandOpenSpace l. Landscaping botll within and. oubide the development should:a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors;b) delineate private and semi private space from public space;c) provide adeçate screeníng between private outdoor spaces;d) presentapleasingsheetimage; e) provide suitable buffering befween public road and privacy areas; Ð soften the fransitíon between adjacent land uses;g) provide a buffer between ræide¡tial atrd notr- residential land uses;h) create interesting views and focai points into and out ofthe site; Ð reinforcè design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscapo by providing consistency in sheet tees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development appiications should includg but are not limited to, the following i¡formation:a) the location of mature and existing úees to be retained or removed,b) the location of all protective nee fencing;c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; andd) a drainage plan for the site. 3. SÍeet hees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscapíng to def¡ne site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penerratio¡ in winter. 5 { 4. Energy efñciency and conservatios should be considered in the desígn of landscaped areas and inthe selection of plant material. This can be accomplished ttrough:a) using natíve and/or drought-resistant species;b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect ofwind;c) providing shade in summer;d) allowing natural draínage to occu¡ throughout the site;e) allowing daylight iato buildiugs; andf) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts ínto vegetated areas or rain ba¡rels for later irrigation use.g) Maintain continuous landscapíng along abuttíng streets and minimize the number of intemrptions such âs driveways and parking enhances. Continue the sidewalk pavemeut across driveways and parking enEancos, / 5. Maintaín continuous landscaping along abutting sheets and minimize the number of intemrptions such as drivervays and parking entrances. Continuethe sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6.Create visual landmarks on significant sheet comers and at locations of high visibility. Provide iandscaping and consider incorporating features such as fiag poles, balaers, visual arg omamentaltees, fountains, architectural elements, antl landscape structures. nl,- 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall síte. The minimum ground surface treatnent should be lawn. Where possible, tle natural state should be retainedfor those portions of a property not being developed. lotl 8- Identiff, preserve and íucorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, sigaificant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas ott a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to tJ:e desþ of a project, a detailed suwey prepared by a qualified professional indicatíng tlre location and condition of existing hees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of fhe developrnent application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with newplanting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replantins with indieenous -6- ( or native species is encou¡aged. 10, Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping.to incre¿se the natural absorption of rainwater nrnoff from paved areas into the grounú 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that:a) privacy to adiacent properties is adequately protected;b) driviog site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuwing aisles, parking lots; andc) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the nahual absorption of rainwater on a site. WLù, vvt * vqd* lu:n\vtWE ôL( Wl û.a(Lçrzbte , D, Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessibie. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile stip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. nl* 2. Building enhies should be: a) clearly addressed witlt large numbers visible from the sheef,b) directly accessed ûom the streetwithout stairs;c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 fi.) both inside and outside ofdoorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting and power-assisted door openers, nln E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Infe$ate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator pentbouses into the roof design or screen with materials and fi¡ishes compatible with the overall architectural design. w/û, 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc- should take into account views of the roof ûom adjacent buildings. Lor,,zl4 ìn c*¿¡3. Garbage contai¡ers and recycling bins must be: a) easilv accessible: 1\r,rc/ I -7- ¡ I b) appropriat€ly sized for the building occupants;c) contaiiledwithin¡oofed/walled enclosures;d) incolporated into the overall design of the developmenf; ore) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant'ivithin the boundaries of €ach site. 4. Service areas should be inter¡alized withiu the development For developments with multiple buildíngs, common refirse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage a¡eas should be located to be convenieut and readily accessible frorn most buildings or units on the site. Avoid ili¡ect expostue from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuwing space for removal vehicles. \ln 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equípment including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes $'ithin upper floors or stuctures that from part ofthe overall design ofa development wl^ 6- Locate building ventilation systems away Aom pedeskian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces to mini¡¡i2s noise and exhaust in these areas and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources ofnoise. nl,. 7. Buildings should be designed a¡d constmcted maximize souud atte¡uation:a) between units;b) between public roads and rmits; andc) between adjacent land uses and units. F. Slgnage and Lighting All signage must conform to the Maple Rìdge Sign Bylaw.In the event of a conflict between the Møple Ridge Sig Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. wl^ 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement tlre scale ancl architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedeshian level liglrtiug is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedeshian plazas. The ligbting should be pedesfrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no source of light visible from the public rigbt-oÈway or adjacent residential la¡d. Care shor¡ld be taken to ensure that líghting glare does not pose a nuisance to adiacent residences. pedestrians, or motorists- -8- \\ t Å G. Bicycle Parking ancl Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments- Short term bicycle parking should bc in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a maí¡ building €lEatrce and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturd¡ theft-resistant matenal that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a Pa*ing sructuÍe should be located close to elevators and access poínts. (fùû¿h+ v^ vut "y-.f Date 7o% Architect NamdCompany Nrq MunicipalFile No. Plan Description: - Project No. Siglature -9 I I -l I I l l -t l I lj -t l 'ì Ij 'l ) ,] I i I i -l I lj iJ IIIJ j 1 _i lJ '1 1 -l ¡J ) J ROCKRIDGE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MAPLE RIDGE B.C. Reissued for Rezoning, Jonuory 20th 2014 Burrowes Huggins Architecis I -'l l fevlsrons: Project Zoning Doto NORN PROPERTYLINE WESPROPERTY TINE SOUTH PROPERW LINE æTPROPERR UNE 7.50 m 7.50 m 7.50 m 6-m m 16.40 feet 18.04feet bldg 5 encroachment 24.61feet bldg 10 encóachment 14.76feet bld8 1 encroachment Design Rotionole Wol,ef: Duol llush ìoilels Low flow, lever-style fouce'ts A¡r: Efficient ond cleqn HVAC syslems Quiel/efficient fons Access to outdooF TONING DÄIA INTRODUCIION lowñhomes ¡ncluding ó duplexês, Rock¡idge provides on ¡nlegroled residenliol commuñitywìlh o londscoped common ond occess lo lhe surounding omenitios. CONTEXf fhe homes olong 23óth Slreet step down lhe s¡te to follow the fopogrophy ond ore incorporoted in o comb¡nolion 3, 4 ond s'pl€x build¡ngs. londscope drowings ond concepts). on ihe slreel. Every second row of buildings is set ¡nlo thê sloping grode by I storey, prov¡diñg o 2/3 storey building or typicol uphill unii on the north ond level grode un¡t on lhe south. HOMES ronging in oreos from opprox¡motely Ì 270sf to l900sf. All of ihe homes ¡nclude porkjng locoied on ihe ground flool PARKING Streêl prov¡des o level grode enlry into o usoble den / office spoce w¡lh stoirs up to lhe living level. FORM AND CHARACIËR londscqped gordên, wolkwoy qnd entry gotê ond will be contoined wilh pêdmeler londscqping. wood columns. column blocks ond lookoul beoms with stone clod column bose. unit ond roof elemenls thot eních lhe orchiieclurol chorocter ond mossìng. wolkwoys fronl¡ng lhe green orihe south yord spqce. VARIANCES'Ihê prcject proposes to voryseveElclouses w¡thiô lhe RMI bylow: Bulldlng Helght 'lhe buildings meet lhe 10.5m height lìmiì. Selbock!: expedence. corner. South: The minor encroochment lo 4.2m is for lhe end of Buildìng lO qnd will incorporote lhe "so-colled" decorot¡ve ond êñdched end elevolion. Êost -fhe encroochment ¡s bosed on the focl lhqt only lhe ends of the buildiñgs w¡th no mojor outlook foce lhe eqst properly line. FSR: proctice by providing o higher ñumber of homôs per ocrc ond o higher FSR while slill ollowing for open spoce. Ihe proiecl is less lhon 50 unils per hectore- we believe is on unsofe siluotion for pedeslrions from this neighboñood w¡shìng lo occess lhe bus stop. Ulqblê Open Spqcer we nofe thoi the p@ject incorporqles more thon double the omounl ot usqble open spoce on sile. Porklng: 2 oddilionol v¡silor stolls beyond by¡ow requìremenh hove beon provided. I8 visìtor opron slolls hove olso beon provìded which ore not required by f he bylry. SUMMARY provides richne$ lo lhe slreelscope ond internolly is o v¡lloge]ike setling in'lhe midsl of q londscoped leroced gorden Sustoinobilty Gools Sller New Sidewolk conneclion down 236th Streot Etficientsile design ond use of grqdes 1o creote sutplus open spoce Énergy: Energuide 80 per Code Elficiênl heotìng Effi cieni/insuloted hot wqler tonk5 Energyslor:. Windows. Themosloh. Refrigerôlor. Dishwosherfwqlersoving). wosher/dryeE/combo un¡ts (front loodìngj Etfi cient l¡ghtìng/lighting contol Rough ¡n forceiling fons ¡n mqster bedrooms Motion ¡ighlsensoß in some closets ond bolhrooms Pmld:P397.ROCKRIDGE, MAPLE RID6E B.C. fOT PORTMTHOMES Dæ: Rd¡ed: 2Jan-13 15Jån-14 To be determ¡nêd To be dêtermined SìTEARM PROJEÍ FARÂRA PROIEÍ FAR 131361sf 3.02 acres 788X7 sf 0.60 fâr 7.2211d 84881 sf 0,65 far REQUIRÉD PROVIOED 10.50 m 11.50 m 37.73 ¡eet 5.00 m 5.50 m 7.50 m 4.50 m 2705 sm 3781 sm VARIAilCE üISINGZONING PROPOSEDZONING BU DING HEIGHT 5ÍBACß VARI6 RM1 3 SfORry YES YE5 Y5 Y6 YES YES issue; July3l 2013 Jon 20 20ì 4 lssu€d forRezoning ReEsued forRezoningUSABlIOPEN SPACE NO UNITS UPH TOTAL RESIDENTAL PARÍING TOTALVISIfOR PARKING TOTAL APRON VISTOR PARI(ING TOTALPARXING 61 unib 20.23 upã 49.98 uph 122lalls 12st¡lls 122stalls 14frlls lSstalls 154Sl15134*al¡s Project Stotistics t.22ha ilet 1¡1:51 çf 3.02 ãcÉs OpenSpãce Prcvlsions FSR PERMmD 7322.29 sñ 7AAl7 sf o,m FSR FSR PROPOSID 7885.74sm m81sf 0.65 FSR Tobl Un¡E 61 Projed: slÞaeâ; 5lÞArea: P397 - ROCKRIDGE. MAPTE RIDGE B.C. fOT PORÍMT HOMES 6mjr 131415 sf 3 02 acres Date: Rev¡sèdr 25-Od-12 15Jãn-14 ffi Surfãcevisftor 125talls 13 *alls Ao.onvsitor 18 sålls VisitorRat¡o (0.20/unlt) (osXlunit) ToT[ 134ûlls 153 üll5 ffi @ 3 gedrooñs 19375.20 'f - Total 26156.52sf 57840 57sf CoDvÈhl FEred, ñb dwìns È bo orc¡orile ÞÞp€ry of lhs Æchhècbdnd con bê@pduc€dont6lþ!poñbbn. úb d¡oüns msl rct b6 scoÌ€d. vdolbù ond rcdincd&ß lo lþ wod 5tuw¡ o¡ herè d.triEr stuI mrbecodedodftulMn€npomBlon iñ Burrowes Huggins Architects 5!iÞ205 - 1623WBt 1n^É¡u., V¡¡@wer 3,C,fe¡+bß (@)73N1æ I Fü (@)73M¡07 w.bi M.6h.o pro¡ecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Por[to¡fit-l{oi'nes \;:::::: .. /l consullonl: IJAME WPE QW COilFIG 6ROUND FWER FINISHED UPPER SUErcTAL FIN¡SHËD GAMGE ÎOTAT HiltsHED TOTAL NEMÊM BR TOTAL GÂMGE UnhMl¡ , !eol reql 86 a6 ?6 sinrle ÎOTAI 122 142 N ote: Areas ae cãlcu lated frcm the archited! ral d râwings ãñd measu red frcm the eÉedor fâce of eterìor wâl ls and the centre l¡ne of demß¡ñg wâlls. This may vary slightly from the methods used to determine the lnta t¡tle areã. Tobl PH/MH October 2012 NTS P-397 sheet lllle: Proleqt Stollsllcs A1.00 A,/ L,\ ildlêrldli: Thid porly celif¡ed wood products Ef fi c¡ent/engineered wood p.oducts {finger-jo¡nted, TJI's, etc.} Effìcieôt/qdvonced from¡ng Roìnscreen syslem Recycled content in gypsum wollboord Recycled content/effìcient ìñsulolion tochniques Advonced seqling lêchñiques lnsuloted ceiling holches Low VOC, êtficienl ond recycled finithes Recycled content/low olbedo roofing 3o-yeor roof woronty composting copob¡lìtjes wdste diveßion l I --ì II I I I l I It*] {--¿ ì .iII-¡ _l l ltJ 1rJ t 1 JAN 2 0 20ltr MAFLË HIÞGË I I'l r rev¡sions: I j I Tûc)F4É ðJm,ç¡F$ I iI Ë æ ¡ssue: luly 31 2013 lssued for Rezoñìng Jon 20 2Ol4 Reßsued ior Rezoning .ttt fl coDnohrrêreryed.lh¡droEingßlhee¡clurÑep'ope'ry ôt lhe ichilecßond con be reÞrodlced oñlvqûh lhe¡ Þe,m¡rlon. ìú dfowinq óÙt nor be rcoled vÒdÒrioñs ond ñodificoilons lo lhewdl shown oñ lhesè drÓ\ìngr shÕlLnôtbe coded ôùiúlhoulùilen peFLrbn tÒñ rheÀchiiecß. Burrowes Huggins Architects Sùilù:05- 1623t!Èt lr¡\vcnu., V¡ncou(r BC Tcqnìonu (6d)7lG¡Ìloo I frr: i6u)71ùÛlo7$'ùb: $$r'bhâ.¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Prrhait i{oomes consullont: f-(,) F N :- sedl seol MCH/PH October 201 2 l:750 P-397 sheel lille: Areo Plon AREA PLAN l l iI3 :i_l t I l,J i¡_l t l iìmr' *,tt ili'ú¡ÞNÀ,ôrN& Ysf¿*çurf-. zn¡ç Ar.01 ASCALE: l:750 NORTH 1219:07PM -ì l l Ij -'l I Ij I i Rem.Pcl.'C' Ref.Pian 1804 âô Plan 40978 I I*J IIII_l -l ì t I i -l II nitnu",,"*,:i ^'r r 33 AVENUE INTERNAL DRIVEWAY d- zúUtsz Ë B fevisions: "J¡.:3 RIÍII NING HFIGHT MATRIX Rtil DtNC ilñtT NO MAX HFIGH] ll6ñ ) 2 ¿1ì 5m 1 5 ll5m 4 7 ll5m 4 9 ll Sm tl 1)ll Sm ì1 tÁ 17 ß t8 t9 )o 9 t1 ìl5m t)ìl 75ñ )a ll Sm )4 115m )5 ì1.5m t7 lì Ám 9R lì 7qm )9 115m ll 1)3S 37 l3 Áo ìl5m A1 It 43 1à Á¿ìì 5m ll 75m ìl 75m 47 AR ^9 ll 75m ìl 75m 5t ll5m lÁ ll 75m 17 58 59 ¡ssue: July 31 2013 Nov l4 2013 Jon 20 2014 lssued for Rezoning Reissued for Rezoñing Rehsued for Rezonìng {r- ,i,t' +ñfl ,!lo 1a o B Plan 23796 M..F U) +:Ot" (r) Ç\ ð4 CoÞøçhl réroûed.lhßdrowing ß rhe exciulive øopeÙof Ihe Æchllecß ond con be feproducèd onlywilh lhetpêñßloñ lhùdEw'nqñ!l¡ol be scolêd vodoliÕns ôñd mod Ícoloñr lo rhe wodstuwn on lhese dro\dngs shorl ¡ol bðcoded oùtûlhoùr6nen Þeñßøn toñ lhèechilecß. 54Burrowes Huggins Architects ,'l súilc105-r6ralvcr l{Âlcnuc v¡ñcouv$ Û.c.rc[rhoilu. (@{¡730¡lm I Fr!: L60a}rr03107wd'. \st\L.bL¡..r projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Prrk'áit¡Hol'nes consullonl: .I o¡f, seol seol ð-+ l- NOTE:AREAS IN DARKER GREEN IDENTIFY USABLE OPEN SPACE (UOS) AND COMMON -. -.acItvrTY AREA (CAA) SITE PLAN MCH/PH Oclobe(2012 os noted P-397 sheel lllle: Slte Plon l--U ! I I _d 20 A1.02 A22 Plan 23796 SCALE: I:3OO NORTH 1/16/14 1?:19:07 PM I l I 1 n.Pcl.'C' rlan 1804 39 )lan 40978 I I I 1-_l l_l i ._.) I ¡ revisions: i. nlrin.s 1'. - "\ t^o* ''' ìsì"..t'' + .¡' 1tì ,.Èf j 133 AVENUE :'1. 1É r* {r' issue: lon 20 2014 Reissued for Rezoniñg .."+ __l v.F(t) \oc)ç\ ô' {lê I I Burrowes Huggins Architects súilc105-l623W6rt{Àrcruq vri(ouvùr a.c lc[1¡un!: 'ø{r;]o3lÀ) | tr^ r¿NrrlDnln;st{': \$$r.Ùhr.¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Prrh"i[.Homues consullont: seol sêol . ti'' t-- SITE ROOF PLAN MCH/PH Jonuory 201 4 os noled P-397 sheel lille: Sitê Roof Plon Al .03 I --- f FU B Plan 23796INTERNAL DRIVEWAY ç|MI Ë 9 zeUz ru z K 20 22 Plãn 23796 SCALE: I:3OO NORTH pÌotled: 1/16/14 12:19:07 PM revisions: no.*ì 1 6tY I I -t I -ì l l I 45 BUILi ÑGìBUILT{G 2NG3BUILI {GóBUILI rÅü-7tr 5 ( issue: July 3ì 2Ol3 ßsued fo¡ Rezoning lın202014 ReissuediorRezoning cò.dohlreieded.Ih5ırowingßlheercluívepropeilv ôr iiè;ch recß oñd co. be,êÞ'od!ced onlvvilh lhenpe'ósion.lhßdtÔv¡gñ!,nolbercored vodolóñ5 .ñd mðdiLcôÌlÕns ro ilre wÔ'r lhoen on lhese ı'osn9s shôl ñor be cotded oul ùlhoulwdlte¡Þerm¡5ion l@m Burrowes Huggins Architects suilc2lìs- lú:3lld lrÀvtnuù, vtrcouvc' 3.c- l¡k4[ùner (601)7]0{1m 1 Fil: i60r):l03lo;' !v¡b: s1!ìv.hhÌ€t project: ROCKRIDGE ñ1ople Ridge. B.C. Porlháitltrlornes consullonl: F D seol seol A A ED PH October 201 2 As noled P-397 sheel l¡lle: Slte Secllons Sections A & B P397-5[e Sedions v201lM A2.01 -ì I J NA (Ð T SCALE: ì2mM S SCALE: l:200M 7tr, 70 { a tG t5BUILDII. I 1 i-l i -J 1 i _.1 í J A ploftd: 1/16/14 12:18:27PM levl5lqns: -l / I l -t I l I I I -t I l --tj I j .ì I 6D T i Il l ¡-JI j l I i.=l lII I ) l !l I _l 1 J E 12 BUILDINI o-- I 7q 5 55 Iil NC scAtE: lì2mM SCALE: I:2OOM D ¡ssue: Julv 3ì 201 3 ßsued for Rezoniñg Jo;2020l4 ReßsuedlorRezoning CoÞFohl'eiefred.rhid'owiñgúiheexcb¡Ñepropért ôr thê ÀÉhilecßo¡d co. be'eproducedonrv qrn tr\etr óèrmßroñ,Ihtdtow'ngmulñolbescoled vadolioñr ;ñdmodificolions io lhe worl ¡hownon these dtos¡gs lhdl nor bo comed out wlhout 4lren petñ¡sioñ fon Burrowes Huggins Architects çillc209. lúls \!6r lr ÀútruÙ, vJntourc¡ A C id.ohunt!: (co{!7roÛl0o I F¡\: {001rilonloT' !v¿b: \Kv\ç.bhi ùr projecl: ROCKRIDGE MoPle Ridge. B.C Portraot,ltromres consullonl: seol A seol PH Oclober 2012 As noted sheel lille: Slle Secllons Seclions C & D P397-Slesedffi A2.O2 A B c B ED 2BUILDING I7 T\ BI BUILDING ì312 LIL LI L- -li A pÌoted: t16¡4 12:18:27 -l ) l :_oà 9J _or\OU 1 1l --7^ BUILDING I6 ;4 ilÅ ----€-' revtstons: 6t-r i issue: lu¡y 31 2013 ßsued for Rezoning lon 20 20l 4 Reßsued for Re2oning I J.J -ÃÃlIl l SECTI SCALE: ì:2OOM SECTìON F A ED sêdl seol A -l l i.J B PH October 201 2 As noted P-397 sheet tllle: Slle Secllons Seclions E & F c ll .i "'Äz.os I ó 9 !G l0BUILDIN ff ---'--t2- 6D T i I copynq¡Ì rereNed. lhú drowng 3 rhe.^clut!e Þropeilv ôf lhe À'ch recb ond con be reproduced onlvwil¡ lheù Þermßion. rhbd@wiñq rud Burrowes Huggins Architects 9uirc205- ¡613lvcl lnÀRnu¡, v¡núouvd A.C lcloÊùon.: (ú01)7J0rìloll | ¡¡* {6N}ilÙ3107 IVL$: $!re bh¡ t¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE À¡opie Ricige, B.C. Porfoai$ Ttroumes consullont: i B5 BO 78, ó5 ó0 55 SCALEì I:200M 12:19:2T PM -l I l I l revlslons: lssue: JuV3t æ13 l$uedforRezoning Jon 20 2ol4 Reì$ued for Rezonìng Copñhr rérsdêd. hb drdi4 ú lhg qclúù6 pþÞery ñl rhå aEhil6.ts ôd côñbo €orodæod oñvülh lhêÛ Þêñ&bn, ftkd¡Mm ñui ñot bo tcdlêd.vodolbñs;ñd mdfÊobro ro rh.wodrùwôoñ lhBdÑñgr!M[ ¡ôt bã.ôd€d oui Ùtuutfr {€n *ñ&n tuF he Æhil6ch. Burrowes Architects 5uile2O5 - 1623WBtll^hnue, Vâ¡@wcr B C Tel@hone {6ø¡ 73Mì00 | Fù: (6øìil0¿107' wô: w.bÞ,cà projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Porhai.t'lJôrnes consultont: lllltl !èol MCH/PH October 2012 os noied P-397 sheet lllle: Eullding 1 Plqns (Bulldlngs 2-ó Slmllo0 A4.01 A 5eol mIw I -t -l I Il Il -l I rJ 'l I I ta iì ¡1ii jt t-,".,i '--..'-¡ ?ii iE E LEVEL I SCALE: l/A'= t'4' LEVEL 3 FLOOR LEVEL 2 SCALE: l/8'= l'O' ì I.J II 1 _.) I I E J II:¡J IJ IjJ 1I I -_l I ¡ 1J SCALÊ: l/8" = l'{" KEYPLAN . l:1000 revlslons:I l -l I .-l l lt- --1.$ I rl i.i ',/,2 {',, II il :tr . É .,,ri"--: | ' EE ii -- -r "ìl,-\:+:t.)1 . -..:.j P f tÐtÐtÐE-l l -ìI I J I ìtt¡ I I I i ìI I¿J ì lJ Il I.J I _l ì iJ i Itr útttr R PLAN SCAIE: l/A'= t'4' LEVEL 2 FLOOR SCALE: l/8"= t'4' lssue: JuV 3l ml3 hsued for Rezoniñg Joñ202014 Rei$uedforRezoning coÞybhr rêreiled.ñl drdñsf lhe qclutto€ Pópêryol lhê achilècR od coñ bo€Þrodwãd o^vùlh thon peñBb¡.ft¡d@iñgmulmrbercolod vodÕlbß oñd rcdlÉobs lo lMwoú3bwnon lh€þ ddñg¡ rbll rcl bê.ôdod odülhutùfÞn Fmbbntuú Burrowes Su¡G205- I623WdfnÁ*ôuè, Vr¡æ@t B.C.relohone (6ø¡n0¿100 I Fù: {6Mlrr0i1o7' wS: M.bþ.ø projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople R¡dge, B.C./.- --'.a-' Pork'a.tt l.{o¡.,nes consultonl: IT il KEYPLAN . l:1000 MCH/PH October 201 2 os noted P-397 sheel lllle: Bulldlng 7 Plqns A4.07 A seol reol Ì<Lai"r ["*v ¡ l SCALE: l/A'= l'4' revls¡ons: I _l ) it E -l 1 I l l I 't ) -l l -t¡ Ij -l j ) itr issue: JuV 31 2013 l$úed for Rezoning Jon 20 2Ol4 Rei$ued for Rezoning cóotrhr 6$ded.ûbd'ffi4 Bihs dcl4ûE pÞpêt ol itiê ¡Éhlrocß odcoñ be FPódæedonrvürh lMt ô6m6n.ñbd@im mulnol bescôlêd.vodolbß ¿ñd mdito&ß to lþwod5þwñonlh*d.dæi lMn mtbêcod€d out#ltuulffin Fm6ntum Etr SCATE: ì/8'= l'{' LEVEL 3 PLAN 54 Burrowes Huggins Architects ) SCALE:l/8'=l'¿' l _i suile2O5 - 1623 WdldÂw.ue, Vú6we. 3.C.r€lÐbÉ ¡6M¡ 7rM10o | Êa: l6H)73N107' wó: M,bÉc¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. consultonl: reql MCH/PH oclober 2012 os noted P-397 sheet lllle: Eulldlng I Plqns A4.08 I I L If I .J -l I 1 ..1 I! ¡ It i I I IJ I)IJ I .J ìIlIJ !eql üI {-l t-/ E :1*-i: :i: I !l E iaì i::l'':-9r'1,-;¡ E R PLAN A l SCALE: ì/8"= t'{" KEY PLAN . l:1000 fêvlsions: I I -t \ -l l l I l I l I I l -l I H I I ttr i tntr trI i ) FLOOR PLAN 2 FLOOR PLAN 54 Burrowes Huggins Architects SCALE: t/8" = l'-0" SCALE: l/8'r = |O' ) I I!__l I I Suic205 - 1623WdllÁwnue, Vån@uvè. I CfêlÉhoÈ (60{)73G3100 | tù: (6ø1710_3107' wú: w.bb.cã projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Rìdge, B.C..'-l-"'.¿''' P.r&iait. {tronnes'' ' "r ¡ consultonl: I l:çJ II-l IJ ¡I l l lIIJ -t !J 1I l -_) seql seql üftllI L.-.-.-'- MCH/PH oclober20l2 ds noled P-397 sheet lllle: Bulldlng 9 Plong A4.09 ' t,/ a' a ====;/,:: tl @ : , -',: -'@ÉE @ I I I I Itr lssue: July3l æ13 l$uedforRe¿oning .Jon 20 2014 Reksued lor Rezoning Copyþhl roEtoëd. ñb dræinq! iho àclu5to€ pÉpertv ol lh6 ^Ehilâcß odcon be€podæ6d Ôñry*iln rßú ó6ñkb¡,hk d@iru mul rcl bð rcôlÊd.vodolbÚ ;"d lmdf-ôtutr ro thowo*iþwnoñ tþs ddrer stullñolb6 codêd oúlslhoulønÓñæñ@ñtuñtu Æchil€ch. itr ' ¡ LEVEL SCALE: l/A'= t'-0" R PLAN KEYPLAN . l:.l000 revlslons:I l -t l -l I -t l l I I I I I I I_n I I I I I I b__ I t I --t i l _-ì l I LEVEL 1 FLOOR P SCALE: ì/8" = l'4' FLOOR PLAN l l ,] ìI I*J I I I I I_n I I I I I I h-_ l "-) ¡IJ l .J I IJ iJ ! i IJ t 3 : @ t::L-- E tr I {'il ,? r /,:, E L-: LEVEL PLAN scALE: 1/8'= ì'{" lssue: July3ì 2Ol3 l$uedto.Rezoning Jon2020l4 Rei$uedforRezoníng coÞtrhlr6*ded,hbd'd@¡rh6qclurivêpÞÞct of lhê AÉhilocß oñd coñ bo €prodæ€donvülh lkù Þombbn. ñt dd4 mul rcl be rcol6d.vôdobN dnd mdfÉotun, tô lhowo45tuwñ ôñ lhoÞ dM4r.Mllmtbê côdod outûlhôul#ffón Fñßbntum L.-.- KEYPLAN . l:1000 Burrowes Architects suile2O5 - 1623W6tlnÀEnue, Vú@uv.r 3 C Tel6hæ: f6ø)n04¡0o I Fù: (6øì7J0¿107' wú: M,bþ,o projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. consultonl: seql MCH/PH october 2012 ds noied P-397 sheet lllle: Bulldlng l0 Plons A4.t 0 seql ll -l,,:'ì "ffitrk<, rc-l ': i' :./.)\t' .¡l ::'" - -l -l ._l- :' iäi ..t i -ld.p l; .. a ., : A SCALE: ì/8'= 1'{" pbüêd: 1/1Ü14 l2lg:07PM revls¡ons: no. 'l I -_l l I I I l l i I H dr I E lssue: July3l æ13 lsuedforRozoningJoîm2014 Reì$ued for Rezoniñg -l I I --l I ìj -l l ,l Copftnl€retoêd. hld@i@b ihe qclurÑe pÞpery ôr iha aEhilâcB ôd côñ bo €ÞrodúedoñtÙlh lhef pðñkbn,ñidNiñgmuil nol Þsscolêd Voiblhñt ôñd mdtrÉdb$ lo th.Mdstuwn on lh€s dMngl itulñlbø codêd odütuulúff6¡ æmbbt tum I )) R PLAN SCALE: l/8'= l'{" LEVEL LEVEL R PLAN SCALE: l/8'r= l!,O'54 Burrowes Huggins Architects I ¡ J I ,) 5!ile?05 - l62AWd1nÁv.nue, Vanøwer Û C. l€16tunê: 16q,73041@ | Éù: (5e1730¡107' wù: M.bh¿..a consultont: I Ii 1 ! ! l 1 i J,l I )IJ i I -J l *J 3êdl seql MCH/PH october20l2 qs noted P-397 sheet lllle: Bulldlng l1 Plons Bulldlng 12 Slmlllqr (Honded)t t ü I I f .,.:: ...¿ .". 1.. l-.r ,. -¡-: ..i... ..r'.:./ .. t Ëi t---ll I I Èq I f--i::f--t-: E , 1* t"*- ll/1 -(trrll\llæ ill_,+'tl lt-T- - lLI --lr toll'+ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge. B.C. Prr{¡áit.rHrl*us '- ':::' / 'i >< "ï\J¿Iı A4.1 I A I SCALE: l/8'= t'-0' R PLAN KEYPLAN . l:.l000 1/1fl14 1219:07PM no. ^) -1 l I I I 'l =l I -l I I m LEVEL I FLOOR P SCATE: ì/8'= l'{" FLOOR PLAN rêvlslons: lssue: July3l 2013 l$uedforRezoningJon2020l4 ReissuedforRe:oning coÞúhl E,êred, hbdrd@ b lho qclu*s pÞÞedY o! ìh6 Achl€cb dd con bo 6pÞdÉêd oñVúrh thèn pÞmbbn. hb d@iæ msl rcl be rcol.d vÔdôlbßwnôñ lMß d@rcrstulltut bscôd€d oulstMuldèn *ñ&bn tumtu khilãch. trl l ¡ U Itr \ LEVEL 2 FLOOR SCALE: l/a'= l!0"5¿ Burrowes Huggins Architecfs Il Suil.?os - l623 Wdi4^h¡uq Van@uve. B.ClelÐhæ: {604¡710.3100 | Fù: (6ø¡730¡107- wdt: wwbu.d projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. consultonl: a i ¡ll I ì _l l¿) II ¡ li -i lJ ìllJ I ¡ ìJ !eql iêol L.--- -'- MCH/PH October20l2 ds noted P-397 sheet lllle: Bulld¡ng l3 Plqn3 A4.13 I Ô'/,¡4lz a -..l-'i. 't: 1..i E /r',' ":.'(:', .a-'. lì.i-1\.--,i a :-; ,"'"Ì ¡I A t SCALE: l/t'= 1'O' KEY PLAN . .I :] OOO I l I I ) '-l I I I I -t l 't l --lt I I revlslons: no. M ----ï- @ ;"-.: .:"'. E],1 "i,I :,:-,:l 'a::; E t;¿'i, i1 i :; 11, ;"".;::l E 1¡ 1,1 ,.1.2 6') tll--i lssue: July3l æ13 l$ued for Rezoning Jo n2O14 Reissued for Rezoning co!frhr ¡è€N€d, ñB dfd4b lhê sclu5ie popery Òl itiê Achlr€ch ôd coñ b6óÞ6dú€d ÔnVülh rÈn oeñ*þn. ñt dMrc mul nol ba 3côlod.vodotbß ¿ñd rcdiléolbß ro rhowo*rhwnoñ ths d@5 sbltmt bocodBdôutdhoutüft ñæmßtuñ tumtu Æchl€cb Burrowes Architects Suiblos - 1528 Wdl{^wnuq V¡n@uver t Cfel€.bÈ ¡6ø)73H100 | Fd: (6ø17304107' wó: ww.bÞ.@ pro¡ect: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. consultqnl: MCH/PH October 20 1 2 os noled P-397 sheel lllle: Bûlldlng 14 Plqns A4.14 I seql seol L.-.-.- tr i l-l E in SCALE: l/8" = l'4' I FLOOR P FLOOR PLAN IEVEL2 FLOOR SCALÊ: t/8" = l'{" I I. J 1 l lJ ¡iJ l I.t IJ ì I ",¡ ìJ I I zI l- A SCALE: l/8'= l'-0' KEY PLAN . l:1000 tI ñòII \oF\r IIoË> ìå Nooooo !oocı N ¿La II c-s at : Ëoo!oî oooo I ø(¡) 1ñ - ,Hi¡ R l¡ ¡o3ô¡ ; EEY, eU* og .. c, ' t(, '0 'e gF93je-; 3 ¡å i d J\ } ;!;F Io.:I Nr Ínr oãÊo àà " å Ê ÞE ı 2 7 Ë: F Ì g Eç ü B È ã; 9 € & ð3 Þ 3 ð ÊiB r Ë 1á ı C ¿ ÉË Ë Ë r Ì9 € ¡ E EE Ë Ë g :e : Ë È Ê iÊ E P E zJo-MooJLJulL!) 9zI€ Fö;sqB¿ı iú aR Êoo OOO-azJo_LUV _. _ . _ l zf þaüO z)o-ù.ooJL iliôO I=RO ^) { --lt t r i* - g¡å¡6: là II ó! Ën , ili l E si .\ , - l. r i' \ ( . ' t, l i3 - ii . . Li i t' 3E Ë ri 1l . ). . \ \. , \ Êi t- b ãr ì$ èr 'E Ë ;. ì . r ll;tq: ll -l - t fevls¡ons: no. I E I -_l I I j -t I -t l lssue: July31 20ì3 l$ued for Rezoniog )ø 2om11 Reì$uedforRezonìng coÞfr ohl.6sNëd. ùk d@iñs b lh6 æluie @peÛ ot lhe AÉhil€cßôdcdn b€ €p,odæådôntülh rhotpeñßbn, ftt dÑry ñuil rcl bsscolêd vodolbß dñd ñdfÉtrtr lo lh€wÒd3bwn onlbø d6Ùñoritul rclbecdd6d oúütuutfrffon FmÑ. hñ SCALE: l/8'= I'{" o 54 Burrowes Huggins Architects site205 - l62awdllAvduq van@uver B.CT€lÐbne l6gt7lNl00 | Fr (6&1710{107' wó: w.bb.ca projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge. B.C. ,,-..-- ,,1- . P""Lrálf tr{"1*us consulldnt: seol MCH/PH Oclober 2012 os noted P-397 sheet lllle: Bulldlng l7 Plqns A4.17 I reql I IL KEYPLAN . I:l000 EI ?í¿ '':¡ l t''.'1 " ::ø ,*:e" r-l l l -ì I l -l l It\rll./ I ì t.J I r i-l l lI ìI-ì I IJ lJ 1I 1 '-,1 I ! "j I FLOOR PLAN IEVEL2 SCALE: l/A'= ì'{" a A SCALE: l/8'= ì'O' R PLAN ._o phhd: als14 12f9:07PM r!!!!r!!!!r!!!!rl llllllll lllllll ll lllllll lt!!!!r!!!!!!!!!t! EFliF¡i I il1ilil rêvtstons: no. -_l I --t l I --l l -l ËL i rr as.sso.t,r-4 I ¡ssue: July 31 2013 ßsued for Re¡oning Jon 20 2014 Re¡ssued lor Rezoning LEVELLEVEL 2 SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = I -0" coÞFghi 'e\eNed. lhß dok ngs lhe dclúle pfopery of rhe Â,chúecßo¡d con bereÞ'odÙced o¡lvülh lhek Þermßrìon. hßd¡owiña mul ñol be scoled VÒñôlioñr ondmodiflco,ion3 ro lhevo'kihow¡on rhese droü¡95 {hôll nòl becÕrñÈd.ul ülhoutùile¡ oe¡misiôô f@m lheachilecß. Burrowes súl¡2os' 1613W6¡ lrArcnuc, V¡ncouv.r B.C,Iel(îhorr. (@l)l3u.Alm I fìi: 16Ù{ri10.3107r\'.b: *r*Ybhr..¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Rìdge. B.C. Pork¡í'itrlloimes consullonl: SCALE:3/ló"= 110' {* llsjlÉJ9$--- EL 85.550m ¡ -------\ Lç-- LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 seol seol NORTH ELEVATION ûrErþr rÀ¡É[Àu corouR 3clÉDurÉ EAST ELEVATION MH/PH Moy 20ì3 3/ló"=l-0"P-397 sheel litle: Elevdtlons Bu¡ld¡ng I P3q-Éleñliôhg r2013]u A5.0r A SCALE: 3/l ó" = l:0"SCALE: 3/1 ó" = I !0" ELEVATIONS BUILDING I SEE STREET ELEVATIONS FOR VARIATIONS FOR BUILDINGS 3,4 AND 5. I I l 1 I I¡_-J 1 I II t I! I "._J lj IJ l IJ iI Il. l IJ 1 À LEVEL LEVEL rev¡sions: --l I I j -l!!!Slc,v¡ -t l EL 8s.2oom i--------\ r+ i ¡L ss.zoo-'/--4 - tñEL 't I -l I l l l issuê: July 31 2013 lssued for RezoningJdñ20201i ReissuedforRezoning Ij ) --¡ Ij ËL SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l r0"Coptsqhl te5eNed. Ihß drowing ß ihe e¡clÙiive ÞIopeivóf lheafchilecß ond con be reptodlcèdoñlvüilì lìek ôerñûrion. lhù drowinq mun ¡oi be *oled.VonbliÔôs ánd ñódiÍicolioù lo lhèwork¡hownon rhesédioüngi rhôf nol be cofred oul ülhoÙl witlen Þerñi$iÕn fDñ Burrowes Architects Sùilo2o5' ¡6ltW.sl lrÂvcruq V¡n.ou!Ú A.C, T¡h,hûûr. l@l)710.8¡@ I F¡\: ¡Áù{ì:10.3t07' wd,, ***ùr.i proJecl: ROCKRIDGE MoÞle Ridge, B.C. ...'- .. 'ì: Porffi',íritrllotnes consultonl: SCALE: 3/l ó" = 1 !0" {- I Il I/ i L I I II I i 1I-t I ì lIJ seol sêol I t_ I . - ._1.._ I --t-- I MH/PH Moy 201 3 3/ló"= l!0"P-397 sheet lÌlle: Elevqllons Bulld¡ng 2 P'q-Élevliant v2013tut A5.02 LÉVEL !ft¡tor MrtRrau cotour scfrrcurÉ EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l:0"NORTH ELEVATION SCALE:3/ló"= l:0" 1 1 J¿ ELEVATIONS BUILDING 2 SEE STREET ELEVATIONS FOR VARIATIONS FOR BUILDINGS 3,4 AND 5. illlllllllllllll ETiEHN ll lllllll llllllll |[!!!!r!!!!r!!!!rl revisions: J -l I 1 I -..l Il -t I -l I I l I EL 83.8OOm I -\i + ii ,r r..too.i ./--# I WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = 1 !0" issue: July 31 2013 lssued for Rezoning Jon 20 2011 Reissued lor Rezoning coprghr fefred. lhÈ drowing ßihe èxclurive pfopeiy oi lheÀrchirecß oñd con bereÞroducedonlywìlh lheùqerñßsioñ. hL droüñq dùi ôor bèscoled-vôdoìÌons ond modilcoriôns io lhe woúshow¡ ón lhesedroùngr eho l¡or þe ccded oul wilhouløie¡ pofmisión tomlheÀrchilecß. EEARIÑG - - |EVÈT3 I l ) ì ì l ) 1 -t r -l II SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = I -0" trgr9!L scALE: 3/l ó" = r'-0" ìIIIj ,/ ÊL B¿'Baon--ø ----s-EAn-lNcs Burrowes Architects srilc2Òs. ì6la\t6t l3rÅlcùuq v¡rrùuv¿f B.C.L[úùtrr. LúN)]3031N I trr: 160l)i10.3107!v€b: slYs-bhå.r prcjecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge. B.C../, - ): PorháitlHol.,nes consullqnl: i I I I I i iJ ¡Il I -_¡ ll l.J ì Ij Iì -_l ¡IljJ sedl 5eol i I I I .l LEùELr S LEVEL I MH/PH Moy 2013 3/ló"= I -0'P-397 sheet tille: Elevotions Bu¡lding ó A5.0ó A NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION) SCALE:3/ló" = I -0" ELEVATIONS BUILDING ó SEE STREET ELEVATIONS FOR VARIATIONS FOR BUILDINGS 3.4 AND 5. EL 8ó.800m E-EiM !r!!!!r!!!!r!!!!rllllllllllllllllll lllllllilllllllï F L .. 1 ---/ l *i *\ Burrowes sfilc2Ùt -,ú:8\ad ìr;\vctrùq vrncou!.t ß(:. rôrL¡ hntrr 'to{j:lÙnrru0 l^ ìhlr4';ìÚ.3lol$!b: \ss.hhr.,r project: ROCKRIDGE Nlc¡pie Ridge, B.C. Porhait Ho es consullonl: ___.d\ BEARTNG I e i. ¡î. i- - -i.aLËVEL 3 i Y i l l:i;i s- i - - LeveLãÌ@ i i-il-:ìdìh r- - - LevrLl-Q - lñEL i l seol 5eol 71 MH/PH Mqy 2013 3/1ó"=l-0"P-397 sheel lllle: Elevotlons Euilding 7 WEST ELEVATION !rr¡or MAtrrÂv coLouR 5cHE0Ùtr SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE:3/ló"= 110"SCALE:3/ló"= l:0" -,) 2(B) ELB3.l00m I I ,EL83l00m -ì Lr'lMhErcHT --- # .L I I issue: iuly 31 2013 ßs0ed for Rezoning lon 20 2014 Reissued lor Rezoning NORTH ELEVATION copydshi @!eNed. Ihß do*i¡9 b rhe excl!sive popeilv ôl ìhe Àfch recß ond con be êo.Òdvced onlvnilh il€û oerñ¡5io.. lhßdrowiQ nìui nol be 3cÕ ed-Vodol onj ond modiiicorions ro lhe woik showñón lhesedrôüngs shoLl nÕt be coded oul sllhoul wdrten pôrmß3iÔñ ùom SCALE: 3/l ó" = I -0" 2 EL 81.900m I ].5M HEIGHÍ I revisions: no- dole descriÞlíont._ m irl ä irl i¡!il!!l!!!!!!l lllllll EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l -0" i I.# I EL 81.900m I i-t-ilra] irffiilIHrl A5.07ELEVATIONS BUILDING Z I revis¡ons: Q dole descr¡pl¡on ] 1.5M HEìGHT Tiìso¡oom'Øi EL ó8.500m issue: July 31 20ì3 ßsued for Rezoning .lôn 20 2Ol4 Reßsued lor Rezoning cooøôhr re5eNed. fhsdfowng ! rhe e¡cl!¡lve prope'ry ór rhê Àrchrecß cnd co. bêtêÞ'oduced on v Eilh lhei permßrcñ.Ihnd,ovi¡gn1!tñoÌÞeroled vÔdolio¡i Õnd môd ftco¡ o¡r lo ihewoit !hoe^ on rhese dro!{ngs ilol nor be caded Òul wilhoulMilieD Þemb5ion ¡toñ [ìeÀrchlecß. Burrowes Architects çui¿ 2D5 . r 6lA !V6r I 4 ..\rciluq v¡trcouvÚ 6 ClJri'hufr. ('o{)/30ûìOO I Frr r60{iiloHlol' !\!L: \1sr.hhrc¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE MoÞle Rìdge, B.C. Porlha.it,trlorrnes consullont: seql MH/PH Moy 2013 3/ìó"= lr0'P-397 sheet lille: Elevollons Building I ?zq-Eleøtiatg t2o13.w A5.08 SOUTH ELEVATIONEAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = I L0' SCALE:3/l ó" = l:0" i er ao.¿oom:,--ø I i EL 8l.0o0m I-----\ |Þ I I i I , er gO.OOOm| ,--þ I I ì.5M HEIGHT 2 NORTH ELEVATION _ *,_rl.!y¡lrçlrl seol WEST ELEVATION ExrEilo¡ MÂr¿rrÀu coroui scH¡DUú SCALE: 3/l 6" = I !0' scALE: 3/l ó" = l:o' 1 no. Ì' : , Jl.!¡y!qrg!T- - - LEVEL LEVEL -ì I -j .l ìj j _i 1 '---J -. 1 l J ELEVATIONS BUILDING B -l I ''ì l : iã!i!!!iiliii!l llllllililil rir LEVEL IEVÊL 2 LEVEL I revisions: no.dole issue: luly31 2013 ßsued forRezonìng Jon 20 2ol4 Reßsued for Rezoning coÞrqhr reiePed. lh 5 dfowing L rhe exclllive pfope'rv ótrhe^,chlecßÕndco.be'eÞrodlcedonrvsil¡lheipê'm$on.rhßdrow'ngnud¡olbercÕred vÔdÔlio.s Õnd ñód [coron5 rÕ ]hewÔ'F rhowñ on lhese droNLnql jroll ¡Òr be cÕded oul wilhoul ülre¡ pemù5ion úom lheÀrchilecß. Burrowes Architects S¡ilc205- 16lAw(Rl lr^Ycnilr. V¡fcoulcr ßC r¡lL$hoilc: i@i)i3o-ÛllD I Fr!: ¡60{r?l0lrl07' srth: 1Y$! bh¡.i projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Portnait Horrnes consullonl: SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l -0' ] 1.5M HE¡GHT {^ LEVÉL seol seql WEST ELEVATION ûÍiror üÀrErrÂv corou¡ scBEDUlÉ NORTH ELEVATION MH/PH Moy 2013 3/l ó" = l:0'P-397 sheel lille: EleYotions Bu¡lding I 4q-Êlevalion v2013wt SCALE: 3/l ó" = l'-0'SCALE:3/ló" = lr0" "îs.oç ll-Åil- 1 i I I I l 1lrqltElg{--ìl LEVEL LÊVEL 2 EAST ELEVATION SCALE:3/ló"= l:0" A i-in mn I l.5M HfitcHT , i) J äilLi,Ï+ìijr:1?r?tË:ìrìir1:;itf.'; i¡Ít3;r:,:Í:i:!,:':t:¿"r;i"""'''"' "" ^ ""'ELEVATIONS BUILDING 9 , t -l l revisions:o(e)19ri !"ti .d"r!1491- issue: luly 3l 2013 lssued for Rezonìng rôn 20 2Ol4 Reissued lor Rezonìng coovnahrrô!eped.rhßdfowingblhee&l!siveFfopeilvôi ihêÃrch lecs Õnd con be teproduced oñrvhlth lrer permßron. r¡!d'ow'ng¡ud nol be scaled vodolioñs Õnd ñód'fcohn5 ro lhewô'k shoBn on rhêre dtô.{nçr lro I nol beccded ourwilhourdlreñperñlJioñ toÓ lheArchirecß. Burrowes Architects suil.ro5 - r6lalvcr ll j\vctrùq v¡¡ùour0r ÂLìT.hhonr. ¡6GJ-lOúruo Êrr:'h04riì0Hr0r' srl: \R1s.bhrù¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Porlh'a^rX, Hoemes consullonl: l I I l I I I i I ì l I I l I i I l.5M EAST ELEVATION e*t- I LEVEL LEVEL ] -l--- --LcvÈliS ---Þ BEARING lill EL SOUTH ELEVATION scALE: 3/l 6" = l:0' SCALE: 3/l ó" = ì !0" Q I ].5M HEIGHÍ l-: ./ Fl 753AOmq I I ---lÞ r t.5M seol 5eol Et MH/PH Moy 2013 3/16"= I -0"P-397 sheel lltle: Elevotlons Bulldlng 10 P3q-eleñliañg r201twx WEST ELEVATION EL ó3.800m EX¡ar¡or úft ißv coLour scrEôuu NORTH ELEVATION SCALE:3/ló"= l:0" A5.10 SCALE: 3,/16"= l!0" I il llllllil!!!!rl |lll m Iri EL I I I I -1- I eÌ¡Rrñc '' ,,1l\,,/l ê,1l,,Al i-ü-iIIEIIlrri¡rl irrFiIIEKIIIäNI m ln m tIl LEVEL I iI l 1 L =,) j EL -LÈVeii S ELEVATIONS BUILDING I O revtstons: (l ) dote descrìpt¡on l EL 77.000m# I I i ,r rr.ooo. tþl-@ i i, ,r.ooo'T ----\r@ ¡ ] I.5M HEIGHÎ - -ernRtt - IEVE LEVE ¡ssue: luly 31 20ì3 ßsued ior Rezoning Jon 20 201 4 Reis5ued for Rezoning EL SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = I r0"SCALE: 3/l ó" = I -0"côoyñqhi resafred. lhßdrowingG rhe e¡clu5lve prope'ry ol the^fch lecß ond con bèreproducedonlvwiìh trek .ernrß¡ion. lhßdrowi¡q ñùl nol be tcoled voñolio^r ond modilìcÕrionr lo il1e wÕrk5hovnon rhese droünçs sho I nol beccried Õul vilhoul øile^ Þe¡ñßriÔn ûom illeÁfchilecß. Burrowes H Strilr20t - l6lüw.n lrrwcnuq v¡i$ulcr IìCIctrh.trc. ({,Ðrl0Âlo0 I Frr úfr':lo3rn:s,¡L. L$!r.hh¡..i project: ROCKRIDGE Mcrple Rldge,8.C. Portrait {lornes consullonl: e 1 EL 77.OAO ] I.5M HEIGHT .rlrr.ooo-,/'--Ï, -#l I --''ø seol seol NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION MH/PH Moy 201 3 3/l ó" = l:0"P-397 sheel t¡lle: Elevolions Build¡nq l'l e1ñ'eleval¡ôn |aa1Lwx SCALE:3/l ó" = l:0"SCALE: 3/l ó" = 1 !0" ) .. -.HEIGHT I + i ,:.::.. i..i:.',:,). r:!l: i. ä irl ä iT EL 77.OO0m I - -\]I i I '+-j, rt!!!! !¡lllllll llllll ) l .l A5.11 EL ó5.500m ELEVATIONS BUILDINGS 1 1 /12 revtstons: -t 1 l 1 dole descr¡pl¡on A ] ur rr.rron,| /---4 i I EL zT.Bsom l_--_\ l& i I t.5M EEARING LEVEL 3 '- - Lev¡L 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/ ló" = l'-0" __ --_-- __ i t.5^---- '1!5rca¡ issue: July 31 2Ol3 ßsued for Rezoning Jon 20 20l4 Reßsued for Rezoning WEST ELEVATION coÞfrqhr re¡eryed, lhß dowing ß lhè exclu5ive proÞenv of lhe Àrchilech and coñ be tepiôduced on¡vwirh lheL Þefmtrron r¡Ldfoe'Enrun noi be<oled vodôlio¡5 ondmódLficoion5rol¡ewort5hósnonlheied'oJ¡q\rhô nol bccodedolrüihoùtwdrle¡perñßiÒ¡ Ioñ lheÀchitecß. Burrowes 5!i1c209. l6lAWlr lrÀvc¡uc, v¡tr1¡u!6 6C LlLÐhûûc: i6o¡)730lJlæ L F¡¡: r6Nt;10-AlD7' \{tb: ¡Y\l\Y.bhi.¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge. B.C. 'I Porfirait. nÍonrnes consullonl: seol MH/PH Moy 2013 3/ló"= l:0"P-397 sheet tille: Elevol¡ons Bu¡lding l3 A5.13 SCALE:3/ló" = I -0' -'^HE\GBI---- '-- - r\.?':-:-- rÊVEi seql EAST ELEVATIONNORTH ELEVATION SCALE:3/ló" = lr0'SCALÊ:3i ló"= l:0" ELEVATIONS BUILDING I3 ll -) .J l BUILDING I5 SIMILAR I fevtstons:-t -'- --'--.-ll.s¡¿ ] 1.5M HEIGHf BEARING i I I I .L I WEST ELEVATION issue: July 31 2013 ßsued for Rezoning Jon 20 20ì 4 Re¡ssued ior Rezonlng copñghl re5eùèd- lhß dro*ino b lhè èxcl!5ive propelv ot rheÂÉhilecß ond coñ be reøoduced Õnrywilh thet oermßrìoñ.hûdtowiñqmunñorbê3côod VÒdorion3 Õnd ñodìficorÌoñs,o llewoir ¡howô ôn lhesé droilng5 $oLl nor be codcd Õur slhóurwdte¡ petmßsion ilom SCALE: 3/l ó" = I !0" 79.900m Burrowes s(ilr 2t)5 - l 6ls \t6i l n Àrcnu!., v¡rdoovcr 3.Cl.lqrh.rL 160{):30nlm I Fr\: '6U{)i103lr)rlv¡L: sñ\rliln.r¡ project: ROCKRIDGE N1ople Rìdge. B.C. Porhait l{o*es consullont: seol seol I I I i - -i l I l -.i :I EAST ELEVATION MH/PH Moy 2013 3/ló'= lr0"P-397 sheel lllle: Elevot¡ons Building 14 P 3q -El evLi aûe v 2a 1 3.wx A5.14 A NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l:0"SCALE:3/ló"= l'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = l:0" ] I.5M HEIGH'T I _T LÊVEL I ELEVATIONS BUILDING 14 rèvtslons: I 1 -l li EL Ll:' :I \\ '¿-' i-ú-i i-ü¡llElr rl4lt ] ]-5M HEIGHÎ ] ].5M HEIGHT LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 issuè: July 3l 2013 ßsued ior Rezoning Jon 20 20ì 4 Reßsued for Rezoning CoprnqhrreseÞed.rhßdrıhngßrheeYcllsivcpopelvðr rhê arch lecß o¡d côn be tcproduced oñl/ùilì ilEr oermújion.lhúd'ow'ñqñuil¡orbe3cocd vonoiÒ'! ond modifrcÕl ons to lhêworL rhoeñ on lhere d'oú¡gi rhôll nol be coried our wlrholtwhlle¡permisio¡ Ûom WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = 1:0" EAST ELEVATION I 50m SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/1 6" = l !0" (s)o I Fl 8¿ 800m--'\l Ð j I 5ZBurrowes Huggins Architects I I EL 84.ó50m tiltrr2U5. rbla\v.r lnlrtr'c. vrtrLUukr na fôlùrhoilur 160{) i3r}3llro I Fir: 'huar ilo 3l0:' s¡ù s..rlh.r projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Riciqe. B.C. Porhait l{omes consullqnl: seql seql NORTH ELEVATION MH/PH Jonuory 201 4 3/16"= l!0' sheel lille: Elevqllons Building 1ó ?zq-Êle@iôß \þ1?tut E[Erþ¡ MAÍirÀV Coroui scHEDurÉ SCAIE: 3/l ó" = l'-0" SCALE: 3/l ó" = l'-0" A5.16 A i-ú¡i LËTI i-ñ-ilrEsIl -t ) ¡til illl / I. _.,1 _l ì l .J j I I ELEVATIONS BUILDING 16 revtstons: ^l I ee no. clote,... - l-descriplion _ LÑEL issue: July 31 20ì3 ßsued for Rezoning Jon 20 2014 Reissued for Rezoning EL 73.450m WEST ELEV TIONSOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/l ó" = i:0" SCALE: 3/l ó" = ì !0" SCALE: 3/l ó" = l:0" SCALE:3/ló"= l!0" coprqhr re5oNed. lh s dfowiñg ß rhe e.c u5ie propefry ôf lhè a'ch tê.ß cnd cÕ¡ bereo'oduced onLY hirh lhei 5l Burrowes Huggins Architects I rr e¿.çso. @ I sui.2Ùt 16:llw6r rni\vcruq v¡ilcÙuvrt ñ(:rclùrhÕnù'collrluUrr'U Fû ilir4':10310:r!il) \ilrL.bh¡.r¡ projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mcrple Ridge. B.C. Porhait Xloones consullonl: .l ) -J LEVEL- Le'lEL )ì Il I seol seol MH/PH Jqnuory 2014 3/ìó"= l!0'P-397 sheel lille: Elevotlons Build¡ng'17 P1q-¿levâLio.s e2A1?W NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION "i 1 BÉARlNG LEVET 3 q I l.5M A5.17 A EL 73.ó00m ELEVATIONS BUILDING 17 reYrstons:-l I -l l -l I -l l I I l -l I I J l l j I I {LJ I I ,_J Il _t Ij I ,_l IlI_l Il issue: July 3Ì 20ì3 ßsued for Rezoning Jon 20 2014 Reitsued for Rezoning CO MPOSITE NORTH STREET ELEVATION SCALE: l/'ló"= lL0" CO MPOSITE WEST STREET ELEVATION SCALE: l/1ó"= l'-0" coÞyfuhl Ê*rsd, tb dowiru b he éxclustoe pÞpêry orrho AchÍecb ondcon bêteÞÞducôdonvúlh lhêipðñkbn,SB dMre nsl rcl b6rcolod.vdolhn5 ond mdiÍcdþú lo rhewo*!tuwn oñ 'heÉdra@stul rctbe coded oulwihoulMflè¡ pømB¡o¡tom lþ Æhlects, Burrowes Architects suil.2O5-1628Wd1r^vénuq V¿¡ewê¡ 3,C. T¿lmhÕn¿i 16ù)t30-3100 I Fd: (6ü)730.310/' wrb: w**6bd prolecl: ROCKRIDGE Mople Rìdge, B.C. Pr"t",í,it.tr{t*uu''.-....: consultonl: 5eql 5eql MH/PH June 2013 os noled P-397 sheel lllle: Sheel EleYqllons P397-EIev.ùons€013.vu A5.20 A EmþruEr&coþulrcHrDuLt pb[d: 1/f214 11:45:004M reYlslons: no. :rI:'ìl lssue: July 31 2013 lssued fôr Rezoning Coptsghtreredcd. lhù dwÌng ß lhe exclurtue pro.ery ot lhe Archilecß oñd con bo roproducedoôVWrh lhcnpemßiÕ¡.lhß d@lng mul ñÒl be scclèd.voùlbns oñd ñodillcolioN to lhe wô*5how¡ on lhese dM@ rhd[ nor be coded oulwithoùl Mlen pêtmbrion tôm lhêAßhilecß, Burrowes Huggins Architects suib2o5-1623lvdlr^!pnu¿, Vancouver BC rel@honer (6ø) /10-3100 | F¡{ (6ø) 710_3107web: wvy.b[¡.a projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mqple Ridge. B.C. Por'hait llo*es consulioni: seql seol PH Jonuory 2014 NTS P-397 sheel lllle: Sheet View lmoges A8.01 A ã Þlot€d: 1/13/14 10:02:204M -l l iI Il II Spring Equinox - Sho,Cow Studies Morch 21 l0 o.m.12 p.m.2 p.m.4 p.m. revlslons: Issue: July31 2013 hsuedforRezoniñg CoptrhleseNed, ûb td.Oß rhe eEl6ilepþpeÛ ol lh6Aehilècß od con b€ ßprôdùcsdonvfrhJhêi Þeñ&bn,lhú tuing M nol bescobd votulhß ond moftotuß lo lhtr wodlhom Ôn lhørê ddE rhol ml be cdd oul ûlhıur dffôn pèmkbn fôñ the achllscÈ, Burrowes Huggins Architects Sub205 - 1623lvd lel^vé.*, vatuo@r 3 C r¿lçhone: (6ø17¡N100 I ad: (6fi)71G3107 wú: M.bh¡.ø pro¡ect ROCKR¡DGE Mople Ridge, B.C. P*t"ait tri"i** consullont: seql 5eql RH .Jonuqry 2014 Nts P-397 sheel llïe: Shqdow Slud¡et Þ3q7ÆÉ¡h¡c shóâb-l* A8.02 A ìI iJ I -.i I! L "-J ,l IJ ì -) l I.J revlslons: no. -1 I ) I l I I l I IIj lssue: July31 20ì3 lssuedforRezoning Coprehlrereryêd.lhs ddnsL lhe s¡clurtoê pþpeù ôl hê aEhilêcß ond cdn be €Dþduc€donvúlh ihe¡ oêmbbn.lhß tuns md nol be Édþd vdtulbß ¿nd ñodiftotuE lô1he woû3howñ on lh6ss dd€r Burrowes Huggins Architects (6&) X04r07 seql I )j -l I I I ) I ¡J I 1 i IJ ! J I -J l 1 IrJ IJ ì I-l I9 tJ pro¡ect ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. P"$',íij,,llt*us consullonl: seql RH Jonuqry 2014 NTS P-397 sheel lllle: 3D Mossing Stud¡es A8.03 A 3D Moss¡ng Street View Studies plol6d: 1/1f14 1135:55N -.l I I l -l -ì I l 1 *t j -t ìI I l i'.J ¡ !J II ¡*_l l.J f J II lJ j I ¡ fevlslons: lssue: Jufy 3l 2013 lssued for Rezoning coÞfthl¡o¡èdèd.hG ddlns Ùlþ excluile propêry ol lhe ArchÌrech dnd coñ belep.oducedonvMlhihoi pemBbñ. hk @ing rul nol be scobd.votolbÈ dnd modlEdbß ro lhe wod ihowñ on lhe¡ê dtwinsr&r ñlbè c@d ÕùlÙlhoulfrd6n pêm$bñ fronlhôAchilecß, Burrowes Huggins Architecfs SútE2O5 - l&3 Wdltl^venæ, Vancouwr 3 C Td+hom: {6ø)73N100 | Fù: (6e)7r0-ô10tWú: M,bh¿ø project ROCKRIDGE Mople Ridge, B.C. Porfl¡ai-[ ilow,es consullqnt: seql !eol RH Jqnuory 2014 NTS P-397 sheel llllê: 3D Mqls¡ng Sludles P3974Éphic Sh€€ts.M A8.04 ffi A3D Mossing Street View Studies Þrodod: 1/15/14 11:49:084M l -t l -l I I ) -t ll ifl *I fevlslons: lssue: July 31 2013 lssued for Rezoning coptrhtreroded. rhb tung ß iÞ exclurÛÕ ÞfoÞeryolthe AEhilecß oú con be ÞÞþduc€donvÙth ihêt Þembbn, lh! @ing M nol be lcoþd votulbdhosonlhê¡sdME sMllnotbe cdd outSlhoulfrlın pêñbbn from seql Burrowes Huggins Architects (óm7303100 | Fd: (6ø)730_3107 project ROCKRIDGE Mqple Ridge, B.C. Porfina-it,llonnes consultonl: 5eql RH Jonuory 2014 Nts P-397 sheet lllle: 3D Mossing Slud¡es P397-GEphìcSh€€b.M A8.05 l l I I I¡ -_l i ¡ I ',- -) 1 ¡gJ j -- _J I 1 i A 3D Mossing Street View Studies Þlol€d: 1/15/14 11:51:EÑ -t ) ì l 1l 7ry fevlslons: lssue: July 31 2013 lssued for Rezoning coÞÈhi Ésered, h! .dng 6 rb è:.luÑe p¡opery ol lhe ÁEhiloch od con b€.ôpÞdlc€donvúñ lhei pemkhn,lhßtung M ¡ol besoþd vôùlbß dnd dodftdtbN lo lho woú rhown on lher. dw'4 rhl ml be cdêd oulÙlhoutdlôn pemßbn fromthèÆ.h¡ecn Burrowes Huggins Architects 5uiÞ205-162AWdln^v¿ñùq Vancôù{r 3,C, T€l@hone: (6ø)710¿1æ I É* (óø,71NI07wúi M.bh¡.d projecl: ROCKRIDGE Mqple Ridge. B.C. Prilí^^it,llt*uu consullonl: seql RH dâh: Jonuory 2014 NTS P-397 sheet lllle: 3D Mqsling Stud¡ee mc7ÆEbhÈSho6b.!u A8.06 A seql :,1 I _i-. r xi I Éëal I .l --_ì i.J { "_l I! i.t J iJ ì :I *,.1 l ¡J 3D Mossing Street View Studies tlL_ * * L * L_ -. L* , - - t - Í -- J -- J *_ . 1 I .- __ . i -_ _ l . ,l h ê. { ø t: t= i r. ) \ GR E + . r .9 r. ) - Ñ' 'ñ tt - _ - Þ) 4 ã ( , 4o ø þ $ q' þ uo / + sd * . c t tr o a tl ( . da m a x co n s u l t a n t lt d . 10 3 - 1 6 0 0 we s t Gt h eY e . . va n c o u v e r , b. c . v6 f 1r 3 te l . 60 4 22 4 68 2 7 (t w y .¡ \ , r \ 8 ø 1" 40 0 ?a ú V * , t y *o v v q tñ tq , [. lt r ' mñ rÐ n' p 1 4 ) ) ": i - i . ' ; i il i i ; ì Ï f! - J ' ì tf É 8 . EJ !ã ì ' l I ¡r ¡ lft t r T¡ T ' l Ê., I ¡ I lr n a . E. rt ñ Ð rì I J I l: ¡ t a t¡ : r L- l r , 3l _ _ . f f i - Éç ! r- l rH Lì t !r É ¡ rr l t $ . J f - ^ P he e lF - + r v \ ë? WO 4 g 4 æ 1 ø f r - 1 t - lW l r Z fO tA U - s r ¡ , ¡ 4@ 4 4a W \ , J f \ É ? t¡ l p t {V ¡ t f r p ¡ - t b I là a f f L f r f-I it t- 5tIil r fl ù $}(} I t6 . t ø ' l v c f 1e Rf L ø e ç t ø ( øw ) Ø t1 ( E a . r- î l ff i * h u : ¡ , i " I ül ùE c : hl rã - l Ëa kç r . E¿ t ¡- - i å I .. Ì, r ,¡ . . I i- Í ¡, ¿ ¿ i ¡tf t ! t '¡ . ] ¡'P ¡ I ? ti : i j- : t l lì ñ ¡! F¡ ' I tr ! ¡. FI J ¡r f ¡r r' ; 1 f* d tt cl * \ 14 r r ' É ñ } t l Ir * f fi Ø êñ r > ? A \f , f t T # ? - I l -t I -l l I l -'1 l -'l I) --l l l i ) II ¡*l I iJ II,i.J : l J I I-l I IJ I 1 l,-J ffi SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2305 Hemlock St, Vancouvêr BC, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 F 504 681 3307 www,sharpdìãmond.com SÈÀNÞ &DIAMOND hNDSúPEASCHTEqURE INC, DOES NOTGUÀRANTEE frE EXISTENCE, TOüTION, AND EIEVATIONOFUNLTIESANDIORCONCALEDSfRUfrUÂEs AlTHE PRO'E6SIIE. fHECONIRATORISRESPONSIBLEFORDE]ÉRMININGfrE üISft NCE, IOCAf ION,AND ELËVATION OFALL UTILITIES ANO /OR CONCSED SMUIURE' AND ì5 R6PONSIBLE FOR NONryIN€ ft É APP¡OPRIATE COMP4NY, D€PARTMENI OR PERSON(s)OF Iß INIËNTONTqRRY OUIIIS OPERATIONs, 1 IssUED FOR RSON¡NG 13-08-09 lSSUED FOR.-.,.ñ.MM-DD REVISIONS Porllrai[ illomes ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 235th Strêet Maple Ridge, British columbia Scale:NIA Drawn:DS/TT Reviewed:DS Project No.06-342 COVER SHEET / DRAWING LIST ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236TH ST. MAPLE RIDGE LANDSCAPE SET: ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT JANUARY 20,2OT4 PROJECT ¡NFORMATION LANDSCAPE DRAWING INDEX GENERAL NOTES CLIENT: PORTRAIT HOMES C0NTACI NAM€: P'ÂNDY DICK 20}5600 GRAYBÀR ROAD RICHMOND, BRIIISH COLUMBIA, V6W 1H9 ElüAlL: RANDYD@ PORTRAITHOMES.CA PHt 604.27o.7a47 DRAWING INDÊX SHEfr No.SHEET NAME 10.0 COVER SHEET/ DRAWING LIST L 1.1 TANDSCAPE SITE PLAN 12.1 PLANT LIST/ PIANT MATERIAL5 L2.2 PLANTING PTAN 13.1 DETÀIL SITE PLANS. IYPICAL YAROS L3.Z DEÍAIT SITE PLAN.AMEN¡TY AREA 13.3 [ANDSCAPE FENCE PLAN L 3,4 UNDSCAPE LIGHT PTAN L 4,0 PRECEDENT IMAGÊS L 4.1 DÉTAI6 - BARDSCâPE L 4.2 DfrAIIS - FENCING. FURNISHINGS 14.3 DNAIß - SOFÍSCAPE ALL LANDSCAPE ARCHITÊCTURAL DRAWINGS IN THIS PACKAGE SHATL BE READ ìN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL OTHER LANDSCAPE ARCHìTECÍURAL DRAWINGS, ÞETAIß, 5PÉCIFICATIONS, AND OIHER CORRESPONÞANCE THAT MAY BÊ ISSUED DURING THE COURSE OF THE CONIRACI. IF A DìSCREPANCY OCCURS BETWEEN THE DNAWIN65 AND THE SPECIFICATIONS OR ÀNY OTHER DOCUMEÑT ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROIECT. THE CONFLIC-Í sHAI.L 8E REPORIED IN WRIfìNG TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHIÍEC-Í TO OBTAIN CLARÍFICATION ÀND APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDIN6 WIIH WORKS' THE CONfRACÍOR SHALL VISIffHE SITE TO VERIFY THE TRUÉ EXìSTIN6 CONDIIIONS. ANY UNCLEAR ISSUES SHALL BÉ CLARIFIED WITH fHE TANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NO CTAIM SHALL BE ALLOW€D FOR ErfRAS WHICH MAY ARISE THROUCH NEGLECT OF THIS ADVICE.ARCHITECI: BURROWES HUGGINS ARCHITECTS CONTACr NAME: MIKE HUGGINS 205-1628 WEST 1ST AVENUE VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, V6J lG1 ENIAìL: MIKEH@BHA.C¡ PH:604.730.8100 ÀLL EXISTING INFORMATION ìS BASED ON AVAIIABLE RECORDS AND sHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO 8E COMPLËTE OR ACCURATÊ- LAYOUT OF HARDSCAPE, SITE FURNITURE, SOII- PLAN-TING, AND ALL OTHEN MATERIALS IS TO BE SÍAKED OUI AND APPROVED 8Y THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PilOR TO fNSTALLÀTION. AIT PLANTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BC LANDSCÁPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. t-ANDSCAPE ARCHTTECT: SHARP & DIAMOND LANOSCAPÊ ARCH'TECTURE INC, CONTACI NAME: DAVID STOYKO /TAKASH' TOMONO 2305 HEMLOCKSTREEI, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, V6H 2V1 EIVIAIL: DAV'D@SHARPDIAMOND,COM I TAKASHI@SHARPDIAMOND.COM PH:604.681.3303 THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING fHE EXISTENCE. LOCATION, AND ELEVATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND CONCEALED SÍRUCI'URES, AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE COMPANY, DEPARTMENTOR PERSOÑ(S) OF IIS INfENTION TO CARRY OUT |fs OPERATIONS. SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCAPT ARCHITECÍURE INC. DOES NOTGUARANT:ETHE EXìSTENCE, LOCATION, AND EIEVATION OF UÍILITIES OR CONCEAIED STRUCTURES AT THE PROJECT slIE. FINAL SELECI¡ON AND APPROVAL OF ALL STREETIREES TO 8E DONE BY DISÍRICT OF MAPLE RID6E. ALLPUBLIcREALMDFÍAILsToTHESATI5FACÍIoNoFTHEGENERALMANAGERoFEN6INEERINGSERVICESIN CONSULTATIÛN WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PI.ANNING, L0.0 I L i I ñP E G2 td _ - ] 0 .u 5 ilP E BI ft s l @ tr 0TP E B] t3 i l @ fr P E C2 f¡ t ] IY P E Bì f3 T I rP E G 2 f s' l fr P E 83 , f 3t l 0 o G' 9 n1m¡m>z-ar > {<6sm=1 .Ò v -r V 3e .s t q\ .0 v "- u - . d ¡ # .r V . .s . ı v E t IY P E D] f4 s l Br , i l . i ¡ n o I ó ff i r f f i nï F { 0 IY P Ê 8I f 3r - l nr i l d i n d I l TY P E B] t- 3 ] - l Fr $ @ IY P E C] l- 4 7 - l TP E E] f5 4 ' l IY P E Dì ti l TY P E DI fs l fr P E C3 t 4t _ l [- s z l TY P E C3 , IY P E Hì -- - ' I ¡o ra ti IY P E 83 t, l _ - ] ftP E B] fr r _ l IY P E 82 tl 7 l TY P E 83 fÉ - l TY P E 82 tæ - l TY P Ê BJ lu l ÏY P E B] .l _ ' - ] frP E S] I 2r - l ilP É ðI Tr s l ñP E 8] ip _ - ] ft P E 8ì l- n - l TP E 8I l- % - l ÏY P E B] Tr - a l .., i È qr t- ., 9 RE T A I N EX I S T I N G TR E E RO W ì; o 3=I Or V\ .t ! ùc dl " nlt u óu u -a * ù u 4> \ ' v .q g óò ^" V ;ô9 f) " om o!mzi c m iôztroToc 4.zo ¡h Ø2 oI ØIzo '9 \ I3 3 AV E N U E Un o z-tTNnz e^ EW A Y {^ 6* * *. ' . Þ EN T R A I . I C E DR I V E W A Y IN T E R N A L DR I V E W A Y mãI oEoo d \)(¡ ) cts çt r lån TNm- f, ¡ "d t u .r . t Ì & .-! r l'" d. 3 :) l ,t y ': , .. 1 ) ' (¡ \ .ta rt i \) "ìl- .. t . ,u ! 1? .c q qb -.c a '. .v , á' lö t f . i' i P ur f .e q ^& ' *" ! .,L l .ò ç ,r ! .f ,i V o -m 4. smÔaz m¡sl2zoo Rnm: Kf u Æ ü i! 3 w l f ¡ " ì [i W i l $ ÉË 5 !9 ã ; u, " ã- s lô < : !ã , ' e 0: Ê ç s* ä zø t YO I sÞ ö 10 2 iñg 99 ð È q J iå ã à i a It i ã F : ?ø 2 9 6 ã rË ç ı ó => a z a =i s ; a zo a o o l9 ô ñ z Ytc q ; o --ú f r Õö ! o o ãi : e E 1e 4 ; t =g ö ì : ¿P s : 9' ñ s2oz F- - 1 F3 r-ÕrF- . #F F<R ÕØ Hi æPo O î= ^ *c r =a ú g Ë .J¡d 9-3 ı !:tl o É 5.É ô z -zUU1Õ -E m lJ )=m-g Fz ;( n -t -3ÞÕw ìtñæ Þe J c.Þ;K #e r z I: f oq 1 I r I -t l -t l -t I .l l l Ij ffi THE CONIRACTOR 15 RESPON5IBLE TOR DÍERM¡NINGIHE ilI5TENCE, LOÓTION,AND ETEVAT1ON OFALI UTìIINE AND / OR CONCALED SßUqURES,AND IS RSPON5IELE FOR NOIryINGfHE APPROP!IATE COMPANT ÐEPARruENT o8 PERSON{S) OF lß INTENTIONTOqRRY OUllß OPEMTIONS. 1 ISSUED FOR RUONING 13-08-09 rssuEo F0R.....W.MM.DD REVISION5 SHARP & DIAMOND UNDSúPE ARCHINgURE INC' DO6 NOlGUAMNIEE frE EXISNNCE. LOøTION, AND ELEVATIONOFU¡LMESANDIOiCONCSEDÍRUqUR6 AIIHE PROJE65IIÊ. Porllnait illo*es SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCAPE ÀRCHITECTURE ¿305 Heñlock St, Vancouver BC, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 Í 604 681 3307 www.shârpdiamond com ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple Ridge, British Columbia Scale:N/A Drawn:DSÆr Reviewed:D5 Project No.06-342 ri' Cornus kousa Chinensis Malus zumi calocãrpa Acer cifc¡natum StyEx japonicus Japanese SnowbellFraxinus'Pra¡rie SPire'Rhamnus purshiana Cascara Kousa Dogwood Zumi Crabapple Vine Maple Prairie Sp¡re Ash Pinus sylvestris fastigiata Scotch Sentinel Pine TREES Prunus serrulata amanogãwa Acer griseum Thuja plìcata Picea omorika Serbian Spruce Liquidambar styGc¡flua Sweet GumJapanese Flowering Cherry Paper Bark Maple Western Red Cedar Sk¡mmia iaponica Cornus stolonìfera fruiticosa Rhododendron 'Hote¡' Yellow Rhododendron Calluna vulgaris'F¡reflY' Red HeatherSpiEea bumalda'Goldflame' 'Goldflame' SPiraea Japanese Skimmia Red Osier Dogwood Tangerine Cinquefoil i{E\Èi.r::'rr-"-:'-----l P¡eris japonica 'Forest Flame' Lily-Of-The-ValleY Shrub SHRUBS SarcococcahookeEna'Humulis' Ribessangu¡nium Himalayan Sweet Box Red Flowering Current Foßyth¡a x Intemedia Border Forsythia Thuja occidentalis'Smamgd' Emerald Cedar Sp¡raea bumulda'Goldflame' Goldflame Spirea Fraqaria ch¡loensis Beach Strawberry Rubus calycìnoides Emerald Carpet Parthenicissus qu¡nquefol¡a Virginia Creeper Juncus etfusus Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Creeping Ceanothus Oxal¡s calycinoides Soft RushRedwood Spurge Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern Blechnum spicant Deer Fern crocosmia 'Luc¡fer' Red Crocosmia Dicentm fomosa lís siberica Siberian lris Hosta Blue Angel Blue Angel Hosta St€êl T€os - Uquidambâr styraciflua or spæi6s approved by D¡slrict ol Maplê Fìidq€ _ &m câ1" B&B NOTES: 1ì lnasãoldiscreoândbeMeenÞlânlnumbeFonhislistandontheplân'lhelatorshallprevaìl'áí Äìl plã"riis "-ñ"il'b i"- "i-rdån¿s wilh Bc bndspe sbndard' lalesl €dilion' ãí Äii ãiãiìiiiı úåã! i"- ¡" mutchd wìh z lsommjlÀ'nwer Gaden produæ 'Humus buildsi or æprcved equal. 4l Allt€o sþndâds to b hM€sn 5'to 6' BOTANICAL i.¡AME COMMON NAME &w SHRUBS suE COMMOT{ NAMÊ SPACING SPACING SPACING TREES OTY. 14 12 10 7 17 17 16 t9 '10 1 7 BOTANICAL NAME Aærx F@eñæ¡i'Amstmng' A€rcircinúm Aærgriseum comus kousâchin€nsis FÊinus p€nns-ylvtr¡É'Pdri€ spi€' Malus zuml Calocarpa' Pìceaomoík Pinus sylvoslds lastigiala Rhffinus pußh¡ma Stewãfr a psudocamelliå vt KoÉma Styd japonicus ftujâ plicab Tangsrìn€ Clnquafoil abel's Cherry burel Yellow nhododendrcn Pink Rhododendron Red Fbwedng Curent Hlmalayan Sweel Box Jâpanô$ Skmm¡â Goldflamo SPi€a Mexi6 Fsalh€a Gras Snowberry EmeEld Cedù ofY +s¡ 981 o 17so2æf'l € e 124 Aæ Ð 307 @ 141 + 172 a12 a 494 o81a 27sñrsoæ6 172 o 271osgrs E 178 4"(1ocm) pot 4'(10cñ) pot 4'(1ocm) pol 4"(1ocm) pot 4'(10cñ) pot Crcoping Cêanothus Beach Shùsrry Bêdwwd Spuae VirginiaCr€sPsr Emeråld Carp€t ffi 5r9 m 641Ø 7s1o15 ü!¡! ss Aurinlasdalilb Crccosmia 'Lucifê/ oiænÍabmosa G€renium canddgiense Hemerc€llb'StellaD'Orc' Hosta 'Blue Angel' lds siberica Juncus sfusus Rudbækia hida [i.i I W 5o2 ffi17 N€1ffi 45r i:6 GROUND COVERS AND VINESOTY. BOTANICALNAME j¡2 pot 18" o.c Ppol 36"0 c *2W1 18" o.c Ppol 35"oc ffi pol 4/'o.c #1 pot 24'o.c #2 pot 24" o.c #5 pot 24'o.c ffipot 36"oc f1 pot 24" o.c *¿pol 24'o.c #pol 24" o.c #3 pol 36" o.c mpot 24"oc ffipot 24"o.c l2 pot 24'o.c #pot 24"o.c i2 pot 2q' o.c #1 pot 24" o.c #2 pot 24" o.c #5 pot 24'o.c 1.5m high ldmmed b 1.2m 15" o.c l5"o.c 15" o.c 18" o.c l5" o.c 18" o.c 24" o.c 18" o.c 18" o.c 24" o.c 24" o.c 15" o.c 12'o.c 24'o.c Ceanolhüs gdseus ho¡izonÞlis FÉgada chllosNF Ordis €lycinold6 Pdhenic¡ssus qu¡nquôfolia Rubus calyc¡noides PERENNIALS, BULBS, AND ANNUALSOTY. BOTAilICAL NAME COMMON NAME &sketotGold Rsd Flowsdng crc@smìa W€stem Bl€€d¡ng Hsad Crånasbill G€Enium Day Uly BlueAngel Hosb Sib€riú lris sofi Rush Blâck-Ey€d Susan Dssr Fern Litte baf Botrood n€d HÊâ$er Rêd Osi€r Dogwood Boder Forsythla Engllsh bvend€r Dwart Fouñhin GÍass DwålSa¡bid SPrucs Lily4nbÈVallsy Shrub Blechnh spiGnl Buxus macrcphylla calluna wlgtris'FiGlly' ComussblonifsÉ Forcylhiax intemedla Lav€ñdula Ðgudfollum'H¡d@t€' Pennistum alopecuroid6'Hameln' Piæaomrika'Núe' Pieris jåponi6'For€sl Flam6' Polysdchum munifum Polentillã f ru¡tlms Tangerjns' Pilnus laum6ræus'Zabeliana' RhododondÞn 'Hotôi' Rhododêndrcn'Ken Jmæk' Blþs sangulneum Sarcæoø h@korana humllis Skimmiejåponicâ Spiræa x bumulda'Goldllam' Stipatenuisime Symphod€rpos alba Thulâ æcirenlal¡s'Srurâgd' 4"(1ocm) pot 4'(10cm) pot 4"(1ocm) pol 4'(1ocm) pot 4'(1ocm) pot {'(1ocm) pot 4'(t0cñ) pot 4'(1ocm) poi 4"{1ocm) pot COMMON MMÉ Amsfong MaPl€ Vine Måple Peor Bark M6Pla Chin€se KousÀ Dog@d PmjrìÞ sp¡Þ Græn Æh zumlCEMpple Japanes Howedng Cheny S€óìan Sprucs S@lch Sondnel Pine CåsHa Koreil Stewadla Japaßs Snowbll Weslem Red Cedar SZE SPACING &m cal., B&B a shown &m cal., B&B 6 shown Specimen, Muhi-slêm Sm cal., B&B s shown Specim€n, Mullr-slem *m cal., B&g s shown 6cm cal., B&B s shown ftm cå1., B&B æ shown Smcal., B&B æshown sMht., B&B æshown 2.5M ht., B&B s shown Sm câ1., B&8 I shown SFcimên, Slnglestsm æ shown scm ôa1., B&B æ shown 3M hl., B&B 6 shown GROUND COVERS, FERNS, AND VINES Bleeding Heart I l I i I-l I! t j lIrl Ii _,1 ! llrl PLANT LIST LZ.1 ffi SHARP & DIAMO¡{D LANOSCAPË ÀRCHITECTURE 2305 Hemlock st, Vancouver Bc, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 wvrw.sharPdiâmond.com sHAßP & DIAMOND hND5qPEÀRCHITEOURÊ INC' DOE NOI GUAMNIEE frE EXISIENC!, LOüTION,AND €IEVAfION OF UIIItrIES AND I OR CONCAGD SIRUqURS ATTHE PROJEfrSITÊ. T!Ê CONT¡ACÍOR IS RESPONSIBTE FOR OEIERMINING fi Ê ilISTÉNCE, LOOIÍION,AND ÊLEVATION OFALL WIITS AND/ORCONCSLEDSNUfrURÉ5,AND15B6PON5IÞLE FOR NOlryING THÉ AP?ROPRì41É COMPANY, DEPÀRTMENI OR PERSON{SI OF Iß INIENTION'OARRY OUIIE OPÉNÀTìON5, ISSUED FOR&AON¡NG 13-08-09 'SSUED FOR.,.,,W-MM,OD REVISIONS Prntrai[ [no*es ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple Ridge, British Columbia Scale:1:200 Drawn Ds/Tr Reviewed:DS Proied No.06-342 PLANTING PLAN -t I --t ì -t Io e @ g fl-ËilçlEË!g ----__9 iÍìÍI .-l8låÊ!s o @ I E] _-i Ël3låi!9 o elalS i!g --g Ël8läÊu90 o¡99l^lË -Íl *ls a!9 3fr3 g!í iu9! .l Ig PlRl: =l ls'-òo *l¡13:Lls PlRliÊ!9=t__lE 9 €l-lå;U9 --C ëì.1..Ê!P 9 -'lRl:Ê!9Èl- lå e rl-l'.Êu9 HlNlSÊu9 3 Pl ñl;Ê!sa!9Èl-lga!9 0 00 00û00 ++++++++++ äItu Éo J zMtu¡-z äIul v.ô uJU'- z -' ul-zLU ìILlJ J z olfl" INTERNAL DRIVEWAY 1 slope ql l0% INTERNAL DRIVEWAY @ ñ -l l! tLJ I -_l II i-l 1 ,_-,1 I Il L?.? ffi SHARP & DIAMCIND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECf URE 23û5 Hem,ock 5t, Vancouver BC, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 6a1 3307 www.sha rpdì am ond. com SHARP & DIAMOND HNDSüPEÀRCHIMqURE INC,DOES NOT GUAMNIEE THE EXISf ENCE, LOúTION, AND ELEVAIIONOFUÍITI€5AND/ORCONCSLED5IRUÍURE5 AfTHE PRO'Efr SITÊ. TH! CONfÂACIOR IS RESPON5IBLÊ FO DTERMININGTHE üISTENCÊ, LO6TION, AND ELEVATION OFALL qIITIE5 AND / OR CONCALED sIRUÚURE5,AND I5 SSPONSIBLE FOR NOIryINGTHE ÀPPROPRIÀTE COMPAN' DEPARTMENT oR PERSON(51 OF rß TNTENTIONTO qRRv OUrlT5 OPEMTIONS. I55UED FOR REONING 13.08-09 rssuED F0R.....W-MM-DD REVISIONS Pontnait,llo*es ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple Ridge, Br¡tish ColumbÌa scale:As Shown Drawn:Ds/rr Revíewed:DS Project No.06-342 -t l r I ì l l -t I t @ DRY STREAM SñLE STORMWATER SWALÉS GROUNDCOVER PUNTINGSBryEEN ORIVEWAYS INDIVIDUAL ATED FRONT EÑTRIES DECOMÍIVE GMVEL UNDER OVERHANGS AND BALCONIES SCORED CONCRM PAVING IN vtslToR PARKING STALLS (2'X2' ROWELED JOINT PAfrERN) PAINTED TIMBER FENCES NARROW FORM STREÉÍ KEY PhN (1" = 100'-0")OUÍLINE OF BALCONY INDIVIDUAL LAWN YAROS t orrat euru r 11" = ro'-o"l SWAE PRECEDEI{T SWAI.E WITH PUNTING ô ìNDIVIDUAL GATED FRONT ENTRIES INTËRN[ PEÐESTRIAN UNIT BLOCKWALLS ATGWE CHANGES LOW, FLOWERING PUNTINGS BOULDER RETAINING AT SWL GUÞE CHANGÊS NEW SIDEWALKS FOUNOATION PLANTINGS AT BUILDINGS MRROW FORM STREET REES, DIFFERENT ON EACH INTERML SlREET GUVEL DRIP EDGE AT[L UNDSCAPE / BUILDING INTERFACES OUNINE OF BALCONY ABOVE SMALL TREES IN FRONT YARDS L- L \wM o- g ¿L ài N ffii,,fü rffi Y { 2 DETAIL PIAN 2 (1" = 10'-0") FENCE DRIP SIRIP BOUI,.DER RÍAINING WAU WÍH VEGEÍATION --t l I I ll I l l --l !J *.t I ¡ l DETAIL PLANS L3.1 -l j '-l I I) --l Ij l -l I l ffi SHARP & DIAMOND LAI¡DSCAPË ARCHIf ECTURË 2305 Hemlock St, Vãncouver BC, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 www.sharPdiamond.com SHARP & OIAMONO úNOSqPEARCHìIEOURE INC. DOS NOIGUAMNTEE NÊ EXISTENCE. LOqTION, AND ELEVAIIONOFUNLNESAND/ORCONCAEDSTRUIURES AITHE PRO]EO5IIE. THE CON¡RAqOR IS RESPONSISLE FOR Ofl ERMINING IHE UIsT¡NCE, LOGIION, AND ELEVATION OFAU UTIL1ÍE5 ANO / OR CONCSED SBUqURES,AND I5 RBPONsIELE FOR NOlryING ft E APPROPRIATE COMPANY, DEPARruENT OB PERSON{S) OFIT5 INÍENTONfOARRY OUTIfS OPEMTIONS. I5SUED FORREONING 13,08-09 È rssuED FoR.....W.MM-DD RÉVISIONS Prntnait illormes ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES Z35th Street Maple Ridge, Br¡tish columbia Scale: Dtawn:Ds/Í Reviewed:DS Project No.06-342 RETAIN EXISTING TREES WHEREÆPROPRßTÊ,NEES TO BE RWIEWED BY PROJECTARBORIST UPRIGHT EOULOER'FORTS' WITH PEA GMVEL UPRICHf BOUI.DERS KEY PIAN (1' = 100'{'} PtANfING BUFFERALONG PROPERTY EDGE FIAG STONE AROUND A FEATURE TREE SWÂE PRECEDENl SÌEP ÍONES ¡N PLANn; 3 oEmll pt¡t'l s (1" = lolo") BENCH PRÊCEDENT ,] I IJ lIlf 1 ,i j rl i ìL -,j l iJ DETAIL PLAN L3.? _l * I __ . 1 -_ j L- . - ^ _ I 0 0 El 0ñP E F] ts _ l 0 |IP E G2 Ts - - ] 0 0 0 E 0 0 EftP E F I f¡ r - l 0 TY P E C¡ l- Ð - l 0 : TY P E Hì ts t rP E B1 tB - ] IY P E 83 fn _ l ñP E B1 l- E - l TY P E 8] fã _ ] l TY P E 83 fÉ _ - ] TY P E 82 t ,o - l il P E 82 t ul ftP E BI t- r 4 _ ] TY P E Bì ñ IY P E B] l- n - l fr P E B] f.. . . ' - t¿ 1 t ñP E B] tp _ l T1 P E Bì I- ú _ - l IN T E R N A L DR I V E W A Y IN T E R N A L DR I V E W A Y z-- lmnz -uN-<gmoãs lR EN T R A I . { C E DR I V E W A Y t- t- - I I3 3 AV E N U E t_ -,_ _ _ d TmzomrmomzÞ I !or uoÍn oñ È + 4 !o røc ÐÞt rìm oil ?5 ì z¡mzìa o{m F !l N)(, ct s U1 In TNrn-{ H ff i f f i 5U r zL3Þon ìt pC t -Þ;3î( ' cz#E É {! Y €q ä FË : o; a !l i 1 ã :T iÞ d ã =Z 7 e xi Í < 9l : Z tr : Ë ç ¡a B :4 É q6 3Ëc : Éo q :ìdlo z ãE 3? Ë å 3 + ¡i^ : r o > Z f aF ¡ o; = v tr < riÞ l ¡ lñ h o 6 => o z - Z: e ; n zo e 0 0 )Z 1 e = , Y'C E ı oô 9 1 ¡ 99 ' 9 9 iç e e B iÉ f i i ä rı ; " 1 :ã h i s2oz 5.€ôà ı z 3H - l æ -3 s O c ) lJ , 9 o Fã > ã ¡" - : E = @^ \ J + YG ) I Sm om?v ) F o o € o: F1 Fj .ÞFr <#ett=-oØ) 'T l r- rn Þ zz (ì t r , rn un Fç Þ- o zt n o t- (^ ) a Lt - J z T T I o I -..1 o -i - j L_ _ r_ -_ t- - t- _. " L- - 1. . t -t tIY P E G2 tó i l TY P E Ht i- -- ts l 3J IY P E EI fó o l lin o l7 l "l l ir ItI TY P E BI l- s l @E IY P É FI -- ; ; - - l @ ÏY P E 8Ì ( t3 / - l TY P E Bì ts l TY P Ë C2 t ss l 73 , l5 O TY P Ê 8I t $l i,' t:' ¡ 0 TY P E BI l= t _ l -- - : ! - -4 ,, . . 't TY P E C3 ld - - l IY P E Dì ft _ l TY P E DI fs o I TY P E C] f a? | i lv p ¡ n , I rl t5 lT t : I l i TY P E D2 tß l TY P E 83 fi l TY P E BI fã - l TY P E B3 fr s I TY P E 82 tæ l "" f f i * lä l IY P E B] I ß' l EJ TY P E 8I ¡s l ry P E 82 fr - t - l ry P E BI Tr - l ê {l ¡ " i- - - - r TY P E Bì r- - Ø - TY P E Bì az 1 IY P E B] fr T l TY P E Bì ¡ó _ l l2 z-+TT lnz Þg-3U3ui <ô ' s TNãI z-+mnz r on-<g rñ o <o - >ı -< òc EN T R A N : l C E DR I V E W A Y IN T E R N A L DR I V E W A Y IN T E R N A L DR I V E W A Y çzoØo !ñ É--=ozIno tro I I I I .r i : : ü __ t r.. ì ¡¡ ,, . : ù ú: . t. c't . , 't : r!. - l ) /' N) (to. (. / )-nÍl FN-l Êr I3 3 AV E N U E t -_ . . . j '( , Ë - l : i i ì '- - - L l- Iii. ' i:,f: i ootrbÐÞtro I tro I ormomzo + E H ff i É{ ! . ? sà : :- - äÀ ! !ô t *ì e T r= á c -? ı oH I ?'- 5 if t E oa ã ¿9 ;; o 2 ¡ r er t o q a Eã 6 à 2 e i> ! a r P _rn ; o ñ a> a z , <: q; n zo - o o :3 1 P ; 9; c i ! ı o ^- ø J î ôö b o o A¡ : e E t- Å = 4 ¡o ø - s 3H a ; äil øoz Õ: F1 F1 Pt= < . #þ+ = eF<--oØ <H - I F ëe O O Tô É A = l - /\ Ë' å z Ð r, - T = æa L J r. u ^ d - u, I Sm om9- (1 \ ls ı E € =.I t s.zo =fñ4 io-J (J a z1 ) ô> -s H r-z TU ì ZL;ÞcÐì' u iÊ o ¡t : t TÞ il s9o #r f ñ iJo o ii o o t-u) ¡À ffi SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCÀPE ÀRCHIIÊCTURE 2305 Hemlock 5t, Vancouver 8c¡ V6H 2v1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 www.shârpdiamond.coñ SHARP& DIAMOND 6NDSüPEARCHITE6URE INC, DOE5 NOTCUAMNTEE üE EXIS¡ËNCE, LOüTION, AND ÉLÉVAIIONOFUTTfIESAND/ORCONCAEDSNUqUR6 AfIHE PROJECSITE. IHFCONIRAOORISRESPONSISLEFORDEfERMININGfrE ilI5T!NC€, LOAION, AND ELEVAÍION OFAIL WLMES AND / OB CONCSEÐ 5NU6URES, AND I5 ßSPONSIBLE FOR NOf ¡WING THE APPROPRIAE COMPANY, DEPARTMENT on pE8soN(sloF rE TNTENTIONTOARRY OUlll5 OPEhTIONS. 1 ISSUED FORRCONING 13-08-09 H IsSUED FoR,,.,,W.MM-DD REVISIONS Porltraifi '${omes ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple Rldge, British columb¡a scale:N/A Drawn:Ds/rr Reviewed:DS Project No.06-342 PRECEDENT IMAGES r '-l l -t l INTERIOR STREET PRECEDENT DRIVEWAY PTANTINGS CHILDREN PLAY ELEMENTS TRONT STREET CHARACTOR PRECEDENT FRONTVARD ENTRY PRECEDENT TYPICAL FENCES BOULDER SIGNAGE PRECEDENT LANDSCAPÉ INTERFACE I .J I '1 ) . ¡ !i 1t l l IJ I ì.i ll Ij-¡ L4.O -ì l l ' ] l -t l l -t Il -l l -t l -l l Ij ffi SFIARP & OIAMONÐ LANDSCAPE ANCHITECTURE 2305 Hemlock St, Vancouver BC, V6H 2V1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 www.shârpdiamond.com SHARP &DIMOND UNOSWE ARCIEMRE INC.æS Nfr GUMffiE THE flff NCE, @GTON,ÁND EWATTOil OF qrurr6 AND /08@NCruEO ÍRUfl8S ATIHE PRdEÍ s|ft. THE COMfrOR ISREPONSIBLE rcRDflE8MININ6 THE qFENCE, L@ÌON,NO E@AÍION OF AUqLÍIE ND / OR CONCWO SßU@RS,ND lS REPONSIBE fOR NfrIflING THE ÆPROPRhE COMPÀW, DEPAfrMEffi oR PSON(5) OF E lmNnON TO øRRY OÚ lrs opEMfoNs. I$UEO rcRD6IGN PANEL 14{1-20 ISUÐ rcRREONING a.@ II5-¡ rsúo rcn..... REVISIONS Port¡ait.rffiomes IJ ìi 1ILl xl l ' J lI-i I I,-,i ! ¡l EJ ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple R¡dEe, British columb¡a Scale:AS SHOWN Drawn:DS/rr Rev¡ewed:DS PÞject No.06-342 I É DETAILS HARDSCAPE TROWEED CONITIOL JOINTilP. 1/4" (6mm ) WIDE xl"(2smm ) 7æ 124"1 810 l2'{'l €7 [1{"1 GFID PAreRN -SEEPN CONCRIE SEP-LOGS3ñP|CA STZES,€s%SMAI, 25% MEDIUM,10% URGE PRIMS STNPED INTO TOP SURFACE TO BE DffiRMINED p CONCRHE E BASE, AS ilt AS VffiIES PÉR PUN(MIN. MMM4---TSPEC.AEOVE PERNOE: BBOOM FINISEOSPANSION JOINTS 6M O.C. Mff, æMOLJOrñS @ r.5M O.C.AilUSf TO SUlr SIE UYOUT PUN CONCBffi IN SURFACE 94" CEA COMPACED TO 95% MPD I 'LOGS' MINUS GMNUUB SLOPE fO rcRSIGN FROF llil ilt ilil ÍONE 'AG NÀTUW ÍONE SWALE EFtrION ENTRY SIGN CONCEPT vRrEs 50-150MM m È dc STONE BUFìIED IæMM MIN LIGfr PER FLUSH PUMING PEÊ PUNS 8ÆE PER soNorusE AS t5 7ßt ilt il[ STONES UGMAil UGIÍTSOFT CV¡lf{ORlCAl BOI!-ARD vÆtEs SUIDING FACE P.T, TIMAER EDGE P.T. TIMBER SPACEF BRACE SÍ AGAINST S & NÂIED TO TIMBER EOOE Ir=ti.'="t "ffi NOTESi 1- REFERTO EITCTRICAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ALL LIGHTING INFORMATION AND DETAIls, 2- FINALLIGHÍ SPECIFICATIONS BY ELÊCTRICAL, INCLUDING VOLTAGE AND SOURCE.E4 DIAMæR, FILIER FABBIC SÍÂPED TO BACK OF 2x SUB.MSE OR UNDISTURBED SOIL sotl MtxVANY W PUNTNG FEOUIRfrffiS LANDSCAPE LIGHTING NOTE:ALL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND PLANT I\¡ATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE BCSLA/ BCLNA LANDSCAPÊ STANDARD, LATEST EDITION .: 6 7GRAVELAT UGMA¡{ RADO 1 RECESSED WAII UGHI L4.1 -l -l _l i 99s [3!3 1/8"1 -140mm x 140mm (6x6) , - POST CAPS 2438 [8r0']978 l3'2 1p',) AEMEÉN POSTS UTCH FENCE PICKETS EOÍOM AND TOP BAIL TIMEER r 100mñ PICKETS PRESSURE FOOTING NOTES: -ALL WOOO POSTS TO BE PBESSUFE.TBAIEO HEMLOCtrIR, -ALL CUT ENOS TO BE TRilTEÐ WITH PRESEFVATIVE . .ALL METAL FIFUÊES TO BE GALVANIZED . .ALL EXPOSED WOOD TO BESMOOTH AND SPLINTÉB FFEE. -ALL CUfS TO BE SOUARE AND CLEAN- ,ALL EXPOSED WOOD TO BE SIAINED (SOLID). COLOUF fO BE DÉTEBMINEO , ,i ì, ii ilt ili ii t: l.il r:l: i : l I =l l:-|-_--r- .-i I FENCE UNIT x 140mm (6Xô) POSÍ CAPS '.'..4mm xagmm (2X4) PFESSURE TRilTED HOFIZONTAL CAP BAIL 2438 [8r0',1 POSTS 190mm TIMBER OUEEN CHABLOfË8Y SAFIIA heighl:9.5' /0.æmw¡dlh:71.0" /1.8m deplh: 26.5" / 0.67m AENCH BOTH SIDES MOUNT WITH BASE 125 FOOTING PÀVING OF PER PUN iti ri lt, BASE GFAVEL, ll MPD ll i PAINTED,BENCHl=SEflON i: .I - .. UNIT PAVING AS ?æmm DEËP CONCaÛE BÉNCHstzE FoorNo PRIOB TO FOB 1800 367.28(14.5',) l1r2 COLOUB: BUCK MATERIAL: MILD STEEL u7.73 PAVING 8Y SUBGBAOE PUN sEcnoN - FRom NOE: 1 . FOR USË INTEFNAIY WIftIN PROPEBil LINES 2.8OLT OIFECTLY TO PAVING WHERE LOCATED ON C.I.P. CONCRÐE PAVËMENT NOTE:ALL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND PLANT MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE BCSLA / BCLNA LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION -_---.1]Èll ---f- ]EN BEI WESTPORT NO SCRATCH STATIC BIKE RACK BY SPORTWORKS aoNoMmlc - N.T.s. g5çü o-I Ð l:f&:!.*Lit 5t-tARP & DlAM0llü LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2105 Hemlock 5t. Vâncouver BC, V6H ZV1 T 604 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 wsrw.sh¿rpd;¿nrond.conì SHARP &OJÀMOND UNDSCAPE ARCHIIECIUNE INC' DOES NOI GUARANIE E THE EXISfENCE , LOCAIION , AND EIEVAÍION OI UIILITIES ANÞ /OR CONCÉALED sIR!CIUR€5 Ñ THE PROJECT 5IIÉ. TilF CONINACIOR IS R€SPONSI6LE FOB DflERMINING IHT EXISTENCE,IOCAIION,AND ELEVAIION OF ALLUIILIÍIES ANO /OR CONCEALED SIRU'fUßES, AND ]5 RESPONSIBLE FOR NOI¡ryING fH€ APPROPRIAIE COMPANY, DEPÂRIMENI oR P€RSON(5) Ot lfs lNlENf¡oN fo qRRY ouÍ lTs OPERAT¡ONs. 2 ISSUED fOR ÞESIGN PÀNEL 1¡ 01-20 1S5UÊD FORREZONING 13.08.09 tSsuED FOR.,,,,W.MM.DO REVISIONS Ponfirait Ho*es ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple Ridge, British columbia Scale:AS SHOWN Drawni DS,/TI Reviewedi DS Project No.06-342 DETAILS FENCES FURNISHINGS I .-l l ¡ ì -_) J L4.2 I ) -t l -l il -t l l \---q <-- y' SPAGINO Æ SPECIFIED O.C. PUÑT SCHEDUE CENTRE TUBING AND WOOD STAKES Æ SPEC. ROOT CFOWN Af SOIL AND FERTILIZE AS SPEC.WATM MULCH OR GROUNO COVER AS PUN, VARIES DO OF SURUP 1Æ BEFORE ROOÍ BAI d OB COMPACEO .4NSTAI SPECIFIED OBOWING MEDIUM TO MINIMUM &mm DEñH <----------JCAFIFY gislNc summÐE AS SPECIFIED t5 ROOTBAI [8',{SUæMOE PLANTNG PROPOSED SHBUB PLANNNG TYPICAL o ¿ã' * a /MEDIANHAGßEÊow sfMEs Æ SPEC, SECURED. PUCE AT 1ß Hf CENNE SPACING AT SPECIFIEO O.C. SCHEDUE : BUB PWTNG ATfFìANGLE EOUIDISTANT MULCH Ofl OFOUND COVER I PIT 3 OF AT SEE SPECIFICATIONS 1ßROOT FU[ROOÍBAI MEDIUMOR AND SOTTOM OF SUBGÊADE ROOnA[þ'{ 12]GROUNDCOVER PLANNNG DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING !E SP PHMNG MEDIUM SUBGMDE Qú gP illl ilt llll ill 5 BOULOER PLACEIIEI\¡T TYPICAL SODDED LAWN NOTE:ALL LANDscAPE INSTALLAIIoN AND PLANT MATERIALS To cONFoRM ið ïiÉ'aððù7 ácLñà n¡¡osc¡pe sr¡uDARD, LATEST EDlrloN ffi SHARP & DIAMOND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECf URE 2305 Hemlock St, Vãncouver gC, V6H 2V1 T 6û4 681 3303 F 604 681 3307 www,sharpdiamond.com SWP &DIÑOND UNDSæE ÆCHITEÍURE INC.M6 NÚ CUASANÊE THE EFsf EilCE, @ION, AND EEVANON OF ÚI[16 AND/ ORCONC4EO ÍRU@RES ATIHE PRqEC sIE. fiE COMffOR ISßEPOISIBÉ rcR DflERMINING THE Bf ENCE, @6NON, ND EWAIION OF A[WTìIIÚ ND / OR COilCtrD ÍRUMÂ6,S0 E ßBPONSIBLÉ FOß NfiIflING IHE APPROPRNE COMPAW, DEPAffMEF oR PE6ON(5) OF lrs INTENION fO øRRY OW ITS OPEMNON5. ISUED rcRD6IGN PANÉL a44l-20 1 IssUED FORREONING Éæ09 { t$uED rc8..... REVISIONS Porürait,ffiomes ROCKRIDGE TOWNHOMES 236th Street Maple R¡dge, British columbia scale:AS SHOWN Drawn:DS/rr Reviewed:DS Prcject No.06-342 DETAILS SOFTSCAPE - l ij l ¡ *J ! :.,] I Il ü 3 !3 g l l-l I! I._¡ l -J II i IJ 1J L4.3