HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-06-10 agenda.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:00 pm -Blaney Room, 2nd Floor The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF April 29, 2014 4. NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 5. PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician/File Manager: 5.1 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Planning Technician/File Manager: 6. PRESENTA T/ONS -Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 2013-101-RZ/DP/VP Sauna Johnson, Teck Construction Andrew Terrett, MA/BC Al Tanzer Construction of a new commercial building for the relocation of Mark's Work Wearhouse 20758 Lougheed Highway Adam Rieu 2013-104-RZ/DP/VP Wayne Bissky, MA/BC Wayne Bissky, Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. Paul Whitehead, Greenway Landscape Architecture Eight unit townhouse development in the RM-1 zone surrounded by ESA area. • 12101 -208 Street Michelle Baski 8. NEXT MEETING Agenda deadline: 9. ADJOURNMENT /jg Tuesday, July B, 2014 Monday, June 23, 2014 District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2014 I . This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) l!f' Development Permit ~O 13-/C I DP/ __ 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. Co,vs,wc.TlorJ or ,J.~v-l ~~'~ ~gx_ w~HDUSt ~-o9:LL PPc~LLli\-{ lr-1 PLAC:t DF et-1<St1i'¼, °J::l\JE'D Cl>t·-U::\f2r JAf.. &u~t.})1,u;._ 3. Presenting Architect: (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: □ 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched . □ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name:_~ \-\~Ui0A ~~r0~_"1 __ Company: -rc:cK Cci-lcsr~uc:r10~ Address: 5\9rJ-~\le ~ec LAµ,LEY Phone No. ~cA. 5'.34 · '19. 11 Fax No. ~04. '5\t\ · ~ Z 19 Email: 'S~~\e.c..i.c~ (Applicant's Signature) ~1 )Qo\4- rev. 2011-12-20 2014 Meeting Dates Agenda Deadlin s by Noon_on rues Jan 14 Mon Dec 30 rues Feb 11 Mon Jan 27 rues Mar 11 Mon Feb 24 rues Apr 08 Mon Mar 24 rues May 13 Mon Apr 28 rues Jun 10 Mon May 26 rues Jul 08 Mon Jun 23 rues Aug 12 Mon Jul 28 rues Sep 09 Mon Aug 25 frues Oct 14 Mon Sep 29 Wed Nov 12 Mon Oct 27 !rues Dec 09 Mon Nov 24 rrime & Location: lt-:00 pm in the Blaney Room ,_ower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: ( PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address J/OrtS9i L.r.1-&.tl~~ Area of the lot(s) ~.s~ '?. m2 Lot width I ~'3, m Lot Depth (/0~ m Existinq OCP Desiqnation Crim.M. Proposed OCP Desiqnation Co.MM.. Existinq Zone CS-\ Proposed Zone (',,z Existing land use f'rJNIW'I Proposed land use I\..D\'l'\M Proposed dist. of Site-access fron \~.Am an existing intersection 2 ) Building Data: . r Lot Coverage ..... _..., • -IMA-1-)h r.ff,. iJ ,6."14m2 Total lot Coveraqe proposed /~1 J /./A~m2 Reod. front setback '-/~'.om Proposed front setback '-/ ~.I m <I Reqd. rear setback <n.o m Proposed rear setback / . .;} m Reqd. side setback t:A~ nm Proposed side setback --V m Reqd. side setback \.\&:'Ar ~om Proposed side setback dlD.Om Reqd. buildinq heiqht '1.c; m Proposed buildinq heiqht q, '1 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone u&11! 'IT I ~~e se.,gp,,<!.JL Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone \.~2) (Total GFA allowed 1 q I I m2) (Total GFA proposed Reqd. Usable Open Space !.-m2 Proposed Usable Open Space -m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area -m2 Proposed Common Activity Area -m2 3) Parkinq and Off-loadinq: Underqround Parkinq ~---Reqd. Parking spaces for the zorn bo Proposed Parking spaces for the zom i4~ Reqd. small car stalls { H~~ ') &., Proposed small car stalls )t'\ Proposed scooter/bicycle storaqe are; ~ c::; m2 Required Handicapped Parkinq I Proposed Handicapped Parking I Required Visitor Parking spaces -Proposed Visitor Parking spaces - Proposed Variances to Parkinq l.,-1'1TAL .... 17%, ~u.. ~I< 4 ) Covenants: ROW: Geotechnical yj IBlorm sewer YI t:J}_ Tree preservation y ~anitary sewer YJ: u No Build/ No Disturb YA ..Orainaae YA ~) Any other Covenants on Title y ~ny other ROW ,,,,,,---,J ' - 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland ~ Jidistance from the TOB of watercourse) r, Contours on the lot= less than @:9 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area ,,,-m2 Proposed landscaped area ?,C,'J,5 m2 Area of buildina to be demolished I I50n2 In the Flood Plain I 'INI I In The Fraser Escarpment Area ro ) Proposed LEED points ---- Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. / D~ep Roots Gre;:s-ter Hi!ights ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicantjproject architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required Included [Z] G2f [Z] [2( 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ CZ] 0 [2] [Z]' w g 0 0 G2J 0 [Z] [2f [Z] 0 [2J 0 G2] [Z] [21 [Z( G 0 m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project Architect/ Applicant: Name:":&:\AL>~~ ~HPDSo~ Date: tJ5) orz I Bo l 4 Signature:~~\, End of Document Revised December 2012 2 ~ 0 □ □ u2J G2j Required Included 0 0 G2J [Z] [2] 0 [Z] [2f G2] 0 □ ~ [2] [21' □ 0 )4APLE RIDGE . , • British Columbia • • TO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 20758 Lougheed_ Highway District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: FILE NO: June 10, 2014 2013-101-RZ An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a commercial building. The development site will be subject to a Commercial Development Permit to address the form and character of the development. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given First Reading by Council on January 28, 2014: BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: • South: East: West: Teck Construction, LLP Shauna Johnson Dynamic Blastings Ltd. Lot A, District Lot 250, Group 1, New Westminster Plan 8735 Commercial Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) C-2 (Community Commercial) Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) and C2 (Community Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial Use: Service Commercial Zone: CS-1(Service Commercial) Designation: Commercial, Residential Page 1 of 3 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Service Commercial Retail Commercial (Community Commercial Use) 0.353 ha (1.28 acres) Two access points: Lougheed Highway; Owen Street Urban Standard In accordance with the Official Community Plan Section 8.5 a Commercial Development Permit is required for this proposal and it will be subject to the following Key Guideline concepts of Commercial DP Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The applicant has submitted a checklist for the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines and has identified the policies that the project meets. The checklist is attached to the Advisory Design Panel package. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct a new commercial building to house the relocated Mark's Work Wearhouse store. The building design will consist of a tilt-up concrete structure, with industrial design elements including cultured stone, metal cladding and metal canopies. • Context: The area to the north, east, and west are zoned CS-1 (Service Commercial) and C2 (Community Commercial), with the property to the south zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). • Garbage and Recycling: Located to the rear of the building, consisting of tilt-up concrete panels, and corrugated metal doors. • Proposed Variances: Reduced parking from 60 to 46 stalls, where the existing store has 28 stalls with an expected 20% increase in traffic and sales for the new location; parking variance is supported by the Planning Department; partial rear setbacks from 6m to 1.2m for storage and office location; building height from 7.5m to 9.7m; and no servicing upgrades to Owen Street. o due to inter-departmental requirements, a variance may be necessary for front setbacks, due to road dedication of 1.5 m along Lougheed Highway, 0.85 m along Owen Street, and corner truncation of 3m x 3m Page 2 of 3 I -......_/ . The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on. the development proposal. Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician/File Manager Page 3 of 3 Scale: 1 :1,500 20758 LOUGHEED HWY CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE FINANCE DEPARTMENT BY: PC Pursuant with: Section 8.5 of the Official Commwrity Plan. commercial developments will be assessed against the following f~rm and character guidelines. • • This checklist is intended to aid in the review of commercial development permits and is to be completed by the architect ofrecord for the project. It is noted that the project will ~lso be reviewed. for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department sfaff and the Advisory Design Panel. · Key Guideline Concepts Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification for inconsistency 1. Avoid conflicts with ~djacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic : calming and the transition of building massing to fit ✓ .. with adjacent development. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of ✓ parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. .. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal ✓ transportation circulation, and low impact building design.· 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use ✓ development and adjacent residential areas. 5. The form ·and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate ✓ architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation . . . .. Guidelines Consistent If No, provide Yes No justification ·for . ' inconsistency A. Building Design, Massing and Siting . - 1. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural ✓ styles, roof forms, facade modulation. architectural features, fenestration pattems,'building elements and proportions and building ·articulation. 2. Exterior fimshes should be wood, brick, natural stone ' ,. or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial ✓ areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass are unacceptable .. -1 - 3-. New buildings· adjacent to existmg small scale buildings such as· houses should be designed to .✓ ' provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties. . .. '4. Significant comers should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape ✓ features. At intersections, the definition of comers should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets. 5. Development should be sited to have the building ✓ frontage on the main street alignment. 6. Projects located on slopes should be developed in a . N/fl manner which creates a step in perceived height, bulk . and scale between development. 7. Desigri and construction of buildings should aq;ount ' for maximum sound attenuation between commercial ' : and adjacent residential uses. To ensure that noise ✓ generated on the site is addressed in the most ! . appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise : attenuation study be prepared. 8. Continuous weather protection, such as canopies, structural awnings, or building overhangs, is strongly promoted where at-grade retail uses are included in a ✓ development and over common entries to commercial and/or, mixed-use developments that front a ·public sidewalk or open space. 9. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and .. watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use N/fl natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and . may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. .. 10. Developments are encouraged to redirect water from ,· rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or ✓ rain barrels for later irrigation use. 11. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: _a) preserve and incorporate natural features or views; b) ensure proper orientation and relationship to ✓ adjoining residential uses; c) minimize impacts on natural features and • agricultural lands; d) accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal gradin_g is required. ·B. Refuse, Recycling and Servicing Areas ✓ ' 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account -2 - views of the roof from adjacent buildings. .. ' 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well as conflicts with ✓. pedestrians. • ! 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors o,r within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. ✓ Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and animal-resistant. ; ... .. 4. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be ✓ oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these : uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. .. C, Stre~t Front 1. Particular attention should be made to the image ✓ presented to the street front. ·2. New development should emphasize the street frontages by incorporating differentiated front, side ✓ and rear oriented facades. Facades should incorporate vertical and horizontal relief in a well-proportioned rhythm appropriate to the intended scale of . . .... development. 3. Buildings "with over 15 metres of street frontage ·•· should break the horizontal mass of the building with ✓ vertical elements in a rhythmic pattern. . 4. • Streetfront landscaping will "incorporate street trees ✓ : for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. . .. 5. Vehicle access on a street :frontage should be located to the side of the building away from the pedestrian ✓-entrance and should be designed to minimize the ' impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. ' .. ·o. ·sigliage and Lighting ! l. Signage should be integrated with the design of a ✓ building, prefera~ly at ·ground level only, and -its s:ize and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 2. High intensity illurnillation dire"cted at adjoining · properties should be avoided. Commercial signage ✓ and high intensity illumination adjacent to residential uses should be minimized in order to protect residential ameni~. -3 - 3. Lighting and signage should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-✓ of-way. 4. All sign.age must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple ✓ Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter should take precedent. ' 5. In multiple-tenant commercial · or mixed.use N/~ buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. Signage space should be provided for upper storey tenancies. •. .. .. E. Vehicle Access, Parking, and Circulation 1. Buildings and structures should be located to ensure I safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on- site parking. ·Parking should be encouraged in smaller . units to avoid a monotonous appearance. ! -2. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately ✓ screened. Low level landscape screening should be provided to parking areas adjacent to public streets. 3. Where possible, parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of -buildings to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and ✓-pedestrian amenity. In all new buildings the portion of the structure used for parking and servicing should be adequately screened and should be architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. - 4. Existing lanes should be used for vehicle access, loading and servicing. Upgrading oflanes in terms of ·/ attractive treatment and screening of parking access and loading and service areas is encouraged. 5. Vehicle access should be located to the side of the building away • from the pedestrian entrance and 1 ·· should be _designed to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and. disruption to pedestrian movement. 6. Lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption _of slopes and vegetation: On steep terrain; ✓ access should be aligned, Wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours ~d .' existing grades. l 7. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should NIA be considered _where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered· between adjoining developments -4- to minimize disru:pti!Jn of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 8. Minimize the amount of asphalt surfaces· in parking areas.by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Above ground parking structures should not front public streets at grade. Non-parking uses or special fa9a:de treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to design detailing on the fa9ade. 10. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and pn;ferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 11. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street and sunounding uses . . F. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access ✓ 1. Development should improve pedestrian amenity· through • interesting design detail at gro'i.md level, easily identifiable entrances, shop fronts with clear ✓- untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level, attractive landscaping and well defined pedestrian crossings for driveways. and roadways. 2. A well defined pedestrian access to the commercial .use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is • given precedence over vehicular use. Where possible, _at / least one pedesttj.an connection should be provided through the rnain block of buildings. · 3. Facilities for cyclists should be considered for all developments. ✓ • G. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and •✓ define -public space,. to present a pleasing image and -5 - N/fi to. soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial development. 2. Adjacent residential u&es should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision ✓- of screening or both. ' 3. Street trees will be a required component of.all new development for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Deciduous tree ·✓ species should be considered in landscape plantings to permit light penetration in winte_r. Mature vegetation should be retained where possible. 4. Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on ail property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area. ✓ 5. Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and fQcal points into and out j of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. 6. Open space should be usable~ attractive and well- integrated with the design of the building. Open • space, in many cases, will be achieved with : ✓ courtyards, recessed balconies, terraced balconies, rooftop gardens, and atria. '7. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with. neighbouring properties and the stre(;)tscape by ·/ providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 8. Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public and private space. All private and semi-private j open space should be clearly defined as such and should be controllable by those meant to benefit and be responsible for it, thus encouraging use, pride and safety. 9. Distinguish public and semi-public spaces from private spaces. Design symbolic barriers through: a) building and site design; b) changes in paving, vegetation, or grading; or c) architectural features, such as low walls, bollards or raised planters. -6- r, H. Crime Prevention through-Environmental Design (CPTED) 1. Developments should be designed to maxnmze opportunities foi: natural surveillance allowing people ✓ . to easily vi~w what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques ar~ encouraged. ; 2. :Crime Prevention through Eoviromrienijl} Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the V design of all parking facilities. 3. Design the interior spaces and exits from any underground and above ground parking structures for. maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals. Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves ✓ and blind comers should be avoided in the design and layout oftne parking facilities. 4. Walls and ceilings of parking structures,. particularly underground structures, should be painted white • to enhance or reflect light. I. Universally Accessible Design L All non-vehicular routes be fully accessible . . Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair / scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visµally impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let- downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. : ✓ 2. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to . ✓ a building. 3. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; and c) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. -7- ✓ J, Bfcycle Storage.and Parking l. Provide short term bicycle parking filcllities, such as bicycle racks, at grade close 1D building entrances. Bicycle parldng should bo in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle I119ka should be made of stuxdy, thc:t\-l'Cllislallt man:rlal. securely am:horcd to the floor or grounds. 2. Provide long term bicycle parking fatjlities in suaum slDIBge area:, wiJbin buildings. Bicycla storage IIICll8 provided as pert of a parking structun, should be located close to elimums and access points. In mixed- use buildlngs, bicycle storage facilities for ~dents axe to be sepamto from those for the colIUllCI'cial uses. 3. . l.aig&-scale developments ere ancoumged to provide end-of-trip facilities, suoh as showcm and lockeis, within the development for the convenience of employees. J?ate: H\W '1 ~o '4 • · ArchitectNamrJCompany 6~e,ru. Municipal File No. 20t'.3-: Lo 1 -8- i ✓- . ' ✓ . - f'llf\ TECK CONSTRUCTION LLP 5197-216th Street, Langley, BC V3A2N4 May 7, 2014 Phone: (604) 534-7917 Fax: (604) 534-1518 MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY DESIGN RATIONALE The proposed redevelopment of the property at the corner of Lougheed Highway and Owen Street includes the demolition of an existing multi-tenant commercial building and reconstruction of a new single-user building to be occupied by a new Mark's Work Wearhouse retail facility. The existing building is a single storey concrete tilt-up building with a peaked, residential style shingle roof. The Lougheed Highway frontage is very plain with few small window openings and accented with large fabric signage canopies. The overall look is very bland and dated. The surrounding neighbourhood consists of similarly dated buildings with considerable use of fabric or metal clad canopies atop simple facades. The proposed development will renew this site with a more prominent, modern tilt-up structure with a larger mass and street presence to uplift this corner site. The use of high quality finishes and enhanced landscaping coordinates with several sites along this stretch of Lougheed Highway which have been recently revitalized. This facility was designed based on the newest design concepts utilized in Mark's Work Warehouse corporate image standards. The brand is recognizable with the use of very industrial design elements including a mix of cultured stone and metal cladding over top of painted tilt-up concrete panels. Architectural interest is further enhanced with the use of metal canopies which are accented in a bold orange colour. All signage has been integrated into the building design and shall be mounted on the street facing elevations. The site has been laid out to retain the existing access points on Lougheed Highway and Owen Street. The access point on Lougheed Highway provides right in - right out turning only, serving vehicles travelling east on Lougheed Highway,. All loading vehicles and customers travelling west on Lougheed Highway will utilize the Owen Street Access. Existing parking on the north side of the building has been eliminated to provide adequate queuing area for vehicles entering from Lougheed Highway. I trust this meets your requirements. Please contact me should you require any further information or clarification on the above. Sincerely, TECK CONSTRUCTION LLP ~--~ Shauna Johnson Authorized Agent PROFESSIONAL PRE-CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES • SINCE 1957 TECK CONSTRUCTION LTD. 5197 -216th Street, Langley, BC V3A 2N4 Phone: (604) 534-7917 Fax: (604) 534-15"18 May 21, 2014 Re: Mark's Work Wearhouse Project Analysis The proposed development at 20758 Lougheed Hwy consists of the demolition of an existing multi-tenant commercial building to allow construction of a new Mark's Work Warehouse retail facility. The site is currently zoned CS-1, allowing for service commercial uses. A rezoning application has been submitted to rezone the site to a C-2 designation which would allow for retail sales. This is in conformance with the OCP which designates the land use as commercial. There are several variances required as part of the application as follows: I-Parking ratio: The calculated ratio for commercial use requires 60 parking stalls. This far exceeds the requirements of Mark's Work Wearhouse based on their current location and anticipated increase in volume for the new location. It is anticipated that a maximum 34 stalls will be required for their use. A total of 46 stalls are proposed. A letter from the owner was provided as part of the application to verify these numbers. An increase in the permitted small car ration is required to retain the existing driveway on Owen Street as well as to facilitate the loading area. Three of these small car designated stalls shall be marked for staff parking only. 2-Building height: The C-2 zoning currently permits a height of 7.5m. The corporate image standards of Mark's Work Warehouse require the building to be higher. The proposed height of 9.7m provides for a two storey portion at the south side of the building and sufficient interior clear height for interior signage, feature lighting and other elements common to Mark's and similar sized retail stores. 3-Rear setback: To facilitate the required storage area and efficient loading, the rear setback is required to be reduced from 6m to 1.2m. A landscape screen and 6 foot high cedar fence are proposed to provide additional security and privacy to residential neighbors to the south. 4-Owen Street upgrades: There are no proposed upgrades to Owen Street as part of the rezoning or development permits. We trust that this will provide adequate information to illustrate the enhancement this development will make to this community. If there are any concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, TECK CONSTRUCTION LLP ~c1~r~ Shauna Johnson Authorized Agent PROFESSIONAL PRE-CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ■ SINCE 1957 ) ASPHN.T PAVING IJm~ ~ • EXl~TING DIWEWA LOCATlONTO!IE CQNF'lf.:MED ---Oi.17:, --:-----~ --~ ':"' ·-.. -=---~ -~. -:::_ _.., .,:., '[54'•0'1 ,o, V .., -;--... --.:... ~ r -fltKIIMA~TO BE DEMOLISHED ----~------------~L--~~I \ I I ~ I :it I-~ El ~~ UJD ~I Ill~ Qi! .... :1 I-~ \l)Z ~I --~ ::, ~I z ;_ . Z< ~1 --~ Ill~ " I> ~ 3:g --$ 0 7,Mm .... ASPHALT PAVING 2.4m @ 51TEPI.AN Kio, ltfDO STEEL BOLv.RD PrD.BLACK ---..---+ri~ t'Q -_ CONCRETE NMfOAn:m➔ ,,. -sEesn::ucr. ,._~---~ 0 60LLARD DETAIL """ ~ ~ ~ ~ -----, ,. ,. ,. ~,n sr,n 5T,n 01U Clll't GILY I L_l r_J I I L, I I I I I I I I (54'-0"J 0 51KE RACK DETAIL h-20 1G.48m {54'-0'] """"' LOUGHEED HIGKWAY ~ r ED'f.HrOF r\DJACENT OOILDIMG (Af'~OX.) ~I ~i I I ZONING ANAL Y5l5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTA DL 250, GROUP 2, NWD PLAN NWP 8735 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. SITE INFORMATION SITE AREA: 0,353 ha (38,042 S.F.) (3534.3 m') ZONING: C-2 SITE COVERAGE: 47'!. BUILDING AREAS RETAIL: STORAGE AREA: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE: TOTAL: 1,460.8 m' (15,724 5.F.) 11:>2.2 m' (1,961 S.F.) 11:>2.2 m2 (1,961 S.F.) 1,1:>25 m' (19,646 S.F.) BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1,643 m2 (17,600 S.F.) PARKING REQUIREMENTS RETAILCl>15PACE PER30m'. 1,643 m'/30m2 PARKING REQUIRED= 55 CARS OFFICE Cl> I SPACE PER40 m2 182.2m2/40m2 PARKING REQUIRED= 5 CARS TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED= 60 CARS TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED= 46 CARS LEGEND: I I I • " PROPERTY LINE SETBACKS LINE OF EXISnNG BUILDING TO BE REMOVED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 50FT LANDSCAPING -SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN VARIANCES REQUIRED: 1. PARnAL REAR SEreACK TO ALLOW FOR LOADING SPACE 2. REDUCED PARKING 3. NO UPGRADES ALONG OWEN STREET 4. HEIGHT VARIANCE FROM 7.5m TO 9.66m RETAIL Qi] 0 SITE secnON E-W 1,200 0 SITE secnON N-5 . 11200 0 GAREIAGE ENCLOSURE 4 11100 ~l 0 GARBAGE ENC REAR 11100 EX!5 TING LNJRE.L HEDGE TO REt,V,IN CUT MCK AS 11:Eao TO IH5TALL RETAIHIOO WALL GIUIDEO~l'l.Of"t~l'Y 0 RETAINING WALL 1,20 0 GARBAGE ENC FRONT 5 1tl00 ~ .,,...,.,....,..,..,,... 'O ..... ~l't.«1 . 0 ., . ' •a ,,. I 0 GARMGE ENC SIDE 7 1,100 G"HIGHCEDARFENCE ATTACH TO DRACKE.TS ON TOP OF CONCRETE RETAINlt.lGWi'ILL COt.iMEli:CIAL ~ WHEEL STOP OWEN STREET I~ I~ I --~50.J,N~r;""IJCIICN =~.,,~~' vJIIT'lU!o,..c1'ff,0'"1ilU,tu,\E:~ ~K:Al!OCIMlNU::N:. REVISIONS ""' l:lO.TE CESCAIPllJN 2Q0.1687 West. Broa<lway Vsia,uver, B.C. VSJ 1X2 lB..:(.604)736-3730 FAX:(004)736-3n1 MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. TECK CONSTRUCTION LLP 5197 -216th STREET LANGLEY 8.C. -........ """" SITE PLAN """ = ,...,._ ,,.....,.., "'"' oea1-i2 A1DP OO<Off' -BY '""' ) I I I I I I I I I I I I 4-i' ®-ii- 0 MAIN FLOOR 1 1,100 I . i I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ____ I I --~~-----j --r:=, ... ~~ I I I I I I I I I REfAL Du I 'I I ~~H~~:tHt"ilr71 -7'=-·~.- I ----r --7 r-~----------- I I I 1 I I I I I J __ j L ______ J I I I I : I I I I I : I I I I : I I I 46.04m r,,;r-o.,.., I 11 ii it 1' 1: _______ _J: I I J NO<IH I I I I I 200-1687 West.~ v'"""""""", B.C. V6J 1 lR.: (604) 736-3730 FAX: ('1)4) 736-3771 PRO.ECT MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. ~~~~16th STRE:1° .,.,,..,. --...... FLOOR PLAN """ = 11100 Sf&TNO. .... BC. ~-A 2DP 0<><08\' -CANBY -"',, COPYRIGff RESERVED ~G !.H;Plnt~(t:K:A.~OI 11-E~o.\YA•~MJ.vnarOli ~ \',ffl<l/J \/';;wn!!:PIA!~ Y,:RT'TErl~!11$t-W.UiA.V!~~ ® CIF-AliCAl10~4CJ~ REVISIONS NO<TH ...., DAlS CES<:aPTlJN 0 10.97M 0 I '3.70m 1.9-e m [>6'-0") l I 1<'·•1121 {G"4'J C •· .. . . " --.. -.• -lITl ,, :n di" ~; 1 • !i - ,6 STAFF RM ~ ,:. ,..., .. .. -~ , ..... ,..,. ' 0---- 2.llllm (iY-.6!141 EXlf ~ • Ii' OFFICE OPEN OFFICE h ~ ~ C , e ~ i 5' ~i .---C r { ·~ OFFICE A1~A f A LTD h. ~ 200-1687 West Broad'MI)' Va,a:,uwr, B.C. V6J 1 X2 lE...:(604)736-3730 FAX:(004)7:l8-3n1 ~ ~1h 5~6m !"·t'J l ('I"·?") \Jl) ; ,f C it P!n.<C'T OFFICE OFFICE MEETING RM E ~ c::§:J 0£0 O!D !!! ~ MARK'S WORK ., g_ WEARHOUSE : --" . 5 ' .. ' =~':J 1 -. ,_ ,.... ___ o.91m I !~ •• l o.9\m 1 '\&.}• I 305m I 1.22m I 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE [O'•O'J ll'-o-J !3'01 {5'•0"') (G"-o"] c1a-0·1 [+"'1 RIDGE,8.C. 10.97m ['36"·01 I -I TECK CONSTRUCTION LLP 0 2nd FLOOR PLAN "''" 5197 -216th STREET LANGLEY B.C. PROJECT MJMIER ...., 2nd FLOOR PLAN mu 101.11 ilSO .,_..,, .,.,. o-af,XV-14 OO<O!Y ,.__ A3DP -BY ........ "'17 ~ ~ --- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ©---,------------'----------+----------i-------------fF=====~-I -- 1 1 I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I l I I I I I @---+-----------'i'========1l=======1==l=====~. - I I I I I 0 ROOF PLAN '""" I I "'"°"""""'"""""/ 7RJ6/DIH!!UL'N "".,.,,,.,"°"" Vt>· RAl!O~T'CI) ~"""'°-·~v~ti~TO P.T. 2'X4" ¥'!000 STUD FRAMIN6. 1 -S"'"""OCIU!!!>I I TO f'RE<,AST =""" tBR.AGEOIJw:SONAU.Y' M~lll>. I T it INSTAl.l ROOFTOP SCREENS WHERE ~QUIRED TO MEET MUNK:[PAL BYLAWS ROOFTOP UNIT SC-REEN DETAIL 5GALE:NT5 COPYRIGl-fTA!SERVED E\-l;RYfHINGSHCM'N t-1:RECN ISR::f'I USE°" iHISPF0.e:;TCN..YNCJMAYI\OTBE F£PRCOU:EDWl1l-lCJJTWRTIIN PEft.ASSKlN. 'NA'Tle-1 OWEN5ICN5 SHALL HAVE Pfe:HEN:E CNa:ISC,,!4.BJ[l~ REVISIONS ,e,, DATE Cl'SCRP110N 200-1687 West BroadWay Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1X2 Ta: (004) 736-3730 FAX: (604) n3-3771 MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. t I TECK CONSTRUCTION LU>• 5197-216thSTREET L.AN31EY BC """' mu, ROOF PLAN \ 11CO SHEET NO. 1-""-,.--0l/>O{-· ----l,. A4DP Ct«OCJ't ~ ICIO'N01 ~ 6 NORTH ELEVATION 11100 0 WEST ELEVATION """' 0 SOUTH ELEVATION 1,100 0 EAST ELEVATION 1:100 _J-H _ SCONCE TO MEET CORPOMTE IMAGE 5 ., ,, ,, " I l j ------_j__ - I 4 cy " 6?\ w"""" FINISH 8C:HEDUI-E AL ~~ Bl CULTURED STONE r\LPINE LEDGE510NE""al.J\Cf;. RUNDLE' M1 DRl·DESIGN POWDEK CO/•ll'EP ALUMINUM P/\NELS, DQO ORI\NGE P6 ICI f'Mtff5 • 'MM~ EXTERIOR 0/\Rr::: GREY MIWIH6' T., GL.EARoovnt.E&..A?Ui "'-V '6Ti\lHTEEOFl!EICc:EMEH'frl.AHJ;S-,1:0A.slU> WAUlurfltffiitt DY'IYl:'IOO'TO)IE WTI §:\ T/OP,l.NEUI 2nd FLOOR ............. ~ COPVRlc.HT RE6ERVEO E\IERYTHING SHOVVN 1-ERECf'.I IS FOR I.IEE ON THIS PROJeC'T ONLY ANO MAY NOT BE REPAOCIUIEJ \NITHOUT INRITTEN PERMl56ION. IM=IITTEN Dlt-JENSDN6 SHALL HA~ PRECE:E~ CJVEFI 6CALEO CWENSDNS. REVISlOI\IS ~ClAlE ~ 11111;1,, ~~ 200-1687Wes!!!toadwaV Vano:,uw,-, RC. V6J 1 X2 ffl.;('ll'l7'N1)0 FAAc(!(M)n>m'I MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. TECK CON&TRUCTIDN LLFI Ei197-216th STREET LANGLEY B.C. l'ROJECT NUMBER Sier ELEVATIONS TITLE SCALE 1 :100 Ster"'- OA1' 08/08/08 Qi~DBY """""' A5 cmJBY -OF17 l @AUG~·11At.1 ·- ~ _.,.,, .,, ~r .,, ,,.. .,,. _,J, ,_, ~ ·->-:_------------==-,, =-----~ @DEC22·1!At.1 ·- @DEC22·3Pt.1 -~ ,~-;:,-/ ~ ... \ ,.,,.,,,. / ~ COPml<»fTRalllMll ~u:t:~~i:: .. Ll:J!Ot4 ~~Y.M'ttNPIMCICDt ~~~~Ho\'A~MCE REVISIONS lll\l QkTII CE9CRFTDN 200-1687 West B!OactNay V~. B.C. V6J 1X2 TEI; (804) 73&37>0 FAX: (8l4) 73&3771 ""'1ECl' MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE.B.C. TECK CONBTRUCT10N L1.P 5197-216th STFEET LANGLEY B.C. """""' ·-,..., ,,,,_. SHADOW STUDY 0411 ~,· .,...,.., __, ASDP CAttltt _,-0J"17 EAST-EXISTING CANADA POST BUILDING PROPOSED BUILDING ffi NOR.TM PROPOSED SITE PLAN (NTS) NORTHWEST RENDERING -PROPOSED BUILDING NORTH -EXISTING COMMERCIAL ACROSS LOUGHEED HWY WEST-EX16TING AUTO REPAIR ACROSS OWEN STREET EXISTING AERIAL VIEW COPYR!OHTR£S&MD 1:',;£RV'THING 6HCWN H:l'E>N IS RlFI U6E Cfll TI-e~Clll.'WAKOMA'tfmDI ~~An10Ur\\'Ml'm q'Jw,JSSPN, WRITTEN OIM:NGIJN6 SHAU HAIJ£ l=!Aecl:CENCE OVER SCALE□ Cl~DNS. REVJSJDNS 200-1687 West Broadway Vanoouver, B.C, V6J 1X2 TB.: (604) 738-3730 FAX: (604) 736-3771 PaoJECr MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. TECK CONSTRUCTION I.LP 5197 -216th STREET LANGt.EY B.C. --Neighbourhood Context !;1;1,,1..1: 1tdi:xi 51-E!:T'OO t,-o,.~,.-~.,,.,,--,,-,,--i. """'"' DP1 ""' © IYE5T ELEVATION· VIEWFROM OWEN ~EST ., NO~HWE5T ELEVATION·\1EW FROM ED LOUGHEED HWY COPYRlm<T --[\~\ti "61!Qtl S FDR USE ON l>CPmETCJA.VAta>IAAYNOTm: ~Y.mon-WilfflEWFI~ ~1:»4PCDN'fS.!"J-WLKA.\t'.PAKUlftG ~CC-.UD~ l!EVISlONS REY CATE CESC;RPTI0N 200-1687 West Broadway Vaioouver, B.C. V6J 1X2 1cl.c(504)"""730 FAl<(504)7"'3771 PAaECf MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLE RIDGE,B.C. TECK CONs~ucnoN LLP 5197-216th STREET LANGLEY B.C. --,,_ RENDERING TiflJ! ac.u..E 5HET,n "'"' O!l/20/14 R1 _,, .. -..,.,.., -OF17 J SYMBOL F:".':':1 ~ c:::»1 ~ * QTY. 68 25 11 59 12 46 21 102 15 PLANT LIST BOTANICAL NAMI! ,,,_ Acer palmatum Uquldambar styranua 'Worplesdon' Slara,: Japonlcum Prurn.Ja yedoensle 'Pk Perfecllon' Chamaecypatle noolkatensla Shrubo Azalea Japonlca 'Coral Belle' Welgele 'Wine & Roses' llex crenala Lonlcera plleala PlerJa~'T"~~BolH' Prunus L 'Otto Luyken' Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' Rhododendron 'Anna Rose 'Nhllney' Rose meldlland (various var's ) • Spirea x bumalda 'Anlhany Walerll' Thuja occldentalle 'Smaragcr Viburnum davldll (low) Oroltftd ~nla Erica darteyensls 'Kramer's Red' Arctostyphyloe uva-ursl Hemocallle 'Stella d'Ofd COMMON NAME Japanese Maple Sweel Gum VM, Japaneee Snowbell Flowering Cherry Var. Noolka CYJ)rese Japanese Azalea Welgela Var Japanese Holly Evergreen Honeysuckle Japanese Andromeda Otto Luyken Laurel Rhododendron (medlum var.) Rhododendron (tall var.) Hardy French Rose var. Spirea Var, E:mt,r■ld Orffl"I Cedu David's Viburnum Winter Heather Vancouver Jade Daylllly var 1 Specification as per most recen1 'BC Landscape Slandards' and LandSpace Design Inc 'Spec Nolet'- 2 Plant varletlea lo be selected by Landscape Archltecl al nursery. 3, Land9cept11 Areas lo be Irrigated, 4 Plant Search Area: Pacific Northwest From Oregon to B.C, .5 Pf&nll lO DI A&laed t )' '11\1 LA.. O!J the i'ipptovtd N\i'W,Y, NOTE: SURVEY INFO PROVIDED BY: ISAAK, OSMAN & ASSOCIATES SIZE 3m ht Im-stem OO,,C'-11',IUlm otn:t 5cm cal 11 Sm stnd 6cm cal / 1 am stnd 3m I narrow spr form ,a pot ,a pot ,a pot ,a pot ,a pot 12 pot ,a pot 17 pot ,a pot ,a pot 1 Bm hi. 13 pot/ low 11 pot/ 45cm O C 10 cm pol/ 45cm o.c~ '1pot 1-w w a:: 1- UJ z w 3 0 LOW EVERGREEN SCREEN HEDGE NARROW STREET TREES (Due Ta OV1rhe1d WlrH) At Approx. 30" a.c. ~ -, --y __ [ ,.__ ij , \ ~:~~~~IJST11.EES ____ ! ,;;,c,,~_,,...,..(CCll'llfflol"IPoor•R~ ---- Wir-+""-'"_...,._ l•-5.•AIM,_ ~ ~ __ ! OVERHEAD WIRES (DASHED) ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING TREES (Smoll Due Ta OV.rheod IM,.1) SHRUB BEDS FIR TREES COPYRGHT~ED EVERYTlfltG 9iOWH HEREON IS FOR USE ON THIS PRO.ECT O"'-Y AflJ MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED wmtOUT WIIJTTe,I PERl4SSION. WRITTEN DM.NSIONS SHAU. HAVE PREC£. DENCE OVER SCAl.fD 004:NSIONS. REVISIONS .DATE DESCRIPTION 2. ,. 5, ,. 7, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SEAL PROJECT: ~Mark's MARK'S WORK WEARHOUSE 20758 LOUGHEED HWY MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. ~ TECK CONSTRUCTION LTD. S197-216th STREET LANGLEY PROJECT NUMBER 8.C. SHEET Trfl.E LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE 1 "•20'-0" SHEET No. PLOT DEC 31/13 CHK'□BY L1 DR'N. BY ACT ., r OWEN STREET • g Ii: : ;; I ~ I "' 0 ~ ,., rv .... '-.:. ----__ ,_·f..::.'.).::+,,,,__-_, - PROPOSl:D ASPHAl T SURFACE (1YP). SEE THIS SHEET FOR P,._\IEMtNT STRIJCTIJRE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL c/w FENCE. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR o·ETAILS L:. PROPOSED BUILDING SLAB ELEV. ~ 1 B.25m A PLAN B735 5 ]. #20756/2076B LOUGHEED HIGHWAY -~ 5 0 ~ .§ Q " ; 0 ~ I N ~ . "' i ::t . . , 0 ,= 0 j -1! ~ . E ~ :::, 1---1~---+---------------------------1-------1 BENCHMARK ~l-□-f-----+----------------------------1-----1 ~TROt. MOMJMDfT: 84HOQ-49 = C LOCATI<»I: ,_1--1-----+----------------------------1-----1 ~ B j A APR 25/14 i: ND.. DATE ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW CDP BY El.E\l"nott 16.331m VERTICAL DA1Ulil: ''"'""'° PftOPOSE> STORV S£YlfR SAHITARYSE'IEt GAS WAlEll U,C. UGHTINC UC. HYDRO U.G. 'IE..EPHONE MANHO..E <AT04.,.,.. --1210 --<II• ""' ..... GAS WIM ... HY!) TB. -&- "' WAEI QR~ -.,>,I_\£ 0110< UTILITY PQ.E / AHOfOR FIRE H'T'l)f:IAHT IRON PIN BASEMENTEl..£V. COCE Of PA.'-'DIENT ftHC,: SU>EWM.X SUR",£YWOHUI.IENT $NL INSPECT!~ CHA~ STREET LICHT 9 ➔ 0 .1,. IDT .l. RIGHT T --,--, L:,. 0 -El !-:: ,·, f rµ ;J EDCE Of GAA~ 51.0l'E SHRUB HEIJC< TOP >-1 J:: c., 5: a /.JJ /.JJ J:: c., =:> 0 ---1 ----a 100mm THICK -19mm CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 95'1 MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSl"f'f. MIN. 300mm THICK -75mm PJT RUN GRAVEL SUBBASE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 95'1 MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSl"f'f. ADD AD□mONAL SUBBASE AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED ELEVATIONS. CONCRETE PARKING LOT CURB SCM.EN!I SUBGRADE PREPARATION COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 95:0 MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. JYPICAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURE NTS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SURFACE (lYP). SE£ ARCl<IT£CTURAI. DRAWINGS FOR OtTAILS DRAWN CDP CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TOE DESIGNED CDP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CHECKED SJV APPROVED SN TREE DECIDUOUS O@ CONIFIROUS SCALES HORZ. 1:200 SITE GRADING PLAN MARKS WORK WEARHOUSE #20758/20768 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY """""" 01, OF • 02 BUIUJONC C:? VERT. / _,, • .., 5 0: .. ~ :, ~ I o! :, ,!, 0 I N ::! ;, / a -~ .!! ; ~ g !' ,la ~ ~ 0 !' Q ;l ~ 0 / 0 § 0: .. g, "' ~ ii ,: ~ ! ... l . i "' N ::! ;, / ~ E D C B PROPOSED I 050f CS STORM MH 11 c/• 600mm S\JW' RTM ELEV • 17.62m PROP. 36.0m-100,, PIIC SOR28 5'11< SERVICE CONNECTION O 1.0:11 FROM BUILDING TO P!!OPERlY UNE c/w Cl[ANOUTS AS SHOWN P!!OPOSED RETAINING WALL c/w FENCE. SEE smUCTURAI. DRAWIOOS FOR DETAA.S 3 Ji. A APR 25/1'1 =f ~ DATE PROPOSED CATCH8'SIN c/w ROU~D GRATE & J.Om-1501 P'/C LEAD 0 MIN. 1.0>:; R1M El.EV • 17.5Jrn ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW T CDP BY OWEN STREET "-; ( Jl\-:'N; ·.,,,,; PROPOSED BUILDING SLAB ELEV. = 18.25m A PLAN 8735 f20758/20768 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY EJOSmC --ca,0 BENCHMARK """"""' --Clle CONTRot. WONUMENT: B4H00-49 STORW SEWER STM LOCATI<llt SANITARY ~ """ CAS OAS ••TER WIii U.C. UGl-tllHO ,.,_ U,C. HVORO HYD U.C. m.EPHa« TB. El.£VATIOfrt: 16.3J1m ........ -e- 'wt:RTICAL DATUM; CI.Tt:HBASIN "' WATER OR CAS VM..~ PROPOSED CATCH!IASIN c/w ROUND CRATE & J.Om-150f PVC LEAD 0 MIN. 1.0ll: RIM ELEV = 17.63m Dlltli ---UTIUTY Po...E / AHOfOR e ➔ ARE H'ltlRANT 0 tAOH PIN .. ,. BMEEi!T El.LV. lUT l. RIGHT T EDGC Of PA..alEHT FOICE --,--· "°EW>IX SUR't£Y 'WIJNUl,l(NT 4 SAN. lNSPECTic»4 CHAWBEA 0 m,.fUQIT -e /, J~! ll{ ,/ t I/ 'j /:. I;<' /'-:.1--. I .~, -I ! / I: ' EDGE~ GRAVEL. SLOPE SH1MI HEDC, f CJS' & A8ANOON QIST\NC 300f CONC STORM SERVICE. RE~ EXISTING SJORM MANHOLE TO SUIT. MH #3 PROPOSEO STORM SERVICE INSPECTION CHAIIBER AT PROPERTY UNE PROPOSED 5£011100 CONTROL DEVICE (STORl,ICO'fOR OR EOIJ,tJ.) M>i 12. SE£ OIL d< SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE NOTES OH THIS SHE£T FOR D AILS PROPOSED CATa-tB/.SIN c/w ROUHO GRAT( d< J.Om-1~ PVC !DO 0 MIN. 1.0X: RtM ELEV • 17,64.ffl P!!OPOSEO ONSlTE HYDRANT TO OISlRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE STANDARDS c/w: 2-150• 45· HORZ. BENOS I-ISO. GATE VALIIE ALL JOIN'rS TO BE MECIW<IC\I.LY RESTRAINED WITli UNI-Fl.ANGE RESTRAINTS. ti :r: ('.) .::::i 0 .....) Ta> TOC ---0 'ALL WATER SERVICES TO HAVE MINIMUM OF 1 .Om COVER "DOUBLE CHECI< VALVE: ASS(MBLY & WATER ME1'tl! TO ilE LOCATED WITHIN BUILDING MECHAN~ f!OOM. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS. DRAWN COP DESIGNED COP CHECKED SJV APPROVED SJV 1RE£ OECIOOOUS O@ CONIFEROUS SCALES HORZ. 1:200 BU<J>NO C] VERT. on, & SEDtMENI CONTJtOl Pf\1CE HPIES· I. THE OIL .!< S(OIM(HT CONTROL 0£111CE SHAU. H,\1/E A l,IIN, ANNUAL TSS REJ,!OVAL RATE 01' 85X-fOR PARTICLE Sl?ES 50 MICROMETER ANO GREATER FOR EACH ANO EVERY YEAR. OURING HICH nows THE S'/STEM SHALi. JNTERW,Ll.Y EM'ASS s.o THAT PR£1110USlY CWTURED SEDIMENT IS SEPARATED FROM Tt<E HIGH FLOW, 2, SUPPUER TO P!!OVo!lE (STORMCEPTOR STC/OR EOUAL): o) A PERFORMANCE TABLE SHOl'/ING AVERAGE _.,.NUN. REMOI/AL RATES, TOTAL RUNOFF VOLUMES, TREATED VOLUMES ANO SEOIMENI 0£POSITION VOUJMES FOR All AVAILABLE YEARS Of LOCAi. MET'EOROLOC!CAL RAINF..U. DATA. IIICLUOE A s\Jl,lMARY 01' TOTAL RUNOFF VOLUME TREATED 0\/DI THE PERIOD Of RECORD, b) CALCUV.TIOIIS/INfORMATION 5110WING 110W AVEJW;( ANNUAL REMOVAL. AAT£S (85X fDR PARTICLE stZ£S 50 MICR0'4ETER OR GREATER) WERE ACHIEVED OR MOOEl.£0, c) C1,LCULAT1DNS/INf0RIIATION DEMONSTRATING 1-!0W ll!E ONE 'ttAR OF SEDIMENT STORAGE CAPACITY WAS !lERNED. d) stJ8MISS\OH TO BE SIGNED ANO ~Ell 8Y ENGINEER RECISTEREl) IN BRfTISH COLUMl:!IA. e) AN OPERATION ANO MAINTENANCE (Od<M) MANUAL ANO SAMPLE MAINltNANCE tOC ARE TO BE P!!OIIIO.:O TO 1HE OWN.ER. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ""'~ SITE UTILITY PLAN .....,.,,.,. -MARKS WORK WEARHOUSE 02 cw . 02 #20758/20768 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY _,_.,.. District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2014 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) 1Z1 Development Permit DP/ 2013-104-OP 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. The proposal is for a residential townhouse development consisting of 8 units in 4 duplexes. 3. Presenting Architect: _W_a_yn_e_B_is_s_ky _____________________ _ (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _P_a_u_l_W_h_i_th_e_a_d ________________ _ (please print) 5 . Mandatory enclosures include the following: m 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. ~ Design Rationale 2014 Meeting Dates Applicant Deadline by Noon on 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Tues Jan 14 Mon Dec 30 Name: Wayne Bissky Tues Feb 11 Mon Jan 27 Tues Mar 11 Mon Feb 24 Company: Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture Inc. Tues Apr08 Mon Mar 24 Tues May 13 Mon Apr 28 Address: 204-22320 Lougheed Hwy. Tues Jun 10 Mon May 19 Phone No. (604) 467-8300 Tues Jul 08 Mon Jun 16 Tues Aug 12 Mon Jul 21 Tues Sep 09 Mon Aug 18 Tues Oct 14 Mon Sep 22 Wed Nov 12 Mon Oct20 Tues Dec 09 Mon Nov 17 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room esday, May 27, 2014 Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall (Date) rev. 2014-05-15 PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1 ) Site Data: Civic Address 12101 208th Street, Maple Ridg, , BC, V2X4W8 Area of the lot(s) 1,773 m2 Lot width 30 m Lot Depth 61 m Existing OCP Designation RES CONSRV Proposed OCP Designation RES CONSRV Existing Zone RS-3 Proposed Zone RM-1 Existing land use SinQle Family Proposed land use Multi Family Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection 100 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 517 m2 Reqd. front setback 7.5 m Proposed front setback 1.4 m Reqd. rear setback 7.5 m Proposed rear setback 5.8 m Reqd. side setback 4.5 m Proposed side setback 1.8 m Reqd. side setback 4.5 m Proposed side setback 0 m Reqd. building height 10.5 m Proposed building height 11.5 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Yes See DrawinQs Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 1,064 m2) {Total GFA proposed 1,058 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space 360 m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 570 m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area 40 m2 Proposed Common Activity Area 114 m2 3 ) Parking and Off-loading: -Underground Parking 'rfN Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 18 Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 18 Reqd. small car stalls 0 Proposed small car stalls 0 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area 0 m2 Required Handicapped Parking 0 Proposed Handicapped Parking 0 Required Visitor Parking spaces 2 Proposed Visitor Parking spaces 2 Proposed Variances to Parking None 4) Covenants: -ROW: -Geotechnica l lY, \ Storm sewer Will be discharged .x NJ Tree preservation y \ Sanitary sewer with road dedication lY~ [:ii._ No Build/ No Disturb 'i.J IJ Drainage y NJ Any other Covenants on Title lY~ Any other ROW Fortis 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland (YJN {distance from the TOB of watercourse) 1 o m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area , ,464 m2 Proposed landscaped area 5,000 m2 Area of building to be demolished 180 m.l_ In the Flood Plain Y/1 N In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/ N -Proposed LEED points 0 Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. DeepRaols Greater Heights ., • ADP applicant Checklist:· All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes , need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. . . . .- 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context • . . 3) Design R,ationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Sjte Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planni_ng: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides I. Building Design: Signage details J. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required ~ g ·l\Zf ~ ~ ~ 0 □ 0 ~ [j' ~ □ ~ ~ ~- Included G1 □ 0 [21' / 0 Qf ~ □ (Q) ~/ g □/ □ 0 s [2f m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building □ □ n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives □ □ 0. Material Sample Board g CD _(~ck..1.-lio A 4.2) Required Included 6) Landscape drawings In metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout ~ 0 b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area ~ QI' I 5ZJ g C. Planting List with specifications • d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage . and landscaping ." e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting detalls for pedestrians/landscaped areas [2( □ □ CJ) h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan ~ Q) Project ArchltecV Applicant: End of Document Revised Decemger 2012 (s~.Iir~'ct""~ p~~ s~o~ W-:Ll 6e... e~-J;6-~ o..k. ~~) 2 MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-104-DP 12101 208 Street District of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: June 10, 2014 An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above-noted property to permit the construction of 8 townhouse units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given first reading by Council on May 22, 2012. Th is application needs an OCP amendment to adjust the conservation boundary around McKenney Creek. • BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. 0929304 B.C. LTD., INC. NO. 929304 Lot 6, District Lots 241 and 242. Group 1, NWD Plan 24517 Urban Residential, Conservation Urban Residential, Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Park, Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Conservation, Urban Residential Townhouse, Single Family Residential RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Conservation, Urban Residential Use: Townhouse Zone: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Conservation, Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Townhouse Site Area: 0.641 ha. (1.6ac.) Access: 208 Street Servicing requirement: Full Urban Standard Page 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family development. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The development site is located on the west side of the cul-de-sac of 208 Street, north of Dewdney Trunk Road. The property slopes down from a level area by the street to creeks on three sides. The sloped areas of the site have a significant number of trees (See Appendix A). The applicant is proposing a townhouse development on the relatively level area of the site with an on- site strata road from the cul-de-sac. Eight townhouse units are proposed in four duplex-style buildings. Road dedication would be required to complete the cul-de-sac bulb. The balance of the site would be dedicated as Park for protection of the environmentally sensitive areas. The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist (see Appendix C). PLANNING COMMENT: The applicant is proposing to construct 8 townhouse units in 4 buildings on the developable portion of the site (see Appendix D). One driveway entry from cul-de-sac at the end of 208 Street provides access to an internal strata road. The units are ground-oriented with tandem garages from the drive-aisle. Each unit has useable rear yard space patio of approximately 11 m2 (118 ft2). A pedestrian walkway is provided in front of each of the units and towards the useable open space and common activity area. The common activity/open space area is provided at the west end of the site with a walkway, and a bench. A Natural Features and Watercourse Protection Development Permit are required, and an environmental impact assessment and habitat balance have been provided. A Variance Permit has been requested to reduce the front setback from 7 .5 m to 1.4 m, the side setback from 4.5 m to 1.8 m on the north side, from 4.5 m to O m on the south side, and the rear setback from 7.5 m to 5.8 m. They also requested to inc·rease the maximum building height from 10.5 m to 10.6 m for Units 1 through 4, to 11.0 m for Units 5 and 6, and to 11.5 m for Units 7 and 8. Page 2 of 3 Proposed revisions to the Zoning Bylaw that are currently in progress would allow an overall building height of 11. The proposed height variances are fairly consistent with these proposed changes and therefore the vartances are supported by the Planning department. The setback variances are requested as a result of a sloped site with a large area of environmental dedication, therefore the siting variances are supported by the Planning Department. Tandem parking is provided for each of the units, with 2 visitor stalls provided. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician Attachments: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Design Rationale Appendix C -Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Appendix D -Architectural Plans Page 3 of 3 Scale: 1 :750 Legend -GPS Creek Centrelines Slope <VALUE> c=Jo-14 Cl 15-25 [DJ 26-30 .. 30+ APPENDIXA · The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ' MAPLE RIDGE Brilish Columbia 12101 208 St. Site Context Map CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Sep 19, 2012 FILE: Untitled BY:RS \I\/ A Y N E STEPHEN APPENDIX B ·1 B I S S KY ARCHITECTURE SIGN URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DE- I HEAD Of Fl CE: 20-1-22320 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY M . .\PLE RIDGE BC V2X 2T4 PH 604-467-8300 f,\X 604-.\67-8305 Advisory Design Panel Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, Be V2X 6A9 Wednesday, May°28, 2014 Regarding Design Rationale describing the proposal or amendment including an assessment as to consistency of the proposal with Official Community Plan ~olicies and guidelines for : Our Project It: 1122 City Project It: 2013-104-DP Legal Description: Civic Addresses: Lot 6, District Lots 241 & 242 Group 1 NWD Plan 24517 12101-208th Street, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 4W8 This site proposal for 4 duplexes (8 units in total) is a direct response to the site context, west of Downtown Maple Ridge. The key feature of the property is the designated environmental area that envelopes the property on the North, West, and South sides, separating the proposed townhouses from the neigt,bourhood. • The site is bordered on all sides by single family homes and lots with the exception of the lot to the east which contains detached bare- land strata houses. The access to the site is from 208th Street via a cul-de-sac. The site general slopes from the East side down into the creek on the North, West, and south sides. The density shown is as permitted in the OCP. The scale varies from 3 and 4 storeys in response to the site which slopes from south east to the north west. The overall grade change is 16.1 7m in the S-E corner to 9.86m in the N-W corner of the site. The units are ground oriented with tandem garages from the drive aisle. The 3 bedroom units reflect the needs of first time family homeowners. Generous private and common green-space have been designed, with sidewalks, common gardens, play and sitting areas to encour- age walking and social activities within the community. Sincerely yours, ayn iss , MAIB Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. 204-22320 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 Ph: 604-467-8300 Fax: 604-467-8305 page 1 of 1 !iMhiti-Fimiiy , ' evelopment P;r~it Ar~a~uid_. __ , ___ _ I,•. ---'. • , • APPENDIX C ;/.: ,; --,- RECl;IVEO Pursuant witp. Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family de lopments will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines.· I MAY 2 1 2014 This checklist is intend_ed to aid in the review of ~ulti-f~ily development P1rmits ~.~is9~e completed by the architect of record for the proJect. It 1s noted that the prejMt!W-iJ:l'-~s~"Th1'1ENr reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department staff and the Advisory Design Panel. • Key Guideline Concepts 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in builcling form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery . of a higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parlci:ng located to the rear of the property. Guidelines A. Building Design, Massing, and Siting 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views and should enhance privacy and livability. -1 - Consistent Yes No yes yes yes yes Consistent Yes No yes If No, provide justification for inconsistency This plan is consistent with the scale and use of the surrounding properties as designated in the OCP. This plan is consistent with the scale and use of the surrounding properties as designated in the OCP and relates in height to adjacent developments. This plan is clustered and given architectural separation, fostering a sense of community and improved visual attractiveness. Pedestrian circulation is prpvided on and off site. All units have entries oriented to the internal roads. All parking for visitors is screened as noted. If No, provide • justification for inconsistency This site is gently sloping with internal views resulting in most units enjoying views over the green space. Privacy and livability are maximized in the plan. I . : . ..... . .. . . ( 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/ sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting yes street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of comers should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate comer cuts. 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower no density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non-residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; yes f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. -2- ( Units are oriented to the internal roadway. A Pedestrian walkway is provided and linked to the street. All elevations with frontage to the private road are articulated and provide fenestration to encourage enjoyment art the human scale. This not applicable as this development is considered a medium density development. A) The form and massing is consistent with the surrounding area. Bl This site generally maintains the scale and massing of the adjacent developments. C) This is considered a medium density development with a lower height and is consistent in scale and massing throughout the site. D) The east unit adjacent to the existing single family home is consistent with its massing and scale. E) Access conflicts are minimized and located away from major intersections. Fl Privacy is maximized on this site as well as adjacent properties through the use of setbacks and existing perimeter planting. ( 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facac!es to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. yes 1------------------------+----1------1 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. yes 1-----~------------------+----1-------1 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. -3 - yes yes A) Facades are articulated and varied while continuing a familial design theme throughout. B) These smaller townhouse forms are well articulated and lower in scale. C) All entries to units are well identified with direct access either to grade. A) Porches, projections and recesses are provided. B) Neighbourhood stability is reinforced through the placement of all fenestration. C) Garage doors are downplayed throughout the site, in particular and especially through recessing the garages behind the main facade. D) Compatible and thematic roof forms are provided throughout the proposal. E)Landscaping reinforces the sense of community and neighbourhood. It can be so and will be so. The site is heavily landscaped. In addition, the high density allows more people to live on less land, thereby preserving other green space throughout the municipality. The soils are not conducive to the other items listed to the left, although the watercourse and dedicated environmental areafore than compensate in this regard. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. yes ( t-----------------------1------1----1 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building facade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. yes r---------------------+-----11------' 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. -4 - no We have incorporated a general theme to ensure a sense of community and design cohesion throughout this small development. Garage doors do not face public streets. They do front the internal street. A) Attractive entrances and windows between garages are provided and are reinforced through the landscape design. 8) This submission complies. C) Attractive entrances and windows between garages are provided and are reinforced through the landscape design. D) This has been done throughout. E) Interior spaces overlook the street. F) Unit entries are oriented to the street, with separate sidewalks to front doors. G) Unit entries are oriented to the street, with separate sidewalks to front doors. H) This development complies with this guideline. I) This development complies with this guideline. Not Applicable. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parl<:ing areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual J appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas .should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. -5 - yes yes no no no no Parking and private roadways are minimized. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Provided This development complies with this guideline. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be mioimiz~d by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. C. Landscaping and Open Space 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non- residential land uses; Yes Yes h) create interesting views and focal points into Yes and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency m street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. -6 - no There are no parking structures on site. ?aving areas are minimized. This development comp I ies with this guideline. A) This development complies with this guideline. B) This development complies with this guideline. C) This development complies with this guideline. D) This development complies with this guideline. E) This development complies with this guideline. F) This development complies with this guideline. G) This development complies with this guideline. H) This development complies with this guideline. I) This development complies with this guideline. -- 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating Yes finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. A) The existing perimeter trees to be retained are highlighted in the arborist and environmentalist report B) NotApplicable. C) Grading plans and site sections are shown on drawings D) This development complies with this guideline. t-----------------------1------1------1- 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. g) Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. -7 - Yes Yes Yes T his development complies with this guideline. The landscape architect has incorporated drougbt- r es is tan t species throughout their design. • The site is quite constricted and there are • many existing trees in the • environmental dedicated area as well as a number : of newly planted ones onsite to moderate the effect of wind and also provide shade in summec Natural drainage will occur throUf¥.10Ut the site. Daylight will be allowed • into buildings in the • winter but deep overhangs are planned to provide • shading in summer for . cooling. Rain barrels for • later irrigation use are not . included. Continuous landscaping, both existing • and new, is shown along • abutting streets with only • one single access from the . street. The sidewalk pavement continues across • driveways and parking entrances. This development complies with this guideline. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking -lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. r Yes No Yes Yes r---------------------+----1,-----l 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. -8 - Yes Yes This development complies with this guideline. Not Applicable. See landscape plans submitted where the trees to be retained are shown. See landscape plans submitted where the trees to be retained are shown. The development site is very restricted and therefore does not make it feasible to incorporate bioswales. In addition, the soils are not conducive to absorption. This development complies with this guideline. This development complies with this guideline. ( D. Universally Accessible Design 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Yes Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided m appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a Yes minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas l . Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design ofa roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. -9- Yes No No No All non-vehicular routes are accessible as per the guidelines. A) This development complies with this guideline. B) This development complies with this guideline. C) Not Applicable. D) Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Refuse will be kept within the garage of each unit. There are no service areas on this site. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems away from pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces to minimize noise and exhaust in these areas and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. F. Signage and Lighting 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Applicable. Not Applicable. Not Applicable. This development complies with this guideline. This development complies with this guideline. This development complies with this guideline. This development complies with this guideline. G. Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of Yes sturdy, theft-resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Bicycles will be stored within the individual units. Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 _____________ _ Architect Name/Company Wayne Stepl1en Bissky Architecture Municipal File No.-=2=0..,._12=-"""'0=3~4--RZ-=------------ Plan Description: PID 002-268-213 , Lot 6 District Lots 242 & 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 24517 Project No. =1=12=2~----------------- Si-Me ~ -11 - PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -·-·7 Existing Property Line / Proposed Property I r Line, after dedications I ~-L····-···-···-I • ···-··· I \ Subject Site After Dedications '···-·1 i I 7 ·~----···-· ··-✓--· : _____ __..• ··. Proposed Property Line Name: Area Original Property: 6,417~9 m2 Environmental Dedication: 4,464 3 m2 Road Dedication: 180 8 m2 Nel Oevelopable Area: 1,,u .. onQ Environmental Areas: 521 7 m2 Area of Encroachment into 1 Sm Setback from TOB Area of Development Encroachment into 15m Setback from TOB 414 9 m2 Dashed line of BC Gas SRW Plan 18394 Selle: 1;500 % of Original lot area 1000% 69,6% 29% 276% 91 % 65% Original Property Lines with ROW SCaii>: t:500 DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE V\IHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Environmental Dedication APPENDIX D ZoninQ Bvlaw Area Comoliance Calculations Zoning Information Unit Areas Comment/ Descriplion # of Units Garage Area Basement Floor Area {Habitable) Basement Floor Area (Non Habilable) Basement Floor Area (Habilable Area -50m2 or 538.2 SQ FT+ Non Habitable Area)-As defined by zoning bylaw Main Floor Area Main Floor Area (Non Habitable) Second Floor Area Third Floor Area Site Coverage/ Unit Gross Floor Area (GFA) Basemenl Floor Area: Main Floor Area: Second Floor Area: Third Floor Area: Total: Area for Floor Space Ratio Basement Floor Area: Main Floor Area: Second Floor Area: Third Floor Area: Total: Lot Area before dedications= Net Developable Area after dedications = FSR Allowed = 0.6 x Net Devel. Area = FSR Actual= FSR Difference = Actual Density (Max 0 6) = Gross Area of Residential (Net Salable): {Includes Non habitable and habitable basements) 10 39 sp -sg !!D m Site CJ;1~~;~ ~ Green area of usable open space 570 m2 UOS & CAA Scale: 1 :500 Road Dedlcatic n Dedications Seate: 1:500 Unit A UnilB Total: Bldg-1 & 2 Bldg3&~ s~ 3Bedroom 4 4 8 unils 42.1 f11Z 42.1 m2 336,7 m2 0.lfm2 48.6m2 195 0 m2 _Q;0m2 0.0m2 o.o m2 oim2 00m2 00m2 52,8•m2 52.8m2 422,5 m2 :u -rn2 7.6m2 68,8 m2 62:4 m2 62.4m2 499.2 m2 59.1 ,riz 59.1m2 473.0m2 ·""·"""'2" 64.6m2 517.0 m2 Total: Comment 390.0 m2 Includes Habitable basement area 491.4 m2 Includes Garage, & Non Habitable space 499.2 m2 473.0m2 Includes slair 1,853,6 m2 Total: Comment 0.0m2 Excludes up to 50m2 habitable area. 85.8 m2 Excludes garage, and Non Habitable space 499,2 m2 473,0 m2 1,058.0 m2 6.417.9 m2 = 0 642 ha 1,772.6 m2 = 0,177 ha 1,063,5 m2 = 0.106 ha = 11,448 Sq Fl 1,058,0 m2 = 0.106 ha = 11,388 Sq Ft -5.6m2 = -60,1 sq ft 0 5968 1,853.6 m2 = 19,951.8 sq ft Civic Address: 12101 -20Blh Street, Maple Ridge BC PID: 002-268-213 l,..,,,... O.e1c~n..LOIG. 0L ?~1 & 2◄2.GP 1, NWD Plan 2(5\7 Exhbog Zoning: P,o.poied Zoning: OCP: ~a.ad Oedicalion: E.Utmont Cqwn:.nl Area: Envlronmel'lbll Dedication: Emtlng lot Area: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residenllal) RM-1 (Townhouse Famny Residential District) RES, CONSRV Yes 180.8 m2 No No Yes 4,464 3 m2 69 6 % 6,417,9 m2 69,082 sq ft Zpdng IIIIDfmo/AY, b-RM-t @wr.hotlu F:MJ!K{lf:.sid,r:-.tll{OiS(ll:fJ Lot Width: LOI Depth' LaLAtU: Requln,d: 19m N/A 557 m2 Provided: 30m 61m 1,772 6 m2 Y.ax. Dwelling Height: Max. Accessory Height: 10 5m nor 2 1/2 Stories 4,5m nor 1 Storey SH h,otVNf;a.ncio Sltlog: FnintSe!back: Rtllf Setback: EicadorSidct Yard Setback: fntenor Side Yard Setback: Requll'1!d: = 7 5 m = 7 5 m = 7.5 m =4 Sm • for a wall with no windows to a habitable Int.amt Side Yard Setback: = 6 0 m ·a.a metres tof I Wlr1Wi1ha bllll:onfOtl wffMSow to a habitable room Provided: See list of Variances See list or Variances NIA See list of Variances See list of Variances Thls area may form part of the usable open Common Adlvtt)' Arn: 5 m2 / Unit space requirement. (Required space is 40m2, provide space is 114m2) Unbfe Open Space: 3 Bedroom Unit: 45 rn2 2 Bedroom Unit 30 m2 = 8 Unils =OUnils Sub-Total= 8 Units Provided: =360Dm2 =OOml m> Pmtdng: Unit Parking = 2 O Visitor Parking= 0--2 Sub-Total = 22 Handicap Accessible Parking= 1/50 Small Parking Stalls Allowed= 0.1 Rtqul.Nd Window Ckiar,ancu From: Required: Provided: = 16 0 Stalls = 16 0 Slalls :. ,..e sr•tk ~ 2-.n 61.3.Dt • 17.1 Stalla I • 18.D StaUa • 0 Slab = O Stalls = 1 e Stalls = o O Stalls accessory ort slreet parking : 3 metres in radius measured from the nearest surface of a required window required windows in a living room: 15 metres from the centre with a 90 degree horizontal unencumbered arc required windows other than a living room: 10 melres from the centre with a 90 degree horizontal unencumbered arc all other windows: 3 metres from the centre wilh a 90 degree hodtont1I l.111C'DCUtnbere-darc List of Variances Architectural List of Drawinos Unit Type Allowed 1 Height 10,5m 2 Height 10.5m 3 Height 10.5m 4 Height 10.5m 5 Height 10.5m 8 Height 10.5m 7 Height 10.Sm 8 Height 10.5m 1 Sitting 7.5m 5 Sitting 4.5m 6 Sitting 4.5m 8 Slttlnn 7.5m Requested Comment 10.6m 10.6m 10.6m 10.6m 11 Om 11.0m 11.5m 11.5m 1.4m Front Yard 1.8m Interior Side Yard (North) 00m Interior Side Yard (South) 5,8m Rea< Yard List of Pro·ect Consultants Consult:llnt Project # Company MunClpa! 2012_034.RZ The D_istrict of Maple Ridge Plannec Planning Department Land~po Greenway Landscape Atctv:.c1 Architecture Gool<chnlal En•-- c:Jv• Engineer: Structural Engineer: Elcdllc.l Con.;;u(tJnt 4965-TP2 Cameron land Surveying ltd. Aquaterra Environmental lid. Mike Fadum and Associates lid United Ptclfic: Geotechnica1 Enginttftt\g Omega & Associates Er,ginHtln~Ltd None Retained None Retained None Retained Contact Stobnln Murpl\y or Chuck Goddard Paul v\lhllhead Ken Schurman Mike FaO\lm Paullus Yeung TomBllldi;butn A1 O A11 A1.2 A1.3 A14 A1 5 A1 6 A20 A21 A3.0 A3.1 A32 A3 3 A34 A35 A36 A3.7 A3 9 A3,9 A310 A311 A3.12 A3.13 A40 A50 75 Site Context &Project lnrormation Site Plan &Grading Plan Existing Survey Sile Seclions Fire DepartmenlPre-lncedent Plan Usable Open SpaceProject Information Site & Neighbourhood Context Unit A Floor Plans Unit 8 Floor Plans Buflding 1 Floor Plans Build1ng 1 Floor Plans Buildlng 1 Elevatfons Building 2 Floor Plans Building 2 Floor Plans Bu!lding 2 Elevations Building 3 & 4 Basement Floor Plans Bulld1ng 3 Floor Plans Building 3 Floor Plans Building 3 Elevations Building 4 Floor Plans Building 4 Floor Plaos Building 4 Elevations Buflding Sections Building Materials Sile Perspectives .cu,_,-In Set Phone # E-Mail (604) 463-5221 (604) 597-3777 ken@cameronlandsurveying com (604) 357..J.1175 chri~ft'qUlla"a,_q, (604) 582 0309 m.fach.lm@r~um.e1: Dep:11tmonl Commoms 1.r1111l t,,,uedForRozoning Svbrni$sion .-.i Rovlsodasper08/FEeJ1J mo0tin11wilhrrunicipDl$l:111' .IMRl Rovi$edasporAugusl15 2012Meetingv.ihm1Jnkip;il ~l,1ff lfflitl luuedforRczoningApp )~12 ~ ~ N C ~ a: } i >, '" -· . 0. -0 C. "' ::J " ~ _. ;; Cf) ~ ., (I) ro ;!; i J (/) 0 ::J <D 0 :§ .c ::; 5 ~ C ~ ~ ~ j C ~ 0 :;::; _. cu X E (I) ,._ _. .E C 0 C 0 _. (I) 0 _. (I) u5 "o ,._ Cl. Date: May 28, 2014 Scale As Noted Drawn JM,WB ?reject 10 1122 Sheet A1.0 ~ ~ if ----, -' --,..,; __ _ ----.... - ~ .. -~ ________ _,,..,,.,,_.,~~:m::,-.... --.------.l~r _,,,,, J +------'...:£:.-'c:"''-----+-----.::."'"-'m"'_~----1--!'-=2.:c5m4 1 , Visilor#2 \:: ~ ~~lsti;j grade ~--- ,... ------..................... 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Dale: Scale Orawn Project ID $heel May 28, 2014 As Noled JM,WB 1122 A1 .1 ________________________________________________________________________________ ___l ___ __j N N TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF LOT 6, DISTRICT LOTS 241 AND 242, GROUP NWD, PLAN 24517 0 • l"ljjjj.•-- SCALE -1 250 ,o All distance, ore in melre:s CIVIC ADDRfSS: 12101 -208th Street Maple Ridge, B.C. SURVEY LEGEND i LAMP STANOARO IS) CATCH BASIN J. GUY WIR£ ANCHOR ~ SANITARY MANHOL[ ®~~~~~(II (2)sroRM~HOLE 0 Ct.TCH BASIN -0-POWER POLE ~ CAS LINE MA.RKER 5' WATER MOER @ WATER CONNECTION ■ OLD IRON POST f0UND .6.~~MlWt Cg) UNOETERMINEO UANHOLE M WATER VALVE {S) FIRE 1-fYORANT "100 t~d'.olllllM'C ccd20,20 (2) 20cm CIQ CEDAR TREES ch,25 2Sc:m dla CMERRY met lnl15,15 (2) 15cm dill FRUIT TR(ES -"~ J~.i.~llft( :hGO liOtffl c:. N.tO! T""- dtc25 25cm dio OECIOVOUS TREE rnap}0,~5, JOcca. t5u,\. ~ lil l6em 55,65 die, W,PL.E TREES Cameron Lond Surveying Ltd. B~C-Land Surveyors Unit 206 -16055 Fraser Highway Surrey, B.C. V4N 0G2 Phone: 604-597-3777 Fox: 604-597-3783 ,,., I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36° x 24") 1, PARK Plan LMP31287 7 Plan 24517 This pion lies within the Greater Vancouver Regional District 8 Strata Plan LMS4067 , I I I I I t ... sanilory m/hl rim ,:1•16.48 storm m/h rim e/=16.45 ' ~..... ,, ,!> ,. ~= r ',l> b$ .I ,l -.,---"' L,cJL---"'"'-'"--~"'.?' clorm ,n/h rim el-16.14 110'1 f"""1 •L91l.lA.., "'°"' • lO ,., ..,, . ..,,., fi.•12.•t m dia"'-• JO cm "'"'~ •12 17 ,n dill'ft.. • fO CM Strata Plan LMS111 ~ il't~~ •l>.51 m .f°'41'ft.•20c:m •DVUI ~~l otL.-12..,t m diom. • 20.on l!JlIEk 1) Dr-ot:.v are at m.U1t$ and ore ~o~ 2) tJfrtiOl/oni are dcr,wd lr11m DCM ,,,.HOIU~ Efe~• 17.24~m 1intOIN an ce11udti.c f>/ 2061h s,, • ., H t-en ~ /lllU ~ /11150 .J) ,.,. /lllcff •ff ptr/ldUd I« Ot'dtJrvtlwtol ~ and ~'I ~ JNfp,,J.O , ONI ,G /f;< llw. 'I~• WW :: ~•rw :;, =: :~,,;.,"° ~~t G 1/Jird P!M'Y os a ~ ol ""Pf'~ Ct-tmuniWott or 11Jl.ttfm0/I t-o IN• dotc.m,,.111 -,lfh<nlt ~o,ufflt of tlH, ~l)O,t"'1, <f) P,ftK to MY cwu~ ~ u ~ ~ (o k- f!.JV..fmtd ., t.M ~ ,of I/cpl, ~ C11pit,el1M\9 th.pf, 5) K rb.tt a Cl1IY castl,:cl ~ WommfJon ~lrffff tM Wt/ ~_..r ~ thl, Pf,:,ti oN1 tti. tlipif.ol doto ~t ~ :;:,,,:: ;::! tt;ro!,~;::, i,o ~ tie C'Oliftt'l'nd by l(,lonm,fion ~-.. o,,n ·u..- hard copy of this plan. ISSUED DRAWINGS \•u Issued /Of ADP St.timlnion 10it:tt Revisedu11erBu~din11 Oepartmenl Commenls _,,U IssuedForRezcning Submission ,,...., Revised,nptirOB/Fl:B/13 mee\ingwilhmU11icipals!alf ,.,.'Q AeYised as per Auguu 15 2012MIKl1iogwilhmunicipa\ Slaff ~-.:v lssuedlorAezoningAp11 ,w;.uarm-tt >, "'C :J .... Cf) (l) Cl) :J 0 .c 3: C 0 I- >, (l) i:: :J Cf) 0) C ~ Cl) ·x w Dale: Scale Drawn rojeel 10 Sheel ,-. ~ ;!; C . ~ ii: 0 t ,: z a: .,: .,, .. I Cl ~ • ~ "' in ~ m N i J 0 <D :§ ;; ~ i ! May 28, 2014 As Noled JM,WE!I 1122 A1.2 a 7 1 ' a. 1274m 1171m PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36• x 24•) 11 ~'!. "-• 1327m fi =i i -i.: e:-"-• I i 1258m ' '1 11 ! i 11.05m i BLDG 3 BLDG 2 14m Pl22:Q!!d 1-J.tl o.wi~b~ Ar-■ of ~uu~ BLDG4 BLDG 2 I [.~ □ l ~h ::..J 1~-1 BLDG 3 ?flMJOHdNot 0.YeblMIDklAfH Of C:anun,chon BLDG 2 -I 8 Ef B 1515m Ate;a of Canstrud.tOl'I BLDG 1 ~t ~ "-•• Ii .~ 0 I 1669m Site Section 1 Scale: 1:150 BLDG 1 I -u - I IEB ~FEE arl !ff -1=1a ~ o:: ---~ D : 16 7m Site Section 2 Scale: 1:150 BLDG4 !!f-~ 1211m Site Section A Scale: 1:150 IS 1659m 153Bm Site Section B Scale: 1 :rSO ISSUED DRAWINGS t. lssuedforADPSubmission ReVJs.edasperBuMlfng Deparlmenl Commtm\s 1>,~11 Issued For Rezoning Submissioo 1.-tl Revised as per081FEBM3 fll'l81iogwilhmunicipalslalf .,_.,'-' Revised asperAugusl15 2012MeetingwilhmuniGjpal s!aU ~l lssued forRezonlngApp 1111,U,Mdtl\:J >, "O ::J -(f) Q) Cl) ::::l 0 .c :i: C 0 I- Cl) C 0 t5 Q) (f) Q) :!= (f) <J z >--~z V) '2 ~ t{l co Cl zZ LJ.J ;a I "' 0..::, LJ.J ~ I-"' V)"' ::, LJ.J "°lJ Z ~z >-t:: z <( :t z 5 ~:5 < 0.. Dat<c ... Onr,m Pfl,4ioct1O Shtlol ~ ~ ~ . 0 a: <ll 0 oi ;:: .g> z a' . ]-"' • _g: "' ~ i g l ~ ~a,-,. ii!~; :i"'i:§ j~!l,- g(,,)g_:ll Hi~i ~l"&w:=: May 28,2014 As Noted JM,W8 1122 A1.3 ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY ' 0 JO Siobhan Murphy From: Senl: To: UadtSmleton IAOOday, /\Pfl 15, 2013 11:56 AM ~,VAJr-p.hy Subject: 12101208 Sll File #2012-034-RZ TO: Plannlng Department (Siobhan Murphy) FROM: Marl< Smitton-Assistant Chief of Prevention & Communication DATE: Aprll 151h 2013 Subject: 12101208 St FIie # 2012-034-RZ RS-3 AM-1 The cul-de-sac will be required to have NO PARKING Signs installed prior to occupancy Con)t,ycdon a,, s.,tuy Pljft • lo mctl the r~qu!rements of the British Columbia Building Code 2006, Division B, Section 1-1 and to the British eoh,mbl.l F'•t Codt (BCFC) 2006, Division B, Section 5,6 this applies to bulldincs, parts of bulkSings, and associated areas undergoing construction. fies Qrp;utment &cru Emu«! (ire llne:s are denoted on strata plans, This is important for strata when it comes time to enforce keeping fire lines and turnaround1drAt o~ 1he bulldrigs a"' occupied. • Ensw-c lhlt signs st11ln, .. fot: htr.e-no parking -tow uwa, l:O(ff .. are installed along all 1he lanes before occuplll'KY, This Is to ensure It lsdc.at'ftevidl!!nt that this b. a rcqyired fire lane around and must be kept clear at alltlmes. Carria8e width of access lane to be a minimum 6 metres. fmttts!KY AtBH U"S1 NI nu, department access routes must be desicned and :ated for the following specifications Minimum of 35,000Kg with a minimum fon::ti o'70 P.S.I • Turning radius of vehicle• Inside radius R = 35' 6" • Outside radius R = 53' ~ • Address sign to be permanently mounted at main entrance and is visible day or night, Currfot Bullcf!oa qr SttYCW!tt -Once the current buildings are vacant, they are to be maintained secure against unauthorized entry at all times, as well as during the demolition phase untll such time as they are totally demolished, -Property to be fenced with fencing minimum 1.Sm high. Ensure a demolition permit is obtained All asbestos and other hazardous materials assessr,ients are to b("completed as part of the demolition process. WorkSafe BC requires registration of work to be completed and copies of any assessments reports prior to the commencement of any hazardous materials abatement work. If an underground oil tank is on the property, a permit from the frre department is required. RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE DEMOLITION GUIDELINE 8ulldinJ: Is. to r~malnstan at all lifflM as w~ udu11"&; tf'tc-1J~osrcmoy,t process. Se<u~ ol t"• method by the to~ th•r• methoch or tornbJnatlon or L Complete tto.rdiftl of doors windows~ other-opt-nings locu~ within 3m of the ground which may give access to the buildinc If long term, structure is to be boarded to the HUD standard 2. Minimum 1.8 metre high fencing around the building or exposed area 3. Post iJ security guard It remains the owner's responsibility to ensure that the building remains secure at all times and regular Inspection checks are required, All measures 3S pi?r the BC Bulldlng Code Part 8 are to be met Specifically section 8.1,2.2 states: 1) Precautions shall be taken to ensure that no person is exposed to undue risk, .Ata,,J!S,nilhm Assistant Fire Chief Fire Prevention/Communications Ml>-w,maP:!ftridlcr.," ca 604~76-3053 lssuedrorAOPSutimissk>n '"RevisedasperBuilding Dep;,llment Comments ...,,.IJlss11edForRnonTng Submission ~ Rellisedasper08JFESl13 meelingwilhmunlc;lpal&laff ,,,..,. R•YisedasperAugust15 2012MeeIngw11.nm1.W1icipal slall ••V tuuad r« Rezoning App 1111,iMmtl >, "'O :::i ci5 <I.) <J) :::::i 0 .c 3: C 0 I- ...., C C CU Q) a.. E ..... t:: C ct) Q) Q. "'O Q) Q) og ~ (I) u: .... a.. Oate: Scale I rawn Projecl ID Sheet May 28, 2014 As Noled JM,WB 1122 j NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION • 01•M?Ns10NsANosPAC1:sAR£NoTF1MLsuaJa:nocHANGE Site Location Plan A 1.4 (! .._T_o_SC/\l. __ e_WH_El'_PA_IN'IE_o_oN_AAC_H_D_l36_._._2_•·_1 ______________________________________________________________________________________ -_-_.,_•1_';,l!ii_· ____________________________________ _J _______ _J ~ ~ ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMB,:S:ONS N/0 SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Environmental Dedication Zoning Bylaw Area Compliance Calculations Unit Areas l:JnltA -UnitB BJd~18,2 Bldg3&4 Comment/ Description ~e;aroom 3 Bedroom # of Units , 4 4 Garage Area ·42,1 m2. 42.1 m2 Basemen! Floor Area (Habitable) 0.llm2 48.8 m2 Ba.emenl Floor Area (Non Habitable) o.om2 0,0m2 Basement Floor Area (Habitable Area -50m2 0:01112. or 538.2 SQ FT+ Non Habitable Arear As O.Om2 dafir1ed by zoning bylaw Muln Floor Area _52,8rit2 52.8m2 Maln Floor Area (Non Habitable) 9.6m2 7.6m2 Second Floor Area 62Am2 62.4m2 Third Floor Area 591m2 59.1m2 Sile Coverage/ Unit ··.,64:6m2-64.6m2 Total: 8 units 336.7 m2 195.0m2 o.o m2 0,0 m2 422.5 m2 68.8 m2 499.2 m2 473.0 m2 517.0 m2 ~ Exisling Zoning: P,opomd Zoning: OCP· Road Dedicalion: -"" ~Amr. Zoning Information Civic Address: 12101 -208th Street, MapJe Ridge BC PID: 002-268-213 ~: Lol8.Dl241 & 2"2,GP 1,NWOPian:24517 RS·3 (One Family Rural Residential) R~.f.1 (Townhouse Family Residenlial Oistrid) RES, CONSRV Yes 180 8 m2 No No EnVlroMMnlol Dedication: Yes 4,464 3 m2 69,6 % E.ustlng lot Area: 6,417 9 m2 69,082 sq fl zo11m 1t1toonottM 6?c8M~, Uczrmbottm&qrh: Re:e1eaMt OlYrictl LOIWICUb: Oeplh: loCAJeas t,\AA. DweUing Height MIX, Aa,es~ Height: Siting~ Fron! Setback: RWSelback: Required: 18m NIA 557 m2 10,5m nor 2 112 SIOl'ies 4 Sm nor 1 Storey Required: = 7 5 m =7.Sm Provided: 30m 61m 1,772.6 m2 See list of Variances Provided: t----------------------------------------~E>:lenol'S1<'e'YardSelback: lnieriotStde Yard Setback: =75m =4.Sm See list ofVariances See list of Variances NIA See list of Variances Gross Floor Area (GFA) Sasemool Floor Area: Maln Floor Area: Second Floor Area: Third Floor Area: T010I: Area for Floor Space Ratio Basement Floor Area: Main Floor Area: Second Floor Area: Thln:1 Floor Area: Tolal; Lot Area before dedications = N,:I Developable Area after dedications= FSR Allowed = 0~6 x Net Devel~ Area = FSRAclual = FSR Difference = Environmenta Actual Density (Max 0.6) = Total: 390.0 m2 491.4 m2 4992m2 473.0 m2 1,853.6m2 Total: 0.0 m2 85.8 m2 499,2 m2 473.0 m2 1,058.0 m2 Comment Includes Habitable basement area Includes Garage, & Non Habitable space Includes slair Comment Excludes up to 50m2 habitable area Excludes garage, and Non Habitable space 6,417.9 m2 = 0.642 ha 1,772.6 m2 = 0,177 ha 1,063.5 m2 = 0.106 ha = 11.448 Sq Ft 1,058.0 m2 = 0 106 ha = 11,388 Sq Fl -5.6 m2 = -60.1 sq ft 0.5968 Dedication Gross Area of Residenlial (Net Salable): 1.853.6 m2 = 19,951.8 sq ft . ··--·. _,rn~ ..• lntenor Side ,Yard ... ___ .. __ ... .,(_ln-'-cl-'-u'-des'-· N_o_n __ hc..a_b __ ila--b_le_ac.,n_d--ho-'-'bi'-'la--b __ le=b"""=-m--•--nlS=) -----------------------~ Unit 5 Unit6 Unit? Unit 8 D Z'IA"" Interior Side Yard··· Unit Unit 3 D ! v ~ ________ ...._, ... ""'m'-_____ _., __ .. ,,,,,,,,,••• Environmental Dedication Unit 1 Area of Usable Open Seace tciiii:02s D ·fora wall with no windows lo a habitable lntenix Sat Yard Setback: = 6 0 m •5,0 metres for a wall with a balcony or a window u, a habitable room See list of Variances Thls MH ""'Y form pa,t ol !he usable open omm.on Activity Area: 5 m2 / Unil spa,c;o ,equiremenl. (Riequlred space is 40m2, P,O't'/IH 1Pi1C8 ii 1 Hrn2) UUt>Jt Open Space: 3 Bedroom Unit: 45 m2 2 Bedroom Unit 30 m2 = 8 Units = O Units Sub-Total = 8 Units Provided: Unit Parking = 2 0 Visitor Parking = 0 2 Sub-Total= 22 Handicap Accessible Parking= 1/50 SmaU Parking Stalls Allowed = 0 1 Roquh d Wlndow Claaian«s From: Required: = 16_0 SlaUs •1.6-~ •1UiStaJJt = 0 St@1s = 1 8S\alls = 360,0 m2 .11C,Orn2 ~360.0_~ •~41'm2 Provided: = 16.0 Stalls •2.~.§._~ ~8,DStllla- -.QSt.ilJ = O O Stalls accessory off streel parking : 3 metres in radius measured rrom the nearest surface of a required window required windo'NS in a living room: 15 melres from lhe cenlre with a 90 degree horizonlal unencumbered arc required windows olher lhan a living room: 10 metres from tnc c.nCte with a 90 degree horizontal unencumbttOd arc all other windows: 3 metres from lhe centre with a 90 degree horizon~ un,a~ed ,re: Area of usable open space Proposed PL ~-Issued lot ADP Sllbmis5ion nt1'1• RevisedasperBuildiog Do,partmonl Comrnenls .,1.'11 tssuedForRezoning Subrnis~ion ..,_, Revisedatper08JFESJ13 mee1ingwi\hmuniclpals!aff ,._,, RevisadasperAUQUsl15 2012Mealhgwilhml#licipal """ """~•~•n.~At, 161M,r~l ,._ ~ 11; C 0 ~ a, 0 i ;; z >-ii: .-' ~ .. -0 g. "' ::::i " ~ -(/) ~ "' ;;; 3 Q) l'l (/) i 0 ::::i "' .., 0 .3 i .c ;; :s: j C: 8 0 ~ ii 0 I-."l 0: Q) C: (.) ro .Q a.-en ro c: § Q) .E 0. C: 0 Q) t5 .0 Q) ro 'o (/) ,_ ::> a.. ate: May 28, 2014 Scale As Noted ()rawn JM,WB Project ID 1122 Sheel A1.5 TO.SCALEV~'II PRINTED ON ARCH D (36ft x24R) ..__ _______________________________________________________________________________ __j_ ___ _____J ,i' ~ i N N ~ ~ ~ , _, PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Aerial View 03 Bird's Eye View North to Site View 01 View North Along 208th Street View 02 View North East Along 207a Street ISSUED DRAWINGS :m.1Ii lssucd!0rAOPSubrnisslon :,,0,I~ Revised~~ per Building Ocpartm1nt C0mmcnls 1C111111J Issued F01 Rezoning Submission ~IJ R~d.:,spc,Ce/FEB'IJ mccti11g wilh municip.:,I sl.11f uw12 Revised a~ ?(lr August 15 2012Me0UngwrlhmunicipJI ~laff 11'1.-q tl.wdP'1t~i~ t~~1) >, ""O ::J -Cf) Q) rn ::J 0 ..c 3 C ~ -X Q) -C 0 0 ~ ""O 0 Q) 0 -..c u5 ..... ::J 0 ..0 ..c 0) ·w z ate: May 28, 2014 'Scale As Noted Drawn JM,WB Project ID 1122 Sheet A1 .6 TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36'' x 24") ,.___ __________________________________________________ __L _ ___j --t 2 N N E :ls PRELIMINARY ONLY 0 3321m 3556m /~ / \ I \ I \ I 0851m Regular Parking - Regular Parking Stall 3708m 0.76m ~1 Heated Crawlspace _JJ -~ ~~ 0 2.t21m ..,,,,.__.,...""" .... ===='"'3===..,.;5m Main Floor Plan ~-Scale:1~ 0 0 0 t i 3321m ,..,_ o ......... ., 1· .:n \Y.!Pr Dashed line ol ...,,,.., Living Room 1311 x1s0 19B sqfl Dining ,,,. ,01 114 ~tl Kitchen ,,,~11t t27 ... ~~. Deck 93xJ0 28sQft !I 615m r I 0-U-J.l"'I Shelf 1902m Deck .W-2Jso Entry Below I I 0 "'"' . uP6.n.J I ~-~~-~ ~ 3 7OBm -,----~~~----· ____ ,ti,. ---- Second Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 '~ ■ 4 Sm 0 0 I I-I ~1 i ~ ;: i ta I 0 ~ SFP End 1 --Scale: 1:50 Main Floor GFA Second Floor GFA Third Floor GFA Sca1e:1:Wif ~,;100 0 615m Master Bedroom 11lx 136 1B0sqfl t.651m Bath Bedroom 1 8'-,.tO'IO 101hqft 243Bm J - Third Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Unit A Floor Area Garage Area 453 sq ft Basement Floor Area (Habitable) 0 sqft Basement Floor Area (Non-Habitable) 0 sqfl Main Floor Area 568 sq fl Main Floor Area {Non-Habitable) 103 sq fl Second floor Area 672 sq ft Third Floor Area 636 sq ft Gross Area (Excludes Garage) 1,960sqfl GFA Area Legend --Habitable Floor Area Non-Habitable Floor Area Garage Floor Area 42.1 m2 o.o m2 O.Om2 52,B m2 96m2 624 m2 591 m2 183.9 m2 E ~ 0 i :; ft Se i,'1 ISSUED DRAWINGS to IMIIHlltfN'AISWWillOI _._. .. FlevisedasperBuildltig Oepar1meru Commenls tt,-tt,htfiMlll>OFNRt~ -l9:tl Flevisedagper08/FEB113 1TM111ling'Mlhmunk:lp-'IS1aff --.U~MNJ~11~ 2012MBfl1iogwilhmunicipa\ ,ian ti"'il tu.-clk:it"~f.f'? ,...,..,,, >. "Cl ::J ..... Cf) (l) Cl) ::J 0 .c ::: C 0 I- Cl) C ctl a.. ... 0 0 u.. ~ :!= C :::) May 28, 2014 Seal• As Noled JM,W6 f'rojwlO 1122 A2.0 I ~M?,,I,o~s9N~S~~s~~ro~ ~2L1 a?e~TO CHANGE f ~To_s_c_AL_E_w_H_EN_P_R_1NT_E_o_o_N_AR_c_H_o_1,_s·_x2_•_·i ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ 0 0 615m 3321m I.1m dashMi~al'lffldow weU wl}t•o roqulred-- W~ 1$91,n ~-1 I Dashed lint-Of ~ Hoorover N Unfinished Basement 525 sqlt ~ ::: ! n l i Dashed lineoC garage over 0 "===..,.,sa===-"'===...,,,s m Basement Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 PRELIMINARY ONLY i! NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 0 l ~ 0 ~ ~ / Regular \ I p~~~ \ A 2..Clim 6.15m ON UP Heated Crawlspace Main Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 2 •7hl;f1.wood 0 911-oli j .l , ·r -~ ~ ::J E I ~ ~ 0 0 · -- Basement Floor GFA Scale: 1:100 0 0 0 0 615m 3321m a.~:tJ.m 1.902m -le& w===F=" ·"" ~ Dashed line of I roof over I W-1111' Deck ,E J O•th-odllnad -- Living Room 1311x 15° 198sqft e i I I ~I Dining 113x 101 I I, I 114 sqh I Ent,yCloset --Shelf doon; Entry ,t-~,-Below '3: ,E ,' - ;, i Kitchen 112:.:1,:i 12'h,qA .. ·o~ Deck !I 9lx3o ~SQ~ s.10Bm .....,__,=..,.,sa===___;;===...,,;5m Second Floor Plan SFP End 1 ■ , .,._...... .,.,._,,,,,_.,,..=.,,,,,,.;5 m Main Floor GFA Scale: 1:100 S cale:1:50 -~-Scale: 1:50 ---=-·-·· -;n ~ I Second Floor GFA Scale: 1:100 ! ! I •~m ,_ 10 I i ! i i ! I ! ~ j "' ~ I $ _J I ~ I ::: ~ El ~ ~ N \-'3: Third Floor GFA ~--~:100 615m O&tle!OUMof /tOdcver Master Bedroom 11~ X 1:Jli 180sqft U51m Bath Bedroom 1 B"x 10,. 106jqft 0 I 2924m 17m --l----/4i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jf:;;--,, ! 0 E ~I ~ I I -17 168m ;j,7Qftrtl 2438m Third Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Unit B Floor Area Garage Area 453 sqfl Basement Floor Area (Habitable) 525 sq ft Basemen I Floor Area (Non-Habilable) 0 sqft Main Floor Area 568 sq fl Main Floor Area (Non-Habitable) 82sqft Second Floor Area 672 sq fl Third Floor Area (exdudes stair) 636 sq fl Gross Area (Excludes Garage) 2,483 sqft GFA Area Legend -Habitable Floor Area Non-Habitable Floor Area ~ Garage Floor Area 421 m2 48.8 m2 OOm2 528 m2 7.6m2 62A m2 59.1 m2 230.7 m2 ,..., -l.\~fo-ADPa...e.t,iwe,11 Roviseda1per8uilr:li11g Department commen!t rto•U-OIUlillMF"Grfltl~~ Wi~ tut Reviseda.$per08/FE8f1J me11lingwilhmunicipals\afr ~~ .. lllll!l'AuQln.11! 2012Mlll'llingwilhml.lll!cipal '"" ~ WNQ1,:,,R&.t11nffiiAff> - " ~ ~ C . ~ a: 0 i ,: z >, a: 0. "O -! "' :::::i :!1 ~ -• Cl) ~ "' in ~ Q) ~ N i ~ (/) 0 :::::i <D 0 j .c ~ 3:: C i 0 ~ I-j (/) C ro a.. L. 0 0 LL Cl) :!: C :::J Date: May 28, 201-4 Scale As Noted Drawn JM,WB ProJec\ 10 1122 Sheet A2.1 I DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~ ~To_s_c_AL_e_w_HE_N_P_R1_Nr_e_o_oN_A_R_c_H_o<_as_·_,2_4"_l ____________ ,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,.,,,.,. ______________________ ,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,.,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,. ______________ ,,,.,. ___ ,,,.,. __ ,,,.,. __________ ,,,.,. ___________ ,,,.,.,,,.,. __ ..,_ _____ ___.. ~ 0 N ~ f ~ cl l i PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x 2•n 0 ~ ;:: 0 • Pallo t 3: ... '= HWT Heated Crawlspace ~··:::..;: .... 0 6.)Sm Unit A W-1"3' A I I I I I I A""""', "'""""' __ J s,ol( ' Tand \ Garag,~ \ \ \ I a_, \ I ,. ...... Su.I \ C>ll'1' ~\ I \ I \ I I ,,, 61Sm U it 1A '---,. Heated Crawlspace 3 4 5m Main f:loor ~ S<o/1:S()w 0 0 ;:: 0 · Deck Entry Below 6 15m Unit 2A ....... ~ .. --~---- ,. I I I l. •- Shelf Ii r ~ 7 Living Room Dining I !OJ] Kitchen Deck 0 0 6 15m Unit 1A n f 1 n J , 1 w..-,a t Oeci< L LJ '~ W---m;t , cJ t Living I Room I 3: I ~ ~ ~-1, ~ li> ~ I I, I JPj I I ,_ = I,.,... 0,: Ii Dining I I I -, ..... Shelf AA Entry I Below ~ :COIi fl ; .. j ......_, : ! w.:,,,• .... Kitchen I - r=-::::::::;0-SoG' I= Deck 11 ;±;3 .~ 5 ;:!!;!~•rm::=~-"'~ ...,,,saa=.,..,=-'!!!!!!!!!!S==aarl,,.,..,_,5 m Second FIQ_or ~ Sc:a10:1~w I I I I I ISSUED DRAWINGS li!lt'I, lssuodforADPSubmisskln r.i."'• Revisod asperBuWding Depanme111 Comments '""''"' l55UedForRei.oning Submission NO ReYi$edasper08/FE8/13 mootingW\lhmunicipa!slatl IJ RevisedasperAugust15 2012M~lingwilhmunicipal .~, ,....,, lssO&d ror Renming App ~Mtt,l(flh, >, -0 :::, u5 Q) en :::, 0 ..c 3:: C 0 I- en C cu a.. L.. 0 0 LL ..... 0) C -0 :::, co Date: Scale Drawn Project ID Sheef May 28, 2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.0 i a: ) J -1 ~ g: PRELIMINARY ONLY • NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ O.b..ter,lSlOl'fS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~ TO SCALEWHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24 ") 0 0 Bedroom2 0 615m Unit 2A Master Bedroom 0 Master Bedroom Bedroom 1 0 615m Unit 1A ...,,,.__,.,.,...=....,5..==...,,....,,.,;5m 0 0 I 0 0 615m Unit 2A 11 D D D I - I 0 615m Unit 1A , ' 7 □ D D t " d.;3 t ....,==""""="""'"""'==.....,....,,.,;;5 m ISSUED DRAWINGS ~ l~edlorADPSubmisslon ~• R11vised11sperBuilding Depa!\men\ Comments *""''~lledFo,Rewning Submiuion .!'•U Revised as perOBIFEB/13 meelingwilhmunicipalstatf 1.11&11: Revis.edasperAugus\15 2012Meelingw~hmunicipal staff ....,,,...._'lcrF!:~~fl ,~,2 >, "O :::::, u5 Q) en :::::, 0 .c 3:: C {3. en C C'O 0.. '-0 0 LL 0) C =o :::::, co >-~ Vl Vl co z w I D... w I-Vl w z >-<( s Oate: Sal• Orawn Project ID Sheet ~ ti k 1,~ XN:il ~~ 3 , !;!1 0 z ~~~ . z z ~i~1-:5 11:HJ a. May 2B, 2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.1 Tha buildi~g will be sprinklered lo NFPA 13D (Modified) f',IC = Noncombustible Construction C = Combustible Construction Compar1ment Unit Area of Limiting Distance Facade Unprotected cir~~~~i~~n C1Mlfaog Openings Allowed Actual Face Narth Facade 1 534 m2 17.30 m Lo C/L Dedicalion 1 00.0 % 292% 314hr, C C ? 534 m2 17.30 m lo C/L Dedication 100.0 % 29,2% 314hr, C C e.1,:t F•c;sd• 713m2 200m toPL~ 90% 11.9% 314hr, C C So1.1th Facade 1 106.6 m2 640 m to C/L Road 384% 309 % 314hr, C C 2· 106.6 m2 510m to C/L Road 536% 30.9% 3/4hr,C C WutFacada 71..3m2 1 20 m lo Unlt3 70% 11.9% 314hr, C C nkla<I L Since the bu"ding lo lhe Easl is a greater distance than the PL there is no issue with exposure Easl Facade complies, PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 0 6 15m 0 0 615m 0 6 15m South Elevation --scale:1:sO 0 615m •..,,====--"-"==----=--=...a•...,==,;:5 m North Elevation Scale: 1:50 0 1 o.sm above average finished grade 0 115Bm Unit 1A 1158m Unit 2A 0 b======s==....,==""'m East Elevation 0 °=='======"""==..,,,==,;Sm West Elevation -~,!kf ,:.., • Issued !or ADP Submiss.ion :ia-'t• Revised as perBu~ding Otpartment Commenls _,IIU lswed Fo,Rezoning Submissicin 4n• RevisedllSperOBIFEB/13 mee1iog l<'.ih muntj,al Matf '"''1 RevisedasperAugus\15 201ZMeolir,gwilhmunicipaJ '"" ...,_, ....,_b R•roow,""' llilhr~ >--0 :::J -(f) Q) en :::J 0 .c ~ C 0 I- en C 0 :.::; ro > Q) w '<""" 0) C -0 :::J ((l u z >--:,<'. z <fl tJ t./) viz -w tJ ro o vi z zO U,J ~ ci: I <><0 0... =>ti: U,J ~ ~ I-u.J ~ <fl "' :::, LU>-tJ Z ~z >-t:: z <{ Iz > ~:5 > <o.. Dale: Scale Drawn ProJecl TD Sheet ,_ ~ " C -"' 0 Q. a, 0 ~ ;;: z ii: " . Q. a. " ,: N ;;; ~ .. ;;; ii; ~ J i C "' '" .3 i " : ;j! 8 ! " 0 0: May 28,2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.2 ! DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~ ~T_o_s_c_A_LE_w_H_E_N_P_R_,N_T_Eo_o_N_AR_c_H_o_13_5·_x_2_•·_1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ..._ _______ _. 0 0 PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION c: DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE iE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x24~) i i Healed Crawlspace 0,15 Unit ----~ ~ --... 0 A 3 6.15m U itBA Garage Entry Heated Crawlspace """'"""-="""'=""",.._==....,"""".,.;5m Main !=loor~ Scala<i3D \J7 0 0 0 0 0 615m Unit 4A r· -· Jt:R:a~ ~ 0 1 1 w-! ! Deck ... \Y-~ ll -- t p r Living f; I Room I rrp --~ ·-£'- ~- -:, 0 ■ ~ I •, tJl ON <-r- ~ I I b Dining 11 I ....... I Shalt A~ ! Entry jt_ Below I } I\ l'dJI - --••£ , __ W-3><• i. : Kitchen -,~ -.. -, ,___ D-"'6'a Deck -i ~~ 6 15m Unit 3A -■-■■IA lllU ap::s:sa :1:::1:im:■-..-~~~ ; [ ~ 1 W,fl"l> ! Deck J-· \. W-'ZJSIJ, i , co t Living I Room I I ) LL' ~- 1).2'6 ' i ~ I L • '"i l! I -DI/ I 11 Dining ( I _.,;._ I I 1: ,......,_ ,......,_ Shelf ~ I Entry 1 Below ml (1 L ···-·¾ • ... ,i w~c l<llchen - "'l I I Deck 1 ..L, I\J.1 .. --L ~~---; -~~ -==-="""s=;;;;;;;;;;....,""""""5m Second£)qgr ~ Scolc:1:50 \]7 ISSUED DRAWINGS tl"4'4DAOIISu::lrnuioA r.ts1o• RovisedasperBulldlng Copartrmml Comments ..,_ .. ,, lssuedForRezorir,g Subrnissioo M"J Revi1edasper081FEB113 moelingv,ilhmuniclpalstaft lnll'\J Ravit;edasperAugusl15 2012Moolio9wilhmur.icipal $!Al/ Issued for Rewning App 1&i?.lltc#lt} (.) <D ,,; -8' >, ii: . "O g-:::I " -;;; en ~ ui Q) ~ (/) i :::I 0 .c ~ C 0 I- (/) C ro a.. ,.._ 0 0 LL N 0) C ~ :::I ca May 28, 201,1 As Noled JM,WB Pro,eollD 1122 Sfloot A3.3 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36• Jt 24") 0 0 0 615m Unit 4A Bedroom 2 Master Bedroom 0 0 Mesler Bedroom Bedroom 1 6 15m Unit 3A -==-=..,.!!!!!!5==--"""""5m 1' ~ . I I i I g i I j u! 0 6 15m Unit 4A 0 ' ~ :: □ D D 0 I I 0 0 615m l Unit 3A I i 0 D D I ;:,f.;3 o...,,.._=-=_...-==;;;;;;,,-...,.,;5m Roof Pier,~ Saia: ,:sow I ISSUED DRAWJNGS .,,. lnued for ADP Submission ~ Ruvised as par Bu~d'ng Oepar1menl Comment$ ltll'"U ll$uedForReltln;fl§I Sijirnissioo ~•> Revisedi!!Sl)llrOB/FEB/13 meG\ingwilhmunlcipal&taU , Re~iseda$perAuguil 15 2012Mee11"1{1w'Jhmun~I .. , ,,..11 ls.soodforRezoningApp 1IIM.lm'illl >, "'O ::J ci5 Q) Cl) :::, 0 ..c s: C 0 I- Cl) C cu 0:: .... 0 0 LL N Ol C '6 ·s ca >-:,.: VJ ~ cc z: LU I c.. LU f-VJ LU z: >-< s Dn<o: S<olo Orawn ProjecllD Shcel t L }~"' . ::.; ~ -"1 lJ ! z z 11: z :5 ij}1,l1 0. May 28, 201~ As NOIOG JM,WB 1122 A3.4 The buildi~g will be sprinklered to NFPA 13D (Modified) NC = Noncombustible Construction C = Combustible Construction Compartment Unil Area of LimilingDislance Facade North Facade 3 53.4m2 1610 m lo C/L Dedicalion 4 53-4m2 16.10 m lo C/L Dedicalion East Facade 3• 713m2 120m toUnit2 South Facade 53.3 m2 6 60m lo CIL Road 4 533 m2 6 60 m to CIL Road West Facade 4 71.3 m2 5.10m to C/L Road . UPO doubled with s rinklerin PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Unprotected Openings Allowed Actual 100.0% 292% 1000% 292% 14,0 % 11.9 % 406% 30.9% 406% 309% 26.6 % 11,9 % DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36" x 24") Construction Cladding of Building Face 314hr, C C 314hr, C C 3/4hr,C C 314hr, C C 314hr, C C 314hr, C C 0 0 0 0 615m 0 I South Elevation Scn!oc 1;50 0 615m oe=----==-"'"c'e;iia~--;;;;;;;,,==-5m North Elevation Scile:T:'so 0 1 O.Sm above average finished grade 0 0 1156m Unit 3A !ee========'---=--===eiC5m East Elevation s'ca1e:T:5cr 0 11 56m Unit 4A .,o=====--='c':''i:--=-=~•==':"""s111 West Elevation "'Scare: i:so ISSUED DRAWINGS J.m: Issued for ADP Submissi011 t,Jlrlt RevIsedasper8uildiog Oapartmenl Comments m )llM!ff<MtfCI~ -•U Revisad11sper0B/FEB/1J meelir,gwithmunicipillstaff ~"',.,~~ 2012Mee1W'lg wiLhmunicipal ,taff 1'""'1.1 lssuedforRn.oningApp i~r: ~ ~ ~ C " 0: m 0 f ;: z >, " .: l a. "O "' :J ~ ..... 1 Cl) "' .., Q) ; N J en 0 :J <O .., 0 :§ ;; .c j ::i ~ s: i " C ~ 8 0 ·~ 1 ;; 0 I-() .: en C 0 :.::; co > Q) w N 0) C i5 ·s (0 May 2l2t>U S<olo As N<lted DOIWO JM,WB Pn>]ocllD 1122 A3.5 i PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") 0 0 0 • ;: 615m Unit 68 w.roJ6 Unfinished Basement 0 WinddwWell 615m Unit 58 Yi:.~ Unfinished Basement 0 1 ■ u l_l ~ I I I ---------....J j """"""="""'=;;;;;;,,...,--.==a,.,,,...,,..;sm 0 0 · ■ ~ ;: s H L 0 6 15m Unit 88 ' I I ( I Unfinished Basement 0 0 615m Unit 78 Unfinished Basement 1 ■ ! j \1--------- ! I I j ""'""-'="""'"""="""'""-==0!!!!!!...,!!!!!!5m Building 4 Basement FloQr ~ Scafe:t~'CI) ISSUED DRAWINGS ffll'IIIJ....nic-~~""!"' 181'" Re\llS&dasparBuilding Depaflrnefll Commenls i,,11, !t,.,~F~AiuoMo --n \ Revised a~per081FEB/13 mee1irlgw'Jhmufriei?alslaff ~RfYIM4"111"~"' 2012Meelingwilhmur.icipal '"" 'lrllt\i hll!Ma,r~.-,.JI 11'!,4•- >, "O ::::l ..... CJ) Q) 1/) ::::l 0 ..c 3: C 0 I- 1/) C co -s:t' a.. o6 I,,.. 0 CV)0 o,U:::: C ..... "O C Q) ::::l E ca Q) 1/) co Ill u z >--:,,: z V) ~ z ~ ~o COO vi z zD LU~ Cl!'. I «O ~ ~ffi LJ.J oOt-~ w~ Vl °' :, LJ.J t-<J Z ~z >-t:: z <( :i: z S t..J< Date: Scale Orawn "'J < c.. rojeci ID Sheel ~ ~ " ro " ii: <D 0 oI ~ .g z ii: .c . a. ]-"' " oi " " ... ui " :g J i 0 ., :§ • ~ ~ 1 May 28, 2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.6 0 0 PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION r::: DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE if TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36ft x 24ft) UP llN Heated Crawlspace jm•·_·_-, ...... : l -- 0 3 51&,, Unit 68 Patio I ~ TandeA Garag~ \ I \ I \ I \ I ~ ' G-~- Unit 58 Palio t\ I \ I \ I I I I , I I L. rage \ \ \ Rogu.w ••'"'9 SlaN Q-8'1' ON UP Heated Crawlspace l!!!!!!!!,._=....,==s==~ ..... -5m Main E,loor ~ Scalt:1:60\~ 0 6 15m Unit 68 i -~-. I 0 I ~ I I , Deck i ,,, ... i ,:;. "'·= J ,' I f; p r ~ ~~-p l "'-•- = I~ I ~ 0~ I • I I I '.I u ON 11 I b j! I Shelf Entry ~ E-Below I 'f • ;:: D u w.yi4• ,_i - 0 I -· . i ~----·-------~ 0 0 6 15m Unit 58 --rer:r-m .................. lllOl::ll--~-~-t s I A i I W-¥'7' w.r,r ~, I L ~ ., I W-'M" r ~ ! Living Living C8 t Room Room LJ ;:: ~ .....,,... ~o.N~-....:: -~ s ~ ~' 1 I Ji ! • ,.,.. ,~ ON Dining Dining ( -,-I n I Shelf AA If"\ A Entry I I Below $ Ito :Cd l 1 ( ,: ~--l ... ' -l[L~ l! .,;:-J;,• Kllchon --· Kllchl!n : --..-7 - 10.n0A ... -'1'fi' . Deck Deck I -7 ..l. -·-=::~=-~ .,..,._=....,==-==aai!!!....,...,.;5 m ISSUED DRAWINGS ~ MiltOICll'ADP~~ -'3:H Revised as per Bu~dlng Cep3/tmenl Commen\$ .. .,.,,, lssuodForRezoning Submissloo •" Ra~i,oo .is per081FEB11J maali11gwi1hmunicipalstaff ~ Ravls,edasperAuguSl15 2012Mee1ingwilhmunk::ipal r.tall l,._'U lssll8dfo1ReZ011ingApp ,....,..,, >, "C :::::l u5 Q) (J) :::::l 0 ..c 3 C 0 I- (J) C ro a.. '-0 0 LL Cf) Cl -~ "C :::::l ca Soa/o Sh .. l May 28, 2014 As Noted 1122 A3.7 cJ s! z "'O en /ii O ::0 ~iii----1 m hl O 71 r i ~o ~ ~5 :;u Z ~in ► ;;1£ 0 ::0 ~~z-< ;Ai (I) 0 ~5----l z :c..., ::0 r ::~ C -< W:,,o ;z;-i j ~o z r,11·1 ► <,) ex, 0 ~ ~I~ I i' ~ -l ::::, a en ~ o :::!] 0 "'O @ 6' 0 ~,-! " 3 " 3 Date: May 28, 2014 l - ... 0 r~' ! I I I -.: ii I • I I 11 i' 0 - I I I ; ., f Timo: 10:40:01 AM 11 sam -~•---~mn-7=~.......,l ~ Wc3"§/! _ ·---_ _ Ii .g, i 3 ID I "' f g; 1-i 3~ [i ~i I ~ 11 ~- l ,-~~-m---~-.L::::~m--~- -= "59m 0 ,__ D D D D D -- G I 0 I I I I I I tl, I -0 C :::J ;:::;:~ 0')3 OJ C :::J ;:::;: 1.11 CJ1 OJ 3 G ·0 -0 C :::J -• m .-+ - 0')3 OJ C :::J m ;:;' ~ CJ1 3 OJ 0 -0 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. Building 3 Floor Plans Tonwhouse Study CopyrighlRl!served IU11i141rtoAIIC B)Wltill,Wlcii;itrt-~dt~.~ fftlt'"4-t!IA€ir.M~lPIC·~•P>!~ brflhtJl'CNf«INL.111\dal;,U PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #20-4 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T-4 ph. 60~--467-6300 fax 60-4-467-8305 E-m;,IJ: bissky@lelus.ne1 Webslle: www biu1ooJ1chj!ech11'f! r:a Civic Address: 12101-208 Slreel Maple Ridge, BC legal Address: Lal 6, DL 241 & 242, GP 1, NWO Plan 24511 PIO#: 002-268-213 =~~~:=~~=caarotbeusedloranyother llfiq«a.vN:«IIIJlf,_.,_, 1Uui..(Qf11,~.~•.u,ilof~tr,aey~~ltlll:11WSIIWU1CX1l C..'M111111>c~ofWS8 Wtilwtl~Jluid"'"6~~ ~~ • ..i~ot1hl;x,.T1"k1t1e1e, .. blll""1r«!ol #ffYari,,bJtl-ort11ie~,EO'!llln(IOMC:C,oMthO,«ftD:1tbtOl'#IIMQ1, I IP ~if j 1 i ~p i ;; ~ :: ~ell ~ ~~ !I! 3 !!l n~ ! i] ~ ia If :p ~ 1l I l u. ii,' nr •• 1n en C [!) I z G) en The building will be sprinklered lo NFPA 13D (Modined) NC = Noncombuslible Conslruclion C = Combusliti,e Conslruclion Compartmenl Unit Area of limiling Distance Facade East Facade 5. 533 m2 4 90m lo C/LRoad G• 53_3 m2 4 90m to C/L Road North Facade 743 m2 11,20m to C/L Oedicalion West Facade 576 m2 30,00 m to C/L Dedication 576m2 3000m lo C/L Oedicalion South Facade 6. 74_3 m2 1 20 m lo Unit 7 -UPO doubled with s rinklerin PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Unprolecled Openings Allowed Aclual 504 % 30.9 % 50.4 % 30,9% 936% 11.4% 1000 % 28.9 % 1000% 28,9 % 14.0% 11.4% cir":=~ Cladding Face 314hr, C 3/4hr,C 314hr, C 314hr, C 314hr, C 314hr, C C C C C C C 0 0 f>15tn 0 0 0 8 Sm East Elevation s@-f:5o 0 West Elevation Sc¥1:50 0 0 11 58m Unit 58 0 North Elevation 0 11 58m 'b,..,.=..,....,,==..,.;\...==.:i,,,=..,.,,;sm South Elevation Scale: 1:50 ISSUED DRAWINGS 7-._ liu!Nlora1'$~1iOn Dini Rovi511dasper8uilOlng Oopar1ment Comments -NU kMNFc,,~ ........... lnl Rovi5edasp1Jr08/FE8/1J moetiogwilhmunicipalsLa!f """°" RovisedasperAugust15 2012Meetingwilhml.lllicip.al Siar/ tit"U lss~r«ReroningApp ,__,, .. ~ II C . al a: 0 g ;; " z >-rr ~ t 0. "Cl (!) :::I ~ ~ +-' • Cl) ~ "' iii ;,: (1) m (/) i a :::I <O 0 :§ .c ;,; l:: $'. l j C 't 0 u ~ ·, I-(j ~ (/) C 0 :;:; co > (1) w C0 0) C "Cl :::I ((l May 28.2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.9 ~ DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~ .._T_o_s_c_A_Le_w_H_E_N_P_R_,N_r_eo_o_N_A_Rc_H_D_<3_s·_x_2_•·_1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .1. _______ .J 0 0 PRELIMINARY ONLY I I. Heated Crawlspace !1~ Unit 8B - 0 Unit 7B PaUo· (i I \ I . I \ ~· I Deel ~ ,~v.~e ON UP I \ I ~ \ Heated Crawlspace i I .J ' ••• ,.._.,,;! -=-,-- f---• ,.., __ -1-- 4 m """'="""'""""aaa,e""""=="""'""""""'5m 0 6 15m Unit 8B ,-··-·----- i 0 I J Deck i r W-2'5' 0 0 ...__..., ..... 0 w.-! i -J 0 615m Unit 7B ™.,..,.•a:a-■m ...,.,., ... , I W-f!J7D ,4 -~ -~ w-~ """'=""""""-aaa>!!""""==""""""""""5m Second Floor~ Sc,le!~~ --1 ! a ~ = i ISSUED DRAWINGS :r.n, lssuedrorADPSubminion ~ ReviSlldasperBuildi~g Oepartmer.lCOmrn41nlS ·•--.k&&,t,dFt:IA4,ot,it..i .$u;,mlu-. h'U Revisedasper081FEB11J moo11ngwilhmunicipalsl.aff nr.,J P.~H~~1:!) 20,2 Me11ling with municipal .. , ni::U-ls$UedlorRezoniogAiJp 1MMl'dlnl >, "C :::J u5 Q) en :::J 0 .c ~ C 0 I- en C ro a.. .... 0 0 LL -:::t" O> C "C :::J ID ~ >--~z U) t.J tJ) vi cno 3~ 5: ~ LLJ .. f-w tJ) "' :, LLJ t; t.J Z wZ >-t: z <( J: z ~ ~~ Ohta: ... Ornwn "'!Kt D Shot! May 28, 2014 As Noted JM,WB 1122 A3.10 1 ~M'?,Y,o~2N~ s~~s~~Jo~ ~~Ju~?e~TO CHANGE ~ ... T_o_sc_A_Le_w_HE_N_PR-INT_e_oo_N_AR_c_Ho_13_s·_x2_•·_1 _______________________________________________________________________________________ __. _____ _, N ~ ~ £ PRELIMINARY ONLY ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE if TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36~ x 24•) 0 0 0 0 0 6 15m 6 15m Unit 8B Unit 7B r-·-· ~:r···-·-·-:;;:--.. -_· .. -~ () Master Master I I I cj Bedroom Bedroom I WI I Bath Bath Bedroom 1 ! t I ~ i I I w:sir-1• i ---••m-1 r.... .J -~----------- W.9"'4°' W,'fl.JO ~=~--w~~•-~~•-j -=="""'="""'"""'==..,,.....,..,;sm Third Floor~ e:t3Q\3' 0 0 E ill 0 0 I 0 615m Unit 8B I D □ I I 0 615m Unit 78 ffl I D D D ; 4 -=="""'="""'"""'==....,....,!!!!!ism Roof Plan~ SC.lo:iSo~ I ISSUED DRAWINGS l!Qol■ Issued for ADP Submls.skm ~• RevisedasperBuildlng Depart1Tl9111 Commonls -IOII J$$uodFocRezoning Su~mluion J.'i"II Revisedasper08/FES/13 mflillingwithmunicipalst.arr ll'!VlJI Revi9edasperAugust1S 2012M1111!ing,,.,;1hmunicipal staff l.l luuedforRezonirtgApp ,.....,.,.., >, "'C ::J u5 Q) en ::J 0 ..c 3: C 0 I- en C ro a.. >-:,,: V'J V'J co z LLJ I Cl. LLJ 1-V'J Dute: Scale D<>wn May28,2014 As Noled JM,WB ProjedlO 1122 Shoel A3.11 BuUdlng 4 -BuUdlng Exposure and Spatial Separation 19 10.1 Sl Tbeb\l!kling will be sprinklered to NFPA 130 (Modified) NC= Noncombustible Construction C = Combuslible Conslruclion Compartment Unit Area of Limiting Distance Facade 7. 53,3 m2 5 20m to C/L Road East facade s · 53,3 m2 520m lo C/L Road Horth Facade 7• 77 B m2 12D rn lo Unit6 62.5 m2 28.40m lo Cll Dedicalian We.t Facade 625 m2 240 m to C/L Dedication South Facade 6 77.8 m2 8.30m loC/LROW *: UP0 doublt!d wtth il'lkter PRELIMINARY ONLY Unprolected c:t:~~i~~n Ctadding Openings Allowed Actual Face 552% 30.9 % 3/4hr,C C 552% 30.9% 3/4hr,C C 14.0% 10,9 % 3f4hr, C C 1000% 284% 3/4hr,C C 1000 % 2B4% 314hr, C C 60.2% 10,9 % 3/4hr,C C 0 0 0 615m 6 15m East Elevation -----.. Scale: 1:50- 0 0 0 615m 6 15m 0 0 11 58m Unit 78 0 Rear DDP 16..511'1'1 0 11 SBm Unit 88 Fronl ODP 16 85m 3 5m South Elevation Scale: 1:so ISSUED DAAWINt,;;:; ~ lssuedlcrAOP Subrnlssion ~• RevisedasparBu~diog Oepar1ment Ccmme,nl$ "'1"1U l~uedForR11zonlnp Submission 1-..-tl Reviseduper06/FE8f1J meelingwilhmunicipalsLaft lll"llli'!! RevisedasperAug\JS\15 2012MNlingwilhmunQJ)ill Slaff ~MIU" b..UIIKUOf'R~A,:cil U,IIM,d,t\J ~ "' ;,:; . " 0: <D 0 ~ ;: z >, '" .: . a. -0 g-C!) :::J " ri -• ;,:; Cf) ~ .. "' ;,:; Q) ~ Cl) i 5 :::J .,; 0 :§ ..c ~ ~ 3: j I C 0 ·~ ! I-[j Cl) C 0 :.:; ro > Q) w -.:t" Ol C ~ :::J ca ci z >--:,,: z tr) Q z ~1:DL1 COO;:;; z zO ill l LU~ ci,:: I"'o f .. iji~ 0... ::JE5 LU ,a,>-Jl:§.li r-w ~ -i~sl= V)"' :::, LU '""l) ~,i Z ~z >-t: z ~'"i' • <( I z $ ~:s UJJ <,. Date: May 26, 2014 Scale AsNDled Drawn JM.WB PrajacllD 1122 heel A3.12 I ~M~Io~s~N~ s~£s~~ro~ ~~YJs~~ TO CHANGE ~ L~_o_s_CA_L_e_w_H_e_N_P_R_1N_TE_o_o_N_A_Rc_H_o....:._(a_s·_,_,_•·:...i ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ..._ _______ ., ~ al t!.i ::, • ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") .... -- Bedroom 2 Stair Entry ~2. Heated erawlspace Bedroom 2 Stair Entry ~, Healed I Crawlspace ! '? ., WIG En uile .I ~ I 0 "' Powder 0eck I Room I Garage ~I Entry i Building 1 Section 1 Seow.1:50 E :!' N WIC .!Ensuite i:., ~, ~ N owder Room :;; -~ Garage ;:; Entry ~j I -------... Deck E ~ ,. Building 3 Section 3 Sato; 1:50 Bedroom 2; Stair Entry Healed Crawlspace Bedroom 2 Entry Healed Crawlspace Stair WIG EHsuile Room eek Powder I ~~~ L==I ==--~ Garage Entry Bui!_g ing_ 2 Section_ l WIC Garage Entry SoalO: 1:50 I Deck 1_· I Deck l ---=------.}-!:==,,=~--=--=..:..:.:..::: ... ~---------------. -------, Building 4 Section 4 ----Sci,fo;\~- ISSUED DRAWINGS ~ ls11Ued[orADPSubmis,sion :w•• Ro\lis,e,dasperSIJilding Dopanrniml COmmenls lt)otrtl lssuodForRezonlng Submission f:'nl RoviseclasperoeJFE811J mutingwilhmunicipalslaff .,!fM.11 RevisodasperAugusl15 2012MINllingwilhmunicipal stall fflf"I-Issued !or Rezoning App iw.lll'dln': ,_ ~ ;;; C .,, al Q. 0 i -;: z >, ii' ,: . Q. "O C. " :::::i ::, ~ -;;; Cl) ~ ., ;;; ;;; Q) i J rn 0 :::::i "' 0 :§ .c i,; 3:: l C '1 0 j f- rn C 0 :;:; (.) Q) Cl) 0) C "O :::::i ((I Dale: May 28, 2014 Scale As Noted Drawn JM.WB ProjecLIO 1122 Sheet A3.13 i if Vinyl Sh.,kcs Malerial Woocl 0r,1dcC'IS f;isd.180,ml B.,rscBo.ml VinytWinrlows Trim011Door§&\Vinckm'l Weblink 1#'!' ...... u .. u~••htl 1•1t1:n n,t..,.,-•rn1th :b1i1•1h,...,,..• w1-1m•Al:w•-1i••· Manufaclurer and Selection Gm1ck Tl)l'toundrySpcci,1lilrSirlini: 7"5I.ip,scrccl Sh,1kc Colour:Sh;ictow(OOB) hJ..!J:l:!! Rod.-y Mo11nL1in 1u,,..v.,\urtt::trn11eren·"'•~•, Fi<•ldSlonc p Hern< !tXlilti:S'G"ld <lone hlml Colour: Grecri Mnun1,1in llllO y,:m, M••••m•,rm•rr '"f?•:,) ~ '1t'1HA'f!t1tC • 'l!"'"•I'! Acnj,11n!n"1oDfC Colour: Nii;h1 Sh,1rlc :!116-10 ~~U..U. Rcnj,1111in ,._',oorr ~ 1mi1'Crs1lhJ,,k:n•, 'lit! Colour: u11lvcrs,1lbl.ick :!118-10 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Sample Oufiod Roofw,g 0 Rainlings & Trim Brackets, Fascia & Barge Cedar Shakes ••••---------------I entry Door @ --······· ■1-------------------!Vlnyl Siding Triple 3• Exterior Materials 1 Face Mounted Wood Railing 2 Glass Railing Glazing Cultured Slone Duriod Roofing Shingles 5 Exposed Concrete 6 Open Riser Wood Stairs Overhead Garage Door Painted 2 x 6 Wood Trim 9 Glazed Enlry Door 10 Painted Bx 8 wood brackets 11 PO~L4KI Wood band 8ot:d 12 Painted Barge or Fascia Board 13 Prefinsihed Metal Gutter & Downspout 14 Cedar Shakes 15 Vinyl Siding-Triple 3 16 Vinyl Windows 17 Exterior light Fixture ©········ 0 -······ 6 15m Unit 1A 0 South Elevation of Unit 1 Scale:1:24 ······@ ····-@ ·····-@ ···•··@ ---·······-······© ·····-···········-@ ···-····-···-·-® ····-·-·········© ISSUED DRAWING~ \,0 l.w.oll41crl4:iP'&bttu»'0.'1 11 R11vi!illdasp11rBuildi~ OtipartrnentComments •1v11 1ssu!tdForRezoning Subm~ioo Nl\11 Revisedasper08IFE8/13 meelingwi\hmunicipalstaff II Revised as per August 15 2012 Meetlog wih mur.icipal '"" "~~ b.M4111fNRetaMft1A.119 1~1.l ~ ~ " . " ii: co 0 • s: '.2 z >, " .,.: I "-"O " :::J " t ..... -,; Cl) ~ .,, in " Q) ij J Cl) 0 :::J ~ ,,; ~ 0 3 N ..c ill ;,; 3: ~ C -1: ~ 0 ~ I-j Cl) ro ·;:: Q) ..... ro ~ 0) C "O :::J co Dot . May 28, 2014 -As Noted o ...... JM.WB P,oJoctlD 1122 S»oet A4.O TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x 24~) .__ _____________________________________________________________________ __L ___ __J ~~Z:R .fl:"'0-,., ~i ~-f!! ~Q~ "'.i,,;o z ~Q-► ~G)::O g~.;-< ~-(ij 0 i_ :_· -I z JQ~. ·o".!!c-< ~,o -~ :::! $ 0 ltz :I ,j'. )> 01 0 ;;_ '!/ ~-ll 5 ~ ,.._ ,...,;.nillectuml Plan.vwx Dalo: May 28, 2014 C ~ ): " "' i ;/;" if i[ " ,. " a:: ,l! N ~ ~ WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 Loogheed Highway. Maple Ridge, BC V"D< 2T-4 r~67•8=-.="1'i"t,~ WClbl,lM lhW'llhU'rl'D'!'"'EWB:Ci! Time: 10:40:01 AM ~----·~ ~--- ....... Civic Address: 12101-208 Slreet Maple Ridge, BC Legal Address: Lol6, DL241 & 242, GP 1, NWD Plan 24517 PIO#: 002-268-213 Ccpyrigh1R11servad "'lhrlOAec~lllJ).•~~•••;i,Wlllll•g,.-Jc ~ .-d ~ ,r,ipaed ~ ll'II Mtl41d • ... lltld al 11\1 hnlil'Nlft'l~ltlol,e~flfgpurt,'oiWlr'),Vl~E.Yt.&\l' /\f~,U!Wlll~~!J---•ncflffl«ICIII09t,lc,n•Wlfl~ be u~locanyclher «wfa,tt.Oltdl::l:Of'Cllfllfld :~-=~~~«:,=~~==:'!..W::l -.odil~--~OflllMl~.Tfw_t~INilba....,_(111 .,.-,r.r,Wcw.hi.i1,.._.,___,.,uo,m,aMCOl'ld1'om~llll••dl~ u ~~ f • < ;r[ :R "f i: l i l ~ "[ a~ m ~ i a, .H• f.5: ~ ii ~ i ~ f~ -~ □::ti ri H[ [! • ,. ~ ~! ~ il I g· ~ n t I i J -y------I ! \ . / Environmental / \Dedication / ~...,_-,,... Mounlain C wl Sandy colour b ./ ' ·• Prt'/aC V \ • pri ~pmposed I \ •••... __ _ } '• stepoJno s• 450 •4~m Gravel I ~'.~'° 42" High Privacy s ~ 0 5 10 !'-WM~- Materials and Layout Plan Scale: 1 :10D 15 ~Existing Trees re:for IC!-"'-'zyeY ~ I °'I ~,. r __ J = ---t:Jfiif6 -----1, .--c-:J"'" MFE: 16Mlrti __ _- --- 1 , -Cl) __ GFE: 1&.20in"·------ Bl'E~-t~.69m --......, 1---------,-,r---'• '.:,j I ooorncro I Bn1f~ ..-- MFE: 1~J{lm- GFE: 17,00m ___ _ FE;...1.4.49m 20 25m I 16 2 16.79 Wall<way Unit pavi g rofar lo d tall 1 " Wall<Way Unit pa . reror lode Typi cal Patio Scol4'-i,1oo Environmenlal Area Barrier Ft Refer la detail ········•--........ . i\ i1 r-----H--, -7~-L i \ L-_J / \ . }3~il in~\ I \ I i ' \ / • Unit 2 / i / Unit \ MFE: 1 .7dm-,---\ '-Mf8-·t6.7 • m GFE: 1 .50m /\ G~,j:: 16.5 m BFE:N I &F~:NA : ' I \ I \ / I I \ I \ I I \ i \ 0 m wide walkway ea,ccete..,ow•• $.Om wldtf dnve Oi1:19 ~ fa, u,c 0 pedeslricms. Same elevation as drive aisleaoeoss.. '->~v;.~ ',, ____ ,-----• ,,,,.,✓,.,.✓-----~.:~:~:-:-.~;;;:::- ~----.... _ ,,,..,,,,,.,,,..' .. -··•' .,,,,..,,,,.,,,,. •••••···· ,, ', . l---i-r---f'ri.-;1cy1Cr11V!l ,.sm lal •, RJ!lrf!llOdNI 16.7 onmamal Area Barrier Fence Rerer lo detail All drawilgs remilin the property or GPMJMay Landlt:Op9 Ata,11,tdi,ale Us.,tbanypu~.,.....drtt~ciduclllon onlybywrillenconsenl Re-lss"9dlor0evftlr!pm..,1Pilmvl M-Rclssuedlcno.i,...,pmenlJ:lenn,1 ' ,,.u "'"' .... -.~,.,... kU II&-~-~""- Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquillam BC V3J 6T 4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayfa_ca Paul Whll•hoad RBCSLA RegislarldLaodscapeArchiledll246 CLIENT LKT Projects Inc. 507 Joyce Street Coquillam, BC V3J 7Y1 PROJECT PROPOSED 4 Duplex Development 12101 -208 Street Maple Ridge BC DRAWING Landscape Plan L 1 1 SCALE 1: 100 metric QRA·,NJ,1 PACW PROJECT NUMBER 1309 I } ) \ Planting Plan -----Scale: 1:100 __,/ 10 \ \ \ En\(ironmental De~ication 15 r_J . I _t .. !a,t-5 __ .. J--~ MFE: 16.4Qiu-------..___ GFE: 1t:2om_ I '6)__ ~ --l~ C -Sf;!~~-69m ------ , ·- _Unit·-ij • -MFE: 1 r,20rn.-_.- GFE: 17:00m.. ·--BE[:._°:1.49m ------ 25m PLANT LIST-208 Street Duplexes updated May 7, 2014 SYMBOL QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING TREES 5 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 2.0m tall. multistem 6 Acer palmatum Osakazuki Green Japanese Maple 1. 75m tall, multi stem 2 Acer rubrum Red Sunset Red Sunset Red Maple 6cm Cal, WB 2.0m Std. Cornus nuttallii Pacific Dogwood ScmCal, WB 2 Halesia carolina Carolina Silverbell 6cm Cal, WB 2 Malus diversirolia Pacific Crab Apple 5cm Cal, WB 2 Prunus emarginala BitterCheny 5cm Cal, WB Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 2.0m tall, cont. 7 Thuja plicala Excelsa Excelsa Red Cedar 2.5mtall, WB SHRUBS d 6 Calluna vulgaris Euonymus alata 'Compactus1 C. 5 Erica carnea Springwood White d 5 Erica x Darleyensis Furzey s 6 Erica x Stuartii Irish Lemon 0 228 Gaultheria shallon 32 Mahonia aquirolium ~ 23 Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo 12 Pieris japonica compacta ~ 120 Polystichum munitum 14 Potenlilla fruiticosa Red Ace 36 Rhododendron 'Ramapo' 18 Rhododendron Vulcan 84 Rubus spectabilis 78 Sarcococca H. Humilis 0 30 Skimmia j. macrophyfla M + F ~ Spiraea x Bumalda Gold Flame 42 Vaccinium ovatum 2 Weigelia florida MW , I \ I \ . L lJni~31 m /\ Mff: 17. UJTI m 1 \ G,F~i 16.SO'm i' \ S'FE,NA I \ I \ I \ \ I \ ( \ \ i ; SIZE Pink Healher #1 pot Dwarf Burning Bush #2 pot While Spring Heather #1 pot Pink Spring Heather #1 pot Yellow Summer Heather #1 pot Salal #1 pot Oregon Grape #2 pot Diabolo Ninebark #2 pol Dwarf Pieris #1 pot Western Sword Fern #1 pot Red Ace Shrubby Cinquefoil #1 pol Dwart Red Rhodo #2 pot Red Vulcan Rhododendron #2pot Salmon berry #2 pot Himalayan Sweet Box #1 pot Skimmla (male and female) #3pot Gold Flame Spirea #2 pot Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot Midnight Wine Weigelia #2 pot I I \ nit 2 / \ FE: 1 .7Gm---,\-\ FE: 1 .SOm !i FE:N / \ I \ ,I I I L~~-l .1 m G,P,f:: 16.5 m (½Fl;: NA I\ -------, SPACING 450 o.c. 900 o.c GROUND COVERS 450 o.c. Cd 46 Cotoneasler dammeri Bearberry 10cm pot 500 o,c 4500.c. Mn 70 Mahonia neivosa Longleaf Mahonia #1 pot 450 o,c 450 o.c. Pt 190 Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Spurge 10cm pot 450 o.c 500 o.c Tp 44 Thymus praecox Creeping Thyme 10cm pot 300 o.c 750 o.c. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 800 o.c. '+ 17 Festuca ovina Glauca Elijah Blue Fescue #1 pot 300 o.c. 800 O c. 16 Panicum virgalum 'Shenandoah' Red Switch Grass #1 pot 600 o.c 600 0.C 8:) 14 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Hameln Fountain Grass #1 pot 600 o.c 6500.c. PERENNIALS 750 o,c Ac 30 Astilbe chinensis Chinese Astilbe #1 pol 450 o.c 900 o.c Ep 5 Echinacea purpurea1Magnus' Magnus Purple Coneflower #1 pot 450 0.C 900 0,C Hs 60 Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Elegans Plantain Lily #1 pot 500 o.c 450 o.c. Rf Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' Black-Eyed Susan #1 pot 450 o.c 900 o.c. NOTES: 900 o.c. 1) In case of discrepancy between plant numbers on this list and on lhe plan, the plan shall prevail, 900 o.c. 2) All planting shall be in accordance with BCSLAIBCLNA Landscape Standard, latest edilion~ 750 o.c. 3) All planting beds: mulch with 50mm of decomposed hem/fir bark AH crawings remain the property or G,,.nnyLaM~~ ... UMtkrr-lflyp\llPOSilandttprOCli,.ldon onlybywrillencorn;en\ I DATl: ISSUE/REVISION DATE rl ........... ~,._ :. IM,,'tJ.W ............ 'P.~ ...... :lo ..... w ............ ~h:.i ,...~,.gr.,..---~ Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescenl Coquillam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla ca Paul Whifghead RBCSLA Regisl81@dLandscapeArrJiih1d#246 LKT Projects Inc. 507 Joyce Street Coqu~lam, BC V3J 7Y1 PROJECT PROPOSED 4 Duplex Development 12101 -208 Street Maple Ridge BC Planting Plan DRAWING NUMBER L 1.2 SCALE 1: 100 metric DRl,WH PACW PROJECT NUMBER 1309 Top rail: 2· x 4" Hor wilh 2'' x 6" Vcr1----- Mid and botlom rails: 2" x 4" --... Pickels 3/4H x 2" and 314N x 4" I-I I T I I II : I I 11, I I I I Fooc--: I I I 3000 x 600 deep concNll!J-·,,;~ I 1,-I Crown above grade to shed waler I I "' I on 150 dep\h gravel I I I I@ I I I i compelent subgrade llli-li I 1,52m varies Lo 2 4m ' l '- f-c.. l I I I I I I I I Noles: Shiflplanltoc:lllQn if rock is enco~!erod. Note: Cul for slope planung. Remove any damaged stems, Ae"'°"o bufta:po,pl.niric pol.~, rim and break ~i:e•"'~r= = ,=7'J~ ;:';~ii. Plant wW, root O'OWl'l-' ~I e10V.1:llon. --300mm Growing medium Mix as specified ---~ 50mm mulch Keep 100mm lrom slem ---Form dish lor walering = --· F~;e~~~l~l~~~~-acL ~ -'-~ ~-:.~_ Blend new and existing soils al edge of planling pit -Scarify bollom and sides 100mm. Planting and plant material in accordance with latest BCSLA/BCLNA Landscape Standard. Soil depth 300mm for small/medium shrubs plus 300mm around all sides. Soil depth large shnJbs 450mm depth plus 450mm around all sides. Planting soil depth to be continuous in planting beds. 0 Shrub Planting 2>------=-------1cm = 10cm All wood to be pressura treated hemrir, paint co1our to malch building. All hardware to be cenflied for use with pressurct treated lumber. 1 iaomm. deplh Concrete Light bl'OOffl finish, looled edge 10mmR 0 Privacy Screen 1.5m Tall 1 l---~----1: 10 metric SOIL, PLANTS & LANDSCAPING 1, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 1 Furnish all labour, materials, equipment and operations lo supply and install planting soil and sofl landscaping, as shown on the dnTNing, and as specified herein Al ffl.lUrials ,na exco,l.lonshd CQttSOfm lo U,e latest edition of lhe BCSLA/BCLNA Brilish Columbia Landscape Standard 1 2 FINALACCEPTANCE Final A«ep1llonc» of lhe work will be certified by lhe landscape architecl, when landscape construction and all deficiencies are compleled. 1,3 MAINTENANCE 'fho IIUITTllonMCC DOtO::I m11y be t~lllldcel ir lhcun Area OUU&.,Mll'Q -ch:(CMffldu, Pm'lrido lul IMdlQl)O mn1nta:n./lnc:ci for4'5 ~ "'1.cir Finlll AtelJOUlll'l0C, ~ing all work consistent with i,ood~IUfllpnk:llr;(IIDl!tfUUl'OnQl'mnl.~.n.a..ahygrcr.-.1hd .. ota,,ts. A'1"Qld 11'\e UH ol hlwb!Cidd,, PuU All WOftds and wttl!d ioctl by hontL 1,4 WARRANTY • Promplly replace all dead or unsatisractory planl material ro, one full year afler Final Acceptance. 2, PLANl'ING SOil 2 1 'Pimnta1111n>lt oo;illy,.!s rc-potit ta ba ~ IO lhe IMd.sapo archlUrcA for ~fW,'11 pr« lo supplying any 4t0J La I.ha-11,o* •~pon111Q lMOfflfllOfl(bl.iont or aoh losfing &:fgllPCy, 2.2 Ptet1~ loll Cf0Pt'f1AA! t2. ~ o,gamt ~-60. 701f,slfM:l.rnlWINlffl 251)j rinn. 2.3 Apply otatclng toll mht t:N« trvo-dn.llling sut,gradaa ,n Ole I~ rnJnbum SOlUlld Geplhs: 300mm around ... --.-nd boUO(n ot l/CO 150mm for lawn arees 300mm for shrubs and groundcovers 11BCJn,m for Jarge lllf'U::t.'ri 2.4 Fine gr~ ror a .tmOOlh, rim, s.wfoce Ensure lhere Is 2% min. slope or as indicaled on drawings 3 PLANTS 3 1 Plants shall be firs I dass reprtstnlatives of their species Of' V3rioty. Plants shall be subject lo inspection for quality, health, size and c;dow', PU!nl malerial lo meet or~ minimum BCLNA/BCSLA Landiu::ape Sttndnnt 3.2 Ensu,c It.ail r1t, plal'llinlf bed$ ;UNI p~,c :11111 free-dr.6lft'ing, as variried with 24 hour percolalion lest. 3.3 Selplanltf'I lhe C42Jllr0 oftbcl p:.t:, and 4foriginal grMID, or slighUy higher, allowing for setuemenl, 3.4 All planting and layout lo the salisfaclion of the Landscape Archilecl 4, MULCH 4.1 Mulch lobe decomposed hem/fir, medium texture; free of all extraneous matter and weeds 4.2 Apply fresh mulch, 50mm depth to all shrub beds and lrees Rake smooth and even 5 SOD TURF 5.1 Sod to be non-netted, cullured sand-based sports turf from approved supplier 5.2 Lay sod no mom than 48 hours between digging and Installation. 5.3 Lay sod wilh lh!Ogered ends, prevent gaps, and roll Lo achieve a smooth uniform surface 6, WATERING 6.1 Water all planled areas sulllocnt.1.0 prRYOnt drylf'l9. 6.2 Sprinkle lawn 1ighlly for the rn.1 IJVGe d.4y,i suffleltnl la prevent drying and water normally for the remainder of lhe maintenance period, 7. CLEAN UP 7 .1 R~mcwe all surplus lftl'llt!fials anCI 00,C, landscape debris 7 .2 ~ ID plan ling a,oa, Mally oroned and fnlhad. and leave all paved aroas (lushed dean lo the satisfaction of the Consultant. ENO OF SECTION 13mm Eap;;msion joint material at all fixlures (walls, curb, etc) Canlrolfcold joint to match exisling or 20000,c, max_ ::,....__,50,rnm Oeptr, Cn.nllled aggregale 19mm minus .._ _________ ,_ Co-npM&lo 9$",SPo ------~Com?oten\ base or Subgrade Compact lo 95% SPD Rerer to drawings for layoul and dimensions 0 Concrete Paving: Pedestrian 4 ---=-----1 cm = 10cm Where timber edge removed, install 150 -------/;► x 150 deep gravel base adjacent lo paving and Lo underside or pavers. Cc:wni>ac;t gravel. Install plaslic •dgo: reslrainl. Sodding Sand 30mm dlltpAI\ muJmurrt Note: Saw cul pavers as required for best fil Gumotine cuts will not be accepted I Subgrade Compact to 95% SPD 0 Unit Paving: Pedestrian 5 1--------=------ 1cm = 10cm No joint sand EdgeReslrainlallalda~ Where no solid restraint exists, install Edge•Pto plastic edge as available !tom AbboUfoRI canc,c10 PrQllk,c:11 {l:IDot: 652 4967), UH~ 22.5qlm l.lltd~ Jl:iilt.i!ls. Chee)( =-kw rn'-g.111100 Jipl.t bdo(o lns:lalllng SUl1' Aqw\P.wo by Abbotsford Concrete Products ~~~--~~M,::and ~~=lb~ aggregate ---1----11-------Privltcyik<cco 1.6ni?tml deplh maximum --~fer 10 ....,.:i]j'--Gn,nuw euc _ ___ ____ _ __ 19mm ciear crushed aggregate Competent Sub;rado------"'-► ◄-"--'---'--"-'--;;;;;..-~~I) _Pa . ~oomi;::~':ns _ • Compact Lo 115'11 SPO °l'J"_l!lflllUll pa • m1/'mpl!<f cona'lR~ 0< unlt.g;:v,ng He'rringbonc pane, ~ I 1c Refer to detail Noto: Saw cut pavers as required for besl fiL Guillotine culs will not be Cll00004od, ® Permeable Unit Paving: Vehicle 5 ,------=----- 1cm = 10cm -------Do not cut leader 50mm0 x 2400 PT wooden Slakes. Align wilh prevailing winds, 50mm wide fabric slrapping Fasten 1o post Root Ball: Cul back burlap and wire basket. Roolba11 al origlnal ek3valion 50mm mulch 300 Growing medium, all sides and bottom. Form dish for watering Compacted soil pedestal nole: Oy o1 Ct,lliw4Ck Mlln<Sot~ JMCWllil. T'90pll10behtOOlt>ddliomc1~. minimum 300 sci! i,11 rJdcL$c.a11fy ~ anc:s bottom. ® Tree Planting 1cm = 20cm 300mm ~-----,P .. ~11 Gravel slope lo drain slope ta drain Timber edge 2x4 PT limber M hal"dv(a,o IO bt tQit"MU-.toclt J,,.~=--,=---'15mm0 Perforaled Rigid PVC drain pipe -\. __ ...:.;..;_ __ _,.,,nar-tn.tn;.. tontlnooo!I Place on subgrade under gravel slrip and limber edge. Staple lo outside of limber edge 0 Gravel Drainage Strip 7 ----=------'------1cm = 10cm back rranl 0 g -l :.tataf sign: 1 DO x 200 Allach lo rail with 4 x ss screws ~Sensilive Habitat • No Oislurbance Arcau Sqi,odlop(50mm) Pafl with two coats preservelive 311 x 138 PT Timber rail, lap and ballom Secure wilh 13mm x 125mm lag bolls, wilh washer. Two bolts per end and at line posl(s) Predrill holes. -4---1200\all • 100 x 50 Class 3 galvanized crimped non•climb mesh,12 5 gauge Slaple le rails and posts, t38-Jt 138 (61.6) PT TmbofP0$1 ■2or better ,----'.:>J:~:;:::+....,....,. rail ..---r,,.,,ol fill {19mm minus) Dry mix with cement powder 10cm aU sides and beneath Compact during placement Slep fence wilh grade, adjusl post spacing and hefghl for maximum 150 gap below bollom rail ® Environmental Area Barrier Fence 8 -----1cm = 20cm Alldrawingsromainlhepropertyof Gr~ Landscape Archlteain. UM fgf any purpose and repr'Odudort only by wrlllen consanl Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquillam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla ca CLIENT LKT Projects Inc. 507 Joyce Street Coquillam, BC V3J 7Y1 PROPOSED 4 Duplex Development 12101 -208 Street Maple Ridge BC Landscape Details DRAWING NUMBER L2 .1 SCALE As noled DRAWN PACW PROJECT NUMBER 1309 28 29 2 15/05/14 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 1 20/0VI♦ ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 0 09/07 /1 ISSUEO FOR PRELIMINARY RE\1EW No, DATE REVISION 27 -, I ' I~ I~ ,~ ~ 335 PLAN 54659 \_ I \ 1-l.' 336 PlAN 54659 ----~-----------------------------------' -------------,~===-===-===-------,,J:!.,= MH BC GAS SRW PlAN 18394 -•---•------•---~-,:~---:-,: Fc1~'TI' a· T' _,A· 1.,\t,.111 -----------------------------100.J;• --------T --------------------- JN JN JN BY STRATA PlAN NWS2582 NOTE: GAS RIGHT OF WAY ANO PIPELINE WRITTEN PERMISSION MUST BE RECIEVED FROM FORTIS BC WHEN WORKING WITHIN 40m OF THE FORTIS BC TP PIPELINE A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FOR WOR!< WITH 1 Om OF' THE PIPELINE NOTE: FOR FURTHER DETAILS REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PlANS. DCM 84H0016(ELEVATlON-17.244m LOCATED ON THE CENTRELINE OF 206 STREET BETWEEN HOUSE#12166 AND #1215D) I CONSUL.TANT I I I PLAN SCALE 1:250 OMEGA & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. 7 PLAN 24517 _..,. OE:SIQHO) CHECKED APPROVED CONSUL TING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS FlELO BOOK 09094 YOUUC ROAD CHl.l,.nf4Q(.. BC P 60tf 7,c~ 6652 F 604 795 6642 ■fJOl-'U"~ B AVENUE LANCiU'Y. 9C V3A 3N4 P 604.532,U 00 F 604 532 8893 SCALES l!"I= JN TB TB TB N/A HORZ, AS SHOWN VERT. AS SHOWN -1 PARK PlAN LMP 39093 STRATA PlAN LMS4067 I -E .:, I '.I~ 11'=1& 6 _:; 11 J \I ~ .3 ,~ '!: lH r r-1•• • .. Sf' r If !Vc.. .3 .! ~ I ' I ~.50 ____:L: I i Dfil ~!l-, •~ I ,W I ~ I :o:: Jr- !(/) :CO :o !N ' ' I L- STRATA PLAN LMSl 11 ti '1/V [ ),l,,( 1 :,:1~ p ,, 11 -:::1 Ill\ L -L CORPORATOI' o~ THE DISi-RICT OF lv1APLE._ RILGE ENGINEERING DEPARTlMENT GRADING PLAN 12101 208 STREET l~APLERIDGE, BC DAT£ JULY 05, 2013 1 OF 2 O~H'o. 201 J-124-C~l •. 335 PLAN 54659 J = PLAN 54659 --------100267 -----------------1 27 I I 7 28 29 I SILT FENCE AS PER DETAIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE IMMEDIATELY MULCHED 6m-300'2> FLOC SOC ATTACHED TO MH C/W 19m-50mm HOSE, 2" PUMP ANO SEDIMENT SAG SEE SCHEMATIC ----~----------------- ---------------------------- STRATA PLAN NWS2582 TEMPORARY SWALE AS PER DETAIL DRIVEWAY AREA TO ACT AS ACCESS PAD DURING CONSTRUCTION PAO TO BE MIN 375mm DEEP 50mm CLEAR CRUSH GRAVEL CLEAN MATERIAL TO BE ADDED AS REQUIRED ---1-00334 -------- ,e T BC GAS SRW PLAN ✓ T ------------ALL ONSITE CATCH BASINS TO BE PROTECTED BY A 200mm0 F\LTERSOXX I "1RED TOGETHER (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) TYP OF 2 PAR!< PLAN LMP39093 STRATA PLAN LMS4067 \ I I ,--- 1-w w 0:::: STRATA PLAN LMSl 11 NOTE: GAS RIGHT or WA, ,tJIO ?IPELll<E. W/ilTTEN ?!:R •ISSION 1<\IST BE R£Cl£11EO FROM FORTIS SC WHEN WORKIN\i WITHIN !Om OF THE FOIITIS BC Tl' PIPELINE. A PfRLIIT MIJST 8E OEffAIHEO FOR WORI< WITH 1 Om OF THE PIPELINE SWALE------- SILT FENCE------ EX SANITARY MAIN- EX. DRAINAGE MAIN- EX WATER MAIN- PR. DRAINAGE- ROAD Cf.- EX. CURB- EX EDGE OF PAVEMENT- 15/05/14 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL BENCHMARK JN PLAN SCALE 1:250 CONTINUE TO BUILDING SUMP OCM 8•HD016'{EllV.<TlON-17,24""1 7 PLAN 24517 CONSULTA.Vf 19m-500 HOSE I-(/) co 0 N 1 oso~ MH BARREL ~ \__6m-300• FLOC SOC SEDIMENT CONTROL SCHEMA TIC N.T.S. OMEGA & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. DRAWN 0£SIC>IEO CHECKED APPROVED JN TB TB 2•• PUMP CLEAR CRUSH BASE SEAL 1 20/03/H ISSUED FOR APPROVAL JN I.OC/.,TED ON TliE CEIITRELIN£ OF 206 STREET EIETWEOI HOUSEf\2166 AHO ,,21so) TB CONSUL TING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS N/A 09/07 /I' ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW No. OAlE REVISION JN BY 0 9094 YOUNG ROAD CHILLIWACK, BC P 604 795 6652 f 604 795 6642 ■ ii 101-DlS:i B AVENUE LA~£Y. 0C VJA 3N4 P IV",.14 !,3J.9!00 F W4 SJ21!93 Of120,o,6 Sf NE SOX 1182 SAUIOK "'81 .. BC VIE 4P.J p 2.:5(>jJ,ll..K4,3 F l:so,l.ll..S,64J AElD BOOK SCAl£S HORZ. AS SHOWN VERT. AS SHOWN SEDIMENT CONTROi, NOTES· ALL WORK TO BE UNDERTAKEN AflO CO!JPlfTED BY COlflRACTOR IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PREVENT THE RELEASE Of SE:Ol .. ENT lAOEN WATER INlO ANY WATERCOURSE OR STORM SEWER. ALL WORK '!() er IN COMPLIANCE WITH MAPLE RIDGE REOUlim.<ENTS. 2, ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES SHOl>N MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 90% OF FINAL COVER HAS BEEN INSTALLED. 3, WHILE SITE CONSTRVCTIO,I IS ONCOlNC. SITE CONTIMCTO!I IS 10 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING SEDI .. ENT CONTROi. F"ACIUTIES ARE MAJIHAltlED ANO WORl<II-IC ADEOUATELY TO CONTROi. ALL DISCl<ARGES FROM THE SITE ALL FACILITIES SltALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER ON A WEEl<LY 81,SlS TO ENSURE PROPEi! OPERATION U>lltf. Rlil.lOVAL OR Al'TIJl A SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL, 4. SILT BUILD UP SHALL BE REMOVED BY CONTRACTOR AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE PROPER OPERATION UNTIL REMOVAL OF SILTATION CONTROL FACILITIES. 5, SILT FENCE IS lll TREJ<X S11.TSOXX" OR EOIJ1V'-l.£11T AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. FENCE TO HAVE MIN. CU:AI! WAIER FLOW RATE OF 0.l0cl•/sf. FILTREXX SILTSOXX TO BE STAKED @ 10" 0/C WITH 2'•2• WOOOEN STAKES AS P£R DETAIL 6, ANY IRREGULARITIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY 7, SITE GRADING ANO LANDSCAPING SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN EFFICIENTLY SUCH THAT DISTURBED SOILS ARE NOT EXPOSED. ALL EXPOSED SURFACES TO BE COVERED WITH MULCH IMMEDIATELY 8. COVER ALL TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITH POLY OR TARPS, AND SURROUND WITH SILT FENCING INSTALL. MAINTAIN AND REPLACE, AS NECESSARY, SEDIMENT TRAPS ON CATCH BASINS . 10. Ir,ISTM.l, MAINTAIN AIJO REPLACE. AS NECESSARY. FILTER CONTROLS IN ALL CATCH 8ASIMS/lAWN DRAINS IN VICINITY OF CONSTRUCTION AREA WHERE SURFACE RUNOFF MAY E>ITER THE STORM SEW!;R SYSTEM. 11. NO DEBRIS IS PERMITTED ON THE STREETS 12 ALL AFFECTED STREETS TO BE REGULARLY MECHANICALLY VACUUM SWEPT CLEAN, FLUSHING OF THE ROADWAY IS PROHIBITED. 13 LICENSED VEHICLES TO BE PROHIBITED FROM AREAS OTHER THAN THE ACCESS PAO. 14 ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE COVERED WITH STRAW(MINIMUM 4 5 TONNES/ho) r 50x50x!500 WOOD OR STEEL POSTS SPACEO AT 1.0m (OR 2.0m WHERE F'ABRIC SUPPORTED SY WIF!f MESH) WOVEN FILTER FABRIC AS PER AMOCO TYPE 2000 OR APPROVED EQUAL TRENCH BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN GRAVEL OVER FABRIC SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. l "~T "~7 ,L,~-."7· ·-c,~/ l 5-~ 25mm CLEAR CRUSH CHECK DAM 5.0m C/C ALONG SWALE UNE TEMPORARY SWALE (SECTION A-A) N.T.S. NOTE: SECOND PUMP ANO STANDBY GENERATOR TO BE ONSrTE AT ALL TIMES. CORPOPATION OF ~HE D STRICT OF lviAPU· RIDG[ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 0A1E EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHWJULY 05 • 20 ' 3 12101 208 STREET MAPLERIOGE. BC 2 OF 2 DWC. Ne. 2013--124--C-02