HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-07-08 agenda.pdf7. CALLTO ORDER &INTRODUCT'ONS 2. AGENDAAPPROVAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 70,2074 NEW BUSINESS & UNF'N'SHED BUSINE&S - Nfl PROJECÏS Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Pla n ni n { Tech nicia n/ Fi I e Ma na ge r: 5.2 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Proposal: Location: Plan n i n S Tech n icia n/ Fi le Ma na {er: District of Maple Ridge 2077-O79-RZ,DP Brian ShiSetomi Brian Shi{etomi, Atelier Pacific Architecture lnc. Clark Kavolinas, C. Kavolinas & Associates /nc, 52 townhouse unrtes in the RM-7 zone 70575 and 70595 24oth St and 23950 Zeron Ave Michelle Baski 2074-O5B-DP Brad Phaneuf Brad Phaneuf Not Applicable To permit the renovation of an existin{, a & W Restaurant 22BO 5 Lo u gh eed H i {,hw ay Michelle Baski 3. 4. 5, 5.7 MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORYDES'GN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, July 8,2074 4:OO pm - Blaney Room,2nd Floor The purpose of the Panel is to encouragie quali| design in the community by reviewingi and making recommendatlons to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multifamily residential projects that require a Development Permit. 6, PRESENTAT'ONS-Nfl 7. 8, Maple Ridge Advisory Desif,n Panel Agenda July 8,2074 - Agenda CORRESPONDENCE- Ni' NÐ(T MEEflNG ASenda deadline: 9, ADJOURNMENT /ig&Ic Tuesday, August 12, 2074 Monday, July 28,2074 t Distric't of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Fanel Application - 201,4 This application is in suPPort of: (pleasä'quote tile numne'ir avãitante¡ { ,"r"rorment permt ov-Lt1I-gtg:ßZ Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context, 2. . FAMI u,f\Ltt-lêw¡.¡ål-g-us-Ê- D rãvÞt6PiYË,r.rT \'Jl?ì-1 Ajbl- .€r r\ $s. ßv staç,ÂA¿^É\¡1¡c,q 3. PresentingArchitect:6ßrAñ se{l6pl()Ml rt (Please Print) 4. PresentingLandscapeArchìtect:C&qR}< KÂVÖL,òIA5 (please prìnt) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: ú 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each indiVidual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. ü Design Ratíonale 6. Contact person for thís project (please print) Name:ssil6€10MJ À(ci.il"i€c1. A ?âct RE Address:&lÕ4 + t3l tdAî€f vA'NC.ù)ûÊp Phone No.6o1^ 66L^96 Fax No Email: íp* * 6b7.- x/, Cam. licant's Signature) (Date) rev. 20tr+05.15 08 Applicant Deadline byNnon-on Mon Dec 30 Mon Jan 27 Mon Feb 24 Mon Mar 24 Mon Apr 28 Time & Locat¡on: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Jun 16 2014 Meeting'Dates Mon M 19 Tues Jan 14 Tues Feb 11 Tues Mar 11 Tues Apr 08 Tues May 13 TuesJun 10 Mon Jul 21 Mon Aug 18 Mon Sep 22 Mon Oct 20 Mon Nov 17 Tues Aug 12 Tues Sep 09 Tues Oct 14 Wed Nov 12 Tues Dec 09 PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL lN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) I 1)Site Data: c Address f 0515 \ AZssÒ zÉþôN tu€¡JdÉ Area of the lot(s)r3,*oq m2 l ¿reo sel / tS ,9V3, 6 m* Lot width (va¡ìer) 25 ;.3 m Lot Depth (v¿rì¿ol lô t.6 m on td ng Zone Pro ed d use ro use Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existin( intersection 20,6 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required À m2 Total lot Coverage proposed m2 Reqd. front setback ?.s m setback 4.5 m Reqd. rear setback m rear setback 7.)m Reqd. side setback 4.t /to m Proposed side setback 5.:-L.O m Reqd, side setback h.:m Proposed side setback 5.S m Reqd. building height lD,Sm bui -t2.oltm Requested Variances to the Allowed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 9,581 .2. m2) Proposed FSR in theZone (Total GFA proposed 7,9 ^.a m2) Ie ai6?^ m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area I Aö. nm'Co Area 3 ) ParkinÉ and ûff-loading Underground Farking Reqd. Parkin g spaces for the zone ltf'Proposed Parkin$ spaces for the zone ril ,Reqd. small car stalls t2 Proposed small car stalls ) Pro sço area 52n' Required Handicapped Parking posed dica Required Visltor Parking spaces fl Proposed Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking nønf- 4 nts:RCIW: rm sewer ervation sewer r¿ No Buil Any on Any other ROW NÞ 5 )Environmental: IN m a d ce e of rse m on e ess 30 % or more. o ped area posed la area Area of building to be demolished I /A. ltl' ln the Flood Plain YÃN) ln The F¡.aser Escarpment Area Ytrt!') Proposed LEED points 0 Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. Rz- Åo\l -o\g Ali presentat¡on material must be n L!" x 17" format (7 hard cOpies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy otì CD or nrenrory carcl submittecl to the File Manager. This applicant cnäittist needs ihl 'Requlred" boxes to be cont¡rletecl by the File Manager', while the 'lncluded" boxes neecl to be clmoleted by the applicant/project architect and submitted with -:ffij-*",nOoOrO ø øø BÊsF Forls &¡ð{crH¡rC.trìs aþþ licant Checklist: 1) ADP apBlication form & proJect data sheet 2l Site and Neighbôurhood context 3) Design $ationale 4) Prôjeêt ÀnalYsis 5) Architecturâl draw¡ngs ¡n metríc dimensions a.' Sìte Planning; Site Plan/fayout b. Site Planning: Site SectÌons c. Site PtanninÉ: Strêetscape elevations d. Sìte Planning: Shadow AnalYsís e. Site Plannind: Lighting deþils \(çur+ o( É¡ãscþ Ðre^:tngt) f. Buildíng Þesign: Flsor Plans g. Buiiding Design: Roof 'Plans h. Building Des¡gh: Buílding Elevatíons from all sìdes i. Building Þesign: Signage details J^ Bqildíng Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show materiat specifications) l. BuildinÉ Design: Building Sections W øt ø g ø ún ø ø Ò ¡ l: 't 1 m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Des¡gn/ Sustainable in¡tiatives o. Materialsampleaoard -| unll lcrí"ç o^'c'- {= o tro. ørrÞJch\\. 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. LandscapePlan/layout b. Landscaping details forfeatures, play area/ . amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d' t'i"rff:I"ff 'å,ÌHt rHff ''Í¿ oä,llf,e"o.* i^¡à. and landscaping e. tir¡gat¡on details for landscaping above structure NlA, t. Slgnage details for free standingsignaÉe -¡ yg.ì,åeJ' ?'el,lfi çtotø,g, Llghting details for pedestrians/landscaped aread ð h. Pteliminary Slor¡n.water Management (SWM) plan (?* of tut Darþ ,uvbxL) Project Architect/Appl icant: Name: ßetAX ^|Gçrq"lt r\nurrcc| htæ Date: JvNA ¡z làov. Required lncluded ú øn ú ø +lþ l¿.d{dù¡"olo*ç t ) *¿,)\¡¿ {Qo>cd-. Signature: End of Document Revised December 2012 r,¡ 2 British Cotumb¡a MAPLE RIDGE TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATEI 2011-019-DP 10515 and 10595 240 Street and 2395O Zeron Avenue July 8,2O74 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the subject properties, located at 10515 and 10595 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue, to permit the construction of a 52 unit townhouse development in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone' The rezoning application supporting this proposal was presented to the Advisory Design Panel on July Lg, 20L1, and given third reading by Council on November 22, 2OI1,. The applicant then decided to revise the development proposal to provide at-grade parking with internal roád access, rather than underground parking with no internal road. ln order to keep this application open, third reading was extended on April 22, 2014, but second and third readings will need to be rescinded and the new development proposal will need to go back to public hearing again, after second reading is granted for this new development. This application requires an Oflicial Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the conservation boundary around Spencer Creek. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit and Natural Features Development Permit will also accompany this application for the area around Spencer Creek and the steep slopes onsite. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Descriptions: ocP Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Atelier Pacific Architecture lnc., Brian Shigetomi Spencer Creek Ventures lnc. No. 0825249 Lot 9, District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 29456 Lot 3, Except: Parcel "4" (Explanatory Plan 16557), District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 3825 Parcel "4" (Explanatory Plan 16557), Lot 3, District Lots 406 and 4O8, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 3825 Urban Residential Urban Residential and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Single Family Residential Page 1 of 3 Use South: East: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone:. Designation: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential Vacant RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential and Vacant RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential and Conservation Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Famíly Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Vacant Multi-Fam ily Townhomes L9,804 mz 240 Street Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for all new multi-family development on land designated for Multi-Family development. The purpose of a Multi-Family Development Permit is to enhance existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs and minimize potential conflicts on neighbouring land uses. The Key Guideline Concepts are as follows: L. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in buildingform, height, architecturalfeatures and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parkíng underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property PI.ANNING COMMENTS: Official Communitv Plan The applicant is proposing a 52 unit townhouse development on the subject properties (see Appendix A). The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Guidelines checklist (see Appendix C). This application requires rezoning from the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. The RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is in compliance with the Urban Residentia/ - Major Corridor OCP designation of the subject properties, as24O Street is a major corridor identified in on Figure 4 of the OCP. Page 2 of 3 i context The development site is located on the west side o'Í 24O Street, north of 104 Avenue. The property slopes from 23g Street and 106 Avenue down to 240 Street. spencer creek is located to the south of the property, which will be protected by cortservation area to be dedicated out. The subject properties are surrounded by single family dwellings to the west, north, and north-east, and vacant lands to the east and south. Parking Ihe Mapte Ridge off-Street parking and Loadin{ Bylaw No. 4350 - 7990 requires that the RM-1 (Townhouse Reéidential) zone provide two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, plus 0'2 spaces per dwelling unit designated for visitors. As there are 52 dwelling units proposed, 104 resident parking "pu.u" arelequireO anO provided, and ll visitor parking spaces are required. Additionally, two spaces for the disabled are to be provided for developments that require 76 -t25 spaces' Only one disabled space is curren¡y shown, 'but the applicant is going to combine visitor stalls 1 and 2 to provide the required number of disabled stalls and still meelthe required number of 11 regular-sized visitor parking spaces (see Appendix D). GarbaEe/Recycling Garbage and recycling can be stored in the garage of each unit and will be collected via the internal strata road Offsite UoErades Three metres of road dedication is required along the length ol 24O Street, with concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lighting and street trees to be provided. Upgrades along the Zeron Avenue frontage are yet to be determined. Proposed Variances Variances for siting setbacks and height are requested, as summarized on the Site Reconciliation Drawing DP - 0.2 in the attached plans (see Appendix D)' The planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development ProPosal ./ø,..t./z ß,J- Prepared by: Attachments: Michelle Baski AppendixA - Subject MaP Appendix B - Design Rationale Appendix c - Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Appendix D - Architectural Plans Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX A 1051 5t95 240 STREET & 23950 ZERON AVENUE.oØ .(t) o ()'c .9o CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANN¡NG DEPARTMENT *.i 1:,-, f-- -J#-e\ MAPLE RIDGE Br¡tish Col.umbia DATE: Jun 16,2014 FILE:2011-01g-RZ BY: PCScale: 1:2,000 N District of Langley . .. -: ::. r i::- , tì :ìr .. APPENDIX B : :ì_1. ZËROT{ TOWNHOUSE ÞEVELOPfttENT 1 051 5 / 1 0595 24OTH STHEET & 23950 ZFRON AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. The proposed project conformsto the development and design principlos of spsc¡ficity, place-making, community building ând a more dense, urban environmsnt as outlined in the Maple Ridge Official Commun¡ty Plan, the Developmênt Permit Area XXI Dêsign Guidêlines (Hillside Policy) for rêsidential and commercial buildings as well as Multi-Family Dêvelopmênt Permit Area Guidelinês. The project rêspects and is informêd by thê naturâl landscape of the area, espsc¡ally its stÞêp grades and setting, and through its design, accessibility and viewscapês attêmpts to foster a friendly and safe pedestrian €nvironment. The form of development is guided by the five cornerston€ principles of the Maple Ridge Official Communíty Plan: Environment First' Land informs development. Significånt Ênvironmental features, such as groves of maturê treês âre retained and intêgratêd into thê development and natural landscap¡ng and species are proposed. Existing topograPhy is respectêd, the develop- ment follows the lines of the land with as little regrading and tres clearing as possible. Design and siting of build- ings protects accêss to natural fêatures and views, enhances privacy and livability. This will be further elaborated in ths Arcitectural Aesthetic Section. Sustainable Approaches - Balance between env¡ronmental, social & economic bensf its. Overall d€velopment accommodates spacious un¡t types and sizes that residents can grow into, allowing accessiþil- ity and affordability. Form ol dêvêlÕpment is e compact housing cluster to allow for a densified urban ênvironmênt and setling aside a larger open space for the bénefit ot the res¡dênts and the community at largê. Project ådopts Best Managemont Pract¡ces (BMPs) throughout. Adaptability - lncremental growth and changing market trends. Form of development proposes 52 ground-oriented townhouse units of varying sizss (1,870sf - 2,280sf), many with wâlkout / day-lit bâsêmênts to accommodâte growing families and encourage home-based business opporlunit¡ês. Healthy & integratod commun¡ty . lntegration betweon natural €nvironment, housing, open spaco, and ¡nfrastructurE to achieve a ne¡ghbourhood and commun¡ty that is al¡vê and healthy. Design and siting of buildings creâtes a pedestrian oriented, walkable, easily accessible and safe community to maximize pedestrian access to services. The project has a large outdoor amenity arêa as well as a system of walkways which link up the developmênt with a mult¡-purposs Zeron trail providing ån altêrnâtivs physical connêctions and accêss, creat¡ng a natural buffer bstwsen this development and existing adjacent single family housing and fulfilling the residents'and the commun¡ty's living, working and recreationål nêêds. Series of Landmark Gateways / Entry Features complete with trellis structuros, bênchês and landscaping are proposed at at significant transition cornÊrs and mid-site to creat€ public gathering spaces and foster a specific 'sense of place'. Form of Development Form of development proposes a townhouse res¡dential use w¡th clusters of four- 1o six- units that have an appear- ance of rowhouse style residences accommodat¡ng 4-6 ground-or¡ênted strata un¡ts, each with å direct accêss to grade at thê front and the rear of ths unit. Due to the grading conditions on sit6, all buildings are stèpped further re-inforcing the rowhouse look. Buildings are designed to front or have the åppearanc€ oJ fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian accêss from thê sidewalk and through appropriate trêâtment of exteríors. ..]::.¡l ìì:ì!;.1,:itìì ...,,!:. '...ii:t.aì :: : ,: li¡' ZEROH TOWNHOT¡SE EEVE tOPì¡I ENT 1 051 5 / 1 05e5 24OTH STREET & 23950 ZERON AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. CONTEXT ThÊ proposed s¡te is located on thÊ west sidê of 240th Strêêt just north off 104th Avenuê and east to Zêron Avenue. It is ä väcant land parcel which falls within the Albion Area. Thê almost 4 âcrÊ sitê slopes down along 240th Strêet and down lrom Zeron Avenus towards lO4th Av6nuê to prov¡dê some nice viêws. Thê propêrty is bordered by: - to the north, by êxist¡ng single family development and existing municipal trail - to the east, by 240th Street - to the west, by Zeron Avenue and €xisting single fàmily d€vêlopmênt - to the south, by environm€ntal area / undeveloped privatê proporty The 1S,973.6 sq.m. site is longer and narrow in the north / south direction tâking âdvantage of thÊ êest / west sxp osuf ê. E N VIR O N M N E TA L S U S TA INA B IL ITY Sustainable Sites The project site consists of throe land parcels that had a single family dwêlling on each parcel. The proposed development is in linê with thê Officiål Community Plan strâtegy that ¡ncreâses dênsity et infill s¡tes, but also ênhåncês and revitalizes lårge undÊvelopêd sites surrounded by establishsd developmênts. A systsm ?! ne.w pedestrian path connêctêd to th€ existing Zeron Trail and undsrground parkadê will help crêatê â morê wâlkable community ånd to rêduce the amount of vehiclÊ traffic on sit6. Water Efficiency The sitê will bs incorporating B.M.P. (Best Management Practices) recommênded by the Department of Fisheries ând Ocêâns for storm-water run-off. The site will bÊ developed to manage stormwater run-off by util¡zing aclivê rainwater collection and stormwater cåtchmsnt techniquos. Rainwator l€aders will drain to splash pads. Flun'off will be percolatBd into the ground v¡a rock pits ând trêatèd in a bio-filtration pond and detention before leaving the site. Non-permaable areas will þe minimized and newplanting and ground cover will mimic the presantforest floor wherever possible. Permeable pavers / surfaces are used to slow stormwater and to allow more inliltration to occur. Where not posslble, paved areas will bê sloped towards landscâPê arêas to allow runoff to filtêr through the soil instead of bêing drained through catch bas¡ns. Râ¡nwatêr lêaders will not be directly connsctêd to a 6tormwatÊr system; instead, lhê rainwatêr will be directêd into dry wells, dry creeks, and bio-swalês. Stormwater not absorbed in ths swålös is collêctêd ¡n landscapê features rêtêntion ponds with excess ovarflow directed into an underground storage cistern. The landscape design uses nativê / naturalized plants that requiro no irrigation aftêr establ¡shment. W¡thin thê building, lowflowfinurês will be spêcifisd. PROGRAMME The proposed project would rsqu¡re rezoning to RM-1 to allowfor 52 two-and-a-half-slorêy townhomes grouped intô nins bu¡ldings with four- to six-units. All of thsm would be clustered around a large grêên / landscape open area {'green commons') ringed by an intérnål road wh¡ch would allow for vehicle êntry v¡a a two-car side'by'side garage and a secondary pedestrian unit entry. All of the proposed units would havê anothsr entry e¡ther oll 240lh Streel or 1O4th Avenuo, which would servo as primary un¡t êntry for pêdestriån åccêss - complete with front yard, fence, and individual gats. Thesê would serve as primary unit entries for pedestrian acc€ss - compl€tê with front yard, fence, and individual gale. A secondary unit êntry would be provided on the opposite side backing out onto the landscaped amenity area or into fully fenced, pr¡vate rear yards.Th6re are four un¡t typês of approx¡matsly 1,87O sq.ft. to 2280 sq.ft .in arêå, with at lêast threê bedrooms, a flex room and an open concêpt great room I kitchen comb¡nation. All units have accgss to private outdoor spacê including overs¡zed sundecks ånd patios as well âs fenced and landscapêd front or rêar yards. ln addit¡on, the proposed programme for the site includes s€mi-privatê and public amenities. The project site would f êaturs three pedêstrian entry plazas / landmarks - a main one, mid-block of development along 240th Street, and two more ât north and south ends of the site. The rêsid6nts would ålso be able to ênjoy 5,80o sq.m. of outdoor amênity spåce complate with a childrên play area. The project would ålso incorporate public amenities into thê development such as a landscaped dêtêntion / b¡o- liltration pond and almosl one acre of new parkland (o.9 acre). APPENDIX C Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Comrnunity Pian, muiti-family developments will be assessed against the following form and character guidelines' This checkiist is intended to aid jn the review of multi-family developrnent permits and is to be completed by the architect of record for the project. It is noted that the project will also be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Depatttnent staff and the Advisory Design Panel. l{ey Guideline Concepts ConsistentYes No If No, provide justification for inconsistencv L New devclopment into established areas shoultl respecl private spaces, aud incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architech¡ral featu:es and massìng. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low ancl liigh densities, tlrrough means such as stepped building heights, or low rise gt'ound oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developtnents. J Large scale developments should be gìven architectur:al sepalation to foster a settse of conlnunity, and improve visrtal attractivelress. 4. Pedestrian circulation sirould be eucouraged lvith attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, alchitectural details, appropriate Iighting and by directiug parking underground where possible ot: away from public vie'rv through screened palking structru'es ot surface pzukiug located to the rear of the ptopetty. Guidelines ConsistentYes No lf No, provide justification for inconsistencY rt I)esign, llfassiug, and Siting L Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of nah¡ral feafurcs or views and should enhancc privacy and livability. 2. Residenti al buildings should froni or appear to front onto public roacls through tlte use of applopriate treatmelrt of exteriors, througlt dilect pedestrian access to individual units fi'om the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to tlie stl'eet. Strect frontages should be emphasized by incorporating ,Aw elq(þf f€axTtH6 uut:..' ttbJe lNDrvtuÄL 6NrAl Ûdâtrl;.¿N'l wlTrjE.c sÊTtuøstS ¿rwKtNá BUOOS T2 TH€ tWeT. .) 1 V -No ËHD trAt\,S 1k6 5îaç.€,7 At¡ ø¡-¡rtf ftqñ6 FIAVE FeoesrRraU €NTÊAxrcç;;, designecl rvìth an ond lvall public sh'eet should design pedestrian enttY facing the reinforced by tluildings that front on both sh:eets ancl incorporate colte!: cuts; de{ìnition andsicle otientedrç41'facades,differentiatecl front. theontrvofacade fì'ontingawillrtnlnlûìumstorey aretothatscale.foster'humatr Buildingsgtteet a0rtoacenfuniladj unit rhewittiendthe Atstreel.,signitìcant beshouldcolïelsoftÌreintersections, major: slreets iu order to minimize access problems and !o provide a h:ansition to iorver deirsity uses. 3 Highel deusily dwellings should be sited to + 2 s+ag ,l Ç*c6s f.qcË .tf¡{61€ per*t eÊ9D6ñ-r/A¡; - f€r,tAc"f l5 HAxrI 9't ux c:ç ffi(A lArvof-n N û.tfQøç. þc*ttor.¡ oF asTu Åcrrvrfi AFFA, - År¡- g)tLl¡'øs f W t9 \,3tAT?þ AÉ cr+ Ã9 0o$r lßtñ , 4. Multi-family delelopments adjacent to lowsr density or single dstached residential dwellings shoulcl: a) be consistent- in form ancl massing with the suruoundirrg area;b) be sited adjacent to majot' stleets to provide a transition,to lorver density uses; c) concguh'ate densily to t[:e ceufi'e of tlte development or towards a ,non-residenlial boundary,ar:d locate lorvcr densiry components: adjacent to lower dens,ity rc$idential uses; d) create a tralrsition in building lnass 'and t-ortlr towarcls tlte sêtitacks o,f the adjacent neighboulhood; Ð mininizc access conflicts; Ð be designed to maximize pr'ivacy and inilri¡nize views onlo acljoinilrg sites, patlictrlarly for portions of, the rlevelóplrent abuttittg the side yarcis of adjacent single detached resideniial ilses. -At¡ ùrurÎ, UAv6 ÞP€rî ù¿cÊ9lT', 6&kot Ar fFc'.n-w v sâc(yÀ&s concept; and c) incorpotate coruponelìts that express $tl'ong:unit iclentity attd incorporate dil'ect access to gra<Ie for ground*floor units. 5 rl ", \6t 't89 stutouuding neightl-ouriroorl commoû eletlents,such as form, a) lhe articr¡lation offacacies" using lvhere 6 design of lhe massing and tr¡ reinfotce ew ltseshoulddevelopments and elementsarchitectur¿rl fe¿tur:esthelïes, incorporatingby scale, meânsathintoasdesignproportion iuclucle:asbourhoodExarnplstabilityneigh elelnents sucli as porches,appropt'iate, chimneys, sbretþ ft-Ðo Éflr) \ l ¡ j i i I I I a 'fÊ'9 Yt - Acu GFrPAo¿ þR> A߀ A(l)r+YçRo* T1{q'/w€,øT, NloT vls,ú c) the location and Visual appearance ofgalages and/or par*ing faci liti es; d) tire selection ofapproptiate aud compatibleroof forms; and e) the design oflrard and soft landscaping' shape and nunrber of doorsb)plaçement¡ and rvindorvs; that are visible from 'à st{eet or public waikway ohorlld be coVered rvith exterior finishes to pr:qvide a finished appearançe !o public view. 7 exposed of balconies and porches watel: fi-om drain pipes into vegetatecl nrÈâs+âro encouraged. 8,to'use lheare provide visual intet:est a¡d repetition either within a row betwreelr adj acaflt row$ of units, arìatiou toencouragedu4it111 avoid significzurt ortownhouses,of Ar& 6AßAG¿ gödt AÊ,O Ar,JÞr/ Pßëtt\ FT/Þrr¿- 31&eúTs. w u¡l'Tâ AR$ €{TFA WrD6 .lð ?3ô,r tÞA æ Ãw fenrsT ÞØßt þltví 1kþ,wsot/.5 Àr.rÞ ?rDÉç16|tl5 ¡ç¡1v'6ç /.P\Ú '.1 11{h r"/\ N/À front facing garagc tloots 'ai:e unavoi.datrle, irnpact of garage door:s ,on the p-ublìc realnl shorild be rnitigated by: a) deiigning:residential urits with erough width to irrclude attractive entrances and windows be-fween garages; [:) recessing garage doors beliind the main building facade; c) keeping a sutTicient width in residential units to aliow tbe creation of attmctive entrances' atld fenestration between garages. d) gLouping gatage doors itr pairs between adjacent'units io allow building entTatrces ant{ facaclcs tnote plominence on the stleel; ,e) providing interior spaces that overlook tho street; fl separ:atittg and orientingunit entranccs to ths stleet; g) providing individual pedestrian rvalkways línked tö the street; h) ìncluding design details such as tlansom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a conpreltensive landscape ¡rlan that iclentifies how the visuaì impact of garage doors fïom the streel will be rnitigated' 10, the streets.:rot face r.rQl þÐtØ& ,11, Landscaping of is encouraged where vate outcloorto Lt" ) 7sØtroft?rv$6 ) -3 - ID€Þ, for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passelsby. ?øelrvNó' /gtPvtcrag \9 ft,ou 9ÌekT,î. LAì To1146 ee¿& æ fu B, \¡ehiclc r{ccess, Parliing artd Circulation Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the real ofbuildings, with access fì'om lanes wherevet possible, Where lane access is not possible, access should be fi'om streets via naffow clriveways to rninimize the impact on streetscape appearance arrd clisruption to pedeshian movement. I'r/AParking stluctures sliould be adequately screened and architechrrally cotnpatible with tlie resf of the building. Large surfaçe parking areas should be divided into smalier sections to avoicl a monotônous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, buiiding edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatrnetlt to enhance their visual appearance. 2. NA,3. Developrnents witlr large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathwây systgm through the parking area to facilitate convenient anc{ safe pedestdau access betweett building entfances, par*ed cars, and sidev¡alks of adjoining streets' Features such as special landscaping u'ith tl:ees and benches, overhead weather protection and distincl paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedesíian movemÈnt should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. ¡,/rt4. Shared vehicle access, betweeu adjoining sites should be cousidered where access for parking at the rear of the properfy is limited. Joint or sliared access should also be considered betweçn adjoining d.evelopments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalko and to maximize lanclscaping and pemeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. Loc{16Þ A, e,LorÊ, / ?o2>tAL.Ø T.o HAr¡l Í¿.øüc AßgAs iocate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilitics as close as possible to the main etltrallce to a building. 5. 6. Critne Prevention through Envit:ontnental Design (CPTED) princþles should be incorporated into tlte design ofall parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifrable and universally accessible açcess routes to buildirrg elttrânces, lobbies 01' othel' prìrrcipal areas of buildirrgs, and to g'ade level fiorn any uuderground or above ground parking stluctures. $] ltL Looì< lñ iro T!]7. To increase safery, consider nsing electronic security devices aud tnouitoring systetns asa 5 ) 4 emeut to natural oppol'tunities in parking shllctu:es and parking areas. amount of asphalt snrfaces lll al'eas should be minimized by integrating variefy of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using altetnate suffacô [reatments. a \€t - èrÉø t^rtDy-þç¿ ÍCAN' 9 Road gracles, streets, lanes, atrd drìveways shoui<l confonn to the existing grades as closely'as possible to cnsure milimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep teLtain, roads shorild be aligned, wherever possible, to tul pamllel rather than counter to, uafural colìtours and existing grades. Auu ÊoAus A€€ vÊ$Y ecos€ ¡o l¡Ai¿øAt- æ^r'¡?Ðl(s Éxtrrt Nê ôßADçl To MrNrMrzú uTl"tw. C. l,,autlsca¡ring and Ûpeu S¡rat:r: Landscapìng both within and outside the development should:a) provide deJinition for pedesñian comidors; b) delineate private arld semi private space from public space; Ð provide adeqr¡ate sct'eeuing between private outdoor spaces;d) present a pleasiug street image; e) provide suitable buffering befween public r:oad and privacy arleas; Ð soften the transition between adjacent land useslg) provide a buffer between residential and non- residential land uses; h) create, iuterestìtrg viervs and focal points irrto and out ofthe site; Ð reinfotce design eontinuity with neighbouring properties, tlte scale and massiug of btrildiugs' and the streetscape by providing consistencl in street ffees, plant matetials, and other landscaping elemeuts. I v n/* ^??eohtATe,r"Áirosco?e AffOR.S ARr,lßofo:eÞ ÞR 5ãraacr þ$ø^9 -to TrtØ N€rq¡1Ðt)fuñ6 To t t*¿ççp,5ç )Landscape drawings fbr developrnent applications should inclucle, but are not limited to, the following infor:nation: ") the locatiqn of matul'e and existing trees to be rstaincd ot' rettroved, lr) the locatiou of all protective tree fenciug; Ð a gradiug plan or closs section indicating fínished grade; and d) a dlailage plan for the site. v fi 3 Street trees will be a lequired component of all developrnent. Incorpolate deciduous tree species inio streetflont landscaping to define site boundaties, to enhance public space, and to permii light penetration in wititer. fteqîtf5 \ 5 ,//t t/ þJltL ¡¡e6¡ç t¡¡Tô Tñtg oñ€ rrsrËßêdprrôrtl ofvLY 4. Energy efficìency and consqrvation should bc co¡rsidered in the desigr¡ of landscapecl aleas and in the selection of plant matet'ial, Thìs catl be accomplished throngh: a) usingnative and/or.drought:iesistalttspecies; b) designing the landscapiug to moderâte the cff'ect of wincl; c) providiug shadq in sumnrer; d) allorving naful:al drainage to occur througltout thp site; e) allowirrg rlaylighl into buildings¡ a4d f) t:edirecting watel fronl roollop tunoff ancl downspor.tts iuto vegetated areas or rain barels for later imigation, use. ,B) Maintain continuot¡s landscaping along 1 abutting sfree-ts, and minimize the number of, n interruptions sueh as dt:ivç¡¡rutt and parking / ' çntra$ces. Continnç the sidcrvalk pavglnent f across dríveways andparking elrhances. v o^ltY ûN$ r'r¡f.B(ú?r5. Maintain conlint¡ous landscaping aloqg abuttlng :streêts and minimiZe the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking elltrauces. Continue the sidewalk pâvenlent aor:oss driveways aud parking entraoces. t^tÞ -9rTÉ -¡'ø ÀAr.¡c t+ pb{púÞ -ñ çe€Aff art AñÞ ?eo,J Vt>uAt- L^Í{OHA¿K ( v\>t0 ¡LtÎY. 6. Createvisual lanúnarks on signilìcant street cornet:s and at locatio¡rs of ltigli visibility. Provide landscaping and co¡sidel incorporatìng features such a.s fìag poles, banners, vìsual at't, etnêmental h'ees, fonntaitrs, ar'chitectural elenteuts, and landscape stïctute$. ñ/*'/. Any poriion of a builtlirrg site left vacant for futtire development should lje landscaped consistent witll the landscape plarr ,for' tlte overall site, The rninirnurrr grorurd surface'treatmcnt shoulcl be lawn. Where possible, the natural state ghould be retaineci for those portions of a property not being developed. ]q9 - Àe tÀ<scx Lc ?ø>>tôLØ 8, Iderrtif,, pl'eserve arrd incotporale startls of mattu'e t¡rees into the ovsrall site landscaping design. Retain unigue tree species, signifîcant vegetation, natural landscape featurrs and rrestittg ateas on a site wire-rever possible. To attain this objectìve, prior to the design of a prgject, a detailed Survey plepared by a qualihecl professiorral indicating thc location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conrlucted ancl provideci to the District as part of the development application prooess. Existing vegetatiou slronld be enhanced rvith new pianting wherever constt'uctiot] activity has destroyed vegetatioir. Replanting with indigenous 9 / Õ¡J A cp¿errAc¡¡J t.p P'lÀet, ÂJ(t Þ6k 6' iltdq \ -6- .!. or' lìative species is eucout:aged. b@atsqtÊs .l t4a,¡¡ 6^k06, ßoutÞ¿c> 10. Consider incorporating t'ain gardeus and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater nrnoff from paved aleas into the glound. height and location of a landscape screcn shonld ensule thah Ð privacy to adjaoent properties is adequately ,protected; b) driving site lines are rnaiutained from adjacent roads, ntaltoeuvring aisles, parkiug lots; and c) the quality ofthe streetscape and outdoot living spaces is enhanced. ll 12, Maxirnize the anrount of landscaped al'eas and rninitnize the amount of impervìous paved sulfaces to increase tbe rratural absolptiorr of raitlwater on a site. J6vçR6vY wÉÞ s$ø Ð. Universrrtly Àccessiblc DesÍgn All non-vehiculat routes should be fully aceessible. Sidewalks and pathways sh-ould be wide enough for wheelchair/scootet:s ancl should include a tactile strip fot' the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and culb let:downs shor¡ld be provided ìn appropr:iate locations to facilitate safe, cofVenient, and direct açcess frotn parking $paÇes to buildings for: people with disabilities. l.rof *ur¡AV> WtïLM ¡,o ?î6 6{LâOtt / 2. Building entries should be: a) clearþ addressed with large numberu visiblc from the street; b) directly accessed frour tho street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minirnum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both ilrside and outside of doorways; and d) provided witb weatlter protectìon, exterior lighting, aud power-assisted door opeûers. A. Iìcfirse, Ilecycling ¡ntl $ervicc ¡\t'eas trnteglale vents, ntechanical looms, lnechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the loof design or screen with rnaterials and finishes cornpatible with fhe overall architecttual design. The clesign of a roof, placement of mechanical units and sateilite dishes, etc. should take injo account views of the roof tì'om adjacent buildings, 2 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be a) easiiy accessible; \ n ),.//b) appropriately sized for tlie building occnpants; c) contained rvithin roofed/walledenclosures; d) iircoryorated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public vierv an<i weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundarìes of each site. rt /+, 4. Service areas should be intetnalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, comlnon refuse, t'ecycling and sen¿iee areas ale to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from rnost buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate nranoeuvling space for'removal vehicles. NÁ 5. Enclose or sct'epn all exterior meehanical units or eqnipnrent; including rooftop units, equiprnent, and satellite dishes within upper flool.s or stntctures that from part orr¡r eyer:ail design of a developtneut, ñ /4, 6. Locate building ventilation systems away ftiotn pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces to minirnize noise a¡rd exhaust in these areas and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources ofnoise. Iv 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed lnaximize sould attenuatiott:a) between units;b) berween public roads aud rnits; atrd c) between adjacent land uses and units. Ii. $iignagc attd Lighting l. All signage must conform ta the Møple Ridge Sign Bylatu. ltr the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. hu- u*teBttL> fØt Cø¡¿?mþG¿ 2. Signage design, tnaterials and message should be integrateci and complemetrt the scale anci arciritectural detail of the building. 3. Pedèstrian level lighting is eircouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have uo direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure lhat lighting glare does not pose a nttìsance to adiacent r:esidences, pedestriarrs, or l.notorists. *36 ) -8- tÀJ Pf V t,Þrr l\- çtcv Lt\ l, WOJtttþ t>/t¡J ç AIO?)tz6Ù 6/i,eAâ1 {i, Bic-vcle Ptrliiug and fitorngc Short tetm ancl long terrn bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Shofi term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or prlblic roacls with bicycle racks nrade of sturdy, thefrresistaut material tllat is secu¡ely anchored to the floor or ground, Lotlger ternr bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. 1 Architect Name/ComPanY Municipal File No.2ôil-O13 - Plan Descriptiotr:t5 z F{RKt*.râ Al€ u €f? bcl-cte APcrttrc c'Tûf?t' l\¡ c, ylfi?t 6 ßtOG'e )P.CL ?aeea l, a,e, (t e;l 16597, Rúv1. wT 3 R¡¡'t fr2st ,4¡ro 9 fl.AN ?-3 +S6 Project No.tx-l Signatitre -9 PROJECT DIRECTORY CLIENT Homesite Developments (Zeron) 2201 -204A, Street Langley, B.C. V22 2A2t.604-534-1234 f.604-530_951 0 ARCHITECTURAL Atelier Pacific Architecture lnc #109 - 131 Water Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4M3t.604-662-8689 f.604-662-8655 LANDSCAPE / ARBORIST G, Kavolinas & Associates lnc. 2462 Jonquil Court, Abbotsford, BC, V3c 3E8t. 604-850-2368 f. 604-850-2369 CIVIL ENGINEER Damax Consúltants Ltd. #103-1600 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1R3t.604-224-6827 f.604-689-3880 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Geo Pacific Gonsultants Ltd.#410-1200 West 73rd AvenueVancouver, BC V6P 6Gs1.604-439-0922 f.604-439-9198 ENVIRON M ENTAL Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd. #103-1600 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1R31.604-689-3888 f.604-689_3880 SURVEYOR James R, Enders 20412 Douglas Crescent Langley, B.C. V3A 484 1.604-533-4ô66 APPENDIX D suBtrilsstoN <f, clc! TUzf'-) U .E U f!Uo! =UL ro .,]:. '-='i: o a) r¡ G l]l a ul ';i n* r-lj ù: L *_i REVISEE}E}EVELOPNfiENT PERNfi¡T - ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL 1 :lF:tî l i -t -t l ?I A 1O4TH AVE )l: tÌJ I .É'ltI --l ) -l -I ; ')Þr¡. L l.J 4 -J I 1 *_.,t t lxl***r: h Site Reconciliation LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: Parcel A Exp Plan 16557, Rem Lot 3 Plan 3825, And Lot e Plan 2s4s6 SITE LOCATION: 1051s / 10595 24oth Street & 23950 Zeron Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. (West of 240th street and north of 104th avenue) PROPOSED ZONING: BM-1 PROPOSED HOUSING TYPE: 52 Townhouse units (in 4 to 6 unit clusters) GROSS S lT E AREA: 1s,Bo4 sq.m (213,122 sq.ft.) DEDUGTIONST GONSERVATION:3,06ô.7 sq, m (33,009.ô sq.f t.) ROADS: 764.0 sq. m (8,224.0 sq.ft.) NET SITE AREA: t5,szs.6 sq.m (171,e38,4 sq.fr.) PROPOSED GROSS FLOOR AREA (FSR): 7,e61.ô sq.m (Bs,6ez,e sq.ft.) (Total area of allthe floors, measured to the extreme outer limits of the building, excluding the habitable basement areas that can be excluded (up to 50 sq,m./unit) PROPOSED GROSS FLOOR AREA (MARKETING)= 1o,142.2 sq.m (10e,16e.7 sq.ft,)(Total area of all the floors, measured to the extreme outeT limits of the building) GROSS FLOOR AREA (FSR) CALCU LATIONS (EXCLUDING GARAGES) : PARKING: Resident Parking Spaces: Visito¡ Parkin g Spaces: Disabled Parking Spaces: REOUIRED 1 04 spaces @ 2 spaces/unit ''l 0.4 spaces @0,2 spaces/unit lspace PROVI DED 104 spaces (all side x side garage parking) '11 spaces ?-sPace LOWER FLOOR (BSMNT) BSMNT FLOOR (MtNUS MAX. 50 S.M. EXCLUSTON) UNIT TYPE G 34.7 S.M. 0.0 s.tvl . UNIT TYPE C2 26.4 S.M. 0 0 s.t\4. UNIOT TYPE G 62.0 S.M. 1 2.0 S.M UNIT TYPE G2 60.4 S.M. 't 0.4 s M OPEN SPACE: Common Activity Area:260 sq.m @ 5 sq,m,/unit(conform part of useab e Ðpen space requiremef t) Useable Open Space: 2,340 sq.m @ 45 sq.m.lunit BUILDING HEIGHTT ro.sm and 2.s sloreys SETBAGKSI F RO NT:7,5m REAR: 7.5m INTERIOR LOT LINE: 4.5m & ô.0m PROVI DED 24% 0.498 273 sq.m 2,362 sq.m. (includes 2ô0 sq.m.of common activity area contributing towards useable open space) 10.5m to 12.05m - some height variances required 2.5 storeys 4.5m (24O Street) 7.$m (Existing Residential lZeron Avenue) to Unit 10G2 5.5m (lnterior Lot -North) to Unit 28C & 29G 5.5 & 6,0m (lnterior Lot-South-Enviro, Area)to Unit 52G,1 C,7G2,8c2,9c2, 1 0c2 MAIN FLOOR 69.9 S.M. 86.7 S,M, UPPER FLOOR 69.9 S.IV, 69-9 S. M. uNrT SUBToTAL (FSR) 139.8 S.M. 156.5 S.M. uN¡T SUBTOTAL (MARKETTNG) 174.4 S.M. 'r82 9 S.M. UNIT GOUNT 18 6 G,F.A. (MrNUs pARKTNG AREA) 2,516.4 S.M. 939.6 S.M. G.F.A. (MARXET|NG) 3,139.2 S.M. 1,097.4 S.M. TOTAL G.F.A. (MINUS PARKING AREA) = 7,961,6 SQ.M. ** **Excludes a maximum of 50.0 sq.m. oJ habitable basement area. FSR = cFA n¡rtNus pARt{tNc AREA _ 7,961,6 se.lrl, = n ,qnNET LOT AREA - 15,973.6 REQUIRED BUILDING HEIGHT VARIANCES 755SM 74.8 S.M 162.2 a4 a a 24 3,892.8 S.M 5,092.8 S.t\4 70.7 S.M 72 1St\4 153.2 S. M 203.2 S. M S.M S.M SITE GOVERAGE GROSS DENSITY: REEUIRED NiA FSB:0.ô0 6'f aJt Ll 2.8 S.M 2.8 S.M BUILDING A BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING NONE REQUIRED NOt¡E REOUIRED NONE REQUIRED UNIT 17C2 - 1.54m BUILDING '72' BUILDING '82' BUILDING '92' UNIT 35G UNIT 36G UN¡T 37G UNIT 38G UNIT 39G UNIT 4OG U NIT 41G UNIT 42G UNIT 43G UNIT 44G UNIT 45G UNIT 46G UNIT 47G - UNIT 48G - .1X' ,2Yt ¡3Xt .4W' 0.2m 0.2m A.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m 0.2m UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UN¡T 19C2 - 1 20c2 - 1 21C2 - I 22C2 - 1 54m 54 54 54 54 m m m m BUILDING ¡5X' BUILDING '62' NONE REQUIRED UNIT 29c - 0.2m UNIT 30c - 0.2m UNIT 31G - A.2m UNIT 32G - 0.2m UNIT 33G - 0.2m UNIT 34G - 0.2m I T I a Gro treet & 23950 Ze¡on Aven Uêt Aven [/IESIÏE D ËVELOPMENTS AMAX CONSULTANTS -l 1 051 s 240rh s ATELIER .ARCHITECTURE INC. !i ;Ii I-l l l l -l I I l --l I l -t I Il I l l) 1 MUNICIPAL CONFORMANCE Permit Area Design Guidelines for residential and buÌldings as well as Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines. form of development is gulded by the five cornerstone principles of the Maple Ridge Otficial Commun¡ty Plan: Environment First - Land informs development. S ustainable Approaches - Balance between environmental, social & economic benef its. environment and setting as¡de a larger open space for the benefit of the residents and the community at large. Project adopts Best Management Pract¡ces (BMPs) throughout. Adaptability - lncremental grovrth and chang¡ng market trends, Form of development proposes a mix of 52 ground-oriented townhouse units of approx¡mately 2,000sf each, grouped into eleven clusters of 4- to 6-units of place'. Form of Development. bou rhood. l.ìJ J j ¡ -l -l I x --J l x "-J Context / Desi n Rationale I l l i I -.l Ì ) -1 l I j ) I . -l iJ ì 4 l ¡ SITE CONTEXT down along 240th Street to provide some nice southerly vistas. The property is bordered by: . to the north, by existing single family development and existing municipal trail o to the east, by 240th Street o to the west, by Zeron Avenue and existing single family development o to the south, by environmental area i undeveloped private property The 213, 172 sq.ft. site is longer and narrow in the north / south direction taking advantage of the east / west exposure, ENVI RONMENTAL SUSTAINAB¡ LITY Sustainable Sites underground parkade will help create a more concerted effort to reduce the amount of vehicle traffic on sile. Water Efficiency naturalized plants that require no irrigation after eslablishment. Within the building, low flow fixtures wìll be specified, 5 I ì ' J i 1 *,1 ll 1J 6 #. PROGRAMME The proposed Project would require rezoning to Rlvl-1 to allow for 52 two-and-half-storey * townhomes grouPed into four- to six-unit buildìngs. Adjacentto the building, there is a large landscaped Common Outdoor Amenity Area comPlete with children's plaYground equiptment ans some Picnic I :., .. tt -f,ú ,.tr.a,'h.ü. :_6:ì, r-SEMI-PRjVATE FRONT YARDS WITH FENEEgi ANÞ G¡A,TES¡: tables and seating for the adults. Each of the units has an enclosed two-car garage (side-by-side. There are no tandem garages anywhere on site, Vistitor parking is distributed evenly around the site. All of the proposed units would have maìn pedestrian entry either off 240th Street or off the landscaped amenity area. These would serve as prìmary unit entries for pedestrian access - complete with front yard, fence, and individual gate, A secondary unit entry would be provided on the opposite side backìng out onto the landscaped amenity area or into fully fenced, private rear Yards. toNS ¡".'(}ri 1..^. .! . LANDsEApE sralRs / LANÞscAPlNG AT ERADT ,TR.A.N 5I T Ic] N 5 There are three unit types of sìmilar size, approximately 1,700sq.ft. to 2,000 sq.ft, in area, with at least three bedrooms, a flex room and an open concept great room i kitchen combination. All units have access to private outdoor space including oversized sundecks and patios as well as fenced and landscaped f ront or rear Yards. ln addition, the proposed programme for the site includes semi-private and public amenities, The project site would feature three pedestrian entry plazas / landmarks - a main one, mid-block of development along 24OIn Street, adjacent to vehicular site entry, and two more at north and south ends of the site. The residents would also be able to enjoy 2,900 sq,ft of outdoor amenity space complete with a children play area, magnolia courtyard and trellised seating area as well as a through-site walkway. The project would also incorporate public Jmenities into the development such as a landscaped detention / bio-filtration pond and almost one acre of new parkland (0.9 acre). MA,XIMIZINEi EN LA'NDStrAPING OPPc]RTUNITITsi IN SIDE YARDEi I, ¡.-: i'. a- .|.': T II a .i -l SITE Vì/A,LKWAY 1. - -lg.a ,. 'T .l!ol + c ').*-t ffirrY'l:, ' : N--,# 1ì . ':.'7 NATURAL, PERMEAElLE 5UR E5 EN SITE ELASSIB, trRlsP & trLEAN LrNEs & M,A.TtRla,L TRANS¡TIffN5... lnspirations / Archit.ecturll Aestheti_cs The architectural aesthelics of the proposed project takes its cues from the architectural style i language of the Pacific west coast. It uses a simple yet elegant building form topped by a gable roof accented by shed dormers. The simple roof form focuses the eye on the building elevation features allowing the detai ls and materials to come through, placing a special emphasìs on material transitions. Although Aits and Crafts inspired, the proposed architectural language would use contemporary details in the form of off-centred guOte róof forms, stanted wood posts, and large windows and simple ñrullions to arrive at a much crìsper West Coast interpretation,tì, J ffi &ã Buildings are designed to front or have the appearance of fronting onto a public road through direct pedestrian access from the sidewalk and through appropriate treatment of exterio rs. The project would see the use of 'noble materials'throughout such as stone and stai ned & sealed wood, combined with aWest Coast colour and material palette, Wood fascias and details, painted wood trims and reinforced-fibre cement cladding would complement more permanent / solid materlals such as stone' The juxtaposition of the solid would be offset by a substantial us"'ot glazing on front and rear elevations to take maxì mum advantaþe of ñatural light as well as the spectacular views' The building height measures two- and three-stories above finished graãe. Thê two storey aspect is more suitable for a hilly site and helps to better relate to a human scale, especially on a site that will see a fair amount of pedestrian traffic, ln order to break up the building massing, and to better navigate grade mi, 11i:. 1, ...íli :ij tr.[] R J -l l l _J .l l *J ," -,..jt each of the buildings has 2'-0" to 2'-6" steps, The roofs would be simple and low-pitched with large overhanging eaves, and ample covered areas to allow for protection from and functionality during lhe West Coast weather, The project also proposes the use of significant amounts of native landscaping that reflect the surrounding natural setting. lt includes large, landscaped semi-private open space and playground overlookìng the the southerly vistas; access to surroundìng public outdoor amenities such as trails and extensive private outdoor space complete with view sundecks, covered front porches and rear yard patios surrounded by landscaped front and rear yards. PARKA.DE ENTRANtrE AÞJACENT TT] LANDSEAPEO / RETA|NtÞ FRoNT yARDs./ tNDtvtDUAL ENTRIES REA,R YARDS STPARATEÞ E¡Y SITE \¡r'ALKW.A.Y :l RtA.R yARD sEMI-covtRED p,a.TtEs / LEw ptrEHEÞ RcfoFâ / trONTEMPERARY INTERPRETATIDN EF TRÂ.ÞITIONAL MA,TERIALS n o lia 10s1s I 1059s,:. Buildin Colour SchemesI LEGEND .,/\ffi fr-=-l:ri,i:iiii ffiffiE co co co co co LO LO LO LO LO UR UR UR UB UR SCHEME I SCHEttilE 2 SCHEME 3 SCHEHE 4 SCHEME 5-.::'--- =¿ \r., \1.\\ 1 .,,1 ,":ri>'\".*\*.,. 4J:: -.,.."--- ,-4l. -.--:tr ) I ,] ' I 1 i l I 1 i l I I -t i I -l ì J IIJ ì ,l i l I_t ) I f.J tI ¡ "l ll q I iili- INTERNÂ, ROADINTERNÂL ROADINTERNÀL ROAD]NîERNÁL ROAD ----_l 1--" Y lv =j- ¡ 5Ii¡ ¡¡tit i' ll tuJI r #¡ I PI ffin' rtrFr:t^r--ñn.-a=.,- ! ::1!"fr, I ç@L0Ë5R SCFTEHdIE 1 2 PROF¡LED ARCHITECTURAL FIBÊRGtASS ASPHALT SHINGLÊS. PABCO, COLOUR: WEATHERËD WOOD 5 6 7 FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY SEALED, SIKKENS CETOL I COLOUR: BUTÍERNUT #072 VINYL SIDING #3: WEATHERËD STAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: VINÍAGE TAUPE #820 PERFORATED VINYL SOFFITS,GENTEK, BEADED & VEñTED, COLOUR: PEBBLE wrNDow + DooR TRrMs. 4 a BEAMs. KNEE BRAcKETs, I I BARGE EOARDS, PTD BENJAMIN MOORE, COLoUR; HAZY sKlEs, 0C-48 ALLAN BLOCK, A8 COLLECTION, AB ASHLAR, COLOUR: TBCI 12 NYL SIDING #'l.VERTICAL, ENTEK, COLOUR; DSWEPI SMOKE #651 t'¡YL StDtilG #2- RIZO NIA L, STAINED & SEALED, SIKKENS CETOL 1, COLOUR; CEOAR SHAKE, "O'"0 * 1 O FENCING I TRELLISES / PRIVACY SCREENS / SOLID COLOUR ACRYLIC LATEX STAIN, GEN. PN"Í, PLATIÑUM SERlEs, COLOUR: BLACK CULTURED STONE VENEER:¡XL, ELDORADO SIACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE PRECAST CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY 11 14 15 VINYL WINOOW FRAMES, COLoUR; BEIGE3 4 COLOUR; WH EAT f66O CEDAR OR FIR CLAD 'O"', $ . vENr cAPs / L'GHT I 6FIXTURE MOUNTS / BLOCK MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SU RROU N DII{ G MATERIAL ALUMINUM RAILINGS / GUTTERS / RWLs /FLASHINGS, COLOUR: BLACK ) I l *.1 vs' ó-. EOLTUR SCHEft#E -l I 2 ILED ARCHITECTURAL SS ASPHALT 5 NGLES - PABCO, COLOUR; ED WOOD FIBER REINFORCED C ON C RETE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY vtilYL slDlNG f3: I¡VEATH ERED SlAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: VINTAGE TATJPE #820 I 11 WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS. BEAMS, KNEE BRACKETS,13 BARGE BOARDS, PTD gENJAMIN MOORE, COLOUR: HAZY SKIES, OC"48 GARAGE DOORS. NORHT 14DOORS, THERMA CLASSIC R.SERIËS, PTD., COLOUR, BENJAMIN MOORE, DESÊRT TWtLtcHt #2137.40 CULTURED STONE VENEER:lXL, ELD0RADO STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE 15 ALLAN BLOCK, AB CO L LECTI ON, AB ASHLAR, COL0UR: TBC L SIDIt,¡G I1-VERTICAL, EK, COLOUR; NDSWEPT SMOKE #651 L SIDING #2. O RIZO NTAL, K, COLOUR; T WHEAT #660 OR FIR CLAÐ ED & SEALED, TOL 1, COLOUR; BUTTERN UT #072 ::llå,:¡"îî?-ïåi\'.î î 1 0 COLOUR; BUTTERNUT #072 6 7 PRECAST CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAT{D GRAY 3 PERFORATED VINYL 4 N SOFFITS,GENTEK, BEADED I á & VENTED, C0LOUR: PEBBLE VENT CAPS / LIGHT 4 Ê, FIXTURE MOI,JNTS i BLOCK I lu IiIOUNTS - FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SIfE TO MATCH SURROUNOING MAfERIAL VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, COLOURI BEIGE ENTRYDOORS-3PANEL FIBERGLASS DOOR, STYTE: WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED INSERT & SIDELITES, COLOUR: OAK TONE 4 - 'a . I ,1iiR,8 I *_l c(}r-(}uH ScHEME I PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL FIBERGLASS ASPHALT SHINGLES. PABCO, COLOUR: WEATHERED WOOD FIBER REINFORCED CO N C RETE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY I :Eilå,:3,ü?-iålf.i i, I 0 COLOUR: BUTTERNUT #072 VINYL SIDII'¡G #3: WEATHEREÐ STAGGÊRED SIIAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 PERFORATED VIt,IYL SOFFITS,GENTEK, BEADED & VENTED, COLOUR; PEBBLE12 WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS, BEAMS, KNÉE BRACKETS, BARGE BOARDS, PTD BENJAMIN MOORE, COLOUR: HAzY SKIES, oC'48 FENCING / TRELLISES / PRIVACY SCREENS / SOLID COLOUR ACRYLIC LATEX STAIN, GEN, PNT, PLATINUM SERIES, C0LoUR: BLACK CULTURED STONE VENEER:IXL, ELDORADO STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE 13 15 ALLAN BLOCK, AB COLLECTION AB ASHLAR, COLOUR: TBC 1 2 1173 4 5 VINYL SIDING fl-VERTICAL,6ENTEK, COLOUR; #628 slD|NG #2. RIZO t{TAL, COLOUR DSWEPT #65,I CEDAR OR FIR CLAD POSTS, STAINED & SÊALED, SIKKENS CETOL 1, COLOURi BUTTERNUT #072 I PRECAST CONCRETE S1ÀIRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES. COLOUR:8EIGE ff#,;åä',ifJl,o.* I g MOUNTS . FACIORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATER¡AL ALUMINUM RAILINGS / GUITERS / RWLs IFLASHINGS, cOLoUR: BLACK :i_j ffit w ffi w -l ,,'¡.-.';'' l l 1 .,j G0t0n¡f; SGHEmdlE -l ll ,l 1 2 5 wooD NYL SIDING Il.VERTICAL,6COLO U R; EBELE #628 INYL SIDING #2. ORIZO NTAL, COLO UR; sMoKE #651 ROFILED ARCH¡TECTURAL IBERGLASS ASPHALT HINGLES . PABCO, COLOUR: R oR FrR cLAD posrs, fl ED e SEALED, StXXer¡Sv 1, COLOUR; RNUT #072 FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS, CÉDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY VINYL SIDING f3: WEAlHERED STAGGERÊD SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS, A ''BEAMs, KNEE BRAcKETs, I J ALLAN BLOCK, AB CO LLECTI ON, AB ASHLAR, COLoUR: TBC cEDAR SHAKE. rtorHeo ¿ 'l fì SEALED, SIKKENS CCTOL 1, . - c0LOUR: BUTTERNUT #072 BARGE BOARDS, PID BENJAMIN MOORE, C0LOUR: HAZY SKIES, 0C'18 GARAGE DOORS . NORHT WESÌ DOORS, THÊRMA PRECAST CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY VIi{YL WINDOW FRAMES, coLoUR: BEIGE I 1 '42 14 CLASSIC R.SERIES, PTD., COLOUR BENJAMIN MOORE, OESERT TWtLtGHT #2137-40 CULTURED SlONE l5NEER:lXL, ELDORADo173 4 PERFORATED VINYL SOFFITS,GENTËK, BEADED8 NIED. COLOUR: PÊBBLE STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE vENr cAPs / Lrcnr 4 C, FrxruRE MouNTs l gLocr I f, MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTÊD ENTRY DOORS.3 PANEL FIBERGLASS DOOR, STYLE; WOoD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED INSERT E SIDELITES, colouR: 0AK TONE R PAINTED ON SITE TO MÀTCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL ffi H ffi tr e@rt [.FR SGÞüETfiE l -_l j I *l 1 2 PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL F¡BERGLASS ASPHATT SHINGLES. PABCO, COLOUR: WEATHERED WOOD VINYL SIDING #1.VERTICAL, GENTEK, COLOUR; CANYOt¡ CLAY f088 L SIDING f2. O RIZO NTAL, K, COLOUR; EBBLE #628 CEDAR OR FIR CLAD POSTS, STAINED & SEALED, SIKKENS CETOL 1, COLOUR; 5 6 FIBER REINFORCED CONC R ETE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY I CEDAR SHAKE. STAINED & I 'ISEALED, SIKKENS CETOL I, I U COLOUR: BUTTERNUT #072 VINYL SIDING #3: WÊATHERED STAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS, À¡a¡,rs. xrurr BRAcKEis. I 1BARGE BOARDS, PTD I ! BETIJAMIN MOORE, COLoUR; HAZY SKIES, OC-48 Fãi,iii iåå::h'ii:å,,, 1 4 ALLÀÑ 8LOCK, A8 COLLECTION AB ASHLAR, COLoUR: TBC 3 11 COLOUR ACRYLIC LATEX STAIN, GEN, PNT. PLATINUM SERIES, COLOUR: BLACK CULTURED SIONE VENEER:IXL. ELDORAÐO STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE PRECAST CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, coLol,JRi BEIGE15 4 7 I 12PERFORAIED VII'¡YL SOFFITS,GENTEK, BEADEO & VENTED. cOLOUR: PEBBLE I''Jli,;åi%"ifJl'-o.*'l g MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SIfE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL ALUMINUM RAILINGS I GUIÎERS / RWLs /FLASHINGS, COLoUR: BLACK t.:irEmi-øldElrirelglsl ffi ffi ffi e TURE Rq\ I : c0E-g&¡ffi scÞüEffiE -t .- --i I 1 2 FILED ARCHITECTURAL IBERGLASS ASPHALT LES. PABCO, COLOUR: wooD SIDING fI.VERTICAL, NTEK, COLOUR; NYON CLAY #088 NYL SIDING #2. RIZONTAL, COLOU R 1, C0LOUR; #072 3:iiå,:i,îi?',¡,'å!îãî i I 0 COLoUR: BUTTERNUT #072 GARAGE DOORS - NORHT WEST DOORS, THERMA PRECASf CONCRETE STAI R S PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES. COLOUR: BEIGE 5 FIBER REINFORCED CO NC RETE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISII, IRON GRAY VINYL SIDING #3i WEATHERED STAGGEREO SHAKE, COLOUR: SEAS¡DE GRAY #825 wlNDow + DOOR TRIMS, a 4 BÊAMS. KNEE BRACKETS, I J BARGE BOARDS, PTD BENJAII,IIN MOORE, COLOUR: HAZY SKIES, OC-48 ALLAN BLOCK, AB CO L LECTIO N, AB ASHLAR, COLOUR: TBC9 6 7 14 3 11 CLASSIC R.SERIES, PTD., COLOUR BENJAMIN MOORE, DESERf TWtLtGHT #21 37.40 CULIURED STONE VENEER:lXL, EL0ORA0O STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE 15 4 OR FIR CLAD POSTS, R D & SEALED, SIKKÊNSV PERFORATED VINYL 4 'SOFFITS,GENTEK, BEADED I ¡É & VENTED, C0LOUR: PEBBLE VENT CAPS i LIGHT 'I C FIXIURE MOUNTS i BLOCK I 9 MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATE RIAL ENTRYDOORS.3PANEL FIBERGLASS DOOR, STYLE: WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED INSERl & SIDELIIES, C0LOI,JR: OAK TONE I 'I CTLOUR 5GÞfi8ft!Ë .!;.¡_-j:..rr..r- ì1. . .Ì:r I ;'_.-,:Ì-,:.,,Ì i"' ':rr,-,.i!. l l l -l l1 J ) FIBER REINFORCED CO N C RÊTE PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH IRON GRAY SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 WINDOW + DO0R TRIMS, BEAMS, KNEE BRACKETS, BARGE BOARDS, PTD BENJAMIN MOORE, CoLOUR: HAZY SKIES, 0C-48 GARAGÊ DOORS. NORHT 14T DOORS, THERMA CLASSIC R'SERIES, PTD., COLOIJR, -. : BEI'IJAMIN MOORE, DESERT TWtLtGHT #21 37-40 ALLAN BLOCK, AB CO LLECTIO N, AB ASHLAR, coloUR: TBc 2 73 4 SIDING #l.VERIICAL IZONTAL, K, COLOUR; 6 T WHEAT 1660 L SIDING d2. ORIZO NTAL, K, COLOUR; sMoKE f651 OR FIR CLAD POSTS,I& SEALED. SIKKENS 1, COLOUR; ERNUT #072 CEDAR SHAKE. STAINED & ,I Iì SEALED, SIKKENS CETOL 1 V CoLOUR: BUTTERNUT #072 VINYL slDlNG f3: 4 4 WEAIHERED STAGGEREO I ¡CULTURED STONE ,I ñ VENEER:IXL, ELDORADO I \, STACKED STONE, COLOIJR: PRECAST CONCRETÊ STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, COLOUR: BEIGE NTA FE PERFORATED VINYL 4 N soFFtTs,GENtÊK, BEA0ED | ¡f. & VENTED, COLOUR: PEBBLE IiJ+i;åi'."ifJl'o.^ 1 6 MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTEO ON SITE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL ENTRYDOORS-3PANEL FIBERGLASS D0OR, STYLE: WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED TNSERT & SIDELITES, coLOUR: OAK TONE CO¡-TUR SGFTEM E -t 1 2 PROFILED ARCHITECTURAL BERGLASS ASPHALT 5 GLES. PABCO, COLOUR: EATHERED WOOD FIBER REINFORCED C O NC RETÊ 9/9 A wlltDOW + DOOR TRIMS, I t, BEAMS, KNEE BRACKEfS, I O BARGE BOARÐS, PTD BENJAMIN MOORE, COLoUR: HAZY SKIES, OC'48 & GARAGE DooRs-NoRHT- I 4 WESI DOORS, THERMA CLASSIC R-SERIES, PTD., COLOUR' BENJAMIN MOORE, DESERT TWILTGHT #21 37-40 CULTURED STONE VENEERiIxL, ELD0RAD0 STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE 15 NYL STDTNG fl.vERTlcAL 6 H ORIZO NTAL,3:îlå, :3,i[?,ïåiî'.î î, 1 0 COLOUR: EUTTERNUT f072 PANELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY VINYL SIDING #3: WEATHERED STAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 ALLAN BLOCK, AB c0 LLÊcfl 0 N, AB ASHLAR, coLOUR: TBC PRECAST CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, COLoUR; BEIGE ENTRY DOORS.3 PANEL FIBERGLASS DOOR, STYLE: WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED INSERT & SIDELITES, COLOUR: OAK TONE C OLOU R: WHEAT f66O stDlNG #2. ENTEK, COLOURI NDSWEPT SMOKE #651 11 ñINì -.1\\ 3 4 CEDAR TAINE OR FIR GLAD D & SEALED, 1, COLOUR;t\f2 7 ,1îilî,8 ':i h::*nr¡:t#tlå,o0,, 12 I a vENTED, coLouR: PEBBLE vENr cAPs i LrcHT 4 A FtxTURE MouNTs I eLocr I v MOUNTS . FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SU RROU N DIN G MATER IAL M .l ri r pe GOt(}¡,¡R SGHEFdf E ':,t- i-. 1..- ,: :.:ì ' ':,1 .. l i 1 i ROFILED ARCHITECTURAL l8niå*i?'J'o*"' 9/9A PAI{ELS, CEDARMILL FINISH, IRON GRAY cEDAR sHAKÊ. srnn ro * 'l lì SEALEO, SIKKENS CEIOL 1, . - cOLOUR: BUTTERNI,T #072 WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS, BÊAMS, K¡¡EE BRACKETS,13 BARGE BOARDS, PTD BENJAMIN MOORE, cOLOUR: HAZY SKIES, 0C.48 & ALLAN BLOCK, AB CO LLE CTI O N, AB ASHLAR, COLoUR: TBC 2 3 I I I I I [r'l:,;slH*':.u'n'''o'. g I I I I I ËËi',ìËi,ðóiıu*'I I I I I XcrlvorlcLrv ro¡sL¡J*¡ HINGLES NYL SIDING 12- ORIZONTAL, CO LOU R S ASPHALT. PABCO, COLOUR: D WOOD cARAGE DooRs . ronnr- 'l y', wEsr DooRs, THERMA ! r cLASSIC R-SERIES, PTD., C0LOUR, .. BENJAMIN MOORE, DESERT TWtLtGHT #2137"40 cuLruRED sroNE 4 h verueen,txt-, ELooRADo I r' STACKED STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE vENT cAPs i Lrcgr ,l C FrxruRE MouNTs i gr-ocr I v MOUNIS. FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL PRECAST CONCREIE STA IRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, COLOUR: BEIGEVINYL SIDIIiG Í3: WEATHERED STAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY #825 & VENTED, COL0UR: PEBBLE 171 sMoKE #651 4 oR FrR cLAD posrs. R D & SEALED. SlXXet'Sv 1, COLOUR; PERFoRATED vrNYL 4 n soFFTTs,GENTEK, ge¡o¡o I Á ENTRYDOORS-sPANEL FIBERGLASS DOOR, STYLE; WOOD GRAIN, MISSION, WITH GLAZED II{SERT & SIDELITES, COLoUR: OAK TONERN UT #072 'e( cilr -t ì ,i l1tlll ,. -J ,l ffiH GOLTUM SCHEMTE l -- .ì 'l BERGLA ARC H ITECTU RAL SS ASPHALT. PA8CO, COLOUR: 5 G LES EATHERED WOOD SIDING #1 "VERTICAL 6H ORIZO NTAL, NTEK, COLOUR: NYON CLAY #088 IYL StDtNG #2-7RIZONTAL, coL0uR; T SMOKE #651 R OR FIR CLAD PîiH,;8TAINED & SEALED, SI I, COLOUR RNUT #072 FIBER REINFORCED CO N C RETÊ PANELS, CËDARI/IILL IRON GRAY J WINDOW + DOOR TRIMS. A TI BEAMs. KNEÊ ¡nlcxers, I J BARGE BOARDS, PID BENJAI\,IIN MOORÊ, COLOURT HAZY SKIES, OC-48 e ALLAN BLOCK, AB COLLE CTIO N, AB ASHLAR, COLOUR: TBC9 /9A FIN IS H, $ 2 3 4 cEDAR sHAKE. srnrreo a 'l ll sEALED, srKKENs cerol 1, t v COLOUR: BUTTERNUT #072 VINYL SIDING #3: WEATHERED STAGGERED SHAKE, COLOUR: SEASIDE GRAY 1825 PERFoRATED vrNYL 4 e, SOFFITS,GENTEK, g¡IOCO I Á & VENTED, c0LoUR: PEBBLE GARAGE DOORS . NORHT 14ST DOORS, THERMA CLASSIC R.SERIES, PTD,, COLOUR, BENJAMIN MOORE, DESERT TWtLtGHT #21 37-40 PRECASI CONCRETE STAIRS PORTLAND GRAY VINYL WINDOW FRAMES, COLOUR: BEIGE1',[CULTURED STONE VENEERìlXL, ELDORADo STACKEÐ STONE, COLOUR: SANTA FE 15 VENT CAPS I LIGHT FIXTURE MOUNTS / BLOCK 16 ENTRYDOORS-3PANEL FIBERGLASS ÐoOR, STYLE: wooD GRAIN, I'¡ISSION, WITH GLAZEO INSERT & SIDELITES, COLOUR: OAK'f0NE MOUNTS. FACTORY PAINTED OR PAINTED ON SITE TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL 1 ¡ --J J I 38 10528 -36 28- / -l _/ ',,.:' ''. \ "rt^t, -_\ ::1 Y ' *;"-ng"úf "'"" ._ i;r lt I coMMoN . .,.. .: ,/it "l ,,u", '1... t;: so.m (33,009.6 sq.ñ.) 24OTH STREET \,i :t ì \ .í lr: l i :' i i l i". .r-. ) ,,4-_ '-J ) l ì )= -l 10G2 09G2 08G2 9o/o GAUGE '1. MMFROMR -, uP7.5% --l .l ..5 àòI Òs v 'd-)q' Je' ¿.----\ ,. I, a aaI \\,l/';/j' 26 \\\I ,"T¡ tlII 3,691 SF I I T-' , .t ..:. .,..:. 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ILl,r i ' ' FLUr. uÉ,FCDIFOsN o6 t, i,l. l .L úo)0 i I \ i¡ ' i j )r ] i i -ICLôOz=url l '3l- -CYLL I L!Lr lCfZol- - l., , l- -ZC,OoaoLL ¿eù¡É '" , l¡ i. r.L I .l : : - 1 - '. r . 1 , ' i t , l ' l l . .. ' . .,, . , , ¡ li lill, åË ; t* â q-ı Ë tl eEX 3 uË ¿ r$ ÈËE : \äå T r 3Ë 3 lJ -U)NF \- r. tl li I .. 1 I ËÀ)l 2IòeoI ,, . 'ì1 . \, !tËg I üi l.\ t t ì- \ .i i .: Ilq' ,\ Ï äa c? t cÉ 3 älå sE 3 ri I, IIlJ I Ëë l ¡ :- l : " - +' oo on\t o (,$ o ;r' q l g 'd . " 1 : . l.- - f:. l r J l + o (9o() . L .'i , l l i | _1 .I ì 1. " rl ' l l - l iti' i i ,i -l I 1 I 'l PR q P ' P I Y L|t t 'x xx n Qx xx ' ) FOR COI\T1I\UATlOI\ RTFER T' DPA\A/II\]G DP-1.2 l:tl.ii,' .; l4g) rte,9l ti¡ 10r.1) +i!¡\1!.Ii1 1ot.¿7 i:r ¿¿1,1)ì4#+#+ rio!l ii¡.¿r:'lj ò{r.r:ìil FL.r.rt :l ''2 )- tt i I i 'f0 "i{ \i I I ôô OZ = CT:al oF_ (Y LLILL L!-l oa z C) l- )z =Zo C) CY C)LL +- STREET l -.-l la.:: r:!:9[I irirl :!r )Fl- _I sr.ll il¿¡ìlr. 10' ] 10' 38G1 t. L] ..9 ii,,t 'lì, a,!:. li,:' -:.1-v ì UP 5% UP 5% ,Ì.,.- BLOCKTSETTLEMENT GAUGE I.OCATION ' j:- : ,- eLseK's sel+LEMÉñf*ii ,l',1 .-. el'qOerOCertOtq BLOCK 6 SETTLÊMENT GAUGE LOCATIONuP 8% i' . BLOGK8 GAUGE i' ' '.r'' ':-:ll, I I r"¡ 't0' 29G 10' 32G 10' 99.!5 1i¡.:3Ul ç+.È-r+¡åÌr(L.F.t) 34G l-t- -l I lr :l ,- !t_¡ I 'j.. - SCAPE BUFFER itr" fti,Lr,-Fl.C¡ Fia l r\lÌlll'l [, ì/rl\.!LANDSCAPE BUFFìER 3 L =,zI l I l -t iI l J I.J .(a,:. ll irlll-Prlil. .'tj' 'vI I Ir l SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADE /ir -1-7.------- (a^\tt ,v '-'.'j 7,50M Sf CK L TIVE, - , l. -iirl i-, :..a + 1.!'t Ê lÌl SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADE 8'-3" 12.52ml -1.I l! i'.82i 1'--l- f_-j li' __l -.-\-;- I 5 ..--1' il ->.\- i,.. ')1 t,l Es@ o N .z.-))V .1 SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADE-,i .- I i-, | :1, r--t-rr:-il ilitlllS*l/l--t------ t__--'-fr=l\\ll r'llrlll tE {l!:::_-__ E\o o ro L .-l :,Ê , :.-:\ ../ | ., I r1-) ..1 I l. ì IJ rìt -J J IIJ ìI _i IJ 3% 6 frl, :,,c VUP 8%l .i I l -à SLOPE UP TO MEET FOR CONTINUATION RIFER TO DRA\A/ING DP-'I.6 IIJ I iJ Eilj -fu.)i".I. i{ i,lll\ii !{ALl ! I :I I l 1.1 ij -:.' ,{- li' L 1. ) I I 6 '!..- i r.. r i É'.'iI :a.t 1 i= t- a_I' ict' i _ ;--: -) 1 I "l I -t I I -l III SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADE ,à ) IENT .1 , UP3 '^\1 ACTIV 7 o l 1,.; _ r-,- ,''-]'j .'',' MNll ITY 7 SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADE l I N AREA 260 S.M.. 273 S / :M ) .,t< - \i 7l_t I I 't 1J IJ tiJ IJ V SLOPE UP TO MEET EXISTING GRADEREQUIRED: PROVIDED: i, I ,tr,Ill- \ ''t,U ..:.. ,/:>- *i .r -i:i,l'r I ìt -l ) IIJ I iJ FOR CONTINUAT]ON REFER TO DRAWING DP-1.5 t2" 'ill- Årir!;" F:Lr Prra-|1 -!1" PIA Fli)air Êi:{lìill,jr: irii.,! Pil;l¡li.;iilc ìr'ri.-?i{ t. 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FL çl 8 (-ìR ++97 Zi' (¡¡ ¡rt.l e)- --tÕi.i i rlll\,L t .L/ l'(|C'l ii,i' ( 31 (l'lA l'l fLCri-;Fil i Ir/ A l'.1 iL(iOR ;39 7f ' (zl : it r r\L,] .L (.za M )\L F tl6'-0'EI --. -- ',' ," ..:\-i a-:'||t)t: ::) :t i.: tr: : i,l'./ ;rll : I o_Lì (1 z_ =oaô ol- aia LLIl!LI(f -;7o = fZ f-,7oc) IYotL *_l ING WALL :li ,1, i.lrr ' lr'r :.--USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M.) USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M) t-- I ô_ô OZ =Cr:rl ot'- Ûa[lLLLI(Y zo =:lz l--zoO ûaoh q 1 oô (,z = CI-) oF ùa[J LLL! CL zoF lZ. l--zoLr ùaoLL USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 s_o.M.)'l- - -l i li¡ t- LINE OFJMAIN FLOOR ABt LINE OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE I - - -l c'4> 2 21C2 I ll i r-r !: l' ihl.rlll' 22C2 LINE OF MAIN FLOOR 1 03. *q l' (lvAlll / -- -,,ìl /1. -r 'r.,1 Ll l" l FLC,rt,rF ? t /--, aalt,l1 _l _ì /. r I \!/ rLccP ':1 .i (:1. çl j' (ir/All'l (¡: ¿t ¡¡ .-rr - \ ',_l ñ ) s1 77' (2i !r7l/ )tFt 1 Ll i . t7' ( i1 L,ì51'l ) ([v1All] FLCOR f i tL{j(lR t-., I I l,',;, -' , r ,- , .,\t--/l i/ t1 [_r -F i 'i -l f-lJ ,3,7' (j1 rrril"l )(v,rrx FLCcR r ) ]:, i- ,i- -'''.'' i lvlAll\ rLCC)R 1 ) I I lït. ,'t' (,2\J 1 :, \4 )lrtti (r r t 12L0" [3.66m]"' --. --.- -- I 'lr-,I -i i t-r (rv (¡3 l5\¡) fL(J(_)F I ) 3C !rı o tr l lt-r t-rll',4 r\v! 10t 7 ( l\t Ail'.] WALL =<U<_ ____ì_-r_ \=1-,'-12Y t-.- ttt *<, \ .\.-\\. \\\ q I CLô (_)z îfr:ì t-- o:LItLt¡ CY z C' F -z l---'ocr ()aoLL USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M.) USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M,) USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M.) Irt i't.._-| -UsEABLE l- oPEN SpACE (40 so.M.)---r LE USEABLE OPEN SPACE (40 so.M.)M.) I rri.i -LINE OF MAIN FL]OOR I LINE OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE -) Fì rr -ì h il 1:,iv j f /'.¡l-t I \r_r\-tñ | ,) 11+ ,iF,,' (l+ Çrti'/)(l'l¡ N r[Lir_;Fi 1.] 1¡r ij{;,'i rl '--ri-il',it -¡A1l2 ,l) 102 ae,'t 71 .2 -e (\¡A il [( r)') .Ç€;,' i'--'l ?.1ii'l ) ,l I 11C16' (.--;, 7¡,[,,1 ) ( Nl A li..l F[oc)Fì 1 ) I CC 6,6' ( l(-i r.r 8,[l ) 1 1C).7 e,' ( :t3.: ( tr¡,¡ Lt I lrli-rijR 'l c0 ôb' (l!.r¡ rv) l',4 ), r'r it -l I'l ì O- I o_ô OZ ()aô o I ûa LL.lL_ LLJta zo t-- lz l--Zoc) ùaoLL ]NG WALL L* L* * *_ _ J r - .l '_ J I *_ _ _ l __ ) ** _ J tì , ' FO R CO N T I N U A T I O N RT T E R TO DR A W I N G DP - 1 . 9 =l ,, Ì¡ . Ì. ' - ,l -" '' . '\ i ) :r ( ì \' ' a ,l .\: \ ( j .- ì ' ì rl- : i. , . $ . 'i i tt ' ). - (_ - \: i 'iì ' ' oS . .. 7 .. ) ') ' ì r \{ ì li. \i ' ' - r¡ i .i : ì 1 ìi\ - i ,. l ¡ \- t. ' , ' i\ t )ì I 'i i .1 1t-oo7 UlÊÞom m -- t L^ l (o O C L] C) -È :n ic eo -7 = FO R CO N T I N U A T I O N RE T T R TO DR A W I N G DP - 1 . 1 1 -t FOR CONTINUATIOI\ RETER TO DRA\/\/]NG DP-1 'IO \\\\ -I:; ]- 'L]NE OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE '.'':, \ :,'- I I I -lr^ji I +. 'ì-) (l',,lAiN ( 34 "r8l',i FLC)C)R 1 ) tt,\ o,'. \ \ - æ lC+ 6,6'(J I 'j Oir,l ) -l \ ti i\ I 26,-3"18. t.\$ \-yt'(l r-Á \ç-.- \ -'7\r-n @ @ o) j.l--6.0M x B.OM FIRE.TRUCK TURNAROUND \ .l \l i\ \) 26'-3" cj}r 9',-n!'16ml \-t UP 5% 4910¡5"lra.96ml UP Ãot { l I 1 .1".: { l *J .l I l i iqc wtl- UNIT TYPE 'G' ''UNIT TYPE 'G'itì l iı) UNIT ryPE'G' rii I I I I "l¿ ,-: uNtT TYPE'G' I UN|T ryPE 'G'l:UNITryPE'G' ?l-:'. þ:!4,-- ... :!1:-!)3!Y. ..-- '.1 I l Il lI -l I l ---¡ IIt T ra t': I L ,.i ) -l _irr l --l r'! l -$; . .jìt l I itrì ll l !r!c'r¡r{ryL - -.- i -ry'i4)Lt!L-'L _ti) i:r L(,ìVI'ER LEvfL FLiill - f,07 C0 sq ri P|al-lt E. r-. t, !: Ir'PE 'l' - 1,7+{tr.iri-i sq.li tL,jÁl.i LIiEL FrÅll 'it.¡i) sl.fr. ?LJa( i, j, Z. ,! 1 (.,L 'Z' , t,-4i,.,r. -_q.ii,. ir UNIT TYPE'G' I-iI UNIT ryPE 'G,UNIT ryPE'G' ': UNIT TYPE'G'UNIT TYPE 'G' UNIT TYPE'G' ,lLlll¡,'tà lli t ,:rÌqil,'tÀl_ _,8, rL 1(¿ i3l I ;;i j a I 1 I -J l J -t J I -i -ì ¡_7,J I ¡J I I I -(.1; -,!.1 J.] ) ttJ I IIJ I ï-t T-r,,]I ñ-!{-t#++l -' ]fl-ï t-: l "lltì;1 'i t t i : liÍ¡:t¡;mìr'¡-r1",,¡:iil !i lr,,t;Jij [." i r' ,,i¡0,r r..L!trf/: I !. ./ ti ,ì!l';li!r.ltiLq. a. r:ttl.. ñ1 1.:n l i -.1--ir -t u,r, ¡- f_-l r,a i ii- ,1t:r1;l I. ù-! 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BLOCK'7'UNT35G' SITE SECTION 5-5 BLOCK'7' uNtf3TG' SITE SECTION 6-6 a. - - 2¡66rREt 2¡ffi SlEf, rùr\¡ ili:.:? l :iûr,i ir:+.1'] -'6i,1 ii'¿.1 1 i4tr Ir:; : ] l2ilr :r0:.î'1 j0rL: ilr¿.i l 2Z\t llt1.9l ?F.[1 i85.:.] 141\i i7¿ i l :::\1 l,-'2.!") --4 .\ .l l; = I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I - 2 I I I I lj I _l I,t 1t _i ìtJ ìJ I1 ¡J i':i.:'Ì .- *--. li24 l' , | '2.'', ii|: l | ¡5.! j ilre r'l i!ri ç'j i 8:.:'r i-'- t J it2.r') | É- -i.Ê'l .-!= BLOCK'7'UNIT39'G' L¡¿"*"* - I I I-) IIJ W': '/1 .l *.sl-L a: út ::I ll ; I Iir i I I - I I I I I I I"t.. 1.t. = -t'l -l I SITE SECTION 7-7 iai,r l li.: l izt; ','2Á ''' tìôLr!Ì9", t4[¡ firi.:.] rrì,, :t5.a'l ':alr "92,.-i l :AL\ lc!' 9'') !6rt ;3'i i'l .¿ri lr5 7 l .:?it l,,..!.-: ) 2cH la5 e'l alocK 4-iJffi'i7c2 .* :, \ .-- ..-¡s*r¡,fre¡ BLOCK'8' UNIT4fG' À BLqT uNr40'G' 246S]ffi 2¡ffimEF -- n.-.q IIil IiLI lì iil I - = I I I I I I I SITE SECTION 8-B i3u ir2i.r l l6n¡ [i]¿.r': l4L, liir a ] i:ü:ìc5o'l ilrü i9¿.¿ l :srn I sr.!''l :cL' iÊ:.-ì,1 :1il,i7s.r'l ?2ìn lr:.2 1 :útr iaa.e': rBri i:9.0'l .ìr 'il .ìD¡- ,,.¡\,:i:,_ _ r .-. ÞrD----------:-_ -- _¡{r,!qcg¡. BLOCK'3'uNrt6c BLOCK'3'uNrl3d f .) : I-t z 1 a {: I l L I I ).- ) l 1 _i 'ì J -t l. J l i)*-J -ì tJ 'I I-i l IrJ i6M lrÊ.r'l i4r"i liir.5 j i:(r :10', 0 l rtk [98.¿ ] :3i!i l9r 3 ] :6Ì,r l8:.t l trrr'rr,.r':t rûr,r i6:'.6 1 3Lr . !'9.!'ì SITE SECTION 9-9 = ,! : a È I I I I I I I I :: I I I I I I ì .ê BLOCK'8' luñ[¡3'G' ìiJ IIJ '¿t+!7! i?,-' )+!u .*!tu l """ i';'*. L - -J I \I .-l I I I l = = a I I I I I --) rav I :'' .2', i4il irlr: irì[r [1]¿ I l:[i i t¡5 t'] --C\r iS8 ¿'l :g! isr s, r liLr i85.:'j :;ir:1f,.:'l 22il ', '-':.!' : :l[Ì tó5.4 r jsii it! ú l i6[] 151.:Jl r+ir'i5al 1098r!ûJ.ra:Ìrr r¡E lirrsciRl ultf 7ô2 UNITS@ stTE sEcTloN 10-10 BLOCK SITE SECTION 11-11 4",; \ \ $ I: r.suNr1lq r - -1__-:ì5:ai Ë!- BLOCK'8' UNtr45'd 5 = = I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I a tj q I l : rriJ ii3 :l 3St.¡ iiaj| _ 16ìr lj-e.,'l -¡i¡¡r i :.5', t:!, :r1:.C l l0[¡ l!?.i , lgil:3:.\l'l 2u|..a'..:'l 24\¡ []e.7'l 22it |-2.?: 2!ü lË:,.Ë l ?,il:59.a'l r6ìi :!2 : ] 4u i1:.!, j 1D*2r¡¡iÅr:r,"ra:iÈtorÊr ,1.- .*q¡¿--l-' BLOCK'1'BLOCK'2'uNtr5C'BLOCK'9' UNIT46g IJ -ì J c .\!J_1.] li-lrr' '* rf.-""1 ) t"il-il,lt-ffi¡llx ì I I l 'l I J Il --l l -t II TII I -l J ¿ct! i a,2') :8t' i r:i.t ] ra[ i'r8 l i?r,r I rúa.0 1 irilú I3g.¿ _l :8ri loi.! l ?blJ i¿5,.i'l 24ir itô..-') lcÌü l6s.tr'l r3r¡ is! c l 14il? [49.s'] rllii i33.. l ¿aì/ i r1.2') lEt¡ i r:.1.: _l lr,ü [i1¿ r'] ,ì:[1 l ir!5.(j ] -:orLr lrl3.¡ j -!2,ir lt1 ',i) r6ir i85.l l 2+i! i:-e. r-'l :ü,i 165.C'l rsrr¡ i5s.0 l 14r¿ 145.! l r:ü ils.4'l = a = I I I I I I I I I T SITE SECTION 12-12 BLOCK'1'uNtl3c SITE SECTION 13-13 BLOCK'IUNT2C 1053ô 105S ûrlJiCaJrr rlE aHEa'UFi .',",ì.ì __ _ uN[10G2 uëL%9 "Ì![ffiî BLOCK'2' UNFl7G2 * _) u : I l I l I I = I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -!1 a I = I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -= a1 I I I I I I I I I I I :: c BLOCK'9' uNr50G' BLOCK'9' i:å*--*-. 24Mffi ì -J IJ I-tJ ll.J IId IJ ì J I ItÊJ 't J ,ù--!.-- -- -- _ - ñTñ-tuù- - - Á9!.{o I t! I gl ¡ l I ) c. !: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =- :: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "l l I -l I '-1 I J *ì II I .ì SITE SECTION 14-14 BLOCKuNr01c 3€,\i iir8.r'l ¡+il i f i.5'l :(rrr li8 ¿ l :eü [9;.:] l lhMIs5.J',l ----- I -- _ iasre t¡Dl 2?tt1 :0h' r 9[1 16[r I 4l/ r:M 1...:;'l i5!.o l L-- - l l;:..9 1 24oth STREETBLOCK'9'UNT 5?G' ) )J I -J I IJ -t I) l i IIJ IJ i -tìJ IJ ìI J BLOCK 8 ryPE Z BLOCK 7 ryPE Z oIt!co Clt- ù:t¡LL L_l CY .ao lzt-zoO aaoLL BLOCK 7 TYPE Z ! a:: I I ', - i:, -tr.l BLOCK 9 ryPE Z : :i., ::ii,1 -ì BLOCK 7 TYPE Z L¡ o CÔ Oz =ù:-r oF_ oa L1-]L_ LLI(Y .7o =-Z l--zoO îfoLL l . l ,l I .,ti. r::. . :r' i.: BLOCK 3 TYPE X oILIûl o- ûa trlLL LLI ù1 ,7o lzÊzoLl CTo LL BLOCK 4 TYPE W BLOCK4 TYPE W BLOCK 1 TYPE X ,ò L¡ o0l OZ. =îYô o I CYLILL Lrl CY Zol'- lz =-,,oL) oa(- L! BLOCK 5 TYPE X l .*- l r l -t ) -l l l I l j I 10528 t05:n 't0518 10Æ42 't0548 iñ/141 occess w* 36 t*T I t tfü L1 NAS & ASSOCIATES I / p"or¡ (601) Es7-2J76 PLAN VIEW ru 604 534 1234 / Bcsu csu 2462 JONOUIL COURT a8808Fffi0, 8.C. VJG 3E8 MR. OUINN JffiNOM HOMESM OryELOPMEffi 220t - 206 SEtNGE, B.C.\22 W __rt.-, t t t ,,t t a ,?tJçItIJa l:400 LANDSCAPE KEY PLAN FOREST RESTORATION HOUSE DEVELOPM 2{ ffifw[¡ RlmE, B.c. I DÐIdffi \ \t -.-]- ! I I ! I ¡ I ! I I t --ì--- ! I I t -l- ! I ! I ! I ! I ! ! I I I I t ! ! I L I I t I I ! I I ! I ! !_ -L I-l t.) J L-0 A 24OTH STREET l iJ t .J l!l J ¡.J I I ,J )+ iun/1 4l 1 PHONE (604) 8s7-2J76 & ASSOCIATES I 2462 JONOUIL COURT ÆBOTsFffio, 8.C. V]G JEE scsu csu UR. AUINN JMNOÍE HOMESE ÐEVELOPMEffi 220r - 20# ÍREfWGLÛ. 8.C.\22 N 604 5t4 12J4 PLAN VIEW * æn7rs1:150 USE D LANDSCAPE PLAN BLOCKS 1 & 2 240 STREETWE RIDCE 8.C. L-1 l\ PLANT LIST KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY,SIZT SPACING REMARKS CARPINUS BETULUS FRANZ FONTAIN CORNUS NUTÏALLII MAGNOLIA GALAXY TSUGA HETEROPHYLLA IHUJA PLICATA AZALTA JAPONICA ,LOUIST GABLE, AZALTA JAPONICA ,HINO CRTMSON' AZALEA NOR]HERN LIGHTS ,MANDARIN LIGHTS' AZALEA NOR'IHERN LIGHTS ,ORCHID LIGHTS' ABETIA'EOWARD GO!.IiCHER, BUXUS MACROPHYLLA ,WNTER GEM' HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA,NIKKO BLUE, SPIRAEA NIPPONICA SNOWMOUND PIERIS JAPONICA ,FOREST FLAME, FRANZ FONTAIN HORNBEAM PACIFIC DOG\|/OOD GALAXY MAGNOLIA !,ÍESTERN HEMLOCK WESTERN RED CEOAR I 3 5 4 + 5 CM. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 2.50 MEITRS 2.50 MTTERS AS SHOW|! AS SHOW{ AS SHOIVN AS SHO\VN AS SHO!ïN B,&8. B.&8, B.&8. 8. &8.': , ..:., LI.., ..1i.... ÇftASS: @^@ @ooo @&o @ @ @ @ Ø @o PINK AZALEA CRIMSON AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS ÆALEA EDWARD GOUCHER ABTLIA ASIAN BOXWOOD HYDRANGIA SNOVIMOUND SPIRAEA LILY_OF-'IHE_VALLEY 14 14 4 4 J 214 5 3 9 10I 6 12 '16 4 26 22 32 #2 P0Í *2 POT #J PoT #J POT #r PoT #2 P}r #3 PoT #2 P]r #J POT #J POT #3 PoT #J POT #J Po.r #J POT #J POT #3 PoT 1.OO METERS 85 CM. 0.C. 85 CM. 0.C. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 45 CM. 0.C. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. RHODODENDRONYAKUSHIMANUM'CRETE' YAK.RHODODENDRON äiìıñoóFñónoñ yAkusHrMANUM'llARDI cRAS' YAK. RHoDoDENDRoN þÉ{ f, ss R ! ô 5-O<É =¿+1tFLIlFZ. RHOOODENDRON RAMPO RHODODENORON EUZAEEIH RHODODENDRON P.J.M. SYRINGA VULGARIS ,MICHEL BUCHNER OSMANTHUS OTLAVAYI TAXUS X MEOIA HìCKSII GAULTHERIA SHALLON GRASS RHODODENDRON RHODODTNDRON RHOOODENDRON LlLAc DELAVAY OSMANTHUS HICK,S YEIV SALAL 80 cM. 0.c. 65 CM. 0.C. 450m2 TY LTNE o :-o<É. =¿t7tFLdt--z. TWO_WAY INTERNAL ROAD 07G2 08G2 tr Ð(POSED ACGREGA'IE DRTVEIVAY ÎIP. . N 09G2 PROPERTY UNE ENVIRONMENIÁL ADJACENT ilP.AREÁ. 5, HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE TO BE INSTAI.-ITO ALONG 10G2 CONCREIE PAVERS = DUBUN CoBBLE = Vlcl0Rl,AN BLIND 01c 5, HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE TO BE INSIAI-IID ALONG PROPERTY IINE AÀIACENT IO ENMRONMENIAL ARFÀ IYP. ÄGCREGA'IE IIP. iJ .-) I -_.) I .L -ì I l -ì + & ASSOCIATES PLAN VIEW ru PHoNE (604) 8s7-2J76 604 59 129 acsu csu 2462 JONQUIL COUffi Æ80ßF0RD, B.C. VS JE6 UR. OUINN JffiNOÍÉ HOUÉSIfE DMLOPM&TS 220r - 2044 ffiEfrWGW' B.C.vzN 1:150 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN BLOCKS 3 & 4 HOUSE DEVELOP 2Æ mFfÆtE R¡m, 8.C. L-2 A COMMON V - - - - - -,sea :l!B:c: -l:E .<. =Io =t--- É. ti.lFZ. TWO_WAY INTERNAL ROAD TWO_WAY tctYHtü t{T INTERNAL ROAD UGHTING OF I/AGNOTIA COURIYARD AND INIERNAL IVAIJ(\VAY TO BE RN¡UZED IVfTH ELECTRIC¡L CONSULTANT PLANT LIST KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMÌ'/ON NAME QTY SIZE SPACING REI/ARKS CARPINUS BITULUS FRANZ FONTAIN CORNUS NUIIALLII MAGNOLIA GALAXY TSUGA HETTROPHYLLA THUJA PLICATA I/AGNOLIA STELLAÏA PINK SÏAR AZALEA JAPONICA'LOUISE GABLE' AZALEA JAPONICA ,HINO CRIMSON, AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS'I/ANDARIN LIGHTS, AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS'ORCHID LIGHTS' ABELIA,EDWARD GOWCHER' BUXUS MACROPHYLLA ,WNTER GEIvI, HYDRANGIA MACROPHYLLA,NIKKO BLUE, SPIRAEA NIPPONICA SNOWMOUND PIERIS JAPONICA 'FORIST FLAME, RHODODENDRON YAKUSHIl\,lANUIü,CRETE, RHODODENDRON YAKUSHIMANUM,MARDI GRAS' RHODODENDR0N RAÌ\¡P0 RHODODENDRON ELIZABETH RHODODENDRON P.J.M. OSMANTHUS DILAVAYI TAXUS X IVEDIA HICKSII GAULTHERIA SHALLON FRANZ FONTAIN HORNBEAI/ PACIFIC DOGWOOD GALAXY MAGNOLIA WESTTRN HEh/LOCK WESTTRN RED CEDAR PINK STAR IúAGNOLIA PINK AZALIA CRIMSON AZALEA NORTHERN LICHTS AZALTA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA EDWARD GOUCHTR ABELIA ASIAN BOXWOOD HYDRANCEA SNOWMOUND SPIRAIA LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY YAK. RHODODENDRON YAK. RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON DELAVAY OS¡/ANTHUS HICK,S YTW SAI-AL 12 J 3 0 ,] 4 5 CI/. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 5 CI/, CAL. 2.50 I/ETERS 2.50 IvIETERS 5 C¡/. CAL. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. @ôv @ @o o o @ao @ @ @ @ @o I 11 6 3 B 137 2 2 12aaLJ 1+ 25 17 26 L1 1a 130 #2 P)r #2 P]T #J POT #J POr #J PoT #2 P}r #J PoT #2 P}r #J POT #3 POT #J PoT #3 PoT #3 POT #J POT #3 POT OO MTÏERS #2 P}r 85 CM. 0.C. 85 CM. O.C. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cti,l. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 45 C[/. 0.C. 90 c[/. 0.c. 90 Clvt. 0.C. 90 c[¡. 0,c. 90 c[¡. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 80 cM. 0.c. 65 CM. 0.C. UGHNNG OF COMI,|ON IVATXIYAY TO BE RMUZED IÌIIH EI-ECAN¡L CONSULTANT coNcRm ïP. PRE-0{Sr FOR BACK/ARD FËNCE REFER TO SHTET fic 17C2 't8c2 19C2 21C2 22C2 À/t I V *POSED AGOREGA'TE DRIVEWAY TYP. CONCRETE PÂVERS DUBIIN COBBIT VICIORIAN BLTND GRASS 380m2 -l l i ¡: :I I _i 1 1 1ii,J \ - l I _l -t l i l I I: j -i _i 1 Il -J UGHNNG OF COMMON IVAI.I$AY TO BE RNAIJZED WIIH ITICIRICÂL CONSULTANT 2'x2' PRE-CAST CONCREIE ÎIP. REFER TO SHEFT L8 FOR BACKYARD TTNCE -v (') 5O â 0ccess V EXPOSED AGGRECATT DRNEWAY ÏP. AGGREG¿\.IEÎlP. 0 MIRÂCL.E REC. EQUIPMENT EENCH MoDEL '1256: 6' PERI¡ÀNE|JT O- o GIMSIONE CONCRETE PAVERS PATTERN = DUBUN COBBLE CoLoUR = McToRlÄN BTEND BLO 32G 31G 6 30G 29G34G33G A ASSOCIATES PHoNE (601) Es7-2376 PIAN VIEW 604 534 1214 86U CSU 2462 JoNoU|L CoURI ÆBOTSFORo, B.C. VJG 3E8 MR. OUINN JüNNOflE TOMESIT DryELOPMENTS 2201 - 204A SmEÍ UNGLEY, B.C.vzz 242 coNcRm 1r?. PRE-CåST REFER FOR L-8 1:150 LANDSCAPE PLAN BLOCKS 5 & 6 HOUSE DEVELOPM 240 SmEErWlE RIDGE, B.C, t2L-J A PLANT LIST BOTANICAL NAlvlE COMMON NAME QTY SIZE SPACING REMARKS STREII TREES (BY OTHERS)LIOUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA WORPLESDON SWEET GUM 6 CM. CAL.AS SHOIII\B.&8. JÔ ON SITE MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA ,LIITLE GTM' CARPINUS BE'IULUS FRANZ FONTAIN CORNUS NUTTALLII MAGNOLIA GALAXY TSUGA HEIEROPHYLLA IHUJA PLìCA-IA MACNOLIA SNLLATA PINK STAR DWARF SOU'IHIRN MACNOLIA FRANZ FONTAIN HORNBTAM PACIFIC DOGIVOOD GALAXY MAGNOLIA ÌIESIERN HEMLOCK WESTERN RED CEDAR PINK SIAR MAGNOLIA 4 10 6 2 2 J 2 5 CM. CAL. 5 Cl¡. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 2.50 ME'IERS 2.50 METIRS 5 CM. CAL. AS SHOW! AS SHOW\ AS SH0!!1\ AS SHOW\ AS SHOW\ AS SHo!!îl AS SHOW\ B.&8, B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. B,&8. B.&8. 8.&8. @ô @ @ooo @ o @ @ @ @ @ @o AZALEA JAPONICA ,tOUISE GABLE, AZALEA JAPONICA ,HINO CRIMSON' AZALEA NORIHERN LIGHIS ,IJANOAR¡N LICHTS, AZALEA NOR'IHTRN LICHTS ,ORCHID LIGHÍS, ABTLIA,IDWARD GOIVCHER, BUXUS MACROPHYLIA ,I1iINTTR GTM, HYDRANGEA l\lACROPHYLLA,NIKKO BLUT, SPIRAEA NIPPONICA SNOWMOUND PIERIS JÀPONICA ,FOREST FLAME, RHODODENDRON YAKUSHIMANIJM,CREIE, RHODODINDRON YAKUSHIMANUM,MARDI GRAS' RHODODENORON RAl\,{PO RHODODENDRON ELIZABE'IH RHODODENDRON P.J.}l. SYRINGA VULGARIS ,MICHEL BUCHNER' OSMANTHUS DELAVAYI TAXUS X MEDIA HICKSII CAULTHTRIA SHALLON PINK AZALTA CRIllSON AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA NORTHIRN LIGHTS AZALEA EDWARO COUCHER ABELIA ASIAN BOXWOOD HYDRANGEA SNOWMOUND SPIRAEA LILY_OF_'IHE_VALLEY 3 14 ]J 22 to 167 7II 19 21 32 12 24 5 88 84 103 r39 72 J40m2 #2 P1I #2 P1f #r PoT #J POT #3 Por #2 PAr #J Pol #2 PAr #J Po-f 3I POT ;fr Por #J Por #3 Por #J Pol #J Pol #J Por .OO METERS H2 POI ;2 :0r #2 P1I 85 CM. 0.C. 85 CM. 0.C. YAK. RHODODÊNDRON YAK. RHODODENDRON 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 45 CM. 0.C. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON LILAC DELAVAY OSMANIHUS HICK,S YEW 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 80 cM. 0.c. ,..IICIOSIÁPI]YLO5 UVA URSL POLYSÏICHUM MUNI'iUII GRASS SALAL iìLr13[iìRY SV,/ORD FTRN 65 CM. 0.C. i5 ù,1. 0.c. 90 ct,¡. 0.c. 6.0M x 8.0M FIRE-TRUCK TURNAROUND ¡ 24OTH STREET â lþ ].KAVOLINAS & ASSOC]ATES INC.gcsu csu PHONE (604) 857-2J76 2462 JONOUIL COUtr ÆBOEFORO, B.C.v3c 3E8 PLAN VIEW * æn7rr11200 LANDSCAPE PLAN BLOCKS 7 & 8 2{ MEÍ ÆL'E Rtffi, 8.C. L-4 ffinÊtE P wËilffi ffiL€MW ! ¡ 39G 7 36G¡*5Gì 14G 3.9G TWO-WAY INTERNAL ROAD TWO_WAY INTERNAL ROAD 24OTH STREET NffitruMæWMM IMRW YMÂY M BTRMMTT}I ãtrNruNTffi KIY BOIANICAL NAME PLANÏ LIST COMMON NAME QTY.SIZE SPACING REMARKS STREff TREES (BY OTHERS) UQUIDAMBAR SÎ/RACIFLUA WORPLESOON SWEET GUM 12 6 CN{. CAL. AS SHOWN B. & B. ilR. OUINN JilNOÍE HOMßIE DMLOPilENIS 2201 - 204A SREEr WGLEI, 8.C.v2z w 604 534 1234 ON SITE MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA ,LITTLE GEM, CARPINUS BEIULUS FRANZ FONTAIN MAGNOLIA STELLATA PINK s-IAR DWARF SOU-IHERN MAGNOLIA FRANZ FONTAIN HORNEEAM PINK STAR MAGNOLIA 8 1J 10 5 CM. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. 5 CM. CAL. Às sHomt AS SHOW\ AS SHo!!îl B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. @O @ @ooo @ao @ @ @ @ @ @o AZALEA JAPONICA ,LOUISE GABLE, AZALEÀ JAPONICA ,HINO CRIMSON, AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS ,MANDARIN LIGHTS, AZALEA NOR'IHERN LIGHTS ,ORCHID LIGH'IS, ABETIA'EOWARD GOWCHER' BUXUS MACROPHYLLA ,WINIER GEM, HMRANGEA MACROPHNLA ,NIKKO BLUE' SPIRAEA NIPPONICA SNOWMOUND PIERIS JAPONICA ,FOREST FIAIIE, PINK AZALEA CRIMSON AZALEA NORIHERN LIGHÏS AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA EOWARD GOUCHER ABELIA ASIAN BOXIYOOD HYDRANGEA SNOWMOUND SPIRAEA LILY-OF-THE_VALLEY to 12 12 16 10 127I 2 6 31 17 29 17 19 10 64 *2 P01 12 POl,#J POT #J POT #3 PoT #2 Por #J Pof #2 Pol #J POT {J POT #i PoT #J POT #J POT #J Por #J P0ï #J P0ï I.OO ME'IERS 85 CM. 0.C. 85 CM. 0.C.90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 45 CM. 0.C. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 c¡/. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 90 cM. 0.c. 80 cM. 0.c. RHODODENDRONYAKUSHIMANUM,CRE'IE, YAK.RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON YA(USHIMANUM,¡JARDI GRAS, YAK. RHODODENDRON RHOOOOTNDRON RAllPO RHODOOENDRON RHODOOENDRON RHODOOENDRON LILAC DELAVAY OSMANTHUS HICK,S YEW RHODODENDRON ELIZABEIH RHOOODENDRON P.J.M. 5YRINGA VULGARIS ,MICHEL BUCHNER' OSMANÌHUS DELAVAYI TAXUS X MEDIA HICKSII GRASS 120n2 ì tt l I -J i I ì I 1 l )I .J I I_l ¡¡ i I-l TWO_WAY INTERNAL ROAD lf J'o ù s'-i{-4ì l$Ênll t*.. .: ]\ :rl'1,* d¡I :r ;' KEY BOTANICAL NAIüE PLANT LIST cOM[¡0N NA[/E QTY SIZE SPACINC REMARKS ON SITE TREES (BY OTHERS) LIQUIDAÌúBAR SIIRACIFLUA WORPLESDON SWTÛ GUM MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA ,LITTLE GEM, CARPINUS BETULUS FRANZ FONTAIN ¡/AGNOLIA GALAXY MAGNOLIA STELLATA PINK STAR AZALIA JAPONICA'LOUISE GABLE' AZALEA JAPONICA ,HINO CRIMSON' AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS ,MANDARIN LIGHTS, AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS ,ORCHID LIGHTS' ABELIA'EDWARD GOWCHER' BUXUS MACROPHYLLA'WNTER GEM, SPIRAEA NIPPONICA SNOWMOUND PIERIS JAPONICA 'FOREST FLAME' RHODODENDRON YAKUSHIMANUM,CRITE' RHODODENDRON YAKUSHIMANUM,MARDI GRAS, RHODODENDRON RAMPO RHODODENDRON ELIZABE'IH RHODODENDRON P.J.M. SYRINGA VULGARIS'N/ICHEL BUCHNER' OSIVIANTHUS DtltrVAYl TAXUS X MEDIA HICKSII DWARF SOUTHTRN I/AGNOLIA FRANZ FONTAIN HORNBIAM GALAXY MAGNOLIA PINK STAR MAGNOLIA PINK AZALEA CRIMSON AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA NORTHERN LIGHTS AZALEA EDWARD GOIJCHTR ABTLIA ASIAN BOXWOOD SNOWÌüOUND SPIRAEA LILY_OF_THE_VALLTY YAK. RHODODENDRON YAK, RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON RHODODENDRON Lil-AC DELAVAY OSMANÏHUS HICK'S YEW 4 5 2 5 C[/. CAL. 5 Clr. cAL. 5 CM. CAL. 5 Cl\4. CAL. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOIVN B.&B B.&8. B.&8. B.&8. #2 P}T 85 CM. 0.C. #2 P01 8s CM. 0.C. #3 PoT 90 CM. 0.C. #3 PoT 90 CM. 0.C. #J PoI 90 CM. 0.C. #2 P]I 4s C¡/. 0.C. #2 PoT 90 CM. 0.C. #3 POT 90 CM. 0.C. #3 POT 90 CM. 0.C. fri ror so cM. o.c. #3 PoI 90 CM. o.C. #J Por 90 cM. 0.c. #J POr 90 cM. 0.c. #3 PoI 90 CM. o.C. #J POr 90 cM. 0.c. 00 r/ETtRS 80 cM. 0.c. @0 @ @(J ^ló'/ao @ @ @ @ Ø @o B '15 0 l0 14 87 1 8 16 24 LJ B 16 7 26 üPOSED AGCREGA-TT DRNEWAY ÏIP. FOR -6t " ^/t¿ r;. irrLrk occesì I + .KAVOLINAS & ASSOCIATES INC PLAN VIEW ru PHONE (604) 857-2J76 604 5J4 l2J4 SCSU CSU 2Æ2 JONAUIL COUtrÆgoßFoRD, 8.C. VJG 3E8 ilR. OUINN JilNOM HOHESIE DMLOPMEM 2201 - 20$ mm UNGLÛ, 8.C. v2z %2 l:150 APR/1J LANDSCAPE PLAN BLOCKS 9 HOUSE DEVELOPM 2& MEflffi RtæE, B.C. L-5 A 6 6 C[/. CAL. AS SHOWN B. & B. GRASS 130m2 I I I l I -l 1 + NAS & ASSOCIATES INC PLAN VIEW 604 514 12J4 BCSU CSU 2462 JONQU¡L COUtr Æ808Fffi0, 8.C.vtc 3E8 PHONE (æ4) 857-2376 MR. QUINN JilNOÍE HOMESIE DMLOPMENE 2201 - 2044 SIREÛNGLfl, B.C.wzN * æn7ts1:f 50 LANDSCAPE PLAN AMENITY AREA USE DEVELOP 2€ fRffiwE Rtffi. B.C. AL-ô PLANT LIST KEY BOTANICAL NAME C0[/M0N NAI',{t QTY SIZT SPACING REMARKS COMMON ACTIV¡TYAREA REQUIRED: 260 S.M. PROVIDED:273 S.M. MAGNOLIA GALAXY GALAXY MAGNOLIA 5 5 CM. CAL. AS SHOWN B.&8. Ø CAULTHERIA SHALLON ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA URSI POLYSTICHUl\¡ [¡UNITUM GRASS SALAL BIARBERRY SWORD FERN 26 30 12 55m2 #2 POT #2 P]T #2 P}T 65 CM. 0.C. J5 Cñ1. 0.C. 90 cM. 0.c. lsùfrtfrm P.T. m 6f ;lll ãffilzrr¡i DfEP RM. FÆ 9E ilLY +600 Mü.UL 25OOmm O-C.lh ffi E, FmtSD€dLY PICNIC TABLE 26W_PID4 NG trÍflffiffiruffi 0P) ILEVATION NISHINGS NAKTSKA BINCH 44PL-60 (J)6'rum flva@ K scsfts (5/8'ól ¡wsffi ffiTmm wF!!q r¡trlh-lgm S6 ffieD m&o.HPÆ rc95f t¡PD Æ¡mmü()mg.oT ¡*nr mre sæ nromtx llcoRNs #+4 *-À 2åf( mi(rEIE FWruF (tl?) mffÆw sEcTr0N/ErEvATr0N mllmnu ure m21üEwN mrcm ffi61h.frtf ffim$sÄ€6H th ffim ffi. tuß m'w ffiffi. ftmffisffi^T¡cc6smÆÆffim IW l&, ı1Dffi,ÆuLffiJ)m fÆ ru-/sf,i¡lx^u+1ffi: sx ffiï€ n22 ru¡mÐ h ïIIH tî!-muÐ tdÃs)ru FÆE ruiisãAKÆ¿ ACCESS BARRIER FENCT ffiËEll00îil¡1ilffiffPmm?EruTÊR6UYE ffimæIOPEffiCffi mffiÆ fãlÆdro æEffirÆ 0 WTSTWOO Jto UP 5% V ***9ii: !.r r,!Å il'.3 flvH ,ffi 7 J ô:o'< É. =¿=7rFl!Fz-_ UP 8% IhilÆTEruUæFñF PI.AYSURFACING DETAIL -ì I) Il-ltl I I It, Il¡Itl-I' I I I Nt 11 -r tHrl]låtll J IIrl;lrl r llliJ] *,ti¡1lI _i i li l-jl I l I I -l j l l I I ì Ili IllttIi ilrlL-- lr [ìl- rlll,d!iitl llt 1-',],dttt 1-li1fti l 1r l_ji + PNoNr (.04) 857-2J76 & ASSOCìATES AEEOiSFOPD. B.',v3c tÈó ECSU C5U 604 5J+ tZ34 MR. AUINN JffiNOM HOMEStrE DMLPMEffi 201 - 20{A ffiEfwcg, B.c.v2z N PUN VIEW ru * æn7rs1:250 DEVELOPM 2{ ffimWI,T RDC, B,C. LANDSCAPE PLAN FOREST RESTORATION L-7 u A CRUSHER ROCK PÀ-IH \l v J'ó fle. \i8c2 21c2 æ. PLANT LIST KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. SIZI SPACING REMARKS CORNUS NUÍTAIIII PSEUDOISUGÄ liENSIESII .IHUJA PLICATA GRASS PACIF|C D0CW00D DOUGLAS FIR VTESIERN RtD CEOAR 16 22 29 5 CM. CAt. 2.50 iltTERS 2.50 l'lElrRS AS SHOW\ AS SHOM AS SHOT,I.I 8.&8. B.&8. B.&8. 310m2 NOTE: TREE T0 BE POCKII-PLANTED AMONGST EXISTING TREES AND VtGflATlON. 244 \ )- 1#l FENCE DETAIL (o|MEN9oNS lN mm)N.AS. MAIN ENTRY SIGNAGE 0.c. mr1 7-ù'q o11 qcsÐw ÍÀÐ wD STÀNLO M P6ß 50\100 rTOP RAIL 50 CAP RAIL 150x150 POST 50x100 SUPPORT vro33È'l'.1¡u ----+ 25\258Àl ioNS VEHICULAR SITE ENTRY FRONTVIEW ¡iååo? CONCRETEFOOìNG COUÊ I:TED FILLDRAIN ROCK SECTION ELEVATION IT I I FENCE SECTION !@ coÈe€ ro 54crFefþ r/FEÞucпN¡ 0. oÙ;ic. Jo's ¡3 Fr :dEcKao ftdrli PRr!Ð 'hiî x son 6f r r/'ôl du s@ RE ¡E T6 D 3É NWÐ OR rñ6. Æ Ë6, ENsd, sE K ffiN oftû Æc6ssE sU Sa lwfi fRE wæ Æùæú. ru È hmG qu€ {r sE ffi Ê,xe¡rÐtla$xilo/6 {orÈú s¡RP rs do! RÉ@rñrD, fiPE NOMINAL o.D.6 LO.WALL THICKNESS DESIGNATION FINISH 1.5m CHAIN LINK FENCE MAILBOX SHELTEII lr: 2ra SÀNÐ m o 1t' 0.c ufilÐm ÍÀtÐ tuo ffi SIDE VIEIiV ARBOUR - SINGLË ËNTR.Y Vr,r/ F i'i;j"i¿ i /:r-,\i ; Ë filÐm o 12' Ot m SÄNÐP6l HAKS Þruru 2rg ST¡|NÐ Mm Þ-1- 6ÉÍtÞmml I I t J 6S PoS SÍ rNmc.8N (m.) SEAT¡NG AREA TRELLIS STRUCTUR.ES SIMPLIFIED PLAN mûc sÆm ltlt{t'r'tfi'.fiïlr MR. OU¡NN JüNNOM HOMESIE OÛELOPMENIS 2201 - 20S ffiEflNGLEI. B.C.vzw 604 sJ4 12J4 àlfmmolfqÈ HSmm SIMPLIFIED PLAT.¡ o m Ímm tc * r.¡.t.s.ffi APR/1¡ * MAGNOLIAGROVE \ l 1 ],KAVOLINAS & ASSOCIATES INC 8C5L CSL1 tsr. PHoNE (604) 857-2J76 2462 JONOUIL COURT À8BotsFoRo_ B.c. V.1G JE8 PLAN VIEW LANDSCAPE DFIAILS FOREST RESTORATION IOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMEN'I2{ gR€t WL.E RIreE B.C. L-8 A{ _,1 I 1 lJ FROI{T'REARVIEW slDE vlEvì, fmmffi mÍÀìÐmlm FRÍTITvEW stDEvrEw smmlm _-ì & ASSOCIAÏES PmNE (ff) 857-2t6 ECSLA CSLA 24ü JoNqUlL COUmÆæmRD, E.C.ws8 MR OUINN JWrcTlE BOMESIIE DMLOruEMS 2201 - 2g SIRÍFNt.Ei, B.c.\22 N &4 5S 123{ qff PLAN VIEW ñ N.T.S.ÅPR,/1 3 HOUSE I-ANDSCAPE IMAGES FOREST RESTORATION 2{ SÍREETtr|r R|oGE, B.C. ñ m ffi ^/r\L-9 PROPOSED BENCH PROPOSED PAY STRUCTURI PROPOSED PAY STRUCTURI REDDI_ROCK RETAINING WALL PROPOSID PAVIRS BOLLARD LIGHTING FOR AMTNITY ARIA WALL MOUNTID LIGHTING FOR OUTDOOR STAIRS l F N N.T.S. SITE PLAN HOMESITE DEVELOPMENTS (ZERON) lNC. 2201 - 2O4A STREET I-^ANGLEY, BC V2Z 2A¡2 TEL: 604-240-2330 PROPOSED ONSITE SERVICES FOR A 52 UNIT TOWNHOUSE SITE 24O STR E ET IZERON AVEN U E DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DAMÐ( CONSULTANTS LTD. JOB NUMBER J-07.430.ON DRAWNG No. INDEX : 2. KEY PLAN 3. ROADWORKS & WATERMAINS : wâmuûuLo'n* 4. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN & SANITARY SEWERS 5. ROADWORKS PROFILES -ROADS A 6. ROADWORKS PROFILES -no¡o e TYPICAL CROSS SECTONS & CURB RETURNS 7. STORM & SANTTARY SEttlER PROF|LI$ -noms I * a 8. STORM & SANITARY SETVER PRORLES _FRONT OF BLOCKS 6-9 9. STORM & SANITARY SEWER PROFILTS :Bã#E[ Bi33[3 i å 3 -STORM CEPTOR DETAIL s,21\8CP25368 344 343 342 3+1 340 339 17 16 a 'aç//20 Ld 18 LMP39120 N 10 11 REM. PCI- 'A'PLAN BCP8155 12 24O STREET sq NO'IES:,I. ETEVAIIONS ARE REFERED TO GEODEÎC DA'TUM2. AIL WORK IS TO COMPLY TO 'IHE BC PLUMBING CODE AND IHE DIS1RICT OF MAPI.E RIDGE'S SPECIFICAT¡ONS II}IERE APPUCABLE. 3. SEE ARCfI¡]ECTS DRAITINGS FOR TOVilHOUSE ANO LANDSCAPING DETAILS & DAMAX 430-OFF FOR ,OFFSIIE. SERVCES (MRf E-oE-015-s11) 240 STREET iì.ia? 2.0m ci}jii0r,l Ài)ll{iY J4.C !11il iì ?4.) Ðiii: 52i :.rit; iii F.l¡. S4 D4 TTI-IFU-1t\_r\ L -('ì 1:250 DUh LRP DSL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARIUENT DTVL ocfoBER 2013 DIILB06.06.f4 REVISED ROAD A & BLOCKS ,+ & 5 92 HOMESITE DE\ELOPMENTS (ZERON) INC. 201 - 2044 SIREEÌ MAPI..E RIDGE, BC V2Z 242 T€1. 60,f-240-2330 04.03.f,+OFFS-9'IE CONNEC1ION LOCATONS REVISED Nc 21:,lOO KEY PLAN & SERVICE CONNECTONSBÉ,lOll¡ARK l¡otlUvENT 8a+t999E, GEooEnc €lrv llot{ = 8.73m AT tNfERsEcno{ oF 21o S¡REEI ÂND KANAKA CREE( RoAD (NADE3 cl; rrr; x domox consultonts ltd. 105-1600 Weet 6th Aw, Voncouvs, BC V6J'lR3 Tel. 604-22,Þ6827 Fox. 60,f-689-3E80E-Moll: domoxotelus.netREUSSEYDAE 342 2t PLAN BCP25J68 17 to 359 20 '183443423+1 340 LMP39120 LI (\ I t..l ì'. 10 niil¡ ÏY SEESHEETS5&6 FOR ROAD PROFILES 11 ./ REH. PCt-'A' æLA{ BBEB8555 12 AqR Lc = SO!0'0O'= 16.0m= 25.12m ,.+ -o- PCL ,A PLAN BCP8155 PARK PLAN 8CPA153 PARK PLAN LMP51537 WA'IERMAIN RTTINGS: 1 - 15ol TYT x lsot TYT x l50t FL'fEE'f - 150t FL x 150t TYT GAIE VALIE 1 - CONC. ÍHRUST BLOCK B 'I - 150, TYT x 150É FL go'BEND 1 - l50t FL x1so, TYT GAIE VAL\€1 - CONC. IHRUST BLOCK c 2 - 1506 x ,t5' TYT SENDS2 _ CONC. ]HRUST BLOCKS D 2 - 15Ot t ,+5' TYT BENDS 2 - CoNC. -ÍHRUST BLOCKS E 1 - 1s0t TYT x 150, FL GAIE VAL\E 1 - 150ó FL x 1O0t FL r 15Ol TYT lEE 1 - 100, FL x 100t TYT GAIE VAL\E 1 - CONC. IHRUST BLOCK F 1 - 'f50ó lYT x'150, TYT x 150t FL lEEI - 'lsot FL x 150t TYT GAÍE VAL\E 1 _ HYDRANT ASSEI4BLY COI¡PI.-EIE1 - CoNC. ÍHRUST BLOCK G - 150É TYT x 15oó FL 90'BEND- 15oó FL x 15ot TYT GAÍE VAL\E - HIORANT ASSEMBLY COI¡PT.EIE - CONC. 'IHRUST BLOCK H 1 - l50t TYI x 100t TYT GAÍE VAL\E '1 - '150t TYT x l00l FL x 100É TYT IEE- BLOW-OFF ASSTI¡BLY1 1 - CONC. IHRUST BLOCK J I - 1o0t TYT x 100t FL x 1001 TYT lÉE 1 _ BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY1 - CONC. 1HRUST BLOCK 24O ST 60 59 BYPASS VAL\€ (CtoS€D) cltA[18ER OIECK VÀLIE 150ó DOMES'I1C HFYDRANT o DouBl.E cllEcl( (CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY'SHOP DRAWNG.- TO BE APPROVED BY DAMAX) WATER METER SCHEMATC DETAIL N.ts. (sEE D|S'IRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DWG SSD ll/lls)tt0tEst. stE $tEt 2 Fffi C6l8¡L NoIES & sPEdFlC ll0{s2 ltfl'a l0 HA\rE 9lN. 1.0n C0"8. SEE ARüll]EClS Pllt{s FoR tlt{l$Ð mADEs it3ii co{NEc¡tol 1$C ) ?"i!.i21¿ìiìü '¿tia)iíia.iüi) rì Eil ú!" t+{Bffi ! il,:4C lrlílätì (_ll 0.1í: i:Ilr..l ù,f /ai aþI'l 4iìi) I t,,.f-f 19ç52,,; ols m.0 / 27.5 ^,,,,r 1soó Y fäiÇro*r_** urn*-u'** Lg¡*t f=_-ì oilwN LRP CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPAR'IVENIoÊsEo Dlf/L cHEckÐ Dlf¡_0CT08ER 2013 ÆPR@ Dllt v HOMESTTE DEVELoPMENTS (ZERoN) lNC. 2O.1 - 2O4A S'TREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2Z 242 fel. 604-2,+0-2330 3 ROADWORKS & WATERMAINS WATERMAIN FITTINGS WATER METER1:4o0 d; rtr; x domox consultonts ltd. 103-1600 West 6th Ave, Voncouwr, BC V6J 1R3føl. 604-224-6827 Fox. ô04-669-5E80 E-Mo¡l: domoxotelus.nct8Y BENCilt¡ÀRK Mot{ut¡ENT 8,{H9998, TNIERSËCIoil 0F 2,lO SIRert ¡lD €ooEllc El.EVAfloN - E73m Al KÁNAKA CREEX ROÁO (NAD6J CSRS)0^E ßilsfi No. ) I 1 +17 16538 s'Ì3393403413433+4 21 PLAN BCP25368 20 1819 '15 lqr SETER c.0. o 150i sToñ¡ coNN. o 2r llf¡. 900, D.T.0gCil nm ã ?:Jiì?_rc2 1,4:'ra I iìíjiiiìt2,c í.ic ì,11 *ll"-tv 29.50 m ) ÂiliTiìl I I.l a4mTì?ICAL INIER'ÍS PRoFÍ.! D ED2 :ìiü içlP 2lûÈ2Slstr 0 7.61¡ &û1-t50t 9ll 0 ts.(¡î-t501c gcìf a-a¡ir r¡i¡G ,i:i{ì i,1 s 4 ltvs¡I s¡t{ S s 2D tt 21.17 DD3 atlH -t-6l¡tr-ãD SIIaã¡fi D 1 S1 D PLAN DATED 1 13 SEE DAMAX EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL L_l I N '10 11 REM. PCL 'A' PLAN BCP8155 12 -o- 24O ST Itm( I ltn I IJE TE D. ilV.s nv. 1 17 aO 11.O 17.0 2 10 taa 21.1 21.1 3 11 21.6 20.9 4 17 61C 25.3 23 9?O 2A.5 6 34 25.10 24.3 7 40 2? 4A 21.6 a 46 17.aO 17.O I 15.aO 14.7 SET EL 16.20 EL 16.50 YR MANHOLE RINGS TO BE INSTALLED TO MUNICIPAL & WC.B. REQUIREMENTS. PROV]OE CLEARANCE ÁtI INLET i/uM o!ERFLoW-..*,,,.,,'-_.].-._HEAD FOR DESICN ORIFICE PLA]E OF PERITANENI SÍSTEM, 15.28 8mm GALVNIZED SIRANDED fl¡!5.30 STEEL SLÀCK CONIROL S¡RUCTURE TO FABRICAIEO IN PVC AND ANCHORTO TO MANHOI.E lTAl.L 250t sÌt¡ AN R/C IS REQUIRED ON ALL LOTS TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF 3OOmm OF PROCESSED TOPSOIL IS PLACED TO ALLOW SUPPLEMENTARY STORM WATER INFILTRATION tNv.- l.Sm r 2,0m $lDE 12.J8 RÉNTORCED C0NCREjT U/C OETEN]ION TANK.lm,n. STORAcE = 191ri SECTON SOUARE ED6EO ORIRCf, PTA]E 115 MtN. lHlcK) HIH loommt è¡¡lu¡lT llo cn¡lst m¡P (7tnÉ oPENING) WAIER nGHT sUolNG CAIE c/w EYE EOLT (AS FÄBRICA'IED BY LE nor pL¡slics oR EotrvÀtrNT)1: 50 SEWAGE UFT STATON SCHEMAÏC PLAN 1: 50 PUMPSm SHOP SEWAGE UFT STATON DESIGN DATA: 2a UNlfS x = 78.,+ PERSoNS 78.4 x O.Oo521 x 4 = 1.64 l/s INRLT. l HA x 0.1 -!:19-- 1.74 l/s PEAK FLoIV EMERGÉNCY SIORAGE (2HRS) À\ERAGE FLOW 0.41 I,/E |NF|LTRAIoN +0.1o l/,s 0.51 l/s q*¡åry = 3.66 m5(2 HRs) ßooø - 2.54ñt/ñ x'1.5m = 3.81mr lOOt F.M. H = 9.2m (21.50-12.30)L = 14O.0m 105ó6 ì Ir' I I mvE lñ c0üPtr[Eo, c0ffiRoLFOR WITH 1 00ÍuRISTR PI-ACE UNTIL PERM¡NENI oRtFtcE /DFÍENTIoNTHÉNtNtfÆL fO BE VÀCUUMTO AND CLEANED ON À BASIS Æ DEIERMINED AI fHE ESC stslEM. (TNK lS REGUI} FLOW CON'IROL DEVICE IN REINFQRCEg, cıñıngr¡ ornHlPN- rnnr - utt - oz NOTESi. sæ *tcr z ron Gilfr^L Not¡s e 9EOF|C .Ilo{s KLE D EunMFPADTRCTTHEOFTIANftPORCORDEPÀR'IUENTENGINEERINGÞ6dÉo DSIL ocToEER 2013cHEcKEÞ DYI/L 0lll-4or9 B oLo4.14 FOR APPROVAL HOMESITE DEVELOPMENTS (ZERoN) lNC. 2O1 - 2O4A S'IREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC VzZ 242 Tel. 6O,t-240-2330 B4 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN & SANITARY SEWERS OFFS-S1'ÍE CONNEC'NON LOCAÎONS REVISEDO,+,03.1 + HoRz. l:/Klowú 1:100 domox consultonts ltd. 103-1600 West 6th Ave, Voncouver, BC V6J'lR5 rãi oo+-zz+-0e27 Fox. 60'+-ô89-5880 E-Moll: dımoxOtelus.net GT tlf-xO- 8Y Af csRs)BENCfl T¡ARK I¡OIIUTIENT 8'IHS99E' IN'IERSECIIOI{ OF 2,tO STREEÍ ANO cÉOOEflC EI.€VATION = KANAKA CREEK ROADwsd0ÁE UW E. cR #l RO A D B cR 3' I 6 E\G ?a EW R 6 LW a á LW aI á :¡:n ({N _c l uN /r \* . tt \ (¡ c{o I o. t û ¡ (T t P . Év r 29 . 3 2 \ \ C!ô sro tm q r m \ ñ)o Næ \$!o ñ! 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Ði 27 2Ê >ld :>fit t!I ¡ J )a t¿ I a ?\,*0,.c/L 24 ,i ?{ I 23 2t I1 ./7 I Eg 2? 21 I ),d )1 ,(I 2ı 19 I t9 ,/ iF ta PRoP. c/L EI.EVAÏON c¡{É Nlô ñri 6 ri ¡ì i in ¡d t óx Exrsr. c/L ELEVAÏON !lEl SÏAÏON a +J d-tol ql î?tdn CF++o + c { c + o ++++ io i+júi ++ 1/4 1/2 3/1 1A 1/2 3/1 n.L, 22 21 22 CURB RETURN #1 SCATE HoRz 1:250 \ERT. 1:25 CURB RE'IURN #2 SCATI HORZ. 1:2s0 \ERT.1:25 10.0 (cRADtNc By ctvtl CoNIRACToR) sE ¡¡$lflEcls utis toR DRlftÌlÄY sPE0RC,{tilS GÀS 150' ¡O¡€SitC p aoHfi 150' RRE UNE l¡lN. JSom ÂSPHALI oVERLÀY l¡iN. .{ornm ASPHAú UNDERTÂYo s¡]¡ilrNUs) TYPICAL SECTON - ROAD A 1:50 (HoR.) 10.0 8Y CrVrL CoNTRACfoR) GASa aaH/f ilN. Jsrñm ASPHALI oVERLAY uN- hm ASPHALT UNDERLAY MN- lmmm CRUSIED RoC( 300rnm P¡mUN (100nñ MINUS)(ALL BASE I¡A'IERIÀLS TO BECOilPACM TO S8U STAilDARD PR0CToR oENSlrY) o o iltN.sÁN TYPICAL SECTON _ ROAD B 1:50 (HoR.) iloIESf. stE ggrr 2 Ffi GÐiER¡L NolEs e sPEdtlcÂll0{s ¡.0 (vl¡.) I 1,0 e. 1.0 t.0 4 ,.:.. Ilo t_IG I!+i:ffitri 1.01.0 ...':,--- 6,0 s0flcÀto¡ls GNADES sE ¡¡oilttcfs LNS FM METÂY HoMESTTE DEVELoPMENTS (ZERoN) rNC. 2O1 - 2O4A S'IRÉEÏ MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2Z 242 Tel. 604-240-2330 ct; rrr-ì x domox consultonts ltd. '103-'1600 Wcst 6th Ave, Voncouver, BC VOJ 1R3 Tel. 604-224-6827 Fox. 604-689-3880E-Moll: domoxotelus.net s&CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARII,IENTo6me DllL CHECKED Df OAD ocTotsER 20i3 6o¡9ÏYPICAL B &ô ÆPffi DÚL BENC+IMARK TIOilUYENT E,IH9998, GÊOOENC EI.EVA'NOII = INIERSECÌIOI{ OF 2,rc ÍREET AliD XANAKA CßEEK ROAD 6.7úñ AT (NAD65 CSRS) ffi HoRz. 1:4OOEF. 1:50DAEREVSdAY J a, q .D\v t_)\)(Ð i?3t q c\ Ð l,Dq trsf. c .11 .i1 il[ â oú o- I .io 3C o 29 -4 ,a 2S ,a I ¿,2A 2t 27 hãoI!r!-4 7 ?7 2-, 26 z r ,6 t6 m[! 25 24 4Þ) v )5 2f ,'z I '/ 24 2t ssa c 23 .z '/ 23 2a PROP.,a 2t I V z v 22 ?t 22 PRoP. C^-t 7 ,1 21 /il /2 71 lc/c tlts,l I ø to 2(T 20z'/ 19 19 l 1A z r 18 18 fR 17 t'-(n 1 z '.7 17 17 t7 16 o+N 7 t6 16 t6 l5 Jf 4 15 15 t5 14 7"14 14 t4 0m-250t 35 I na Pvc $F 7.61U (N.I sôa PVc SI slM O /.1+x (N. r.5 sIM ¡ l 5il 't 5.c , /.Þl¡ (N.15.C '-150ø 6ôd pvc sf 5S C /.Ot N I LJ+¡E (N. r.s.) STORM INVERTS z- z d ,z ici c F STORM IN\ERTS SANITARY INVERTS SÏORM INVERTS 2Ø .ici u c STORM INVERTS SANITARY INVERTS \t:INVERTS 5ANI I AK I INVERTS STAÏON STATON STAÏON STAÏON ROADS A & B 1:400H / 1:50v NO'IES 2 FOR CORPORATION OF THI DISTRICT OF MA ENGINEERING DEPARTUENT PLE RID HOMESTTE DEVELOPMENTS (ZERoN) lNC.cl; rlr; x domox consultonts ltd. 103-1600 Wcst 6th Aw, Voncouver, BC V6J 1RJ Ìel. 604-224-6827 Fqx. 60/+-689-3880 E-Mo¡l: domoxotelus.nêt o6rdEo Dlll- 201 - 2O4A S1REET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2Z 242 Tel. 60.+-2,+0-2330 C¡ECKEO D\IL STORM & SANITARY SEWERS PROFILES ROADS A & B ocToBER 2013 PR@o Dlt/L 7 ç9 DAE RilSS 8Y BENC+|I4ARK tlot{UMENT 81119998, GEooEnC ELEVAIIoI{ = 8.2/3m Af ñrngcro¡¡ oF 2,to srRæT AND KettAt<A cREEK RoAD (NAD83 csns) ffi Hmz.w. ,lo0 50 7 I li j ,R ('lc\PID\ R)/t E ;\ú t-slr$rlf, 'A t7lsî¡ ( lr4+ iSAT is,.lx (rYP.) I dtr-^RE=lÃsl : HOrm I mr¡nr- hoso. ut loftaÌtl P 27 t^¿ z,^E 25 ¡ù , G 25 2424 4¿)i GRIDE ,\T E¡ ÐCE OF PAII1 PflOPM lnr.) I,Iìı!h-EıÚÑ-FEIkxcær *rmt I lssornrlu:o oal 23 22fI 22 21 FNt$lÐ t m¡DEs (r t-/P.) - rll0 *'l I )o/ u/= \t .¿ 21. 20 19t-\,4 /lfrll 19 1R vIIt! le ta 1'7zt- '/j 17 iI-üè 153 I tmn t-16 , It)4'-4a ,,,\ ?- 15Ë1I 15 '14R. W 7- 14 ,/^'v. s''136.ùn-2¡¡tP$ Sm J5amss5.0F¡=ENs¡613 s h-ÍS Pl,tÞhs$$rcnu 65.srn-20OÉ R-C FrÌ,ll t{ ÍAIK 5[CLfr 50.i¡ - 12sil o a9/5tt úÉ¡¿t Imnürmn sml(T NK O 0.1¡ = f9l o.m.) sfl täffi 12 æhm I sR 3t;t h-?ffi P!9R 3li1,+.ùn-'150,?vc sDR 359.tsUÌlws 501 Rc sm s sAt{ C 977sNc0.aLTtZso t-ft I OZSX sAI ! n ¡ Ba tsdSTORM INVERTS *- es E - ¡-zSANITARY INVERTS FRONT OF BLOCKS 6_9 1:40oH / 1:50V N0tEsr. sE $Er 2 NOIES ¿ ENGINEERING DEPAR'II¡ENT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ÉrôNEo Dll/L CHECKEO D\M- pmm D$/L HOMESI1E DEVELOPMENTS (ZERoN) lNC. 2O,I - 2O4A S'TREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC V2Z 242 Tel. 604-2.tO-2330 04.03.14 OFFS-SI'ÍE CONNEC]ION LOCATIONS REMSEO STORM & SANITARY SEWERS PROFILES FRONT OF BLOCKS 6-9 8 ocToBER 2013 8o¡9 ffi ffoRz. 1: ¡Klow. 1:50 cl; rlr; x domox consultonts ltd. 103-1ôOO Wêst 6th Ave, Voncouwr, BC V6J 1R3 fel. 6o4-224-6a27 Fox. 6o4-6E9-3880 E-Moil: domoxotelus.net8Y BENctll¡ARK MoNUMENT ElHssg8, GEooEnc ElEVAfloN = &Z/Jr¡ AT TNTERSECTOI{ OF 240 SIREET AND KANAÍA CREEK ROAD (NADE3 CSRS)DAE RtrSd No. ) 36 C ) 36.11 /tç F ))\ Ð /lq 31 .i535\.to : Iü 3lñl JO 3434)929 { I iÐ GRADEN¡-FlNtl 'A 6tù2A oo 32t13227 sooÉ27\ 31\3t26I[**i* \30\\25ù25 42L tsØa\i\\24 \ T 29 2A n'r L0-UN LT 2A 29 23 .\\ t \ \23 = --l- 2727 I I -4 )-zz t\\*I I22 26 ? Ë26 -l 21 /\UNIT ,IO LF.L ILO_ 21 &l¡-2mr ?5thtfl252020 sfir2qr ÈC SX¡ß sn J6 17.{3¡str 0 116+¡ tr c 2¡5tIixl 0 LTlt =3 Iñ - Ê 4 STORM INVERTSñ . ISANITARY IN\ERTS SANITARY SEWER BETVIIEEN BLOCKS 7 &' 8 1:400H / 1:50V STORM SEWER BETUIEENBLOCKS4&5 1:4ooH / 1:5ov Ë/ 150 d¡o. Oil Plon Me* {/Pioe orientotÌon Nlfi. Section View r/Elevdtions Stormceptor STc-750 Sìnqle lniet 0esign STCTÞSD qut^q 1-&s7-wvcTfrt^ (2s) 17+9SINw(t)sl6s NOIEi s{Er 2 Fm & DGERIAPLEOFMEDICTSTRIONTIF0THPORCORADEPAR'IUENTENGINEERIN6o6rcNÐ DIVL CHECIEO D\IL pPR@ DWL HOMESTTE DEVELOPMENTS (ZERoN) lNC. 201 _ 2O4A S'IREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC VE 242 Tel. 604-2,+0-2330 BETWEEN BETWEEN STORM 9 ocfosER 2013 S 9or97 e84A5 DETAIL HoÂz. 1:400w. 1:50 ct; lñì x domox consultonts ltd. 103-1600 West 6th Aw, Voncouver, BC V6J lRs ¡à1. øoc-zz+-aa27 Fox. 604-689-3E80 E-Moil: domoxotelus.netBY 8,73rn AT (NAD83 CsRs)BE}.ICTIMARK MOIIUI¡ENT 84H9998, G€OOEIIC ETTVA'ÍION = INIERS€CÌIOi{ Of 2,O íREET ÂND KANAXA CREE< ROADDÄER¿V9d District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application - 2Ot4 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available)tr DevelopmentPermit DPl Aq)iq -Òlð-SP 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. e-lou +¡J - /Y)øl*( c I Lt Lt ht ,l eu 5t h"-lu (chec 3. PresentingArchitect:,L / øY- (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect:N j\. (Please Print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: E/Z copies of the required piesentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 1l- x 17 formatfor distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. 6 Ef Design Rationale Contact person forthis project: (please print) Name:BrnJ ?h'nn uuf Compa oJ fq,n / Address:J|þS- Loct -') l'/ Phone No.óo4-gt î - <7oo Fax No Email:,t (Applica nt's Signatu re) o (Date) rev. 20121-05-15 Tues Jan 14 Tues Feb 11 Tues Mar 11 Tues Apr 08 Tues May 13 Tues Jun 1O Tues Jul 08 Tues Aug 12 Tues Sep 09 Tues Oct 14 Wed Nov 12 Tues Dec 09 Applicant Deadline byNoo¡-on Mon Dec 30 Mon Jan 27 Mon Feb 24 Mon Mar 24 Mon APr 28 Mon MaY l-9 Mon Jun 16 Mon Jul 21 Mon Aug 18 Mon SeP 22 Mon Oct 20 Mon Nov 17 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the BlaneY Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 2014 Meeting Dates elj ! 1) Site Data: CivicAddress 22816 Area of the lot(s)4?86n2 Lot width ßtt*t\ m Lot Depth 6,1+.úrT m Existing OCP Designation Â,\^Lb'., /^.-æ Proposed OCP Designation n¡ rJ.¿*{- Existing Zone a,1- I !tProposed Zone Cø"'-.."¿cÍ,-\'Existing land use Proposed land use .t Proposed dist. of Site-accessfrom a n existing intersection 4?- o.- z 1òô- m m 2 Bui Data Required mroed Reqd. front setback qm Proposed front setback ll,, I m Reqd. rearsetback /m Proposed rearsetback m Reqd. side setback I o,*,\lrm Froposed side setback {om Reqd. side setback /-, $l m')Proposed side setback 7m Reqd. building height"1,? m Proposed building height *rJ^4^,¡JI Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Allowed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 4,1'.lol ctntt m2)TProposed FSR in the Zone (TotalGFA proposed *J*ñ2) Reqd. Usable Open Space ./ m2 Proposed Usable Open Space -r' ¡2 Reqd. Common Activity Area -/ ¡¡2 Proposed Common Activity Area r.r ¡¡2 3 ) Parking and OffJoading: Underground Parking Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone .l v.l''Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 21 Reqd. small car stalls Proposed small car stalls Proposed scooter/bicycle storage a rea / 112 Required Handicapped Parking lí sr-tt o Proposed Handicapped Parking z- Required Visitor Paiking spaces Proposed Visitor Parking spaces Proposed Variances to Parking 4 ) Covenants:ROW: Geotechnical Y/N rm sewer Tree preservation Y/N Sanitary sewer f'\- 4 ),Õ"\Yy'N No Build/ No Disturb Y/N Drainage -YlN Any other Covenants on Title Y/N Any other ROW 5 ) Environmental: Within 50 m of a Watq_courseflSq't n d ista nce from the T0B of watercou rse) m or mo Contours on the I t5-3O o/o/ 30 o/o Existing landsca ped a rea .6 m2 Proposed landscaped area Area of building to be demolished ¡{ m' In the Flood Plain Y/W In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/(N) Proposed LEED points PROJECT DATA: (PLFASE FILL lN ALL AREAS APPLTCABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) ST rll.r*? Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. Ðeep Root5 .qrè¿telHeigfits ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 1-7" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one dÌgital copy on CD or memory card submitied to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs-the "Requìred" boxes to be completed bythe File Manager, while the "lncluded" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project a(chitect and submitted with the ADP package. Required lncluded 1) ADP aipplication form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectuïal drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Planllayout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: L¡ghting details f . Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: S¡gnage details j. Building Design: L¡ghting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) l. Building Design: BuildingSections L m. 3D render¡ng of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. MaterialSampleBoard 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/laYout ' b. Landscapin$ details for features , play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. lrrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan uJJI UaO t-,"À^ı L Required lncluded Project Name: Date: Architect/Applicant: ['. J f l', ^,.' *, P 2_3 2/q Signature: End of Document, Revised December 2012 2 District of Maple' Ridge TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel 2014-058-DP 7OO - 22805 Lougheed HighwaY MEFI-ING DATE: JulY 8,2Ot4 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has bêen received for the subject property, located al22BO5 Lougheed Highway, to permit the renovation of an existing A & W restaurant in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone. This project meets the requirements for inclusion in the Town Centre lncentives (TCl) program as it is a commercial renovation worth more than $20,000.00 and is within sub area 1of the Town Centre' This is a zoned land subject to a Development Permit a-pproval' BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed Zoning: Existing: Proposed Surrounding Uses . North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Brad Phaneuf Times Plaza Holdings Ltd. lnc. No. 34501-4 Lot 1, Section L7, Township 12,. NWD, Plan72307 Town Centre Commercial Town Centre Commercial CS-l (Service Commercial) CS-1 (Service Com mercia l) Restaurant and Other Commercial Uses Restaurant and Other Commercial Uses 4,780 ^z 1L.2 acres) Page 1- of 3 Vacant RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) Low Rise Apartment Commercial (Bank) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Gentre Commercial Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Rise Apartment Com mercial (Service Station) CS-1 (Service Com mercial) Town Centre Commercial Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone'. Designation: Use: Zone; Designation: Access: Servicing: 228 Street Urban Standard DEVELOPM ENT PERMIT AREA: Pursuant to section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Downtown East Precinct Developmeñt Area Permit Guidelines, as outlined below. 1-. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre.2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use commercial area.3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre4. Capitalize on importantviews. 5. Provide public outdoor space.6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features.7. Maintain street interconnectivity. PI.ANNING COMMENTS Official Community Plan The applicant is proposing to renovate the exterior of an existing A & W restaurant (see Appendix A). The property is zoned CS-l (Service Commercíal) which is not in compliance with the existing OCP designation of Town Centre Commercial,' however, only elter¡or building modification are being proposed, therefore no rezoning or OCP amendments are required. The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist for the Downtown East Precinct (see Appendix C). Context The development site is located on the north-east corner of the intersection of Lougheed Highway and 228 Street. The property is relatively flat and is surrounded by single family dwellings to the east, commercial developments to the south-east, south, and west, and vacant land to the north. ParkinE The Maple Rid{e Off-Street Parkin{ and Loading; Bylaw No. 4350 - 7990 requires that the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone provide one parking space for every foui seats and a five car stack up for the drive through component of the restaurant. There are approximately 100 seats in the A & W restaurant; therefore 25 parking spaces would be required for this component of the subject property. The other commercial building on the subject property appears to consist of two restaurants and two commercial units. Assuming the one restaurant has approximately the same seating capacity as the A & W restaurant, based on a similar size,25 parking spaces would be required. The second restaurant appears to be about half the size of the A & W restaurant, so approximalely L2 parkingspaces are allocatedforit. TheCS-1 (ServiceCommercial)zonerequireslparkingspace per25 m2of grossfloor area for retail, wholesale, or personal service commercial use. Based on the area taken from the aerial photo, the gross floor area of the two commercial units appears to be approximately 275 m2l. therefore an additional nine parking spaces would be required. This works out to a total of approximately 71 parking spaces required for the subject property, with one space required for the disabled. Based on the aerial photo, it appears that there are approximately 75 parking spaces provided for the subject property, with approximately two parking stalls for the disabled, therefore it appears that the parking requirements are being met for the CS-l (Service Commercial) zone. Page 2 of 3 Garbage/Recvcling Garbage is stored in the north-east corner of the site, within a locked garbage compactor Offsíte Upgrades No offsite upgrades "rJ propo.ed for this development at this point. This application has not been referred to internal departments yet. Proposed Variances No changes are being proposed that would increase any of the existing variances on the subject property. The setbacks appear to be met for the subject property, with the exception of the rear setback, which is 0 m where it is meant to be 6.0 m Existing landscaping requirements in the CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone require a 1.5 m landscape strip, not less than 1.b m in width on front and exterior'side lot lines, with landscaping covering.not-less than S% of the developed site. A landscaping plan has not been provided to illustrate how the landscaping requirements will be met. This will need to be determined prior to approving the Development Permit. The planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal. 4,',-1Ø* óþ,¿: Prepared by'. Michelle Baski, AScT Planning Technician Attachments:Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C - Appendix D - Subject Map Design Rationale Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines (Downtown East Precinct) Proposed Exterior Work Plans Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX A N \f Þi+t\ EsÀ #1OO - 22805 LOUGHEED HWYc 'ı ,u) o'- U)ı CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTfulENT ir Jt'. - *Cs ì".t 'u _i-- *:- MAPLE RIDGE British coìumbi¡ DATE: Jun 23,2014 FILE:2014-058-DP BY: PC District of Langley Scale: 1:2,000 APPENDIX B Desien Rationale T.he purpose of this Development Permit application is to be renovate the exterior and interior of an existing A & W Restaurant, located at 22805 Lougheed Highway, to be in compliance with the 20L4 "Boomerang" resta urant design. Exterior components of the work include: new metal cladding to replace the,existing stucco, an LED light band, new signage, new pylon sign, and install new printed aluminum checkerboard cladding. APPENDIX C pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be absessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- O"riented Multi Famiy; f-o*-nfuu Ápurtment; Ì'iedium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Watãrfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use See the guidelines in Section g.t 1 of the Offióial Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of deVelopment pennit area guidelines. These guideìinés "r" intended to aid in the review of developmeni permits in the Town Cenire and are tb be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project wiil be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. ln the checklist, you are only required io address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = 'Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) lvlU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) fuii=R = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-risè, medÌum-rise, and high-rise aPartments) precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Desiqn Obiectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist' A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height . To promote a cohesive building style and strong þedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensu¡ng new buildings, ¡..nouãtioÅ. and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. . To help defìne the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces' ùIøple Ridge Town Centre D evelopment Permit Area Guitlelines B. Building Façades, Mater.ials and Colour . To ensure additions, r."nouátion" and/or new infìll projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doárs, siding material and oiher façade elements create â pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildingi, commercial and neighbourhood .character.. To enhance the architecturãl and mássing çoncepts of a bu-ilding as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours' . To screen rooftop ano grounO mounted mecnaniËät equìpment and trash storagafrom prJblic view and thereby ensure commercial animixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street' G. Building Site Considerations . To ensure pullic outdoor spaces are designed so thatthey improve useand activities' incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safetf and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre.. To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Ïown centre, enrich the pedestrian friendiy character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood' . To enJure parkini lots are designed to be accessible, but d'o noi intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre' . To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a seryice street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. . To ensure seryice loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments' I Yes No Not lVlass and Form4.1 Buildi Al.1 Maintain the mass and scale of TCC Ml.J l,lFR Enhance block with commercialAt.2 TCC MUthecorner41.3 Accent.corner TCC II'IU ¡,IFRAI.4 Use des elements TCC MUAi.5 Feature amenities TCC MU !ìJFRAl.6 into smaller modules TCC MU ù]FR1.7 Accommodate TCC MU MF¡ìunrts41.9 Ensure roof TCC MI.J MFR41.10 Use TCC MU MFRtoelementsroofreduceandmassscale4.2 Bu 1.2.1 TCC MU MFRé^2.2 Maintain of architectural features TCC MU MFR é,2.3 ICC MU:vìFRtaller A2.4 back talier bui TCC MU MFR42.5 Match at the end ofblocks TCC MU î/IFR ed1'2.6 TCC MU ùIFR 1'2.7 TCC MU MFRvlews Setbacks4.3A3.l Place to reinforce sidewalk TCC iIU ¡IFR1'3.2 Situate entrances for TCC MU i\¡FRvrslA3-3 Provide and .TCC MU ùIFR Provide clear sight lines building foyers and lobbies to allorv TCC MU .¡IFR^3.4 from visual surveillance n Å' residential mmercial43.5 inuâratef¡omentrânces co entrances A3.6 fcc iru,rìFR 1.3.7 entrances with arrival areas and TCC MU ùfFR43.8 Locate s and entrances in areas that are TCC MU ùlFRvisible ¡,^rrkì l¿;'.U- cÀ'^6-". *J- lain the ctlvesExphow for Fbje Mass andBuildingSetbacks,orIn,met.are If haveHeight selected "no "notoryouicable"app the doeswhy not to ectexplainguideline or it becannotlyappyourroJp met.why Er*ktl-- Illaple Ridge Town Centre Developmenf Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 2 NotYesNoMeet Guidelines: 8.1 B B I . I Address both sides of the block with comer TCC MU Bl.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC gU ¡¡iìFR B 1.3 Locate and features at the street level TCC IIU ilIFR B I .4 Use a mix of common facade and elements TCC I¡|IJ &IFP B 1.5 Reflect and scale TCC ItlU fuIFR B 1.6 architech:ral elements TCC IIIJ ùIFR TCC MU IIFR81.7 old and new TcC MU ¡rlFRof the street wallB 1.8 lvlaintain the horizontal rh street level and floors Tcc ilu iLrFRB 1.9 Provide a visual division bet'ù/eeD TCC I¡iIJor81.10 Include continuous and materials for a or rES TCCMUB1.l I Ensu¡e B I . 13 Use windows to on the street'lCC ¡iU .riìFR 81.14 Enhance the realm TCC I¡U ¡JIFR TCC MUreflects81.15 Ensure character and materiais 8.3 Materials TCC MU ¡IFP.materials andrealm with83.1 Enhance the ICC HU MFR83.2 Use materials TCC MtJ MFRmaterials3.3 Avoid the use of TCC HU IIIFR83.6 Use a rnix of 8.4 Colours rcc Mu UFRcolours84.1 Select TcC MU l,ìiiland entrancesB'4.2 architectural TCc i.lu l¡lFRconsistent colour84.3 Ensure a cohesi 8.5 and nLocate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep85.l TCC I¡lU i/IFRout ofsite of 85.2 Screen mechanical TcC MU ¡rlFR ICC l¡lu IIFR85.3 Avoid conflict with Tcc MU ¡/ìFÊventilation85.4 Locate to mrmmrze nolse and exhaust 1fu veha lected 'nose OI "notCoandarelou¡Ifmet.Materialsthehowectivesfo,r youBuildingFaçades,Explain obj orect rt becannot met.not tothedoes whyapplyyourproJexplainwhyguidelineapplicable" 5oÊC-È,t'feJ-teçr'a\!^è'rù---lc-f¡¿tL"Lê-{-\S.-¿.¡ñ^f6.-lt 'tf- \ ùIaple Ridge Town Centre Developmenl Permil Area Guidelines Cltecklist J Meet Guidelines:Yes No Not Applicable C.l Public Outdoor Space and HardscapesCl.l Provide public outdoor space TCc MU ;\¡lFR nf I ¡Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is hiehly visible fCC MU VIFR ü/l n C l .3 Provide ionnections belween buildings, sidewalks, and outdoo¡ open spaces ICC MU ùìFR ø/ CL.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR J LI Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU ùIF'R I tJ tv,Clr7 Desim hardscape elements as part of the buildine f CC MU 'ìj¡FR M'CI.8 Intesrate pedestrian amenities with walls and,/or landscaped areas rcc MU MFR I -l h4Cl.9 Provide public art TCC MU ùlFR t,I IT C1.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TûC MU MFR vl'I I C I . l2 Provide smooth routes TCC MI.J ùIFR Y l n C1.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC Mll ùtFR l q t] C.2 Parking and Parking LotsC2.l Provide required parking u¡derqround, where feasible TCC MU .ilFR I I nC2.2 Screen Iarge surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TTC i]lu MFR I I lvlC23 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MtJ MFR I .LJC2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU .\fFR w _J LIC25 Consider developine undergiourd parkine saraqes TCC MU ]VIFR I I v' C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU ¡,lFR I Y'I C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service. parking access and loading TCC MU ,lrlFR I lvl' C3.2 Utilize ianes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU ;l¡lFR I I l,l/ , C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane ICC MU ùTFR L]J IB'C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC iIU ,!IFR I l.{ C3.'7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC ML' ùIFR I LJC3.8 Separate loading from parkine and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR q'I UC3.9 Screen loadine areas TCC HU I vf ll C.4 Street Trees and LandscapeC4.2 Use the right species fCC MU MFR L I t3.. C4.8 Maintain sieht lines TCC MU IiFâ t1 Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" o¡ "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why.it cannot be met. ArI*ro.¿' ftì^tsÅa IÅn :o-* ¿J*'^6<ø "*L=U ùIaple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Cltecklist 4 a. Does proposed¡ Consistent: Yes No fI Explain: 3. Enhance the quatity, character and vibrancy of the Torvn Centre 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewa"lk areas as active p¡rılic spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium sryle' . Consistent: Y"s f] No EIl Explain: e>.1¡À,*- År.f- W *% KEY GUIDEI- INE CONCEPTS l. Provide a.gateway to the Town Centre d. e. b. architechrral qualiry and character ofassociated new development'l N/A I promote the qualitY, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? A¡e co lours consistent and-nfateri als of sus ta inab le quality? . Consistent: Yes EIl No I Explain: n-{ÀJ* cl^èÀj.^\ is ¡^--.-st'-:tlai'^J"l¿ ü-'^ c'utre-'t str¿c.co ù' Does the proposed building (or buildings) present an attractive appearance to the Street and rnaintain a cohesive ù,riiaing style? /. Consistent: Yes Ell No ! Explain: 4. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new deVelopment capitalize on mountain;ndór river views? . Consistenr Yes fl No f] Not Applicable l¡]l Explain: Yes No fl Explain: Have the impórtant views of existing buildings been ¡ Consistent: Yes I No n Not Applicable Explain: in relation to the proposed development?conside¡ed { ùIaple Ridge Town Cenlre DP Part I: KefGuítleline Concepts for lhe Do*'tttown East Precinct J 5. Provide public outdoor space h_ Explain: k. Are public spaces designed to accornmodate a range ofactivities, incorporate universal aciess, reduce vandalism, and increase satery?¡ Consisrent: Yes EK No f] 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are Iandscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the intemal building climate, manage stormwaPr on site, and referénce the architecnr¡al qualiry of the building(s)? . Consistent: Yes B' No I Explain: N" "h.-.n,a pr.ç"x-à fu [.*Js.*p';2 7. IVlaintain street interconnectivity j Does proposed development maintâin street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a sen'ice street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? /¡ Consisrent: Yes ! No fl Not Appticable El' Explain: is required parking provided undergrolnd?. Consistent: Yes I No E]/ ExPlain: Nc¡ c-L-o.o (^foa^J {, p/? IVIaple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for tlte Dowtttou:tt Easl Precinct 6 A. Buitding Setbacks, Form, lVIass, and fleight Çx\t-n :.6a* ,)'.r-Y¿ **1, Al.8 Design flexible ground-flo'or unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. T\ot - ,'¿'-J &-o;*- I ..\¡ consistent: Yes I No ! q,_- ol.,<r- ,^,' tnø^ br*+t"U rExpraln: èr-,.n- t*"+!;1 iï*O *-*^l t+\^t+"-- \&tÀ'?q+' Al.liAccommodateroofgardens,trelIises,andgreenfealures.. consistent: yeãft Nofl r---)g¡;'ø n .c-4Ð\avJ¿ ' Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opporhrnities.. Consistent: Yes ! No n Explain: A2.9 Protect solar acôess to surrounding buildings and minimize wind nrnnel effects. . Consistent Yes ! No f, Explain: B. Building Façades, lVlaterials, and Colour B l. t2 Use exterior shading devices to bloglCsummer sun. . Consistent: Yes n - No EK Explain: Þ2.1 82.2 83.4 83.5 Design outdoor lighting tg,niinimize tight pollution . Consistenr. Yes pl' No I Explain: lG\ \,ç;i;, nnat l", "-^"h--'- ,^*-"-¿r& f ñ Ú*t bn'¡*) u Encourâge energy effi cieng,llghting.. Consistent: Yes Çz/ N6 [ Explain: Select environmentally res¡onsible building materials. ¡ Consistent: Yes B/ No ! Explain: n^ôr(- ¿rrlJ'[Â- F\^.}èJ- s te? *'f"t*tJ t'5' VìÌút tt'¿ Minimize the use of unsu;ta'rnable building materials. . Consistent: Yes EJ' No ! Explain: ùIaple Ridge Tot+vt Centre Green B uilditrg Desigtr Guidelines 7 83.7 Consider life-cycle cost.. Consistent: Yes ! No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations c1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to caprure the sun.. Consistent:. Yes I No f] Explain: C I . I I Use materials that are functionat, durable and inchrde recycled or salvaged content.. Consisrent: Yes fl No f] Explain: C I. 14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. . Consistent: Yes ! No f] Explain: c2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances.. Consistent: Yes I No tr Explain: c2.8 Use permeable pavement and infìltration devices on appropriate sites . Consistent: Yes ! No fl Explain: c2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. . Consistent: Yes I No f] Explain: C2. I0 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities fo¡ short-term rtses. . Consistent: Yes fl No I Explain: c2.tt Provide long-term bicycle parking. Consistent: Yes fl No I Explain: ùIaple Ridge Towrt Centre Green B uildìtrg D esigrt Guidelincs I C2.12 Provide end-oÊtrip facilities.. Consistent: Yes I No fl c3.4 c3.6 c4.l c4.3 c4.4 c4.s c4.6 c4.7 Explain: Minimize impervious paving of the lane. r Consistent: Yes I No n Explain: Respect existing grades. . Consistent: Yes n No[] Explain: Plant street trees.r Consistent: Yes fl No fl Expiain: Minimize use of high maintenance plants. . Consistent: Yes fl No fI Explain: Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. . Consistent: Yes I No D Explain: Consider the inclusion of communiry gardens' . Consistent: Yes n No fI Explain: Design and place landscape to'facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. . Consistent: Yes I No n Explain: Minimize erosion potential. . Consistent: Yes I No n Explain: ùIaple Ridge Towtt Centre Green Biiltling Design Guitlelines 9 # :!:).,\.i c4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. Consistent: Yes f] No D Explain: C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green featrues.. Consistent: yes I No f] Explain: c4. ll Incorporate low impact stormwater featuresr Consistent: Yes ! No fI Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use.. Consistent: Yes f] No E Explain: c4. 13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat.. Consistent: Yes ! No fl Explain: C4.14 Retain existing mature trees.r Consistent: Yes I No n Explain: ùIaple Ridge Totvn Centre Green B uil tling Design Guitlè[ines 0 FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development ir the Town Cente will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Centre Alea Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelihes in Section 8.11 of ñ Offi"lut Community Plan for the full list and description of development ryrmit^ryid1lines., , This checklist is ùrtended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Tor¡rn Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES c. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and lleight a. promote a cohesive buitding exprgssion and strong pedestrian oriented.urban realn in Vupl9 Ridge-Town Cente by enswing new buildings, renovations'arid/of àdditioú3'hdve cónsislent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mgps, and height' . Consistent: Yes El' No I Explain: ßø.sv..åio-o.to -rr-€robtlì bdl&l ,,*ú'a,- t, stlt-'l'o, A'--, reYL€ L.-.-Stf,, v b. Help define the street and gþewalk areas as active public spaces. . Consistent: YesE/Not] ,1 ,,,, . i, r.,..,.r * i ,¡ ¡ Explain: N" cl^'-A¿- provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. /.¡ Consistent: Yes E- tqo n Explain:.fü" .t-â4_ L SJeb 6.J.- B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour I d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or nçp infillprojects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, sidiåg material and other façâde Ë199* crêate a pleasing corrposition àompatible with surroun;ding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character . Consistent: Yes l-'l No El" Explain: l.^d!¿ri,rô = cÃon¡s ..- .lJcr.^;J â'Ò"Ì-.- *tP& bæ^f Enhance the architectural and massing'cbnqepl of a.bqlldlnS,ag we[ 4ç the 9]49ry, O.falacteJ and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centrà tnrouþtné use of harmonious, qirälity materials and colours. -..r Consistent: Yes g- No n e. Explain:l4nw,J bJ&l n*L'-t'61 &¡sZ ¡''dó'Á' IMøple Ridge Town Centre DP Pørt II: Section Obiectives Cltecklist Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mBed-use builrlings maintain an athactive appearance to the street.¡ Consistent: Yes B" No f] ExPlain: tr¡ oi' v:slu--. C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are desiped so that they improve use and activities, furcorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more athactive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre.¡ Consistent, y", ØNo n ExPlain: No cl*.-* f" t"b a,cp¿>o. f. h. Provide street trees and landscape eiements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian füendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this im.portant' çqpmercial and þigher densify residentiaJ,arga with the cl¿racter and quaiity of the surrourding residentialneighbourhood. "l / ;r Consistent: yes ! No El- Explain: t-Is c-.-f-er pL^ t^t<-t,-,Y ¡*r',ÅrJ. Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surlsunrling residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented qqality of the Town Centre.o Consistent: Yes E No El Exnlain: -. , ,  .D^Prdu' NÐ rLT+- F4 {¿.*-. : Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment aré desiped to prótect th'e sunoundiùg businesses and residential areas from unsþhtly, noisy, and noxious environments.¡ Consistent: YesÁ/ No n ExPlain: Lô"-þ! \¿ vw-r- c-otr\¿-/' J sÃ, 1. k. Explain: FIIRTITER COMMENTS Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar áccess andhuman comfort, in accordance with the Development Permit Çuidelþes..' Consistent: Yes I No Bl . .i. flr-.,¡s,h* *\, ^- cJ.-?- l* t;Jfl l.J'"*- MøpIe Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist 7 rì Xâzlr¡o-o-Cu rrent Bu ¡l d¡ng Proposed Bu¡lding tt Legend @ Removed 0ptional items Denotes material finishes NOTE: Remove all existing signage and all exterior lighting through out. #0543 - 2281h Street, Maple Ridge Exterior: Elevations lllustrat¡ng New Finishes Front Elevation Bollard & Rail Back Elevation Side Elevation lnstall new checkerboard cling on outside surface Drive-Thru Elevation Add spotlighting to illuminaie attribute posters new Bike rack tn new 15' lnstall new existing lnstall new "HomeofThe 12'A&W arch checkerboard Burger Family" ìogo on cling on outside letters brackets surface Add spotlighting to illuminate faces Door & *OPTIONAL: Box-in between existing columns Relocate existing attribute posters as indicated *OPTIONAL: new printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discretion @ Enclosure lnstall new 7' A&W logo 'Welcome door decals' @ frame new printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discrelion Bollard Garbage Enclosure *OPTIONAL: new printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discretion 0r @ Existing shrubs to remain if undamaged Bollard Box-in Door, Bollard & Railing lop area ¡¡s1¿¡¡ ¡s\i/ belween 7'A&Wexisting logo columns new "Welcome lnstall new checkerboard cling on outside surface newT' lnstall new Burger Family A&W door faces sign decals lnstall new 1O'A&W logo EP3 {i¿1$ EP6 0543 Maple Ridqe - A&W Restaurant 2013 Enclosure door decals" I g. Exterior: Elevations lllustrating New Finishes Legend Removed ' - OPtional items Denotes material finishes Left Elevation *OPTIONAL: new printed aluminum checkerboard Panels at owners discretion Front Elevation Rear Elevation will require special attachment/installation specific to the material rL- ñ^ ,*^^^ ^ *^i there are any problems w1h interpreting the correct colour for any part of your particular building, please contact the Re-lmage e-mail: reimage@aw'ca for clarification' Rioht Elevation - NOTE: 1) Metalfinishes (CL1/FL1/FL2) are illustrated for 2) These are generic renderings of a standard "8" 8 ffi T t "8" Stvle Left' Release 5.0' Boomerang2014 the purposes of depicting a fully coloured rendering, but style building and may vary slightly from your building, if 4. Exterior: Elevations Illustrating Signage Removal & Demolit¡on O STOP:removal and demolition to minimize theItems Prior to Construction" beforePlease ensure the Franchisee has letedl-egend - Removed/Demolished Existing Left Elevation Remove existing vefiical cladding Right Elevation Demolish existing stucco Remove arch above parapet canoPies, if height and make good existing Remove existing roof flashing (typ.) Remove exisiing logo sign Remove existing door decal existing stucco arch above parapet height and make good Front Elevation Remove "Chubby Chicken" sign and gooseneck lamps if existing Demolish existing stucco arch above parapet height and make good Remove existing logo sign and bracket Remove existing roof flashing (typ.) Remove Burger Family faces sign and gooseneck lamps if existing Remove canopy, if existing Remove stucco stripes. Patch surface Remove existing vertical cladding existing door decal Rear Elevation Remove "Home of the Burger Remove Family" sign, if existing. Patch existing surface after sign removed veñical cladding Remove existing roof flashing (typ.) Remove existing logo sign Remove existing vertical cladding Remove existing vertical cladding Remove Remove existing door canopies, if decal existing Demolish existing arch to top of parapet Remove existing roof flashing (typ.) il il II il t*.I il -lI II -trI II ll -t--- il II iiii iiii ili i I rliiiiir iijj II ll 'i iiiiii.If- il ll ll ll ll ll il F- lt lt II il ìr*- ilII u1l-'r('1f lr--'1-ll--tf- ll il ll 4ÞT lI- ilI ìl 1t' tì ll il I II NOTE:1) Contractor is responsible for building signage removaland disposal (Logos, Drive Thru can, Chubby Chicken sign, The Z) naW sign supplier is responsible for pylon sign head section removal and disposal for retrofits. Contractor is responsibl Home of the Burger Family letters, etc). e for pylon sign removal and disposal for brand new signs. 9"8" Style Left - Release 5.0 - Boomeran92014 5. Exterior: Elevations lllustrating Bu¡lding Alterations Front Elevation q EQEQ. l:= / t. I I I I ì. I attached io building to E91 5 cut sheetsbacking as required to suPPort new logo. mounted on cantilevered bracketsNew 12' logo Provide Make good roof, flashing and wall surfaces after removing archof The Burger New 12'"Homg ily" sign New llluminated Boomerang @ with aluminum sPace frame \\./...\ 'a\\ /, z.'' 2.2lr, EQFA UW-- - ú.1.-,- ./ 'a.,//.rl',/'7 Add twin head sPotlighting mounted up in sPace frame. Refer to Technical Notes for sPecs. lnstall new checkerboard window cling surface Box-in former arch complete with soffit on underside using electrostatic e to be excludedprocess. Door Repaint doors lnstall new decals Add twin head sPotlighting mounted up in sPace frame. Refer to Technical Notes for sPecs.cladding New aluminumNew 8" aluminum flashing above windows Legend Denotes material finishes @ Denotes equipment number New work Existing Removed Optional Scale 1: 3/16" "B" Stvle Left' Release 5.0' Boomeran92014 10 5. Exterior: Elevations lllustrating Bu¡lding Alterations Left Elevation Add twin head spotlighls concealed within canopy frame to illuminate new "HOTBF" sign. Refer to Technical Notes for light fixture specs Align top ol boomerang with iop of existing parapet Add twin head spotlights concealed within canopy frame to illuminate new "HOTBF" sign. Refer to Technical Notes for light fixture specs lnstall new flashing Colour to match New llluminated Boomerang @with aluminum spaHrame Add twin head spotlight concealed within boomerang space frame to illuminate painted checkerboard. Refer to Technical Noles for light fixture specs Align top of rear boomerang with underside of flashing cap / -b øul or¡ ,/',/(Þ O) Make good roof, flashing and wall surfaces after top of arch demolished New window wall sconces @ Repaint existing New 1S"'HOTBF" sign @ Referto Eq. List for site specific length electrostatic process.Door usrng handle to be excluded Repaint doorlnstallnew "Welcome" decals Replace existing attribute posters with new graphics New 7' A&W logoNew metal cladding @ New painted checkerboard Pattern* OPTIONAL: New printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discretion @ q EQ.EQ. 2,' GAP Legend Denotes material finishes @ Denotes equipment number New work Exisiing Removed Optional Scale 1: 3/16" "B" Stvle Left - Release 5.0'Boomerang20l4 11 5. Exterior: Elevations lllustrating Building Alterations Rioht n Align toP of rear boomerang with underside of flashing caP Add twin head spotlights concealed within canopy frame to illuminate new "TBF" sign. Refer to Technical Notes for light fixture specsbgo@New 7'A&W @ New llluminated Boomerang mounted to aluminum space frame lnstall new flashing Colour to match Add twin head spotlights concealed within canopy frame to illuminate new "HOTBF'sign. Refer to Technical Notes for light fixture specs Align top of boomerang with toP of existing paraPet :o I o, t- EQVARIESz/,/,,/',/' l------l 2'' GAP New meialNew 7 ft. "Burger Family" faces s¡gn (B?\ New Painted checkerboard Pattern * OPTIONAL: New Printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discretion @ wall sconces @ Repaint existingNew windowNew metal cladding New 15'"HOTBF" sign for site specific length Refer to Eq. List New firelight sign Add twin head spotlights concealed within canopy frame to illuminate new "HOTBF" sign. Refer to Technical Notes for light fixture specs q EQEQ. Legend Denotes material finishes @ Denotes equipment number New work Existing Removed Optional t Scale 1:3116" o'B" Style Left' Release 5.0' Boomerang2014 12 5. Exterior: Elevations lllustrating Bu¡lding Alterations Back Elevation Repair all surfaces after top of arch on front elevation demolished * OPTIONAL: Continue llluminated band around back of building for site specific, high-visibility locations-at owner's discretion lnstall new flashing Colour to match New 12'logo@ mounted on cantilevered brackets (rear side shown) Return llluminated band into building at rear elevation (both sides) to terminate EQ.EQ I o o New painted checkerboard pattern * OPTIONAL: New printed aluminum checkerboard panels at owners discretion @ visibility locations at owners discretion for high * New 7' logo New alumin cladding decal New stick-on A&W "Welcome" EP3 usrng handle to be excluded Repaint door Doorelectrostatic 136-1 New self-adhesive A&W decal Reoaint metal door and doorframe onry @ using electrostatic process .\/'l ,ì¡ .4t /tt .'\\ ./¿\ Legend Denotes material finishes @ Denotes equipment number New work Existing Removed Optional Scale 1: 3/16" "8" Style Left - Release 5.0 - Boomerang2Ûl{13 6. Exterior: Technical Notes 6,2 SIGNAGE REMOVAL AND DEMOLITION , Contractor to remove existing building signage to facilitate building alteration work' . Demolish existing "arch" down to height of parapet, as shown below. Remove existing front glazing over entry within arch and metal cladding ("8" stylea a only). Remove existing gooseneck lighting. lnstall new metal cladding as shown in the "Elevations lllustrating New Finishes" page. New metal cladding shall be installed with the ribs running in a horizontal orientation, with product-approþriate flashing and fasteners to prevent ingress of water into wall cavity. shorterfaces are inboard of taller faces. (see section below). ¡l Alternate cladding will be acceptable if profile and colour match specs' Remove existing roof flashing and replace with new FL2. Colour to match cladding' New soffit painted EP2 Outside Existing siucco Z <_ a a a CO Boxed-in former "arch" lnside Wider ribs facing out Pre-finished metal flashing FLz lnstall new roof flashing FL2 lnstall new horizontal cladding CLl Box-in former arch, complete with soffit on underside with EP2 finish and new cladding Exisiing structure "A" Style Building "B" Style Building 6.3 NEW CONSTRUCT¡ON a I lnstall new roof flashing FL2 New flashing FL1 Demolish existing "âlch" ------------->down to height of ParaPet Terminate underside of soffit with EP2 Box-in former arch finished with CLI The following notes are intended as a technical resource to supplement the scope of work outlined thro-ughout the Re-lmage Design book, as well as more detailed information about how the workãhould be carried out. Some items may not be part of your specific scope of work and appear here as options or alternatives' 6.1 NEW EXTERIOR A&W EQU¡PMENT AND SIGNAGE A Legend of all A&W supplied equipment items for the re-image program is included in this Design Book for general reference' A&W Equipment orãer must be placed by Franchisee' Lead time for equipment order is 5--6 weeks from date of purchase order' Deposit cheques and signage permit are required in advance of order placement' bontractor is responsible for coordination of construction schedule to meet equipment delivery date. Cost anO application for sign permits are the responsibility of the Franchisee; as is arranging forsecure and insured warehousing to receive equipment delivery' Varioüs Éederal and Provincial bodies in Canada including Workman's Compensation Board and ontario occupational Health and safety Act, now require contractors to ensure the employees and subtrades working on site are not exposed to suspected contaminants or hâzardous mate¡als which may be present within existing buildings or on sites where theY are working. A&W recommendi the franchise operator determine any such requirements at the onset of their project, so it can be reviewed with the successful contractor and appropriate steps to ensure compliance with these regulations can be taken prior to cations such as dimensions, materials, electrical connections, refinishing of existing sign support structures, for a pylon sign, it must be designed by a Structural allow sufficient curing time for concrete prior to CI STOP: As part of A&W Standard, general contractor/electrician to ensure exterior s¡gnage und dtiu. thru circuits are decoupled so that when the signage is turned off the menuboard is still working. a a a a a ¡ a a a a Eng backing the start of construction For technical equiPment sPecifi for your specific restaurant, refer to therequirements and/or plumbing requirements included with this Design Book.List and accomPanYing Cut SheetsEquipment supplier with excePtions notedof exterior signage is by the A&W signagelnstallation ing supply and installation ofLegend. All other related work includin the Equipment electrical connections to suitwalls, addition and/or relocation ofplywood backing within new signage, final electrical rt structures is by Franchisee's Contractor'and provision of new sign suPPo If a new concrete base is required ineer and the Contractor must Lead Time for new pylon sign is 12 weeks.ng sign delivery and installationscheduli than existing, may require new plywoodLocations of new logo signs, where different to ensure adequate support'installed inside existing wall cavities Optional items at Franchisee's discretion Suggested environmental initiatives Leoend:* Cß I r.^n e. rrÞr, Ctrrlac - Elolaase 5_0,; BOOmgfang2014 14 6. Exterior: Technical Notes 6.4 PAINTING . A fully qualified professional painter must be used to prepare all surfaces by removing loose debris, scraping, filling, power washing, patching damage, resealing joints, and cleaning thoroughly prior to painting. Use an exterior latex primer suitable for masonry, only if existing paint is flaking.. Paint manufacturer's specifications and instructions for surface preparation (such as cleaning) and product application (such as outdoor temperature at time of application) must be followed,(st All paints and coatings should comply with Green Seal # GS-'l1 and GC-03, and GC-where not covered by Green Seal, should meet SCAQMD Rule #1113'. Care must be taken to prevent overspray of paint on to nearby cars, buildings and other property by providing advance notice to neighbours, covering up of potentially affected surfaces, monitoring of wind conditions and other proactive measures.. When painting exterior metal window and door frames, A&W recommends the use of an electrostatic painting process which provides a superior hard wearing finish. This method is more costly than conventional spray or brush-on applications'. PainVrepaint the following items:. Pylon sign pole to height of readerboard bottom to match Pantone Silver 442C, electrostatic paint application is prefened,. Repaint all public entrance doors EP3 (orange) electrostatic paint applÌcation is prefened. Door handle and frame to be excluded.. Solid metal service doors and door frames EP2 (brown),. Aluminum storefront window and door frames, inside and out (EP2) unless clear anodized finish which can remain.. Checkerboard pattern on designated areas on side elevations EP3 (orange) and EP6 (rust),. Existing stucco 'towei' EP7 (brown) and exterior walls as designated EP9 (medium grey) and EP3 (orange).. Underside of new soffit boxed-in arch EP2 (brown).. Curbs and bollards EP3 (orange).. Paint Drive Thru arrow on pavement as needed. Artwork available for download.. Repaint existing lot sign cans EP3 (orange) and drive-thru menuboard box EP3 (orange),. Paint mechanical roof screen E New metalcladding CLl New brown flasing FLI (some buildings) Paint existing stucco or sudace EP3 Paint existing stucco or surface EP6 Use existing hard reveal as checkerboard divider Repaint base EP9 to maintain equal divisions of checkers above a Repaint the garbage enclosure and exterior sheds as follows: Doors Checkerboard pattern on walls Doors and sunound Willbe handled on case-by-case basis Custom Existing Finish Stucco Wood/Bricld Concrete Metal Method Spray, brush, or roller Spray, brush, or roller Electrostatic recommended, sprayibrush/roller acceptable but interior Finish Low lustre Low lustre Gloss or semi-gloss Type Exterior acrylic latex Exterior acrylic latex Urethane alkyd enamel Pre- treatment Brush, clean with bleach and water to remove mildew and fungal growths, etc; cracks and holes to be filled with suitable exterior fillings compounds and sanded smooth when dry; bare patching primed Brush, clean with bleach and water to remove mildew and fungalgrowths, etc; cracks and holes to be filled with suitable exterior fillings compounds and sanded smooth when dry; existing gloss surfaces to be dulled with fine sandpaper or solvent and bare patches primed Primer Exterior latex, primer suitable for masonry, only if existing paint is flaking Exterior latex, primer only if existing paint is flaking (must be suitable for masonry if on brick or concrete) Thoroughly clean with emulsifier and sand as needed to ensure proper adhesion; surface must be smooth and free of dust, grease, oil, and loose matter Bonding primer suitable for non- ferrous metals trA" & o'8" Stvles - Release 5.0 - Boomeranq2014 15 6, Exterior: Technical Notes 6.8 DRIVE THRU AWARENESS KIT lnstall Drive Thru Awareness Kit as per instructions on cut sheetsa 6.6 LED ILLUMINATED BAND . "26" BOOMERANG" llluminated Boomerang band AW1, is to be supplied by Lektron lnc' and installed by contractor, contractor to contact Lektron lnc. directly to coordinate sizing and order- ing of A&W 26" high LED band. See Boomerang Section' Cıntractor to provide exterior electrical hook-ups and make final connections' See Boomerang Section' Aluminum fiamework structure to be supplied and install by Contractor. See Boomer' ang Section, Èto-nt togo and bracket is supplied and installed by A&W supplier' Boomerang and frame work must not run behind logo's mounting brackets. Refer to bracket cut sheets in Equipment Cut Sheet Section. eoomeiang must be installed prior to A&W supplier installing signage. a a a a -ri'l'-'í;:;t¡ l IJ A a I a 14'+l- EQ, the most visible window from the streetlnstallfirelight sign inside dining room facing logos and signage come downd be installed as soon as exteriorSign shou extra for future).ring for 2 firelight drive thru signs (Provide wi 6.9 FIRELIGHT DRIVE THRU SIGN Drive thru -----------+ l: awareness kit on window GC to provide electrical supPlY and conections Bulkhead/ceiling GC to Provide adequate suPPort * . Franchisee, at their discretion, may do additional work on site landscaping' fixtures or furniture such as: upgrade existing landscape and planted flower areas, repainting lot lines and curbs, repiir and paintiñg of fencing, replacement of patio umbrellas, skim coating of asphalt paving, repaintiñg of bollards, addition of exterior lighting, and/or replacement of outdoor furniture. ' Prefened colours for site items are EP2 (brown) for fencing, patio lights, lamp standards' bike racks and building mounted garbage receptacles; EP3 (orange)for bollards, curbs and railings. * OpTIONÁL: patio furniture and umbrellas available thru A&W Equipment Services' order directly through your A&W Equipment services Representative' 6.7 ORANGE PUBLIC DQORS All public doors must be orange as shown in Elevations lllustrating New Finishes' There are two choices available:. Choice 1: n.ptint tll public entrance doors EP3 (orange) electrostatic paìnt application is preferred, Door handle and frame to be excluded' see Painting, Technical Notes Section. Choice 2: Apply Orange Vinyl Door Kit on glass' Refer to cut sheet' Exclude door handle Vinyl applied to door glass a a 6.5 LIGHTING . Remove existing exterior lighting including gooseneck lamps and fixtures as per elevations.. where existing uplights occur on the front bulkhead to highlight the existing fin and/or burger family facesJthese should be shifted to highlight the new "Home of The Burger Fariily" lettering; a minimum of two lights is required to illuminate the sign' . Add newfixtures or relocate suitable existing fixtures to highlight new signage locations' . Add twin-head spotlights mounted within the Boomerang canopy framework shining down at the HorBÈleftering, The Burger Family faces oval and building painted checkerboard as shown in elevations' Canlet Parmate 65212 -Two lampholders with matching waterproof box, Architectural Grey Albrite Lighting . Photos are for reference only, these are a R-style buildings L1 lighting asrelocate/add uP or new signage. Add twin headprovide illumination for up in space framespotlighting mounted At night the signage will not be visible. remove or leave the without ('^,1 &,,B" Qtvles - Release 5.0 - BOOmeranq 20f 4 16 7. Exterior: LED llluminated Band r "Boomerar'rg" _ :- ':.:, : .:. 24" high Clear Anodized Aluminum Space Frame N/A Fabricated locally and coordinated by General Contractor and Lektron lnc. lnstalled and mounted to building by General Contractor Design of space frame can vary. Example provided is for reference, Blocking within existing building to support framework and light band are responsibility of General Contractor including Engineering if required. Shop drawing will be required for space frame and should follow design intent, angle, location of "valley", distance from building as described in this book. Contact Lektron lnc. to coordinate space frame fabrication as needed, Space frame detail llluminated 26" high LED Light Band N/A Fabricated by Lektron lnc, lnstalled by General Contractor a I Contractor to order Lektron band from supplier as indicated below. Contractor to supply actual dimensions as requested by Lektron to allow for accurate fabrication of band to suit specific site conditions. Contractor to coordinate framework fabrication with Lektron manufacturer in order to facilitate proper matching alignment of angles. Typical band will run 3 sides and return into building to terminate.* OPTIONAL: lf site if highly visible on all sides, Franchisee has option of installing band on all 4 elevations at his/her discretion. t a "8" style building Logo bracket 891 5 A&W Supplier lnstalled by A&W Supplier a Contractor must supply and install appropriate blocking and structure for front logo to mount to, according to provided cut sheet, Please see Equipment Cut Sheet Section for details. Logo bracket MANUFACTURER CONTACT: "8" Style - Release 5.0 - Boomerang 2014 Lektron lnc, LED Lighting Technology Phone: 918-622-4978 Web: www.lektroninc,com contact: Keith Hannah Email: keith_hannah @ lektroninc.com 17 T.Exterior: LED lllUminated Band r "Boomerang" 7.1 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK a a a clear anodized aluminum space frame is to be fabricated locally and is part of Contractor's scoPe of work' The llluminated Boomerang is manufactured by [ektron lnc' lnstallation to Aluminum space frame is part of the Contracto/s scope of work' naw wirr ruppty building elevations of original construction drawings to LeKron' Lektron will send a quote directly to Franchisee or contractor. Gontractor to coordinate final sizing and ordering of Boomerang directly with Lektron' iypì.àrfy, top edge of boomeranf at front elevation to be equal in height to top of exist¡ng'roof 'pr¡r[.t, Top edge of boomerang at back of building to terminate at bottom of para-"pet flashing, a minimùm of 6" below parapet height Valley of ,Boomerang to be g, ;bove ground. Refer to elevations for location of "valley" as per Lektron instructions' Contractor to ensure aluminum framework is designed to supporl specified LeKron illuminated band. When togo is to be installed in line with illuminated band, the illuminated band must riop o.r.rlno logo to allow logo bracket mount directly to building face' Band must not be penetrated. See plan on next page for reference' òontractor is responsible for final measurements of the as-built conditions and the coordination of information required for placement of illuminated band order directly from Lektron. óontractorto provide electricaljunction boxes and make finalconnections' Transformers are included in Lektron's Package. contractor to install new bollãrds painted EP3 (orange) as necessary to protect Boomerang corners from tall vehicles' OPTIONAL where appropriate: Contractor to install awning fabric EVl (Eradi-Lite #2751 Orange or Awnshade #5123 Orange) above side entrance doors to provide weather proì'ection. Contact your local canopy fabric supplier. See photo below' conceptual Design of space Frame (Partial Axonometric) depth varies 2û , ¡oilnl ¡ I a t 2" x 1" clear anodized aluminum staPle frame (toP, bottom, right, left front edges only) *1" x l" clear anodized aluminum uprights l l I I ', i 1" x 1" clear anodized aluminum suPPotts :l l lI; : i I Aluminum space frame .:. OPTIONAL: Awning fabric canopy ,,8" Stvle - Release 5.0 - Boomerang 2014 18 7. Exterior: LED llluminated Band Boomerang"fÍ 7.2 .,BOOMERANG'' SPACE FRAME FOR "8" STYLE BUILDINGS 1) Roof Plan for "B" Style Buildings A) Elevations "8" Style Buildings WFMWffif l r-*¡5ffÉa¡ iqt. Align top of rear boomerang with underside of flashing cap Valley point of boomerang shall be centered on tower and located 9'-0" above grade Align top of boomerang with top of existing parapet Valley point of boomerang shall be centered on tower and located 9'-0" above grade I o o) I i Right Side Drive Thru Síde B) Mounting Bracket Supported Logo DetailCL.of towers Lekron band stops behind logo. Logo mounting must not penetrate band 12' logo & bracket supplied and installed by A&W sign supplier 1'-6'z',Gap 1',-6u 2" Gap --t-- Plan 2'-0u 2'-0u z',-0' 2'-0u q EQ. EQ. +-++ Band terminates by returning into rear of building (Both sides), Contractor to provide blocking in walls to accommodate installation of new Aluminum space frame, illuminated band and logo where applicable. Contractor to consult with Siructural Engineer as necessary to verify requirements and attain permits. The "valley" point of the Boomerang shall be centered on the mid-point of the tower and located at 9' above grade (Refer to Elevations A). New 7'A&W logo mounted to building (tower). Light band/space frame to be mounted flush against widest part (tower) of building. t Option: nstall awning fabric @ above side entrances, for "A'arìd "8" style buildings only. Aluminum space frame support structure. New 12'A&W logo suppofled on cantilever support brackets 69ìÐ mounted to building by A&W sign supplier. J 1 EQ EQ. t-o * OPTION : Light band may wrap rear of building at owners discretion to suite visibility and site lines. Light band to be mounted on building. Franchisee to notify if back band is required at reimage@aw,ca. Light band/space frame to be mounted at same distance as opposite side The "valley" point of the Boomerang shall be centered on the tower and located at 9' above grade. See elevations. New 7'A&W logo mounted to building. llluminated band mounted to space frame. Electrical transformers for light band to be supplied by Lektron, installed by localtrades either in ceiling space of building or within space frame. See Lekron install instructions for placement. Refer to Detail B. O STOP: Contractor to provide additional backing in wall as required to support logo & bracket. Refer to cut sheet I "B" Styfe - Release 5.0 - Boomerang2014 Elevation q. Section 19 T.Exterior: LED llluminated Band r "Boomerang" 3) lnstallation of Boomerang Housing 1) Boomerang Housing and Lens 2) Space Frame Valley of sPace frame centred on tower Typical 8' lengths bolted togetherLense continuous rolled Piece 4) GanopY Entrance * Optional: Fabric weather protection built into sPace frame 2 rows snaPPing LED tracks top and bottom Can of light band 5) Boomerang at Tower Aluminum seam c0ver 6) Boomerang at Front Stop light band behind logo, sign 1 ! I 1 "B" Stvle' Release 5.0' Boomerang 2014 hardware must not Penetrate light band New logo SPace frame to suit 20 7. Exterior: LED llluminated Band r "Boomerang" a a 7.3 LOCATION OF NEW LOGO 1) ldentification of Centre Lines of 12' logo It is extremely imporlant to identify the conect centre lines of the '12' Iogo to ensure proper installation and alignment with Lektron band. To identify the vertical centre line: take the widest point of the logo, and divide it into two equal sections, To identify the horizontal centre line, draw an imaginary line between the two widest points. Acceptable centre lines EQ. Vertical Line q. Horizontal Line Widest points of sign Unacceptable Do NOT use total height of logo/oval This is inconect 2) Location of Logo in Relation to the Lektron Boomerang Place the logo sign centred on the boomerang as indicated below 3) Examples Acceptable Boomerang and Logo Placement Correct placement of bracket centred on boomerang Unacceptable Logo Placement rQ a q. Front elevation q.q. EQ.EQ.EQ $** Logo centred with width and height of boomerang ti: : :ì: ì .,, q q. Centre line of logo should align with centre line of boomerangqSection of Front Boomerang Align top of boomerang with top of final parapet 24" high space frame GL ...Altgnê- centre of boomerang and logo 12'A&W logo signEQ, EQ. ¿o a STOP: ldeally, the space frame and boomerang should be installed before the 12' A&W logo and bracket, ln situations where the space frame is not ready, the logo and signage should be installed first to minimize the time the restaurant is without signage. It is critical for the General Contractor to follow this guide and take accurate measurements and communicate these measurements with signage supplier to ensure proper location of signs in relation to the Lektron band, Details shown are for generic buildings only, if site specific conditions are required due to City's bylaws, custom renderings will be provided by A&W. lf anything is unclear in regards to location and/or installation of the logos, please e-mail us at reimage@aw.ca prior to proceeding. a "8" Stvle - Release 5.0 - Boomerang2014 Boomerang 21 I, Exterior: A&W Signage General. All signs must be uPdated'. Allsigns must ne updated through the National Signage Program supplied and installed by the approveo ruationãf Signäge Supplier, with the exception of drive thru lot sign faces and shared PYlon sign faces'. For the drive illr roitign;nd shared pylon signs oNLY, Franchisees have the option of sourcing the tace-sî the signs localiy. The necessary files can be downloaded form the A&W Xctrange website. ihese sign faces can also be supplied by the approved National Signage Supplier and instaled by contractor' . Drive Thru lot sign åontent message (eg' logo, drive thru with arrow) to remain the same.. Should there be content required that does not have corresponding artwork available for download, please e-mail reimage@aw'ca for assistance' . Át locally souiced sign faces trıt b. approved by your Business Manager prior to production. 8.1 DESCRIPTION 8.2 ATTRIBUTE POSTERS Refer to Exterior Elevations for location of existing attribute posters'a older generation single pole pylon signs with the "arch" feature may only be fitted with a new head section if: - The existing base can be certified by an structural Engineer that it is adequate to support the new head section. - prbof of engineering certification required by A&W prior to shipping new sign' - The existini pole isietermined to be adequate to support the new head section' - original drawings of the concrete base may be available at your municipality if theyiere submitied at the time of original sign permit' - Site survery will be required by A&W signage company' - lf pole and base are adequaté, A&W's signage supplier will customize your sign a cònnection plate to adapt the standard pylon head section' . NOTE: Sign will not be installed without written certification by Structural Engineer' O STOP: lf power lines are too close ity comPanY to ensure that to the pylon sign, please contact your power util- Hydro regulations will allow for pylon retrofit' a O STOP: ' OPTIONAL: Replace readerboard faces if not in good condition, by recommendation of yoür Business Manager' Removal and install by A&W supplier' STOP; signaWhereexistingsignbasecertifiedbyEngrneeIforreuse,new pylon baseplate wi need to be manufactu red to match existing base bolt pattern. Survey will be required pn0r to manufacturiñg Advice y0uI Equipment Services Rep,at time of equ pment 0rder if this applies to your stgn, a AfterBefore 8.4 PYLON SIGNS TREATMENTS single pole "Root Beer Mug" pylon signs are to be retrofitted with a new head section rrpîli.à and installed nv niw supptier. Removal and disposal of head section to be done ny A&W sign ,upp1itt, Contractor to refinish existing pole up to the height of the bottom of the existing readerboard by preparing surface and repainting silver (to match Pantone Silver 442Q, readerboard to be repainted EP3 (orange)' nniritv to retrofit the existing pylon sign will depend on site survey results' Should the existing pylon not be suitaÙle ior retrofit, a new single pole pylon sign will need to be purchased and installed. O STOP: Long arm should point to the street if perpendicular to building; long arm snoub follow boomerang's direction if parallel' a Check propeftY lines and readerboard height clearance. a a AtterBefore DO NOT leave ihe existing pole orange, it should be Painted silver 8.3 LOT SIGNS RETROFIT Existing sign cans and poles are to be repainted EP3, after proper surface preparation and retrofitled with new faces with new arlwork' New sign faces should be lexan or polycarbonate' lf site s-urvey is required, it will be provided by A&W signage company' Ënter .33 a I AfterBefore 22 8. Exterior: A&W Signage Double pole pylon signs can not be reused due to excessive cost of retrofitting. A new single pole pylon on a new concrete base will be specified in these cases. Removal and disposalof existing sign to be done by Contractor. Lead time for new pylon sign is 12 weeks, Contractor to coordinate local Structural Engineering of new base and provide A&W with detail before sign will be shipped. Franchisees to notify A&W custom signs. Custom signs such as "Lollipop" signs, converted pylons and monument signs where signage restrictions require unique solutions will be handled on case-by-case basis. --r'J'*tr/--)t {rq414- f # a Before After True lollipops Converted pvlon iL Monument signs Shared pylon I Drive Thru Gateway is available at Franchisee's discretion. Review location of future gateway on you site with your Regional Manager to determine suitability. Cost for supply and installation including new base, electrical connections, etc, are extra cost over and above basic re-image scope. Galeway will be supplied and installed by A&W supplier, Base and electrical by General Contractor. Please e-mail reimage@aw,ca for more information, a a t Gateway * 8.5 DRIVE THRU GATEWAY All Styles - Release 5.0 - Boomerang2014 23 t 9. Leg end: Exterior Materials and Finishes Benjamin Moore Abalone #21 08-60 (Primarily for exterior walls ) Benjamin Moore Horizon oc-53 (Primarily for exterior walls where cladding is not acceptable) Any Silver (Primarily for pole of existing pylon sign base for retrofits) nla Silver 442C Valspar WeatherX Cambridge White QC 16161 To match Pantone 476 nla EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 Left blank on Purpose Benjamin Moore Hasbrouck Brown HC-71 476 (Primarily for exterior bulkhead, service doors and exterior walls) Benjamin Moore Rumba Orange 2014-20 165 (primarily for exterior menuboard, bollards, quirky checkerboard and exterior walls) EP9 EP1 O EP1 1 cL1 FL1 Metal Flashing Source Locally Benjamin Moore (Primarily for exterior walls) Left blank on Purpose White Down 0c-131 Warm Grey 1 Ribbed Vicwest Metal cladding Profile: CL 6025SR Gauge 26 (Primarily for new exterior cladding, 4'6 weeks lead time) Benjamin Moore Rust #2175-30 (Primarily for quirky checkerboard) Benjamin Moore Sierra Spruce #2108-20 (Primarily for exterior repainted fin or tower) Benjamin Moore Stardust #2108-40 (Primarily for exterior repainted base of walls ) (primarily for retrofitting bulkheads and former neon bands and above windows) EP6 EP7 EPB Metal Source Flashing LocallY To match CL1 FL2 EV1 (Primarily for ParaPet flashing) Eradi-Lite Awning fabric #2751 Orange (standard) 0r Awnshade Awning fabric #5123 Orange (standard) (*OPTIONAL:Useatentrances:Eradi.Litemoreexpensive,butsuperior) NOTE: 'l) Paint colour specifications are provided for colour reference only, do not sample from this page 't A,' . ..8" & ,,R" stvles - Release 5.0 - Boomerang 2014 The type of paint (latex, oil'base, etc') and finish (eggshell, high-gloss, etc.) will vary depending on the application and is furlher detailed in the Technical Notes 24 9. Legend: Exterior Materials and Finishes AW1 ET1 Benjamin Moore (778) 549-0340 Vicwest (for CLi finishes) (604) 946-5316 Lekron lnc. LED Lighting Technology (918) 622-4978 (USA) Albrite Lighting (for L1 light fixture) (604) 828-5923 Daltile (for ET1 finishes) (604)251-8995 llluminated Lektron lnc.Boomerang LED Light Band (Does not include space frame) A&W Orange Exterior Tile Daltile QH79 Mandarin 4xB Grout:to match flextile mandarin Red #102 (At drive thru in some building styles, refer to exterior elevations, 4-6 weeks lead time) Jennifer Halward Kevin Bonogofski Keith Hannah Alan Searcy Karen Fourchalk www.benjaminmoore,ca www.vicwest.com www.lektroninc.com www.albritelighting,com www.daltile.com NOTE: 1) All contacts listed here, except Lekron lnc. are for reference only, Contractor can source similar matching product locally "4","8" & "R" Styles - Release 5.0 - Boomerang2}l4 25 I 10,Legend: Exterior A&w Equipment and Signage SupplierA&W A&W SupPlier 1 36-1 A&W SupPlier Contractor 136-2 A&W SuPPlier Contractor Exterior "HOTBF' H0ME 0F IHE BURGER tAMltY Pre-spaced Lettering Drive Thru 10' 12', 1s', 18', 943 944 945 946 IT A&W Solid Logo Decal A&W Frosted Logo Decal (not alì items shown) LED Drive Thru Channel Letters 950 A&W Supplier (Lead time is 8-10 weeks. Applicable to some locations) A&W Supplier Firelight Drive Thru Sign 285 Exterior Garbage Receptacle Decal309-2 A&W Supplier Orange VinYl Door Kit 316 A&W SuPPlier Welcome/Thanks Decal 317-1 A&W SupPlier Contractor A&W Supplier A&W SuPPlier Contractor Contractor Contractor A&W Supplier Printed Aluminum Panels 967 A&W Supplier Contractor (Checkerboard) (Applicable to some locations. Franchisee responsible for always measure all sides of building to verify height consistency and to confirm panel size requirements * OPTIONAL: instead of painting) 4 Drive Thru GatewaY Sign 975 976 969 (* OPTIONAL sign) 5' Exterior Burger Family Faces Sign 7'exterior Burger Family Faces Sign A&W SupPlier A&W SupPlier A&W SuPPlier Contractor A&W SuPPlier Contractor A&W Supplier ContractorExterior 7' llluminated 10' Logo sign w/ Bracket 12' (Bracket for some stYles) Lot Signs (Faces OnlY-Si (* OPTION:ComPlete Etched VinYl Window Film 905 910 915 E91 5 Drive Thru Drive Thru Awareness Kit 984 New Boomerang A&W PYlon Sign 986 Retrofitted Boomerang A&W Pylon Sign ngle Sided) 920 Replacement) 932 A&W SupPlier or Local Signage Contractor A&W Supplier or LocalSign. Contr A&W SuPPlier A&W SuPPlier A&W SupPlier A&W SuPPlier+ NOTE: 1) For logos and "HOTBF" 988 Lot Signs (Faces Only-Double Sided) 925 (* OPTION: ComPlete RePlacement) A&W Supplier or A&W suPPlier or Local Signage Contractor Local Sign' Contr letters that are installed by A&W signage supplier, for all equipment items may be found in the A&W A&W Supplier Contractor Contractor must supply and install appropriate blocking and structure for signage to mount 2) Full technical sPecifications R H N l rl i .i Allstvles'Release 5.0 - Boomerang 2014 Equipment List and cut sheets which were sent together with this Design Book. to,andprovideoradjustexistingpowerconnectionstosuitinstallation' 26 0543 228th Srreer, Mapte Ridge Custom A&W Pylon Sign Treatment . Lead time for custom signs is 12 weeks once the Sign Permit is obtained. . Ability to retrofit the existing pylon sign will depend on site survey results. Should the existing pylon not be suitable for retrofit, a new single pole pylon sign will need to be purchased and installed. . Single pole "A&W Arch" pylon sign to be retrofitted with a new head section supplied and installed by A&W supplier. Removal and disposal of head section to be done by A&W sign supplier. Contractor to refinish existing pole up to the height of the bottom of the existing readerboard by preparing surface and repainting silver (to match pantone Silver 442C), readerboard to be repainted Ep3 (orange). . Site survey is required. NOTES: A&W Pylon Sign Treatment & Retrofit lnstructions '; Long arm should point to the street if perpendicular to building; long arm should follow boomerang's direction if parallel. STOP: . Check property lines and readerboard height clearance. Remove and replace head section of sign only if signage survey allows. Add "Drive Thru" Panelto top section on both sides of Reado Board Existing base pole and reado board to remain and be refinished, see notes for specifications. 0543 Maple Ridge - A&W Restauranr 2013 '!" 0543 228rh Sffeet, Maple Rldge Shared Pylon Panel NOTES: Custom sign panel can either be fabricated locally (Please provide A&W with a Proof before sign is fabricated for aPProval) or through an A&W signage supplier. Lead time for A&W supplied custom signs is 12 weeks once the Sign Permit is obtained. Shared Pylon Sign Panel Elevations I ru¡l.d NOTES: Site measurement will be required to provide an estimate, if using A&W signage suPPlier' A site survey fee will be aPPlied AllA&W Logo usage guidelines and graphic standards to be followed. lnstall new orange panel with newA&W logo on both sides tJ weight loss clinlc 604-466-lose (5673) U weight loss' clinic 604-466-lose (5673) E3Átlsffi ç#qwflffiffi JAPANESE CUISINE .l l l : l i i 1 0543 Maple Ridge - A&W Restaurant 2013