HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-07-08 minutes.pdf Advisory Design Panel MinutesAdvisory Design Panel MinutesAdvisory Design Panel MinutesAdvisory Design Panel Minutes Page Page Page Page 1111 of 4of 4of 4of 4 District of Maple RidgeDistrict of Maple RidgeDistrict of Maple RidgeDistrict of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANELADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Kanaka Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Blair Arbuthnot Landscape Architect Amy Gore Landscape Architect Colleen Dixon Architect Johnny Leung Architect Roger Amenyogbe Architect STAFF MEMBERSSTAFF MEMBERSSTAFF MEMBERSSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENTPRESENTPRESENTPRESENT Adrian Kopystynski Planner II Michelle Baski Planning Technician REGRETSREGRETSREGRETSREGRETS None ______________________________________________________________________________ Call to Order and IntroductionCall to Order and IntroductionCall to Order and IntroductionCall to Order and Introductionssss Colleen Dixon, chair, called the meeting to order at 3:58 pm and introductions were made. ApprovalApprovalApprovalApproval of the of the of the of the July 8July 8July 8July 8, 2014 Agenda. , 2014 Agenda. , 2014 Agenda. , 2014 Agenda. Moved and SecondedMoved and SecondedMoved and SecondedMoved and Seconded:::: ThThThThat theat theat theat the July 8July 8July 8July 8, , , , 2014201420142014 agenda agenda agenda agenda bebebebe approveapproveapproveapproved.d.d.d. CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED Approval of the Minutes Approval of the Minutes Approval of the Minutes Approval of the Minutes –––– June 10June 10June 10June 10, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Moved and SecondedMoved and SecondedMoved and SecondedMoved and Seconded:::: That the That the That the That the Minutes of the meeting of Minutes of the meeting of Minutes of the meeting of Minutes of the meeting of June 10June 10June 10June 10, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 bebebebe approvedapprovedapprovedapproved.... CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED New BusinessNew BusinessNew BusinessNew Business ---- NilNilNilNil ProjectsProjectsProjectsProjects 5.1 Development Permit: 2011-019-RZ/DP Applicant: Brian Shigetomi Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page Page Page Page 2222 of 4of 4of 4of 4 Project Architect: Brian Shigetomi, Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc. Landscape Architect: Clark Kavolinas, C.Kavolinas & Associates Inc. Proposal: 52 townhouse units in the RM-1 zone Location: 10515 and 10595 240th St. and 23950 Zeron Ave. Planning Technician/File Manager: Michelle Baski The following applicants were present at the meeting: Brain Shigetomi, Architect Agnes Cerajeski, Architect Clark Kavolinas, Landscape Architect Quinn Jeannotte, Owner Adrian Kopystynski reviewed the Advisory Design Panel Memo dated July 8, 2014 attached to the agenda, with respect to the project. He mentioned that it originally came to the ADP with underground parking and the project has been revised to at- grade parking. Because of the extent of changes, it is being brought back to ADP. The OCP policies are being met. They are requesting variances for setbacks and height. Brian Shigetomi, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. The project is compliant with the RM-1 zone. They’ve removed connection to the hard surface area on the west side. They are providing side-by-side, double-car garages with larger units to be very family-oriented. Access is at the south end of the site with a hammer-head at the north end for fire-truck turn-around. Grading is onerous on this site, they try to work with existing grades. There is a site recycling program, therefore sustainability is not only a consideration in the planning, design stage (for example using energy efficient light fixtures, low VOC paint, etc.), but also at the construction stage. The architecture has a west-coast feel, using noble materials (such as stone), keeping with a rowhouse esthetic with porch statements and entry gates. Using deeper, earth-tone palettes (with 5 different colour schemes), and different roof elements to break up elevations. Carl Kavolinas, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the on-site landscaping to the Panel. The landscaping along 240th St., has a wide grass boulevard and street trees, grassed front and rear yards, paths with seating areas, trellises, and stair systems throughout the site. They are using mostly wall-mounted lighting. There’s a play area with benches and open-grassed concept for play area. They are augmenting the native evergreen trees and dogwoods along the sloped area. There’s a north/south path along 240th St. The mailbox area is trellised and near the main entrance to the site. They use landscaping to define driveways and enhance areas between driveways. They then circulated a materials board. Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: The application be supported and the following The application be supported and the following The application be supported and the following The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design concerns be addressed as the design concerns be addressed as the design concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for follow----up:up:up:up: Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page Page Page Page 3333 of 4of 4of 4of 4 • Consider construction of path on west side of Block 1 to create a continuous loop Consider construction of path on west side of Block 1 to create a continuous loop Consider construction of path on west side of Block 1 to create a continuous loop Consider construction of path on west side of Block 1 to create a continuous loop from the street.from the street.from the street.from the street. • Special attention to be given to the transition in materials at Special attention to be given to the transition in materials at Special attention to be given to the transition in materials at Special attention to be given to the transition in materials at bays and main façade.bays and main façade.bays and main façade.bays and main façade. • Consider extra visitor parking, if possible, and efficiency of visitor parking stalls #3 Consider extra visitor parking, if possible, and efficiency of visitor parking stalls #3 Consider extra visitor parking, if possible, and efficiency of visitor parking stalls #3 Consider extra visitor parking, if possible, and efficiency of visitor parking stalls #3 and #4 for maneuverability.and #4 for maneuverability.and #4 for maneuverability.and #4 for maneuverability. • Consider design development of front doors for west side of blocks fronting 240Consider design development of front doors for west side of blocks fronting 240Consider design development of front doors for west side of blocks fronting 240Consider design development of front doors for west side of blocks fronting 240thththth St, St, St, St, as a CPTED issue.as a CPTED issue.as a CPTED issue.as a CPTED issue. • Consider similar roof line expressions to be mirrored on the end units. Consider similar roof line expressions to be mirrored on the end units. Consider similar roof line expressions to be mirrored on the end units. Consider similar roof line expressions to be mirrored on the end units. • Consider variation in style of windows in centreConsider variation in style of windows in centreConsider variation in style of windows in centreConsider variation in style of windows in centre----bound units.bound units.bound units.bound units. • Consider softening the effect of the retaining wall at its highest points (for example, Consider softening the effect of the retaining wall at its highest points (for example, Consider softening the effect of the retaining wall at its highest points (for example, Consider softening the effect of the retaining wall at its highest points (for example, through stepping the wall back, pthrough stepping the wall back, pthrough stepping the wall back, pthrough stepping the wall back, planting pockets, or changing the type of wall).lanting pockets, or changing the type of wall).lanting pockets, or changing the type of wall).lanting pockets, or changing the type of wall). • Consider providing more native plant species in the design.Consider providing more native plant species in the design.Consider providing more native plant species in the design.Consider providing more native plant species in the design. CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED 5.2 Development Permit: 2013-058-DP Applicant: Brad Phaneuf Project Architect: Not Applicable Landscape Architect: Not Applicable Proposal: To permit the renovation of an existing A&W restaurant. Location: 22805 Lougheed Highway Planning Technician/File Manager: Michelle Baski The following applicants were present at the meeting: Damon, Contractor Adrian Kopystynski reviewed the Advisory Design Panel memo dated July 8, 2014 attached to the agenda, with respect to the exterior renovation on a site with with several tenants. The site is within the Town Centre Area Plan. Damon, with Full Measure Contracting, Contractor, presented the proposed exterior modifications to the Panel. He reviewed the proposed plan and indicated the existing landscaping on site. Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: Moved and Seconded: The The The The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for followdevelops and submitted to Planning staff for follow----up:up:up:up: • Consider if landscaping is affected by renovations that it be replaced.Consider if landscaping is affected by renovations that it be replaced.Consider if landscaping is affected by renovations that it be replaced.Consider if landscaping is affected by renovations that it be replaced. • Consider improvements to south island landscapConsider improvements to south island landscapConsider improvements to south island landscapConsider improvements to south island landscape e e e by removing existing by removing existing by removing existing by removing existing landscapinglandscapinglandscapinglandscaping and replacing with more suitable plantings or hardscape material.and replacing with more suitable plantings or hardscape material.and replacing with more suitable plantings or hardscape material.and replacing with more suitable plantings or hardscape material. • Consider design development of existing site plan to enhance or improve Consider design development of existing site plan to enhance or improve Consider design development of existing site plan to enhance or improve Consider design development of existing site plan to enhance or improve pedestrian access and safety (for example, connectivity to sidewalk).pedestrian access and safety (for example, connectivity to sidewalk).pedestrian access and safety (for example, connectivity to sidewalk).pedestrian access and safety (for example, connectivity to sidewalk). • Consider Consider Consider Consider employing optional lighting and exterior seating.employing optional lighting and exterior seating.employing optional lighting and exterior seating.employing optional lighting and exterior seating. Maple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design PanelMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MinutesMaple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page Page Page Page 4444 of 4of 4of 4of 4 • Consider acoustic treatment around trash compactor.Consider acoustic treatment around trash compactor.Consider acoustic treatment around trash compactor.Consider acoustic treatment around trash compactor. • Clarification on what design will be adapted to this existing building.Clarification on what design will be adapted to this existing building.Clarification on what design will be adapted to this existing building.Clarification on what design will be adapted to this existing building. • Consider weatherConsider weatherConsider weatherConsider weather----protection over existing door, if removed.protection over existing door, if removed.protection over existing door, if removed.protection over existing door, if removed. CARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIEDCARRIED PRESENTATIONSPRESENTATIONSPRESENTATIONSPRESENTATIONS ---- NilNilNilNil CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE---- NilNilNilNil Next MeetingNext MeetingNext MeetingNext Meeting:::: TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday, , , , August 12August 12August 12August 12, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014 (to be (to be (to be (to be conducted through an email reviewconducted through an email reviewconducted through an email reviewconducted through an email review)))) Agenda deadline: Monday, July 21, 2014 Adjournment:Adjournment:Adjournment:Adjournment: 6:166:166:166:16 pmpmpmpm /mb