HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-10-14 agenda.pdfCity of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANELAGENDA Tuesday,October 14, 2014 4:00 pm –Blaney Room The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. 1.CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS 2.AGENDA APPROVAL 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF July 8, 2014 4.NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 5.PROJECTS 5.1 Development Permit:2013-029-DPApplicant:Wayne Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Project Architect:Wayne BisskyLandscape Architect:Paul Whitehead Owners:Danik and Blossom Daniels Proposal:70 Unit RM-2 Apartment Building Location:22305 & 22315 122 Street 5.2 Development Permit:2013-019-DP Applicant:Wayne Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Project Architect:Wayne Bissky Landscape Architect:M2 Landscape Architecture Owners:City of Maple Ridge and 0910609BC LTD. Proposal:120 unit CD-2-13 120-unit Apartment Building and 6 Townhouse units Location:22576 and 22588 Brown Street 6.PRESENTATIONS -Nil 7.C0RRESPONDENCE -Nil 8.NEXT MEETING –Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Agenda deadline:Monday,October 27, 2014 9.ADJOURNMENT /ss District of Maple Ridge TO: FILE NO: Advisory Design Panel 2013-029-DP MEETING DATE: October 14, 2014 SUBJECT: 22305 and 22315 122 Avenue PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of a five storey apartment building with 70 units in the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given First Reading by Council on June 25, 2013. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owners: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existi_ng Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Danik and Blossom Daniels Lots: A and: 81 D.L.: 399, NWD Plan: NWP13442 Low-Rise Apartment RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Multi-Family Residential RM-5 (Low Density Apartment Residential) Ground Oriented Multi-Family, Conservation Single-Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Ground Oriented Multi-Family Single-Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Rise Apartment, Conservatio_n Single-Fam_ily Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.326 hectares (0.8 acres) Page 1 of 3 I The applicant has provided 118 stalls in total, which complies with the bylaw requirement. This project, while located in the Town Centre, is not located in the Central Business District and is therefore not eligible for a reduced parking standard. Garbage/Recycling: A garbage and recycling room is provided in the underground parking level. Off-site upgrades: • Road dedication on both the 122 Avenue and 123 Avenue frontages will be required. The sidewalk will be connected from the furthest extent on the east side along both property frontages. Proposed Variances to the zone: The applicant has requested a number of variances outlined below: " Height: to increase the height from 18 metres to 19.5 metres • Underground Structure: to allow an increase from 0.8 to 1.8 metres, and to allow a reduce setback to 0 m and 0.8 m on the west side and front property lines, respectively. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Page 3 of 3 Scale: 1 :1,500 Bnllsh Columbia 22305/15-122 Ave CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 3, 2013 2013-029-RZ BY: JV Deep Raat5 Greater H•f~h(s ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis 5) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Des\gn: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required Included [2] [K] ca [8J [Z1 [8J [21 [8J w [I] [ZJ [K] [2J []] C21 [K] □ □ □ [Kl [2J 0 [ZJ ~ □ □ ·□ □ 0 [K] [ZJ 0 m. 30 rendering of the site and/or building n. (3reen Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project ArchitecVApplicant: Name: Wayne Bissky , eptember 2, 2014 End of Document Revised December 2012 2 0 [RJ □ □ [L] [8J Required Included [2J [K] ca [8J Ga [K] □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 0 District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Application -2014 1. This application is in support of: (please quote file number if available) 1Z1 Development Permit DP/ 2013-029-RZ 2. Brief description of project (i.e., commercial, apartment house, townhouse, industrial) and site context. The proposal is for a residential apartment development consisting of 70 units over 2 levels of underground parking garage. 3. Presenting Architect: _W_a_yn_e_B_is_s_ky _____________________ _ (please print) 4. Presenting Landscape Architect: _P_a_u_l_W_h_it_h_e_ad ________________ _ (please print) 5. Mandatory enclosures include the following: ~ 7 copies of the required presentation materials (as per Guidelines) in 11 x 17 format for distribution to Panel Members. Each individual package should be stapled and 3-hole punched. ~ Design Rationale 6. Contact person for this project: (please print) Name: Wayne Bissky Company: Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture Inc. Address: 204-22320 Lougheed Hwy. Phone No. (604) 467-8300 Fax No. __ (_6_04_)_4_6_7_-8_3_0_5 _________ _ Email: (Applicant's Signature) Tuesday, September 2, 2014 (Date) rev. 2014-05-15 2014 Meeting Dates Applicant Deadline by Noon on Tues Jan 14 Mon Dec 30 Tues Feb 11 Mon Jan 27 Tues Mar 11 Mon Feb 24 Tues Apr08 Mon Mar 24 Tues May 13 Mon Apr 28 Tues Jun 10 Mon May 19 Tues Jul 08 Mon Jun 16 Tues Aug 12 Mon Jul 21 Tues Sep 09 Mon Aug 18 Tues Oct 14 Mon Sep 22 Wed Nov 12 Mon Oct 20 Tues Dec 09 Mon Nov 17 Time & Location: 4:00 pm in the Blaney Room Lower Level Maple Ridge Municipal Hall PROJECT DATA: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL AREAS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROPOSAL) 1) Site Data: Civic Address 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave Mapl ~ Ridge BC Area of the lot(s) 2,662 m2 Lot width 35 m Lot Depth 77 m Existing OCP Designation APTL Proposed OCP Designation APTL Existing Zone RS-1 Proposed Zone RM-2 Existing land use SinQle Family Proposed land use Multi Family Proposed dist. of Site-access from an existing intersection 0 m 2 ) Building Data: Lot Coverage Required m2 Total lot Coverage proposed 1082 m2 Reqd. front setback 7.5 m Proposed front setback 7.5 m Reqd. rear setback 7.5 m Pro!,)osed rear setback 7.5 m Reqd. side setback 7.5 m Proposed side setback 7.5 m Reqd. side setback 7.5 m Proposed side setback 0 m Reqd. building height 18 m Proposed building height 19.5 m Requested Variances to the proposed Zone Yes See DrawinQs Allowed FSR in the Zone Proposed FSR in the Zone (Total GFA allowed 4,792 m2) (Total GFA proposed 4,756 m2) Reqd. Usable Open Space 532.4 m2 Proposed Usable Open Space 550 m2 Reqd. Common Activity Area 69 m2 Proposed Common Activity Area 69 m2 3) Parking and Off-loading: -Underground Parking lYfl'J Reqd. Parking spaces for the zone 118 -Proposed Parking spaces for the zone 118 Reqd. small car stalls 11 Proposed small car stalls 10 Proposed scooter/bicycle storage area 76 m2 Required Handicapped Parking 3 Proposed Handicapped Parking 4 Required Visitor Parking spaces 14 Proposed Visitor Parking spaces 14 Proposed Variances to Parking None 4) Covenants: -ROW: -Geotechnical lY1. ~ Storm sewer Yi Ii Tree preservation Y, r'I, u Sanitary sewer Y1 i. No Build/ No Disturb '.it \ Drainage Y, r'-l Any other Covenants on Title {Y~ f\J Any other ROW - 5) Environmental: -Within 50 m of a Watercourse/Wetland Y{N (distance from the TOB of watercourse) NA m Contours on the lot= less than 15%/ 15-30 %/ 30 % or more. Existing landscaped area 0 m2 Proposed landscaped area 1,000 m2 Area of building to be demolished 252 m..;. In the Flood Plain Yji ~ In The Fraser Escarpment Area Y/ N 7 Proposed LEED points 0 Note: Please provide plans/drawings/reports to explain the above items as required. ~ ') FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with.Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Cenb·e Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the foll list and description of development pennit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. o Consistent: Y;i~ Noft□ ~~ ~J;rd-~ i,rvD~.J ~ ~~vrit4v Explaffi:~t# ~~ttitt . 1fu, /?u~1d,\1 h,t, fftA},j ,f~ --h:> ~al{~ eoldf1v Jrvv)(. ot lwJ,it-1h • ~ "5?~ b. Help defme the street and sidewalk areas as active pt;bfi'6 spac s. o Consistent: Yes Ej No D Explain: ,(i,u, -P✓ovi;t a..1Y1 . Jf, 0/1'0,tfd t ~aen,fJ~fcd 4.0l!:J [tZl14., U)iR ,,. ~"~ ~,A.~~ IJ--ue,;J;f 1 f f~.c,e, • c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. ~ • Consis/4,;;'." ~X,~t; ne,1J/iJ,ovlfw,J ~ W.i' Xed. I t -{tn; rlj,G 6 f-::-~ Explam:} vefie--fJ o{ Uvb ... 'Th(? },k[d.1~ {Pill ~ f? fVeaJ . . ~ }I),, . s 9-fi1~ bu,ld,w. h~~»J---ttr1 11AA- B. Bmldmg Fac;:a·des, Matenals and Colour J ·_,,1 J'' d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Cenb:e have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fa;:ade elements create a pleasing • composition compatible;,vith surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. o Cons istent: Yes ~ No O l ( £ p J If'.. ~ . 1k,-};t.Ji/di~' W'ltihl~l1f Ve,,i~ -u_✓t8-> -:fne. o,11e-~tpdl~~ etf if-~ Explam: _ a f -{fi e;._ ~ l_t~ J, /tui~:5. 1fu. ~ne,W-&fill,,.. i tf1:-ot . ' D t '1J t I 'fi e. Erufa~e t ~rcbit1t~-~:d mfs~g :ncepfo~!ding a~ l u as ::e Jua~:~e;.:te1~::~ vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and :::~1k,Ye&5a;0 wi[ ~llU-1 \/~{e,,o,j or ih~7 ~~1<1« w ~i'<A!J a, 4Mntl-1eei,J-\,uilt :,/rJJvrL lfYL tJ. 16•~ ~ ·~ e. • a e1dt O t { z,v,,,I. , J Nv...> rea({~ } ~½ i'w., e, ~je.,.. 1,i;,[7n llj /),)I e-viM~ ~i~ ~I&&-ll'-t> ~~ w~ ftfaple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectil'es Checklist f. Scxeeo rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use bt1ildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. o Consistent: Yes li2T No D . Explain: ~t-(o6NDf i,. ~{1Jll.R vi,u~1e&_ we-J~l;Y/ ~1~ ~ 1,1..1,ll~ ~ (e-f7%yj~~ We# ()JI I k--,;~d. Ii-/ C. Building Site Considerations A.{-? f lf B'A ~Wt. -fN'.---~e,e::f: g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. " Consistent: Yes [0" No D Explain· -jW,, i,vte!~ ,M~ {vtd_.;d_c,9 # ~ ~• .9VS.,~}..&:'J;;;L "r~i~Ult'? ~ ~~j vl,lf<0!; ?-f ~vd. v't5' -ivtv ~iv~ a-ll '17 • h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the distri~t, and integrate this impottant commercial and higher density residential area with tl1e character and quality of the smTounding residential neighbow·hood. e Consistent:,.YJ--0J.,:o D ~~ (· .. ,,-,-sft74 ~ (l,1..1'8 ~ l~~~ !t?~V.P • Explain: ~tv~ -l 'I~ "'<,.,A' t. 1 Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not inh·ude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian;9riented quality of the Town Centre. " Consistent: Yes GJ No D n, (AA i1lc-f-Jq Explain: 1f-1v t1Mft1½, L~ rr1J1JltJ-vV Y"\f c..,/ j. Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy, and noxious environments. a Consistent: Yes 10 No D . 1 f ~ Explain ~ ik -j)_ .PQsve.. 1r1v ?~✓v'~VI0.-6() 0-'feeb /µIll ~ ~ral~ ~~l /pad_,~ ~it\/t1ft:-9 "r ~-w,<'ca-l ~tVl'VW:J-1 • k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and hwnan comfort, J accordance :ith ~~en~:~~~p~::~rmt0G~delines. . I' _ L r _ 0 I .. { J aJ,f (1tft5 . vJt'fet tf\e-N' --S . &1jvtWAe.titT csr ··hr$-1u1 CA.lift l , ~ Ex:,: ~yW#IL~~ ~ ~~ ~~ t,> ~ ffVVJ e(/~ t~ d h'\.bi/11.(~ o,>-1 :ihtkt>M • FURTHER COMMENTS: lvlaple Ritlge To11111 Centre 2 DP Part II: Section Objectives Cltecklist o8tr3 -7,-I~ -.,....-?Q_£7. Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Aoolicable i~. --~m·1Jlfftrr1ftl' ·f;lff"'"1··fffill·""· ·tf·•~,11am· ®'• '>:1i.v.~~--~·&1lfi1W"1:-·1··•[1]·""'[1~·· rtt~-!~·04~· ~~~-,·-~-··•;1 ,,.~--~t~-~""111:iitM•·-~-cffid -~-~~t~.:~;i,;i;>11:~·1llw-"'~"-••i•-""'~-~--.,~---l!t¥---r-~, t\ ... ,1~--y::. •• • 1 t.~• l.' \.!J,.11.J !",__ ::fi JI_ JI •, _ l -... ~ ~ • -·rr..-• .. ,•p • .,. ......... '-,_ 1~ • ~ ,.:~ .,~~1y1-••t-~""':. •.... : .... ~ :-... ..l-~-- A.1 Building Mass and Form Al.I Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCCMU MFR □ 1><1 Al.2 Enhance the block with comer commercial buildings TCCMU □ -□ I)<. Al.3 Accent comer buildings TCCMU MFR □ □ I>< Al.4 Use oedestriao-scale design elements TCCMU >< □ □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCCMU MFR X □ □ Al.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCCMU MFR )< □ □ Al.7 Accommodate street-.6:ont.i.ng units TCCMU MFR ~" □ □ Al.9 Ensure appropriate roof oitch TCCMU MFR □ ~ Al.IO Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCCMU MFR }( □ A.2 Build ing Heights ~ A2.l Vaty building heights TCCMU MFR x □ □ A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCCMU MFR ), □ □ A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR □ V A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCCMU MFR □ □ X: A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR □ □ ),, ,, A2.6 Manage phased develooment □ :)< ' TCCMU MFR A2.7 Protect views TCCMU MFR f)2J □ □ A.3 Building Setbacks A3.l Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR )( □ □ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCCMU MFR IX I I □ A3.3 Provide ade{luate throughways and lighting TCCMU MFR )( □ A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow lKf. □ □ visual surveillance TCCMU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ I I )< A3.6 Respect existing-buildings TCCMU MFR □ I I 'L A3.7 Distinguish entrances with airival areas and courtyards TCCMU MFR IXI □ A3.8 Locate ramps and entr~mces in areas that are hi,zhly visible TCCMU MFR IXl □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge ToJ1111 Centl'e Developmeut Permit AI'ea Guidelines C/1ec/dist ,7.-_11") --~ r-:,,- Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable • ~~11IDiflf£tt •• 'if" •• JIJ :M'if.I·@'.~--~"'t';:'.i'Jfil''iijltll~fil~~-'[@~]Ji'f~""' ·~ ::i~;~-~ ~ i•,,;;i~.tBisi'"~--rrfi~·-,m•·---• ..r*,;•~ , •• .,,~-. -~ ,,:1: -i\.,: i J: •J~ t' 1 f. l {: !J 1 tlr1l • u 'i .. -· .. ~ -~~-·.:.~,-~Ir.: r,.\J'Jl ~=-.... ~~:.!!L1m1-.~i-~'f'i'-:~4 ;,,;~;~i~~.,_ .~. ~r· B.1 Buildinl? Fncadc Bl.I Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCCMU □ □ ~ Bl.2 Orient main enh·ances to face the sidewalk TCCMU MFR ,jg] □ -□ Bl.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCCMU MFR IXI, □ □ Bl.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCCMU MFR 1:xr I I Bl.5 Reflect eriginal fa~ades and building scale TCCMU MFR □ ~.,. Bl.6 Respect original architectural elements TCCMU MFR □ l>(] Bl.7 Respect old and new design TCCMU MFR □ IXl Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the sh·eet wall TCCMU MFR '>. □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uooer floors TCCMU MFR < □ Bl.10 Include continuous canopies, awninm; or overhangs TCCMU <' □ □ Bl.11 Ensure aoornpriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCCMU ;>, □ Bl.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCCMU MFR )( □ Bl.14 Enhance the public realm TCCMU MFR @ □ Bl.15 Ensure sitmage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCCMU )<I □ B.3 Buildin£ Materials B3.l Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCCMU MFR ~ □ □ B3.2 Use materials consistently TCCMU MFR Kl □ □ B3.3 Avoid the use of i.naooropriate materials TCC MU MFR g · □ B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCCMU MFR /,)>( I I B.4 Buildiue: Colours B4.l Select appropriate colours TCCMU MFR RI □ B4.2 Higb.li!!ht architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCCMU MFR El. □ B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCCMU MFR J>(I □ B.5 Screenin!!: and Stora2e B5.l Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep gr □ □ out of site of general public TCCMU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCCMU MFR \.-1 □ □ B5.3 A void conflict with neighbouring properties TCCMU MFR N □ □ B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCCMU MFR .lxl □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Fayades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Mllll®®mM Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable :,,m~:[lli-tr[fl~r·fl'l'l'ti -•~a·r•~~--~iffi-tfiftTuft" -i'l_-~ >..-~~-r,;..--~--g;"-r.,,-'','l,••;.,r-~~•~n'~:'f; •(l?,;."•-~C •~=,-~ ~~' ~ ,,~,~~,-,,,~5:.'"f''-~f::•'':,;-;\-i~'!<-•· "!r, ~ 6 -~ .: IL ; 1 : .~ ~ ~ • u. fill 92 . . , , • ~'7':-~-µii! . _ •Ji:<,~@;~r.;, .. -t-r --: _ . ??r,,.,s-~1 · ' • • ,,;.;.~ • -~-i~;•i~r ,., .~..i;;;,lj:~-,,,,tf~,:N~ --:· ·, -• .,-; C.1 Public Outdoor Spnce and Hardscapes Cl.I Provide public outdoor soace TCC MU MFR l?<-1, □ □ Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR 0 □ □ Cl.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor ~ □ □ ooen spaces TCCMU MFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCCMU MFR ) □ □ Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR >< □ I J Cl.7 Design bards cape elements as pa1t of the building TCC MU MFR ~ □ □ Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR )( I I Cl.9 Provide public mt TCCMU MFR □ ,( I. I Cl.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR ~ Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCCMU MFR )< □ □ Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR X □ □ C.2 Parldng and Parkine: Lots C2.l Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCCMU MFR >( □ □ C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCCMU MFR □ l><f C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within pru·king lots TCC MU MFR )< □ □ C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR )< □ □ C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCCMU MFR )< □ □ C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the pnbl ic street TCCMU MFR 'X □ □ C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.l Use lanes for service parking access and loading TCCMU MFR X □ □ C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondarv vehicular and oedesh·ian througbways TCC MU MFR I)< □ □ C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCCMU MFR □ M C3.5 Consider lanes as a comm.unity amenity TCCMU MFR □ □ ~ C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCCMU MFR l><f □ □ C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian oaths TCC MU MFR □ □ ~ C3.9 Screen loading areas TCCMU □ □ l><l. C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCCMU MFR VI □ □ C4.8 Maintain sigbt lines TCCMU MFR .lxl □ □ Explain hovv the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", e>..-plain why the guideline does not apply to yom project or why it cannot be met. A1aple Ridge Town Centre Develop111e11t Permit A1·ea G11frleli11es Checklist KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote North and South View as Distinctive, Highly Liveable Multi-Family Neighbourhoods a. Does proposed development help to establish the precinct as a residential area with a mix of housing types at varying densities? .. Consi~ent: Yes l!Z'1 No D (\ 1 .. -'1hi? _ 1" 4fbv€1;1) }?v(ld.t';1ti l)) i l( _,v.ft>v l~e. B-I qretf.'-et ltA.l)!. ~\ ti OU?\~~ -bi{e '? rl Expm;v~?'\1;1~1!1y ~vuf~:,{~ 111:~~~<"!J :Je.#-~~ -tfl" 2. Create Pedestrian-Friendly, Ground-Oriented, Muld-Family Community b. Does the building's form and mass suppo1t a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. E: m:"t;' f ;:.lf ~'1 Di_., 'i\v'brtj lv, ei...yh~•~ ~i\t. a-1w;t,11 we.lb~ D(,-e,,..4d 'll p 1> ~e.. \N~llt;I <91Aec,>b1-\li'"< 1\1,e. 71 ~1½4 .~e,,~ l'le-B1✓ -i~e. -fvo"1.r e,av-~ lf.)\ 8Ata>(~e,.. ~,o(e--fo tVl-ievacf [))tftt 01W ~fvt~Vl.'?. 3. Maintain CohMive Building Styles c. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, ~~~~ f 0 Consistent: Yes □ NO q N/ Ag --1'b i? he.3 n ~l!Udt~c-J.. '(? ~ \1. e¥--tr e-vA b. WllY. !; -'-~ ld1 • ~e ,,-4-fy {t, 1 Wl~f?1~ . -t:5:-,t/4 ~if-c i:, £,oj'Vle.wwd-vlrtteve«d-1° Explam:-we, ~ -1).c;tu~ly ~uf°t!Aj ~\1._ edt:dv"{C. l V a/(U L l~wM 4. Capitalize on Important Views ~{~~ i CbMt'l,1.ul'\6 · d. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain aud/01' river views? I , ht -tz"i ,. Consistent:. Yes~ No □ Not Applicabl~ □ •~fe&i'2W.J\ wrtft tV\f--w,C.f~ \tj 0 Explain:~ '9.-\t5r~~ ~ N-S. o,~t~l~V\. 1 o.ll U~rth writ ajby V(f-015 111 --f~ t\0(1~ nt 6 dv!f~½t;, · e. Have the impo1tant views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? ., Consistent: Yes O No O Not Applicable pu , Explain: ~!M? ~-f' e-.i1~htr~-5 l -tow M'tlS ? ) _\iM_e-n1>~ (eAl~ . v~ Uxfif,i'dl..e/a,{ • I 11. ftu '.? de,.1e/.~Mr-::i,!-/A.o,n ~ 1-\-1.5> ~liq~ fo ·-Ifie. ~+ .f- 'ZZ~ t~ J ~ti ~wCVu, r..~TTV ~ ·J fvCci..bv vi'to.-> vi 0~ -f.,-lu.QJ~> -fP..c.- s. Provide Private and Semi-Private G1'lten Space \'Y\Ovv('~\.,0. f. Does proposed development include front and back courtyards (in multi-family developments) and incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety in the design? .. ~onsis0te~~:e!~o ~~ V/rovidtd. io CPc;p· /Jltd/u.f&✓ tW~J J-ite-- Explam: 1 ~, ~( -.,, -i • ~ ~ ~ ( yto1..l8t ™ ., 6ufR -ewl -r>'T ,~e... ¥ (6 -<f!ti' i:,,e. 7 :i ~ 1 6 fevt - ~f ~ +f /C--~ ,-'1 ff"i,J ,dcd-ff{-lte-;i'6u+l 1JJA.e • Maple Ridge Town Centre 5 DP Pm'/ I: Key Guideline Co11cepts for t!,e North & Soul fl VieJ11 Precincts , --\ ) 6. Provide Climate Appropriate Landscaping and Green Features • _, g. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedesh·ian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? o Consistent: Yes }5:q No D Explain: ifte. 1~-,v~ :;}id,u4d-\w-G fVOU\tl~ l~1~f(Vl.t ~foffi~+t:.-• -\6 ou✓ d,w.-~te-~ 1~c.--k(re-6f-c6f d.,l'(lvtodf • 7. Maintain Street Interconnectivity h. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service sh·eet and seconda1y vehicular and pedesh-ian through.way? ° Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable~ Explain: ititr'l 17 Vl0 bt,te...-~WC-1 ~ ~{tich!le.-f}/lft ttu,.__ be-vf;P,_(} Ts required parking provided underground? ,k_. o Consistent: Yes ix!' No D I. et-l~.j~ ~D* ~ree:/,~ ~ wj :i:e-1e~t•,~ e.1,1,-lrj f •liT<' Explain: 1{;1?ve.. t,v'~ tr, twJe..-YU(A. ifevit:wd [eJe,/,, M-o/j vavl,:;,,v,7 ---([1.c. :f~7 ~, ~lw, ~ ,d&'P,.,Qd w,=tt.. ik rl-h('Ju./ ~,\i.ee.v-. lvlaple Ridge Town Centre 6 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for tlte Nortfl & Soutlt View Precincts c8(3 ~ttf j@ A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al .8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. " Consistent: Yes D No pl) Explain: -iftwe,, i? !\,I> j roowl-t'!.16{ C6 >V\l~c>,t,/ll-( f'6-f'6Pd ii;/ -iCt;s Hdj · A 1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. ° Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: Bl.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. B2.l ° Consis~t: Yes.@ No D (\J I . 'l lift-ipt(r11vV ~ -rvw' tia/2 ~ Expla1; ~M.Ji trf e, \'VI. 2-!IA t,J cwlo tut, W?- . _-:17roui' tv-.C\ ~b~A,(\,t.J • Design outdoor lighting ttl mi.nin.1ize light pollution. e Consistent: Yes Ell No D Explain: We-----Wt---r~{tf,ll.lt,;(A.,i 6 lA. B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. ~pla:nsi;:;tefku~ <Pt~eJ} Qff/i~ t0il[ k,, f~afi·e,1. B3 .4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. E:pla~oos~; Y:: ]r~t ~U4 . C6dr1\Jifte'7 7~n°ific~!J {✓~, l -ik_ tf~ ot ~ rev1wJ~ {l?oJ!te-· B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. ° Consistent: YesW No D Explain: ~Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. " Consistent: Yes g! No D Explain: C. Building Site Considerations Cl .5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. " Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain, /41& i\!-'UII-~ / ~uvfj,,vJ. M1e-(,' --lo l}.J-W-il$.-~ ,oult el9-ft> 7tN' e.. • Cl .11 Use materials that are functional, durable a.nd include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes gf No D Explain, 1fe, vA:l,/<-(f\/4, pet-tW-will k ?it o-1 -\k-f?-it. :fo ,,,. c~~ ~,tr;::.1:r ~""~!"!fe~ re£jded. ~I t:Mtevrr !!t ,-a~i~5 • Consistent: Yes D No ffeJ_ ~. Explain, -iti? .,;7bc1~ A.,6 hPf td~"' 11i.-ttlfvdi11,,... ; r\'"'vt~ l~ C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. .. Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: rl/ C . ~di? ae. b.Mls :u~d. -lobpre-6. C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. ° Consistent: Yes D No,@ Explain, ~ 4,01/7 d,. !?if ?>dM /,&[h11a-\.: ('t.-,.._j C-1-:i:J. C2.9 C2.10 Provide shade trees a~landscaping. ,. Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain, ~i¾{v-frW Zi;ttl (,ar,J. 7?ft"Y 1¼<,t . -tk-~,t~orfut~ ~ug?· Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for sho,t-tenn uses. o Consistent: Yes gJ No D Explain: fr()IJ(d.ev{ ~~L --fk.. C2. l 1 Provide long-term bicycle parking. " Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain f VPJiil.e.l IV\. -ite, vvil~ (bJl/1A. (2'1~1~, Jvfapfe Ridge Town Ce11tre G1·ee11 Building Desigu Guidelines C2.12 C3.4 C3.6 C4.l Provide end-of-trip fapilities. 111 Consistent: Yes (Zl No D Explain: ~ i)v,'fj-li0 ~k{b¾ ~( .rr~J<J.1', , {e,.'71/hc~ i j//1:%\, .. ~~ i ffb{~Vlltj -+6 clU'1 ~J)( ~✓ ~t{\V.A • ~ Minilluze nnperv1ous pavmg of the Jane. U ✓ ° Consistent: Yes D No@ Explain: Np \~tte-, kMt. Respect existi□g grades. 111 Consistent: Yes P.' No D Explain: PJ Wj,lttr\. ~ A et>~ri.J-OJ..lt:Ji.A bJci Plant sh·eet trees. e Consistent: Yes E:J No D Explain: ~~ 0~~ -G~Afd • C4.3 Minin1ize use of high maintenance plants. e Consistent: Yes fl!.. No D Explain: ~ ~l~u~ '9U~Vvtt~e@ • C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. ° Consistent: Yes 1)(1 No D Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. C4.6 a Consistent: Yes D No '6fj Explfiln: C; ~M ~111.,, :JEYI k,is ~ wit 'l)V/IJl).JIII. Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate ° Consistent: Yes ~ No D • Expl,;n f' e,t\t{u PU7 -Ii ee,7 l,Vi U fv' till I ti. L-Cb .( Ill.' 9h ~C-i \. --\C,,e.- t)J ~I -7UV1. C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. o Consistent: Yes l£l' No D ExpJain: ~e/l (>)ii{ ~e, 'JV l¼b~ILM-f45t..-UV'4'trJcXt~-- Jltlaple Ridge Town Centre Green Builtli11g Design Guidelines D®tffll!Wti\$ C4.9 C4.10 C4.ll C4.12 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. ° Consistent: Yes IXf No O • Explain -ik, ".7~ l~~C4(1'1Wi (l)r{f have, -1&iv 51'~ dllvdJt,. (41:;i,~ f.651' CAfWvdi/.A. twill ~t-evw±uei~ W\tiltf~IAE¾. ~o/ -fk 1,;t-,rJ .. Constder mcorporatmg landscape plantings for green features. ?tft{'Jf • E:pla~:,nsis~s \: D _qteeW"J rJ f -\Cte. itt'e ew/. p{16~V-<j ~ If ~'4-25~ -thv t>l--~DJiit--~ ~ ~ we... V./41ttJf-do 1te~1tV~~ Ot6rh:-t:>, Incorporate low impact stonnwater features. " Consistent: Yes~ No D Explain: tfrovWllA)tf ff Ae--f-Mt IL¼ Consider rainwater collection for re-use. e Consistent: Yes O No J0 Explain: ~OU ,·k ;;;l--}f "t;l)J~"1..... I 1,1ill ~c..-'(folf ,--J.d. u C4. l 3 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. e Consistent: Yes)?J No D Explain: i{?trA1 f t>k '9v/\~l e,(e,dot~f, lf)i"[{ evt)3 1'c-1-awL~r,~ ~ W{ l{ Ye'.'.-Lt>e{ ~ b'frtl,, -t;"Q ~1}.,b ✓ e,_ 611\ ~if.c . C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. e Consistent: Yes D No~ Explain 0o i)(i';lf~ --t-W? C4'A-Pe-{~e.( d_u(cl1j i,c.d_et1d•f~ of-~ 1"rtt:,, Maple Ridge Towu Ce11fl•e Green B1dldi11g Design Guidelines I _, W AYNE STEPHEN BISS KY ;ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN Advisory Design Panel Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, Be V2X 6A9 Monday, September 8, 2014 Regarding Design Rationale describing the proposal or amendment including an assessment as to consistency of the proposal with Offi- cial Community Plan policies and guidelines for : Our Project#: 0813 City Project#: RZ-029-2013 Legal Description: Civic Addresses: PID 009-830-201 Lot "A" DL 399 GP 1 NWD Plan 13442 PIO 004-379-357 Lot "B" DL 399 GP 1 NWD Plan 13442 22305 & 2231 5 122 nd Ave Maple Ridge, BC This sit: proposal is for a five storey wood frame building on top of an underground parking garage (70 units in total) it is a direct response to th~ ~1te context, no~h west of C?owntow~ Mapl~ Ridge. The site is designated for low rise apartments in the OCP, which suggests a form of minimum three stones to a maximum of five stones. The town centre area plan, specifically calls this site up in the North View precinct. The site is we?ged n~rth to sout~ between 122nd Ave and 123rd Ave while providing access to the underground parking from 123rd av- enue. The ne1ghbourin&" propert_1es to the East an_d west are currently single fami ly residential but are designated in the OCP as apartment use. !here are several sites within 30m surrounding the property that are already zoned RM-5 and are occupied with apartment buildings. T~e site general_ slopes from the south to the North allowing the underground parking on the north side to face the street and gain access without a ramping down. With regard to the OCP guidelines and policies please note the following: 8.7, MULTI-FAMILY DEVE~0PMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES - 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts: How this Project Complies: Applications for Development Permits will be assessed against the following Key Design concepts are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in build-This plan is consistent with the scale and use of the ing form, height, architectural features and massing. surrounding properties as designated in the OCP. 2 . Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building This plan is consistent with the scale and use of the heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the pe-surrounding properties as designated in the OCP and riphery of a higher density developments. relates in height to adjacent developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given archi-This plan is clustered and given architectural separation, tectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve fostering a sense of community and improved visual visual attractiveness. attractiveness. DESIGN RATIONALE 8.7 MUCTi-FAMILY'DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, arch itectural details, . appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground Pedestrian circulation is provided on and off site. All where possible or away from public view through screened visitor parking is located in the underground parking. parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. 8.7.2 Guidelines: A) Building. Design, Massing, and Siting 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural This submission complies. features or views and should enhance privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be em- phasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the The building fronts onto two public roads . fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are de- signed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners ~hould be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a This submission complies. transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding The form and massing is consistent with the surrounding area; area. bl be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition This site generally maintains the scale and massing of the to lower density uses; adjacent developments. c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non-residential boundary and locate lower This submission complies. density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the This submission complies. setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; Access conflicts are minimized and located away from major intersections. RECEIVED 8.7 Mum-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES 8.7 Mum-FAMILY DEVEL0PMENT PERMIT ARtiA GUIDELINES f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the de-Privacy is maximized on this site as well as adjacent velopment abuttrng the side yards of adjacent single properties through the use of setbacks and landscaping. detached residential uses. b) recessing garage doors behind the main building fa<;:ade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration be- 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: tween garages. a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual This submission complies. length of individual buildings; d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or This submission complies. as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; Not Applicable. c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor This submission complies. f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street units. g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features and elements of the surrounding neigh- bourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, re-Porches, projections and recesses are provided. cesses, and balconies; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and Neighbourhood stability is reinforced through the windows; placement of all fenestration. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible, to pro- vide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to pro-Not Applicable. c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or Not Applicable. parking facilities; vide attractive views for residents and passersby. B. Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation: d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; Compatible and thematic roof forms are provided and throughout the proposal. e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. Landscaping reinforces the sense of community and neighbourhood. 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access Parking is located underground. should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 7, The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visi- ble from a street or public walkway should be covered with This submission complies. exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with This submission complies. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swaJes, This submission complies. separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infil- tration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide We have incorporated a general theme to ensure a sense visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a of community and design cohesion throughout this row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. development. between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscap-Not Applicable. ing with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where ap- 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: propriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. a) designing residential units with enough width to include Not Applicable. attractive entrances and windows between garages; l. 8 .7 MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELI ES 8.7-MULTl-fAMILY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; ' considered between adjoining developments to mini-Not Applicable. mize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to m~imize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of dri- ving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring prop-This submission complies. erties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabili- 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: ties as close as possible to the main entrance to a build-This submission complies. ing. a) the location of mature and existing trees to be re-No trees will be retained with this development. tained or removed, 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPT- ED) principles should be incorporated into the design of b) the location of all protective tree fencing; Not Applicable. all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building en-This development complies with this guideline. trances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished See the submitted drawings for grading. grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. This submission complies. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to nat-This submission complies. ural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all develop- ments. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront This submission complies. landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials Paving areas are minimized . such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc, or by using alternate surface treatments. 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should con- form to the existing grades as closely as possible to en- b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of . wind; sure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On This submission complies. steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possi- ble, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural con- c) providing shade in summer; tours and existing grades. d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the This submission complies. C. Landscaping and Open Space site; 1 . Landscaping both within and outside the development should: e) allowing daylight into buildings; and a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and down- spouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later b) delineate private and semi private space from public irrigation use. space 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and This submission complies. parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. d) present a pleasing street image; This submission complies. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consid- e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; This submission complies. er incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual · art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-resi- dential land uses; 8.7 Mum-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDRINES 8.7 Mum-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future develop- ment should be landscaped consistent with the landscape c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.Sm x 1 .Sm (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and This submission complies. plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface This submission complies. treatment should ~e lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior light-Not Applicable. ing, and power-assisted door openers. 8. Identify, preserve and inc0rporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey No existing trees are to be retained. prdared ?Ya quali'.ie? professional indic~ting the !~cation an condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site E. Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas 1. Integrate vents., mechanical rooms, mechanical equip- ment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or This submission complies. screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of This submission complies. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting the roof from adjacent buildings. wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. No existing vegetation is to be retained. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: 1 a.Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales The development site is very restricted and therefore does a) easily accessible; into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorp-not make it feasible to incorporate bioswales. In addition, tion of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. the soils are not conducive to absorption. b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protect- ed; This submission complies. d) incorporated into the overall design of the devel- opment; or b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, This submission complies. maneuvering aisles, parking lots; and e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spa-site. ces is enhanced. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. 12.Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural This submission complies. absorption of rainwater on a site. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, re- cycli ng and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from This submission complies. most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from D. Universally Accessible Design public streets and allow for adequate maneuvering space for removal vehicles. 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for All non-vehicular routes are accessible with pathways the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate and sidewalks provided on site, as per the guidelines. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including rooftop units, equipment, and satellite dishes within This submission complies. upper floors or structures thatfrom part of the overall design of a development. safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and ex- haust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces This submission complies. 2. Building entries should be: and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed to maximize sound attenuation: the street; This submission complies. a) between units; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; b) between public roads and units; and This submission complies. c) between adjacent land uses and units. 8.7 MULTI-FAMILY DEVEL0PMENT PERMIT AREA GUIDELINES F. ·signage and Lighting 1 . All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By- law. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge This submission complies. Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be inte- grated and complement the scale and architectural detail This submission complies. of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedes- trian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should This submission complies. be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to en-This submission complies. sure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adja- cent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. G. Bicycle Parking and Storage 1. Short term and long ter m bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clear- ly visible from a. main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft-resistant Bicycles will be stored in the underground parking. material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. Sincerely yours, Wayn r:l issky, MAIBC Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. 204-22320 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 Ph: 604-467-8300 Fax: 604-467-8305 "' '1 List of Drawings A0.0 A0.1 A0.2 A0.3 A0.4 ., A0.5 rr A0.6 A1.0 A1 .1 A1.2 "A2.0 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 A4.0 'O t,( A4.1 ..! AS.0 X ~ A6.0 c--i 0 d, A6.1 0 ..J. Berry Ave ) .0 E .!!/ 0. Project Reconciliation & Site Location Aerial Photo Existing Zoning OCP Designation Existing & Proposed Lots Fire Fighting Pre-Incident Plan ExistingSite Survey Site Plan Parking P1 Parking P2 Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Floor 5 Roof Plan Elevations with Landscape Elevations with Landscape Sections Building Perspective View From 122nd Building Perspective View From 123rd iJj "' N DP.rt,•,• RF:a1~h C~:~•:p9ff,,m,1 A ~ 128Avc -t27 Ave !J • ,,:-Alouette Park Abe1nclhy Way iii ,._ J ~n~•f'I' A C.ft,""'l'iP:'1 ~~n: .... rail!'!' Rt:Pl.;lc. AA Aloue\1e Ele-r.er.tary Schaar 124 Ave 125 Ave )::l ,.. If! 127 Ave IJ-0 Ave 129 Ave 129Ave • Horseman's Park ......_ Kendrick Lo-0p Lee Avo i 24 fWl~ ~ ~ 123Ave in 126 Ave 127 Pl N 125a P,.'-"C ~ </) Abemelhy Way ~.bemet:ny Ln J 129Ave M "' µ-. ::';re',' G.~h!~s. Farm R~rl & Brf!,:ikf:-if.t ti 0 !J 125a Avr; 124b Ave 128Ave Yennadon 126 Ave 125" Aye, 124bAve 0" Reid Ave -'16el)J ~ 12•a Ave eu,YWay ";, 123t>Avf. 123h Ave \:) . iii .c 00g'l.\1110d Ave AA Yennad Element Property 1: Property 2: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: OCP: Road Dedication: Covenant Area: Zoning I nrormauur, Civic Address: 22305 122nd Avenue, Maple Ridge BC PID: 009-830-201 Legal Description: Lot "A" District Lot 399 Group 1 NWD Plan 13442 Lot Area: 1,624.8 m2 Civic Address: 22315 122nd Avenue, Maple Ridge BC PID: 004-379-357 Legal Description: Lot "B" District Lot 399 Group 1 NWD Plan 13442 Lot Area: 1,635.3 m2 RS-1 RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) APTL Yes No 344.7 m2 3,710sqft Remaining Property along West Side to Yes Sell to 22295 122nd: 252.0 m2 2,713sqft • Merkley Park Subject Properties fletcher "-' Park ~ ~ n3Ave ~ t,; o Harry 'fl Hoo-ge Park ~ Environmental Dedication: No l<Rd ~,,c1 R<1 1:, ~~e,<o~ iii -->< ~ "-' ~ !!! "' ~ \ii 0 ;E. ~ "' )1. "' "' 122 Ave f!! '!: • Haney Nakai Park N ,._, ,-; Si:..-lkcrkAve If! CD ~ !!! ~o•m1Ave !!I lean e1· Pina 1 9Ave Selkk A\Je Lougheed Hwy rm~~'! l-fl:"'.1f! r, h ;'lrdw.rn=: £!l Cl1ffA..,1e ~ 117 Ave '?~ R;,., ~'<) St Anne Ave fr q{r. a, • ~ ~-iS. Callaghan IVFI-,-~ • i:/ I16Ave Park EB River Rd ,:, Port Honey Stn a y Billy Mi11..a:1 Pl,~ Fraser River 0 200 "' N .,. !2 fCresc:e,. • :i: 122Ave Eric Langton EJ.,!l'entar1• AA City Hall Dewdney TMlk Rd Maple Ridge iii 18 'fl ~ l'AO"-'t' Bl• II~•• --' So es. !a i9J Dewdu y .-, Ar ma• Ho~i,I:~ - 119Ave Lougheed Hwy CD N "-' "' i!! • Brickwood Park • Jim Hadgl<.iss Perk 700 !!I t.'Ark~• !/1b"1rk 'v\•t arrrm:s,e Emhrnicf:f)' ~ "(" I G1lleyAv1: 1200 " ~ 122 Ave Sto1 e~ AY•J Eagle Ave i ~ "' 0 --Plttdey A\•e AA Har-y Hoage Ele11ertary 5c,oo N w 0 'fl 123Ave 122Al•a 'JJ CherrywooO Dr Dewdney TrJ!llk fld • Pioneer Park 116A-/e Sltigtt A\'C ti "' !!} Existing Lot Area: 3,260.1 m2 35,091 sq ft Proposed Lot Area: 2,662.1 m2 28,655 sq ft Zoning Information for RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) 122 G) Min. Lot Width: 30m f [ Min. Lot Depth: ~ Min. Lot Area: Max. Building Height: Allowable FSR (Max 1.8): Actual FSR: De>vdile . Parking Structure above finished grade: Setbacks: Front: Rear: Side Yard: Parking Rear & Interior Side Yard: Parking Front & Exterior Side Yard: Common Activity Area: NIA 1,300 m2 13,993.1 sq ft 18m, nor not more than 5 Stories 4,791.8 m2 51 ,579 sq ft 4,758.7 m2 51,222 sq ft 0.8m Required: =7.5 m = 7.5 m =7.5 m = 1.5 m = 3.0m 1.7 m Provided: 7.5m 7.5 m 7.5 m 1.5 m ~ 01 '8'1 >vi DVP for 19.5m 1.80 FSR 1.79 FSR DVP for 1.8m DVP for O.Om West DVP for 1 _.0m Front 0--;- Cliff Ave AA Gol-Cen E~rs Element&rJ' Asr.emhl-,• .~. Indoor: = 69 m2 = 69 m2 Required: 532.4 m2 = 69 m2 1 .0 m2 / Unit 117 Ave Thomas ~anev Seco~dacy S ch~ol AA in D ,,, "' Telosky Stadium .., (J "' 'fl ♦ & Thomas Haney Youth Action Par11 ,2 CD 1700 t:l ~ !!! , 16a Ave 116Ave a ,, 0 0 g " 0 <..) 0 g J c," Outdoor: Usable Open Space (UOS): 20 % of Lot: Gross Residential Floor Area: Parking: Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Floor 5 Total Unit Parking (1 Bedroom) = 1.5 Unit Parking (2 Bedroom)= 1.5 Visitor Parking = 0.2 Total= 1.7 Handicap Accessible Parking = 1/50 Small Parking Stalls Allowed= 0.1 5 firs = 69 m2 1.0 m2 / Unit Part of UOS Provided: 550.0 m2 Unit Count Area 13 871 .2 m2 14 972.8 m2 14 972.8 m2 14 972.8 m2 14 969.2 m2 69 units 4758.7 m2 Required: Provided: = 34.5 Stalls = 35.0 Stalls = 69.0 Stalls = 69.0 Stalls = 13.8 Stalls = 14.0 Stalls = 117.3 Stalls = 118.0 Stalls = 3 Stalls = 4 Stalls = 11.8 Stalls = 10.0 Stalls ,,u Issued for ADP .-llnllssued for ~:'r,1:'Jon u ...... '"' C ~ Q) 12 E 0: 1 0. ::;; 0 (1) 1 > "C Q) 0 0 >, W= Cl) E O ro 0.. LL o~ Ct'. :J a.. 2 C 0 :.;::; C co 0 ·c::; ...., co § l) l) 0 Q) .....I 0::: 2 Uu5 .9?., ~ e Q.. 9/2/14 As Noled WB/JM 0813 Js PRELIMINARY oNL y NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Site Location Plan i!i ~~~~~":.?p~~~F;~;/~f~~~:~a.n o CHANGE Scale: 1 : 15000 0---------------------------------=---------------------LA~O~.O:..J . ISSUl:U UkAVY\NU.ct • lu.Ued lot AOP .... ,luuadfot Rc:orung Subm11skln u _. "' C ~ ~ Q) "O ii' E ~ Cl. ~ 0 ::, Q) 1 > "O C Q) N N 0 "' 0 >, ~ ~ w "" U) E "' 0 ~ 0 co N N a.. LL ~ ~ 0 :.:; t ~ 0::: :::J ::;, ~ 0 J a.. ~ ~ 9/2/14 A.lo Nol.ad WB/JM 0813 PRELIMINARY ONL v NOT FOR coNsTRUCTION Site in Context with Aerial Photo ~ DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE 8 __ TO_S-CA_L_EW_H_E_N-PR-IN-TE_D_O_N_17_·,_11_·--TA-BL_O_,o _______________________________________________________________________________________ s_c_a_,_e_:_1_:_1_3_0_0 __ :::::::.JL~A-=0~.1~J X ~ N 9 (J) 0 '<t" ..---0 N e ::::, t5 2 :.c u ~ (') ..---co 0 ai E (ll C: Q) CT: 1 ~ <!'. U) '!'. CD N 6i ai E ~ ~ ..--- 0 ,0 E 2 0. (I) {/) ~ (ll Q RS-1 \ \ l I I I RM-2 RM-2 LUC \ I I i-------=---=t.-------==-=-----4----------I\ R -5 r-- • I I I Subject Properties I I I RS - LUC LUC CD-1-00 Morse Creek ' \ \ \ 0-1-00 RM -2 RM-3 \ \r--------------l I I I I I Issued for ADP o-.u l!t,sued for =J.. ..... C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 0 0 >, w (I) E co 0 a.. LL 0 :;:::; ct:: a.. 0) C C 0 N 0) C +J Cl) ·x ::J ~ (.) <D . 0, u ii: . 0. :l\' oi J u C E "' ~ "" "' 0 ~ N N ~ i "' u ·s (j t---+-----------1W Ridge Meadow~ Senior Centr * ~ ~ ;jl j O 15 30m liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiii~~===~~~~================::~~--------_J 1 •• 9/2/14 MNoted PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OJMENSIONS AND sPACES AAE NOT i::1NA1. SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE \'/Ha.I F"RINT£D ON ir-1,~. TABL010 a 20 40 60 Site with District Zanin Ma Scale: 1 :1300 WB/JM 0B13 A0.2 Date: Septemb ""'tJ ~;;rJ ~m or z_ ~~ 1i:z !{l )> fi;;rJ ~-< Rio 6Z --<r i-< :;;z ~o in -I n --<-n 60 i ;o i.'5 (") mo z CJ) -I ;;rJ C (") -I 6 z (/) ;::::+: CD ~-....... ~ g ~~ (/) ....... ::::::!. (/) Q. (") 0 0) (D 0 _,._ 7J .. _,._ ~ w 0 !ll ~0 111 1 0 )> ~ • 0 w ~ ►_j __ '° ; ~ " ~ " l! ..... !-J !. J,- File name: 0813 Architectural 2014-09-02.vwx II (/) "Tl ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN '70'22'mUIUS/llndHl~i,y. ~"""'Ri:111<-•c vum ptl 004,,,167~ i1'•004"'67-8JOS E.mall: Cll~Ul.t.11111 W,11!!~ ~l'ttC'U.'r:'lrl'.N1"'.di1trortio 3C 'Tl )> ,, ? I OCP Designation en "Tl C> 0 3C "Tl )> ,, ? ~-------, I PROPOSED CJ) C Q CD $4. )> ,, ? Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave, Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: I Copyrgh! Rese1Ved F"u>INH'IOAIOC0)1N')l(:,·Jl,ll_,..ll,CVIH.~'j!Q!ltllt •~.....,..-.or.l!Wllf~JoolPN!P:.fll~.OWJmlltlidat't..ln'latall 11111ffl'!IT.ae'lhladulll'oP10P«lVOIW~1!1tS!ltll'Cn8'c'\.~)' ~.cl:l~~~ . .-.a~arlor°"91.MdG1J1N:;lbeusedlllfany01her ~~-:=:~=~~':l====l t,,c-.aildctfflel"M(Mlf'IO~Clflft~ ll,j,Cl60lf~-~tt(lol ~v.tMllnn,~IIIO~W~~Ol'lltlllb,,t~ ! tii'f i ~! §~~ C> 0 3C "Tl in en C m 0 0 ;u ~ z G) en X ~ N 9 m 0 ..J. ~ 0 N ~ :J t5 2 :.c t: <( (') ~ CX) 0 Q) E co C: Q) CT: , ~ E 2 a. Q) CJ) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ co DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 1rx1 ,. -TABLOID 84.84m I 7 I I I I I 1 I I I I ~: 22333-122nd ~I m , 1635.345 sq m ~I ~1 I I l Q) ! I :::::i / I i i ___________________________________ 84.88m ------------------------------------~ :;! i 1-J I M , I N I I ....... , I ~, 22305-122nd i l ~. 1624. 758 sq m ~, ! i I I I I I I [ _____________________________________ 84.85m ____________________________________ ] Q) :::::, C Q) ~ -0 C N N ....... ~o 5iiiil§i!!5s-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1~s~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!2~siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_;3~5~!!!!!!!!!'!!""~~~45 m ~ 7 80m Q) :::::, C Q) > <( -a I-C") N ....... Road Oed1calio11__A 3032m2_...., Existinq Lot Scale: 1:400 ,✓----r --~=~~---------1 r-✓ -············~ ................................................... I I ,,,. , ..... i ,,,. L I ... ~ ~2 Proposed Site ~r ..,, 2,705.64sq m "'I i ..... C~~=~ .. ···"'"' ........... ........... ... ... . .. .... ....... .. ....... ! i ~ ! 76.99m I 1.---~---------~--------------'-' I ~~~~ ,.; . L2s1 7m2 ol 22305-122nd for purchase by 22295-122nd in order to achieve the minimum requited lol width 0 5 15 25 35 Proposed Lot Scale: 1 :400 Q) :J C Q) > <( -0 C N N ....... 45m ~ ISSUED DRAWINGS ~"' Issued for ADP +-' C Q) E a. 0 Q) > Q) 0 0 >. W= Cl) E O co 0... LL o:;::; 0::: :::i 0... ~ "O Q) en 0 0. 0 l-o.. 2 ~_g 0) C ~ en ·x w bale: Scare ~rawn P-,g# lsheel 9/2/14 As Noted WB/Jflj oa1:1 A0.4 aL,. _____________________________________________________________________________________ .._ ___ _. Final site plan and floor plans showing locations of fire related infrastructure which is outlined below such as location of fire department connection, fire hydrant, fire alarm panel, sprinkler room, standpipe connections to be denoted at building permit stage, in cojuction with fire department approval. Current Structures "' The current buildings are being maintained secure against unauthorized entry at all times, as well as during the demolition phase until such time as they are totally demolished. X ~ N 0 d, 0 ..,;. 0 N ~ :::J t5 2 £ l) ~ (") ,... co 0 <Ii E: co i::: Q) CT: 2 <( in in (0 N 0) <Ii ! st ,... c-:, A demolition permit will be obtained. Their is no known underground oil tank on the property, a permit from the fire department will be obtained if one is found during excavation. Notes A. B. C. D. CD 0 ~ . 8 0 0 Existing Fire Hydrant Electrical Room Mechanical & Sprinkler Room below in underground parking Location FD Lock Box & Fire Alarm anunciator panel. 1 FD Lockbox -Fire department lock box to be flush mounted in wall in close proximity to the fire alarm panel in the main lobby. Fire department lock box to be installed before drywall is installed. Contraactor to coordinate the installlation of the lock box. l lock box for Maple Ridge is only available from Gunnebo Security Inc. #130 -195 West 2nd. Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1 BB Telephone: (604) 708-9994 Fax: (604) 877-11 67 1Keys for the FD lockbox are to be provided to all common areas and is to include a garage door remote and an electronic key (if installed). Fire alarm panel or enunciator to be located in the main entrance lobby. Fire Department Connection Installed in a location accessible to Fire Department vehicles as approved by the Fire Chief. This location to be at the property line by the main entrance to the building on 113th Ave. ,NOT to be a Siamese connection 4· Storz fitting c/w cap installed. Cap to have a chain or aircraft cable attached so that cap cannot be lost. Angled down at a 35-degree angle to Impede the insertion of debris. Installed at a height of 1,000 mm (39 Inches) above the street or ground level; Located remotely from the building face and away from any hazards and at least 1,500 mm (60 inches) away from any ornamental light standard, utility pole, electrical kiosk or driveway; and The fire department connection will also be required to have measures in place to ensure vegetation landscaping does not interfere with its use or visibility. Please ensure landscape architect is aware of location of fire department location. Past experience has been one of a maintenance issue in order to ensure adequate access and visibility to the fire department connection. Fire Department Access Access to the building from multiple entry points. All overhead wires should be relocated underground. This provides access to the balconies by use of fire department ladders Main Entry into Building Standpipe Connection 'TO be located on intermediate landings starting on the second floor angled downwards at 45degrees from horizontal position. Address Visibility ·Ensure address is visible from the street and visible day or night. To be addressed to the main entrance side of the building (113thAve) Apartment units should start with the number 101 at the left side of the main lobby and continue numbering clockwise. Stairwells are to be labelled Stair 1, stair 2 etc and start at the left side of the lobby in a clockwise fashion. Access Stair Well Stairwells are to be labelled Stair 1, stair 2 etc and start at the left side of the lobby in a clockwise fashion. Fire Safety Plan Information in the Fire Safety Plan must be relevant to the building. References to all items not pertinent lo the building must be removed. Fire safety plan to be submitted lo Maple Ridge Fire Department in electronic format for revue and acceptance prior lo occupancy of building. Copy of fire alarm and sprinkler system verification reports will be required lo be sent to Maple Ridge Fire Department. The Fire Safety Plan lo meet the requirements of the British Columbia Building Code 2006. Division B, Section 8.1 and to the British Columbia Fire Code (BCFC) 2006, Division 8, Section 5.6 this applies to buildings, parts of buildings. and associated areas undergoing construction. Site Location Plan Scale: 1 :3000 ---------------., I 0 5 15 25 35 Site Plan Scale: 1 :400 ISSUED DRAW1Nl:i~ ffl-1 Issued for ADP ..,,.u lflUed for ~~~ C ro 0)-cO.. ·-....... ......, C "E, Q) ·--0 LL ·-0 Q) I... C LL Cl) I... 0.. 9/2/14 As Noted WBIJM 08131 A0.5 Date: Septemb 1) ;:u m r s:: z )> ~ 0 z r -< z 0 -I "Tl 0 ;:u () 0 z (J) -I ;:u C () :::::! 0 z 014 Time: 9:26:55 AM File name: 0813 Architectural 2014-09-02.vwx ,1G., .1,c:;_, •U ~ fu 1., "-1.J D \J -<::S .<Ji-<o 1 3rd A ~ . ::; .~ ~ 'Li i ~-• ' 1., -1.J~ cji ~-1.Jc;,_"G.,·'-"' ·'-G., ·"c:;_, .<::)G.,rff ! :<-b<::)G., .(o"'u -~ 1,'<> 'L, ::;j_ i r ··~·:e-··1 fo io<:o ·-··-.. -··-··~---·□·· I<> Ki ro'-' c;.,'-R> '<f OJ~ Coq, \..,llain'!_i,k r:-ence c:;, ~ 'v ---=---:---=-----'~~-----=::::.-.\. • .$ •• ~ •• -··-•• -•• -•• -•• -·. -•• -L ::.J .. -• ·-. ·-.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -. "'~ .. -.. ,_ te Curb c:;_, ,. , • ._. fu '._v .... ~t,-··----.'(; 1_,c;.,, .1,-u ,Cu i::::.'-<-· .'5 ·'5 'Ii_ : .qs <S<l .1,Cu Y--) "-" 1'.J><l/1 G., \_, ' c:;_, ,..1:)., c:;_,'-Wl,\J ,(o , ) 1., I I \ f -1.J"<o '<\ 'u -o ~-·" <o 0i ·'-1v~ -<::S '<l<o -<o 1 V 3te Curb Y ·'Li -1.J~ -8' ·'Li <:o" eu"'u eu<:o i;:-; q,~ .. ----··-··-.. -··-~"-··r ·· 8!""··-·1·e:-22-··-··T ··-... ··-··z9·_21 ··-··-~----~---··-··-··-··-.. -·.*.1 __ .. E!an L 8813 .1_,'u C)'l, .1.,Cu "\J '"· • 00 CP.daC-' • _ 'I. O)(o • i ,l t" i ~ u (_, ·'o'l, ,t· ,.;~1,<o :, ~"' q,'v Iv {'> ) ~ . ~ rl --:t,<\ /fti o,~--;,7 •-;1,'--7 _:1, \,'O 'i?. ~ ··-·· ~ {I)~ ~;, -~ ~ ""(I \ \ q,'b .C!)-1.J~ -8' _i!_ _ 000-Fir ."I.JG., ~ .1,<o \ -.1]' 'Rooo Cedar q,OJ i ~ "Cu j l5-l ~I 1100-~ Cu~1,<o ~o-Crab Apple oS 1 , .1,Cu 1J ) ~. A Q,._, ! I 'l<v Toooc: 1r 1,c:;_, I I o} I Co~ II I .,.;l7 ,i"" I~ • 1,Cu '<le;., 1,Cu ~ I . _.i°':)' ec.'-' Q-QY, I I:?>{). ,c)Qj • ~ -~ '0' I 1,'v I <o ;,,~~ . I ~ -~ ~ ~~ ·'u \.) 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"c:;_, "\., ~l (f) (J) 0;::::..: w CD G., (Bl -......, ~\, / R, o -••-••-"-••-••-J:_~•-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••,f?'!/:_.,_,.; \ 'I ~;••-••-••-••-·•-••-••-••-••-••-••-.. -••-••-••-• i \' II ( <t.,~ i ~ (J) ........_ C ~en ~< 0 Cl) 0 N 0 N (JI 3 :t> illr i 0 m I~,~ w ;,; (0 ~ .f>. WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN OESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN ~22320L01t0f"NIIHIQIIW.rty lrl\Arft~9C "2X2t.-~ 6Q.1..a67.a:,oo lb.00,l,•1157,lffl l:""11!i1 lllll.~Ml W11t,8,11!1 ~~• Kt 1~" '<\ ~ Sanitary MH Rim Elev.=33 .73 NE Elev.=31.95 (150-) . S Elev.=31 .94 (150= Concj) E Elev.=31.93 (150 Cone ) I ><le:;_, 1," I Existing Site Survey PROPOSED Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave, M3ple Ridge BC Legal Address: Copyriljhl Resewed Fll'ftf:oNOC8)41fWlttlj. .. ~~.~l.~ •11p•~MOC1~3~l,ylfllt.trdMoctMe.l'GOI_,. iWcllllffliljfl._ncllMN~yolWa')IM~DIM\y ~UtCllft~~#NlnlenOfOin,an.....,...-a. .... 1v.,,,- 1w ....... Cll'__.IH ~--fetnNWtot• .. d~D)'~,-tr_,_Nl'IWSO..--.. wme,;,Uln!Mffi,l','1$8 Wdnet1~1Nff~~IIIIC.OO'V'QI ~~N'ld~MU'lt,., fhltoftca1-~bll~Of an,~iulDffliNIMlll'li.eNIN~~onlMQI~ . ii . ' ; "'";; S§l p o: X ~ N 0 d, 0 'SI" ,-- 0 N B A5.0' <:,':> -:1"' <:,~ ·be'°" --~--... ---~' r-:"""'=-,,-,-,--,, ISSUED DRAWINGS • Issued for ADP ~~lSJU.edlor Rezoning Subm"-'lon refin. metal railing I rr==~~~========jf========::::::::::::::::::=I:===:::::::::::::==============~~~~::::::======::= r r Building envelope setback Line l 251 . 7m2 of 22305-122nd for purchas: by 22295 -122nd in order to achieve the minimum required lot width Proposed Site 2,705.64sq m MFE 34.35 m B ~ 0 5 10 I I I 15 20 Pro osed Site Plan Scale: 1 :250 C co a.. Q) :t= Cf) ate: heel 9/2/14 As Noted WB/JM 0813 A1.0 X ~ csi 0 d, 0 ..;. 0 N ~ :::, t5 2 :c () .... <( (") ;;; 0 ai E: <1l C: <ll CT: ~ <( I!) I!) <D N 6i ai ~ -sf" ~ 0 .0 E Q) C. Q) Cf) ~ <1l 3.43m co 0-t---E 0) "Sf" E N C") "": E r---co "-: 0---!-~ 3.55m 5.20m PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS,...,,, SPACES ARE OT FINAL suo.,ecno CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" -TABLOID __ 15_.9_3_m ____ ~-.:.;~ctP 72.61m I : 12.75m 23.45m 5.50m -- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 --------- 67.40m B ~ 19.78_m ______ 0p __ 1_0_.8_7m ___ ~ ~64m 7.00m --- 8.04m 0. 25 26 27 5.70m 7.21m 28 5.50m CX) -sf" en -sf" 0 I!) 31 ' 7.00m : 5.70m I I --~ 32 E o, ~ I I'--I I I 0 -sf" I--.------ I I ~ I __ 1_ -----t E 8.20m ~ I 33 E 34 0 ~ CX) ~ 5~1m Utility I I I I I I 1~ .~ r I I I I E ·~ I.CJ ~----------Regular Stalls to be 2.5m x 5.5m wide Line of proposed property line 0 5 0. 1m 10 15 E D C") C0 E ~b co "": ..- E c:i u Issued for AOP -C: (I) E 0. 0 (I) > (I) 0 0 >, w °E (fJ 0 co 0.. u... 0 E 0::: :::J 0.. ~ T'"" 0.. 0) C ~ I.. cu 0.. >-. :,,:: u <fl ~ ~z co lJ vi zo LU z I;;; Cl.."' LU :J f-"' <fl ~ "' :J LU l-lJ Z l!iz >-t: z <( I z S u< "'~ < 0.. u "' . C, ~ . C. ~ 1 ] ~ "' ,, ~ ., "' 0 '" ~ ~ ~ -a -a ~ ~ -~ ~ 6 .3 9/2/14 As Notecl WBIJM 0B13 A1 .1 aL. ________________________________________________________________________________________ _,_ ___ __. ~59m~ __ 1_1._15_m __ ~--_1_5_.93_m ___ 0--'-;.@~_ --~ 19.78m _r ; 10.72m : : : : 65.34m : ' I I 4.Q8m 1 I t I 1 I I I I : $.62m 5.S~m 18.00m : : 12.50m 7.23m ; • ---, N <:I" E N q I I I I -I \_ Line of proposed property line 0 ® Gp 10.87m 7.64m -----i( I 1 '02 m I ' I 16.6],m I ~----H E I ID ' ~ ' I (") I 5 10 15 ~b K,OVC:.V'-"'-•• .. ....,,- u Issued for ADP r,-.ulssuedlor Rorooing Subm,...,,, I t l : 1 llji tt i fp! '-ti hj~ I-1~1 !Id .dj i~zi j!f fJ,; 1:1 }'~ti. i~ • ,-111 {aif !i'i; 1i ~~l ~ ·1·h!tU ! ~ .. t: {agnte ~11!ih1,f .. ,g.!..J hditih ..... C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 0 0 >, W= CJ) E O ro 0.. LL o:.;::::; a: ::J a.. 2 N Q.. 0) C ~ '-ro Q.. >-. ~u CJ) ~ ~z co <.J vi z 0 wZ I ;l; 0..."' w::, I--0 CJ) ~ "' ::, W >--<.J z ~ z >-t:: z <( I z S u" "'_, <(:,_ 0 ID . "' :s, oc . ~ ::; ! u C N N "' ITT N N "" "' 0 ITT N N a ~ i i :a> " " 1 > G 9/2/14 As Note~ WB/JN.I 001::1 A1.2 Date: Septemb lJ ;;o m r ~ z )> ;;o -< 0 z r 014 Time: 9:26:56 AM File name: 0813 Architectural 2014-09-02.vwx 7.43m ~ I 7.59m I ' ) A m- 8.99m _ ~ 8.99m I I 1$.51:m 8.03)'n -,-, I I -< z 0 -i .,., 0 ;;o 3.35m , 3.22m , . ~.37ry, 3.22m , 3.35m () 0 z (J) -i ;;o C () -i 0 z "TI u,-(") 0 !l) 0 -, CD ""CJ 0 a, ~ 0 ~ a, ...... ~ ~~ N 0, Q-l> )> I\.) 0 :, ,, I Si? ~,~I i ~ w. _:s; [ .i::.. ~CD -o r .., -· 0 ;::J "O (1) (1) 0 ;::i-,, '< "O =a ;::J "O (1) 0 rn (1) Cl. WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. rLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple R\dge BC V2X 2T4 ph 604-467•6300 fa:it604-467-6305 E-mail: bissky@telusnel W~b Silljt W\WJ h1sskyarch1lcclurP._fa I co ..... ..... 3 3.35m 7.74m Floor 1 ' I --T ------1----- I I i r:-0 CJ1 (!) Id\ I a,,,_ ., t 3 ~ ' r --r-0 w 1~ i:o (!) 3 ..... CJ1 3 ~ I ~ n .=::i -,c~ ■ II I~ fO) \..__ 'L_ --·- -... '-.if, ft_ II H ,~, ----{-® w O'l N 3 N I I . ..... CJ1 i:o I ,~ I 13 co (!) 3 I -!-i+-1,~ m j~ I Ir i--r --i i --~ ~ 3 co (!) 3 w r,Ji--. •·~ '~ "► I :i,.. N 3 27.38m m- PROPOSED Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave, Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: I I w 00 CJ1 3 w O'l N 3 I I~ I~ 3 -i---~ + -t-® 3 I I w (!) (!) 3 I~ 3 I I -----, -v -,,---,@ 7.87m Copyrlgh!Reseived ==-:::c~~~~,:~~~ataN co w w 3 MW;)flffl~'INl~~oll'l/lr;Tro$M~~ Mftl!Wlri, Ulblft.09 .. ~~Wo,w l)etlQit, It'd DWMI beusedroranyolher ~Cttoii:et~ t-:1::=:~~:.::~~==:.~1 -...cfdiimom-~Cllrldlior:ton~,-,o. Tlftftl'lffl~be~(i' llff/'t.llllJlllcm..,,.,NdfflAmieM'illf'O~ilho,r,,.Qflttlfllt~ -.J O'l .J::,. 3 a N ! iii 38i pa: X ~ N 0 d, 0 ..J-...... 0 N j T!! :::, t, I 2 E ~ <I: C') ...... CX) 0 <Ii E co C: Ill CT: 1Unit IA B C 61 _Q D1 E F TOTAL E 0) 0) co E 0) 0) co E CY) -s;j-,..._: E 0) I!} r--- E I.{) CY) CY) ~59m0p,__ 11.15m 2.49m 3.99m I I 6.79m: ___ 1_5_.93_m ____ ~ ______ 19_._78_m ______ cp _ 10.87m ~ 7.64m 3.62m 0 E 7.58m ~ ,..._: .42IT 3.89m I 60 66m I I 3.89m I 3.42m 3.85m 2.46m 3.62m :6.79m I I I I 8 33m I I 3.99m __ 4 9rr,i I I -----+-i-+-----------i---------,.---__ , __ ..,. ___ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : : E : -------------,-----,_ ------------------------g ------.. -------------------1· ------- : I : ~ : : NI I!} 5.70m I I I I I I I I I I I lft"l"'l=i-!'ftl .£...-: ------------~ -·----~-------- 0 ___ I _______ _ : Elevator Corridor Stair #2 I 5.69m 5.75m 5.70m 7.58m 3.46m ' Dashed ine of 7.5m •. L.b~~I~~~ :etback line ...... 3.99m 2.49m Gp -i( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I ~ M le<} E I!} CY) Cf) E r---co ,..._: E co Cf) r---N E -s;j-r--- r--- 8.11 m 60.66m Gr---*-=-=-=-_._ _ __,.--=-----=---------------•-------------~~=e~---~ 8.26m Area -Bedrooms #ofUnJ!L 59.9 m2 1 15 898.8 m2 property line 77.0 m2 2 10 770.1 m2 • 70.6 m2! 2 8 564.5 m2' 62.7 m2 1 + D.en 2 125.3 m 1Floor 1 only 83.1 m2 2 18 _ 1,496.6 m2. 81.0 m2 2 1 81.0 m2 Floor 1 only 52.5 m2 1 5 262.5 m2, 56.0 m2 1 10 559.8 mi Floor 1 only 69 0 5 10 15 20 Floor Plan 2 Scale: 1 :250 tbOUCV'-""'•••••- ,. Issued for ADP 0 is;s,ue,alcr Rozon~ S:utJm1s:sion l r i ; 1 I ljf i! Pli: H~p 1 \i t! 11d ~ I i, 'i if~ n~ l1tf !i1'.a1! i ~hif pl €!31i I ~1dii .. gfi ,:! <IU'!. I "'1" f 11'·f-f'iH> ~-uH N I,... 0 0 u. ~ 1/l 1/l co z Ll.J I 0.. Ll.J f-l/) ale: caJe rawn wg # heet 9/2/14 As Noledj WB/JM 0813 A2.1 .0 E 2 a. Q) CJ) ~ C1l (o0 (a?) t~9m r - (a?)_ 11.15m L 15.93m 0~5 D m 19.78m 10.87m ~ 7.64m --i-·-- I 8!06m 6Q 66m ' I I I I : i2.49m 3.99m 6.79m: 3.62m 2.42rr 3.89m 6.9~m : 3.89m 3.42m 3.85m .2.46rr 3.62m I I :6.79m I I , I I I 8 33m ' 1 3.99m .2.4 9n; I i /i.-------r---i-~---!-1--------------·7"""---- : ~ : : : : I I I I I I I I 0--:t -~ -----------~ ---~ /-----------~ --------1-----------------0 ---------[---; -1 --------------------------------t-------- E co ~ I I ' ' i --: : : : : ~ : I I : ,•••••••••r-•••••••••• Ii •••••• a •••••• ~ •••-• •••••" •••~•••••••• w ---->1.---->1.-......... ----'------+--..,.._,,,,....-..... --------, ------, -------- E I l() I I , _, I I _, I ~ I I I -----------, I I I D ~shed ine of 7.5m _. L.b~~l~~n~~t:,etback line I ~ I I I I I I I I I ' I E I I C':? I c") I I ,• I lct:i I I I I I .. Jlml!~------~f2~ I I I ~ E : r E I I I I N I I ~ I I c") I I . '-A -.. ~~?i-~ J _ .1 'r "1' b -!-t -J------:------1 i I_____ : :""l+H+-HI-, r s tair#1 ~~ ~ I -~ --~: T -T ----f -: -~I-~ ---~~( ~/ -H-;,(""""_'l"l'~l'l",~- 6 ,.~5""_>_,c l,.~_,l-,_\.~..,~r'il~s===::11,"~--,r-'"'lr=--r"'r.!"'-..--r""""(~~~'tt.~~'l"r'i : \. ~ jF I E F,I ,, 7 : E I I ' l() I - C':? I c") I i, I j ~ -: 0-t--I I ----------______ .................. __ ~•I---!------------------~------------------~~ Unit A B C G1 D D1 E F 1 TOTAL I I I ' E I E I (") 0) I ~ l() r--. r--. 8.11m 2.49m 3.99m 3.46m , I I I I I ' 7.58m 5.70m I I I I I I 5.69m I I I I , .. '2;77m 60.66m 5.75m 5.70m 7.58m 3.46m 3.99m l2.49m 0-1 ----------- Area 59.9 m2 --6-45.0s • &dr~oms #ofU;~:.Bm2 ------------------------\_-=:=e~-•-= 77.0 m2 ------'--__;__:_;:---'--'-'=+-----"8=2..c.8-'-".9-'s~ ____ 2 __ t-__ 1---+-0 770.1 m2 property line ...L-_ 70.6 m2 759.6 S 2 8 564.5 m2 A!:>.U 62.7 m2 674.6 s , 1 + Den 2 125.3 m2 Floor 1 onjy 83.1 m2 -~89;;....c5cc...O s ft 2 j__8 _1y496.6 m2 81.0 m2 871.5 s ft 2 1 81.0 m2 Floor 1 only 52.5 m2 565.1 s ft 1 5 262.5 m2 56.0 m21 =---602.G s ft 1 __ .... 1 o~_--'=--55,9.8 m2 Floor 1 011ly 691 0 5 10 8.26m 15 I E I lgj I I 1c-0 I I l~ I I I ~ I -! I ,~ I I I I I E I I l() I (") I (") I I I I I I I I I 20 E r--. co r--. E co C'") ~ N E s::t-r--. ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" -TABLOID Floor Plan 3 Scale: 1 :250 ISSUED DRAWINGS u Issued for ADP ('I') I,... 0 0 u.. >-~ U) U) co z LJ.J I c.. LJ.J 1-U) ate: cale wg# heel 9/2/14 As Noted WB/JM 0813 A2.2 aL. ________________________________________________________________________________________ _._ ___ __. ~ l X ~ N 0 d, 0 'SI" ~ 0 N ~ ::::, t5 2 :.c 0 ~ C') ~ 00 0 <ti E (tl C: (I) CT: ~ ~ (0 ~ (0 N 6i <ti ~ s:t ~ n .D E 2 a. Q) (/) ~ (tl -~----- 0 co @ ~59~ __ 11_.1_5m __ ~-~-~--15_.9_3_m ____ ~~---19.78m _____ J ___ 10.87m ?E I I I I 2.49m 3.99m 6.79m: I I , 3.62m ,2.42rr 3.89m ! /r---~---r-~-1-~-- : , : -~-I I I I I 6Q 66m I I : 3.89m 3.42m 3.85m 2.46rr 3.62m ' :6.79m I I I I 3.99m .4 9rr,i I ~---------------~--,--------' ' I I I I I I ' I ' I I ------~ ----/-----------,_ --------:-----------------------------I-----I-----------+-------------------I I _, I I t I I I I I ' I I I I I @ 7.64m _1 8 33m I ' I I E r---~ r----~ -I I I I I ' I D~shed line of 7.5m _. L b~ ~I~~:~ s_etback line 0-i--+--'l---+---r: ____ -+---,-~_-,E,-..' .... ::::::::~:::·••••• I I E I I.{) I E 0) 0) co E 0) I.{) I'-- "? C0 E I I N C'! C0 . ' ' I I • I I I I I I I I . • ,, I I :1 -------------------.---·--- I I I ' I t2. 49m 3.99m ' 3.46m ' 7.58m I I I I -----.. ---~-·---·-----1 --- 8.11m 60 .66m Unit Area Bedrooms ---1ft. 59.9 m2 645.0 s ft 1 B 77.0 m2 828.9 s 2 C 70.6 m2 2 C1 62.7 m2 1 + Den D 83.1 m2 2 --- D1 81.0 m2 2 E 52.5 m2 1 F 56 .0 m2. 1 I TOTAL PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 1rx11· -TABLOID # of Units 15 10 8 2 18 1 5 10 69 - 898.8 m2 770.1 m2 564.5 m2 125.3 m2· Floqr 1 1 496.6 .rn2 81.0 m2 Floor 1 262.5 m2 559.8 m2 Floor 1 • cmly only only --,;;,,,;;,,;,.,, ... ..,.......,-\-______ ......,_,_..___ ___ ---- \_ Line of proposed property line 0 5 10 I I I I ~ I ' I k,j I ' I~ I I I -· ■ I ,~ I I ' I I E I I I.{) I "? I C0 I I I I I ' ' I I 8.26m I 15 20 E co C0 r-..: N E -tj-r---r-..: Floor Plan 4 Scale: 1 :250 ~ ISSUED DRAWINGS u Issued ror ADP .,.~ lstwfCI few ::~'en -.:;t- 1... 0 0 LJ.. 9/2/14 As Noted WB/JM 08131 A2.3 aL------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X ~ N 0 0) 0 .J-o N ~ :, t5 2 E e <l'. C') ro 0 (I) E <1l C: ~ .n E 2 a. Q) (/) ~ <1l ~ ____ 1_5.9_3_m_~-~ 19.78m s;o6m I J l l ' l2 .49m 3.99m 6.79m; I I 3.62m ,2.42rr 3.89m I I 6Q 66m I I 6.9~m : 3.89m 3.42m 3.85m ,2.46rr 3.62m I J 1 ;----~--r---1----~-~-----------i----- : ~ : ------r---;/-·-------------------1-----------------~ : E lO C0 M E E I 0) I 0) N co C"! C0 . E E C0 0) "<;j-lO r--: r--- ~--- Unit Area -- A 59.9 m2 B 77.0 m2 828.9 s C 70.6 m2 759.6 s C1 62.7 m2 674.6 s D 83.1 m2 D1 81 .0 m2 E 52.5 ri12 565.1 s F 56.0 m2 i 602.6 sg ft TOTAL I I ' I I I I _,•--------~--------------+--................... --------,----,-, ' I I ' --el'·o I I I I ' I 0 t I I • :, -----------------• -,. ----------- I ' t I I 12. 49m 3.99m 3.46m I 7.58m 8.11m Bedrooms # of Units 1 15 898.8 m2 2 10 770.1 m2, 2 8 564.5 m2. 1 + Den 2 125.3 m2 Floor 1 onjy 2 18 1.496.6 m2 2 1 81.0 m2 Fl9or 1 onjy 1 5 262.5 m2l 1 10 559.8 m2 Floor 1 on_ly 69i PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 1rx1 1~ -TABLOID -------~----~------- ' I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.70m 60.66m • 10.87m 0p 7.64m ~ ' ' ' ;6.79m I I ~--' t I I I ----+---------' I I ' I I I ---~-----------I -------- 3.46m 0 -,f- 3.99m .49 -- I ' n;i I I ' I t I ' ----------_, ' I ' 8 33m I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I ' E r---co r--. D 3s hed ine of 7 .Sm I _. Lb~ ~l~~nj :~tback line ' I ' I 0 ' . • 'I I I I ' ' ' I ' I 3.99m 2.49m 5 10 I :~ : IC'? E lO (') M I I I I ' ' I 8.26m 15 20 E co C0 r---N E "<;j-r---r--: Floor Plan 5 Scale: 1 :250 ISSUED DRAWINGS 1 Issued for ADP _, C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 0 0 >, W= (f) E O co a_ LL o:;::; 0:::: ~ a.. 2 LO I,,.. 0 0 u.. le 9/2/14 As Nolecl WB/JM 0813 A2.4 a.__ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _._ ___ __, Date: Septemb .... 0 lJ ~ ~ ::0 ~ti m fn □r ,;;Z -:r '.::s ~az ~~ :t> ~ fl ;o g~-< :~o ;l5z =:;:-t r .·~-< ~~z g~o o ffi --I '1 "Tl bQ i ::0 ii () mo z (/) -I ::0 C () ::::j 0 z (./) (") 0) CD .. .......... I\.) a, 0 )> I\..) (Jl 0 u, ..... 0 ... (/l 11 ::0 0 0 -"U ~~ tu ::::J ~ 0 m,~ "' 014 Time: 9:26:56 AM File name: 0813 Architectural 2014-09-02.vwx se ~ .i,,. A ~ ~ 743m ~ 8.99m 1 ~ 8.99m ~54mp I I r---"------------7 I I I I I I J t t I I I I l I I I I 1 I ' I • . .... -+---------.. --++-------.. -----+---\ f---------. -----~ I I I I I \ I l(J'l I I I I I (.!) I I I I ' 1 t I I I \ 3 I •• • • • ------~-~-..... _,,.._,__-,.._ _ _,.....,,.._..,.....,...,~--, I 0 I •-------,---------------:---:--_____ : ________ : ,-------------r® I I I I 'l I I I I I• ';· : : I--------' : : I I I I I J I l ,: I 1: I\ ,: 11 ,: I I ', I i I I ,, f I I • 4 I I I 'I> 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I . -----.. 1-----------------:---:-----------------: :------- J I I 1 I f I I 1 I I ' I f I I I i I I I • 1 I I ~ ; ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ •' ,1 •' •' •' I I I _. (J1 3 -----i--------r® I I I I I I I _. (J1 c.o (;.) 3 t _j_ ~ _.1 ,,-------- •' ,1 • I I I --□----' --!---.------ ' 1 • I I -------,-i • -'---------I _____ l ________ J :~ -------I I X • : i-·-------· 3 I' I Ii 1: I; ~ I; 1 I I I 1 I a~ I: "0 CD I CD O 1 :::i. -I' '< "0 I s' a 1· CD "0 I 0 I (J) I CD ' Q_ 1: [ ,: Ii I 11 11 1: [ ,: {,-------- •' •' ,1 -------, -: : I I 1 1 1 •' •' •' •' ,. •' •' ,I I II I I 11 I I II t l 1' I I 11 I I 11 J I 11 I I II I I I • ,- 1 I I I ' I I I ---------r-- 1 I I I I I I I :D Ii I I 11 I I 11 I I 1 I : I I I -.. ~i-----------------:---:-----------------:r --~ ---l----- I I 1---------~ I I I I I 11 I I I I 11 I I 71 I 1 : 1 I I I I I ! 11 ,. I I -. •' ,, ,, ,, ,, I I I I • I 1 : I : I •' •' ,, I I I 0 CX) --.J 3 •' ,, J II 1 , 1-----, :: r:;; o : I I I I C OJ I : : ,, 6'.~ : I r@ __ : ___ : __ ---------____ :~-~--~---l -----1---------~ I I : I (/J 5" : •--~-~------•--•-•-•-~-~CD I , 1 1 g O ' I ~I •' _______ .. 1 ____ -------- ::_ ----··-· .. I • I CJ) I ~::::; : I :--J I ~ ~ I~ I I I o L,_ -~ -:.-=.-~ .::.:.:.:.:-1 .::.:.:.:.:-~-.:.:.:.::.:.-:.:.:.:.::::.:.:.:.: :.: :.:.:.:.:-.:. J · -------~ WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 Lougheed Hlgtiway, Maple Ridge, B.C V2X 2T4 ph. 604-'167-8300 f;;,x604-'167-8305 E-mall : bissky@lelus net _llf~~~i!~h,~;,r,:hileclureca Roof Plan .. PROPOSED Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315122nd Ave, Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: CopyrighlReserved ~==-~;,:~:-,,.--~w:.:~---"'1ntfffll'ilftMI~ pilCNllM-,OfW,t}'l'ICl&r:ii:trn11 Di.s~l.y :::::"O:!r-~IOdbkfior0.,5iannrciwn'lt-.UNCllj:,llf?I~ 1GrUri!llfo,.,s,.IM'l611#11,,t!e011~rltrt•n'f.~ONl'ltl,ll'I\~~ ft-..itr:!on(l)fJ\ffllQ!WSO Wt"r:UI~ ~11..-. rwic.dlnc.e ~r ~ ~tbnllf-dmtdlkMa,i,..,~ ThllOllkelNllbeln..~OI •Pll~t'M'llha<tinll~flhdw'4dota:-;IQlllfltt111:1Rdu,w• ~re i 2.g ~ ~-i Q , ► ~ en V> C: m CJ 0 ,, ~ z Gl V> i c--i 0 d, 0 ~ 0 N ~ ::, t5 2 E 2 ~ C') ~ CX) 0 iti E: ~ Q) Lt Exterior Materials 1 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL -WHITE 2 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL -RED 3 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL-SILVER 4 GLAZED GUARDRAIL 5 VINYL FRAMED WINDOW 6 MASONRY RETAINING WALL -SEE LANDSCAPE 7 PREFINISHED METAL RAILING I • ~Roof -~ 51.11m 4th Fir 43.49m I I Main Fir 34.35m ~~~ -~---.--------L----10.87m X 19.78m I ....!.._ ■ :~ ■ ■-,■■ !!! • -I Ill 1111 -----... - 11.15m 15.93m I 0 19.78m 10.87m 0 5 10 I I 51 .11 m'~ Roof 46.54m 5th Fir 43.49m 4th Fir 40.45m 3rd Fir 37.4m 2nd Fir 34.35m ~ Main Fl~ 31 .30 7.64m 15 East Elevation Scale: 1 :250 ~ .t::1 ·:qQ) ·~ a.. I I : I I I I I I l I I I 20 25 m West Elevation Scale: 1 :250 ISSUED DRAWINGS ,u Issued for ADP ..... C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 0 0 >. w .E Cl) 0 co a.. LL 0 E n::: ::::i a.. ~ ..c ...... "§ ~ (/) co C () 0 (/) :.;::; -0 CO C > co Q) -I w (.) Cl . 0, " a: . C. ~ t ~ "' ~ ., ~ ~ t: ti ~ i :g <: <: :~ J (J ale: 9/2/14 cale As Noted rawn WB/JM wg# 0813, A4.0 Building Exposure and Spatial Separation ( The building will be sprinklered. NC = Noncombustible Construction C = Combustible Construction Compartment Unit Area of Facade Limiting Distance North Facade All 312 .5m2 12.18m toC/L122nd East Facade All 927.4 m2 7.87 m to P/L South Facade All 312 .5 m2 11 .15 m to C/L 123rd West Facade All 923.9 m2 7.74 m to P/L Exterior Materials 1 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL -WHITE 2 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL -RED 3 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL -SILVER 4 GLAZED GUARDRAIL 5 VINYL FRAMED WINDOW 6 MASONRY RETAINING WALL -SEE LANDSCAPE 7 PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ~ j 1 ~ I I I I I I Gar~ door is considered a Idc!lllYe~~W CTION .S:? DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL BJECT TO Qi.o."0E Unprotected Openings Allowed Actual 100.0% 27.2 % 58.1 % 36.8 % 100.0 % 26.0 % 57.2 % 35.7 % Zoning Bylaw Finished Grade Corner NE Construction Cladding of Building NW SE Face 314hr, C 314hr, C 314hr, C 314hr, C SW C Average Grade: Top of Podium: C Differance: Zoning Bylaw Allows: C Variance Re uested: C ~Roof ~ 51 .01m 46.54m 5th Fir 5th Fir 46.54m 43.49m 4th Fir 4th Fir 43.49m 40.44m 3rd Fir 3rd Fir 40.45m 37.39m 2nd Fir 2nd Fir 37.4m 34.35m Main Fir Main Fir 34.35m ----------- North Elevation Scale: 1 :250 Building Grade BCBC 201 2 Corner Grade NE NW 30.60 32.65 SE 33.60 SW 33.60 Average Grade: 32.61 First Floor: 34.35 Differance: 1.74 m BCBC Allows: 0.80 m 0.94 m 7.43m ,: I: l Grade Comment 32.00 m Top of Berm 33.40 m Top of Berm 33.60 m 33.60 m 33.1 5 m 34.35 m 1.20 m 2.00 m 8.99m 1 ---■ j 1 -~ I I I I 5 10 15 20 .5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~25 m South Elevation Scale: 1 :250 ISSUED DRAWINGS u Issued for ADP l0'1t Issued for ~:::,.., t r JI ' l jr • I ~11· t' J 'td &'p f }!i tilt ud C.z I Hi~ ifli !bl Hi r! Uil '1lfl~iU ~ •Jb[ljj ' " i; • aj1;·:u ·! L1 lHli Cl ..... a, C 8, Q) ~ E -" 0. i 0 ! Q) ~ > -g Q) f:j 0 :;; 0 >, ~ W=:;: (fJ E O co Cl. LL o:.;::::; a:: :::i a..~ ..c +J -~ ~ (/) co C (.) 0 (/) :;:;"O CO C > co (1) _J w g f:j ~ ~ u > u ~ t ~ ~ ~ 9/2/14 As Noted WB /JM 0813 A4.1 ~ To scALE wHEN eR,NTEo oN ,r,11·. ~As oC/L existing lane ___________________________________________________________________________________ .,__ __ __, J .0 E 2 a. ll) ~Roof 51.11m 4th Fir 43.49m 3rd Fir 40.44m 2nd Fir ..... Q.) ,..._ ..... (f) "O ,..._ ~ M ~ M ~_4.59~~ ___ 11_._1 _5m ___ _r _____ 1_5_.9_3_m ____ _ ?. : c:::::::.,::;.:::;====::;=::.:====::::::;:::::;:=;:::~==~====,._ ~ ! i I I I I D .:I= co ..c =====::I~ 0 37.39m N ..... Main Fir 34.35m ;-;;::-----➔~~---t~=::::;!:it:~:::::!!====r~=:!:::::l:::!:==~:::!:==::!..-=!....!===::::11 • Parking P1 -----------~--------1 -------------------- Parking P2 28.25m Dashed Line of existing Grade Roof 51.11 m 5th Fir 46.54m 4th Fir 43.49m 3rd Fir 40.44m 2nd Fir 37.39m Main Fir 34.35m Parking P1 31 .3m Parking P2 28.25m ·•--~rs) -~L t ,, ~ <D : ' Q_ I I I 19.78m L_ ------------------ _8.99_m _CB54mcp ~ I I t::'. c:::;;::::::;;:::::::::;::~ : <DI --I I ~ I I '- j I Q_ I I I -,-< I I -, I I I Scale: 1 :250 ~<D 7.64m ) ,t . :~<D , .... ,a.. ' I I I I I I I I I ---------- 5 10 15 20 25 m l"""""lii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~5-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~ U) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: 1 :250 ~ DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ..... Q) Q) ,..._ ..... (f) "O C N N ..... ISSUED DRAWINGS 14 Issued ror ADP 0110113 issued for Rezoning Submission 0 w Cf) 0 0... 0 0::: 0... (/) C 0 :.;::; (.) Q) (f) ..... C Q) E Cl.. 0 Q) > Q) 0 >, E co LL ~ ::::, ~ 0 [D . "' "" ii'. . C. ~ ,; ~ "" C N N "' ~ ., "' 0 ~ N N ~ ~ -la ~ ;j! ;j! 0 1 ·s; G 9/2/14 As Nolecl WB/JM A5.0 <ll TOSCALEWHENPRINTEDON17"x11"-TABLOID Site Section A-A a._ ______________________________________________ ..;.. _____________________________________________ '-___ _, )> ~1 - 0) o I 01~ ~ ~ (0 ~ .i,,. BISSKY ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN :=.<=~er7V( ~r·a,o. r:81•8==-"":;l.)o,, w,.JtSlte• Wll,Yltlr\.~~:rr_~"! Building Perspective View From 122nd PROPOSED \ \, -1,_ \ \\ Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave, Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: F"Wlhltr\Q.M)CO-.U-bPJ.a&IF'lt-i.lo.~eifl,.~~ 1~ritll0.~P~'f1'/"1t1~IIIO.~.,ii !ll'nelft'IMlll\l-.~~olW¥"f~fflDAY:~ ~1a:.Uitwtn~~lltldl~Duiun111'.i:lu,ittitblltlltldfumOll'IIW t.1:qtd.•ld.401~r11d w.wit9jc,rqp.-1or.1wo.cfptOIX'ffflb)'M'Yp,orl\lotfliOfll'iln'tNl·~ .,__.,..fflenC'.ICtl:.etC~Y/Sa~Clfflclffl,Gftl1tdllh.JYoc,i-~~ :;"-=~~=:,-l!M~=:1~=" !?ff pl Date: Septemb~ 014 Time: 9:26:56 AM File name: 0813 Architectural 2014-09-02.vwx )> 0) .....},. ~1f "' ;:: "' ~ .f,,. ARCHITECTURE & UR~AN DESIGN INC, PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 l.CIH)n.ed ~..,. MJIP' .. Rlo9-.ac V2X21"' flA ~61-&lOO rax604--487-!1305 e-mlll ~ltll.,_nel Vfrl,~• w.•IWMTll"t,'rrillllrS"llll'l"t"'.' \ ' ~~ '· • Building Perspective View From 123rd PROPOSED Multi Family Development Civic Address: 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave, Maple Ridge BC Legal Address: ~=~~.;;=--:-=::::cPrMAI ~~~~~·~==~Cillnfl1tMU1edldtaR11CSIM ~.Ol'ao:dtJl'oltci/ff '°'Ulllt«bNII01•-d_fJ'(IJtC.11'1\h'tlJfllf1Pnrt)'OhrilhaJW5U~ itll!"'W'"con,mi ot W:S9,. ... itlettl ~ a;h/lllhllotl ~IDC,,-0, ~dd~ -~•11'"7~ ,W.,~l.ld'lbc:~0-: lfftltl'M\lltlol'IIWffl'1•~..-.0candOOPIIIV'!OtllnOC'-•ICI04W'n;i ~il'j i Jll_l ... Jh ~ ~ "' ,,,.,,,,.,, ... .,-' ,;''----" , , , I / 0) ::::::l C 0) > <( ""O I- C") N ~ I I I I I Terraced landscape - Retaining walls stepping with grade TW323m BW313 1 2m wide exil walkway PLANT LIST· 122nd Ave Apartments updaledSeptembetS,2014 01'Y. l!IOf.t.HICAl,.UAMI! TREES Aeercircirlatum Acer palma\um Osaknuki Accrrubrum RedSunse1 Cercischlntns~ 0 Corm.,s nulta~ EW HalesiacaroHna Piceaornorika Cuen:.NMft.~ri«, Thujaplica!aExcelsa BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS 83 Buxussempervlrens Calunavul9aris Euonymus 11lala 'Comp.1clus' Eric.a camea Springwood While Erk:.axOarleyerrsisFur:zey Inca,).~~~ G) 162 Gautheriasha'.on 17 ~ ~00 8 13 Mahoniaa~uilotium Phy$0CarpUSopuWolitls0111bolo Pier1lij;lponicacompacla Pol)'slichummuoi\um ~8\UIOAnod'"- COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING VrreMaple 2om1a1 m1.111n.1em GreenJaparieseMaple 17Smtall mullistem RedSunselAedMaple 6GmCal WB 20mS\d Chinese Redbud 20mlall mulJsiem Eddies 'Nhite Wor.der Dogwood 6Gm Cal. WB CarolinaSilverbell SertiianSpruoe Green PllarPioiOak ExcelsaAedCedar &:meal we 2om1a11 cont 6cmCal we 25mlaU,WB COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING Convnon Boxwood Pink Heather OWarl8umingBush While Spring Heather Pink Spring Heather y .... ~~ #2po\ N1po\ l2pal #1po\ li'l pol #!pal Salal 11 pot Oregon Grape ll2p0\ Diabolo Ninebarll 112 pol DwarlPioris 111 l)Q\ Wesl11mSwordFern 1t1poI Red Ace Shrubby C1nqueloil II pol 4000.c.. 450•.c. ..,., .,..., 4?:iOoc. JOO•c ,,. ... 8000-<. IOOe.c ""'°" ...... Planling on slope Transilion lo boundary grades I I I .... -----,,., ---, Parapet wall with melal railing ' ~ min 12" wide gravel strip at bldg.-lyp. Residenl Pa~os • Patio slab -sand colour, on roafdeck Planlerwalls -step up to landscape Refer lo lypical delails-sheet L.2..0 Landscape on Roafdeck P!anler walls to ~pon 450 to 750 depth gro,,,.ing medium. ------·--------', Lawn areas on 300 depth g<owlng medium. Trees, shrubs and perennials lo provide seasonal inte,esi and screening, Refer lo lypical dlllais • sheet l2.0 I I ~ Parapet wall with melal railing MFE 34.35 m ---------------------------~ e 1 2m wide exit watkway Enlrance and Amenity Area Se;,1/,v Dla:0: metal MJteh ~ ~,Yr\lhttk-wood 51atl MountDin Qau1c by\\'IJhbon• indl.t!;lrle.s Pa'ing an r~ .. prec.oR pavon,andlot' polio Db Pr.ling on gnldt • permeable unit p,;,ving Ptantots wJlh flow;,trig slnib5 al'id perenr,aj Rsar 10 l_)'PicaS dellib • thtol U.O Low hedge with perennials behind 0•-------1--~----~-----J10_. ____ ~1~s ____ _,;zro _____ zsm 1 A< Ho H, "" ruiododentiron'Ramapc' " Rhododendron Vulcan 37 Rub1.1$spedatlilis 97 Sarc:oc.occaH Humlis "' Sklmmia j maerophylla M • F "' TaiusxMed:a&ownii Splraoax8umaldaGoldF1ame 55 Vacci11ium ovalum 13 Welgelialklri:laMN GROUND COVERS Coroneasterdammeri MahonlanervoS!I Pachysaodralorwinalis Thymuspra11r:oK PERENNIALS A.s\~chtnl'fliiS Ec:hinaceapUi1)u,ea'Magnus' ---Hosla si~holdiaoa 'Elegans' Rudbeckia fulgida 'Golds\rum' DwarfRl!dRhodo ...,t ..... ~ Salmonberry H"1:aliiy.in Sweet Box Skimmia (male and female) Brow11'sVew GoldFlamoSpirea Ev,ugreenHuckJebeny MidnighlWineW11ig<11ia Bearbeny Longloa!Mahonia JapaneseSpi.ge Creeping Thyme ll2pol 750oc 12pol 900cc ll2pcil 900oc 11'1poI -450oc 13pol 900oc 12mlaUB&BSOOoc. #2poI 900oc """ #2po\ 900oc. 7S0oc. IClc,nPQI SOOoc: il'1 pol ◄SOoc 1()anpol 4S0oc 1ocmpo1 300oc Chinese~tilbe ~1pol 4SO oc ◄50oc SOOoc SOOoc ◄SOoc Magnusf>urpleCC!'K!lbwer llpol HoppyRrtlUmsDaylily #1 po\ ElegansPlanlainlilV #lpcit Bladl-EyedSusan 111 pol NOTES: 1)Incaseoldiscrepancyboti,,,,,Mnplant11""1tlfflMffllit1a!!riSonlh11plan,lfleplanshallprevall 2) AJ pl.1nling 5hafl be In ~wilh BQHA.Kltuil.ll»lcape Slandard, LJle5lodiUon. )) AJa,.,,111111r,t.dw...llllMll.1'1-d~tx1~bM 1 Landsca e Plan Scale: 1 :150 Q) ::::::l C 0) > <( ""O C N N ~ All drawings remain lhe property of ~ayland1capaArch...,.., U,. for any purP(>le tnd re(lrCldu,;1."on only by wtillen consent II DATE ISSUE/REVISION DATE I Clll-f'1 l116illllltllll~.....-. Z .lalll,l A.-fp&1CIRe-ln.....:ll<1tl'lou,,,•'l(j 1 ;;uti, ol,[) ....... si.._ Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquillam BC V3J 6T 4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenwayla ca Paul Whllot>ead RBCSlA R&gisterad Landscapo Arch~oct 112-46 CLIENT PROPOSED Multi Family Development 22305 & 22315 122nd Ave Maple Ridge BC DRAWING Landscape Plan ORAWING NUMBER L 1.0 1: 150melric PACW PROJECT NUMBER 131 Q PJanler -------,. Railingorguardrail ~ Metal with black finish Height and picket spacing to be do1etmined by railing or guau.l ~ funclion. Segmental Block Retaining Wall ----,. Allan Block Lite wilh cap stone Install per ManufaclUfVl''a recomrnt.ndalions. B1cld]I bloi:ll•with gravel. Glue cap lo wall block. Set wall on curb/parapet At railing posls, backfill segmental waU blocks ----~ with concrele, tie 10 i!lln.idure wJtn tl!b.\f .. lnt.11111 sleeve lo receive railing posl Cap stone to be cut around post 0 Q planter □ Growing medium 450 lo 750 deep 75mm organic mulch on dimpled drainage mal on protection board on water proof membrane on structural roofdeck Segmental Block Retaining Wall ------.. Allan Block Ute with cap stone Install per Manu(actl,IIIN'i recommendalions. Bl\dlf~I blocks wilh gravel. Glue cap lo wall block Set wall on proleclion boOtd on dtilln&s>o mat. Continue dimpled drainage mat up~ ot pfaolM Walls. Son Speci~bOn per d.'Qwtngs Anchor Ool!s: Slainleff aleel Install per furniture Manufacturer's recornmendalions Concrete pad (two eoox 300 x 1 oo deplh -size per c,avars 35Mpa Cona11tll!! light bioom rrish UnilPrt\11 Slandard or slab wilh 09t'M f,atnts on lorpedo gravel ~dt~~~ on proteciion board on waterproof membrane □ : on roofdeck -r.::;;-:=.::7r--,---"41--=r--------'ir-----y----1r-+----+--I: ·~-· .. =-----~ structural roofdeck Structural roofdeck ---- Refer lo architectural drawings slructural roofdeck I Walerproof membrane and proteclion board by nn:Mt<L Bi•level Planter Drain Drain waler from planting areas and slruclural roofdeck Deck lo be sloped to~ Refer to mechanical drawings for drain information 0 TYPICAL LANDSCAPE MA ~:~l~c~S Shift planl localion i1 rock is encountered. Nole-: Cul tor slope planting 300 ,, ,, Remove any damaged stems R<!ffiDVO t,ur'..-.p or P'3'J.llc: ~ Rttn0w, rtrn and break sides of £bte pegs ~ter b~ckfiling MW'I soil. ~r:.r!~~~r.:ro~~ 300mm Growing medium Mix as specified 50mm mulch Keep 100mm rrom slem Form dish for watering Fllt lOI' a»pe planting. Compact TgpdeQM with 50mm mulch. = o'J~%~R~9e;i~ling so11s at Scarify bottom and sides 1 00mm ~lffl~1R9 and planl m11lt!n~ 1n ai;:co,danl;c wl.th lati!.$.l BCSLA/80.NA Limdscape Standard. S0fl depth 300,m, fo, sm:,1/tnedum .sttrubs pk.ls 300mm around 111-,:id'es. Sool dOl>th lotge ohrub, ~SOmm d<1>th phis •ISOmm ,round •II s!<f•s. Pr.v,""9 •oll depth 10 be cootlnuDUJ In pbn1log bod5. 0 Shrub Planting 2 ----=-------1cm = 10cm 0 0 Do not cul leader 50mm0 x 2400 PT wooden slakes Align wilh prevailing winds. 50mm wide fabric slrapping Fasten to post Root Ball: Cut back burlap and wlrebaskel Rootball at original elevation 50mm mulch 300 Growing medium, all sides and bottom Form dish for walering Compacted soil pedestal note: Clty of Chilliw~ 11:llndG,d'S p,OV ·1, Tree pit lo be 2i rOOlball 6ameCor. mWmum 300 soil all sides. Scatlfy sides ard bonom, G'\r--T_re_e_P_la_n_ti_n_g ________ _ \::_,) 1cm =20cm building wall .r----Gravel slrip planter SOIL, PLANTS & LANDSCAPING (Brief) 1. GENERAt llEOUIRrnEITTS 300 wide between planters and building Pea gravel 1.1 Futnish al tabcut, rnalM1.llt... oqolpmont and OfK!f3~s to supply and !Mi.al pin~ soil and soft l.i.ndK-1plng. as 1hown Of" 1he-drawings and A if>tdlied hettM, Ai ma&era:$and ueeu6on ah1ll confofm lo the I.Ale.st edilion d the 8CSl.NBCLNA B:!tlsh Columbia Landscape Standard 12 FIN/II. ACCEPTM'CE F.nal Acceptanat Ol lhe work will be cer1ifled by the landscape architect, when landscape conslruciion and allUefGltncilts are completed. 1 3 MAfNTENANCE The malr,ton.,ce ~ maybe•~ ii lhore &ro out:Manding def'ICJU.lDSL Provbt f\11 t.nct~pe main.1~ for 45 dt~ oft et finM ~pt.oDCI, lneldng all work consistent with goOdhoni ...... •lp,•"""'"'..,.... rormal "'PO'OU,, "°ollhyg,°""" olOll plahls. Avoid thL, use ot tt.erblddn. Pull .. I wt!t!Ot: I~ weed roots by hMd. 14 WARRANTY Prompclytoolace all dead or unsatisfactory planl material for one run year after Final Acceplance 2. PU\HTING SOIL 2.1 P~nt11~ soil 11nalys.°' rtJ)Off 1Q bQ--1.11~ tom. tar,dsapoa.."Ctlil.-c1 fOf .apptOIIJtf priot lo supplying any 1011 w, lh• S.1 lncorporatt r~IJonl cl toils &attJrtg a_goncy 2.2 PbntingJOllpropetWS~12•~or;ancmatter,60·'70f.And.rnaxlrnutn?S%fmu, 2.3 Apply pl.M.tlng R>II mot ovoc fn1Mn11nirlg wbgrodcs 31.IOCI fdl,uwll'IQ rninilTIUffl Mniea depths: :lOOmin •(OUll<lall-undbciiu,mo1• ... 150mm for lawn areas 300mm for shrubs and groundcovers 450mm for large shrubs 2.4 Fine gmdeh.Ok• for a smoolh, firm surface. Ensure there is 2% min slope or as indicaled on drawings_ 3 Pl.ANTS 3 1 runca M\111 be first class represenlall~ of their species or \~liesy. Plants shall be subject to inspection fol ~•1• heallh, size and colour. Plant ma(erial lo meel oreKUCd minimum BClNAIBCSLA Landscape Stend3:4. 3.2 Em.ut• thal .-1 pl3nling beds and plll 11111 free~ra~1 H v~ wilh 24 hour percolabon IU!. 3.3 $el pbntsfn lttecentreofU,apla:tnd nlorigino,lgrad4,,otM!gh•'lhigher. allowing for ~1lilm,1nt 3.4 All plandl"IQ and layout lo the sa~Ud.i:>n of the und!I.QIPl! J\lchi1ect. 4. MULCH 4.1 Muktl to be deeompo~ hef't\lfll". mi.odf.Jm le-turo; rree of all exlraMOUs rm1n4r Dlidweeds 4.2 Apply nsh mu1eh, 75mm deoah la 11ft lhrub beds and trees. Rake srnoot.h and .-..en. 5. 500,URF 5.1 Sod 40 be nort-netled, cultutrd And-fl~ t,p0r1• IU!lf rrom appro\"td 1upplier. 5.2 Lnysod no more lhan 48 l'K.lurt betwel'n ~g ;u~ W1Ji.11alion. 5.3 I..Jly $Od Mth s1aggered eod.1,, P(tvenl gap1.. and fOII lo achieve a smooth uniform surface 6. WATERING 6 1 Vl.;,ilet ail pbnlcd ffifll.l wNlcfeol IIO prewtN drying. 6 2 Sprinkle: ltwn lighlty for Iha first lhrae days sufficient to prevent drying and water normally (or the rarMhk!r at Iha ffllinconance pa,lod 7 CI.EIIHUP 71 RefflO't'f!Mlsurplusmatarialsar,dcrcn.rlandlCBQlldebris. 7 2 Ul'Yellll planling areasneatlyd~n~dand ftnithtd, and leave all paved areas Rushed dean lo the satisfaction of lhe Consultant END OF SECTION NI drawings remain the p10per1y o( Gra.,.,..oylandllcapeArch"-'<:turo u .. banypu'JIOMtandreptoduc(on only by wrillen consent • CATE ISSUE/REVISION CATE 1 Ocl2U luuedlotRttor,ltlgl,Jlplo;.a;ic>~ l Seg!l,I~ AOPsubmossior, Greenway Landscape Architecture 2280 Park Crescent Coquillam BC V3J 6T4 T 604 461 9120 E paul@greenway!a,ca P11ul~c:he6111A8CSI.A RegllfltlW:fla~Ndllled 11246 PROJECT PROPOSED Multi Family Development 22305 & 22315122nd Ave Maple Ridge BC ORAWING Landscape Details DRAWING NUMBER L2 .0 SCALE As Noted DRAWN PACW PROJECT NUMBER 131 Q I I ~ I I ' I Storage requirements per Modified Rational Method ...... t \ ·10UTFALL I I ~ LEGEND Project S13-0102/A -70 Unit Apartment Building -Maple Ridge, BC ... ,, TO CREEK g1 1 ~~ _., ..\) .. , ~ ~ AREA Heclares A= 0.32 -~r »_':,l .,....,_,·•1.mi:~ 11<. DIRECTION OF OVERLAND FLOW DESIGN RETURN PERIOD (Oelain) Years 100 ~ ----· .. DESIGN RETURN PERIOD (Release) Years 10 123 AVENU E "'' , __ .J LOT I LOCAL CATCHMENT BOUNDARY ------I 3143 / r,-....__ I I • \\ lMP 35292 . PRElJEVElOPMENTCONDITIONS I STORM SERWER D • RUNOFF COEFFICIENT R= 0.4 J TI \ I -o---0--I EXISTING STORM SERWER TIME OF CONCENTRATION Minutes Tc= 15 ff© ' RAINFALL INTENSITY mm/hour I= 30.04 I I I ~· I ~ l o I MANHOLE, CLEANOUT OR RELEASE RA TE ems a-0.011 I -I ' , •~g:i.c SERVICE ' HEADWALL NUMBER 1J ' , @ POST DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS -1' ,,, RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.90 I I , r ~----/ !CONNECTION CATCHMENT AREA (ha.) EFFECTIVE AREA Hectaies AR= 0.29 ~~ fstoRM ri:ow' I L_JI 100 YEAR FLOW IN PIPE -~~ CONTROL MH Time Intensity Storm Release Storage I .. liiJ I CNS/TIE OE1ENTION 01 CATCH BASIN Volume Volume Volume 4m W x 8m H x 1.2m (min) (mmfhr) (cu m) (eu m) (eu,m) I [ I \ EXISTING CONTOUR ,..---.__90----5 63 92 15 34 3 20 12 14 {, .> 10 47 71 22 90 6 41 16.49 :;r ~~ ~ 15 4021 28.95 9,61 1934 ,~ [ v 20 35 61 34 19 12 82 21 37 ... ... I"' ., ' 30 30,01 43_22 19 23 23,99 ' 'I 40 26,58 51 03 25 64 2S.J0 K 50 24.19 58.06 32 05 2801 I [ '; 60 2240 64 51 38 45 2G,06 w 120 16,72 96.30 76.91 19.39 I \o z 180 14.09 121 74 115 36 6 37 [) I rJ, <( 240 1248 143 76 153.82 -10,06 I 300 11 36 16355 192 27 -28.73 11" _J 360 10.52 181 72 23073 -49,01 I LOT A i LOl B I o . 420 9.85 198.66 269.18 -70,53 ~-480 931 214 60 307,64 -93 °' I t PL 3442 1 540 8 86 22972 34609 -11638 LOT 13 LOT 53 ,~ 600 8.48 244.14 384.55 -140.41 PL 8813 I PL 51690 I ~ n r . \ I -I· ORIFICE CALCULATION: AREA• __ Q_ Dia .. 4q i:ij ~ 4-' C 2gh CxPlx 2gh I I ,Ii 38,42 -C - q= 0.011 / , -C= 0.62 Dia• 67.23783 mm -g= 9.81 E h• 1.2 / 122 AVENUE -I -r, ( I I I f IWA~ El 1500 SERVICE CotJN ECTION I-\ w \ w 0::: I- (/) I") N N LEGA.L: A l~Fa!RrnEW :b)J"l-08-JO SR PROJ I.IGR. DANIK DANIELS DRA'MNG NO-/"' 1 SR LOTS A & B 8 Rf\1SED TO ACCOUOOATE CUL-OE-SAC 2014-09-03 SR THE WEDLER GROUP 70 UNIT APAR1MENT S13-0102/ A-01 D.L 399 GROUP 1 OESICH/l)RA"' SR ~ , ■ Chitltwack WEDLER 1!1()4,7920051 122 AVE -MAPLE RIDGE, BC NIIV PLAN 13442 PEERRE\1E'WED TJ ■ Courtoney \.OCM. GOVERNMENT Fll.E ENGINEERING 125033'113263 .. , H®ZSCA!£ 1;500 •Sun-ey CONCEPTI.JAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN .... 1,60-C 588,1010 PHASE """'"' I -= www.wadler.com B ""' DESCRIPTION >YTY ....... 00 BY REV . ,.,.,.,.,., Yrrt-lAl-00 .. 2014 -"'[OLER [t/GINEERING LLP -All RIGHTS ~ -THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTrCTED BY COP'tRIGHT LAW AtJO MAY t:OT 8£ REPRODUCED IN ANY MANt,rn, OR rOR ANY PURPOSE.~· BY v.RITTEII PERMISSION or COPYRlGHT HOI..O[R MONlH . DD . YYYY PROGRESS PRINT -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION '-• • I Bnt1sh Columbia TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2013-019-DP City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: October 14, 2014 22576 Brown Avenue and 22588 Brown Avenue An Advisory Design Panel application has been received for the above noted properties to permit the construction of an 18-storey apartment building on a 2-storey podium with structured and underground parking, and 6 townhouse units facing Brown Street, subject to the CD-2-13 (Comprehensive Development) Zone, specifically crafted for this developed and based on RM-6 (Regional Town Centre High Density Apartment Residential) Zone. The rezoning application supporting this proposal was given First Reading by Council on July 9, 2013. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Wayne Bissky City of Maple Ridge and 0910609 BC Ltd. Lot: A, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP9687 Lot: 5, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP9687 Medium and High-Rise Apartment Medium and High-Rise Apartment C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) CD-2-13 (Comprehernsive Development) Use: Single Family Residential Zone: One Family Urban Residential (RS-1) Designation: Medium and High Density Apartment Use: Commercial Zone: Service Commercial (CS-1) Designation: Town Centre Commercial Use: Single Family Residential Zone: One Family Urban Residential (RS-1) Designation: Medium and High Density Apartment Page 1of4 West: Use: Single Family Residential proposed for a Mixed-use development of 240 dwelling units in 3-towers and 4,380m2 of commercial space (2012-115-RZ). Zone: One Family Urban Residential (RS-1) proposed Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-1-13) Designation: Town Centre Commercial and Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Low-rise Apartment proposed for Town Centre Commercial Vacant Single Family Residential and Municipal Parking Lot Multiple Residential 1,800 m2 East-west lane between Brown Street & Dewdney Trunk Road Lane and Brown Street Pursuant to section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Town Centre Development Permit Guidelines, as outlined in this memo. The site is within the Civic Core Precinct of the Town Centre. The Design Rationale, Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines (Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines) Checklist and Green Building Techniques Guideline Checklist prepared by the applicant are attached. This project also aligns with the Supplementary Design Guidelines established for the adjacent project 2012-115-RZ. PLANNING COMMENTS: • Official Community Plan: The site is designated Medium and High-Rise Apartment in the Official Community Plan (OCP). The proposed development complies with the following applicable OCP Land Use policies: Policy 3-23 All Medium & High-Rise Apartment developments should be a minimum of six (6) storeys and may reach over twenty (20) storeys. Policy 3-24 Each ground level unit should have its own private exterior entrance in addition to the common entry and corridors. The applicant will be required to comply with other OCP policies. Town Centre policies to be considered include: Green Infrastructure (such as rainwater management and energy management) and Multi-Modal Transportation (such as accommodating pedestrians and cyclists). Policies in the main body of the OCP will be assessed through the rezoning application. Some of these policies include: diverse and affordable housing, CEPTED, quality pedestrian environment and public art. Page 2 of 4 • Context: The area is an emerging high density neighborhood. The site immediately to the west is subject to a mixed-use 3-tower development (2012-115-RZ and DP), which has been before the Advisory Design Panel. The parking structures are designed to provide interconnection as well as coordinated access to the lane between this and the adjacent project. The applicant has provided a sketch illustrating the envisioned urban design for this stretch of the lane. The subject building is #4, shown in an earlier version as 20-storeys, rather than 18-storeys. ,Zo 9-lote,p ~ • Proposal: ~.Jic!'p:.>l ~~i,!? f¥1~~ ~ -rr,,f~· f ~1(":)S' ~ IJ.l ·: i :--:S ~I tlM -C.0,~t-/161/J i-.it-\6rvG1 -f'~l"'6i. J fl' .'7hir~5 'f! ~ ., ~I . q .. ··-- • • ., • ~· 70 t'Xi~h\ru\ rl'~. I .. . J ..... ~ ~-.· ,., ;.< ,., ,;·•~ i__ ---·-- The proposal is for an 18-storey apartment building on a 2-storey podium with structured and underground parking, and 6 townhouse units facing Brown Street. Plans and supporting documentation supplied by the applicant describe the proposed layout, access, form, building materials, landscaping, and other details. • Parking: All parking is to be contained in a structure with both underground and above ground levels. This structure will be connected to a similar parking structure associated with the project to the west (2012-115-RZ and DP). Plans and supporting documentation supplied by the applicant show the proposed parking layout and numbers of spaces to be provided. • Ga rbage/Recycling: Plans and supporting documentation supplied by the applicant show the proposed location and access to the proposed garbage and recycling area. Page 3 of4 • Off-site upgrades: Upgrades to curb, gutter, sidewalk, sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring will be assessed through the rezoning process. • Application Process: The complexity, unique design and provision of amenities for this project is proposed to be governed through the combination the a new comprehensive development (CD) zone being created as part of the zone amending application, issuance of a Development Permit (DP) and entering into a Master Development Agreement. The CD Zone regulations are tailored to accommodate the project, and the Agreement will provide for the unique design elements and any project-specifics such as public art, sustainability measures and coordination with the project to the west (2012-115-RZ). Pl.ANNING COMMENTS: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal. Page 4 of 4 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques A~ ... Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A 1. 8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Our Project #1237B Residential Tower 22576 & 22588 Brown Avenue Rezoning #: 2013-0"19-RZ Explain: We have allowed for ground oriented townhomes along Brown. Based on planning staff feedback, commercial is not intended to stretched further along the east. Al .11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes @ No D Explain: We have allowed for ground oriented townhomes along Brown. Based on planning staff feedback, commercial is not intended to stretched further along the east. A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: All units will have access lo daylight at some time during the year, including those facing north. They will enjoy sununer morning and evening sun. A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: We have provided shadow analysis at various times of the day to exhibit the effect the building will have on its neighbours. B. Building Fa~ades, Materials, and Colour B 1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes@ No 0 Explain: Exterior sun shading devices have no been shown over some windows, while others will enjoy the shading provided by th generous decks. B2.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes @ No D Explain: We are planning on exterior lights that work on both a timer and also motion detection, to have lights dimmed or turned off during the evening, but also providing security when required. B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes@ No D E 1 . We are planning on specifying energy efficient lights inside and out. Exterior lights that work on xp am: both a timer and also motion detection, to have lights dimmed or turned off during the evening, but B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes @ No D E 1 . We have selected materials that will be durable and long-lasting to extend their use for the duration xpam: . . . of the bmldmg, thereby reducmg the need to replace them. B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes~ No D We have selected materials that will be durable and long-lasting to extend their use for the duration Explain: of the building, thereby reducing the need to replace them. Maple Ridge Town Centre 7 Green Building Design Guidelines JJ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: We have selected materials that will be durable and long-lasting to extend their use for the life of the building, thereby reducing the need to replace them. C. Building Site Considerations Cl.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: There are no plazas planned for this very dense urban development. C 1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: We have selected materials that will be durable and long-lasting to extend their use for the life of the building, thereby reducing the need to replace them. C 1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: The soils do not permit infiltration. Detention onsite is planned within the building. C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Parking is clearly accessible off the back lane and along Brown as well. C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: The site is filled almost completely with the exception of the approximately 5 meter strip along the east which will be landscaped and allow for water to infiltrate into the ground. C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Shade trees are shown on the landscape plans. C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Bicycle storage is shown on the main floor. C2. l 1 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: Bicycle storage is shown on the main floor. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 jJ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: This is a strictly residential development and all units with have full washrooms for end of trip clean-ups. C3 .4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: The city determines the specifications for the lanes with which we must be in compliance. C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: No major adjustments are being made to the existing grades. C4. l Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: See landscape plans. C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: See landscape plans. C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: See landscape plans. C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: See landscape plans. C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: See landscape plans. This will likely have a very minor affect. C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: No erosion of soils will be possible on this site. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes @ No D Explain: See landscape plans. C4. 1 o Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D C4.1 l Explain: See landscape plans. Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: See landscape plans. This will be minimal on this very urban developement. C4. l 2 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 C4.13 Explain: No rainwater collection is planned for this development. Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes @ No D Explain: All creatures great and small will be welcomed onsite as visitors and permanent residents after the project is completed and the landscaping is installed. C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: There are no existing trees onsite to be retained. It is mostly a parking lot at this time. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 j!) Sunny Schiller From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Hello Sunny, Kyoung bae Park <kpark@chparchitects.com> October-14-14 8:40 AM Sunny Schiller ADP meeting on Oct. 14(Re: Advisory Design Panel Information) Follow up Flagged I had only limited access to internet. Based on the information avaiable. I have a couple of comments regarding to the subject project for the presentation today. After review of landscape drawings by PMG, I think the proposed depth of bioswale river cobles, Min. 3 ", is not enough considering proposed size of cobles wich vary 1" to 4". lt may be better to be Min. 6". Also, I couldn't. see the detail of River Coble Beds but it might be better idea to consider placing landscape fabric for the area of River Coble Bed for weed control. These are my comments and it will be great if these are discussed in the ADP meeting today. Best regards, Kyoung Bae Park. Sent from Samsung Galaxy Note Sunny Schiller <sschiller@mapleridge.ca> wrote: Hello, I've attached some documents you may find useful as a member of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP). In addition please view the ADP web page at: http://www. ma pleridqe.ca/124/Advisory-Desiqn-Panel The Panel By-law is available here, as well as minutes from prior meetings. If there is anything else you need please let me know. Regards, Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC Tel: 604-463-5221, local 5286 1 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSl<Y ARCHITECTURE l fl I ! _ \ .!_ f I Thursday, September 18, 2014 URBAN DESIGN PLANNING 22576 Brown Avenue DESCRIPTION OF LAND: PARCEL IDENTIFIER: 01 8-551-289, LOT A (BG438564) SECTION 20TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT, PLAN 9687 U t ~ I l.J N I\. A I I V l"l A L t: WRITTEN STATEMENT INTERIOR DESIGN -1 I, REGISTERED OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE: THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 22588 Brown Avenue DESCRIPTION OF LAND: PARCEL IDENTIFIER: 007-378-467, LOT 5 SECTION REGISTERED OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE: 0910609 BC LTD. 20TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT, PLAN 9687 Re: 2012-115-RZ This application involves a high-rise resident building and street-oriented town homes. It is to be adjacent and connected to a three tower, mixed use project involved in the rezoning application 2012-115-RZ which is now nearing completion and construction scheduled to commence shortly. Following, please accept as the design rationale and written statement our responses to the Towncentre DP Area Guidelines. Prepared by, Wayne B1ssky, Architect AIBC, MRAIC I ,, I ~ Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GU!DEUNE CONCEPTS 1. Promote the Civic Core as the "heart" of the Town Centre a. Does proposed development renect the quality and character of the existing Civic buildings, such as the municipal hall and The ACT, and will the design enhance the vibram pedestrian realm created by Memorial Pe.ace Park and the surrounding public spaces'! • Consi~tent Yes~ No O NIA O . . . ll!S, 1h15 devempment i unparalle1e<J III M;iple Ridge in terms of its scope and c.ile. It w/11,et the tone and standard tor future . <levf!lnpmenl.S and ir Is hoped w/11 ,let a.~ a c,1r..11,,sI for similar high densitJ\ high quality prpjects in ouI city. It will act as a major Exp lam: dm,v ancl source of a,riviry. fl?f!c/lng Into the i1lread1• e tablished civic core and public spaces b. Are the building materials ofa sustainable quality and the colours ham1onious within the development and with existing quality buildings? • Consistent: Yes I:] No D Yes, this development will meet and ir/ n1a111• cases exceed the materials in existing downtown buildings of Maple Ridge The colours Explain: in p;:irticular haV<! been selected to respect the soft tans, meta/ and rust-red colours of the civi core. 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district c. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the slrcel and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consislent: Yes~ 1o D ¼ a trong 1:;;mestriart experience Is 11ntic1pated in particular north a/orig Brown A1•e11c.1e with ground oriented urban town homes E I . . and rile main ntry tn the lower. The building climhs verticillly ,;om th, street in re~ponie ro the ~ite constraints, capturing beautiful xp am. 160 clesree view and rl'fninrcing 1he Identity of the clowntown core. 3. Reference traditional architectural styles d. Does proposed developmen1 refereoce Maple Ridge's more traditional architeclural ·tyles? • Consistent: Yes O o I:] Maple Ridge'5 built environment has typically been sm,11/ ,111(/ low c.1le Ince /15 esr,11,/lshmenr in 1874. While this i~ extremely )'Clung Explain: on a glob;il scale., very feivoi ils older commercial builc/lngs urvive lrom 1874 ThiS is typir:al throughout the west where the~have not had been m,,jor funds ro mvesr m durable building. of significant c-ultur,,I ,,nd al'C"hitecwml signific.ince. Hopeful/),, we are fi'V1Jlvin8 and this pro;ecl will begin that process. e. ls proposed development consistent with the existing newer buildings in terms of setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Co11siste111: Yes n No P'l 71li p,ojecr'. . ra1e has nnT5een sPen In M;iple Ridge rerl ,Is such then• are no re.,/ pr ~edents w/ilch c,,n '1e referenced It (/ne., E 1 . . howeYer, reilec-r new developments of imilar us and gale in larger citie . The emphasis him• is on thl' pede5trian and 1101 the car, xp am. rhc> builc/lngs ar placed 10 th .</feet m c-reate ii street edge to allow users to intc>rart w11h r/Je w eer life .. There arc m;my t7ne exiimples in Vancouvc>r, II tnntreal, Toronto, ew Yorok. Cllira110 Jnd London 4. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes~ No D Not Applicable D E I . The beautiful views north to the Colden Ears, east to Mount Baker and the Coasral Mountain range, south lo the Fraser River and xp am: west towards Vancouver and the ocean will all be enjoyed from the residential units. g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes I:] No D Not Applicable D Explain: This development will act as a signpost to identify rhe centre of the city from a distance. It will be a landmark on the horizon. Otherwise, the significant view of the rity hall from Oewalney Trunk Road will be unaffected. Maple Ridge Tow11 Centre 5 DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Civic Core Precinct ) Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Civic Core Precinct Key Guidelines 5. Enhance existing cultural activities and public open space h. Are proposed public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes [Kl No D Not Applicable D This development's proposed uses will encourage some social interaction . All or them will be universally accessible. The site will Explain: be well-lit and with re iclenlial over, there will be many eyes on the streel to discourage vandalism and increase safely Ii will also enin), the advalrla[;i> of dose proximity to the RC/v/P station, 6. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 1. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes [Kl No D . The /andsrnpi11g is d • igncd 10 re17ec11/Je urban setting and character or the development. It can generally be described clean, Explam: geom 1r/r ;ind qr<femd 1vi1h J s//g/ll orienral design sensibility to reflect the owners' heritage. It will not only provide for the ease or movement • b111 also incorporJlleS plares to both socialize as well as quietly reflect. 7. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes IB] No D Not Applicable D . The urban imvn homes fronting Brown connect the interior spaces on grade to the sidewalks and slreets. The lane will act as a Exp lam: service Slti"<'I with parking access and loading areas, refuse and recycling areas located here. k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes IB] No D Explain: There are 2 levels of 11n(/ergm1md parking. This is the maximum amount encouraged by the soils conditions. Other levels of parking are inrorp<iraW(I 0111/le main floor as well as 1he floors above the first level. Maple Ridge Town Centre 6 DP Part/: Key Guideline Concepts/or the Civic Core Precinct Iv 1237B Re : 2013-019-RZ LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MA OR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 PROJECT CHECKLIST SUSTAINABLE SITES ~ Prereq 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention l!f Credit 1 Site Selection d Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity 26 POSSIBLE POINTS Required co )','O ;,.cceGiit-Br0wRRele-Re<:level019A1eAE--------------------~• rif' Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation Access J'(§) rif Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms • ~ -GJ-Er-eeiH:'3 Al teFAaRve--+raA~efftlti0A?-l-ew-£--mit-l'iA!'.J-i!l'td-Puer-Efficient-vehieles~----~ D' Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity Ci) ..a-G--eelft"T. lte-f)evele1:.1mertl':-Prtit-eEt-aAcl--Restere-Haeit-at--------.._----1- g -e...oolt:-S:-; fte-GevelepmeAt-!-Mvximi-ze.G13eA-S13ae--------------l4 117 Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control § 19' Credit 6.2 Stormwater Design: Quality Control - 1 19""credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof .. EJ-Gr.edit.1.2..-l;leat-151afl8'-Effett-Root-------------------i• ::redit-8 -l~t-Pellt:tt-ien-Redocn 1/18 WATER EFFICIENCY 10 POSSIBLE POINTS rr/ Prereq 1 Water Use Reduction Required 19" Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping (2)4-' EJ-Ccedit-2-1Afl0vat➔veJA/aste.Water..T€EAAele~iEv.-------------.---.e- m-"" Credit 3 Water Use Reduction G) /4 ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE 35 POSSIBLE POINTS rr/ Prereq 1 Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems Required fil Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance Required Ii" Prereq 3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management Require~d li3' Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance ,l-1 6, Credit 2 On-Site Renewable Energy ~ z . -Greai ~aAEeEI.C-€>FAFF1issiGAiA9--------------------:z- creait-·.c+---t=AAaAeed-Refrige@Al:-MaflesJef11eflt----------------?··"' Ir Credit 5 Measurement and Verification (1) Efeei Greefl"P0w·er------------------------.6o-~ 7 CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS AND RESOURCES 14 POSSIBLE POINTS rd Prereq 1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required Greciit Buildin Reuse: • aiA·Existin!;}Walls;-Flom-s,-ar,ie ,R00f-------...;-1-3.., 8 -Eredit-l-:z-Bo11d1trg'Recrse:-MaiAtiliA-fAt-erier-N0A~tr4dGtwfal-element 1 g l' Credit 2 Construction Waste Management J(t) •13 Ereclit-3--Mater-ials-ReH5 -2' 1e/ Credit 4 Recycled Content 0,.2 B ,.. Credit 5 Regional Materials (!}2 Er"' Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials (L) 1 1 1- Credit 7 Certified Wood (D / {r INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation 15 POSSIBLE POINTS Required Required Ci> ~Prereq l ~ Prereq 2 ~Credit 1 co/credit 2 19'Credit 3.1 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan: During Construction gs 0 C:feoiD':T-Eel'lslr1:1e :km-lndoor•Air-Q1:1ality,Mana§emeA-t-Pla : Befer.e-GG(:...YpaA,c:i~.i.., -----i .. edit-4:-1-bGw,,tmit.tir.ig.Mat-e.r~als;.Aflt:l@sive-&-aRc;l-SealaAras------------; .. 83' Credit 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials: Paints and Coatings (!) ..Q~it-43-l:ew•Efflit:fif,t§-Mater~als;J;looAAg-Sy,Ste l- EJ-Gr~ei . bGw-frnitting-Materiais:-Eempostte'Weo&and-~rift'bre-Precl1;.1efS 1- redi IAdGGr.-'hemieal-andi'ollotcmt"300rce COi mol------------1- ~ Credit 6.1 Controllability of System: Lighting Et" Credit 6.2 Controllability of System: Thermal Comfort 0 Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort: Design •f3-Erecli~T.bei.mal.CG~f-0~t,;..Ve.rifiic.c.aart1CiaUJo ________________ --11• 113' Credit 8.1 Daylight and Views: Daylight 'S" Credit 8.2 Daylight and Views: Views INNOVATION IN DESIGN 6 POSSIBLE POINTS G'eait -IAr.i0vaa0n-ln..QeslgU-------------------i 6-,d" Credit 2 LEED~ Accredited Professional © /j REGIONAL PRIORITY a credit 1 tr Credit 2 .. --) /, .., Durable Building Regional Priority Credit (0 {VI.Ai '1·5 CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL 4 POSSIBLE POINTS V vi LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS LEED CANADA FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT LEED CANADA FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS 2009 100 base points; 6 possible Innovation in Design and 4 Regional Priority points Certified 40-49 points \ Silver 50-59 pointC) Gold 60-79 points Platinum 80 points and above Note that projects must meet all prerequisites and achieve 40 points from other credits before they may earn any points from Regional Priority credits. CANADA GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ) '--'' I "' "' "' Residential Apartment Area Reconciliation 1<01 #of 1 #012+ Unit Tyµe: Unit A UnilB Uni!C UnltD Unl~D2. Unl tE· UnH F. Urilf.G unI1q2 UnH,H Bachelor Bedroom Bedroom Units: Unils: Units: Comment A!4 ij of Bedrooms: 1 Bedrm 2 Bedrm 18~m, ~!!edfm 1 f!oli<rn ,~ 2flo;C'rn 1~ -~ l;!f!i'(m' 2'e..mi 0 unils 55 units 65unils AoorAtea; 692 sqll 813~ 890,,ift SOSi"qll 7l'9"l~ -... ~ &1]5~ ~~ -~""" 800.&qll AVl?f'iJ!i18 unit Area: 780sqn ii-of Units: 15 15 15 ,. 15 15 9 B 16' = 120unils Sub-TotOI of Area: 10,381 sqft 13,091 sqfl 10,356 ,,.n 12,66••'1'1 no!"l11 1ii~,q/i 1~~ ~~~ Residential Townhouse Area Reconciliation UnJe #of Flr1 Area Flr2Area Flr3Area Sub.Total or Area: Bedrms Unit 1; 2Bedrm 511 sqfl 452 sqfl 452 SQfl 1,414 sqlt Unil2: 2 Bedrm 480sqfl 425 sqfl 364sqfl 1,270 sqfl Unit 3: 2 Bedrm 494sqft 699 sqfl 638 sqn 1,830 sqfi Unit 4: 2 Bedrm 494 sqrt 699 sqn 63B sqn 1,832sqfl. Unit 5: 2 Bedrm 480sqrL 425 sqn 364 sqn 1,270 sqrt Unit 6: 2 Bedrm 508sqft 449 sqlt 450 SQn 1.407 sqrt Sub-Total or Area: 2,966 sqft 3,149 sqft 2,906 sqn. 9,023 sqft II-of Bachelor Units: O unils # or 1 Bedroom 0 unils Average unil Area: 1,504 sqrt Units: # or 2+ Bedroom 6 unils Units: Pro ert Reconciliation Property#1 (Municipal) Property #2 Combined Area Civic 22576 Brown Avenue 225B8 Brown Avenue Legal Lal A Seciian 20 TWP12NWD Plan NWP96B7 lot 5 Sec 20 TWP 12 NWO Plan NWP9687 Existing Area: 016-551-289 t,197,1 m2 Existing Zone: C-3 E.:a;k!i OCP APT>t 007-378-467 599 5 m2 RS-1 Al'nt l2,5m2 Bic cles Reconciliation Residenlial Short Residential Long Term Term Floor-2: 0 stalls Floor-1: Ostalls Main Floor. 36slalls Floor 2: 0 stalls ub Torar : 36stalls Parking Reconciliation Residential Vlsilor Ftoor-2: 44 stalls Oslalls Floor-1: 44 slalls O slalls Main Floor: 11 stalls 13 stalls Floor 2: 18 slalls O stalls Floor 3: 16 stalls Ostalls Sub Tglals.: 13311Jlb 13slalls 0 slalls Oslalls 0 stalls Ostalls Oslalls Tolals 44 stalls 44 stalls 24 slalls 18 slalls 16 stalls 14.6•J•Wt 1,796 6 m2 19,338 sqfl 36.6 m2 35.W.s r Totals 0 Slalls Oslalls 36 slalls Oslalls 36slalls Bro\Vn Ave ~ A,a.11i;., ~ ij.-O,,.llll'fl- _:..===--=--\fl?::= :1 ,, ,· !I 121 /\ve ;:i l19AV<! H;:ir.e)' I~1.ice M~II ~i:~~~ ~~g!' 1• '" 119Ave 1 1 ~ Selkirk Ave Fraser River Selkirk: Ave ~ North Ave f'QRJ,U.Uh'Slt-< to\t,Tll!OVtlO-fl Site Reconciliation ~ Total N~ R.Hida~~ $.Jea: 9,534 m2 Total Gross Residential Area: 11,090 m2 Total Gross Commercial Area: 0 m2 #j or stories: 18 Storey Road Dedicalion: 394 sq fl Provided FSR (NET/Site): 5.417 Proposed Sile Area: 16,945 sq fl Densily: 289.7 LIPA ~ GFA Parking: 63,395 sqrt GFA Commercial: 0 sqft GFAResidenlial: 119,371 sqft Net Residenlial: 102,624 sqrt Un] BtM~ pqwn # oC Bachelor Unils: # or 1 Bedroom Units: # of 2+ Bedroom Unils: Unil Sub-Total: 0 units 55 unils 71 unils 126 units Por5;)9 BC94Rm1Ql12' SCHEDULE V §Y\AWfflA=201Q Bachelor (0 90 per unit): O.Ostals 1 bedroom (1 00 per unit): 55.0 stalls 2 bedroom (1 10 per unil): 78.1 stalls Visitors (0.1 per unit): 12.Bslalls Req'd Residential Parking: 139s\alls Required Parking Sub-Total: 139slalls Parking Provided Sub-Total: 146 slalls Difference: 7 slalls Elm~ Bilmdll!!mllll fk!gu~W: Short term storage (6 / 20 unils): 38stalls Long lerm storage (1/ 4 units): 32slalls U11~ QQl!J §QQ~ Reguired ProvidP.d Tolal UOS (30% or site): 528m2 1,060 m2 UOS on grade (min 30% of total): 158m2 367 m2 lJOS on roof deck (max 70% of total}: 370 rn2 693 m2 Cammon '-!i!!&A!JI ~ Provided Tolal 1m2 / Unil: 126 m2 180m2 "' 1?S10,eyAve j Eagle Ave I ::i -::-:=-=---~ Dewdne-y:Trunk.Rd.:..::.:.:..-=...---==---~ \. lirllllf-'•1,, -~ ll.&--~ ... FullerAvc Ji Cliff Av~ 117 A't• :; 0 N 'o "" 1l6Ave ~ , ... :u, ;; N i ~ J,Ul ,i Site Context Locat~ 1 ~ 0 ~ (f) Gross Floor Area Reconciliation Comment/ Parking Residential Commercial GFA Description: (Group F3) (Group C) (Group D) Floor P-2: 14,918 sqH. a sqrt Osqft = 14,918 sqft FloorP-1: 14,918sqft Osqn Osqft = 14,918 sqft Floor 1: 10,014 sqH. 4,901 sqfl 0 sqfl = 14,915 sqfl. Floor 2: 11,777 sqfl 3,148 sqrt Osqfl = 14,925 sqft Floor 3: 11,766sqR 3,148 sqrt OsqCt = 14,916 sqlt Floor 4: Osqrt 1,212 sqfl Osqfl = 7.212 sqrt Floors: Osqfl 7,212 sqfl Osqfl = 7,212sqn Floor 6: O sqfl 7,212 sqrt Osqft = 7,212 sqn Floor 7: a sqrt 7,212 sqn Osqfl = 7,212 sqrt Floor 8: Osqft 7,212 sqfl Osqll = 7,212 sqll Floor 9: Osqfl 7,212 sqrt 0 sqft = 7,212 sqfl Floor 10: Osqfl 7,212 sqrt OsqCt = 7,212 sqll Floor 11: o sqft 7,212 sqfl Osqfl = 7.212 sqn Floor 12: Osqfl 7,212 sqfl 0 sqfl = 7,212 sqn Floor 13: Osqfi 7,212 sqfl Osqft = 7,212 sqn Floor 14: o sqft 7,212 sqrt Osqrt = 7,212 sqrt Floor 15: 0 sqfl 7,212 sqfl Osqll = 7,212 sqrt Floor 16: Osqft 7,212 sqft O sqfl = 7,212 sqrt Floor 17: Osqfl 7,212sqfl Osqfl = 7,212 sqrt Aaor18: 0 S"'rl 7.212 S"fi Osoft = 7.212 soft To1al: 63,395 sqft 119,371 sqft 0 sqft 182,766 sqtt FSR Reconciliation Component Density Base Density 1.60 Additional Sloreys 1.00 Parking in Structure 0.10 Cerlificalion credit level 0 20 Public Art a.so Peeleslrian Surface Trealmenl 0 10 Street Furnilure & Planting 0 10 Green Screen Wall 0 30 Rooftop Amenity 0-30 10% Adabale units 0 60 tl'l""'-R0nlal uoilf'; Q_62 Totals: 542 Area 30,312 sqfl 18,945sqrt 1,894 sqlt 3,789 sqfl 9,472 sqft 1,694 sqfl 1,894 sqfl 5,683 sqfl 5,683 sqn 11,367 sqfl 11,689 snft 102,625 sqll Comment 0 2 added above 8th nr max 1 O Energy and Environmental design $50, 000 Cash 15Unils 1!\■1-t,. 1-w w Cl::'. I-C/) u..i (!) I"'@ ··-,;-r r ,r·--·--·T -·--·--·-T ·--·--·--:--. ! i I I ! I I I Building 4 : I I Building 2 Building 1 18 Storey I 13 Storey j 6 Storey I 132 Units • I• 72 Units I 48 Units I I 126 Apartments I I • I 6 Townhomes , . I : i ~--------~---·--·-_J ________ ! _ _J . I I . I I I• Building 3 I 19 Storey • j 120 Units I . I I . l'--·--·--·J Proposed Building of Develo~~~~~ (f) Architectural List of Drawings A.1.0 Site Conte:d Al.1 Existing Site Survey AU Fire Departmenl Pre-Incident Plan "2.0 Sile Plan "2.1 Underground Parking AU Underground Parking 1\2.3 Main Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Third Floor Plan Fourth Floor Plan & Terrace Slab Plan Filth Floor Plan & Typical Plan Roof Plan North Elevation East & West Elevation South Elevalion Building Seclion Shadow Diagrams Summer & Winter Solislice Shadow Diagrams FaM & Spring Equinox Material & Colour Selection DEWDNEY ·WNKROAO 1) PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Context Plan ~ DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~-·-· , ·.soo ~ ISSUED DRAWINGS ~HI li;suedrorOclobor142014 ADP !>tli'W lssuadlorDevt1:0pJOenl Perrnil 0 w C/) 0 0. 0 0::: 0. x Q) ...... C 0 u Q) :t::: C/) ...... 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TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x 24~) ~ w ~I-.. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _., _______ _, I File name: 12378 A Sheels :,, o.vwx Dale: 2014, September 18 Tima: 9:03:39 AM g "tJ ~ ;:a il5 m o r Z -~s: ~z ~ :r,. /; ;:a ~-< il:Q z z "l r ~-< l'z gi o ~ -, cl "Tl i!Q Q ;:a ~o 1\1 0 z Cl) -i ;:a C 0 -i 0 z 0 ~ t u, u, ... 0 ~ ~ .. < "' !['; -ll.l ~ ::::i I I 0 0 ~ -< ~ .., ~ i m m )> 0 ~ ~ ~ w ~ a, "' ~ ~ :;; a, ~ 0 • < ,~ ,i • 0, I~ I~ i~ I 5· • (1) I en o, q~)' r )> z m j "'o I ·,.;>,.;, i I i n I a-~ i o-;-, ·~ G) 0, a-0, 'fil I CD , 5· I "'o "'<}s vo·.s ·6'/ "'o ·.S,.;, I ·1x "'o I ·6',,, oaito l 'i I r-1 I ' 1 "o I I ·6! -x·i ,,>, vq...,..Sfl . .s "'o )' . ·> ·a I .;, <9 I I ~1 ~~-r I 7 ;r "'o • ·& 7 x t'o o' '7.s 1 ·0.;, i ~~ ,0,.;, ,) ~,.;><9 ·<97 Lt:--•a -;f::..r ?'q .9 , 11 76' tq,jl . ;> I I ~l;7v Silv ~<?,.;,,,, iN It i CJ1 fC?.s j~ ~ ~06' Fence along ± P/L 180'27'05" X '17o ·07 " ""O Q) 0 9-20 ::::, 0) (X) 0 00 ~ ~o· I . •O.s 40.23 ' '- X ,.;><9 ·<9.s :, ' ' ' ' '\. 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PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge, B,C V2X 2T4 ph 604--467-8300 rax 604-467-8305 email:bissky@telusnel CX) ~ Existing Site Survey > C/l () m z --i -- ·> I 9'0 j 0 I <l i I ~ -,, ~ 3 <n PROPOSED CopyrighlReserved Residential Development fi,NtinitJ!!IC-D'f'bw,::tr'l~lll!ttM'l'Jllw:tllla.dl~gi~ Np'~-1111,1~~-.--l«tAN:llll'IJ,.llndillaM ,.._,..,... ... lllC~~-=t:WaJ!nttS. ... 1.'iln,liy --~• tnd~Mel~ltfldc:MII01beusedfcranyother Civic Address: 22576 & 22588 Brown Avenue ~••or 1811 .. (nrn!Pl"lot•-""""~tl"tN'l'PMtt(,'!hQf(l'latlYt$1Sw/:!11:t111l _,..,...,1n11a,e:an"11'11fl(WM..~~W1N!11N~•~•- Legal Address: See A 1,0 ~lllnlf)don••~on,-jota. Ttn «"'oil~ ....._,,, ~~ .. ~~-11,~VIOW!tfil'I ·~ PIO#: SeeA1,0 I I i I \ I I I + "'o I ·6',jl I I I I I I I I ,, ·>9" •1· vo I I i I l I~-> i. ~ ~ Legend Brown Ave Brown Ave A. Access Slair Well a. E)l';isting Fire Hydrant C. Fte Department Conneclion D~ Fire Safely Plan Location FD lock Box & Fire Alarm anunciator pan~. Aboveground Parking Access Main Entry into Building Underground Parking Access Service Rooms (Mechanical, Sprinkler or Electrical Rooms TBO) Visible address day or night The following was redoved by Mal'X Smitten on 30 April, 2013 for file# 2012-11>□P & RZ: ~ Extra Foods 1kRd El CITY HALL 22470 Cold1"e:i B:.1nker ■ Tri-Tel Realty lnformaLion v.ill be required at building permit stage as to how is lhe co-ordination, sequence and enuncialion ot the fire alami systems is lo be handled betwe(ln lhe lhree buildings and lhe parkade. :!lra,a.nRl'qU!tM • Sit.I plan arad 'llt!O!" plans showing klcalions or fire related inrraslructure some o1 which is outlined below such as loca~on of fire dopa,1minnl connecllon, fire ~'lnl. ~ MMM panol, sprinkler room, slandpipe connections and induding lane measurements and overhead obslruci.ions lo be 1-ul:inltttit1 to lhe fire departmenl foracceplance. PD F's Of sile and ~oor plans to be emailed lo ftttC\t'IYf'Pffon#tn:,pftrid:<tt.c:, this Is lo be used for fire department pre-incident plans FDL~l>o,: ~ department lock boX lo be ILnA fflOUl'lled in wall in dose p,oximily lo the fire ala,m panel in lhe main lobtly. Lad. boA ror Maple Ridge is onty avN(tbte from GI.Xlnebo Secl.Kity Inc. #130 -195 Wes I 2nd. Avenue. Vancouver. BC VSY 188 Tt>lephone: (604)708-9994 Fax: (604)877-1167 Fire Alarm Fire alami panel or enuncialor lo be localed in lhe main enlrance lobby and must be visible and readable from lhe oulslde Sprinklers -Balcones are lo be sprinklered This is duo to the assumpfon lhal propane bart>eques wil be used on the balconies Stanc!plpti Conno-ctllons -~al#'la(.lq)oll r~ Iii lhouftdel'DtOlfflll ~~~ ai or near lhcl ""'1~ lo lho garage Can be locatod on either side of lhe security gate Flnal ~IOatide'ltt~~tf.lP'O'l.&!Ol'lhO.rlfO~s,tb'tt)lnstallaLion.. -roWlticaladW\tUl'll'ffltd.-1ana~~~.11dJ.alallSdi,,gttesfroml"IOr@l'IL11pasillon. FiMIIOcaOona tor •~POI n ~And ~ 1&,Nr,IPRMIO by Fire~ FlntDep1,,tm,ol\tA~dli:u AA OVfffle:ld -.S on Brown Avenue should be relocated underground. This provides a~ess lo lhe building by use of fire department ladders Al fire depar1nlfl(II access routes musl be designed and ratad for lhe following specifications p.,.\nn\um of-35.000Kg with a minimLm fOfce of 70 F' .S.t Fire D•p:at0!\111\t Olinrit>eUOf\ ln1,111!w0"' •~~~lo Are Oepartmenl vehicles al lhe property line. Maple Ridge Fire DopAfltMnl lo be cons~led prior to final inslallaHon HOT 'II) Du :t ~CM <cinriot'OO bl.It a ◄-Slorz filling cJw r.ap installed. Cap lo have a chain or aira..tt cahlO attached so thal c:ap cannol be lost ~or,~-:.~~tsi~~~=:=z~~..:~~und love\; Uic.a.:.«1 IDff)d.lliy from IW:i bu~ tac. aid! "#fl!Y( htn M)' ~ and al least 1,500 mm (60 Inches) away from any ornamenlal light standard, utilily pole, elecl~iJo,p:Ql'~y.and -thtl ftro ~r,t; cannaclion will also be required lo have measl.W'es in place to~ vegetation landscaping does not interfere wilh fls use or visibility. PleaM e.MtMt t.lr.ltlf.e.lbt IIJd,\nacl Is aware or location or Hre department connection loc.illion. Fire Safety Plan and VerfflcaHon Rep1;1rts: Information in lhe Fire Safely F'lan must be relevant lo the btilding Rererences lo all Uems nol pertlll«.lt lo the buiding musl be reJMved. Fire sMty "'1111 to be submllled lo Maple Ridge Firo l)clpartment ln electronic rormal fOf revue and ~nee prior lo occupancy or each building Copy ol lfo MIN'm and sprinkler sys Lem vorifica~on I11port1 'WIii be required to be sent to Maple Ridge Fire Department _...., • 64:led on past experience. the doors leading rrom underground lo lhe outside usually have additional security measures in pl.'IICl!I •~ m:ile access from these Hoirilr,ali' to the underground difficult. Being lhal these are primary points for fire department lo access lhe parkade in case or fire. itnl,Uf'I ~es are in placo to mai~ flt,,i Oll~n\ ace~ Mwol 111s.rnalrtilatl NCUril~. -S!'ioav •us. autside Ol 11'c' llUJcll"1nNdJ ION11t10•Ittasures in place lhal allows ~tltJffllffl Iha! area to a saFe place in the evenl of an evacvalion. Gales etc. nnd kl blJ Audi, lhaL eQN!j:& trom lnb o,e~ Q: ~ ine of keys or special knowldDft #"9 Sldude a pathWay lo the street that is passable in all weather conditions Addr4S$ Vl,ltinky ~ltddru,,tt ft'omthaYO\&tMICIV1sibltO"forni~I. ,r AfAHt Sl~,signit linl.UIAed ctru1:11♦~ng.Ndi"oss is Included on the sign. Ap,itll'nlt'lf Ufi:Ja..«olililriw1th ~ ftuMl!Gt101 a(lno leflsideor1he main lobby and continue numbering clockwise Building Department will have nnal approval oo numbering ~uence. Stairwells are lo be labelled Slair 1, Stair 2 elc Door ldentmcallon (Other than suites) All doo,s lo mechanical spaces. eleclrical room slo1&ge elc must be labeled wilh conl,asting colo,s lellars and numbers are lo be a minimum of 65mm (2 5 Inches). Fire Department may affix labels on some doors indicating firefighlmg equipment or Isolation equipment such as valves or eleclrical switches Current Bulldlngs or Structures Once lhe current bu~dings are vacant, they are 1o be maintained secure againsl unauthorized entry al all limes, as wel as during Iha demolition phase until such ~ffll •I IM)"iilfD tal.,l)id<ltt10litNMI -P,.fiykJbalcn(OCIW,tnf~~Umnigrl ~-~IIOnPlfffl\lll~ Ail a~ and OlntlrNUrOW,. ma1ierliil1. ~Is are to tit ocw,ipeted as part of the oomol.luon process. WorkS.alo BC ICJtqUl(Ul91Jl,il!Mfor\ofWOf1t IO a., c.ampi;ted and ,oop!nol any assessments r~ prior lo lhe commencemenl of any hazardous materials abalemen!work. If an undmground oll laM is on lhe propef1y, a permit from lhe lire d11partmcnl ,s required STRUCTURE DEMOLITION GUIDELINE llul:II~ •to·~ MOJtt, al aill lfl!M M weaa, dutl'IJ> IM mllnlOI. FOlftti' proec-u. s;i:owing°'N mci•lrllldbf N lo!O<tt:ni» Jl'VROmathom «~ol. 1. ~•~1"190fdc,,ora~•ndOU111r~locait~""''llfml;J111 0t111e~1l'Ncl'lfflNtf/t'o-aocia.s1Dir'lttlUl.br,g ftb,:.,wm.,utudan illliobl!I boarded lo lhe HUD stal'ldard 2, Minimum 1,8 me Ire high fencing around I.he building or exposed area 3, Posla security guard 11 remains tne owner's responsibility lo ensure Iha! the building remains secure al all limes and regular tnspectmn checks are required. All measures as per 1he BC Building Code Part 8 are to be met Spedfica~y se<;tion slales: 1) Precaulions shall be taken lo ensure thal no person is exposed to undue risk PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36• x 24~) iii ., .g El w Brown Ave Brown Ave Brawn Ave Brown Ave ff Paliotti's Subjec Propertie r ·--·-:1 '. : I i i I L.,.,..... ___ u Lane Dewclney Trunki Rd Cr,•s.1t1l\li$ioriar,e1 He,1ring CP.ri1re iii., Current Structures Note: lbo. o.ntent buld~ am~ m ntlineO 61QMI! agalMl ~ll'lorized en&,y IU all limes, as W1!fl ti dlJring U'6 ~ phl1• u~ ~ 1iN!-~ lt'Mty MO cotolly damol.iwd. A dernolilion pe,mllw'lbtobtuwd, Th.ari1noknowt1uf1(k!fgf'oundoll lt:i.lcon the ~-o permll from fflO flo dep."V1tru1nl. will~ obi.II~ ,Iona. ii found duMg (fJIQV:lillon. Mr1c's Cor.venieflr.~ Slores 1t El t, Don~1i1 Affall' Bro"'-'hAve Fire Department 3 t.~Rple Ridne Rrr.Df.-rU Boyrl Aurnho<iy :, & Glass iii., Oewdney Trunk Rd 22MO El Dewdney Trunk Rd Corw:-ord Ve.tt-"lt\A S\,pf'S.t. 'l2710 Rirt9e M~adows e::~~~L9J • CRCyMe El -· ,._ ' 0 too 600 bewdney Trunk Rd 000 Laminale \Nl'llrehous.;:, Hi:mey Btdders' Supplies 1000 Joe's Plaza L'/.1 Te::.-as Chicket1 & Seafood El II Site Location Map & Relation to Fire Department Infrastructure *Note* All levels of all buildings to be sprinklered. oi§.r, II .ill 111111111 I I I f ················•L·· 0 ' . j ~:~1~~:.:.·······::: .. :~·············•0 .. ··· -• -............ ~ ------· ---- 0 I 1· 0 0 [Note#J j 0 <p Brown Avenue----,------------l,i :-··: , ..... -.-.:"'·-'-~-.. • ... ..J-i ..... -.~_---. .. [·: -·~ --:;j· .....,. ... L ... Brown Avenue :6: ' •....• , r····-·····-·• ' ,,...... -· ,. . ,J ___ -_·_ ... --~-······i = t..~ .. = = ·---, d::: ~~ , ______ _ = -..:.,.. .. ;..: =· . ....:.. ..:.. ~·1~: ~. ·---~ .. ~ -~ -- i= .. .- .. = I 6 I -, I I '----·---·----·----·----·----·----· ' ' --·----·----·----·----·----·----·----, Lane S<>lo: tel000 Floor Plan -2 Salo: l:Z◄O ISSUED DRAWINGS t1•1t hM.411 .... QaoNfl,.l?CIU ADP lssuedforDeveklpmen\ ,._ -C Q.) E 0.. 0 Cl> > Q.) oO w co Cl) :.:; oc c.. i 0 'cii ~ Q.) c.. ~ -c C CO Q.) c.. E tc co Cl> 0.. "'O Q.) ·-o g Q.) I .... ~ u:: c.. .. 1 ASCENTl Dale: 2014, Sep lf! Scale As Noled Orawn WB/JM Project ID 12378 Sheel A1.2 l ~ . 1 ! ~ si 1l ISSUED DRAWINGS _.,."' Issued for Oclober14 2014 ADP l---------•---------~L..-----------•---------------L-----------------'-----------------.l.....-----•-----------....L..---------------__J'----------11!1 -. ·=torOevnlOl)rnertl ..;I lzlsl lztsl 0 8 76m r5J2l I 9 o?m ~ ~ i /ilanters (See ~ / Landscape) Brown Avenue 0,9.30 0 0 279m B+EI 14,78m lzrsl 3.96m ':'.=:::::: .................. □········•"··-···· :-1 --.. ----u,~·~~.e ----.. --~·· .......... ·····n ·········· .. . I 5 ~ /road dedication 394 sqft y I',.,,.. XXX 'X ! Residential -· I r '-------'' .......... i _E_n_trv ....... : _ ___, .._ ___ __, '---1-----' I.__ _____ __, 5J)O.I ..... . ·------_, ---------... _ -----0...-- t t I I \-----, r -----J t I I t I I t I I I L, ~" I I I I 0 I I ~ I ' , > < , 22566 Brown Ave S , ( ~ -I ~ezoning Application t I t RZ/115/2012 I I Building 1 I t I I t I c::v I I I I r------J L------, ~ ! N M ..,,. a; M ~ '-------J w 0 9586 ..; . 24.968 ~;-............--\---1 i I I ._ \Line of residential tpwer ' ! ~8 !storey 120 f\P~rtments 6 Trnrnhomes I ! I i I + ___ _,r-- . 1 ¥!- I . . . :i::: •X 'tiJ I . . I ' . . ~ . . . . . . I I I . I I ...., C co _J E _g (/) Q) u ~ Q) Cl) I I I I I :-·· ............ _ ·------~-l J2 ~ : s ~ : 0 : ~ • II L ... -E ..... . : LO ' LOADING C Q) E a. 0 ~ Q) oO w C'O (/) :;:; QC o..~ o·- o:'. ~ 0.. o:'. C C'O 0.. Q) :!::: (/) ... 1 ASCENTl rJ ~; Vl \2 z ~ ~ lJ 00 0 vi ..__., z zO . I LJ.J ~ o:: g I I I t I cic:0 t ;f I I 0... ~ ffi !;!~ : : ~1~ !.E!~ I I ~ V"l'.3 J>~_2 I ,----... I r LJ.J to [~~@ 1 J 44.655 __ ,1,_··_·_··_··_·· ... 1= .. =-=-~---_l~-=-=-=---=-... -.. 1-=..:.:.J,-!i'L~ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;---_-_-_-_-1-L---~-;-~,~-~--~--'---/4 '_..--l----------1--....;..----P-la_n_t_in-g--+---..;.....--------,,--+--A-c_ces __ s_t_o_P_a_rkl-:-.n-g----f-J: ············•-· ••••••• in UH !. t====Fi =*"""'"""'"""'"""..,....,,_,.,..---,,,!,-=,!~.-...:....-=,,,,.=...,==---''--.:;.;.-j;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;=;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;=t;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;.rfo=..L----------=~--•-=-~;,;;;!;;;;:;:;;;;--------------L--------i._D_ale-,---------l I 2014. Sep 18 LANE t:ffl'" --____J Scale -l I t I !:1 o~5 _ _.....~s;;;;-~~2i;;s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;◄ii!O~~~~!!!s§s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;i_'0~~~~~8S;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i100 FT Project io ~~c· l='i=n'l-'K;:;::::;t:1;,::;J;l,M:;;:;11-NA;a:;:;;R _:;:::;:YONIY:.;.;iri·'ir· '"'N:;:;O=;=;=l=;F=50~R>,-,:;O"'ON~,;:;S;::;l=;:R:;,;U;;;:;::Cc,l=r1ornNr==================;1"-----------------------..,.,----------------------.----------------(i.>ite-s-••'..1'~.ln·.~n8~\~~..,...,,:'l-.!=1sh-.. -,------1 OtMl.:NSiOC'il:! ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE 1 ,._ C. ~ A2. 0 TO SCALE vk:N PRINTED ON ARCH o {36~ ,c 24") / ti!L... ___ l.._ _______________________________________ _J_ ________________________ ...L ________________________ ...J_ ________________________ .._ _____ _, As Noted Drawn WB/JM 1237B ;;; 1' <f> < '" § I ' ) Brown Avenue 0 0 ©m0 © 0 B76m 9 07m 2.111n1 14 78m 3 96m . .....l•.J!m.. i='-----'-====-=====================i==================:::,-:-,:: -·--7m 5!ttm a.nm S511n 701m O.Jlm . t========.1;:::::1.~=,.,=;1;:::=::1===;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;!I ;;:;:::;:::=;:=::::;::::=====i=:::;;;;;;;;;~~;;;:;;;;;;p,,---+i----..... --'1!11/ i--1 11111111111!! ___ ..,. ___ _. ___ lllllllll -58m I i I· -I I : I I w : lt 1M ~ ; ll _1,!-. ~ = ~ ~◄ , , • , , I : l"il r--·---·--·--·---·--··1 : :·---·-·-········-··; ~ ·····-·□·····•·· ········T ···· -~ •••••••• ·········, ••• _·u1-:~_·_••·•• ri"··=·=··=··:::::·-=·· .. ··,=·=*11 ~ _). ! =··-•• ·-····· .: ~ -i·-·····-,#::.:. Blllldlng4 @ ~nc.l ~ X -· - ·········•···-······· ···················,·L ••••••••••••••••••••• IT . : =~. :! * ,, 4ri "'" l!,!;;;=,.;;;;!~i:.....ll~~:~ ~~◄ ~• al.~. I ~ B~4 RMl<len~■f ~T : . ' ••••• i___ __ ·······--··-.... :I r • i \a-,,i-----...0.~-' ------W•••t•••••·•-•~•••-• D L..J .......... ~ ............ ____ _ --...... ••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••• I D -) • ,111 J ~ Buildlng4 -· E3-11---1---1-~--11 Building◄ RMIOftn~el 0 1 -----··Buld".".,;g4·--····•'"'• ••• --. . ... 2256t Brown rveJ~ f I Rezonihg Application : RZi11572ll't2·--'4..c..JC...I B~ildlng 1/ • E3 :-' I I! ; I I i : Vehicular, c -ess provided i lhrou1g~ a, ja lent property t:l 11 ! I 1 SM 9ulld<llg4 """"""'" ' SM Building◄ Resklenlial 3 Bulldl~4 R8$ldeolla1 Rnldenlilll ~ ------------ i Parking t=evel p.2 : Elovotion ~om MFE -24'-0• = :1.315m :4 i ' , •• -••1:••-II U ~~.4.. ~. ~• ~• ...!.v• :~, 8u~• ....,_. ---• -~ -~--~-.~ ~~ R11&1Mnllal ,.~.~,...,_,,, 13 ........ Ru!Mnt!'el ~ERVICE I I I I I 111 I : I ;__-·--·--·--·--·--·--·--~----·--·--·--· : -·-_J PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OIMEIISIO~-S AND SPACES ~RE.NOT F!NAL St,11JECT TO CHAHOE TO SCN.E WHEN PR(NTEOON AACH 0136" •241 LANE~ ZS 40 70 85 100 FT Level P-2 Underground Parki~ 11 :~~~ (!} .,._,._-. l$SUed /orO(lc,ber 14 2014 AOP 1;:ttow lssi:ed !er Oevelopmen! ..... C) C 3.:: .... ro 0... "O C :::i 0 .... C) .... Q) "O C ::> Pate: Scale Orawn 2014, Sep 16. As Noled WB/JM Project ID 12378 A2.1 ~.__ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __. ______ ....., .1i ~ ~ "' .; I ; I ' ' •---·-···-·-·····-· : ~ ' ' . : CJ '-' CJ ···········-·····•-·· ...... ~ I Ill I ·•:=. ---•4•··-*••-----····· ·····---•••• p ~ t----1r----11-,. .. tt '" ,\ ~[.'llll x . . -------------· ····-··· .. ················----····· I 111 PRELIMINARY ON LY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DMENStO~'SANOS?ACESARENOTF A1.SUllJL'Cl rOCHNIG[ TO SCAlE WHEN PRll"TED ON AACll'D 136' • 241 : Brown Avenue 0 0 039.Jv t-~ ---------9-07-m------,-"-7~9m=---------- J ~ I ; --, s ~ 0 ~; E !'~ E JI "' ; Bu"llrtg4 Reslck!nlat ·---eur~-4 Re&ldenUal I : s -:--li=-1--,-1•~-------2256~ Brown;Ave ~ E : i ~ ; Rezoni~g Application c RZ/115720',°" r..::'..------H--1-i B~ilding 1) l s 0 1 ~ • I ~ f j VehlJu ar c Jss provided : lhroug 1 a4J2 ant property I , l ;; l j ' SM ...., .... RMldenUal ' SM ........ R■sldt!nlial 3 Blll!Olng4 ·- .. .-------------· l i . .l -----, . . ~ Bulldln11◄ - ~ ........ RKldenUal . . ' . ' ' ... j~~~;~~--· ......... ~··-. rw ~ PfiiiSe4GFA ~4 l&■ SM~ Bul'd!ng◄ Raldenff1I SM~ Bundlng4 Ra~nllel SM~ Bu!ldlng4 Rnidentlal Stair Ii--. 57 ~ .... ~taii'2 Ti. .. -.-.. -.-.. -.~.~'.:~~ ... :'.--~:-~t~[%~'; Parking level P-1 Elowtion from MFE .2400•: ;7.315m -------·4·-· ! I .. ....... - 14 78m 0 0 '. -· -· ! i~ 396m ! ............................ ~~ ...... :.._.. 13 ....... """'"'""' '. '. .. ~~ .. ......... II dlng4 llllldenUal SERVICE 2S 55 70 85 100 FT Level P-1 Underground Parkin~~~~ ~ Hjj~• Issued ror October 14 2014 ADP an• \ssuocl lor Oevelopmenl ·- ...... C Q) E a. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w cu (/) +J QC 0... i o·-o:: fil 0... 0:: OJ C ~ I... cu 0... -0 C ::::, 0 I... e, Q) -0 C :::> Dale: Scale Drawn Projecl ID Sheet 2014, Sep 18 As Noted WB /JM 1237B A2.2 J (/) a: <D E I D D ~nr ir 111 .. i i j I I D D ; PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") --El 0 ! ~ I lr---;.~-l ' ~ f~ . ,, le 0 8 76m -·, 907m Bu11ding4 Rask:lenUat ~-: ~-~ Ra&klelllilll Brown Avenue © 3~.Jv ----------2 79m 14 78m © 0 3 96m ! Exi ~ ~obby Dashed line of : residential tower over! ' ' I I I I I -·cv·' . fj •-••• •-~•-••••••••• • ·-•~· •~----• •··-· ·•-• ••·••-••• ~u~ng•-•1•---.. -: --[%· . Bike Storage , •:... ·stair--;-,:~ ..•. ~--····· •••. ... : I .. : ? 22566 Br&~" Ave tf-r-.... ~ezoning Applicatian ~ RZ111 s12012 I Buildlng;•--+-+-t-1 0 ~ SM Buildlng4 BuHding,4 ResldenUol __ _'."~"~"'~""''.:'.'-1t~~t = .,_;~, ~~,., [\y I ~ ~~ RnidenMal _ , , _ Ret.klenllal ~ l"'\f : s_t~jr 2. .. ·s.as,n ----··o ~~--UUU••; ,~-~:-~ --· QG~ .... 4-42m OU J = ~ I I I I II :.::, 8.18m _J Main Floor 131'·7" = 40.12m - 11 I II I 54 06m ------------~ LANE~ Q) C: "' ...J E _g "' Q) (.J -~ Q) (J) .E ~ 0 et: ....... _., 40 ss 70 8S ISSUED DRAWINGS '--" l~uedfor0ctobert4 2014 ADP J!Jf"i. lssuEdforDovelopmenl ...... -C Q) E 0.. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w co Cf) :;::::; QC 0.. ~ o ·en 0::: Q) 0.. 0::: C co 0.. .... 0 0 LL C ·co ~ Scale 100 FT Projed ID As Noted WB/JM 12378 A2.3 ~L..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.1....-------' J I 1. I <-' " a, § I . , • ' • • r ll ID 6,., D _, V,1 1,,_ ···--·----· .-, . ~ Ake I "· J~ : 0 -El ii » ~ ·~ 0 ..... , ', ·~ ~· \;:,) I ---=-- ~ Stora:be n K ,, PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36~ J( 2•r) . -~ s -- D = " b I ,. ,, Brown Avenue 0 0 0 39_Jv 13-; --,_______ El--·- 0 22566 B:wn Ave,~ T a 76m He k Bulldlng4~ Re&ldenU■I B~4 """""" ■I------=-......... , . . 9 07m ,£,_ HC r.g,Buildlng4 Rasldenllal s-.g4 Reskl1mlllll 2 79m l I Dashed line of_} ~mp over j ..-Stair 1 ·····--au.Ji.,g4 -··-·-···-··--····, ............ --·~·-··-·· ......... -- Resldenlllll : I 14 78m • 1 .. euudlng4 ~ezoning Application----;--■1---"-""_'"_""_1 __ RZ/115/2012 Rarkinq ~ •• ~ ■ •=-§ Pni;e4 ~A Buildlng4 l& bb 1!::)~:::6.8sqft '.__~"•~••~.,,.~·•_Jl■[W!!!!lt Y E TT!~ Building 1 • j = 0 1 J SUIO'll(l4 RakltmCai :.:~I l&1 ~aj;2• --······--······--·;:: --·-···:--··· :--------~ -!:: •. -::-.. :=. :-:.-::-... -::-. -::-•• • .. -·;- ' SM 8ullOinQ4 Re~l'at 2 SM ........ RH1d&n1.illt ' Butdlrig4 ... ...,,"' UP RAMP I : '• ....... -: . :-·-··---- 5 1 t J I : t ' 8uting'4 ...... ~4 ~· -~• Rar.ldenllal _ ........ _ -~-AaukJla!_ :-..- 0 0 396m o~~-iiil!!=s--=~2!;;siiiioiiiioiiiioiiiio.•ii!o====~s~siiiiii .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;z1o~~==~as;;;;;; .... ;;;;;;;~•oo FT ISSUED DRAWINGS w•11 lsMJed fo, Oclober 1-1 2014 ADP 11:tl',, lssued!orOovolopmenl ...... -C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w Ctl (/) :;::::; QC 0... i o ·-o::: ~ 0... 0::: C Ctl 0... L.. 0 0 LL "'O C 0 (.) Q) (/) ~1 ASCENTl Date: 2014, Sep 18 As Noled O,awn WB/JM Pn>jed ID 12378 A2.4 Lf'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..L.-------' \ 7 .... [ m. ~ ..,, PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36~ x 24") Deck Deck Brown Avenue 0 _____ 0_0 _______ @_c 3!1.Jf:) r--8 76m 907m 2.79m 14 78m 0 0 -·--·--·--·--·--·--·-+-·--·--·-. ·--· : -·-- i ...... ·······~,········ -·-·····~····· ~ i ...;.,. -Aarking Pfiiie 4 GFA rr••ft ,■·-------................ , ........ !! .. ~ .. :--::-:=:::--::'a.----- ' ... -· ......... , ......... - ' ! : i • I • ::::.~_ -~ DNRAMP Comm~n Amenity Spacii :,_ _________________ , : ' ' I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I . . ll=-~r";):b!!=.Yljll illllE=~--~=--~~~~-.!.c====--~=-~~-~-~l I ;__-·--·--·--·--·--·--LANEL -·--·--·--·--· : ---I 0 25 .ss 70 85 100 FT ....,,. lssuedfor0ctober142014 AOP !Unt lssuedforDovelopmenl ...... -C (I.) E 0.. 0 (I.) > (I.) 00 w co (f) :;::::; 0 a5 a.. "O o·-cr ~ a.. O'.'. C co a.. .... 0 0 LL "E ..c I- Date: Scale Drawn Project ID heel 2014, Sep 1d As Noted WB/JM 1237B A2.5 1occl. PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o:1-1e .. s10~s A>IO SPJ<0£S ARE ~T FINA!_ SUBJECT 10 CHN<GE TO $CALE ~N PRINTI:0 Of" AAC!i O 136" • 141 ...._, L Brown Avenue 0 0 019.J.v © 0 8 76m 9 07m 2 79m 14 78m 3 96m F ,-·--·--·--·--·--·--·--+---·--·--·--·--·T -·-7 l I ········---_____ ,._,. ....... ~ I l ! 0 ' . ! I I I ' I ' I ' I I I I I I I ' ' I ' -I ' ' I I I I I ' I ' ' 25 40 55 70 85 t••if Issued Mr OCtober 14 2014 AOP N•JI ruued ro, Oe11elopmen1 PettrA .... C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w co (/) :_;j 0 a3 a.. :Q 0 en 0:: Q) a.. 0:: «le C CO co a.. a.. ..0 "-co 8(/) LL Q) (.) £ co t t::: ::::l Q) 01-LL -'1 ASCENTl As Noted 0mm WB/JM I 00 FT Pr ... Ol 10 1137B A2.6 Ro nnmo: 1237B A Shffla ..,., ""(J :;o m r ~ z )> :;o -< 0 z r -< z 0 -l Tl 0 :;o CJ 0 z (J) -l :;o C CJ -l 0 z -n ~ ::, -n !j ! -Ill ~ ::::i ~ I )> N --.J 0 N ~ .. 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 e: 8 c'.i 7' i i5 t:l iii -0 i " ID !< 6 vwx Dale: 2014, September 18 Time: 9:03:59 AM 5: z m ~- ~ i 1 r ;. ~ =.__ ...... =='-======= ~ ! ~ ~F ! ~ 0 ---f 2' 0 :, ,.~ .... "'"" 0 0 --t l5B~m r--·--·--· -------· ---------·--·--·-----·--·-7 e u t)_i 'e, I ~J i' • f I I I I I I I I I i I I I i ti- I,--------------------------! ··-----------~ --·-----------------------! -·--·-I l -·-----·--·-----·-i _______ J 2 .. Fifth Floor Plan PROPOSED WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ...... ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC. > & Typical Plan Residential Development PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN (/l n #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, m Civic Address: 22576 & 22588 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, B,C. V2X 2T6. z ph. 604-467-8300 fax604-467-8305 email:bissky@tek.Jsnet :::! Legal Address: See A 1 0 PIO#: See A1 O 00 ¥:I ~ 3 0 0 0 ~ '::I"' ~ m ,o ::::l 3 b :i> .. 00 3 m 3 ~< CD :::J C CD 0 0 . . Copyright Reserved "I! -::,. -,_,._,,,,_=, ....... ...__,_ .. _,_.,......., ii ~i ---1 5 l" ~----•!tll ~pt~btN~W.,.,.nda1an o-§' liilJott,-.rt.,_,.,•~ olWll'fl!'l~GPt•il•-=, C hL111!i1"""9..Urf:LMOn/on:,;:z. Jo"IOlnllltO"Dfllon. llldt.Wnolbeusadf0<anyolher ~ R ~l)(td:la,dlij,'.e4 B' §-::::.:~=~=~~.a..~=~==::::i ] i ~d:..,.,.....,,¥wil~(llllftl~lhs ... 1'J.:lilllllt~-ol =. ~ -,,~u.o.m.1Mo~IWldCOll6iooll11NWm.,_lhoik->'..ina:1 ~ File name: 12378 A $Mets'., 16.vwx Oafe: 2014, Seplember 18 Time: 9:04:00 AM a Q -o cn S:: ;;o ~~ m mo r :;:z _ :r'"s:: ~l.--u o z ;!1 ~ )> ~~ ::0 ~~-< ;~ 0 ~6 z :r -,r ~~-< ~~ z ~~o ~~ --l '1 "Tl c!Q ~ ;;o i o mo z ~ ;;o C () -i 0 z :::0 0 !j i -Ql :;: ::::l ~ ~ 0 N "' ~ 0 "' "' ... 0 ::: 0 0 21 ·g,r i ~· i5 )> N CX) ~ s;: z m ij~ , . iii ~ fi;~ ~ ~ ' en ll ~ ~ "' 2 (~ 0 1-t~)'li ;u CD CJ~ g ~-=:i:s· C: .....l.(C s· oi ► co N-o .....1.0~ N er !!l. 6" "' "' (11 Ol Ol CXl i ! __ =>_J;.1!!"' ...... 0 0 ··-r --·--·--·--•--. ... ... . .... -·---·--·--·--·-~- ! ij I I I I ··············--·····················1 1·····-·············.········•·P"" -···························· .. ·70 m 3 ~ 0 3 0 0 ~ -:;1~ :E ~lw :J ~ ~ m 3 10 ~ (D ::::, C (D .......... ~ I I I -·················································•-t ~t ....••..• G I•-----· -·•-~-uw ••~u•u•u•v••J•••s•~···s•·~~c••~=c·~~•~c•~c•~•••--.. •·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••··•····••••••-•·····•···•• I I '--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·--·-·--·--·--' l WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ~ Roof Plan PROPOSED > Residential Development ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN INC, PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN (/) () #204 22320 Lougheed Highway, m Civic Address: 22576 & 22588 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2T4 z ph 604467-8300 !me £!04-467-8305 email:bissky@\elusnet :::! Legal Address: See A1 0 PIO#: SeeA1 O "' ~ ~ 0 CQPyrighlResorved ~==~~~.:;,=-~!:-Catd .. ., ==-~~~i:=.~::~~dif1N:IIN~ltlf'°'1~ ~.,n::10,er(iii11hl 1o,~~«1t:11J11M«•~dOfllPIUtf)llf.,,,,~~-.....,vsa~, IMWl'fflltlfll«-'iMMalYr.iB ~~.iuf'l,.__~r:,n;,t ~---IMl'D~~•e111111,:h. lhhollll'oCI IJ\llb•11ffi'l!lllllt-ol .... -.~l,oe1111e~..n~__,_.111tNO-.-.git ! g i ~, C ~ " ~ C ~ I I i • ~ -----:; I < ~ 0 ~ T ol[wlldlng 330'-51/2. I; ~~~~ I~ Floor 18 !l00'-5112" I~ Floor 16 i rl/2" Floor 15 2~-5 112' ,,_14 270'-5112" j; Floor l3 2G0'·5 112·· [~ Floor 12 -2!0'-5 112· I~ fl-11 200'·5112' I~ floor 6 '1~•51~ § Floor S 1 1'-7" PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36~ x 24") I North Elevation ISSUED DRAWINGS l•-tu.1.led-~IC'IOI◄ AOP tt' lswed lor Oevelapmeo1 .... -C Q) E 0.. 0 Q) > Q) oO w co (f) :;::; C 0 c.. i o -- 0:: ~ c.. 0:: C 0 :;:::; co > Q) w .c t:::'. 0 z 0 :;: . "' " 0 0: ~1 ASCENTl Oat 2014, Sep 18 As Noted Drawn WB/JM rojecl ID 12379 Sheet A3.0 ~L-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..L.------1 -.,! I < "' a ~ ~ Q) C: ::i ~ Q) a. e Cl. .c -s 0 Cl) PRELI MINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") n n D p fl n n [El Too ol Bulldin!L.. 330•.5~T USRoofOcd< 3~-5iT Floo< 18 31~-•~I Floor 17 300•-s~T Floo, 16 1 290'-5 ir Floor 15 280'-5 ir Floor 14 270'-5 1,2~ ~I Floor 13 260'-5 ir I Floor 12 21'1'-5112'" ~, Aoor7 200·-s~T Floor& 18U•5~i floor 4 • Rct.icronl•' 170'·5~1 Aoor 3 -Pnt'lmg 1~-0-., ,; East Elevation Scale: 1: 1 SO 6e====~•o;,,,,,,=~'"~=~t81!,,,,= .. '11i.•==~•o;,,,,,,=.;,70•FT II II II II 'b=: l/l -..:::-, .. I ,l 1 ~ I I 1.., I ., Q) C: ::i ~ Q) a. e Cl. .c -s 0 Cl) West Elevation Scafe: 1 : 1 SO ¥?';'0 7011 ISSUED DRAWINGS rw•• l~ued ror Oclober 14 2014 ADP I.IJW l~suedforOe~eloprnen\ ....... -C Q) E 0.. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w C'O (/) :;::::; oc Cl. i o·-o:: ~ Cl. 0:: C 0 :;::::; C'O > Q) w -en Q) s o6 -en C'O w " " """ .,.1 ASCENTl Sc.,la As Noted WB/JM • IO 12378 A3.1 if L-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------' ~ ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") RZ 115 2012, Phase 1 Sub·ect Pro erty ! ! ; ! ! ■ ! ■ ! ■ ! ■ 2g South Elevation Seate: 1: 1 SO JO •• ~ >OFT Q) C: ::J ~ Q) a. e a.. 1i5 Cll UJ Topof~ lW•SiT US-Root Occx 3N•5ii Floor 18 310'-5 1/2" ~, Floor 17 300'·5 112" ~I Floor 16 290'-5 1/2" ~I Floor 15 2ao·-s ii" Floor 14 270'-5 1/2" ~, Floor 13· 260'-5 1/2" ~I Floor 12 250'-Sir Floor11 240'-5 1/2" • ~, s Floor 10 c ii 230'-S 112" ~ 8 ', .. -0 -·' 0 Floo< 9 22CT-5i12't • ~ Floor8 20()'.5112" ;j FloorS 19CT•SiT Floa<S 11W-S Ml" ~J F-4 • RcsJdenl,al 17CT•S112' Floor3-Par~ 1~-0- -Floot 2-Par il 15CT-• Mo!nFloor 1Jr.r ISSUED DRAWINGS 1'4 lssuedfor0c\ober142014 ADP ~"u IS5ued for ()ev(llopmeol ...... -C Q) E a. 0 Q) > Q) oO w C'O Cf) :.:::; oc Cl.. i o·-o::: ~ Cl.. 0::: C 0 :.::; C'O > Q) w ..c -:::J 0 Cf) 0 :; . . "' ,.1 ASCENTl Dale: 2014, Sep 1eI cale As Noted Drawn WB /JM Project ID 12378 Sheel A3.2 ~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.1-_____ _J ~ ~ (I) C: :.::i >, t: (I) a. e CL PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS ANO SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (36• x 24.) 7 I I l l Floor 2 Floor 1 -Main Floor Parking P-1 Parking P-2 Building Section 2-2 s<iiiit;l$0 (I) C: j:.::i 1t • a. 1£ 310·.5112' ;1 Floor17 300'·5 112· .b l §I Floor 16 2~~~ I Floor14 ~70'-5 112" ~, Floo< 13 220·-s,12' ~I Floor8 210'•5 112" ~I A-7 200·-• 112" ~, Floors 1iicf'.s 1,t' ~, Floor 5 180'-s 112· 1;,! b .-,4.R~l.J 17U•51i2' tj Floo< 3 -Pmi!!9 '~f Aoo,z.el 160'-f BROWN AVENUE (I) C: p 1t . a. 1£ Residenlial 10 20 Parking Parking Municipal Parking Parking Parking 30 40 50 IIOFT Building Section 1-1 ---Scatt: 1:1so (I) C: p 1t . a. 1£ I I I I I I I I I I I I I LANE I 1•••1UoNi1.w~l-lli1W ADP nh11tb,WlldW~lf """"' ..... C Q) E 0.. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w co Cl) :.:; oc Cl. i o·-a::: fil Cl. a::: C 0 t5 Q) Cl) Cl C i5 :::J co .,1 ASCENTl Da\e: 2014, Sep 18 Scale As Noled Drawn WBIJM rojecl 10 12378 A4.0 ~._ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .._ _____ __, J l f m ii E i ~ .s /'l ' J -~ 1 "' « "' a ~ ~ PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24") Winter Solstice -December Z 1 @ ~; ~~ ~ y ., l\tl m g p u Winter Solstice -December Z 1 @sl, ~~ ~ • ~ ·~ m m .,, ... ..,_ __ ,,,., -· LANE ,_ I -. . . I ZJ.t.al I -. -.. .-. I ,,.., ,_ ... IC Summer Solstice -June Z 1 @ 1 0 AM (f) Sc;ifo: 1:720 ;:1., II I 111,'1 n .,,..,. ,,,.,, 1------ J I Summer Solstice -June Z 1 @Seo~, ;, 1 ~ (f) 0 Ula 110 m .tu 100" ISSUED DRAWINGS ;...,,. IMUlldlOt~1•101• ADP IIQI I• lt,NC,d ~ ~ ...... -C Q) E a. 0 Q) > Q) oO Li.I co (/) :;:::::; oc a.i o·-n:: ~ a. fr'.: Q) (.) :;:::::; en -~ E o cu (/) ,_ ,_ g'2 i:5.f: s: s Oo(!! "O ,_ cu Q) .c E (I) E ::J (/) OiMo:. 2014, Sep 115 Scala As Noled Orawn WB /JM otc,c1ID 12378 Shott AS.O ~.._ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ,___ ___ _. i '0 1 "' « § I PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH D (36" x 24~) tml ni,n rr Autumnal (Fall) Equinox -Sept ember 22@ ~~!~~ Autumnal (Fall) Equinox -September 22 ®sl ~~ (f) o 1'6 •~ ,e«i tto i»c• ..... rr Vernal (Spring) Equinox -March 20@ ~ ~~ ~ ,7 Vernal (Spring) Equinox -March 20 @ 2 PM ~ 5cA1a: 1,120 ~T:; ISSUED DRAWINGS ..... lssuedfOfOl;IOOOI' 1420\4 A□P au .. ,. Issued ror oevelopmenI ...... ..... C Q) E 0. 0 Q) > Q) 00 w co Cl)~ oc 0.. Q) o:9 0:: ~ 0.. 0:: X (/J 0 E-S co :::J ._ er O>W -~ 0) 0 C 3: "§_ .g Cl) co~ _c_ Cl) co LL ..111 ASCENTl "" 2014, Sep 1,6 Scalo As Noled WBIJM ProjttcllD 12378 A5.1 [f "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------' i Architectur~~:~~~1-------+---- Archileclur~~io:~~1-------... ---- PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OIMoNSIOS'S 1'N06PJ.CE~ARE NOT FINAL stJBJECTTOCHMIGE TO SCALE WHEN PRlNTEO ON AACJi O (36'" • z••) Exterior Materials 1 AL 13 Architectural Panels Colour 1 2 Al 13 Architectural Panels Colour 2 3 AL 13 Architectural Panels Colour 3 4 Metal Canopy -Painted 5 Black Alumnium Railing 6 Windows Aluminum Storefront >lnilcbW nniJr,,oJ 1b11r,'l lr,11Jl)!1Jirl:i1h fl I/, lr,J9/A :fr.i1!llr,NI ,ICJO(l Ill ·11.KJIOJ <l!:1rlf,'l lr,11JIJ'llirl)1A lr 1/, lr,1,:,1,\ lr,il'llr./li ·a«••! 1 rffk nu« t!'-< 1110!. 1/, :1nnln) ~l'l11r,•rrr,,ur1'llirh,1, u 11, 11.l'.lM :lr,i1!!Jr,M rorw 11, •111010:, !l100Mnirur,j11'J!I ~ . .,.,.,.,,,.,, .... "'""""- ('-M'I ;br,IH :iunlo) ~ 111.101Jm!lll!1W !1rll ~ "11'//ld1b'II !•t ... tft!t 1I:e(t•[!-WMH "!.\I I ~ •!.\I I rl1.'lM 'llf,IJ[l2 ~ 'l1onH,1,imr,jMO '..'..:!lw.l -c o1·•-•mvem1tl!?dHut 0\-Vi:l!.buoO!llirl'II 111nloJ luJ.u1..t.m.1!1~:.t..J 0--- ~nihi2 ,oi1'1I~3 I 1U11lo) ~nibi21oiwIx:I !.wulnJ ~r,ibi21ni1!1ld (1uolo) ~n,lir,)I rr11111imul/, :i,nilirSlmur,ir11ul/, lli-t-:,,-,.//h!1hf,.•N © ® 0 -+----!.=,'------lf----,~~l'.----+j I -1· I ••• \ill I I 111: •• rJ1 I I ■1· I l hij I I -I ■■■I ll I I -I I ■■■l [I I I 1111 I ••••u I I -I I ••••ru I ! !-i.~ I I 1111 1-;. .t I~ I ··••ti I I !II I ct I jfil I I 1111 ,s I ■■■I ITT I I I -I I ■■■l il I I I -· I I ■■■I ii I I I 1111. I I ··••il I Partial North Elevation Sc>lt,' 1:150 T!>j!ol 8"1di'!ij 330'-S 112" ~, us-raoc 320"-5 ~12", g Floor 18 310"-5112'" b.j ~I Floot 17 300'-5112" !;,I ~ Floor 16 :!90'-51/2" §I fkx,r 16 280'•5 112" §I flao,14 270--5112" ~, Floor 13 260"-51/2" ~, Floor 12 250"-5112'" i,1 ~, Flo0t 11 i•D"•S 1/2" l;,I • 2 ~- 230~~~~~t ~, ~1- Floo/9 220'-5 112" "I !? E1oot s 210"-5112" §I F1oor 7 ~:IT,F ~! Floor g 190'--5112· !, ~t FlooJS ,eo·.5112· ~I -"J f loor .ti • R.~cntJf~ 110'-s •it Malnfl ~,.. lssued JorOCtober142014 ADP ~'llt1 lssuedrorDevelopmen\ - C 0 ~t5 Q) -~ Q) a3 (/) -.... ro ::i ~o 0 0 ... 1 /\SCENTl ale: 2014, Sep 18 Scale As Noted Orawn WB/JM Project 10 12378 Sheel A6.0 I L-________________________________________________________________________ .._ __ ~ I ,~ I -, I I IL I I Bl~E ~ E!Ju,ld,;g4 Res11f1ml1a lobby ~n~~ -ir:':==::-I- RBS1den11al ~ SM -· ........ 1~C l. -, I I 5MAIJ.., 12•1&" DJA ""6ULAR MED, re,-24• DIA ANGULAR LARSE, 24-30" DIA ANSLl.AR Main Floor J 131'-7" = 40.12m I . I I I _I I STREET LEVEL PLANT SCHEDULE DOTAMCA1. N._.. 61t,kf;QB1.£6111kAL.ER::lRMJ POPUJ,15 ~ "tt:::UITAJM ~TUEL I ""'"""'5"""'1N.5 """"5""'1W< Rl.BE55.'INISUIHl!l.M S,A,IJX ~ ~HIFOUA' YJrGG,IJ«.t1o-/Antl Vla,u,u,1 OAvtDII l«UPIAS 5l'£<.IOSI< GNlEX. 1CE DN(;c' -"""""""'""° ~ ~DES 1-W-e.lH' SCIRRIS RJMAnLIS IRISSI"""'-' AATIBID-" PIKHATA 5ro'XIRV6E STOI.OHIFl:RA TPJca..ctR' ~R.Wl.ATILIS ...,,.,TREE ---""' """"'""'""""' REP A.DERJM.5 ~ """"""' Mill>< .,_.~ OAVID'S Vl~ ,...,.. .. we,, SU..VERVAAl&::iATcD5aliSE fGU<TAIH.,._.,,,, tlH',RF f<:UrrAIH 6RA!6 RJVERBA.!R.a< 51eER!H4 IRIS; BUE VAAErf PAAJRJE"""""'6< 5~ ~AlJrlSE a..i.-=STAAGRl:PER Ml JOe NU:a.EA:: 14-0011 PLANTE> 8JZ.e I AIIIUJUC.8 12POT,~ '2 POr,S<X,H l2POT16<X,l-1 '2f\OT '2POT1SOCM '2POT130(;H ti POT, ~V'l'J 3' O~. •= "POTitEAV'l' • R)f • ROT II POr12FNf """ • "'°' 5P◄ IGTB • A.N«-szm IN n&USI AAE. SfEIFIEt> ~ 10 ft.I! DG, ~ 5tA,1,QNIO.lA11!5l EDl'T\OI( (.QN'TN)ER ~~/6,,. <,HM st~ rmHF'LNff SU!.l'OC,atl'A'ttit~ AA!~ MNJUl~M!U! !otlf5.. • ,fV'tR.10 ~1,at5 ~_Df!INE.lo'°'1'Mel ~ HD OfftKfl,.NCf K'IT!Rf>L ~ • ~_.,r,'..,.~ ~HA11RIJ,L.JN~ ~ Cl"T10tW. ~a,-~..==~~t:nr=-".,;,!tiiiff;i::'\~~~~~ ~ ~. H.1..0t-1 A t-lMH.ttc.t' P'iM!~fl'Rl:.'lit TOG8.M!Ftr FOR~ 10 ~TtME. !Lffl11Miof,IS AAE. ~"TI>a::. ~ !il'~ -~tlOM 0--GOC>fTIOl6 Ur AV~. ALL PLANT UTERI.AL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CEfflFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY, PROVIDE CEmFICATION UPON REQUEST, _r " eu.1d1ng4 Res,denhill E g "' ., u ~ ., en 81111ding4 Loading 3 2"=1'-0' Brown Avenue r r I I I I I I r-·--·--·--·-----•--·-----------•--·- 1 I I I I le'DROP ~N COMTB-1PRA --1-....,,~l#l#r-cHtfi-llt) Rezoning Application RZ/115/2012 Building 1 l_ ________________ , _________________ _ LANE 4TH FL OOR PLANT SCHEDULE -4TH Fl OOR M2 JOB NUaaE~ 14-008 UY QTY •oTANtC,AL NA.IE C NAMO PLANTm .mm , "8tA.ltK9 t ,: J,,£,,fR,PAL.HATlti .W,AIESE>W\Je 5GM~2Mtrr1EM!!i =-= r.i!POT1;!0Q1 21◄ 5AAGO<,o<,GA ~ RlJ5GFOI.IA' -~ 12 POT;30CH 211 TA>dJ'SX t-E>IA'HGKSII' HIG!<SYB< 12POT,500-il.sHB45 ....... ® n FBNSETI.t1 M.£lf"EaRGIDES tw-Ei.JN' CM,IW~Bf(A!6 . "" -I "' GL..fN.'i11S~I -ruHATJO II POT150GH ~ --"""""' -SCN>lET~ It! 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ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDEII FROM CERTIAED DISEASE FREE NURSERY, PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST, 14005~.ZIP C)('.:O(tV,f&ht ,~ 1hh,lk¥11tl"1Wdesign is tJit Dt:~PC'f\''t'of Ml LllilllidJ.Uipt Nd'•lttKIJ.itld m3y nDJte rl'l)(o,f«ed 91"U\t"d fa,t.t:,W., oro{eat.wlthout ttw,11 permission LAN □SCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com O'J ....,.,,, /!'.6(B}R:ROP "' ,~ RrY. RRl84~~ JClRK NO. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: ...., "- DR. ASCENT -BUILDING 4 22554 & 22566 BROWN A VE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C . DRAWING TITLE: 1ST & 4TH LEVEL LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: /3~ DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 3/32"=/·~· DRAWN: GL L1 DESIGN: GL CHK'D: OF 4 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 14-005 2e•.9· 29•.9· 48'-6" I I i ---- 1 ~IN t-1...B 400t1 Sffl:.H -1--I LANE ROOF GA RDEN PLANT SCHEDULE -ROOF FLOOR M2 JOB NUMBER: ,_a 1<ZY QTY DOTAJUCAL H.Ull COMMON NAIIE PLANTl;O 81ZS" / RDIAJUC■ !)! GORMJSR.DRJDA R.£HRJH!>""61a>D 5GM ~ 2.5H HT ai5N F0RHi Bl~ ~~~~ 611"50 .... 6GM ~ 2H STD, BIB I "' 0-00CAA ffW;AAHTOMfE S3~,40GH "' ~l'G)ll.NOfUlD'r ca:v.a...~H!:fOl..NORO!:E S3FOT160GM • ~~~IFOLIA' _,,,-s.w:.owu,,,,. IIJ POT130CM ,..,,..,._ El • AATIBIDA Pllfll'ITA PRAIRIE~ "..,,. 5G ~ :12 ....... --......... IIA,T;:.lCIGl'1 20 p~ 1BMKA,Ll!,6fle3'{ste:N ---.,M",~ ~g~~~~N=!~~:a~,:~~~~~=~~,:::::. ~HO Ol>t!R P\MTHlt.'!'DaAL ~ • !SfAAQINO JE.VIB,,l.i W4-f\JIHfttATERIN...AVM..NJ.J; f'11l'~ ~UT' ~~f Af~.a= ~"I'. AAUo ~ ~ fOut:liCI!: lol-el~ NO FRl6ER VMJ.tl'. • '!d951'1\IT'Clf&, QBTNHNU1181 N"PRO,/,'L ""°" ~l..NO!iGAAf! ~ PRiCft TO~ Ntf ~ \'O 'nf!~ ~~ ~ 58SllMICl6 141.L l!ile: fE.E!;lED, H.1.0fAt1MKtl'OFfNEO,.'t'Sfl'RJCA lO~~~T TO!:LffiTTMf; Sl.85TTT11110N5 NESB.EC.TTO~ t.NC:l5C.AP! STNDAAD •~QI-~ OF AVM>&Utf. J ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED Dl!EASI! FREE NURSERY, PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. l__ I -1- 7 I _1 I -1 /4{X)5-Q3.ZIP ~t,~dTNtd1N'lng~dtsignis1he 111:0p,t!lt'fOf -..t~AN:hitectJIC'ldmay not be ttp,i!k$1Ked ,o,~lor«4i.t1c:woject,w.llhout their permission LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553 .0045 Email: office@m2la.com 02..,.,..,, t,;c<B>FOROP "' u ...... a REV. FfR /oe-1 SCQIE' a= .H::IRK NO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL; PROJECT: -... DR ASCENT -BUILDING 4 22554 & 22566 BROWN A VE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C . DRAWING TITLE: ROOF LEVEL LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: /3.MAR.0., DRAWING NUMBER: SCALE: 3/32'•/'-0' DRAWN: GIL L2 DESIGN: GIL CHK'O; OF 4 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 14-005 e MAGLIN' MA<SLINBIKE RACK; MBR200 MASLIN BENCH MLBl200BH MLBl.WOBW ~rncH ! 8Al<C MA<SLIN RECEPTACLE; MLHR400H-25 477/8" NOTES: "TWO PIECE SIT "3/4"THICKGRATE ~ ... n:>1t1•t•!(t ~-»•"-'°' ft ... FAIRIAJEATHER SP 48> ISRATE FN:-E a'!U.DHS 0 5G,A.I..E, V4'•1'-C' OLYMPIC FOUNDRY INC. 48" SQUARE "SP" TREE GRATE /400!H;J3.Z/P CJCo;,f"lcht reserved. This drawing and desicn is the pto;,tt:,,of Ml landscape Architects and mav not be reproducedorusedforotherprojectswithouttheirpermission LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 Lorne Mews New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 3L7 Tel: 604.553.0044 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com 171 l.f~l.5 ISOIB>FORDP .. ,u-~ ~.PER~ OF~ 140. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SEAL: PROJECT: """ ci. DR, ASCENT -BUILDING 4 22554 & 22566 BROWN A VE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS DATE: 13.1-fARL>b ORAWING NIJMUR, SCALE: DRAWN: GL L3 DESIGN: GL CHK'D: OF 4 M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: 14-005 PART ONE GE'NERAL REQUIREIIEIITS .,_,.,. .I cm:D1dLATISTCffDI ~..._.sftlff-.ftr,.._-.l(.-.cltln.t(..tnctht111)mir,..tlti!Mliacta\lri.a~ll7oti.-CIDlr«1~ !..~~::\,~,!.~~:::;..~~~-ftt•=~"'==!:=-ul.tu :.::::..::"..::.:.--1:n..w..wffll~,..... .. -~..-..i~t,1--~ ... -..,~ .4 STOO-WIHIII..AlllSUJ'E~Tllll!iYSTD\U.'lt:ST!IITDi~ll7!hlniptt,nhla\ltr.Uudrl-,1fi.tkf!C-..l:a J IUG'.llrt'UVSAIGoama,;9((HATQCSWIIJfamD. 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SCAIE 1:500 2014/01/29 SR \OT.SCA&£ YYYY/MM/DO BY - \ E!STING 150¢ WATERMAIN ~~~~ MH ,I TO BE CAPPED OFF AND ABANDONED WEDLER ENGINEERING www.wedler.com THE WEDLER GROUP ■ Chilliwack 1.604 792.0651 ■ Courtenay 1.250.334.3263 ■ Surrey 1.604.588.1919 DRAWING NO. RENA CANADA PROPERTIES LID MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 22576 &: 22588 BROWN A VE, MAPLE RIDGE S13-01038-SK1 CONCEPTUAL SITE SERVICING SUB. NO. l'SSUE~. PROGRESS PRINT -NOT FOR CONS1RUC110N