HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2015-07-14 agenda.pdf1. 2. 3. MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL AGENDA Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:00 pm -Blaney Room The purpose of the Panel is to encourage quality design in the community by reviewing and making recommendations to Council on all new commercial, industrial and multi-family residential projects that require a Development Permit. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS AGENDA APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL -Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2015 4:00 PM 4:05 PM 4:10 PM 4. PROJECTS 4.1 4:15 PM 2015-043-DP Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: 4.2 Development Permit: Applicant: Project Architect: Landscape Architect: Owners: Proposal: Location: File Manager: Advisory Design Panel Agenda Curtis Gray/Cheryl Bijl, Krahn Engineering Larry Podhora KO Planning and Design Ltd. MDZ Holdings Ltd. A single-storey multi-tenant industrial concrete tilt-up building. 20159 115A Avenue Michelle Baski 5:15 PM 2015-081-DP Harj Sekhon Heather Johnston 931919 B.C. Ltd. Restaurant (Freshii) 22464 Lougheed Highway Adam Rieu Page 1/2 Regular Meeting -July 14, 2015 4.3 Development Permit No: Applicant: Project Architect: Project Landscape Architect: Owners: 2015-194-DP Stantec Stantec None Narland Properties (Haney) Ltd 6:15 PM Proposal: Rebrand the west end of the existing shopping centre structure from Target to Wal mart. Location: 11900 Haney Place File Manager: Amelia Bowden 5. NEW BUSINESS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 Village Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines 5.2 ADP Applicant Checklist 6. PRESENTATIONS -Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 8. NEXT MEETING Applicant deadline: 9. ADJOURNMENT /ss Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Monday, August 17, 2015 Page2/2 _} TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2015-094-DP 11850 224 Street City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: July 14, 2015 An Advisory Design Panel submission has been received for the above noted property to permit fagade modifications to reflect the change in tenancy from Target to Walmart in the Haney Place Mall. This is an appropriately zoned commercial site subject to development permit approval to allow the proposed fagade changes. The scope of work includes the following: • Painting existing red panels blue • Removal of bullseye signage and addition of Walmart logo and signage on west and south facade • Changes to asphalt painting in front of main entrance • Removal of red Target bollards • Changes to reserved parking area signage • Change from asphalt to concrete in loading bay • Installation of a grease interceptor in sanitary sewer BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Stahtec Narland Properties (Haney) Ltd Parcel "127", District Lots 398 & 401, Group 1, NWD Explanatory Plan 65997 Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Civic C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), P-1 (Park and School) Commercial, Institutional, Park Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), CD-2-95 Town Centre Commercial Vacant, Commercial, Multi-Family (under construction) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Page 1 of 2 West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: • Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Commercial Commercial 224 Street, Selkirk Avenue Urban In accordance with the Official Community Plan Section 8.11, a Town Centre Civic Core Development Permit is required for this proposal because this external alteration to an existing building is $25,000 or more in value .The proposed exterior changes are compatible in terms of the form and character with the existing buildings and is for the purpose to change the branding from Target to Wal mart. PLAN.NING COMMENTS: As there are only fagade changes involved in this project, the form and character is guided by the current shopping mall design and building materials. The applicant proposes to change the signage and existing red cladding to reflect the Walmart logo and brand colours. A Development Variance Permit was previously approved to maintain the existing two storey building hejght. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments_ on the development proposal. ~ Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Page 2 of2 . i I i N Scale: 1 :4,000 Legend .dLi.._w,u,na, -GPS Cteek Centrelines Streams & Rivers (Topographic) Feature Type -lndelinheCreekCenlrellne, -• Oilch Centrc[oe. -RiverCenlrerine Rivers & Lakes (Topographic) Feature Type ~canal ~ Flooded Land -Lake/Reservoir [fil Marsh .. River 2015-194-DP DATE: Jul 2, 2015 11850 224 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT ■ mapleridge.ca BY: JV \ \\\ \ ~ ) EY BUILDING EXISnNG 2 s~~ TO WAI.MART TO BE CONVER EXISTING HANEY PLACE MALL PROPERTY UNE FlRE ROVTE r I I • I I I ! I ! • I I , I Walmart cp I -~Ii('.!'''"''"· i I '~ - ~~~~w-H--··--,-• @WEST ELEVATION cp i I ~ l i I i _/51~~ -TIV~!$- ~ ~ q) q) ~ q) 0 I ca;> • I ~~~~\_ -~i~~~6_ ---- i j i I ! ! I j i ' I I . I I ! I ! I I I I I ----i-·---i-·------!---i----·--~-----i I I I I I i i ,§ ----1----· -s I I y I C? i j cy ~ cp I i I ___ j __ _j_ --! , .. C? cp I ' ~ I I i i ,,.TIO ~,;~ --·---,-" ' ' _ ~TIO.~~~- cp i i i I _. L --1 . ---L ----1 ---. -:. ----. .l!~~llotA ~f~?1~ELfi_ • -• .:_. - cp cp cp q) (;) q) cp0 ~ i I I I I I I ', I ----------!----~---~--i : PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ,"?.~~ / . -~l=11:4~t ~CJ• .,... ,,,,~"~:..'$- ,T/O~~J.~~ ~E\'fil..l: .• rQe.Of;~,; I.OUIO't.lUI lll\l'•Ul' WM12U6 • MAPLE RIDGE, BC JUNE26 '.Wl5 'M\JD15S15 Stantec [~ ; MAPLE RIDGE Britl5h Co.umbt,:a mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant Cheryl Bijl 2015-043-DP File number Address of site 20159 -115A Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Current Zone M3 Proposed Zone _M_3 ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date July 14, 2015 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Larry Podhora ----------------- Landscape Architect _s_t_e_p_h_e_n_W_a_tt _________ _ Other Professional (State Name & Role) Curtis Gray, Project Manager Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F (Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 \ 1 ~_ mapleridge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone Business Park Industrial (M3) Date Prepared June 18, 201s Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) .. LOT AREA* (in square metres) ' ' Gross Total -4,451.4m2 Less Road Dedication area -- Less Undevelopable area -- Net Total -4,451.4m2 LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures 60% Max. 48.1 Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas -44.1 Landscaping -7.8 Total Site Coverage -100 ) SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 6.0m 6.0m Rear 3.0m 3.0m Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5m(W) 18.6m Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) 1.5m (E) 1.5m Side #3 (N, S, E or W) -- BUILDI NG HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 15.0m 9.3m Accessory -- NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor -- One Bedroom . - Two Bedroom -- Three Bedroom+ -- Total -- GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential -- Retail Commercial -- Office Commercial -- Other Commercial (Type ) -- Institutional -- Industrial -2,141.3m2 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA -2,141.3m2 * If the develooment site consists of more than one lot. lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) DENSITY .. # of units/ha (gross) -- # of units/ha (net) -- Gross Floor Area -- Floor Space Ratio (net) -- AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) . Common Activity Area -- Useable Open Space --., PARKING (riumber of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) -- Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) -- Commercial Uses -- Educational & Assembly Uses -- Institutional Use -- Industrial Use 2B.28 29 Business Park Uses -- Comprehensive -- Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 29 29 Number of parking spaces for disabled 1 1 Number of spaces for visitors -- TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES 29 29 Number and percentage small cars 0 0 Number and percentage tandem spaces 0 0 TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) 12 12 BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) ' Short Term Bicycle Parking -I - Long Term Bicycle Parking -- OTHER-state YES or NO for each Heritage Site I No I Tree Survey/ Assessment Provided !No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I No I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements !Yes I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigne and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: (U\ZTIS C,lc?A--\ Print Name (Please pri t form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. :: CJasp Roots Grealer H•l9hls ADP applicant Checklist: All presentation material must be in 11" x 17" format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and submitted with the ADP package. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ADP application form & project data sheet Site and Neighbourhood context Design Rationale Project Analysis Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections ]c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations ct. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details --ro ~-== -.=eo._,,-01e-o 1i-.i Required g ~ ~ ~ D Ett ~ ~ ,"Pf'\..1 C. A"\"\ 01'} '"i O ~ ~EQ.u1a:t::-o "'&'-\L A.~ Gr~ -STAl-10 ,..~05 ,g. Building Design: Roof Plans [h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides • !31 1 j. Building Design: Signage details -Wo~ie.wAC..E' Tuo'FO$E'C>~~ ). Building Design: Lighting details -'!»~E: Sc.. ~ k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) ~ f. Building Design: Floor Plans I. Building Design: Building Sections ~/ 1 Included [Zf 0 [Zf 0 [2] □ [Z] □ □ [Z] [Z] [ZJ □ □ [2l [2] m. 3D rendering of the site and/or building -ve:e---. -s, rv. ?LE ~11...t:>1t-..\C... 'Q\'O n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives t-4~, EN~A.~ D o. Material Sample Board -0',,lL--t ~Qi . .h~t?"-o r0e .Ar"P? ~~T~"nO~ '? 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area -AIZE"A'S WOT ~O?O"S'c!1.) c. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan Project Architect/ Applicant Name: CU'Z'n':> C.12.lo.'-1 End of Document Revised December 2012 2 -Sa: Sc. ~ Required @ ~ E( □ □ l □ □ □ Included [2] □ IZl [ZJ □ □ □ [ZJ : l • • I TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2015-043-DP 20159 115A Avenue City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: July 14, 201;5 An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject property, located at 20159 115A Avenue, to permit the construction of a single-storey industrial building in the M-3 (Business Park) zone. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation: • South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: Krahn Engineering Ltd., Cheryl Bijl M.D.Z. Holdings Ltd. Inc. No.BC0296121 Lot 15, District Lot 280, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 86659 Industrial Industrial M-3 (Business Park) M-3 (Business Park) Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Industrial M-3 (Business Park) Industrial Vacant Industrial 4,452 m2 (1 acre) 115A Avenue Urban Servicing An Industrial Development Permit is required for all new development on land designated Industrial in· the Official Community Plan (OCP). The purpose of the Industrial Development Permit is to promote quality industrial development through attractive design that is compatible with adjacent development and conforms to the OCP guidelines. Page 1 of 3 This proposal will be assessed against the following key guideline concepts: 1. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. 2. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. 3 . Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. 4. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities and accessible design for the mobility impaired. 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. PLANNING COMMENTS: Official Community Plan The applicant is proposing a warehouse development on the subject property, located at 20159 115A Avenue (see Appendix A). The applicant has provided a design rationale (see Appendix B) and has completed the Industrial Development Permit Guidelines checklist (see Appendix C). Context The subject property is relatively flat and is located on the north side of 115A Avenue, at the north end of 201A Street. The subject property is surrounded by industrial development. The property is within the floodplain and a restrictive covenant specifying the minimum construction elevation is registered on Title. There are also two additional restrictive covenants registered on Title pertaining to the general business park requirements and site drainage. Parking The Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 requires that the M-3 (Business Park) zone provide 1 parking space per 93 m2 of gross floor area for industrial use. The total gross floor area of the proposed new . buildir:ig is 2,141.3 m2, requiring 23 parking spaces. The applicant is anticipating 10% office space (214m2), which would require 1 parking space per 40m2 of gross floor area for office use, requiring 6 spaces. The applicant is providing 29 parking spaces (see Appendix D). One of the parking spaces is sized for persons with disabilities and two loading areas are provided to the interior of the subject property. Bike storage is intended to be int~rnal to the units. Garbage/Recycling Garbage and recycling areas are located within the proposed units of the building. Offsite Upgrades Street trees will be required at the Building Permit stage of development, along the frontage of the property. Page 2 of 3 , Proposed Variances No variances are proposed with this development. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on this development proposal submission. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT Planner 1 Attachments: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Design Rationale Appendix C -Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Appendix D -Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX A ) 20159115AAVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE PIANNING DEPARTMENT 'MAPLE; RIDGE Br,\11.ll C.ih.mb'.-; 100 DATE: Mar 3, 2015 FILE: 2015-043-DP • BY: PC Abbotsford Office /1400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E8 1 (604) 853--8831 f (604) 853-1580 District of Maple Ridge -Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Attn: Michelle Baski Re: Covering Letter Edmonton Office #148 -363 Sioux Road Sherwood Park, AB TBA 4W7 T (780) 400-9320 F (780) 400-9325 APPENDIX B Vancouver Office #210 -i311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC VSK 4Y3 T (604) 294,6662 F (604) 294-6665 June -18, 2015 A14417 Proposed Multi-Tenant Facility for MDZ Developments and Capo Construction 20159 -115A Avenue, Maple Ridge, British Columbia The purpose of this letter is to provide explanation in regards to the Design Criteria and Rationale for the works proposed for the site referenced in in the header of this letter. The site is presently empty, and is classified as "Business Park Industrial Zone (M-3)". As such, the intention of the owner is to fully develop the property for industrial tenants. The proposed drawings currently developed are for a single tenant to occupy approximately two thirds of the building, with the remaining third being developed to "shell only" finish and an intention to lease the space to other similar occupancies. The proposed development confirms to all zoning bylaws. The site fronts 115A Avenue, with existing driveway access located near the west property line. The proposed building will site parallel to the east property line, maximizing site coverage and leasable space. This locates the proposed building between existing structures to the east and west properties. The building is proposed to be constructed of concrete tilt-style panels, with stepped parapets and architectural reveals for interest. Glazing will be featured most significantly at the street facing elevation as well as in storefront style doors on the west side of the building, facing the parking lot. Grade loading doors have been set as far back from the street as is practically possible, with loading provided to each potential unit. Parking is provided to the west of the building as mentioned, and though the accessible parking stall is located in front of the unit nearest the street, a defined path is provided along the face of the building and some flexibility could be offered between the parking stall located immediately in front of each unit and the adjacent loading stalls if needed. Outdoor storage is provided to the rear of the lot and is screened from the street by the building itself. The tenant with current lease agreement will be providing their processes and auxiliary office and staff function areas entirely within the building. As such, no exterior use is proposed. www.lcrahn.com Page 2 of 2 June 18, 2015 A14417 Stormwater collected from will be managed by providing runoff into bio-swales along west property line as well as distribution of partial roof collection into rain gardens located to the streetside landscaped areas at the south property line I trust that the preceding explanation is sufficient. If you have any comments and/or questions, please contact the undersigped. Sincerely, Krahn Engineering Ltd. LJ~ Curtis Gray, C.Tech, Project Manager cc. Larry Podhora, Cheryl Bijl, Dave Batten www.krahn.com = - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. APPENDIXC 1~-=· ma.pleridge.ca Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.6 of the Official Community Plan, industrial developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the . proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design.of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concerts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guideline, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. ·-~ '-iT1' ,..:..:,c -... --K~y "Guideli.lJ-e Carkepts b.EisSi"il:fe~ boW this p(oject,aflcl tlie"1iesJgn"'romi:>Jfes f 8'.fr.1 ' ., - ,L • ~,: ·, 'bJ ''" j -, ... -~; -= t1 '· 1 -:-,: • :-' ~ ' --:,. Provide a street presence with entrances Narrow end of building faces street, so entrance has been provided at and architectural interest in building street facing corner of building to provide maximum possible interest. designs fronting pu_blic streets. Articulation through parapet steps and color is also provided wherever practical and street facing wall sees majority of glazing to be _Provided. Loading facilities should be located away All loading stalls have been set back as far from the street as from public streets and into the rear or possible, on (parking lot) side wall of building, while still providing the interior of a site. loading stalls for each potential tenant space. - Outdoor storage and less attractive Outdoor storage is provided to north side of.the structures such as accessory buildings proposed building. As such, storage area is should be screened with fencing or landscape. screened from the street by the building itself. The transportation needs of diverse Vehicle parking is provided to zoning bylaw requirements and users should be accommodated through includes handicap parking facilities. Bicycle facilities are intended amenities such as bicycle facilities, and to be provided within each unit. Pedestrian access is provided from accessible design for the mobility public sidewalk adjacent to (but separated from) the main site impaired. . driveway. The form and treatment of new buildings The proposed building is very much in keeping with the existing should reflect the desired character and buildings along 115A Avenu-e in its© style, features, materials (tilt pattern of development in the area by concrete panels), and proportions. Building articulation along street incorporating appropriate architectural face mimics and blends with other similar buildings in the area. styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. 1 C Guideline 8~6.2_A Building-Design, Massing and Siting;_ 1. Offices, reception, sales, and other public use areas should be located at the front of the buildings to face streets. Design facades so that these areas are easily identifiable and visible from streets. 2. Main building entries should be located and designed to be clearly identified from streets or entry driveways. Include glazing as a major component of street- facing building facades. 3. Whenever possible, overhead service doers and loading docks should not be located on a building fac,:ade that faces a street. Design service doors to fit with the overall design of a building. 4. Buildings with significant areas of non- reflective opaque materials or blank walls should incorporate features such as texture, graphics, reveals, colours or decorative floodlighting to provide visual interest. Landscaping should also be provided to compliment the architectural details. 5. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain __ soils on the sit!; and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction: Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. Describe how tbe_ proposed, design ccim'plies with each of tne listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied witti or why it is-inapplicable. Development as proposed is for multi-tenant building. As such, interior layouts will be developed as required to suit each tenant©s individual needs. The majority of glazing is provided at the front of the building, encouraging offices and other public use areas to b~ located at the front of th e building in single user development as well as multi tenant option. As building is intended to be multi-tenant in nature, multiple entries are proposed along the parking lot facing elevation. A primary/feature entrance with additional glazing is provided at a street facing corner of the building. Overhead doors are located along parking lot side of building. Overhead doors are not located on street facing side. All doors are intended to be painted to match main building color to blend in and avoid becoming "features" of the elevation . Where appropriate, "blank" walls have aimed to provide relief as outlined. West elevation looks to provide articulation through color blocks and parapet steps , east and north elevation border on other industrial lots and will not be highly visible to adjacent developments due to existing building locations and outdoor storage areas on those same lots. Items for consideration are n·ot .appl.icable to this site and/or devel.opment. 2 Guideline 8.6.2 A (Continued) 6. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into their site planning. Consider employing techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. 7. Rooftops of buildings should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges. Guideli.ne'8.6a-'.?rB. , ·vehicle Access, P.arking and Circulation --· -; -~ "7 ... .--.,.,. .,. ,,.. ,.. 1. Wherever possible, the majority of parking and all loading areas should be located • between or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes or internal circulation. 2. Divide large surface parking areas into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance. Use landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance the visual appearance of large parking areas. 3. Parking areas adjacent to public streets should provide a low level landscaped buffer betwe~n the parking and the public realm. 4. Consider the use of permeable parking pavers or shallow concrete swales with rolled edges as an alternative treatment for surface drainage. Rai n gardens and vegetated bio-swa les are proposed . Items for consideration are not applicable to this site and/or development. 'E?eicri.be.how t'Fte pro'posed qesigi:, compll~s wlth each of the llS!~d;gifla.~tir:ies,, o/d~~~/ibci,-w,hy ajg1.i'1d~lirye i;-~oJPJl11Rli~d· • -witb.cir;~hy it ,isJnap~lica0Eile. ' '· Parking at rear of site is not possible for this development. Parking is provided along side lot line to utilize existing driveway location, resulting in the majority of site parking being located adjacent to similar industrial development. Screening has been provided by landscaping between sites to lessen the visual impact of the parking stalls. As noted in previous item, landscape is intended to screen parking from adjacent development, and internal landscape islands are provided between parking stalls to further lessen the visual impact of parking stalls. Landscape buffer is provided between parking and street; other than at driveway location. Rain gardens and vegetated bio-swales are proposed. 3 . Guideline 8.6.2 B (Continued) $.. Above ground parking structures should Jt f n~t front public streets at grade. N~;-. • em S . 0 r consideration are not applicable to this development proposal. No parking uses or special fa!;ade treatments must be provided along street frontages to enhance the building's appearance to the public realm. On non-street fronting facades, parking structures should be treated to avoid long blank walls at grade, such as massed landscape treatments or attention to the design detailing on the fa~de. 6. Parking control equipment, such as ticket dispensers and card readers, should be located at a sufficient distance from a public street to prevent parking queues extending onto the street. Similarly, a minimum distance of one car length, and preferably two car lengths, should be provided between an exit gate and the street edge to accommodate cars waiting to merge into traffic. 7. Rooftop parking structures should include design elements, including landscaping, to reduce the visual impact from the street, surrounding uses and structures such as bridges . above ground parking structures are proposed. Items for considerati'on are not applicable to this development proposal. No parking control equipment is proposed. Items for consideration are not applicable to this development proposal. No rooftop parking is proposed. "· -·c•II Gl· -C::-'t ;;, . Guideline 8.6.2. C -k Ped~~rja~ Acc_ess Describe:ho~ the proposed.design q,i:nplies With eacti oflne ... listei gwideline~, pr describ.$ why a:guide!ine is not'ccim'plied .~ 1. Provide well defined and safe pedestrian access from parking areas and the public sidewalk to industrial uses. Design the access to ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. • ' j' .i • witH' ofwliy i~ fi ir1applic~ble. ' Site sidewalk from public sidewalk is provided. However, the likely multi-tenant nature of proposed building makes directeci-'pedestrian flow through a single access location or crossing impractical. ·. 4 _! Guideline 8.6.2 C (Continued) 2. Industrial developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pede5trian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 3. Where pedestrian pathways intersect service roads or access roads for access to parking areas, crosswalks should be clearly designated through use of pavement markings, signs, flashing lights or, where warranted, traffic signals. 1. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible • to the main entrance to a building. 2. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchairs or scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. Multi-tenant nature of building makes directed pedestrian flow through a single access location or crossing impractical. Items for consideration are not applicable to this development proposal. :Describe how the propose'd ·design complies: with ·each of the j f ~ -' ... --_.. :-=-.:--.. _-~•.....---._, JJ,;., f .::.:: I~ --i.....:: lis~ed ·g1:1jdelines, PJ·d~~crfbes why a guidl:llijte is non:o.t_nplied. r• • ..:.. -: , •' • with ifr why ifls. iiiap-plicaf?le. L _ ~-~.-• Required handicap parking spaces are located immediately adjacent to the proposed main entrance. Non-vehicular routes are hard surface covered and provide adequate width and letdowns where required. 5 Guideline 8.6.2 D (Continued) 3. Building and site design features should integrate circulation routes and areas for people with disabilities with general public use. Building will not have general public use areas by typical definition. Any and all public use and /or access areas will be proposed and developed as part of (future) required tenant improvement building permit applications . . Describe how tJi_e propos_ed·design complies with _each of the Guideline 8'.6,2 E Refus_e, Recycling and Se_rvice_Areas • lis.ted,,gyia•e;Jines, or d~sci:il:fes. why a ~uidelitie is not coin plied ;' 1. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, 'with or wny it is inapplicable. Placement of rooftop equipment will consider appropriate setback to limit visibility. If found to etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. be necessary, plans submitted for building permit will include screening of the proposed equipment. 2. Service areas should have differentiated access to minimize visual impact as well a~ conflicts with pedestrians. 3. Refuse receptacles must be located indoors or within service areas out of view from pedestrian access. Garbage and waste material should be stored in containers that are weatherproof and an imal-resistant. 4. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust on pedestrian areas, adjacent residential development and outdoor spaces. S. Mechanical equ ipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public . telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential development. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Service area is separated from all public areas to minimize any potential interactions. Refuse receptacles are proposed to be located to the interior of each unit. Items ·noted will be considered as part of development of building permit appHcation drawings. Items for consideration are not applicable to this development. . 6 ,, Guideline s.~6.2 F Signag~ r ., 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By-Law. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. In multiple-tenant buildings, signs should be designed to present a unified appearance. 1. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian pathways. 2. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. _Guideline "8.6.2 H' . ~ -:Crime p'r'ev~n!ion tl-irough Environment;il - ' , .. • Design (CPTl;Df • • :. 1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design {CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all buildings and facilities. Describe how the pr.oposed d~sign complies wit_h e.;ie:h of-the · listed.,guidel'in,es, or describ"E?:S \Athy, a guideline is not complied " with-cir why it is. inapplicable. Any signage proposed will conform to guidelines as outlined. Any signage proposed will be of similar material and style to the proposed building. Noted. Describ·e; ,bow,tbe p·repo_sed ·deslgn complie~ with each of the listed1,guide:1in~s,_on1°est ribeswhy a_i uideliD,e is ncit ccimplied I, .w.ith: or why it'is inapplicable. It 1-,, Site lighting will be provided at parking lot area and will provide lighting to all pedestrian areas. Lighting will be designed and developed to bylaw require~ents as part of building permit applicaiton drawings. -Desearibe. how ~he-proposed design complies with· !each of ~he listed_guide.linesJ or·d~scril;>es why.a guideline is not complied --; •.· -· With oi wli~ it'01s ina·ppl,i,cable~-· • --: Site is quite open and the building is located to minimize any hiding and non-visible areas. All areas note easily seen from public ·- spaces are fenced to deter access, and still remain open to view from adjacent sites. Landscaping design provided will not impede view from streets, nor will it create concealed spaces adjacent to the building. Site will be we\\ lit. All doors installed to be anchored or cast into concrete panels, have locking dead-bolts and provide astragals. Security systems to the building may be provided as part of proposed tenant improvements. 7 Guideline 8.6.2 H (Continued) 2. Ensure convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies, parking structures, or other principal areas of buildings. 3. Design developments tq maximize opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening aroun_d them during the course of everyday activities. Design the interior spaces and exits from any parking structures for maximum visibility within the parking area. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals Hidden spaces, obscured alcoves and blind corners should be avoided in the design and layout of the parking facilities. 4. Wherever possible, locate parking next to uses that generate human activity. .••·,-n"t-•c Guideline 8.6.2 I "' ,Bify,cle Par-king ap_d ~torage ~ , '!,:• I u,:• 1. The provision of bicycle parking facilities, such as bicycle racks is encouraged. Bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads. Bicycle racks should be made of sturdy, theft-resistant material, , securely anchored to the floor or grounds. 2. Large-scale developments are encouraged to provide end-of-trip facilities, such as showers and lockers, within the development for the convenience of employees. Identifiable and accessible entrances are provided to each potential unit as part of multi-tenant nature of proposed building. In addition to items outlined in Item 1 of this Section, the site is generally very open from the building. At any time, someone from the building would be able to easily view the site . as a whole by simply stepping out of the building, or looking out of the doors. Parking is located across from all main entrances. Human activity is generated from access and visits to site by staff and/or customers visiting businesses proposed as part of future tenant improvements. . Desci-ib:e-now tbe proposed desi~ cQmplJ~s w.ith ea.ch of the - ,' lis"ted guidelines, or desc;:ribes why a guideline is n'olf cmmglied . . t ' -~it h 6r Whyit rs h:fapplicabl~. • Due to the likely industrial natu re of businesses located within this building, it is unlikely that custo mers and visitors to site will arrive by bicycle. Staff bi cycle considerations are to be add ressed-by providing interior bicycle parking facilities , located and designated on . tenant improvement building permit application pa ckages . With multi-tenant (future) development of the building, it is difficult to anticipate what services tenants may-wish to provide for their staff. This item will need to be addressed during building permit applications for all tenant improvements. 8 = ' - I _Guicleline· s·.6.2 J lands~aping and, O_pery Spa,ce· • Describe how the proposed design c6Q1p{ies with e_~ch oht:ie • Hstecf giJid~lin'l~.S, or--'.desc.ribes ~hy"a gui~eline' is hot_compli~d . wii:fibrwhy it is·inap·piicable·. 1. Ancillary or accessory buildings, N .11 including structures used for storing O ancf ary or accessory materials, should be visually screened from public streets with dense building as proposed as evergreen planting or should be designed and finished in a manner part of this development. consistent with the principal building. 2. For industrial developments with Outdoor amenity space is not intended to be multiple tenanc_ies, consider providing provided, both dictated by site space required to amenity spaces for the common use of employees and visitors. Amenity spaces conform to parking bylaw requirements as well for individual tenancies may be as building owner©s experience of this type of consolidated into large indoor and space for this type of occupancy not being outdoor amenity spaces for the common utilized. use of all tenancies. Examples include ' outdoor landscaped areas or recreation spaces. 3. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors b) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces c) present a pleasing street image d) soften the transition between adjacent land uses e) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 4. Provide landscaping of substantial proportions around property lines, particularly adjacent to residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth transition to abutting residential uses. 5. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Landscaping requirements as outlined have been provided as part of landscape design drawings submitted as part of this permit application. All property lines have landscape screening where possible and practical. Areas of exception are found where building sits adjacent to property line to provide emergency egress from building as required by the British Columbia Building Code. Landscaping requirements as outlined have been provided as part of landscape design drawings submitted as part of this permit application. _ 6. The scale and location of planting Landscaping requirements as outlined have been material should complement and be provided as part of landscape design drawings consistent with.the scale and massing of submitted as part of this permit application. buildings. 9 Guideline 8.6.2 J (Continued) 7. Energy effic1ency " and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) The use of native and/or drought- resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing daylight into buildings; e) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 8. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 11. Chain link fences are to be avoided, and are discouraged along street frontages. Where chain link fences are unavoidable, a dense landscape material is encouraged adjacent to the landscape screen. Landscaping requirements have been considered in the landscape design provid·ed as part of this development permit application package. No portion of the site will be left vacant. Drawings submitted propose full development of site. Required site grading makes it impractical to save any existing vegetation on site. Landscaped areas have been maximized for the site while still providing reasonable building footprint and its© required parking and loading facilities. No cain link fence is proposed along street frontage. Site is proposed to be open to puq_lic access • 10 _) Guideline 8.6.2 J {Continued) 12. Fences abutting residential sites should Items for consideration are not appl1cable to this be constructed with materials consistent wjth fences generally used in residential development. developments, Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number 2a i-s-OL/3 -l)p JUN 1 B.10\5 Date prepared:--------,.----- Architect Print Name 11 ) PHOTO 1 PHOTO2 ) 1/ANCOU\'F.R Off!CF. ~1~~~32~ ~os~~rt .. ~;J,~~~~~v~,~-;~r;;~c.:~~ ..\'.:OOTSf"OAD rn:.-=-JcE. i~~~~:~ ~!~'(~ ~:~ ;~5~~6°~~~\~f~v~; !E! APPENDIX D ND: DATE: (~/111/~l OE'.SCf'l.lPTIC.~: ISEU~S ,\Ri:VISlot•S: (ii) ff1Plil M3•11€i1;111,i1.1,M larry podhora / architect 1!i.'52_BRACK1,M'.'.IW1W NOr~1H SMMICl1, P.C V6L DC:'. P ?.:i0?.161001 MUL Tl-TENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION PAOJF.CT ,\D:Jf-1=:S~: 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL:XXXX COVERSHEET ASNOTEO t; • CRGn.C C!iECK!:.V CRG PROJF.C7 NO A.14417 A-0.0 AERIAL VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. LT IIQ. >IO~"-~ DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ZONING BYLAW ANALYSIS Z:ONIMG: BUSINESS PARK INOUSTRIAl ZOtE ( M--') 2 SrTE~◄5h■• UK1811{47,9151f.[l,◄5141m J) 3, SrTEC~~~~G.AREA •23,0o40,5Bsq.rt. [2,11128m2] ~COl,'Ut,f,Ot ::481% All.OWABLESITECOVERA.GE •90% ,I, MAXIMUM PEAMISSJSLE HEIGliT: ACTVAL HEIGHT ,_ SElllllC~~ONTYARD: .,..,_ REAR YARD A.BUTTING. NONINDUSTFllAL: _ .......... !XrVUOflSOIYNIICI 1Som(l9.2ft) •93m)305fl) eom[1U81'l] 30m[9.&4f'tl 6.Dm[1o68n.J 15m(◄921\J ◄.5m(1◄.76fl) t.. ~.l~Ullt: 30m[9Ml't] AU. LANDSCAPING TO MAPLE RIDGE ZONING BYLAW SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS TOTAL STAU.S REOUIREO TOT.-!. STALLS PROVIDED 1 STAU. PER 1,001 eqll 1STALLPER2,002aqll 1STALLPER 4305&qlL 29{24.31SJ " 115A EXISTING ~ • I .. \ ' i .:=j=. -1- ·, ii'o""'a"""~-71'-=t , ':n -BIOSWAL.E SEE LANDSCAPE& CIVIL PLANS (EXIST1NGJCHAJN LINKFENCE& -GATUO BE REMOVED . . . . .. :-; ~ // /"/ / i ~ ~,/':::= _j l \ ... <:. ,' .,,,_ 1' V ---/ I ''.!'.\ ll!!!m .......... ........ lOOl.!!l. -.,,.... .. ·------~--s IMGll•a rutJ,I~ - --mu I ~~ -• ...... ~i-·t~ }~-~ ""° l,IQUHtID ~ LDC:ATIOMCSRl~DWC'".I) LOW'r~9")TQIIUE_ WAU,WflrSC!CII 11>0iW"-" RAIN GA.RC ENS FOR STORM WATcl\ INFllTRATlON SEE LANDSCAPE & C!VILDAAWINGS DECORA.Tl\11; SHOTCRETE RETAINING WAl..l. COLORED NAl\JRAL STONE FACE FINISH AVEN u(L ___ . _,./-· ··~ ~I / •~:!> a L---------:::_·_· ---------'··,---· .... \ ~ SITE PLAN CJ [S SCALE: 1-250 ! ~SE.ECML OWGS FOR SITE GRADING I APPROXIMATE LCCAllON OIi OlfflHO RN; H'rtJfWff EXISTING BUILDING I ..! EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BlnlllNG rahn UP OF COMPANIES e',U ••:•{:.t· ... h, ~:;,11 51! v;.s :;;::; .-:.-1::·.-.-. larry podhora / architect 11;;;;~ Efi.,"·,c;<;\l,~N ,"i•\~ NClr~ j I Sivl,i-11CH SC VilL ac:: f"·':'!:i02161(1<l1 '~~~ ;,~~ENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION ;,.... ~--:-··~;-==-·~...iz~,,:,:--~'\-..:::.,;.'=.r,:.-.,::.:-f.1;.,,:, p,~c.::.::c; .-,ociRi;ss 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC •. LEGAL:~--:-: .-..-.r..c--,n,· cc.---.~ ... -··.-.--~-· Di<...:..'.,'I~,::; liL~·.:.: SITE PLAN CR0/1.C CRG ,:;~--~-~= r:~-•· · .. --~.-.~.~7 A1 .. 117 •· ··-:-·-~ ·7-:•~~-..,··~•:::-, ;:;1,.:,'. :::,:.;;,o A-2.0 ... 0 ""' ,o,a, .. ,. ...., f I @ -filg_ L~ ~::.:·-:;:;;:,--;;:;;:.,~-~.:,t:-::c:::::!!il::I=l:;E::/il1 I ROOF ACCESS HATCH & LADDER '"' 17LJ ENLARGED ELEC/MECH PLAN ~'\;;;! SC\l.ll: 1:><l ""' , M ·-,,. ,... - lli!I.!2. Uf'fff ·,:;7 : ;,,·;,.::; \~, t .. -: ....... ·. t1:·,;1tl•il ;::-; ,;.! ~,11 © ,.,. ,.,, ,,,. ,.,. .,,,, i _filg_ i 1----~-- 1il1sor.?1 ~,0-. --,.,-.,...,-.-.---;~~ _....,;.==-----<i~~~-~f;r' -----i.~ 1-------lilll,t :ii-io::~ .!'.~Mil'. Q!.!,-:e!-:=~-::,, (ii) rfifpm .... 11._,9 11,.,11.,,N larry podhora / architect .{>~<-:.;,:,.:.;_,,,\, ·-~-:c~;.,;:·.,:...~:-11,,.' .... ,.,.::: ~~-:·<:::....::·' 1:.; "!.< ' MUL Tl-TENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION ~ :-~= ;:,.:~· .(.!,•;_~·::.,=:; 20159 115A AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC lCGAt.:XX::0: FLOOR PLAN ~ ASNOTED A-3.0 ,~,,-:w .. ~--~--.. •.· ~'· .. ,,,....,.,--1i, .. ~-.-• .. --· r::;.'t.-bil;:.:.,:;:-<:t 0.1.tul(tr•-:<-"t:...,,r::: -::;:-. ~ .. :;:·-:::;. .. ,:;r~: ,-:;,: ;~:;; r,;,;:.,;: v.-::;r:,;;,;• c.-.:,:,::,;: 0 --· TYPICAL (SEE DETAIL 3/~ 1) .. .. .,,. © 0 ..,. ""' 0 " '~ 1CilCI ROOFDRAJN (TYPICAL) (SEE MECH, OWGS,) © 0 , ... ,. .. 0 I " ROOF CONSTRUCTION· -ROOf'BAUAST -EPOM ROOFING -MEMBRANE ~G10 INSULATION -11/2" STEEL OfCl(ING -STEEL STRUCTURE 0 ® @ @ I .. ,. ...,. .., "" IO @) '"' .., ROOFING NOTES: -PROVIDE ROOF SCUPPERS N?. PERB C, PLUMBING CODE ~ecess ROOFING "40mm AT SCUPPERS ANO ROOF DRAINS (TYP.) SEE ROOF DETAILS -SEE MECHANICAL ENGINEERS DRAWINGS FOR ALL ROOFTOP UNITS ANO OTI-IER PENETRATIONS -WARRANTY FORE P.D M, ROOF MEMBRANE TO BE PROVIDED BY MANUFACT\JRER. (COPY TO KRAHN GROUP) ROOF APPLICATION BY LICENSED CONTRACTOR/ APPLICATOR ONLY. -SEE BUIUI..C SECTIONS FOR ROOF SPEClftcA.TION • PROVIDE SLOPED INSULATION I CRICKETS TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO ROOF DRAINS AWAY FROM PARAPETS • • CONTRACTOR IS TO CONFIRM All ASPECTS OF ROOF OESIGN WITH QUAllFIEO ROOFING CONTRACTOR/ CONSUL TANT, -ROOF WATiR TO BE □RAINED TO CLOSED UNDERGROUND STORM SYSTEM AS REQ'D BY LOCAL BYLAWS ll BUILDING CODE, SEE CML & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS LEGEND R.O. INDICATES ROOF DRAIN LOCATION. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS ANO DErAA. TlilS SHEET. y D SD INDICATES UIS DECK ELEVATION RELATIVE TO UfS DECK ELEVATION NOTED ON PLANS, SEE Al.SO STRUCT, DWGS. Z4"la-4" CONCRETE PA\IERS (8YOTliERS) ~ftf)Ol:ACCESS HATOI 19YOTllS>$) INDICATES SCUPPER CRAIN LOCATION, SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS ANO DETAIL TlilS SHEET. Krahn GROUP OF COMPANIES V/sNCOUVf=~"!OFl'ICf: :.!10-1311 KOGTEW,Y 5T, V_.:~COUVf.R,/:IC V:>K Cf:J P (;Q,; .,:?-1 <Jc,.;1 F €!',;2.!:41'/lG!i \r,,,1r.r.;;hncrom ,., ...... M<lSltlllfM :=~ Nlia'),f ~~l'HIMIT ' ,,,~. ©· -,O~t RCIU""'fOft :=o~~"' 1 2Qt.1111:UU -NO: DATt=.:{y/111/d) o:.sc,,1PTIO:,.J ~ ffiPIIl M -l•i1€iiei";.il•i1M larry podhora / architect MUL Tl-TENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION P~OJECT i\O;Jfl:':S>l: 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL:XXXX ROOF PLAN 5C,\t E· ASHOTID CR""-C PflOJF.CT t-.:D At .. 11 ------------IJRAWlt<GNO A-3.1 ------------nm; IJ~WlfSG !S PRtJl':CiH'( o;: i{f'.AI 1N G::!OUP o;: Cl)•Jp,\-.;J:.'5 -~·,o s~ OU! 0 t:VT f.i{: C!JPIEU OR OISTRlBUT=D \"lli:IOUT p;:utR ,...-~1r,=.,,: CCt.s:.cr, - ~ ...,,. 0 q) ij i □ ~ □ WEST ELEVATIONJ.J,.,.l.,,l,,,.I ... ,,, SCALE: 1 :125 ® @ ® biliai■l ,.n,s no J .. ,,. EAST ELEVATION ..,.. .... 0 I 7010 .... -· -I ,,. I @ 7010 7010 -4572 _, "' ,.., ll;Jll 0 ""' I ~ □□□ I □-□ ~~~-----'-'--"--''='"---'-'"-f="'-!----a...+'-~c.-"+------+-----,------.L...-1---' ,.,, I ,.,. I = SCALE: 1 :125 ,u, ,.,. ,,.. NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1:125 GAS METERS (SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS) .... - □ ' ..... 4572- ~ 0 0 0 .,.., @ @ @ @ l!.!CI 10,0 7010 ,.,. 7010 7◄88 D t I t fl -□· j ~ "" I ,.,. I .... -.... -,.,. I .... 1,,.,1 - 0 0 0 ' .,,,. ~ 0 0 0 0 "'' I "" ,. .. 7010 .... 7010 70\0 em '"" I •~7J I -4572 '"' .,,, '572 '"' '"' I " I ~Cll'£H,"""~2~1-------•~•"'=-------,J~~-------"'11"'=-------... J~~~lr _____ _,="------,iffijiC(j~;t--------'=-------~ 20159 OECORATTVE WALL MURALS (BY OTHERS) ENLARGED PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1:50 LEGEND ~~ CONCRETE TlLT•UP PANEL-MAIN BUILDING COLOR ~@ CONCRETE TILT-UP PANEL-ACCEITT BUW..OING COlOR @) PRE-FWISHEO METAL Fl.ASHING• Bl.ACK @J =~!t~~~:=~==LECTTVEGL.AZING ~@] STEEL OVER HEAD DOOR, TYPICAL (SEE DOOR SCHEDULE) <€):>[I] STEELMANDOOR,. TYPICAl...(SEEDOORSCHEDULE) ~0 CONCRE'TERE'VEAL. TYPICAL(SEEOETAJL'l/A-7,1) @) PANEL JOINT CAULKED 6 SEAi.EC (SEE STRUCnJRAI... OWG'S) [E] SCUPPER-SEE ROOF PLAN FOR LOCATIONS-SEE DETAIL 3J.A,.J,1 0 30 WALL MURAI. (CAST IN TD PROWED TILT PANEL) IE] -•fGHAG!!---111"- THE ABOVE LEGEND rTEMS ARE SHOWN ONLY ON A SMAU.AREA OF THE ELEVATIONS HOWEVER l'HEY 1'PPL Y TO ALL SIMILARl. Y MARKEO AREAS THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING. NOTE: PROVIDE SAMPLES TO KRAHN GROUP FOR PAINT PRIOR TO ORDERING, COLOR LEGEND ~ MAIN BUILDING COLOR ~:=~t~~y (BENJAMIN MOORE #HC-IIS) Ii] ACCENT BUILDING COLOR CONCRETE PANELS GLOUCESTER SAGE (BEN.IM1IN MOORE #HC-100) ■ ACCENT BUILDING COLOR CONCRETE PANELS SOAPSTONE ~MC0RE#lll,,Nlf,CJ ~ GLAZING TO BE Vf'TRUM INDUSTRIES (VERSALUX) GREEN REFLECTIVE STQREfROllfT FRAMES AU. ALUMINUM WINOOW FRAMES TO BE BLACK ANOOIZED ALUMINUM FLASHING METAi.. FLASHING TO BE WESTFORM W.ETAl.S BLACK ~ ~ ,.,,,.,,. ,.....,,. ~l&IOMI 10\Smtll l'3Ur/Omt Krahn SROUP OF COMPANIES larry podhora / architect .J~~·M·•••'"-"·' otht .v:<::k, e ·.a.c-c. ".. ,1 ·~~· MUL Tl-TENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL:XXXX ELEVATION CRG/1.C CRG .... ., A-4.0 T.O. HIGH PARAPET ELEV. 9.296m MAIN FLOOR ELEV. 0.0OOm T.O. LOW PARAPET B..EV.8..MOm MAIHA.OOR ELEV .. OOOm ~)NFLOQR ELEV . ....,... ij 1 0 MECH/ELEC ROOM 6477 -1- .. -- LINE OF WALL BEYOND STEEL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR (SEE DOOR SCHEDULE) RWL TO CONTINUE (SEE MECH DWGS.) COHCAE:f£st.AB , .... SlJWCMW. ..... _ - I + I © 7010 I j I ' ' I 7010 I COHCRl!TEFLOOR SLAB (SEE STRUCTURAL OWGS,) l 0 I 7010 I J -1--l·- (SEE! lR,UCTlJRAL DWG'S ROOF FRAMING) I 0 Q) 91008 7010 I l I I I-14 . . ' (SEE STI fl.JCTURAL DWG'S ROOF FRAMING) I I I @ @ ~ @ I 7010 7010 7010 7417 I I I I -j, T I I I . . ' . , l . ·1 • ' I I I I @ ~; -1 j'. -- ;,; .. - ii ;,:; ., i== , ..... ] -~= -· , 11'4 Krahn ~ GROUP OF COMPANIES \o\'\Cl": r,:.a, • 2.Hl IJI~ KCJOli::CN,W .:ll V.',/>;(;DU1.'C:R, :IC V:'::i< .,:y;, P fitJli :.:'':!~ 5E~2 F er,.,: 2!N GCf.5 -.w.•.-d;r..1\m cum 11s;mr;;;=orm or.-=-tcE 'I)::,. 2-lOII Gl.1\0YS AW! .. 6.'3\;ClT!:FO?:~. ::r: '.17.S 2€!1 P tilll!::,:',3:1~:?~ f' !:04::l:!Olii':l'• w•;.v:l.rc;.1hr.~m ISSUES 8. RF.Vi:SIONS: SF.'A'.. larry podhora / architect lll52 GRACK~.V.r-l 't!r,.,'! 111/Jrt'\'li !3NVJICH, ac. Vt!L CC:2 f' 2:i02Hi 10/:l1 ?ROJEGT NAME MULTI-TENANT BUILDING for MDZ DEVLOPMENTS & CAPO CONSTRUCTION 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL:XXXX DrL\•,'.'ING Jl1LE: SECTIONS -=,_._ p;;;QJECINO rJf1N/>'INGNO: ASHOTiP, CRG/lC CRO Al"J' A-5.0 TitlS Dl'?N,'/ING lS pr,;o::F.;:i:rv 071{:-'AHN Q~OlJ.:> ar CCl-.1?A.Nli:S A'JO Si IGU! ,) 'IOT ~:': GOPIE□ OR fJISTRIBUTED 1,wa-ou~ .:t~•oR ".'/RITTr.N c□--S£NT _) LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL 1 "ll.lNo0$C.»i"WOIOCAl'l)UA,~IOJ.IUT'IIEPJiREMENTS Ol!'M&:v.,o,G.\PelT»ol,ftOLAt£$T(DlTJON. Dl5tAIC1'01'"'4"1.EfJJOG!:.Jf"AilO,UH'.)S"f0~. 2 CONTRAOM TO VfRlfY ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRat T0 l"TAJlt'fiWQ WOFQt;NJO REPORT NrrOISCIIEPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ,.cl~Ttel OR l'li!lJl!CY liWOOER 3 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY All UNM"~ in._,ni J...-:0 $t..'tv:aawmn\ie.DtSTRICf OF W,PLE RIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANGER, A.NOJOFlOTIMJ:111 Jl(;'IJ,V!Hf MJTHOAJfES ~TO ~l'fEXCAVAnOH'CIR DIGGING FOR TREE PITS, -4 M.Ll'U-NTUJ\tiRIM. fOMEET Cl' EXCEEO Sff.C:df.cATIONS OF"fHE CAXAD!AHSTAHOAROS ~UY ST00t NO l)E BC LANDSCAPE S'T.Y~. LATEST EOlTlOIN1NO 96-c;ERTll'IEO ASDISEASc:FREE 6 NO PLANT MA.TERI.Al SUBSTITUTIONS WITHOUT PR!OR WRITTEN APPROVAL 7, UN\USOnOWISIE5J'E:~I.NJ08CAPEC0,mi..QlM,$1W.l ~'ffU:AU,.'M:IRl(S ,AND)MT("""-SFOIIPfNCIOtm«.tUnw,m,a111YF.AJ1~~.W:CE~YNiCE.'-"f'IDSCAPE CO!trA.\OTI;IAW4.LIN!Pfc:TIH$T"M.UDLA~GHltEGU.JJl8A.51$N,OMJI\.AC(M,l,_ (ll[ADNGQR~cot,Gfl(lH(OJIV,lffa1M1,Q!l)tAlfLY\'l'@l'~..QDA.Nl).,.r,m.1,,r~noNALCOST B SlJPPLIEDPt.AHTINGMEDIUMSHAI.L SEAS SPECJFJED IN rnsao~~D,iltOs,_\J,.ffSf AOOmON. 9 QH.lffli JOl>WL Will BE TESTED 8'f ACCMDfftbCOMMERCJAL SOIL SPECJLIST ANO BROUGHT UP TO ~llOtg OF BC LANDSCAPE ;J1'>\HO,l,A0A,5 NECESSARY ANO APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO USE IN LANDSCAPE 10. DEPnls OF PLANTING MEDIUM SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN PLANTING DETAILS 11, All i'LANTMATERIAI.. TO BE THOROUGHLY WATERED AND SOAKED ATTIMEOl'PLANTING 12, C:O~d11,~1"CR 10MA,'NTAIN LANDSCAPE AND Pl.Un IAA.TlWAI.. TO SUBSTANTIAi.. COMPLETION ~ll)ASUI.AA WATERING, PRUNING, ANO ~PRI.ZAflON, 13 CONTlt,.lt;TQi;i SMAU,~~ SITE ,.,_,,~utYIHUD,l~~ERLY APPEARANCE FOA DURATION OF nte,~Wl)fij(S~MAotmiwa~ .IU.W~DE8RJSANO ASSOCIATED WASTE MATERIALS IOU COfmtOC.lGJ .U ffl='{ ACC\MUVoffiUC!OWIOS,ED OF DAILY IN LEGAL MANNER 1 ENLARGED PLAN L 1.0 SCALE: 1'=10'-0' PLANT LIST & LEGEND QD'.. 80TANICALNAME ~ ~ @) e e 0 19 e 10 (0 © " e ACERCIRCINATUM VJNE MAPLE ACER fl.UBRUM 'RED SUNSEr RED SUNSET MAPLE CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENDULA' WEEPING NOOn<A CYPRESS PICEA OMORIKA 'BRUNS' CORNUS SERICEA PIERIS JAPONICA 'MOUNTAIN FIRE' RHOOOOENORON 'BADEN-BADEN RHODODENDRON 'IMPEDrrUM RHODODENORON MACROFHYLLUM SKIMMIA JAPONICA 'RUBEUA' THUJA OCCICEITTALIS 'SMARGC VACCl/,UUM OVATUM SERBIAN SPRUCE RED OSIER DOGWOOD MOUNTAIN FIRE LtLY·OF•THE-VAlLEY SHRUB BADEN BADEN RHODODENDRON DWARF PURPLE RHOOOOENORON PACIFIC RHOOOOENOROO SKIMMIA RUBEUA EMERAJ..D GREEN CEOAA EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY ~R.!'Plf.,.!+:!:HI © 23 GAUL THERIA SHAI..LDN 0 "' MAHONIA REPENS 0 16 HEMEROCAUJS CV, © " POl.YSTICHUM MUNITUM © 19 LUPINE @) URIOPE MUSCA.RI 'VAR~GATA' 0 20 FESTUCA GLAUCA 'ELIJAH BLUE' rm " ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA•URSI ~ □ ,. ~11911'04I ,. --,. JUUCUSEIIMUI ,. _...._, .. . ,. ...... ..., ~ LAWN I GRASS AREA EXISTING CHAINLINK FENCE.- TO ~_!~;REMOVED W FALfil: ~H ALL WEST SID IDEWALK SAU\L CREE.PING OREGON GRAPE: DAYLIU.Y WESTERN SWORD FERN LUPINE VARIEGATED BLUE LILY TURF ELIJAH BLUE FESCUE KINNICKINNICK MERTEN'S SEDGE SMALL FLCW.'ERED 8ULLRUSH COMMON RUSH HARO STEMMED BULRUSH ARCTIC LUE FLAG IRIS RAIN GARDENS F◊-R STORM-WATER;; .0; INFILTRATION SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS '"'· &J,f'Wi-MG W&lflN11 lMrlf. lWI. Y\A.Ui'£M. rtAL 6CMCAL B&B 30MHT.8&8 2 M HT 8&8. MULi.STEM. FULL 6 CM CAL, BB.B 6 CM CAL, B&8 2 5 M HEIGHT, 88.B -2POT ,90CMOC #3 POT.120 CM o_c, IIJPOT,120CMOC 1112 POT, 60 CM O C #3 POT.120 CM O C #2POT ,BOCMOC 1ZMHT,75C~OC /12POT,100CMOC fll POT, 75 CM O,C. #1 POT, 60 CM O.C. #1POT.SOCMOC 111POT,60CMOC •1POT,60CMOC Ill POT, 60 CM O c_ 1illPOT,60CMOC 11'1 POT.60CMOC #1POT,30CMOC tl'1POT.30CMOC #1POT,30CMOC., #1POT,30CMOC #1POT,30CMOC I · .. >n.'.-1 I I PAD MOUNTEDll LOCATION (SEJ ----o~v'FSHOTCRETE ________________ _ RETAINING WALL COLORED (j,_ OF RC 115A /,.>:· \, EXISTING BU'l.OING ~'-"OJOWNUNK ~Fl/«%AROUt,O -----,~-~ ...... ----------~~::;_>..,;; __ ::-----,-=---r,---••=TY'----- ~ -- 1/ fOt\SllNO>~!N ut,li(f:l.Hc:14 SWING GATE TO Be REMOVED ~-:,,;,.~ . .:!.;.. 4'. /,Q.;.•,-!' AVENU~ ~1 " ..... ·;or,.,~" .. 1,,::.-~: ,,l'f IOAOHll ·: •."1.'. ---;; :-~ i◊ , I E°~ --., : D«M.J _, .;--. ·.--, ··-I ' I I i ,◊ I I I ' I I ' -1 ' I ' ii PROPOSED BUILDING n.-u1 ~ iuua.m1 ! ! ----------------~---· .-d 0 .:::_7: ',;.' / APPROXIMATEt0CATl0H ___.@ OF EXISTING FJIIENTtll'U,JlT 1i5 /, 1/ EX1S.,l1NG BUit.DiNG !----·---- / / fi: OF ROAD ea"'°"" MO~Nl~ (SEE DETAIL MJ' IJ EXISTING BUILDING I~ SEE CIVIL OWGS FOR SITE GRADING I < 0 N I rahn 11,.W ~ ,. ..... ,--.• '' .• ··:~. ,, , ,, ,ii:.: ,;;_-;-.,•, ~= ::,)::~.r.r,=>~ 2 2015--06-10 RE-ISSUEO FOR OP 1 2015•02•24 ISSUED FOR OP Af''~"':.!Jli'il\''~"rr: .icc. ..... ,,1t:ii1Jl,J,I,·. t,fic>~};~;?'{),;;: !1/.: ','"':!>;l.i::t. P.,.-,A. .. 'i:111 ,:;&:1:1:11:1:.., .,,.,,y.•:•.r\\\\i=\·;\:":' PROPOSED BUILDING for MDZ DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAl.:XXXX LANDSCAPE PLAN sww sww L14112 L 1.0 ,....,.,,,.,,,..=-.,..it: P:-·.1rrr,,, "'-~••1 .. ·:.•.•~ ... # ', .~•.t·•◄;,1..1•••!: 'l,l!"l•f(fjl "( 'h''J• a, o .. ,I ~,·.t,t.1.1r ;.,· ,;,llflll,Ct;.a11, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ✓-- LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL 1 ALL LANDSCAPE WORK ANO MATERIALS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION, DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIOGE STANDARDS TO SUPERCEOE 2 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR PROJECT MANAGER 3 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY All UNDERGROUt-D UTILITY AfO SERVICES WITH THE DISTRICT Of MAPLE RIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANGER. ANO/OR OTI-ERRELAVENT AlJfHORITIES PRIOR TO N-4Y EXCAVATION OR O~Cl,Oll"Jllftf'rTI. -4, ALL Pl.ANT MATERIAL TO MEET OF EXCEEO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CAN AC I AN STANOAROS NURSERY STOCK AND THE BC LANDSCAPE STANOA.RDS, LATEST EDITIONS, AND BE CERTIFIED AS DISEASE FREE 8 NO PLANT MATI::RIAL SL/BSTITUTIONS wm-lDVT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL 1, UNLESS OTHERWiSE SPECIFIED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUAAANTEE All WORKS At¥) MATERIALS FOR PERIOD NOT LESS Tlio'.N ONE (1) YEAR FOR flNAL ACCEPTANCE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL tNSPECT INSTALLED l.At<ISCAPE ON REG UL.AA BASIS AND REPLACE ALL OE.AD ANO/OR POOR CONDITIONED PLANTS IMMEOIATEL Y WHEN DISCOVERED OR NOTIFIED, AT ADDITIONAL COST. a SUPPLIED PLANTING MEDIUM SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE BC LANOSCAF'E STANDARDS, LA.TEST ADDITION. 9. ON SITE TOP SOIL WILL BE TESTED BY ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL SOIL SPECILIST AND BROUGHT UP TO SPECIF!CATIONS OF BC LANJSCA,PE STANDARD AS NECESSARY .ANO APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO use INI.M'OSCAPE. 10 DEPTHS OF Pl.ANTING MEO I UM SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN Pl.ANTING DETAILS. 11, ALL Pl.ANT MATERIAL TO BE THOROUGHLY WATERED AND SOAKED AT TIME OF PLANTING 12, CONTRACTOR TO MAIITTAIN LANDSCAPE AND PLANT MATERIAL TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INCLUDING REGULAR WATERING, PRUNING, ANO FERTILIZATION. 13 CONTRACTOR SHAI.L MAINTAIN SITE AHO PROPERTY IN NEAT AND ORDERl.Y APPEARANCE FOR DURATION OF THE L»IOSCAPE WORKS AND MAINTENANCE PERIOD ALL LANDSCAPE DEBRIS ANO ASSOC IA TEO WASTE MATERIALS TO BE CONTROLLED AS THEY ACCUMULATE ANO DISPOSED OF DAIL V IN LEGAL MANNER PLANT LIST & LEGEND SVMBOl Q!Y 19!:':!!&:S:rUtM,£- ~ -@) e e 0 ,. e ,0 (0 " ® ,., © .ta_APUef(UM'UD_.,..""1H'" CHAMAECVPARIS NOOTI<ATENSIS 'PENDULA' ~OM~isRUHI' CORNIJS SERK:EA PIERlS JAPOMCA MOUNTAIN FIRE' RHODODENDRON 'BADEN BADEN' RHODODENDRON ~MPEDITUM' RHOOOOENORON MACROPHYLLUM ~MM:A~CII~ THUJA OCCIDENTAL.IS 'SMARGO' VACCINIUM OVATUM CAOU'9W:'P: ~ @ 23 ® 163 ® 16 © 21 © ,, ® 0 " rm " --□" " " 26 • 26 GAt.n..THERIA SHALLON MAHONIA REPENS HEMEROCAlllS CV POLVSTICHUM M\JNITUM LUPINE URIOPE MUSCAAI 'VARIEGATA' FE STU CA GI.ALICA 'E.LUAH BLUE' ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI CAREX MERTENS II SCIRPUS MICROCARPUS JUNCUS eFFUSUS SCIRPUS ACUTUS \RISSETOSA ~ LAINN I GRASS AAEA VINE MAPLE RED SUNSET MAPLE .... 'EEPlMG NOOTI<A CYPRESS PAClftC DOGWOOD . t!S wtt t..dlffl)USI"' SERBIAN SPRUCE ffl.P&OINQ COWfH!J 2 M HT B&B MULi-STEM, FULL 6CMCAL B&B JOMHT.B&B 2MHT.B&B MUll-STEM,FULL 6 CM CAL,B&B 6 CM CAL B&B 2 5 M HEIGHT, 8&8 RED OSIER DOGWOOD "2POT ,90CMOC MOU/'ITA!N FIRE #3 POT, 120 CM O C LIL Y·OF-THE-VALLEY SHRUB BADEN BADEN RHODODENDRON #3 POT, 120 CM O C DWARF PURPLE RHODODENDRON #2 POT, 60 CM O C PACIFlCRHODOOENORON lt3POT,120CMOC.., SK.IMMIARIJBEUA #2POT ,60CMOC EMERALD GREEN CEDAR 1 2 M HT, 75 CM O C EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY fl2 POT, 100 CM O C SALAl CREEPING OREGON GRAPE DAYLII.LV 'NESTERN SWORD FERN LUPINE VARIEGATED BLUE ULYTURF ELIJAH BLIJE FESCUE KINNICKINNICK MERTEN'$ SEDGE SMALL FLCN-/'ERED 6ULLRUSH COMMON RUSH HARO STEMMED BULRUSH ARCTIC LUE FLAG IRIS #IPOT.75CMOC #1 POT,60CMOC #1POT,50CMOC, 111 POT, 60 CM 0 ,C. #1 POT,60CMOC ,,1POT,60CMOC #1 POT,60CMOC -#1 POT, 60 CM O.C. ,,, POT,30CMO.C #1 POT,JOCMO.C #1 POT, 30 CM O.C #1 POT, 30 CM O.C #1 POT, 30 CM O.C. I ¢ . ,,:. ' '{INCLUDES -----~~l~~~~~~i: _ _L-29----~-~-G--N~=--'-1"""4'<"lW' ___________________________ SER\IICER00M) -·-··,--- {sE~PETAl~r'~:2:.1> 1 ~-csEE_ ,:n ~o•: t:otl/N&cT10N ARCtll.lt (SEE MECi' DWGS) 1 36" HIGH Cp NC. -...-'l'(liQ/1~..,...,.°<><'1 FILLED STEEL BOLLARDS! TYP. (SEE DETAIL 4/A-2.1) 1 ENLARGED PLAN L 1.0 SCALE: 1'=10'-0" LOW FALSE SHOTC .• -'wAU WEST SIDE OF SIDEWALK RAIN GARDENS FO'R STORM WATER;'.,., INFILTRATION SEE CIVIL6°RAWINGS ,.,, ,... __ :!_./·--, ....... 1, I' I ,<h •~i) I • '.--". : ✓ ->,. I '.: "'I' I . ! ;,, .. _,;.• .. •'I-___ ... ;~· .. ;;.... I I ' I /._()i'/i;''_·~ •••• :' .-_ _> .. {: : I /();,!_ I PAD MOUNTEDl LOCATION (SEj ----IJECOAATIVFSHOTCRITE ________________ _ RETAINING WALL COLORED ~ OF RC 115A ~,,c=~ --------+~...,-~,----------_;'':..-=....>.=:..:....--=--::----::==--;:::=--=r:i--_..,.,-··"'· "'------ ,.:J ~ """'""" BIOSWALE see CIVIL PLANS ~ 1/ 1/, 1/ ll»Sfif'O}O'A'N ~Fua, SWING GATE TO BE REMOVED .,,. .. -: .... •. .. --. ---, ·--, --. -.--, -0, J-D' ' I I ' I . j ! ~' I ' -~ 1 .. I ' I i ~OE?Altt N • 'TOR ~nt --""' , ..,_ 'f"aD ---------------------- .. ,, PROPOSED BUILDING ll!!l!.!ll ·"" ::::. ------------------.1.!fil.!l _ ..... , , .. .,.,,, ~,. ~~ =--,--o',c:":T,~--•-O__ ::rF, _w_______ ~~ EOITv«JQWt&MCF!lU. TOl6af~ ""'!' ,-;c,,,,,,.,, ,:i -·1 . {.;' 7': .-· ,/ _,, AVE N U ~ I '-----, .. '~'------------------~ t:_ ,•· APPROXIMATELOCATION _.--,@, OF EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ci5 <( i r: p -.. ---- ·rl; HNtHI.CtlO , PROPERTY \.INE (SEEOETAIL/"21) EXISTING BUILDING I NOTE: SEE CIVIL DWGS FOR SITE GRADING I 0 N I 2 2015-08-10 RE-ISSUEOFOROP ----1 20tf.n•.t4 ~f)FORDP r).", .. ,,. tA..,u., ·1 (ii) ffil pffl M:,■l1€ii·ill•it•l1M _,. Planning 10, PROPOSED BUILDING for MDZ DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LANDSCAPE PLAN sww "'"" ll4112 L 1.0 .. } ~-----SINGLE STAAIGHT LEADER REQUIRED• DO NOT CUT ./ PRUNE AfJY DAMAGED OR DEAD BRANCHES ✓ DO NOT REMOVE LEADERS ~~~~~~=~~ ALIG'-i.1.AMH,-AFM.lfl.~~frl!O(WAUCS& PAV!Ml;,trlDGf.$,Wfr}t~"'1HCwlto'oSIHOPf>lS.P.loCU STAAE.liHOT TOCt,,UU,,,GE Ol'.fl'lh'l9AA11!:R~ SOmm~WOV'ENth\Otl~lN'l'IOU=l2..PATTViN ATTActGTOWCXKISfAlff.lW,5HlG.l!!r.u.,,._(.RMUY't' DUTY STAPLE OR APPROVED EQUAL, TREE GUARD •ADJUST AS NECESSARY 50mm DEPTHOF&tlilKt.M.CH TAPER AT TOP OF ,-o()JIM.l SO TREE BASE EXPOSED, 100 mm HIGH TEMPORARY WATER RING/ SOIL BASIN AROUND TREE PIT, CUTOFF & MMOVI: ~SmAPI.. lWi~I!:. WIRE ~ETC. LOOSEN & POW BAO: BURLAP f0 QOTTOM OF ,0,..'iflt,0 HOLE -.. .:.. i'ti-!T '1 °" -SCAA!fV SIDES OF Pl.ANTING HOt.E -~ ...,i PREPARED PLANTING MEDIUM.FIRMLY PACKED, 100 mm COMPACT(?l :!0&. -,out;C) 50/SO MIX SUPPl.1£.0kEDIU!Li &. QOSTING SOIL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NO SCALE ,,,.----SINGLE STRAIGHT LEACER REQUIRED. DO NOTCl/T PRUNE ANY DAMAGED DA DEAD BRANCHES 00 NOT REMOVE LEADERS J:.!0...,.ROUN0PRU-$URf fN!.AT'EDST»cf5"$fT ~flCM.lv,,l'.Mt.v111to~sueao... .AWGHS.YN<E1!1'.uv.t.l..QWITifAO,:MC!')fftmiWAUCS4 PAVEMENT EDGl!S & Wtt't1PIIEVAILIN13 WINDS IN OPEN SPACES STAl(ES NOT TO~QIPENETRATE ROOTBALL. SOmm'Wi:EWQVEftM't\Ol!i.UOM!lltfFlGttR(IJI>.~ ATTACtlEOTOWOOO&fltJo:D.,.,'IPJHQU.N-C..-~W DUTY STAPLE OR APPROVED EQUAL. s,o,-DEPTHOFIWU<WLCH TA#f!t AT TOP OF IIIOaTIA.LL SO TREE BASE EXPOSEO 100 rnm HIGH TEMPORARY WATER RJNl'.3I SOIL BAS~ AROUND TREE PIT. CUT OFF & ftblO.VI N..L $Ut.ll'S, 'rw.,tE, 'MRE BASKETS, ETC. LOOSEN & 1-CtD BAO< ~TOD01'1'0M OF PLANTING HOLE PREPARED PL.ANTING MEDIUM. FIRML V PACl<EO. SCARIFY SIOES OF Pl.ANTING HOLE 100mmCOMPAt,;:11!Dtc)l.,oM.'!l SO/SO MOCSUPf'L~OJ.IEOUI A l»STING SOil CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NO SCALE --APPROX LOCATION EXISTING STREET CURB &PAVJNC EX!STING GRAD£ & LAWN TO SE RETAINED, PROTECTED A REPAIRED AS NECESSARY RAINGARDEN SECTION NOSCAUi. ~ ,:_~_,'._ * ), . . \ '-~ -.- ¥ --· ~--{1)ALLO,ilO!,M0~'81"~16"'-AHflDAt C~ ~~~IIUl0NCl'.t,'fER ~tll4$1.U,t.t,1'1Etf~IMI,, .. Kt~MSll(Ofa[DO-.f\ANflt;O,LAN 121\IKAJf.OIQM)aw,;JtONftlAU'"QJ IJ'tl:WIIO ~DlltMal-l'IOMANYQN.IICXW~ CIRon.(llttACSl.#.4.CC.liM.US~ SFEClflEO GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL """"""' SAND SEE C\VILDWGS ~~~-------fm -.&GCMlOWOJ ::::=~"-:-------UIS~tl'NG$ I .t::!QI.s;_ SEE CIVIL DWGS FOR SITE GRADING I CLJT OFF & REMOVE AU. STRAPS, TWINE, W,RES, CONTAINERS, ETC BASIN AAOUNO SHRU8 1/ 75-100mrnHIGHTEMPORARYWATERRING/SOil. ~!Mt OEPTH0Fi,ARl('li&1CH ;a:.B==;;:;;;,.l!!J,.:s;z::-::_;:'1•~.f;;:' ,__ ;:,;~~~n:°i::uLMA~ F~=~~:;R: ;=-:. ~; SCARIFY SIDES OF PL.ANTING HOLE --100mmCOMPACf!DSOl.MOUl'O SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 1'0SCALE 50150 MIXSUPPUD>/tEOAM6. EOSTING SO:L, SOIL DEPTH 450 mm MINIMUM IN ALL SHRUB PLANTING BEOS ANO GRASSED AREAS Krah GROUP OF COMPANIES Vf,t.;I.;• ;-1=;:,::;;:: 1 ··}. ~l 11 ltOt'W"C ·~ '( -~, V ,~., ..... , ·-.~ •,:. 3-~ •: !< ~y~ !-'. <;;~ .#1'~ F i!:Y: ::M ~IJA\ "ur,v.J('<lh:;,;:11!:: /.~,-.nt;., , ~()fR::: ,:~, ~n IJ<J.u-t;,,.-...i:.h.a.:1•~=,i>. t:;;, v .... ~ :;;:!$ \> ;'.!.rl1',';'),Jl.jt r.i;,;..1,""-'ftXr w,,.•,,.?s,si:1 .. w::, 2 2015,-06-10 RE•ISSUEOFOROP 1 2015•02-24 ISSUEDFORO? '4 KP..P~nning ~l;;j!'J-Vtlt:",f: . ,)TY'.•.~~•, .J,C/1~~-\','1.'.f::;~lr)T~:·.,_,...,, ~ Y,:O..:i;'.i! r .,.,, • '1 f ,u'/4.rl',{:.~•;;;;~ y.-~ \_,.....,_.!"'fl PROPOSED BUILDING for MDZ DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 20159115AAVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LEGAL:XXXX LANDSCPE DETAILS L2.0 !><: ::.;~·1,tt1~),•!,:;;:· • .;: ., ' .. ,,.-0..-0 ~.,~ln-.:1:S :\t."&'\:i-.l'Jll'li,.'~t ,··t:, •~.:,; (;:;~;-s• •RT' -:1•l"'f' :'.-;>,ti'• ~;-r.r 1~\·•N •rJ ) l ~ ; l ~ ~ • ( ) i -l I ~ :: r :i ,, ii ii A, DISTRICT GENERAL NOTES 1. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND ACCOUNTABIUTY THE DEVELOPER MUST ADVISE THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT INSPECTOR, IN WRTTING, WHICH OF TI-IE DISTRICT NOTES IS GOING TO BETHE RESPONSIBJUlY OF THE DEVELOPER'S CONTRACTOR. 2. CONSTRUCTION IS 1U BE IN ACCORDANCE wrrn THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SUBDNISION BYLAW NO, 4800·1993, AND THE APPLICABLE MUNICIPAL MASTER SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL DRAWINGS, DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SUPPLEMENTARY CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARD DRAWINGS ANO DESIGN CRITERIA AND THE BC PLUMBING CODE AND MMCD GOLD EDmON (2000), 3. TRAFFIC CONTROL IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER AND THE DEVELOPER SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 52 OF THE INDUSTRIAL HEAL TH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS OF THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. THE DEVELOPER IS TO HAVE, OU SITI!, A COPY Of THE CURRENT "B.C. TRAFRC CONTROL MANUAL FOR WORK ON RDAJffl1,YS"' A$AJBLISHED BY THE MINISTRY OFlRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS, 4. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL DISTRICT PERMITS FOR WORK Wm-llN THE DISTRICT ROAD ALLOWANCE, 5. WHERE LJTILITY OR SERVICE CROSSINGS ARE REQUIRED ACROSS EXISTING PAVEMENl5, AN UNDERGROUND MElliOD Of TNSTAlt.,\TION IS REQUlllB> UILESS SPECIAL APPROVAL IS GIVEN FROM THE DlSTRJCTFORAA OPEN CITT OPEAATlON. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENTS, BOULEVARDS, DRIVEWAYS, ETC., ARE TO BE REINSTATED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDmON AND IN ACCORDANCE Willi DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. 6. MAPLE RIDGE'S ISA MONUMEtfT(S) ARE TO BE PROTECTED AND SHOULD THEY REQUIRE AAISfNG OR RELOCATING, THE DEVELOPER WILL NOTIFY MAPLE RIDGE'S SURVE't DEPARTMENT AT LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF SCHEDULING WORK AFFECTING THEM. AN ISA MONUMENT SHALL BE CONS1DERED TO BE DISTIJRBED OR DESTROYED, BY THE DEVELOPER, IF THE CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PROJECT: (1) LOWERS THE GRADE OF THE ROAD AT THE LOCATION OF AN ISA MONUMENT(S), (2) RAISES THE GRADE OF THE ROAD AT THE LOCATION OF AN ISA MONUMENT(S) OR (3) INSTALLS ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES {INCLUDIUG BC GAS, BC HYDRO, BC TELEPHONE, GYRO WATER/SANITARY SEWER/OR DAAIN/1,61; ETC.) WJTI-UN 1500 METRE RADIUS OF THE ISA MONUMENT(S). THE DISTRICT WILL INVOICE THE DEVELOPER A NON REFUNDABLE FLAT RATE FEE OF-$1,750.00 FOR EACH ISA MONUMENT DISTURBED OR DESTROYED -$3,150 FOR EACH HIGH PRECISION SECONDARY BENCHMARK DISTURBED OR DESTROYED -$7,250 FOR EACH HIGH PRECISION NETWORK BENCHMARK DJSTIJRBED OR DESTROYED 7. ALL STREET, TRAFFIC, AND ADVISORY SIGNS, P~VEMBIT M>JUCltlGS AHO NO-POST GUARDRAILS REQUIRED Bllf NOT NECESSARILY s»DWN' QH 'fliE ORA\'/UjGS, SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DISTRICT AT THE DEVELOPER'S COST. A. CONSULTANrs SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL NOTES , 1, FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. 2. All DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE Tl-IE ARCHITEffiJRAL DRAWINGS FOR THE SITE TO CONARM BUILDING AND CURB ALIGNMENTS/LAYOUT. 4. THE LOCJ,llOII OF EXISTIHG WOEltG!IOU/ID 5EIIVIC5 IS IIOT GUf',.WfTEB), AND HAS 8EEtl 00...llEO FROM A OOM81HAllOH Qf 'AS-COOSllWCT'Ell' DAAWIIIGS AND GROIR!OSU~VEYS. T!IECOl/TIV,CTOl!.SHAU LOCJ,1EAll 00:;rJNGUIIOEl<Glll)UND SERVICES BY HAtlO EXCAVATION OR HYDR,0-VACWM EXOWATION TO CONARM THEIR LINE AND GAAOE PRJCR. TO COMMEHC£MEUTOF SITE SERVICING. ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE COMMUNICATEOTO KM CIVIL CONSULTANTS LID. IMMEDIATELY. 8. WHERE INFILLING OF EXISTING DITCHES IS REQUIRED OR WHERE SERVICES ARE CONSTRUCTED IN A FILL SECTION, FILL MATERIAL JS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE wrrn DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS AND IS TO BE COMPACTED TO 95 % OF MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. 9. DRIVEWAY BOULEVARD CROSSINGS TO EACH OF THE PROPDSED LOTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE Willi lliE DISTRICT STANDARD DRAWINGS. 10. RESIDEf'fTS DIREffi Y AFFECTED BY COrilSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT MUST BE GIVEN '18 HOURS WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPER WILL REQUIRE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM A PRIVATE PROPERlY OWNER, WrTll A COP'(,O 1HE DISTRICT, PRIOR TO ANY ENTRY ONTO PRlVATE PROPERTI APIDA WR.JliEH RELEASE, FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER, WHEN COMPLITTD, 11. WHEN NATIVE SITE GRANULAR BACKFILL lS PROPOSED FOR USE IN TRENCHES THE DEVELOPER SHALL EMPLOY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WITH EXPERIENCE IN GEOTEOINICAL ENGINEERING FOR PERFORMANCE OF IN PLACE DENSITY AND SIEVE TESTING, SELECTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND USE OF THE SITE MATERIAL ISTO BE APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. THE SITT MATERIAL MUST FALL WITHIN ONE OF THE GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. RIVER SAND IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AS TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL, 12. THE DEVELOPER SHALL FACILITATE AND SUPPLY ALL NECESSARY SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIREO UNDER T1iE WCB REGULATIONS FOR'TH.E DISTRICT OR ITS REPRESEN'J'A.'TTVES OR: THE ENGINEER OF RECOROTO INSPECT THE SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER S'YSTEMS. TI-IE EQUIPMENT SHAU BE SUPPLIED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION JS ISSUED BY THE DISTRICT. 13. DEVELOPER IS TO VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL PIPES, OR OTHER UTILITY CROSSINGS, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHAU NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OF ANY CONFLICTS, 14. THE DEVELOPER SHALL EMPLOY A PAOf£SStoNAl ENGINEER TO OESJ~ ,_ SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL SYffiM n, 11-tE OEVELOPMENT IN ORDEJt TO PRE.Val'!" S.tli DISCHARGES TO THE STORM DRAJNAGE SYSTEM AND WATERCOURSES. B. DISTIUCT ROADWORK NOTES 1. THE DEVELOPER SHALL EMPLOY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Wffif EXPERIENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR PERFORMANCE OF IN PLACE TESTING DURING THE PREPARATION OF THE SUB-GRADE ANO CONSTRUCTION OF TI-IE ROAD STRUCTURE TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE PROPOSED AND EXISTING ROAD STRUCTURE AND SUB-GRADE, SELECTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS TO BE APPROVED BY THE DISTR.ICT. 2, EXISTING VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, ITC. Wffi-HN THE ROAD ALLOWANCE MUST BE AOJUffiD TO SUfflHE PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE. 3. ALL LOOS~ ORC.\Hl(_, OTHERWISE DELETERIOUS HATtRJALS OR SOFT SPOT(S) ARE TO BE EXCAVATEl>AUD REMOVED FROM Tl-IE ROAf:NIAY ANO lfTILITY TReNCHES m THE ROADWAY AS PER TI-IE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT'S REPORT OR AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT, C. CONSULTANT'S SUPPLEMENTARY SANITARY AND STORM SEWER NOTES: 1. ALL ON-SITT PIPEWORKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Wffil THE BC BUILDING CODE, PART 7, PLUMBING SERVICES. 2. ALL STORM MAIN PIPE SHALL BE PVC DR35 (1S0mm TO 250mm DIAMETER) OR PVC RIBBED (300mm DIAMETER AND GREATER). WHERE STORM MAINS ARE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER BUILDINGS, All PIPE SHALL BE PVC DWI/. 3. All SANITARY MAIN PIPE SHALL BE PVC DR2B (150mm DIAMETER) OR PVC DR3S (200mm DIAMETER AND GREATER). WHERE SANITARY MAINS ARE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER BUILDINGS, All PIPE SHALL BE PVC DWV. C. DISTRICT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER NOTES 1. UNLESS PRIOR APPROVAL IS GIVEN TO ntE DEVELOPER BY TiiE DJSTRICT, TIE-INS AND CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWERS ARE TO BE PERFORMED BY ntE DISTRICT AT THE DEVELOPER'S COST. 2. ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE lO THE MAIN WHEREVER POSSIBLE. SHOULD A CONNECTION HAVE TO BE MADE TO A MANHOLE, ntE CONNECTION INVERT SHALL BE AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS TIIE CROWN OF THE HIGHEST SEWER MAIN. 3. ALL MANHOLES ARE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1050 mm DIAMETER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 4. All SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE A MINIMUM 100 mm DIAMETER 5. ALL GRANULAR PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE Em-tER lYPE 1 OR TYPE 2 ONLY AS PER ntE DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS, D. DISTRICT WATER WORKS NOTES 1. ntE DEVELOPER SHALL SUPPLY ALL MATERIALS AND FITTINGS REQUIRED FOR THE TIE-IN OF THE NEW WATER MAINS BY THE DISTRICT. 2. ALL NEW WATER MAINS, AT TIE-IN PDINTS, ARE TO BE CAPPED 1.5 M FROM THE EXISTING WATER MAIN. THE PROPOSED WATER MAIN ISTO BE SET AT THE LINE AND GRADE TO MEET THE EXISTING WATER MAlN. 3. TIE-INS TO EXISTING WATER MAINS AND FINAL TESTING ANO CHLORINATION OF NEW MAINS ISTO BE PERFORMED BY THE DISTRICT AT THE DEVELOPER'S COST. 4. ALL DOMESTIC SERVICE CONNECTIONS WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 19 mm DIAMETER UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 5. WHERE 100 mm DIAMETER PIPE JS USED IT WILL BE DUCTILE IRON (D,I.) AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS. 6. NO MCAVITY FlTTINGS OR VALVES ETC. ARE TO BE USED, 7. NO CAST IRON VALVES ON FITTINGS. SHEET NO. t 2 3 ,.: "' DRAWING INDEX DRAWING TlllE OEN ER AL NOTES ANO LOCATION PLAN SITE GRADING PLAN ANO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN L.E~ENQ ~ ~·~hhf ---•- --ni- --.... o- --------- ~ .. ~ ->-> ........_> __ > 77777 -·-•-w- -·H·-W- -·••-w- --H·-· .... -•-•-W---3 -·-•-W-:11 -·-•-W--,J --E/T- ---o- ♦ Ellfil!llil ® ~s- --n1.- ---<> ---{>Q-D- --+ IZi El 0 ->-> ~>-----a> zzzzz ---1'/- -i><l -W- -@ -w- -><J ---1;, ---\','--';! ---w-:D ---W----3! [,J --E/'1- ---G- ¢ <)--o ~ 5. SHOP DRAWINGS, IF REQUIRED, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CONSULTANT FOR A.EVJEW ,UiD COMMENT PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS. COMMENTS PROVIDED BY THE CONSUL TANT REFER TO GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SHOP DRAWING COMPONENTS (DIMENSIONS ANO ElEVA110HS) ONLY AND 00 NOT CONSTITUTE A DETAILED DESIGN REVIEW OF JHDMOV~l. COMPONENT DETAILS, WHICH IS lliE RESPONSIBJUTY OF THE MANUFACTURER. 4. ALL STORM SEWER PIPES Willi LESS 1HAN 1.0m COVER TO BE CONCRITT ENCASED OR DWV PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BRTTISH COLUMBIA BUILDING CODE, 2006, PLUMBING SERVICES (PART 7), 5. STORM AND SANITARY SERVICE COHN£:C110HS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO Wm-lIN 1.0m Of BUILDING FOUNDATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH Tli£! BUILDING PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE INSTALLED AT A LINE ANO GRADE THAT WILL FACILITATE CONNECTlON TO THE BUILDING DRAINAGE/SANITARY SYSTEM, L----------1~ 6. THECO>ITAACTOR Slil,LL a<SURETHATT!IEYARE l'IOIOOI G FROM ACEJITIFW) COl'Y Ol'THE 'ISSUED FOlt CONSTl"-'CTlOlr Of!Al'IIHGS mo• ro CO~MEl<CIIIG cmimt,.cnon. MY DAA\•nJ<GS IIOT8£AAJHG 1ltl: ·=D fOR CON$1l!UCTION" REVISION NOTE SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, B. CONSULTANT'S SUPPLEMENTARY ROADWORKS NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL COMPACTTON/OENSITY TESTING WJTI-1 THE DEVELOPER'S GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DURING PREPARATION OF ROAD SUBGRAOE, ANO PLACEMENT OF SUB BASE FILLS ANO PAVEMENT STRUCTURE GRAVELS. 2. ALL CHANGES IN GRADE SHALL BE FORMED USING SMOOTH VERTICAL CURVES. 3. 4. COMPACTED ROAD SUB BASE AND BASE MATERIALS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 0.30m BEYOND lr1E SIDEWALK AND/OR CURB AND GUTTER. CONDmONS FOR fllAC8-tE'HT Of ASPHALT OR PORTIAND CEMENT CONCRffi SHALL CONFORM TO THE SPfCIF1~110HS OETAILEO UNDER THE MMCD SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DISTRICT SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS. 6, ALL CLWKll/TS f'fST"Al.1£0 WITHIN THE lRAVElUO PORTtOfl OF TI-IE ROADWAY SHALL 8E O)MN.E'TE VIITH LIDS CAPABLE OF SUPPORllltG »:20 TRAFFIC LOADING, D. CONSULTANT'S SUPPLEMENTARY WATERWORKS ~ 1. All \VA"rulH,\JHS Sl<AJ.L BE INSTALLEO Yl!Tli MINl,,.,M Un, COVBI FIIOM TOP 0t' PIPE TO ANlSHED GAAOE, u,n.!SSOlllERl'llSE !10TED. F<lfl lllSTAUATIOIIS onn, LE5~111All l.2mCOY(A, A co,<tRm PIPE 00, PEIi MMCD STD G?, ld.11:Rl4'TIVE > SHALL BE UTILIZED. 2. AU WATERMAIN SHALL BE PVC C·900 OR DUCTILE IRON PC350, UNLESS OTI-IERWISE NOTED. 3. YJA'TEUWtl SERVICE CONNECTTONS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO WITHIN 1.0m OF BUilDtP:GfOUNDATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE BUILDING PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE TI-IAT SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE INSTALLED AT A LINE AND GRADE THAT WILL FACILITATE CONNECTTON TO THE BUILDTNG WATER sYSTEM. 4. 011-SITEWATER svsra-i PIIESSIAIE. OISlNl'l:.cnO:\ AUD Bo\mRIOlOGIO\t TE:;rJNG SHALL 8E PEftfORMED BY A CERTJFIEO 16TTI/G flRI-I, RETAIIIED BVlllE COIITRACTCR AT"lltE COflTAACTOR"S COST, UHOEII wtnlf.SS BY 'THE C0fl9.JLTANT, WATERMAIN TEST RESULTS SHALL BE FORWARDED lO TrlE CONSULTANT IMMEDIATELY UPDN RECEIPT FOR REVIEW AND DISTRIBUTION TO THE DISTRICT. 5, TIE-IN OF ON•SITE WATER SYSTEM TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DISTRICT. ~O<-_ _,__ ___ ,_ ______________ ___..,___.__ ...... _, LOT 15, DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER -+-------1-----------------1'---l----!-----I DISTRICT, PLAN 86659 2015,06.09 REVISED SITE PLAN 2015.02 23 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ,.;_ KM Civil ~ C O N S U L TA N T S L T D. No DATE REVISION ABBOTSFORO OFFICE # 400 -34077 Gladys Avenue Abbotsford. BC V2S 2E8 Te!: 604-853-8831 Fax: 604·853-1580 VANCOUVER OFFICE # 210-1311 Kootenay Slreet Vancouver. BC VSK 4Y3 Te!: 604-294-6662 Fax: 604-294-666S ~ '---....L--....l...--....l...--....l...---....L--~ I 115A AVE ,.: "' < ~ 1--------'I, I LOCATION PLAN SCALE 1: 2500 CAPO CONSTRUCTION LTD. #2 -169 GOLDEN DRIVE COQUITLAM, B.C., VJK 6T1 ATTENTION: DAVID DALLAZANNA TEL: (604) 464-11439 ........ JECB LOCATION PLAN AND GENERAL NOTES l I i ! 20159-115'A' AVE. MAPLE RIDGE ~~1 •rv.cwco ~ta ~ t,,ORZ AS SHOWN NWP SIM SIM VERT QES~RIP]~ BENCH MARK -GEODETIC QA 1\JM GRAVEL SURFACE TREATMENT EOGE OF PAVEMENT CURB AND GUTTER SANITARY SEWER SANITARY FORCE MAJN SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (c/w INSPECTION CHAMBER) STORM SEWER STORM SEWER SERVICE (c/w INSPECTION CHAMBER) CATCH BASIN -TOP INLET CATCH BASIN -SIDE INLET LAIIN ORA!N SWALE DITCH SIDEWALK (ASPHALT) SIDEWALK (CONCRETE) WATERMAIN WATER SERVICE CONNECTION WATER VALVE AIR VALVE HYDRANT AND VALVE ASSEMBLY CAPPEO END BLOW-OFF TEMPORARY BLOW-OFF JUNCTION BOX UNDERGROUND HYDRO/TELEPHONE GAS MAIN UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE WITH LIGHT S1REET LIGHT JUN 2 2 2015 KC14149 -3 DATE JANUARY, 2015 REVISIONN~ 2 \ ) ) ------ { ! : i, I I ! I 1 . 16 PLAN B6659 • > w > m I <{ " 8 ~ "11 I I <{ I[) " r 39 PLAN B6659 !5.05! 2.67m-2r.oP STM 01 2.oi ROOF WATER OUTLET INTO PROP. RAINGARDEH o/w MINI-HEADWALL SE£ MECH owes FOR DETAILS WllHIN BUILDING. INV. at H/W -4.75 38 PLAN 86659 14 PLAN 66659 I I ~ <, 100.004 ~---------------...../ / , .... BORE HO@ /12 ,, r------------------------, I ~ ~ 37 PLAN B6659 57 PLAN 63220 54 PLAN 63220.., ,,, ,,, ' ' ) < ' ' ' SITE GRADING LEGEND: FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF BUILDING ! 3.50 I EXISTING SURVEY ELEVATION '-i,x PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION ~ DIRECTION OF OVERLAND FLOW EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR LANDSCAPED AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PLANS DETAILS PROPOSED PERMEABLE PAVERS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURE PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED CONCRETE SIOEWALK - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER -SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS. RETAINING WALL PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (RIM ELEVATION) PROPOSED LAWN DRAIN {RIM ELEVATION) SWALE RIDGEUNE NOTES: D D EJ M -M l!!I (23.54) !> (23.54) <-<- 1. ALL OIMENSIONS ANO ELEVATIONS ARE METRIC. 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILED CURB AND BUILDING ALIGNMENT /LAYOUT, AS WELL AS DETAILS OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, STYLES, COLOURING, AND TYPES. MIN. 100mm GRANULAR BASE (19mm CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED TO 95,: MPDD MIN. 300mm CRUSHED GRANULAR SUB-BASE (75mm CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED TO 95% MPDD APPROVED SUB-GRADE TYPICAL ASPHALT STRUCTURE SECTION N.T.S. ALL RO AO WORKS TO BE CONSTRUC1Ul IN ACCORDA~tt WITH THE CE0TECliN1CAl REPORT PREPARED BY: EKS ENGINEDl!NC SERVICES LlO. DA TIED: JULY 31, 2009 FILE: G-27•6-00 B£FORE YOU PIG EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRA~NG WERE COMPILED FROM A COMBINATION OF VARIOUS AS-CONSTRUCTED RECORD DRAWINGS AND SOME FIELD SURVEYS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE OR COMPLETE AND MUST BE VERIFlED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WHERE POTENTIAL CONFLICTS EXIST. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT TELUS, B.C HYORO, FORTISBC AND BC ONE CALL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES AND APPURTENANCES REQUIRING ADJUSTMENT ANY DISCREPANCIES REQUIRING CHANGES TO THE DESIGN MUST BE REPORTED TO KM CIVIL CONSULTANTS IMMEDIATELY, I . 11--,-----,-----------------,--.,....-,-..,.,.,.,=,,, .. =.,..,,_==---------------"T"---------------------------,--------,,------------------.------------------------...,======-,===--I i l--+----+---------------+-+--l--JLOT 15, DISTRICT LOT 280, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER ABBOTSFORD OFFICE CAPO CONSTRUCTION LTD. ·t--+----+---------------+--¾--.1--IDISTRICT, PLAN 86659 ~ KM C , 400• 24077 GtaO)'s Aver,u. SITE GRADING PLAN AND UU!~AI.~•~ OR,llWkJ.llil STORM WATER ~t;;;tltJ,/~fWJlt:5 02 ~ ■ ■ l -d.BC V2S:1£1 f ~il--+----+---------------+-+--1-~...,.==,------------------1 IVI To1•60-<~3-N31 f"'-lfl!4.153-15B0 n ~ ::::::::: ::~:~:::~:~~OPMENT PERMIT ~:: ;: ::: ~-~ C O N S U L TA N T S L T D. ~?~fi;~t::.~94-ll665 ,. f No DATE REVISION ORN TECH ENG #2 • 169 GOLDEN DRIVE COQUITI.AM, B,C., VJK 6T1 ATTENTION: DAVID DALLAZANNA TEL: (604) 464-11439 -JECB MANAGEMENT PLAN 20159-115'A' AVE. MAPLE RIDGE K'illc:r~111~1,o KC14149 d 3 DRAWN ~i'.-uJ -· ....,_ HOSZ 1:250 NWP SIM SIM vm OAIE JANUARY, 2015 REVISIONNo 2 .. \ .._,,I GENERAL NOTES UHOlR lHS Pl..AH, AU. P:O'S(:t,,'S l~CLUO!t«i EIU'T NOT L~Jl!D 10 M DOSCPOI. <nmER (Ii p,E L».D, 1Ht ~ Of' m:com,. [SC-1AOH1fOR. ow. CCIN1RAC'T(:fl, 0\,l)L • SIJ8-COH11f-'\.CIOA, 8U!t.O£R ll B""°'HC SU!-TRADtS ~ .-.Fruit R[f£JIR(O 10 .AS THE °""CR,lllE',<I.OPER/!'E~Stlll llt$PCt"'8UO; O<a.<CEO 0H 51'11! .....,,_ ~y "'"' .U RtCUl.AtcRY A:(QlMtlt,lfHt$ SPEOfl(D Bl' rcoo-At... PRO'otHCIA&.. ~HO MOSICF~ .wrtk)ll'11£.S:-PQl:lADIU:fO TO t\li:·SfTE ~~ ,'110 ~ ASSOCIAJEQ l'lllrl EROSION AND SEDl~ENT CON1ROL REGULATIONS me DC\'EL.0?£.A/P[RSCNS IIUPOH'SlalE stYiU. 0.51.JM: Ttf'A.1 MA. l»:SlJNCllCW AC1"r\1'r,£$ AA[ WOCRT,'J(O,,' 1K ~ \!.NffiER 11'(,\f CNSURCS BESf ),IAN,"iCUil(kT P~S A11t MPltUUm:C fO PFU:vt,n ANC a»ITA~ Clfl-SITW. Slt..l l..AOEN AI.INOff ™T txc!EO)S 2S .-ru (100 NTU MJ..0y,rn FOR %-1 kOIJRS ·rQLLO'Mml A "9~if1CJ.Pff RJJN E'VEHr ~/1 .. "'®RS) • FltOM QHt~O ~lllfAM DA.Altfi\Ce INFRAStRUC:.l\lJtes IJ,ID AQUATIC S'tSTEMS. MliJ SHAU. rw.ow PR~ ,,,S RCCOU ... ti'ftH:1:1 1H ntt PU8IJC400.'II 0t11nm ·LA,,m otYa.0?¥0lr cuio£.UHt$ FOR. ltl£ PROTECTl0H or AOf.iAllC HArll~t·, AS iSSUEO 0'1' TH[ '4NISTR\' 01' WATDI. LMID i\.'10 Al.R" MOll;C-00'4 J..UO D.F.O. ESC MONITOR. FINAL GRADING STAGE DiROUGH TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION G(NtR,t.l CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STOIHIW.i\1ER CoctY[YiNCE 0-IANNELS AND DISCkARCE POINTS TO ADJACENT STREAMS, OllCliE.S OR OllRY POINTS TO PIPED NETWORKS ARE ADEOUA TEL Y PROTECTED CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ESC FAC1UTIES SPECIFIED IN Tl-IE ESC PLAN OR ANY ADDENDUMS ARE tlr.4PL£M£NTIO ACCORDINGLY. CONTRACTOR '10 co-~Alt n-tC na,,;w,A~ or 1£MPC8AiltY ESC FACIUll(S WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER RCOUIR.CD Wli>I Tl1( ES0 MOIUTa'l ADOiJl0"'Al. ESC FACLJT'lCS MAY NEED TO BE IN$Tltl.t.l.O AS PlR lHt OIRUPON OF TKi: £:SC MQMT(lft. AT TIME OF FINAL SITE 116P£COON THE ESC MONITOR IN .ASSOCIA1lON WITH DRAINAGE AND ENVIRONMENT STAFF TO f,t,1$MCT ANO SIGNOfF ON ESC lr.4t.ASURES PRIOR TO THE SITE GOING ON-MAINTENANCE. . , 300mm "THICK -75mm CLEAR CRUSHED GRAVEL ACCESS PAO APPROVED SU8CRADE PLACE GEOTEXTILE ON APPROVED SUBGRADE PRIOR SECTION TO GRAVEL PLACEMENT GRAVEL HAUL ROAD "THROUGH SITE. EXTEND AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE TRUCKS REMAIN ON GRAVEL SURFACE AT ALL TIMES. SEE ESC PLAN FOR APPROXIMATE LAYOUT DUMP STRAP 25mm REBAR FOfl BAG REMOVAL FROM INLET INSTALLATION DETAIL DUMP SlRAP --.... a- ESC LEGEND· STORM SEWER STORM SEWER SERVICE (c/w INSPECTION CHAMBER) PROP. / EX. CATCH BASIN -TOP INLET c/w SILT SACK PROP. / EX. CATCH BASIN -SIDE INLET c/w SILT SACK PROP. / EX. LA\',N DRAIN c/w SILT SACK AH £SC MONITOR. 15 ~ON SIBLE TO I.IONTTO't. -q,.'7«11 NrD Rf.F'On T 10 nf:£ ~LOPER, CONtRAC't'OR, ,tr.."H) afr ON EROSION ..,_..,D SCQME>ll CONTROi.. fACIJOCS ANtl SITE DISCKAAr.t P~E IS IN ACCMOANCE Wont BtST w.AHAG()i(Nl PRAC'TICES. THE DEVELOPER/O~~S: R(SP~SIBL[ .MUS f COMPLY 'fflTI1 M ESC P\.Nt 'MlHIN lHE SPECIFIED llM[ F:RJ.~. ,MCI COMPLV W,,lH AU. INSllblC'nD,"''45 i$SU£D 8Y fHt £SC MONITOR TO RECllrY DUlC'Cl\US 1HAT R!5Ul..1 1ft M0N:'"'C0SF"0£1,1AACE '41H DIE ,V.,t, AU. .snt "'~/OIi Ul'T ACClSS '""~ ~BED ARCA$ TO PA\1:D ~AetS ts to at R(S'TRIC'T£D 10 sP[CFla) A«.£5S ro\GUTl£.S TO LIMli 11-tE TR~SPORr rl StOIYEIU OHTO R0ADW.A1'$.. \£Htcu: Mla.SS TO DtSTUR8(D AREAS l!il TO at LWlltD lD CRA'VQ. PA!)$ ONLY. SITE SPECIFIC SILTATION CONTROL NOTES NO MATERIAL IS TO BE STOCK PILED ON-SITE. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIALS TO BE REMOVED ANO DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE IMMEDIATELY. MIN. ~UMP STRAPS """ ft ~2 EACH EXPANSION RESTRAINT 0----0---0 SILT CONTROL FENCE TURBIDITY /TSS MEASUREMENT POINT GRAVEL ACCESS PAD (MIN. 6mx20m) 2. ALL EX!STING LAWN DRAINS ANO CATCH BASINS TO HAVE SILT SACKS INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMM£NCEMENT Of WORK, (6mm NYLON ROPE, 50mm FLAT WASHERS) J ALL PROPOSED LAWN DRAINS AND CATCH BASINS TO HAVE SILT SACKS INSTALLED IMMEOIAlil.Y AntR COMPLETION Of INSTALLATION. BAG DETAIL DIRECTION OF OVERLAND FLOW MAINTENANCE ALL STAGES (AS APPUCABt E} ALL INSP£t'nDNS ARE lO BE CARRIED OUT BY THE ENGINEER or RECORD. ALL MCN11~1NG TO BE CIJfflJEO OUT BY THE ESC MONITOR. ON LOTS UNDER 2000m' UPON 1HE tSW~CE or A BUILDING Pa™IT THE OWNER/P(RSPU RESf>Ot,l,518LE Will BE HD.D ACCOUNTABLE fOR MAINTAINING INDMDUAL LOT ESC lill"''SUllfES; NOT ~.IEGAnNG ESC MO, lOR's RESPONSIBILITIES. UPON ~TION,/HOTIFICA llDN BY 1HE ENGINEER Of RECCi10 OR ESC MONITOR; PERSCNS RESP011Sa.l ARE REQUIRED TO UNDERTAKE MAINTENANCE 1'011VITIES AS DEEMED S'"[OfiEO TO MODIFY OR MAINTAIN ESC FAOLITIES. ALL CATCH BASINS AND LAWN BASINS TO HA.VE UPSTREAM SEDIMENT TRAPS OR INSERTS. All CATCH BASIN SILT SACKS ARE TO 8( t.<fSP:EC'Tto 'ftUXI.Y OR f01.t¢'MNG ..STORM EVENTS, INLINE FlL TERS ARE TO BE REt,,!OVO) MD Cl.t.MtfO AT ~O~ CAl'A(lfY, ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT DEPOSITS IN PONOS ANO BEHIND CHECK OAMS ARE TO BE REMOVED AT so~ CAPACITY, ALL SITE ACCESS SHALL BE THROUGH THE EXISTING PAVED DRIVEWAY 1)-IE OC\'UOPDt l:llft 6UII..D(A MUST R'E:t.ULAftl.'Y' Q.llM PA~O ROM SURFACES.Of" f.CCUUULA.Ta> SC:OIM£NTS Al TI,[ [.HD or t A~ 0/t.Y OIi AS REOUIREt>. NO 'Stu., !WID OR ono MATUUAI. ~TH A tvc>.i $[llNO,jf co,,,yp;ir SIW.l 8( od'0511'£D ~ Pll.to CVtslOE or Wt PA"O?Dtn" BOONDARlt$. PARncvt.ARI.Y c»i PA\'EO ftOAO SllRFACt.5. ~H:1,ale SCI. TRANSPORTED ONTO THE ROAD FROM SITE. ENSURE NO MA TERI AL IS PLACED OR DEPOSITED THAT WOULD INTERFERE 'NITH 1HE FLOW OF WATER ALONG THE CURBS DR ENTERING CATCH BASINS 5mlt40IT FENOES/IWIRIERS 10 OE ~SPE:erm ,_,,., RCPAIRCO ,ofbOR TO DPfCTED llA ~Ml$ AND FCIU.O'MWl N..1 '1G>o",E'll!A.~T STORM (YOrnl ~ PE.M005 OF CX1ltf0!:D RA)N; AOCUW\lLATEO $tOl:UCm-$ CR!ATr:A THAN lO,C Of M · rD:.ct CAPACITY Oit ~~ SHOULD BE DEALT W!TH ACCORDINGLY. ALL SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM ESC COfflRCL FACILITIES TO BE DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER AS TO NOT COMPOUND OR COMPROMISE DIE SEDIMENT LOADlNG OF OTHER CONTROL MEASURES, RQAO "'•~•11f'NANct -"hit. OE'¥D.Df"(R'S ~CTOM IS TO li!M"t: [WIT ~ UFORT TO ..... lli41lE 1H( A\.IOI.IHT Of SC:.,. D!ANS?Qfl'TEO fll()lr,f THE =-iT£ OHT0 nt, RONJWAY. THIS f$ PAR:no.r.JJn.Y llilPOll'TAU'J \\.,.EN MtA't"t Mo\Clf:HERY, DtlMP TRUCKS AND CC.'IIC!l:ETE TRUCKS ARE EXITING THE SITE. ll-iE PA\(D 'IOAO $1MACC. II.U$l S£ M."QA,.Nft.Y 5li(Jt"T a.£Afi' C, Aa:lM/1..A'DONS Of SOL BY 'Tt1E OE\'El:OP£:A"S CON1ff~CTOR AS NECESSAAV AJilO AS DJRrCTED 8Y lit£ (~ NO sot., S,.yl) GR 0JH£R MA'rat!At. '1111Tt4 A MICH -S(DtM[JtT CONTOO g(AU. 9£ 0[.PgSITtQ OR PU1) tJJT$C£ OF 'n-rt PftOPUtTY !OIJNCARl(:S. PA..~TICOLARL't 0N THE PA\'(D "040 SURfACE, IMMEDIATELY REPLACE FAILING SYSTEMS AS NECESSARY FOR PROPER OPERATION SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MONITORING W\LL CONSIST Of A MIN. Bl-WEEKLY (ANO HTHltl t.• ltOURS or A."'ff SIG...,_cwn ~Altlr-Al,l. (Vttlt) Llll'T1NG ec~ ™~ ~TRACTC>A, NI() 1lll: ,V'Po;HTtD t.s.c. ,tJQt,ILTOfl Al [/.OJ SJ-'l'ECiCl..'1" 1.u:tnf,Ul-,. OCTIJ.£0 ~ Of REOURtO EJN)S10N Al-lO ~CNMO,T CONll«I. 'WORX-S f0fl TH£ UPem,tJNG 'C(K W&.1. BC SPt.Cl'J(I) ,AkO PROPOSCI) A(llMTIES F"OR 11-tf UPCOt.HlC·MONTM 'Ml..L et RN..""lO. mE5E YiCRkS PLAr-tS w.tl REn.tcT 1HE: llld or "l'tM A.-., NfOC:l'Af(O VfEAtHDt .PATIT.RPa. COW'l.W•ct L&OHI~. INO.Ll()f Q: 'TH£: CCI.L£C1JOH «-WATCR ~ nlR T»£ At,'Al..'l'SIS OF NFt8101fl' AND/Oft SUSP'O{D£:() stDl,uans-. "M..t, oc ~~.1~£~S..,'-Jf,.:c::\11ot:.,:4CX1.1 ~F~": /=OfDKfOW~ CXIA:POAAtlOH or M o~e; or \W'lC ~ AS IJtat&m. AQCNnOH~ (.ftOgCN """° ~ll£Hl cei,,llRCl 51RATCcrES WU. 8£ R'(WUl,l£»c[O OIJffSNO lH£ 0$11[ Ut[T1UQ AKO THROUGH THE REPORTING PROCESS EXCAVATION AND ROUGH GRADING STAGE DE\IELUE'.R TO NOTIFY BOTH THE ENGINEER aF" AECORO AND THE ESC UOl'IIT'OR THAT EXCAV.l\llctl WORKS HAVE COMMENCED. OE'lfl.gp(ft TO PROV!OE THE C€HWL CONTRACTOR WITH A COPY Of THE ESC PLAN. INSTALL PROTECTIVE MEASURES AT OR WITHIN EXISTING CATCH/LA'NN BASINS AS APPLICABLE., INSTALL SPECIFIED ESC ACCESS FAOUTIES/MEASURES AT £N1RY/Ob1 POINTS. ALL VEHICLE MOVEMENT TO ANO FROM THE SITE IS TO BE RESTRICTED TO CONlltQ.LED ENTRY /EXIT POINTS, GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO HAVE A COPY or THE ESC PLAN ONSITE AT ALL llMES, NO EXCAVATED WAttRIALS TO BE S100CPILED ON-SITE J,N"( ANY TIME DURING EXCAVATION WORKS. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIA\.S lO BE HAULED OFr-sn( IMMEDIATELY. THE ESC U!C.-'1TOR WILL BE R-!SPON"SUllf TO ENSURE THAT THE EXISTING ROA.OS ARE REVIEWED O~l.'I' AND SWEPT ff(QJUJltl.'t, fLUSHING Of ROADWAYS IS PROHIBITED, 4 ALL TRUCKS TO ENTER THE S!TE THROUGH EXISTING PAVED DRIVEWAY. 5, TRUCKS TD REl.4AIN ON EXISTING PAVED SURFACE AT ALL TIMES 6. PROPosto PARl(M; AREAS TO BE RQUCII GRADED ANO CAPPED WITH ClEAN GRANULAR MA TECUAL. ll&IED.I.A TtL Y FOLLOWING RD.tOVAL Of EX ASPHAl..l. WATER LEVEL PtRFORATED PVC RIS£R PIPE TO BE MIN. O.Jm BELOW TOP OF PONO. PIPE TO BE SIJRROUNOEO WITH 19mm CLEAR CRUSl1EO CRA \/EL \\I TH MIN 3 ROWS Of 20mm~ ~Ol£S DRILL.ED AT 100mm SPAONG FRO!j POND BOTTOM TO TOP Of PIPE PLAN GRAVEL ACCESS DETAIL N.T.S. INSTALL Si'IOW fENCING AROUND POND IMMEDIAlEL Y AFTER 200~ PVC OUTLET COMPLETION OF P°"10 CONSlRUCTION ANO MAINTAIN AS NEC£SSARV SILT POND DETAIL 8m • 20m ~VEI. ACCESS PAD. INSTALL AT COMI.IENCf;MENT Of ROUGH GRADING. MAIN.T.<,IN UNTIL COMPL£TION OF FINE GRADING ON-SllE. 16 PLAN 86659 ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC TO REMAIN ON PAVED SURFACE AT ALL TIMES w > <( <( I[) ..--..-- 201'A' ST. N.T.S. PLAN llillE; 1. BAGS SHOULD BE CLEANED OUT AFTER EVERY RAIN EVENT SILT SACK DETAIL AND /OR AS NEEDED. N.T.S. 2000 INLET PIPE SWALE<>--- SAND FILLED FILTER BERM SEE DETAIL "THIS DRAWING POND NOTES· 1. ALL SIDE SLOPES OF PROPOSED SILTATION PONDS MUST BE LINED V., 1H POLY SHEETING. POLY TO BE KE'r£D INTO TOP OF BANK TO ENSURE SHEETING REMAINS IN PLACE. 2. POND BOTTOMS TO BE LINED 1'111H 150mm "THICK LA 'r£R OF CLEAN SAND. 14 □ PLAN 86659 ~ ~-----------------------------------------~ W'OS&tl I ~ I I I UTILITY AND ROADWORKS INSTALLATION STAGE I J i I ALL ACCESS TO ANO FROM SITE TO BE F"ROM Tl-if RESTRICTED ENTRY-EXIT POINTS. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ESC MEASURES ARE WELL MAINTAINED, CLEARED, REPAIRED, OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED l" EXISTING UNDERGROUND uT1JK[f~o~~INPl1:iis DRAWING WERE coMPILED CATCHJ\.AW.,I BASINS COMPLETE WITH PROTECTIVE MEASURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED BY THE i 5 FROM A COMBINATION OF VARIOUS AS-CONSTRUCTED RECORD DRAWINGS CONTRAC10R AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY. ~ AND SOME FIELD SURVEYS_ THIS INFORMATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AD011101UJ. tse rACJU1.1[5 "AT ...re 10 e, IN'ITAU.CO AS'°' IBE o;,·c~0N or THE 39 ~Nc~e~~<;:<50 ~~~L~Re:,;;NS TO CONTACT TELUS, B.C. HYDRO, FORTISBC AND BC ONE CALL PRIOR TO _, -• -• -• -TEMPORARY PIPE (MIN. 1500) 2"x4" WOOD POSTS AT MAX. 2m SPAONG COMPACTED NATIVE MATERIAL FILTER FABRIC BURIED MIN, 1 SOmm INTO GROUND PERIMETER SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. INSTALL SILT FENCING PRIOI! TO COMMENCING ROUGH GRADING ON SITE AND ENSURE IT IS IN PLACE AND IN OPERATING CONDITION AT ALL TIMES UNTIL C()MPUTION OF SITE PAI/INC WORKS INSTALL SILT SAO<S IN All f'ROP. CATCH BASINS AND LAl'<N DRAINS I1,0.IEOIATElY AFTER CATCH BASIN AND LAWN DRAIN INSTALLATION, (T'l'Px&) MAINTAIN PROTECTION MEASURES UNTIL PAI/INC HAS &EN COMPlETED. 57 PLAN 63220 100mm lHICK -19mm CLEAR CRUSHED GRAVEL. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILS 54 PLAN 63220 WRAP SAND CORE IN FILTER FABRIC. OVERLAP FABRIC ENDS MIN, 0.3m j- ,l: CON1JV.Ol00 ro CO·-~•TE ll,£ H-AJI(>/ c,r TEIIJ'OR/JtY ESC FACUT£S IF IBEY ,,,.r:.:,.:: _--,--, ACCURATE OR COMPLETE AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR l" ., ARE ND I.ONCER A:t~ OR TO FAOUTA.1£ Sil( ~lH;.N!) WllH "TUE ESQ MONITOR. :;,---:I PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WHERE POTENTIAL CONFLICTS EXIST. CONTRACTOR i ' PLAN 86659 CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES AND APPURTENANCES I PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK 38 REQUIRING ADJUSTMENT. ANY DISCREPANCIES REQUIRING CHANGES TO THE FILTER BERM DETAIL "l---,.-----,.----------------,--..---,-..,.,====------------L-"_,J._..:1~ 0 ll.. __ _;:t).L_J1-___ ~<=TYP=x=a):;. :;M:;A:;IN=T=Al=N=S=IL=T=S:;A:;c:;K:;s:=::::;. __ P_LA_N_ 6 _ 66 _s_9_T""_DE_s_1G_N_1.1_u_s_T_B_E-RE_P_o_RT_ELD_T_D-KM_c_1v_1L-cON_s_u_LT_A..,N,-TS-1M_M_E_D1-AT_E __ L __ Y._=----=--=--~:,::;.==-------,-:::-=:::-::===::-r.::i=:=-~ • \ UNTIL COIIPlEllON OF WORKS. N.T.S . J LEGAL DESCRIF'TI0N !l--+----+----------------+--1---+--I ~?s~~~c~'.!~~~i~~ 280, GROUP 1, NEW WESTMINSTER ;;t--+----+---------------+--t--t--f i't--+----+---------------+--~-t--f f BENCl-,MARK 2015,06.08 REVISED SITE PLAN JECB EC8 SIM 2015.02.23 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT JECB JECB SIM DATE REVISION DRN TECli ENG ~ KM Civil ~ CONSUL TA NTS LTD. ABBOTSFORD OFFICE r 400 ~ J<:on Glll6/I AYtiw. AbbcUla•d.. GC V2S 2£1 T~ 60,;;-8$3.8831 Far, SOA-153-1580 VANCOWER Cl"FICE •210 -1)11 K«tttNy st, ... VAO(OUHJ, 8C VSK 4Yl Tel. 604·29-t-6662 Fu:.60'--l94-6665 CAPO CONSTRUCTION LTD. #2 -169 GOLDEN DRIVE COQUITlAM, B.C., V3K 611 ATTENTION: DAVID DALLAZANNA TEL: (604) 464-a439 -JECB TEMPORARY EROSION MUNIOPAL PROJECT NUM!lER ~-llor.ltu, AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MUNICIMLORAWlNG NIJMBER 03 PLAN 20159-115'A' AVE. MAPLE RIDGE KM CIVl~F'R"i'.TJECTN"o KC14149 • 3 ORA .. REVOW<O ,.,_.,, """'"°"' 1:250 NWP SIM SIM DATE JANUARY, 2015 REVIS;ONNc 2 TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Advisory Design Panel 2015-081-DP 22464 Lougheed Highway City of Maple Ridge MEETING DATE: July 14, 2015 A design submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) has been received for the above noted property to permit the construction of a commercial building. The development site will be subject to a Commercial Development Permit to address the form and character of the development. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Harj Enterprises 931919 BC Ltd. Lot 1 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 6645 Commercial Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Nail Salon Restaurant Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial - Vacant C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Restaurant CD-2-85 (Town Centre Commercial (Comprehensive Development)) Town Centre Commercial Restaurants C-3 (Town Centre Commer.cial) Town Centre Commercial 234 m2 (2519 ft2) Rear Lane and Lougheed Highway Urban DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: In accordance with the Official Community Plan, Section 8.11, a Town Centre South of Lougheed (SOLO) Development Permit is required for this proposal and will be subject to the following Key Guideline concepts: 1. Develop a diverse shopping, employment and residential district. 2. Create pedestrian-oriented streetscapes. 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of SOLO. 4. Maintain cohesive building styles. 5. Capitalize on important views. 6. Provided public outdoor space. 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features. 8. Maintain street interconnectivity. The applicant has submitted a checklist for the Town Centre SOLO Development Permit Guidelines and has identified the policies that the project m·eets. The checklist is attached to the ADP package. PLANNING COMMENTS: Context: The development site is a narrow lot. (5.68 metres) located on the south side of Lougheed Highway between Fraser Street to the west and 225 Street to the east. The area north, west and south is zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), and the area east is zoned CD-2-85 (Town Centre Commerciai (Comprehensive Development)). Proposal: The applicant proposes to construct a new commercial building that will be occupied by a food tenant. The building will replace the existing structure, and will consist of brick cladding, split face concrete, cementitious panel siding and hardie panel. The building will front Lougheed Highway and is situated near the front property line to provide a continuous storefront with the neighbouring businesses. Outside seating will be provided at the front of the building along with a tempered glass awning. Street level windows will open up to give the building a feeling of openness, along with adding natural light to the space. The applicant is proposing a mural on the east facing .wall as a permanent art piece, to be created by local youth artists. Parking: The applicant is proposing 1 parking space at the rear of the building, accessible from the lane. There are limitations on site with respect to size; therefore, a variance will be required to reduce the amount of required parking from 3 spaces to 1 space. • Off-Site Upgrades: Installation of Storm Sewer and possible upgrades to water service. Proposed Variances: The applicant will be seeking variances to reduce the parking from 3 spaces to 1 space. The applicant is also seeking to reduce the minimum required height of the building from 3 storey's to 1 storey; however, the front of the building will appear to be 2 storey's due to the high roof and parapet at the front of the building. other: Landscaping opportunities are limited due to the slze of the development; therefore; .-tJ:tg applicant has not retained a Landscape Architect. This is acceptable to staff, provided the necessary securities and planting specifications are part of the issued Development Permit. The applicant has proposed landscaping features including Varigated Ho kine Grass at the front of the building, along with a mix of Kinnikinnick, Sala I and Dogwood along the southeastern property line. Stormwater Management opportunities are also limited on the development site. The applicant is proposing to in~tall a water-quality and sediment control chamber, in the form of an oil interceptor. C Conclusion: Tb,e Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician Attachments: • Proposal and Highlights; • ADP Submission Form; • ADP Applicant Checklist; • Development Data Sheet; • Development Permit Compliance Checklist; • Architectural Plans (includes Landscaping) NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 22464 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE Advisory Design Panel Presentation NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 22464 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE The Proposal We are forwarding our proposal to construct a new, 1,074 square foot building, at 22464 Lougheed Hwy. The building will be leased and occupied by a Freshii Franchise which will help to offer more of a healthy eating selection and variety for those that work and frequent the downtown core of Maple Ridge. A variance is being requested as the OCP requires 3 storeys. Initially it was agreed that 3 storeys would be constructed however it was made apparent that the parking requirements were not met with 3 storeys due to the extremely smaller size of some of the lots that sit on the Southside of Lougheed east of 224th. It was discussed with City staff and agreed that approximately 1,000 square feet would be constructed along with a parking variance for the structure. We believe that a small project like this will pay big dividends for the City and its residents. Newer buildings are able to attract better tenants and also make the area ) more appealing for further investment in the future. j Highlights • Based on feedback from the Advisory Design Panel, a front patio has been created on the North Facing side of the street and elements of the design have been changed to move to a gentler community oriented feeling. Elements such as lighting and more window space have also been adjusted. The front fa9ade will extend 45 meters above the street level to give the structure more presence along Lougheed Hwy • Also based on the feedback from the Advisory Design Panel the following items were adjusted -adjusted parking space and loading bay, increased landscaped space and adjusted choices of flora species, roof at the back of the building has been leveled, and added garbage enclosure. • The proposed project involves the demolition of the existing aged structure located at 22464 Lougheed Hwy and constructing a new building. The new building will provide a fresh new look to the cityscape along the Lougheed Hwy. NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ,--22464 LOUGHEED HWY, MAPLE RIDGE ) • The project is small in nature and will consist of a new 107 4 square foot building. • The street level windows of the building will open wide so as to create an atmosphere of openness within the building and give a "Cafe" feel. The higher windows will allow natural light to enter the building. • In addition, we are proposing that the east facing wall be used by students in the community as a canvas to create an iconic mural. The mural would highlight the natural beauty that Maple Ridge offers. It would also look forward to the future of Maple Ridge and its rich diversity of people. The Mural will be permanent in nature and most of the intricate art work will be above a 6 feet line from the ground. Below the 6 feet will be one static colour. This will assist in decreasing the risk of graffiti. We will install three goose neck lights along the wall to highlight and accent the artwork at night. • The signage on the building will be channel letters with goose neck accent lighting. • The building and establishment that is set to occupy the building will add to the Town Centre and will provide a new eating option for shoppers visiting the new Walmart location. ) ~ MAPLE RIDGE -~ - Bnllsh Co umb1a mapleridge.ca Advisory Design Panel Submission Request Form The City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) meets monthly. Refer to the attached schedules for submission deadline dates and for the minimum submission requirements. Before making your submission, contact your File Manager to establish what constitutes a complete ADP submission package for your project. Forward your complete submission package for the ADP through your File Manager well in advance of the deadline date. Application Information: Name of Applicant File number Address of site Harj Sekhon 2015-081-DP 22464 Lougheed Hwy Current Zone C-3 Proposed Zone _N_/_A ____ _ Seeking to appear before the ADP on this date July 14, 2015 Architect Information: Submission will be presented to ADP by: Architect Heather Johnston I Chunqmo Chunq Landscape Architect NIA Other Professional (State Name & Role) Rajeev Mangla (Civil Engineer) Note.: The Architects are required to prepare plans and to attend and to present all developments to the ADP that are in the Major Occupancy categories cited in the Table below taken from AIBC Bulletin 31 Buildings Requiring the Services of an Architect. For the entire bulletin, click here. Major Occupancy Types of Building or Parts of Building requiring the per the current Use services of an architect under section 60 of the Architects building codes Act. Group A (Part 3) Public Assembly -any one-storey building with an unsupported span exceeding 9 m or gross area exceeding 275 m2; -any building of more than one storey with gross area exceeding 235 m2; and -all schools, any size Group B (Part 3) Hospital, Sanatorium, or -any building (excluding veterinary hospital) with a Home for the capacity exceeding 12 beds Aged -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Institutional Group C Residential Hotel or similar occupancy -any building containing 5 or more dwelling units -any building containing 11 or more guest rooms Group D & E Commercial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 Group F {Fl: Part 3) Industrial -any building with gross area exceeding 470 m2 MAPLE RIDGE British Columblit Deep Roats Greater Heights ADP applicant Checklist: , All presentation material must be in 11 n x 1 r format (7 hard copies 3-hole punched), one full size copy and one digital copy on CD or memory card submitted to the File Manager. This applicant checklist needs the "Required" boxes to be completed by the File Manager, while the "Included" boxes need to be completed by the applicant/project architect and subm itted with t he ADP package. ' • 1) ADP application form & project data sheet 2) Site and Neighbourhood context 3) Design Rationale 4) Project Analysis ·s) Architectural drawings in metric dimensions a. Site Planning: Site Plan/layout b. Site Planning: Site Sections c. Site Planning: Streetscape elevations d. Site Planning: Shadow Analysis e. Site Planning: Lighting details f. Building Design: Floor Plans g. Building Design: Roof Plans h. Building Design: Building Elevations from all sides i. Building Design: Signage details j. Building Design: Lighting details k. Coloured elevations (to show material specifications) I. Building Design: Building Sections 1 Required □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Included ~ ~ [Z) □ rxr ]Rf [SJ □ ~ Q ~ 0 □ □ ~ ~ .. ,., ) m. 3D ·rendering of the site and/or building n. Green Building Design/ Sustainable initiatives o. Material Sample Board 6) Landscape drawings in metric dimensions a. Landscape Plan/layout b. Landscaping details for features, play area/ amenity space/ common activity area C. Planting List with specifications d. Site Sections to show lot grading, drainage and landscaping e. Irrigation details for landscaping above structure f. Signage details for free standing signage g. Lighting details for pedestrians/landscaped areas h. Preliminary Storm water Management (SWM) plan ProjectAr • End of Document Revised December 2012 2 □ □ □ □ □ ~ ' Required Included □ [¼(' □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ' □ □ □ ~- l~-maple,idge.ca DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project Zone South of Lougheed Date Prepared JvraZZ/2c1.c__ Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Dedication area Less Undevelopable area Net Total must be >186 m2 234m2 LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildi ngs & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Landscaping Total Site Coverage max90% 4a.i&a, 4<;;;7'/. SETBACKS ( in metres) Front No required 0.36M Rear must be>6M ,.g 4i~4 I'!. J .,.-, Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) NIA OM Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) NIA OM Side #3 (N, S, E or W) NIA OM BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 3 Storey Minimal 1 Storey (Variance Required) Accessory NIA NIA NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor NIA NIA One Bedroom NIA NIA Two Bedroom NIA NIA Three Bedroom+ NIA NIA Total NIA NIA GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential NIA Retail Commercial NIA Office Commercial NIA Other Commercial (Typ e ) NIA I nstitutiona I NIA Industrial NIA TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA NIA 99.79 sq m * If the development site consists of more than one lot. lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed Proposed (Complies or variance needed?} DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) NIA NIA # of units/ha (net) NIA NIA Gross Floor Area NIA NIA Floor Space Ratio (net) NIA NIA AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area NIA NIA Useable Open Space NIA NIA PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses 3 (Restaurant il30sq m) i (variance required) Educational & Assem bly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Total Number of Parking Spaces for Uses 3 i Number of parking spaces for disabled Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number and percentage small cars Number and percentage tandem spaces TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE{S) BICYCLE PARKING {number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking 6li500sq m 0 Long Term Bicycle Parking NIA NIA OTHER -state YES or NO for each Heritage Site j No I Tree Survey/Assessment Provided I No Watercourse/Steep Slopes I No I Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements !No I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: Harj Sekhon Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. ) Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; lvledium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront: and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Ce mm unity Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, .Mass and Height . • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Facades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other fa9ade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the 'urban' character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of-the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connect(vity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 i _) ~ M?UM:it!MM Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist -.... ..... ,v. ~ :•TtHi11 .... -1-~r!I 111 e .,. A.1 Buildine: Mass and Form A1.l Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCCMU MFR 0 I I □ Al.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCCMU I I □ l✓I Al.3 Accent corner buildings TCCMUMFR □ □ 0 Al.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCCMU l✓I □ □ Al.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR □ □ l ✓I Al.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR □ □ 0 Al.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR I I □ 0 Al.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCCMUMFR □ □ 0 Al.IO Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCCMU MFR □ I I l ✓I A.2 Buildin2: Reie:bts A2.l Varv building heights TCC MU MFR □ □ [Z) A2.2 Maintain al i enment of architectural features TCCMUMFR l✓I I I I I A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCCMUMFR l✓I l I I I A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCCMU MFR □ □ 0 A2.5 Match building hei,cllts at the end of blocks TCCMUMFR I I □ 0 A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR □ I I 0 A2.7 Protect views TCCMU MFR □ □ 0 A.3 Bumime: Setbacks A3.I Place buildinl!:S to reinforce sidewalk activity TCCMUMFR l ✓J □ □ A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCCMUMFR I✓! I I I I A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR 0 I I I I A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow 0 □ □ visual surveillance TCCMUMFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU □ I I l ✓I A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCGMUMFR 0 I I □ A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCCMUMFR □ □ l✓I A3.8 • Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCCMU MFR l✓I □ I I Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 2 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist llB:1111, •. , ~ .. -.,,_' ~ ·c..•r-.--o:1i .... e B.1 Buildine: Facade 81.1 Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCCMU □ l ✓I 81.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCCMU MFR 0 □ □ 81.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCCMUMFR ✓ □ □ 81.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR 0 □ I l 81.5 Reflect original facades and building scale TCCMU MFR ✓ I l □ B1.6 Res.pect orig-inal architectural elements TCCMU MFR ✓ □ 1 I B1.7 Resoect old and new desi211 TCCMUMFR 0 □ □ Bl.8 Maintain the horizontal rhvthm of the street wall TCCMU MFR 0 □ □ Bl.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and uooer floors TCCMU MFR ✓ f l □ Bl.IO Include continuous canooies, awnings or overhangs TCCMU □ 0 81.11 Ensure aoorooriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCCMU □ 0 B1.13 Use windows to provide 'eyes on the street' TCCMUMFR ✓ I I I 1 Bl.14 Enhance the oublic realm TCC MU MFR 0 □ □ Bl.15 Ensure siimlill'e reflects building scale, character, and materials TCCMU 0 I I I l B.3 Build.in!!: Materials B3.l Enhance the oubli.c realm with hieh quality materials and detailing TCCMU MFR 0 □ 1 I B3.2 Use materials consistently TCCMU MFR [Z] □ 11 B3.3 A void the use of inaonrooriate materials TCCMU MFR 0 □ □ B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCCMU MFR 0 □ I I B.4 Buildine: Colours B4.1 Select appropriate colours TCCMU MFR ✓ I l □ B4.2 Highli,ght architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCCMUMFR 0 □ I I B4.3 Ensure a cohesive. consistent colour palette TCCMU MFR ✓ IJ □ B.5 Screenine: and Stora2e B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep 0 □ □ out of site of general public TCCMU MFR 85.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCCMUMFR 0 □ □ 85.3 A void conflict with neie:h bouring oroperties TCCMUMFR ✓ □ □ B5.4 Locate building ventilation svsterns to minimize noise and exhaust TCCMU MFR 0 r I I l Explain how the objectives for Building Fayades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Ce11tre 3 Developmelll Pemdt Area Guidelines Checklist (. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines • · Checklist li!ll:mm ~ . e "' .... , C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscaves Cl.I Provide public outdoor space TCCMUMFR □ □ l ✓I Cl.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCCMUMFR I I 0 Cl.3 Provide connections.between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor □ □ 0 open spaces TCCMUMFR Cl.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCCMUMFR 0 □ Cl.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCCMUMFR 0 □ I I Cl.7 Desiim hardscape elements as part of the building TCCMU MFR 0 l I Cl.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCCMUMFR I I 0 Cl.9 Provide public art TCCMUMFR l ✓I □ I I Cl.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCCMUMFR 0 I I Cl.12 Provide smooth routes TCCMUMFR l✓I □ Cl.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCCMUMFR 0 □ C.2 Parkbu1; and Parkine; Lots C2.l Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCCMU MFR □ □ 0 C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR □ □ (✓I C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCCMU MFR 0 □ ·□ C2.4 Provide visible sima2e TCCMU MFR I I □ 0 C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCCMUMFR □ □ l ✓I C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCCMUMFR I I l ✓I C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.l Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCCMUMFR 0 □ C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondarv vehicular and pedestrian throughwavs TCCMUMFR 0 □ C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCCMUMFR I I 0 C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCCMUMFR □ □ 0 C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCCMUMFR l ✓I □ □ C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian oaths TCCMUMFR 0 □ □ C3.9 Screen loading areas TCCMU □ □ 0 C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCCMU MFR 0 □ I I C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCCMU MFR l ✓I □ □ Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected "no" or "not applicable", explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Maple Ridge Town Centre 4 Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist l Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines SOLO (South of Lougheed) Precinct Key Guidelines KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Develop a diverse shopping, employment and residential district a. Does proposed development help to establish SOLO as an important commercial, office and residential corridor in the Town Centre? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D Expiain: OPEN WINDOW CONCEPT TO CREAK A SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE 2. Create pedestrian-oriented streetscapes ) b. Does the building's form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D Explain: 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D Explain: d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No 0 Explain: 4. Maintain cohesive building styles e. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terrns•ofarchitecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D N/ A D Explain: 5. Capitalize on important views f. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes D No O Not Applicable [Z] Explain: g. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes D No D Not Applicable [Z] Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part/: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 5 6. Provide public outdoor space h. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D Explain: WILL USE DRAW DOWN GATE FOR FRONT OF BUILDING. 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features i. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the arcbitectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes [Z] No 0 Explain: GIVEN SIZE A SCOPE OF THE BUILDING AND ,rs LOCATION THE MAXIMUM LANDSCAPING WAS PROVIDED AS POSSIBLE 8. Maintain street interconnectivity j. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes IZJ No D Not Applicable D Explain: k. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: EHANCED LARGE NORTH FACING WINDOWS Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the SOLO Precinct 6 ·Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines • Green Building Techniques · A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height Al .8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Cons.istent: Yes D No 0 Exp?ain: A 1 .11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: EHANCED LARGE NORTH FACING WINDOWS A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes [Z] No 0 Explain: B. Building Fa,;ades, Materials, and Colour 81.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: 82.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: 82.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistel)t: Yes 0 No D Explain: WILL USE SOLAR OUTDOOR LIGHTING REAR OF BUILDING 83.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes D No D Explain: 83.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 ' .__,J Explain: Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 ) B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes O No D Explain: C. Building Site Considerations Cl .5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: N/A Cl .11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: C 1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes D No D C2.6 Explain: Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: PARKING LIMITED TO 1 SPOT DUE TO SIZE OF BUILDING C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes 0 No D Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: SEE #7 PREVIOUS SECTOR C2. l O Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes D No 12] Explain: LIMITED SPACE OF LOT C2. l 1 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: SEE C2.10 Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 ._ \ C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes D No [Z] Explain:sEE C2.10 C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. ~ Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: C4. l Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes O No [Z] Explain: ALL READY EXIST. C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes [Z] No D J Exp:ain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes O No [Z] Explain: NOT POSSIBLE GIVEN SIZE+ SCOPE OF PROJECT. C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: WHERE POSSIBLE. Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Buildillg Design Guidelines Ji 9 ~ ~ M'HIM1d¥11M Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: WHERE POSSIBLE. -> SEE C 4.6 C4. l O Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: C4.1 l Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes O No 0 Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes D No 0 ) Explain: SEE C 4.6 C4. l 4 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes 0 No 0 Explain: WHERE THEY EXIST. Maple Ritlge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 Surrounding Neighbourhood 22464 Lougheed Hwy sits in the South Lougheed Zone of the Downtown Core. It is located directly south of the new Walmart The current building has the signage that reads "Maple Ridge School of Esthetics" and is built to zero lot line to the West while the East is currently a parking lot for Dairy Queen 22464 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC ) ) abbreviations ab anchor bolt insul insulation ab as built int interior a/c air conditioning act acoustical tile j box junction box a.d. area drain adj adjustable ko knockout aff above finish floor max maximum bd board mech mechanical bldg building mtl metal bm beam mfr manufacturer b.o. bottom of min minimum m.o. masonry CL center line opening cl dear mull mullion clg ceiling cj construction joint nic not in contract emu concrete masonry unit nts notto scale c.o. cleanout col column o/ over cone concrete o.c. on center conn connection opg opening cont continuous opp opposite ct ceramic tile o.d. overflow drain c.w. cold water pl plate d diameter PL property line dtl detail plas plaster dim dimension plywd plywood ds downspout pnl panel dwg drawing pol polished pt point ea each pvc poly vinyl elec electrical chloride el elevation encl enclosure R risers eng engineer r radius eq equal req required ex exhaust rm room (e) existing r.o. rough opening ext exterior r.o.w. right of way rd roof drain f.d. floor drain ref refer to fdn foundation reinf reinforced/ing fin finish sd smoke detector fl floor sect. section ) f.o. finished opening sf square foot/feet foe face of concrete sht sheet fio furnished and installed sim similar by owner sip struct. insulated foic furnished by owner panel installed by contractor specs specifications fof face of finish sq square fom face of masonry std standard fos face of stud stl steel ftg footing star storage struct structural ga gauge 55 stainless steel galvi galvanize{d) susp suspended gwb gypsum wall board tel telephone hdr header t&g tongue and hw hardwood groove hw hardware t.o. top of hm hollow metal T tread ., horiz horizontal typ typical ' ht height ' hw hot water uno unless noted otherwise id inside diameter upo unprotected inv invert opening vfy verify vif verify in field vert vertical vet vinyl composition tile w/ with wd wood wdw window w.p. work point wr water resistant wrb weather resistive barrier ws weather stripping wwf welded wire fabric DMsian 1 General Condition• l. AU work shall complywith allapplitable codes and ordinances. (2012 BC building code and local amendments) Any conflicts between the codes and the construction documents should be immediately brought to the Archited's attention. 2. The Contractor shall be familiar with all mechanical plumbing, and electrical work on the project. The Contractor shall provide all necessary shafts, openings, bases, curbs, blocking, and structural supports for ducts, conduit and equipment as required. 3. The Contractor shall provide all items, materials, articles, operations and/ or methods Usted or scheduled on the drawings including all labor, materials, equipment and inddentals ne<:essary and/ or required for completion of the work. See specific notes in this section for divisions 2-16 or as lfsted on the drawings. 4. All mechanica~ electrical and plumbing work shall be comph,ted under separate permits, and in compilance with all applicable codes and ordinances. Submit cut sheets or samples ofany equipment tqat will lie visible from the finished space to Owners ior approval prlario installation. Any visible mechanical equipment not submitted and approved may be subject to removal. 5. The Contractor shall provide all shoring, bracing, and barricading necessary to ensure the structural stability of the building and the safety of all who enter the job site during construction. 6. The i>.rchitectwill not be responsible for determining construction means, methods, technfquo,s, sequences or procedures, or for safuty precautions or programs in connection with the work. The Architect will not be n,sponsible for any failure of the contractor to complete the work in acccndance with the contract documents .. The Architect will not be responsible for the acts or omis.s!ons of the contractor,5ub-contractors, any of their agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 7. The Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions, and notify Architects of any discrepancy or uncertainty. 8. The contractor shall have a preconstruction meeting with Owner, Architect, and major Sub- contractors prior to the start of any work. 9. Do not scale drawings. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions. Details take precedence ave., general conditions. Dimensions on drawings are taken to the face of concrete walls, to the face of studs and to the face of columns unless noted otherwise. 10. No change in scope or Intent of the work shall be made without approval of the Architect and Owner<. Any work completed which deviates from intended scope without prior approval can be rejected and subject to removal at the Contractor's expense. 11. Floors and walls are to be finished under and behind casework and equipment, except as specifically shown otherwise on the drawings. 12. Shop drawings and/or material samples shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted tothe Architects for review on the following items. Allow 5 days for Architects' review. Send at least two copies of every submittal, more if Contractor or Sub-contractors need multiple copies. Every effort will be made to turn submittals around as quickly as pos.sible. -All finish materials -Casework, custom furniture and installations -Doors, Windows, and frames -Hardware, fittings and fixtures · -All visible HVAC equipment (wt sheets OK) -All visible electrical equipment (cut sheets OK) All paint and firtlsh samples must be approved by Owners. Roll,outa 4' x s· section of each wall paint color in thupace and painta 6' length ohll trim pieces for Ownerapproval prior to purchase of lull paint order. Do not proceed with painting until these roU-outs a.re approved. 13. Alternatives and substitutions to drawings and specifications may be acceptable, but the Architect or Owners must approve these. Any item substituted without approval may be subject to removal. 14. Contractor to verify rough opening requirements of fixtures and equipment prior to installation, and verify locations of wall mounted accessories and backing for accessories with Owners prior to closing of the walls. 15. Contractor to provide the necessary containers for recycling and trash removal and keep the work area reasonably clean at all times. The Contractor shall be responsible far the removal of all debris from wall and joist spacl'.s before enclosure, from crawl and attkspaces before completion, and from the site before punch 11st. 16. During demolition and construction the Contractor will protect aU Tiew work and existing to remain surfaces, building components, and landscafe. Damage or disturbance to existing to remain building or landscape elements shall be promptly nestored, repaired, or replaced to match existing at no cost to the Owners. 17. Upon completion of the work, the Contractorshall complete a thorough cleaning and touch- up of any marked or damaged materials or surfaces in the area of work and in any other areas of the building affuted during construction. 18. At the Owners' request, when the Contractor considers work substantially complete, notice may be made to Architects. Upon inSJjection of the work, the /1rchitectwilleither notify the Contractor in writing of deficiencies in the work or the Architect will accept the work as being substantially complete. lfthe work is accepted, the certificate of substantial completion will be- prepared, acco!flpanied by the Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by Architect and Owners. The Owners.nd Contractor mu.t accept the respo~slbiLities assigned to them in tl!e certificate. Substantial completion is defined as that point in the project when the job is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, that the Dwne,s can occupy or utilize the Work or a designated portion-thereof for the use for which it is intended. The final inspection performed by the governing agenciesshail be signed-off a tor before substantial completion. 19. When the work is accepted as substantiaUy complete, the Contractor shall prepare the necessary c(l,seout submittals. The project wiU not be considered complete without satisfaction of all Uen releases as agreed upon between the Owner and Conttactor. 20. Upon acceptance of the Work, the Contractor will submit to the Owners a tabbed three ring binder containing the following items: -Product and equipment guarantees -Warranties -Operating and maintenance information on equipment and specialized building components used in thep1oject -Special maintenance information for finishes used in the project, as appropriate -A list of subcontractors involved in the job, their addresses and phone numbers. 21. Final payment will be made after closeouhubmittals are complete and based on the agreement of final payment in the contract between Owner and Contractor. Division 6Wood Provide 8" minimum from finish grade to any exposed lumber or siding. Use pressure treated wood for sill plates and exterior rated timber or cedar for all wood decks and railings. Provide backing for wall mounted equipment and fixtures where shown on plans or interior elevations, typ. Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Pro~on Install vapor bamers of either Tyvek Housewrap or (2) layers 30 minute building paper with all seams-taped on exterior walls. Use 2 layers 60 minute paper if the wall is to be covered with stucco. Install 30# minimum felt or approved alternative on roofs; and 6 mil visqueen or equal around all concrete exposed to earth: footings, under slabs on grade, and over exposed dirt in basements, typ. Waterproof wallboard is required at all wet areas including showers, tubs, and sink areas. Ceramic tile is to be installed on waterproof wallboard (Durock, Hardiebacker, or similar) with schluter strips@ all exposed tile edges. location plan A-1 Harj Sekhon, CA, CPA #10112473 Harris Road Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y2J4 SubwaySFGroup@live.ca 604.460.8585 architect: Heather LJohnston, ArchitectAIBC PLACE architect ltd 6262 St Georges Ave West Vancouver, BC V7W1Z7 heather@placearchitects.com 778 279 7274 structural: Chungmo Chung SEL Engineering Limited #207 3003 St Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C4 sel@seleng.com 6044693723 A-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-I project contacts general information zoning/assemblies/schedules siteplan and plans elevations and materials elevations sections drawing index C'l C: =-o >, rt! _. ;: ·5 -§,u cc -~ cc _. :::c a,' IO ro -0 ·c:; QJ ClN .... QJ -0 ..;t Q) ..c:ii::u E Cl QJ M ::J~> E 0 0. _J nl 0 ..;t :a: u IO :l: ..;t N Q) N :z: project number: 1533 no. date issue 01 19 june 2015 submission General Information heather ljohnston architect AIBC PLACE architect ltd. 6262 st georges avenue westvancouver be, v7w 1z7 778 2797274 www.placearchitects.com A-1 22june 2015 r ) ZONING SUMMARY CTVICADDRESS: 224154 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, MAPLERIDGE,BC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, DISTRICT LOT398, GROUP 1, N.W.D. PLAN 61545 ZON'ING: SITEAREA: SITE DIMENSIONS: IISTOREYS: DESCRIPTION: S£TBACJ(5 FRONTYARO: REAR YARD: EASTSIDEYARD: WESTSIDEYARD: BUILDING HEIGHT: SITE COVERAGE: BUllDINli A!IW: MAIN FLOOR: C-l(TOWNCEITTREAREAl) 2518.75Sf(234SQ.M.) 21,1'x125,9'(6.li3MK3B.37M) lSTOREYRETAtl ALLOWED: N/A N/A N/A 25.2' OD¾ All CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE BC BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPUCABLE BY-LAWS BUILDING CODE SUMMARY LOOOION:: 22464 LOUGHEED HIGHWNI, MAf\.E RIDGE, B.C. 8UllDINGAREA:l,OOOSO.FT.(92.9SQ.M.) OCOJPANCYClASSIFICATION: GROUPA(DIV,2) ZONING:C-3 NUMBEROFSTORE'!'S:ONE Sf'RlNKLERED:NO CDDECONFORM.ANCE:PAKr3 l.B.2.1 ACCESS FOR PERSONSWHH DIWIJIIllES: t\ASSlRCAOOH-.1, PROPOSED: l.2'(0.36M) 153,3'(19.lH) 19,7' 45.7¾ (115DSF) PROPOSED: 10K1SF J,&.1,.Jl.(1)14:IS$1111..E_W~lDJ~.l.(Z)0ll:lWMRSAL. T0UfTROOMASPERl.7,2.10.(g). 1&2.1Ul)l<ll>S10J'IJMJ<"-'t:Al,. DESIGN~!< 1.L1,1.(l)p,w}IENTRANCET0l.B.l,5.(1),3.l.1.13,(10)& (11). lA2.NUMBBI.ANDLOCA1ION OFOOS NUMBER&SPACINCiOFEGRESS DOORS fTABLElA,2,1.A] ONE EGRESS DOORS R£QUIRED. TWOl'R!MllEII MAXIMUMlRAVRDISTANCETOAN EXIT: 30M ASPERl.A.2,S.1)f} l.2.Z.28. fIRf..llfSISTA.~CERADNCifORROOf: NONEREQUIRDl l.7.2PLUMBINGFAfll.Il1ES: ocaJPANTLDAD•g2,9 SQ. M./g_30sn, M. PER f'£RSQN.10 PERSOOS WATERQ.DSf15:1EAOiSEX"'5FiRTABLE3. LAVATORIES: t EAOf SEXASPER3.7.2.3.(1). 10.2 EN£RGYEFFICEHCV: 10.2.t.t,(2) ROOFJotST(R.AJ}: U RSl(R28)ASPERTA81.£ WAll:3.SRSl{R20)MPERTABLE 10.2.U.A.. , I~ I ct== :n exterior fmttlo, exterior EXIOOORI\IJIIJTION ',,f/11f)f1,1.M,iiM1.~ •btr.111!\"""" ... ~ •1/l•p(~ .tUftb,.,.__aaaK,Al'U •t:"'Wll~,:JI:•~ •~SJD:N"IUIMW\lll'W-",~~- ~~~~~~~ -dNLf'Ol.VV.11 -R-ZOl!ATT!NSUU.noM -1UW000mJDS@160/C -rcoNCRETEWAll -¾•vt~-AJRSPACE -HO'-lO!llH.tMUO-tl~SIDIN~W7" EXPOSUJt!: 2HRRATED OOERIO~WALL -s,,i,·fiHa:~ww.11Kt:t •llllLIOl,TWOIMw-:1-P: -R-20BATI"!NSULATION •U4WOODSllJDS@160/C -l"COH(RETEWAll I' COHCRETE BLOCK EXTWOR WALL ~Eo&w.w. WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULE DOORTYPE 0 ALUMINUM FRAME DOOR (FRAME TO BE SAME THICKNESS AS CURTAIN WALL) FUUYGLAZED (DOUBLE GLAZED w/INSULATED GLAZING UNIT) BUTT HINGES (w NON REMOVABLE PINS) OFFSET PUSH L PUU CONCEALED OVERHEAD CLOSER AUTOMATIC H/C DOOR OPENER MORTISED DEAD BOLT LOCK DOORSTOP PER LEAF FRAMING AND FINISH TO MATCH CURTAIN WALL 3' 1-j-;6 -'--,/., ,_~--l p I ~ I ii II DOORTYPE 0 HOUOW METAL ODOR w VlSION PANEL INSULATED WITH POLYURcl"HANE PRESSED STEEL FRAME BUTT HINGES (w NON REMOVABLE PINS) PANIC HARDWARE (INSIDE) LEVER WITH NIGHT LATCH (OlJTSIDE) INTEGRATED CORE UNIT SELFCLDSINGDMCE kICKPLATE THRESHOLD WEATHERSTRIPPING PAINT FINISH (DOOR AND FRAME) / FIRE RESI5TANCE RATING B.1oechw1BCBC 2012T..,._ j"""-• SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS ""-BCBCAPPOEIXD l'ASiEO-U4A& TAIIL.ED-2.3 ~ C, -,- -t l Su.cfonB.C.B.C 2012TIIIM DIV,BAPPE.ND~D TA6l.E0-2.1.t. J' / NOTREOUIRED ' ""'""" r "t'l' :, • DOORTYPE 0 HOLLOW METAL DOOR INSULATEO WITH POL'rt!RETHANE PRESSED mEL FRAME BUTT HINGES (w NONREHOVABLE PINS) PANIC HARDWARE (INSl0E) LEVERWilliNICiHTLATCH(OUTSIDE) INTEGRATED CORE UNIT SELF CLOSING DEVICE KICK PLATE THRESHOLD WEATHERSTRIPPING PAINT FINISH (ODOR AND FRAME) lla<AW I_ ;,. J: / ,-· z DOORTYPE 0 HOLLOW WOOD DOOR TRIMLESS FRAME BUTT HINGES SELFCLOSINGDEVICE PRIVACY LOCKS PAINT FINISH H/C TOILET ROOM -INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ~ / 3' s•-6 .. 3'-31/8" /-7'-63/4" / l'•l" -/ 2'-l" .} /-/ EQ To ( / / EQ -/ / -/ ,.,_ \ l ~I --, b r~ ' ~ _l_l t "" ;.. ',,___/--,-,--,,---------------------- WINDOWTYPE 0 Z--~Yl)ffl.QJIIIIUaAs.SJIU.Mt. (lwa:ro1tSNttnucottss;.sr<irsrom10KT) OCIUlll,v.tto-./DISUl.Affll!~Ulm' REMOTE OPERATOR REMOVABLE WINDOW SCREENS FRAME AND fIKISHTO MATCH CURTAIN WALL STOREFRONT kllN)...WHit.llk 2100T SfOREFRONT, WTTH DOUBLE GI.AllOS(.AUO til.ASStJ•ffS.oRAPPROVED ALTERNATE Wlsm.tWIJf00WS ARE TO OPEN WITH AN ACCORDIOlrf raw CIIM.IP .-.SllmlUJtAABOVE I I ! J Cl C: =-o __. ·5 co __. rtl ·c .... QJ E E 0 u s: QJ z project number: 1533 no~ date issue 01 19june2015 submission Zoning Assemblies Schedules heather ljohnston architect AIBC PLACE architect ltd. 6262stgeorgesavenue westvancouver be, v7w 1z7 778279 7274 www.placearchitects.com A-2 22june 2015 OT A PLAN 5194 ' _) LOUG\-\££O \-\W'I ::~.:.~K / ~, -n-"'1 , 11 ~,-.::~;_~;f I : PROPOSED ;:J, ! 1 STOREY BUILDING 1 I LOTl PLAN 6645 ,_ 10'-4"! 7 s:: HEWl'AlllQH 91Z¼"xU I f - I 0 b / ' ' oc::==a===~ ' NEW LOAOING AREA 15'x.f.0'a600sqft ASPHALT PAVED PARKING AND LOADING AREA L_ LANE i SITE PLAN SCALE: l/8"•1'--0' VARIGATED HOKINE GRASS (-KIUI.OAMACRAAUREA] -•lPOT •JtoT~ \'.AlJ"'-1tDHOKINE GRASS ( HMCONECHILOA MAC RA AUREA] -JU POT -BTOTAL LOT A PLAN 71022 i:INIOi,~10< andSALALMIX -fl POT -Z.fi TOTAL (10/U BLEND) DOMOO{typ.) -#3 POT -STOTAL < ,~ ,.-I i: I ., z .... i: ' ,:-- ;,..-5' -/ - ' l_ r ..., ~ 'l' " ... -" " - i1 ·')-----= ·=-~· ~-_, i 1 }1- ~ ~r --., -r 'l' " ' --..J 10\ ROOF PLAN , 'd SCALE: l/4'•1'-0' \ ~1 ., t V MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: l/4"•1 '-0' .:; -- 20' - . le , I _ ______1l\___,,,,,. I I I' ll - < 102 < 61'-6"' - ,, ~ ff,,,... ----1X-~ .I j --GENERAL ROOF NOTES 1. SCUPPERS: PROVIDE MINIMUM 3" DIA SCUPPER AT EACH LOCATION SHOWN ON ROOF PLAN. LOCATE BOTTOM EOGEOF SCUPPER A MAJWtUM OF4° ABOVE ROOFORAIN 1 2. 3. REFER TO MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTENT OF ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT AND SLEEVES REQUIRED. ALL ROOFING MATERIALS ANO METHODS TO CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM GUARANTEE STANDARDS FOR RCA BC 'S ROOFSTAR 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. / 6'-4" .,__ , ... _ i< < 0 e 0 dl;ingestation '1 UNIVERSAL TOILITROOM C f I\ ' V > > IOl > ----------------------------------- ~ -EXITUGHT C/W DOUBLE HEAD EMERGENCY UGHT ~ • OOUBLEHEAO EMERGENCY UGHT 1,~t -FIRE ALARM GONG j MARK TDt ~- ---/ 1 7•-3• / -~" s I " l-WPf/fl,\)f. ------- //-,·~·-;, I 1 -,-, ;.. I _,_ I - e ELECTRICAL .. , '{· -l- i: I ,. ., 2 C'l C: ..... >, -c, nl -' :: ·5 -§,u cc ·~ cc -' ::i:: -ro "O <V '-0 ·o <V C'I N .... <V "O "'" (I) ..c::ji:u E C'I <V ..., ::, ~ > E 0 C. _J nl 0 "'":£ u '-0 3: "'" N (I) N :z project number: 1533 no, date issue 01 22 june 2015 for permit site plan roof plan floor plan heather ljohnston architect AIBC PlACE architect ltd. 6262 st georges avenue west vancouver be, v7w lz7 778279 7274 www.placearchitects.com A-3 22june 2015 j -. 1 l ) ..__) t/o parapet t!.IOA'" upper roof deck (141.94'' 1 u/s upper roof joist 046A4"1 tjo lower roof parapet .fil4.i'...J lower roof deck 1139.94' '.! u/s lower roof joist ,138.44'\ mainfloor il.f.l!~ t/o parapet ,150.44". upper roof deck /147.94' j u/s upperroofjoist ,146.44", tjo lower roof parapet .Hb,Li4''·, lower roof deck ;139.94''1 u/s lower roof joist ,138.44'\ main floor ,128.44'~ "' •·-- ],--- ,, __ _ NORTH FRON ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"•1'·0• •• -=1w IO ' l 11! 15,--1 '!,IS,__ I< [1 □ 1 I I SOUTH REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"•1'-0" 6 1 r MATERIALS KEY ;1, brlckdaddlng:mutllollmaterials,covington :z, splitfaceconcreteblock:m11tualmaterlals,splitfacenatural '~) preastconttet!!c::ap ◄ > concrete masonry unit. paint finish, colour: benjamin mo ore, french gray 1 5 l woo If cc:fllk.t; paint finish, colour: benjamin moore, simply white (0C-117) 6; horitoau.l ltcwlled ctdar siding w 7• exposure: opaque stain finish, benjamin moo re, colour: wal:efcolour (CC~738) 1} , vinyl/fibreglass windows w 3 ½." wood trim: painted to match co mice , a, tempe,ed glass awning in reinforced .1luminum frame: metro aluminum, bladt 191 r~~rtmitll,i,/(19ff~c.tf1t~.t~metroaluminum,black ctO• pretinished m!Ul ap ftashing, colour: ma kin metals, charcoal grey 'fi, signagebytenant:ralsedmeb.llett:ersongreenbad:ground 11z, walVawning light.: sea gull lighting83055BLE-12, or approved alternatl! fi, lineuwallwashtight 1141 ftoodlight:seagulllighting86007-12,orapprovedaltemate i'~:: ketne mini wall robe, or approved alternate 161 cementitiouspanelsiding,hardiepanetwithaluminumreglets,clearfinish 1 2 6 C'I C .... :>, -0 ra _. 3:: ·5 -§,u co -~ c::i _. :z::: -ra -c CU 10 ·c; CU o, N .... ClJ -c -.;t Q) .l:: ci: u E 0, cu"" ::1~> E 0 0.. _. ra 0 -.;t:E: u 10 ~ -.;t N Q) N ::z project number: 1533 DO, date issue 01 2Z.)me ZOlS for permit elevations heatherljohnston architectAIBC PLA.CE archited ltd. 6262 st georges avenue westvancouverbc, v7w1t7 778279 7274 www.placearchitects.com A-4 22june 2015 ) MATERIALS KEY splitfaceconcreteblodc:mutualmaterials,splitfacenatural precastconcretec:ap concrete masonry unit, paint finish, colour: bu1jamin moo re, frendi gray woN,comlce, paint finish, colour: benjamin mo ore, simply white (0C-117) t/o parapet @A£'.] upper roof deck {147.94' 1\ u/s upper roof joist M_~ tfo lower roof parapet /141.4411\ lower roof deck /}39.94 ''1 u/s lower roof joist 1138.44' \ horironi.11 bevtlled cedar siding w 7" ~osure: opaque stain finish, benjamin moore, c.olour: watercolour (CC-788) viny1/fibreglass windows w 3 ½" wood tri111: painted to match cornice tempered glan awning in reinforced aluminum frame: metro aluminum, black 2" aluminum rtorefrontw/ operable cafe stytewindows: metro aluminum, black prefinishedmetalcapfbshing,colour:malrinmetals,charcoalgrey signagebytenant:raisedmetallettersongreenbackground walVawning light: ua gull tighting83055BLE-12, or approved alte,nate linear wall wash light flood light: su gulllighting 86007-12, or approved iilumate keene mini wall cube, or ii pp roved alternate cementitiouspanelsiding,hardlepanelwfthaluminumreglets,clearfinish tfo lower roof parapet /141.44"\ lower roof deck /'139.94'') u/s lower roof joist 1138.44"\ main floor /128.44"\ main floor /128 . .IJ-4' '\ - ,. 11 1I WEST ELEVATION SCALE: l/4"•1 '-0' t ------'--l EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/' "•l '-O' " ...------ C) C =-o >, m --' 3:: ·s -§,u CXl -~ cc --' :I: ro -0 Cl) '° '(j a, ClN ,__ a, -0 -.;t Q) ..c:ii::u E g, .!!l ~ E 0 c.. ....J re 0 -.;t :E u '° 3: -.;t N Q) N z: project number: 1533 no. date issue 01 z.zjtine:2015 forpermit elevations heather ljohnston architect AIBC Pl.ACE architect ltd. 6262 st georges avenue westvancouver be, v7w lz7 778 2797274 www.placearchitects.com A-5 22june 2015 t/o parapet 1150.44' 'I upper roof deck '147.9411\ u/s upper roof joist /i46.Li411\ t/o lower roof parapet '141.44' '. lower roof deck /139.94' 1\ u/s lower roof joist (138.44"\ main floor l:1~_ .• U .. tjo lower roof parapet '141.44' '\ lower roof deck (139.94"\ u/s lower roof joist t'138.44' ') main floor /128.44, ') 11 lI L SECTION A f-j r SECTION B SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0" l PROPOSED NEW RETAIL ,. I_ I I n L i l.JCJ PROPOSED NEW ~ I I ---- l_ [7 _l -1 l TTl.~l l L l . L ~ ----,.--.__ 8 ~ r~~, l ----- 01 C =-a >, -' "' ·5 :SC -§,u cc ·~ c:Q -' ::c: n:l -0 Cl) \0 ·u a, ClN ,._ a, -c -.:t Q) ..c:ii:u E Cl a, rtl :::i~> E 0 0. ...J "' 0 -.:t :E u \0 :s: -.:t N Q) N :z project number: 1533 M. date issue 01 22june2015 forpermit sections heather ljohnston archttectAIBC PLACE architect ltd. 6262 st georges avenue westvancouver be, v7w 1z7 778 2797274 www.pl.acearchitects.com A-6 22june 2015